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File metadata and controls

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First Recitation

Logging in

Logging in is fairly simple if you're in the clic lab. Just use your UNI and password on any of the machines when prompted. You may have to back out once to be able to enter your UNI.

Remember that your password isn't necessarily the same as your UNI password, its the one you used when creating your clic account.

If you're on a mac:

  • Open up Terminal
  • type ssh [email protected] You will be prompted for your clic password. Enter it.
  • NOTE: if you want to enable X11 forwarding (this will allow you to share graphical programs as well as the shell with the remote machine) append the X (must be capital) flag to your ssh command. ssh [email protected] -X
  • You will now be in a remote shell session on a random machine in the clic cluster.

If you're on Windows

  • Download and install either Putty or MobaXterm
  • Each program has a fairly simple to use GUI for connecting, so the relevant information is just:
    • Username: your_uni
    • Password: your click password
    • Remote server:
  • Click connect and you'll be in a remote shell session on a random machine in the clic cluster.

Also note, if you ever need to connect to a specific machine in the clic cluster (this will be necessary if you want multiple sessions on the same machine) just use ssh [email protected]

Basic UNIX


A good palce to start with UNIX is the filesystem structure. Our clic machines run Ubuntu linux. Unlike Windows machines, UNIX uses forward slashes to denote the break between directories and files. An example file path in UNIX might be /usr/bin/dict. The path / by itself denotes the highest level directory. If you start any path with a forward slash, it will assumed to be a path relative to the root directory /. Alternatively, your current directory is represented by the notation ./. In most cases you can leave this off. You can find out your current directory using the command pwd. If you're current directory is /usr/bin and you wish to reference the directory /usr in a path, you can do so using either /usr (this is known as an absolute path), or you can use ../ (this is a relative path. ../ denotes the directory above the current directory. You could reference the root directory / from the directory /usr/bin using the relative path ../../.

Basic Navigation

When you log into clic, your current (working) directory will be /home/your_uni. Check this by typing:


This is what's known as your home directory. You can do pretty much whatever you want to the files in this directory. You own the place. Let's make a new directory here for your work in this class. Use the mkdir command to make a new directory:

mkdir cs3157 //if you're in COMS W3157
mkdir cs3136 //if you're in COMS 3136
mkdir cs3157/learning

Now let's move into your working directory. Use the change directory command, cd. All three commands below will do the same thing (which ones are the relative paths?)

cd cs3157/learning
cd ./cs3157/learning
cd /home/your_uni/cs3157/learning

Let's create a new text file using the touch command. This will create a new empty file if one does not exist, or update the last modified date if a file exists.

touch testing.txt
touch .hidden.txt

Let's see if it worked. The ls command lists all files in the current directory. Some commands in UNIX take flags. These are special arguments preceded by a dash. Usually it will make the most sense to attach the -l and the -a flags to our ls calls. -l will include the permissions of each file (more on this later) and -a will include files that are hidden (in UNIX, these are files that start with a .)

ls -l
ls -la //we can combine flags for ls

Notice the differences in output each time the command is run. Now let's delete our hidden file using the remove command, rm.

rm .hidden.txt
ls -la

Alright, now lets get rid of the directory we created here. rm accepts flags too and won't let you delete directories unless you specify to run it recursively (repeatedlygo into each subdirectory and delete all files. It will also ask for confirmation that you want to delete files unless you tell it to force the delete. For force delete, use -f and for recursive use -r:

cd ../
rm learning -rf
ls -la

One last thing as a side note: if you ever don't know how to use a command in UNIX (or even a function in the standard C library) you can use the man command. It will bring up the manual pages for the command you ask it for. Try to learn more about the ls command:

man ls

Use q to quit out of a man page.

Useful Tricks

Tab Complete

When in bash, try to make use of tab-complete as often as possible. This just means pressing tab after typing the first few letters of a command. For example typing tou followed by the tab key will complete to touch. Tab complete also works for directory and file names.

Previous command

You can go through your history by pressing the up and down arrows in terminal. This will navigate between previously used commands so that you can easily use the same commands over and over.

back i search

For long complicated commands that you only use every so often you can use the reverse search to locate them in your history. Pressing ctrl r in terminal will bring up a backward search through your history. Start typing until you find the command you're looking for.

Text Editors

There are two main text editors that you can use from inside terminal: emacs and vim. Which you use will ultimately be your decision (you could even write everything in pico if you really wanted, but this would be difficult).


Vim is a difficult to use text editor and very confusing at first. It's goal is to be incredibly efficient by preventing unnecessary movement of your hands around the keyboard. It operates in different modes, the most important of which will be edit mode and insert mode.

Open vim, editing a new file "vimtest".

vim vimtest

When you open vim, it will be in Normal mode. Typing will cause a variety of different operations to happen. For now switch to Insert Mode by pressing i. You should see -- INSERT -- appear at the bottom of the screen. At this point anything you type will appear as text in the text file. This is fine for basic editing. Now let's switch back to Normal mode. Press the esc key to switch back.

Most vim commands execute as soon as you type them. Here are some basic commands that will execute immediately:

  • h j k and l are how you move while in Normal mode. They are, respectively, left, down, up, right. Notice that this will save you time in moving to the arrows keys.
  • dd will delete the current line
  • D will delete from the current location to the end of the line
  • yy will copy the current line
  • p will paste whatever is the buffer (kind of like a clipboard)
  • 0 jumps to the beginning of the line
  • $ jumps to the end of the current line
  • u undoes the last change

Some vim commands will not be executed until you press enter. These begin with a colon.

