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# Software-Engineering-at-Google
-《Software Engineering at Google》的中英文对译版本。
+《Software Engineering at Google》的中英文對譯版本。
-## 书籍介绍
+## 書籍介紹
![Software Engineering at Google](./assets/images/swe_at_google.2.cover.jpg)
by **Titus Winters, Tom Manshreck, and Hyrum Wright**
-## 为什么翻译
-目前 GitHub 上并没有对《Software Engineering at Google》的中文翻译。加之本人的英语也不好,好不容易看了一遍,似有所有领悟,想要再看一遍的时候,发现满眼都是英文,实在是痛苦!
-## 在线阅读
-## 当前状态
-| PART | 部分 | 章节 | 名称 | 状态 | 翻译人员 | 计划完成时间 | 备注 |
-| ----------------- | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------- | ---------------------------------------- | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| Foreword | 序言 | | [序言](./zh-cn/Foreword.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | | |
-| | 前言 | | [前言](./zh-cn/Preface.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | | |
-| PART 1 Thesis | 第一部分 理论 | chapter 1 : What Is Software Engineering? | [第一章:软件工程是什么?](./zh-cn/Chapter-1_What_Is_Software_Engineering/Chapter-1_What_Is_Software_Engineering.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2021-12-02 | 2021-11-30 完成。 统一将政策改为策略 |
-| PART 2 Culture | 第二部分 文化 | chapter 2 : How to Work Well on Teams | [第二章:如何融入团队](./zh-cn/Chapter-2_How_to_Work_Well_on_Teams/Chapter-2_How_to_Work_Well_on_Teams.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2021-12-20 | 2021-12-02 完成 |
-| | | chapter 3 : Knowledge Sharing | [第三章:知识共享](./zh-cn/Chapter-3_Knowledge_Sharing/Chapter-3_Knowledge_Sharing.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2021-12-20 | 2021-12-05 完成 |
-| | | chapter 4 : Engineering for Equity | [第四章:公平工程](./zh-cn/Chapter-4_Engineering_for_Equity/Chapter-4_Engineering_for_Equity.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2021-12-20 | 我现在还很难区分『平等』和『公平』。 平等和公平的区别:性质不同。本义不同。平等:指人们在社会、政治、经济、法律等方面享有相等待遇。公平:处理任何事情合情合理,不会偏袒哪一方面。 扩展资料: 性质不同:公平”是一种手段,“平等”是一个结果。 本义不同:平等强调的是无差别,而公平则强调公道、公正、不偏袒。或者说,是否承认存在差别,构成了公平与平等最主要的区别。平等否认存在差别,而公平则不然,它承认存在差别,并在此基础上得以实现。 平等意思:它是人和人之间的一种关系、人对人的一种态度,它是人类的终极理想之一。由于人之差异绝对的公平不存在,只有相对的平等,现代社会的进步就是人和人之间从不平等走向平等过程是平等逐渐实现的过程,遇到不道德之处一定要坚决消灭。 公平指公正,不偏不倚。平是指所有的参与者(人或者团体)的各项属性(包括投入、获得等)平均。公为公正、合理,能获得广泛的支持;平指平等、平均。 由于人之差异而没有绝对的公平,只有相对的公平。 |
-| | | chapter 5 : How to Lead a Team | [第五章:如何领导团队](./zh-cn/Chapter-5_How_to_Lead_a_Team/Chapter-5_How_to_Lead_a_Team.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-05-02 | |
-| | | chapter 6 : Leading at Scale | [第六章:规模优先](./zh-cn/Chapter-6_Leading_at_Scale/Chapter-6_Leading_at_Scale.md) | 完成校验 | @FingerLiu | 2022-04-06 | |
-| | | chapter 7 : Measuring Engineering Productivity | [第七章:测量工程效率](./zh-cn/Chapter-7_Measuring_Engineering_Productivity/Chapter-7_Measuring_Engineering_Productivity.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-05-23 | |
-| PART 3 Processes | 第三部分 流程 | chapter 8 : Style Guides and Rules | [第八章:风格指南和规则](./zh-cn/Chapter-8_Style_Guides_and_Rules/Chapter-8_Style_Guides_and_Rules.md) | 完成校验 | @ll13 | 2022-04-18 | |
-| | | chapter 9 : Code Review | [第九章:代码审查](./zh-cn/Chapter-9_Code_Review/Chapter-9_Code_Review.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-04-04 | |
-| | | chapter 10 : Documentation | [第十章:文档](./zh-cn/Chapter-10_Documentation/Chapter-10_Documentatio.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-01-15 | 1、概述,大略地叙述,对文章或事物进行概括表达。在百度百科里,特指词条概述,对已有信息进行简明归纳。 2、概念:人类在认识过程中,从感性认识上升到理性认识,把所感知的事物的共同本质特点抽象出来,加以概括,是自我认知意识的一种表达,形成概念式思维惯性。在人类所认知的思维体系中最基本的构筑单位。 |
-| | | chapter 11 : Testing Overview | [第十一章:测试概述](./zh-cn/Chapter-11_Testing_Overview/Chapter-11_Testing_Overview.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-04-15 | |
-| | | chapter 12 : Unit Testing | [第十二章:单元测试](./zh-cn/Chapter-12_Unit_Testing/Chapter-12_Unit_Testing.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-03-19 | |
-| | | chapter 13 : Test Doubles | [第十三章:测试替代](./zh-cn/Chapter-13_Test_Doubles/Chapter-13_Test_Doubles.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-02-11完成 | |
-| | | chapter 14 : Larger Testing | [第十四章:大型测试](./zh-cn/Chapter-14_Larger_Testing/Chapter-14_Larger_Testing.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | | |
-| | | chapter 15 : Deprecation | [第十五章:废弃](./zh-cn/Chapter-15_Deprecation/Chapter-15_Deprecation.md) | 完成校验 | [jixiufeng](https://github.com/jixiuf) | | |
-| PART 4 Tools | 第四部分 工具 | chapter 16 : Version Control and Branch Management | [第十六章:版本控制和分支管理](./zh-cn/Chapter-16_Version_Control_and_Branch_Management/Chapter-16_Version_Control_and_Branch_Management.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-04-07 | |
-| | | chapter 17 : Code Search | [第十七章:代码搜索](zh-cn/Chapter-17_Code_Search/Chapter-17_Code_Search.md) | 完成校验 | [caili](https://github.com/transfercai) | 2022-02-16 | |
-| | | chapter 18 : Build Systems and Build Philosophy | [第十八章:构建系统,构建理念](./zh-cn/Chapter-18_Build_Systems_and_Build_Philosophy/Chapter-18_Build_Systems_and_Build_Philosophy.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-01-26 | 构件(功能模块化,前提是接口标准化);组件对数据和方法的简单封装。 |
-| | | chapter 19 : Critique : Google’s Code Review Tool | [第十九章:体验:谷歌的代码审查工具](./zh-cn/Chapter-19_Critique_Googles_Code_Review_Tool/Chapter-19_Critique_Googles_Code_Review_Tool.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-01-30 | |
-| | | chapter 20 : Static Analysis | [第二十章:静态分析](./zh-cn/Chapter-20_Static_Analysis/Chapter-20_Static_Analysis.md) | 完成校验 | @yangjun | 2022-04-24 | |
-| | | chapter 21 : Dependency Management | [第二十一章:依赖管理](./zh-cn/Chapter-21_Dependency_Management/Chapter-21_Dependency_Management.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-03-013 | |
-| | | chapter 22 : Large-Scale Changes | [第二十二章:大规模变更](./zh-cn/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-03-10 | 宠物类比的是传统服务器或虚拟机,每一个都被照顾得很好,不可或缺,不会自动变得有序。牛比的是云端服务器实例,量多、可替代、短生命周期,可以自动变得有序。 |
-| | | chapter 23 : Continuous Integration | [第二十三章:持续集成](./zh-cn/Chapter-23_Continuous_Integration/Chapter-23_Continuous_Integration.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-03-06 | |
-| | | chapter 24 : Continuous Delivery | [第二十四章:持续交付](./zh-cn/Chapter-24_Continuous_Delivery/Chapter-24_Continuous_Delivery.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-03-08 | |
-| | | chapter 25 : Compute as a Service | [第二十五章:计算即服务](./zh-cn/Chapter-25_Compute_as_a_Service/Chapter-25_Compute_as_a_Service.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-02-23 | |
-| PART 5 Conclusion | 第五部分 总结 | Afterword | [后记](./zh-cn/Afterword.md) | 完成校验 | @qiangmzsx | 2022-01-26完成 | |
-## Star
-[![Stargazers over time](https://starchart.cc/qiangmzsx/Software-Engineering-at-Google.svg)](https://starchart.cc/qiangmzsx/Software-Engineering-at-Google)
-## 授权许可
-除特别声明外,本书中的内容使用 [CC BY-SA 3.0 License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)(创作共用 署名-相同方式共享3.0 许可协议)授权,代码遵循 [BSD 3-Clause License](https://github.com/astaxie/build-web-application-with-golang/blob/master/LICENSE.md)(3 项条款的 BSD 许可协议)。
+## 為什麼翻譯
+目前 GitHub 上並沒有對《Software Engineering at Google》的中文翻譯。加之本人的英語也不好,好不容易看了一遍,似有所有領悟,想要再看一遍的時候,發現滿眼都是英文,實在是痛苦!
+## 線上閱讀
+## 正體中文翻譯
+本書正體中文翻譯由 [Will 保哥](http://blog.miniasp.com/) 協助完成,原文取自[簡體中文翻譯版本](https://github.com/qiangmzsx/Software-Engineering-at-Google)。若有任何問題,歡迎造訪 [Will 保哥的技術交流中心](https://www.facebook.com/will.fans) 與我聯繫!
+## 授權許可
+除特別宣告外,本書中的內容使用 [CC BY-SA 3.0 License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)(創作共用 署名-相同方式共享3.0 許可協定)授權,程式碼遵循 [BSD 3-Clause License](https://github.com/astaxie/build-web-application-with-golang/blob/master/LICENSE.md)(3 項條款的 BSD 許可協定)。
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> Lessons Learned from Programming Over Time
[Get Started](#software-engineering-at-google)
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- [前言](zh-cn/Foreword.md)
- [序言](zh-cn/Preface.md)
-- [第一章 软件工程是什么?](zh-cn/Chapter-1_What_Is_Software_Engineering/Chapter-1_What_Is_Software_Engineering.md)
-- [第二章 如何融入团队](zh-cn/Chapter-2_How_to_Work_Well_on_Teams/Chapter-2_How_to_Work_Well_on_Teams.md)
-- [第三章 知识共享](zh-cn/Chapter-3_Knowledge_Sharing/Chapter-3_Knowledge_Sharing.md)
+- [第一章 軟體工程是什麼?](zh-cn/Chapter-1_What_Is_Software_Engineering/Chapter-1_What_Is_Software_Engineering.md)
+- [第二章 如何融入團隊](zh-cn/Chapter-2_How_to_Work_Well_on_Teams/Chapter-2_How_to_Work_Well_on_Teams.md)
+- [第三章 知識共享](zh-cn/Chapter-3_Knowledge_Sharing/Chapter-3_Knowledge_Sharing.md)
- [第四章 公平工程](zh-cn/Chapter-4_Engineering_for_Equity/Chapter-4_Engineering_for_Equity.md)
-- [第五章 如何领导团队](zh-cn/Chapter-5_How_to_Lead_a_Team/Chapter-5_How_to_Lead_a_Team.md)
-- [第六章 规模优先](zh-cn/Chapter-6_Leading_at_Scale/Chapter-6_Leading_at_Scale.md)
-- [第七章 测量工程效率](zh-cn/Chapter-7_Measuring_Engineering_Productivity/Chapter-7_Measuring_Engineering_Productivity.md)
-- [第八章 风格指南和规则](zh-cn/Chapter-8_Style_Guides_and_Rules/Chapter-8_Style_Guides_and_Rules.md)
-- [第九章 代码审查](zh-cn/Chapter-9_Code_Review/Chapter-9_Code_Review.md)
-- [第十章 文档](zh-cn/Chapter-10_Documentation/Chapter-10_Documentatio.md)
-- [第十一章 测试概述](zh-cn/Chapter-11_Testing_Overview/Chapter-11_Testing_Overview.md)
-- [第十二章 单元测试](zh-cn/Chapter-12_Unit_Testing/Chapter-12_Unit_Testing.md)
-- [第十三章 测试替代](zh-cn/Chapter-13_Test_Doubles/Chapter-13_Test_Doubles.md)
-- [第十四章 大型测试](zh-cn/Chapter-14_Larger_Testing/Chapter-14_Larger_Testing.md)
-- [第十五章 废弃](zh-cn/Chapter-15_Deprecation/Chapter-15_Deprecation.md)
+- [第五章 如何領導團隊](zh-cn/Chapter-5_How_to_Lead_a_Team/Chapter-5_How_to_Lead_a_Team.md)
+- [第六章 規模優先](zh-cn/Chapter-6_Leading_at_Scale/Chapter-6_Leading_at_Scale.md)
+- [第七章 測量工程效率](zh-cn/Chapter-7_Measuring_Engineering_Productivity/Chapter-7_Measuring_Engineering_Productivity.md)
+- [第八章 風格指南和規則](zh-cn/Chapter-8_Style_Guides_and_Rules/Chapter-8_Style_Guides_and_Rules.md)
+- [第九章 程式碼審查](zh-cn/Chapter-9_Code_Review/Chapter-9_Code_Review.md)
+- [第十章 文件](zh-cn/Chapter-10_Documentation/Chapter-10_Documentatio.md)
+- [第十一章 測試概述](zh-cn/Chapter-11_Testing_Overview/Chapter-11_Testing_Overview.md)
+- [第十二章 單元測試](zh-cn/Chapter-12_Unit_Testing/Chapter-12_Unit_Testing.md)
+- [第十三章 測試替代](zh-cn/Chapter-13_Test_Doubles/Chapter-13_Test_Doubles.md)
+- [第十四章 大型測試](zh-cn/Chapter-14_Larger_Testing/Chapter-14_Larger_Testing.md)
+- [第十五章 廢棄](zh-cn/Chapter-15_Deprecation/Chapter-15_Deprecation.md)
- [第十六章 版本控制和分支管理](zh-cn/Chapter-16_Version_Control_and_Branch_Management/Chapter-16_Version_Control_and_Branch_Management.md)
-- [第十七章 代码搜索](zh-cn/Chapter-17_Code_Search/Chapter-17_Code_Search.md)
-- [第十八章 构建系统,构建理念](zh-cn/Chapter-18_Build_Systems_and_Build_Philosophy/Chapter-18_Build_Systems_and_Build_Philosophy.md)
-- [第十九章 体验:谷歌的代码审查工具](zh-cn/Chapter-19_Critique_Googles_Code_Review_Tool/Chapter-19_Critique_Googles_Code_Review_Tool.md)
-- [第二十章 静态分析](zh-cn/Chapter-20_Static_Analysis/Chapter-20_Static_Analysis.md)
-- [第二十一章 依赖管理](zh-cn/Chapter-21_Dependency_Management/Chapter-21_Dependency_Management.md)
-- [第二十二章 大规模变更](zh-cn/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes.md)
-- [第二十三章 持续集成](zh-cn/Chapter-23_Continuous_Integration/Chapter-23_Continuous_Integration.md)
-- [第二十四章 持续交付](zh-cn/Chapter-24_Continuous_Delivery/Chapter-24_Continuous_Delivery.md)
-- [第二十五章 计算即服务](zh-cn/Chapter-25_Compute_as_a_Service/Chapter-25_Compute_as_a_Service.md)
-- [后记](zh-cn/Afterword.md)
+- [第十七章 程式碼搜尋](zh-cn/Chapter-17_Code_Search/Chapter-17_Code_Search.md)
+- [第十八章 建立系統,建立理念](zh-cn/Chapter-18_Build_Systems_and_Build_Philosophy/Chapter-18_Build_Systems_and_Build_Philosophy.md)
+- [第十九章 體驗:谷歌的程式碼審查工具](zh-cn/Chapter-19_Critique_Googles_Code_Review_Tool/Chapter-19_Critique_Googles_Code_Review_Tool.md)
+- [第二十章 靜態分析](zh-cn/Chapter-20_Static_Analysis/Chapter-20_Static_Analysis.md)
+- [第二十一章 依賴管理](zh-cn/Chapter-21_Dependency_Management/Chapter-21_Dependency_Management.md)
+- [第二十二章 大規模變更](zh-cn/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes.md)
+- [第二十三章 持續整合](zh-cn/Chapter-23_Continuous_Integration/Chapter-23_Continuous_Integration.md)
+- [第二十四章 持續交付](zh-cn/Chapter-24_Continuous_Delivery/Chapter-24_Continuous_Delivery.md)
+- [第二十五章 計算即服務](zh-cn/Chapter-25_Compute_as_a_Service/Chapter-25_Compute_as_a_Service.md)
+- [後記](zh-cn/Afterword.md)
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-# 后记
-Software engineering at Google has been an extraordinary experiment in how to develop and maintain a large and evolving codebase. I’ve seen engineering teams break ground on this front during my time here, moving Google forward both as a company that touches billions of users and as a leader in the tech industry. This wouldn’t have been possible without the principles outlined in this book, so I’m very excited to see these pages come to life.
+# 後記
+Software engineering at Google has been an extraordinary experiment in how to develop and maintain a large and evolving codebase. I」ve seen engineering teams break ground on this front during my time here, moving Google forward both as a company that touches billions of users and as a leader in the tech industry. This wouldn」t have been possible without the principles outlined in this book, so I」m very excited to see these pages come to life.
-If the past 50 years (or the preceding pages here) have proven anything, it’s that soft‐ ware engineering is far from stagnant. In an environment in which technology is steadily changing, the software engineering function holds a particularly important role within a given organization. Today, software engineering principles aren’t simply about how to effectively run an organization; they’re about how to be a more respon‐ sible company for users and the world at large.
+If the past 50 years (or the preceding pages here) have proven anything, it」s that soft‐ ware engineering is far from stagnant. In an environment in which technology is steadily changing, the software engineering function holds a particularly important role within a given organization. Today, software engineering principles aren」t simply about how to effectively run an organization; they」re about how to be a more respon‐ sible company for users and the world at large.
-Solutions to common software engineering problems are not always hidden in plain sight—most require a certain level of resolute agility to identify solutions that will work for current-day problems and also withstand inevitable changes to technical systems. This agility is a common quality of the software engineering teams I’ve had the privilege to work with and learn from since joining Google back in 2008.
+Solutions to common software engineering problems are not always hidden in plain sight—most require a certain level of resolute agility to identify solutions that will work for current-day problems and also withstand inevitable changes to technical systems. This agility is a common quality of the software engineering teams I」ve had the privilege to work with and learn from since joining Google back in 2008.
-The idea of sustainability is also central to software engineering. Over a codebase’s expected lifespan, we must be able to react and adapt to changes, be that in product direction, technology platforms, underlying libraries, operating systems, and more. Today, we rely on the principles outlined in this book to achieve crucial flexibility in changing pieces of our software ecosystem.
+The idea of sustainability is also central to software engineering. Over a codebase」s expected lifespan, we must be able to react and adapt to changes, be that in product direction, technology platforms, underlying libraries, operating systems, and more. Today, we rely on the principles outlined in this book to achieve crucial flexibility in changing pieces of our software ecosystem.
-We certainly can’t prove that the ways we’ve found to attain sustainability will work for every organization, but I think it’s important to share these key learnings. Soft‐ ware engineering is a new discipline, so very few organizations have had the chance to achieve both sustainability and scale. By providing this overview of what we’ve seen, as well as the bumps along the way, our hope is to demonstrate the value and feasibility of long-term planning for code health. The passage of time and the impor‐ tance of change cannot be ignored.
+We certainly can」t prove that the ways we」ve found to attain sustainability will work for every organization, but I think it」s important to share these key learnings. Soft‐ ware engineering is a new discipline, so very few organizations have had the chance to achieve both sustainability and scale. By providing this overview of what we」ve seen, as well as the bumps along the way, our hope is to demonstrate the value and feasibility of long-term planning for code health. The passage of time and the impor‐ tance of change cannot be ignored.
-This book outlines some of our key guiding principles as they relate to software engi‐ neering. At a high level, it also illuminates the influence of technology on society. As software engineers, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our code is designed with inclusion, equity, and accessibility for everyone. Building for the sole purpose of innovation is no longer acceptable; technology that helps only a set of users isn’t innovative at all.
+This book outlines some of our key guiding principles as they relate to software engi‐ neering. At a high level, it also illuminates the influence of technology on society. As software engineers, it」s our responsibility to ensure that our code is designed with inclusion, equity, and accessibility for everyone. Building for the sole purpose of innovation is no longer acceptable; technology that helps only a set of users isn」t innovative at all.
-Our responsibility at Google has always been to provide developers, internally and externally, with a well-lit path. With the rise of new technologies like artificial intelli‐ gence, quantum computing, and ambient computing, there’s still plenty for us to learn as a company. I’m particularly excited to see where the industry takes software engi‐ neering in the coming years, and I’m confident that this book will help shape that path.
+Our responsibility at Google has always been to provide developers, internally and externally, with a well-lit path. With the rise of new technologies like artificial intelli‐ gence, quantum computing, and ambient computing, there」s still plenty for us to learn as a company. I」m particularly excited to see where the industry takes software engi‐ neering in the coming years, and I」m confident that this book will help shape that path.
—*Asim Husain*
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# Documentation
-# 第十章 文档
+# 第十章 文件
**Written by Tom Manshreck**
**Edited by Riona MacNamara**
-Of the complaints most engineers have about writing, using, and maintaining code, a singular common frustration is the lack of quality documentation. “What are the side effects of this method?” “I got an error after step 3.” “What does this acronym mean?” “Is this document up to date?” Every software engineer has voiced complaints about the quality, quantity, or sheer lack of documentation throughout their career, and the software engineers at Google are no different.
+Of the complaints most engineers have about writing, using, and maintaining code, a singular common frustration is the lack of quality documentation. 『What are the side effects of this method?』 『I got an error after step 3.』 『What does this acronym mean?』 『Is this document up to date?』 Every software engineer has voiced complaints about the quality, quantity, or sheer lack of documentation throughout their career, and the software engineers at Google are no different.
-在大多数工程师对编写、使用和维护代码的抱怨中,一个常见的问题是缺乏高质量的文档。"这个方法的副作用是什么?" "我在第三步之后出错了。”“这个缩写词是什么意思?”“这份文档是最新的吗?”每个软件工程师在他们的职业生涯中都对文档的质量、数量或完全缺失提出过抱怨,谷歌的软件工程师也不例外。
+在大多數工程師對編寫、使用和維護程式碼的抱怨中,一個常見的問題是缺乏高質量的文件。"這個方法的副作用是什麼?" "我在第三步之後出錯了。』『這個縮寫詞是什麼意思?』『這份文件是最新的嗎?』每個軟體工程師在他們的職業生涯中都對文件的質量、數量或完全缺失提出過抱怨,谷歌的軟體工程師也不例外。
Technical writers and project managers may help, but software engineers will always need to write most documentation themselves. Engineers, therefore, need the proper tools and incentives to do so effectively. The key to making it easier for them to write quality documentation is to introduce processes and tools that scale with the organization and that tie into their existing workflow.
Overall, the state of engineering documentation in the late 2010s is similar to the state of software testing in the late 1980s. Everyone recognizes that more effort needs to be made to improve it, but there is not yet organizational recognition of its critical benefits. That is changing, if slowly. At Google, our most successful efforts have been when documentation is treated like code and incorporated into the traditional engineering workflow, making it easier for engineers to write and maintain simple documents.
-## What Qualifies as Documentation? 什么是合格的文档?
+## What Qualifies as Documentation? 什麼是合格的文件?
-When we refer to “documentation,” we’re talking about every supplemental text that an engineer needs to write to do their job: not only standalone documents, but code comments as well. (In fact, most of the documentation an engineer at Google writes comes in the form of code comments.) We’ll discuss the various types of engineering documents further in this chapter.
+When we refer to 『documentation,』 we」re talking about every supplemental text that an engineer needs to write to do their job: not only standalone documents, but code comments as well. (In fact, most of the documentation an engineer at Google writes comes in the form of code comments.) We」ll discuss the various types of engineering documents further in this chapter.
-## Why Is Documentation Needed? 为什么需要文档?
+## Why Is Documentation Needed? 為什麼需要文件?
Quality documentation has tremendous benefits for an engineering organization. Code and APIs become more comprehensible, reducing mistakes. Project teams are more focused when their design goals and team objectives are clearly stated. Manual processes are easier to follow when the steps are clearly outlined. Onboarding new members to a team or code base takes much less effort if the process is clearly documented.
-But because documentation’s benefits are all necessarily downstream, they generally don’t reap immediate benefits to the author. Unlike testing, which (as we’ll see) quickly provides benefits to a programmer, documentation generally requires more effort up front and doesn’t provide clear benefits to an author until later. But, like investments in testing, the investment made in documentation will pay for itself over time. After all, you might write a document only once,[^1] but it will be read hundreds, perhaps thousands of times afterward; its initial cost is amortized across all the future readers. Not only does documentation scale over time, but it is critical for the rest of the organization to scale as well. It helps answer questions like these:
+But because documentation」s benefits are all necessarily downstream, they generally don」t reap immediate benefits to the author. Unlike testing, which (as we」ll see) quickly provides benefits to a programmer, documentation generally requires more effort up front and doesn」t provide clear benefits to an author until later. But, like investments in testing, the investment made in documentation will pay for itself over time. After all, you might write a document only once,[^1] but it will be read hundreds, perhaps thousands of times afterward; its initial cost is amortized across all the future readers. Not only does documentation scale over time, but it is critical for the rest of the organization to scale as well. It helps answer questions like these:
- Why were these design decisions made?
- Why did we implement this code in this manner?
-- Why did I implement this code in this manner, if you’re looking at your own code two years later?
+- Why did I implement this code in this manner, if you」re looking at your own code two years later?
-- 为什么做出这些设计决策?
-- 为什么我们要以这种方式实现这段代码?
-- 如果你两年后再看自己的代码,我为什么要以这种方式实现这些代码?
+- 為什麼做出這些設計決策?
+- 為什麼我們要以這種方式實現這段程式碼?
+- 如果你兩年後再看自己的程式碼,我為什麼要以這種方式實現這些程式碼?
-If documentation conveys all these benefits, why is it generally considered “poor” by engineers? One reason, as we’ve mentioned, is that the benefits aren’t immediate, especially to the writer. But there are several other reasons:
+If documentation conveys all these benefits, why is it generally considered 『poor』 by engineers? One reason, as we」ve mentioned, is that the benefits aren」t immediate, especially to the writer. But there are several other reasons:
-- Engineers often view writing as a separate skill than that of programming. (We’ll try to illustrate that this isn’t quite the case, and even where it is, it isn’t necessarily a separate skill from that of software engineering.)
-- Some engineers don’t feel like they are capable writers. But you don’t need a robust command of English[^2] to produce workable documentation. You just need to step outside yourself a bit and see things from the audience’s perspective.
+- Engineers often view writing as a separate skill than that of programming. (We」ll try to illustrate that this isn」t quite the case, and even where it is, it isn」t necessarily a separate skill from that of software engineering.)
+- Some engineers don」t feel like they are capable writers. But you don」t need a robust command of English[^2] to produce workable documentation. You just need to step outside yourself a bit and see things from the audience」s perspective.
- Writing documentation is often more difficult because of limited tools support or integration into the developer workflow.
- Documentation is viewed as an extra burden—something else to maintain— rather than something that will make maintenance of their existing code easier.
-如果文档能传达这么多的好处,为什么工程师们普遍认为它 "很糟糕"?正如我们所提到的,其中一个原因是,这些好处并不直接,尤其是对作者而言。但还有其他几个原因:
+如果文件能傳達這麼多的好處,為什麼工程師們普遍認為它 "很糟糕"?正如我們所提到的,其中一個原因是,這些好處並不直接,尤其是對作者而言。但還有其他幾個原因:
-- 工程师们通常认为写作是一种独立于编程的技能。(我们将试图说明,事实并非如此,即使是这样,它也不一定是与软件工程不同的技能。)
-- 有些工程师觉得他们不是有写作能力的人。但是,你不需要精通英语,就能写出可行的文档。你只需要跳出自己视角,从听众的角度看问题。
-- 由于有限的工具支持或集成到开发人员的工作流程中,编写文档往往更加困难。
-- 文档被看作是一个额外的负担——需要维护的其他东西——而不是能使他们现有的代码维护更容易的东西。
+- 工程師們通常認為寫作是一種獨立於程式設計的技能。(我們將試圖說明,事實並非如此,即使是這樣,它也不一定是與軟體工程不同的技能。)
+- 有些工程師覺得他們不是有寫作能力的人。但是,你不需要精通英語,就能寫出可行的文件。你只需要跳出自己視角,從聽眾的角度看問題。
+- 由於有限的工具支援或整合到開發人員的工作流程中,編寫文件往往更加困難。
+- 文件被看作是一個額外的負擔——需要維護的其他東西——而不是能使他們現有的程式碼維護更容易的東西。
> [^1]: OK, you will need to maintain it and revise it occasionally.
-> 1 好的,你将需要维护它并偶尔修改它。
+> 1 好的,你將需要維護它並偶爾修改它。
> [^2]: English is still the primary language for most programmers, and most technical documentation for programmers relies on an understanding of English.
-> 2 英语仍然是大多数程序员的主要语言,大多数程序员的技术文档都依赖于对英语的理解。
+> 2 英語仍然是大多數工程師的主要語言,大多數工程師的技術文件都依賴於對英語的理解。
-Not every engineering team needs a technical writer (and even if that were the case, there aren’t enough of them). This means that engineers will, by and large, write most of the documentation themselves. So, instead of forcing engineers to become technical writers, we should instead think about how to make writing documentation easier for engineers. Deciding how much effort to devote to documentation is a decision your organization will need to make at some point.
+Not every engineering team needs a technical writer (and even if that were the case, there aren」t enough of them). This means that engineers will, by and large, write most of the documentation themselves. So, instead of forcing engineers to become technical writers, we should instead think about how to make writing documentation easier for engineers. Deciding how much effort to devote to documentation is a decision your organization will need to make at some point.
Documentation benefits several different groups. Even to the writer, documentation provides the following benefits:
-- It helps formulate an API. Writing documentation is one of the surest ways to figure out if your API makes sense. Often, the writing of the documentation itself leads engineers to reevaluate design decisions that otherwise wouldn’t be questioned. If you can’t explain it and can’t define it, you probably haven’t designed it well enough.
-- It provides a road map for maintenance and a historical record. Tricks in code should be avoided, in any case, but good comments help out a great deal when you’re staring at code you wrote two years ago, trying to figure out what’s wrong.
-- It makes your code look more professional and drive traffic. Developers will naturally assume that a well-documented API is a better-designed API. That’s not always the case, but they are often highly correlated. Although this benefit sounds cosmetic, it’s not quite so: whether a product has good documentation is usually a pretty good indicator of how well a product will be maintained.
+- It helps formulate an API. Writing documentation is one of the surest ways to figure out if your API makes sense. Often, the writing of the documentation itself leads engineers to reevaluate design decisions that otherwise wouldn」t be questioned. If you can」t explain it and can」t define it, you probably haven」t designed it well enough.
+- It provides a road map for maintenance and a historical record. Tricks in code should be avoided, in any case, but good comments help out a great deal when you」re staring at code you wrote two years ago, trying to figure out what」s wrong.
+- It makes your code look more professional and drive traffic. Developers will naturally assume that a well-documented API is a better-designed API. That」s not always the case, but they are often highly correlated. Although this benefit sounds cosmetic, it」s not quite so: whether a product has good documentation is usually a pretty good indicator of how well a product will be maintained.
- It will prompt fewer questions from other users. This is probably the biggest benefit over time to someone writing the documentation. If you have to explain something to someone more than once, it usually makes sense to document that process.
-- 它有助于制定API。编写文档是确定API是否合理的最可靠方法之一。通常情况下,文档的编写本身会导致工程师重新评估设计决策,否则这些决策将会被质疑。如果你不能解释它,也不能定义它,那么你可能设计得不够好。
-- 它提供了维护路线图和历史记录。无论如何,应该避免代码中的技巧,但是当你盯着两年前编写的代码,试图找出错误的地方时,好的注释会有很大帮助。
-- 它使你的代码看起来更专业,并带来流量。开发人员通常认为,一个有良好文档的API是一个设计更好的API。情况并非总是如此,但它们往往是高度相关的。虽然这个好处听起来很表象,但也不尽然:一个产品是否有良好的文档记录通常是一个很好的指标,表明一个产品的维护情况如何。
-- 它将减少其他用户提出的问题。随着时间的推移,这可能是编写文档的人最大的收获。如果你必须向别人解释不止一次,通常记录这个过程是有意义的。
+- 它有助於制定API。編寫文件是確定API是否合理的最可靠方法之一。通常情況下,文件的編寫本身會導致工程師重新評估設計決策,否則這些決策將會被質疑。如果你不能解釋它,也不能定義它,那麼你可能設計得不夠好。
+- 它提供了維護路線圖和歷史記錄。無論如何,應該避免程式碼中的技巧,但是當你盯著兩年前編寫的程式碼,試圖找出錯誤的地方時,好的註解會有很大幫助。
+- 它使你的程式碼看起來更專業,並帶來流量。開發人員通常認為,一個有良好文件的API是一個設計更好的API。情況並非總是如此,但它們往往是高度相關的。雖然這個好處聽起來很表象,但也不盡然:一個產品是否有良好的文件記錄通常是一個很好的指標,表明一個產品的維護情況如何。
+- 它將減少其他使用者提出的問題。隨著時間的推移,這可能是編寫文件的人最大的收穫。如果你必須向別人解釋不止一次,通常記錄這個過程是有意義的。
-As great as these benefits are to the writer of documentation, the lion’s share of documentation’s benefits will naturally accrue to the reader. Google’s C++ Style Guide notes the maxim “optimize for the reader.” This maxim applies not just to code, but to the comments around code, or the documentation set attached to an API. Much like testing, the effort you put into writing good documents will reap benefits many times over its lifetime. Documentation is critical over time, and reaps tremendous benefits for especially critical code as an organization scales.
+As great as these benefits are to the writer of documentation, the lion」s share of documentation」s benefits will naturally accrue to the reader. Google」s C++ Style Guide notes the maxim 『optimize for the reader.』 This maxim applies not just to code, but to the comments around code, or the documentation set attached to an API. Much like testing, the effort you put into writing good documents will reap benefits many times over its lifetime. Documentation is critical over time, and reaps tremendous benefits for especially critical code as an organization scales.
-尽管这些好处对文档的作者来说是巨大的,但文档的大部分好处自然会累积到读者身上。谷歌的《C++风格指南》指出了 "为读者优化 "的格言。这句格言不仅适用于代码,也适用于代码周围的注释,或者附加到API的文档集。和测试一样,你为编写好的文档所付出的努力将在其生命周期内多次获得收益。随着时间的推移,文档是非常重要的,随着组织规模的扩大,对于特别重要的代码,文档将获得巨大的好处。
+儘管這些好處對文件的作者來說是巨大的,但文件的大部分好處自然會累積到讀者身上。谷歌的《C++風格指南》指出了 "為讀者最佳化 "的格言。這句格言不僅適用於程式碼,也適用於程式碼周圍的註解,或者附加到API的文件集。和測試一樣,你為編寫好的文件所付出的努力將在其生命週期內多次獲得收益。隨著時間的推移,文件是非常重要的,隨著組織規模的擴大,對於特別重要的程式碼,文件將獲得巨大的好處。
-## Documentation Is Like Code 把文档当做代码
+## Documentation Is Like Code 把文件當做程式碼
Software engineers who write in a single, primary programming language still often reach for different languages to solve specific problems. An engineer might write shell scripts or Python to run command-line tasks, or they might write most of their backend code in C++ but write some middleware code in Java, and so on. Each language is a tool in the toolbox.
-Documentation should be no different: it’s a tool, written in a different language (usually English) to accomplish a particular task. Writing documentation is not much different than writing code. Like a programming language, it has rules, a particular syntax, and style decisions, often to accomplish a similar purpose as that within code: enforce consistency, improve clarity, and avoid (comprehension) errors. Within technical documentation, grammar is important not because one needs rules, but to standardize the voice and avoid confusing or distracting the reader. Google requires a certain comment style for many of its languages for this reason.
+Documentation should be no different: it」s a tool, written in a different language (usually English) to accomplish a particular task. Writing documentation is not much different than writing code. Like a programming language, it has rules, a particular syntax, and style decisions, often to accomplish a similar purpose as that within code: enforce consistency, improve clarity, and avoid (comprehension) errors. Within technical documentation, grammar is important not because one needs rules, but to standardize the voice and avoid confusing or distracting the reader. Google requires a certain comment style for many of its languages for this reason.
Like code, documents should also have owners. Documents without owners become stale and difficult to maintain. Clear ownership also makes it easier to handle documentation through existing developer workflows: bug tracking systems, code review tooling, and so forth. Of course, documents with different owners can still conflict with one another. In those cases, it is important to designate canonical documentation: determine the primary source and consolidate other associated documents into that primary source (or deprecate the duplicates).
-The prevalent usage of “go/links” at Google (see Chapter 3) makes this process easier. Documents with straightforward go/ links often become the canonical source of truth. One other way to promote canonical documents is to associate them directly with the code they document by placing them directly under source control and alongside the source code itself.
+The prevalent usage of 『go/links』 at Google (see Chapter 3) makes this process easier. Documents with straightforward go/ links often become the canonical source of truth. One other way to promote canonical documents is to associate them directly with the code they document by placing them directly under source control and alongside the source code itself.
-在谷歌,"go/links "的普遍使用(见第三章)使这一过程更加容易。有直接的 "go/links "的文件往往成为权威的标准来源。促进规范化文档的另一种方法是,通过将它们直接置于源代码控制之下并与源代码本身一起,将它们与它们所记录的代码直接关联。
+在谷歌,"go/links "的普遍使用(見第三章)使這一過程更加容易。有直接的 "go/links "的檔案往往成為權威的標準來源。促進規範化文件的另一種方法是,透過將它們直接置於原始碼控制之下並與原始碼本身一起,將它們與它們所記錄的程式碼直接關聯。
Documentation is often so tightly coupled to code that it should, as much as possible, be treated as code. That is, your documentation should:
@@ -117,115 +117,115 @@ Documentation is often so tightly coupled to code that it should, as much as pos
- Be periodically evaluated (tested, in some respect)
- If possible, be measured for aspects such as accuracy, freshness, etc. (tools have still not caught up here)
-- 有需要遵循的内部策略或规则
-- 被置于源代码控制之下
-- 有明确的所有权,负责维护文档
-- 对修改进行审查(并与它所记录的代码一起改变)。
-- 追踪问题,就像追踪代码中的bug一样
-- 定期评估(在某种程度上测试)。
-- 如有可能,对准确度、新鲜度等方面进行衡量(这里还没有工具)
+- 有需要遵循的內部策略或規則
+- 被置於原始碼控制之下
+- 有明確的所有權,負責維護文件
+- 對修改進行審查(並與它所記錄的程式碼一起改變)。
+- 追蹤問題,就像追蹤程式碼中的bug一樣
+- 定期評估(在某種程度上測試)。
+- 如有可能,對準確度、新鮮度等方面進行衡量(這裡還沒有工具)
-The more engineers treat documentation as “one of” the necessary tasks of software development, the less they will resent the upfront costs of writing, and the more they will reap the long-term benefits. In addition, making the task of documentation easier reduces those upfront costs.
+The more engineers treat documentation as 『one of』 the necessary tasks of software development, the less they will resent the upfront costs of writing, and the more they will reap the long-term benefits. In addition, making the task of documentation easier reduces those upfront costs.
- **Case Study: The Google Wiki** **案例研究:谷歌维基**
+ **Case Study: The Google Wiki** **案例研究:谷歌維基**
When Google was much smaller and leaner, it had few technical writers. The easiest way to share information was through our own internal wiki (GooWiki). At first, this seemed like a reasonable approach; all engineers shared a single documentation set and could update it as needed.
But as Google scaled, problems with a wiki-style approach became apparent. Because there were no true owners for documents, many became obsolete.[^3] Because no process was put in place for adding new documents, duplicate documents and document sets began appearing. GooWiki had a flat namespace, and people were not good at applying any hierarchy to the documentation sets. At one point, there were 7 to 10 documents (depending on how you counted them) on setting up Borg, our production compute environment, only a few of which seemed to be maintained, and most were specific to certain teams with certain permissions and assumptions.
-Another problem with GooWiki became apparent over time: the people who could fix the documents were not the people who used them. New users discovering bad documents either couldn’t confirm that the documents were wrong or didn’t have an easy way to report errors. They knew something was wrong (because the document didn’t work), but they couldn’t “fix” it. Conversely, the people best able to fix the documents often didn’t need to consult them after they were written. The documentation became so poor as Google grew that the quality of documentation became Google’s number one developer complaint on our annual developer surveys.
+Another problem with GooWiki became apparent over time: the people who could fix the documents were not the people who used them. New users discovering bad documents either couldn」t confirm that the documents were wrong or didn」t have an easy way to report errors. They knew something was wrong (because the document didn」t work), but they couldn」t 『fix』 it. Conversely, the people best able to fix the documents often didn」t need to consult them after they were written. The documentation became so poor as Google grew that the quality of documentation became Google」s number one developer complaint on our annual developer surveys.
The way to improve the situation was to move important documentation under the same sort of source control that was being used to track code changes. Documents began to have their own owners, canonical locations within the source tree, and processes for identifying bugs and fixing them; the documentation began to dramatically improve. Additionally, the way documentation was written and maintained began to look the same as how code was written and maintained. Errors in the documents could be reported within our bug tracking software. Changes to the documents could be handled using the existing code review process. Eventually, engineers began to fix the documents themselves or send changes to technical writers (who were often the owners).
Moving documentation to source control was initially met with a lot of controversy.
-Many engineers were convinced that doing away with the GooWiki, that bastion of freedom of information, would lead to poor quality because the bar for documentation (requiring a review, requiring owners for documents, etc.) would be higher. But that wasn’t the case. The documents became better.
+Many engineers were convinced that doing away with the GooWiki, that bastion of freedom of information, would lead to poor quality because the bar for documentation (requiring a review, requiring owners for documents, etc.) would be higher. But that wasn」t the case. The documents became better.
-The introduction of Markdown as a common documentation formatting language also helped because it made it easier for engineers to understand how to edit documents without needing specialized expertise in HTML or CSS. Google eventually introduced its own framework for embedding documentation within code: g3doc.With that framework, documentation improved further, as documents existed side by side with the source code within the engineer’s development environment. Now, engineers could update the code and its associated documentation in the same change (a practice for which we’re still trying to improve adoption).
+The introduction of Markdown as a common documentation formatting language also helped because it made it easier for engineers to understand how to edit documents without needing specialized expertise in HTML or CSS. Google eventually introduced its own framework for embedding documentation within code: g3doc.With that framework, documentation improved further, as documents existed side by side with the source code within the engineer」s development environment. Now, engineers could update the code and its associated documentation in the same change (a practice for which we」re still trying to improve adoption).
The key difference was that maintaining documentation became a similar experience to maintaining code: engineers filed bugs, made changes to documents in changelists, sent changes to reviews by experts, and so on. Leveraging of existing developer workflows, rather than creating new ones, was a key benefit.
> [^3]: When we deprecated GooWiki, we found that around 90% of the documents had no views or updates in the previous few months.
-> 3 当我们弃用GooWiki时,我们发现大约90%的文档在前几个月没有视图或更新。
+> 3 當我們棄用GooWiki時,我們發現大約90%的文件在前幾個月沒有檢視或更新。
-## Know Your Audience 了解你的受众
+## Know Your Audience 瞭解你的受眾
-One of the most important mistakes that engineers make when writing documentation is to write only for themselves. It’s natural to do so, and writing for yourself is not without value: after all, you might need to look at this code in a few years and try to figure out what you once meant. You also might be of approximately the same skill set as someone reading your document. But if you write only for yourself, you are going to make certain assumptions, and given that your document might be read by a very wide audience (all of engineering, external developers), even a few lost readers is a large cost. As an organization grows, mistakes in documentation become more prominent, and your assumptions often do not apply.
+One of the most important mistakes that engineers make when writing documentation is to write only for themselves. It」s natural to do so, and writing for yourself is not without value: after all, you might need to look at this code in a few years and try to figure out what you once meant. You also might be of approximately the same skill set as someone reading your document. But if you write only for yourself, you are going to make certain assumptions, and given that your document might be read by a very wide audience (all of engineering, external developers), even a few lost readers is a large cost. As an organization grows, mistakes in documentation become more prominent, and your assumptions often do not apply.
Instead, before you begin writing, you should (formally or informally) identify the audience(s) your documents need to satisfy. A design document might need to persuade decision makers. A tutorial might need to provide very explicit instructions to someone utterly unfamiliar with your codebase. An API might need to provide complete and accurate reference information for any users of that API, be they experts or novices. Always try to identify a primary audience and write to that audience.
-Good documentation need not be polished or “perfect.” One mistake engineers make when writing documentation is assuming they need to be much better writers. By that measure, few software engineers would write. Think about writing like you do about testing or any other process you need to do as an engineer. Write to your audience, in the voice and style that they expect. If you can read, you can write. Remember that your audience is standing where you once stood, but without your new domain knowledge. So you don’t need to be a great writer; you just need to get someone like you as familiar with the domain as you now are. (And as long as you get a stake in the ground, you can improve this document over time.)
+Good documentation need not be polished or 『perfect.』 One mistake engineers make when writing documentation is assuming they need to be much better writers. By that measure, few software engineers would write. Think about writing like you do about testing or any other process you need to do as an engineer. Write to your audience, in the voice and style that they expect. If you can read, you can write. Remember that your audience is standing where you once stood, but without your new domain knowledge. So you don」t need to be a great writer; you just need to get someone like you as familiar with the domain as you now are. (And as long as you get a stake in the ground, you can improve this document over time.)
-好的文档不需要润色或 "完美"。工程师在写文档时犯的一个错误是假设他们需要成为更好的作家。按照这个标准,很少有软件工程师会写。思考写作,就像你做测试一样,或者你作为一名工程师需要做的任何其他过程。以听众期望的声音和风格向他们写信。如果你能读,你就能写。记住,你的受众就站在你曾经站过的地方,但没有你的新领域知识。所以你不需要成为一个伟大的作家;你只需要找一个像你一样熟悉这个领域的人。(而且,只要你能从中获益,你就可以随着时间的推移改进这份文件。)
+好的文件不需要潤色或 "完美"。工程師在寫文件時犯的一個錯誤是假設他們需要成為更好的作家。按照這個標準,很少有軟體工程師會寫。思考寫作,就像你做測試一樣,或者你作為一名工程師需要做的任何其他過程。以聽眾期望的聲音和風格向他們寫信。如果你能讀,你就能寫。記住,你的受眾就站在你曾經站過的地方,但沒有你的新領域知識。所以你不需要成為一個偉大的作家;你只需要找一個像你一樣熟悉這個領域的人。(而且,只要你能從中獲益,你就可以隨著時間的推移改進這份檔案。)
-### Types of Audiences 受众类型
+### Types of Audiences 受眾型別
-We’ve pointed out that you should write at the skill level and domain knowledge appropriate for your audience. But who precisely is your audience? Chances are, you have multiple audiences based on one or more of the following criteria:
+We」ve pointed out that you should write at the skill level and domain knowledge appropriate for your audience. But who precisely is your audience? Chances are, you have multiple audiences based on one or more of the following criteria:
- Experience level (expert programmers, or junior engineers who might not even be familiar—gulp!—with the language).
- Domain knowledge (team members, or other engineers in your organization who are familiar only with API endpoints).
- Purpose (end users who might need your API to do a specific task and need to find that information quickly, or software gurus who are responsible for the guts of a particularly hairy implementation that you hope no one else needs to maintain).
-- 经验水平(专家级程序员,或者甚至可能不熟悉语言的初级工程师)。
-- 领域知识(团队成员或组织中只熟悉API端点的其他工程师)。
-- 目的(可能需要你的API来完成特定任务并需要快速找到该信息的最终用户,或负责你希望没有其他人需要维护的特别复杂的实现的核心的软件专家)。
+- 經驗水平(專家級工程師,或者甚至可能不熟悉語言的初級工程師)。
+- 領域知識(團隊成員或組織中只熟悉API端點的其他工程師)。
+- 目的(可能需要你的API來完成特定任務並需要快速找到該訊息的最終使用者,或負責你希望沒有其他人需要維護的特別複雜的實現的核心的軟體專家)。
-In some cases, different audiences require different writing styles, but in most cases, the trick is to write in a way that applies as broadly to your different audience groups as possible. Often, you will need to explain a complex topic to both an expert and a novice. Writing for the expert with domain knowledge may allow you to cut corners, but you’ll confuse the novice; conversely, explaining everything in detail to the novice will doubtless annoy the expert.
+In some cases, different audiences require different writing styles, but in most cases, the trick is to write in a way that applies as broadly to your different audience groups as possible. Often, you will need to explain a complex topic to both an expert and a novice. Writing for the expert with domain knowledge may allow you to cut corners, but you」ll confuse the novice; conversely, explaining everything in detail to the novice will doubtless annoy the expert.
-Obviously, writing such documents is a balancing act and there’s no silver bullet, but one thing we’ve found is that it helps to keep your documents short. Write descriptively enough to explain complex topics to people unfamiliar with the topic, but don’t lose or annoy experts. Writing a short document often requires you to write a longer one (getting all the information down) and then doing an edit pass, removing duplicate information where you can. This might sound tedious, but keep in mind that this expense is spread across all the readers of the documentation. As Blaise Pascal once said, “If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter.” By keeping a document short and clear, you will ensure that it will satisfy both an expert and a novice.
+Obviously, writing such documents is a balancing act and there」s no silver bullet, but one thing we」ve found is that it helps to keep your documents short. Write descriptively enough to explain complex topics to people unfamiliar with the topic, but don」t lose or annoy experts. Writing a short document often requires you to write a longer one (getting all the information down) and then doing an edit pass, removing duplicate information where you can. This might sound tedious, but keep in mind that this expense is spread across all the readers of the documentation. As Blaise Pascal once said, 『If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter.』 By keeping a document short and clear, you will ensure that it will satisfy both an expert and a novice.
-显然,编写这样的文档是一种平衡行为,没有什么灵丹妙药,但我们发现,它有助于保持文档的简短。写下足够的描述,向不熟悉该主题的人解释复杂的主题,但不要失去或惹恼专家。编写一个简短的文档通常需要你编写一个较长的文档(将所有信息记录下来),然后进行编辑,尽可能删除重复的信息。这听起来可能很乏味,但请记住,这项费用会分摊到文档的所有读者身上。正如布莱斯·帕斯卡(Blaise Pascal)曾经说过的那样,“如果我有更多的时间,我会给你写一封更短的信。”通过保持文档的简短和清晰,你将确保它能让专家和新手都满意。
+顯然,編寫這樣的文件是一種平衡行為,沒有什麼靈丹妙藥,但我們發現,它有助於保持文件的簡短。寫下足夠的描述,向不熟悉該主題的人解釋複雜的主題,但不要失去或惹惱專家。編寫一個簡短的文件通常需要你編寫一個較長的文件(將所有訊息記錄下來),然後進行編輯,儘可能刪除重複的訊息。這聽起來可能很乏味,但請記住,這項費用會分攤到文件的所有讀者身上。正如布萊斯·帕斯卡(Blaise Pascal)曾經說過的那樣,『如果我有更多的時間,我會給你寫一封更短的信。』透過保持文件的簡短和清晰,你將確保它能讓專家和新手都滿意。
Another important audience distinction is based on how a user encounters a document:
- Seekers are engineers who know what they want and want to know if what they are looking at fits the bill. A key pedagogical device for this audience is consistency. If you are writing reference documentation for this group—within a code file, for example—you will want to have your comments follow a similar format so that readers can quickly scan a reference and see whether they find what they are looking for.
-- Stumblers might not know exactly what they want. They might have only a vague idea of how to implement what they are working with. The key for this audience is clarity. Provide overviews or introductions (at the top of a file, for example) that explain the purpose of the code they are looking at. It’s also useful to identify when a doc is not appropriate for an audience. A lot of documents at Google begin with a “TL;DR statement” such as “TL;DR: if you are not interested in C++ compilers at Google, you can stop reading now.”
+- Stumblers might not know exactly what they want. They might have only a vague idea of how to implement what they are working with. The key for this audience is clarity. Provide overviews or introductions (at the top of a file, for example) that explain the purpose of the code they are looking at. It」s also useful to identify when a doc is not appropriate for an audience. A lot of documents at Google begin with a 『TL;DR statement』 such as 『TL;DR: if you are not interested in C++ compilers at Google, you can stop reading now.』
-- 寻求者,工程师知道他们想要什么,并且想知道他们所看到的是否符合要求。对于这些听众来说,一个关键的教学手段是一致性。如果你为这一群体写参考文档——在一个代码文件内,例如——你希望注释遵循类似的格式,以便受众可以快速扫描引用并查看是否找到所需内容。
-- 浏览者,可能不知道他们到底想要什么。他们可能对如何实施他们正在使用的东西只有一个模糊的概念。这类读者的关键是清晰。提供概述或介绍(例如,在文件的顶部),解释他们正在查看的代码的用途。确定文档何时不适合受众也很有用。谷歌的很多文件都以 "TL;DR声明 "开始,如 "TL;DR:如果你对谷歌的C++编译器不感兴趣,你现在可以停止阅读。"
+- 尋求者,工程師知道他們想要什麼,並且想知道他們所看到的是否符合要求。對於這些聽眾來說,一個關鍵的教學手段是一致性。如果你為這一群體寫參考文件——在一個程式碼檔案內,例如——你希望註解遵循類似的格式,以便受眾可以快速掃描引用並檢視是否找到所需內容。
+- 瀏覽者,可能不知道他們到底想要什麼。他們可能對如何實施他們正在使用的東西只有一個模糊的概念。這類讀者的關鍵是清晰。提供概述或介紹(例如,在檔案的頂部),解釋他們正在檢視的程式碼的用途。確定文件何時不適合受眾也很有用。谷歌的很多檔案都以 "TL;DR宣告 "開始,如 "TL;DR:如果你對谷歌的C++編譯器不感興趣,你現在可以停止閱讀。"
Finally, one important audience distinction is between that of a customer (e.g., a user of an API) and that of a provider (e.g., a member of the project team). As much as possible, documents intended for one should be kept apart from documents intended for the other. Implementation details are important to a team member for maintenance purposes; end users should not need to read such information. Often, engineers denote design decisions within the reference API of a library they publish. Such reasonings belong more appropriately in specific documents (design documents) or, at best, within the implementation details of code hidden behind an interface.
-## Documentation Types 文档类型
+## Documentation Types 文件型別
-Engineers write various different types of documentation as part of their work: design documents, code comments, how-to documents, project pages, and more. These all count as “documentation.” But it is important to know the different types, and to not mix types. A document should have, in general, a singular purpose, and stick to it. Just as an API should do one thing and do it well, avoid trying to do several things within one document. Instead, break out those pieces more logically.
+Engineers write various different types of documentation as part of their work: design documents, code comments, how-to documents, project pages, and more. These all count as 『documentation.』 But it is important to know the different types, and to not mix types. A document should have, in general, a singular purpose, and stick to it. Just as an API should do one thing and do it well, avoid trying to do several things within one document. Instead, break out those pieces more logically.
-工程师编写各种不同类型的文档作为他们工作的一部分:设计文档、代码注释、操作文档、项目页面等等。这些都算作 "文档"。但重要的是,要了解不同的类型,不要混合类型。一般来说,一个文档应该有一个单一的用途,并坚持这个职责。就像一个API应该做一件事并且做得很好一样,避免试图在一个文档中做几件事。相反,更逻辑合理地分解这些部分。
+工程師編寫各種不同型別的文件作為他們工作的一部分:設計文件、程式碼註解、操作文件、專案頁面等等。這些都算作 "文件"。但重要的是,要了解不同的型別,不要混合型別。一般來說,一個文件應該有一個單一的用途,並堅持這個職責。就像一個API應該做一件事並且做得很好一樣,避免試圖在一個文件中做幾件事。相反,更邏輯合理地分解這些部分。
There are several main types of documents that software engineers often need to write:
@@ -235,40 +235,40 @@ There are several main types of documents that software engineers often need to
- Conceptual documentation
- Landing pages
-- 参考文档,包括代码注释
-- 设计文档
+- 參考文件,包括程式碼註解
+- 設計文件
- 教程
-- 概念文档
-- 着陆页
+- 概念文件
+- 著陸頁
-It was common in the early days of Google for teams to have monolithic wiki pages with bunches of links (many broken or obsolete), some conceptual information about how the system worked, an API reference, and so on, all sprinkled together. Such documents fail because they don’t serve a single purpose (and they also get so long that no one will read them; some notorious wiki pages scrolled through several dozens of screens). Instead, make sure your document has a singular purpose, and if adding something to that page doesn’t make sense, you probably want to find, or even create, another document for that purpose.
+It was common in the early days of Google for teams to have monolithic wiki pages with bunches of links (many broken or obsolete), some conceptual information about how the system worked, an API reference, and so on, all sprinkled together. Such documents fail because they don」t serve a single purpose (and they also get so long that no one will read them; some notorious wiki pages scrolled through several dozens of screens). Instead, make sure your document has a singular purpose, and if adding something to that page doesn」t make sense, you probably want to find, or even create, another document for that purpose.
-### Reference Documentation 参考文档
+### Reference Documentation 參考文件
-Reference documentation is the most common type that engineers need to write; indeed, they often need to write some form of reference documents every day. By reference documentation, we mean anything that documents the usage of code within the codebase. Code comments are the most common form of reference documentation that an engineer must maintain. Such comments can be divided into two basic camps: API comments versus implementation comments. Remember the audience differences between these two: API comments don’t need to discuss implementation details or design decisions and can’t assume a user is as versed in the API as the author. Implementation comments, on the other hand, can assume a lot more domain knowledge of the reader, though be careful in assuming too much: people leave projects, and sometimes it’s safer to be methodical about exactly why you wrote this code the way you did.
+Reference documentation is the most common type that engineers need to write; indeed, they often need to write some form of reference documents every day. By reference documentation, we mean anything that documents the usage of code within the codebase. Code comments are the most common form of reference documentation that an engineer must maintain. Such comments can be divided into two basic camps: API comments versus implementation comments. Remember the audience differences between these two: API comments don」t need to discuss implementation details or design decisions and can」t assume a user is as versed in the API as the author. Implementation comments, on the other hand, can assume a lot more domain knowledge of the reader, though be careful in assuming too much: people leave projects, and sometimes it」s safer to be methodical about exactly why you wrote this code the way you did.
-Most reference documentation, even when provided as separate documentation from the code, is generated from comments within the codebase itself. (As it should; reference documentation should be single-sourced as much as possible.) Some languages such as Java or Python have specific commenting frameworks (Javadoc, PyDoc, GoDoc) meant to make generation of this reference documentation easier. Other languages, such as C++, have no standard “reference documentation” implementation, but because C++ separates out its API surface (in header or .h files) from the implementation (.cc files), header files are often a natural place to document a C++ API.
+Most reference documentation, even when provided as separate documentation from the code, is generated from comments within the codebase itself. (As it should; reference documentation should be single-sourced as much as possible.) Some languages such as Java or Python have specific commenting frameworks (Javadoc, PyDoc, GoDoc) meant to make generation of this reference documentation easier. Other languages, such as C++, have no standard 『reference documentation』 implementation, but because C++ separates out its API surface (in header or .h files) from the implementation (.cc files), header files are often a natural place to document a C++ API.
-大多数参考文档,即使是作为独立于代码的文档提供,也是由代码库本身的注释生成的。(这是应该的;参考文档应该尽可能的单一来源。) 一些语言,如Java或Python有特定的注释框架(Javadoc、PyDoc、GoDoc)旨在简化参考文档的生成。其他语言,如C++,没有标准的 "参考文档 "实现,但由于C++将其API表面(头文件或.h文件)与实现(.cc文件)分开,头文件通常是记录C++ API的自然场所。
+大多數參考文件,即使是作為獨立於程式碼的文件提供,也是由程式碼庫本身的註解生成的。(這是應該的;參考文件應該儘可能的單一來源。) 一些語言,如Java或Python有特定的註解框架(Javadoc、PyDoc、GoDoc)旨在簡化參考文件的生成。其他語言,如C++,沒有標準的 "參考文件 "實現,但由於C++將其API表面(標頭檔案或.h檔案)與實現(.cc檔案)分開,標頭檔案通常是記錄C++ API的自然場所。
-Google takes this approach: a C++ API deserves to have its reference documentation live within the header file. Other reference documentation is embedded directly in the Java, Python, and Go source code as well. Because Google’s Code Search browser (see Chapter 17) is so robust, we’ve found little benefit to providing separate generated reference documentation. Users in Code Search not only search code easily, they can usually find the original definition of that code as the top result. Having the documentation alongside the code’s definitions also makes the documentation easier to discover and maintain.
+Google takes this approach: a C++ API deserves to have its reference documentation live within the header file. Other reference documentation is embedded directly in the Java, Python, and Go source code as well. Because Google」s Code Search browser (see Chapter 17) is so robust, we」ve found little benefit to providing separate generated reference documentation. Users in Code Search not only search code easily, they can usually find the original definition of that code as the top result. Having the documentation alongside the code」s definitions also makes the documentation easier to discover and maintain.
-谷歌采取了这种方法:一个C++ API应该有它的参考文件存在头文件中。其他参考文档也直接嵌入到Java、Python和Go源代码中。因为Google的Code Search浏览器(见第17章)非常强大,我们发现提供单独的通用参考文档没有什么好处。用户在代码搜索中不仅可以很容易地搜索到代码,而且通常可以找到该代码的原始定义作为最重要的结果。将文档与代码的定义放在一起,也使文档更容易被发现和维护。
+谷歌採取了這種方法:一個C++ API應該有它的參考檔案存在標頭檔案中。其他參考文件也直接嵌入到Java、Python和Go原始碼中。因為Google的Code Search瀏覽器(見第17章)非常強大,我們發現提供單獨的通用參考文件沒有什麼好處。使用者在程式碼搜尋中不僅可以很容易地搜索到程式碼,而且通常可以找到該程式碼的原始定義作為最重要的結果。將文件與程式碼的定義放在一起,也使文件更容易被發現和維護。
-We all know that code comments are essential to a well-documented API. But what precisely is a “good” comment? Earlier in this chapter, we identified two major audiences for reference documentation: seekers and stumblers. Seekers know what they want; stumblers don’t. The key win for seekers is a consistently commented codebase so that they can quickly scan an API and find what they are looking for. The key win for stumblers is clearly identifying the purpose of an API, often at the top of a file header. We’ll walk through some code comments in the subsections that follow. The code commenting guidelines that follow apply to C++, but similar rules are in place at Google for other languages.
+We all know that code comments are essential to a well-documented API. But what precisely is a 『good』 comment? Earlier in this chapter, we identified two major audiences for reference documentation: seekers and stumblers. Seekers know what they want; stumblers don」t. The key win for seekers is a consistently commented codebase so that they can quickly scan an API and find what they are looking for. The key win for stumblers is clearly identifying the purpose of an API, often at the top of a file header. We」ll walk through some code comments in the subsections that follow. The code commenting guidelines that follow apply to C++, but similar rules are in place at Google for other languages.
-我们都知道,代码注释对于一个良好的文档化的API来说是必不可少的。但是什么才是 "好的 "注释呢?在本章的前面,我们确定了参考文档的两个主要受众:寻求者和浏览者。寻求者知道他们想要什么,而浏览者不知道。寻求者的关键点是一个一致的注释代码库,这样他们就可以快速扫描API并找到他们正在寻找的东西。对于浏览者来说,关键的胜利是明确识别API的用途,通常是在文件头的顶部。我们将在下面的小节中介绍一些代码注释。下面的代码注释指南适用于C++,但在谷歌,其他语言也有类似的规则。
+我們都知道,程式碼註解對於一個良好的文件化的API來說是必不可少的。但是什麼才是 "好的 "註解呢?在本章的前面,我們確定了參考文件的兩個主要受眾:尋求者和瀏覽者。尋求者知道他們想要什麼,而瀏覽者不知道。尋求者的關鍵點是一個一致的註解程式碼庫,這樣他們就可以快速掃描API並找到他們正在尋找的東西。對於瀏覽者來說,關鍵的勝利是明確識別API的用途,通常是在檔案頭的頂部。我們將在下面的小節中介紹一些程式碼註解。下面的程式碼註解指南適用於C++,但在谷歌,其他語言也有類似的規則。
-**File comments 文件注释**
+**File comments 檔案註解**
Almost all code files at Google must contain a file comment. (Some header files that contain only one utility function, etc., might deviate from this standard.) File comments should begin with a header of the following form:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -283,19 +283,19 @@ Almost all code files at Google must contain a file comment. (Some header files
... ...
-Generally, a file comment should begin with an outline of what’s contained in the code you are reading. It should identify the code’s main use cases and intended audience (in the preceding case, developers who want to concatenate strings). Any API that cannot be succinctly described in the first paragraph or two is usually the sign of an API that is not well thought out. Consider breaking the API into separate components in those cases.
+Generally, a file comment should begin with an outline of what」s contained in the code you are reading. It should identify the code」s main use cases and intended audience (in the preceding case, developers who want to concatenate strings). Any API that cannot be succinctly described in the first paragraph or two is usually the sign of an API that is not well thought out. Consider breaking the API into separate components in those cases.
-#### Class comments 类注释
+#### Class comments 類別註解
-Most modern programming languages are object oriented. Class comments are therefore important for defining the API “objects” in use in a codebase. All public classes (and structs) at Google must contain a class comment describing the class/struct, important methods of that class, and the purpose of the class. Generally, class comments should be “nouned” with documentation emphasizing their object aspect. That is, say, “The Foo class contains x, y, z, allows you to do Bar, and has the following Baz aspects,” and so on.
+Most modern programming languages are object oriented. Class comments are therefore important for defining the API 『objects』 in use in a codebase. All public classes (and structs) at Google must contain a class comment describing the class/struct, important methods of that class, and the purpose of the class. Generally, class comments should be 『nouned』 with documentation emphasizing their object aspect. That is, say, 『The Foo class contains x, y, z, allows you to do Bar, and has the following Baz aspects,』 and so on.
-大多数现代编程语言都是面向对象的。因此,类注释对于定义代码库中使用的API "对象 "非常重要。谷歌的所有公共类(和结构)必须包含一个类注释,描述该类/结构、该类的重要方法以及该类的目的。一般来说,类的注释应该是 "名词化 "的,文件强调其对象方面。也就是说,"Foo类包含x、y、z,允许你做Bar,并且有以下Baz方面的内容",等等。
+大多數現代程式語言都是物件導向的。因此,類別註解對於定義程式碼庫中使用的API "物件 "非常重要。谷歌的所有公共類別(和結構)必須包含一個類別註解,描述該類別/結構、該類別的重要方法以及該類別的目的。一般來說,類別的註解應該是 "名詞化 "的,檔案強調其物件方面。也就是說,"Foo類包含x、y、z,允許你做Bar,並且有以下Baz方面的內容",等等。
Class comments should generally begin with a comment of the following form:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -307,15 +307,15 @@ Class comments should generally begin with a comment of the following form:
// hexadecimal values (through the Hex type) into strings.
-#### Function comments 函数注释
+#### Function comments 函式註解
All free functions, or public methods of a class, at Google must also contain a function comment describing what the function *does*. Function comments should stress the *active* nature of their use, beginning with an indicative verb describing what the function does and what is returned.
Function comments should generally begin with a comment of the following form:
// StrCat()
@@ -325,13 +325,13 @@ Function comments should generally begin with a comment of the following form:
... ...
-Note that starting a function comment with a declarative verb introduces consistency across a header file. A seeker can quickly scan an API and read just the verb to get an idea of whether the function is appropriate: “Merges, Deletes, Creates,” and so on.
+Note that starting a function comment with a declarative verb introduces consistency across a header file. A seeker can quickly scan an API and read just the verb to get an idea of whether the function is appropriate: 『Merges, Deletes, Creates,』 and so on.
-Some documentation styles (and some documentation generators) require various forms of boilerplate on function comments, like “Returns:”, “Throws:”, and so forth, but at Google we haven’t found them to be necessary. It is often clearer to present such information in a single prose comment that’s not broken up into artificial section boundaries:
+Some documentation styles (and some documentation generators) require various forms of boilerplate on function comments, like 『Returns:』, 『Throws:』, and so forth, but at Google we haven」t found them to be necessary. It is often clearer to present such information in a single prose comment that」s not broken up into artificial section boundaries:
-一些文档样式(和一些文档生成器)要求在函数注释中加入各种形式的模板,如 "Returns:","Throws:"等等,但在谷歌,我们发现它们并不是必须的。在一个松散的注释中呈现这样的信息通常更清晰,而不是将其分解为人为的段落边界:
+一些文件樣式(和一些文件產生器)要求在函式註解中加入各種形式的樣板,如 "Returns:","Throws:"等等,但在谷歌,我們發現它們並不是必須的。在一個鬆散的註解中呈現這樣的訊息通常更清晰,而不是將其分解為人為的段落邊界:
// Creates a new record for a customer with the given name and address,
@@ -342,39 +342,39 @@ int AddCustomer(string name, string address);
Notice how the postcondition, parameters, return value, and exceptional cases are naturally documented together (in this case, in a single sentence), because they are not independent of one another. Adding explicit boilerplate sections would make the comment more verbose and repetitive, but no clearer (and arguably less clear).
-### Design Docs 设计文档
+### Design Docs 設計文件
Most teams at Google require an approved design document before starting work on any major project. A software engineer typically writes the proposed design document using a specific design doc template approved by the team. Such documents are designed to be collaborative, so they are often shared in Google Docs, which has good collaboration tools. Some teams require such design documents to be discussed and debated at specific team meetings, where the finer points of the design can be discussed or critiqued by experts. In some respects, these design discussions act as a form of code review before any code is written.
Because the development of a design document is one of the first processes an engineer undertakes before deploying a new system, it is also a convenient place to ensure that various concerns are covered. The canonical design document templates at Google require engineers to consider aspects of their design such as security implications, internationalization, storage requirements and privacy concerns, and so on. In most cases, such parts of those design documents are reviewed by experts in those domains.
A good design document should cover the goals of the design, its implementation strategy, and propose key design decisions with an emphasis on their individual trade-offs. The best design documents suggest design goals and cover alternative designs, denoting their strong and weak points.
-A good design document, once approved, also acts not only as a historical record, but as a measure of whether the project successfully achieved its goals. Most teams archive their design documents in an appropriate location within their team documents so that they can review them at a later time. It’s often useful to review a design document before a product is launched to ensure that the stated goals when the design document was written remain the stated goals at launch (and if they do not, either the document or the product can be adjusted accordingly).
+A good design document, once approved, also acts not only as a historical record, but as a measure of whether the project successfully achieved its goals. Most teams archive their design documents in an appropriate location within their team documents so that they can review them at a later time. It」s often useful to review a design document before a product is launched to ensure that the stated goals when the design document was written remain the stated goals at launch (and if they do not, either the document or the product can be adjusted accordingly).
### Tutorials 教程
-Every software engineer, when they join a new team, will want to get up to speed as quickly as possible. Having a tutorial that walks someone through the setup of a new project is invaluable; “Hello World” has established itself is one of the best ways to ensure that all team members start off on the right foot. This goes for documents as well as code. Most projects deserve a “Hello World” document that assumes nothing and gets the engineer to make something “real” happen.
+Every software engineer, when they join a new team, will want to get up to speed as quickly as possible. Having a tutorial that walks someone through the setup of a new project is invaluable; 『Hello World』 has established itself is one of the best ways to ensure that all team members start off on the right foot. This goes for documents as well as code. Most projects deserve a 『Hello World』 document that assumes nothing and gets the engineer to make something 『real』 happen.
-每个软件工程师,当他们加入一个新的团队时,都希望能尽快进入状态。有一个指导别人完成新项目设置的教程是非常有价值的;"Hello World "是确保所有团队成员从正确的角度出发的最佳方式之一。这适用于文件和代码。大多数项目都应该有一个 "Hello World “文档,该文档不做任何假设,并让工程师去做一些 "真实 "的事情。
+每個軟體工程師,當他們加入一個新的團隊時,都希望能儘快進入狀態。有一個指導別人完成新專案設定的教程是非常有價值的;"Hello World "是確保所有團隊成員從正確的角度出發的最佳方式之一。這適用於檔案和程式碼。大多數專案都應該有一個 "Hello World 『文件,該文件不做任何假設,並讓工程師去做一些 "真實 "的事情。
-Often, the best time to write a tutorial, if one does not yet exist, is when you first join a team. (It’s also the best time to find bugs in any existing tutorial you are following.) Get a notepad or other way to take notes, and write down everything you need to do along the way, assuming no domain knowledge or special setup constraints; after you’re done, you’ll likely know what mistakes you made during the process—and why —and can then edit down your steps to get a more streamlined tutorial. Importantly, write everything you need to do along the way; try not to assume any particular setup, permissions, or domain knowledge. If you do need to assume some other setup, state that clearly in the beginning of the tutorial as a set of prerequisites.
+Often, the best time to write a tutorial, if one does not yet exist, is when you first join a team. (It」s also the best time to find bugs in any existing tutorial you are following.) Get a notepad or other way to take notes, and write down everything you need to do along the way, assuming no domain knowledge or special setup constraints; after you」re done, you」ll likely know what mistakes you made during the process—and why —and can then edit down your steps to get a more streamlined tutorial. Importantly, write everything you need to do along the way; try not to assume any particular setup, permissions, or domain knowledge. If you do need to assume some other setup, state that clearly in the beginning of the tutorial as a set of prerequisites.
-Most tutorials require you to perform a number of steps, in order. In those cases, number those steps explicitly. If the focus of the tutorial is on the user (say, for external developer documentation), then number each action that a user needs to undertake. Don’t number actions that the system may take in response to such user actions. It is critical and important to number explicitly every step when doing this. Nothing is more annoying than an error on step 4 because you forget to tell someone to properly authorize their username, for example.
+Most tutorials require you to perform a number of steps, in order. In those cases, number those steps explicitly. If the focus of the tutorial is on the user (say, for external developer documentation), then number each action that a user needs to undertake. Don」t number actions that the system may take in response to such user actions. It is critical and important to number explicitly every step when doing this. Nothing is more annoying than an error on step 4 because you forget to tell someone to properly authorize their username, for example.
**Example: A bad tutorial**
@@ -382,23 +382,23 @@ Most tutorials require you to perform a number of steps, in order. In those case
2. Copy the shell script to your home directory
3. Execute the shell script
4. The foobar system will communicate with the authentication system
-5. Once authenticated, foobar will bootstrap a new database named “baz”
-6. Test “baz” by executing a SQL command on the command line
+5. Once authenticated, foobar will bootstrap a new database named 『baz』
+6. Test 『baz』 by executing a SQL command on the command line
7. Type: CREATE DATABASE my_foobar_db;
-1. 从我们的服务器下载软件包,网址为
-2. 将shell脚本复制到主目录
-3. 执行shell脚本
-4. foobar系统将与认证系统通信
-5. 经过身份验证后,foobar将引导一个名为“baz”的新数据库
-6. 通过在命令行上执行SQL命令来测试“baz”
-7. 类型:创建数据库my_foobar_db;
+1. 從我們的伺服器下載軟體套件,網址為
+2. 將shell指令碼複製到主目錄
+3. 執行shell指令碼
+4. foobar系統將與認證系統通訊
+5. 經過身份驗證後,foobar將引導一個名為『baz』的新資料庫
+6. 透過在指令行上執行SQL指令來測試『baz』
+7. 型別:建立資料庫my_foobar_db;
-In the preceding procedure, steps 4 and 5 happen on the server end. It’s unclear whether the user needs to do anything, but they don’t, so those side effects can be mentioned as part of step 3. As well, it’s unclear whether step 6 and step 7 are different. (They aren’t.) Combine all atomic user operations into single steps so that the user knows they need to do something at each step in the process. Also, if your tutorial has user-visible input or output, denote that on separate lines (often using the convention of a monospaced bold font).
+In the preceding procedure, steps 4 and 5 happen on the server end. It」s unclear whether the user needs to do anything, but they don」t, so those side effects can be mentioned as part of step 3. As well, it」s unclear whether step 6 and step 7 are different. (They aren」t.) Combine all atomic user operations into single steps so that the user knows they need to do something at each step in the process. Also, if your tutorial has user-visible input or output, denote that on separate lines (often using the convention of a monospaced bold font).
**Example: A bad tutorial made better**
@@ -420,82 +420,82 @@ cp foobar.sh ~
cd ~; foobar.sh
-The foobar system will first communicate with the authentication system. Once authenticated, foobar will bootstrap a new database named “baz” and open an input shell.
-4. Test “baz” by executing a SQL command on the command line:
+The foobar system will first communicate with the authentication system. Once authenticated, foobar will bootstrap a new database named 『baz』 and open an input shell.
+4. Test 『baz』 by executing a SQL command on the command line:
baz:$ CREATE DATABASE my_foobar_db;
-1. 从我们的服务器下载软件包,网址为:
+1. 從我們的伺服器下載軟體套件,網址為:
$curl -I http://example.com
-2. 将shell脚本复制到主目录:
+2. 將shell指令碼複製到主目錄:
$cp foobar.sh ~
-3. 在主目录中执行shell脚本:
+3. 在主目錄中執行shell指令碼:
$cd ~; foobar.sh
-4. 通过在命令行上执行SQL命令来测试“baz”:
+4. 透過在指令行上執行SQL指令來測試『baz』:
baz:$CREATE DATABASE my_foobar_db;
-Note how each step requires specific user intervention. If, instead, the tutorial had a focus on some other aspect (e.g., a document about the “life of a server”), number those steps from the perspective of that focus (what the server does).
+Note how each step requires specific user intervention. If, instead, the tutorial had a focus on some other aspect (e.g., a document about the 『life of a server』), number those steps from the perspective of that focus (what the server does).
-### Conceptual Documentation 概念文档
+### Conceptual Documentation 概念文件
Some code requires deeper explanations or insights than can be obtained simply by reading the reference documentation. In those cases, we need conceptual documentation to provide overviews of the APIs or systems. Some examples of conceptual documentation might be a library overview for a popular API, a document describing the life cycle of data within a server, and so on. In almost all cases, a conceptual document is meant to augment, not replace, a reference documentation set. Often this leads to duplication of some information, but with a purpose: to promote clarity. In those cases, it is not necessary for a conceptual document to cover all edge cases (though a reference should cover those cases religiously). In this case, sacrificing some accuracy is acceptable for clarity. The main point of a conceptual document is to impart understanding.
-“Concept” documents are the most difficult forms of documentation to write. As a result, they are often the most neglected type of document within a software engineer’s toolbox. One problem engineers face when writing conceptual documentation is that it often cannot be embedded directly within the source code because there isn’t a canonical location to place it. Some APIs have a relatively broad API surface area, in which case, a file comment might be an appropriate place for a “conceptual” explanation of the API. But often, an API works in conjunction with other APIs and/or modules. The only logical place to document such complex behavior is through a separate conceptual document. If comments are the unit tests of documentation, conceptual documents are the integration tests.
+『Concept』 documents are the most difficult forms of documentation to write. As a result, they are often the most neglected type of document within a software engineer」s toolbox. One problem engineers face when writing conceptual documentation is that it often cannot be embedded directly within the source code because there isn」t a canonical location to place it. Some APIs have a relatively broad API surface area, in which case, a file comment might be an appropriate place for a 『conceptual』 explanation of the API. But often, an API works in conjunction with other APIs and/or modules. The only logical place to document such complex behavior is through a separate conceptual document. If comments are the unit tests of documentation, conceptual documents are the integration tests.
-Even when an API is appropriately scoped, it often makes sense to provide a separate conceptual document. For example, Abseil’s StrFormat library covers a variety of concepts that accomplished users of the API should understand. In those cases, both internally and externally, we provide a format concepts document.
+Even when an API is appropriately scoped, it often makes sense to provide a separate conceptual document. For example, Abseil」s StrFormat library covers a variety of concepts that accomplished users of the API should understand. In those cases, both internally and externally, we provide a format concepts document.
-A concept document needs to be useful to a broad audience: both experts and novices alike. Moreover, it needs to emphasize clarity, so it often needs to sacrifice completeness (something best reserved for a reference) and (sometimes) strict accuracy. That’s not to say a conceptual document should intentionally be inaccurate; it just means that it should focus on common usage and leave rare usages or side effects for reference documentation.
+A concept document needs to be useful to a broad audience: both experts and novices alike. Moreover, it needs to emphasize clarity, so it often needs to sacrifice completeness (something best reserved for a reference) and (sometimes) strict accuracy. That」s not to say a conceptual document should intentionally be inaccurate; it just means that it should focus on common usage and leave rare usages or side effects for reference documentation.
-### Landing Pages 着陆页
+### Landing Pages 著陸頁
-Most engineers are members of a team, and most teams have a “team page” somewhere on their company’s intranet. Often, these sites are a bit of a mess: a typical landing page might contain some interesting links, sometimes several documents titled “read this first!”, and some information both for the team and for its customers. Such documents start out useful but rapidly turn into disasters; because they become so cumbersome to maintain, they will eventually get so obsolete that they will be fixed by only the brave or the desperate.
+Most engineers are members of a team, and most teams have a 『team page』 somewhere on their company」s intranet. Often, these sites are a bit of a mess: a typical landing page might contain some interesting links, sometimes several documents titled 『read this first!』, and some information both for the team and for its customers. Such documents start out useful but rapidly turn into disasters; because they become so cumbersome to maintain, they will eventually get so obsolete that they will be fixed by only the brave or the desperate.
