diff --git a/src/Graphics/src/Graphics/ICanvas.cs b/src/Graphics/src/Graphics/ICanvas.cs
index ede7111d1f59..bc25bdacae45 100644
--- a/src/Graphics/src/Graphics/ICanvas.cs
+++ b/src/Graphics/src/Graphics/ICanvas.cs
@@ -3,54 +3,236 @@
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Graphics
+ ///
+ /// Represents a platform-agnostic canvas on which 2D graphics can be drawn using types from the namespace.
+ ///
public interface ICanvas
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets a value that represents the scaling factor to scale the UI by.
+ ///
public float DisplayScale { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the width of the stroke used to draw an object's outline.
+ ///
public float StrokeSize { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the limit of the miter length of line joins in an object.
+ ///
public float MiterLimit { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the used to paint an object's outline.
+ ///
public Color StrokeColor { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the shape at the start and end of a line.
+ ///
public LineCap StrokeLineCap { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the type of join used at the vertices of a shape.
+ ///
public LineJoin StrokeLineJoin { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the pattern of dashes and gaps that are used to outline an object.
+ ///
public float[] StrokeDashPattern { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the distance within the dash pattern where a dash begins.
+ ///
public float StrokeDashOffset { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the color used to paint an object's interior.
+ ///
public Color FillColor { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the font color when drawing text.
+ ///
public Color FontColor { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the font used when drawing text.
+ ///
public IFont Font { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the size of the font used when drawing text.
+ ///
public float FontSize { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the opacity of am object.
+ ///
public float Alpha { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets a value that indicates whether to use anti-aliasing is enabled.
+ ///
public bool Antialias { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the blend mode, which determines what happens when an object is rendered on top of an existing object.
+ ///
public BlendMode BlendMode { set; }
+ ///
+ /// Draws the specified onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// The path to be drawn.
public void DrawPath(PathF path);
+ ///
+ /// Draws and fills the specified onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// The path to be drawn.
+ /// The fill algorithm to be used.
public void FillPath(PathF path, WindingMode windingMode);
+ ///
+ /// Clips an object so that only the area outside the of a rectangle will be visible.
+ ///
+ /// Starting x coordinate of the rectangle.
+ /// Starting y coordinate of the rectangle.
+ /// Width of the rectangle.
+ /// Height of the rectangle.
public void SubtractFromClip(float x, float y, float width, float height);
+ ///
+ /// Clips an object so that only the area outside of a object will be visible.
+ ///
+ /// The path used to clip the object
+ /// Fill algorithm used for the path. Default is .
public void ClipPath(PathF path, WindingMode windingMode = WindingMode.NonZero);
+ ///
+ /// Clips an object so that only the area that's within the region of the rectangle will be visible.
+ ///
+ /// Starting x coordinate of the rectangle.
+ /// Starting y coordinate of the rectangle.
+ /// Width of the rectangle.
+ /// Height of the rectangle.
public void ClipRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height);
+ ///
+ /// Draws a line between two points onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// Starting x coordinate.
+ /// Starting y coordinate.
+ /// Ending x coordinate.
+ /// Ending x coordinate.
public void DrawLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
+ ///
+ /// Draws an arc onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// Starting x coordinate.
+ /// Starting y coordinate.
+ /// Width of the arc.
+ /// Height of the arc.
+ /// The angle from the x-axis to the start point of the arc.
+ /// The angle from the x-axis to the end point of the arc.
+ /// to draw the arc in a clockwise direction; to draw the arc counterclockwise.
+ /// to specify whether the end point of the arc will be connected to the start point; otherwise.
public void DrawArc(float x, float y, float width, float height, float startAngle, float endAngle, bool clockwise, bool closed);
+ ///
+ /// Draws a filled arc onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// Starting x coordinate.
+ /// Starting y coordinate.
+ /// Width of the arc.
+ /// Height of the arc.
+ /// The angle from the x-axis to the start point of the arc.
+ /// The angle from the x-axis to the end point of the arc.
+ /// to draw the arc in a clockwise direction; to draw the arc counterclockwise.
public void FillArc(float x, float y, float width, float height, float startAngle, float endAngle, bool clockwise);
+ ///
+ /// Draws a rectangle onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// Starting x coordinate.
+ /// Starting y coordinate.
+ /// Width of the rectangle.
+ /// Height of the rectangle.
public void DrawRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height);
+ ///
+ /// Draws a filled rectangle onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// Starting x coordinate.
+ /// Starting y coordinate.
+ /// Width of the rectangle.
+ /// Height of the rectangle.
public void FillRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height);
+ ///
+ /// Draws a rectangle with rounded corners onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// Starting x coordinate.
+ /// Starting y coordinate.
+ /// Width of the rectangle.
+ /// Height of the rectangle.
+ /// The radius used to round the corners of the rectangle.
public void DrawRoundedRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height, float cornerRadius);
+ ///
+ /// Draws a filled rectangle with rounded corners onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// Starting x coordinate.
+ /// Starting y coordinate.
+ /// Width of the rectangle.
+ /// Height of the rectangle.
