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File metadata and controls

59 lines (39 loc) · 3.6 KB


  1. AFNI
  2. Python 2.7
  3. numpy
  4. scipy
  5. scikit-learn


Install Python and other dependencies. If you have AFNI installed and on your path, you should already have an up-to-date version of ME-ICA. Running without any options will check for dependencies and let you know if they are met. If you don't have suitable versions of dependencies installed, I would strongly recommend using the Enthought Canopy Python Distribution.

Important Files and Directories

  • : a master script that performs pre-processing and calls the ICA/TE-dependence analysis script
  • meica.libs : a folder that includes utility functions for TE-dependence analysis for denoising and anatomical-functional co-registration
  • meica.libs/ : performs ICA and TE-dependence calculations


fMRI data is called: rest_e1.nii.gz, rest_e2.nii.gz, rest_e3.nii.gz, etc. Anatomical is: mprage.nii.gz and have a number of options which you can view using the -h flag.

Here's an example use: -d rest1_e1.nii.gz,rest1_e2.nii.gz,rest1_e3.nii.gz -e 15,30,45 -b 15s -a mprage.nii --MNI --prefix sub1_rest

This means:

-e 15,30,45   are the echo times in milliseconds
-d rest_e1.nii.gz,rest_e2...   are the 4-D time series datasets (comma separated list of dataset of each TE) from a multi-echo fMRI acqusition
-a ...   is a "raw" mprage with a skull
-b   15 means drop first 15 seconds of data for equilibration
--MNI   warp anatomical to MNI space using a built-in high-resolution MNI template. 
--prefix sub1_rest   prefix for final functional output datasets, i.e. sub1_rest_....nii.gz

Again, see -h for handling other situations such as: anatomical with no skull, no anatomical at all, applying FWHM smoothing, non-linear warp to standard space, etc.


  • ./meica.rest1_e1/ : contains preprocessing intermediate files.
  • sub1_rest_medn.nii.gz : 'Denoised' BOLD time series after: basic preprocessing, T2* weighted averaging of echoes (i.e. 'optimal combination'), ICA denoising. Use this dataset for task analysis and resting state time series correlation analysis.
  • sub1_rest_tsoc.nii.gz : 'Raw' BOLD time series dataset after: basic preprocessing and T2* weighted averaging of echoes (i.e. 'optimal combination'). 'Standard' denoising or task analyses can be assessed on this dataset (e.g. motion regression, physio correction, scrubbing, etc...) for comparison to ME-ICA denoising.
  • sub1_rest_hikts.nii.gz: 'Isolated' BOLD time series dataset, without thermal noise.
  • sub1_rest_mefc.nii.gz : Component maps (in units of \delta S) of accepted BOLD ICA components. Use this dataset for ME-ICR seed-based connectivity analysis.
  • sub1_rest_mefl.nii.gz : Component maps (in units of \delta S) of ALL ICA components.
  • sub1_rest_ctab.nii.gz : Table of component Kappa, Rho, and variance explained values, plus listing of component classifications.
  • sub1_rest_mmix.1D : Mixing matrix of all components, sorted in Kappa order.

For a step-by-step guide on how to assess ME-ICA results in more detail,

#Some Notes

  • Make sure your datasets have slice timing information in the header. If not sure, specify a --tpattern option to Check AFNI documentation of 3dTshift to see slice timing codes.
  • FWHM smoothing is not recommended. tSNR boost is provided by optimal combination of echoes. For better overlap of 'blobs' across subjects, use non-linear standard space normalization instead with ... --qwarp