-大多数工程师都是一个团队的成员,而大多数团队在其公司内部网的某个地方都有一个 "团队页面"。通常情况下,这些网站有点混乱:一个典型的着陆页面可能包含一些有趣的链接,有时是几个标题为 "先阅读此文!"的文件,以及一些既为团队又为客户的信息。这些的文档一开始很有用,但很快就变成了灾难;因为它们的维护变得非常麻烦,最终会变得非常陈旧,只有勇敢的人或绝望的人才会去修复它们。
+大多數工程師都是一個團隊的成員,而大多數團隊在其公司內部網的某個地方都有一個 "團隊頁面"。通常情況下,這些網站有點混亂:一個典型的著陸頁面可能包含一些有趣的連結,有時是幾個標題為 "先閱讀此文!"的檔案,以及一些既為團隊又為客戶的訊息。這些的文件一開始很有用,但很快就變成了災難;因為它們的維護變得非常麻煩,最終會變得非常陳舊,只有勇敢的人或絕望的人才會去修復它們。
Luckily, such documents look intimidating, but are actually straightforward to fix: ensure that a landing page clearly identifies its purpose, and then include only links to other pages for more information. If something on a landing page is doing more than being a traffic cop, it is not doing its job. If you have a separate setup document, link to that from the landing page as a separate document. If you have too many links on the landing page (your page should not scroll multiple screens), consider breaking up the pages by taxonomy, under different sections.
-Most poorly configured landing pages serve two different purposes: they are the “goto” page for someone who is a user of your product or API, or they are the home page for a team. Don’t have the page serve both masters—it will become confusing. Create a separate “team page” as an internal page apart from the main landing page. What the team needs to know is often quite different than what a customer of your API needs to know.
+Most poorly configured landing pages serve two different purposes: they are the 『goto』 page for someone who is a user of your product or API, or they are the home page for a team. Don」t have the page serve both masters—it will become confusing. Create a separate 『team page』 as an internal page apart from the main landing page. What the team needs to know is often quite different than what a customer of your API needs to know.
-## Documentation Reviews 文档评审
+## Documentation Reviews 文件評審
-At Google, all code needs to be reviewed, and our code review process is well understood and accepted. In general, documentation also needs review (though this is less universally accepted). If you want to “test” whether your documentation works, you should generally have someone else review it.
+At Google, all code needs to be reviewed, and our code review process is well understood and accepted. In general, documentation also needs review (though this is less universally accepted). If you want to 『test』 whether your documentation works, you should generally have someone else review it.
-在谷歌,所有的代码都需要评审,我们的代码评审是被充分理解和接受的。一般来说,文档也需要评审(尽管这不太被普遍接受)。如果你想 "测试 "你的文档是否有效,你一般应该让别人来评审。
+在谷歌,所有的程式碼都需要評審,我們的程式碼評審是被充分理解和接受的。一般來說,文件也需要評審(儘管這不太被普遍接受)。如果你想 "測試 "你的文件是否有效,你一般應該讓別人來評審。
A technical document benefits from three different types of reviews, each emphasizing different aspects:
@@ -503,154 +503,154 @@ A technical document benefits from three different types of reviews, each emphas
- An audience review, for clarity. This is usually someone unfamiliar with the domain. This might be someone new to your team or a customer of your API.
- A writing review, for consistency. This is often a technical writer or volunteer.
-- 技术评审,以保证准确性。这种审查通常是由主题专家完成的,通常是你的团队的另一个成员。通常,这也是代码审查本身的一部分。
-- 受众评审,以确保清晰度。这通常是对该领域不熟悉的人。这可能是新加入你的团队的人或你的API的客户。
-- 写作评审,以保证一致性。这通常是一个技术撰稿人或志愿者。
+- 技術評審,以保證準確性。這種審查通常是由主題專家完成的,通常是你的團隊的另一個成員。通常,這也是程式碼審查本身的一部分。
+- 受眾評審,以確保清晰度。這通常是對該領域不熟悉的人。這可能是新加入你的團隊的人或你的API的客戶。
+- 寫作評審,以保證一致性。這通常是一個技術撰稿人或志願者。
-Of course, some of these lines are sometimes blurred, but if your document is high profile or might end up being externally published, you probably want to ensure that it receives more types of reviews. (We’ve used a similar review process for this book.) Any document tends to benefit from the aforementioned reviews, even if some of those reviews are ad hoc. That said, even getting one reviewer to review your text is preferable to having no one review it.
+Of course, some of these lines are sometimes blurred, but if your document is high profile or might end up being externally published, you probably want to ensure that it receives more types of reviews. (We」ve used a similar review process for this book.) Any document tends to benefit from the aforementioned reviews, even if some of those reviews are ad hoc. That said, even getting one reviewer to review your text is preferable to having no one review it.
-Importantly, if documentation is tied into the engineering workflow, it will often improve over time. Most documents at Google now implicitly go through an audience review because at some point, their audience will be using them, and hopefully letting you know when they aren’t working (via bugs or other forms of feedback).
+Importantly, if documentation is tied into the engineering workflow, it will often improve over time. Most documents at Google now implicitly go through an audience review because at some point, their audience will be using them, and hopefully letting you know when they aren」t working (via bugs or other forms of feedback).
-**Case Study: The Developer Guide Library 案例研究:开发者指南库**
+**Case Study: The Developer Guide Library 案例研究:開發者指南函式庫**
As mentioned earlier, there were problems associated with having most (almost all) engineering documentation contained within a shared wiki: little ownership of important documentation, competing documentation, obsolete information, and difficulty in filing bugs or issues with documentation. But this problem was not seen in some documents: the Google C++ style guide was owned by a select group of senior engineers (style arbiters) who managed it. The document was kept in good shape because certain people cared about it. They implicitly owned that document. The document was also canonical: there was only one C++ style guide.
-As previously mentioned, documentation that sits directly within source code is one way to promote the establishment of canonical documents; if the documentation sits alongside the source code, it should usually be the most applicable (hopefully). At Google, each API usually has a separate g3doc directory where such documents live (written as Markdown files and readable within our Code Search browser). Having the documentation exist alongside the source code not only establishes de facto ownership, it makes the documentation seem more wholly “part” of the code.
+As previously mentioned, documentation that sits directly within source code is one way to promote the establishment of canonical documents; if the documentation sits alongside the source code, it should usually be the most applicable (hopefully). At Google, each API usually has a separate g3doc directory where such documents live (written as Markdown files and readable within our Code Search browser). Having the documentation exist alongside the source code not only establishes de facto ownership, it makes the documentation seem more wholly 『part』 of the code.
-Some documentation sets, however, cannot exist very logically within source code. A “C++ developer guide” for Googlers, for example, has no obvious place to sit within the source code. There is no master “C++” directory where people will look for such information. In this case (and others that crossed API boundaries), it became useful to create standalone documentation sets in their own depot. Many of these culled together associated existing documents into a common set, with common navigation and look-and-feel. Such documents were noted as “Developer Guides” and, like the code in the codebase, were under source control in a specific documentation depot, with this depot organized by topic rather than API. Often, technical writers managed these developer guides, because they were better at explaining topics across API boundaries.
+Some documentation sets, however, cannot exist very logically within source code. A 『C++ developer guide』 for Googlers, for example, has no obvious place to sit within the source code. There is no master 『C++』 directory where people will look for such information. In this case (and others that crossed API boundaries), it became useful to create standalone documentation sets in their own depot. Many of these culled together associated existing documents into a common set, with common navigation and look-and-feel. Such documents were noted as 『Developer Guides』 and, like the code in the codebase, were under source control in a specific documentation depot, with this depot organized by topic rather than API. Often, technical writers managed these developer guides, because they were better at explaining topics across API boundaries.
-然而,有些文档集在源代码中不能非常合理地存在。例如,Google的“C++开发者指南”, 在源代码中没有明确的位置。没有主 "C++"目录,人们会在那里寻找这些信息。在这种情况下(以及其他跨API边界的情况),在他们自己的仓库中创建独立文档集变得非常有用。其中许多文档将关联的现有文档挑选到一个公共集合中,具有公共导航和外观。这些文档被称为“开发人员指南”,与代码库中的代码一样,在一个特定的文档库中受源代码控制,该库是按主题而不是API组织的。通常情况下,技术撰稿人管理这些开发者指南,因为他们更善于解释跨API边界的主题。
+然而,有些文件集在原始碼中不能非常合理地存在。例如,Google的『C++開發者指南』, 在原始碼中沒有明確的位置。沒有主 "C++"目錄,人們會在那裡尋找這些訊息。在這種情況下(以及其他跨API邊界的情況),在他們自己的倉庫中建立獨立文件集變得非常有用。其中許多文件將關聯的現有文件挑選到一個公共集合中,具有公共導向和外觀。這些文件被稱為『開發人員指南』,與程式碼庫中的程式碼一樣,在一個特定的文件庫中受原始碼控制,該函式庫是按主題而不是API組織的。通常情況下,技術撰稿人管理這些開發者指南,因為他們更善於解釋跨API邊界的主題。
-Over time, these developer guides became canonical. Users who wrote competing or supplementary documents became amenable to adding their documents to the canonical document set after it was established, and then deprecating their competing documents. Eventually, the C++ style guide became part of a larger “C++ Developer Guide.” As the documentation set became more comprehensive and more authoritative, its quality also improved. Engineers began logging bugs because they knew someone was maintaining these documents. Because the documents were locked down under source control, with proper owners, engineers also began sending changelists directly to the technical writers.
+Over time, these developer guides became canonical. Users who wrote competing or supplementary documents became amenable to adding their documents to the canonical document set after it was established, and then deprecating their competing documents. Eventually, the C++ style guide became part of a larger 『C++ Developer Guide.』 As the documentation set became more comprehensive and more authoritative, its quality also improved. Engineers began logging bugs because they knew someone was maintaining these documents. Because the documents were locked down under source control, with proper owners, engineers also began sending changelists directly to the technical writers.
-随着时间的推移,这些开发者指南成为经典。编写重叠或补充文档的用户在规范文档集建立后,开始愿意将他们的文档添加到规范文档集中,然后废除他们的重复文档。最终,C++风格指南成为一个更大的 "C++开发者指南 "的一部分。随着文档集变得更全面、更权威,其质量也得到了提高。工程师们开始记录错误,因为他们知道有人在维护这些文档。由于这些文档被锁定在源码控制之下,并有适当的所有者,工程师们也开始直接向技术作者发送变更列表。
+隨著時間的推移,這些開發者指南成為經典。編寫重疊或補充文件的使用者在規範文件集建立後,開始願意將他們的文件新增到規範文件集中,然後廢除他們的重複文件。最終,C++風格指南成為一個更大的 "C++開發者指南 "的一部分。隨著文件集變得更全面、更權威,其質量也得到了提高。工程師們開始記錄錯誤,因為他們知道有人在維護這些文件。由於這些文件被鎖定在原始碼控制之下,並有適當的所有者,工程師們也開始直接向技術作者傳送變更清單。
-The introduction of go/links (see Chapter 3) allowed most documents to, in effect,more easily establish themselves as canonical on any given topic. Our C++ Developer Guide became established at “go/cpp,” for example. With better internal search, go/links, and the integration of multiple documents into a common documentation set,such canonical documentation sets became more authoritative and robust over time.
+The introduction of go/links (see Chapter 3) allowed most documents to, in effect,more easily establish themselves as canonical on any given topic. Our C++ Developer Guide became established at 『go/cpp,』 for example. With better internal search, go/links, and the integration of multiple documents into a common documentation set,such canonical documentation sets became more authoritative and robust over time.
-引入go/links(见第3章)后,大多数文件实际上可以更容易地建立自己在任何特定主题上的规范性。例如,我们的《C++开发指南》就建立在 "go/cpp "上。有了更好的内部搜索、go/links,以及将多个文档整合到一个共同的文档集,随着时间的推移,这样的规范文档集变得更加权威和强大。
+引入go/links(見第3章)後,大多數檔案實際上可以更容易地建立自己在任何特定主題上的規範性。例如,我們的《C++開發指南》就建立在 "go/cpp "上。有了更好的內部搜尋、go/links,以及將多個文件整合到一個共同的文件集,隨著時間的推移,這樣的規範文件集變得更加權威和強大。
-## Documentation Philosophy 写文档秘诀
+## Documentation Philosophy 寫文件秘訣
-Caveat: the following section is more of a treatise on technical writing best practices (and personal opinion) than of “how Google does it.” Consider it optional for software engineers to fully grasp, though understanding these concepts will likely allow you to more easily write technical information.
+Caveat: the following section is more of a treatise on technical writing best practices (and personal opinion) than of 『how Google does it.』 Consider it optional for software engineers to fully grasp, though understanding these concepts will likely allow you to more easily write technical information.
-注意:以下部分更像是一篇关于技术写作最佳实践的论文(和个人观点),而不是 "谷歌是如何做到的"。对于软件工程师来说,可以考虑让他们完全掌握,尽管理解这些概念可能会让你更容易写出技术信息。
+注意:以下部分更像是一篇關於技術寫作最佳實踐的論文(和個人觀點),而不是 "谷歌是如何做到的"。對於軟體工程師來說,可以考慮讓他們完全掌握,儘管理解這些概念可能會讓你更容易寫出技術訊息。
-### WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY 谁,什么,何时,何地,为什么
+### WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY 誰,什麼,何時,何地,為什麼
-Most technical documentation answers a “HOW” question. How does this work? How do I program to this API? How do I set up this server? As a result, there’s a tendency for software engineers to jump straight into the “HOW” on any given document and ignore the other questions associated with it: the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY. It’s true that none of those are generally as important as the HOW—a design document is an exception because an equivalent aspect is often the WHY—but without a proper framing of technical documentation, documents end up confusing. Try to address the other questions in the first two paragraphs of any document:
+Most technical documentation answers a 『HOW』 question. How does this work? How do I program to this API? How do I set up this server? As a result, there」s a tendency for software engineers to jump straight into the 『HOW』 on any given document and ignore the other questions associated with it: the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY. It」s true that none of those are generally as important as the HOW—a design document is an exception because an equivalent aspect is often the WHY—but without a proper framing of technical documentation, documents end up confusing. Try to address the other questions in the first two paragraphs of any document:
-- WHO was discussed previously: that’s the audience. But sometimes you also need to explicitly call out and address the audience in a document. Example: “This document is for new engineers on the Secret Wizard project.”
-- WHAT identifies the purpose of this document: “This document is a tutorial designed to start a Frobber server in a test environment.” Sometimes, merely writing the WHAT helps you frame the document appropriately. If you start adding information that isn’t applicable to the WHAT, you might want to move that information into a separate document.
+- WHO was discussed previously: that」s the audience. But sometimes you also need to explicitly call out and address the audience in a document. Example: 『This document is for new engineers on the Secret Wizard project.』
+- WHAT identifies the purpose of this document: 『This document is a tutorial designed to start a Frobber server in a test environment.』 Sometimes, merely writing the WHAT helps you frame the document appropriately. If you start adding information that isn」t applicable to the WHAT, you might want to move that information into a separate document.
- WHEN identifies when this document was created, reviewed, or updated. Documents in source code have this date noted implicitly, and some other publishing schemes automate this as well. But, if not, make sure to note the date on which the document was written (or last revised) on the document itself.
- WHERE is often implicit as well, but decide where the document should live. Usually, the preference should be under some sort of version control, ideally with the source code it documents. But other formats work for different purposes as well. At Google, we often use Google Docs for easy collaboration, particularly on design issues. At some point, however, any shared document becomes less of a discussion and more of a stable historical record. At that point, move it to someplace more permanent, with clear ownership, version control, and responsibility.
-- WHY sets up the purpose for the document. Summarize what you expect someone to take away from the document after reading it. A good rule of thumb is to establish the WHY in the introduction to a document. When you write the summary, verify whether you’ve met your original expectations (and revise accordingly).
+- WHY sets up the purpose for the document. Summarize what you expect someone to take away from the document after reading it. A good rule of thumb is to establish the WHY in the introduction to a document. When you write the summary, verify whether you」ve met your original expectations (and revise accordingly).
-大多数技术文档回答的是 "如何 "的问题。它是如何工作的?我如何对这个API进行编程?我如何设置这个服务器?因此,软件工程师有一种倾向,就是在任何给定的文件中直接跳到 "如何",而忽略了与之相关的其他问题:谁、什么、什么时候、什么地方和为什么。诚然,这些问题通常都不如 "如何 "重要——设计文件是个例外,因为与之相当的方面往往是 "为什么"——但如果没有适当的技术文档框架,文档最终会变得混乱。试着在任何文档的前两段解决其他问题:
+大多數技術文件回答的是 "如何 "的問題。它是如何工作的?我如何對這個API進行程式設計?我如何設定這個服務器?因此,軟體工程師有一種傾向,就是在任何給定的檔案中直接跳到 "如何",而忽略了與之相關的其他問題:誰、什麼、什麼時候、什麼地方和為什麼。誠然,這些問題通常都不如 "如何 "重要——設計檔案是個例外,因為與之相當的方面往往是 "為什麼"——但如果沒有適當的技術文件框架,文件最終會變得混亂。試著在任何文件的前兩段解決其他問題:
-- 之前讨论的是WHO:这就是受众。但有时你也需要在文件中明确地叫出并解决受众的问题。例如。"本文档适用于秘密向导项目的新工程师。"
-- WHAT是确定本文档用途的内容:“本文档是一个旨在在测试环境中启动Frobber服务器的教程。”有时,只需编写帮助你正确构建文档的内容即可。如果开始添加不适用于WHAT的信息,则可能需要将该信息移动到单独的文档中。
-- WHEN是何时确定本文件的创建、审查或更新时间。源代码中的文档隐式记录了该日期,其他一些发布方案也会自动记录该日期。但是,如果没有,请确保在文档本身上注明文档的编写日期(或最后一次修订日期)。
-- WHERE通常也是隐含的,但要决定该文档应该放在哪里。通常情况下,偏好应该在某种版本控制之下,最好是与它所记录的源代码一起。但其他格式也适用于不同的目的。在Google,我们经常使用Google Docs以方便协作,特别是在设计问题上。然而,在某些时候,任何共享的文件都不再是一种讨论,而更像是一种稳定的历史记录。在这一点上,把它移到一个更永久的地方,有明确的所有权、版本控制和责任。
-- WHY设定文件的目的。总结一下你希望别人在阅读后能从文件中得到什么。一个好的经验法则是在文件的引言中确立 "为什么"。当你写总结的时候,验证你是否达到了你最初的期望(并进行相应的修改)。
+- 之前討論的是WHO:這就是受眾。但有時你也需要在檔案中明確地叫出並解決受眾的問題。例如。"本文件適用於秘密嚮導專案的新工程師。"
+- WHAT是確定本文件用途的內容:『本文件是一個旨在在測試環境中啟動Frobber伺服器的教程。』有時,只需編寫幫助你正確建立文件的內容即可。如果開始新增不適用於WHAT的訊息,則可能需要將該訊息移動到單獨的文件中。
+- WHEN是何時確定本文件的建立、審查或更新時間。原始碼中的文件隱式記錄了該日期,其他一些發布方案也會自動記錄該日期。但是,如果沒有,請確保在文件本身上註明文件的編寫日期(或最後一次修訂日期)。
+- WHERE通常也是隱含的,但要決定該文件應該放在哪裡。通常情況下,偏好應該在某種版本控制之下,最好是與它所記錄的原始碼一起。但其他格式也適用於不同的目的。在Google,我們經常使用Google Docs以方便協作,特別是在設計問題上。然而,在某些時候,任何共享的檔案都不再是一種討論,而更像是一種穩定的歷史記錄。在這一點上,把它移到一個更永久的地方,有明確的所有權、版本控制和責任。
+- WHY設定檔案的目的。總結一下你希望別人在閱讀後能從檔案中得到什麼。一個好的經驗法則是在檔案的引言中確立 "為什麼"。當你寫總結的時候,驗證你是否達到了你最初的期望(並進行相應的修改)。
-### The Beginning, Middle, and End 开头、中间和结尾
+### The Beginning, Middle, and End 開頭、中間和結尾
-All documents—indeed, all parts of documents—have a beginning, middle, and end. Although it sounds amazingly silly, most documents should often have, at a minimum, those three sections. A document with only one section has only one thing to say, and very few documents have only one thing to say. Don’t be afraid to add sections to your document; they break up the flow into logical pieces and provide readers with a roadmap of what the document covers.
+All documents—indeed, all parts of documents—have a beginning, middle, and end. Although it sounds amazingly silly, most documents should often have, at a minimum, those three sections. A document with only one section has only one thing to say, and very few documents have only one thing to say. Don」t be afraid to add sections to your document; they break up the flow into logical pieces and provide readers with a roadmap of what the document covers.
-Even the simplest document usually has more than one thing to say. Our popular “C++ Tips of the Week” have traditionally been very short, focusing on one small piece of advice. However, even here, having sections helps. Traditionally, the first section denotes the problem, the middle section goes through the recommended solutions, and the conclusion summarizes the takeaways. Had the document consisted of only one section, some readers would doubtless have difficulty teasing out the important points.
+Even the simplest document usually has more than one thing to say. Our popular 『C++ Tips of the Week』 have traditionally been very short, focusing on one small piece of advice. However, even here, having sections helps. Traditionally, the first section denotes the problem, the middle section goes through the recommended solutions, and the conclusion summarizes the takeaways. Had the document consisted of only one section, some readers would doubtless have difficulty teasing out the important points.
-即使是最简单的文档通常也有不止一句话要说。我们受欢迎的 "每周C++提示 "传统上是非常简短的,集中在一个小建议上。然而,即使在这里,有一些章节也是有帮助的。传统上,第一部分表示问题,中间部分是推荐的解决方案,结论总结了要点。如果该文档只有一个部分,一些读者无疑会难以找出重要的要点。
+即使是最簡單的文件通常也有不止一句話要說。我們受歡迎的 "每週C++提示 "傳統上是非常簡短的,集中在一個小建議上。然而,即使在這裡,有一些章節也是有幫助的。傳統上,第一部分表示問題,中間部分是推薦的解決方案,結論總結了要點。如果該文件只有一個部分,一些讀者無疑會難以找出重要的要點。
Most engineers loathe redundancy, and with good reason. But in documentation, redundancy is often useful. An important point buried within a wall of text can be difficult to remember or tease out. On the other hand, placing that point at a more prominent location early can lose context provided later on. Usually, the solution is to introduce and summarize the point within an introductory paragraph, and then use the rest of the section to make your case in a more detailed fashion. In this case, redundancy helps the reader understand the importance of what is being stated.
-### The Parameters of Good Documentation 良好文档的衡量标准
+### The Parameters of Good Documentation 良好文件的衡量標準
-There are usually three aspects of good documentation: completeness, accuracy, and clarity. You rarely get all three within the same document; as you try to make a document more “complete,” for example, clarity can begin to suffer. If you try to document every possible use case of an API, you might end up with an incomprehensible mess. For programming languages, being completely accurate in all cases (and documenting all possible side effects) can also affect clarity. For other documents, trying to be clear about a complicated topic can subtly affect the accuracy of the document; you might decide to ignore some rare side effects in a conceptual document, for example,because the point of the document is to familiarize someone with the usage of an API, not provide a dogmatic overview of all intended behavior.
+There are usually three aspects of good documentation: completeness, accuracy, and clarity. You rarely get all three within the same document; as you try to make a document more 『complete,』 for example, clarity can begin to suffer. If you try to document every possible use case of an API, you might end up with an incomprehensible mess. For programming languages, being completely accurate in all cases (and documenting all possible side effects) can also affect clarity. For other documents, trying to be clear about a complicated topic can subtly affect the accuracy of the document; you might decide to ignore some rare side effects in a conceptual document, for example,because the point of the document is to familiarize someone with the usage of an API, not provide a dogmatic overview of all intended behavior.
-In each case, a “good document” is defined as the document that is doing its intended job. As a result, you rarely want a document doing more than one job. For each document (and for each document type), decide on its focus and adjust the writing appropriately. Writing a conceptual document? You probably don’t need to cover every part of the API. Writing a reference? You probably want this complete, but perhaps must sacrifice some clarity. Writing a landing page? Focus on organization and keep discussion to a minimum. All of this adds up to quality, which, admittedly, is stubbornly difficult to accurately measure.
+In each case, a 『good document』 is defined as the document that is doing its intended job. As a result, you rarely want a document doing more than one job. For each document (and for each document type), decide on its focus and adjust the writing appropriately. Writing a conceptual document? You probably don」t need to cover every part of the API. Writing a reference? You probably want this complete, but perhaps must sacrifice some clarity. Writing a landing page? Focus on organization and keep discussion to a minimum. All of this adds up to quality, which, admittedly, is stubbornly difficult to accurately measure.
-How can you quickly improve the quality of a document? Focus on the needs of the audience. Often, less is more. For example, one mistake engineers often make is adding design decisions or implementation details to an API document. Much like you should ideally separate the interface from an implementation within a welldesigned API, you should avoid discussing design decisions in an API document. Users don’t need to know this information. Instead, put those decisions in a specialized document for that purpose (usually a design doc).
+How can you quickly improve the quality of a document? Focus on the needs of the audience. Often, less is more. For example, one mistake engineers often make is adding design decisions or implementation details to an API document. Much like you should ideally separate the interface from an implementation within a welldesigned API, you should avoid discussing design decisions in an API document. Users don」t need to know this information. Instead, put those decisions in a specialized document for that purpose (usually a design doc).
-### Deprecating Documents 废弃文档
+### Deprecating Documents 廢棄文件
-Just like old code can cause problems, so can old documents. Over time, documents become stale, obsolete, or (often) abandoned. Try as much as possible to avoid abandoned documents, but when a document no longer serves any purpose, either remove it or identify it as obsolete (and, if available, indicate where to go for new information). Even for unowned documents, someone adding a note that “This no longer works!” is more helpful than saying nothing and leaving something that seems authoritative but no longer works.
+Just like old code can cause problems, so can old documents. Over time, documents become stale, obsolete, or (often) abandoned. Try as much as possible to avoid abandoned documents, but when a document no longer serves any purpose, either remove it or identify it as obsolete (and, if available, indicate where to go for new information). Even for unowned documents, someone adding a note that 『This no longer works!』 is more helpful than saying nothing and leaving something that seems authoritative but no longer works.
-At Google, we often attach “freshness dates” to documentation. Such documents note the last time a document was reviewed, and metadata in the documentation set will send email reminders when the document hasn’t been touched in, for example, three months. Such freshness dates, as shown in the following example—and tracking your documents as bugs—can help make a documentation set easier to maintain over time, which is the main concern for a document:
+At Google, we often attach 『freshness dates』 to documentation. Such documents note the last time a document was reviewed, and metadata in the documentation set will send email reminders when the document hasn」t been touched in, for example, three months. Such freshness dates, as shown in the following example—and tracking your documents as bugs—can help make a documentation set easier to maintain over time, which is the main concern for a document:
-Users who own such a document have an incentive to keep that freshness date current (and if the document is under source control, that requires a code review). As a result, it’s a low-cost means to ensure that a document is looked over from time to time. At Google, we found that including the owner of a document in this freshness date within the document itself with a byline of “Last reviewed by...” led to increased adoption as well.
+Users who own such a document have an incentive to keep that freshness date current (and if the document is under source control, that requires a code review). As a result, it」s a low-cost means to ensure that a document is looked over from time to time. At Google, we found that including the owner of a document in this freshness date within the document itself with a byline of 『Last reviewed by...』 led to increased adoption as well.
-拥有此类文档的用户有保持该新鲜度的动力(如果文档受源代码控制,则需要代码审查)。因此,它是一种低成本的方法,可以确保文档不时被查看。在谷歌,我们发现在这种新鲜感中包括文档的所有者文档中署名为“Last Review by…”的日期也增加了采用。
+擁有此類文件的使用者有保持該新鮮度的動力(如果文件受原始碼控制,則需要程式碼審查)。因此,它是一種低成本的方法,可以確保文件不時被檢視。在谷歌,我們發現在這種新鮮感中包括文件的所有者文件中署名為『Last Review by…』的日期也增加了採用。
-## When Do You Need Technical Writers? 何时需要技术撰稿人?
+## When Do You Need Technical Writers? 何時需要技術撰稿人?
-When Google was young and growing, there weren’t enough technical writers in software engineering. (That’s still the case.) Those projects deemed important tended to receive a technical writer, regardless of whether that team really needed one. The idea was that the writer could relieve the team of some of the burden of writing and maintaining documents and (theoretically) allow the important project to achieve greater velocity. This turned out to be a bad assumption.
+When Google was young and growing, there weren」t enough technical writers in software engineering. (That」s still the case.) Those projects deemed important tended to receive a technical writer, regardless of whether that team really needed one. The idea was that the writer could relieve the team of some of the burden of writing and maintaining documents and (theoretically) allow the important project to achieve greater velocity. This turned out to be a bad assumption.
-We learned that most engineering teams can write documentation for themselves (their team) perfectly fine; it’s only when they are writing documents for another audience that they tend to need help because it’s difficult to write to another audience. The feedback loop within your team regarding documents is more immediate, the domain knowledge and assumptions are clearer, and the perceived needs are more obvious. Of course, a technical writer can often do a better job with grammar and organization, but supporting a single team isn’t the best use of a limited and specialized resource; it doesn’t scale. It introduced a perverse incentive: become an important project and your software engineers won’t need to write documents. Discouraging engineers from writing documents turns out to be the opposite of what you want to do.
+We learned that most engineering teams can write documentation for themselves (their team) perfectly fine; it」s only when they are writing documents for another audience that they tend to need help because it」s difficult to write to another audience. The feedback loop within your team regarding documents is more immediate, the domain knowledge and assumptions are clearer, and the perceived needs are more obvious. Of course, a technical writer can often do a better job with grammar and organization, but supporting a single team isn」t the best use of a limited and specialized resource; it doesn」t scale. It introduced a perverse incentive: become an important project and your software engineers won」t need to write documents. Discouraging engineers from writing documents turns out to be the opposite of what you want to do.
-Because they are a limited resource, technical writers should generally focus on tasks that software engineers don’t need to do as part of their normal duties. Usually, this involves writing documents that cross API boundaries. Project Foo might clearly know what documentation Project Foo needs, but it probably has a less clear idea what Project Bar needs. A technical writer is better able to stand in as a person unfamiliar with the domain. In fact, it’s one of their critical roles: to challenge the assumptions your team makes about the utility of your project. It’s one of the reasons why many, if not most, software engineering technical writers tend to focus on this specific type of API documentation.
+Because they are a limited resource, technical writers should generally focus on tasks that software engineers don」t need to do as part of their normal duties. Usually, this involves writing documents that cross API boundaries. Project Foo might clearly know what documentation Project Foo needs, but it probably has a less clear idea what Project Bar needs. A technical writer is better able to stand in as a person unfamiliar with the domain. In fact, it」s one of their critical roles: to challenge the assumptions your team makes about the utility of your project. It」s one of the reasons why many, if not most, software engineering technical writers tend to focus on this specific type of API documentation.
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
Google has made good strides in addressing documentation quality over the past decade, but to be frank, documentation at Google is not yet a first-class citizen. For comparison, engineers have gradually accepted that testing is necessary for any code change, no matter how small. As well, testing tooling is robust, varied and plugged into an engineering workflow at various points. Documentation is not ingrained at nearly the same level.
-To be fair, there’s not necessarily the same need to address documentation as with testing. Tests can be made atomic (unit tests) and can follow prescribed form and function. Documents, for the most part, cannot. Tests can be automated, and schemes to automate documentation are often lacking. Documents are necessarily subjective; the quality of the document is measured not by the writer, but by the reader, and often quite asynchronously. That said, there is a recognition that documentation is important, and processes around document development are improving. In this author’s opinion, the quality of documentation at Google is better than in most software engineering shops.
+To be fair, there」s not necessarily the same need to address documentation as with testing. Tests can be made atomic (unit tests) and can follow prescribed form and function. Documents, for the most part, cannot. Tests can be automated, and schemes to automate documentation are often lacking. Documents are necessarily subjective; the quality of the document is measured not by the writer, but by the reader, and often quite asynchronously. That said, there is a recognition that documentation is important, and processes around document development are improving. In this author」s opinion, the quality of documentation at Google is better than in most software engineering shops.
To change the quality of engineering documentation, engineers—and the entire engineering organization—need to accept that they are both the problem and the solution. Rather than throw up their hands at the state of documentation, they need to realize that producing quality documentation is part of their job and saves them time and effort in the long run. For any piece of code that you expect to live more than a few months, the extra cycles you put in documenting that code will not only help others, it will help you maintain that code as well.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- Documentation is hugely important over time and scale.
- Documentation changes should leverage the existing developer workflow.
- Keep documents focused on one purpose.
- Write for your audience, not yourself.
-- 随着时间和规模的增长,文档是非常重要的。
-- 文档的更新应该利用现有的开发人员的工作流程。
-- 让文档集中在一个职责(用途)上。
-- 为你的受众而不是你自己而写。
+- 隨著時間和規模的增長,文件是非常重要的。
+- 文件的更新應該利用現有的開發人員的工作流程。
+- 讓文件集中在一個職責(用途)上。
+- 為你的受眾而不是你自己而寫。
diff --git a/zh-cn/Chapter-11_Testing_Overview/Chapter-11_Testing_Overview.md b/zh-cn/Chapter-11_Testing_Overview/Chapter-11_Testing_Overview.md
index c401982..62ac82a 100644
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@@ -4,41 +4,41 @@
# Testing Overview
-# 第十一章 测试概述
+# 第十一章 測試概述
**Written by Adam Bender**
**Edited by Tom Manshreck**
-Testing has always been a part of programming. In fact, the first time you wrote a computer program you almost certainly threw some sample data at it to see whether it performed as you expected. For a long time, the state of the art in software testing resembled a very similar process, largely manual and error prone. However, since the early 2000s, the software industry’s approach to testing has evolved dramatically to cope with the size and complexity of modern software systems. Central to that evolution has been the practice of developer-driven, automated testing.
+Testing has always been a part of programming. In fact, the first time you wrote a computer program you almost certainly threw some sample data at it to see whether it performed as you expected. For a long time, the state of the art in software testing resembled a very similar process, largely manual and error prone. However, since the early 2000s, the software industry」s approach to testing has evolved dramatically to cope with the size and complexity of modern software systems. Central to that evolution has been the practice of developer-driven, automated testing.
-Automated testing can prevent bugs from escaping into the wild and affecting your users. The later in the development cycle a bug is caught, the more expensive it is; exponentially so in many cases.[^1] However, “catching bugs” is only part of the motivation. An equally important reason why you want to test your software is to support the ability to change. Whether you’re adding new features, doing a refactoring focused on code health, or undertaking a larger redesign, automated testing can quickly catch mistakes, and this makes it possible to change software with confidence.
+Automated testing can prevent bugs from escaping into the wild and affecting your users. The later in the development cycle a bug is caught, the more expensive it is; exponentially so in many cases.[^1] However, 『catching bugs』 is only part of the motivation. An equally important reason why you want to test your software is to support the ability to change. Whether you」re adding new features, doing a refactoring focused on code health, or undertaking a larger redesign, automated testing can quickly catch mistakes, and this makes it possible to change software with confidence.
-Companies that can iterate faster can adapt more rapidly to changing technologies, market conditions, and customer tastes. If you have a robust testing practice, you needn’t fear change—you can embrace it as an essential quality of developing software. The more and faster you want to change your systems, the more you need a fast way to test them.
+Companies that can iterate faster can adapt more rapidly to changing technologies, market conditions, and customer tastes. If you have a robust testing practice, you needn」t fear change—you can embrace it as an essential quality of developing software. The more and faster you want to change your systems, the more you need a fast way to test them.
The act of writing tests also improves the design of your systems. As the first clients of your code, a test can tell you much about your design choices. Is your system too tightly coupled to a database? Does the API support the required use cases? Does your system handle all of the edge cases? Writing automated tests forces you to confront these issues early on in the development cycle. Doing so generally leads to more modular software that enables greater flexibility later on.
-Much ink has been spilled about the subject of testing software, and for good reason: for such an important practice, doing it well still seems to be a mysterious craft to many. At Google, while we have come a long way, we still face difficult problems getting our processes to scale reliably across the company. In this chapter, we’ll share what we have learned to help further the conversation.
+Much ink has been spilled about the subject of testing software, and for good reason: for such an important practice, doing it well still seems to be a mysterious craft to many. At Google, while we have come a long way, we still face difficult problems getting our processes to scale reliably across the company. In this chapter, we」ll share what we have learned to help further the conversation.
-> [^1]: See “Defect Prevention: Reducing Costs and Enhancing Quality.”
+> [^1]: See 『Defect Prevention: Reducing Costs and Enhancing Quality.』
-> 1 请参阅“缺陷预防:降低成本和提高质量”
+> 1 請參閱『缺陷預防:降低成本和提高質量』
-## Why Do We Write Tests? 为什么我们要编写测试?
+## Why Do We Write Tests? 為什麼我們要編寫測試?
-To better understand how to get the most out of testing, let’s start from the beginning. When we talk about automated testing, what are we really talking about?
+To better understand how to get the most out of testing, let」s start from the beginning. When we talk about automated testing, what are we really talking about?
The simplest test is defined by:
@@ -47,86 +47,86 @@ The simplest test is defined by:
- An observable output or behavior
- A controlled environment such as a single isolated process
-- 你要测试的单一行为,通常是你要调用的一个方法或API
-- 一个特定的输入,你传递给API的一些值
-- 可观察的输出或行为
-- 受控的环境,如一个单独的隔离过程
+- 你要測試的單一行為,通常是你要呼叫的一個方法或API
+- 一個特定的輸入,你傳遞給API的一些值
+- 可觀察的輸出或行為
+- 受控的環境,如一個單獨的隔離過程
-When you execute a test like this, passing the input to the system and verifying the output, you will learn whether the system behaves as you expect. Taken in aggregate, hundreds or thousands of simple tests (usually called a *test suite*) can tell you how well your entire product conforms to its intended design and, more important, when it doesn’t.
+When you execute a test like this, passing the input to the system and verifying the output, you will learn whether the system behaves as you expect. Taken in aggregate, hundreds or thousands of simple tests (usually called a *test suite*) can tell you how well your entire product conforms to its intended design and, more important, when it doesn」t.
Creating and maintaining a healthy test suite takes real effort. As a codebase grows, so too will the test suite. It will begin to face challenges like instability and slowness. A failure to address these problems will cripple a test suite. Keep in mind that tests derive their value from the trust engineers place in them. If testing becomes a productivity sink, constantly inducing toil and uncertainty, engineers will lose trust and begin to find workarounds. A bad test suite can be worse than no test suite at all.
In addition to empowering companies to build great products quickly, testing is becoming critical to ensuring the safety of important products and services in our lives. Software is more involved in our lives than ever before, and defects can cause more than a little annoyance: they can cost massive amounts of money, loss of property, or, worst of all, loss of life.[^2]
At Google, we have determined that testing cannot be an afterthought. Focusing on quality and testing is part of how we do our jobs. We have learned, sometimes painfully, that failing to build quality into our products and services inevitably leads to bad outcomes. As a result, we have built testing into the heart of our engineering culture.
-> [^2]: See “Failure at Dhahran.”
+> [^2]: See 『Failure at Dhahran.』
-> 2 参见“达兰的失败”
+> 2 參見『達蘭的失敗』
-### The Story of Google Web Server 谷歌网络服务器的故事
+### The Story of Google Web Server 谷歌網路伺服器的故事
-In Google’s early days, engineer-driven testing was often assumed to be of little importance. Teams regularly relied on smart people to get the software right. A few systems ran large integration tests, but mostly it was the Wild West. One product in particular seemed to suffer the worst: it was called the Google Web Server, also known as GWS.
+In Google」s early days, engineer-driven testing was often assumed to be of little importance. Teams regularly relied on smart people to get the software right. A few systems ran large integration tests, but mostly it was the Wild West. One product in particular seemed to suffer the worst: it was called the Google Web Server, also known as GWS.
GWS is the web server responsible for serving Google Search queries and is as important to Google Search as air traffic control is to an airport. Back in 2005, as the project swelled in size and complexity, productivity had slowed dramatically. Releases were becoming buggier, and it was taking longer and longer to push them out. Team members had little confidence when making changes to the service, and often found out something was wrong only when features stopped working in production. (At one point, more than 80% of production pushes contained user-affecting bugs that had to be rolled back.)
To address these problems, the tech lead (TL) of GWS decided to institute a policy of engineer-driven, automated testing. As part of this policy, all new code changes were required to include tests, and those tests would be run continuously. Within a year of instituting this policy, the number of emergency pushes *dropped by half*. This drop occurred despite the fact that the project was seeing a record number of new changes every quarter. Even in the face of unprecedented growth and change, testing brought renewed productivity and confidence to one of the most critical projects at Google. Today, GWS has tens of thousands of tests, and releases almost every day with relatively few customer-visible failures.
The changes in GWS marked a watershed for testing culture at Google as teams in other parts of the company saw the benefits of testing and moved to adopt similar tactics.
-One of the key insights the GWS experience taught us was that you can’t rely on programmer ability alone to avoid product defects. Even if each engineer writes only the occasional bug, after you have enough people working on the same project, you will be swamped by the ever-growing list of defects. Imagine a hypothetical 100-person team whose engineers are so good that they each write only a single bug a month. Collectively, this group of amazing engineers still produces five new bugs every workday. Worse yet, in a complex system, fixing one bug can often cause another, as engineers adapt to known bugs and code around them.
+One of the key insights the GWS experience taught us was that you can」t rely on programmer ability alone to avoid product defects. Even if each engineer writes only the occasional bug, after you have enough people working on the same project, you will be swamped by the ever-growing list of defects. Imagine a hypothetical 100-person team whose engineers are so good that they each write only a single bug a month. Collectively, this group of amazing engineers still produces five new bugs every workday. Worse yet, in a complex system, fixing one bug can often cause another, as engineers adapt to known bugs and code around them.