+ /// The radius used to round the corners of the rectangle.
public void FillRoundedRectangle(float x, float y, float width, float height, float cornerRadius);
+ ///
+ /// Draws an ellipse onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// Starting x coordinate.
+ /// Starting y coordinate.
+ /// Width of the ellipse.
+ /// Height of the ellipse.
public void DrawEllipse(float x, float y, float width, float height);
+ ///
+ /// Draws a filled ellipse onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// Starting x coordinate.
+ /// Starting y coordinate.
+ /// Width of the ellipse.
+ /// Height of the ellipse.
public void FillEllipse(float x, float y, float width, float height);
+ ///
+ /// Draws a text string onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// To draw attributed text, use instead.
+ /// Text to be displayed.
+ /// Starting x coordinate.
+ /// Starting y coordinate.
+ /// Horizontal alignment options to align the string.
public void DrawString(string value, float x, float y, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment);
+ ///
+ /// Draws a text string within a bounding box onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// Text to be displayed.
+ /// Starting x coordinate of the bounding box.
+ /// Starting y coordinate of the bounding box.
+ /// Width of the bounding box.
+ /// Height of the bounding box.
+ /// Horizontal alignment options to align the string within the bounding box.
+ /// Vertical alignment options to align the string within the bounding box.
+ /// Specifies whether text will be clipped in case it overflows the bounding box. Default is .
+ /// Spacing adjustment between lines. Default is 0.
public void DrawString(
string value,
float x,
@@ -62,6 +244,14 @@ public void DrawString(
TextFlow textFlow = TextFlow.ClipBounds,
float lineSpacingAdjustment = 0);
+ ///
+ /// Draws attributed text within a bounding box onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// Attributed text to be displayed.
+ /// Starting x coordinate of the bounding box.
+ /// Starting y coordinate of the bounding box.
+ /// Width of the bounding box.
+ /// Height of the bounding box.
public void DrawText(
IAttributedText value,
float x,
@@ -69,30 +259,102 @@ public void DrawText(
float width,
float height);
+ ///
+ /// Rotates a graphical object around a point.
+ ///
+ /// Rotation is clockwise for increasing angles. Negative angles and angles greater than 360 are allowed.
+ /// Rotation angle.
+ /// x coordinate of the rotation point.
+ /// y coordinate of the rotation point.
public void Rotate(float degrees, float x, float y);
+ ///
+ /// Rotates a graphical object around the upper-left corner of the canvas (0,0).
+ ///
+ /// Rotation is clockwise for increasing angles. Negative angles and angles greater than 360 are allowed.
public void Rotate(float degrees);
+ ///
+ /// Changes the size of a graphical object by scaling it.
+ ///
+ /// Can cause starting coordinates to move when an object is made larger.
+ /// Value for horizontal scaling.
+ /// Value for vertical scaling.
public void Scale(float sx, float sy);
+ ///
+ /// Shifts a graphical object in horizontal and vertical directions.
+ ///
+ /// Horizontal shift. Negative values move the object to the left, while positive values move it to the right.
+ /// Vertical shift. Negative values move the object down, while positive values move it up.
public void Translate(float tx, float ty);
+ ///
+ /// Applies transformation specified by to a graphical object.
+ ///
+ /// Affine transformation matrix.
public void ConcatenateTransform(Matrix3x2 transform);
+ ///
+ /// Saves the current graphics state.
+ ///
public void SaveState();
+ ///
+ /// Restores the graphics state to the most recently saved state.
+ ///
+ /// if the restore was succesful, otherwise.
public bool RestoreState();
+ ///
+ /// Resets the graphics state to its default values.
+ ///
public void ResetState();
+ ///
+ /// Adds a shadow to a graphical object.
+ ///
+ /// Represents the position of a light source that creates the shadow.
+ /// Amount of blur to apply to the shadow.
+ /// Color of the shadow.
public void SetShadow(SizeF offset, float blur, Color color);
+ ///
+ /// Sets as the fill of a graphical object.
+ ///
+ /// Paint to set as fill
+ /// Rectangle to apply a gradient on if the supports it.
public void SetFillPaint(Paint paint, RectF rectangle);
+ ///
+ /// Draws an image onto the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// Image to display
+ /// Top left corner x coordinate.
+ /// Top left corner y coordinate.
+ /// Width of the image.
+ /// Height of the image.
public void DrawImage(IImage image, float x, float y, float width, float height);
+ ///
+ /// Calculates the area a string would occupy if drawn on the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// String to calculate the size on.
+ /// The string's font type.
+ /// The string's font size.
+ /// The area the string would occupy on the canvas.
public SizeF GetStringSize(string value, IFont font, float fontSize);
+ ///
+ /// Calculates the area a string would occupy if drawn on the canvas.
+ ///
+ /// String to calculate the size on.
+ /// The string's font type.
+ /// The string's font size.
+ /// Horizontal alignment options for the string.
+ /// Vertical alignment options for the string.
+ /// The area the string would occupy on the canvas.
public SizeF GetStringSize(string value, IFont font, float fontSize, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment);