From b45220264c0ab7cfa8d64c09d42b0a402298544d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Genevieve Warren <> Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 21:07:17 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] add table headers --- .../AutomationProperties.xml | 348 +- .../BulletDecorator.xml | 192 +- .../ButtonBase.xml | 456 +- .../DocumentPageView.xml | 132 +- .../DocumentViewerBase.xml | 462 +- .../GridViewRowPresenterBase.xml | 74 +- .../MenuBase.xml | 8 +- .../Popup.xml | 48 +- .../RangeBase.xml | 278 +- .../RepeatButton.xml | 114 +- .../ScrollBar.xml | 844 +- .../Selector.xml | 468 +- .../StatusBar.xml | 8 +- .../TextBoxBase.xml | 44 +- .../Thumb.xml | 266 +- .../TickBar.xml | 388 +- .../ToggleButton.xml | 268 +- .../ToolBarOverflowPanel.xml | 70 +- .../Track.xml | 534 +- .../UniformGrid.xml | 106 +- .../RibbonContextualTabGroupsPanel.xml | 4 +- .../RibbonTabHeadersPanel.xml | 4 +- .../RibbonTitlePanel.xml | 4 +- .../StarLayoutInfo.xml | 12 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/Ribbon.xml | 100 +- .../RibbonApplicationMenu.xml | 24 +- .../RibbonApplicationMenuItem.xml | 4 +- .../RibbonApplicationSplitMenuItem.xml | 4 +- .../RibbonButton.xml | 100 +- .../RibbonCheckBox.xml | 92 +- .../RibbonComboBox.xml | 40 +- .../RibbonContentPresenter.xml | 84 +- .../RibbonContextMenu.xml | 4 +- .../RibbonContextualTabGroup.xml | 20 +- .../RibbonContextualTabGroupItemsControl.xml | 46 +- .../RibbonControl.xml | 110 +- .../RibbonControlGroup.xml | 8 +- .../RibbonControlService.xml | 674 +- .../RibbonControlSizeDefinition.xml | 20 +- .../RibbonGallery.xml | 148 +- .../RibbonGalleryCategory.xml | 20 +- .../RibbonGalleryItem.xml | 68 +- .../RibbonGroup.xml | 72 +- .../RibbonGroupSizeDefinition.xml | 4 +- .../RibbonGroupSizeDefinitionBase.xml | 4 +- .../RibbonGroupTemplateSizeDefinition.xml | 4 +- .../RibbonMenuButton.xml | 116 +- .../RibbonMenuItem.xml | 92 +- .../RibbonQuickAccessToolBar.xml | 20 +- .../RibbonRadioButton.xml | 108 +- .../RibbonSeparator.xml | 8 +- .../RibbonSplitButton.xml | 64 +- .../RibbonSplitMenuItem.xml | 32 +- .../RibbonTab.xml | 36 +- .../RibbonTabHeader.xml | 32 +- .../RibbonTextBox.xml | 92 +- .../RibbonToggleButton.xml | 108 +- .../RibbonToolTip.xml | 40 +- .../RibbonTwoLineText.xml | 52 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText.xml | 852 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Border.xml | 240 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Button.xml | 184 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar.xml | 1068 +-- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Canvas.xml | 168 +- .../ColumnDefinition.xml | 222 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox.xml | 36 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBoxItem.xml | 72 +- .../ContentControl.xml | 416 +- .../ContentPresenter.xml | 24 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenu.xml | 44 +- .../ContextMenuService.xml | 496 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Control.xml | 1008 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/DataGrid.xml | 4 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/DataGridRow.xml | 4 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker.xml | 956 +- .../DefinitionBase.xml | 46 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/DockPanel.xml | 120 +- .../DocumentViewer.xml | 646 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Expander.xml | 232 +- .../FlowDocumentPageViewer.xml | 32 +- .../FlowDocumentReader.xml | 76 +- .../FlowDocumentScrollViewer.xml | 48 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Frame.xml | 826 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Grid.xml | 352 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter.xml | 364 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridView.xml | 796 +- .../GridViewColumn.xml | 892 +- .../GridViewColumnHeader.xml | 228 +- .../GridViewHeaderRowPresenter.xml | 536 +- .../GridViewRowPresenter.xml | 74 +- .../HeaderedContentControl.xml | 362 +- .../HeaderedItemsControl.xml | 394 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Image.xml | 230 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas.xml | 2002 ++-- xml/System.Windows.Controls/InkPresenter.xml | 114 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/ItemsControl.xml | 44 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/KeyTipControl.xml | 4 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/KeyTipService.xml | 72 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Label.xml | 140 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox.xml | 210 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListBoxItem.xml | 196 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListView.xml | 4 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement.xml | 572 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Menu.xml | 86 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/MenuItem.xml | 80 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Page.xml | 800 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Panel.xml | 12 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/PasswordBox.xml | 20 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/ProgressBar.xml | 116 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/RadioButton.xml | 102 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/RowDefinition.xml | 234 +- .../ScrollContentPresenter.xml | 92 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollViewer.xml | 908 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Slider.xml | 1018 +- .../SoundPlayerAction.xml | 84 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/SpellCheck.xml | 196 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/StackPanel.xml | 296 +- .../StickyNoteControl.xml | 432 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl.xml | 538 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/TabItem.xml | 110 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock.xml | 1376 +-- xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextBox.xml | 722 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextSearch.xml | 144 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar.xml | 556 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBarTray.xml | 210 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip.xml | 44 +- .../ToolTipService.xml | 1094 +-- xml/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView.xml | 298 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/TreeViewItem.xml | 618 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Validation.xml | 318 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Viewbox.xml | 160 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/Viewport3D.xml | 116 +- .../VirtualizingPanel.xml | 268 +- .../VirtualizingStackPanel.xml | 406 +- xml/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel.xml | 304 +- xml/System.Windows.Data/Binding.xml | 12 +- .../CollectionContainer.xml | 42 +- .../CollectionViewSource.xml | 48 +- .../AnchoredBlock.xml | 728 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/Block.xml | 934 +- .../DocumentReference.xml | 64 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/Figure.xml | 586 +- .../FixedDocument.xml | 106 +- .../FixedDocumentSequence.xml | 80 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedPage.xml | 498 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/Floater.xml | 248 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/FlowDocument.xml | 2354 ++--- xml/System.Windows.Documents/Glyphs.xml | 356 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink.xml | 368 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/Inline.xml | 238 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/List.xml | 256 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/ListItem.xml | 850 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/PageContent.xml | 4 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/Paragraph.xml | 346 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/Table.xml | 200 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/TableCell.xml | 786 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/TableColumn.xml | 48 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/TextElement.xml | 602 +- xml/System.Windows.Documents/Typography.xml | 2118 ++--- .../DataPoint.xml | 234 +- .../DataPointCollection.xml | 336 +- .../WindowsFormsHost.xml | 32 +- xml/System.Windows.Input/CommandBinding.xml | 16 +- xml/System.Windows.Input/CommandManager.xml | 388 +- xml/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager.xml | 266 +- .../InputLanguageManager.xml | 160 +- xml/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard.xml | 966 +- .../KeyboardNavigation.xml | 208 +- xml/System.Windows.Input/Mouse.xml | 1056 +-- xml/System.Windows.Input/Stylus.xml | 1360 ++- xml/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage.xml | 468 +- .../XmlAttributeProperties.xml | 134 +- .../BeginStoryboard.xml | 92 +- .../BooleanKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../ByteAnimation.xml | 340 +- .../ByteKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../CharKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../ColorAnimation.xml | 412 +- .../ColorKeyFrame.xml | 48 +- .../DecimalAnimation.xml | 340 +- .../DecimalKeyFrame.xml | 70 +- .../DoubleAnimation.xml | 340 +- .../DoubleAnimationUsingPath.xml | 16 +- .../DoubleKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../Int16Animation.xml | 340 +- .../Int16KeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../Int32Animation.xml | 340 +- .../Int32KeyFrame.xml | 76 +- .../Int64Animation.xml | 326 +- .../Int64KeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../LinearQuaternionKeyFrame.xml | 38 +- .../MatrixAnimationUsingPath.xml | 224 +- .../MatrixKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../ObjectKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../ParallelTimeline.xml | 144 +- .../Point3DAnimation.xml | 412 +- .../Point3DKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../PointAnimation.xml | 412 +- .../PointAnimationUsingPath.xml | 136 +- .../PointKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../QuaternionAnimation.xml | 456 +- .../QuaternionKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../RectAnimation.xml | 416 +- .../RectKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../Rotation3DAnimation.xml | 350 +- .../Rotation3DKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../SingleAnimation.xml | 340 +- .../SingleKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../SizeAnimation.xml | 412 +- .../SizeKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../SplineByteKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineColorKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineDecimalKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineDoubleKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineInt16KeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineInt32KeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineInt64KeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplinePoint3DKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplinePointKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineQuaternionKeyFrame.xml | 68 +- .../SplineRectKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineRotation3DKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineSingleKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineSizeKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineThicknessKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineVector3DKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../SplineVectorKeyFrame.xml | 44 +- .../Storyboard.xml | 1560 +-- .../StringKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../ThicknessAnimation.xml | 412 +- .../ThicknessKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../Timeline.xml | 928 +- .../TimelineGroup.xml | 92 +- .../Vector3DAnimation.xml | 422 +- .../Vector3DKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../VectorAnimation.xml | 386 +- .../VectorKeyFrame.xml | 62 +- .../BevelBitmapEffect.xml | 274 +- .../BitmapEffectGroup.xml | 78 +- .../BitmapEffectInput.xml | 122 +- .../BlurBitmapEffect.xml | 132 +- .../DropShadowBitmapEffect.xml | 236 +- .../EmbossBitmapEffect.xml | 136 +- .../OuterGlowBitmapEffect.xml | 214 +- .../ShaderEffect.xml | 236 +- .../BitmapImage.xml | 508 +- .../ColorConvertedBitmap.xml | 328 +- .../CroppedBitmap.xml | 204 +- .../FormatConvertedBitmap.xml | 256 +- .../TransformedBitmap.xml | 220 +- .../AxisAngleRotation3D.xml | 168 +- xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Camera.xml | 118 +- .../DiffuseMaterial.xml | 98 +- .../DirectionalLight.xml | 114 +- .../GeneralTransform3DGroup.xml | 134 +- .../GeometryModel3D.xml | 216 +- xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Light.xml | 98 +- .../MaterialGroup.xml | 76 +- xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Matrix3D.xml | 4 +- .../MatrixCamera.xml | 172 +- .../MatrixTransform3D.xml | 106 +- .../MeshGeometry3D.xml | 16 +- xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Model3D.xml | 102 +- .../Model3DGroup.xml | 62 +- .../ModelUIElement3D.xml | 4 +- .../ModelVisual3D.xml | 150 +- .../OrthographicCamera.xml | 134 +- .../PerspectiveCamera.xml | 4 +- .../PointLightBase.xml | 188 +- .../ProjectionCamera.xml | 192 +- .../QuaternionRotation3D.xml | 96 +- .../RotateTransform3D.xml | 194 +- .../ScaleTransform3D.xml | 192 +- .../SpecularMaterial.xml | 210 +- .../SpotLight.xml | 222 +- .../Transform3DGroup.xml | 4 +- .../TranslateTransform3D.xml | 156 +- .../Viewport3DVisual.xml | 68 +- xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Visual3D.xml | 186 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/ArcSegment.xml | 348 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/BezierSegment.xml | 158 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/Brush.xml | 8 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/CombinedGeometry.xml | 170 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/DashStyle.xml | 166 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingBrush.xml | 72 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup.xml | 598 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingImage.xml | 52 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/EllipseGeometry.xml | 156 +- .../GeneralTransformGroup.xml | 72 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/Geometry.xml | 426 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/GeometryDrawing.xml | 116 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/GeometryGroup.xml | 122 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/GlyphRunDrawing.xml | 162 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/GradientBrush.xml | 16 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/GradientStop.xml | 114 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/GuidelineSet.xml | 76 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/ImageBrush.xml | 4 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/ImageDrawing.xml | 126 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/LineGeometry.xml | 100 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/LineSegment.xml | 76 +- .../LinearGradientBrush.xml | 234 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/Matrix.xml | 1038 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/MatrixTransform.xml | 194 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/MediaTimeline.xml | 138 +- .../NumberSubstitution.xml | 216 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/PathFigure.xml | 294 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/PathGeometry.xml | 178 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/PathSegment.xml | 100 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/Pen.xml | 304 +- .../PolyBezierSegment.xml | 106 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyLineSegment.xml | 96 +- .../PolyQuadraticBezierSegment.xml | 100 +- .../QuadraticBezierSegment.xml | 104 +- .../RectangleGeometry.xml | 114 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/RenderOptions.xml | 548 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/RotateTransform.xml | 148 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/ScaleTransform.xml | 162 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/SkewTransform.xml | 150 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/SolidColorBrush.xml | 206 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/StreamGeometry.xml | 118 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect.xml | 250 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/TileBrush.xml | 32 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/Transform.xml | 124 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/TransformGroup.xml | 76 +- .../TranslateTransform.xml | 104 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/VideoDrawing.xml | 98 +- xml/System.Windows.Media/VisualBrush.xml | 8 +- .../JournalEntry.xml | 170 +- .../NavigationWindow.xml | 628 +- xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Line.xml | 166 +- xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Path.xml | 132 +- xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Polygon.xml | 100 +- xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Polyline.xml | 100 +- xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Rectangle.xml | 62 +- xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Shape.xml | 166 +- xml/System.Windows.Shell/WindowChrome.xml | 28 +- xml/System.Windows/ContentElement.xml | 6638 +++++++------ xml/System.Windows/DataObject.xml | 854 +- xml/System.Windows/DragDrop.xml | 1034 +- .../FrameworkContentElement.xml | 80 +- xml/System.Windows/FrameworkElement.xml | 3620 +++---- xml/System.Windows/LineBreakCondition.xml | 25 +- xml/System.Windows/NameScope.xml | 194 +- xml/System.Windows/TextDecoration.xml | 316 +- xml/System.Windows/UIElement.xml | 8356 ++++++++--------- xml/System.Windows/UIElement3D.xml | 376 +- 346 files changed, 50955 insertions(+), 50968 deletions(-) diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Automation/AutomationProperties.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Automation/AutomationProperties.xml index 9ead9c5c07e..eb2fab71986 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Automation/AutomationProperties.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Automation/AutomationProperties.xml @@ -45,18 +45,18 @@ Gets or sets the accelerator key for the specified element. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> UI Automation Properties Overview @@ -108,18 +108,18 @@ Gets or sets the access key for the specified element. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> UI Automation Properties Overview @@ -171,18 +171,18 @@ Gets or set the string that uniquely identifies the specified element. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> UI Automation Properties Overview @@ -307,11 +307,11 @@ Gets the attached property for the specified . The UI Automation identifier for the specified element. - property isn't set, this method returns the property. - + property isn't set, this method returns the property. + ]]> UI Automation Properties Overview @@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ Gets the value of the property for the specified . The value of the attached property of . - property defines the ordinal position of the element within a set of elements that are considered to be siblings. @@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ The property Gets the value of the attached property for the specified . The value of the attached property of . - property gets or sets the count of automation elements in a group or set that are considered to be siblings. @@ -832,18 +832,18 @@ The property get Gets or sets the help text for the specified element. The help text generally is the same text that is provided in the tooltip for the control. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> UI Automation Support for the ToolTip Control Type @@ -896,18 +896,18 @@ The property get Gets or sets a value indicating whether the specified element is a column header. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Expose the Content of a Table Using UI Automation @@ -1004,18 +1004,18 @@ The property get Gets or sets a value that specifies how the property is determined. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1065,18 +1065,18 @@ The property get Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the specified element is required to be filled out on a form. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> UI Automation Properties Overview @@ -1129,18 +1129,18 @@ The property get Gets or sets a value indicating whether the specified element is a row header. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> UI Automation Properties Overview @@ -1192,19 +1192,19 @@ The property get Gets or sets a description of the status of an item within an element. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> UI Automation Properties Overview @@ -1257,19 +1257,19 @@ The property get Gets or sets a description of the type of the specified element. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> UI Automation Properties Overview @@ -1321,18 +1321,18 @@ The property get Gets or sets the element that contains the text label for the specified element. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> UI Automation Properties Overview @@ -1385,19 +1385,19 @@ The property get Gets or sets a value that describes the notification characteristics of a particular live region. - . -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1447,18 +1447,18 @@ The `LiveSetting` attached property gets or sets a value of type Gets or sets the name of the element. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> UI Automation Properties Overview @@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@ The `LiveSetting` attached property gets or sets a value of type Gets or sets the ordinal location of this element within a set of elements that are considered to be siblings. - dependency property to describe the ordinal position of this element in the set. @@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ The `PositionInSet` attached property works in coordination with the The value to set. Sets the attached property for the specified . - property gets or sets the ordinal position of the element within a set of elements that are considered to be siblings. @@ -2095,7 +2095,7 @@ The property The value to set. Sets the attached property for the specified . - property gets or sets the count of automation elements in a group or set that are considered to be siblings. @@ -2122,14 +2122,14 @@ The property get Gets or sets the count of automation elements in a group or set that are considered to be siblings. - | -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + | +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator.xml index 1335d59e220..f1f130c3edc 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator.xml @@ -22,26 +22,26 @@ Represents a layout control that aligns a bullet and another visual object. - has two content properties: and . The property defines the to use as a bullet. The property defines a that visually aligns with the bullet. - - A always aligns with the first line of text when the object is a . If the object is not a , the aligns to the center of the object. For more information about layout of a , see [How to: Create a BulletDecorator]( - - The following illustration shows examples of controls. - - ![3 BulletDecorators: CheckBox, RadioButton, TextBox](~/add/media/bulletdecorator.png "3 BulletDecorators: CheckBox, RadioButton, TextBox") - - - -## Examples - The following examples show how to define a control. - + has two content properties: and . The property defines the to use as a bullet. The property defines a that visually aligns with the bullet. + + A always aligns with the first line of text when the object is a . If the object is not a , the aligns to the center of the object. For more information about layout of a , see [How to: Create a BulletDecorator]( + + The following illustration shows examples of controls. + + ![3 BulletDecorators: CheckBox, RadioButton, TextBox](~/add/media/bulletdecorator.png "3 BulletDecorators: CheckBox, RadioButton, TextBox") + + + +## Examples + The following examples show how to define a control. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BulletPanelExample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ Overrides the default content arrangement behavior for the control. The computed size of the control. - method determines the size and position of the and the objects. The is aligned vertically with the first line of the content. - + method determines the size and position of the and the objects. The is aligned vertically with the first line of the content. + ]]> @@ -138,28 +138,28 @@ Gets or sets the background color for a control. The background color for the and of a . The default is . - property defines the to use to fill the area within the . For some parent layout elements, the area that is defined for the may extend beyond its and content. For example, if the is the single child of a cell in a control, the property applies to the whole cell. This occurs because the content in a cell is stretched in all directions to fill the cell, by default. However, if you set the property to for the , the property only affects the actual content area of the . Alternatively, you can enclose the in a element. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following examples show how to set the property on a control. - + property defines the to use to fill the area within the . For some parent layout elements, the area that is defined for the may extend beyond its and content. For example, if the is the single child of a cell in a control, the property applies to the whole cell. This occurs because the content in a cell is stretched in all directions to fill the cell, by default. However, if you set the property to for the , the property only affects the actual content area of the . Alternatively, you can enclose the in a element. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following examples show how to set the property on a control. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BulletPanelExample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> How to: Create a BulletDecorator @@ -222,33 +222,33 @@ Gets or sets the object to use as the bullet in a . The to use as the bullet. The default is . - property is a content property of the control and defines the to display as a bullet for the object. - - The bullet that is defined by setting the property to a is the first visual element in a control. The single element is the second visual element. - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -``` - - - -## Examples - The following examples show how to set the property. - + property is a content property of the control and defines the to display as a bullet for the object. + + The bullet that is defined by setting the property to a is the first visual element in a control. The single element is the second visual element. + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +``` + + + +## Examples + The following examples show how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Bullet/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbulletdecorator"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ExpanderRichContent/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbulletdecorator"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Bullet/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbulletdecorator"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Bullet/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbulletdecorator"::: + ]]> @@ -284,18 +284,18 @@ Gets the child element that is at the specified index. The child element that is at the specified index. - are the and the properties. - + are the and the properties. + ]]> - is less than 0. - - -or- - + is less than 0. + + -or- + is greater than or equal to . @@ -324,13 +324,13 @@ Gets an enumerator for the logical child elements of the control. The enumerator that provides access to the logical child elements of the control. The default is . - control include the and . If you set both properties, they are enumerated in the following order: , . - - The number of visual child elements is the same as the number of logical child elements. - + control include the and . If you set both properties, they are enumerated in the following order: , . + + The number of visual child elements is the same as the number of logical child elements. + ]]> @@ -395,11 +395,11 @@ The for the . Renders the content of a control. - structure that is sized for the content. This rectangular structure is displayed with the specified color and no border. - + structure that is sized for the content. This rectangular structure is displayed with the specified color and no border. + ]]> @@ -429,13 +429,13 @@ Gets the number of visual child elements for the control. The number of visual elements that are defined for the . The default is 0. - can be 0, 1, or 2. If either the or a element is defined, the is 1. If both the and a element are defined, the is 2. - - The number of visual child elements is the same as the number of logical child elements. - + can be 0, 1, or 2. If either the or a element is defined, the is 1. If both the and a element are defined, the is 2. + + The number of visual child elements is the same as the number of logical child elements. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ButtonBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ButtonBase.xml index f7f14cf63a0..55dfe31451a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ButtonBase.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ButtonBase.xml @@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ Represents the base class for all controls. - event to respond when the user clicks a . The user can raise the event by using an or by pressing ENTER or the SPACEBAR when the control has focus. When the user presses the SPACEBAR, the control sets to `true` and captures the mouse. As a result, the control will raise mouse events such as and . Note that using the or ENTER does not change or capture the mouse, but it does raise the event. - - The sets the attached property to `true`. - - The sets the property to `false`. - - A is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. - + event to respond when the user clicks a . The user can raise the event by using an or by pressing ENTER or the SPACEBAR when the control has focus. When the user presses the SPACEBAR, the control sets to `true` and captures the mouse. As a result, the control will raise mouse events such as and . Note that using the or ENTER does not change or capture the mouse, but it does raise the event. + + The sets the attached property to `true`. + + The sets the property to `false`. + + A is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. + ]]> @@ -111,38 +111,38 @@ Occurs when a is clicked. - event by using an or by pressing ENTER or the SPACEBAR when the control has focus. When the user presses the SPACEBAR, the control sets to `true` and captures the mouse. As a result, the control will raise mouse events such as and . Note that using the or ENTER does not change or capture the mouse, but it does raise the event. - - The marks the event as handled in the method and raises the event. Hence, the event will never occur for a control that inherits from . Instead, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows three buttons that respond to clicks in three different ways. - -- Hover - the first button changes colors when the user hovers with the mouse over the button - -- Press - the second button requires that the mouse be pressed while the mouse pointer is in the button. - -- Release - the third does not reset the background color of the buttons until the mouse is pressed and released in the button. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + event by using an or by pressing ENTER or the SPACEBAR when the control has focus. When the user presses the SPACEBAR, the control sets to `true` and captures the mouse. As a result, the control will raise mouse events such as and . Note that using the or ENTER does not change or capture the mouse, but it does raise the event. + + The marks the event as handled in the method and raises the event. Hence, the event will never occur for a control that inherits from . Instead, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows three buttons that respond to clicks in three different ways. + +- Hover - the first button changes colors when the user hovers with the mouse over the button + +- Press - the second button requires that the mouse be pressed while the mouse pointer is in the button. + +- Release - the third does not reset the background color of the buttons until the mouse is pressed and released in the button. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/Overview/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ClickModes_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ClickModes_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ Identifies the routed event. - @@ -215,18 +215,18 @@ Gets or sets when the event occurs. When the event occurs. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -296,33 +296,33 @@ Gets or sets the command to invoke when this button is pressed. A command to invoke when this button is pressed. The default value is . - or . For details, see [Commanding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/commanding-overview) or . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *commandName* - The command to invoke when this button is pressed. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + or . For details, see [Commanding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/commanding-overview) or . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *commandName* + The command to invoke when this button is pressed. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -366,31 +366,31 @@ Gets or sets the parameter to pass to the property. Parameter to pass to the property. - in code might require a new or existing object instance. Setting in markup might require property element syntax, where the object element filling the property element syntax is a new element of the type expected by that command. Alternatively, setting in markup might require a reference through a markup extension to an existing object (typically these references are made with [Binding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/binding-markup-extension) or [StaticResource Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/staticresource-markup-extension)). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *commandParameter* - A value of the same type as the particular command specified in the property expects. If you use an existing command library command, see that command library's documentation for XAML usage information, including which type of the command expects. If you use a custom command, see Remarks. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + in code might require a new or existing object instance. Setting in markup might require property element syntax, where the object element filling the property element syntax is a new element of the type expected by that command. Alternatively, setting in markup might require a reference through a markup extension to an existing object (typically these references are made with [Binding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/binding-markup-extension) or [StaticResource Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/staticresource-markup-extension)). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *commandParameter* + A value of the same type as the particular command specified in the property expects. If you use an existing command library command, see that command library's documentation for XAML usage information, including which type of the command expects. If you use a custom command, see Remarks. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -483,31 +483,31 @@ Gets or sets the element on which to raise the specified command. Element on which to raise a command. - property cannot be used to define a . The property provides a reference to an element that is already defined somewhere in your application. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *elementName* - The name of that receives the command. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property cannot be used to define a . The property provides a reference to an element that is already defined somewhere in your application. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *elementName* + The name of that receives the command. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -565,11 +565,11 @@ if the control is enabled; otherwise, . - @@ -614,28 +614,28 @@ if the is activated; otherwise . The default is . - is the state of a button that indicates the left mouse button or SPACEBAR is pressed over the button. When is `true`, the control captures the mouse. As a result, the control will raise mouse events such as and . Note that using the or ENTER does not change or capture the mouse, but is does raise the event. - - Starting with the .NET Framework version 3.0 Service Pack 1, has a protected setter. To use this functionality, your application should target the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - This example shows how to use the property in a trigger style. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ButtonBase/IsPressed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet9"::: - + is the state of a button that indicates the left mouse button or SPACEBAR is pressed over the button. When is `true`, the control captures the mouse. As a result, the control will raise mouse events such as and . Note that using the or ENTER does not change or capture the mouse, but is does raise the event. + + Starting with the .NET Framework version 3.0 Service Pack 1, has a protected setter. To use this functionality, your application should target the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + This example shows how to use the property in a trigger style. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ButtonBase/IsPressed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet9"::: + ]]> @@ -694,11 +694,11 @@ The event data for the event. Responds when the for this control is called. - is `true`, this method calls the base implementation, which gives this control focus. Otherwise, this method raises the event. - + is `true`, this method calls the base implementation, which gives this control focus. Otherwise, this method raises the event. + ]]> @@ -728,11 +728,11 @@ Raises the routed event. - event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). - + event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). + ]]> @@ -798,17 +798,17 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the user presses a key while this control has focus. - event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to and one of the following cases are true: - -- The user presses the SPACEBAR. - -- The user presses ENTER and is `true` for this control. - - In all other cases, this implementation does not change the handled state (the property) of the event data. - + event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to and one of the following cases are true: + +- The user presses the SPACEBAR. + +- The user presses ENTER and is `true` for this control. + + In all other cases, this implementation does not change the handled state (the property) of the event data. + ]]> @@ -844,11 +844,11 @@ The event data for the event. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the user releases a key while this control has focus. - event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when the user releases the SPACEBAR. Otherwise, this implementation does not change the handled state (the property) of the event data. - + event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when the user releases the SPACEBAR. Otherwise, this implementation does not change the handled state (the property) of the event data. + ]]> @@ -914,11 +914,11 @@ The event data for the event. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when this control is no longer receiving mouse event messages. - property) of the event data. - + property) of the event data. + ]]> @@ -954,11 +954,11 @@ The event data for the event. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the mouse enters this control. - is set to , this implementation marks the event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` and raises the event. - + is set to , this implementation marks the event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` and raises the event. + ]]> @@ -994,11 +994,11 @@ The event data for the event. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the mouse leaves an element. - event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is set to . - + event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is set to . + ]]> @@ -1034,13 +1034,13 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this control. - event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to . To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`. - - When is set to , this method raises the event. - + event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to . To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`. + + When is set to , this method raises the event. + ]]> @@ -1076,13 +1076,13 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this control. - event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to . To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`. - - When is set to is is `true`, this method raises the event. - + event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to . To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`. + + When is set to is is `true`, this method raises the event. + ]]> @@ -1118,11 +1118,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the mouse pointer moves while over this element. - event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to and is `true`. To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`. - + event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to and is `true`. To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`. + ]]> @@ -1158,11 +1158,11 @@ Specifies the size changes. Called when the rendered size of a control changes. - method of the . - + method of the . + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentPageView.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentPageView.xml index 1588040eb07..39f9cbfeee7 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentPageView.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentPageView.xml @@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ Arranges the content to fit a specified view size. The actual size that the page view used to arrange itself and its children. - @@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ Releases all resources used by the . - after finished using each instance. After is called, the is released for garbage collection and should no longer be referenced by the application. After calling and being released, the garbage collector can reclaim the memory and resources. For more information, see [Cleaning Up Unmanaged Resources](/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/unmanaged) and [Implementing a Dispose Method](/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/implementing-dispose). - + after finished using each instance. After is called, the is released for garbage collection and should no longer be referenced by the application. After calling and being released, the garbage collector can reclaim the memory and resources. For more information, see [Cleaning Up Unmanaged Resources](/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/unmanaged) and [Implementing a Dispose Method](/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/implementing-dispose). + > [!NOTE] -> Always call as the final call to release each instance. If is not called, the resources the is using will not be freed until the garbage collector later calls the page viewer's method. - +> Always call as the final call to release each instance. If is not called, the resources the is using will not be freed until the garbage collector later calls the page viewer's method. + ]]> @@ -223,11 +223,11 @@ Gets the service object of the specified type. A service object of type , or if there is no service object of type . - returns any services that the provides if the implements . - + returns any services that the provides if the implements . + ]]> @@ -261,11 +261,11 @@ Returns the child at a specified index. The visual child at the specified index. - -1. - + -1. + ]]> @@ -336,11 +336,11 @@ Returns the available viewport size that can be given to display the current . The actual desired size. - @@ -490,21 +490,21 @@ Gets or sets the page number of the current page displayed. The zero-based page number of the current page displayed. The default is 0. - is zero-based: 0 is the first page, 1 is the second page, and so on. - - No content is displayed if is set to a negative number. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + is zero-based: 0 is the first page, 1 is the second page, and so on. + + No content is displayed if is set to a negative number. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -561,18 +561,18 @@ Gets or sets a enumeration that specifies how content should be stretched to fill the display page. The enumeration value that specifies how content should be stretched to fill the display page. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -603,18 +603,18 @@ Gets or sets a enumeration that specifies in what scaling directions should be applied. The enumeration value that specifies in what scaling directions should be applied. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentViewerBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentViewerBase.xml index cea34407704..295f9de850f 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentViewerBase.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentViewerBase.xml @@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ Provides a base class for viewers that are intended to display fixed or flow content (represented by a or , respectively). - is a minimal base class, intended to provide only basic functionality that is common across document viewing scenarios. This base class provides no user interface. - + is a minimal base class, intended to provide only basic functionality that is common across document viewing scenarios. This base class provides no user interface. + ]]> @@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ Cancels any current printing job. - - + + ]]> @@ -135,22 +135,22 @@ Gets a value that indicates whether or not the viewer can jump to the next page in the current . - if the viewer can jump to the next page; otherwise, . - + if the viewer can jump to the next page; otherwise, . + This property has no default value. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -212,11 +212,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property key. - , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter. - + , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter. + ]]> @@ -283,22 +283,22 @@ Gets a value that indicates whether or not the viewer can jump to the previous page in the current . - if the viewer can jump to the previous page; otherwise, . - + if the viewer can jump to the previous page; otherwise, . + This property has no default value. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -360,11 +360,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property key. - , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter. - + , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter. + ]]> @@ -398,22 +398,22 @@ Gets or sets a to be paginated and displayed by the viewer. - A to be paginated and displayed by the viewer. - + A to be paginated and displayed by the viewer. + The default property is **null**. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -513,11 +513,11 @@ Returns the value of the attached property for a specified dependency object. The value of the attached property, read from the dependency object specified by *element*. - object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see . - + object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see . + ]]> Raised if is . @@ -550,11 +550,11 @@ Returns the current master for this viewer. The current master for this viewer, or **null** if no master can be found. - provides a viewport for a particular page of content (represented by an underlying ). The master page corresponds to the object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see . - + provides a viewport for a particular page of content (represented by an underlying ). The master page corresponds to the object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -590,11 +590,11 @@ Creates and returns a new, read-only collection of objects that are associated with the current display document (represented by the property). A read-only collection of objects that are associated with the current display document. - provides a viewport for a particular page of content (represented by an underlying ). - + provides a viewport for a particular page of content (represented by an underlying ). + ]]> @@ -634,11 +634,11 @@ The number of the page to jump to. Causes the viewer to jump to a specified page number. - method), this method does nothing. - + method), this method does nothing. + ]]> @@ -697,23 +697,23 @@ Gets a value that indicates whether or not a child element in the viewer should be used as a master page. - in the collection represents master page. The master page corresponds to the page that is currently active (being displayed) in the viewer. - - Typically, no more than one member of the collection is marked as the master page. If more than one member of the collection is marked as the master page, then the first indicated in the logical tree (depth-first) is designated the active master. If no members of the collection are marked as the master page, then the master page defaults to the first member of the collection. - - Use the method to set and attach this property to a specified element (dependency object). Use the method to read the value of this attached property from a specified element. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + in the collection represents master page. The master page corresponds to the page that is currently active (being displayed) in the viewer. + + Typically, no more than one member of the collection is marked as the master page. If more than one member of the collection is marked as the master page, then the first indicated in the logical tree (depth-first) is designated the active master. If no members of the collection are marked as the master page, then the master page defaults to the first member of the collection. + + Use the method to set and attach this property to a specified element (dependency object). Use the method to read the value of this attached property from a specified element. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -807,15 +807,15 @@ Gets an enumerator for the children in the logical tree of the viewer. - An object that can be used to enumerate the logical children of the viewer. - + An object that can be used to enumerate the logical children of the viewer. + This property has no default value. - @@ -843,23 +843,23 @@ Gets the page number for the current master page. - The page number for the current master page, or **0** if no Document is currently loaded. - + The page number for the current master page, or **0** if no Document is currently loaded. + This property has no default value. - object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -914,11 +914,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property key. - , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter. - + , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter. + ]]> @@ -988,13 +988,13 @@ Builds the visual tree for the viewer. - is called. - - This method overrides . - + is called. + + This method overrides . + ]]> @@ -1031,11 +1031,11 @@ The page number for the page that contains . Invoked whenever the event reaches an element derived from this class in its route. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - Raised if *element* is **null**. @@ -1066,11 +1066,11 @@ Handles the routed command. - command is invoked. - + command is invoked. + ]]> @@ -1101,11 +1101,11 @@ Creates and returns an object for this viewer. An object for this viewer. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1135,11 +1135,11 @@ Called whenever the property is modified. - objects (represented by the property) to be invalidated and regenerated. - + objects (represented by the property) to be invalidated and regenerated. + ]]> @@ -1200,11 +1200,11 @@ Handles the routed command. - routed command causes the viewer to jump to the first page in the current . - + routed command causes the viewer to jump to the first page in the current . + ]]> @@ -1241,13 +1241,13 @@ The number of the page to jump to. Handles the routed command. - routed command cause the viewer to jump to an indicated page number in the current . The method indicates whether or not a specified page number is a valid page to jump to in the current document. - - If *pageNumber* specifies an invalid page to go to (as indicated by the method), this method does nothing. - + routed command cause the viewer to jump to an indicated page number in the current . The method indicates whether or not a specified page number is a valid page to jump to in the current document. + + If *pageNumber* specifies an invalid page to go to (as indicated by the method), this method does nothing. + ]]> @@ -1281,11 +1281,11 @@ Handles the routed command. - routed command causes the viewer to jump to the last page in the current . - + routed command causes the viewer to jump to the last page in the current . + ]]> @@ -1325,11 +1325,11 @@ Called whenever the property is modified. - object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see . - + object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -1359,11 +1359,11 @@ Handles the routed command. - routed command causes the viewer to jump to the next page (if available) in the current . The property indicates whether or not there is a next page to go to in the current document. - + routed command causes the viewer to jump to the next page (if available) in the current . The property indicates whether or not there is a next page to go to in the current document. + ]]> @@ -1424,11 +1424,11 @@ Handles the routed command. - routed command causes the viewer to jump to the next page (if available) in the current . The property indicates whether or not there is a previous page to go to in the current document. - + routed command causes the viewer to jump to the next page (if available) in the current . The property indicates whether or not there is a previous page to go to in the current document. + ]]> @@ -1462,11 +1462,11 @@ Handles the routed command. - command is invoked. - + command is invoked. + ]]> @@ -1496,23 +1496,23 @@ Gets the total number of pages in the current . - The number of pages in the current document, or **0** if no document is currently loaded. - + The number of pages in the current document, or **0** if no document is currently loaded. + This property has no default value. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1567,11 +1567,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property key. - , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter. - + , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter. + ]]> @@ -1609,17 +1609,17 @@ Gets a read-only collection of the active objects contained within the viewer. - A read-only collection of the active objects contained within the viewer. - + A read-only collection of the active objects contained within the viewer. + This property has no default value. - provides a viewport for a particular page of content (represented by an underlying ). The set of objects represented by the property is used by the viewer in order to display content. - - The master page corresponds to the object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see . - + provides a viewport for a particular page of content (represented by an underlying ). The set of objects represented by the property is used by the viewer in order to display content. + + The master page corresponds to the object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -1722,13 +1722,13 @@ Invokes a standard **Print** dialog which can be used to print the contents of the viewer and configure printing preferences. - @@ -1764,11 +1764,11 @@ The new value to set the property to. Sets the attached property on a specified dependency object. - object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see . - + object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see . + ]]> Raised if *element* is **null**. diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/GridViewRowPresenterBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/GridViewRowPresenterBase.xml index b92b1d2f6e1..d378e2c2b2d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/GridViewRowPresenterBase.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/GridViewRowPresenterBase.xml @@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ Represents the base class for classes that define the layout for a row of data where different data items are displayed in different columns. - and classes are derived from this base class. - + and classes are derived from this base class. + ]]> @@ -85,33 +85,33 @@ Gets or sets a . A collection of objects that display data. The default is . - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *ResourceExtension* - A markup extension that identifies how to reference the template resource, either `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *ColumnsKey* - The key that identifies the requested . The key refers to an existing resource in a . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *ResourceExtension* + A markup extension that identifies how to reference the template resource, either `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *ColumnsKey* + The key that identifies the requested . The key refers to an existing resource in a . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -140,11 +140,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/MenuBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/MenuBase.xml index 883a8641046..431cb27d0db 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/MenuBase.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/MenuBase.xml @@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Popup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Popup.xml index 31dcbe8779d..3bc7f3d5f08 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Popup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Popup.xml @@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -647,8 +647,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -766,8 +766,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1178,8 +1178,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1267,8 +1267,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1359,8 +1359,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1450,8 +1450,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1542,8 +1542,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1729,8 +1729,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RangeBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RangeBase.xml index 7c75884e829..020120d0d84 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RangeBase.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RangeBase.xml @@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ Represents an element that has a value within a specific range. - control has a that can be set between the and properties. The visually indicates its . In some cases, the user can interactively set the value; in other cases, the value can be set only programmatically. The user can set the of the and , but not the . - + control has a that can be set between the and properties. The visually indicates its . In some cases, the user can interactively set the value; in other cases, the value can be set only programmatically. The user can set the of the and , but not the . + ]]> @@ -107,25 +107,25 @@ to add to or subtract from the of the element. The default is 1. - determines how this property is used. - - When the user clicks the of a , the property increases or decreases by the value of . - - When the user invokes the or commands on a , the of the slider changes by the value of . - - The does not use this property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + determines how this property is used. + + When the user clicks the of a , the property increases or decreases by the value of . + + When the user invokes the or commands on a , the of the slider changes by the value of . + + The does not use this property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -191,28 +191,28 @@ Gets or sets the highest possible of the range element. The highest possible of the range element. The default is 1. - overrides the metadata of this property and sets its default to 10. overrides the metadata of this property and sets its default to 100. For more information, see [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - controls such as and inherit the properties. The following example shows a that uses the property. - + overrides the metadata of this property and sets its default to 10. overrides the metadata of this property and sets its default to 100. For more information, see [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + controls such as and inherit the properties. The following example shows a that uses the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbasic"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbasic"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: + ]]> @@ -279,27 +279,27 @@ possible of the range element. The default is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - controls such as and inherit the properties. The following example shows a that uses the property. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + controls such as and inherit the properties. The following example shows a that uses the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbasic"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbasic"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: + ]]> @@ -360,11 +360,11 @@ New value of the property. Called when the property changes. - can use this method to respond when the value property changes instead of overriding the to provide a new function. For more information, see [Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-callbacks-and-validation). - + can use this method to respond when the value property changes instead of overriding the to provide a new function. For more information, see [Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-callbacks-and-validation). + ]]> @@ -399,11 +399,11 @@ New value of the property. Called when the property changes. - can use this method to respond when the value property changes instead of overriding the to provide a new function. For more information, see [Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-callbacks-and-validation). - + can use this method to respond when the value property changes instead of overriding the to provide a new function. For more information, see [Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-callbacks-and-validation). + ]]> @@ -438,13 +438,13 @@ New value of the property. Raises the routed event. - can use this method to respond when the value property changes instead of overriding the to provide a new function. For more information, see [Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-callbacks-and-validation). - - The method raises the event. When overriding in a derived class, be sure to call the base class' method so that registered delegates receive the event. - + can use this method to respond when the value property changes instead of overriding the to provide a new function. For more information, see [Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-callbacks-and-validation). + + The method raises the event. When overriding in a derived class, be sure to call the base class' method so that registered delegates receive the event. + ]]> @@ -485,25 +485,25 @@ to add to or subtract from the of the element. The default is 0.1. - determines how this property is used. - - When the user clicks the of a , the property increases or decreases by the value of . - - When the user invokes the or command on a , the of the slider changes by the value of . - - The does not use this property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + determines how this property is used. + + When the user clicks the of a , the property increases or decreases by the value of . + + When the user invokes the or command on a , the of the slider changes by the value of . + + The does not use this property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -560,11 +560,11 @@ Provides a string representation of a object. Returns the string representation of a object. - , , and properties. - + , , and properties. + ]]> @@ -604,21 +604,21 @@ Gets or sets the current magnitude of the range control. The current magnitude of the range control. The default is 0. - control visually indicates the property in some way. For example, the slider and scrollbar controls have a thumb that is synchronized with the of the control. - - If you set to a number that is less than the property, is set to . If you set to a number that is greater than the property, is set to . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + control visually indicates the property in some way. For example, the slider and scrollbar controls have a thumb that is synchronized with the of the control. + + If you set to a number that is less than the property, is set to . If you set to a number that is greater than the property, is set to . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -653,26 +653,26 @@ Occurs when the range value changes. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Routing Strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|, constrained with | - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Routing Strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|, constrained with | + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton.xml index 64930a2c292..2654ed9778d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton.xml @@ -23,27 +23,27 @@ Represents a control that raises its event repeatedly from the time it is pressed until it is released. - is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. - - The class represents a control that is similar to a . However, repeat buttons give you control over when and how the event occurs. The raises the event repeatedly from the time it is pressed until it is released. The property determines when the event begins. You can also control the interval of the repetitions with the property. - -## Customizing the RepeatButton Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [RepeatButton Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/repeatbutton-styles-and-templates). - + is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. + + The class represents a control that is similar to a . However, repeat buttons give you control over when and how the event occurs. The raises the event repeatedly from the time it is pressed until it is released. The property determines when the event begins. You can also control the interval of the repetitions with the property. + +## Customizing the RepeatButton Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [RepeatButton Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/repeatbutton-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: -:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RepeatButton/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - +:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RepeatButton/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -112,25 +112,25 @@ Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the waits while it is pressed before it starts repeating. The value must be non-negative. The amount of time, in milliseconds, the waits while it is pressed before it starts repeating. The default is the value of . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to set the time that a waits before it starts repeating. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to set the time that a waits before it starts repeating. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -196,25 +196,25 @@ Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, between repeats once repeating starts. The value must be non-negative. The amount of time, in milliseconds, between repeats after repeating starts. The default is the value of . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to set the time between repeats after the starts repeating. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to set the time between repeats after the starts repeating. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar.xml index a031566c74b..e300a1b2d26 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar.xml @@ -33,41 +33,41 @@ Represents a control that provides a scroll bar that has a sliding whose position corresponds to a value. - control. - - ![Scrollbar illustration](~/add/media/scrollbar-illustration.JPG "Scrollbar illustration") - - The control contains a control. The control consists of a control and two controls. You can increase and decrease the property of the control by pressing the controls or by moving the . The default range of values for the property is from 0 to 1. The represents the linear distance of the between the endpoints of the . You can change the default range of values by setting the and properties. The property determines whether the is displayed horizontally or vertically, and you must define this property for the control to appear. - - The in a is oriented so that values increase from top to bottom for a vertical or from left to right for a horizontal . - - The properties in the following table are the binding targets for the corresponding properties when the property is not explicitly defined. If you explicitly define the property, the binding does not occur. - -| property| property| -|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -||| -||| -||| - - You can access the control of a control by using the property. - - To display content inside a box that has scroll bars, use the control. - -## Customizing the ScrollBar Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ScrollBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/scrollbar-styles-and-templates). - + control. + + ![Scrollbar illustration](~/add/media/scrollbar-illustration.JPG "Scrollbar illustration") + + The control contains a control. The control consists of a control and two controls. You can increase and decrease the property of the control by pressing the controls or by moving the . The default range of values for the property is from 0 to 1. The represents the linear distance of the between the endpoints of the . You can change the default range of values by setting the and properties. The property determines whether the is displayed horizontally or vertically, and you must define this property for the control to appear. + + The in a is oriented so that values increase from top to bottom for a vertical or from left to right for a horizontal . + + The properties in the following table are the binding targets for the corresponding properties when the property is not explicitly defined. If you explicitly define the property, the binding does not occur. + +| property| property| +|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +||| +||| +||| + + You can access the control of a control by using the property. + + To display content inside a box that has scroll bars, use the control. + +## Customizing the ScrollBar Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ScrollBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/scrollbar-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a horizontal that has a range of values between 0 and 100. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetscrollbar"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a horizontal that has a range of values between 0 and 100. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetscrollbar"::: + ]]> @@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ The command that notifies the that the user is dragging the of the horizontal to the value that is provided in . - , the calls for the . If returns `true`, the executes that command. If returns `false`, the executes the . - - The uses this command to enable deferred scrolling. When is `true` and a user drags the of the , the content of the does not change until the user releases the . If deferred scrolling is enabled, the executes the for a horizontal when the user drags the . - + , the calls for the . If returns `true`, the executes that command. If returns `false`, the executes the . + + The uses this command to enable deferred scrolling. When is `true` and a user drags the of the , the content of the does not change until the user releases the . If deferred scrolling is enabled, the executes the for a horizontal when the user drags the . + ]]> @@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ The command that notifies the that the user is dragging the of the vertical to the value that is provided in . - , the calls for the . If returns `true`, the executes that command. If returns `false`, the executes the . - - The uses this command to enable deferred scrolling. When is `true` and a user drags the of the , the content of the does not change until the user releases the . If deferred scrolling is enabled, the executes the for a vertical when the user drags the . - + , the calls for the . If returns `true`, the executes that command. If returns `false`, the executes the . + + The uses this command to enable deferred scrolling. When is `true` and a user drags the of the , the content of the does not change until the user releases the . If deferred scrolling is enabled, the executes the for a vertical when the user drags the . + ]]> @@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ if the is enabled in a and the size of the content is larger than the display area; otherwise, . The default is . - to `true` only if the value of the is greater than the value and the is enabled. - + to `true` only if the value of the is greater than the value and the is enabled. + ]]> @@ -228,26 +228,26 @@ The command that scrolls a by a small amount in the vertical direction of increasing value of its . - of the in the by the value of the property. - - This command occurs when the user presses the DOWN ARROW key. - - When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineDownCommand**`"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlinedowncommand"::: - + of the in the by the value of the property. + + This command occurs when the user presses the DOWN ARROW key. + + When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineDownCommand**`"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlinedowncommand"::: + ]]> @@ -279,26 +279,26 @@ The command that scrolls a by a small amount in the horizontal direction of decreasing value of its . - of the in the by the value of the property. - - This command occurs when the user presses the left . - - When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineLeftCommand**`"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlineleftcommand"::: - + of the in the by the value of the property. + + This command occurs when the user presses the left . + + When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineLeftCommand**`"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlineleftcommand"::: + ]]> @@ -330,26 +330,26 @@ The command that scrolls a by a small amount in the horizontal direction of increasing value of its . - of the in the by the value of the property. - - This command occurs when the user presses the right . - - When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineRightCommand**`"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlinerightcommand"::: - + of the in the by the value of the property. + + This command occurs when the user presses the right . + + When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineRightCommand**`"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlinerightcommand"::: + ]]> @@ -381,26 +381,26 @@ The command that scrolls a by a small amount in the vertical direction of decreasing value of its . - of the in the by the value of the property. - - This command occurs when the user presses the UP ARROW key. - - When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineUpCommand**`"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlineupcommand"::: - + of the in the by the value of the property. + + This command occurs when the user presses the UP ARROW key. + + When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineUpCommand**`"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlineupcommand"::: + ]]> @@ -433,11 +433,11 @@ Creates the visual tree for the . - property to the that is defined in the template. - + property to the that is defined in the template. + ]]> @@ -470,11 +470,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event that occurs when the for a closes. - of a provides options for changing the of the . - + of a provides options for changing the of the . + ]]> @@ -507,11 +507,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event that occurs when the for a opens. - of a provides options for changing the of the . - + of a provides options for changing the of the . + ]]> @@ -572,11 +572,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event. - of the to the location of the event that occurs while the user presses the SHIFT key. The event is handled by setting in the event data `e` to `true`. - + of the to the location of the event that occurs while the user presses the SHIFT key. The event is handled by setting in the event data `e` to `true`. + ]]> @@ -609,16 +609,16 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event. - can scroll to that position in response to a . - - - -## Examples - A occurs when the user selects **Scroll Here** from the menu that appears when the user presses the right mouse button over the . - + can scroll to that position in response to a . + + + +## Examples + A occurs when the user selects **Scroll Here** from the menu that appears when the user presses the right mouse button over the . + ]]> @@ -648,27 +648,27 @@ Gets or sets whether the is displayed horizontally or vertically. An enumeration value that defines whether the is displayed horizontally or vertically. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property for a control. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property for a control. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetorientation"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollBarSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetorientation"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetorientation"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetorientation"::: + ]]> @@ -724,26 +724,26 @@ The command that scrolls a by a large amount in the vertical direction of increasing value of its . - of the in the by the value of the property. - - This command occurs when the user presses the PAGE DOWN key. - - When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageDownCommand**`"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpagedowncommand"::: - + of the in the by the value of the property. + + This command occurs when the user presses the PAGE DOWN key. + + When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageDownCommand**`"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpagedowncommand"::: + ]]> @@ -775,28 +775,28 @@ The command that scrolls a by a large amount in the horizontal direction of decreasing value of its . - of the in the by the value of the property. - - This command occurs when the user presses the page button that is to the left of the . The following illustration shows the page buttons in a . - - ![The different parts of a ScrollBar](~/add/media/scrollbarpagebutton.png "The different parts of a ScrollBar") - - When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageLeftCommand**`"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpageleftcommand"::: - + of the in the by the value of the property. + + This command occurs when the user presses the page button that is to the left of the . The following illustration shows the page buttons in a . + + ![The different parts of a ScrollBar](~/add/media/scrollbarpagebutton.png "The different parts of a ScrollBar") + + When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageLeftCommand**`"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpageleftcommand"::: + ]]> @@ -828,28 +828,28 @@ The command that scrolls a by a large amount in the horizontal direction of increasing value of its . - of the in the by the value of the property. - - This command occurs when the user presses the page button that is to the right of the . The following illustration shows the page buttons in a . - - ![The different parts of a ScrollBar](~/add/media/scrollbarpagebutton.png "The different parts of a ScrollBar") - - When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageRightCommand**`"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpagerightcommand"::: - + of the in the by the value of the property. + + This command occurs when the user presses the page button that is to the right of the . The following illustration shows the page buttons in a . + + ![The different parts of a ScrollBar](~/add/media/scrollbarpagebutton.png "The different parts of a ScrollBar") + + When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageRightCommand**`"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpagerightcommand"::: + ]]> @@ -881,26 +881,26 @@ The command that scrolls a by a large amount in the vertical direction of decreasing value of its . - of the in the by the value of the property. - - This command occurs when the user presses the PAGE UP key. - - When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageUpCommand**`"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpageupcommand"::: - + of the in the by the value of the property. + + This command occurs when the user presses the PAGE UP key. + + When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageUpCommand**`"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpageupcommand"::: + ]]> @@ -938,32 +938,32 @@ Occurs one or more times as content scrolls in a when the user moves the by using the mouse. - of the by dragging the . There is no limit to the number of times this event is raised as the position is dragged. - - This event is not raised when the of the control is changed in code. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler in code. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetscroll"::: - + of the by dragging the . There is no limit to the number of times this event is raised as the position is dragged. + + This event is not raised when the of the control is changed in code. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler in code. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetscroll"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetscrollhandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollBarSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetscrollhandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollBarSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetscrollhandler"::: + ]]> @@ -1019,17 +1019,17 @@ The command that scrolls a to the point of the mouse click that opened the in the . - options. The of the appears when the user pauses the mouse pointer over the and presses the right mouse button. This menu provides options for scrolling the . - - This command is for a that is part of a control, and is executed by the . - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="` **ScrollBar.ScrollHereCommand**`"/>` - + options. The of the appears when the user pauses the mouse pointer over the and presses the right mouse button. This menu provides options for scrolling the . + + This command is for a that is part of a control, and is executed by the . + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="` **ScrollBar.ScrollHereCommand**`"/>` + ]]> @@ -1058,17 +1058,17 @@ The command that scrolls a to the value. - , this movement occurs when the user presses the CTRL+END keys. - - When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToBottomCommand**`"/>` - + , this movement occurs when the user presses the CTRL+END keys. + + When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToBottomCommand**`"/>` + ]]> @@ -1097,15 +1097,15 @@ The command that scrolls the content to the lower-right corner of a control. - control. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToEndCommand**`"/>` - + control. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToEndCommand**`"/>` + ]]> @@ -1134,15 +1134,15 @@ The command that scrolls the content to the upper-left corner of a control. - control. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToHomeCommand**`"/>` - + control. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToHomeCommand**`"/>` + ]]> @@ -1171,15 +1171,15 @@ The command that scrolls a horizontal in a to the value that is provided in . - control. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToHorizontalOffsetCommand**`"/>` - + control. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToHorizontalOffsetCommand**`"/>` + ]]> @@ -1208,17 +1208,17 @@ The command that scrolls a to the value for a horizontal . - . - - When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="` **ScrollBar.ScrollToLeftEndCommand**`"/>` - + . + + When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="` **ScrollBar.ScrollToLeftEndCommand**`"/>` + ]]> @@ -1247,17 +1247,17 @@ The command that scrolls a to the value for a horizontal . - . - - When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="` **ScrollBar.ScrollToRightEndCommand**`"/>` - + . + + When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="` **ScrollBar.ScrollToRightEndCommand**`"/>` + ]]> @@ -1286,17 +1286,17 @@ The command that scrolls a to the value for a vertical . - , this movement occurs when the user presses the CTRL+HOME keys. - - When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToTopCommand**`"/>` - + , this movement occurs when the user presses the CTRL+HOME keys. + + When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToTopCommand**`"/>` + ]]> @@ -1325,15 +1325,15 @@ The command that scrolls a vertical in a to the value that is provided in . - control. - - -## XAML Text Usage - `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToVerticalOffsetCommand**`"/>` - + control. + + +## XAML Text Usage + `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToVerticalOffsetCommand**`"/>` + ]]> @@ -1369,19 +1369,19 @@ Gets the for a control. The that is used with a control. - control includes a control that is surrounded on either side by two controls. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to access the control that is used with a control. - + control includes a control that is surrounded on either side by two controls. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to access the control that is used with a control. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettrack"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollBarSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettrack"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollBarSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettrack"::: + ]]> @@ -1417,36 +1417,36 @@ Gets or sets the amount of the scrollable content that is currently visible. The amount of the scrollable content that is currently visible. The default is 0. - are the same units that are used to describe the length of the content. Some examples include lines of text or pages of text. - - The value of the property is used to calculate the size of the control that is displayed as the sliding value indicator in a control. The control's size represents the amount of a control's content that is visible. If 25 percent of a control's content is visible, the occupies 25 percent of the track in the . - - You can decide which units uses. When you set this property, make sure that the , , , and properties use the same units. - - The following illustration shows how the size reflects the amount of content that is visible. - - ![The track length and thumbsize of a ScrollBar](~/add/media/scrollbarthumbsize.png "The track length and thumbsize of a ScrollBar") - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the on a control. - + are the same units that are used to describe the length of the content. Some examples include lines of text or pages of text. + + The value of the property is used to calculate the size of the control that is displayed as the sliding value indicator in a control. The control's size represents the amount of a control's content that is visible. If 25 percent of a control's content is visible, the occupies 25 percent of the track in the . + + You can decide which units uses. When you set this property, make sure that the , , , and properties use the same units. + + The following illustration shows how the size reflects the amount of content that is visible. + + ![The track length and thumbsize of a ScrollBar](~/add/media/scrollbarthumbsize.png "The track length and thumbsize of a ScrollBar") + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the on a control. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetviewport"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollBarSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetviewport"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetviewport"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetviewport"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector.xml index 45d0df01da9..398de9194bc 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector.xml @@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ Represents a control that allows a user to select items from among its child elements. - is an , which means it can contain a collection of objects of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. - + is an , which means it can contain a collection of objects of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. + ]]> @@ -163,11 +163,11 @@ The data item. Returns an item container to the state it was in before . - clears the attached property when the item container is removed from the visual tree. This is done so item containers behave correctly when the uses container recycling. For more information, see and "Container Recycling" in [Optimizing Performance: Controls](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/optimizing-performance-controls). - + clears the attached property when the item container is removed from the visual tree. This is done so item containers behave correctly when the uses container recycling. For more information, see and "Container Recycling" in [Optimizing Performance: Controls](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/optimizing-performance-controls). + ]]> @@ -260,40 +260,40 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an item is selected. - attached property to select an item in the when you do not explicitly create the item container. An item container is a class that represents an item in the . , , and are item containers for the controls that inherit from , and each defines an **IsSelected** property. - - If you do not explicitly create an item container, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) implicitly creates one and sets the **IsSelected** property on the item container to the value of . This is the only time is read. is not updated if the selection on the item changes. - - If you explicitly create an item container, you should use the **IsSelected** property on that class. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|, registered as Attached| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The follow example creates a that contains two controls. The example does not explicitly create a for either , so it sets directly on each . To illustrate that is not updated, the example binds the property of the first checkbox to . When the user unselects the item in the , the remains checked. Likewise, checking or unchecking the does not affect whether the is selected in the . The example binds of the second to . In this case, unselecting the item in the causes the checkbox to be unchecked, and unchecking the checkbox also unselects the item. - + attached property to select an item in the when you do not explicitly create the item container. An item container is a class that represents an item in the . , , and are item containers for the controls that inherit from , and each defines an **IsSelected** property. + + If you do not explicitly create an item container, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) implicitly creates one and sets the **IsSelected** property on the item container to the value of . This is the only time is read. is not updated if the selection on the item changes. + + If you explicitly create an item container, you should use the **IsSelected** property on that class. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|, registered as Attached| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The follow example creates a that contains two controls. The example does not explicitly create a for either , so it sets directly on each . To illustrate that is not updated, the example binds the property of the first checkbox to . When the user unselects the item in the , the remains checked. Likewise, checking or unchecking the does not affect whether the is selected in the . The example binds of the second to . In this case, unselecting the item in the causes the checkbox to be unchecked, and unchecking the checkbox also unselects the item. + ```xaml - CheckBox.IsChecked is bound to Selector.IsChecked, which is set only once. - CheckBox.IsChecked is bound to ListBoxItem.IsChecked, which is updated throughout the duration of the application. @@ -355,16 +355,16 @@ ## Remarks - This is a rare case of a read-only attached property. You cannot set it in XAML; it exists so that you can check its value on selected items in code. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + This is a rare case of a read-only attached property. You cannot set it in XAML; it exists so that you can check its value on selected items in code. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -443,35 +443,35 @@ if the is always synchronized with the current item in the ; if the is never synchronized with the current item; if the is synchronized with the current item only if the uses a . The default value is . - property to `true` to ensure that the item selected always corresponds to the property in the . For example, suppose that there are two controls with their property set to the same source. Set to `true` on both list boxes to ensure that the selected item in each is the same. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem`=""/> - + property to `true` to ensure that the item selected always corresponds to the property in the . For example, suppose that there are two controls with their property set to the same source. Set to `true` on both list boxes to ensure that the selected item in each is the same. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem`="{}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example binds two controls to the same . Because is set to `true` on each , the selected item is always the same for both controls - + + <*object* `IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem`="{}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example binds two controls to the same . Because is set to `true` on each , the selected item is always the same for both controls + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -774,29 +774,29 @@ Occurs when an item is selected. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following examples show how to use the event with a control. The first example raises the event and the second shows how to handle the event. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectorevents"::: - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following examples show how to use the event with a control. The first example raises the event and the second shows how to handle the event. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectorevents"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectorselected"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxItems_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectorselected"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxItems_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectorselected"::: + ]]> @@ -870,35 +870,35 @@ Gets or sets the index of the first item in the current selection or returns negative one (-1) if the selection is empty. The index of first item in the current selection. The default value is negative one (-1). - supports selecting a single item, the property returns the index of the selected item. If a supports multiple selections, returns the index of the item that the user selected first. - - Setting in a that supports multiple selections clears existing selected items and sets the selection to the item specified by the index. returns -1 if selection is empty. - - If you set to a value less that -1, an is thrown. If you set to a value equal or greater than the number of child elements, the value is ignored. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a and sets the property to 1, which selects the second item in the . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - - The following example uses the property to determine whether the item at index 0 is the first item in the selection. - + supports selecting a single item, the property returns the index of the selected item. If a supports multiple selections, returns the index of the item that the user selected first. + + Setting in a that supports multiple selections clears existing selected items and sets the selection to the item specified by the index. returns -1 if selection is empty. + + If you set to a value less that -1, an is thrown. If you set to a value equal or greater than the number of child elements, the value is ignored. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a and sets the property to 1, which selects the second item in the . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + + The following example uses the property to determine whether the item at index 0 is the first item in the selection. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectorselectedindex"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxItems_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectorselectedindex"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxItems_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectorselectedindex"::: + ]]> @@ -968,29 +968,29 @@ Gets or sets the first item in the current selection or returns null if the selection is empty. The first item in the current selection or if the selection is empty. - supports selecting a single item, the property returns the selected item. If a supports multiple selections, returns the item that the user selected first. - - Setting in a that supports multiple selections clears existing selected items and sets the selection to the item specified. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example gets the from a . - + supports selecting a single item, the property returns the selected item. If a supports multiple selections, returns the item that the user selected first. + + Setting in a that supports multiple selections clears existing selected items and sets the selection to the item specified. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example gets the from a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxEvent/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxEvent/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -1064,27 +1064,27 @@ Gets or sets the value of the , obtained by using . The value of the selected item. - property specifies the path to the property that is used to determine the value of the property. Setting to a value X attempts to select an item whose value evaluates to X; if no such item can be found, the selection is cleared. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example binds a to a collection of `Employee` objects. The example sets to `@EmployeeNumber` and to `12345`. This selects the `Employee` that has `12345` as the value of `EmployeeNumber`. This example also binds a to the of the . When the user changes the selection in the , the is updated to show the employee number of the currently selected employee. - + property specifies the path to the property that is used to determine the value of the property. Setting to a value X attempts to select an item whose value evaluates to X; if no such item can be found, the selection is cleared. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example binds a to a collection of `Employee` objects. The example sets to `@EmployeeNumber` and to `12345`. This selects the `Employee` that has `12345` as the value of `EmployeeNumber`. This example also binds a to the of the . When the user changes the selection in the , the is updated to show the employee number of the currently selected employee. + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -1129,27 +1129,27 @@ Gets or sets the path that is used to get the from the . The path used to get the . The default is an empty string. - property specifies the path to the property that is used to determine the value of the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example binds a to a collection of `Employee` objects. The example sets to `@EmployeeNumber` and to `12345`. This selects the `Employee` that has `12345` as the value of `EmployeeNumber`. This example also binds a to the of the . When the user changes the selection in the , the is updated to show the employee number of the currently selected employee. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - + property specifies the path to the property that is used to determine the value of the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example binds a to a collection of `Employee` objects. The example sets to `@EmployeeNumber` and to `12345`. This selects the `Employee` that has `12345` as the value of `EmployeeNumber`. This example also binds a to the of the . When the user changes the selection in the , the is updated to show the employee number of the currently selected employee. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -1237,32 +1237,32 @@ Occurs when the selection of a changes. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to attach the event to a list box control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - - The following example shows how to handle the event. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to attach the event to a list box control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + + The following example shows how to handle the event. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxEvent/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxEvent/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -1345,29 +1345,29 @@ Occurs when an item is unselected. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following examples show how to use the event with a control and how to create an event handler. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectorevents"::: - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following examples show how to use the event with a control and how to create an event handler. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectorevents"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectorunselected"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxItems_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectorunselected"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxItems_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectorunselected"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/StatusBar.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/StatusBar.xml index e0894d6246e..df87ea80987 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/StatusBar.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/StatusBar.xml @@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -407,8 +407,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TextBoxBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TextBoxBase.xml index 91d00f78203..153ad2fdef8 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TextBoxBase.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TextBoxBase.xml @@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -279,8 +279,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -874,8 +874,8 @@ TextBox with CaretBrush set to blue ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -950,8 +950,8 @@ TextBox with CaretBrush set to blue ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1018,8 +1018,8 @@ TextBox with CaretBrush set to blue ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1146,8 +1146,8 @@ TextBox with CaretBrush set to blue ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1214,8 +1214,8 @@ TextBox with CaretBrush set to blue ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2747,8 +2747,8 @@ Selected text in a TextBox with SelectionBrush set to red ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -2993,8 +2993,8 @@ If this property is `null`, selected text is not rendered. ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -3235,8 +3235,8 @@ If this property is `null`, selected text is not rendered. ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb.xml index ba2617ce18d..8a67a69e0d2 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb.xml @@ -33,30 +33,30 @@ Represents a control that can be dragged by the user. - control can be included in another control, such as a or control, to let the user change the control's value. The can also be used to resize controls. For example, a control in the corner of a window can provide a location for the user to click with the mouse to start a resize operation. - - provides , and events to manage drag operations associated with the mouse pointer. When the user presses the left mouse button, the control receives logical focus and mouse capture, and the event is raised. While the control has focus and mouse capture, the event can be raised multiple times without limit. When the user releases the left mouse button, the control loses mouse capture and the event is raised. - - The event information provides a change in position, but does not reposition the . You must manually change or reposition the or any other elements that you want to resize or change as a result of the drag operation. The control does not provide drag-and-drop functionality. - - A control can receive mouse capture, but cannot receive keyboard focus. Therefore, the property that corresponds to keyboard focus is set to `false`. This value overrides the parent class that sets this property to `true`. - - To provide drag capability, class handling is provided for the , and events. For more information, see the , and methods. - - When a is part of a control that scrolls content in a viewable area, or viewport, the size of the reflects the size of the viewport. For more information, see the class. The following illustration shows a control that is part of a control. - - ![Scrollbar illustration](~/add/media/scrollbar-illustration.JPG "Scrollbar illustration") - -## Customizing the Thumb Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Thumb Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/thumb-styles-and-templates). - + control can be included in another control, such as a or control, to let the user change the control's value. The can also be used to resize controls. For example, a control in the corner of a window can provide a location for the user to click with the mouse to start a resize operation. + + provides , and events to manage drag operations associated with the mouse pointer. When the user presses the left mouse button, the control receives logical focus and mouse capture, and the event is raised. While the control has focus and mouse capture, the event can be raised multiple times without limit. When the user releases the left mouse button, the control loses mouse capture and the event is raised. + + The event information provides a change in position, but does not reposition the . You must manually change or reposition the or any other elements that you want to resize or change as a result of the drag operation. The control does not provide drag-and-drop functionality. + + A control can receive mouse capture, but cannot receive keyboard focus. Therefore, the property that corresponds to keyboard focus is set to `false`. This value overrides the parent class that sets this property to `true`. + + To provide drag capability, class handling is provided for the , and events. For more information, see the , and methods. + + When a is part of a control that scrolls content in a viewable area, or viewport, the size of the reflects the size of the viewport. For more information, see the class. The following illustration shows a control that is part of a control. + + ![Scrollbar illustration](~/add/media/scrollbar-illustration.JPG "Scrollbar illustration") + +## Customizing the Thumb Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Thumb Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/thumb-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + ]]> @@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ Cancels a drag operation for the . - has mouse capture and logical focus, this method removes mouse capture and raises a event. - + has mouse capture and logical focus, this method removes mouse capture and raises a event. + ]]> @@ -158,34 +158,34 @@ Occurs when the control loses mouse capture. - event occurs when the left mouse button is released or when the method is called. - - The control receives mouse capture when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer over the control. - - The position of the mouse when the event occurs is provided by the of the last event. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler. For the complete sample, see [Thumb Drag Functionality Sample]( - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetthumb"::: - + event occurs when the left mouse button is released or when the method is called. + + The control receives mouse capture when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer over the control. + + The position of the mouse when the event occurs is provided by the of the last event. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler. For the complete sample, see [Thumb Drag Functionality Sample]( + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetthumb"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetdragcompletedhandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Thumb/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragcompletedhandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Thumb/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragcompletedhandler"::: + ]]> @@ -251,31 +251,31 @@ Occurs one or more times as the mouse changes position when a control has logical focus and mouse capture. - control receives focus and mouse capture when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer over the control. The control loses mouse capture when the user releases the left mouse button, or when the method is called. - - A new event occurs each time the mouse position moves on the screen. Therefore, this event can be raised multiple times without a limit when a control has mouse capture. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler. For the complete sample, see [Thumb Drag Functionality Sample]( - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetthumb"::: - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - + control receives focus and mouse capture when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer over the control. The control loses mouse capture when the user releases the left mouse button, or when the method is called. + + A new event occurs each time the mouse position moves on the screen. Therefore, this event can be raised multiple times without a limit when a control has mouse capture. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler. For the complete sample, see [Thumb Drag Functionality Sample]( + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetthumb"::: + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -341,30 +341,30 @@ Occurs when a control receives logical focus and mouse capture. - control receives focus and mouse capture when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer over the . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler. For the complete sample, see [Thumb Drag Functionality Sample]( - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetthumb"::: - + control receives focus and mouse capture when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer over the . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler. For the complete sample, see [Thumb Drag Functionality Sample]( + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetthumb"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetdragstartedhandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Thumb/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragstartedhandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Thumb/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragstartedhandler"::: + ]]> @@ -440,21 +440,21 @@ if the control has focus and mouse capture; otherwise . The default value is . - property changes its value, the method is called. - - Starting with the .NET Framework version 3.0 Service Pack 1, has a protected setter. To use this functionality, your application should target the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property changes its value, the method is called. + + Starting with the .NET Framework version 3.0 Service Pack 1, has a protected setter. To use this functionality, your application should target the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -572,11 +572,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event. - event by setting to `true`. Also, this method gives the logical focus and mouse capture, and sets the property to `true`. This implementation also raises the event. - + event by setting to `true`. Also, this method gives the logical focus and mouse capture, and sets the property to `true`. This implementation also raises the event. + ]]> @@ -609,11 +609,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event. - event by setting to `true`. Also, this method removes mouse capture from the , and sets the property to `false`. This implementation also raises the event. - + event by setting to `true`. Also, this method removes mouse capture from the , and sets the property to `false`. This implementation also raises the event. + ]]> @@ -646,11 +646,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event. - has logical focus and mouse capture, this implementation raises the event when the mouse moves. In this scenario, the event is handled by setting to `true`. - + has logical focus and mouse capture, this implementation raises the event when the mouse moves. In this scenario, the event is handled by setting to `true`. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TickBar.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TickBar.xml index cb65c941824..499feb1b9ac 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TickBar.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TickBar.xml @@ -29,34 +29,34 @@ Represents a control that draws a set of tick marks for a control. - control draws tick marks that have a width of one pixel. You can define the location of the tick marks by specifying a repeating interval or a series of explicit points. - - The control is specifically designed to work with a control. A displays tick marks. The following illustration shows a that has a . - - **Slider with a TickBar** - - ![Slider illustration](~/add/media/genericslider.png "Slider illustration") - - controls are typically defined in the of a . For an example of a that is included in a , see [Slider Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/slider-styles-and-templates). - - The and controls both contain properties that perform the same function. The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties to which they are bound. The properties take precedence when and properties that are related are both specified. - - **Related TickBar and Slider Properties** - -| property| property| -|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -||| -||| -||| -||| -||| -||| -||| -||| - + control draws tick marks that have a width of one pixel. You can define the location of the tick marks by specifying a repeating interval or a series of explicit points. + + The control is specifically designed to work with a control. A displays tick marks. The following illustration shows a that has a . + + **Slider with a TickBar** + + ![Slider illustration](~/add/media/genericslider.png "Slider illustration") + + controls are typically defined in the of a . For an example of a that is included in a , see [Slider Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/slider-styles-and-templates). + + The and controls both contain properties that perform the same function. The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties to which they are bound. The properties take precedence when and properties that are related are both specified. + + **Related TickBar and Slider Properties** + +| property| property| +|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +||| +||| +||| +||| +||| +||| +||| +||| + ]]> @@ -121,18 +121,18 @@ Gets or sets the that is used to draw the tick marks. A to use to draw tick marks. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -161,11 +161,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. This property is read-only. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -206,18 +206,18 @@ if the direction of increasing value is to the left for a horizontal or down for a vertical ; otherwise, . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -246,11 +246,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. This property is read-only. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -291,23 +291,23 @@ if a selection range is displayed; otherwise, . The default value is . - and properties define a selection range. These properties must be set for the selection range to appear when is set to `true`. - - The following illustration shows a control that contains a that has a selection range defined. - - ![Slider selection range](~/add/media/sliderselectionrange.GIF "Slider selection range") - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + and properties define a selection range. These properties must be set for the selection range to appear when is set to `true`. + + The following illustration shows a control that contains a that has a selection range defined. + + ![Slider selection range](~/add/media/sliderselectionrange.GIF "Slider selection range") + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -375,19 +375,19 @@ Gets or sets the maximum value that is possible for a tick mark. The largest possible value for a tick mark. The default value is 100.0. - and values, and secondary ticks are displayed for other values. For a horizontal , the height of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . For a vertical , the width of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . The size of the secondary ticks is 75 percent of the size of the primary ticks. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + and values, and secondary ticks are displayed for other values. For a horizontal , the height of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . For a vertical , the width of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . The size of the secondary ticks is 75 percent of the size of the primary ticks. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -454,19 +454,19 @@ Gets or sets the minimum value that is possible for a tick mark. The smallest possible value for a tick mark. The default value is zero (0.0). - and values, and secondary ticks are displayed for other values. For a horizontal , the height of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . For a vertical , the width of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . The size of the secondary ticks is 75 percent of the size of the primary ticks. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + and values, and secondary ticks are displayed for other values. For a horizontal , the height of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . For a vertical , the width of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . The size of the secondary ticks is 75 percent of the size of the primary ticks. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -526,15 +526,15 @@ The that is used to draw the ticks. Draws the tick marks for a control. - property and the property determine where tick marks are drawn in a . - - Primary ticks are displayed for the and values, and secondary ticks are displayed for other values. For a horizontal , the height of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . For a vertical , the width of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . The size of the secondary ticks is 75 percent of the size of the primary ticks. - - This method also draws ticks at the beginning and the end of a selection range if the property is `true` and if the and properties are valid. - + property and the property determine where tick marks are drawn in a . + + Primary ticks are displayed for the and values, and secondary ticks are displayed for other values. For a horizontal , the height of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . For a vertical , the width of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . The size of the secondary ticks is 75 percent of the size of the primary ticks. + + This method also draws ticks at the beginning and the end of a selection range if the property is `true` and if the and properties are valid. + ]]> @@ -574,19 +574,19 @@ Gets or sets where tick marks appear relative to a of a control. A enumeration value that identifies the position of the in the layout of a . The default value is . - value is used to make sure that the visible parts of the , such as the end point indicators of a selection range, are displayed correctly. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + value is used to make sure that the visible parts of the , such as the end point indicators of a selection range, are displayed correctly. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -652,19 +652,19 @@ Gets or sets a space buffer for the area that contains the tick marks that are specified for a . A value that represents the total buffer area on either side of the row or column of tick marks. The default value is zero (0.0). - property is designed to account for the space that the control uses when it is at either end of the . The value of the property is divided in half. One half of the space is used as a buffer on one side of the tick mark collection, and the other half of the space is used as a buffer on the other side of the collection. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + property is designed to account for the space that the control uses when it is at either end of the . The value of the property is divided in half. One half of the space is used as a buffer on one side of the tick mark collection, and the other half of the space is used as a buffer on the other side of the collection. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -730,19 +730,19 @@ Gets or sets the end point of a selection. The last value in a range of values for a selection. The default value is -1.0. - property must be set to `true` for the and properties to be used. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + property must be set to `true` for the and properties to be used. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -810,19 +810,19 @@ Gets or sets the start point of a selection. The first value in a range of values for a selection. The default value is -1.0. - property must be set to `true` for the and properties to be used. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + property must be set to `true` for the and properties to be used. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -890,19 +890,19 @@ Gets or sets the interval between tick marks. The distance between tick marks. The default value is one (1.0). - property is set to a value that is not `null`, the property is not used. Tick marks are drawn at the interval that is specified by the property, starting at the value of the property and continuing until the value of the property is reached. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + property is set to a value that is not `null`, the property is not used. Tick marks are drawn at the interval that is specified by the property, starting at the value of the property and continuing until the value of the property is reached. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -969,21 +969,21 @@ Gets or sets the positions of the tick marks. A that specifies the locations of the tick marks. The default value is . - property and that are outside the range that is defined by the and property values do not appear. - - When the property is set, the property is not used. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + property and that are outside the range that is defined by the and property values do not appear. + + When the property is set, the property is not used. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToggleButton.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToggleButton.xml index 544cc8d741a..a820df6d58c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToggleButton.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToggleButton.xml @@ -29,20 +29,20 @@ Base class for controls that can switch states, such as . - is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. - - The property specifies the state of the . The property specifies whether the has two or three states. - -## Customizing the ToggleButton Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ToggleButton Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/togglebutton-styles-and-templates). - + is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. + + The property specifies the state of the . The property specifies whether the has two or three states. + +## Customizing the ToggleButton Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ToggleButton Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/togglebutton-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + ]]> @@ -106,29 +106,29 @@ Occurs when a is checked. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example changes subscribes to the and events to change the of the , `textBlock1`. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example changes subscribes to the and events to change the of the , `textBlock1`. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CheckBox_Snippets/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CheckBox_Snippets/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -189,19 +189,19 @@ Occurs when the state of a is neither on nor off. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -272,48 +272,48 @@ if the is checked; false if the is unchecked; otherwise . The default is . - determines its behavior when this property is `null`. - -## CheckBox - When the property is set to true, a user can click a to pick three possible states. The following table describes the three states of a . - -|State of the |Value of | -|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -|Checked|`true`| -|Unchecked|`false`| -|Indeterminate|`null`| - - If is false, you can still programmatically set this property to `null` to put the in an indeterminate state, but the user cannot set the to the indeterminate state through the user interface (UI). - -## RadioButton - If you set this property to `null` on a , the is unchecked. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `IsChecked`=""/> - + determines its behavior when this property is `null`. + +## CheckBox + When the property is set to true, a user can click a to pick three possible states. The following table describes the three states of a . + +|State of the |Value of | +|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|Checked|`true`| +|Unchecked|`false`| +|Indeterminate|`null`| + + If is false, you can still programmatically set this property to `null` to put the in an indeterminate state, but the user cannot set the to the indeterminate state through the user interface (UI). + +## RadioButton + If you set this property to `null` on a , the is unchecked. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `IsChecked`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `IsChecked`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a set to an indeterminate state. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + + <*object* `IsChecked`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a set to an indeterminate state. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -380,19 +380,19 @@ if the control supports three states; otherwise, . The default is . - property can be set to `null` as a third state when is `true`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property can be set to `null` as a third state when is `true`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -563,11 +563,11 @@ Called by the method to implement toggle behavior. - property. - + property. + ]]> @@ -628,11 +628,11 @@ Returns the string representation of a object. String representation of a object. - method returns a string that contains the and the value of the property. - + method returns a string that contains the and the value of the property. + ]]> @@ -667,29 +667,29 @@ Occurs when a is unchecked. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example changes subscribes to the and events to change the of the , `textBlock1`. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example changes subscribes to the and events to change the of the , `textBlock1`. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CheckBox_Snippets/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CheckBox_Snippets/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToolBarOverflowPanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToolBarOverflowPanel.xml index 8b1884fa438..782cb649176 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToolBarOverflowPanel.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToolBarOverflowPanel.xml @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ Used to arrange overflow items. - might not have enough space to show all of its items. When this happens, the items in a can be placed in the , which is specified in the of a . For an example of how to use a in the of a , see [ToolBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/toolbar-styles-and-templates). - + might not have enough space to show all of its items. When this happens, the items in a can be placed in the , which is specified in the of a . For an example of how to use a in the of a , see [ToolBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/toolbar-styles-and-templates). + ]]> @@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ Creates a new . A new collection. - @@ -187,26 +187,26 @@ Gets or sets the recommended width for an overflow before items flow to the next line. A double value that represents the recommended width of the . - to 100, the width of the overflow is 100, and all the items that can fit into an area of that size are in the main . If there is only one item, and it requires a size of 120, the toolbar width expands automatically from 100 to 120. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property with a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToolBarOverflowPanel/WrapWidth/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbaroverflowpanelwrapwidth"::: - + to 100, the width of the overflow is 100, and all the items that can fit into an area of that size are in the main . If there is only one item, and it requires a size of 120, the toolbar width expands automatically from 100 to 120. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property with a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToolBarOverflowPanel/WrapWidth/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbaroverflowpanelwrapwidth"::: + ]]> @@ -238,11 +238,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Track.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Track.xml index 8b590f5568a..992a9134878 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Track.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Track.xml @@ -29,60 +29,60 @@ Represents a control primitive that handles the positioning and sizing of a control and two controls that are used to set a . - control does not have a default . Its is implemented as part of the of the and controls. The has a control and two controls that are used to change the property of the control. - - The following illustration shows a on a slider. - - **A Track on a Slider** - - ![RepeatButton, Thumb](~/add/media/trackonslider.png "RepeatButton, Thumb") - - The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties that they automatically bind to. When either property changes, the bound property also changes. - -| property| property| -|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -||| -||| -||| - - The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties to which they bind when a is part of a control and the properties are not explicitly set. - -| property| property| -|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -||| -||| - - The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties to which they bind when a is part of a control and the properties are not explicitly set. - -| property| property| -|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -||| -||| - - Additionally, the properties for the controls for a control bind with the properties for the controls of the control. - - When a is used to scroll content, the size of the control is proportional to the percentage of the content that appears in the viewable area or viewport. The following illustration shows an example of a control that implements a control. - - **A ScrollBar that has a Track control** - - ![ScrollBar illustration](~/add/media/scrollbargeneric.png "ScrollBar illustration") - - The following calculation is used to compute the size of the . - - thumbSize = (viewportSize/(maximum-minimum+viewportSize))×trackLength - - The viewportSize parameter is the value of the property. The maximum and minimum parameters correspond to the and property values. The value of the expression maximum-minimum+viewportSize is the size of the scrollable content. Note that the value of the property represents the of the when the content is scrolled to the bottom. This value is not the same as the length or extent of the content. For a more detailed explanation, see . - + control does not have a default . Its is implemented as part of the of the and controls. The has a control and two controls that are used to change the property of the control. + + The following illustration shows a on a slider. + + **A Track on a Slider** + + ![RepeatButton, Thumb](~/add/media/trackonslider.png "RepeatButton, Thumb") + + The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties that they automatically bind to. When either property changes, the bound property also changes. + +| property| property| +|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +||| +||| +||| + + The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties to which they bind when a is part of a control and the properties are not explicitly set. + +| property| property| +|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +||| +||| + + The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties to which they bind when a is part of a control and the properties are not explicitly set. + +| property| property| +|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +||| +||| + + Additionally, the properties for the controls for a control bind with the properties for the controls of the control. + + When a is used to scroll content, the size of the control is proportional to the percentage of the content that appears in the viewable area or viewport. The following illustration shows an example of a control that implements a control. + + **A ScrollBar that has a Track control** + + ![ScrollBar illustration](~/add/media/scrollbargeneric.png "ScrollBar illustration") + + The following calculation is used to compute the size of the . + + thumbSize = (viewportSize/(maximum-minimum+viewportSize))×trackLength + + The viewportSize parameter is the value of the property. The maximum and minimum parameters correspond to the and property values. The value of the expression maximum-minimum+viewportSize is the size of the scrollable content. Note that the value of the property represents the of the when the content is scrolled to the bottom. This value is not the same as the length or extent of the content. For a more detailed explanation, see . + The of a in a increases from top to bottom or from left to right depending on the orientation of the . Similarly, the of a in a increases from bottom to top or from left to right depending on the orientation of the . To change the direction of increasing value, set the property of the to `true`. - -## Examples - The following example shows how to define a control in a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettrackdefinition"::: - + +## Examples + The following example shows how to define a control in a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettrackdefinition"::: + ]]> @@ -176,18 +176,18 @@ Gets the that decreases the property of the . The that reduces the of the control when the is pressed. The default is a control that has default settings. - control is in a control, the properties of the controls of the bind to the property of the control. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how the and styles are defined inside the control template when the property is . For the complete sample, see the [ScrollBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/scrollbar-styles-and-templates). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle"::: - + control is in a control, the properties of the controls of the bind to the property of the control. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how the and styles are defined inside the control template when the property is . For the complete sample, see the [ScrollBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/scrollbar-styles-and-templates). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle"::: + ]]> @@ -223,11 +223,11 @@ Gets the child of the at the specified index. Returns the object of the at the specified index in the list of visual child elements. The index must be a number between zero (0) and the value of the property minus one (1). - by setting the , , and properties. The child elements are indexed in the order that the properties are set. - + by setting the , , and properties. The child elements are indexed in the order that the properties are set. + ]]> The specified index is greater than the value of the property minus one (1). @@ -264,18 +264,18 @@ Gets the that increases the property of the class. The that increases the of the control when the is pressed. The default is a control that has default settings. - control is in a control, the properties of the controls of the bind to the property of the control. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how the and styles are defined inside the control template when the property is . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle"::: - + control is in a control, the properties of the controls of the bind to the property of the control. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how the and styles are defined inside the control template when the property is . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle"::: + ]]> @@ -308,30 +308,30 @@ if the and the exchanged positions and the direction of increasing value is reversed; otherwise . The default is . - is set to `true`, the and the in the exchange places. - - values increase from left to right for both horizontal and controls. However, the values for a vertical increase from top to bottom, whereas for a vertical these values increase from bottom to top. When you set the property to `true`, the direction of increasing value reverses. - - If you implement a as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how the property is defined inside the control template when the property is . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle"::: - + is set to `true`, the and the in the exchange places. + + values increase from left to right for both horizontal and controls. However, the values for a vertical increase from top to bottom, whereas for a vertical these values increase from bottom to top. When you set the property to `true`, the direction of increasing value reverses. + + If you implement a as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how the property is defined inside the control template when the property is . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle"::: + ]]> @@ -362,11 +362,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -396,32 +396,32 @@ Gets or sets the maximum possible of the . The largest allowable for the . The default is 1. - control is in a control and the property is not explicitly set, this property automatically binds with the property. - - The value for a control is equivalent to the size of the scrollable content minus the size of the visible content area or viewport. For example, if the size of the content is 100 and the size of the property is 30, the value of the property is 70. This is true because the property of the control corresponds to the position in the scrollable content that appears at the top of the viewport. When the content is scrolled to the very bottom in this example, 30 percent of the content still appears in the viewport. Therefore, the that corresponds to the top of the viewport is 70, and the value is 70. - - The following illustration shows how the corresponds to a position in the of a control. - - ![Value corresponds to the position of the content](~/add/media/scrollbarvalueeqmaximum.png "Value corresponds to the position of the content") - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property for a that becomes the binding source for the property. - - - + control is in a control and the property is not explicitly set, this property automatically binds with the property. + + The value for a control is equivalent to the size of the scrollable content minus the size of the visible content area or viewport. For example, if the size of the content is 100 and the size of the property is 30, the value of the property is 70. This is true because the property of the control corresponds to the position in the scrollable content that appears at the top of the viewport. When the content is scrolled to the very bottom in this example, 30 percent of the content still appears in the viewport. Therefore, the that corresponds to the top of the viewport is 70, and the value is 70. + + The following illustration shows how the corresponds to a position in the of a control. + + ![Value corresponds to the position of the content](~/add/media/scrollbarvalueeqmaximum.png "Value corresponds to the position of the content") + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property for a that becomes the binding source for the property. + + + ]]> @@ -452,11 +452,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -517,24 +517,24 @@ Gets or sets the minimum possible of the . The smallest allowable for the . The default is 0. - control is in a control and the property is not explicitly set, this property automatically binds with the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property for a that becomes the binding source for the property. - + control is in a control and the property is not explicitly set, this property automatically binds with the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property for a that becomes the binding source for the property. + ]]> @@ -565,11 +565,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -599,21 +599,21 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the is displayed horizontally or vertically. An enumeration value that indicates whether the is displayed horizontally or vertically. The default is . - as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the . - - If you implement a as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the . + + If you implement a as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -643,11 +643,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -683,40 +683,40 @@ Gets the control that is used to change the of a . The control that is used with the . The default is a control that has default settings. - control corresponds to the of the control. The size of the control in a control reflects the amount of content that is currently visible. The size of the control of the is computed in the following ways: - -- If the property is not specified, the size of the is a fixed default value. This is how the of a Track functions inside a control. - -- If the property is specified and the size of the content is greater than the , the following formula is used: - - ThumbSize = TrackLength * ViewportSize / (Maximum - Minimum + ViewportSize) - - Where the parameters are defined as follows: - - ||| - |-|-| - |ThumbSize|The size of the control in the same units as the TrackLength.| - |TrackLength|The length of the .| - |ViewportSize|The size of the scrollable area that is visible in the content units, such as the number of pages of a document.| - |Maximum|The maximum value of the content in content units, such as page 10 of a 10-page document.| - |Minimum|The minimum value of the content in content units, such as page 1 of a document.| - - The following illustration shows a visual representation of some of these parameters in a control. - - ![Viewport size, thumb size, and track length](~/add/media/scrollbarthumbsizemath.png "Viewport size, thumb size, and track length") - -- If the size of the content is less than a , the does not appear and the property of is set to `false`. - + control corresponds to the of the control. The size of the control in a control reflects the amount of content that is currently visible. The size of the control of the is computed in the following ways: + +- If the property is not specified, the size of the is a fixed default value. This is how the of a Track functions inside a control. + +- If the property is specified and the size of the content is greater than the , the following formula is used: + + `ThumbSize = TrackLength * ViewportSize / (Maximum - Minimum + ViewportSize)` + + Where the parameters are defined as follows: + + | Parameter | Description | + |-|-| + |`ThumbSize`|The size of the control in the same units as the TrackLength.| + |`TrackLength`|The length of the .| + |`ViewportSize`|The size of the scrollable area that is visible in the content units, such as the number of pages of a document.| + |`Maximum`|The maximum value of the content in content units, such as page 10 of a 10-page document.| + |`Minimum`|The minimum value of the content in content units, such as page 1 of a document.| + + The following illustration shows a visual representation of some of these parameters in a control. + + ![Viewport size, thumb size, and track length.](~/add/media/scrollbarthumbsizemath.png) + +- If the size of the content is less than a , the does not appear and the property of is set to `false`. + The minimum sizes for a control are determined by two system parameters, and . The minimum size for a control in a vertical is 1/2 * and the minimum size for a control in a horizontal is 1/2 * . - -## Examples - The following example shows how the style is defined inside the when the property is . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle"::: - + +## Examples + The following example shows how the style is defined inside the when the property is . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle"::: + ]]> @@ -747,21 +747,21 @@ Gets or sets the current value of the as determined by the position of the control. The current value of the . The default is 0. - represents a value that is between the and property values. - - When a control is part of a control and the property is not explicitly set, this property automatically binds with the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + represents a value that is between the and property values. + + When a control is part of a control and the property is not explicitly set, this property automatically binds with the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -856,11 +856,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -890,25 +890,25 @@ Gets or sets the size of the part of the scrollable content that is visible. The size of the visible area of the scrollable content. The default is , which means that the content size is not defined. - property is used to calculate the size of the control in a when the is not . For more information, see the remarks for the property. - - To explicitly define the size of the , create an object that derives from the class and provide overrides for and . - - If you implement a as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the property. - - The value of the property of a control that is implemented in a control is always , because the control does not change size. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + property is used to calculate the size of the control in a when the is not . For more information, see the remarks for the property. + + To explicitly define the size of the , create an object that derives from the class and provide overrides for and . + + If you implement a as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the property. + + The value of the property of a control that is implemented in a control is always , because the control does not change size. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -938,11 +938,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -972,11 +972,11 @@ Gets the number of child elements of a . An integer between 0 and 2 that specifies the number of child elements in the . - by setting the , , and properties. The child elements are indexed in the order that the properties are set. - + by setting the , , and properties. The child elements are indexed in the order that the properties are set. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/UniformGrid.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/UniformGrid.xml index 3f0cb54240c..5b48e332e9a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/UniformGrid.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/UniformGrid.xml @@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ Defines the layout of the by distributing space evenly among all of the child elements. The actual of the grid that is rendered to display the child elements that are visible. - value of the `arrangeSize` parameter and *arrangeSizeWidth* is the value of the `arrangeSize` parameter. - + value of the `arrangeSize` parameter and *arrangeSizeWidth* is the value of the `arrangeSize` parameter. + ]]> @@ -116,21 +116,21 @@ Gets or sets the number of columns that are in the grid. The number of columns that are in the grid. The default is 0. - property specifies that the column count is computed based on the number of rows and the number of visible child elements that are in the . - - The value of the must be less than the value of the property for the to work correctly. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + property specifies that the column count is computed based on the number of rows and the number of visible child elements that are in the . + + The value of the must be less than the value of the property for the to work correctly. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -187,19 +187,19 @@ Gets or sets the number of leading blank cells in the first row of the grid. The number of empty cells that are in the first row of the grid. The default is 0. - must be less than the value of the property for the to work correctly. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + must be less than the value of the property for the to work correctly. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -259,13 +259,13 @@ Computes the desired size of the by measuring all of the child elements. The desired based on the child content of the grid and the parameter. - is computed based on the maximum child dimensions. The is the maximum child width multiplied by the number of columns. The is the maximum child height multiplied by the number of rows. This method returns the desired . - - For example, if there are two rows and four columns in a grid, the maximum height for each cell is 0.5\**constraintHeight* and the maximum width is 0.25\**constraintWidth*. For these calculations, *constraintHeight* is the value of the `constraint` parameter and *constraintWidth* is the value of the `constraint` parameter. - + is computed based on the maximum child dimensions. The is the maximum child width multiplied by the number of columns. The is the maximum child height multiplied by the number of rows. This method returns the desired . + + For example, if there are two rows and four columns in a grid, the maximum height for each cell is 0.5\**constraintHeight* and the maximum width is 0.25\**constraintWidth*. For these calculations, *constraintHeight* is the value of the `constraint` parameter and *constraintWidth* is the value of the `constraint` parameter. + ]]> @@ -295,19 +295,19 @@ Gets or sets the number of rows that are in the grid. The number of rows that are in the grid. The default is 0. - property specifies that the row count is computed based on the number of columns and the number of visible child elements that are in the grid. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + property specifies that the row count is computed based on the number of columns and the number of visible child elements that are in the grid. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonContextualTabGroupsPanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonContextualTabGroupsPanel.xml index 21e225ff7aa..95ffe65e8a4 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonContextualTabGroupsPanel.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonContextualTabGroupsPanel.xml @@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTabHeadersPanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTabHeadersPanel.xml index 968b6385ed5..42adc90ebdd 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTabHeadersPanel.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTabHeadersPanel.xml @@ -836,8 +836,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTitlePanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTitlePanel.xml index 7d276cd7156..8ea9708a1c2 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTitlePanel.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTitlePanel.xml @@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/StarLayoutInfo.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/StarLayoutInfo.xml index 42bebdcabf9..bf424d58bb6 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/StarLayoutInfo.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/StarLayoutInfo.xml @@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -264,8 +264,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/Ribbon.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/Ribbon.xml index 706e701a6a3..8448420da34 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/Ribbon.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/Ribbon.xml @@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -430,8 +430,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -551,8 +551,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -616,8 +616,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -731,8 +731,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -797,8 +797,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -890,8 +890,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -955,8 +955,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1024,8 +1024,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1096,8 +1096,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1163,8 +1163,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1263,8 +1263,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1351,8 +1351,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1416,8 +1416,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1762,8 +1762,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1827,8 +1827,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1892,8 +1892,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1958,8 +1958,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2023,8 +2023,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2088,8 +2088,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2158,8 +2158,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2224,8 +2224,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2289,8 +2289,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenu.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenu.xml index 76d89df6f4c..2eb59f1aeb5 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenu.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenu.xml @@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -218,8 +218,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -426,8 +426,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenuItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenuItem.xml index e2e90154b3a..89f7ca457ef 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenuItem.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenuItem.xml @@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationSplitMenuItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationSplitMenuItem.xml index 6acca29ad94..72f1e6ca8ee 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationSplitMenuItem.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationSplitMenuItem.xml @@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonButton.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonButton.xml index 7ddf96d77d9..a54170c7e45 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonButton.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonButton.xml @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -568,8 +568,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -634,8 +634,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -710,8 +710,8 @@ Ribbon button controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -776,8 +776,8 @@ Ribbon button controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -841,8 +841,8 @@ Ribbon button controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1171,8 +1171,8 @@ Ribbon button controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1236,8 +1236,8 @@ Ribbon button controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1302,8 +1302,8 @@ Ribbon button controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1368,8 +1368,8 @@ Ribbon button controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1434,8 +1434,8 @@ Ribbon button controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1500,8 +1500,8 @@ Ribbon button controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1566,8 +1566,8 @@ Ribbon button controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1635,8 +1635,8 @@ Ribbon button controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1714,8 +1714,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1793,8 +1793,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1872,8 +1872,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1951,8 +1951,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2030,8 +2030,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonCheckBox.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonCheckBox.xml index 6ab21be4bcf..1c1be9d60c3 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonCheckBox.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonCheckBox.xml @@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -485,8 +485,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -551,8 +551,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -619,8 +619,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -685,8 +685,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -758,8 +758,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -831,8 +831,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -896,8 +896,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1226,8 +1226,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1461,8 +1461,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1527,8 +1527,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1593,8 +1593,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1669,8 +1669,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1748,8 +1748,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1827,8 +1827,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1906,8 +1906,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1985,8 +1985,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2064,8 +2064,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonComboBox.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonComboBox.xml index cbfcb0440a5..ddba515e5f0 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonComboBox.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonComboBox.xml @@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -700,8 +700,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -765,8 +765,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -830,8 +830,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -895,8 +895,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -961,8 +961,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1034,8 +1034,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1100,8 +1100,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1166,8 +1166,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContentPresenter.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContentPresenter.xml index fc34f4d17f4..ffdfeeeffbb 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContentPresenter.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContentPresenter.xml @@ -70,19 +70,19 @@ Gets or sets the for this control. The for this control. The default is null. - contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Ribbon Layout and Resizing @@ -138,18 +138,18 @@ if the control is hosted in a ; otherwise, . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -204,18 +204,18 @@ if the control is hosted in the Quick Access Toolbar; otherwise, . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -269,11 +269,11 @@ Builds the visual tree for the when a new template is applied. - method. - + method. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextMenu.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextMenu.xml index 3fc2cba49c6..ec8ef49f4f2 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextMenu.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextMenu.xml @@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroup.xml index cebb268af36..26387efb514 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroup.xml @@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -308,8 +308,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -510,8 +510,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroupItemsControl.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroupItemsControl.xml index 1d9854ab423..4e88665ca39 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroupItemsControl.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroupItemsControl.xml @@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ The item to display from the collection. Unloads the container for the specified item. - method. - + method. + ]]> @@ -166,11 +166,11 @@ Builds the visual tree for the when a new template is applied. - method. - + method. + ]]> @@ -257,19 +257,19 @@ Gets a reference to the that this control belongs to. A reference to the that this control belongs to. - class. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + class. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControl.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControl.xml index 55bb80dadf5..837bb9dd9fa 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControl.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControl.xml @@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ Represents a container for controls in a ribbon. - , , , , , , and controls. - - ![Ribbon controls](~/add/media/wpfribbon-controls.png "Ribbon controls") -Ribbon controls - - The following illustration shows how some of these controls appear when they are selected. - - ![Ribbon controls that are selected](~/add/media/wpfribbon-controls-selection.png "Ribbon controls that are selected") -Ribbon controls that are selected - + , , , , , , and controls. + + ![Ribbon controls](~/add/media/wpfribbon-controls.png "Ribbon controls") +Ribbon controls + + The following illustration shows how some of these controls appear when they are selected. + + ![Ribbon controls that are selected](~/add/media/wpfribbon-controls-selection.png "Ribbon controls that are selected") +Ribbon controls that are selected + ]]> @@ -91,19 +91,19 @@ Ribbon controls that are selected Gets or sets the for this control. The for this control. The default is . - contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Ribbon Layout and Resizing @@ -159,18 +159,18 @@ Ribbon controls that are selected if the control is hosted in a ; otherwise, . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -225,18 +225,18 @@ Ribbon controls that are selected if the control is hosted in the Quick Access Toolbar; otherwise, . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -290,11 +290,11 @@ Ribbon controls that are selected Builds the visual tree for the when a new template is applied. - method. - + method. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlGroup.xml index 4e872cb41ca..f94e1c9f0fd 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlGroup.xml @@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlService.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlService.xml index 63edb98dcb3..95a3e158d06 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlService.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlService.xml @@ -73,18 +73,18 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this control can be added directly to the Quick Access Toolbar. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -133,18 +133,18 @@ Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the background of the control when it is in the Checked state. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -193,18 +193,18 @@ Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the outer border of the control when it in the Checked state. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -253,19 +253,19 @@ Gets or sets the for this control. - contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. For the default property values, see . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. For the default property values, see . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Ribbon Layout and Resizing @@ -315,18 +315,18 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the amount that the corners of a ribbon button are rounded. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -375,19 +375,19 @@ Gets or sets the default for this control. - contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. If the property is not set for a ribbon control, the property is used instead. The default control size definition is based on the control's property settings. If a is specified, it is the default. If is `null`, and a is specified, the is the default. If both the and are `null`, the image is set to by default. If the property is null or empty, it is hidden by default. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. If the property is not set for a ribbon control, the property is used instead. The default control size definition is based on the control's property settings. If a is specified, it is the default. If is `null`, and a is specified, the is the default. If both the and are `null`, the image is set to by default. If the property is null or empty, it is hidden by default. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Ribbon Layout and Resizing @@ -483,18 +483,18 @@ Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the background of the control when it has focus. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -543,18 +543,18 @@ Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the outer border of the control when it has focus. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1441,17 +1441,17 @@ Gets a value that indicates whether the control is hosted in a . -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Remarks + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1501,17 +1501,17 @@ Gets a value that indicates whether the control is hosted in the Quick Access Toolbar. -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Remarks + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1560,19 +1560,19 @@ Gets or sets the text that is displayed next to or below the control. - property on the to control the visibility of the label. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property on the to control the visibility of the label. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1621,18 +1621,18 @@ Gets or sets the image that is displayed on the control when the image size is set to . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Ribbon Layout and Resizing @@ -1682,18 +1682,18 @@ Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the background of the control when the mouse pointer is over it. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1742,18 +1742,18 @@ Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the outer border of the control when the mouse pointer is over it. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1802,18 +1802,18 @@ Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the background of the control when it is pressed. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1862,18 +1862,18 @@ Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the outer border of the control when it is pressed. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1922,19 +1922,19 @@ Gets or sets the for this control when it is hosted in the Quick Access Toolbar. - contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. This property specifies how the image and label will appear when this control is hosted in the Quick Access Toolbar. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. This property specifies how the image and label will appear when this control is hosted in the Quick Access Toolbar. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1984,18 +1984,18 @@ Gets or sets a unique identifier that links a ribbon control to a corresponding control in the Quick Access Toolbar. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -2076,18 +2076,18 @@ Gets a reference to the that this control belongs to. control and is inherited by the child controls. It is used to access visual style brushes defined on the class. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Remarks + This property is set on the parent control and is inherited by the child controls. It is used to access visual style brushes defined on the class. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -2873,17 +2873,17 @@ Gets a value that indicates whether to show the keyboard focus visual for this control. -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Remarks + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -2932,18 +2932,18 @@ Gets or sets the image that is displayed on the control when the image size is set to . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Ribbon Layout and Resizing @@ -2993,21 +2993,21 @@ Gets or sets the descriptive text that is displayed in the ToolTip for this control. - [!WARNING] -> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - +> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3057,21 +3057,21 @@ Gets or sets the descriptive text that is displayed in the footer of the ToolTip for this control. - [!WARNING] -> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - +> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3121,21 +3121,21 @@ Gets or sets the image that is displayed in the footer of the ToolTip for this control. - [!WARNING] -> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - +> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3185,21 +3185,21 @@ Gets or sets the title text that is displayed in the footer of the ToolTip for this control. - [!WARNING] -> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - +> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3249,21 +3249,21 @@ Gets or sets the image that is displayed in the ToolTip for this control. - [!WARNING] -> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - +> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3313,21 +3313,21 @@ Gets or sets the title text that is displayed in the ToolTip for this control. - [!WARNING] -> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - +> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlSizeDefinition.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlSizeDefinition.xml index 9afcf85c8a3..a1a9b18842e 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlSizeDefinition.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlSizeDefinition.xml @@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -300,8 +300,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -367,8 +367,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGallery.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGallery.xml index e8823af8a20..2efa774bf8f 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGallery.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGallery.xml @@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -369,8 +369,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -435,8 +435,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -507,8 +507,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -612,8 +612,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -679,8 +679,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -719,8 +719,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -809,8 +809,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -900,8 +900,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -966,8 +966,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1031,8 +1031,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1097,8 +1097,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1162,8 +1162,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1227,8 +1227,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1292,8 +1292,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1357,8 +1357,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1422,8 +1422,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1514,8 +1514,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1638,8 +1638,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1704,8 +1704,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1769,8 +1769,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1834,8 +1834,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -2289,8 +2289,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2354,8 +2354,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2419,8 +2419,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2513,8 +2513,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -2580,8 +2580,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -2628,8 +2628,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2770,8 +2770,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2884,8 +2884,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2953,8 +2953,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -3022,8 +3022,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -3091,8 +3091,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -3160,8 +3160,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -3229,8 +3229,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryCategory.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryCategory.xml index 2a79532405b..81c0bea963b 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryCategory.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryCategory.xml @@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -391,8 +391,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -456,8 +456,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryItem.xml index a44e20ac707..6df27badb85 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryItem.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryItem.xml @@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -408,8 +408,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -473,8 +473,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -538,8 +538,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1040,8 +1040,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1105,8 +1105,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1171,8 +1171,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1289,8 +1289,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1358,8 +1358,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1427,8 +1427,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1496,8 +1496,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1565,8 +1565,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1634,8 +1634,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroup.xml index 28b7797ece0..b852e4a4550 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroup.xml @@ -115,8 +115,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -245,8 +245,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -337,8 +337,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -405,8 +405,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -471,8 +471,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -570,8 +570,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -635,8 +635,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -731,8 +731,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -796,8 +796,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1193,8 +1193,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1259,8 +1259,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1324,8 +1324,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1393,8 +1393,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1462,8 +1462,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1531,8 +1531,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1600,8 +1600,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1669,8 +1669,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1738,8 +1738,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinition.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinition.xml index f7e5c8239c9..0afe1a3253f 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinition.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinition.xml @@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinitionBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinitionBase.xml index fe873a4ff76..03934088c1f 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinitionBase.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinitionBase.xml @@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupTemplateSizeDefinition.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupTemplateSizeDefinition.xml index 0b2c011b376..7abf51bf3d9 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupTemplateSizeDefinition.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupTemplateSizeDefinition.xml @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuButton.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuButton.xml index 1f5aba7518d..4893f807166 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuButton.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuButton.xml @@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -453,8 +453,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -544,8 +544,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -609,8 +609,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -760,8 +760,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -826,8 +826,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -893,8 +893,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -959,8 +959,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1025,8 +1025,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1124,8 +1124,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1190,8 +1190,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1256,8 +1256,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1329,8 +1329,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1394,8 +1394,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1856,8 +1856,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1921,8 +1921,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1987,8 +1987,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2053,8 +2053,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2119,8 +2119,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2218,8 +2218,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2294,8 +2294,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2373,8 +2373,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2452,8 +2452,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2531,8 +2531,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2610,8 +2610,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2689,8 +2689,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuItem.xml index ef4e01672ee..ca27e281f63 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuItem.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuItem.xml @@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -362,8 +362,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -465,8 +465,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -558,8 +558,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -623,8 +623,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -690,8 +690,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -789,8 +789,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -854,8 +854,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -919,8 +919,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1412,8 +1412,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1477,8 +1477,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1542,8 +1542,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1608,8 +1608,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1675,8 +1675,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1776,8 +1776,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1845,8 +1845,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1914,8 +1914,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1983,8 +1983,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2052,8 +2052,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2121,8 +2121,8 @@ ## 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Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -537,8 +537,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -841,8 +841,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonRadioButton.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonRadioButton.xml index 4191f478593..a4b0c0cc36a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonRadioButton.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonRadioButton.xml @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -433,8 +433,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -498,8 +498,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -564,8 +564,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -630,8 +630,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -698,8 +698,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -764,8 +764,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -837,8 +837,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -910,8 +910,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -975,8 +975,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1305,8 +1305,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1370,8 +1370,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1436,8 +1436,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1502,8 +1502,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1568,8 +1568,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1634,8 +1634,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1700,8 +1700,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1776,8 +1776,8 @@ Ribbon radio button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1855,8 +1855,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1934,8 +1934,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2013,8 +2013,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2092,8 +2092,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2171,8 +2171,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonSeparator.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonSeparator.xml index febc3831868..3c927b430fd 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonSeparator.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonSeparator.xml @@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonSplitButton.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonSplitButton.xml index 819cb8e3be2..097ac8a7a1d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonSplitButton.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonSplitButton.xml @@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -296,8 +296,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -336,8 +336,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -426,8 +426,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -491,8 +491,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -556,8 +556,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -621,8 +621,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -686,8 +686,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -751,8 +751,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -816,8 +816,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -884,8 +884,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -949,8 +949,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1016,8 +1016,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1082,8 +1082,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1147,8 +1147,8 @@ Ribbon split button control with drop-down open ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonSplitMenuItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonSplitMenuItem.xml index 4aa07128fc7..922bff16aa9 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonSplitMenuItem.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonSplitMenuItem.xml @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -351,8 +351,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -416,8 +416,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -484,8 +484,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -549,8 +549,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTab.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTab.xml index 10d0e5cd07c..358691c2709 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTab.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTab.xml @@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -452,8 +452,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -549,8 +549,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | @@ -619,8 +619,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -931,8 +931,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -996,8 +996,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1061,8 +1061,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTabHeader.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTabHeader.xml index 4ed4aeba1f5..31ff054a33d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTabHeader.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTabHeader.xml @@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -343,8 +343,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -512,8 +512,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -577,8 +577,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -907,8 +907,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTextBox.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTextBox.xml index 9dc61c68b2b..dc376e9218d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTextBox.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTextBox.xml @@ -156,8 +156,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -286,8 +286,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -352,8 +352,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -418,8 +418,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -483,8 +483,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -576,8 +576,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -642,8 +642,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -710,8 +710,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -776,8 +776,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -849,8 +849,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -922,8 +922,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -987,8 +987,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1307,8 +1307,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1425,8 +1425,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1491,8 +1491,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1557,8 +1557,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1684,8 +1684,8 @@ Ribbon text box controls ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1763,8 +1763,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1842,8 +1842,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1921,8 +1921,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2000,8 +2000,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2079,8 +2079,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonToggleButton.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonToggleButton.xml index 3913adfdc24..33b6a76fa64 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonToggleButton.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonToggleButton.xml @@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -171,8 +171,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -236,8 +236,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -433,8 +433,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -498,8 +498,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -564,8 +564,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -630,8 +630,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -698,8 +698,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -764,8 +764,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -837,8 +837,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -910,8 +910,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -975,8 +975,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1305,8 +1305,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1370,8 +1370,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1436,8 +1436,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1502,8 +1502,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1568,8 +1568,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1634,8 +1634,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1700,8 +1700,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1776,8 +1776,8 @@ Ribbon toggle button controls that are selected ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1855,8 +1855,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1934,8 +1934,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2013,8 +2013,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2092,8 +2092,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2171,8 +2171,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonToolTip.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonToolTip.xml index a8ac98117a3..79d161ac9a4 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonToolTip.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonToolTip.xml @@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -406,8 +406,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -471,8 +471,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -537,8 +537,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -630,8 +630,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -695,8 +695,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTwoLineText.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTwoLineText.xml index fe2ce680816..1517757bf7b 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTwoLineText.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonTwoLineText.xml @@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information The baseline is the invisible horizontal line with which the base of each character in a line of text is aligned. -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information Gets or sets the height of the line set on the internal . -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -509,8 +509,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -569,8 +569,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, | @@ -634,8 +634,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -699,8 +699,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -828,8 +828,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -869,8 +869,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -935,8 +935,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1001,8 +1001,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1092,8 +1092,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText.xml index efd7504dfe2..9e210cc0aba 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText.xml @@ -32,30 +32,30 @@ Specifies with an underscore the character that is used as the access key. - ; the other underscores appear as normal text. If the underscore that you want converted to the access key is not the first underscore, use two consecutive underscores for any underscores that precede the one that you want to convert. For example, the following code contains an access key and displays as _Hello**W**orld: - -``` -__Hello_World -``` - - Because the underscore that precedes H is a double, the W key registers as the access key. - - To use as a content host in a control style, set in the , as this example shows: - -``` - -``` - - - -## Examples - You can use the tag to create an ; however, a tag is not necessary. The following example shows how to create an access key with and without the tag. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + ; the other underscores appear as normal text. If the underscore that you want converted to the access key is not the first underscore, use two consecutive underscores for any underscores that precede the one that you want to convert. For example, the following code contains an access key and displays as _Hello**W**orld: + +``` +__Hello_World +``` + + Because the underscore that precedes H is a double, the W key registers as the access key. + + To use as a content host in a control style, set in the , as this example shows: + +``` + +``` + + + +## Examples + You can use the tag to create an ; however, a tag is not necessary. The following example shows how to create an access key with and without the tag. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ Provides read-only access to the character that follows the first underline character. The character to return. - property to programmatically determine which character is parsed by . - - The registers the character and raises the event when users press the key. - + property to programmatically determine which character is parsed by . + + The registers the character and raises the event when users press the key. + ]]> @@ -181,25 +181,25 @@ Gets or sets the that fills the content area. The that fills the content area. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set properties in order to change the appearance of the text in an control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstextprops"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set properties in order to change the appearance of the text in an control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstextprops"::: + ]]> @@ -256,19 +256,19 @@ Gets or sets a value that adjusts the baseline offset position of text in an element. The amount to adjust the baseline offset position. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -331,25 +331,25 @@ Gets or sets the font family to use with the element. The font family to use. The default is the font that is determined by the metric. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set properties in order to change the appearance of the text in an control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstextprops"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set properties in order to change the appearance of the text in an control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstextprops"::: + ]]> @@ -416,54 +416,54 @@ Gets or sets the font size to use with the element. The font size to use. The default is the font size that is determined by the metric. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *Double* - - - A string representation of a value. This value is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For example, you can specify a value of `1`. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value that is followed by one of these unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - **Note** In many cases, you can set a double to `Auto`; however, you cannot set this property to `Auto`. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set properties to change the appearance of the text in an control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstextprops"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *Double* + + + A string representation of a value. This value is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For example, you can specify a value of `1`. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value that is followed by one of these unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + **Note** In many cases, you can set a double to `Auto`; however, you cannot set this property to `Auto`. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set properties to change the appearance of the text in an control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstextprops"::: + ]]> @@ -520,18 +520,18 @@ Gets or sets a property that selects a normal, condensed, or expanded font from a . The relative degree that the font is stretched. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -588,26 +588,26 @@ Gets or sets the font style to use with the element. The font style to use; for example, normal, italic, or oblique. The default is determined by the metric. - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set properties in order to change the appearance of the text in an control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstextprops"::: - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set properties in order to change the appearance of the text in an control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstextprops"::: + ]]> @@ -664,25 +664,25 @@ Gets or sets the font weight to use with the element. The font weight to use. The default is determined by the metric. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set properties to change the appearance of the text in an control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstextprops"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set properties to change the appearance of the text in an control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstextprops"::: + ]]> @@ -739,25 +739,25 @@ Gets or sets the that draws the text content of the element. The that draws the text. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set properties to change the appearance of the text in an control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstextprops"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set properties to change the appearance of the text in an control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Overview/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstextprops"::: + ]]> @@ -851,53 +851,53 @@ Gets or sets the height of each line box. A double that specifies the height of each line box. This value must be equal to or greater than 0.0034 and equal to or less then 160000. A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of Auto) causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. The default is . - property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - A string representation of a value. This value is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For example, you can specify a value of `1`. - - The same range restrictions as mentioned in the Property Value section apply here. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value that is followed by one of these unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - *Auto* - An automatic line height determination. If you programmatically set the *Auto* value, its value corresponds to . - + property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + A string representation of a value. This value is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For example, you can specify a value of `1`. + + The same range restrictions as mentioned in the Property Value section apply here. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value that is followed by one of these unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + *Auto* + An automatic line height determination. If you programmatically set the *Auto* value, its value corresponds to . + ]]> @@ -955,25 +955,25 @@ Gets or sets how the property is enforced. A value that determines the behavior of the property. - properties control the line box that is reserved for text. allows users to set a suggestion of height. defines how the is enforced. - - You can set the property to or . - -- The value increases the line to the tallest object in the line. It ensures that no item overdraws or is trimmed. - -- The value enforces a value on all lines. If the property does not provide sufficient space, the text is either overdrawn or trimmed. Which occurs depends on the value. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + properties control the line box that is reserved for text. allows users to set a suggestion of height. defines how the is enforced. + + You can set the property to or . + +- The value increases the line to the tallest object in the line. It ensures that no item overdraws or is trimmed. + +- The value enforces a value on all lines. If the property does not provide sufficient space, the text is either overdrawn or trimmed. Which occurs depends on the value. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -1093,11 +1093,11 @@ The object to add to the . For a description of this member, see . - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1133,11 +1133,11 @@ The text to add to the object. For a description of this member, see . - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1173,44 +1173,44 @@ Gets or sets the text that is displayed by the element. The text without the first underscore character. The default is an empty string. - property to supply text for an element. This property is used internally to determine the text that is displayed by the access key. You can use this property to set additional text that does not contain the mnemonic (underlined character) or to retrieve the access key text. - - -## XAML Object Element Usage - -``` -_accessText -- or - -_accessText - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *_accessText* - A string that contains the underscore character. This value becomes an that handles access keys for the *object*. The access key is the character that immediately follows the underscore. - - *accessTextObject* - The . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example creates an access key that customizes the first letter of the access key, which contains the mnemonic, and then sets the rest of the text by using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Text/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstexttext"::: - + property to supply text for an element. This property is used internally to determine the text that is displayed by the access key. You can use this property to set additional text that does not contain the mnemonic (underlined character) or to retrieve the access key text. + + +## XAML Object Element Usage + +``` +_accessText +- or - +_accessText + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *_accessText* + A string that contains the underscore character. This value becomes an that handles access keys for the *object*. The access key is the character that immediately follows the underscore. + + *accessTextObject* + The . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example creates an access key that customizes the first letter of the access key, which contains the mnemonic, and then sets the rest of the text by using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/Text/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetaccesstexttext"::: + ]]> @@ -1241,19 +1241,19 @@ Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the content. The horizontal alignment of the text. - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -1309,39 +1309,39 @@ Gets or sets the decorations that are added to the text of an element. The applied to the text of an . The default is . - . - - This property is not typically set, either by using markup or code. - - This property exposes the default decoration for an access key (an underline in the same text color as the text) for possible styling or programmatic change. Because users expect access key identifiers to have a certain appearance in the user interface (UI), a better choice is to change this property by using application-wide mechanisms, such as application styles or custom themes. - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - OneOrMoreTextDecorations - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *OneOrMoreTextDecorations* - One or more elements. Use this syntax if you are defining custom text decorations. For details, see [How to: Create a Text Decoration](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-create-a-text-decoration). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + . + + This property is not typically set, either by using markup or code. + + This property exposes the default decoration for an access key (an underline in the same text color as the text) for possible styling or programmatic change. Because users expect access key identifiers to have a certain appearance in the user interface (UI), a better choice is to change this property by using application-wide mechanisms, such as application styles or custom themes. + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + OneOrMoreTextDecorations + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *OneOrMoreTextDecorations* + One or more elements. Use this syntax if you are defining custom text decorations. For details, see [How to: Create a Text Decoration](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-create-a-text-decoration). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -1398,40 +1398,40 @@ Gets or sets the effects that are added to the text of an element. The . The default is . - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - OneOrMoreTextEffects - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *OneOrMoreTextEffects* - One or more elements. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + OneOrMoreTextEffects + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *OneOrMoreTextEffects* + One or more elements. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -1514,19 +1514,19 @@ Gets or sets how the textual content of an element is clipped if it overflows the line box. The trimming behavior to use. The default is - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -1583,25 +1583,25 @@ Gets or sets whether the textual content of an element is wrapped if it overflows the line box. The wrapping behavior to use. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example uses the property of to make a multiple-line label. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/TextWrapping/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example uses the property of to make a multiple-line label. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/TextWrapping/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Border.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Border.xml index d11d5c9af90..f6eccc13240 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Border.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Border.xml @@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ Draws a border, background, or both around another element. - can have only one child. To display multiple child elements, you need to place an additional element within the parent . You can then place child elements within that element. - - If you want to display a border around your content, you must place the elements within a parent element. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to create a and set properties in code and Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). - + can have only one child. To display multiple child elements, you need to place an additional element within the parent . You can then place child elements within that element. + + If you want to display a border around your content, you must place the elements within a parent element. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to create a and set properties in code and Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MarginPaddingAlignmentSample/CPP/Margin_Padding_Alignment_Sample.cpp" id="Snippet3"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Border/Overview/Margin_Padding_Alignment_Sample.cs" id="Snippet3"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MarginPaddingAlignmentSample/VisualBasic/MarginPaddingAlignment.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MarginPaddingAlignmentSample/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MarginPaddingAlignmentSample/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -105,11 +105,11 @@ Arranges the contents of a element. The that represents the arranged size of this element and its child element. - can have only one child element. - + can have only one child element. + ]]> @@ -140,27 +140,27 @@ Gets or sets the that fills the area between the bounds of a . The that draws the background. This property has no default value. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the value of the property by using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the value of the property by using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/CornerRadius/Overview/ThicknessSamp.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/VisualBasic/ThicknessSampVB.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -217,27 +217,27 @@ Gets or sets the that draws the outer border color. The that draws the outer border color. This property has no default value. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the value of the property by using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the value of the property by using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/CornerRadius/Overview/ThicknessSamp.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/VisualBasic/ThicknessSampVB.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -294,27 +294,27 @@ Gets or sets the relative of a . The that describes the width of the boundaries of the . This property has no default value. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the value of this property. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the value of this property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/CornerRadius/Overview/ThicknessSamp.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/VisualBasic/ThicknessSampVB.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -371,28 +371,28 @@ Gets or sets a value that represents the degree to which the corners of a are rounded. The that describes the degree to which corners are rounded. This property has no default value. - also supports non-uniform radii. Radius values that are too large are scaled so that they blend smoothly from corner to corner. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the value of this property. - + also supports non-uniform radii. Radius values that are too large are scaled so that they blend smoothly from corner to corner. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the value of this property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/CornerRadius/Overview/ThicknessSamp.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/VisualBasic/ThicknessSampVB.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -454,11 +454,11 @@ Measures the child elements of a before they are arranged during the pass. The that represents the upper size limit of the element. - element determines its upper limit by analyzing the sizing properties, margin, and requested size of its child elements. - + element determines its upper limit by analyzing the sizing properties, margin, and requested size of its child elements. + ]]> @@ -519,27 +519,27 @@ Gets or sets a value that describes the amount of space between a and its child element. The that describes the amount of space between a and its single child element. This property has no default value. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the value of this property. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the value of this property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/CornerRadius/Overview/ThicknessSamp.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/VisualBasic/ThicknessSampVB.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ThicknessStruct/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Button.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Button.xml index 2c582e53ae3..68cc3e7b20c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Button.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Button.xml @@ -23,38 +23,38 @@ Represents a Windows button control, which reacts to the event. - class inherits directly from the class. - - **Content Model:** is a . Its content property is . - - Handle the event to respond when the user clicks a . - - The method marks the event as handled. To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`. - -## Customizing the Button Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Button Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/button-styles-and-templates). - + class inherits directly from the class. + + **Content Model:** is a . Its content property is . + + Handle the event to respond when the user clicks a . + + The method marks the event as handled. To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`. + +## Customizing the Button Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Button Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/button-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows three buttons that respond to clicks in three different ways. - -- Hover: the first button changes colors when the user hovers with the mouse over the button. - -- Press: the second button requires that the mouse be pressed while the mouse pointer is over the button. - -- Release: the third does not reset the background color of the buttons until the mouse is pressed and released on the button. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows three buttons that respond to clicks in three different ways. + +- Hover: the first button changes colors when the user hovers with the mouse over the button. + +- Press: the second button requires that the mouse be pressed while the mouse pointer is over the button. + +- Release: the third does not reset the background color of the buttons until the mouse is pressed and released on the button. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/Overview/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ClickModes_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ClickModes_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -115,26 +115,26 @@ if the is a Cancel button; otherwise, . The default is . - property of a button to `true`, you create a that is registered with the . The button is then activated when a user presses the ESC key. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use this property to create a Cancel button. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/IsCancel/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + property of a button to `true`, you create a that is registered with the . The button is then activated when a user presses the ESC key. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use this property to create a Cancel button. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/IsCancel/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -191,26 +191,26 @@ if the is the default button; otherwise, . The default is . - property of a button to `true`, you register the button with the so that a user can invoke the button by pressing the ENTER key. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify a button as the default button. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/IsCancel/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + property of a button to `true`, you register the button with the so that a user can invoke the button by pressing the ENTER key. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify a button as the default button. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/IsCancel/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -241,30 +241,30 @@ if the button is activated when the user presses ENTER; otherwise, . The default is . - property is `true` when the property is set to `true` and the control that has focus does not accept ENTER as input. For example, in the **Run** dialog box, the **OK** button is the default button. When focus is on the text box, on the **OK** button is `true` because a user can activate the button by pressing ENTER. - + property is `true` when the property is set to `true` and the control that has focus does not accept ENTER as input. For example, in the **Run** dialog box, the **OK** button is the default button. When focus is on the text box, on the **OK** button is `true` because a user can activate the button by pressing ENTER. + > [!NOTE] -> If the default button has focus, is `false`. This is because the method handles ENTER, and it is not necessary for to be set to `true`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to determine whether the property is `true` for a default button. - +> If the default button has focus, is `false`. This is because the method handles ENTER, and it is not necessary for to be set to `true`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to determine whether the property is `true` for a default button. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/IsCancel/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ButtonProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ButtonProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar.xml index 024451a0afc..0d9df5e9f5c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar.xml @@ -32,69 +32,69 @@ Represents a control that enables a user to select a date by using a visual calendar display. - control can be used on its own, or as a drop-down part of a control. For more information, see . - + control can be used on its own, or as a drop-down part of a control. For more information, see . + > [!NOTE] -> The supports only the Gregorian calendar. - - The following table provides information about tasks that are typically associated with the . - -|Task|Implementation| -|----------|--------------------| -|Have the display a month, an entire year, or a decade.|Set the property to Month, Year, or Decade.| -|Specify whether the user can select a date, a range of dates, or multiple ranges of dates.|Use the .| -|Specify dates that cannot be selected.|Use the property.| -|Specify the range of dates that the displays.|Use the and properties.| -|Specify whether the current date is highlighted.|Use the property. By default, is `true`.| -|Change the size of the .|Use a or set the property to a . Note that if you set the and properties of a , the actual calendar does not change its size.| - - The control provides basic navigation using either the mouse or keyboard. The following table summarizes keyboard navigation. - -|Key Combination||Action| -|---------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------| -|ARROW||Changes the property if the property is not set to .| -|ARROW||Changes the month of the property. Note that the does not change.| -|ARROW||Changes the year of the . Note that the does not change.| -|SHIFT+ARROW||If is not set to or , extends the range of selected dates.| -|HOME||Changes the to the first day of the current month.| -|HOME||Changes the month of the to the first month of the year. The does not change.| -|HOME||Changes the year of the to the first year of the decade. The does not change.| -|END||Changes the to the last day of the current month.| -|END||Changes the month of the to the last month of the year. The does not change.| -|END||Changes the year of the to the last year of the decade. The does not change.| -|CTRL+UP ARROW|Any|Switches to the next larger . If is already , no action.| -|CTRL+DOWN ARROW|Any|Switches to the next smaller . If is already , no action.| -|SPACEBAR or ENTER| or |Switches to the or represented by focused item.| - -## Customizing the Calendar Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Calendar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/calendar-styles-and-templates). - +> The supports only the Gregorian calendar. + + The following table provides information about tasks that are typically associated with the . + +|Task|Implementation| +|----------|--------------------| +|Have the display a month, an entire year, or a decade.|Set the property to Month, Year, or Decade.| +|Specify whether the user can select a date, a range of dates, or multiple ranges of dates.|Use the .| +|Specify dates that cannot be selected.|Use the property.| +|Specify the range of dates that the displays.|Use the and properties.| +|Specify whether the current date is highlighted.|Use the property. By default, is `true`.| +|Change the size of the .|Use a or set the property to a . Note that if you set the and properties of a , the actual calendar does not change its size.| + + The control provides basic navigation using either the mouse or keyboard. The following table summarizes keyboard navigation. + +|Key Combination||Action| +|---------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------| +|ARROW||Changes the property if the property is not set to .| +|ARROW||Changes the month of the property. Note that the does not change.| +|ARROW||Changes the year of the . Note that the does not change.| +|SHIFT+ARROW||If is not set to or , extends the range of selected dates.| +|HOME||Changes the to the first day of the current month.| +|HOME||Changes the month of the to the first month of the year. The does not change.| +|HOME||Changes the year of the to the first year of the decade. The does not change.| +|END||Changes the to the last day of the current month.| +|END||Changes the month of the to the last month of the year. The does not change.| +|END||Changes the year of the to the last year of the decade. The does not change.| +|CTRL+UP ARROW|Any|Switches to the next larger . If is already , no action.| +|CTRL+DOWN ARROW|Any|Switches to the next smaller . If is already , no action.| +|SPACEBAR or ENTER| or |Switches to the or represented by focused item.| + +## Customizing the Calendar Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Calendar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/calendar-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - - -## XAML Object Element Usage - -``` - -``` - -## Examples - The following illustration shows two controls, one with selections and blackout dates and one without. - - ![Calendar controls](~/add/media/ndp-calendarcontrols.png "Calendar controls") -Calendar controls - - The following code and XAML creates a page with two controls that is similar to the previous illustration. - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + + +## XAML Object Element Usage + +``` + +``` + +## Examples + The following illustration shows two controls, one with selections and blackout dates and one without. + + ![Calendar controls](~/add/media/ndp-calendarcontrols.png "Calendar controls") +Calendar controls + + The following code and XAML creates a page with two controls that is similar to the previous illustration. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -152,43 +152,43 @@ Calendar controls Gets a collection of dates that are marked as not selectable. A collection of dates that cannot be selected. The default value is an empty collection. - method provided by the collection returned by this property. - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - oneOrMoreCalendarDateRanges - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *oneOrMoreCalendarDateRanges* - One or more object elements of type . - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that has some dates that cannot be selected. - + method provided by the collection returned by this property. + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + oneOrMoreCalendarDateRanges + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *oneOrMoreCalendarDateRanges* + One or more object elements of type . + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that has some dates that cannot be selected. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - - The preceding example produces output that is similar to the following illustration. - - ![Calendar with dates that cannot be selected.](~/add/media/ndp-calendarblackout.png "Calendar with dates that cannot be selected.") -Calendar with dates that cannot be selected - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + + The preceding example produces output that is similar to the following illustration. + + ![Calendar with dates that cannot be selected.](~/add/media/ndp-calendarblackout.png "Calendar with dates that cannot be selected.") +Calendar with dates that cannot be selected + ]]> @@ -217,34 +217,34 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Gets or sets the associated with the control's internal object. The current style of the object. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *resourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. For more information, see [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *styleResourceKey* - The key that identifies the resource being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *resourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. For more information, see [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *styleResourceKey* + The key that identifies the resource being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -298,34 +298,34 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Gets or sets the associated with the control's internal object. The current style of the object. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *resourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. For more information, see [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *styleResourceKey* - The key that identifies the resource being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *resourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. For more information, see [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *styleResourceKey* + The key that identifies the resource being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -379,34 +379,34 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Gets or sets the associated with the control's internal object. The current style of the object. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *resourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. For more information, see [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *styleResourceKey* - The key that identifies the resource being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *resourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. For more information, see [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *styleResourceKey* + The key that identifies the resource being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -460,48 +460,48 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Gets or sets the date to display. The date to display. The default is . - and properties specify what the calendar displays and what has focus within the calendar. The user can change the only when is set to Month, but the user might change the when the Calendar is in Year and Decade mode. The following table describes how the mode changes the . - -|DisplayMode|Action| -|-----------------|------------| -|Month| changes when the user navigates to a different month.| -|Year|The month of changes when the user clicks or navigates to a different month.| -|Decade|The year of changes when the user clicks or navigates to another year.| - - is ignored if its value is outside of the range of dates that is specified by and properties. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *dateTimeString* - A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. - - - -## Examples - The following code sets up a with a particular range of displayable dates, and sets the currently selected and displayed date. - + and properties specify what the calendar displays and what has focus within the calendar. The user can change the only when is set to Month, but the user might change the when the Calendar is in Year and Decade mode. The following table describes how the mode changes the . + +|DisplayMode|Action| +|-----------------|------------| +|Month| changes when the user navigates to a different month.| +|Year|The month of changes when the user clicks or navigates to a different month.| +|Decade|The year of changes when the user clicks or navigates to another year.| + + is ignored if its value is outside of the range of dates that is specified by and properties. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *dateTimeString* + A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. + + + +## Examples + The following code sets up a with a particular range of displayable dates, and sets the currently selected and displayed date. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -530,25 +530,25 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Occurs when the property is changed. - is assigned its new value. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - - -## Examples - The following event handler updates a with information from the event. This example is part of a larger example available in the overview. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet6"::: - + is assigned its new value. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + + +## Examples + The following event handler updates a with information from the event. This example is part of a larger example available in the overview. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet6"::: + ]]> @@ -577,40 +577,40 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Gets or sets the last date in the date range that is available in the calendar. The last date that is available in the calendar. - by setting the and properties. A user cannot scroll to or select dates outside of this range. If you set the property to a date that is after , is set to the same value as . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *dateTimeString* - A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. - - - -## Examples - The following code sets up a with a particular range of displayable dates, and sets the currently selected and displayed date. - + by setting the and properties. A user cannot scroll to or select dates outside of this range. If you set the property to a date that is after , is set to the same value as . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *dateTimeString* + A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. + + + +## Examples + The following code sets up a with a particular range of displayable dates, and sets the currently selected and displayed date. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -690,40 +690,40 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Gets or sets the first date that is available in the calendar. The first date that is available in the calendar. The default is . - and properties. A user cannot scroll to or select dates outside of this range. If you set the property to a date that is before , is set to the same value as . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *dateTimeString* - A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. - - - -## Examples - The following code sets up a with a particular range of displayable dates, and sets the currently selected and displayed date. - + and properties. A user cannot scroll to or select dates outside of this range. If you set the property to a date that is before , is set to the same value as . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *dateTimeString* + A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. + + + +## Examples + The following code sets up a with a particular range of displayable dates, and sets the currently selected and displayed date. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -778,37 +778,37 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the calendar displays a month, year, or decade. A value that indicates what length of time the should display. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a calendar that displays the months in a year and handles the event so that when the user clicks on a month or the year, the calendar does not change its . - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a calendar that displays the months in a year and handles the event so that when the user clicks on a month or the year, the calendar does not change its . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet4"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: + ]]> @@ -837,29 +837,29 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Occurs when the property is changed. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a calendar that displays the months in a year and handles the event so that when the user clicks on a month or the year, the calendar does not change its . - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a calendar that displays the months in a year and handles the event so that when the user clicks on a month or the year, the calendar does not change its . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet4"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: + ]]> @@ -913,29 +913,29 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Gets or sets the day that is considered the beginning of the week. A that represents the beginning of the week. The default is the that is determined by the current culture. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \ - - - -## Examples - The following example sets the property to . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet8"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \ + + + +## Examples + The following example sets the property to . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet8"::: + ]]> @@ -990,34 +990,34 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected if the current date is highlighted; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a where the current date is not highlighted. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a where the current date is not highlighted. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -1071,11 +1071,11 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Builds the visual tree for the control when a new template is applied. - method. - + method. + ]]> @@ -1105,11 +1105,11 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Returns a for use by the Silverlight automation infrastructure. A for the object. - instance if one has not been created for the control instance; otherwise, it returns the previously created. - + instance if one has not been created for the control instance; otherwise, it returns the previously created. + ]]> @@ -1205,11 +1205,11 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected The data for the event. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the user presses a key while this control has focus. - overrides the method to support keyboard navigation. For more information, see the class. This implementation marks the event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when a keystroke, such as pressing an ARROW key, performs a navigation action. - + overrides the method to support keyboard navigation. For more information, see the class. This implementation marks the event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when a keystroke, such as pressing an ARROW key, performs a navigation action. + ]]> @@ -1244,11 +1244,11 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected The data for the event. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the user releases a key while this control has focus. - overrides the method to support keyboard navigation. For more information, see the class. This implementation does not change the handled state (the property) of the event data. - + overrides the method to support keyboard navigation. For more information, see the class. This implementation does not change the handled state (the property) of the event data. + ]]> @@ -1283,11 +1283,11 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected The data for the event. Raises the routed event. - event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). - + event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). + ]]> @@ -1351,47 +1351,47 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Gets or sets the currently selected date. The date currently selected. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - Use this property when is set to . In other modes, this property will always be the first date in . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *dateTimeString* - A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a with a particular range of displayable dates, and sets the currently selected and displayed date. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + Use this property when is set to . In other modes, this property will always be the first date in . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *dateTimeString* + A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a with a particular range of displayable dates, and sets the currently selected and displayed date. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> - The specified date is outside the range specified by and - - -or- - + The specified date is outside the range specified by and + + -or- + The specified date is in the collection. If set to anything other than when is set to . @@ -1451,44 +1451,44 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Gets a collection of selected dates. A object that contains the currently selected dates. The default is an empty collection. - method. Depending on the value of the property, adding a date or range to the collection may cause it to be cleared. The following table lists how affects the property. - -|CalendarSelectionMode|Description| -|---------------------------|-----------------| -||No selections are allowed. cannot be set and no values can be added to .| -||Only a single date can be selected, either by setting or the first value in . cannot be used.| -||A single range of dates can be selected. Setting , adding a date individually to , or using will clear all previous values from .| -||Multiple non-contiguous ranges of dates can be selected. Adding a date individually to or using will not clear . Setting will still clear , but additional dates or ranges can then be added. Adding a range that includes some dates that are already selected or overlaps with another range results in the union of the ranges and does not cause an exception.| - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - oneOrMoreDateTimeObjects - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *oneOrMoreDateTimeObjects* - One or more object elements. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that has multiple ranges of dates selected. - + method. Depending on the value of the property, adding a date or range to the collection may cause it to be cleared. The following table lists how affects the property. + +|CalendarSelectionMode|Description| +|---------------------------|-----------------| +||No selections are allowed. cannot be set and no values can be added to .| +||Only a single date can be selected, either by setting or the first value in . cannot be used.| +||A single range of dates can be selected. Setting , adding a date individually to , or using will clear all previous values from .| +||Multiple non-contiguous ranges of dates can be selected. Adding a date individually to or using will not clear . Setting will still clear , but additional dates or ranges can then be added. Adding a range that includes some dates that are already selected or overlaps with another range results in the union of the ranges and does not cause an exception.| + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + oneOrMoreDateTimeObjects + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *oneOrMoreDateTimeObjects* + One or more object elements. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that has multiple ranges of dates selected. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -1516,17 +1516,17 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Occurs when the collection returned by the property is changed. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + ]]> @@ -1580,35 +1580,35 @@ Calendar with dates that cannot be selected Gets or sets a value that indicates what kind of selections are allowed. A value that indicates the current selection mode. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - This property determines whether the allows no selection, selection of a single date, or selection of multiple dates. The selection mode is specified with the enumeration. - - When this property is changed, all selected dates will be cleared. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \ - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that has multiple ranges of dates selected. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + This property determines whether the allows no selection, selection of a single date, or selection of multiple dates. The selection mode is specified with the enumeration. + + When this property is changed, all selected dates will be cleared. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \ + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that has multiple ranges of dates selected. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Calendar/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/calendarsnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Canvas.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Canvas.xml index e4601cca2dc..a867ffd9ce8 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Canvas.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Canvas.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Defines an area within which you can explicitly position child elements by using coordinates that are relative to the area. - contains a collection of objects, which are in the property. - - is the only panel element that has no inherent layout characteristics. A has default and properties of zero, unless it is the child of an element that automatically sizes its child elements. Child elements of a are never resized, they are just positioned at their designated coordinates. This provides flexibility for situations in which inherent sizing constraints or alignment are not needed or wanted. For cases in which you want child content to be automatically resized and aligned, it is usually best to use a element. - - The property determines the order in which child elements that share the same coordinate space appear. A higher value for one child element indicates that this element will appear above another child element that has a lower value. - - If you specify them, the attached properties or take priority over the or properties. - - Child elements of a are always given the full size that they desire. As a result, vertical alignment and horizontal alignment have no effect inside a . - - is a top-level layout control that you can use for absolute positioning of child content. For painting and drawing, you use brushes and do not have to use a . For more information, see [Painting with Solid Colors and Gradients Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/painting-with-solid-colors-and-gradients-overview). - - By default, panel elements do not receive focus. To compel a panel element to receive focus, set the property to `true`. - - - -## Examples - The following example produces three elements, each element 100 pixels. The first is red, and its upper-left (*x, y*) position is specified as (0, 0). The second is green, and its upper-left position is (100, 100), which is just below, and to the right of, the first square. The third is blue, and its upper-left position is (50, 50). Hence, the third covers the lower-right quadrant of the first and the upper-left quadrant of the second. Because the third is laid out last, it appears to be on top of the other two squares - that is, the overlapping portions assume the color of the third . - + contains a collection of objects, which are in the property. + + is the only panel element that has no inherent layout characteristics. A has default and properties of zero, unless it is the child of an element that automatically sizes its child elements. Child elements of a are never resized, they are just positioned at their designated coordinates. This provides flexibility for situations in which inherent sizing constraints or alignment are not needed or wanted. For cases in which you want child content to be automatically resized and aligned, it is usually best to use a element. + + The property determines the order in which child elements that share the same coordinate space appear. A higher value for one child element indicates that this element will appear above another child element that has a lower value. + + If you specify them, the attached properties or take priority over the or properties. + + Child elements of a are always given the full size that they desire. As a result, vertical alignment and horizontal alignment have no effect inside a . + + is a top-level layout control that you can use for absolute positioning of child content. For painting and drawing, you use brushes and do not have to use a . For more information, see [Painting with Solid Colors and Gradients Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/painting-with-solid-colors-and-gradients-overview). + + By default, panel elements do not receive focus. To compel a panel element to receive focus, set the property to `true`. + + + +## Examples + The following example produces three elements, each element 100 pixels. The first is red, and its upper-left (*x, y*) position is specified as (0, 0). The second is green, and its upper-left position is (100, 100), which is just below, and to the right of, the first square. The third is blue, and its upper-left position is (50, 50). Hence, the third covers the lower-right quadrant of the first and the upper-left quadrant of the second. Because the third is laid out last, it appears to be on top of the other two squares - that is, the overlapping portions assume the color of the third . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Canvas/Overview/Canvas_Ovw_Sample.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CanvasOvwSample/VisualBasic/canvas_vb.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CanvasOvwSample/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CanvasOvwSample/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -135,21 +135,21 @@ Gets or sets a value that represents the distance between the bottom of an element and the bottom of its parent . - offset of a child element does not affect the size of a parent . - - If you specify them, the attached properties or take priority over the or properties. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + offset of a child element does not affect the size of a parent . + + If you specify them, the attached properties or take priority over the or properties. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -420,21 +420,21 @@ Gets or sets a value that represents the distance between the left side of an element and the left side of its parent . - offset of a child element does not affect the size of a parent . - - If you specify them, the attached properties or take priority over or properties. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + offset of a child element does not affect the size of a parent . + + If you specify them, the attached properties or take priority over or properties. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -520,21 +520,21 @@ Gets or sets a value that represents the distance between the right side of an element and the right side of its parent . - offset of a child element does not affect the size of a parent . - - If you specify them, the attached properties or take priority over or properties. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + offset of a child element does not affect the size of a parent . + + If you specify them, the attached properties or take priority over or properties. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -720,21 +720,21 @@ Gets or sets a value that represents the distance between the top of an element and the top of its parent . - offset of a child element does not affect the size of a parent . - - If you specify them, the attached properties or take priority over or . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + offset of a child element does not affect the size of a parent . + + If you specify them, the attached properties or take priority over or . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ColumnDefinition.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ColumnDefinition.xml index 8493ed30e8d..27ee1978207 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ColumnDefinition.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ColumnDefinition.xml @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ Defines column-specific properties that apply to elements. - uses its own special structure, a , to describe its width characteristics. allows a to support variable distribution of available space. - + uses its own special structure, a , to describe its width characteristics. allows a to support variable distribution of available space. + ]]> @@ -80,13 +80,13 @@ Gets a value that represents the actual calculated width of a . A that represents the actual calculated width in device independent pixels. The default value is 0.0. - for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. - + for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. + ]]> @@ -122,48 +122,48 @@ Gets or sets a value that represents the maximum width of a . A that represents the maximum width. The default value is . - value takes precedence over the value, which in turn takes precedence over the value. - - When you add or remove rows or columns, the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + value takes precedence over the value, which in turn takes precedence over the value. + + When you add or remove rows or columns, the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -235,48 +235,48 @@ Gets or sets a value that represents the minimum width of a . A that represents the minimum width. The default value is 0. - value takes precedence over the value, which in turn takes precedence over the value. - - When you add or remove rows or columns , the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + value takes precedence over the value, which in turn takes precedence over the value. + + When you add or remove rows or columns , the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -369,21 +369,21 @@ Gets the calculated width of a element, or sets the value of a column that is defined by the . The that represents the width of the Column. The default value is 1.0. - is . - - When you add or remove rows or columns, the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is . + + When you add or remove rows or columns, the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox.xml index bcb74bdd345..08cd6af4298 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox.xml @@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -552,8 +552,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -676,8 +676,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1132,8 +1132,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1268,8 +1268,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1410,8 +1410,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1485,8 +1485,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, | diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBoxItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBoxItem.xml index 4065f82b228..e9b899129ca 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBoxItem.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBoxItem.xml @@ -29,22 +29,22 @@ Implements a selectable item inside a . - [!NOTE] -> By default, the of a is set to . The default horizontal position of a is . If you set the property of a through a , the panel's default is applied and the item will be centered. - - A is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. - -## Customizing the ComboBoxItem Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ComboBox Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/combobox-styles-and-templates). - +> By default, the of a is set to . The default horizontal position of a is . If you set the property of a through a , the panel's default is applied and the item will be centered. + + A is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. + +## Customizing the ComboBoxItem Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ComboBox Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/combobox-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + ]]> @@ -106,28 +106,28 @@ if a is highlighted; otherwise, . The default is . - has a protected setter. To use this functionality, your application should target the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example changes the appearance of a when is `true`. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox/DropDownClosed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + has a protected setter. To use this functionality, your application should target the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example changes the appearance of a when is `true`. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox/DropDownClosed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl.xml index 9db379ed91b..32a07eba62c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl.xml @@ -41,46 +41,46 @@ Represents a control with a single piece of content of any type. - can contain any type of common language runtime object (such as a string or a object) or a object (such as a or a ). This enables you to add rich content to controls such as and . - - The following illustration shows four buttons whose property is set to one of the following: - -- A string. - -- A object. - -- A object. - -- A control that contains other objects. - - ![Four buttons](~/add/media/controlcontentmodelbuttons.PNG "Four buttons") -Four buttons with different types of content - - A has a limited default style. If you want to enhance the appearance of the control, you can create a new . For more information, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). Another typical scenario is to use the to show more information about an item selected in an control. For more information, see [How to: Bind to a Collection and Display Information Based on Selection](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/how-to-bind-to-a-collection-and-display-information-based-on-selection). - + can contain any type of common language runtime object (such as a string or a object) or a object (such as a or a ). This enables you to add rich content to controls such as and . + + The following illustration shows four buttons whose property is set to one of the following: + +- A string. + +- A object. + +- A object. + +- A control that contains other objects. + + ![Four buttons](~/add/media/controlcontentmodelbuttons.PNG "Four buttons") +Four buttons with different types of content + + A has a limited default style. If you want to enhance the appearance of the control, you can create a new . For more information, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). Another typical scenario is to use the to show more information about an item selected in an control. For more information, see [How to: Bind to a Collection and Display Information Based on Selection](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/how-to-bind-to-a-collection-and-display-information-based-on-selection). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to create the four buttons shown in the Remarks section. - + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to create the four buttons shown in the Remarks section. + > [!NOTE] -> Although the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) version of the example could use the `` tags around the content of each button, it is not necessary. For more information, see [XAML Overview (WPF)](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-overview-wpf). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - +> Although the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) version of the example could use the `` tags around the content of each button, it is not necessary. For more information, see [XAML Overview (WPF)](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-overview-wpf). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlContentOverviewSnippets/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - - The following example shows how to make a style for a so that the control has an enhanced visual appearance. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlContentOverviewSnippets/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + + The following example shows how to make a style for a so that the control has an enhanced visual appearance. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet5"::: + ]]> @@ -211,63 +211,63 @@ Four buttons with different types of content Gets or sets the content of a . An object that contains the control's content. The default value is . - property is of type , there are no restrictions on what you can put in a . The is displayed by a , which is in the of the . Every type in WPF has a in its default . For more information about how the displays , see . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - content -``` - - -## XAML Values - `Content` - Text or a single object. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to create four controls with set to one of the following: - -- A string. - -- A object. - -- A object. - -- A control that contains other objects. - + property is of type , there are no restrictions on what you can put in a . The is displayed by a , which is in the of the . Every type in WPF has a in its default . For more information about how the displays , see . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + content +``` + + +## XAML Values + `Content` + Text or a single object. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to create four controls with set to one of the following: + +- A string. + +- A object. + +- A object. + +- A control that contains other objects. + > [!NOTE] -> Although the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) version of the example could use the `` tags around the content of each button, it is not necessary. For more information, see [XAML Overview (WPF)](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-overview-wpf). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - +> Although the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) version of the example could use the `` tags around the content of each button, it is not necessary. For more information, see [XAML Overview (WPF)](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-overview-wpf). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlContentOverviewSnippets/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - - The following illustration shows the four buttons created in the previous example. - - ![Four buttons](~/add/media/controlcontentmodelbuttons.PNG "Four buttons") - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlContentOverviewSnippets/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + + The following illustration shows the four buttons created in the previous example. + + ![Four buttons](~/add/media/controlcontentmodelbuttons.PNG "Four buttons") + ]]> @@ -329,18 +329,18 @@ Four buttons with different types of content Gets or sets a composite string that specifies how to format the property if it is displayed as a string. A composite string that specifies how to format the property if it is displayed as a string. - can be a predefined, composite, or custom string format. For more information about string formats, see [Formatting Types](/dotnet/standard/base-types/formatting-types). If you set the or property of a , the property is ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example specifies the format of objects by setting the property in a and applying the to two objects, which inherit from . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/ContentStringFormat/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcontentcontrol"::: - + can be a predefined, composite, or custom string format. For more information about string formats, see [Formatting Types](/dotnet/standard/base-types/formatting-types). If you set the or property of a , the property is ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example specifies the format of objects by setting the property in a and applying the to two objects, which inherit from . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/ContentStringFormat/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcontentcontrol"::: + ]]> @@ -402,46 +402,46 @@ Four buttons with different types of content Gets or sets the data template used to display the content of the . A data template. The default value is . - to specify the appearance of the . For more information on data templates, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *resourceExtension* - A markup extension that identifies how to reference the template resource, either `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *styleResourceKey* - The key that identifies the requested template selector. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + to specify the appearance of the . For more information on data templates, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *resourceExtension* + A markup extension that identifies how to reference the template resource, either `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *styleResourceKey* + The key that identifies the requested template selector. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. For more information, see [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following examples show how to create a content template and apply the template to a content control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. For more information, see [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following examples show how to create a content template and apply the template to a content control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -507,47 +507,47 @@ Four buttons with different types of content Gets or sets a template selector that enables an application writer to provide custom template-selection logic. A data template selector. The default value is . - when you have more than one for the same type of objects and you want to supply your own logic to choose a to apply based on the properties of each data object. Note that if you have objects of different types you can set the property on the . If you do that, then there is no need to create a . Furthermore, if you have objects of the same type but with different properties, you can also consider using a or a data converter. For more information, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). - - To create a template selector, create a class that inherits from and override the method. After your class is defined, you can assign an instance of the class to the template selector property of your element. - - If both the and the properties are set, then this property is ignored. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *ResourceExtension* - A markup extension that identifies how to reference the template resource, either `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *TemplateSelectorKey* - The key that identifies the requested template selector. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property. This example binds the selected item in a to the property of a , which inherits from . When the user selects a value below 5, the value of the selected item appears in a black square in the . When the user selects a value that is 5 or above, the value appears in a green ellipse. The example accomplishes this by creating two objects and a , which is set to the property and chooses the appropriate based on the value of the selected item. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/ContentTemplateSelector/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + when you have more than one for the same type of objects and you want to supply your own logic to choose a to apply based on the properties of each data object. Note that if you have objects of different types you can set the property on the . If you do that, then there is no need to create a . Furthermore, if you have objects of the same type but with different properties, you can also consider using a or a data converter. For more information, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). + + To create a template selector, create a class that inherits from and override the method. After your class is defined, you can assign an instance of the class to the template selector property of your element. + + If both the and the properties are set, then this property is ignored. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *ResourceExtension* + A markup extension that identifies how to reference the template resource, either `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *TemplateSelectorKey* + The key that identifies the requested template selector. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property. This example binds the selected item in a to the property of a , which inherits from . When the user selects a value below 5, the value of the selected item appears in a black square in the . When the user selects a value that is 5 or above, the value appears in a green ellipse. The example accomplishes this by creating two objects and a , which is set to the property and chooses the appropriate based on the value of the selected item. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/ContentTemplateSelector/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/ContentTemplateSelector/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: -:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentControlTemplateSelector/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - +:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentControlTemplateSelector/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -614,27 +614,27 @@ Four buttons with different types of content if the has content; otherwise . The default value is . - property is `null`, this property returns `false`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to determine whether a content control contains content. - + property is `null`, this property returns `false`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to determine whether a content control contains content. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet4"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentControl/VisualBasic/Page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentControl/VisualBasic/Page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -853,11 +853,11 @@ Four buttons with different types of content if the property should be persisted; otherwise, . - property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer for the or developing your own control incorporating the . - + property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer for the or developing your own control incorporating the . + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter.xml index 289ec35f621..f9dac176b6c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter.xml @@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -363,8 +363,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -513,8 +513,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -742,8 +742,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenu.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenu.xml index fe44c53b8c5..50565b9023c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenu.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenu.xml @@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -416,8 +416,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -542,8 +542,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -824,8 +824,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -916,8 +916,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1002,8 +1002,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1092,8 +1092,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1221,8 +1221,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1311,8 +1311,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService.xml index 7bb31c579ba..bd7c2b195fe 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService.xml @@ -23,36 +23,36 @@ Provides the system implementation for displaying a . - class provides attached properties that can be used to specify the appearance and position of a context menu. Many of the properties in the class are also defined by the . Sometimes it is more convenient to set the properties by using the class than by setting the properties on a . For example, you can create a to be shared by multiple elements, but use the class to specify a different position of the for each element. The following properties are defined by the and classes. If any of these properties are set on both and the , the property value from the is used. - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - You can also use the to display menus on disabled items. - - - -## Examples - The following example assigns the same to two buttons and sets the , , , , and properties to set the to different positions for each button. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetsharedcontextmenu"::: - - The following example shows how to use the service to display a on a disabled button. Notice that you set the property on the button that is the parent of the context menu. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenu/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - + class provides attached properties that can be used to specify the appearance and position of a context menu. Many of the properties in the class are also defined by the . Sometimes it is more convenient to set the properties by using the class than by setting the properties on a . For example, you can create a to be shared by multiple elements, but use the class to specify a different position of the for each element. The following properties are defined by the and classes. If any of these properties are set on both and the , the property value from the is used. + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + + You can also use the to display menus on disabled items. + + + +## Examples + The following example assigns the same to two buttons and sets the , , , , and properties to set the to different positions for each button. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetsharedcontextmenu"::: + + The following example shows how to use the service to display a on a disabled button. Notice that you set the property on the button that is the parent of the context menu. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenu/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -140,18 +140,18 @@ Gets or sets the content of a . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -638,26 +638,26 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the has the drop shadow effect enabled. - opens, the value is set to the value of . Setting this property to `true` has no effect if the property is `false`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example assigns the same to two buttons and sets the , , , , and properties to set the to different positions for each button. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetsharedcontextmenu"::: - + opens, the value is set to the value of . Setting this property to `true` has no effect if the property is `false`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example assigns the same to two buttons and sets the , , , , and properties to set the to different positions for each button. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetsharedcontextmenu"::: + ]]> @@ -709,53 +709,53 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates where along the x-direction to place the with respect to the parent control. - by setting the , , , , and properties. These properties behave the same as they do for a . For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - A string representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - - -## Examples - The following example assigns the same to two buttons and sets the , , , , and properties to set the to different positions for each button. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetsharedcontextmenu"::: - + by setting the , , , , and properties. These properties behave the same as they do for a . For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + A string representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + + +## Examples + The following example assigns the same to two buttons and sets the , , , , and properties to set the to different positions for each button. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetsharedcontextmenu"::: + ]]> @@ -807,26 +807,26 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the can be shown. - property is `false` the context menu does not appear when the user right-clicks the parent control. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to disable a context menu by setting the property to false. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetcontextmenuserviceisenabled"::: - + property is `false` the context menu does not appear when the user right-clicks the parent control. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to disable a context menu by setting the property to false. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetcontextmenuserviceisenabled"::: + ]]> @@ -878,26 +878,26 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the placement of the relative to the or . - by setting the , , , , and properties. These properties behave the same as they do for a . For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example assigns the same to two buttons and sets the , , , , and properties to set the to different positions for each button. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetsharedcontextmenu"::: - + by setting the , , , , and properties. These properties behave the same as they do for a . For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example assigns the same to two buttons and sets the , , , , and properties to set the to different positions for each button. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetsharedcontextmenu"::: + ]]> @@ -949,26 +949,26 @@ Gets or sets the area relative to which the context menu is positioned when it opens. - by setting the , , , , and properties. These properties behave the same as they do for a . For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example assigns the same to two buttons and sets the , , , , and properties to set the to different positions for each button. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetsharedcontextmenu"::: - + by setting the , , , , and properties. These properties behave the same as they do for a . For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example assigns the same to two buttons and sets the , , , , and properties to set the to different positions for each button. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetsharedcontextmenu"::: + ]]> @@ -1020,19 +1020,19 @@ Gets or sets the parent control of the . - by setting the , , , , and properties. These properties behave the same as they do for a . For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + by setting the , , , , and properties. These properties behave the same as they do for a . For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1434,25 +1434,25 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the should be shown when its parent is grayed out. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - This example creates and displays a on a disabled button. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetcontextmenuserviceshowondisabled"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + This example creates and displays a on a disabled button. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetcontextmenuserviceshowondisabled"::: + ]]> @@ -1504,53 +1504,53 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates where along the y-direction to place the with respect to the parent control. - by setting the , , , , and properties. These properties behave the same as they do for a . For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - A string representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - - -## Examples - The following example assigns the same to two buttons and sets the , , , , and properties to set the to different positions for each button. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetsharedcontextmenu"::: - + by setting the , , , , and properties. These properties behave the same as they do for a . For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + A string representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + + +## Examples + The following example assigns the same to two buttons and sets the , , , , and properties to set the to different positions for each button. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContextMenuService/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetsharedcontextmenu"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Control.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Control.xml index 90bc440ff69..f6017f25aa2 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Control.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Control.xml @@ -23,41 +23,41 @@ Represents the base class for user interface (UI) elements that use a to define their appearance. - class is the base class for many of the controls you add to an application. The class defines very little behavior; while it is possible to add a to your application, it is far more common to add a control that inherits from , such as a or . - - The property, which is a , specifies the appearance of the . If you want to change the appearance of a control but retain its functionality, you should consider creating a new instead of creating a new class. For more information, see [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating). - - If you want to create a control with custom behavior as well as allow others to customize its appearance, your control can inherit from the class and define a . If you want to extend the behavior of an existing control, you can inherit from a class that inherits from . - - A that does not have a is not visible in your application, and setting the following properties has no effect unless the references them explicitly: - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - A common way to use these properties is to bind an element in the to the property. For example, if you want your control to change color according to the value of the property, you can bind some property of an element in the to the . Use the [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension) to bind properties on a control to an element in the . - - overrides the metadata of the property and sets its default to `true`. For more information, see [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) - + class is the base class for many of the controls you add to an application. The class defines very little behavior; while it is possible to add a to your application, it is far more common to add a control that inherits from , such as a or . + + The property, which is a , specifies the appearance of the . If you want to change the appearance of a control but retain its functionality, you should consider creating a new instead of creating a new class. For more information, see [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating). + + If you want to create a control with custom behavior as well as allow others to customize its appearance, your control can inherit from the class and define a . If you want to extend the behavior of an existing control, you can inherit from a class that inherits from . + + A that does not have a is not visible in your application, and setting the following properties has no effect unless the references them explicitly: + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + + A common way to use these properties is to bind an element in the to the property. For example, if you want your control to change color according to the value of the property, you can bind some property of an element in the to the . Use the [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension) to bind properties on a control to an element in the . + + overrides the metadata of the property and sets its default to `true`. For more information, see [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ Called to arrange and size the content of a object. The size of the control. - @@ -159,35 +159,35 @@ Gets or sets a brush that describes the background of a control. The brush that is used to fill the background of the control. The default is . - property applies only to the resting state of a control. The default style of the control specifies its appearance when the state of the control changes. For example, if you set the property on a , the button has that value only when it is not pressed or disabled. If you want to create a control that has a more advanced customization of the background, you must define the control's style. - - This property only affects a control whose template uses the property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the background property of a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet11"::: - + property applies only to the resting state of a control. The default style of the control specifies its appearance when the state of the control changes. For example, if you set the property on a , the button has that value only when it is not pressed or disabled. If you want to create a control that has a more advanced customization of the background, you must define the control's style. + + This property only affects a control whose template uses the property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the background property of a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet11"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - - The following example shows a template that enables a trigger to change the background of a button when it is pressed. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/page1.xaml" id="Snippetbuttontemplate"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + + The following example shows a template that enables a trigger to change the background of a button when it is pressed. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/page1.xaml" id="Snippetbuttontemplate"::: + ]]> @@ -253,29 +253,29 @@ Gets or sets a brush that describes the border background of a control. The brush that is used to fill the control's border; the default is . - property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the border brush property of a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet17"::: - + property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the border brush property of a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet17"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet7"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet7"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet7"::: + ]]> @@ -341,29 +341,29 @@ Gets or sets the border thickness of a control. A thickness value; the default is a thickness of 0 on all four sides. - property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the border thickness property of a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops11"::: - + property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the border thickness property of a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops11"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops1"::: + ]]> @@ -433,29 +433,29 @@ Gets or sets the font family of the control. A font family. The default is the system dialog font. - property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the font family property of a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet13"::: - + property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the font family property of a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet13"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -529,60 +529,60 @@ Gets or sets the font size. The size of the text in the . The default is . The font size must be a positive number. - property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - A string representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For example, a value of `1` is acceptable. - - The same range restrictions that are mentioned in the Property Value section apply here. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as previously described that is followed by one of these unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - **Note** In many cases a double may be set to "Auto," but a does not render if set to "Auto". - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the font size property of a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet14"::: - + property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + A string representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For example, a value of `1` is acceptable. + + The same range restrictions that are mentioned in the Property Value section apply here. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as previously described that is followed by one of these unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + **Note** In many cases a double may be set to "Auto," but a does not render if set to "Auto". + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the font size property of a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet14"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet4"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -648,29 +648,29 @@ Gets or sets the degree to which a font is condensed or expanded on the screen. A value. The default is . - property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the font stretch property of a control. For possible stretch values, see . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops12"::: - + property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the font stretch property of a control. For possible stretch values, see . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops12"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops2"::: + ]]> @@ -736,29 +736,29 @@ Gets or sets the font style. A value. The default is . - property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the font style property of a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet15"::: - + property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the font style property of a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet15"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: + ]]> @@ -824,29 +824,29 @@ Gets or sets the weight or thickness of the specified font. A value. The default is . - property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. For a list of predefined values, see the class. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property of a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet16"::: - + property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. For a list of predefined values, see the class. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property of a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet16"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet6"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet6"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet6"::: + ]]> @@ -912,29 +912,29 @@ Gets or sets a brush that describes the foreground color. The brush that paints the foreground of the control. The default value is the system dialog font color. - property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the font style property of a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet12"::: - + property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the font style property of a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet12"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -1028,31 +1028,31 @@ Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the control's content. One of the values. The default is . - , , and , you can set the property to , which stretches the child element to fill the allocated space of the parent element. For more information, see [Alignment, Margins, and Padding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/alignment-margins-and-padding-overview). - - This property only affects a control whose template uses the property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the horizontal content alignment property of a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet18"::: - + , , and , you can set the property to , which stretches the child element to fill the allocated space of the parent element. For more information, see [Alignment, Margins, and Padding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/alignment-margins-and-padding-overview). + + This property only affects a control whose template uses the property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the horizontal content alignment property of a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet18"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet8"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet8"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet8"::: + ]]> @@ -1119,29 +1119,29 @@ if the control is included in tab navigation; otherwise, . The default is . - is `false`, the control is excluded from tab navigation. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property and how to test whether a control is included in tab navigation. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops15"::: - + is `false`, the control is excluded from tab navigation. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property and how to test whether a control is included in tab navigation. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops15"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops4"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops4"::: + ]]> @@ -1201,11 +1201,11 @@ Called to remeasure a control. The size of the control, up to the maximum specified by . - @@ -1234,36 +1234,36 @@ Occurs when a mouse button is clicked two or more times. - . If you set the property to `true` in a event handler, subsequent events along the route will occur with set to `false`. This is a higher-level event for control consumers who want to be notified when the user double-clicks the control and to handle the event in an application. - - Control authors who want to handle mouse double clicks should use the event when is equal to two. This will cause the state of to propagate appropriately in the case where another element in the element tree handles the event. - - The class defines the and events, but not corresponding single-click events. To see if the user has clicked the control once, handle the event (or one of its counterparts) and check whether the property value is 1. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to attach an event handler to the event. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetcontrolevents11"::: - - The following example shows the event handler of the event. - + . If you set the property to `true` in a event handler, subsequent events along the route will occur with set to `false`. This is a higher-level event for control consumers who want to be notified when the user double-clicks the control and to handle the event in an application. + + Control authors who want to handle mouse double clicks should use the event when is equal to two. This will cause the state of to propagate appropriately in the case where another element in the element tree handles the event. + + The class defines the and events, but not corresponding single-click events. To see if the user has clicked the control once, handle the event (or one of its counterparts) and check whether the property value is 1. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to attach an event handler to the event. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetcontrolevents11"::: + + The following example shows the event handler of the event. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcontrolevents1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcontrolevents1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcontrolevents1"::: + ]]> @@ -1322,11 +1322,11 @@ The event data. Raises the routed event. - event by calling the method. For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). - + event by calling the method. For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). + ]]> @@ -1362,11 +1362,11 @@ The event data. Raises the routed event. - event by calling the method. For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). - + event by calling the method. For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). + ]]> @@ -1404,21 +1404,21 @@ The new template. Called whenever the control's template changes. - method call, a style trigger, or some other means. - -2. The property value changes; the property-changed callback is called. - -3. The old visual tree is removed. - -4. An internal method is called which eventually calls the method. - -5. Later, during a measure, is called and a new visual tree is attached. - + method call, a style trigger, or some other means. + +2. The property value changes; the property-changed callback is called. + +3. The old visual tree is removed. + +4. An internal method is called which eventually calls the method. + +5. Later, during a measure, is called and a new visual tree is attached. + ]]> @@ -1458,31 +1458,31 @@ Gets or sets the padding inside a control. The amount of space between the content of a and its or . The default is a thickness of 0 on all four sides. - and [Alignment, Margins, and Padding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/alignment-margins-and-padding-overview). - - This property only affects a control whose template uses the property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the padding property of a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops13"::: - + and [Alignment, Margins, and Padding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/alignment-margins-and-padding-overview). + + This property only affects a control whose template uses the property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the padding property of a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops13"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops3"::: + ]]> @@ -1537,36 +1537,36 @@ Occurs when a user clicks the mouse button two or more times. - . If you set the property to `true` in a event handler, subsequent events along the route will occur with set to `false`, but the event will occur with set to `true`. This is a higher-level event for control consumers who want to be notified when the user double-clicks the control and to handle the event in an application. - - Control authors who want to handle mouse double clicks should use the event when is equal to two. This will cause the state of to propagate appropriately in the case where another element in the element tree handles the event. - - The class defines the and events, but not corresponding single-click events. To see if the user has clicked the control once, handle the event (or one of its counterparts) and check whether the property value is 1. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to attach an event handler the event. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetcontrolevents12"::: - - The following example shows the event handler of the event. - + . If you set the property to `true` in a event handler, subsequent events along the route will occur with set to `false`, but the event will occur with set to `true`. This is a higher-level event for control consumers who want to be notified when the user double-clicks the control and to handle the event in an application. + + Control authors who want to handle mouse double clicks should use the event when is equal to two. This will cause the state of to propagate appropriately in the case where another element in the element tree handles the event. + + The class defines the and events, but not corresponding single-click events. To see if the user has clicked the control once, handle the event (or one of its counterparts) and check whether the property value is 1. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to attach an event handler the event. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetcontrolevents12"::: + + The following example shows the event handler of the event. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcontrolevents2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcontrolevents2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcontrolevents2"::: + ]]> @@ -1632,26 +1632,26 @@ Gets or sets a value that determines the order in which elements receive focus when the user navigates through controls by using the TAB key. A value that determines the order of logical navigation for a device. The default value is Int32.MaxValue. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example sets the tab index of three buttons. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops17"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example sets the tab index of three buttons. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/BorderThickness/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetadditionalcontrolprops17"::: + ]]> @@ -1713,28 +1713,28 @@ Gets or sets a control template. The template that defines the appearance of the . - specifies the appearance of a ; if a does not have a , the will not appear in your application. The control author defines the default control template, and the application author can override the to redefine the visual tree of the control. See [Control Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/control-styles-and-templates) for information and examples of how to change the visual tree of existing controls. - - A is intended to be a self-contained unit of implementation detail that is invisible to outside users and objects, including objects. The only way to manipulate the content of the control template is from within the same control template. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a for a . If you add this to your application as a resource, all the buttons in the application will appear as ellipses but will still function as buttons. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbuttonct"::: - + specifies the appearance of a ; if a does not have a , the will not appear in your application. The control author defines the default control template, and the application author can override the to redefine the visual tree of the control. See [Control Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/control-styles-and-templates) for information and examples of how to change the visual tree of existing controls. + + A is intended to be a self-contained unit of implementation detail that is invisible to outside users and objects, including objects. The only way to manipulate the content of the control template is from within the same control template. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a for a . If you add this to your application as a resource, all the buttons in the application will appear as ellipses but will still function as buttons. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbuttonct"::: + ]]> @@ -1791,11 +1791,11 @@ Returns the string representation of a object. A string that represents the control. - @@ -1835,31 +1835,31 @@ Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the control's content. One of the values. The default is . - , , and , you can set the property to , which stretches the child element to fill the allocated layout space of the parent element. For more information, see [Alignment, Margins, and Padding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/alignment-margins-and-padding-overview). - - This property only affects a control whose template uses the property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the vertical content alignment property on a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet19"::: - + , , and , you can set the property to , which stretches the child element to fill the allocated layout space of the parent element. For more information, see [Alignment, Margins, and Padding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/alignment-margins-and-padding-overview). + + This property only affects a control whose template uses the property as a parameter. On other controls, this property has no impact. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the vertical content alignment property on a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet19"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Control/Background/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet9"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet9"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ControlProps/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet9"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DataGrid.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DataGrid.xml index 7471d74b641..5c87858a356 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DataGrid.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DataGrid.xml @@ -3559,8 +3559,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `True`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DataGridRow.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DataGridRow.xml index 9c6364dce37..c677d1b047e 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DataGridRow.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DataGridRow.xml @@ -690,8 +690,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker.xml index 4bc2a56d881..b6897496071 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker.xml @@ -40,52 +40,52 @@ Represents a control that allows the user to select a date. - control allows the user to select a date by either typing it into a text field or by using a drop-down control. - - Many of a control's properties are for managing its built-in , and function identically to the equivalent property in . In particular, the , , , , , , and properties function identically to their counterparts. For more information, see . - - Users can type a date directly into a text field, which sets the property. If the cannot convert the entered string to a valid date, the event will be raised. By default, this causes an exception, but an event handler for can set the property to `false` and prevent an exception from being raised. - + control allows the user to select a date by either typing it into a text field or by using a drop-down control. + + Many of a control's properties are for managing its built-in , and function identically to the equivalent property in . In particular, the , , , , , , and properties function identically to their counterparts. For more information, see . + + Users can type a date directly into a text field, which sets the property. If the cannot convert the entered string to a valid date, the event will be raised. By default, this causes an exception, but an event handler for can set the property to `false` and prevent an exception from being raised. + > [!NOTE] -> The supports only the Gregorian calendar. - -## Customizing the DatePicker Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [DatePicker Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/datepicker-styles-and-templates). - +> The supports only the Gregorian calendar. + +## Customizing the DatePicker Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [DatePicker Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/datepicker-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - - -## XAML Object Element Usage - -``` - -``` - - - -## Examples - The following illustration shows a . - - ![DatePicker control](~/add/media/ndp-datepicker.png "DatePicker control") -DatePicker Control - - The following example creates the shown in the previous illustration. The does the following: - -- Displays the date using unabbreviated days of the week and month names. - -- Limits the drop-down calendar to display dates only in the year 2009. - -- Displays Monday as the first day of the week. - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + + +## XAML Object Element Usage + +``` + +``` + + + +## Examples + The following illustration shows a . + + ![DatePicker control](~/add/media/ndp-datepicker.png "DatePicker control") +DatePicker Control + + The following example creates the shown in the previous illustration. The does the following: + +- Displays the date using unabbreviated days of the week and month names. + +- Limits the drop-down calendar to display dates only in the year 2009. + +- Displays Monday as the first day of the week. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -136,50 +136,50 @@ DatePicker Control Gets or sets a collection of dates that are marked as not selectable. A collection of dates that cannot be selected. The default value is an empty collection. - event occurs. - - To make all past dates not selectable, you can use the method provided by the collection returned by this property. - - Adding a date to this collection when it is already selected or adding a date outside the range specified by and will cause an . - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - oneOrMoreCalendarDateRanges - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *oneOrMoreCalendarDateRanges* - One or more object elements of type . - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that displays the dates in August 2009 and specifies that each Saturday and Sunday is not selectable. - + event occurs. + + To make all past dates not selectable, you can use the method provided by the collection returned by this property. + + Adding a date to this collection when it is already selected or adding a date outside the range specified by and will cause an . + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + oneOrMoreCalendarDateRanges + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *oneOrMoreCalendarDateRanges* + One or more object elements of type . + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that displays the dates in August 2009 and specifies that each Saturday and Sunday is not selectable. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - - The handles the event, as shown in the following code. If the user enters a date that is not selectable, the example displays a message. If the user enters text that is not a valid date, an exception is thrown. - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + + The handles the event, as shown in the following code. If the user enters a date that is not selectable, the example displays a message. If the user enters text that is not a valid date, an exception is thrown. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - - The preceding example produces output that is similar to the following illustration. - - ![DatePicker with dates that are not selectable](~/add/media/ndp-datepickblackout.png "DatePicker with dates that are not selectable") -DatePicker with dates that are not selectable - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + + The preceding example produces output that is similar to the following illustration. + + ![DatePicker with dates that are not selectable](~/add/media/ndp-datepickblackout.png "DatePicker with dates that are not selectable") +DatePicker with dates that are not selectable + ]]> @@ -208,27 +208,27 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Occurs when the drop-down is closed. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a and provides instructions to the user. When the user opens or closes the , the instructions are updated. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet7"::: - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a and provides instructions to the user. When the user opens or closes the , the instructions are updated. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet7"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet8"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet8"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet8"::: + ]]> @@ -257,27 +257,27 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Occurs when the drop-down is opened. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a and provides instructions to the user. When the user opens or closes the , the instructions are updated. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet7"::: - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a and provides instructions to the user. When the user opens or closes the , the instructions are updated. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet7"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet8"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet8"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet8"::: + ]]> @@ -306,41 +306,41 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Gets or sets the style that is used when rendering the calendar. The style that is used when rendering the calendar. - property to specify the appearance of the drop-down calendar. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *resourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. For more information, see [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *styleResourceKey* - The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a for and assigns the style to the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet6"::: - + property to specify the appearance of the drop-down calendar. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *resourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. For more information, see [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *styleResourceKey* + The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a for and assigns the style to the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet6"::: + ]]> @@ -394,37 +394,37 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Occurs when is set to a value that cannot be interpreted as a date or when the date cannot be selected. - event occurs, if you set the property to `true`, one of the following exceptions is raised: - -|Exception type|Condition| -|--------------------|---------------| -||The text entered cannot be parsed to a valid date, and the exception is not suppressed.| -||The text entered parses to a date that is not selectable.| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that displays the dates in August 2009 and specifies that each Saturday and Sunday is not selectable. - + event occurs, if you set the property to `true`, one of the following exceptions is raised: + +|Exception type|Condition| +|--------------------|---------------| +||The text entered cannot be parsed to a valid date, and the exception is not suppressed.| +||The text entered parses to a date that is not selectable.| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that displays the dates in August 2009 and specifies that each Saturday and Sunday is not selectable. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - - The handles the event, as shown in the following code. If the user enters a date that is not selectable, the example displays a message. If the user enters text that is not a valid date, an exception is thrown. - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + + The handles the event, as shown in the following code. If the user enters a date that is not selectable, the example displays a message. If the user enters text that is not a valid date, an exception is thrown. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -453,40 +453,40 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Gets or sets the date to display. The date to display. The default is . - of the . For more information, see the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - This property allows the developer to specify a date to display if is `null`. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *dateTimeString* - A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that is initialized with its calendar open and displaying July 7, 2009. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + of the . For more information, see the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + This property allows the developer to specify a date to display if is `null`. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *dateTimeString* + A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that is initialized with its calendar open and displaying July 7, 2009. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> The specified date is not in the range defined by . and . @@ -517,40 +517,40 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Gets or sets the last date to be displayed. The last date to display. - of the . For more information, see the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *dateTimeString* - A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that limits the drop-down calendar to display dates only in the year 2009. - + of the . For more information, see the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *dateTimeString* + A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that limits the drop-down calendar to display dates only in the year 2009. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -630,40 +630,40 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Gets or sets the first date to be displayed. The first date to display. - of the . For more information, see the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *dateTimeString* - A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that limits the drop-down calendar to display dates only in the year 2009. - + of the . For more information, see the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *dateTimeString* + A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that limits the drop-down calendar to display dates only in the year 2009. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -718,32 +718,32 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Gets or sets the day that is considered the beginning of the week. A that represents the beginning of the week. The default is the that is determined by the current culture. - of the . For more information, see the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \ - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that displays Monday as the first day of the week. - + of the . For more information, see the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \ + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that displays Monday as the first day of the week. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -825,34 +825,34 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable if the is open; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - Setting this property will cause the drop-down to open or close. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that is initialized with its calendar open and displays July 7, 2009. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + Setting this property will cause the drop-down to open or close. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that is initialized with its calendar open and displays July 7, 2009. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -907,33 +907,33 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable if the current date is highlighted; otherwise, . The default is . - of the . For more information, see the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that does not highlight the current date. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + of the . For more information, see the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that does not highlight the current date. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -988,11 +988,11 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Builds the visual tree for the control when a new template is applied. - method. - + method. + ]]> @@ -1086,11 +1086,11 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Returns a for use by the automation infrastructure. A for the object. - instance if one has not been created for the control instance; otherwise, it returns the previously created. - + instance if one has not been created for the control instance; otherwise, it returns the previously created. + ]]> @@ -1154,11 +1154,11 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable The data for the event. Raises the routed event. - event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). - + event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). + ]]> @@ -1190,38 +1190,38 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Gets or sets the currently selected date. The date currently selected. The default is . - of the . For more information, see the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *dateTimeString* - A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that has the date August 10, 2009 selected. The example also binds the property to a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet5"::: - + of the . For more information, see the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *dateTimeString* + A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that has the date August 10, 2009 selected. The example also binds the property to a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet5"::: + ]]> The specified date is not in the range defined by and , or the specified date is in the collection. @@ -1251,17 +1251,17 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Occurs when the property is changed. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + ]]> @@ -1315,31 +1315,31 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Gets or sets the format that is used to display the selected date. The format that is used to display the selected date. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \ - - - -## Examples - The following example creates that that displays the date using unabbreviated days of the week and month names. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \ + + + +## Examples + The following example creates that that displays the date using unabbreviated days of the week and month names. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/DatePicker/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> The specified format is not valid. @@ -1419,40 +1419,40 @@ DatePicker with dates that are not selectable Gets the text that is displayed by the , or sets the selected date. The text displayed by the . The default is an empty string. - of a by typing a date into its text box. The attempts to parse any string entered into this property as a date. While the property can be set to any string that can be parsed by the method date, the format of the string that is returned depends on the value of the property. This means that the might display a string that is different than what the user typed. - - If is set to a date that is selectable and valid, the event occurs. If you handle the event and set the property to `true`, a or is raised. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *dateTimeString* - A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that has the date August 10, 2009 selected. The example also binds the property to a . Because the property is set to , the and displays the date using unabbreviated days of the week and month names even if the user enters a short form of a date. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet5"::: - + of a by typing a date into its text box. The attempts to parse any string entered into this property as a date. While the property can be set to any string that can be parsed by the method date, the format of the string that is returned depends on the value of the property. This means that the might display a string that is different than what the user typed. + + If is set to a date that is selectable and valid, the event occurs. If you handle the event and set the property to `true`, a or is raised. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *dateTimeString* + A date that is in one of the formats that are listed in the [DateTime XAML Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/datetime-xaml-syntax) topic. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that has the date August 10, 2009 selected. The example also binds the property to a . Because the property is set to , the and displays the date using unabbreviated days of the week and month names even if the user enters a short form of a date. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/datepickersnippets/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippet5"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DefinitionBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DefinitionBase.xml index b53bcd0ba1d..788762c8ca7 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DefinitionBase.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DefinitionBase.xml @@ -59,29 +59,29 @@ Gets or sets a value that identifies a or as a member of a defined group that shares sizing properties. A that identifies a shared-size group. - sizing. In the size-sharing scenario, sizing is treated as . - - size-sharing does not work if you set to `true` within a resource template and you define as outside that template. - - The property value must satisfy the following rules: - -- Must not be empty. - -- Must only consist of letters, digits, and underscore characters. - -- Must not start with a numeric value. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + sizing. In the size-sharing scenario, sizing is treated as . + + size-sharing does not work if you set to `true` within a resource template and you define as outside that template. + + The property value must satisfy the following rules: + +- Must not be empty. + +- Must only consist of letters, digits, and underscore characters. + +- Must not start with a numeric value. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DockPanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DockPanel.xml index 6e99bdecf87..73408cf0d96 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DockPanel.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DockPanel.xml @@ -23,20 +23,20 @@ Defines an area where you can arrange child elements either horizontally or vertically, relative to each other. - contains a collection of objects, which are in the property. - - The method changes the position of an element relative to other elements within the same container. Alignment properties, such as , change the position of an element relative to its parent element. - - If you set the property to `true`, which is the default setting, the last child element of a always fills the remaining space, regardless of any other dock value that you set on the last child element. To dock a child element in another direction, you must set the property to `false` and must also specify an explicit dock direction for the last child element. - - Panel elements do not receive focus by default. To compel a panel element to receive focus, set the property to `true`. - - > [!NOTE] - > The position of child elements of a on the screen is determined by the property of the respective child elements *and* the relative order of those child elements under the . Therefore, a set of child elements with the same Dock property values can be positioned differently on the screen depending on the order of these children under the . Child ordering effects positioning because the iterates through its child elements in order, setting the position of each element depending on remaining space. - + contains a collection of objects, which are in the property. + + The method changes the position of an element relative to other elements within the same container. Alignment properties, such as , change the position of an element relative to its parent element. + + If you set the property to `true`, which is the default setting, the last child element of a always fills the remaining space, regardless of any other dock value that you set on the last child element. To dock a child element in another direction, you must set the property to `false` and must also specify an explicit dock direction for the last child element. + + Panel elements do not receive focus by default. To compel a panel element to receive focus, set the property to `true`. + + > [!NOTE] + > The position of child elements of a on the screen is determined by the property of the respective child elements *and* the relative order of those child elements under the . Therefore, a set of child elements with the same Dock property values can be positioned differently on the screen depending on the order of these children under the . Child ordering effects positioning because the iterates through its child elements in order, setting the position of each element depending on remaining space. + ]]> @@ -124,32 +124,32 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the position of a child element within a parent . - property to `true`, which is the default setting, the last child element of a always fills the remaining space, regardless of any other dock value that you set on the last child element. To.dock a child element in another direction, you must set the property to `false` and must also specify an explicit dock direction on the last child element. - - > [!NOTE] - > The position of child elements of a on the screen is determined by the property of the respective child elements *and* the relative order of those child elements under the . Therefore, a set of child elements with the same Dock property values can be positioned differently on the screen depending on the order of these children under the . Child ordering effects positioning because the iterates through its child elements in order, setting the position of each element depending on remaining space. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attached property by using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). - + property to `true`, which is the default setting, the last child element of a always fills the remaining space, regardless of any other dock value that you set on the last child element. To.dock a child element in another direction, you must set the property to `false` and must also specify an explicit dock direction on the last child element. + + > [!NOTE] + > The position of child elements of a on the screen is determined by the property of the respective child elements *and* the relative order of those child elements under the . Therefore, a set of child elements with the same Dock property values can be positioned differently on the screen depending on the order of these children under the . Child ordering effects positioning because the iterates through its child elements in order, setting the position of each element depending on remaining space. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attached property by using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DockPanelOvwSample/CPP/DockPanel_Ovw_Sample.cpp" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/DockPanel/Dock/DockPanel_Ovw_Sample.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DockPanelOvwSample/VisualBasic/dockpanel_vb.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DockPanelOvwSample/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DockPanelOvwSample/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -248,19 +248,19 @@ if the last child element stretches to fill the remaining space; otherwise . The default value is . - property to `true`, which is the default setting, the last child element of a always fills the remaining space, regardless of any other dock value that you set on the last child element. To dock a child element in another direction, you must set the property to `false` and must also specify an explicit dock direction on the last child element. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + property to `true`, which is the default setting, the last child element of a always fills the remaining space, regardless of any other dock value that you set on the last child element. To dock a child element in another direction, you must set the property to `false` and must also specify an explicit dock direction on the last child element. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -321,11 +321,11 @@ Measures the child elements of a prior to arranging them during the pass. A that represents the element size you want. - determines its size by analyzing the sizing properties and property value of its child elements. A child element can occupy all the space on the side where it is docked. Child elements that are docked to the `Left` or `Right` are granted all the vertical space for their entire width. Child elements that are docked to the `Top` or `Bottom` are granted all the horizontal space for their entire height. - + determines its size by analyzing the sizing properties and property value of its child elements. A child element can occupy all the space on the side where it is docked. Child elements that are docked to the `Left` or `Right` are granted all the vertical space for their entire width. Child elements that are docked to the `Top` or `Bottom` are granted all the horizontal space for their entire height. + ]]> @@ -360,11 +360,11 @@ The needed value. Sets the value of the attached property to a specified element. - method changes the position of a child element relative to other child elements within the same container. Alignment properties, such as , change the position of a child element relative to its parent element. - + method changes the position of a child element relative to other child elements within the same container. Alignment properties, such as , change the position of a child element relative to its parent element. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DocumentViewer.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DocumentViewer.xml index edb30b1c4cd..d2811d8a8dc 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DocumentViewer.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/DocumentViewer.xml @@ -33,17 +33,17 @@ Represents a document viewing control that can host paginated content such as an . - controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [DocumentViewer Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/documentviewer-styles-and-templates). - + controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [DocumentViewer Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/documentviewer-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + ]]> @@ -99,19 +99,19 @@ if the control can zoom out more; otherwise, . - property becomes `false` when the minimum zoom level is reached. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property becomes `false` when the minimum zoom level is reached. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -176,19 +176,19 @@ if the control can zoom in more; otherwise, . - becomes `false` when the maximum zoom level is reached. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + becomes `false` when the maximum zoom level is reached. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -253,18 +253,18 @@ if the control can move down more in the document; otherwise, if the document is at the bottom. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ if the control can move more left in the document; otherwise, if the document is at the leftmost edge. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -401,18 +401,18 @@ if the control can move more to the right in the document; otherwise, if the document is at the rightmost edge. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -475,18 +475,18 @@ if the control can move up more in the document; otherwise, if the document is at the topmost edge. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -554,31 +554,31 @@ Zooms out of the document content by one zoom step. - has no more effect. - - The property returns `false` when the minimum zoom level is reached. - + has no more effect. + + The property returns `false` when the minimum zoom level is reached. + ]]> @@ -613,19 +613,19 @@ Gets the overall vertical height of the paginated document. The overall vertical height of the paginated content specified in device independent pixels. The default is 0.0. - is the sum of all the page heights and includes the space between pages. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is the sum of all the page heights and includes the space between pages. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -687,19 +687,19 @@ Gets the overall horizontal width of the paginated document. The current horizontal width of the content layout area specified in device independent pixels. The default is 0.0. - is the sum of all the page widths and includes the space between pages. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is the sum of all the page widths and includes the space between pages. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1023,11 +1023,11 @@ Gets the that performs the operation. The routed command that performs the operation. - sets the control to display a single page width with pages zoomed to the width of the current viewport. - + sets the control to display a single page width with pages zoomed to the width of the current viewport. + ]]> @@ -1091,23 +1091,23 @@ Gets or sets the horizontal scroll position. The current horizontal scroll position specified in device independent pixels. The initial default is 0.0. - property causes the control to scroll to the specified horizontal offset. - - The horizontal offset is measured from the left edge of the visible content area. - - When setting this property in XAML, you cannot use the unit qualifiers (such as `in` or `cm`) that are enabled for many other "Width" or "Horizontal" properties. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + property causes the control to scroll to the specified horizontal offset. + + The horizontal offset is measured from the left edge of the visible content area. + + When setting this property in XAML, you cannot use the unit qualifiers (such as `in` or `cm`) that are enabled for many other "Width" or "Horizontal" properties. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> The value specified to set is negative. @@ -1170,21 +1170,21 @@ Gets or sets the horizontal space between pages. The horizontal space between displayed pages specified in device independent pixels. The default is 10.0. - property adjusts the horizontal spacing between pages. - - When setting this property in XAML, you cannot use the unit qualifiers (such as `in` or `cm`) that are enabled for many other "Width" or "Horizontal" properties. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property adjusts the horizontal spacing between pages. + + When setting this property in XAML, you cannot use the unit qualifiers (such as `in` or `cm`) that are enabled for many other "Width" or "Horizontal" properties. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> The value specified to set is negative. @@ -1250,31 +1250,31 @@ Zooms in on the document content by one zoom step. - has no more effect. - - The property returns `false` when the maximum zoom level is reached. - + has no more effect. + + The property returns `false` when the maximum zoom level is reached. + ]]> @@ -1310,19 +1310,19 @@ Gets or sets a value defining the maximum number of page columns to display. The maximum number of page columns to be displayed. The default is 1. - can be set to a positive integer value from 1 to 32, inclusive. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + can be set to a positive integer value from 1 to 32, inclusive. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -1560,11 +1560,11 @@ The number of the page to be viewed. Responds to the method from the implementation. - @@ -1666,11 +1666,11 @@ Responds to calls when the document to display is changed. - responds to calls when the property of the control is set to display a new document. - + responds to calls when the property of the control is set to display a new document. + ]]> @@ -1892,11 +1892,11 @@ The page number to position to. Responds to calls to the method. - @@ -2550,18 +2550,18 @@ if drop-shadow borders are displayed; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -2620,23 +2620,23 @@ Gets or sets the vertical scroll position. The current vertical scroll position offset in device independent pixels. The default is 0.0. - must be set with non-negative offset values. Setting a negative value raises an exception. - - The vertical offset is measured from the top of the visible content area. - - When setting this property in XAML, you cannot use the unit qualifiers (such as `in` or `cm`) that are enabled for many other "Height" or "Vertical" properties. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + must be set with non-negative offset values. Setting a negative value raises an exception. + + The vertical offset is measured from the top of the visible content area. + + When setting this property in XAML, you cannot use the unit qualifiers (such as `in` or `cm`) that are enabled for many other "Height" or "Vertical" properties. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -2698,23 +2698,23 @@ Gets or sets the vertical spacing between displayed pages. The vertical space between displayed pages in device independent pixels. The default is 10.0. - property adjusts the vertical spacing between pages to the specified value. - - The value must be non-negative. Setting this property to a negative value will raise an exception. - - When setting this property in XAML, you cannot use the unit qualifiers (such as `in` or `cm`) that are enabled for many other "Height" or "Vertical" properties. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property adjusts the vertical spacing between pages to the specified value. + + The value must be non-negative. Setting this property to a negative value will raise an exception. + + When setting this property in XAML, you cannot use the unit qualifiers (such as `in` or `cm`) that are enabled for many other "Height" or "Vertical" properties. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -2773,18 +2773,18 @@ Gets the vertical size of the scrollable content area. The vertical size of the scrollable content area in device independent pixels. The default is 0.0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -2845,18 +2845,18 @@ Gets the horizontal size of the scrollable content area. The horizontal size of the scrollable content area in device independent pixels. The default is 0.0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -2957,17 +2957,17 @@ Gets the that performs the operation. The routed command that performs the operation. - sizes and arranges the view to display a thumbnail preview of each page. - - The following table shows the keyboard shortcut key associated with this command. - -||| -|-|-| -|Shortcut Key|[none]| - + sizes and arranges the view to display a thumbnail preview of each page. + + The following table shows the keyboard shortcut key associated with this command. + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Shortcut Key|[none]| + ]]> @@ -3000,23 +3000,23 @@ Gets or sets the document zoom percentage. The zoom percentage expressed as a value, 5.0 to 5000.0. The default is 100.0, which corresponds to 100.0%. - control to zoom to the specified value. - - The property must be a value between 5.0 to 5000.0 (inclusive), which corresponds to a percentage range 5.0% to 5000.0%. - - Actions or commands that require a layout update may change the property setting. For example, changing the value of , calling the method, or invoking the can cause the setting to change. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + control to zoom to the specified value. + + The property must be a value between 5.0 to 5000.0 (inclusive), which corresponds to a percentage range 5.0% to 5000.0%. + + Actions or commands that require a layout update may change the property setting. For example, changing the value of , calling the method, or invoking the can cause the setting to change. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Expander.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Expander.xml index 9bfba05dc2c..28dd2627fe9 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Expander.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Expander.xml @@ -29,35 +29,35 @@ Represents the control that displays a header that has a collapsible window that displays content. - is a , which means its and properties can be of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. - - The following illustration shows an control. - - ![Expander example](~/add/media/expanderexample.JPG "Expander example") - - If the content of the expanded window is too large for the window, you can wrap the content of the in a control to provide scrollable content. Scrolling capability is not automatically provided by the control. - - For an to work correctly, do not specify a on the control when the property is set to or . Similarly, do not specify a on the control when the property is set to or . When you set a size on the control in the direction that the expanded content is displayed, the area that is defined by the size parameter is displayed with a border around it. This area displays even when the window is collapsed. To set the size of the expanded window, set size dimensions on the content of the control or the that encloses the content. - - When an control is the last element in a , the is sized to fill the remaining area of the . To prevent this, set the property on the to `false`, or make sure that the is not the last element in a . - - The alignment of content can be defined by setting the and properties on the control. These properties are applied to the header and to the contents of the expanded window. - -## Customizing the Expander Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Expander Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/expander-styles-and-templates). - + is a , which means its and properties can be of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. + + The following illustration shows an control. + + ![Expander example](~/add/media/expanderexample.JPG "Expander example") + + If the content of the expanded window is too large for the window, you can wrap the content of the in a control to provide scrollable content. Scrolling capability is not automatically provided by the control. + + For an to work correctly, do not specify a on the control when the property is set to or . Similarly, do not specify a on the control when the property is set to or . When you set a size on the control in the direction that the expanded content is displayed, the area that is defined by the size parameter is displayed with a border around it. This area displays even when the window is collapsed. To set the size of the expanded window, set size dimensions on the content of the control or the that encloses the content. + + When an control is the last element in a , the is sized to fill the remaining area of the . To prevent this, set the property on the to `false`, or make sure that the is not the last element in a . + + The alignment of content can be defined by setting the and properties on the control. These properties are applied to the header and to the contents of the expanded window. + +## Customizing the Expander Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Expander Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/expander-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a simple control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ExpandDirection/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a simple control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ExpandDirection/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -117,34 +117,34 @@ Occurs when the content window of an control closes and only the is visible. - event occurs when the property changes from `true` to `false`. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify the event handler for the event. - + event occurs when the property changes from `true` to `false`. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify the event handler for the event. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcollapsed"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ExpanderSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcollapsed"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcollapsed"::: - - The following example shows how to define the event handler. - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcollapsed"::: + + The following example shows how to define the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcollapsedhandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ExpanderSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcollapsedhandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ExpanderSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcollapsedhandler"::: + ]]> @@ -211,27 +211,27 @@ Gets or sets the direction in which the content window opens. One of the values that defines which direction the content window opens. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetexpanddirection"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ExpanderSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetexpanddirection"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetexpanddirection"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetexpanddirection"::: + ]]> @@ -287,34 +287,34 @@ Occurs when the content window of an control opens to display both its header and content. - event occurs when the property changes from `false` to `true`. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify the event handler for the event. - + event occurs when the property changes from `false` to `true`. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify the event handler for the event. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetexpanded"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ExpanderSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetexpanded"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetexpanded"::: - - The following example shows how to define the event handler. - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetexpanded"::: + + The following example shows how to define the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetexpandedhandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ExpanderSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetexpandedhandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ExpanderSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetexpandedhandler"::: + ]]> @@ -382,27 +382,27 @@ if the content window is expanded; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetisexpanded"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ExpanderSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetisexpanded"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetisexpanded"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Expander/Collapsed/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetisexpanded"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/FlowDocumentPageViewer.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/FlowDocumentPageViewer.xml index d3cf92758e5..9bd4c8bcfdd 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/FlowDocumentPageViewer.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/FlowDocumentPageViewer.xml @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -225,8 +225,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -482,8 +482,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -550,8 +550,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -617,8 +617,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -701,8 +701,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1603,8 +1603,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1659,8 +1659,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/FlowDocumentReader.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/FlowDocumentReader.xml index 8cf0d8e5102..d36a6a14b5c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/FlowDocumentReader.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/FlowDocumentReader.xml @@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -358,8 +358,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -429,8 +429,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -550,8 +550,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -727,8 +727,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -809,8 +809,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -877,8 +877,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -949,8 +949,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1032,8 +1032,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1105,8 +1105,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1173,8 +1173,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1272,8 +1272,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1358,8 +1358,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1918,8 +1918,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1989,8 +1989,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2479,8 +2479,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -2554,8 +2554,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2616,8 +2616,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/FlowDocumentScrollViewer.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/FlowDocumentScrollViewer.xml index 895bf69bcbf..16547181de2 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/FlowDocumentScrollViewer.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/FlowDocumentScrollViewer.xml @@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -465,8 +465,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -593,8 +593,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -728,8 +728,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -813,8 +813,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -921,8 +921,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1006,8 +1006,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1808,8 +1808,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1889,8 +1889,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1947,8 +1947,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Frame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Frame.xml index 63983a51779..d450fc426da 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Frame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Frame.xml @@ -52,78 +52,78 @@ Frame is a content control that supports navigation. - is a content control that provides the ability to navigate to and display content. can be hosted within other content, as with other controls and elements. - + is a content control that provides the ability to navigate to and display content. can be hosted within other content, as with other controls and elements. + > [!CAUTION] -> When the control navigates to HTML content, the control internally instantiates the native WebBrowser ActiveX control. WPF enables security features by applying feature controls to the WebBrowser ActiveX control. The feature controls that are applied differ for XBAPs and stand-alone applications. Some applications should apply additional feature controls to prevent malicious content from running. For more information, see the "WebBrowser Control and Feature Controls" section in [Security (WPF)](/dotnet/framework/wpf/security-wpf) and [WebBrowser Control Overviews and Tutorials]( - - Content can be any type of .NET Framework object and HTML files. In general, however, pages are the preferred the way to package content for navigation (see ). - - Content can be navigated to by setting the property with the URI for the desired content. Additionally, content can be navigated to by using one of the following overloads of the method: - -- - -- - - When content is navigated to by URI, returns an object that contains the content. Alternatively, content can be navigated to by using one of the method overloads that accepts an object: - -- - -- - - The lifetime of a navigation can be tracked through the following events: - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - Not all events are raised each time that a navigation occurs; the set of events that are raised is determined by the type of navigation that occurs (content or content fragment) and how the navigation completes (canceled, stopped, or failed). - - The following figure illustrates the sequence in which these events will fire: - - ![Page navigation flow chart](~/add/media/navigationoverviewfigure11.png "Page navigation flow chart") - - During or after a navigation, provides information about the content that is being navigated to, including the URI of the content being navigated to (), the URI of the current content (), and an object that contains the content that was navigated to (). - - When content is navigated to, records the navigation as an entry in navigation history. An entry is added to back navigation history when either a new navigation occurs, by calling the method, or by navigating to an entry in forward navigation history, by calling . An entry is added to forward navigation history by navigating to an entry in back navigation history, by calling . and report whether there are entries in back and forward navigation history, respectively. - - The first time that one piece of content is navigated to from another piece of content, automatically displays a navigation UI that allows users to navigate back and forward through navigation history. You can configure when the navigation UI is shown by setting the property. - - By default, will use its own navigation history only if a parent navigator (, ) with its own navigation history cannot be found. This means that navigation history entries for the frame are mingled with navigation history entries for the parent navigator. To specify that a manages its own navigation history, set the property to . - - The most recent entry in back navigation history can be removed by calling . - - does not store an instance of a content object in navigation history. Instead, creates a new instance of the content object each time it is navigated to by using navigation history. This behavior is designed to avoid excessive memory consumption when large numbers and large pieces of content are being navigated to. Consequently, the state of the content is not remembered from one navigation to the next. However, WPF provides several techniques by which you can store a state for a piece of content in navigation history. - - Using , you can also remember multiple sets of state for a single page instance. - -## Customizing the Frame Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Frame Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/frame-styles-and-templates). - +> When the control navigates to HTML content, the control internally instantiates the native WebBrowser ActiveX control. WPF enables security features by applying feature controls to the WebBrowser ActiveX control. The feature controls that are applied differ for XBAPs and stand-alone applications. Some applications should apply additional feature controls to prevent malicious content from running. For more information, see the "WebBrowser Control and Feature Controls" section in [Security (WPF)](/dotnet/framework/wpf/security-wpf) and [WebBrowser Control Overviews and Tutorials]( + + Content can be any type of .NET Framework object and HTML files. In general, however, pages are the preferred the way to package content for navigation (see ). + + Content can be navigated to by setting the property with the URI for the desired content. Additionally, content can be navigated to by using one of the following overloads of the method: + +- + +- + + When content is navigated to by URI, returns an object that contains the content. Alternatively, content can be navigated to by using one of the method overloads that accepts an object: + +- + +- + + The lifetime of a navigation can be tracked through the following events: + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + + Not all events are raised each time that a navigation occurs; the set of events that are raised is determined by the type of navigation that occurs (content or content fragment) and how the navigation completes (canceled, stopped, or failed). + + The following figure illustrates the sequence in which these events will fire: + + ![Page navigation flow chart](~/add/media/navigationoverviewfigure11.png "Page navigation flow chart") + + During or after a navigation, provides information about the content that is being navigated to, including the URI of the content being navigated to (), the URI of the current content (), and an object that contains the content that was navigated to (). + + When content is navigated to, records the navigation as an entry in navigation history. An entry is added to back navigation history when either a new navigation occurs, by calling the method, or by navigating to an entry in forward navigation history, by calling . An entry is added to forward navigation history by navigating to an entry in back navigation history, by calling . and report whether there are entries in back and forward navigation history, respectively. + + The first time that one piece of content is navigated to from another piece of content, automatically displays a navigation UI that allows users to navigate back and forward through navigation history. You can configure when the navigation UI is shown by setting the property. + + By default, will use its own navigation history only if a parent navigator (, ) with its own navigation history cannot be found. This means that navigation history entries for the frame are mingled with navigation history entries for the parent navigator. To specify that a manages its own navigation history, set the property to . + + The most recent entry in back navigation history can be removed by calling . + + does not store an instance of a content object in navigation history. Instead, creates a new instance of the content object each time it is navigated to by using navigation history. This behavior is designed to avoid excessive memory consumption when large numbers and large pieces of content are being navigated to. Consequently, the state of the content is not remembered from one navigation to the next. However, WPF provides several techniques by which you can store a state for a piece of content in navigation history. + + Using , you can also remember multiple sets of state for a single page instance. + +## Customizing the Frame Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Frame Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/frame-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a simple control and specify initial source content to load from a URI using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Overview/MainWindow.xaml" id="Snippetsetframesourcexaml1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Overview/MainWindow.xaml" id="Snippetsetframesourcexaml2"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Overview/MainWindow.xaml" id="Snippetsetframesourcexaml3"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a simple control and specify initial source content to load from a URI using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Overview/MainWindow.xaml" id="Snippetsetframesourcexaml1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Overview/MainWindow.xaml" id="Snippetsetframesourcexaml2"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Overview/MainWindow.xaml" id="Snippetsetframesourcexaml3"::: + ]]> @@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ A object that represents application-defined state that is associated with a specific piece of content. Adds an entry to back navigation history that contains a object. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -225,11 +225,11 @@ The child object to add. Adds a child object. - does not allow children. Instead, use the property to set content. - + does not allow children. Instead, use the property to set content. + ]]> @@ -265,11 +265,11 @@ The text to add to the object. Adds the text content of a node to the object. - from adding text. - + from adding text. + ]]> @@ -300,19 +300,19 @@ if at least one entry has been added to back navigation history. If there are not entries, or the does not own its own navigation history, is . - including whole content, fragment navigations, and custom state. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + including whole content, fragment navigations, and custom state. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -343,11 +343,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -377,15 +377,15 @@ Gets or sets the base uniform resource identifier (URI) for a . The base uniform resource identifier (URI) of the control. - can be set to aid resolution of relative uniform resource identifiers (URIs) for further navigation. - - To get or set the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the control, use the property. - - This is protected virtual property and cannot be used directly, although can be used in derived classes. - + can be set to aid resolution of relative uniform resource identifiers (URIs) for further navigation. + + To get or set the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the control, use the property. + + This is protected virtual property and cannot be used directly, although can be used in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -417,19 +417,19 @@ if there is at least one entry in back navigation history; if there are no entries in back navigation history or the does not own its own navigation history. - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -461,11 +461,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -496,19 +496,19 @@ if there is at least one entry in forward navigation history; if there are no entries in forward navigation history or the does not own its own navigation history. - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -540,11 +540,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -575,11 +575,11 @@ Occurs after content has been rendered. - has no content, this event is not raised. - + has no content, this event is not raised. + ]]> @@ -611,11 +611,11 @@ Gets the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the content that was last navigated to. A for the content that was last navigated to, if navigated to by using a URI; otherwise, . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -645,19 +645,19 @@ Gets an that you use to enumerate the entries in forward navigation history for a . An object if at least one entry has been added to forward navigation history, or if there are no entries or the does not own its own navigation history. - including whole content, fragment navigations, and custom state. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + including whole content, fragment navigations, and custom state. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -686,11 +686,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -720,11 +720,11 @@ Occurs when navigation to a content fragment begins, which occurs immediately, if the desired fragment is in the current content, or after the source XAML content has been loaded, if the desired fragment is in different content. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -763,17 +763,17 @@ Navigates to the most recent item in back navigation history, if a manages its own navigation history. - , ), the `GoBack` method on that navigator or associated object must be called: - -- - -- - -- - + , ), the `GoBack` method on that navigator or associated object must be called: + +- + +- + +- + ]]> @@ -811,17 +811,17 @@ Navigates to the most recent item in forward navigation history, if a manages its own navigation history. - , ), the `GoForward` method on that navigator or associated object must be called: - -- - -- - -- - + , ), the `GoForward` method on that navigator or associated object must be called: + +- + +- + +- + ]]> @@ -862,26 +862,26 @@ Gets or sets whether a is responsible for managing its own navigation history, or yields navigation history management to a parent navigator (, ). A value that specifies whether manages its own journal. The default value is . - will use its own navigation history only if a parent navigation host (, ) with its own journal cannot be found (for example, if a is hosted in content that is hosted by a ). To force to manage its own navigation history, set to . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example illustrates a that is configured to use its own navigation history. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/JournalOwnership/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetjournalownershipproperty"::: - + will use its own navigation history only if a parent navigation host (, ) with its own journal cannot be found (for example, if a is hosted in content that is hosted by a ). To force to manage its own navigation history, set to . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example illustrates a that is configured to use its own navigation history. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/JournalOwnership/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetjournalownershipproperty"::: + ]]> @@ -910,11 +910,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -944,11 +944,11 @@ Occurs when content that was navigated to has been loaded, parsed, and has begun rendering. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1001,19 +1001,19 @@ if navigation is not canceled; otherwise, . - . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to navigate to content that is contained by an object. - + . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to navigate to content that is contained by an object. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/MainWindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetnavigatetopageobjcode"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatetopageobjcode"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatetopageobjcode"::: + ]]> @@ -1051,22 +1051,22 @@ if navigation is not canceled; otherwise, . - . - + . + > [!NOTE] -> Uniform resource identifiers (URIs) can be either relative or absolute. For more information, see [Pack URIs in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/pack-uris-in-wpf). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the method to navigate to a uniform resource identifier (URI). - +> Uniform resource identifiers (URIs) can be either relative or absolute. For more information, see [Pack URIs in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/pack-uris-in-wpf). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the method to navigate to a uniform resource identifier (URI). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/MainWindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetnavigatetopagenavcode"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatetopagenavcode"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatetopagenavcode"::: + ]]> @@ -1106,11 +1106,11 @@ if navigation is not canceled; otherwise, . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1150,11 +1150,11 @@ if navigation is not canceled; otherwise, . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1184,11 +1184,11 @@ Occurs when the content that is being navigated to has been found, and is available from the property, although it may not have completed loading. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1224,11 +1224,11 @@ Occurs when a new navigation is requested. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1264,11 +1264,11 @@ Occurs when an error is raised while navigating to the requested content. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1304,11 +1304,11 @@ Occurs periodically during a download to provide navigation progress information. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1344,19 +1344,19 @@ Gets the that is used by this to provide navigation services. A object that represents the used by this , if one is available. Otherwise, is returned. - uses to support navigation for hosted content. is useful for code that hosts a to get a reference to the . Content that is hosted by a , such as , should use or to get a reference to the . - + uses to support navigation for hosted content. is useful for code that hosts a to get a reference to the . Content that is hosted by a , such as , should use or to get a reference to the . + > [!NOTE] -> does not return a reference to the same as calling and passing does. The former returns the that is owned by the while the latter returns the for the navigation host that navigated to the content in which the is hosted. The following code demonstrates the differences. - +> does not return a reference to the same as calling and passing does. The former returns the that is owned by the while the latter returns the for the navigation host that navigated to the content in which the is hosted. The following code demonstrates the differences. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/NavigationService/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetnsframediffcode1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/NSGNSvsFNSSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnsframediffcode1"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/NSGNSvsFNSSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnsframediffcode1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/NavigationService/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetnsframediffcode2"::: -:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/NSGNSvsFNSSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnsframediffcode2"::: - +:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/NSGNSvsFNSSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnsframediffcode2"::: + ]]> @@ -1386,11 +1386,11 @@ Occurs when the method is called, or when a new navigation is requested while a current navigation is in progress. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1426,36 +1426,36 @@ Gets or sets when the can show its navigation UI. A value that specifies when the can show its navigation UI. The default value is . - shows its navigation UI automatically when the first entry is added to navigation history. The navigation UI subsequently remains visible, with the back or forward navigation buttons becoming appropriately enabled or disabled to reflect the number of entries in back and forward navigation history. - - You can ensure that navigation UI is always visible by setting: - -1. to - -2. to - - You set to if you want to hide the navigation UI. This might be the case when navigation UI doesn't make sense with the content you are displaying from a , or because you are providing your own navigation UI. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to make sure the navigation chrome of a is always visible by setting to . - + shows its navigation UI automatically when the first entry is added to navigation history. The navigation UI subsequently remains visible, with the back or forward navigation buttons becoming appropriately enabled or disabled to reflect the number of entries in back and forward navigation history. + + You can ensure that navigation UI is always visible by setting: + +1. to + +2. to + + You set to if you want to hide the navigation UI. This might be the case when navigation UI doesn't make sense with the content you are displaying from a , or because you are providing your own navigation UI. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to make sure the navigation chrome of a is always visible by setting to . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/NavigationUIVisibility/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetsetnavigationuivisibility"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FrameNavigationUIVisibilitySnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsetnavigationuivisibility"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FrameNavigationUIVisibilitySnippets/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetsetnavigationuivisibility"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FrameNavigationUIVisibilitySnippets/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetsetnavigationuivisibility"::: + ]]> @@ -1484,11 +1484,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -1548,13 +1548,13 @@ An that contains the event data. Raises the event. - raises the event. - - A type that derives from may override . The overridden method must call on the base class if needs to be raised. - + raises the event. + + A type that derives from may override . The overridden method must call on the base class if needs to be raised. + ]]> @@ -1585,11 +1585,11 @@ Creates and returns a object for this . A object for this . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1622,11 +1622,11 @@ Reloads the current content. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1660,11 +1660,11 @@ Removes the most recent journal entry from back history. The most recent in back navigation history, if there is one. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1696,24 +1696,24 @@ if content is isolated within a partial trust security sandbox; otherwise, . The default is . - is `true`, and the source for the content of the is an external XAML file, the content is loaded into a partial trust security sandbox that is limited to the default `Internet` permission set. The external content is subsequently loaded into a separate process. As a result, the external content becomes isolated and does not have access to application-scope resources, such as resource dictionaries (see ). - + is `true`, and the source for the content of the is an external XAML file, the content is loaded into a partial trust security sandbox that is limited to the default `Internet` permission set. The external content is subsequently loaded into a separate process. As a result, the external content becomes isolated and does not have access to application-scope resources, such as resource dictionaries (see ). + > [!NOTE] -> will only contain external content when the property is set to the uniform resource identifier (URI) for an external XAML file. content that is provided using the property is considered internal content and, subsequently, is not isolated. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - +> will only contain external content when the property is set to the uniform resource identifier (URI) for an external XAML file. content that is provided using the property is considered internal content and, subsequently, is not isolated. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1744,11 +1744,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -1819,30 +1819,30 @@ Gets or sets the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current content, or the URI of new content that is currently being navigated to. A that contains the URI for the current content, or the content that is currently being navigated to. - . - + . + > [!NOTE] -> Uniform resource identifiers (URIs) can be either relative or absolute. For more information, see [Pack URIs in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/pack-uris-in-wpf). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to navigate to a uniform resource identifier (URI) by setting the property. - +> Uniform resource identifiers (URIs) can be either relative or absolute. For more information, see [Pack URIs in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/pack-uris-in-wpf). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to navigate to a uniform resource identifier (URI) by setting the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/MainWindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetnavigatetopagesrccode"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatetopagesrccode"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatetopagesrccode"::: + ]]> @@ -1901,11 +1901,11 @@ Stops further downloading of content for the current navigation request. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1949,11 +1949,11 @@ For a description of this member, see . The base URI of the current context. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Grid.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Grid.xml index 0f466205f6c..3f3fbed71b8 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Grid.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Grid.xml @@ -27,36 +27,36 @@ Defines a flexible grid area that consists of columns and rows. - contains a collection of objects, which are in the property. - - Columns and rows that are defined within a can take advantage of sizing to distribute remaining space proportionally. When is selected as the height or width of a row or column, that column or row receives a weighted proportion of the remaining available space. This is in contrast to , which distributes space evenly based on the size of the content that is within a column or row. This value is expressed as `*` or `2*` when you use Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). In the first case, the row or column would receive one times the available space, while in the second case, the row or column would receive two times the available space, and so on. By combining this technique to proportionally distribute space with a and value of `Stretch`, it is possible to partition layout space by percentage of screen space. is the only layout panel that can distribute space in this manner. - - By default, rows and columns take up the least amount of space necessary to accommodate the largest content within any cell contained in a given row or column. For example, if a column has one cell with a long word like "hippopotamus" contained within it but all the other cells in the column have smaller words like "dog", the width of the column will be the width of the largest word (hippopotamus). - - You can precisely position child elements of a by using a combination of the property and alignment properties. - - Child elements of a are drawn in the order in which they appear in markup or code. As a consequence, layered order (also known as z-order) can be achieved when elements share the same coordinates. - - and share some common functionality, but each can be applied in appropriate scenarios to better use its built-in features. adds elements based on a row and column index; does not. The element allows layering of content, where more than one element can exist within a single cell. does not support layering. Child elements of a can be absolutely positioned relative to the upper-left corner of their "cell" boundaries. does not support this feature. also offers more flexible resizing behavior than . - - uses the object to define the sizing characteristics of a or . For a definition of each unit type, see . - - If a child element is added to a column within a , and the column has its property set to `Auto`, the child will be measured without restrictions. This behavior can prevent horizontal scroll bars from displaying if a is being used, as the child element is measured as unbounded. For purposes of display, the child is clipped rather than scrolled. - - Panel elements do not receive focus by default. To compel a panel element to receive focus, set the property to `true`. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to create a grid. In this case, the grid defines three elements and four elements that host child content. - + contains a collection of objects, which are in the property. + + Columns and rows that are defined within a can take advantage of sizing to distribute remaining space proportionally. When is selected as the height or width of a row or column, that column or row receives a weighted proportion of the remaining available space. This is in contrast to , which distributes space evenly based on the size of the content that is within a column or row. This value is expressed as `*` or `2*` when you use Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). In the first case, the row or column would receive one times the available space, while in the second case, the row or column would receive two times the available space, and so on. By combining this technique to proportionally distribute space with a and value of `Stretch`, it is possible to partition layout space by percentage of screen space. is the only layout panel that can distribute space in this manner. + + By default, rows and columns take up the least amount of space necessary to accommodate the largest content within any cell contained in a given row or column. For example, if a column has one cell with a long word like "hippopotamus" contained within it but all the other cells in the column have smaller words like "dog", the width of the column will be the width of the largest word (hippopotamus). + + You can precisely position child elements of a by using a combination of the property and alignment properties. + + Child elements of a are drawn in the order in which they appear in markup or code. As a consequence, layered order (also known as z-order) can be achieved when elements share the same coordinates. + + and share some common functionality, but each can be applied in appropriate scenarios to better use its built-in features. adds elements based on a row and column index; does not. The element allows layering of content, where more than one element can exist within a single cell. does not support layering. Child elements of a can be absolutely positioned relative to the upper-left corner of their "cell" boundaries. does not support this feature. also offers more flexible resizing behavior than . + + uses the object to define the sizing characteristics of a or . For a definition of each unit type, see . + + If a child element is added to a column within a , and the column has its property set to `Auto`, the child will be measured without restrictions. This behavior can prevent horizontal scroll bars from displaying if a is being used, as the child element is measured as unbounded. For purposes of display, the child is clipped rather than scrolled. + + Panel elements do not receive focus by default. To compel a panel element to receive focus, set the property to `true`. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to create a grid. In this case, the grid defines three elements and four elements that host child content. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Grid/Overview/Grid_Code.cs" id="Snippet3"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Grid/VisualBasic/grid_vb.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Grid/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Grid/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -140,19 +140,19 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates which column child content within a should appear in. - are defined using the element. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + are defined using the element. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -188,27 +188,27 @@ Gets a defined on this instance of . A defined on this instance of - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - OneOrMoreColumnDefinitions - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *OneOrMoreColumnDefinitions* - One or more elements. Each such becomes a placeholder representing a column in the final grid layout. - + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + OneOrMoreColumnDefinitions + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *OneOrMoreColumnDefinitions* + One or more elements. Each such becomes a placeholder representing a column in the final grid layout. + ]]> @@ -261,19 +261,19 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the total number of columns that child content spans within a . - are defined using the element. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + are defined using the element. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -515,11 +515,11 @@ Gets the child at the specified position. The child at the specified position. - @@ -544,39 +544,39 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates that multiple elements are sharing size information. - sizing. In this scenario, sizing is treated as . - - Grid size sharing does not work if is set to `true` within a resource template, and a is defined outside of that template. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code examples demonstrate how to use the property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Grid/IsSharedSizeScope/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - - ... - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Grid/IsSharedSizeScope/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - - ... - - Events defined in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) are handled using code. - + sizing. In this scenario, sizing is treated as . + + Grid size sharing does not work if is set to `true` within a resource template, and a is defined outside of that template. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code examples demonstrate how to use the property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Grid/IsSharedSizeScope/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + + ... + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Grid/IsSharedSizeScope/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + + ... + + Events defined in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) are handled using code. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Grid/IsSharedSizeScope/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/gridIssharedsizescopeProp/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/gridIssharedsizescopeProp/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -720,19 +720,19 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates which row child content within a should appear in. - are defined using the element. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + are defined using the element. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -768,26 +768,26 @@ Gets a defined on this instance of . A defined on this instance of . - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - OneOrMoreRowDefinitions - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *OneOrMoreRowDefinitions* - One or more elements. Each such becomes a placeholder representing a row in the final grid layout. - + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + OneOrMoreRowDefinitions + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *OneOrMoreRowDefinitions* + One or more elements. Each such becomes a placeholder representing a row in the final grid layout. + ]]> @@ -840,19 +840,19 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the total number of rows that child content spans within a . - are defined using the element. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + are defined using the element. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1154,19 +1154,19 @@ if grid lines are visible; otherwise, . The default value is . - . Only dotted lines are available because this property is intended as a design tool to debug layout problems and is not intended for use in production quality code. If you want lines inside a , style the elements within the to have borders. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + . Only dotted lines are available because this property is intended as a design tool to debug layout problems and is not intended for use in production quality code. If you want lines inside a , style the elements within the to have borders. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1290,11 +1290,11 @@ that represents the total number of child objects. The default value is zero. - diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter.xml index bf6b56e37e3..28541eebd3c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter.xml @@ -29,41 +29,41 @@ Represents the control that redistributes space between columns or rows of a control. - control redistributes space between rows or columns in a , without changing the dimensions of the . For example, when a resizes two columns, the property of one column is increased while at the same time the property of the other column is decreased by the same amount. - - The following table shows how to define a horizontal or vertical by setting the and properties and by leaving the and properties set to their default values. - - **How to create vertical and horizontal GridSplitter controls** - -|GridSplitter type| value| value| -|-----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -|Resizes rows||, , | -|Resizes columns|, , || -|If is greater than or equal to , this resizes the columns.