The best teams find ways to turn the collective wisdom of its members into a benefit for the entire team. That is exactly what automated testing does. After an engineer on the team writes a test, it is added to the pool of common resources available to others. Everyone else on the team can now run the test and will benefit when it detects an issue. Contrast this with an approach based on debugging, wherein each time a bug occurs, an engineer must pay the cost of digging into it with a debugger. The cost in engineering resources is night and day and was the fundamental reason GWS was able to turn its fortunes around.
-### Testing at the Speed of Modern Development 以现代开发的速度测试
+### Testing at the Speed of Modern Development 以現代開發的速度測試
Software systems are growing larger and ever more complex. A typical application or service at Google is made up of thousands or millions of lines of code. It uses hundreds of libraries or frameworks and must be delivered via unreliable networks to an increasing number of platforms running with an uncountable number of configurations. To make matters worse, new versions are pushed to users frequently, sometimes multiple times each day. This is a far cry from the world of shrink-wrapped software that saw updates only once or twice a year.
-The ability for humans to manually validate every behavior in a system has been unable to keep pace with the explosion of features and platforms in most software. Imagine what it would take to manually test all of the functionality of Google Search, like finding flights, movie times, relevant images, and of course web search results (see Figure 11-1). Even if you can determine how to solve that problem, you then need to multiply that workload by every language, country, and device Google Search must support, and don’t forget to check for things like accessibility and security. Attempting to assess product quality by asking humans to manually interact with every feature just doesn’t scale. When it comes to testing, there is one clear answer: automation.
+The ability for humans to manually validate every behavior in a system has been unable to keep pace with the explosion of features and platforms in most software. Imagine what it would take to manually test all of the functionality of Google Search, like finding flights, movie times, relevant images, and of course web search results (see Figure 11-1). Even if you can determine how to solve that problem, you then need to multiply that workload by every language, country, and device Google Search must support, and don」t forget to check for things like accessibility and security. Attempting to assess product quality by asking humans to manually interact with every feature just doesn」t scale. When it comes to testing, there is one clear answer: automation.
-*Figure 11-1. Screenshots of two complex Google search results* *图11-1. 两个复杂的谷歌搜索结果的截图*
+*Figure 11-1. Screenshots of two complex Google search results* *圖11-1. 兩個複雜的谷歌搜尋結果的截圖*
-### Write, Run, React 编写、运行、反应
+### Write, Run, React 編寫、執行、反應
In its purest form, automating testing consists of three activities: writing tests, running tests, and reacting to test failures. An automated test is a small bit of code, usually a single function or method, that calls into an isolated part of a larger system that you want to test. The test code sets up an expected environment, calls into the system, usually with a known input, and verifies the result. Some of the tests are very small, exercising a single code path; others are much larger and can involve entire systems, like a mobile operating system or web browser.
Example 11-1 )presents a deliberately simple test in Java using no frameworks or testing libraries. This is not how you would write an entire test suite, but at its core every automated test looks similar to this very simple example.
-*Example 11-1. An example test* *例11-1. 一个测试实例*
+*Example 11-1. An example test* *例11-1. 一個測試實例*
// Verifies a Calculator class can handle negative results.
@@ -138,37 +138,37 @@ public void main(String[] args) {
-Unlike the QA processes of yore, in which rooms of dedicated software testers pored over new versions of a system, exercising every possible behavior, the engineers who build systems today play an active and integral role in writing and running automated tests for their own code. Even in companies where QA is a prominent organization, developer-written tests are commonplace. At the speed and scale that today’s systems are being developed, the only way to keep up is by sharing the development of tests around the entire engineering staff.
+Unlike the QA processes of yore, in which rooms of dedicated software testers pored over new versions of a system, exercising every possible behavior, the engineers who build systems today play an active and integral role in writing and running automated tests for their own code. Even in companies where QA is a prominent organization, developer-written tests are commonplace. At the speed and scale that today」s systems are being developed, the only way to keep up is by sharing the development of tests around the entire engineering staff.
Of course, writing tests is different from writing *good tests*. It can be quite difficult to train tens of thousands of engineers to write good tests. We will discuss what we have learned about writing good tests in the chapters that follow.
Writing tests is only the first step in the process of automated testing. After you have written tests, you need to run them. Frequently. At its core, automated testing consists of repeating the same action over and over, only requiring human attention when something breaks. We will discuss this Continuous Integration (CI) and testing in Chapter 23. By expressing tests as code instead of a manual series of steps, we can run them every time the code changes—easily thousands of times per day. Unlike human testers, machines never grow tired or bored.
Another benefit of having tests expressed as code is that it is easy to modularize them for execution in various environments. Testing the behavior of Gmail in Firefox requires no more effort than doing so in Chrome, provided you have configurations for both of these systems.^3 Running tests for a user interface (UI) in Japanese or German can be done using the same test code as for English.
Products and services under active development will inevitably experience test failures. What really makes a testing process effective is how it addresses test failures. Allowing failing tests to pile up quickly defeats any value they were providing, so it is imperative not to let that happen. Teams that prioritize fixing a broken test within minutes of a failure are able to keep confidence high and failure isolation fast, and therefore derive more value out of their tests.
In summary, a healthy automated testing culture encourages everyone to share the work of writing tests. Such a culture also ensures that tests are run regularly. Last, and perhaps most important, it places an emphasis on fixing broken tests quickly so as to maintain high confidence in the process.
> [^3]: Getting the behavior right across different browsers and languages is a different story! But, ideally, the end- user experience should be the same for everyone.
-> 3 在不同的浏览器和语言中获得正确的行为是一个不同的说法! 但是,理想情况下,终端用户的体验对每个人来说都应该是一样的。
+> 3 在不同的瀏覽器和語言中獲得正確的行為是一個不同的說法! 但是,理想情況下,終端使用者的體驗對每個人來說都應該是一樣的。
-### Benefits of Testing Code 测试代码的好处
+### Benefits of Testing Code 測試程式碼的好處
-To developers coming from organizations that don’t have a strong testing culture, the idea of writing tests as a means of improving productivity and velocity might seem antithetical. After all, the act of writing tests can take just as long (if not longer!) than implementing a feature would take in the first place. On the contrary, at Google, we’ve found that investing in software tests provides several key benefits to developer productivity:
+To developers coming from organizations that don」t have a strong testing culture, the idea of writing tests as a means of improving productivity and velocity might seem antithetical. After all, the act of writing tests can take just as long (if not longer!) than implementing a feature would take in the first place. On the contrary, at Google, we」ve found that investing in software tests provides several key benefits to developer productivity:
- *Less debugging*
As you would expect, tested code has fewer defects when it is submitted. Critically, it also has fewer defects throughout its existence; most of them will be caught before the code is submitted. A piece of code at Google is expected to be modified dozens of times in its lifetime. It will be changed by other teams and even automated code maintenance systems. A test written once continues to pay dividends and prevent costly defects and annoying debugging sessions through the lifetime of the project. Changes to a project, or the dependencies of a project, that break a test can be quickly detected by test infrastructure and rolled back before the problem is ever released to production.
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ To developers coming from organizations that don’t have a strong testing cultu
All software changes. Teams with good tests can review and accept changes to their project with confidence because all important behaviors of their project are continuously verified. Such projects encourage refactoring. Changes that refactor code while preserving existing behavior should (ideally) require no changes to existing tests.
- *Improved* *documentation*
- Software documentation is notoriously unreliable. From outdated requirements to missing edge cases, it is common for documentation to have a tenuous relationship to the code. Clear, focused tests that exercise one behavior at a time function as executable documentation. If you want to know what the code does in a particular case, look at the test for that case. Even better, when requirements change and new code breaks an existing test, we get a clear signal that the “documentation” is now out of date. Note that tests work best as documentation only if care is taken to keep them clear and concise.
+ Software documentation is notoriously unreliable. From outdated requirements to missing edge cases, it is common for documentation to have a tenuous relationship to the code. Clear, focused tests that exercise one behavior at a time function as executable documentation. If you want to know what the code does in a particular case, look at the test for that case. Even better, when requirements change and new code breaks an existing test, we get a clear signal that the 『documentation』 is now out of date. Note that tests work best as documentation only if care is taken to keep them clear and concise.
- *Simpler* *reviews*
All code at Google is reviewed by at least one other engineer before it can be submitted (see [Chapter 9 ](#_bookmark664)for more details). A code reviewer spends less effort verifying code works as expected if the code review includes thorough tests that demonstrate code correctness, edge cases, and error conditions. Instead of the tedious effort needed to mentally walk each case through the code, the reviewer can verify that each case has a passing test.
@@ -188,453 +188,453 @@ To developers coming from organizations that don’t have a strong testing cultu
- *Fast, high-quality releases*
With a healthy automated test suite, teams can release new versions of their application with confidence. Many projects at Google release a new version to production every day—even large projects with hundreds of engineers and thousands of code changes submitted every day. This would not be possible without automated testing.
-- *更少的调试*
- 正如你所期望的那样,经过测试的代码在提交时有更少的缺陷。重要的是,它在整个存在过程中也有较少的缺陷;大多数缺陷在代码提交之前就会被发现。在谷歌,一段代码在其生命周期内预计会被修改几十次。它将被其他团队甚至是自动代码维护系统所改变。一次写好的测试会继续带来红利,并在项目的生命周期中防止昂贵的缺陷和恼人的调试过程。对项目或项目的依赖关系的改变,如果破坏了测试,可以被测试基础设施迅速发现,并在问题被发布到生产中之前回滚。
+- *更少的除錯*
+ 正如你所期望的那樣,經過測試的程式碼在送出時有更少的缺陷。重要的是,它在整個存在過程中也有較少的缺陷;大多數缺陷在程式碼送出之前就會被發現。在谷歌,一段程式碼在其生命週期內預計會被修改幾十次。它將被其他團隊甚至是自動程式碼維護系統所改變。一次寫好的測試會繼續帶來紅利,並在專案的生命週期中防止昂貴的缺陷和惱人的除錯過程。對專案或專案的依賴關係的改變,如果破壞了測試,可以被測試基礎設施迅速發現,並在問題被髮布到生產中之前回滾。
-- *增强对变更的信心*
- 所有的软件变更。具有良好测试的团队可以满怀信心地审查和接受项目的变更,因为他们的项目的所有重要行为都得到了持续验证。这样的项目鼓励重构。在保留现有行为的情况下,重构代码的变化应该(最好)不需要改变现有的测试。
+- *增強對變更的信心*
+ 所有的軟體變更。具有良好測試的團隊可以滿懷信心地審查和接受專案的變更,因為他們的專案的所有重要行為都得到了持續驗證。這樣的專案鼓勵重構。在保留現有行為的情況下,重構程式碼的變化應該(最好)不需要改變現有的測試。
-- *改进文档*
- 软件文档是出了名的不可靠。从过时的需求到缺失的边缘案例,文档与代码的关系很脆弱,这很常见。清晰的、有针对性的测试,一次行使一个行为的功能是可执行的文档。如果你想知道代码在某一特定情况下做了什么,看看该情况的测试。更好的是,当需求发生变化,新的代码破坏了现有的测试时,我们会得到一个明确的信号,"文档 "现在已经过时了。请注意,只有在注意保持测试的清晰和简洁的情况下,测试才能作为文档发挥最佳效果。
+- *改進文件*
+ 軟體文件是出了名的不可靠。從過時的需求到缺失的邊緣案例,文件與程式碼的關係很脆弱,這很常見。清晰的、有針對性的測試,一次行使一個行為的功能是可執行的文件。如果你想知道程式碼在某一特定情況下做了什麼,看看該情況的測試。更好的是,當需求發生變化,新的程式碼破壞了現有的測試時,我們會得到一個明確的訊號,"文件 "現在已經過時了。請注意,只有在注意保持測試的清晰和簡潔的情況下,測試才能作為文件發揮最佳效果。
-- *简单审查*
- 在谷歌,所有的代码在提交之前都要经过至少一名其他工程师的审查(详见第九章)。如果代码审查包括彻底的测试,证明代码的正确性、边缘情况和错误情况,那么代码审查员花在验证代码是否按预期运行的精力就会减少。审查员可以验证每个案例都有一个合格的测试,而不必费心费力地在代码中对每个案例进行解读。
+- *簡單審查*
+ 在谷歌,所有的程式碼在送出之前都要經過至少一名其他工程師的審查(詳見第九章)。如果程式碼審查包括徹底的測試,證明程式碼的正確性、邊緣情況和錯誤情況,那麼程式碼審查員花在驗證程式碼是否按預期執行的精力就會減少。審查員可以驗證每個案例都有一個合格的測試,而不必費心費力地在程式碼中對每個案例進行解讀。
-- *深思熟虑设计*
- 为新代码编写测试是锻炼代码本身的API设计的一种实用手段。如果新代码难以测试,往往是因为被测试的代码有太多的职责或难以管理的依赖关系。设计良好的代码应该是模块化的,避免紧密耦合,并专注于特定的责任。尽早修复设计问题往往意味着以后的返工更少。
+- *深思熟慮設計*
+ 為新程式碼編寫測試是鍛鍊程式碼本身的API設計的一種實用手段。如果新程式碼難以測試,往往是因為被測試的程式碼有太多的職責或難以管理的依賴關係。設計良好的程式碼應該是模組化的,避免緊密耦合,並專注於特定的責任。儘早修復設計問題往往意味著以後的返工更少。
-- *快速、高质量的发布*
- 有了健康的自动化测试套件,团队可以放心地发布新版本的应用程序。谷歌的许多项目每天都会向生产部门发布一个新的版本--即使是有数百名工程师的大型项目,每天都会提交成千上万的代码修改。如果没有自动化测试,这是不可能的。
+- *快速、高質量的發布*
+ 有了健康的自動化測試套件,團隊可以放心地發布新版本的應用程式。谷歌的許多專案每天都會向生產部門發布一個新的版本--即使是有數百名工程師的大型專案,每天都會送出成千上萬的程式碼修改。如果沒有自動化測試,這是不可能的。
-## Designing a Test Suite 设计测试套件
+## Designing a Test Suite 設計測試套件
-Today, Google operates at a massive scale, but we haven’t always been so large, and the foundations of our approach were laid long ago. Over the years, as our codebase has grown, we have learned a lot about how to approach the design and execution of a test suite, often by making mistakes and cleaning up afterward.
+Today, Google operates at a massive scale, but we haven」t always been so large, and the foundations of our approach were laid long ago. Over the years, as our codebase has grown, we have learned a lot about how to approach the design and execution of a test suite, often by making mistakes and cleaning up afterward.
-One of the lessons we learned fairly early on is that engineers favored writing larger, system-scale tests, but that these tests were slower, less reliable, and more difficult to debug than smaller tests. Engineers, fed up with debugging the system-scale tests, asked themselves, “Why can’t we just test one server at a time?” or, “Why do we need to test a whole server at once? We could test smaller modules individually.” Eventually, the desire to reduce pain led teams to develop smaller and smaller tests, which turned out to be faster, more stable, and generally less painful.
+One of the lessons we learned fairly early on is that engineers favored writing larger, system-scale tests, but that these tests were slower, less reliable, and more difficult to debug than smaller tests. Engineers, fed up with debugging the system-scale tests, asked themselves, 『Why can」t we just test one server at a time?』 or, 『Why do we need to test a whole server at once? We could test smaller modules individually.』 Eventually, the desire to reduce pain led teams to develop smaller and smaller tests, which turned out to be faster, more stable, and generally less painful.
-This led to a lot of discussion around the company about the exact meaning of “small.” Does small mean unit test? What about integration tests, what size are those? We have come to the conclusion that there are two distinct dimensions for every test case: size and scope. Size refers to the resources that are required to run a test case: things like memory, processes, and time. Scope refers to the specific code paths we are verifying. Note that executing a line of code is different from verifying that it worked as expected. Size and scope are interrelated but distinct concepts.
+This led to a lot of discussion around the company about the exact meaning of 『small.』 Does small mean unit test? What about integration tests, what size are those? We have come to the conclusion that there are two distinct dimensions for every test case: size and scope. Size refers to the resources that are required to run a test case: things like memory, processes, and time. Scope refers to the specific code paths we are verifying. Note that executing a line of code is different from verifying that it worked as expected. Size and scope are interrelated but distinct concepts.
-这导致公司上下对 "小 "的确切含义进行了大量的讨论。小是指单元测试吗?那集成测试呢,是什么规模?我们得出的结论是,每个测试用例都有两个不同的维度:规模和范围。规模是指运行一个测试用例所需的资源:如内存、进程和时间。范围指的是我们要验证的具体代码路径。请注意,执行一行代码与验证它是否按预期工作是不同的。规模和范围是相互关联但不同的概念。
+這導致公司上下對 "小 "的確切含義進行了大量的討論。小是指單元測試嗎?那整合測試呢,是什麼規模?我們得出的結論是,每個測試用例都有兩個不同的維度:規模和範圍。規模是指執行一個測試用例所需的資源:如記憶體、程序和時間。範圍指的是我們要驗證的具體程式碼路徑。請注意,執行一行程式碼與驗證它是否按預期工作是不同的。規模和範圍是相互關聯但不同的概念。
-### Test Size 测试规模
+### Test Size 測試規模
-At Google, we classify every one of our tests into a size and encourage engineers to always write the smallest possible test for a given piece of functionality. A test’s size is determined not by its number of lines of code, but by how it runs, what it is allowed to do, and how many resources it consumes. In fact, in some cases, our definitions of small, medium, and large are actually encoded as constraints the testing infrastructure can enforce on a test. We go into the details in a moment, but in brief, *small tests* run in a single process, *medium tests* run on a single machine, and *large tests* run wherever they want, as demonstrated in [Figure 11-2](#_bookmark872).[^4](#_bookmark873)
+At Google, we classify every one of our tests into a size and encourage engineers to always write the smallest possible test for a given piece of functionality. A test」s size is determined not by its number of lines of code, but by how it runs, what it is allowed to do, and how many resources it consumes. In fact, in some cases, our definitions of small, medium, and large are actually encoded as constraints the testing infrastructure can enforce on a test. We go into the details in a moment, but in brief, *small tests* run in a single process, *medium tests* run on a single machine, and *large tests* run wherever they want, as demonstrated in [Figure 11-2](#_bookmark872).[^4](#_bookmark873)
![Figure 11-2](./images/image-20220407200232089.png)
-*Figure 11-2. Test sizes* *Figure 11-2. 测试规模*
+*Figure 11-2. Test sizes* *Figure 11-2. 測試規模*
-We make this distinction, as opposed to the more traditional “unit” or “integration,” because the most important qualities we want from our test suite are speed and determinism, regardless of the scope of the test. Small tests, regardless of the scope, are almost always faster and more deterministic than tests that involve more infrastructure or consume more resources. Placing restrictions on small tests makes speed and determinism much easier to achieve. As test sizes grow, many of the restrictions are relaxed. Medium tests have more flexibility but also more risk of nondeterminism. Larger tests are saved for only the most complex and difficult testing scenarios. Let’s take a closer look at the exact constraints imposed on each type of test.
+We make this distinction, as opposed to the more traditional 『unit』 or 『integration,』 because the most important qualities we want from our test suite are speed and determinism, regardless of the scope of the test. Small tests, regardless of the scope, are almost always faster and more deterministic than tests that involve more infrastructure or consume more resources. Placing restrictions on small tests makes speed and determinism much easier to achieve. As test sizes grow, many of the restrictions are relaxed. Medium tests have more flexibility but also more risk of nondeterminism. Larger tests are saved for only the most complex and difficult testing scenarios. Let」s take a closer look at the exact constraints imposed on each type of test.
-我们做出这样的区分,而不是更传统的 "单元 "或 "集成",因为我们希望从我们的测试套件中得到的最重要的品质是速度和确定性,无论测试的范围如何。小型测试,无论范围如何,几乎总是比涉及更多基础设施或消耗更多资源的测试更快、更有确定性。对小型测试施加限制,使速度和确定性更容易实现。随着测试规模的增长,许多限制都被放松了。中型测试有更多的灵活性,但也有更多的非确定性的风险。大型测试只保存在最复杂和困难的测试场景中。让我们仔细看看每一种测试的确切约束条件。
+我們做出這樣的區分,而不是更傳統的 "單元 "或 "整合",因為我們希望從我們的測試套件中得到的最重要的品質是速度和確定性,無論測試的範圍如何。小型測試,無論範圍如何,幾乎總是比涉及更多基礎設施或消耗更多資源的測試更快、更有確定性。對小型測試施加限制,使速度和確定性更容易實現。隨著測試規模的增長,許多限制都被放鬆了。中型測試有更多的靈活性,但也有更多的非確定性的風險。大型測試只儲存在最複雜和困難的測試場景中。讓我們仔細看看每一種測試的確切約束條件。
> [^4]: Technically, we have four sizes of test at Google: small, medium, large, and enormous. The internal difference between large and enormous is actually subtle and historical; so, in this book, most descriptions of large actually apply to our notion of enormous.
-> 4 从技术上讲,我们在谷歌有四种规模的测试:小型、中型、大型和超大型。大型和超大型之间的内部差异实际上是微妙的和历史性的;因此,在本书中,大多数关于大型的描述实际上适用于我们的超大型概念。
+> 4 從技術上講,我們在谷歌有四種規模的測試:小型、中型、大型和超大型。大型和超大型之間的內部差異實際上是微妙的和歷史性的;因此,在本書中,大多數關於大型的描述實際上適用於我們的超大型概念。
-#### Small tests 小型测试
+#### Small tests 小型測試
-Small tests are the most constrained of the three test sizes. The primary constraint is that small tests must run in a single process. In many languages, we restrict this even further to say that they must run on a single thread. This means that the code performing the test must run in the same process as the code being tested. You can’t run a server and have a separate test process connect to it. It also means that you can’t run a third-party program such as a database as part of your test.
+Small tests are the most constrained of the three test sizes. The primary constraint is that small tests must run in a single process. In many languages, we restrict this even further to say that they must run on a single thread. This means that the code performing the test must run in the same process as the code being tested. You can」t run a server and have a separate test process connect to it. It also means that you can」t run a third-party program such as a database as part of your test.
-The other important constraints on small tests are that they aren’t allowed to sleep, perform I/O operations,[^5] or make any other blocking calls. This means that small tests aren’t allowed to access the network or disk. Testing code that relies on these sorts of operations requires the use of test doubles (see Chapter 13) to replace the heavyweight dependency with a lightweight, in-process dependency.
+The other important constraints on small tests are that they aren」t allowed to sleep, perform I/O operations,[^5] or make any other blocking calls. This means that small tests aren」t allowed to access the network or disk. Testing code that relies on these sorts of operations requires the use of test doubles (see Chapter 13) to replace the heavyweight dependency with a lightweight, in-process dependency.
-The purpose of these restrictions is to ensure that small tests don’t have access to the main sources of test slowness or nondeterminism. A test that runs on a single process and never makes blocking calls can effectively run as fast as the CPU can handle. It’s difficult (but certainly not impossible) to accidentally make such a test slow or nondeterministic. The constraints on small tests provide a sandbox that prevents engineers from shooting themselves in the foot.
+The purpose of these restrictions is to ensure that small tests don」t have access to the main sources of test slowness or nondeterminism. A test that runs on a single process and never makes blocking calls can effectively run as fast as the CPU can handle. It」s difficult (but certainly not impossible) to accidentally make such a test slow or nondeterministic. The constraints on small tests provide a sandbox that prevents engineers from shooting themselves in the foot.
-这些限制的目的是确保小的测试没有机会使用到测试缓慢或非确定性的主要来源。在单个进程上运行且从不进行阻塞调用的测试可以有效地以CPU能够处理的速度运行。除非一些极端场景, 小型测试绝大部分情况下执行高效、结果稳定准确。对小型测试的限制确保了这一点, 防止工程师自食其果。
+這些限制的目的是確保小的測試沒有機會使用到測試緩慢或非確定性的主要來源。在單個程序上執行且從不進行阻塞呼叫的測試可以有效地以CPU能夠處理的速度執行。除非一些極端場景, 小型測試絕大部分情況下執行高效、結果穩定準確。對小型測試的限制確保了這一點, 防止工程師自食其果。
-These restrictions might seem excessive at first, but consider a modest suite of a couple hundred small test cases running throughout the day. If even a few of them fail nondeterministically (often called [flaky tests](https://oreil.ly/NxC4A)), tracking down the cause becomes a serious drain on productivity. At Google’s scale, such a problem could grind our testing infrastructure to a halt.
+These restrictions might seem excessive at first, but consider a modest suite of a couple hundred small test cases running throughout the day. If even a few of them fail nondeterministically (often called [flaky tests](https://oreil.ly/NxC4A)), tracking down the cause becomes a serious drain on productivity. At Google」s scale, such a problem could grind our testing infrastructure to a halt.
At Google, we encourage engineers to try to write small tests whenever possible, regardless of the scope of the test, because it keeps the entire test suite running fast and reliably. For more discussion on small versus unit tests, see Chapter 12.
> [^5]: There is a little wiggle room in this policy. Tests are allowed to access a filesystem if they use a hermetic, in- memory implementation.
-> 5 这个策略有一点回旋余地。如果测试使用的是密封的、内存中的实现,则允许访问文件系统。
+> 5 這個策略有一點迴旋餘地。如果測試使用的是密封的、記憶體中的實現,則允許訪問檔案系統。
-#### Medium tests 中型测试
+#### Medium tests 中型測試
-The constraints placed on small tests can be too restrictive for many interesting kinds of tests. The next rung up the ladder of test sizes is the medium test. Medium tests can span multiple processes, use threads, and can make blocking calls, including network calls, to localhost. The only remaining restriction is that medium tests aren’t allowed to make network calls to any system other than localhost. In other words, the test must be contained within a single machine.
+The constraints placed on small tests can be too restrictive for many interesting kinds of tests. The next rung up the ladder of test sizes is the medium test. Medium tests can span multiple processes, use threads, and can make blocking calls, including network calls, to localhost. The only remaining restriction is that medium tests aren」t allowed to make network calls to any system other than localhost. In other words, the test must be contained within a single machine.
-对于许多有趣的测试类型来说,对小型测试的限制可能过于严格。测试规模的下一个阶梯是中型测试。中型测试可以跨越多个进程并使用线程,并可以对本地主机进行阻塞调用,包括网络调用。剩下的唯一限制是,中型测试不允许对 localhost 以外的任何系统进行网络调用。换句话说,测试必须包含在一台机器内。
+對於許多有趣的測試型別來說,對小型測試的限制可能過於嚴格。測試規模的下一個階梯是中型測試。中型測試可以跨越多個程序並使用執行緒,並可以對本地主機進行阻塞呼叫,包括網路呼叫。剩下的唯一限制是,中型測試不允許對 localhost 以外的任何系統進行網路呼叫。換句話說,測試必須包含在一台機器內。
-The ability to run multiple processes opens up a lot of possibilities. For example, you could run a database instance to validate that the code you’re testing integrates correctly in a more realistic setting. Or you could test a combination of web UI and server code. Tests of web applications often involve tools like [WebDriver ](https://oreil.ly/W27Uf)that start a real browser and control it remotely via the test process.
+The ability to run multiple processes opens up a lot of possibilities. For example, you could run a database instance to validate that the code you」re testing integrates correctly in a more realistic setting. Or you could test a combination of web UI and server code. Tests of web applications often involve tools like [WebDriver ](https://oreil.ly/W27Uf)that start a real browser and control it remotely via the test process.
-Unfortunately, with increased flexibility comes increased potential for tests to become slow and nondeterministic. Tests that span processes or are allowed to make blocking calls are dependent on the operating system and third-party processes to be fast and deterministic, which isn’t something we can guarantee in general. Medium tests still provide a bit of protection by preventing access to remote machines via the network, which is far and away the biggest source of slowness and nondeterminism in most systems. Still, when writing medium tests, the “safety” is off, and engineers need to be much more careful.
+Unfortunately, with increased flexibility comes increased potential for tests to become slow and nondeterministic. Tests that span processes or are allowed to make blocking calls are dependent on the operating system and third-party processes to be fast and deterministic, which isn」t something we can guarantee in general. Medium tests still provide a bit of protection by preventing access to remote machines via the network, which is far and away the biggest source of slowness and nondeterminism in most systems. Still, when writing medium tests, the 『safety』 is off, and engineers need to be much more careful.
-不幸的是,随着灵活性的增加,测试变得缓慢和不确定性也在增加。如果测试可以跨进程执行被允许进行阻塞性调用,那么它是否执行高效并保证结果稳定将依赖于操作系统和第三方进程, 这在一般情况下我们是无法保证的。中型测试仍然通过防止通过网络访问远程机器来提供一些保护,而网络是大多数系统中速度慢和非确定性的最大来源。尽管如此,在编写中型测试时,"安全 "是关闭的,工程师需要更加小心。
+不幸的是,隨著靈活性的增加,測試變得緩慢和不確定性也在增加。如果測試可以跨程序執行被允許進行阻塞性呼叫,那麼它是否執行高效並保證結果穩定將依賴於作業系統和第三方程序, 這在一般情況下我們是無法保證的。中型測試仍然透過防止透過網路訪問遠端機器來提供一些保護,而網路是大多數系統中速度慢和非確定性的最大來源。儘管如此,在編寫中型測試時,"安全 "是關閉的,工程師需要更加小心。
-#### Large tests 大型测试
+#### Large tests 大型測試
Finally, we have large tests. Large tests remove the localhost restriction imposed on medium tests, allowing the test and the system being tested to span across multiple machines. For example, the test might run against a system in a remote cluster.
-As before, increased flexibility comes with increased risk. Having to deal with a system that spans multiple machines and the network connecting them increases the chance of slowness and nondeterminism significantly compared to running on a single machine. We mostly reserve large tests for full-system end-to-end tests that are more about validating configuration than pieces of code, and for tests of legacy components for which it is impossible to use test doubles. We’ll talk more about use cases for large tests in Chapter 14. Teams at Google will frequently isolate their large tests from their small or medium tests, running them only during the build and release process so as not to impact developer workflow.
+As before, increased flexibility comes with increased risk. Having to deal with a system that spans multiple machines and the network connecting them increases the chance of slowness and nondeterminism significantly compared to running on a single machine. We mostly reserve large tests for full-system end-to-end tests that are more about validating configuration than pieces of code, and for tests of legacy components for which it is impossible to use test doubles. We」ll talk more about use cases for large tests in Chapter 14. Teams at Google will frequently isolate their large tests from their small or medium tests, running them only during the build and release process so as not to impact developer workflow.
-#### Case Study: Flaky Tests Are Expensive 案例研究:松散(不稳定)测试很昂贵
+#### Case Study: Flaky Tests Are Expensive 案例研究:鬆散(不穩定)測試很昂貴
If you have a few thousand tests, each with a very tiny bit of nondeterminism, running all day, occasionally one will probably fail (flake). As the number of tests grows, statistically so will the number of flakes. If each test has even a 0.1% of failing when it should not, and you run 10,000 tests per day, you will be investigating 10 flakes per day. Each investigation takes time away from something more productive that your team could be doing.
In some cases, you can limit the impact of flaky tests by automatically rerunning them when they fail. This is effectively trading CPU cycles for engineering time. At low levels of flakiness, this trade-off makes sense. Just keep in mind that rerunning a test is only delaying the need to address the root cause of flakiness.
-If test flakiness continues to grow, you will experience something much worse than lost productivity: a loss of confidence in the tests. It doesn’t take needing to investigate many flakes before a team loses trust in the test suite. After that happens, engineers will stop reacting to test failures, eliminating any value the test suite provided. Our experience suggests that as you approach 1% flakiness, the tests begin to lose value. At Google, our flaky rate hovers around 0.15%, which implies thousands of flakes every day. We fight hard to keep flakes in check, including actively investing engineering hours to fix them.
+If test flakiness continues to grow, you will experience something much worse than lost productivity: a loss of confidence in the tests. It doesn」t take needing to investigate many flakes before a team loses trust in the test suite. After that happens, engineers will stop reacting to test failures, eliminating any value the test suite provided. Our experience suggests that as you approach 1% flakiness, the tests begin to lose value. At Google, our flaky rate hovers around 0.15%, which implies thousands of flakes every day. We fight hard to keep flakes in check, including actively investing engineering hours to fix them.
In most cases, flakes appear because of nondeterministic behavior in the tests themselves. Software provides many sources of nondeterminism: clock time, thread scheduling, network latency, and more. Learning how to isolate and stabilize the effects of randomness is not easy. Sometimes, effects are tied to low-level concerns like hardware interrupts or browser rendering engines. A good automated test infrastructure should help engineers identify and mitigate any nondeterministic behavior.
-#### Properties common to all test sizes 所有测试规模的共同属性
+#### Properties common to all test sizes 所有測試規模的共同屬性
All tests should strive to be hermetic: a test should contain all of the information necessary to set up, execute, and tear down its environment. Tests should assume as little as possible about the outside environment, such as the order in which the tests are run. For example, they should not rely on a shared database. This constraint becomes more challenging with larger tests, but effort should still be made to ensure isolation.
-A test should contain *only* the information required to exercise the behavior in question. Keeping tests clear and simple aids reviewers in verifying that the code does what it says it does. Clear code also aids in diagnosing failure when they fail. We like to say that “a test should be obvious upon inspection.” Because there are no tests for the tests themselves, they require manual review as an important check on correctness. As a corollary to this, we also [strongly discourage the use of control flow statements like conditionals and loops in a test](https://oreil.ly/fQSuk). More complex test flows risk containing bugs themselves and make it more difficult to determine the cause of a test failure.
+A test should contain *only* the information required to exercise the behavior in question. Keeping tests clear and simple aids reviewers in verifying that the code does what it says it does. Clear code also aids in diagnosing failure when they fail. We like to say that 『a test should be obvious upon inspection.』 Because there are no tests for the tests themselves, they require manual review as an important check on correctness. As a corollary to this, we also [strongly discourage the use of control flow statements like conditionals and loops in a test](https://oreil.ly/fQSuk). More complex test flows risk containing bugs themselves and make it more difficult to determine the cause of a test failure.
-Remember that tests are often revisited only when something breaks. When you are called to fix a broken test that you have never seen before, you will be thankful someone took the time to make it easy to understand. Code is read far more than it is written, so make sure you write the test you’d like to read!
+Remember that tests are often revisited only when something breaks. When you are called to fix a broken test that you have never seen before, you will be thankful someone took the time to make it easy to understand. Code is read far more than it is written, so make sure you write the test you」d like to read!
**Test sizes in practice.** Having precise definitions of test sizes has allowed us to create tools to enforce them. Enforcement enables us to scale our test suites and still make certain guarantees about speed, resource utilization, and stability. The extent to which these definitions are enforced at Google varies by language. For example, we run all Java tests using a custom security manager that will cause all tests tagged as small to fail if they attempt to do something prohibited, such as establish a network connection.
-### Test Scope 测试范围
+### Test Scope 測試範圍
-Though we at Google put a lot of emphasis on test size, another important property to consider is test scope. Test scope refers to how much code is being validated by a given test. Narrow-scoped tests (commonly called “unit tests”) are designed to validate the logic in a small, focused part of the codebase, like an individual class or method. Medium-scoped tests (commonly called *integration tests*) are designed to verify interactions between a small number of components; for example, between a server and its database. Large-scoped tests (commonly referred to by names like *functional tests*, *end-to-end* tests, or *system tests*) are designed to validate the interaction of several distinct parts of the system, or emergent behaviors that aren’t expressed in a single class or method.
+Though we at Google put a lot of emphasis on test size, another important property to consider is test scope. Test scope refers to how much code is being validated by a given test. Narrow-scoped tests (commonly called 『unit tests』) are designed to validate the logic in a small, focused part of the codebase, like an individual class or method. Medium-scoped tests (commonly called *integration tests*) are designed to verify interactions between a small number of components; for example, between a server and its database. Large-scoped tests (commonly referred to by names like *functional tests*, *end-to-end* tests, or *system tests*) are designed to validate the interaction of several distinct parts of the system, or emergent behaviors that aren」t expressed in a single class or method.
-尽管我们在谷歌非常强调测试规模,但另一个需要考虑的重要属性是测试范围。测试范围是指一个测试要验证多少代码。狭小范围的测试(通常称为 "单元测试")被设计用来验证代码库中一小部分的逻辑,比如单独的类或方法。中等范围的测试(通常称为*集成测试*)被设计用来验证少量组件之间的相互作用;例如,在服务器和它的数据库之间。大范围测试(通常被称为*功能测试*,*端到端*测试,或*系统测试*)被设计用来验证系统的几个不同部分的相互作用,或不在单个类或方法中表达的出现的行为。
+儘管我們在谷歌非常強調測試規模,但另一個需要考慮的重要屬性是測試範圍。測試範圍是指一個測試要驗證多少程式碼。狹小範圍的測試(通常稱為 "單元測試")被設計用來驗證程式碼庫中一小部分的邏輯,比如單獨的類或方法。中等範圍的測試(通常稱為*整合測試*)被設計用來驗證少量元件之間的相互作用;例如,在服務器和它的資料庫之間。大範圍測試(通常被稱為*功能測試*,*端到端*測試,或*系統測試*)被設計用來驗證系統的幾個不同部分的相互作用,或不在單個類或方法中表達的出現的行為。
-It’s important to note that when we talk about unit tests as being narrowly scoped, we’re referring to the code that is being *validated*, not the code that is being *executed*. It’s quite common for a class to have many dependencies or other classes it refers to, and these dependencies will naturally be invoked while testing the target class. Though some [other testing strategies ](https://oreil.ly/Lj-t3)make heavy use of test doubles (fakes or mocks) to avoid executing code outside of the system under test, at Google, we prefer to keep the real dependencies in place when it is feasible to do so. [Chapter 13 ](#_bookmark1056)discusses this issue in more detail.
+It」s important to note that when we talk about unit tests as being narrowly scoped, we」re referring to the code that is being *validated*, not the code that is being *executed*. It」s quite common for a class to have many dependencies or other classes it refers to, and these dependencies will naturally be invoked while testing the target class. Though some [other testing strategies ](https://oreil.ly/Lj-t3)make heavy use of test doubles (fakes or mocks) to avoid executing code outside of the system under test, at Google, we prefer to keep the real dependencies in place when it is feasible to do so. [Chapter 13 ](#_bookmark1056)discusses this issue in more detail.
-Narrow-scoped tests tend to be small, and broad-scoped tests tend to be medium or large, but this isn’t always the case. For example, it’s possible to write a broad-scoped test of a server endpoint that covers all of its normal parsing, request validation, and business logic, which is nevertheless small because it uses doubles to stand in for all out-of-process dependencies like a database or filesystem. Similarly, it’s possible to write a narrow-scoped test of a single method that must be medium sized. For example, modern web frameworks often bundle HTML and JavaScript together, and testing a UI component like a date picker often requires running an entire browser, even to validate a single code path.
+Narrow-scoped tests tend to be small, and broad-scoped tests tend to be medium or large, but this isn」t always the case. For example, it」s possible to write a broad-scoped test of a server endpoint that covers all of its normal parsing, request validation, and business logic, which is nevertheless small because it uses doubles to stand in for all out-of-process dependencies like a database or filesystem. Similarly, it」s possible to write a narrow-scoped test of a single method that must be medium sized. For example, modern web frameworks often bundle HTML and JavaScript together, and testing a UI component like a date picker often requires running an entire browser, even to validate a single code path.
Just as we encourage tests of smaller size, at Google, we also encourage engineers to write tests of narrower scope. As a very rough guideline, we tend to aim to have a mix of around 80% of our tests being narrow-scoped unit tests that validate the majority of our business logic; 15% medium-scoped integration tests that validate the interactions between two or more components; and 5% end-to-end tests that validate the entire system. [Figure 11-3 ](#_bookmark893)depicts how we can visualize this as a pyramid.
-*Figure 11-3. Google’s version of Mike Cohn’s test pyramid;*[^6] *percentages are by test case count, and every team’s mix will be a little different* *图11-3. 谷歌对Mike Cohn的测试金字塔的版本百分比是按测试案例来计算的,每个团队的组合都会有一些不同*
+*Figure 11-3. Google」s version of Mike Cohn」s test pyramid;*[^6] *percentages are by test case count, and every team」s mix will be a little different* *圖11-3. 谷歌對Mike Cohn的測試金字塔的版本百分比是按測試案例來計算的,每個團隊的組合都會有一些不同*
-Unit tests form an excellent base because they are fast, stable, and dramatically narrow the scope and reduce the cognitive load required to identify all the possible behaviors a class or function has. Additionally, they make failure diagnosis quick and painless. Two antipatterns to be aware of are the “ice cream cone” and the “hourglass,” as illustrated in [Figure 11-4](#_bookmark897).
+Unit tests form an excellent base because they are fast, stable, and dramatically narrow the scope and reduce the cognitive load required to identify all the possible behaviors a class or function has. Additionally, they make failure diagnosis quick and painless. Two antipatterns to be aware of are the 『ice cream cone』 and the 『hourglass,』 as illustrated in [Figure 11-4](#_bookmark897).
-单元测试是一个很好的基础,因为它们快速、稳定,并且极大地缩小了范围,减少了识别一个类或函数的所有可能行为所需的认知负荷。此外,它们使故障诊断变得快速而无感。需要注意的两个反模式是 "冰淇淋筒 "和 "沙漏",如图11-4所示。
+單元測試是一個很好的基礎,因為它們快速、穩定,並且極大地縮小了範圍,減少了識別一個類或函式的所有可能行為所需的認知負荷。此外,它們使故障診斷變得快速而無感。需要注意的兩個反模式是 "冰淇淋筒 "和 "沙漏",如圖11-4所示。
With the ice cream cone, engineers write many end-to-end tests but few integration or unit tests. Such suites tend to be slow, unreliable, and difficult to work with. This pattern often appears in projects that start as prototypes and are quickly rushed to production, never stopping to address testing debt.
