From b45220264c0ab7cfa8d64c09d42b0a402298544d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Genevieve Warren <>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 21:07:17 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] add table headers
.../AutomationProperties.xml | 348 +-
.../BulletDecorator.xml | 192 +-
.../ButtonBase.xml | 456 +-
.../DocumentPageView.xml | 132 +-
.../DocumentViewerBase.xml | 462 +-
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.../ContentPresenter.xml | 24 +-
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xml/System.Windows.Controls/Image.xml | 230 +-
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xml/System.Windows.Controls/ScrollViewer.xml | 908 +-
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.../StickyNoteControl.xml | 432 +-
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xml/System.Windows.Controls/TabItem.xml | 110 +-
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xml/System.Windows.Documents/Typography.xml | 2118 ++---
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.../DataPointCollection.xml | 336 +-
.../WindowsFormsHost.xml | 32 +-
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xml/System.Windows.Input/CommandManager.xml | 388 +-
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.../KeyboardNavigation.xml | 208 +-
xml/System.Windows.Input/Mouse.xml | 1056 +--
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.../ByteKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
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.../ColorKeyFrame.xml | 48 +-
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.../Int16KeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../Int32Animation.xml | 340 +-
.../Int32KeyFrame.xml | 76 +-
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.../Int64KeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
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.../MatrixKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../ObjectKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../ParallelTimeline.xml | 144 +-
.../Point3DAnimation.xml | 412 +-
.../Point3DKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../PointAnimation.xml | 412 +-
.../PointAnimationUsingPath.xml | 136 +-
.../PointKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../QuaternionAnimation.xml | 456 +-
.../QuaternionKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../RectAnimation.xml | 416 +-
.../RectKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../Rotation3DAnimation.xml | 350 +-
.../Rotation3DKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../SingleAnimation.xml | 340 +-
.../SingleKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../SizeAnimation.xml | 412 +-
.../SizeKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
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.../SplineColorKeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplineDecimalKeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplineDoubleKeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplineInt16KeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplineInt32KeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplineInt64KeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplinePoint3DKeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplinePointKeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplineQuaternionKeyFrame.xml | 68 +-
.../SplineRectKeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplineRotation3DKeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplineSingleKeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplineSizeKeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplineThicknessKeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplineVector3DKeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../SplineVectorKeyFrame.xml | 44 +-
.../Storyboard.xml | 1560 +--
.../StringKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../ThicknessAnimation.xml | 412 +-
.../ThicknessKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../Timeline.xml | 928 +-
.../TimelineGroup.xml | 92 +-
.../Vector3DAnimation.xml | 422 +-
.../Vector3DKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../VectorAnimation.xml | 386 +-
.../VectorKeyFrame.xml | 62 +-
.../BevelBitmapEffect.xml | 274 +-
.../BitmapEffectGroup.xml | 78 +-
.../BitmapEffectInput.xml | 122 +-
.../BlurBitmapEffect.xml | 132 +-
.../DropShadowBitmapEffect.xml | 236 +-
.../EmbossBitmapEffect.xml | 136 +-
.../OuterGlowBitmapEffect.xml | 214 +-
.../ShaderEffect.xml | 236 +-
.../BitmapImage.xml | 508 +-
.../ColorConvertedBitmap.xml | 328 +-
.../CroppedBitmap.xml | 204 +-
.../FormatConvertedBitmap.xml | 256 +-
.../TransformedBitmap.xml | 220 +-
.../AxisAngleRotation3D.xml | 168 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Camera.xml | 118 +-
.../DiffuseMaterial.xml | 98 +-
.../DirectionalLight.xml | 114 +-
.../GeneralTransform3DGroup.xml | 134 +-
.../GeometryModel3D.xml | 216 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Light.xml | 98 +-
.../MaterialGroup.xml | 76 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Matrix3D.xml | 4 +-
.../MatrixCamera.xml | 172 +-
.../MatrixTransform3D.xml | 106 +-
.../MeshGeometry3D.xml | 16 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Model3D.xml | 102 +-
.../Model3DGroup.xml | 62 +-
.../ModelUIElement3D.xml | 4 +-
.../ModelVisual3D.xml | 150 +-
.../OrthographicCamera.xml | 134 +-
.../PerspectiveCamera.xml | 4 +-
.../PointLightBase.xml | 188 +-
.../ProjectionCamera.xml | 192 +-
.../QuaternionRotation3D.xml | 96 +-
.../RotateTransform3D.xml | 194 +-
.../ScaleTransform3D.xml | 192 +-
.../SpecularMaterial.xml | 210 +-
.../SpotLight.xml | 222 +-
.../Transform3DGroup.xml | 4 +-
.../TranslateTransform3D.xml | 156 +-
.../Viewport3DVisual.xml | 68 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media.Media3D/Visual3D.xml | 186 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/ArcSegment.xml | 348 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/BezierSegment.xml | 158 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/Brush.xml | 8 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/CombinedGeometry.xml | 170 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/DashStyle.xml | 166 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingBrush.xml | 72 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingGroup.xml | 598 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/DrawingImage.xml | 52 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/EllipseGeometry.xml | 156 +-
.../GeneralTransformGroup.xml | 72 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/Geometry.xml | 426 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/GeometryDrawing.xml | 116 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/GeometryGroup.xml | 122 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/GlyphRunDrawing.xml | 162 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/GradientBrush.xml | 16 +-
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xml/System.Windows.Media/ImageBrush.xml | 4 +-
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xml/System.Windows.Media/LineSegment.xml | 76 +-
.../LinearGradientBrush.xml | 234 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/Matrix.xml | 1038 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/MatrixTransform.xml | 194 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/MediaTimeline.xml | 138 +-
.../NumberSubstitution.xml | 216 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/PathFigure.xml | 294 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/PathGeometry.xml | 178 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/PathSegment.xml | 100 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/Pen.xml | 304 +-
.../PolyBezierSegment.xml | 106 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/PolyLineSegment.xml | 96 +-
.../PolyQuadraticBezierSegment.xml | 100 +-
.../QuadraticBezierSegment.xml | 104 +-
.../RectangleGeometry.xml | 114 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/RenderOptions.xml | 548 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/RotateTransform.xml | 148 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/ScaleTransform.xml | 162 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/SkewTransform.xml | 150 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/SolidColorBrush.xml | 206 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/StreamGeometry.xml | 118 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/TextEffect.xml | 250 +-
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xml/System.Windows.Media/TransformGroup.xml | 76 +-
.../TranslateTransform.xml | 104 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/VideoDrawing.xml | 98 +-
xml/System.Windows.Media/VisualBrush.xml | 8 +-
.../JournalEntry.xml | 170 +-
.../NavigationWindow.xml | 628 +-
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xml/System.Windows.Shapes/Rectangle.xml | 62 +-
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.../FrameworkContentElement.xml | 80 +-
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xml/System.Windows/LineBreakCondition.xml | 25 +-
xml/System.Windows/NameScope.xml | 194 +-
xml/System.Windows/TextDecoration.xml | 316 +-
xml/System.Windows/UIElement.xml | 8356 ++++++++---------
xml/System.Windows/UIElement3D.xml | 376 +-
346 files changed, 50955 insertions(+), 50968 deletions(-)
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Automation/AutomationProperties.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Automation/AutomationProperties.xml
index 9ead9c5c07e..eb2fab71986 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Automation/AutomationProperties.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Automation/AutomationProperties.xml
@@ -45,18 +45,18 @@
Gets or sets the accelerator key for the specified element.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>UI Automation Properties Overview
@@ -108,18 +108,18 @@
Gets or sets the access key for the specified element.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>UI Automation Properties Overview
@@ -171,18 +171,18 @@
Gets or set the string that uniquely identifies the specified element.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>UI Automation Properties Overview
@@ -307,11 +307,11 @@
Gets the attached property for the specified .The UI Automation identifier for the specified element.
- property isn't set, this method returns the property.
+ property isn't set, this method returns the property.
]]>UI Automation Properties Overview
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@
Gets the value of the property for the specified .The value of the attached property of .
- property defines the ordinal position of the element within a set of elements that are considered to be siblings.
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ The property
Gets the value of the attached property for the specified .The value of the attached property of .
- property gets or sets the count of automation elements in a group or set that are considered to be siblings.
@@ -832,18 +832,18 @@ The property get
Gets or sets the help text for the specified element. The help text generally is the same text that is provided in the tooltip for the control.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>UI Automation Support for the ToolTip Control Type
@@ -896,18 +896,18 @@ The property get
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the specified element is a column header.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>Expose the Content of a Table Using UI Automation
@@ -1004,18 +1004,18 @@ The property get
Gets or sets a value that specifies how the property is determined.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1065,18 +1065,18 @@ The property get
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the specified element is required to be filled out on a form.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>UI Automation Properties Overview
@@ -1129,18 +1129,18 @@ The property get
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the specified element is a row header.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>UI Automation Properties Overview
@@ -1192,19 +1192,19 @@ The property get
Gets or sets a description of the status of an item within an element.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>UI Automation Properties Overview
@@ -1257,19 +1257,19 @@ The property get
Gets or sets a description of the type of the specified element.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>UI Automation Properties Overview
@@ -1321,18 +1321,18 @@ The property get
Gets or sets the element that contains the text label for the specified element.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>UI Automation Properties Overview
@@ -1385,19 +1385,19 @@ The property get
Gets or sets a value that describes the notification characteristics of a particular live region.
- .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1447,18 +1447,18 @@ The `LiveSetting` attached property gets or sets a value of type Gets or sets the name of the element.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>UI Automation Properties Overview
@@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@ The `LiveSetting` attached property gets or sets a value of type Gets or sets the ordinal location of this element within a set of elements that are considered to be siblings.
- dependency property to describe the ordinal position of this element in the set.
@@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ The `PositionInSet` attached property works in coordination with the The value to set.
Sets the attached property for the specified .
- property gets or sets the ordinal position of the element within a set of elements that are considered to be siblings.
@@ -2095,7 +2095,7 @@ The property
The value to set.
Sets the attached property for the specified .
- property gets or sets the count of automation elements in a group or set that are considered to be siblings.
@@ -2122,14 +2122,14 @@ The property get
Gets or sets the count of automation elements in a group or set that are considered to be siblings.
- |
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ |
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator.xml
index 1335d59e220..f1f130c3edc 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator.xml
@@ -22,26 +22,26 @@
Represents a layout control that aligns a bullet and another visual object.
- has two content properties: and . The property defines the to use as a bullet. The property defines a that visually aligns with the bullet.
- A always aligns with the first line of text when the object is a . If the object is not a , the aligns to the center of the object. For more information about layout of a , see [How to: Create a BulletDecorator](
- The following illustration shows examples of controls.
-## Examples
- The following examples show how to define a control.
+ has two content properties: and . The property defines the to use as a bullet. The property defines a that visually aligns with the bullet.
+ A always aligns with the first line of text when the object is a . If the object is not a , the aligns to the center of the object. For more information about layout of a , see [How to: Create a BulletDecorator](
+ The following illustration shows examples of controls.
+## Examples
+ The following examples show how to define a control.
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1":::
:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BulletPanelExample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1":::
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@
Overrides the default content arrangement behavior for the control.The computed size of the control.
- method determines the size and position of the and the objects. The is aligned vertically with the first line of the content.
+ method determines the size and position of the and the objects. The is aligned vertically with the first line of the content.
@@ -138,28 +138,28 @@
Gets or sets the background color for a control.The background color for the and of a . The default is .
- property defines the to use to fill the area within the . For some parent layout elements, the area that is defined for the may extend beyond its and content. For example, if the is the single child of a cell in a control, the property applies to the whole cell. This occurs because the content in a cell is stretched in all directions to fill the cell, by default. However, if you set the property to for the , the property only affects the actual content area of the . Alternatively, you can enclose the in a element.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
-## Examples
- The following examples show how to set the property on a control.
+ property defines the to use to fill the area within the . For some parent layout elements, the area that is defined for the may extend beyond its and content. For example, if the is the single child of a cell in a control, the property applies to the whole cell. This occurs because the content in a cell is stretched in all directions to fill the cell, by default. However, if you set the property to for the , the property only affects the actual content area of the . Alternatively, you can enclose the in a element.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
+## Examples
+ The following examples show how to set the property on a control.
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet1":::
:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/BulletPanelExample/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet1":::
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
]]>How to: Create a BulletDecorator
@@ -222,33 +222,33 @@
Gets or sets the object to use as the bullet in a .The to use as the bullet. The default is .
- property is a content property of the control and defines the to display as a bullet for the object.
- The bullet that is defined by setting the property to a is the first visual element in a control. The single element is the second visual element.
-## XAML Property Element Usage
-## Examples
- The following examples show how to set the property.
+ property is a content property of the control and defines the to display as a bullet for the object.
+ The bullet that is defined by setting the property to a is the first visual element in a control. The single element is the second visual element.
+## XAML Property Element Usage
+## Examples
+ The following examples show how to set the property.
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Bullet/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbulletdecorator":::
:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ExpanderRichContent/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbulletdecorator":::
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Bullet/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbulletdecorator":::
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/BulletDecorator/Bullet/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetbulletdecorator":::
@@ -284,18 +284,18 @@
Gets the child element that is at the specified index.The child element that is at the specified index.
- are the and the properties.
+ are the and the properties.
- is less than 0.
- -or-
+ is less than 0.
+ -or-
is greater than or equal to .
@@ -324,13 +324,13 @@
Gets an enumerator for the logical child elements of the control.The enumerator that provides access to the logical child elements of the control. The default is .
- control include the and . If you set both properties, they are enumerated in the following order: , .
- The number of visual child elements is the same as the number of logical child elements.
+ control include the and . If you set both properties, they are enumerated in the following order: , .
+ The number of visual child elements is the same as the number of logical child elements.
@@ -395,11 +395,11 @@
The for the .
Renders the content of a control.