If is less than , this resizes the rows.||| - - A can overlap a row or column that contains other content, or it can occupy a row or column by itself. For more information about how to define a , see [How to: Resize Rows with a GridSplitter](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-resize-rows-with-a-gridsplitter) and [How to: Resize Columns with a GridSplitter](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-resize-columns-with-a-gridsplitter). - - If the and property settings do not achieve the desired behavior, you can change the and property settings. - - A may be obscured by other objects that are contained in the collection of the . For information about how to prevent this situation, see [How to: Make Sure That a GridSplitter Is Visible](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-make-sure-that-a-gridsplitter-is-visible). - + control redistributes space between rows or columns in a , without changing the dimensions of the . For example, when a resizes two columns, the property of one column is increased while at the same time the property of the other column is decreased by the same amount. + + The following table shows how to define a horizontal or vertical by setting the and properties and by leaving the and properties set to their default values. + + **How to create vertical and horizontal GridSplitter controls** + +|GridSplitter type| value| value| +|-----------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| +|Resizes rows||, , | +|Resizes columns|, , || +|If is greater than or equal to , this resizes the columns.

If is less than , this resizes the rows.||| + + A can overlap a row or column that contains other content, or it can occupy a row or column by itself. For more information about how to define a , see [How to: Resize Rows with a GridSplitter](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-resize-rows-with-a-gridsplitter) and [How to: Resize Columns with a GridSplitter](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-resize-columns-with-a-gridsplitter). + + If the and property settings do not achieve the desired behavior, you can change the and property settings. + + A may be obscured by other objects that are contained in the collection of the . For information about how to prevent this situation, see [How to: Make Sure That a GridSplitter Is Visible](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-make-sure-that-a-gridsplitter-is-visible). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -## Examples - The following example shows how to define a that resizes columns in a by overlaying the edge of a column. - + +## Examples + The following example shows how to define a that resizes columns in a by overlaying the edge of a column. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgridsplittersimpleexample"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GridSplitterSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgridsplittersimpleexample"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridsplittersimpleexample"::: - - The following example shows how to define a that resizes columns in a and that occupies a column in the . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetgridsplitterentirecolumnpart1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetgridsplitterentirecolumnpart2"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridsplittersimpleexample"::: + + The following example shows how to define a that resizes columns in a and that occupies a column in the . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetgridsplitterentirecolumnpart1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetgridsplitterentirecolumnpart2"::: + ]]>
@@ -125,28 +125,28 @@ Gets or sets the minimum distance that a user must drag a mouse to resize rows or columns with a control. A value that represents the minimum distance that a user must use the mouse to drag a to resize rows or columns. The default is 1. - is reinitialized continually as the user drags the mouse. For example, when you drag the by the amount, the rows or columns are resized. To resize the rows and columns more, you must drag the the same amount. Therefore, changes to column and row sizes that are made by using the mouse or the keyboard to move the are made in multiples of the . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + is reinitialized continually as the user drags the mouse. For example, when you drag the by the amount, the rows or columns are resized. To resize the rows and columns more, you must drag the the same amount. Therefore, changes to column and row sizes that are made by using the mouse or the keyboard to move the are made in multiples of the . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetdragincrement"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GridSplitterSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragincrement"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetdragincrement"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetdragincrement"::: + ]]>
@@ -202,27 +202,27 @@ Gets or sets the distance that each press of an arrow key moves a control. The distance that the moves for each press of an arrow key. The default is 10. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetkeyboardincrement"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GridSplitterSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyboardincrement"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetkeyboardincrement"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetkeyboardincrement"::: + ]]> @@ -369,11 +369,11 @@ Information about the change in size of the . Responds to a change in the dimensions of the control. - control determines what type of pointer to display after its is set. - + control determines what type of pointer to display after its is set. + ]]> @@ -403,39 +403,39 @@ Gets or sets the style that customizes the appearance, effects, or other style characteristics for the control preview indicator that is displayed when the property is set to . Returns the for the preview indicator that shows the potential change in dimensions as you move the control. The default is the style that the current theme supplies. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `ResourceExtension` - One of the following: `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - `StyleResourceKey` - The key that identifies the style being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `ResourceExtension` + One of the following: `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + `StyleResourceKey` + The key that identifies the style being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - A preview of changes to row or column boundaries is displayed while the user drags the control, and the property is set to `true`. The column and row boundaries are set when the user releases the mouse button. - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + A preview of changes to row or column boundaries is displayed while the user drags the control, and the property is set to `true`. The column and row boundaries are set when the user releases the mouse button. + ]]> @@ -464,11 +464,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -498,28 +498,28 @@ Gets or sets which columns or rows are resized relative to the column or row for which the control is defined. One of the enumeration values that indicates which columns or rows are resized by this control. The default is . - that resizes rows or columns, set the and properties. If you cannot achieve the desired behavior by setting the and properties, change the or default values. For more information, see [How to: Resize Rows with a GridSplitter](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-resize-rows-with-a-gridsplitter) and [How to: Resize Columns with a GridSplitter](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-resize-columns-with-a-gridsplitter). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + that resizes rows or columns, set the and properties. If you cannot achieve the desired behavior by setting the and properties, change the or default values. For more information, see [How to: Resize Rows with a GridSplitter](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-resize-rows-with-a-gridsplitter) and [How to: Resize Columns with a GridSplitter](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-resize-columns-with-a-gridsplitter). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetresizebehavior"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GridSplitterSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetresizebehavior"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetresizebehavior"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetresizebehavior"::: + ]]> @@ -548,11 +548,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -582,28 +582,28 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the control resizes rows or columns. One of the enumeration values that specifies whether to resize rows or columns. The default is . - that resizes rows or columns, set the and properties. If you cannot achieve the desired behavior by setting the and properties, change the or default values. For more information, see [How to: Resize Rows with a GridSplitter](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-resize-rows-with-a-gridsplitter) and [How to: Resize Columns with a GridSplitter](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-resize-columns-with-a-gridsplitter). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + that resizes rows or columns, set the and properties. If you cannot achieve the desired behavior by setting the and properties, change the or default values. For more information, see [How to: Resize Rows with a GridSplitter](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-resize-rows-with-a-gridsplitter) and [How to: Resize Columns with a GridSplitter](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-resize-columns-with-a-gridsplitter). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetresizedirection"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GridSplitterSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetresizedirection"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetresizedirection"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetresizedirection"::: + ]]> @@ -660,32 +660,32 @@ if a preview is displayed; otherwise, . The default is . - requires an object to be present in its parent tree in order to display drag preview feedback. This requirement is typically met by the object that is available in the default style for the or in the object that is created by a object. However, if neither of these is available, the control must define its own object. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - When the property is set to `true`, a preview of the change in the row or column sizes is shown. The actual size changes when the is released. If the property is set to `false`, the column or row sizes are updated in real time as the user drags the control. - - If the keyboard is used to move the control, column or row sizes are updated in real time even if the property is set to `true`. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + requires an object to be present in its parent tree in order to display drag preview feedback. This requirement is typically met by the object that is available in the default style for the or in the object that is created by a object. However, if neither of these is available, the control must define its own object. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + When the property is set to `true`, a preview of the change in the row or column sizes is shown. The actual size changes when the is released. If the property is set to `false`, the column or row sizes are updated in real time as the user drags the control. + + If the keyboard is used to move the control, column or row sizes are updated in real time even if the property is set to `true`. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetshowspreview"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GridSplitterSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetshowspreview"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetshowspreview"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridSplitter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetshowspreview"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridView.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridView.xml index 5626c68a584..2468cedaf51 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridView.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridView.xml @@ -36,38 +36,38 @@ Represents a view mode that displays data items in columns for a control. - class and its supporting classes provide the infrastructure to display data items that are specified for a control in a series of columns. The columns have column headers, which are buttons that are derived from , and you can reorder the columns by using drag-and-drop operations. Note that the columns of a display data and do not provide direct access to the source of the data. - - To specify a as the view mode for a , set the property to a object. - - The class is derived from . You can define custom views by inheriting from the class that provides the supporting elements for a view. For more information, see [How to: Create a Custom View Mode for a ListView](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-create-a-custom-view-mode-for-a-listview). - - The following illustration shows an example of a that uses a . - - ![ListView with GridView output](~/add/media/listviewgridview.JPG "ListView with GridView output") - - The columns in a are defined as objects. In Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), you can define objects as child elements of the . In code, you can add a to the by using the property and the method that is defined for the class. Similarly, you can use other methods such as and to modify the columns in a . - - The following example shows how to define the columns of a . - + class and its supporting classes provide the infrastructure to display data items that are specified for a control in a series of columns. The columns have column headers, which are buttons that are derived from , and you can reorder the columns by using drag-and-drop operations. Note that the columns of a display data and do not provide direct access to the source of the data. + + To specify a as the view mode for a , set the property to a object. + + The class is derived from . You can define custom views by inheriting from the class that provides the supporting elements for a view. For more information, see [How to: Create a Custom View Mode for a ListView](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-create-a-custom-view-mode-for-a-listview). + + The following illustration shows an example of a that uses a . + + ![ListView with GridView output](~/add/media/listviewgridview.JPG "ListView with GridView output") + + The columns in a are defined as objects. In Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), you can define objects as child elements of the . In code, you can add a to the by using the property and the method that is defined for the class. Similarly, you can use other methods such as and to modify the columns in a . + + The following example shows how to define the columns of a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgridviewcolumn"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListViewCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgridviewcolumn"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumn"::: - - To style the rows in a , define a style for the controls in the . - - To add visual elements, such as a or control, to a , use templates or styles. For an example, see [How to: Create ListViewItems with a CheckBox](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-create-listviewitems-with-a-checkbox). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to define a control that implements a as its . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumn"::: + + To style the rows in a , define a style for the controls in the . + + To add visual elements, such as a or control, to a , use templates or styles. For an example, see [How to: Create ListViewItems with a CheckBox](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-create-listviewitems-with-a-checkbox). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to define a control that implements a as its . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ Text string. Not supported. - object. Calling this method will cause an exception. - + object. Calling this method will cause an exception. + ]]> @@ -206,29 +206,29 @@ if columns can be reordered; otherwise, . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorderpart1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorderpart2"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorderpart1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorderpart2"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorder"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListViewCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorder"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListViewCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorder"::: + ]]> @@ -257,11 +257,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -294,11 +294,11 @@ The to clear. Removes all settings, bindings, and styling from a . - that is associated with a , in addition to any styling that was applied to it by the method. - + that is associated with a , in addition to any styling that was applied to it by the method. + ]]> @@ -323,19 +323,19 @@ Gets or sets the attached property that contains the . - , such as the control. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , such as the control. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -364,11 +364,11 @@ Identifies the attachedproperty. - attachedproperty. - + attachedproperty. + ]]> @@ -398,53 +398,53 @@ Gets or sets the style to apply to column headers. The that is used to define the display properties for column headers. The default value is . - property and the property are both used to define the visual tree for the objects that represent the column headers in a . The property can also define column header content when a is not by specified by defining a for the object. - - This property represents one of several ways to lay out and style column headers. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - When you set styles, there are some restrictions. For more information, see [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - - -## XAML Values - `ResourceExtension` - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - `StyleResourceKey` - The key that identifies the style being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + property and the property are both used to define the visual tree for the objects that represent the column headers in a . The property can also define column header content when a is not by specified by defining a for the object. + + This property represents one of several ways to lay out and style column headers. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + When you set styles, there are some restrictions. For more information, see [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + + +## XAML Values + `ResourceExtension` + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + `StyleResourceKey` + The key that identifies the style being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using [TemplateBinding](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension) or is also possible, but uncommon. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to define the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewheaderstyle"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnheadercontainertemplate"::: - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using [TemplateBinding](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension) or is also possible, but uncommon. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to define the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewheaderstyle"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnheadercontainertemplate"::: + ]]> @@ -473,11 +473,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -507,19 +507,19 @@ Gets or sets a for the . The for the column headers in a . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -548,11 +548,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -582,27 +582,27 @@ Gets or sets a composite string that specifies how to format the column headers of the if they are displayed as strings. A composite string that specifies how to format the column headers of the if they are displayed as strings. The default is . - , , or property is set, this property is ignored. - - You can use several properties to specify the format of the column headers. If more than one property is set, the column header is formatted with the value of the property that has the highest priority. The format for a column can be set on several types. The following list shows the properties that can be used to format the column headers, ordered from lowest to highest priority: - -- - -- - -- - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or property is set, this property is ignored. + + You can use several properties to specify the format of the column headers. If more than one property is set, the column header is formatted with the value of the property that has the highest priority. The format for a column can be set on several types. The following list shows the properties that can be used to format the column headers, ordered from lowest to highest priority: + +- + +- + +- + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -658,48 +658,48 @@ Gets or sets a template to use to display the column headers. The to use to display the column headers as part of the . The default value is . - property and the property are both set, the property takes precedence. - - This property represents one of several ways to lay out and style column headers. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `ResourceExtension` - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - `TemplateResourceKey` - The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + property and the property are both set, the property takes precedence. + + This property represents one of several ways to lay out and style column headers. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `ResourceExtension` + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + `TemplateResourceKey` + The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using [TemplateBinding](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension) or is also possible, but uncommon. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewheadertemplate"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnheadercontainertemplate"::: - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using [TemplateBinding](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension) or is also possible, but uncommon. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewheadertemplate"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnheadercontainertemplate"::: + ]]> @@ -729,11 +729,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -769,52 +769,52 @@ Gets or sets the selector object that provides logic for selecting a template to use for each column header. The object that determines the data template to use for each column header. The default value is . - property for all columns if it is defined. - - If the property and the property are both set, the property takes precedence. - - This property represents one of several ways to lay out and style column headers. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `ResourceExtension` - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - `DataTemplateSelectorClassKey` - The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to the application resource dictionary. - - `MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation` - A class derived from that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property for all columns if it is defined. + + If the property and the property are both set, the property takes precedence. + + This property represents one of several ways to lay out and style column headers. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `ResourceExtension` + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + `DataTemplateSelectorClassKey` + The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to the application resource dictionary. + + `MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation` + A class derived from that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -844,11 +844,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -878,65 +878,65 @@ Gets or sets the content of a tooltip that appears when the mouse pointer pauses over one of the column headers. An object that represents the content that appears as a tooltip when the mouse pointer is paused over one of the column headers. The default value is not defined. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -- or - - - - toolTipObjectContent - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `toolTipContent` - A string that becomes the display text for the . - - `toolTipObjectContent` - An object to use as the content for the tooltip. Typically, this object is a or some other element that defines a layout for the , such as a text element. In this usage, a element is implicitly created from the parsed XAML, and the `toolTipObjectContent` content is set as its property. - - <`ToolTip` .../> - See . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorderpart1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorderpart2"::: - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +- or - + + + toolTipObjectContent + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `toolTipContent` + A string that becomes the display text for the . + + `toolTipObjectContent` + An object to use as the content for the tooltip. Typically, this object is a or some other element that defines a layout for the , such as a text element. In this usage, a element is implicitly created from the parsed XAML, and the `toolTipObjectContent` content is set as its property. + + <`ToolTip` .../> + See . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorderpart1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorderpart2"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorder"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListViewCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorder"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListViewCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgridviewallowscolumnreorder"::: + ]]> @@ -965,11 +965,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -1005,33 +1005,33 @@ Gets the collection of objects that is defined for this . The collection of columns in the . The default value is . - , by using methods that are inherited from the class, such as the , , and methods. - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - OneOrMoreGridViewColumns - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `OneOrMoreGridViewColumns` - One or more elements. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to add a to the columns in a by using the method on the property. - + , by using methods that are inherited from the class, such as the , , and methods. + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + OneOrMoreGridViewColumns + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `OneOrMoreGridViewColumns` + One or more elements. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to add a to the columns in a by using the method on the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetaddtocolumns"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListViewCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetaddtocolumns"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListViewCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetaddtocolumns"::: + ]]> @@ -1129,11 +1129,11 @@ Gets the contents of the attached property. The of the specified . - object. To get, set, or change the columns that are defined for a object, use the property. - + object. To get, set, or change the columns that are defined for a object, use the property. + ]]> @@ -1191,11 +1191,11 @@ Gets the key that references the style that is defined for the control that encloses the content that is displayed by a . A that references the that is applied to the control for a . The default value is the style for the object of a in the current theme. - style of a . To redefine this style, reference the by using the [x:Static Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-static-markup-extension) and assign that value as the [x:Key Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-key-directive) of the new . - + style of a . To redefine this style, reference the by using the [x:Static Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-static-markup-extension) and assign that value as the [x:Key Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-key-directive) of the new . + ]]> @@ -1225,13 +1225,13 @@ Gets the key that references the style that is defined for the . A that references the that is applied to the . The default value is the style for the in the current theme. - style. To redefine this style, reference the by using the [x:Static Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-static-markup-extension) and assign that value as the [x:Key Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-key-directive) of the new . - - You can use this read-only property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) as an [x:Key Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-key-directive) of a that redefines the for the . - + style. To redefine this style, reference the by using the [x:Static Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-static-markup-extension) and assign that value as the [x:Key Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-key-directive) of the new . + + You can use this read-only property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) as an [x:Key Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-key-directive) of a that redefines the for the . + ]]> @@ -1297,11 +1297,11 @@ The to display. Prepares a for display according to the definition of this object. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1336,11 +1336,11 @@ The object to assign. Sets the contents of the attached property. - object. To get, set, or change the columns that are defined for a object, use the property. - + object. To get, set, or change the columns that are defined for a object, use the property. + ]]> @@ -1422,11 +1422,11 @@ The child object to add. Adds a child object. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1468,11 +1468,11 @@ The text to add to the object. Adds the text content of a node to the object. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewColumn.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewColumn.xml index 1030af8aa6e..c44977748fb 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewColumn.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewColumn.xml @@ -40,30 +40,30 @@ Represents a column that displays data. - is used by the view mode to display a column of data. The that implements the view mode provides the data for the column. You use data binding to specify the data for the . - - You can use the to define the data to display in a column. You can also define the data as part of a that is specified by the property. If different cells have different objects, the property can specify a . The following list shows the properties mentioned here, in their order of precedence from highest to lowest: - + is used by the view mode to display a column of data. The that implements the view mode provides the data for the column. You use data binding to specify the data for the . + + You can use the to define the data to display in a column. You can also define the data as part of a that is specified by the property. If different cells have different objects, the property can specify a . The following list shows the properties mentioned here, in their order of precedence from highest to lowest: + - - -- - -- - - The class also contains properties that you can use to define and customize the column header for the column. The property can define the content of the column header. Other properties such as and can also specify content and style for the column header. Some of these properties are also found on other classes such as the class. For more information about the properties that are used to define styles and templates for column headers, and for information about the order of precedence for these properties, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - The class implements the interface. This interface provides the ability to subscribe to the events that occur when a change occurs to a property value, such as the property value. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to define objects for a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumncontent"::: - + +- + +- + + The class also contains properties that you can use to define and customize the column header for the column. The property can define the content of the column header. Other properties such as and can also specify content and style for the column header. Some of these properties are also found on other classes such as the class. For more information about the properties that are used to define styles and templates for column headers, and for information about the order of precedence for these properties, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + The class implements the interface. This interface provides the ability to subscribe to the events that occur when a change occurs to a property value, such as the property value. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to define objects for a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumncontent"::: + ]]> @@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ Gets the actual width of a . The current width of the column. The default is zero (0.0). - when the property is set to . A value of for the property specifies that the column size accommodate the largest visible item that is not the column header. - - Unlike , is not a dependency property. - + when the property is set to . A value of for the property specifies that the column size accommodate the largest visible item that is not the column header. + + Unlike , is not a dependency property. + ]]> @@ -162,55 +162,55 @@ Gets or sets the template to use to display the contents of a column cell. A that is used to format a column cell. The default is . - - -- - -- - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - - -## XAML Values - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *TemplateResourceKey* - The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + + +- + +- + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + + +## XAML Values + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *TemplateResourceKey* + The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify a to use to display a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcelltemplate"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetcelltemplateproperty"::: - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify a to use to display a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcelltemplate"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetcelltemplateproperty"::: + ]]> @@ -241,11 +241,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -281,61 +281,61 @@ Gets or sets a that determines the template to use to display cells in a column. A that provides selection for column cells. The default is . - - -- - -- - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation* - A class derived from that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). - - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *DataTemplateSelectorClassKey* - The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to a resource dictionary. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumncontent"::: - + + +- + +- + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation* + A class derived from that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). + + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *DataTemplateSelectorClassKey* + The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to a resource dictionary. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumncontent"::: + ]]> @@ -364,11 +364,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -404,28 +404,28 @@ Gets or sets the data item to bind to for this column. The specified data item type that displays in the column. The default is . - objects and objects. - - The following properties are all used to define the content and style of a column cell, and are listed here in their order of precedence, from highest to lowest: - -- `DisplayMemberBinding` (this property) - -- - -- - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + objects and objects. + + The following properties are all used to define the content and style of a column cell, and are listed here in their order of precedence, from highest to lowest: + +- `DisplayMemberBinding` (this property) + +- + +- + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnproperties"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListViewCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnproperties"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnproperties"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnproperties"::: + ]]> @@ -455,49 +455,49 @@ Gets or sets the content of the header of a . The object to use for the column header. The default is . - property can be set to an object that is as simple as a `string`, or to an object that is as complex as a that has embedded content. The default column header in a view mode is styled as a button that is derived from and that has the content of the property as its child. To specify a template for the column header, see the or property descriptions. - - Properties that define the content, layout, and style of a column header are found on many related classes, and some of these properties have functionality that is similar or the same. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - \<*HeaderContentObject*.../> - A single element. This element can have child elements if the *HeaderContentObject* content model allows them. - -## Example - The following example shows how to set the property. - + property can be set to an object that is as simple as a `string`, or to an object that is as complex as a that has embedded content. The default column header in a view mode is styled as a button that is derived from and that has the content of the property as its child. To specify a template for the column header, see the or property descriptions. + + Properties that define the content, layout, and style of a column header are found on many related classes, and some of these properties have functionality that is similar or the same. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + \<*HeaderContentObject*.../> + A single element. This element can have child elements if the *HeaderContentObject* content model allows them. + +## Example + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnproperties"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListViewCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnproperties"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnproperties"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnproperties"::: + ]]> @@ -530,59 +530,59 @@ Gets or sets the style to use for the header of the . The that defines the display properties for the column header. The default is . - property and the property can together define property values and the visual tree for column header content. The property can also specify the visual tree by defining a . - - Properties that define the content, layout, and style of a column header are found in many related classes, and some of these properties have functionality that is similar or the same. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - When you set a style, some restrictions apply. For more information, see the [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - - -## XAML Values - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *StyleResourceKey* - The key that identifies the style being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + property and the property can together define property values and the visual tree for column header content. The property can also specify the visual tree by defining a . + + Properties that define the content, layout, and style of a column header are found in many related classes, and some of these properties have functionality that is similar or the same. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + When you set a style, some restrictions apply. For more information, see the [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + + +## XAML Values + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *StyleResourceKey* + The key that identifies the style being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to define a that specifies display properties for a column header. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewheaderstyle"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumntemplate"::: - - The following example shows how to define a that defines display properties by using a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnhctwithcontroltemplatepart1"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnhctwithcontroltemplatepart2"::: - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to define a that specifies display properties for a column header. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewheaderstyle"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumntemplate"::: + + The following example shows how to define a that defines display properties by using a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnhctwithcontroltemplatepart1"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnhctwithcontroltemplatepart2"::: + ]]> @@ -613,11 +613,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -646,11 +646,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -680,27 +680,27 @@ Gets or sets a composite string that specifies how to format the property if it is displayed as a string. A composite string that specifies how to format the property if it is displayed as a string. The default is . - , , or property is set, this property is ignored. - - You can use several properties to specify the format of the column headers. If more than one property is set, the column header is formatted with the value of the property that has the highest priority. The format for a column can be set on several types. The following list shows the properties that can be used to format the column headers, ordered from lowest to highest priority: - -- - -- - -- - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or property is set, this property is ignored. + + You can use several properties to specify the format of the column headers. If more than one property is set, the column header is formatted with the value of the property that has the highest priority. The format for a column can be set on several types. The following list shows the properties that can be used to format the column headers, ordered from lowest to highest priority: + +- + +- + +- + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -756,55 +756,55 @@ Gets or sets the template to use to display the content of the column header. A to use to display the column header. The default is . - property and the property are set, the property takes precedence. - - After a or is specified for a , it cannot be changed. - - You can also define the display of a column header by specifying a as part of a . - - Properties that define the content, layout, and style of a column header are found on many related classes, and some of these properties have functionality that is similar or the same. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - - -## XAML Values - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *TemplateResourceKey* - The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + property and the property are set, the property takes precedence. + + After a or is specified for a , it cannot be changed. + + You can also define the display of a column header by specifying a as part of a . + + Properties that define the content, layout, and style of a column header are found on many related classes, and some of these properties have functionality that is similar or the same. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + + +## XAML Values + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *TemplateResourceKey* + The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify a template to use to display the header of a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewheadertemplate"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumntemplate"::: - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify a template to use to display the header of a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewheadertemplate"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/ColumnHeaderContainerStyle/window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumntemplate"::: + ]]> @@ -836,11 +836,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -876,50 +876,50 @@ Gets or sets the that provides logic to select the template to use to display the column header. The object that provides data template selection for each . The default is . - property and the property are set, the property takes precedence. - - Properties that define the content, layout, and style of a column header are found on many related classes, and some of these properties have functionality that is similar or the same. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *DataTemplateSelectorClassKey* - The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to a resource dictionary. - - *MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation* - A class that derives from that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property and the property are set, the property takes precedence. + + Properties that define the content, layout, and style of a column header are found on many related classes, and some of these properties have functionality that is similar or the same. For more information, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *DataTemplateSelectorClassKey* + The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to a resource dictionary. + + *MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation* + A class that derives from that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -948,11 +948,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -1106,60 +1106,60 @@ Gets or sets the width of the column. The width of the column. The default is , which automatically sizes to the largest column item that is not the column header. - , use the property. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - `Auto` - Enables autosizing behavior. See Remarks. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + , use the property. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + `Auto` + Enables autosizing behavior. See Remarks. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnproperties"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListViewCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnproperties"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnproperties"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewcolumnproperties"::: + ]]> @@ -1189,11 +1189,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewColumnHeader.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewColumnHeader.xml index bb14c0a4c8e..8e5e0fb3271 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewColumnHeader.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewColumnHeader.xml @@ -33,24 +33,24 @@ Represents a column header for a . - object is a button control that is derived from . properties keep track of mouse events and the resizing of columns. - - Column headers in a view mode are objects. - - You can customize objects by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - A is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. - - - -## Examples - Each can contain a context (right-click) menu. The following example shows how to create a context menu for a in XAML. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetheadercontextmenu"::: - + object is a button control that is derived from . properties keep track of mouse events and the resizing of columns. + + Column headers in a view mode are objects. + + You can customize objects by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + A is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. + + + +## Examples + Each can contain a context (right-click) menu. The following example shows how to create a context menu for a in XAML. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetheadercontextmenu"::: + ]]> @@ -113,18 +113,18 @@ Gets the that is associated with the . The that is associated with this . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -153,11 +153,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -217,11 +217,11 @@ Responds to the creation of the visual tree for the . - of the and updates the floating version of the header when the property is set to . - + of the and updates the floating version of the header when the property is set to . + ]]> @@ -251,11 +251,11 @@ Provides class handling for the event for a . - event when a column is changing its position. - + event when a column is changing its position. + ]]> @@ -316,13 +316,13 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event for a . - implementation of clears mouse capture. - - This implementation does not change the property of the . - + implementation of clears mouse capture. + + This implementation does not change the property of the . + ]]> @@ -355,11 +355,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event when the user pauses the mouse pointer on the . - event when the user drags a and its column to a new location in a by using the mouse. To handle the event, the property of the is set to `true`. - + event when the user drags a and its column to a new location in a by using the mouse. To handle the event, the property of the is set to `true`. + ]]> @@ -392,11 +392,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event when the mouse moves off the . - event when the user drags a with the mouse from its old location, to move the header and its column. To handle the event, the property of the is set to `true`. - + event when the user drags a with the mouse from its old location, to move the header and its column. To handle the event, the property of the is set to `true`. + ]]> @@ -429,11 +429,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer on the . - event so that the can support the drag-and-drop operation that moves a column. This method captures the mouse and sets the event argument to `true`. - + event so that the can support the drag-and-drop operation that moves a column. This method captures the mouse and sets the event argument to `true`. + ]]> @@ -466,13 +466,13 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event when the user releases the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer on the . - event (which occurs when the property in the is set to `true`). It also ends the mouse capture that was set by the method. This provides a way for the to support the drag-and-drop operation that moves a column. - - This method sets the event argument to `true`. - + event (which occurs when the property in the is set to `true`). It also ends the mouse capture that was set by the method. This provides a way for the to support the drag-and-drop operation that moves a column. + + This method sets the event argument to `true`. + ]]> @@ -505,13 +505,13 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event that occurs when the user moves the mouse within a . - is moved by a drag-and-drop operation. This also causes the property of the to remain set to `true` when the mouse with its left mouse button pressed moves off the header. - - This implementation keeps the event argument set to `false` for the event so that the method can support the drag-and-drop operation that moves a column. - + is moved by a drag-and-drop operation. This also causes the property of the to remain set to `true` when the mouse with its left mouse button pressed moves off the header. + + This implementation keeps the event argument set to `false` for the event so that the method can support the drag-and-drop operation that moves a column. + ]]> @@ -577,19 +577,19 @@ Gets the role of a . A enumeration value that specifies the current role of the column. - class performs layout for the column headers in a and places an additional column header at the end to add space. A value of identifies this column header in the . A value of identifies a column that is currently the object of a drag-and-drop operation. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + class performs layout for the column headers in a and places an additional column header at the end to add space. A value of identifies this column header in the . A value of identifies a column that is currently the object of a drag-and-drop operation. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -619,11 +619,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -658,21 +658,21 @@ if the must be serialized; otherwise, . The default is . - - -- - -- - -- - -- - + + +- + +- + +- + +- + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewHeaderRowPresenter.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewHeaderRowPresenter.xml index ac85b90f9d4..c1ad835be7b 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewHeaderRowPresenter.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewHeaderRowPresenter.xml @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ Represents an object that is used to define the layout of a row of column headers. - object and objects are support objects for the mode that displays data in columns for a . For more information about how to define a view, see the [GridView Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-overview). - - You can determine when a column is moving to a new location by monitoring the event that is defined for the . - - You can customize column headers in a view mode by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - + object and objects are support objects for the mode that displays data in columns for a . For more information about how to define a view, see the [GridView Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-overview). + + You can determine when a column is moving to a new location by monitoring the event that is defined for the . + + You can customize column headers in a view mode by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + ]]> @@ -100,19 +100,19 @@ if columns can be moved by the drag-and-drop operation of a column header; otherwise, . The default is . - view mode, the value of this property is bound to the value of the property on the . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + view mode, the value of this property is bound to the value of the property on the . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -141,11 +141,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -206,44 +206,44 @@ Gets or sets the to use for the column headers. The to use for the column header container. The default is . - view mode, the value of this property is bound to the value of the property on the . - - You can customize column headers in a view mode by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - When you set styles, some restrictions apply. For more information, see the [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - - -## XAML Values - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *StyleResourceKey* - The key that identifies the style being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + view mode, the value of this property is bound to the value of the property on the . + + You can customize column headers in a view mode by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + When you set styles, some restrictions apply. For more information, see the [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + + +## XAML Values + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *StyleResourceKey* + The key that identifies the style being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -272,11 +272,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -306,21 +306,21 @@ Gets or sets a for the column headers. The for the column header row. The default is . - view mode, the value of this property is bound to the value of the property on the . - - You can customize column headers in a view mode by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + view mode, the value of this property is bound to the value of the property on the . + + You can customize column headers in a view mode by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -349,11 +349,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -389,27 +389,27 @@ Gets or sets a composite string that specifies how to format the column headers if they are displayed as strings. A composite string that specifies how to format the column headers if they are displayed as strings. The default is . - , , or property is set, this property is ignored. - - You can use several properties to specify the format of the column headers. If more than one property is set, the column header is formatted with the value of the property that has the highest priority. The format for a column can be set on several types. The following list shows the properties that can be used to format the column headers, ordered from lowest to highest priority: - -- - -- - -- - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or property is set, this property is ignored. + + You can use several properties to specify the format of the column headers. If more than one property is set, the column header is formatted with the value of the property that has the highest priority. The format for a column can be set on several types. The following list shows the properties that can be used to format the column headers, ordered from lowest to highest priority: + +- + +- + +- + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -465,36 +465,36 @@ Gets or sets the template to use to display the column headers. The that is used to display the column header content. The default is . - view mode, the value of this property is bound to the value of the property on the . - - If the property and the property are both set, the takes precedence. - - You can customize column headers in a view mode by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - - -## XAML Values - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *TemplateResourceKey* - The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + view mode, the value of this property is bound to the value of the property on the . + + If the property and the property are both set, the takes precedence. + + You can customize column headers in a view mode by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + + +## XAML Values + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *TemplateResourceKey* + The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. + ]]> @@ -524,11 +524,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -564,44 +564,44 @@ Gets or sets a that provides logic that selects the data template to use to display a column header. The that chooses the to use to display each column header. The default is . - property and the property are both set, the takes precedence. - - When you implement this class as part of a view mode, the value of this property is bound to the value of the property on the . - - You can customize column headers in a view mode by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation* - A class derived from that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). - - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *DataTemplateSelectorClassKey* - The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to a resource dictionary. - + property and the property are both set, the takes precedence. + + When you implement this class as part of a view mode, the value of this property is bound to the value of the property on the . + + You can customize column headers in a view mode by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation* + A class derived from that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). + + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *DataTemplateSelectorClassKey* + The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to a resource dictionary. + ]]> @@ -631,11 +631,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -665,56 +665,56 @@ Gets or sets the content for a tooltip for the column header row. An object that represents the content of a tooltip for the column headers. - view mode, the value of this property is bound to the value of the property on the . - - You can customize column headers in a view mode by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -- or - - - - toolTipObjectContent - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `toolTipContent` - A string that becomes the display text for the . - - `toolTipObjectContent` - An object to use as the content for the tooltip. Typically, this object is a or some other element that defines a layout for the , such as a text element. In this usage, a element is implicitly created from the parsed XAML, and the `toolTipObjectContent` content is set as its property. - - <`ToolTip` .../> - See . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + view mode, the value of this property is bound to the value of the property on the . + + You can customize column headers in a view mode by using a variety of properties that are found in this class and in related classes. For more information about these properties, and about the precedence between them, see [GridView Column Header Styles and Templates Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/gridview-column-header-styles-and-templates-overview). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +- or - + + + toolTipObjectContent + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `toolTipContent` + A string that becomes the display text for the . + + `toolTipObjectContent` + An object to use as the content for the tooltip. Typically, this object is a or some other element that defines a layout for the , such as a text element. In this usage, a element is implicitly created from the parsed XAML, and the `toolTipObjectContent` content is set as its property. + + <`ToolTip` .../> + See . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -743,11 +743,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -839,13 +839,13 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event for the . - event occurs while a column is moving to a new position, the move is canceled. - - This implementation does not handle the event. - + event occurs while a column is moving to a new position, the move is canceled. + + This implementation does not handle the event. + ]]> @@ -878,13 +878,13 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event that occurs when the user presses the left mouse button inside a . - is `true`, this method prepares a column to be dragged to another location in the column header row. - - This implementation handles the event by setting the event argument to `true`. - + is `true`, this method prepares a column to be dragged to another location in the column header row. + + This implementation handles the event by setting the event argument to `true`. + ]]> @@ -917,13 +917,13 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event that occurs when the user releases the left mouse button. - is `true`, and if the event occurs after a column is dragged to a new location, the column is moved. - - This implementation handles the event by setting the event argument to `true`. - + is `true`, and if the event occurs after a column is dragged to a new location, the column is moved. + + This implementation handles the event by setting the event argument to `true`. + ]]> @@ -956,11 +956,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event that occurs when the user moves the mouse. - property is set to `true` and the user presses the left mouse button, this method implements the visual behavior that occurs when the user drags a to a new location. This method override sets the event argument to `true` for the event even if the user does not press the left mouse button. - + property is set to `true` and the user presses the left mouse button, this method implements the visual behavior that occurs when the user drags a to a new location. This method override sets the event argument to `true` for the event even if the user does not press the left mouse button. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewRowPresenter.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewRowPresenter.xml index eab4d255009..108d0e8fcbb 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewRowPresenter.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewRowPresenter.xml @@ -22,18 +22,18 @@ Represents an object that specifies the layout of a row of data. - and classes support the view mode for a control. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use a to style rows in a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewRowPresenter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewrowpresenter"::: - + and classes support the view mode for a control. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use a to style rows in a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewRowPresenter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetgridviewrowpresenter"::: + ]]> @@ -127,21 +127,21 @@ Gets or sets the data content to display in a row. The object that represents the content of a row. - in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) is to place it in a of a control. The template binds the property to a property of the control by using [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). The following example shows how to bind the property of a to the property of a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewRowPresenter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcontroltemplate"::: - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) is to place it in a of a control. The template binds the property to a property of the control by using [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). The following example shows how to bind the property of a to the property of a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/GridViewRowPresenter/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcontroltemplate"::: + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -170,16 +170,16 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - - - -## Examples - [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) - + dependency property. + + + +## Examples + [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedContentControl.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedContentControl.xml index 31dbd915a23..23e30da9a5e 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedContentControl.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedContentControl.xml @@ -29,33 +29,33 @@ Provides the base implementation for all controls that contain single content and have a header. - inherits the property from and defines the property that is of type . provides a heading for the control. Like the property of a , the can be any type. - - The following illustration shows two objects, which inherit from . The first has objects as the content in both the and the : the is set to a that contains an and a ; the is set to a that contains a and a . The of the second is set to a string and the is set to a single . - - ![TabControl](~/add/media/controlcontentmodelteabitem.PNG "TabControl") -TabControl with different types in the Header property - - A has a limited default style. An application developer can create a , but its appearance will be very simple. If you wish to enhance the appearance of the control, you can create a new . A is useful for creating custom controls because it provides a model for single content controls with headers. - + inherits the property from and defines the property that is of type . provides a heading for the control. Like the property of a , the can be any type. + + The following illustration shows two objects, which inherit from . The first has objects as the content in both the and the : the is set to a that contains an and a ; the is set to a that contains a and a . The of the second is set to a string and the is set to a single . + + ![TabControl](~/add/media/controlcontentmodelteabitem.PNG "TabControl") +TabControl with different types in the Header property + + A has a limited default style. An application developer can create a , but its appearance will be very simple. If you wish to enhance the appearance of the control, you can create a new . A is useful for creating custom controls because it provides a model for single content controls with headers. + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create the shown in the Remarks section. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet16"::: - - The following examples show how to create a for a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheaderedcontentcontrolstyle"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheaderedcontentcontrol"::: - + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create the shown in the Remarks section. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet16"::: + + The following examples show how to create a for a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheaderedcontentcontrolstyle"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheaderedcontentcontrol"::: + ]]> @@ -125,26 +125,26 @@ TabControl with different types in the Header property if the property is not ; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example tests whether the control has a header containing content. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example tests whether the control has a header containing content. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippethasheader"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HeaderedContentControl/VisualBasic/Page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethasheader"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HeaderedContentControl/VisualBasic/Page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethasheader"::: + ]]> @@ -214,36 +214,36 @@ TabControl with different types in the Header property Gets or sets the data used for the header of each control. A header object. The default is . - property of a , the can be any type. The uses the same logic to display the that is described in . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that contains two objects, which inherit from . The first has objects as the content in both the and the : the is set to a that contains an and a ; the is set to a that contains a and a . The of the second is set to a string and the is set to a single . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet16"::: - - The following illustration shows the created by the previous example. - - ![TabControl](~/add/media/controlcontentmodelteabitem.PNG "TabControl") -TabControl with different types in the Header property - - The following example creates two objects to specify the appearance of the and of the . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadertemplate1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadertemplate2"::: - + property of a , the can be any type. The uses the same logic to display the that is described in . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that contains two objects, which inherit from . The first has objects as the content in both the and the : the is set to a that contains an and a ; the is set to a that contains a and a . The of the second is set to a string and the is set to a single . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet16"::: + + The following illustration shows the created by the previous example. + + ![TabControl](~/add/media/controlcontentmodelteabitem.PNG "TabControl") +TabControl with different types in the Header property + + The following example creates two objects to specify the appearance of the and of the . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadertemplate1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadertemplate2"::: + ]]> @@ -305,31 +305,31 @@ TabControl with different types in the Header property Gets or sets a composite string that specifies how to format the property if it is displayed as a string. A composite string that specifies how to format the property if it is displayed as a string. The default is . - can be a predefined, composite, or custom string format. For more information about string formats, see [Formatting Types](/dotnet/standard/base-types/formatting-types). If you set the or property of a , the property is ignored. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example binds a to a collection of `Student` objects. The `Student` class has a `Name` property, a collection of `Course` objects, and implements the method to return either the `Name` of the student or a string that lists the student's courses. The example uses to put a student's name in the of each (which inherits from ), and the to display the course list for each student in the Content of the . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/ContentStringFormat/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettabcontrol"::: - - The following example implements the method to return either the `Name` of the student or a string that lists the student's courses. - + can be a predefined, composite, or custom string format. For more information about string formats, see [Formatting Types](/dotnet/standard/base-types/formatting-types). If you set the or property of a , the property is ignored. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example binds a to a collection of `Student` objects. The `Student` class has a `Name` property, a collection of `Course` objects, and implements the method to return either the `Name` of the student or a string that lists the student's courses. The example uses to put a student's name in the of each (which inherits from ), and the to display the course list for each student in the Content of the . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/ContentStringFormat/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettabcontrol"::: + + The following example implements the method to return either the `Name` of the student or a string that lists the student's courses. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/ContentStringFormat/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettabcontroltostring"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentStringSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettabcontroltostring"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentStringSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettabcontroltostring"::: + ]]> @@ -395,47 +395,47 @@ TabControl with different types in the Header property Gets or sets the template used to display the content of the control's header. A data template. The default is . - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - - -## XAML Values - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *TemplateResourceKey* - The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + + +## XAML Values + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *TemplateResourceKey* + The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates two objects to specify the appearance of the and of the . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadertemplate1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadertemplate2"::: - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates two objects to specify the appearance of the and of the . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadertemplate1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentPresenter/ContentSource/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadertemplate2"::: + ]]> @@ -501,48 +501,48 @@ TabControl with different types in the Header property Gets or sets a data template selector that provides custom logic for choosing the template used to display the header. A data template selector object. The default is . - and the properties are set, the template selector property is ignored. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation* - A class derived from that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). - - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *DataTemplateSelectorClassKey* - The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to a resource dictionary. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and the properties are set, the template selector property is ignored. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation* + A class derived from that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). + + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *DataTemplateSelectorClassKey* + The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to a resource dictionary. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl.xml index f39a3e573a5..f08caaee826 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl.xml @@ -32,46 +32,46 @@ Represents a control that contains multiple items and has a header. - property can be any type. WPF ships three controls that inherit from : - -- - -- - -- - - A has a limited default style. To create a with a custom appearance, create a new . - - Set the property to specify the label of the . can be any type of object. Set the property to a to customize the header. For more information about data templates, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). - + property can be any type. WPF ships three controls that inherit from : + +- + +- + +- + + A has a limited default style. To create a with a custom appearance, create a new . + + Set the property to specify the label of the . can be any type of object. Set the property to a to customize the header. For more information about data templates, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a . The control contains a single , which is labeled `TreeViewItem 1`, and has the following items: - -- A string. - -- A object. - -- A object that contains a in its . - -- A object whose property is set to a that contains two objects. - + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a . The control contains a single , which is labeled `TreeViewItem 1`, and has the following items: + +- A string. + +- A object. + +- A object that contains a in its . + +- A object whose property is set to a that contains two objects. + > [!NOTE] -> The example explicitly creates objects for the last two items because and inherit from the class. The default style for the sets the property. The child objects inherit the property value from the explicitly created , which is typically the desired behavior. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet17"::: - - The following example creates a for a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_style"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol"::: - +> The example explicitly creates objects for the last two items because and inherit from the class. The default style for the sets the property. The child objects inherit the property value from the explicitly created , which is typically the desired behavior. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet17"::: + + The following example creates a for a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_style"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol"::: + ]]> @@ -141,27 +141,27 @@ if the control has a header; otherwise, . The default is . - property is `null`, this property returns `false`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use this property to determine whether the control has a header. - + property is `null`, this property returns `false`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use this property to determine whether the control has a header. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_hasheader"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HeaderedItemsControl/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_hasheader"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HeaderedItemsControl/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_hasheader"::: + ]]> @@ -223,52 +223,52 @@ Gets or sets the item that labels the control. An object that labels the . The default is . A header can be a string or a . - property is of type , there are no restrictions on what you can put in the . The is displayed by a , which is in the of the . For more information about how the displays the , see . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *headerString* - The string to use as a heading. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create and use a header template to specify the appearance of the header. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_style"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_template1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_template2"::: - + property is of type , there are no restrictions on what you can put in the . The is displayed by a , which is in the of the . For more information about how the displays the , see . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *headerString* + The string to use as a heading. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create and use a header template to specify the appearance of the header. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_style"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_template1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_template2"::: + ]]> @@ -389,49 +389,49 @@ Gets or sets the template used to display the contents of the control's header. A data template used to display a control's header. The default is . - , set this property to a . For more information on data templates, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - - -## XAML Values - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *TemplateResourceKey* - The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + , set this property to a . For more information on data templates, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + + +## XAML Values + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *TemplateResourceKey* + The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create and use a header template to specify the appearance of the header. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_style"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_template1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_template2"::: - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using or is also possible, but uncommon. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create and use a header template to specify the appearance of the header. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_style"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_template1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/HeaderedItemsControl/Overview/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetheadereditemscontrol_template2"::: + ]]> @@ -494,52 +494,52 @@ Gets or sets the object that provides custom selection logic for a template used to display the header of each item. A data template selector. The default is . - when you have more than one for the same type of objects and you want to supply your own logic to choose a to apply based on the properties of each data object. Note that if you have objects of different types you can set the property on the . If you do that, then there is no need to create a . Furthermore, if you have objects of the same type but with different properties, you can also consider using a or a data converter. For more information, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). - - To create a template selector, create a class that inherits from and override the method. After your class is defined, you can assign an instance of the class to the template selector property of your element. - - If both the and the properties are set, the template selector property is ignored. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation* - A class derived from that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). - - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *DataTemplateSelectorClassKey* - The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to a resource dictionary. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + when you have more than one for the same type of objects and you want to supply your own logic to choose a to apply based on the properties of each data object. Note that if you have objects of different types you can set the property on the . If you do that, then there is no need to create a . Furthermore, if you have objects of the same type but with different properties, you can also consider using a or a data converter. For more information, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). + + To create a template selector, create a class that inherits from and override the method. After your class is defined, you can assign an instance of the class to the template selector property of your element. + + If both the and the properties are set, the template selector property is ignored. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation* + A class derived from that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). + + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *DataTemplateSelectorClassKey* + The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to a resource dictionary. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -751,11 +751,11 @@ Returns the string representation of a object. A string that represents this object. - property. - + property. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Image.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Image.xml index 39942ffa6b2..ce738b1d275 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Image.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Image.xml @@ -33,17 +33,17 @@ Represents a control that displays an image. - class enables you to load the following image types: .bmp, .gif, .ico, .jpg, .png, .wdp, and .tiff. - - When displaying a multiframe image, only the first frame is displayed. The animation of multiframe images is not supported by the control. - - Until the image content is loaded, the and of the control will report as zero, because the image content is used to determine the final size and location of the control. - - For a fixed size control, the and/or properties can be set. However, to preserve the media's aspect ratio, set the or properties but not both. - + class enables you to load the following image types: .bmp, .gif, .ico, .jpg, .png, .wdp, and .tiff. + + When displaying a multiframe image, only the first frame is displayed. The animation of multiframe images is not supported by the control. + + Until the image content is loaded, the and of the control will report as zero, because the image content is used to determine the final size and location of the control. + + For a fixed size control, the and/or properties can be set. However, to preserve the media's aspect ratio, set the or properties but not both. + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -216,24 +216,24 @@ Occurs when there is a failure in the image. - is a and it fails to load, due to a corrupt header, both the and events occur. - - -## XAML Text Usage - \<*object* ImageFailed="*EventHandler*" .../> - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|, constrained by | - + is a and it fails to load, due to a corrupt header, both the and events occur. + + +## XAML Text Usage + \<*object* ImageFailed="*EventHandler*" .../> + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|, constrained by | + ]]> @@ -300,11 +300,11 @@ Updates the of the image. This method is called by the parent and is the first pass of layout. The image's desired size. - @@ -335,11 +335,11 @@ Creates and returns an object for this . An object for this . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -430,46 +430,46 @@ Gets or sets the for the image. The source of the drawn image. The default value is . - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Text Usage - For XAML information, see the type. - - -## XAML Values - *imageUri* - - - A URI of the image file. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|,

| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to use the property. - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Text Usage + For XAML information, see the type. + + +## XAML Values + *imageUri* + + + A URI of the image file. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|,

| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to use the property. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StackPanelOvw4/CPP/StackPanel_Ovw_Sample4.cpp" id="Snippet3"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Image/Source/StackPanel_Ovw_Sample4.cs" id="Snippet3"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StackPanelOvw4/VisualBasic/StackPanelSamp.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StackPanelOvw4/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StackPanelOvw4/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]>
@@ -525,27 +525,27 @@ Gets or sets a value that describes how an should be stretched to fill the destination rectangle. One of the values. The default is . - will cause your image to stretch to completely fill the output area. When the output area and the image have different aspect ratios, the image is distorted by this stretching. To make an preserve the aspect ratio of the image, set this property to (default) or . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to use this property. - + will cause your image to stretch to completely fill the output area. When the output area and the image have different aspect ratios, the image is distorted by this stretching. To make an preserve the aspect ratio of the image, set this property to (default) or . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to use this property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Image/Stretch/ImageSimpleExample.xaml.cs" id="Snippetimagesimpleexampleinlinecode2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample_snip/VB/ImageSimpleExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippetimagesimpleexampleinlinecode2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample_snip/VB/ImageSimpleExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippetimagesimpleexampleinlinecode2"::: + ]]> @@ -576,26 +576,26 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates how the image is scaled. One of the values. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to use this property. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to use this property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Image/Stretch/ImageSimpleExample.xaml.cs" id="Snippetimagesimpleexampleinlinecode2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample_snip/VB/ImageSimpleExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippetimagesimpleexampleinlinecode2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample_snip/VB/ImageSimpleExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippetimagesimpleexampleinlinecode2"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas.xml index 0f0b1247308..40184d284de 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas.xml @@ -33,25 +33,25 @@ Defines an area that receives and displays ink strokes. - is an element that can be used to receive and display ink input. This is commonly done through the use of a stylus, which interacts with a digitizer to produce ink strokes using a stylus or a mouse. The created strokes are represented as objects, and can be manipulated either programmatically or based on user input. The enables users to modify or delete an existing . - - The can be bound to a data source. For example, you can bind the property to: a base-64, encoded string that contains ink data in Ink Serialized format (ISF); or even to the property of another . You can also bind properties, such as and , to other data sources. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to simulate the use of both a pen and a highlighter on the same . The example assumes that the root element in the markup language (XAML) file is a called `root`. It also assumes that there is a called `switchHighlighter` and that both the and events are connected to the example's event handler. - + is an element that can be used to receive and display ink input. This is commonly done through the use of a stylus, which interacts with a digitizer to produce ink strokes using a stylus or a mouse. The created strokes are represented as objects, and can be manipulated either programmatically or based on user input. The enables users to modify or delete an existing . + + The can be bound to a data source. For example, you can bind the property to: a base-64, encoded string that contains ink data in Ink Serialized format (ISF); or even to the property of another . You can also bind properties, such as and , to other data sources. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to simulate the use of both a pen and a highlighter on the same . The example assumes that the root element in the markup language (XAML) file is a called `root`. It also assumes that there is a called `switchHighlighter` and that both the and events are connected to the example's event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingAttributes/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - - The following example declares two objects in XAML and establishes data binding between them and other data sources. The first , called `ic`, is bound to two data sources. The and properties on `ic` are bound to objects, which are, in turn, bound to arrays defined in the XAML. The , , and properties of the second are bound to the first in the following code. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingAttributes/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + + The following example declares two objects in XAML and establishes data binding between them and other data sources. The first , called `ic`, is bound to two data sources. The and properties on `ic` are bound to objects, which are, in turn, bound to arrays defined in the XAML. The , , and properties of the second are bound to the first in the following code. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -105,27 +105,27 @@ Gets the current editing mode of the . The current editing mode of the . - property indicates the current of the . Suppose that the is set to and the is set to . When the tablet pen is used in an inverted position, has a value of . Otherwise, its value is . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example reports the value of whenever it changes. - + property indicates the current of the . Suppose that the is set to and the is set to . When the tablet pen is used in an inverted position, has a value of . Otherwise, its value is . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example reports the value of whenever it changes. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet36"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet36"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet36"::: + ]]> @@ -160,28 +160,28 @@ Occurs when the current editing mode changes. - property changes whenever the enters a new editing mode. For example, suppose that the is set to and the is set to . When the user changes the tip of tablet pen, the event occurs. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example reports the value of whenever it changes. - + property changes whenever the enters a new editing mode. For example, suppose that the is set to and the is set to . When the user changes the tip of tablet pen, the event occurs. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example reports the value of whenever it changes. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet36"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet36"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet36"::: + ]]> @@ -305,26 +305,26 @@ Gets or sets a . The brush is used to fill the border area surrounding a . A used to fill the border area surrounding a . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set the property on an . - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set the property on an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet37"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet37"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet37"::: + ]]> @@ -375,50 +375,50 @@ Gets or sets the distance between the bottom of an element and the bottom of its parent . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - String representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance, a value of `1` is acceptable. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set the position of a on an . - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet35"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + String representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance, a value of `1` is acceptable. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set the position of a on an . + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet35"::: + ]]> @@ -476,19 +476,19 @@ if the contents of the Clipboard can be pasted in; otherwise, . - can support Clipboard data in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF), and text format. - - - -## Examples - The following example copies an element to the Clipboard and pastes it to the . This example assumes that there is an element called `rect1`, and that the events have been connected to the event handlers in the example. - + can support Clipboard data in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF), and text format. + + + +## Examples + The following example copies an element to the Clipboard and pastes it to the . This example assumes that there is an element called `rect1`, and that the events have been connected to the event handlers in the example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -526,32 +526,32 @@ Retrieves child elements of the . A collection of child elements located on the . - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - OneOrMoreUIElements - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *OneOrMoreUIElements* - One or more objects. - - - -## Examples - The following example adds a to an . - + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + OneOrMoreUIElements + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *OneOrMoreUIElements* + One or more objects. + + + +## Examples + The following example adds a to an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet8"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet8"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet8"::: + ]]> @@ -581,19 +581,19 @@ Copies selected strokes and/or elements to the Clipboard. - can support Clipboard data in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF), and text format. Strokes to the Clipboard are both Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF). - - - -## Examples - The following example selects two elements on an and copies them to the Clipboard. This example assumes that there is a called `textbox1` and a called `button1 -` and that both controls are child elements of the . - + can support Clipboard data in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF), and text format. Strokes to the Clipboard are both Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF). + + + +## Examples + The following example selects two elements on an and copies them to the Clipboard. This example assumes that there is a called `textbox1` and a called `button1 -` and that both controls are child elements of the . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -625,19 +625,19 @@ Deletes the selected strokes and elements, and copies them to the Clipboard. - can support Clipboard data in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF), and text format. Strokes to the Clipboard are both Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF). - - - -## Examples - The following example selects and cuts two elements on an . This example assumes that there is a called `textbox1` and a called `button1` - and that both controls are child elements of the . - + can support Clipboard data in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF), and text format. Strokes to the Clipboard are both Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF). + + + +## Examples + The following example selects and cuts two elements on an . This example assumes that there is a called `textbox1` and a called `button1` - and that both controls are child elements of the . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet4"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -667,32 +667,32 @@ Gets or sets the drawing attributes that are applied to new ink strokes made on the . The default drawing attributes for the . - objects, access them individually using the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to use two objects to simulate the experience of using a pen and a highlighter on the same . The example assumes that the root element in the markup language (XAML) file is a called `root`. It also assumes that there is a called `switchHighlighter` and that the event is connected to the event handler. - + objects, access them individually using the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to use two objects to simulate the experience of using a pen and a highlighter on the same . The example assumes that the root element in the markup language (XAML) file is a called `root`. It also assumes that there is a called `switchHighlighter` and that the event is connected to the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingAttributes/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - - The following example demonstrates how to bind the property to a data source. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Overview/Window2.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Overview/Window2.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingAttributes/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + + The following example demonstrates how to bind the property to a data source. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Overview/Window2.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Overview/Window2.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -749,14 +749,14 @@ Occurs when the property is replaced. - property of the new object. - + property of the new object. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet17"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingAttributes/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet17"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingAttributes/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet17"::: + ]]> @@ -792,26 +792,26 @@ Gets or sets the stylus point description for an . The stylus point description for an . - stores only the , , and properties for each belonging to a stroke. You can use the DefaultStylusPointDescription property to store additional information about points comprising the strokes on a . Setting this property will affect only new strokes that are made after the property is set. - - -## XAML Text Usage - You cannot use this property in XAML. - - - -## Examples - The following example sets the so that the stylus points of the strokes on the contain the , , , and properties. - + stores only the , , and properties for each belonging to a stroke. You can use the DefaultStylusPointDescription property to store additional information about points comprising the strokes on a . Setting this property will affect only new strokes that are made after the property is set. + + +## XAML Text Usage + You cannot use this property in XAML. + + + +## Examples + The following example sets the so that the stylus points of the strokes on the contain the , , , and properties. + > [!NOTE] -> Only the strokes that are added to the after the is set to contain the additional property. - +> Only the strokes that are added to the after the is set to contain the additional property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet9"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet9"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet9"::: + ]]> @@ -844,14 +844,14 @@ Gets or sets the renderer that dynamically draws ink on the . The renderer that dynamically draws ink on the . - property to a custom if you want to customize the ink. - + property to a custom if you want to customize the ink. + > [!NOTE] -> The is a member of the collection. When you set the , the removes the old from the and adds the new to the end of the collection. This may change the behavior of the . - +> The is a member of the collection. When you set the , the removes the old from the and adds the new to the end of the collection. This may change the behavior of the . + ]]> @@ -881,29 +881,29 @@ Gets or sets the user editing mode used by an active pointing device. The editing mode used when a pointing device (such as a tablet pen or mouse) is active. - is . Changing the clears any existing selections. - - The specifies the mode of the pointing device as it interacts with the . is used by some digitizers when the "eraser end" of the stylus contacts the digitizer. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates an application that uses the various types of editing modes on an . - + is . Changing the clears any existing selections. + + The specifies the mode of the pointing device as it interacts with the . is used by some digitizers when the "eraser end" of the stylus contacts the digitizer. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates an application that uses the various types of editing modes on an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/EditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ICEditingModeSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ICEditingModeSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -939,28 +939,28 @@ Occurs when the property of an object has been changed. - property of the . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example checks whether the property is set to or . - + property of the . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example checks whether the property is set to or . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet21"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet21"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet21"::: + ]]> @@ -1016,29 +1016,29 @@ Gets or sets the user editing mode if the stylus is inverted when it interacts with the . The inverted editing mode of the . - property controls actions that are performed when the stylus is in a standard, tip-down position against the digitizer, - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to allow a user to partially erase strokes with the inverted tip of a stylus. An elliptical cursor appears on the when the user erases ink. - + property controls actions that are performed when the stylus is in a standard, tip-down position against the digitizer, + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to allow a user to partially erase strokes with the inverted tip of a stylus. An elliptical cursor appears on the when the user erases ink. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet6"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet6"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet6"::: + ]]> @@ -1073,28 +1073,28 @@ Occurs when the property of an object has been changed. - property of the . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example checks whether the property is set to or . - + property of the . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example checks whether the property is set to or . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet20"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet20"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet20"::: + ]]> @@ -1208,27 +1208,27 @@ Gets or sets the used to point-erase ink from an . The eraser shape associated with the . - when the current is set to . - - Individual properties of a cannot be modified once the shape has been created. - - If you change the , the cursor rendered on the is not updated until the next change. - - -## XAML Text Usage - This property is not typically used in XAML. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to allow a user to partially erase strokes with the inverted tip of a stylus. An elliptical cursor appears on the when the user erases ink. - + when the current is set to . + + Individual properties of a cannot be modified once the shape has been created. + + If you change the , the cursor rendered on the is not updated until the next change. + + +## XAML Text Usage + This property is not typically used in XAML. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to allow a user to partially erase strokes with the inverted tip of a stylus. An elliptical cursor appears on the when the user erases ink. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet6"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet6"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet6"::: + ]]> @@ -1264,29 +1264,29 @@ Occurs when the detects a gesture. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set up an to recognize application gestures. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set up an to recognize application gestures. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Gesture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Gesture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: -:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - +:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -1360,14 +1360,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for a given dependency object. The bottom coordinate of the dependency object. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet34"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet34"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet34"::: + ]]> @@ -1398,14 +1398,14 @@ Returns a collection of application gestures that are recognized by . A collection of gestures that the recognizes. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet24"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet24"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet24"::: + ]]> The property is . @@ -1454,14 +1454,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for a given dependency object. The left coordinate of the dependency object. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet31"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet31"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet31"::: + ]]> @@ -1509,14 +1509,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for a given dependency object. The right coordinate of the dependency object. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet32"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet32"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet32"::: + ]]> @@ -1547,23 +1547,23 @@ Retrieves the objects that are selected in the . Array of objects. - objects, not objects. - - To retrieve selected objects, call the method. - - If the of is set to , users can select objects and objects. Alternatively, both types of objects can be selected using code: just call the method. - - - -## Examples - The following example doubles the height and width of each selected element on an . - + objects, not objects. + + To retrieve selected objects, call the method. + + If the of is set to , users can select objects and objects. Alternatively, both types of objects can be selected using code: just call the method. + + + +## Examples + The following example doubles the height and width of each selected element on an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet12"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet12"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet12"::: + ]]> @@ -1596,21 +1596,21 @@ Retrieves a that represents selected objects on the . The collection of selected strokes. - objects, only. To retrieve selected objects, call the method. - - If the of is set to , users can select objects and objects. Alternatively, both types of objects can be selected using code: just call the method. - - - -## Examples - The following example changes the color of each selected stroke on an . - + objects, only. To retrieve selected objects, call the method. + + If the of is set to , users can select objects and objects. Alternatively, both types of objects can be selected using code: just call the method. + + + +## Examples + The following example changes the color of each selected stroke on an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet11"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet11"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet11"::: + ]]> @@ -1643,14 +1643,14 @@ Gets the bounds of the selected strokes and elements on the . The smallest rectangle that encompasses all selected strokes and elements. - @@ -1698,14 +1698,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for a given dependency object. The top coordinate of the dependency object. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet33"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet33"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet33"::: + ]]> @@ -1802,19 +1802,19 @@ Returns a value that indicates which part of the selection adorner intersects or surrounds the specified point. A value that indicates which part of the selection adorner intersects or surrounds a specified point. - method to determine whether the point is within a stroke selection's bounds or on one of the eight handles. This is useful when performing drag and drop operations. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how use to determine whether to create a to initiate drag and drop. To implement drag and drop between two objects, see [How to: Drag and Drop Ink](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-drag-and-drop-ink). - + method to determine whether the point is within a stroke selection's bounds or on one of the eight handles. This is useful when performing drag and drop operations. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how use to determine whether to create a to initiate drag and drop. To implement drag and drop between two objects, see [How to: Drag and Drop Ink](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-drag-and-drop-ink). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/HitTestSelection/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkDragDrop/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkDragDrop/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -1878,16 +1878,16 @@ if the recognition component is available; otherwise, . - to recognize application gestures. - + to recognize application gestures. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Gesture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Gesture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: -:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - +:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -1912,50 +1912,50 @@ Gets or sets the distance between the left side of an element and the left side of its parent . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - String representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance, a value of `1` is acceptable. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set the position of a on an . - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet35"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + String representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance, a value of `1` is acceptable. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set the position of a on an . + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet35"::: + ]]> @@ -2071,21 +2071,21 @@ if a user can move strokes and/or elements on the ; otherwise, . - is `true`, the adorner enables the user to resize the strokes and/or elements as well. - - If this property is set to `false` while one or more ink strokes and/or elements are selected, the adorner border will be automatically removed from the selected objects. - - - -## Examples - The following example prevents a user from moving and resizing the elements and strokes on a . - + is `true`, the adorner enables the user to resize the strokes and/or elements as well. + + If this property is set to `false` while one or more ink strokes and/or elements are selected, the adorner border will be automatically removed from the selected objects. + + + +## Examples + The following example prevents a user from moving and resizing the elements and strokes on a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet7"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet7"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet7"::: + ]]> @@ -2206,11 +2206,11 @@ The event data. Raises the event. - property of the . - + property of the . + ]]> @@ -2243,11 +2243,11 @@ The event data. Raises the event. - property of the . - + property of the . + ]]> @@ -2341,11 +2341,11 @@ The event data. Raises the event. - method is called. - + method is called. + ]]> @@ -2379,11 +2379,11 @@ The event data. Raises the event. - method is called. - + method is called. + ]]> @@ -2417,11 +2417,11 @@ Not used. An event announcing that the user selected and moved a selection of strokes and/or elements. - method is called. - + method is called. + ]]> @@ -2455,11 +2455,11 @@ The event data. Raises the event. - method is called. - + method is called. + ]]> @@ -2493,11 +2493,11 @@ The event data. Raises the event. - method is called. - + method is called. + ]]> @@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ The event data. Raises the event. - method will be called. - + method will be called. + ]]> @@ -2569,13 +2569,13 @@ The event data. Raises the event. - is called when a user physically completes a stroke, for example, by raising the stylus from a tablet after making a motion. - - A programmatic addition of strokes to the collection will not call the method. - + is called when a user physically completes a stroke, for example, by raising the stylus from a tablet after making a motion. + + A programmatic addition of strokes to the collection will not call the method. + ]]> @@ -2678,11 +2678,11 @@ Pastes the contents of the Clipboard to the . - can support Clipboard data in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF), and text format. - + can support Clipboard data in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF), and text format. + ]]> @@ -2712,19 +2712,19 @@ Pastes the contents of the Clipboard to the top-left corner of the . - can support Clipboard data in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF), and text format. - - - -## Examples - The following example copies an element to the Clipboard and pastes it to the . This example assumes that there is an element called `rect1`, and that the events have been connected to the event handlers in the example. - + can support Clipboard data in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF), and text format. + + + +## Examples + The following example copies an element to the Clipboard and pastes it to the . This example assumes that there is an element called `rect1`, and that the events have been connected to the event handlers in the example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -2759,19 +2759,19 @@ The point at which to paste the strokes. Pastes the contents of the Clipboard to the at a given point. - can support Clipboard data in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF), and text format. - - - -## Examples - The following example copies an element to the Clipboard and pastes it to the . This example assumes that there is an element called `rect1`, and that the events are connected to the event handlers in the example. - + can support Clipboard data in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF), and text format. + + + +## Examples + The following example copies an element to the Clipboard and pastes it to the . This example assumes that there is an element called `rect1`, and that the events are connected to the event handlers in the example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -2809,38 +2809,38 @@ Gets or sets formats that can be pasted onto the . A collection of enumeration values. The default is . - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - InkCanvasClipboardFormats - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *InkCanvasClipboardFormats* - An array of enumeration values. Specifying an array in XAML requires `x:Array` usage. Specifying an enumeration value as an element that declares an array member requires `x:Static` usage. For more information, see [x:Array Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-array-markup-extension) and [x:Static Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-static-markup-extension). - - - -## Examples - The following example sets the to make the accept Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF). - + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + InkCanvasClipboardFormats + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *InkCanvasClipboardFormats* + An array of enumeration values. Specifying an array in XAML requires `x:Array` usage. Specifying an enumeration value as an element that declares an array member requires `x:Static` usage. For more information, see [x:Array Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-array-markup-extension) and [x:Static Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-static-markup-extension). + + + +## Examples + The following example sets the to make the accept Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) format, Ink Serialized Format (ISF). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet26"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet26"::: - - The following example accomplishes the same thing in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window2.xaml" id="Snippet38"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet26"::: + + The following example accomplishes the same thing in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window2.xaml" id="Snippet38"::: + ]]> @@ -2871,21 +2871,21 @@ if a user can resize strokes and/or elements on the ; otherwise, . - is `true`, the adorner enables the user to move the strokes and/or elements as well. - - If this property is set to `false` while one or more ink strokes and/or elements are selected, the adorner border is automatically removed from the selected objects. - - - -## Examples - The following example prevents a user from moving and resizing the elements and strokes on a . - + is `true`, the adorner enables the user to move the strokes and/or elements as well. + + If this property is set to `false` while one or more ink strokes and/or elements are selected, the adorner border is automatically removed from the selected objects. + + + +## Examples + The following example prevents a user from moving and resizing the elements and strokes on a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet7"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet7"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet7"::: + ]]> @@ -2910,50 +2910,50 @@ Gets or sets the distance between the right side of an element and the right side of its parent . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - String representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance, a value of `1` is acceptable. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set the position of a on an . - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet35"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + String representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance, a value of `1` is acceptable. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set the position of a on an . + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet35"::: + ]]> @@ -2992,13 +2992,13 @@ Selects a set of ink objects and/or objects. - can contain objects, which are created in response to user stylus input, and objects, such as and objects. - - Selected strokes will be displayed with an adorner around them for ease of recognition and manipulation. objects will not display differently when selected. - + can contain objects, which are created in response to user stylus input, and objects, such as and objects. + + Selected strokes will be displayed with an adorner around them for ease of recognition and manipulation. objects will not display differently when selected. + ]]> @@ -3037,21 +3037,21 @@ A collection of objects to select. Selects a set of objects. - can contain objects, which are created in response to user stylus input and objects, such as and objects. - - Selected strokes are displayed with an adorner around them for ease of recognition and manipulation. objects will not display differently when selected. If a in `selectedElements` is not in the Children collection, ignores the . - - - -## Examples - The following example selects all the strokes and two elements on an . This example assumes that there is a called `textbox1` and a called `button1` - and that both controls are child elements of the . - + can contain objects, which are created in response to user stylus input and objects, such as and objects. + + Selected strokes are displayed with an adorner around them for ease of recognition and manipulation. objects will not display differently when selected. If a in `selectedElements` is not in the Children collection, ignores the . + + + +## Examples + The following example selects all the strokes and two elements on an . This example assumes that there is a called `textbox1` and a called `button1` - and that both controls are child elements of the . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -3090,21 +3090,21 @@ A collection of objects to select. Selects a set of ink objects. - can contain objects, which are created in response to user stylus input, and objects, such as and objects. - - Selected strokes are displayed with an adorner around them for ease of recognition and manipulation. objects do not display differently when selected. - - - -## Examples - The following example selects all the strokes and two elements on an . This example assumes that there is a called `textbox1` and a called `button1` - and that both controls are child elements of the . - + can contain objects, which are created in response to user stylus input, and objects, such as and objects. + + Selected strokes are displayed with an adorner around them for ease of recognition and manipulation. objects do not display differently when selected. + + + +## Examples + The following example selects all the strokes and two elements on an . This example assumes that there is a called `textbox1` and a called `button1` - and that both controls are child elements of the . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> One or more strokes in is not in the property. @@ -3140,21 +3140,21 @@ A collection of objects to select. Selects a combination of and objects. - can contain objects, which are created in response to user stylus input and objects, such as and objects. - - Selected strokes will be displayed with an adorner around them for ease of recognition and manipulation. objects will not display differently when selected. If a in `selectedElements` is not in the Children collection, ignores the . - - - -## Examples - The following example selects all the strokes and two elements on an . This example assumes that there is a called `textbox1` and a called `button1` - and that both controls are child elements of the . - + can contain objects, which are created in response to user stylus input and objects, such as and objects. + + Selected strokes will be displayed with an adorner around them for ease of recognition and manipulation. objects will not display differently when selected. If a in `selectedElements` is not in the Children collection, ignores the . + + + +## Examples + The following example selects all the strokes and two elements on an . This example assumes that there is a called `textbox1` and a called `button1` - and that both controls are child elements of the . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> One or more strokes in is not included in the property. @@ -3185,21 +3185,21 @@ Occurs when the selection on the changes. - event. - - - -## Examples - The following example prevents the user from making a selection smaller than its original size. - + event. + + + +## Examples + The following example prevents the user from making a selection smaller than its original size. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet16"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet16"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet16"::: + ]]> @@ -3232,26 +3232,26 @@ Occurs when a new set of ink strokes and/or elements is being selected. - event is raised when strokes and/or elements are selected by the user - but before the change is applied. - - The event is processed when the receives an object. provides methods for accessing and objects after they are selected by the user. - - After the change is applied, the event is raised. - + event is raised when strokes and/or elements are selected by the user - but before the change is applied. + + The event is processed when the receives an object. provides methods for accessing and objects after they are selected by the user. + + After the change is applied, the event is raised. + > [!NOTE] -> The event does not occur when the selected strokes are deleted or when the property changes. - - - -## Examples - The following example makes selected strokes royal blue. - +> The event does not occur when the selected strokes are deleted or when the property changes. + + + +## Examples + The following example makes selected strokes royal blue. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet14"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet14"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet14"::: + ]]> @@ -3285,19 +3285,19 @@ Occurs after the user moves a selection of strokes and/or elements. - event. - - - -## Examples - The following example unselects items on an after the user moves them. - + event. + + + +## Examples + The following example unselects items on an after the user moves them. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet19"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet19"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet19"::: + ]]> @@ -3330,23 +3330,23 @@ Occurs before selected strokes and elements are moved. - with two properties: and . defines the boundaries of the selection before the move and defines the boundaries of the selection after the move. - - After the change is applied, the event will occur. - - - -## Examples - The following example prevents the user from moving selected items vertically on an . - + with two properties: and . defines the boundaries of the selection before the move and defines the boundaries of the selection after the move. + + After the change is applied, the event will occur. + + + +## Examples + The following example prevents the user from moving selected items vertically on an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet13"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet13"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet13"::: + ]]> @@ -3379,21 +3379,21 @@ Occurs when a selection of strokes and/or elements has been resized by the user. - event. - - - -## Examples - The following example unselects all the items on an after the user re-sizes the selection. - + event. + + + +## Examples + The following example unselects all the items on an after the user re-sizes the selection. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet23"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet23"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet23"::: + ]]> @@ -3426,23 +3426,23 @@ Occurs before selected strokes and elements are resized. - that contains two properties: and . defines the boundaries of the selection before the resizing operation and defines the boundaries of the selection after the resizing operation. - - After the strokes and/or elements are updated with the new size, the event is raised. - - - -## Examples - The following example prevents the user from making a selection smaller than its original size. - + that contains two properties: and . defines the boundaries of the selection before the resizing operation and defines the boundaries of the selection after the resizing operation. + + After the strokes and/or elements are updated with the new size, the event is raised. + + + +## Examples + The following example prevents the user from making a selection smaller than its original size. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet16"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet16"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet16"::: + ]]> @@ -3480,14 +3480,14 @@ The bottom coordinate of . Sets the value of the attached property for a given dependency object. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet28"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet28"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet28"::: + ]]> @@ -3520,16 +3520,16 @@ A collection of application gestures that the will recognize. Sets the application gestures that the will recognize. - to recognize application gestures. - + to recognize application gestures. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Gesture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Gesture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: -:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - +:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> The property is . @@ -3565,14 +3565,14 @@ The left coordinate of . Sets the value of the attached property for a given dependency object. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet29"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet29"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet29"::: + ]]> @@ -3607,14 +3607,14 @@ The right coordinate of . Sets the value of the attached property for a given dependency object. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet30"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet30"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet30"::: + ]]> @@ -3649,14 +3649,14 @@ The top coordinate of . Sets the value of the attached property for a given dependency object. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet27"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet27"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet27"::: + ]]> @@ -3691,32 +3691,32 @@ Occurs when a stroke drawn by the user is added to the property. - , which references the completed stroke. The stroke is also added to the property of the . - - The programmatic addition of a object to the collection does not raise this event. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example saves the time as a custom property when a user adds a stroke to the . - + , which references the completed stroke. The stroke is also added to the property of the . + + The programmatic addition of a object to the collection does not raise this event. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example saves the time as a custom property when a user adds a stroke to the . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet22"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet22"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet22"::: + ]]> @@ -3778,28 +3778,28 @@ Occurs when user erases a stroke. - property is set to or . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example reports the number of strokes that are on an when the event occurs. If is set to and the user erases the middle of a stroke, the number of strokes on the increases. This is because the old stroke was replaced by two new strokes. - + property is set to or . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example reports the number of strokes that are on an when the event occurs. If is set to and the user erases the middle of a stroke, the number of strokes on the increases. This is because the old stroke was replaced by two new strokes. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet18"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet18"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet18"::: + ]]> @@ -3855,19 +3855,19 @@ Occurs just before a user erases a stroke. - property to `true` if you want to prevent the stroke from being erased. You can use this technique when the or property is set to or . - - - -## Examples - The following example prevents any strokes rendered as highlighters from being erased. The example assumes that the is connected to the event handler. - + property to `true` if you want to prevent the stroke from being erased. You can use this technique when the or property is set to or . + + + +## Examples + The following example prevents any strokes rendered as highlighters from being erased. The example assumes that the is connected to the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet16"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingAttributes/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet16"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingAttributes/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet16"::: + ]]> @@ -3897,30 +3897,30 @@ Gets or sets the collection of ink objects collected by the . The collection of objects contained within the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to use two objects for the same . In this example, player one and player two each use an individual "inking surface" even though they share the same . This example assumes the click event is connected to the event handler, `switchPlayersButton_Click`. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to use two objects for the same . In this example, player one and player two each use an individual "inking surface" even though they share the same . This example assumes the click event is connected to the event handler, `switchPlayersButton_Click`. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet15"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet15"::: - - The following example demonstrates how to bind the property of an to another . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Overview/Window2.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet15"::: + + The following example demonstrates how to bind the property of an to another . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Overview/Window2.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -3977,14 +3977,14 @@ Occurs when the property is replaced. - objects that are co-located on the same . In this example, player one and player two each use an individual "inking surface" even though they share the same . This example assumes that the `switchPlayersButton_Click` event is connected to the event handler. - + objects that are co-located on the same . In this example, player one and player two each use an individual "inking surface" even though they share the same . This example assumes that the `switchPlayersButton_Click` event is connected to the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet15"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet15"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet15"::: + ]]> @@ -4075,50 +4075,50 @@ Gets or sets the distance between the top of an element and the top of its parent . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - String representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set the position of a on an . - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet35"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + String representation of a value. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set the position of a on an . + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet35"::: + ]]> @@ -4181,19 +4181,19 @@ if the is using a custom cursor; otherwise, . - will change the cursor style to reflect the current while the cursor is within the bounds of the . If this behavior is not wanted, for example, when the uses a custom cursor, set this property to `true`, and the cursor will not change with the . - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to use a cursor that is different than the one supplied by the . - + will change the cursor style to reflect the current while the cursor is within the bounds of the . If this behavior is not wanted, for example, when the uses a custom cursor, set this property to `true`, and the cursor will not change with the . + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to use a cursor that is different than the one supplied by the . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/ActiveEditingMode/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkCanvasSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/InkPresenter.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/InkPresenter.xml index 707bb760126..9e680e84063 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/InkPresenter.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/InkPresenter.xml @@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ Renders ink on a surface. - , attach the property of a to the by using the method. To statically render ink, add stroke objects to the property. - - - -## Examples - The following example programmatically creates a stroke and adds it to the . Only static rendering is done in this example, which assumes that the event is connected to the event handler, `WindowLoaded`. - + , attach the property of a to the by using the method. To statically render ink, add stroke objects to the property. + + + +## Examples + The following example programmatically creates a stroke and adds it to the . Only static rendering is done in this example, which assumes that the event is connected to the event handler, `WindowLoaded`. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkPresenter/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkPresenterSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkPresenterSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -126,19 +126,19 @@ The that specifies the appearance of the dynamically rendered ink. Attaches the visual of a to an . - to the to dynamically render ink on your control. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to attach the visual and of a to an . - + to the to dynamically render ink on your control. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to attach the visual and of a to an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/StylusPlugIns/StylusControl.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusPluginSamples/VisualBasic/StylusControl.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusPluginSamples/VisualBasic/StylusControl.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -173,19 +173,19 @@ The visual of the to detach. Detaches the visual of the from the . - on a custom control changes, the visual of the must be re-attached to the . Call the and methods to re-attach the visual to the . - - - -## Examples - The following example re-attaches the visual of a to the whenever the on the changes. This example assumes that the event is attached to the event handler. - + on a custom control changes, the visual of the must be re-attached to the . Call the and methods to re-attach the visual to the . + + + +## Examples + The following example re-attaches the visual of a to the whenever the on the changes. This example assumes that the event is attached to the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkPresenter/DetachVisuals/InkSelector.cs" id="Snippet39"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StrokeCollectionMethods/VisualBasic/InkSelector.vb" id="Snippet39"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StrokeCollectionMethods/VisualBasic/InkSelector.vb" id="Snippet39"::: + ]]> @@ -340,26 +340,26 @@ Gets or sets the strokes that the displays. The strokes that the displays. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example programmatically creates a stroke and adds it to the . The example assumes that the event is connected to the event handler, `WindowLoaded`. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example programmatically creates a stroke and adds it to the . The example assumes that the event is connected to the event handler, `WindowLoaded`. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkPresenter/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkPresenterSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InkPresenterSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ItemsControl.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ItemsControl.xml index 6a129622f60..b24d15074a1 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ItemsControl.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ItemsControl.xml @@ -586,8 +586,8 @@ ListBox that contains multiple types of objects ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -876,8 +876,8 @@ ListBox that contains multiple types of objects ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -955,8 +955,8 @@ ListBox that contains multiple types of objects ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1033,8 +1033,8 @@ ListBox that contains multiple types of objects ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1238,8 +1238,8 @@ ListBox that contains multiple types of objects ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1463,8 +1463,8 @@ ListBox that contains multiple types of objects ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1579,8 +1579,8 @@ ListBox that contains multiple types of objects ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1812,8 +1812,8 @@ ListBox that contains multiple types of objects ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1926,8 +1926,8 @@ ListBox that contains multiple types of objects ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2104,8 +2104,8 @@ ListBox that contains multiple types of objects ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2222,8 +2222,8 @@ ListBox that contains multiple types of objects ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/KeyTipControl.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/KeyTipControl.xml index 4c5e3113278..7cdac4de208 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/KeyTipControl.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/KeyTipControl.xml @@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, | diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/KeyTipService.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/KeyTipService.xml index f37cc897795..11fb9434bfb 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/KeyTipService.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/KeyTipService.xml @@ -300,18 +300,18 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the element that this property is attached to is in KeyTip scope. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -360,18 +360,18 @@ Gets or sets the text to use for the KeyTip. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -466,18 +466,18 @@ Gets or sets the style to use with the KeyTip. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Label.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Label.xml index 0bf775baccc..a088e45b781 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Label.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Label.xml @@ -29,39 +29,39 @@ Represents the text label for a control and provides support for access keys. - . To assign a to a , set the property to the control that should get focus when the user presses the access key. Setting the target also causes Microsoft UI Automation to use the text of the label as the name of the targeted control. For more information, see [Accessibility](/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/). - - To set the access key, add an underscore before the character that should be the access key. If your content has multiple underscore characters, only the first one is converted into an access key; the other underscores appear as normal text. If the underscore that you want converted to the access key is not the first underscore, use two consecutive underscores for any underscores that precede the one that you want to convert. For example, the following code contains an access key and displays as _Hello**W**orld: - -``` - -``` - - Because the underscore that precedes H is a double, the W key registers as the access key. - - A label is not focusable, and it is not a tab stop. For details, see [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). - - A is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. - -## Customizing the Label Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Label Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/label-styles-and-templates). - + . To assign a to a , set the property to the control that should get focus when the user presses the access key. Setting the target also causes Microsoft UI Automation to use the text of the label as the name of the targeted control. For more information, see [Accessibility](/dotnet/framework/ui-automation/). + + To set the access key, add an underscore before the character that should be the access key. If your content has multiple underscore characters, only the first one is converted into an access key; the other underscores appear as normal text. If the underscore that you want converted to the access key is not the first underscore, use two consecutive underscores for any underscores that precede the one that you want to convert. For example, the following code contains an access key and displays as _Hello**W**orld: + +``` + +``` + + Because the underscore that precedes H is a double, the W key registers as the access key. + + A label is not focusable, and it is not a tab stop. For details, see [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). + + A is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. + +## Customizing the Label Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Label Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/label-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a that uses a binding to set the target. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/TextWrapping/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - - The following example shows how to create a that has an access key and supports text wrapping. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/TextWrapping/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a that uses a binding to set the target. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/TextWrapping/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + + The following example shows how to create a that has an access key and supports text wrapping. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/TextWrapping/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> How to: Set a Label's Target Property @@ -155,44 +155,44 @@ Gets or sets the element that receives focus when the user presses the label's access key. The that receives focus when the user presses the access key. The default is . - an access key and setting this property. Assign an access key to a label by placing an underscore immediately before the character that acts as the access key. An access key can be specified in the property or by setting to an object. - - You cannot use this property to define a . For example, the following compiles but is not functional: ``. This property provides a reference to an element that is already defined in your application. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - - -## XAML Values - `nameOfExistingElement` - The name of that receives focus when the access key is pressed. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property of a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/TextWrapping/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + an access key and setting this property. Assign an access key to a label by placing an underscore immediately before the character that acts as the access key. An access key can be specified in the property or by setting to an object. + + You cannot use this property to define a . For example, the following compiles but is not functional: ``. This property provides a reference to an element that is already defined in your application. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + + +## XAML Values + `nameOfExistingElement` + The name of that receives focus when the access key is pressed. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property of a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/AccessText/TextWrapping/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> How to: Set a Label's Target Property diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox.xml index 6339c300d45..620598b6b8b 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox.xml @@ -33,40 +33,40 @@ Contains a list of selectable items. - is an , which means it can contain a collection of objects of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. - - More than one item in a is visible, unlike the , which has only the selected item visible unless the property is `true`. The property determines whether more than one item in the is selectable at a time. - - The property determines how many items a user can select at one time. You can set the property to (the default), , or . The following table described the behavior of these enumeration values. - -|Value|Description| -|-----------|-----------------| -||The user can select only one item at a time.| -||The user can select multiple items without holding down a modifier key.| -||The user can select multiple consecutive items while holding down the SHIFT key or non-consecutive items by holding down the CTRL key and clicking the items.| - - controls are often used with data binding. For more information, see [Data Binding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-binding-overview). - - Displaying a large number of items may cause performance issues. See [Optimizing Performance: Controls](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/optimizing-performance-controls) for more information. - -## Customizing the ListBox Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ListBox Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/listbox-styles-and-templates). - + is an , which means it can contain a collection of objects of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. + + More than one item in a is visible, unlike the , which has only the selected item visible unless the property is `true`. The property determines whether more than one item in the is selectable at a time. + + The property determines how many items a user can select at one time. You can set the property to (the default), , or . The following table described the behavior of these enumeration values. + +|Value|Description| +|-----------|-----------------| +||The user can select only one item at a time.| +||The user can select multiple items without holding down a modifier key.| +||The user can select multiple consecutive items while holding down the SHIFT key or non-consecutive items by holding down the CTRL key and clicking the items.| + + controls are often used with data binding. For more information, see [Data Binding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-binding-overview). + + Displaying a large number of items may cause performance issues. See [Optimizing Performance: Controls](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/optimizing-performance-controls) for more information. + +## Customizing the ListBox Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ListBox Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/listbox-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example creates a and subscribes to the event. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example creates a and subscribes to the event. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxEvent/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxEvent/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -175,11 +175,11 @@ if the supports scrolling; otherwise, . - in its style and has a custom keyboard scrolling behavior, should return `true`. - + in its style and has a custom keyboard scrolling behavior, should return `true`. + ]]> @@ -394,11 +394,11 @@ Specified item. Prepares the specified element to display the specified item. - @@ -431,18 +431,18 @@ Object to scroll. Causes the object to scroll into view. - method to scroll an item in the list box into the viewport. - + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/ScrollIntoView/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetlistboxscrollintoview"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBox_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxscrollintoview"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBox_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxscrollintoview"::: + ]]> @@ -472,14 +472,14 @@ Selects all the items in a . - method to select and highlight all the items in a list box. - + method to select and highlight all the items in a list box. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/ScrollIntoView/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetlistboxselectall"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBox_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxselectall"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBox_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxselectall"::: + ]]> The property is set to . @@ -524,27 +524,27 @@ Gets the currently selected items. Returns a collection of the currently selected items. - does not equal . If the selection mode is the correct property to use is . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to determine whether a list box has any selected items. - + does not equal . If the selection mode is the correct property to use is . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to determine whether a list box has any selected items. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/ScrollIntoView/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetlistboxselecteditems"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBox_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxselecteditems"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBox_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxselecteditems"::: + ]]> The property is set to . @@ -601,25 +601,25 @@ Gets or sets the selection behavior for a . One of the values. The default is selection. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example sets the property to . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example sets the property to . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -707,14 +707,14 @@ Clears all the selection in a . - method to unselect all the items in a list box. - + method to unselect all the items in a list box. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/ScrollIntoView/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetlistboxunselectall"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBox_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxunselectall"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBox_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxunselectall"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListBoxItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListBoxItem.xml index 9c2dcff0681..8f8f9ef56d4 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListBoxItem.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListBoxItem.xml @@ -29,29 +29,29 @@ Represents a selectable item in a . - contains a collection of objects. To select a in a , set the property to `true`. - - Bind a to data by binding the property of a to a data source. For more information, see [How to: Bind a ListBox to Data](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-bind-a-listbox-to-data). You can customize the appearance of a by setting the property of a to a . For more information, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). - - By default, the of a is set to . The default horizontal position of a is . If you set the property of a through a , the panel's default is applied and the item is centered. - - A is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. - -## Customizing the ListBoxItem Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ListBox Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/listbox-styles-and-templates). - + contains a collection of objects. To select a in a , set the property to `true`. + + Bind a to data by binding the property of a to a data source. For more information, see [How to: Bind a ListBox to Data](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-bind-a-listbox-to-data). You can customize the appearance of a by setting the property of a to a . For more information, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). + + By default, the of a is set to . The default horizontal position of a is . If you set the property of a through a , the panel's default is applied and the item is centered. + + A is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. + +## Customizing the ListBoxItem Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ListBox Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/listbox-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a that contains elements. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a that contains elements. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -121,26 +121,26 @@ if the item is selected; otherwise, . The default is . - in a , set this property to `true`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set a list box item to be selected when the list box is created. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/ScrollIntoView/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlistboxitemsisselected1"::: - + in a , set this property to `true`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set a list box item to be selected when the list box is created. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/ScrollIntoView/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlistboxitemsisselected1"::: + ]]> @@ -353,11 +353,11 @@ The event data. Called when the is selected in a . - property changes to `true`. - + property changes to `true`. + ]]> @@ -396,11 +396,11 @@ The event data. Called when the is unselected in a . - property changes to `false`. - + property changes to `false`. + ]]> @@ -459,30 +459,30 @@ Occurs when a is selected. - changes, listen for the event. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to subscribe to and handle this event. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/ScrollIntoView/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlistboxitemsevents"::: - + changes, listen for the event. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to subscribe to and handle this event. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/ScrollIntoView/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlistboxitemsevents"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/ScrollIntoView/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetlistboxitemseventselected"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBox_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxitemseventselected"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBox_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxitemseventselected"::: + ]]> @@ -537,30 +537,30 @@ Occurs when a is unselected. - changes, listen for the event. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following examples show how to subscribe to and handle this event. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/ScrollIntoView/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlistboxitemsevents"::: - + changes, listen for the event. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following examples show how to subscribe to and handle this event. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/ScrollIntoView/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlistboxitemsevents"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/ScrollIntoView/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetlistboxitemseventunselected"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBox_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxitemseventunselected"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBox_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxitemseventunselected"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListView.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListView.xml index 9ae6710510b..39a97390377 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListView.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ListView.xml @@ -328,8 +328,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement.xml index 9fd4abd96b2..c218461a647 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement.xml @@ -33,19 +33,19 @@ Represents a control that contains audio and/or video. - can be used in two different modes, depending on what is driving the control: independent mode or clock mode. When used in the independent mode, the is analogous to an image, and URI can be directly specified. In clock mode, the can be thought of as a target for an animation, and thus it will have corresponding and entries in the timing tree. For more information on media modes, see the [Multimedia Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/multimedia-overview). - - For an example of controlling a in independent mode, see [How to: Control a MediaElement (Play, Pause, Stop, Volume, and Speed)](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-mediaelement-play-pause-stop-volume-and-speed). - - Until the event has been raised, the and of the control will report as zero as the media content is used to determine the final size and location of the control. For audio only content, these properties will always be zero. - - For a fixed size control, the and/or properties can be set. However, to preserve the media's aspect ratio, set the or properties but not both. - + can be used in two different modes, depending on what is driving the control: independent mode or clock mode. When used in the independent mode, the is analogous to an image, and URI can be directly specified. In clock mode, the can be thought of as a target for an animation, and thus it will have corresponding and entries in the timing tree. For more information on media modes, see the [Multimedia Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/multimedia-overview). + + For an example of controlling a in independent mode, see [How to: Control a MediaElement (Play, Pause, Stop, Volume, and Speed)](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-mediaelement-play-pause-stop-volume-and-speed). + + Until the event has been raised, the and of the control will report as zero as the media content is used to determine the final size and location of the control. For audio only content, these properties will always be zero. + + For a fixed size control, the and/or properties can be set. However, to preserve the media's aspect ratio, set the or properties but not both. + ]]> @@ -135,19 +135,19 @@ Gets or sets a ratio of volume across speakers. The ratio of volume across speakers in the range between -1 and 1. The default is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -203,19 +203,19 @@ Occurs when media buffering has ended. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -297,19 +297,19 @@ Occurs when media buffering has begun. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -399,11 +399,11 @@ Gets or sets the clock associated with the that controls media playback. A clock associated with the that controls media playback. The default value is . - @@ -572,18 +572,18 @@ if audio is muted; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -639,19 +639,19 @@ Gets or sets the load behavior for the media. The load behavior set for the media. The default value is . - must be set to in order to interactively control media with the , , and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + must be set to in order to interactively control media with the , , and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -743,19 +743,19 @@ Occurs when the media has ended. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -810,19 +810,19 @@ Occurs when an error is encountered. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|, with constraint of .| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|, with constraint of .| + ]]> @@ -877,19 +877,19 @@ Occurs when media loading has finished. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -945,13 +945,13 @@ Gets the natural duration of the media. The natural duration of the media. - . - - is not accurate until the event has been raised. - + . + + is not accurate until the event has been raised. + ]]> @@ -981,11 +981,11 @@ Gets the height of the video associated with the media. The height of the video associated with the media. Audio files will return zero. - is not accurate until the event has been raised. - + is not accurate until the event has been raised. + ]]> @@ -1015,11 +1015,11 @@ Gets the width of the video associated with the media. The width of the video associated with the media. - is not accurate until the event has been raised. - + is not accurate until the event has been raised. + ]]> @@ -1107,15 +1107,15 @@ Pauses media at the current position. - method can be used to resume. - - This method can be used only when the property is `null`. When the property is non-`null`, the timing engine controls media playback behavior. - - This method has an effect only if the property is set to . - + method can be used to resume. + + This method can be used only when the property is `null`. When the property is non-`null`, the timing engine controls media playback behavior. + + This method has an effect only if the property is set to . + ]]> The property is not . @@ -1146,15 +1146,15 @@ Plays media from the current position. - property is `null`. When the property is non-`null`, the timing engine controls media playback behavior. - - This method has an effect only if the property is set to . - + property is `null`. When the property is non-`null`, the timing engine controls media playback behavior. + + This method has an effect only if the property is set to . + ]]> The property is not . @@ -1185,15 +1185,15 @@ Gets or sets the current position of progress through the media's playback time. The amount of time since the beginning of the media. The default is 00:00:00. - event will fire if the media source does not allow seeking. - - This property has no effect until after the event has occurred. - - This property can be set only when the property is `null`. When the property is non-`null`, the timing engine controls media playback behavior. - + event will fire if the media source does not allow seeking. + + This property has no effect until after the event has occurred. + + This property can be set only when the property is `null`. When the property is non-`null`, the timing engine controls media playback behavior. + ]]> The property is not . @@ -1223,19 +1223,19 @@ Occurs when a script command is encountered in the media. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|, with constraint of | - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|, with constraint of | + ]]> @@ -1292,21 +1292,21 @@ if frames are updated while paused; otherwise, . The default is . - to `true` can incur some performance costs, especially when interactively controlling media playback. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + to `true` can incur some performance costs, especially when interactively controlling media playback. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1362,21 +1362,21 @@ Gets or sets a media source on the . The URI that specifies the source of the element. The default is . - property is `null`. When the property is non-`null`, the timing engine controls media playback behavior. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + property is `null`. When the property is non-`null`, the timing engine controls media playback behavior. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> The property is not . @@ -1433,13 +1433,13 @@ Gets or sets the speed ratio of the media. The speed ratio of the media. The valid range is between 0 (zero) and infinity. Values less than 1 yield slower than normal playback, and values greater than 1 yield faster than normal playback. Negative values are treated as 0. The default value is 1. - property is `null`. When the property is non-`null`, the timing engine controls media playback behavior. - - Audio playback may not occur unless the value of is 1. - + property is `null`. When the property is non-`null`, the timing engine controls media playback behavior. + + Audio playback may not occur unless the value of is 1. + ]]> The property is not . @@ -1470,13 +1470,13 @@ Stops and resets media to be played from the beginning. - property is `null`. When the property is non-`null`, the timing engine controls media playback behavior. - - This method has an effect only if the property is set to . - + property is `null`. When the property is non-`null`, the timing engine controls media playback behavior. + + This method has an effect only if the property is set to . + ]]> The property is not . @@ -1507,31 +1507,31 @@ Gets or sets a value that describes how a fills the destination rectangle. The stretch value for the rendered media. The default is . - values. - - ![Different TileBrush Stretch settings](~/add/media/img-mmgraphics-stretchenum.jpg "Different TileBrush Stretch settings") -Different gradient spread methods - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a and set the mode of content. - + values. + + ![Different TileBrush Stretch settings](~/add/media/img-mmgraphics-stretchenum.jpg "Different TileBrush Stretch settings") +Different gradient spread methods + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a and set the mode of content. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/CPP/ViewboxCode.cpp" id="Snippet2"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement/Stretch/ViewboxCode.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/VisualBasic/ViewBoxCodeVB.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/VisualBasic/ViewBoxCodeVB.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -1561,24 +1561,24 @@ Different gradient spread methods Gets or sets a value that determines the restrictions on scaling that are applied to the image. The value that specifies the direction the element is stretched. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MediaGallery_snip/VB/StretchMediaElementExample.xaml" id="Snippetstretchmediaelementexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement/StretchDirection/StretchMediaElementExample.xaml" id="Snippetstretchmediaelementexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement/StretchDirection/StretchMediaElementExample.xaml" id="Snippetstretchmediaelementexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -1691,18 +1691,18 @@ Different gradient spread methods Gets or sets the unload behavior for the media. The unload behavior for the media. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1758,18 +1758,18 @@ Different gradient spread methods Gets or sets the media's volume. The media's volume represented on a linear scale between 0 and 1. The default is 0.5. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Menu.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Menu.xml index 2a861d134f2..1717ddd2d51 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Menu.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Menu.xml @@ -23,20 +23,20 @@ Represents a Windows menu control that enables you to hierarchically organize elements associated with commands and event handlers. - control presents a list of items that specify commands or options for an application. Typically, clicking an item on a menu opens a submenu or causes an application to carry out a command. - - is an , which means it can contain a collection of objects of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. The is the most common type of item in a . A can contain child items. The child items will appear in a submenu when the user chooses a parent . - -## Customizing the Menu Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Menu Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/menu-styles-and-templates). - + control presents a list of items that specify commands or options for an application. Typically, clicking an item on a menu opens a submenu or causes an application to carry out a command. + + is an , which means it can contain a collection of objects of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. The is the most common type of item in a . A can contain child items. The child items will appear in a submenu when the user chooses a parent . + +## Customizing the Menu Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Menu Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/menu-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + ]]> @@ -128,26 +128,26 @@ if the menu receives a main menu activation notification; otherwise, . The default is . - controls on a page, controls that should not receive ALT or F10 key notifications should set this property to `false`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to create a that does not receive activation notification. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Menu/IsMainMenu/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetmenuismainmenu"::: - + controls on a page, controls that should not receive ALT or F10 key notifications should set this property to `false`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to create a that does not receive activation notification. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Menu/IsMainMenu/pane1.xaml" id="Snippetmenuismainmenu"::: + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -304,11 +304,11 @@ The event data. Handles the routed event that occurs when the menu receives text input from any device. - property) of the event data. - + property) of the event data. + ]]> @@ -346,11 +346,11 @@ The item to display. Prepares the specified element to display the specified item. - diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/MenuItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/MenuItem.xml index ba7769452fa..554428056c7 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/MenuItem.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/MenuItem.xml @@ -154,8 +154,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -350,8 +350,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -414,8 +414,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -518,8 +518,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -655,8 +655,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -736,8 +736,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -824,8 +824,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -909,8 +909,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, | @@ -1023,8 +1023,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1142,8 +1142,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1236,8 +1236,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1320,8 +1320,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1387,8 +1387,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2242,8 +2242,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2400,8 +2400,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2479,8 +2479,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -2638,8 +2638,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -2797,8 +2797,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -2878,8 +2878,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Page.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Page.xml index 5a814a077fb..0a527204f76 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Page.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Page.xml @@ -33,70 +33,70 @@ Encapsulates a page of content that can be navigated to and hosted by a browser, , and . - encapsulates a page of content that can be navigated, and has the following key members: - -- **Lifetime Management**: . - -- **Navigation**: . - -- **Appearance**: , , , , , , , . - -- **Host Window Appearance**: , , . - - A page can be defined by using markup, markup and code-behind, or code. A page is the preferred way to package content for navigation, for the following reasons: - -- It is easy to define, reuse, and manage. - -- It can access and use the that navigated to it. - -- It can alter the title, width, height, and navigation UI of its host window (, , , ). - -- It has designer support in Microsoft Visual Studio. - - A page can be hosted from , , , or from a browser. To be hosted, a page can be: - -- The direct child of a , , or element in XAML. - -- Instantiated and set as the value of the `Content` property of , , and . - -- Set as the uniform resource identifier (URI) source of the `Source` property of either or . - -- Set as the in a standalone application. - -- Set as the in an XBAP. - - An application typically has two or more pages, which can be navigated between using the following mechanisms: - -- Declaratively by using . - -- Programmatically by using . - -- Visually by using the navigation UI of the host, including a browser, , and . - - For structured navigation using page functions (), see [Structured Navigation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/structured-navigation-overview) and [Navigation Topologies Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/navigation-topologies-overview). - - Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -## Examples - The following example shows how a standard page is defined using only markup: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/Overview/MarkupPage.xaml" id="Snippetmarkuppagemarkup"::: - - The following example shows how a standard page is defined using only code: - + encapsulates a page of content that can be navigated, and has the following key members: + +- **Lifetime Management**: . + +- **Navigation**: . + +- **Appearance**: , , , , , , , . + +- **Host Window Appearance**: , , . + + A page can be defined by using markup, markup and code-behind, or code. A page is the preferred way to package content for navigation, for the following reasons: + +- It is easy to define, reuse, and manage. + +- It can access and use the that navigated to it. + +- It can alter the title, width, height, and navigation UI of its host window (, , , ). + +- It has designer support in Microsoft Visual Studio. + + A page can be hosted from , , , or from a browser. To be hosted, a page can be: + +- The direct child of a , , or element in XAML. + +- Instantiated and set as the value of the `Content` property of , , and . + +- Set as the uniform resource identifier (URI) source of the `Source` property of either or . + +- Set as the in a standalone application. + +- Set as the in an XBAP. + + An application typically has two or more pages, which can be navigated between using the following mechanisms: + +- Declaratively by using . + +- Programmatically by using . + +- Visually by using the navigation UI of the host, including a browser, , and . + + For structured navigation using page functions (), see [Structured Navigation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/structured-navigation-overview) and [Navigation Topologies Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/navigation-topologies-overview). + + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. + +## Examples + The following example shows how a standard page is defined using only markup: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/Overview/MarkupPage.xaml" id="Snippetmarkuppagemarkup"::: + + The following example shows how a standard page is defined using only code: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/Overview/CodePage.cs" id="Snippetcodepagecodebehind"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageSnippets/visualbasic/codepage.vb" id="Snippetcodepagecodebehind"::: - - The following example shows how a standard page is defined using a combination of markup and code-behind. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/Overview/MarkupAndCodeBehindPage.xaml" id="Snippetmarkupandcodebehindpagemarkup"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageSnippets/visualbasic/codepage.vb" id="Snippetcodepagecodebehind"::: + + The following example shows how a standard page is defined using a combination of markup and code-behind. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/Overview/MarkupAndCodeBehindPage.xaml" id="Snippetmarkupandcodebehindpagemarkup"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/Overview/MarkupAndCodeBehindPage.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmarkupandcodebehindpagecodebehind"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageSnippets/visualbasic/markupandcodebehindpage.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmarkupandcodebehindpagecodebehind"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageSnippets/visualbasic/markupandcodebehindpage.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmarkupandcodebehindpagecodebehind"::: + ]]> @@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - is not being kept alive (see ), it needs to implement a parameterless constructor to allow WPF to create a new instance of it when navigated to in back or forward navigation history. - + is not being kept alive (see ), it needs to implement a parameterless constructor to allow WPF to create a new instance of it when navigated to in back or forward navigation history. + ]]> @@ -194,18 +194,18 @@ Gets or sets the background for a . The that uses to paint its background. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -261,19 +261,19 @@ Gets or sets the content of a . An object that contains the content of a . The default is . - can have only a single child element. All other elements on a must be descendents of that element. Typically, the content of a hosts a layout element - such as , , and - that hosts the content of the . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + can have only a single child element. All other elements on a must be descendents of that element. Typically, the content of a hosts a layout element - such as , , and - that hosts the content of the . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -343,18 +343,18 @@ Gets or sets the name of the specified font family. A that is the font family for the content of a . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -383,16 +383,16 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - - - -## Examples - [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) - + dependency property. + + + +## Examples + [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) + ]]> @@ -440,19 +440,19 @@ Gets or sets the font size. The font size for the content of a . The default is . - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -481,16 +481,16 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - - - -## Examples - [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) - + dependency property. + + + +## Examples + [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) + ]]> @@ -530,18 +530,18 @@ Gets or sets the foreground for a . The that uses to paint its foreground. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -570,16 +570,16 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - - - -## Examples - [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) - + dependency property. + + + +## Examples + [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) + ]]> @@ -610,50 +610,50 @@ if the instance is retained in navigation history; otherwise, . The default is . - class is created. When a page is navigated away from (either back or forward), an entry for the page is added to navigation history. By default, the entry does not reference the page object. Instead, the entry contains a pack uniform resource identifier (URI) for the page. When the entry for the page is navigated to using navigation history, the pack URI is used to create a new instance of the page. This behavior is the default, to avoid excessive memory use: retaining page instances can quickly consume memory, particularly those with a nontrivial amount of content. This problem is augmented by the fact that there is no limit to the number of entries that can be stored in the back and forward stacks of navigation history. In contrast, storing pack URIs for pages has virtually no impact on memory consumption. - - The main side effect of creating new instances of a page is that page state is not remembered from one instance of a page to another. In these cases, Windows Presentation Foundation offers several techniques for remembering state. - - To keep a page alive, you set the property to `true` (the default is `false`). - + class is created. When a page is navigated away from (either back or forward), an entry for the page is added to navigation history. By default, the entry does not reference the page object. Instead, the entry contains a pack uniform resource identifier (URI) for the page. When the entry for the page is navigated to using navigation history, the pack URI is used to create a new instance of the page. This behavior is the default, to avoid excessive memory use: retaining page instances can quickly consume memory, particularly those with a nontrivial amount of content. This problem is augmented by the fact that there is no limit to the number of entries that can be stored in the back and forward stacks of navigation history. In contrast, storing pack URIs for pages has virtually no impact on memory consumption. + + The main side effect of creating new instances of a page is that page state is not remembered from one instance of a page to another. In these cases, Windows Presentation Foundation offers several techniques for remembering state. + + To keep a page alive, you set the property to `true` (the default is `false`). + > [!NOTE] -> Pages that are instantiated and navigated to using only code (for example, calling ), are automatically kept alive. - - You should avoid setting to `true` unless you need to: - -- When a page has a lot of content, it may take a long time to instantiate. If the page is not kept alive, and the page is frequently navigated to, the cost of constantly instantiating the page may have a negative impact on the user experience. However, from a performance perspective, you should rely on the default settings and profile your application's performance; if testing identifies pages with load times that fall below the range required for your application, configuring the pages to be kept alive may be one way to solve the problem. - +> Pages that are instantiated and navigated to using only code (for example, calling ), are automatically kept alive. + + You should avoid setting to `true` unless you need to: + +- When a page has a lot of content, it may take a long time to instantiate. If the page is not kept alive, and the page is frequently navigated to, the cost of constantly instantiating the page may have a negative impact on the user experience. However, from a performance perspective, you should rely on the default settings and profile your application's performance; if testing identifies pages with load times that fall below the range required for your application, configuring the pages to be kept alive may be one way to solve the problem. + > [!NOTE] -> Entries for pages that are kept alive are not retained in navigation history of an XAML browser application (XBAP) if a user navigates away from and back to the XAML browser application (XBAP). Only journal entries for pages that are not kept alive are retained in navigation history. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - +> Entries for pages that are kept alive are not retained in navigation history of an XAML browser application (XBAP) if a user navigates away from and back to the XAML browser application (XBAP). Only journal entries for pages that are not kept alive are retained in navigation history. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> The metadata type on this dependency property is , not . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use XAML to retain an instance of the class across multiple navigations. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageKeepAliveSnippets/XAML/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagekeepalivexaml1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageKeepAliveSnippets/XAML/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagekeepalivexaml2"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/KeepAlive/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagekeepalivexamlforlang1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/KeepAlive/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagekeepalivexamlforlang2"::: - +> The metadata type on this dependency property is , not . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use XAML to retain an instance of the class across multiple navigations. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageKeepAliveSnippets/XAML/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagekeepalivexaml1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageKeepAliveSnippets/XAML/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagekeepalivexaml2"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/KeepAlive/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagekeepalivexamlforlang1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/KeepAlive/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagekeepalivexamlforlang2"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/KeepAlive/HomePage.xaml.cs" id="Snippetsetpagekeepalivecodebehind"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageKeepAliveSnippets/visualbasic/homepage.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsetpagekeepalivecodebehind"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageKeepAliveSnippets/visualbasic/homepage.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsetpagekeepalivecodebehind"::: + ]]> @@ -683,16 +683,16 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - - - -## Examples - [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) - + dependency property. + + + +## Examples + [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) + ]]> @@ -780,28 +780,28 @@ Gets the navigation service that the host of the page is using to manage navigation. The object that the host of the page is using to manage navigation, or if the host does not support navigation. - , , , and a browser. - - Pages often need to integrate with their host's navigation to provide in-page navigation support. However, because a page may not know what its host will be at run time, it cannot integrate directly with its host's navigation members to do so. - - Instead, it can attempt to use a navigation service, which is a service that supports browser-style navigation and is encapsulated by the class. You cannot create your own instance, though. Instead, host types such as , , or a browser create their own instance that you can access from the property. - - The navigation service that is returned from the property is the instance of the class that is managed by the first navigator up the visual tree. If one is not found, `null` is returned, indicating a page's host does not support navigation. - + , , , and a browser. + + Pages often need to integrate with their host's navigation to provide in-page navigation support. However, because a page may not know what its host will be at run time, it cannot integrate directly with its host's navigation members to do so. + + Instead, it can attempt to use a navigation service, which is a service that supports browser-style navigation and is encapsulated by the class. You cannot create your own instance, though. Instead, host types such as , , or a browser create their own instance that you can access from the property. + + The navigation service that is returned from the property is the instance of the class that is managed by the first navigator up the visual tree. If one is not found, `null` is returned, indicating a page's host does not support navigation. + > [!NOTE] -> The class does not support navigation and does not provide a navigation service. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how a page can check if a navigation service is available and, if so, use it to navigate back to the previous page. - +> The class does not support navigation and does not provide a navigation service. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how a page can check if a navigation service is available and, if so, use it to navigate back to the previous page. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/NavigationService/HomePage.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetpagenavigationservicecodebehind"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageNavigationServiceSnippets/visualbasic/homepage.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetpagenavigationservicecodebehind"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageNavigationServiceSnippets/visualbasic/homepage.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetpagenavigationservicecodebehind"::: + ]]> @@ -836,11 +836,11 @@ The new template. Called when the template for a changes. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -874,11 +874,11 @@ The previous parent. Set to if the did not have a previous parent. Called when the parent of the is changed. - - + + ]]> The new parent is neither a nor a . @@ -1105,26 +1105,26 @@ if the navigation UI of a host is visible; otherwise, . - displays navigation UI by default to enable browser-style forwards and backwards navigation. If a page is set as the , automatically opens a to host the page in. If the page does not want to use the default navigation UI, it can set to `false`. - + displays navigation UI by default to enable browser-style forwards and backwards navigation. If a page is set as the , automatically opens a to host the page in. If the page does not want to use the default navigation UI, it can set to `false`. + > [!NOTE] -> Because WPF does not integrate with the navigation UI for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, it provides its own navigation UI, which can be shown or hidden by setting . WPF does integrate with the Windows Internet Explorer 7 navigation UI, so setting on pages in Windows Internet Explorer 7 has no effect. - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use XAML to hide the navigation UI of a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageShowsNavigationUISnippets/XAML/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpageshowsnavigationuixaml1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageShowsNavigationUISnippets/XAML/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpageshowsnavigationuixaml2"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/ShowsNavigationUI/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpageshowsnavigationuixamllang1"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/ShowsNavigationUI/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpageshowsnavigationuixamllang2"::: - +> Because WPF does not integrate with the navigation UI for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, it provides its own navigation UI, which can be shown or hidden by setting . WPF does integrate with the Windows Internet Explorer 7 navigation UI, so setting on pages in Windows Internet Explorer 7 has no effect. + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use XAML to hide the navigation UI of a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageShowsNavigationUISnippets/XAML/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpageshowsnavigationuixaml1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageShowsNavigationUISnippets/XAML/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpageshowsnavigationuixaml2"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/ShowsNavigationUI/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpageshowsnavigationuixamllang1"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/ShowsNavigationUI/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpageshowsnavigationuixamllang2"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Page/ShowsNavigationUI/HomePage.xaml.cs" id="Snippetsetpageshowsnavigationuicodebehind"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageShowsNavigationUISnippets/visualbasic/homepage.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsetpageshowsnavigationuicodebehind"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PageShowsNavigationUISnippets/visualbasic/homepage.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsetpageshowsnavigationuicodebehind"::: + ]]> The property is inspected on a instance that is not hosted by a , , or a browser. @@ -1161,11 +1161,11 @@ The child object to add. For a description of this member, see . - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1201,11 +1201,11 @@ The text to add to the object. For a description of this member, see . - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1241,36 +1241,36 @@ Gets or sets the control template for a . The for a . - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *resourceExtension* - A markup extension that identifies how to reference the template resource, either `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *styleResourceKey* - The key that identifies the requested template selector. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *resourceExtension* + A markup extension that identifies how to reference the template resource, either `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *styleResourceKey* + The key that identifies the requested template selector. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. For more information, see [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. For more information, see [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -1326,31 +1326,31 @@ Gets or sets the title of the . The title of the . - property is not displayed by , nor is it displayed from the title bar of the window that is hosting a . Instead, you set to change the title of a host window. - - can also be used to generate the name of the navigation history entry for a piece of navigated content. The following pieces of data are used to automatically construct a navigation history entry name, in order of precedence: - -- The attached attribute. - -- The property. - -- The property and the uniform resource identifier (URI) for the current page - -- The uniform resource identifier (URI) for the current page. - - If you have associated a object with a piece of content in navigation history, you can specify the name that appears in the navigation history entry by overriding . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property is not displayed by , nor is it displayed from the title bar of the window that is hosting a . Instead, you set to change the title of a host window. + + can also be used to generate the name of the navigation history entry for a piece of navigated content. The following pieces of data are used to automatically construct a navigation history entry name, in order of precedence: + +- The attached attribute. + +- The property. + +- The property and the uniform resource identifier (URI) for the current page + +- The uniform resource identifier (URI) for the current page. + + If you have associated a object with a piece of content in navigation history, you can specify the name that appears in the navigation history entry by overriding . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1379,16 +1379,16 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - - - -## Examples - [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) - + dependency property. + + + +## Examples + [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) + ]]> @@ -1418,28 +1418,28 @@ Gets or sets the height of the host or of a . The height of a window that directly hosts a . - is only applied when a is hosted directly by a window, which includes: - -- -- + is only applied when a is hosted directly by a window, which includes: + +- +- - A browser - - If a is hosted by a , setting has no effect, but you can still get the value of . - - A in an XAML browser application (XBAP) can only use to change the height of the browser; the height cannot be changed by setting , , or . - + + If a is hosted by a , setting has no effect, but you can still get the value of . + + A in an XAML browser application (XBAP) can only use to change the height of the browser; the height cannot be changed by setting , , or . + For more information about XBAP support, see [Frequently asked questions about WPF browser-hosted applications (XBAP)](/dotnet/desktop/wpf/app-development/xbap-faq?view=netframeworkdesktop-4.8). - - The minimum height of the Windows Internet Explorer window is 150 pixels. For browser-hosted pages, this means that the value of may not be applied if it would cause the total height of the Internet Explorer window to be less than 150 pixels. - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the height of a window from a page. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/SetWindowHeightPage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagewindowheightxaml"::: - + + The minimum height of the Windows Internet Explorer window is 150 pixels. For browser-hosted pages, this means that the value of may not be applied if it would cause the total height of the Internet Explorer window to be less than 150 pixels. + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the height of a window from a page. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/SetWindowHeightPage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagewindowheightxaml"::: + ]]> @@ -1475,37 +1475,37 @@ Gets or sets the title of the host or of a . The title of a window that directly hosts the . - and Windows Internet Explorer, is the name of the file that is currently being hosted (with an .xaml extension if the page is loose Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), or an .xbap extension if the page is part of an XAML browser application (XBAP)). - - A page can change the default by setting its property. - - Once a page sets the title of a window in this way, the window's title does not change until another page sets with a different value. - + and Windows Internet Explorer, is the name of the file that is currently being hosted (with an .xaml extension if the page is loose Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), or an .xbap extension if the page is part of an XAML browser application (XBAP)). + + A page can change the default by setting its property. + + Once a page sets the title of a window in this way, the window's title does not change until another page sets with a different value. + > [!NOTE] -> The must be the topmost piece of content in a window for to have an effect; if a is hosted within a , for example, setting does not change the title of the host window. - - can also be used to generate the name of the navigation history entry for a piece of navigated content. The following pieces of data are used to automatically construct a navigation history entry name, in order of precedence: - -- The attached attribute. - -- The property. - -- The property and the uniform resource identifier (URI) for the current page - -- The uniform resource identifier (URI) for the current page. - - If you have associated a object with a piece of content in navigation history, you can specify the name value of a navigation history element by overriding . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the title of a window from a page. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/SetWindowTitlePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagewindowtitlexaml"::: - +> The must be the topmost piece of content in a window for to have an effect; if a is hosted within a , for example, setting does not change the title of the host window. + + can also be used to generate the name of the navigation history entry for a piece of navigated content. The following pieces of data are used to automatically construct a navigation history entry name, in order of precedence: + +- The attached attribute. + +- The property. + +- The property and the uniform resource identifier (URI) for the current page + +- The uniform resource identifier (URI) for the current page. + + If you have associated a object with a piece of content in navigation history, you can specify the name value of a navigation history element by overriding . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the title of a window from a page. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/SetWindowTitlePage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagewindowtitlexaml"::: + ]]> @@ -1535,28 +1535,28 @@ Gets or sets the width of the host or of a . The width of a window that directly hosts a . - is only applied when a is hosted directly by a window, which includes: - -- -- + is only applied when a is hosted directly by a window, which includes: + +- +- - A browser - - If a is hosted by a , setting has no effect, but you can still get the value of . - - A in an XAML browser application (XBAP) can only use to change the width of the browser; the width cannot be changed by setting , , or . + + If a is hosted by a , setting has no effect, but you can still get the value of . + + A in an XAML browser application (XBAP) can only use to change the width of the browser; the width cannot be changed by setting , , or . For more information about XBAP support, see [Frequently asked questions about WPF browser-hosted applications (XBAP)](/dotnet/desktop/wpf/app-development/xbap-faq?view=netframeworkdesktop-4.8). - - The minimum width of the Windows Internet Explorer window is 250 pixels. For browser-hosted pages, this means that the value of may not be applied if it would cause the total width of the Windows Internet Explorer window to be less than 250 pixels. - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the width of a window from a page. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/SetWindowWidthPage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagewindowwidthxaml"::: - + + The minimum width of the Windows Internet Explorer window is 250 pixels. For browser-hosted pages, this means that the value of may not be applied if it would cause the total width of the Windows Internet Explorer window to be less than 250 pixels. + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the width of a window from a page. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/SetWindowWidthPage.xaml" id="Snippetsetpagewindowwidthxaml"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Panel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Panel.xml index 03a48933145..6643ba10c9a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Panel.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Panel.xml @@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, | @@ -472,8 +472,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -929,8 +929,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/PasswordBox.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/PasswordBox.xml index 5ef7129d44b..f441fddc08a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/PasswordBox.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/PasswordBox.xml @@ -227,8 +227,8 @@ PasswordBox with CaretBrush set to red ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -295,8 +295,8 @@ PasswordBox with CaretBrush set to red ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -372,8 +372,8 @@ PasswordBox with CaretBrush set to red ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1156,8 +1156,8 @@ PasswordBox with CaretBrush set to red ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -1237,8 +1237,8 @@ PasswordBox with CaretBrush set to red ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ProgressBar.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ProgressBar.xml index 62d5ba49dd7..1afabb40338 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ProgressBar.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ProgressBar.xml @@ -37,27 +37,27 @@ Indicates the progress of an operation. - control consists of a window that is filled, by default from left to right, as an operation progresses. The control has a range and a current position. - - overrides the metadata of the property and sets its default to 100. overrides the metadata of the property and sets its default to `false`. For more information, see [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview). - -## Customizing the ProgressBar Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ProgressBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/progressbar-styles-and-templates). - + control consists of a window that is filled, by default from left to right, as an operation progresses. The control has a range and a current position. + + overrides the metadata of the property and sets its default to 100. overrides the metadata of the property and sets its default to `false`. For more information, see [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview). + +## Customizing the ProgressBar Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ProgressBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/progressbar-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - This example creates a and uses an animation to simulate the progress of an operation. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ProgressBar/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + This example creates a and uses an animation to simulate the progress of an operation. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ProgressBar/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ProgressBar/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ProgressBar/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ProgressBar/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -112,27 +112,27 @@ if the shows actual values; if the shows generic progress. The default is . - animates a few bars moving across the in a continuous manner and ignores the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example sets the property to `true` to create a that shows generic progress. - + animates a few bars moving across the in a continuous manner and ignores the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example sets the property to `true` to create a that shows generic progress. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ProgressBar/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ProgressBar/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ProgressBar/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -337,26 +337,26 @@ Gets or sets the orientation of a : horizontal or vertical. One of the values. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example which creates a shows how to use the property to make a horizontal bar. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example which creates a shows how to use the property to make a horizontal bar. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ProgressBar/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ProgressBar/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ProgressBar/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/RadioButton.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/RadioButton.xml index 0c7dd5e2b57..b8ba73778f0 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/RadioButton.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/RadioButton.xml @@ -29,34 +29,34 @@ Represents a button that can be selected, but not cleared, by a user. The property of a can be set by clicking it, but it can only be cleared programmatically. - is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. - - A has two states: `true` or `false`. The is a control that is usually used as an item in a group of controls. However, it is possible to create a single . Whether a is selected is determined by the state of its property. - - When a is selected, it cannot be cleared by clicking it. When elements are grouped, the buttons are mutually exclusive. A user can select only one item at a time within a group. You can group controls by placing them inside a parent or by setting the property on each . - -## Customizing the RadioButton Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [RadioButton Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/radiobutton-styles-and-templates). - + is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class. + + A has two states: `true` or `false`. The is a control that is usually used as an item in a group of controls. However, it is possible to create a single . Whether a is selected is determined by the state of its property. + + When a is selected, it cannot be cleared by clicking it. When elements are grouped, the buttons are mutually exclusive. A user can select only one item at a time within a group. You can group controls by placing them inside a parent or by setting the property on each . + +## Customizing the RadioButton Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [RadioButton Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/radiobutton-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create controls, group them inside a container, and handle the event. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/RadioButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create controls, group them inside a container, and handle the event. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/RadioButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/RadioButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RadioButton/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: - - The following code sample creates two separate groups: `colorgrp` and `numgrp`. The user can choose one in each group. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/RadioButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RadioButton/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: + + The following code sample creates two separate groups: `colorgrp` and `numgrp`. The user can choose one in each group. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/RadioButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -126,26 +126,26 @@ Gets or sets the name that specifies which controls are mutually exclusive. The name that specifies which controls are mutually exclusive. The default is an empty string. - controls have the same , a user can select only one at a time. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code sample creates two separate groups: `colorgrp` and `numgrp`. The user can choose one in each group. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/RadioButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + controls have the same , a user can select only one at a time. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code sample creates two separate groups: `colorgrp` and `numgrp`. The user can choose one in each group. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/RadioButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -289,11 +289,11 @@ Called by the method to implement a control's toggle behavior. - property. - + property. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/RowDefinition.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/RowDefinition.xml index f100c194e17..bf632243b62 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/RowDefinition.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/RowDefinition.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Defines row-specific properties that apply to elements. - for each row in a . When you set a row-specific , you assign unique sizing properties to each row. - - To set a group of elements by using code, add the to a . - - The class exposes only height properties. To set width properties in a , create an instance of . - + for each row in a . When you set a row-specific , you assign unique sizing properties to each row. + + To set a group of elements by using code, add the to a . + + The class exposes only height properties. To set width properties in a , create an instance of . + ]]> @@ -84,13 +84,13 @@ Gets a value that represents the calculated height of the . A that represents the calculated height in device independent pixels. The default value is 0.0. - value takes precedence over the value, which in turn takes precedence over the value. - - When you add or remove rows or columns, the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. - + value takes precedence over the value, which in turn takes precedence over the value. + + When you add or remove rows or columns, the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. + ]]> @@ -120,23 +120,23 @@ Gets the calculated height of a element, or sets the value of a row that is defined by the . The that represents the height of the row. The default value is 1.0. - is . - - When you use these values in the same code example, the value takes precedence over the value, which in turn takes precedence over the value. - - When you add or remove rows or columns, the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is . + + When you use these values in the same code example, the value takes precedence over the value, which in turn takes precedence over the value. + + When you add or remove rows or columns, the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -198,48 +198,48 @@ Gets or sets a value that represents the maximum height of a . A that represents the maximum height. - value takes precedence over the value, which in turn takes precedence over the value. - - When you add or remove rows or columns, the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + value takes precedence over the value, which in turn takes precedence over the value. + + When you add or remove rows or columns, the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -311,48 +311,48 @@ Gets or sets a value that represents the minimum allowable height of a . A that represents the minimum allowable height. The default value is 0. - value takes precedence over the value, which in turn takes precedence over the value. - - When you add or remove rows or columns, the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + value takes precedence over the value, which in turn takes precedence over the value. + + When you add or remove rows or columns, the for all elements and the of all elements becomes zero until is called. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollContentPresenter.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollContentPresenter.xml index 7498f3b1635..5f360e0b9dc 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollContentPresenter.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollContentPresenter.xml @@ -26,18 +26,18 @@ Displays the content of a control. - class provides support for styling the various components of a control. For information about the scrolling region inside a , see . - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to use a to style the content of a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollContentPresenter/Overview/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + class provides support for styling the various components of a control. For information about the scrolling region inside a , see . + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to use a to style the content of a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollContentPresenter/Overview/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ Gets the on which adorners are rendered. The on which adorners are rendered. - object. - + object. + ]]> @@ -164,25 +164,25 @@ if the content is allowed to scroll; otherwise, . A value indicates that the acts as the scrolling client. This property has no default value. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to use the property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollContentPresenter/CanContentScroll/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to use the property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollContentPresenter/CanContentScroll/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -432,11 +432,11 @@ Gets the horizontal offset of the scrolled content. The horizontal offset. This property has no default value. - minus the . - + minus the . + ]]> @@ -601,11 +601,11 @@ Forces content to scroll until the coordinate space of a object is visible. A that represents the visible region. - is a transformed version of the input rectangle. In some cases, such as when the input rectangle cannot fit entirely within the viewport, the return value may be smaller. - + is a transformed version of the input rectangle. In some cases, such as when the input rectangle cannot fit entirely within the viewport, the return value may be smaller. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollViewer.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollViewer.xml index 255c5f56ada..6166e915f62 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollViewer.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollViewer.xml @@ -45,32 +45,32 @@ Represents a scrollable area that can contain other visible elements. - enables content to be displayed in a smaller area than its actual size. When the content of the is not entirely visible, the displays scrollbars that the user can use to move the content areas that is visible. The area that includes all of the content of the is the extent. The visible area of the content is the viewport. - - Physical scrolling is used to scroll content by a predetermined physical increment, typically by a value that is declared in pixels. Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next item in the logical tree. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. Physical scrolling is the default scroll behavior for most elements. - - If your contains a large number of items, the scrolling performance may be affected. In this case, set to `true`. This causes the content view to remain static while dragging the and to update only when the is released. - - Because the scroll bars for a element are defined in the default style of the element, scroll bars will no longer appear if you apply a custom style to a . Scroll bars must be defined in the custom style for them to appear. - -## Customizing the ScrollViewer Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ScrollViewer Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/scrollviewer-styles-and-templates). - + enables content to be displayed in a smaller area than its actual size. When the content of the is not entirely visible, the displays scrollbars that the user can use to move the content areas that is visible. The area that includes all of the content of the is the extent. The visible area of the content is the viewport. + + Physical scrolling is used to scroll content by a predetermined physical increment, typically by a value that is declared in pixels. Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next item in the logical tree. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. Physical scrolling is the default scroll behavior for most elements. + + If your contains a large number of items, the scrolling performance may be affected. In this case, set to `true`. This causes the content view to remain static while dragging the and to update only when the is released. + + Because the scroll bars for a element are defined in the default style of the element, scroll bars will no longer appear if you apply a custom style to a . Scroll bars must be defined in the custom style for them to appear. + +## Customizing the ScrollViewer Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ScrollViewer Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/scrollviewer-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example creates a that contains some text and a rectangle. The scroll bars appear only when they are needed. When you resize the window, the scroll bars appear and disappear. - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example creates a that contains some text and a rectangle. The scroll bars appear only when they are needed. When you resize the window, the scroll bars appear and disappear. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollViewer/CPP/ScrollViewer_wcp.cpp" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollBarVisibility/Overview/ScrollViewer_wcp.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollViewer/VisualBasic/ScrollViewer.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollViewer/XAML/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollViewer/XAML/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -158,29 +158,29 @@ if the scrolls in terms of logical units; if the scrolls in terms of physical units. The default is . - can be scrolled in terms of physical units or logical units. Physical units are device independent pixels. Logical units are used for scrolling items within an . The default behavior of the is to use physical units to scroll its content. However, in cases where the is set to `true`, the content could use logical units to scroll. For example, , , and other controls that inherit from use logical units to scroll. If is `true`, the values of the , , , and properties are number of items, instead of physical units. - - If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. Physical scrolling is the default scroll behavior for most elements. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set the property by using code. - + can be scrolled in terms of physical units or logical units. Physical units are device independent pixels. Logical units are used for scrolling items within an . The default behavior of the is to use physical units to scroll its content. However, in cases where the is set to `true`, the content could use logical units to scroll. For example, , , and other controls that inherit from use logical units to scroll. If is `true`, the values of the , , , and properties are number of items, instead of physical units. + + If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. Physical scrolling is the default scroll behavior for most elements. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set the property by using code. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollChangedEventArgs/ExtentHeight/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet4"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/scrollchangedeventargsLayout/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/scrollchangedeventargsLayout/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -243,18 +243,18 @@ Gets a value that indicates whether the horizontal is visible. A that indicates whether the horizontal scroll bar is visible. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -318,18 +318,18 @@ Gets a value that indicates whether the vertical is visible. A that indicates whether the vertical scroll bar is visible. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -387,13 +387,13 @@ Gets the horizontal offset of the visible content. The horizontal offset of the visible content. - is `true`, the content is scrolled when the user releases the of the . When the user drags the , the value does not change. When the user releases the , updates to the current value. - - When is `false`, the content is scrolled when the user drags the . In this case, is always equal to . - + is `true`, the content is scrolled when the user releases the of the . When the user drags the , the value does not change. When the user releases the , updates to the current value. + + When is `false`, the content is scrolled when the user drags the . In this case, is always equal to . + ]]> @@ -449,13 +449,13 @@ Gets the vertical offset of the visible content. The vertical offset of the visible content. - is `true`, the content is scrolled when the user releases the of the . When the user drags the , the does not change. When the user releases the , updates to the current value. - - When is `false`, the content is scrolled when the user drags the . In this case, is always equal to . - + is `true`, the content is scrolled when the user releases the of the . When the user drags the , the does not change. When the user releases the , updates to the current value. + + When is `false`, the content is scrolled when the user drags the . In this case, is always equal to . + ]]> @@ -521,21 +521,21 @@ Gets a value that contains the vertical size of the extent. A that represents the vertical size of the extent. The default is 0.0. - is only an output property; it can effectively be set by specifying the of the content element. - - If is `true`, the values of the , , , and properties are number of items. If is `false`, the values of these properties are Device Independent Pixels. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is only an output property; it can effectively be set by specifying the of the content element. + + If is `true`, the values of the , , , and properties are number of items. If is `false`, the values of these properties are Device Independent Pixels. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -602,21 +602,21 @@ Gets a value that contains the horizontal size of the extent. A that represents the horizontal size of the extent. The default is 0.0. - is only an output property; it can effectively be set by specifying the of the content element. - - The returned value is described in Device Independent Pixels. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is only an output property; it can effectively be set by specifying the of the content element. + + The returned value is described in Device Independent Pixels. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -678,11 +678,11 @@ if this element can scroll; otherwise, . - - + + ]]> @@ -897,11 +897,11 @@ if this control defines custom keyboard scrolling behavior; otherwise, . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -968,25 +968,25 @@ Gets a value that contains the horizontal offset of the scrolled content. A that represents the horizontal offset of the scrolled content. The default is 0.0. - value corresponds to the content being offset to the left. - - Valid values are between zero and . - - The returned value is described in Device Independent Pixels. - - Beginning in the .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1, when is `true`, continues to change as the user drags the , but the content view doesn't change until the is released. In this case, represents the visible content offset and represents the content offset based on the position. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + value corresponds to the content being offset to the left. + + Valid values are between zero and . + + The returned value is described in Device Independent Pixels. + + Beginning in the .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1, when is `true`, continues to change as the user drags the , but the content view doesn't change until the is released. In this case, represents the visible content offset and represents the content offset based on the position. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1053,19 +1053,19 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a horizontal should be displayed. A value that indicates whether a horizontal should be displayed. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -1122,11 +1122,11 @@ Called by an interface that is attached to a when the value of any scrolling property size changes. Scrolling properties include offset, extent, or viewport. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1158,20 +1158,20 @@ if the content is stationary when the user drags the of a ; otherwise, . - with the property set to `true`. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DeferredScrolling/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetdeferredscrolling"::: - + with the property set to `true`. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DeferredScrolling/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetdeferredscrolling"::: + ]]> @@ -1233,13 +1233,13 @@ Scrolls the content downward by one line. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -1275,13 +1275,13 @@ Scrolls the content to the left by a predetermined amount. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -1317,13 +1317,13 @@ Scrolls the content to the right by a predetermined amount. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -1359,13 +1359,13 @@ Scrolls the content upward by one line. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -1486,27 +1486,27 @@ Required arguments for this event. Responds to specific keyboard input and invokes associated scrolling behavior. - @@ -1539,11 +1539,11 @@ The event data. Called when the event occurs. - method sets the property to `true`. - + method sets the property to `true`. + ]]> @@ -1575,11 +1575,11 @@ The event data. Called when the event occurs. - method sets the property to `true`. - + method sets the property to `true`. + ]]> @@ -1611,11 +1611,11 @@ The event data. Called when the event occurs. - method sets the property to `true`. - + method sets the property to `true`. + ]]> @@ -1647,11 +1647,11 @@ The event data. Called when the event occurs. - method sets the property to `true`. - + method sets the property to `true`. + ]]> @@ -1744,11 +1744,11 @@ The that contain information about the change in the scrolling state. Called when a change in scrolling state is detected, such as a change in scroll position, extent, or viewport size. - @@ -1780,11 +1780,11 @@ The that contains information about the gesture. Called when a tap gesture initiated by a stylus is detected. - @@ -1820,13 +1820,13 @@ Scrolls the content downward by one page. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -1862,13 +1862,13 @@ Scrolls the content to the left by one page. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -1904,13 +1904,13 @@ Scrolls the content to the right by one page. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -1946,11 +1946,11 @@ Scrolls the content upward by one page. - is `null`. - + is `null`. + ]]> @@ -1979,11 +1979,11 @@ Gets or sets the rate slows in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) per squared millisecond when in inertia. The rate slows in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) per squared millisecond. - by using touch, the user puts a finger on the , moves the finger across the screen for a short distance, and then lifts the finger while it is moving. The result of this is that the will continue to move after the user lifts the finger. The property specifies the rate the scrolling slows after the user lifts the finger. - + by using touch, the user puts a finger on the , moves the finger across the screen for a short distance, and then lifts the finger while it is moving. The result of this is that the will continue to move after the user lifts the finger. The property specifies the rate the scrolling slows after the user lifts the finger. + ]]> @@ -2037,24 +2037,24 @@ Gets or sets the way reacts to touch manipulation. A value that specifies how reacts to touch manipulation. The default is . - property specifies whether the scroll horizontally, vertically, or both. The will scroll when a user drags a finger on the control on a touch device that supports Windows Touch. - - can be either set directly on a or used as an attached property. When a control contains a in its , use as an attached property to specify the behavior of the in the . When you use a outside of a , set directly on the . - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a and adds several elements to it. In this example, when the size of the window changes, the size of `textblock1` also changes. When the is too small to display all of the content, the becomes scrollable. The example sets to so that the user can scroll the horizontally and vertically by using a finger. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollViewer/PanningMode/mainwindow.xaml" id="Snippetpanningmodedirect"::: - - The following example creates a and uses as an attached property. By default the in the of a has its to . This is so that when the user moves a finger horizontally before moving it vertically, the user highlights text. The example sets to so that the user cannot select text by using a finger. Note that setting to also prevents the user from selecting text. The example sets the property to , so horizontal scrolling is not necessary. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollViewer/PanningMode/mainwindow.xaml" id="Snippetpanningmodeattached"::: - + property specifies whether the scroll horizontally, vertically, or both. The will scroll when a user drags a finger on the control on a touch device that supports Windows Touch. + + can be either set directly on a or used as an attached property. When a control contains a in its , use as an attached property to specify the behavior of the in the . When you use a outside of a , set directly on the . + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a and adds several elements to it. In this example, when the size of the window changes, the size of `textblock1` also changes. When the is too small to display all of the content, the becomes scrollable. The example sets to so that the user can scroll the horizontally and vertically by using a finger. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollViewer/PanningMode/mainwindow.xaml" id="Snippetpanningmodedirect"::: + + The following example creates a and uses as an attached property. By default the in the of a has its to . This is so that when the user moves a finger horizontally before moving it vertically, the user highlights text. The example sets to so that the user cannot select text by using a finger. Note that setting to also prevents the user from selecting text. The example sets the property to , so horizontal scrolling is not necessary. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollViewer/PanningMode/mainwindow.xaml" id="Snippetpanningmodeattached"::: + ]]> @@ -2108,11 +2108,11 @@ Gets or sets the ratio of scrolling offset to translate manipulation offset. The ratio of scrolling offset to translate manipulation offset. The default is 1. - uses that manipulation to scroll. The property specifies how much the scrolls for each unit of translation. For example, if is 2, the will scroll 2 device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) for every device-independent unit (1/96th inch) of the translate manipulation. - + uses that manipulation to scroll. The property specifies how much the scrolls for each unit of translation. For example, if is 2, the will scroll 2 device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) for every device-independent unit (1/96th inch) of the translate manipulation. + ]]> @@ -2167,19 +2167,19 @@ Gets a value that represents the vertical size of the content element that can be scrolled. A that represents the vertical size of the content element that can be scrolled. This property has no default value. - is `true`, the values of the , , , and properties are number of items. If is `false`, the values of these properties are Device Independent Pixels. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is `true`, the values of the , , , and properties are number of items. If is `false`, the values of these properties are Device Independent Pixels. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -2236,18 +2236,18 @@ Gets a value that represents the horizontal size of the content element that can be scrolled. A that represents the horizontal size of the content element that can be scrolled. This property has no default value. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -2309,19 +2309,19 @@ Occurs when changes are detected to the scroll position, extent, or viewport size. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -2418,13 +2418,13 @@ Scrolls vertically to the end of the content. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -2454,15 +2454,15 @@ Scrolls to the end of the content. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -2492,13 +2492,13 @@ Scrolls to the beginning of the content. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -2564,13 +2564,13 @@ Scrolls horizontally to the beginning of the content. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -2606,13 +2606,13 @@ Scrolls horizontally to the end of the content. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -2648,13 +2648,13 @@ Scrolls vertically to the beginning of the content. - is `null`. - - Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + is `null`. + + Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This differs from physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -2784,11 +2784,11 @@ to have the content remain stationary when the user drags the of a ; otherwise, . Sets the property for the specified object. - @@ -2949,25 +2949,25 @@ Gets a value that contains the vertical offset of the scrolled content. A that represents the vertical offset of the scrolled content. The default is 0.0. - value corresponds to the content being offset to the top. - - Valid values are between zero and . - - If is `true`, the values of the , , , and properties are number of items. If is `false`, the values of these properties are Device Independent Pixels. - - Beginning in the .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1, when is `true`, continues to change as the user drags the , but the content view doesn't change until the is released. In this case, represents the visible content offset and represents the content offset based on the position. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + value corresponds to the content being offset to the top. + + Valid values are between zero and . + + If is `true`, the values of the , , , and properties are number of items. If is `false`, the values of these properties are Device Independent Pixels. + + Beginning in the .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1, when is `true`, continues to change as the user drags the , but the content view doesn't change until the is released. In this case, represents the visible content offset and represents the content offset based on the position. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3034,18 +3034,18 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a vertical should be displayed. A value that indicates whether a vertical should be displayed. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -3113,23 +3113,23 @@ Gets a value that contains the vertical size of the content's viewport. A that represents the vertical size of the content's viewport. This property has no default value. - is only an output property; it can effectively be set by specifying the of the content element. - - If is `true`, the values of the , , , and properties are number of items. If is `false`, the values of these properties are Device Independent Pixels. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is only an output property; it can effectively be set by specifying the of the content element. + + If is `true`, the values of the , , , and properties are number of items. If is `false`, the values of these properties are Device Independent Pixels. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3196,19 +3196,19 @@ Gets a value that contains the horizontal size of the content's viewport. A that represents the horizontal size of the content's viewport. The default is 0.0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Slider.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Slider.xml index cafb787fe85..c558fb1a6e0 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Slider.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Slider.xml @@ -45,52 +45,52 @@ Represents a control that lets the user select from a range of values by moving a control along a . - control lets users select a value from a range of values. The following illustration shows an example of a control. - - **Example of a Slider Control** - - ![Slider illustration](~/add/media/genericslider.png "Slider illustration") - - You can customize a control by setting its properties. The following list describes some of the attributes of a that you can customize: - -- The orientation of the , either horizontal or vertical. - -- The tick mark locations along the track. - -- The display of tooltips to show the current value of the . - -- The ability of the to either snap to tick marks or to be positioned at any point along the . - -- The direction of increasing value along the . - - For more information about how to customize a control, see the individual member. - - overrides the metadata of the property and sets its default to 10. For more information, see [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview). - + control lets users select a value from a range of values. The following illustration shows an example of a control. + + **Example of a Slider Control** + + ![Slider illustration](~/add/media/genericslider.png "Slider illustration") + + You can customize a control by setting its properties. The following list describes some of the attributes of a that you can customize: + +- The orientation of the , either horizontal or vertical. + +- The tick mark locations along the track. + +- The display of tooltips to show the current value of the . + +- The ability of the to either snap to tick marks or to be positioned at any point along the . + +- The direction of increasing value along the . + + For more information about how to customize a control, see the individual member. + + overrides the metadata of the property and sets its default to 10. For more information, see [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview). + > [!NOTE] -> If the value of the is animated, the user may no longer be able to interact with the control after the animation finishes. See [How to: Set a Property After Animating It with a Storyboard](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-set-a-property-after-animating-it-with-a-storyboard) for options of how you can restore user control of a after it is animated. - -## Customizing the Slider Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Slider Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/slider-styles-and-templates). - +> If the value of the is animated, the user may no longer be able to interact with the control after the animation finishes. See [How to: Set a Property After Animating It with a Storyboard](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-set-a-property-after-animating-it-with-a-storyboard) for options of how you can restore user control of a after it is animated. + +## Customizing the Slider Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Slider Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/slider-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following examples shows how to bind the property of a to the of a control. - - The following example defines a control that is named `RectangleHeight` that can have a between 0 and 200. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetminimum"::: - - The following example shows how to define a that binds its property to the of the control. (In the complete sample, a similar binding is created for the property.) - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetbindingrectangle"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following examples shows how to bind the property of a to the of a control. + + The following example defines a control that is named `RectangleHeight` that can have a between 0 and 200. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetminimum"::: + + The following example shows how to define a that binds its property to the of the control. (In the complete sample, a similar binding is created for the property.) + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetbindingrectangle"::: + ]]> @@ -195,27 +195,27 @@ Gets or sets whether a tooltip that contains the current value of the displays when the is pressed. If a tooltip is displayed, this property also specifies the placement of the tooltip. One of the values that determines where to display the tooltip with respect to the of the , or that specifies to not show a tooltip. The default is , which specifies that a tooltip is not displayed. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set the property. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbasic"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbasic"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: + ]]> @@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -288,28 +288,28 @@ Gets or sets the number of digits that are displayed to the right side of the decimal point for the of the in a tooltip. The precision of the that displays in the tooltip, specified as the number of digits that appear to the right of the decimal point. The default is zero (0). - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: + ]]> @@ -340,11 +340,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -380,17 +380,17 @@ Gets a command that decreases the value of the by the same amount as the property. The that decreases the value of the by the same amount as the property. The default is . - property is set to `true`, the for this command is . - - The default value of the property is (0.1). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage + property is set to `true`, the for this command is . + + The default value of the property is (0.1). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage <object property="Slider.DecreaseLarge"/> - + ]]> @@ -426,17 +426,17 @@ Gets a command that decreases the value of the by the same amount as the property. The that decreases the value of the by the same amount as the property. The default objects are and . - property is set to `true`, the objects are and . - - The default value of the property is (0.1). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage + property is set to `true`, the objects are and . + + The default value of the property is (0.1). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage <object property="Slider.DecreaseSmall"/> - + ]]> @@ -476,19 +476,19 @@ Gets or sets the amount of time in milliseconds that a waits, while it is pressed, before a command to move the executes, such as a command. A time delay in milliseconds. The default is the system key press delay. For more information, see . - is included in the style for a . The default style for the includes two invisible controls that use the space between the and each end of the . When you press one of the invisible buttons, the responds by moving the in that direction after the property is applied. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is included in the style for a . The default style for the includes two invisible controls that use the space between the and each end of the . When you press one of the invisible buttons, the responds by moving the in that direction after the property is applied. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -517,11 +517,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -557,17 +557,17 @@ Gets a command that increases the value of the slider by the same amount as the property. The that increases the value of the by the same amount as the property. The default for this command is . - property is set to `true`, the for this command is . - - The default value of the property is (1). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage + property is set to `true`, the for this command is . + + The default value of the property is (1). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage <object property="Slider.IncreaseLarge"/> - + ]]> @@ -603,17 +603,17 @@ Gets a command that increases the value of the slider by the same amount as the property. Returns the that increases the value of the slider by the same amount as the property. The default objects for this command are and . - property is set to `true`, the objects for this command are and and . - - The default value of the property is (0.1). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage + property is set to `true`, the objects for this command are and and . + + The default value of the property is (0.1). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage <object property="Slider.IncreaseSmall"/> - + ]]> @@ -653,19 +653,19 @@ Gets or sets the amount of time in milliseconds between increase or decrease commands when a user clicks the of a . A time in milliseconds between commands that change the of a . The default is the system key repeat rate. For more information, see SystemParametersInfo (SPI_GETKEYBOARDSPEED). - is included in the of the . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is included in the of the . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -694,11 +694,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -739,30 +739,30 @@ if the direction of increasing value is to the left for a horizontal slider or down for a vertical slider; otherwise, . The default is . - . For example, when you move the control up on a vertical when the property is set to `false`, the of the increases. If the value of the property is changed to `true`, the of the decreases as the moves up. - - This property binds to the property for the control that it implements. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + . For example, when you move the control up on a vertical when the property is set to `false`, the of the increases. If the value of the property is changed to `true`, the of the decreases as the moves up. + + This property binds to the property for the control that it implements. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: + ]]> @@ -791,11 +791,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -836,30 +836,30 @@ if the moves immediately to the location of a mouse click; otherwise, . The default is . - away from the , the moves in the direction of the mouse click. Instead of moving immediately to the mouse click location, the moves a distance that is defined by the property for each mouse click. - - The effect of multiple mouse clicks can be emulated by pressing and holding the left mouse button until the is repositioned to the desired location. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + away from the , the moves in the direction of the mouse click. Instead of moving immediately to the mouse click location, the moves a distance that is defined by the property for each mouse click. + + The effect of multiple mouse clicks can be emulated by pressing and holding the left mouse button until the is repositioned to the desired location. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: + ]]> @@ -888,11 +888,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -933,36 +933,36 @@ if a selection range is displayed; otherwise, . The default is . - and properties define a selection range and must be set for the selection range to appear when is set to `true`. - - The following illustration shows a with a selection range defined. - - **A selection range defined for a Slider control** - - ![Slider selection range](~/add/media/sliderselectionrange.GIF "Slider selection range") - - This property is bound to the property of the control that it implements. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + and properties define a selection range and must be set for the selection range to appear when is set to `true`. + + The following illustration shows a with a selection range defined. + + **A selection range defined for a Slider control** + + ![Slider selection range](~/add/media/sliderselectionrange.GIF "Slider selection range") + + This property is bound to the property of the control that it implements. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: + ]]> @@ -993,11 +993,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -1038,28 +1038,28 @@ if the requires the position of the to be a tick mark; otherwise, . The default is . - is changed and the property is set to `true`, the is automatically moved to the closest tick mark. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + is changed and the property is set to `true`, the is automatically moved to the closest tick mark. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbasic"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbasic"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: + ]]> @@ -1088,11 +1088,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -1128,14 +1128,14 @@ Gets a command that sets the to the value. The to use. The default is . - -## XAML Attribute Usage + +## XAML Attribute Usage <object property="Slider.MaximizeValue"/> - + ]]> @@ -1171,14 +1171,14 @@ Gets a command that sets the to the value. The to use. The default is . - -## XAML Attribute Usage + +## XAML Attribute Usage <object property="Slider.MinimizeValue"/> - + ]]> @@ -1263,11 +1263,11 @@ Responds to the command. - of the by and moves the to reflect the change. - + of the by and moves the to reflect the change. + ]]> @@ -1297,11 +1297,11 @@ Responds to a command. - of the by and moves the to reflect the change. - + of the by and moves the to reflect the change. + ]]> @@ -1331,11 +1331,11 @@ Responds to an command. - of the by and moves the to reflect the change. - + of the by and moves the to reflect the change. + ]]> @@ -1365,11 +1365,11 @@ Responds to an command. - of the by and moves the to reflect the change. - + of the by and moves the to reflect the change. + ]]> @@ -1399,11 +1399,11 @@ Responds to the command. - of the to and moves the to reflect the change. - + of the to and moves the to reflect the change. + ]]> @@ -1438,11 +1438,11 @@ The new value of the property. Responds to a change in the value of the property. - value is less than the value, this implementation sets the value to the value. If the new value is less than the value, the value is set to the value. - + value is less than the value, this implementation sets the value to the value. If the new value is less than the value, the value is set to the value. + ]]> @@ -1472,11 +1472,11 @@ Responds to a command. - of the to and moves the to reflect the change. - + of the to and moves the to reflect the change. + ]]> @@ -1511,11 +1511,11 @@ The new value of the property. Responds to a change in the value of the property. - value is greater than or equal to the new value. If the value is less than the value, the value is set to the value. The value is also checked to make sure that it is greater than or equal to the value. - + value is greater than or equal to the new value. If the value is less than the value, the value is set to the value. The value is also checked to make sure that it is greater than or equal to the value. + ]]> @@ -1548,13 +1548,13 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the routed event. - property is `true`, this implementation moves the to the location of the mouse click. - - This implementation marks the event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true`. The event is handled by this method so that the controls of the do not handle the event. - + property is `true`, this implementation moves the to the location of the mouse click. + + This implementation marks the event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true`. The event is handled by this method so that the controls of the do not handle the event. + ]]> @@ -1590,11 +1590,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event that occurs when the user stops dragging the of the . - property) of the event data. - + property) of the event data. + ]]> @@ -1630,11 +1630,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event that occurs when the user drags the of the . - property) of the event data. - + property) of the event data. + ]]> @@ -1670,15 +1670,15 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event that occurs when the user starts to drag the of the . - event, this implementation displays a tooltip that shows the of the when the property is not set to . - - This implementation does not handle the event. The value of the property of the is not changed. - - This method can be overridden to customize the way a processes movements. - + event, this implementation displays a tooltip that shows the of the when the property is not set to . + + This implementation does not handle the event. The value of the property of the is not changed. + + This method can be overridden to customize the way a processes movements. + ]]> @@ -1740,28 +1740,28 @@ Gets or sets the orientation of a . One of the values. The default is . - property for the control that the implements. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + property for the control that the implements. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbasic"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbasic"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: + ]]> @@ -1790,11 +1790,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -1834,28 +1834,28 @@ Gets or sets the largest value of a specified selection for a . The largest value of a selected range of values of a . The default is zero (0.0). - property cannot be greater than the value of the property and cannot be less than the value of the property. The value of the property must also be greater than or equal to the value of the property. If the value of the property is greater than the value of the property or less than the value of the property, the value is set to the value of the or property respectively. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + property cannot be greater than the value of the property and cannot be less than the value of the property. The value of the property must also be greater than or equal to the value of the property. If the value of the property is greater than the value of the property or less than the value of the property, the value is set to the value of the or property respectively. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: + ]]> @@ -1886,11 +1886,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -1930,28 +1930,28 @@ Gets or sets the smallest value of a specified selection for a . The smallest value of a selected range of values of a . The default is zero (0.0). - property cannot be less than the value of the property and cannot be greater than the value of the property. The value of the property must also be greater than or equal to the value of the property. If is less than or greater than , is set to the value of or respectively. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + property cannot be less than the value of the property and cannot be greater than the value of the property. The value of the property must also be greater than or equal to the value of the property. If is less than or greater than , is set to the value of or respectively. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: + ]]> @@ -1982,11 +1982,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -2026,32 +2026,32 @@ Gets or sets the interval between tick marks. The distance between tick marks. The default is (1.0). - property is set to a value that is not `null`, the property is not used. - - The property must be set to a value other than for tick marks to appear along the . - - Tick marks are drawn at an interval that is specified by the property. The tick marks start at the value of the property and continue until the value of the property is reached. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + property is set to a value that is not `null`, the property is not used. + + The property must be set to a value other than for tick marks to appear along the . + + Tick marks are drawn at an interval that is specified by the property. The tick marks start at the value of the property and continue until the value of the property is reached. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbasic"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbasic"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: + ]]> @@ -2081,11 +2081,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -2125,20 +2125,20 @@ Gets or sets the position of tick marks with respect to the of the . A value that defines how to position the tick marks in a with respect to the slider bar. The default is . - property must be set to a value other than for tick marks to appear. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + property must be set to a value other than for tick marks to appear. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbasic"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbasic"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic"::: + ]]> @@ -2168,11 +2168,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -2212,30 +2212,30 @@ Gets or sets the positions of the tick marks to display for a . A set of tick marks to display for a . The default is . - and property values are ignored. - - The property must be set to a value other than for tick marks to appear. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + and property values are ignored. + + The property must be set to a value other than for tick marks to appear. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectionrange"::: + ]]> @@ -2264,11 +2264,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/SoundPlayerAction.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/SoundPlayerAction.xml index 070e6f22e6a..d1ec3e8d3f2 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/SoundPlayerAction.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/SoundPlayerAction.xml @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ Represents a lightweight audio playback used to play .wav files. - to trigger audio playback of a .wav file using an on the and events. - + to trigger audio playback of a .wav file using an on the and events. + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement/StretchDirection/SoundPlayerActionTriggers.xaml" id="Snippetsoundplayeractionfullpage"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MediaGallery_snip/VB/SoundPlayerActionTriggers.xaml" id="Snippetsoundplayeractionfullpage"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MediaGallery_snip/VB/SoundPlayerActionTriggers.xaml" id="Snippetsoundplayeractionfullpage"::: + ]]> @@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ Releases the resources used by the class. - is called, the object is no longer valid. - - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is called, the object is no longer valid. + + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -137,29 +137,29 @@ Gets or sets the audio source location. The audio source location. - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -188,11 +188,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/SpellCheck.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/SpellCheck.xml index f6be9a2377b..b5385ff9c4a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/SpellCheck.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/SpellCheck.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Provides real-time spell-checking functionality to text-editing controls, such as and . - property to `true` on a text-editing control. When this spelling checker is enabled, misspelled words are underlined by using a red wavy line, as shown in the following illustration. Spelling checker is supported only when WPF provides a default dictionary. In .NET Framework 4, WPF provides dictionaries for English, French, German, and Spanish. - - ![Textbox with spell-checking](~/add/media/editing-textbox-with-spellchecking.png "Textbox with spell-checking") - - To add a custom dictionary, add the location of the lexicon file to the collection. - + property to `true` on a text-editing control. When this spelling checker is enabled, misspelled words are underlined by using a red wavy line, as shown in the following illustration. Spelling checker is supported only when WPF provides a default dictionary. In .NET Framework 4, WPF provides dictionaries for English, French, German, and Spanish. + + ![Textbox with spell-checking](~/add/media/editing-textbox-with-spellchecking.png "Textbox with spell-checking") + + To add a custom dictionary, add the location of the lexicon file to the collection. + ]]> @@ -59,41 +59,41 @@ Gets the collection of lexicon file locations that are used for custom spell checking. The collection of lexicon file locations. - or for any class that derives from , specify the location of the lexicon file by adding the URI for the file to the collection. - + or for any class that derives from , specify the location of the lexicon file by adding the URI for the file to the collection. + > [!NOTE] -> Using to add a file to the collection causes an exception. Instead, use and to update the collection. - - The lexicon files can be included in the application as content files installed on the local computer or as resource files compiled into a local referenced assembly. You can reference the file by using pack URIs. For more information, see [Pack URIs in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/pack-uris-in-wpf). - - To enable the spelling checker, set the property to `true` on a or on any class that derives from . All custom dictionaries for that are used in addition to the default spelling checker. For more information about the spelling checker, see . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to add two custom dictionaries to a . The first custom dictionary (customwords.lex) is added in XAML. The file is included in the application as a content file and copied to the output directory. To use the element, you have to include the System namespace. - - `xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=System"` - - The second custom dictionary (customwords2.lex) is added in the event handler. The file is included as a resource file and compiled into the application assembly that is named WPFCustomDictionary. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/SpellCheck/CustomDictionaries/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - +> Using to add a file to the collection causes an exception. Instead, use and to update the collection. + + The lexicon files can be included in the application as content files installed on the local computer or as resource files compiled into a local referenced assembly. You can reference the file by using pack URIs. For more information, see [Pack URIs in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/pack-uris-in-wpf). + + To enable the spelling checker, set the property to `true` on a or on any class that derives from . All custom dictionaries for that are used in addition to the default spelling checker. For more information about the spelling checker, see . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to add two custom dictionaries to a . The first custom dictionary (customwords.lex) is added in XAML. The file is included in the application as a content file and copied to the output directory. To use the element, you have to include the System namespace. + + `xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=System"` + + The second custom dictionary (customwords2.lex) is added in the event handler. The file is included as a resource file and compiled into the application assembly that is named WPFCustomDictionary. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/SpellCheck/CustomDictionaries/window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/SpellCheck/CustomDictionaries/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/wpfcustomdictionary/vb/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/wpfcustomdictionary/vb/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -155,22 +155,22 @@ ListBox Gets the collection of lexicon file locations that are used for custom spelling checkers on a specified text-editing control. The collection of lexicon file locations. - or any class that derives from , specify the location of the lexicon file by adding the URI for the file to the returned by the method. - - To enable the spelling checker, set the property to `true` on a or on any class that derives from . All custom dictionaries for that are used in addition to the default spelling checker. For more information about the spelling checker, see . - + or any class that derives from , specify the location of the lexicon file by adding the URI for the file to the returned by the method. + + To enable the spelling checker, set the property to `true` on a or on any class that derives from . All custom dictionaries for that are used in addition to the default spelling checker. For more information about the spelling checker, see . + ]]> The is . @@ -238,19 +238,19 @@ ListBox if the spelling checker is enabled on the control; otherwise, . The default value is . - `, where *textBoxBaseClass* is an object element for a class that derives from , and *boolValue* is either `true` or `false` (case insensitive). To set the property as an attached property in code, see the method. There is no matching `GetIsEnabled` accessor. To get the value, get the current object from the property, and then get the value of the property from that . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + `, where *textBoxBaseClass* is an object element for a class that derives from , and *boolValue* is either `true` or `false` (case insensitive). To set the property as an attached property in code, see the method. There is no matching `GetIsEnabled` accessor. To get the value, get the current object from the property, and then get the value of the property from that . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -311,11 +311,11 @@ ListBox A Boolean value that specifies whether the spelling checker is enabled on the text-editing control. Enables or disables the spelling checker on the specified text-editing control, such as or . - property in XAML. The following example shows the XAML usage. - + property in XAML. The following example shows the XAML usage. + ]]> @@ -350,13 +350,13 @@ ListBox The value that determines the spelling reform rules. Determines the spelling reform rules that are used by the spelling checker. - property in XAML. - + property in XAML. + ]]> @@ -386,21 +386,21 @@ ListBox Gets or sets the spelling reform rules that are used by the spelling checker. The spelling reform rules that are used by the spelling checker. The default value is for French and for German. - `, where *textBoxBaseClass* is an object element for a class that derives from , and *enumValue* is a string name for a value of the enumeration. To set the property as an attached property in code, see the method. There is no matching `GetSpellingReform` accessor. To get the value, get the current object from the property, and then get the value of the property from that . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + `, where *textBoxBaseClass* is an object element for a class that derives from , and *enumValue* is a string name for a value of the enumeration. To set the property as an attached property in code, see the method. There is no matching `GetSpellingReform` accessor. To get the value, get the current object from the property, and then get the value of the property from that . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/StackPanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/StackPanel.xml index 4ca9a372259..6af01cac54d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/StackPanel.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/StackPanel.xml @@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ Arranges child elements into a single line that can be oriented horizontally or vertically. - contains a collection of objects, which are in the property. - - The default value is stretch for both and of content that is contained in a . - - Panel elements do not receive focus by default. To compel a panel element to receive focus, set the property to `true`. - - implements the interface to support logical scrolling. Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This is in contrast to physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. - + contains a collection of objects, which are in the property. + + The default value is stretch for both and of content that is contained in a . + + Panel elements do not receive focus by default. To compel a panel element to receive focus, set the property to `true`. + + implements the interface to support logical scrolling. Logical scrolling is used to scroll to the next element in the logical tree. This is in contrast to physical scrolling, which scrolls content by a defined physical increment in a given direction. If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the host element in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ if content can scroll in the horizontal dimension; otherwise, . - ). Setting this property has no effect. - - If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. - + ). Setting this property has no effect. + + If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -186,13 +186,13 @@ if content can scroll in the vertical dimension; otherwise, . The default value is . - ). Setting this property has no effect. - - If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. - + ). Setting this property has no effect. + + If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -226,11 +226,11 @@ Gets a value that contains the vertical size of the extent. The that represents the vertical size of the extent. The default value is 0.0. - @@ -264,11 +264,11 @@ that represents the horizontal size of the extent. The default value is 0.0. - @@ -298,11 +298,11 @@ Gets a value that indicates if this has vertical or horizontal orientation. This property always returns . - must have either vertical or horizontal orientation. - + must have either vertical or horizontal orientation. + ]]> @@ -341,11 +341,11 @@ Gets a value that contains the horizontal offset of the scrolled content. The that represents the horizontal offset of the scrolled content. The default value is 0.0. - @@ -378,11 +378,11 @@ Scrolls content downward by one logical unit. - in a and set its property to `false`. - + in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -415,11 +415,11 @@ Scrolls content by one logical unit to the left. - in a and set its property to `false`. - + in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -452,11 +452,11 @@ Scrolls content by one logical unit to the right. - in a and set its property to `false`. - + in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -489,11 +489,11 @@ Scrolls content by one logical unit upward. - in a and set its property to `false`. - + in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -628,11 +628,11 @@ Scrolls content logically downward in response to a click of the mouse wheel button. - in a and set its property to `false`. - + in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -665,11 +665,11 @@ Scrolls content logically to the left in response to a click of the mouse wheel button. - in a and set its property to `false`. - + in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -702,11 +702,11 @@ Scrolls content logically to the right in response to a click of the mouse wheel button. - in a and set its property to `false`. - + in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -739,11 +739,11 @@ Scrolls content logically upward in response to a click of the mouse wheel button. - in a and set its property to `false`. - + in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -773,29 +773,29 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the dimension by which child elements are stacked. The of child content. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to specify how elements within a are stacked (one on top of the other or side by side). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Panel/Overview/OrientationExample.xaml" id="Snippetstackpanelorientationexamplewholepage"::: - - The screenshot below shows how this example renders. - - ![StackPanel orientation](~/add/media/layout-stackpanelorientationexample.gif "StackPanel orientation") - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to specify how elements within a are stacked (one on top of the other or side by side). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Panel/Overview/OrientationExample.xaml" id="Snippetstackpanelorientationexamplewholepage"::: + + The screenshot below shows how this example renders. + + ![StackPanel orientation](~/add/media/layout-stackpanelorientationexample.gif "StackPanel orientation") + ]]> @@ -855,11 +855,11 @@ Scrolls content logically downward by one page. - in a and set its property to `false`. - + in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -892,11 +892,11 @@ Scrolls content logically to the left by one page. - in a and set its property to `false`. - + in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -929,11 +929,11 @@ Scrolls content logically to the right by one page. - in a and set its property to `false`. - + in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -966,11 +966,11 @@ Scrolls content logically upward by one page. - in a and set its property to `false`. - + in a and set its property to `false`. + ]]> @@ -1009,11 +1009,11 @@ Gets or sets a value that identifies the container that controls scrolling behavior in this . The that owns scrolling for this . This property has no default value. - control is the , physical scrolling is enabled. If a is the , scrolling is logical by child element. - + control is the , physical scrolling is enabled. If a is the , scrolling is logical by child element. + ]]> @@ -1118,11 +1118,11 @@ Gets a value that contains the vertical offset of the scrolled content. The that represents the vertical offset of the scrolled content. The default value is 0.0. - @@ -1155,11 +1155,11 @@ Gets a value that contains the vertical size of the content's viewport. The that represents the vertical size of the content's viewport. The default value is 0.0. - @@ -1192,11 +1192,11 @@ Gets a value that contains the horizontal size of the content's viewport. The that represents the vertical size of the content's viewport. The default value is 0.0. - diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/StickyNoteControl.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/StickyNoteControl.xml index 7541beb7bfd..2e528fddfc2 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/StickyNoteControl.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/StickyNoteControl.xml @@ -65,44 +65,44 @@ Represents a control that lets users attach typed text or handwritten annotations to documents. - class and its members are public so that it can be styled, but is no public constructor. Instances are created with the and of the class. - - When a sticky note is created, it is designated as one of two types: - -- **Text** sticky notes have a content area that can be written and edited like any other Rich Text area. Users can type into it and can also cut, copy, and paste both within the note and between the note and other applications. Images can also be pasted into the note. The usual Rich Text keyboard shortcuts are also available. - -- **Ink** sticky notes have an content area and it can be edited like other ink canvasses. For example, strokes can be erased. With a tablet PC or other suitable hardware, users can enter handwritten notes. - - The user interface (UI) of the makes it a more powerful way to annotate material than marking up a hardcopy or using physical handwritten notes. It is also more flexible than simply adding to, or striking through, the text of a document. - -- Sticky notes can be resized. - -- Sticky notes can be minimized to an icon and expanded. - -- When maximized, a sticky note can be dragged to a new position in a window without changing the location of its anchor. - -- The exact content to which a sticky note applies is highlighted and marked off with brackets. - -- Two or more sticky notes can apply to the same content or to overlapping content. - -- When change occurs within the document content to which a sticky note is anchored, the sticky note's position moves in position relative to the content to which it was bound. - -- With text sticky notes, lines will wrap automatically. If the note is resized, lines will re-wrap as needed. If content extends below the bottom of the note, a vertical scroll bar will appear. - -- With ink sticky notes, vertical and horizontal scroll bars will appear whenever content extends beyond the boundaries of the note. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how menu commands in a can be configured to execute the and of the class. The example shows how to read an XML Paper Specification (XPS) document into a control and then enable support for adding user-created sticky notes. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Annotations/AnnotationDocumentPaginator/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcreatedeleteannotations"::: - + class and its members are public so that it can be styled, but is no public constructor. Instances are created with the and of the class. + + When a sticky note is created, it is designated as one of two types: + +- **Text** sticky notes have a content area that can be written and edited like any other Rich Text area. Users can type into it and can also cut, copy, and paste both within the note and between the note and other applications. Images can also be pasted into the note. The usual Rich Text keyboard shortcuts are also available. + +- **Ink** sticky notes have an content area and it can be edited like other ink canvasses. For example, strokes can be erased. With a tablet PC or other suitable hardware, users can enter handwritten notes. + + The user interface (UI) of the makes it a more powerful way to annotate material than marking up a hardcopy or using physical handwritten notes. It is also more flexible than simply adding to, or striking through, the text of a document. + +- Sticky notes can be resized. + +- Sticky notes can be minimized to an icon and expanded. + +- When maximized, a sticky note can be dragged to a new position in a window without changing the location of its anchor. + +- The exact content to which a sticky note applies is highlighted and marked off with brackets. + +- Two or more sticky notes can apply to the same content or to overlapping content. + +- When change occurs within the document content to which a sticky note is anchored, the sticky note's position moves in position relative to the content to which it was bound. + +- With text sticky notes, lines will wrap automatically. If the note is resized, lines will re-wrap as needed. If content extends below the bottom of the note, a vertical scroll bar will appear. + +- With ink sticky notes, vertical and horizontal scroll bars will appear whenever content extends beyond the boundaries of the note. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how menu commands in a can be configured to execute the and of the class. The example shows how to read an XML Paper Specification (XPS) document into a control and then enable support for adding user-created sticky notes. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Annotations/AnnotationDocumentPaginator/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcreatedeleteannotations"::: + ]]> @@ -133,13 +133,13 @@ Gets an object that provides information about the annotated object. An object that provides information about the annotated object. - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -169,18 +169,18 @@ Gets the name of the author who created the sticky note. The name of the author who created the sticky note. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -236,19 +236,19 @@ Gets or sets the font family of the caption for the . A for the control's caption. The default is the value of . - nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -304,19 +304,19 @@ Gets or sets the size of the font used for the caption of the . A representing the font size. The default is the value of . - nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -372,19 +372,19 @@ Gets or sets the degree to which the font used for the caption of the is stretched. A structure representing the degree of stretching compared to a font's normal aspect ratio. The default is . - nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -440,19 +440,19 @@ Gets or sets the style of the font used for the caption of the . A structure representing the style of the caption as normal, italic, or oblique. The default is the value of . - nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -508,19 +508,19 @@ Gets or sets the weight of the font used for the caption of the . A structure representing the weight of the font, for example, bold, ultrabold, or extralight. The default is the value of . - nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -601,11 +601,11 @@ Represents a command whose method will switch the cursor in an ink sticky note to one of several possible modes, including draw and erase. - takes a parameter of type . The command's method will put the cursor in the mode specified by the parameter. - + takes a parameter of type . The command's method will put the cursor in the mode specified by the parameter. + ]]> @@ -662,19 +662,19 @@ if the control is active; otherwise, . The default is . - nor, hence, that you read this property directly. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + nor, hence, that you read this property directly. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -703,11 +703,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -738,19 +738,19 @@ if the control is expanded; otherwise, . The default is . - nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -779,8 +779,8 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. @@ -815,19 +815,19 @@ The identifier for the if the mouse cursor is over the anchor; otherwise, . The default is . - nor, hence, that you read this property directly. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + nor, hence, that you read this property directly. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -856,11 +856,11 @@ The identifier for the Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -890,11 +890,11 @@ The identifier for the Registers event handlers for all the children of a template. - is performed automatically after the control applies an ink or text sticky note template to the control. - + is performed automatically after the control applies an ink or text sticky note template to the control. + ]]> @@ -1016,19 +1016,19 @@ The identifier for the Gets or sets the width of the pen for an ink . A representing the width of the pen. The default is the value of . - nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|,

| - + nor, hence, that you read or write this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|,

| + ]]>