  • :w [optional filename] This will save the current file if no file name is passed or write the current file to specified location.
  • :e filename will open the filename specified
  • :q will quite vim and take you back to terminal
  • :[line numer] will jump to that line

That should be enough for basic vim navigation. If you want to learn to be a real vim ninja, get used to switching between modes first. Then try to expand your Normal mode vocabulary one command at a time. In vim, most commands work with some sort of combination between prepositions and actions. For example, gg=G would indent the entire file, as gg takes you to the beginning of the file, = auto-indents a line, and G jumps to the end of the file.

You can also use vimtutor to really learn the ins and outs. In terminal, just type


Alternatively, check out Open Vim's Tutorial for another interactive vim lesson.

After learning vim, you might want to configure it. This is done by editting the .vimrc file in your home directory. Let's check out our current settings.

vim ~/.vimrc

There should be default settings there already, but you can look to make changes here in the future.


Emacs is an easier to pick up text editor but has less efficient keyboard shortcuts compared to vim.

Let's start by editing a new file in emacs

emacs emacstest

As soon as emacs starts running, you will be able to type into it. There is no special insert mode like in vim. You can backspace at any time without having to switch between modes.

Emacs has much of the functionality that vim has and we present the basics below:

  • 'Ctrl-f' will move your cursor forward, 'Ctrl-b' will move it back, 'Ctrl-p' will move it up, 'Ctrl-n' will move it down
  • 'Ctrl-k' will delete the current line
  • 'Ctrl-s' will search for a word forward, 'Ctrl-r' will search for a word backward
  • 'Ctrl-a' goes to beginning of line, 'Ctrl-e' goes to end
  • 'Ctrl-spacebar' to select text to manipulate
  • 'Esc-w' to copy text, 'Ctrl-w' to cut text, Ctrl-y' will paste your most recently copied/deleted text

Unfortunately, emacs makes some commonly used shortcuts a real pain to use:

  • 'Esc-x' then type in 'goto-line' and then the line number to go to a specific line (I usually map this to 'Ctrl-l' so it's actually useful)

To exit and save we will use Ctrl-X + Ctrl-C. If you just want to save then use Ctrl-X + Ctrl-S.

Just like vim, emacs also has a configuration file that you can edit. This is .emacs file within your home directory. Let's check out our emacs settings.

emacs ~/.emacs

There should be default settings there already, but feel free to add more for shortcuts.

*Note that backspaces can be a little funky when ssh-ing into CLIC and your backspace button might actually be sending "Ctrl + H" instead! To fix this you will have to add the following lines to your .emacs file.

;; make sure backspace deletes backwards
(normal-erase-is-backspace-mode 1)
;; make sure your backspace is mapped correctly
(global-set-key "\C-h" 'backward-delete-char)

Compiling and linking a C Program

There are many steps to compiling a program in C. They occur in the following order:

  1. Pre-processing: This is when the compiler processes lines that start with a hash-mark (#).
  2. Compiling: This converts a source code file (foo.c) into an object file (foo.o) which contains a system dependent compiled representation of the program as described in the source file. This code may contain symbols (like variables and function names) that are not defined in the individual source files.
  3. Linking: This step links code in various object files together, linking up the pieces that are required in all the .o files. This will produce an executable file.

Let's take a look at this process in an actual program: myadd. We'll create three text files in the same working directory.


#ifndef _MYADD_H_
#define _MYADD_H_
int add(int x, int y);


#include "myadd.h"
int add(int x, int y)
    return x + y;


#include "myadd.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    add(2, 4);

We'll be using gcc to compile our programs. gcc as a terminal command accepts a few parameters that we'll be making use of often.

  • -g This flag will include debugging flags when you compile. If you're going to be shipping your program, you won't want to include this flag, but for the purposes of this class, you'll probably always want these flags. They'll enable debugging tools to give you more useful information like the line number and file of the code that crashed.
  • -Wall This will turn on all warnings. Essentially, if there's a problem in your code that isn't a compiler error, it will be reported as a warning. These can be small problems now that cause big crashes later, so its best to turn this on when compiling.
  • -c [files] This will compile a list of .c files into .o files without going through the linking stage. You'll need this in the future for Makefiles.
  • -o [file] specifies what gcc's output should be. If none is specified this will default to either foo.o or a.out. foo.o will be the case if you're only compiling without linking. If you're creating an executable file, a.out is the default executable filename.

Now let's try to compile myadd. First we'll build object files for both myadd.c and main.c. Notice the compiler directive #include. This tells the compiler to just copy paste the specified file into the current file at that location. The reason we include this line in main.c and myadd.c is so that if we reference a function in either of these files before it is defined, the compiler can know its header.

As an example, in main.c we have add(2, 4);. The compiler wants to make sure that this is a valid function call but knows nothing of the function "add", what type it will return, or what its explicit parameters are. Including myadd.h will tell the compiler that "add" returns type int, and accepts two integer parameters.

Let's compile these two files:

gcc -c myadd.c myadd.h
gcc -c main.c myadd.h

You should see that you now have a myadd.o and main.o in your directory. There was one other set of directives that we've used now. The #ifndef #define and #endif directives. The first and the last define a block of code that should only be executed if a pre-processor variable is not defined. This will prevent multiple header files from conflicting. If myadd.h is included more than once, the first time the pre-processor will define _MYADD_H and each time thereafter will skip over the entire file. Now let's link these two files.

gcc myadd.o main.o -o main

You should now have an executable file in your directory main. Calling ./main will run your program. In this scenario, you must use ./ to note to the shell that you want to execute the program main in the current directory. Otherwise it will go looking in all the places it searches for commands like ls and touch to find main.

For more on compiling, linking, and debugging, see this article