- structure that is sized for the content. This rectangular structure is displayed with the specified color and no border.
+ structure that is sized for the content. This rectangular structure is displayed with the specified color and no border.
@@ -429,13 +429,13 @@
Gets the number of visual child elements for the control.The number of visual elements that are defined for the . The default is 0.
- can be 0, 1, or 2. If either the or a element is defined, the is 1. If both the and a element are defined, the is 2.
- The number of visual child elements is the same as the number of logical child elements.
+ can be 0, 1, or 2. If either the or a element is defined, the is 1. If both the and a element are defined, the is 2.
+ The number of visual child elements is the same as the number of logical child elements.
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ButtonBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ButtonBase.xml
index f7f14cf63a0..55dfe31451a 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ButtonBase.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ButtonBase.xml
@@ -37,17 +37,17 @@
Represents the base class for all controls.
- event to respond when the user clicks a . The user can raise the event by using an or by pressing ENTER or the SPACEBAR when the control has focus. When the user presses the SPACEBAR, the control sets to `true` and captures the mouse. As a result, the control will raise mouse events such as and . Note that using the or ENTER does not change or capture the mouse, but it does raise the event.
- The sets the attached property to `true`.
- The sets the property to `false`.
- A is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class.
+ event to respond when the user clicks a . The user can raise the event by using an or by pressing ENTER or the SPACEBAR when the control has focus. When the user presses the SPACEBAR, the control sets to `true` and captures the mouse. As a result, the control will raise mouse events such as and . Note that using the or ENTER does not change or capture the mouse, but it does raise the event.
+ The sets the attached property to `true`.
+ The sets the property to `false`.
+ A is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class.
@@ -111,38 +111,38 @@
Occurs when a is clicked.
- event by using an or by pressing ENTER or the SPACEBAR when the control has focus. When the user presses the SPACEBAR, the control sets to `true` and captures the mouse. As a result, the control will raise mouse events such as and . Note that using the or ENTER does not change or capture the mouse, but it does raise the event.
- The marks the event as handled in the method and raises the event. Hence, the event will never occur for a control that inherits from . Instead, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`.
-## Routed Event Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
-## Examples
- The following example shows three buttons that respond to clicks in three different ways.
-- Hover - the first button changes colors when the user hovers with the mouse over the button
-- Press - the second button requires that the mouse be pressed while the mouse pointer is in the button.
-- Release - the third does not reset the background color of the buttons until the mouse is pressed and released in the button.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
+ event by using an or by pressing ENTER or the SPACEBAR when the control has focus. When the user presses the SPACEBAR, the control sets to `true` and captures the mouse. As a result, the control will raise mouse events such as and . Note that using the or ENTER does not change or capture the mouse, but it does raise the event.
+ The marks the event as handled in the method and raises the event. Hence, the event will never occur for a control that inherits from . Instead, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`.
+## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
+## Examples
+ The following example shows three buttons that respond to clicks in three different ways.
+- Hover - the first button changes colors when the user hovers with the mouse over the button
+- Press - the second button requires that the mouse be pressed while the mouse pointer is in the button.
+- Release - the third does not reset the background color of the buttons until the mouse is pressed and released in the button.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Button/Overview/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2":::
- :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ClickModes_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2":::
+ :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ClickModes_snip/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2":::
@@ -171,11 +171,11 @@
Identifies the routed event.
@@ -215,18 +215,18 @@
Gets or sets when the event occurs.When the event occurs. The default value is .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -296,33 +296,33 @@
Gets or sets the command to invoke when this button is pressed.A command to invoke when this button is pressed. The default value is .
- or . For details, see [Commanding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/commanding-overview) or .
-## XAML Attribute Usage
-## XAML Values
- *commandName*
- The command to invoke when this button is pressed.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ or . For details, see [Commanding Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/commanding-overview) or .
+## XAML Attribute Usage
+## XAML Values
+ *commandName*
+ The command to invoke when this button is pressed.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -366,31 +366,31 @@
Gets or sets the parameter to pass to the property.Parameter to pass to the property.
- in code might require a new or existing object instance. Setting in markup might require property element syntax, where the object element filling the property element syntax is a new element of the type expected by that command. Alternatively, setting in markup might require a reference through a markup extension to an existing object (typically these references are made with [Binding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/binding-markup-extension) or [StaticResource Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/staticresource-markup-extension)).
-## XAML Attribute Usage
-## XAML Values
- *commandParameter*
- A value of the same type as the particular command specified in the property expects. If you use an existing command library command, see that command library's documentation for XAML usage information, including which type of the command expects. If you use a custom command, see Remarks.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ in code might require a new or existing object instance. Setting in markup might require property element syntax, where the object element filling the property element syntax is a new element of the type expected by that command. Alternatively, setting in markup might require a reference through a markup extension to an existing object (typically these references are made with [Binding Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/binding-markup-extension) or [StaticResource Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/staticresource-markup-extension)).
+## XAML Attribute Usage
+## XAML Values
+ *commandParameter*
+ A value of the same type as the particular command specified in the property expects. If you use an existing command library command, see that command library's documentation for XAML usage information, including which type of the command expects. If you use a custom command, see Remarks.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -483,31 +483,31 @@
Gets or sets the element on which to raise the specified command.Element on which to raise a command.
- property cannot be used to define a . The property provides a reference to an element that is already defined somewhere in your application.
-## XAML Attribute Usage
-## XAML Values
- *elementName*
- The name of that receives the command.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ property cannot be used to define a . The property provides a reference to an element that is already defined somewhere in your application.
+## XAML Attribute Usage
+## XAML Values
+ *elementName*
+ The name of that receives the command.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -565,11 +565,11 @@
if the control is enabled; otherwise, .
@@ -614,28 +614,28 @@
if the is activated; otherwise . The default is .
- is the state of a button that indicates the left mouse button or SPACEBAR is pressed over the button. When is `true`, the control captures the mouse. As a result, the control will raise mouse events such as and . Note that using the or ENTER does not change or capture the mouse, but is does raise the event.
- Starting with the .NET Framework version 3.0 Service Pack 1, has a protected setter. To use this functionality, your application should target the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies).
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
-## Examples
- This example shows how to use the property in a trigger style.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ButtonBase/IsPressed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet9":::
+ is the state of a button that indicates the left mouse button or SPACEBAR is pressed over the button. When is `true`, the control captures the mouse. As a result, the control will raise mouse events such as and . Note that using the or ENTER does not change or capture the mouse, but is does raise the event.
+ Starting with the .NET Framework version 3.0 Service Pack 1, has a protected setter. To use this functionality, your application should target the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies).
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Examples
+ This example shows how to use the property in a trigger style.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ButtonBase/IsPressed/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet9":::
@@ -694,11 +694,11 @@
The event data for the event.
Responds when the for this control is called.
- is `true`, this method calls the base implementation, which gives this control focus. Otherwise, this method raises the event.
+ is `true`, this method calls the base implementation, which gives this control focus. Otherwise, this method raises the event.
@@ -728,11 +728,11 @@
Raises the routed event.
- event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview).
+ event by calling . For more information, see [Routed Events Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/routed-events-overview).
@@ -798,17 +798,17 @@
The event data.
Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the user presses a key while this control has focus.
- event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to and one of the following cases are true:
-- The user presses the SPACEBAR.
-- The user presses ENTER and is `true` for this control.
- In all other cases, this implementation does not change the handled state (the property) of the event data.
+ event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to and one of the following cases are true:
+- The user presses the SPACEBAR.
+- The user presses ENTER and is `true` for this control.
+ In all other cases, this implementation does not change the handled state (the property) of the event data.
@@ -844,11 +844,11 @@
The event data for the event.
Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the user releases a key while this control has focus.
- event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when the user releases the SPACEBAR. Otherwise, this implementation does not change the handled state (the property) of the event data.
+ event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when the user releases the SPACEBAR. Otherwise, this implementation does not change the handled state (the property) of the event data.
@@ -914,11 +914,11 @@
The event data for the event.
Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when this control is no longer receiving mouse event messages.
- property) of the event data.
+ property) of the event data.
@@ -954,11 +954,11 @@
The event data for the event.
Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the mouse enters this control.
- is set to , this implementation marks the event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` and raises the event.
+ is set to , this implementation marks the event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` and raises the event.
@@ -994,11 +994,11 @@
The event data for the event.
Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the mouse leaves an element.
- event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is set to .
+ event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is set to .
@@ -1034,13 +1034,13 @@
The event data.
Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over this control.
- event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to . To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`.
- When is set to , this method raises the event.
+ event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to . To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`.
+ When is set to , this method raises the event.
@@ -1076,13 +1076,13 @@
The event data.
Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over this control.
- event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to . To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`.
- When is set to is is `true`, this method raises the event.
+ event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to . To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`.
+ When is set to is is `true`, this method raises the event.
@@ -1118,11 +1118,11 @@
The event data.
Provides class handling for the routed event that occurs when the mouse pointer moves while over this element.
- event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to and is `true`. To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`.
+ event as handled by setting the property of the event data to `true` when is not set to and is `true`. To respond to the event, attach an event handler to the event, or call with `handledEventsToo` set to `true`.
@@ -1158,11 +1158,11 @@
Specifies the size changes.
Called when the rendered size of a control changes.
- method of the .
+ method of the .
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentPageView.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentPageView.xml
index 1588040eb07..39f9cbfeee7 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentPageView.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentPageView.xml
@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@
Arranges the content to fit a specified view size.The actual size that the page view used to arrange itself and its children.
@@ -120,14 +120,14 @@
Releases all resources used by the .
- after finished using each instance. After is called, the is released for garbage collection and should no longer be referenced by the application. After calling and being released, the garbage collector can reclaim the memory and resources. For more information, see [Cleaning Up Unmanaged Resources](/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/unmanaged) and [Implementing a Dispose Method](/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/implementing-dispose).
+ after finished using each instance. After is called, the is released for garbage collection and should no longer be referenced by the application. After calling and being released, the garbage collector can reclaim the memory and resources. For more information, see [Cleaning Up Unmanaged Resources](/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/unmanaged) and [Implementing a Dispose Method](/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/implementing-dispose).
> [!NOTE]
-> Always call as the final call to release each instance. If is not called, the resources the is using will not be freed until the garbage collector later calls the page viewer's method.
+> Always call as the final call to release each instance. If is not called, the resources the is using will not be freed until the garbage collector later calls the page viewer's method.
@@ -223,11 +223,11 @@
Gets the service object of the specified type.A service object of type , or if there is no service object of type .
- returns any services that the provides if the implements .
+ returns any services that the provides if the implements .
@@ -261,11 +261,11 @@
Returns the child at a specified index.The visual child at the specified index.
- -1.
+ -1.
@@ -336,11 +336,11 @@
Returns the available viewport size that can be given to display the current .The actual desired size.
@@ -490,21 +490,21 @@
Gets or sets the page number of the current page displayed.The zero-based page number of the current page displayed. The default is 0.
- is zero-based: 0 is the first page, 1 is the second page, and so on.
- No content is displayed if is set to a negative number.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ is zero-based: 0 is the first page, 1 is the second page, and so on.
+ No content is displayed if is set to a negative number.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -561,18 +561,18 @@
Gets or sets a enumeration that specifies how content should be stretched to fill the display page.The enumeration value that specifies how content should be stretched to fill the display page. The default is .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -603,18 +603,18 @@
Gets or sets a enumeration that specifies in what scaling directions should be applied.The enumeration value that specifies in what scaling directions should be applied. The default is .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentViewerBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentViewerBase.xml
index cea34407704..295f9de850f 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentViewerBase.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/DocumentViewerBase.xml
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
Provides a base class for viewers that are intended to display fixed or flow content (represented by a or , respectively).
- is a minimal base class, intended to provide only basic functionality that is common across document viewing scenarios. This base class provides no user interface.
+ is a minimal base class, intended to provide only basic functionality that is common across document viewing scenarios. This base class provides no user interface.
@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@
Cancels any current printing job.
@@ -135,22 +135,22 @@
Gets a value that indicates whether or not the viewer can jump to the next page in the current .
- if the viewer can jump to the next page; otherwise, .
+ if the viewer can jump to the next page; otherwise, .
This property has no default value.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -212,11 +212,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property key.
- , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter.
+ , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter.
@@ -283,22 +283,22 @@
Gets a value that indicates whether or not the viewer can jump to the previous page in the current .
- if the viewer can jump to the previous page; otherwise, .
+ if the viewer can jump to the previous page; otherwise, .
This property has no default value.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -360,11 +360,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property key.
- , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter.
+ , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter.
@@ -398,22 +398,22 @@
Gets or sets a to be paginated and displayed by the viewer.
- A to be paginated and displayed by the viewer.
+ A to be paginated and displayed by the viewer.
The default property is **null**.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -513,11 +513,11 @@
Returns the value of the attached property for a specified dependency object.The value of the attached property, read from the dependency object specified by *element*.
- object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see .
+ object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see .
]]>Raised if is .
@@ -550,11 +550,11 @@
Returns the current master for this viewer.The current master for this viewer, or **null** if no master can be found.
- provides a viewport for a particular page of content (represented by an underlying ). The master page corresponds to the object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see .
+ provides a viewport for a particular page of content (represented by an underlying ). The master page corresponds to the object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see .
@@ -590,11 +590,11 @@
Creates and returns a new, read-only collection of objects that are associated with the current display document (represented by the property).A read-only collection of objects that are associated with the current display document.
- provides a viewport for a particular page of content (represented by an underlying ).
+ provides a viewport for a particular page of content (represented by an underlying ).
@@ -634,11 +634,11 @@
The number of the page to jump to.
Causes the viewer to jump to a specified page number.
- method), this method does nothing.
+ method), this method does nothing.
@@ -697,23 +697,23 @@
Gets a value that indicates whether or not a child element in the viewer should be used as a master page.
- in the collection represents master page. The master page corresponds to the page that is currently active (being displayed) in the viewer.