@@ -1084,21 +1084,21 @@ The identifier for the Gets a value that indicates whether the sticky note is text or ink. A value indicating the type of note. The default is . - can be used for handwritten notes on a tablet PC or other hardware that supports handwritten input. - - We recommend that you do not attempt to get a reference to an instance of nor, hence, that you read this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + can be used for handwritten notes on a tablet PC or other hardware that supports handwritten input. + + We recommend that you do not attempt to get a reference to an instance of nor, hence, that you read this property directly. This property should be used only in styling s. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1127,11 +1127,11 @@ The identifier for the Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl.xml index 85117c6d722..856d970d35c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl.xml @@ -33,25 +33,25 @@ Represents a control that contains multiple items that share the same space on the screen. - is useful for minimizing screen space usage while allowing an application to expose a large amount of data. A consists of multiple objects that share the same screen space. Only one in a is visible at a time. When a user selects the tab of a , the contents of that become visible and the contents of the other objects are hidden. - - is an , which means it can contain a collection of objects of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. - -## Customizing the TabControl Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [TabControl Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/tabcontrol-styles-and-templates). - + is useful for minimizing screen space usage while allowing an application to expose a large amount of data. A consists of multiple objects that share the same screen space. Only one in a is visible at a time. When a user selects the tab of a , the contents of that become visible and the contents of the other objects are hidden. + + is an , which means it can contain a collection of objects of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. + +## Customizing the TabControl Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [TabControl Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/tabcontrol-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example creates a and binds the in the second to a in the first . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet16"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example creates a and binds the in the second to a in the first . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet16"::: + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -111,23 +111,23 @@ Gets a composite string that specifies how to format the contents of the objects if they are displayed as strings. A composite string that specifies how to format the contents of the objects if they are displayed as strings. - can be a predefined, composite, or custom string format. For more information about string formats, see [Formatting Types](/dotnet/standard/base-types/formatting-types). If you set the or of a , the property is ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example binds a to a collection of `Student` objects. The `Student` class has a `Name` property, a collection of `Course` objects, and implements the method to return either the `Name` of the student or a string that lists the student's courses. The example uses to put a student's name in the of each (which inherits from ), and the to display the course list for each student in the Content of the . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/ContentStringFormat/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettabcontrol"::: - - The following example implements the method to return either the `Name` of the student or a string that lists the student's courses. - + can be a predefined, composite, or custom string format. For more information about string formats, see [Formatting Types](/dotnet/standard/base-types/formatting-types). If you set the or of a , the property is ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example binds a to a collection of `Student` objects. The `Student` class has a `Name` property, a collection of `Course` objects, and implements the method to return either the `Name` of the student or a string that lists the student's courses. The example uses to put a student's name in the of each (which inherits from ), and the to display the course list for each student in the Content of the . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/ContentStringFormat/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettabcontrol"::: + + The following example implements the method to return either the `Name` of the student or a string that lists the student's courses. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ContentControl/ContentStringFormat/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettabcontroltostring"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentStringSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettabcontroltostring"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentStringSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettabcontroltostring"::: + ]]> @@ -183,47 +183,47 @@ Gets or sets the to apply to any that does not have a or property defined. The to apply to any that does not have a or property defined. The default is . - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - - -## XAML Values - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *TemplateResourceKey* - The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + + +## XAML Values + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *TemplateResourceKey* + The key that identifies the template being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates two objects. The called `contentTemplate` is assigned to the of the and the called `tabItemTemplate` is assigned to the of the second . All objects contain the white rectangle defined in `contentTemplate`, except the second , which has a gray rectangle, as defined in `tabItemTemplate`. - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates two objects. The called `contentTemplate` is assigned to the of the and the called `tabItemTemplate` is assigned to the of the second . All objects contain the white rectangle defined in `contentTemplate`, except the second , which has a gray rectangle, as defined in `tabItemTemplate`. + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplate/page1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplate/page1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + ]]> @@ -279,64 +279,64 @@ Gets or sets a that provides custom logic for choosing the template that is used to display the content of the control. A . The default is . - when you have more than one for the same type of objects and you want to supply your own logic to choose a to apply based on the properties of each data object. Note that if you have objects of different types, you can set the property on the . If you do that, then there is no need to create a . Furthermore, if you have objects of the same type but with different properties, you can also consider using a or a data converter. For more information, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). - - To create a template selector, create a class that inherits from and override the method. After your class is defined, you can assign an instance of the class to the template selector property of your element. - - If both the and the properties are set, then this property is ignored. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *ResourceExtension* - One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *DataTemplateSelectorClassKey* - The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to a resource dictionary. - - *MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation* - A class derived from and overrides . For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example uses the property to display the content of a differently, depending on the hometown of the selected person. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplateSelector/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + when you have more than one for the same type of objects and you want to supply your own logic to choose a to apply based on the properties of each data object. Note that if you have objects of different types, you can set the property on the . If you do that, then there is no need to create a . Furthermore, if you have objects of the same type but with different properties, you can also consider using a or a data converter. For more information, see [Data Templating Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-templating-overview). + + To create a template selector, create a class that inherits from and override the method. After your class is defined, you can assign an instance of the class to the template selector property of your element. + + If both the and the properties are set, then this property is ignored. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *ResourceExtension* + One of the following: `StaticResource`, or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *DataTemplateSelectorClassKey* + The key that identifies the selector implementation being requested. The key refers to a derived class that implements a practical override. For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). You can also programmatically add an instance of your class as a resource to a resource dictionary. + + *MyDataTemplateSelectorImplementation* + A class derived from and overrides . For information about how to map your custom class, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example uses the property to display the content of a differently, depending on the hometown of the selected person. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplateSelector/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplateSelector/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: -:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplateSelector/Data.cs" id="Snippet1"::: +:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplateSelector/Data.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplateSelector/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: -:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TabControlContentTemplateSelector/VisualBasic/Person.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TabControlContentTemplateSelector/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - +:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TabControlContentTemplateSelector/VisualBasic/Person.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TabControlContentTemplateSelector/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -451,11 +451,11 @@ Called when is called. - , , and properties to the objects used by the currently selected . - + , , and properties to the objects used by the currently selected . + ]]> @@ -516,11 +516,11 @@ Provides data for the event. Called when is set to . - event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). - + event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). + ]]> @@ -586,11 +586,11 @@ Provides data for . Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the user presses a key. - event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when the user presses CTRL+TAB, CTRL+SHIFT+TAB, HOME, or END to navigate between objects. Otherwise, this implementation does not change the handled state (the property) of the event data. - + event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when the user presses CTRL+TAB, CTRL+SHIFT+TAB, HOME, or END to navigate between objects. Otherwise, this implementation does not change the handled state (the property) of the event data. + ]]> @@ -626,13 +626,13 @@ Provides data for . Raises the routed event. - updates the , , and properties to the objects used by the currently selected . - - The control raises the event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). - + updates the , , and properties to the objects used by the currently selected . + + The control raises the event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). + ]]> @@ -671,42 +671,42 @@ Gets the content of the currently selected . The content of the currently selected . The default is . - of the active when the tab selection changes. - - The of the uses the property to bind the property to this property. If you create a new for the , be sure to the bind the property to this property by setting the property to "SelectedContent" or by using [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| + of the active when the tab selection changes. + + The of the uses the property to bind the property to this property. If you create a new for the , be sure to the bind the property to this property by setting the property to "SelectedContent" or by using [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - -## Examples - The following example uses the property to get the `Person` in the currently selected . - + +## Examples + The following example uses the property to get the `Person` in the currently selected . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplateSelector/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet4"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TabControlContentTemplateSelector/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: - - The following example creates a for the . Setting the property to "SelectedContent" creates aliases to the , , and properties. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TemplateBindingExtension/Overview/tabcontrol.xaml" id="Snippet13"::: - - The following example binds the property to the property by using the [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplate/myapp.xaml" id="Snippettabcontrolcontentpresenter"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TabControlContentTemplateSelector/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: + + The following example creates a for the . Setting the property to "SelectedContent" creates aliases to the , , and properties. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TemplateBindingExtension/Overview/tabcontrol.xaml" id="Snippet13"::: + + The following example binds the property to the property by using the [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplate/myapp.xaml" id="Snippettabcontrolcontentpresenter"::: + ]]> @@ -821,39 +821,39 @@ Gets the of the currently selected item. The of the selected item. - updates this property to reference to the for the active when the tab selection changes. Set or the property on a to specify the for a . - - The of the uses the property to bind the property to this property. If you create a new for the , be sure to the bind the property to this property by setting the property to "SelectedContent" or by using [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a for the . Setting the property to `"SelectedContent"` creates aliases to the , , and properties. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TemplateBindingExtension/Overview/tabcontrol.xaml" id="Snippet13"::: - - The following example binds the property to the property by using the [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplate/myapp.xaml" id="Snippettabcontrolcontentpresenter"::: - + updates this property to reference to the for the active when the tab selection changes. Set or the property on a to specify the for a . + + The of the uses the property to bind the property to this property. If you create a new for the , be sure to the bind the property to this property by setting the property to "SelectedContent" or by using [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a for the . Setting the property to `"SelectedContent"` creates aliases to the , , and properties. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TemplateBindingExtension/Overview/tabcontrol.xaml" id="Snippet13"::: + + The following example binds the property to the property by using the [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplate/myapp.xaml" id="Snippettabcontrolcontentpresenter"::: + ]]> @@ -915,39 +915,39 @@ Gets the of the currently selected item. The of the currently selected item. The default is . - updates this property to reference to the for the active when the tab selection changes. Set or the property on a to specify the for a . - - The of the uses the property to bind the property to this property. If you create a new for the , be sure to the bind the property to this property by setting property to "SelectedContent" or by using the [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a for the . Setting the property to `"SelectedContent"` creates aliases to the , , and properties. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TemplateBindingExtension/Overview/tabcontrol.xaml" id="Snippet13"::: - - The following example binds the property to the property by using the [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplate/myapp.xaml" id="Snippettabcontrolcontentpresenter"::: - + updates this property to reference to the for the active when the tab selection changes. Set or the property on a to specify the for a . + + The of the uses the property to bind the property to this property. If you create a new for the , be sure to the bind the property to this property by setting property to "SelectedContent" or by using the [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a for the . Setting the property to `"SelectedContent"` creates aliases to the , , and properties. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TemplateBindingExtension/Overview/tabcontrol.xaml" id="Snippet13"::: + + The following example binds the property to the property by using the [TemplateBinding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/ContentTemplate/myapp.xaml" id="Snippettabcontrolcontentpresenter"::: + ]]> @@ -1013,25 +1013,25 @@ Gets or sets how tab headers align relative to the tab content. The alignment of tab headers relative to tab content. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a tab control that positions the tabs on the left side. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/TabStripPlacement/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a tab control that positions the tabs on the left side. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/TabStripPlacement/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TabItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TabItem.xml index b7e80fd595f..c67dd8387c7 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TabItem.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TabItem.xml @@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ Represents a selectable item inside a . - is a . Its content property is and its header property is . For more information, see the class. - -## Customizing the TabControl Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [TabControl Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/tabcontrol-styles-and-templates). - + is a . Its content property is and its header property is . For more information, see the class. + +## Customizing the TabControl Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [TabControl Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/tabcontrol-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a with elements. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/TabStripPlacement/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a with elements. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabControl/TabStripPlacement/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -115,25 +115,25 @@ if the is selected; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to select a programmatically. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabItem/IsSelected/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to select a programmatically. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabItem/IsSelected/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -475,27 +475,27 @@ Gets the tab strip placement. One of the values. The default is . - property of the parent . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to retrieve information about a . - + property of the parent . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to retrieve information about a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TabItem/TabStripPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettabitemplacement"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TabItem_snip/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettabitemplacement"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TabItem_snip/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettabitemplacement"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock.xml index 675318f94da..0fc089dd8f7 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock.xml @@ -44,33 +44,33 @@ Provides a lightweight control for displaying small amounts of flow content. - can contain a string in its property or flow content elements, such as , , and , in its property. - - is designed to be lightweight, and is geared specifically at integrating small portions of flow content into a user interface (UI). is optimized for single-line display, and provides good performance for displaying up to a few lines of content. - - is not optimized for scenarios that need to display more than a few lines of content; for such scenarios, a coupled with an appropriate viewing control is a better choice than , in terms of performance. After , is the next lightest-weight control for displaying flow content, and simply provides a scrolling content area with minimal UI. is optimized around "page-at-a-time" viewing mode for flow content. Finally, supports the richest set functionality for viewing flow content, but is correspondingly heavier-weight. - - Horizontally aligning text within a is done with the property. Aligning the within the layout of the page is done with the and properties. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblocksimplexaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: TextBlocks and buttons](~/add/media/textblock-simple.png "Screenshot: TextBlocks and buttons") - - The following example shows how to achieve similar results programmatically. - + can contain a string in its property or flow content elements, such as , , and , in its property. + + is designed to be lightweight, and is geared specifically at integrating small portions of flow content into a user interface (UI). is optimized for single-line display, and provides good performance for displaying up to a few lines of content. + + is not optimized for scenarios that need to display more than a few lines of content; for such scenarios, a coupled with an appropriate viewing control is a better choice than , in terms of performance. After , is the next lightest-weight control for displaying flow content, and simply provides a scrolling content area with minimal UI. is optimized around "page-at-a-time" viewing mode for flow content. Finally, supports the richest set functionality for viewing flow content, but is correspondingly heavier-weight. + + Horizontally aligning text within a is done with the property. Aligning the within the layout of the page is done with the and properties. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblocksimplexaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: TextBlocks and buttons](~/add/media/textblock-simple.png "Screenshot: TextBlocks and buttons") + + The following example shows how to achieve similar results programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblocksimple"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblocksimple"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblocksimple"::: + ]]> @@ -134,19 +134,19 @@ An object deriving from the abstract class, to be added as the initial content. Initializes a new instance of the class, adding a specified element as the initial display content. - , , , , and . - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates the use of this constructor. In this case, the contains a text . - + , , , , and . + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates the use of this constructor. In this case, the contains a text . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockconstructorsimple"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockconstructorsimple"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockconstructorsimple"::: + ]]> @@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ Positions child elements and determines a size for the . The actual used to arrange the element. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -216,33 +216,33 @@ Gets or sets the used to fill the background of content area. The brush used to fill the background of the content area, or to not use a background brush. The default is . - settings on child elements override this top-level setting. - - For a table of swatches that show the available predefined brush colors, see . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + settings on child elements override this top-level setting. + + For a table of swatches that show the available predefined brush colors, see . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: + ]]> @@ -298,13 +298,13 @@ Gets or sets the amount by which each line of text is offset from the baseline. The amount by which each line of text is offset from the baseline, in device independent pixels. indicates that an optimal baseline offset is automatically calculated from the current font characteristics. The default is . - `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a . In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . - + `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a . In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . + ]]> @@ -360,11 +360,11 @@ Gets a that indicates how content should break after the current element. The conditions for breaking content after the current element. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -395,11 +395,11 @@ Gets a that indicates how content should break before the current element. The conditions for breaking content after the current element. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -430,13 +430,13 @@ Gets a to the end of content in the . A to the end of content in the . - . - - The returned by this property always has its set to . - + . + + The returned by this property always has its set to . + ]]> @@ -467,13 +467,13 @@ Gets a to the beginning of content in the . A to the beginning of content in the . - . - - The returned by this property always has its set to . - + . + + The returned by this property always has its set to . + ]]> @@ -510,64 +510,64 @@ Gets or sets the preferred top-level font family for the . A object specifying the preferred font family, or a primary preferred font family with one or more fallback font families. The default is the font determined by the value. - settings on child elements override this top-level setting. - - When multiple families are specified, the second and subsequent font families serve as fallback families to be used in cases where the primary font family is unavailable or not applicable. - - This property specifies a preference only. If the specified font family is not available, the silently falls back to the font determined by the value. - - This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format values as explained in XAML Values. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontFamily` property, which the uses for rendering. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *fontFamilyName* - A string specifying a font family name. For example, `"Arial"` or `"Century Gothic"`. - - *fontFamilyNamesList* - A string specifying multiple font family names, each separated by a comma (any white space following a comma is ignored). The first font family specified serves as the primary font family; subsequent font families serve as fallback families to be used in cases where the primary font family is unavailable or not applicable. For example, `"Arial, Century Gothic"` specifies Arial as the primary font family, with Century Gothic as the fallback font family. - - *fontFamilyFolderReference* - A string specifying a folder containing the font, along with a font family name. The folder and font family name are delimited by a # character. The folder reference may be absolute, or relative. For example, `"Custom Fonts\#My Custom Font"`. - - *fontFamilyUriReference* - A string specifying a uniform resource identifier (URI) for the font, along with a font family name. The URI and font family name are delimited by a # character. For example, `"http://MyFontServer/Fonts/#My Custom Font"`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + settings on child elements override this top-level setting. + + When multiple families are specified, the second and subsequent font families serve as fallback families to be used in cases where the primary font family is unavailable or not applicable. + + This property specifies a preference only. If the specified font family is not available, the silently falls back to the font determined by the value. + + This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format values as explained in XAML Values. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontFamily` property, which the uses for rendering. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *fontFamilyName* + A string specifying a font family name. For example, `"Arial"` or `"Century Gothic"`. + + *fontFamilyNamesList* + A string specifying multiple font family names, each separated by a comma (any white space following a comma is ignored). The first font family specified serves as the primary font family; subsequent font families serve as fallback families to be used in cases where the primary font family is unavailable or not applicable. For example, `"Arial, Century Gothic"` specifies Arial as the primary font family, with Century Gothic as the fallback font family. + + *fontFamilyFolderReference* + A string specifying a folder containing the font, along with a font family name. The folder and font family name are delimited by a # character. The folder reference may be absolute, or relative. For example, `"Custom Fonts\#My Custom Font"`. + + *fontFamilyUriReference* + A string specifying a uniform resource identifier (URI) for the font, along with a font family name. The URI and font family name are delimited by a # character. For example, `"http://MyFontServer/Fonts/#My Custom Font"`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: + ]]> @@ -633,60 +633,60 @@ Gets or sets the top-level font size for the . The desired font size to use in device independent pixels). The default is determined by the value. - settings on child elements override this top-level setting. - - This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format values as explained in XAML Values. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontSize` property, which the uses for rendering. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + settings on child elements override this top-level setting. + + This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format values as explained in XAML Values. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontSize` property, which the uses for rendering. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: + ]]> @@ -742,33 +742,33 @@ Gets or sets the top-level font-stretching characteristics for the . A member of the class specifying the desired font-stretching characteristics to use. The default is . - settings on child elements override this top-level setting. - - This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format property names of the class. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontStretch` property, which the uses for rendering. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + settings on child elements override this top-level setting. + + This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format property names of the class. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontStretch` property, which the uses for rendering. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: + ]]> @@ -824,33 +824,33 @@ Gets or sets the top-level font style for the . A member of the class specifying the desired font style. The default is determined by the value. - settings on child elements override this top-level setting. - - This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format property names in the class. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontStyle` property, which the uses for rendering. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + settings on child elements override this top-level setting. + + This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format property names in the class. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontStyle` property, which the uses for rendering. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: + ]]> @@ -906,35 +906,35 @@ Gets or sets the top-level font weight for the . A member of the class specifying the desired font weight. The default is determined by the value. - settings on child elements override this top-level setting. - - For a list of valid values of font weights, see the class. - - This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format values of a property of the class. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontWeight` property, which the uses for rendering. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + settings on child elements override this top-level setting. + + For a list of valid values of font weights, see the class. + + This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format values of a property of the class. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontWeight` property, which the uses for rendering. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: + ]]> @@ -990,35 +990,35 @@ Gets or sets the to apply to the text contents of the . The brush used to apply to the text contents. The default is . - . - - Any settings on child elements override this top-level setting. - - This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is a string that resolves to a implementation value. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `Foreground` property, which the uses for rendering. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + . + + Any settings on child elements override this top-level setting. + + This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is a string that resolves to a implementation value. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `Foreground` property, which the uses for rendering. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: + ]]> @@ -1399,11 +1399,11 @@ Returns a to the position closest to a specified . A to the specified point, or if is and the specified point does not fall within a character bounding box in the content area. - when `snapToText` is `true`. - + when `snapToText` is `true`. + ]]> Current, valid layout information for the control is unavailable. @@ -1438,11 +1438,11 @@ Returns a read-only collection of bounding rectangles for a specified . A read-only collection of bounding rectangles for the specified . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1512,11 +1512,11 @@ Returns the child at a specified index. The child at the specified index. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1552,13 +1552,13 @@ Returns a for specified . A for the specified hit test parameters. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1623,11 +1623,11 @@ Gets an containing the top-level elements that comprise the contents of the . An containing the elements that comprise the contents of the . - returned by this property to enumerate or manipulate the contents of a . - + returned by this property to enumerate or manipulate the contents of a . + ]]> @@ -1689,19 +1689,19 @@ to indicate that automatic breaking and hyphenation of words is enabled; otherwise, . The default is . - to automatically break and hyphenate words, based on current layout conditions. This enables long words to begin on one line and continue on this next, and tends to achieve a more even distribution of white space in justified text. Words are broken and hyphenated according to standard grammar rules. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + to automatically break and hyphenate words, based on current layout conditions. This enables long words to begin on one line and continue on this next, and tends to achieve a more even distribution of white space in justified text. Words are broken and hyphenated according to standard grammar rules. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -1764,67 +1764,67 @@ Gets or sets the height of each line of content. The height of line, in device independent pixels, in the range of 0.0034 to 160000. A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of "Auto") indicates that the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. The default is . - property. - - In addition to this property, the layout of lines in a is affected by its property. - - This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is a string as explained in XAML Values. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` and equal to or less then `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - Auto - Causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + property. + + In addition to this property, the layout of lines in a is affected by its property. + + This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is a string as explained in XAML Values. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` and equal to or less then `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + Auto + Causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: + ]]> @@ -1883,30 +1883,30 @@ Gets or sets the mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line of text within the . The mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line of text within the . The default is . - `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is a string value of the enumeration. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to determine how the line boxes are created for text lines of a . The first has a value of and the second has a value of . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/BaselineAlignment/Overview/linestackingstrategyexample.xaml" id="Snippetlinestackingstrategyexamplewholepage"::: - - The following illustration shows the result of the preceding code. - - ![Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values](~/add/media/flow-linestackingstrategy.gif "Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values") - + `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is a string value of the enumeration. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to determine how the line boxes are created for text lines of a . The first has a value of and the second has a value of . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/BaselineAlignment/Overview/linestackingstrategyexample.xaml" id="Snippetlinestackingstrategyexamplewholepage"::: + + The following illustration shows the result of the preceding code. + + ![Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values](~/add/media/flow-linestackingstrategy.gif "Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values") + ]]> @@ -1993,13 +1993,13 @@ Called to re-measure the . A structure indicating the new size of the . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -2060,11 +2060,11 @@ Creates and returns an object for this . An object for this . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -2097,11 +2097,11 @@ Arguments for the associated event. Called when the value one or more hosted dependency properties changes. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -2135,11 +2135,11 @@ The to render the control on. Renders the contents of a . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -2171,72 +2171,72 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the thickness of padding space between the boundaries of the content area, and the content displayed by a . A structure specifying the amount of padding to apply, in device independent pixels. The default is . - can be described as uniform in all directions (`Padding="10"`), or as four distinct values that represent left, top, right, and bottom padding independently (`Padding="5,0,10,20"`). - - If a specified padding thickness exceeds the corresponding content area dimension (for example, the sum of the left and right padding widths exceeds the content area width), the thickness of the padding is proportionally reduced to be no greater than the relevant content area dimension. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of padding to the left of content, 10 pixels of padding above content, 15 pixels of padding to the right of content, and 20 pixels of padding below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform padding of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + can be described as uniform in all directions (`Padding="10"`), or as four distinct values that represent left, top, right, and bottom padding independently (`Padding="5,0,10,20"`). + + If a specified padding thickness exceeds the corresponding content area dimension (for example, the sum of the left and right padding widths exceeds the content area width), the thickness of the padding is proportionally reduced to be no greater than the relevant content area dimension. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of padding to the left of content, 10 pixels of padding above content, 15 pixels of padding to the right of content, and 20 pixels of padding below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform padding of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: + ]]> @@ -3015,33 +3015,33 @@ Gets or sets the text contents of a . The text contents of this . Note that all non-text content is stripped out, resulting in a plain text representation of the contents. The default is . - . When you need to format the text, add objects to the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/Text/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblock_text1xaml"::: - - Alternately, the contents of a text run may simply be contained by element tags. - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + . When you need to format the text, add objects to the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/Text/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblock_text1xaml"::: + + Alternately, the contents of a text run may simply be contained by element tags. + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/Text/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblock_text"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/SpanSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblock_text"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/SpanSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblock_text"::: + ]]> @@ -3071,31 +3071,31 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of text content. One of the values that specifies the desired alignment. The default is . - `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is a string value of the enumeration. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is a string value of the enumeration. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . The attached property usage is not common. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: + ]]> @@ -3152,45 +3152,45 @@ Gets or sets a that contains the effects to apply to the text of a . A collection that contains text decorations to apply to this element. The default is (no text decorations applied). - object is a visual ornamentation you can add to text. There are four types of text decorations: underline, baseline, strikethrough, and overline. For more information about text decorations, see [How to: Create a Text Decoration](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-create-a-text-decoration). - - By default, this property is set to `null` and has no associated with it. Before adding any text effects, create a new and assign it to this property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblock_textdecxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-strike.png "Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect") - - The following figures show how the , , and decorations render, respectively. - - ![Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator](~/add/media/inline-textdec-over.png "Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator") - - ![Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text](~/add/media/inline-textdec-base.png "Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text") - - ![Screenshot: Text with default underline effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-under.png "Screenshot: Text with default underline effect") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + object is a visual ornamentation you can add to text. There are four types of text decorations: underline, baseline, strikethrough, and overline. For more information about text decorations, see [How to: Create a Text Decoration](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-create-a-text-decoration). + + By default, this property is set to `null` and has no associated with it. Before adding any text effects, create a new and assign it to this property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblock_textdecxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-strike.png "Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect") + + The following figures show how the , , and decorations render, respectively. + + ![Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator](~/add/media/inline-textdec-over.png "Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator") + + ![Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text](~/add/media/inline-textdec-base.png "Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text") + + ![Screenshot: Text with default underline effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-under.png "Screenshot: Text with default underline effect") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblock_textdec"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblock_textdec"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblock_textdec"::: + ]]> @@ -3246,27 +3246,27 @@ Gets or sets the effects to apply to the text content in this element. A containing one or more objects that define effects to apply to the text of the . The default is (no effects applied). - associated with it. Before adding any text effects, create a new and assign it to this property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a simple text effect and apply it to a text of a . - + associated with it. Before adding any text effects, create a new and assign it to this property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a simple text effect and apply it to a text of a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblock_texteffects"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblock_texteffects"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblock_texteffects"::: + ]]> @@ -3348,18 +3348,18 @@ Gets or sets the text trimming behavior to employ when content overflows the content area. One of the values that specifies the text trimming behavior to employ. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -3415,30 +3415,30 @@ Gets or sets how the should wrap text. One of the values. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: + ]]> @@ -3494,23 +3494,23 @@ Gets the currently effective typography variations for the contents of this element. A object that specifies the currently effective typography variations. For a list of default typography values, see . - property is applicable only to OpenType fonts. A typography variant has no effect on fonts that do not support the variant. For more information on this topic, see [Typography in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/typography-in-wpf). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + property is applicable only to OpenType fonts. A typography variant has no effect on fonts that do not support the variant. For more information on this topic, see [Typography in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/typography-in-wpf). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textblockpropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textblockprops"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextBox.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextBox.xml index a14d3c0bebe..4d575c5fbb3 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextBox.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextBox.xml @@ -37,56 +37,56 @@ Represents a control that can be used to display or edit unformatted text. - control can contain only unformatted text in its property. The following graphic shows an example of a . - - ![TextBox screen shot](~/add/media/ss-ctl-textbox.gif "TextBox screen shot") -Example of a TextBox - - is a composite control that is composed of several encapsulated components. Consequently, some events do not bubble up to the containing control because they are handled by encapsulated child elements. Because of this, application developers should listen for the tunneling version of an event (denoted by the prefix "Preview"). - - supports unformatted text only. For applications that require support for richer content, see . For applications that need to accept passwords or other sensitive input, see . - - Horizontally and vertically aligning text within a is done with the and properties. Aligning the within the layout of the page is done with the and properties. - - The best way to hide the border around a is to set the property of the to `0`. - + control can contain only unformatted text in its property. The following graphic shows an example of a . + + ![TextBox screen shot](~/add/media/ss-ctl-textbox.gif "TextBox screen shot") +Example of a TextBox + + is a composite control that is composed of several encapsulated components. Consequently, some events do not bubble up to the containing control because they are handled by encapsulated child elements. Because of this, application developers should listen for the tunneling version of an event (denoted by the prefix "Preview"). + + supports unformatted text only. For applications that require support for richer content, see . For applications that need to accept passwords or other sensitive input, see . + + Horizontally and vertically aligning text within a is done with the and properties. Aligning the within the layout of the page is done with the and properties. + + The best way to hide the border around a is to set the property of the to `0`. + > [!IMPORTANT] -> has built-in handling for the bubbling and events. Consequently, custom event handlers that listen for or events from a will not be called. If you need to respond to these events, listen for the tunneling and events instead, or register the handlers with the argument (this latter option is only available through code). Do not mark the event handled unless you deliberately want to disable native handling of these events, and be aware that this has notable effects on the control's UI. - - Scrollbars are not visible on a by default. To make scrollbars visible, set the and properties to or . - - Usually the event should be used to detect whenever the text in a or changes rather then as you might expect. See [How to: Detect When Text in a TextBox Has Changed](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-detect-when-text-in-a-textbox-has-changed) for an example. - -## Customizing the TextBox Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [TextBox Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/textbox-styles-and-templates). - +> has built-in handling for the bubbling and events. Consequently, custom event handlers that listen for or events from a will not be called. If you need to respond to these events, listen for the tunneling and events instead, or register the handlers with the argument (this latter option is only available through code). Do not mark the event handled unless you deliberately want to disable native handling of these events, and be aware that this has notable effects on the control's UI. + + Scrollbars are not visible on a by default. To make scrollbars visible, set the and properties to or . + + Usually the event should be used to detect whenever the text in a or changes rather then as you might expect. See [How to: Detect When Text in a TextBox Has Changed](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-detect-when-text-in-a-textbox-has-changed) for an example. + +## Customizing the TextBox Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [TextBox Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/textbox-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - This example shows how to use the Text property to set the initial text contents of a TextBox control. - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + This example shows how to use the Text property to set the initial text contents of a TextBox control. + > [!NOTE] -> Although the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) version of the example could use the \ tags around the text of each button's TextBox content, it is not necessary because the TextBox applies the ContentPropertyAttribute attribute to the Text property. - -```xaml - - Initial text contents of the TextBox. - -``` - -```csharp -tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox."; -``` - -```vb -tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." -``` - +> Although the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) version of the example could use the \ tags around the text of each button's TextBox content, it is not necessary because the TextBox applies the ContentPropertyAttribute attribute to the Text property. + +```xaml + + Initial text contents of the TextBox. + +``` + +```csharp +tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox."; +``` + +```vb +tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." +``` + ]]> @@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets or sets the insertion position index of the caret. The zero-based insertion position index of the caret. - for information on terminology like "insertion position"). Setting this property moves the caret to the specified insertion position. - - An insertion position is between either characters or element tags. - + for information on terminology like "insertion position"). Setting this property moves the caret to the specified insertion position. + + An insertion position is between either characters or element tags. + ]]> @@ -194,29 +194,29 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets or sets how characters are cased when they are manually entered into the text box. One of the values that specifies how manually entered characters are cased. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to convert all manually entered characters to uppercase in a text box. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/charactercasingexample.xaml" id="Snippetcharactercasingexamplewholepage"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to convert all manually entered characters to uppercase in a text box. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/charactercasingexample.xaml" id="Snippetcharactercasingexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/CharacterCasingExample.cs" id="Snippetcharactercasingcodeexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBoxMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/charactercasingexample.vb" id="Snippetcharactercasingcodeexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBoxMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/charactercasingexample.vb" id="Snippetcharactercasingcodeexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -601,11 +601,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Returns the rectangle for the leading edge of the character at the specified index. A rectangle for the leading edge of the character at the specified character index, or if a bounding rectangle cannot be determined. - @@ -642,11 +642,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Returns the rectangle for the leading or trailing edge of the character at the specified index. A rectangle for an edge of the character at the specified character index, or if a bounding rectangle cannot be determined. - @@ -780,13 +780,13 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets the total number of lines in the text box. The total number of lines in the text box, or -1 if layout information is not available. - @@ -825,11 +825,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets an enumerator for the logical child elements of the . An enumerator for the logical child elements of the . - property returns an enumerator for a collection that contains a that is equal to the property. - + property returns an enumerator for a collection that contains a that is equal to the property. + ]]> @@ -869,33 +869,33 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets or sets the maximum number of characters that can be manually entered into the text box. The maximum number of characters that can be manually entered into the text box. The default is 0, which indicates no limit. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a with a of 500 characters. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/textboxexample.xaml" id="Snippettextboxexamplewholepage"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a with a of 500 characters. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/textboxexample.xaml" id="Snippettextboxexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/TextBoxExample.cs" id="Snippettextboxcodeexampleinline1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBoxMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/textboxexample.vb" id="Snippettextboxcodeexampleinline1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBoxMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/textboxexample.vb" id="Snippettextboxcodeexampleinline1"::: + ]]> @@ -958,33 +958,33 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets or sets the maximum number of visible lines. The maximum number of visible lines. The default is Int32.MaxValue. - . Setting this property causes the text box to resize if the number of visible lines exceeds the limit specified by . - - This property applies only to visible lines, and does not constrain the actual number of lines. Depending on its configuration, a text box may contain additional non-visible lines that are accessible by scrolling. - - If the property is explicitly set on a , the and property values are ignored. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a with a value of 5. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/textboxexample.xaml" id="Snippettextboxexamplewholepage"::: - + . Setting this property causes the text box to resize if the number of visible lines exceeds the limit specified by . + + This property applies only to visible lines, and does not constrain the actual number of lines. Depending on its configuration, a text box may contain additional non-visible lines that are accessible by scrolling. + + If the property is explicitly set on a , the and property values are ignored. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a with a value of 5. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/textboxexample.xaml" id="Snippettextboxexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/TextBoxExample.cs" id="Snippettextboxcodeexampleinline1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBoxMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/textboxexample.vb" id="Snippettextboxcodeexampleinline1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBoxMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/textboxexample.vb" id="Snippettextboxcodeexampleinline1"::: + ]]> @@ -1048,11 +1048,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Sizes the text box to its content. A structure indicating the new size of the text box. - @@ -1088,31 +1088,31 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets or sets the minimum number of visible lines. The minimum number of visible lines. The default is 1. - . Setting this property causes the text box to resize if the number of visible lines is less than value specified by . - - If the property is explicitly set on a , the and property values are ignored. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a with a value of 1. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/textboxexample.xaml" id="Snippettextboxexamplewholepage"::: - + . Setting this property causes the text box to resize if the number of visible lines is less than value specified by . + + If the property is explicitly set on a , the and property values are ignored. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a with a value of 1. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/textboxexample.xaml" id="Snippettextboxexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/TextBoxExample.cs" id="Snippettextboxcodeexampleinline1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBoxMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/textboxexample.vb" id="Snippettextboxcodeexampleinline1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBoxMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/textboxexample.vb" id="Snippettextboxcodeexampleinline1"::: + ]]> @@ -1173,11 +1173,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Creates and returns an object for the text box. An object for the text box. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1210,11 +1210,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Arguments for the associated event. Called when one or more of the dependency properties that exist on the element have had their effective values changed. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1248,11 +1248,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." The zero-based line index of the line to scroll into view. Scrolls the line at the specified line index into view. - @@ -1328,11 +1328,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets or sets the content of the current selection in the text box. The currently selected text in the text box. - @@ -1375,13 +1375,13 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets or sets a value indicating the number of characters in the current selection in the text box. The number of characters in the current selection in the text box. The default is 0. - @@ -1426,11 +1426,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets or sets a character index for the beginning of the current selection. The character index for the beginning of the current selection. - @@ -1511,11 +1511,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." An object to add as a child. Throws an exception in all cases. - accepts only text through the interface. - + accepts only text through the interface. + ]]> @@ -1554,11 +1554,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." A string to add to the object. Adds the text content of a node to the object. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1598,32 +1598,32 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets or sets the text contents of the text box. A string containing the text contents of the text box. The default is an empty string (""). - . - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - String - -``` - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + . + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + String + +``` + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -1655,31 +1655,31 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the contents of the text box. One of the values that specifies the horizontal alignment of the contents of the text box. The default is . - property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a with a of . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/textboxexample.xaml" id="Snippettextboxexamplewholepage"::: - + property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a with a of . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/textboxexample.xaml" id="Snippettextboxexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CharacterCasing/Overview/TextBoxExample.cs" id="Snippettextboxcodeexampleinline1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBoxMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/textboxexample.vb" id="Snippettextboxcodeexampleinline1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBoxMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/textboxexample.vb" id="Snippettextboxcodeexampleinline1"::: + ]]> @@ -1737,43 +1737,43 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets the text decorations to apply to the text box. A collection that contains text decorations to apply to the text box. The default is (no text decorations applied). - object is a visual ornamentation you can add to text. There are four types of text decorations: underline, baseline, strikethrough, and overline. For more information about text decorations, see [How to: Create a Text Decoration](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-create-a-text-decoration). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_inline_textdecxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-strike.png "Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect") - - The following figures show how the , , and decorations render, respectively. - - ![Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator](~/add/media/inline-textdec-over.png "Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator") - - ![Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text](~/add/media/inline-textdec-base.png "Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text") - - ![Screenshot: Text with default underline effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-under.png "Screenshot: Text with default underline effect") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + object is a visual ornamentation you can add to text. There are four types of text decorations: underline, baseline, strikethrough, and overline. For more information about text decorations, see [How to: Create a Text Decoration](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-create-a-text-decoration). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_inline_textdecxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-strike.png "Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect") + + The following figures show how the , , and decorations render, respectively. + + ![Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator](~/add/media/inline-textdec-over.png "Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator") + + ![Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text](~/add/media/inline-textdec-base.png "Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text") + + ![Screenshot: Text with default underline effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-under.png "Screenshot: Text with default underline effect") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_inline_textdec"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_textdec"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_textdec"::: + ]]> @@ -1802,11 +1802,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -1862,27 +1862,27 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets or sets how the text box should wrap text. One of the values that indicates how the text box should wrap text. The default is . - attribute to causes entered text to wrap to a new line when the edge of the control is reached, automatically expanding the height of the control to include room for a new line, if necessary. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set the value of this property. - + attribute to causes entered text to wrap to a new line when the edge of the control is reached, automatically expanding the height of the control to include room for a new line, if necessary. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set the value of this property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextWrapping/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettextboxbase12"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBoxBase_Samp/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettextboxbase12"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBoxBase_Samp/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettextboxbase12"::: + ]]> @@ -1911,11 +1911,11 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -1945,31 +1945,31 @@ tbSettingText.Text = "Initial text contents of the TextBox." Gets the currently effective typography variations for the text contents of the text box. A object that specifies the currently effective typography variations. For a list of default typography values, see . - property is applicable only to OpenType fonts. A typography variant has no effect on fonts that do not support the variant. For more information about this topic, see [Typography in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/typography-in-wpf). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_typogxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with altered typography](~/add/media/textelement-typog.png "Screenshot: Text with altered typography") - - In contrast, the following figure shows how a similar example with default typographic properties renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with altered typography](~/add/media/textelement-typog-default.png "Screenshot: Text with altered typography") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + property is applicable only to OpenType fonts. A typography variant has no effect on fonts that do not support the variant. For more information about this topic, see [Typography in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/typography-in-wpf). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_typogxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with altered typography](~/add/media/textelement-typog.png "Screenshot: Text with altered typography") + + In contrast, the following figure shows how a similar example with default typographic properties renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with altered typography](~/add/media/textelement-typog-default.png "Screenshot: Text with altered typography") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textelement_typog"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_typog"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_typog"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextSearch.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextSearch.xml index ef315a61acb..704ae67aa90 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextSearch.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TextSearch.xml @@ -22,28 +22,28 @@ Enables a user to quickly access items in a set by typing prefixes of strings. - contains a collection of objects, one of which is an image of a dog. If you assign the string, "Dog" to that item, the user can select the dog by typing the word in the combo box's text box. As soon as the user types enough of the word to distinguish it from other items in the selection, the image of the dog will be selected. If is set to `true` on the , "Dog" will appear in the text box. - - You can specify the text that identifies an item by using the property on a control or by setting the property on each item in the control's collection. Setting one of these properties ensures that unexpected text is not displayed. If you set the property on a control's collection item, the property will be ignored. If you set the property to a value that is not the name of an actual property, is ignored. - - -## XAML Text Usage - You cannot declare this managed class in XAML, but you can use its static properties to assign values in XAML. - - - -## Examples - The following examples create controls that contain images as items instead of text. Functionally, the examples are the same. The first example sets the property on the and the second example sets the property on each item in the collection. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox/IsEditable/pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox/IsEditable/pane1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + contains a collection of objects, one of which is an image of a dog. If you assign the string, "Dog" to that item, the user can select the dog by typing the word in the combo box's text box. As soon as the user types enough of the word to distinguish it from other items in the selection, the image of the dog will be selected. If is set to `true` on the , "Dog" will appear in the text box. + + You can specify the text that identifies an item by using the property on a control or by setting the property on each item in the control's collection. Setting one of these properties ensures that unexpected text is not displayed. If you set the property on a control's collection item, the property will be ignored. If you set the property to a value that is not the name of an actual property, is ignored. + + +## XAML Text Usage + You cannot declare this managed class in XAML, but you can use its static properties to assign values in XAML. + + + +## Examples + The following examples create controls that contain images as items instead of text. Functionally, the examples are the same. The first example sets the property on the and the second example sets the property on each item in the collection. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox/IsEditable/pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox/IsEditable/pane1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ Returns the string to that identifies the specified item. The string that identifies the specified item. - attached property from the specified element. - + attached property from the specified element. + ]]> @@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ Returns the name of the property that identifies an item in the specified element's collection. The name of the property that identifies the item to the user. - attached property from the specified element. - + attached property from the specified element. + ]]> @@ -221,26 +221,26 @@ Gets or sets the string that identifies an item in a control's collection. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that contains images as items instead of text. The property is set to `true`, so text is displayed when one of the images is selected. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox/IsEditable/pane1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that contains images as items instead of text. The property is set to `true`, so text is displayed when one of the images is selected. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox/IsEditable/pane1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -266,26 +266,26 @@ Gets or sets the name of the items' property that identifies each item in a control's collection. - . If you set the property on a control's collection item, the property will be ignored. If you set the property to a value that is not the name of an actual property, is ignored. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a that contains images as items instead of text. The property is set to `true`, so text is displayed when one of the images is selected. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox/IsEditable/pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + . If you set the property on a control's collection item, the property will be ignored. If you set the property to a value that is not the name of an actual property, is ignored. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a that contains images as items instead of text. The property is set to `true`, so text is displayed when one of the images is selected. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ComboBox/IsEditable/pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar.xml index 1d406fa1f19..77222b02728 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar.xml @@ -33,25 +33,25 @@ Provides a container for a group of commands or controls. - controls provide an overflow mechanism that places items that do not fit on the into an overflow area. Only toolbar elements within a parent can be moved or resized by the user. - - is a , which means its header and collection of objects can be of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. - -## Customizing the ToolBar Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ToolBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/toolbar-styles-and-templates). - + controls provide an overflow mechanism that places items that do not fit on the into an overflow area. Only toolbar elements within a parent can be moved or resized by the user. + + is a , which means its header and collection of objects can be of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. + +## Customizing the ToolBar Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ToolBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/toolbar-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a inside a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a inside a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -114,31 +114,31 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates where the toolbar should be located in the . The band of the in which the toolbar is positioned. The default is 0. - in a depends on the values of the , , and properties. When is set to , a band represents a row in the . When is , a band represents a column of the . The following table describes the relationship between , , and . - -|Orientation|Band|BandIndex| -|-----------------|----------|---------------| -|Horizontal|Indicates the row in which the is positioned. Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are above those with a larger value.|Indicates the position of the on the . Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are to the left of those with a larger value.| -|Vertical|Indicates the column in which the is positioned. Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are to the left of those with a larger value.|Indicates the position of the on the . Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are above those with a larger value.| - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how use this property to place controls inside a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + in a depends on the values of the , , and properties. When is set to , a band represents a row in the . When is , a band represents a column of the . The following table describes the relationship between , , and . + +|Orientation|Band|BandIndex| +|-----------------|----------|---------------| +|Horizontal|Indicates the row in which the is positioned. Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are above those with a larger value.|Indicates the position of the on the . Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are to the left of those with a larger value.| +|Vertical|Indicates the column in which the is positioned. Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are to the left of those with a larger value.|Indicates the position of the on the . Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are above those with a larger value.| + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how use this property to place controls inside a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -171,33 +171,33 @@ Gets or sets the band index number that indicates the position of the toolbar on the band. The position of a toolbar on the band of a . - is set in the . For example, if you put two toolbars in a without setting the and properties, the value of will be 0 for both toolbars. The value of will be 0 for the first toolbar and 1 for the second toolbar. - - The position of the in a depends on the values of the , , and properties. When is set to , a band represents a row in the . When is , a band represents a column of the . The following table describes the relationship between , , and . - -|Orientation|Band|BandIndex| -|-----------------|----------|---------------| -|Horizontal|Indicates the row in which the is positioned. Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are above those with a larger value.|Indicates the position of the on the . Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are to the left of those with a larger value.| -|Vertical|Indicates the column in which the is positioned. Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are to the left of those with a larger value.|Indicates the position of the on the . Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are above those with a larger value.| - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how use this property to place controls inside a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + is set in the . For example, if you put two toolbars in a without setting the and properties, the value of will be 0 for both toolbars. The value of will be 0 for the first toolbar and 1 for the second toolbar. + + The position of the in a depends on the values of the , , and properties. When is set to , a band represents a row in the . When is , a band represents a column of the . The following table describes the relationship between , , and . + +|Orientation|Band|BandIndex| +|-----------------|----------|---------------| +|Horizontal|Indicates the row in which the is positioned. Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are above those with a larger value.|Indicates the position of the on the . Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are to the left of those with a larger value.| +|Vertical|Indicates the column in which the is positioned. Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are to the left of those with a larger value.|Indicates the position of the on the . Toolbars that have set to a smaller value are above those with a larger value.| + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how use this property to place controls inside a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -282,22 +282,22 @@ Gets the applied to buttons on a toolbar. A resource key that represents the default style for buttons on the toolbar. - controls on the . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.ButtonStyleKey**`}"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use this property to apply a to controls on a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/ButtonStyleKey/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbarbuttonstylekey"::: - + controls on the . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.ButtonStyleKey**`}"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use this property to apply a to controls on a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/ButtonStyleKey/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbarbuttonstylekey"::: + ]]> @@ -327,22 +327,22 @@ Gets the applied to check boxes on a . A resource key that represents the default style for check boxes on the . - controls on the . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.CheckBoxStyleKey**`}"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example uses this property to apply a to controls on a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/ButtonStyleKey/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbarcheckboxstylekey"::: - + controls on the . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.CheckBoxStyleKey**`}"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example uses this property to apply a to controls on a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/ButtonStyleKey/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbarcheckboxstylekey"::: + ]]> @@ -372,15 +372,15 @@ Gets the applied to combo boxes on a . A resource key that represents the default style for combo boxes on the toolbar. - controls on the . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.ComboBoxStyleKey**`}"/>` - + controls on the . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.ComboBoxStyleKey**`}"/>` + ]]> @@ -451,11 +451,11 @@ Reads the value of the property from the specified element. The value of the property. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -486,19 +486,19 @@ if there are items on the toolbar that are not visible; otherwise, . The default is . - has more items than it has the space to show, it puts the remaining items in its overflow area. The user can click the arrow on the to access the overflow items. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + has more items than it has the space to show, it puts the remaining items in its overflow area. The user can click the arrow on the to access the overflow items. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -556,23 +556,23 @@ Gets a value that indicates whether the item is an overflow item. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Text Usage - See Remarks. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Text Usage + See Remarks. + ]]> @@ -650,18 +650,18 @@ if the overflow area is visible; otherwise, . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -751,22 +751,22 @@ Gets the applied to menus on a . A resource key that represents the default style for menus on the toolbar. - controls on the . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.MenuStyleKey**`}"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example uses this property to apply a to controls on a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/ButtonStyleKey/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbarmenustylekey"::: - + controls on the . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.MenuStyleKey**`}"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example uses this property to apply a to controls on a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/ButtonStyleKey/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbarmenustylekey"::: + ]]> @@ -857,11 +857,11 @@ The arguments for the event. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a key is pressed on an item in the . - receives keyboard focus. When the user presses END, the last item in the receives keyboard focus. When this occurs, this implementation marks the event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true`. - + receives keyboard focus. When the user presses END, the last item in the receives keyboard focus. When this occurs, this implementation marks the event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true`. + ]]> @@ -897,11 +897,11 @@ The arguments for the event. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the loses mouse capture. - property) of the event data. - + property) of the event data. + ]]> @@ -934,27 +934,27 @@ Gets the orientation of the . The toolbar orientation. The default is . - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to determine whether a is vertical. - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to determine whether a is vertical. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/Orientation/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettoolbarorientation"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolBarOrient_snip/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettoolbarorientation"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolBarOrient_snip/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettoolbarorientation"::: + ]]> @@ -1008,18 +1008,18 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates when an item should be placed in the overflow panel instead of in the main panel. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1110,22 +1110,22 @@ Gets the applied to radio buttons on a toolbar. A resource key that represents the default style for radio buttons on the toolbar. - controls on the . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.RadioButtonStyleKey**`}"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example uses this property to apply a to controls on a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/ButtonStyleKey/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbarradiobuttonstylekey"::: - + controls on the . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.RadioButtonStyleKey**`}"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example uses this property to apply a to controls on a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/ButtonStyleKey/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbarradiobuttonstylekey"::: + ]]> @@ -1155,22 +1155,22 @@ Gets the applied to separators on a . A resource key that represents the default style for separators on the toolbar. - controls on the . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.SeparatorStyleKey**`}"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example uses this property to apply a to controls on a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/ButtonStyleKey/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbarseparatorstylekey"::: - + controls on the . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.SeparatorStyleKey**`}"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example uses this property to apply a to controls on a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/ButtonStyleKey/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbarseparatorstylekey"::: + ]]> @@ -1205,11 +1205,11 @@ The property value to set. Writes the value of the property to the specified element. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1239,22 +1239,22 @@ Gets the applied to text boxes on a . A resource key that represents the default style for text boxes on the toolbar. - controls on the . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.TextBoxStyleKey**`}"/>` - - - -## Examples - The following example uses this property to create a for controls on a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/ButtonStyleKey/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbartextboxstylekey"::: - + controls on the . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.TextBoxStyleKey**`}"/>` + + + +## Examples + The following example uses this property to create a for controls on a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/ButtonStyleKey/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbartextboxstylekey"::: + ]]> @@ -1284,15 +1284,15 @@ Gets the applied to controls on a . A resource key that represents the default style for toggle buttons on the toolbar. - controls on the . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.ToggleButtonStyleKey**`}"/>` - + controls on the . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* *property*="`{` **ToolBar.ToggleButtonStyleKey**`}"/>` + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBarTray.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBarTray.xml index bbc4a2d11f2..d19198bd2f5 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBarTray.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBarTray.xml @@ -33,18 +33,18 @@ Represents the container that handles the layout of a . - is responsible for handling placement, sizing, drag-and-drop operations, and rearranging of controls. controls are also responsible for managing the rows (or "bands") in which controls appear. A may be horizontal or vertical and, like a , is often docked at the top of an application window. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a inside a . The example uses the property to place tool bars inside tool bar trays. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - + is responsible for handling placement, sizing, drag-and-drop operations, and rearranging of controls. controls are also responsible for managing the rows (or "bands") in which controls appear. A may be horizontal or vertical and, like a , is often docked at the top of an application window. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a inside a . The example uses the property to place tool bars inside tool bar trays. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -131,25 +131,25 @@ Gets or sets a brush to use for the background color of the . A brush to use for the background color of the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example uses the property to set the brush for the background color of a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbartrayislocked"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example uses the property to set the brush for the background color of a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbartrayislocked"::: + ]]> @@ -272,35 +272,35 @@ if the toolbar cannot be moved inside the toolbar tray; otherwise, . The default is . - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a that does not allow a to move inside it. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbartrayislocked"::: - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a that does not allow a to move inside it. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbartrayislocked"::: + ]]> @@ -447,25 +447,25 @@ Specifies the orientation of a . One of the values. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to set the orientation of the tool bar tray; this determines the orientation of the tool bar. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to set the orientation of the tool bar tray; this determines the orientation of the tool bar. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Separator/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -628,33 +628,33 @@ Gets the collection of elements in the . A collection of objects. - objects to a by using XAML, but do not use object element syntax. That is, do not explicitly specify the object. XAML does not support declaring generic types. - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - OneOrMoreToolBarElements - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *OneOrMoreToolBarElements* - One or more objects. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to add a to a . - + objects to a by using XAML, but do not use object element syntax. That is, do not explicitly specify the object. XAML does not support declaring generic types. + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + OneOrMoreToolBarElements + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *OneOrMoreToolBarElements* + One or more objects. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to add a to a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolBar/Orientation/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettoolbartraytoolbars"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolBarOrient_snip/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettoolbartraytoolbars"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolBarOrient_snip/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettoolbartraytoolbars"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip.xml index a0292c3fb24..59e0683f783 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip.xml @@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -401,8 +401,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -721,8 +721,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -813,8 +813,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -905,8 +905,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1002,8 +1002,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1154,8 +1154,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1237,8 +1237,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTipService.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTipService.xml index dba634b8bfb..107f05d420d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTipService.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTipService.xml @@ -23,34 +23,34 @@ Represents a service that provides properties and events to control the display and behavior of tooltips. - or property. The ToolTip property takes one child. The content of the child can vary from a simple text string to more complex content such as a that has embedded text and elements. - - You can define tooltip content as a object, but this is not required. When you do not define the tooltip content as a object, you can use the properties to position and customize the tooltip content. Attached properties of the class are used to determine the placement, behavior, and appearance of a tooltip. These properties are set on the element that defines the tooltip. - - The class and the class share many of the same properties that are used to customize a tooltip. If equivalent and properties are both set, the property takes precedence. For example, if both the property and the property are set for a object, the value of the property is used. - - The following timing properties are only defined for the class and are used by all tooltips: - -- - -- - -- - - For information about how to handle the events that occur when the tooltip opens or closes, see the and fields. - - , , , , and behave similarly to the properties of the same name in the class. For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how the use the class to specify the behavior of a tooltip. You set the properties of the class by attaching them directly to the element that exposes the tooltip. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetnotooltip"::: - + or property. The ToolTip property takes one child. The content of the child can vary from a simple text string to more complex content such as a that has embedded text and elements. + + You can define tooltip content as a object, but this is not required. When you do not define the tooltip content as a object, you can use the properties to position and customize the tooltip content. Attached properties of the class are used to determine the placement, behavior, and appearance of a tooltip. These properties are set on the element that defines the tooltip. + + The class and the class share many of the same properties that are used to customize a tooltip. If equivalent and properties are both set, the property takes precedence. For example, if both the property and the property are set for a object, the value of the property is used. + + The following timing properties are only defined for the class and are used by all tooltips: + +- + +- + +- + + For information about how to handle the events that occur when the tooltip opens or closes, see the and fields. + + , , , , and behave similarly to the properties of the same name in the class. For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how the use the class to specify the behavior of a tooltip. You set the properties of the class by attaching them directly to the element that exposes the tooltip. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetnotooltip"::: + ]]> @@ -140,21 +140,21 @@ Gets or sets the maximum time between the display of two tooltips where the second tooltip appears without a delay. - property. However, after a tooltip is displayed there is a period of time during which another tooltip can be displayed without waiting for the time to pass. You specify this time period by using the property. When the user moves the mouse within this time period from one element that has a visible tooltip to another element that has a tooltip, the value of the property for the second tooltip is not applied and the second tooltip appears immediately. - - For information about how to get or set this property, see the and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property. However, after a tooltip is displayed there is a period of time during which another tooltip can be displayed without waiting for the time to pass. You specify this time period by using the property. When the user moves the mouse within this time period from one element that has a visible tooltip to another element that has a tooltip, the value of the property for the second tooltip is not applied and the second tooltip appears immediately. + + For information about how to get or set this property, see the and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> The value of the property is less than zero (0). @@ -224,14 +224,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetbetweenshowdelay"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetbetweenshowdelay"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetbetweenshowdelay"::: + ]]> @@ -273,14 +273,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgethasdropshadow"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgethasdropshadow"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgethasdropshadow"::: + ]]> @@ -326,14 +326,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgethorizontaloffset"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgethorizontaloffset"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgethorizontaloffset"::: + ]]> @@ -375,14 +375,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetinitialshowdelay"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetinitialshowdelay"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetinitialshowdelay"::: + ]]> @@ -424,14 +424,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetisenabled"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetisenabled"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetisenabled"::: + ]]> @@ -473,14 +473,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetisopen"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetisopen"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetisopen"::: + ]]> @@ -521,14 +521,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetplacement"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetplacement"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetplacement"::: + ]]> @@ -570,14 +570,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetplacementrectangle"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetplacementrectangle"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetplacementrectangle"::: + ]]> @@ -619,14 +619,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetplacementtarget"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetplacementtarget"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetplacementtarget"::: + ]]> @@ -668,14 +668,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetshowduration"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetshowduration"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetshowduration"::: + ]]> @@ -717,14 +717,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetshowondisabled"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetshowondisabled"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetshowondisabled"::: + ]]> @@ -795,14 +795,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgettooltip"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgettooltip"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgettooltip"::: + ]]> @@ -848,14 +848,14 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for an object. The object's property value. - method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . - + method finds the object called `ellipse2`, which is an . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetverticaloffset"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetverticaloffset"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetverticaloffset"::: + ]]> @@ -882,30 +882,30 @@ Gets or sets whether the tooltip displays a drop shadow effect. - property, the property value is `false` until the first time the tooltip is displayed. The default tooltip style is applied when a tooltip is displayed and the style sets the property to `true`. - - If the tooltip is a object and both the property and the property are specified, the value of the property is used. - - For information about how to get or set this property in code, see the and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attached property of the class. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetnotooltip"::: - + property, the property value is `false` until the first time the tooltip is displayed. The default tooltip style is applied when a tooltip is displayed and the style sets the property to `true`. + + If the tooltip is a object and both the property and the property are specified, the value of the property is used. + + For information about how to get or set this property in code, see the and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attached property of the class. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetnotooltip"::: + ]]> @@ -959,50 +959,50 @@ Gets or sets the offset from the left of the area that is specified for the tooltip by the and properties. - property and the property values provide additional adjustment to the position of a tooltip that is defined by the property and the property values. - - behaves similarly to the property. For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `double` - - - A string representation of a value that is equal to or greater than 0.0 but that is smaller than . This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th of an inch per unit) measurement. Strings do not have to explicitly include decimal points. - - `qualifiedDouble` - A value that is followed by one of these unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - For information about how to get or set this property in code, see the and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property and the property values provide additional adjustment to the position of a tooltip that is defined by the property and the property values. + + behaves similarly to the property. For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `double` + + + A string representation of a value that is equal to or greater than 0.0 but that is smaller than . This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th of an inch per unit) measurement. Strings do not have to explicitly include decimal points. + + `qualifiedDouble` + A value that is followed by one of these unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + For information about how to get or set this property in code, see the and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1056,28 +1056,28 @@ Gets or sets the length of time before a tooltip opens. - property. However, after a tooltip is displayed there is a period of time during which another tooltip can be displayed without waiting for the time to pass. You specify this time period by using the property. When the user moves the mouse within this time period from one element that has a visible tooltip to another element that has a tooltip, the value of the property for the second tooltip is not applied and the second tooltip appears immediately. - - For information about how to get or set this property in code, see the and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the timing properties. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetnotooltip"::: - + property. However, after a tooltip is displayed there is a period of time during which another tooltip can be displayed without waiting for the time to pass. You specify this time period by using the property. When the user moves the mouse within this time period from one element that has a visible tooltip to another element that has a tooltip, the value of the property for the second tooltip is not applied and the second tooltip appears immediately. + + For information about how to get or set this property in code, see the and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the timing properties. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetnotooltip"::: + ]]> The value of the property is less than zero (0). @@ -1133,31 +1133,31 @@ Gets or sets whether a tooltip appears. - property. - - For information about how to get or set this property in code, see the and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetnotooltip"::: - + property. + + For information about how to get or set this property in code, see the and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetnotooltip"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetsetisenabled"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsetisenabled"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsetisenabled"::: + ]]> @@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@ property. This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this property in code, see the method. @@ -1273,21 +1273,21 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this Gets or sets the orientation of the tooltip when it opens, and specifies how the tooltip behaves when it overlaps screen boundaries. - and methods. - - behaves similarly to the property. For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and methods. + + behaves similarly to the property. For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1340,25 +1340,25 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this Gets or sets the rectangular area relative to which the tooltip is positioned. - property specifies a structure relative to which the control is positioned when it opens. If is not `null`, the structure is defined relative to the object. Otherwise, the specified structure is defined relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. - - If the property is set to , the tooltip is displayed relative to the location of the mouse, and the value of the property has no effect. - - This property is an attached property. For information about how to get or set the value of this property in code, see the and methods. - - behaves similarly to the property. For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property specifies a structure relative to which the control is positioned when it opens. If is not `null`, the structure is defined relative to the object. Otherwise, the specified structure is defined relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. + + If the property is set to , the tooltip is displayed relative to the location of the mouse, and the value of the property has no effect. + + This property is an attached property. For information about how to get or set the value of this property in code, see the and methods. + + behaves similarly to the property. For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1411,25 +1411,25 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this Gets or sets the object relative to which the tooltip is positioned. - does not have to be the object on which the tooltip is defined. For example, a that describes an could specify its tooltip to appear over the when the user pauses the mouse pointer on the . - - If you do not specify a and the tooltip has a visual parent, the visual parent acts as the . If the tooltip does not have a visual parent and the value of the property is `null`, the tooltip control is positioned relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. - - This property is an attached property. For information about how to get or set this property in code, see the and methods. - - behaves similarly to the property. For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + does not have to be the object on which the tooltip is defined. For example, a that describes an could specify its tooltip to appear over the when the user pauses the mouse pointer on the . + + If you do not specify a and the tooltip has a visual parent, the visual parent acts as the . If the tooltip does not have a visual parent and the value of the property is `null`, the tooltip control is positioned relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. + + This property is an attached property. For information about how to get or set this property in code, see the and methods. + + behaves similarly to the property. For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1554,14 +1554,14 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this The value to set. Sets the value of the attached property for an object. - @@ -1598,14 +1598,14 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this The value to set. Sets the value of the attached property for an object. - @@ -1642,14 +1642,14 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this The value to set. Sets the value of the attached property for an object. - @@ -1686,14 +1686,14 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this The value to set. Sets the value of the attached property for an object. - @@ -1730,14 +1730,14 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this The value to set. Sets the value of the attached property for an object. - @@ -1774,14 +1774,14 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this The value to set. Sets the value of the attached property for an object. - @@ -1818,14 +1818,14 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this The value to set. Sets the value of the attached property for an object. - @@ -1862,14 +1862,14 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this The value to set. Sets the value of the attached property for an object. - @@ -1906,14 +1906,14 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this The value to set. Sets the value of the attached property for an object. - @@ -1950,14 +1950,14 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this The value to set. Sets the value of the attached property for an object. - @@ -2024,19 +2024,19 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this The value to set. Sets the value of the attached property for an object. - object, the is used without any modification. If the value is any other type, that value is used as the content for a tooltip that is provided by the . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the value for the `ToolTipService.ToolTip` attached property. - + object, the is used without any modification. If the value is any other type, that value is used as the content for a tooltip that is provided by the . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the value for the `ToolTipService.ToolTip` attached property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetsettooltip2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsettooltip2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsettooltip2"::: + ]]> @@ -2073,14 +2073,14 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this The desired value. Sets the value of the attached property for an object. - @@ -2107,31 +2107,31 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this Gets or sets the amount of time that a tooltip remains visible. - and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property for a tooltip. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetnotooltip"::: - + and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property for a tooltip. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetnotooltip"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetsetshowduration"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsetshowduration"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsetshowduration"::: + ]]> The value of the property is less than zero (0). @@ -2187,26 +2187,26 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this Gets or sets whether a tooltip appears for an object that is not enabled. - and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetshowondisabled"::: - + and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetshowondisabled"::: + ]]> @@ -2303,42 +2303,42 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this Gets or sets the content of a tooltip. - element that has embedded controls and images. However, tooltip content cannot take focus. For example, a inside a tooltip cannot receive a event. - - Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides a control that defines a tooltip and provides properties that you can use to specify tooltip behavior. However, a tooltip can be any element, such as a or an . - - This property is an attached property. For information about how to get or set the value of this property in code, see the and methods. - - The XAML syntax shown here is appropriate if the object that fills the tooltip is a primitive with native type conversion, such as a string. If the object does not support native type conversion or support its own type converter, you might need to specify a verbose form of attached property syntax as follows: - -``` - - - - - -``` - - The placeholder element *objectThatFillsTheToolTip* could also have child elements, if that object permits them. However, the need for this usage should be relatively rare, because most XAML usages will instead use practical control implementations of the service that are exposed by . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify a tooltip by using the . - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTipService/SetPlacementTarget/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippettooltipservicetooltip"::: - + element that has embedded controls and images. However, tooltip content cannot take focus. For example, a inside a tooltip cannot receive a event. + + Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) provides a control that defines a tooltip and provides properties that you can use to specify tooltip behavior. However, a tooltip can be any element, such as a or an . + + This property is an attached property. For information about how to get or set the value of this property in code, see the and methods. + + The XAML syntax shown here is appropriate if the object that fills the tooltip is a primitive with native type conversion, such as a string. If the object does not support native type conversion or support its own type converter, you might need to specify a verbose form of attached property syntax as follows: + +``` + + + + + +``` + + The placeholder element *objectThatFillsTheToolTip* could also have child elements, if that object permits them. However, the need for this usage should be relatively rare, because most XAML usages will instead use practical control implementations of the service that are exposed by . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify a tooltip by using the . + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTipService/SetPlacementTarget/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippettooltipservicetooltip"::: + ]]> @@ -2391,26 +2391,26 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this Identifies the event that is exposed by objects that use the service to display tooltips. - event occurs immediately before a tooltip closes. - - This field registers the behavior of the event for classes that use this service. The and classes both implement the and expose this event through the common language runtime (CLR) accessors and . - - If you specify the tooltip as a object, the event is also raised when the tooltip closes. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set an event handler for the event. In this case, the event handler is actually for , because the where the handler is attached is a derived class of . - + event occurs immediately before a tooltip closes. + + This field registers the behavior of the event for classes that use this service. The and classes both implement the and expose this event through the common language runtime (CLR) accessors and . + + If you specify the tooltip as a object, the event is also raised when the tooltip closes. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set an event handler for the event. In this case, the event handler is actually for , because the where the handler is attached is a derived class of . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettooltipserviceeventhandlers"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettooltipserviceeventhandlers"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettooltipserviceeventhandlers"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettooltipopenandclosehandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettooltipopenandclosehandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettooltipopenandclosehandler"::: + ]]> @@ -2467,26 +2467,26 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this Identifies the event that is exposed by objects that use the service to display tooltips. - event occurs immediately before a tooltip opens. This event does not occur if the tooltip is not defined or if the tooltip content is set to null. - - This field registers the behavior of the event for classes that use this service. The and classes both implement the and expose this event through the common language runtime (CLR) accessors and . - - If you specify the tooltip as a object, the event is also raised when the tooltip opens. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set an event handler for the event. In this case, the event handler is actually for , because the where the handler is attached is a derived class of . - + event occurs immediately before a tooltip opens. This event does not occur if the tooltip is not defined or if the tooltip content is set to null. + + This field registers the behavior of the event for classes that use this service. The and classes both implement the and expose this event through the common language runtime (CLR) accessors and . + + If you specify the tooltip as a object, the event is also raised when the tooltip opens. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set an event handler for the event. In this case, the event handler is actually for , because the where the handler is attached is a derived class of . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettooltipserviceeventhandlers"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettooltipserviceeventhandlers"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettooltipserviceeventhandlers"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ToolTip/Closed/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettooltipopenandclosehandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettooltipopenandclosehandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ToolTipService/visualbasic/pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettooltipopenandclosehandler"::: + ]]> @@ -2544,46 +2544,46 @@ This is an attached property. For information about how to get the value of this Gets or sets the distance from the top of the area that is specified for the tooltip by the and properties. - and methods. behaves similarly to the property. For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `double` - - - The string representation of a value that is equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings do not have to explicitly include decimal points. - - `qualifiedDouble` - A value that is followed by one of these unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and methods. behaves similarly to the property. For more information, see [Popup Placement Behavior](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/popup-placement-behavior). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `double` + + + The string representation of a value that is equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings do not have to explicitly include decimal points. + + `qualifiedDouble` + A value that is followed by one of these unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView.xml index 8100df34d32..732c14380d5 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView.xml @@ -29,37 +29,37 @@ Represents a control that displays hierarchical data in a tree structure that has items that can expand and collapse. - is an , which means it can contain a collection of objects of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. - - The following illustration shows a simple . - - ![TreeView illustration](~/add/media/treeviewillustration.JPG "TreeView illustration") - - The contents of a are controls that can contain rich content, such as and controls. A can contain one or more objects as its descendants. A is defined as a hierarchy of objects. - - A can populate its tree by binding to a data source and using objects. Examples of data sources include and objects. - - Displaying a large number of items may cause performance issues. See [Optimizing Performance: Controls](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/optimizing-performance-controls) for more information. To improve the performance of a , see [How to: Improve the Performance of a TreeView](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-improve-the-performance-of-a-treeview). - - For more information about the control, see the [TreeView Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/treeview-overview). - - A has a limited number of levels. For more information, see . - -## Customizing the TreeView Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [TreeView Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/treeview-styles-and-templates). - + is an , which means it can contain a collection of objects of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. + + The following illustration shows a simple . + + ![TreeView illustration](~/add/media/treeviewillustration.JPG "TreeView illustration") + + The contents of a are controls that can contain rich content, such as and controls. A can contain one or more objects as its descendants. A is defined as a hierarchy of objects. + + A can populate its tree by binding to a data source and using objects. Examples of data sources include and objects. + + Displaying a large number of items may cause performance issues. See [Optimizing Performance: Controls](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/optimizing-performance-controls) for more information. To improve the performance of a , see [How to: Improve the Performance of a TreeView](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-improve-the-performance-of-a-treeview). + + For more information about the control, see the [TreeView Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/treeview-overview). + + A has a limited number of levels. For more information, see . + +## Customizing the TreeView Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [TreeView Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/treeview-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -354,27 +354,27 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event for a . - to `true` if one of the following keys is pressed together with the CTRL key: - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - + to `true` if one of the following keys is pressed together with the CTRL key: + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + ]]> @@ -407,11 +407,11 @@ Provides the item that was previously selected and the item that is currently selected for the event. Raises the event when the property value changes. - and a . The is set to the item that was previously selected, or is set to `null` if there is no previously selected item. Similarly, the is set to the newly selected item, or is set to `null` if no new item is selected. - + and a . The is set to the item that was previously selected, or is set to `null` if there is no previously selected item. Similarly, the is set to the newly selected item, or is set to `null` if no new item is selected. + ]]> @@ -486,27 +486,27 @@ Gets the selected item in a . The selected object in the , or if no item is selected. The default value is . - property on the control is a read-only property and is set to an item when the property value of the item is set to `true`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to get the value of the property. - + property on the control is a read-only property and is set to an item when the property value of the item is set to `true`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to get the value of the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselecteditem"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselecteditem"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselecteditem"::: + ]]> @@ -543,38 +543,38 @@ Occurs when the changes. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Routing Strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify an event handler for the event. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselecteditemchanged"::: - - The following example shows how to define the event handler. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Routing Strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify an event handler for the event. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselecteditemchanged"::: + + The following example shows how to define the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectedvaluechangedmethod"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectedvaluechangedmethod"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectedvaluechangedmethod"::: + ]]> @@ -674,28 +674,28 @@ Gets the value of the property that is the specified by for the . The value of the property that is specified by the for the , or if no item is selected. The default value is . - property specifies the path to the property that is used to determine the value of the property. For example, assume that a is bound to a collection of objects of type `Employee`, which has two properties called `EmployeeName` and `EmployeeNumber`. You can use a to display the value of `EmployeeName` in the and set to `"EmployeeNumber"` to have return the value of `EmployeeNumber`. - - The property is a read-only property. To change the value of a selected item in a , use the property to access the . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows a that uses a to display the `EmployeeName` and `EmployeeWorkDay` properties of an `Employee` and sets the property to the `EmployeeNumber`. When you select an `EmployeeName` in the , the is set to the `EmployeeNumber`. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedValue/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectedvaluepath"::: - + property specifies the path to the property that is used to determine the value of the property. For example, assume that a is bound to a collection of objects of type `Employee`, which has two properties called `EmployeeName` and `EmployeeNumber`. You can use a to display the value of `EmployeeName` in the and set to `"EmployeeNumber"` to have return the value of `EmployeeNumber`. + + The property is a read-only property. To change the value of a selected item in a , use the property to access the . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows a that uses a to display the `EmployeeName` and `EmployeeWorkDay` properties of an `Employee` and sets the property to the `EmployeeNumber`. When you select an `EmployeeName` in the , the is set to the `EmployeeNumber`. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedValue/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectedvaluepath"::: + ]]> @@ -737,26 +737,26 @@ Gets or sets the path that is used to get the of the in a . A string that contains the path that is used to get the . The default value is . - property specifies the path to the property that is used to determine the value of the property. For example, assume that a is bound to a collection of objects of type `Employee`, which has two properties called `EmployeeName` and `EmployeeNumber`. You can use a to display the value of `EmployeeName` in the and set to `"EmployeeNumber"` to have return the value of `EmployeeNumber`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows a that uses a to display the `EmployeeName` and `EmployeeWorkDay` properties of an `Employee` and sets the property to the `EmployeeNumber`. When you select an `EmployeeName` in the , the is set to the `EmployeeNumber`. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedValue/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectedvaluepath"::: - + property specifies the path to the property that is used to determine the value of the property. For example, assume that a is bound to a collection of objects of type `Employee`, which has two properties called `EmployeeName` and `EmployeeNumber`. You can use a to display the value of `EmployeeName` in the and set to `"EmployeeNumber"` to have return the value of `EmployeeNumber`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows a that uses a to display the `EmployeeName` and `EmployeeWorkDay` properties of an `Employee` and sets the property to the `EmployeeNumber`. When you select an `EmployeeName` in the , the is set to the `EmployeeNumber`. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedValue/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectedvaluepath"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TreeViewItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TreeViewItem.xml index 34b1c3ef057..db41356df9d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TreeViewItem.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/TreeViewItem.xml @@ -46,33 +46,33 @@ Implements a selectable item in a control. - is a , which means its header and collection of objects can be of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. - - controls can be embedded inside other controls to create a hierarchy of nodes inside a control. - - The following illustration shows a hierarchy of controls inside a . - - ![TreeView illustration](~/add/media/treeviewillustration.JPG "TreeView illustration") - - To expand or collapse a , use the property. - - For more information about the control, see the [TreeView Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/treeview-overview). - -## Customizing the TreeViewItem Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [TreeView Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/treeview-styles-and-templates). - + is a , which means its header and collection of objects can be of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class. + + controls can be embedded inside other controls to create a hierarchy of nodes inside a control. + + The following illustration shows a hierarchy of controls inside a . + + ![TreeView illustration](~/add/media/treeviewillustration.JPG "TreeView illustration") + + To expand or collapse a , use the property. + + For more information about the control, see the [TreeView Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/treeview-overview). + +## Customizing the TreeViewItem Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [TreeView Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/treeview-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a hierarchy of controls in a control. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetembeddedtvis"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a hierarchy of controls in a control. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetembeddedtvis"::: + ]]> @@ -167,30 +167,30 @@ Occurs when the property changes from to . - is collapsed so that child elements are hidden. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a ,and how to define the event handler. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetoncollapsedexpanded"::: - + is collapsed so that child elements are hidden. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a ,and how to define the event handler. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetoncollapsedexpanded"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetoncollapsed"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetoncollapsed"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetoncollapsed"::: + ]]> @@ -221,11 +221,11 @@ Identifies the routed event. - routed event. - + routed event. + ]]> @@ -260,30 +260,30 @@ Occurs when the property changes from to . - is expanded so that its child elements are visible. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a and how to define the event handler in the code-behind. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetoncollapsedexpanded"::: - + is expanded so that its child elements are visible. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a and how to define the event handler in the code-behind. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetoncollapsedexpanded"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetonexpanded"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetonexpanded"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetonexpanded"::: + ]]> @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ Identifies the routed event. - routed event. - + routed event. + ]]> @@ -353,21 +353,21 @@ Expands the control and all its child elements. - and expand it and all of it child items. The following XAML creates a and populates it with some data. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeViewItem/ExpandSubtree/mainwindow.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - - The following code traverses the to find the selected and then calls to display all child items of the selected . - + and expand it and all of it child items. The following XAML creates a and populates it with some data. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeViewItem/ExpandSubtree/mainwindow.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + + The following code traverses the to find the selected and then calls to display all child items of the selected . + > [!NOTE] -> The `GetTreeViewItem` method only works for controls that are not virtualized. To learn how to find a that may be virtualized, see [How to: Find a TreeViewItem in a TreeView](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-find-a-treeviewitem-in-a-treeview). - +> The `GetTreeViewItem` method only works for controls that are not virtualized. To learn how to find a that may be virtualized, see [How to: Find a TreeViewItem in a TreeView](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/how-to-find-a-treeviewitem-in-a-treeview). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeViewItem/ExpandSubtree/mainwindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/treeviewexpand/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/treeviewexpand/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -426,29 +426,29 @@ if the nested items of a are visible; otherwise, . The default is . - changes when the is expanded or collapsed. When the property value changes from `true` to `false`, the event occurs. Similarly, the event occurs when the property value changes from `false` to `true`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetoncollapsedexpanded"::: - + changes when the is expanded or collapsed. When the property value changes from `true` to `false`, the event occurs. Similarly, the event occurs when the property value changes from `false` to `true`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetoncollapsedexpanded"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetisexpanded"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetisexpanded"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetisexpanded"::: + ]]> @@ -479,11 +479,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -546,28 +546,28 @@ if the is selected; otherwise, . The default is . - property value changes to `true`, the event occurs. When the property value changes to `false`, the event occurs. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property. - + property value changes to `true`, the event occurs. When the property value changes to `false`, the event occurs. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetisselected"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetisselected"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetisselected"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetisselected"::: + ]]> @@ -597,11 +597,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -646,27 +646,27 @@ if the containing has keyboard focus; otherwise, . The default is . - to a or a , the value of this property remains `true`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to get the value of the property. - + to a or a , the value of this property remains `true`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to get the value of the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetisselectionactive"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetisselectionactive"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetisselectionactive"::: + ]]> @@ -695,11 +695,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -846,13 +846,13 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event. - selection to the that is in focus. - - The event occurs when the value of the property changes from `false` to `true`. - + selection to the that is in focus. + + The event occurs when the value of the property changes from `false` to `true`. + ]]> @@ -885,11 +885,11 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for the event that occurs when there is a change in the collection. - selection when there is a change in the collection. - + selection when there is a change in the collection. + ]]> @@ -922,23 +922,23 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for a event. - to `true` and collapses or expands the when one of the following keys is pressed: - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - + to `true` and collapses or expands the when one of the following keys is pressed: + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + ]]> @@ -971,13 +971,13 @@ The event data. Provides class handling for a event. - is two, the value of the property switches to `true` or `false`, which causes the to expand or collapse. - - This implementation marks the event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true`. - + is two, the value of the property switches to `true` or `false`, which causes the to expand or collapse. + + This implementation marks the event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true`. + ]]> @@ -1013,11 +1013,11 @@ The event arguments. Raises the routed event when the property changes from to . - event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). - + event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). + ]]> @@ -1054,11 +1054,11 @@ The event arguments. Raises the routed event when the property changes from to . - event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). - + event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview). + ]]> @@ -1094,11 +1094,11 @@ The previous visual parent. Responds to a change in the visual parent of a . - if is `true`. - + if is `true`. + ]]> @@ -1160,30 +1160,30 @@ Occurs when the property of a changes from to . - becomes the selected in a control. This event is related to the event that occurs when there is a change in the property of a control. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a , and how to define the event handler. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselected"::: - + becomes the selected in a control. This event is related to the event that occurs when there is a change in the property of a control. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a , and how to define the event handler. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselected"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetchoosewine"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetchoosewine"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetchoosewine"::: + ]]> @@ -1216,11 +1216,11 @@ Identified by the routed event. - routed event. - + routed event. + ]]> @@ -1252,11 +1252,11 @@ Gets or sets an object that represents the viewport and cache sizes of the . An object that represents the viewport and cache sizes of the . - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1288,11 +1288,11 @@ Gets an object that represents the desired size of the , in pixels and in logical units. An object that represents the desired size of the , in pixels and in logical units. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1325,11 +1325,11 @@ if the control's layout pass occurs at a lower priority; otherwise, . - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1361,11 +1361,11 @@ Gets or sets an object that represents the desired size of the control's items, in pixels and in logical units. An object that represents the desired size of the control's items, in pixels and in logical units. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1397,11 +1397,11 @@ Gets the that displays the of the . The that displays the of the . - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1434,11 +1434,11 @@ if the owning should virtualize its items; otherwise, . - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1473,30 +1473,30 @@ Occurs when the property of a changes from to . - to another in a control. This event is related to the event that occurs when there is a change in the property of a control. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a , and how to define the event handler. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselected"::: - + to another in a control. This event is related to the event that occurs when there is a change in the property of a control. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a , and how to define the event handler. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselected"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TreeView/SelectedItem/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetchangewinechoice"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetchangewinechoice"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TreeViewSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetchangewinechoice"::: + ]]> @@ -1528,11 +1528,11 @@ Identified by the routed event. - routed event. - + routed event. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Validation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Validation.xml index 66ab969bea1..9208f8f5c82 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Validation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Validation.xml @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ Provides methods and attached properties that support data validation. - @@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ The object to turn valid. Removes all objects from the specified object. - call or a previously failed validation. The object is valid after this call. - + call or a previously failed validation. The object is valid after this call. + ]]> If is . @@ -123,34 +123,34 @@ Occurs when the bound element runs into a validation error, but only for bindings with the value set to . - with your object. Validation occurs during binding target-to-binding source value transfer before the converter is called. The following describes the validation process: - -1. When a value is being transferred from the target property to the source property, the data binding engine first removes any that may have been added to the attached property of the bound element. It then checks if there are any custom s defined for that , in which case it calls the method on each of the s until one of them runs into an error or until all of them pass. - -2. Once there is a custom rule that does not pass, the binding engine creates a object and adds it to the collection of the bound element. When is not empty, the attached property of the element is set to `true`. Also, if the property of the is set to `true`, then the binding engine raises the attached event on the element. - -3. If all of the rules pass, the binding engine then calls the converter, if one exists. - -4. If the converter passes, the binding engine calls the setter of the source property. - -5. If the binding has an associated with it and an exception is thrown during step 4, the binding engine checks to see if there is a . You have the option to use the callback to provide a custom handler for handling exceptions. If an is not specified on the , the binding engine creates a with the exception and adds it to the collection of the bound element. - - Also note that a valid value transfer in either direction (target-to-source or source-to-target) clears the .attached property. - - For more information, see "Data Validation" in [Data Binding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-binding-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|, constrained by | - + with your object. Validation occurs during binding target-to-binding source value transfer before the converter is called. The following describes the validation process: + +1. When a value is being transferred from the target property to the source property, the data binding engine first removes any that may have been added to the attached property of the bound element. It then checks if there are any custom s defined for that , in which case it calls the method on each of the s until one of them runs into an error or until all of them pass. + +2. Once there is a custom rule that does not pass, the binding engine creates a object and adds it to the collection of the bound element. When is not empty, the attached property of the element is set to `true`. Also, if the property of the is set to `true`, then the binding engine raises the attached event on the element. + +3. If all of the rules pass, the binding engine then calls the converter, if one exists. + +4. If the converter passes, the binding engine calls the setter of the source property. + +5. If the binding has an associated with it and an exception is thrown during step 4, the binding engine checks to see if there is a . You have the option to use the callback to provide a custom handler for handling exceptions. If an is not specified on the , the binding engine creates a with the exception and adds it to the collection of the bound element. + + Also note that a valid value transfer in either direction (target-to-source or source-to-target) clears the .attached property. + + For more information, see "Data Validation" in [Data Binding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-binding-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|, constrained by | + ]]> @@ -202,39 +202,39 @@ Gets the collection of all active objects on the bound element. with your object. Validation occurs during binding target-to-binding source value transfer before the converter is called. The following describes the validation process: - -1. When a value is being transferred from the target property to the source property, the data binding engine first removes any that may have been added to the attached property of the bound element. It then checks if there are any custom s defined for that , in which case it calls the method on each of the s until one of them runs into an error or until all of them pass. - -2. Once there is a custom rule that does not pass, the binding engine creates a object and adds it to the collection of the bound element. When is not empty, the attached property of the element is set to `true`. Also, if the property of the is set to `true`, then the binding engine raises the attached event on the element. - -3. If all of the rules pass, the binding engine then calls the converter, if one exists. - -4. If the converter passes, the binding engine calls the setter of the source property. - -5. If the binding has an associated with it and an exception is thrown during step 4, the binding engine checks to see if there is a . You have the option to use the callback to provide a custom handler for handling exceptions. If an is not specified on the , the binding engine creates a with the exception and adds it to the collection of the bound element. - - Also note that a valid value transfer in either direction (target-to-source or source-to-target) clears the .attached property. - - For information about the behavior of this property in scenarios, see . - - For more information, see "Data Validation" in [Data Binding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-binding-overview). - - -## XAML Text Usage - See Remarks. The collection itself is not user settable, but you can use it in a control template definition in XAML. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - +## Remarks + The application cannot modify the content of this collection. See the Example section for an example of how to use this attached property. + + The WPF data binding model enables you to associate with your object. Validation occurs during binding target-to-binding source value transfer before the converter is called. The following describes the validation process: + +1. When a value is being transferred from the target property to the source property, the data binding engine first removes any that may have been added to the attached property of the bound element. It then checks if there are any custom s defined for that , in which case it calls the method on each of the s until one of them runs into an error or until all of them pass. + +2. Once there is a custom rule that does not pass, the binding engine creates a object and adds it to the collection of the bound element. When is not empty, the attached property of the element is set to `true`. Also, if the property of the is set to `true`, then the binding engine raises the attached event on the element. + +3. If all of the rules pass, the binding engine then calls the converter, if one exists. + +4. If the converter passes, the binding engine calls the setter of the source property. + +5. If the binding has an associated with it and an exception is thrown during step 4, the binding engine checks to see if there is a . You have the option to use the callback to provide a custom handler for handling exceptions. If an is not specified on the , the binding engine creates a with the exception and adds it to the collection of the bound element. + + Also note that a valid value transfer in either direction (target-to-source or source-to-target) clears the .attached property. + + For information about the behavior of this property in scenarios, see . + + For more information, see "Data Validation" in [Data Binding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-binding-overview). + + +## XAML Text Usage + See Remarks. The collection itself is not user settable, but you can use it in a control template definition in XAML. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -285,21 +285,21 @@ Gets or sets the used to generate validation error feedback on the adorner layer. - with your object. If the user enters an invalid value, you may want to provide some feedback about the error on the application user interface (UI). One way to provide such feedback is to set the . attached property to a custom . - - For a detailed discussion of validation, see the Data Validation section of the [Data Binding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-binding-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + with your object. If the user enters an invalid value, you may want to provide some feedback about the error on the application user interface (UI). One way to provide such feedback is to set the . attached property to a custom . + + For a detailed discussion of validation, see the Data Validation section of the [Data Binding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-binding-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -528,20 +528,20 @@ Gets a value that indicates whether any binding on the binding target element has a . scenarios, see . - - For a detailed discussion of validation, see the Data Validation section of the [Data Binding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-binding-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Remarks + For information about the behavior of this property in scenarios, see . + + For a detailed discussion of validation, see the Data Validation section of the [Data Binding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-binding-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -604,11 +604,11 @@ The object to use. Marks the specified object as invalid with the specified object. - object stays invalid until is called or another transfer to the binding source validates successfully. - + object stays invalid until is called or another transfer to the binding source validates successfully. + ]]> If is . @@ -763,33 +763,33 @@ Gets or sets the element that appears to indicate that a validation error occurred on the bound element where this property is set. - and attached properties reference each other, and you can set either one. For example, suppose that a displays validation errors that occur on a data-bound . You can do one of the following to establish that relationship: - -- Set for the to the . - -- Set for the to the . - -- When you set one of the properties, the other property is set to the element on which you set the attached property; regardless of which of the previous options you choose, the for the is the and the for the is the . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a as the adorner site for the validation errors that occur on items in an . The example sets the for each item container in the to the label. The example uses the property to get the item container that has the error and binds the of the to the first that is reported. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BindingGroup/Window2.xaml" id="Snippetitembindinggroup"::: -:::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BindingGroup/Window2.xaml" id="Snippetvalidationadornersitefor"::: - + and attached properties reference each other, and you can set either one. For example, suppose that a displays validation errors that occur on a data-bound . You can do one of the following to establish that relationship: + +- Set for the to the . + +- Set for the to the . + +- When you set one of the properties, the other property is set to the element on which you set the attached property; regardless of which of the previous options you choose, the for the is the and the for the is the . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a as the adorner site for the validation errors that occur on items in an . The example sets the for each item container in the to the label. The example uses the property to get the item container that has the error and binds the of the to the first that is reported. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BindingGroup/Window2.xaml" id="Snippetitembindinggroup"::: +:::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BindingGroup/Window2.xaml" id="Snippetvalidationadornersitefor"::: + ]]> @@ -814,33 +814,33 @@ Gets or sets the element for which this element appears to indicate that an error occurred. - and attached properties reference each other, and you can set either one. For example, suppose that a displays validation errors that occur on a data bound . You can do one of the following to establish that relationship: - -- Set for the to the . - -- Set for the to the . - - When you set one of the properties, the other property is set to the element on which you set the attached property; regardless of which of the previous options you choose, the for the is the and the for the is the . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a as the adorner site for the validation errors that occur on items in an . The example sets the for each item container in the to the label. The example uses the property to get the item container that has the error and binds the of the to the first that is reported. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BindingGroup/Window2.xaml" id="Snippetitembindinggroup"::: -:::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BindingGroup/Window2.xaml" id="Snippetvalidationadornersitefor"::: - + and attached properties reference each other, and you can set either one. For example, suppose that a displays validation errors that occur on a data bound . You can do one of the following to establish that relationship: + +- Set for the to the . + +- Set for the to the . + + When you set one of the properties, the other property is set to the element on which you set the attached property; regardless of which of the previous options you choose, the for the is the and the for the is the . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a as the adorner site for the validation errors that occur on items in an . The example sets the for each item container in the to the label. The example uses the property to get the item container that has the error and binds the of the to the first that is reported. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BindingGroup/Window2.xaml" id="Snippetitembindinggroup"::: +:::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BindingGroup/Window2.xaml" id="Snippetvalidationadornersitefor"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Viewbox.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Viewbox.xml index 6fddbbfbc7f..08cd6446bd2 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Viewbox.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Viewbox.xml @@ -23,20 +23,20 @@ Defines a content decorator that can stretch and scale a single child to fill the available space. - can only have one . If you add an additional , you cause an at run time. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create an instance of a and set common properties in code. - + can only have one . If you add an additional , you cause an at run time. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create an instance of a and set common properties in code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/CPP/ViewboxCode.cpp" id="Snippet2"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement/Stretch/ViewboxCode.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/VisualBasic/ViewBoxCodeVB.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/VisualBasic/ViewBoxCodeVB.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ that represents the arranged size of this element and its child elements. - always sets its to the . It then computes and applies a transformation from that to the available space. determines available space by subtracting the margin of its from the input of its elements. - + always sets its to the . It then computes and applies a transformation from that to the available space. determines available space by subtracting the margin of its from the input of its elements. + ]]> @@ -142,20 +142,20 @@ Gets or sets the single child of a element. The single child of a element. This property has no default value. - it causes an at run time. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create an instance of a and then set its child property by using code. - + it causes an at run time. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create an instance of a and then set its child property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/CPP/ViewboxCode.cpp" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement/Stretch/ViewboxCode.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/VisualBasic/ViewBoxCodeVB.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/VisualBasic/ViewBoxCodeVB.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -248,13 +248,13 @@ Measures the child elements of a prior to arranging them during the pass. The that represents the element size you want. - for typically calls this method, which performs the first layout pass. - - measures its child at an infinite `constraint`, allowing the child to be as large as it requires. - + for typically calls this method, which performs the first layout pass. + + measures its child at an infinite `constraint`, allowing the child to be as large as it requires. + ]]> @@ -285,27 +285,27 @@ Gets or sets the mode, which determines how content fits into the available space. A that determines how content fits in the available space. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create an instance of and then set the property by using code. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create an instance of and then set the property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/CPP/ViewboxCode.cpp" id="Snippet2"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement/Stretch/ViewboxCode.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/VisualBasic/ViewBoxCodeVB.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/VisualBasic/ViewBoxCodeVB.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -337,28 +337,28 @@ Gets or sets the , which determines how scaling is applied to the contents of a . A that determines how scaling is applied to the contents of a . The default is . - . For example, use this property to prevent the contents of a from being smaller or larger than its original size. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create an instance of and then set the property by using code. - + . For example, use this property to prevent the contents of a from being smaller or larger than its original size. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create an instance of and then set the property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/CPP/ViewboxCode.cpp" id="Snippet2"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/MediaElement/Stretch/ViewboxCode.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/VisualBasic/ViewBoxCodeVB.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ViewBoxCode/VisualBasic/ViewBoxCodeVB.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -444,11 +444,11 @@ Gets the number of child objects in this instance of . The number of children. - diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Viewport3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Viewport3D.xml index e9a974462ac..7214f1ce624 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Viewport3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/Viewport3D.xml @@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ Renders the contained 3-D content within the 2-D layout bounds of the element. - element renders 3-D content while providing features consistent with objects including 2-D layout, clipping, and input events. - - When this element is included as the content of a layout element like , specify the size of the by setting its and properties (inherited from ). - - extends 2-D hit testing into the 3-D scene by extruding the 2-D hit test point into a 3-D ray. Call the method to return detailed hit result information about the hit visual, model, mesh, and point of intersection. - - On Microsoft Windows XP, if the display color quality is not set to 32-bit or 16-bit, the might not render as expected. - + element renders 3-D content while providing features consistent with objects including 2-D layout, clipping, and input events. + + When this element is included as the content of a layout element like , specify the size of the by setting its and properties (inherited from ). + + extends 2-D hit testing into the 3-D scene by extruding the 2-D hit test point into a 3-D ray. Call the method to return detailed hit result information about the hit visual, model, mesh, and point of intersection. + + On Microsoft Windows XP, if the display color quality is not set to 32-bit or 16-bit, the might not render as expected. + ]]> @@ -74,12 +74,12 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - @@ -140,34 +140,34 @@ Gets or sets a camera object that projects the 3-D contents of the to the 2-D surface of the . The camera that projects the 3-D contents to the 2-D surface. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> The metadata type on this dependency property is , not . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows setting the property of a using code. To see the entirety of the code from which this excerpt was taken, see [How to: Create a 3-D Scene](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-create-a-3-d-scene). - +> The metadata type on this dependency property is , not . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows setting the property of a using code. To see the entirety of the code from which this excerpt was taken, see [How to: Create a 3-D Scene](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-create-a-3-d-scene). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Viewport3D/.ctor/Basic3DShapeExample.cs" id="Snippetbasic3dshapecodeexampleinline1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/3DGallery_procedural_snip/visualbasic/basic3dshapeexample.vb" id="Snippetbasic3dshapecodeexampleinline1"::: - - The following example shows setting the property of a using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). To see the entirety of the code from which this excerpt was taken, see [How to: Create a 3-D Scene](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-create-a-3-d-scene). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/3DGallery_procedural_snip/visualbasic/basic3dshapeexample.vb" id="Snippetbasic3dshapecodeexampleinline1"::: + + The following example shows setting the property of a using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). To see the entirety of the code from which this excerpt was taken, see [How to: Create a 3-D Scene](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-create-a-3-d-scene). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn1"::: + ]]> @@ -229,22 +229,22 @@ Gets a collection of the children of the . A collection of the children of the . - | -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Viewport3D/Children/ConeControl.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + | +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Viewport3D/Children/ConeControl.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingPanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingPanel.xml index eaf579c0665..6cf58baea87 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingPanel.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingPanel.xml @@ -22,26 +22,26 @@ Provides a framework for elements that virtualize their child data collection. This is an abstract class. - , such as the , calculates visible items and works with the from an (such as or ) to only create UI elements for visible items. - - The following lists describes cases when the cannot virtualize item containers: - -- The contains item containers of different types. For example, a might have items that use both and objects as the item containers. - -- You explicitly create the item containers to the . For more information about explicitly versus implicitly creating item containers, see the class. - - When a is virtualizing item containers, you may need to save state information that is associated with a container instead of with the data item itself. For example, if an item is contained by an control, the state is bound to the item container, and not to the data item itself. When the is reused for a new item, the current value of is used for the new item. In addition, the old item does not retain its value. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to use the derived class in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingPanel/Overview/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + , such as the , calculates visible items and works with the from an (such as or ) to only create UI elements for visible items. + + The following lists describes cases when the cannot virtualize item containers: + +- The contains item containers of different types. For example, a might have items that use both and objects as the item containers. + +- You explicitly create the item containers to the . For more information about explicitly versus implicitly creating item containers, see the class. + + When a is virtualizing item containers, you may need to save state information that is associated with a container instead of with the data item itself. For example, if an item is contained by an control, the state is bound to the item container, and not to the data item itself. When the is reused for a new item, the current value of is used for the new item. In addition, the old item does not retain its value. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to use the derived class in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingPanel/Overview/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ The child to add to the collection. Adds the specified to the collection of a element. - elements that virtualize their child collection than does the method. - + elements that virtualize their child collection than does the method. + ]]> @@ -191,11 +191,11 @@ Gets or sets the size of the cache before and after the viewport when the is virtualizing. - property determines the unit of measurement that is used by . - + property determines the unit of measurement that is used by . + ]]> @@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ Gets or sets the type of unit that is used by the property. - enumeration. - + enumeration. + ]]> @@ -302,11 +302,11 @@ Gets a value that indicates whether the can virtualize items that are grouped or organized in a hierarchy. A value that indicates whether the can virtualize items that are grouped or organized in a hierarchy. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -336,11 +336,11 @@ in all cases. - and support virtualizing items that are grouped or organized in a hierarchy should override this method to return `true`. - + and support virtualizing items that are grouped or organized in a hierarchy should override this method to return `true`. + ]]> @@ -403,11 +403,11 @@ Gets the value of the property. The type of unit that is used by the property. - property is . - + property is . + ]]> @@ -441,11 +441,11 @@ if the should virtualize an item; otherwise, . - attached property `true`. - + attached property `true`. + ]]> @@ -479,11 +479,11 @@ if the is virtualizing its content; otherwise . - property is `true`. - + property is `true`. + ]]> @@ -517,11 +517,11 @@ if the virtualizes the grouped items in its collection; otherwise, . - property is `false`. - + property is `false`. + ]]> @@ -554,11 +554,11 @@ Returns the position of the specified item, relative to the . The position of the specified item, relative to the . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -591,11 +591,11 @@ Returns the position of the specified item, relative to the . 0 in all cases. - should override this method to return the position `child`, relative to the panel. - + should override this method to return the position `child`, relative to the panel. + ]]> @@ -628,11 +628,11 @@ Gets the value of the property. A value that indicates whether scrolling is measured as items in the collection or as pixels. - property is . - + property is . + ]]> @@ -697,11 +697,11 @@ The child to add to the collection. Adds the specified to the collection of a element at the specified index position. - elements that virtualize their child collection than does the method. - + elements that virtualize their child collection than does the method. + ]]> @@ -725,11 +725,11 @@ Get or sets a value that indicates whether this should virtualize an item. - @@ -778,25 +778,25 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates that this is virtualizing its child collection. - calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an (such as or ) to create UI elements only for visible items. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ## Examples The following example shows how to bind to an XML data source and virtualize the items displayed in a element by using XAML. Notice that the attached property is explicitly set to `true`. -:::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingPanel/Overview/default.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - +:::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingPanel/Overview/default.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -845,11 +845,11 @@ The following example shows how to bind to an XML data source and virtualize the Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this virtualizes the items in its collection when it displays groups. - @@ -996,11 +996,11 @@ The following example shows how to bind to an XML data source and virtualize the The total number of child elements to remove from the collection. Removes child elements from the collection. - elements that virtualize their child collection than does the method. - + elements that virtualize their child collection than does the method. + ]]> @@ -1080,11 +1080,11 @@ The following example shows how to bind to an XML data source and virtualize the The size of the cache before and after the viewport when the is virtualizing. Sets the attached property. - property determines the unit of measurement that is used by . - + property determines the unit of measurement that is used by . + ]]> @@ -1365,23 +1365,23 @@ The following example shows how to bind to an XML data source and virtualize the Gets or sets how a panel in an virtualizes its child items. - creates an item container for each visible item and discards it when it is no longer needed (such as when the item is scrolled out of view). When an contains a lot of items, the process of creating and discarding item containers can negatively affect performance. When is set to , the reuses item containers instead of creating a new one each time. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a and sets the attached property to . - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/HierarchicalDataTemplate/ItemContainerStyle/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetvirtualizationmode"::: - - The following example shows the data used in the previous example. - + creates an item container for each visible item and discards it when it is no longer needed (such as when the item is scrolled out of view). When an contains a lot of items, the process of creating and discarding item containers can negatively affect performance. When is set to , the reuses item containers instead of creating a new one each time. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a and sets the attached property to . + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/HierarchicalDataTemplate/ItemContainerStyle/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetvirtualizationmode"::: + + The following example shows the data used in the previous example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/HierarchicalDataTemplate/ItemContainerStyle/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetlistboxdata"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RecycleItemContainerShippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxdata"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RecycleItemContainerShippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxdata"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingStackPanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingStackPanel.xml index 06ac1163c9d..b3fb5c906f1 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingStackPanel.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingStackPanel.xml @@ -27,33 +27,33 @@ Arranges and virtualizes content on a single line that is oriented either horizontally or vertically. - calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an (such as or ) to create UI elements only for visible items. - - Virtualization in a only occurs when the items control contained in the panel creates its own item containers. You can ensure this happens by using data binding. In scenarios where item containers are created and added to the items control, a offers no performance advantage over a . - - is the default items host for the element. By default, the `VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing` attached property is set to `true`. - - When the `VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing` attached property is set to `false`, a behaves the same as an ordinary . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to bind to an XML data source and virtualize the items displayed in a element using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). Notice that the `VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing` attached property is explicitly set to `true`. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingPanel/Overview/default.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - - The following example creates a and sets the `VirtualizingStackPanel.VirtualizationMode` attached property to . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/HierarchicalDataTemplate/ItemContainerStyle/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetvirtualizationmode"::: - - The following example shows the data used in the previous example. - + calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an (such as or ) to create UI elements only for visible items. + + Virtualization in a only occurs when the items control contained in the panel creates its own item containers. You can ensure this happens by using data binding. In scenarios where item containers are created and added to the items control, a offers no performance advantage over a . + + is the default items host for the element. By default, the `VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing` attached property is set to `true`. + + When the `VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing` attached property is set to `false`, a behaves the same as an ordinary . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to bind to an XML data source and virtualize the items displayed in a element using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). Notice that the `VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing` attached property is explicitly set to `true`. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/VirtualizingPanel/Overview/default.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + + The following example creates a and sets the `VirtualizingStackPanel.VirtualizationMode` attached property to . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/HierarchicalDataTemplate/ItemContainerStyle/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetvirtualizationmode"::: + + The following example shows the data used in the previous example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/HierarchicalDataTemplate/ItemContainerStyle/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetlistboxdata"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RecycleItemContainerShippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxdata"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RecycleItemContainerShippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetlistboxdata"::: + ]]> @@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ The event handler that is to be added. Adds an event handler for the attached event. - calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an (such as or ) to create UI elements only for visible items. - + calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an (such as or ) to create UI elements only for visible items. + ]]> @@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ Arranges the content of a element. The that represents the arranged size of this element and its child elements. - and methods in a derived class for custom layout behavior. - + and methods in a derived class for custom layout behavior. + ]]> @@ -319,19 +319,19 @@ Occurs when an item is being re-virtualized by the that is associated with this instance of . - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -450,9 +450,9 @@ if the element is not on the screen; otherwise, . - property is `true`. @@ -541,11 +541,11 @@ The default value of the Gets a value that indicates if this has a vertical or horizontal orientation. This property always returns . - must have either a vertical or horizontal orientation. - + must have either a vertical or horizontal orientation. + ]]> @@ -602,14 +602,14 @@ The default value of the Gets or sets a value that indicates that this is virtualizing its child collection. - calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an + calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an (such as or ) to create UI elements only for visible items. ## Dependency Property Information @@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ The calculates the number ## Examples -The following example shows how to bind to an XML data source and virtualize the items displayed in a element by using XAML. +The following example shows how to bind to an XML data source and virtualize the items displayed in a element by using XAML. Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. ```xaml @@ -710,13 +710,13 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Scrolls content downward by one logical unit. - in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. - + in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. + ]]> @@ -749,13 +749,13 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Scrolls content to the left by one logical unit. - in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. - + in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. + ]]> @@ -788,13 +788,13 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Scrolls content to the right by one logical unit. - in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. - + in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. + ]]> @@ -827,13 +827,13 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Scrolls content upward by one logical unit. - in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. - + in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. + ]]> @@ -937,11 +937,11 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Measures the child elements of a in anticipation of arranging them during the pass. The that represents the desired size of the element. - does not grow in layout size, but effectively adds its descendants on a z-plane, which is normally clipped by a parent element (typically a ) to the size of the stack. - + does not grow in layout size, but effectively adds its descendants on a z-plane, which is normally clipped by a parent element (typically a ) to the size of the stack. + ]]> @@ -975,13 +975,13 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Scrolls content logically downward in response to a downward click of the mouse wheel button. - in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the mouse wheel down action. - - If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. - + in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the mouse wheel down action. + + If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. + ]]> @@ -1014,13 +1014,13 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Scrolls content logically to the left in response to a left click of the mouse wheel button. - in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the mouse wheel left action. - - If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. - + in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the mouse wheel left action. + + If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. + ]]> @@ -1053,13 +1053,13 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Scrolls content logically to the right in response to a right click of the mouse wheel button. - in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the mouse wheel right action. - - If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. - + in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the mouse wheel right action. + + If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. + ]]> @@ -1092,13 +1092,13 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Scrolls content logically upward in response to an upward click of the mouse wheel button. - in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the mouse wheel up action. - - If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. - + in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the mouse wheel up action. + + If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. + ]]> @@ -1131,11 +1131,11 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Data about the event. Called when an item that is hosted by the is re-virtualized. - calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an (such as or ) to create UI elements only for visible items. - + calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an (such as or ) to create UI elements only for visible items. + ]]> @@ -1279,11 +1279,11 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. The new offset of the viewport. Called when the offset of the viewport changes as a user scrolls through content. - @@ -1318,11 +1318,11 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. The new size of the viewport. Called when the size of the viewport changes. - @@ -1352,18 +1352,18 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Gets or sets a value that describes the horizontal or vertical orientation of stacked content. The of child content. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -1422,13 +1422,13 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Scrolls content downward by one page. - in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the page down action. - - If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. - + in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the page down action. + + If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. + ]]> @@ -1461,13 +1461,13 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Scrolls content to the left by one page. - in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the page left action. - - If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. - + in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the page left action. + + If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. + ]]> @@ -1500,13 +1500,13 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Scrolls content to the right by one page. - in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the page right action. - - If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. - + in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the page right action. + + If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. + ]]> @@ -1539,13 +1539,13 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Scrolls content upward by one page. - in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the page up action. - - If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. - + in a derived class to change how the stack panel responds to the page up action. + + If you require physical scrolling instead of logical scrolling, wrap the in a and set its property to `false`. In this case, the provides scrolling, and virtualization is disabled. + ]]> @@ -1580,11 +1580,11 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Specifies the event handler that is to be removed. Removes an event handler for the attached event. - calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an (such as or ) to create UI elements only for visible items. - + calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an (such as or ) to create UI elements only for visible items. + ]]> @@ -1623,11 +1623,11 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. Gets or sets a value that identifies the container that controls scrolling behavior in this . The that owns scrolling for this . - control is the , physical scrolling is enabled. If a is the , scrolling is logical by child element. - + control is the , physical scrolling is enabled. If a is the , scrolling is logical by child element. + ]]> @@ -1691,14 +1691,14 @@ Notice that the IsVirtualizing attached property is explicitly set to `true`. if the is virtualizing; otherwise, . Sets the value of the  attached property. - calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an ItemsControl + calculates the number of visible items and works with the from an ItemsControl (such as or ) to create UI elements only for visible items. ]]> @@ -1763,9 +1763,9 @@ The calculates the number One of the enumeration values that specifies whether uses container recycling. Sets the attached property on the specified object. - property, see the class. diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel.xml index 652716632e6..b88ce368bdb 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel.xml @@ -23,21 +23,21 @@ Positions child elements in sequential position from left to right, breaking content to the next line at the edge of the containing box. Subsequent ordering happens sequentially from top to bottom or from right to left, depending on the value of the property. - contains a collection of objects, which are in the property. All child elements of a receive the layout partition size of multiplied by . - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to create a in code and Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). - + contains a collection of objects, which are in the property. All child elements of a receive the layout partition size of multiplied by . + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to create a in code and Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/CPP/WrapPanel_Code.cpp" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel/Overview/WrapPanel_Code.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/VisualBasic/WrapPanel_vb.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -130,67 +130,67 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the height of all items that are contained within a . The that represents the uniform height of all items that are contained within the . The default value is . - may have its height property set explicitly. specifies the size of the layout partition that is reserved by the for the child element. As a result, takes precedence over an element's own height. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - Auto - Causes the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set the property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel/ItemHeight/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - - The following example demonstrates how to set the property by using code. - + may have its height property set explicitly. specifies the size of the layout partition that is reserved by the for the child element. As a result, takes precedence over an element's own height. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + Auto + Causes the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set the property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel/ItemHeight/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + + The following example demonstrates how to set the property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/CPP/WrapPanel_Code.cpp" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel/Overview/WrapPanel_Code.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/VisualBasic/WrapPanel_vb.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -254,67 +254,67 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the width of all items that are contained within a . A that represents the uniform width of all items that are contained within the . The default value is . - of the child element. - - A child element of a may have its width property set explicitly. specifies the size of the layout partition that is reserved by the for the child element. As a result, takes precedence over an element's own width. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - Auto - Causes the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set the property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel/ItemHeight/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - - The following example demonstrates how to set the property by using code. - + of the child element. + + A child element of a may have its width property set explicitly. specifies the size of the layout partition that is reserved by the for the child element. As a result, takes precedence over an element's own width. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + Auto + Causes the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set the property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel/ItemHeight/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + + The following example demonstrates how to set the property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/CPP/WrapPanel_Code.cpp" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel/Overview/WrapPanel_Code.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/VisualBasic/WrapPanel_vb.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -410,33 +410,33 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the dimension in which child content is arranged. An value that represents the physical orientation of content within the as horizontal or vertical. The default value is . - property is set to `Horizontal`, child content forms horizontal rows first and if necessary forms vertical stacks of rows. If the property is set to `Vertical`, child content is first positioned in a vertical column, and if there is not enough space, wrapping occurs and additional columns in the horizontal dimension are added. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set the property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel/ItemHeight/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - - The following example demonstrates how to set the property by using code. - + property is set to `Horizontal`, child content forms horizontal rows first and if necessary forms vertical stacks of rows. If the property is set to `Vertical`, child content is first positioned in a vertical column, and if there is not enough space, wrapping occurs and additional columns in the horizontal dimension are added. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set the property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel/ItemHeight/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + + The following example demonstrates how to set the property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/CPP/WrapPanel_Code.cpp" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/WrapPanel/Overview/WrapPanel_Code.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/VisualBasic/WrapPanel_vb.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WrapPanel_Intro/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Data/Binding.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Data/Binding.xml index c8f14508725..09f9988e8b8 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Data/Binding.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Data/Binding.xml @@ -1270,8 +1270,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|, constrained to .| @@ -1335,8 +1335,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|, constrained to .| @@ -1722,8 +1722,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Data/CollectionContainer.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Data/CollectionContainer.xml index c66d9ff7b80..90dfa6e5513 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Data/CollectionContainer.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Data/CollectionContainer.xml @@ -89,22 +89,22 @@ Gets or sets the collection to add. The collection to add. The default is an empty collection. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Text Usage - In XAML, you can use the syntax to bind to a collection. For more information, see the type. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Text Usage + In XAML, you can use the syntax to bind to a collection. For more information, see the type. + ]]> @@ -266,11 +266,11 @@ if the property value has changed from its default; otherwise, . - property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer for the or developing your own control incorporating the . - + property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer for the or developing your own control incorporating the . + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Data/CollectionViewSource.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Data/CollectionViewSource.xml index e478be3b01d..e8875c9b383 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Data/CollectionViewSource.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Data/CollectionViewSource.xml @@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -679,8 +679,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -745,8 +745,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -817,8 +817,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -883,8 +883,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -955,8 +955,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1021,8 +1021,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1322,8 +1322,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier Field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1512,8 +1512,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/AnchoredBlock.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/AnchoredBlock.xml index 4ea2d44edea..ba7726892fe 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/AnchoredBlock.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/AnchoredBlock.xml @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ Gets a containing the top-level elements that comprise the contents of the element. - A containing the elements that comprise the contents of the element. - + A containing the elements that comprise the contents of the element. + This property has no default value. To be added. @@ -119,35 +119,35 @@ Gets or sets a to use when painting the element's border. The brush used to apply to the element's border. The default value is a brush. - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of an element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of an element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: + ]]> @@ -202,77 +202,77 @@ Gets or sets the border thickness for the element. - A structure specifying the amount of border to apply, in device independent pixels. - + A structure specifying the amount of border to apply, in device independent pixels. + The default value is a uniform thickness of zero (**0.0**). - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of border to the left of content, 10 pixels of border above content, 15 pixels of border to the right of content, and 20 pixels of border below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform border of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of border to the left of content, 10 pixels of border above content, 15 pixels of border to the right of content, and 20 pixels of border below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform border of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: + ]]> @@ -333,77 +333,77 @@ Gets or sets the height of each line of content. - A double value specifying the height of line in device independent pixels. must be equal to or greater than 0.0034 and equal to or less then 160000. - - A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of "Auto") causes the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. - + A double value specifying the height of line in device independent pixels. must be equal to or greater than 0.0034 and equal to or less then 160000. + + A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of "Auto") causes the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. + The default value is . - is affected by its property. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - Auto - Causes the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_lineheightxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the previous example renders. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheight.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight") - - The following figure shows how the same example renders with the default setting of =. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheightdefault.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + is affected by its property. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` but equal to or less than `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + Auto + Causes the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_lineheightxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the previous example renders. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheight.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight") + + The following figure shows how the same example renders with the default setting of =. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheightdefault.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_lineheight"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_lineheight"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_lineheight"::: + ]]> Raised if an attempt is made to set to a non-positive value. @@ -460,29 +460,29 @@ Gets or sets the mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line of text within the text element. The mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line of text within the text element. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to determine how the line boxes are created for text lines of a . The first has a value of and the second has a value of . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/BaselineAlignment/Overview/linestackingstrategyexample.xaml" id="Snippetlinestackingstrategyexamplewholepage"::: - - The following illustration shows the result of the code above. - - ![Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values](~/add/media/flow-linestackingstrategy.gif "Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values") - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to determine how the line boxes are created for text lines of a . The first has a value of and the second has a value of . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/BaselineAlignment/Overview/linestackingstrategyexample.xaml" id="Snippetlinestackingstrategyexamplewholepage"::: + + The following illustration shows the result of the code above. + + ![Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values](~/add/media/flow-linestackingstrategy.gif "Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values") + ]]> @@ -536,78 +536,78 @@ Gets or sets the margin thickness for the element. - A structure specifying the amount of margin to apply, in device independent pixels. - + A structure specifying the amount of margin to apply, in device independent pixels. + The default value is a uniform thickness of zero (**0.0**). - is buffer space that falls outside of an element's content area, between the edges of the element's content area and the edges of the parent element. Contrast with , which is buffer space that falls inside of an element's content area, between the element's content and the inner edge of the element. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of margin to the left of content, 10 pixels of margin above content, 15 pixels of margin to the right of content, and 20 pixels of margin below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform margin of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. - - ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + is buffer space that falls outside of an element's content area, between the edges of the element's content area and the edges of the parent element. Contrast with , which is buffer space that falls inside of an element's content area, between the element's content and the inner edge of the element. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of margin to the left of content, 10 pixels of margin above content, 15 pixels of margin to the right of content, and 20 pixels of margin below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform margin of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. + + ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: + ]]> @@ -661,78 +661,78 @@ Gets or sets the padding thickness for the element. - A structure specifying the amount of padding to apply, in device independent pixels. - + A structure specifying the amount of padding to apply, in device independent pixels. + The default value is a uniform thickness of zero (**0.0**). - is buffer space that falls inside an element's content area, between the element's content and the inner edge of the element. Contrast with , which is buffer space that falls outside of an element's content area, between the edges of the element's content area and the edges of the parent element. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of padding to the left of content, 10 pixels of padding above content, 15 pixels of padding to the right of content, and 20 pixels of padding below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform padding of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. - - ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + is buffer space that falls inside an element's content area, between the element's content and the inner edge of the element. Contrast with , which is buffer space that falls outside of an element's content area, between the edges of the element's content area and the edges of the parent element. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of padding to the left of content, 10 pixels of padding above content, 15 pixels of padding to the right of content, and 20 pixels of padding below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform padding of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. + + ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: + ]]> @@ -825,46 +825,46 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of text content. - A member of the enumerations specifying the desired alignment. - + A member of the enumerations specifying the desired alignment. + The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_textalignmentxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the previous example renders with **Left** text alignment (the default). - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-left.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left") - - The following figure shows how the same example renders with **Right** text alignment. - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-right.png "Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right") - - The following figure shows how the same example renders with **Center** text alignment. - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-center.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_textalignmentxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the previous example renders with **Left** text alignment (the default). + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-left.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left") + + The following figure shows how the same example renders with **Right** text alignment. + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-right.png "Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right") + + The following figure shows how the same example renders with **Center** text alignment. + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-center.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_textalignment"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_textalignment"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_textalignment"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Block.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Block.xml index 4495f53d345..599411075c4 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Block.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Block.xml @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ An abstract class that provides a base for all block-level flow content elements. - class (such as ) can be used to group elements under a common parent or to apply common attributes to a group. Conceptually, this is similar to how you might use the \
tag in HTML. - + class (such as ) can be used to group elements under a common parent or to apply common attributes to a group. Conceptually, this is similar to how you might use the \
tag in HTML. + ]]> @@ -92,35 +92,35 @@ Gets or sets a to use when painting the element's border. The brush used to apply to the element's border. The default is . - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: + ]]> @@ -177,73 +177,73 @@ Gets or sets the border thickness for the element. A structure specifying the amount of border to apply, in device independent pixels. The default is a uniform thickness of zero (0.0). - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of border to the left of content, 10 pixels of border above content, 15 pixels of border to the right of content, and 20 pixels of border below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform border of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of border to the left of content, 10 pixels of border above content, 15 pixels of border to the right of content, and 20 pixels of border below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform border of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: + ]]> @@ -301,18 +301,18 @@ to automatically insert a column-break before this element; otherwise, . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -370,18 +370,18 @@ to automatically insert a page-break before this element; otherwise, . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -438,19 +438,19 @@ Gets or sets the direction in which any elements contained by a element should be repositioned. One of the values that specifies the direction in which to separate any elements from other content contained in the element. The default is , which indicates that floaters should be rendered in place. - property affects how content is laid out within a and is intended to be used to prevent elements from congesting the contents of a element. Specifying a direction for this property causes floaters to be repositioned in a uniform direction within the content. Floaters are not repositioned outside of their parent . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + property affects how content is laid out within a and is intended to be used to prevent elements from congesting the contents of a element. Specifying a direction for this property causes floaters to be repositioned in a uniform direction within the content. Floaters are not repositioned outside of their parent . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -506,36 +506,36 @@ Gets or sets the relative direction for flow of content within a element. One of the values that specifies the relative flow direction. The default is . - element to re-flow in the indicated direction. - - The flow direction of content typically corresponds to the innate flow direction of the language being represented. Hebrew and Arabic are examples of languages that naturally flow from right to left. English, German, and Russian are examples of languages that naturally flow from left to right. - + element to re-flow in the indicated direction. + + The flow direction of content typically corresponds to the innate flow direction of the language being represented. Hebrew and Arabic are examples of languages that naturally flow from right to left. English, German, and Russian are examples of languages that naturally flow from left to right. + > [!NOTE] -> **The value of this property is not automatically changed to match the language used by the operating system. If you need to use a different value th**a**n the default of** **, you must specify it yourself.** - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_flowdirectionxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - +> **The value of this property is not automatically changed to match the language used by the operating system. If you need to use a different value th**a**n the default of** **, you must specify it yourself.** + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_flowdirectionxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_flowdirection"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_flowdirection"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_flowdirection"::: + ]]> @@ -734,39 +734,39 @@ if automatic breaking and hyphenation of words is enabled; otherwise, . The default is . - element to automatically break and hyphenate words, based on current layout conditions. This enables long words to begin on one line and continue on this next, and tends to achieve a more even distribution of white space in justified text. Words are broken and hyphenated according to standard grammar rules. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_hyphenatexaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument hyphen enabled](~/add/media/flowdoc-hyphenenabled.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument hyphen enabled") - - The following figure shows how the same example renders with the default setting of =`false`. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument with disabled hyphens](~/add/media/flowdoc-hyphendisabled.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument with disabled hyphens") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + element to automatically break and hyphenate words, based on current layout conditions. This enables long words to begin on one line and continue on this next, and tends to achieve a more even distribution of white space in justified text. Words are broken and hyphenated according to standard grammar rules. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_hyphenatexaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument hyphen enabled](~/add/media/flowdoc-hyphenenabled.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument hyphen enabled") + + The following figure shows how the same example renders with the default setting of =`false`. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument with disabled hyphens](~/add/media/flowdoc-hyphendisabled.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument with disabled hyphens") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_hyphenate"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_hyphenate"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_hyphenate"::: + ]]> @@ -828,75 +828,75 @@ Gets or sets the height of each line of content. The height of each line in device independent pixels, in the range of 0.0034 to 160000, or to determine the height automatically. The default is . - (equivalent to an attribute value of `Auto`) indicates that the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. - - Changing this value does not change the height of the associated text; rather, it changes the height of the line that contains the text. To change the size of the text, use the property. - - In addition to this property, the layout of lines in a is affected by its property. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0034 but equal to or less than 160000. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - Auto - Causes the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_lineheightxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheight.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight") - - The following figure shows how the same renders with the default setting of =. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheightdefault.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + (equivalent to an attribute value of `Auto`) indicates that the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. + + Changing this value does not change the height of the associated text; rather, it changes the height of the line that contains the text. To change the size of the text, use the property. + + In addition to this property, the layout of lines in a is affected by its property. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0034 but equal to or less than 160000. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + Auto + Causes the line height is determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_lineheightxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheight.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight") + + The following figure shows how the same renders with the default setting of =. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheightdefault.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_lineheight"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_lineheight"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_lineheight"::: + ]]> @@ -954,30 +954,30 @@ Gets or sets how a line box is determined for each line of text within the block-level flow content element. One of the values that specifies how a line box is determined for each line of text within the block-level flow content element. The default value is . - `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a derived class, and *value* is a string value of the enumeration. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to determine how the line boxes are created for text lines of a . The first has a value of and the second has a value of . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/BaselineAlignment/Overview/linestackingstrategyexample.xaml" id="Snippetlinestackingstrategyexamplewholepage"::: - - The following illustration shows the result of the preceding code. - - ![Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values](~/add/media/flow-linestackingstrategy.gif "Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values") - + `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a derived class, and *value* is a string value of the enumeration. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to determine how the line boxes are created for text lines of a . The first has a value of and the second has a value of . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/BaselineAlignment/Overview/linestackingstrategyexample.xaml" id="Snippetlinestackingstrategyexamplewholepage"::: + + The following illustration shows the result of the preceding code. + + ![Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values](~/add/media/flow-linestackingstrategy.gif "Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values") + ]]> @@ -1033,74 +1033,74 @@ Gets or sets the margin thickness for the element. A structure that specifies the amount of margin to apply, in device independent pixels. The default is a uniform thickness of zero (0.0). - is buffer space that falls outside an element's content area, between the edges of the element's content area and the edges of the parent element. Contrast with , which is buffer space that falls inside an element's content area, between the element's content and the inner edge of the element. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of margin to the left of content, 10 pixels of margin above content, 15 pixels of margin to the right of content, and 20 pixels of margin below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform margin of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. - - ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + is buffer space that falls outside an element's content area, between the edges of the element's content area and the edges of the parent element. Contrast with , which is buffer space that falls inside an element's content area, between the element's content and the inner edge of the element. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of margin to the left of content, 10 pixels of margin above content, 15 pixels of margin to the right of content, and 20 pixels of margin below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform margin of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. + + ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: + ]]> @@ -1186,74 +1186,74 @@ Gets or sets the padding thickness for the element. A structure that specifies the amount of padding to apply, in device independent pixels. The default is a uniform thickness of zero (0.0). - is buffer space that falls inside an element's content area, between the element's content and the inner edge of the element. Contrast with , which is buffer space that falls outside an element's content area, between the edges of the element's content area and the edges of the parent element. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of padding to the left of content, 10 pixels of padding above content, 15 pixels of padding to the right of content, and 20 pixels of padding below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform padding of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. - - ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + is buffer space that falls inside an element's content area, between the element's content and the inner edge of the element. Contrast with , which is buffer space that falls outside an element's content area, between the edges of the element's content area and the edges of the parent element. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of padding to the left of content, 10 pixels of padding above content, 15 pixels of padding to the right of content, and 20 pixels of padding below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform padding of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. + + ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: + ]]> @@ -1451,11 +1451,11 @@ The new value to set the property to. Sets the value of the attached property for a specified dependency object. - - + + ]]> @@ -1487,11 +1487,11 @@ Gets a collection of elements that are siblings to the current element. A that contains the child elements that are directly hosted by the parent of the current element, or if the current element has no parent. - returned by this property includes the element through which the collection is accessed; that is, the element that owns this property is considered to be its own sibling for the purposes of generating the collection of siblings. - + returned by this property includes the element through which the collection is accessed; that is, the element that owns this property is considered to be its own sibling for the purposes of generating the collection of siblings. + ]]> @@ -1523,42 +1523,42 @@ Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of text content. One of the values that specifies the desired alignment. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_textalignmentxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders with text alignment (the default). - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-left.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left") - - The following figure shows how the same example renders with text alignment. - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-right.png "Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right") - - The following figure shows how the same example renders with text alignment. - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-center.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_textalignmentxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders with text alignment (the default). + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-left.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left") + + The following figure shows how the same example renders with text alignment. + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-right.png "Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right") + + The following figure shows how the same example renders with text alignment. + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-center.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_textalignment"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_textalignment"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_textalignment"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/DocumentReference.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/DocumentReference.xml index 77388993c60..65203bff56c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/DocumentReference.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/DocumentReference.xml @@ -88,15 +88,15 @@ Synchronously loads and parses the document specified by the property location. The document that was loaded. - will load the document regardless if the `forceReload` parameter is `true` or `false`. - - If the document was loaded previously and `forceReload` is specified as `false`, the document is not reloaded and the previously loaded document is returned. - - If `forceReload` is specified `true`, then the entire document will be reloaded and reparsed, even if it had already been retrieved previously. - + will load the document regardless if the `forceReload` parameter is `true` or `false`. + + If the document was loaded previously and `forceReload` is specified as `false`, the document is not reloaded and the previously loaded document is returned. + + If `forceReload` is specified `true`, then the entire document will be reloaded and reparsed, even if it had already been retrieved previously. + ]]> @@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ The document that is attached. Attaches a to the . - before. - + before. + ]]> @@ -163,19 +163,19 @@ Gets or sets the uniform resource identifier (URI) for this document reference. A representing the document reference. - field. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + field. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -234,11 +234,11 @@ For a description of this member, see . The base URI of the current context. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Figure.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Figure.xml index 845a32081e2..c0d09f43521 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Figure.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Figure.xml @@ -22,44 +22,44 @@ An inline-level flow content element used to host a figure. A *figure* is a portion of flow content with placement properties that can be customized independently from the primary content flow within a . - enforces a strong content model for child content. See [TextElement Content Model Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/textelement-content-model-overview) for more information about the content model. - - or elements are often used to highlight or accentuate portions of content, to host supporting images or other content within the main content flow, or to inject loosely related content such as advertisements. - - and differ in several ways and are used for different scenarios. - - **Figure:** - -- Can be positioned: You can set its horizontal and vertical anchors to dock it relative to the page, content, column or paragraph. You can also use its and properties to specify arbitrary offsets. - -- Is sizable to more than one column: You can set height and width to multiples of page, content or column height or width. Note that in the case of page and content, multiples greater than 1 are not allowed. For example, you can set the width of a to be "0.5 page" or "0.25 content" or "2 Column". You can also set height and width to absolute pixel values. - -- Does not paginate: If the content inside a does not fit inside the , it will render whatever content does fit and the remaining content is lost - - **Floater:** - -- Cannot be positioned and will render wherever space can be made available for it. You cannot set the offset or anchor a . - -- Cannot be sized to more than one column: By default, sizes at one column. It has a property that can be set to an absolute pixel value, but if this value is greater than one column width it is ignored and the floater is sized at one column. You can size it to less than one column by setting the correct pixel width, but sizing is not column-relative, so "0.5Column" is not a valid expression for width. has no height property and it's height cannot be set, it's height depends on the content - -- paginates: If its content at its specified width extends to more than 1 column height, floater breaks and paginates to the next column, the next page, etc. - - is a good place to put standalone content where you want to control the size and positioning, and are confident that the content will fit in the specified size. is a good place to put more free-flowing content that flows similar to the main page content, but is separated from it. - - - -## Examples - The following example defines a that contains both and elements. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_floaterfigurexaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Floaters and Figures in a FlowDocument](~/add/media/floaterfigure.png "Screenshot: Floaters and Figures in a FlowDocument") - + enforces a strong content model for child content. See [TextElement Content Model Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/textelement-content-model-overview) for more information about the content model. + + or elements are often used to highlight or accentuate portions of content, to host supporting images or other content within the main content flow, or to inject loosely related content such as advertisements. + + and differ in several ways and are used for different scenarios. + + **Figure:** + +- Can be positioned: You can set its horizontal and vertical anchors to dock it relative to the page, content, column or paragraph. You can also use its and properties to specify arbitrary offsets. + +- Is sizable to more than one column: You can set height and width to multiples of page, content or column height or width. Note that in the case of page and content, multiples greater than 1 are not allowed. For example, you can set the width of a to be "0.5 page" or "0.25 content" or "2 Column". You can also set height and width to absolute pixel values. + +- Does not paginate: If the content inside a does not fit inside the , it will render whatever content does fit and the remaining content is lost + + **Floater:** + +- Cannot be positioned and will render wherever space can be made available for it. You cannot set the offset or anchor a . + +- Cannot be sized to more than one column: By default, sizes at one column. It has a property that can be set to an absolute pixel value, but if this value is greater than one column width it is ignored and the floater is sized at one column. You can size it to less than one column by setting the correct pixel width, but sizing is not column-relative, so "0.5Column" is not a valid expression for width. has no height property and it's height cannot be set, it's height depends on the content + +- paginates: If its content at its specified width extends to more than 1 column height, floater breaks and paginates to the next column, the next page, etc. + + is a good place to put standalone content where you want to control the size and positioning, and are confident that the content will fit in the specified size. is a good place to put more free-flowing content that flows similar to the main page content, but is separated from it. + + + +## Examples + The following example defines a that contains both and elements. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_floaterfigurexaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Floaters and Figures in a FlowDocument](~/add/media/floaterfigure.png "Screenshot: Floaters and Figures in a FlowDocument") + ]]> @@ -134,14 +134,14 @@ A object specifying the initial contents of the new . Initializes a new instance of the class, taking a specified object as the initial contents of the new . - @@ -179,14 +179,14 @@ A specifying an insertion position at which to insert the element after it is created, or for no automatic insertion. Initializes a new instance of the class, taking a specified object as the initial contents of the new , and a specifying an insertion position for the new element. - @@ -217,18 +217,18 @@ if this figure can delay placement; otherwise, . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -282,34 +282,34 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the height of a element. - A structure specifying the height characteristics for the . - + A structure specifying the height characteristics for the . + The default value is . = **1.0** and . = . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: + ]]> @@ -363,34 +363,34 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the position that content is anchored to in the horizontal direction. - A member of the enumeration specifying a horizontal anchor location for the . - + A member of the enumeration specifying a horizontal anchor location for the . + The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: + ]]> @@ -450,61 +450,61 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the distance that a is offset from its baseline in the horizontal direction. - The distance that a is offset from its baseline in the horizontal direction, in device independent pixels. - + The distance that a is offset from its baseline in the horizontal direction, in device independent pixels. + The default value is **0.0**. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than **0.0** but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than **0.0** but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: + ]]> @@ -558,34 +558,34 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the position that content is anchored to in the vertical direction. - A member of the enumeration specifying a vertical anchor location for the . - + A member of the enumeration specifying a vertical anchor location for the . + The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: + ]]> @@ -645,61 +645,61 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the distance that a is offset from its baseline in the vertical direction. - The distance that a is offset from its baseline in the vertical direction, in device independent pixels. - + The distance that a is offset from its baseline in the vertical direction, in device independent pixels. + The default value is **0.0**. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than **0.0** but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than **0.0** but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: + ]]> @@ -753,34 +753,34 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the width of a element. - A structure specifying the width characteristics for the . - + A structure specifying the width characteristics for the . + The default value is . = **1.0** and . = . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: + ]]> @@ -834,34 +834,34 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the allowable ways in which content can flow around a . - A member of the enumeration specifying the allowable ways in which content can flow around a . - + A member of the enumeration specifying the allowable ways in which content can flow around a . + The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_figurepropsxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_figureprops"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedDocument.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedDocument.xml index b7e0a24c08f..3242eb100b5 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedDocument.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedDocument.xml @@ -43,17 +43,17 @@ Hosts a portable, high fidelity, fixed-format document with read access for user text selection, keyboard navigation, and search. - logically binds an ordered sequence of pages together into a single, multi-page, fixed-layout document. - - is the only allowable child element of the element. Each element refers to the source of the content for a single page. elements must be in sequential markup order, matching the page order of the document. - - is designed for "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) applications where the document layout is defined and controlled by the application for rendering to the highest accuracy of the display or print device. - - , on the other hand, is designed to maximize user readability, and dynamically adjusts the document layout based on user preferences (for example, a user-chosen type size or font) and other variables, such as display size and resolution. - + logically binds an ordered sequence of pages together into a single, multi-page, fixed-layout document. + + is the only allowable child element of the element. Each element refers to the source of the content for a single page. elements must be in sequential markup order, matching the page order of the document. + + is designed for "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) applications where the document layout is defined and controlled by the application for rendering to the highest accuracy of the display or print device. + + , on the other hand, is designed to maximize user readability, and dynamically adjusts the document layout based on user preferences (for example, a user-chosen type size or font) and other variables, such as display size and resolution. + ]]> @@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - @@ -126,24 +126,24 @@ Gets the paginator for the that provides page-oriented services such as getting a particular page and repaginating in response to changes. An object of a class derived from that provides pagination services. - which itself inherits from . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a that has a paginator configured for a particular page size. - + which itself inherits from . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a that has a paginator configured for a particular page size. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Printing/LocalPrintServer/Overview/WpfContent.cs" id="Snippetcreatefixeddocumentwithconfiguredpaginator"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsPrint/visualbasic/wpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetcreatefixeddocumentwithconfiguredpaginator"::: - - The following example also shows use of the property. - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsPrint/visualbasic/wpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetcreatefixeddocumentwithconfiguredpaginator"::: + + The following example also shows use of the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/DocumentPaginator/PageSize/XpfContent.cs" id="Snippetcreatefixeddocument"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/xpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetcreatefixeddocument"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/xpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetcreatefixeddocument"::: + ]]> @@ -269,21 +269,21 @@ Gets or sets the that is associated with this document. The for this document. - contains printing information such as whether to print on both sides of each sheet. - - Setting this property does not validate or modify the specified for a particular . If needed, use the method to create a -specific that is valid for a given printer. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + contains printing information such as whether to print on both sides of each sheet. + + Setting this property does not validate or modify the specified for a particular . If needed, use the method to create a -specific that is valid for a given printer. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -344,10 +344,10 @@ An object that specifies the type of service object to get. Gets the service object of the specified type. - A service object of type . - - -or- - + A service object of type . + + -or- + if there is no service object of type . To be added. diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedDocumentSequence.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedDocumentSequence.xml index 05a9da8efd6..aa25e9560be 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedDocumentSequence.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedDocumentSequence.xml @@ -43,23 +43,23 @@ Hosts one or more elements that define a sequence of fixed documents. - hosts an ordered sequence of one or more fixed documents that are organized as a single unit. - - is the only allowable child element in a . Each refers to a single . Document reference elements must be in sequential order, matching the order in which the fixed documents are processed. - - A collection of the elements contained in a can be obtained using the property. - - - -## Examples - The following example show how to obtain the of an by use of the method. - + hosts an ordered sequence of one or more fixed documents that are organized as a single unit. + + is the only allowable child element in a . Each refers to a single . Document reference elements must be in sequential order, matching the order in which the fixed documents are processed. + + A collection of the elements contained in a can be obtained using the property. + + + +## Examples + The following example show how to obtain the of an by use of the method. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/DocumentPaginator/PageSize/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetxpssaveloadfixedcontent"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetxpssaveloadfixedcontent"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetxpssaveloadfixedcontent"::: + ]]> @@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ Gets the paginator for the that provides page-oriented services such as getting a particular page and repaginating in response to changes. An object of a class derived from that provides pagination services. - which itself inherits from . - + which itself inherits from . + ]]> @@ -213,21 +213,21 @@ Gets or sets the that is associated with this document sequence. The for this sequence. - contains printing information such as whether to print on both sides of each sheet. - - Setting this property does not validate or modify the specified for a particular . If needed, use the method to create a -specific that is valid for a given printer. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + contains printing information such as whether to print on both sides of each sheet. + + Setting this property does not validate or modify the specified for a particular . If needed, use the method to create a -specific that is valid for a given printer. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -330,10 +330,10 @@ An object that specifies the type of service object to get. Gets the service object of the specified type. - A service object of type . - - -or- - + A service object of type . + + -or- + if there is no service object of type . To be added. diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedPage.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedPage.xml index 3947506685d..a4b6cd4710b 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedPage.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FixedPage.xml @@ -36,21 +36,21 @@ Provides the content for a high fidelity, fixed-format page. - is typically used to provide the content for a page within a . - - automatically defines page breaks at the start and end of its content. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows use of the class. - + is typically used to provide the content for a page within a . + + automatically defines page breaks at the start and end of its content. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows use of the class. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/DocumentPaginator/PageSize/XpfContent.cs" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/xpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/xpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage5"::: + ]]> @@ -76,14 +76,14 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - constructor. - + constructor. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/DocumentPaginator/PageSize/XpfContent.cs" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/xpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/xpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage5"::: + ]]> @@ -144,26 +144,26 @@ Gets or sets the used for rendering the page background. The brush for rendering the page background. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows use of the property. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows use of the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/DocumentPaginator/PageSize/XpfContent.cs" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/xpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/xpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage1"::: + ]]> @@ -220,29 +220,29 @@ Gets or sets a rectangle defining the overflow area for bleeds, registration marks, and crop marks. The defining the overflow area. - is used to specify an expanded area for print production-related bleeds, registration marks, and crop marks that may extend outside the logical page. The logical page is the part of the sheet that will remain after it has been cropped to its final size. So the dimensions of the bleed box can be no smaller than the logical page size, but may be greater. Contrast the with the which is the area of the page on which content can appear; that is, the part of the page that is *within* the margins. So the dimensions of the content box can be no larger than the page, but may be smaller. - - The and properties of both the bleed box and the content box are measured from the left and the and properties are measured from the top. Hence, the following rules must be enforced in defining the and : - -- . must be less than or equal to .. - -- . must be less than or equal to .. - -- . must be greater than or equal to .. - -- . must be greater than or equal to .. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is used to specify an expanded area for print production-related bleeds, registration marks, and crop marks that may extend outside the logical page. The logical page is the part of the sheet that will remain after it has been cropped to its final size. So the dimensions of the bleed box can be no smaller than the logical page size, but may be greater. Contrast the with the which is the area of the page on which content can appear; that is, the part of the page that is *within* the margins. So the dimensions of the content box can be no larger than the page, but may be smaller. + + The and properties of both the bleed box and the content box are measured from the left and the and properties are measured from the top. Hence, the following rules must be enforced in defining the and : + +- . must be less than or equal to .. + +- . must be less than or equal to .. + +- . must be greater than or equal to .. + +- . must be greater than or equal to .. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -295,19 +295,19 @@ Gets or sets the distance between the bottom of the page and the bottom of the parent . - returns . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + returns . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -372,13 +372,13 @@ Gets a collection of the child elements. The of the child elements. - returns `null` if the is data-bound and child elements cannot be added or removed manually. - - In non data-bound uses, allows the application to manually or child elements. - + returns `null` if the is data-bound and child elements cannot be added or removed manually. + + In non data-bound uses, allows the application to manually or child elements. + ]]> @@ -408,29 +408,29 @@ Gets or sets the bounding rectangle of the content area; that is, the area of the page *within* the margins, if any. The that defines the content area. - : - -- . must be greater than or equal to zero (0), and less than or equal to (.-1). - -- . must be greater than or equal to zero (0), and less than or equal to (.-1). - -- . must be greater than or equal to (.+1). - -- . must be greater than or equal to (.+1). - -- For rules about the relative sizes of the and the , see the topic . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| + : + +- . must be greater than or equal to zero (0), and less than or equal to (.-1). + +- . must be greater than or equal to zero (0), and less than or equal to (.-1). + +- . must be greater than or equal to (.+1). + +- . must be greater than or equal to (.+1). + +- For rules about the relative sizes of the and the , see the topic . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + ]]> @@ -506,11 +506,11 @@ Returns the distance between the bottom of an element and the bottom of its parent . The distance between the bottom of an element and the bottom of its parent canvas. - returns . - + returns . + ]]> @@ -565,11 +565,11 @@ Returns the distance between the left side of an element and the left side of its parent . The distance between the right side of an element and the right side of its parent canvas. - returns . - + returns . + ]]> @@ -616,11 +616,11 @@ Returns the property for a given element. The of . - returns `null`. - + returns `null`. + ]]> @@ -669,11 +669,11 @@ Returns the distance between the right side of an element and the right side of its parent . The distance between the right side of an element and the right side of its parent canvas. - returns . - + returns . + ]]> @@ -728,11 +728,11 @@ Returns the distance between the top of an element and the top of its parent . The distance between the top of an element and the top of its parent canvas. - returns . - + returns . + ]]> @@ -795,19 +795,19 @@ Gets or sets the distance between the left edge of the page and the left edge of the parent . - returns . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + returns . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -919,21 +919,21 @@ Gets or sets the URI associated with the page. - returns `null`. When you set the on one of the objects listed, the application attempts to navigate to the value specified when the object is clicked. - - You can use the attached property from the following objects: , , , and . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + returns `null`. When you set the on one of the objects listed, the application attempts to navigate to the value specified when the object is clicked. + + You can use the attached property from the following objects: , , , and . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1107,21 +1107,21 @@ Gets or sets the that is associated with the page. The for the page. - contains information about how material should be printed; for example, whether or not two-sided printing should be used. - - Setting this property does not validate or modify the specified for a particular . If needed, use the method to create a -specific that is valid for a given printer. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + contains information about how material should be printed; for example, whether or not two-sided printing should be used. + + Setting this property does not validate or modify the specified for a particular . If needed, use the method to create a -specific that is valid for a given printer. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1173,19 +1173,19 @@ Gets or sets the distance between the right edge of the page and the right edge of the parent . - returns . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + returns . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -1249,15 +1249,15 @@ The new distance between the bottom side of the element and the bottom side of its parent canvas. Sets the distance between the bottom of an element and the bottom of its parent . - @@ -1299,23 +1299,23 @@ The new distance between the left side of the element and the left side of its parent canvas. Sets the distance between the left side of an element and the left side of its parent . - method. - + method. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/DocumentPaginator/PageSize/XpfContent.cs" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/xpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/xpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage5"::: + ]]> @@ -1389,15 +1389,15 @@ The new distance between the right side of the element and the right side of its parent canvas. Sets the distance between the right side of an element and the right side of its parent . - @@ -1439,23 +1439,23 @@ The new distance between the top side of the element and the top side of its parent canvas. Sets the distance between the top of an element and the top of its parent . - method. - + method. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/DocumentPaginator/PageSize/XpfContent.cs" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/xpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/XpsSave/visualbasic/xpfcontent.vb" id="Snippetxpssavecreatefixedpage5"::: + ]]> @@ -1583,19 +1583,19 @@ Gets or sets the distance between the top of the page and the top of the parent . - returns . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + returns . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Floater.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Floater.xml index 9c4f3c93431..96f73785522 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Floater.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Floater.xml @@ -23,42 +23,42 @@ Provides an inline-level flow content element used to host a floater. A *floater* displays images and other content parallel to the main content flow in a . - or elements are often used to highlight or accentuate portions of content, to host supporting images or other content within the main content flow, or to inject loosely related content such as advertisements. A floater can contain objects that inherit from the Block class. For more information, see [TextElement Content Model Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/textelement-content-model-overview) - - and differ in several ways and are used for different scenarios. - - **Figure:** - -- Can be positioned: You can set its horizontal and vertical anchors to dock it relative to the page, content, column or paragraph. You can also use its and properties to specify arbitrary offsets. - -- Is sizable to more than one column: You can set height and width to multiples of page, content or column height or width. Note that in the case of page and content, multiples greater than 1 are not allowed. For example, you can set the width of a to be "0.5 page" or "0.25 content" or "2 Column". You can also set height and width to absolute pixel values. - -- Does not paginate: If the content inside a does not fit inside the , it will render whatever content does fit and the remaining content is lost - - **Floater:** - -- Cannot be positioned and will render wherever space can be made available for it. You cannot set the offset or anchor a . - -- Cannot be sized to more than one column: By default, sizes at one column. It has a property that can be set to an absolute pixel value, but if this value is greater than one column width it is ignored and the floater is sized at one column. You can size it to less than one column by setting the correct pixel width, but sizing is not column-relative, so "0.5Column" is not a valid expression for width. has no height property and it's height cannot be set, it's height depends on the content - -- paginates: If its content at its specified width extends to more than 1 column height, floater breaks and paginates to the next column, the next page, etc. - - is a good place to put standalone content where you want to control the size and positioning, and are confident that the content will fit in the specified size. is a good place to put more free-flowing content that flows similar to the main page content, but is separated from it. - - - -## Examples - The following example defines a that contains both and elements. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_floaterfigurexaml"::: - - The following illustration shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Floaters and Figures in a FlowDocument](~/add/media/floaterfigure.png "Screenshot: Floaters and Figures in a FlowDocument") - + or elements are often used to highlight or accentuate portions of content, to host supporting images or other content within the main content flow, or to inject loosely related content such as advertisements. A floater can contain objects that inherit from the Block class. For more information, see [TextElement Content Model Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/textelement-content-model-overview) + + and differ in several ways and are used for different scenarios. + + **Figure:** + +- Can be positioned: You can set its horizontal and vertical anchors to dock it relative to the page, content, column or paragraph. You can also use its and properties to specify arbitrary offsets. + +- Is sizable to more than one column: You can set height and width to multiples of page, content or column height or width. Note that in the case of page and content, multiples greater than 1 are not allowed. For example, you can set the width of a to be "0.5 page" or "0.25 content" or "2 Column". You can also set height and width to absolute pixel values. + +- Does not paginate: If the content inside a does not fit inside the , it will render whatever content does fit and the remaining content is lost + + **Floater:** + +- Cannot be positioned and will render wherever space can be made available for it. You cannot set the offset or anchor a . + +- Cannot be sized to more than one column: By default, sizes at one column. It has a property that can be set to an absolute pixel value, but if this value is greater than one column width it is ignored and the floater is sized at one column. You can size it to less than one column by setting the correct pixel width, but sizing is not column-relative, so "0.5Column" is not a valid expression for width. has no height property and it's height cannot be set, it's height depends on the content + +- paginates: If its content at its specified width extends to more than 1 column height, floater breaks and paginates to the next column, the next page, etc. + + is a good place to put standalone content where you want to control the size and positioning, and are confident that the content will fit in the specified size. is a good place to put more free-flowing content that flows similar to the main page content, but is separated from it. + + + +## Examples + The following example defines a that contains both and elements. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_floaterfigurexaml"::: + + The following illustration shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Floaters and Figures in a FlowDocument](~/add/media/floaterfigure.png "Screenshot: Floaters and Figures in a FlowDocument") + ]]> @@ -133,14 +133,14 @@ The initial content of the new . Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified object as its initial content. - @@ -178,14 +178,14 @@ The position at which to insert the element after it is created. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified object as its initial content, and a that specifies an insertion position for the new . - @@ -215,28 +215,28 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment for a object. A member of the enumeration specifying the horizontal alignment for the . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set this property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_floaterpropsxaml"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set this property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_floaterpropsxaml"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_floaterprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_floaterprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_floaterprops"::: + ]]> @@ -298,60 +298,60 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the width of a object. The width of the , in device independent pixels. The default value is (equivalent to an attribute value of Auto), which indicates that the line height is determined automatically. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - A string representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A `double` value as described above, (except `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - Auto - Causes the width to be determined automatically. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_floaterpropsxaml"::: - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + A string representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A `double` value as described above, (except `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + Auto + Causes the width to be determined automatically. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_floaterpropsxaml"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FigureHorizontalAnchor/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_floaterprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_floaterprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FloaterFigureSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_floaterprops"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FlowDocument.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FlowDocument.xml index 1bbdaf155e4..570a935f3a7 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FlowDocument.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/FlowDocument.xml @@ -44,23 +44,23 @@ Hosts and formats flow content with advanced document features, such as pagination and columns. - enforces a strong content model for child content. Top-level child elements contained in a must be derived from . Valid top-level child elements include the following: - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - The default for contains a that is used to display the document if you use as the root element in a XAML file. If is not the root element, the document can be displayed in a , a , or a control. You can also edit a in a control. - + enforces a strong content model for child content. Top-level child elements contained in a must be derived from . Valid top-level child elements include the following: + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + + The default for contains a that is used to display the document if you use as the root element in a XAML file. If is not the root element, the document can be displayed in a , a , or a control. You can also edit a in a control. + ]]> @@ -122,24 +122,24 @@ An object deriving from the abstract class, to be added as the initial content. Initializes a new instance of the class, adding a specified element as the initial content. - , , , , and . - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates the use of this constructor. In this case, the contains a flow element block structure consisting of a text run nested in a paragraph. - + , , , , and . + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates the use of this constructor. In this case, the contains a flow element block structure consisting of a text run nested in a paragraph. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentconstructorsimple"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentconstructorsimple"::: - - The following example programmatically constructs a simple 2 x 2 table and then uses the constructor to create a new containing the table. Though a somewhat more complicated flow element block structure is used, use of the constructor is the same as in the preceding example. - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentconstructorsimple"::: + + The following example programmatically constructs a simple 2 x 2 table and then uses the constructor to create a new containing the table. Though a somewhat more complicated flow element block structure is used, use of the constructor is the same as in the preceding example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentconstructortable"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentconstructortable"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentconstructortable"::: + ]]> @@ -171,31 +171,31 @@ Gets or sets the used to fill the background of content area. The brush used to fill the background of the content area, or to not use a background brush. The default is . - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentbackgroundxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentbackgroundxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentbackground"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentbackground"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentbackground"::: + ]]> @@ -257,23 +257,23 @@ Gets the top-level elements of the contents of the . A containing the elements that make up the contents of the . - returned by this property to enumerate or manipulate contents of a . - - Top-level child elements contained in a must be derived from . Valid top-level child elements include the following: - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - + returned by this property to enumerate or manipulate contents of a . + + Top-level child elements contained in a must be derived from . Valid top-level child elements include the following: + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + ]]> @@ -313,63 +313,63 @@ Gets or sets the column gap value, which indicates the spacing between columns in a . The column gap, in device independent pixels. A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of "Auto") indicates that the column gap is equal to the property. The default is . - minus any . If the value of the property exceeds this limit, the effective column gap is reduced to observe this limit. - - This property has no effect if is `null`. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above (excepting `Auto`), followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - Auto - Causes the effective spacing between columns to be set to the current value of the property. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + minus any . If the value of the property exceeds this limit, the effective column gap is reduced to observe this limit. + + This property has no effect if is `null`. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above (excepting `Auto`), followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + Auto + Causes the effective spacing between columns to be set to the current value of the property. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumngap"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumngap"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumngap"::: + ]]> @@ -427,33 +427,33 @@ Gets or sets the used to draw the rule between columns. A to use when drawing the rule line between columns, or to not use a background brush. The default is . - . - - This property has no effect if the property is 0 or `null`. - - Column rules are displayed only when there are two or more columns. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + . + + This property has no effect if the property is 0 or `null`. + + Column rules are displayed only when there are two or more columns. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnrule"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnrule"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnrule"::: + ]]> @@ -521,58 +521,58 @@ Gets or sets the column rule width. The column rule width, in device independent pixels. The default is 0.0. - property is `null`. - - Column rules are only displayed when there are two or more columns. The column rule width is constrained to be less than or equal to the . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + property is `null`. + + Column rules are only displayed when there are two or more columns. The column rule width is constrained to be less than or equal to the . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnrule"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnrule"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnrule"::: + ]]> @@ -640,65 +640,65 @@ Gets or sets the minimum desired width of the columns in a . The minimum desired column width, in device independent pixels. A value of causes only one column to be displayed, regardless of the page width. The default is . - dynamically adjusts its contents to maximize content presentation within the available display space. The number of visible columns is determined by the number of columns that can fit in available display space, given the minimum column width specified by this property. The actual column width may be greater than the value specified by this property. - - Changing the size of the window in either direction will result in columns being dynamically regenerated to make the best use of space. In this way, the content dynamically adapts to the user's environment. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - Auto - Causes column width to be automatically calculated to be 20 times the current . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnwidthxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + dynamically adjusts its contents to maximize content presentation within the available display space. The number of visible columns is determined by the number of columns that can fit in available display space, given the minimum column width specified by this property. The actual column width may be greater than the value specified by this property. + + Changing the size of the window in either direction will result in columns being dynamically regenerated to make the best use of space. In this way, the content dynamically adapts to the user's environment. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + Auto + Causes column width to be automatically calculated to be 20 times the current . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnwidthxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnwidth"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnwidth"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnwidth"::: + ]]> @@ -754,21 +754,21 @@ Gets a that represents the end of the content in a . A representing the end of the contents in the . - property is often used to append content to the end of a . - - The returned by this property always has its set to . - - - -## Examples - The following example uses the property to append content to a . - + property is often used to append content to the end of a . + + The returned by this property always has its set to . + + + +## Examples + The following example uses the property to append content to a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcontentend"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcontentend"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcontentend"::: + ]]> @@ -799,21 +799,21 @@ Gets a that represents the start of content within a . A representing the start of the contents in the . - property is often used to insert content to the beginning of a . - - The returned by this property always has its set to . - - - -## Examples - The following example uses the property to insert content at the beginning of a . - + property is often used to insert content to the beginning of a . + + The returned by this property always has its set to . + + + +## Examples + The following example uses the property to insert content at the beginning of a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcontentstart"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcontentstart"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcontentstart"::: + ]]> @@ -844,36 +844,36 @@ Gets or sets the relative direction for flow of content in a . One of the values that specifies the relative flow direction. The default is . - to reflow in the indicated direction. - - The of content typically corresponds to the innate flow direction of the language being represented. Hebrew and Arabic are examples of languages that naturally flow from right to left. English, German, and Russian are examples of languages that naturally flow from left to right. - + to reflow in the indicated direction. + + The of content typically corresponds to the innate flow direction of the language being represented. Hebrew and Arabic are examples of languages that naturally flow from right to left. English, German, and Russian are examples of languages that naturally flow from left to right. + > [!NOTE] -> The value of this property is not automatically changed to match the language used by the operating system. If you need to use a different value then the default of , you must specify it yourself. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentflowdirectionxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - +> The value of this property is not automatically changed to match the language used by the operating system. If you need to use a different value then the default of , you must specify it yourself. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentflowdirectionxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentflowdirection"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentflowdirection"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentflowdirection"::: + ]]> @@ -935,62 +935,62 @@ Gets or sets the preferred top-level font family for the . A object specifying the preferred font family, or a primary preferred font family with one or more fallback font families. The default is the font determined by the value. - settings on child elements will override this top-level setting. - - When multiple families are specified, the second and subsequent font families serve as fallback families to be used in cases where the primary font family is unavailable or not applicable. - - This property specifies a preference only. If the specified font family is not available, the will silently fall back to the font determined by the value. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *fontFamilyName* - A string specifying a font family name. For example, `"Arial"` or `"Century Gothic"`. - - *fontFamilyNamesList* - A string specifying multiple font family names, each separated by a comma (any white space following a comma is ignored). The first font family specified serves as the primary font family; subsequent font families serve as fallback families to be used in cases where the primary font family is unavailable or not applicable. For example, `"Arial, Century Gothic"` specifies Arial as the primary font family, with Century Gothic as the fallback font family. - - *fontFamilyFolderReference* - A string specifying a folder containing the font, along with a font family name. The folder and font family name are delimited by a # character. The folder reference may be absolute, or relative. For example, `"Custom Fonts\#My Custom Font"`. - - *fontFamilyUriReference* - A string specifying a uniform resource identifier (URI) for the font, along with a font family name. The URI and font family name are delimited by a # character. For example, `"http://MyFontServer/Fonts/#My Custom Font"`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuffxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + settings on child elements will override this top-level setting. + + When multiple families are specified, the second and subsequent font families serve as fallback families to be used in cases where the primary font family is unavailable or not applicable. + + This property specifies a preference only. If the specified font family is not available, the will silently fall back to the font determined by the value. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *fontFamilyName* + A string specifying a font family name. For example, `"Arial"` or `"Century Gothic"`. + + *fontFamilyNamesList* + A string specifying multiple font family names, each separated by a comma (any white space following a comma is ignored). The first font family specified serves as the primary font family; subsequent font families serve as fallback families to be used in cases where the primary font family is unavailable or not applicable. For example, `"Arial, Century Gothic"` specifies Arial as the primary font family, with Century Gothic as the fallback font family. + + *fontFamilyFolderReference* + A string specifying a folder containing the font, along with a font family name. The folder and font family name are delimited by a # character. The folder reference may be absolute, or relative. For example, `"Custom Fonts\#My Custom Font"`. + + *fontFamilyUriReference* + A string specifying a uniform resource identifier (URI) for the font, along with a font family name. The URI and font family name are delimited by a # character. For example, `"http://MyFontServer/Fonts/#My Custom Font"`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuffxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: + ]]> @@ -1056,58 +1056,58 @@ Gets or sets the top-level font size for the . The desired font size to use, in device independent pixels). The default is determined by the value. - settings on child elements override this top-level setting. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuffxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + settings on child elements override this top-level setting. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuffxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: + ]]> @@ -1163,31 +1163,31 @@ Gets or sets the top-level font-stretching characteristics for the . A member of the class that specifies the desired font-stretching characteristics to use. The default is . - settings on child elements override this top-level setting. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuffxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + settings on child elements override this top-level setting. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuffxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: + ]]> @@ -1243,31 +1243,31 @@ Gets or sets the top-level font style for the . A member of the class that specifies the desired font style. The default is determined by the value. - settings on child elements override this top-level setting. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuffxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + settings on child elements override this top-level setting. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuffxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: + ]]> @@ -1323,31 +1323,31 @@ Gets or sets the top-level font weight for the . A member of the class that specifies the desired font weight. The default is determined by the value. - settings on child elements override this top-level setting. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuffxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + settings on child elements override this top-level setting. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuffxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentfontstuff"::: + ]]> @@ -1403,33 +1403,33 @@ Gets or sets the to apply to the text contents of the . The brush used to apply to the text contents. The default is . - . - - Any settings on child elements override this top-level setting. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, ,

| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentbackgroundxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + . + + Any settings on child elements override this top-level setting. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, ,

| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentbackgroundxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentbackground"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentbackground"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentbackground"::: + ]]>