-The hourglass involves many end-to-end tests and many unit tests but few integration tests. It isn’t quite as bad as the ice cream cone, but it still results in many end-to- end test failures that could have been caught quicker and more easily with a suite of medium-scope tests. The hourglass pattern occurs when tight coupling makes it difficult to instantiate individual dependencies in isolation.
+The hourglass involves many end-to-end tests and many unit tests but few integration tests. It isn」t quite as bad as the ice cream cone, but it still results in many end-to- end test failures that could have been caught quicker and more easily with a suite of medium-scope tests. The hourglass pattern occurs when tight coupling makes it difficult to instantiate individual dependencies in isolation.
-*Figure 11-4. Test suite antipatterns* *图11-4. 测试套件的反模式*
+*Figure 11-4. Test suite antipatterns* *圖11-4. 測試套件的反模式*
Our recommended mix of tests is determined by our two primary goals: engineering productivity and product confidence. Favoring unit tests gives us high confidence quickly, and early in the development process. Larger tests act as sanity checks as the product develops; they should not be viewed as a primary method for catching bugs.
When considering your own mix, you might want a different balance. If you emphasize integration testing, you might discover that your test suites take longer to run but catch more issues between components. When you emphasize unit tests, your test suites can complete very quickly, and you will catch many common logic bugs. But, unit tests cannot verify the interactions between components, like [a contract between two systems developed by different teams](https://oreil.ly/mALqH). A good test suite contains a blend of different test sizes and scopes that are appropriate to the local architectural and organizational realities.
> [^6]: Mike Cohn, Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum (New York: Addison-Wesley Professional, 2009).
-> 6 Mike Cohn,《敏捷的成功:使用Scrum的软件开发》(纽约:Addison-Wesley Professio-nal,2009)。
+> 6 Mike Cohn,《敏捷的成功:使用Scrum的軟體開發》(紐約:Addison-Wesley Professio-nal,2009)。
-### The Beyoncé Rule 碧昂斯规则
+### The Beyoncé Rule 碧昂斯規則
-We are often asked, when coaching new hires, which behaviors or properties actually need to be tested? The straightforward answer is: test everything that you don’t want to break. In other words, if you want to be confident that a system exhibits a particular behavior, the only way to be sure it will is to write an automated test for it. This includes all of the usual suspects like testing performance, behavioral correctness, accessibility, and security. It also includes less obvious properties like testing how a system handles failure.
+We are often asked, when coaching new hires, which behaviors or properties actually need to be tested? The straightforward answer is: test everything that you don」t want to break. In other words, if you want to be confident that a system exhibits a particular behavior, the only way to be sure it will is to write an automated test for it. This includes all of the usual suspects like testing performance, behavioral correctness, accessibility, and security. It also includes less obvious properties like testing how a system handles failure.
-We have a name for this general philosophy: we call it the [Beyoncé Rule](https://oreil.ly/X7_-z). Succinctly, it can be stated as follows: “If you liked it, then you shoulda put a test on it.” The Beyoncé Rule is often invoked by infrastructure teams that are responsible for making changes across the entire codebase. If unrelated infrastructure changes pass all of your tests but still break your team’s product, you are on the hook for fixing it and adding the additional tests.
+We have a name for this general philosophy: we call it the [Beyoncé Rule](https://oreil.ly/X7_-z). Succinctly, it can be stated as follows: 『If you liked it, then you shoulda put a test on it.』 The Beyoncé Rule is often invoked by infrastructure teams that are responsible for making changes across the entire codebase. If unrelated infrastructure changes pass all of your tests but still break your team」s product, you are on the hook for fixing it and adding the additional tests.
-#### Testing for Failure 失败测试
+#### Testing for Failure 失敗測試
One of the most important situations a system must account for is failure. Failure is inevitable, but waiting for an actual catastrophe to find out how well a system responds to a catastrophe is a recipe for pain. Instead of waiting for a failure, write automated tests that simulate common kinds of failures. This includes simulating exceptions or errors in unit tests and injecting Remote Procedure Call (RPC) errors or latency in integration and end-to-end tests. It can also include much larger disruptions that affect the real production network using techniques like Chaos Engineering. A predictable and controlled response to adverse conditions is a hallmark of a reliable system.
-### A Note on Code Coverage 关于代码覆盖率的注意事项
+### A Note on Code Coverage 關於程式碼覆蓋率的注意事項
-Code coverage is a measure of which lines of feature code are exercised by which tests. If you have 100 lines of code and your tests execute 90 of them, you have 90% code coverage.[^7] Code coverage is often held up as the gold standard metric for understanding test quality, and that is somewhat unfortunate. It is possible to exercise a lot of lines of code with a few tests, never checking that each line is doing anything useful. That’s because code coverage only measures that a line was invoked, not what happened as a result. (We recommend only measuring coverage from small tests to avoid coverage inflation that occurs when executing larger tests.)
+Code coverage is a measure of which lines of feature code are exercised by which tests. If you have 100 lines of code and your tests execute 90 of them, you have 90% code coverage.[^7] Code coverage is often held up as the gold standard metric for understanding test quality, and that is somewhat unfortunate. It is possible to exercise a lot of lines of code with a few tests, never checking that each line is doing anything useful. That」s because code coverage only measures that a line was invoked, not what happened as a result. (We recommend only measuring coverage from small tests to avoid coverage inflation that occurs when executing larger tests.)
-代码覆盖率衡量的是哪些功能代码行被测试执行。如果你有100行代码,你的测试执行了其中的90行,你就有90%的代码覆盖率。 代码覆盖率经常被认为是理解测试质量的黄金标准,这是不幸的。有可能用几个测试来验证大量的代码行,但从未检查过每一行是否在做任何有用的事情。这是因为代码覆盖率只衡量一行被调用的情况,而不是结果。(我们建议只测量小型测试的覆盖率,以避免执行大型测试时出现覆盖率膨胀)。
+程式碼覆蓋率衡量的是哪些功能程式碼行被測試執行。如果你有100行程式碼,你的測試執行了其中的90行,你就有90%的程式碼覆蓋率。 程式碼覆蓋率經常被認為是理解測試質量的黃金標準,這是不幸的。有可能用幾個測試來驗證大量的程式碼行,但從未檢查過每一行是否在做任何有用的事情。這是因為程式碼覆蓋率只衡量一行被呼叫的情況,而不是結果。(我們建議只測量小型測試的覆蓋率,以避免執行大型測試時出現覆蓋率膨脹)。
An even more insidious problem with code coverage is that, like other metrics, it quickly becomes a goal unto itself. It is common for teams to establish a bar for expected code coverage—for instance, 80%. At first, that sounds eminently reasonable; surely you want to have at least that much coverage. In practice, what happens is that instead of treating 80% like a floor, engineers treat it like a ceiling. Soon, changes begin landing with no more than 80% coverage. After all, why do more work than the metric requires?
-A better way to approach the quality of your test suite is to think about the behaviors that are tested. Do you have confidence that everything your customers expect to work will work? Do you feel confident you can catch breaking changes in your dependencies? Are your tests stable and reliable? Questions like these are a more holistic way to think about a test suite. Every product and team is going to be different; some will have difficult-to-test interactions with hardware, some involve massive datasets. Trying to answer the question “do we have enough tests?” with a single number ignores a lot of context and is unlikely to be useful. Code coverage can provide some insight into untested code, but it is not a substitute for thinking critically about how well your system is tested.
+A better way to approach the quality of your test suite is to think about the behaviors that are tested. Do you have confidence that everything your customers expect to work will work? Do you feel confident you can catch breaking changes in your dependencies? Are your tests stable and reliable? Questions like these are a more holistic way to think about a test suite. Every product and team is going to be different; some will have difficult-to-test interactions with hardware, some involve massive datasets. Trying to answer the question 『do we have enough tests?』 with a single number ignores a lot of context and is unlikely to be useful. Code coverage can provide some insight into untested code, but it is not a substitute for thinking critically about how well your system is tested.
-更好地评估测试套件质量的方法是考虑被测试的行为。你有信心你的客户所期望的一切都能正常工作吗?你是否有信心能抓住你的依赖关系中的突发变化?你的测试是否稳定和可靠?像这样的问题是思考测试套件的一种更全面的方式。每个产品和团队都是不同的;有些会有难以测试的与硬件的互动,有些涉及到庞大的数据集。试图用一个独立的数字来回答 "我们是否拥有足够的测试?"忽略了很多背景,不太可能是有用的。代码覆盖率可以提供一些对未测试代码的洞察力,但它不能替代对系统测试情况的批判性思考。
+更好地評估測試套件質量的方法是考慮被測試的行為。你有信心你的客戶所期望的一切都能正常工作嗎?你是否有信心能抓住你的依賴關係中的突發變化?你的測試是否穩定和可靠?像這樣的問題是思考測試套件的一種更全面的方式。每個產品和團隊都是不同的;有些會有難以測試的與硬體的互動,有些涉及到龐大的資料集。試圖用一個獨立的數字來回答 "我們是否擁有足夠的測試?"忽略了很多背景,不太可能是有用的。程式碼覆蓋率可以提供一些對未測試程式碼的洞察力,但它不能替代對系統測試情況的批判性思考。
> [^7]: Keep in mind that there are different kinds of coverage (line, path, branch, etc.), and each says something different about which code has been tested. In this simple example, line coverage is being used.
-> 7 请记住,有不同种类的覆盖率(行覆盖、路径覆盖、分支覆盖等),每一种都说明了不同的代码被测试的情况。在这个简单的例子中,我们使用的是行覆盖。
+> 7 請記住,有不同種類的覆蓋率(行覆蓋、路徑覆蓋、分支覆蓋等),每一種都說明了不同的程式碼被測試的情況。在這個簡單的例子中,我們使用的是行覆蓋。
-## Testing at Google Scale 以谷歌的规模进行测试
+## Testing at Google Scale 以谷歌的規模進行測試
-Much of the guidance to this point can be applied to codebases of almost any size. However, we should spend some time on what we have learned testing at our very large scale. To understand how testing works at Google, you need an understanding of our development environment, the most important fact about which is that most of Google’s code is kept in a single, monolithic repository ([monorepo](https://oreil.ly/qSihi)). Almost every line of code for every product and service we operate is all stored in one place. We have more than two billion lines of code in the repository today.
+Much of the guidance to this point can be applied to codebases of almost any size. However, we should spend some time on what we have learned testing at our very large scale. To understand how testing works at Google, you need an understanding of our development environment, the most important fact about which is that most of Google」s code is kept in a single, monolithic repository ([monorepo](https://oreil.ly/qSihi)). Almost every line of code for every product and service we operate is all stored in one place. We have more than two billion lines of code in the repository today.
-Google’s codebase experiences close to 25 million lines of change every week. Roughly half of them are made by the tens of thousands of engineers working in our monorepo, and the other half by our automated systems, in the form of configuration updates or large-scale changes ([Chapter 22](#_bookmark1935)). Many of those changes are initiated from outside the immediate project. We don’t place many limitations on the ability of engineers to reuse code.
+Google」s codebase experiences close to 25 million lines of change every week. Roughly half of them are made by the tens of thousands of engineers working in our monorepo, and the other half by our automated systems, in the form of configuration updates or large-scale changes ([Chapter 22](#_bookmark1935)). Many of those changes are initiated from outside the immediate project. We don」t place many limitations on the ability of engineers to reuse code.
The openness of our codebase encourages a level of co-ownership that lets everyone take responsibility for the codebase. One benefit of such openness is the ability to directly fix bugs in a product or service you use (subject to approval, of course) instead of complaining about it. This also implies that many people will make changes in a part of the codebase owned by someone else.
Another thing that makes Google a little different is that almost no teams use repository branching. All changes are committed to the repository head and are immediately visible for everyone to see. Furthermore, all software builds are performed using the last committed change that our testing infrastructure has validated. When a product or service is built, almost every dependency required to run it is also built from source, also from the head of the repository. Google manages testing at this scale by use of a CI system. One of the key components of our CI system is our Test Automated Platform (TAP).
-Whether you are considering our size, our monorepo, or the number of products we offer, Google’s engineering environment is complex. Every week it experiences millions of changing lines, billions of test cases being run, tens of thousands of binaries being built, and hundreds of products being updated—talk about complicated!
+Whether you are considering our size, our monorepo, or the number of products we offer, Google」s engineering environment is complex. Every week it experiences millions of changing lines, billions of test cases being run, tens of thousands of binaries being built, and hundreds of products being updated—talk about complicated!
-### The Pitfalls of a Large Test Suite 大型测试套件的缺陷
+### The Pitfalls of a Large Test Suite 大型測試套件的缺陷
As a codebase grows, you will inevitably need to make changes to existing code. When poorly written, automated tests can make it more difficult to make those changes. Brittle tests—those that over-specify expected outcomes or rely on extensive and complicated boilerplate—can actually resist change. These poorly written tests can fail even when unrelated changes are made.
If you have ever made a five-line change to a feature only to find dozens of unrelated, broken tests, you have felt the friction of brittle tests. Over time, this friction can make a team reticent to perform necessary refactoring to keep a codebase healthy. The subsequent chapters will cover strategies that you can use to improve the robustness and quality of your tests.
-Some of the worst offenders of brittle tests come from the misuse of mock objects. Google’s codebase has suffered so badly from an abuse of mocking frameworks that it has led some engineers to declare “no more mocks!” Although that is a strong statement, understanding the limitations of mock objects can help you avoid misusing them.
+Some of the worst offenders of brittle tests come from the misuse of mock objects. Google」s codebase has suffered so badly from an abuse of mocking frameworks that it has led some engineers to declare 『no more mocks!』 Although that is a strong statement, understanding the limitations of mock objects can help you avoid misusing them.
-脆性测试中最糟糕的违规行为之一是滥用模拟对象。谷歌的代码库因滥用模拟框架而受到严重影响,导致一些工程师宣布 "不再使用模拟对象"。虽然这是一个强烈的声明,但了解模拟对象的局限性可以帮助你避免滥用它们。
+脆性測試中最糟糕的違規行為之一是濫用模擬物件。谷歌的程式碼庫因濫用模擬框架而受到嚴重影響,導致一些工程師宣佈 "不再使用模擬物件"。雖然這是一個強烈的宣告,但瞭解模擬物件的侷限性可以幫助你避免濫用它們。
In addition to the friction caused by brittle tests, a larger suite of tests will be slower to run. The slower a test suite, the less frequently it will be run, and the less benefit it provides. We use a number of techniques to speed up our test suite, including parallelizing execution and using faster hardware. However, these kinds of tricks are eventually swamped by a large number of individually slow test cases.
Tests can become slow for many reasons, like booting significant portions of a system, firing up an emulator before execution, processing large datasets, or waiting for disparate systems to synchronize. Tests often start fast enough but slow down as the system grows. For example, maybe you have an integration test exercising a single dependency that takes five seconds to respond, but over the years you grow to depend on a dozen services, and now the same tests take five minutes.
-Tests can also become slow due to unnecessary speed limits introduced by functions like sleep() and setTimeout(). Calls to these functions are often used as naive heuristics before checking the result of nondeterministic behavior. Sleeping for half a second here or there doesn’t seem too dangerous at first; however, if a “wait-and-check” is embedded in a widely used utility, pretty soon you have added minutes of idle time to every run of your test suite. A better solution is to actively poll for a state transition with a frequency closer to microseconds. You can combine this with a timeout value in case a test fails to reach a stable state.
+Tests can also become slow due to unnecessary speed limits introduced by functions like sleep() and setTimeout(). Calls to these functions are often used as naive heuristics before checking the result of nondeterministic behavior. Sleeping for half a second here or there doesn」t seem too dangerous at first; however, if a 『wait-and-check』 is embedded in a widely used utility, pretty soon you have added minutes of idle time to every run of your test suite. A better solution is to actively poll for a state transition with a frequency closer to microseconds. You can combine this with a timeout value in case a test fails to reach a stable state.
-测试可能因`sleep()`和`setTimeout()`等函数引入的不必要速度限制而变慢。在检查不确定性行为的结果之前,对这些函数的调用通常被用作简单的启发式。在这里或那里休眠半秒钟,起初看起来并不太危险;然而,如果 "等待和检查 "被嵌入到一个广泛使用的工具中,很快你就会在你的测试套件的每次运行中增加几分钟的等待时间。更好的解决方案是以接近微秒的频率主动轮询状态转换。你可以把它和一个超时值结合起来,以防测试无法达到稳定状态。
+測試可能因`sleep()`和`setTimeout()`等函式引入的不必要速度限制而變慢。在檢查不確定性行為的結果之前,對這些函式的呼叫通常被用作簡單的啟發式。在這裡或那裡休眠半秒鐘,起初看起來並不太危險;然而,如果 "等待和檢查 "被嵌入到一個廣泛使用的工具中,很快你就會在你的測試套件的每次執行中增加幾分鐘的等待時間。更好的解決方案是以接近微秒的頻率主動輪詢狀態轉換。你可以把它和一個超時值結合起來,以防測試無法達到穩定狀態。
Failing to keep a test suite deterministic and fast ensures it will become roadblock to productivity. At Google, engineers who encounter these tests have found ways to work around slowdowns, with some going as far as to skip the tests entirely when submitting changes. Obviously, this is a risky practice and should be discouraged, but if a test suite is causing more harm than good, eventually engineers will find a way to get their job done, tests or no tests.
The secret to living with a large test suite is to treat it with respect. Incentivize engineers to care about their tests; reward them as much for having rock-solid tests as you would for having a great feature launch. Set appropriate performance goals and refactor slow or marginal tests. Basically, treat your tests like production code. When simple changes begin taking nontrivial time, spend effort making your tests less brittle.
-In addition to developing the proper culture, invest in your testing infrastructure by developing linters, documentation, or other assistance that makes it more difficult to write bad tests. Reduce the number of frameworks and tools you need to support to increase the efficiency of the time you invest to improve things.[^8] If you don’t invest in making it easy to manage your tests, eventually engineers will decide it isn’t worth having them at all.
+In addition to developing the proper culture, invest in your testing infrastructure by developing linters, documentation, or other assistance that makes it more difficult to write bad tests. Reduce the number of frameworks and tools you need to support to increase the efficiency of the time you invest to improve things.[^8] If you don」t invest in making it easy to manage your tests, eventually engineers will decide it isn」t worth having them at all.
> [^8]: Each supported language at Google has one standard test framework and one standard mocking/stubbing library. One set of infrastructure runs most tests in all languages across the entire codebase.
-> 8 谷歌支持的每种语言都有一个标准的测试框架和一个标准的模拟/打桩库。一套基础设施在整个代码库中运行所有语言的大多数测试。
+> 8 谷歌支援的每種語言都有一個標準的測試框架和一個標準的模擬/打樁函式庫。一套基礎設施在整個程式碼庫中執行所有語言的大多數測試。
-## History of Testing at Google 谷歌的测试历史
+## History of Testing at Google 谷歌的測試歷史
-Now that we’ve discussed how Google approaches testing, it might be enlightening to learn how we got here. As mentioned previously, Google’s engineers didn’t always embrace the value of automated testing. In fact, until 2005, testing was closer to a curiosity than a disciplined practice. Most of the testing was done manually, if it was done at all. However, from 2005 to 2006, a testing revolution occurred and changed the way we approach software engineering. Its effects continue to reverberate within the company to this day.
+Now that we」ve discussed how Google approaches testing, it might be enlightening to learn how we got here. As mentioned previously, Google」s engineers didn」t always embrace the value of automated testing. In fact, until 2005, testing was closer to a curiosity than a disciplined practice. Most of the testing was done manually, if it was done at all. However, from 2005 to 2006, a testing revolution occurred and changed the way we approach software engineering. Its effects continue to reverberate within the company to this day.
-The experience of the GWS project, which we discussed at the opening of this chapter, acted as a catalyst. It made it clear how powerful automated testing could be. Following the improvements to GWS in 2005, the practices began spreading across the entire company. The tooling was primitive. However, the volunteers, who came to be known as the Testing Grouplet, didn’t let that slow them down.
+The experience of the GWS project, which we discussed at the opening of this chapter, acted as a catalyst. It made it clear how powerful automated testing could be. Following the improvements to GWS in 2005, the practices began spreading across the entire company. The tooling was primitive. However, the volunteers, who came to be known as the Testing Grouplet, didn」t let that slow them down.
-我们在本章开头讨论的GWS项目的经验,起到了催化作用。它清晰地展示了自动化测试的强大潜力。在2005年对GWS的改进之后,这种做法开始在整个公司推广。工具是原始的。然而,被称为 "测试小组 "的志愿者们并没有因此而懈怠。
+我們在本章開頭討論的GWS專案的經驗,起到了催化作用。它清晰地展示了自動化測試的強大潛力。在2005年對GWS的改進之後,這種做法開始在整個公司推廣。工具是原始的。然而,被稱為 "測試小組 "的志願者們並沒有因此而懈怠。
-Three key initiatives helped usher automated testing into the company’s consciousness: Orientation Classes, the Test Certified program, and Testing on the Toilet. Each one had influence in a completely different way, and together they reshaped Google’s engineering culture.
+Three key initiatives helped usher automated testing into the company」s consciousness: Orientation Classes, the Test Certified program, and Testing on the Toilet. Each one had influence in a completely different way, and together they reshaped Google」s engineering culture.
### Orientation Classes 定向班
Even though much of the early engineering staff at Google eschewed testing, the pioneers of automated testing at Google knew that at the rate the company was growing, new engineers would quickly outnumber existing team members. If they could reach all the new hires in the company, it could be an extremely effective avenue for introducing cultural change. Fortunately, there was, and still is, a single choke point that all new engineering hires pass through: orientation.
-Most of Google’s early orientation program concerned things like medical benefits and how Google Search worked, but starting in 2005 it also began including an hour- long discussion of the value of automated testing.[^9] The class covered the various benefits of testing, such as increased productivity, better documentation, and support for refactoring. It also covered how to write a good test. For many Nooglers (new Googlers) at the time, such a class was their first exposure to this material. Most important, all of these ideas were presented as though they were standard practice at the company. The new hires had no idea that they were being used as trojan horses to sneak this idea into their unsuspecting teams.
+Most of Google」s early orientation program concerned things like medical benefits and how Google Search worked, but starting in 2005 it also began including an hour- long discussion of the value of automated testing.[^9] The class covered the various benefits of testing, such as increased productivity, better documentation, and support for refactoring. It also covered how to write a good test. For many Nooglers (new Googlers) at the time, such a class was their first exposure to this material. Most important, all of these ideas were presented as though they were standard practice at the company. The new hires had no idea that they were being used as trojan horses to sneak this idea into their unsuspecting teams.
-As Nooglers joined their teams following orientation, they began writing tests and questioning those on the team who didn’t. Within only a year or two, the population of engineers who had been taught testing outnumbered the pretesting culture engineers. As a result, many new projects started off on the right foot.
+As Nooglers joined their teams following orientation, they began writing tests and questioning those on the team who didn」t. Within only a year or two, the population of engineers who had been taught testing outnumbered the pretesting culture engineers. As a result, many new projects started off on the right foot.
Testing has now become more widely practiced in the industry, so most new hires arrive with the expectations of automated testing firmly in place. Nonetheless, orientation classes continue to set expectations about testing and connect what Nooglers know about testing outside of Google to the challenges of doing so in our very large and very complex codebase.
->[^9]: This class was so successful that an updated version is still taught today. In fact, it is one of the longest- running orientation classes in the company’s history.
+>[^9]: This class was so successful that an updated version is still taught today. In fact, it is one of the longest- running orientation classes in the company」s history.
-> 9 这门课非常成功,以至于今天仍在教授更新的版本。事实上,它是公司历史上运行时间最长的定向课程之一。
+> 9 這門課非常成功,以至於今天仍在教授更新的版本。事實上,它是公司歷史上執行時間最長的定向課程之一。
-### Test Certified 测试认证
+### Test Certified 測試認證
Initially, the larger and more complex parts of our codebase appeared resistant to good testing practices. Some projects had such poor code quality that they were almost impossible to test. To give projects a clear path forward, the Testing Grouplet devised a certification program that they called Test Certified. Test Certified aimed to give teams a way to understand the maturity of their testing processes and, more critically, cookbook instructions on how to improve it.
-The program was organized into five levels, and each level required some concrete actions to improve the test hygiene on the team. The levels were designed in such a way that each step up could be accomplished within a quarter, which made it a convenient fit for Google’s internal planning cadence.
+The program was organized into five levels, and each level required some concrete actions to improve the test hygiene on the team. The levels were designed in such a way that each step up could be accomplished within a quarter, which made it a convenient fit for Google」s internal planning cadence.
-Test Certified Level 1 covered the basics: set up a continuous build; start tracking code coverage; classify all your tests as small, medium, or large; identify (but don’t necessarily fix) flaky tests; and create a set of fast (not necessarily comprehensive) tests that can be run quickly. Each subsequent level added more challenges like “no releases with broken tests” or “remove all nondeterministic tests.” By Level 5, all tests were automated, fast tests were running before every commit, all nondeterminism had been removed, and every behavior was covered. An internal dashboard applied social pressure by showing the level of every team. It wasn’t long before teams were competing with one another to climb the ladder.
+Test Certified Level 1 covered the basics: set up a continuous build; start tracking code coverage; classify all your tests as small, medium, or large; identify (but don」t necessarily fix) flaky tests; and create a set of fast (not necessarily comprehensive) tests that can be run quickly. Each subsequent level added more challenges like 『no releases with broken tests』 or 『remove all nondeterministic tests.』 By Level 5, all tests were automated, fast tests were running before every commit, all nondeterminism had been removed, and every behavior was covered. An internal dashboard applied social pressure by showing the level of every team. It wasn」t long before teams were competing with one another to climb the ladder.
-测试认证的第一级涵盖了基础知识:建立持续构建;开始跟踪代码覆盖率;将你的所有测试分类为小型、中型或大型;识别(但不一定要修复)松散(不稳定)测试;创建一套可以快速运行的快速(不一定全面)测试。随后的每一级都增加了更多的挑战,如 "不发布有问题的测试 "或 "删除所有不确定性的测试"。到了第五级,所有测试均已自动化,每次提交前都会运行快速测试,所有非确定性因素都已被排除,并且覆盖了每一种行为。一个内部仪表板通过显示每个团队的水平来施加竞争压力。没过多久,各团队就开始互相竞争,争先恐后。
+測試認證的第一級涵蓋了基礎知識:建立持續建立;開始跟蹤程式碼覆蓋率;將你的所有測試分類為小型、中型或大型;識別(但不一定要修復)鬆散(不穩定)測試;建立一套可以快速執行的快速(不一定全面)測試。隨後的每一級都增加了更多的挑戰,如 "不發布有問題的測試 "或 "刪除所有不確定性的測試"。到了第五級,所有測試均已自動化,每次送出前都會執行快速測試,所有非確定性因素都已被排除,並且覆蓋了每一種行為。一個內部儀表板透過顯示每個團隊的水平來施加競爭壓力。沒過多久,各團隊就開始互相競爭,爭先恐後。
By the time the Test Certified program was replaced by an automated approach in 2015 (more on pH later), it had helped more than 1,500 projects improve their testing culture.
-### Testing on the Toilet 厕所测试
+### Testing on the Toilet 廁所測試
-Of all the methods the Testing Grouplet used to try to improve testing at Google, perhaps none was more off-beat than Testing on the Toilet (TotT). The goal of TotT was fairly simple: actively raise awareness about testing across the entire company. The question is, what’s the best way to do that in a company with employees scattered around the world?
+Of all the methods the Testing Grouplet used to try to improve testing at Google, perhaps none was more off-beat than Testing on the Toilet (TotT). The goal of TotT was fairly simple: actively raise awareness about testing across the entire company. The question is, what」s the best way to do that in a company with employees scattered around the world?
-在测试小组用来改善谷歌测试的所有方法中,也许没有一种方法比 "厕所测试"(TotT)更离谱。TotT的目标相当简单:积极提高整个公司的测试意识。问题是,在一个员工分散在世界各地的办公地,怎样做才是最好的?
+在測試小組用來改善谷歌測試的所有方法中,也許沒有一種方法比 "廁所測試"(TotT)更離譜。TotT的目標相當簡單:積極提高整個公司的測試意識。問題是,在一個員工分散在世界各地的辦公地,怎樣做才是最好的?
The Testing Grouplet considered the idea of a regular email newsletter, but given the heavy volume of email everyone deals with at Google, it was likely to become lost in the noise. After a little bit of brainstorming, someone proposed the idea of posting flyers in the restroom stalls as a joke. We quickly recognized the genius in it: the bathroom is one place that everyone must visit at least once each day, no matter what. Joke or not, the idea was cheap enough to implement that it had to be tried.
In April 2006, a short writeup covering how to improve testing in Python appeared in restroom stalls across Google. This first episode was posted by a small band of volunteers. To say the reaction was polarized is an understatement; some saw it as an invasion of personal space, and they objected strongly. Mailing lists lit up with complaints, but the TotT creators were content: the people complaining were still talking about testing.
Ultimately, the uproar subsided and TotT quickly became a staple of Google culture. To date, engineers from across the company have produced several hundred episodes, covering almost every aspect of testing imaginable (in addition to a variety of other technical topics). New episodes are eagerly anticipated and some engineers even volunteer to post the episodes around their own buildings. We intentionally limit each episode to exactly one page, challenging authors to focus on the most important and actionable advice. A good episode contains something an engineer can take back to the desk immediately and try.
Ironically for a publication that appears in one of the more private locations, TotT has had an outsized public impact. Most external visitors see an episode at some point in their visit, and such encounters often lead to funny conversations about how Googlers always seem to be thinking about code. Additionally, TotT episodes make great blog posts, something the original TotT authors recognized early on. They began publishing [lightly edited versions publicly](https://oreil.ly/86Nho), helping to share our experience with the industry at large.
Despite starting as a joke, TotT has had the longest run and the most profound impact of any of the testing initiatives started by the Testing Grouplet.
-### Testing Culture Today 当今的测试文化
+### Testing Culture Today 當今的測試文化
Testing culture at Google today has come a long way from 2005. Nooglers still attend orientation classes on testing, and TotT continues to be distributed almost weekly. However, the expectations of testing have more deeply embedded themselves in the daily developer workflow.
Every code change at Google is required to go through code review. And every change is expected to include both the feature code and tests. Reviewers are expected to review the quality and correctness of both. In fact, it is perfectly reasonable to block a change if it is missing tests.
As a replacement for Test Certified, one of our engineering productivity teams recently launched a tool called Project Health (pH). The pH tool continuously gathers dozens of metrics on the health of a project, including test coverage and test latency, and makes them available internally. pH is measured on a scale of one (worst) to five (best). A pH-1 project is seen as a problem for the team to address. Almost every team that runs a continuous build automatically gets a pH score.
-Over time, testing has become an integral part of Google’s engineering culture. We have myriad ways to reinforce its value to engineers across the company. Through a combination of training, gentle nudges, mentorship, and, yes, even a little friendly competition, we have created the clear expectation that testing is everyone’s job.
+Over time, testing has become an integral part of Google」s engineering culture. We have myriad ways to reinforce its value to engineers across the company. Through a combination of training, gentle nudges, mentorship, and, yes, even a little friendly competition, we have created the clear expectation that testing is everyone」s job.
-Why didn’t we start by mandating the writing of tests?
+Why didn」t we start by mandating the writing of tests?
The Testing Grouplet had considered asking for a testing mandate from senior leadership but quickly decided against it. Any mandate on how to develop code would be seriously counter to Google culture and likely slow the progress, independent of the idea being mandated. The belief was that successful ideas would spread, so the focus became demonstrating success.
If engineers were deciding to write tests on their own, it meant that they had fully accepted the idea and were likely to keep doing the right thing—even if no one was compelling them to.
-## The Limits of Automated Testing 自动化测试的局限
+## The Limits of Automated Testing 自動化測試的侷限
Automated testing is not suitable for all testing tasks. For example, testing the quality of search results often involves human judgment. We conduct targeted, internal studies using Search Quality Raters who execute real queries and record their impressions. Similarly, it is difficult to capture the nuances of audio and video quality in an automated test, so we often use human judgment to evaluate the performance of telephony or video-calling systems.
-In addition to qualitative judgements, there are certain creative assessments at which humans excel. For example, searching for complex security vulnerabilities is something that humans do better than automated systems. After a human has discovered and understood a flaw, it can be added to an automated security testing system like Google’s [Cloud Security Scanner ](https://oreil.ly/6Wq)where it can be run continuously and at scale.
+In addition to qualitative judgements, there are certain creative assessments at which humans excel. For example, searching for complex security vulnerabilities is something that humans do better than automated systems. After a human has discovered and understood a flaw, it can be added to an automated security testing system like Google」s [Cloud Security Scanner ](https://oreil.ly/6Wq)where it can be run continuously and at scale.
A more generalized term for this technique is Exploratory Testing. Exploratory Testing is a fundamentally creative endeavor in which someone treats the application under test as a puzzle to be broken, maybe by executing an unexpected set of steps or by inserting unexpected data. When conducting an exploratory test, the specific problems to be found are unknown at the start. They are gradually uncovered by probing commonly overlooked code paths or unusual responses from the application. As with the detection of security vulnerabilities, as soon as an exploratory test discovers an issue, an automated test should be added to prevent future regressions.
Using automated testing to cover well-understood behaviors enables the expensive and qualitative efforts of human testers to focus on the parts of your products for which they can provide the most value—and avoid boring them to tears in the process.
-### Conclusion 总结
+### Conclusion 總結
The adoption of developer-driven automated testing has been one of the most transformational software engineering practices at Google. It has enabled us to build larger systems with larger teams, faster than we ever thought possible. It has helped us keep up with the increasing pace of technological change. Over the past 15 years, we have successfully transformed our engineering culture to elevate testing into a cultural norm. Despite the company growing by a factor of almost 100 times since the journey began, our commitment to quality and testing is stronger today than it has ever been.
This chapter has been written to help orient you to how Google thinks about testing. In the next few chapters, we are going to dive even deeper into some key topics that have helped shape our understanding of what it means to write good, stable, and reliable tests. We will discuss the what, why, and how of unit tests, the most common kind of test at Google. We will wade into the debate on how to effectively use test doubles in tests through techniques such as faking, stubbing, and interaction testing. Finally, we will discuss the challenges with testing larger and more complex systems, like many of those we have at Google.
At the conclusion of these three chapters, you should have a much deeper and clearer picture of the testing strategies we use and, more important, why we use them.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- Automated testing is foundational to enabling software to change.
- For tests to scale, they must be automated.
- A balanced test suite is necessary for maintaining healthy test coverage.
-- “If you liked it, you should have put a test on it.”
+- 『If you liked it, you should have put a test on it.』
- Changing the testing culture in organizations takes time.
-- 自动化测试是实现软件变革的基础。
-- 为了使测试规模化,它们必须是自动化的。
-- 平衡的测试套件对于保持健康的测试覆盖率是必要的。
-- "如果你喜欢它,你应该对它进行测试"。
-- 改变组织中的测试文化需要时间。
+- 自動化測試是實現軟體變革的基礎。
+- 為了使測試規模化,它們必須是自動化的。
+- 平衡的測試套件對於保持健康的測試覆蓋率是必要的。
+- "如果你喜歡它,你應該對它進行測試"。
+- 改變組織中的測試文化需要時間。
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# Unit Testing
-# 第十二章 单元测试
+# 第十二章 單元測試
**Written by Erik Kuefler**
**Edited by Tom Manshreck**
-The previous chapter introduced two of the main axes along which Google classifies tests: *size* and *scope*. To recap, size refers to the resources consumed by a test and what it is allowed to do, and scope refers to how much code a test is intended to validate. Though Google has clear definitions for test size, scope tends to be a little fuzzier. We use the term *unit test* to refer to tests of relatively narrow scope, such as of a single class or method. Unit tests are usually small in size, but this isn’t always the case.
+The previous chapter introduced two of the main axes along which Google classifies tests: *size* and *scope*. To recap, size refers to the resources consumed by a test and what it is allowed to do, and scope refers to how much code a test is intended to validate. Though Google has clear definitions for test size, scope tends to be a little fuzzier. We use the term *unit test* to refer to tests of relatively narrow scope, such as of a single class or method. Unit tests are usually small in size, but this isn」t always the case.
-After preventing bugs, the most important purpose of a test is to improve engineers’ productivity. Compared to broader-scoped tests, unit tests have many properties that make them an excellent way to optimize productivity:
+After preventing bugs, the most important purpose of a test is to improve engineers」 productivity. Compared to broader-scoped tests, unit tests have many properties that make them an excellent way to optimize productivity:
-- They tend to be small according to Google’s definitions of test size. Small tests are fast and deterministic, allowing developers to run them frequently as part of their workflow and get immediate feedback.
-- They tend to be easy to write at the same time as the code they’re testing, allowing engineers to focus their tests on the code they’re working on without having to set up and understand a larger system.
-- They promote high levels of test coverage because they are quick and easy to write. High test coverage allows engineers to make changes with confidence that they aren’t breaking anything.
-- They tend to make it easy to understand what’s wrong when they fail because each test is conceptually simple and focused on a particular part of the system.
+- They tend to be small according to Google」s definitions of test size. Small tests are fast and deterministic, allowing developers to run them frequently as part of their workflow and get immediate feedback.
+- They tend to be easy to write at the same time as the code they」re testing, allowing engineers to focus their tests on the code they」re working on without having to set up and understand a larger system.
+- They promote high levels of test coverage because they are quick and easy to write. High test coverage allows engineers to make changes with confidence that they aren」t breaking anything.
+- They tend to make it easy to understand what」s wrong when they fail because each test is conceptually simple and focused on a particular part of the system.
- They can serve as documentation and examples, showing engineers how to use the part of the system being tested and how that system is intended to work.
-- 根据谷歌对测试规模的定义,它们往往是小型的。小型测试是快速和确定的,允许开发人员频繁地运行它们,作为他们工作流程的一部分,并获得即时反馈。
-- 单元测试往往很容易与正在测试的代码同时编写,允许工程师将他们的测试集中在他们正在工作的代码上,而不需要建立和理解一个更大的系统。
-- 单元测试促进高水平的测试覆盖率,因为它们快速且易于编写。高测试覆盖率使工程师能够满怀信心地进行更改,确保他们不会破坏任何东西。
-- 由于每个单元测试在概念上都很简单,并且都集中在系统的特定部分,因此,它们往往会使人们很容易理解失败时的错误。
-- 它们可以作为文档和例子,向工程师展示如何使用被测试的系统部分,以及该系统的预期工作方式。
+- 根據谷歌對測試規模的定義,它們往往是小型的。小型測試是快速和確定的,允許開發人員頻繁地執行它們,作為他們工作流程的一部分,並獲得即時反饋。
+- 單元測試往往很容易與正在測試的程式碼同時編寫,允許工程師將他們的測試集中在他們正在工作的程式碼上,而不需要建立和理解一個更大的系統。
+- 單元測試促進高水平的測試覆蓋率,因為它們快速且易於編寫。高測試覆蓋率使工程師能夠滿懷信心地進行更改,確保他們不會破壞任何東西。
+- 由於每個單元測試在概念上都很簡單,並且都集中在系統的特定部分,因此,它們往往會使人們很容易理解失敗時的錯誤。
+- 它們可以作為文件和例子,向工程師展示如何使用被測試的系統部分,以及該系統的預期工作方式。
-Due to their many advantages, most tests written at Google are unit tests, and as a rule of thumb, we encourage engineers to aim for a mix of about 80% unit tests and 20% broader-scoped tests. This advice, coupled with the ease of writing unit tests and the speed with which they run, means that engineers run a *lot* of unit tests—it’s not at all unusual for an engineer to execute thousands of unit tests (directly or indirectly) during the average workday.
+Due to their many advantages, most tests written at Google are unit tests, and as a rule of thumb, we encourage engineers to aim for a mix of about 80% unit tests and 20% broader-scoped tests. This advice, coupled with the ease of writing unit tests and the speed with which they run, means that engineers run a *lot* of unit tests—it」s not at all unusual for an engineer to execute thousands of unit tests (directly or indirectly) during the average workday.
-Because they make up such a big part of engineers’ lives, Google puts a lot of focus on *test maintainability*. Maintainable tests are ones that “just work”: after writing them, engineers don’t need to think about them again until they fail, and those failures indicate real bugs with clear causes. The bulk of this chapter focuses on exploring the idea of maintainability and techniques for achieving it.
+Because they make up such a big part of engineers」 lives, Google puts a lot of focus on *test maintainability*. Maintainable tests are ones that 『just work』: after writing them, engineers don」t need to think about them again until they fail, and those failures indicate real bugs with clear causes. The bulk of this chapter focuses on exploring the idea of maintainability and techniques for achieving it.