- Typically, no more than one member of the collection is marked as the master page. If more than one member of the collection is marked as the master page, then the first indicated in the logical tree (depth-first) is designated the active master. If no members of the collection are marked as the master page, then the master page defaults to the first member of the collection.
- Use the method to set and attach this property to a specified element (dependency object). Use the method to read the value of this attached property from a specified element.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ in the collection represents master page. The master page corresponds to the page that is currently active (being displayed) in the viewer.
+ Typically, no more than one member of the collection is marked as the master page. If more than one member of the collection is marked as the master page, then the first indicated in the logical tree (depth-first) is designated the active master. If no members of the collection are marked as the master page, then the master page defaults to the first member of the collection.
+ Use the method to set and attach this property to a specified element (dependency object). Use the method to read the value of this attached property from a specified element.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -807,15 +807,15 @@
Gets an enumerator for the children in the logical tree of the viewer.
- An object that can be used to enumerate the logical children of the viewer.
+ An object that can be used to enumerate the logical children of the viewer.
This property has no default value.
@@ -843,23 +843,23 @@
Gets the page number for the current master page.
- The page number for the current master page, or **0** if no Document is currently loaded.
+ The page number for the current master page, or **0** if no Document is currently loaded.
This property has no default value.
- object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see .
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -914,11 +914,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property key.
- , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter.
+ , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter.
@@ -988,13 +988,13 @@
Builds the visual tree for the viewer.
- is called.
- This method overrides .
+ is called.
+ This method overrides .
@@ -1031,11 +1031,11 @@
The page number for the page that contains .
Invoked whenever the event reaches an element derived from this class in its route. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.
- Raised if *element* is **null**.
@@ -1066,11 +1066,11 @@
Handles the routed command.
- command is invoked.
+ command is invoked.
@@ -1101,11 +1101,11 @@
Creates and returns an object for this viewer.An object for this viewer.
- .
+ .
@@ -1135,11 +1135,11 @@
Called whenever the property is modified.
- objects (represented by the property) to be invalidated and regenerated.
+ objects (represented by the property) to be invalidated and regenerated.
@@ -1200,11 +1200,11 @@
Handles the routed command.
- routed command causes the viewer to jump to the first page in the current .
+ routed command causes the viewer to jump to the first page in the current .
@@ -1241,13 +1241,13 @@
The number of the page to jump to.
Handles the routed command.
- routed command cause the viewer to jump to an indicated page number in the current . The method indicates whether or not a specified page number is a valid page to jump to in the current document.
- If *pageNumber* specifies an invalid page to go to (as indicated by the method), this method does nothing.
+ routed command cause the viewer to jump to an indicated page number in the current . The method indicates whether or not a specified page number is a valid page to jump to in the current document.
+ If *pageNumber* specifies an invalid page to go to (as indicated by the method), this method does nothing.
@@ -1281,11 +1281,11 @@
Handles the routed command.
- routed command causes the viewer to jump to the last page in the current .
+ routed command causes the viewer to jump to the last page in the current .
@@ -1325,11 +1325,11 @@
Called whenever the property is modified.
- object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see .
+ object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see .
@@ -1359,11 +1359,11 @@
Handles the routed command.
- routed command causes the viewer to jump to the next page (if available) in the current . The property indicates whether or not there is a next page to go to in the current document.
+ routed command causes the viewer to jump to the next page (if available) in the current . The property indicates whether or not there is a next page to go to in the current document.
@@ -1424,11 +1424,11 @@
Handles the routed command.
- routed command causes the viewer to jump to the next page (if available) in the current . The property indicates whether or not there is a previous page to go to in the current document.
+ routed command causes the viewer to jump to the next page (if available) in the current . The property indicates whether or not there is a previous page to go to in the current document.
@@ -1462,11 +1462,11 @@
Handles the routed command.
- command is invoked.
+ command is invoked.
@@ -1496,23 +1496,23 @@
Gets the total number of pages in the current .
- The number of pages in the current document, or **0** if no document is currently loaded.
+ The number of pages in the current document, or **0** if no document is currently loaded.
This property has no default value.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1567,11 +1567,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property key.
- , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter.
+ , you need this key in order to set the value of the dependency property. Call , passing as the `key` parameter.
@@ -1609,17 +1609,17 @@
Gets a read-only collection of the active objects contained within the viewer.
- A read-only collection of the active objects contained within the viewer.
+ A read-only collection of the active objects contained within the viewer.
This property has no default value.
- provides a viewport for a particular page of content (represented by an underlying ). The set of objects represented by the property is used by the viewer in order to display content.
- The master page corresponds to the object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see .
+ provides a viewport for a particular page of content (represented by an underlying ). The set of objects represented by the property is used by the viewer in order to display content.
+ The master page corresponds to the object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see .
@@ -1722,13 +1722,13 @@
Invokes a standard **Print** dialog which can be used to print the contents of the viewer and configure printing preferences.
@@ -1764,11 +1764,11 @@
The new value to set the property to.
Sets the attached property on a specified dependency object.
- object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see .
+ object (in the collection) that includes the attached property with a value of `true`. For more information, see .
]]>Raised if *element* is **null**.
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/GridViewRowPresenterBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/GridViewRowPresenterBase.xml
index b92b1d2f6e1..d378e2c2b2d 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/GridViewRowPresenterBase.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/GridViewRowPresenterBase.xml
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
Represents the base class for classes that define the layout for a row of data where different data items are displayed in different columns.
- and classes are derived from this base class.
+ and classes are derived from this base class.
@@ -85,33 +85,33 @@
Gets or sets a .A collection of objects that display data. The default is .
-## XAML Attribute Usage
-## XAML Values
- *ResourceExtension*
- A markup extension that identifies how to reference the template resource, either `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources).
- *ColumnsKey*
- The key that identifies the requested . The key refers to an existing resource in a .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+## XAML Attribute Usage
+## XAML Values
+ *ResourceExtension*
+ A markup extension that identifies how to reference the template resource, either `StaticResource` or `DynamicResource`. See [XAML Resources](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/xaml-resources).
+ *ColumnsKey*
+ The key that identifies the requested . The key refers to an existing resource in a .
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -140,11 +140,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property.
- dependency property.
+ dependency property.
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/MenuBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/MenuBase.xml
index 883a8641046..431cb27d0db 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/MenuBase.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/MenuBase.xml
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -368,8 +368,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Popup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Popup.xml
index 31dcbe8779d..3bc7f3d5f08 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Popup.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Popup.xml
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -436,8 +436,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -545,8 +545,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -647,8 +647,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -766,8 +766,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -1178,8 +1178,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1267,8 +1267,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1359,8 +1359,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1450,8 +1450,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1542,8 +1542,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1729,8 +1729,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RangeBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RangeBase.xml
index 7c75884e829..020120d0d84 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RangeBase.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RangeBase.xml
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
Represents an element that has a value within a specific range.
- control has a that can be set between the and properties. The visually indicates its . In some cases, the user can interactively set the value; in other cases, the value can be set only programmatically. The user can set the of the and , but not the .
+ control has a that can be set between the and properties. The visually indicates its . In some cases, the user can interactively set the value; in other cases, the value can be set only programmatically. The user can set the of the and , but not the .
@@ -107,25 +107,25 @@
to add to or subtract from the of the element. The default is 1.
- determines how this property is used.
- When the user clicks the of a , the property increases or decreases by the value of .
- When the user invokes the or commands on a , the of the slider changes by the value of .
- The does not use this property.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ determines how this property is used.
+ When the user clicks the of a , the property increases or decreases by the value of .
+ When the user invokes the or commands on a , the of the slider changes by the value of .
+ The does not use this property.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -191,28 +191,28 @@
Gets or sets the highest possible of the range element.The highest possible of the range element. The default is 1.
- overrides the metadata of this property and sets its default to 10. overrides the metadata of this property and sets its default to 100. For more information, see [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview).
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
-## Examples
- controls such as and inherit the properties. The following example shows a that uses the property.
+ overrides the metadata of this property and sets its default to 10. overrides the metadata of this property and sets its default to 100. For more information, see [Dependency Properties Overview](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-properties-overview).
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Examples
+ controls such as and inherit the properties. The following example shows a that uses the property.
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbasic":::
:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbasic":::
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic":::
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic":::
@@ -279,27 +279,27 @@
possible of the range element. The default is 0.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
-## Examples
- controls such as and inherit the properties. The following example shows a that uses the property.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Examples
+ controls such as and inherit the properties. The following example shows a that uses the property.
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Slider/AutoToolTipPlacement/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetbasic":::
:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetbasic":::
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic":::
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/xaml/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Slider/xaml/window1.xaml" id="Snippetbasic":::
@@ -360,11 +360,11 @@
New value of the property.
Called when the property changes.
- can use this method to respond when the value property changes instead of overriding the to provide a new function. For more information, see [Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-callbacks-and-validation).
+ can use this method to respond when the value property changes instead of overriding the to provide a new function. For more information, see [Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-callbacks-and-validation).
@@ -399,11 +399,11 @@
New value of the property.
Called when the property changes.
- can use this method to respond when the value property changes instead of overriding the to provide a new function. For more information, see [Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-callbacks-and-validation).
+ can use this method to respond when the value property changes instead of overriding the to provide a new function. For more information, see [Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-callbacks-and-validation).
@@ -438,13 +438,13 @@
New value of the property.
Raises the routed event.
- can use this method to respond when the value property changes instead of overriding the to provide a new function. For more information, see [Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-callbacks-and-validation).
- The method raises the event. When overriding in a derived class, be sure to call the base class' method so that registered delegates receive the event.
+ can use this method to respond when the value property changes instead of overriding the to provide a new function. For more information, see [Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/dependency-property-callbacks-and-validation).
+ The method raises the event. When overriding in a derived class, be sure to call the base class' method so that registered delegates receive the event.
@@ -485,25 +485,25 @@
to add to or subtract from the of the element. The default is 0.1.
- determines how this property is used.
- When the user clicks the of a , the property increases or decreases by the value of .
- When the user invokes the or command on a , the of the slider changes by the value of .
- The does not use this property.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ determines how this property is used.
+ When the user clicks the of a , the property increases or decreases by the value of .
+ When the user invokes the or command on a , the of the slider changes by the value of .
+ The does not use this property.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -560,11 +560,11 @@
Provides a string representation of a object.Returns the string representation of a object.
- , , and properties.
+ , , and properties.
@@ -604,21 +604,21 @@
Gets or sets the current magnitude of the range control.The current magnitude of the range control. The default is 0.
- control visually indicates the property in some way. For example, the slider and scrollbar controls have a thumb that is synchronized with the of the control.
- If you set to a number that is less than the property, is set to . If you set to a number that is greater than the property, is set to .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
+ control visually indicates the property in some way. For example, the slider and scrollbar controls have a thumb that is synchronized with the of the control.
+ If you set to a number that is less than the property, is set to . If you set to a number that is greater than the property, is set to .
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
@@ -653,26 +653,26 @@
Occurs when the range value changes.
-## Routed Event Information
-|Identifier Field||
-|Routing Strategy|Bubbling|
-|Delegate|, constrained with |
-## XAML Attribute Usage
+## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier Field||
+|Routing Strategy|Bubbling|
+|Delegate|, constrained with |
+## XAML Attribute Usage
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton.xml
index 64930a2c292..2654ed9778d 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton.xml
@@ -23,27 +23,27 @@
Represents a control that raises its event repeatedly from the time it is pressed until it is released.
- is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class.
- The class represents a control that is similar to a . However, repeat buttons give you control over when and how the event occurs. The raises the event repeatedly from the time it is pressed until it is released. The property determines when the event begins. You can also control the interval of the repetitions with the property.
-## Customizing the RepeatButton Control
- To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [RepeatButton Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/repeatbutton-styles-and-templates).
+ is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class.
+ The class represents a control that is similar to a . However, repeat buttons give you control over when and how the event occurs. The raises the event repeatedly from the time it is pressed until it is released. The property determines when the event begins. You can also control the interval of the repetitions with the property.
+## Customizing the RepeatButton Control
+ To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [RepeatButton Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/repeatbutton-styles-and-templates).
Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running.
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to create a .
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to create a .
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2":::
-:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RepeatButton/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2":::
+:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/RepeatButton/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2":::
@@ -112,25 +112,25 @@
Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, the waits while it is pressed before it starts repeating. The value must be non-negative.The amount of time, in milliseconds, the waits while it is pressed before it starts repeating. The default is the value of .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to use the property to set the time that a waits before it starts repeating.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to use the property to set the time that a waits before it starts repeating.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
@@ -196,25 +196,25 @@
Gets or sets the amount of time, in milliseconds, between repeats once repeating starts. The value must be non-negative.The amount of time, in milliseconds, between repeats after repeating starts. The default is the value of .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to use the property to set the time between repeats after the starts repeating.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to use the property to set the time between repeats after the starts repeating.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/RepeatButton/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar.xml
index a031566c74b..e300a1b2d26 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar.xml
@@ -33,41 +33,41 @@
Represents a control that provides a scroll bar that has a sliding whose position corresponds to a value.
- control.
- The control contains a control. The control consists of a control and two controls. You can increase and decrease the property of the control by pressing the controls or by moving the . The default range of values for the property is from 0 to 1. The represents the linear distance of the between the endpoints of the . You can change the default range of values by setting the and properties. The property determines whether the is displayed horizontally or vertically, and you must define this property for the control to appear.
- The in a is oriented so that values increase from top to bottom for a vertical or from left to right for a horizontal .
- The properties in the following table are the binding targets for the corresponding properties when the property is not explicitly defined. If you explicitly define the property, the binding does not occur.
-| property| property|
- You can access the control of a control by using the property.
- To display content inside a box that has scroll bars, use the control.
-## Customizing the ScrollBar Control
- To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ScrollBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/scrollbar-styles-and-templates).
+ control.
