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GiantQuartz edited this page Mar 27, 2020 · 2 revisions


Welcome to our official wiki! This wiki is completely dedicated to SkyBlock internal behavior and external addons. If you are not a developer, you are most likely in the wrong place.

Before you start reading...

Be careful! Both SkyBlock and PocketMine-MP are actively maintained open-source projects, everything is constantly changing, and therefore, things might be outdated on this wiki! If you find something that has changed (or something that could be explained better), feel free to contribute to our wiki.

How do I set up SkyBlock on my server?

You're in the wrong place, take a look at our poggit entry to learn about SkyBlock in a more user-friendly manner.

I am a developer, how do I start using SkyBlock on my plugins?

The most crucial and first step is to import SkyBlock, take a look at Use SkyBlock in your plugin to learn how to do it.

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