-因为测试在工程师的生活中占了很大一部分,所以谷歌非常重视*测试*的可维护性。可维护的测试是那些 "正常工作 "的测试:在写完测试后,工程师不需要再考虑它们,直到它们失败,而这些失败表明有明确原因的真正错误。本章的主要内容是探讨可维护性的概念和实现它的技术。
+因為測試在工程師的生活中佔了很大一部分,所以谷歌非常重視*測試*的可維護性。可維護的測試是那些 "正常工作 "的測試:在寫完測試後,工程師不需要再考慮它們,直到它們失敗,而這些失敗表明有明確原因的真正錯誤。本章的主要內容是探討可維護性的概念和實現它的技術。
-## The Importance of Maintainability 可维护性的重要性
+## The Importance of Maintainability 可維護性的重要性
-Imagine this scenario: Mary wants to add a simple new feature to the product and is able to implement it quickly, perhaps requiring only a couple dozen lines of code. But when she goes to check in her change, she gets a screen full of errors back from the automated testing system. She spends the rest of the day going through those failures one by one. In each case, the change introduced no actual bug, but broke some of the assumptions that the test made about the internal structure of the code, requiring those tests to be updated. Often, she has difficulty figuring out what the tests were trying to do in the first place, and the hacks she adds to fix them make those tests even more difficult to understand in the future. Ultimately, what should have been a quick job ends up taking hours or even days of busywork, killing Mary’s productivity and sapping her morale.
+Imagine this scenario: Mary wants to add a simple new feature to the product and is able to implement it quickly, perhaps requiring only a couple dozen lines of code. But when she goes to check in her change, she gets a screen full of errors back from the automated testing system. She spends the rest of the day going through those failures one by one. In each case, the change introduced no actual bug, but broke some of the assumptions that the test made about the internal structure of the code, requiring those tests to be updated. Often, she has difficulty figuring out what the tests were trying to do in the first place, and the hacks she adds to fix them make those tests even more difficult to understand in the future. Ultimately, what should have been a quick job ends up taking hours or even days of busywork, killing Mary」s productivity and sapping her morale.
-Here, testing had the opposite of its intended effect by draining productivity rather than improving it while not meaningfully increasing the quality of the code under test. This scenario is far too common, and Google engineers struggle with it every day. There’s no magic bullet, but many engineers at Google have been working to develop sets of patterns and practices to alleviate these problems, which we encourage the rest of the company to follow.
+Here, testing had the opposite of its intended effect by draining productivity rather than improving it while not meaningfully increasing the quality of the code under test. This scenario is far too common, and Google engineers struggle with it every day. There」s no magic bullet, but many engineers at Google have been working to develop sets of patterns and practices to alleviate these problems, which we encourage the rest of the company to follow.
-The problems Mary ran into weren’t her fault, and there was nothing she could have done to avoid them: bad tests must be fixed before they are checked in, lest they impose a drag on future engineers. Broadly speaking, the issues she encountered fall into two categories. First, the tests she was working with were *brittle*: they broke in response to a harmless and unrelated change that introduced no real bugs. Second, the tests were *unclear*: after they were failing, it was difficult to determine what was wrong, how to fix it, and what those tests were supposed to be doing in the first place.
+The problems Mary ran into weren」t her fault, and there was nothing she could have done to avoid them: bad tests must be fixed before they are checked in, lest they impose a drag on future engineers. Broadly speaking, the issues she encountered fall into two categories. First, the tests she was working with were *brittle*: they broke in response to a harmless and unrelated change that introduced no real bugs. Second, the tests were *unclear*: after they were failing, it was difficult to determine what was wrong, how to fix it, and what those tests were supposed to be doing in the first place.
-## Preventing Brittle Tests 预防脆性测试
+## Preventing Brittle Tests 預防脆性測試
-As just defined, a brittle test is one that fails in the face of an unrelated change to production code that does not introduce any real bugs.[^1] Such tests must be diagnosed and fixed by engineers as part of their work. In small codebases with only a few engineers, having to tweak a few tests for every change might not be a big problem. But if a team regularly writes brittle tests, test maintenance will inevitably consume a larger and larger proportion of the team’s time as they are forced to comb through an increasing number of failures in an ever-growing test suite. If a set of tests needs to be manually tweaked by engineers for each change, calling it an “automated test suite” is a bit of a stretch!
+As just defined, a brittle test is one that fails in the face of an unrelated change to production code that does not introduce any real bugs.[^1] Such tests must be diagnosed and fixed by engineers as part of their work. In small codebases with only a few engineers, having to tweak a few tests for every change might not be a big problem. But if a team regularly writes brittle tests, test maintenance will inevitably consume a larger and larger proportion of the team」s time as they are forced to comb through an increasing number of failures in an ever-growing test suite. If a set of tests needs to be manually tweaked by engineers for each change, calling it an 『automated test suite』 is a bit of a stretch!
-正如刚才所定义的,脆性测试是指在面对不相关的程序代码变化时失败的测试,这些变化不会引入任何真正的错误。在只有几个工程师的小型代码库中,每次修改都要调整一些测试,这可能不是一个大问题。但是,如果一个团队经常写脆弱测试,测试维护将不可避免地消耗团队越来越多的时间,因为他们不得不在不断增长的测试套件中梳理越来越多的失败。如果一套测试需要工程师为每一个变化进行手动调整,称其为 "自动化测试套件"就有点牵强了!
+正如剛才所定義的,脆性測試是指在面對不相關的程式程式碼變化時失敗的測試,這些變化不會引入任何真正的錯誤。在只有幾個工程師的小型程式碼庫中,每次修改都要調整一些測試,這可能不是一個大問題。但是,如果一個團隊經常寫脆弱測試,測試維護將不可避免地消耗團隊越來越多的時間,因為他們不得不在不斷增長的測試套件中梳理越來越多的失敗。如果一套測試需要工程師為每一個變化進行手動調整,稱其為 "自動化測試套件"就有點牽強了!
-Brittle tests cause pain in codebases of any size, but they become particularly acute at Google’s scale. An individual engineer might easily run thousands of tests in a single day during the course of their work, and a single large-scale change (see [Chapter 22](#_bookmark1935)) can trigger hundreds of thousands of tests. At this scale, spurious breakages that affect even a small percentage of tests can waste huge amounts of engineering time. Teams at Google vary quite a bit in terms of how brittle their test suites are, but we’ve identified a few practices and patterns that tend to make tests more robust to change.
+Brittle tests cause pain in codebases of any size, but they become particularly acute at Google」s scale. An individual engineer might easily run thousands of tests in a single day during the course of their work, and a single large-scale change (see [Chapter 22](#_bookmark1935)) can trigger hundreds of thousands of tests. At this scale, spurious breakages that affect even a small percentage of tests can waste huge amounts of engineering time. Teams at Google vary quite a bit in terms of how brittle their test suites are, but we」ve identified a few practices and patterns that tend to make tests more robust to change.
> [^1]: Note that this is slightly different from a flaky test, which fails nondeterministically without any change to production code./
-> 1 注意,这与不稳定测试略有不同,不稳定测试是在不改变生产代码的情况下非确定性地失败。
+> 1 注意,這與不穩定測試略有不同,不穩定測試是在不改變生產程式碼的情況下非確定性地失敗。
-### Strive for Unchanging Tests 力求稳定的测试
+### Strive for Unchanging Tests 力求穩定的測試
-Before talking about patterns for avoiding brittle tests, we need to answer a question: just how often should we expect to need to change a test after writing it? Any time spent updating old tests is time that can’t be spent on more valuable work. Therefore, *the ideal test is unchanging*: after it’s written, it never needs to change unless the requirements of the system under test change.
+Before talking about patterns for avoiding brittle tests, we need to answer a question: just how often should we expect to need to change a test after writing it? Any time spent updating old tests is time that can」t be spent on more valuable work. Therefore, *the ideal test is unchanging*: after it」s written, it never needs to change unless the requirements of the system under test change.
What does this look like in practice? We need to think about the kinds of changes that engineers make to production code and how we should expect tests to respond to those changes. Fundamentally, there are four kinds of changes:
- *Pure refactorings*
- When an engineer refactors the internals of a system without modifying its interface, whether for performance, clarity, or any other reason, the system’s tests shouldn’t need to change. The role of tests in this case is to ensure that the refactoring didn’t change the system’s behavior. Tests that need to be changed during a refactoring indicate that either the change is affecting the system’s behavior and isn’t a pure refactoring, or that the tests were not written at an appropriate level of abstraction. Google’s reliance on large-scale changes (described in Chapter 22) to do such refactorings makes this case particularly important for us.
+ When an engineer refactors the internals of a system without modifying its interface, whether for performance, clarity, or any other reason, the system」s tests shouldn」t need to change. The role of tests in this case is to ensure that the refactoring didn」t change the system」s behavior. Tests that need to be changed during a refactoring indicate that either the change is affecting the system」s behavior and isn」t a pure refactoring, or that the tests were not written at an appropriate level of abstraction. Google」s reliance on large-scale changes (described in Chapter 22) to do such refactorings makes this case particularly important for us.
- *New features*
- When an engineer adds new features or behaviors to an existing system, the system’s existing behaviors should remain unaffected. The engineer must write new tests to cover the new behaviors, but they shouldn’t need to change any existing tests. As with refactorings, a change to existing tests when adding new features suggest unintended consequences of that feature or inappropriate tests.
+ When an engineer adds new features or behaviors to an existing system, the system」s existing behaviors should remain unaffected. The engineer must write new tests to cover the new behaviors, but they shouldn」t need to change any existing tests. As with refactorings, a change to existing tests when adding new features suggest unintended consequences of that feature or inappropriate tests.
- *Bug fixes*
- Fixing a bug is much like adding a new feature: the presence of the bug suggests that a case was missing from the initial test suite, and the bug fix should include that missing test case. Again, bug fixes typically shouldn’t require updates to existing tests.
+ Fixing a bug is much like adding a new feature: the presence of the bug suggests that a case was missing from the initial test suite, and the bug fix should include that missing test case. Again, bug fixes typically shouldn」t require updates to existing tests.
- *Behavior changes*
- Changing a system’s existing behavior is the one case when we expect to have to make updates to the system’s existing tests. Note that such changes tend to be significantly more expensive than the other three types. A system’s users are likely to rely on its current behavior, and changes to that behavior require coordination with those users to avoid confusion or breakages. Changing a test in this case indicates that we’re breaking an explicit contract of the system, whereas changes in the previous cases indicate that we’re breaking an unintended contract. Low- level libraries will often invest significant effort in avoiding the need to ever make a behavior change so as not to break their users.
+ Changing a system」s existing behavior is the one case when we expect to have to make updates to the system」s existing tests. Note that such changes tend to be significantly more expensive than the other three types. A system」s users are likely to rely on its current behavior, and changes to that behavior require coordination with those users to avoid confusion or breakages. Changing a test in this case indicates that we」re breaking an explicit contract of the system, whereas changes in the previous cases indicate that we」re breaking an unintended contract. Low- level libraries will often invest significant effort in avoiding the need to ever make a behavior change so as not to break their users.
-- *纯粹的重构*
- 当工程师在不修改系统接口的情况下重构系统内部时,无论是出于性能、清晰度还是任何其他原因,系统的测试都不需要更改。在这种情况下,测试的作用是确保重构没有改变系统的行为。在重构过程中需要改变的测试表明,要么变化影响了系统的行为,不是纯粹的重构,要么测试没有写在适当的抽象水平上。Google依靠大规模的变化(在第22章中描述)来做这样的重构,使得这种情况对我们特别重要。
+- *純粹的重構*
+ 當工程師在不修改系統介面的情況下重構系統內部時,無論是出於效能、清晰度還是任何其他原因,系統的測試都不需要更改。在這種情況下,測試的作用是確保重構沒有改變系統的行為。在重構過程中需要改變的測試表明,要麼變化影響了系統的行為,不是純粹的重構,要麼測試沒有寫在適當的抽象水平上。Google依靠大規模的變化(在第22章中描述)來做這樣的重構,使得這種情況對我們特別重要。
- *新功能*
- 当工程师向现有系统添加新的功能或行为时,系统的现有行为应该不受影响。工程师必须编写新的测试来覆盖新的行为,但他们不应该需要改变任何现有的测试。与重构一样,在添加新功能时,对现有测试的改变表明该功能的非预期后果或不适当的测试。
+ 當工程師向現有系統新增新的功能或行為時,系統的現有行為應該不受影響。工程師必須編寫新的測試來覆蓋新的行為,但他們不應該需要改變任何現有的測試。與重構一樣,在新增新功能時,對現有測試的改變表明該功能的非預期後果或不適當的測試。
-- *Bug修复*
- 修复bug与添加新功能很相似:bug的存在表明初始测试套件中缺少一个案例,bug修复应该包括缺少的测试案例。同样,错误修复通常不需要对现有的测试进行更新。
+- *Bug修復*
+ 修復bug與新增新功能很相似:bug的存在表明初始測試套件中缺少一個案例,bug修復應該包括缺少的測試案例。同樣,錯誤修復通常不需要對現有的測試進行更新。
-- *行为改变*
- 当我们期望必须对系统的现有测试进行更新时,更改系统的现有行为就是一种情况。请注意,这种变化往往比其他三种类型的测试代价要高得多。系统的用户可能依赖于其当前行为,而对该行为的更改需要与这些用户进行协调,以避免混淆或中断。在这种情况下改变测试表明我们正在破坏系统的一个明确的契约,而在前面的情况下改变则表明我们正在破坏一个非预期的契约。基础类库往往会投入大量的精力来避免需要进行行为的改变,以免破坏他们的用户。
+- *行為改變*
+ 當我們期望必須對系統的現有測試進行更新時,更改系統的現有行為就是一種情況。請注意,這種變化往往比其他三種型別的測試代價要高得多。系統的使用者可能依賴於其當前行為,而對該行為的更改需要與這些使用者進行協調,以避免混淆或中斷。在這種情況下改變測試表明我們正在破壞系統的一個明確的契約,而在前面的情況下改變則表明我們正在破壞一個非預期的契約。基礎類函式庫往往會投入大量的精力來避免需要進行行為的改變,以免破壞他們的使用者。
-The takeaway is that after you write a test, you shouldn’t need to touch that test again as you refactor the system, fix bugs, or add new features. This understanding is what makes it possible to work with a system at scale: expanding it requires writing only a small number of new tests related to the change you’re making rather than potentially having to touch every test that has ever been written against the system. Only breaking changes in a system’s behavior should require going back to change its tests, and in such situations, the cost of updating those tests tends to be small relative to the cost of updating all of the system’s users.
+The takeaway is that after you write a test, you shouldn」t need to touch that test again as you refactor the system, fix bugs, or add new features. This understanding is what makes it possible to work with a system at scale: expanding it requires writing only a small number of new tests related to the change you」re making rather than potentially having to touch every test that has ever been written against the system. Only breaking changes in a system」s behavior should require going back to change its tests, and in such situations, the cost of updating those tests tends to be small relative to the cost of updating all of the system」s users.
-### Test via Public APIs 通过公共API进行测试
+### Test via Public APIs 透過公共API進行測試
-Now that we understand our goal, let’s look at some practices for making sure that tests don’t need to change unless the requirements of the system being tested change. By far the most important way to ensure this is to write tests that invoke the system being tested in the same way its users would; that is, make calls against its public API [rather than its implementation details](https://oreil.ly/ijat0). If tests work the same way as the system’s users, by definition, change that breaks a test might also break a user. As an additional bonus, such tests can serve as useful examples and documentation for users.
+Now that we understand our goal, let」s look at some practices for making sure that tests don」t need to change unless the requirements of the system being tested change. By far the most important way to ensure this is to write tests that invoke the system being tested in the same way its users would; that is, make calls against its public API [rather than its implementation details](https://oreil.ly/ijat0). If tests work the same way as the system」s users, by definition, change that breaks a test might also break a user. As an additional bonus, such tests can serve as useful examples and documentation for users.
Consider Example 12-1, which validates a transaction and saves it to a database.
-*Example* *12-1.* *A transaction API * *实例12-1.事务API*
+*Example* *12-1.* *A transaction API * *實例12-1.事務API*
public void processTransaction(Transaction transaction) {
@@ -135,11 +135,11 @@ public void getAccountBalance(String accountName) {
-A tempting way to test this code would be to remove the “private” visibility modifiers and test the implementation logic directly, as demonstrated in Example 12-2.
+A tempting way to test this code would be to remove the 『private』 visibility modifiers and test the implementation logic directly, as demonstrated in Example 12-2.
-测试这段代码的一个诱人的方法是去掉 "私有 "可见修饰符,直接测试实现逻辑,如例12-2所示。
+測試這段程式碼的一個誘人的方法是去掉 "私有 "可見修飾符,直接測試實現邏輯,如例12-2所示。
-*Example 12-2. A naive test of a transaction API’s implementation* *例12-2.事务 API 实现的简单测试*
+*Example 12-2. A naive test of a transaction API」s implementation* *例12-2.事務 API 實現的簡單測試*
@@ -155,15 +155,15 @@ public void shouldSaveSerializedData() {
-This test interacts with the transaction processor in a much different way than its real users would: it peers into the system’s internal state and calls methods that aren’t publicly exposed as part of the system’s API. As a result, the test is brittle, and almost any refactoring of the system under test (such as renaming its methods, factoring them out into a helper class, or changing the serialization format) would cause the test to break, even if such a change would be invisible to the class’s real users.
+This test interacts with the transaction processor in a much different way than its real users would: it peers into the system」s internal state and calls methods that aren」t publicly exposed as part of the system」s API. As a result, the test is brittle, and almost any refactoring of the system under test (such as renaming its methods, factoring them out into a helper class, or changing the serialization format) would cause the test to break, even if such a change would be invisible to the class」s real users.
-Instead, the same test coverage can be achieved by testing only against the class’s public API, as shown in Example 12-3.[^2]
+Instead, the same test coverage can be achieved by testing only against the class」s public API, as shown in Example 12-3.[^2]
-相反,同样的测试覆盖率可以通过只测试类的公共 API 来实现,如例 12-3.2 所示。
+相反,同樣的測試覆蓋率可以透過只測試類的公共 API 來實現,如例 12-3.2 所示。
-*Example 12-3. Testing the public API* *例12-3. 测试公共API*
+*Example 12-3. Testing the public API* *例12-3. 測試公共API*
@@ -186,47 +186,47 @@ public void shouldNotPerformInvalidTransactions() {
-Tests using only public APIs are, by definition, accessing the system under test in the same manner that its users would. Such tests are more realistic and less brittle because they form explicit contracts: if such a test breaks, it implies that an existing user of the system will also be broken. Testing only these contracts means that you’re free to do whatever internal refactoring of the system you want without having to worry about making tedious changes to tests.
+Tests using only public APIs are, by definition, accessing the system under test in the same manner that its users would. Such tests are more realistic and less brittle because they form explicit contracts: if such a test breaks, it implies that an existing user of the system will also be broken. Testing only these contracts means that you」re free to do whatever internal refactoring of the system you want without having to worry about making tedious changes to tests.
-> [^2]: This is sometimes called the "Use the front door first principle.”
+> [^2]: This is sometimes called the "Use the front door first principle.』
-> 2 这有时被称为“使用前门优先原则”
+> 2 這有時被稱為『使用前門優先原則』
-It’s not always clear what constitutes a “public API,” and the question really gets to the heart of what a “unit” is in unit testing. Units can be as small as an individual function or as broad as a set of several related packages/modules. When we say “public API” in this context, we’re really talking about the API exposed by that unit to third parties outside of the team that owns the code. This doesn’t always align with the notion of visibility provided by some programming languages; for example, classes in Java might define themselves as “public” to be accessible by other packages in the same unit but are not intended for use by other parties outside of the unit. Some languages like Python have no built-in notion of visibility (often relying on conventions like prefixing private method names with underscores), and build systems like Bazel can further restrict who is allowed to depend on APIs declared public by the programming language.
+It」s not always clear what constitutes a 『public API,』 and the question really gets to the heart of what a 『unit』 is in unit testing. Units can be as small as an individual function or as broad as a set of several related packages/modules. When we say 『public API』 in this context, we」re really talking about the API exposed by that unit to third parties outside of the team that owns the code. This doesn」t always align with the notion of visibility provided by some programming languages; for example, classes in Java might define themselves as 『public』 to be accessible by other packages in the same unit but are not intended for use by other parties outside of the unit. Some languages like Python have no built-in notion of visibility (often relying on conventions like prefixing private method names with underscores), and build systems like Bazel can further restrict who is allowed to depend on APIs declared public by the programming language.
-什么是 "公共API "并不总是很清楚,这个问题实际上涉及到单元测试中的 "单元"的核心。单元可以小到一个单独的函数,也可以大到由几个相关的包/模块组成的集合。当我们在这里说 "公共API"时,我们实际上是在谈论该单元暴露给拥有该代码的团队之外的第三方的API。这并不总是与某些编程语言提供的可见性概念一致;例如,Java中的类可能将自己定义为 "公共",以便被同一单元中的其他包所访问,但并不打算供该单元之外的其他方使用。有些语言,如Python,没有内置的可见性概念(通常依靠惯例,如在私有方法名称前加上下划线),而像Bazel这样的构建系统可以进一步限制谁可以依赖编程语言所声明的公共API。
+什麼是 "公共API "並不總是很清楚,這個問題實際上涉及到單元測試中的 "單元"的核心。單元可以小到一個單獨的函式,也可以大到由幾個相關的套件/模組組成的集合。當我們在這裡說 "公共API"時,我們實際上是在談論該單元暴露給擁有該程式碼的團隊之外的第三方的API。這並不總是與某些程式語言提供的可見性概念一致;例如,Java中的類可能將自己定義為 "公共",以便被同一單元中的其他套件所訪問,但並不打算供該單元之外的其他方使用。有些語言,如Python,沒有內建的可見性概念(通常依靠慣例,如在私有方法名稱前加上下劃線),而像Bazel這樣的建立系統可以進一步限制誰可以依賴程式語言所宣告的公共API。
Defining an appropriate scope for a unit and hence what should be considered the public API is more art than science, but here are some rules of thumb:
-- If a method or class exists only to support one or two other classes (i.e., it is a “helper class”), it probably shouldn’t be considered its own unit, and its functionality should be tested through those classes instead of directly.
+- If a method or class exists only to support one or two other classes (i.e., it is a 『helper class』), it probably shouldn」t be considered its own unit, and its functionality should be tested through those classes instead of directly.
- If a package or class is designed to be accessible by anyone without having to consult with its owners, it almost certainly constitutes a unit that should be tested directly, where its tests access the unit in the same way that the users would.
-- If a package or class can be accessed only by the people who own it, but it is designed to provide a general piece of functionality useful in a range of contexts (i.e., it is a “support library”), it should also be considered a unit and tested directly. This will usually create some redundancy in testing given that the support library’s code will be covered both by its own tests and the tests of its users. However, such redundancy can be valuable: without it, a gap in test coverage could be introduced if one of the library’s users (and its tests) were ever removed.
+- If a package or class can be accessed only by the people who own it, but it is designed to provide a general piece of functionality useful in a range of contexts (i.e., it is a 『support library』), it should also be considered a unit and tested directly. This will usually create some redundancy in testing given that the support library」s code will be covered both by its own tests and the tests of its users. However, such redundancy can be valuable: without it, a gap in test coverage could be introduced if one of the library」s users (and its tests) were ever removed.
-- 如果一个方法或类的存在只是为了支持一两个其他的类(即,它是一个 "辅助类"),它可能不应该被认为是独立的单元,它的功能测试应该通过这些类进行,而不是直接测试它。
+- 如果一個方法或類別的存在只是為了支援一兩個其他的類(即,它是一個 "輔助類別"),它可能不應該被認為是獨立的單元,它的功能測試應該透過這些類進行,而不是直接測試它。
-- 如果一个包或类被设计成任何人都可以访问,而不需要咨询其所有者,那么它几乎肯定构成了一个应该直接测试的单元,它的测试以用户的方式访问该单元。
+- 如果一個套件或類被設計成任何人都可以訪問,而不需要諮詢其所有者,那麼它幾乎肯定構成了一個應該直接測試的單元,它的測試以使用者的方式訪問該單元。
-- 如果一个包或类只能由其拥有者访问,但它的设计目的是提供在各种上下文中有用的通用功能(即,它是一个“支持库”),也应将其视为一个单元并直接进行测试。这通常会在测试中产生一些冗余,因为支持库的代码会被它自己的测试和用户的测试所覆盖。然而,这种冗余可能是有价值的:如果没有它,如果库的一个用户(和它的测试)被删除,测试覆盖率就会出现缺口。
+- 如果一個套件或類只能由其擁有者訪問,但它的設計目的是提供在各種上下文中有用的通用功能(即,它是一個『支援庫』),也應將其視為一個單元並直接進行測試。這通常會在測試中產生一些冗餘,因為支援庫的程式碼會被它自己的測試和使用者的測試所覆蓋。然而,這種冗餘可能是有價值的:如果沒有它,如果函式庫的一個使用者(和它的測試)被刪除,測試覆蓋率就會出現缺口。
-At Google, we’ve found that engineers sometimes need to be persuaded that testing via public APIs is better than testing against implementation details. The reluctance is understandable because it’s often much easier to write tests focused on the piece of code you just wrote rather than figuring out how that code affects the system as a whole. Nevertheless, we have found it valuable to encourage such practices, as the extra upfront effort pays for itself many times over in reduced maintenance burden. Testing against public APIs won’t completely prevent brittleness, but it’s the most important thing you can do to ensure that your tests fail only in the event of meaningful changes to your system.
+At Google, we」ve found that engineers sometimes need to be persuaded that testing via public APIs is better than testing against implementation details. The reluctance is understandable because it」s often much easier to write tests focused on the piece of code you just wrote rather than figuring out how that code affects the system as a whole. Nevertheless, we have found it valuable to encourage such practices, as the extra upfront effort pays for itself many times over in reduced maintenance burden. Testing against public APIs won」t completely prevent brittleness, but it」s the most important thing you can do to ensure that your tests fail only in the event of meaningful changes to your system.
-### Test State, Not Interactions 测试状态,而不是交互
+### Test State, Not Interactions 測試狀態,而不是互動
Another way that tests commonly depend on implementation details involves not which methods of the system the test calls, but how the results of those calls are verified. In general, there are two ways to verify that a system under test behaves as expected. With *state testing*, you observe the system itself to see what it looks like after invoking with it. With *interaction testing*, you instead check that the system took an expected sequence of actions on its collaborators [in response to invoking it](https://oreil.ly/3S8AL). Many tests will perform a combination of state and interaction validation.
-Interaction tests tend to be more brittle than state tests for the same reason that it’s more brittle to test a private method than to test a public method: interaction tests check *how* a system arrived at its result, whereas usually you should care only *what* the result is. [Example 12-4 ](#_bookmark971)illustrates a test that uses a test double (explained further in [Chapter 13](#_bookmark1056)) to verify how a system interacts with a database.
+Interaction tests tend to be more brittle than state tests for the same reason that it」s more brittle to test a private method than to test a public method: interaction tests check *how* a system arrived at its result, whereas usually you should care only *what* the result is. [Example 12-4 ](#_bookmark971)illustrates a test that uses a test double (explained further in [Chapter 13](#_bookmark1056)) to verify how a system interacts with a database.
-*Example 12-4. A brittle interaction test* *例12-4. 脆弱性相互作用测试*
+*Example 12-4. A brittle interaction test* *例12-4. 脆弱性相互作用測試*
@@ -241,16 +241,16 @@ The test verifies that a specific call was made against a database API, but ther
- If the system under test is refactored to call a slightly different API to write an equivalent record, the test will fail even though we would have wanted it to pass.
-- 如果被测系统中的错误导致记录在写入后不久从数据库中删除,那么即使我们希望它失败,测试也会通过。
-- 如果对被测系统进行重构,以调用稍有不同的API来编写等效记录,那么即使我们希望测试通过,测试也会失败。
+- 如果被測系統中的錯誤導致記錄在寫入後不久從資料庫中刪除,那麼即使我們希望它失敗,測試也會通過。
+- 如果對被測系統進行重構,以呼叫稍有不同的API來編寫等效記錄,那麼即使我們希望測試透過,測試也會失敗。
-It’s much less brittle to directly test against the state of the system, as demonstrated in Example 12-5.
+It」s much less brittle to directly test against the state of the system, as demonstrated in Example 12-5.
-*Example 12-5. Testing against state* *例12-5. 针对状态的测试*
+*Example 12-5. Testing against state* *例12-5. 針對狀態的測試*
@@ -262,53 +262,53 @@ public void shouldCreateUsers() {
This test more accurately expresses what we care about: the state of the system under test after interacting with it.
The most common reason for problematic interaction tests is an over reliance on mocking frameworks. These frameworks make it easy to create test doubles that record and verify every call made against them, and to use those doubles in place of real objects in tests. This strategy leads directly to brittle interaction tests, and so we tend to prefer the use of real objects in favor of mocked objects, as long as the real objects are fast and deterministic.
-## Writing Clear Tests 编写清晰的测试
+## Writing Clear Tests 編寫清晰的測試
-Sooner or later, even if we’ve completely avoided brittleness, our tests will fail. Failure is a good thing—test failures provide useful signals to engineers, and are one of the main ways that a unit test provides value.
+Sooner or later, even if we」ve completely avoided brittleness, our tests will fail. Failure is a good thing—test failures provide useful signals to engineers, and are one of the main ways that a unit test provides value.
Test failures happen for one of two reasons:[^3]
- The system under test has a problem or is incomplete. This result is exactly what tests are designed for: alerting you to bugs so that you can fix them.
-- The test itself is flawed. In this case, nothing is wrong with the system under test, but the test was specified incorrectly. If this was an existing test rather than one that you just wrote, this means that the test is brittle. The previous section discussed how to avoid brittle tests, but it’s rarely possible to eliminate them entirely.
+- The test itself is flawed. In this case, nothing is wrong with the system under test, but the test was specified incorrectly. If this was an existing test rather than one that you just wrote, this means that the test is brittle. The previous section discussed how to avoid brittle tests, but it」s rarely possible to eliminate them entirely.
-- 被测系统有问题或不完整。这个结果正是测试的设计目的:提醒你注意bug,以便你能修复它们。
-- 测试本身是有缺陷的。在这种情况下,被测系统没有任何问题,但测试的指定是不正确的。如果这是一个现有的测试,而不是你刚写的测试,这意味着测试是脆弱的。上一节讨论了如何避免脆性测试,但很少有可能完全消除它们。
+- 被測系統有問題或不完整。這個結果正是測試的設計目的:提醒你注意bug,以便你能修復它們。
+- 測試本身是有缺陷的。在這種情況下,被測系統沒有任何問題,但測試的指定是不正確的。如果這是一個現有的測試,而不是你剛寫的測試,這意味著測試是脆弱的。上一節討論瞭如何避免脆性測試,但很少有可能完全消除它們。
-When a test fails, an engineer’s first job is to identify which of these cases the failure falls into and then to diagnose the actual problem. The speed at which the engineer can do so depends on the test’s clarity. A clear test is one whose purpose for existing and reason for failing is immediately clear to the engineer diagnosing a failure. Tests fail to achieve clarity when their reasons for failure aren’t obvious or when it’s difficult to figure out why they were originally written. Clear tests also bring other benefits, such as documenting the system under test and more easily serving as a basis for new tests.
+When a test fails, an engineer」s first job is to identify which of these cases the failure falls into and then to diagnose the actual problem. The speed at which the engineer can do so depends on the test」s clarity. A clear test is one whose purpose for existing and reason for failing is immediately clear to the engineer diagnosing a failure. Tests fail to achieve clarity when their reasons for failure aren」t obvious or when it」s difficult to figure out why they were originally written. Clear tests also bring other benefits, such as documenting the system under test and more easily serving as a basis for new tests.
-Test clarity becomes significant over time. Tests will often outlast the engineers who wrote them, and the requirements and understanding of a system will shift subtly as it ages. It’s entirely possible that a failing test might have been written years ago by an engineer no longer on the team, leaving no way to figure out its purpose or how to fix it. This stands in contrast with unclear production code, whose purpose you can usually determine with enough effort by looking at what calls it and what breaks when it’s removed. With an unclear test, you might never understand its purpose, since removing the test will have no effect other than (potentially) introducing a subtle hole in test coverage.
+Test clarity becomes significant over time. Tests will often outlast the engineers who wrote them, and the requirements and understanding of a system will shift subtly as it ages. It」s entirely possible that a failing test might have been written years ago by an engineer no longer on the team, leaving no way to figure out its purpose or how to fix it. This stands in contrast with unclear production code, whose purpose you can usually determine with enough effort by looking at what calls it and what breaks when it」s removed. With an unclear test, you might never understand its purpose, since removing the test will have no effect other than (potentially) introducing a subtle hole in test coverage.
-In the worst case, these obscure tests just end up getting deleted when engineers can’t figure out how to fix them. Not only does removing such tests introduce a hole in test coverage, but it also indicates that the test has been providing zero value for perhaps the entire period it has existed (which could have been years).
+In the worst case, these obscure tests just end up getting deleted when engineers can」t figure out how to fix them. Not only does removing such tests introduce a hole in test coverage, but it also indicates that the test has been providing zero value for perhaps the entire period it has existed (which could have been years).
-For a test suite to scale and be useful over time, it’s important that each individual test in that suite be as clear as possible. This section explores techniques and ways of thinking about tests to achieve clarity.
+For a test suite to scale and be useful over time, it」s important that each individual test in that suite be as clear as possible. This section explores techniques and ways of thinking about tests to achieve clarity.
-> [^3]: These are also the same two reasons that a test can be “flaky.” Either the system under test has a nondeterministic fault, or the test is flawed such that it sometimes fails when it should pass.
+> [^3]: These are also the same two reasons that a test can be 『flaky.』 Either the system under test has a nondeterministic fault, or the test is flawed such that it sometimes fails when it should pass.
-> 3 这也是测试可能“不稳定”的两个原因。要么被测系统存在不确定性故障,要么测试存在缺陷,以至于在通过测试时有时会失败。
+> 3 這也是測試可能『不穩定』的兩個原因。要麼被測系統存在不確定性故障,要麼測試存在缺陷,以至於在透過測試時有時會失敗。
-### Make Your Tests Complete and Concise 确保你的测试完整和简明
+### Make Your Tests Complete and Concise 確保你的測試完整和簡明
Two high-level properties that help tests achieve clarity are completeness and conciseness. A test is complete when its body contains all of the information a reader needs in order to understand how it arrives at its result. A test is concise when it contains no other distracting or irrelevant information. Example 12-6 shows a test that is neither complete nor concise:
-*Example 12-6. An incomplete and cluttered test* *例12-6. 一个不完整且杂乱的测试*
+*Example 12-6. An incomplete and cluttered test* *例12-6. 一個不完整且雜亂的測試*
@@ -321,9 +321,9 @@ public void shouldPerformAddition() {
The test is passing a lot of irrelevant information into the constructor, and the actual important parts of the test are hidden inside of a helper method. The test can be made more complete by clarifying the inputs of the helper method, and more concise by using another helper to hide the irrelevant details of constructing the calculator, as illustrated in Example 12-7.
-*Example 12-7. A complete, concise test* *实例 12-7. A. 完整且简洁的测验*
+*Example 12-7. A complete, concise test* *實例 12-7. A. 完整且簡潔的測驗*
@@ -334,17 +334,17 @@ public void shouldPerformAddition() {
-Ideas we discuss later, especially around code sharing, will tie back to completeness and conciseness. In particular, it can often be worth violating the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle if it leads to clearer tests. Remember: a test’s body should contain all of the information needed to understand it without containing any irrelevant or distracting information.
+Ideas we discuss later, especially around code sharing, will tie back to completeness and conciseness. In particular, it can often be worth violating the DRY (Don」t Repeat Yourself) principle if it leads to clearer tests. Remember: a test」s body should contain all of the information needed to understand it without containing any irrelevant or distracting information.
-### Test Behaviors, Not Methods 测试行为,而不是方法
+### Test Behaviors, Not Methods 測試行為,而不是方法
The first instinct of many engineers is to try to match the structure of their tests to the structure of their code such that every production method has a corresponding test method. This pattern can be convenient at first, but over time it leads to problems: as the method being tested grows more complex, its test also grows in complexity and becomes more difficult to reason about. For example, consider the snippet of code in Example 12-8, which displays the results of a transaction.
-*Example 12-8. A transaction snippet* *例12-8. 一个事务片段*
+*Example 12-8. A transaction snippet* *例12-8. 一個事務片段*
public void displayTransactionResults(User user, Transaction transaction) {
@@ -354,11 +354,11 @@ public void displayTransactionResults(User user, Transaction transaction) {
-It wouldn’t be uncommon to find a test covering both of the messages that might be shown by the method, as presented in Example 12-9.
+It wouldn」t be uncommon to find a test covering both of the messages that might be shown by the method, as presented in Example 12-9.
-*Example 12-9. A method-driven test* *例12-9. 方法驱动的测试*
+*Example 12-9. A method-driven test* *例12-9. 方法驅動的測試*
@@ -370,15 +370,15 @@ transactionProcessor.displayTransactionResults(newUserWithBalance(LOW_BALANCE_TH
-With such tests, it’s likely that the test started out covering only the first method. Later, an engineer expanded the test when the second message was added (violating the idea of unchanging tests that we discussed earlier). This modification sets a bad precedent: as the method under test becomes more complex and implements more functionality, its unit test will become increasingly convoluted and grow more and more difficult to work with.
+With such tests, it」s likely that the test started out covering only the first method. Later, an engineer expanded the test when the second message was added (violating the idea of unchanging tests that we discussed earlier). This modification sets a bad precedent: as the method under test becomes more complex and implements more functionality, its unit test will become increasingly convoluted and grow more and more difficult to work with.
-The problem is that framing tests around methods can naturally encourage unclear tests because a single method often does a few different things under the hood and might have several tricky edge and corner cases. There’s a better way: rather than writing a test for each method, write a test for each behavior.[^4] A behavior is any guarantee that a system makes about how it will respond to a series of inputs while in a particular state.[^5] Behaviors can often be expressed using the words “given,” “when,” and “then”: “Given that a bank account is empty, when attempting to withdraw money from it, then the transaction is rejected.” The mapping between methods and behaviors is many-to-many: most nontrivial methods implement multiple behaviors, and some behaviors rely on the interaction of multiple methods. The previous example can be rewritten using behavior-driven tests, as presented in Example 12-10.
+The problem is that framing tests around methods can naturally encourage unclear tests because a single method often does a few different things under the hood and might have several tricky edge and corner cases. There」s a better way: rather than writing a test for each method, write a test for each behavior.[^4] A behavior is any guarantee that a system makes about how it will respond to a series of inputs while in a particular state.[^5] Behaviors can often be expressed using the words 『given,』 『when,』 and 『then』: 『Given that a bank account is empty, when attempting to withdraw money from it, then the transaction is rejected.』 The mapping between methods and behaviors is many-to-many: most nontrivial methods implement multiple behaviors, and some behaviors rely on the interaction of multiple methods. The previous example can be rewritten using behavior-driven tests, as presented in Example 12-10.
-问题是,以方法为中心的测试框架自然倾向于产生不清晰的测试,因为单个方法经常在背后下做一些不同的事情,可能有几个棘手的边缘和角落的情况。有一个更好的方法:与其为每个方法写一个测试,不如为每个行为写一个测试。 行为是一个系统对它在特定状态下如何响应一系列输入的任何承诺。"鉴于一个银行账户是空的,当试图从该账户中取钱时,该交易被拒绝。" 方法和行为之间的映射是多对多的:大多数非核心的方法实现了多个行为,一些行为依赖于多个方法的交互。前面的例子可以用行为驱动的测试来重写,如例12-10所介绍。
+問題是,以方法為中心的測試框架自然傾向於產生不清晰的測試,因為單個方法經常在背後下做一些不同的事情,可能有幾個棘手的邊緣和角落的情況。有一個更好的方法:與其為每個方法寫一個測試,不如為每個行為寫一個測試。 行為是一個系統對它在特定狀態下如何回應一系列輸入的任何承諾。"鑑於一個銀行賬戶是空的,當試圖從該賬戶中取錢時,該交易被拒絕。" 方法和行為之間的對映是多對多的:大多數非核心的方法實現了多個行為,一些行為依賴於多個方法的互動。前面的例子可以用行為驅動的測試來重寫,如例12-10所介紹。
-*Example 12-10. A behavior-driven test* *例12-10. 行为驱动的测试*
+*Example 12-10. A behavior-driven test* *例12-10. 行為驅動的測試*
@@ -397,23 +397,23 @@ public void displayTransactionResults_showsLowBalanceWarning() {
The extra boilerplate required to split apart the single test is more than worth it, and the resulting tests are much clearer than the original test. Behavior-driven tests tend to be clearer than method-oriented tests for several reasons. First, they read more like natural language, allowing them to be naturally understood rather than requiring laborious mental parsing. Second, they more clearly express cause and effect because each test is more limited in scope. Finally, the fact that each test is short and descriptive makes it easier to see what functionality is already tested and encourages engineers to add new streamlined test methods instead of piling onto existing methods.
> [^4]: See `https://testing.googleblog.com/2014/04/testing-on-toilet-test-behaviors-not.html` and `https://dannorth.net/introducing-bdd`.
-> 4 见 `https://testing.googleblog.com/2014/04/testing-on-toilet-test-behaviors-not.html` 和 `https://dannorth.net/introducing-bdd`。
+> 4 見 `https://testing.googleblog.com/2014/04/testing-on-toilet-test-behaviors-not.html` 和 `https://dannorth.net/introducing-bdd`。
> [^5]: Furthermore, a feature (in the product sense of the word) can be expressed as a collection of behaviors.