+ The control contains a control. The control consists of a control and two controls. You can increase and decrease the property of the control by pressing the controls or by moving the . The default range of values for the property is from 0 to 1. The represents the linear distance of the between the endpoints of the . You can change the default range of values by setting the and properties. The property determines whether the is displayed horizontally or vertically, and you must define this property for the control to appear.
+ The in a is oriented so that values increase from top to bottom for a vertical or from left to right for a horizontal .
+ The properties in the following table are the binding targets for the corresponding properties when the property is not explicitly defined. If you explicitly define the property, the binding does not occur.
+| property| property|
+ You can access the control of a control by using the property.
+ To display content inside a box that has scroll bars, use the control.
+## Customizing the ScrollBar Control
+ To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ScrollBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/scrollbar-styles-and-templates).
Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running.
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to create a horizontal that has a range of values between 0 and 100.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetscrollbar":::
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to create a horizontal that has a range of values between 0 and 100.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetscrollbar":::
@@ -123,13 +123,13 @@
The command that notifies the that the user is dragging the of the horizontal to the value that is provided in .
- , the calls for the . If returns `true`, the executes that command. If returns `false`, the executes the .
- The uses this command to enable deferred scrolling. When is `true` and a user drags the of the , the content of the does not change until the user releases the . If deferred scrolling is enabled, the executes the for a horizontal when the user drags the .
+ , the calls for the . If returns `true`, the executes that command. If returns `false`, the executes the .
+ The uses this command to enable deferred scrolling. When is `true` and a user drags the of the , the content of the does not change until the user releases the . If deferred scrolling is enabled, the executes the for a horizontal when the user drags the .
@@ -158,13 +158,13 @@
The command that notifies the that the user is dragging the of the vertical to the value that is provided in .
- , the calls for the . If returns `true`, the executes that command. If returns `false`, the executes the .
- The uses this command to enable deferred scrolling. When is `true` and a user drags the of the , the content of the does not change until the user releases the . If deferred scrolling is enabled, the executes the for a vertical when the user drags the .
+ , the calls for the . If returns `true`, the executes that command. If returns `false`, the executes the .
+ The uses this command to enable deferred scrolling. When is `true` and a user drags the of the , the content of the does not change until the user releases the . If deferred scrolling is enabled, the executes the for a vertical when the user drags the .
@@ -195,11 +195,11 @@
if the is enabled in a and the size of the content is larger than the display area; otherwise, . The default is .
- to `true` only if the value of the is greater than the value and the is enabled.
+ to `true` only if the value of the is greater than the value and the is enabled.
@@ -228,26 +228,26 @@
The command that scrolls a by a small amount in the vertical direction of increasing value of its .
- of the in the by the value of the property.
- This command occurs when the user presses the DOWN ARROW key.
- When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineDownCommand**`"/>`
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlinedowncommand":::
+ of the in the by the value of the property.
+ This command occurs when the user presses the DOWN ARROW key.
+ When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineDownCommand**`"/>`
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlinedowncommand":::
@@ -279,26 +279,26 @@
The command that scrolls a by a small amount in the horizontal direction of decreasing value of its .
- of the in the by the value of the property.
- This command occurs when the user presses the left .
- When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineLeftCommand**`"/>`
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlineleftcommand":::
+ of the in the by the value of the property.
+ This command occurs when the user presses the left .
+ When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineLeftCommand**`"/>`
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlineleftcommand":::
@@ -330,26 +330,26 @@
The command that scrolls a by a small amount in the horizontal direction of increasing value of its .
- of the in the by the value of the property.
- This command occurs when the user presses the right .
- When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineRightCommand**`"/>`
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlinerightcommand":::
+ of the in the by the value of the property.
+ This command occurs when the user presses the right .
+ When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineRightCommand**`"/>`
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlinerightcommand":::
@@ -381,26 +381,26 @@
The command that scrolls a by a small amount in the vertical direction of decreasing value of its .
- of the in the by the value of the property.
- This command occurs when the user presses the UP ARROW key.
- When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineUpCommand**`"/>`
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlineupcommand":::
+ of the in the by the value of the property.
+ This command occurs when the user presses the UP ARROW key.
+ When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.LineUpCommand**`"/>`
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetlineupcommand":::
@@ -433,11 +433,11 @@
Creates the visual tree for the .
- property to the that is defined in the template.
+ property to the that is defined in the template.
@@ -470,11 +470,11 @@
The event data.
Provides class handling for the event that occurs when the for a closes.
- of a provides options for changing the of the .
+ of a provides options for changing the of the .
@@ -507,11 +507,11 @@
The event data.
Provides class handling for the event that occurs when the for a opens.
- of a provides options for changing the of the .
+ of a provides options for changing the of the .
@@ -572,11 +572,11 @@
The event data.
Provides class handling for the event.
- of the to the location of the event that occurs while the user presses the SHIFT key. The event is handled by setting in the event data `e` to `true`.
+ of the to the location of the event that occurs while the user presses the SHIFT key. The event is handled by setting in the event data `e` to `true`.
@@ -609,16 +609,16 @@
The event data.
Provides class handling for the event.
- can scroll to that position in response to a .
-## Examples
- A occurs when the user selects **Scroll Here** from the menu that appears when the user presses the right mouse button over the .
+ can scroll to that position in response to a .
+## Examples
+ A occurs when the user selects **Scroll Here** from the menu that appears when the user presses the right mouse button over the .
@@ -648,27 +648,27 @@
Gets or sets whether the is displayed horizontally or vertically.An enumeration value that defines whether the is displayed horizontally or vertically. The default is .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to set the property for a control.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to set the property for a control.
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetorientation":::
:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollBarSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetorientation":::
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetorientation":::
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetorientation":::
@@ -724,26 +724,26 @@
The command that scrolls a by a large amount in the vertical direction of increasing value of its .
- of the in the by the value of the property.
- This command occurs when the user presses the PAGE DOWN key.
- When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageDownCommand**`"/>`
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpagedowncommand":::
+ of the in the by the value of the property.
+ This command occurs when the user presses the PAGE DOWN key.
+ When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageDownCommand**`"/>`
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpagedowncommand":::
@@ -775,28 +775,28 @@
The command that scrolls a by a large amount in the horizontal direction of decreasing value of its .
- of the in the by the value of the property.
- This command occurs when the user presses the page button that is to the left of the . The following illustration shows the page buttons in a .
- When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageLeftCommand**`"/>`
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpageleftcommand":::
+ of the in the by the value of the property.
+ This command occurs when the user presses the page button that is to the left of the . The following illustration shows the page buttons in a .
+ When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageLeftCommand**`"/>`
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpageleftcommand":::
@@ -828,28 +828,28 @@
The command that scrolls a by a large amount in the horizontal direction of increasing value of its .
- of the in the by the value of the property.
- This command occurs when the user presses the page button that is to the right of the . The following illustration shows the page buttons in a .
- When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageRightCommand**`"/>`
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpagerightcommand":::
+ of the in the by the value of the property.
+ This command occurs when the user presses the page button that is to the right of the . The following illustration shows the page buttons in a .
+ When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageRightCommand**`"/>`
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpagerightcommand":::
@@ -881,26 +881,26 @@
The command that scrolls a by a large amount in the vertical direction of decreasing value of its .
- of the in the by the value of the property.
- This command occurs when the user presses the PAGE UP key.
- When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageUpCommand**`"/>`
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpageupcommand":::
+ of the in the by the value of the property.
+ This command occurs when the user presses the PAGE UP key.
+ When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.PageUpCommand**`"/>`
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to specify the in a custom style template.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetpageupcommand":::
@@ -938,32 +938,32 @@
Occurs one or more times as content scrolls in a when the user moves the by using the mouse.
- of the by dragging the . There is no limit to the number of times this event is raised as the position is dragged.
- This event is not raised when the of the control is changed in code.
-## Routed Event Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
-## Examples
- The following example shows how assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler in code.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetscroll":::
+ of the by dragging the . There is no limit to the number of times this event is raised as the position is dragged.
+ This event is not raised when the of the control is changed in code.
+## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler in code.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetscroll":::
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetscrollhandler":::
- :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollBarSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetscrollhandler":::
+ :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollBarSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetscrollhandler":::
@@ -1019,17 +1019,17 @@
The command that scrolls a to the point of the mouse click that opened the in the .
- options. The of the appears when the user pauses the mouse pointer over the and presses the right mouse button. This menu provides options for scrolling the .
- This command is for a that is part of a control, and is executed by the .
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="` **ScrollBar.ScrollHereCommand**`"/>`
+ options. The of the appears when the user pauses the mouse pointer over the and presses the right mouse button. This menu provides options for scrolling the .
+ This command is for a that is part of a control, and is executed by the .
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="` **ScrollBar.ScrollHereCommand**`"/>`
@@ -1058,17 +1058,17 @@
The command that scrolls a to the value.
- , this movement occurs when the user presses the CTRL+END keys.
- When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToBottomCommand**`"/>`
+ , this movement occurs when the user presses the CTRL+END keys.
+ When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToBottomCommand**`"/>`
@@ -1097,15 +1097,15 @@
The command that scrolls the content to the lower-right corner of a control.
- control.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToEndCommand**`"/>`
+ control.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToEndCommand**`"/>`
@@ -1134,15 +1134,15 @@
The command that scrolls the content to the upper-left corner of a control.
- control.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToHomeCommand**`"/>`
+ control.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToHomeCommand**`"/>`
@@ -1171,15 +1171,15 @@
The command that scrolls a horizontal in a to the value that is provided in .
- control.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToHorizontalOffsetCommand**`"/>`
+ control.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToHorizontalOffsetCommand**`"/>`
@@ -1208,17 +1208,17 @@
The command that scrolls a to the value for a horizontal .
- .
- When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="` **ScrollBar.ScrollToLeftEndCommand**`"/>`
+ .
+ When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="` **ScrollBar.ScrollToLeftEndCommand**`"/>`
@@ -1247,17 +1247,17 @@
The command that scrolls a to the value for a horizontal .
- .
- When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="` **ScrollBar.ScrollToRightEndCommand**`"/>`
+ .
+ When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="` **ScrollBar.ScrollToRightEndCommand**`"/>`
@@ -1286,17 +1286,17 @@
The command that scrolls a to the value for a vertical .
- , this movement occurs when the user presses the CTRL+HOME keys.
- When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToTopCommand**`"/>`
+ , this movement occurs when the user presses the CTRL+HOME keys.
+ When you implement a as part of a control, the executes this command.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToTopCommand**`"/>`
@@ -1325,15 +1325,15 @@
The command that scrolls a vertical in a to the value that is provided in .
- control.
-## XAML Text Usage
- `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToVerticalOffsetCommand**`"/>`
+ control.
+## XAML Text Usage
+ `<` *object* *property*`="`**ScrollBar.ScrollToVerticalOffsetCommand**`"/>`
@@ -1369,19 +1369,19 @@
Gets the for a control.The that is used with a control.
- control includes a control that is surrounded on either side by two controls.
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to access the control that is used with a control.
+ control includes a control that is surrounded on either side by two controls.
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to access the control that is used with a control.
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippettrack":::
- :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollBarSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettrack":::
+ :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollBarSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippettrack":::
@@ -1417,36 +1417,36 @@
Gets or sets the amount of the scrollable content that is currently visible.The amount of the scrollable content that is currently visible. The default is 0.
- are the same units that are used to describe the length of the content. Some examples include lines of text or pages of text.
- The value of the property is used to calculate the size of the control that is displayed as the sliding value indicator in a control. The control's size represents the amount of a control's content that is visible. If 25 percent of a control's content is visible, the occupies 25 percent of the track in the .
- You can decide which units uses. When you set this property, make sure that the , , , and properties use the same units.
- The following illustration shows how the size reflects the amount of content that is visible.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to set the on a control.
+ are the same units that are used to describe the length of the content. Some examples include lines of text or pages of text.
+ The value of the property is used to calculate the size of the control that is displayed as the sliding value indicator in a control. The control's size represents the amount of a control's content that is visible. If 25 percent of a control's content is visible, the occupies 25 percent of the track in the .
+ You can decide which units uses. When you set this property, make sure that the , , , and properties use the same units.
+ The following illustration shows how the size reflects the amount of content that is visible.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to set the on a control.
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetviewport":::
:::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ScrollBarSnips/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetviewport":::
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetviewport":::
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/Orientation/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetviewport":::
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector.xml
index 45d0df01da9..398de9194bc 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector.xml
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
Represents a control that allows a user to select items from among its child elements.
- is an , which means it can contain a collection of objects of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class.
+ is an , which means it can contain a collection of objects of any type (such as string, image, or panel). For more information, see the class.
@@ -163,11 +163,11 @@
The data item.
Returns an item container to the state it was in before .
- clears the attached property when the item container is removed from the visual tree. This is done so item containers behave correctly when the uses container recycling. For more information, see and "Container Recycling" in [Optimizing Performance: Controls](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/optimizing-performance-controls).
+ clears the attached property when the item container is removed from the visual tree. This is done so item containers behave correctly when the uses container recycling. For more information, see and "Container Recycling" in [Optimizing Performance: Controls](/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/optimizing-performance-controls).
@@ -260,40 +260,40 @@
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an item is selected.
- attached property to select an item in the when you do not explicitly create the item container. An item container is a class that represents an item in the . , , and are item containers for the controls that inherit from , and each defines an **IsSelected** property.
- If you do not explicitly create an item container, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) implicitly creates one and sets the **IsSelected** property on the item container to the value of . This is the only time is read. is not updated if the selection on the item changes.
- If you explicitly create an item container, you should use the **IsSelected** property on that class.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field|, registered as Attached|
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
-## Examples
- The follow example creates a that contains two controls. The example does not explicitly create a for either , so it sets directly on each . To illustrate that is not updated, the example binds the property of the first checkbox to . When the user unselects the item in the , the remains checked. Likewise, checking or unchecking the does not affect whether the is selected in the . The example binds of the second to . In this case, unselecting the item in the causes the checkbox to be unchecked, and unchecking the checkbox also unselects the item.
