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Vitest Best Practices

This document outlines the best practices for writing tests with Vitest in our project.


We've updated our Vitest configuration in vitest.config.ts to include:

  • Automatic mock reset: mockReset: true ensures all mocks are reset between tests
  • Automatic environment variable restoration: unstubEnvs: true restores stubbed environment variables between tests
  • Environment variable loading: env: loadEnv('', process.cwd(), '') loads environment variables from .env files

Environment Variables

When working with environment variables in tests:

  1. Use vi.stubEnv() instead of directly assigning to process.env:
// ❌ Don't do this
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production'

// ✅ Do this instead
vi.stubEnv('NODE_ENV', 'production')
  1. To unset an environment variable, use undefined instead of the delete operator:
// ❌ Don't do this
delete process.env.SOME_VAR

// ✅ Do this instead
vi.stubEnv('SOME_VAR', undefined)
  1. Clean up environment variables after tests:
afterEach(() => {

Mocking Modules

  1. Always place vi.mock() calls at the top of your file, before imports:
// ✅ Do this
import { describe, it, expect, vi } from 'vitest'
import { someFunction } from './someModule'

// ❌ Don't do this
import { describe, it, expect, vi } from 'vitest'
import { someFunction } from './someModule'
  1. Use vi.mocked() to get proper TypeScript typing for mocked functions:
import { vi } from 'vitest'
import { someFunction } from './someModule'


// ✅ Do this
vi.mocked(someFunction).mockReturnValue('mocked value')

// ❌ Don't do this
someFunction.mockReturnValue('mocked value')
  1. Reset mocks between tests:
beforeEach(() => {

Mocking Fetch

We've added global helpers in vitest.setup.ts to make mocking fetch easier:

// Mock a successful response
mockFetch({ data: 'example' })

// Mock a response with specific status
mockFetch({ error: 'Not found' }, { status: 404 })

// Mock a fetch error
mockFetchError('Failed to fetch')

// Mock a network error

Type Safety

  1. Avoid using any in your tests. Use proper type casting with unknown:
// ❌ Don't do this
const mockClient = {
  request: vi.fn().mockResolvedValue({})
} as any

// ✅ Do this instead
const mockClient = {
  request: vi.fn().mockResolvedValue({})
} as unknown as ReturnType<typeof create7TVClient>
  1. Create properly typed mock objects:
// Create a properly typed mock response
const mockResponse: SomeType = {
  id: 'test-id',
  name: 'Test Name',
  // ...other required properties

Test Structure

  1. Use descriptive test names that explain what's being tested
  2. Follow the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern:
    • Arrange: Set up the test data and conditions
    • Act: Perform the action being tested
    • Assert: Verify the results
it('returns 401 when authorization header is missing in production', async () => {
  // Arrange
  vi.stubEnv('NODE_ENV', 'production')
  const { req, res } = createMocks({ method: 'GET' })

  // Act
  await handler(req, res)

  // Assert
  expect(res._getJSONData()).toEqual({ success: false })
  1. Keep tests focused on a single behavior or functionality
  2. Use beforeEach and afterEach for setup and cleanup

Additional Resources