These guides below are provided to ease the transition of existing applications using the Onfido React Native SDK from one version to another that introduces breaking API changes.
- Extra customization was introduced to the Capture Face step (for more information, see our readme file). A breaking change was introduced when defining the fallbacks for a Motion type face capture, you can see from the example below how to update.
Before 9.0.0:
config = {
sdkToken: “EXAMPLE-TOKEN-123”,
flowSteps: {
welcome: true,
captureFace: {
type: OnfidoCaptureType.MOTION,
After 9.0.0:
config = {
sdkToken: “EXAMPLE-TOKEN-123”,
flowSteps: {
welcome: true,
captureFace: {
type: OnfidoCaptureType.MOTION,
motionCaptureFallback: {
type: OnfidoCaptureType.PHOTO
- Infact,
key was entirely removed fromcaptureFace
can be one of the 3 following types:
type OnfidoFaceSelfieCapture = {
type: OnfidoCaptureType.PHOTO;
showIntro?: boolean
type OnfidoFaceVideoCapture = {
type: OnfidoCaptureType.VIDEO;
showIntro?: boolean;
showConfirmation?: boolean;
manualVideoCapture?: boolean;
type OnfidoFaceMotionCapture = {
type: OnfidoCaptureType.MOTION;
recordAudio?: boolean;
motionCaptureFallback?: OnfidoFaceSelfieCapture | OnfidoFaceVideoCapture;