+ attached property to select an item in the when you do not explicitly create the item container. An item container is a class that represents an item in the . , , and are item containers for the controls that inherit from , and each defines an **IsSelected** property.
+ If you do not explicitly create an item container, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) implicitly creates one and sets the **IsSelected** property on the item container to the value of . This is the only time is read. is not updated if the selection on the item changes.
+ If you explicitly create an item container, you should use the **IsSelected** property on that class.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field|, registered as Attached|
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+## Examples
+ The follow example creates a that contains two controls. The example does not explicitly create a for either , so it sets directly on each . To illustrate that is not updated, the example binds the property of the first checkbox to . When the user unselects the item in the , the remains checked. Likewise, checking or unchecking the does not affect whether the is selected in the . The example binds of the second to . In this case, unselecting the item in the causes the checkbox to be unchecked, and unchecking the checkbox also unselects the item.
CheckBox.IsChecked is bound to Selector.IsChecked, which is set only
CheckBox.IsChecked is bound to ListBoxItem.IsChecked, which is
updated throughout the duration of the application.
@@ -355,16 +355,16 @@
## Remarks
- This is a rare case of a read-only attached property. You cannot set it in XAML; it exists so that you can check its value on selected items in code.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ This is a rare case of a read-only attached property. You cannot set it in XAML; it exists so that you can check its value on selected items in code.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -443,35 +443,35 @@
if the is always synchronized with the current item in the ; if the is never synchronized with the current item; if the is synchronized with the current item only if the uses a . The default value is .
- property to `true` to ensure that the item selected always corresponds to the property in the . For example, suppose that there are two controls with their property set to the same source. Set to `true` on both list boxes to ensure that the selected item in each is the same.
-## XAML Attribute Usage
- <*object* `IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem`=""/>
+ property to `true` to ensure that the item selected always corresponds to the property in the . For example, suppose that there are two controls with their property set to the same source. Set to `true` on both list boxes to ensure that the selected item in each is the same.
+## XAML Attribute Usage
+ <*object* `IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem`=""/>
- <*object* `IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem`="{}"/>
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
-## Examples
- The following example binds two controls to the same . Because is set to `true` on each , the selected item is always the same for both controls
+ <*object* `IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem`="{}"/>
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Examples
+ The following example binds two controls to the same . Because is set to `true` on each , the selected item is always the same for both controls
:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2":::
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet4":::
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet4":::
@@ -774,29 +774,29 @@
Occurs when an item is selected.
-## Routed Event Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
-## Examples
- The following examples show how to use the event with a control. The first example raises the event and the second shows how to handle the event.
- :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectorevents":::
+## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
+## Examples
+ The following examples show how to use the event with a control. The first example raises the event and the second shows how to handle the event.
+ :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectorevents":::
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectorselected":::
- :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxItems_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectorselected":::
+ :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxItems_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectorselected":::
@@ -870,35 +870,35 @@
Gets or sets the index of the first item in the current selection or returns negative one (-1) if the selection is empty.The index of first item in the current selection. The default value is negative one (-1).
- supports selecting a single item, the property returns the index of the selected item. If a supports multiple selections, returns the index of the item that the user selected first.
- Setting in a that supports multiple selections clears existing selected items and sets the selection to the item specified by the index. returns -1 if selection is empty.
- If you set to a value less that -1, an is thrown. If you set to a value equal or greater than the number of child elements, the value is ignored.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
-## Examples
- The following example creates a and sets the property to 1, which selects the second item in the .
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2":::
- The following example uses the property to determine whether the item at index 0 is the first item in the selection.
+ supports selecting a single item, the property returns the index of the selected item. If a supports multiple selections, returns the index of the item that the user selected first.
+ Setting in a that supports multiple selections clears existing selected items and sets the selection to the item specified by the index. returns -1 if selection is empty.
+ If you set to a value less that -1, an is thrown. If you set to a value equal or greater than the number of child elements, the value is ignored.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
+## Examples
+ The following example creates a and sets the property to 1, which selects the second item in the .
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2":::
+ The following example uses the property to determine whether the item at index 0 is the first item in the selection.
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectorselectedindex":::
- :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxItems_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectorselectedindex":::
+ :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxItems_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectorselectedindex":::
@@ -968,29 +968,29 @@
Gets or sets the first item in the current selection or returns null if the selection is empty.The first item in the current selection or if the selection is empty.
- supports selecting a single item, the property returns the selected item. If a supports multiple selections, returns the item that the user selected first.
- Setting in a that supports multiple selections clears existing selected items and sets the selection to the item specified.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
-## Examples
- The following example gets the from a .
+ supports selecting a single item, the property returns the selected item. If a supports multiple selections, returns the item that the user selected first.
+ Setting in a that supports multiple selections clears existing selected items and sets the selection to the item specified.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
+## Examples
+ The following example gets the from a .
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2":::
- :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxEvent/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2":::
+ :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxEvent/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2":::
@@ -1064,27 +1064,27 @@
Gets or sets the value of the , obtained by using .The value of the selected item.
- property specifies the path to the property that is used to determine the value of the property. Setting to a value X attempts to select an item whose value evaluates to X; if no such item can be found, the selection is cleared.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
-## Examples
- The following example binds a to a collection of `Employee` objects. The example sets to `@EmployeeNumber` and to `12345`. This selects the `Employee` that has `12345` as the value of `EmployeeNumber`. This example also binds a to the of the . When the user changes the selection in the , the is updated to show the employee number of the currently selected employee.
+ property specifies the path to the property that is used to determine the value of the property. Setting to a value X attempts to select an item whose value evaluates to X; if no such item can be found, the selection is cleared.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
+## Examples
+ The following example binds a to a collection of `Employee` objects. The example sets to `@EmployeeNumber` and to `12345`. This selects the `Employee` that has `12345` as the value of `EmployeeNumber`. This example also binds a to the of the . When the user changes the selection in the , the is updated to show the employee number of the currently selected employee.
:::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2":::
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet3":::
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet3":::
@@ -1129,27 +1129,27 @@
Gets or sets the path that is used to get the from the .The path used to get the . The default is an empty string.
- property specifies the path to the property that is used to determine the value of the property.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
-## Examples
- The following example binds a to a collection of `Employee` objects. The example sets to `@EmployeeNumber` and to `12345`. This selects the `Employee` that has `12345` as the value of `EmployeeNumber`. This example also binds a to the of the . When the user changes the selection in the , the is updated to show the employee number of the currently selected employee.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2":::
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet3":::
+ property specifies the path to the property that is used to determine the value of the property.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Examples
+ The following example binds a to a collection of `Employee` objects. The example sets to `@EmployeeNumber` and to `12345`. This selects the `Employee` that has `12345` as the value of `EmployeeNumber`. This example also binds a to the of the . When the user changes the selection in the , the is updated to show the employee number of the currently selected employee.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2":::
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet3":::
@@ -1237,32 +1237,32 @@
Occurs when the selection of a changes.
-## Routed Event Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to attach the event to a list box control.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
- The following example shows how to handle the event.
+## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to attach the event to a list box control.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
+ The following example shows how to handle the event.
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/ListBox/Overview/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2":::
- :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxEvent/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2":::
+ :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxEvent/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet2":::
@@ -1345,29 +1345,29 @@
Occurs when an item is unselected.
-## Routed Event Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
-## Examples
- The following examples show how to use the event with a control and how to create an event handler.
- :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectorevents":::
+## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
+## Examples
+ The following examples show how to use the event with a control and how to create an event handler.
+ :::code language="xml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetselectorevents":::
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Selector/Selected/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetselectorunselected":::
- :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxItems_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectorunselected":::
+ :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/ListBoxItems_snip/visualbasic/window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetselectorunselected":::
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/StatusBar.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/StatusBar.xml
index e0894d6246e..df87ea80987 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/StatusBar.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/StatusBar.xml
@@ -190,8 +190,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -407,8 +407,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TextBoxBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TextBoxBase.xml
index 91d00f78203..153ad2fdef8 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TextBoxBase.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TextBoxBase.xml
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -279,8 +279,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -874,8 +874,8 @@ TextBox with CaretBrush set to blue
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -950,8 +950,8 @@ TextBox with CaretBrush set to blue
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1018,8 +1018,8 @@ TextBox with CaretBrush set to blue
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -1146,8 +1146,8 @@ TextBox with CaretBrush set to blue
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1214,8 +1214,8 @@ TextBox with CaretBrush set to blue
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2747,8 +2747,8 @@ Selected text in a TextBox with SelectionBrush set to red
## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
@@ -2993,8 +2993,8 @@ If this property is `null`, selected text is not rendered.
## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
@@ -3235,8 +3235,8 @@ If this property is `null`, selected text is not rendered.
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb.xml
index ba2617ce18d..8a67a69e0d2 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb.xml
@@ -33,30 +33,30 @@
Represents a control that can be dragged by the user.
- control can be included in another control, such as a or control, to let the user change the control's value. The can also be used to resize controls. For example, a control in the corner of a window can provide a location for the user to click with the mouse to start a resize operation.
- provides , and events to manage drag operations associated with the mouse pointer. When the user presses the left mouse button, the control receives logical focus and mouse capture, and the event is raised. While the control has focus and mouse capture, the event can be raised multiple times without limit. When the user releases the left mouse button, the control loses mouse capture and the event is raised.
- The event information provides a change in position, but does not reposition the . You must manually change or reposition the or any other elements that you want to resize or change as a result of the drag operation. The control does not provide drag-and-drop functionality.
- A control can receive mouse capture, but cannot receive keyboard focus. Therefore, the property that corresponds to keyboard focus is set to `false`. This value overrides the parent class that sets this property to `true`.
- To provide drag capability, class handling is provided for the , and events. For more information, see the , and methods.
- When a is part of a control that scrolls content in a viewable area, or viewport, the size of the reflects the size of the viewport. For more information, see the class. The following illustration shows a control that is part of a control.
-## Customizing the Thumb Control
- To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Thumb Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/thumb-styles-and-templates).
+ control can be included in another control, such as a or control, to let the user change the control's value. The can also be used to resize controls. For example, a control in the corner of a window can provide a location for the user to click with the mouse to start a resize operation.
+ provides , and events to manage drag operations associated with the mouse pointer. When the user presses the left mouse button, the control receives logical focus and mouse capture, and the event is raised. While the control has focus and mouse capture, the event can be raised multiple times without limit. When the user releases the left mouse button, the control loses mouse capture and the event is raised.
+ The event information provides a change in position, but does not reposition the . You must manually change or reposition the or any other elements that you want to resize or change as a result of the drag operation. The control does not provide drag-and-drop functionality.
+ A control can receive mouse capture, but cannot receive keyboard focus. Therefore, the property that corresponds to keyboard focus is set to `false`. This value overrides the parent class that sets this property to `true`.
+ To provide drag capability, class handling is provided for the , and events. For more information, see the , and methods.
+ When a is part of a control that scrolls content in a viewable area, or viewport, the size of the reflects the size of the viewport. For more information, see the class. The following illustration shows a control that is part of a control.
+## Customizing the Thumb Control
+ To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [Thumb Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/thumb-styles-and-templates).
Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running.
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@
Cancels a drag operation for the .
- has mouse capture and logical focus, this method removes mouse capture and raises a event.
+ has mouse capture and logical focus, this method removes mouse capture and raises a event.
@@ -158,34 +158,34 @@
Occurs when the control loses mouse capture.
- event occurs when the left mouse button is released or when the method is called.
- The control receives mouse capture when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer over the control.
- The position of the mouse when the event occurs is provided by the of the last event.
-## Routed Event Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler. For the complete sample, see [Thumb Drag Functionality Sample](
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetthumb":::
+ event occurs when the left mouse button is released or when the method is called.
+ The control receives mouse capture when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer over the control.
+ The position of the mouse when the event occurs is provided by the of the last event.
+## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler. For the complete sample, see [Thumb Drag Functionality Sample](
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetthumb":::
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetdragcompletedhandler":::
- :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Thumb/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragcompletedhandler":::
+ :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Thumb/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragcompletedhandler":::
@@ -251,31 +251,31 @@
Occurs one or more times as the mouse changes position when a control has logical focus and mouse capture.
- control receives focus and mouse capture when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer over the control. The control loses mouse capture when the user releases the left mouse button, or when the method is called.
- A new event occurs each time the mouse position moves on the screen. Therefore, this event can be raised multiple times without a limit when a control has mouse capture.
-## Routed Event Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler. For the complete sample, see [Thumb Drag Functionality Sample](
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetthumb":::
- :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2":::
+ control receives focus and mouse capture when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer over the control. The control loses mouse capture when the user releases the left mouse button, or when the method is called.
+ A new event occurs each time the mouse position moves on the screen. Therefore, this event can be raised multiple times without a limit when a control has mouse capture.
+## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler. For the complete sample, see [Thumb Drag Functionality Sample](
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetthumb":::
+ :::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet2":::
@@ -341,30 +341,30 @@
Occurs when a control receives logical focus and mouse capture.
- control receives focus and mouse capture when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer over the .
-## Routed Event Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler. For the complete sample, see [Thumb Drag Functionality Sample](
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetthumb":::
+ control receives focus and mouse capture when the user presses the left mouse button while pausing the mouse pointer over the .
+## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to assign an event handler for the event to a control, and how to define the event handler. For the complete sample, see [Thumb Drag Functionality Sample](
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml" id="Snippetthumb":::
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Thumb/DragCompleted/Pane1.xaml.cs" id="Snippetdragstartedhandler":::
- :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Thumb/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragstartedhandler":::
+ :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/Thumb/VisualBasic/Pane1.xaml.vb" id="Snippetdragstartedhandler":::
@@ -440,21 +440,21 @@
if the control has focus and mouse capture; otherwise . The default value is .