@@ -1486,35 +1486,35 @@ if the column width is flexible; if the column width is fixed. The default is . - property determines the manner in which any excess content area width (that is, the difference between the page width and the width of the content after it is laid out) is distributed among columns. A setting of `true` means that the extra space is distributed equally to each column; in this case, columns may be sized wider than the width specified by the property. A setting of `false` means excess space is distributed to the padding on the right side of the page; in this case, columns will always size to the width specified by the property (so long as that width is smaller than the width of the page minus any ). - - The following figure illustrates the difference in layout when this property is `true` or `false`. Light blue represents columns of content in a . - - ![Screenshot: Compare IsColumnWidthFlexible values](~/add/media/flowdoc-columnflex.png "Screenshot: Compare IsColumnWidthFlexible values") - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnflexxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + property determines the manner in which any excess content area width (that is, the difference between the page width and the width of the content after it is laid out) is distributed among columns. A setting of `true` means that the extra space is distributed equally to each column; in this case, columns may be sized wider than the width specified by the property. A setting of `false` means excess space is distributed to the padding on the right side of the page; in this case, columns will always size to the width specified by the property (so long as that width is smaller than the width of the page minus any ). + + The following figure illustrates the difference in layout when this property is `true` or `false`. Light blue represents columns of content in a . + + ![Screenshot: Compare IsColumnWidthFlexible values](~/add/media/flowdoc-columnflex.png "Screenshot: Compare IsColumnWidthFlexible values") + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnflexxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnflex"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnflex"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentcolumnflex"::: + ]]> @@ -1598,39 +1598,39 @@ if automatic breaking and hyphenation of words is enabled; otherwise, . The default is . - to automatically break and hyphenate words, based on current layout conditions. This enables long words to begin on one line and continue on this next, and tends to achieve a more even distribution of white space in justified text. Words are broken and hyphenated according to standard grammar rules. Automatic hyphenation is particularly effective when coupled with optimal paragraph layout (represented by the property). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumenthyphenatexaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding renders. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument hyphen enabled](~/add/media/flowdoc-hyphenenabled.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument hyphen enabled") - - The following figure shows how the same renders with the default setting of =`false`. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument with disabled hyphens](~/add/media/flowdoc-hyphendisabled.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument with disabled hyphens") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + to automatically break and hyphenate words, based on current layout conditions. This enables long words to begin on one line and continue on this next, and tends to achieve a more even distribution of white space in justified text. Words are broken and hyphenated according to standard grammar rules. Automatic hyphenation is particularly effective when coupled with optimal paragraph layout (represented by the property). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumenthyphenatexaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding renders. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument hyphen enabled](~/add/media/flowdoc-hyphenenabled.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument hyphen enabled") + + The following figure shows how the same renders with the default setting of =`false`. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument with disabled hyphens](~/add/media/flowdoc-hyphendisabled.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument with disabled hyphens") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumenthyphenate"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumenthyphenate"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumenthyphenate"::: + ]]> @@ -1687,39 +1687,39 @@ if optimal paragraph layout is enabled; otherwise, . The default is . - such that white space is distributed as evenly as possible. Theoretically, this provides an optimized reading experience by eliminating distracting white space that can occur with line-justified text and other layout routines. Optimal paragraph layout is particularly effective when coupled with automatic hyphenation (represented by the property). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumenthyphenatexaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding renders. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument hyphen enabled](~/add/media/flowdoc-hyphenenabled.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument hyphen enabled") - - The following figure shows how the same renders with the default setting of =`false`. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument with disabled hyphens](~/add/media/flowdoc-hyphendisabled.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument with disabled hyphens") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + such that white space is distributed as evenly as possible. Theoretically, this provides an optimized reading experience by eliminating distracting white space that can occur with line-justified text and other layout routines. Optimal paragraph layout is particularly effective when coupled with automatic hyphenation (represented by the property). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumenthyphenatexaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding renders. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument hyphen enabled](~/add/media/flowdoc-hyphenenabled.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument hyphen enabled") + + The following figure shows how the same renders with the default setting of =`false`. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument with disabled hyphens](~/add/media/flowdoc-hyphendisabled.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument with disabled hyphens") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumenthyphenate"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumenthyphenate"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumenthyphenate"::: + ]]> @@ -1781,73 +1781,73 @@ Gets or sets the height of each line of content. The height of each line, in device independent pixels, in the range 0.0034 to 160000. A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of "Auto") causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. The default is . - property. - - In addition to this property, the layout of lines in a is affected by its property. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` and equal to or less then `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - Auto - Causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentlineheightxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding renders. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheight.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight") - - The following figure shows how the same renders with the default setting of =. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheightdefault.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + property. + + In addition to this property, the layout of lines in a is affected by its property. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` and equal to or less then `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + Auto + Causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentlineheightxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding renders. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheight.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight") + + The following figure shows how the same renders with the default setting of =. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheightdefault.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentlineheight"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentlineheight"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentlineheight"::: + ]]> @@ -1905,29 +1905,29 @@ Gets or sets the mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line of text within the . One of the values that specifies the mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line of text in the . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to determine how the line boxes are created for text lines of a . The first has a value of and the second has a value of . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/BaselineAlignment/Overview/linestackingstrategyexample.xaml" id="Snippetlinestackingstrategyexamplewholepage"::: - - The following illustration shows the result of the preceding code. - - ![Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values](~/add/media/flow-linestackingstrategy.gif "Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values") - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to determine how the line boxes are created for text lines of a . The first has a value of and the second has a value of . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/BaselineAlignment/Overview/linestackingstrategyexample.xaml" id="Snippetlinestackingstrategyexamplewholepage"::: + + The following illustration shows the result of the preceding code. + + ![Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values](~/add/media/flow-linestackingstrategy.gif "Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values") + ]]> @@ -2016,60 +2016,60 @@ Gets or sets the maximum height for pages in a . The maximum height, in device independent pixels, for pages in the . The default is (no maximum page height). - property takes precedence over the property, which in turn takes precedence over the property. If all three properties are set on a given page, this is the order in which the properties are evaluated. - - This property has no effect when is set to (auto). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheightxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + property takes precedence over the property, which in turn takes precedence over the property. If all three properties are set on a given page, this is the order in which the properties are evaluated. + + This property has no effect when is set to (auto). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheightxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: + ]]> @@ -2131,60 +2131,60 @@ Gets or sets the maximum width for pages in a . The maximum width, in device independent pixels, for pages in the . The default is (no maximum page width). - property takes precedence over the property, which in turn takes precedence over the property. If all three properties are set on a given page, this is the order in which the properties are evaluated. - - This property has no effect when is set to (auto). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheightxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + property takes precedence over the property, which in turn takes precedence over the property. If all three properties are set on a given page, this is the order in which the properties are evaluated. + + This property has no effect when is set to (auto). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheightxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: + ]]> @@ -2246,60 +2246,60 @@ Gets or sets the minimum height for pages in a . The minimum height, in device independent pixels, for pages in the . The default is 0.0. - property takes precedence over the property, which in turn takes precedence over the property. If all three properties are set on a given page, this is the order in which the properties are evaluated. - - This property has no effect when is set to (auto). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheightxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + property takes precedence over the property, which in turn takes precedence over the property. If all three properties are set on a given page, this is the order in which the properties are evaluated. + + This property has no effect when is set to (auto). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheightxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: + ]]> @@ -2361,60 +2361,60 @@ Gets or sets the minimum width for pages in a . The minimum width, in device independent pixels, for pages in the . The default is 0.0. - property takes precedence over the property, which in turn takes precedence over the property. If all three properties are set on a given page, this is the order in which the properties are evaluated. - - This property has no effect when is set to (auto). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheightxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + property takes precedence over the property, which in turn takes precedence over the property. If all three properties are set on a given page, this is the order in which the properties are evaluated. + + This property has no effect when is set to (auto). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheightxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: + ]]> @@ -2471,11 +2471,11 @@ When overridden in a derived class, provides specific implementations to the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) infrastructure. The type-specific implementation. - implementation, and return the result. - + implementation, and return the result. + ]]> @@ -2508,11 +2508,11 @@ Arguments for the associated event. Called when one or more of the dependency properties that exist on the element have had their effective values changed. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -2549,63 +2549,63 @@ Gets or sets the preferred height for pages in a . The preferred height, in device independent pixels, for pages in the . A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of "Auto") causes the page height to be determined automatically. The default is . - property takes precedence over the property, which in turn takes precedence over the property. If all three properties are set on a given page, this is the order in which the properties are evaluated. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - *Auto* - Causes the page height to be determined automatically. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheightxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + property takes precedence over the property, which in turn takes precedence over the property. If all three properties are set on a given page, this is the order in which the properties are evaluated. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + *Auto* + Causes the page height to be determined automatically. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheightxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: + ]]> @@ -2661,72 +2661,72 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the thickness of padding space between the boundaries of a page and the page's content. A structure that specifies the amount of padding to apply, in device independent pixels. The default is a uniform thickness of zero (0.0). - can be described as uniform in all directions (`PagePadding="10"`), or as four distinct values that represent left, top, right, and bottom padding independently (`PagePadding="5,0,10,20"`). - - If a specified padding thickness exceeds the corresponding page dimension (for example, the sum of the left and right padding widths exceeds the page width), the thickness of the padding will be proportionally reduced to be no greater than the relevant page dimension. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of padding to the left of content, 10 pixels of padding above content, 15 pixels of padding to the right of content, and 20 pixels of padding below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform padding of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following examples show various ways to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpaddingxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + can be described as uniform in all directions (`PagePadding="10"`), or as four distinct values that represent left, top, right, and bottom padding independently (`PagePadding="5,0,10,20"`). + + If a specified padding thickness exceeds the corresponding page dimension (for example, the sum of the left and right padding widths exceeds the page width), the thickness of the padding will be proportionally reduced to be no greater than the relevant page dimension. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of padding to the left of content, 10 pixels of padding above content, 15 pixels of padding to the right of content, and 20 pixels of padding below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform padding of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following examples show various ways to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpaddingxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpadding"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpadding"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpadding"::: + ]]> @@ -2788,63 +2788,63 @@ Gets or sets the preferred width for pages in a . The preferred width, in device independent pixels, for pages in the . A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of "Auto") causes the page width to be determined automatically. The default is . - property takes precedence over the property, which in turn takes precedence over the property. If all three properties are set on a given page, this is the order in which the properties are evaluated. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - *Auto* - Causes the page width to be determined automatically. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheightxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + property takes precedence over the property, which in turn takes precedence over the property. If all three properties are set on a given page, this is the order in which the properties are evaluated. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + *Auto* + Causes the page width to be determined automatically. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheightxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumentpagewidthheight"::: + ]]> @@ -2902,11 +2902,11 @@ The DPI setting, from which a or is rendered. Sets the DPI for the FlowDocument, causing it to be remeasured and rerendered. - @@ -2941,10 +2941,10 @@ An object that specifies the type of service object to get. Gets the service object of the specified type. - A service object of type . - - -or- - + A service object of type . + + -or- + if there is no service object of type . To be added. @@ -3070,42 +3070,42 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of text content. One of the values that specifies the desired alignment. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumenttextalignmentxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding renders with text alignment (the default). - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-left.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left") - - The following figure shows how the same renders with text alignment. - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-right.png "Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right") - - The following figure shows how the same renders with text alignment. - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-center.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumenttextalignmentxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding renders with text alignment (the default). + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-left.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left") + + The following figure shows how the same renders with text alignment. + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-right.png "Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right") + + The following figure shows how the same renders with text alignment. + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-center.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumenttextalignment"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumenttextalignment"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumenttextalignment"::: + ]]> @@ -3161,18 +3161,18 @@ Gets or sets the effects to apply to the text of a . A containing one or more objects that define effects to apply to the text of the . The default is (no effects applied). - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -3228,23 +3228,23 @@ Gets the currently effective typography variations for the text contents of the . A object that specifies the currently effective typography variations. For a list of default typography values, see . - property is applicable only to OpenType fonts. A typography variant has no effect on fonts that do not support the variant. For more information on this topic, see [Typography in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/typography-in-wpf). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set various typography variations with the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumenttypographyxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set various aspects of the property programmatically. - + property is applicable only to OpenType fonts. A typography variant has no effect on fonts that do not support the variant. For more information on this topic, see [Typography in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/typography-in-wpf). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set various typography variations with the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_flowdocumenttypographyxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set various aspects of the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextAlignment/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_flowdocumenttypography"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumenttypography"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FlowDocumentSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_flowdocumenttypography"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Glyphs.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Glyphs.xml index c265f8097ea..b14b29117fb 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Glyphs.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Glyphs.xml @@ -26,18 +26,18 @@ Represents the set of glyphs that are used for rendering fixed text. - element represents the output of a in XAML. The following markup syntax is used to describe the element. - -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Glyphs/Overview/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - - Each glyph defines metrics that specify how it aligns with other . The following graphic defines the various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters. - - ![Diagraph of glyph measurements](~/add/media/glyph-example.png "Diagraph of glyph measurements") -Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters - + element represents the output of a in XAML. The following markup syntax is used to describe the element. + +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Glyphs/Overview/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + + Each glyph defines metrics that specify how it aligns with other . The following graphic defines the various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters. + + ![Diagraph of glyph measurements](~/add/media/glyph-example.png "Diagraph of glyph measurements") +Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters + ]]> @@ -121,18 +121,18 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets or sets the bidirectional nesting level of . An value that represents the bidirectional nesting level. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -188,19 +188,19 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets or sets the caret stops that correspond to the code points in the Unicode string representing the . A value of type that represents whether the code points have caret stops. - values that correspond to every code point in the value represented by the property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + values that correspond to every code point in the value represented by the property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -256,19 +256,19 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets or sets the specific device font for which the object has been optimized. A value that represents the name of the device font. - is rendered on a device that has built-in support for the named device font, the should be rendered using a device specific mechanism for selecting that font, and by sending Unicode code points rather than glyph indices. When rendering onto a device that does not include built-in support for the named device font, should be ignored. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + is rendered on a device that has built-in support for the named device font, the should be rendered using a device specific mechanism for selecting that font, and by sending Unicode code points rather than glyph indices. When rendering onto a device that does not include built-in support for the named device font, should be ignored. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -324,18 +324,18 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets the sets the that is used for the fill of the class. A that is used for the fill of the class. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -401,18 +401,18 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets or sets the em size used for rendering the class. A value that represents the em size used for rendering. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -468,18 +468,18 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets or sets the that represents the location of the font used for rendering the class. A that represents the location of the font used for rendering the class. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -535,33 +535,33 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets or sets a collection of glyph specifications that represents the object. A collection of glyph specifications that represents the object. - property collects in one string the following properties. - -- Glyph indices - -- Glyph advance widths - -- Combining glyph attachment vectors - -- Cluster mapping from code points to glyphs - -- Glyph flags - - Each glyph specification has the following form. - - `[GlyphIndex][,[Advance][,[uOffset][,[vOffset][,[Flags]]]]]` - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + property collects in one string the following properties. + +- Glyph indices + +- Glyph advance widths + +- Combining glyph attachment vectors + +- Cluster mapping from code points to glyphs + +- Glyph flags + + Each glyph specification has the following form. + + `[GlyphIndex][,[Advance][,[uOffset][,[vOffset][,[Flags]]]]]` + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -618,18 +618,18 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters if the glyphs that make up the object are rotated 90° counter-clockwise; otherwise, . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -756,18 +756,18 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets or sets the value of the x origin for the object. The x origin for the object. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -833,18 +833,18 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets or sets the value of the y origin for the object. The y origin for the object. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -900,18 +900,18 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets or sets the for the class. The for the class. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -970,11 +970,11 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters For a description of this member, see . The base URI of the current context. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1032,18 +1032,18 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets or sets the that represents the Unicode string for the object. A Unicode string for the object. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink.xml index 21ef45a6da5..12b2308e1da 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink.xml @@ -36,25 +36,25 @@ An inline-level flow content element that provides facilities for hosting hyperlinks within flow content. - implements the property that you set with the of the content that should be navigated to when the Hyperlink is clicked. navigation can only occur, however, if either the direct or indirect parent of a is a navigation host, including , , or any browser that can host XBAPs. For more information, see the **Navigation Hosts** topic in [Navigation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/navigation-overview). - - enforces a strong content model for child content. See [TextElement Content Model Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/textelement-content-model-overview) for more information about the content model. - - Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -## Examples - The following example shows simple use of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_hyperlink_navurixaml"::: - - The following example shows how to create a programmatically. - + implements the property that you set with the of the content that should be navigated to when the Hyperlink is clicked. navigation can only occur, however, if either the direct or indirect parent of a is a navigation host, including , , or any browser that can host XBAPs. For more information, see the **Navigation Hosts** topic in [Navigation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/navigation-overview). + + enforces a strong content model for child content. See [TextElement Content Model Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/textelement-content-model-overview) for more information about the content model. + + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. + +## Examples + The following example shows simple use of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_hyperlink_navurixaml"::: + + The following example shows how to create a programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_hyperlink_navuri"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HyperlinkSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_hyperlink_navuri"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HyperlinkSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_hyperlink_navuri"::: + ]]> @@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ An object specifying the initial contents of the new . Initializes a new instance of the class, taking a specified object as the initial contents of the new . - @@ -155,14 +155,14 @@ A specifying an insertion position at which to insert the element after it is created, or for no automatic insertion. Initializes a new instance of the class, taking a specified object as the initial contents of the new , and a specifying an insertion position for the new . - @@ -194,19 +194,19 @@ A indicating the end of a selection of content to be contained by the new . Initializes a new instance of the class, taking two objects that indicate the beginning and end of a selection of content to be contained by the new . - element such that it encloses a selection of preexisting content. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates usage of this constructor. - + element such that it encloses a selection of preexisting content. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates usage of this constructor. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_hyperlink_const3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HyperlinkSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_hyperlink_const3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HyperlinkSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_hyperlink_const3"::: + ]]> @@ -272,19 +272,19 @@ Occurs when the left mouse button is clicked on a . - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -356,18 +356,18 @@ Gets or sets a command to associate with the . A command to associate with the . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -411,18 +411,18 @@ Gets or sets command parameters associated with the command specified by the property. An object specifying parameters for the command specified by the property. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -514,18 +514,18 @@ Gets or sets a target element on which to execute the command specified by the property. A target element on which to execute the command specified by the property. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -587,11 +587,11 @@ Simulates the act of a user clicking the . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -622,11 +622,11 @@ if the is enabled; otherwise, . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -666,40 +666,40 @@ Gets or sets a URI to navigate to when the is activated. The URI to navigate to when the is activated. The default is . - can navigate to the value of the property only if either the direct or indirect parent of a is a navigation host, including , , or any browser that can host XBAPs. For more information, see the Navigation Hosts section in [Navigation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/navigation-overview). - - When a user hovers the mouse over a in an XBAP, the URI stored in the property is displayed in the status bar. navigates to this URI when the user clicks the . If the value of the property changes after the user clicks the and before the subsequent navigation request, ignores the new value of the property and navigates to the URI that was the value of the property when the user clicked the . - + + When a user hovers the mouse over a in an XBAP, the URI stored in the property is displayed in the status bar. navigates to this URI when the user clicks the . If the value of the property changes after the user clicks the and before the subsequent navigation request, ignores the new value of the property and navigates to the URI that was the value of the property when the user clicked the . + > [!NOTE] -> You are not restricted to only using a to do navigation. You can use the attached property as well, but only from the following: , , , and . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| +> You are not restricted to only using a to do navigation. You can use the attached property as well, but only from the following: , , , and . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_hyperlink_navurixaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_hyperlink_navurixaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_hyperlink_navuri"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HyperlinkSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_hyperlink_navuri"::: - - The following example shows how to use a **mailto:** uniform resource identifier (URI) to open a new mail window that contains an email address, an email address and a subject, and an email address, subject, and body. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink/NavigateUri/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetmailtomarkup"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HyperlinkSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_hyperlink_navuri"::: + + The following example shows how to use a **mailto:** uniform resource identifier (URI) to open a new mail window that contains an email address, an email address and a subject, and an email address, subject, and body. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Hyperlink/NavigateUri/HomePage.xaml" id="Snippetmailtomarkup"::: + ]]> @@ -755,14 +755,14 @@ Handles the routed event. - property, and marks the URI as visited. - + property, and marks the URI as visited. + > [!IMPORTANT] -> Depending on the host computer's security configuration, certain forms of navigation (for example, navigating to a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path) are not allowed in the Internet zone. In such cases, this method will demand full trust. For more information, see [Code Access Security](/dotnet/framework/misc/code-access-security). - +> Depending on the host computer's security configuration, certain forms of navigation (for example, navigating to a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path) are not allowed in the Internet zone. In such cases, this method will demand full trust. For more information, see [Code Access Security](/dotnet/framework/misc/code-access-security). + ]]> @@ -793,11 +793,11 @@ Creates and returns an object for this . An object for this . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -836,11 +836,11 @@ Arguments associated with the event. Handles the routed event. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -873,11 +873,11 @@ Arguments associated with the event. Handles the routed event. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -916,11 +916,11 @@ Arguments associated with the event. Handles the routed event. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -949,19 +949,19 @@ Occurs when navigation events are requested. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -1067,19 +1067,19 @@ Gets or sets the name of a target window or frame for the . A string specifying the name of a target window or frame for the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Inline.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Inline.xml index 057bc51549d..866d9f8220b 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Inline.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Inline.xml @@ -84,22 +84,22 @@ Gets or sets the baseline alignment for the element. - A member or the enumeration specifying the baseline alignment for the element. - + A member or the enumeration specifying the baseline alignment for the element. + The default value is .**Baseline**. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -153,38 +153,38 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the relative direction for flow of content within a element. - A member of the enumeration specifying the relative flow direction. Getting this property returns the currently effective flow direction. Setting this property causes the contents of the element to re-flow in the indicated direction. - + A member of the enumeration specifying the relative flow direction. Getting this property returns the currently effective flow direction. Setting this property causes the contents of the element to re-flow in the indicated direction. + The default value is . - [!NOTE] - > The value of this property is not automatically changed to match the language used by the operating system. If you need to use a different value then the default of , you must specify it yourself. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_inline_flowdirectionxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + [!NOTE] + > The value of this property is not automatically changed to match the language used by the operating system. If you need to use a different value then the default of , you must specify it yourself. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_inline_flowdirectionxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_inline_flowdirection"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_flowdirection"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_flowdirection"::: + ]]> @@ -238,21 +238,21 @@ Gets the next element that is a peer to this element. - An object representing the next element that is a peer to this element, or **null** if there is no next element. - + An object representing the next element that is a peer to this element, or **null** if there is no next element. + This property has no default value. - property. - + property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_inline_siblingbase"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_siblingbase"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_siblingbase"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_inline_nextsibling"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_nextsibling"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_nextsibling"::: + ]]> @@ -282,21 +282,21 @@ Gets the previous element that is a peer to this element. - An object representing the previous element that is a peer to this element, or **null** if there is no previous element. - + An object representing the previous element that is a peer to this element, or **null** if there is no previous element. + This property has no default value. - property. - + property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_inline_siblingbase"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_siblingbase"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_siblingbase"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_inline_previoussibling"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_previoussibling"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_previoussibling"::: + ]]> @@ -326,26 +326,26 @@ Gets an that contains the elements that are siblings (peers) to this element. - An object that contains the elements that are siblings to this element. - + An object that contains the elements that are siblings to this element. + This property has no default value. - property. - + property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_inline_siblingbase"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_siblingbase"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_siblingbase"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_inline_siblings"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_siblings"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_siblings"::: + ]]> @@ -375,47 +375,47 @@ Gets a that contains text decorations to apply to this element. - A collection that contains text decorations to apply to this element. - + A collection that contains text decorations to apply to this element. + The default value is **null** (no text decorations applied). - object is a visual ornamentation you can add to text. There are four types of text decorations: underline, baseline, strikethrough, and overline. For more information about text decorations, see [How to: Create a Text Decoration](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-create-a-text-decoration). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_inline_textdecxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-strike.png "Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect") - - The following figures show how the **Overline**, **Baseline**, and **Underline** decorations render, respectively. - - ![Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator](~/add/media/inline-textdec-over.png "Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator") - - ![Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text](~/add/media/inline-textdec-base.png "Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text") - - ![Screenshot: Text with default underline effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-under.png "Screenshot: Text with default underline effect") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + object is a visual ornamentation you can add to text. There are four types of text decorations: underline, baseline, strikethrough, and overline. For more information about text decorations, see [How to: Create a Text Decoration](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-create-a-text-decoration). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_inline_textdecxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-strike.png "Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect") + + The following figures show how the **Overline**, **Baseline**, and **Underline** decorations render, respectively. + + ![Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator](~/add/media/inline-textdec-over.png "Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator") + + ![Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text](~/add/media/inline-textdec-base.png "Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text") + + ![Screenshot: Text with default underline effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-under.png "Screenshot: Text with default underline effect") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_inline_textdec"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_textdec"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_inline_textdec"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/List.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/List.xml index dfe3debd4f1..eee66a7cc8e 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/List.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/List.xml @@ -29,39 +29,39 @@ A block-level flow content element that provides facilities for presenting content in an ordered or unordered list. - enforces a strong content model for child content. See [TextElement Content Model Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/textelement-content-model-overview) for more information about the content model. - - is a flow content element designed to be formatted with markers such as bullets or numbering. - - elements are the only permissible children for a element. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to define a using XAML. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/List/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_listxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to create and populate a programmatically. - + enforces a strong content model for child content. See [TextElement Content Model Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/textelement-content-model-overview) for more information about the content model. + + is a flow content element designed to be formatted with markers such as bullets or numbering. + + elements are the only permissible children for a element. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to define a using XAML. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/List/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_listxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to create and populate a programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/List/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_list_props"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_list_props"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Ordered list](~/add/media/ordered-list.png "Screenshot: Ordered list") - - The following example shows how to define a nested (lists within lists) using XAML. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/List/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_nestedlistxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Nested list](~/add/media/flow-nested-list-example.png "Nested list") - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_list_props"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Ordered list](~/add/media/ordered-list.png "Screenshot: Ordered list") + + The following example shows how to define a nested (lists within lists) using XAML. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/List/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_nestedlistxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Nested list](~/add/media/flow-nested-list-example.png "Nested list") + ]]> @@ -130,14 +130,14 @@ A object specifying the initial contents of the new . Initializes a new instance of the class, taking a specified object as the initial contents of the new . - @@ -171,23 +171,23 @@ Gets a containing the elements that comprise the contents of the . - A containing the elements that comprise the contents of the . - + A containing the elements that comprise the contents of the . + This property has no default value. - returned by this property to enumerate or manipulate the contents of a element. - - - -## Examples - The following examples show how to perform common operations on a using the property. - + returned by this property to enumerate or manipulate the contents of a element. + + + +## Examples + The following examples show how to perform common operations on a using the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/List/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_list_listitems"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_list_listitems"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_list_listitems"::: + ]]> @@ -221,54 +221,54 @@ Gets or sets the desired distance between the contents of each element, and the near edge of the list marker. - A double value specifying the desired distance between list content and the near edge of list markers, in device independent pixels. - - A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of "Auto") causes the marker offset to be determined automatically. - + A double value specifying the desired distance between list content and the near edge of list markers, in device independent pixels. + + A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of "Auto") causes the marker offset to be determined automatically. + The default value is . - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - String representation of a value equal to or greater than **0.0** but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - Auto - Causes the marker offset to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + String representation of a value equal to or greater than **0.0** but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + Auto + Causes the marker offset to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -323,22 +323,22 @@ Gets or sets the marker style for the . - A member of the enumeration specifying the marker style to use. - + A member of the enumeration specifying the marker style to use. + The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -393,23 +393,23 @@ Gets or sets the starting index for labeling the items in an ordered list. - The starting index for labeling items in an ordered list. - + The starting index for labeling items in an ordered list. + The default value is **1**. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/ListItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/ListItem.xml index 99821397b39..d9d0015437c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/ListItem.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/ListItem.xml @@ -28,37 +28,37 @@ A flow content element that represents a particular content item in an ordered or unordered . - enforces a strong content model for child content. See [TextElement Content Model Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/textelement-content-model-overview) for more information about the content model. - - elements must be contained by a element. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to define a using XAML. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/List/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_listxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to create and populate a programmatically. - + enforces a strong content model for child content. See [TextElement Content Model Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/textelement-content-model-overview) for more information about the content model. + + elements must be contained by a element. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to define a using XAML. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/List/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_listxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to create and populate a programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/List/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_list_props"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_list_props"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Ordered list](~/add/media/ordered-list.png "Screenshot: Ordered list") - - The following example shows how to define a nested (lists within lists) using XAML. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/List/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_nestedlistxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Nested list](~/add/media/flow-nested-list-example.png "Nested list") - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_list_props"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Ordered list](~/add/media/ordered-list.png "Screenshot: Ordered list") + + The following example shows how to define a nested (lists within lists) using XAML. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/List/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_nestedlistxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Nested list](~/add/media/flow-nested-list-example.png "Nested list") + ]]> @@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ A object specifying the initial contents of the new . Initializes a new instance of the class, taking a specified object as the initial contents of the new . - @@ -169,11 +169,11 @@ Gets a block collection that contains the top-level elements of the . A block collection that contains the elements of the - element. - + element. + ]]> @@ -203,35 +203,35 @@ Gets or sets a to use when painting the element's border. The brush used to apply to the element's border. The default is . - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: + ]]> @@ -288,73 +288,73 @@ Gets or sets the border thickness for the element. A structure that specifies the amount of border to apply, in device independent pixels. The default is a uniform thickness of zero (0.0). - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of border to the left of content, 10 pixels of border above content, 15 pixels of border to the right of content, and 20 pixels of border below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform border of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of border to the left of content, 10 pixels of border above content, 15 pixels of border to the right of content, and 20 pixels of border below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform border of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: + ]]> @@ -411,36 +411,36 @@ Gets or sets the relative direction for flow of content within a element. One of the values that specifies the relative flow direction. The default is . - element to re-flow in the indicated direction. - - The flow direction of content typically corresponds to the innate flow direction of the language being represented. Hebrew and Arabic are examples of languages that naturally flow from right to left. English, German, and Russian are examples of languages that naturally flow from left to right. - + element to re-flow in the indicated direction. + + The flow direction of content typically corresponds to the innate flow direction of the language being represented. Hebrew and Arabic are examples of languages that naturally flow from right to left. English, German, and Russian are examples of languages that naturally flow from left to right. + > [!NOTE] -> The value of this property is not automatically changed to match the language used by the operating system. If you need to use a different value than the default of , you must specify it yourself. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_flowdirectionxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - +> The value of this property is not automatically changed to match the language used by the operating system. If you need to use a different value than the default of , you must specify it yourself. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_flowdirectionxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_flowdirection"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_flowdirection"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_flowdirection"::: + ]]> @@ -502,71 +502,71 @@ Gets or sets the height of each line of content. The height of each line in device independent pixels with a value range of 0.0034 to 160000. A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of "Auto") causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. The default is . - value does not change the height of the associated text; rather, it changes the height of the line that contains the text. - - In addition to this property, the layout of lines in a is affected by its property. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - String representation of a value in the range `0.0034` to `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - Auto - Causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_lineheightxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the previous example renders. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheight.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight") - - The following figure shows how the same example renders with the default setting of =. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheightdefault.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + value does not change the height of the associated text; rather, it changes the height of the line that contains the text. + + In addition to this property, the layout of lines in a is affected by its property. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + String representation of a value in the range `0.0034` to `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + Auto + Causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_lineheightxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the previous example renders. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheight.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight") + + The following figure shows how the same example renders with the default setting of =. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheightdefault.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_lineheight"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_lineheight"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_lineheight"::: + ]]> @@ -622,29 +622,29 @@ Gets or sets the mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line of text within the . One of the values that specifies the mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line of text within the . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to determine how the line boxes are created for text lines of a . The first has a value of and the second has a value of . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/BaselineAlignment/Overview/linestackingstrategyexample.xaml" id="Snippetlinestackingstrategyexamplewholepage"::: - - The following illustration shows the result of the preceding code. - - ![Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values](~/add/media/flow-linestackingstrategy.gif "Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values") - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to determine how the line boxes are created for text lines of a . The first has a value of and the second has a value of . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/BaselineAlignment/Overview/linestackingstrategyexample.xaml" id="Snippetlinestackingstrategyexamplewholepage"::: + + The following illustration shows the result of the preceding code. + + ![Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values](~/add/media/flow-linestackingstrategy.gif "Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values") + ]]> @@ -727,74 +727,74 @@ Gets or sets the margin thickness for the element. A structure that specifies the amount of margin to apply, in device independent pixels. The default is a uniform thickness of zero (0.0). - is buffer space that falls outside an element's content area, between the edges of the element's content area and the edges of the parent element. Contrast with , which is buffer space that falls inside an element's content area, between the element's content and the inner edge of the element. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of margin to the left of content, 10 pixels of margin above content, 15 pixels of margin to the right of content, and 20 pixels of margin below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform margin of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. - - ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + is buffer space that falls outside an element's content area, between the edges of the element's content area and the edges of the parent element. Contrast with , which is buffer space that falls inside an element's content area, between the element's content and the inner edge of the element. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of margin to the left of content, 10 pixels of margin above content, 15 pixels of margin to the right of content, and 20 pixels of margin below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform margin of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. + + ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: + ]]> @@ -880,74 +880,74 @@ Gets or sets the padding thickness for the element. A structure that specifies the amount of padding to apply, in device independent pixels. The default is a uniform thickness of zero (0.0). - is buffer space that falls inside an element's content area, between the element's content and the inner edge of the element. Contrast with , which is buffer space that falls outside an element's content area, between the edges of the element's content area and the edges of the parent element. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of padding to the left of content, 10 pixels of padding above content, 15 pixels of padding to the right of content, and 20 pixels of padding below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform padding of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. - - ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + is buffer space that falls inside an element's content area, between the element's content and the inner edge of the element. Contrast with , which is buffer space that falls outside an element's content area, between the edges of the element's content area and the edges of the parent element. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of padding to the left of content, 10 pixels of padding above content, 15 pixels of padding to the right of content, and 20 pixels of padding below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform padding of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. + + ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: + ]]> @@ -1073,11 +1073,11 @@ Gets a that contains the elements that are siblings of the current element. A that contains the child elements that are directly hosted by the parent of the current element, or if the current element has no parent. - returned by this property includes the element through which the collection is accessed; that is, the element that owns this property is considered to be its own sibling for the purposes of generating the collection of siblings. - + returned by this property includes the element through which the collection is accessed; that is, the element that owns this property is considered to be its own sibling for the purposes of generating the collection of siblings. + ]]> @@ -1109,42 +1109,42 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of text content. One of the values that specifies the desired alignment. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_textalignmentxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the previous example renders with text alignment (the default). - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-left.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left") - - The following figure shows how the same example renders with text alignment. - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-right.png "Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right") - - The following figure shows how the same example renders with text alignment. - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-center.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_textalignmentxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the previous example renders with text alignment (the default). + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-left.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left") + + The following figure shows how the same example renders with text alignment. + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-right.png "Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right") + + The following figure shows how the same example renders with text alignment. + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-center.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_textalignment"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_textalignment"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_textalignment"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/PageContent.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/PageContent.xml index 41c491197eb..e1a5b50be97 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/PageContent.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/PageContent.xml @@ -464,8 +464,8 @@ You cannot use this property in XAML. ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Paragraph.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Paragraph.xml index da1506417f1..97e228fdfda 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Paragraph.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Paragraph.xml @@ -29,35 +29,35 @@ A block-level flow content element used to group content into a paragraph. - enforces a strong content model for child content. See [TextElement Content Model Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/textelement-content-model-overview) for more information about the content model. - - In addition to plain text, a element can host other elements. Valid child elements include: - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - See [Flow Document Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/flow-document-overview) for more information on what this object can contain and what can contain it. - + enforces a strong content model for child content. See [TextElement Content Model Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/textelement-content-model-overview) for more information about the content model. + + In addition to plain text, a element can host other elements. Valid child elements include: + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + + See [Flow Document Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/flow-document-overview) for more information on what this object can contain and what can contain it. + ]]> @@ -125,14 +125,14 @@ An object specifying the initial contents of the new . Initializes a new instance of the class, taking a specified object as its initial contents. - @@ -166,15 +166,15 @@ Gets an containing the top-level elements that comprise the contents of the . - An containing the elements that comprise the contents of the . - + An containing the elements that comprise the contents of the . + This property has no default value. - returned by this property to enumerate or manipulate the contents of a element. - + returned by this property to enumerate or manipulate the contents of a element. + ]]> @@ -205,18 +205,18 @@ to prevent the text of the paragraph from being broken; otherwise, . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -276,18 +276,18 @@ to prevent a break from occurring between this paragraph and the next paragraph; otherwise, . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -344,22 +344,22 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the minimum number of lines that can be left before the break when a is broken by a page break or column break. - An integer specifying the minimum number of lines that can be left before the break when a is broken by a page break or column break. A value of 0 indicates no minimum. - + An integer specifying the minimum number of lines that can be left before the break when a is broken by a page break or column break. A value of 0 indicates no minimum. + The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -416,22 +416,22 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the minimum number of lines that can be placed after the break when a is broken by a page break or column break. - An integer specifying the minimum number of lines that can be placed after the break when a is broken by a page break or column break. A value of 0 indicates no minimum. - + An integer specifying the minimum number of lines that can be placed after the break when a is broken by a page break or column break. A value of 0 indicates no minimum. + The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -501,11 +501,11 @@ if the property value has changed from its default; otherwise, . - property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer for the or developing your own control incorporating the . - + property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer for the or developing your own control incorporating the . + ]]> @@ -537,41 +537,41 @@ Gets or sets a that contains text decorations to apply to this element. A collection that contains text decorations to apply to this element. A value of means no text decorations will be applied. The default value is . - object is a visual ornamentation you can add to text. There are four types of text decorations: underline, baseline, strikethrough, and overline. For more information about text decorations, see [How to: Create a Text Decoration](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-create-a-text-decoration). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property of a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_paragraph_textdecxaml"::: - + object is a visual ornamentation you can add to text. There are four types of text decorations: underline, baseline, strikethrough, and overline. For more information about text decorations, see [How to: Create a Text Decoration](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-create-a-text-decoration). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property of a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_paragraph_textdecxaml"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextDecorations/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_paragraph_textdec"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_paragraph_textdec"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-strike.png "Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect") - - The following figures show how the **Overline**, **Baseline**, and **Underline** decorations render, respectively. - - ![Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator](~/add/media/inline-textdec-over.png "Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator") - - ![Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text](~/add/media/inline-textdec-base.png "Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text") - - ![Screenshot: Text with default underline effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-under.png "Screenshot: Text with default underline effect") - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InlineSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_paragraph_textdec"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-strike.png "Screenshot: Text with default strikethrough effect") + + The following figures show how the **Overline**, **Baseline**, and **Underline** decorations render, respectively. + + ![Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator](~/add/media/inline-textdec-over.png "Screenshot: Overline TextDecorator") + + ![Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text](~/add/media/inline-textdec-base.png "Screenshot: Default baseline effect on text") + + ![Screenshot: Text with default underline effect](~/add/media/inline-textdec-under.png "Screenshot: Text with default underline effect") + ]]> @@ -633,45 +633,45 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates how far to indent the first line of a . A double value specifying the amount to indent the first line of the paragraph, in device independent pixels. The default value is 0. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - A string representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A `double` value as described above, (except `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + A string representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A `double` value as described above, (except `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Table.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Table.xml index b7114a694d7..c1a3c8fb326 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Table.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Table.xml @@ -33,28 +33,28 @@ A block-level flow content element that provides a grid-based presentation organized by rows and columns. - derives from the element, and adheres to the common rules for containing a element. A element may be contained by any of the following elements: - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - + derives from the element, and adheres to the common rules for containing a element. A element may be contained by any of the following elements: + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + > [!NOTE] -> is similar to the element but has more capabilities and, therefore, requires greater resource overhead. - +> is similar to the element but has more capabilities and, therefore, requires greater resource overhead. + ]]> WPF Controls Gallery Sample @@ -139,64 +139,64 @@ Gets or sets the amount of spacing between cells in a table. - The amount of spacing between cells in a table, in device independent pixels. - + The amount of spacing between cells in a table, in device independent pixels. + The default value is **2.0**. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than **0.0** but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example defines a simple 2 x 3 table with a of 0.35 centimeters. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkContentElement/ToolTip/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_table_columnspacing"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Table cell spacing](~/add/media/table-cellspacing.png "Screenshot: Table cell spacing") - - In contrast, the following figure shows how the same table renders with a default cell spacing of 2 pixels. - - ![Screenshot: Table cell spacing](~/add/media/table-cellspacingdefault.png "Screenshot: Table cell spacing") - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than **0.0** but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example defines a simple 2 x 3 table with a of 0.35 centimeters. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkContentElement/ToolTip/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_table_columnspacing"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Table cell spacing](~/add/media/table-cellspacing.png "Screenshot: Table cell spacing") + + In contrast, the following figure shows how the same table renders with a default cell spacing of 2 pixels. + + ![Screenshot: Table cell spacing](~/add/media/table-cellspacingdefault.png "Screenshot: Table cell spacing") + ]]> @@ -260,15 +260,15 @@ Gets a object that contains the columns hosted by the table. - A object that contains the columns (represented by objects) hosted by the table. Note that this number might not be the actual number of columns rendered in the table. It is the objects in a table that determine how many columns are actually rendered. - + A object that contains the columns (represented by objects) hosted by the table. Note that this number might not be the actual number of columns rendered in the table. It is the objects in a table that determine how many columns are actually rendered. + This property has no default value. - objects returned by this property can, in conjunction with the objects in the column, be used to define layout of columns but they do not determine the actual number of columns rendered. It is the objects in a table that determine how many columns are actually rendered. For example, if you define 3 columns but only have table cells for 2 columns, only 2 columns will be rendered. - + objects returned by this property can, in conjunction with the objects in the column, be used to define layout of columns but they do not determine the actual number of columns rendered. It is the objects in a table that determine how many columns are actually rendered. For example, if you define 3 columns but only have table cells for 2 columns, only 2 columns will be rendered. + ]]> @@ -325,15 +325,15 @@ Gets an enumerator that can be used to iterate the logical children of the . An enumerator for the logical children of the . - objects). - -2. Row groups (represented by objects). - + objects). + +2. Row groups (represented by objects). + ]]> @@ -364,11 +364,11 @@ Creates and returns an object for this . An object for this . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -406,8 +406,8 @@ Gets a collection object that contains the row groups hosted by the table. - A collection object that contains the row groups (represented by objects) hosted by the table. - + A collection object that contains the row groups (represented by objects) hosted by the table. + This property has no default value. To be added. diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/TableCell.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/TableCell.xml index d10ae757f1d..407be3a436d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/TableCell.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/TableCell.xml @@ -28,28 +28,28 @@ A flow content element that defines a cell of content within a . - element is the only table element that directly hosts content. Other table elements (, , , and ) exist to define the structural attributes of a table. - - elements may host one or more flow content elements deriving from . Valid content elements for a include: - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - The collection class provides facilities for working with collections of objects. - + element is the only table element that directly hosts content. Other table elements (, , , and ) exist to define the structural attributes of a table. + + elements may host one or more flow content elements deriving from . Valid content elements for a include: + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + + The collection class provides facilities for working with collections of objects. + > [!NOTE] -> There is no built in data binding for the contents of a . The simplest option for adding data binding functionality to a is to put a data bound in your like this: `` - +> There is no built in data binding for the contents of a . The simplest option for adding data binding functionality to a is to put a data bound in your like this: `` + ]]> @@ -111,14 +111,14 @@ A object specifying the initial contents of the new . Initializes a new instance of the class, taking a specified object as the initial contents of the new . - @@ -152,15 +152,15 @@ Gets a containing the top-level elements that comprise the contents of the . - A containing the elements that comprise the contents of the - + A containing the elements that comprise the contents of the + This property has no default value. - returned by this property to enumerate or manipulate the contents of a element. - + returned by this property to enumerate or manipulate the contents of a element. + ]]> @@ -188,39 +188,39 @@ Gets or sets a to use when painting the element's border. - The brush used to apply to the element's border. - + The brush used to apply to the element's border. + The default value is a **null** brush. - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: + ]]> @@ -275,77 +275,77 @@ Gets or sets the border thickness for the element. - A structure specifying the amount of border to apply, in device independent pixels. - + A structure specifying the amount of border to apply, in device independent pixels. + The default value is a uniform thickness of zero (**0.0**). - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of border to the left of content, 10 pixels of border above content, 15 pixels of border to the right of content, and 20 pixels of border below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform border of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of border to the left of content, 10 pixels of border above content, 15 pixels of border to the right of content, and 20 pixels of border below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform border of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_bordersxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block](~/add/media/block-borders.png "Screenshot: Blue, 1/4inch border around Block") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_borders"::: + ]]> @@ -400,22 +400,22 @@ Gets or sets the number of columns that the should span. - The number of columns the should span. - + The number of columns the should span. + The default value is **1** (no spanning). - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -470,38 +470,38 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the relative direction for flow of content within a element. - A member of the enumeration specifying the relative flow direction. Getting this property returns the currently effective flow direction. Setting this property causes the contents of the element to re-flow in the indicated direction. - + A member of the enumeration specifying the relative flow direction. Getting this property returns the currently effective flow direction. Setting this property causes the contents of the element to re-flow in the indicated direction. + The default value is . - [!NOTE] - > The value of this property is not automatically changed to match the language used by the operating system. If you need to use a different value then the default of , you must specify it yourself. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_flowdirectionxaml"::: - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + [!NOTE] + > The value of this property is not automatically changed to match the language used by the operating system. If you need to use a different value then the default of , you must specify it yourself. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_flowdirectionxaml"::: + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_flowdirection"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_flowdirection"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_flowdirection"::: + ]]> @@ -561,79 +561,79 @@ Gets or sets the height of each line of content. - A double value specifying the height of line in device independent pixels. must be equal to or greater than 0.0034 and equal to or less then 160000. - - A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of "Auto") causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. - + A double value specifying the height of line in device independent pixels. must be equal to or greater than 0.0034 and equal to or less then 160000. + + A value of (equivalent to an attribute value of "Auto") causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. + The default value is . - is affected by its property. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` and equal to or less then `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - Auto - Causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_lineheightxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the previous example renders. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheight.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight") - - The following figure shows how the same example renders with the default setting of =. - - ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheightdefault.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + is affected by its property. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than `0.0034` and equal to or less then `160000`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, (excepting `Auto`) followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + Auto + Causes the line height to be determined automatically from the current font characteristics. Equivalent to a property value of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_lineheightxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the previous example renders. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheight.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight") + + The following figure shows how the same example renders with the default setting of =. + + ![Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default](~/add/media/flowdocument-lineheightdefault.png "Screenshot: FlowDocument LineHeight default") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_lineheight"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_lineheight"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_lineheight"::: + ]]> Raised if an attempt is made to set to a non-positive value. @@ -690,29 +690,29 @@ Gets or sets the mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line of text within the . The mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line of text within the . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to determine how the line boxes are created for text lines of a . The first has a value of and the second has a value of . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/BaselineAlignment/Overview/linestackingstrategyexample.xaml" id="Snippetlinestackingstrategyexamplewholepage"::: - - The following illustration shows the result of the code above. - - ![Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values](~/add/media/flow-linestackingstrategy.gif "Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values") - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to determine how the line boxes are created for text lines of a . The first has a value of and the second has a value of . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/BaselineAlignment/Overview/linestackingstrategyexample.xaml" id="Snippetlinestackingstrategyexamplewholepage"::: + + The following illustration shows the result of the code above. + + ![Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values](~/add/media/flow-linestackingstrategy.gif "Screenshot: Compare LineStackingStrategy values") + ]]> @@ -769,11 +769,11 @@ Creates and returns an object for this . An object for this . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -801,77 +801,77 @@ Gets or sets the padding thickness for the element. - A structure specifying the amount of padding to apply, in device independent pixels. - + A structure specifying the amount of padding to apply, in device independent pixels. + The default value is a uniform thickness of zero (**0.0**). - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *uniformThickness* - String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *independentThickness* - String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of padding to the left of content, 10 pixels of padding above content, 15 pixels of padding to the right of content, and 20 pixels of padding below the content. - - *qualifiedUniformThickness* - A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1in"` provides uniform padding of 1 inch in all directions. - - *qualifiedIndependentThickness* - A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how this example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. - - ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *uniformThickness* + String representation of a single value to apply uniformly to all four thickness dimensions. For example, a value of `"10"` is equivalent to a value of `"10,10,10,10"`. An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *independentThickness* + String representation of four ordered values corresponding to independent thickness dimensions for left, top, right, and bottom, in this order. The four values must be separated with commas; spaces are not allowed. For example, "5,10,15,20" results in 5 pixels of padding to the left of content, 10 pixels of padding above content, 15 pixels of padding to the right of content, and 20 pixels of padding below the content. + + *qualifiedUniformThickness* + A value described by *uniformThickness* followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1in"` provides uniform padding of 1 inch in all directions. + + *qualifiedIndependentThickness* + A value described by *independentThickness*, with each independent value followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + For example, `"1.5in,0.8in,1.5in,0.8in"`. Unit specifiers may be mixed or omitted from one or more values. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element (). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_marginpaddingxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how this example renders. Exaggerated thicknesses and colors are used for illustration. + + ![Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins](~/add/media/block-marginpadding.png "Screenshot: Paragraphs with padding and margins") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_marginpadding"::: + ]]> @@ -925,22 +925,22 @@ Gets or sets the number of rows that the should span. - The number of rows the should span. - + The number of rows the should span. + The default value is **1** (no spanning). - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -995,46 +995,46 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the horizontal alignment of text content. - A member of the enumerations specifying the desired alignment. - + A member of the enumerations specifying the desired alignment. + The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_textalignmentxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the previous example renders with **Left** text alignment (the default). - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-left.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left") - - The following figure shows how the same example renders with **Right** text alignment. - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-right.png "Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right") - - The following figure shows how the same example renders with **Center** text alignment. - - ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-center.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute of a element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_block_textalignmentxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the previous example renders with **Left** text alignment (the default). + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-left.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Left") + + The following figure shows how the same example renders with **Right** text alignment. + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-right.png "Screenshot: TextAlign value of Right") + + The following figure shows how the same example renders with **Center** text alignment. + + ![Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center](~/add/media/flowdoc-textalign-center.png "Screenshot: TextAlign property value of Center") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FlowDirection/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_block_textalignment"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_textalignment"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BlockSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_block_textalignment"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/TableColumn.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/TableColumn.xml index 0eeafb214ef..8d4611c6760 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/TableColumn.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/TableColumn.xml @@ -72,18 +72,18 @@ Gets or sets the background used to fill the content of the . The background used to fill the content of the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -139,18 +139,18 @@ Gets or sets the width of a element. The property measures the sum of the content, padding, and border from side to side. The width of the element, as a . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/TextElement.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/TextElement.xml index 935fddd68a7..27efe700c4b 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/TextElement.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/TextElement.xml @@ -54,33 +54,33 @@ Gets or sets the brush used to fill the background of the content area. The brush used to fill the background of the content area, or to not use a background brush. The default is . - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_backgroundxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Foreground of green, background bisque](~/add/media/textelement-foreback.png "Screenshot: Foreground of green, background bisque") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_backgroundxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Foreground of green, background bisque](~/add/media/textelement-foreback.png "Screenshot: Foreground of green, background bisque") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textelement_background"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_background"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_background"::: + ]]> @@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ Gets a text pointer that represents the end of the content in the element. The end of the content in the . - property is often used to append content to the end of a . - - The returned by this property always has its set to . - + property is often used to append content to the end of a . + + The returned by this property always has its set to . + ]]> @@ -176,13 +176,13 @@ Gets a text pointer that represents the start of content in the element. The start of the content in the . - property is often used to insert content to the beginning of a . - - The returned by this property always has its set to . - + property is often used to insert content to the beginning of a . + + The returned by this property always has its set to . + ]]> @@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ Gets a text pointer that represents the position just after the end of the element. The position just after the end of the . - returned by this property always has its set to . - + returned by this property always has its set to . + ]]> @@ -252,11 +252,11 @@ Gets a text pointer that represents the position just before the start of the element. The position just before the start of the . - returned by this property always has its set to . - + returned by this property always has its set to . + ]]> @@ -295,64 +295,64 @@ Gets or sets the preferred top-level font family for the content of the element. The preferred font family or a primary preferred font family with one or more fallback font families. The default is the font determined by the value. - silently falls back to the font determined by the value. - - This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format values as explained in XAML Values. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontFamily` property, which the content host uses for rendering. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *fontFamilyName* - A string specifying a font family name. For example, `"Arial"` or `"Century Gothic"`. - - *fontFamilyNamesList* - A string specifying multiple font family names, each separated by a comma (any white space following a comma is ignored). The first font family specified serves as the primary font family; subsequent font families serve as fallback families to be used in cases where the primary font family is unavailable or not applicable. For example, `"Arial, Century Gothic"` specifies Arial as the primary font family, with Century Gothic as the fallback font family. - - *fontFamilyFolderReference* - A string specifying a folder containing the font, along with a font family name. The folder and font family name are delimited by a # character. The folder reference may be absolute, or relative. For example, `"Custom Fonts\#My Custom Font"`. - - *fontFamilyUriReference* - A string specifying a uniform resource identifier (URI) for the font, along with a font family name. The URI and font family name are delimited by a # character. For example, `"http://MyFontServer/Fonts/#My Custom Font"`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| + silently falls back to the font determined by the value. + + This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format values as explained in XAML Values. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontFamily` property, which the content host uses for rendering. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *fontFamilyName* + A string specifying a font family name. For example, `"Arial"` or `"Century Gothic"`. + + *fontFamilyNamesList* + A string specifying multiple font family names, each separated by a comma (any white space following a comma is ignored). The first font family specified serves as the primary font family; subsequent font families serve as fallback families to be used in cases where the primary font family is unavailable or not applicable. For example, `"Arial, Century Gothic"` specifies Arial as the primary font family, with Century Gothic as the fallback font family. + + *fontFamilyFolderReference* + A string specifying a folder containing the font, along with a font family name. The folder and font family name are delimited by a # character. The folder reference may be absolute, or relative. For example, `"Custom Fonts\#My Custom Font"`. + + *fontFamilyUriReference* + A string specifying a uniform resource identifier (URI) for the font, along with a font family name. The URI and font family name are delimited by a # character. For example, `"http://MyFontServer/Fonts/#My Custom Font"`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_fontpropsxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with text properties set](~/add/media/textelement-fontprops.png "Screenshot: Text with text properties set") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_fontpropsxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with text properties set](~/add/media/textelement-fontprops.png "Screenshot: Text with text properties set") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: + ]]> @@ -418,60 +418,60 @@ Gets or sets the font size for the content of the element. The desired font size to use in device independent pixels, greater than 0.001 and less than or equal to 35791. The default depends on current system settings and depends on the value. - `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format values as explained in XAML Values. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontSize` property, which the content host uses for rendering. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| + `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format values as explained in XAML Values. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontSize` property, which the content host uses for rendering. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0 but smaller than . An unqualified value is measured in device independent pixels. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit specifiers: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_fontpropsxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with text properties set](~/add/media/textelement-fontprops.png "Screenshot: Text with text properties set") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_fontpropsxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with text properties set](~/add/media/textelement-fontprops.png "Screenshot: Text with text properties set") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: + ]]> @@ -529,33 +529,33 @@ Gets or sets the font-stretching characteristics for the content of the element. The desired font-stretching characteristics to use. The default is . - `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format property names of the class. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontStretch` property, which the content host uses for rendering. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| + `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format property names of the class. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontStretch` property, which the content host uses for rendering. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_fontpropsxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with text properties set](~/add/media/textelement-fontprops.png "Screenshot: Text with text properties set") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_fontpropsxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with text properties set](~/add/media/textelement-fontprops.png "Screenshot: Text with text properties set") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: + ]]> @@ -611,33 +611,33 @@ Gets or sets the font style for the content of the element. The desired font style. The default is determined by the value. - `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format property names in the class. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontStyle` property, which the content host uses for rendering. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| + `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format property names in the class. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontStyle` property, which the content host uses for rendering. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_fontpropsxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with text properties set](~/add/media/textelement-fontprops.png "Screenshot: Text with text properties set") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_fontpropsxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with text properties set](~/add/media/textelement-fontprops.png "Screenshot: Text with text properties set") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: + ]]> @@ -693,33 +693,33 @@ Gets or sets the top-level font weight for the content of the element. The desired font weight. The default value is determined by the value. - `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format values of the enumeration. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontWeight` property, which the content host uses for rendering. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| + `, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is one of the string-format values of the enumeration. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `FontWeight` property, which the content host uses for rendering. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_fontpropsxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with text properties set](~/add/media/textelement-fontprops.png "Screenshot: Text with text properties set") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_fontpropsxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with text properties set](~/add/media/textelement-fontprops.png "Screenshot: Text with text properties set") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_fontprops"::: + ]]> @@ -775,35 +775,35 @@ Gets or sets the brush to apply to the content of the element. The brush used to apply to the text contents. The default is . - . - - This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is a string that resolves to a implementation value. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `Foreground` property, which the content host uses for rendering. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| + . + + This dependency property also has an attached property usage. In XAML, the usage is ``, where *object* is an object element (typically a flow element) contained within a , and *value* is a string that resolves to a implementation value. In code, the attached property usage is supported by the and methods. The attached property usage is not common, because most elements that can be contained in a support an analogous nonattached `Foreground` property, which the content host uses for rendering. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_backgroundxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Foreground of green, background bisque](~/add/media/textelement-foreback.png "Screenshot: Foreground of green, background bisque") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_backgroundxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Foreground of green, background bisque](~/add/media/textelement-foreback.png "Screenshot: Foreground of green, background bisque") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textelement_background"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_background"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_background"::: + ]]> @@ -1100,11 +1100,11 @@ Arguments associated with the property value change. The property specifies which property has changed, the property specifies the previous property value, and the property specifies the new property value. Handles notifications that one or more of the dependency properties that exist on the element have had their effective values changed. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1410,25 +1410,25 @@ Gets or sets a collection of text effects to apply to the content of the element. A collection of text effects to apply to the content in this element. The default is (not an empty collection). - associated with it. Before adding any text effects, create a new and assign it to this property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| + associated with it. Before adding any text effects, create a new and assign it to this property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a simple text effect and apply it to a text through the property. - + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a simple text effect and apply it to a text through the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textelement_texteffects"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_texteffects"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_texteffects"::: + ]]> @@ -1484,29 +1484,29 @@ Gets the currently effective typography variations for the content of the element. The currently effective typography variations. For a list of default typography values, see . - property is applicable only to OpenType fonts. A typography variant has no effect on fonts that do not support the variant. For more information on this topic, see [Typography in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/typography-in-wpf). - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_typogxaml"::: - - The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with altered typography](~/add/media/textelement-typog.png "Screenshot: Text with altered typography") - - In contrast, the following figure shows how a similar example with default typographic properties renders. - - ![Screenshot: Text with altered typography](~/add/media/textelement-typog-default.png "Screenshot: Text with altered typography") - - The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. - + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attribute, using as the example element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet_textelement_typogxaml"::: + + The following figure shows how the preceding example renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with altered typography](~/add/media/textelement-typog.png "Screenshot: Text with altered typography") + + In contrast, the following figure shows how a similar example with default typographic properties renders. + + ![Screenshot: Text with altered typography](~/add/media/textelement-typog-default.png "Screenshot: Text with altered typography") + + The following example shows how to set the property programmatically. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/TextBlock/TextEffects/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_textelement_typog"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_typog"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextElementSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_textelement_typog"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Typography.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Typography.xml index 3ca39149feb..cc532a629da 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Typography.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Documents/Typography.xml @@ -23,90 +23,90 @@ Provides access to a rich set of OpenType typography properties. - object exposes the set of features that an OpenType font supports. By setting the properties of in markup or code, you can easily author documents that take advantage of OpenType features. - - The following text displays standard capital letters for the Pescadero font, followed by the letters styled as "SmallCaps" and "AllSmallCaps". In this case, the same font size is used for all three words. - - ![Text using OpenType capitals](~/add/media/opentypefont11.gif "Text using OpenType capitals") -Text using OpenType capitals - - The following markup example shows how to define capitals for the Pescadero font, using properties of the object. When the "SmallCaps" format is used, any leading capital letter is ignored. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet9"::: - - The following code example accomplishes the same task as the previous markup example. - + object exposes the set of features that an OpenType font supports. By setting the properties of in markup or code, you can easily author documents that take advantage of OpenType features. + + The following text displays standard capital letters for the Pescadero font, followed by the letters styled as "SmallCaps" and "AllSmallCaps". In this case, the same font size is used for all three words. + + ![Text using OpenType capitals](~/add/media/opentypefont11.gif "Text using OpenType capitals") +Text using OpenType capitals + + The following markup example shows how to define capitals for the Pescadero font, using properties of the object. When the "SmallCaps" format is used, any leading capital letter is ignored. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet9"::: + + The following code example accomplishes the same task as the previous markup example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Typography/Overview/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettypographycodesnippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TypographyCodeSnippets/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettypographycodesnippet1"::: - -## Typography Properties - The following table lists the properties, values, and default value of the object. - -|Property|Value(s)|Default Value| -|--------------|----------------|-------------------| -||Numeric value - byte|0| -|| | | | | | | |.| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`true`| -|||`true`| -||Numeric value - byte|0| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|| | | | | | | | | | |.| -|| | | | | | |.| -|| | | |.| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`true`| -|||`false`| -|| | | |.| -|||.| -|||`false`| -|||`true`| -||numeric value - byte|0| -||numeric value - byte|0| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|||`false`| -|| | | | | | |.| - - All dependency properties of this class also have an attached property usage in XAML. - For instance, you can set the property through this syntax: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TypographyCodeSnippets/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettypographycodesnippet1"::: + +## Typography Properties + The following table lists the properties, values, and default value of the object. + +|Property|Value(s)|Default Value| +|--------------|----------------|-------------------| +||Numeric value - byte|0| +|| | | | | | | |.| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`true`| +|||`true`| +||Numeric value - byte|0| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|| | | | | | | | | | |.| +|| | | | | | |.| +|| | | |.| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`true`| +|||`false`| +|| | | |.| +|||.| +|||`false`| +|||`true`| +||numeric value - byte|0| +||numeric value - byte|0| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|||`false`| +|| | | | | | |.| + + All dependency properties of this class also have an attached property usage in XAML. + For instance, you can set the property through this syntax: <*object* **Typography.AnnotationAlternates**="*`value`*" .../> - - - -## Examples - The following code sample shows the use typographic in XAML. Notice that the variant feature is applied to all text contained with the element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Typography/Overview/PageTwo.xaml" id="Snippettypographysnippet2"::: - - The following code sample shows the use typographic and features in XAML. Notice that both typographic properties are applied to the entire paragraph. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Typography/Overview/PageThree.xaml" id="Snippettypographysnippet3"::: - + + + +## Examples + The following code sample shows the use typographic in XAML. Notice that the variant feature is applied to all text contained with the element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Typography/Overview/PageTwo.xaml" id="Snippettypographysnippet2"::: + + The following code sample shows the use typographic and features in XAML. Notice that both typographic properties are applied to the entire paragraph. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Typography/Overview/PageThree.xaml" id="Snippettypographysnippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -136,27 +136,27 @@ Text using OpenType capitals Gets or sets a value that specifies the index of an alternate annotation form. The index of the alternate annotation form. The default value is 0 (zero). - is greater than zero and the selected font does not support annotation alternates, the default form of the letter is displayed. - - This property gets or sets a value on the object that owns a `Typography` property, which is the only way to access a class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.AnnotationAlternates**="*int*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + is greater than zero and the selected font does not support annotation alternates, the default form of the letter is displayed. + + This property gets or sets a value on the object that owns a `Typography` property, which is the only way to access a class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.AnnotationAlternates**="*int*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -212,39 +212,39 @@ Text using OpenType capitals Gets or sets a enumerated value that indicates the capital form of the selected font. A enumerated value. The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Capitals are a set of typographical forms that render text in capital-styled glyphs. Typically, when text is rendered as all capitals, the spacing between letters can appear too tight, and the weight and proportion of the letters too heavy. OpenType supports a number of styling formats for capitals, including small capitals, petite capitals, titling, and capital spacing. These styling formats allow you to control the appearance of capitals. - - The following text displays standard capital letters for the Pescadero font, followed by the letters styled as "SmallCaps" and "AllSmallCaps". In this case, the same font size is used for all three words. - - ![Text using OpenType capitals](~/add/media/opentypefont11.gif "Text using OpenType capitals") -Example of capitals - - The following code example shows how to define capitals for the Pescadero font, using the property. When the "SmallCaps" format is used, any leading capital letter is ignored. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet9"::: - - The following code example accomplishes the same task as the previous markup example. - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Capitals are a set of typographical forms that render text in capital-styled glyphs. Typically, when text is rendered as all capitals, the spacing between letters can appear too tight, and the weight and proportion of the letters too heavy. OpenType supports a number of styling formats for capitals, including small capitals, petite capitals, titling, and capital spacing. These styling formats allow you to control the appearance of capitals. + + The following text displays standard capital letters for the Pescadero font, followed by the letters styled as "SmallCaps" and "AllSmallCaps". In this case, the same font size is used for all three words. + + ![Text using OpenType capitals](~/add/media/opentypefont11.gif "Text using OpenType capitals") +Example of capitals + + The following code example shows how to define capitals for the Pescadero font, using the property. When the "SmallCaps" format is used, any leading capital letter is ignored. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet9"::: + + The following code example accomplishes the same task as the previous markup example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Documents/Typography/Overview/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettypographycodesnippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TypographyCodeSnippets/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettypographycodesnippet1"::: - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.Capitals**=""/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TypographyCodeSnippets/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettypographycodesnippet1"::: + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.Capitals**=""/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -276,32 +276,32 @@ Example of capitals if spacing is adjusted; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Capital spacing is a feature that allows you to provide more spacing when using all capitals in text. Capital letters are typically designed to blend with lowercase letters. Spacing that appears attractive between and a capital letter and a lowercase letter may look too tight when all capital letters are used. The following text displays normal and capital spacing for the Pescadero font. - - ![Text using OpenType capital spacing](~/add/media/opentypefont21.gif "Text using OpenType capital spacing") -Example of normal and capital spacing - - The following code example shows how to define capital spacing for the Pescadero font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippetopentypefontsnippet18"::: - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.CapitalSpacing**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Capital spacing is a feature that allows you to provide more spacing when using all capitals in text. Capital letters are typically designed to blend with lowercase letters. Spacing that appears attractive between and a capital letter and a lowercase letter may look too tight when all capital letters are used. The following text displays normal and capital spacing for the Pescadero font. + + ![Text using OpenType capital spacing](~/add/media/opentypefont21.gif "Text using OpenType capital spacing") +Example of normal and capital spacing + + The following code example shows how to define capital spacing for the Pescadero font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippetopentypefontsnippet18"::: + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.CapitalSpacing**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -385,23 +385,23 @@ Example of normal and capital spacing if the vertical position is adjusted; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.CaseSensitiveForms**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.CaseSensitiveForms**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -458,32 +458,32 @@ Example of normal and capital spacing if custom glyph forms can be used; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Random contextual alternates provide multiple substitute glyphs for a single character. When implemented with script-type fonts, this feature can simulate handwriting by using of a set of randomly chosen glyphs with slight differences in appearance. The following text uses random contextual alternates for the Lindsey font. Notice that the letter "a" varies slightly in appearance - - ![Text using OpenType random contextual alternates](~/add/media/opentypefont23.gif "Text using OpenType random contextual alternates") -Example of random contextual alternates - - The following code example shows how to define random contextual alternates for the Lindsey font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetopentypefontsnippet20"::: - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.ContextualAlternates**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Random contextual alternates provide multiple substitute glyphs for a single character. When implemented with script-type fonts, this feature can simulate handwriting by using of a set of randomly chosen glyphs with slight differences in appearance. The following text uses random contextual alternates for the Lindsey font. Notice that the letter "a" varies slightly in appearance + + ![Text using OpenType random contextual alternates](~/add/media/opentypefont23.gif "Text using OpenType random contextual alternates") +Example of random contextual alternates + + The following code example shows how to define random contextual alternates for the Lindsey font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetopentypefontsnippet20"::: + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.ContextualAlternates**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -541,27 +541,27 @@ Example of random contextual alternates if contextual ligatures are enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Contextual ligatures are designed to enhance readability by providing better joining behavior between the characters that make up the ligature. - - If the value of is `true` and the selected font does not support contextual ligatures, the default form of the letter is displayed. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.ContextualLigatures**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Contextual ligatures are designed to enhance readability by providing better joining behavior between the characters that make up the ligature. + + If the value of is `true` and the selected font does not support contextual ligatures, the default form of the letter is displayed. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.ContextualLigatures**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -620,32 +620,32 @@ Example of random contextual alternates Gets or sets a value that specifies the index of a contextual swashes form. The index of the standard swashes form. The default value is 0 (zero). - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Certain combinations of swash glyphs can cause an unattractive appearance, such as overlapping descenders on adjacent letters. Using a contextual swash allows you to use a substitute swash glyph that produces a better appearance. The following text shows the same word before and after a contextual swash is applied. - - ![Text using OpenType contextual swashes](~/add/media/opentypefont19.gif "Text using OpenType contextual swashes") -Example of a contextual swash - - The following code example shows how to define a contextual swash for the Pescadero font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippetopentypefontsnippet16"::: - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.ContextualSwashes**="*int*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Certain combinations of swash glyphs can cause an unattractive appearance, such as overlapping descenders on adjacent letters. Using a contextual swash allows you to use a substitute swash glyph that produces a better appearance. The following text shows the same word before and after a contextual swash is applied. + + ![Text using OpenType contextual swashes](~/add/media/opentypefont19.gif "Text using OpenType contextual swashes") +Example of a contextual swash + + The following code example shows how to define a contextual swash for the Pescadero font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippetopentypefontsnippet16"::: + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.ContextualSwashes**="*int*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -703,32 +703,32 @@ Example of a contextual swash if discretionary ligatures are enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Discretionary ligatures are designed to be ornamental, and not specifically designed for readability. The following text displays discretionary ligature glyphs for the Pericles font. - - ![Text using OpenType discretionary ligatures](~/add/media/opentypefont05.gif "Text using OpenType discretionary ligatures") -Example of discretionary set of ligatures - - The following code example shows how to define discretionary ligature glyphs for the Pericles font, using the property. - -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet5"::: - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.DiscretionaryLigatures**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Discretionary ligatures are designed to be ornamental, and not specifically designed for readability. The following text displays discretionary ligature glyphs for the Pericles font. + + ![Text using OpenType discretionary ligatures](~/add/media/opentypefont05.gif "Text using OpenType discretionary ligatures") +Example of discretionary set of ligatures + + The following code example shows how to define discretionary ligature glyphs for the Pericles font, using the property. + +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet5"::: + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.DiscretionaryLigatures**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -788,23 +788,23 @@ Example of discretionary set of ligatures if standard Japanese font forms have been replaced with the corresponding preferred typographic forms; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.ExpertForms**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.ExpertForms**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -862,23 +862,23 @@ Example of discretionary set of ligatures Gets or sets a enumerated value that indicates the version of glyphs to be used for a specific writing system or language. A enumerated value. The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.EastAsianLanguage**=""/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.EastAsianLanguage**=""/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -936,23 +936,23 @@ Example of discretionary set of ligatures Gets or sets a enumerated value that indicates the proportional width to be used for Latin characters in an East Asian font. A enumerated value. The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.EastAsianWidths**=""/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.EastAsianWidths**=""/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -1010,34 +1010,34 @@ Example of discretionary set of ligatures Gets or sets a enumerated value that indicates the fraction style. A enumerated value. The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - OpenType fonts support styles for fractions, including slashed and stacked. - - The following text displays fraction styles for the Palatino Linotype font. - - ![Text using OpenType slashed and stacked fractions](~/add/media/opentypefont12.gif "Text using OpenType slashed and stacked fractions") -Example of slashed and stacked fraction styles - - The following code example shows how to define fraction styles for the Palatino Linotype font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet10"::: - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.Fraction**=""/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + OpenType fonts support styles for fractions, including slashed and stacked. + + The following text displays fraction styles for the Palatino Linotype font. + + ![Text using OpenType slashed and stacked fractions](~/add/media/opentypefont12.gif "Text using OpenType slashed and stacked fractions") +Example of slashed and stacked fraction styles + + The following code example shows how to define fraction styles for the Palatino Linotype font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet10"::: + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.Fraction**=""/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -2729,32 +2729,32 @@ Example of slashed and stacked fraction styles if historical forms are enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Historical forms are typographic conventions that were common in the past. The following text displays the phrase, "Boston, Massachusetts", using an historical form of glyphs for the Palatino Linotype font. - - ![Text using OpenType historical forms](~/add/media/opentypefont10.gif "Text using OpenType historical forms") -Example of historical forms - - The following code example shows how to define historical forms for the Palatino Linotype font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet8"::: - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.HistoricalForms**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Historical forms are typographic conventions that were common in the past. The following text displays the phrase, "Boston, Massachusetts", using an historical form of glyphs for the Palatino Linotype font. + + ![Text using OpenType historical forms](~/add/media/opentypefont10.gif "Text using OpenType historical forms") +Example of historical forms + + The following code example shows how to define historical forms for the Palatino Linotype font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet8"::: + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.HistoricalForms**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -2812,25 +2812,25 @@ Example of historical forms if historical ligatures are enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Historical ligatures are typographic forms used in historical typography that font designers may add to their fonts. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.HistoricalLigatures**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Historical ligatures are typographic forms used in historical typography that font designers may add to their fonts. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.HistoricalLigatures**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -2891,25 +2891,25 @@ Example of historical forms if kerning is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Kerning is a typographic function that adjusts the spacing between characters to enhance word shape. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.Kerning**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Kerning is a typographic function that adjusts the spacing between characters to enhance word shape. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.Kerning**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -2966,25 +2966,25 @@ Example of historical forms if mathematical Greek forms are enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - If the value of is `true` and the selected font does not support mathematical Greek forms, the default form of the letter is displayed. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.MathematicalGreek**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + If the value of is `true` and the selected font does not support mathematical Greek forms, the default form of the letter is displayed. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.MathematicalGreek**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -3040,34 +3040,34 @@ Example of historical forms Gets or sets a enumerated value that indicates the alignment of widths when using numerals. A enumerated value. The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - OpenType fonts support a proportional and tabular figure feature to control the alignment of widths when using numerals. Proportional figures treat each numeral as having a different width - "1" is narrower than "5". Tabular figures are treated as equal-width numerals so that they align vertically, which increases the readability of financial type information. - - The following text displays two proportional figures in the first column using the Miramonte font. Note the difference in width between the numerals "5" and "1". The second column shows the same two numeric values with the widths adjusted by using the tabular figure feature. - - ![Text using OpenType proportional & tabular figures](~/add/media/opentypefont22.gif "Text using OpenType proportional & tabular figures") -Example of proportional and tabbed figures - - The following code example shows how to define proportional and tabular figures for the Miramonte font, using the property. - -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetopentypefontsnippet19"::: - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.NumericalAlignment**=""/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + OpenType fonts support a proportional and tabular figure feature to control the alignment of widths when using numerals. Proportional figures treat each numeral as having a different width - "1" is narrower than "5". Tabular figures are treated as equal-width numerals so that they align vertically, which increases the readability of financial type information. + + The following text displays two proportional figures in the first column using the Miramonte font. Note the difference in width between the numerals "5" and "1". The second column shows the same two numeric values with the widths adjusted by using the tabular figure feature. + + ![Text using OpenType proportional & tabular figures](~/add/media/opentypefont22.gif "Text using OpenType proportional & tabular figures") +Example of proportional and tabbed figures + + The following code example shows how to define proportional and tabular figures for the Miramonte font, using the property. + +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetopentypefontsnippet19"::: + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.NumericalAlignment**=""/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -3125,37 +3125,37 @@ Example of proportional and tabbed figures Gets or sets a enumerated value that determines the set of glyphs that are used to render numeric alternate font forms. A enumerated value. The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - OpenType fonts support an old style numeral format. This format is useful for displaying numerals in styles that are no longer standard. The following text displays an 18th century date in standard and old style numeral formats for the Palatino Linotype font. - - ![Text using OpenType old style numerals](~/add/media/opentypefont24.gif "Text using OpenType old style numerals") -Example of standard and old style numerals - - The following text displays standard numerals for the Palatino Linotype font, followed by old style numerals. - - ![Text using OpenType old style numeral sets](~/add/media/opentypefont13.gif "Text using OpenType old style numeral sets") -Example of standard and old style numeral sets - - The following code example shows how to define old style numerals for the Palatino Linotype font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet11"::: - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.NumeralStyle**=""/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + OpenType fonts support an old style numeral format. This format is useful for displaying numerals in styles that are no longer standard. The following text displays an 18th century date in standard and old style numeral formats for the Palatino Linotype font. + + ![Text using OpenType old style numerals](~/add/media/opentypefont24.gif "Text using OpenType old style numerals") +Example of standard and old style numerals + + The following text displays standard numerals for the Palatino Linotype font, followed by old style numerals. + + ![Text using OpenType old style numeral sets](~/add/media/opentypefont13.gif "Text using OpenType old style numeral sets") +Example of standard and old style numeral sets + + The following code example shows how to define old style numerals for the Palatino Linotype font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet11"::: + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.NumeralStyle**=""/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -4676,36 +4676,36 @@ Example of standard and old style numeral sets if slashed zero forms are enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - OpenType fonts support a slashed zero numeral format to emphasize the difference between the letter "O" and the numeral "0". The slashed zero numeral is often used for identifiers in financial and business information. - - The following text displays a sample order identifier using the Miramonte font. The first line uses standard numerals. The second line used slashed zero numerals to provide better contrast with the uppercase "O" letter. - - ![Text using OpenType slashed zero numerals](~/add/media/opentypefont17.gif "Text using OpenType slashed zero numerals") -Example of slashed zero numerals - - The following code example shows how to define slashed zero numerals for the Miramonte font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippetopentypefontsnippet15"::: - - If the value of is `true` and the selected font does not support slashed zero forms, the default form of the numeral is displayed. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.SlashedZero**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + OpenType fonts support a slashed zero numeral format to emphasize the difference between the letter "O" and the numeral "0". The slashed zero numeral is often used for identifiers in financial and business information. + + The following text displays a sample order identifier using the Miramonte font. The first line uses standard numerals. The second line used slashed zero numerals to provide better contrast with the uppercase "O" letter. + + ![Text using OpenType slashed zero numerals](~/add/media/opentypefont17.gif "Text using OpenType slashed zero numerals") +Example of slashed zero numerals + + The following code example shows how to define slashed zero numerals for the Miramonte font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippetopentypefontsnippet15"::: + + If the value of is `true` and the selected font does not support slashed zero forms, the default form of the numeral is displayed. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.SlashedZero**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -4764,48 +4764,48 @@ Example of slashed zero numerals if standard ligatures are enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - The following text displays standard ligature glyphs for the Pericles font. - - ![Text using OpenType standard ligatures](~/add/media/opentypefont04.gif "Text using OpenType standard ligatures") -Example of standard set of ligatures - - The following code example shows how to define standard ligature glyphs for the Pericles font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - - By default, OpenTypes fonts in WPF enable standard ligatures. For example, if you use the Palatino Linotype font, the standard ligatures "fi", "ff", and "fl" appear as a combined character glyph. Notice that the pair of characters for each standard ligature touch each other. - - ![Text using OpenType standard ligatures](~/add/media/opentypefont06.gif "Text using OpenType standard ligatures") -Example of standard ligatures enabled by default - - However, you can disable standard ligature features so that a standard ligature such as "ff" displays as two separate glyphs, rather than as a combined character glyph. - - ![Text using disabled OpenType standard ligatures](~/add/media/opentypefont07.gif "Text using disabled OpenType standard ligatures") -Example of disabled standard ligatures - - The following code example shows how to disable standard ligature glyphs for the Palatino Linotype font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet6"::: - - If the value of is `true` and the selected font does not support standard ligatures, the default form of the letter is displayed. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StandardLigatures**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + The following text displays standard ligature glyphs for the Pericles font. + + ![Text using OpenType standard ligatures](~/add/media/opentypefont04.gif "Text using OpenType standard ligatures") +Example of standard set of ligatures + + The following code example shows how to define standard ligature glyphs for the Pericles font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + + By default, OpenTypes fonts in WPF enable standard ligatures. For example, if you use the Palatino Linotype font, the standard ligatures "fi", "ff", and "fl" appear as a combined character glyph. Notice that the pair of characters for each standard ligature touch each other. + + ![Text using OpenType standard ligatures](~/add/media/opentypefont06.gif "Text using OpenType standard ligatures") +Example of standard ligatures enabled by default + + However, you can disable standard ligature features so that a standard ligature such as "ff" displays as two separate glyphs, rather than as a combined character glyph. + + ![Text using disabled OpenType standard ligatures](~/add/media/opentypefont07.gif "Text using disabled OpenType standard ligatures") +Example of disabled standard ligatures + + The following code example shows how to disable standard ligature glyphs for the Palatino Linotype font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet6"::: + + If the value of is `true` and the selected font does not support standard ligatures, the default form of the letter is displayed. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StandardLigatures**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -4864,39 +4864,39 @@ Example of disabled standard ligatures Gets or sets a value that specifies the index of a standard swashes form. The index of the standard swashes form. The default value is 0 (zero). - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Swashes are decorative glyphs that use elaborate ornamentation often associated with calligraphy. The following text displays standard and swash glyphs for the Pescadero font. - - ![Text using OpenType standard and swash glyphs](~/add/media/opentypefont08.gif "Text using OpenType standard and swash glyphs") -Example of standard and swash glyphs - - Swashes are often used as decorative elements in short phrases such as event announcements. The following text uses swashes to emphasize the capital letters of the name of the event. - - ![Text using OpenType swashes](~/add/media/opentypefont09.gif "Text using OpenType swashes") -Example of swashes used for capital letters - - The following code example shows how to define swashes for a font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet7"::: - - If the value of is greater than zero and the selected font does not support standard swashes forms at the given index value, the default form of the letter is displayed. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StandardSwashes**="*int*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Swashes are decorative glyphs that use elaborate ornamentation often associated with calligraphy. The following text displays standard and swash glyphs for the Pescadero font. + + ![Text using OpenType standard and swash glyphs](~/add/media/opentypefont08.gif "Text using OpenType standard and swash glyphs") +Example of standard and swash glyphs + + Swashes are often used as decorative elements in short phrases such as event announcements. The following text uses swashes to emphasize the capital letters of the name of the event. + + ![Text using OpenType swashes](~/add/media/opentypefont09.gif "Text using OpenType swashes") +Example of swashes used for capital letters + + The following code example shows how to define swashes for a font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet7"::: + + If the value of is greater than zero and the selected font does not support standard swashes forms at the given index value, the default form of the letter is displayed. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StandardSwashes**="*int*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -4953,46 +4953,46 @@ Example of swashes used for capital letters Gets or sets a value that specifies the index of a stylistic alternates form. The index of the stylistic alternates form. The default value is 0 (zero). - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Alternates are glyphs that can be substituted for a standard glyph. OpenType fonts, such as the Pericles font used in the following examples, contain alternate glyphs that you can use to create different appearances for text. The following text displays standard glyphs for the Pericles font. - - ![Text using OpenType standard glyphs](~/add/media/opentypefont01.gif "Text using OpenType standard glyphs") -Example of standard set of glyphs - - The Pericles OpenType font contains additional glyphs that provide stylistic alternates to the standard set of glyphs. The following text displays stylistic alternate glyphs. - - ![Text using OpenType stylistic alternate glyphs](~/add/media/opentypefont02.gif "Text using OpenType stylistic alternate glyphs") -Example of stylistic alternate glyphs - - The following code example shows how to define stylistic alternate glyphs for the Pericles font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - - The following text displays several other stylistic alternate glyphs for the Pericles font. - - ![Text using OpenType stylistic alternate glyphs](~/add/media/opentypefont03.gif "Text using OpenType stylistic alternate glyphs") -Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs - - The following code example shows how to define these other stylistic alternate glyphs. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticAlternates**="*int*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Alternates are glyphs that can be substituted for a standard glyph. OpenType fonts, such as the Pericles font used in the following examples, contain alternate glyphs that you can use to create different appearances for text. The following text displays standard glyphs for the Pericles font. + + ![Text using OpenType standard glyphs](~/add/media/opentypefont01.gif "Text using OpenType standard glyphs") +Example of standard set of glyphs + + The Pericles OpenType font contains additional glyphs that provide stylistic alternates to the standard set of glyphs. The following text displays stylistic alternate glyphs. + + ![Text using OpenType stylistic alternate glyphs](~/add/media/opentypefont02.gif "Text using OpenType stylistic alternate glyphs") +Example of stylistic alternate glyphs + + The following code example shows how to define stylistic alternate glyphs for the Pericles font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + + The following text displays several other stylistic alternate glyphs for the Pericles font. + + ![Text using OpenType stylistic alternate glyphs](~/add/media/opentypefont03.gif "Text using OpenType stylistic alternate glyphs") +Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs + + The following code example shows how to define these other stylistic alternate glyphs. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet3"::: + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticAlternates**="*int*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5050,25 +5050,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet1**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet1**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5099,25 +5099,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet10**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet10**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5174,25 +5174,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet11**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet11**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5249,25 +5249,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet12**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet12**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5324,25 +5324,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet13**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet13**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5399,25 +5399,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet14**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet14**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5474,25 +5474,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet15**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet15**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5549,25 +5549,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet16**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet16**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5624,25 +5624,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet17**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet17**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5699,25 +5699,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet18**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet18**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5774,25 +5774,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet19**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet19**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5875,25 +5875,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet2**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet2**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -5924,25 +5924,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet20**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet20**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -6025,25 +6025,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet3**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet3**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -6100,25 +6100,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet4**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet4**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -6175,25 +6175,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet5**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet5**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -6250,25 +6250,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet6**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet6**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -6325,23 +6325,23 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet7**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet7**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -6398,25 +6398,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet8**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet8**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -6473,25 +6473,25 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs if the stylistic set of the font form is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet9**="*bool*"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Some fonts contain stylistic variant glyphs that correspond to portions of a character set. Glyphs in stylistic sets may be designed to harmonize visually, interact in particular ways, or work together in other ways. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.StylisticSet9**="*bool*"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -6547,45 +6547,45 @@ Example of other stylistic alternate glyphs Gets or sets a enumerated value that indicates a variation of the standard typographic form to be used. A enumerated value. The default value is . - class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. - - Variants are similar to superscript or subscript font forms. It is possible for a font form to contain differing glyph sets between superscript and the ordinal form, or between subscript and inferior forms. The property allows you to set superscript and subscript values for an OpenType font. - - The following text displays superscripts for the Palatino Linotype font. - - ![Text using OpenType superscripts](~/add/media/opentypefont14.gif "Text using OpenType superscripts") -Example of superscripts - - The following code example shows how to define superscripts for the Palatino Linotype font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet12"::: - - The following text displays subscripts for the Palatino Linotype font. - - ![Text using OpenType subscripts](~/add/media/opentypefont15.gif "Text using OpenType subscripts") -Example of subscripts - - The following code example shows how to define subscripts for the Palatino Linotype font, using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet13"::: - - Fonts that do not support variants may have an algorithmic approximation of the font form. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **Typography.Variants**=""/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + class instance. In addition, this property supports an attached property usage so that it can be set on text-containing objects in XAML. + + Variants are similar to superscript or subscript font forms. It is possible for a font form to contain differing glyph sets between superscript and the ordinal form, or between subscript and inferior forms. The property allows you to set superscript and subscript values for an OpenType font. + + The following text displays superscripts for the Palatino Linotype font. + + ![Text using OpenType superscripts](~/add/media/opentypefont14.gif "Text using OpenType superscripts") +Example of superscripts + + The following code example shows how to define superscripts for the Palatino Linotype font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet12"::: + + The following text displays subscripts for the Palatino Linotype font. + + ![Text using OpenType subscripts](~/add/media/opentypefont15.gif "Text using OpenType subscripts") +Example of subscripts + + The following code example shows how to define subscripts for the Palatino Linotype font, using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FontCapitals/Overview/PageOne.xaml" id="Snippet13"::: + + Fonts that do not support variants may have an algorithmic approximation of the font form. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **Typography.Variants**=""/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting/DataPoint.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting/DataPoint.xml index 91d025b897d..d90c0dbccfe 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting/DataPoint.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting/DataPoint.xml @@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ Represents a data point that is stored in the class. - class stores properties associated with data as well as data point values. For example, a data point has a value, but it also has a color property, background image property, background gradient property, and so forth. For more information about data point properties, see the class overview topic. - - Each data point consists of an X-value and one or more Y-values. The X-value can be zero, or you can set this explicitly. - - Only one Y-value per point is required for all chart types except bubble, candlestick and stock charts. These chart types require more than one Y-value because one data point consists of multiple values. For example, to plot one stock chart column, four values are required: high, low, open and close values. - - Data can be added at either design time or run time; you can also use data-binding at run time. - + class stores properties associated with data as well as data point values. For example, a data point has a value, but it also has a color property, background image property, background gradient property, and so forth. For more information about data point properties, see the class overview topic. + + Each data point consists of an X-value and one or more Y-values. The X-value can be zero, or you can set this explicitly. + + Only one Y-value per point is required for all chart types except bubble, candlestick and stock charts. These chart types require more than one Y-value because one data point consists of multiple values. For example, to plot one stock chart column, four values are required: high, low, open and close values. + + Data can be added at either design time or run time; you can also use data-binding at run time. + ]]> @@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - class. - - However, it is highly recommended that you instead add data points at run time, using the collection property. - + class. + + However, it is highly recommended that you instead add data points at run time, using the collection property. + ]]> @@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ The object that the data point belongs to. Initializes a new instance of the class, and sets the that the data point belongs to. - class. - - However, it is highly recommended that you instead add data points at run time, using the collection property. - + class. + + However, it is highly recommended that you instead add data points at run time, using the collection property. + ]]> @@ -127,13 +127,13 @@ The Y-value of the data point. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified X and Y-value. - class. - - However, it is highly recommended that you instead add data points at run time, using the collection property. - + class. + + However, it is highly recommended that you instead add data points at run time, using the collection property. + ]]> @@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ An array of Y-values of the data point. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified X-value and an array of Y-values. - class. - - However, it is highly recommended that you instead add data points at run time, using the collection property. - + class. + + However, it is highly recommended that you instead add data points at run time, using the collection property. + ]]> @@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ A comma-separated of Y-values of the data point. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified X-value and Y-values. - class. - - However, it is highly recommended that you instead add data points at run time, using the collection property. - + class. + + However, it is highly recommended that you instead add data points at run time, using the collection property. + ]]> @@ -228,11 +228,11 @@ Returns a new instance that is an exact copy of the data point. A cloned object that is an exact copy of the data point. - method to obtain an exact copy of the data point. - + method to obtain an exact copy of the data point. + ]]> @@ -296,15 +296,15 @@ if the point is marked as an empty point; otherwise, . The default value is . - class can be used to mark missing data as empty points. - - The property determines how empty points are displayed. - + class can be used to mark missing data as empty points. + + The property determines how empty points are displayed. + ]]> @@ -375,21 +375,25 @@ A list of Y-values of the data point. Sets the X-value and one or more Y-values of the data point. - method to set the value(s) of a data point at run-time. - - Note that if you set the X-value to a value other than zero (0), a scatter plot will be generated. For further details, see the Remarks section of the property. - - Refer to the following table for a complete listing of valid .NET Framework types that can be used for the object type parameter. - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|String|DateTime|Double| -|Decimal|Single|Int32| -|UInt32|Int64|UInt64| - + method to set the value(s) of a data point at run time. + + Note that if you set the X-value to a value other than zero (0), a scatter plot will be generated. For further details, see the Remarks section of the property. + +The following .NET types can be used for the object type parameter: + +- String +- DateTime +- Double +- Decimal +- Single +- Int32 +- UInt32 +- Int64 +- UInt64 + ]]> @@ -423,26 +427,30 @@ The Y-value(s) of a object in the collection. Formatted as one or more values separated by commas. Sets the Y-value(s) of a single data point. - property is used to set the Y-value(s) of a data point at run time. - - Only one Y-value per point is required for all chart types except for bubble, candlestick and stock charts. These chart types require more than one Y-value because one data point consists of multiple values. For example, to plot one stock chart column, four values are required: high, low, open and close values. - - This property returns an array of `double` values when used to retrieve multiple Y-values. - + property is used to set the Y-value(s) of a data point at run time. + + Only one Y-value per point is required for all chart types except for bubble, candlestick and stock charts. These chart types require more than one Y-value because one data point consists of multiple values. For example, to plot one stock chart column, four values are required: high, low, open and close values. + + This property returns an array of `double` values when used to retrieve multiple Y-values. + > [!IMPORTANT] -> The property determines the maximum number of Y-values that all data points in a can have. If you specify more than the allowable number of Y-values, an exception will be raised. -> -> Refer to the following table for a complete listing of valid .NET Framework types that can be used for the object type parameter: - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|String|DateTime|Double| -|Decimal|Single|Int32| -|UInt32|Int64|UInt64| - +> The property determines the maximum number of Y-values that all data points in a can have. If you specify more than the allowable number of Y-values, an exception will be raised. + +The following .NET types can be used for the object type parameter: + +- String +- DateTime +- Double +- Decimal +- Single +- Int32 +- UInt32 +- Int64 +- UInt64 + ]]> @@ -488,13 +496,13 @@ Gets or sets the X-value of a data point. A that represents the X-value of a data point. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -544,18 +552,18 @@ Gets or sets the Y-value(s) of a data point. An array of values that represent the Y-value(s) of a data point. - property is used to set the Y-values of data points. - - Only one Y-value per point is required for all chart types except bubble, candlestick and stock charts. These chart types require more than one Y-value because one data point consists of multiple values. For example, to plot one stock chart column, four values are required: high, low, open and close values. - - The property returns an array of `double` values when used to retrieve the Y-values. - - > [!IMPORTANT] - > The property determines the maximum number of Y-values that all data points in a can have. If you specify more than the allowable number of Y-values, an exception will be raised. - + property is used to set the Y-values of data points. + + Only one Y-value per point is required for all chart types except bubble, candlestick and stock charts. These chart types require more than one Y-value because one data point consists of multiple values. For example, to plot one stock chart column, four values are required: high, low, open and close values. + + The property returns an array of `double` values when used to retrieve the Y-values. + + > [!IMPORTANT] + > The property determines the maximum number of Y-values that all data points in a can have. If you specify more than the allowable number of Y-values, an exception will be raised. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting/DataPointCollection.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting/DataPointCollection.xml index f6431fb8ae2..f4aaa619085 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting/DataPointCollection.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting/DataPointCollection.xml @@ -19,21 +19,21 @@ Represents a collection of objects. - class represents a collection of objects, which in turn represent the data points that are part of a object. - - This collection class is implemented as the property of a object. - - objects can be appended or inserted into the collection with their X-value and Y-value(s) already specified as parameters. Note that they are also added automatically when a series is bound to a data source using either the or method. - - Data points are plotted in the order that they occur in this collection only if the series that the collection belongs to has its property set to `true` (the default value is `false`), or if all X-values for all data points are zero. Otherwise data points are plotted using their X-values. - - Data points can be located, and manipulated, based on maximum, minimum or specified X or Y-values using the overloaded `FindMaxValue`, `FindMinValue` or `FindValue` methods, respectively. - - The property indicates the total number of items in the collection and is commonly used to find the upper bound of the collection. - + class represents a collection of objects, which in turn represent the data points that are part of a object. + + This collection class is implemented as the property of a object. + + objects can be appended or inserted into the collection with their X-value and Y-value(s) already specified as parameters. Note that they are also added automatically when a series is bound to a data source using either the or method. + + Data points are plotted in the order that they occur in this collection only if the series that the collection belongs to has its property set to `true` (the default value is `false`), or if all X-values for all data points are zero. Otherwise data points are plotted using their X-values. + + Data points can be located, and manipulated, based on maximum, minimum or specified X or Y-values using the overloaded `FindMaxValue`, `FindMinValue` or `FindValue` methods, respectively. + + The property indicates the total number of items in the collection and is commonly used to find the upper bound of the collection. + ]]> @@ -104,15 +104,15 @@ Adds a object to the end of the collection, with the specified X-value and Y-value. An that represents the zero-based index where the item was inserted into the data point collection. - object to the ; the object is always added to the end of the collection. - - Use the method overload if your data points require more than one Y-value. - - If your data points do not need an X-value - that is, if you are creating non-scatter plots - use the method instead. - + object to the ; the object is always added to the end of the collection. + + Use the method overload if your data points require more than one Y-value. + + If your data points do not need an X-value - that is, if you are creating non-scatter plots - use the method instead. + ]]> @@ -149,17 +149,17 @@ Adds a object to the end of the collection, with the specified X-value and Y-value(s). An value that represents the zero-based index where the item was inserted into the collection. - object to the ; the data point is always added to the end of the collection. - - You must provide at least one (1) Y-value, otherwise an exception will be thrown. This method also checks the property of the object that this data belongs to; if too many Y-values are specified, an exception will be thrown. - - In order for formatting to have an effect, a value must be a object. - - If your data points do not need an X-value - that is, if you are creating non-scatter plots - use the method instead - + object to the ; the data point is always added to the end of the collection. + + You must provide at least one (1) Y-value, otherwise an exception will be thrown. This method also checks the property of the object that this data belongs to; if too many Y-values are specified, an exception will be thrown. + + In order for formatting to have an effect, a value must be a object. + + If your data points do not need an X-value - that is, if you are creating non-scatter plots - use the method instead + ]]> @@ -196,15 +196,15 @@ Adds a object to the end of the collection, with the specified Y-value. An that represents the zero-based index where the item was inserted into the data point collection. - object to the ; the data point is always added to the end of the collection. - - Use the method definition that allows for an array of Y-values if your data points require more than one Y-value. - - If your data points need an X-value - that is, if you are creating scatter plots - use one of the `AddXY` methods instead. - + object to the ; the data point is always added to the end of the collection. + + Use the method definition that allows for an array of Y-values if your data points require more than one Y-value. + + If your data points need an X-value - that is, if you are creating scatter plots - use one of the `AddXY` methods instead. + ]]> @@ -239,25 +239,29 @@ Adds a object to the end of the collection, with the specified Y-value(s). An that represents the location in zero-based index where the item was inserted into the collection. - object to the ; the data point is always added to the end of the collection. - - You must provide at least one (1) Y-value, otherwise an exception will be thrown. This method also checks the property of the object this data belongs to; if too many Y-values are specified, an exception will be thrown. - - The X-value will always be set to zero (0), resulting in non-scatter plots. If you want the data points to use an X-value, call one of the `AddXY` methods instead. - - In order for formatting to have an effect, a value must be a object. - - Refer to the following for a complete listing of valid .NET Framework types that can be used for the object type parameters: - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|String|DateTime|Double| -|Decimal|Single|Int32| -|UInt32|Int64|UInt64| - + object to the ; the data point is always added to the end of the collection. + + You must provide at least one (1) Y-value, otherwise an exception will be thrown. This method also checks the property of the object this data belongs to; if too many Y-values are specified, an exception will be thrown. + + The X-value will always be set to zero (0), resulting in non-scatter plots. If you want the data points to use an X-value, call one of the `AddXY` methods instead. + + In order for formatting to have an effect, a value must be a object. + +The following .NET types can be used for the object type parameters: + +- String +- DateTime +- Double +- Decimal +- Single +- Int32 +- UInt32 +- Int64 +- UInt64 + ]]> @@ -308,16 +312,16 @@ The data source to bind with X-value and Y-value(s). The name of the field for X-values. A comma separated names of the fields for Y-values. - Other data point properties with binding rules, in the format: PointProperty=Field[{Format}] [,PointProperty=Field[{Format}]]. - + Other data point properties with binding rules, in the format: PointProperty=Field[{Format}] [,PointProperty=Field[{Format}]]. + For example: "Tooltip=Price{C1},Url=WebSiteName". Data binds the X-value, Y-value(s) and property values of the data points, such as Tooltip or LabelStyle, to the data source. - @@ -362,31 +366,31 @@ A comma-separated list of the Y-value(s) of the object added to the collection. Data binds the X-value and Y-values of the collection's data points to the first columns of the specified data source. - objects in a , and uses separate data sources for the X and Y-value(s). - - Note that the first available column in the data source will be used if data-binding to a table. To bind to a column other than the first column, use the method. - - You can bind to multiple Y-values by providing a comma-separated list of objects for the `yValues` parameter. - - If Y-values are not provided by the data source, or if the wrong number of values are provided, an exception will be thrown. - - If you do not want to display scatter-type plots, in which both X and Y-values are used, use one of the `DataBindY` methods instead. - - The following is a list of objects that you can use as the data source parameter: - -- DataView - -- Data readers (SQL, OleDB) - -- Arrays - -- Lists - -- All other objects that use the interface. - + objects in a , and uses separate data sources for the X and Y-value(s). + + Note that the first available column in the data source will be used if data-binding to a table. To bind to a column other than the first column, use the method. + + You can bind to multiple Y-values by providing a comma-separated list of objects for the `yValues` parameter. + + If Y-values are not provided by the data source, or if the wrong number of values are provided, an exception will be thrown. + + If you do not want to display scatter-type plots, in which both X and Y-values are used, use one of the `DataBindY` methods instead. + + The following is a list of objects that you can use as the data source parameter: + +- DataView + +- Data readers (SQL, OleDB) + +- Arrays + +- Lists + +- All other objects that use the interface. + ]]> @@ -419,29 +423,29 @@ A comma-separated list of column name(s) that will supply the Y-values for the data points. Note that a comma can be embedded as part of a column name, by using a double comma. Data binds the X-value and Y-values of the data points in the collection to the specified columns of the specified data sources. - interface. - + interface. + ]]> @@ -490,31 +494,31 @@ One or more comma-separated data sources. Data binds the Y-value(s) of the collection's data points to the first column of the specified data source(s). - method. - - You can bind several Y-values by specifying multiple data sources, using the `yValue` parameter. Note that the first available column in each data source will be used for each data point's successive Y-values. For example, the first column of the first data source will be bound to the first Y-value of data points, the first column of the second data source will be bound to the second Y-value of data points, and so forth. - - If Y-values are not provided by the data source, or if the wrong number of values are provided, an exception will be thrown. - - The following is a list of objects that you can use as the data source parameter: - - The following is a list of objects that you can use as the data source: - -- DataView - -- Data readers (SQL, OleDB) - -- Arrays - -- Lists - -- All other objects that use the interface. - + method. + + You can bind several Y-values by specifying multiple data sources, using the `yValue` parameter. Note that the first available column in each data source will be used for each data point's successive Y-values. For example, the first column of the first data source will be bound to the first Y-value of data points, the first column of the second data source will be bound to the second Y-value of data points, and so forth. + + If Y-values are not provided by the data source, or if the wrong number of values are provided, an exception will be thrown. + + The following is a list of objects that you can use as the data source parameter: + + The following is a list of objects that you can use as the data source: + +- DataView + +- Data readers (SQL, OleDB) + +- Arrays + +- Lists + +- All other objects that use the interface. + ]]> @@ -549,29 +553,29 @@ The data source field(s) to which to bind data point(s). Note that a comma can be embedded as part of a column name, by using a double comma. Data binds the Y-value(s) of the data points to the specified column(s) of the specified data source. - method. - - You can bind to several fields by setting the `yFields` parameter to multiple field names that are comma-separated. Note that the first field will be used for the data point's first Y-value, the second named field will be used for the data point's second Y-value, and so forth. - - If Y-values are not provided by the data source, or the wrong number of values are provided, an exception will be thrown. - - The following is a list of objects that you can use as the data source: - -- DataView - -- Data readers (SQL, OleDB) - -- Arrays - -- Lists - -- All other objects that use the interface. - + method. + + You can bind to several fields by setting the `yFields` parameter to multiple field names that are comma-separated. Note that the first field will be used for the data point's first Y-value, the second named field will be used for the data point's second Y-value, and so forth. + + If Y-values are not provided by the data source, or the wrong number of values are provided, an exception will be thrown. + + The following is a list of objects that you can use as the data source: + +- DataView + +- Data readers (SQL, OleDB) + +- Arrays + +- Lists + +- All other objects that use the interface. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Forms.Integration/WindowsFormsHost.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Forms.Integration/WindowsFormsHost.xml index 37fdb265a90..e3ba51f40f6 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Forms.Integration/WindowsFormsHost.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Forms.Integration/WindowsFormsHost.xml @@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ The following code example demonstrates how to use a ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, | @@ -503,8 +503,8 @@ The following code example demonstrates how to use a ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | @@ -587,8 +587,8 @@ The following code example demonstrates how to use a ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | @@ -669,8 +669,8 @@ The following code example demonstrates how to use a ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | @@ -752,8 +752,8 @@ The following code example demonstrates how to use a ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | @@ -835,8 +835,8 @@ The following code example demonstrates how to use a ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|,


| @@ -1082,8 +1082,8 @@ The following code example demonstrates how to use a ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1259,8 +1259,8 @@ The following code example demonstrates how to use a ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Input/CommandBinding.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Input/CommandBinding.xml index f819b47ec7a..b488540e7da 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Input/CommandBinding.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Input/CommandBinding.xml @@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -336,8 +336,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -399,8 +399,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -447,8 +447,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Input/CommandManager.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Input/CommandManager.xml index 6ca1ebc6f2d..c1e4f081dc6 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Input/CommandManager.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Input/CommandManager.xml @@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ Provides command related utility methods that register and objects for class owners and commands, add and remove command event handlers, and provides services for querying the status of a command. - is responsible for managing routed commands. For more information about commanding, see [Commanding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/commanding-overview). - - Use to register a to a class as opposed to an instance. - - Use to register an to a class as opposed to an instance. - - The method forces the to raise the event. The event informs a command source to query the command it is associated with to determine whether or not the command can execute. - + is responsible for managing routed commands. For more information about commanding, see [Commanding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/commanding-overview). + + Use to register a to a class as opposed to an instance. + + Use to register an to a class as opposed to an instance. + + The method forces the to raise the event. The event informs a command source to query the command it is associated with to determine whether or not the command can execute. + ]]> @@ -71,28 +71,28 @@ The can execute handler. Attaches the specified to the specified element. - and an and attaches them to a which is a command source for the command. - - First, the is created and associated with the command. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlersxaml"::: - - Next, the and the are created. - + and an and attaches them to a which is a command source for the command. + + First, the is created and associated with the command. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlersxaml"::: + + Next, the and the are created. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerexecutedhandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerexecutedhandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerexecutedhandler"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagercanexecutehandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagercanexecutehandler"::: - - And finally, the handlers are attached to the using the and . - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagercanexecutehandler"::: + + And finally, the handlers are attached to the using the and . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlers"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlers"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlers"::: + ]]> @@ -131,28 +131,28 @@ The executed handler. Attaches the specified to the specified element. - and an and attaches them to a which is a command source for the command. - - First, the is created and associated with the command. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlersxaml"::: - - Next, the and the are created. - + and an and attaches them to a which is a command source for the command. + + First, the is created and associated with the command. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlersxaml"::: + + Next, the and the are created. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerexecutedhandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerexecutedhandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerexecutedhandler"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagercanexecutehandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagercanexecutehandler"::: - - And finally, the handlers are attached to the using the and . - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagercanexecutehandler"::: + + And finally, the handlers are attached to the using the and . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlers"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlers"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlers"::: + ]]> @@ -191,28 +191,28 @@ The can execute handler. Attaches the specified to the specified element. - and an and attaches them to a which is a command source for the command. - - First, the is created and associated with the command. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlersxaml"::: - - Next, the and the are created. - + and an and attaches them to a which is a command source for the command. + + First, the is created and associated with the command. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlersxaml"::: + + Next, the and the are created. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerexecutedhandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerexecutedhandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerexecutedhandler"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagercanexecutehandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagercanexecutehandler"::: - - Finally, the handlers are attached to the using the and . - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagercanexecutehandler"::: + + Finally, the handlers are attached to the using the and . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlers"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlers"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlers"::: + ]]> @@ -251,28 +251,28 @@ The can execute handler. Attaches the specified to the specified element. - and an and attaches them to a which is a command source for the command. - - First, the is created and associated with the command. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlersxaml"::: - - Next, the and the are created. - + and an and attaches them to a which is a command source for the command. + + First, the is created and associated with the command. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlersxaml"::: + + Next, the and the are created. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerexecutedhandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerexecutedhandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerexecutedhandler"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagercanexecutehandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagercanexecutehandler"::: - - Finally, the handlers are attached to the using the and . - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagercanexecutehandler"::: + + Finally, the handlers are attached to the using the and . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlers"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlers"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanageraddhandlers"::: + ]]> @@ -301,19 +301,19 @@ Occurs when the method on the is called and the event was not handled. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -365,19 +365,19 @@ Occurs when the method on the is called and the event was not handled. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -434,19 +434,19 @@ Forces the to raise the event. - only pays attention to certain conditions in determining when the command target has changed, such as change in keyboard focus. In situations where the does not sufficiently determine a change in conditions that cause a command to not be able to execute, can be called to force the to raise the event. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a to periodically call to force the to raise the event. - + only pays attention to certain conditions in determining when the command target has changed, such as change in keyboard focus. In situations where the does not sufficiently determine a change in conditions that cause a command to not be able to execute, can be called to force the to raise the event. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a to periodically call to force the to raise the event. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs/Parameter/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetinvalidatesampledispatchertimer"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InvalidateRequeryWithDispatcherTimer/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetinvalidatesampledispatchertimer"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/InvalidateRequeryWithDispatcherTimer/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetinvalidatesampledispatchertimer"::: + ]]> @@ -471,19 +471,19 @@ Occurs when the method on the is called. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -535,19 +535,19 @@ Occurs when the method on the is called. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -609,11 +609,11 @@ The command binding to register. Registers a with the specified type. - to be associated with a class instead than an instance of a class. - + to be associated with a class instead than an instance of a class. + ]]> @@ -650,11 +650,11 @@ The input binding to register. Registers the specified with the specified type. - to be associated with a type instead of an instance of a class. - + to be associated with a type instead of an instance of a class. + ]]> @@ -691,14 +691,14 @@ The can execute handler. Detaches the specified from the specified element. - and an which had previously been attached to a . - + and an which had previously been attached to a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerremovehandlers"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerremovehandlers"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerremovehandlers"::: + ]]> @@ -737,14 +737,14 @@ The executed handler. Detaches the specified from the specified element. - and an which had previously been attached to a . - + and an which had previously been attached to a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerremovehandlers"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerremovehandlers"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerremovehandlers"::: + ]]> @@ -783,14 +783,14 @@ The can execute handler. Detaches the specified from the specified element. - and an which had previously been attached to a . - + and an which had previously been attached to a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerremovehandlers"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerremovehandlers"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerremovehandlers"::: + ]]> @@ -829,14 +829,14 @@ The executed handler. Detaches the specified from the specified element. - and an which had previously been attached to a . - + and an which had previously been attached to a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerremovehandlers"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerremovehandlers"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandingOverviewSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewcmdmanagerremovehandlers"::: + ]]> @@ -869,11 +869,11 @@ Occurs when the detects conditions that might change the ability of a command to execute. - diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager.xml index 354ee273f1d..03d69059fde 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager.xml @@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ Provides a set of static methods, attached properties, and events for determining and setting focus scopes and for setting the focused element within the scope. - set to `true`. returns the element with keyboard focus. - - Logical focus pertains to the within a specific focus scope. - - A focus scope is a container element that keeps track of the within its scope. By default, the class is a focus scope as are the , , and classes. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. - - There can be multiple elements with logical focus, but there can only be one element with logical focus within a single focus scope. An element with logical focus does not necessarily have keyboard focus, but an element with keyboard focus will have logical focus. It is possible to define a focus scope within a focus scope. In this case, both the parent focus scope and the child focus scope can have a . - - The following scenario illustrates how keyboard focus and logical focus change in a WPF application that has a with a and a that has a . When keyboard focus changes from the to the , the losses keyboard focus but retains logical focus for the focus scope. The obtains keyboard focus and obtains logical focus for the focus scope. When keyboard focus returns to the root , the element in focus scope with logical focus will obtain keyboard focus, which in this case is the . The now has keyboard focus and logical focus. The loses keyboard focus, but retains logical focus for the focus scope. - - The default value of on a , , , and is `true`. - - For more information on focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and the [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). - + set to `true`. returns the element with keyboard focus. + + Logical focus pertains to the within a specific focus scope. + + A focus scope is a container element that keeps track of the within its scope. By default, the class is a focus scope as are the , , and classes. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. + + There can be multiple elements with logical focus, but there can only be one element with logical focus within a single focus scope. An element with logical focus does not necessarily have keyboard focus, but an element with keyboard focus will have logical focus. It is possible to define a focus scope within a focus scope. In this case, both the parent focus scope and the child focus scope can have a . + + The following scenario illustrates how keyboard focus and logical focus change in a WPF application that has a with a and a that has a . When keyboard focus changes from the to the , the losses keyboard focus but retains logical focus for the focus scope. The obtains keyboard focus and obtains logical focus for the focus scope. When keyboard focus returns to the root , the element in focus scope with logical focus will obtain keyboard focus, which in this case is the . The now has keyboard focus and logical focus. The loses keyboard focus, but retains logical focus for the focus scope. + + The default value of on a , , , and is `true`. + + For more information on focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and the [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). + ]]> @@ -127,28 +127,28 @@ Determines whether the element this property is attached to has logical focus. - is the element that has logical focus for a specific focus scope. This object may or may not have keyboard focus. Keyboard focus refers to the element that receives keyboard input. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - and can be used to get and set the focused element within the specified focus scope. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to make a the focused element. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/FocusedElement/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetmarkupfocusmanagerfocusedelementxaml"::: - + is the element that has logical focus for a specific focus scope. This object may or may not have keyboard focus. Keyboard focus refers to the element that receives keyboard input. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + and can be used to get and set the focused element within the specified focus scope. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to make a the focused element. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/FocusedElement/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetmarkupfocusmanagerfocusedelementxaml"::: + ]]> @@ -218,25 +218,25 @@ Gets the element with logical focus within the specified focus scope. The element in the specified focus scope with logical focus. - is the element that has logical focus for a specific focus scope. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. This object may or may not have keyboard focus. Keyboard focus refers to the element that receives keyboard input. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - If `element` is not a focus scope, this method will return `null`. - - Use , to specify the element with logical focus within a specified focus scope. - - - -## Examples - The following example sets the element with logical focus by using the and it gets the element with logical focus by using the . - + + If `element` is not a focus scope, this method will return `null`. + + Use , to specify the element with logical focus within a specified focus scope. + + + +## Examples + The following example sets the element with logical focus by using the and it gets the element with logical focus by using the . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/GetFocusedElement/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfocusgetsetfocusedelement"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfocusgetsetfocusedelement"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfocusgetsetfocusedelement"::: + ]]> @@ -272,15 +272,15 @@ This object may or may not have keyboard focus. Keyboard focus refers to the ele Determines the closest ancestor of the specified element that has set to . The focus scope for the specified element. - on a , , , is `true`. - - A focus scope is a container element that keeps track of the within its scope. By default, the class is a focus scope as are the , , and classes. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. - - For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - + on a , , , is `true`. + + A focus scope is a container element that keeps track of the within its scope. By default, the class is a focus scope as are the , , and classes. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. + + For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + ]]> @@ -317,13 +317,13 @@ This object may or may not have keyboard focus. Keyboard focus refers to the ele if is set to on the specified element; otherwise, . - within its scope. By default, the class is a focus scope as are the , , and classes. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. - - For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - + within its scope. By default, the class is a focus scope as are the , , and classes. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. + + For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + ]]> @@ -395,28 +395,28 @@ This object may or may not have keyboard focus. Keyboard focus refers to the ele Determines whether the element this property is attached to is a focus scope. - within its scope. By default, the class is a focus scope as are the , , and classes. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. - - For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example makes a a focus scope. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/FocusedElement/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetmarkupisfocusscopexaml"::: - + within its scope. By default, the class is a focus scope as are the , , and classes. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. + + For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example makes a a focus scope. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/FocusedElement/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetmarkupisfocusscopexaml"::: + ]]> @@ -445,15 +445,15 @@ This object may or may not have keyboard focus. Keyboard focus refers to the ele Identifies the attached property. - on a , , , is `true`. - - A focus scope is a container element that keeps track of the within its scope. By default, the class is a focus scope as are the , , and classes. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. - - For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - + on a , , , is `true`. + + A focus scope is a container element that keeps track of the within its scope. By default, the class is a focus scope as are the , , and classes. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. + + For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + ]]> @@ -597,23 +597,23 @@ This object may or may not have keyboard focus. Keyboard focus refers to the ele The element to give logical focus to. Sets logical focus on the specified element. - is the element that has logical focus for the specific focus scope. This object may or may not have keyboard focus. Keyboard focus refers to the element that receives keyboard input. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - It is possible to specify a focus scope that is an ancestor of the focus scope the element is in. For example, if a is a focus scope and its parent is a focus scope, a child of the could specify the as the focus scope when calling . The is then for both the focus scope and the focus scope. - - will give the specified element logical focus in the specified focus scope and will attempt to give the element keyboard focus. - - - -## Examples - The following example sets the element with logical focus by using the and it gets the element with logical focus by using the . - + is the element that has logical focus for the specific focus scope. This object may or may not have keyboard focus. Keyboard focus refers to the element that receives keyboard input. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + It is possible to specify a focus scope that is an ancestor of the focus scope the element is in. For example, if a is a focus scope and its parent is a focus scope, a child of the could specify the as the focus scope when calling . The is then for both the focus scope and the focus scope. + + will give the specified element logical focus in the specified focus scope and will attempt to give the element keyboard focus. + + + +## Examples + The following example sets the element with logical focus by using the and it gets the element with logical focus by using the . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/GetFocusedElement/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfocusgetsetfocusedelement"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfocusgetsetfocusedelement"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfocusgetsetfocusedelement"::: + ]]> @@ -649,21 +649,21 @@ This object may or may not have keyboard focus. Keyboard focus refers to the ele if is a focus scope; otherwise, . Sets the specified as a focus scope. - within its scope. By default, the class is a focus scope as are the , , and classes. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. - - For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - - -## Examples - The follow example makes an element a focus scope by using . - + within its scope. By default, the class is a focus scope as are the , , and classes. An element that is a focus scope has set to `true`. + + For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + + +## Examples + The follow example makes an element a focus scope by using . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/GetFocusedElement/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfocussetisfocusscope"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfocussetisfocusscope"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfocussetisfocusscope"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Input/InputLanguageManager.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Input/InputLanguageManager.xml index 67a50209c70..5ef322f6381 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Input/InputLanguageManager.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Input/InputLanguageManager.xml @@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ Provides facilities for managing input languages in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). - to set the input language of a element. - + to set the input language of a element. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/ImeSentenceModeValues/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/languageManager/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/languageManager/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -73,14 +73,14 @@ Gets an enumerator for currently available input languages. An enumerator for currently available input languages, or if no input languages are available. This property has no default value. - to enumerate the available input languages. - + to enumerate the available input languages. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/ImeSentenceModeValues/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/languageManager/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/languageManager/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -108,18 +108,18 @@ Gets the input language manager associated with the current context. - An object associated with the current context. - + An object associated with the current context. + This property has no default value. - to access the language manager associated with the current context. - + to access the language manager associated with the current context. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/ImeSentenceModeValues/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/languageManager/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/languageManager/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -153,17 +153,17 @@ Gets or sets the current input language. - A object representing the currently selected input language. This property may not be set to . + A object representing the currently selected input language. This property may not be set to . The default value is . - to get the current input language. - + to get the current input language. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/ImeSentenceModeValues/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/languageManager/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/languageManager/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> Raised when an attempt is made to set this property to . @@ -208,14 +208,14 @@ Returns the value of the attached property for a specified dependency object. A object representing the input language for the specified dependency object. - to get the input language of a element. - + to get the input language of a element. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/ImeSentenceModeValues/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/languageManager/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/languageManager/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> Raised when is . @@ -281,20 +281,20 @@ Gets or sets the preferred input language for the associated dependency object. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - When the associated dependency object receives the input focus, the input language specified by this attached property is selected automatically. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + When the associated dependency object receives the input focus, the input language specified by this attached property is selected automatically. + ]]> @@ -504,20 +504,20 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the previously active input language should be restored when the associated dependency object looses the input focus. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - This property has no effect if the attached property is not available on the associated dependency object. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + This property has no effect if the attached property is not available on the associated dependency object. + ]]> @@ -580,14 +580,14 @@ A object representing the new value for the attached property. Sets the value of the attached property on the specified dependency object. - to set the input language of a element. - + to set the input language of a element. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/ImeSentenceModeValues/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/languageManager/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/languageManager/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> Raised when is . diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard.xml index a237dff9ab4..3172d3db52c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard.xml @@ -22,29 +22,29 @@ Represents the keyboard device. - class provides keyboard-related events, methods, and properties that provide information regarding the state of the keyboard. - - Each of the events that defines as an attached event is also re-exposed by the base element classes and as a new routed event. Generally, it is more convenient to handle keyboard events for an application on and , rather than using the events. For details, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - In order for an element to receive keyboard input, the element must be focusable. Most derived objects are focusable by default. Otherwise, to make an element focusable, set the property on the base element to `true`. For more information on the base elements, see [Base Elements Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/base-elements-overview). - - classes, such as and , set the default value of to `false`. Therefore, for these objects to obtain keyboard focus, must be set to `true`. - - Keyboard focus refers to the object that is receiving keyboard input. The element with keyboard focus has set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). - - The static members of the class delegate to the primary of the calling thread, so they are not necessarily thread-safe. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the method to determine if a key is in the toggled state. If the passed to is toggled, the background of a button is changed. - + class provides keyboard-related events, methods, and properties that provide information regarding the state of the keyboard. + + Each of the events that defines as an attached event is also re-exposed by the base element classes and as a new routed event. Generally, it is more convenient to handle keyboard events for an application on and , rather than using the events. For details, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + In order for an element to receive keyboard input, the element must be focusable. Most derived objects are focusable by default. Otherwise, to make an element focusable, set the property on the base element to `true`. For more information on the base elements, see [Base Elements Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/base-elements-overview). + + classes, such as and , set the default value of to `false`. Therefore, for these objects to obtain keyboard focus, must be set to `true`. + + Keyboard focus refers to the object that is receiving keyboard input. The element with keyboard focus has set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). + + The static members of the class delegate to the primary of the calling thread, so they are not necessarily thread-safe. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the method to determine if a key is in the toggled state. If the passed to is toggled, the background of a button is changed. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardistoggled"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyArgsSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardistoggled"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyArgsSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardistoggled"::: + ]]> @@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ The event handler to be added. Adds a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ The event handler to be added. Adds a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ The event handler to be added. Adds a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -197,11 +197,11 @@ The event handler to be added. Adds a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -236,11 +236,11 @@ The event handler to be added. Adds a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -275,11 +275,11 @@ The event handler to be added. Adds a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -313,11 +313,11 @@ The event handler to be added. Adds a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -352,11 +352,11 @@ The event handler to be added. Adds a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -391,11 +391,11 @@ The event handler to be added. Adds a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -430,11 +430,11 @@ The event handler to be added. Adds a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -463,13 +463,13 @@ Clears focus. - method on restoration of focus when a menu is closed. - - When leaving menu mode, Win32 focus is returned to the hosted child HWND, and no element has WPF focus. - + method on restoration of focus when a menu is closed. + + When leaving menu mode, Win32 focus is returned to the hosted child HWND, and no element has WPF focus. + ]]> @@ -529,23 +529,23 @@ Sets keyboard focus on the specified element. The element with keyboard focus. - property on the base element to `true`. For more information on the base elements, see [Base Elements Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/base-elements-overview). classes, such as and , set the default value of to `false`; therefore, for these objects to obtain keyboard focus, must be set to `true`. - - Keyboard focus refers to the object that is receiving keyboard input. The element with keyboard focus has set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). - - An element with keyboard focus also has logical focus for the focus scope the element belongs to. An element with logical focus may or may not have keyboard focus. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows a event handler that sets keyboard focus on a . - + property on the base element to `true`. For more information on the base elements, see [Base Elements Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/base-elements-overview). classes, such as and , set the default value of to `false`; therefore, for these objects to obtain keyboard focus, must be set to `true`. + + Keyboard focus refers to the object that is receiving keyboard input. The element with keyboard focus has set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). + + An element with keyboard focus also has logical focus for the focus scope the element belongs to. An element with logical focus may or may not have keyboard focus. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows a event handler that sets keyboard focus on a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/MoveFocus/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfocussamplesetfocus"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfocussamplesetfocus"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfocussamplesetfocus"::: + ]]> @@ -575,21 +575,21 @@ Gets the element that has keyboard focus. The focused element. - set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). - - An element with keyboard focus also has logical focus for the focus scope the element belongs to. An element with logical focus may or may not have keyboard focus. - - - -## Examples - The following example gets the element with keyboard focus and casts it to a . If the element with keyboard focus is a , the background of the element is changed. - + set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). + + An element with keyboard focus also has logical focus for the focus scope the element belongs to. An element with logical focus may or may not have keyboard focus. + + + +## Examples + The following example gets the element with keyboard focus and casts it to a . If the element with keyboard focus is a , the background of the element is changed. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/MoveFocus/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetkeyboardfocusedelement"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetkeyboardfocusedelement"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetkeyboardfocusedelement"::: + ]]> @@ -623,21 +623,21 @@ Gets the set of key states for the specified key. A bitwise combination of the values. - is a bit field enumeration; therefore, it is possible for a key to be in multiple states. For example, a key could be in the pressed state as well as in the toggled state. Use bit comparison operations to determine the exact state or states the key is in. - - The class provides a number of static methods which can also be used to obtain key state information. The methods are: , , and . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the method to determine if the key is in the state. A bit AND operation is used to compare the returned from and the state. If the key is down, the background of a is changed. - + is a bit field enumeration; therefore, it is possible for a key to be in multiple states. For example, a key could be in the pressed state as well as in the toggled state. Use bit comparison operations to determine the exact state or states the key is in. + + The class provides a number of static methods which can also be used to obtain key state information. The methods are: , , and . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the method to determine if the key is in the state. A bit AND operation is used to compare the returned from and the state. If the key is down, the background of a is changed. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardgetkeystates"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyArgsSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardgetkeystates"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyArgsSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardgetkeystates"::: + ]]> @@ -664,39 +664,39 @@ Occurs when an element receives keyboard focus. - set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). - - If the event or the event is handled, keyboard focus does change. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a and attaches event handlers for the event and the event. When the obtains keyboard focus, the background color is changed and the text of the is cleared. When the loses keyboard focus, the background color is changed and a method is called which resets variables used in the sample. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/GotKeyboardFocus/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplexamlhandlerhookup"::: - + set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). + + If the event or the event is handled, keyboard focus does change. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a and attaches event handlers for the event and the event. When the obtains keyboard focus, the background color is changed and the text of the is cleared. When the loses keyboard focus, the background color is changed and a method is called which resets variables used in the sample. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/GotKeyboardFocus/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplexamlhandlerhookup"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/GotKeyboardFocus/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplegotfocus"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyboardSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplegotfocus"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyboardSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplegotfocus"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/GotKeyboardFocus/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplelostfocus"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyboardSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplelostfocus"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyboardSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplelostfocus"::: + ]]> @@ -725,11 +725,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -764,19 +764,19 @@ if is in the down state; otherwise, . - method can be used to determine the set of states of a specific key. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the method to determine the state of a specific key. The key is passed to the method. If the method returns `true`, the background of a is changed. - + method can be used to determine the set of states of a specific key. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the method to determine the state of a specific key. The key is passed to the method. If the method returns `true`, the background of a is changed. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardiskeydown"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyArgsSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardiskeydown"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyArgsSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardiskeydown"::: + ]]> @@ -813,19 +813,19 @@ if is in the toggled state; otherwise, . - method can be used to determine the set of states of a specific key. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the method to determine the state of a specific key. The key is passed to the method. If the method returns `true`, then the background of a is changed. - + method can be used to determine the set of states of a specific key. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the method to determine the state of a specific key. The key is passed to the method. If the method returns `true`, then the background of a is changed. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardistoggled"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyArgsSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardistoggled"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyArgsSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardistoggled"::: + ]]> @@ -862,19 +862,19 @@ if is in the up state; otherwise, . - method can be used to determine the set of states of a specific key. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the method to determine the state of a specific key. The key is passed to the method. If the method returns `true`, then the background of a is changed. - + method can be used to determine the set of states of a specific key. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the method to determine the state of a specific key. The key is passed to the method. If the method returns `true`, then the background of a is changed. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardiskeyup"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyArgsSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardiskeyup"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyArgsSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyeventargskeyboardiskeyup"::: + ]]> @@ -900,22 +900,22 @@ Occurs when the keyboard input provider acquires focus. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + ]]> @@ -943,11 +943,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -972,32 +972,32 @@ Occurs when a key on the keyboard is pressed. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - - - -## Examples - The following example creates that attaches an event handler for the event. When the is pressed, the event handler displays the text in the in a . - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/KeyDown/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetkeydownui"::: - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + + + +## Examples + The following example creates that attaches an event handler for the event. When the is pressed, the event handler displays the text in the in a . + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/KeyDown/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetkeydownui"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/KeyDown/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetkeydownsample"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyDown/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeydownsample"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyDown/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeydownsample"::: + ]]> @@ -1027,11 +1027,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1056,22 +1056,22 @@ Occurs when a key on the keyboard is released. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + ]]> @@ -1101,11 +1101,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1130,39 +1130,39 @@ Occurs when an element loses keyboard focus. - set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). - - If the event or the event is handled, keyboard focus does not change. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a and attaches event handlers for the event and the event. When the obtains keyboard focus, the background color is changed and the text of the is cleared. When the loses keyboard focus, the background color is changed and a method is called that resets variables used in the sample. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/GotKeyboardFocus/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplexamlhandlerhookup"::: - + set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). + + If the event or the event is handled, keyboard focus does not change. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a and attaches event handlers for the event and the event. When the obtains keyboard focus, the background color is changed and the text of the is cleared. When the loses keyboard focus, the background color is changed and a method is called that resets variables used in the sample. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/GotKeyboardFocus/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplexamlhandlerhookup"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/GotKeyboardFocus/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplegotfocus"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyboardSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplegotfocus"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyboardSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplegotfocus"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/GotKeyboardFocus/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplelostfocus"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyboardSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplelostfocus"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyboardSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyboardsamplelostfocus"::: + ]]> @@ -1191,11 +1191,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1225,19 +1225,19 @@ Gets the set of that are currently pressed. A bitwise combination of the values. - is a bit field enumeration, so it is possible for multiple modifier keys to be pressed at the same time. Use bit operations to determine the exact set of modifier keys pressed. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a bit AND comparison to determine if the modifier key is pressed. - + is a bit field enumeration, so it is possible for multiple modifier keys to be pressed at the same time. Use bit operations to determine the exact set of modifier keys pressed. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a bit AND comparison to determine if the modifier key is pressed. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Keyboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetkeyboardmodifiersbitoperation"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyArgsSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyboardmodifiersbitoperation"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/KeyArgsSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetkeyboardmodifiersbitoperation"::: + ]]> @@ -1262,26 +1262,26 @@ Occurs when an element is in the process of acquiring keyboard focus. - event or the event is handled, keyboard focus does not change. - - Keyboard focus refers to the object that is receiving keyboard input. The element with keyboard focus has set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - + event or the event is handled, keyboard focus does not change. + + Keyboard focus refers to the object that is receiving keyboard input. The element with keyboard focus has set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1310,11 +1310,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1338,22 +1338,22 @@ Occurs when the keyboard input provider is in the process of acquiring focus. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1381,11 +1381,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1410,22 +1410,22 @@ Occurs when a key on the keyboard is pressed. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1454,11 +1454,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1483,22 +1483,22 @@ Occurs when a key on the keyboard is released. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1527,11 +1527,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1556,26 +1556,26 @@ Occurs when an element is in the process of losing keyboard focus. - event or the event is handled, keyboard focus does not change. - - Keyboard focus refers to the object that is receiving keyboard input. The element with keyboard focus has set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - + event or the event is handled, keyboard focus does not change. + + Keyboard focus refers to the object that is receiving keyboard input. The element with keyboard focus has set to `true`. There can be only one element with keyboard focus on the entire desktop. Logical focus refers to the object within a focus scope that has focus. For more information on focus, keyboard focus, and logical focus, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview) and [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1604,11 +1604,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1644,11 +1644,11 @@ Gets the primary keyboard input device. The device. - @@ -1684,11 +1684,11 @@ The event handler to be removed. Removes a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -1722,11 +1722,11 @@ The event handler to be removed. Removes a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -1761,11 +1761,11 @@ The event handler to be removed. Removes a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -1800,11 +1800,11 @@ The event handler to be removed. Removes a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -1839,11 +1839,11 @@ The event handler to be removed. Removes a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -1878,11 +1878,11 @@ The event handler to be removed. Removes a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -1916,11 +1916,11 @@ The event handler to be removed. Removes a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -1955,11 +1955,11 @@ The event handler to be removed. Removes a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -1994,11 +1994,11 @@ The event handler to be removed. Removes a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> @@ -2033,11 +2033,11 @@ The event handler to be removed. Removes a handler for the attached event. - attached event. - + attached event. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Input/KeyboardNavigation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Input/KeyboardNavigation.xml index 338f6d4b559..8712ccc836e 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Input/KeyboardNavigation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Input/KeyboardNavigation.xml @@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ Provides logical and directional navigation between focusable objects. - class is responsible for implementing default keyboard focus navigation when one of the navigation keys is pressed. The navigation keys are: Tab, Shift+Tab, Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab, UpArrow, DownArrow, LeftArrow, and RightArrow keys. - - An example of logical navigation is using the tab key to move focus. - - An example of directional navigation is using the arrow keys to move focus. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a with a number of objects. The attached property is set to on the . This means that when focus is changed using the tab key within the , focus will move from each element and when the last element is reached focus will return to the first element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/FocusedElement/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetmarkupkeyboardnavigationtabnavigationxaml"::: - + class is responsible for implementing default keyboard focus navigation when one of the navigation keys is pressed. The navigation keys are: Tab, Shift+Tab, Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab, UpArrow, DownArrow, LeftArrow, and RightArrow keys. + + An example of logical navigation is using the tab key to move focus. + + An example of directional navigation is using the arrow keys to move focus. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a with a number of objects. The attached property is set to on the . This means that when focus is changed using the tab key within the , focus will move from each element and when the last element is reached focus will return to the first element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/FocusedElement/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetmarkupkeyboardnavigationtabnavigationxaml"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/FocusedElement/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmarkupkeyboardnavigationtabnavigationcode"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MarkupSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmarkupkeyboardnavigationtabnavigationcode"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MarkupSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmarkupkeyboardnavigationtabnavigationcode"::: + ]]> @@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Return character is accepted by a control. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -129,21 +129,21 @@ Gets or sets the logical control tab navigation behavior for the children of the element that this property is set on. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -201,19 +201,19 @@ Gets or sets the directional navigation behavior for the children of the element that this property is set on. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -511,18 +511,18 @@ Gets or sets a value indicating whether the element that this property is set on is a tab stop. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -784,18 +784,18 @@ Gets or sets the tab index for the element that this property is set on. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -847,29 +847,29 @@ Gets or sets the logical tab navigation behavior for the children of the element that this property is set on. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a with a number of objects. The attached property is set to on the . This means that when focus is changed using the tab key within the , focus will move from each element and when the last element is reached focus will return to the first element. - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/FocusedElement/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetmarkupkeyboardnavigationtabnavigationxaml"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a with a number of objects. The attached property is set to on the . This means that when focus is changed using the tab key within the , focus will move from each element and when the last element is reached focus will return to the first element. + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/FocusedElement/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetmarkupkeyboardnavigationtabnavigationxaml"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/FocusManager/FocusedElement/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmarkupkeyboardnavigationtabnavigationcode"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MarkupSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmarkupkeyboardnavigationtabnavigationcode"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MarkupSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmarkupkeyboardnavigationtabnavigationcode"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Input/Mouse.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Input/Mouse.xml index 63ed1be408b..87c9b4b833e 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Input/Mouse.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Input/Mouse.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Represents the mouse device to a specific thread. - class provides mouse related events, methods and, properties which provide information regarding the state of the mouse. - - Each event that defines as an attached event is also re-exposed by the base element classes and as a new routed event. Generally, it is more convenient to handle mouse events for an application on and , rather than using the events. For details, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - The static members of the class delegate to the primary of the calling thread's input manager. - + class provides mouse related events, methods and, properties which provide information regarding the state of the mouse. + + Each event that defines as an attached event is also re-exposed by the base element classes and as a new routed event. Generally, it is more convenient to handle mouse events for an application on and , rather than using the events. For details, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + The static members of the class delegate to the primary of the calling thread's input manager. + ]]> @@ -523,17 +523,17 @@ Captures mouse input to the specified element. - is not specified, the default is . - - To release mouse capture, call passing `null` as the element to capture. - - If the mouse is captured when a or event is raised and the input is not going to the element underneath the mouse, and are raised first. This enables the captured element a chance to release capture before the and events are routed. - + is not specified, the default is . + + To release mouse capture, call passing `null` as the element to capture. + + If the mouse is captured when a or event is raised and the input is not going to the element underneath the mouse, and are raised first. This enables the captured element a chance to release capture before the and events are routed. + ]]> @@ -568,25 +568,25 @@ if the element was able to capture the mouse; otherwise, . - is not specified, the default is . - - To release mouse capture, call passing `null` as the element to capture. - - If the mouse is captured when a or event is raised and the input is not going to the element underneath the mouse, and are raised first. This enables the captured element a chance to release capture before the and events are routed. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to capture the mouse to a specific element by using the method. - + is not specified, the default is . + + To release mouse capture, call passing `null` as the element to capture. + + If the mouse is captured when a or event is raised and the input is not going to the element underneath the mouse, and are raised first. This enables the captured element a chance to release capture before the and events are routed. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to capture the mouse to a specific element by using the method. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Mouse/Capture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmousecaptursamplecaptureelement"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseCaptureSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmousecaptursamplecaptureelement"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseCaptureSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmousecaptursamplecaptureelement"::: + ]]> @@ -623,23 +623,23 @@ if the element was able to capture the mouse; otherwise, . - passing `null` as the element to capture. - - If the mouse is captured when a or event is raised and the input is not going to the element underneath the mouse, and are raised first. This enables the captured element a chance to release capture before the and events are routed. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to capture the mouse to a specific element by using the method. - + passing `null` as the element to capture. + + If the mouse is captured when a or event is raised and the input is not going to the element underneath the mouse, and are raised first. This enables the captured element a chance to release capture before the and events are routed. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to capture the mouse to a specific element by using the method. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Mouse/Capture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmousecaptursamplecaptureelement"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseCaptureSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmousecaptursamplecaptureelement"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseCaptureSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmousecaptursamplecaptureelement"::: + ]]> @@ -669,19 +669,19 @@ Gets the element that has captured the mouse. The element captured by the mouse. - @@ -711,15 +711,15 @@ Gets the element the mouse pointer is directly over. The element the mouse pointer is over. - reports the specific element in the composite control the mouse pointer is over and not the control itself. For example, depending on which part of a the pointer is over, the property could report the of the property or the . - - Use the property on and to determine whether the mouse is over an element, which includes its visual child elements or control compositing elements. - - If an element has mouse capture, the mouse pointer is considered directly over the element regardless of the where the mouse pointer is. - + reports the specific element in the composite control the mouse pointer is over and not the control itself. For example, depending on which part of a the pointer is over, the property could report the of the property or the . + + Use the property on and to determine whether the mouse is over an element, which includes its visual child elements or control compositing elements. + + If an element has mouse capture, the mouse pointer is considered directly over the element regardless of the where the mouse pointer is. + ]]> @@ -794,25 +794,25 @@ Gets the position of the mouse relative to a specified element. The position of the mouse relative to the parameter . - . This is because control of the mouse (possibly including capture) is held by the originating element of the drag until the drop is completed, with much of the behavior controlled by underlying Win32 calls. Try the following approaches instead: - -- Call the method of the that is passed to the drag events (, , ). - -- Call [GetCursorPos](/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-getcursorpos), using P/Invoke. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use to determine the position of the mouse pointer. The position of the mouse pointer is stored in a structure. The and values of the object are displayed in a . - + . This is because control of the mouse (possibly including capture) is held by the originating element of the drag until the drop is completed, with much of the behavior controlled by underlying Win32 calls. Try the following approaches instead: + +- Call the method of the that is passed to the drag events (, , ). + +- Call [GetCursorPos](/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-getcursorpos), using P/Invoke. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use to determine the position of the mouse pointer. The position of the mouse pointer is stored in a structure. The and values of the object are displayed in a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Mouse/GetPosition/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetspositionmouse"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseRelatedSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetspositionmouse"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseRelatedSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetspositionmouse"::: + ]]> @@ -838,26 +838,26 @@ Occurs when an element captures the mouse. - in the event arguments to determine the actual element that has mouse capture. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - + in the event arguments to determine the actual element that has mouse capture. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. + ]]> @@ -886,11 +886,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -920,14 +920,14 @@ Gets the state of the left button of the mouse. The state of the left mouse button. - is equal to the enumeration value . If the button is pressed, a method is called which updates display elements in the sample. - + is equal to the enumeration value . If the button is pressed, a method is called which updates display elements in the sample. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Mouse/GetPosition/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetleftbuttonmouse"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseRelatedSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetleftbuttonmouse"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseRelatedSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetleftbuttonmouse"::: + ]]> @@ -953,26 +953,26 @@ Occurs when an element loses mouse capture. - in the event arguments to determine the actual element that lost capture. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - + in the event arguments to determine the actual element that lost capture. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. + ]]> @@ -1001,11 +1001,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1035,14 +1035,14 @@ Gets the state of the middle button of the mouse. The state of the middle mouse button. - is equal to the enumeration value . If the button is pressed, a method is called which updates display elements in the sample. - + is equal to the enumeration value . If the button is pressed, a method is called which updates display elements in the sample. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Mouse/GetPosition/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetmiddlebuttonmouse"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseRelatedSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetmiddlebuttonmouse"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseRelatedSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetmiddlebuttonmouse"::: + ]]> @@ -1068,37 +1068,37 @@ Occurs when any mouse button is depressed. - property in the passed to the handler. - - This is an attached event. WPF implements attached events as routed events. Attached events are fundamentally a XAML language concept for referencing events that can be handled on objects that do not define that event, which WPF expands upon by also enabling the event to traverse a route. Attached events do not have a direct handling syntax in code; to attach handlers for a routed event in code, you use a designated Add*Handler method. For details, see [Attached Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-events-overview). - - The Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) framework builds on this attached event by surfacing it as two different common language runtime (CLR) events on and : and . These implementations handle the underlying event and read the arguments of the event to determine whether the left or right mouse button was involved. For a three-button mouse, there is no framework-level event support for the center button. You should use the event and check the state in the event arguments. - + property in the passed to the handler. + + This is an attached event. WPF implements attached events as routed events. Attached events are fundamentally a XAML language concept for referencing events that can be handled on objects that do not define that event, which WPF expands upon by also enabling the event to traverse a route. Attached events do not have a direct handling syntax in code; to attach handlers for a routed event in code, you use a designated Add*Handler method. For details, see [Attached Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-events-overview). + + The Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) framework builds on this attached event by surfacing it as two different common language runtime (CLR) events on and : and . These implementations handle the underlying event and read the arguments of the event to determine whether the left or right mouse button was involved. For a three-button mouse, there is no framework-level event support for the center button. You should use the event and check the state in the event arguments. + > [!IMPORTANT] -> A few derived classes that have control-like behavior, for example, , might have inherent class handling for mouse button events. The left mouse button down event is the most likely event to have class handling in a control. The class handling often marks the underlying class event as handled. Once the event is marked handled, other instance handlers that are attached to that element are not ordinarily raised. Any other class or instance handlers that are attached to elements in the bubbling direction towards the root in the UI tree are also not ordinarily raised. - - You can resolve the issue that is outlined in the preceding Important note and still receive events for left mouse button down events on a derived class that has class handling by using either of these solutions: - -- Attach handlers for the event, which is not marked as handled by the controls. Notice that because this is a preview event, the route starts at the root and tunnels down to the control. - -- Register a handler on the control procedurally by calling and choosing the signature option that enables handlers to listen for events even if they are already marked as handled in the routed event data. - - For routed events that relate to the mouse, be careful about how or when you mark them handled. The difficulty in making the appropriate choices about whether parent elements should also be informed about any given mouse action is in fact why the WPF framework chose the model of having the underlying mouse routed event be surfaced as CLR events along the route. Similar issues exist with tunneling mouse events. Should you handle the event and not have it be handled by further children toward the source, and how would that affect compositing a control where the compositing pieces might have expected mouse behaviors? - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - +> A few derived classes that have control-like behavior, for example, , might have inherent class handling for mouse button events. The left mouse button down event is the most likely event to have class handling in a control. The class handling often marks the underlying class event as handled. Once the event is marked handled, other instance handlers that are attached to that element are not ordinarily raised. Any other class or instance handlers that are attached to elements in the bubbling direction towards the root in the UI tree are also not ordinarily raised. + + You can resolve the issue that is outlined in the preceding Important note and still receive events for left mouse button down events on a derived class that has class handling by using either of these solutions: + +- Attach handlers for the event, which is not marked as handled by the controls. Notice that because this is a preview event, the route starts at the root and tunnels down to the control. + +- Register a handler on the control procedurally by calling and choosing the signature option that enables handlers to listen for events even if they are already marked as handled in the routed event data. + + For routed events that relate to the mouse, be careful about how or when you mark them handled. The difficulty in making the appropriate choices about whether parent elements should also be informed about any given mouse action is in fact why the WPF framework chose the model of having the underlying mouse routed event be surfaced as CLR events along the route. Similar issues exist with tunneling mouse events. Should you handle the event and not have it be handled by further children toward the source, and how would that affect compositing a control where the compositing pieces might have expected mouse behaviors? + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + ]]> @@ -1127,11 +1127,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1156,24 +1156,24 @@ Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the boundaries of an element. - property has changed from `false` to `true` on this element. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - + property has changed from `false` to `true` on this element. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -1202,11 +1202,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1231,23 +1231,23 @@ Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the boundaries of an element. - property value has changed from `true` to `false` on this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - + property value has changed from `true` to `false` on this element. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -1276,11 +1276,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1305,21 +1305,21 @@ Occurs when the mouse pointer moves. - | -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - + | +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + ]]> @@ -1348,11 +1348,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1377,29 +1377,29 @@ Occurs when any mouse button is released. - : and . These implementations handle the underlying event and read the arguments of the event to determine whether the left or right mouse button was involved. For three-button, there is no framework-level event support for the center button, and you should use the event and check for the center button condition in the event arguments. - - For routed events that relate to the mouse, be careful about how or when you mark them handled. The difficulty in making the appropriate choices about whether parent elements should also be informed about any given mouse action is in fact why the WPF framework chose the model of having the underlying routed event be surfaced as CLR events all along the route. - - Similar issues exist with tunneling mouse events. Should you handle the event and not have it be handled by children further towards the source, and how would that affect compositing in a control where the compositing pieces might have expected mouse behaviors? - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding tunneling event is . - + : and . These implementations handle the underlying event and read the arguments of the event to determine whether the left or right mouse button was involved. For three-button, there is no framework-level event support for the center button, and you should use the event and check for the center button condition in the event arguments. + + For routed events that relate to the mouse, be careful about how or when you mark them handled. The difficulty in making the appropriate choices about whether parent elements should also be informed about any given mouse action is in fact why the WPF framework chose the model of having the underlying routed event be surfaced as CLR events all along the route. + + Similar issues exist with tunneling mouse events. Should you handle the event and not have it be handled by children further towards the source, and how would that affect compositing in a control where the compositing pieces might have expected mouse behaviors? + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding tunneling event is . + ]]> @@ -1428,11 +1428,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1457,24 +1457,24 @@ Occurs when the mouse wheel is rotated. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + ]]> @@ -1504,11 +1504,11 @@ Represents the number of units the mouse wheel is rotated to scroll one line. - amount is reached (so for a delta-rotation you get the same response), or scroll partial lines in response to the more frequent messages. You could also choose your own scroll granularity and accumulate deltas of your own choosing until that delta is reached, or perhaps reference user-controllable system parameters for mouse sensitivity and extrapolate these to mouse wheel delta thresholds. - + amount is reached (so for a delta-rotation you get the same response), or scroll partial lines in response to the more frequent messages. You could also choose your own scroll granularity and accumulate deltas of your own choosing until that delta is reached, or perhaps reference user-controllable system parameters for mouse sensitivity and extrapolate these to mouse wheel delta thresholds. + ]]> @@ -1538,11 +1538,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1572,23 +1572,23 @@ Gets or sets the cursor for the entire application. The override cursor or if the is not set. - that is set to will be applied to the whole application. - - To clear the override , set to `null`. - - Setting to will force the mouse cursor not to be displayed, but mouse events are still processed. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows an event handler for a that is used to toggle the scope of a cursor change between a single element and the entire application. If the control that raised the event is the `rbScopeElement` , a flag that denotes the scope of the cursor change is set and is set to `null`. If the control that raised the event is the `rbScopeApplication` , a flag that denotes the scope of the cursor change is set and is set to the property of the control named `DisplayArea`. - + that is set to will be applied to the whole application. + + To clear the override , set to `null`. + + Setting to will force the mouse cursor not to be displayed, but mouse events are still processed. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows an event handler for a that is used to toggle the scope of a cursor change between a single element and the entire application. If the control that raised the event is the `rbScopeElement` , a flag that denotes the scope of the cursor change is set and is set to `null`. If the control that raised the event is the `rbScopeApplication` , a flag that denotes the scope of the cursor change is set and is set to the property of the control named `DisplayArea`. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkContentElement/ContextMenuClosing/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcursorssampleoverridecursor"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/cursors/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcursorssampleoverridecursor"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/cursors/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcursorssampleoverridecursor"::: + ]]> @@ -1613,28 +1613,28 @@ Occurs when any mouse button is depressed. - : and . These implementations handle the underlying event and read the arguments of the event to determine whether the left or right mouse button was involved. For three-button, there is no framework-level event support for the center button, and you should use the event and check for the center button condition in the event arguments. - - For routed events that relate to the mouse, be careful about how or when you mark them handled. Handling the event near the root and handling it by a child further toward the source may not be appropriate for composited controls, where the compositing pieces might have expected mouse behaviors. The difficulty in making the appropriate choices about whether other elements should also be informed about any given mouse action is in fact why the WPF framework chose the model of having the underlying routed event be surfaced as CLR events along the route. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - + : and . These implementations handle the underlying event and read the arguments of the event to determine whether the left or right mouse button was involved. For three-button, there is no framework-level event support for the center button, and you should use the event and check for the center button condition in the event arguments. + + For routed events that relate to the mouse, be careful about how or when you mark them handled. Handling the event near the root and handling it by a child further toward the source may not be appropriate for composited controls, where the compositing pieces might have expected mouse behaviors. The difficulty in making the appropriate choices about whether other elements should also be informed about any given mouse action is in fact why the WPF framework chose the model of having the underlying routed event be surfaced as CLR events along the route. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1663,11 +1663,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1692,22 +1692,22 @@ Occurs when the primary mouse button is pressed outside the element that is capturing mouse events. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -1736,11 +1736,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1765,24 +1765,24 @@ Occurs when the mouse moves over an element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1811,11 +1811,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1840,27 +1840,27 @@ Occurs when any mouse button is released. - : and . These implementations handle the underlying event and read the arguments of the event to determine whether the left or right mouse button was involved. For three-button, there is no framework-level event support for the center button, and you should use the event and check for the center button condition in the event arguments. - - For routed events that relate to the mouse, be careful about how or when you mark them handled. Handling the event near the root and not handling by a child further toward the source may not be appropriate for composited controls, where the compositing pieces might have expected mouse behaviors. The difficulty in making the appropriate choices about whether other elements should also be informed about any given mouse action is in fact why the WPF framework chose the model of having the underlying routed event be surfaced as CLR events along the route. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - + : and . These implementations handle the underlying event and read the arguments of the event to determine whether the left or right mouse button was involved. For three-button, there is no framework-level event support for the center button, and you should use the event and check for the center button condition in the event arguments. + + For routed events that relate to the mouse, be careful about how or when you mark them handled. Handling the event near the root and not handling by a child further toward the source may not be appropriate for composited controls, where the compositing pieces might have expected mouse behaviors. The difficulty in making the appropriate choices about whether other elements should also be informed about any given mouse action is in fact why the WPF framework chose the model of having the underlying routed event be surfaced as CLR events along the route. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1889,11 +1889,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1918,24 +1918,24 @@ Occurs when the primary mouse button is released outside the element that is capturing mouse events. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no corresponding bubbling event. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no corresponding bubbling event. + ]]> @@ -1964,11 +1964,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -1993,24 +1993,24 @@ Occurs when the mouse wheel rotates. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -2039,11 +2039,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -2079,11 +2079,11 @@ Gets the primary mouse device. The device. - @@ -2109,22 +2109,22 @@ Occurs when an element queries for the current mouse cursor. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. + ]]> @@ -2153,11 +2153,11 @@ Identifies the attached event. - @@ -2667,14 +2667,14 @@ Gets the state of the right button. The state of the right mouse button. - is equal to the enumeration value . If the button is pressed, a method is called which updates display elements in the sample. - + is equal to the enumeration value . If the button is pressed, a method is called which updates display elements in the sample. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Mouse/GetPosition/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetrightbuttonmouse"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseRelatedSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetrightbuttonmouse"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseRelatedSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetrightbuttonmouse"::: + ]]> @@ -2710,15 +2710,15 @@ , if the cursor was set; otherwise, . - and to force this on all elements, set the property. - - To set the cursor on a specific element, use the property on either or . For more information on the base elements, see the [Base Elements Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/base-elements-overview). - + and to force this on all elements, set the property. + + To set the cursor on a specific element, use the property on either or . For more information on the base elements, see the [Base Elements Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/base-elements-overview). + ]]> @@ -2806,14 +2806,14 @@ Gets the state of the first extended button. The state of the first extended mouse button. - is equal to the enumeration value . If the button is pressed, a method is called which updates display elements in the sample. - + is equal to the enumeration value . If the button is pressed, a method is called which updates display elements in the sample. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Mouse/GetPosition/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetx1buttonmouse"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseRelatedSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetx1buttonmouse"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseRelatedSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetx1buttonmouse"::: + ]]> @@ -2844,14 +2844,14 @@ Gets the state of the second extended button. The state of the second extended mouse button. - is equal to the enumeration value . If the button is pressed, a method is called which updates display elements in the sample. - + is equal to the enumeration value . If the button is pressed, a method is called which updates display elements in the sample. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Mouse/GetPosition/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetx2buttonmouse"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseRelatedSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetx2buttonmouse"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseRelatedSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmouserelatedsnippetsgetx2buttonmouse"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Input/Stylus.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Input/Stylus.xml index ff85b913787..aa47a0f1751 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Input/Stylus.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Input/Stylus.xml @@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ Provides access to general information about a tablet pen. - . This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the , , and events are connected to event handlers. - + . This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the , , and events are connected to event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -783,21 +783,21 @@ if the stylus is captured to ; otherwise, . - method to ensure that `element` receives stylus events even when the cursor goes out of the elements' bounds. To release the stylus, call with the set to . - - The method returns `false` if `element` is not visible or enabled. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to record the coordinates of the stylus, even if the stylus leaves the bounds of a . This example assumes there is a called `textBox1`, and that the , , and events are connected to event handlers. - + method to ensure that `element` receives stylus events even when the cursor goes out of the elements' bounds. To release the stylus, call with the set to . + + The method returns `false` if `element` is not visible or enabled. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to record the coordinates of the stylus, even if the stylus leaves the bounds of a . This example assumes there is a called `textBox1`, and that the , , and events are connected to event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -834,21 +834,21 @@ if the stylus is captured to ; otherwise, . - method to ensure that `element` receives stylus events even when the cursor goes out of the elements' bounds. To release the stylus, call with the set to . - - The method returns `false` if `element` is not visible or enabled. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to record the coordinates of the stylus, even if the stylus leaves the bounds of a . This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the , , and events are connected to the event handlers. - + method to ensure that `element` receives stylus events even when the cursor goes out of the elements' bounds. To release the stylus, call with the set to . + + The method returns `false` if `element` is not visible or enabled. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to record the coordinates of the stylus, even if the stylus leaves the bounds of a . This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the , , and events are connected to the event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -878,14 +878,14 @@ Gets the element to which the stylus is bound. The to which the stylus is bound. - event is connected to the event handler. - + event is connected to the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: + ]]> @@ -921,14 +921,14 @@ Gets the stylus that represents the stylus currently in use. The that represents the stylus currently in use. - called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handler. - + called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet8"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet8"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet8"::: + ]]> @@ -958,14 +958,14 @@ Gets the element that is directly beneath the stylus. The that is directly beneath the stylus. - called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handler. - + called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -1006,19 +1006,19 @@ if the specified element has flicks enabled; otherwise, . - , , and . Flicks are enabled on all other controls. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to determine whether flicks are enabled on a . - + , , and . Flicks are enabled on all other controls. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to determine whether flicks are enabled on a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Gesture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet6"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet6"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet6"::: + ]]> @@ -1059,14 +1059,14 @@ if the specified element has press and hold enabled; otherwise, . - . This example assumes that there is a called `horizontalSlider1`. - + . This example assumes that there is a called `horizontalSlider1`. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet9"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet9"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet9"::: + ]]> @@ -1107,19 +1107,19 @@ if the specified element has tap feedback enabled; otherwise, . - . It is enabled on all other controls. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to determine whether tap feedback is enabled on a . - + . It is enabled on all other controls. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to determine whether tap feedback is enabled on a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Gesture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: + ]]> @@ -1154,14 +1154,14 @@ if touch input feedback is enabled, otherwise . - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Gesture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet7"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet7"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet7"::: + ]]> @@ -1186,28 +1186,26 @@ Occurs when an element captures the stylus events. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to change the background color of a when the captures and releases stylus events. This example assumes that there is a textbox called `textBox1`, and that the and events are connected to event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +| Identifier field | | +| Routing strategy | Bubbling | +| Delegate | | + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to change the background color of a when the captures and releases stylus events. This example assumes that there is a textbox called `textBox1`, and that the and events are connected to event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet10"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet10"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet10"::: + ]]> @@ -1259,23 +1257,23 @@ Gets or sets a value indicating whether flicks are enabled. - , , and . Flicks are enabled on all other controls. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to disable flicks on a . + , , and . Flicks are enabled on all other controls. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to disable flicks on a . ```xaml @@ -1330,23 +1328,23 @@ Gets or sets a values indicating whether press and hold is enabled. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to enable press and hold on a . + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to enable press and hold on a . ```xaml @@ -1401,28 +1399,28 @@ Gets or sets whether a value indicating whether tap feedback is enabled. - . It is enabled on all other controls. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example disables tap feedback on a . + . It is enabled on all other controls. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example disables tap feedback on a . ```xaml ``` - + ]]> @@ -1473,23 +1471,23 @@ Gets or sets whether a value indicating whether touch feedback is enabled. - . It is enabled on all other controls. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example enables touch feedback on an . + . It is enabled on all other controls. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example enables touch feedback on an . ```xaml @@ -1545,28 +1543,28 @@ Occurs when an element releases stylus events. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to change the background color of a when the captures and releases stylus events. This example assumes that there is a textbox called `textBox1`, and that the and events are connected to the event handlers in the example. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to change the background color of a when the captures and releases stylus events. This example assumes that there is a textbox called `textBox1`, and that the and events are connected to the event handlers in the example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet10"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet10"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet10"::: + ]]> @@ -1618,28 +1616,28 @@ Occurs when the user presses one of the buttons on the stylus. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to determine which button raised the event. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to determine which button raised the event. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet13"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet13"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet13"::: + ]]> @@ -1691,28 +1689,28 @@ Occurs when the user releases one of the buttons on the stylus. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to determine which button raised the event. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to determine which button raised the event. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet14"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet14"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet14"::: + ]]> @@ -1764,28 +1762,28 @@ Occurs when user touches the tip of the stylus to the tablet. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to ensure that the stylus is not captured when the user touches the stylus to the tablet. This example assumes that the event is connected to the event handler. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to ensure that the stylus is not captured when the user touches the stylus to the tablet. This example assumes that the event is connected to the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet5"::: + ]]> @@ -1837,28 +1835,28 @@ Occurs if the stylus moves while it is within range of (but not touching) the tablet. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to determine which element the stylus is positioned over. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the event is connected to the event handler. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to determine which element the stylus is positioned over. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the event is connected to the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet15"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet15"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet15"::: + ]]> @@ -1910,28 +1908,28 @@ Occurs when the stylus comes within range of the tablet. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to determine whether the stylus is inverted. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to determine whether the stylus is inverted. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet21"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet21"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet21"::: + ]]> @@ -1983,28 +1981,28 @@ Occurs when the stylus moves while it is touching the tablet. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The example demonstrates how to determine the position of the stylus when it moves. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The example demonstrates how to determine the position of the stylus when it moves. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet16"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet16"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet16"::: + ]]> @@ -2056,28 +2054,28 @@ Occurs when the stylus goes out of range of the tablet. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to determine whether the stylus is inverted. This example assumes there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to determine whether the stylus is inverted. This example assumes there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet20"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet20"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet20"::: + ]]> @@ -2129,28 +2127,28 @@ Occurs when the user makes a system gesture with this stylus. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to determine the system gesture that raised the event. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to determine the system gesture that raised the event. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet17"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet17"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet17"::: + ]]> @@ -2202,28 +2200,28 @@ Occurs when the user lifts the stylus from the tablet. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to determine the position of the stylus when the user lifts it from the tablet. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to determine the position of the stylus when the user lifts it from the tablet. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet22"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet22"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet22"::: + ]]> @@ -2990,19 +2988,19 @@ to enable flicks; to disable flicks. Gets the value of the attached property on the specified element. - , , and . Flicks are enabled on all other controls. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to disable flicks on a . - + , , and . Flicks are enabled on all other controls. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to disable flicks on a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Gesture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -3038,19 +3036,19 @@ to enable press and hold; to disable press and hold. Sets the value of the attached property on the specified element. - . This example assumes that there is a called `horizontalSlider1`. - + . This example assumes that there is a called `horizontalSlider1`. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet9"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet9"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet9"::: + ]]> @@ -3086,19 +3084,19 @@ to enable tap feedback; to disable tap feedback. Sets the value of the attached property on the specified element. - . It is enabled on all other controls. - - - -## Examples - The following example disables tap feedback on a . - + . It is enabled on all other controls. + + + +## Examples + The following example disables tap feedback on a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Gesture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet4"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -3134,14 +3132,14 @@ to enable touch input feedback; to disable touch input feedback. Sets the value of the attached property on the specified element. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/InkCanvas/Gesture/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet8"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet8"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GestureSample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet8"::: + ]]> @@ -3166,28 +3164,28 @@ Occurs when the user presses one of the buttons on the stylus. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to show a shortcut menu when the user presses the barrel button on a stylus. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and a called `textBoxContextMenu`, and that the event is connected to the event handler. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to show a shortcut menu when the user presses the barrel button on a stylus. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and a called `textBoxContextMenu`, and that the event is connected to the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -3239,28 +3237,28 @@ Occurs when the user releases one of the buttons on the stylus. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to copy the selected text when the user releases the barrel button on a stylus. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the event is connected to the event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to copy the selected text when the user releases the barrel button on a stylus. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the event is connected to the event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet11"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet11"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet11"::: + ]]> @@ -3312,28 +3310,28 @@ Occurs when the user touches the tip of the stylus to the tablet. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to record the coordinates of the stylus, even if the stylus leaves the bounds of a . This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the , , and events are connected to the event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to record the coordinates of the stylus, even if the stylus leaves the bounds of a . This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the , , and events are connected to the event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -3385,28 +3383,28 @@ Occurs when the stylus cursor enters the bounds of an element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to change the color of a when the stylus cursor enters and leaves its bounds. This example assumes that there is a called `button1` and that the and events are connected to the event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to change the color of a when the stylus cursor enters and leaves its bounds. This example assumes that there is a called `button1` and that the and events are connected to the event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet4"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -3458,28 +3456,28 @@ Occurs when the stylus moves while it is in range of, but not touching, the tablet. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to determine which element the stylus is positioned over. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handler. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to determine which element the stylus is positioned over. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to the event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -3531,28 +3529,28 @@ Occurs when the stylus comes within range of the tablet. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to set the property of an to when the stylus is inverted. This example assumes that there is an called `inkCanvas1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. To see the cursor change, set the property to `true` on `inkCanvas1`. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to set the property of an to when the stylus is inverted. This example assumes that there is an called `inkCanvas1` and that the event is connected to the event handlers. To see the cursor change, set the property to `true` on `inkCanvas1`. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window2.xaml.cs" id="Snippet18"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window2.xaml.vb" id="Snippet18"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window2.xaml.vb" id="Snippet18"::: + ]]> @@ -3604,28 +3602,28 @@ Occurs when the stylus cursor leaves the bounds of an element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to change the color of a when the stylus cursor enters and leaves its bounds. This example assumes that there is a called `button1` and that the and events are connected to event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to change the color of a when the stylus cursor enters and leaves its bounds. This example assumes that there is a called `button1` and that the and events are connected to event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet4"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet4"::: + ]]> @@ -3677,28 +3675,28 @@ Occurs when the stylus moves while it is touching the tablet. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to record the coordinates of the stylus, even if the stylus leaves the bounds of a . This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the , , and events are connected to event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to record the coordinates of the stylus, even if the stylus leaves the bounds of a . This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the , , and events are connected to event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -3750,28 +3748,28 @@ Occurs when the stylus goes out of range of the tablet. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to change the cursor to an arrow when the stylus goes out of range. This example assumes that there is an called `inkCanvas1` and that the event is connected to an event handler. To see the cursor change, set the property to `true` on `inkCanvas1`. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to change the cursor to an arrow when the stylus goes out of range. This example assumes that there is an called `inkCanvas1` and that the event is connected to an event handler. To see the cursor change, set the property to `true` on `inkCanvas1`. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window2.xaml.cs" id="Snippet19"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window2.xaml.vb" id="Snippet19"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window2.xaml.vb" id="Snippet19"::: + ]]> @@ -3823,28 +3821,28 @@ Occurs when the user makes a system gesture with this stylus. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to determine the system gesture that raised the event. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to an event handler. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to determine the system gesture that raised the event. This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1` and that the event is connected to an event handler. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet12"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet12"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet12"::: + ]]> @@ -3896,28 +3894,28 @@ Occurs when the user raises the stylus from the Tablet PC. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to record the coordinates of the stylus, even if the stylus leaves the bounds of a . This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the , , and events are connected to event handlers. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to record the coordinates of the stylus, even if the stylus leaves the bounds of a . This example assumes that there is a called `textBox1`, and that the , , and events are connected to event handlers. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -3974,21 +3972,21 @@ Synchronizes the cursor and the user interface. - method might return an element that has moved out from under the cursor. Call to be sure that returns the proper element. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to get the element that is under the cursor. Calling ensures that returns the correct element. - + method might return an element that has moved out from under the cursor. Call to be sure that returns the proper element. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to get the element that is under the cursor. Calling ensures that returns the correct element. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window2.xaml.cs" id="Snippet24"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window2.xaml.vb" id="Snippet24"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window2.xaml.vb" id="Snippet24"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Input/Stylus/Overview/Window2.xaml.cs" id="Snippet25"::: -:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window2.xaml.vb" id="Snippet25"::: - +:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusSamples/VisualBasic/Window2.xaml.vb" id="Snippet25"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage.xml index a962ea48c47..645782f6994 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage.xml @@ -23,34 +23,34 @@ An that displays a user-created Direct3D surface. - class to host Direct3D content in a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. - - Call the method to change the Direct3D content displayed by the . Call the method to assign a Direct3D surface to a . Call the method to track updates to the Direct3D surface. Call the method to display the changed areas. - - The class manages two display buffers, which are called the *back buffer* and the *front buffer*. The back buffer is your Direct3D surface. Changes to the back buffer are copied forward to the front buffer when you call the method, where it is displayed on the hardware. Occasionally, the front buffer becomes unavailable. This lack of availability can be caused by screen locking, full-screen exclusive Direct3D applications, user-switching, or other system activities. When this occurs, your WPF application is notified by handling the event. How your application responds to the front buffer becoming unavailable depends on whether WPF is enabled to fall back to software rendering. The method has an overload that takes a parameter that specifies whether WPF falls back to software rendering. - -## Responding to an Unavailable Front Buffer when WPF Does not Fall Back to Software Rendering - When you call the overload or call the overload with the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter set to `false`, the rendering system releases its reference to the back buffer when the front buffer becomes unavailable and nothing is displayed. When the front buffer is available again, the rendering system raises the event to notify your WPF application. You can create an event handler for the event to restart rendering again with a valid Direct3D surface. To restart rendering, you must call . - -## Responding to an Unavailable Front Buffer when WPF Falls Back to Software Rendering - When you call the overload with the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter set to `true`, the rendering system retains its reference to the back buffer when the front buffer becomes unavailable, so there is no need to call when the front buffer is available again. There may be situations where the user's device becomes unavailable. When that occurs, call to release WPF's reference to the back buffer. If you need to reset your device, call with the `backBuffer` parameter set to `null`, and then call again with `backBuffer` set to a valid Direct3D surface. - + class to host Direct3D content in a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application. + + Call the method to change the Direct3D content displayed by the . Call the method to assign a Direct3D surface to a . Call the method to track updates to the Direct3D surface. Call the method to display the changed areas. + + The class manages two display buffers, which are called the *back buffer* and the *front buffer*. The back buffer is your Direct3D surface. Changes to the back buffer are copied forward to the front buffer when you call the method, where it is displayed on the hardware. Occasionally, the front buffer becomes unavailable. This lack of availability can be caused by screen locking, full-screen exclusive Direct3D applications, user-switching, or other system activities. When this occurs, your WPF application is notified by handling the event. How your application responds to the front buffer becoming unavailable depends on whether WPF is enabled to fall back to software rendering. The method has an overload that takes a parameter that specifies whether WPF falls back to software rendering. + +## Responding to an Unavailable Front Buffer when WPF Does not Fall Back to Software Rendering + When you call the overload or call the overload with the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter set to `false`, the rendering system releases its reference to the back buffer when the front buffer becomes unavailable and nothing is displayed. When the front buffer is available again, the rendering system raises the event to notify your WPF application. You can create an event handler for the event to restart rendering again with a valid Direct3D surface. To restart rendering, you must call . + +## Responding to an Unavailable Front Buffer when WPF Falls Back to Software Rendering + When you call the overload with the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter set to `true`, the rendering system retains its reference to the back buffer when the front buffer becomes unavailable, so there is no need to call when the front buffer is available again. There may be situations where the user's device becomes unavailable. When that occurs, call to release WPF's reference to the back buffer. If you need to reset your device, call with the `backBuffer` parameter set to `null`, and then call again with `backBuffer` set to a valid Direct3D surface. + > [!NOTE] -> Performance depends greatly on the settings of the Direct3D surface. For more information, see [Performance Considerations for Direct3D9 and WPF Interoperability](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/performance-considerations-for-direct3d9-and-wpf-interoperability). - +> Performance depends greatly on the settings of the Direct3D surface. For more information, see [Performance Considerations for Direct3D9 and WPF Interoperability](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/performance-considerations-for-direct3d9-and-wpf-interoperability). + > [!NOTE] -> The class does not display Direct3D content when WPF renders in software, such as over a Remote Desktop connection, unless you call and specify `true` for the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter. - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to declare a in XAML. You must map the namespace, because it is not included in the default XAML namespaces. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml" id="Snippet10"::: - +> The class does not display Direct3D content when WPF renders in software, such as over a Remote Desktop connection, unless you call and specify `true` for the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter. + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to declare a in XAML. You must map the namespace, because it is not included in the default XAML namespaces. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml" id="Snippet10"::: + ]]> @@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - @@ -133,11 +133,11 @@ The display resolution on the y-axis. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified display resolution. - @@ -180,38 +180,38 @@ An that represents the area that changed. Specifies the area of the back buffer that changed. - method to indicate changes your code has made to the back buffer. To be rendered, the changed area on the back buffer must have a corresponding changed area on the . - - Call the and methods before calling the method. - - Call the method to copy the changed areas to the front buffer. - + method to indicate changes your code has made to the back buffer. To be rendered, the changed area on the back buffer must have a corresponding changed area on the . + + Call the and methods before calling the method. + + Call the method to copy the changed areas to the front buffer. + > [!NOTE] -> After a few calls to the method, the changed areas are merged into a single area. This means you must have valid data outside of the changed areas. - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to call the method to specify the changed region in the back buffer. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - +> After a few calls to the method, the changed areas are merged into a single area. This means you must have valid data outside of the changed areas. + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to call the method to specify the changed region in the back buffer. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> - The bitmap has not been locked by a call to the or methods. - - -or- - + The bitmap has not been locked by a call to the or methods. + + -or- + The back buffer has not been assigned by a call to the method. - One or more of the following conditions is true. - - < 0 - - < 0 - + One or more of the following conditions is true. + + < 0 + + < 0 + < 0 or > < 0 or > @@ -243,13 +243,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (which may no longer resolve), but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -311,13 +311,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are copied. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -389,13 +389,13 @@ Creates a software copy of the . A that is a software copy of the current state of the back buffer; otherwise, if the back buffer cannot be read. - method is called by clients such as the printing system and the class. - - Optionally override the method to implement custom logic and return a different . For example, you can return a placeholder if the default implementation returns `null`. - + method is called by clients such as the printing system and the class. + + Optionally override the method to implement custom logic and return a different . For example, you can return a placeholder if the default implementation returns `null`. + ]]> @@ -427,11 +427,11 @@ When implemented in a derived class, creates a new instance of the derived class. The new instance. - class, you must override the method to enable correct cloning. The default implementation performs a `return new D3DImage()`, which will not be correct if the instance is a different class. - + class, you must override the method to enable correct cloning. The default implementation performs a `return new D3DImage()`, which will not be correct if the instance is a different class. + ]]> @@ -471,13 +471,13 @@ Frees resources and performs other cleanup operations before the is reclaimed by garbage collection. - . Application code should not call this method; an object's `Finalize` method is automatically invoked during garbage collection, unless finalization by the garbage collector has been disabled by a call to the method. - - For more information, see [Finalize Methods and Destructors](, [Cleaning Up Unmanaged Resources](/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/unmanaged), and [Overriding the Finalize Method]( - + . Application code should not call this method; an object's `Finalize` method is automatically invoked during garbage collection, unless finalization by the garbage collector has been disabled by a call to the method. + + For more information, see [Finalize Methods and Destructors](, [Cleaning Up Unmanaged Resources](/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/unmanaged), and [Overriding the Finalize Method]( + ]]> @@ -512,11 +512,11 @@ in all cases. - class does not allow freezing because changes are always possible due to front buffer availability. - + class does not allow freezing because changes are always possible due to front buffer availability. + ]]> @@ -609,11 +609,11 @@ Gets the height of the . The height of the , in measure units. A measure unit is 1/96th inch. - can change when a new back buffer is assigned by a call to the method. - + can change when a new back buffer is assigned by a call to the method. + ]]> @@ -646,26 +646,26 @@ if a front buffer exists; otherwise, . - event. How your application responds to the front buffer becoming unavailable depends on whether WPF is enabled to fall back to software rendering. The method has an overload that takes a parameter that specifies whether WPF falls back to software rendering. For more information, see the remarks in the class. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to check the property when rendering the composition target. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - + event. How your application responds to the front buffer becoming unavailable depends on whether WPF is enabled to fall back to software rendering. The method has an overload that takes a parameter that specifies whether WPF falls back to software rendering. For more information, see the remarks in the class. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to check the property when rendering the composition target. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -696,11 +696,11 @@ Occurs when the property changes. - to be notified when the status of the front buffer changes. How your application responds to the front buffer becoming unavailable depends on whether WPF is enabled to fall back to software rendering. The method has an overload that takes a parameter that specifies whether WPF falls back to software rendering. For more information, see the remarks in the class. - + to be notified when the status of the front buffer changes. How your application responds to the front buffer becoming unavailable depends on whether WPF is enabled to fall back to software rendering. The method has an overload that takes a parameter that specifies whether WPF falls back to software rendering. For more information, see the remarks in the class. + ]]> @@ -758,21 +758,21 @@ Locks the and enables operations on the back buffer. - method to change the back buffer by calling the and methods. While the is locked, your application can also render to the Direct3D surface assigned to the back buffer. - + method to change the back buffer by calling the and methods. While the is locked, your application can also render to the Direct3D surface assigned to the back buffer. + > [!NOTE] -> The method blocks when the rendering system is reading the back buffer to update the front buffer. Use the method to avoid blocking indefinitely. - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to call the method to enable updates to the back buffer. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - +> The method blocks when the rendering system is reading the back buffer to update the front buffer. Use the method to avoid blocking indefinitely. + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to call the method to enable updates to the back buffer. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> The lock count equals UInt32.MaxValue. @@ -833,18 +833,18 @@ Gets the height of the , in pixels. The height of the , in pixels. - can change when a new back buffer is assigned by a call to the method. - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to use the property to specify the changed region in the back buffer. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - + can change when a new back buffer is assigned by a call to the method. + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to use the property to specify the changed region in the back buffer. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -876,18 +876,18 @@ Gets the width of the , in pixels. The width of the , in pixels. - can change when a new back buffer is assigned by a call to the method. - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to use the property to specify the changed region in the back buffer. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - + can change when a new back buffer is assigned by a call to the method. + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to use the property to specify the changed region in the back buffer. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -939,33 +939,33 @@ The Direct3D surface to assign as the back buffer. Assigns a Direct3D surface as the source of the back buffer. - method to assign a Direct3D surface to the back buffer. - + method to assign a Direct3D surface to the back buffer. + > [!NOTE] -> Performance depends greatly on the settings of the Direct3D surface. For more information, see [Performance Considerations for Direct3D9 and WPF Interoperability](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/performance-considerations-for-direct3d9-and-wpf-interoperability). - - Calling the overload is identical to calling the overload with the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter set to `false`. When you call or call with the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter set to `false`, the rendering system releases its reference to the back buffer when front buffer becomes unavailable and nothing is displayed. When the front buffer is available again, the rendering system raises the event to notify your WPF application. You can create an event handler for the event to restart rendering again with a valid Direct3D surface. To restart rendering, you must call . - - The following list shows the required back buffer settings for the `IDirect3DSurface9` type. - -- `D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8` or `D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8` - -- `D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET` - -- `D3DPOOL_DEFAULT` - - Multisampling is allowed on `IDirect3DSurface9Ex` surfaces only. - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to call the method to assign a Direct3D surface. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - +> Performance depends greatly on the settings of the Direct3D surface. For more information, see [Performance Considerations for Direct3D9 and WPF Interoperability](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/performance-considerations-for-direct3d9-and-wpf-interoperability). + + Calling the overload is identical to calling the overload with the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter set to `false`. When you call or call with the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter set to `false`, the rendering system releases its reference to the back buffer when front buffer becomes unavailable and nothing is displayed. When the front buffer is available again, the rendering system raises the event to notify your WPF application. You can create an event handler for the event to restart rendering again with a valid Direct3D surface. To restart rendering, you must call . + + The following list shows the required back buffer settings for the `IDirect3DSurface9` type. + +- `D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8` or `D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8` + +- `D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET` + +- `D3DPOOL_DEFAULT` + + Multisampling is allowed on `IDirect3DSurface9Ex` surfaces only. + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to call the method to assign a Direct3D surface. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> The has not been locked by a call to the or methods. @@ -1014,23 +1014,23 @@ to fall back on software rendering; otherwise, . Assigns a Direct3D surface as the source of the back buffer. - overload or call the overload with the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter set to `false`, the rendering system releases its reference to the back buffer when the front buffer becomes unavailable and nothing is displayed. When the front buffer is available again, the rendering system raises the event to notify your WPF application. You can create an event handler for the event to restart rendering again with a valid Direct3D surface. To restart rendering, you must call . - - When you call with the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter set to `true`, the rendering system retains its reference to the back buffer when the front buffer becomes unavailable, so there is no need to call when the front buffer is available again. There may be situations where the user's device becomes unavailable. When that occurs, call to release WPF's reference to the back buffer. If you need to reset your device, call with `backBuffer` set to `null`, and then call again with `backBuffer` set to a valid Direct3D surface. - - The following list shows the required back buffer settings for the `IDirect3DSurface9` type. - -- `D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8` or `D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8` - -- `D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET` - -- `D3DPOOL_DEFAULT` - - Multisampling is allowed on `IDirect3DSurface9Ex` surfaces only. - + overload or call the overload with the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter set to `false`, the rendering system releases its reference to the back buffer when the front buffer becomes unavailable and nothing is displayed. When the front buffer is available again, the rendering system raises the event to notify your WPF application. You can create an event handler for the event to restart rendering again with a valid Direct3D surface. To restart rendering, you must call . + + When you call with the `enableSoftwareFallback` parameter set to `true`, the rendering system retains its reference to the back buffer when the front buffer becomes unavailable, so there is no need to call when the front buffer is available again. There may be situations where the user's device becomes unavailable. When that occurs, call to release WPF's reference to the back buffer. If you need to reset your device, call with `backBuffer` set to `null`, and then call again with `backBuffer` set to a valid Direct3D surface. + + The following list shows the required back buffer settings for the `IDirect3DSurface9` type. + +- `D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8` or `D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8` + +- `D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET` + +- `D3DPOOL_DEFAULT` + + Multisampling is allowed on `IDirect3DSurface9Ex` surfaces only. + ]]> @@ -1097,23 +1097,23 @@ Decrements the lock count for the . - reaches zero, the is fully unlocked. The is marked for rendering if the image has changed areas that were specified by previous calls to the method. - - When the changes are committed and rendering occurs, additional calls to the method block until the render thread has copied the contents of the back buffer to the front buffer. This synchronization avoids display artifacts, such as tearing. - + reaches zero, the is fully unlocked. The is marked for rendering if the image has changed areas that were specified by previous calls to the method. + + When the changes are committed and rendering occurs, additional calls to the method block until the render thread has copied the contents of the back buffer to the front buffer. This synchronization avoids display artifacts, such as tearing. + > [!NOTE] -> Do not update the Direct3D surface while the is unlocked. - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to call the method to copy the updated back buffer to the front buffer. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - +> Do not update the Direct3D surface while the is unlocked. + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to call the method to copy the updated back buffer to the front buffer. For more information, see [Walkthrough: Hosting Direct3D9 Content in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-hosting-direct3d9-content-in-wpf). + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Interop/D3DImage/Overview/window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -1145,11 +1145,11 @@ Gets the width of the . The width of the , in measure units. A measure unit is 1/96th inch. - can change when a new back buffer is assigned by a call to the method. - + can change when a new back buffer is assigned by a call to the method. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Markup/XmlAttributeProperties.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Markup/XmlAttributeProperties.xml index 66c6800d6b7..fe0afd6cee5 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Markup/XmlAttributeProperties.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Markup/XmlAttributeProperties.xml @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ Encapsulates the XML language-related attributes of a . - , , and and . - - These properties are generally only used by the WPF XAML parser implementation for .NET Framework 3.0 and .NET Framework 3.5. Actual user code attached property calls from XAML markup is not the primary scenario. The properties are implemented as attached properties primarily so that the properties can better support the property inheritance concept for dependency properties through all possible object graphs. As such, this is really an infrastructure support class. For more information, see [Property Value Inheritance](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/property-value-inheritance). - + , , and and . + + These properties are generally only used by the WPF XAML parser implementation for .NET Framework 3.0 and .NET Framework 3.5. Actual user code attached property calls from XAML markup is not the primary scenario. The properties are implemented as attached properties primarily so that the properties can better support the property inheritance concept for dependency properties through all possible object graphs. As such, this is really an infrastructure support class. For more information, see [Property Value Inheritance](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/property-value-inheritance). + ]]> @@ -398,21 +398,21 @@ Gets or sets an attached property value that stores XML namespace maps for use by the WPF XAML parser for .NET Framework 3.0 and .NET Framework 3.5. - -## XAML Text Usage - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## XAML Text Usage + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -469,21 +469,21 @@ Gets or sets the attached property value that stores definitions for use by the WPF XAML parser for .NET Framework 3.0 and .NET Framework 3.5. - -## XAML Text Usage - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## XAML Text Usage + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -540,21 +540,21 @@ Gets or sets the attached property value that stores dictionaries for use by the WPF XAML parser for .NET Framework 3.0 and .NET Framework 3.5. - -## XAML Text Usage - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## XAML Text Usage + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -611,21 +611,21 @@ Gets or sets the mapped value of the property. - -## XAML Text Usage - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## XAML Text Usage + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/BeginStoryboard.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/BeginStoryboard.xml index 936a765c337..4af5f69fb50 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/BeginStoryboard.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/BeginStoryboard.xml @@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ A trigger action that begins a and distributes its animations to their targeted objects and properties. - action with an or a to apply animations to their target properties and start them. begins a by calling on its reference when triggered. - - When you begin a on a property that is already being animated by another , the property of determines how the animation proceeds. - -## Pause, Resume, Stop, or Otherwise Control a Storyboard Interactively - To be able to pause, resume, or otherwise control a that was declared in markup interactively, you must set the property of its . You can then control the by using a object (such as , , or ) to control it by referencing its . If the of is unspecified, the cannot be interactively controlled after it is begun. See [How to: Use Event Triggers to Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-use-event-triggers-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts) for more information. - + action with an or a to apply animations to their target properties and start them. begins a by calling on its reference when triggered. + + When you begin a on a property that is already being animated by another , the property of determines how the animation proceeds. + +## Pause, Resume, Stop, or Otherwise Control a Storyboard Interactively + To be able to pause, resume, or otherwise control a that was declared in markup interactively, you must set the property of its . You can then control the by using a object (such as , , or ) to control it by referencing its . If the of is unspecified, the cannot be interactively controlled after it is begun. See [How to: Use Event Triggers to Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-use-event-triggers-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts) for more information. + > [!NOTE] -> In code, you may use the interactive methods of the class to control a that was applied using a . As is the case when using objects, you must give the a name for its to be interactively controllable. - +> In code, you may use the interactive methods of the class to control a that was applied using a . As is the case when using objects, you must give the a name for its to be interactively controllable. + ]]> @@ -121,23 +121,23 @@ Gets or sets the proper hand-off behavior to start an animation clock in this storyboard. One of the enumeration values. The default value is . - , , or to a property by using , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove these clocks automatically. - - To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock: - -- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This will remove all animation clocks from the property. - -- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not called if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . - - This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. - - For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). - + , , or to a property by using , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove these clocks automatically. + + To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock: + +- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This will remove all animation clocks from the property. + +- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not called if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . + + This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. + + For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). + ]]> @@ -177,11 +177,11 @@ Gets or sets the name of the object. By naming the object, the can be controlled after it is started. The name of the . The default is . - , set the property of its and use a object like , , or to reference this name. If the of is unspecified, the cannot be interactively affected after it is begun; furthermore, when the ends or enters its Fill period, the animation clocks are disposed of. See [How to: Use Event Triggers to Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-use-event-triggers-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts) for more information. - + , set the property of its and use a object like , , or to reference this name. If the of is unspecified, the cannot be interactively affected after it is begun; furthermore, when the ends or enters its Fill period, the animation clocks are disposed of. See [How to: Use Event Triggers to Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-use-event-triggers-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts) for more information. + ]]> @@ -217,18 +217,18 @@ Gets or sets the that this starts. The that the starts. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/BooleanKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/BooleanKeyFrame.xml index b48868d44a4..f96b23e81a7 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/BooleanKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/BooleanKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ByteAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ByteAnimation.xml index a85c300fb38..0d4218f2cb9 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ByteAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ByteAnimation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -262,39 +262,39 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is **null**. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -353,13 +353,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -417,11 +417,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -478,39 +478,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -576,13 +576,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -614,22 +614,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -660,22 +660,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -706,39 +706,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ByteKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ByteKeyFrame.xml index 25fa20edec7..ec2a084574f 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ByteKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ByteKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/CharKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/CharKeyFrame.xml index 1bd8f3086b0..fa17481bfcc 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/CharKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/CharKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ColorAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ColorAnimation.xml index 1effd1949e5..0fb2a7a794a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ColorAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ColorAnimation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -242,51 +242,51 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is null. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`By`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata Properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`By`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata Properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -345,13 +345,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -409,11 +409,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - . For example, you could use a easing function to create a color animation that animates through colors rapidly at first but slows down. - + . For example, you could use a easing function to create a color animation that animates through colors rapidly at first but slows down. + ]]> @@ -470,51 +470,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`From`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`From`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -580,13 +580,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -618,22 +618,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -664,22 +664,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -710,51 +710,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`To`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`To`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ColorKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ColorKeyFrame.xml index bc3079c3f8e..706b9a2c65a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ColorKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ColorKeyFrame.xml @@ -220,18 +220,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -318,18 +318,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is a with a hexadecimal value of #00000000. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DecimalAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DecimalAnimation.xml index d1ffa794a8a..0dce6d3f560 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DecimalAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DecimalAnimation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -242,39 +242,39 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is null. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -333,13 +333,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -397,11 +397,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -458,39 +458,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -556,13 +556,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -594,22 +594,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -640,22 +640,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -686,39 +686,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DecimalKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DecimalKeyFrame.xml index f8f2d44ef56..d79b3f0bff8 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DecimalKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DecimalKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,22 +327,22 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `Value`=""/> - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `Value`=""/> + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleAnimation.xml index 2030e587883..315f859bfcd 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleAnimation.xml @@ -23,30 +23,30 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -240,42 +240,42 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is null. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. - - The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. + + The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -334,13 +334,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -398,11 +398,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -459,40 +459,40 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is . - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -558,13 +558,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -596,22 +596,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -642,22 +642,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -688,40 +688,40 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is . - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleAnimationUsingPath.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleAnimationUsingPath.xml index 5167aa0483b..d2d20259ac7 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleAnimationUsingPath.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleAnimationUsingPath.xml @@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -263,8 +263,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier Field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -412,8 +412,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleKeyFrame.xml index 47c8c23a2ba..bf0f72a52f5 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int16Animation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int16Animation.xml index e9687e75c36..e847732e748 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int16Animation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int16Animation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -242,39 +242,39 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is null. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -333,13 +333,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -397,11 +397,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -458,39 +458,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is **null**. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -556,13 +556,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -594,22 +594,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -640,22 +640,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -687,39 +687,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int16KeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int16KeyFrame.xml index 620e61cfc2b..a2726ce2213 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int16KeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int16KeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int32Animation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int32Animation.xml index 3b01427d994..c42d1391713 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int32Animation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int32Animation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of an property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -242,39 +242,39 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is null. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=" "/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=" "/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata Properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata Properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -333,13 +333,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -397,11 +397,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -458,39 +458,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -556,13 +556,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -594,22 +594,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -640,22 +640,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -686,39 +686,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int32KeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int32KeyFrame.xml index e22f6310e1a..c8ced9511f4 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int32KeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int32KeyFrame.xml @@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ Abstract class that, when implemented, defines an animation segment with its own target value and interpolation method for a . - is an abstract class that defines value type key frames for several different techniques of key frame animation: , , , . To animate a value with key frames, you define a animation, and populate its property with one or more elements that define the key frames. - - For XAML syntaxes that take a , you need to specify a non-abstract derived type of as an object element. For details, see the XAML syntax on the reference pages for , , , . - + is an abstract class that defines value type key frames for several different techniques of key frame animation: , , , . To animate a value with key frames, you define a animation, and populate its property with one or more elements that define the key frames. + + For XAML syntaxes that take a , you need to specify a non-abstract derived type of as an object element. For details, see the XAML syntax on the reference pages for , , , . + ]]> @@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -238,18 +238,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -336,18 +336,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int64Animation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int64Animation.xml index 958edbed1e1..2cd97cf5e07 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int64Animation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int64Animation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -242,39 +242,39 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default is . - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=" "/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=" "/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -333,13 +333,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -396,11 +396,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -457,39 +457,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default is . - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -583,22 +583,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -629,22 +629,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration; otherwise, . The default is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -675,39 +675,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default is . - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int64KeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int64KeyFrame.xml index 3e3564ecee2..4716262ab12 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int64KeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Int64KeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/LinearQuaternionKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/LinearQuaternionKeyFrame.xml index 47d8eccadda..369be0022ee 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/LinearQuaternionKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/LinearQuaternionKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using linear interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + ]]> @@ -228,18 +228,18 @@ Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the animation uses spherical linear interpolation to calculate the shortest arc between positions. This is a dependency property. Boolean value that indicates whether the animation uses spherical linear interpolation to calculate the shortest arc between positions. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/MatrixAnimationUsingPath.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/MatrixAnimationUsingPath.xml index f9d82979b42..a4cf048cde8 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/MatrixAnimationUsingPath.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/MatrixAnimationUsingPath.xml @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Animates the value of a property by using a to generate the animated values. This animation can be used to move a visual object along a path. - enables you to animate the angle and position of an object with a single animation and . - - A animates its target by using linear interpolation over the specified . - + enables you to animate the angle and position of an object with a single animation and . + + A animates its target by using linear interpolation over the specified . + ]]> @@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - , so the user must specify one. - + , so the user must specify one. + ]]> @@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -159,19 +159,19 @@ if the object will rotate along the tangent of the path; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -235,13 +235,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -273,28 +273,28 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual because the identifier field for it comes from and is shared by various derived classes. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses two similar animations to animate the same rectangle. The first animation's property is set to `false`, so it always animates the rectangle from (0,0), the animation's starting value. The second animation has the same target values (their settings are identical), but its property is set to `true`; as a result, it animates the rectangle from whatever position it is at when the animation is applied. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleAnimationUsingPath/PathGeometry/matrixanimationusingpathisadditiveexample.xaml" id="Snippetmatrixanimationusingpathisadditiveexamplewholepage"::: - +> This dependency property is unusual because the identifier field for it comes from and is shared by various derived classes. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses two similar animations to animate the same rectangle. The first animation's property is set to `false`, so it always animates the rectangle from (0,0), the animation's starting value. The second animation has the same target values (their settings are identical), but its property is set to `true`; as a result, it animates the rectangle from whatever position it is at when the animation is applied. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleAnimationUsingPath/PathGeometry/matrixanimationusingpathisadditiveexample.xaml" id="Snippetmatrixanimationusingpathisadditiveexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -325,30 +325,30 @@ if the animation's rotation angle should accumulate over repetitions; otherwise, . The default is . - of `true`, your object might appear to tumble while it bounces (depending on the path you specify). For related information, see . - - Setting this property has no effect if is `false`. - - This property determines whether the animation matrix's angle accumulates when the animation repeats because of its setting; it does not cause the offset to accumulate when the animation is restarted. For information on how to make an animation build off a previous animation's values, see . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example uses two similar animations to animate the same rectangle. Both animations have the same setting, which causes the rectangle to rotate as it moves along the screen to the right, and both animations are set to repeat four times. The first animation's property is set to `false`, so the rectangle jumps back to its original angle when the animation repeats. The second animation's property is set to `true`; as a result, the rectangle angle appears to increase when the animation repeats, rather than jumping back to its original value. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleAnimationUsingPath/PathGeometry/matrixanimationusingpathisanglecumulativeexample.xaml" id="Snippetmatrixanimationusingpathisanglecumulativeexamplewholepage"::: - + of `true`, your object might appear to tumble while it bounces (depending on the path you specify). For related information, see . + + Setting this property has no effect if is `false`. + + This property determines whether the animation matrix's angle accumulates when the animation repeats because of its setting; it does not cause the offset to accumulate when the animation is restarted. For information on how to make an animation build off a previous animation's values, see . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example uses two similar animations to animate the same rectangle. Both animations have the same setting, which causes the rectangle to rotate as it moves along the screen to the right, and both animations are set to repeat four times. The first animation's property is set to `false`, so the rectangle jumps back to its original angle when the animation repeats. The second animation's property is set to `true`; as a result, the rectangle angle appears to increase when the animation repeats, rather than jumping back to its original value. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Animation/DoubleAnimationUsingPath/PathGeometry/matrixanimationusingpathisanglecumulativeexample.xaml" id="Snippetmatrixanimationusingpathisanglecumulativeexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -407,21 +407,21 @@ if the object will accumulate over repeats of the animation; otherwise, . The default is . - setting; it does not cause the offset to accumulate when the animation is restarted. For information on how to make an animation build off a previous animation's values, see . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + setting; it does not cause the offset to accumulate when the animation is restarted. For information on how to make an animation build off a previous animation's values, see . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -509,19 +509,19 @@ Gets or sets the geometry used to generate this animation's output values. The geometry used to generate this animation's output values. The default is . - can describe complex shapes that contain curves and arcs, enabling you specify complex shapes for your animation input. For more information, see [Geometry Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/geometry-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + can describe complex shapes that contain curves and arcs, enabling you specify complex shapes for your animation input. For more information, see [Geometry Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/geometry-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/MatrixKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/MatrixKeyFrame.xml index 64e0a467a86..dddddaa1b34 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/MatrixKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/MatrixKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ObjectKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ObjectKeyFrame.xml index fada2677d59..2758a1dd83b 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ObjectKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ObjectKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -337,18 +337,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ParallelTimeline.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ParallelTimeline.xml index 35e6c214e59..2b9e2b8eaa2 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ParallelTimeline.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ParallelTimeline.xml @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Defines a segment of time that may contain child objects. These child timelines become active according to their respective properties. Also, child timelines are able to overlap (run in parallel) with each other. - objects can be children (nested inside) of a . This can provide better encapsulation of timing sequences in complex animations. - - has its own property therefore all child timeline values are relative to the parent value for . - + objects can be children (nested inside) of a . This can provide better encapsulation of timing sequences in complex animations. + + has its own property therefore all child timeline values are relative to the parent value for . + ]]> @@ -202,13 +202,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -239,13 +239,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -276,11 +276,11 @@ Creates a new instance of this . The new . - method. - + method. + ]]> @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ Return the natural duration (duration of a single iteration) from a specified . The quantity representing the natural duration. - it means that the natural duration is unknown. In this case, the of the is determined by the author. For example, the duration of streaming media would be determined by the provider of the streaming media. - + it means that the natural duration is unknown. In this case, the of the is determined by the author. For example, the duration of streaming media would be determined by the provider of the streaming media. + ]]> @@ -354,37 +354,37 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies how this timeline will behave when one or more of its children slips. A value that indicates how this timeline will behave when one or more of its children slips. The default value is . - property is used to determine what happens when media and animations are played together. A value of (default) specifies that animation timelines do not need to be synced and will play when specified regardless of the state of other media in the timeline. A value of on the other hand, specifies that an animation will wait (slip) until media is ready to play. The diagrams below illustrate this behavior. - - This plays a video and an animation. When is set to and the property of the is set to , the grows to play all media and animations. - - ![Diagram: Key for SlipBehavior diagram](~/add/media/slipbehaviorkey.png "Diagram: Key for SlipBehavior diagram") - - ![Diagram: SlipBehavior property value of Grow](~/add/media/slipbehaviorgrow1.png "Diagram: SlipBehavior property value of Grow") - - This has a of and a of 5 seconds which gives media and animations 5 seconds to play regardless of how much they slip. - - ![Diagram: SlipBehavior property value of Grow](~/add/media/slipbehaviorgrow2.png "Diagram: SlipBehavior property value of Grow") - - This has a of . Note that the (and any other non-media children of the ) does not progress unless the media timeline is also progressing. If the media takes a while to load, or if it is buffering, the animation will wait (slips) with it. This allows animations to synchronize with a single media file. - - ![SlipBehavior diagram for media and animation](~/add/media/slipbehaviorslip1.png "SlipBehavior diagram for media and animation") - - This has a of and a of 5 seconds. In this scenario, the media file and animation are guaranteed to play for 5 seconds. - - ![Diagram: SlipBehavior property of a Storyboard](~/add/media/slipbehaviorslip2.png "Diagram: SlipBehavior property of a Storyboard") - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property is used to determine what happens when media and animations are played together. A value of (default) specifies that animation timelines do not need to be synced and will play when specified regardless of the state of other media in the timeline. A value of on the other hand, specifies that an animation will wait (slip) until media is ready to play. The diagrams below illustrate this behavior. + + This plays a video and an animation. When is set to and the property of the is set to , the grows to play all media and animations. + + ![Diagram: Key for SlipBehavior diagram](~/add/media/slipbehaviorkey.png "Diagram: Key for SlipBehavior diagram") + + ![Diagram: SlipBehavior property value of Grow](~/add/media/slipbehaviorgrow1.png "Diagram: SlipBehavior property value of Grow") + + This has a of and a of 5 seconds which gives media and animations 5 seconds to play regardless of how much they slip. + + ![Diagram: SlipBehavior property value of Grow](~/add/media/slipbehaviorgrow2.png "Diagram: SlipBehavior property value of Grow") + + This has a of . Note that the (and any other non-media children of the ) does not progress unless the media timeline is also progressing. If the media takes a while to load, or if it is buffering, the animation will wait (slips) with it. This allows animations to synchronize with a single media file. + + ![SlipBehavior diagram for media and animation](~/add/media/slipbehaviorslip1.png "SlipBehavior diagram for media and animation") + + This has a of and a of 5 seconds. In this scenario, the media file and animation are guaranteed to play for 5 seconds. + + ![Diagram: SlipBehavior property of a Storyboard](~/add/media/slipbehaviorslip2.png "Diagram: SlipBehavior property of a Storyboard") + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -414,16 +414,16 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - - - -## Examples - [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) - + dependency property. + + + +## Examples + [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview) + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Point3DAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Point3DAnimation.xml index 835416cbab1..60085e80700 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Point3DAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Point3DAnimation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property using linear interpolation between two values. - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -241,51 +241,51 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is null. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`By`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`By`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -344,13 +344,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -408,11 +408,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -469,51 +469,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`From`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`From`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -579,13 +579,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -616,22 +616,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -662,22 +662,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -708,51 +708,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`To`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`To`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Point3DKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Point3DKeyFrame.xml index 8806419b7c9..abd00dacb13 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Point3DKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Point3DKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/PointAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/PointAnimation.xml index 6f515b6708c..d4af090404f 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/PointAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/PointAnimation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you must associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you must associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -242,51 +242,51 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is null. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`By`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`By`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -345,13 +345,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -409,11 +409,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -470,51 +470,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`From`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`From`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -580,13 +580,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -618,22 +618,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -664,22 +664,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration; otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -710,51 +710,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`To`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`To`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/PointAnimationUsingPath.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/PointAnimationUsingPath.xml index 2fa52074000..cba9e07bf3f 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/PointAnimationUsingPath.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/PointAnimationUsingPath.xml @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ Animates the value of a property between two or more target values using a to specify those values. This animation can be used to move a visual object along a path. - uses linear interpolation over a specified . - - is particularly well suited for animating the position of an object on the screen if the object uses a property to specify position. - + uses linear interpolation over a specified . + + is particularly well suited for animating the position of an object on the screen if the object uses a property to specify position. + ]]> @@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ Creates a new instance of the class. - so the user must specify one. - + so the user must specify one. + ]]> @@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -205,21 +205,21 @@ if the animation adds its output value to the base value of the property being animated instead of replacing it; otherwise, . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -250,22 +250,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -327,19 +327,19 @@ Specifies the geometry used to generate this animation's output values. The path used to generate this animation's output values. The default value is **null**. - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/PointKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/PointKeyFrame.xml index 701eb1304b5..4e869823b48 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/PointKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/PointKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/QuaternionAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/QuaternionAnimation.xml index 7a9048df47e..b8ac7b49452 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/QuaternionAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/QuaternionAnimation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ Duration of the QuaternionAnimation. Initializes a new instance of using the specified to another specified over the specified . - @@ -221,11 +221,11 @@ Behavior of the timeline outside its active period. Initializes a new instance of using the specified to another specified over the specified , with the specified behavior at the end of the timeline. - @@ -255,51 +255,51 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is . - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`By`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`By`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -356,13 +356,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -420,11 +420,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -481,51 +481,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is . - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`From`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`From`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -589,13 +589,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -626,22 +626,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -672,22 +672,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -717,51 +717,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is . - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`To`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`To`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -817,18 +817,18 @@ Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the animation uses spherical linear interpolation to calculate the shortest arc between positions. Boolean value that indicates whether the animation uses spherical linear interpolation to calculate the shortest arc between positions. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/QuaternionKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/QuaternionKeyFrame.xml index 7900e4dc87c..968df02fd28 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/QuaternionKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/QuaternionKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/RectAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/RectAnimation.xml index 69affd4b69d..2418042d827 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/RectAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/RectAnimation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation. - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -242,52 +242,52 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default is . - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`By`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`By`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -346,15 +346,15 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - - When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + + When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. + ]]> @@ -412,11 +412,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -473,52 +473,52 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default is . - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`From`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`From`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -584,13 +584,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -622,22 +622,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -668,22 +668,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration; otherwise, . The default is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -714,52 +714,52 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default is . - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`To`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`To`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/RectKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/RectKeyFrame.xml index 54231d6d993..6aaa1af0d94 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/RectKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/RectKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -328,18 +328,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Rotation3DAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Rotation3DAnimation.xml index ca24acc4295..aab406e388c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Rotation3DAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Rotation3DAnimation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property using linear interpolation between two values determined by the combination of , , or properties that are set for the animation. - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - @@ -248,39 +248,39 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is **nul**l. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -339,13 +339,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -403,11 +403,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -464,39 +464,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is **null**. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -562,13 +562,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -599,22 +599,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -645,22 +645,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -690,39 +690,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. A that represents the animation's ending value. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Rotation3DKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Rotation3DKeyFrame.xml index f135aaaec37..8bf077f4124 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Rotation3DKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Rotation3DKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -333,18 +333,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SingleAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SingleAnimation.xml index 2b4ea09bfc5..9dab50c4b0e 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SingleAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SingleAnimation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -242,39 +242,39 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is . - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -333,13 +333,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -397,11 +397,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -458,39 +458,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is **null**. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -554,13 +554,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -592,22 +592,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -638,22 +638,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -684,39 +684,39 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SingleKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SingleKeyFrame.xml index 5ccfda8375d..809392a1bbf 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SingleKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SingleKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SizeAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SizeAnimation.xml index be8e90387bc..5f46b691ca7 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SizeAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SizeAnimation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you must associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you must associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -242,51 +242,51 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is null. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`By`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`By`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -345,13 +345,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -409,11 +409,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -470,51 +470,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`By`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`By`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -580,13 +580,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -618,22 +618,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -664,22 +664,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -710,51 +710,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`By`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`By`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SizeKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SizeKeyFrame.xml index 72d26c558b2..787c3d43815 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SizeKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SizeKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineByteKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineByteKeyFrame.xml index 713fa5c8148..22a4b667030 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineByteKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineByteKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineColorKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineColorKeyFrame.xml index ab9e06ac475..73c7406585c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineColorKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineColorKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineDecimalKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineDecimalKeyFrame.xml index a9f1c20d4ce..daf5640d51c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineDecimalKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineDecimalKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineDoubleKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineDoubleKeyFrame.xml index cd259b74d78..f9c84f51d0c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineDoubleKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineDoubleKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineInt16KeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineInt16KeyFrame.xml index 8cf6b33f7fe..22a41fcd915 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineInt16KeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineInt16KeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineInt32KeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineInt32KeyFrame.xml index 4d3c641c61b..a78148fdd11 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineInt32KeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineInt32KeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineInt64KeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineInt64KeyFrame.xml index 585917f8a04..0709bf6a44a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineInt64KeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineInt64KeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplinePoint3DKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplinePoint3DKeyFrame.xml index 5a94f846899..7af2ef1fe76 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplinePoint3DKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplinePoint3DKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplinePointKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplinePointKeyFrame.xml index 73ed22fdb89..ebd59d51068 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplinePointKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplinePointKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like create a variable transition between values, which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like create a variable transition between values, which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve that defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the define those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the define those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineQuaternionKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineQuaternionKeyFrame.xml index e15cdbb72b9..b4f1ecaced7 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineQuaternionKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineQuaternionKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like create a variable transition between values that is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like create a variable transition between values that is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -249,19 +249,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve that defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the define those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the define those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -317,18 +317,18 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the animation uses spherical linear interpolation to calculate the shortest arc between positions. Boolean value that indicates whether the animation uses spherical linear interpolation to calculate the shortest arc between positions. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineRectKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineRectKeyFrame.xml index 442d2e4bf3e..96b7f92b8c4 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineRectKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineRectKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineRotation3DKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineRotation3DKeyFrame.xml index a8a1f551011..5d4707d2271 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineRotation3DKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineRotation3DKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineSingleKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineSingleKeyFrame.xml index 4dd20983ce7..a5852504eb7 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineSingleKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineSingleKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineSizeKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineSizeKeyFrame.xml index 71bc0ad81c5..783dfdeb688 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineSizeKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineSizeKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineThicknessKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineThicknessKeyFrame.xml index ac22aba7927..2dba868e2ce 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineThicknessKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineThicknessKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineVector3DKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineVector3DKeyFrame.xml index ac851cdd684..a21bb9bfe87 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineVector3DKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineVector3DKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineVectorKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineVectorKeyFrame.xml index 7226fc965f3..d1011b90478 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineVectorKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/SplineVectorKeyFrame.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Animates from the value of the previous key frame to its own using splined interpolation. - in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. - - A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. - - Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. - + in conjunction with a to animate a property value along a set of key frames. + + A key frame defines a segment of the to which it belongs. Each key frame has a target and a . The specifies the time at which the key frame's should be reached. A key frame animates from the target value of the previous key frame to its own target value. It starts when the previous key frame ends and ends when its own key time is reached. + + Spline key frames like creates a variable transition between values which is determined by the property. Splined interpolation can be used to achieve more realistic "real world" timing effects such as acceleration and deceleration. + ]]> @@ -250,19 +250,19 @@ Gets or sets the two control points that define animation progress for this key frame. The two control points that specify the cubic Bezier curve which defines the progress of the key frame. - works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + works, it is helpful to understand cubic Bezier curves. A cubic Bezier curve is defined by a start point, an end point, and two control points. The two coordinates in the defines those two control points. When describing key splines, the start point of the Bezier curve is always 0, and the end point is always 1, which is why you define only the two control points. The resulting curve specifies how an animation is interpolated during a time segment; that is, the curve represents the rate of change in the animation's target attribute over the time segment. To better see the relationship between animation progress and a Bezier curve, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Key Spline Animation Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Storyboard.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Storyboard.xml index 1341be8a41a..3fbb83bb474 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Storyboard.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Storyboard.xml @@ -23,28 +23,28 @@ A container timeline that provides object and property targeting information for its child animations. - property of the object that creates it; for an example, see [How to: Use Event Triggers to Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-use-event-triggers-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - -## Data Binding and Animating Timelines - Most timeline properties can be data bound or animated; however, because of the way the timing system works, data bound or animated timelines do not behave like other data bound or animated objects. To understand their behavior, it helps to understand what it means to activate a timeline. - - When a timeline is activated, copies are made of the timeline and its child timelines. These copies are frozen (made read-only) and objects are created from them. These clocks do the actual work of animating the targeted properties. If a timeline is data bound or animated, a snapshot of its current values is made when its clock is created. Even though the original timeline might continue to change, its clock does not. - - For a timeline to reflect data binding or animation changes, its clock must be re-created. Clocks are not re-created for you automatically. The following are several ways to apply timeline changes: - -- If the timeline is or belongs to a , you can make it reflect changes by reapplying its storyboard using a or the method. This has the side effect of also restarting the animation. In code, you can use the method to advance the storyboard back to its previous position. - -- If you applied an animation directly to a property using the method, call the method again and pass it the animation that has been modified. - -- If you are working directly at the clock level, create and apply a new set of clocks and use them to replace the previous set of created clocks. - - For an example of a data bound animation, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . - + property of the object that creates it; for an example, see [How to: Use Event Triggers to Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-use-event-triggers-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + +## Data Binding and Animating Timelines + Most timeline properties can be data bound or animated; however, because of the way the timing system works, data bound or animated timelines do not behave like other data bound or animated objects. To understand their behavior, it helps to understand what it means to activate a timeline. + + When a timeline is activated, copies are made of the timeline and its child timelines. These copies are frozen (made read-only) and objects are created from them. These clocks do the actual work of animating the targeted properties. If a timeline is data bound or animated, a snapshot of its current values is made when its clock is created. Even though the original timeline might continue to change, its clock does not. + + For a timeline to reflect data binding or animation changes, its clock must be re-created. Clocks are not re-created for you automatically. The following are several ways to apply timeline changes: + +- If the timeline is or belongs to a , you can make it reflect changes by reapplying its storyboard using a or the method. This has the side effect of also restarting the animation. In code, you can use the method to advance the storyboard back to its previous position. + +- If you applied an animation directly to a property using the method, call the method again and pass it the animation that has been modified. + +- If you are working directly at the clock level, create and apply a new set of clocks and use them to replace the previous set of created clocks. + + For an example of a data bound animation, see [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . + ]]> @@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ Initiates the set of animations associated with this . - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -156,23 +156,23 @@ An object contained within the same name scope as the targets of this storyboard's animations. Animations without a are applied to . Applies the animations associated with this to their targets and initiates them. - handoff behavior. - - Storyboards started with this method cannot be paused, resumed, or otherwise interactively controlled after they are started. To make a storyboard controllable, use the or method. - - Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - + handoff behavior. + + Storyboards started with this method cannot be paused, resumed, or otherwise interactively controlled after they are started. To make a storyboard controllable, use the or method. + + Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -211,15 +211,15 @@ An object contained within the same name scope as the targets of this storyboard's animations. Animations without a are applied to . Applies the animations associated with this to their targets and initiates them. - handoff behavior. - - Storyboards started with this method cannot be paused, resumed, or otherwise interactively controlled after they are started. To make a storyboard controllable, use the or method. - - Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. - + handoff behavior. + + Storyboards started with this method cannot be paused, resumed, or otherwise interactively controlled after they are started. To make a storyboard controllable, use the or method. + + Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. + ]]> @@ -261,25 +261,25 @@ if the storyboard should be interactively controllable; otherwise, . Applies the animations associated with this to their targets and initiates them. - handoff behavior. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must specify the same `containingObject` when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard - - When this method is called, objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. - - Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - + handoff behavior. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must specify the same `containingObject` when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard + + When this method is called, objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. + + Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -320,29 +320,29 @@ The behavior the new animation should use to interact with any current animations. Applies the animations associated with this to their targets and initiates them, using the specified . - , , or to a property using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove these clocks automatically. - - To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock. - -- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. - -- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not called if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . - - This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. - - For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). - - - -## Examples - The following example uses the to animate when the user left-clicks, and the when the user right-clicks. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementStoryboardWithHandoffBehaviorExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementstoryboardwithhandoffbehaviorexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementstoryboardwithhandoffbehaviorexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementstoryboardwithhandoffbehaviorexamplewholepage"::: - + , , or to a property using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove these clocks automatically. + + To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock. + +- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. + +- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not called if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . + + This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. + + For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). + + + +## Examples + The following example uses the to animate when the user left-clicks, and the when the user right-clicks. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementStoryboardWithHandoffBehaviorExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementstoryboardwithhandoffbehaviorexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementstoryboardwithhandoffbehaviorexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementstoryboardwithhandoffbehaviorexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -384,17 +384,17 @@ if the storyboard should be interactively controllable; otherwise, . Applies the animations associated with this to their targets and initiates them. - handoff behavior. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard - - When this method is called, objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. - - Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. - + handoff behavior. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard + + When this method is called, objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. + + Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. + ]]> @@ -435,15 +435,15 @@ The template to animate. Applies the animations associated with this to their targets within the specified template and initiates them. - handoff behavior. - - When this method is called, objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. - - Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. - + handoff behavior. + + When this method is called, objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. + + Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. + ]]> @@ -484,14 +484,14 @@ The behavior the new animation should use to interact with any current animations. Applies the animations associated with this to their targets and initiates them, using the specified . - to animate when the user left-clicks, and the when the user right-clicks. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkElementStoryboardHandoffBehaviorExample.cs" id="Snippetgraphicsmmframeworkelementstoryboardhandoffbehaviorexample"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkelementstoryboardhandoffbehaviorexample.vb" id="Snippetgraphicsmmframeworkelementstoryboardhandoffbehaviorexample"::: - + to animate when the user left-clicks, and the when the user right-clicks. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkElementStoryboardHandoffBehaviorExample.cs" id="Snippetgraphicsmmframeworkelementstoryboardhandoffbehaviorexample"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkelementstoryboardhandoffbehaviorexample.vb" id="Snippetgraphicsmmframeworkelementstoryboardhandoffbehaviorexample"::: + ]]> @@ -528,43 +528,43 @@ Declares whether the animation is controllable (can be paused) once started. Applies the animations associated with this to their targets and initiates them, using the specified . - objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. - - Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. - -## Using the Compose HandoffBehavior - When you apply a , , or to a property using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove these clocks automatically. - - To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock. - -- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. - -- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not called if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . - - This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. - - For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - - The next example uses the to animate when the user left-clicks, and the when the user right-clicks. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementStoryboardWithHandoffBehaviorExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementstoryboardwithhandoffbehaviorexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementstoryboardwithhandoffbehaviorexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementstoryboardwithhandoffbehaviorexamplewholepage"::: - + objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. + + Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. + +## Using the Compose HandoffBehavior + When you apply a , , or to a property using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove these clocks automatically. + + To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock. + +- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. + +- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not called if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . + + This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. + + For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + + The next example uses the to animate when the user left-clicks, and the when the user right-clicks. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementStoryboardWithHandoffBehaviorExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementstoryboardwithhandoffbehaviorexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementstoryboardwithhandoffbehaviorexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementstoryboardwithhandoffbehaviorexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -608,17 +608,17 @@ if the storyboard should be interactively controllable; otherwise, . Applies the animations associated with this to their targets within the specified template and initiates them. - handoff behavior. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must specify the same `containingObject` when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard - - When this method is called, objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. - - Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. - + handoff behavior. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must specify the same `containingObject` when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard + + When this method is called, objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. + + Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. + ]]> @@ -661,26 +661,26 @@ The behavior the new animation should use to interact with any current animations. Applies the animations associated with this to their targets within the specified template and initiates them. - objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. - - Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. - -## Using the Compose HandoffBehavior - When you apply a , , or to a property using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove these clocks automatically. - - To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock. - -- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. - -- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not called if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . - - This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. - - For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). - + objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. + + Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. + +## Using the Compose HandoffBehavior + When you apply a , , or to a property using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove these clocks automatically. + + To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock. + +- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. + +- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not called if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . + + This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. + + For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). + ]]> @@ -717,41 +717,41 @@ Declares whether the animation is controllable (can be paused) once started. Applies the animations associated with this to their targets and initiates them. - objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. - - Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. - -## Using the Compose HandoffBehavior - When you apply a , , or to a property using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove these clocks automatically. - - To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock. - -- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. - -- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not called if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . - - This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. - - For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a controllable storyboard. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Storyboard/Begin/ControllableStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetcontrollablestoryboardexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/animation_ovws_procedural_snip/visualbasic/controllablestoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetcontrollablestoryboardexamplewholepage"::: - - The next example uses the to animate when the user left-clicks, and the when the user right-clicks. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkElementStoryboardHandoffBehaviorExample.cs" id="Snippetgraphicsmmframeworkelementstoryboardhandoffbehaviorexample"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkelementstoryboardhandoffbehaviorexample.vb" id="Snippetgraphicsmmframeworkelementstoryboardhandoffbehaviorexample"::: - + objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. + + Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. + +## Using the Compose HandoffBehavior + When you apply a , , or to a property using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove these clocks automatically. + + To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock. + +- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. + +- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not called if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . + + This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. + + For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a controllable storyboard. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Storyboard/Begin/ControllableStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetcontrollablestoryboardexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/animation_ovws_procedural_snip/visualbasic/controllablestoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetcontrollablestoryboardexamplewholepage"::: + + The next example uses the to animate when the user left-clicks, and the when the user right-clicks. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkElementStoryboardHandoffBehaviorExample.cs" id="Snippetgraphicsmmframeworkelementstoryboardhandoffbehaviorexample"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkelementstoryboardhandoffbehaviorexample.vb" id="Snippetgraphicsmmframeworkelementstoryboardhandoffbehaviorexample"::: + ]]> @@ -791,28 +791,28 @@ if the storyboard should be interactively controllable; otherwise, . Applies the animations associated with this to their targets within the specified template and initiates them. - objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. - - Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. - -## Using the Compose HandoffBehavior - When you apply a , , or to a property using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove these clocks automatically. - - To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock. - -- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. - -- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not called if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . - - This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. - - For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). - + objects are created for the storyboard and any timelines it contains. These clocks are stored with `containingObject`. + + Beginning a storyboard triggers the and events. + +## Using the Compose HandoffBehavior + When you apply a , , or to a property using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove these clocks automatically. + + To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock. + +- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. + +- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not called if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . + + This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. + + For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). + ]]> @@ -843,13 +843,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -880,19 +880,19 @@ Creates a new instance of the class. A new instance. - when creating new instances of the class for the various cloning methods (such as and ). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows a typical implementation of . - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Freezable/CreateInstanceCore/freezablesample.cs" id="Snippetcreateinstancecoreexample"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/freezablesample_procedural/visualbasic/freezablesample.vb" id="Snippetcreateinstancecoreexample"::: - + when creating new instances of the class for the various cloning methods (such as and ). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows a typical implementation of . + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Freezable/CreateInstanceCore/freezablesample.cs" id="Snippetcreateinstancecoreexample"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/freezablesample_procedural/visualbasic/freezablesample.vb" id="Snippetcreateinstancecoreexample"::: + ]]> @@ -909,13 +909,13 @@ Retrieves the of the that was created for this . - speed is the rate at which its time is currently progressing, compared to real-world time. - - To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + speed is the rate at which its time is currently progressing, compared to real-world time. + + To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -984,13 +984,13 @@ Retrieves the of the that was created for this . The current global speed, or if the clock is stopped. - speed is the rate at which its time is currently progressing, compared to real-world time. - - To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + speed is the rate at which its time is currently progressing, compared to real-world time. + + To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1031,13 +1031,13 @@ Retrieves the of the that was created for this . The current global speed, or if the clock is stopped. - speed is the rate at which its time is currently progressing, compared to real-world time. - - To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + speed is the rate at which its time is currently progressing, compared to real-world time. + + To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1078,15 +1078,15 @@ Retrieves the of the that was created for this . This clock's current iteration within its current active period, or if this clock is stopped. - setting of `true`, a full iteration consists of a forward-reverse pair, not just one of these segments. - - To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + setting of `true`, a full iteration consists of a forward-reverse pair, not just one of these segments. + + To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1127,15 +1127,15 @@ Retrieves the of the that was created for this . This clock's current iteration within its current active period, or if this clock is stopped. - setting of `true`, a full iteration consists of a forward-reverse pair, not just one of these segments. - - To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + setting of `true`, a full iteration consists of a forward-reverse pair, not just one of these segments. + + To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1176,17 +1176,17 @@ Retrieves the of the that was created for this . This clock's current iteration within its current active period, or if this clock is stopped. - setting of `true`, a full iteration consists of a forward-reverse pair, not just one of these segments. - - Regardless of its current iteration, seeking a clock returns its current iteration to 1. Restarting a clock also returns its current iteration to 1. - - To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + setting of `true`, a full iteration consists of a forward-reverse pair, not just one of these segments. + + Regardless of its current iteration, seeking a clock returns its current iteration to 1. Restarting a clock also returns its current iteration to 1. + + To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1228,11 +1228,11 @@ if this clock is , or 0.0 if this clock is active and its has a of ; otherwise, a value between 0.0 and 1.0 that indicates the current progress of this clock within its current iteration. A value of 0.0 indicates no progress, and a value of 1.0 indicates that the clock is at the end of its current iteration. - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1273,11 +1273,11 @@ if this clock is , or 0.0 if this clock is active and its has a of ; otherwise, a value between 0.0 and 1.0 that indicates the current progress of this clock within its current iteration. A value of 0.0 indicates no progress, and a value of 1.0 indicates that the clock is at the end of its current iteration. - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1318,11 +1318,11 @@ if this clock is , or 0.0 if this clock is active and its has a of ; otherwise, a value between 0.0 and 1.0 that indicates the current progress of this clock within its current iteration. A value of 0.0 indicates no progress, and a value of 1.0 indicates that the clock is at the end of its current iteration. - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1368,13 +1368,13 @@ Retrieves the of the that was created for this . The current state of the clock created for this storyboard: , , or . - method. - - To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method. + + To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1414,13 +1414,13 @@ Retrieves the of the that was created for this . The current state of the clock created for this storyboard: , , or . - method. - - To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method. + + To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1460,13 +1460,13 @@ Retrieves the of the that was created for this . The current state of the clock created for this storyboard: , , or . - method. - - To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method. + + To use this method to retrieve information about a storyboard's clock, the storyboard must be controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1507,11 +1507,11 @@ if this storyboard's clock is ; otherwise, the current time of the storyboard's clock. - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1553,11 +1553,11 @@ if this storyboard's clock is ; otherwise, the current time of the storyboard's clock. - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1599,11 +1599,11 @@ if this storyboard's clock is ; otherwise, the current time of the storyboard's clock. - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1651,11 +1651,11 @@ if the created for this is paused; otherwise, . - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1697,11 +1697,11 @@ if the created for this is paused; otherwise, . - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1743,11 +1743,11 @@ if the created for this is paused; otherwise, . - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -1788,11 +1788,11 @@ Retrieves the value of the specified . The dependency object targeted by . - attached property with animation timelines to indicate the object that they target. For more information about how storyboard targeting works, see . For more information about how attached properties work, see [Attached Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-properties-overview). - + attached property with animation timelines to indicate the object that they target. For more information about how storyboard targeting works, see . For more information about how attached properties work, see [Attached Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-properties-overview). + ]]> @@ -1827,11 +1827,11 @@ Retrieves the value of the specified . The name of the dependency object targeted by . - attached property on the specified object. For more information about how storyboard targeting works, see . For more information about how attached properties work, see [Attached Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-properties-overview). - + attached property on the specified object. For more information about how storyboard targeting works, see . For more information about how attached properties work, see [Attached Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-properties-overview). + ]]> @@ -1866,13 +1866,13 @@ Retrieves the value of the specified . The property targeted by . - attached property on the specified object. For more information about how storyboard targeting works, see attached property. For more information about how attached properties work, see [Attached Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-properties-overview). - - If the was set in markup, this method returns an empty because the property reference is resolved and stored internally when it is parsed. - + attached property on the specified object. For more information about how storyboard targeting works, see attached property. For more information about how attached properties work, see [Attached Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-properties-overview). + + If the was set in markup, this method returns an empty because the property reference is resolved and stored internally when it is parsed. + ]]> @@ -1918,16 +1918,16 @@ Pauses the that was created for this . - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - -## Beginning a Paused Storyboard - When you a storyboard that was paused, it appears to resume and restart. However, that is not what actually happens. The method actually replaces the paused with a new unpaused version. Each time the method is called, clock objects are created for the storyboard. These clocks are distributed to the properties they animate. So, when the method is called again, it does not restart its clocks; it replaces them with new clocks. - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + +## Beginning a Paused Storyboard + When you a storyboard that was paused, it appears to resume and restart. However, that is not what actually happens. The method actually replaces the paused with a new unpaused version. Each time the method is called, clock objects are created for the storyboard. These clocks are distributed to the properties they animate. So, when the method is called again, it does not restart its clocks; it replaces them with new clocks. + ]]> @@ -1966,28 +1966,28 @@ The object specified when the method was called. This object contains the objects that were created for this storyboard and its children. Pauses the of the specified associated with this . - method. Calling the method again replaces the paused storyboard with a new one, which has the appearance of resuming it. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. Fro an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - Pausing a storyboard's clock triggers the event. - -## Beginning a Paused Storyboard - When you a storyboard that was paused, it appears to resume and restart. However, that is not what actually happens. The method actually replaces itself with an unpaused version. Each time the method is called, clock objects are created for the storyboard. These clocks are distributed to the properties they animate. So, when the method is called again, it does not restart its clocks; it replaces them with new clocks. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - + method. Calling the method again replaces the paused storyboard with a new one, which has the appearance of resuming it. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. Fro an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + Pausing a storyboard's clock triggers the event. + +## Beginning a Paused Storyboard + When you a storyboard that was paused, it appears to resume and restart. However, that is not what actually happens. The method actually replaces itself with an unpaused version. Each time the method is called, clock objects are created for the storyboard. These clocks are distributed to the properties they animate. So, when the method is called again, it does not restart its clocks; it replaces them with new clocks. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -2027,20 +2027,20 @@ The object specified when the method was called. This object contains the objects that were created for this storyboard and its children. Pauses the of the specified associated with this . - method. Calling the method again replaces the paused storyboard with a new one, which has the appearance of resuming it. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - Pausing a storyboard's clock triggers the event. - -## Beginning a Paused Storyboard - When you a storyboard that was paused, it appears to resume and restart. However, that is not what actually happens. The method actually replaces itself with an unpaused version. Each time the method is called, clock objects are created for the storyboard. These clocks are distributed to the properties they animate. So, when the method is called again, it does not restart its clocks; it replaces them with new clocks. - + method. Calling the method again replaces the paused storyboard with a new one, which has the appearance of resuming it. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + Pausing a storyboard's clock triggers the event. + +## Beginning a Paused Storyboard + When you a storyboard that was paused, it appears to resume and restart. However, that is not what actually happens. The method actually replaces itself with an unpaused version. Each time the method is called, clock objects are created for the storyboard. These clocks are distributed to the properties they animate. So, when the method is called again, it does not restart its clocks; it replaces them with new clocks. + ]]> @@ -2086,13 +2086,13 @@ Removes the objects that were created for this . Animations that belong to this no longer affect the properties they once animated, regardless of their setting. - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - All interactive actions taken on a , and therefore also on a , occur on the next tick of the timing engine, which happens shortly before the next render. This means that the method still affects the animated properties until this time. In other words, the next time the frame is displayed, the storyboard is removed. If you need to disassociate an animation from a property before this time, use the method with an `animation` parameter value of `null`. - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + All interactive actions taken on a , and therefore also on a , occur on the next tick of the timing engine, which happens shortly before the next render. This means that the method still affects the animated properties until this time. In other words, the next time the frame is displayed, the storyboard is removed. If you need to disassociate an animation from a property before this time, use the method with an `animation` parameter value of `null`. + ]]> @@ -2131,13 +2131,13 @@ The object specified when the method was called. This object contains the objects that were created for this storyboard and its children. Removes the objects that were created for this . Animations that belong to this no longer affect the properties they once animated, regardless of their setting. - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - Removing a storyboard's clock triggers the event. - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + Removing a storyboard's clock triggers the event. + ]]> @@ -2176,13 +2176,13 @@ The object specified when the method was called. This object contains the objects that were created for this storyboard and its children. Removes the objects that were created for this . Animations that belong to this no longer affect the properties they once animated, regardless of their setting. - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - Removing a storyboard's clock triggers the event. - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + Removing a storyboard's clock triggers the event. + ]]> @@ -2227,11 +2227,11 @@ Resumes the that was created for this . - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -2270,25 +2270,25 @@ The object specified when the method was called. This object contains the objects that were created for this storyboard and its children. Resumes the that was created for this . - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - Seeking a paused storyboard does not resume it. The only way to resume a paused storyboard is to use the method. Calling the method after the storyboard has started replaces the old storyboard, which has the appearance of resuming it. - - Resuming a paused a storyboard's clock triggers the event. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + Seeking a paused storyboard does not resume it. The only way to resume a paused storyboard is to use the method. Calling the method after the storyboard has started replaces the old storyboard, which has the appearance of resuming it. + + Resuming a paused a storyboard's clock triggers the event. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -2328,17 +2328,17 @@ The object specified when the method was called. This object contains the objects that were created for this storyboard and its children. Resumes the that was created for this . - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - Seeking a paused storyboard does not resume it. The only way to resume a paused storyboard is to use the method. Calling the method after the storyboard has started replaces the old storyboard, which has the appearance of resuming it. - - Resuming a paused a storyboard's clock triggers the event. - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + Seeking a paused storyboard does not resume it. The only way to resume a paused storyboard is to use the method. Calling the method after the storyboard has started replaces the old storyboard, which has the appearance of resuming it. + + Resuming a paused a storyboard's clock triggers the event. + ]]> @@ -2387,13 +2387,13 @@ A positive or negative value that describes the amount by which the timeline should move forward or backward. Seeks this to the specified position. The performs the requested seek when the next clock tick occurs. - or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -2434,13 +2434,13 @@ The position from which is applied. Seeks this to the specified position. The performs the requested seek when the next clock tick occurs. - or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -2483,25 +2483,25 @@ The position from which is applied. Seeks this to the specified position. The performs the requested seek when the next clock tick occurs. - or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . - - This method changes the storyboard clock's to . This method has no effect on the timing tree until the next time a tick is processed. As a side-effect, the appropriate events are also not raised until then. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - Seeking a storyboard triggers the and events. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows both the and methods. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementSeekExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementseekexampleusingwholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementseekexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementseekexampleusingwholepage"::: - + or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . + + This method changes the storyboard clock's to . This method has no effect on the timing tree until the next time a tick is processed. As a side-effect, the appropriate events are also not raised until then. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + Seeking a storyboard triggers the and events. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows both the and methods. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementSeekExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementseekexampleusingwholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementseekexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementseekexampleusingwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -2544,30 +2544,30 @@ The position from which is applied. Seeks this to the specified position. The performs the requested seek when the next clock tick occurs. - or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . - - This method changes the storyboard clock's to . This method has no effect on the timing tree until the next time a tick is processed. As a side-effect, the appropriate events are also not raised until then. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed if it is made controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - Seeking a storyboard triggers the and events. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to seek (skip) to one second after a Storyboard begins. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/ApplyAnimationClock/SeekStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetseekstoryboardexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/timingbehaviors_procedural_snip/visualbasic/seekstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetseekstoryboardexamplewholepage"::: - - The next example shows both the and methods. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/SeekExample.cs" id="Snippetseekexampleusingwholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/seekexample.vb" id="Snippetseekexampleusingwholepage"::: - + or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . + + This method changes the storyboard clock's to . This method has no effect on the timing tree until the next time a tick is processed. As a side-effect, the appropriate events are also not raised until then. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed if it is made controllable. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + Seeking a storyboard triggers the and events. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to seek (skip) to one second after a Storyboard begins. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/ApplyAnimationClock/SeekStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetseekstoryboardexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/timingbehaviors_procedural_snip/visualbasic/seekstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetseekstoryboardexamplewholepage"::: + + The next example shows both the and methods. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/SeekExample.cs" id="Snippetseekexampleusingwholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/seekexample.vb" id="Snippetseekexampleusingwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -2616,15 +2616,15 @@ A positive or negative value that describes the amount by which the timeline should move forward or backward. Seeks this to a new position immediately (synchronously). - aligns the seeked time of the with the last clock tick. Values are immediately updated to reflect the changes due to , even though the screen does not reflect these changes until the screen updates. - - Note that seek operations do not take the storyboard's or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . - - To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + aligns the seeked time of the with the last clock tick. Values are immediately updated to reflect the changes due to , even though the screen does not reflect these changes until the screen updates. + + Note that seek operations do not take the storyboard's or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . + + To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -2665,15 +2665,15 @@ The position from which is applied. Seeks this to a new position immediately (synchronously). - aligns the seeked time of the with the last clock tick. Values are immediately updated to reflect the changes due to , even though the screen does not reflect these changes until the screen updates. - - Note that seek operations do not take the storyboard's or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . - - To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + aligns the seeked time of the with the last clock tick. Values are immediately updated to reflect the changes due to , even though the screen does not reflect these changes until the screen updates. + + Note that seek operations do not take the storyboard's or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . + + To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -2716,29 +2716,29 @@ The position from which is applied. Seeks this to a new position immediately (synchronously). - aligns the seeked time of the with the last clock tick. Values are immediately updated to reflect the changes due to , even though the screen does not reflect these changes until the screen updates. - - Note that seek operations do not take the storyboard's or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . - - This method changes the storyboard clock's to - - . - - Seeking a storyboard triggers the and events. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows both the and methods. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementSeekExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementseekexampleusingwholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementseekexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementseekexampleusingwholepage"::: - + aligns the seeked time of the with the last clock tick. Values are immediately updated to reflect the changes due to , even though the screen does not reflect these changes until the screen updates. + + Note that seek operations do not take the storyboard's or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . + + This method changes the storyboard clock's to + + . + + Seeking a storyboard triggers the and events. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows both the and methods. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementSeekExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementseekexampleusingwholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementseekexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementseekexampleusingwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -2781,29 +2781,29 @@ The position from which is applied. Seeks this to a new position immediately (synchronously). - aligns the seeked time of the with the last clock tick. Values are immediately updated to reflect the changes due to , even though the screen does not reflect these changes until the screen updates. - - Note that seek operations do not take the storyboard's or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . - - This method changes the storyboard clock's to - - . - - Seeking a storyboard triggers the and events. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows both the and methods. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/SeekExample.cs" id="Snippetseekexampleusingwholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/seekexample.vb" id="Snippetseekexampleusingwholepage"::: - + aligns the seeked time of the with the last clock tick. Values are immediately updated to reflect the changes due to , even though the screen does not reflect these changes until the screen updates. + + Note that seek operations do not take the storyboard's or settings into account. The storyboard is treated as though it has a of 1 and no . + + This method changes the storyboard clock's to + + . + + Seeking a storyboard triggers the and events. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows both the and methods. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/SeekExample.cs" id="Snippetseekexampleusingwholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/seekexample.vb" id="Snippetseekexampleusingwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -2851,11 +2851,11 @@ A finite value greater than zero that is the new interactive speed ratio of the storyboard. This value is multiplied against the storyboard's value to determine the storyboard's effective speed. This value does not overwrite the storyboard's property. For example, calling this method and specifying an interactive speed ratio of 3 on a storyboard with a of 0.5 gives the storyboard an effective speed of 1.5. Sets the interactive speed ratio for the that was created for this . - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -2896,21 +2896,21 @@ A finite value greater than zero that is the new interactive speed ratio of the storyboard. This value is multiplied against the storyboard's value to determine the storyboard's effective speed. This value does not overwrite the storyboard's property. For example, calling this method and specifying an interactive speed ratio of 3 on a storyboard with a of 0.5 gives the storyboard an effective speed of 1.5. Sets the interactive speed ratio of the that was created for this . - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - Calling this method triggers the event. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + Calling this method triggers the event. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -2951,13 +2951,13 @@ A finite value greater than zero that is the new interactive speed ratio of the storyboard. This value is multiplied against the storyboard's value to determine the storyboard's effective speed. This value does not overwrite the storyboard's property. For example, calling this method and specifying an interactive speed ratio of 3 on a storyboard with a of 0.5 gives the storyboard an effective speed of 1.5. Sets the interactive speed ratio of the that was created for this . - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - Calling this method triggers the event. - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + Calling this method triggers the event. + ]]> @@ -2992,14 +2992,14 @@ The dependency object to target. Makes the specified target the dependency object. - attached property on the specified object. For more information about how storyboard targeting works, see . For more information about how attached properties work, see [Attached Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-properties-overview). - -> [!NOTE] -> The property is not serializable, because it can be set to any . It is not guaranteed that this object can be correctly referenced from XAML. - + attached property on the specified object. For more information about how storyboard targeting works, see . For more information about how attached properties work, see [Attached Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-properties-overview). + +> [!NOTE] +> The property is not serializable, because it can be set to any . It is not guaranteed that this object can be correctly referenced from XAML. + ]]> @@ -3035,11 +3035,11 @@ The name of the dependency object to target. Makes the specified target the dependency object with the specified name. - attached property on the specified object. For more information about how storyboard targeting works, see . For more information about how attached properties work, see [Attached Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-properties-overview). - + attached property on the specified object. For more information about how storyboard targeting works, see . For more information about how attached properties work, see [Attached Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-properties-overview). + ]]> @@ -3075,12 +3075,12 @@ A path that describe the dependency property to be animated. Makes the specified target the specified dependency property. - attached property on the specified object. For more information about how storyboard targeting works, see . For more information about how attached properties work, see [Attached Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-properties-overview). - + attached property on the specified object. For more information about how storyboard targeting works, see . For more information about how attached properties work, see [Attached Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/attached-properties-overview). + ]]> @@ -3126,11 +3126,11 @@ This method sets the Advances the current time of this storyboard's to the end of its active period. - method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -3169,25 +3169,25 @@ This method sets the The object specified when the method was called. This object contains the objects that were created for this storyboard and its children. Advances the current time of this storyboard's to the end of its active period. - setting. If is set to , the storyboard fills; if the property is set to , the storyboard stops. - - Calling this method on a storyboard with an infinite duration, an infinite number of repetitions has no effect. Calling this method on an inactive storyboard has no effect. - - Advancing a clock to its fill period triggers the and events. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - + setting. If is set to , the storyboard fills; if the property is set to , the storyboard stops. + + Calling this method on a storyboard with an infinite duration, an infinite number of repetitions has no effect. Calling this method on an inactive storyboard has no effect. + + Advancing a clock to its fill period triggers the and events. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -3226,17 +3226,17 @@ This method sets the The object specified when the method was called. This object contains the objects that were created for this storyboard and its children. Advances the current time of this storyboard's to the end of its active period. - setting. If is set to , the storyboard fills; if the property is set to , the storyboard stops. - - Calling this method on a storyboard with an infinite duration, an infinite number of repetitions has no effect. Calling this method on an inactive storyboard has no effect. - - Advancing a clock to its fill period triggers the and events. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + setting. If is set to , the storyboard fills; if the property is set to , the storyboard stops. + + Calling this method on a storyboard with an infinite duration, an infinite number of repetitions has no effect. Calling this method on an inactive storyboard has no effect. + + Advancing a clock to its fill period triggers the and events. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -3281,11 +3281,11 @@ This method sets the Stops the that was created for this . - event. - + event. + ]]> @@ -3324,23 +3324,23 @@ This method sets the The object specified when the method was called. This object contains the objects that were created for this storyboard and its children. Stops the that was created for this . - storyboard no longer affects its target properties: properties that were animated revert to their previous values. - - Stopping a clock triggers the and events, but not the event. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: - + storyboard no longer affects its target properties: properties that were animated revert to their previous values. + + Stopping a clock triggers the and events, but not the event. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a controllable storyboard to animate a . The is contained within a 's name scope. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/FrameworkContentElementControlStoryboardExample.cs" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/frameworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexample.vb" id="Snippetframeworkcontentelementcontrolstoryboardexampleusingwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -3379,15 +3379,15 @@ This method sets the The object specified when the method was called. This object contains the objects that were created for this storyboard and its children. Stops the that was created for this . - storyboard no longer affects its target properties: properties that were animated revert to their previous values. - - Stopping a clock triggers the and events, but not the event. - - To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). - + storyboard no longer affects its target properties: properties that were animated revert to their previous values. + + Stopping a clock triggers the and events, but not the event. + + To interactively control this storyboard, you must use the same `containingObject` parameter when calling the interactive methods that you used to begin the storyboard. A controllable storyboard can pause, resume, seek, stop, and be removed. To make a storyboard controllable in code, you must use the appropriate overload of the storyboard's method and specify `true` to make it controllable. For an example, see [How to: Control a Storyboard After It Starts](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-storyboard-after-it-starts). + ]]> @@ -3412,22 +3412,22 @@ This method sets the Gets or sets the object that should be animated. - [!NOTE] -> The property is not serializable, because it can be set to any . There is no guaranteed that this object can be correctly referenced in XAML. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + [!NOTE] +> The property is not serializable, because it can be set to any . There is no guaranteed that this object can be correctly referenced in XAML. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3452,34 +3452,34 @@ This method sets the Gets or sets the name of the object to animate. The object must be a , , or . - is not specified, a storyboard's animations are applied to one of the following: - -- If the storyboard to which the animation belongs was started using a , the element that owns the action that triggers the storyboard is targeted. - -- If the storyboard was started using the method, the or specified when the storyboard was started with the method is targeted. - - When this property is set on a timeline with children, those child timelines "inherit" the parent's unless they specify their own. - -## Making an Object Targetable - When using XAML, you perform one of the following two actions to make an object targetable by a storyboard: - -- If the object is a or a , set its property. - -- If the object is a or a custom or , assign it a name using the [x:Name Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-name-directive) markup extension. - - When using code, you make an object targetable by using the method to assign the object a name. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is not specified, a storyboard's animations are applied to one of the following: + +- If the storyboard to which the animation belongs was started using a , the element that owns the action that triggers the storyboard is targeted. + +- If the storyboard was started using the method, the or specified when the storyboard was started with the method is targeted. + + When this property is set on a timeline with children, those child timelines "inherit" the parent's unless they specify their own. + +## Making an Object Targetable + When using XAML, you perform one of the following two actions to make an object targetable by a storyboard: + +- If the object is a or a , set its property. + +- If the object is a or a custom or , assign it a name using the [x:Name Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-name-directive) markup extension. + + When using code, you make an object targetable by using the method to assign the object a name. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/StringKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/StringKeyFrame.xml index df9d96d02be..aaa726bf8d5 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/StringKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/StringKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -333,18 +333,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ThicknessAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ThicknessAnimation.xml index 2441dd8b3b5..003ca879126 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ThicknessAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ThicknessAnimation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -242,51 +242,51 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is null. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`By`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`By`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -345,13 +345,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -409,11 +409,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -470,51 +470,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is **null**. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`From`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`From`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -578,13 +578,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -616,22 +616,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -662,22 +662,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -708,51 +708,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`To`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`To`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ThicknessKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ThicknessKeyFrame.xml index bd9a66d2119..c055bddbb22 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ThicknessKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/ThicknessKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Timeline.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Timeline.xml index 8104d58009a..80cc31ff372 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Timeline.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Timeline.xml @@ -32,41 +32,41 @@ Defines a segment of time. - is a type of timeline that produces output values. When you associate an animation with a property, the animation updates the property's value as it plays, thereby "animating" it. For an introduction to animations, see [Animation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-overview). For information about the different ways to apply animations, see the [Property Animation Techniques Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/property-animation-techniques-overview). - -- **MediaTimelines**: A is a type of timeline that controls the playback of a media file. - -- **ParallelTimelines**: A is a type of timeline that groups other timelines. - -- **Storyboards**: A is a special type of that provides object and property targeting information for the timelines it contains. For more information about objects, see the [Storyboards Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/storyboards-overview). - - For more information about using timelines, see the [Animation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-overview). For an introduction to the timing features of timelines, see the [Timing Behaviors Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/timing-behaviors-overview). - -## Data Binding and Animating Timelines - Most timeline properties can be data bound or animated; however, because of the way the timing system works, data bound or animated timelines do not behave like other data bound or animated objects. To understand their behavior, it helps to understand what it means to activate a timeline. - - When a timeline is applied, copies are made of the timeline and its child timelines. These copies are frozen (made read-only) and objects are created from them. It's these clocks that do the actual work of animating the targeted properties. If a timeline was data bound or animated, a snapshot of its current values was made when its clock was created. Even though the original timeline might continue to change, its clock does not. - - For a timeline to reflect data binding or animation changes, its clock must be regenerated. Clocks are not regenerated for you automatically. The following are several ways to apply timeline changes: - -- If the timeline is or belongs to a , you can make it reflect changes by reapplying its storyboard using a or the method. This has the side effect of also restarting the animation. In code, you can use the method to advance the storyboard back to its previous position. - -- If you applied an animation directly to a property using the method, call the method again and pass it the animation that's been modified. - -- If you are working directly at the clock level, create and apply a new set of clocks and use them to replace the previous set of generated clocks. - - For an example of a data bound animation, see the [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . - -## Using a Timeline as a Timer - A timeline's clock will only progress when there's an event handler associated with it or (in the case of an object) it is associated with a property. For this reason (and others), it's not recommended that you use a as a timer. - + is a type of timeline that produces output values. When you associate an animation with a property, the animation updates the property's value as it plays, thereby "animating" it. For an introduction to animations, see [Animation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-overview). For information about the different ways to apply animations, see the [Property Animation Techniques Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/property-animation-techniques-overview). + +- **MediaTimelines**: A is a type of timeline that controls the playback of a media file. + +- **ParallelTimelines**: A is a type of timeline that groups other timelines. + +- **Storyboards**: A is a special type of that provides object and property targeting information for the timelines it contains. For more information about objects, see the [Storyboards Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/storyboards-overview). + + For more information about using timelines, see the [Animation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-overview). For an introduction to the timing features of timelines, see the [Timing Behaviors Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/timing-behaviors-overview). + +## Data Binding and Animating Timelines + Most timeline properties can be data bound or animated; however, because of the way the timing system works, data bound or animated timelines do not behave like other data bound or animated objects. To understand their behavior, it helps to understand what it means to activate a timeline. + + When a timeline is applied, copies are made of the timeline and its child timelines. These copies are frozen (made read-only) and objects are created from them. It's these clocks that do the actual work of animating the targeted properties. If a timeline was data bound or animated, a snapshot of its current values was made when its clock was created. Even though the original timeline might continue to change, its clock does not. + + For a timeline to reflect data binding or animation changes, its clock must be regenerated. Clocks are not regenerated for you automatically. The following are several ways to apply timeline changes: + +- If the timeline is or belongs to a , you can make it reflect changes by reapplying its storyboard using a or the method. This has the side effect of also restarting the animation. In code, you can use the method to advance the storyboard back to its previous position. + +- If you applied an animation directly to a property using the method, call the method again and pass it the animation that's been modified. + +- If you are working directly at the clock level, create and apply a new set of clocks and use them to replace the previous set of generated clocks. + + For an example of a data bound animation, see the [Key Spline Animation Sample]( . + +## Using a Timeline as a Timer + A timeline's clock will only progress when there's an event handler associated with it or (in the case of an object) it is associated with a property. For this reason (and others), it's not recommended that you use a as a timer. + ]]> Animation Timing Behavior Sample @@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ The length of time for which this timeline plays, not counting repetitions. See the property for more information. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified and . - - - - + + + + ]]> @@ -205,13 +205,13 @@ The repeating behavior of this timeline, either as an iteration or a repeat . See the property for more information. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified , , and . - - - - + + + + ]]> @@ -241,19 +241,19 @@ Gets or sets a value specifying the percentage of the timeline's spent accelerating the passage of time from zero to its maximum rate. A value between 0 and 1, inclusive, that specifies the percentage of the timeline's spent accelerating the passage of time from zero to its maximum rate. If the timeline's property is also set, the sum of and must be less than or equal to 1. The default value is 0. - property to create animations that start slowly and then speed up as time progresses. The property is useful for creating ease-in effects or making movement seem more natural. Use the and properties together to create animations that start slowly, speed up, and then slow down again before finishing. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property to create animations that start slowly and then speed up as time progresses. The property is useful for creating ease-in effects or making movement seem more natural. Use the and properties together to create animations that start slowly, speed up, and then slow down again before finishing. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ Creates a for this . A clock for this . - method and should not be called directly by your code. - + method and should not be called directly by your code. + ]]> @@ -358,22 +358,22 @@ if the timeline plays in reverse at the end of each iteration; otherwise, . The default value is . - property is set to `true`, the timeline plays for twice the length of time specified by its property. - -### AutoReverse and Repetitions - When a timeline's property is set to `true` and its property causes it to repeat, each forward iteration is followed by a backward iteration. This makes one repetition. For example, a timeline with an value of `true` with an iteration of 2 would play forward once, then backwards, then forwards again, and then backwards again. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property is set to `true`, the timeline plays for twice the length of time specified by its property. + +### AutoReverse and Repetitions + When a timeline's property is set to `true` and its property causes it to repeat, each forward iteration is followed by a backward iteration. This makes one repetition. For example, a timeline with an value of `true` with an iteration of 2 would play forward once, then backwards, then forwards again, and then backwards again. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -430,83 +430,83 @@ Gets or sets the time at which this should begin. The time at which this should begin, relative to its parent's . If this timeline is a root timeline, the time is relative to its interactive begin time (the moment at which the timeline was triggered). This value may be positive, negative, or ; a value means the timeline never plays. The default value is zero. - property is useful for creating timelines that play in a sequence: by increasing the of successive timelines that share the same parent, you can stagger their play times. - -## Negative Values - A negative value causes a to behave as though it started at some time in the past. For example, a with a of negative 2.5 seconds and a of 5 seconds will appear to be half-way finished when it starts. - -## BeginTime and SpeedRatio - The time described by the property is measured in the timeline's parent's time. For example, a timeline with a of 5 whose parent has a of 2 actually starts after 2.5 seconds. - - A timeline's own setting does not affect its . For example, a timeline with a of 5 seconds, a of 2, and a parent timeline with a of 1 starts after 5 seconds, not 2.5. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* ="[-][*days*.]*hours*:*minutes*:*seconds*[.*fractionalSeconds*]"/> - + property is useful for creating timelines that play in a sequence: by increasing the of successive timelines that share the same parent, you can stagger their play times. + +## Negative Values + A negative value causes a to behave as though it started at some time in the past. For example, a with a of negative 2.5 seconds and a of 5 seconds will appear to be half-way finished when it starts. + +## BeginTime and SpeedRatio + The time described by the property is measured in the timeline's parent's time. For example, a timeline with a of 5 whose parent has a of 2 actually starts after 2.5 seconds. + + A timeline's own setting does not affect its . For example, a timeline with a of 5 seconds, a of 2, and a parent timeline with a of 1 starts after 5 seconds, not 2.5. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* ="[-][*days*.]*hours*:*minutes*:*seconds*[.*fractionalSeconds*]"/> + -or- - - \<*object* ="[-][*days*.]*hours*:*minutes*"/> - + + \<*object* ="[-][*days*.]*hours*:*minutes*"/> + -or- - - \<*object* ="[-]*days*"/> - + + \<*object* ="[-]*days*"/> + -or- - - \<*object* ="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Values - Items in square brackets (`[` and `]`) are optional. - - *days* - - - A value greater than or equal to 0 that describes the number of days spanned by this begin time. - - *hours* - - - A value between 0 and 23 that represents the number of hours spanned by this begin time. - - *minutes* - - - A value between 0 and 59 that represents the number of minutes spanned by this begin time. - - *seconds* - - - A value between 0 and 59 that represents the number of seconds spanned by this begin time. - - *fractionalSeconds* - - - A value consisting of 1 to 7 digits that represents fractional seconds. - - For the complete syntax, see the Remarks section of the page. - - - -## Examples - A timeline's property determines the beginning of a timeline's active period. If the timeline has a parent timeline, the property determines how long it takes the timeline to start after its parent starts. If the timeline is a root timeline (a , for example), the property determines how long the timeline takes to start playing after it is triggered. - - The following example shows several different timelines with different settings. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Timeline/BeginTime/BeginTimeExample.xaml" id="Snippet_graphicsmm_begintimeexamplewholepage"::: - + + \<*object* ="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Values + Items in square brackets (`[` and `]`) are optional. + + *days* + + + A value greater than or equal to 0 that describes the number of days spanned by this begin time. + + *hours* + + + A value between 0 and 23 that represents the number of hours spanned by this begin time. + + *minutes* + + + A value between 0 and 59 that represents the number of minutes spanned by this begin time. + + *seconds* + + + A value between 0 and 59 that represents the number of seconds spanned by this begin time. + + *fractionalSeconds* + + + A value consisting of 1 to 7 digits that represents fractional seconds. + + For the complete syntax, see the Remarks section of the page. + + + +## Examples + A timeline's property determines the beginning of a timeline's active period. If the timeline has a parent timeline, the property determines how long it takes the timeline to start after its parent starts. If the timeline is a root timeline (a , for example), the property determines how long the timeline takes to start playing after it is triggered. + + The following example shows several different timelines with different settings. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Timeline/BeginTime/BeginTimeExample.xaml" id="Snippet_graphicsmm_begintimeexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -564,15 +564,15 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - - When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + + When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. + ]]> @@ -603,15 +603,15 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - - Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + + Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. + ]]> @@ -640,26 +640,26 @@ Occurs when this timeline has completely finished playing: it will no longer enter its active period. - parameter of the event handler is the timeline's . - - Although this event handler appears to be associated with a timeline, it actually registers with the created for this timeline. For more information, see the [Timing Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/timing-events-overview). - - - -## Examples - In the following example, two objects are used to create an animation transition between two images, stored using objects and displayed using an control. One storyboard shrinks the image control until it disappears. After it completes, the old is swapped with the other , and a second storyboard that expands the image control until it is full-sized again. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Timeline/BeginTime/TimelineCompletedExample.xaml" id="Snippettimelinecompletedexamplemarkupusingwholepage"::: - - - + parameter of the event handler is the timeline's . + + Although this event handler appears to be associated with a timeline, it actually registers with the created for this timeline. For more information, see the [Timing Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/timing-events-overview). + + + +## Examples + In the following example, two objects are used to create an animation transition between two images, stored using objects and displayed using an control. One storyboard shrinks the image control until it disappears. After it completes, the old is swapped with the other , and a second storyboard that expands the image control until it is full-sized again. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Timeline/BeginTime/TimelineCompletedExample.xaml" id="Snippettimelinecompletedexamplemarkupusingwholepage"::: + + + ]]> @@ -705,11 +705,11 @@ Creates a new, controllable from this . If this has children, a tree of clocks is created with this as the root. A new, controllable constructed from this . If this is a that contains child timelines, a tree of objects is created with a controllable created from this as the root. - may be the child of one or more objects, this information is ignored: this method treats the current as a root . - + may be the child of one or more objects, this information is ignored: this method treats the current as a root . + ]]> @@ -744,11 +744,11 @@ Creates a new from this and specifies whether the new is controllable. If this has children, a tree of clocks is created with this as the root. A new constructed from this . If this is a that contains child timelines, a tree of objects is created with a controllable created from this as the root. - may be the child of one or more objects, this information is ignored: this method treats the current as a root . - + may be the child of one or more objects, this information is ignored: this method treats the current as a root . + ]]> @@ -777,35 +777,35 @@ Occurs when the rate at which time progresses for the timeline's clock changes. - setting. - -- The clock accelerates or decelerates because of its timeline's or property settings. - -- The clock is paused or resumed. - -- The clock becomes inactive or reactivates. - -- The of one of the clock's parent changes. - - The event is useful for tracking when a timeline's clock becomes paused; in your event handler, use your storyboard's method or check the clock's property to determine whether its clock is paused; compare this against a previously cached value to determine whether it changed. - - The parameter of the event handler is the timeline's . - - Although this event handler appears to be associated with a timeline, it actually registers with the created for this timeline. For more information, see the [Timing Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/timing-events-overview). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to register for the event. - + setting. + +- The clock accelerates or decelerates because of its timeline's or property settings. + +- The clock is paused or resumed. + +- The clock becomes inactive or reactivates. + +- The of one of the clock's parent changes. + + The event is useful for tracking when a timeline's clock becomes paused; in your event handler, use your storyboard's method or check the clock's property to determine whether its clock is paused; compare this against a previously cached value to determine whether it changed. + + The parameter of the event handler is the timeline's . + + Although this event handler appears to be associated with a timeline, it actually registers with the created for this timeline. For more information, see the [Timing Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/timing-events-overview). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to register for the event. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/ApplyAnimationClock/TimelineCurrentGlobalSpeedInvalidatedExample.cs" id="Snippettimelinecurrentglobalspeedinvalidatedexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/timingbehaviors_procedural_snip/visualbasic/timelinecurrentglobalspeedinvalidatedexample.vb" id="Snippettimelinecurrentglobalspeedinvalidatedexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/timingbehaviors_procedural_snip/visualbasic/timelinecurrentglobalspeedinvalidatedexample.vb" id="Snippettimelinecurrentglobalspeedinvalidatedexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -837,19 +837,19 @@ Occurs when the property of the timeline's is updated. - event when you want to be notified when a timeline's starts, stops, or fills. - - Pausing a does not change its . To be notified when a clock becomes paused, use the event. - - Although this event occurs when the becomes invalid, that doesn't necessarily mean the changed: a that switches from to and then back to in the same tick will cause this event to fire, but its property won't actually change. - - The parameter of the event handler is the that was created for this timeline. - - Although this event handler appears to be associated with a timeline, it actually registers with the created for this timeline. For more information, see the [Timing Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/timing-events-overview). - + event when you want to be notified when a timeline's starts, stops, or fills. + + Pausing a does not change its . To be notified when a clock becomes paused, use the event. + + Although this event occurs when the becomes invalid, that doesn't necessarily mean the changed: a that switches from to and then back to in the same tick will cause this event to fire, but its property won't actually change. + + The parameter of the event handler is the that was created for this timeline. + + Although this event handler appears to be associated with a timeline, it actually registers with the created for this timeline. For more information, see the [Timing Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/timing-events-overview). + ]]> @@ -881,23 +881,23 @@ Occurs when the property of the timeline's is updated. - event when you want to be notified when the of a timeline's is updated. - - The parameter of the event handler is the timeline's . - - Although this event handler appears to be associated with a timeline, it actually registers with the created for this timeline. For more information, see the [Timing Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/timing-events-overview). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to register for the event. - + event when you want to be notified when the of a timeline's is updated. + + The parameter of the event handler is the timeline's . + + Although this event handler appears to be associated with a timeline, it actually registers with the created for this timeline. For more information, see the [Timing Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/timing-events-overview). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to register for the event. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/ApplyAnimationClock/TimelineCurrentTimeInvalidatedExample.cs" id="Snippettimelinecurrenttimeinvalidatedexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/timingbehaviors_procedural_snip/visualbasic/timelinecurrenttimeinvalidatedexample.vb" id="Snippettimelinecurrenttimeinvalidatedexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/timingbehaviors_procedural_snip/visualbasic/timelinecurrenttimeinvalidatedexample.vb" id="Snippettimelinecurrenttimeinvalidatedexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -927,19 +927,19 @@ Gets or sets a value specifying the percentage of the timeline's spent decelerating the passage of time from its maximum rate to zero. A value between 0 and 1, inclusive, that specifies the percentage of the timeline's spent decelerating the passage of time from its maximum rate to zero. If the timeline's property is also set, the sum of and must be less than or equal to 1. The default value is 0. - property to create animations that slow down before stopping. The property is useful for creating ease-in effects or making movement seem more natural. Use the and properties together to create animations that start slowly, speed up, and then slow down again before finishing. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property to create animations that slow down before stopping. The property is useful for creating ease-in effects or making movement seem more natural. Use the and properties together to create animations that start slowly, speed up, and then slow down again before finishing. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ Gets or sets the length of time for which this timeline plays, not counting repetitions. The timeline's simple duration: the amount of time this timeline takes to complete a single forward iteration. The default value is . - structure with a value of depends on the type of timeline: - -|**Timeline**|**Behavior**| -|-|-| -||Undetermined ( is abstract)| -|,


|Expands to fit child timelines| -|\<*Type*>Animation (Known as a "From/To/By" or "basic" animations)|1 second| -|\<*Type*>AnimationUsingKeyFrames (Known as key frame animations)|Sum of all key frame values| - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - and are types of objects. The duration of a is determined by the duration of its child timelines. For example, the below will run for six seconds (duration of 6 seconds) because that is when its last child Timeline () ends. - + structure with a value of depends on the type of timeline: + +|**Timeline**|**Behavior**| +|-|-| +||Undetermined ( is abstract)| +|,


|Expands to fit child timelines| +|\<*Type*>Animation (Known as a "From/To/By" or "basic" animations)|1 second| +|\<*Type*>AnimationUsingKeyFrames (Known as key frame animations)|Sum of all key frame values| + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + and are types of objects. The duration of a is determined by the duration of its child timelines. For example, the below will run for six seconds (duration of 6 seconds) because that is when its last child Timeline () ends. + > [!NOTE] -> Note: code has been omitted from the following examples, which are provided for illustrative purposed only. - - [xaml] - -``` -... - - - - -... -``` - - Examples of \<*Type*>Animations include , , , etc. If no is specified for these types of animations, they will run for one second. - - [xaml] - -``` -... - - -... -``` - - Examples of \<*Type*>AnimationUsingKeyFrames include , , etc. If no is specified for these types of animations they will run until all key frames are finished. - - [xaml] - -``` -... - - - - - - - - - - -... -``` - +> Note: code has been omitted from the following examples, which are provided for illustrative purposed only. + + [xaml] + +``` +... + + + + +... +``` + + Examples of \<*Type*>Animations include , , , etc. If no is specified for these types of animations, they will run for one second. + + [xaml] + +``` +... + + +... +``` + + Examples of \<*Type*>AnimationUsingKeyFrames include , , etc. If no is specified for these types of animations they will run until all key frames are finished. + + [xaml] + +``` +... + + + + + + + + + + +... +``` + ]]>
@@ -1197,25 +1197,25 @@ The following example uses the DesiredFrameRate property to limit several animat Gets or sets a value that specifies how the behaves after it reaches the end of its active period. A value that specifies how the timeline behaves after it reaches the end of its active period but its parent is inside its active or fill period. The default value is . - property to when you want the animation to hold its value after it reaches the end of its active period. An animation that has reached the end of its active period that has a setting of is said to be in its fill period. When you don't want an animation to hold its value after it reaches the end of its active period, set its - - property to . - - Because an animation in its fill period continues to override its target property's value, attempting to set the target property's value through other means might appear to have no effect. For an example showing how to set a property value after it has been animated, see [How to: Set a Property After Animating It with a Storyboard](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-set-a-property-after-animating-it-with-a-storyboard). - - A child timeline stops playing and filling when its parent timeline stops; if you want a child timeline to fill, make sure its parent timeline has a of . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property to when you want the animation to hold its value after it reaches the end of its active period. An animation that has reached the end of its active period that has a setting of is said to be in its fill period. When you don't want an animation to hold its value after it reaches the end of its active period, set its + + property to . + + Because an animation in its fill period continues to override its target property's value, attempting to set the target property's value through other means might appear to have no effect. For an example showing how to set a property value after it has been animated, see [How to: Set a Property After Animating It with a Storyboard](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-set-a-property-after-animating-it-with-a-storyboard). + + A child timeline stops playing and filling when its parent timeline stops; if you want a child timeline to fill, make sure its parent timeline has a of . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]>
@@ -1274,21 +1274,21 @@ The following example uses the DesiredFrameRate property to limit several animat to check if this instance can be frozen; to freeze this instance. Makes this unmodifiable or determines whether it can be made unmodifiable. - If is true, this method returns if this instance can be made read-only, or if it cannot be made read-only. - + If is true, this method returns if this instance can be made read-only, or if it cannot be made read-only. + If is false, this method returns if this instance is now read-only, or if it cannot be made read-only, with the side effect of having begun to change the frozen status of this object. - . - + . + ]]> - implementers must override this method when the class contains data that is not stored using dependency properties. - + implementers must override this method when the class contains data that is not stored using dependency properties. + A typical implementation would call base, then call the static method on all typed properties that the class contains, returning only if all properties were frozen (or could have been frozen, in the case of passing through a value for ). @@ -1322,15 +1322,15 @@ The following example uses the DesiredFrameRate property to limit several animat The instance to clone. Makes this instance a clone of the specified object. - will fail when trying to freeze the object and will throw an . - - This method is called by the method and should not be called directly from your code, except when calling the base implementation while overriding this method. To create a frozen copy of the current object, call instead of calling this method directly. - - For more information, see . - + will fail when trying to freeze the object and will throw an . + + This method is called by the method and should not be called directly from your code, except when calling the base implementation while overriding this method. To create a frozen copy of the current object, call instead of calling this method directly. + + For more information, see . + ]]>
@@ -1363,13 +1363,13 @@ The following example uses the DesiredFrameRate property to limit several animat The to copy and freeze. Makes this instance a frozen clone of the specified . Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. - method and should not be called directly from your code, except when calling the base implementation while overriding this method. To create a frozen copy of the current object, call instead of calling this method directly. - - For more information see . - + method and should not be called directly from your code, except when calling the base implementation while overriding this method. To create a frozen copy of the current object, call instead of calling this method directly. + + For more information see . + ]]> @@ -1403,11 +1403,11 @@ The following example uses the DesiredFrameRate property to limit several animat Gets the desired frame rate of the specified . The desired frame rate of this timeline. The default value is . - attached property. For more information, see the page. - + attached property. For more information, see the page. + ]]> @@ -1448,15 +1448,15 @@ The following example uses the DesiredFrameRate property to limit several animat Returns the length of a single iteration of this . The length of a single iteration of this , or if the natural duration is unknown. - property is set to . If is , the natural duration is determined by that particular class's implementation of . - - If returns , it means that the natural duration is unknown, which implies a natural duration of . Such is the case for streaming media. - - Note that passing this method a clock other than the one that was created for this timeline is possible, but will provide unreliable results. - + property is set to . If is , the natural duration is determined by that particular class's implementation of . + + If returns , it means that the natural duration is unknown, which implies a natural duration of . Such is the case for streaming media. + + Note that passing this method a clock other than the one that was created for this timeline is possible, but will provide unreliable results. + ]]> @@ -1492,11 +1492,11 @@ The following example uses the DesiredFrameRate property to limit several animat Returns the length of a single iteration of this . This method provides the implementation for . The length of a single iteration of this , or if the natural duration is unknown. - and should not be called directly from your code. Use instead. - + and should not be called directly from your code. Use instead. + ]]> @@ -1592,13 +1592,13 @@ The following example uses the DesiredFrameRate property to limit several animat Occurs when the clock created for this timeline or one of its parent timelines is removed. - action to a storyboard, using a Storyboard's method, or (when working directly with clocks) calling the method. - - Although this event handler appears to be associated with a timeline, it actually registers with the created for this timeline. For more information, see the [Timing Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/timing-events-overview). - + action to a storyboard, using a Storyboard's method, or (when working directly with clocks) calling the method. + + Although this event handler appears to be associated with a timeline, it actually registers with the created for this timeline. For more information, see the [Timing Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/timing-events-overview). + ]]> @@ -1631,23 +1631,23 @@ The following example uses the DesiredFrameRate property to limit several animat Gets or sets the repeating behavior of this timeline. An iteration that specifies the number of times the timeline should play, a value that specifies the total the length of this timeline's active period, or the special value , which specifies that the timeline should repeat indefinitely. The default value is a with a of 1, which indicates that the timeline plays once. - is specified and the timeline's property is set to `true`, a single repetition consists of one forward iteration and one backward iteration. A timeline with an property set to true an iteration of 2 would play forwards, then backwards, then forwards again, and then backwards again. - - Instead of specifying the number of times a timeline plays, you can also specify the total length of time you want the timeline to play. For a timeline to repeat, this value should be greater than the timeline's . For example, a timeline with a of 2 seconds and a of 4 seconds will play twice. If the is less than the timeline's , the timeline's active period is cut short. - - For more information about repeating timelines, see [Animation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is specified and the timeline's property is set to `true`, a single repetition consists of one forward iteration and one backward iteration. A timeline with an property set to true an iteration of 2 would play forwards, then backwards, then forwards again, and then backwards again. + + Instead of specifying the number of times a timeline plays, you can also specify the total length of time you want the timeline to play. For a timeline to repeat, this value should be greater than the timeline's . For example, a timeline with a of 2 seconds and a of 4 seconds will play twice. If the is less than the timeline's , the timeline's active period is cut short. + + For more information about repeating timelines, see [Animation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1709,11 +1709,11 @@ The following example uses the DesiredFrameRate property to limit several animat The maximum number of frames this timeline should generate each second, or if the system should control the number of frames. Sets the desired frame rate of the specified . - attached property. For more information, see the page. - + attached property. For more information, see the page. + ]]> @@ -1750,28 +1750,28 @@ The following example uses the DesiredFrameRate property to limit several animat Gets or sets the rate, relative to its parent, at which time progresses for this . A finite value greater than 0 that describes the rate at which time progresses for this timeline, relative to the speed of the timeline's parent or, if this is a root timeline, the default timeline speed. The default value is 1. - setting does not have an effect on its ; that time is relative to the timeline's parent or, if the timeline is a root timeline, the moment at which the timeline's clock was begun. - - If or are specified, this is the average ratio over the natural length of the timeline. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - A timeline's property controls its rate of progress, relative to its parent. If the timeline is a root, its is relative to the default timeline speed. The following example shows several timelines with different settings. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Timeline/BeginTime/SpeedExample.xaml" id="Snippet_graphicsmm_speedexamplewholepage"::: - + setting does not have an effect on its ; that time is relative to the timeline's parent or, if the timeline is a root timeline, the moment at which the timeline's clock was begun. + + If or are specified, this is the average ratio over the natural length of the timeline. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + A timeline's property controls its rate of progress, relative to its parent. If the timeline is a root, its is relative to the default timeline speed. The following example shows several timelines with different settings. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Timeline/BeginTime/SpeedExample.xaml" id="Snippet_graphicsmm_speedexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/TimelineGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/TimelineGroup.xml index 19fb7f4c468..6cc30b8ad41 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/TimelineGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/TimelineGroup.xml @@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ Abstract class that, when implemented represents a that may contain a collection of child objects. - can be a child of another . - + can be a child of another . + ]]> @@ -259,11 +259,11 @@ The text added to the . Adds a text string as a child of this . - does not accept text as a child, so this method will raise an InvalididOperationException unless a derived class has overridden this behavior which allows text to be added. - + does not accept text as a child, so this method will raise an InvalididOperationException unless a derived class has overridden this behavior which allows text to be added. + ]]> @@ -294,11 +294,11 @@ Creates a type-specific clock for this timeline. A clock for this timeline. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -328,18 +328,18 @@ Gets or sets the collection of direct child objects of the . Child objects of the . The default value is **null**. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -368,11 +368,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -403,13 +403,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -440,13 +440,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Vector3DAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Vector3DAnimation.xml index 172664cf195..0d4692dc72e 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Vector3DAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Vector3DAnimation.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Animates the value of a Vector3D property using linear interpolation between two values. - a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. - -## Target Values - The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + a few pixels left and right, or dramatic, such as enlarging an object to 200 times its original size while spinning it and changing its color. To create an animation in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), you associate an animation with an object's property value. + +## Target Values + The class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - @@ -248,51 +248,51 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is null. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`By`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`By`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -351,13 +351,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -415,11 +415,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -476,51 +476,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`From`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`From`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -586,13 +586,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -623,22 +623,22 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -669,22 +669,22 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + > [!NOTE] -> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. - +> This dependency property is unusual in that the identifier field for it comes from , and is shared by various derived classes. + ]]> @@ -715,51 +715,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`To`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`To`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Vector3DKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Vector3DKeyFrame.xml index 999a6a547ba..78225df1205 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Vector3DKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/Vector3DKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -328,18 +328,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/VectorAnimation.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/VectorAnimation.xml index 8bafce1e27e..aa7a7fe23e1 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/VectorAnimation.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/VectorAnimation.xml @@ -23,31 +23,31 @@ Animates the value of a property between two target values using linear interpolation over a specified . - class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - + class creates a transition between two target values. To set its target values, use its , , and properties. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties specified|Resulting behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + > [!NOTE] -> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). - -## Freezable Features - Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - +> If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + For information about applying multiple animations to a single property, see [Key-Frame Animations Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/key-frame-animations-overview). + +## Freezable Features + Because the class inherits from , objects gain several special features, which include the following: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -241,51 +241,51 @@ Gets or sets the total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The total amount by which the animation changes its starting value. The default value is null. - property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `By`=""/> - + property when you want to animate a value "by" a certain amount, rather than specifying a starting or ending value. You may also use the property with the property. The following table summarizes how the , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `By`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`By`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata Properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `By`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`By`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata Properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -344,13 +344,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -408,11 +408,11 @@ Gets or sets the easing function applied to this animation. The easing function applied to this animation. - @@ -469,51 +469,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's starting value. The starting value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `From`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `From`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`From`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `From`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`From`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -579,13 +579,13 @@ Calculates a value that represents the current value of the property being animated, as determined by the . The calculated value of the property, as determined by the current animation. - that is not . - - The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. - + that is not . + + The `defaultDestinationValue` is the base value if the animation is in the first composition layer of animations on a property; otherwise the value is the output value from the previous composition layer of animations for the property. + ]]> @@ -617,19 +617,19 @@ if the target property's current value should be added to this animation's starting value; otherwise, . The default value is . - , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , , or properties set, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -660,11 +660,11 @@ if the animation accumulates its values when its property causes it to repeat its simple duration. otherwise, . The default value is . - property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. - + property causes it to repeat its simple duration. It does not accumulate its values when it restarts because its parent repeated or because its clock was restarted from a call. + ]]> @@ -695,51 +695,51 @@ Gets or sets the animation's ending value. The ending value of the animation. The default value is null. - , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. - -|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| -|--------------------------|------------------------| -||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| -| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| -||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| -||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| - - **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. - - To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - <*object* `To`=""/> - + , , and properties may be used together or separately to determine an animation's target values. + +|Properties Specified|Resulting Behavior| +|--------------------------|------------------------| +||The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the base value of the property being animated or to a previous animation's output value, depending on how the previous animation is configured.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the property.| +| and |The animation progresses from the value specified by the property to the value specified by the sum of the and properties.| +||The animation progresses from the animated property's base value or a previous animation's output value to the value specified by the property.| +||The animation progresses from the base value of the property being animated or a previous animation's output value to the sum of that value and the value specified by the property.| + + **Note** If you set both the and properties, the property takes precedence and the property is ignored. + + To use other interpolation methods or animate between more than two target values, use a object. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + <*object* `To`=""/> + -or- - - <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - \<*object*> - - <*object*.`To`> - - \< /> - - - - \ - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + + <*object* `To`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/> + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + \<*object*> + + <*object*.`To`> + + \< /> + + + + \ + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/VectorKeyFrame.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/VectorKeyFrame.xml index fb3a44485ac..b4d55da5f98 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/VectorKeyFrame.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Animation/VectorKeyFrame.xml @@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ Returns the interpolated value of a specific key frame at the progress increment provided. The output value of this key frame given the specified base value and progress. - of the previous key frame. - - Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. - + of the previous key frame. + + Most implementations will return the value of `baseValue` when `keyFrameProgress` is 0.0. + ]]> Occurs if is not between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive. @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the time at which the key frame's target should be reached. The time at which the key frame's current value should be equal to its property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> KeyFrame Animation Sample @@ -327,18 +327,18 @@ Gets or sets the key frame's target value. The key frame's target value, which is the value of this key frame at its specified . The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BevelBitmapEffect.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BevelBitmapEffect.xml index 38ca7c4333a..517025d92af 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BevelBitmapEffect.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BevelBitmapEffect.xml @@ -23,51 +23,51 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a bevel which raises the surface of the image according to a specified curve. - [!NOTE] -> WPF bitmap effects are software rendered. Any object that applies an effect will also be rendered in software. Bitmap effects should not be applied to large visuals or animations as this can degrade performance. - - The type of bevel (bevel curve) is determined by the property. - - is one of several effects that are shipped with the SDK. Other effects include: - -- - -- - -- - -- - - The following illustration shows a applied to a visual object (in this case applied to a ). - - ![Screenshot: Compare normal and bevelled buttons](~/add/media/effects-bevelsimple1.png "Screenshot: Compare normal and bevelled buttons") - - The following illustrations show the effect of several basic properties of . - - The property specifies how wide the bevel is: - - ![Screenshot: Compare BevelWidth values](~/add/media/effects-bevelbevelwidth.png "Screenshot: Compare BevelWidth values") - - The property specifies the curve of the bevel: - - ![Screenshot: Compare values of EdgeProfile](~/add/media/effects-beveledgeprofile.png "Screenshot: Compare values of EdgeProfile") - - The property specifies the relief of the bevel: - - ![Screenshot: Compare relief properties](~/add/media/effects-bevelrelief.png "Screenshot: Compare relief properties") - - The property specifies how smooth the shadows of the bevel are: - - ![Screenshot: Compare Smoothness property values](~/add/media/effects-bevelsmoothness.png "Screenshot: Compare Smoothness property values") - - The property specifies from which direction the "virtual light" is coming from that creates the shadows of the bevel: - - ![Screenshot: Compare light angles](~/add/media/effects-bevellightangle.png "Screenshot: Compare light angles") - +> WPF bitmap effects are software rendered. Any object that applies an effect will also be rendered in software. Bitmap effects should not be applied to large visuals or animations as this can degrade performance. + + The type of bevel (bevel curve) is determined by the property. + + is one of several effects that are shipped with the SDK. Other effects include: + +- + +- + +- + +- + + The following illustration shows a applied to a visual object (in this case applied to a ). + + ![Screenshot: Compare normal and bevelled buttons](~/add/media/effects-bevelsimple1.png "Screenshot: Compare normal and bevelled buttons") + + The following illustrations show the effect of several basic properties of . + + The property specifies how wide the bevel is: + + ![Screenshot: Compare BevelWidth values](~/add/media/effects-bevelbevelwidth.png "Screenshot: Compare BevelWidth values") + + The property specifies the curve of the bevel: + + ![Screenshot: Compare values of EdgeProfile](~/add/media/effects-beveledgeprofile.png "Screenshot: Compare values of EdgeProfile") + + The property specifies the relief of the bevel: + + ![Screenshot: Compare relief properties](~/add/media/effects-bevelrelief.png "Screenshot: Compare relief properties") + + The property specifies how smooth the shadows of the bevel are: + + ![Screenshot: Compare Smoothness property values](~/add/media/effects-bevelsmoothness.png "Screenshot: Compare Smoothness property values") + + The property specifies from which direction the "virtual light" is coming from that creates the shadows of the bevel: + + ![Screenshot: Compare light angles](~/add/media/effects-bevellightangle.png "Screenshot: Compare light angles") + ]]> @@ -126,21 +126,21 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the width of the bevel. The width of the bevel. The default value is 5. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -234,13 +234,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -336,21 +336,21 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the curve of the bevel. The curve of the bevel. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -406,25 +406,25 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the direction the "virtual light" is coming from that creates the shadows of the bevel. The direction of the virtual light source. The valid range is from 0-360 (degrees) with 0 specifying the right-hand side of the object and successive values moving counter-clockwise around the object. The shadows of the bevel are on the opposite side of where the light is cast. The default value is 135. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -480,21 +480,21 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the height of the relief of the bevel. The height of the relief of the bevel. The valid range is between 0 and 1 with 1 having the most relief (darkest shadows). The default value is 0.3. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -550,21 +550,21 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets how smooth the shadows of the bevel are. Value indicating how smooth the bevel shadows are. The valid range is between 0 and 1 with 1 being the smoothest. The default value is 0.2. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BitmapEffectGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BitmapEffectGroup.xml index bf43ce9df29..127c9f1b87a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BitmapEffectGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BitmapEffectGroup.xml @@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Represents a group of objects that is used to apply multiple effects to a visible object. - and a have when added to a . The first button has the drop shadow applied first and the outer glow applied last. In the second button, the order is reversed. - - ![Affect of an effect's order in a BitmapEffectGroup](~/add/media/effectgrouporder.PNG "Affect of an effect's order in a BitmapEffectGroup") -Effects in a BitmapEffectGroup - + and a have when added to a . The first button has the drop shadow applied first and the outer glow applied last. In the second button, the order is reversed. + + ![Affect of an effect's order in a BitmapEffectGroup](~/add/media/effectgrouporder.PNG "Affect of an effect's order in a BitmapEffectGroup") +Effects in a BitmapEffectGroup + ]]> @@ -95,18 +95,18 @@ Effects in a BitmapEffectGroup **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the children of the . The children of the effects group as a . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -135,11 +135,11 @@ Effects in a BitmapEffectGroup **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -170,13 +170,13 @@ Effects in a BitmapEffectGroup **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -207,13 +207,13 @@ Effects in a BitmapEffectGroup **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BitmapEffectInput.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BitmapEffectInput.xml index f0789a9710b..4034eef46ed 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BitmapEffectInput.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BitmapEffectInput.xml @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Applies the given in the property to a specified region of the visual object. - @@ -124,21 +124,21 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets a rectangular region on the visual to which the is applied. The rectangular region of the visual to which the effect is applied. The default value is . - or equal to **0**, the effect will not be applied to the visual. - - expresses different behavior depending on whether the background of the element is transparent or not. If no background is present or defined, only considers the children for its size and the starting point for coordinates begin where the visual rendering starts. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + or equal to **0**, the effect will not be applied to the visual. + + expresses different behavior depending on whether the background of the element is transparent or not. If no background is present or defined, only considers the children for its size and the starting point for coordinates begin where the visual rendering starts. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -194,18 +194,18 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the method in which to interpret the rectangle provided by . The method in which to interpret the rectangle provided by the property. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -262,13 +262,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -299,13 +299,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -390,19 +390,19 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the that is used for the input for the object. The that is used as the input for the object. The default value is **null**. - . Care should be taken as this can cause undesired effects. For example, if the Input is an and the object that applies the effect is a , the image will replace the textbox as the visual. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + . Care should be taken as this can cause undesired effects. For example, if the Input is an and the object that applies the effect is a , the image will replace the textbox as the visual. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BlurBitmapEffect.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BlurBitmapEffect.xml index 93a2d8ac690..54a645b7899 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BlurBitmapEffect.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/BlurBitmapEffect.xml @@ -23,27 +23,27 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Simulates looking at an object through an out-of-focus lens. - [!NOTE] -> WPF bitmap effects are software rendered. Any object that applies an effect will also be rendered in software. Bitmap effects should not be applied to large visuals or animations as this can degrade performance. - - is one of several effects that are shipped with the SDK. Other effects include: - -- - -- - -- - -- - - The following illustration shows a applied to a visual object (in this case applied to a ). - - ![Screenshot: Compare button to blurred button](~/add/media/effects-normalvsblur.png "Screenshot: Compare button to blurred button") - +> WPF bitmap effects are software rendered. Any object that applies an effect will also be rendered in software. Bitmap effects should not be applied to large visuals or animations as this can degrade performance. + + is one of several effects that are shipped with the SDK. Other effects include: + +- + +- + +- + +- + + The following illustration shows a applied to a visual object (in this case applied to a ). + + ![Screenshot: Compare button to blurred button](~/add/media/effects-normalvsblur.png "Screenshot: Compare button to blurred button") + ]]> @@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -144,13 +144,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -246,25 +246,25 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the type of blur kernel to use for the . The type of blur kernel. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to specify the of a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/BitmapEffect/blursimpleexample.xaml" id="Snippetblursimpleexamplewholepage"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to specify the of a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/BitmapEffect/blursimpleexample.xaml" id="Snippetblursimpleexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -320,19 +320,19 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the radius used in the blur kernel. A larger radius implies more blurring. The radius used in the blur kernel, in DIU (1/96 of an inch). The default value is 5. - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/DropShadowBitmapEffect.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/DropShadowBitmapEffect.xml index 91004dabe90..6da2193185f 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/DropShadowBitmapEffect.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/DropShadowBitmapEffect.xml @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Applies a shadow behind a visual object at a slight offset. The offset is determined by mimicking a casting shadow from an imaginary light source. - [!NOTE] -> WPF bitmap effects are software rendered. Any object that applies an effect will also be rendered in software. Bitmap effects should not be applied to large visuals or animations because this can degrade performance. - +> WPF bitmap effects are software rendered. Any object that applies an effect will also be rendered in software. Bitmap effects should not be applied to large visuals or animations because this can degrade performance. + ]]> @@ -93,13 +93,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -130,13 +130,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -166,23 +166,23 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the color of the shadow. The color of the shadow. The default value is FF000000 (black). - structure is ignored by this property. To set the amount of transparency (alpha) of the color, use the property. - - The following illustration demonstrates the effect of this property. - - ![Screenshot: Compare shadow color property values](~/add/media/effects-dropshadowcolor.png "Screenshot: Compare shadow color property values") - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + structure is ignored by this property. To set the amount of transparency (alpha) of the color, use the property. + + The following illustration demonstrates the effect of this property. + + ![Screenshot: Compare shadow color property values](~/add/media/effects-dropshadowcolor.png "Screenshot: Compare shadow color property values") + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -304,25 +304,25 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the angle at which the shadow is cast. The angle at which the shadow is cast. The valid range of values is from 0 through 360. The value 0 puts the direction immediately to the right of the object. Subsequent values move the direction around the object in a counter-clockwise direction. For example, a value of 90 indicates the shadow is cast directly upward from the object; a value of 180 is cast directly to the left of the object, and so on. The default value is 315. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -378,21 +378,21 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the graininess, or "noise level," of the shadow. The noise level of the shadow. The valid range of values is from 0 through 1. A value of 0 indicates no noise and 1 indicates maximum noise. A value of 0.5 indicates 50 percent noise, a value of 0.75 indicates 75 percent noise, and so on. The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -448,23 +448,23 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the degree of opacity of the shadow. The degree of opacity. The valid range of values is from 0 through 1. A value of 0 indicates that the shadow is completely transparent, and a value of 1 indicates that the shadow is completely opaque. A value of 0.5 indicates the shadow is 50 percent opaque, a value of 0.725 indicates the shadow is 72.5 percent opaque, and so on. Values less than 0 are treated as 0, while values greater than 1 are treated as 1. The default is 1. - because the alpha level component of the property is ignored. - - The following illustration demonstrates the effect of this property. - - ![Screenshot with callouts: DropShadowBitmapEffect](~/add/media/effects-dropshadowopacity.png "Screenshot with callouts: DropShadowBitmapEffect") - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + because the alpha level component of the property is ignored. + + The following illustration demonstrates the effect of this property. + + ![Screenshot with callouts: DropShadowBitmapEffect](~/add/media/effects-dropshadowopacity.png "Screenshot with callouts: DropShadowBitmapEffect") + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -520,21 +520,21 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the distance between the object and the shadow that it casts. The distance between the plane of the object casting the shadow and the shadow plane measured in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). The valid range of values is from 0 through 300. The default is 5. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -590,21 +590,21 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the softness of the shadow. The shadow's softness. The valid range of values is from 0 through 1. A value of 0.0 indicates no softness (a sharply defined shadow) and 1.0 indicates maximum softness (a very diffused shadow). A value of 0.5 indicates 50 percent softness, a value of 0.75 indicates 75 percent softness, and so on. The default is 0.5. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/EmbossBitmapEffect.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/EmbossBitmapEffect.xml index 5222d0b6acf..c87cce0dad1 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/EmbossBitmapEffect.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/EmbossBitmapEffect.xml @@ -23,29 +23,29 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a bump mapping of the visual object to give the impression of depth and texture from an artificial light source. - [!NOTE] -> WPF bitmap effects are software rendered. Any object that applies an effect will also be rendered in software. Bitmap effects should not be applied to large visuals or animations as this can degrade performance. - - is one of several effects that are shipped with the SDK. Other effects include: - -- - -- - -- - -- - - An emboss makes a selection appear raised or stamped by converting its fill color to gray and tracing the edges with the original fill color. The following illustration shows a applied to a visual object (in this case applied to a ). - - ![Screenshot: Compare image with and without emboss](~/add/media/effects-embosssimple.png "Screenshot: Compare image with and without emboss") - - The visual effect of an emboss can be modified using the and properties. - +> WPF bitmap effects are software rendered. Any object that applies an effect will also be rendered in software. Bitmap effects should not be applied to large visuals or animations as this can degrade performance. + + is one of several effects that are shipped with the SDK. Other effects include: + +- + +- + +- + +- + + An emboss makes a selection appear raised or stamped by converting its fill color to gray and tracing the edges with the original fill color. The following illustration shows a applied to a visual object (in this case applied to a ). + + ![Screenshot: Compare image with and without emboss](~/add/media/effects-embosssimple.png "Screenshot: Compare image with and without emboss") + + The visual effect of an emboss can be modified using the and properties. + ]]> @@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -244,23 +244,23 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the direction the artificial light is cast upon the embossed object. The direction the artificial light is cast upon the embossed object. The valid range is from 0-360 (degrees) with 0 specifying the right-hand side of the object and successive values moving counter-clockwise around the object. The default value is 45. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -316,21 +316,21 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the amount of relief of the emboss. The amount of relief of the emboss. The valid range of values is 0-1 with 0 having the least relief and 1 having the most. The default value is 0.44. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/OuterGlowBitmapEffect.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/OuterGlowBitmapEffect.xml index 5afb65b0cb2..b3d376ef8ea 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/OuterGlowBitmapEffect.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/OuterGlowBitmapEffect.xml @@ -23,41 +23,41 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a halo of color around objects or areas of color. - [!NOTE] -> WPF bitmap effects are software rendered. Any object that applies an effect will also be rendered in software. Bitmap effects should not be applied to large visuals or animations because this can degrade performance. - - is one of several effects that are shipped with the Windows SDK. Other effects include: - -- - -- - -- - -- - - The following illustration shows an applied to a visual object (in this case applied to a ). - - ![Screenshot: OuterGlowBitmapEffect bitmap effect](~/add/media/effects-outerglowsimple.png "Screenshot: OuterGlowBitmapEffect bitmap effect") - - The following illustrations show the effect of several basic properties of . - -- The property specifies the size of the halo glow: - - ![Screenshot: OuterGlowBitmapEffect bitmap effect](~/add/media/effects-outerglowglowsize.png "Screenshot: OuterGlowBitmapEffect bitmap effect") - -- The property specifies the level of noise in the glow: - - ![Screenshot: Compare Noise property values](~/add/media/effects-outerglownoise.png "Screenshot: Compare Noise property values") - -- The property specifies how transparent the glow is: - - ![Screenshot: Compare glow opacity property values](~/add/media/effects-outerglowopacity.png "Screenshot: Compare glow opacity property values") - +> WPF bitmap effects are software rendered. Any object that applies an effect will also be rendered in software. Bitmap effects should not be applied to large visuals or animations because this can degrade performance. + + is one of several effects that are shipped with the Windows SDK. Other effects include: + +- + +- + +- + +- + + The following illustration shows an applied to a visual object (in this case applied to a ). + + ![Screenshot: OuterGlowBitmapEffect bitmap effect](~/add/media/effects-outerglowsimple.png "Screenshot: OuterGlowBitmapEffect bitmap effect") + + The following illustrations show the effect of several basic properties of . + +- The property specifies the size of the halo glow: + + ![Screenshot: OuterGlowBitmapEffect bitmap effect](~/add/media/effects-outerglowglowsize.png "Screenshot: OuterGlowBitmapEffect bitmap effect") + +- The property specifies the level of noise in the glow: + + ![Screenshot: Compare Noise property values](~/add/media/effects-outerglownoise.png "Screenshot: Compare Noise property values") + +- The property specifies how transparent the glow is: + + ![Screenshot: Compare glow opacity property values](~/add/media/effects-outerglowopacity.png "Screenshot: Compare glow opacity property values") + ]]> @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -260,18 +260,18 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the color of the halo glow. The color of the halo glow. The default is white. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -327,21 +327,21 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the thickness of the halo glow. The thickness of the halo glow, in device-independent unit (1/96th inch). The valid range of values is from 1 through 199. The default is 20. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -397,21 +397,21 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the graininess of the halo glow. The graininess (noise level) of the halo glow. The valid range of values is from 0.0 through 1.0, with 0.0 specifying no noise and 1.0 specifying maximum noise. A value of 0.5 indicates 50 percent noise, a value of 0.75 indicates 75 percent noise, and so on. The default value is 0.0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -467,23 +467,23 @@ **Note: This API is now obsolete.** The non-obsolete alternative is . Gets or sets the degree of opacity of the halo glow. The opacity level of the glow. A value of 0 indicates that the halo glow is completely transparent, while a value of 1 indicates that the glow is completely opaque. A value of 0.5 indicates the glow is 50 percent opaque, a value of 0.725 indicates the glow is 72.5 percent opaque, and so on. Values less than 0 are treated as 0, while values greater than 1 are treated as 1. The default is 1. - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/ShaderEffect.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/ShaderEffect.xml index d5a9cdf0d84..99f37ee7cb6 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/ShaderEffect.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Effects/ShaderEffect.xml @@ -23,55 +23,55 @@ Provides a custom bitmap effect by using a . - class to implement a custom effect based on a single pixel shader. - - The following steps show how to create a custom effect. - -1. Load a from precompiled High Level Shading Language (HLSL) bytecode. - -2. Define dependency properties that represent the parameters of the effect and the -based surface inputs. Use one of the overloads to associate these inputs with register numbers that are referenced in the HLSL bytecode. - - The number of samplers is limited to 4. - - The following restrictions apply when using a PS 3.0 shader. - -- When a PS 3.0 shader is assigned, the number of samplers increases to 8. Assign the PS 3.0 shader before other shaders to enable registering 8 samplers. - -- The full shader constant register limit of 224 for floats is used. For more information, see [ps_3_0]( - -- The following data types are supported in PS 3.0 shaders only. An exception is thrown if these are used in lower shader versions. - - - `int` and types convertible to `int`: `uint`, `byte`, `sbyte`, `long`, `ulong`, `short`, `ushort`, `char` - - - `bool` - -- If a valid PS 3.0 shader is loaded on a computer that does not have hardware support for PS 3.0, the shader is ignored. If the shader is invalid, no exception is thrown. - -- If a computer has more than one video card, the behavior is defined by the least capable video card. For example, if the computer has two video cards, one of which supports PS 3.0 and one of which does not, the behavior is the same as if the computer does not support PS 3.0. - -- If a computer supports rendering PS 3.0 in hardware, but an invalid PS 3.0 shader is assigned, the event is raised. An example of an invalid PS 3.0 shader is one compiled with the `ps_3_sw` flag. The class accepts only PS 3.0 shaders that are compiled with the `ps_3_0` flag passed to fxc.exe. For more information, see [Effect-Compiler Tool]( - + class to implement a custom effect based on a single pixel shader. + + The following steps show how to create a custom effect. + +1. Load a from precompiled High Level Shading Language (HLSL) bytecode. + +2. Define dependency properties that represent the parameters of the effect and the -based surface inputs. Use one of the overloads to associate these inputs with register numbers that are referenced in the HLSL bytecode. + + The number of samplers is limited to 4. + + The following restrictions apply when using a PS 3.0 shader. + +- When a PS 3.0 shader is assigned, the number of samplers increases to 8. Assign the PS 3.0 shader before other shaders to enable registering 8 samplers. + +- The full shader constant register limit of 224 for floats is used. For more information, see [ps_3_0]( + +- The following data types are supported in PS 3.0 shaders only. An exception is thrown if these are used in lower shader versions. + + - `int` and types convertible to `int`: `uint`, `byte`, `sbyte`, `long`, `ulong`, `short`, `ushort`, `char` + + - `bool` + +- If a valid PS 3.0 shader is loaded on a computer that does not have hardware support for PS 3.0, the shader is ignored. If the shader is invalid, no exception is thrown. + +- If a computer has more than one video card, the behavior is defined by the least capable video card. For example, if the computer has two video cards, one of which supports PS 3.0 and one of which does not, the behavior is the same as if the computer does not support PS 3.0. + +- If a computer supports rendering PS 3.0 in hardware, but an invalid PS 3.0 shader is assigned, the event is raised. An example of an invalid PS 3.0 shader is one compiled with the `ps_3_sw` flag. The class accepts only PS 3.0 shaders that are compiled with the `ps_3_0` flag passed to fxc.exe. For more information, see [Effect-Compiler Tool]( + > [!NOTE] -> PS 2.0 shaders run when rendering in software. However, even if PS 3.0 is supported by the system's hardware, PS 3.0 shaders do not run during software rendering. - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to derive from the class. - - [!code-csharp[System.Windows.Media.Effects.ShaderEffect#1](~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Effect/ThresholdEffect.cs#1)] - - The following code example shows a shader that corresponds to the previous class. - - [!code-csharp[System.Windows.Media.Effects.ShaderEffect#10](~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Effect/Threshold.fx#10)] - - The following XAML shows how to use the custom shader effect. - - [!code-xaml[System.Windows.Media.Effects.ShaderEffect#1000](~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Effect/Window1.xaml#1000)] - +> PS 2.0 shaders run when rendering in software. However, even if PS 3.0 is supported by the system's hardware, PS 3.0 shaders do not run during software rendering. + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to derive from the class. + + [!code-csharp[System.Windows.Media.Effects.ShaderEffect#1](~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Effect/ThresholdEffect.cs#1)] + + The following code example shows a shader that corresponds to the previous class. + + [!code-csharp[System.Windows.Media.Effects.ShaderEffect#10](~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Effect/Threshold.fx#10)] + + The following XAML shows how to use the custom shader effect. + + [!code-xaml[System.Windows.Media.Effects.ShaderEffect#1000](~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Effect/Window1.xaml#1000)] + ]]> @@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's values. When copying this object's dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (which may no longer resolve), but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of this instance. The returned clone is effectively a deep copy of the current object. The clone's property is . - method can be used to produce modifiable copies of frozen objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited method to provide a strongly typed implementation. - + method can be used to produce modifiable copies of frozen objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited method to provide a strongly typed implementation. + ]]> @@ -194,13 +194,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are copied. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -289,38 +289,38 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates the shader register to use for the partial derivatives of the texture coordinates with respect to screen space. The index of the register that contains the partial derivatives. - property to specify the shader register that contains the partial derivatives of the texture coordinates with respect to screen space. For example, if is set to 4, the shader register c4 is used. Register c4 contains four float fields. The following High Level Shading Language (HLSL) code shows how this register is used. The `nextPixelUV` value represents the next pixel to the right. - -``` -float4 ddxUvDdyUv : register(c4); -SamplerState sampler : register(S0); -... -float2 nextPixelUV; -nextPixelUV.u = ddxUvDdyUv.x + u; -nextPixelUV.v = ddxUvDdyUv.y + v; - -tex2D(sampler, nextPixelUV); -``` - - The following table shows how the register specified for is filled. - -|Register Constant|Derivative Value| -|-----------------------|----------------------| -|x component|ddx(u)| -|y component|ddx(v)| -|z component|ddy(u)| -|w component|ddy(v)| - - Texture coordinates are denoted as `(u, v)`. `ddx(u)` is the constant partial derivative of the texture coordinate component `u` with respect to the screen-space x-coordinate. `ddy(u)` is the partial derivative of the texture coordinate `u` with respect to the screen-space y-coordinate. Similarly, `ddx(v)` and `ddy(v)` are the corresponding screen-space derivatives for the texture coordinate component `v`. - + property to specify the shader register that contains the partial derivatives of the texture coordinates with respect to screen space. For example, if is set to 4, the shader register c4 is used. Register c4 contains four float fields. The following High Level Shading Language (HLSL) code shows how this register is used. The `nextPixelUV` value represents the next pixel to the right. + +``` +float4 ddxUvDdyUv : register(c4); +SamplerState sampler : register(S0); +... +float2 nextPixelUV; +nextPixelUV.u = ddxUvDdyUv.x + u; +nextPixelUV.v = ddxUvDdyUv.y + v; + +tex2D(sampler, nextPixelUV); +``` + + The following table shows how the register specified for is filled. + +|Register Constant|Derivative Value| +|-----------------------|----------------------| +|x component|ddx(u)| +|y component|ddx(v)| +|z component|ddy(u)| +|w component|ddy(v)| + + Texture coordinates are denoted as `(u, v)`. `ddx(u)` is the constant partial derivative of the texture coordinate component `u` with respect to the screen-space x-coordinate. `ddy(u)` is the partial derivative of the texture coordinate `u` with respect to the screen-space y-coordinate. Similarly, `ddx(v)` and `ddy(v)` are the corresponding screen-space derivatives for the texture coordinate component `v`. + > [!NOTE] -> HLSL has the ddx and ddy instructions to calculate these values, but these instructions are not available on all PixelShader 2.0 hardware. - - You may think of these constants in the following way. If you step 1 pixel to the right in screen space (in the x direction), then `ddx(u)` is the amount that `u` changes in texture space, and `ddx(v)` is the amount that `v` changes in texture space. If the effect is axis-aligned when it is rendered, then `ddx(v)` is 0. If the effect is rotated when it is rendered, then `ddx(v)` is non-zero. - +> HLSL has the ddx and ddy instructions to calculate these values, but these instructions are not available on all PixelShader 2.0 hardware. + + You may think of these constants in the following way. If you step 1 pixel to the right in screen space (in the x direction), then `ddx(u)` is the amount that `u` changes in texture space, and `ddx(v)` is the amount that `v` changes in texture space. If the effect is axis-aligned when it is rendered, then `ddx(v)` is 0. If the effect is rotated when it is rendered, then `ddx(v)` is non-zero. + ]]> An attempt was made to set the property more than one time or after initial processing of the effect. @@ -527,18 +527,18 @@ tex2D(sampler, nextPixelUV); Gets or sets the to use for the effect. The for the effect. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -574,11 +574,11 @@ tex2D(sampler, nextPixelUV); Associates a dependency property value with a pixel shader's float constant register. A delegate that associates a dependency property and the shader constant register specified by . - method when you register a dependency property for a shader constant. The method constructs a delegate that, when invoked, creates an association between the dependency property and the shader constant register specified by `floatRegisterIndex`. - + method when you register a dependency property for a shader constant. The method constructs a delegate that, when invoked, creates an association between the dependency property and the shader constant register specified by `floatRegisterIndex`. + ]]> The dependency property is an unknown type. @@ -660,11 +660,11 @@ tex2D(sampler, nextPixelUV); Associates a dependency property value with a pixel shader's sampler register. A delegate that associates a dependency property and the shader sampler register specified by . - method when you register a -valued dependency property for a shader sampler. The method constructs a delegate that, when invoked, creates an association between the dependency property and the shader sampler register specified by `samplerRegisterIndex`. - + method when you register a -valued dependency property for a shader sampler. The method constructs a delegate that, when invoked, creates an association between the dependency property and the shader sampler register specified by `samplerRegisterIndex`. + ]]> @@ -702,11 +702,11 @@ tex2D(sampler, nextPixelUV); Associates a dependency property value with a pixel shader's sampler register and a . A delegate that associates a dependency property and the shader sampler register specified by . - method when you register a -valued dependency property for a shader sampler. The method constructs a delegate that, when invoked, creates an association between the dependency property and the shader sampler register specified by `samplerRegisterIndex`. - + method when you register a -valued dependency property for a shader sampler. The method constructs a delegate that, when invoked, creates an association between the dependency property and the shader sampler register specified by `samplerRegisterIndex`. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage.xml index f68244869c1..0fe625512fa 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage.xml @@ -30,26 +30,26 @@ Provides a specialized that is optimized for loading images using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). - primarily exists to support Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) syntax and introduces additional properties for bitmap loading that are not defined by . - - implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. Property changes can only occur during object initialization. Call to signal that initialization has begun and to signal that initialization has completed. After initialization, property changes are ignored. - - objects created using the constructor are automatically initialized and property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following code examples demonstrate how to use a in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code. - + primarily exists to support Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) syntax and introduces additional properties for bitmap loading that are not defined by . + + implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. Property changes can only occur during object initialization. Call to signal that initialization has begun and to signal that initialization has completed. After initialization, property changes are ignored. + + objects created using the constructor are automatically initialized and property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following code examples demonstrate how to use a in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code. + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage/Overview/SimpleImageExample.xaml" id="Snippetsimplexaml2"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/SimpleImageExample.xaml" id="Snippetsimplexaml2"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/SimpleImageExample.xaml" id="Snippetsimplexaml2"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage/Overview/SimpleImageExample.xaml.cs" id="Snippetsimplecsharp1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/SimpleImageExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsimplecsharp1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/SimpleImageExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsimplecsharp1"::: + ]]> @@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. To initialize a created using this constructor, you must perform property initialization between and calls. - + implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. To initialize a created using this constructor, you must perform property initialization between and calls. + ]]> @@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ The to use as the source of the . Initializes a new instance of the class by using the supplied . - objects created using this constructor are automatically initialized. After initialization, property changes are ignored. - + objects created using this constructor are automatically initialized. After initialization, property changes are ignored. + ]]> The parameter is . @@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ The that specifies the caching requirements for images that are obtained using HTTP. Initializes a new instance of the class with an image whose source is a , and is cached according to the provided . - objects created using this constructor are automatically initialized. After initialization, property changes are ignored. - - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + objects created using this constructor are automatically initialized. After initialization, property changes are ignored. + + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> The parameter is . @@ -239,25 +239,25 @@ Signals the start of the initialization. - and calls. Once the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. - + and calls. Once the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> - The is currently being initialized. has already been called. - - -or- - + The is currently being initialized. has already been called. + + -or- + The has already been initialized. @@ -288,27 +288,27 @@ Gets or sets the to use for this instance of . The being used for the . The default is . - to if you wish to close a stream used to create the . The default cache option retains access to the stream until the image is needed, and cleanup is handled by the garbage collector. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code example demonstrates how to set the of a by using code. - + to if you wish to close a stream used to create the . The default cache option retains access to the stream until the image is needed, and cleanup is handled by the garbage collector. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code example demonstrates how to set the of a by using code. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -366,15 +366,15 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - - When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + + When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. + ]]> @@ -436,13 +436,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -531,26 +531,26 @@ Gets or sets the for a . The used for this . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code example demonstrates how to set the of a by using code. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code example demonstrates how to set the of a by using code. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -607,29 +607,29 @@ Gets or sets the height, in pixels, that the image is decoded to. The height, in pixels, that the image is decoded to. The default value is 0. - is also set, the aspect ratio of the bitmap is ignored. If is not set, the aspect ratio remains the same. - - The JPEG and Portable Network Graphics (PNG) codecs natively decode the image to the specified size; other codecs decode the image at its original size and scale the image to the desired size. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code example demonstrates how to set the property by using code. - + is also set, the aspect ratio of the bitmap is ignored. If is not set, the aspect ratio remains the same. + + The JPEG and Portable Network Graphics (PNG) codecs natively decode the image to the specified size; other codecs decode the image at its original size and scale the image to the desired size. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code example demonstrates how to set the property by using code. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -686,29 +686,29 @@ Gets or sets the width, in pixels, that the image is decoded to. The width, in pixels, that the image is decoded to. The default value is 0. - is also set, the aspect ratio of the bitmap is ignored. If is not set, the aspect ratio remains the same. - - The JPEG and Portable Network Graphics (PNG) codecs natively decode the image to the specified size; other codecs decode the image at its original size and scale the image to the desired size. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code example demonstrates how to set the property by using code. - + is also set, the aspect ratio of the bitmap is ignored. If is not set, the aspect ratio remains the same. + + The JPEG and Portable Network Graphics (PNG) codecs natively decode the image to the specified size; other codecs decode the image at its original size and scale the image to the desired size. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code example demonstrates how to set the property by using code. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -768,25 +768,25 @@ Signals the end of the initialization. - and calls. Once the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. - + and calls. Once the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> - The or properties are . - - -or- - + The or properties are . + + -or- + The method is called without first calling . @@ -878,14 +878,14 @@ if the is downloading content; otherwise, . - property by using code. The value of the property is emitted to a as a . - + property by using code. The value of the property is emitted to a as a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -946,29 +946,29 @@ Gets or sets the angle that this is rotated to. The rotation that is used for the . The default is . - of , a of 10, and of 5 will result in an image that has a width of 5 and a height of 10. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code example demonstrates how to rotate an image by using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage/Overview/TransformedImageExample.xaml" id="Snippettransformedxaml2"::: - + of , a of 10, and of 5 will result in an image that has a width of 5 and a height of 10. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code example demonstrates how to rotate an image by using Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage/Overview/TransformedImageExample.xaml" id="Snippettransformedxaml2"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage/Overview/TransformedImageExample.xaml.cs" id="Snippettransformedcsharp1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/TransformedImageExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippettransformedcsharp1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/TransformedImageExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippettransformedcsharp1"::: + ]]> @@ -1025,18 +1025,18 @@ Gets or sets the rectangle that is used as the source of the . The rectangle that is used as the source of the . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1098,21 +1098,21 @@ Gets or sets the stream source of the . The stream source of the . The default is . - and are both set, the value is ignored. - - Set the property to if you wish to close the stream after the is created. The default cache option retains access to the stream until the bitmap is needed, and cleanup is handled by the garbage collector. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and are both set, the value is ignored. + + Set the property to if you wish to close the stream after the is created. The default cache option retains access to the stream until the bitmap is needed, and cleanup is handled by the garbage collector. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1175,11 +1175,11 @@ Gets or sets a value that represents the caching policy for images that come from an HTTP source. The base of the current context. The default is . - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -1210,11 +1210,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -1244,30 +1244,30 @@ Gets or sets the source of the . The source of the . The default is . - and are both set, the value is ignored. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates the use the property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code. - + and are both set, the value is ignored. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates the use the property in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and code. + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage/Overview/SimpleImageExample.xaml" id="Snippetsimplexaml2"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/SimpleImageExample.xaml" id="Snippetsimplexaml2"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/SimpleImageExample.xaml" id="Snippetsimplexaml2"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage/Overview/SimpleImageExample.xaml.cs" id="Snippetsimplecsharp1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/SimpleImageExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsimplecsharp1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/SimpleImageExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsimplecsharp1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/ColorConvertedBitmap.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/ColorConvertedBitmap.xml index 03d91751b2b..19766ac4a30 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/ColorConvertedBitmap.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/ColorConvertedBitmap.xml @@ -27,23 +27,23 @@ Changes the color space of a . - implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. Property changes can only occur during object initialization. Call to signal that initialization has begun and to signal that initialization has completed. After initialization, property changes are ignored. - - objects created using the constructor are automatically initialized, and property changes are ignored. - - A is never cached. - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create an instance of and use it to convert color. - + implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. Property changes can only occur during object initialization. Call to signal that initialization has begun and to signal that initialization has completed. After initialization, property changes are ignored. + + objects created using the constructor are automatically initialized, and property changes are ignored. + + A is never cached. + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create an instance of and use it to convert color. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. To initialize a created using this constructor, you must perform property initialization between and calls. - + implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. To initialize a created using this constructor, you must perform property initialization between and calls. + ]]> @@ -120,19 +120,19 @@ The of the converted bitmap. Initializes a new instance of the class by using the specified values. - objects created using this constructor are automatically initialized. After initialization, property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to initialize an instance of by using the constructor. - + objects created using this constructor are automatically initialized. After initialization, property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to initialize an instance of by using the constructor. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -169,25 +169,25 @@ Signals the start of the initialization. - and calls. After the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. - + and calls. After the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> - The is currently being initialized. has already been called. - - -or- - + The is currently being initialized. has already been called. + + -or- + The has already been initialized. @@ -219,13 +219,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -286,13 +286,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -380,27 +380,27 @@ Gets or sets a value that identifies the color profile, as defined by the class, of the converted bitmap. An instance of . - , the changes must be done within a and block. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the value of the property. - + , the changes must be done within a and block. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the value of the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -457,27 +457,27 @@ Gets or sets a value that represents the of the converted bitmap. An instance of . - , the changes must be done within a and block. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the value of the property. - + , the changes must be done within a and block. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the value of the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -544,25 +544,25 @@ Signals the end of the initialization. - and calls. After the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the method in order to change the properties of a . - + and calls. After the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the method in order to change the properties of a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> - The , , or property is . - - -or- - + The , , or property is . + + -or- + The method is called without first calling . @@ -653,27 +653,27 @@ Gets or sets a value that identifies the source bitmap that is converted. A value that identifies the source bitmap that is converted. - , the changes must be done within a and block. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the value of the property. - + , the changes must be done within a and block. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the value of the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -704,27 +704,27 @@ Gets or sets a value that identifies the color profile of the source bitmap. An instance of . - , the changes must be done within a and block. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the value of the property. - + , the changes must be done within a and block. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the value of the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/ColorContext/Overview/BitmapImageProps.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BitmapImageProps/VB/BitmapImageProps.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -754,11 +754,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/CroppedBitmap.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/CroppedBitmap.xml index c2e45d857dc..2a7e879604c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/CroppedBitmap.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/CroppedBitmap.xml @@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ Crops a . - implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. Property changes can occur only during object initialization. Call to signal that initialization has begun and to signal that initialization has completed. After initialization, property changes are ignored. - - objects created by using the constructor are automatically initialized, and properties cannot be changed. - - Metadata tags related to image data must be updated if an image is saved to a file after a transform is applied. - - Use the property of this class to define the area of the bitmap that is to be cropped. - + implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. Property changes can occur only during object initialization. Call to signal that initialization has begun and to signal that initialization has completed. After initialization, property changes are ignored. + + objects created by using the constructor are automatically initialized, and properties cannot be changed. + + Metadata tags related to image data must be updated if an image is saved to a file after a transform is applied. + + Use the property of this class to define the area of the bitmap that is to be cropped. + ]]> @@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. To initialize a created using this constructor, you must perform property initialization between and calls. - + implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. To initialize a created using this constructor, you must perform property initialization between and calls. + ]]> @@ -109,19 +109,19 @@ The of the new instance. Initializes a new instance of the class that has the specified and . - objects created using this constructor are automatically initialized. After initialization, property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use to initialize a new instance of the class. - + objects created using this constructor are automatically initialized. After initialization, property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use to initialize a new instance of the class. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage/Overview/CroppedImageExample.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcroppedcsharp2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/CroppedImageExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcroppedcsharp2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/CroppedImageExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcroppedcsharp2"::: + ]]> @@ -158,25 +158,25 @@ Signals the start of the initialization. - and calls. Once the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. - + and calls. Once the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PixelFormat/Overview/CroppedBitmapExample.cs" id="Snippetcroppedbitmapcodeexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImagingSnippetGallery_procedural_snip/VB/CroppedBitmapExample.vb" id="Snippetcroppedbitmapcodeexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImagingSnippetGallery_procedural_snip/VB/CroppedBitmapExample.vb" id="Snippetcroppedbitmapcodeexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> - The is currently being initialized. has already been called. - - -or- - + The is currently being initialized. has already been called. + + -or- + The has already been initialized. @@ -207,13 +207,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -274,13 +274,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -377,25 +377,25 @@ Signals the end of the initialization. - and calls. Once the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. - + and calls. Once the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PixelFormat/Overview/CroppedBitmapExample.cs" id="Snippetcroppedbitmapcodeexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImagingSnippetGallery_procedural_snip/VB/CroppedBitmapExample.vb" id="Snippetcroppedbitmapcodeexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImagingSnippetGallery_procedural_snip/VB/CroppedBitmapExample.vb" id="Snippetcroppedbitmapcodeexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> - The property is . - - -or- - + The property is . + + -or- + The method is called without first calling . @@ -486,19 +486,19 @@ Gets or sets the source for the bitmap. The source for the bitmap. The default value is . - to another by setting the property of the to the appropriate . For more information about chaining, see [How to: Chain BitmapSource Objects Together](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-chain-bitmapsource-objects-together). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + to another by setting the property of the to the appropriate . For more information about chaining, see [How to: Chain BitmapSource Objects Together](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-chain-bitmapsource-objects-together). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -554,21 +554,21 @@ Gets or sets the rectangular area that the bitmap is cropped to. The rectangular area that the bitmap is cropped to. The default is . - with a set to will render the entire image. - - A rectangle that is not fully within the bounds of the bitmap will not render. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + with a set to will render the entire image. + + A rectangle that is not fully within the bounds of the bitmap will not render. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/FormatConvertedBitmap.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/FormatConvertedBitmap.xml index 3d066032e34..5e7993bae91 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/FormatConvertedBitmap.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/FormatConvertedBitmap.xml @@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ Provides pixel format conversion functionality for a . - implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. Property changes can occur only during object initialization. Call to signal that initialization has begun and to signal that initialization has completed. After initialization, property changes are ignored. - - objects created using the constructor are automatically initialized, and property changes are ignored. - - For format conversions between RGB color spaces with different characteristics, the class should be used. Conversions between color spaces need a source color profile and destination color profile for gamut mapping to provide a reliable color conversion. The color profiles are provided by the parameters of the or by the and properties. - - Metadata tags related to image data must be updated if an image is saved to a file after a transform is applied. - + implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. Property changes can occur only during object initialization. Call to signal that initialization has begun and to signal that initialization has completed. After initialization, property changes are ignored. + + objects created using the constructor are automatically initialized, and property changes are ignored. + + For format conversions between RGB color spaces with different characteristics, the class should be used. Conversions between color spaces need a source color profile and destination color profile for gamut mapping to provide a reliable color conversion. The color profiles are provided by the parameters of the or by the and properties. + + Metadata tags related to image data must be updated if an image is saved to a file after a transform is applied. + ]]> @@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. To initialize a created using this constructor, you must perform property initialization between and calls. - + implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. To initialize a created using this constructor, you must perform property initialization between and calls. + ]]> @@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ The of the new instance. Initializes a new instance of the class that has the specified , , , and . - objects created using this constructor are automatically initialized. After initialization, property changes are ignored. - + objects created using this constructor are automatically initialized. After initialization, property changes are ignored. + ]]> @@ -151,21 +151,21 @@ Gets or sets the alpha channel threshold of a bitmap when converting to palletized formats that recognizes an alpha color. The alpha channel threshold for this . The default value is 0.0. - value is used to determine what level of opacity will be mapped to the fully transparent color in the converted format. A value of 9.8 implies that any pixel with an alpha value of less than 25 will be mapped to the transparent color. A value of 100 maps all pixels which are not fully opaque to the transparent color. - - The destination palette should provide a transparent color; otherwise, the transparent color will be the one closest to zero, often black. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + value is used to determine what level of opacity will be mapped to the fully transparent color in the converted format. A value of 9.8 implies that any pixel with an alpha value of less than 25 will be mapped to the transparent color. A value of 100 maps all pixels which are not fully opaque to the transparent color. + + The destination palette should provide a transparent color; otherwise, the transparent color will be the one closest to zero, often black. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -224,25 +224,25 @@ Signals the start of the initialization. - and calls. After the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. - + and calls. After the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PixelFormat/Overview/FormatConvertedBitmapExample.cs" id="Snippetformatconvertedbitmapcodeexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImagingSnippetGallery_procedural_snip/VB/FormatConvertedBitmapExample.vb" id="Snippetformatconvertedbitmapcodeexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImagingSnippetGallery_procedural_snip/VB/FormatConvertedBitmapExample.vb" id="Snippetformatconvertedbitmapcodeexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> - The is currently being initialized. has already been called. - - -or- - + The is currently being initialized. has already been called. + + -or- + The has already been initialized. @@ -274,13 +274,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -341,13 +341,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -435,18 +435,18 @@ Gets or sets the pixel format to convert the bitmap to. The pixel format to apply to the bitmap. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -504,19 +504,19 @@ Gets or sets the palette to apply to the bitmap if the format is indexed. The destination palette to apply to the bitmap. The default value is . - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -582,33 +582,33 @@ Signals the end of the initialization. - and calls, as demonstrated in the following example. After the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. - + and calls, as demonstrated in the following example. After the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PixelFormat/Overview/FormatConvertedBitmapExample.cs" id="Snippetformatconvertedbitmapcodeexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImagingSnippetGallery_procedural_snip/VB/FormatConvertedBitmapExample.vb" id="Snippetformatconvertedbitmapcodeexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImagingSnippetGallery_procedural_snip/VB/FormatConvertedBitmapExample.vb" id="Snippetformatconvertedbitmapcodeexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> - The property is . - - -or- - - The property is an indexed format and the property is . - - -or- - - The palette colors do not match the destination format. - - -or- - + The property is . + + -or- + + The property is an indexed format and the property is . + + -or- + + The palette colors do not match the destination format. + + -or- + The method is called without first calling . @@ -699,19 +699,19 @@ Gets or sets the source for the bitmap. The source for the bitmap. The default value is . - to another by setting the property of the to the that you want. See [How to: Chain BitmapSource Objects Together](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-chain-bitmapsource-objects-together) for an example of chaining. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + to another by setting the property of the to the that you want. See [How to: Chain BitmapSource Objects Together](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-chain-bitmapsource-objects-together) for an example of chaining. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/TransformedBitmap.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/TransformedBitmap.xml index 35a7d5e7fb0..60b8ad3c23d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/TransformedBitmap.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/TransformedBitmap.xml @@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ Scales and rotates a . - supports only orthogonal transforms such as rotation transforms of 90° increments and scale transforms. Transforms that skew the image are not supported. - - implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. Property changes can only occur during object initialization. Call to signal that initialization has begun and to signal that initialization has completed. After initialization, property changes are ignored. - - objects created using the constructor are automatically initialized and property changes are ignored. - - Metadata tags related to image data must be updated if an image is saved to a file after a transform is applied. - + supports only orthogonal transforms such as rotation transforms of 90° increments and scale transforms. Transforms that skew the image are not supported. + + implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. Property changes can only occur during object initialization. Call to signal that initialization has begun and to signal that initialization has completed. After initialization, property changes are ignored. + + objects created using the constructor are automatically initialized and property changes are ignored. + + Metadata tags related to image data must be updated if an image is saved to a file after a transform is applied. + ]]> @@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. To initialize a created using this constructor, you must perform property initialization between and calls. - + implements the interface to optimize initialization on multiple properties. To initialize a created using this constructor, you must perform property initialization between and calls. + ]]> @@ -109,18 +109,18 @@ The of the new instance. Initializes a new instance of the class that has the specified and . - objects created using this constructor are automatically initialized. After initialization, property changes are ignored. - + objects created using this constructor are automatically initialized. After initialization, property changes are ignored. + ]]> The parameter is . - The parameter is . - - -or- - + The parameter is . + + -or- + The transform is not an orthogonal transform. @@ -152,25 +152,25 @@ Signals the start of the initialization. - and calls. Once the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. - + and calls. Once the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PixelFormat/Overview/TransformedBitmapExample.cs" id="Snippettransformedbitmappropinit"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImagingSnippetGallery_procedural_snip/VB/TransformedBitmapExample.vb" id="Snippettransformedbitmappropinit"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImagingSnippetGallery_procedural_snip/VB/TransformedBitmapExample.vb" id="Snippettransformedbitmappropinit"::: + ]]> - The is currently being initialized. has already been called. - - -or- - + The is currently being initialized. has already been called. + + -or- + The has already been initialized. @@ -202,13 +202,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -269,13 +269,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -372,29 +372,29 @@ Signals the end of the initialization. - and calls. Once the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. - + and calls. Once the has been initialized, property changes are ignored. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates how to initialize a with a set of properties by using the and methods. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PixelFormat/Overview/TransformedBitmapExample.cs" id="Snippettransformedbitmappropinit"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImagingSnippetGallery_procedural_snip/VB/TransformedBitmapExample.vb" id="Snippettransformedbitmappropinit"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImagingSnippetGallery_procedural_snip/VB/TransformedBitmapExample.vb" id="Snippettransformedbitmappropinit"::: + ]]> - The or properties are . - - -or- - - The transform is not an orthogonal transform. - - -or- - + The or properties are . + + -or- + + The transform is not an orthogonal transform. + + -or- + The method is called without first calling . @@ -485,19 +485,19 @@ Gets or sets the source for the bitmap. The source for the bitmap. The default value is . - to another by setting the property of the to the that you want. See [How to: Chain BitmapSource Objects Together](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-chain-bitmapsource-objects-together) for an example of chaining. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + to another by setting the property of the to the that you want. See [How to: Chain BitmapSource Objects Together](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-chain-bitmapsource-objects-together) for an example of chaining. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -553,29 +553,29 @@ Gets or sets the , which specifies the scale or rotation of the bitmap. The , which specifies the scale or rotation of the bitmap. The default value is . - supports only orthogonal transforms such as rotation transforms of 90 increments and scale transforms. Transforms that skew the image are not supported. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to apply a to a bitmap. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage/Overview/TransformedImageExample.xaml" id="Snippettransformedxaml2"::: - + supports only orthogonal transforms such as rotation transforms of 90 increments and scale transforms. Transforms that skew the image are not supported. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to apply a to a bitmap. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage/Overview/TransformedImageExample.xaml" id="Snippettransformedxaml2"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Imaging/BitmapImage/Overview/TransformedImageExample.xaml.cs" id="Snippettransformedcsharp1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/TransformedImageExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippettransformedcsharp1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ImageElementExample/VB/TransformedImageExample.xaml.vb" id="Snippettransformedcsharp1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D.xml index 58b2ae6d4b2..e0c64d6aa18 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D.xml @@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ Represents a 3-D rotation of a specified angle about a specified axis. - as the property of a . - + as the property of a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3doverview3dn1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/3DOverview/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3doverview3dn1"::: - - The following code excerpt applies an to a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/3DOverview/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3doverview3dn1"::: + + The following code excerpt applies an to a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: + ]]> @@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ Double that specifies the angle of rotation, in degrees. Creates an instance of a 3-D rotation using the specified axis and angle. - as the property of a . - + as the property of a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3doverview3dn1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/3DOverview/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3doverview3dn1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/3DOverview/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3doverview3dn1"::: + ]]> @@ -136,25 +136,25 @@ Gets or sets the angle of a 3-D rotation, in degrees. Double that specifies the angle of a 3-D rotation, in degrees. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code excerpt applies an to a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code excerpt applies an to a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: + ]]> @@ -183,14 +183,14 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - @@ -221,25 +221,25 @@ that specifies the axis of rotation. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code excerpt applies an to a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code excerpt applies an to a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: + ]]> @@ -268,14 +268,14 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - @@ -306,13 +306,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -343,13 +343,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Camera.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Camera.xml index c06545391c6..83989d8dc33 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Camera.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Camera.xml @@ -28,18 +28,18 @@ Specifies what portion of the 3D scene is rendered by the or element. - property enables the to be positioned, oriented, and animated independently of the camera's derived type. - - - -## Examples - The following excerpt shows an instance of . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn3"::: - + property enables the to be positioned, oriented, and animated independently of the camera's derived type. + + + +## Examples + The following excerpt shows an instance of . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn3"::: + ]]> @@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -147,15 +147,15 @@ - The format to use. - - -or- - + The format to use. + + -or- + A null reference ( in Visual Basic) to use the default format defined for the type of the implementation. - The provider to use to format the value. - - -or- - + The provider to use to format the value. + + -or- + A null reference ( in Visual Basic) to obtain the numeric format information from the current locale setting of the operating system. Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format. The value of the current instance in the specified format. @@ -255,19 +255,19 @@ Gets or sets the Transform3D applied to the camera. Transform3D applied to the camera. - property is applied before the view and projection transforms specified by the camera. The actual transform that is applied is the inverse of the specified property, because transforming the camera is equivalent to transforming the world in the opposite direction. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property is applied before the view and projection transforms specified by the camera. The actual transform that is applied is the inverse of the specified property, because transforming the camera is equivalent to transforming the world in the opposite direction. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -296,18 +296,18 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata Flags|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata Flags|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/DiffuseMaterial.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/DiffuseMaterial.xml index 2ae944a85dd..49285758629 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/DiffuseMaterial.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/DiffuseMaterial.xml @@ -109,21 +109,21 @@ Gets or sets a color that represents how the material reflects . The color of the ambient light reflected by the 3D object. The default value is #FFFFFF. - property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -181,11 +181,11 @@ to apply. - , its Material might not render as expected. The only exception is when the Material's Brush property specifies a SolidColorBrush; in this case, the Material will be rendered using a default set of texture coordinates. - + , its Material might not render as expected. The only exception is when the Material's Brush property specifies a SolidColorBrush; in this case, the Material will be rendered using a default set of texture coordinates. + ]]> @@ -242,13 +242,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -279,13 +279,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -315,21 +315,21 @@ Gets or sets the color filter for the material's texture. The color filter for the . The default value is #FFFFFF. Since all colors make up white, all colors are visible by default. - property is a filter on the texture. - - Set the property to control how the material reflects ambient light. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property is a filter on the texture. + + Set the property to control how the material reflects ambient light. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/DirectionalLight.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/DirectionalLight.xml index 21e6b2ca12c..18423304037 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/DirectionalLight.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/DirectionalLight.xml @@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ Light object that projects its effect along a direction specified by a . - objects have no position in space. - + objects have no position in space. + ]]> @@ -62,20 +62,20 @@ Creates an instance of a light that projects its effect in a specified direction. - . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn2"::: - + . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn2"::: + ]]> @@ -107,18 +107,18 @@ Direction of the new light. Creates an instance of a light that projects its effect along a specified Vector3D with a specified color. - . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn2"::: - + . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn2"::: + ]]> @@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -186,13 +186,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -250,18 +250,18 @@ Represents the vector along which the light's effect will be seen on models in a 3-D scene. Vector3D along which the light projects, and which must have a non-zero magnitude. The default value is (0,0,-1). - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/GeneralTransform3DGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/GeneralTransform3DGroup.xml index b3953dc90de..c8b64b846fa 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/GeneralTransform3DGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/GeneralTransform3DGroup.xml @@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ Represents a that is a composite of the transforms in its . - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -105,19 +105,19 @@ Gets or sets the collection of objects that form this . The collection of objects that form this . The default is an empty collection. - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -146,11 +146,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -181,17 +181,17 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - - When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. - - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + + When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. + + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -222,15 +222,15 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -288,13 +288,13 @@ Gets the inverse transform of this , if it has an inverse. The inverse transform of this , if it has an inverse; otherwise, . - is created by combining the inverses of its child transforms. - - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is created by combining the inverses of its child transforms. + + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -328,11 +328,11 @@ Transforms the specified 3-D bounding box to the smallest axis-aligned 3-D bounding box possible that contains all the points in the original bounding box. The transformed bounding box. - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -369,11 +369,11 @@ if was transformed; otherwise, . - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/GeometryModel3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/GeometryModel3D.xml index 95ebc5536e4..c2c7f76b768 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/GeometryModel3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/GeometryModel3D.xml @@ -23,26 +23,26 @@ Renders a with the specified . - that uses multiple materials, you must use the class to combine multiple objects. - - The front and back sides of the are determined by the winding order of the triangles in the . The front side winds counter clockwise. - - The and properties may be or `null`. When the material is transparent, you cannot see that side of the triangle, but hit testing works as usual. When the material is `null`, you cannot see it, and hit testing does not work. - - - -## Examples - The following code excerpt creates a in the shape of a cube. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn3"::: - - The following code excerpt uses a whose is defined as a static resource. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: - + that uses multiple materials, you must use the class to combine multiple objects. + + The front and back sides of the are determined by the winding order of the triangles in the . The front side winds counter clockwise. + + The and properties may be or `null`. When the material is transparent, you cannot see that side of the triangle, but hit testing works as usual. When the material is `null`, you cannot see it, and hit testing does not work. + + + +## Examples + The following code excerpt creates a in the shape of a cube. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn3"::: + + The following code excerpt uses a whose is defined as a static resource. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: + ]]> @@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ Builds a new . - @@ -86,15 +86,15 @@ Creates a new instance of . - @@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ Material of the new mesh primitive. Creates a new instance of with the specified Geometry3D and Material. - @@ -160,19 +160,19 @@ Gets or sets the used to render the back of this . The applied to the back of the . The default value is **null**. - is `null`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is `null`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -229,13 +229,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -266,13 +266,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -331,29 +331,29 @@ that comprises the model. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code excerpt creates a in the shape of a cube. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn3"::: - - The following code excerpt uses a whose is defined as a static resource. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code excerpt creates a in the shape of a cube. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn3"::: + + The following code excerpt uses a whose is defined as a static resource. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: + ]]> @@ -410,25 +410,25 @@ applied to the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code excerpt defines a as a on a GeometryModel3D. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code excerpt defines a as a on a GeometryModel3D. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Light.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Light.xml index 07957fd7896..573c80c8ff4 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Light.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Light.xml @@ -24,20 +24,20 @@ object that represents lighting applied to a 3-D scene. - and . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn3"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippethittest3d3dn6"::: - + and . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn3"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippethittest3d3dn6"::: + ]]> @@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -105,13 +105,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -141,16 +141,16 @@ Gets or sets the color of the light. Color of the light. - @@ -179,18 +179,18 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata Flags|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata Flags|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MaterialGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MaterialGroup.xml index f7932afaf5d..e3dbc78f50b 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MaterialGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MaterialGroup.xml @@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ Represents a that is a composite of the Materials in its collection. - , , and provide distinctly different effects, it's useful to combine them. For example, you might choose to apply a complex texture to a mesh using DiffuseMaterial, while adding a highlighting effect with a SpecularMaterial on the same mesh. MaterialGroup allows you to treat these Materials as a single texture for convenience. - - - -## Examples - The following excerpt shows a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/MyApp.xaml" id="Snippet_mil3d_hittest3d_xaml_n1"::: - + , , and provide distinctly different effects, it's useful to combine them. For example, you might choose to apply a complex texture to a mesh using DiffuseMaterial, while adding a highlighting effect with a SpecularMaterial on the same mesh. MaterialGroup allows you to treat these Materials as a single texture for convenience. + + + +## Examples + The following excerpt shows a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/MyApp.xaml" id="Snippet_mil3d_hittest3d_xaml_n1"::: + ]]> @@ -66,13 +66,13 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - @@ -103,26 +103,26 @@ that contains the child objects. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to add multiple materials to a . - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to add multiple materials to a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Viewport3D/.ctor/EmissiveMaterialExample.cs" id="Snippetemissivematerialcodeexampleinline1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/3DGallery_procedural_snip/visualbasic/emissivematerialexample.vb" id="Snippetemissivematerialcodeexampleinline1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/3DGallery_procedural_snip/visualbasic/emissivematerialexample.vb" id="Snippetemissivematerialcodeexampleinline1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Matrix3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Matrix3D.xml index e55d5688aa8..aa685124fe0 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Matrix3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Matrix3D.xml @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ ## Remarks has the following row-vector syntax: -||||| -|-|-|-|-| +| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | +|----------|----------|----------|----------| ||||| ||||| ||||| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixCamera.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixCamera.xml index cf358d6d139..3f5e62e8081 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixCamera.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixCamera.xml @@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ Camera which specifies the view and projection transforms as objects. - subclasses. - - Using a is the only way an application can know what the View/Projection matrices are. - - A can be animated using the property. - - - -## Examples - The following code creates a and sets the and properties. - + subclasses. + + Using a is the only way an application can know what the View/Projection matrices are. + + A can be animated using the property. + + + +## Examples + The following code creates a and sets the and properties. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixCamera/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn11"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MatrixTransform3DView/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn11"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MatrixTransform3DView/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn11"::: + ]]> @@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ Creates a new instance of . - @@ -113,14 +113,14 @@ Specifies the camera's projection matrix. Creates a new from view and projection matrices. - @@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -188,11 +188,11 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + ]]> @@ -251,29 +251,29 @@ that specifies the projection transformation. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code creates a and sets the and properties. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code creates a and sets the and properties. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixCamera/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn11"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MatrixTransform3DView/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn11"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MatrixTransform3DView/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn11"::: + ]]> @@ -329,29 +329,29 @@ Gets or sets a as the view transformation matrix. A that represents the position, look direction and up vector for the camera. - hierarchy. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code creates a and sets the and properties. - + hierarchy. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code creates a and sets the and properties. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixCamera/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn11"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MatrixTransform3DView/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn11"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MatrixTransform3DView/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn11"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixTransform3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixTransform3D.xml index b7a5e828d20..90b41c56d8a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixTransform3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixTransform3D.xml @@ -23,19 +23,19 @@ Creates a transformation specified by a , used to manipulate objects or coordinate systems in 3-D world space. - class to create custom transformations that are not provided by the , , or class. - - You can combine objects by using the class. - - - -## Examples + class to create custom transformations that are not provided by the , , or class. + + You can combine objects by using the class. + + + +## Examples :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixCamera/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MatrixTransform3DView/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MatrixTransform3DView/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn1"::: + ]]> @@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , and makes deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (although they might no longer resolve) but does not copy animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects or of any object. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects or of any object. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -162,13 +162,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, and makes deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects or of any object. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects or of any object. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -254,24 +254,24 @@ Gets or sets a that specifies a 3-D transformation. A Matrix3D that specifies a 3-D transformation. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixCamera/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MatrixTransform3DView/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MatrixTransform3DView/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn1"::: + ]]> @@ -333,17 +333,17 @@ Gets a matrix representation of the 3-D transformation. A representation of the 3-D transformation. - property inherits from the class. The property enables you to convert any object into a object. Because the class is defined by using a Matrix3D, the and properties always return the same value. The MatrixTransform3D class exposes the property to enable write access. - - - -## Examples + property inherits from the class. The property enables you to convert any object into a object. Because the class is defined by using a Matrix3D, the and properties always return the same value. The MatrixTransform3D class exposes the property to enable write access. + + + +## Examples :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MatrixCamera/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn13"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MatrixTransform3DView/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn13"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MatrixTransform3DView/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmatrixtransform3dview3dn13"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MeshGeometry3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MeshGeometry3D.xml index 7bd8907cd71..67383dbe48d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MeshGeometry3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/MeshGeometry3D.xml @@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -498,8 +498,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Model3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Model3D.xml index fe83a2d34e1..0364ee54c21 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Model3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Model3D.xml @@ -34,18 +34,18 @@ Provides functionality for 3-D models. - , , and . - - Use the class to render objects. You can compose objects by using a to form a single model. You can share objects among objects to make multiple instances in a scene. - - - -## Examples - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn3"::: - + , , and . + + Use the class to render objects. You can compose objects by using a to form a single model. You can share objects among objects to make multiple instances in a scene. + + + +## Examples + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn3"::: + ]]> @@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , and makes deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (although they might no longer resolve) but does not copy animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects or of any object. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects or of any object. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, and makes deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied; however, their current values are copied. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects or of any object. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects or of any object. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -180,15 +180,15 @@ - The format to use. - - -or- - + The format to use. + + -or- + A null reference ( in Visual Basic) to use the default format defined for the type of the implementation. - The provider to use to format the value. - - -or- - + The provider to use to format the value. + + -or- + A null reference ( in Visual Basic) to obtain the numeric format information from the current locale setting of the operating system. Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format. The value of the current instance in the specified format. @@ -288,23 +288,23 @@ Gets or sets the set on the model. A set on the model. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn6"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn6"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Model3DGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Model3DGroup.xml index 84fddb85503..92c1f9c1c31 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Model3DGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Model3DGroup.xml @@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ Enables using a number of 3-D models as a unit. - allows a developer to apply transformations, animations, or other processes to a group of 3-D models as though they were a single model. - + allows a developer to apply transformations, animations, or other processes to a group of 3-D models as though they were a single model. + ]]> @@ -86,18 +86,18 @@ Gets or sets a collection of objects. Collection of objects. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ModelUIElement3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ModelUIElement3D.xml index ebfe428764a..1a6908ae494 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ModelUIElement3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ModelUIElement3D.xml @@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ModelVisual3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ModelVisual3D.xml index 480332910b8..67edc8d9065 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ModelVisual3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ModelVisual3D.xml @@ -32,22 +32,22 @@ Provides a that renders objects. - class has a property that enables you to build a tree structure of objects. - - objects are optimized as scene nodes. For example, they cache bounds. Whenever you can, use objects for unique instances of objects within your scene. This usage contrasts with that of objects, which are lightweight objects that are optimized to be shared and reused. For example, use a object to build a model of a car; and use ten objects to place ten cars in your scene. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows an instance of ModelVisual3D in markup. `myTeapot` refers to a defined externally. You can substitute any geometry of your own. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn3"::: - + class has a property that enables you to build a tree structure of objects. + + objects are optimized as scene nodes. For example, they cache bounds. Whenever you can, use objects for unique instances of objects within your scene. This usage contrasts with that of objects, which are lightweight objects that are optimized to be shared and reused. For example, use a object to build a model of a car; and use ten objects to place ten cars in your scene. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows an instance of ModelVisual3D in markup. `myTeapot` refers to a defined externally. You can substitute any geometry of your own. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn3"::: + ]]> @@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ Gets a collection of child objects. A that contains child objects. - @@ -140,23 +140,23 @@ Gets or sets the model that comprises the content of the . A that comprises the content of the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn3"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn3"::: + ]]> @@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ Returns the specified in the parent collection. The child in the collection at the specified index. - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -257,11 +257,11 @@ The child object to add. Adds a child object. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -297,11 +297,11 @@ The text to add to the object. Adds the text content of a node to the object. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -331,23 +331,23 @@ Gets or sets the transform set on the . A set on the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippethittest3d3dn2"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippethittest3d3dn2"::: + ]]> @@ -403,11 +403,11 @@ Returns the number of child objects. The number of child objects. - is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/OrthographicCamera.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/OrthographicCamera.xml index be0c2310bc1..60fe3331c01 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/OrthographicCamera.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/OrthographicCamera.xml @@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ Represents an orthographic projection camera. - , it specifies a position, viewing direction, and "upward" direction. Unlike , however, describes a projection that does not include perspective foreshortening. In other words, describes a viewing box whose sides are parallel, instead of one whose sides meet in a point at the scene's horizon. - - The following diagram shows the difference between orthographic and perspective-foreshortened camera projections. - - ![Orthographic and perspective projection](~/add/media/camera-projections4.png "Orthographic and perspective projection") - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create an and toggle camera projections. - + , it specifies a position, viewing direction, and "upward" direction. Unlike , however, describes a projection that does not include perspective foreshortening. In other words, describes a viewing box whose sides are parallel, instead of one whose sides meet in a point at the scene's horizon. + + The following diagram shows the difference between orthographic and perspective-foreshortened camera projections. + + ![Orthographic and perspective projection](~/add/media/camera-projections4.png "Orthographic and perspective projection") + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create an and toggle camera projections. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippethittest3d3dn12"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HitTest3D/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethittest3d3dn12"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HitTest3D/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethittest3d3dn12"::: + ]]> @@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippethittest3d3dn12"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HitTest3D/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethittest3d3dn12"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HitTest3D/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethittest3d3dn12"::: + ]]> @@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ The width of the camera's viewing box, in world units. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified position, projection direction, upward direction, and width. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippethittest3d3dn12"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HitTest3D/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethittest3d3dn12"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HitTest3D/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethittest3d3dn12"::: + ]]> @@ -155,13 +155,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -192,13 +192,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -256,30 +256,30 @@ Gets or sets the width of the camera's viewing box, in world units. Width of the camera's viewing box, in world units. - describes a projection that does not include perspective foreshortening, its viewing box has parallel sides. The width of the viewing box can therefore be specified with a single value. - - The following diagram shows the difference between orthographic and perspective-foreshortened camera projections. - - ![Orthographic and perspective projection](~/add/media/camera-projections4.png "Orthographic and perspective projection") - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates an and sets this property. - + describes a projection that does not include perspective foreshortening, its viewing box has parallel sides. The width of the viewing box can therefore be specified with a single value. + + The following diagram shows the difference between orthographic and perspective-foreshortened camera projections. + + ![Orthographic and perspective projection](~/add/media/camera-projections4.png "Orthographic and perspective projection") + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates an and sets this property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippethittest3d3dn12"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HitTest3D/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethittest3d3dn12"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HitTest3D/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethittest3d3dn12"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera.xml index 6cd0a6289af..69329029840 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera.xml @@ -254,8 +254,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier Field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PointLightBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PointLightBase.xml index 7514d587b8b..b39dc6159ff 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PointLightBase.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PointLightBase.xml @@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ Abstract base class that represents a light object that has a position in space and projects its light in all directions. - @@ -58,13 +58,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -131,26 +131,26 @@ Gets or sets a constant value by which the intensity of the light diminishes over distance. Double by which the intensity of the light diminishes over distance. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example sets this property in code. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example sets this property in code. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/MyLights.cs" id="Snippetshow3dlights3dn5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Show3DLights/visualbasic/mylights.vb" id="Snippetshow3dlights3dn5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Show3DLights/visualbasic/mylights.vb" id="Snippetshow3dlights3dn5"::: + ]]> @@ -206,18 +206,18 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the linear diminution of the light's intensity over distance. Double that specifies the linear diminution of the light's intensity over distance. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -274,18 +274,18 @@ that specifies the light's position in world space. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -341,19 +341,19 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the diminution of the light's effect over distance, calculated by a quadratic operation. Double that specifies the diminution of the light's effect over distance, calculated by a quadratic operation. - property is the coefficient of the square of the distance. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property is the coefficient of the square of the distance. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -409,26 +409,26 @@ Gets or sets the distance beyond which the light has no effect. Double that specifies the distance beyond which the light has no effect. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example sets this property in code. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example sets this property in code. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/MyLights.cs" id="Snippetshow3dlights3dn5"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Show3DLights/visualbasic/mylights.vb" id="Snippetshow3dlights3dn5"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Show3DLights/visualbasic/mylights.vb" id="Snippetshow3dlights3dn5"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ProjectionCamera.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ProjectionCamera.xml index 2b8dac8ccb2..744c0459051 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ProjectionCamera.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ProjectionCamera.xml @@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -126,19 +126,19 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the distance from the camera of the camera's far clip plane. Double that specifies the distance from the camera of the camera's far clip plane. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -194,25 +194,25 @@ Gets or sets a which defines the direction in which the camera is looking in world coordinates. Vector3D that represents the direction of the camera's field of view. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following excerpt sets this property on a PerspectiveCamera. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn2"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following excerpt sets this property on a PerspectiveCamera. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn2"::: + ]]> @@ -268,19 +268,19 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the distance from the camera of the camera's near clip plane. Double that specifies the distance from the camera of the camera's near clip plane. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -337,24 +337,24 @@ that specifies the position of the camera. - on which the camera's projection is centered. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn2"::: - + on which the camera's projection is centered. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn2"::: + ]]> @@ -410,25 +410,25 @@ Gets or sets a which defines the upward direction of the camera. Vector3D that represents the upward direction in the scene projection. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following excerpt sets this property on a PerspectiveCamera. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn2"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following excerpt sets this property on a PerspectiveCamera. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn2"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/QuaternionRotation3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/QuaternionRotation3D.xml index ea2479a804b..f5c7aa92c2c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/QuaternionRotation3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/QuaternionRotation3D.xml @@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ Represents a rotation transformation defined as a quaternion. - @@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - @@ -100,12 +100,12 @@ Quaternion that specifies the rotation to which to interpolate. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified . - @@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -173,13 +173,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -237,23 +237,23 @@ Gets or sets the that defines the destination rotation. Quaternion that defines the destination rotation. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Quaternion/Overview/QuaternionAnimationExample.xaml" id="Snippetquaternionanimationexamplewholepage"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Quaternion/Overview/QuaternionAnimationExample.xaml" id="Snippetquaternionanimationexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/RotateTransform3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/RotateTransform3D.xml index e1eeb5e143f..b570e920c5e 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/RotateTransform3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/RotateTransform3D.xml @@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ Specifies a rotation transformation. - rather than a point around which to rotate. - - Rotations in 3-D become more complicated when they are animated. To animate a 3-D rotation using , you can animate the or properties of an , or specify a for the transform. - - Axis/angle rotations in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 3-D are specified in degrees, not radians. - - - -## Examples + rather than a point around which to rotate. + + Rotations in 3-D become more complicated when they are animated. To animate a 3-D rotation using , you can animate the or properties of an , or specify a for the transform. + + Axis/angle rotations in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 3-D are specified in degrees, not radians. + + + +## Examples :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3doverview3dn1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/3DOverview/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3doverview3dn1"::: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/3DOverview/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3doverview3dn1"::: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetanimate3drotation3dn1"::: + ]]> @@ -101,12 +101,12 @@ Rotation3D that specifies the rotation. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified rotation. - @@ -198,26 +198,26 @@ Gets or sets the X coordinate of the about which to rotate. Double that represents the X coordinate of the about which to rotate. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code uses this property to change the point around which a RotateTransform3D transforms the model. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code uses this property to change the point around which a RotateTransform3D transforms the model. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippethittest3d3dn13"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HitTest3D/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethittest3d3dn13"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HitTest3D/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethittest3d3dn13"::: + ]]> @@ -273,26 +273,26 @@ Gets or sets the Y coordinate of the about which to rotate. Double that represents the Y coordinate of the about which to rotate. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code uses this property to change the point around which a RotateTransform3D transforms the model. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code uses this property to change the point around which a RotateTransform3D transforms the model. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippethittest3d3dn13"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HitTest3D/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethittest3d3dn13"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HitTest3D/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippethittest3d3dn13"::: + ]]> @@ -348,14 +348,14 @@ Gets or sets the Z coordinate of the about which to rotate. Double that represents the Z coordinate of the about which to rotate. - @@ -412,13 +412,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -449,13 +449,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -513,23 +513,23 @@ Gets or sets a that specifies the rotation. Rotation3D that specifies an angle of rotation about an axis. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippethittest3d3dn2"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippethittest3d3dn2"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ScaleTransform3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ScaleTransform3D.xml index f7f7f279c42..c2f75688802 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ScaleTransform3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/ScaleTransform3D.xml @@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - @@ -150,12 +150,12 @@ Factor by which to scale the Z value. Initializes a new instance of the class using the specified scale factors. - @@ -222,18 +222,18 @@ Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the transform's center point. The x-coordinate of the transform's center point. The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -289,18 +289,18 @@ Gets or sets the z-coordinate of the transform's center point. The y-coordinate of the transform's center point. The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -356,18 +356,18 @@ Gets or sets the z-coordinate of the transform's center point. The z-coordinate of the transform's center point. The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -424,13 +424,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -461,13 +461,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -525,18 +525,18 @@ Gets or sets the scale factor in the x-direction. Scale factor in the x-direction. The default value is 1. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -592,18 +592,18 @@ Gets or sets the scale factor in the y-direction. Scale factor in the y-direction. The default value is 1. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -659,18 +659,18 @@ Gets or sets the scale factor in the z-direction. Scale factor in the z-direction. The default value is 1. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/SpecularMaterial.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/SpecularMaterial.xml index b092fa5d107..1e5696a61a8 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/SpecularMaterial.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/SpecularMaterial.xml @@ -23,20 +23,20 @@ Allows a 2-D brush, like a or , to be applied to a specularly-lit 3-D model. - adds color to other materials applied to a mesh, rather than subtracting it. - - applied to a mesh will be illuminated wherever specular highlights for the model occur. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates an instance of and sets its brush properties. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/MyApp.xaml" id="Snippet_mil3d_hittest3d_xaml_n1"::: - + adds color to other materials applied to a mesh, rather than subtracting it. + + applied to a mesh will be illuminated wherever specular highlights for the model occur. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates an instance of and sets its brush properties. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/MyApp.xaml" id="Snippet_mil3d_hittest3d_xaml_n1"::: + ]]> @@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - adds color to other materials applied to a mesh, rather than subtracting it. - - applied to a mesh will be illuminated wherever specular highlights for the model occur. - + adds color to other materials applied to a mesh, rather than subtracting it. + + applied to a mesh will be illuminated wherever specular highlights for the model occur. + ]]> @@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ The specular exponent. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified brush and specular exponent. - adds color to other materials applied to a mesh, rather than subtracting it. - - applied to a mesh will be illuminated wherever specular highlights for the model occur. - + adds color to other materials applied to a mesh, rather than subtracting it. + + applied to a mesh will be illuminated wherever specular highlights for the model occur. + ]]> @@ -145,26 +145,26 @@ Gets or sets the 2-D brush to apply to a specularly-lit 3-D model. The brush to apply. - , its material might not render as expected. The only exception is when this property specifies a ; in this case, the material will be rendered using a default set of texture coordinates. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates an instance of and sets its brush properties. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/MyApp.xaml" id="Snippet_mil3d_hittest3d_xaml_n1"::: - + , its material might not render as expected. The only exception is when this property specifies a ; in this case, the material will be rendered using a default set of texture coordinates. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates an instance of and sets its brush properties. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/MyApp.xaml" id="Snippet_mil3d_hittest3d_xaml_n1"::: + ]]> @@ -221,13 +221,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -258,13 +258,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -294,24 +294,24 @@ Gets or sets a value that filters the color properties of the material applied to the model. The color with which to filter the material. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/MyApp.xaml" id="Snippet_mil3d_hittest3d_xaml_n1"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/MyApp.xaml" id="Snippet_mil3d_hittest3d_xaml_n1"::: + ]]> @@ -340,11 +340,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -402,26 +402,26 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies the degree to which a material applied to a 3-D model reflects the lighting model as shine. Relative contribution, for a material applied as a 2-D brush to a 3-D model, of the specular component of the lighting model. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates an instance of and sets this property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/MyApp.xaml" id="Snippet_mil3d_hittest3d_xaml_n1"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates an instance of and sets this property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AmbientLight/Overview/MyApp.xaml" id="Snippet_mil3d_hittest3d_xaml_n1"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/SpotLight.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/SpotLight.xml index 047c27511ad..0b911b45bee 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/SpotLight.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/SpotLight.xml @@ -23,28 +23,28 @@ Light object that projects its effect in a cone-shaped area along a specified direction. - is a kind of , since it has a position, range, and attenuation. However, also allows you to control the direction, shape, and other properties of the cone of the light's effect. - - Specify values for (beyond which nothing is illuminated), and (within which everything is fully illuminated) to change the spotlighting effect. - - Lighting between the outside of the inner cone and the outer cone falls off linearly. - - ![Spotlight diagram](~/add/media/spotlight-1.png "Spotlight diagram") - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a in a 3-D scene. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexampleinline1"::: - - The following code shows the entire sample. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexamplewholepage"::: - + is a kind of , since it has a position, range, and attenuation. However, also allows you to control the direction, shape, and other properties of the cone of the light's effect. + + Specify values for (beyond which nothing is illuminated), and (within which everything is fully illuminated) to change the spotlighting effect. + + Lighting between the outside of the inner cone and the outer cone falls off linearly. + + ![Spotlight diagram](~/add/media/spotlight-1.png "Spotlight diagram") + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a in a 3-D scene. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexampleinline1"::: + + The following code shows the entire sample. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -179,13 +179,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -244,29 +244,29 @@ that specifies the direction of the Spotlight's projection. The default value is 0,0,-1. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a in a 3-D scene. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexampleinline1"::: - - The following code shows the entire sample. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexamplewholepage"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a in a 3-D scene. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexampleinline1"::: + + The following code shows the entire sample. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -322,32 +322,32 @@ Gets or sets an angle that specifies the proportion of a 's cone-shaped projection in which the light fully illuminates objects in the scene. The angle in degrees that specifies the proportion of a 's cone-shaped projection in which the light fully illuminates objects in the scene. The default value is 180. - 's illumination diminishes from full illumination to none in that angle of the light's projection between the and the . - - ![Spotlight diagram](~/add/media/spotlight-1.png "Spotlight diagram") - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a in a 3-D scene. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexampleinline1"::: - - The following code shows the entire sample. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexamplewholepage"::: - + 's illumination diminishes from full illumination to none in that angle of the light's projection between the and the . + + ![Spotlight diagram](~/add/media/spotlight-1.png "Spotlight diagram") + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a in a 3-D scene. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexampleinline1"::: + + The following code shows the entire sample. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -403,32 +403,32 @@ Gets or sets an angle that specifies the proportion of a 's cone-shaped projection outside which the light does not illuminate objects in the scene. The angle in degrees that specifies the proportion of a 's cone-shaped projection outside which the light does not illuminate objects in the scene. The default value is 90. - 's illumination diminishes from full illumination to none in that angle of the light's projection between the and the . The light provides no illumination outside the angle specified by this property. - - ![Spotlight diagram](~/add/media/spotlight-1.png "Spotlight diagram") - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a in a 3-D scene. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexampleinline1"::: - - The following code shows the entire sample. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexamplewholepage"::: - + 's illumination diminishes from full illumination to none in that angle of the light's projection between the and the . The light provides no illumination outside the angle specified by this property. + + ![Spotlight diagram](~/add/media/spotlight-1.png "Spotlight diagram") + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a in a 3-D scene. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexampleinline1"::: + + The following code shows the entire sample. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/PerspectiveCamera/Overview/SpotLightExample.xaml" id="Snippetspotlightexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Transform3DGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Transform3DGroup.xml index fd63a411564..07d13ba214d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Transform3DGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Transform3DGroup.xml @@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/TranslateTransform3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/TranslateTransform3D.xml index 2e860ab53e6..6afd6ddb67c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/TranslateTransform3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/TranslateTransform3D.xml @@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ by which to offset the model. Initializes a new instance of the class, using the specified offset . - to be transformed. - + to be transformed. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/AxisAngleRotation3D/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3doverview3dn19"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/3DOverview/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3doverview3dn19"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/3DOverview/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3doverview3dn19"::: + ]]> @@ -152,13 +152,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -189,13 +189,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -253,25 +253,25 @@ Gets or sets the X-axis value of the translation's offset. Double that represents the X-axis value of the translation's offset. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code excerpt sets this property on a transform applied to a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn6"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code excerpt sets this property on a transform applied to a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn6"::: + ]]> @@ -327,25 +327,25 @@ Gets or sets the Y-axis value of the translation's offset. Double that represents the Y-axis value of the translation's offset. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code excerpt sets this property on a transform applied to a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn6"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code excerpt sets this property on a transform applied to a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn6"::: + ]]> @@ -401,25 +401,25 @@ Gets or sets the Z-axis value of the translation's offset. Double that represents the Z-axis value of the translation's offset. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code excerpt sets this property on a transform applied to a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn6"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code excerpt sets this property on a transform applied to a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Basic3D/XAML/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic3dxaml3dn6"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Viewport3DVisual.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Viewport3DVisual.xml index 6c7ef0f036d..84306446d5a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Viewport3DVisual.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Viewport3DVisual.xml @@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ Renders the children within the specified 2D viewport bounds. - is a 2D Visual with 3D children. The provides necessary infrastructure for the element. Most users will want to use the element. - + is a 2D Visual with 3D children. The provides necessary infrastructure for the element. Most users will want to use the element. + ]]> @@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ Gets or sets the applied to the Viewport3DVisual. BitmapEffect applied to the Viewport3DVisual. - @@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ Gets or sets the applied to the . BitmapEffectInput applied to the Viewport3DVisual. - applies the given in the property to a specified region of the visual object. - - Bitmap effects are software-rendered. Any object that applies an effect will also be rendered in software. Bitmap effects should not be applied to large visuals or animations as this can degrade performance. - + applies the given in the property to a specified region of the visual object. + + Bitmap effects are software-rendered. Any object that applies an effect will also be rendered in software. Bitmap effects should not be applied to large visuals or animations as this can degrade performance. + ]]> @@ -401,11 +401,11 @@ Value of type . Initiate a hit test on the by using the and objects. - @@ -604,18 +604,18 @@ Gets or sets the rectangle in which the will be rendered. Rectangle in which the contents of the Viewport3D will be rendered. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Visual3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Visual3D.xml index 82a24dcf567..8463ab797ea 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Visual3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Visual3D.xml @@ -27,15 +27,15 @@ Provides services and properties that are common to visual 3-D objects, including hit-testing, coordinate transformation, and bounding box calculations. - class, objects cannot be shared or reused. - - Access services by using static methods on the class. - - objects are optimized to be scene nodes. For example, they cache bounds. Whenever you can, use objects for unique instances of objects within your scene. This usage contrasts with that of objects, which are lightweight objects that are optimized to be shared and reused. For example, use a object to build a model of a car; and use ten objects to place ten cars in your scene. - + class, objects cannot be shared or reused. + + Access services by using static methods on the class. + + objects are optimized to be scene nodes. For example, they cache bounds. Whenever you can, use objects for unique instances of objects within your scene. This usage contrasts with that of objects, which are lightweight objects that are optimized to be shared and reused. For example, use a object to build a model of a car; and use ten objects to place ten cars in your scene. + ]]> @@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ The child 3-D visual object to add to the parent 3-D visual object. Defines the parent-child relationship between two 3-D visuals. - method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> The children collection cannot be modified when a visual children iteration is in progress. @@ -216,11 +216,11 @@ The timeline that has the necessary functionality to animate the property. Initiates an animation sequence for the object, based on the specified . - @@ -260,11 +260,11 @@ The object that specifies how to interact with all relevant animation sequences. Initiates an animation sequence for the object, based on both the specified and . - @@ -363,13 +363,13 @@ Returns the specified in the parent . The child in the collection at the specified value. - has no children. - - The method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + has no children. + + The method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> The value is not valid. @@ -533,11 +533,11 @@ A value of type that represents the previous parent of the object. If the object did not have a previous parent, the value of the parameter is . Called when the parent of the 3-D visual object is changed. - method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -570,11 +570,11 @@ The child 3-D visual object to remove from the parent visual. Removes the parent-child relationship between two 3-D visuals. - method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -607,19 +607,19 @@ Gets or sets the transformation that is applied to the 3-D object. The transformation to apply to the 3-D object. The default is the transformation. - property is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -648,11 +648,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -665,11 +665,11 @@ Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from this object to the specified ancestor of the object. - is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -703,11 +703,11 @@ Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from this object to the specified ancestor of the object. A object; or , if the transform cannot be created. - method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -745,13 +745,13 @@ Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from this object to the specified ancestor of the object. A object; or , if the transform cannot be created. - method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -788,11 +788,11 @@ Returns a transform that can be used to transform coordinates from this object to the specified descent object. A object; or , if the transform from to this object is non-invertible. - method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + method is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -826,13 +826,13 @@ Gets the number of child elements for the object. The number of child elements. - has no child elements. Therefore, the default implementation always returns 0. - - The property is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + has no child elements. Therefore, the default implementation always returns 0. + + The property is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> @@ -865,11 +865,11 @@ Gets or sets the object to render. The object to render. - property is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). - + property is introduced in .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies). + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/ArcSegment.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/ArcSegment.xml index 38c2a4ff18d..3647352465d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/ArcSegment.