-> 5 此外,一个特征(在这个词的产品意义上)可以被表达为一组行为。
+> 5 此外,一個特徵(在這個詞的產品意義上)可以被表達為一組行為。
-#### Structure tests to emphasize behaviors 强调行为的结构测试
+#### Structure tests to emphasize behaviors 強調行為的結構測試
-Thinking about tests as being coupled to behaviors instead of methods significantly affects how they should be structured. Remember that every behavior has three parts: a “given” component that defines how the system is set up, a “when” component that defines the action to be taken on the system, and a “then” component that validates the result.[^6] Tests are clearest when this structure is explicit. Some frameworks like Cucumber and Spock directly bake in given/when/then. Other languages can use whitespace and optional comments to make the structure stand out, such as that shown in Example 12-11.
+Thinking about tests as being coupled to behaviors instead of methods significantly affects how they should be structured. Remember that every behavior has three parts: a 『given』 component that defines how the system is set up, a 『when』 component that defines the action to be taken on the system, and a 『then』 component that validates the result.[^6] Tests are clearest when this structure is explicit. Some frameworks like Cucumber and Spock directly bake in given/when/then. Other languages can use whitespace and optional comments to make the structure stand out, such as that shown in Example 12-11.
-将测试视为与行为而非方法相耦合会显著影响测试的结构。请记住,每个行为都有三个部分:一个是定义系统如何设置的 "given"组件,一个是定义对系统采取的行动的 "when"组件,以及一个验证结果的 "then"组件。当此结构是显式的时,测试是最清晰的。一些框架(如Cucumber和Spock)直接加入了given/when/then的功能支持。其他语言可以使用空格和可选注释使结构突出,如示例12-11所示。
+將測試視為與行為而非方法相耦合會顯著影響測試的結構。請記住,每個行為都有三個部分:一個是定義系統如何設定的 "given"元件,一個是定義對系統採取的行動的 "when"元件,以及一個驗證結果的 "then"元件。當此結構是顯式的時,測試是最清晰的。一些框架(如Cucumber和Spock)直接加入了given/when/then的功能支援。其他語言可以使用空格和可選註解使結構突出,如範例12-11所示。
-*Example 12-11. A well-structured test* *例12-11. 一个结构良好的测试*
+*Example 12-11. A well-structured test* *例12-11. 一個結構良好的測試*
@@ -430,27 +430,27 @@ public void transferFundsShouldMoveMoneyBetweenAccounts() {
-This level of description isn’t always necessary in trivial tests, and it’s usually sufficient to omit the comments and rely on whitespace to make the sections clear. However, explicit comments can make more sophisticated tests easier to understand. This pattern makes it possible to read tests at three levels of granularity:
+This level of description isn」t always necessary in trivial tests, and it」s usually sufficient to omit the comments and rely on whitespace to make the sections clear. However, explicit comments can make more sophisticated tests easier to understand. This pattern makes it possible to read tests at three levels of granularity:
1. A reader can start by looking at the test method name (discussed below) to get a rough description of the behavior being tested.
-2. If that’s not enough, the reader can look at the given/when/then comments for a formal description of the behavior.
+2. If that」s not enough, the reader can look at the given/when/then comments for a formal description of the behavior.
3. Finally, a reader can look at the actual code to see precisely how that behavior is expressed.
-1. 读者可以从测试方法的名称开始(下面讨论),以获得对被测试行为的粗略描述。
-2. 如果这还不够,读者可以查看given/when/then注释,以获得行为的正式描述。
-3. 最后,读者可以查看实际代码,以准确地看到该行为是如何表达的。
+1. 讀者可以從測試方法的名稱開始(下面討論),以獲得對被測試行為的粗略描述。
+2. 如果這還不夠,讀者可以檢視given/when/then註解,以獲得行為的正式描述。
+3. 最後,讀者可以檢視實際程式碼,以準確地看到該行為是如何表達的。
-This pattern is most commonly violated by interspersing assertions among multiple calls to the system under test (i.e., combining the “when” and “then” blocks). Merging the “then” and “when” blocks in this way can make the test less clear because it makes it difficult to distinguish the action being performed from the expected result.
+This pattern is most commonly violated by interspersing assertions among multiple calls to the system under test (i.e., combining the 『when』 and 『then』 blocks). Merging the 『then』 and 『when』 blocks in this way can make the test less clear because it makes it difficult to distinguish the action being performed from the expected result.
-最常见的违反模式是在对被测系统的多个调用之间穿插断言(即,组合“when”和“then”块)。以这种方式合并 "then "和 "when "块会使测试不那么清晰,因为它使人们难以区分正在执行的操作和预期结果。
+最常見的違反模式是在對被測系統的多個呼叫之間穿插斷言(即,組合『when』和『then』區塊)。以這種方式合併 "then "和 "when "區塊會使測試不那麼清晰,因為它使人們難以區分正在執行的操作和預期結果。
-When a test does want to validate each step in a multistep process, it’s acceptable to define alternating sequences of when/then blocks. Long blocks can also be made more descriptive by splitting them up with the word “and.” Example 12-12 shows what a relatively complex, behavior-driven test might look like.
+When a test does want to validate each step in a multistep process, it」s acceptable to define alternating sequences of when/then blocks. Long blocks can also be made more descriptive by splitting them up with the word 『and.』 Example 12-12 shows what a relatively complex, behavior-driven test might look like.
-当一个测试确实想验证一个多步骤过程中的每个步骤时,定义when/then块的交替序列是可以接受的。长的区块也可以用 "and"字来分割,使其更具描述性。例12-12显示了一个相对复杂的、行为驱动的测试是什么样子的。
+當一個測試確實想驗證一個多步驟過程中的每個步驟時,定義when/then區塊的交替序列是可以接受的。長的區塊也可以用 "and"字來分割,使其更具描述性。例12-12顯示了一個相對複雜的、行為驅動的測試是什麼樣子的。
-*Example 12-12. Alternating when/then blocks within a test* *例12-12. 在一个测试中交替使用when/then块*
+*Example 12-12. Alternating when/then blocks within a test* *例12-12. 在一個測試中交替使用when/then區塊*
@@ -476,25 +476,25 @@ public void shouldTimeOutConnections() {
-When writing such tests, be careful to ensure that you’re not inadvertently testing multiple behaviors at the same time. Each test should cover only a single behavior, and the vast majority of unit tests require only one “when” and one “then” block.
+When writing such tests, be careful to ensure that you」re not inadvertently testing multiple behaviors at the same time. Each test should cover only a single behavior, and the vast majority of unit tests require only one 『when』 and one 『then』 block.
-在编写这种测试时,要注意确保你不会无意中同时测试多个行为。每个测试应该只覆盖一个行为,绝大多数的单元测试只需要一个 "when"和一个 "then"块。
+在編寫這種測試時,要注意確保你不會無意中同時測試多個行為。每個測試應該只覆蓋一個行為,絕大多數的單元測試只需要一個 "when"和一個 "then"區塊。
-> [^6]: These components are sometimes referred to as “arrange,” “act,” and “assert.”
+> [^6]: These components are sometimes referred to as 『arrange,』 『act,』 and 『assert.』
-> 6 这些组成部分有时被称为 "安排"、"行动 "和 "断言"。
+> 6 這些組成部分有時被稱為 "安排"、"行動 "和 "斷言"。
-#### Name tests after the behavior being tested 以被测试的行为命名测试
+#### Name tests after the behavior being tested 以被測試的行為命名測試
-Method-oriented tests are usually named after the method being tested (e.g., a test for the updateBalance method is usually called testUpdateBalance). With more focused behavior-driven tests, we have a lot more flexibility and the chance to convey useful information in the test’s name. The test name is very important: it will often be the first or only token visible in failure reports, so it’s your best opportunity to communicate the problem when the test breaks. It’s also the most straightforward way to express the intent of the test.
+Method-oriented tests are usually named after the method being tested (e.g., a test for the updateBalance method is usually called testUpdateBalance). With more focused behavior-driven tests, we have a lot more flexibility and the chance to convey useful information in the test」s name. The test name is very important: it will often be the first or only token visible in failure reports, so it」s your best opportunity to communicate the problem when the test breaks. It」s also the most straightforward way to express the intent of the test.
-面向方法的测试通常以被测试的方法命名(例如,对 updateBalance 方法的测试通常称为 testUpdateBalance)。对于更加集中的行为驱动的测试,我们有更多的灵活性,并有机会在测试的名称中传达有用的信息。测试名称非常重要:它通常是失败报告中第一个或唯一一个可见的标记,所以当测试中断时,它是你沟通问题的最好机会。它也是表达测试意图的最直接的方式。
+面向方法的測試通常以被測試的方法命名(例如,對 updateBalance 方法的測試通常稱為 testUpdateBalance)。對於更加集中的行為驅動的測試,我們有更多的靈活性,並有機會在測試的名稱中傳達有用的訊息。測試名稱非常重要:它通常是失敗報告中第一個或唯一一個可見的標記,所以當測試中斷時,它是你溝通問題的最好機會。它也是表達測試意圖的最直接的方式。
-A test’s name should summarize the behavior it is testing. A good name describes both the actions that are being taken on a system and the expected outcome. Test names will sometimes include additional information like the state of the system or its environment before taking action on it. Some languages and frameworks make this easier than others by allowing tests to be nested within one another and named using strings, such as in Example 12-13, which uses Jasmine.
+A test」s name should summarize the behavior it is testing. A good name describes both the actions that are being taken on a system and the expected outcome. Test names will sometimes include additional information like the state of the system or its environment before taking action on it. Some languages and frameworks make this easier than others by allowing tests to be nested within one another and named using strings, such as in Example 12-13, which uses Jasmine.
-*Example 12-13. Some sample nested naming patterns* *例12-1. 一些嵌套命名模式的例子*
+*Example 12-13. Some sample nested naming patterns* *例12-1. 一些巢狀命名模式的例子*
describe("multiplication", function() {
@@ -522,9 +522,9 @@ describe("multiplication", function() {
Other languages require us to encode all of this information in a method name, leading to method naming patterns like that shown in Example 12-14.
-*Example 12-14. Some sample method naming patterns* 例12-14. 一些示例方法的命名模式
+*Example 12-14. Some sample method naming patterns* 例12-14. 一些範例方法的命名模式
@@ -532,25 +532,25 @@ multiply_postiveAndNegative_returnsNegative
-Names like this are much more verbose than we’d normally want to write for methods in production code, but the use case is different: we never need to write code that calls these, and their names frequently need to be read by humans in reports. Hence, the extra verbosity is warranted.
+Names like this are much more verbose than we」d normally want to write for methods in production code, but the use case is different: we never need to write code that calls these, and their names frequently need to be read by humans in reports. Hence, the extra verbosity is warranted.
-Many different naming strategies are acceptable so long as they’re used consistently within a single test class. A good trick if you’re stuck is to try starting the test name with the word “should.” When taken with the name of the class being tested, this naming scheme allows the test name to be read as a sentence. For example, a test of a BankAccount class named shouldNotAllowWithdrawalsWhenBalanceIsEmpty can be read as “BankAccount should not allow withdrawals when balance is empty.” By reading the names of all the test methods in a suite, you should get a good sense of the behaviors implemented by the system under test. Such names also help ensure that the test stays focused on a single behavior: if you need to use the word “and” in a test name, there’s a good chance that you’re actually testing multiple behaviors and should be writing multiple tests!
+Many different naming strategies are acceptable so long as they」re used consistently within a single test class. A good trick if you」re stuck is to try starting the test name with the word 『should.』 When taken with the name of the class being tested, this naming scheme allows the test name to be read as a sentence. For example, a test of a BankAccount class named shouldNotAllowWithdrawalsWhenBalanceIsEmpty can be read as 『BankAccount should not allow withdrawals when balance is empty.』 By reading the names of all the test methods in a suite, you should get a good sense of the behaviors implemented by the system under test. Such names also help ensure that the test stays focused on a single behavior: if you need to use the word 『and』 in a test name, there」s a good chance that you」re actually testing multiple behaviors and should be writing multiple tests!
-许多不同的命名策略是可以接受的,只要它们在一个测试类中使用一致。如果你遇到命名困境,一个好的技巧是尝试用 "应当"这个词来开始测试名称。当与被测类的名称一起使用时,这种命名方案允许将测试名称作为一个句子来阅读。例如,一个名为shouldNotAllowWithdrawalsWhenBalanceIsEmpty的BankAccount类的测试可以被理解为 "BankAccount不应该允许在余额为空时提款"。通过阅读套件中所有测试方法的名称,你应该对被测系统实现的行为有一个很好的了解。这样的名字也有助于确保测试集中在单个行为上:如果你需要在测试名称中使用 "and"这个词,很有可能你实际上是在测试多个行为,应该写多个测试!
+許多不同的命名策略是可以接受的,只要它們在一個測試類中使用一致。如果你遇到命名困境,一個好的技巧是嘗試用 "應當"這個詞來開始測試名稱。當與被測類的名稱一起使用時,這種命名方案允許將測試名稱作為一個句子來閱讀。例如,一個名為shouldNotAllowWithdrawalsWhenBalanceIsEmpty的BankAccount類別的測試可以被理解為 "BankAccount不應該允許在餘額為空時提款"。透過閱讀套件中所有測試方法的名稱,你應該對被測系統實現的行為有一個很好的瞭解。這樣的名字也有助於確保測試集中在單個行為上:如果你需要在測試名稱中使用 "and"這個詞,很有可能你實際上是在測試多個行為,應該寫多個測試!
-### Don’t Put Logic in Tests 不要在测试中放入逻辑
+### Don」t Put Logic in Tests 不要在測試中放入邏輯
-Clear tests are trivially correct upon inspection; that is, it is obvious that a test is doing the correct thing just from glancing at it. This is possible in test code because each test needs to handle only a particular set of inputs, whereas production code must be generalized to handle any input. For production code, we’re able to write tests that ensure complex logic is correct. But test code doesn’t have that luxury—if you feel like you need to write a test to verify your test, something has gone wrong!
+Clear tests are trivially correct upon inspection; that is, it is obvious that a test is doing the correct thing just from glancing at it. This is possible in test code because each test needs to handle only a particular set of inputs, whereas production code must be generalized to handle any input. For production code, we」re able to write tests that ensure complex logic is correct. But test code doesn」t have that luxury—if you feel like you need to write a test to verify your test, something has gone wrong!
-Complexity is most often introduced in the form of logic. Logic is defined via the imperative parts of programming languages such as operators, loops, and conditionals. When a piece of code contains logic, you need to do a bit of mental computation to determine its result instead of just reading it off of the screen. It doesn’t take much logic to make a test more difficult to reason about. For example, does the test in Example 12-15 look correct to you?
+Complexity is most often introduced in the form of logic. Logic is defined via the imperative parts of programming languages such as operators, loops, and conditionals. When a piece of code contains logic, you need to do a bit of mental computation to determine its result instead of just reading it off of the screen. It doesn」t take much logic to make a test more difficult to reason about. For example, does the test in Example 12-15 look correct to you?
-*Example 12-15. Logic concealing a bug* *例12-15. 掩盖bug的逻辑*
+*Example 12-15. Logic concealing a bug* *例12-15. 掩蓋bug的邏輯*
@@ -562,11 +562,11 @@ public void shouldNavigateToAlbumsPage() {
-There’s not much logic here: really just one string concatenation. But if we simplify the test by removing that one bit of logic, a bug immediately becomes clear, as demonstrated in Example 12-16.
+There」s not much logic here: really just one string concatenation. But if we simplify the test by removing that one bit of logic, a bug immediately becomes clear, as demonstrated in Example 12-16.
-*Example 12-16. A test without logic reveals the bug* *例12-16. 没有逻辑的测试揭示了bug*
+*Example 12-16. A test without logic reveals the bug* *例12-16. 沒有邏輯的測試揭示了bug*
@@ -577,31 +577,31 @@ public void shouldNavigateToPhotosPage() {
-When the whole string is written out, we can see right away that we’re expecting two slashes in the URL instead of just one. If the production code made a similar mistake, this test would fail to detect a bug. Duplicating the base URL was a small price to pay for making the test more descriptive and meaningful (see the discussion of DAMP versus DRY tests later in this chapter).
+When the whole string is written out, we can see right away that we」re expecting two slashes in the URL instead of just one. If the production code made a similar mistake, this test would fail to detect a bug. Duplicating the base URL was a small price to pay for making the test more descriptive and meaningful (see the discussion of DAMP versus DRY tests later in this chapter).
-If humans are bad at spotting bugs from string concatenation, we’re even worse at spotting bugs that come from more sophisticated programming constructs like loops and conditionals. The lesson is clear: in test code, stick to straight-line code over clever logic, and consider tolerating some duplication when it makes the test more descriptive and meaningful. We’ll discuss ideas around duplication and code sharing later in this chapter.
+If humans are bad at spotting bugs from string concatenation, we」re even worse at spotting bugs that come from more sophisticated programming constructs like loops and conditionals. The lesson is clear: in test code, stick to straight-line code over clever logic, and consider tolerating some duplication when it makes the test more descriptive and meaningful. We」ll discuss ideas around duplication and code sharing later in this chapter.
-### Write Clear Failure Messages 给出清晰的失败信息
+### Write Clear Failure Messages 給出清晰的失敗訊息
-One last aspect of clarity has to do not with how a test is written, but with what an engineer sees when it fails. In an ideal world, an engineer could diagnose a problem just from reading its failure message in a log or report without ever having to look at the test itself. A good failure message contains much the same information as the test’s name: it should clearly express the desired outcome, the actual outcome, and any relevant parameters.
+One last aspect of clarity has to do not with how a test is written, but with what an engineer sees when it fails. In an ideal world, an engineer could diagnose a problem just from reading its failure message in a log or report without ever having to look at the test itself. A good failure message contains much the same information as the test」s name: it should clearly express the desired outcome, the actual outcome, and any relevant parameters.
-Here’s an example of a bad failure message:
+Here」s an example of a bad failure message:
Test failed: account is closed
-Did the test fail because the account was closed, or was the account expected to be closed and the test failed because it wasn’t? A better failure message clearly distinguishes the expected from the actual state and gives more context about the result:
+Did the test fail because the account was closed, or was the account expected to be closed and the test failed because it wasn」t? A better failure message clearly distinguishes the expected from the actual state and gives more context about the result:
Expected an account in state CLOSED, but got account:
@@ -610,9 +610,9 @@ Expected an account in state CLOSED, but got account:
Good libraries can help make it easier to write useful failure messages. Consider the assertions in Example 12-17 in a Java test, the first of which uses classical JUnit asserts, and the second of which uses Truth, an assertion library developed by Google:
-*Example 12-17. An assertion using the Truth library* *例12-17. 使用Truth库的断言*
+*Example 12-17. An assertion using the Truth library* *例12-17. 使用Truth函式庫的斷言*
Set colors = ImmutableSet.of("red", "green", "blue");
@@ -620,15 +620,15 @@ assertTrue(colors.contains("orange")); // JUnit
assertThat(colors).contains("orange"); // Truth
-Because the first assertion only receives a Boolean value, it is only able to give a generic error message like “expected `true` but was `false`,” which isn’t very informative in a failing test output. Because the second assertion explicitly receives the subject of the assertion, it is able to give a much more useful error message: AssertionError: <[red, green, blue]> should have contained `orange`.”
+Because the first assertion only receives a Boolean value, it is only able to give a generic error message like 『expected `true` but was `false`,』 which isn」t very informative in a failing test output. Because the second assertion explicitly receives the subject of the assertion, it is able to give a much more useful error message: AssertionError: <[red, green, blue]> should have contained `orange`.』
-因为第一个断言只接收一个布尔值,所以它只能给出一个通用的错误信息,如 "预期`true`,但得到的是`false`",这在失败的测试输出中不是很有意义。因为第二个断言明确地接收断言的主题,它能够给出一个更有用的错误信息。AssertionError: <[red, green, blue]>应该包含`orange`"。
+因為第一個斷言只接收一個布林值,所以它只能給出一個通用的錯誤訊息,如 "預期`true`,但得到的是`false`",這在失敗的測試輸出中不是很有意義。因為第二個斷言明確地接收斷言的主題,它能夠給出一個更有用的錯誤訊息。AssertionError: <[red, green, blue]>應該包含`orange`"。
Not all languages have such helpers available, but it should always be possible to manually specify the important information in the failure message. For example, test assertions in Go conventionally look like Example 12-18.
-*Example 12-18. A test assertion in Go* *例12-18. Go中的测试断言*
+*Example 12-18. A test assertion in Go* *例12-18. Go中的測試斷言*
result: = Add(2, 3)
@@ -637,21 +637,21 @@ if result != 5 {
-## Tests and Code Sharing: DAMP, Not DRY 测试和代码共享:DAMP,而不是DRY
+## Tests and Code Sharing: DAMP, Not DRY 測試和程式碼共享:DAMP,而不是DRY
-One final aspect of writing clear tests and avoiding brittleness has to do with code sharing. Most software attempts to achieve a principle called DRY—“Don’t Repeat Yourself.” DRY states that software is easier to maintain if every concept is canonically represented in one place and code duplication is kept to a minimum. This approach is especially valuable in making changes easier because an engineer needs to update only one piece of code rather than tracking down multiple references. The downside to such consolidation is that it can make code unclear, requiring readers to follow chains of references to understand what the code is doing.
+One final aspect of writing clear tests and avoiding brittleness has to do with code sharing. Most software attempts to achieve a principle called DRY—『Don」t Repeat Yourself.』 DRY states that software is easier to maintain if every concept is canonically represented in one place and code duplication is kept to a minimum. This approach is especially valuable in making changes easier because an engineer needs to update only one piece of code rather than tracking down multiple references. The downside to such consolidation is that it can make code unclear, requiring readers to follow chains of references to understand what the code is doing.
-In normal production code, that downside is usually a small price to pay for making code easier to change and work with. But this cost/benefit analysis plays out a little differently in the context of test code. Good tests are designed to be stable, and in fact you usually want them to break when the system being tested changes. So DRY doesn’t have quite as much benefit when it comes to test code. At the same time, the costs of complexity are greater for tests: production code has the benefit of a test suite to ensure that it keeps working as it becomes complex, whereas tests must stand by themselves, risking bugs if they aren’t self-evidently correct. As mentioned earlier, something has gone wrong if tests start becoming complex enough that it feels like they need their own tests to ensure that they’re working properly.
+In normal production code, that downside is usually a small price to pay for making code easier to change and work with. But this cost/benefit analysis plays out a little differently in the context of test code. Good tests are designed to be stable, and in fact you usually want them to break when the system being tested changes. So DRY doesn」t have quite as much benefit when it comes to test code. At the same time, the costs of complexity are greater for tests: production code has the benefit of a test suite to ensure that it keeps working as it becomes complex, whereas tests must stand by themselves, risking bugs if they aren」t self-evidently correct. As mentioned earlier, something has gone wrong if tests start becoming complex enough that it feels like they need their own tests to ensure that they」re working properly.
-Instead of being completely DRY, test code should often strive to be DAMP—that is, to promote “Descriptive And Meaningful Phrases.” A little bit of duplication is OK in tests so long as that duplication makes the test simpler and clearer. To illustrate, Example 12-19 presents some tests that are far too DRY.
+Instead of being completely DRY, test code should often strive to be DAMP—that is, to promote 『Descriptive And Meaningful Phrases.』 A little bit of duplication is OK in tests so long as that duplication makes the test simpler and clearer. To illustrate, Example 12-19 presents some tests that are far too DRY.
-与其说是完全的DRY,不如说测试代码应该经常努力做到DAMP——也就是提倡 "描述性和有意义的短语"。在测试中,一点点的重复是可以的,只要这种重复能使测试更简单、更清晰。为了说明这一点,例12-19介绍了一些过于DRY的测试。
+與其說是完全的DRY,不如說測試程式碼應該經常努力做到DAMP——也就是提倡 "描述性和有意義的短語"。在測試中,一點點的重複是可以的,只要這種重複能使測試更簡單、更清晰。為了說明這一點,例12-19介紹了一些過於DRY的測試。
-*Example 12-19. A test that is too DRY* *例12-19. 一个过于DRY的测试*
+*Example 12-19. A test that is too DRY* *例12-19. 一個過於DRY的測試*
@@ -695,11 +695,11 @@ private static void validateForumAndUsers(Forum forum, List < User > users) {
-The problems in this code should be apparent based on the previous discussion of clarity. For one, although the test bodies are very concise, they are not complete: important details are hidden away in helper methods that the reader can’t see without having to scroll to a completely different part of the file. Those helpers are also full of logic that makes them more difficult to verify at a glance (did you spot the bug?). The test becomes much clearer when it’s rewritten to use DAMP, as shown in Example 12-20.
+The problems in this code should be apparent based on the previous discussion of clarity. For one, although the test bodies are very concise, they are not complete: important details are hidden away in helper methods that the reader can」t see without having to scroll to a completely different part of the file. Those helpers are also full of logic that makes them more difficult to verify at a glance (did you spot the bug?). The test becomes much clearer when it」s rewritten to use DAMP, as shown in Example 12-20.
-基于前面对清晰度的讨论,这段代码中的问题应该是显而易见的。首先,尽管测试主体非常简洁,但它们并不完整:重要的细节被隐藏在辅助方法中,读者如果不滚动到文件的完全不同部分就看不到这些方法。那些辅助方法也充满了逻辑,使它们更难以一目了然地验证(你发现了这个错误吗?) 当它被改写成使用DAMP时,测试就变得清晰多了,如例12-20所示。
+基於前面對清晰度的討論,這段程式碼中的問題應該是顯而易見的。首先,儘管測試主體非常簡潔,但它們並不完整:重要的細節被隱藏在輔助方法中,讀者如果不捲動到檔案的完全不同部分就看不到這些方法。那些輔助方法也充滿了邏輯,使它們更難以一目瞭然地驗證(你發現了這個錯誤嗎?) 當它被改寫成使用DAMP時,測試就變得清晰多了,如例12-20所示。
-*Example 12-20. Tests should be DAMP* *例12-20. 测试应该是DAMP*
+*Example 12-20. Tests should be DAMP* *例12-20. 測試應該是DAMP*
@@ -728,21 +728,21 @@ public void shouldNotRegisterBannedUsers() {
-These tests have more duplication, and the test bodies are a bit longer, but the extra verbosity is worth it. Each individual test is far more meaningful and can be understood entirely without leaving the test body. A reader of these tests can feel confident that the tests do what they claim to do and aren’t hiding any bugs.
+These tests have more duplication, and the test bodies are a bit longer, but the extra verbosity is worth it. Each individual test is far more meaningful and can be understood entirely without leaving the test body. A reader of these tests can feel confident that the tests do what they claim to do and aren」t hiding any bugs.
-DAMP is not a replacement for DRY; it is complementary to it. Helper methods and test infrastructure can still help make tests clearer by making them more concise, factoring out repetitive steps whose details aren’t relevant to the particular behavior being tested. The important point is that such refactoring should be done with an eye toward making tests more descriptive and meaningful, and not solely in the name of reducing repetition. The rest of this section will explore common patterns for sharing code across tests.
+DAMP is not a replacement for DRY; it is complementary to it. Helper methods and test infrastructure can still help make tests clearer by making them more concise, factoring out repetitive steps whose details aren」t relevant to the particular behavior being tested. The important point is that such refactoring should be done with an eye toward making tests more descriptive and meaningful, and not solely in the name of reducing repetition. The rest of this section will explore common patterns for sharing code across tests.
### Shared Values 共享值
Many tests are structured by defining a set of shared values to be used by tests and then by defining the tests that cover various cases for how these values interact. Example 12-21 illustrates what such tests look like.
-*Example 12-21. Shared values with ambiguous names* *例12-21. 名称不明确的共享值*
+*Example 12-21. Shared values with ambiguous names* *例12-21. 名稱不明確的共享值*
private static final Account ACCOUNT_1 = Account.newBuilder()
@@ -767,15 +767,15 @@ public void canBuyItem_returnsFalseWhenBalanceInsufficient() {
-This strategy can make tests very concise, but it causes problems as the test suite grows. For one, it can be difficult to understand why a particular value was chosen for a test. In Example 12-21, the test names fortunately clarify which scenarios are being tested, but you still need to scroll up to the definitions to confirm that ACCOUNT_1 and ACCOUNT_2 are appropriate for those scenarios. More descriptive constant names (e.g.,CLOSED_ACCOUNT and ACCOUNT_WITH_LOW_BALANCE) help a bit, but they still make it more difficult to see the exact details of the value being tested, and the ease of reusing these values can encourage engineers to do so even when the name doesn’t exactly describe what the test needs.
+This strategy can make tests very concise, but it causes problems as the test suite grows. For one, it can be difficult to understand why a particular value was chosen for a test. In Example 12-21, the test names fortunately clarify which scenarios are being tested, but you still need to scroll up to the definitions to confirm that ACCOUNT_1 and ACCOUNT_2 are appropriate for those scenarios. More descriptive constant names (e.g.,CLOSED_ACCOUNT and ACCOUNT_WITH_LOW_BALANCE) help a bit, but they still make it more difficult to see the exact details of the value being tested, and the ease of reusing these values can encourage engineers to do so even when the name doesn」t exactly describe what the test needs.
-此策略可以使测试非常简洁,但随着测试套件的增长,它会导致问题。首先,很难理解为什么选择某个特定值进行测试。在示例12-21中,幸运的是,测试名称澄清了正在测试的场景,但你仍然需要向上滚动到定义,以确认ACCOUNT_1和ACCOUNT_2适用于这些场景。更具描述性的常量名称(例如,CLOSED_ACCOUNT 和 ACCOUNT_WITH_LOW_BALANCE)有一些帮助,但它们仍然使查看被测试值的确切细节变得更加困难,并且重用这些值的方便性可以鼓励工程师这样做,即使名称不能准确描述测试需要什么。
+此策略可以使測試非常簡潔,但隨著測試套件的增長,它會導致問題。首先,很難理解為什麼選擇某個特定值進行測試。在範例12-21中,幸運的是,測試名稱澄清了正在測試的場景,但你仍然需要向上捲動到定義,以確認ACCOUNT_1和ACCOUNT_2適用於這些場景。更具描述性的常數名稱(例如,CLOSED_ACCOUNT 和 ACCOUNT_WITH_LOW_BALANCE)有一些幫助,但它們仍然使檢視被測試值的確切細節變得更加困難,並且重用這些值的方便性可以鼓勵工程師這樣做,即使名稱不能準確描述測試需要什麼。
Engineers are usually drawn to using shared constants because constructing individual values in each test can be verbose. A better way to accomplish this goal is to construct data using helper methods (see Example 12-22) that require the test author to specify only values they care about, and setting reasonable defaults7 for all other values. This construction is trivial to do in languages that support named parameters, but languages without named parameters can use constructs such as the Builder pattern to emulate them (often with the assistance of tools such as AutoValue):
-*Example 12-22. Shared values using helper methods* *例12-22. 使用辅助方法的共享值*
+*Example 12-22. Shared values using helper methods* *例12-22. 使用輔助方法的共享值*
# A helper method wraps a constructor by defining arbitrary defaults for
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ def newContact(
def test_fullNameShouldCombineFirstAndLastNames(self):
def contact = newContact(firstName = "Ada", lastName = "Lovelace") self.assertEqual(contact.fullName(), "Ada Lovelace")
-// Languages like Java that don’t support named parameters can emulate them
+// Languages like Java that don」t support named parameters can emulate them
// by returning a mutable "builder" object that represents the value under
// construction.
private static Contact.Builder newContact() {
@@ -812,27 +812,27 @@ public void fullNameShouldCombineFirstAndLastNames() {
Using helper methods to construct these values allows each test to create the exact values it needs without having to worry about specifying irrelevant information or conflicting with other tests.
-> [^7]: In many cases, it can even be useful to slightly randomize the default values returned for fields that aren’t explicitly set. This helps to ensure that two different instances won’t accidentally compare as equal, and makes it more difficult for engineers to hardcode dependencies on the defaults.
+> [^7]: In many cases, it can even be useful to slightly randomize the default values returned for fields that aren」t explicitly set. This helps to ensure that two different instances won」t accidentally compare as equal, and makes it more difficult for engineers to hardcode dependencies on the defaults.
-> 7 在许多情况下,甚至可以对未显式设置的字段返回的默认值进行轻微的随机化。这有助于确保两个不同的实例不会意外地比较为相等,并使工程师更依赖硬编码对默认值关系。
+> 7 在許多情況下,甚至可以對未顯式設定的欄位回傳的預設值進行輕微的隨機化。這有助於確保兩個不同的實例不會意外地比較為相等,並使工程師更依賴硬編碼對預設值關係。
-### Shared Setup 共享设置
+### Shared Setup 共享設定
-A related way that tests shared code is via setup/initialization logic. Many test frameworks allow engineers to define methods to execute before each test in a suite is run. Used appropriately, these methods can make tests clearer and more concise by obviating the repetition of tedious and irrelevant initialization logic. Used inappropriately, these methods can harm a test’s completeness by hiding important details in a separate initialization method.
+A related way that tests shared code is via setup/initialization logic. Many test frameworks allow engineers to define methods to execute before each test in a suite is run. Used appropriately, these methods can make tests clearer and more concise by obviating the repetition of tedious and irrelevant initialization logic. Used inappropriately, these methods can harm a test」s completeness by hiding important details in a separate initialization method.
-The best use case for setup methods is to construct the object under tests and its collaborators. This is useful when the majority of tests don’t care about the specific arguments used to construct those objects and can let them stay in their default states. The same idea also applies to stubbing return values for test doubles, which is a concept that we explore in more detail in Chapter 13.
+The best use case for setup methods is to construct the object under tests and its collaborators. This is useful when the majority of tests don」t care about the specific arguments used to construct those objects and can let them stay in their default states. The same idea also applies to stubbing return values for test doubles, which is a concept that we explore in more detail in Chapter 13.
-One risk in using setup methods is that they can lead to unclear tests if those tests begin to depend on the particular values used in setup. For example, the test in Example 12-23 seems incomplete because a reader of the test needs to go hunting to discover where the string “Donald Knuth” came from.
+One risk in using setup methods is that they can lead to unclear tests if those tests begin to depend on the particular values used in setup. For example, the test in Example 12-23 seems incomplete because a reader of the test needs to go hunting to discover where the string 『Donald Knuth』 came from.
-使用设置方法的一个风险是,如果这些测试开始依赖于设置中使用的特定值,它们可能导致测试不明确。例如,例12-23中的测试似乎不完整,因为测试的读者需要去寻找字符串“Donald Knuth”的来源。
+使用設定方法的一個風險是,如果這些測試開始依賴於設定中使用的特定值,它們可能導致測試不明確。例如,例12-23中的測試似乎不完整,因為測試的讀者需要去尋找字串『Donald Knuth』的來源。
-*Example 12-23. Dependencies on values in setup methods* *例12-23. 设置方法中对数值的依赖性*
+*Example 12-23. Dependencies on values in setup methods* *例12-23. 設定方法中對數值的依賴性*
private NameService nameService;
@@ -856,9 +856,9 @@ public void shouldReturnNameFromService() {
Tests like these that explicitly care about particular values should state those values directly, overriding the default defined in the setup method if need be. The resulting test contains slightly more repetition, as shown in Example 12-24, but the result is far more descriptive and meaningful.
-*Example 12-24. Overriding values in setup Methods* *例12-24. 重写设置方法中的值*
+*Example 12-24. Overriding values in setup Methods* *例12-24. 重寫設定方法中的值*
private NameService nameService;
@@ -879,21 +879,21 @@ public void shouldReturnNameFromService() {
-### Shared Helpers and Validation 共享辅助方法和验证
+### Shared Helpers and Validation 共享輔助方法和驗證
-The last common way that code is shared across tests is via “helper methods” called from the body of the test methods. We already discussed how helper methods can be a useful way for concisely constructing test values—this usage is warranted, but other types of helper methods can be dangerous.
+The last common way that code is shared across tests is via 『helper methods』 called from the body of the test methods. We already discussed how helper methods can be a useful way for concisely constructing test values—this usage is warranted, but other types of helper methods can be dangerous.
-最后一种在测试中共享代码的常见方式是通过从测试方法主体中调用 "辅助方法"。我们已经讨论了辅助方法如何成为简明地构建测试值的有用方法——这种用法是有必要的,但其他类型的辅助方法可能是危险的。
+最後一種在測試中共享程式碼的常見方式是透過從測試方法主體中呼叫 "輔助方法"。我們已經討論了輔助方法如何成為簡明地建立測試值的有用方法——這種用法是有必要的,但其他型別的輔助方法可能是危險的。
One common type of helper is a method that performs a common set of assertions against a system under test. The extreme example is a validate method called at the end of every test method, which performs a set of fixed checks against the system under test. Such a validation strategy can be a bad habit to get into because tests using this approach are less behavior driven. With such tests, it is much more difficult to determine the intent of any particular test and to infer what exact case the author had in mind when writing it. When bugs are introduced, this strategy can also make them more difficult to localize because they will frequently cause a large number of tests to start failing.
More focused validation methods can still be useful, however. The best validation helper methods assert a single conceptual fact about their inputs, in contrast to general-purpose validation methods that cover a range of conditions. Such methods can be particularly helpful when the condition that they are validating is conceptually simple but requires looping or conditional logic to implement that would reduce clarity were it included in the body of a test method. For example, the helper method in Example 12-25 might be useful in a test covering several different cases around account access.
-*Example 12-25. A conceptually simple test* *例12-25. 概念上简单的测试*
+*Example 12-25. A conceptually simple test* *例12-25. 概念上簡單的測試*
private void assertUserHasAccessToAccount(User user, Account account) {
@@ -906,31 +906,31 @@ private void assertUserHasAccessToAccount(User user, Account account) {
-### Defining Test Infrastructure 界定测试基础框架
+### Defining Test Infrastructure 界定測試基礎框架
-The techniques we’ve discussed so far cover sharing code across methods in a single test class or suite. Sometimes, it can also be valuable to share code across multiple test suites. We refer to this sort of code as test infrastructure. Though it is usually more valuable in integration or end-to-end tests, carefully designed test infrastructure can make unit tests much easier to write in some circumstances.
+The techniques we」ve discussed so far cover sharing code across methods in a single test class or suite. Sometimes, it can also be valuable to share code across multiple test suites. We refer to this sort of code as test infrastructure. Though it is usually more valuable in integration or end-to-end tests, carefully designed test infrastructure can make unit tests much easier to write in some circumstances.
-Custom test infrastructure must be approached more carefully than the code sharing that happens within a single test suite. In many ways, test infrastructure code is more similar to production code than it is to other test code given that it can have many callers that depend on it and can be difficult to change without introducing breakages. Most engineers aren’t expected to make changes to the common test infrastructure while testing their own features. Test infrastructure needs to be treated as its own separate product, and accordingly, test infrastructure must always have its own tests.
+Custom test infrastructure must be approached more carefully than the code sharing that happens within a single test suite. In many ways, test infrastructure code is more similar to production code than it is to other test code given that it can have many callers that depend on it and can be difficult to change without introducing breakages. Most engineers aren」t expected to make changes to the common test infrastructure while testing their own features. Test infrastructure needs to be treated as its own separate product, and accordingly, test infrastructure must always have its own tests.
-Of course, most of the test infrastructure that most engineers use comes in the form of well-known third-party libraries like JUnit. A huge number of such libraries are available, and standardizing on them within an organization should happen as early and universally as possible. For example, Google many years ago mandated Mockito as the only mocking framework that should be used in new Java tests and banned new tests from using other mocking frameworks. This edict produced some grumbling at the time from people comfortable with other frameworks, but today, it’s universally seen as a good move that made our tests easier to understand and work with.
+Of course, most of the test infrastructure that most engineers use comes in the form of well-known third-party libraries like JUnit. A huge number of such libraries are available, and standardizing on them within an organization should happen as early and universally as possible. For example, Google many years ago mandated Mockito as the only mocking framework that should be used in new Java tests and banned new tests from using other mocking frameworks. This edict produced some grumbling at the time from people comfortable with other frameworks, but today, it」s universally seen as a good move that made our tests easier to understand and work with.
## Conclusion
Unit tests are one of the most powerful tools that we as software engineers have to make sure that our systems keep working over time in the face of unanticipated changes. But with great power comes great responsibility, and careless use of unit testing can result in a system that requires much more effort to maintain and takes much more effort to change without actually improving our confidence in said system.
-Unit tests at Google are far from perfect, but we’ve found tests that follow the practices outlined in this chapter to be orders of magnitude more valuable than those that don’t. We hope they’ll help you to improve the quality of your own tests!
+Unit tests at Google are far from perfect, but we」ve found tests that follow the practices outlined in this chapter to be orders of magnitude more valuable than those that don」t. We hope they」ll help you to improve the quality of your own tests!
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- Strive for unchanging tests.
@@ -946,28 +946,28 @@ Unit tests at Google are far from perfect, but we’ve found tests that follow t
- Name tests after the behavior being tested.
-- Don’t put logic in tests.
+- Don」t put logic in tests.
- Write clear failure messages.
- Follow DAMP over DRY when sharing code for tests.
