we do end to end testing in cypress cypress - writes code that acts like a user mimics user actions automated user actions
describes a unit test i.e. trying to get to new user page i.e. do we have four input fields if all true, then assume it works correctly
no md docs should be in the directory structure All the md docs would make reference in the project readme file
pages folder - to add new pages
profile-page folder - main page subpage - edit first page will be a list of items profile page represents a domain item domain object - part of name state of application domain - car, tire, repair person, car bay nouns that are a part of the problem you are trying to solve show a list of domain objects only one profile can edit our profiles any unit tests would be in the spec.ts file
services folder - more global
profile model service - object that represents a profile we have a service called the model the model helps to abstract outside of the page to be able to use it in other places like saving the model or copying the model layer that page uses model itself uses the layer api service the page itself is not calling the api resources if the page needs something, will call api service
profile api service -
validators - for validation of phone numbers, general validation
app module - brings together all resources to display all modules being created module for each domain page app module - high level
app routing -
environments - how we are running the application running in dev - want server to be localhost if running in production - ready for the world don't want to change the code so we have a configuration file and have variables