- property changes its value, the method is called.
- Starting with the .NET Framework version 3.0 Service Pack 1, has a protected setter. To use this functionality, your application should target the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies).
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ property changes its value, the method is called.
+ Starting with the .NET Framework version 3.0 Service Pack 1, has a protected setter. To use this functionality, your application should target the .NET Framework version 3.5. For more information, see [Versions and Dependencies](/dotnet/framework/migration-guide/versions-and-dependencies).
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -572,11 +572,11 @@
The event data.
Provides class handling for the event.
- event by setting to `true`. Also, this method gives the logical focus and mouse capture, and sets the property to `true`. This implementation also raises the event.
+ event by setting to `true`. Also, this method gives the logical focus and mouse capture, and sets the property to `true`. This implementation also raises the event.
@@ -609,11 +609,11 @@
The event data.
Provides class handling for the event.
- event by setting to `true`. Also, this method removes mouse capture from the , and sets the property to `false`. This implementation also raises the event.
+ event by setting to `true`. Also, this method removes mouse capture from the , and sets the property to `false`. This implementation also raises the event.
@@ -646,11 +646,11 @@
The event data.
Provides class handling for the event.
- has logical focus and mouse capture, this implementation raises the event when the mouse moves. In this scenario, the event is handled by setting to `true`.
+ has logical focus and mouse capture, this implementation raises the event when the mouse moves. In this scenario, the event is handled by setting to `true`.
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TickBar.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TickBar.xml
index cb65c941824..499feb1b9ac 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TickBar.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/TickBar.xml
@@ -29,34 +29,34 @@
Represents a control that draws a set of tick marks for a control.
- control draws tick marks that have a width of one pixel. You can define the location of the tick marks by specifying a repeating interval or a series of explicit points.
- The control is specifically designed to work with a control. A displays tick marks. The following illustration shows a that has a .
- **Slider with a TickBar**
- controls are typically defined in the of a . For an example of a that is included in a , see [Slider Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/slider-styles-and-templates).
- The and controls both contain properties that perform the same function. The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties to which they are bound. The properties take precedence when and properties that are related are both specified.
- **Related TickBar and Slider Properties**
-| property| property|
+ control draws tick marks that have a width of one pixel. You can define the location of the tick marks by specifying a repeating interval or a series of explicit points.
+ The control is specifically designed to work with a control. A displays tick marks. The following illustration shows a that has a .
+ **Slider with a TickBar**
+ controls are typically defined in the of a . For an example of a that is included in a , see [Slider Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/slider-styles-and-templates).
+ The and controls both contain properties that perform the same function. The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties to which they are bound. The properties take precedence when and properties that are related are both specified.
+ **Related TickBar and Slider Properties**
+| property| property|
@@ -121,18 +121,18 @@
Gets or sets the that is used to draw the tick marks.A to use to draw tick marks. The default value is .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -161,11 +161,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property. This property is read-only.
- dependency property.
+ dependency property.
@@ -206,18 +206,18 @@
if the direction of increasing value is to the left for a horizontal or down for a vertical ; otherwise, . The default value is .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -246,11 +246,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property. This property is read-only.
- dependency property.
+ dependency property.
@@ -291,23 +291,23 @@
if a selection range is displayed; otherwise, . The default value is .
- and properties define a selection range. These properties must be set for the selection range to appear when is set to `true`.
- The following illustration shows a control that contains a that has a selection range defined.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ and properties define a selection range. These properties must be set for the selection range to appear when is set to `true`.
+ The following illustration shows a control that contains a that has a selection range defined.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -375,19 +375,19 @@
Gets or sets the maximum value that is possible for a tick mark.The largest possible value for a tick mark. The default value is 100.0.
- and values, and secondary ticks are displayed for other values. For a horizontal , the height of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . For a vertical , the width of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . The size of the secondary ticks is 75 percent of the size of the primary ticks.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ and values, and secondary ticks are displayed for other values. For a horizontal , the height of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . For a vertical , the width of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . The size of the secondary ticks is 75 percent of the size of the primary ticks.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -454,19 +454,19 @@
Gets or sets the minimum value that is possible for a tick mark.The smallest possible value for a tick mark. The default value is zero (0.0).
- and values, and secondary ticks are displayed for other values. For a horizontal , the height of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . For a vertical , the width of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . The size of the secondary ticks is 75 percent of the size of the primary ticks.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ and values, and secondary ticks are displayed for other values. For a horizontal , the height of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . For a vertical , the width of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . The size of the secondary ticks is 75 percent of the size of the primary ticks.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -526,15 +526,15 @@
The that is used to draw the ticks.
Draws the tick marks for a control.
- property and the property determine where tick marks are drawn in a .
- Primary ticks are displayed for the and values, and secondary ticks are displayed for other values. For a horizontal , the height of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . For a vertical , the width of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . The size of the secondary ticks is 75 percent of the size of the primary ticks.
- This method also draws ticks at the beginning and the end of a selection range if the property is `true` and if the and properties are valid.
+ property and the property determine where tick marks are drawn in a .
+ Primary ticks are displayed for the and values, and secondary ticks are displayed for other values. For a horizontal , the height of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . For a vertical , the width of the primary ticks is equal to the of the . The size of the secondary ticks is 75 percent of the size of the primary ticks.
+ This method also draws ticks at the beginning and the end of a selection range if the property is `true` and if the and properties are valid.
@@ -574,19 +574,19 @@
Gets or sets where tick marks appear relative to a of a control.A enumeration value that identifies the position of the in the layout of a . The default value is .
- value is used to make sure that the visible parts of the , such as the end point indicators of a selection range, are displayed correctly.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ value is used to make sure that the visible parts of the , such as the end point indicators of a selection range, are displayed correctly.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -652,19 +652,19 @@
Gets or sets a space buffer for the area that contains the tick marks that are specified for a .A value that represents the total buffer area on either side of the row or column of tick marks. The default value is zero (0.0).
- property is designed to account for the space that the control uses when it is at either end of the . The value of the property is divided in half. One half of the space is used as a buffer on one side of the tick mark collection, and the other half of the space is used as a buffer on the other side of the collection.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ property is designed to account for the space that the control uses when it is at either end of the . The value of the property is divided in half. One half of the space is used as a buffer on one side of the tick mark collection, and the other half of the space is used as a buffer on the other side of the collection.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -730,19 +730,19 @@
Gets or sets the end point of a selection.The last value in a range of values for a selection. The default value is -1.0.
- property must be set to `true` for the and properties to be used.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
+ property must be set to `true` for the and properties to be used.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
@@ -810,19 +810,19 @@
Gets or sets the start point of a selection.The first value in a range of values for a selection. The default value is -1.0.
- property must be set to `true` for the and properties to be used.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
+ property must be set to `true` for the and properties to be used.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|, |
@@ -890,19 +890,19 @@
Gets or sets the interval between tick marks.The distance between tick marks. The default value is one (1.0).
- property is set to a value that is not `null`, the property is not used. Tick marks are drawn at the interval that is specified by the property, starting at the value of the property and continuing until the value of the property is reached.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ property is set to a value that is not `null`, the property is not used. Tick marks are drawn at the interval that is specified by the property, starting at the value of the property and continuing until the value of the property is reached.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -969,21 +969,21 @@
Gets or sets the positions of the tick marks.A that specifies the locations of the tick marks. The default value is .
- property and that are outside the range that is defined by the and property values do not appear.
- When the property is set, the property is not used.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ property and that are outside the range that is defined by the and property values do not appear.
+ When the property is set, the property is not used.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToggleButton.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToggleButton.xml
index 544cc8d741a..a820df6d58c 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToggleButton.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToggleButton.xml
@@ -29,20 +29,20 @@
Base class for controls that can switch states, such as .
- is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class.
- The property specifies the state of the . The property specifies whether the has two or three states.
-## Customizing the ToggleButton Control
- To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ToggleButton Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/togglebutton-styles-and-templates).
+ is a , which means that it can contain a single object of any type (such as a string, an image, or a panel). For more information, see the class.
+ The property specifies the state of the . The property specifies whether the has two or three states.
+## Customizing the ToggleButton Control
+ To apply the same property settings to multiple controls, use the property. You can modify the default to give the control a unique appearance. For more information about creating a , see [Customizing the Appearance of an Existing Control by Creating a ControlTemplate](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/customizing-the-appearance-of-an-existing-control). To see the parts and states that are specific to the , see [ToggleButton Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/togglebutton-styles-and-templates).
Dependency properties for this control might be set by the control's default style. If a property is set by a default style, the property might change from its default value when the control appears in the application. The default style is determined by which desktop theme is used when the application is running.
@@ -106,29 +106,29 @@
Occurs when a is checked.
-## Routed Event Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
-## Examples
- The following example changes subscribes to the and events to change the of the , `textBlock1`.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2":::
+## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
+## Examples
+ The following example changes subscribes to the and events to change the of the , `textBlock1`.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2":::
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3":::
- :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CheckBox_Snippets/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3":::
+ :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CheckBox_Snippets/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3":::
@@ -189,19 +189,19 @@
Occurs when the state of a is neither on nor off.
-## Routed Event Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
+## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
@@ -272,48 +272,48 @@
if the is checked; false if the is unchecked; otherwise . The default is .
- determines its behavior when this property is `null`.
-## CheckBox
- When the property is set to true, a user can click a to pick three possible states. The following table describes the three states of a .
-|State of the |Value of |
- If is false, you can still programmatically set this property to `null` to put the in an indeterminate state, but the user cannot set the to the indeterminate state through the user interface (UI).
-## RadioButton
- If you set this property to `null` on a , the is unchecked.
-## XAML Attribute Usage
- <*object* `IsChecked`=""/>
+ determines its behavior when this property is `null`.
+## CheckBox
+ When the property is set to true, a user can click a to pick three possible states. The following table describes the three states of a .
+|State of the |Value of |
+ If is false, you can still programmatically set this property to `null` to put the in an indeterminate state, but the user cannot set the to the indeterminate state through the user interface (UI).
+## RadioButton
+ If you set this property to `null` on a , the is unchecked.
+## XAML Attribute Usage
+ <*object* `IsChecked`=""/>
- <*object* `IsChecked`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/>
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
-## Examples
- The following example creates a set to an indeterminate state.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
+ <*object* `IsChecked`="{[x:Null Markup Extension](/dotnet/framework/xaml-services/x-null-markup-extension)}"/>
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+## Examples
+ The following example creates a set to an indeterminate state.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet1":::
@@ -380,19 +380,19 @@
if the control supports three states; otherwise, . The default is .
- property can be set to `null` as a third state when is `true`.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ property can be set to `null` as a third state when is `true`.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -563,11 +563,11 @@
Called by the method to implement toggle behavior.
- property.
+ property.
@@ -628,11 +628,11 @@
Returns the string representation of a object.String representation of a object.
- method returns a string that contains the and the value of the property.
+ method returns a string that contains the and the value of the property.
@@ -667,29 +667,29 @@
Occurs when a is unchecked.
-## Routed Event Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
-## Examples
- The following example changes subscribes to the and events to change the of the , `textBlock1`.
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2":::
+## Routed Event Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Routing strategy|Bubbling|
+## Examples
+ The following example changes subscribes to the and events to change the of the , `textBlock1`.
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml" id="Snippet2":::
:::code language="csharp" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls/CheckBox/Overview/Window1.xaml.cs" id="Snippet3":::
- :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CheckBox_Snippets/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3":::
+ :::code language="vb" source="~/snippets/visualbasic/VS_Snippets_Wpf/CheckBox_Snippets/VisualBasic/Window1.xaml.vb" id="Snippet3":::
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToolBarOverflowPanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToolBarOverflowPanel.xml
index 8b1884fa438..782cb649176 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToolBarOverflowPanel.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToolBarOverflowPanel.xml
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
Used to arrange overflow items.
- might not have enough space to show all of its items. When this happens, the items in a can be placed in the , which is specified in the of a . For an example of how to use a in the of a , see [ToolBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/toolbar-styles-and-templates).
+ might not have enough space to show all of its items. When this happens, the items in a can be placed in the , which is specified in the of a . For an example of how to use a in the of a , see [ToolBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/toolbar-styles-and-templates).
@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@
Creates a new .A new collection.
@@ -187,26 +187,26 @@
Gets or sets the recommended width for an overflow before items flow to the next line.A double value that represents the recommended width of the .
- to 100, the width of the overflow is 100, and all the items that can fit into an area of that size are in the main . If there is only one item, and it requires a size of 120, the toolbar width expands automatically from 100 to 120.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to use the property with a .
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToolBarOverflowPanel/WrapWidth/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbaroverflowpanelwrapwidth":::
+ to 100, the width of the overflow is 100, and all the items that can fit into an area of that size are in the main . If there is only one item, and it requires a size of 120, the toolbar width expands automatically from 100 to 120.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to use the property with a .
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ToolBarOverflowPanel/WrapWidth/pane1.xaml" id="Snippettoolbaroverflowpanelwrapwidth":::
@@ -238,11 +238,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property.
- dependency property.
+ dependency property.
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Track.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Track.xml
index 8b590f5568a..992a9134878 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Track.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/Track.xml
@@ -29,60 +29,60 @@
Represents a control primitive that handles the positioning and sizing of a control and two controls that are used to set a .
- control does not have a default . Its is implemented as part of the of the and controls. The has a control and two controls that are used to change the property of the control.
- The following illustration shows a on a slider.
- **A Track on a Slider**
- The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties that they automatically bind to. When either property changes, the bound property also changes.
-| property| property|
- The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties to which they bind when a is part of a control and the properties are not explicitly set.
-| property| property|
- The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties to which they bind when a is part of a control and the properties are not explicitly set.
-| property| property|
- Additionally, the properties for the controls for a control bind with the properties for the controls of the control.
