It's recommended you understand the basics of sbp
before moving on because everything that will come next, works around it.
The simplest way to explain this is by starting to explain a couple of functions you'll see together a lot of times across the project. These two functions are the core to make any logical change at Group Income:
// Example: Update a group minimum income to 150
// 1. Message - Create a set of data to be later processed
const message = await sbp(
{ mincomeAmount: 150 },
// 2. Mutation - Send the message to the server and update the store (Vuex) accordingly
await sbp('backend/publishLogEntry', message)
Now, let's see in more detail what really happens in each function:
First, we need to create a message using a selector under 'gi.contracts' domain.
When we call the first sbp
function we need to pass 3 parameters:
: For example, 'gi.contracts/group/updateSettings/create' has a domain gi.contracts/ based on a Contract which will process the action group/updateSettings/
: a set of information passed to the action when it's processed.contractId
: the current group hash where the action should take effect on.
The gi.contract/*/create
selector will create and return a GIMessage (an event) based on the parameters passed.
Note: Contracts can be thought of as distributed classes. When you create a contract, you create an instance, similarly to how instances in OOP can be created. Contracts have an internal state that is updated by actions. A contract can be a group, a user profile (identity), or any other thing. All current contracts can be found at
With a GIMessage
created in the step before, we now need to send it to the server:
await sbp('backend/publishLogEntry', message)
GIMessages ("events") are used to represent either the creation of a contract, or an action performed upon that contract. When a client sends these messages to the server, they are sent back to everyone who is subscribed to that contract. Then, upon receiving a message/event, each client uses it to update their local copy of the contract state. That's all done under the selector 'backend/publishLogEntry'.
The sbp selector 'backend/publishLogEntry'
sends a POST request to the server with the message serialized. The server will, through a websocket, return the message back to the client, deserializes and dispatches it to Vuex.
Then, the dispatch event is handled by Vuex at model/state.js. There, the event is verified and, if all goes right, the message is processed through sbp
, with the given selector
(the action), the state based on the contractId
and the data
So far, you might wonder:
Where do I create a contract action? ('gi.contracts/group/updateSettings').
All actions of a contract are in the contract definition. For example, the Group actions are created at contracts/group.js
'gi.contracts/group/updateSettings': {
// Method to validate the received data type (FlowJS)
validate: object,
// Runs when the selector 'gi.contracts/group/updateSettings/process' is called
// state: contractId's state
// data: { mincomeAmount: 150 }
// meta: /* Metadata - read note bellow */
process (state, { data, meta }) {
// Performs the needed mutation to Vuex state, in this case,
// updates the given keys (mincomeAmount) with the new value (150).
for (var key in data) {
Vue.set(state.settings, key, data[key])
Note: Metadata is only included when contracts define a metadata key in their contract definition. It includes information about the action, such as when it was created and who created it.
We are almost there, the only question remaining is:
How do users know what Contracts should they subscribe to and where is that done?
await sbp('state/enqueueContractSync', contractId)
is what's used to both subscribe to a contract as well as fetch the latest events from it.
When subscribed to a Contract, the user is updated each time an action there is called, even if the action wasn't triggered by the user itself. (TODO: Add link/reference to where this happens)
So you don't need to worry about this for now, it just works 🔮.
That's all for now! Feel free to dive deeply even more in the files mentioned so far and complement this docs with your discoveries.