#New SDR? First run this and leave it for 10 mins. #Note the average PPM once the cumulative PPM has settled and is not varying much.
#rtl_test -p
Also note that the ppm and gain are set in two places. First in receive_and_process_satellite.sh Look for the rtl-fm line and change the -g for gain and -p for PPM
then in rtlsdr_m2_lrpt_rx.py change the ppm ('3') here: self.rtlsdr_source_0.set_freq_corr(3, 0) and the gain ('43.9') here: self.rtlsdr_source_0.set_gain(43.9, 0)
Remember crontab schedules all the tasks into 'at' To remove at job 176 use atrm 176
For email forwarding and so on use https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/msmtp for this release of raspbian
I used lighttpd as a basic webserver with its root at /home/pi/weather
Add a pi crontab - adjust the +2 to maintain .s and wav IQ capture files for more than 2 days. Similarly +60 adjustments for removing old files (60 days default).
1 0 * * * /home/pi/weather/predict/schedule_all.sh 0 0 * * * find /home/pi/weather/tests/* -mtime +2 -type f -delete 0 0 * * * find /home/pi/weather/archives/* -mtime +60 -type f -delete