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/ArcSegment.xml @@ -23,37 +23,37 @@ Represents an elliptical arc between two points. - object to store objects and other segments. - - An elliptical arc is defined by its start and end points, x- and y-radius, x-axis rotation factor, a value indicating whether the arc should be greater than 180 degrees, and a value describing the direction in which the arc is drawn. The class does not contain a property for the starting point of the arc; it only defines the destination point of the arc it represents. The beginning point of the arc is the current point of the to which the is added. - - The following illustrations demonstrate the different end point, , and settings. - - ![ArcSegments with different Point settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-point.png "ArcSegments with different Point settings") - - ![ArcSegments with different Size settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-size.png "ArcSegments with different Size settings") - - ![ArcSegments with different RotationAngle settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-rotationangle.png "ArcSegments with different RotationAngle settings") - -## IsLargeArc and SweepDirection - For most arcs of a particular position, size, and rotation, there are four different arcs that can be drawn; the and properties indicate which arc to use. - - Of the four candidate arc sweeps, two represent large arcs with sweeps of 180 degrees or greater, and two represent smaller arcs with sweeps 180 degrees or less. If is `true`, then one of the two larger arc sweeps is chosen; otherwise, if is `false`, one of the smaller arc sweeps is chosen. The remaining two arc candidates are each drawn in a different direction: or . The property specifies which one to use. - - The following illustrations show different and settings. - - ![ArcSegments with different IsLargeArc settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-islargearc.png "ArcSegments with different IsLargeArc settings") -ArcSegment objects with different IsLargeArc settings - - ![ArcSegments with different SweepDirection settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-sweepdirection.png "ArcSegments with different SweepDirection settings") -ArcSegment objects with different SweepDirection settings - -## Freezable Features - An is a type of object. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + object to store objects and other segments. + + An elliptical arc is defined by its start and end points, x- and y-radius, x-axis rotation factor, a value indicating whether the arc should be greater than 180 degrees, and a value describing the direction in which the arc is drawn. The class does not contain a property for the starting point of the arc; it only defines the destination point of the arc it represents. The beginning point of the arc is the current point of the to which the is added. + + The following illustrations demonstrate the different end point, , and settings. + + ![ArcSegments with different Point settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-point.png "ArcSegments with different Point settings") + + ![ArcSegments with different Size settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-size.png "ArcSegments with different Size settings") + + ![ArcSegments with different RotationAngle settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-rotationangle.png "ArcSegments with different RotationAngle settings") + +## IsLargeArc and SweepDirection + For most arcs of a particular position, size, and rotation, there are four different arcs that can be drawn; the and properties indicate which arc to use. + + Of the four candidate arc sweeps, two represent large arcs with sweeps of 180 degrees or greater, and two represent smaller arcs with sweeps 180 degrees or less. If is `true`, then one of the two larger arc sweeps is chosen; otherwise, if is `false`, one of the smaller arc sweeps is chosen. The remaining two arc candidates are each drawn in a different direction: or . The property specifies which one to use. + + The following illustrations show different and settings. + + ![ArcSegments with different IsLargeArc settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-islargearc.png "ArcSegments with different IsLargeArc settings") +ArcSegment objects with different IsLargeArc settings + + ![ArcSegments with different SweepDirection settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-sweepdirection.png "ArcSegments with different SweepDirection settings") +ArcSegment objects with different SweepDirection settings + +## Freezable Features + An is a type of object. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -67,17 +67,17 @@ ArcSegment objects with different SweepDirection settings Initializes a new instance of the class. - class defines only the destination point of the arc it represents; the beginning point of the arc is the current point of the , to which the is added. - - For most elliptical arcs of a particular position, size, and rotation, there are four different arcs that can be drawn; the `largeArc` and `sweepDirection` parameters indicate which arc to use. - - Of the four candidate arc sweeps, two represent large arcs with sweeps of 180 degrees or greater, and two represent smaller arcs with sweeps 180 degrees or less. If `largeArc` is `true`, then one of the two larger arc sweeps is chosen; otherwise, if `largeArc` is `false`, one of the smaller arc sweeps is chosen. - - If `sweepDirection` is , the arc is drawn in a positive-angle direction. If `sweepDirection` is , the arc is drawn in a negative-angle direction. - + class defines only the destination point of the arc it represents; the beginning point of the arc is the current point of the , to which the is added. + + For most elliptical arcs of a particular position, size, and rotation, there are four different arcs that can be drawn; the `largeArc` and `sweepDirection` parameters indicate which arc to use. + + Of the four candidate arc sweeps, two represent large arcs with sweeps of 180 degrees or greater, and two represent smaller arcs with sweeps 180 degrees or less. If `largeArc` is `true`, then one of the two larger arc sweeps is chosen; otherwise, if `largeArc` is `false`, one of the smaller arc sweeps is chosen. + + If `sweepDirection` is , the arc is drawn in a positive-angle direction. If `sweepDirection` is , the arc is drawn in a negative-angle direction. + ]]> @@ -109,17 +109,17 @@ ArcSegment objects with different SweepDirection settings Initializes a new instance of the class. - class defines only the destination point of the arc it represents; the beginning point of the arc is the current point of the , to which the is added. - - For most elliptical arcs of a particular position, size, and rotation, there are four different arcs that can be drawn; the `largeArc` and `sweepDirection` parameters indicate which arc to use. - - Of the four candidate arc sweeps, two represent large arcs with sweeps of 180 degrees or greater, and two represent smaller arcs with sweeps 180 degrees or less. If `largeArc` is `true`, then one of the two larger arc sweeps is chosen; otherwise, if `largeArc` is `false`, one of the smaller arc sweeps is chosen. - - If `sweepDirection` is , the arc is drawn in a positive-angle direction. If `sweepDirection` is , the arc is drawn in a negative-angle direction. - + class defines only the destination point of the arc it represents; the beginning point of the arc is the current point of the , to which the is added. + + For most elliptical arcs of a particular position, size, and rotation, there are four different arcs that can be drawn; the `largeArc` and `sweepDirection` parameters indicate which arc to use. + + Of the four candidate arc sweeps, two represent large arcs with sweeps of 180 degrees or greater, and two represent smaller arcs with sweeps 180 degrees or less. If `largeArc` is `true`, then one of the two larger arc sweeps is chosen; otherwise, if `largeArc` is `false`, one of the smaller arc sweeps is chosen. + + If `sweepDirection` is , the arc is drawn in a positive-angle direction. If `sweepDirection` is , the arc is drawn in a negative-angle direction. + ]]> @@ -159,17 +159,17 @@ ArcSegment objects with different SweepDirection settings Set to to stroke the arc when a is used to render the segment; otherwise, . Initializes a new instance of the class. - class defines only the destination point of the arc it represents; the beginning point of the arc is the current point of the , to which the is added. - - For most elliptical arcs of a particular position, size, and rotation, there are four different arcs that can be drawn; the `largeArc` and `sweepDirection` parameters indicate which arc to use. - - Of the four candidate arc sweeps, two represent large arcs with sweeps of 180 degrees or greater, and two represent smaller arcs with sweeps 180 degrees or less. If `largeArc` is `true`, then one of the two larger arc sweeps is chosen; otherwise, if `largeArc` is `false`, one of the smaller arc sweeps is chosen. - - If `sweepDirection` is , the arc is drawn in a positive-angle direction. If `sweepDirection` is , the arc is drawn in a negative-angle direction. - + class defines only the destination point of the arc it represents; the beginning point of the arc is the current point of the , to which the is added. + + For most elliptical arcs of a particular position, size, and rotation, there are four different arcs that can be drawn; the `largeArc` and `sweepDirection` parameters indicate which arc to use. + + Of the four candidate arc sweeps, two represent large arcs with sweeps of 180 degrees or greater, and two represent smaller arcs with sweeps 180 degrees or less. If `largeArc` is `true`, then one of the two larger arc sweeps is chosen; otherwise, if `largeArc` is `false`, one of the smaller arc sweeps is chosen. + + If `sweepDirection` is , the arc is drawn in a positive-angle direction. If `sweepDirection` is , the arc is drawn in a negative-angle direction. + ]]> @@ -200,13 +200,13 @@ ArcSegment objects with different SweepDirection settings Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -237,13 +237,13 @@ ArcSegment objects with different SweepDirection settings Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -302,26 +302,26 @@ ArcSegment objects with different SweepDirection settings if the arc should be greater than 180 degrees; otherwise, . The default value is . - and properties indicate which arc to use. - - Of the four candidate arc sweeps, two represent large arcs with sweeps of 180 degrees or greater, and two represent smaller arcs with sweeps 180 degrees or less. If is `true`, then one of the two larger arc sweeps is chosen; otherwise, if is `false`, one of the smaller arc sweeps is chosen. The remaining two arc candidates are each drawn in a different direction: or . The property specifies which one to use. - - The following illustration shows two elliptical arcs that are identical except for their settings. - - ![ArcSegments with different IsLargeArc settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-islargearc.png "ArcSegments with different IsLargeArc settings") -ArcSegment objects with different IsLargeArc settings - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and properties indicate which arc to use. + + Of the four candidate arc sweeps, two represent large arcs with sweeps of 180 degrees or greater, and two represent smaller arcs with sweeps 180 degrees or less. If is `true`, then one of the two larger arc sweeps is chosen; otherwise, if is `false`, one of the smaller arc sweeps is chosen. The remaining two arc candidates are each drawn in a different direction: or . The property specifies which one to use. + + The following illustration shows two elliptical arcs that are identical except for their settings. + + ![ArcSegments with different IsLargeArc settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-islargearc.png "ArcSegments with different IsLargeArc settings") +ArcSegment objects with different IsLargeArc settings + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -377,30 +377,30 @@ ArcSegment objects with different IsLargeArc settings Gets or sets the endpoint of the elliptical arc. The point to which the arc is drawn. The default value is (0,0). - class defines only the destination point of the arc it represents; the beginning point of the arc is the current point of the to which the is added. - - If the arc segment's start point and end point are the same, no arc is drawn. - - For most arcs of a particular position, size, and rotation, there are four different arcs that can be drawn; the and properties indicate which arc to use. - - Of the four candidate arc sweeps, two represent large arcs with sweeps of 180 degrees or greater, and two represent smaller arcs with sweeps 180 degrees or less. If is `true`, then one of the two larger arc sweeps is chosen; otherwise, if is `false`, one of the smaller arc sweeps is chosen. The remaining two arc candidates are each drawn in a different direction: or . The property specifies which one to use. - - The following illustration shows several elliptical arcs that are identical except for their settings. - - ![ArcSegments with different Point settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-point.png "ArcSegments with different Point settings") -Several ArcSegment objects with different Point settings - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + class defines only the destination point of the arc it represents; the beginning point of the arc is the current point of the to which the is added. + + If the arc segment's start point and end point are the same, no arc is drawn. + + For most arcs of a particular position, size, and rotation, there are four different arcs that can be drawn; the and properties indicate which arc to use. + + Of the four candidate arc sweeps, two represent large arcs with sweeps of 180 degrees or greater, and two represent smaller arcs with sweeps 180 degrees or less. If is `true`, then one of the two larger arc sweeps is chosen; otherwise, if is `false`, one of the smaller arc sweeps is chosen. The remaining two arc candidates are each drawn in a different direction: or . The property specifies which one to use. + + The following illustration shows several elliptical arcs that are identical except for their settings. + + ![ArcSegments with different Point settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-point.png "ArcSegments with different Point settings") +Several ArcSegment objects with different Point settings + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -456,24 +456,24 @@ Several ArcSegment objects with different Point settings Gets or sets the amount (in degrees) by which the ellipse is rotated about the x-axis. The amount (in degrees) by which the ellipse is rotated about the x-axis. The default value is 0. - settings. - - ![ArcSegments with different RotationAngle settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-rotationangle.png "ArcSegments with different RotationAngle settings") -Several ArcSegment objects with different RotationAngle settings - - Note that, if the arc's width and height are the same, setting this property has no effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + settings. + + ![ArcSegments with different RotationAngle settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-rotationangle.png "ArcSegments with different RotationAngle settings") +Several ArcSegment objects with different RotationAngle settings + + Note that, if the arc's width and height are the same, setting this property has no effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -529,22 +529,22 @@ Several ArcSegment objects with different RotationAngle settings Gets or sets the x- and y-radius of the arc as a structure. A structure that describes the x- and y-radius of the elliptical arc. The structure's property specifies the arc's x-radius; its property specifies the arc's y-radius. The default value is 0,0. - settings. - - ![ArcSegments with different Size settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-size.png "ArcSegments with different Size settings") -Several ArcSegment objects with different Size settings - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + settings. + + ![ArcSegments with different Size settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-size.png "ArcSegments with different Size settings") +Several ArcSegment objects with different Size settings + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -600,24 +600,24 @@ Several ArcSegment objects with different Size settings Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the arc is drawn in the or direction. A value that specifies the direction in which the arc is drawn. The default value is . - with a given , , start point, and end , four different arcs are possible. Specifying the property reduces the number of possible arcs to two: an arc drawn from the start point to the end in a direction and an arc drawn from the start point to the end point in a direction. - - The following illustration shows two elliptical arcs that are identical except for their settings. - - ![ArcSegments with different SweepDirection settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-sweepdirection.png "ArcSegments with different SweepDirection settings") -ArcSegment objects with different SweepDirection settings - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + with a given , , start point, and end , four different arcs are possible. Specifying the property reduces the number of possible arcs to two: an arc drawn from the start point to the end in a direction and an arc drawn from the start point to the end point in a direction. + + The following illustration shows two elliptical arcs that are identical except for their settings. + + ![ArcSegments with different SweepDirection settings](~/add/media/arcsegment-sweepdirection.png "ArcSegments with different SweepDirection settings") +ArcSegment objects with different SweepDirection settings + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/BezierSegment.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/BezierSegment.xml index 105984c1c9e..9cea83a5422 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/BezierSegment.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/BezierSegment.xml @@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ Represents a cubic Bezier curve drawn between two points. - object to store objects and other segments. - - A cubic Bezier curve is defined by four points: a start point, an end point (), and two control points ( and ). The class does not contain a property for the starting point of the curve; it only defines the end point. The beginning point of the curve is the current point of the to which the is added. - - The two control points of a cubic Bezier curve behave like magnets, attracting portions of what would otherwise be a straight line toward themselves and producing a curve. The first control point, , affects the beginning portion of the curve; the second control point, , affects the ending portion of the curve. Note that the curve doesn't necessarily pass through either of the control points; each control point moves its portion of the line toward itself, but not through itself. - -## Freezable Features - A is a type of object. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + object to store objects and other segments. + + A cubic Bezier curve is defined by four points: a start point, an end point (), and two control points ( and ). The class does not contain a property for the starting point of the curve; it only defines the end point. The beginning point of the curve is the current point of the to which the is added. + + The two control points of a cubic Bezier curve behave like magnets, attracting portions of what would otherwise be a straight line toward themselves and producing a curve. The first control point, , affects the beginning portion of the curve; the second control point, , affects the ending portion of the curve. Note that the curve doesn't necessarily pass through either of the control points; each control point moves its portion of the line toward itself, but not through itself. + +## Freezable Features + A is a type of object. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - object to which the is added. - - The two control points of a cubic Bezier curve behave like magnets, attracting portions of what would otherwise be a straight line toward themselves and producing a curve. The first control point, `point1`, affects the beginning portion of the curve; the second control point, `point2`, affects the ending portion of the curve. Note that the curve doesn't necessarily pass through either of the control points; each control point moves its portion of the line toward itself, but not through itself. - + object to which the is added. + + The two control points of a cubic Bezier curve behave like magnets, attracting portions of what would otherwise be a straight line toward themselves and producing a curve. The first control point, `point1`, affects the beginning portion of the curve; the second control point, `point2`, affects the ending portion of the curve. Note that the curve doesn't necessarily pass through either of the control points; each control point moves its portion of the line toward itself, but not through itself. + ]]> @@ -120,13 +120,13 @@ to stroke the curve when a is used to render the segment; otherwise, . Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified control points, end point, and stroke option. - object to which the is added. - - The two control points of a cubic Bezier curve behave like magnets, attracting portions of what would otherwise be a straight line toward themselves and producing a curve. The first control point, `point1`, affects the beginning portion of the curve; the second control point, `point2`, affects the ending portion of the curve. Note that the curve doesn't necessarily pass through either of the control points; each control point moves its portion of the line toward itself, but not through itself. - + object to which the is added. + + The two control points of a cubic Bezier curve behave like magnets, attracting portions of what would otherwise be a straight line toward themselves and producing a curve. The first control point, `point1`, affects the beginning portion of the curve; the second control point, `point2`, affects the ending portion of the curve. Note that the curve doesn't necessarily pass through either of the control points; each control point moves its portion of the line toward itself, but not through itself. + ]]> @@ -157,13 +157,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -194,13 +194,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -258,19 +258,19 @@ Gets or sets the first control point of the curve. The first control point of the curve. - , affects the beginning portion of the curve; the second control point, , affects the ending portion of the curve. Note that the curve doesn't necessarily pass through either of the control points; each control point moves its portion of the line toward itself, but not through itself. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , affects the beginning portion of the curve; the second control point, , affects the ending portion of the curve. Note that the curve doesn't necessarily pass through either of the control points; each control point moves its portion of the line toward itself, but not through itself. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -326,19 +326,19 @@ Gets or sets the second control point of the curve. The second control point of the curve. - , affects the beginning portion of the curve; the second control point, , affects the ending portion of the curve. Note that the curve doesn't necessarily pass through either of the control points; each control point moves its portion of the line toward itself, but not through itself. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , affects the beginning portion of the curve; the second control point, , affects the ending portion of the curve. Note that the curve doesn't necessarily pass through either of the control points; each control point moves its portion of the line toward itself, but not through itself. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -394,19 +394,19 @@ Gets or sets the end point of the curve. The end point of the curve. - class does not contain a property for the starting point of the curve; it only defines the end point. The beginning point of the curve is the current point of the to which the is added. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + class does not contain a property for the starting point of the curve; it only defines the end point. The beginning point of the curve is the current point of the to which the is added. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/Brush.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/Brush.xml index 803b0111f95..68a487a029d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/Brush.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/Brush.xml @@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -299,8 +299,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/CombinedGeometry.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/CombinedGeometry.xml index e1f07eb362b..7162096ee14 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/CombinedGeometry.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/CombinedGeometry.xml @@ -23,34 +23,34 @@ Represents a 2-D geometric shape defined by the combination of two objects. - property specifies how the two geometries will be combined. Note that combines the area specified by two geometries, so geometries that do not have area (such as ) disappear when combined. - - Geometries can be combined in several ways: using a , a , or the method of the class. - -- A creates a composite geometry from one or more objects. - -- A uses a specified boolean operation to combine the area described by two objects. - -- The static method of the class behaves in exactly the same manner as the object. - - Careful thought should be involved when using a to perform a union as it can be very CPU-expensive. In most cases, a or will work better. - - Use a only when any of the following apply: - -- The geometric operation is not a union. - -- Either of the geometries have a value of and the geometries are self-intersecting (i.e. the actually matters). - -- Time is not a concern, but space is (for instance, if the geometry is created once and then cached). Typically, produces smaller output than . - -- The resulting geometry will be stroked or used in a path animation and does not provide the desired outline. - -## Freezable Features - A is a type of object. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + property specifies how the two geometries will be combined. Note that combines the area specified by two geometries, so geometries that do not have area (such as ) disappear when combined. + + Geometries can be combined in several ways: using a , a , or the method of the class. + +- A creates a composite geometry from one or more objects. + +- A uses a specified boolean operation to combine the area described by two objects. + +- The static method of the class behaves in exactly the same manner as the object. + + Careful thought should be involved when using a to perform a union as it can be very CPU-expensive. In most cases, a or will work better. + + Use a only when any of the following apply: + +- The geometric operation is not a union. + +- Either of the geometries have a value of and the geometries are self-intersecting (i.e. the actually matters). + +- Time is not a concern, but space is (for instance, if the geometry is created once and then cached). Typically, produces smaller output than . + +- The resulting geometry will be stroked or used in a path animation and does not provide the desired outline. + +## Freezable Features + A is a type of object. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -206,11 +206,11 @@ Gets a that specifies the bounding box of this object. **Note:** This method does not take any pens into account. The bounding box of this . - object are used to calculate the bounding box. - + object are used to calculate the bounding box. + ]]> @@ -241,13 +241,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -278,13 +278,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -342,19 +342,19 @@ Gets or sets the first object of this object. The first object to combine. - property specifies how the two geometries will be combined. Note that combines the area specified by two geometries, so geometries that do not have area (such as ) disappear when combined. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property specifies how the two geometries will be combined. Note that combines the area specified by two geometries, so geometries that do not have area (such as ) disappear when combined. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -410,19 +410,19 @@ Gets or sets the second object of this object. The second object. - property specifies how the two geometries will be combined. Note that combines the area specified by two geometries, so geometries that do not have area (such as ) disappear when combined. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property specifies how the two geometries will be combined. Note that combines the area specified by two geometries, so geometries that do not have area (such as ) disappear when combined. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -478,18 +478,18 @@ Gets or sets the method by which the two geometries (specified by the and properties) are combined. The method by which and are combined. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/DashStyle.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/DashStyle.xml index ac28e66ddba..164f3d1d7da 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/DashStyle.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/DashStyle.xml @@ -30,33 +30,33 @@ Represents the sequence of dashes and gaps that will be applied by a . - property of this class describes the length of alternating dashes and gaps. The values in the collection are in terms of multiples of the of the . For example, an array of `1`,`2` specifies a dash of length (`1` * ) followed by a gap of length (`2` * ). - + property of this class describes the length of alternating dashes and gaps. The values in the collection are in terms of multiples of the of the . For example, an array of `1`,`2` specifies a dash of length (`1` * ) followed by a gap of length (`2` * ). + > [!NOTE] -> The actual length of the dash that is drawn depends on the style of that is added to each end of the dash. The default value for a is . This causes an end cap that is one half the thickness of the line to be added onto each end of the pen stroke. (See for an example.) Therefore, if you specify an array of `0`, `2` and a square , the actual dash length will be (`0` * ) + (`2` * ). - - If there are an odd number of values in the collection, the values are interpreted as if they had been repeated once to produce an even number of values. For example, a collection containing `2`,`3`,`5` is interpreted the same as a collection containing `2`,`3`,`5`,`2`,`3`,`5`. - - Negative values in the array are interpreted as their absolute value. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property of a to create a dashed line under text. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/DashStyleExample.xaml" id="Snippetdashstyle"::: - - The following illustration shows what the preceding example produces. - - ![Text with dashed line underneath.](~/add/media/graphicsdashstyle.gif "Text with dashed line underneath.") - - The following illustration shows examples of different dash styles applied to an underline. - - ![Shows several different dash styles.](~/add/media/graphicsdashstyles.gif "Shows several different dash styles.") - +> The actual length of the dash that is drawn depends on the style of that is added to each end of the dash. The default value for a is . This causes an end cap that is one half the thickness of the line to be added onto each end of the pen stroke. (See for an example.) Therefore, if you specify an array of `0`, `2` and a square , the actual dash length will be (`0` * ) + (`2` * ). + + If there are an odd number of values in the collection, the values are interpreted as if they had been repeated once to produce an even number of values. For example, a collection containing `2`,`3`,`5` is interpreted the same as a collection containing `2`,`3`,`5`,`2`,`3`,`5`. + + Negative values in the array are interpreted as their absolute value. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property of a to create a dashed line under text. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/DashStyleExample.xaml" id="Snippetdashstyle"::: + + The following illustration shows what the preceding example produces. + + ![Text with dashed line underneath.](~/add/media/graphicsdashstyle.gif "Text with dashed line underneath.") + + The following illustration shows examples of different dash styles applied to an underline. + + ![Shows several different dash styles.](~/add/media/graphicsdashstyles.gif "Shows several different dash styles.") + ]]> @@ -149,15 +149,15 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - - When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + + When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. + ]]> @@ -188,15 +188,15 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - - Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + + Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. + ]]> @@ -254,33 +254,33 @@ Gets or sets the collection of dashes and gaps in this . The collection of dashes and gaps. The default is an empty . - of the . For example, an array of `1`,`2` specifies a dash of length (`1` * ) followed by a gap of length (`2` * ). - + of the . For example, an array of `1`,`2` specifies a dash of length (`1` * ) followed by a gap of length (`2` * ). + > [!NOTE] -> The actual length of the dash that is drawn depends on the style of that is added to each end of the dash. The default value for a is . This causes an end cap that is one half the thickness of the line to be added onto each end of the pen stroke. (See for an example.) Therefore, if you specify an array of `0`, `2` and a square , the actual dash length will be (`0` * ) + (`2` * ). - - If there are an odd number of values in the collection, the values are interpreted as if they had been repeated once to produce an even number of values. For example, a collection containing `2`,`3`,`5` is interpreted the same as a collection containing `2`,`3`,`5`,`2`,`3`,`5`. - - Negative values in the array are interpreted as their absolute value. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property of a to create a dashed line under text. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/DashStyleExample.xaml" id="Snippetdashstyle"::: - +> The actual length of the dash that is drawn depends on the style of that is added to each end of the dash. The default value for a is . This causes an end cap that is one half the thickness of the line to be added onto each end of the pen stroke. (See for an example.) Therefore, if you specify an array of `0`, `2` and a square , the actual dash length will be (`0` * ) + (`2` * ). + + If there are an odd number of values in the collection, the values are interpreted as if they had been repeated once to produce an even number of values. For example, a collection containing `2`,`3`,`5` is interpreted the same as a collection containing `2`,`3`,`5`,`2`,`3`,`5`. + + Negative values in the array are interpreted as their absolute value. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property of a to create a dashed line under text. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/DashStyleExample.xaml" id="Snippetdashstyle"::: + ]]> @@ -336,19 +336,19 @@ Gets or sets how far in the dash sequence the stroke will start. The offset for the dash sequence. The default is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingBrush.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingBrush.xml index 74740a375e8..cc0b047868e 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingBrush.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingBrush.xml @@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ Paints an area with a , which can include shapes, text, video, images, or other drawings. - . - - ![DrawingBrush output examples](~/add/media/wcpsdk-mmgraphics-drawingbrushexamples.png "DrawingBrush output examples") -Shapes and text painted with a drawing brush - - For more information and examples, see [Painting with Images, Drawings, and Visuals](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/painting-with-images-drawings-and-visuals). - + . + + ![DrawingBrush output examples](~/add/media/wcpsdk-mmgraphics-drawingbrushexamples.png "DrawingBrush output examples") +Shapes and text painted with a drawing brush + + For more information and examples, see [Painting with Images, Drawings, and Visuals](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/painting-with-images-drawings-and-visuals). + ]]> @@ -122,13 +122,13 @@ Shapes and text painted with a drawing brush Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ Shapes and text painted with a drawing brush Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -223,18 +223,18 @@ Shapes and text painted with a drawing brush Gets or sets the that describes the contents of this . The that describes the contents of this . The default is null reference ( in Visual Basic). - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup.xml index ed5f4a71342..90bb561f8ad 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup.xml @@ -29,17 +29,17 @@ Represents a collection of drawings that can be operated upon as a single drawing. - to combine multiple drawings into a single, composite drawing. Unlike other objects, you can apply a , , setting, , , or a to a . The flexibility of this class enables you to create complex scenes. - - Because is also a , it can contain other objects. - - For more information about objects, see [Drawing Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/drawing-objects-overview). - - **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + to combine multiple drawings into a single, composite drawing. Unlike other objects, you can apply a , , setting, , , or a to a . The flexibility of this class enables you to create complex scenes. + + Because is also a , it can contain other objects. + + For more information about objects, see [Drawing Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/drawing-objects-overview). + + **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ Opens the in order to populate its . This method enables you to append additional to this . A that you can use to describe the contents of this object. - before you can render this . - + before you can render this . + ]]> @@ -129,50 +129,50 @@ Gets or sets the to apply to this . The to apply to this . The default is . - operations are applied in the following order: - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - This example shows how to apply a to a drawing. Use a to blur or emboss, or to apply other visual effects to rendered content. - - Only objects support bitmap effects. To apply a bitmap effect to another type of object, add it to a and set the property of the object. - + operations are applied in the following order: + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + This example shows how to apply a to a drawing. Use a to blur or emboss, or to apply other visual effects to rendered content. + + Only objects support bitmap effects. To apply a bitmap effect to another type of object, add it to a and set the property of the object. + > [!NOTE] -> Windows Presentation Foundation bitmap effects are software rendered. Any object that applies a is also rendered in the software. Avoid using a in large visuals or animations because this scenario can cause a decrease in system performance. - - The following example uses a to apply a to several objects. - - The following illustration shows the output from this example. - - ![DrawingGroup with a BlurBitmapEffect](~/add/media/graphicsmm-bitmap.png "DrawingGroup with a BlurBitmapEffect") - +> Windows Presentation Foundation bitmap effects are software rendered. Any object that applies a is also rendered in the software. Avoid using a in large visuals or animations because this scenario can cause a decrease in system performance. + + The following example uses a to apply a to several objects. + + The following illustration shows the output from this example. + + ![DrawingGroup with a BlurBitmapEffect](~/add/media/graphicsmm-bitmap.png "DrawingGroup with a BlurBitmapEffect") + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup/BitmapEffect/BitmapEffectExample.cs" id="Snippetdrawinggroupbitmapeffectexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/BitmapEffectExample.xaml" id="Snippetdrawinggroupbitmapeffectexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/BitmapEffectExample.xaml" id="Snippetdrawinggroupbitmapeffectexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -202,18 +202,18 @@ Gets or sets the region where the applies its and, optionally, a to use as input for its . The region where the of the is applied and, optionally, the to use as input; or if the applies to the whole and uses the as its input. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -295,19 +295,19 @@ Gets or sets the objects that are contained in this . A collection of the objects in this . The default is an empty . - is determined by the order of the child items in the of the . Each child drawing is under the next child in the collection. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is determined by the order of the child items in the of the . Each child drawing is under the next child in the collection. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -363,51 +363,51 @@ Gets or sets the clip region of this . The that is used to clip this . The default is . - when it is rendered. The geometry does not have to be rectangular; for example, you can use an to clip to an elliptical shape. - - operations are applied in the following order: - -1. - -2. - -3. - -4. - -5. - -6. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - This example shows how to define a clip region for a . - - Use a to define a clip for a . The class is the only type of object that enables you to define your own clip region. - - Use a to describe the clip and apply it to the property of the object. - - The illustration shows the before and after the elliptical clip is applied. - - ![DrawingGroup with a defined clip region](~/add/media/graphicsmm-clipgeom.png "DrawingGroup with a defined clip region") - - The following example uses a to apply a to several objects. - + when it is rendered. The geometry does not have to be rectangular; for example, you can use an to clip to an elliptical shape. + + operations are applied in the following order: + +1. + +2. + +3. + +4. + +5. + +6. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + This example shows how to define a clip region for a . + + Use a to define a clip for a . The class is the only type of object that enables you to define your own clip region. + + Use a to describe the clip and apply it to the property of the object. + + The illustration shows the before and after the elliptical clip is applied. + + ![DrawingGroup with a defined clip region](~/add/media/graphicsmm-clipgeom.png "DrawingGroup with a defined clip region") + + The following example uses a to apply a to several objects. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup/BitmapEffect/ClipExample.cs" id="Snippetdrawinggroupclipgeometryexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/ClipExample.xaml" id="Snippetdrawinggroupclipgeometryexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/ClipExample.xaml" id="Snippetdrawinggroupclipgeometryexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -464,15 +464,15 @@ Creates a modifiable deep copy of this and makes deep copies of its values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The property of the cloned object returns even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings even though they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings even though they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -503,15 +503,15 @@ Creates a modifiable deep copy of this object and makes deep copies of its current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The property of the cloned object is even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - This method does not copy resource references, data bindings, and animations, although it does copy their current values. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + This method does not copy resource references, data bindings, and animations, although it does copy their current values. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -569,19 +569,19 @@ Gets or sets the to apply to this . The to apply to this . The default is . - of this is applied after the . As a result, the is transformed along with the contents of the . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + of this is applied after the . As a result, the is transformed along with the contents of the . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -637,55 +637,55 @@ Gets or sets the opacity of this . A value between 0 and 1, inclusive, that describes the opacity of this . The default is 1. - is completely opaque; a value of `0` specifies that it is completely transparent. A value that is less than 0 is treated as 0, and a value that is larger than 1 is treated as 1. - - Another way to control the opacity of a is to specify the of its . - - operations are applied in the following order: - -1. - -2. - -3. - -4. - -5. - -6. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - This example shows how to modify the opacity of a . The class is the only type of object that has an property. - - To change the opacity of a object, add it to a and set the property of the object. - - The setting of the object is multiplied by the opacity of its child drawings; for example, if a has an of 0.5 and it contains a that has a 50 percent opaque , the brush is 25 percent opaque (0.5 * 0.5). - - To alter the opacity of select portions of a drawing, use an . - - The following example uses a to combine several objects. The example also sets the opacity of the object to 0.25 so that the drawings are 25 percent opaque. - - This illustration shows the before and after its is set to 0.25. - - ![DrawingGroups with different opacity settings](~/add/media/graphicsmm-opacity.png "DrawingGroups with different opacity settings") - + is completely opaque; a value of `0` specifies that it is completely transparent. A value that is less than 0 is treated as 0, and a value that is larger than 1 is treated as 1. + + Another way to control the opacity of a is to specify the of its . + + operations are applied in the following order: + +1. + +2. + +3. + +4. + +5. + +6. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + This example shows how to modify the opacity of a . The class is the only type of object that has an property. + + To change the opacity of a object, add it to a and set the property of the object. + + The setting of the object is multiplied by the opacity of its child drawings; for example, if a has an of 0.5 and it contains a that has a 50 percent opaque , the brush is 25 percent opaque (0.5 * 0.5). + + To alter the opacity of select portions of a drawing, use an . + + The following example uses a to combine several objects. The example also sets the opacity of the object to 0.25 so that the drawings are 25 percent opaque. + + This illustration shows the before and after its is set to 0.25. + + ![DrawingGroups with different opacity settings](~/add/media/graphicsmm-opacity.png "DrawingGroups with different opacity settings") + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup/BitmapEffect/OpacityExample.cs" id="Snippetdrawinggroupopacityexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/OpacityExample.xaml" id="Snippetdrawinggroupopacityexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/OpacityExample.xaml" id="Snippetdrawinggroupopacityexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -716,54 +716,54 @@ Gets or sets the brush used to alter the opacity of select regions of this . A that describes the opacity of this ; indicates that no opacity mask exists and the opacity is uniform. The default is . - is mapped to the . The opacity value of each pixel of the mapped is used to determine the resulting opacity of each corresponding pixel of the . Only the opacity value of each color in the brush is used for this processing; all other color information is ignored. - - The opacity that this property specifies is multiplied with the value of the object. For more information about opacity masks and how they work, see [Opacity Masks Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/opacity-masks-overview). - - operations are applied in the following order: - -1. - -2. - -3. - -4. - -5. - -6. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - This example shows how to apply an opacity mask to a . The class is the only type of object that supports opacity masks. - - To apply an opacity mask to a object, add it to a and set the property of the object. - - The following illustration shows three views of the : the drawing without an opacity mask, the opacity mask alone, and the after the opacity mask is applied. - - ![A DrawingGroup with an opacity mask](~/add/media/graphicsmm-opmask.png "A DrawingGroup with an opacity mask") - - The following example uses a as an opacity mask for a . - + is mapped to the . The opacity value of each pixel of the mapped is used to determine the resulting opacity of each corresponding pixel of the . Only the opacity value of each color in the brush is used for this processing; all other color information is ignored. + + The opacity that this property specifies is multiplied with the value of the object. For more information about opacity masks and how they work, see [Opacity Masks Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/opacity-masks-overview). + + operations are applied in the following order: + +1. + +2. + +3. + +4. + +5. + +6. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + This example shows how to apply an opacity mask to a . The class is the only type of object that supports opacity masks. + + To apply an opacity mask to a object, add it to a and set the property of the object. + + The following illustration shows three views of the : the drawing without an opacity mask, the opacity mask alone, and the after the opacity mask is applied. + + ![A DrawingGroup with an opacity mask](~/add/media/graphicsmm-opmask.png "A DrawingGroup with an opacity mask") + + The following example uses a as an opacity mask for a . + > [!NOTE] -> Although this example uses a as an opacity mask, , , , and objects can also make good opacity masks. For more information about opacity masks and how they work, see the [Opacity Masks Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/opacity-masks-overview). - +> Although this example uses a as an opacity mask, , , , and objects can also make good opacity masks. For more information about opacity masks and how they work, see the [Opacity Masks Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/opacity-masks-overview). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup/BitmapEffect/OpacityMaskExample.cs" id="Snippetdrawinggroupopacitymaskexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/OpacityMaskExample.xaml" id="Snippetdrawinggroupopacitymaskexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/OpacityMaskExample.xaml" id="Snippetdrawinggroupopacitymaskexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -846,11 +846,11 @@ Opens the in order to populate its and clears any existing . A that can be used to describe the contents of this object. - before you can render this object. - + before you can render this object. + ]]> @@ -882,49 +882,49 @@ Gets or sets the that is applied to this . The transformation to apply to this . The default is . - , use a . - - operations are applied in the following order: - -1. - -2. - -3. - -4. - -5. - -6. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - This example shows how to apply a to a . To transform a object, you add it to a and set the property of the object. - - The class is the only type of object that supports transforms. To apply multiple transforms to a single , use a . - - The following example uses a to combine several objects and then transforms them by using a . - - The illustration shows the before and after the is applied. - - ![A rotated DrawingGroup](~/add/media/graphicsmm-rotate.png "A rotated DrawingGroup") - + , use a . + + operations are applied in the following order: + +1. + +2. + +3. + +4. + +5. + +6. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + This example shows how to apply a to a . To transform a object, you add it to a and set the property of the object. + + The class is the only type of object that supports transforms. To apply multiple transforms to a single , use a . + + The following example uses a to combine several objects and then transforms them by using a . + + The illustration shows the before and after the is applied. + + ![A rotated DrawingGroup](~/add/media/graphicsmm-rotate.png "A rotated DrawingGroup") + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup/BitmapEffect/TransformExample.cs" id="Snippetdrawinggrouptransformexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/TransformExample.xaml" id="Snippetdrawinggrouptransformexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/TransformExample.xaml" id="Snippetdrawinggrouptransformexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingImage.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingImage.xml index 27169bc7f68..5a89a47d40a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingImage.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingImage.xml @@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -148,13 +148,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -212,18 +212,18 @@ Gets or sets the drawing content for the . The drawing content for the . The default value is **null**. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata Flags|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata Flags|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/EllipseGeometry.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/EllipseGeometry.xml index a84d6702966..a6b615f3229 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/EllipseGeometry.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/EllipseGeometry.xml @@ -23,30 +23,30 @@ Represents the geometry of a circle or ellipse. - class with a element or a to draw an ellipse, or with the property of a to define an elliptical clip region. The class also has many other uses. For more information about , see [Geometry Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/geometry-overview). - -## EllipseGeometry Compared to Ellipse - The class has a , , and other rendering properties that lacks. The class is a and therefore participates in the layout system; it can be used as the content of any element that supports children. - - The class, on the other hand, simply defines the geometry of an ellipse, and cannot render itself. Because of its simplicity, it has a wider range of uses. - -## Freezable Features - An is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - - - -## Examples - The following example uses two objects to define the contents of a . This example produces the following output: - - ![A GeometryDrawing of two ellipses](~/add/media/graphicsmm-geodraw.jpg "A GeometryDrawing of two ellipses") -Two EllipseGeometry objects - + class with a element or a to draw an ellipse, or with the property of a to define an elliptical clip region. The class also has many other uses. For more information about , see [Geometry Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/geometry-overview). + +## EllipseGeometry Compared to Ellipse + The class has a , , and other rendering properties that lacks. The class is a and therefore participates in the layout system; it can be used as the content of any element that supports children. + + The class, on the other hand, simply defines the geometry of an ellipse, and cannot render itself. Because of its simplicity, it has a wider range of uses. + +## Freezable Features + An is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + + + +## Examples + The following example uses two objects to define the contents of a . This example produces the following output: + + ![A GeometryDrawing of two ellipses](~/add/media/graphicsmm-geodraw.jpg "A GeometryDrawing of two ellipses") +Two EllipseGeometry objects + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup/BitmapEffect/GeometryDrawingExample.cs" id="Snippetgeometrydrawingexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/GeometryDrawingExample.xaml" id="Snippetgeometrydrawingexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/GeometryDrawingExample.xaml" id="Snippetgeometrydrawingexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Two EllipseGeometry objects Gets or sets the center point of the . The center point of the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Geometries Sample @@ -298,13 +298,13 @@ Two EllipseGeometry objects Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -335,13 +335,13 @@ Two EllipseGeometry objects Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -405,11 +405,11 @@ Two EllipseGeometry objects Gets the area of this . The area of the filled region of this ellipse. - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but they require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but they require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -497,18 +497,18 @@ Two EllipseGeometry objects Gets or sets the x-radius value of the . The x-radius value of the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -564,18 +564,18 @@ Two EllipseGeometry objects Gets or sets the y-radius value of the . The y-radius value of the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Geometries Sample diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GeneralTransformGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GeneralTransformGroup.xml index 965a0946d04..4f8a3b7a1fa 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GeneralTransformGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GeneralTransformGroup.xml @@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ Represents a that is a composite of the transforms in its . - class when you want to apply multiple general transforms to single object. - + class when you want to apply multiple general transforms to single object. + ]]> @@ -96,18 +96,18 @@ Gets or sets the collection of objects that form this . The collection of objects that form this . The default value is an empty collection. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -201,13 +201,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -265,11 +265,11 @@ Gets the inverse transform of this , if it has an inverse. The inverse transform of this , if it has an inverse; otherwise, . - is created by combining the inverses of its child transforms. - + is created by combining the inverses of its child transforms. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/Geometry.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/Geometry.xml index 15ee8b2f69b..ce5f77054ec 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/Geometry.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/Geometry.xml @@ -42,17 +42,17 @@ Classes that derive from this abstract base class define geometric shapes. objects can be used for clipping, hit-testing, and rendering 2-D graphic data. - class has a , , and other rendering properties that and its derived classes lack. The class is a and therefore participates in the layout system; its derived classes can be used as the content of any element that supports children. - - The class, on the other hand, simply defines the geometry of a shape, and cannot render itself. Because of its simplicity, it has a wider range of uses. - - **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + class has a , , and other rendering properties that and its derived classes lack. The class is a and therefore participates in the layout system; its derived classes can be used as the content of any element that supports children. + + The class, on the other hand, simply defines the geometry of a shape, and cannot render itself. Because of its simplicity, it has a wider range of uses. + + **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ Gets a that specifies the axis-aligned bounding box of the . The axis-aligned bounding box of the . - @@ -122,13 +122,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of the , making deep copies of the object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of the object, making deep copies of the object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -214,25 +214,25 @@ Combines the two geometries using the specified and applies the specified transform to the resulting geometry. The combined geometry. - property) when combining geometries. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. - - Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - - Careful thought should be involved when using to perform a union as it can be very CPU-expensive. In most cases, a or will work better. - - Use only when any of the following apply: - -- The geometric operation is not a union. - -- Either of the geometries has a value of and the geometries are self-intersecting (i.e. the actually matters). - -- Time is not a concern, but space is (for instance, if the geometry is created once and then cached). Typically, produces smaller output than . - -- The resulting geometry will be stroked or used in a path animation and does not provide the desired outline. - + property) when combining geometries. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. + + Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + + Careful thought should be involved when using to perform a union as it can be very CPU-expensive. In most cases, a or will work better. + + Use only when any of the following apply: + +- The geometric operation is not a union. + +- Either of the geometries has a value of and the geometries are self-intersecting (i.e. the actually matters). + +- Time is not a concern, but space is (for instance, if the geometry is created once and then cached). Typically, produces smaller output than . + +- The resulting geometry will be stroked or used in a path animation and does not provide the desired outline. + ]]> @@ -276,23 +276,23 @@ Combines the two geometries using the specified and tolerance factor, and applies the specified transform to the resulting geometry. The combined geometry. - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - - Careful thought should be involved when using to perform a union as it can be very CPU-expensive. In most cases, a or will work better. - - Use only when any of the following apply: - -- The geometric operation is not a union. - -- Either of the geometries has a value of and the geometries are self-intersecting (i.e. the actually matters). - -- Time is not a concern, but space is (for instance, if the geometry is created once and then cached). Typically, produces smaller output than . - -- The resulting geometry will be stroked or used in a path animation and does not provide the desired outline. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + + Careful thought should be involved when using to perform a union as it can be very CPU-expensive. In most cases, a or will work better. + + Use only when any of the following apply: + +- The geometric operation is not a union. + +- Either of the geometries has a value of and the geometries are self-intersecting (i.e. the actually matters). + +- Time is not a concern, but space is (for instance, if the geometry is created once and then cached). Typically, produces smaller output than . + +- The resulting geometry will be stroked or used in a path animation and does not provide the desired outline. + ]]> @@ -369,11 +369,11 @@ if the current geometry completely contains ; otherwise, . - property) is used when determining whether the current geometry contains the specified geometry. To specify your own margin of error, use the method. - + property) is used when determining whether the current geometry contains the specified geometry. To specify your own margin of error, use the method. + ]]> @@ -408,11 +408,11 @@ if the geometry contains ; otherwise, . - property) is used when determining whether the geometry contains the specified point. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. - + property) is used when determining whether the geometry contains the specified point. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. + ]]> @@ -451,11 +451,11 @@ if the current geometry contains , given the specified margin of error; otherwise, . - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -500,11 +500,11 @@ if the geometry contains , given the specified margin of error; otherwise, . - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -547,13 +547,13 @@ Returns a value that describes the intersection between the current geometry and the specified geometry. One of the enumeration values. - property) is used when determining whether the current geometry contains the specified geometry. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. - - Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + property) is used when determining whether the current geometry contains the specified geometry. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. + + Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -591,11 +591,11 @@ Returns a value that describes the intersection between the current geometry and the specified geometry, given the specified margin of error. One of the enumeration values. - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -635,11 +635,11 @@ Gets the area of the filled region of the object. The area of the filled region of the geometry. - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -681,11 +681,11 @@ Gets the area, within the specified tolerance, of the filled region of the object. The area of the filled region of the geometry. - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -725,13 +725,13 @@ Gets a that is a polygonal approximation of the object. The polygonal approximation of the . - property) when processing the geometry. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. - - Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + property) when processing the geometry. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. + + Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -773,11 +773,11 @@ Gets a , within the specified tolerance, that is a polygonal approximation of the object. The polygonal approximation of the . - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -817,13 +817,13 @@ Gets a that is a simplified outline of the filled region of the . A simplified outline of the filled region of the . - property) when processing the geometry. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. - - Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + property) when processing the geometry. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. + + Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -865,11 +865,11 @@ Gets a , within the specified tolerance, that is a simplified outline of the filled region of the . A simplified outline of the filled region of the . - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -912,13 +912,13 @@ Returns an axis-aligned rectangle that is exactly large enough to contain the geometry after it has been outlined with the specified . An axis aligned rectangle that is exactly large enough to contain the outlined geometry. - property) when processing the geometry. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. - - Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + property) when processing the geometry. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. + + Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -956,11 +956,11 @@ Returns an axis-aligned rectangle that is exactly large enough to contain the geometry after it has been outlined with the specified , given the specified tolerance factor. An axis aligned rectangle that is exactly large enough to contain the outlined geometry. - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -1003,11 +1003,11 @@ Gets a that is the shape defined by the stroke on the produced by the specified . The outlined geometry. - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -1051,11 +1051,11 @@ Gets a that is the shape defined by the stroke on the produced by the specified , given the specified tolerance factor. The geometry, widened by . - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -1147,11 +1147,11 @@ Creates a new instance from the specified string using the current culture. A new instance created from the specified string. - @@ -1259,13 +1259,13 @@ if is contained in the stroke produced by applying the specified to the geometry; otherwise, . - property) is used when determining whether the specified point is located in the geometry's stroke. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the overload. - - Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + property) is used when determining whether the specified point is located in the geometry's stroke. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the overload. + + Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -1306,11 +1306,11 @@ if the stroke created by applying the specified to the geometry contains the specified point, given the specified tolerance factor; otherwise, . - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -1355,13 +1355,13 @@ Returns a value that describes the intersection between the specified and the stroke created by applying the specified to the current geometry. One of the enumeration values. - property) is used when determining whether the specified geometry is located in the current geometry's stroke. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. - - Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + property) is used when determining whether the specified geometry is located in the current geometry's stroke. To specify your own tolerance factor, use the method. + + Some methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -1401,11 +1401,11 @@ Gets a value that describes the intersection between the specified and the stroke created by applying the specified to the current geometry, given the specified margin of error. One of the enumeration values. - methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. - + methods (such as ) produce or use a polygonal approximation of the geometry. The tolerance factor specifies the maximum distance between points in this polygonal approximation. Smaller tolerance values produce better approximations, but require more processing than an approximation with a large tolerance factor. + ]]> @@ -1439,15 +1439,15 @@ - The format to use. - - -or- - + The format to use. + + -or- + A null reference ( in Visual Basic) to use the default format defined for the type of the implementation. - The provider to use to format the value. - - -or- - + The provider to use to format the value. + + -or- + A null reference ( in Visual Basic) to obtain the numeric format information from the current locale setting of the operating system. Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format. The value of the current instance in the specified format. @@ -1547,28 +1547,28 @@ Gets or sets the object applied to a . The transformation applied to the . Note that this value may be a single or a cast as a . - applied to the current object. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to apply a to a object. - - The example uses a to create a composite shape from three objects and then rotates the geometry 45 degrees by using the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Geometry/Transform/GeometryTransformExample.xaml" id="Snippetgeometrytransformexamplewholepage"::: - + applied to the current object. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to apply a to a object. + + The example uses a to create a composite shape from three objects and then rotates the geometry 45 degrees by using the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Geometry/Transform/GeometryTransformExample.xaml" id="Snippetgeometrytransformexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GeometryDrawing.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GeometryDrawing.xml index 3abd166029c..62f222232e6 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GeometryDrawing.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GeometryDrawing.xml @@ -23,14 +23,14 @@ Draws a using the specified and . - class with a to paint an object with a shape, with an to create clip art, or with a . - -## Freezable Features - A is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + class with a to paint an object with a shape, with an to create clip art, or with a . + +## Freezable Features + A is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -126,18 +126,18 @@ Gets or sets the used to fill the interior of the shape described by this . The brush used to fill this . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -194,13 +194,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -231,13 +231,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -295,18 +295,18 @@ Gets or sets the that describes the shape of this . The shape described by this . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -362,18 +362,18 @@ Gets or sets the used to stroke this . The pen used to stroke this . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GeometryGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GeometryGroup.xml index 391a49ea81f..e7890063f6a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GeometryGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GeometryGroup.xml @@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ Represents a composite geometry, composed of other objects. - , a , or by calling the static method . A creates a composite geometry from exactly two geometry objects. A , on the other hand, creates a composite geometry from any number of geometry objects. - - uses the property to specify how its geometry objects are combined. See [How to: Control the Fill of a Composite Shape](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-the-fill-of-a-composite-shape) for more information on using . - - Geometries can be combined in several ways: using a , a , or the method of the class. - -- A creates a composite geometry from one or more objects. - -- A uses a specified boolean operation to combine the area described by two objects. - -- The static method of the class behaves in exactly the same manner as the object. - - It is worth noting that a is not itself a composite geometry, but is used by the class to store objects. - + , a , or by calling the static method . A creates a composite geometry from exactly two geometry objects. A , on the other hand, creates a composite geometry from any number of geometry objects. + + uses the property to specify how its geometry objects are combined. See [How to: Control the Fill of a Composite Shape](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-the-fill-of-a-composite-shape) for more information on using . + + Geometries can be combined in several ways: using a , a , or the method of the class. + +- A creates a composite geometry from one or more objects. + +- A uses a specified boolean operation to combine the area described by two objects. + +- The static method of the class behaves in exactly the same manner as the object. + + It is worth noting that a is not itself a composite geometry, but is used by the class to store objects. + ]]> @@ -99,18 +99,18 @@ Gets or sets the that contains the objects that define this . A collection containing the children of this . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -268,24 +268,24 @@ Gets or sets how the intersecting areas of the objects contained in this are combined. Specifies how the intersecting areas are combined to form the resulting area. The default value is EvenOdd. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GlyphRunDrawing.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GlyphRunDrawing.xml index 37268bb88aa..57df86bab61 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GlyphRunDrawing.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GlyphRunDrawing.xml @@ -23,32 +23,32 @@ Represents a object that renders a . - object represents a sequence of glyphs from a single face of a single font at a single size, and with a single rendering style. - - contains font details such as glyph indices and individual glyph positions. In addition, contains the original Unicode code points the run was generated from, character to glyph buffer offset mapping information, and per-character and per-glyph flags. - - Each glyph in a defines metrics that specify how it aligns with other . The following graphic defines the various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters. - - ![Diagraph of glyph measurements](~/add/media/glyph-example.png "Diagraph of glyph measurements") -Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters - - **Freezable Features:** A is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - - **Caution:** objects do not support partial trust execution. An application must have full trust permissions to use objects. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a to draw the text "Hello World". - + object represents a sequence of glyphs from a single face of a single font at a single size, and with a single rendering style. + + contains font details such as glyph indices and individual glyph positions. In addition, contains the original Unicode code points the run was generated from, character to glyph buffer offset mapping information, and per-character and per-glyph flags. + + Each glyph in a defines metrics that specify how it aligns with other . The following graphic defines the various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters. + + ![Diagraph of glyph measurements](~/add/media/glyph-example.png "Diagraph of glyph measurements") +Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters + + **Freezable Features:** A is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + + **Caution:** objects do not support partial trust execution. An application must have full trust permissions to use objects. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a to draw the text "Hello World". + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup/BitmapEffect/GlyphRunDrawingExample.cs" id="Snippetglyphrundrawingexampleinline"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/GlyphRunExample.xaml" id="Snippetglyphrundrawingexampleinline"::: - - A is a low-level object intended for use with fixed-format document presentation and print scenarios. A simpler way to draw text to the screen is to use a or a . For more information about , see the [Introduction to the GlyphRun Object and Glyphs Element](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/introduction-to-the-glyphrun-object-and-glyphs-element) overview. - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/GlyphRunExample.xaml" id="Snippetglyphrundrawingexampleinline"::: + + A is a low-level object intended for use with fixed-format document presentation and print scenarios. A simpler way to draw text to the screen is to use a or a . For more information about , see the [Introduction to the GlyphRun Object and Glyphs Element](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/introduction-to-the-glyphrun-object-and-glyphs-element) overview. + ]]> @@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -241,28 +241,28 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets or sets the foreground brush of the . The brush that paints the . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a to draw the text "Hello World". - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a to draw the text "Hello World". + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup/BitmapEffect/GlyphRunDrawingExample.cs" id="Snippetglyphrundrawingexampleinline"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/GlyphRunExample.xaml" id="Snippetglyphrundrawingexampleinline"::: - - A is a low-level object intended for use with fixed-format document presentation and print scenarios. A simpler way to draw text to the screen is to use a or a . For more information about , see the [Introduction to the GlyphRun Object and Glyphs Element](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/introduction-to-the-glyphrun-object-and-glyphs-element) overview. - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/GlyphRunExample.xaml" id="Snippetglyphrundrawingexampleinline"::: + + A is a low-level object intended for use with fixed-format document presentation and print scenarios. A simpler way to draw text to the screen is to use a or a . For more information about , see the [Introduction to the GlyphRun Object and Glyphs Element](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/introduction-to-the-glyphrun-object-and-glyphs-element) overview. + ]]> @@ -318,28 +318,28 @@ Various typographic qualities of two different glyph characters Gets or sets the that describes the text to draw. The that describes the text to draw. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example uses a to draw the text "Hello World". - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example uses a to draw the text "Hello World". + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup/BitmapEffect/GlyphRunDrawingExample.cs" id="Snippetglyphrundrawingexampleinline"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/GlyphRunExample.xaml" id="Snippetglyphrundrawingexampleinline"::: - - A is a low-level object intended for use with fixed-format document presentation and print scenarios. A simpler way to draw text to the screen is to use a or a . For more information about , see the [Introduction to the GlyphRun Object and Glyphs Element](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/introduction-to-the-glyphrun-object-and-glyphs-element) overview. - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/GlyphRunExample.xaml" id="Snippetglyphrundrawingexampleinline"::: + + A is a low-level object intended for use with fixed-format document presentation and print scenarios. A simpler way to draw text to the screen is to use a or a . For more information about , see the [Introduction to the GlyphRun Object and Glyphs Element](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/introduction-to-the-glyphrun-object-and-glyphs-element) overview. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GradientBrush.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GradientBrush.xml index 5f47477c408..33b2a7a37f0 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GradientBrush.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GradientBrush.xml @@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -293,8 +293,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -439,8 +439,8 @@ Gradient spread methods ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GradientStop.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GradientStop.xml index 477492f951e..b7064a1d2aa 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GradientStop.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GradientStop.xml @@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ Describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient. - or . - - Note that this class does not provide an opacity property; to make a semi-transparent, set its property with a transparent . - -## Freezable Features - A is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + or . + + Note that this class does not provide an opacity property; to make a semi-transparent, set its property with a transparent . + +## Freezable Features + A is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -143,13 +143,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -180,13 +180,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -216,18 +216,18 @@ Gets or sets the color of the gradient stop. The color of the gradient stop. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -316,19 +316,19 @@ Gets the location of the gradient stop within the gradient vector. The relative location of this gradient stop along the gradient vector. The default value is 0.0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -390,15 +390,15 @@ - The format to use. - - -or- - + The format to use. + + -or- + A null reference ( in Visual Basic) to use the default format defined for the type of the implementation. - The provider to use to format the value. - - -or- - + The provider to use to format the value. + + -or- + A null reference ( in Visual Basic) to obtain the numeric format information from the current locale setting of the operating system. Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format. The value of the current instance in the specified format. diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GuidelineSet.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GuidelineSet.xml index c517898ccdd..59b6a3cddd9 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/GuidelineSet.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/GuidelineSet.xml @@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -151,13 +151,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -215,18 +215,18 @@ Gets or sets a series of coordinate values that represent guide lines on the X-axis. A of values that represent guide lines on the X-axis. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -282,18 +282,18 @@ Gets or sets a series of coordinate values that represent guide lines on the Y-axis. A of values that represent guide lines on the Y-axis. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/ImageBrush.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/ImageBrush.xml index 9f82e8aac80..4bef044b3af 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/ImageBrush.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/ImageBrush.xml @@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ An ImageBrush can paint shapes, controls, text, and more ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/ImageDrawing.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/ImageDrawing.xml index 47e89390004..0e522bafbe3 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/ImageDrawing.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/ImageDrawing.xml @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ Draws an image within a region defined by a . - provides less features then an for rendering images, however, provides performance benefits making them ideal for describing backgrounds, clip art, and for low-level drawing with objects. See [Drawing Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/drawing-objects-overview) for more information. - - An is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + provides less features then an for rendering images, however, provides performance benefits making them ideal for describing backgrounds, clip art, and for low-level drawing with objects. See [Drawing Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/drawing-objects-overview) for more information. + + An is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -158,13 +158,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -222,36 +222,36 @@ Gets or sets the source of the image. The source of the image. The default value is **null**. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Text Usage - For XAML information, see the type. - - -## XAML Values - *imageUri* - - - A URI of the image file. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata Flags|| - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Text Usage + For XAML information, see the type. + + +## XAML Values + *imageUri* + + + A URI of the image file. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata Flags|| + ]]> @@ -307,18 +307,18 @@ Gets or sets the region in which the image is drawn. The region in which the image is drawn. The default is Empty. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Metadata Flags|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Metadata Flags|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/LineGeometry.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/LineGeometry.xml index 45b7ea30d83..52ed2570304 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/LineGeometry.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/LineGeometry.xml @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ Represents the geometry of a line. - or segment with the and classes. - - **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + or segment with the and classes. + + **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ Gets the axis-aligned bounding box of this . The axis-aligned bounding box of this . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -193,13 +193,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -230,13 +230,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -294,18 +294,18 @@ Gets or sets the end point of a line. The end point of the line. The default is (0,0). - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -452,18 +452,18 @@ Gets or sets the start point of the line. The start point of the line. The default is (0,0). - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/LineSegment.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/LineSegment.xml index 8859661cbc3..4bd6db08a4d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/LineSegment.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/LineSegment.xml @@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ Creates a line between two points in a . - object to create composite shapes using objects and other segments. - - The class does not contain a property for the starting point of the line. The starting point of the line is the end point of the previous segment, or the of the if no other segments exist. - - **Freezable Features:** Because objects inherit from the class, they provide several special features: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features that are provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + object to create composite shapes using objects and other segments. + + The class does not contain a property for the starting point of the line. The starting point of the line is the end point of the previous segment, or the of the if no other segments exist. + + **Freezable Features:** Because objects inherit from the class, they provide several special features: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features that are provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -132,15 +132,15 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this by making deep copies of its values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object returns even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this object by making deep copies of its values. This method does not copy resource references, data bindings, or animations, although it does copy their current values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property is even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -235,19 +235,19 @@ Gets or sets the end point of the line segment. The end point of the line segment. - class does not contain a property for the starting point of the line. The starting point of the line is the current point of the object where you add the line. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + class does not contain a property for the starting point of the line. The starting point of the line is the current point of the object where you add the line. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/LinearGradientBrush.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/LinearGradientBrush.xml index d1e8b85ef2a..2ade7c440b5 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/LinearGradientBrush.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/LinearGradientBrush.xml @@ -23,28 +23,28 @@ Paints an area with a linear gradient. - paints an area with a linear gradient. A linear gradient defines a gradient along a line. The line's end points are defined by the and properties of the linear gradient. A brush paints its along this line. - - The default linear gradient is diagonal. In the default, the of a linear gradient is (0,0), the upper-left corner of the area being painted, and its is (1,1), the lower-right corner of the area being painted. The colors in the resulting gradient are interpolated along the diagonal path. - - The following illustration shows a diagonal gradient. A line was added to highlight the interpolation path of the gradient from the start point to the end point. - - ![Gradient axis for a diagonal linear gradient](~/add/media/wcpsdk-graphicsmm-diagonalgradientaxis.png "Gradient axis for a diagonal linear gradient") -A diagonal linear gradient - - The next illustration shows the same linear gradient, but with highlighted gradient stops. - - ![Gradient stops in a linear gradient](~/add/media/wcpsdk-graphicsmm-4gradientstops.png "Gradient stops in a linear gradient") -A diagonal linear gradient with highlighted gradient stops - - It is possible to specify a gradient axis that does not completely fill area being painted. When this occurs, the property determines how the remaining area is painted. - -## Freezable Features - A is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + paints an area with a linear gradient. A linear gradient defines a gradient along a line. The line's end points are defined by the and properties of the linear gradient. A brush paints its along this line. + + The default linear gradient is diagonal. In the default, the of a linear gradient is (0,0), the upper-left corner of the area being painted, and its is (1,1), the lower-right corner of the area being painted. The colors in the resulting gradient are interpolated along the diagonal path. + + The following illustration shows a diagonal gradient. A line was added to highlight the interpolation path of the gradient from the start point to the end point. + + ![Gradient axis for a diagonal linear gradient](~/add/media/wcpsdk-graphicsmm-diagonalgradientaxis.png "Gradient axis for a diagonal linear gradient") +A diagonal linear gradient + + The next illustration shows the same linear gradient, but with highlighted gradient stops. + + ![Gradient stops in a linear gradient](~/add/media/wcpsdk-graphicsmm-4gradientstops.png "Gradient stops in a linear gradient") +A diagonal linear gradient with highlighted gradient stops + + It is possible to specify a gradient axis that does not completely fill area being painted. When this occurs, the property determines how the remaining area is painted. + +## Freezable Features + A is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ A diagonal linear gradient with highlighted gradient stops Initializes a new instance of the class. - of the brush is initialized to . - + of the brush is initialized to . + ]]> @@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ A diagonal linear gradient with highlighted gradient stops Initializes a new instance of the class. - of the brush is initialized to . - + of the brush is initialized to . + ]]> @@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ A diagonal linear gradient with highlighted gradient stops The to set on this brush. Initializes a new instance of the class that has the specified gradient stops. - of the brush is initialized to . - + of the brush is initialized to . + ]]> @@ -161,11 +161,11 @@ A diagonal linear gradient with highlighted gradient stops A that represents the angle, in degrees, of the gradient. A value of 0.0 creates a horizontal gradient, and a value of 90.0 creates a vertical gradient. Initializes a new instance of the class that has the specified and angle. - of the brush is initialized to . - + of the brush is initialized to . + ]]> @@ -199,11 +199,11 @@ A diagonal linear gradient with highlighted gradient stops A that represents the angle, in degrees, of the gradient. A value of 0.0 creates a horizontal gradient, and a value of 90.0 creates a vertical gradient. Initializes a new instance of the class that has the specified start , end , and angle. - of the brush is initialized to . - + of the brush is initialized to . + ]]> @@ -237,11 +237,11 @@ A diagonal linear gradient with highlighted gradient stops The of the gradient. Initializes a new instance of the class that has the specified gradient stops, , and . - of the brush is initialized to . - + of the brush is initialized to . + ]]> @@ -277,11 +277,11 @@ A diagonal linear gradient with highlighted gradient stops The of the gradient. Initializes a new instance of the class that has the specified start , end , , and . - of the brush is initialized to . - + of the brush is initialized to . + ]]> @@ -312,13 +312,13 @@ A diagonal linear gradient with highlighted gradient stops Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -349,13 +349,13 @@ A diagonal linear gradient with highlighted gradient stops Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -413,29 +413,29 @@ A diagonal linear gradient with highlighted gradient stops Gets or sets the ending two-dimensional coordinates of the linear gradient. The ending two-dimensional coordinates of the linear gradient. The default is (1,1). - paints a gradient along a line. The line's start and end points are defined by the and properties of the . - - The default linear gradient is diagonal. In the default, the of a linear gradient is (0,0), the upper-left corner of the area being filled, and its is (1,1), the lower-right corner of the area being filled. The colors in the resulting gradient are interpolated along the diagonal path. - - The following image shows a diagonal gradient. The black line was added to highlight the interpolation path of the gradient from the start point to the end point. - - ![Gradient axis for a diagonal linear gradient](~/add/media/wcpsdk-graphicsmm-diagonalgradientaxis.png "Gradient axis for a diagonal linear gradient") -A diagonal linear gradient - -## Specifying Relative or Absolute Values - Note that the property of a determines whether its is interpreted as a relative or absolute value. A of specifies that the value is relative to the size of the painted area. A of specifies that the value is expressed in device independent pixels. By default, the is set to , making the a relative value. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + paints a gradient along a line. The line's start and end points are defined by the and properties of the . + + The default linear gradient is diagonal. In the default, the of a linear gradient is (0,0), the upper-left corner of the area being filled, and its is (1,1), the lower-right corner of the area being filled. The colors in the resulting gradient are interpolated along the diagonal path. + + The following image shows a diagonal gradient. The black line was added to highlight the interpolation path of the gradient from the start point to the end point. + + ![Gradient axis for a diagonal linear gradient](~/add/media/wcpsdk-graphicsmm-diagonalgradientaxis.png "Gradient axis for a diagonal linear gradient") +A diagonal linear gradient + +## Specifying Relative or Absolute Values + Note that the property of a determines whether its is interpreted as a relative or absolute value. A of specifies that the value is relative to the size of the painted area. A of specifies that the value is expressed in device independent pixels. By default, the is set to , making the a relative value. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -492,29 +492,29 @@ A diagonal linear gradient Gets or sets the starting two-dimensional coordinates of the linear gradient. The starting two-dimensional coordinates for the linear gradient. The default is (0, 0). - paints a gradient along a line. The line's start and end points are defined by the and properties of the . - - The default linear gradient is diagonal. In the default, the of a linear gradient is (0,0), the upper-left corner of the area being filled, and its is (1,1), the lower-right corner of the area being filled. The colors in the resulting gradient are interpolated along the diagonal path. - - The following image shows a diagonal gradient. The black line was added to highlight the interpolation path of the gradient from the start point to the end point. - - ![Gradient axis for a diagonal linear gradient](~/add/media/wcpsdk-graphicsmm-diagonalgradientaxis.png "Gradient axis for a diagonal linear gradient") -A diagonal linear gradient - -## Specifying Relative or Absolute Values - Note that the property of a determines whether its is interpreted as a relative or absolute value. A of specifies that the value is relative to the size of the painted area. A of specifies that the value is expressed in device independent pixels. By default, the is set to , making the a relative value. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + paints a gradient along a line. The line's start and end points are defined by the and properties of the . + + The default linear gradient is diagonal. In the default, the of a linear gradient is (0,0), the upper-left corner of the area being filled, and its is (1,1), the lower-right corner of the area being filled. The colors in the resulting gradient are interpolated along the diagonal path. + + The following image shows a diagonal gradient. The black line was added to highlight the interpolation path of the gradient from the start point to the end point. + + ![Gradient axis for a diagonal linear gradient](~/add/media/wcpsdk-graphicsmm-diagonalgradientaxis.png "Gradient axis for a diagonal linear gradient") +A diagonal linear gradient + +## Specifying Relative or Absolute Values + Note that the property of a determines whether its is interpreted as a relative or absolute value. A of specifies that the value is relative to the size of the painted area. A of specifies that the value is expressed in device independent pixels. By default, the is set to , making the a relative value. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/Matrix.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/Matrix.xml index 5ad39837b44..9897faf5692 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/Matrix.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/Matrix.xml @@ -39,70 +39,70 @@ - Represents a 3x3 affine transformation matrix used for transformations in 2-D space. + Represents a 3x3 affine transformation matrix used for transformations in 2D space. - is stored using row-major order and has the following structure: - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|||0| -|||0| -|||1| - - The members in the last row, and , represent translation values. - - In methods and properties, the transformation matrix is usually specified as a vector with only six members, as follows: - - (, , , , , ) - - Although you can use a structure directly to translate individual points, or with a to transform objects, WPF also provides a set of classes that enable you to transform objects without working directly with matrices: , , , and . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *m11* - - - The value in the first row and first column of this . For more information, see the property. - - *m12* - - - The value in the first row and second column. For more information, see the property. - - *m21* - - - The value in the second row and first column. For more information, see the property. - - *m22* - - - The value in the second row and second column. For more information, see the property. - - *offsetX* - - - The value in the third row and first column. For more information, see the property. - - *offsetY* - - - The value in the third row and second column. For more information, see the property. - + is stored using row-major order and has the following structure: + +| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | +|----------|----------|----------| +|||0| +|||0| +|||1| + + The members in the last row, and , represent translation values. + + In methods and properties, the transformation matrix is usually specified as a vector with only six members, as follows: + + (, , , , , ) + + Although you can use a structure directly to translate individual points, or with a to transform objects, WPF also provides a set of classes that enable you to transform objects without working directly with matrices: , , , and . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *m11* + + + The value in the first row and first column of this . For more information, see the property. + + *m12* + + + The value in the first row and second column. For more information, see the property. + + *m21* + + + The value in the second row and first column. For more information, see the property. + + *m22* + + + The value in the second row and second column. For more information, see the property. + + *offsetX* + + + The value in the third row and first column. For more information, see the property. + + *offsetY* + + + The value in the third row and second column. For more information, see the property. + ]]> Matrix Sample @@ -173,18 +173,18 @@ The structure to append to this structure. Appends the specified structure to this structure. - structure by the parameter `matrix`. Matrix multiplication is not commutative, though, so this operation is not the same as multiplying the parameter `matrix` by this structure; that is, (this * `matrix`) is not the same as (`matrix` * this). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to append a structure to another structure. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixrotateaboutpointexample_csharp"::: - + structure by the parameter `matrix`. Matrix multiplication is not commutative, though, so this operation is not the same as multiplying the parameter `matrix` by this structure; that is, (this * `matrix`) is not the same as (`matrix` * this). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to append a structure to another structure. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixrotateaboutpointexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -217,13 +217,13 @@ Gets the determinant of this structure. The determinant of this . - . - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixdeterminantexample_csharp"::: - + . + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixdeterminantexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -236,20 +236,20 @@ Determines whether the two specified structures have the same values. - [!NOTE] -> A stores its values as doubles. Because the value of a can lose precision when arithmetic operations are performed on it, a comparison between two structures that are logically equal might fail. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to check two structures for equality. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixequalityexample_csharp"::: - +> A stores its values as doubles. Because the value of a can lose precision when arithmetic operations are performed on it, a comparison between two structures that are logically equal might fail. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to check two structures for equality. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixequalityexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -284,20 +284,20 @@ if is a structure that is identical to this structure; otherwise, . - [!NOTE] -> A stores its values as doubles. Because the value of a can lose precision when arithmetic operations are performed on it, a comparison between two structures that are logically equal might fail. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to check two structures for equality. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixequalityexample_csharp"::: - +> A stores its values as doubles. Because the value of a can lose precision when arithmetic operations are performed on it, a comparison between two structures that are logically equal might fail. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to check two structures for equality. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixequalityexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -333,20 +333,20 @@ if instances are equal; otherwise, . - [!NOTE] -> A stores its values as doubles. Because the value of a can lose precision when arithmetic operations are performed on it, a comparison between two structures that are logically equal might fail. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to check two structures for equality. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixequalityexample_csharp"::: - +> A stores its values as doubles. Because the value of a can lose precision when arithmetic operations are performed on it, a comparison between two structures that are logically equal might fail. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to check two structures for equality. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixequalityexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -384,13 +384,13 @@ if and are identical; otherwise, . - [!NOTE] -> A stores its values as doubles. Because the value of a can lose precision when arithmetic operations are performed on it, a comparison between two structures that are logically equal might fail. - +> A stores its values as doubles. Because the value of a can lose precision when arithmetic operations are performed on it, a comparison between two structures that are logically equal might fail. + ]]> @@ -450,13 +450,13 @@ if the has an inverse; otherwise, . The default is . - is invertible. If it is invertible, the is inverted. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixinverseexample_csharp"::: - + is invertible. If it is invertible, the is inverted. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixinverseexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -492,26 +492,24 @@ Gets an identity . An identity matrix. - and to 1 and , , , and to 0. In an affine matrix, which is the implementation that Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) uses for the , structure, coefficients [3,1],[3,2],[3.3] are implied to always have the values 0,0,1 respectively. - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|1|0|0| -|0|1|0| -|0|0|1| - - For an identity matrix, the method returns the string "Identity" instead of the coefficients of the . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to retrieve the matrix. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixidentityexample_csharp"::: - + and to 1 and , , , and to 0. In an affine matrix, which is the implementation that Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) uses for the structure, coefficients [3,1],[3,2],[3.3] are implied to always have the values 0,0,1 respectively. + +| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | +|----------|----------|----------| +| 1 | 0 | 0 | +| 0 | 1 | 0 | +| 0 | 0 | 1 | + + For an identity matrix, the method returns the string "Identity" instead of the coefficients of the . + +## Examples + The following example shows how to retrieve the matrix. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixidentityexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -543,13 +541,13 @@ Inverts this structure. - structure is invertible. If it is invertible, the structure is inverted. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixinverseexample_csharp"::: - + structure is invertible. If it is invertible, the structure is inverted. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixinverseexample_csharp"::: + ]]> The structure is not invertible. @@ -581,19 +579,19 @@ if the structure is an identity matrix; otherwise, . The default is . - and to 1 and , , , and to 0. In an affine matrix, which is the implementation that Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) uses for the structure, coefficients [3,1],[3,2],[3.3] are implied to always have the values 0,0,1 respectively. - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|1|0|0| -|0|1|0| -|0|0|1| - - For an identity matrix, the method returns the string "Identity", instead of the coefficients of the . - + and to 1 and , , , and to 0. In an affine matrix, which is the implementation that Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) uses for the structure, coefficients [3,1],[3,2],[3.3] are implied to always have the values 0,0,1 respectively. + +| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | +|----------|----------|----------| +| 1 | 0 | 0 | +| 0 | 1 | 0 | +| 0 | 0 | 1 | + + For an identity matrix, the method returns the string "Identity", instead of the coefficients of the . + ]]> @@ -625,13 +623,13 @@ Gets or sets the value of the first row and first column of this structure. The value of the first row and first column of this . The default value is 1. - structures and how to assign values to a when it is declared, and after the structure is declared. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixmultiplicationexample_csharp"::: - + structures and how to assign values to a when it is declared, and after the structure is declared. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixmultiplicationexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -661,24 +659,22 @@ Gets or sets the value of the first row and second column of this structure. The value of the first row and second column of this . The default value is 0. - . - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|||0| -|||0| -|||1| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to multiply two structures and how to assign values to a when it is declared, and after the structure is declared. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixmultiplicationexample_csharp"::: - + . + +| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | +|-----------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------|----------| +| | | 0 | +| | | 0 | +| | | 1 | + +## Examples + The following example shows how to multiply two structures and how to assign values to a when it is declared, and after the structure is declared. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixmultiplicationexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -708,24 +704,22 @@ Gets or sets the value of the second row and first column of this structure. The value of the second row and first column of this . The default value is 0. - . - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|||0| -|||0| -|||1| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to multiply two structures and how to assign values to a when it is declared, and after the structure is declared. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixmultiplicationexample_csharp"::: - + . + +| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | +|----------|----------|----------| +|||0| +|||0| +|||1| + +## Examples + The following example shows how to multiply two structures and how to assign values to a when it is declared, and after the structure is declared. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixmultiplicationexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -755,24 +749,22 @@ Gets or sets the value of the second row and second column of this structure. The value of the second row and second column of this structure. The default value is 1. - structure. - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|||0| -|||0| -|||1| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to multiply two structures and how to assign values to a when it is declared, and after the structure is declared. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixmultiplicationexample_csharp"::: - + structure. + +| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | +|----------|----------|----------| +|||0| +|||0| +|||1| + +## Examples + The following example shows how to multiply two structures and how to assign values to a when it is declared, and after the structure is declared. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixmultiplicationexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -808,18 +800,18 @@ Multiplies a structure by another structure. The result of multiplying by . - structures. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixmultiplicationexample_csharp"::: - + structures. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixmultiplicationexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -852,19 +844,19 @@ Gets or sets the value of the third row and first column of this structure. The value of the third row and first column of this structure. The default value is 0. - property is so named because it specifies the amount to translate the coordinate space along the x-axis. - - The following table shows the layout of a . - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|||0| -|||0| -|||1| - + property is so named because it specifies the amount to translate the coordinate space along the x-axis. + + The following table shows the layout of a . + +| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | +|----------|----------|----------| +|||0| +|||0| +|||1| + ]]> @@ -894,19 +886,19 @@ Gets or sets the value of the third row and second column of this structure. The value of the third row and second column of this structure. The default value is 0. - property is so named because it specifies the amount to translate the coordinate space along the y-axis. - - The following table shows the layout of a . - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|||0| -|||0| -|||1| - + property is so named because it specifies the amount to translate the coordinate space along the y-axis. + + The following table shows the layout of a . + +| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | +|----------|----------|----------| +|||0| +|||0| +|||1| + ]]> @@ -943,20 +935,20 @@ if and are identical; otherwise, . - [!NOTE] -> A stores its values as doubles. Because the value of a can lose precision when arithmetic operations are performed on it, a comparison between two structures that are logically equal might fail. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to check two structures for equality. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixequalityexample_csharp"::: - +> A stores its values as doubles. Because the value of a can lose precision when arithmetic operations are performed on it, a comparison between two structures that are logically equal might fail. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to check two structures for equality. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixequalityexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -994,20 +986,20 @@ if and are not identical; otherwise, . - [!NOTE] -> A stores its values as doubles. Because the value of a can lose precision when arithmetic operations are performed on it, a comparison between two structures that are logically equal might fail. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to check two structures for equality. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixequalityexample_csharp"::: - +> A stores its values as doubles. Because the value of a can lose precision when arithmetic operations are performed on it, a comparison between two structures that are logically equal might fail. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to check two structures for equality. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixequalityexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1043,18 +1035,18 @@ Multiplies a structure by another structure. The result of multiplying by . - structures. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixmultiplicationexample_csharp"::: - + structures. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixmultiplicationexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1091,13 +1083,13 @@ Converts a representation of a matrix into the equivalent structure. The equivalent structure. - structure. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixparseexample_csharp"::: - + structure. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixparseexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1130,20 +1122,20 @@ The structure to prepend to this structure. Prepends the specified structure onto this structure. - structure. Matrix multiplication is not commutative, however, so this operation is not the same as multiplying this structure by the parameter `matrix`; that is, `matrix` * this is not the same as this * `matrix`. - - In a composite transformation, the order of individual transformations is important. For example, if you first rotate, then scale, then translate, you get a different result than if you first translate, then rotate, then scale. One reason order is significant is that transformations like rotation and scaling are done with respect to the origin of the coordinate system. Scaling an object that is centered at the origin produces a different result than scaling an object that has been moved away from the origin. Similarly, rotating an object that is centered at the origin produces a different result than rotating an object that has been moved away from the origin. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to prepend a onto another . - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixprependexample_csharp"::: - + structure. Matrix multiplication is not commutative, however, so this operation is not the same as multiplying this structure by the parameter `matrix`; that is, `matrix` * this is not the same as this * `matrix`. + + In a composite transformation, the order of individual transformations is important. For example, if you first rotate, then scale, then translate, you get a different result than if you first translate, then rotate, then scale. One reason order is significant is that transformations like rotation and scaling are done with respect to the origin of the coordinate system. Scaling an object that is centered at the origin produces a different result than scaling an object that has been moved away from the origin. Similarly, rotating an object that is centered at the origin produces a different result than rotating an object that has been moved away from the origin. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to prepend a onto another . + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixprependexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1179,13 +1171,13 @@ The angle of rotation. Applies a rotation of the specified angle about the origin of this structure. - . - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixrotateexample_csharp"::: - + . + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixrotateexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1225,13 +1217,13 @@ The y-coordinate of the point about which to rotate this matrix. Rotates this matrix about the specified point. - about a specified point. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixrotateaboutpointexample_csharp"::: - + about a specified point. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixrotateaboutpointexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1268,18 +1260,18 @@ The y-coordinate of the rotation center. Prepends a rotation of the specified angle at the specified point to this structure. - . - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixprependrotateexamples_csharp"::: - + . + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixprependrotateexamples_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1312,18 +1304,18 @@ The angle of rotation to prepend. Prepends a rotation of the specified angle to this structure. - . - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixprependrotateexamples_csharp"::: - + . + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixprependrotateexamples_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1361,13 +1353,13 @@ The value by which to scale this along the y-axis. Appends the specified scale vector to this structure. - structure. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixscaleexamples_csharp"::: - + structure. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixscaleexamples_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1409,13 +1401,13 @@ The y-coordinate of the scale operation's center point. Scales this by the specified amount about the specified point. - structure. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixscaleexamples_csharp"::: - + structure. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixscaleexamples_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1454,18 +1446,18 @@ The y-coordinate of the point about which the scale operation is performed. Prepends the specified scale about the specified point of this . - . - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixprependscaleexamples_csharp"::: - + . + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixprependscaleexamples_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1500,18 +1492,18 @@ The value by which to scale this structure along the y-axis. Prepends the specified scale vector to this structure. - structure. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixprependscaleexamples_csharp"::: - + structure. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixprependscaleexamples_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1544,26 +1536,24 @@ Changes this structure into an identity matrix. - and to 1 and , , , and to 0. In an affine matrix, which is the implementation that Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) uses for the structure, coefficients [3,1],[3,2],[3.3] are implied to always have the values 0,0,1 respectively. - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|1|0|0| -|0|1|0| -|0|0|1| - - For an identity matrix, the method returns the string "Identity", instead of the coefficients of the . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to turn a structure into an identity matrix. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixidentityexample_csharp"::: - + and to 1 and , , , and to 0. In an affine matrix, which is the implementation that Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) uses for the structure, coefficients [3,1],[3,2],[3.3] are implied to always have the values 0,0,1 respectively. + +| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | +|----------|----------|----------| +| 1 | 0 | 0 | +| 0 | 1 | 0 | +| 0 | 0 | 1 | + + For an identity matrix, the method returns the string "Identity", instead of the coefficients of the . + +## Examples + The following example shows how to turn a structure into an identity matrix. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixidentityexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1600,13 +1590,13 @@ The angle in the y dimension by which to skew this . Appends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this structure. - structure. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixskewexample_csharp"::: - + structure. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixskewexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1642,18 +1632,18 @@ The angle in the y dimension by which to skew this . Prepends a skew of the specified degrees in the x and y dimensions to this structure. - structure. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixskewprependexample_csharp"::: - + structure. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixskewprependexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1694,15 +1684,15 @@ - The format to use. - - -or- - + The format to use. + + -or- + A null reference ( in Visual Basic) to use the default format defined for the type of the implementation. - The provider to use to format the value. - - -or- - + The provider to use to format the value. + + -or- + A null reference ( in Visual Basic) to obtain the numeric format information from the current locale setting of the operating system. Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format. The value of the current instance in the specified format. @@ -1718,11 +1708,11 @@ Creates a representation of this structure. - structure is an identity matrix, the string "Identity" is returned. - + structure is an identity matrix, the string "Identity" is returned. + ]]> @@ -1759,11 +1749,11 @@ Creates a representation of this structure. A containing the , , , , , and values of this . - is an matrix, the string "Identity" is returned. - + is an matrix, the string "Identity" is returned. + ]]> @@ -1803,11 +1793,11 @@ Creates a representation of this structure with culture-specific formatting information. A containing the , , , , , and values of this . - structure is an identity matrix, the string "Identity" is returned. - + structure is an identity matrix, the string "Identity" is returned. + ]]> @@ -1820,13 +1810,13 @@ Transforms the specified point, array of points, vector, or array of vectors by this . - to transform points and vectors. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransformexamples_csharp"::: - + to transform points and vectors. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransformexamples_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1860,13 +1850,13 @@ Transforms the specified point by the and returns the result. The result of transforming by this . - to transform points and vectors. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransformexamples_csharp"::: - + to transform points and vectors. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransformexamples_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1899,13 +1889,13 @@ The points to transform. The original points in the array are replaced by their transformed values. Transforms the specified points by this . - to transform points and vectors. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransformexamples_csharp"::: - + to transform points and vectors. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransformexamples_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1939,13 +1929,13 @@ Transforms the specified vector by this . The result of transforming by this . - to transform points and vectors. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransformexamples_csharp"::: - + to transform points and vectors. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransformexamples_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -1978,13 +1968,13 @@ The vectors to transform. The original vectors in the array are replaced by their transformed values. Transforms the specified vectors by this . - to transform points and vectors. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransformexamples_csharp"::: - + to transform points and vectors. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtransformexamples_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -2019,13 +2009,13 @@ The amount to offset this along the y-axis. Appends a translation of the specified offsets to this structure. - structure. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtranslateexample_csharp"::: - + structure. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtranslateexample_csharp"::: + ]]> @@ -2061,18 +2051,18 @@ The amount to offset this along the y-axis. Prepends a translation of the specified offsets to this structure. - structure. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtranslateprependexample_csharp"::: - + structure. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Matrix/Append/MatrixExample.cs" id="Snippetmatrixtranslateprependexample_csharp"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/MatrixTransform.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/MatrixTransform.xml index 3e64e8e5fd9..b6cb44d59e4 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/MatrixTransform.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/MatrixTransform.xml @@ -23,70 +23,70 @@ Creates an arbitrary affine matrix transformation that is used to manipulate objects or coordinate systems in a 2-D plane. - class to create custom transformations that are not provided by the , , , or classes. - - A 3x3 matrix is used for transformations in a 2-D x-y plane. You can multiply affine matrix transformations to form linear transformations, such as rotation and skew (shear) that are followed by translation. - - An affine matrix transformation has its final column equal to (0, 0, 1); therefore, you only have to specify the members in the first two columns. - - A Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) has the following structure: - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|||0| -|||0| -|||1| - - The members in the last row, and , represent translation values. - - Methods and properties usually specify the transformation matrix as a vector that has only six members; the members are as follows: - - (, , , , , ) - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *m11* - - - The value at position (1, 1) of the transformation . - - *m12* - - - The value at position (1, 2) of the transformation . - - *m21* - - - The value at position (2, 1) of the transformation . - - *m22* - - - The value at position (2, 2) of the transformation . - - *offsetX* - - - The value at position (3, 1) of the transformation . - - *offsetY* - - - The value at position (3, 2) of the transformation . - + class to create custom transformations that are not provided by the , , , or classes. + + A 3x3 matrix is used for transformations in a 2-D x-y plane. You can multiply affine matrix transformations to form linear transformations, such as rotation and skew (shear) that are followed by translation. + + An affine matrix transformation has its final column equal to (0, 0, 1); therefore, you only have to specify the members in the first two columns. + + A Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) has the following structure: + +| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | +|----------|----------|----------| +|||0| +|||0| +|||1| + + The members in the last row, and , represent translation values. + + Methods and properties usually specify the transformation matrix as a vector that has only six members; the members are as follows: + + (, , , , , ) + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *m11* + + + The value at position (1, 1) of the transformation . + + *m12* + + + The value at position (1, 2) of the transformation . + + *m21* + + + The value at position (2, 1) of the transformation . + + *m22* + + + The value at position (2, 2) of the transformation . + + *offsetX* + + + The value at position (3, 1) of the transformation . + + *offsetY* + + + The value at position (3, 2) of the transformation . + ]]> @@ -213,15 +213,15 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this by making deep copies of its values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object returns even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -252,13 +252,13 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this object by making deep copies of its values. This method does not copy resource references, data bindings, or animations, although it does copy their current values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object is even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -316,18 +316,18 @@ Gets or sets the structure that defines this transformation. The structure that defines this transformation. The default value is an identity . An identity matrix has a value of 1 in coefficients [1,1], [2,2], and [3,3]; and a value of 0 in the rest of the coefficients. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -383,11 +383,11 @@ Gets the that represents this . The matrix that represents this . - property. - + property. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/MediaTimeline.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/MediaTimeline.xml index 438f4115d41..3c9aa4a58af 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/MediaTimeline.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/MediaTimeline.xml @@ -27,19 +27,19 @@ Provides a for media content. - is a object which provides control over media timing in the same way that animation timeline objects control animations. For example, a has associated and properties can be used to specify when media begins and how long it plays. See [Animation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-overview) for more information on animation timelines. - - There are two ways to associate a to a using a . - -1. Inside of a , when a is targets a , a will be created and assigned to the 's associated player. See [How to: Control a MediaElement by Using a Storyboard](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-mediaelement-by-using-a-storyboard) for an example; - -2. By explicitly creating a from a and assigning it to a . - - If the of the is set to `Automatic` (default), the duration of is the natural duration of the media source. To find the natural duration of the media source programmatically, query the property of the . - + is a object which provides control over media timing in the same way that animation timeline objects control animations. For example, a has associated and properties can be used to specify when media begins and how long it plays. See [Animation Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-overview) for more information on animation timelines. + + There are two ways to associate a to a using a . + +1. Inside of a , when a is targets a , a will be created and assigned to the 's associated player. See [How to: Control a MediaElement by Using a Storyboard](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/how-to-control-a-mediaelement-by-using-a-storyboard) for an example; + +2. By explicitly creating a from a and assigning it to a . + + If the of the is set to `Automatic` (default), the duration of is the natural duration of the media source. To find the natural duration of the media source programmatically, query the property of the . + ]]> @@ -250,13 +250,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -289,13 +289,13 @@ The to clone. Makes this instance a deep copy of the specified . When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. - method and should not be called directly from your code, except when calling the base implementation while overriding this method. To create a modifiable copy of the current object, call instead of calling this method directly. - - For more information, see . - + method and should not be called directly from your code, except when calling the base implementation while overriding this method. To create a modifiable copy of the current object, call instead of calling this method directly. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -326,13 +326,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -365,13 +365,13 @@ The to clone. Makes this instance a modifiable deep copy of the specified using current property values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. - method and should not be called directly from your code, except when calling the base implementation while overriding this method. To create a modifiable copy of the current object, call instead of calling this method directly. - - For more information, see . - + method and should not be called directly from your code, except when calling the base implementation while overriding this method. To create a modifiable copy of the current object, call instead of calling this method directly. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -493,15 +493,15 @@ The object to clone and freeze. Makes this instance a clone of the specified object. - will fail when trying to freeze the object and will throw an . - - This method is called by the method and should not be called directly from your code, except when calling the base implementation while overriding this method. To create a frozen copy of the current object, call instead of calling this method directly. - - For more information, see . - + will fail when trying to freeze the object and will throw an . + + This method is called by the method and should not be called directly from your code, except when calling the base implementation while overriding this method. To create a frozen copy of the current object, call instead of calling this method directly. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -534,13 +534,13 @@ The to copy and freeze. Makes this instance a frozen clone of the specified . Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. - method and should not be called directly from your code, except when calling the base implementation while overriding this method. To create a frozen copy of the current object, call instead of calling this method directly. - - For more information see . - + method and should not be called directly from your code, except when calling the base implementation while overriding this method. To create a frozen copy of the current object, call instead of calling this method directly. + + For more information see . + ]]> @@ -601,18 +601,18 @@ Gets or sets the media source associated with the timeline. The media source associated with the timeline. The default is **null**. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/NumberSubstitution.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/NumberSubstitution.xml index e3d80b56e1e..c0037787cc2 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/NumberSubstitution.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/NumberSubstitution.xml @@ -22,25 +22,25 @@ Specifies how numbers in text are displayed in different cultures. - class provides functionality that allows different cultures to substitute the appropriate digit shapes at rendering time. This functionality is similar to the one used for providing font substitution and language dependent font rendering. - + class provides functionality that allows different cultures to substitute the appropriate digit shapes at rendering time. This functionality is similar to the one used for providing font substitution and language dependent font rendering. + > [!NOTE] -> Many cultures are discarding their traditional digits shapes and adopting Western digits shapes, therefore the number substitution functionality recognizes the distinction for each culture between traditional digit shapes and national standard digit shapes. - - -## XAML Text Usage - This type is not typically used in XAML as an object element. However, the type exposes several attached properties that can be set on other object elements that have text content. - +> Many cultures are discarding their traditional digits shapes and adopting Western digits shapes, therefore the number substitution functionality recognizes the distinction for each culture between traditional digit shapes and national standard digit shapes. + + +## XAML Text Usage + This type is not typically used in XAML as an object element. However, the type exposes several attached properties that can be set on other object elements that have text content. + ]]> @@ -143,39 +143,39 @@ Example of the appearance of digits in different cultures Gets or sets a value which identifies which culture to use when the value of the property is set to . A value that represents the culture that is used as an override. - property is `null`, which is interpreted as the "en-us" (United States English) culture. - - If is not set to , this property is ignored. - - This reference page represents two identically named but not entirely equivalent usages for the property: - -- You can set this property in code on a instance, as a common language runtime (CLR) property. In this usage, the property is not backed by a dependency property identifier, it is backed by a private field and does not act as a dependency property. - -- You can set this property as an attached property usage in XAML. The attached property usage is the reason why this property has a Dependency Property Information section, because the attached property is backed by a dependency property identifier. In XAML, the usage is `<`*object* **NumberSubstitution.CultureOverride**`="`*value*`".../>`, where *object* is an object element where the specified number substitution logic applies, and *value* is one of the string-format values as explained in XAML Values. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *CultureInfo* - String representation of a value. For example, the string, "en-us", represents the United States English culture setting. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property is `null`, which is interpreted as the "en-us" (United States English) culture. + + If is not set to , this property is ignored. + + This reference page represents two identically named but not entirely equivalent usages for the property: + +- You can set this property in code on a instance, as a common language runtime (CLR) property. In this usage, the property is not backed by a dependency property identifier, it is backed by a private field and does not act as a dependency property. + +- You can set this property as an attached property usage in XAML. The attached property usage is the reason why this property has a Dependency Property Information section, because the attached property is backed by a dependency property identifier. In XAML, the usage is `<`*object* **NumberSubstitution.CultureOverride**`="`*value*`".../>`, where *object* is an object element where the specified number substitution logic applies, and *value* is one of the string-format values as explained in XAML Values. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *CultureInfo* + String representation of a value. For example, the string, "en-us", represents the United States English culture setting. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -237,29 +237,29 @@ Example of the appearance of digits in different cultures Gets or sets a value which identifies the source of the culture value that is used to determine number substitution. An enumerated value of . - property is , which is the culture of the text run. - - This reference page represents two identically named but not entirely equivalent usages for the property: - -- You can set this property in code on a instance, as a common language runtime (CLR) property. In this usage, the property is not backed by a dependency property identifier, it is backed by a private field and does not act as a dependency property. - -- You can set this property as an attached property usage in XAML. The attached property usage is the reason why this property has a Dependency Property Information section, because the attached property is backed by a dependency property identifier. In XAML, the usage is `<`*object* **NumberSubstitution.CultureSource**`="`*value*`".../>`, where *object* is an object element where the specified number substitution logic applies, and *value* is a string representation of a value. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **NumberSubstitution.CultureSource**=""/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property is , which is the culture of the text run. + + This reference page represents two identically named but not entirely equivalent usages for the property: + +- You can set this property in code on a instance, as a common language runtime (CLR) property. In this usage, the property is not backed by a dependency property identifier, it is backed by a private field and does not act as a dependency property. + +- You can set this property as an attached property usage in XAML. The attached property usage is the reason why this property has a Dependency Property Information section, because the attached property is backed by a dependency property identifier. In XAML, the usage is `<`*object* **NumberSubstitution.CultureSource**`="`*value*`".../>`, where *object* is an object element where the specified number substitution logic applies, and *value* is a string representation of a value. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **NumberSubstitution.CultureSource**=""/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -320,17 +320,17 @@ Example of the appearance of digits in different cultures if is equal to the current object; otherwise, . If is not a object, is returned. - objects are equal if the following properties are equal: - -- - -- - -- - + objects are equal if the following properties are equal: + +- + +- + +- + ]]> @@ -605,29 +605,29 @@ Example of the appearance of digits in different cultures Gets or sets a value which identifies the substitution method that is used to determine number substitution. An enumerated value of . - property is , which specifies that the substitution method should be determined based on the number culture's property value. - - This reference page represents two identically named but not entirely equivalent usages for the property: - -- You can set this property in code on a instance, as a common language runtime (CLR) property. In this usage, the property is not backed by a dependency property identifier, it is backed by a private field and does not act as a dependency property. - -- You can set this property as an attached property usage in XAML. The attached property usage is the reason why this property has a Dependency Property Information section, because the attached property is backed by a dependency property identifier. In XAML, the usage is `<`*object* **NumberSubstitution.Substitution**`="`*value*`".../>`, where *object* is an object element where the specified number substitution logic applies, and *value* is a string representation of a value. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **NumberSubstitution.Substitution**=""/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property is , which specifies that the substitution method should be determined based on the number culture's property value. + + This reference page represents two identically named but not entirely equivalent usages for the property: + +- You can set this property in code on a instance, as a common language runtime (CLR) property. In this usage, the property is not backed by a dependency property identifier, it is backed by a private field and does not act as a dependency property. + +- You can set this property as an attached property usage in XAML. The attached property usage is the reason why this property has a Dependency Property Information section, because the attached property is backed by a dependency property identifier. In XAML, the usage is `<`*object* **NumberSubstitution.Substitution**`="`*value*`".../>`, where *object* is an object element where the specified number substitution logic applies, and *value* is a string representation of a value. In code, the attached property usage is supported by and . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **NumberSubstitution.Substitution**=""/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/PathFigure.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/PathFigure.xml index c52a2ec26d0..3a67f4b2105 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/PathFigure.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/PathFigure.xml @@ -37,29 +37,29 @@ Represents a subsection of a geometry, a single connected series of two-dimensional geometric segments. - is made up of one or more figures, represented by the class. Each figure is itself made up of one or more segments, defined by the class. - - -## XAML Object Element Usage - -``` - --or- - -  oneOrMoreSegments - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `oneOrMoreSegments` - One or more object elements for objects that derive from . Typically these are: , - - , , , , , . - + is made up of one or more figures, represented by the class. Each figure is itself made up of one or more segments, defined by the class. + + +## XAML Object Element Usage + +``` + +-or- + +  oneOrMoreSegments + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `oneOrMoreSegments` + One or more object elements for objects that derive from . Typically these are: , + + , , , , , . + ]]> Geometries Sample @@ -160,13 +160,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ Gets a object that is an polygonal approximation of this object. - @@ -279,11 +279,11 @@ Gets a object that is an polygonal approximation of this object. The polygonal approximation of this object. - @@ -319,13 +319,13 @@ Gets a object, within the specified error of tolerance, that is an polygonal approximation of this object. The polygonal approximation of this object. - @@ -356,18 +356,18 @@ if this figure's first and last segments are connected; otherwise, . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -423,24 +423,24 @@ Gets or sets whether the contained area of this is to be used for hit-testing, rendering, and clipping. Determines whether the contained area of this is to be used for hit-testing, rendering, and clipping. The default value is . - will be used, and its contained area will not contribute to the overall area of the . - - One use of this property is to allow unfilled strokes in an otherwise filled , like the mouth in the left Smiley below. Setting the mouth's to `true` may produce the undesired effect of the mouth in the right Smiley. - - ![smiley path is filled](~/add/media/ref-mil-pathfigure-isfilled-smiley.PNG "smiley path is filled") -IsFilled Example - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + will be used, and its contained area will not contribute to the overall area of the . + + One use of this property is to allow unfilled strokes in an otherwise filled , like the mouth in the left Smiley below. Setting the mouth's to `true` may produce the undesired effect of the mouth in the right Smiley. + + ![smiley path is filled](~/add/media/ref-mil-pathfigure-isfilled-smiley.PNG "smiley path is filled") +IsFilled Example + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -525,34 +525,34 @@ IsFilled Example Gets or sets the collection of segments that define the shape of this object. The collection of segments that define the shape of this object. The default value is an empty collection. - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - oneOrMorePathSegments - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `oneOrMorePathSegments` - One or more object elements for objects that derive from . Typically these are: , - - , , , , , . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + oneOrMorePathSegments + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `oneOrMorePathSegments` + One or more object elements for objects that derive from . Typically these are: , + + , , , , , . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -608,18 +608,18 @@ IsFilled Example Gets or sets the where the begins. The where the begins. The default value is 0,0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -679,15 +679,15 @@ IsFilled Example - The format to use. - - -or- - + The format to use. + + -or- + A null reference ( in Visual Basic) to use the default format defined for the type of the implementation. - The provider to use to format the value. - - -or- - + The provider to use to format the value. + + -or- + A null reference ( in Visual Basic) to obtain the numeric format information from the current locale setting of the operating system. Formats the value of the current instance using the specified format. The value of the current instance in the specified format. @@ -702,11 +702,11 @@ IsFilled Example Creates a string representation of this object. - @@ -737,11 +737,11 @@ IsFilled Example Creates a string representation of this object. A string representation of this . - @@ -775,11 +775,11 @@ IsFilled Example Creates a string representation of this object using the specified culture-specific formatting. A formatted string representation of this . - diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/PathGeometry.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/PathGeometry.xml index c7b259ecd3c..cb2d864ffd3 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/PathGeometry.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/PathGeometry.xml @@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ Represents a complex shape that may be composed of arcs, curves, ellipses, lines, and rectangles. - object defines a collection of objects. Each of the objects is composed of one or more objects, such as and , which actually define their shape. - - The filled area of the is defined by taking all of the contained objects that have their property set to `true` and applying the to determine the enclosed area. - + object defines a collection of objects. Each of the objects is composed of one or more objects, such as and , which actually define their shape. + + The filled area of the is defined by taking all of the contained objects that have their property set to `true` and applying the to determine the enclosed area. + ]]> @@ -185,11 +185,11 @@ Gets a that specifies the bounding box of this object. **Note:** This method does not take any pens into account. The bounding box of this . - object are used to calculate the bounding box. - + object are used to calculate the bounding box. + ]]> @@ -247,13 +247,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -284,13 +284,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ Creates a version of the specified . A created from the current values of the specified . - (although the animations themselves are not copied). If the geometry is animated, the conversion may result in some loss of precision. - + (although the animations themselves are not copied). If the geometry is animated, the conversion may result in some loss of precision. + ]]> @@ -386,46 +386,46 @@ Gets or sets the collection of objects that describe the path's contents. A collection of objects that describe the path's contents. Each individual describes a shape. - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - oneOrMoreFigures - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *moveAndDrawCommands* - One or more move and draw commands. See [Path Markup Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/path-markup-syntax). - - *oneOrMoreFigures* - - - One or more objects. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + oneOrMoreFigures + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *moveAndDrawCommands* + One or more move and draw commands. See [Path Markup Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/path-markup-syntax). + + *oneOrMoreFigures* + + + One or more objects. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -481,24 +481,24 @@ Gets or sets a value that determines how the intersecting areas contained in this are combined. Indicates how the intersecting areas of this are combined. The default value is EvenOdd. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/PathSegment.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/PathSegment.xml index ce0fc99d970..aa4bc06d3c7 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/PathSegment.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/PathSegment.xml @@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ Represents a segment of a object. - , such as , , and , represent specific types of geometric segments. - - **Freezable Features:** Because objects inherit from the class, they provide several special features: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features that are provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + , such as , , and , represent specific types of geometric segments. + + **Freezable Features:** Because objects inherit from the class, they provide several special features: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features that are provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -72,15 +72,15 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this by making deep copies of its values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object returns even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this object by making deep copies of its values. This method does not copy resource references, data bindings, and animations, although it does copy their current values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property is even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -148,18 +148,18 @@ if the join between this and the previous is not to be treated as a corner; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -216,21 +216,21 @@ if the segment is stroked when a is used to render the segment; otherwise, the segment is not stroked. The default is . - object has this property set to `true`, that object contributes to the stroked area of the when rendered by a . If this property is `true`, the extra area added by a Pen affects hit testing and explicit operations to widen the . - - When you switch between stroked and non-stroked sections in a , it is considered the same as the dashes of a . The property of the object determines the shape of the ends of stroked objects. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + object has this property set to `true`, that object contributes to the stroked area of the when rendered by a . If this property is `true`, the extra area added by a Pen affects hit testing and explicit operations to widen the . + + When you switch between stroked and non-stroked sections in a , it is considered the same as the dashes of a . The property of the object determines the shape of the ends of stroked objects. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/Pen.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/Pen.xml index 612df20c6af..31d81b12bcc 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/Pen.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/Pen.xml @@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ The thickness of the Pen. Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified and thickness. - @@ -125,18 +125,18 @@ Gets or sets the fill the outline produced by this . The fill of the outline produced by this . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -193,13 +193,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -230,13 +230,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -292,22 +292,22 @@ Gets or sets a value that specifies how the ends of each dash are drawn. - Specifies how the ends of each dash are drawn. - + Specifies how the ends of each dash are drawn. + This setting applies to both ends of each dash. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -363,26 +363,26 @@ Gets or sets a value that describes the pattern of dashes generated by this . A value that describes the pattern of dashes generated by this . The default is , which indicates that there should be no dashes. - class provides a set of predefined dash patterns. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property of a to create a dashed line under text. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/DashStyleExample.xaml" id="Snippetdashstyle"::: - + class provides a set of predefined dash patterns. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property of a to create a dashed line under text. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/DashStyleExample.xaml" id="Snippetdashstyle"::: + ]]> @@ -439,25 +439,25 @@ Gets or sets the type of shape to use at the end of a stroke. The type of shape that ends the stroke. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the and properties to create a rounded end on one side of a stroke and a triangular end on the other side of the stroke. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PenStartEndLineCapExample.xaml" id="Snippetpenstartendlinecapwholepage"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the and properties to create a rounded end on one side of a stroke and a triangular end on the other side of the stroke. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PenStartEndLineCapExample.xaml" id="Snippetpenstartendlinecapwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -514,18 +514,18 @@ Gets or sets the type of joint used at the vertices of a shape's outline. The type of joint used at the vertices of a shape's outline. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -581,30 +581,30 @@ Gets or sets the limit on the ratio of the miter length to half this pen's . The limit on the ratio of the miter length to half the pen's . This value is always a positive number greater than or equal to 1. The default value is 10.0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to limit the size of a corner created by two line segments. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PenMiterLimitExample.xaml" id="Snippetpenmiterlimitexamplewholepage"::: - - The following illustration shows what this code example produces. - - ![Shows MiterLimit example. Corner formed is cut.](~/add/media/graphicsmiterlimit.png "Shows MiterLimit example. Corner formed is cut.") - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to limit the size of a corner created by two line segments. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PenMiterLimitExample.xaml" id="Snippetpenmiterlimitexamplewholepage"::: + + The following illustration shows what this code example produces. + + ![Shows MiterLimit example. Corner formed is cut.](~/add/media/graphicsmiterlimit.png "Shows MiterLimit example. Corner formed is cut.") + ]]> @@ -661,25 +661,25 @@ Gets or sets the type of shape to use at the beginning of a stroke. The type of shape that starts the stroke. The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the and properties to create a rounded end on one side of a stroke and a triangular end on the other side of the stroke. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PenStartEndLineCapExample.xaml" id="Snippetpenstartendlinecapwholepage"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the and properties to create a rounded end on one side of a stroke and a triangular end on the other side of the stroke. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DrawingMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PenStartEndLineCapExample.xaml" id="Snippetpenstartendlinecapwholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -736,19 +736,19 @@ Gets or sets the thickness of the stroke produced by this . The thickness of the stroke produced by this . Default is 1. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyBezierSegment.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyBezierSegment.xml index df04dbb1786..6227aae2504 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyBezierSegment.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyBezierSegment.xml @@ -23,25 +23,25 @@ Represents one or more cubic Bezier curves. - object to store objects and other segments. - - A cubic Bezier curve is defined by four points: a start point, an end point and two control points. A specifies one or more cubic Bezier curves by setting the property to a collection of points. For every three points in the collection, the first and second points specify the two control points of the curve and the third point specifies the end point. Note that no start point for the curve is specified because start point is the same as the end point of the last segment. - - The two control points of a cubic Bezier curve behave like magnets, attracting portions of what would otherwise be a straight line toward themselves and producing a curve. The first control point affects the beginning portion of the curve; the second control point affects the ending portion of the curve. Note that the curve doesn't necessarily pass through either of the control points; each control point moves its portion of the line toward itself, but not through itself. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use a to draw two cubic Bezier curves. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PolyBezierSegmentExample.xaml" id="Snippetpolybeziersegmentexamplewholepage"::: - + object to store objects and other segments. + + A cubic Bezier curve is defined by four points: a start point, an end point and two control points. A specifies one or more cubic Bezier curves by setting the property to a collection of points. For every three points in the collection, the first and second points specify the two control points of the curve and the third point specifies the end point. Note that no start point for the curve is specified because start point is the same as the end point of the last segment. + + The two control points of a cubic Bezier curve behave like magnets, attracting portions of what would otherwise be a straight line toward themselves and producing a curve. The first control point affects the beginning portion of the curve; the second control point affects the ending portion of the curve. Note that the curve doesn't necessarily pass through either of the control points; each control point moves its portion of the line toward itself, but not through itself. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use a to draw two cubic Bezier curves. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PolyBezierSegmentExample.xaml" id="Snippetpolybeziersegmentexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PolyBezierSegment/Overview/PolyBezierSegmentExample.cs" id="Snippetpolybeziersegmentcodeexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/polybeziersegmentexample.vb" id="Snippetpolybeziersegmentcodeexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/polybeziersegmentexample.vb" id="Snippetpolybeziersegmentcodeexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -241,28 +241,28 @@ Gets or sets the that define this object. Collection that define this object. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property of a that defines two cubic Bezier curves. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PolyBezierSegmentExample.xaml" id="Snippetpolybeziersegmentexamplewholepage"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property of a that defines two cubic Bezier curves. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PolyBezierSegmentExample.xaml" id="Snippetpolybeziersegmentexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PolyBezierSegment/Overview/PolyBezierSegmentExample.cs" id="Snippetpolybeziersegmentcodeexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/polybeziersegmentexample.vb" id="Snippetpolybeziersegmentcodeexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/polybeziersegmentexample.vb" id="Snippetpolybeziersegmentcodeexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyLineSegment.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyLineSegment.xml index 13073695dea..f70e385cd40 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyLineSegment.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyLineSegment.xml @@ -23,21 +23,21 @@ Represents a set of line segments defined by a with each specifying the end point of a line segment. - . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use a to specify points for segments of a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PolyLineSegment/Overview/GeometryExamples.xaml" id="Snippetgraphicsmmpathgeometrycomplexmultiexample"::: - + . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use a to specify points for segments of a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PolyLineSegment/Overview/GeometryExamples.xaml" id="Snippetgraphicsmmpathgeometrycomplexmultiexample"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PolyLineSegment/Overview/GeometryExamples.cs" id="Snippetgraphicsmmpathgeometrycomplexmultiexample"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometryOverviewSamples_procedural_snip/visualbasic/geometryexamples.vb" id="Snippetgraphicsmmpathgeometrycomplexmultiexample"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometryOverviewSamples_procedural_snip/visualbasic/geometryexamples.vb" id="Snippetgraphicsmmpathgeometrycomplexmultiexample"::: + ]]> @@ -139,13 +139,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -176,13 +176,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -240,27 +240,27 @@ Gets or sets the collection of structures that defines this object. The shape of this object. - of the to the first point in this collection. Lines are then drawn between each subsequent point specified in this collection. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the property to set the segment points of a . - + of the to the first point in this collection. Lines are then drawn between each subsequent point specified in this collection. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the property to set the segment points of a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PolyLineSegment/Overview/GeometryExamples.cs" id="Snippetgraphicsmmpathgeometrycomplexmultiexample"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometryOverviewSamples_procedural_snip/visualbasic/geometryexamples.vb" id="Snippetgraphicsmmpathgeometrycomplexmultiexample"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometryOverviewSamples_procedural_snip/visualbasic/geometryexamples.vb" id="Snippetgraphicsmmpathgeometrycomplexmultiexample"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyQuadraticBezierSegment.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyQuadraticBezierSegment.xml index 10a742ab622..c7f6cd7271f 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyQuadraticBezierSegment.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyQuadraticBezierSegment.xml @@ -23,21 +23,21 @@ Represents a set of quadratic Bezier segments. - , you can specify only two points to create a single quadratic Bezier curve segment. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use to create two quadratic Bezier curve segments. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PolyQuadraticBezierSegmentExample.xaml" id="Snippetpolyquadraticbeziersegmentexamplewholepage"::: - + , you can specify only two points to create a single quadratic Bezier curve segment. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use to create two quadratic Bezier curve segments. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PolyQuadraticBezierSegmentExample.xaml" id="Snippetpolyquadraticbeziersegmentexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PolyBezierSegment/Overview/PolyQuadraticBezierSegmentExample.cs" id="Snippetpolyquadraticbeziersegmentcodeexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/polyquadraticbeziersegmentexample.vb" id="Snippetpolyquadraticbeziersegmentcodeexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/polyquadraticbeziersegmentexample.vb" id="Snippetpolyquadraticbeziersegmentcodeexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -174,13 +174,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -238,29 +238,29 @@ Gets or sets the that defines this object. A collection that defines the shape of this object. The default value is an empty collection. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use to create two quadratic Bezier curves. The control and end points of the curves are specified by setting the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PolyQuadraticBezierSegmentExample.xaml" id="Snippetpolyquadraticbeziersegmentexamplewholepage"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use to create two quadratic Bezier curves. The control and end points of the curves are specified by setting the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_snip/XAML/PolyQuadraticBezierSegmentExample.xaml" id="Snippetpolyquadraticbeziersegmentexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PolyBezierSegment/Overview/PolyQuadraticBezierSegmentExample.cs" id="Snippetpolyquadraticbeziersegmentcodeexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/polyquadraticbeziersegmentexample.vb" id="Snippetpolyquadraticbeziersegmentcodeexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometriesMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/polyquadraticbeziersegmentexample.vb" id="Snippetpolyquadraticbeziersegmentcodeexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/QuadraticBezierSegment.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/QuadraticBezierSegment.xml index 813fbba9e81..837766d4df8 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/QuadraticBezierSegment.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/QuadraticBezierSegment.xml @@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ Creates a quadratic Bezier curve between two points in a . - object to create composite shapes using objects and other segments. - - The class does not contain a property for the starting point of the line. The starting point of the line is the end point of the previous segment, or the of the if no other segments exist. - -## Freezable Features - Because objects inherit from the class, they provide several special features: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread safe. For more information about the different features that are provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + object to create composite shapes using objects and other segments. + + The class does not contain a property for the starting point of the line. The starting point of the line is the end point of the previous segment, or the of the if no other segments exist. + +## Freezable Features + Because objects inherit from the class, they provide several special features: they can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread safe. For more information about the different features that are provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -133,15 +133,15 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -172,15 +172,15 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -238,18 +238,18 @@ Gets or sets the control of the curve. The control point of this . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -305,18 +305,18 @@ Gets or sets the end of this . The end point of this . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/RectangleGeometry.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/RectangleGeometry.xml index fa5e513cb7c..61330db17bb 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/RectangleGeometry.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/RectangleGeometry.xml @@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ Gets a that specifies the bounding box of a . This method does not take any pens into account. The bounding box of the . - object are used to calculate the bounding box. - + object are used to calculate the bounding box. + ]]> @@ -208,13 +208,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -245,13 +245,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -406,19 +406,19 @@ Gets or sets the x-radius of the ellipse use to round the corners of the rectangle. A value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to half the rectangle's width that describes the x-radius of the ellipse use to round the corners of the rectangle. Values greater than half the rectangle's width are treated as though equal to half the rectangle's width. Negative values are treated as positive values. The default is 0.0. - and properties must be non-zero. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and properties must be non-zero. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -475,19 +475,19 @@ Gets or sets the y-radius of the ellipse use to round the corners of the rectangle. A value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to half the rectangle's width that describes the y-radius of the ellipse use to round the corners of the rectangle. Values greater than half the rectangle's width are treated as though equal to half the rectangle's width. Negative values are treated as positive values. The default is 0.0. - and properties must be non-zero. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and properties must be non-zero. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -544,18 +544,18 @@ Gets or sets the dimensions of the rectangle. The position and size of the rectangle. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/RenderOptions.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/RenderOptions.xml index 1823d06bf39..203f6c6f27b 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/RenderOptions.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/RenderOptions.xml @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ Provides options for controlling the rendering behavior of objects. - class to specify options for the rendering of text and visual elements in your WPF application. These options enable you to optimize rendering for speed or quality. - + class to specify options for the rendering of text and visual elements in your WPF application. These options enable you to optimize rendering for speed or quality. + ]]> @@ -53,23 +53,23 @@ Gets or sets the for a given . - property on a or descendant that is animating a bitmap. - - When animating the scale of any bitmap, the default high-quality image re-sampling algorithm can sometimes consume sufficient system resources to cause frame rate degradation, effectively causing animations to stutter. By setting the property to , you can create a smoother animation when scaling a bitmap. - - To access this property in code, use the and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + property on a or descendant that is animating a bitmap. + + When animating the scale of any bitmap, the default high-quality image re-sampling algorithm can sometimes consume sufficient system resources to cause frame rate degradation, effectively causing animations to stutter. By setting the property to , you can create a smoother animation when scaling a bitmap. + + To access this property in code, use the and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -122,34 +122,34 @@ Gets or sets the cache invalidation threshold maximum value for a given . - and its derived types. It is intended to be used with brushes that have intermediate surfaces, such as and . It only has an effect when the property is set to . - - By default, WPF does not cache the rendered contents of and objects. In static scenarios, where neither the contents nor the use of the brush in the scene is changing, not caching the content provides a benefit because it conserves video memory. When a brush with static content is used in a non-static way, the default behavior of WPF is to re-render all the content of the brush every frame, even though the content is unchanging. For example, this will happen when a static or is mapped to the surface of a rotating 3D object. Re-rendering the static content can have a negative impact on performance. - - By setting the attached property on the brush to , you can increase performance by using cached versions of the tiled brush objects. - - The and property values are relative-size values that determine when the object should be regenerated because of changes in scale. For example, when the property is set to 2.0, the cache for the needs to be regenerated only when its size exceeds two times the size of the current cache. - - To access this property in code, use the and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the caching hint option for a . - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcachingxaml"::: - + and its derived types. It is intended to be used with brushes that have intermediate surfaces, such as and . It only has an effect when the property is set to . + + By default, WPF does not cache the rendered contents of and objects. In static scenarios, where neither the contents nor the use of the brush in the scene is changing, not caching the content provides a benefit because it conserves video memory. When a brush with static content is used in a non-static way, the default behavior of WPF is to re-render all the content of the brush every frame, even though the content is unchanging. For example, this will happen when a static or is mapped to the surface of a rotating 3D object. Re-rendering the static content can have a negative impact on performance. + + By setting the attached property on the brush to , you can increase performance by using cached versions of the tiled brush objects. + + The and property values are relative-size values that determine when the object should be regenerated because of changes in scale. For example, when the property is set to 2.0, the cache for the needs to be regenerated only when its size exceeds two times the size of the current cache. + + To access this property in code, use the and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the caching hint option for a . + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcachingxaml"::: + ]]> @@ -203,34 +203,34 @@ Gets or sets the cache invalidation threshold minimum value for a given . - and its derived types. It is intended to be used with brushes that have intermediate surfaces, such as and . It only has an effect when the property is set to . - - By default, WPF does not cache the rendered contents of and objects. In static scenarios, where neither the contents nor the use of the brush in the scene is changing, not caching the content provides a benefit because it conserves video memory. When a brush with static content is used in a non-static way the default behavior of WPF is to re-render all the content of the brush every frame, even though the content is unchanging. For example, this will happen when a static or is mapped to the surface of a rotating 3D object. Re-rendering the static content can have a negative impact on performance. - - By setting the attached property on the brush to , you can increase performance by using cached versions of the tiled brush objects. - - The and property values are relative-size values that determine when the object should be regenerated because of changes in scale. For example, when the property is set to 0.5, the cache for the needs to be regenerated only when its size is reduced to less than one half the size of the current cache. - - To access this property in code, use the and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the caching hint option for a . - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcachingxaml"::: - + and its derived types. It is intended to be used with brushes that have intermediate surfaces, such as and . It only has an effect when the property is set to . + + By default, WPF does not cache the rendered contents of and objects. In static scenarios, where neither the contents nor the use of the brush in the scene is changing, not caching the content provides a benefit because it conserves video memory. When a brush with static content is used in a non-static way the default behavior of WPF is to re-render all the content of the brush every frame, even though the content is unchanging. For example, this will happen when a static or is mapped to the surface of a rotating 3D object. Re-rendering the static content can have a negative impact on performance. + + By setting the attached property on the brush to , you can increase performance by using cached versions of the tiled brush objects. + + The and property values are relative-size values that determine when the object should be regenerated because of changes in scale. For example, when the property is set to 0.5, the cache for the needs to be regenerated only when its size is reduced to less than one half the size of the current cache. + + To access this property in code, use the and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the caching hint option for a . + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcachingxaml"::: + ]]> @@ -284,34 +284,34 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates that rendered content should be cached when possible. - and its derived types. It is intended to be used with brushes that have intermediate surfaces, such as and . - - By default, WPF does not cache the rendered contents of and objects. In static scenarios, where neither the contents nor the use of the brush in the scene is changing, not caching provides a benefit because it conserves video memory. When a brush with static content is used in a non-static way, the default behavior of WPF is to re-render all the content of the brush every frame, even though the content is unchanging. For example, this will happen when a static or is mapped to the surface of a rotating 3D object. Re-rendering the static content can have a negative impact on performance. - - By setting the attached property of the brush to , you can increase performance by using cached versions of the tiled brush objects. - - The and property values are relative-size values that determine when the object should be regenerated because of changes in scale. For example, when the property is set to 2.0, the cache for the needs to be regenerated only when its size exceeds two times the size of the current cache. - - To access this property in code, use the and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the caching hint option for a . - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcachingxaml"::: - + and its derived types. It is intended to be used with brushes that have intermediate surfaces, such as and . + + By default, WPF does not cache the rendered contents of and objects. In static scenarios, where neither the contents nor the use of the brush in the scene is changing, not caching provides a benefit because it conserves video memory. When a brush with static content is used in a non-static way, the default behavior of WPF is to re-render all the content of the brush every frame, even though the content is unchanging. For example, this will happen when a static or is mapped to the surface of a rotating 3D object. Re-rendering the static content can have a negative impact on performance. + + By setting the attached property of the brush to , you can increase performance by using cached versions of the tiled brush objects. + + The and property values are relative-size values that determine when the object should be regenerated because of changes in scale. For example, when the property is set to 2.0, the cache for the needs to be regenerated only when its size exceeds two times the size of the current cache. + + To access this property in code, use the and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the caching hint option for a . + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcachingxaml"::: + ]]> @@ -365,46 +365,46 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates to the rendering engine whether text can be rendered with ClearType. - attached property to indicate that text can be rendered with ClearType in a specific part of the visual tree. - - ClearType text does not display correctly on a background that is not fully opaque. Intermediate render targets, such as , , , , , and , can introduce backgrounds that are not fully opaque. WPF disables ClearType when it detects that the buffer into which text is drawn could have a transparent background. - - Set the property to to indicate that a subtree is safe for ClearType text rendering. Do this only when you can be certain that the text is rendering to a fully opaque background. When an element in the subtree introduces transparency, you can enable ClearType; however, rendering issues may occur. If a portion of the subtree introduces more intermediate rendering targets, you must set again on the children of that subtree. - - The following list shows how to make sure that text to be rendered with ClearType appears correctly. - -- Do not introduce intermediate render targets between and the text to be rendered with ClearType. - -- Assign an opaque background that is as close as possible in the visual tree to the text. - -- Be aware that re-enables ClearType for a subtree; however, it does not force ClearType rendering. - -- Be aware that does not override your system settings or settings. - + attached property to indicate that text can be rendered with ClearType in a specific part of the visual tree. + + ClearType text does not display correctly on a background that is not fully opaque. Intermediate render targets, such as , , , , , and , can introduce backgrounds that are not fully opaque. WPF disables ClearType when it detects that the buffer into which text is drawn could have a transparent background. + + Set the property to to indicate that a subtree is safe for ClearType text rendering. Do this only when you can be certain that the text is rendering to a fully opaque background. When an element in the subtree introduces transparency, you can enable ClearType; however, rendering issues may occur. If a portion of the subtree introduces more intermediate rendering targets, you must set again on the children of that subtree. + + The following list shows how to make sure that text to be rendered with ClearType appears correctly. + +- Do not introduce intermediate render targets between and the text to be rendered with ClearType. + +- Assign an opaque background that is as close as possible in the visual tree to the text. + +- Be aware that re-enables ClearType for a subtree; however, it does not force ClearType rendering. + +- Be aware that does not override your system settings or settings. + > [!NOTE] -> The attached property does not affect the control; however, it does work with the control. - +> The attached property does not affect the control; however, it does work with the control. + > [!NOTE] -> On many controls, the attached property has no effect unless you set an opaque background behind the text. - - To access this property in code, use the and methods. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how the property affects different branches of the visual tree. In the first text block control, text is rendered with ClearType because the text block inherits the setting from the main window. In the second text block, ClearType is not used because the parent element's property is set. In the third text block, is used, but rendering issues may occur. - +> On many controls, the attached property has no effect unless you set an opaque background behind the text. + + To access this property in code, use the and methods. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how the property affects different branches of the visual tree. In the first text block control, text is rendered with ClearType because the text block inherits the setting from the main window. In the second text block, ClearType is not used because the parent element's property is set. In the third text block, is used, but rendering issues may occur. + ```xaml @@ -417,11 +417,11 @@ - - + ``` ]]> @@ -473,21 +473,21 @@ Gets or sets the enumeration value for a non-text primitive that determines how its edges are rendered. - attached property to improve rendering performance by specifying that a visual object should be rendered with aliased edges. Text objects are always displayed with anti-aliasing, and are unaffected by setting the edge mode value. When you set the edge mode value of a visual object, all the descendant drawing primitives of the visual object are set to the same edge mode value. - - To access this property in code, use the and methods. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + attached property to improve rendering performance by specifying that a visual object should be rendered with aliased edges. Text objects are always displayed with anti-aliasing, and are unaffected by setting the edge mode value. When you set the edge mode value of a visual object, all the descendant drawing primitives of the visual object are set to the same edge mode value. + + To access this property in code, use the and methods. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -555,14 +555,14 @@ Returns the value of the attached property for a specified dependency object. The current value of the attached property on the specified dependency object. - for an image object. - + for an image object. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet1"::: + ]]> The specified is . @@ -604,14 +604,14 @@ Returns the value of the attached property for a specified dependency object. The current value of the attached property on the specified dependency object. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet4"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet4"::: + ]]> The specified is . @@ -654,14 +654,14 @@ Returns the value of the attached property for a specified dependency object. The current value of the attached property on the specified dependency object. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet4"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet4"::: + ]]> The specified is . @@ -704,14 +704,14 @@ Returns the value of the attached property for a specified dependency object. The current value of the attached property on the specified dependency object. - . - + . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet4"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet4"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet4"::: + ]]> The specified is . @@ -790,11 +790,11 @@ Returns the value of the attached property for a specified dependency object. The current value of the attached property on the specified dependency object. - and , is . - + and , is . + ]]> The specified is . @@ -834,23 +834,23 @@ Specifies the render mode preference for the current process. The preference for the current process. - property to force software rendering for the current process. You can avoid many rendering issues that occur in WPF applications and that are caused by external issues if you change your preference to software rendering. - - During application startup, if your application detects rendering issues, such as slow frame rates, you can set the rendering mode to software only. Also, you may want to enable the user setting while the application is running. - - The preference overrides the setting. The precedence order for software rendering is: - -1. DisableHWAcceleration registry key - -2. - -3. (per-target) - - **Note** specifies a preference and does not necessarily change the actual rendering mode. Other parts of the system may override this preference and force the system into software rendering. - + property to force software rendering for the current process. You can avoid many rendering issues that occur in WPF applications and that are caused by external issues if you change your preference to software rendering. + + During application startup, if your application detects rendering issues, such as slow frame rates, you can set the rendering mode to software only. Also, you may want to enable the user setting while the application is running. + + The preference overrides the setting. The precedence order for software rendering is: + +1. DisableHWAcceleration registry key + +2. + +3. (per-target) + + **Note** specifies a preference and does not necessarily change the actual rendering mode. Other parts of the system may override this preference and force the system into software rendering. + ]]> @@ -886,21 +886,21 @@ The new value to set the property to. Sets the value of the attached property on a specified dependency object. - method on a or descendant that is animating a bitmap. - - When animating the scale of any bitmap, the default high-quality image re-sampling algorithm can sometimes consume sufficient system resources to cause frame rate degradation, effectively causing animations to stutter. By setting the property of the object to , you can create a smoother animation when scaling a bitmap. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the for an object. - + method on a or descendant that is animating a bitmap. + + When animating the scale of any bitmap, the default high-quality image re-sampling algorithm can sometimes consume sufficient system resources to cause frame rate degradation, effectively causing animations to stutter. By setting the property of the object to , you can create a smoother animation when scaling a bitmap. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the for an object. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet2"::: + ]]> The specified is . @@ -937,19 +937,19 @@ The new value to set the property to. Sets the value of the attached property on a specified dependency object. - attached property in code. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the caching hint option for a . - + attached property in code. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the caching hint option for a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet3"::: + ]]> The specified is . @@ -987,19 +987,19 @@ The new value to set the property to. Sets the value of the attached property on a specified dependency object. - attached property in code. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the caching hint option for a . - + attached property in code. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the caching hint option for a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet3"::: + ]]> The specified is . @@ -1037,25 +1037,25 @@ The new value to set the property to. Sets the value of the attached property on a specified dependency object. - and objects. In static scenarios, where neither the contents nor the use of the brush in the scene is changing, not caching provides a benefit because it conserves video memory. When a brush with static content is used in a non-static way, the default behavior of WPF is to re-render all the content of the brush every frame, even though the content is unchanging. For example, this will happen when a static or is mapped to the surface of a rotating 3D object. Re-rendering the static content can have a negative impact on performance. - - By setting the attached property of the brush to , you can increase performance by using cached versions of the tiled brush objects. - - The and property values are relative-size values that determine when the object should be regenerated because of changes in scale. For example, when the property is set to 2.0, the cache for the needs to be regenerated only when its size exceeds two times the size of the current cache. - - Use this method to set the attached property in code. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the caching hint option for a . - + and objects. In static scenarios, where neither the contents nor the use of the brush in the scene is changing, not caching provides a benefit because it conserves video memory. When a brush with static content is used in a non-static way, the default behavior of WPF is to re-render all the content of the brush every frame, even though the content is unchanging. For example, this will happen when a static or is mapped to the surface of a rotating 3D object. Re-rendering the static content can have a negative impact on performance. + + By setting the attached property of the brush to , you can increase performance by using cached versions of the tiled brush objects. + + The and property values are relative-size values that determine when the object should be regenerated because of changes in scale. For example, when the property is set to 2.0, the cache for the needs to be regenerated only when its size exceeds two times the size of the current cache. + + Use this method to set the attached property in code. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the caching hint option for a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/BitmapScalingMode/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RenderOptions/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetrenderoptionssnippet3"::: + ]]> The specified is . @@ -1125,19 +1125,19 @@ The new value to set the property to. Sets the value of the attached property on a specified dependency object. - method to set the edge mode for a visual object to . - + method to set the edge mode for a visual object to . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/DrawingVisual/Drawing/Snippets.cs" id="Snippetsetedgemode"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/VisualSnippets/visualbasic/snippets.vb" id="Snippetsetedgemode"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/VisualSnippets/visualbasic/snippets.vb" id="Snippetsetedgemode"::: + ]]> The specified is . diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/RotateTransform.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/RotateTransform.xml index 6b17df04037..364966a121f 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/RotateTransform.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/RotateTransform.xml @@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ Rotates an object clockwise about a specified point in a 2-D x-y coordinate system. - rotates an object by a specified about the point , . - - When you use a , realize that the transformation rotates the coordinate system for a particular object about the point (0, 0). Therefore, depending on the position of the object, it might not rotate in place (around its center). For example, if an object is positioned 200 units from 0 along the x-axis, a rotation of 30 degrees can swing the object 30 degrees along a circle that has a radius of 200, which is drawn around the origin. To rotate an object in place, set the and of the to the center of the object to rotate. - - **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + rotates an object by a specified about the point , . + + When you use a , realize that the transformation rotates the coordinate system for a particular object about the point (0, 0). Therefore, depending on the position of the object, it might not rotate in place (around its center). For example, if an object is positioned 200 units from 0 along the x-axis, a rotation of 30 degrees can swing the object 30 degrees along a circle that has a radius of 200, which is drawn around the origin. To rotate an object in place, set the and of the to the center of the object to rotate. + + **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - @@ -159,19 +159,19 @@ Gets or sets the angle, in degrees, of clockwise rotation. The angle, in degrees, of clockwise rotation. The default is 0. - , realize that the transformation rotates the coordinate system for a particular object about the point (0, 0). Therefore, depending on the position of the object, it might not rotate in place (around its center). For example, if an object is positioned 200 units from 0 along the x-axis, a rotation of 30 degrees can swing the object 30 degrees along a circle that has a radius of 200, which is drawn around the origin. To rotate an object in place, set the and of the to the center of the object to rotate. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , realize that the transformation rotates the coordinate system for a particular object about the point (0, 0). Therefore, depending on the position of the object, it might not rotate in place (around its center). For example, if an object is positioned 200 units from 0 along the x-axis, a rotation of 30 degrees can swing the object 30 degrees along a circle that has a radius of 200, which is drawn around the origin. To rotate an object in place, set the and of the to the center of the object to rotate. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -227,19 +227,19 @@ Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the rotation center point. The x-coordinate of the center of rotation. The default is 0. - , realize that the transformation rotates the coordinate system for a particular object about the point (0, 0). Therefore, depending on the position of the object, it might not rotate in place (around its center). For example, if an object is positioned 200 units from 0 along the x-axis, a rotation of 30 degrees can swing the object 30 degrees along a circle that has a radius of 200, which is drawn around the origin. To rotate an object in place, set the and of the to the center of the object to rotate. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , realize that the transformation rotates the coordinate system for a particular object about the point (0, 0). Therefore, depending on the position of the object, it might not rotate in place (around its center). For example, if an object is positioned 200 units from 0 along the x-axis, a rotation of 30 degrees can swing the object 30 degrees along a circle that has a radius of 200, which is drawn around the origin. To rotate an object in place, set the and of the to the center of the object to rotate. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -295,19 +295,19 @@ Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the rotation center point. The y-coordinate of the center of rotation. The default is 0. - , realize that the transformation rotates the coordinate system for a particular object about the point (0, 0). Therefore, depending on the position of the object, it might not rotate in place (around its center). For example, if an object is positioned 200 units from 0 along the x-axis, a rotation of 30 degrees can swing the object 30 degrees along a circle that has a radius of 200, which is drawn around the origin. To rotate an object in place, set the and of the to the center of the object to rotate. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , realize that the transformation rotates the coordinate system for a particular object about the point (0, 0). Therefore, depending on the position of the object, it might not rotate in place (around its center). For example, if an object is positioned 200 units from 0 along the x-axis, a rotation of 30 degrees can swing the object 30 degrees along a circle that has a radius of 200, which is drawn around the origin. To rotate an object in place, set the and of the to the center of the object to rotate. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -336,11 +336,11 @@ Identifies the dependency property. - dependency property. - + dependency property. + ]]> @@ -371,15 +371,15 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this by making deep copies of its values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object returns even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -410,13 +410,13 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this object by making deep copies of its values. This method does not copy resource references, data bindings, or animations, although it does copy their current values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object is even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/ScaleTransform.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/ScaleTransform.xml index 6ddfb3ff36d..389c666391a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/ScaleTransform.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/ScaleTransform.xml @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ Scales an object in the 2-D x-y coordinate system. - to stretch or shrink an object horizontally or vertically. The property specifies by how much to stretch or shrink an object along the x-axis, and the property specifies by how much to stretch or shrink an object along the y-axis. Scale operations are centered on the point specified by the and properties. - - **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + to stretch or shrink an object horizontally or vertically. The property specifies by how much to stretch or shrink an object along the x-axis, and the property specifies by how much to stretch or shrink an object along the y-axis. Scale operations are centered on the point specified by the and properties. + + **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -161,18 +161,18 @@ Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the center point of this . The x-coordinate of the center point of this . The default is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -229,18 +229,18 @@ Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the center point of this . The y-coordinate of the center point of this . The default is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -298,15 +298,15 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this by making deep copies of its values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object returns even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -337,13 +337,13 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this object by making deep copies of its values. This method does not copy resource references, data bindings, or animations, although it does copy their current values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object is even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -401,23 +401,23 @@ Gets or sets the x-axis scale factor. The scale factor along the x-axis. The default is 1. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -473,23 +473,23 @@ Gets or sets the y-axis scale factor. The scale factor along the y-axis. The default is 1. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/SkewTransform.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/SkewTransform.xml index c058ac33c5b..f4334eab14a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/SkewTransform.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/SkewTransform.xml @@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ Represents a 2-D skew. - is useful for creating the illusion of 3-dimensional depth in a 2-D object. - - **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + is useful for creating the illusion of 3-dimensional depth in a 2-D object. + + **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -153,19 +153,19 @@ Gets or sets the x-axis skew angle, which is measured in degrees counterclockwise from the y-axis. The skew angle, which is measured in degrees counterclockwise from the y-axis. The default is 0. - and properties to the object's center point. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and properties to the object's center point. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -221,19 +221,19 @@ Gets or sets the y-axis skew angle, which is measured in degrees counterclockwise from the x-axis. The skew angle, which is measured in degrees counterclockwise from the x-axis. The default is 0. - and properties to the object's center point. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and properties to the object's center point. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -289,19 +289,19 @@ Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the transform center. The x-coordinate of the transform center. The default is 0. - and properties to the object's center point. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and properties to the object's center point. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -357,19 +357,19 @@ Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the transform center. The y-coordinate of the transform center. The default is 0. - and properties to the object's center point. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and properties to the object's center point. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -426,15 +426,15 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this by making deep copies of its values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object returns even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -465,13 +465,13 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this object by making deep copies of its values. This method does not copy resource references, data bindings, or animations, although it does copy their current values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object is even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/SolidColorBrush.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/SolidColorBrush.xml index e5426fd59aa..127623f08c9 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/SolidColorBrush.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/SolidColorBrush.xml @@ -23,82 +23,82 @@ Paints an area with a solid color. - class provides a set of commonly used objects, such as and . - - **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -- or - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *predefinedBrushName* - The name of a brush defined by the class, such as or . - - *rgb* - A three-digit hexadecimal number that describes this brush's . The first digit specifies the color's value, the second digit specifies the value, and the third digit specifies the value. For example, `00F`. - - *argb* - A four-digit hexadecimal number that describes this brush's . The first digit specifies the color's value, the second digit specifies its value, the next digit specifies the value, and the final digit specifies its value. For example, `F00F`. - - *rrggbb* - A six-digit hexadecimal number that describes this brush's . The first two digits specify the color's value, the next two specify its value, and the final two specify its value. For example, `0000FF`. - - *aarrggbb* - An eight-digit hexadecimal number that describes this brush's . The first two digits specify the color's value, the next two specify its value, the next two specify its value, and the final two specify its value. For example, `FF0000FF`. - - *scA* - - - The value of this brush's . - - *scR* - - - The value of this brush's . - - *scG* - - - The value of this brush's . - - *scB* - - - The value of this brush's . - - *profileUri* - - - The International Color Consortium (ICC) or Image Color Management (ICM) color profile. - - *alphaValue* - - - The alpha channel color value. The value range is from 0.0 through 1.0. - - *colorValue* - A comma-delimited list of three to eight values that represent the color channels of the color profile. The value range is from 0.0 through 1.0. - + class provides a set of commonly used objects, such as and . + + **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +- or - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *predefinedBrushName* + The name of a brush defined by the class, such as or . + + *rgb* + A three-digit hexadecimal number that describes this brush's . The first digit specifies the color's value, the second digit specifies the value, and the third digit specifies the value. For example, `00F`. + + *argb* + A four-digit hexadecimal number that describes this brush's . The first digit specifies the color's value, the second digit specifies its value, the next digit specifies the value, and the final digit specifies its value. For example, `F00F`. + + *rrggbb* + A six-digit hexadecimal number that describes this brush's . The first two digits specify the color's value, the next two specify its value, and the final two specify its value. For example, `0000FF`. + + *aarrggbb* + An eight-digit hexadecimal number that describes this brush's . The first two digits specify the color's value, the next two specify its value, the next two specify its value, and the final two specify its value. For example, `FF0000FF`. + + *scA* + + + The value of this brush's . + + *scR* + + + The value of this brush's . + + *scG* + + + The value of this brush's . + + *scB* + + + The value of this brush's . + + *profileUri* + + + The International Color Consortium (ICC) or Image Color Management (ICM) color profile. + + *alphaValue* + + + The alpha channel color value. The value range is from 0.0 through 1.0. + + *colorValue* + A comma-delimited list of three to eight values that represent the color channels of the color profile. The value range is from 0.0 through 1.0. + ]]> @@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -228,13 +228,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -264,19 +264,19 @@ Gets or sets the color of this . The brush's color. The default value is . - class. For a list of system colors, see the class. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + class. For a list of system colors, see the class. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/StreamGeometry.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/StreamGeometry.xml index a68982a2eca..7a239cc6155 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/StreamGeometry.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/StreamGeometry.xml @@ -29,28 +29,28 @@ Defines a geometric shape, described using a . This geometry is light-weight alternative to : it does not support data binding, animation, or modification. - when you need to describe a complex geometry but do not want the overhead of supporting data binding, animation, or modification. Because of its efficiency, the class is a good choice for describing adorners. - - A cannot be serialized if it contains a or any non-stroked or unfilled segments. - -## Freezable Features - A is a type. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *moveAndDrawCommands* - One or more move and draw commands. See [Path Markup Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/path-markup-syntax). - + when you need to describe a complex geometry but do not want the overhead of supporting data binding, animation, or modification. Because of its efficiency, the class is a good choice for describing adorners. + + A cannot be serialized if it contains a or any non-stroked or unfilled segments. + +## Freezable Features + A is a type. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *moveAndDrawCommands* + One or more move and draw commands. See [Path Markup Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/path-markup-syntax). + ]]> @@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ Gets a that is exactly large enough to contain this . The bounding box of this . - @@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -232,13 +232,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -326,24 +326,24 @@ Gets or sets a value that determines how the intersecting areas contained in this are combined. Indicates how the intersecting areas of this are combined. The default value is EvenOdd. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect.xml index 8fbbf365464..b847ed161a8 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect.xml @@ -29,22 +29,22 @@ Represents a text effect that can be applied to text objects. - object allows you to add effects, such as animations, to text objects, such as , , and objects. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows an individual character being rotated. Each character is rotated independently at 1-second intervals. The example a defines a that contains a that applies to each character in the property. The example defines the animations for the and properties of the object. A third animation of type changes the property from 0 to 12 during the animation sequence, corresponding to the 13-character text string. - - ![Screenshot of text effect rotating text](~/add/media/texteffect01.jpg "Screenshot of text effect rotating text") - - Example of a rotating text effect animation - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettexteffectentiresample"::: - + object allows you to add effects, such as animations, to text objects, such as , , and objects. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows an individual character being rotated. Each character is rotated independently at 1-second intervals. The example a defines a that contains a that applies to each character in the property. The example defines the animations for the and properties of the object. A third animation of type changes the property from 0 to 12 during the animation sequence, corresponding to the 13-character text string. + + ![Screenshot of text effect rotating text](~/add/media/texteffect01.jpg "Screenshot of text effect rotating text") + + Example of a rotating text effect animation + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettexteffectentiresample"::: + ]]> @@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - , set its properties, and add it to the of the specified text object. - + , set its properties, and add it to the of the specified text object. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect/.ctor/TextEffect.xaml.cs" id="Snippettexteffectsnippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextOverview/visualbasic/texteffect.xaml.vb" id="Snippettexteffectsnippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextOverview/visualbasic/texteffect.xaml.vb" id="Snippettexteffectsnippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -131,14 +131,14 @@ The number of positions in the text that the applies to. Initializes a new instance of the class by specifying class property values. - constructor. Notice that in this case, the `transform` and `clip` parameters are set to `null`, since those parameters values are not needed. - + constructor. Notice that in this case, the `transform` and `clip` parameters are set to `null`, since those parameters values are not needed. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect/.ctor/TextEffect.xaml.cs" id="Snippettexteffectsnippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextOverview/visualbasic/texteffect.xaml.vb" id="Snippettexteffectsnippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextOverview/visualbasic/texteffect.xaml.vb" id="Snippettexteffectsnippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -168,18 +168,18 @@ Gets or sets the clipping region of the . The that defines the clipping region. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -236,13 +236,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -273,13 +273,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -337,26 +337,26 @@ Gets or sets the to apply to the content of the . The brush used to apply to the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to create an animatable and set it as the property value. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to create an animatable and set it as the property value. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect/.ctor/TextEffect.xaml.cs" id="Snippettexteffectsnippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextOverview/visualbasic/texteffect.xaml.vb" id="Snippettexteffectsnippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextOverview/visualbasic/texteffect.xaml.vb" id="Snippettexteffectsnippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -412,27 +412,27 @@ Gets or sets the position in the text that the applies to. The value representing the position in the text that the applies to. - value to a number that is greater than the maximum position in the affected text is valid. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how you can set value to the maximum value to ensure that all characters in the text are affected. - + value to a number that is greater than the maximum position in the affected text is valid. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how you can set value to the maximum value to ensure that all characters in the text are affected. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect/.ctor/TextEffect.xaml.cs" id="Snippettexteffectsnippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextOverview/visualbasic/texteffect.xaml.vb" id="Snippettexteffectsnippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextOverview/visualbasic/texteffect.xaml.vb" id="Snippettexteffectsnippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -488,18 +488,18 @@ Gets or sets the starting position in the text that the applies to. The value representing the starting position in the text that the applies to. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -555,25 +555,25 @@ Gets or sets the that is applied to the . The value of the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - In the following markup example, a is created for a object. In this case, the effect is a rotation animation. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + In the following markup example, a is created for a object. In this case, the effect is a rotation animation. + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettexteffectsample1"::: - + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/TileBrush.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/TileBrush.xml index 668eac16c3f..03d6c117dc8 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/TileBrush.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/TileBrush.xml @@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ Components of a TileBrush with a TileMode of Tile ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ Components of a TileBrush with a TileMode of Tile ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ TileBrush with different Stretch settings ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -496,8 +496,8 @@ Available tile modes for the TileMode enumeration ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -579,8 +579,8 @@ TileBrush with different Stretch settings ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -696,8 +696,8 @@ Similar TileBrush but with tiling and a different Viewport setting ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -781,8 +781,8 @@ Relative and absolute ViewportUnits ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -860,8 +860,8 @@ Relative and absolute ViewportUnits ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/Transform.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/Transform.xml index 238c9b5cabf..2444022a645 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/Transform.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/Transform.xml @@ -37,29 +37,29 @@ Defines functionality that enables transformations in a 2-D plane. Transformations include rotation (), scale (), skew (), and translation (). This class hierarchy differs from the structure because it is a class and it supports animation and enumeration semantics. - class to create custom transformations that are not provided by the , , , and classes. - - A 2-D x-y plane uses a 3x3 matrix for transformations. You can multiply affine transformation matrices to form linear transformations, such as rotation and skew (shear) that are followed by translation. - - An affine transformation matrix has its final column equal to (0, 0, 1); therefore, you only have to specify the members in the first two columns. - - A Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) has the following structure: - -|||| -|-|-|-| -|||0| -|||0| -|||1| - - The members in the last row, and , represent translation values. - - Methods and properties usually specify the transformation matrix as a vector that has only six members; they are as follows: - - (, , , , , ) - + class to create custom transformations that are not provided by the , , , and classes. + + A 2-D x-y plane uses a 3x3 matrix for transformations. You can multiply affine transformation matrices to form linear transformations, such as rotation and skew (shear) that are followed by translation. + + An affine transformation matrix has its final column equal to (0, 0, 1); therefore, you only have to specify the members in the first two columns. + + A Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) has the following structure: + +| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | +|----------|----------|----------| +|||0| +|||0| +|||1| + + The members in the last row, and , represent translation values. + + Methods and properties usually specify the transformation matrix as a vector that has only six members; they are as follows: + + (, , , , , ) + ]]> @@ -90,15 +90,15 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this by making deep copies of its values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object returns even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object by making deep copies of its values. This method does not copy resource references, data bindings, or animations, although it does copy their current values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object is even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -171,19 +171,19 @@ Gets an identity transform. An identity transform. - @@ -244,11 +244,11 @@ Creates a new from the specified string representation of a transformation matrix. A new transform that is constructed from the specified string. - class page. - + class page. + ]]> @@ -318,11 +318,11 @@ if was transformed; otherwise, . - method, this method does not throw an exception if the transformation is unsuccessful. - + method, this method does not throw an exception if the transformation is unsuccessful. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/TransformGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/TransformGroup.xml index 09d0a97b3a9..1d5df152f4d 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/TransformGroup.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/TransformGroup.xml @@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ Represents a composite composed of other objects. - when you want to apply multiple objects to a single property. - - In a composite transformation, the order of individual transformations is important. For example, if you first rotate, then scale, then translate, you get a different result than if you first translate, then rotate, then scale. One reason order is significant is that transformations like rotation and scaling are done with respect to the origin of the coordinate system. Scaling an object that is centered at the origin produces a different result than scaling an object that has been moved away from the origin. Similarly, rotating an object that is centered at the origin produces a different result than rotating an object that has been moved away from the origin. - - **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + when you want to apply multiple objects to a single property. + + In a composite transformation, the order of individual transformations is important. For example, if you first rotate, then scale, then translate, you get a different result than if you first translate, then rotate, then scale. One reason order is significant is that transformations like rotation and scaling are done with respect to the origin of the coordinate system. Scaling an object that is centered at the origin produces a different result than scaling an object that has been moved away from the origin. Similarly, rotating an object that is centered at the origin produces a different result than rotating an object that has been moved away from the origin. + + **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -91,19 +91,19 @@ Gets or sets the that defines this . A collection of objects that define this . The default is an empty collection. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -160,15 +160,15 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this by making deep copies of its values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object returns even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -199,13 +199,13 @@ Creates a modifiable copy of this object by making deep copies of its values. This method does not copy resource references, data bindings, or animations, although it does copy their current values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object is even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/TranslateTransform.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/TranslateTransform.xml index a1c8182a337..44bef0f6830 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/TranslateTransform.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/TranslateTransform.xml @@ -23,16 +23,16 @@ Translates (moves) an object in the 2-D x-y coordinate system. - defines an axis-aligned translation along the x- and y- axes. The following illustration shows the transformation matrix for a translation by offset (*dx*, *dy*). - - ![Translate Matrix 100010dxdy1](~/add/media/translate-matrix.gif "Translate Matrix 100010dxdy1") -Typical 3x3 matrix for 2-D translations - - **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + defines an axis-aligned translation along the x- and y- axes. The following illustration shows the transformation matrix for a translation by offset (*dx*, *dy*). + + ![Translate Matrix 100010dxdy1](~/add/media/translate-matrix.gif "Translate Matrix 100010dxdy1") +Typical 3x3 matrix for 2-D translations + + **Freezable Features:** Because it inherits from the class, the class provides several special features: objects can be declared as [resources](/dotnet/desktop-wpf/fundamentals/xaml-resources-define), shared among multiple objects, made read-only to improve performance, cloned, and made thread-safe. For more information about the different features provided by objects, see [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -125,15 +125,15 @@ Typical 3x3 matrix for 2-D translations Creates a modifiable copy of this by making deep copies of its values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object returns even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings, although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + When this method copies dependency properties, it copies resource references and data bindings, although they might no longer resolve. It does not copy animations or their current values. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ Typical 3x3 matrix for 2-D translations Creates a modifiable copy of this object by making deep copies of its values. This method does not copy resource references, data bindings, and animations, although it does copy their current values. A modifiable deep copy of the current object. The property of the cloned object is even if the property of the source is . - objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects. For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -255,19 +255,19 @@ Typical 3x3 matrix for 2-D translations Gets or sets the distance to translate along the x-axis. The distance to translate (move) an object along the x-axis. The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -324,19 +324,19 @@ Typical 3x3 matrix for 2-D translations Gets or sets the distance to translate (move) an object along the y-axis. The distance to translate (move) an object along the y-axis. The default value is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/VideoDrawing.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/VideoDrawing.xml index 83977547164..ed8c2ff552f 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/VideoDrawing.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/VideoDrawing.xml @@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ Plays a media file. If the media is a video file, the draws it to the specified rectangle. - class and in particular the and methods. To play media in XAML only, use a . - - Despite its name, a can be used to play audio. - - **Performance Note:** A provides fewer features then an : does not support layout, input, or focus. However, because it does not support these features, provides performance benefits making them ideal for describing backgrounds, clip art, and for low-level drawing with objects. See [Drawing Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/drawing-objects-overview) for more information. - - An is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). - + class and in particular the and methods. To play media in XAML only, use a . + + Despite its name, a can be used to play audio. + + **Performance Note:** A provides fewer features then an : does not support layout, input, or focus. However, because it does not support these features, provides performance benefits making them ideal for describing backgrounds, clip art, and for low-level drawing with objects. See [Drawing Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/drawing-objects-overview) for more information. + + An is a type of object and therefore can be frozen to improve performance. For information about features, such as freezing and cloning, see the [Freezable Objects Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/freezable-objects-overview). + ]]> @@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -127,13 +127,13 @@ Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property will be even if the source's property was . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -191,18 +191,18 @@ Gets or sets the media player associated with the drawing. The media player associated with the drawing. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -258,18 +258,18 @@ Gets or sets the rectangular area in which the video is drawn. The rectangle in which the video is drawn. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Media/VisualBrush.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Media/VisualBrush.xml index a96032f7508..c32361aa7f5 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Media/VisualBrush.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Media/VisualBrush.xml @@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -438,8 +438,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Navigation/JournalEntry.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Navigation/JournalEntry.xml index caed2c45b87..f586e3372a4 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Navigation/JournalEntry.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Navigation/JournalEntry.xml @@ -33,43 +33,43 @@ Represents an entry in either back or forward navigation history. - , , ). - -- The `GoForward` method is called (, , ). - -- The forward button on the navigation UI that is displayed from the current navigator (XBAP, , ). - - Likewise, an entry for the current item is added to forward navigation history before a back navigation occurs, which happens when: - -- The `GoBack` method is called (, , ). - -- The back button on the navigation UI that is displayed from the current navigator (XBAP, , ). - - Each entry in back and forward navigation history is an instance of the class. - - Each object encapsulates information about a particular navigation, including a name for the entry (), whether the entry is kept alive () and the uniform resource identifier (URI) for the content that is navigated to (). - - You can retrieve all the objects in back navigation history by enumerating the or properties. For forward navigation history, you can retrieve all the objects by enumerating the or properties. - - If you need to remove the most recent object from back navigation history, to prevent navigation to it, for example, you can call the `RemoveBackEntry` method (, , ), which removes the object and returns a reference to it. - - You cannot add objects to navigation history, however, because you can neither instantiate nor derive from , and because no type implements a member to do so. However, you can add custom objects to back navigation history by calling the `AddBackEntry` method (, , ); adds the object to an internally-created object, which is then added to the back navigation history. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to retrieve the most recent object from the back navigation stack to get the and property values. - + , , ). + +- The `GoForward` method is called (, , ). + +- The forward button on the navigation UI that is displayed from the current navigator (XBAP, , ). + + Likewise, an entry for the current item is added to forward navigation history before a back navigation occurs, which happens when: + +- The `GoBack` method is called (, , ). + +- The back button on the navigation UI that is displayed from the current navigator (XBAP, , ). + + Each entry in back and forward navigation history is an instance of the class. + + Each object encapsulates information about a particular navigation, including a name for the entry (), whether the entry is kept alive () and the uniform resource identifier (URI) for the content that is navigated to (). + + You can retrieve all the objects in back navigation history by enumerating the or properties. For forward navigation history, you can retrieve all the objects by enumerating the or properties. + + If you need to remove the most recent object from back navigation history, to prevent navigation to it, for example, you can call the `RemoveBackEntry` method (, , ), which removes the object and returns a reference to it. + + You cannot add objects to navigation history, however, because you can neither instantiate nor derive from , and because no type implements a member to do so. However, you can add custom objects to back navigation history by calling the `AddBackEntry` method (, , ); adds the object to an internally-created object, which is then added to the back navigation history. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to retrieve the most recent object from the back navigation stack to get the and property values. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Navigation/JournalEntry/Overview/DatePage.xaml.cs" id="Snippetgetjournalentrycodebehind"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/JournalEntrySnippets/visualbasic/datepage.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetjournalentrycodebehind"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/JournalEntrySnippets/visualbasic/datepage.xaml.vb" id="Snippetgetjournalentrycodebehind"::: + ]]> @@ -266,26 +266,26 @@ Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the content of a journal entry is either retained or re-created when navigated to in navigation history. - for how this property is used by pages. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the attached property for a . - - :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Navigation/JournalEntry/Overview/JEKeepAlivePage.xaml" id="Snippetjekeepalivemarkup"::: - + for how this property is used by pages. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the attached property for a . + + :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Navigation/JournalEntry/Overview/JEKeepAlivePage.xaml" id="Snippetjekeepalivemarkup"::: + ]]> @@ -341,35 +341,35 @@ Gets or sets the name of the journal entry. The name of the journal entry. - , , or a browser displays navigation UI that allows users to navigate through back and forward navigation history. The text that is displayed for each entry in navigation history depends on which of the following pieces of data are used to automatically construct a navigation history entry name, in order of precedence: - -- The attached attribute. -- . -- and the uniform resource identifier (URI) for the current page. -- The uniform resource identifier (URI) for the current page. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **JournalEntry.Name**=""/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to set the property for a from markup, with a XAML attached property usage. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Navigation/JournalEntry/Overview/JENamePage.xaml" id="Snippetjenamemarkup"::: - + , , or a browser displays navigation UI that allows users to navigate through back and forward navigation history. The text that is displayed for each entry in navigation history depends on which of the following pieces of data are used to automatically construct a navigation history entry name, in order of precedence: + +- The attached attribute. +- . +- and the uniform resource identifier (URI) for the current page. +- The uniform resource identifier (URI) for the current page. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **JournalEntry.Name**=""/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to set the property for a from markup, with a XAML attached property usage. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Navigation/JournalEntry/Overview/JENamePage.xaml" id="Snippetjenamemarkup"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Navigation/NavigationWindow.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Navigation/NavigationWindow.xml index b66a1d79e0a..395264c21dc 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Navigation/NavigationWindow.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Navigation/NavigationWindow.xml @@ -42,80 +42,80 @@ Represents a window that supports content navigation. - derives from and extends it with the ability to navigate to and display content. - - Content can be any .NET Framework object or HTML file. In general, however, a object is the preferred way to package content for navigation. - - Content can be navigated to by setting the property with the URI for the desired content. Additionally, content can be navigated to by using one of the following overloads of the method: - -- - -- - - When content is navigated to by URI, will return an object that contains the content. - + derives from and extends it with the ability to navigate to and display content. + + Content can be any .NET Framework object or HTML file. In general, however, a object is the preferred way to package content for navigation. + + Content can be navigated to by setting the property with the URI for the desired content. Additionally, content can be navigated to by using one of the following overloads of the method: + +- + +- + + When content is navigated to by URI, will return an object that contains the content. + > [!NOTE] -> Navigation by URI also supports navigation to a content fragment. See . - - Alternatively, content can be navigated to by using one of the method overloads that accepts an object: - -- - -- - - The lifetime of a navigation can be tracked through the following events: - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- . - - Not all events are raised each time that a navigation occurs; the set of events that are raised is determined by the type of navigation that occurs (content or content fragment) and how the navigation completes (canceled, stopped, or failed). - - The following figure illustrates the sequence in which these events will fire: - - ![Page navigation flow chart](~/add/media/navigationoverviewfigure11.png "Page navigation flow chart") - - During or after a navigation, provides information about the content that is being navigated to, including the URI of the content being navigated to (), the URI of the current content (), and an object that contains the content that was navigated to (). - - When content is navigated to, records the navigation as an entry in navigation history. An entry is added to back navigation history when either a new navigation occurs, by calling the method, or by navigating to an entry in forward navigation history, by calling . An entry is added to forward navigation history by navigating to an entry in back navigation history, by calling . and report whether there are entries in backward and forward navigation history, respectively. - - The first time that one piece of content is navigated to from another piece of content, automatically displays a navigation UI that allows users to navigate back and forwards through navigation history. You can configure when the navigation UI is shown by setting the property. - - The most recent entry in back navigation history can be removed by calling . - - does not store an instance of a content object in navigation history. Instead, creates a new instance of the content object each time it is navigated to by using navigation history. This behavior is designed to avoid excessive memory consumption when large numbers and large pieces of content are being navigated to. Consequently, the state of the content is not remembered from one navigation to the next. However, WPF provides several techniques by which you can store a piece of state for a piece of content in navigation history. - - Using , you can also remember multiple sets of state for a single page instance. - - is one of two navigators in WPF, the other being . Essentially, navigator is a class that supports navigation and navigation history. Visually, XBAPs use Internet Explorer as a navigator, to provide an integrated user experience. However, XBAPs actually use as the navigator; the property of an XBAP running in Internet Explorer will return a reference to the , and the navigation history that is managed by the is integrated with the navigation history that's managed by Internet Explorer. - - **Content Model:** is a , which means that can contain content such as text, images, or panels. Also, is a root element and, consequently, cannot be part of another element's content. For more information about the content model for , see [WPF Content Model](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/wpf-content-model). - -## Customizing the NavigationWindow Control - To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [NavigationWindow Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/navigationwindow-styles-and-templates). - +> Navigation by URI also supports navigation to a content fragment. See . + + Alternatively, content can be navigated to by using one of the method overloads that accepts an object: + +- + +- + + The lifetime of a navigation can be tracked through the following events: + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- + +- . + + Not all events are raised each time that a navigation occurs; the set of events that are raised is determined by the type of navigation that occurs (content or content fragment) and how the navigation completes (canceled, stopped, or failed). + + The following figure illustrates the sequence in which these events will fire: + + ![Page navigation flow chart](~/add/media/navigationoverviewfigure11.png "Page navigation flow chart") + + During or after a navigation, provides information about the content that is being navigated to, including the URI of the content being navigated to (), the URI of the current content (), and an object that contains the content that was navigated to (). + + When content is navigated to, records the navigation as an entry in navigation history. An entry is added to back navigation history when either a new navigation occurs, by calling the method, or by navigating to an entry in forward navigation history, by calling . An entry is added to forward navigation history by navigating to an entry in back navigation history, by calling . and report whether there are entries in backward and forward navigation history, respectively. + + The first time that one piece of content is navigated to from another piece of content, automatically displays a navigation UI that allows users to navigate back and forwards through navigation history. You can configure when the navigation UI is shown by setting the property. + + The most recent entry in back navigation history can be removed by calling . + + does not store an instance of a content object in navigation history. Instead, creates a new instance of the content object each time it is navigated to by using navigation history. This behavior is designed to avoid excessive memory consumption when large numbers and large pieces of content are being navigated to. Consequently, the state of the content is not remembered from one navigation to the next. However, WPF provides several techniques by which you can store a piece of state for a piece of content in navigation history. + + Using , you can also remember multiple sets of state for a single page instance. + + is one of two navigators in WPF, the other being . Essentially, navigator is a class that supports navigation and navigation history. Visually, XBAPs use Internet Explorer as a navigator, to provide an integrated user experience. However, XBAPs actually use as the navigator; the property of an XBAP running in Internet Explorer will return a reference to the , and the navigation history that is managed by the is integrated with the navigation history that's managed by Internet Explorer. + + **Content Model:** is a , which means that can contain content such as text, images, or panels. Also, is a root element and, consequently, cannot be part of another element's content. For more information about the content model for , see [WPF Content Model](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/wpf-content-model). + +## Customizing the NavigationWindow Control + To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [NavigationWindow Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/navigationwindow-styles-and-templates). + Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running. - -[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Navigation/NavigationWindow/Overview/mainwindow.xaml" id="Snippetnavigationwindowandsource"::: - + +[!INCLUDE[setting-a-visual-property](~/includes/] + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Navigation/NavigationWindow/Overview/mainwindow.xaml" id="Snippetnavigationwindowandsource"::: + ]]> @@ -174,11 +174,11 @@ A object that represents application-defined state that is associated with a specific piece of content. Adds an entry to back navigation history that contains a object. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -275,19 +275,19 @@ if at least one entry has been added to back navigation history, or if there are not entries or the does not own its own navigation history. - include whole content, fragment navigations, and custom state. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + include whole content, fragment navigations, and custom state. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -346,19 +346,19 @@ if there is at least one entry in back navigation history; if there are no entries in back navigation history or the does not own its own navigation history. - . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -418,18 +418,18 @@ if there is at least one entry in forward navigation history; if there are no entries in forward navigation history, or the does not own its own navigation history. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -488,11 +488,11 @@ Gets the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the content that was last navigated to. The URI for the content that was last navigated to, if navigated to by using a URI; otherwise, . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -523,19 +523,19 @@ if at least one entry has been added to forward navigation history, or null if there are no entries or the does not own its own navigation history. - include whole content, fragment navigations, and custom state. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + include whole content, fragment navigations, and custom state. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -593,11 +593,11 @@ Occurs when navigation to a content fragment begins, which occurs immediately, if the desired fragment is in the current content, or after the source XAML content has been loaded, if the desired fragment is in different content. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -703,11 +703,11 @@ Occurs when content that was navigated to has been loaded, parsed, and has begun rendering. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -760,19 +760,19 @@ if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, . - . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to navigate to content that is contained by an object. - + . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to navigate to content that is contained by an object. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/MainWindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetnavigatetopageobjcode"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatetopageobjcode"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatetopageobjcode"::: + ]]> @@ -813,22 +813,22 @@ if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, . - . - + . + > [!NOTE] -> Uniform resource identifiers (URIs) can be either relative or absolute. For more information, see [Pack URIs in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/pack-uris-in-wpf). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to use the method to navigate to a uniform resource identifier (URI). - +> Uniform resource identifiers (URIs) can be either relative or absolute. For more information, see [Pack URIs in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/pack-uris-in-wpf). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to use the method to navigate to a uniform resource identifier (URI). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/MainWindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetnavigatetopagenavcode"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatetopagenavcode"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatetopagenavcode"::: + ]]> @@ -871,11 +871,11 @@ if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -918,11 +918,11 @@ if a navigation is not canceled; otherwise, . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -955,11 +955,11 @@ Occurs when the content that is being navigated to has been found, and is available from the property, although it may not have completed loading. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -995,11 +995,11 @@ Occurs when a new navigation is requested. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1035,11 +1035,11 @@ Occurs when an error is raised while navigating to the requested content. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1075,11 +1075,11 @@ Occurs periodically during a download to provide navigation progress information. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1115,13 +1115,13 @@ Gets the that is used by this to provide navigation services to its content. The navigation service used by this . - uses a to provide navigation services to content that is hosted by . The property is useful for code in a custom to get a reference to the , to handle navigation events, for example. - - Content that is hosted by a , such as , should use the method or property to get a reference to the . - + uses a to provide navigation services to content that is hosted by . The property is useful for code in a custom to get a reference to the , to handle navigation events, for example. + + Content that is hosted by a , such as , should use the method or property to get a reference to the . + ]]> @@ -1151,11 +1151,11 @@ Occurs when the method is called, or when a new navigation is requested while a current navigation is in progress. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1227,11 +1227,11 @@ An that contains the event data. Raises the event. - releases the object that it is using to manage navigation, before raising event. - + releases the object that it is using to manage navigation, before raising event. + ]]> @@ -1262,11 +1262,11 @@ Creates and returns a object for this . A object for this . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1299,19 +1299,19 @@ Reloads the current content. - . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to call the method to reload the content in a . - + . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to call the method to reload the content in a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/MainWindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetnavigaterefreshcode"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigaterefreshcode"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigaterefreshcode"::: + ]]> @@ -1345,11 +1345,11 @@ Removes the most recent journal entry from back history. The most recent in back navigation history, if there is one. - . - + . + ]]> @@ -1381,24 +1381,24 @@ if content is isolated within a partial trust security sandbox; otherwise, . The default is . - is true, and the content of the is an external XAML file, the content is loaded into a partial trust security sandbox that is limited to the default Internet zone permission set. Additionally, the external content is loaded into a separate process. Consequently, the external content becomes isolated and does not have access to application-scope resources, such as resource dictionaries (for more information, see ). - + is true, and the content of the is an external XAML file, the content is loaded into a partial trust security sandbox that is limited to the default Internet zone permission set. Additionally, the external content is loaded into a separate process. Consequently, the external content becomes isolated and does not have access to application-scope resources, such as resource dictionaries (for more information, see ). + > [!NOTE] -> contains external content only when the property is set to the uniform resource identifier (URI) for an external XAML file. content that is provided using the property is considered internal content and, subsequently, is not isolated. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - +> contains external content only when the property is set to the uniform resource identifier (URI) for an external XAML file. content that is provided using the property is considered internal content and, subsequently, is not isolated. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1464,11 +1464,11 @@ if the property value has changed from its default; otherwise, . - property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically call this method if you are either developing a designer for the or developing your own control incorporating the . - + property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically call this method if you are either developing a designer for the or developing your own control incorporating the . + ]]> @@ -1499,19 +1499,19 @@ if the navigation UI is displayed; otherwise, . The default is . - automatically displays a navigation UI. The navigation UI is displayed whether or not navigation has occurred. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + automatically displays a navigation UI. The navigation UI is displayed whether or not navigation has occurred. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1573,30 +1573,30 @@ Gets or sets the uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current content, or the URI of new content that is currently being navigated to. The URI for the current content, or the content that is currently being navigated to. - . - + . + > [!NOTE] -> Uniform resource identifiers (URIs) can be either relative or absolute. For more information, see [Pack URIs in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/pack-uris-in-wpf). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to navigate to a uniform resource identifier (URI) by setting the property. - +> Uniform resource identifiers (URIs) can be either relative or absolute. For more information, see [Pack URIs in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/app-development/pack-uris-in-wpf). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to navigate to a uniform resource identifier (URI) by setting the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/MainWindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetnavigatetopagesrccode"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatetopagesrccode"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatetopagesrccode"::: + ]]> @@ -1655,21 +1655,21 @@ Stops further downloading of content for the current navigation request. - stops the download of the requested content, and causes the event to be raised. - - See . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to call the method to stop navigation to content before it has finished being downloaded. - + stops the download of the requested content, and causes the event to be raised. + + See . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to call the method to stop navigation to content before it has finished being downloaded. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Frame/Navigate/MainWindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetnavigatestoploadingcode"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatestoploadingcode"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HOWTONavigationSnippets/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetnavigatestoploadingcode"::: + ]]> @@ -1702,11 +1702,11 @@ Gets or sets the base uniform resource identifier (URI) of the current context. The base URI of the current context. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Line.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Line.xml index aa089b34527..5ae4688768c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Line.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Line.xml @@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ Draws a straight line between two points. - element and set its properties by using code. - + element and set its properties by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/CPP/ShapesProcedural.cpp" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Ellipse/Overview/ShapesProcedural.cs" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: + ]]> @@ -128,27 +128,27 @@ Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the start point. The x-coordinate for the start point of the line. The default is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a and then set the property by using code. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a and then set the property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/CPP/ShapesProcedural.cpp" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Ellipse/Overview/ShapesProcedural.cs" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: + ]]> @@ -211,27 +211,27 @@ Gets or sets the x-coordinate of the end point. The x-coordinate for the end point of the line. The default is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a and then set the property by using code. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a and then set the property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/CPP/ShapesProcedural.cpp" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Ellipse/Overview/ShapesProcedural.cs" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: + ]]> @@ -294,27 +294,27 @@ Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the start point. The y-coordinate for the start point of the line. The default is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a and then set the property by using code. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a and then set the property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/CPP/ShapesProcedural.cpp" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Ellipse/Overview/ShapesProcedural.cs" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: + ]]> @@ -377,27 +377,27 @@ Gets or sets the y-coordinate of the end point. The y-coordinate for the end point of the line. The default is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a and then set the property by using code. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a and then set the property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/CPP/ShapesProcedural.cpp" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Ellipse/Overview/ShapesProcedural.cs" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralline"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Path.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Path.xml index d23889fb95c..cf66ad38c93 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Path.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Path.xml @@ -22,22 +22,22 @@ Draws a series of connected lines and curves. - object can draw closed or open shapes, multiple shapes, and even curved shapes. - - Unlike the and objects, you can use this object to draw curves. See the property for a description of the shapes that the element supports. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a element and set its properties by using code. - + object can draw closed or open shapes, multiple shapes, and even curved shapes. + + Unlike the and objects, you can use this object to draw curves. See the property for a description of the shapes that the element supports. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a element and set its properties by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/CPP/ShapesProcedural.cpp" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpath"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Ellipse/Overview/ShapesProcedural.cs" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpath"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpath"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpath"::: + ]]> @@ -97,60 +97,60 @@ Gets or sets a that specifies the shape to be drawn. A description of the shape to be drawn. - , , and objects. To draw curves, arcs, or complex shapes, use the object. To create a composite geometry, use a . To combine geometries, use a . - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - singleGeometry - - -``` - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *singleGeometry* - A single object element that derives from . This can be one of the following: - -- One of the simple geometries , , or . - -- A single , which supports other geometries as child elements. See XAML Values section for . - -- A , which supports child object elements that establish a path geometry object model of figures and segments. See XAML Values section for . - - *moveAndDrawCommands* - One or more move and draw commands. For the complete syntax, see [Path Markup Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/path-markup-syntax). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a element and set the property by using code. - + , , and objects. To draw curves, arcs, or complex shapes, use the object. To create a composite geometry, use a . To combine geometries, use a . + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + singleGeometry + + +``` + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *singleGeometry* + A single object element that derives from . This can be one of the following: + +- One of the simple geometries , , or . + +- A single , which supports other geometries as child elements. See XAML Values section for . + +- A , which supports child object elements that establish a path geometry object model of figures and segments. See XAML Values section for . + + *moveAndDrawCommands* + One or more move and draw commands. For the complete syntax, see [Path Markup Syntax](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/path-markup-syntax). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a element and set the property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/CPP/ShapesProcedural.cpp" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpath"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Ellipse/Overview/ShapesProcedural.cs" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpath"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpath"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpath"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Polygon.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Polygon.xml index d4073a4f124..99eaa254974 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Polygon.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Polygon.xml @@ -22,20 +22,20 @@ Draws a polygon, which is a connected series of lines that form a closed shape. - object, except that this object must be a closed shape. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a element and set its properties by using code. - + object, except that this object must be a closed shape. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a element and set its properties by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/CPP/ShapesProcedural.cpp" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolygon"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Ellipse/Overview/ShapesProcedural.cs" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolygon"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolygon"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolygon"::: + ]]> @@ -127,24 +127,24 @@ Gets or sets a enumeration that specifies how the interior fill of the shape is determined. One of the enumeration values. The default is . - enumeration value determines the "insideness" of a point on the shape. It draws a ray from the point to infinity in any direction and counts the number of path segments from the specified shape that the ray crosses. If the number is odd, the point is inside; if it is even, the point is outside. - - The enumeration value determines the "insideness" of a point on the shape. It draws a ray from the point to infinity in any direction and then examines the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, it adds one each time a Segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtracts one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After it counts the crossings, if the result is zero, the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside. - - ![Fill rule illustration](~/add/media/ref-mil-fillrule-stars.PNG "Fill rule illustration") -FillRule Example - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + enumeration value determines the "insideness" of a point on the shape. It draws a ray from the point to infinity in any direction and counts the number of path segments from the specified shape that the ray crosses. If the number is odd, the point is inside; if it is even, the point is outside. + + The enumeration value determines the "insideness" of a point on the shape. It draws a ray from the point to infinity in any direction and then examines the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, it adds one each time a Segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtracts one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After it counts the crossings, if the result is zero, the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside. + + ![Fill rule illustration](~/add/media/ref-mil-fillrule-stars.PNG "Fill rule illustration") +FillRule Example + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -201,28 +201,28 @@ FillRule Example Gets or sets a collection that contains the vertex points of the polygon. A collection of structures that describe the vertex points of the polygon. The default is a null reference ( in Visual Basic). - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a element and set the property by using code. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a element and set the property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/CPP/ShapesProcedural.cpp" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolygon"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Ellipse/Overview/ShapesProcedural.cs" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolygon"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolygon"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolygon"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Polyline.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Polyline.xml index 3c60a93fe0f..61aa488591b 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Polyline.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Polyline.xml @@ -22,20 +22,20 @@ Draws a series of connected straight lines. - object, except that this object does not need to be a closed shape. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a element and set its properties by using code. - + object, except that this object does not need to be a closed shape. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a element and set its properties by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/CPP/ShapesProcedural.cpp" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolyline"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Ellipse/Overview/ShapesProcedural.cs" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolyline"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolyline"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolyline"::: + ]]> @@ -127,24 +127,24 @@ Gets or sets a enumeration that specifies how the interior fill of the shape is determined. One of the enumeration values. The default is . - enumeration value determines the "insideness" of a point on the shape. It draws a ray from the point to infinity in any direction and counts the number of path segments from the specified shape that the ray crosses. If the number is odd, the point is inside; if it is even, the point is outside. - - The enumeration value determines the "insideness" of a point on the shape. It first draws a ray from the point to infinity in any direction and then examines the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. It starts with a count of zero, adding one each time a Segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtracting one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After it counts the crossings, if the result is zero, the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside. - - ![Fill rule illustration](~/add/media/ref-mil-fillrule-stars.PNG "Fill rule illustration") -FillRule Example - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + enumeration value determines the "insideness" of a point on the shape. It draws a ray from the point to infinity in any direction and counts the number of path segments from the specified shape that the ray crosses. If the number is odd, the point is inside; if it is even, the point is outside. + + The enumeration value determines the "insideness" of a point on the shape. It first draws a ray from the point to infinity in any direction and then examines the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. It starts with a count of zero, adding one each time a Segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtracting one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After it counts the crossings, if the result is zero, the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside. + + ![Fill rule illustration](~/add/media/ref-mil-fillrule-stars.PNG "Fill rule illustration") +FillRule Example + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -202,28 +202,28 @@ FillRule Example Gets or sets a collection that contains the vertex points of the . A collection of structures that describe the vertex points of the . The default is a null reference ( in Visual Basic). - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to create a element and set the property by using code. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to create a element and set the property by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/CPP/ShapesProcedural.cpp" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolyline"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Ellipse/Overview/ShapesProcedural.cs" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolyline"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolyline"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralpolyline"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Rectangle.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Rectangle.xml index e9058c8b24d..a40b965dda5 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Rectangle.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Rectangle.xml @@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ Draws a rectangle. - element and set its properties by using code. - + element and set its properties by using code. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/CPP/ShapesProcedural.cpp" id="Snippetshapesproceduralrectangle"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Ellipse/Overview/ShapesProcedural.cs" id="Snippetshapesproceduralrectangle"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralrectangle"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ShapesProcedural/VisualBasic/ShapesProceduralVB.vb" id="Snippetshapesproceduralrectangle"::: + ]]> @@ -236,18 +236,18 @@ Gets or sets the x-axis radius of the ellipse that is used to round the corners of the rectangle. The x-axis radius of the ellipse that is used to round the corners of the rectangle. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -310,18 +310,18 @@ Gets or sets the y-axis radius of the ellipse that is used to round the corners of the rectangle. The y-axis radius of the ellipse that is used to round the corners of the rectangle. The default is 0. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Shape.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Shape.xml index 6add09941c5..a1d7630847c 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Shape.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Shape.xml @@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ Arranges a by evaluating its and properties. The final size of the arranged element. - @@ -143,28 +143,28 @@ Gets or sets the that specifies how the shape's interior is painted. A that describes how the shape's interior is painted. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, f | - - - -## Examples - This example shows how to use the property to set the background color of an element. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Shape/Fill/SetBackgroundColorOfShapeExample.xaml" id="Snippetsetbackgroundcolorofshapeexamplewholepage"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, f | + + + +## Examples + This example shows how to use the property to set the background color of an element. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Shapes/Shape/Fill/SetBackgroundColorOfShapeExample.xaml" id="Snippetsetbackgroundcolorofshapeexamplewholepage"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/Color/FromArgb/SetBackgroundColorOfShapeExample.cs" id="Snippetsetbackgroundcolorofshapecodeexamplewholepage"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BrushesMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/setbackgroundcolorofshapeexample.vb" id="Snippetsetbackgroundcolorofshapecodeexamplewholepage"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BrushesMiscSnippets_procedural_snip/visualbasic/setbackgroundcolorofshapeexample.vb" id="Snippetsetbackgroundcolorofshapecodeexamplewholepage"::: + ]]> @@ -392,18 +392,18 @@ Gets or sets the that specifies how the outline is painted. A that specifies how the outline is painted. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -433,15 +433,15 @@ Gets or sets a collection of values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that is used to outline shapes. A collection of values that specify the pattern of dashes and gaps. - in the collection specifies the length of a dash or gap relative to the of the pen. For example, a value of `1` creates a dash or gap that has the same length as the thickness of the pen (a square). - - The first item in the collection, which is located at index 0, specifies the length of a dash; the second item, which is located at index 1, specifies the length of a gap. - - Objects with an even index value specify dashes; objects with an odd index value specify gaps. - + in the collection specifies the length of a dash or gap relative to the of the pen. For example, a value of `1` creates a dash or gap that has the same length as the thickness of the pen (a square). + + The first item in the collection, which is located at index 0, specifies the length of a dash; the second item, which is located at index 1, specifies the length of a gap. + + Objects with an even index value specify dashes; objects with an odd index value specify gaps. + ]]> @@ -500,11 +500,11 @@ Gets or sets a enumeration value that specifies how the ends of a dash are drawn. One of the enumeration values for . The default is . - @@ -617,11 +617,11 @@ Gets or sets a enumeration value that describes the at the end of a line. One of the enumeration values for . The default is . - or that has no start or end points. For example, this property has no effect if you set it on an . - + or that has no start or end points. For example, this property has no effect if you set it on an . + ]]> @@ -680,22 +680,22 @@ Gets or sets a enumeration value that specifies the type of join that is used at the vertices of a . One of the enumeration values for - element. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows several different joints used at the vertices of a shape. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PenLineJoin/Overview/polylineexample.xaml" id="Snippetpolylineexample1"::: - - The following illustration shows the different line joins. - - ![Example of line joins.](~/add/media/graphicslinejoins.png "Example of line joins.") - + element. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows several different joints used at the vertices of a shape. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Media/PenLineJoin/Overview/polylineexample.xaml" id="Snippetpolylineexample1"::: + + The following illustration shows the different line joins. + + ![Example of line joins.](~/add/media/graphicslinejoins.png "Example of line joins.") + ]]> @@ -754,11 +754,11 @@ Gets or sets a limit on the ratio of the miter length to half the of a element. The limit on the ratio of the miter length to the of a element. This value is always a positive number that is greater than or equal to 1. - @@ -843,11 +843,11 @@ Gets or sets a enumeration value that describes the at the start of a . One of the enumeration values. The default is . - or that has no start or end points. For example, this property has no effect if you set it on an . - + or that has no start or end points. For example, this property has no effect if you set it on an . + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Shell/WindowChrome.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Shell/WindowChrome.xml index 2c796ed118a..b061de9f311 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows.Shell/WindowChrome.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows.Shell/WindowChrome.xml @@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -498,8 +498,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -613,8 +613,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -684,8 +684,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -902,8 +902,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -966,8 +966,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows/ContentElement.xml b/xml/System.Windows/ContentElement.xml index 5ab5def6431..9d3c55d996e 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows/ContentElement.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows/ContentElement.xml @@ -30,20 +30,20 @@ Provides a WPF core-level base class for content elements. Content elements are designed for flow-style presentation, using an intuitive markup-oriented layout model and a deliberately simple object model. - defines the following common content characteristics: - -- Input: All derived classes provide support for basic input capture from keyboard, mouse, drag-and-drop operations, stylus controls, and accelerators. - -- Focus: All derived classes are potentially focusable. (However, the default focusable state for the base class is `false`. For details on how to make a focusable, see .) In addition, this class contains APIs that you can use for traversing the focus across related elements. - -- Events: includes events that are related to input and focus; it also includes events for changes in state. In many cases, the events are routed events. In some cases, routed events have both tunneling and bubbling routing strategies, raised as separate events in response to the same state or condition. Also, defines APIs that can raise routed events and that can add or remove handlers to events. - - shares many common APIs with . These common APIs do not come from a shared class inheritance. But they do share common naming, similar behavior, and similar internal implementation of APIs in each class. The similarity is because and are each classes that are an element base, although each has different intentions for its markup object model behavior. - - In particular, descends from , which provides the lower-level graphics support for rendering a to a rectangular region within a composited window, whereas defers rendering so that concepts more common to document scenarios, such as flow and wrapping, are more easily supported. These two related classes also implement the common interfaces and . + defines the following common content characteristics: + +- Input: All derived classes provide support for basic input capture from keyboard, mouse, drag-and-drop operations, stylus controls, and accelerators. + +- Focus: All derived classes are potentially focusable. (However, the default focusable state for the base class is `false`. For details on how to make a focusable, see .) In addition, this class contains APIs that you can use for traversing the focus across related elements. + +- Events: includes events that are related to input and focus; it also includes events for changes in state. In many cases, the events are routed events. In some cases, routed events have both tunneling and bubbling routing strategies, raised as separate events in response to the same state or condition. Also, defines APIs that can raise routed events and that can add or remove handlers to events. + + shares many common APIs with . These common APIs do not come from a shared class inheritance. But they do share common naming, similar behavior, and similar internal implementation of APIs in each class. The similarity is because and are each classes that are an element base, although each has different intentions for its markup object model behavior. + + In particular, descends from , which provides the lower-level graphics support for rendering a to a rectangular region within a composited window, whereas defers rendering so that concepts more common to document scenarios, such as flow and wrapping, are more easily supported. These two related classes also implement the common interfaces and . ## Notes to inheritors @@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ A reference to the handler implementation. Adds a routed event handler for a specified routed event, adding the handler to the handler collection on the current element. - @@ -173,32 +173,32 @@ An identifier for the.routed event to be handled. A reference to the handler implementation. - to register the handler such that it is invoked even when the routed event is marked handled in its event data; to register the handler with the default condition that it will not be invoked if the routed event is already marked handled. - - The default is . - + to register the handler such that it is invoked even when the routed event is marked handled in its event data; to register the handler with the default condition that it will not be invoked if the routed event is already marked handled. + + The default is . + Do not routinely ask to rehandle a routed event. Adds a routed event handler for a specified routed event, adding the handler to the handler collection on the current element. Specify as to have the provided handler be invoked for routed event that had already been marked as handled by another element along the event route. - is marked handled by class handling, you might be able to add handlers for instead. - - You can add the same handler for the same event multiple times without raising an exception. However, the handler is actually invoked multiple times when the event is handled. Therefore, consider how this behavior might have side effects that should be accounted for in your handler implementation. - - You typically use this method to provide the implementation of the "add" accessor for the Microsoft .NET event access pattern of a custom routed event. - - - -## Examples - The following example implements a handler invoked on the event on a page that attaches a defined handler to one of the named elements on the page using `handledEventsToo` `true`. This handler would be invoked even if another element along the route marked the shared event data as handled before reaching the handling element in the route. - + is marked handled by class handling, you might be able to add handlers for instead. + + You can add the same handler for the same event multiple times without raising an exception. However, the handler is actually invoked multiple times when the event is handled. Therefore, consider how this behavior might have side effects that should be accounted for in your handler implementation. + + You typically use this method to provide the implementation of the "add" accessor for the Microsoft .NET event access pattern of a custom routed event. + + + +## Examples + The following example implements a handler invoked on the event on a page that attaches a defined handler to one of the named elements on the page using `handledEventsToo` `true`. This handler would be invoked even if another element along the route marked the shared event data as handled before reaching the handling element in the route. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AddHandler/page2.xaml.cs" id="Snippetaddhandlerhandledtoo"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/EventOvwSupport/visualbasic/page2.xaml.vb" id="Snippetaddhandlerhandledtoo"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/EventOvwSupport/visualbasic/page2.xaml.vb" id="Snippetaddhandlerhandledtoo"::: + ]]> @@ -233,11 +233,11 @@ The event data that is used to add the handlers. This method uses the property of the arguments to create the handlers. Adds handlers to the specified for the current event handler collection. - ) in order to add handlers for the content host child elements to the host . - + ) in order to add handlers for the content host child elements to the host . + ]]> @@ -268,28 +268,26 @@ if this element can be used as the target of a drag-and-drop operation; otherwise, . The default value is . - to `true`. Beyond this basic setting, drag-and-drop behavior is entirely implementation specific and is not defined by or any other base element class. Certain controls, for example, , do have a default behavior, but no derived classes have such a behavior. For more information on drag and drop, see [Drag and Drop Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/drag-and-drop-overview). - - overrides the metadata for this dependency property in its implementation. Specifically, designates that this property allows property value inheritance ( is `true` in metadata). Property value inheritance in this context means that if there are child elements with no other value for assigned through local values or styles, the value of the nearest parent element with this value assigned (again, either in styles, by default values, or a local value), then the value from that parent element is assigned to all unassigned child elements by the property system. This means that you can specify whether to allow drop operations at the root element and then propagate the value to all child elements that have not specifically assigned it a value of `false`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example sets in XAML. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml" id="Snippetallowdrop"::: - + to `true`. Beyond this basic setting, drag-and-drop behavior is entirely implementation specific and is not defined by or any other base element class. Certain controls, for example, , do have a default behavior, but no derived classes have such a behavior. For more information on drag and drop, see [Drag and Drop Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/drag-and-drop-overview). + + overrides the metadata for this dependency property in its implementation. Specifically, designates that this property allows property value inheritance ( is `true` in metadata). Property value inheritance in this context means that if there are child elements with no other value for assigned through local values or styles, the value of the nearest parent element with this value assigned (again, either in styles, by default values, or a local value), then the value from that parent element is assigned to all unassigned child elements by the property system. This means that you can specify whether to allow drop operations at the root element and then propagate the value to all child elements that have not specifically assigned it a value of `false`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +| Identifier field | | +| Metadata properties set to `true` | None | + +## Examples + The following example sets in XAML. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml" id="Snippetallowdrop"::: + ]]> @@ -368,11 +366,11 @@ The animation clock that controls and declares the animation. Applies an animation to a specified dependency property on this element. Any existing animations are stopped and replaced with the new animation. - @@ -412,11 +410,11 @@ A value of the enumeration. The default is , which will stop any existing animation and replace with the new one. Applies an animation to a specified dependency property on this element, with the ability to specify what happens if the property already has a running animation. - @@ -689,15 +687,15 @@ The timeline of the animation to start. Starts an animation for a specified animated property on this element. - for `animation` is `null`, then any current animations are removed and the current value of the property is held. - - If the entire `animation` value is `null`, all animations are removed from the property and the property value reverts to its base value. However, the originally associated animation timeline is not stopped. Any other animations assigned to that timeline will continue to run. - + for `animation` is `null`, then any current animations are removed and the current value of the property is held. + + If the entire `animation` value is `null`, all animations are removed from the property and the property value reverts to its base value. However, the originally associated animation timeline is not stopped. Any other animations assigned to that timeline will continue to run. + ]]> @@ -737,15 +735,15 @@ A value of the enumeration that specifies how the new animation interacts with any current (running) animations that are already affecting the property value. Starts a specific animation for a specified animated property on this element, with the option of specifying what happens if the property already has a running animation. - for `animation` is `null`, then any current animations are removed and the current value of the property is held. - - If the entire `animation` value is `null`, all animations are removed from the property and the property value reverts to its base value. However, the originally associated animation timeline is not stopped. Any other animations assigned to that timeline will continue to run. - + for `animation` is `null`, then any current animations are removed and the current value of the property is held. + + If the entire `animation` value is `null`, all animations are removed from the property and the property value reverts to its base value. However, the originally associated animation timeline is not stopped. Any other animations assigned to that timeline will continue to run. + ]]> @@ -780,25 +778,25 @@ if the mouse is successfully captured; otherwise, . - is `true` before you call . - - If calling returns `true`, then is also `true`. - - If calling returns `true`, then the and events are raised, with in the event data reported as the element where the method is called. If you force capture, you might interfere with existing captures - especially with captures that relate to drag-and-drop with the mouse. - - To clear mouse capture from all elements, call with the `element` parameter provided as `null`. - - - -## Examples - The following example captures the mouse or releases capture, based on whether the mouse is already captured by the element. Note that this example casts the prospective capture target element to the interface, and is thus initially calling the method. Casting to is a technique that is useful if you are unsure whether the element you want to have capture the mouse is a or a . The interface cast and the interface method call then calls the appropriate type-specific CaptureMouse implementation internally without requiring a trial cast to either or . This same casting technique works for other members that defines, for instance many of the input-related events, and other input-related methods. - + is `true` before you call . + + If calling returns `true`, then is also `true`. + + If calling returns `true`, then the and events are raised, with in the event data reported as the element where the method is called. If you force capture, you might interfere with existing captures - especially with captures that relate to drag-and-drop with the mouse. + + To clear mouse capture from all elements, call with the `element` parameter provided as `null`. + + + +## Examples + The following example captures the mouse or releases capture, based on whether the mouse is already captured by the element. Note that this example casts the prospective capture target element to the interface, and is thus initially calling the method. Casting to is a technique that is useful if you are unsure whether the element you want to have capture the mouse is a or a . The interface cast and the interface method call then calls the appropriate type-specific CaptureMouse implementation internally without requiring a trial cast to either or . This same casting technique works for other members that defines, for instance many of the input-related events, and other input-related methods. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetismousecaptured"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetismousecaptured"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetismousecaptured"::: + ]]> @@ -834,19 +832,19 @@ if the stylus is successfully captured; otherwise, . - method . The actual capture behavior is implemented by the active stylus device implementation. - - To be captured, an element must be enabled. Check whether is `true` return before you call . - - If calling returns `true`, is also `true`. - + method . The actual capture behavior is implemented by the active stylus device implementation. + + To be captured, an element must be enabled. Check whether is `true` return before you call . + + If calling returns `true`, is also `true`. + ]]> @@ -880,15 +878,15 @@ if the specified touch is captured to this element; otherwise, . - will return `false` if the is currently captured to another element. - - If returns `true`, then the event is raised. - - To release capture of a single touch from this element, use the method and specify the touch device to release. To release all touches from this element, use the method. - + will return `false` if the is currently captured to another element. + + If returns `true`, then the event is raised. + + To release capture of a single touch from this element, use the method and specify the touch device to release. To release all touches from this element, use the method. + ]]> @@ -927,28 +925,28 @@ Gets a collection of objects that are associated with this element. The collection of all objects. - enables command handling of a specific command for this element and declares the linkage between a command, its events, and the handlers that are attached by this element. - - Another typical way to populate the collection is to use methods programmatically. - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - oneOrMoreCommandBindings - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *oneOrMoreCommandBindings* - One or more elements. Each of these should have a attribute set to a known command, and attributes set for the and handler implementations. For more information see . - + enables command handling of a specific command for this element and declares the linkage between a command, its events, and the handlers that are attached by this element. + + Another typical way to populate the collection is to use methods programmatically. + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + oneOrMoreCommandBindings + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *oneOrMoreCommandBindings* + One or more elements. Each of these should have a attribute set to a known command, and attributes set for the and handler implementations. For more information see . + ]]> @@ -978,24 +976,23 @@ Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the drag target. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1026,13 +1023,13 @@ Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1061,24 +1058,23 @@ Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the drag origin. - attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1110,13 +1106,13 @@ Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1145,26 +1141,25 @@ Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the potential drop target. - and related preview events. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + and related preview events. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1196,13 +1191,13 @@ Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1231,24 +1226,23 @@ Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drop event with this element as the drop target. - attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1279,13 +1273,13 @@ Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1320,27 +1314,27 @@ if keyboard focus could be set to this element; if this method call did not force focus. - and must both be `true`. Note that nearly all derived classes are not by default. - - Even if an element is focusable and enabled, event handling within a specific tree, (such as for a composite control) might respond to the preview focus events by not allowing focus there, thus this method would return `false`. - - Focus in general is governed by two separate concepts: keyboard focus and logical focus, which are not always identical. This method sets the logical focus. There is no programmatic means to set keyboard focus specifically; keyboard focus is determined by user input. For more information, see [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview) and [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - If calling returns `true`, and are also `true`. - - If the related properties are not already `true`, when you call , one or more of the following events are raised in the following order: , (source is the new focus target), , , , (source is the new focus target). - - - -## Examples - The following example is a page-loaded event handler that finds a specified named paragraph in the document and sets focus to it. Paragraphs are not focusable by default; this particular paragraph had a style applied (not shown) that used a style to make it focusable. - + and must both be `true`. Note that nearly all derived classes are not by default. + + Even if an element is focusable and enabled, event handling within a specific tree, (such as for a composite control) might respond to the preview focus events by not allowing focus there, thus this method would return `false`. + + Focus in general is governed by two separate concepts: keyboard focus and logical focus, which are not always identical. This method sets the logical focus. There is no programmatic means to set keyboard focus specifically; keyboard focus is determined by user input. For more information, see [Focus Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview) and [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + If calling returns `true`, and are also `true`. + + If the related properties are not already `true`, when you call , one or more of the following events are raised in the following order: , (source is the new focus target), , , , (source is the new focus target). + + + +## Examples + The following example is a page-loaded event handler that finds a specified named paragraph in the document and sets focus to it. Paragraphs are not focusable by default; this particular paragraph had a style applied (not shown) that used a style to make it focusable. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfocus"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfocus"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfocus"::: + ]]> @@ -1376,36 +1370,36 @@ if the element is focusable; otherwise . The default is . - or its derived classes, overrides the metadata for this dependency property and redefines the default value of this property to be `true`. - + or its derived classes, overrides the metadata for this dependency property and redefines the default value of this property to be `true`. + ### Dependency property information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ## Notes to inheritors -When you derive from , consider whether you want your element to be focusable, because by default it will not be focusable. If you want your element to be focusable, override the metadata for this property in your derived class static constructor as follows: +When you derive from , consider whether you want your element to be focusable, because by default it will not be focusable. If you want your element to be focusable, override the metadata for this property in your derived class static constructor as follows: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ComponentResourceKey/.ctor/corepseudocode.cs" id="Snippetuielementshortoverride"::: -:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CorePseudocode/visualbasic/corepseudocode.vb" id="Snippetuielementshortoverride"::: - +:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CorePseudocode/visualbasic/corepseudocode.vb" id="Snippetuielementshortoverride"::: + where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the metadata value on. - -## Examples - The following example creates a style that makes a focusable by default and gives it a visual behavior when it receives focus. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml" id="Snippetfocusable"::: - + +## Examples + The following example creates a style that makes a focusable by default and gives it a visual behavior when it receives focus. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml" id="Snippetfocusable"::: + ]]> @@ -1437,11 +1431,11 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Occurs when the value of the property changes. - @@ -1505,11 +1499,11 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Returns the base property value for the specified property on this element, disregarding any possible animated value from a running or stopped animation. The property value as if no animations are attached to the specified dependency property. - return value is always identical to the return value. If there are animations attached, then all possible animation derived values including the start and stop values are ignored, and the property value is determined based on all other possible inputs. For more information, see [Dependency Property Value Precedence](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-value-precedence). - + return value is always identical to the return value. If there are animations attached, then all possible animation derived values including the start and stop values are ignored, and the property value is determined based on all other possible inputs. For more information, see [Dependency Property Value Precedence](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-value-precedence). + ]]> @@ -1541,13 +1535,13 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta When overridden in a derived class, returns an alternative user interface (UI) parent for this element if no visual parent exists. An object, if implementation of a derived class has an alternate parent connection to report. - provides a practical implementation. - - Alternative parents are used for event routing, in cases where an element creates an alternative parent structure so that its events are routed in a way that diverges from the standard pattern of routing up the visual tree to the standard parent, or downward in the preview routing strategy. - + provides a practical implementation. + + Alternative parents are used for event routing, in cases where an element creates an alternative parent structure so that its events are routed in a way that diverges from the standard pattern of routing up the visual tree to the standard parent, or downward in the preview routing strategy. + ]]> @@ -1576,26 +1570,26 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag-and-drop event that involves this element. - event allows the source of a drag event to modify the appearance of the mouse pointer in order to give the user visual feedback during a drag-and-drop operation. The visual feedback reinforces that a drag-and-drop operation is in process. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event allows the source of a drag event to modify the appearance of the mouse pointer in order to give the user visual feedback during a drag-and-drop operation. The visual feedback reinforces that a drag-and-drop operation is in process. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1625,13 +1619,13 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1660,28 +1654,27 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Occurs when this element gets logical focus. - method is called still gets logical focus. - - A more precise interpretation of this event is that it is raised when the value of the property of an element in the route is changed from `false` to `true`. - - Because this event uses bubbling routing, the element that receives focus might be a child element instead of the element where the event handler is actually attached. Check the in the event data to determine the actual element that gained focus. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + method is called still gets logical focus. + + A more precise interpretation of this event is that it is raised when the value of the property of an element in the route is changed from `false` to `true`. + + Because this event uses bubbling routing, the element that receives focus might be a child element instead of the element where the event handler is actually attached. Check the in the event data to determine the actual element that gained focus. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no corresponding tunneling event. +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1712,13 +1705,13 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1750,28 +1743,27 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element. - is a similar event that tracks status changes in a property that maintains the focus state for an element; the event is raised in many of the same circumstances. - - Because this event uses bubbling routing, the element that has focus might be a child element instead of the element where the event handler is actually attached. Check the in the event data to determine the actual element that has focus. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + is a similar event that tracks status changes in a property that maintains the focus state for an element; the event is raised in many of the same circumstances. + + Because this event uses bubbling routing, the element that has focus might be a child element instead of the element where the event handler is actually attached. Check the in the event data to determine the actual element that has focus. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1801,13 +1793,13 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1839,28 +1831,27 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Occurs when this element captures the mouse. - in the event data to determine the actual element that has mouse capture. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that has mouse capture. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1890,13 +1881,13 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1928,28 +1919,27 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Occurs when this element captures the stylus. - in the event data to determine the actual element that has capture. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that has capture. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1978,13 +1968,13 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -2012,21 +2002,21 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Occurs when a touch is captured to this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -2085,11 +2075,11 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta if this element has animations attached to any of its properties; otherwise, . - @@ -2125,30 +2115,30 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Gets the collection of input bindings that are associated with this element. The collection of input bindings. - implements input bindings that include properties that are specific to mouse devices. - - The collection of input bindings includes both input bindings that pertain to the type and also input bindings that are declared on the instance. - - A related property, , maintains a collection of command bindings. These bindings differ from input bindings in that they represent the next level down of command processing - actions that are tied to known commands and class-specific handlers for them. - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - oneOrMoreInputBindings - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *oneOrMoreInputBindings* - One or more elements (typically the or derived classes). Each of these is expected to have a and attribute set. - + implements input bindings that include properties that are specific to mouse devices. + + The collection of input bindings includes both input bindings that pertain to the type and also input bindings that are declared on the instance. + + A related property, , maintains a collection of command bindings. These bindings differ from input bindings in that they represent the next level down of command processing - actions that are tied to known commands and class-specific handlers for them. + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + oneOrMoreInputBindings + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *oneOrMoreInputBindings* + One or more elements (typically the or derived classes). Each of these is expected to have a and attribute set. + ]]> @@ -2179,25 +2169,23 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta if the element is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a style that includes a property setter that gives an alternate visual behavior when a is set to `false`. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml" id="Snippetisenabledismouseover"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + +## Examples + The following example creates a style that includes a property setter that gives an alternate visual behavior when a is set to `false`. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml" id="Snippetisenabledismouseover"::: + ]]> @@ -2226,11 +2214,11 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta Occurs when the value of the property on this element changes. - @@ -2261,12 +2249,12 @@ where `myElement` is the class name of the type that you are overriding the meta if the element is enabled; otherwise, . - @@ -2323,26 +2311,26 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if this element has logical focus; otherwise, . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a style that makes a focusable by default and gives it a visual behavior when it receives focus. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml" id="Snippetfocusable"::: - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a style that makes a focusable by default and gives it a visual behavior when it receives focus. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml" id="Snippetfocusable"::: + ]]> @@ -2400,11 +2388,11 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if an input method is active; otherwise, . The default value of the underlying attached property is ; however, this value is influenced by the state of input methods at runtime. - for the currently enabled input methods (keyboard, speech, and other input devices). - + for the currently enabled input methods (keyboard, speech, and other input devices). + ]]> @@ -2444,18 +2432,18 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if this element has keyboard focus; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -2486,11 +2474,11 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -2556,21 +2544,21 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if keyboard focus is on the element or its child elements; otherwise, . The default is . - event, unless a derived class has overridden to suppress the event. - - You do not set this property directly, but you can set the focus to the element by calling , or by making a request. Either of these method calls might change this property value. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + event, unless a derived class has overridden to suppress the event. + + You do not set this property directly, but you can set the focus to the element by calling , or by making a request. Either of these method calls might change this property value. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -2599,11 +2587,11 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -2664,27 +2652,27 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if the element has mouse capture; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example turns the mouse capture state on or off based on whether the mouse is already captured by the element. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example turns the mouse capture state on or off based on whether the mouse is already captured by the element. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetismousecaptured"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetismousecaptured"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetismousecaptured"::: + ]]> @@ -2716,11 +2704,11 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -2783,18 +2771,18 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if this element or a contained element has mouse capture; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -2825,11 +2813,11 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the value of the changes on this element. - @@ -2895,21 +2883,21 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if the mouse pointer is over the same element result as a hit test; otherwise, . The default is . - , this property is only `true` if the mouse pointer is over the literal element - as it is for a hit test. If the mouse pointer is instead over a child element, in particular over elements that are part of an element's deeper template and compositing, this property will be `false`. Unless you know how a control is composited (for example, you use this property in a custom control template for a control that you define), this property might return unexpected results. For most scenarios where you are not authoring controls, use instead. - - If the mouse is captured by this element, and this property is `true` at time of capture, this property will continue to return `true` until mouse capture is lost and the pointer is not over its bounds. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , this property is only `true` if the mouse pointer is over the literal element - as it is for a hit test. If the mouse pointer is instead over a child element, in particular over elements that are part of an element's deeper template and compositing, this property will be `false`. Unless you know how a control is composited (for example, you use this property in a custom control template for a control that you define), this property might return unexpected results. For most scenarios where you are not authoring controls, use instead. + + If the mouse is captured by this element, and this property is `true` at time of capture, this property will continue to return `true` until mouse capture is lost and the pointer is not over its bounds. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -2940,11 +2928,11 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -3010,28 +2998,28 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if mouse pointer is over the element or its child elements; otherwise, . The default is . - , , and . - - If this element captures the mouse, this property remains `true` until mouse capture is lost and the mouse pointer leaves the element bounds. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a style that includes a property setter that gives an alternate visual behavior when a reports `true`. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml" id="Snippetisenabledismouseover"::: - + , , and . + + If this element captures the mouse, this property remains `true` until mouse capture is lost and the mouse pointer leaves the element bounds. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a style that includes a property setter that gives an alternate visual behavior when a reports `true`. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml" id="Snippetisenabledismouseover"::: + ]]> @@ -3091,21 +3079,21 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if the element has stylus capture; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - ]]> - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + ]]> + @@ -3135,11 +3123,11 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -3202,19 +3190,19 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if stylus capture is held within this element; otherwise, . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3243,11 +3231,11 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -3313,25 +3301,25 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if the stylus is over the same element as a hit test; otherwise, . The default is . - , this property is only `true` if the stylus is over the element. If the stylus is instead over a child element or over elements that are part of an element's deeper compositing, this property will be `false`. - - Unless you know how a control is composited (for example, you use this property in a custom control template for a control that you define), this property might return unexpected results. For most scenarios where you are not authoring controls, use instead. - - If this element has stylus capture and this property is `true` at the time of capture, this property remains `true` until stylus capture is lost and the stylus is not over its bounds. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , this property is only `true` if the stylus is over the element. If the stylus is instead over a child element or over elements that are part of an element's deeper compositing, this property will be `false`. + + Unless you know how a control is composited (for example, you use this property in a custom control template for a control that you define), this property might return unexpected results. For most scenarios where you are not authoring controls, use instead. + + If this element has stylus capture and this property is `true` at the time of capture, this property remains `true` until stylus capture is lost and the stylus is not over its bounds. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3361,11 +3349,11 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -3431,21 +3419,21 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if the stylus is over the element or its child elements; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3503,26 +3491,26 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when a key is pressed while focus is on this element. - event is a lower-level text input event that might not behave as expected on certain controls. This is because some controls have control compositing or class handling that provides a higher-level version of text input handling and related events. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event is a lower-level text input event that might not behave as expected on certain controls. This is because some controls have control compositing or class handling that provides a higher-level version of text input handling and related events. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -3552,13 +3540,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -3590,24 +3578,24 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when a key is released while focus is on this element. - attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -3637,13 +3625,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -3672,28 +3660,28 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when this element loses logical focus. - method is called still gets logical focus. - - A more precise interpretation of this event is that it is raised when the value of the property of an element in the route changes from `true` to `false`. - - Because this event uses bubbling routing, the element that loses focus might be a child element instead of the element where the event handler is actually attached. Check the in the event data to determine the actual element that gained focus. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + method is called still gets logical focus. + + A more precise interpretation of this event is that it is raised when the value of the property of an element in the route changes from `true` to `false`. + + Because this event uses bubbling routing, the element that loses focus might be a child element instead of the element where the event handler is actually attached. Check the in the event data to determine the actual element that gained focus. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no corresponding tunneling event. + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -3724,13 +3712,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -3762,26 +3750,26 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element. - in the event data to determine the actual element that lost focus. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that lost focus. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -3810,13 +3798,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -3848,28 +3836,28 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when this element loses mouse capture. - in the event data to determine the actual element that lost capture. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that lost capture. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -3898,13 +3886,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -3936,28 +3924,28 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when this element loses stylus capture. - in the event data to determine the actual element that lost focus. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that lost focus. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -3986,13 +3974,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -4020,21 +4008,21 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when this element loses a touch capture. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -4088,35 +4076,35 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a press of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a press of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . + > [!IMPORTANT] -> A few derived classes that have control-like behavior, for example, , might have inherent class handling for mouse button events. The left mouse button down event is the most likely event to have class handling in a control. The class handling often marks the underlying class event as handled. Once the event is marked handled, other instance handlers that are attached to that element are not ordinarily raised. Any other class or instance handlers that are attached to elements in the bubbling direction towards the root in the UI tree are also not ordinarily raised. - - You can resolve the issue that is outlined in the preceding Important and still receive events for left mouse button down events on a derived class that has class handling by using either of these solutions: - -- Attach handlers for the event, which is not marked as handled by the controls. Notice that because this is a preview event, the route starts at the root and tunnels down to the control. - -- Register a handler on the control procedurally by calling and choosing the signature option that enables handlers to listen for events even if they are already marked as handled in the routed event data. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - +> A few derived classes that have control-like behavior, for example, , might have inherent class handling for mouse button events. The left mouse button down event is the most likely event to have class handling in a control. The class handling often marks the underlying class event as handled. Once the event is marked handled, other instance handlers that are attached to that element are not ordinarily raised. Any other class or instance handlers that are attached to elements in the bubbling direction towards the root in the UI tree are also not ordinarily raised. + + You can resolve the issue that is outlined in the preceding Important and still receive events for left mouse button down events on a derived class that has class handling by using either of these solutions: + +- Attach handlers for the event, which is not marked as handled by the controls. Notice that because this is a preview event, the route starts at the root and tunnels down to the control. + +- Register a handler on the control procedurally by calling and choosing the signature option that enables handlers to listen for events even if they are already marked as handled in the routed event data. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -4145,13 +4133,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -4183,26 +4171,26 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of this element. - is a [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. - - Although tracks when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `false` to `true` on this element. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + is a [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. + + Although tracks when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `false` to `true` on this element. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -4231,13 +4219,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -4269,26 +4257,26 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the bounds of this element. - is a [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. - - Although tracks when the mouse leaves an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `true` to `false` on this element. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + is a [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. + + Although tracks when the mouse leaves an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `true` to `false` on this element. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -4317,13 +4305,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -4355,37 +4343,37 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + > [!IMPORTANT] -> A few derived classes that have control-like behavior, for example, , might have inherent class handling for mouse button events. The left mouse button down event is the most likely event to have class handling in a control. The class handling often marks the underlying class event as handled. Once the event is marked handled, other instance handlers that are attached to that element are not ordinarily raised. Any other class or instance handlers that are attached to elements in the bubbling direction towards the root in the UI tree are also not ordinarily raised. - - You can resolve the issue that is outlined in the preceding Important and still receive events for left mouse button down events on a derived class that has class handling by using either of these solutions: - -- Attach handlers for the event, which is not marked as handled by the controls. Notice that because this is a preview event, the route starts at the root and tunnels down to the control. - -- Register a handler on the control procedurally by calling and choosing the signature option that enables handlers to listen for events even if they are already marked as handled in the routed event data. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - +> A few derived classes that have control-like behavior, for example, , might have inherent class handling for mouse button events. The left mouse button down event is the most likely event to have class handling in a control. The class handling often marks the underlying class event as handled. Once the event is marked handled, other instance handlers that are attached to that element are not ordinarily raised. Any other class or instance handlers that are attached to elements in the bubbling direction towards the root in the UI tree are also not ordinarily raised. + + You can resolve the issue that is outlined in the preceding Important and still receive events for left mouse button down events on a derived class that has class handling by using either of these solutions: + +- Attach handlers for the event, which is not marked as handled by the controls. Notice that because this is a preview event, the route starts at the root and tunnels down to the control. + +- Register a handler on the control procedurally by calling and choosing the signature option that enables handlers to listen for events even if they are already marked as handled in the routed event data. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -4415,13 +4403,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -4453,28 +4441,28 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -4504,13 +4492,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -4542,24 +4530,24 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -4590,13 +4578,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -4628,30 +4616,30 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - Right button mouse events frequently have native handling in application scenarios. For instance, a right mouse button down might display a context menu. See [ContextMenu Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/contextmenu-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + Right button mouse events frequently have native handling in application scenarios. For instance, a right mouse button down might display a context menu. See [ContextMenu Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/contextmenu-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -4681,13 +4669,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -4719,28 +4707,28 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -4770,13 +4758,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -4805,26 +4793,26 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when any mouse button is released over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a release of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a release of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -4853,13 +4841,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -4891,26 +4879,26 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over this element. - event from a focused or captured element, the mouse pointer might actually be over another element. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event from a focused or captured element, the mouse pointer might actually be over another element. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -4939,13 +4927,13 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -4980,11 +4968,11 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates if the requested traversal was performed; otherwise, . - @@ -5016,12 +5004,12 @@ The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates Returns class-specific implementations for the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) infrastructure. The type-specific implementation. - implementation, and return it as the return value. - +The implementation of this method is typically to call the constructor of a specific implementation, and return it as the return value. + All derived classes should implement this method in order to provide their own specific implementations to the WPF infrastructure. For details on implementing this pattern, see . ]]> @@ -5056,15 +5044,15 @@ The implementation of this method is typically to call the constructor of a spec The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -5098,15 +5086,15 @@ The implementation of this method is typically to call the constructor of a spec The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -5140,15 +5128,15 @@ The implementation of this method is typically to call the constructor of a spec The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -5182,15 +5170,15 @@ The implementation of this method is typically to call the constructor of a spec The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -5224,15 +5212,15 @@ The implementation of this method is typically to call the constructor of a spec The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -5272,13 +5260,13 @@ The implementation of this method is typically to call the constructor of a spec A that contains event data. This event data must contain the identifier for the event. Raises the routed event by using the event data provided. - property value changes. The implementation differs from some other Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) On\* implementations, which only provide a convenient way to add class handling for that event. - + property value changes. The implementation differs from some other Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) On\* implementations, which only provide a convenient way to add class handling for that event. + ## Notes to inheritors Unless you have a deliberate and unusual need to not raise the focus events, make sure that your implementation calls the base implementation. Otherwise, the event is not raised during typical user operations that ordinarily set focus to this element. If you do not intend your element to be focusable, you can prevent the element from being focusable by setting to `false`. @@ -5318,15 +5306,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -5360,15 +5348,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -5402,15 +5390,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -5443,11 +5431,11 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch is captured to this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -5480,13 +5468,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -5519,13 +5507,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data. Invoked just before the event is raised by this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -5558,15 +5546,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - - ]]> - + dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + + ]]> + @@ -5598,8 +5586,8 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. To be added. - This virtual method is raised when the value of the dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event; Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - + This virtual method is raised when the value of the dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event; Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. @@ -5632,13 +5620,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -5671,13 +5659,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -5710,13 +5698,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -5749,13 +5737,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -5788,17 +5776,17 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - is not invoked. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. - - The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On\* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On\* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. - - Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + is not invoked. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. + + The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On\* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On\* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. + + Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -5832,17 +5820,17 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - is not invoked. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. - - The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On\* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On\* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. - - Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + is not invoked. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. + + The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On\* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On\* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. + + Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -5882,13 +5870,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains event data. This event data must contain the identifier for the event. Raises the routed event by using the event data that is provided. - property value changes. This implementation differs from some other Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) On\* implementations, which only provide a convenient way to add class handling for that event. - + property value changes. This implementation differs from some other Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) On\* implementations, which only provide a convenient way to add class handling for that event. + ]]> @@ -5924,15 +5912,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -5966,15 +5954,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -6008,15 +5996,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -6049,11 +6037,11 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when this element loses a touch capture. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -6086,23 +6074,23 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. This event data reports details about the mouse button that was pressed and the handled state. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event as handled, is not invoked. - - If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events may be raised on the receiving element when is received. - - If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button down actions. This behavior might be unwanted; therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. - - Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On\* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. - - The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On\* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On\* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. - - Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + event as handled, is not invoked. + + If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events may be raised on the receiving element when is received. + + If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button down actions. This behavior might be unwanted; therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. + + Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On\* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. + + The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On\* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On\* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. + + Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -6136,13 +6124,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - @@ -6176,13 +6164,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - @@ -6216,15 +6204,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the left mouse button was pressed. Invoked when an unhandled routed event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - - Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling the base implementation; however, this override disables the event. - + event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + + Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling the base implementation; however, this override disables the event. + ]]> @@ -6257,13 +6245,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the left mouse button was released. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - + event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + ]]> @@ -6296,15 +6284,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -6338,15 +6326,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the right mouse button was pressed. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - - Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling base; however, this override disables the context menu services on your control, which are part of the default behavior. - + event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + + Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling base; however, this override disables the context menu services on your control, which are part of the default behavior. + ]]> @@ -6379,13 +6367,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the right mouse button was released. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - + event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + ]]> @@ -6418,23 +6406,23 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the mouse button was released. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event as handled, is not invoked. - - If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events might be raised on the receiving element when is received. - - If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button up actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. - - Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On\* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. - - The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On\* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On\* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. - - Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + event as handled, is not invoked. + + If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events might be raised on the receiving element when is received. + + If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button up actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. + + Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On\* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. + + The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On\* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On\* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. + + Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -6467,15 +6455,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -6509,15 +6497,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -6551,15 +6539,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -6593,15 +6581,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -6635,15 +6623,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -6677,15 +6665,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -6719,15 +6707,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -6761,15 +6749,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -6803,15 +6791,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -6845,15 +6833,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -6887,23 +6875,23 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. The event data reports that one or more mouse buttons were pressed. Invoked when an unhandled attached routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event as handled, is not invoked. - - If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events may be raised on the receiving element when is received. - - If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button down actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. - - Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On\* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. - - The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On\* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On\* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. - - Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + event as handled, is not invoked. + + If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events may be raised on the receiving element when is received. + + If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button down actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. + + Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On\* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. + + The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On\* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On\* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. + + Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -6937,15 +6925,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the left mouse button was pressed. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - - Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling the base implementation; however, this override disables the event. - + event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + + Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling the base implementation; however, this override disables the event. + ]]> @@ -6978,13 +6966,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the left mouse button was released. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - + event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + ]]> @@ -7017,15 +7005,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7059,15 +7047,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the right mouse button was pressed. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - - Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling base; however, this override disables the context menu services on your control, which are part of the default behavior. - + event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + + Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling base; however, this override disables the context menu services on your control, which are part of the default behavior. + ]]> @@ -7100,13 +7088,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the right mouse button was released. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - + event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + ]]> @@ -7139,23 +7127,23 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. The event data reports that one or more mouse buttons were released. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event as handled, is not invoked. - - If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events might be raised on the receiving element when is received. - - If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button up actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. - - Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On\* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. - - The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On\* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On\* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. - - Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + event as handled, is not invoked. + + If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events might be raised on the receiving element when is received. + + If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button up actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. + + Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On\* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. + + The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On\* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On\* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. + + Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7189,15 +7177,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7231,15 +7219,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7273,15 +7261,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7315,15 +7303,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7357,15 +7345,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7399,15 +7387,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7441,15 +7429,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7483,15 +7471,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7525,15 +7513,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7567,15 +7555,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7609,15 +7597,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7651,15 +7639,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -7693,11 +7681,11 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch presses this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -7729,11 +7717,11 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch moves while inside this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -7765,11 +7753,11 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch is released inside this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -7802,15 +7790,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7844,15 +7832,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7886,15 +7874,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7928,15 +7916,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7970,15 +7958,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8012,13 +8000,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event is raised by this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - @@ -8052,15 +8040,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8094,15 +8082,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8136,13 +8124,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event is raised by this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - @@ -8176,15 +8164,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8218,15 +8206,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8260,16 +8248,16 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - - ]]> + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + + ]]> @@ -8302,15 +8290,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8344,15 +8332,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8385,11 +8373,11 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch presses inside this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -8421,11 +8409,11 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch moves from outside to inside the bounds of this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -8457,11 +8445,11 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch moves from inside to outside the bounds of this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -8493,11 +8481,11 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch moves while inside this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -8529,11 +8517,11 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch is released inside this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -8567,11 +8555,11 @@ Note that by default a is not foc When overridden in a derived class, returns the element that would receive focus for a specified focus traversal direction, without actually moving focus to that element. The element that would have received focus if were actually invoked. - @@ -8601,24 +8589,24 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the drag target. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -8647,13 +8635,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -8682,24 +8670,24 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the drag origin. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -8728,13 +8716,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -8763,24 +8751,24 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the potential drop target. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -8809,13 +8797,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -8844,24 +8832,24 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drop event with this element as the drop target. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -8890,13 +8878,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -8925,26 +8913,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is started. - event enables the source of a drag event to modify the appearance of the mouse pointer, in order to give the user visual feedback during a drag-and-drop operation. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event enables the source of a drag event to modify the appearance of the mouse pointer, in order to give the user visual feedback during a drag-and-drop operation. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -8973,13 +8961,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -9011,26 +8999,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element. - in the event data to determine the actual element that has focus. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that has focus. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -9060,13 +9048,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -9098,26 +9086,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a key is pressed while the keyboard is focused on this element. - event is a lower-level text input event that might not behave as expected on certain controls. This is because some controls have control compositing or class handling that provides a higher-level version of text input handling and related events. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event is a lower-level text input event that might not behave as expected on certain controls. This is because some controls have control compositing or class handling that provides a higher-level version of text input handling and related events. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -9147,13 +9135,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -9185,26 +9173,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a key is released while the keyboard is focused on this element. - event is a lower-level text input event that might not behave as expected on certain controls. This is because some controls have control compositing or class handling that provides a higher-level version of text input handling and related events. For details, check the documentation for individual controls. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event is a lower-level text input event that might not behave as expected on certain controls. This is because some controls have control compositing or class handling that provides a higher-level version of text input handling and related events. For details, check the documentation for individual controls. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -9233,13 +9221,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -9271,26 +9259,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element. - in the event data to determine the actual element that lost focus. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that lost focus. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -9320,13 +9308,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -9355,26 +9343,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a press of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a press of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -9403,13 +9391,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -9441,28 +9429,28 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -9492,13 +9480,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -9530,28 +9518,28 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -9580,13 +9568,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -9618,26 +9606,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while the mouse pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -9666,13 +9654,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -9704,28 +9692,28 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -9755,13 +9743,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -9793,28 +9781,28 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The arguments of this event expose the arguments of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -9844,13 +9832,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -9879,26 +9867,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when any mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a press of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a press of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -9927,13 +9915,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -9965,26 +9953,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -10013,13 +10001,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -10048,26 +10036,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button state during a drag-and-drop operation. - event enables the drag source to declare whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event enables the drag source to declare whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -10096,13 +10084,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -10134,26 +10122,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -10183,13 +10171,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -10221,26 +10209,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus button is released while the pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -10269,13 +10257,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -10307,26 +10295,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while it is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -10355,13 +10343,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -10393,26 +10381,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus moves over an element without actually touching the digitizer. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -10441,13 +10429,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -10479,26 +10467,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected, while over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -10527,13 +10515,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -10565,26 +10553,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus moves while over the element. The stylus must move while being detected by the digitizer to raise this event, otherwise, is raised instead. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -10613,13 +10601,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -10651,26 +10639,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -10699,13 +10687,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -10737,28 +10725,28 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a user performs one of several stylus gestures. - . - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -10787,13 +10775,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -10825,26 +10813,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the user raises the stylus off the digitizer while the stylus is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -10873,13 +10861,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -10911,28 +10899,28 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner. - event allows a component or application to listen for text input in a device-independent manner. The keyboard is the primary means of ; but speech, handwriting, and other input devices can also generate . - - Because of key combinations - either in default keyboards or through input method editors - multiple key events may raise just one text input event. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event allows a component or application to listen for text input in a device-independent manner. The keyboard is the primary means of ; but speech, handwriting, and other input devices can also generate . + + Because of key combinations - either in default keyboards or through input method editors - multiple key events may raise just one text input event. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -10962,13 +10950,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -10996,26 +10984,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a finger touches the screen while the finger is over this element. - and events do not occur until a finger touches the screen and moves. Pressing a finger on the screen and holding it without moving it causes the press and hold behavior of a . The press and hold behavior is equivalent to a mouse right-click. - - To cause the and events to occur as soon as a finger touches the screen, set the attached property to `false` for this element. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + and events do not occur until a finger touches the screen and moves. Pressing a finger on the screen and holding it without moving it causes the press and hold behavior of a . The press and hold behavior is equivalent to a mouse right-click. + + To cause the and events to occur as soon as a finger touches the screen, set the attached property to `false` for this element. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11071,23 +11059,23 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a finger moves on the screen while the finger is over this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11140,23 +11128,23 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a finger is raised off of the screen while the finger is over this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11210,26 +11198,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button state during a drag-and-drop operation. - event enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11258,13 +11246,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11293,28 +11281,28 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the cursor is requested to display. This event is raised on an element each time that the mouse pointer moves to a new location, which means the cursor object might need to be changed based on its new position. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - The cursor being referred to by this event name is not necessarily the text cursor (sometimes known as the insertion point). Instead, the cursor in this context is the object that declares the onscreen graphical display related to several possible input-related devices or concepts in Windows programming. That object is represented by the class in WPF. The WPF input system enables you to change this cursor when it represents the onscreen position of the mouse pointer. You can use predefined values from the enumeration, or you can declare a custom cursor as an image file. - - Listening for the event is not an efficient technique for cursor management. Instead, each element should define its own cursor behavior with and . You should only rely on if you are not using the WPF framework-level base elements, or in extraordinary circumstances where defining cursor behavior on a per-element basis does not meet your needs. For more information on implementing cursor behavior in response to , see . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + The cursor being referred to by this event name is not necessarily the text cursor (sometimes known as the insertion point). Instead, the cursor in this context is the object that declares the onscreen graphical display related to several possible input-related devices or concepts in Windows programming. That object is represented by the class in WPF. The WPF input system enables you to change this cursor when it represents the onscreen position of the mouse pointer. You can use predefined values from the enumeration, or you can declare a custom cursor as an image file. + + Listening for the event is not an efficient technique for cursor management. Instead, each element should define its own cursor behavior with and . You should only rely on if you are not using the WPF framework-level base elements, or in extraordinary circumstances where defining cursor behavior on a per-element basis does not meet your needs. For more information on implementing cursor behavior in response to , see . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11344,13 +11332,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11386,21 +11374,21 @@ Note that by default a is not foc A that contains the event data and also identifies the event to raise. Raises a specific routed event. The to be raised is identified within the instance that is provided (as the property of that event data). - derived classes contain the actual specific data properties that are intended for the specific event when it is raised. - - is not just the state properties for the event; it also identifies which routed event to raise. This event-raising pattern and the routed event data both differ from common language runtime (CLR) events and data classes, which typically just contain properties that are related to the event. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates event data, appends the event identifier to the data, and then uses the event data instance to raise a custom routed event. - + derived classes contain the actual specific data properties that are intended for the specific event when it is raised. + + is not just the state properties for the event; it also identifies which routed event to raise. This event-raising pattern and the routed event data both differ from common language runtime (CLR) events and data classes, which typically just contain properties that are related to the event. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates event data, appends the event identifier to the data, and then uses the event data instance to raise a custom routed event. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetraiseevent"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetraiseevent"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetraiseevent"::: + ]]> @@ -11459,19 +11447,19 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Releases the mouse capture, if this element held the capture. - before you call this method. - - - -## Examples - The following handler captures or releases mouse capture according to mouse button states. The example shows how to use captured mouse movement for alternative purposes other than moving the mouse pointer in the UI. - + before you call this method. + + + +## Examples + The following handler captures or releases mouse capture according to mouse button states. The example shows how to use captured mouse movement for alternative purposes other than moving the mouse pointer in the UI. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AllowDrop/Trackball.cs" id="Snippetuielementmousecapture"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/trackball.vb" id="Snippetuielementmousecapture"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ContentElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/trackball.vb" id="Snippetuielementmousecapture"::: + ]]> @@ -11505,11 +11493,11 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Releases the stylus device capture, if this element held the capture. - before you call this method. - + before you call this method. + ]]> @@ -11580,19 +11568,19 @@ Note that by default a is not foc The specific handler implementation to remove from the event handler collection on this element. Removes the specified routed event handler from this element. - signature that enables handling of already-handled events. Either type of handler is removed. - + signature that enables handling of already-handled events. Either type of handler is removed. + ]]> @@ -11631,15 +11619,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc if the property value should be serialized; otherwise, . - is locally set. - - This `ShouldSerialize` method is provided because the property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer or developing your own control incorporating a . - - For more information, see [Defining Default Values with the ShouldSerialize and Reset Methods](/dotnet/framework/winforms/controls/defining-default-values-with-the-shouldserialize-and-reset-methods). - + is locally set. + + This `ShouldSerialize` method is provided because the property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer or developing your own control incorporating a . + + For more information, see [Defining Default Values with the ShouldSerialize and Reset Methods](/dotnet/framework/winforms/controls/defining-default-values-with-the-shouldserialize-and-reset-methods). + ]]> @@ -11677,15 +11665,15 @@ Note that by default a is not foc if the property value should be serialized; otherwise, . - is locally set. - - This `ShouldSerialize` method is provided because the property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer or developing your own control incorporating a . - - For more information, see [Defining Default Values with the ShouldSerialize and Reset Methods](/dotnet/framework/winforms/controls/defining-default-values-with-the-shouldserialize-and-reset-methods). - + is locally set. + + This `ShouldSerialize` method is provided because the property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer or developing your own control incorporating a . + + For more information, see [Defining Default Values with the ShouldSerialize and Reset Methods](/dotnet/framework/winforms/controls/defining-default-values-with-the-shouldserialize-and-reset-methods). + ]]> @@ -11717,26 +11705,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11766,13 +11754,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11804,26 +11792,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus button is released while the pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11853,13 +11841,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11891,26 +11879,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while the stylus is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11939,13 +11927,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11977,28 +11965,28 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus enters the bounds of this element. - is a [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. - - Although tracks when the stylus enters the bounds of an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `false` to `true` on this element. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + is a [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. + + Although tracks when the stylus enters the bounds of an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `false` to `true` on this element. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12027,13 +12015,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12065,26 +12053,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus moves over an element without actually touching the digitizer. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12113,13 +12101,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12151,26 +12139,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected, while over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12199,13 +12187,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12237,28 +12225,28 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus leaves the bounds of the element. - is a [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. - - Although tracks when the stylus leaves the bounds of an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `true` to `false` on this element. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + is a [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. + + Although tracks when the stylus leaves the bounds of an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `true` to `false` on this element. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12287,13 +12275,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12325,26 +12313,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus moves over this element. The stylus must move while on the digitizer to raise this event. Otherwise, is raised instead. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12373,13 +12361,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12411,26 +12399,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected, while over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12459,13 +12447,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12497,28 +12485,28 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a user performs one of several stylus gestures. - . - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12547,13 +12535,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12585,26 +12573,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when the user raises the stylus off the digitizer while it is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12633,13 +12621,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12671,34 +12659,34 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner. - [!IMPORTANT] -> This event might already be marked as handled by the internal implementations of composited controls. See Remark below. - - The event may already be marked as handled by the internal implementations of composited controls. For example, a is a composited control where the event is already marked as handled; within its compositing. Controls do this because the control needs to interpret some types of input, such as arrow keys, as having special meaning to that control. If you use as the event where you attach handlers for text input, you may receive better results. This technique circumvents most cases where control composition has already marked this event as handled and prevents your handler from receiving the event along the event route. - - The event allows a component or application to listen for text input in a device-independent manner. The keyboard is the primary means of , but speech, handwriting, and other input devices can also raise . - - Because of key combinations - either in default keyboards or through input method editors - multiple key events might raise just one text input event. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - +> This event might already be marked as handled by the internal implementations of composited controls. See Remark below. + + The event may already be marked as handled by the internal implementations of composited controls. For example, a is a composited control where the event is already marked as handled; within its compositing. Controls do this because the control needs to interpret some types of input, such as arrow keys, as having special meaning to that control. If you use as the event where you attach handlers for text input, you may receive better results. This technique circumvents most cases where control composition has already marked this event as handled and prevents your handler from receiving the event along the event route. + + The event allows a component or application to listen for text input in a device-independent manner. The keyboard is the primary means of , but speech, handwriting, and other input devices can also raise . + + Because of key combinations - either in default keyboards or through input method editors - multiple key events might raise just one text input event. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12727,13 +12715,13 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12761,26 +12749,26 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a finger touches the screen while the finger is over this element. - and events do not occur until a finger touches the screen and moves. Pressing a finger on the screen and holding it without moving it causes the press and hold behavior of a . The press and hold behavior is equivalent to a mouse right-click. - - To cause the and events to occur as soon as a finger touches the screen, set the attached property to `false` for this element. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + and events do not occur until a finger touches the screen and moves. Pressing a finger on the screen and holding it without moving it causes the press and hold behavior of a . The press and hold behavior is equivalent to a mouse right-click. + + To cause the and events to occur as soon as a finger touches the screen, set the attached property to `false` for this element. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12836,22 +12824,22 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a touch moves from outside to inside the bounds of this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13008,21 +12996,21 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a touch moves from inside to outside the bounds of this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13075,23 +13063,23 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a finger moves on the screen while the finger is over this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13144,23 +13132,23 @@ Note that by default a is not foc Occurs when a finger is raised off of the screen while the finger is over this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows/DataObject.xml b/xml/System.Windows/DataObject.xml index b861d1afb6d..3fb677ac557 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows/DataObject.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows/DataObject.xml @@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ Provides a basic implementation of the interface, which defines a format-independent mechanism for transferring data. - Load a Dropped File Sample @@ -115,19 +115,19 @@ An object that represents the data to store in this data object. Initializes a new instance of the class that contains the specified data. - @@ -169,19 +169,19 @@ An object that represents the data to store in this data object. Initializes a new instance of the class that contains the specified data and its associated format; the format is specified by a string. - class provides a set of predefined type strings. Auto-converting of the stored data is allowed by default. - + class provides a set of predefined type strings. Auto-converting of the stored data is allowed by default. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_typestring"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_typestring"::: - - The following example is a condensed version of the previous example. - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_typestring"::: + + The following example is a condensed version of the previous example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_typestring_condensed"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_typestring_condensed"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_typestring_condensed"::: + ]]> @@ -221,19 +221,19 @@ The data to store in this data object. Initializes a new instance of the class that contains the specified data and its associated format; the data format is specified by a object. - parameter. Auto-converting of the stored data is allowed by default. - + parameter. Auto-converting of the stored data is allowed by default. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_type"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_type"::: - - The following example is a condensed version of the previous example. - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_type"::: + + The following example is a condensed version of the previous example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_type_condensed"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_type_condensed"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_type_condensed"::: + ]]> @@ -276,19 +276,19 @@ to allow the data to be converted to another format on retrieval; to prohibit the data from being converted to another format on retrieval. Initializes a new instance of the class that contains the specified data and its associated format; the format is specified by a string. This overload includes a flag to indicate whether the data may be converted to another format on retrieval. - class provides a set of predefined type strings. - + class provides a set of predefined type strings. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_autoconvert"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_autoconvert"::: - - The following example is a condensed version of the preceding example. - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_autoconvert"::: + + The following example is a condensed version of the preceding example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_autoconvert_condensed"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_autoconvert_condensed"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_createdataobject_autoconvert_condensed"::: + ]]> @@ -325,13 +325,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to add. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs when a copy operation has finished converting the selected content into all specified data formats, has stored all data formats in the associated data object, and is ready to put the data object on the system Clipboard or to begin a drag operation. - - Use this event to inspect or modify a data object after a copy operation completes, and before proceeding with subsequent operations. The entire copy operation can be canceled by calling . - + event occurs when a copy operation has finished converting the selected content into all specified data formats, has stored all data formats in the associated data object, and is ready to put the data object on the system Clipboard or to begin a drag operation. + + Use this event to inspect or modify a data object after a copy operation completes, and before proceeding with subsequent operations. The entire copy operation can be canceled by calling . + ]]> @@ -367,22 +367,22 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to add. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - method. - -- **Select an Alternate Format** - Change the selected paste format by specifying a new value for the property. The newly selected format must by supported by the data object to be pasted. - + method. + +- **Select an Alternate Format** - Change the selected paste format by specifying a new value for the property. The newly selected format must by supported by the data object to be pasted. + > [!NOTE] - > If the paste format is changed, ensure that the paste target supports the newly specified format. - -- **Insert a New Format** - If you determine that the paste data object does not support the desired format, update the data object to include a version of the data in the desired format. Custom data converters are often used as part of this process. - - Changing the content of a paste data object () does not change the data stored on the system Clipboard; any such changes will apply only to the data object associated with the associated paste command. - + > If the paste format is changed, ensure that the paste target supports the newly specified format. + +- **Insert a New Format** - If you determine that the paste data object does not support the desired format, update the data object to include a version of the data in the desired format. Custom data converters are often used as part of this process. + + Changing the content of a paste data object () does not change the data stored on the system Clipboard; any such changes will apply only to the data object associated with the associated paste command. + ]]> @@ -418,13 +418,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to add. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs as part of a copy or drag command, once for each of the data formats to add to the associated data object. Typically, this event is connected to a content control, such as . - - A handler for this event can be used to selectively prevent unwanted data formats from being added to the data object, thus eliminating data conversion processing for redundant data formats and improving the overall performance of a copy operation. To skip a particular data format, call the method and specify the format to skip in the property. Calling the method for this event does not cancel the associated copy or drag command. - + event occurs as part of a copy or drag command, once for each of the data formats to add to the associated data object. Typically, this event is connected to a content control, such as . + + A handler for this event can be used to selectively prevent unwanted data formats from being added to the data object, thus eliminating data conversion processing for redundant data formats and improving the overall performance of a copy operation. To skip a particular data format, call the method and specify the format to skip in the property. Calling the method for this event does not cancel the associated copy or drag command. + ]]> @@ -457,11 +457,11 @@ if the data object contains data in the data format; otherwise, . - @@ -497,11 +497,11 @@ if the data object contains data in the data format; otherwise, . - @@ -538,13 +538,13 @@ if the data object contains data in the data format; otherwise, . - @@ -596,13 +596,13 @@ if the data object contains data in the data format; otherwise, . - data format denotes 16-bit character encoded Unicode, also referred to as UTF-16, and USC-2. - + data format denotes 16-bit character encoded Unicode, also referred to as UTF-16, and USC-2. + ]]> @@ -642,11 +642,11 @@ if the data object contains data in a text data format; otherwise, . - @@ -678,20 +678,20 @@ Occurs when the associated dependency object has prepared appropriate data formats that represent the copy selection, added the copy selection formats to a , and is ready to either place the on the or begin a drag-and-drop operation. - prior to the copy operation, change, remove or add data formats, or cancel the entire copy operation by calling . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + prior to the copy operation, change, remove or add data formats, or cancel the entire copy operation by calling . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -748,11 +748,11 @@ Returns a stream that contains data in the data format. A stream that contains data in the format, or if the data is unavailable in this format. - @@ -801,19 +801,19 @@ Returns data in a format specified by a string. An object that contains the data in the specified format, or if the data is unavailable in the specified format. - method. - + method. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_getspecificdataformat"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_getspecificdataformat"::: - - The following example code uses the method to first check if a specified data format is available natively (auto-convertible data formats are filtered); if the specified format is available, the example retrieves the data by using the method. - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_getspecificdataformat"::: + + The following example code uses the method to first check if a specified data format is available natively (auto-convertible data formats are filtered); if the specified format is available, the example retrieves the data by using the method. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_getspecificdataformat_native"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_getspecificdataformat_native"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_getspecificdataformat_native"::: + ]]> @@ -891,8 +891,8 @@ to attempt to automatically convert the data to the specified format; for no data format conversion. Returns a data object in a specified format, optionally converting the data to the specified format. - A data object with the data in the specified format, or if the data is unavailable in the specified format. - + A data object with the data in the specified format, or if the data is unavailable in the specified format. + If the parameter is and the data cannot be converted to the specified format, or if automatic conversion is disabled (by calling with the parameter set to ), this method returns . To be added. @@ -908,11 +908,11 @@ Determines whether the data is available in, or can be converted to, a specified format. - to determine whether a format is available in this data object before calling . Call to obtain a list of all the formats that are available in this data object. - + to determine whether a format is available in this data object before calling . Call to obtain a list of all the formats that are available in this data object. + ]]> @@ -950,19 +950,19 @@ if the data is in, or can be converted to, the specified format; otherwise, . - to determine whether a format is available in this data object before calling . Call to obtain a list of all the formats that are available in this data object. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses this method to query for the presence of a particular data format by descriptor string. - + to determine whether a format is available in this data object before calling . Call to obtain a list of all the formats that are available in this data object. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses this method to query for the presence of a particular data format by descriptor string. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_querydataformats_string"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_querydataformats_string"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_querydataformats_string"::: + ]]> @@ -1003,19 +1003,19 @@ if the data is in, or can be converted to, the specified format; otherwise, . - to determine whether a format is available in this data object before calling . Call to obtain a list of all the formats that are available in this data object. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses this method to query for the presence of a particular data format by type. - + to determine whether a format is available in this data object before calling . Call to obtain a list of all the formats that are available in this data object. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses this method to query for the presence of a particular data format by type. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_querydataformats_type"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_querydataformats_type"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_querydataformats_type"::: + ]]> @@ -1059,19 +1059,19 @@ if the data is in, or can be converted to, the specified format; otherwise, . - to determine whether a format is available in this data object before calling . Call to obtain a list of all the formats that are available in this data object. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses this method to query for data by descriptor string, and specifies how to treat auto-convertible data formats. - + to determine whether a format is available in this data object before calling . Call to obtain a list of all the formats that are available in this data object. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses this method to query for data by descriptor string, and specifies how to treat auto-convertible data formats. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_querydataformats_autoconvert"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_querydataformats_autoconvert"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_querydataformats_autoconvert"::: + ]]> @@ -1154,19 +1154,19 @@ Returns a list of formats in which the data in this data object is stored, or can be converted to. An array of strings, with each string specifying the name of a format that this data object supports. - class. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses this method to get an array of strings denoting all data formats available in a data object (both native and auto-convertible). - + class. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses this method to get an array of strings denoting all data formats available in a data object (both native and auto-convertible). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_getalldataformats"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_getalldataformats"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_getalldataformats"::: + ]]> @@ -1204,19 +1204,19 @@ Returns a list of formats in which the data in this data object is stored. A flag indicates whether to also include formats that the data can be automatically converted to. An array of strings, with each string specifying the name of a format supported by this data object. - class. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses this method to get an array of strings denoting only data formats available in a data object (auto-convertible data formats are filtered). - + class. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses this method to get an array of strings denoting only data formats available in a data object (auto-convertible data formats are filtered). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Clipboard/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet_dragdrop_getalldataformats_nativeonly"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_getalldataformats_nativeonly"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/DragDrop_DragDropMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet_dragdrop_getalldataformats_nativeonly"::: + ]]> @@ -1247,13 +1247,13 @@ Returns a object that contains data in the format. A object that contains data in the format, or if the data is unavailable in this format. - object either when data is available natively or when data can be auto-converted to the data format. - - A bitmap represents a computer graphic as an array of bits in memory, and these bits represent the attributes of the individual pixels in an image. - + object either when data is available natively or when data can be auto-converted to the data format. + + A bitmap represents a computer graphic as an array of bits in memory, and these bits represent the attributes of the individual pixels in an image. + ]]> @@ -1302,11 +1302,11 @@ Returns a string that contains the data in this data object. A string that contains the data, or an empty string if no data is available. - data format denotes 16-bit character encoded Unicode, also referred to as UTF-16, and USC-2. - + data format denotes 16-bit character encoded Unicode, also referred to as UTF-16, and USC-2. + ]]> @@ -1372,20 +1372,20 @@ Occurs when the associated dependency object is ready to paste data. - prior to the paste operation, change, remove or add data formats, or cancel the entire copy operation by calling . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + prior to the paste operation, change, remove or add data formats, or cancel the entire copy operation by calling . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -1552,11 +1552,11 @@ A byte array that contains audio data to store in the data object. Stores audio data ( data format) in this data object. The audio data is specified as a byte array. - with `autoConvert` set to `false`). - + with `autoConvert` set to `false`). + ]]> @@ -1594,11 +1594,11 @@ A stream that contains audio data to store in the data object. Stores audio data ( data format) in this data object. The audio data is specified as a stream. - with `autoConvert` set to `false`). - + with `autoConvert` set to `false`). + ]]> @@ -1654,11 +1654,11 @@ An object that represents the data to store in this data object. Stores the specified data in this data object, automatically determining the data format from the source object type. - with `autoConvert` set to `true`). - + with `autoConvert` set to `true`). + ]]> @@ -1704,11 +1704,11 @@ An object that represents the data to store in this data object. Stores the specified data in this data object, along with one or more specified data formats; the data format is specified by a string. - with `autoConvert` set to `true`). - + with `autoConvert` set to `true`). + ]]> @@ -1754,11 +1754,11 @@ An object that represents the data to store in this data object. Stores the specified data in this data object, along with one or more specified data formats; the data format is specified by a object. - with `autoConvert` set to `true`). - + with `autoConvert` set to `true`). + ]]> @@ -1839,11 +1839,11 @@ A string collection that contains the dropped file list to store in the data object. Stores data in this data object. The dropped file list is specified as a string collection. - with `autoConvert` set to `true`). - + with `autoConvert` set to `true`). + ]]> @@ -1883,13 +1883,13 @@ A object that contains the image data to store in the data object. Stores data in this data object. The image data is specified as a . - with `autoConvert` set to `true`). - + with `autoConvert` set to `true`). + ]]> @@ -1937,13 +1937,13 @@ A string that contains the data to store in the data object. Stores data, specified as a string, in this data object. - with `autoConvert` set to `false`). - + with `autoConvert` set to `false`). + ]]> @@ -1983,11 +1983,11 @@ A member of that specifies the text data format to store. Stores text data in this data object. The format of the text data to store is specified with a member of . - with `autoConvert` set to `false`). - + with `autoConvert` set to `false`). + ]]> @@ -2017,20 +2017,20 @@ Occurs when the associated dependency object attempts to add a new data format to a . - . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -2105,11 +2105,11 @@ Creates a connection between a data object and an advisory sink. This method is called by an object that supports an advisory sink and enables the advisory sink to be notified of changes in the object's data. This method supports the standard return values E_INVALIDARG, E_UNEXPECTED, and E_OUTOFMEMORY. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -2151,11 +2151,11 @@ A DWORD token that specifies the connection to remove. Use the value returned by when the connection was originally established. Destroys a notification connection that had been previously established. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -2196,27 +2196,27 @@ When this method returns, contains an that receives the interface pointer to the new enumerator object. If the implementation sets to , there are no connections to advisory sinks at this time. This parameter is passed uninitialized. Creates an object that can be used to enumerate the current advisory connections. - This method supports the standard return value E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following: - - Value - - Description - - S_OK - - The enumerator object is successfully instantiated or there are no connections. - - OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED - - This object does not support advisory notifications. - + This method supports the standard return value E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following: + + Value + + Description + + S_OK + + The enumerator object is successfully instantiated or there are no connections. + + OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED + + This object does not support advisory notifications. + - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -2257,31 +2257,31 @@ One of the values that specifies the direction of the data. Creates an object for enumerating the structures for a data object. These structures are used in calls to or . - This method supports the standard return values E_INVALIDARG and E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following: - - Value - - Description - - S_OK - - The enumerator object was successfully created. - - E_NOTIMPL - - The direction specified by the parameter is not supported. - - OLE_S_USEREG - - Requests that OLE enumerate the formats from the registry. - + This method supports the standard return values E_INVALIDARG and E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following: + + Value + + Description + + S_OK + + The enumerator object was successfully created. + + E_NOTIMPL + + The direction specified by the parameter is not supported. + + OLE_S_USEREG + + Requests that OLE enumerate the formats from the registry. + - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -2324,39 +2324,39 @@ A pointer to a structure, passed by reference, that defines the format, medium, and target device that the caller would like to use to retrieve data in a subsequent call such as . The member is not significant in this case and should be ignored. When this method returns, contains a pointer to a structure that contains the most general information possible for a specific rendering, making it canonically equivalent to formatetcIn. The caller must allocate this structure and the method must fill in the data. To retrieve data in a subsequent call such as , the caller uses the supplied value of formatOut, unless the value supplied is . This value is if the method returns . The member is not significant in this case and should be ignored. This parameter is passed uninitialized. Provides a standard structure that is logically equivalent to a more complex structure. Use this method to determine whether two different structures would return the same data, removing the need for duplicate rendering. - This method supports the standard return values E_INVALIDARG, E_UNEXPECTED, and E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following: - - Value - - Description - - S_OK - - The returned structure is different from the one that was passed. - - DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC - - The structures are the same and is returned in the parameter. - - DV_E_LINDEX - - There is an invalid value for ; currently, only -1 is supported. - - DV_E_FORMATETC - - There is an invalid value for the parameter. - - OLE_E_NOTRUNNING - - The application is not running. - + This method supports the standard return values E_INVALIDARG, E_UNEXPECTED, and E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following: + + Value + + Description + + S_OK + + The returned structure is different from the one that was passed. + + DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC + + The structures are the same and is returned in the parameter. + + DV_E_LINDEX + + There is an invalid value for ; currently, only -1 is supported. + + DV_E_FORMATETC + + There is an invalid value for the parameter. + + OLE_E_NOTRUNNING + + The application is not running. + - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -2400,11 +2400,11 @@ When this method returns, contains a pointer to the structure that indicates the storage medium containing the returned data through its member, and the responsibility for releasing the medium through the value of its member. If is , the receiver of the medium is responsible for releasing it; otherwise, points to the interface on the appropriate object so its method can be called. The medium must be allocated and filled in by . This parameter is passed uninitialized. Obtains data from a source data object. The method, which is called by a data consumer, renders the data described in the specified structure and transfers it through the specified structure. The caller then assumes responsibility for releasing the structure. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -2448,11 +2448,11 @@ A , passed by reference, that defines the storage medium containing the data being transferred. The medium must be allocated by the caller and filled in by . The caller must also free the medium. The implementation of this method must always supply a value of for the member of the structure that this parameter points to. Obtains data from a source data object. This method, which is called by a data consumer, differs from the method in that the caller must allocate and free the specified storage medium. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -2493,43 +2493,43 @@ A pointer to a structure, passed by reference, that defines the format, medium, and target device to use for the query. Determines whether the data object is capable of rendering the data described in the structure. Objects attempting a paste or drop operation can call this method before calling to get an indication of whether the operation may be successful. - This method supports the standard return values E_INVALIDARG, E_UNEXPECTED, and E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following: - - Value - - Description - - S_OK - - A subsequent call to would probably be successful. - - DV_E_LINDEX - - An invalid value for ; currently, only -1 is supported. - - DV_E_FORMATETC - - An invalid value for the parameter. - - DV_E_TYMED - - An invalid value. - - DV_E_DVASPECT - - An invalid value. - - OLE_E_NOTRUNNING - - The application is not running. - + This method supports the standard return values E_INVALIDARG, E_UNEXPECTED, and E_OUTOFMEMORY, as well as the following: + + Value + + Description + + S_OK + + A subsequent call to would probably be successful. + + DV_E_LINDEX + + An invalid value for ; currently, only -1 is supported. + + DV_E_FORMATETC + + An invalid value for the parameter. + + DV_E_TYMED + + An invalid value. + + DV_E_DVASPECT + + An invalid value. + + OLE_E_NOTRUNNING + + The application is not running. + - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -2576,11 +2576,11 @@ to specify that the data object called, which implements , owns the storage medium after the call returns. This means that the data object must free the medium after it has been used by calling the function. to specify that the caller retains ownership of the storage medium, and the data object called uses the storage medium for the duration of the call only. Transfers data to the object that implements this method. This method is called by an object that contains a data source. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows/DragDrop.xml b/xml/System.Windows/DragDrop.xml index 5639110d618..64f834ef860 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows/DragDrop.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows/DragDrop.xml @@ -22,32 +22,32 @@ Provides helper methods and fields for initiating drag-and-drop operations, including a method to begin a drag-and-drop operation, and facilities for adding and removing drag-and-drop related event handlers. - class. The drag-and-drop events are attached events that can be attached to any or . The drag source and drop target may be UI elements in the same application or in different applications. However, the drop target must know how to process the data being passed by the drag source. - + class. The drag-and-drop events are attached events that can be attached to any or . The drag source and drop target may be UI elements in the same application or in different applications. However, the drop target must know how to process the data being passed by the drag source. + > [!NOTE] -> The and classes contain aliases for the drag-and-drop events so that the events appear in the class members list when these classes are inherited as a base class. When you attach an event handler to a drag-and-drop event on one of these classes, the handler is attached to the underlying event and they receive the same instance of event data. For example, see . - - The drag source initiates a drag-and-drop operation by calling the static method and passing the transferred data to it. An element typically handles the following events when it is a drag source: - -- - -- - - An element typically handles the following events when it is a drop target: - -- - -- - -- - -- - - For more information and examples, see [Drag and Drop Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/drag-and-drop-overview). - +> The and classes contain aliases for the drag-and-drop events so that the events appear in the class members list when these classes are inherited as a base class. When you attach an event handler to a drag-and-drop event on one of these classes, the handler is attached to the underlying event and they receive the same instance of event data. For example, see . + + The drag source initiates a drag-and-drop operation by calling the static method and passing the transferred data to it. An element typically handles the following events when it is a drag source: + +- + +- + + An element typically handles the following events when it is a drop target: + +- + +- + +- + +- + + For more information and examples, see [Drag and Drop Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/drag-and-drop-overview). + ]]> @@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be added. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dragged into the element's bounds. - - This method adds a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To add a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged into the element's bounds. + + This method adds a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To add a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -126,13 +126,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be added. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dragged out of the element's bounds. - - This method adds a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To add a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged out of the element's bounds. + + This method adds a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To add a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be added. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dragged over the element's bounds. - - This method adds a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To add a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged over the element's bounds. + + This method adds a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To add a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -212,13 +212,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be added. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dropped within an element's bounds. - - This method adds a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To add a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dropped within an element's bounds. + + This method adds a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To add a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -255,13 +255,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be added. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs during a drag operation. - - This method adds a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To add a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs during a drag operation. + + This method adds a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To add a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -298,13 +298,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be added. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dragged into the element's bounds. - - This method adds a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To add a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged into the element's bounds. + + This method adds a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To add a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -341,13 +341,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be added. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dragged out of the element's bounds. - - This method adds a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To add a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged out of the element's bounds. + + This method adds a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To add a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -384,13 +384,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be added. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs when n object is dragged over the element's bounds. - - This method adds a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To add a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when n object is dragged over the element's bounds. + + This method adds a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To add a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -427,13 +427,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be added. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dropped within an element's bounds. - - This method adds a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To add a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dropped within an element's bounds. + + This method adds a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To add a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -470,13 +470,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be added. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs during a drag operation. - - This method adds a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To add a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs during a drag operation. + + This method adds a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To add a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -513,13 +513,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be added. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. - - This method adds a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To add a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. + + This method adds a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To add a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -556,13 +556,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be added. Adds a event handler to a specified dependency object. - event occurs during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. - - This method adds a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To add a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. + + This method adds a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To add a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -608,21 +608,21 @@ Initiates a drag-and-drop operation. One of the values that specifies the final effect that was performed during the drag-and-drop operation. - and sequence of events occurs over the element to be dragged. You initiate the drag-and-drop operation by calling the static method and passing the transferred data to it. The method will automatically wrap the data in a if necessary. For greater control over the data format, you can wrap the data in a before passing it to the method. - - The value returned from the method is the value of the property set in the drop target's event handler. If the return value does not match one of the `allowedEffects` specified in the call to , the drag-and-drop operation is not performed. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to initiate a drag-and-drop operation from the event handler of an element to make it a drag source. The transferred data is the string representation of the ellipse's property. The data is passed to the method as a string and is automatically wrapped in a . - + and sequence of events occurs over the element to be dragged. You initiate the drag-and-drop operation by calling the static method and passing the transferred data to it. The method will automatically wrap the data in a if necessary. For greater control over the data format, you can wrap the data in a before passing it to the method. + + The value returned from the method is the value of the property set in the drop target's event handler. If the return value does not match one of the `allowedEffects` specified in the call to , the drag-and-drop operation is not performed. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to initiate a drag-and-drop operation from the event handler of an element to make it a drag source. The transferred data is the string representation of the ellipse's property. The data is passed to the method as a string and is automatically wrapped in a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/DragDrop/DoDragDrop/mainwindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetdodragdrop"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/dragdropsnippets/vb/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdodragdrop"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/dragdropsnippets/vb/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdodragdrop"::: + ]]> @@ -649,31 +649,31 @@ Occurs when an object is dragged into the bounds of an element that is acting as a drop target. - property is `false`. - - Handling this event is optional for the drop target, and is not necessary for all drag-and-drop scenarios. You typically handle this event to provide a preview of the effects of the drag-and-drop operation, if appropriate for your application. Do not set the property in the event, as it will be overwritten in the event. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding tunneling event is . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows the event handler for an element. This code previews the effects of the drag-and-drop operation by saving the current brush. It then checks to see if the being dragged over the ellipse contains string data that can be converted to a . If so, the is applied to the ellipse. The change is reverted in the event handler. If the data cannot be converted to a , no action is performed. - + property is `false`. + + Handling this event is optional for the drop target, and is not necessary for all drag-and-drop scenarios. You typically handle this event to provide a preview of the effects of the drag-and-drop operation, if appropriate for your application. Do not set the property in the event, as it will be overwritten in the event. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding tunneling event is . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows the event handler for an element. This code previews the effects of the drag-and-drop operation by saving the current brush. It then checks to see if the being dragged over the ellipse contains string data that can be converted to a . If so, the is applied to the ellipse. The change is reverted in the event handler. If the data cannot be converted to a , no action is performed. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/DragDrop/DoDragDrop/mainwindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetdragenter"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/dragdropsnippets/vb/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragenter"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/dragdropsnippets/vb/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragenter"::: + ]]> @@ -706,13 +706,13 @@ Identifies the attached event. - event occurs when an object is dragged into the element's bounds. - - This field identifies the bubbling version of the event. For an identifier for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged into the element's bounds. + + This field identifies the bubbling version of the event. For an identifier for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -740,31 +740,31 @@ Occurs when an object is dragged out of the bounds of an element that is acting as a drop target without being dropped. - property is `false`. - - You typically handle this event to undo any changes that you made in the event handler. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding tunneling event is . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows the event handler for an element. This code undoes the preview performed in the event handler by applying the saved to the ellipse. - + property is `false`. + + You typically handle this event to undo any changes that you made in the event handler. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding tunneling event is . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows the event handler for an element. This code undoes the preview performed in the event handler by applying the saved to the ellipse. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/DragDrop/DoDragDrop/mainwindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetdragleave"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/dragdropsnippets/vb/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragleave"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/dragdropsnippets/vb/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragleave"::: + ]]> @@ -797,13 +797,13 @@ Identifies the attached event. - event occurs when an object is dragged out of the element's bounds. - - This field identifies the bubbling version of the event. For an identifier for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged out of the element's bounds. + + This field identifies the bubbling version of the event. For an identifier for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -831,31 +831,31 @@ Occurs continuously while an object is dragged within the bounds of an element that is acting as a drop target. - property is `false`. - - The event is paired with the event on the drag source. In the event handler, you typically check that the transferred data is in a format that the drop target can process. You can also check whether any modifier keys are pressed, which typically indicates whether the user intends a move or a copy action. After these checks are performed, you set the property to notify the drag source what effect dropping the data will have. The drag source receives this information in the property of the event arguments, and can set an appropriate cursor to give feedback to the user. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding tunneling event is . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows the event handler for an element. This code checks to see if the being dragged over the ellipse contains string data that can be converted to a . If so, it sets the property to . This indicates to the drag source that the data can be copied to the ellipse. If the data cannot be converted to a , the property is set to . This indicates to the drag source that the ellipse is not a valid drop target for the data. - + property is `false`. + + The event is paired with the event on the drag source. In the event handler, you typically check that the transferred data is in a format that the drop target can process. You can also check whether any modifier keys are pressed, which typically indicates whether the user intends a move or a copy action. After these checks are performed, you set the property to notify the drag source what effect dropping the data will have. The drag source receives this information in the property of the event arguments, and can set an appropriate cursor to give feedback to the user. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding tunneling event is . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows the event handler for an element. This code checks to see if the being dragged over the ellipse contains string data that can be converted to a . If so, it sets the property to . This indicates to the drag source that the data can be copied to the ellipse. If the data cannot be converted to a , the property is set to . This indicates to the drag source that the ellipse is not a valid drop target for the data. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/DragDrop/DoDragDrop/mainwindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetdragover"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/dragdropsnippets/vb/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragover"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/dragdropsnippets/vb/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragover"::: + ]]> @@ -888,13 +888,13 @@ Identifies the attached event. - event occurs when an object is dragged over the element's bounds. - - This field identifies the bubbling version of the event. For an identifier for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged over the element's bounds. + + This field identifies the bubbling version of the event. For an identifier for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -922,31 +922,31 @@ Occurs when an object is dropped within the bounds of an element that is acting as a drop target. - event is raised once when an object is dropped within the bounds of an element that is acting as a drop target. This event is not raised if the element's property is `false`. This event ends the drag-and-drop operation. - - In the event handler, you extract the transferred data from the and perform any processing of the data that your application requires. To notify the drag source of the effect of the drop, such as a copy or move, set the property in the event handler. The value of this property is the return value of the method that initiated the drag-and-drop operation. If the value that is returned does not match one of the `allowedEffects` specified in the call to , the drag-and-drop operation is not performed. The initial value of the property is the same as the `allowedEffects` specified in the call to the method. If you do not set the property, this initial value is returned and it is assumed that one the `allowedEffects` occurred. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding tunneling event is . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows the event handler for an element. This code applies the effects of the drag-and-drop operation. It checks to see if the being dragged over the ellipse contains string data that can be converted to a . If so, the is applied to the ellipse. If the data cannot be converted to a , no action is performed. - + event is raised once when an object is dropped within the bounds of an element that is acting as a drop target. This event is not raised if the element's property is `false`. This event ends the drag-and-drop operation. + + In the event handler, you extract the transferred data from the and perform any processing of the data that your application requires. To notify the drag source of the effect of the drop, such as a copy or move, set the property in the event handler. The value of this property is the return value of the method that initiated the drag-and-drop operation. If the value that is returned does not match one of the `allowedEffects` specified in the call to , the drag-and-drop operation is not performed. The initial value of the property is the same as the `allowedEffects` specified in the call to the method. If you do not set the property, this initial value is returned and it is assumed that one the `allowedEffects` occurred. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding tunneling event is . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows the event handler for an element. This code applies the effects of the drag-and-drop operation. It checks to see if the being dragged over the ellipse contains string data that can be converted to a . If so, the is applied to the ellipse. If the data cannot be converted to a , no action is performed. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/DragDrop/DoDragDrop/mainwindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetdrop"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/dragdropsnippets/vb/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdrop"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/dragdropsnippets/vb/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdrop"::: + ]]> @@ -979,13 +979,13 @@ Identifies the attached event. - event occurs when an object is dropped within an element's bounds. - - This field identifies the bubbling version of the event. For an identifier for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dropped within an element's bounds. + + This field identifies the bubbling version of the event. For an identifier for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1013,24 +1013,24 @@ Occurs continuously while a drag-and-drop operation is in progress, and enables the drag source to give feedback to the user. - event is raised continuously while the drag source is being dragged. This event is paired with the event on the drop target. The default handler for this event checks whether the drag source is over a valid drop target. If it is, it checks the allowed effects of the drop target. It then gives feedback to the end user regarding the allowed drop effects. This is typically done by changing the mouse cursor to a no-drop, copy, or move cursor. You should only handle this event if you need to use custom cursors to provide feedback to the user. If you handle this event, you must mark it as handled to prevent the default behavior from overriding your handler. - + event is raised continuously while the drag source is being dragged. This event is paired with the event on the drop target. The default handler for this event checks whether the drag source is over a valid drop target. If it is, it checks the allowed effects of the drop target. It then gives feedback to the end user regarding the allowed drop effects. This is typically done by changing the mouse cursor to a no-drop, copy, or move cursor. You should only handle this event if you need to use custom cursors to provide feedback to the user. If you handle this event, you must mark it as handled to prevent the default behavior from overriding your handler. + > [!CAUTION] -> This event is raised continuously during the drag-and-drop operation. Therefore, you should avoid resource-intensive tasks in the event handler. For example, use a cached cursor instead of creating a new cursor each time the event is raised. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding tunneling event is . - +> This event is raised continuously during the drag-and-drop operation. Therefore, you should avoid resource-intensive tasks in the event handler. For example, use a cached cursor instead of creating a new cursor each time the event is raised. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding tunneling event is . + ]]> @@ -1063,13 +1063,13 @@ Identifies the attached event. - event occurs during a drag operation. - - This field identifies the bubbling version of the event. For an identifier for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs during a drag operation. + + This field identifies the bubbling version of the event. For an identifier for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1097,23 +1097,23 @@ Occurs when an object is dragged into the bounds of an element that is acting as a drop target. - property is `false`. - - For more information, see the event. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding bubbling event is . - + property is `false`. + + For more information, see the event. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1146,13 +1146,13 @@ Identifies the attached event. - event occurs when an object is dragged into the element's bounds. - - This field identifies the tunneling version of the event. For an identifier for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged into the element's bounds. + + This field identifies the tunneling version of the event. For an identifier for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1180,23 +1180,23 @@ Occurs when an object is dragged out of the bounds of an element that is acting as a drop target without being dropped. - property is `false`. - - For more information, see the event. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding bubbling event is . - + property is `false`. + + For more information, see the event. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1229,13 +1229,13 @@ Identifies the attached event. - event occurs when an object is dragged out of the element's bounds. - - This field identifies the tunneling version of the event. For an identifier for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged out of the element's bounds. + + This field identifies the tunneling version of the event. For an identifier for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1263,23 +1263,23 @@ Occurs continuously while an object is dragged within the bounds of an element that is acting as a drop target. - property is `false`. - - For more information, see the event. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding bubbling event is . - + property is `false`. + + For more information, see the event. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1312,13 +1312,13 @@ Identifies the attached event. - event occurs when n object is dragged over the element's bounds. - - This field identifies the tunneling version of the event. For an identifier for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when n object is dragged over the element's bounds. + + This field identifies the tunneling version of the event. For an identifier for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1346,23 +1346,23 @@ Occurs when an object is dropped within the bounds of an element that is acting as a drop target. - property is `false`. This event ends the drag-and-drop operation. - - For more information, see the event. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Routing Strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding bubbling event is . - + property is `false`. This event ends the drag-and-drop operation. + + For more information, see the event. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Routing Strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1395,13 +1395,13 @@ Identifies the attached event. - event occurs when an object is dropped within an element's bounds. - - This field identifies the tunneling version of the event. For an identifier for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dropped within an element's bounds. + + This field identifies the tunneling version of the event. For an identifier for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1429,21 +1429,21 @@ Occurs continuously while a drag-and-drop operation is in progress, and enables the drag source to give feedback to the user. - event. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Routing Strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding bubbling event is . - + event. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Routing Strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1476,13 +1476,13 @@ Identifies the attached event. - event occurs during a drag operation. - - This field identifies the tunneling version of the event. For an identifier for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs during a drag operation. + + This field identifies the tunneling version of the event. For an identifier for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1510,21 +1510,21 @@ Occurs continuously while a drag-and-drop operation is in progress, and enables the drop source to end the drag-and-drop operation depending on the key/button states. - event. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Routing Strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding bubbling event is . - + event. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Routing Strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding bubbling event is . + ]]> @@ -1557,13 +1557,13 @@ Identifies the attached event. - event occurs during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. - - This field identifies the tunneling version of the event. For an identifier for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. + + This field identifies the tunneling version of the event. For an identifier for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1591,21 +1591,21 @@ Occurs continuously while a drag-and-drop operation is in progress, and enables the drop source to end the drag-and-drop operation depending on the key/button states. - event is raised continuously while the drag source is being dragged. You can handle this event to determine what action ends the drag-and-drop operation based on the state of the ESC, SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys, as well as the state of the mouse buttons. The default handler for this event cancels the drag-and-drop operation if the ESC key is pressed, and drops the data if the mouse button is released. If you handle this event to change the default behavior, be sure to provide an equivalent mechanism in your handler to end the drag-and-drop operation. Otherwise, the method will not return and your application will stop responding. If you handle this event, you must mark it as handled to prevent the default behavior from overriding your handler. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier Field|| -|Routing Strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - - The corresponding tunneling event is . - + event is raised continuously while the drag source is being dragged. You can handle this event to determine what action ends the drag-and-drop operation based on the state of the ESC, SHIFT, CTRL, and ALT keys, as well as the state of the mouse buttons. The default handler for this event cancels the drag-and-drop operation if the ESC key is pressed, and drops the data if the mouse button is released. If you handle this event to change the default behavior, be sure to provide an equivalent mechanism in your handler to end the drag-and-drop operation. Otherwise, the method will not return and your application will stop responding. If you handle this event, you must mark it as handled to prevent the default behavior from overriding your handler. + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier Field|| +|Routing Strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + + The corresponding tunneling event is . + ]]> @@ -1638,13 +1638,13 @@ Identifies the attached event. - event occurs during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. - - This field identifies the bubbling version of the event. For an identifier for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. + + This field identifies the bubbling version of the event. For an identifier for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1682,13 +1682,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be removed. Removes a event handler from a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dragged into the element's bounds. - - This method removes a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To remove a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged into the element's bounds. + + This method removes a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To remove a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1725,13 +1725,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be removed. Removes a event handler from a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dragged out of the element's bounds. - - This method removes a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To remove a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged out of the element's bounds. + + This method removes a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To remove a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1768,13 +1768,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be removed. Removes a event handler from a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dragged over the element's bounds. - - This method removes a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To remove a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged over the element's bounds. + + This method removes a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To remove a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1811,13 +1811,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be removed. Removes a event handler from a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dropped within an element's bounds. - - This method removes a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To remove a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dropped within an element's bounds. + + This method removes a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To remove a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1854,13 +1854,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be removed. Removes a event handler from a specified dependency object. - event occurs during a drag operation. - - This method removes a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To remove a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs during a drag operation. + + This method removes a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To remove a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1897,13 +1897,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be removed. Removes a event handler from a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dragged into the element's bounds. - - This method removes a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To remove a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged into the element's bounds. + + This method removes a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To remove a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1940,13 +1940,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be removed. Removes a event handler from a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dragged out of the element's bounds. - - This method removes a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To remove a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dragged out of the element's bounds. + + This method removes a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To remove a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -1983,13 +1983,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be removed. Removes a event handler from a specified dependency object. - event occurs when n object is dragged over the element's bounds. - - This method removes a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To remove a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when n object is dragged over the element's bounds. + + This method removes a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To remove a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -2026,13 +2026,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be removed. Removes a event handler from a specified dependency object. - event occurs when an object is dropped within an element's bounds. - - This method removes a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To remove a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs when an object is dropped within an element's bounds. + + This method removes a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To remove a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -2069,13 +2069,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be removed. Removes a event handler from a specified dependency object. - event occurs during a drag operation. - - This method removes a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To remove a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs during a drag operation. + + This method removes a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To remove a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -2112,13 +2112,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be removed. Removes a event handler from a specified dependency object. - event occurs during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. - - This method removes a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To remove a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . - + event occurs during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. + + This method removes a handler for the tunneling version of the event. To remove a handler for the bubbling version of this event, see . + ]]> @@ -2155,13 +2155,13 @@ A delegate that references the handler method to be removed. Removes a event handler from a specified dependency object. - event occurs during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. - - This method removes a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To remove a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . - + event occurs during a drag-and-drop operation, and enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. + + This method removes a handler for the bubbling version of the event. To remove a handler for the tunneling version of this event, see . + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows/FrameworkContentElement.xml b/xml/System.Windows/FrameworkContentElement.xml index 0455f1ae8f4..876d552440a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows/FrameworkContentElement.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows/FrameworkContentElement.xml @@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -491,8 +491,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -547,8 +547,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -637,8 +637,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -753,8 +753,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -888,8 +888,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1004,8 +1004,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1239,8 +1239,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1308,8 +1308,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1500,8 +1500,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1660,8 +1660,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1727,8 +1727,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -1894,8 +1894,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -2293,8 +2293,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -2912,8 +2912,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -3032,8 +3032,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -3234,8 +3234,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -3285,8 +3285,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -3362,8 +3362,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -3514,8 +3514,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| diff --git a/xml/System.Windows/FrameworkElement.xml b/xml/System.Windows/FrameworkElement.xml index 3743ccdd147..3ac3b5c6a35 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows/FrameworkElement.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows/FrameworkElement.xml @@ -60,29 +60,29 @@ Provides a WPF framework-level set of properties, events, and methods for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) elements. This class represents the provided WPF framework-level implementation that is built on the WPF core-level APIs that are defined by . - is the connecting point between WPF framework-level element classes and the WPF core-level set of presentation services. For more information about these concepts, see [WPF Architecture](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/wpf-architecture). - - extends and adds the following capabilities: - -- **Layout system definition**: provides specific WPF framework-level implementations for certain methods that were defined as virtual members in . Most notably, seals certain WPF core-level layout overrides, and instead provides a WPF framework-level equivalent that derived classes should override instead. For example, seals but provides . These changes reflect the fact that at the WPF framework-level there is a full layout system in place that can render any derived class. At the WPF core level, certain members that will structure a general WPF based layout solution are in place, but the actual engine of the layout system is not defined. For more information, see [Layout](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/layout). - -- **The logical tree:** The general WPF programming model is often expressed in terms of being a tree of elements. Support for expressing the tree of elements as a logical tree, and accompanying support for defining that tree in markup is implemented at the level. Note however that deliberately does not define a content model, and leaves that responsibility to derived classes. For more information, see [Trees in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/trees-in-wpf). - -- **Object lifetime events:** It is often useful to know when an element is initialized (the constructor is called) or when the element is first loaded into a logical tree. defines several events related to object lifetime that provide useful hooks for code-behind operations that involve elements, such as adding more child elements. For more information, see [Object Lifetime Events](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/object-lifetime-events). - -- **Support for data binding and dynamic resource references:** The property-level support for data binding and resources is implemented by the class and embodied in the property system, but the ability to resolve a member value that is stored as an (the programming construct that underlies both data binding and dynamic resources) is implemented by . For more information, see [Data Binding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-binding-overview) and [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - -- **Styles:** defines the property. However, does not yet define support for templates, or support decorators. These features are introduced by control classes such as and . - -- **More animation support:** Some animation support was already defined at the WPF core level, but extends this by implementing and related members. - - As can be seen from the class hierarchy, many WPF classes derive from , either directly or through intermediate base classes such as or . - - If you intend to use as a base class, you might want to first examine the existing derived classes. provides support for a number of basic scenarios, but also lacks a number of features that are desirable for an "element" in the sense of a building block that you use to create user interface (UI) in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). For instance, a does not define any true content model; as a base class does not define a property that can create XAML child elements. In particular, you might want to look at and . - + is the connecting point between WPF framework-level element classes and the WPF core-level set of presentation services. For more information about these concepts, see [WPF Architecture](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/wpf-architecture). + + extends and adds the following capabilities: + +- **Layout system definition**: provides specific WPF framework-level implementations for certain methods that were defined as virtual members in . Most notably, seals certain WPF core-level layout overrides, and instead provides a WPF framework-level equivalent that derived classes should override instead. For example, seals but provides . These changes reflect the fact that at the WPF framework-level there is a full layout system in place that can render any derived class. At the WPF core level, certain members that will structure a general WPF based layout solution are in place, but the actual engine of the layout system is not defined. For more information, see [Layout](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/layout). + +- **The logical tree:** The general WPF programming model is often expressed in terms of being a tree of elements. Support for expressing the tree of elements as a logical tree, and accompanying support for defining that tree in markup is implemented at the level. Note however that deliberately does not define a content model, and leaves that responsibility to derived classes. For more information, see [Trees in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/trees-in-wpf). + +- **Object lifetime events:** It is often useful to know when an element is initialized (the constructor is called) or when the element is first loaded into a logical tree. defines several events related to object lifetime that provide useful hooks for code-behind operations that involve elements, such as adding more child elements. For more information, see [Object Lifetime Events](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/object-lifetime-events). + +- **Support for data binding and dynamic resource references:** The property-level support for data binding and resources is implemented by the class and embodied in the property system, but the ability to resolve a member value that is stored as an (the programming construct that underlies both data binding and dynamic resources) is implemented by . For more information, see [Data Binding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/data-binding-overview) and [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + +- **Styles:** defines the property. However, does not yet define support for templates, or support decorators. These features are introduced by control classes such as and . + +- **More animation support:** Some animation support was already defined at the WPF core level, but extends this by implementing and related members. + + As can be seen from the class hierarchy, many WPF classes derive from , either directly or through intermediate base classes such as or . + + If you intend to use as a base class, you might want to first examine the existing derived classes. provides support for a number of basic scenarios, but also lacks a number of features that are desirable for an "element" in the sense of a building block that you use to create user interface (UI) in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). For instance, a does not define any true content model; as a base class does not define a property that can create XAML child elements. In particular, you might want to look at and . + ]]> @@ -137,31 +137,31 @@ Gets the rendered height of this element. The element's height, as a value in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). The default value is 0 (zero). - that are the basis of the input change. - - Because is a calculated value, you should be aware that there could be multiple or incremental reported changes to it as a result of various operations by the layout system. The layout system may be calculating required measure space for child elements, constraints by the parent element, and so on. - - Although you cannot set this property from XAML, you can base a upon its value in a style. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example displays various height properties. - + that are the basis of the input change. + + Because is a calculated value, you should be aware that there could be multiple or incremental reported changes to it as a result of various operations by the layout system. The layout system may be calculating required measure space for child elements, constraints by the parent element, and so on. + + Although you cannot set this property from XAML, you can base a upon its value in a style. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example displays various height properties. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/ActualHeight/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HeightMinHeightMaxHeight/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/HeightMinHeightMaxHeight/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -217,31 +217,31 @@ Gets the rendered width of this element. The element's width, as a value in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). The default value is 0 (zero). - that are the basis of the input change. - - Because is a calculated value, you should be aware that there could be multiple or incremental reported changes to it as a result of various operations by the layout system. The layout system may be calculating required measure space for child elements, constraints by the parent element, and so on. - - Although you cannot set this property from XAML, you can base a upon its value in a style. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example displays various width properties. - + that are the basis of the input change. + + Because is a calculated value, you should be aware that there could be multiple or incremental reported changes to it as a result of various operations by the layout system. The layout system may be calculating required measure space for child elements, constraints by the parent element, and so on. + + Although you cannot set this property from XAML, you can base a upon its value in a style. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example displays various width properties. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/ActualWidth/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WidthMinWidthMaxWidth/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/WidthMinWidthMaxWidth/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -300,23 +300,23 @@ Child element to be added. Adds the provided object to the logical tree of this element. - , , and . These classes provide a content model with particular enforcement of logical tree child elements through dedicated APIs, as well as support for other features typically desirable in a WPF control such as styling through templates. For more information on how to use and , see [Trees in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/trees-in-wpf). - - may throw an exception if called at a time when the logical tree is being iterated by another process. - - - -## Examples - The following example implements a `Child` property on a custom that does its own visual layer implementation. The property setter is designed so that if the value changes, the old value is removed from the logical tree, as well as a class-specific visual collection. The property value is cached, and then the new value is added to both the logical tree and the custom visual collection. - + , , and . These classes provide a content model with particular enforcement of logical tree child elements through dedicated APIs, as well as support for other features typically desirable in a WPF control such as styling through templates. For more information on how to use and , see [Trees in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/trees-in-wpf). + + may throw an exception if called at a time when the logical tree is being iterated by another process. + + + +## Examples + The following example implements a `Child` property on a custom that does its own visual layer implementation. The property setter is designed so that if the value changes, the old value is removed from the logical tree, as well as a class-specific visual collection. The property value is cached, and then the new value is added to both the logical tree and the custom visual collection. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/AddLogicalChild/OverlayRenderDecorator.cs" id="Snippetaddremovelogicalchild"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CompositionTargetRenderingAnimations/visualbasic/particleeffectexamples/overlayrenderdecorator.vb" id="Snippetaddremovelogicalchild"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CompositionTargetRenderingAnimations/visualbasic/particleeffectexamples/overlayrenderdecorator.vb" id="Snippetaddremovelogicalchild"::: + ]]> @@ -349,15 +349,15 @@ if visuals were added to the tree; returns otherwise. - is not necessary, because templates will be applied to elements at an appropriate point in their lifetimes automatically. - - is called on every Measure pass by the WPF framework-level layout system. - - derived classes can use the class handler to be notified of cases where this method was called explicitly, or by the layout system. is called after the template is completely generated and attached to the logical tree. - + is not necessary, because templates will be applied to elements at an appropriate point in their lifetimes automatically. + + is called on every Measure pass by the WPF framework-level layout system. + + derived classes can use the class handler to be notified of cases where this method was called explicitly, or by the layout system. is called after the template is completely generated and attached to the logical tree. + ]]> @@ -391,11 +391,11 @@ The final area within the parent that this element should use to arrange itself and its children. Implements (defined as virtual in ) and seals the implementation. - derived class must override . - + derived class must override . + ]]> @@ -431,8 +431,8 @@ The actual size used. To be added. - Control authors who want to customize the arrange pass of layout processing should override this method. The implementation pattern should call on each visible child element, and pass the final desired size for each child element as the parameter. Parent elements should call on each child, otherwise the child elements will not be rendered. - + Control authors who want to customize the arrange pass of layout processing should override this method. The implementation pattern should call on each visible child element, and pass the final desired size for each child element as the parameter. Parent elements should call on each child, otherwise the child elements will not be rendered. + Many derived classes offer implementations of this method. Prominent ones include: , and . @@ -466,18 +466,18 @@ Starts the initialization process for this element. - , but have not yet attached it to any logical tree. Or, the logical tree where your element is a child element within it might not be connected to a window or page of the application. - + , but have not yet attached it to any logical tree. Or, the logical tree where your element is a child element within it might not be connected to a window or page of the application. + ]]> - Implement this method to provide special handling that should happen before your element is initialized during the element loading process. - - Your implementation should call the base implementation, because the base (default) implementation sets some internal flags to keep track of initialization. One possible implementation is to use this method as a hook into your own private class initialization routines that are not already enabled by constructors. - + Implement this method to provide special handling that should happen before your element is initialized during the element loading process. + + Your implementation should call the base implementation, because the base (default) implementation sets some internal flags to keep track of initialization. One possible implementation is to use this method as a hook into your own private class initialization routines that are not already enabled by constructors. + The base implementation will throw an exception if is called more than one time on the same element prior to being called. @@ -526,21 +526,21 @@ The storyboard to begin. Begins the sequence of actions that are contained in the provided storyboard. - or element in markup, and then you place these as the content on an element. When triggered by the event, the animation then runs. Most of the control aspects of a can be addressed by properties that are exposed in markup. - - For the signatures that do not use the `isControllable`, parameter, or when that parameter is specified `false`, the timeline clocks that are associated with the animation are removed as soon as the animation reaches the "Fill" period. Therefore the animation cannot be restarted after running once. Controlling an animation also requires that the storyboard have an [x:Name Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-name-directive) or be accessible by reference in code. - - - -## Examples - The following example retrieves a from resources, and then runs that when an internal event is class handled. - + or element in markup, and then you place these as the content on an element. When triggered by the event, the animation then runs. Most of the control aspects of a can be addressed by properties that are exposed in markup. + + For the signatures that do not use the `isControllable`, parameter, or when that parameter is specified `false`, the timeline clocks that are associated with the animation are removed as soon as the animation reaches the "Fill" period. Therefore the animation cannot be restarted after running once. Controlling an animation also requires that the storyboard have an [x:Name Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-name-directive) or be accessible by reference in code. + + + +## Examples + The following example retrieves a from resources, and then runs that when an internal event is class handled. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BeginStoryboard/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfebeginstoryboard"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CubeAnimation/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfebeginstoryboard"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CubeAnimation/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfebeginstoryboard"::: + ]]> @@ -581,36 +581,36 @@ A value of the enumeration that describes behavior to use if a property described in the storyboard is already animated. Begins the sequence of actions contained in the provided storyboard, with options specified for what should happen if the property is already animated. - or element in markup, and then you place these as the content on an element. When triggered by the event, the animation then runs. Most of the control aspects of a can be addressed by properties that are exposed in markup. - - For the signatures that do not use the `isControllable`, parameter, or when that parameter is specified `false`, the timeline clocks that are associated with the animation are removed as soon as the animation reaches the "Fill" period. Therefore the animation cannot be restarted after running once. Controlling an animation also requires that the storyboard have an [x:Name Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-name-directive) or be accessible by reference in code. - - Handoff behavior can be specified as an attribute of . - -## Using the Compose HandoffBehavior - When you apply a , , or to a property by using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove the clocks automatically. - - To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks by using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock: - -- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. - -- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not raised if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . - - This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. - - For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). - - - -## Examples - The following example retrieves a from resources, and then runs that when an internal event is class handled. - + or element in markup, and then you place these as the content on an element. When triggered by the event, the animation then runs. Most of the control aspects of a can be addressed by properties that are exposed in markup. + + For the signatures that do not use the `isControllable`, parameter, or when that parameter is specified `false`, the timeline clocks that are associated with the animation are removed as soon as the animation reaches the "Fill" period. Therefore the animation cannot be restarted after running once. Controlling an animation also requires that the storyboard have an [x:Name Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-name-directive) or be accessible by reference in code. + + Handoff behavior can be specified as an attribute of . + +## Using the Compose HandoffBehavior + When you apply a , , or to a property by using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove the clocks automatically. + + To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks by using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock: + +- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. + +- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not raised if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . + + This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. + + For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). + + + +## Examples + The following example retrieves a from resources, and then runs that when an internal event is class handled. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BeginStoryboard/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfebeginstoryboard"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CubeAnimation/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfebeginstoryboard"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CubeAnimation/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfebeginstoryboard"::: + ]]> @@ -647,28 +647,28 @@ Declares whether the animation is controllable (can be paused) after it is started. Begins the sequence of actions contained in the provided storyboard, with specified state for control of the animation after it is started. - or element in markup, and then you place these as the content on an element. When triggered by the event, the animation then runs. Most of the control aspects of a can be addressed by properties that are exposed in markup. - - For the signatures that do not use the `isControllable`, parameter, or when that parameter is specified `false`, the timeline clocks that are associated with the animation are removed as soon as the animation reaches the "Fill" period. Therefore the animation cannot be restarted after running once. Controlling an animation also requires that the storyboard have an [x:Name Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-name-directive) or be accessible by reference in code. - - Handoff behavior can be specified as an attribute of . - -## Using the Compose HandoffBehavior - When you apply a , , or to a property by using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove the clocks automatically. - - To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks by using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock: - -- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. - -- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not raised if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . - - This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. - - For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). - + or element in markup, and then you place these as the content on an element. When triggered by the event, the animation then runs. Most of the control aspects of a can be addressed by properties that are exposed in markup. + + For the signatures that do not use the `isControllable`, parameter, or when that parameter is specified `false`, the timeline clocks that are associated with the animation are removed as soon as the animation reaches the "Fill" period. Therefore the animation cannot be restarted after running once. Controlling an animation also requires that the storyboard have an [x:Name Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-name-directive) or be accessible by reference in code. + + Handoff behavior can be specified as an attribute of . + +## Using the Compose HandoffBehavior + When you apply a , , or to a property by using the , any objects previously associated with that property continue to consume system resources; the timing system does not remove the clocks automatically. + + To avoid performance issues when you apply a large number of clocks by using , you should remove composing clocks from the animated property after they complete. There are several ways to remove a clock: + +- To remove all clocks from a property, use the or method of the animated object. Specify the property being animated as the first parameter, and `null` as the second. This removes all animation clocks from the property. + +- To remove a specific from a list of clocks, use the property of the to retrieve a , then call the method of the . This is typically done in the event handler for a clock. Note that only root clocks can be controlled by a ; the property of a child clock returns `null`. Note also that the event is not raised if the effective duration of the clock is forever. In that case, the user must determine when to call . + + This is primarily an issue for animations on objects that have a long lifetime. When an object is garbage collected, its clocks are also disconnected and garbage collected. + + For more information about clock objects, see [Animation and Timing System Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/animation-and-timing-system-overview). + ]]> @@ -708,38 +708,38 @@ Gets or sets the that is used for the element. The that is used for the element. - can be used to validate the values of multiple properties of an object. For example, suppose that an application prompts the user to enter an address and then populates an object of type `Address`, which has the properties `Street`, `City`, `ZipCode`, and `Country`, with the values that the user provided. The application has a panel that contains four controls, each of which is bound to one of the object's properties. You can use a in a to validate the `Address` object. For example, the can ensure that the zip code is valid for the country/region of the address. - - Child elements inherit the from their parent elements, just as with any other inheritable property. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following examples are part of an application that checks whether the user has set the properties of two objects to equal values. The first example creates two controls, each of which is bound to a different data source. The has a that contains a that checks that the two strings are equal. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BindingGroup/Window3.xaml" id="Snippetbindinggroupcomplete"::: - - The following example shows the that the previous example uses. In the method override, the example gets each source object from the and checks whether the properties of the objects are equal. - + can be used to validate the values of multiple properties of an object. For example, suppose that an application prompts the user to enter an address and then populates an object of type `Address`, which has the properties `Street`, `City`, `ZipCode`, and `Country`, with the values that the user provided. The application has a panel that contains four controls, each of which is bound to one of the object's properties. You can use a in a to validate the `Address` object. For example, the can ensure that the zip code is valid for the country/region of the address. + + Child elements inherit the from their parent elements, just as with any other inheritable property. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following examples are part of an application that checks whether the user has set the properties of two objects to equal values. The first example creates two controls, each of which is bound to a different data source. The has a that contains a that checks that the two strings are equal. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BindingGroup/Window3.xaml" id="Snippetbindinggroupcomplete"::: + + The following example shows the that the previous example uses. In the method override, the example gets each source object from the and checks whether the properties of the objects are equal. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BindingGroup/Window3.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbindinggroupnamevalidationrule"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BindingGroupSnippets/visualbasic/window3.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbindinggroupnamevalidationrule"::: - - To invoke the , call the method. The following example calls when the click event of the button occurs. - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BindingGroupSnippets/visualbasic/window3.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbindinggroupnamevalidationrule"::: + + To invoke the , call the method. The following example calls when the click event of the button occurs. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BindingGroup/Window3.xaml.cs" id="Snippetupdatesourcesclick"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BindingGroupSnippets/visualbasic/window3.xaml.vb" id="Snippetupdatesourcesclick"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BindingGroupSnippets/visualbasic/window3.xaml.vb" id="Snippetupdatesourcesclick"::: + ]]> @@ -804,23 +804,23 @@ Attempts to bring this element into view, within any scrollable regions it is contained within. - event that originates from the current element. This event is raised so that it can be handled by a , or a derived or similar class. The expected behavior is that the event is handled by the parent element, marked handled in the event data, and the source of the event is brought into view through the logic embedded in the control. Neither the event nor the method transmit any information about success or failure, other than that the event is typically marked handled on success. Reasons for failure can include the element settings, such as being some value other than . - - If you use the signature that does not specify a `targetRectangle`, then the entire element size (its ) will be made visible. - - By calling this method, you potentially will call on any parent scrollable area that contains the element. If this element is not contained in a scrollable area, the event is still raised, but there will be no effect because there are no event listeners. - - - -## Examples - The following example implements a handler for an application navigation event that responds whenever the uniform resource identifier (URI) being navigated to includes a fragment. The fragment is named in the URI following the hash sign (#), and the implemented behavior causes the element to scroll into view within the frame. and request that scrolling behavior in the example. - + event that originates from the current element. This event is raised so that it can be handled by a , or a derived or similar class. The expected behavior is that the event is handled by the parent element, marked handled in the event data, and the source of the event is brought into view through the logic embedded in the control. Neither the event nor the method transmit any information about success or failure, other than that the event is typically marked handled on success. Reasons for failure can include the element settings, such as being some value other than . + + If you use the signature that does not specify a `targetRectangle`, then the entire element size (its ) will be made visible. + + By calling this method, you potentially will call on any parent scrollable area that contains the element. If this element is not contained in a scrollable area, the event is still raised, but there will be no effect because there are no event listeners. + + + +## Examples + The following example implements a handler for an application navigation event that responds whenever the uniform resource identifier (URI) being navigated to includes a fragment. The fragment is named in the URI following the hash sign (#), and the implemented behavior causes the element to scroll into view within the frame. and request that scrolling behavior in the example. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BringIntoView/MainWindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfebringintoview"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FragmentNavigationSample/VisualBasic/MainWindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfebringintoview"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FragmentNavigationSample/VisualBasic/MainWindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfebringintoview"::: + ]]> @@ -854,25 +854,25 @@ Specified size of the element that should also be brought into view. Attempts to bring the provided region size of this element into view, within any scrollable regions it is contained within. - event that originates from the current element. This event is raised so that it can be handled by a , or a derived or similar class. The expected behavior is that the event is handled by the parent element, marked handled in the event data, and the source of the event is brought into view through the logic embedded in the control. Neither the event nor the method transmit any information about success or failure, other than that the event is typically marked handled on success. Reasons for failure can include the element settings, such as being some value other than . - - If you use the signature that does not specify a `targetRectangle`, then the entire element size (its ) will be made visible. - - By calling this method, you potentially will call on any parent scrollable area that contains the element. If this element is not contained in a scrollable area, the event is still raised, but there will be no effect because there are no event listeners. - - - -## Examples - The following example has a large graphic in a constrained scrolling region. A button on the page has a handler that scrolls the view to a particular region of the large graphic. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BringIntoView/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetbringintoviewrectmarkup"::: - + event that originates from the current element. This event is raised so that it can be handled by a , or a derived or similar class. The expected behavior is that the event is handled by the parent element, marked handled in the event data, and the source of the event is brought into view through the logic embedded in the control. Neither the event nor the method transmit any information about success or failure, other than that the event is typically marked handled on success. Reasons for failure can include the element settings, such as being some value other than . + + If you use the signature that does not specify a `targetRectangle`, then the entire element size (its ) will be made visible. + + By calling this method, you potentially will call on any parent scrollable area that contains the element. If this element is not contained in a scrollable area, the event is still raised, but there will be no effect because there are no event listeners. + + + +## Examples + The following example has a large graphic in a constrained scrolling region. A button on the page has a handler that scrolls the view to a particular region of the large graphic. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BringIntoView/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetbringintoviewrectmarkup"::: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BringIntoView/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbringintoviewrectcode"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BaseElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbringintoviewrectcode"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BaseElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbringintoviewrectcode"::: + ]]> @@ -903,19 +903,19 @@ Gets or sets the context menu element that should appear whenever the context menu is requested through user interface (UI) from within this element. The context menu assigned to this element. - itself is a derived class, and it is technically possible for itself to have a property. However, this creates a confusing context menu experience for the user and this practice is not recommended. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + itself is a derived class, and it is technically possible for itself to have a property. However, this creates a confusing context menu experience for the user and this practice is not recommended. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -945,32 +945,32 @@ Occurs just before any context menu on the element is closed. - in a style, you must reference the underlying service's definition of the event: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ComponentResourceKey/.ctor/pseudocode.xaml" id="Snippetfecontextmenuclosing"::: - - (This usage is required because the event implementation on that exposes the underlying service event does not map the identifier such that you can use it as a trigger). - - itself is a derived class, but the event will not be raised by a context menu directly. Instead, the event is raised from the element that "owns" the context menu as a property and is only raised when a user attempts to close a context menu in the UI. However it is possible for itself to have a property (a nested context menu). In this case the really does own the nested and might raise the event, with the source of the event being the nested context menu. - - The class itself also has a similar event () but the event does not provide you the opportunity to cancel the user action. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in a style, you must reference the underlying service's definition of the event: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ComponentResourceKey/.ctor/pseudocode.xaml" id="Snippetfecontextmenuclosing"::: + + (This usage is required because the event implementation on that exposes the underlying service event does not map the identifier such that you can use it as a trigger). + + itself is a derived class, but the event will not be raised by a context menu directly. Instead, the event is raised from the element that "owns" the context menu as a property and is only raised when a user attempts to close a context menu in the UI. However it is possible for itself to have a property (a nested context menu). In this case the really does own the nested and might raise the event, with the source of the event being the nested context menu. + + The class itself also has a similar event () but the event does not provide you the opportunity to cancel the user action. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1000,13 +1000,13 @@ Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1035,32 +1035,32 @@ Occurs when any context menu on the element is opened. - property will be used to automatically open a context menu. Marking the event handled will effectively cancel the default action, and could be an opportunity to reset the value of the property and then open the new . However, there is a timing issue you should be aware of. In order to completely replace the context menu through a handler, the initial context menu must not be null / empty. Alternatively, you might need to handle the event and then manually open a new context menu. For details, see [How to: Handle the ContextMenuOpening Event](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-handle-the-contextmenuopening-event). - - To use this event as an in a style, you must reference the underlying attached event: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ComponentResourceKey/.ctor/pseudocode.xaml" id="Snippetfecontextmenuopening"::: - - (This usage is required because the event implementation on that exposes the underlying service event does not map the identifier such that you can use it in triggers). - - itself is a derived class, but this event will not be raised from the context menu being opened as a source. The event is raised from the element that "owns" the context menu as a property and is only raised when a user attempts to open a context menu in the UI. It is possible for itself to have a property, but you should avoid this scenario (for details, see ). - - The class itself also has a similar event () but does not provide you the opportunity to cancel the user action. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + property will be used to automatically open a context menu. Marking the event handled will effectively cancel the default action, and could be an opportunity to reset the value of the property and then open the new . However, there is a timing issue you should be aware of. In order to completely replace the context menu through a handler, the initial context menu must not be null / empty. Alternatively, you might need to handle the event and then manually open a new context menu. For details, see [How to: Handle the ContextMenuOpening Event](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/how-to-handle-the-contextmenuopening-event). + + To use this event as an in a style, you must reference the underlying attached event: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ComponentResourceKey/.ctor/pseudocode.xaml" id="Snippetfecontextmenuopening"::: + + (This usage is required because the event implementation on that exposes the underlying service event does not map the identifier such that you can use it in triggers). + + itself is a derived class, but this event will not be raised from the context menu being opened as a source. The event is raised from the element that "owns" the context menu as a property and is only raised when a user attempts to open a context menu in the UI. It is possible for itself to have a property, but you should avoid this scenario (for details, see ). + + The class itself also has a similar event () but does not provide you the opportunity to cancel the user action. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1090,13 +1090,13 @@ Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1152,41 +1152,41 @@ Gets or sets the cursor that displays when the mouse pointer is over this element. The cursor to display. The default value is defined as per this dependency property. However, the practical default at run time will come from a variety of factors. - class to evaluate the string. The provided string should evaluate to a value. See for details. - - Whether the cursor as established by this property will or will not display when the mouse pointer is over this element is also dependent on the value of the property. Also, event-related considerations such as an active drag, mouse capture, text editing modes within controls, and so on, will also affect the cursor with higher priority than the value you specify in this property. - - To revert the behavior of setting this property to the eventual default, set it to `null` again. - - The `null` default really means that determination of the practical cursor value is deferred here and should be obtained from elsewhere. If presented without programmatic values from any source, the default cursor that is visually over a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application will be an arrow. However, the transient cursor changes are not set to the values of the elements when they are passed over. The property will only report non null values in cases where it was actually set, for instance through code or a style. Each movement of the mouse over a WPF application raises a event. The event bubbles, and any element along the route has the opportunity to handle the event and to set the value of the cursor through the arguments of this event. This is the mechanism that produces the visually apparent cursor in most cases. If a handler returns a cursor result, then the fact that the event is handled and has a changed value in the arguments takes precedence over the value of the property at any level, unless is set. - - If not are not creating a custom cursor, you typically set this property to a static property value of the class. Setting in code requires one of the following: - -- Call the constructor to get a instance. Both signatures of the constructor use streams or files, in anticipation that you are creating the object for a custom cursor. - -- Use the class and its method to specify a cursor by , or a string that can evaluate to a , and cast the return to . - - Setting the to a custom value is not enabled in partial trust. For more information on custom cursors, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to deliberately set the cursor graphic. - + class to evaluate the string. The provided string should evaluate to a value. See for details. + + Whether the cursor as established by this property will or will not display when the mouse pointer is over this element is also dependent on the value of the property. Also, event-related considerations such as an active drag, mouse capture, text editing modes within controls, and so on, will also affect the cursor with higher priority than the value you specify in this property. + + To revert the behavior of setting this property to the eventual default, set it to `null` again. + + The `null` default really means that determination of the practical cursor value is deferred here and should be obtained from elsewhere. If presented without programmatic values from any source, the default cursor that is visually over a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) application will be an arrow. However, the transient cursor changes are not set to the values of the elements when they are passed over. The property will only report non null values in cases where it was actually set, for instance through code or a style. Each movement of the mouse over a WPF application raises a event. The event bubbles, and any element along the route has the opportunity to handle the event and to set the value of the cursor through the arguments of this event. This is the mechanism that produces the visually apparent cursor in most cases. If a handler returns a cursor result, then the fact that the event is handled and has a changed value in the arguments takes precedence over the value of the property at any level, unless is set. + + If not are not creating a custom cursor, you typically set this property to a static property value of the class. Setting in code requires one of the following: + +- Call the constructor to get a instance. Both signatures of the constructor use streams or files, in anticipation that you are creating the object for a custom cursor. + +- Use the class and its method to specify a cursor by , or a string that can evaluate to a , and cast the return to . + + Setting the to a custom value is not enabled in partial trust. For more information on custom cursors, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to deliberately set the cursor graphic. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkContentElement/ContextMenuClosing/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetchangecursorssample"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/cursors/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetchangecursorssample"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/cursors/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetchangecursorssample"::: + ]]> @@ -1255,82 +1255,82 @@ Gets or sets the data context for an element when it participates in data binding. The object to use as data context. - object. - - This dependency property inherits property values. If there are child elements without other values for established through local values or styles, then the property system will set the value to be the value of the nearest parent element with this value assigned. - + object. + + This dependency property inherits property values. If there are child elements without other values for established through local values or styles, then the property system will set the value to be the value of the nearest parent element with this value assigned. + Alternatively, you can use one of the following properties of the class to specify the binding source explicitly: - + - . - . - - . - - For more information, see [How to: Specify the Binding Source](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/how-to-specify-the-binding-source). - - In XAML, is most typically set as a declaration. You can use either property element syntax or attribute syntax. Attribute syntax is shown in the example on this page. You can also use code to set . - - is a bindable property to facilitate scenarios where one context might be bound to another. However, if you bind to , be careful to not create circular binding references (do not bind a to itself, which it is possible to do because of the property value inheritance nature of the property). - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -``` - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -```xaml - + - . + + For more information, see [How to: Specify the Binding Source](/dotnet/framework/wpf/data/how-to-specify-the-binding-source). + + In XAML, is most typically set as a declaration. You can use either property element syntax or attribute syntax. Attribute syntax is shown in the example on this page. You can also use code to set . + + is a bindable property to facilitate scenarios where one context might be bound to another. However, if you bind to , be careful to not create circular binding references (do not bind a to itself, which it is possible to do because of the property value inheritance nature of the property). + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +``` + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +```xaml + ``` -or- ```xaml - + ``` - - -## XAML Values - *dataContextObject* - A directly embedded object that serves as data context for any bindings within the parent element. Typically, this object is a or another derived class. Alternatively, raw data of any object type intended for binding may be placed here, with the actual bindings defined later. - - *bindingUsage* - A binding usage that evaluates to an appropriate data context. For details, see [Binding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/binding-markup-extension). - - *resourceExtension* - One of the following: [`StaticResource`](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/staticresource-markup-extension) or [`DynamicResource`](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dynamicresource-markup-extension). This usage is used when referring to raw data defined as an object in resources. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *contextResourceKey* - The key identifier for the object being requested from within a . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example illustrates how a data context acts on a binding and provides the information that defines the specific values of bound properties. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/DataContext/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetdatacontextproperty"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/DataContext/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetdatacontextproperty2"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/DataContext/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetdatacontextproperty3"::: - + + +## XAML Values + *dataContextObject* + A directly embedded object that serves as data context for any bindings within the parent element. Typically, this object is a or another derived class. Alternatively, raw data of any object type intended for binding may be placed here, with the actual bindings defined later. + + *bindingUsage* + A binding usage that evaluates to an appropriate data context. For details, see [Binding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/binding-markup-extension). + + *resourceExtension* + One of the following: [`StaticResource`](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/staticresource-markup-extension) or [`DynamicResource`](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dynamicresource-markup-extension). This usage is used when referring to raw data defined as an object in resources. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *contextResourceKey* + The key identifier for the object being requested from within a . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example illustrates how a data context acts on a binding and provides the information that defines the specific values of bound properties. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/DataContext/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetdatacontextproperty"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/DataContext/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetdatacontextproperty2"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/DataContext/Page1.xaml" id="Snippetdatacontextproperty3"::: + ]]> @@ -1359,14 +1359,14 @@ Occurs when the data context for this element changes. - [!IMPORTANT] -> When the for an element changes, all data-bound properties on this element are potentially affected. This applies to any elements that are child elements of the current element in the logical tree, which inherit the data context, and also the current element itself. All such existing bindings must re-interpret the new and will reevaluate the binding results. The data binding engine is not deterministic about the order of these reevaluations, relative to the raising of the event. The reevaluations can occur before the event, after the event, or in any mixture. - +> When the for an element changes, all data-bound properties on this element are potentially affected. This applies to any elements that are child elements of the current element in the logical tree, which inherit the data context, and also the current element itself. All such existing bindings must re-interpret the new and will reevaluate the binding results. The data binding engine is not deterministic about the order of these reevaluations, relative to the raising of the event. The reevaluations can occur before the event, after the event, or in any mixture. + ]]> @@ -1423,30 +1423,30 @@ Gets or sets the key to use to reference the style for this control, when theme styles are used or defined. The style key. To work correctly as part of theme style lookup, this value is expected to be the of the control being styled. - derived class. When you derive a control, call the method against the identifier, within the static constructor of the control derived class (or equivalent class initialization). - - A control typically overrides the default value of this property to be its own type, but in some cases could also use a base type for which a style in the theme dictionaries exists. This is only practical if the control templates of the base control entirely define the visual representation of that derived control, and if whatever additional members the derived types expose do not require additional elements as part of the control template. - - If you want your element or control to deliberately not use theme styles, set the property to `true`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples + derived class. When you derive a control, call the method against the identifier, within the static constructor of the control derived class (or equivalent class initialization). + + A control typically overrides the default value of this property to be its own type, but in some cases could also use a base type for which a style in the theme dictionaries exists. This is only practical if the control templates of the base control entirely define the visual representation of that derived control, and if whatever additional members the derived types expose do not require additional elements as part of the control template. + + If you want your element or control to deliberately not use theme styles, set the property to `true`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples The following example illustrates the dependency property metadata override usage discussed in Remarks. This code defines a custom control class `NumericUpDown` intended to be used from a dedicated control library assembly. The illustrated static constructor references some private initialization function, registers a class handler (another common control subclassing scenario; see [Marking Routed Events as Handled, and Class Handling](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/marking-routed-events-as-handled-and-class-handling)) and finally overrides the dependency property metadata on the `NumericUpDown` class. always returns its own type as the intended key, which is the convention that the theme style system uses to look up the style for some arbitrary otherwise non-styled control. - + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/DefaultStyleKey/NumericUpDown2.cs"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CustomControlNumericUpDown/visualbasic/customcontrollibrary/numericupdown2.vb"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CustomControlNumericUpDown/visualbasic/customcontrollibrary/numericupdown2.vb"::: The complete source code for this example is available for [Visual Basic]( @@ -1509,18 +1509,18 @@ Indicates that the initialization process for the element is complete. - was previously called, the base implementation will raise the event. Otherwise, if was not called or it could not be determined whether was called, is not raised and an exception is thrown instead. - + was previously called, the base implementation will raise the event. Otherwise, if was not called or it could not be determined whether was called, is not raised and an exception is thrown instead. + ]]> was called without having previously been called on the element. - Implement this method to provide special handling that should happen when your element is initialized during the element loading process. - + Implement this method to provide special handling that should happen when your element is initialized during the element loading process. + Your implementation should call the base implementation, because the base (default) implementation sets some internal flags to keep track of initialization. @@ -1554,13 +1554,13 @@ Finds an element that has the provided identifier name. The requested element. This can be if no matching element was found. - operates within the current element's namescope. For details, see [WPF XAML Namescopes](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/wpf-xaml-namescopes). - + operates within the current element's namescope. For details, see [WPF XAML Namescopes](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/wpf-xaml-namescopes). + ]]> @@ -1597,34 +1597,34 @@ Searches for a resource with the specified key, and throws an exception if the requested resource is not found. The requested resource. If no resource with the provided key was found, an exception is thrown. An value might also be returned in the exception case. - [!IMPORTANT] -> If you call this method for a key that cannot be found, an exception is thrown. If you do not want to handle exceptions that result from calling , call instead. returns `null` when a requested resource cannot be found, and does not throw an exception. - - If the resource is not found on the calling element, the parent element in the logical tree is searched next, then the application, then themes, and finally system resources. This lookup methodology is identical to how the tree is searched if a resource were requested by a dynamic resource reference in markup. For more information about resource lookup, see [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - Typically, you immediately cast a return value to the type of the property that you setting with the returned resource value. - - Resource keys are not necessarily strings. For instance, styles for controls at the theme level are deliberately keyed to the of the control, and application or page styles for controls typically use this same key convention. For details, see [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating) or [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - - -## Examples - The following example obtains a named resource and casts it to an appropriate type to fill a property. - +> If you call this method for a key that cannot be found, an exception is thrown. If you do not want to handle exceptions that result from calling , call instead. returns `null` when a requested resource cannot be found, and does not throw an exception. + + If the resource is not found on the calling element, the parent element in the logical tree is searched next, then the application, then themes, and finally system resources. This lookup methodology is identical to how the tree is searched if a resource were requested by a dynamic resource reference in markup. For more information about resource lookup, see [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + Typically, you immediately cast a return value to the type of the property that you setting with the returned resource value. + + Resource keys are not necessarily strings. For instance, styles for controls at the theme level are deliberately keyed to the of the control, and application or page styles for controls typically use this same key convention. For details, see [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating) or [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + + +## Examples + The following example obtains a named resource and casts it to an appropriate type to fill a property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/DependencyObjectType/FromSystemType/page3.xaml.cs" id="Snippetresourceproceduralget"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PropertiesOvwSupport/visualbasic/page3.xaml.vb" id="Snippetresourceproceduralget"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PropertiesOvwSupport/visualbasic/page3.xaml.vb" id="Snippetresourceproceduralget"::: + ]]> - was not found and an event handler does not exist for the event. - - -or- - + was not found and an event handler does not exist for the event. + + -or- + was not found and the property is in the event. is . @@ -1662,35 +1662,35 @@ Gets or sets the direction that text and other user interface (UI) elements flow within any parent element that controls their layout. The direction that text and other UI elements flow within their parent element, as a value of the enumeration. The default value is . - on this element. Because of property value inheritance, setting on an element can potentially set on all child elements that did not set locally or though other means such as styles. - - This property is not automatically set as part of any application culture information, because an element might contain content that is not necessarily intended to obey the general flow direction implied by the culture information. For more information on globalization considerations, see [Globalization for WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/globalization-for-wpf). - - This property has a defined common language runtime (CLR) property accessor, so it functions as a dependency property. However, it is also registered as attached, so it can also function as an attached property. The attached registration is mainly so that property value inheritance is supported, but the property can also be used as a true attached property. The attached property usage is only relevant if the object you intend to set the flow direction on has a parent element that performs layout upon it, is itself not a , and does not already have a more directly defined `FlowDirection` property. (Some of the flow document classes such as and define their own `FlowDirection`, and this property can also set the flow direction. The property value is then read by the eventual content host without requiring attached property usage.) - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - \<*object* **FlowDirection**=""/> - - -## XAML Text Usage - This property can also be set on classes that are not derived classes by the following XAML attached property usage: - - \<*object* `FrameworkElement.`**FlowDirection**=""/> - - -## Dependency Property Information - + on this element. Because of property value inheritance, setting on an element can potentially set on all child elements that did not set locally or though other means such as styles. + + This property is not automatically set as part of any application culture information, because an element might contain content that is not necessarily intended to obey the general flow direction implied by the culture information. For more information on globalization considerations, see [Globalization for WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/globalization-for-wpf). + + This property has a defined common language runtime (CLR) property accessor, so it functions as a dependency property. However, it is also registered as attached, so it can also function as an attached property. The attached registration is mainly so that property value inheritance is supported, but the property can also be used as a true attached property. The attached property usage is only relevant if the object you intend to set the flow direction on has a parent element that performs layout upon it, is itself not a , and does not already have a more directly defined `FlowDirection` property. (Some of the flow document classes such as and define their own `FlowDirection`, and this property can also set the flow direction. The property value is then read by the eventual content host without requiring attached property usage.) + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + \<*object* **FlowDirection**=""/> + + +## XAML Text Usage + This property can also be set on classes that are not derived classes by the following XAML attached property usage: + + \<*object* `FrameworkElement.`**FlowDirection**=""/> + + +## Dependency Property Information + | Item | Properties or fields | |-|-| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - - This property is both a dependency property and an attached property; see Remarks. - + + This property is both a dependency property and an attached property; see Remarks. + ]]> @@ -1746,42 +1746,42 @@ Gets or sets a property that enables customization of appearance, effects, or other style characteristics that will apply to this element when it captures keyboard focus. The desired style to apply on focus. The default value as declared in the dependency property is an empty static . However, the effective value at run time is often (but not always) a style as supplied by theme support for controls. - in metadata. This is because the visual appearance change is event-driven and may not apply at all times, and therefore should not generally report any visual or layout information in metadata. - - Conceptually, the visual behavior of focus applied to a control should be coherent from control to control. The most sensible way to enforce coherence is to only change the focus visual style if you are composing an entire theme. Setting this property on individual control styles and not as part of a theme is not the intended usage of this property, because it may lead to a confusing user experience regarding keyboard focus. If you are intending control-specific behavior that is deliberately not coherent across a theme, a much better approach is to use triggers in styles for individual input state properties, such as or , and to do so in a way that does not visually interfere with any existing focus visual style. For more information on the design intention of and alternative focus properties, see [Styling for Focus in Controls, and FocusVisualStyle](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/styling-for-focus-in-controls-and-focusvisualstyle). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - - -## XAML Values - *resourceExtension* - One of the following: , or . See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *styleResourceKey* - The key that identifies the style being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + in metadata. This is because the visual appearance change is event-driven and may not apply at all times, and therefore should not generally report any visual or layout information in metadata. + + Conceptually, the visual behavior of focus applied to a control should be coherent from control to control. The most sensible way to enforce coherence is to only change the focus visual style if you are composing an entire theme. Setting this property on individual control styles and not as part of a theme is not the intended usage of this property, because it may lead to a confusing user experience regarding keyboard focus. If you are intending control-specific behavior that is deliberately not coherent across a theme, a much better approach is to use triggers in styles for individual input state properties, such as or , and to do so in a way that does not visually interfere with any existing focus visual style. For more information on the design intention of and alternative focus properties, see [Styling for Focus in Controls, and FocusVisualStyle](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/styling-for-focus-in-controls-and-focusvisualstyle). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + + +## XAML Values + *resourceExtension* + One of the following: , or . See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *styleResourceKey* + The key that identifies the style being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using [TemplateBinding](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension) or is also possible, but uncommon. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using [TemplateBinding](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension) or is also possible, but uncommon. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1839,26 +1839,26 @@ if cursor presentation while over this element is forced to use current settings for the cursor (including on all child elements); otherwise . The default value is . - is more appropriate in control subclassing or compositing scenarios. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example forces the cursor value. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkContentElement/ForceCursor/default.xaml" id="Snippetforcecursor"::: - + is more appropriate in control subclassing or compositing scenarios. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example forces the cursor value. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkContentElement/ForceCursor/default.xaml" id="Snippetforcecursor"::: + ]]> @@ -1919,13 +1919,13 @@ Returns the that represents the binding on the specified property. A if the target property has an active binding; otherwise, returns . - method. passes the current instance and the `dp` parameter to . - + method. passes the current instance and the `dp` parameter to . + ]]> @@ -1960,11 +1960,11 @@ Gets the value of the attached property for the specified . The requested flow direction, as a value of the enumeration. - property, therefore allowing child elements of a provided to specify flow direction for the arrangement within their parent element. To get the value on the current , use the direct common language runtime (CLR) accessor . - + property, therefore allowing child elements of a provided to specify flow direction for the arrangement within their parent element. To get the value on the current , use the direct common language runtime (CLR) accessor . + ]]> @@ -1999,13 +1999,13 @@ Returns a geometry for a clipping mask. The mask applies if the layout system attempts to arrange an element that is larger than the available display space. The clipping geometry. - is `false`. This method overrides . The implementation uses and in its calculations. Several subclasses of override this method again. , overrides to always return `null` because adorners are often deliberately outside the ordinary bounds. and return `null` if is `false`. - + is `false`. This method overrides . The implementation uses and in its calculations. Several subclasses of override this method again. , overrides to always return `null` because adorners are often deliberately outside the ordinary bounds. and return `null` if is `false`. + ]]> @@ -2044,13 +2044,13 @@ Returns the named element in the visual tree of an instantiated . The requested element. May be if no element of the requested name exists. - method to return references to objects that come from the template after it is instantiated. You cannot use the method to find items from templates because acts in a more general scope, and there is no connection between the class itself and the instantiated template once it is applied. - - supplies the same function as this method. is public instead of protected, and it uses correct name-scoping considerations that allow it to access the template within an element and find named items within it. Use when you need to get an element outside of its parent control. - + method to return references to objects that come from the template after it is instantiated. You cannot use the method to find items from templates because acts in a more general scope, and there is no connection between the class itself and the instantiated template once it is applied. + + supplies the same function as this method. is public instead of protected, and it uses correct name-scoping considerations that allow it to access the template within an element and find named items within it. Use when you need to get an element outside of its parent control. + ]]> @@ -2082,11 +2082,11 @@ Returns an alternative logical parent for this element if there is no visual parent. Returns something other than whenever a WPF framework-level implementation of this method has a non-visual parent connection. - . The default implementation returns the expected single visual parent, which is the same result as getting the value. Derived class implementations might return alternate parent relationships. - + . The default implementation returns the expected single visual parent, which is the same result as getting the value. Derived class implementations might return alternate parent relationships. + ]]> @@ -2121,26 +2121,26 @@ Overrides , and returns a child at the specified index from a collection of child elements. The requested child element. This should not return ; if the provided index is out of range, an exception is thrown. - implementation, the only valid index is zero. The content model for supports either zero or one child elements, not a collection. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how a custom adorner uses the values declared by a that it maintains for its multiple visual children. These values are reported through overrides of and . - + implementation, the only valid index is zero. The content model for supports either zero or one child elements, not a collection. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how a custom adorner uses the values declared by a that it maintains for its multiple visual children. These values are reported through overrides of and . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/GetVisualChild/ResizingAdorner.cs" id="Snippetfevisualoverridespre"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Adorners_ResizingAdorner/visualbasic/resizingadorner.vb" id="Snippetfevisualoverridespre"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Adorners_ResizingAdorner/visualbasic/resizingadorner.vb" id="Snippetfevisualoverridespre"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/GetVisualChild/ResizingAdorner.cs" id="Snippetfevisualoverrides"::: -:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Adorners_ResizingAdorner/visualbasic/resizingadorner.vb" id="Snippetfevisualoverrides"::: - +:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Adorners_ResizingAdorner/visualbasic/resizingadorner.vb" id="Snippetfevisualoverrides"::: + ]]> - This implementation is only valid for elements that do not maintain any more descriptive collection of visual child elements. Any element that does have such a collection must override this method and map the index to an equivalent index in the child element collection that is supported by that element. An index in the range from zero to (minus one) should return a valid element; any other index should throw an out-of-range exception. An example of an element type that does support a child collection and overrides to return more than one possible child is . - + This implementation is only valid for elements that do not maintain any more descriptive collection of visual child elements. Any element that does have such a collection must override this method and map the index to an equivalent index in the child element collection that is supported by that element. An index in the range from zero to (minus one) should return a valid element; any other index should throw an out-of-range exception. An example of an element type that does support a child collection and overrides to return more than one possible child is . + The default implementation in presumes only one visual child. Any value passed for other than zero causes an exception to be thrown. Several common elements, such as decorators, adorners, or elements with specialized rendering, override the implementation (of the implementation from intermediate base classes). Some implementations still enforce one visual child whereas others allow a collection. @@ -2180,69 +2180,69 @@ Gets or sets the suggested height of the element. The height of the element, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). The default value is . This value must be equal to or greater than 0.0. - is one of three writable properties on that specify height information. The other two are and . If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual height determination is that first must be honored, then , and finally, if it is within bounds, . - - If this element is a child element within some other element, then setting this property to a value is really only a suggested value. The layout system as well as the particular layout logic of the parent element will use the value as a nonbinding input during the layout process. In practical terms, a is almost always the child element of something else; even when you set the on . (For , that value is used when the underlying application model establishes the basic rendering assumptions that create the Hwnd that hosts the application.) - - In addition to acceptable values, this property can also be . This is how you specify auto sizing behavior in code. In XAML you set the value to the string "Auto" (case insensitive) to enable the auto sizing behavior. Auto sizing behavior implies that the element will fill the height available to it. Note however that specific controls frequently supply default values through their default theme styles that will disable the auto sizing behavior unless it is specifically re-enabled. - - The return value of this property is always the same as any value that was set to it. In contrast, the value of the may vary. This can happen either statically because the layout rejected the suggested size for some reason, or momentarily. The layout system itself works asynchronously relative to the property system's set of and may not have processed that particular sizing property change yet. - - The value restrictions on the value are enforced by a mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value, a run-time exception is thrown. - - In addition to the validation check, there is a nondeterministic upper value bound for that is enforced by the layout system (this is a very large number, larger than but smaller than ). If you exceed this bound, the element will not render, and no exception is thrown. Do not set to a value that is significantly larger than the maximum size of any possible visual display, or you may exceed this nondeterministic upper bound. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - + is one of three writable properties on that specify height information. The other two are and . If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual height determination is that first must be honored, then , and finally, if it is within bounds, . + + If this element is a child element within some other element, then setting this property to a value is really only a suggested value. The layout system as well as the particular layout logic of the parent element will use the value as a nonbinding input during the layout process. In practical terms, a is almost always the child element of something else; even when you set the on . (For , that value is used when the underlying application model establishes the basic rendering assumptions that create the Hwnd that hosts the application.) + + In addition to acceptable values, this property can also be . This is how you specify auto sizing behavior in code. In XAML you set the value to the string "Auto" (case insensitive) to enable the auto sizing behavior. Auto sizing behavior implies that the element will fill the height available to it. Note however that specific controls frequently supply default values through their default theme styles that will disable the auto sizing behavior unless it is specifically re-enabled. + + The return value of this property is always the same as any value that was set to it. In contrast, the value of the may vary. This can happen either statically because the layout rejected the suggested size for some reason, or momentarily. The layout system itself works asynchronously relative to the property system's set of and may not have processed that particular sizing property change yet. + + The value restrictions on the value are enforced by a mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value, a run-time exception is thrown. + + In addition to the validation check, there is a nondeterministic upper value bound for that is enforced by the layout system (this is a very large number, larger than but smaller than ). If you exceed this bound, the element will not render, and no exception is thrown. Do not set to a value that is significantly larger than the maximum size of any possible visual display, or you may exceed this nondeterministic upper bound. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + ```xaml - + ``` -or- ```xaml - + ``` -or- ```xaml - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0. See Remarks for upper bound information. This value is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - **Auto** - Enables autosizing behavior. See Remarks. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0. See Remarks for upper bound information. This value is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + **Auto** + Enables autosizing behavior. See Remarks. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -2299,25 +2299,25 @@ Gets or sets the horizontal alignment characteristics applied to this element when it is composed within a parent element, such as a panel or items control. A horizontal alignment setting, as a value of the enumeration. The default is . - and properties are explicitly set on an element, these measurements take higher precedent during layout and will cancel the typical effects of setting to . - - is the Microsoft .NET property accessor for what is in reality a dependency property. This particular dependency property quite frequently has its apparent "default" value set differently in subclassed elements, particularly controls. This generally occurs in one of two ways: the dependency property is re-registered to a particular subclass, but with different metadata for setting its defaults; or there is a default style being applied that sets that dependency property value differently. For example, the apparent "default" of for a control will be , even though inherits direct from . This is because that value was reset within the default style of , within the style's control template. - - does not use when composing layout, because is based on absolute positioning. - - When inherited by or derived classes, redefines the default value of this dependency property to be . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + and properties are explicitly set on an element, these measurements take higher precedent during layout and will cancel the typical effects of setting to . + + is the Microsoft .NET property accessor for what is in reality a dependency property. This particular dependency property quite frequently has its apparent "default" value set differently in subclassed elements, particularly controls. This generally occurs in one of two ways: the dependency property is re-registered to a particular subclass, but with different metadata for setting its defaults; or there is a default style being applied that sets that dependency property value differently. For example, the apparent "default" of for a control will be , even though inherits direct from . This is because that value was reset within the default style of , within the style's control template. + + does not use when composing layout, because is based on absolute positioning. + + When inherited by or derived classes, redefines the default value of this dependency property to be . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -2373,13 +2373,13 @@ Gets or sets the scope limits for property value inheritance, resource key lookup, and RelativeSource FindAncestor lookup. A value of the enumeration. The default is . - to deliberately limit the scope of inheritance behavior, to a force resource lookup to check the application resources, or to prevent a RelativeSource FindAncestor lookup from querying the current element or any further. RelativeSource FindAncestor lookup occurs when a binding uses a that has its property set to the value. - - If you want your derived class to set this property, you should do so within the static constructor or in other initialization routines. - + to deliberately limit the scope of inheritance behavior, to a force resource lookup to check the application resources, or to prevent a RelativeSource FindAncestor lookup from querying the current element or any further. RelativeSource FindAncestor lookup occurs when a binding uses a that has its property set to the value. + + If you want your derived class to set this property, you should do so within the static constructor or in other initialization routines. + ]]> @@ -2415,15 +2415,15 @@ Occurs when this is initialized. This event coincides with cases where the value of the property changes from (or undefined) to . - or methods are called. Calls to either method could have come from application code, or through the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) processor behavior when a XAML page is processed. - - Whether you choose to handle or depends on your requirements. If you do not need to read element properties, intend to reset properties, and do not need any layout information, might be the better event to act upon. If you need all properties of the element to be available, and you will be setting properties that are likely to reset the layout, might be the better event to act upon. Be careful of reentrancy if your handler resets any properties that are interpreted by the layout system to mean that a new layout pass is required. (You might need to check the values on the property if you are unsure of which properties can require a new layout pass if they are changed.) - - For more information about the sequence of object events for a , and also for several related application and element classes, see [Object Lifetime Events](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/object-lifetime-events). - + or methods are called. Calls to either method could have come from application code, or through the Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) processor behavior when a XAML page is processed. + + Whether you choose to handle or depends on your requirements. If you do not need to read element properties, intend to reset properties, and do not need any layout information, might be the better event to act upon. If you need all properties of the element to be available, and you will be setting properties that are likely to reset the layout, might be the better event to act upon. Be careful of reentrancy if your handler resets any properties that are interpreted by the layout system to mean that a new layout pass is required. (You might need to check the values on the property if you are unsure of which properties can require a new layout pass if they are changed.) + + For more information about the sequence of object events for a , and also for several related application and element classes, see [Object Lifetime Events](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/object-lifetime-events). + ]]> @@ -2454,21 +2454,21 @@ Gets or sets the context for input used by this . The input scope, which modifies how input from alternative input methods is interpreted. The default value is (which results in a default handling of commands). - established through local values or styles, then the property system will set the value to be the value of the nearest ancestor element with this value assigned. - - Although a XAML syntax usage is listed and is syntactically allowed, setting this property in XAML is not common. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + established through local values or styles, then the property system will set the value to be the value of the nearest ancestor element with this value assigned. + + Although a XAML syntax usage is listed and is syntactically allowed, setting this property in XAML is not common. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -2537,13 +2537,13 @@ if the element is initialized per the aforementioned XAML processing or method calls; otherwise, . - and . Elements in the logical tree that is loaded by a XAML processor are assured to be initialized. Elements not in the logical tree are initialized when is called. In absence of any specific handling of and , this will happen as soon as the constructor returns the initialized result. - + and . Elements in the logical tree that is loaded by a XAML processor are assured to be initialized. Elements not in the logical tree are initialized when is called. In absence of any specific handling of and , this will happen as soon as the constructor returns the initialized result. + ]]> @@ -2574,20 +2574,20 @@ if the current element is attached to an element tree; if the element has never been attached to a loaded element tree. - , this property starts off `false`, and remains `true` after it is set to `true`, even if the element is subsequently removed from a connected logical tree by code. `true` state is set by the general presentation logic when elements are loaded into the presentation engine. - - Typically, loaded elements are rendered, but not all derived classes have a presentation, and other properties such as can influence presentation. - - - -## Examples - The following example implements two handlers: one is handling the event of the root element, so it is certain that the page root element is loaded because that is the significance of the event. The other handler is hooked to a user control, and calls to assure that the root element is loaded completely. Both handlers call the same function (not shown) that will populate child elements with fresh data. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/IsLoaded/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfeisloaded"::: - + , this property starts off `false`, and remains `true` after it is set to `true`, even if the element is subsequently removed from a connected logical tree by code. `true` state is set by the general presentation logic when elements are loaded into the presentation engine. + + Typically, loaded elements are rendered, but not all derived classes have a presentation, and other properties such as can influence presentation. + + + +## Examples + The following example implements two handlers: one is handling the event of the root element, so it is certain that the page root element is loaded because that is the significance of the event. The other handler is hooked to a user control, and calls to assure that the root element is loaded completely. Both handlers call the same function (not shown) that will populate child elements with fresh data. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/IsLoaded/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfeisloaded"::: + ]]> @@ -2618,23 +2618,23 @@ Gets or sets localization/globalization language information that applies to an element. The language information for this element. The default value is an with its value set to the string "en-US". - . - - This dependency property inherits property values. If there are child elements without other values for established through local values or styles, the property system will set the value to be the value of the nearest ancestor element with this value assigned. - - XML defines the general meaning of the `xml:lang` attribute. essentially exposes the meaning of this attribute as a dependency property. can be adjusted programmatically, and can participate in property system value inheritance in a way that parallels how the `xml:lang` attribute can inherit to child element scope in XML. If you set , that value becomes the `xml:lang` and overwrites any previous value. For more information, see [xml:lang Handling in XAML](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/xml-lang-handling-in-xaml). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + . + + This dependency property inherits property values. If there are child elements without other values for established through local values or styles, the property system will set the value to be the value of the nearest ancestor element with this value assigned. + + XML defines the general meaning of the `xml:lang` attribute. essentially exposes the meaning of this attribute as a dependency property. can be adjusted programmatically, and can participate in property system value inheritance in a way that parallels how the `xml:lang` attribute can inherit to child element scope in XML. If you set , that value becomes the `xml:lang` and overwrites any previous value. For more information, see [xml:lang Handling in XAML](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/xml-lang-handling-in-xaml). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -2690,35 +2690,35 @@ Gets or sets a graphics transformation that should apply to this element when layout is performed. The transform this element should use. The default is . - , will affect results of layout. - - Setting a transform provides powerful capabilities of scaling and rotating. However, ignores operations. This is because the layout system behavior for child elements of a auto-corrects any offsets to the position of a scaled or rotated element into the layout and coordinate system of the parent element. - - can lead to poor application performance if you invoke it in a scenario that does not require a full pass by the layout system. When you apply a to the collection of the , it triggers a new pass by the layout system and forces all on-screen objects to be remeasured and rearranged. If you are updating the complete application user interface (UI), this functionality might be exactly what you need. However, if you do not need a full layout pass, use the property, which does not invoke the layout system, and therefore, is typically a better choice for this scenario. - - Example scenarios where would be useful include: rotating elements such as menu components from horizontal to vertical or vice versa, scaling elements (zooming in) on focus, providing editing behavior, etc. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how to apply a to an element. The example creates an instance of and hosts it within a parent . It also uses the property to apply a to the . - + , will affect results of layout. + + Setting a transform provides powerful capabilities of scaling and rotating. However, ignores operations. This is because the layout system behavior for child elements of a auto-corrects any offsets to the position of a scaled or rotated element into the layout and coordinate system of the parent element. + + can lead to poor application performance if you invoke it in a scenario that does not require a full pass by the layout system. When you apply a to the collection of the , it triggers a new pass by the layout system and forces all on-screen objects to be remeasured and rearranged. If you are updating the complete application user interface (UI), this functionality might be exactly what you need. However, if you do not need a full layout pass, use the property, which does not invoke the layout system, and therefore, is typically a better choice for this scenario. + + Example scenarios where would be useful include: rotating elements such as menu components from horizontal to vertical or vice versa, scaling elements (zooming in) on focus, providing editing behavior, etc. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how to apply a to an element. The example creates an instance of and hosts it within a parent . It also uses the property to apply a to the . + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/LayoutTransform/CPP/LayoutTransform.cpp" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/LayoutTransform/LayoutTransform.cs" id="Snippet1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/LayoutTransform/VisualBasic/LayoutTransform.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/LayoutTransform/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/LayoutTransform/XAML/default.xaml" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -2773,26 +2773,26 @@ Occurs when the element is laid out, rendered, and ready for interaction. - is usually the last event raised in an element initialization sequence. It will always be raised after . Whether you choose to handle or depends on your requirements. If you do not need to read element properties, intend to reset properties, and do not need any layout information, might be the better event to act upon. If you need all properties of the element to be available, and you will be setting properties that are likely to reset the layout, might be the better event to act upon. Be careful of reentrancy if your handler resets any properties that are interpreted by the layout system to mean that a new layout pass is required. (You might need to check the values on the property if you are unsure of which properties can require a new layout pass if they are changed.) - - For more information about the sequence of object events for a , and also for several related application and element classes, see [Object Lifetime Events](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/object-lifetime-events). - - Direct routed events do not follow a route, they are only handled within the same element on which they are raised. Direct routed events do support other routed event behavior: they support an accessible handlers collection, and can be used as an in a style. - - and might both be raised on controls as a result of user-initiated system theme changes. A theme change causes an invalidation of the control template and the contained visual tree, which in turn causes the entire control to unload and reload. Therefore cannot be assumed to occur only when a page is first loaded through navigation to the page. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - + is usually the last event raised in an element initialization sequence. It will always be raised after . Whether you choose to handle or depends on your requirements. If you do not need to read element properties, intend to reset properties, and do not need any layout information, might be the better event to act upon. If you need all properties of the element to be available, and you will be setting properties that are likely to reset the layout, might be the better event to act upon. Be careful of reentrancy if your handler resets any properties that are interpreted by the layout system to mean that a new layout pass is required. (You might need to check the values on the property if you are unsure of which properties can require a new layout pass if they are changed.) + + For more information about the sequence of object events for a , and also for several related application and element classes, see [Object Lifetime Events](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/object-lifetime-events). + + Direct routed events do not follow a route, they are only handled within the same element on which they are raised. Direct routed events do support other routed event behavior: they support an accessible handlers collection, and can be used as an in a style. + + and might both be raised on controls as a result of user-initiated system theme changes. A theme change causes an invalidation of the control template and the contained visual tree, which in turn causes the entire control to unload and reload. Therefore cannot be assumed to occur only when a page is first loaded through navigation to the page. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -2822,13 +2822,13 @@ Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -2858,13 +2858,13 @@ Gets an enumerator for logical child elements of this element. An enumerator for logical child elements of this element. - allows you to iterate over child elements. This is useful for elements that may not have a defined, dedicated collection but still contain more than one child element, particularly child elements. - - For more information on how to use and , see [Trees in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/trees-in-wpf). - + allows you to iterate over child elements. This is useful for elements that may not have a defined, dedicated collection but still contain more than one child element, particularly child elements. + + For more information on how to use and , see [Trees in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/trees-in-wpf). + ]]> x:Array Markup Extension @@ -2895,71 +2895,71 @@ Gets or sets the outer margin of an element. Provides margin values for the element. The default value is a with all properties equal to 0 (zero). - is set as a structure rather than as a number so that the margin can be set asymmetrically. The structure itself supports string type conversion so that you can specify an asymmetric in XAML attribute syntax also. - - A non-zero margin applies space outside the element layout's and . - - Margins are additive for sibling elements in a layout; for example, two adjacent elements both with a margin of 30 set on the adjoining edge would have 60 units of space between them. - - Elements that have margins set will not typically constrain the size of the specified if the allotted rectangle space is not large enough for the margin plus the element content area. The element content area will be constrained instead when layout is calculated. The only case where margins would be constrained also is if the content is already constrained all the way to zero. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -```xaml - + is set as a structure rather than as a number so that the margin can be set asymmetrically. The structure itself supports string type conversion so that you can specify an asymmetric in XAML attribute syntax also. + + A non-zero margin applies space outside the element layout's and . + + Margins are additive for sibling elements in a layout; for example, two adjacent elements both with a margin of 30 set on the adjoining edge would have 60 units of space between them. + + Elements that have margins set will not typically constrain the size of the specified if the allotted rectangle space is not large enough for the margin plus the element content area. The element content area will be constrained instead when layout is calculated. The only case where margins would be constrained also is if the content is already constrained all the way to zero. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +```xaml + ``` -or- ```xaml - + ``` --or- +-or- ```xaml - + ``` - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *left, top, right, bottom* - Number values between 0 and that specify the four possible dimension properties of a structure. - - The attribute usage will also accept abbreviated values that apply in the order provided, symmetrically and logically. For instance, `Margin="20"` will be interpreted to mean a with all properties set to 20. `Margin="20,50"` will be interpreted to mean a with and set to 20, and and set to 50. - - The default unit for a measure is device-independent unit (1/96th inch). You can also specify other units by appending the unit type strings `cm`, `in`, or `pt` to any measure. - - Number values provided as XAML attributes need not specify decimal points (0 is acceptable, does not have to be provided as 0.0). For more information on Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) usage, see . - - *thicknessReference* - An object reference to an existing . This might be a `}`, a , or `}` reference. For more information on Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) usage, see . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *left, top, right, bottom* + Number values between 0 and that specify the four possible dimension properties of a structure. + + The attribute usage will also accept abbreviated values that apply in the order provided, symmetrically and logically. For instance, `Margin="20"` will be interpreted to mean a with all properties set to 20. `Margin="20,50"` will be interpreted to mean a with and set to 20, and and set to 50. + + The default unit for a measure is device-independent unit (1/96th inch). You can also specify other units by appending the unit type strings `cm`, `in`, or `pt` to any measure. + + Number values provided as XAML attributes need not specify decimal points (0 is acceptable, does not have to be provided as 0.0). For more information on Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) usage, see . + + *thicknessReference* + An object reference to an existing . This might be a `}`, a , or `}` reference. For more information on Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) usage, see . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -3026,54 +3026,54 @@ Gets or sets the maximum height constraint of the element. The maximum height of the element, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). The default value is . This value can be any value equal to or greater than 0.0. is also valid. - that specify height information. The other two are and . If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual height determination is first must be honored, then , and finally if each of these are within bounds, . - - The value restrictions on the value are enforced by a mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value a run-time exception is thrown. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -```xaml - + that specify height information. The other two are and . If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual height determination is first must be honored, then , and finally if each of these are within bounds, . + + The value restrictions on the value are enforced by a mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value a run-time exception is thrown. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +```xaml + ``` -or- ```xaml - + ``` - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. - - The same range restrictions as mentioned in the Property Value section apply, except that you must use [x:Static Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-static-markup-extension) if you need to explicitly set the value to be . - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. + + The same range restrictions as mentioned in the Property Value section apply, except that you must use [x:Static Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-static-markup-extension) if you need to explicitly set the value to be . + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -3139,54 +3139,54 @@ Gets or sets the maximum width constraint of the element. The maximum width of the element, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). The default value is . This value can be any value equal to or greater than 0.0. is also valid. - that specify width information. The other two are and . If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual width determination is first must be honored, then , and finally if each of these are within bounds, . - - The value restrictions on the value are enforced by a mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value, a run-time exception is thrown. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -```xaml - + that specify width information. The other two are and . If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual width determination is first must be honored, then , and finally if each of these are within bounds, . + + The value restrictions on the value are enforced by a mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value, a run-time exception is thrown. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +```xaml + ``` -or- ```xaml - + ``` - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. - - The same range restrictions as mentioned in the Property Value section apply, except that you must use [x:Static Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-static-markup-extension) to set the value to be . - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. + + The same range restrictions as mentioned in the Property Value section apply, except that you must use [x:Static Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-static-markup-extension) to set the value to be . + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -3246,11 +3246,11 @@ Implements basic measure-pass layout system behavior for . The desired size of this element in layout. - to connect the WPF core-level and WPF framework-level layout measure implementations. The implementation seals the method. To adjust the measure pass layout behavior of any element that builds on the WPF framework-level, override instead. To adjust the measure pass layout behavior of an element that deliberately does not build on the WPF framework-level or use , override . - + to connect the WPF core-level and WPF framework-level layout measure implementations. The implementation seals the method. To adjust the measure pass layout behavior of any element that builds on the WPF framework-level, override instead. To adjust the measure pass layout behavior of an element that deliberately does not build on the WPF framework-level or use , override . + ]]> @@ -3284,29 +3284,29 @@ When overridden in a derived class, measures the size in layout required for child elements and determines a size for the -derived class. The size that this element determines it needs during layout, based on its calculations of child element sizes. - to implement custom layout sizing behavior for your element as it participates in the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) layout system. Your implementation should do the following: - -1. Iterate your element's particular collection of children that are part of layout, call on each child element. - -2. Immediately get on the child (this is set as a property after is called). - -3. Compute the net desired size of the parent based upon the measurement of the child elements. - - The return value of should be the element's own desired size, which then becomes the measure input for the parent element of the current element. This same process continues through the layout system until the root element of the page is reached. - - During this process, child elements might return a larger size than the initial `availableSize` to indicate that the child element wants more space. This might be handled in your own implementation by introducing a scrollable region, by resizing the parent control, by establishing some manner of stacked order, or any number of solutions for measuring or arranging content. - + to implement custom layout sizing behavior for your element as it participates in the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) layout system. Your implementation should do the following: + +1. Iterate your element's particular collection of children that are part of layout, call on each child element. + +2. Immediately get on the child (this is set as a property after is called). + +3. Compute the net desired size of the parent based upon the measurement of the child elements. + + The return value of should be the element's own desired size, which then becomes the measure input for the parent element of the current element. This same process continues through the layout system until the root element of the page is reached. + + During this process, child elements might return a larger size than the initial `availableSize` to indicate that the child element wants more space. This might be handled in your own implementation by introducing a scrollable region, by resizing the parent control, by establishing some manner of stacked order, or any number of solutions for measuring or arranging content. + > [!IMPORTANT] -> Elements should call on each child during this process, otherwise the child elements will not be correctly sized or arranged. - +> Elements should call on each child during this process, otherwise the child elements will not be correctly sized or arranged. + ]]> - The following non-compiling code shows this implementation pattern. VisualChildren represents an enumerable collection property of children that your own element should define. The property can be named anything. VisualChildren is a placeholder name for purposes of this example, VisualChildren is not an API as provided by WPF or a part of a naming pattern. - + The following non-compiling code shows this implementation pattern. VisualChildren represents an enumerable collection property of children that your own element should define. The property can be named anything. VisualChildren is a placeholder name for purposes of this example, VisualChildren is not an API as provided by WPF or a part of a naming pattern. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ComponentResourceKey/.ctor/corepseudocode.cs" id="Snippetfemeasureoverride"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CorePseudocode/visualbasic/corepseudocode.vb" id="Snippetfemeasureoverride"::: @@ -3347,54 +3347,54 @@ Gets or sets the minimum height constraint of the element. The minimum height of the element, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). The default value is 0.0. This value can be any value equal to or greater than 0.0. However, is NOT valid, nor is . - that specify height information. The other two are and . If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual height determination is first must be honored, then , and finally if each of these are within bounds, . - - The value restrictions on the value are enforced by a mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value, a run-time exception is thrown. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - + that specify height information. The other two are and . If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual height determination is first must be honored, then , and finally if each of these are within bounds, . + + The value restrictions on the value are enforced by a mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value, a run-time exception is thrown. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + ```xaml - + ``` -or- ```xaml - + ``` - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. - - The same range restrictions as mentioned in the Property Value section apply. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. + + The same range restrictions as mentioned in the Property Value section apply. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -3460,54 +3460,54 @@ Gets or sets the minimum width constraint of the element. The minimum width of the element, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). The default value is 0.0. This value can be any value equal to or greater than 0.0. However, is not valid, nor is . - that specify width information. The other two are and . If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual width determination is first must be honored, then , and finally if each of these are within bounds, . - - The value restrictions on the value are enforced by a mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value, a run-time exception is thrown. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -```xaml - + that specify width information. The other two are and . If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual width determination is first must be honored, then , and finally if each of these are within bounds, . + + The value restrictions on the value are enforced by a mechanism. If you attempt to set an invalid value, a run-time exception is thrown. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +```xaml + ``` -or- ```xaml - + ``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. - - The same range restrictions as mentioned in the Property Value section apply. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0. This is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. + + The same range restrictions as mentioned in the Property Value section apply. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -3567,19 +3567,19 @@ Moves the keyboard focus away from this element and to another element in a provided traversal direction. Returns if focus is moved successfully; if the target element in direction as specified does not exist or could not be keyboard focused. - and seals the method. - - - -## Examples - The following example implements a handler that handles several possible button inputs. Each button represents a possible . The handler tracks the element with current keyboard focus, and calls on that element, by specifying the appropriate as initialization for the type parameter provided. - + and seals the method. + + + +## Examples + The following example implements a handler that handles several possible button inputs. Each button represents a possible . The handler tracks the element with current keyboard focus, and calls on that element, by specifying the appropriate as initialization for the type parameter provided. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/MoveFocus/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfocussamplemovefocus"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfocussamplemovefocus"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfocussamplemovefocus"::: + ]]> @@ -3628,45 +3628,45 @@ Gets or sets the identifying name of the element. The name provides a reference so that code-behind, such as event handler code, can refer to a markup element after it is constructed during processing by a XAML processor. The name of the element. The default is an empty string. - if you are creating elements in code is not common. If you have the appropriate reference in code already, you can just call methods and properties on the element reference and will not generally need the . An exception to this is if the string has some overloaded meaning, for instance if it is useful to display that name in UI. Setting a from code-behind if the original was set from markup is also not recommended, and changing the property after loading the XAML will not change the original object reference. The object references are created only when the underlying namescopes are explicitly created during parsing. You must specifically call to make an effective change to the property of an already loaded element. - - One notable case where setting from code is important is when registering names for elements that storyboards will run against, so that they can be referenced at run time. Before you can register a name, might also need to instantiate and assign a instance. See the Example section, or [Storyboards Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/storyboards-overview). - - Setting from code has limited applications, but getting an element by is more common. One particular scenario is if your application supports a navigation model where pages reload into the application, and the run time code is not necessarily code-behind defined for that page. The utility method , which is available from any , can find any element by in the logical tree for that element, searching the tree recursively as necessary. Or you can use the static method of , which also takes a string as an argument. - - Typically used root elements (, for example) implement the interface . Implementations of this interface are expected to enforce that names be unambiguous within their scope. The root elements that define this interface also define the namescope behavior boundaries for all the related APIs. - - The property also serves as an identifier for other processes. For instance, the WPF automation model will use as the AutomationId for clients and providers. - - The string values used for have some restrictions, as imposed by the underlying [x:Name Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-name-directive) defined by the XAML specification. Most notably, a must start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores. For more information, see [WPF XAML Namescopes](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/wpf-xaml-namescopes). - - is one of the very few dependency properties that cannot be animated ( is `true` in metadata), because the name itself is vital for targeting an animation. Data binding a is technically possible, but is an extremely uncommon scenario because a data-bound cannot serve the main intended purpose of the property: to provide an identifier connection point for code-behind. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example sets the property in code, and then registers the name into the newly created by calling . The technique illustrated here is a requirement for animating with storyboards, because storyboards require targeting by the , and cannot be targeted by object reference. - + if you are creating elements in code is not common. If you have the appropriate reference in code already, you can just call methods and properties on the element reference and will not generally need the . An exception to this is if the string has some overloaded meaning, for instance if it is useful to display that name in UI. Setting a from code-behind if the original was set from markup is also not recommended, and changing the property after loading the XAML will not change the original object reference. The object references are created only when the underlying namescopes are explicitly created during parsing. You must specifically call to make an effective change to the property of an already loaded element. + + One notable case where setting from code is important is when registering names for elements that storyboards will run against, so that they can be referenced at run time. Before you can register a name, might also need to instantiate and assign a instance. See the Example section, or [Storyboards Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/storyboards-overview). + + Setting from code has limited applications, but getting an element by is more common. One particular scenario is if your application supports a navigation model where pages reload into the application, and the run time code is not necessarily code-behind defined for that page. The utility method , which is available from any , can find any element by in the logical tree for that element, searching the tree recursively as necessary. Or you can use the static method of , which also takes a string as an argument. + + Typically used root elements (, for example) implement the interface . Implementations of this interface are expected to enforce that names be unambiguous within their scope. The root elements that define this interface also define the namescope behavior boundaries for all the related APIs. + + The property also serves as an identifier for other processes. For instance, the WPF automation model will use as the AutomationId for clients and providers. + + The string values used for have some restrictions, as imposed by the underlying [x:Name Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-name-directive) defined by the XAML specification. Most notably, a must start with a letter or the underscore character (_), and must contain only letters, digits, or underscores. For more information, see [WPF XAML Namescopes](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/wpf-xaml-namescopes). + + is one of the very few dependency properties that cannot be animated ( is `true` in metadata), because the name itself is vital for targeting an animation. Data binding a is technically possible, but is an extremely uncommon scenario because a data-bound cannot serve the main intended purpose of the property: to provide an identifier connection point for code-behind. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example sets the property in code, and then registers the name into the newly created by calling . The technique illustrated here is a requirement for animating with storyboards, because storyboards require targeting by the , and cannot be targeted by object reference. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/Name/AnimatedHeightExample.cs" id="Snippetfename"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/animateHeight_procedural/visualbasic/animatedheightexample.vb" id="Snippetfename"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/animateHeight_procedural/visualbasic/animatedheightexample.vb" id="Snippetfename"::: + ]]> @@ -3722,28 +3722,28 @@ When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call . - that is applied for the element. For more information, see [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating). - + that is applied for the element. For more information, see [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating). + ]]> - Derived classes of can use this method as a notification for a variety of possible scenarios: - -- You can call your own implementation of code that builds the remainder of an element visual tree. - -- You can run code that relies on the visual tree from templates having been applied, such as obtaining references to named elements that came from a template. - -- You can introduce services that only make sense to exist after the visual tree from templates is complete. - -- You can set states and properties of elements within the template that are dependent on other factors. For instance, property values might only be discoverable by knowing the parent element, or when a specific derived class uses a common template. - - Implementers should always call the base implementation before their own implementation. itself has no default implementation, but intervening classes might. - + Derived classes of can use this method as a notification for a variety of possible scenarios: + +- You can call your own implementation of code that builds the remainder of an element visual tree. + +- You can run code that relies on the visual tree from templates having been applied, such as obtaining references to named elements that came from a template. + +- You can introduce services that only make sense to exist after the visual tree from templates is complete. + +- You can set states and properties of elements within the template that are dependent on other factors. For instance, property values might only be discoverable by knowing the parent element, or when a specific derived class uses a common template. + + Implementers should always call the base implementation before their own implementation. itself has no default implementation, but intervening classes might. + offers a similar override, . @@ -3776,13 +3776,13 @@ Provides data about the event. Invoked whenever an unhandled routed event reaches this class in its route. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - could choose to call private class handler methods when the event is received along the route. One potential scenario is to take the arguments of the event and deliberately mark the event as handled. - + could choose to call private class handler methods when the event is received along the route. One potential scenario is to take the arguments of the event and deliberately mark the event as handled. + ]]> @@ -3815,13 +3815,13 @@ The that contains the event data. Invoked whenever an unhandled routed event reaches this class in its route. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - could choose to call private class handler methods when the event is received along the route. One potential scenario is to take the arguments of the event and deliberately mark the event as handled. - + could choose to call private class handler methods when the event is received along the route. One potential scenario is to take the arguments of the event and deliberately mark the event as handled. + ]]> @@ -3854,13 +3854,13 @@ The that contains the event data. Invoked whenever an unhandled event reaches this element in its route. - does have a default implementation. Specifically, it has an implementation that overrides the null implementation in the next level of base element down, . When invoked, sets appropriate focus behavior on this element in cases where the event originated from the current element due to keyboard focus. The handler does not mark the event arguments as handled, even when focus is set to the current element. If the event's source was another element in the tree (not the current element), the handler does nothing. - - You can override this method in order to change the default focus behavior on your element, but be aware that changing focus behavior in this way might be better accomplished by not allowing the element to be focusable at all (see ). - + does have a default implementation. Specifically, it has an implementation that overrides the null implementation in the next level of base element down, . When invoked, sets appropriate focus behavior on this element in cases where the event originated from the current element due to keyboard focus. The handler does not mark the event arguments as handled, even when focus is set to the current element. If the event's source was another element in the tree (not the current element), the handler does nothing. + + You can override this method in order to change the default focus behavior on your element, but be aware that changing focus behavior in this way might be better accomplished by not allowing the element to be focusable at all (see ). + ]]> @@ -3897,13 +3897,13 @@ The that contains the event data. Raises the event. This method is invoked whenever is set to internally. - property is read-only, so you cannot set to force initialization behavior. Setting the initialization state is intended to be done only by the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) framework. - + property is read-only, so you cannot set to force initialization behavior. Setting the initialization state is intended to be done only by the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) framework. + ]]> @@ -3941,15 +3941,15 @@ The event data that describes the property that changed, as well as old and new values. Invoked whenever the effective value of any dependency property on this has been updated. The specific dependency property that changed is reported in the arguments parameter. Overrides . - or functions for individual properties. However, you would use this method if a includes a significant number of value-interrelated dependency properties, or if it includes logic such as rendering behavior that must be rerun for several related cases of property invalidations. - - Note that there is an identically named `OnPropertyChanged` method with a different signature (the parameter type is ) that can appear on a number of classes. That `OnPropertyChanged` is used for data object notifications, and is part of the contract for . - + or functions for individual properties. However, you would use this method if a includes a significant number of value-interrelated dependency properties, or if it includes logic such as rendering behavior that must be rerun for several related cases of property invalidations. + + Note that there is an identically named `OnPropertyChanged` method with a different signature (the parameter type is ) that can appear on a number of classes. That `OnPropertyChanged` is used for data object notifications, and is part of the contract for . + ]]> @@ -3987,16 +3987,16 @@ Details of the old and new size involved in the change. Raises the event, using the specified information as part of the eventual event data. - . If you call this method you will reset the property, the property, or both, depending on what is specified as changed in the supplied arguments, and will you always raise the event. - + . If you call this method you will reset the property, the property, or both, depending on what is specified as changed in the supplied arguments, and will you always raise the event. + ]]> - Do not override this method for typical layout scenarios. The layout system operates in a deliberately asynchronous way to assure that all possible layout arrange and measure cases are accounted for. The layout system override methods and are usually sufficient for any required layout customization. is exposed as a virtual. You can override to correct for exceptional cases where a run-time behavioral change related to input events combined with control recomposition in response might give inaccurate layout information. - + Do not override this method for typical layout scenarios. The layout system operates in a deliberately asynchronous way to assure that all possible layout arrange and measure cases are accounted for. The layout system override methods and are usually sufficient for any required layout customization. is exposed as a virtual. You can override to correct for exceptional cases where a run-time behavioral change related to input events combined with control recomposition in response might give inaccurate layout information. + You may still override this method in derived classes (it is protected but not sealed). Always call the base implementation to preserve the behavior mentioned above, unless you have very specific reasons for disabling default WPF framework-level rendering behavior. Failing to raise the event will cause non-standard layout behavior if using the standard WPF framework-level layout system implementation. @@ -4040,11 +4040,11 @@ The new style. Invoked when the style in use on this element changes, which will invalidate the layout. - @@ -4080,13 +4080,13 @@ Provides data about the event. Invoked whenever an unhandled routed event reaches this class in its route. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - could choose to call private class handler methods when the event is received along the route. One potential scenario is to take the arguments of the event and deliberately mark the event as handled. - + could choose to call private class handler methods when the event is received along the route. One potential scenario is to take the arguments of the event and deliberately mark the event as handled. + ]]> @@ -4119,13 +4119,13 @@ Provides data about the event. Invoked whenever the routed event reaches this class in its route. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - could choose to call private class handler methods when the event is received along the route. One potential scenario is to take the arguments of the event and deliberately mark the event as handled to shorten the route. - + could choose to call private class handler methods when the event is received along the route. One potential scenario is to take the arguments of the event and deliberately mark the event as handled to shorten the route. + ]]> @@ -4158,18 +4158,18 @@ The old parent element. May be to indicate that the element did not have a visual parent previously. Invoked when the parent of this element in the visual tree is changed. Overrides . - - The default implementation of this virtual method queries for the new parent, raises various initialization events, and sets internal flags about initialization state of the as appropriate. Finally, it calls the successive base implementations as declared by , which in turn calls its base in . Always call the base implementation to preserve this behavior, otherwise the element tree behavior for this element when declared as a child of another element may not be as expected. - - A few existing Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) classes override this method, for example: , . The most common scenario is to enforce that the new parent must be a particular type. This might involve throwing an exception if the new parent failed some manner of type test. A specialized version of this scenario exists in implementations for list items and menu items, which do not make any sense outside a parent visual that owns an appropriate collection to store them in. Note that these cases do not necessarily raise exceptions, because there might be designer scenarios that rely on reparenting elements that are momentarily without their "regular" parents. - + The default implementation of this virtual method queries for the new parent, raises various initialization events, and sets internal flags about initialization state of the as appropriate. Finally, it calls the successive base implementations as declared by , which in turn calls its base in . Always call the base implementation to preserve this behavior, otherwise the element tree behavior for this element when declared as a child of another element may not be as expected. + + A few existing Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) classes override this method, for example: , . The most common scenario is to enforce that the new parent must be a particular type. This might involve throwing an exception if the new parent failed some manner of type test. A specialized version of this scenario exists in implementations for list items and menu items, which do not make any sense outside a parent visual that owns an appropriate collection to store them in. Note that these cases do not necessarily raise exceptions, because there might be designer scenarios that rely on reparenting elements that are momentarily without their "regular" parents. + This method is also overridden in certain elements that are typically the root element, such as . Another case is elements that are the apparent root element in markup but which autogenerate a greater infrastructure in a compiled logical tree (such as ). The and implementations deliberately seal the method. @@ -4202,22 +4202,22 @@ if this element does not use theme style properties; all style-originating properties come from local application styles, and theme style properties do not apply. if application styles apply first, and then theme styles apply for properties that were not specifically set in application styles. The default is . - [!IMPORTANT] -> If you set to `true` on a control, you will be suppressing the default control template supplied by the theme styles. That control template typically includes the content presenter and other composited elements that provide basic UI functionality and visualization for the control. If you want the control to continue to support the same features as the default theme styles, you must supply an alternate style with a control template that replicates the same structure. For more information, see [Control Authoring Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/control-authoring-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - +> If you set to `true` on a control, you will be suppressing the default control template supplied by the theme styles. That control template typically includes the content presenter and other composited elements that provide basic UI functionality and visualization for the control. If you want the control to continue to support the same features as the default theme styles, you must supply an alternate style with a control template that replicates the same structure. For more information, see [Control Authoring Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/control-authoring-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -4279,31 +4279,31 @@ Gets the logical parent element of this element. This element's logical parent. - may be `null` in cases where an element was instantiated, but is not attached to any logical tree that eventually connects to the page level root element, or the application object. - - Note that the logical parent of an element can potentially change depending on your application's functionality, and keeping the value of this property will not reflect that change. You typically should get the value immediately before you need it. - - See [Trees in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/trees-in-wpf) for more information about logical tree traversal, and the scenarios where using as a technique of parent element discovery is appropriate. - - The property engine will potentially recalculate all property values of an element when it is reparented, because some properties inherit values through the logical tree. The that applies for bindings can also change when elements are reparented. - - Changing an element's parent is typically only done through manipulation of collections, by using dedicated add or remove methods, or through setting content properties of elements. - - The most typical scenario for using the property is to obtain a reference and then get various property values from the parent. For templates, the of the template eventually will be `null`. To get past this point and extend into the logical tree where the template is actually applied, use . - - Note that this property does not report visual tree parents in cases where these vary from the logical tree parents. Visual tree parents are not typically important for general application cases but may be the desired parent elements for certain visual level cases. See . - - - -## Examples - The following example shows code that checks for an element's parent, and then uses property values from the parent to set properties on the child element to match. In this case these are properties that affect the rendering size. - + may be `null` in cases where an element was instantiated, but is not attached to any logical tree that eventually connects to the page level root element, or the application object. + + Note that the logical parent of an element can potentially change depending on your application's functionality, and keeping the value of this property will not reflect that change. You typically should get the value immediately before you need it. + + See [Trees in WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/trees-in-wpf) for more information about logical tree traversal, and the scenarios where using as a technique of parent element discovery is appropriate. + + The property engine will potentially recalculate all property values of an element when it is reparented, because some properties inherit values through the logical tree. The that applies for bindings can also change when elements are reparented. + + Changing an element's parent is typically only done through manipulation of collections, by using dedicated add or remove methods, or through setting content properties of elements. + + The most typical scenario for using the property is to obtain a reference and then get various property values from the parent. For templates, the of the template eventually will be `null`. To get past this point and extend into the logical tree where the template is actually applied, use . + + Note that this property does not report visual tree parents in cases where these vary from the logical tree parents. Visual tree parents are not typically important for general application cases but may be the desired parent elements for certain visual level cases. See . + + + +## Examples + The following example shows code that checks for an element's parent, and then uses property values from the parent to set properties on the child element to match. In this case these are properties that affect the rendering size. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/Parent/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfeparentproperty"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometryDesigner/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfeparentproperty"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/GeometryDesigner/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfeparentproperty"::: + ]]> @@ -4338,15 +4338,15 @@ The child element reporting the change. Supports incremental layout implementations in specialized subclasses of . is invoked when a child element has invalidated a property that is marked in metadata as affecting the parent's measure or arrange passes during layout. - or in property metadata during registration, this method is invoked. The method invocation notifies the parent element which particular child element must be re-measured if this element supports partial (incremental) update of layout. - - By default, does not support incremental layout, and in the class this method has no default implementation. The scenario where overriding this method would be necessary is not common, because it requires you to modify the default layout system behavior. - - An example implementation scenario might be if a class had type limitations for possible child elements that are significantly more restrictive than the WPF framework-level layout system. Because of the nature of these custom elements, property changes could be deliberately deferred when you implement some custom layout behavior. For instance, measure/arrange method overrides, which try to optimize the child element render pass, could be deferred for certain types of changes that would ordinarily result in another layout pass. - + or in property metadata during registration, this method is invoked. The method invocation notifies the parent element which particular child element must be re-measured if this element supports partial (incremental) update of layout. + + By default, does not support incremental layout, and in the class this method has no default implementation. The scenario where overriding this method would be necessary is not common, because it requires you to modify the default layout system behavior. + + An example implementation scenario might be if a class had type limitations for possible child elements that are significantly more restrictive than the WPF framework-level layout system. Because of the nature of these custom elements, property changes could be deliberately deferred when you implement some custom layout behavior. For instance, measure/arrange method overrides, which try to optimize the child element render pass, could be deferred for certain types of changes that would ordinarily result in another layout pass. + ]]> @@ -4380,19 +4380,19 @@ Determines the next element that would receive focus relative to this element for a provided focus movement direction, but does not actually move the focus. The next element that focus would move to if focus were actually traversed. May return if focus cannot be moved relative to this element for the provided direction. - is the related method that actually does move focus. - - - -## Examples - The following example implements a handler that handles several possible button inputs, each button representing a possible . The handler tracks the element with current keyboard focus, and calls on that element, and specifies the appropriate as initialization for the type parameter provided. Instead of moving to that element as would do, the handler changes the physical dimensions of the predicted focus destination for visualization purposes. - + is the related method that actually does move focus. + + + +## Examples + The following example implements a handler that handles several possible button inputs, each button representing a possible . The handler tracks the element with current keyboard focus, and calls on that element, and specifies the appropriate as initialization for the type parameter provided. Instead of moving to that element as would do, the handler changes the physical dimensions of the predicted focus destination for visualization purposes. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/MoveFocus/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfepredictfocus"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfepredictfocus"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/FocusSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfepredictfocus"::: + ]]> Specified one of the following directions in the : , , , . These directions are not legal for (but they are legal for ). @@ -4430,19 +4430,19 @@ Object for the mapping. Provides an accessor that simplifies access to the registration method. - . The implementation will check successive parent elements until it finds the applicable implementation, which is found by finding an element that implements . For more information about namescopes, see [WPF XAML Namescopes](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/wpf-xaml-namescopes). - - Calling is necessary in order to correctly hook up animation storyboards for applications when created in code. This is because one of the key storyboard properties, , uses a run-time name lookup instead of being able to take a reference to a target element. This is true even if that element is accessible by reference from the code. For more information on why you need to register names for storyboard targets, see [Storyboards Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/storyboards-overview). - - - -## Examples + . The implementation will check successive parent elements until it finds the applicable implementation, which is found by finding an element that implements . For more information about namescopes, see [WPF XAML Namescopes](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/wpf-xaml-namescopes). + + Calling is necessary in order to correctly hook up animation storyboards for applications when created in code. This is because one of the key storyboard properties, , uses a run-time name lookup instead of being able to take a reference to a target element. This is true even if that element is accessible by reference from the code. For more information on why you need to register names for storyboard targets, see [Storyboards Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/storyboards-overview). + + + +## Examples :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/RegisterName/ScopeExample.cs" id="Snippetnamescopeexample"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/scopeexample.vb" id="Snippetnamescopeexample"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StoryboardBeginAnimation_procedural_snip/visualbasic/scopeexample.vb" id="Snippetnamescopeexample"::: + ]]> @@ -4476,21 +4476,21 @@ The element to remove. Removes the provided object from this element's logical tree. updates the affected logical tree parent pointers to keep in sync with this deletion. - , , and . These classes provide a content model with particular enforcement of logical children through dedicated APIs, as well as support for other features typically desirable in a WPF control such as styling through templates. - - - -## Examples - The following example implements a `Child` property on a custom that does its own visual layer implementation. The property's setter is designed so that if the value changes, the old value is removed from the logical tree, as well as a class-specific visual collection. The values are cached, and then the new value is added to both the standard WPF framework level logical tree and the custom visual collection. - + , , and . These classes provide a content model with particular enforcement of logical children through dedicated APIs, as well as support for other features typically desirable in a WPF control such as styling through templates. + + + +## Examples + The following example implements a `Child` property on a custom that does its own visual layer implementation. The property's setter is designed so that if the value changes, the old value is removed from the logical tree, as well as a class-specific visual collection. The values are cached, and then the new value is added to both the standard WPF framework level logical tree and the custom visual collection. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/AddLogicalChild/OverlayRenderDecorator.cs" id="Snippetaddremovelogicalchild"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CompositionTargetRenderingAnimations/visualbasic/particleeffectexamples/overlayrenderdecorator.vb" id="Snippetaddremovelogicalchild"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CompositionTargetRenderingAnimations/visualbasic/particleeffectexamples/overlayrenderdecorator.vb" id="Snippetaddremovelogicalchild"::: + ]]> @@ -4520,20 +4520,20 @@ Occurs when is called on this element. - (or derived class) that the element that raises the event should be made visible within the scrollable region. The will then mark the event as handled, by using class handling of the event. In general event data should not be marked handled by any class that does control a scrolling region, or by any instance handler, because doing so would interfere with the intended goal of the element that called . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - + (or derived class) that the element that raises the event should be made visible within the scrollable region. The will then mark the event as handled, by using class handling of the event. In general event data should not be marked handled by any class that does control a scrolling region, or by any instance handler, because doing so would interfere with the intended goal of the element that called . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -4597,35 +4597,35 @@ Gets or sets the locally-defined resource dictionary. The current locally-defined dictionary of resources, where each resource can be accessed by key. - is raised by the element that declares the dictionary. In fact, resources are parsed asynchronously and not even the event is an assurance that you can reference a XAML defined resource. For this reason you should generally only access XAML defined resources as part of run-time code, or through other XAML techniques such as styles or resource extension references for attribute values. When you access resources through code, it is essentially equivalent to a [DynamicResource](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dynamicresource-markup-extension) reference made from XAML. - - The underlying supports the methods required to add, remove or query resources from within the collection by using code. The property is settable to support the scenario of completely replacing the resources collection of an element to be a new or different . - - Notice that the XAML syntax shown does not include an element for the . This is an example of implicit collection syntax; a tag representing the collection element can be omitted. The elements that are added as items to the collection are specified instead. For more information about implicit collections and XAML, see [XAML Syntax In Detail](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-syntax-in-detail). One case where a is still specified explicitly as an element is if you are introducing a merged dictionary, in which case there are typically no child elements for that . For details, see [Merged Resource Dictionaries](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/merged-resource-dictionaries). - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - oneOrMoreResourceElements - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *oneOrMoreResourceElements* - One or more object elements, each of which defines a resource. Each resource property element within each must have a unique value for the [x:Key Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-key-directive), which serves as the unique key when values are retrieved from the . - + is raised by the element that declares the dictionary. In fact, resources are parsed asynchronously and not even the event is an assurance that you can reference a XAML defined resource. For this reason you should generally only access XAML defined resources as part of run-time code, or through other XAML techniques such as styles or resource extension references for attribute values. When you access resources through code, it is essentially equivalent to a [DynamicResource](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dynamicresource-markup-extension) reference made from XAML. + + The underlying supports the methods required to add, remove or query resources from within the collection by using code. The property is settable to support the scenario of completely replacing the resources collection of an element to be a new or different . + + Notice that the XAML syntax shown does not include an element for the . This is an example of implicit collection syntax; a tag representing the collection element can be omitted. The elements that are added as items to the collection are specified instead. For more information about implicit collections and XAML, see [XAML Syntax In Detail](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-syntax-in-detail). One case where a is still specified explicitly as an element is if you are introducing a merged dictionary, in which case there are typically no child elements for that . For details, see [Merged Resource Dictionaries](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/merged-resource-dictionaries). + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + oneOrMoreResourceElements + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *oneOrMoreResourceElements* + One or more object elements, each of which defines a resource. Each resource property element within each must have a unique value for the [x:Key Directive](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-key-directive), which serves as the unique key when values are retrieved from the . + ]]> @@ -4672,19 +4672,19 @@ Attaches a binding to this element, based on the provided source property name as a path qualification to the data source. Records the conditions of the binding. This return value can be useful for error checking. - , which passes the current instance as the , and creates a new based on the provided `path` parameter. This signature is more convenient if you are establishing a simple default binding. If you need to specify any binding properties to non-default conditions, or want to use a or ,you should use the signature. - - - -## Examples - The following example sets a binding using a specific path. - + , which passes the current instance as the , and creates a new based on the provided `path` parameter. This signature is more convenient if you are establishing a simple default binding. If you need to specify any binding properties to non-default conditions, or want to use a or ,you should use the signature. + + + +## Examples + The following example sets a binding using a specific path. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BringIntoView/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetsetbindingpath"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BaseElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsetbindingpath"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BaseElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetsetbindingpath"::: + ]]> @@ -4720,11 +4720,11 @@ Attaches a binding to this element, based on the provided binding object. Records the conditions of the binding. This return value can be useful for error checking. - , which passes the current instance as the . - + , which passes the current instance as the . + ]]> @@ -4759,11 +4759,11 @@ A value of the enumeration, specifying the direction. Sets the value of the attached property for the provided element. - property, therefore allowing child elements of a provided to specify flow direction for the arrangement within their parent element. To set the value on the current , use the direct common language runtime (CLR) accessor . - + property, therefore allowing child elements of a provided to specify flow direction for the arrangement within their parent element. To set the value on the current , use the direct common language runtime (CLR) accessor . + ]]> @@ -4799,11 +4799,11 @@ The name of the resource. Searches for a resource with the specified name and sets up a resource reference to it for the specified property. - @@ -4844,11 +4844,11 @@ if the property value should be serialized; otherwise, . - . - + . + ]]> @@ -4886,11 +4886,11 @@ if the property value should be serialized; otherwise, . - is locally set. - + is locally set. + ]]> @@ -4928,11 +4928,11 @@ if the property value should be serialized; otherwise, . - property is locally set. - + property is locally set. + ]]> @@ -4961,22 +4961,22 @@ Occurs when either the or the properties change value on this element. - in a style. - - The layout system reads properties within the argument class of this event, to determine whether the reported size changes should be considered significant. This allows the layout system or your control-specific layout implementations to avoid forcing a layout change due to visually imperceptible differences between old and new height or width values. The imperceptible differences might be due to rounding or same-result calculations of a floating-point data types. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - + in a style. + + The layout system reads properties within the argument class of this event, to determine whether the reported size changes should be considered significant. This allows the layout system or your control-specific layout implementations to avoid forcing a layout change due to visually imperceptible differences between old and new height or width values. The imperceptible differences might be due to rounding or same-result calculations of a floating-point data types. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -5007,13 +5007,13 @@ Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -5042,18 +5042,18 @@ Occurs when the source value changes for any existing property binding on this element. - event that is raised by any associated with this element. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - + event that is raised by any associated with this element. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + ]]> @@ -5090,54 +5090,54 @@ Gets or sets the style used by this element when it is rendered. The applied, nondefault style for the element, if present. Otherwise, . The default for a default-constructed is . - property to a new at any time, which will force a layout recomposition. However, as soon as that style is placed in use by a loaded element, the should be considered sealed. Attempting to make a change to any individual property of an in-use style (such as anything within the collection of ) causes an exception to be thrown. A style that is defined in markup is considered to be in use as soon as it is loaded from a resource dictionary (for resources), or the page it is contained within is loaded (for inline styles). - - is a dependency property with special precedence. The locally set style generally operates at the highest precedence in the property system. If the is null at this point, during loading the property system checks for implicit styles in local or application resources that specify that type. If the style is still null after this step, then the acting style for presentation purposes generally comes from the default (theme) style, but the default style is not returned in the property value. See [Dependency Property Value Precedence](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-value-precedence) or [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating). - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - - -## XAML Values - *resourceExtension* - One of the following: , or . See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). - - *styleResourceKey* - The key that identifies the style being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . - + property to a new at any time, which will force a layout recomposition. However, as soon as that style is placed in use by a loaded element, the should be considered sealed. Attempting to make a change to any individual property of an in-use style (such as anything within the collection of ) causes an exception to be thrown. A style that is defined in markup is considered to be in use as soon as it is loaded from a resource dictionary (for resources), or the page it is contained within is loaded (for inline styles). + + is a dependency property with special precedence. The locally set style generally operates at the highest precedence in the property system. If the is null at this point, during loading the property system checks for implicit styles in local or application resources that specify that type. If the style is still null after this step, then the acting style for presentation purposes generally comes from the default (theme) style, but the default style is not returned in the property value. See [Dependency Property Value Precedence](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-value-precedence) or [Styling and Templating](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/styling-and-templating). + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + + +## XAML Values + *resourceExtension* + One of the following: , or . See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources). + + *styleResourceKey* + The key that identifies the style being requested. The key refers to an existing resource in a . + > [!NOTE] -> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended for most style scenarios. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using [TemplateBinding](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension) or is also possible, but uncommon. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - - - -## Examples - The following example defines a style in a resource dictionary. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/Style/default.xaml" id="Snippetstyleproperty"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/Style/default.xaml" id="Snippetstyleproperty2"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/Style/default.xaml" id="Snippetstyleproperty3"::: -:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/Style/default.xaml" id="Snippetstyleproperty4"::: - +> Property element syntax is technically possible, but not recommended for most style scenarios. See [Inline Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/inline-styles-and-templates). A binding reference using [TemplateBinding](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/templatebinding-markup-extension) or is also possible, but uncommon. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + + + +## Examples + The following example defines a style in a resource dictionary. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/Style/default.xaml" id="Snippetstyleproperty"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/Style/default.xaml" id="Snippetstyleproperty2"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/Style/default.xaml" id="Snippetstyleproperty3"::: +:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/Style/default.xaml" id="Snippetstyleproperty4"::: + ]]> @@ -5200,11 +5200,11 @@ if is available; otherwise, . - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -5240,21 +5240,21 @@ Gets or sets an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this element. The intended value. This property has no default value. - is intended to provide a pre-existing property location where you can store some basic custom information about any without requiring you to subclass an element. - - Because this property takes an object, you need to use the property element usage in order to set the property in XAML to anything other than an object with a known and built-in type converter, such as a string. Objects used in this manner are typically not within the standard WPF namespaces and therefore may require namespace mapping to the external namespace in order to be introduced as XAML elements. For details, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml) and [XAML and Custom Classes for WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-and-custom-classes-for-wpf). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + is intended to provide a pre-existing property location where you can store some basic custom information about any without requiring you to subclass an element. + + Because this property takes an object, you need to use the property element usage in order to set the property in XAML to anything other than an object with a known and built-in type converter, such as a string. Objects used in this manner are typically not within the standard WPF namespaces and therefore may require namespace mapping to the external namespace in order to be introduced as XAML elements. For details, see [XAML Namespaces and Namespace Mapping for WPF XAML](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-namespaces-and-namespace-mapping-for-wpf-xaml) and [XAML and Custom Classes for WPF](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-and-custom-classes-for-wpf). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -5310,20 +5310,20 @@ Occurs when the target value changes for any property binding on this element. - event that is raised by any associated with this element. This usually means that the binding in question is a two-way binding, and that the bound dependency property affirms that the previous property value is now invalid according to any validation or caching scheme that the property or the data source support. - - Use the event data of the event to determine the specific property that is reporting the target value update. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - + event that is raised by any associated with this element. This usually means that the binding in question is a two-way binding, and that the bound dependency property affirms that the previous property value is now invalid according to any validation or caching scheme that the property or the data source support. + + Use the event data of the event to determine the specific property that is reporting the target value update. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + ]]> @@ -5360,15 +5360,15 @@ Gets a reference to the template parent of this element. This property is not relevant if the element was not created through a template. The element whose caused this element to be created. This value is frequently . - is frequently `null` for objects that are created in your application markup or code. This is because you create those objects directly, not via a template. Object references obtained by walking the logical tree from the root, or by typical name references, do not come from a template. - - Cases where might not be `null` include operations such as hit-testing, event handling for certain low-level input events, walking the visual tree with , or working with enumerators, which might return elements that came from templates. Another case is if you specifically call against an existing and are work with the returned object. - - Templates are actually shared objects, where the contents of the template are created only once. Therefore, if you obtain an object reference to an element that came from a template, you may find that the apparent logical tree does not reach to the page root. In order to connect such a template reference to the page's logical tree, you should get the value and continue to navigate that element tree as desired. - + is frequently `null` for objects that are created in your application markup or code. This is because you create those objects directly, not via a template. Object references obtained by walking the logical tree from the root, or by typical name references, do not come from a template. + + Cases where might not be `null` include operations such as hit-testing, event handling for certain low-level input events, walking the visual tree with , or working with enumerators, which might return elements that came from templates. Another case is if you specifically call against an existing and are work with the returned object. + + Templates are actually shared objects, where the contents of the template are created only once. Therefore, if you obtain an object reference to an element that came from a template, you may find that the apparent logical tree does not reach to the page root. In order to connect such a template reference to the page's logical tree, you should get the value and continue to navigate that element tree as desired. + ]]> @@ -5412,66 +5412,66 @@ Gets or sets the tool-tip object that is displayed for this element in the user interface (UI). The tooltip object. - , then that value is the tool-tip that will be used in the UI. If the value is of any other type, then that value will be used as the *content* for a provided (constructed) by the system. For more information, see . The service class provides attached properties that can be used to further customize a . - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -```xaml - - - - + , then that value is the tool-tip that will be used in the UI. If the value is of any other type, then that value will be used as the *content* for a provided (constructed) by the system. For more information, see . The service class provides attached properties that can be used to further customize a . + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +```xaml + + + + ``` -or- ```xaml - - - toolTipObjectContent - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *toolTipContent* - A string that becomes the display text for the . - - *toolTipObjectContent* - Some object, provided in object element form, that should be used as the content for the . Typically this would be a or some other element that creates layout compositing for the , eventually containing text content within the compositing. In this usage, the element is created implicitly from the parsed XAML, and the *toolTipObjectContent* content is set as its property. - - <`ToolTip` .../> - See . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a in code and then sets the property on a control. - + + + toolTipObjectContent + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *toolTipContent* + A string that becomes the display text for the . + + *toolTipObjectContent* + Some object, provided in object element form, that should be used as the content for the . Typically this would be a or some other element that creates layout compositing for the , eventually containing text content within the compositing. In this usage, the element is created implicitly from the parsed XAML, and the *toolTipObjectContent* content is set as its property. + + <`ToolTip` .../> + See . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a in code and then sets the property on a control. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/ToolTip/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmakeprogressbar"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StatusBar/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmakeprogressbar"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StatusBar/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmakeprogressbar"::: + ]]> @@ -5500,24 +5500,24 @@ Occurs just before any tooltip on the element is closed. - event as handled does not cancel closing the tooltip. Once the tooltip is displayed, closing the tooltip is done only in response to user interaction with the UI. - - This event cannot be an in a style. This is because the identifier field of this event re-uses an implementation from a service that does not expose add/remove event methods for the service-level event. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event as handled does not cancel closing the tooltip. Once the tooltip is displayed, closing the tooltip is done only in response to user interaction with the UI. + + This event cannot be an in a style. This is because the identifier field of this event re-uses an implementation from a service that does not expose add/remove event methods for the service-level event. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -5547,13 +5547,13 @@ Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -5582,26 +5582,26 @@ Occurs when any tooltip on the element is opened. - can mark the event data handled. Otherwise, the tooltip is displayed, using the value of the property as the tooltip content. Another possible scenario is that you could write a handler that resets the value of the property for the element that is the event source, just before the tooltip is displayed. - - will not be raised if the value of is `null` or otherwise unset. Do not deliberately set to `null` while a tooltip is open or opening; this will not have the effect of closing the tooltip, and will instead create an undesirable visual artifact in the UI. - - The event cannot be an in a style. This is because the identifier field of this event re-uses an implementation from a service that does not expose add/remove event methods for the service-level event. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + can mark the event data handled. Otherwise, the tooltip is displayed, using the value of the property as the tooltip content. Another possible scenario is that you could write a handler that resets the value of the property for the element that is the event source, just before the tooltip is displayed. + + will not be raised if the value of is `null` or otherwise unset. Do not deliberately set to `null` while a tooltip is open or opening; this will not have the effect of closing the tooltip, and will instead create an undesirable visual artifact in the UI. + + The event cannot be an in a style. This is because the identifier field of this event re-uses an implementation from a service that does not expose add/remove event methods for the service-level event. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -5631,13 +5631,13 @@ Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -5699,35 +5699,35 @@ Gets the collection of triggers established directly on this element, or in child elements. A strongly typed collection of objects. - [!NOTE] -> This property can only be set in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) through the collection syntax shown, or by accessing the collection object and using its various methods such as Add. The property to access the collection object itself is read-only, the collection itself is read-write. The property only exists on root elements; attempting to find it or set it elsewhere will cause an exception to be thrown. - - This property does not enable you to examine triggers that exist as part of styles in use on this element. It only reports the collection of triggers that are literally added to the collection, either in markup or code. Elements do not typically have such elements existing by default (through a template for instance); it is more common for triggers that come from control compositing to be established in styles instead. - - In terms of behavior (and trying to establish which effect came from which element's declared collection), both the triggering condition and the trigger effect might be on this element, or might be on its child elements in the logical tree. Note that if you use lifetime events such as to get this collection, the child element's triggers might not yet be fully loaded, and the collection will be smaller than it would truly be at run time. - - Note that the collection of triggers established on an element only supports , not property triggers (). If you require property triggers, you must place these within a style or template and then assign that style or template to the element either directly through the property, or indirectly through an implicit style reference. - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - oneOrMoreTriggers - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *oneOrMoreTriggers* - One or more defined elements. Each such trigger is expected to contain valid storyboard actions and references. Note that this collection can only be established on the root element of a page. For more information, see [Storyboards Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/storyboards-overview). - +> This property can only be set in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) through the collection syntax shown, or by accessing the collection object and using its various methods such as Add. The property to access the collection object itself is read-only, the collection itself is read-write. The property only exists on root elements; attempting to find it or set it elsewhere will cause an exception to be thrown. + + This property does not enable you to examine triggers that exist as part of styles in use on this element. It only reports the collection of triggers that are literally added to the collection, either in markup or code. Elements do not typically have such elements existing by default (through a template for instance); it is more common for triggers that come from control compositing to be established in styles instead. + + In terms of behavior (and trying to establish which effect came from which element's declared collection), both the triggering condition and the trigger effect might be on this element, or might be on its child elements in the logical tree. Note that if you use lifetime events such as to get this collection, the child element's triggers might not yet be fully loaded, and the collection will be smaller than it would truly be at run time. + + Note that the collection of triggers established on an element only supports , not property triggers (). If you require property triggers, you must place these within a style or template and then assign that style or template to the element either directly through the property, or indirectly through an implicit style reference. + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + oneOrMoreTriggers + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *oneOrMoreTriggers* + One or more defined elements. Each such trigger is expected to contain valid storyboard actions and references. Note that this collection can only be established on the root element of a page. For more information, see [Storyboards Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/storyboards-overview). + ]]> @@ -5762,23 +5762,23 @@ Searches for a resource with the specified key, and returns that resource if found. The found resource, or if no resource with the provided is found. - is called. - - Typically you would immediately cast the return value to the type of the property that you were attempting to set with the returned resource value. - - The method has similar behavior, except that it throws an exception if no resource with the provided key was returned. - - - -## Examples - The following example is implemented as a button handler, where the button being clicked sets its background to a resource-defined brush obtained by calling on itself. This walks the element tree and finds the resource (the resource itself is defined in XAML and is not shown). - + is called. + + Typically you would immediately cast the return value to the type of the property that you were attempting to set with the returned resource value. + + The method has similar behavior, except that it throws an exception if no resource with the provided key was returned. + + + +## Examples + The following example is implemented as a button handler, where the button being clicked sets its background to a resource-defined brush obtained by calling on itself. This walks the element tree and finds the resource (the resource itself is defined in XAML and is not shown). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BringIntoView/Page1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetfetryfindresource"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BaseElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfetryfindresource"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BaseElementsSmorgasbord/visualbasic/page1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetfetryfindresource"::: + ]]> @@ -5808,24 +5808,24 @@ Occurs when the element is removed from within an element tree of loaded elements. - in a style. - - and might both be raised on controls as a result of user-initiated system theme changes. A theme change causes an invalidation of the control template and the contained visual tree, which in turn causes the entire control to unload and reload. Therefore cannot be assumed to occur only on navigation away from the page. - - Note that the event is not raised after an application begins shutting down. Application shutdown occurs when the condition defined by the property occurs. If you place cleanup code within a handler for the event, such as for a or a , it may not be called as expected. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - + in a style. + + and might both be raised on controls as a result of user-initiated system theme changes. A theme change causes an invalidation of the control template and the contained visual tree, which in turn causes the entire control to unload and reload. Therefore cannot be assumed to occur only on navigation away from the page. + + Note that the event is not raised after an application begins shutting down. Application shutdown occurs when the condition defined by the property occurs. If you place cleanup code within a handler for the event, such as for a or a , it may not be called as expected. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + ]]> @@ -5855,13 +5855,13 @@ Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -5894,11 +5894,11 @@ Name of the name-object pair to remove from the current scope. Simplifies access to the de-registration method. - @@ -5956,64 +5956,64 @@ if layout rounding is applied; otherwise, . The default is . - property for an element is `true`, all non-integral pixel values that are calculated during the and passes are rounded to whole pixel values. - - This property is inherited by child elements. - + property for an element is `true`, all non-integral pixel values that are calculated during the and passes are rounded to whole pixel values. + + This property is inherited by child elements. + > [!NOTE] -> You should set to `true` on the root element. The layout system adds child coordinates to the parent coordinates; therefore, if the parent coordinates are not on a pixel boundary, the child coordinates are also not on a pixel boundary. If cannot be set at the root, set on the child to obtain the effect that you want. - - Drawing objects on pixel boundaries eliminates the semi-transparent edges that are produced by anti-aliasing, when an edge falls in the middle of a device pixel. The following illustration shows the output of a single pixel-width line that falls in the middle of a device pixel. The line on the left does not use layout rounding and is anti-aliased. The line on the right uses layout rounding. - - ![Anti-aliased line compared to single pixel line.](~/add/media/pixelsnaplinecompare.PNG "Anti-aliased line compared to single pixel line.") - - When you use layout rounding and sizing, the layout system creates small variations in the column or row measurements to avoid subpixel rendering. For example, if a grid has a total width of 100 with 3 columns each of size , instead of creating three columns that have an equal width of 33.3, the layout system creates 2 columns that have a width of 33 and one that has a width of 34. - +> You should set to `true` on the root element. The layout system adds child coordinates to the parent coordinates; therefore, if the parent coordinates are not on a pixel boundary, the child coordinates are also not on a pixel boundary. If cannot be set at the root, set on the child to obtain the effect that you want. + + Drawing objects on pixel boundaries eliminates the semi-transparent edges that are produced by anti-aliasing, when an edge falls in the middle of a device pixel. The following illustration shows the output of a single pixel-width line that falls in the middle of a device pixel. The line on the left does not use layout rounding and is anti-aliased. The line on the right uses layout rounding. + + ![Anti-aliased line compared to single pixel line.](~/add/media/pixelsnaplinecompare.PNG "Anti-aliased line compared to single pixel line.") + + When you use layout rounding and sizing, the layout system creates small variations in the column or row measurements to avoid subpixel rendering. For example, if a grid has a total width of 100 with 3 columns each of size , instead of creating three columns that have an equal width of 33.3, the layout system creates 2 columns that have a width of 33 and one that has a width of 34. + > [!NOTE] -> In .NET 4.6 changes were made to layout rounding to reduce instances of clipping in controls with borders. By default, this feature is enabled if your Target Framework is .NET Framework 4.6 or higher. Applications that target earlier versions of the framework can opt in into the new behavior by adding the following setting to an app.config file: `` The setting only takes effect when the application is running on the .NET Framework 4.6. - - - -## Examples - The following example demonstrates the effect that the property has on a single pixel-width line. The line on the left does not use layout rounding and the line on the right uses layout rounding. If you slowly resize the window, you can see the difference that layout rounding makes. - -```xaml - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -``` - +> In .NET 4.6 changes were made to layout rounding to reduce instances of clipping in controls with borders. By default, this feature is enabled if your Target Framework is .NET Framework 4.6 or higher. Applications that target earlier versions of the framework can opt in into the new behavior by adding the following setting to an app.config file: `` The setting only takes effect when the application is running on the .NET Framework 4.6. + + + +## Examples + The following example demonstrates the effect that the property has on a single pixel-width line. The line on the left does not use layout rounding and the line on the right uses layout rounding. If you slowly resize the window, you can see the difference that layout rounding makes. + +```xaml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +``` + ]]> @@ -6068,25 +6068,25 @@ Gets or sets the vertical alignment characteristics applied to this element when it is composed within a parent element such as a panel or items control. A vertical alignment setting. The default is . - and properties are explicitly set on an element, these measurements take layout precedent and cancel the regular effects of setting this property to . - - is the Microsoft .NET property accessor for what is in reality a dependency property. This particular dependency property quite frequently has its apparent "default" value set differently in derived element classes, particularly controls. This generally occurs in one of two ways: the dependency property is re-registered to a particular derived class, but with different metadata for setting its defaults; or there is a default style being applied that sets that dependency property value differently. For example, the apparent "default" of for a control will be , even though inherits direct from . This is because that value was reset within the default style of , within the style's control template. - - does not use when composing layout, because is based on absolute positioning. - - When inherited by or any derived classes, redefines the default value of this property to be . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + and properties are explicitly set on an element, these measurements take layout precedent and cancel the regular effects of setting this property to . + + is the Microsoft .NET property accessor for what is in reality a dependency property. This particular dependency property quite frequently has its apparent "default" value set differently in derived element classes, particularly controls. This generally occurs in one of two ways: the dependency property is re-registered to a particular derived class, but with different metadata for setting its defaults; or there is a default style being applied that sets that dependency property value differently. For example, the apparent "default" of for a control will be , even though inherits direct from . This is because that value was reset within the default style of , within the style's control template. + + does not use when composing layout, because is based on absolute positioning. + + When inherited by or any derived classes, redefines the default value of this property to be . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -6142,23 +6142,23 @@ Gets the number of visual child elements within this element. The number of visual child elements for this element. - implementation of always returns either zero or one. Classes that maintain a visual child collection that might exceed one must override both this property and . - - This property is generally used to determine the upper bounds of the current child collection for purposes of implementing the layout overrides (, ). - - - -## Examples - The following example shows how a custom adorner uses the values declared by a that it maintains for its multiple visual children and reports these values through overrides of and . - + implementation of always returns either zero or one. Classes that maintain a visual child collection that might exceed one must override both this property and . + + This property is generally used to determine the upper bounds of the current child collection for purposes of implementing the layout overrides (, ). + + + +## Examples + The following example shows how a custom adorner uses the values declared by a that it maintains for its multiple visual children and reports these values through overrides of and . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/GetVisualChild/ResizingAdorner.cs" id="Snippetfevisualoverridespre"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Adorners_ResizingAdorner/visualbasic/resizingadorner.vb" id="Snippetfevisualoverridespre"::: + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Adorners_ResizingAdorner/visualbasic/resizingadorner.vb" id="Snippetfevisualoverridespre"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/GetVisualChild/ResizingAdorner.cs" id="Snippetfevisualoverrides"::: -:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Adorners_ResizingAdorner/visualbasic/resizingadorner.vb" id="Snippetfevisualoverrides"::: - +:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Adorners_ResizingAdorner/visualbasic/resizingadorner.vb" id="Snippetfevisualoverrides"::: + ]]> @@ -6201,65 +6201,65 @@ Gets or sets the width of the element. The width of the element, in device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit). The default value is . This value must be equal to or greater than 0.0. See Remarks for upper bound information. - that specify width information. The other two are and . If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual width determination is first must be honored, then , and finally if each of these are within bounds, . - - The return value of this property is always the same as any value that was set to it. In contrast, the value of the may vary. The layout may have rejected the suggested size for some reason. Also, the layout system itself works asynchronously relative to the property system set of and may not have processed that particular sizing property change yet. - - In addition to acceptable values, this property can also be . This is how you specify auto sizing behavior. In XAML you set the value to the string "Auto" (case insensitive) to enable the auto sizing behavior. Auto sizing behavior implies that the element will fill the width available to it. Note however that specific controls frequently supply default values in their default styles that will disable the auto sizing behavior unless it is specifically re-enabled. - - In addition to the validation check, there is a nondeterministic upper value bound for that is enforced by the layout system (this is a very large number, larger than but smaller than ). If you exceed this bound, the element will not render, and no exception is thrown. Do not set to a value that is significantly larger than the maximum size of any possible visual display, or you may exceed this nondeterministic upper bound. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -```xaml - + that specify width information. The other two are and . If there is a conflict between these values, the order of application for actual width determination is first must be honored, then , and finally if each of these are within bounds, . + + The return value of this property is always the same as any value that was set to it. In contrast, the value of the may vary. The layout may have rejected the suggested size for some reason. Also, the layout system itself works asynchronously relative to the property system set of and may not have processed that particular sizing property change yet. + + In addition to acceptable values, this property can also be . This is how you specify auto sizing behavior. In XAML you set the value to the string "Auto" (case insensitive) to enable the auto sizing behavior. Auto sizing behavior implies that the element will fill the width available to it. Note however that specific controls frequently supply default values in their default styles that will disable the auto sizing behavior unless it is specifically re-enabled. + + In addition to the validation check, there is a nondeterministic upper value bound for that is enforced by the layout system (this is a very large number, larger than but smaller than ). If you exceed this bound, the element will not render, and no exception is thrown. Do not set to a value that is significantly larger than the maximum size of any possible visual display, or you may exceed this nondeterministic upper bound. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +```xaml + ``` -or- ```xaml - + ``` -or- ```xaml - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *double* - - - String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0. See Remarks for upper bound information. This value is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. - - *qualifiedDouble* - A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. - - `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) - - `in` is inches; 1in==96px - - `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px - - `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px - - `Auto` - Enables autosizing behavior. See Remarks. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *double* + + + String representation of a value equal to or greater than 0.0. See Remarks for upper bound information. This value is interpreted as a device-independent unit (1/96th inch) measurement. Strings need not explicitly include decimal points. For instance a value of `1` is acceptable. + + *qualifiedDouble* + A *double* value as described above, followed by one of the following unit declaration strings: `px`, `in`, `cm`, `pt`. + + `px` (default) is device-independent units (1/96th inch per unit) + + `in` is inches; 1in==96px + + `cm` is centimeters; 1cm==(96/2.54) px + + `pt` is points; 1pt==(96/72) px + + `Auto` + Enables autosizing behavior. See Remarks. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows/LineBreakCondition.xml b/xml/System.Windows/LineBreakCondition.xml index de455d1bc81..7793aa68bca 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows/LineBreakCondition.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows/LineBreakCondition.xml @@ -21,19 +21,18 @@ Describes the breaking condition around an inline object. - of the inline object before it (if any). In the table below, the values across the top represent values for one inline object while the values on the left represent values of another inline object. A value of "True" or "False" is indicated depending on whether a line break is permitted between the two inline objects. - -|||||| -|-|-|-|-|-| -||BreakDesired|BreakPossible|BreakRestrained|BreakAlways| -|BreakDesired|True|True|False|True| -|BreakPossible|True|False|False|True| -|BreakRestrained|False|False|False|True| -|BreakAlways|True|True|True|True| - + of the inline object before it (if any). In the table that follows, the values across the top represent values for one inline object while the values on the left represent values of another inline object. A value of "True" or "False" is indicated depending on whether a line break is permitted between the two inline objects. + + +| | **BreakDesired** | **BreakPossible** | **BreakRestrained** | **BreakAlways** | +|---------------------|------------------|-------------------|---------------------|-----------------| +| **BreakPossible** | True | False | False | True | +| **BreakRestrained** | False | False | False | True | +| **BreakAlways** | True | True | True | True | + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows/NameScope.xml b/xml/System.Windows/NameScope.xml index d65d0a614c7..abe5be6a83b 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows/NameScope.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows/NameScope.xml @@ -73,21 +73,21 @@ Implements base WPF support for the methods that store or retrieve name-object mappings into a particular XAML namescope. Adds attached property support to make it simpler to get or set XAML namescope names dynamically at the element level. - assists in creation of initial XAML namescopes based on parsing XAML, such as when instantiating styles and templates. It also supports creation of XAML namescopes by processes that occur outside of normal XAML loading of elements by the WPF XAML processor implementation. - - is generally more devoted to supplying infrastructure than for common user code scenarios that involve working with a XAML namescope. For most scenarios, the methods exposed on and are more appropriate methods to call to search for elements by XAML-defined name. The properties exposed by and are more appropriate properties to use to set the initial name as markup attributes. - - The various methods of are used by base elements and other classes that maintain XAML namescopes in order to support and . You generally use the API in the class only if you are replacing or augmenting the base element behavior for how they process XAML namescopes for root elements of a XAML page, and as part of templates (which use a separate XAML namescope from the rest of the page). - - In .NET Framework 4, provides collection interface implementations such that you can access the collections of names that are held by a XAML namescope, including adding to it through calls to an method. - - For more information on XAML namescope concepts, see [WPF XAML Namescopes](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/wpf-xaml-namescopes). - - Names in a XAML namescope must use a particular grammar that restricts the strings you might use for inputs of API. See [XamlName Grammar](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/xamlname-grammar). - + assists in creation of initial XAML namescopes based on parsing XAML, such as when instantiating styles and templates. It also supports creation of XAML namescopes by processes that occur outside of normal XAML loading of elements by the WPF XAML processor implementation. + + is generally more devoted to supplying infrastructure than for common user code scenarios that involve working with a XAML namescope. For most scenarios, the methods exposed on and are more appropriate methods to call to search for elements by XAML-defined name. The properties exposed by and are more appropriate properties to use to set the initial name as markup attributes. + + The various methods of are used by base elements and other classes that maintain XAML namescopes in order to support and . You generally use the API in the class only if you are replacing or augmenting the base element behavior for how they process XAML namescopes for root elements of a XAML page, and as part of templates (which use a separate XAML namescope from the rest of the page). + + In .NET Framework 4, provides collection interface implementations such that you can access the collections of names that are held by a XAML namescope, including adding to it through calls to an method. + + For more information on XAML namescope concepts, see [WPF XAML Namescopes](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/wpf-xaml-namescopes). + + Names in a XAML namescope must use a particular grammar that restricts the strings you might use for inputs of API. See [XamlName Grammar](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/xamlname-grammar). + ]]> @@ -205,13 +205,13 @@ The object value, which is the object reference of the XAML namescope mapping to add. Adds an item to the collection. - so that it is not necessary to involve the type in your usage. - - Names in a XAML namescope must use a particular grammar that restricts the strings you might use for inputs of API. See [XamlName Grammar](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/xamlname-grammar). - + so that it is not necessary to involve the type in your usage. + + Names in a XAML namescope must use a particular grammar that restricts the strings you might use for inputs of API. See [XamlName Grammar](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/xamlname-grammar). + ]]> @@ -285,11 +285,11 @@ if the specified identifies an existing mapping in this . if the specified does not exist in the current . - instead. - + instead. + ]]> @@ -331,11 +331,11 @@ if the specified identifies a name for an existing mapping in this . if the specified does not exist in the current . - API. See [XamlName Grammar](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/xamlname-grammar). - + API. See [XamlName Grammar](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/xamlname-grammar). + ]]> @@ -446,11 +446,11 @@ Returns the corresponding object in the XAML namescope maintained by this , based on a provided name string. The requested object that is mapped with . Can return if was provided as or empty string, or if no matching object was found. - , ) also expose a `FindName` method with identical functionality. The base element versions perform a XAML namescope search within the conventional logical tree, working towards the root element. Once the XAML namescope is determined, that XAML namescope is queried for the requested name. - + , ) also expose a `FindName` method with identical functionality. The base element versions perform a XAML namescope search within the conventional logical tree, working towards the root element. Once the XAML namescope is determined, that XAML namescope is queried for the requested name. + ]]> @@ -495,11 +495,11 @@ Provides the attached property get accessor for the attached property. A XAML namescope, as an instance. - as an attached property in XAML usage, and to provide the accessor for performing the equivalent operation in code. - + as an attached property in XAML usage, and to provide the accessor for performing the equivalent operation in code. + ]]> @@ -574,10 +574,10 @@ The value of the object mapped by the XAML name provided as . To be added. - is provided as . - - -or- - + is provided as . + + -or- + is provided as for a set operation. @@ -636,19 +636,19 @@ Gets or sets dynamically attached instances. - and accessors in code. Setting the namescope in XAML is not common. The attached property usage is primarily to facilitate attaching XAML namescopes to objects that do not share inheritance for XAML namescope implementations. and derived classes support this inheritance natively. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and accessors in code. Setting the namescope in XAML is not common. The attached property usage is primarily to facilitate attaching XAML namescopes to objects that do not share inheritance for XAML namescope implementations. and derived classes support this inheritance natively. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -722,14 +722,14 @@ or was provided as . - was provided as empty string - --or- - - provided was rejected by the parser, because it contained characters that are invalid for a XAML name - --or- - + was provided as empty string + +-or- + + provided was rejected by the parser, because it contained characters that are invalid for a XAML name + +-or- + provided would result in a duplicate name registration. @@ -780,11 +780,11 @@ if item was successfully removed from the collection, otherwise . Also returns if the item was not found in the collection. - is a dictionary there is no concept of first occurrence; any given is guaranteed unique. - + is a dictionary there is no concept of first occurrence; any given is guaranteed unique. + ]]> @@ -824,11 +824,11 @@ if item was successfully removed from the collection, otherwise . Also returns if the item was not found in the collection. - , returning `false` in cases that otherwise would have raised exceptions in . - + , returning `false` in cases that otherwise would have raised exceptions in . + ]]> @@ -866,11 +866,11 @@ The new XAML namescope, using an interface cast. Provides the attached property set accessor for the attached property. - as an attached property in XAML usage, and to provide the accessor for performing the equivalent operation in code. - + as an attached property in XAML usage, and to provide the accessor for performing the equivalent operation in code. + ]]> @@ -954,12 +954,12 @@ Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An enumerator that iterates through a collection. - instance is cast to an interface. - + instance is cast to an interface. + ]]> @@ -1034,18 +1034,18 @@ This member is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only The name of the mapping to remove. Removes a name-object mapping from the XAML namescope. - to determine whether a specific name-object mapping exists. - + to determine whether a specific name-object mapping exists. + ]]> - was provided as empty string. - --or- - + was provided as empty string. + +-or- + provided had not been registered. is . diff --git a/xml/System.Windows/TextDecoration.xml b/xml/System.Windows/TextDecoration.xml index c34d479201a..c074d1e77e9 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows/TextDecoration.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows/TextDecoration.xml @@ -29,21 +29,21 @@ Represents a text decoration, which a visual ornamentation that is added to text (such as an underline). - is derived from . This makes it possible to apply animated effects to the decoration elements, using a for the and a for the . - + is derived from . This makes it possible to apply animated effects to the decoration elements, using a for the and a for the . + ]]> @@ -85,20 +85,20 @@ Example of an underline styled with a linear gradient brush and dashed pen Initializes a new instance of the class. - property is . - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to create a using the parameterless constructor. - + property is . + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to create a using the parameterless constructor. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets2"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextDecorationSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets2"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets2"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets2"::: + ]]> @@ -136,15 +136,15 @@ Example of an underline styled with a linear gradient brush and dashed pen The units used to interpret the value of the for the . Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified , , , , and values. - by using the `location`, `pen`, `penOffset`, `penOffsetUnit`, and `penThicknessUnit` parameters. - + by using the `location`, `pen`, `penOffset`, `penOffsetUnit`, and `penThicknessUnit` parameters. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets6"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextDecorationSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets6"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets6"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets6"::: + ]]> @@ -175,15 +175,15 @@ Example of an underline styled with a linear gradient brush and dashed pen Creates a modifiable clone of this , making deep copies of this object's values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property is even if the source's property is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - - When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + + When copying dependency properties, this method copies resource references and data bindings (but they might no longer resolve) but not animations or their current values. + ]]> @@ -214,15 +214,15 @@ Example of an underline styled with a linear gradient brush and dashed pen Creates a modifiable clone of this object, making deep copies of this object's current values. A modifiable clone of the current object. The cloned object's property value is even if the source's property value is . - objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. - - For more information, see . - - Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. - + objects (or any object). For convenience, this method shadows the inherited version with a strongly typed implementation. + + For more information, see . + + Resource references, data bindings, and animations are not copied, but their current values are. + ]]> @@ -280,33 +280,33 @@ Example of an underline styled with a linear gradient brush and dashed pen Gets or sets the vertical location at which the text decoration is drawn. The vertical location at which the text decoration is drawn. - property enables you to offset the text decoration from the specified . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - In the following code example, a strikethrough text decoration is created with a solid color brush for the pen. The property is set to . - + property enables you to offset the text decoration from the specified . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + In the following code example, a strikethrough text decoration is created with a solid color brush for the pen. The property is set to . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets1"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextDecorationSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets1"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets1"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets1"::: + ]]> @@ -362,31 +362,31 @@ Example of text decoration types Gets or sets the used to draw the text decoration. The used to draw the text decoration. If this value is , the decoration color matches the text to which it is applied and the decoration's thickness is set to the font's recommended thickness. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - In the following code example, an underline text decoration is created with a linear gradient brush for the dashed pen. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + In the following code example, an underline text decoration is created with a linear gradient brush for the dashed pen. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets3"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextDecorationSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets3"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets3"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets3"::: + ]]> @@ -417,28 +417,28 @@ Example of an underline styled with a linear gradient brush and dashed pen Gets or sets the text decoration's offset from its . The text decoration's offset from its . The default is 0. - property to specify how the units of this value are interpreted. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to set the property. - + property to specify how the units of this value are interpreted. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets7"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextDecorationSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets7"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets7"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets7"::: + ]]> @@ -495,27 +495,27 @@ Example of an underline styled with a linear gradient brush and dashed pen Gets the units in which the value is expressed. The units in which the value is expressed. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to set the property. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets7"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextDecorationSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets7"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets7"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets7"::: + ]]> @@ -597,27 +597,27 @@ Example of an underline styled with a linear gradient brush and dashed pen Gets the units in which the of the text decoration's is expressed. The units in which the of the text decoration's is expressed. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows how to set the property. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows how to set the property. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets7"::: :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextDecorationSnippets/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets7"::: - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets7"::: - + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/TextDecoration/.ctor/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettextdecorationsnippets7"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows/UIElement.xml b/xml/System.Windows/UIElement.xml index 365ab7149d7..b506c05c04a 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows/UIElement.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows/UIElement.xml @@ -38,46 +38,46 @@ is a base class for WPF core level implementations building on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) elements and basic presentation characteristics. - provides a starting point for element layout characteristics, and also exposes virtual methods that derived classes can override, which can influence the layout rendering behavior of the element and its child elements. - - Much of the input and focusing behavior for elements in general is also defined in the class. This includes the events for keyboard, mouse and stylus input, and related status properties. Many of these events are routed events, and many of the input-related events have both a bubbling routing version as well as a tunneling version of the event. These paired events are typically the events of greatest interest to control authors. - - also includes APIs that relate to the WPF event model, including methods that can raise specified routed events that are sourced from an element instance. - - In terms of architecture, can be considered roughly equivalent to a window handle in Win32 programming, or an Element in Dynamic HTML (DHTML) programming. is a base element at the WPF core level. - - A has the following capabilities that are specifically defined by the class: - -- Can render as a child element ( derives from , a high level graphics class) - -- Contains logic that is used to size and position possible child elements of a (when interpreted by a layout system) - -- Can respond to user input (including control of where input is getting sent to via their handling of event routing, or routing of commands) - -- Can raise routed events that travel a route through the logical element tree - -- Supports some aspects of the animation system - - is the WPF framework-level implementation class that builds on , and adds specific interactions with the WPF framework level. adds and defines the following capabilities: - -- Additional framework-specific layout characteristics - -- Support for richer metadata reporting on properties - -- Class-specific implementation of certain input base classes and their attached properties or attached events - -- Style support - -- Further animation support - - Another related class is . The class implements many of the same members as does ; the difference between these two classes has to do with their intended place in the overall content model. A derived class typically defines a relatively rigid content model, meaning that there are restrictions on what elements may be child elements in markup. There might be capacity for taking less restrictive child content in a , but that capacity is typically centralized in designated content properties. A derived class is typically not as restrictive about content, to support scenarios such as flow-format documents. - + provides a starting point for element layout characteristics, and also exposes virtual methods that derived classes can override, which can influence the layout rendering behavior of the element and its child elements. + + Much of the input and focusing behavior for elements in general is also defined in the class. This includes the events for keyboard, mouse and stylus input, and related status properties. Many of these events are routed events, and many of the input-related events have both a bubbling routing version as well as a tunneling version of the event. These paired events are typically the events of greatest interest to control authors. + + also includes APIs that relate to the WPF event model, including methods that can raise specified routed events that are sourced from an element instance. + + In terms of architecture, can be considered roughly equivalent to a window handle in Win32 programming, or an Element in Dynamic HTML (DHTML) programming. is a base element at the WPF core level. + + A has the following capabilities that are specifically defined by the class: + +- Can render as a child element ( derives from , a high level graphics class) + +- Contains logic that is used to size and position possible child elements of a (when interpreted by a layout system) + +- Can respond to user input (including control of where input is getting sent to via their handling of event routing, or routing of commands) + +- Can raise routed events that travel a route through the logical element tree + +- Supports some aspects of the animation system + + is the WPF framework-level implementation class that builds on , and adds specific interactions with the WPF framework level. adds and defines the following capabilities: + +- Additional framework-specific layout characteristics + +- Support for richer metadata reporting on properties + +- Class-specific implementation of certain input base classes and their attached properties or attached events + +- Style support + +- Further animation support + + Another related class is . The class implements many of the same members as does ; the difference between these two classes has to do with their intended place in the overall content model. A derived class typically defines a relatively rigid content model, meaning that there are restrictions on what elements may be child elements in markup. There might be capacity for taking less restrictive child content in a , but that capacity is typically centralized in designated content properties. A derived class is typically not as restrictive about content, to support scenarios such as flow-format documents. + > [!IMPORTANT] -> state affects all input handling by that element. Elements that are not visible do not participate in hit testing and do not receive input events, even if the mouse is over the bounds where the element would be if were visible. - +> state affects all input handling by that element. Elements that are not visible do not participate in hit testing and do not receive input events, even if the mouse is over the bounds where the element would be if were visible. + ]]> @@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ Initializes a new instance of the class. - is uncommon in application code, because is a base element. See [Base Elements Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/base-elements-overview). - + is uncommon in application code, because is a base element. See [Base Elements Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/base-elements-overview). + ]]> @@ -160,13 +160,13 @@ A reference to the handler implementation. Adds a routed event handler for a specified routed event, adding the handler to the handler collection on the current element. - @@ -201,32 +201,32 @@ An identifier for the routed event to be handled. A reference to the handler implementation. - to register the handler such that it is invoked even when the routed event is marked handled in its event data; to register the handler with the default condition that it will not be invoked if the routed event is already marked handled. - - The default is . - + to register the handler such that it is invoked even when the routed event is marked handled in its event data; to register the handler with the default condition that it will not be invoked if the routed event is already marked handled. + + The default is . + Do not routinely ask to rehandle a routed event. Adds a routed event handler for a specified routed event, adding the handler to the handler collection on the current element. Specify as to have the provided handler be invoked for routed event that had already been marked as handled by another element along the event route. - is marked handled by class handling, you might be able to add handlers for instead. - - You can add the same handler for the same event multiple times without raising an exception. However, the handler is actually invoked multiple times when the event is handled. Therefore, consider how this behavior might have side effects that should be accounted for in your handler implementation. - - You typically use this method to provide the implementation of the "add" accessor for the Microsoft .NET event access pattern of a custom routed event. - - - -## Examples - The following example implements a handler invoked on the event on a page that attaches a defined handler to one of the named elements on the page using `handledEventsToo` `true`. This handler would be invoked even if another element along the route marked the shared event data as handled before reaching the handling element in the route. - + is marked handled by class handling, you might be able to add handlers for instead. + + You can add the same handler for the same event multiple times without raising an exception. However, the handler is actually invoked multiple times when the event is handled. Therefore, consider how this behavior might have side effects that should be accounted for in your handler implementation. + + You typically use this method to provide the implementation of the "add" accessor for the Microsoft .NET event access pattern of a custom routed event. + + + +## Examples + The following example implements a handler invoked on the event on a page that attaches a defined handler to one of the named elements on the page using `handledEventsToo` `true`. This handler would be invoked even if another element along the route marked the shared event data as handled before reaching the handling element in the route. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ContentElement/AddHandler/page2.xaml.cs" id="Snippetaddhandlerhandledtoo"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/EventOvwSupport/visualbasic/page2.xaml.vb" id="Snippetaddhandlerhandledtoo"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/EventOvwSupport/visualbasic/page2.xaml.vb" id="Snippetaddhandlerhandledtoo"::: + ]]> @@ -261,11 +261,11 @@ The event data that is used to add the handlers. This method uses the property of the event data to create the handlers. Adds handlers to the specified for the current event handler collection. - or those that don't) to add handlers for child elements to the . Ordinarily, this is not required for , because handlers are automatically added for all elements found in a completed logical tree. However, in some cases where and are mixed in templated trees, intervening elements that came from the template need to be added to a route. Both and support a version of this method. - + or those that don't) to add handlers for child elements to the . Ordinarily, this is not required for , because handlers are automatically added for all elements found in a completed logical tree. However, in some cases where and are mixed in templated trees, intervening elements that came from the template need to be added to a route. Both and support a version of this method. + ]]> @@ -296,28 +296,28 @@ if this element can be used as the target of a drag-and-drop operation; otherwise, . The default value is . - to `true`. Beyond this basic setting, drag-and-drop behavior is entirely implementation specific and is not defined by or any other base element class. Certain controls, for example, , do have a default behavior. For more information on drag and drop, see [Drag and Drop Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/drag-and-drop-overview). - - overrides the metadata for this dependency property in its implementation. Specifically, designates this property to allow property value inheritance ( is `true` in metadata). Property value inheritance in this context means that if there are child elements with no other value for assigned through local values or styles, the value of the nearest parent element with this value assigned (again, either in styles, by default values, or a local value), then the value from the parent element will be assigned to all previously unassigned child elements by the property system. In practice this means that you can specify whether to allow drop operations at the root element, and that value will propagate to all child elements that have not specifically assigned it as `false`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following markup example sets the property `true` using an attribute on a , as well as setting some other related properties that in aggregate enable that to be the target of a multiline text data object when it is dragged in. For the complete sample, see [Load a Dropped File Sample]( - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/AllowDrop/window1.xaml" id="Snippetuielementallowdrop"::: - + to `true`. Beyond this basic setting, drag-and-drop behavior is entirely implementation specific and is not defined by or any other base element class. Certain controls, for example, , do have a default behavior. For more information on drag and drop, see [Drag and Drop Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/drag-and-drop-overview). + + overrides the metadata for this dependency property in its implementation. Specifically, designates this property to allow property value inheritance ( is `true` in metadata). Property value inheritance in this context means that if there are child elements with no other value for assigned through local values or styles, the value of the nearest parent element with this value assigned (again, either in styles, by default values, or a local value), then the value from the parent element will be assigned to all previously unassigned child elements by the property system. In practice this means that you can specify whether to allow drop operations at the root element, and that value will propagate to all child elements that have not specifically assigned it as `false`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following markup example sets the property `true` using an attribute on a , as well as setting some other related properties that in aggregate enable that to be the target of a multiline text data object when it is dragged in. For the complete sample, see [Load a Dropped File Sample]( + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/AllowDrop/window1.xaml" id="Snippetuielementallowdrop"::: + ]]> @@ -356,11 +356,11 @@ Applies an animation to a specified dependency property on this element. - @@ -404,19 +404,19 @@ The animation clock that controls and declares the animation. Applies an animation to a specified dependency property on this element. Any existing animations are stopped and replaced with the new animation. - `myAnimatedRectangle` has a particular timing animation applied to it by calling . - + `myAnimatedRectangle` has a particular timing animation applied to it by calling . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/ApplyAnimationClock/ClockControllerSpeedRatioExample.cs" id="Snippetuielementapplyanimationclock"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/timingbehaviors_procedural_snip/visualbasic/clockcontrollerspeedratioexample.vb" id="Snippetuielementapplyanimationclock"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/timingbehaviors_procedural_snip/visualbasic/clockcontrollerspeedratioexample.vb" id="Snippetuielementapplyanimationclock"::: + ]]> @@ -456,11 +456,11 @@ A value of the enumeration. The default is , which will stop any existing animation and replace with the new one. Applies an animation to a specified dependency property on this element, with the ability to specify what happens if the property already has a running animation. - @@ -713,28 +713,28 @@ The final size that the parent computes for the child element, provided as a instance. Positions child elements and determines a size for a . Parent elements call this method from their implementation (or a WPF framework-level equivalent) to form a recursive layout update. This method constitutes the second pass of a layout update. - should not (and cannot, unless you shadow) be changed. Instead, you should override the implementation in your class. Your implementation is called internally by as part of default WPF framework-level layout operations. Your implementation should also call on each child element, if it has child elements. - - For WPF core-level element deriving scenarios, the behavior for should not (and cannot, unless you shadow) be changed. Instead, you should override in your class. Your implementation is called internally by as part of default WPF framework-level layout operations. However, this assumes you are using WPF framework-level layout and its layout system, which is often not the case if you are specifically deriving elements at the WPF core-level from the base element class. Your implementation should also call on each child element, if it has child elements. Note that the WPF core-level scenario implies that you are not using a derived class, because seals . - - Computation of WPF framework-level layout positioning in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) consists of a call and an call. During the call, the layout system determines an element's size requirements using a provided (`availableSize`) argument. During the call, the layout system finalizes the size and position of an element's bounding box. For more information, see [Layout](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/layout). - - `availableSize` can be any number from zero to infinity. Elements to be laid out return the minimum they require through the `availableSize` parameter. - - When a layout is first instantiated, it always receives a call before . However, after the first layout pass, it may receive an call without a ; this can happen when a property that affects only is changed (such as alignment), or when the parent receives an without a . A call will automatically invalidate an call. - - Layout updates generally occur asynchronously (at a time determined by the layout system). An element might not immediately reflect changes to properties that affect element sizing (such as ). - + should not (and cannot, unless you shadow) be changed. Instead, you should override the implementation in your class. Your implementation is called internally by as part of default WPF framework-level layout operations. Your implementation should also call on each child element, if it has child elements. + + For WPF core-level element deriving scenarios, the behavior for should not (and cannot, unless you shadow) be changed. Instead, you should override in your class. Your implementation is called internally by as part of default WPF framework-level layout operations. However, this assumes you are using WPF framework-level layout and its layout system, which is often not the case if you are specifically deriving elements at the WPF core-level from the base element class. Your implementation should also call on each child element, if it has child elements. Note that the WPF core-level scenario implies that you are not using a derived class, because seals . + + Computation of WPF framework-level layout positioning in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) consists of a call and an call. During the call, the layout system determines an element's size requirements using a provided (`availableSize`) argument. During the call, the layout system finalizes the size and position of an element's bounding box. For more information, see [Layout](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/layout). + + `availableSize` can be any number from zero to infinity. Elements to be laid out return the minimum they require through the `availableSize` parameter. + + When a layout is first instantiated, it always receives a call before . However, after the first layout pass, it may receive an call without a ; this can happen when a property that affects only is changed (such as alignment), or when the parent receives an without a . A call will automatically invalidate an call. + + Layout updates generally occur asynchronously (at a time determined by the layout system). An element might not immediately reflect changes to properties that affect element sizing (such as ). + > [!NOTE] -> Layout updates can be forced by using the method; however, calling this function is not recommended, as it is usually unnecessary and can cause poor performance. In many situations where calling might be appropriate, the layout system will probably already be processing updates. The layout system can process layout changes in a manner that can optimize all necessary updates as part of a package. - - The layout system keeps two separate queues of invalid layouts, one for and one for . The layout queue is sorted based upon the order of elements in the visual tree. Elements higher in the tree are at the top of the queue, in order to avoid redundant layouts caused by repeated changes in parents. Duplicate entries are automatically removed from the queue, and elements are automatically removed from the queue if they are already valid. - - When updating layout, the queue is emptied first, followed by the queue. An element in the queue will never be arranged if there is an element in the queue. - +> Layout updates can be forced by using the method; however, calling this function is not recommended, as it is usually unnecessary and can cause poor performance. In many situations where calling might be appropriate, the layout system will probably already be processing updates. The layout system can process layout changes in a manner that can optimize all necessary updates as part of a package. + + The layout system keeps two separate queues of invalid layouts, one for and one for . The layout queue is sorted based upon the order of elements in the visual tree. Elements higher in the tree are at the top of the queue, in order to avoid redundant layouts caused by repeated changes in parents. Duplicate entries are automatically removed from the queue, and elements are automatically removed from the queue if they are already valid. + + When updating layout, the queue is emptied first, followed by the queue. An element in the queue will never be arranged if there is an element in the queue. + ]]> @@ -767,26 +767,26 @@ The final area within the parent that element should use to arrange itself and its child elements. Defines the template for WPF core-level arrange layout definition. - [!NOTE] -> Overriding this method is only appropriate if you are deriving at the WPF core-level, and you are not using the WPF framework-level layout system and derived class, because seals . If you are using the WPF framework-level layout system, the appropriate method to override for class-specific layout arrange behavior is . - - - -## Examples - implementations should call the base implementation to return a size, then call the method of each visible child element, and reconcile the sizes returned by these calls with the size of the base implementation. The logic for the reconciliation aspect of a implementation might vary, depending on the layout characteristics of your element. In the following example template, `VisualChildren` is a hypothetical property that your element might define to help enumerate its content; does not define content collections at this level, the WPF framework-level architecture defers content behavior to derived elements such as specific controls or control base classes. - +> Overriding this method is only appropriate if you are deriving at the WPF core-level, and you are not using the WPF framework-level layout system and derived class, because seals . If you are using the WPF framework-level layout system, the appropriate method to override for class-specific layout arrange behavior is . + + + +## Examples + implementations should call the base implementation to return a size, then call the method of each visible child element, and reconcile the sizes returned by these calls with the size of the base implementation. The logic for the reconciliation aspect of a implementation might vary, depending on the layout characteristics of your element. In the following example template, `VisualChildren` is a hypothetical property that your element might define to help enumerate its content; does not define content collections at this level, the WPF framework-level architecture defers content behavior to derived elements such as specific controls or control base classes. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ComponentResourceKey/.ctor/corepseudocode.cs" id="Snippetuielementarrangeoverride"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CorePseudocode/visualbasic/corepseudocode.vb" id="Snippetuielementarrangeoverride"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CorePseudocode/visualbasic/corepseudocode.vb" id="Snippetuielementarrangeoverride"::: + ]]> - If you are developing elements at the WPF core level,you should override this method to give your WPF core-level element a unique arrange layout behavior, or to make proper layout decisions about the child elements of your elements. An override might be necessary if those child elements are not recognizable from a defined pattern such as an . - + If you are developing elements at the WPF core level,you should override this method to give your WPF core-level element a unique arrange layout behavior, or to make proper layout decisions about the child elements of your elements. An override might be necessary if those child elements are not recognizable from a defined pattern such as an . + A parent element must call the class-specific on each child element, otherwise those child elements are not rendered. @@ -839,23 +839,23 @@ The timeline of the animation to start. Starts an animation for a specified animated property on this element. - for `animation` is `null`, then any current animations are removed and the current value of the property is held. - - If the entire `animation` value is `null`, all animations are removed from the property and the property value reverts to its base value. However, the originally associated animation timeline is not stopped. Any other animations assigned to that timeline will continue to run. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates an animation, assigns it, and then calls to start it. - + for `animation` is `null`, then any current animations are removed and the current value of the property is held. + + If the entire `animation` value is `null`, all animations are removed from the property and the property value reverts to its base value. However, the originally associated animation timeline is not stopped. Any other animations assigned to that timeline will continue to run. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates an animation, assigns it, and then calls to start it. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/ApplyAnimationClock/GetAnimationBaseValueExample.cs" id="Snippetbeginanimation"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/timingbehaviors_procedural_snip/visualbasic/getanimationbasevalueexample.vb" id="Snippetbeginanimation"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/timingbehaviors_procedural_snip/visualbasic/getanimationbasevalueexample.vb" id="Snippetbeginanimation"::: + ]]> @@ -895,23 +895,23 @@ A value of the enumeration that specifies how the new animation interacts with any current (running) animations that are already affecting the property value. Starts a specific animation for a specified animated property on this element, with the option of specifying what happens if the property already has a running animation. - for `animation` is `null`, then any current animations are removed and the current value of the property is held. - - If the entire `animation` value is `null`, all animations are removed from the property and the property value reverts to its base value. However, the originally associated animation timeline is not stopped. Any other animations assigned to that timeline will continue to run. - - - -## Examples - The following example implements a handler that obtains an existing animation from a resource and then calls with a specified handoff behavior. - + for `animation` is `null`, then any current animations are removed and the current value of the property is held. + + If the entire `animation` value is `null`, all animations are removed from the property and the property value reverts to its base value. However, the originally associated animation timeline is not stopped. Any other animations assigned to that timeline will continue to run. + + + +## Examples + The following example implements a handler that obtains an existing animation from a resource and then calls with a specified handoff behavior. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/BeginAnimation/SampleViewer.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbeginanimationhandoff"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BrushesIntroduction/visualbasic/sampleviewer.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbeginanimationhandoff"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BrushesIntroduction/visualbasic/sampleviewer.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbeginanimationhandoff"::: + ]]> @@ -951,28 +951,28 @@ Gets or sets a bitmap effect that applies directly to the rendered content for this element. This is a dependency property. The bitmap effect to apply. - is an abstract type, therefore the XAML usage requires an implemented derived class of , such as . Note that one implemented derived class is a collection type that allows you to specify more than one sequential , using a nested tag syntax. - - No existing derived class of supports a type converter, so the XAML syntax that you use for this property is generally property element syntax. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example sets a bitmap effect, using . - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/BitmapEffect/blurcodebehindexample.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcodebehindblurcodebehindexampleinline"::: - + is an abstract type, therefore the XAML usage requires an implemented derived class of , such as . Note that one implemented derived class is a collection type that allows you to specify more than one sequential , using a nested tag syntax. + + No existing derived class of supports a type converter, so the XAML syntax that you use for this property is generally property element syntax. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example sets a bitmap effect, using . + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/BitmapEffect/blurcodebehindexample.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcodebehindblurcodebehindexampleinline"::: + ]]> @@ -1012,18 +1012,18 @@ Gets or sets an input source for the bitmap effect that applies directly to the rendered content for this element. This is a dependency property. The source for bitmap effects. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1104,11 +1104,11 @@ Gets or sets a cached representation of the . A that holds a cached representation of the . - property when you need to increase performance for content that is time consuming to render. For more information, see . - + property when you need to increase performance for content that is time consuming to render. For more information, see . + ]]> @@ -1171,25 +1171,25 @@ if the mouse is successfully captured; otherwise, . - is `true` before you call . - - If calling returns `true`, then is also `true`. - - If calling returns `true`, then the and events are raised, with in the event data reported as the element where the method is called. If you force capture, you might interfere with existing captures - especially with captures that relate to drag-and-drop with the mouse. - - To clear mouse capture from all elements, call with the `element` parameter provided as `null`. - - - -## Examples - The following example implements a pair of handlers for mouse and key input combination that capture (and uncapture) the mouse and enable a special mouse mode for viewing a 3D model. - + is `true` before you call . + + If calling returns `true`, then is also `true`. + + If calling returns `true`, then the and events are raised, with in the event data reported as the element where the method is called. If you force capture, you might interfere with existing captures - especially with captures that relate to drag-and-drop with the mouse. + + To clear mouse capture from all elements, call with the `element` parameter provided as `null`. + + + +## Examples + The following example implements a pair of handlers for mouse and key input combination that capture (and uncapture) the mouse and enable a special mouse mode for viewing a 3D model. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BeginStoryboard/Trackball.cs" id="Snippetuielementmousecapture"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CubeAnimation/visualbasic/trackball.vb" id="Snippetuielementmousecapture"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CubeAnimation/visualbasic/trackball.vb" id="Snippetuielementmousecapture"::: + ]]> @@ -1225,19 +1225,19 @@ if the stylus was successfully captured; otherwise, . - method . The actual capture behavior is implemented by the active stylus device implementation. - - To be captured, an element must be enabled. Check whether is `true` return before you call . - - If calling returns `true`, is also `true`. - + method . The actual capture behavior is implemented by the active stylus device implementation. + + To be captured, an element must be enabled. Check whether is `true` return before you call . + + If calling returns `true`, is also `true`. + ]]> @@ -1271,15 +1271,15 @@ if the specified touch is captured to this element; otherwise, . - will return `false` if the is currently captured to another element. - - If returns `true`, then the event is raised. - - To release capture of a single touch from this element, use the method and specify the touch device to release. To release all touches from this element, use the method. - + will return `false` if the is currently captured to another element. + + If returns `true`, then the event is raised. + + To release capture of a single touch from this element, use the method and specify the touch device to release. To release all touches from this element, use the method. + ]]> @@ -1312,44 +1312,44 @@ Gets or sets the geometry used to define the outline of the contents of an element. This is a dependency property. The geometry to be used for clipping area sizing. The default is a null . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - This example shows how to define a framework element's region. To define a clip, use a (for example, an to set the element's property. Only the area that is within the region of the geometry will be visible. - - The following example shows an element without a defined clip region. Because no clip region is defined, the entire image is displayed. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Clip/ClipExample.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: - - ![An object before applying a clip region](~/add/media/mil-task-clip-region-noclip.png "An object before applying a clip region") -Image with No Clip Region - - In the next example, an identical Image is created, except that it has a defined clip region. Only the part of the image that is within the area the will be displayed. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Clip/ClipExample.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: - - ![A clipped object](~/add/media/mil-task-clip-region-ellispe.PNG "A clipped object") -Image with an Elliptical Clip Region - - The following example shows how animate a framework element's region. In this example, an is used to define an elliptical clip region for an element. A animates the ellipse geometry's property from (0, 0) to (200, 150). The animation starts playing after the image is loaded and repeats indefinitely. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Clip/ClipExample.xaml" id="Snippet5"::: - - For the full sample, see the [Clip Region Sample]( - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + This example shows how to define a framework element's region. To define a clip, use a (for example, an to set the element's property. Only the area that is within the region of the geometry will be visible. + + The following example shows an element without a defined clip region. Because no clip region is defined, the entire image is displayed. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Clip/ClipExample.xaml" id="Snippet2"::: + + ![An object before applying a clip region](~/add/media/mil-task-clip-region-noclip.png "An object before applying a clip region") +Image with No Clip Region + + In the next example, an identical Image is created, except that it has a defined clip region. Only the part of the image that is within the area the will be displayed. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Clip/ClipExample.xaml" id="Snippet4"::: + + ![A clipped object](~/add/media/mil-task-clip-region-ellispe.PNG "A clipped object") +Image with an Elliptical Clip Region + + The following example shows how animate a framework element's region. In this example, an is used to define an elliptical clip region for an element. A animates the ellipse geometry's property from (0, 0) to (200, 150). The animation starts playing after the image is loaded and repeats indefinitely. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Clip/ClipExample.xaml" id="Snippet5"::: + + For the full sample, see the [Clip Region Sample]( + ]]> @@ -1413,25 +1413,25 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region if the content should be clipped; otherwise, . The default value is . - has different effects on layout behaviors depending on whether the height and width of the parent element are being determined by / or / . / of the parent element are always respected regardless of the value of and the effective clipping will always clip the content based on these maximums. The parent's / settings will not clip the content when is `false`, but will clip the content if is `true`. - - Note that defaulting to `false` is the general behavior as implemented in the class. It is possible for any given element that derives from to override the dependency property metadata for this property in that instance to default to `true` instead. Several existing derived classes override this metadata and/or adjust the dependency property default value. - - , , and each override the default value to be `true`. - - overrides the metadata for this dependency property. Specifically, designates this property to allow property value inheritance ( is `true` in metadata). Property value inheritance in this context means that if there are child elements with no other value for assigned through local values or styles, the value of the nearest parent element with this value assigned (again, either in styles, by default values, or a locally value), then the value from the parent element will be assigned to all unassigned child elements by the property system. In practice this means that you can specify whether to allow clip to bounds at the root element, and that value will propagate to all child elements that have not specifically assigned it as `false`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + has different effects on layout behaviors depending on whether the height and width of the parent element are being determined by / or / . / of the parent element are always respected regardless of the value of and the effective clipping will always clip the content based on these maximums. The parent's / settings will not clip the content when is `false`, but will clip the content if is `true`. + + Note that defaulting to `false` is the general behavior as implemented in the class. It is possible for any given element that derives from to override the dependency property metadata for this property in that instance to default to `true` instead. Several existing derived classes override this metadata and/or adjust the dependency property default value. + + , , and each override the default value to be `true`. + + overrides the metadata for this dependency property. Specifically, designates this property to allow property value inheritance ( is `true` in metadata). Property value inheritance in this context means that if there are child elements with no other value for assigned through local values or styles, the value of the nearest parent element with this value assigned (again, either in styles, by default values, or a locally value), then the value from the parent element will be assigned to all unassigned child elements by the property system. In practice this means that you can specify whether to allow clip to bounds at the root element, and that value will propagate to all child elements that have not specifically assigned it as `false`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -1494,41 +1494,41 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region Gets a collection of objects associated with this element. A enables command handling for this element, and declares the linkage between a command, its events, and the handlers attached by this element. The collection of all objects. - collection is to use methods programmatically. - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - oneOrMoreCommandBindings - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *oneOrMoreCommandBindings* - One or more elements. Each of these should have a attribute set to a known command, and attributes set for the and handler implementations. For more information see . - - - -## Examples - The following example adds a to a window using markup. Note that in XAML, the is not declared in the markup as an element; the collection object is inferred by the type that the property takes, and you populate the property element with one or more elements: - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/CommandBindings/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetcommandhandlercommandbinding"::: - - For more information about the XAML syntax for collections, see [XAML Syntax In Detail](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-syntax-in-detail). - - The following example does essentially the same thing in code: - + collection is to use methods programmatically. + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + oneOrMoreCommandBindings + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *oneOrMoreCommandBindings* + One or more elements. Each of these should have a attribute set to a known command, and attributes set for the and handler implementations. For more information see . + + + +## Examples + The following example adds a to a window using markup. Note that in XAML, the is not declared in the markup as an element; the collection object is inferred by the type that the property takes, and you populate the property element with one or more elements: + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/CommandBindings/Window11.xaml" id="Snippetcommandhandlercommandbinding"::: + + For more information about the XAML syntax for collections, see [XAML Syntax In Detail](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-syntax-in-detail). + + The following example does essentially the same thing in code: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/CommandBindings/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetcommandhandlerbindinginit"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandHandlerProcedural/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandhandlerbindinginit"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CommandHandlerProcedural/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetcommandhandlerbindinginit"::: + ]]> @@ -1559,22 +1559,22 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region Gets the size that this element computed during the measure pass of the layout process. The computed size, which becomes the desired size for the arrange pass. - property is `true`. - - is typically checked as one of the measurement factors when you implement layout behavior overrides such as , , or (in the case, you might check instead, but this depends on your implementation). Depending on the scenario, might be fully respected by your implementation logic, constraints on might be applied, and such constraints might also change other characteristics of either the parent element or child element. For example, a control that supports scrollable regions (but chooses not to derive from the WPF framework-level controls that already enable scrollable regions) could compare available size to . The control could then set an internal state that enabled scrollbars in the UI for that control. Or, could potentially also be ignored in certain scenarios. - - - -## Examples - The following example shows as part of a implementation. Notice how is called immediately prior to obtaining . This assures that holds a legitimate value. - + property is `true`. + + is typically checked as one of the measurement factors when you implement layout behavior overrides such as , , or (in the case, you might check instead, but this depends on your implementation). Depending on the scenario, might be fully respected by your implementation logic, constraints on might be applied, and such constraints might also change other characteristics of either the parent element or child element. For example, a control that supports scrollable regions (but chooses not to derive from the WPF framework-level controls that already enable scrollable regions) could compare available size to . The control could then set an internal state that enabled scrollbars in the UI for that control. Or, could potentially also be ignored in certain scenarios. + + + +## Examples + The following example shows as part of a implementation. Notice how is called immediately prior to obtaining . This assures that holds a legitimate value. + :::code language="cpp" source="~/snippets/cpp/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PlotPanel/CPP/PlotPanel.cpp" id="Snippet2"::: :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/Size/Overview/PlotPanel.cs" id="Snippet2"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PlotPanel/VisualBasic/PlotPanel.vb" id="Snippet2"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/PlotPanel/VisualBasic/PlotPanel.vb" id="Snippet2"::: + ]]> @@ -1605,24 +1605,24 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the drag target. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1653,13 +1653,13 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1688,24 +1688,24 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the drag origin. - attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1737,13 +1737,13 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1772,26 +1772,26 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the potential drop target. - and related preview events. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + and related preview events. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1823,13 +1823,13 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1858,24 +1858,24 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drop event with this element as the drop target. - attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -1906,13 +1906,13 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -1942,26 +1942,26 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region Gets or sets the bitmap effect to apply to the . This is a dependency property. An that represents the bitmap effect. - property to apply a bitmap effect to a . - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following XAML shows how to assign a custom to the property. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Effect/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1000"::: - + property to apply a bitmap effect to a . + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following XAML shows how to assign a custom to the property. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Effect/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1000"::: + ]]> @@ -2024,28 +2024,28 @@ Image with an Elliptical Clip Region if keyboard focus and logical focus were set to this element; if only logical focus was set to this element, or if the call to this method did not force the focus to change. - and must both be `true`. - + and must both be `true`. + Even if the element is focusable and valid, the `Focus` preview events may be processed in a specific tree, and focus on that element may not be allowed (for example, in a composite control). In such a case, this method returns `false`. - + In general, focus is controlled by two different concepts: keyboard focus and logical focus. These two concepts are not always the same. For more information, see [Focus summary](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/focus-overview) and [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - If calling returns `true`, and are also `true`. - - If the related properties are not already `true`, when you call , one or more of the following events are raised in the following order: , (source is the new focus target), , , , (source is the new focus target). - + + If calling returns `true`, and are also `true`. + + If the related properties are not already `true`, when you call , one or more of the following events are raised in the following order: , (source is the new focus target), , , , (source is the new focus target). + For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to have focus previously. Also, when a parent container element calls this method, in certain situations the child gets the focus and the return value will be `false`. To test if the element has focus, use the `IsKeyboardFocusWithin` and `IsKeyboardFocused` properties. - -## Examples - The following example sets focus to a referenced by , and then adjusts the position of the cursor within the . - + +## Examples + The following example sets focus to a referenced by , and then adjusts the position of the cursor within the . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Focus/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetuielementfocus"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBox_CursorToEnd/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetuielementfocus"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/TextBox_CursorToEnd/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetuielementfocus"::: + ]]> @@ -2079,46 +2079,46 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the element is focusable; otherwise . The default is . - is the Microsoft .NET property accessor for what is in reality a dependency property. This particular dependency property quite frequently has its apparent "default" value set differently in derived element classes, particularly in controls. This commonly occurs in one of two ways: - -- The dependency property is inherited by a particular derived class, but that derived class overrides the metadata of the dependency property and changes the property default value. - -- A style or template is applied to an element, which sets that dependency property value differently. - - For example, the apparent "default" of for a control will be `true`, even though inherits as a common language runtime (CLR) property directly from . This is because the applied metadata value for the dependency property was overridden within the static constructor of the base class, which is situated between and in the class hierarchy. - - When inherited by or its derived classes, redefines the default value of this property to be `true`. - - When inherited by (which is a derived class), the default value is again redefined to be `false`. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example code illustrates a control template for a particular custom control, which sets `false` on one of the elements within the template. - + is the Microsoft .NET property accessor for what is in reality a dependency property. This particular dependency property quite frequently has its apparent "default" value set differently in derived element classes, particularly in controls. This commonly occurs in one of two ways: + +- The dependency property is inherited by a particular derived class, but that derived class overrides the metadata of the dependency property and changes the property default value. + +- A style or template is applied to an element, which sets that dependency property value differently. + + For example, the apparent "default" of for a control will be `true`, even though inherits as a common language runtime (CLR) property directly from . This is because the applied metadata value for the dependency property was overridden within the static constructor of the base class, which is situated between and in the class hierarchy. + + When inherited by or its derived classes, redefines the default value of this property to be `true`. + + When inherited by (which is a derived class), the default value is again redefined to be `false`. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example code illustrates a control template for a particular custom control, which sets `false` on one of the elements within the template. + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/Focusable/window1.xaml" id="Snippet_controltemplate"::: - + ]]> - When deriving from directly (as opposed to from ), consider whether you wish your element to be focusable, because by default the element will not be focusable. If you wish your element to be focusable, override the metadata for this property within your type's static constructor as follows: - + When deriving from directly (as opposed to from ), consider whether you wish your element to be focusable, because by default the element will not be focusable. If you wish your element to be focusable, override the metadata for this property within your type's static constructor as follows: + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ComponentResourceKey/.ctor/corepseudocode.cs" id="Snippetuielementshortoverride"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CorePseudocode/visualbasic/corepseudocode.vb" id="Snippetuielementshortoverride"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CorePseudocode/visualbasic/corepseudocode.vb" id="Snippetuielementshortoverride"::: + where should be the class name of the type that you are overriding the metadata value on. @@ -2150,11 +2150,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the value of the property changes. - @@ -2218,19 +2218,19 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Returns the base property value for the specified property on this element, disregarding any possible animated value from a running or stopped animation. The property value as if no animations are attached to the specified dependency property. - return value is always identical to the return value. If there are animations attached, then all possible animation derived values including the start and stop values are ignored, and the property value is determined based on all other possible inputs. For more information, see [Dependency Property Value Precedence](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-value-precedence). - - - -## Examples - The following example implements a handler that reports the base value of an animated property on a , as well as the base value of a transform. - + return value is always identical to the return value. If there are animations attached, then all possible animation derived values including the start and stop values are ignored, and the property value is determined based on all other possible inputs. For more information, see [Dependency Property Value Precedence](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-value-precedence). + + + +## Examples + The following example implements a handler that reports the base value of an animated property on a , as well as the base value of a transform. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/ApplyAnimationClock/GetAnimationBaseValueExample.cs" id="Snippetgetanimationbasevalue"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/timingbehaviors_procedural_snip/visualbasic/getanimationbasevalueexample.vb" id="Snippetgetanimationbasevalue"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/timingbehaviors_procedural_snip/visualbasic/getanimationbasevalueexample.vb" id="Snippetgetanimationbasevalue"::: + ]]> @@ -2265,13 +2265,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Returns an alternative clipping geometry that represents the region that would be clipped if were set to . The potential clipping geometry. - . - - This method is substantially overridden by the immediately derived class, and the override produces a more sophisticated behavior for general WPF framework-level elements. For details, see . - + . + + This method is substantially overridden by the immediately derived class, and the override produces a more sophisticated behavior for general WPF framework-level elements. For details, see . + ]]> @@ -2303,13 +2303,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to When overridden in a derived class, returns an alternative user interface (UI) parent for this element if no visual parent exists. An object, if implementation of a derived class has an alternate parent connection to report. - provides a practical implementation. - - Alternative parents are used for event routing, in cases where an element creates an alternative parent structure so that its events are routed in a way that diverges from the standard pattern of routing up the visual tree to the standard parent, or downward in the preview routing strategy. - + provides a practical implementation. + + Alternative parents are used for event routing, in cases where an element creates an alternative parent structure so that its events are routed in a way that diverges from the standard pattern of routing up the visual tree to the standard parent, or downward in the preview routing strategy. + ]]> @@ -2338,26 +2338,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag-and-drop event that involves this element. - event allows the source of a drag event to modify the appearance of the mouse pointer in order to give the user visual feedback during a drag-and-drop operation. The visual feedback reinforces that a drag-and-drop operation is in process. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event allows the source of a drag event to modify the appearance of the mouse pointer in order to give the user visual feedback during a drag-and-drop operation. The visual feedback reinforces that a drag-and-drop operation is in process. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -2387,13 +2387,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -2422,28 +2422,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when this element gets logical focus. - method is called still gets logical focus. - - A more precise interpretation of this event is that it is raised when the value of the property of an element in the route is changed from `false` to `true`. - - Because this event uses bubbling routing, the element that receives focus might be a child element instead of the element where the event handler is actually attached. Check the in the event data to determine the actual element that gained focus. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + method is called still gets logical focus. + + A more precise interpretation of this event is that it is raised when the value of the property of an element in the route is changed from `false` to `true`. + + Because this event uses bubbling routing, the element that receives focus might be a child element instead of the element where the event handler is actually attached. Check the in the event data to determine the actual element that gained focus. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no corresponding tunneling event. + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -2474,13 +2474,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -2512,28 +2512,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element. - is a similar event that tracks status changes in a property that maintains the focus state for an element; the event is raised in many of the same circumstances. - - Because this event uses bubbling routing, the element that has focus might be a child element instead of the element where the event handler is actually attached. Check the in the event data to determine the actual element that has focus. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + is a similar event that tracks status changes in a property that maintains the focus state for an element; the event is raised in many of the same circumstances. + + Because this event uses bubbling routing, the element that has focus might be a child element instead of the element where the event handler is actually attached. Check the in the event data to determine the actual element that has focus. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -2563,13 +2563,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -2601,28 +2601,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when this element captures the mouse. - in the event data to determine the actual element that has mouse capture. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that has mouse capture. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -2652,13 +2652,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -2690,28 +2690,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when this element captures the stylus. - in the event data to determine the actual element that has capture. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that has capture. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -2740,13 +2740,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -2774,21 +2774,21 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a touch is captured to this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -2847,11 +2847,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if this element has animations attached to any of its properties; otherwise, . - @@ -2881,11 +2881,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the has focus; otherwise, . - contains elements that can have keyboard focus and you want your element to report that it has focus. - + contains elements that can have keyboard focus and you want your element to report that it has focus. + ]]> @@ -2928,13 +2928,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Implements to supply base element hit testing behavior (returning ). Results of the test, including the evaluated geometry. - for information on overriding this method in further derived classes. Note that several specific controls (, for example) do have distinct implementations, which override this one. - - This method is not intended to be called from your application code. This method supports internal hit testing behaviors that are exposed by various aspects of the input system (whether the mouse pointer is over an element, for example). - + for information on overriding this method in further derived classes. Note that several specific controls (, for example) do have distinct implementations, which override this one. + + This method is not intended to be called from your application code. This method supports internal hit testing behaviors that are exposed by various aspects of the input system (whether the mouse pointer is over an element, for example). + ]]> @@ -2968,13 +2968,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Implements to supply base element hit testing behavior (returning ). Results of the test, including the evaluated point. - for information on overriding this method in further derived classes. Note that several specific controls (, for example) do have distinct implementations, which override as defined by . - - This method is not intended to be called from your application code. This method supports internal hit testing behaviors that are exposed by various aspects of the input system (whether the mouse pointer is over an element, for example). - + for information on overriding this method in further derived classes. Note that several specific controls (, for example) do have distinct implementations, which override as defined by . + + This method is not intended to be called from your application code. This method supports internal hit testing behaviors that are exposed by various aspects of the input system (whether the mouse pointer is over an element, for example). + ]]> @@ -3010,40 +3010,40 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Gets the collection of input bindings associated with this element. The collection of input bindings. - implements input bindings that include properties that are particular to mouse devices. - - The collection of input bindings will include both input bindings that pertain to the type as well as input bindings that are declared on the instance. - - A related property, , maintains a collection of command bindings. These differ from input bindings in that they represent the next level down of command processing - actions that are tied to known commands. - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - oneOrMoreInputBindings - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *oneOrMoreInputBindings* - One or more elements (typically the or derived classes). Each of these is expected to have a and attribute set. - - - -## Examples - The following example populates this property on a , with a single . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewxamlkeybinding"::: - - For more information about the XAML syntax for collections, see [XAML Syntax In Detail](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-syntax-in-detail). - + implements input bindings that include properties that are particular to mouse devices. + + The collection of input bindings will include both input bindings that pertain to the type as well as input bindings that are declared on the instance. + + A related property, , maintains a collection of command bindings. These differ from input bindings in that they represent the next level down of command processing - actions that are tied to known commands. + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + oneOrMoreInputBindings + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *oneOrMoreInputBindings* + One or more elements (typically the or derived classes). Each of these is expected to have a and attribute set. + + + +## Examples + The following example populates this property on a , with a single . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/InputBindings/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetcommandingoverviewxamlkeybinding"::: + + For more information about the XAML syntax for collections, see [XAML Syntax In Detail](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-syntax-in-detail). + ]]> @@ -3078,15 +3078,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Returns the input element within the current element that is at the specified coordinates, relative to the current element's origin. The element child that is located at the given position. - is returned as the return type, because that type is a common interface for both and . You can then cast the return type appropriately, or use the interface instance for certain members that are defined by the interface. - - This method typically is not called from your application code. Calling this method is only appropriate if you intend to re-implement a substantial amount of the low level input features that are already present, such as recreating mouse device logic. - - contracts an method with the same signature, which some elements choose to implement explicitly. - + is returned as the return type, because that type is a common interface for both and . You can then cast the return type appropriately, or use the interface instance for certain members that are defined by the interface. + + This method typically is not called from your application code. Calling this method is only appropriate if you intend to re-implement a substantial amount of the low level input features that are already present, such as recreating mouse device logic. + + contracts an method with the same signature, which some elements choose to implement explicitly. + ]]> @@ -3116,11 +3116,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Invalidates the arrange state (layout) for the element. After the invalidation, the element will have its layout updated, which will occur asynchronously unless subsequently forced by . - or in particular to have significant performance consequences. Therefore, avoid calling this method unless you absolutely require precise layout state for subsequent calls to other APIs in your code. An advanced scenario where you might call is if you are creating a for a dependency property that is not on a or derived class that still influences the arrange pass of layout when it changes. - + or in particular to have significant performance consequences. Therefore, avoid calling this method unless you absolutely require precise layout state for subsequent calls to other APIs in your code. An advanced scenario where you might call is if you are creating a for a dependency property that is not on a or derived class that still influences the arrange pass of layout when it changes. + ]]> @@ -3150,15 +3150,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Invalidates the measurement state (layout) for the element. - internally, there is no need to call and in succession. After the invalidation, the element will have its layout updated, which will occur asynchronously, unless is called to force a synchronous layout change. - - The WPF framework-level layout system does its own handling of changes in the visual tree of an element, and in most common layout invalidation cases the layout system is calling the equivalent of this method when necessary. You should only call this method if you are producing a complete layout implementation, which does direct manipulation of the element tree, or similar advanced scenarios. One such advanced scenario is if you are creating a for a dependency property that is not on a or derived class that still influences the measure pass of layout when it changes. - - Frequent calls to or in particular to have significant performance consequences. Therefore, avoid calling this method unless you absolutely require precise layout state for subsequent calls to other APIs in your code. - + internally, there is no need to call and in succession. After the invalidation, the element will have its layout updated, which will occur asynchronously, unless is called to force a synchronous layout change. + + The WPF framework-level layout system does its own handling of changes in the visual tree of an element, and in most common layout invalidation cases the layout system is calling the equivalent of this method when necessary. You should only call this method if you are producing a complete layout implementation, which does direct manipulation of the element tree, or similar advanced scenarios. One such advanced scenario is if you are creating a for a dependency property that is not on a or derived class that still influences the measure pass of layout when it changes. + + Frequent calls to or in particular to have significant performance consequences. Therefore, avoid calling this method unless you absolutely require precise layout state for subsequent calls to other APIs in your code. + ]]> @@ -3188,13 +3188,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Invalidates the rendering of the element, and forces a complete new layout pass. is called after the layout cycle is completed. - internally. - - This method is not generally called from your application code. The WPF framework-level layout system does its own handling of changes in the visual tree of an element, and would be calling the equivalent of this method when necessary already. Calling this method is necessary only for advanced scenarios. One such advanced scenario is if you are creating a for a dependency property that is not on a or derived class that still influences the layout when it changes. - + internally. + + This method is not generally called from your application code. The WPF framework-level layout system does its own handling of changes in the visual tree of an element, and would be calling the equivalent of this method when necessary already. Calling this method is necessary only for advanced scenarios. One such advanced scenario is if you are creating a for a dependency property that is not on a or derived class that still influences the layout when it changes. + ]]> @@ -3226,13 +3226,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the size and position of layout are valid; otherwise, . - on this element (or its parents). This flags the layout for recomposition at such time as the layout system determines. Alternatively, an immediate call to could be made, but this should only be done if it is certain that no further invalidations are pending (a large number of unnecessarily forced updates has performance consequences). - - cannot be `true` unless is also `true` (in the layout process, arrangement cannot be valid without measurement first being valid). - + on this element (or its parents). This flags the layout for recomposition at such time as the layout system determines. Alternatively, an immediate call to could be made, but this should only be done if it is certain that no further invalidations are pending (a large number of unnecessarily forced updates has performance consequences). + + cannot be `true` unless is also `true` (in the layout process, arrangement cannot be valid without measurement first being valid). + ]]> @@ -3265,29 +3265,29 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the element is enabled; otherwise, . The default value is . - on particular elements, often at runtime. Therefore, the default value listed here is sometimes not effective. For instance, a will be `false` whenever it is determined that there is no need to support a scrollbar. Attempting to set this value will also potentially be overridden by the value returned by . - - Elements that are not enabled do not participate in hit testing or focus and therefore will not be sources of input events. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows a handler on one button that when executed will set `false` on another named button `b1`. - + on particular elements, often at runtime. Therefore, the default value listed here is sometimes not effective. For instance, a will be `false` whenever it is determined that there is no need to support a scrollbar. Attempting to set this value will also potentially be overridden by the value returned by . + + Elements that are not enabled do not participate in hit testing or focus and therefore will not be sources of input events. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows a handler on one button that when executed will set `false` on another named button `b1`. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/IsEnabled/default.xaml.cs" id="Snippethandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RoutedEventAddRemoveHandler/VisualBasic/default.xaml.vb" id="Snippethandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RoutedEventAddRemoveHandler/VisualBasic/default.xaml.vb" id="Snippethandler"::: + ]]> @@ -3317,11 +3317,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the value of the property on this element changes. - @@ -3353,8 +3353,8 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the element is enabled; otherwise, . To be added. - The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates whether the parent element of this element is enabled. (If the parent is not enabled, the child element cannot be effectively enabled in practical user interface (UI).) If you choose to override this implementation, make certain that you call the base implementation to preserve this behavior. - + The default implementation of this property caches the value and also calculates whether the parent element of this element is enabled. (If the parent is not enabled, the child element cannot be effectively enabled in practical user interface (UI).) If you choose to override this implementation, make certain that you call the base implementation to preserve this behavior. + The class provides an existing override implementation of this property. This override determines whether the content inside the content presentation area exceeds the available area. If the content does exceed the area, the scrollbar portion is enabled. Otherwise, the scrollbar is not enabled. @@ -3413,30 +3413,30 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if this element has logical focus; otherwise, . - or . To set focus programmatically, call . Focus can also be set by user action or by control implementations, which possibly include mouse capture behavior. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example is a code handler that changes the background of a control when it is focused. - - :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/IsFocused/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetisfocused"::: - - Another common way to achieve this same effect is to place a in the of a control; this approach does not require handling specific events with code-behind and allows designers greater access to the interactive and graphical nature of the UI. For an example, see [How to: Create an Outer Glow Effect]( - + or . To set focus programmatically, call . Focus can also be set by user action or by control implementations, which possibly include mouse capture behavior. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example is a code handler that changes the background of a control when it is focused. + + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/IsFocused/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetisfocused"::: + + Another common way to achieve this same effect is to place a in the of a control; this approach does not require handling specific events with code-behind and allows designers greater access to the interactive and graphical nature of the UI. For an example, see [How to: Create an Outer Glow Effect]( + ]]> @@ -3495,19 +3495,19 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if this element could be returned as a hit test result from at least one point; otherwise, . The default value is . - to `false` on a composited control unless you do not want any input or hit testing on that control. For more information on hit testing, see [Hit Testing in the Visual Layer](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/hit-testing-in-the-visual-layer). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + to `false` on a composited control unless you do not want any input or hit testing on that control. For more information on hit testing, see [Hit Testing in the Visual Layer](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/hit-testing-in-the-visual-layer). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3537,11 +3537,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the value of the dependency property changes on this element. - @@ -3598,11 +3598,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if an input method is active; otherwise, . The default value of the underlying attached property is however, this will be influenced by the actual state of input methods at runtime. - for the currently enabled input methods (keyboard, speech, and other input devices). - + for the currently enabled input methods (keyboard, speech, and other input devices). + ]]> @@ -3642,21 +3642,21 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if this element has keyboard focus; otherwise, . The default is . - and are commonly used within class event handlers for other input-related events, for instance to determine whether the element already has keyboard focus, or to make determinations when mouse events and keyboard events occur in conjunction. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + and are commonly used within class event handlers for other input-related events, for instance to determine whether the element already has keyboard focus, or to make determinations when mouse events and keyboard events occur in conjunction. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3687,11 +3687,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -3757,23 +3757,23 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if keyboard focus is on the element or its child elements; otherwise, . - event, unless a derived class has overridden to suppress the event. - - You do not set this property directly, but you can set the focus to an element by calling , or by making a request. Either of these method calls might change this property value. - - and are typically used within class event handlers for other input-related events, for instance to determine whether the element already has keyboard focus, or to make determinations when mouse events and keyboard events occur in conjunction. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + event, unless a derived class has overridden to suppress the event. + + You do not set this property directly, but you can set the focus to an element by calling , or by making a request. Either of these method calls might change this property value. + + and are typically used within class event handlers for other input-related events, for instance to determine whether the element already has keyboard focus, or to make determinations when mouse events and keyboard events occur in conjunction. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -3802,11 +3802,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -3863,18 +3863,18 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if manipulation events are enabled on this ; otherwise, . The default is . - to receive the , , , , , and events. For more information about manipulations, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). For an example of an application that responds to manipulations, see [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). - - - -## Examples - The following example creates an application that has a red Rectangle. The property of the Rectangle is set to true and the application's window subscribes to the , , and events. This example is part of a larger example in [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/IsManipulationEnabled/mainwindow.xaml" id="Snippetui"::: - + to receive the , , , , , and events. For more information about manipulations, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). For an example of an application that responds to manipulations, see [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). + + + +## Examples + The following example creates an application that has a red Rectangle. The property of the Rectangle is set to true and the application's window subscribes to the , , and events. This example is part of a larger example in [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/IsManipulationEnabled/mainwindow.xaml" id="Snippetui"::: + ]]> @@ -3930,13 +3930,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the measure pass of layout returned a valid and current value; otherwise, . - on this element (or any parent element up the visual tree). This designates the layout for recomposition asynchronously, occurring at a time determined by the layout system. Alternatively, you could make an immediate call to . However, you should only call if it is likely that no further invalidations are pending (a large number of unnecessarily forced updates will have performance consequences). - - If is `false`, must also be `false` (by the enforced logic of the layout process, arrangement cannot be valid without measurement first being valid). - + on this element (or any parent element up the visual tree). This designates the layout for recomposition asynchronously, occurring at a time determined by the layout system. Alternatively, you could make an immediate call to . However, you should only call if it is likely that no further invalidations are pending (a large number of unnecessarily forced updates will have performance consequences). + + If is `false`, must also be `false` (by the enforced logic of the layout process, arrangement cannot be valid without measurement first being valid). + ]]> @@ -3971,29 +3971,29 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the element has mouse capture; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example turns the mouse capture state on or off based on whether the mouse is already captured for the element. - - If mouse capture is elsewhere, the mouse capture is set to that element. If the element had mouse capture, it is cleared by calling with a null input. - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example turns the mouse capture state on or off based on whether the mouse is already captured for the element. + + If mouse capture is elsewhere, the mouse capture is set to that element. If the element had mouse capture, it is cleared by calling with a null input. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/IsMouseCaptured/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetismousecaptured"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetismousecaptured"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MouseSnippetSample/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetismousecaptured"::: + ]]> @@ -4025,11 +4025,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -4092,18 +4092,18 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if this element or a contained element has mouse capture; otherwise, . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -4134,11 +4134,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the value of the changes on this element. - @@ -4205,21 +4205,21 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the mouse pointer is over the same element result as a hit test; otherwise, . The default is . - , this property is only `true` if the mouse pointer is over the literal element - as it is for a hit test. If the mouse pointer is instead over a child element, in particular over elements that are part of an element's deeper template and compositing, this property will be `false`. Unless you know how a control is composited (for example, you use this property in a custom control template for a control that you define), this property might return unexpected results. For most scenarios where you are not authoring controls, use instead. - - If the mouse is captured by this element, and this property is `true` at time of capture, this property will continue to return `true` until mouse capture is lost and the pointer is not over its bounds. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , this property is only `true` if the mouse pointer is over the literal element - as it is for a hit test. If the mouse pointer is instead over a child element, in particular over elements that are part of an element's deeper template and compositing, this property will be `false`. Unless you know how a control is composited (for example, you use this property in a custom control template for a control that you define), this property might return unexpected results. For most scenarios where you are not authoring controls, use instead. + + If the mouse is captured by this element, and this property is `true` at time of capture, this property will continue to return `true` until mouse capture is lost and the pointer is not over its bounds. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -4250,11 +4250,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -4321,32 +4321,32 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if mouse pointer is over the element or its child elements; otherwise, . The default is . - style control will report as `true` if the mouse is anywhere over its geometry, including any . - - Although an analogous "IsMouseOverChanged" event does not exist, several similar events do. For example, you can handle , , and . - - If this element captures the mouse, this property remains `true` until mouse capture is lost and the mouse pointer leaves the element bounds. - - Some controls deliberately capture the mouse on certain actions that do not appear to directly involve the mouse. This can lead to being `true` even though the mouse has not apparently moved. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example references this property as the property type of a , part of a \ block. If the mouse is over the control, the control text turns blue and the cursor becomes a hand. - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/IsMouseOver/window1.xaml" id="Snippettrigger"::: - + style control will report as `true` if the mouse is anywhere over its geometry, including any . + + Although an analogous "IsMouseOverChanged" event does not exist, several similar events do. For example, you can handle , , and . + + If this element captures the mouse, this property remains `true` until mouse capture is lost and the mouse pointer leaves the element bounds. + + Some controls deliberately capture the mouse on certain actions that do not appear to directly involve the mouse. This can lead to being `true` even though the mouse has not apparently moved. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example references this property as the property type of a , part of a \ block. If the mouse is over the control, the control text turns blue and the cursor becomes a hand. + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/IsMouseOver/window1.xaml" id="Snippettrigger"::: + ]]> @@ -4406,19 +4406,19 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the element has stylus capture; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -4450,11 +4450,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -4517,19 +4517,19 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if this element or a contained element has stylus capture; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -4560,11 +4560,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -4631,25 +4631,25 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the stylus pointer is over the same element result as a hit test; otherwise, . The default is . - , this property is only `true` if the stylus is over the element. If the stylus is instead over a child element or over elements that are part of an element's deeper compositing (the visual tree), this property will be `false`. - - Unless you know how a control is composited (for example, you use this property in a custom control template for a control that you define), this property might return unexpected results. For most scenarios where you are not authoring controls, use instead. - - If this element has stylus capture and this property is `true` at the time of capture, this property remains `true` until stylus capture is lost and the stylus is not over its bounds. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + , this property is only `true` if the stylus is over the element. If the stylus is instead over a child element or over elements that are part of an element's deeper compositing (the visual tree), this property will be `false`. + + Unless you know how a control is composited (for example, you use this property in a custom control template for a control that you define), this property might return unexpected results. For most scenarios where you are not authoring controls, use instead. + + If this element has stylus capture and this property is `true` at the time of capture, this property remains `true` until stylus capture is lost and the stylus is not over its bounds. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -4679,11 +4679,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - @@ -4749,21 +4749,21 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if stylus cursor is over the element or its child elements; otherwise, . The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -4826,21 +4826,21 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the element is visible; otherwise, . - value takes all factors of layout into account. In contrast, , which is a settable property, only indicates the intention to programmatically make an element visible or invisible. - - Elements where is `false` do not participate in input events (or commands), do not influence either the measure or arrange passes of layout, are not focusable, are not in a tab sequence, and will not be reported in hit testing. In contrast, elements where is `false` will still participate in events and commands, and hit testing, but are also not focusable. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + value takes all factors of layout into account. In contrast, , which is a settable property, only indicates the intention to programmatically make an element visible or invisible. + + Elements where is `false` do not participate in input events (or commands), do not influence either the measure or arrange passes of layout, are not focusable, are not in a tab sequence, and will not be reported in hit testing. In contrast, elements where is `false` will still participate in events and commands, and hit testing, but are also not focusable. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -4869,13 +4869,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the value of the property changes on this element. - property. For example, the element might not have an associated visual. - - This member is a CLR event, not a routed event. - + property. For example, the element might not have an associated visual. + + This member is a CLR event, not a routed event. + ]]> @@ -4933,26 +4933,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a key is pressed while focus is on this element. - event is a lower-level text input event that might not behave as expected on certain controls. This is because some controls have control compositing or class handling that provides a higher-level version of text input handling and related events. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event is a lower-level text input event that might not behave as expected on certain controls. This is because some controls have control compositing or class handling that provides a higher-level version of text input handling and related events. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -4982,13 +4982,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -5020,24 +5020,24 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a key is released while focus is on this element. - attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -5067,13 +5067,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -5102,13 +5102,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the layout of the various visual elements associated with the current changes. - @@ -5137,28 +5137,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when this element loses logical focus. - method is called still gets logical focus. - - A more precise interpretation of this event is that it is raised when the value of the property of an element in the route changes from `true` to `false`. - - Because this event uses bubbling routing, the element that loses focus might be a child element instead of the element where the event handler is actually attached. Check the in the event data to determine the actual element that gained focus. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + method is called still gets logical focus. + + A more precise interpretation of this event is that it is raised when the value of the property of an element in the route changes from `true` to `false`. + + Because this event uses bubbling routing, the element that loses focus might be a child element instead of the element where the event handler is actually attached. Check the in the event data to determine the actual element that gained focus. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no corresponding tunneling event. + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -5189,13 +5189,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -5227,26 +5227,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element. - in the event data to determine the actual element that lost focus. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that lost focus. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -5275,13 +5275,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -5313,28 +5313,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when this element loses mouse capture. - in the event data to determine the actual element that lost capture. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that lost capture. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -5363,13 +5363,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -5401,28 +5401,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when this element loses stylus capture. - in the event data to determine the actual element that lost focus. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that lost focus. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -5451,13 +5451,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -5485,21 +5485,21 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when this element loses a touch capture. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -5552,19 +5552,19 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the manipulation encounters a boundary. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + ]]> @@ -5617,22 +5617,22 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a manipulation and inertia on the object is complete. - property to determine the total amount the position of the manipulation changed. - - For more information about manipulations, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). For an example of an application that responds to manipulations, see [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - + property to determine the total amount the position of the manipulation changed. + + For more information about manipulations, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). For an example of an application that responds to manipulations, see [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + ]]> @@ -5685,32 +5685,32 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the input device changes position during a manipulation. - event occurs multiple times when the user drags fingers over the screen during a manipulation and again when inertia occurs. You can use the property to check whether the event is occurring during inertia. - - The element on with event occurs is not affected in any way when the event occurs. You must provide the logic to the element that is to be manipulated. The and properties, which are of type , contain data about how the position of the manipulations change and interpreted as moving, resizing, or rotating an object. You apply that information to the element that is to be manipulated. - - For more information about manipulations, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). For an example of an application that responds to manipulations, see [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows an event handler for the event. The example uses the property to move, resize, and rotate a . The example also checks whether the event occurred during inertia and whether the rectangle is touching the edge of a window. If those cases are true, the application stops the manipulation to prevent the rectangle from leaving the visible area of the application. This example is part of a larger example in [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). - + event occurs multiple times when the user drags fingers over the screen during a manipulation and again when inertia occurs. You can use the property to check whether the event is occurring during inertia. + + The element on with event occurs is not affected in any way when the event occurs. You must provide the logic to the element that is to be manipulated. The and properties, which are of type , contain data about how the position of the manipulations change and interpreted as moving, resizing, or rotating an object. You apply that information to the element that is to be manipulated. + + For more information about manipulations, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). For an example of an application that responds to manipulations, see [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows an event handler for the event. The example uses the property to move, resize, and rotate a . The example also checks whether the event occurred during inertia and whether the rectangle is touching the edge of a window. If those cases are true, the application stops the manipulation to prevent the rectangle from leaving the visible area of the application. This example is part of a larger example in [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/IsManipulationEnabled/mainwindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmanipulationdelta"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/basicmanipulation/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmanipulationdelta"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/basicmanipulation/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmanipulationdelta"::: + ]]> @@ -5763,32 +5763,32 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the input device loses contact with the object during a manipulation and inertia begins. - event occurs when the user lifts all of the fingers from the screen during a manipulation. For example, if a user "throws" a across a surface, the user will touch the to begin the action, move the finger across the screen for a short distance, and then release the . When the user releases the element, inertia begins and the event occurs. The continues to receive events to indicate that inertia is occurring on the element. - - You can use this event to specify the behavior of the inertia. For example, you can set the initial velocity that is used when inertia begins. You can also specify the amount of inertia by setting the desired deceleration or by setting the desired placement. You can set these values for each type of manipulation (translation, expansion, or rotation) independently. For more information, see . - - For more information about manipulations, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). For an example of an application that responds to manipulations, see [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows the event handler and sets the desired deceleration for translation, expansion, and rotation that is used during inertia. This example is part of a larger example in [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). - + event occurs when the user lifts all of the fingers from the screen during a manipulation. For example, if a user "throws" a across a surface, the user will touch the to begin the action, move the finger across the screen for a short distance, and then release the . When the user releases the element, inertia begins and the event occurs. The continues to receive events to indicate that inertia is occurring on the element. + + You can use this event to specify the behavior of the inertia. For example, you can set the initial velocity that is used when inertia begins. You can also specify the amount of inertia by setting the desired deceleration or by setting the desired placement. You can set these values for each type of manipulation (translation, expansion, or rotation) independently. For more information, see . + + For more information about manipulations, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). For an example of an application that responds to manipulations, see [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows the event handler and sets the desired deceleration for translation, expansion, and rotation that is used during inertia. This example is part of a larger example in [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/IsManipulationEnabled/mainwindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmanipulationinertiastarting"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/basicmanipulation/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmanipulationinertiastarting"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/basicmanipulation/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmanipulationinertiastarting"::: + ]]> @@ -5841,28 +5841,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when an input device begins a manipulation on the object. - event occurs after the event. You can do the following with the : - -- Get the element that the manipulation's position is relative to by using the property. - -- Get the origin of the manipulation by using the property. - -- Cancel the manipulation by calling the method. - - For more information about manipulations, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). For an example of an application that responds to manipulations, see [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - + event occurs after the event. You can do the following with the : + +- Get the element that the manipulation's position is relative to by using the property. + +- Get the origin of the manipulation by using the property. + +- Cancel the manipulation by calling the method. + + For more information about manipulations, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). For an example of an application that responds to manipulations, see [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + ]]> @@ -5915,40 +5915,40 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the manipulation processor is first created. - event occurs on an element that has the property set to `true` when the user puts a finger on it. By default, subsequent manipulation events report the position of the manipulation relative to the element that has set to `true`. You can specify that the position should be relative to another element by setting the property. For example, you can make the manipulation relative to the parent of the element. - - You can also do the following in an event handler for : - -- Specify whether the user needs more than one finger to perform the manipulations by setting the property. - -- Specify which types of manipulation are enabled by setting the property to a enumeration. - -- Specify the center of a single-finger rotation by setting the property. - -- Cancel the manipulation by calling the method. - - For more information about manipulations, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). For an example of an application that responds to manipulations, see [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - - - -## Examples - The following example shows the event handler for the event and sets the to the parent element that receives the manipulation events so that the coordinates of the manipulation are relative to the parent element. This example is part of a larger example in [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). - + event occurs on an element that has the property set to `true` when the user puts a finger on it. By default, subsequent manipulation events report the position of the manipulation relative to the element that has set to `true`. You can specify that the position should be relative to another element by setting the property. For example, you can make the manipulation relative to the parent of the element. + + You can also do the following in an event handler for : + +- Specify whether the user needs more than one finger to perform the manipulations by setting the property. + +- Specify which types of manipulation are enabled by setting the property to a enumeration. + +- Specify the center of a single-finger rotation by setting the property. + +- Cancel the manipulation by calling the method. + + For more information about manipulations, see the [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). For an example of an application that responds to manipulations, see [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + + + +## Examples + The following example shows the event handler for the event and sets the to the parent element that receives the manipulation events so that the coordinates of the manipulation are relative to the parent element. This example is part of a larger example in [Walkthrough: Creating Your First Touch Application](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/walkthrough-creating-your-first-touch-application). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/IsManipulationEnabled/mainwindow.xaml.cs" id="Snippetmanipulationstarting"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/basicmanipulation/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmanipulationstarting"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/basicmanipulation/visualbasic/mainwindow.xaml.vb" id="Snippetmanipulationstarting"::: + ]]> @@ -6006,24 +6006,24 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The available space that a parent element can allocate a child element. A child element can request a larger space than what is available; the provided size might be accommodated if scrolling is possible in the content model for the current element. Updates the of a . Parent elements call this method from their own implementations to form a recursive layout update. Calling this method constitutes the first pass (the "Measure" pass) of a layout update. - call and an call. During the call, an element determines its size requirements by using an `availableSize` input. During the call, the element size is finalized. - - `availableSize` can be any number from zero to infinite. Elements participating in layout should return the minimum they require for a given `availableSize`. - - When a layout is first instantiated, it always receives a call before . However, after the first layout pass, it may receive an call without a ; this can happen when a property that affects only is changed (such as alignment), or when the parent receives an without a . A call will automatically invalidate an call. - - Layout updates happen asynchronously, such that the main thread is not waiting for every possible layout change. Querying an element via code-behind checking of property values may not immediately reflect changes to properties that interact with the sizing or layout characteristics (the property, for example). - + call and an call. During the call, an element determines its size requirements by using an `availableSize` input. During the call, the element size is finalized. + + `availableSize` can be any number from zero to infinite. Elements participating in layout should return the minimum they require for a given `availableSize`. + + When a layout is first instantiated, it always receives a call before . However, after the first layout pass, it may receive an call without a ; this can happen when a property that affects only is changed (such as alignment), or when the parent receives an without a . A call will automatically invalidate an call. + + Layout updates happen asynchronously, such that the main thread is not waiting for every possible layout change. Querying an element via code-behind checking of property values may not immediately reflect changes to properties that interact with the sizing or layout characteristics (the property, for example). + > [!NOTE] -> Layout updates can be forced by using the method. However, calling this method is usually unnecessary and can cause poor performance. - - The layout system keeps two separate queues of invalid layouts, one for and one for . The layout queue is sorted based upon the order of elements in the visual tree of the element performing layout; elements higher in the tree are at the top of the queue, to avoid redundant layouts caused by repeated changes in parents. Duplicate entries are automatically removed from the queue, and elements are automatically removed from the queue if they are already layout-validated. - - When updating layout, the queue is emptied first, followed by the queue. An element in the queue will never be arranged if there is an element in the queue. - +> Layout updates can be forced by using the method. However, calling this method is usually unnecessary and can cause poor performance. + + The layout system keeps two separate queues of invalid layouts, one for and one for . The layout queue is sorted based upon the order of elements in the visual tree of the element performing layout; elements higher in the tree are at the top of the queue, to avoid redundant layouts caused by repeated changes in parents. Duplicate entries are automatically removed from the queue, and elements are automatically removed from the queue if they are already layout-validated. + + When updating layout, the queue is emptied first, followed by the queue. An element in the queue will never be arranged if there is an element in the queue. + ]]> @@ -6057,34 +6057,34 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to When overridden in a derived class, provides measurement logic for sizing this element properly, with consideration of the size of any child element content. The desired size of this element in layout. - rather than . If you are deriving from , note that an override of on seals the method. Therefore, you only override as a means to alter layout measure characteristics if you derive from through an inheritance that does not include . This might be the case if you are attempting to build your own implementation on the WPF core-level. Otherwise, if you are deriving from , then the implementation template for Measure behavior is the implementation of .. - - A parent element with child elements must call on each child, otherwise these child elements are not sized or arranged and will effectively disappear from layout. - - - -## Examples - A typical override of follows this approximate pattern (there is not a built-in collection called `VisualChildren`; `VisualChildren` is a placeholder that represents whatever child collection your element maintains). - + rather than . If you are deriving from , note that an override of on seals the method. Therefore, you only override as a means to alter layout measure characteristics if you derive from through an inheritance that does not include . This might be the case if you are attempting to build your own implementation on the WPF core-level. Otherwise, if you are deriving from , then the implementation template for Measure behavior is the implementation of .. + + A parent element with child elements must call on each child, otherwise these child elements are not sized or arranged and will effectively disappear from layout. + + + +## Examples + A typical override of follows this approximate pattern (there is not a built-in collection called `VisualChildren`; `VisualChildren` is a placeholder that represents whatever child collection your element maintains). + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ComponentResourceKey/.ctor/corepseudocode.cs" id="Snippetuielementmeasureoverride"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CorePseudocode/visualbasic/corepseudocode.vb" id="Snippetuielementmeasureoverride"::: - -- You must call on each child element. - -- Generally, your implementation should cache measurement information between the and method calls in the same element. - -- Calling base implementations of is not required, but might be appropriate if the base implementation provides a desired layout capability. - -- Calls to on child elements should pass either the same `availableSize` as the parent, or a subset of the area, depending on the type of layout the parent element supports. For example, it would be valid to remove the area for an element-specific border or padding, a scrollbar, or a custom control. - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CorePseudocode/visualbasic/corepseudocode.vb" id="Snippetuielementmeasureoverride"::: + +- You must call on each child element. + +- Generally, your implementation should cache measurement information between the and method calls in the same element. + +- Calling base implementations of is not required, but might be appropriate if the base implementation provides a desired layout capability. + +- Calls to on child elements should pass either the same `availableSize` as the parent, or a subset of the area, depending on the type of layout the parent element supports. For example, it would be valid to remove the area for an element-specific border or padding, a scrollbar, or a custom control. + ]]> - Implementations must be able to process a value provided for that is infinite. An infinite value indicates no requested constraints, and effectively defers measurement choice to the parent element, through recursive Measure calls. - + Implementations must be able to process a value provided for that is infinite. An infinite value indicates no requested constraints, and effectively defers measurement choice to the parent element, through recursive Measure calls. + Implementations can consider the value provided for to be a soft constraint. The child element might specify a larger size, even if other aspects of application code were able to determine the current actual size of the parent element. The large size request is a convention that indicates that the child element is querying whether your parent element can support content scrolling within a content display region. @@ -6113,35 +6113,35 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a press of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a press of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . + > [!IMPORTANT] -> Some controls might have inherent class handling for mouse button events. The left mouse button down event is the most likely event to have class handling in a control. The class handling often marks the underlying class event as handled. Once the event is marked handled, other instance handlers that are attached to that element are not ordinarily raised. Any other class or instance handlers that are attached to elements in the bubbling direction towards the root in the UI tree are also not ordinarily raised. - - You can resolve the issue that is outlined in the preceding Important and still receive events for left mouse button down events on a derived class that has class handling by using either of these solutions: - -- Attach handlers for the event, which is not marked as handled by the controls. Notice that because this is a preview event, the route starts at the root and tunnels down to the control. - -- Register a handler on the control procedurally by calling and choosing the signature option that enables handlers to listen for events even if they are already marked as handled in the routed event data. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - +> Some controls might have inherent class handling for mouse button events. The left mouse button down event is the most likely event to have class handling in a control. The class handling often marks the underlying class event as handled. Once the event is marked handled, other instance handlers that are attached to that element are not ordinarily raised. Any other class or instance handlers that are attached to elements in the bubbling direction towards the root in the UI tree are also not ordinarily raised. + + You can resolve the issue that is outlined in the preceding Important and still receive events for left mouse button down events on a derived class that has class handling by using either of these solutions: + +- Attach handlers for the event, which is not marked as handled by the controls. Notice that because this is a preview event, the route starts at the root and tunnels down to the control. + +- Register a handler on the control procedurally by calling and choosing the signature option that enables handlers to listen for events even if they are already marked as handled in the routed event data. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -6170,13 +6170,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -6208,28 +6208,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of this element. - is a [routed event](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. - - Although tracks when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `false` to `true` on this element. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - A (or any derived class) has native handling for a event when the button has focus, and the pressed key is the space bar. The native handling raises the event with the button as the source, and also captures the mouse, even though the mouse pointer does not appear to move. As a result of the mouse capture, a event is also raised with the button as the source. In general, if an element captures the mouse, then is raised, as well as and possibly other control-specific events. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + is a [routed event](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. + + Although tracks when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `false` to `true` on this element. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + A (or any derived class) has native handling for a event when the button has focus, and the pressed key is the space bar. The native handling raises the event with the button as the source, and also captures the mouse, even though the mouse pointer does not appear to move. As a result of the mouse capture, a event is also raised with the button as the source. In general, if an element captures the mouse, then is raised, as well as and possibly other control-specific events. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -6258,13 +6258,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -6296,26 +6296,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the bounds of this element. - is a [routed event](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. - - Although tracks when the mouse leaves an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `true` to `false` on this element. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + is a [routed event](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. + + Although tracks when the mouse leaves an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `true` to `false` on this element. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -6344,13 +6344,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -6382,37 +6382,37 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. This possibly includes class-handler generated events such as . - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. This possibly includes class-handler generated events such as . + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + > [!IMPORTANT] -> Some control classes might have inherent class handling for mouse button events. The left mouse button down event is the most likely event to have class handling in a control. The class handling often marks the underlying class event as handled. Once the event is marked handled, other instance handlers that are attached to that element are not ordinarily raised. Any other class or instance handlers that are attached to elements in the bubbling direction towards the root in the UI tree are also not ordinarily raised. - - You can resolve the issue that is outlined in the preceding Important and still receive events for left mouse button down events on a derived class that has class handling by using either of these solutions: - -- Attach handlers for the event, which is not marked as handled by the controls. Notice that because this is a preview event, the route starts at the root and tunnels down to the control. - -- Register a handler on the control procedurally by calling and choosing the signature option that enables handlers to listen for events even if they are already marked as handled in the routed event data. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - +> Some control classes might have inherent class handling for mouse button events. The left mouse button down event is the most likely event to have class handling in a control. The class handling often marks the underlying class event as handled. Once the event is marked handled, other instance handlers that are attached to that element are not ordinarily raised. Any other class or instance handlers that are attached to elements in the bubbling direction towards the root in the UI tree are also not ordinarily raised. + + You can resolve the issue that is outlined in the preceding Important and still receive events for left mouse button down events on a derived class that has class handling by using either of these solutions: + +- Attach handlers for the event, which is not marked as handled by the controls. Notice that because this is a preview event, the route starts at the root and tunnels down to the control. + +- Register a handler on the control procedurally by calling and choosing the signature option that enables handlers to listen for events even if they are already marked as handled in the routed event data. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -6442,13 +6442,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -6480,28 +6480,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -6531,13 +6531,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -6569,24 +6569,24 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -6617,13 +6617,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -6655,30 +6655,30 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. This possibly includes class-handler generated events such as . - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - Right button mouse events frequently have native handling in application scenarios. For instance, a right mouse button down might display a context menu. See [ContextMenu Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/contextmenu-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. This possibly includes class-handler generated events such as . + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + Right button mouse events frequently have native handling in application scenarios. For instance, a right mouse button down might display a context menu. See [ContextMenu Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/contextmenu-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -6708,13 +6708,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -6746,28 +6746,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -6797,13 +6797,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -6832,26 +6832,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when any mouse button is released over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a release of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a release of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -6880,13 +6880,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -6918,26 +6918,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over this element. - event from a focused or captured element, the mouse pointer might actually be over another element. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event from a focused or captured element, the mouse pointer might actually be over another element. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -6966,13 +6966,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -7007,11 +7007,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the requested traversal was performed; otherwise, . - @@ -7045,11 +7045,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The event data to the access key event. The event data reports which key was invoked, and indicate whether the object that controls the sending of these events also sent this access key invocation to other elements. Provides class handling for when an access key that is meaningful for this element is invoked. - class, or elsewhere, which you can raise or attach handlers for. Instead, the event is originated via a dedicated manager class, , which post-processes all input to search for access keys that are applicable to the entire input model. - + class, or elsewhere, which you can raise or attach handlers for. Instead, the event is originated via a dedicated manager class, , which post-processes all input to search for access keys that are applicable to the entire input model. + ]]> @@ -7085,16 +7085,16 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The child element that is being resized. Supports layout behavior when a child element is resized. - is the control. - + is the control. + ]]> - The method has the default implementation of calling on itself. A typical implementation would be: do whatever optimization your own element supports, and then typically call base from at least one of the code branches (the one that indicated "dirty" state per your own measure caching logic). - + The method has the default implementation of calling on itself. A typical implementation would be: do whatever optimization your own element supports, and then typically call base from at least one of the code branches (the one that indicated "dirty" state per your own measure caching logic). + This method is only called in the layout processing if it was the child itself that originated the size changes. Otherwise, if the parent element initiates the pass, according to the layout system rules, the parent is recalculating layout already. The layout system processes layout in the order of child-to-parent, so no return to parent element sizing from the child element layout calls is necessary. @@ -7126,8 +7126,8 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The type-specific implementation. To be added. - The implementation of this method is typically to call the constructor of a specific implementation, and return it as the return value. - + The implementation of this method is typically to call the constructor of a specific implementation, and return it as the return value. + All derived classes should implement this method in order to provide their own specific implementations to the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) infrastructure. For details on implementing this pattern, see . @@ -7160,15 +7160,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7202,15 +7202,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7244,15 +7244,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7286,15 +7286,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7328,15 +7328,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7376,13 +7376,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains event data. This event data must contain the identifier for the event. Raises the routed event by using the event data provided. - property value changes. The implementation differs from some other Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) On* implementations, which only provide a convenient way to add class handling for that event. - + property value changes. The implementation differs from some other Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) On* implementations, which only provide a convenient way to add class handling for that event. + ]]> @@ -7420,15 +7420,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7462,15 +7462,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7504,15 +7504,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7545,11 +7545,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch is captured to this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -7582,13 +7582,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -7621,13 +7621,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Invoked just before the event is raised by this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -7660,13 +7660,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event; Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event; Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -7700,8 +7700,8 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. To be added. - This virtual method is raised when the value of the dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event; Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - + This virtual method is raised when the value of the dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event; Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. @@ -7734,13 +7734,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -7773,13 +7773,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -7812,13 +7812,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore, you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -7851,13 +7851,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. - + dependency property changes its value. The virtual method is raised first and can manipulate the event data as necessary. Then the event is raised with that same event data instance. Notice that the event is not a routed event. Therefore you cannot mark it as handled in the class handler. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements. + ]]> @@ -7890,17 +7890,17 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - is not invoked. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. - - The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. - - Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + is not invoked. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. + + The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. + + Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7934,17 +7934,17 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - is not invoked. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. - - The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. - - Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + is not invoked. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. + + The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. + + Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -7984,13 +7984,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains event data. This event data must contain the identifier for the event. Raises the routed event by using the event data that is provided. - property value changes. This implementation differs from some other Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) On* implementations, which only provide a convenient way to add class handling for that event. - + property value changes. This implementation differs from some other Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) On* implementations, which only provide a convenient way to add class handling for that event. + ]]> @@ -8026,15 +8026,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8068,15 +8068,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8110,15 +8110,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8151,11 +8151,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when this element loses a touch capture. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -8187,11 +8187,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The data for the event. Called when the event occurs. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the method of the base class so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the method of the base class so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -8223,11 +8223,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The data for the event. Called when the event occurs. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the method of the base class so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the method of the base class so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -8259,11 +8259,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The data for the event. Called when the event occurs. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the method of the base class so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the method of the base class so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -8295,11 +8295,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The data for the event. Called when the event occurs. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the method of the base class so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the method of the base class so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -8331,11 +8331,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The data for the event. Called when the event occurs. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the method of the base class so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the method of the base class so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -8367,11 +8367,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the manipulation processor is first created. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -8404,23 +8404,23 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. This event data reports details about the mouse button that was pressed and the handled state. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event as handled, is not invoked. - - If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events may be raised on the receiving element when is received. - - If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button down actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. - - Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. - - The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. - - Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + event as handled, is not invoked. + + If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events may be raised on the receiving element when is received. + + If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button down actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. + + Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. + + The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. + + Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8454,13 +8454,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - @@ -8494,13 +8494,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - @@ -8534,15 +8534,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the left mouse button was pressed. Invoked when an unhandled routed event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - - Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling the base implementation; however, this override disables the event. - + event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + + Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling the base implementation; however, this override disables the event. + ]]> @@ -8575,13 +8575,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the left mouse button was released. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - + event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + ]]> @@ -8614,15 +8614,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8656,15 +8656,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the right mouse button was pressed. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - - Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling base; however, this override disables the context menu services on your control, which are part of the default behavior. - + event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + + Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling base; however, this override disables the context menu services on your control, which are part of the default behavior. + ]]> @@ -8697,13 +8697,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the right mouse button was released. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - + event appears to travel a bubbling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is bubble routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + ]]> @@ -8736,23 +8736,23 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the mouse button was released. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event as handled, is not invoked. - - If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events might be raised on the receiving element when is received. - - If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button up actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. - - Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. - - The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. - - Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + event as handled, is not invoked. + + If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events might be raised on the receiving element when is received. + + If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button up actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. + + Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. + + The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. + + Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8785,15 +8785,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -8827,15 +8827,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -8869,15 +8869,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -8911,15 +8911,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -8953,15 +8953,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -8995,15 +8995,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9037,15 +9037,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9079,15 +9079,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9121,15 +9121,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9163,15 +9163,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9205,23 +9205,23 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. The event data reports that one or more mouse buttons were pressed. Invoked when an unhandled attached routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event as handled, is not invoked. - - If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events may be raised on the receiving element when is received. - - If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button down actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. - - Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. - - The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. - - Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + event as handled, is not invoked. + + If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events may be raised on the receiving element when is received. + + If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button down actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. + + Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. + + The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. + + Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9255,15 +9255,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the left mouse button was pressed. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - - Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling the base implementation; however, this override disables the event. - + event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + + Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling the base implementation; however, this override disables the event. + ]]> @@ -9296,13 +9296,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the left mouse button was released. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - + event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + ]]> @@ -9335,15 +9335,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9377,15 +9377,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the right mouse button was pressed. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - - Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling base; however, this override disables the context menu services on your control, which are part of the default behavior. - + event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + + Alternatively, you can override this method in order to change event handling for a specific mouse state. Whether you choose to call the base implementation depends on your scenario. Failing to call base disables default input handling for that mouse event on ancestor classes that also expect to invoke . For example, you can derive from and override in your derived class without calling base; however, this override disables the context menu services on your control, which are part of the default behavior. + ]]> @@ -9418,13 +9418,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. The event data reports that the right mouse button was released. Invoked when an unhandled routed event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. - - The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . - + event appears to travel a tunneling route but actually travels in an indirect way. is the underlying event that is tunnel routed, and each along the event route uses identical handling to raise the direct routed event . Although you can mark the event as handled for purposes of this element, the handled state does not perpetuate to other elements along the event route. However, you might want to mark the event as handled in order to prevent general instance handlers (those that did not specify `handledEventsToo`) from being invoked. + + The default implementation for general mouse event handling in listens for and converts it to an appropriate local event. If you want to override this logic, you must create a derived class. In the static constructor of your derived class, register an alternative class handler for . You cannot change the mouse handling behavior of by overriding . + ]]> @@ -9457,23 +9457,23 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. The event data reports that one or more mouse buttons were released. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - event as handled, is not invoked. - - If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events might be raised on the receiving element when is received. - - If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button up actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. - - Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. - - This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. - - The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. - - Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + event as handled, is not invoked. + + If you use this class handler to mark the event as handled, you potentially impact the following events: and . Either of these events might be raised on the receiving element when is received. + + If you mark this event as handled in class handling, subevents are still raised; however, they pass the handled state in the event data. If the event is handled in class handling, instance handlers for the subevents are not invoked unless you explicitly use with `handledEventsToo` `true` in order to attach handlers. Class handlers also are not invoked unless those class handlers were registered with the signature with `handledEventsToo` `true`. By handling , you are implying that your class handling accounted for all possible mouse button up actions. This behavior might be unwanted; Therefore, use caution when you use this virtual method to mark events as handled. + + Each of the button-specific direct events also has a virtual On* method; consider whether overriding these button-specific class handlers might be more appropriate. + + This method has no default implementation. Because an intermediate class in the inheritance might implement this method, we recommend that you call the base implementation in your implementation. + + The purpose of this method is similar to the common language runtime (CLR) event pattern On* methods: this method provides the means to handle the matching event from derived classes by establishing a class handler instead of an instance handler. In this case the matching event is a routed event. The implementation pattern of the On* methods is different for routed events because a routed event can be raised by a child element, which is not necessarily the element that will invoke handlers. Therefore, your implementation needs to examine the source properties of the event data. It should not try to reraise the event in most cases. + + Either by overriding this method or by registering class handlers with , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -9507,15 +9507,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9549,15 +9549,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9591,15 +9591,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9633,15 +9633,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9675,15 +9675,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9717,15 +9717,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9759,15 +9759,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9801,15 +9801,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9843,15 +9843,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9885,15 +9885,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9927,15 +9927,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -9969,15 +9969,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. Another scenario that is specifically for Preview events is to mark them handled so that the matching bubbling class handlers are not invoked. + ]]> @@ -10011,11 +10011,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch presses this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -10047,11 +10047,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch moves while inside this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -10083,11 +10083,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch is released inside this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -10120,15 +10120,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -10162,15 +10162,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -10204,19 +10204,19 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The drawing instructions for a specific element. This context is provided to the layout system. When overridden in a derived class, participates in rendering operations that are directed by the layout system. The rendering instructions for this element are not used directly when this method is invoked, and are instead preserved for later asynchronous use by layout and drawing. - class. - - - -## Examples - The following code example shows a possible implementation for a panel derived class. - + class. + + + +## Examples + The following code example shows a possible implementation for a panel derived class. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/OnRender/OffsetPanel.cs" id="Snippet1"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/LightWeightCustomPanel/visualbasic/offsetpanel.vb" id="Snippet1"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/LightWeightCustomPanel/visualbasic/offsetpanel.vb" id="Snippet1"::: + ]]> @@ -10252,11 +10252,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The packaged parameters (), which includes old and new sizes, and which dimension actually changes. When overridden in a derived class, participates in rendering operations that are directed by the layout system. This method is invoked after layout update, and before rendering, if the element's has changed as a result of layout update. - . The implementation invalidates the and properties and handles the basics of remaking the layout. Overriding at the level implies that your element implementation is deliberately not using the WPF framework-level implementation, and therefore your element must handle layout logic more directly, typically by writing a replacement layout system. - + . The implementation invalidates the and properties and handles the basics of remaking the layout. Overriding at the level implies that your element implementation is deliberately not using the WPF framework-level implementation, and therefore your element must handle layout logic more directly, typically by writing a replacement layout system. + ]]> @@ -10289,15 +10289,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -10331,15 +10331,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -10373,15 +10373,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -10415,13 +10415,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event is raised by this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - @@ -10455,15 +10455,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -10497,15 +10497,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -10539,13 +10539,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event is raised by this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - @@ -10579,15 +10579,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -10621,15 +10621,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -10663,15 +10663,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -10705,15 +10705,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -10747,15 +10747,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The that contains the event data. Invoked when an unhandled attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event. - , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. - + , derived classes of can call private class handler methods when the event is received along the event route. One scenario where class handling is appropriate is to manipulate the event data and mark the routed event as handled. + ]]> @@ -10788,11 +10788,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch presses inside this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -10824,11 +10824,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch moves from outside to inside the bounds of this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -10860,11 +10860,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch moves from inside to outside the bounds of this . - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -10896,11 +10896,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch moves while inside this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -10932,11 +10932,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data. Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when a touch is released inside this element. - method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. - + method has no default implementation. Override in a derived class to handle the event. Be sure to call the base class' method so that base classes receive the event. + ]]> @@ -10970,8 +10970,8 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Invoked when the parent element of this reports a change to its underlying visual parent. To be added. - If you override this method, always call the base implementation. The default base implementation performs some internal maintenance of reverse-inherited property state. Failing to call the base implementation will invalidate this state. - + If you override this method, always call the base implementation. The default base implementation performs some internal maintenance of reverse-inherited property state. Failing to call the base implementation will invalidate this state. + This method overrides . and both also override the implementation of , and seals it. @@ -11007,25 +11007,25 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Gets or sets the opacity factor applied to the entire when it is rendered in the user interface (UI). This is a dependency property. The opacity factor. Default opacity is 1.0. Expected values are between 0.0 and 1.0. - class. Other derived classes may potentially change this default value by overriding the metadata from within their class constructor. - - The value of won't be applied to actual layout unless the element is also visible ( is `true`). - - is applied from parent elements on down the element tree to child elements, but the visible effects of the nested opacity settings aren't indicated in the property value of individual child elements. For instance, if a list has a 50% (0.5) opacity and one of its list items has its own opacity set to 20% (0.2), the net visible opacity for that list item will be rendered as if it were 10% (0.1), but the property value of the list item property would still be 0.2 when queried. - - Even if the declared or evaluated opacity is 0, an element still participates in input events and commands, and is potentially focusable. This aspect can be useful, for instance you can use an opacity-zero object (such as a shape) for masking underlying objects with transparent elements. The opacity-zero object can then handle all the input event processing for an underlying area. However, the `Background` or `Fill` of the object or shape should be set to a value, even if it is , otherwise hit testing is not enabled, and no events are received. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + class. Other derived classes may potentially change this default value by overriding the metadata from within their class constructor. + + The value of won't be applied to actual layout unless the element is also visible ( is `true`). + + is applied from parent elements on down the element tree to child elements, but the visible effects of the nested opacity settings aren't indicated in the property value of individual child elements. For instance, if a list has a 50% (0.5) opacity and one of its list items has its own opacity set to 20% (0.2), the net visible opacity for that list item will be rendered as if it were 10% (0.1), but the property value of the list item property would still be 0.2 when queried. + + Even if the declared or evaluated opacity is 0, an element still participates in input events and commands, and is potentially focusable. This aspect can be useful, for instance you can use an opacity-zero object (such as a shape) for masking underlying objects with transparent elements. The opacity-zero object can then handle all the input event processing for an underlying area. However, the `Background` or `Fill` of the object or shape should be set to a value, even if it is , otherwise hit testing is not enabled, and no events are received. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -11056,30 +11056,30 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Gets or sets an opacity mask, as a implementation that is applied to any alpha-channel masking for the rendered content of this element. This is a dependency property. The brush to use for opacity masking. - . The other channels of the 's rendered content (Red, Green, or Blue) are ignored. - - The most typical for this purpose is an , which can be used for a variety of photo masking techniques such as a vignette. But any defined (such as ) can be used. - - In Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), this property value can use an inline syntax that is specific to each implementation of the abstract class. For more information, see [Painting with Solid Colors and Gradients Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/painting-with-solid-colors-and-gradients-overview). - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following markup example shows an opacity mask applied to another . - - :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/OpacityMask/ImageBrushExample.xaml" id="Snippetuielementopacitymask"::: - + . The other channels of the 's rendered content (Red, Green, or Blue) are ignored. + + The most typical for this purpose is an , which can be used for a variety of photo masking techniques such as a vignette. But any defined (such as ) can be used. + + In Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML), this property value can use an inline syntax that is specific to each implementation of the abstract class. For more information, see [Painting with Solid Colors and Gradients Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/graphics-multimedia/painting-with-solid-colors-and-gradients-overview). + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following markup example shows an opacity mask applied to another . + + :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/OpacityMask/ImageBrushExample.xaml" id="Snippetuielementopacitymask"::: + ]]> @@ -11176,13 +11176,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Gets a value that uniquely identifies this element. The unique identifier for this element. - uniquely identifies each element. An element keeps the same every time the same Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) is loaded (including binary representations). This identifier is used for internal loading, parsing and serialization requirements. It is not intended to be used by your application code. - - This property has no relationship to the result for any given instance. - + uniquely identifies each element. An element keeps the same every time the same Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) is loaded (including binary representations). This identifier is used for internal loading, parsing and serialization requirements. It is not intended to be used by your application code. + + This property has no relationship to the result for any given instance. + ]]> @@ -11216,11 +11216,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to When overridden in a derived class, returns the element that would receive focus for a specified focus traversal direction, without actually moving focus to that element. The element that would have received focus if were actually invoked. - @@ -11250,24 +11250,24 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the drag target. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11296,13 +11296,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11331,24 +11331,24 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the drag origin. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11377,13 +11377,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11412,24 +11412,24 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drag event with this element as the potential drop target. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11458,13 +11458,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11493,24 +11493,24 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the input system reports an underlying drop event with this element as the drop target. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11539,13 +11539,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11574,26 +11574,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is started. - event enables the source of a drag event to modify the appearance of the mouse pointer, in order to give the user visual feedback during a drag-and-drop operation. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event enables the source of a drag event to modify the appearance of the mouse pointer, in order to give the user visual feedback during a drag-and-drop operation. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11622,13 +11622,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11660,26 +11660,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element. - in the event data to determine the actual element that has focus. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that has focus. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11709,13 +11709,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11747,26 +11747,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a key is pressed while focus is on this element. - event is a lower-level text input event that might not behave as expected on certain controls. This is because some controls have control compositing or class handling that provides a higher-level version of text input handling and related events. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event is a lower-level text input event that might not behave as expected on certain controls. This is because some controls have control compositing or class handling that provides a higher-level version of text input handling and related events. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11796,13 +11796,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11834,26 +11834,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a key is released while focus is on this element. - event is a lower-level text input event that might not behave as expected on certain controls. This is because some controls have control compositing or class handling that provides a higher-level version of text input handling and related events. For details, check the documentation for individual controls. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event is a lower-level text input event that might not behave as expected on certain controls. This is because some controls have control compositing or class handling that provides a higher-level version of text input handling and related events. For details, check the documentation for individual controls. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11882,13 +11882,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -11920,26 +11920,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element. - in the event data to determine the actual element that lost focus. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + in the event data to determine the actual element that lost focus. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -11969,13 +11969,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12004,26 +12004,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when any mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a press of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a press of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12052,13 +12052,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12090,28 +12090,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. This possibly includes class-handler generated events such as . - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. This possibly includes class-handler generated events such as . + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12141,13 +12141,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12179,28 +12179,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12229,13 +12229,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12267,26 +12267,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while the mouse pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12315,13 +12315,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12353,28 +12353,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. This possibly includes class-handler generated events such as . - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. This possibly includes class-handler generated events such as . + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12404,13 +12404,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12442,28 +12442,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. - . - - This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. - - The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. - - Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event is one of several related events that report the mouse-button specifics of an underlying event, which is an attached event that is processed by each element along an event route. + + The event data of this event exposes the event data of the underlying event. If that event is marked as handled along the event route, the mouse-button specific events are still raised; however, handlers of the mouse-button specific events must be added by explicitly calling , with the option to handle events that are already marked as handled, in order to be listeners to the event. If you mark handled, you are essentially marking handled for all further listeners along the route, and on all related events. + + Conceptually, think of this event (and other mouse-button events on ) to be a mouse "service" (with the service definition provided by the class). The event adds the convenience of not needing to check the mouse button states (left-right, up-down) of the original mouse events in the event data. For more advanced scenarios, such as checking for states of non-standard buttons, you might need to use the APIs on the class rather than those on . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12493,13 +12493,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12528,26 +12528,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when any mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a press of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + The event is often raised together with either or , which correspond to a press of one of the two standard mouse buttons. and are also routed events, but they are direct routed events, and the appropriate button-specific event is raised when the event reaches this element along the event route. See Remarks for or . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12576,13 +12576,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12614,26 +12614,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the user rotates the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12662,13 +12662,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12697,26 +12697,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button state during a drag-and-drop operation. - event enables the drag source to declare whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event enables the drag source to declare whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12745,13 +12745,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12783,26 +12783,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Touch Input Support in Windows Vista](/windows/win32/tablet/touch-input-support-in-windows-vista) and [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Touch Input Support in Windows Vista](/windows/win32/tablet/touch-input-support-in-windows-vista) and [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12832,13 +12832,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12870,26 +12870,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus button is released while the pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -12918,13 +12918,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -12956,26 +12956,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while it is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13004,13 +13004,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -13042,26 +13042,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus moves over an element without actually touching the digitizer. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13090,13 +13090,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -13128,26 +13128,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected, while over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13176,13 +13176,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -13214,26 +13214,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus moves while over the element. The stylus must move while being detected by the digitizer to raise this event, otherwise, is raised instead. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13262,13 +13262,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -13300,26 +13300,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13348,13 +13348,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -13386,28 +13386,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a user performs one of several stylus gestures. - . - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13436,13 +13436,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -13474,26 +13474,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the user raises the stylus off the digitizer while the stylus is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13522,13 +13522,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -13560,28 +13560,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner. - event allows a component or application to listen for text input in a device-independent manner. The keyboard is the primary means of ; but speech, handwriting, and other input devices can also generate . - - Because of key combinations - either in default keyboards or through input method editors - multiple key events may raise just one text input event. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event allows a component or application to listen for text input in a device-independent manner. The keyboard is the primary means of ; but speech, handwriting, and other input devices can also generate . + + Because of key combinations - either in default keyboards or through input method editors - multiple key events may raise just one text input event. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13611,13 +13611,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -13645,26 +13645,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a finger touches the screen while the finger is over this element. - and events do not occur until a finger touches the screen and moves. Pressing a finger on the screen and holding it without moving it causes the press and hold behavior of a . The press and hold behavior is equivalent to a mouse right-click. - - To cause the and events to occur as soon as a finger touches the screen, set the attached property to `false` for this element. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + and events do not occur until a finger touches the screen and moves. Pressing a finger on the screen and holding it without moving it causes the press and hold behavior of a . The press and hold behavior is equivalent to a mouse right-click. + + To cause the and events to occur as soon as a finger touches the screen, set the attached property to `false` for this element. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13720,23 +13720,23 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a finger moves on the screen while the finger is over this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13789,23 +13789,23 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a finger is raised off of the screen while the finger is over this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Tunneling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- The corresponding bubbling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Tunneling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- The corresponding bubbling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13859,26 +13859,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button state during a drag-and-drop operation. - event enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + event enables the drag source to determine whether the drag-and-drop operation should be canceled. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13907,13 +13907,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -13942,28 +13942,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the cursor is requested to display. This event is raised on an element each time that the mouse pointer moves to a new location, which means the cursor object might need to be changed based on its new position. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - The cursor being referred to by this event name is not necessarily the text cursor (sometimes known as the insertion point). Instead, the cursor in this context is the object that declares the onscreen graphical display related to several possible input-related devices or concepts in Windows programming. That object is represented by the class in WPF. The WPF input system enables you to change this cursor when it represents the onscreen position of the mouse pointer. You can use predefined values from the enumeration, or you can declare a custom cursor as an image file. - - Listening for the event is not an efficient technique for cursor management. Instead, each element should define its own cursor behavior with and . You should only rely on if you are not using the WPF framework-level base elements, or in extraordinary circumstances where defining cursor behavior on a per-element basis does not meet your needs. For more information on implementing cursor behavior in response to , see . - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + The cursor being referred to by this event name is not necessarily the text cursor (sometimes known as the insertion point). Instead, the cursor in this context is the object that declares the onscreen graphical display related to several possible input-related devices or concepts in Windows programming. That object is represented by the class in WPF. The WPF input system enables you to change this cursor when it represents the onscreen position of the mouse pointer. You can use predefined values from the enumeration, or you can declare a custom cursor as an image file. + + Listening for the event is not an efficient technique for cursor management. Instead, each element should define its own cursor behavior with and . You should only rely on if you are not using the WPF framework-level base elements, or in extraordinary circumstances where defining cursor behavior on a per-element basis does not meet your needs. For more information on implementing cursor behavior in response to , see . + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- There is no defined corresponding tunneling event. + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -13993,13 +13993,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -14035,21 +14035,21 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to A that contains the event data and also identifies the event to raise. Raises a specific routed event. The to be raised is identified within the instance that is provided (as the property of that event data). - derived classes contain the actual specific data properties that are intended for the specific event when it is raised. - - is not just the state properties for the event; it also identifies which routed event to raise. This event-raising pattern and the routed event data both differ from common language runtime (CLR) events and data classes, which typically just contain properties that are related to the event. - - - -## Examples - The following example creates event data, appends the event identifier to the data, and then uses the event data instance to raise a custom routed event. - + derived classes contain the actual specific data properties that are intended for the specific event when it is raised. + + is not just the state properties for the event; it also identifies which routed event to raise. This event-raising pattern and the routed event data both differ from common language runtime (CLR) events and data classes, which typically just contain properties that are related to the event. + + + +## Examples + The following example creates event data, appends the event identifier to the data, and then uses the event data instance to raise a custom routed event. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/RoutedEventArgs/.ctor/class1.cs" id="Snippetraiseevent"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RoutedEventCustom/VB/SDKSampleLibrary/Class1.vb" id="Snippetraiseevent"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RoutedEventCustom/VB/SDKSampleLibrary/Class1.vb" id="Snippetraiseevent"::: + ]]> @@ -14108,19 +14108,19 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Releases the mouse capture, if this element held the capture. - before you call this method. - - - -## Examples - The following example is the parallel to the example given for : it handles mouse button up to release mouse capture and re-enable moving the mouse. - + before you call this method. + + + +## Examples + The following example is the parallel to the example given for : it handles mouse button up to release mouse capture and re-enable moving the mouse. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/FrameworkElement/BeginStoryboard/Trackball.cs" id="Snippetuielementmousecapture"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CubeAnimation/visualbasic/trackball.vb" id="Snippetuielementmousecapture"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CubeAnimation/visualbasic/trackball.vb" id="Snippetuielementmousecapture"::: + ]]> @@ -14154,11 +14154,11 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Releases the stylus device capture, if this element held the capture. - before you call this method. - + before you call this method. + ]]> @@ -14229,27 +14229,27 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to The specific handler implementation to remove from the event handler collection on this element. Removes the specified routed event handler from this element. - signature that enables handling of already-handled events. Either type of handler is removed. - - - -## Examples - The following example uses as part of an event wrapper definition. - + signature that enables handling of already-handled events. Either type of handler is removed. + + + +## Examples + The following example uses as part of an event wrapper definition. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/RoutedEventArgs/.ctor/class1.cs" id="Snippetaddremovehandler"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RoutedEventCustom/VB/SDKSampleLibrary/Class1.vb" id="Snippetaddremovehandler"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RoutedEventCustom/VB/SDKSampleLibrary/Class1.vb" id="Snippetaddremovehandler"::: + ]]> @@ -14286,23 +14286,23 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Gets (or sets) the final render size of this element. The rendered size for this element. - [!IMPORTANT] -> Do not attempt to set this property, either in XAML or in code, if using the WPF framework-level layout system. Nearly all typical application scenarios will use this layout system. The layout system will not respect sizes set in the property directly. The property is declared writable only to enable certain WPF core-level bridging cases that deliberately circumvent the typical layout protocols, such as support for the class. - - This property can be used for checking the applicable render size within layout system overrides such as or . - - A more common scenario is handling the event with the class handler override or the event. - -## Examples - The following example shows how a custom adorner uses the value in order to create and size the rectangle graphic that defines the adorner, as part of its implementation. - +> Do not attempt to set this property, either in XAML or in code, if using the WPF framework-level layout system. Nearly all typical application scenarios will use this layout system. The layout system will not respect sizes set in the property directly. The property is declared writable only to enable certain WPF core-level bridging cases that deliberately circumvent the typical layout protocols, such as support for the class. + + This property can be used for checking the applicable render size within layout system overrides such as or . + + A more common scenario is handling the event with the class handler override or the event. + +## Examples + The following example shows how a custom adorner uses the value in order to create and size the rectangle graphic that defines the adorner, as part of its implementation. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/RenderSize/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetuielementdesiredsize"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/AdornersMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetuielementdesiredsize"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/AdornersMiscCode/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetuielementdesiredsize"::: + ]]> @@ -14333,19 +14333,19 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Gets or sets transform information that affects the rendering position of this element. This is a dependency property. Describes the specifics of the desired render transform. The default is . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> @@ -14375,57 +14375,57 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Gets or sets the center point of any possible render transform declared by , relative to the bounds of the element. This is a dependency property. The value that declares the render transform. The default value is a with coordinates (0,0). - has a somewhat nonstandard use of the structure value, in that the does not represent an absolute location in a coordinate system. Instead, values between 0 and 1 are interpreted as a factor for the range of the current element in each x,y axis. For example, (0.5,0.5) will cause the render transform to be centered on the element, or (1,1) would place the render transform at the bottom right corner of the element. is not an accepted value. - - Values beyond 0 and 1 are also accepted, and will result in more unconventional transform effects. For instance, if you set to be (5,5), and then apply a , the rotation point will be well outside the bounds of the element itself. The transform will spin your element around in a big circle that originates beyond bottom right. The origin might be somewhere inside its parent element and could possibly be possibly out of frame or view. Negative point values are similar, these will go beyond the top left bounds. - - Render transforms do not affect layout, and are typically used to animate or apply a temporary effect to an element. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Property Element Usage - -``` - - - - - -``` - - -## XAML Values - *xOrigin* - The horizontal origin factor. This is typically given as a value between 0 and 1. See Remarks. - - *yOrigin* - The vertical origin factor. This is typically given as a value between 0 and 1. See Remarks. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example builds up elements in code, applies a , and then applies a . - + has a somewhat nonstandard use of the structure value, in that the does not represent an absolute location in a coordinate system. Instead, values between 0 and 1 are interpreted as a factor for the range of the current element in each x,y axis. For example, (0.5,0.5) will cause the render transform to be centered on the element, or (1,1) would place the render transform at the bottom right corner of the element. is not an accepted value. + + Values beyond 0 and 1 are also accepted, and will result in more unconventional transform effects. For instance, if you set to be (5,5), and then apply a , the rotation point will be well outside the bounds of the element itself. The transform will spin your element around in a big circle that originates beyond bottom right. The origin might be somewhere inside its parent element and could possibly be possibly out of frame or view. Negative point values are similar, these will go beyond the top left bounds. + + Render transforms do not affect layout, and are typically used to animate or apply a temporary effect to an element. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Property Element Usage + +``` + + + + + +``` + + +## XAML Values + *xOrigin* + The horizontal origin factor. This is typically given as a value between 0 and 1. See Remarks. + + *yOrigin* + The vertical origin factor. This is typically given as a value between 0 and 1. See Remarks. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example builds up elements in code, applies a , and then applies a . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/RenderTransformOrigin/RotateAboutCenterExample.cs" id="Snippetuielementrendertransformorigin"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/transformanimations_snip/visualbasic/rotateaboutcenterexample.vb" id="Snippetuielementrendertransformorigin"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/transformanimations_snip/visualbasic/rotateaboutcenterexample.vb" id="Snippetuielementrendertransformorigin"::: + ]]> @@ -14516,15 +14516,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the property value should be serialized; otherwise, . - is locally set. - - This `ShouldSerialize` method is provided because the property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer or developing your own control incorporating a . - - For more information, see [Defining Default Values with the ShouldSerialize and Reset Methods](/dotnet/framework/winforms/controls/defining-default-values-with-the-shouldserialize-and-reset-methods). - + is locally set. + + This `ShouldSerialize` method is provided because the property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer or developing your own control incorporating a . + + For more information, see [Defining Default Values with the ShouldSerialize and Reset Methods](/dotnet/framework/winforms/controls/defining-default-values-with-the-shouldserialize-and-reset-methods). + ]]> @@ -14562,15 +14562,15 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the property value should be serialized; otherwise, . - is locally set. - - This `ShouldSerialize` method is provided because the property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer or developing your own control incorporating a . - - For more information, see [Defining Default Values with the ShouldSerialize and Reset Methods](/dotnet/framework/winforms/controls/defining-default-values-with-the-shouldserialize-and-reset-methods). - + is locally set. + + This `ShouldSerialize` method is provided because the property does not have a simple default value. This method indicates whether the property has changed from its default value. You typically invoke this method if you are either developing a designer or developing your own control incorporating a . + + For more information, see [Defining Default Values with the ShouldSerialize and Reset Methods](/dotnet/framework/winforms/controls/defining-default-values-with-the-shouldserialize-and-reset-methods). + ]]> @@ -14607,21 +14607,21 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to if the element should render in accordance to device pixels; otherwise, . The default as declared on is . - or any possible derived classes, overrides the metadata for this dependency property to set the metadata property to `true`. What this achieves is that only the outermost element in a subtree needs to specify as `true`, and all child elements of that subtree will then report as `true` and will have the visual effect. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + or any possible derived classes, overrides the metadata for this dependency property to set the metadata property to `true`. What this achieves is that only the outermost element in a subtree needs to specify as `true`, and all child elements of that subtree will then report as `true` and will have the visual effect. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> Pixel Snapping in WPF Applications @@ -14680,26 +14680,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus button is pressed while the pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -14729,13 +14729,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -14767,26 +14767,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus button is released while the pointer is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -14816,13 +14816,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -14854,26 +14854,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while the stylus is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -14902,13 +14902,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -14940,28 +14940,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus enters the bounds of this element. - is a [routed event](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. - - Although tracks when the stylus enters the bounds of an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `false` to `true` on this element. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + is a [routed event](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. + + Although tracks when the stylus enters the bounds of an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `false` to `true` on this element. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -14990,13 +14990,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -15028,26 +15028,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus moves over an element without actually touching the digitizer. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -15076,13 +15076,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -15114,26 +15114,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected, while over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -15162,13 +15162,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -15200,28 +15200,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus leaves the bounds of the element. - is a [routed event](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. - - Although tracks when the stylus leaves the bounds of an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `true` to `false` on this element. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate|| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + is a [routed event](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview) that uses the direct event handling routing strategy. Direct routed events are not raised along a route; instead, they are handled in the same element where they are raised. However, they do enable other aspects of routed event behavior, such as event triggers in styles. + + Although tracks when the stylus leaves the bounds of an element, this event more literally reports that the property value has changed from `true` to `false` on this element. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate|| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -15250,13 +15250,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -15288,26 +15288,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus moves over this element. The stylus must move while on the digitizer to raise this event. Otherwise, is raised instead. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -15336,13 +15336,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -15374,26 +15374,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected, while over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -15422,13 +15422,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -15458,21 +15458,21 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Gets a collection of all stylus plug-in (customization) objects associated with this element. The collection of stylus plug-ins, as a specialized collection. - . adds the as a collection item, which enables the to interact with stylus input and produce the unique rendering in response to stylus driven events. - - For information on creating custom plug-ins that can receive and interpret stylus input, see [Intercepting Input from the Stylus](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/intercepting-input-from-the-stylus). - - - -## Examples - The following example creates a instance and adds it to the collection for a custom ink handling control. - + . adds the as a collection item, which enables the to interact with stylus input and produce the unique rendering in response to stylus driven events. + + For information on creating custom plug-ins that can receive and interpret stylus input, see [Intercepting Input from the Stylus](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/intercepting-input-from-the-stylus). + + + +## Examples + The following example creates a instance and adds it to the collection for a custom ink handling control. + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/UIElement/StylusPlugIns/StylusControl.cs" id="Snippet3"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusPluginSamples/VisualBasic/StylusControl.vb" id="Snippet3"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/StylusPluginSamples/VisualBasic/StylusControl.vb" id="Snippet3"::: + ]]> @@ -15506,28 +15506,28 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a user performs one of several stylus gestures. - . - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + . + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -15556,13 +15556,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -15594,26 +15594,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when the user raises the stylus off the digitizer while it is over this element. - attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + Touch, mouse, and stylus input exist in a particular relationship. For more information, see [Input Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/input-overview). + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -15642,13 +15642,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -15680,34 +15680,34 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner. - [!IMPORTANT] -> This event might already be marked as handled by the internal implementations of composited controls. See Remark below. - - The event may already be marked as handled by the internal implementations of composited controls. For example, a is a composited control where the event is already marked as handled; within its compositing. Controls do this because the control needs to interpret some types of input, such as arrow keys, as having special meaning to that control. If you use as the event where you attach handlers for text input, you may receive better results. This technique circumvents most cases where control composition has already marked this event as handled and prevents your handler from receiving the event along the event route. - - The event allows a component or application to listen for text input in a device-independent manner. The keyboard is the primary means of , but speech, handwriting, and other input devices can also raise . - - Because of key combinations - either in default keyboards or through input method editors - multiple key events might raise just one text input event. - - This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate|| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - +> This event might already be marked as handled by the internal implementations of composited controls. See Remark below. + + The event may already be marked as handled by the internal implementations of composited controls. For example, a is a composited control where the event is already marked as handled; within its compositing. Controls do this because the control needs to interpret some types of input, such as arrow keys, as having special meaning to that control. If you use as the event where you attach handlers for text input, you may receive better results. This technique circumvents most cases where control composition has already marked this event as handled and prevents your handler from receiving the event along the event route. + + The event allows a component or application to listen for text input in a device-independent manner. The keyboard is the primary means of , but speech, handwriting, and other input devices can also raise . + + Because of key combinations - either in default keyboards or through input method editors - multiple key events might raise just one text input event. + + This event creates an alias for the attached event for this class, so that is part of the class members list when is inherited as a base element. Event handlers that are attached to the event are attached to the underlying attached event and receive the same event data instance. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate|| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -15736,13 +15736,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Identifies the routed event. - . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . - + . For more information about using routed event identifiers to add class handlers, see . + ]]> @@ -15770,26 +15770,26 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a finger touches the screen while the finger is over this element. - and events do not occur until a finger touches the screen and moves. Pressing a finger on the screen and holding it without moving it causes the press and hold behavior of a . The press and hold behavior is equivalent to a mouse right-click. - - To cause the and events to occur as soon as a finger touches the screen, set the attached property to `false` for this element. - - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + and events do not occur until a finger touches the screen and moves. Pressing a finger on the screen and holding it without moving it causes the press and hold behavior of a . The press and hold behavior is equivalent to a mouse right-click. + + To cause the and events to occur as soon as a finger touches the screen, set the attached property to `false` for this element. + + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -15845,22 +15845,22 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a touch moves from outside to inside the bounds of this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -16017,22 +16017,22 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a touch moves from inside to outside the bounds of this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Direct| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Direct| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -16085,23 +16085,23 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a finger moves on the screen while the finger is over this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -16154,23 +16154,23 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Occurs when a finger is raised off of the screen while the finger is over this element. - -## Routed Event Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Routing strategy|Bubbling| -|Delegate| of type .| - -- The corresponding tunneling event is . - -- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. - + +## Routed Event Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Routing strategy|Bubbling| +|Delegate| of type .| + +- The corresponding tunneling event is . + +- Override to implement class handling for this event in derived classes. + ]]> @@ -16231,13 +16231,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Translates a point relative to this element to coordinates that are relative to the specified element. A point value, now relative to the target element rather than this source element. - @@ -16267,19 +16267,19 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Gets or sets the unique identifier (for localization) for this element. This is a dependency property. A string that is the unique identifier for this element. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + ]]> x:Uid Attribute @@ -16336,13 +16336,13 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Ensures that all visual child elements of this element are properly updated for layout. - `false` or `false` will call element-specific and methods, which forces layout update, and all computed sizes will be validated. - - Calling this method has no effect if layout is unchanged, or if neither arrangement nor measurement state of a layout is invalid. However, if layout is invalid in either respect, the call will redo the entire layout. Therefore, you should avoid calling after each incremental and minor change in the element tree. The layout system will perform element layout in a deferred manner, using an algorithm that balances performance and currency, and with a weighting strategy to defer changes to roots until all child elements are valid. You should only call if you absolutely need updated sizes and positions, and only after you are certain that all changes to properties that you control and that may affect layout are completed. - + `false` or `false` will call element-specific and methods, which forces layout update, and all computed sizes will be validated. + + Calling this method has no effect if layout is unchanged, or if neither arrangement nor measurement state of a layout is invalid. However, if layout is invalid in either respect, the call will redo the entire layout. Therefore, you should avoid calling after each incremental and minor change in the element tree. The layout system will perform element layout in a deferred manner, using an algorithm that balances performance and currency, and with a weighting strategy to defer changes to roots until all child elements are valid. You should only call if you absolutely need updated sizes and positions, and only after you are certain that all changes to properties that you control and that may affect layout are completed. + ]]> @@ -16383,31 +16383,31 @@ For this call to be successful, some other element in the application needed to Gets or sets the user interface (UI) visibility of this element. This is a dependency property. A value of the enumeration. The default value is . - , which in turn may raise the event. However, has other factors that influence it, for instance the visibility settings of parents that contain it. - - Elements where is not do not participate in input events (or commands), do not influence either the Measure or Arrange passes of layout, are not in a tab sequence, and will not be reported in hit testing. - - When inherited by or its derived classes, redefines the default value of this property to be . This has the effect of not running the Measure pass of layout on an initially created , and returns (0,0). For details, see . also redefines the default value to be , with similar resulting behavior for and its derived classes. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| - - - -## Examples - The following example implements a handler that references two different named buttons that are intended to be a mutually exclusive pair in the user interface. Prior to running the actual program logic associated with the button, the button itself is set to be , and the other button in the pair is set to . - + , which in turn may raise the event. However, has other factors that influence it, for instance the visibility settings of parents that contain it. + + Elements where is not do not participate in input events (or commands), do not influence either the Measure or Arrange passes of layout, are not in a tab sequence, and will not be reported in hit testing. + + When inherited by or its derived classes, redefines the default value of this property to be . This has the effect of not running the Measure pass of layout on an initially created , and returns (0,0). For details, see . also redefines the default value to be , with similar resulting behavior for and its derived classes. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|None| + + + +## Examples + The following example implements a handler that references two different named buttons that are intended to be a mutually exclusive pair in the user interface. Prior to running the actual program logic associated with the button, the button itself is set to be , and the other button in the pair is set to . + :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows/ExceptionRoutedEventArgs/ErrorException/PlaybackExample.cs" id="Snippetuielementvisibility"::: - :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MediaElement_snip/VB/PlaybackExample.vb" id="Snippetuielementvisibility"::: - + :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/MediaElement_snip/VB/PlaybackExample.vb" id="Snippetuielementvisibility"::: + ]]> diff --git a/xml/System.Windows/UIElement3D.xml b/xml/System.Windows/UIElement3D.xml index d22a3a07687..2b646e9c0fd 100644 --- a/xml/System.Windows/UIElement3D.xml +++ b/xml/System.Windows/UIElement3D.xml @@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -765,8 +765,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -848,8 +848,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -934,8 +934,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -1018,8 +1018,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -1159,8 +1159,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -1309,8 +1309,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -1395,8 +1395,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -1485,8 +1485,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -1574,8 +1574,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -1663,8 +1663,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -1742,8 +1742,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate| of type | @@ -1917,8 +1917,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2069,8 +2069,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2147,8 +2147,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2303,8 +2303,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2427,8 +2427,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2540,8 +2540,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2658,8 +2658,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2781,8 +2781,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2908,8 +2908,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -2987,8 +2987,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -3105,8 +3105,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -3232,8 +3232,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -3353,8 +3353,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -3441,8 +3441,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -3551,8 +3551,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -3636,8 +3636,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -3722,8 +3722,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -3810,8 +3810,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -3898,8 +3898,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -3986,8 +3986,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -4065,8 +4065,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate| of type .| @@ -4145,8 +4145,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -4233,8 +4233,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -4319,8 +4319,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -4416,8 +4416,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -4505,8 +4505,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -4588,8 +4588,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -4682,8 +4682,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -4771,8 +4771,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -4853,8 +4853,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -4939,8 +4939,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -8773,8 +8773,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -8854,8 +8854,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -8934,8 +8934,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -9014,8 +9014,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -9097,8 +9097,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -9183,8 +9183,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -9268,8 +9268,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -9355,8 +9355,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -9441,8 +9441,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -9525,8 +9525,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -9615,8 +9615,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -9704,8 +9704,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -9788,8 +9788,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -9878,8 +9878,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -9967,8 +9967,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -10049,8 +10049,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -10135,8 +10135,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -10218,8 +10218,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -10304,8 +10304,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -10391,8 +10391,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -10477,8 +10477,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -10563,8 +10563,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -10649,8 +10649,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -10735,8 +10735,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -10821,8 +10821,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -10909,8 +10909,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -10995,8 +10995,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -11083,8 +11083,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate|| @@ -11166,8 +11166,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate| of type .| @@ -11238,8 +11238,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate| of type .| @@ -11307,8 +11307,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Tunneling| |Delegate| of type .| @@ -11380,8 +11380,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -11465,8 +11465,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -11871,8 +11871,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -11958,8 +11958,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -12045,8 +12045,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -12135,8 +12135,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -12219,8 +12219,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -12305,8 +12305,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -12395,8 +12395,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate|| @@ -12479,8 +12479,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -12565,8 +12565,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -12653,8 +12653,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -12739,8 +12739,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -12827,8 +12827,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate|| @@ -12909,8 +12909,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate| of type .| @@ -12982,8 +12982,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate| of type .| @@ -13153,8 +13153,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Direct| |Delegate| of type .| @@ -13220,8 +13220,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate| of type .| @@ -13289,8 +13289,8 @@ ## Routed Event Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Routing strategy|Bubbling| |Delegate| of type .| @@ -13373,8 +13373,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|-----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| From eb5b7de6b7a3e42af0e54bf1df355312ad3e26f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Genevieve Warren <> Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 21:11:48 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Microsoft.Windows* --- xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/BulletChrome.xml | 230 +++++++++--------- xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ButtonChrome.xml | 32 +-- .../ClassicBorderDecorator.xml | 176 +++++++------- .../ListBoxChrome.xml | 20 +- xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ScrollChrome.xml | 24 +- .../SystemDropShadowChrome.xml | 92 +++---- 6 files changed, 287 insertions(+), 287 deletions(-) diff --git a/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/BulletChrome.xml b/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/BulletChrome.xml index 1292ab992d8..d00434c1afb 100644 --- a/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/BulletChrome.xml +++ b/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/BulletChrome.xml @@ -52,25 +52,25 @@ Creates the theme-specific look for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) elements. A defines the appearance of and elements. - is dependent on which theme is active on the user's system. The properties of this class allow WPF to set the appearance based on the current theme. - - In XAML usage, a object element can also have child content, which can be a single that sets the property. - - -## XAML Object Element Usage - -``` - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `theme:` - An xmlns prefix for the CLR namespace. Typically, xmlns prefixes and mappings are defined in a XAML root element (not shown). - + is dependent on which theme is active on the user's system. The properties of this class allow WPF to set the appearance based on the current theme. + + In XAML usage, a object element can also have child content, which can be a single that sets the property. + + +## XAML Object Element Usage + +``` + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `theme:` + An xmlns prefix for the CLR namespace. Typically, xmlns prefixes and mappings are defined in a XAML root element (not shown). + ]]> @@ -187,18 +187,18 @@ Gets or sets the brush used to fill the background of the . The brush used to fill the background of the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -312,18 +312,18 @@ Gets or sets the brush used to draw the outer border of the . The brush used to draw the outer border of the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -418,19 +418,19 @@ Gets or sets the thickness used to draw the outer border of the . The thickness used to draw the border of the . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, | + ]]> @@ -526,33 +526,33 @@ if the is checked; if the is not checked; otherwise, . - is a or . - - If the object used for the bullet supports an `IsThreeState` property, and the value of that property is `true`, then a value of `null` is potentially user-settable. Otherwise, the value of cannot be set to `null` by user action, but it can be set that way in markup or code. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`| (however, this property might not be set in all themes)| - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - + is a or . + + If the object used for the bullet supports an `IsThreeState` property, and the value of that property is `true`, then a value of `null` is potentially user-settable. Otherwise, the value of cannot be set to `null` by user action, but it can be set that way in markup or code. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`| (however, this property might not be set in all themes)| + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + ```xaml - + ``` --or- +-or- ```xaml - -``` + +``` ]]> @@ -668,19 +668,19 @@ if the has round corners; otherwise . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -914,18 +914,18 @@ if the appears as if the mouse is over it; otherwise . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`| (however, this property might not be set in all themes)| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`| (however, this property might not be set in all themes)| + ]]> @@ -1040,18 +1040,18 @@ if the appears pressed; otherwise . - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`| (however, this property might not be set in all themes)| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`| (however, this property might not be set in all themes)| + ]]> diff --git a/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ButtonChrome.xml b/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ButtonChrome.xml index 0cdc585ef62..41146811436 100644 --- a/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ButtonChrome.xml +++ b/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ButtonChrome.xml @@ -234,8 +234,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, | @@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, | @@ -446,8 +446,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, | @@ -673,8 +673,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`| (however, this property might not be set in all themes)| @@ -799,8 +799,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`| (however, this property might not be set in all themes)| @@ -925,8 +925,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`| (however, this property might not be set in all themes)| @@ -1032,8 +1032,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1109,8 +1109,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| diff --git a/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ClassicBorderDecorator.xml b/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ClassicBorderDecorator.xml index 7aad303e144..468315fe062 100644 --- a/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ClassicBorderDecorator.xml +++ b/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ClassicBorderDecorator.xml @@ -23,28 +23,28 @@ Creates the theme-specific look for types, for use with the Classic theme. - as the . Any other brush will remove the Classic look and render a border of , except in the case of elements, which always render in the Classic look. - - -## XAML Object Element Usage - -``` - -  singleChild - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `theme:` - An xmlns prefix for the CLR namespace. Typically, xmlns prefixes and mappings are defined in a XAML root element (not shown). - - *singleChild* - A single object element child, representing the object that the border is drawn around. This object must be a . Typical child elements are either a fixed (for example a ) or are a presenter or another decorator in compositing. - + as the . Any other brush will remove the Classic look and render a border of , except in the case of elements, which always render in the Classic look. + + +## XAML Object Element Usage + +``` + +  singleChild + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `theme:` + An xmlns prefix for the CLR namespace. Typically, xmlns prefixes and mappings are defined in a XAML root element (not shown). + + *singleChild* + A single object element child, representing the object that the border is drawn around. This object must be a . Typical child elements are either a fixed (for example a ) or are a presenter or another decorator in compositing. + ]]> @@ -134,18 +134,18 @@ Gets or sets the brush used to fill the background of the element. The brush used to fill the background of the element. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -201,18 +201,18 @@ Gets or sets the brush used to draw the outer border of the element. The brush used to draw the outer border of the element. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -268,19 +268,19 @@ Gets or sets the used to draw the border of the element. The used to draw the border of the element. - as the . Any other brush will remove the Classic look and render a border of , except in the case of elements, which always render in the Classic look. - - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + as the . Any other brush will remove the Classic look and render a border of , except in the case of elements, which always render in the Classic look. + + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -336,18 +336,18 @@ Gets or sets the width of the border. The width of the border. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , | + ]]> @@ -403,23 +403,23 @@ Gets the brush used to draw the border. The brush used to draw the border. - to draw the border according to the . If is not set to , a flat style is drawn. - - -## XAML Attribute Usage - `<` *object property* `="{x:Static theme:ClassicBorderDecorator.ClassicBorderBrush}"/>` - - -## XAML Values - *x:Static* - The [x:Static Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-static-markup-extension). - - *theme* - An xmlns prefix mapping to the common language runtime (CLR) namespace in a specific assembly. - + to draw the border according to the . If is not set to , a flat style is drawn. + + +## XAML Attribute Usage + `<` *object property* `="{x:Static theme:ClassicBorderDecorator.ClassicBorderBrush}"/>` + + +## XAML Values + *x:Static* + The [x:Static Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-static-markup-extension). + + *theme* + An xmlns prefix mapping to the common language runtime (CLR) namespace in a specific assembly. + ]]> diff --git a/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ListBoxChrome.xml b/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ListBoxChrome.xml index 88aeb65c04a..0671ba960b1 100644 --- a/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ListBoxChrome.xml +++ b/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ListBoxChrome.xml @@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, | @@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, | @@ -346,8 +346,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|, | @@ -511,8 +511,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| @@ -597,8 +597,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|None| diff --git a/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ScrollChrome.xml b/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ScrollChrome.xml index f6ab31531a4..8b987cd9abb 100644 --- a/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ScrollChrome.xml +++ b/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/ScrollChrome.xml @@ -330,8 +330,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -555,8 +555,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -671,8 +671,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -815,8 +815,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -953,8 +953,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| @@ -1128,8 +1128,8 @@ ## Dependency Property Information -||| -|-|-| +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| |Identifier field|| |Metadata properties set to `true`|| diff --git a/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/SystemDropShadowChrome.xml b/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/SystemDropShadowChrome.xml index ea3a16683cb..1088b7d683e 100644 --- a/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/SystemDropShadowChrome.xml +++ b/xml/Microsoft.Windows.Themes/SystemDropShadowChrome.xml @@ -70,28 +70,28 @@ Creates a theme specific look for drop shadow effects. - -## XAML Object Element Usage - -```xaml - -  singleChild - -``` - - -## XAML Values - `theme:` - An xmlns prefix for the CLR namespace. Typically, xmlns prefixes and mappings are defined in a XAML root element (not shown). - - *singleChild* - A single object element child, representing the object that the decorator is drawn around. This object must be a . - + +## XAML Object Element Usage + +```xaml + +  singleChild + +``` + + +## XAML Values + `theme:` + An xmlns prefix for the CLR namespace. Typically, xmlns prefixes and mappings are defined in a XAML root element (not shown). + + *singleChild* + A single object element child, representing the object that the decorator is drawn around. This object must be a . + ]]> @@ -246,18 +246,18 @@ Gets or sets the color used by the drop shadow. The color. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]> @@ -409,18 +409,18 @@ Gets or sets the radii of a rectangle's corners. The radii of a rectangle's corners. - -## Dependency Property Information - -||| -|-|-| -|Identifier field|| -|Metadata properties set to `true`|| - + +## Dependency Property Information + +| Item | Value | +|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| +|Identifier field|| +|Metadata properties set to `true`|| + ]]>