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File metadata and controls

135 lines (96 loc) · 6.36 KB

Mimiking the basic functionality of a table-based database (aka, MySQL) while storing all data in a text file. Specifically, it extracts data from a table-formated file, converts it into a dictionary format, and can be manipulated by a user. Saving the database will convert everything back to the table-formated file.

This is for fun and not recommended to actual use. Unless you like text files with easily alterable data (Perks, you can see what you are doing). This was an experimet and I will likely do one for other languages as well.

By Kai "Bring It On" Austin

October 2013


Note that the database is comprised of 3 different objects:

  • DB - The whole database, comprised of tables
  • Table - A table with specified columns and rows formated according to those columns
  • Row - A row in a table with data

The table formatting, if desired to be edited manually via the txt file.

  1. Name the table
  2. List the names of the desired columns, seperated by pipes
  3. The rows begin here, with each element in the row cooresponding to its respective column
TABLE_NAME: (Example)
(element-a1) | (element-a2) | (element-a3) |
(element-b1) | (element-b2) | (element-b3) |

Spaces are acceptable and capitalization does not matter. However I prefer to write the column names in all caps for easy read purposes

Note: There are no auto generated ids. If you want them, make a custom column for it.

Opening and Saving the Database

To MAKE a new Database, or retrieve an existing:

myDB = fakeDB.DB()

This requires the existence of the default text file "fakeDBdata.txt." You are welcome to remove all its default contents before continuing on (i.e. myDB.deleteTable("Example") - this will be covered later).

There is also the option to make a database with a custom file.

myDB = fakeDB.DB("myCustomFile.txt")

To SAVE the Database:

To save the database to the dafault file ("fakeDBdata.txt"), then use.

To save to a custom file,"myCustomFile.txt")

*FYI, you MUST .save() your database when you are done processing it, otherwise it will not write to the file and you will loose all your changes.

Making a Table

To MAKE a new Table

myTable = fakeDB.Table("myTableName")

This will have no columns or rows. As a minimum, you must speficy the table's name.

To make a table with specified columns

myTable = fakeDB.Table("myTableName", [ "COL-1", "COL-2", ...])

This will create a table with the specified columns. Column names are stored as string in an array/list. You will not be able to add rows unless there are corresponding columns.

To make a table with predetermined rows and columns

myTable = fakeDB.Table("myTableName", [ "COL-1", "COL-2", ...], [ RowObject, RowObject, ...])

This will create a table with all specified columns and rows. Please note that the rows are Row objects. Do not pass in any other data type. If you wish to make a new row, keep reading.

Once again, as a reminder, this database does not make unique ids for each row. Instead, each row corresponds to the location in the table's row array/list. The first row added will have an index of 0, the next an index of 1, etc.

Making a Row

To MAKE a new row

aRow = fakeDB.Row()

This will create a new empty row. When put into a table, it will adapt the columns, however all elements corresponding to the columns will be empty strings.

To MAKE a row with existing data

rowData = {"COL-1": "myName", "COL-2": "20", ...}
aRow = fakeDB.Row(rowData)

Pass a dictionary with the keys corresponding to the columns of a table, and their respective values. Note, that is one of the keys does not correspond to a value in the table, it will be ignored. All unspecified keys will obtain empty values.


Class Function Parameters Description/Use
DB getTable(table_name) table_name = STRING, the name of a table Gets the specified table from a database; RETURNS DICTIONARY
DB printTable(table_name) table_name = STRING, the name of a table Prints out all the information in the table row by row
DB makeTable(table_name, colist) table_name = STRING, the name of the new table; colist = LIST, the list of columns to be in the table Prints out all the information in the table row by row
DB deleteTable(table_name) table_name = STRING of the name of the table to delete Deletes a table from the database
Table newCol(col_name) col_name = STRING with the name of the new column Makes a new column in the specified table
Table removeCol(col_name) col_name = STRING with the name of the column to delete Removes a column from the table, including every element which is in that column for all respective rows
Table printCols() (none) Prints out a LIST of all the columns in a table
Table gettCols() (none) Returns a LIST of all the columns in a table
Table newRow(row_data) row_data = DICTIONARY with all the data to make a row Makes a new row in the specified table; IF there is no value corresponding to a column, it will be skipped; IF a key in row_data is not a column in the table, it will be skipped
Table deleteRow(key, value) key = STRING with the column name; value = STRING with the row's data corresponsing to the key Removes the first row from a table that contains the key and value pair
Table getRow(key, value) key = STRING with the column name; value = STRING with the row's data corresponsing to the key Gets a row with the specified key and value pair
Table printRows() (none) Prints all the rows in the table
Row printRow() (none) Prints the specified row
Row update(key, value) key = STRING with the column name; value = STRING with the row's data corresponsing to the key Updates the data in a row corresponding to the specified column
[documentation table]