- When a is used to scroll content, the size of the control is proportional to the percentage of the content that appears in the viewable area or viewport. The following illustration shows an example of a control that implements a control.
- **A ScrollBar that has a Track control**
- The following calculation is used to compute the size of the .
- thumbSize = (viewportSize/(maximum-minimum+viewportSize))×trackLength
- The viewportSize parameter is the value of the property. The maximum and minimum parameters correspond to the and property values. The value of the expression maximum-minimum+viewportSize is the size of the scrollable content. Note that the value of the property represents the of the when the content is scrolled to the bottom. This value is not the same as the length or extent of the content. For a more detailed explanation, see .
+ control does not have a default . Its is implemented as part of the of the and controls. The has a control and two controls that are used to change the property of the control.
+ The following illustration shows a on a slider.
+ **A Track on a Slider**
+ The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties that they automatically bind to. When either property changes, the bound property also changes.
+| property| property|
+ The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties to which they bind when a is part of a control and the properties are not explicitly set.
+| property| property|
+ The following table shows the properties and the corresponding properties to which they bind when a is part of a control and the properties are not explicitly set.
+| property| property|
+ Additionally, the properties for the controls for a control bind with the properties for the controls of the control.
+ When a is used to scroll content, the size of the control is proportional to the percentage of the content that appears in the viewable area or viewport. The following illustration shows an example of a control that implements a control.
+ **A ScrollBar that has a Track control**
+ The following calculation is used to compute the size of the .
+ thumbSize = (viewportSize/(maximum-minimum+viewportSize))×trackLength
+ The viewportSize parameter is the value of the property. The maximum and minimum parameters correspond to the and property values. The value of the expression maximum-minimum+viewportSize is the size of the scrollable content. Note that the value of the property represents the of the when the content is scrolled to the bottom. This value is not the same as the length or extent of the content. For a more detailed explanation, see .
The of a in a increases from top to bottom or from left to right depending on the orientation of the . Similarly, the of a in a increases from bottom to top or from left to right depending on the orientation of the . To change the direction of increasing value, set the property of the to `true`.
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to define a control in a .
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettrackdefinition":::
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to define a control in a .
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippettrackdefinition":::
@@ -176,18 +176,18 @@
Gets the that decreases the property of the .The that reduces the of the control when the is pressed. The default is a control that has default settings.
- control is in a control, the properties of the controls of the bind to the property of the control.
-## Examples
- The following example shows how the and styles are defined inside the control template when the property is . For the complete sample, see the [ScrollBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/scrollbar-styles-and-templates).
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle":::
+ control is in a control, the properties of the controls of the bind to the property of the control.
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how the and styles are defined inside the control template when the property is . For the complete sample, see the [ScrollBar Styles and Templates](/dotnet/framework/wpf/controls/scrollbar-styles-and-templates).
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle":::
@@ -223,11 +223,11 @@
Gets the child of the at the specified index.Returns the object of the at the specified index in the list of visual child elements. The index must be a number between zero (0) and the value of the property minus one (1).
- by setting the , , and properties. The child elements are indexed in the order that the properties are set.
+ by setting the , , and properties. The child elements are indexed in the order that the properties are set.
]]>The specified index is greater than the value of the property minus one (1).
@@ -264,18 +264,18 @@
Gets the that increases the property of the class.The that increases the of the control when the is pressed. The default is a control that has default settings.
- control is in a control, the properties of the controls of the bind to the property of the control.
-## Examples
- The following example shows how the and styles are defined inside the control template when the property is .
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle":::
+ control is in a control, the properties of the controls of the bind to the property of the control.
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how the and styles are defined inside the control template when the property is .
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle":::
@@ -308,30 +308,30 @@
if the and the exchanged positions and the direction of increasing value is reversed; otherwise . The default is .
- is set to `true`, the and the in the exchange places.
- values increase from left to right for both horizontal and controls. However, the values for a vertical increase from top to bottom, whereas for a vertical these values increase from bottom to top. When you set the property to `true`, the direction of increasing value reverses.
- If you implement a as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the property.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
-## Examples
- The following example shows how the property is defined inside the control template when the property is .
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle":::
+ is set to `true`, the and the in the exchange places.
+ values increase from left to right for both horizontal and controls. However, the values for a vertical increase from top to bottom, whereas for a vertical these values increase from bottom to top. When you set the property to `true`, the direction of increasing value reverses.
+ If you implement a as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the property.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how the property is defined inside the control template when the property is .
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle":::
@@ -362,11 +362,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property.
- dependency property.
+ dependency property.
@@ -396,32 +396,32 @@
Gets or sets the maximum possible of the .The largest allowable for the . The default is 1.
- control is in a control and the property is not explicitly set, this property automatically binds with the property.
- The value for a control is equivalent to the size of the scrollable content minus the size of the visible content area or viewport. For example, if the size of the content is 100 and the size of the property is 30, the value of the property is 70. This is true because the property of the control corresponds to the position in the scrollable content that appears at the top of the viewport. When the content is scrolled to the very bottom in this example, 30 percent of the content still appears in the viewport. Therefore, the that corresponds to the top of the viewport is 70, and the value is 70.
- The following illustration shows how the corresponds to a position in the of a control.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to set the property for a that becomes the binding source for the property.
+ control is in a control and the property is not explicitly set, this property automatically binds with the property.
+ The value for a control is equivalent to the size of the scrollable content minus the size of the visible content area or viewport. For example, if the size of the content is 100 and the size of the property is 30, the value of the property is 70. This is true because the property of the control corresponds to the position in the scrollable content that appears at the top of the viewport. When the content is scrolled to the very bottom in this example, 30 percent of the content still appears in the viewport. Therefore, the that corresponds to the top of the viewport is 70, and the value is 70.
+ The following illustration shows how the corresponds to a position in the of a control.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to set the property for a that becomes the binding source for the property.
@@ -452,11 +452,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property.
- dependency property.
+ dependency property.
@@ -517,24 +517,24 @@
Gets or sets the minimum possible of the .The smallest allowable for the . The default is 0.
- control is in a control and the property is not explicitly set, this property automatically binds with the property.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
-## Examples
- The following example shows how to set the property for a that becomes the binding source for the property.
+ control is in a control and the property is not explicitly set, this property automatically binds with the property.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how to set the property for a that becomes the binding source for the property.
@@ -565,11 +565,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property.
- dependency property.
+ dependency property.
@@ -599,21 +599,21 @@
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the is displayed horizontally or vertically.An enumeration value that indicates whether the is displayed horizontally or vertically. The default is .
- as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the .
- If you implement a as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the .
+ If you implement a as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the .
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -643,11 +643,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property.
- dependency property.
+ dependency property.
@@ -683,40 +683,40 @@
Gets the control that is used to change the of a .The control that is used with the . The default is a control that has default settings.
- control corresponds to the of the control. The size of the control in a control reflects the amount of content that is currently visible. The size of the control of the is computed in the following ways:
-- If the property is not specified, the size of the is a fixed default value. This is how the of a Track functions inside a control.
-- If the property is specified and the size of the content is greater than the , the following formula is used:
- ThumbSize = TrackLength * ViewportSize / (Maximum - Minimum + ViewportSize)
- Where the parameters are defined as follows:
- |||
- |-|-|
- |ThumbSize|The size of the control in the same units as the TrackLength.|
- |TrackLength|The length of the .|
- |ViewportSize|The size of the scrollable area that is visible in the content units, such as the number of pages of a document.|
- |Maximum|The maximum value of the content in content units, such as page 10 of a 10-page document.|
- |Minimum|The minimum value of the content in content units, such as page 1 of a document.|
- The following illustration shows a visual representation of some of these parameters in a control.
-- If the size of the content is less than a , the does not appear and the property of is set to `false`.
+ control corresponds to the of the control. The size of the control in a control reflects the amount of content that is currently visible. The size of the control of the is computed in the following ways:
+- If the property is not specified, the size of the is a fixed default value. This is how the of a Track functions inside a control.
+- If the property is specified and the size of the content is greater than the , the following formula is used:
+ `ThumbSize = TrackLength * ViewportSize / (Maximum - Minimum + ViewportSize)`
+ Where the parameters are defined as follows:
+ | Parameter | Description |
+ |-|-|
+ |`ThumbSize`|The size of the control in the same units as the TrackLength.|
+ |`TrackLength`|The length of the .|
+ |`ViewportSize`|The size of the scrollable area that is visible in the content units, such as the number of pages of a document.|
+ |`Maximum`|The maximum value of the content in content units, such as page 10 of a 10-page document.|
+ |`Minimum`|The minimum value of the content in content units, such as page 1 of a document.|
+ The following illustration shows a visual representation of some of these parameters in a control.
+- If the size of the content is less than a , the does not appear and the property of is set to `false`.
The minimum sizes for a control are determined by two system parameters, and . The minimum size for a control in a vertical is 1/2 * and the minimum size for a control in a horizontal is 1/2 * .
-## Examples
- The following example shows how the style is defined inside the when the property is .
- :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle":::
+## Examples
+ The following example shows how the style is defined inside the when the property is .
+ :::code language="xaml" source="~/snippets/csharp/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/ScrollBar/LineDownCommand/Window1.xaml" id="Snippetrepeatbuttonstyle":::
@@ -747,21 +747,21 @@
Gets or sets the current value of the as determined by the position of the control.The current value of the . The default is 0.
- represents a value that is between the and property values.
- When a control is part of a control and the property is not explicitly set, this property automatically binds with the property.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , |
+ represents a value that is between the and property values.
+ When a control is part of a control and the property is not explicitly set, this property automatically binds with the property.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|, , |
@@ -856,11 +856,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property.
- dependency property.
+ dependency property.
@@ -890,25 +890,25 @@
Gets or sets the size of the part of the scrollable content that is visible.The size of the visible area of the scrollable content. The default is , which means that the content size is not defined.
- property is used to calculate the size of the control in a when the is not . For more information, see the remarks for the property.
- To explicitly define the size of the , create an object that derives from the class and provide overrides for and .
- If you implement a as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the property.
- The value of the property of a control that is implemented in a control is always , because the control does not change size.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ property is used to calculate the size of the control in a when the is not . For more information, see the remarks for the property.
+ To explicitly define the size of the , create an object that derives from the class and provide overrides for and .
+ If you implement a as part of a control and you do not explicitly set the property, the property binds to the property.
+ The value of the property of a control that is implemented in a control is always , because the control does not change size.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -938,11 +938,11 @@
Identifies the dependency property.
- dependency property.
+ dependency property.
@@ -972,11 +972,11 @@
Gets the number of child elements of a .An integer between 0 and 2 that specifies the number of child elements in the .
- by setting the , , and properties. The child elements are indexed in the order that the properties are set.
+ by setting the , , and properties. The child elements are indexed in the order that the properties are set.
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/UniformGrid.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/UniformGrid.xml
index 3f0cb54240c..5b48e332e9a 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/UniformGrid.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Primitives/UniformGrid.xml
@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@
Defines the layout of the by distributing space evenly among all of the child elements.The actual of the grid that is rendered to display the child elements that are visible.
- value of the `arrangeSize` parameter and *arrangeSizeWidth* is the value of the `arrangeSize` parameter.
+ value of the `arrangeSize` parameter and *arrangeSizeWidth* is the value of the `arrangeSize` parameter.
@@ -116,21 +116,21 @@
Gets or sets the number of columns that are in the grid.The number of columns that are in the grid. The default is 0.
- property specifies that the column count is computed based on the number of rows and the number of visible child elements that are in the .
- The value of the must be less than the value of the property for the to work correctly.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ property specifies that the column count is computed based on the number of rows and the number of visible child elements that are in the .
+ The value of the must be less than the value of the property for the to work correctly.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -187,19 +187,19 @@
Gets or sets the number of leading blank cells in the first row of the grid.The number of empty cells that are in the first row of the grid. The default is 0.
- must be less than the value of the property for the to work correctly.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ must be less than the value of the property for the to work correctly.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -259,13 +259,13 @@
Computes the desired size of the by measuring all of the child elements.The desired based on the child content of the grid and the parameter.
- is computed based on the maximum child dimensions. The is the maximum child width multiplied by the number of columns. The is the maximum child height multiplied by the number of rows. This method returns the desired .
- For example, if there are two rows and four columns in a grid, the maximum height for each cell is 0.5\**constraintHeight* and the maximum width is 0.25\**constraintWidth*. For these calculations, *constraintHeight* is the value of the `constraint` parameter and *constraintWidth* is the value of the `constraint` parameter.
+ is computed based on the maximum child dimensions. The is the maximum child width multiplied by the number of columns. The is the maximum child height multiplied by the number of rows. This method returns the desired .
+ For example, if there are two rows and four columns in a grid, the maximum height for each cell is 0.5\**constraintHeight* and the maximum width is 0.25\**constraintWidth*. For these calculations, *constraintHeight* is the value of the `constraint` parameter and *constraintWidth* is the value of the `constraint` parameter.
@@ -295,19 +295,19 @@
Gets or sets the number of rows that are in the grid.The number of rows that are in the grid. The default is 0.
- property specifies that the row count is computed based on the number of columns and the number of visible child elements that are in the grid.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+ property specifies that the row count is computed based on the number of columns and the number of visible child elements that are in the grid.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonContextualTabGroupsPanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonContextualTabGroupsPanel.xml
index 21e225ff7aa..95ffe65e8a4 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonContextualTabGroupsPanel.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonContextualTabGroupsPanel.xml
@@ -198,8 +198,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTabHeadersPanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTabHeadersPanel.xml
index 968b6385ed5..42adc90ebdd 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTabHeadersPanel.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTabHeadersPanel.xml
@@ -836,8 +836,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTitlePanel.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTitlePanel.xml
index 7d276cd7156..8ea9708a1c2 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTitlePanel.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/RibbonTitlePanel.xml
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/StarLayoutInfo.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/StarLayoutInfo.xml
index 42bebdcabf9..bf424d58bb6 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/StarLayoutInfo.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives/StarLayoutInfo.xml
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -264,8 +264,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/Ribbon.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/Ribbon.xml
index 706e701a6a3..8448420da34 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/Ribbon.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/Ribbon.xml
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -430,8 +430,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -551,8 +551,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -616,8 +616,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -731,8 +731,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -797,8 +797,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -890,8 +890,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -955,8 +955,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1024,8 +1024,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1096,8 +1096,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1163,8 +1163,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1263,8 +1263,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1351,8 +1351,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1416,8 +1416,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1762,8 +1762,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1827,8 +1827,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1892,8 +1892,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1958,8 +1958,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2023,8 +2023,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2088,8 +2088,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2158,8 +2158,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2224,8 +2224,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2289,8 +2289,8 @@ xmlns:ribbon="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonContro
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenu.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenu.xml
index 76d89df6f4c..2eb59f1aeb5 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenu.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenu.xml
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -218,8 +218,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -354,8 +354,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -426,8 +426,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -492,8 +492,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenuItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenuItem.xml
index e2e90154b3a..89f7ca457ef 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenuItem.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationMenuItem.xml
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationSplitMenuItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationSplitMenuItem.xml
index 6acca29ad94..72f1e6ca8ee 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationSplitMenuItem.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonApplicationSplitMenuItem.xml
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonButton.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonButton.xml
index 7ddf96d77d9..a54170c7e45 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonButton.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonButton.xml
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -368,8 +368,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -568,8 +568,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -634,8 +634,8 @@ Ribbon button controls with highlight
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -710,8 +710,8 @@ Ribbon button controls
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -776,8 +776,8 @@ Ribbon button controls
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -841,8 +841,8 @@ Ribbon button controls
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1171,8 +1171,8 @@ Ribbon button controls
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1236,8 +1236,8 @@ Ribbon button controls
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1302,8 +1302,8 @@ Ribbon button controls
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1368,8 +1368,8 @@ Ribbon button controls
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1434,8 +1434,8 @@ Ribbon button controls
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1500,8 +1500,8 @@ Ribbon button controls
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1566,8 +1566,8 @@ Ribbon button controls
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1635,8 +1635,8 @@ Ribbon button controls
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1714,8 +1714,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1793,8 +1793,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1872,8 +1872,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1951,8 +1951,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2030,8 +2030,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonCheckBox.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonCheckBox.xml
index 6ab21be4bcf..1c1be9d60c3 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonCheckBox.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonCheckBox.xml
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -485,8 +485,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -551,8 +551,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -619,8 +619,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -685,8 +685,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -758,8 +758,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -831,8 +831,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -896,8 +896,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1226,8 +1226,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1343,8 +1343,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1461,8 +1461,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1527,8 +1527,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1593,8 +1593,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1669,8 +1669,8 @@ Ribbon check box controls that are selected
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1748,8 +1748,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1827,8 +1827,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1906,8 +1906,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1985,8 +1985,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2064,8 +2064,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonComboBox.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonComboBox.xml
index cbfcb0440a5..ddba515e5f0 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonComboBox.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonComboBox.xml
@@ -138,8 +138,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -700,8 +700,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -765,8 +765,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -830,8 +830,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -895,8 +895,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -961,8 +961,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1034,8 +1034,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1100,8 +1100,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1166,8 +1166,8 @@ Ribbon combo box control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContentPresenter.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContentPresenter.xml
index fc34f4d17f4..ffdfeeeffbb 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContentPresenter.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContentPresenter.xml
@@ -70,19 +70,19 @@
Gets or sets the for this control.The for this control. The default is null.
- contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>Ribbon Layout and Resizing
@@ -138,18 +138,18 @@
if the control is hosted in a ; otherwise, .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -204,18 +204,18 @@
if the control is hosted in the Quick Access Toolbar; otherwise, .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -269,11 +269,11 @@
Builds the visual tree for the when a new template is applied.
- method.
+ method.
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextMenu.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextMenu.xml
index 3fc2cba49c6..ec8ef49f4f2 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextMenu.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextMenu.xml
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroup.xml
index cebb268af36..26387efb514 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroup.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroup.xml
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -308,8 +308,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -510,8 +510,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroupItemsControl.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroupItemsControl.xml
index 1d9854ab423..4e88665ca39 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroupItemsControl.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonContextualTabGroupItemsControl.xml
@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@
The item to display from the collection.
Unloads the container for the specified item.
- method.
+ method.
@@ -166,11 +166,11 @@
Builds the visual tree for the when a new template is applied.
- method.
+ method.
@@ -257,19 +257,19 @@
Gets a reference to the that this control belongs to.A reference to the that this control belongs to.
- class.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ class.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControl.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControl.xml
index 55bb80dadf5..837bb9dd9fa 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControl.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControl.xml
@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@
Represents a container for controls in a ribbon.
- , , , , , , and controls.
-Ribbon controls
- The following illustration shows how some of these controls appear when they are selected.
-Ribbon controls that are selected
+ , , , , , , and controls.
+Ribbon controls
+ The following illustration shows how some of these controls appear when they are selected.
+Ribbon controls that are selected
@@ -91,19 +91,19 @@ Ribbon controls that are selected
Gets or sets the for this control.The for this control. The default is .
- contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>Ribbon Layout and Resizing
@@ -159,18 +159,18 @@ Ribbon controls that are selected
if the control is hosted in a ; otherwise, .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -225,18 +225,18 @@ Ribbon controls that are selected
if the control is hosted in the Quick Access Toolbar; otherwise, .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -290,11 +290,11 @@ Ribbon controls that are selected
Builds the visual tree for the when a new template is applied.
- method.
+ method.
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlGroup.xml
index 4e872cb41ca..f94e1c9f0fd 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlGroup.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlGroup.xml
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -339,8 +339,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlService.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlService.xml
index 63edb98dcb3..95a3e158d06 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlService.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlService.xml
@@ -73,18 +73,18 @@
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this control can be added directly to the Quick Access Toolbar.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -133,18 +133,18 @@
Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the background of the control when it is in the Checked state.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -193,18 +193,18 @@
Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the outer border of the control when it in the Checked state.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -253,19 +253,19 @@
Gets or sets the for this control.
- contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. For the default property values, see .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. For the default property values, see .
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>Ribbon Layout and Resizing
@@ -315,18 +315,18 @@
Gets or sets a value that indicates the amount that the corners of a ribbon button are rounded.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -375,19 +375,19 @@
Gets or sets the default for this control.
- contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. If the property is not set for a ribbon control, the property is used instead. The default control size definition is based on the control's property settings. If a is specified, it is the default. If is `null`, and a is specified, the is the default. If both the and are `null`, the image is set to by default. If the property is null or empty, it is hidden by default.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. If the property is not set for a ribbon control, the property is used instead. The default control size definition is based on the control's property settings. If a is specified, it is the default. If is `null`, and a is specified, the is the default. If both the and are `null`, the image is set to by default. If the property is null or empty, it is hidden by default.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>Ribbon Layout and Resizing
@@ -483,18 +483,18 @@
Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the background of the control when it has focus.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -543,18 +543,18 @@
Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the outer border of the control when it has focus.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1441,17 +1441,17 @@
Gets a value that indicates whether the control is hosted in a .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Remarks
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1501,17 +1501,17 @@
Gets a value that indicates whether the control is hosted in the Quick Access Toolbar.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Remarks
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1560,19 +1560,19 @@
Gets or sets the text that is displayed next to or below the control.
- property on the to control the visibility of the label.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ property on the to control the visibility of the label.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1621,18 +1621,18 @@
Gets or sets the image that is displayed on the control when the image size is set to .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>Ribbon Layout and Resizing
@@ -1682,18 +1682,18 @@
Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the background of the control when the mouse pointer is over it.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1742,18 +1742,18 @@
Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the outer border of the control when the mouse pointer is over it.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1802,18 +1802,18 @@
Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the background of the control when it is pressed.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1862,18 +1862,18 @@
Gets or sets the brush that is used to draw the outer border of the control when it is pressed.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1922,19 +1922,19 @@
Gets or sets the for this control when it is hosted in the Quick Access Toolbar.
- contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. This property specifies how the image and label will appear when this control is hosted in the Quick Access Toolbar.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+ contains properties that specify size and visibility information for the image and label associated with a control. This property specifies how the image and label will appear when this control is hosted in the Quick Access Toolbar.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1984,18 +1984,18 @@
Gets or sets a unique identifier that links a ribbon control to a corresponding control in the Quick Access Toolbar.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2076,18 +2076,18 @@
Gets a reference to the that this control belongs to. control and is inherited by the child controls. It is used to access visual style brushes defined on the class.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`||
+## Remarks
+ This property is set on the parent control and is inherited by the child controls. It is used to access visual style brushes defined on the class.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -2873,17 +2873,17 @@
Gets a value that indicates whether to show the keyboard focus visual for this control.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Remarks
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2932,18 +2932,18 @@
Gets or sets the image that is displayed on the control when the image size is set to .
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
]]>Ribbon Layout and Resizing
@@ -2993,21 +2993,21 @@
Gets or sets the descriptive text that is displayed in the ToolTip for this control.
-> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -3057,21 +3057,21 @@
Gets or sets the descriptive text that is displayed in the footer of the ToolTip for this control.
-> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -3121,21 +3121,21 @@
Gets or sets the image that is displayed in the footer of the ToolTip for this control.
-> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -3185,21 +3185,21 @@
Gets or sets the title text that is displayed in the footer of the ToolTip for this control.
-> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -3249,21 +3249,21 @@
Gets or sets the image that is displayed in the ToolTip for this control.
-> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -3313,21 +3313,21 @@
Gets or sets the title text that is displayed in the ToolTip for this control.
-> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.
-## Dependency Property Information
-|Identifier field||
-|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
+> Each ribbon control inherits a property. If the property is set, the ribbon's enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.
+## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
+|Identifier field||
+|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlSizeDefinition.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlSizeDefinition.xml
index 9afcf85c8a3..a1a9b18842e 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlSizeDefinition.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonControlSizeDefinition.xml
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -233,8 +233,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -300,8 +300,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -367,8 +367,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -434,8 +434,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGallery.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGallery.xml
index e8823af8a20..2efa774bf8f 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGallery.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGallery.xml
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -369,8 +369,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -435,8 +435,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -507,8 +507,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -612,8 +612,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -679,8 +679,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -719,8 +719,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -809,8 +809,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -900,8 +900,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -966,8 +966,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1031,8 +1031,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1097,8 +1097,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1162,8 +1162,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1227,8 +1227,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1292,8 +1292,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1357,8 +1357,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1422,8 +1422,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1514,8 +1514,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1638,8 +1638,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -1704,8 +1704,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1769,8 +1769,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -1834,8 +1834,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -2289,8 +2289,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2354,8 +2354,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2419,8 +2419,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2513,8 +2513,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -2580,8 +2580,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -2628,8 +2628,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2770,8 +2770,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2884,8 +2884,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2953,8 +2953,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -3022,8 +3022,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -3091,8 +3091,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -3160,8 +3160,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -3229,8 +3229,8 @@ Ribbon gallery in a combo box
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryCategory.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryCategory.xml
index 2a79532405b..81c0bea963b 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryCategory.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryCategory.xml
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -391,8 +391,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -456,8 +456,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryItem.xml
index a44e20ac707..6df27badb85 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryItem.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGalleryItem.xml
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -274,8 +274,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -340,8 +340,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`||
@@ -408,8 +408,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -473,8 +473,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -538,8 +538,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1040,8 +1040,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1105,8 +1105,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1171,8 +1171,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1289,8 +1289,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1358,8 +1358,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1427,8 +1427,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1496,8 +1496,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1565,8 +1565,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1634,8 +1634,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroup.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroup.xml
index 28b7797ece0..b852e4a4550 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroup.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroup.xml
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -245,8 +245,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -337,8 +337,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -405,8 +405,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -471,8 +471,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -570,8 +570,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -635,8 +635,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -731,8 +731,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -796,8 +796,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1193,8 +1193,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1259,8 +1259,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1324,8 +1324,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1393,8 +1393,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1462,8 +1462,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1531,8 +1531,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1600,8 +1600,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1669,8 +1669,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1738,8 +1738,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinition.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinition.xml
index f7e5c8239c9..0afe1a3253f 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinition.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinition.xml
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinitionBase.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinitionBase.xml
index fe873a4ff76..03934088c1f 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinitionBase.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupSizeDefinitionBase.xml
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupTemplateSizeDefinition.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupTemplateSizeDefinition.xml
index 0b2c011b376..7abf51bf3d9 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupTemplateSizeDefinition.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonGroupTemplateSizeDefinition.xml
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuButton.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuButton.xml
index 1f5aba7518d..4893f807166 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuButton.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuButton.xml
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -257,8 +257,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -453,8 +453,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -544,8 +544,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -609,8 +609,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -760,8 +760,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -826,8 +826,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -893,8 +893,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -959,8 +959,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1025,8 +1025,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1124,8 +1124,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1190,8 +1190,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1256,8 +1256,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1329,8 +1329,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1394,8 +1394,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1856,8 +1856,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1921,8 +1921,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -1987,8 +1987,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2053,8 +2053,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2119,8 +2119,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2218,8 +2218,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2294,8 +2294,8 @@ Ribbon menu button control with drop-down open
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2373,8 +2373,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2452,8 +2452,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2531,8 +2531,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2610,8 +2610,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -2689,8 +2689,8 @@ Enhanced ToolTip
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
diff --git a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuItem.xml b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuItem.xml
index ef4e01672ee..ca27e281f63 100644
--- a/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuItem.xml
+++ b/xml/System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon/RibbonMenuItem.xml
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@
## Dependency Property Information
+| Item | Value |
|Identifier field||
|Metadata properties set to `true`|None|
@@ -166,8 +166,8 @@