-- 努力实现稳定的测试。
+- 努力實現穩定的測試。
-- 通过公共API进行测试。
+- 透過公共API進行測試。
-- 测试状态,而不是交互。
+- 測試狀態,而不是互動。
-- 使你的测试完整和简明。
+- 使你的測試完整和簡明。
-- 测试行为,而不是方法。
+- 測試行為,而不是方法。
-- 强调行为的结构测试。
+- 強調行為的結構測試。
-- 使用被测试的行为来命名测试。
+- 使用被測試的行為來命名測試。
-- 不要把逻辑放在测试中。
+- 不要把邏輯放在測試中。
-- 编写清晰的失败信息。
+- 編寫清晰的失敗訊息。
-- 在共享测试的代码时,遵循DAMP而不是DRY。
+- 在共享測試的程式碼時,遵循DAMP而不是DRY。
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# Test Doubles
-# 第十三章 测试替代
+# 第十三章 測試替代
**Written by Andrew Trenk and Dillon Bly**
@@ -11,73 +11,73 @@
Unit tests are a critical tool for keeping developers productive and reducing defects in code. Although they can be easy to write for simple code, writing them becomes difficult as code becomes more complex.
-For example, imagine trying to write a test for a function that sends a request to an external server and then stores the response in a database. Writing a handful of tests might be doable with some effort. But if you need to write hundreds or thousands of tests like this, your test suite will likely take hours to run, and could become flaky due to issues like random network failures or tests overwriting one another’s data.
+For example, imagine trying to write a test for a function that sends a request to an external server and then stores the response in a database. Writing a handful of tests might be doable with some effort. But if you need to write hundreds or thousands of tests like this, your test suite will likely take hours to run, and could become flaky due to issues like random network failures or tests overwriting one another」s data.
-Test doubles come in handy in such cases. A test double is an object or function that can stand in for a real implementation in a test, similar to how a stunt double can stand in for an actor in a movie. The use of test doubles is often referred to as mocking, but we avoid that term in this chapter because, as we’ll see, that term is also used to refer to more specific aspects of test doubles.
+Test doubles come in handy in such cases. A test double is an object or function that can stand in for a real implementation in a test, similar to how a stunt double can stand in for an actor in a movie. The use of test doubles is often referred to as mocking, but we avoid that term in this chapter because, as we」ll see, that term is also used to refer to more specific aspects of test doubles.
-Perhaps the most obvious type of test double is a simpler implementation of an object that behaves similarly to the real implementation, such as an in-memory database. Other types of test doubles can make it possible to validate specific details of your system, such as by making it easy to trigger a rare error condition, or ensuring a heavyweight function is called without actually executing the function’s implementation.
+Perhaps the most obvious type of test double is a simpler implementation of an object that behaves similarly to the real implementation, such as an in-memory database. Other types of test doubles can make it possible to validate specific details of your system, such as by making it easy to trigger a rare error condition, or ensuring a heavyweight function is called without actually executing the function」s implementation.
-The previous two chapters introduced the concept of small tests and discussed why they should comprise the majority of tests in a test suite. However, production code often doesn’t fit within the constraints of small tests due to communication across multiple processes or machines. Test doubles can be much more lightweight than real implementations, allowing you to write many small tests that execute quickly and are not flaky.
+The previous two chapters introduced the concept of small tests and discussed why they should comprise the majority of tests in a test suite. However, production code often doesn」t fit within the constraints of small tests due to communication across multiple processes or machines. Test doubles can be much more lightweight than real implementations, allowing you to write many small tests that execute quickly and are not flaky.
-## The Impact of Test Doubles on Software Development 测试替代对软件开发的影响
+## The Impact of Test Doubles on Software Development 測試替代對軟體開發的影響
The use of test doubles introduces a few complications to software development that require some trade-offs to be made. The concepts introduced here are discussed in more depth throughout this chapter:
- To use test doubles, a codebase needs to be designed to be testable—it should be possible for tests to swap out real implementations with test doubles. For example, code that calls a database needs to be flexible enough to be able to use a test double in place of a real database. If the codebase isn’t designed with testing in mind and you later decide that tests are needed, it can require a major commitment to refactor the code to support the use of test doubles.
+ To use test doubles, a codebase needs to be designed to be testable—it should be possible for tests to swap out real implementations with test doubles. For example, code that calls a database needs to be flexible enough to be able to use a test double in place of a real database. If the codebase isn」t designed with testing in mind and you later decide that tests are needed, it can require a major commitment to refactor the code to support the use of test doubles.
Although proper application of test doubles can provide a powerful boost to engineering velocity, their improper use can lead to tests that are brittle, complex, and less effective. These downsides are magnified when test doubles are used improperly across a large codebase, potentially resulting in major losses in productivity for engineers. In many cases, test doubles are not suitable and engineers should prefer to use real implementations instead.
- Fidelity refers to how closely the behavior of a test double resembles the behavior of the real implementation that it’s replacing. If the behavior of a test double significantly differs from the real implementation, tests that use the test double likely wouldn’t provide much value—for example, imagine trying to write a test with a test double for a database that ignores any data added to the database and always returns empty results. But perfect fidelity might not be feasible; test doubles often need to be vastly simpler than the real implementation in order to be suitable for use in tests. In many situations, it is appropriate to use a test double even without perfect fidelity. Unit tests that use test doubles often need to be supplemented by larger-scope tests that exercise the real implementation.
+ Fidelity refers to how closely the behavior of a test double resembles the behavior of the real implementation that it」s replacing. If the behavior of a test double significantly differs from the real implementation, tests that use the test double likely wouldn」t provide much value—for example, imagine trying to write a test with a test double for a database that ignores any data added to the database and always returns empty results. But perfect fidelity might not be feasible; test doubles often need to be vastly simpler than the real implementation in order to be suitable for use in tests. In many situations, it is appropriate to use a test double even without perfect fidelity. Unit tests that use test doubles often need to be supplemented by larger-scope tests that exercise the real implementation.
- 为了使用测试替代,需要将代码库设计成可测试的--测试应该可以用测试替代替换实际实现。例如,调用数据库的代码需要足够灵活,以便能够使用测试替代来代替真正的数据库。如果代码库在设计时没有考虑到测试,而你后来决定需要测试,那么可能需要进行大量的提交来重构代码,以支持使用测试替代。
+ 為了使用測試替代,需要將程式碼庫設計成可測試的--測試應該可以用測試替代替換實際實現。例如,呼叫資料庫的程式碼需要足夠靈活,以便能夠使用測試替代來代替真正的資料庫。如果程式碼庫在設計時沒有考慮到測試,而你後來決定需要測試,那麼可能需要進行大量的送出來重構程式碼,以支援使用測試替代。
- 尽管适当地应用测试替代可以极大地提高工程速度,但其使用不当会导致测试变得脆弱、复杂且低效。当测试替代在大型代码库中使用不当时,这些缺点就会被放大,这可能会导致工程师在生产效率方面的重大损失。在许多情况下,测试替代是不合适的,工程师应该倾向于使用真实的实现。
+ 儘管適當地應用測試替代可以極大地提高工程速度,但其使用不當會導致測試變得脆弱、複雜且低效。當測試替代在大型程式碼庫中使用不當時,這些缺點就會被放大,這可能會導致工程師在生產效率方面的重大損失。在許多情況下,測試替代是不合適的,工程師應該傾向於使用真實的實現。
- 仿真度是指测试替代的行为与它所替代的真实实现的行为有多大的相似性。如果测试替代的行为与真正的实现有很大的不同,那么使用测试替代的测试可能不会提供太多的价值——例如,想象一下,尝试用测试替代为一个数据库写一个测试,这个数据库忽略了添加到数据库的任何数据,总是返回空结果。这样做是完美的仿真度不能接受的;测试替代通常需要比实际的实现简单得多,以便适合在测试中使用。在许多情况下,即使没有完美的仿真度,使用测试替代也是合适的。使用测试替代的单元测试通常需要由执行实际实现的更大范围的测试来支持。
+ 模擬度是指測試替代的行為與它所替代的真實實現的行為有多大的相似性。如果測試替代的行為與真正的實現有很大的不同,那麼使用測試替代的測試可能不會提供太多的價值——例如,想象一下,嘗試用測試替代為一個資料庫寫一個測試,這個資料庫忽略了新增到資料庫的任何資料,總是回傳空結果。這樣做是完美的模擬度不能接受的;測試替代通常需要比實際的實現簡單得多,以便適合在測試中使用。在許多情況下,即使沒有完美的模擬度,使用測試替代也是合適的。使用測試替代的單元測試通常需要由執行實際實現的更大範圍的測試來支援。
-## Test Doubles at Google 谷歌的测试替代
+## Test Doubles at Google 谷歌的測試替代
-At Google, we’ve seen countless examples of the benefits to productivity and software quality that test doubles can bring to a codebase, as well as the negative impact they can cause when used improperly. The practices we follow at Google have evolved over time based on these experiences. Historically, we had few guidelines on how to effectively use test doubles, but best practices evolved as we saw common patterns and antipatterns arise in many teams’ codebases.
+At Google, we」ve seen countless examples of the benefits to productivity and software quality that test doubles can bring to a codebase, as well as the negative impact they can cause when used improperly. The practices we follow at Google have evolved over time based on these experiences. Historically, we had few guidelines on how to effectively use test doubles, but best practices evolved as we saw common patterns and antipatterns arise in many teams」 codebases.
-One lesson we learned the hard way is the danger of overusing mocking frameworks, which allow you to easily create test doubles (we will discuss mocking frameworks in more detail later in this chapter). When mocking frameworks first came into use at Google, they seemed like a hammer fit for every nail—they made it very easy to write highly focused tests against isolated pieces of code without having to worry about how to construct the dependencies of that code. It wasn’t until several years and countless tests later that we began to realize the cost of such tests: though these tests were easy to write, we suffered greatly given that they required constant effort to maintain while rarely finding bugs. The pendulum at Google has now begun swinging in the other direction, with many engineers avoiding mocking frameworks in favor of writing more realistic tests.
+One lesson we learned the hard way is the danger of overusing mocking frameworks, which allow you to easily create test doubles (we will discuss mocking frameworks in more detail later in this chapter). When mocking frameworks first came into use at Google, they seemed like a hammer fit for every nail—they made it very easy to write highly focused tests against isolated pieces of code without having to worry about how to construct the dependencies of that code. It wasn」t until several years and countless tests later that we began to realize the cost of such tests: though these tests were easy to write, we suffered greatly given that they required constant effort to maintain while rarely finding bugs. The pendulum at Google has now begun swinging in the other direction, with many engineers avoiding mocking frameworks in favor of writing more realistic tests.
-Even though the practices discussed in this chapter are generally agreed upon at Google, the actual application of them varies widely from team to team. This variance stems from engineers having inconsistent knowledge of these practices, inertia in an existing codebase that doesn’t conform to these practices, or teams doing what is easiest for the short term without thinking about the long-term implications.
+Even though the practices discussed in this chapter are generally agreed upon at Google, the actual application of them varies widely from team to team. This variance stems from engineers having inconsistent knowledge of these practices, inertia in an existing codebase that doesn」t conform to these practices, or teams doing what is easiest for the short term without thinking about the long-term implications.
## Basic Concepts 基本概念
-Before we dive into how to effectively use test doubles, let’s cover some of the basic concepts related to them. These build the foundation for best practices that we will discuss later in this chapter.
+Before we dive into how to effectively use test doubles, let」s cover some of the basic concepts related to them. These build the foundation for best practices that we will discuss later in this chapter.
-### An Example Test Double 测试替代的示例
+### An Example Test Double 測試替代的範例
Imagine an ecommerce site that needs to process credit card payments. At its core, it might have something like the code shown in [Example 13-1](#_bookmark1068).
*Example* *13-1.* *A* *credit* *card* *service*
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class PaymentProcessor {
It would be infeasible to use a real credit card service in a test (imagine all the transaction fees from running the test!), but a test double could be used in its place to *simulate* the behavior of the real system. The code in Example 13-2 shows an extremely simple test double.
*Example 13-2. A trivial test double*
@@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ class TestDoubleCreditCardService implements CreditCardService {
-Although this test double doesn’t look very useful, using it in a test still allows us to test some of the logic in the makePayment() method. For example, in Example 13-3, we can validate that the method behaves properly when the credit card is expired because the code path that the test exercises doesn’t rely on the behavior of the credit card service.
+Although this test double doesn」t look very useful, using it in a test still allows us to test some of the logic in the makePayment() method. For example, in Example 13-3, we can validate that the method behaves properly when the credit card is expired because the code path that the test exercises doesn」t rely on the behavior of the credit card service.
*Example 13-3. Using the test double*
@@ -124,25 +124,25 @@ Although this test double doesn’t look very useful, using it in a test still a
The following sections in this chapter will discuss how to make use of test doubles in more complex situations than this one.
### Seams
Code is said to be [*testable* ](https://oreil.ly/yssV2)if it is written in a way that makes it possible to write unit tests for the code. A [*seam* ](https://oreil.ly/pFSFf)is a way to make code testable by allowing for the use of test doubles—it makes it possible to use different dependencies for the system under test rather than the dependencies used in a production environment.
-[*Dependency* *injection* ](https://oreil.ly/og9p9)is a common technique for introducing seams. In short, when a class utilizes dependency injection, any classes it needs to use (i.e., the class’s *dependencies*) are passed to it rather than instantiated directly, making it possible for these dependencies to be substituted in tests.
+[*Dependency* *injection* ](https://oreil.ly/og9p9)is a common technique for introducing seams. In short, when a class utilizes dependency injection, any classes it needs to use (i.e., the class」s *dependencies*) are passed to it rather than instantiated directly, making it possible for these dependencies to be substituted in tests.
[Example 13-4 ](#_bookmark1074)shows an example of dependency injection. Rather than the constructor creating an instance of CreditCardService, it accepts an instance as a parameter.
*Example* *13-4.* *Dependency* *injection*
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class PaymentProcessor {
The code that calls this constructor is responsible for creating an appropriate Credit CardService instance. Whereas the production code can pass in an implementation of CreditCardService that communicates with an external server, the test can pass in a test double, as demonstrated in [Example 13-5](#_bookmark1075).
*Example 13-5. Passing in a test double*
@@ -171,25 +171,25 @@ PaymentProcessor paymentProcessor =
To reduce boilerplate associated with manually specifying constructors, automated dependency injection frameworks can be used for constructing object graphs automatically. At Google, [Guice](https://github.com/google/guice)and [Dagger](https://google.github.io/dagger)are automated dependency injection frameworks that are commonly used for Java code.
With dynamically typed languages such as Python or JavaScript, it is possible to dynamically replace individual functions or object methods. Dependency injection is less important in these languages because this capability makes it possible to use real implementations of dependencies in tests while only overriding functions or methods of the dependency that are unsuitable for tests.
Writing testable code requires an upfront investment. It is especially critical early in the lifetime of a codebase because the later testability is taken into account, the more difficult it is to apply to a codebase. Code written without testing in mind typically needs to be refactored or rewritten before you can add appropriate tests.
-### Mocking Frameworks 模拟框架
+### Mocking Frameworks 模擬框架
-A *mocking framework* is a software library that makes it easier to create test doubles within tests; it allows you to replace an object with a *mock*, which is a test double whose behavior is specified inline in a test. The use of mocking frameworks reduces boilerplate because you don’t need to define a new class each time you need a test double.
+A *mocking framework* is a software library that makes it easier to create test doubles within tests; it allows you to replace an object with a *mock*, which is a test double whose behavior is specified inline in a test. The use of mocking frameworks reduces boilerplate because you don」t need to define a new class each time you need a test double.
Example 13-6 demonstrates the use of [Mockito](https://site.mockito.org/), a mocking framework for Java. Mockito creates a test double for CreditCardService and instructs it to return a specific value.
- 例13-6演示了[Mockito](https://site.mockito.org/)的使用,这是一个Java的模拟框架。Mockito为CreditCardService创建了一个测试替代,并指定它返回一个特定的值。
+ 例13-6示範了[Mockito](https://site.mockito.org/)的使用,這是一個Java的模擬框架。Mockito為CreditCardService建立了一個測試替代,並指定它回傳一個特定的值。
*Example 13-6. Mocking frameworks*
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ PaymentProcessor paymentProcessor;
@Test public void chargeCreditCardFails_returnFalse() {
// Give some behavior to the test double: it will return false
// anytime the chargeCreditCard() method is called. The usage of
- // “any()” for the method’s arguments tells the test double to
+ // 『any()』 for the method」s arguments tells the test double to
// return false regardless of which arguments are passed.
when(mockCreditCardService.chargeCreditCard(any(), any())
@@ -221,27 +221,27 @@ PaymentProcessor paymentProcessor;
Mocking frameworks exist for most major programming languages. At Google, we use Mockito for Java, [the googlemock component of Googletest](https://github.com/google/googletest)for C++, and [unittest.mock](https://oreil.ly/clzvH)for Python.
-大多数主要的编程语言都有模拟框架。在Google,我们在Java中使用Mockito,在C++中使用[Googletest的googlemock组件](https://github.com/google/googletest),在Python中使用[uni-ttest.mock](https://oreil.ly/clzvH) 。
+大多數主要的程式語言都有模擬框架。在Google,我們在Java中使用Mockito,在C++中使用[Googletest的googlemock元件](https://github.com/google/googletest),在Python中使用[uni-ttest.mock](https://oreil.ly/clzvH) 。
Although mocking frameworks facilitate easier usage of test doubles, they come with some significant caveats given that their overuse will often make a codebase more difficult to maintain. We cover some of these problems later in this chapter.
-## Techniques for Using Test Doubles 测试替代的使用技巧
+## Techniques for Using Test Doubles 測試替代的使用技巧
There are three primary techniques for using test doubles. This section presents a brief introduction to these techniques to give you a quick overview of what they are and how they differ. Later sections in this chapter go into more details on how to effectively apply them.
An engineer who is aware of the distinctions between these techniques is more likely to know the appropriate technique to use when faced with the need to use a test double.
-### Faking 伪造
+### Faking 偽造
-A [*fake*](https://oreil.ly/rymnI) is a lightweight implementation of an API that behaves similar to the real implementation but isn’t suitable for production; for example, an in-memory database. Example 13-7presents an example of faking.
+A [*fake*](https://oreil.ly/rymnI) is a lightweight implementation of an API that behaves similar to the real implementation but isn」t suitable for production; for example, an in-memory database. Example 13-7presents an example of faking.
- [*fake*](https://oreil.ly/rymnI)是一个API的轻量级实现,其行为类似于真实实现,但不适合生产;例如,一个内存数据库。例13-7介绍了一个伪造的例子。
+ [*fake*](https://oreil.ly/rymnI)是一個API的輕量級實現,其行為類似於真實實現,但不適合生產;例如,一個記憶體資料庫。例13-7介紹了一個偽造的例子。
*Example 13-7. A simple* *fake*
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ A [*fake*](https://oreil.ly/rymnI) is a lightweight implementation of an API tha
AuthorizationService fakeAuthorizationService = new FakeAuthorizationService();
AccessManager accessManager = new AccessManager(fakeAuthorizationService):
-// Unknown user IDs shouldn’t have access.
+// Unknown user IDs shouldn」t have access.
// The user ID should have access after it is added to
@@ -262,17 +262,17 @@ assertThat(accessManager.userHasAccess(USER_ID)).isTrue();
Using a fake is often the ideal technique when you need to use a test double, but a fake might not exist for an object you need to use in a test, and writing one can be challenging because you need to ensure that it has similar behavior to the real implementation, now and in the future.
-### Stubbing 打桩
+### Stubbing 打樁
[*Stubbing*](https://oreil.ly/gmShS)is the process of giving behavior to a function that otherwise has no behavior on its own—you specify to the function exactly what values to return (that is, you *stub* the return values).
[Example 13-8](#_bookmark1093) illustrates stubbing. The when(...).thenReturn(...) method calls from the Mockito mocking framework specify the behavior of the lookupUser() method.
*Example* *13-8.* *Stubbing*
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ Using a fake is often the ideal technique when you need to use a test double, bu
// Pass in a test double that was created by a mocking framework.
AccessManager accessManager = new AccessManager(mockAuthorizationService):
-// The user ID shouldn’t have access if null is returned.
+// The user ID shouldn」t have access if null is returned.
@@ -291,21 +291,21 @@ assertThat(accessManager.userHasAccess(USER_ID)).isTrue();
Stubbing is typically done through mocking frameworks to reduce boilerplate that would otherwise be needed for manually creating new classes that hardcode return values.
-Although stubbing can be a quick and simple technique to apply, it has limitations, which we’ll discuss later in this chapter.
+Although stubbing can be a quick and simple technique to apply, it has limitations, which we」ll discuss later in this chapter.
-### Interaction Testing 交互测试
+### Interaction Testing 互動測試
-[*Interaction testing*](https://oreil.ly/zGfFn)is a way to validate *how* a function is called without actually calling the implementation of the function. A test should fail if a function isn’t called the correct way—for example, if the function isn’t called at all, it’s called too many times, or it’s called with the wrong arguments.
+[*Interaction testing*](https://oreil.ly/zGfFn)is a way to validate *how* a function is called without actually calling the implementation of the function. A test should fail if a function isn」t called the correct way—for example, if the function isn」t called at all, it」s called too many times, or it」s called with the wrong arguments.
Example 13-9 presents an instance of interaction testing. The verify(...) method from the Mockito mocking framework is used to validate that lookupUser() is called as expected.
-例13-9展示了一个交互测试的实例。来自Mockito 模拟框架的verify(...)方法被用来验证lookupUser()是否按预期调用。
+例13-9展示了一個互動測試的實例。來自Mockito 模擬框架的verify(...)方法被用來驗證lookupUser()是否按預期呼叫。
*Example* *13-9. Interaction testing*
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ Example 13-9 presents an instance of interaction testing. The verify(...) method
AccessManager accessManager = new AccessManager(mockAuthorizationService);
-// The test will fail if accessManager.userHasAccess(USER_ID) didn’t call
+// The test will fail if accessManager.userHasAccess(USER_ID) didn」t call
// mockAuthorizationService.lookupUser(USER_ID).
@@ -322,59 +322,59 @@ verify(mockAuthorizationService).lookupUser(USER_ID);
Similar to stubbing, interaction testing is typically done through mocking frameworks. This reduces boilerplate compared to manually creating new classes that contain code to keep track of how often a function is called and which arguments were passed in.
Interaction testing is sometimes called [*mocking*](https://oreil.ly/IfMoR). We avoid this terminology in this chapter because it can be confused with mocking frameworks, which can be used for stubbing as well as for interaction testing.
As discussed later in this chapter, interaction testing is useful in certain situations but should be avoided when possible because overuse can easily result in brittle tests.
-### Real Implementations 真实实现
+### Real Implementations 真實實現
-Although test doubles can be invaluable testing tools, our first choice for tests is to use the real implementations of the system under test’s dependencies; that is, the same implementations that are used in production code. Tests have higher fidelity when they execute code as it will be executed in production, and using real implementations helps accomplish this.
+Although test doubles can be invaluable testing tools, our first choice for tests is to use the real implementations of the system under test」s dependencies; that is, the same implementations that are used in production code. Tests have higher fidelity when they execute code as it will be executed in production, and using real implementations helps accomplish this.
-At Google, the preference for real implementations developed over time as we saw that overuse of mocking frameworks had a tendency to pollute tests with repetitive code that got out of sync with the real implementation and made refactoring difficult. We’ll look at this topic in more detail later in this chapter.
+At Google, the preference for real implementations developed over time as we saw that overuse of mocking frameworks had a tendency to pollute tests with repetitive code that got out of sync with the real implementation and made refactoring difficult. We」ll look at this topic in more detail later in this chapter.
Preferring real implementations in tests is known as [*classical testing*](https://oreil.ly/OWw7h). There is also a style of testing known as *mockist testing*, in which the preference is to use mocking frameworks instead of real implementations. Even though some people in the software industry practice mockist testing (including the [creators of the first mocking](https://oreil.ly/_QWy7) [frameworks](https://oreil.ly/_QWy7)), at Google, we have found that this style of testing is difficult to scale. It requires engineers to follow [strict guidelines when designing the system under test](http://jmock.org/oopsla2004.pdf), and the default behavior of most engineers at Google has been to write code in a way that is more suitable for the classical testing style.
-### Prefer Realism Over Isolation 优先考虑现实性而非孤立性
+### Prefer Realism Over Isolation 優先考慮現實性而非孤立性
Using real implementations for dependencies makes the system under test more realistic given that all code in these real implementations will be executed in the test. In contrast, a test that utilizes test doubles isolates the system under test from its dependencies so that the test does not execute code in the dependencies of the system under test.
We prefer realistic tests because they give more confidence that the system under test is working properly. If unit tests rely too much on test doubles, an engineer might need to run integration tests or manually verify that their feature is working as expected in order to gain this same level of confidence. Carrying out these extra tasks can slow down development and can even allow bugs to slip through if engineers skip these tasks entirely when they are too time consuming to carry out compared to running unit tests.
Replacing all dependencies of a class with test doubles arbitrarily isolates the system under test to the implementation that the author happens to put directly into the class and excludes implementation that happens to be in different classes. However, a good test should be independent of implementation—it should be written in terms of the API being tested rather than in terms of how the implementation is structured.
-Using real implementations can cause your test to fail if there is a bug in the real implementation. This is good! You *want* your tests to fail in such cases because it indicates that your code won’t work properly in production. Sometimes, a bug in a real implementation can cause a cascade of test failures because other tests that use the real implementation might fail, too. But with good developer tools, such as a Continuous Integration (CI) system, it is usually easy to track down the change that caused the failure.
+Using real implementations can cause your test to fail if there is a bug in the real implementation. This is good! You *want* your tests to fail in such cases because it indicates that your code won」t work properly in production. Sometimes, a bug in a real implementation can cause a cascade of test failures because other tests that use the real implementation might fail, too. But with good developer tools, such as a Continuous Integration (CI) system, it is usually easy to track down the change that caused the failure.
#### Case Study: @DoNotMock 案例研究:@DoNotMock
-At Google, we’ve seen enough tests that over-rely on mocking frameworks to motivate the creation of the @DoNotMock annotation in Java, which is available as part of the [ErrorProne](https://github.com/google/error-prone)static analysis tool. This annotation is a way for API owners to declare, “this type should not be mocked because better alternatives exist.”
+At Google, we」ve seen enough tests that over-rely on mocking frameworks to motivate the creation of the @DoNotMock annotation in Java, which is available as part of the [ErrorProne](https://github.com/google/error-prone)static analysis tool. This annotation is a way for API owners to declare, 『this type should not be mocked because better alternatives exist.』
If an engineer attempts to use a mocking framework to create an instance of a class or interface that has been annotated as @DoNotMock, as demonstrated in Example 13-10, they will see an error directing them to use a more suitable test strategy, such as a real implementation or a fake. This annotation is most commonly used for value objects that are simple enough to use as-is, as well as for APIs that have well-engineered fakes available.
*Example* *13-10. The @DoNotMock annotation*
@@ -385,79 +385,79 @@ public abstract class Query {
-Why would an API owner care? In short, it severely constrains the API owner’s ability to make changes to their implementation over time. As we’ll explore later in the chapter, every time a mocking framework is used for stubbing or interaction testing, it duplicates behavior provided by the API.
+Why would an API owner care? In short, it severely constrains the API owner」s ability to make changes to their implementation over time. As we」ll explore later in the chapter, every time a mocking framework is used for stubbing or interaction testing, it duplicates behavior provided by the API.
-When the API owner wants to change their API, they might find that it has been mocked thousands or even tens of thousands of times throughout Google’s codebase! These test doubles are very likely to exhibit behavior that violates the API contract of the type being mocked—for instance, returning null for a method that can never return null. Had the tests used the real implementation or a fake, the API owner could make changes to their implementation without first fixing thousands of flawed tests.
+When the API owner wants to change their API, they might find that it has been mocked thousands or even tens of thousands of times throughout Google」s codebase! These test doubles are very likely to exhibit behavior that violates the API contract of the type being mocked—for instance, returning null for a method that can never return null. Had the tests used the real implementation or a fake, the API owner could make changes to their implementation without first fixing thousands of flawed tests.
-### How to Decide When to Use a Real Implementation 如何决定何时使用真实实现
+### How to Decide When to Use a Real Implementation 如何決定何時使用真實實現
A real implementation is preferred if it is fast, deterministic, and has simple dependencies. For example, a real implementation should be used for a [*value object*](https://oreil.ly/UZiXP). Examples include an amount of money, a date, a geographical address, or a collection class such as a list or a map.
-However, for more complex code, using a real implementation often isn’t feasible. There might not be an exact answer on when to use a real implementation or a test double given that there are trade-offs to be made, so you need to take the following considerations into account.
+However, for more complex code, using a real implementation often isn」t feasible. There might not be an exact answer on when to use a real implementation or a test double given that there are trade-offs to be made, so you need to take the following considerations into account.
-#### Execution time 执行时间
+#### Execution time 執行時間
One of the most important qualities of unit tests is that they should be fast—you want to be able to continually run them during development so that you can get quick feedback on whether your code is working (and you also want them to finish quickly when run in a CI system). As a result, a test double can be very useful when the real implementation is slow.
How slow is too slow for a unit test? If a real implementation added one millisecond to the running time of each individual test case, few people would classify it as slow. But what if it added 10 milliseconds, 100 milliseconds, 1 second, and so on?
There is no exact answer here—it can depend on whether engineers feel a loss in productivity, and how many tests are using the real implementation (one second extra per test case may be reasonable if there are five test cases, but not if there are 500). For borderline situations, it is often simpler to use a real implementation until it becomes too slow to use, at which point the tests can be updated to use a test double instead.
Parellelization of tests can also help reduce execution time. At Google, our test infrastructure makes it trivial to split up tests in a test suite to be executed across multiple servers. This increases the cost of CPU time, but it can provide a large savings in developer time. We discuss this more in [Chapter 18](#_bookmark1596).
Another trade-off to be aware of: using a real implementation can result in increased build times given that the tests need to build the real implementation as well as all of its dependencies. Using a highly scalable build system like [Bazel ](https://bazel.build/)can help because it caches unchanged build artifacts.
-#### Determinism 确定性
+#### Determinism 確定性
A test is [*deterministic*](https://oreil.ly/brxJl)if, for a given version of the system under test, running the test always results in the same outcome; that is, the test either always passes or always fails. In contrast, a test is [*nondeterministic*](https://oreil.ly/5pG0f)if its outcome can change, even if the system under test remains unchanged.
[Nondeterminism in tests ](https://oreil.ly/71OFU)can lead to flakiness—tests can occasionally fail even when there are no changes to the system under test. As discussed in Chapter 11, flakiness harms the health of a test suite if developers start to distrust the results of the test and ignore failures. If use of a real implementation rarely causes flakiness, it might not warrant a response, because there is little disruption to engineers. But if flakiness hap‐pens often, it might be time to replace a real implementation with a test double because doing so will improve the fidelity of the test.
A real implementation can be much more complex compared to a test double, which increases the likelihood that it will be nondeterministic. For example, a real implementation that utilizes multithreading might occasionally cause a test to fail if the output of the system under test differs depending on the order in which the threads are executed.
A common cause of nondeterminism is code that is not [hermetic](https://oreil.ly/aes__); that is, it has dependencies on external services that are outside the control of a test. For example, a test that tries to read the contents of a web page from an HTTP server might fail if the server is overloaded or if the web page contents change. Instead, a test double should be used to prevent the test from depending on an external server. If using a test double is not feasible, another option is to use a hermetic instance of a server, which has its life cycle controlled by the test. Hermetic instances are discussed in more detail in the next chapter.
Another example of nondeterminism is code that relies on the system clock given that the output of the system under test can differ depending on the current time. Instead of relying on the system clock, a test can use a test double that hardcodes a specific time.
-#### Dependency construction 依赖关系的构建
+#### Dependency construction 依賴關係的建立
When using a real implementation, you need to construct all of its dependencies. For example, an object needs its entire dependency tree to be constructed: all objects that it depends on, all objects that these dependent objects depend on, and so on. A test double often has no dependencies, so constructing a test double can be much simpler compared to constructing a real implementation.
-As an extreme example, imagine trying to create the object in the code snippet that follows in a test. It would be time consuming to determine how to construct each individual object. Tests will also require constant maintenance because they need to be updated when the signature of these objects’ constructors is modified:
+As an extreme example, imagine trying to create the object in the code snippet that follows in a test. It would be time consuming to determine how to construct each individual object. Tests will also require constant maintenance because they need to be updated when the signature of these objects」 constructors is modified:
Foo foo = new Foo(new A(new B(new C()), new D()), new E(), ..., new Z());
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ Foo foo = new Foo(new A(new B(new C()), new D()), new E(), ..., new Z());
It can be tempting to instead use a test double because constructing one can be trivial. For example, this is all it takes to construct a test double when using the Mockito mocking framework:
@@ -474,17 +474,17 @@ Foo mockFoo;
Although creating this test double is much simpler, there are significant benefits to using the real implementation, as discussed earlier in this section. There are also often significant downsides to overusing test doubles in this way, which we look at later in this chapter. So, a trade-off needs to be made when considering whether to use a real implementation or a test double.
Rather than manually constructing the object in tests, the ideal solution is to use the same object construction code that is used in the production code, such as a factory method or automated dependency injection. To support the use case for tests, the object construction code needs to be flexible enough to be able to use test doubles rather than hardcoding the implementations that will be used for production.
-## Faking 伪造测试
+## Faking 偽造測試
-If using a real implementation is not feasible within a test, the best option is often to use a fake in its place. A fake is preferred over other test double techniques because it behaves similarly to the real implementation: the system under test shouldn’t even be able to tell whether it is interacting with a real implementation or a fake. Example 13-11illustrates a fake file system.
+If using a real implementation is not feasible within a test, the best option is often to use a fake in its place. A fake is preferred over other test double techniques because it behaves similarly to the real implementation: the system under test shouldn」t even be able to tell whether it is interacting with a real implementation or a fake. Example 13-11illustrates a fake file system.
*Example* *13-11.* *A* *fake* *file* *system*
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ If using a real implementation is not feasible within a test, the best option is
// used by the real implementation.
public class FakeFileSystem implements FileSystem {
// Stores a map of file name to file contents. The files are stored in
- // memory instead of on disk since tests shouldn’t need to do disk I/O.
+ // memory instead of on disk since tests shouldn」t need to do disk I/O.
private Map < String, String > files = new HashMap< > ();
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ public class FakeFileSystem implements FileSystem {
public String readFile(String fileName) {
String contents = files.get(fileName);
// The real implementation will throw this exception if the
- // file isn’t found, so the fake must throw it too.
+ // file isn」t found, so the fake must throw it too.
if(contents == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(fileName);
@@ -515,97 +515,97 @@ public class FakeFileSystem implements FileSystem {
-### Why Are Fakes Important? 为什么伪造测试很重要?
+### Why Are Fakes Important? 為什麼偽造測試很重要?
Fakes can be a powerful tool for testing: they execute quickly and allow you to effectively test your code without the drawbacks of using real implementations.
A single fake has the power to radically improve the testing experience of an API. If you scale that to a large number of fakes for all sorts of APIs, fakes can provide an enormous boost to engineering velocity across a software organization.
-At the other end of the spectrum, in a software organization where fakes are rare, velocity will be slower because engineers can end up struggling with using real implementations that lead to slow and flaky tests. Or engineers might resort to other test double techniques such as stubbing or interaction testing, which, as we’ll examine later in this chapter, can result in tests that are unclear, brittle, and less effective.
+At the other end of the spectrum, in a software organization where fakes are rare, velocity will be slower because engineers can end up struggling with using real implementations that lead to slow and flaky tests. Or engineers might resort to other test double techniques such as stubbing or interaction testing, which, as we」ll examine later in this chapter, can result in tests that are unclear, brittle, and less effective.
-### When Should Fakes Be Written? 什么时候应该写伪造测试?
+### When Should Fakes Be Written? 什麼時候應該寫偽造測試?
A fake requires more effort and more domain experience to create because it needs to behave similarly to the real implementation. A fake also requires maintenance: whenever the behavior of the real implementation changes, the fake must also be updated to match this behavior. Because of this, the team that owns the real implementation should write and maintain a fake.
If a team is considering writing a fake, a trade-off needs to be made on whether the productivity improvements that will result from the use of the fake outweigh the costs of writing and maintaining it. If there are only a handful of users, it might not be worth their time, whereas if there are hundreds of users, it can result in an obvious productivity improvement.
-To reduce the number of fakes that need to be maintained, a fake should typically be created only at the root of the code that isn’t feasible for use in tests. For example, if a database can’t be used in tests, a fake should exist for the database API itself rather than for each class that calls the database API.
+To reduce the number of fakes that need to be maintained, a fake should typically be created only at the root of the code that isn」t feasible for use in tests. For example, if a database can」t be used in tests, a fake should exist for the database API itself rather than for each class that calls the database API.
Maintaining a fake can be burdensome if its implementation needs to be duplicated across programming languages, such as for a service that has client libraries that allow the service to be invoked from different languages. One solution for this case is to create a single fake service implementation and have tests configure the client libraries to send requests to this fake service. This approach is more heavyweight compared to having the fake written entirely in memory because it requires the test to communicate across processes. However, it can be a reasonable trade-off to make, as long as the tests can still execute quickly.
-### The Fidelity of Fakes 伪造测试的仿真度
+### The Fidelity of Fakes 偽造測試的模擬度
-Perhaps the most important concept surrounding the creation of fakes is *fidelity*; in other words, how closely the behavior of a fake matches the behavior of the real implementation. If the behavior of a fake doesn’t match the behavior of the real implementation, a test using that fake is not useful—a test might pass when the fake is used, but this same code path might not work properly in the real implementation.
+Perhaps the most important concept surrounding the creation of fakes is *fidelity*; in other words, how closely the behavior of a fake matches the behavior of the real implementation. If the behavior of a fake doesn」t match the behavior of the real implementation, a test using that fake is not useful—a test might pass when the fake is used, but this same code path might not work properly in the real implementation.
-Perfect fidelity is not always feasible. After all, the fake was necessary because the real implementation wasn’t suitable in one way or another. For example, a fake database would usually not have fidelity to a real database in terms of hard drive storage because the fake would store everything in memory.
+Perfect fidelity is not always feasible. After all, the fake was necessary because the real implementation wasn」t suitable in one way or another. For example, a fake database would usually not have fidelity to a real database in terms of hard drive storage because the fake would store everything in memory.
Primarily, however, a fake should maintain fidelity to the API contracts of the real implementation. For any given input to an API, a fake should return the same output and perform the same state changes of its corresponding real implementation. For example, for a real implementation of database.save(itemId), if an item is successfully saved when its ID does not yet exist but an error is produced when the ID already exists, the fake must conform to this same behavior.
-One way to think about this is that the fake must have perfect fidelity to the real implementation, but *only from the perspective of the test*. For example, a fake for a hashing API doesn’t need to guarantee that the hash value for a given input is exactly the same as the hash value that is generated by the real implementation—tests likely don’t care about the specific hash value, only that the hash value is unique for a given input. If the contract of the hashing API doesn’t make guarantees of what specific hash values will be returned, the fake is still conforming to the contract even if it doesn’t have perfect fidelity to the real implementation.
+One way to think about this is that the fake must have perfect fidelity to the real implementation, but *only from the perspective of the test*. For example, a fake for a hashing API doesn」t need to guarantee that the hash value for a given input is exactly the same as the hash value that is generated by the real implementation—tests likely don」t care about the specific hash value, only that the hash value is unique for a given input. If the contract of the hashing API doesn」t make guarantees of what specific hash values will be returned, the fake is still conforming to the contract even if it doesn」t have perfect fidelity to the real implementation.
-一种思考方式是,伪造测试必须对真正的实现有完美的仿真度,但只能从测试的角度来看。例如,一个伪造hash API不需要保证给定输入的hash值与真实实现产生的hash值完全相同——测试可能不关心具体的hash值,只关心给定输入的hash值是唯一的。如果hash API的契约没有保证将返回哪些特定的hash值,那么伪造函数仍然符合契约,即使它与真实实现没有完美的仿真度。
+一種思考方式是,偽造測試必須對真正的實現有完美的模擬度,但只能從測試的角度來看。例如,一個偽造hash API不需要保證給定輸入的hash值與真實實現產生的hash值完全相同——測試可能不關心具體的hash值,只關心給定輸入的hash值是唯一的。如果hash API的契約沒有保證將回傳哪些特定的hash值,那麼偽造函式仍然符合契約,即使它與真實實現沒有完美的模擬度。
Other examples where perfect fidelity typically might not be useful for fakes include latency and resource consumption. However, a fake cannot be used if you need to explicitly test for these constraints (e.g., a performance test that verifies the latency of a function call), so you would need to resort to other mechanisms, such as by using a real implementation instead of a fake.
A fake might not need to have 100% of the functionality of its corresponding real implementation, especially if such behavior is not needed by most tests (e.g., error handling code for rare edge cases). It is best to have the fake fail fast in this case; for example, raise an error if an unsupported code path is executed. This failure communicates to the engineer that the fake is not appropriate in this situation.
-### Fakes Should Be Tested 伪造测试应当被测试
+### Fakes Should Be Tested 偽造測試應當被測試
A fake must have its *own* tests to ensure that it conforms to the API of its corresponding real implementation. A fake without tests might initially provide realistic behavior, but without tests, this behavior can diverge over time as the real implementation evolves.
-One approach to writing tests for fakes involves writing tests against the API’s public interface and running those tests against both the real implementation and the fake (these are known as [*contract tests*](https://oreil.ly/yuVlX)). The tests that run against the real implementation will likely be slower, but their downside is minimized because they need to be run only by the owners of the fake.
+One approach to writing tests for fakes involves writing tests against the API」s public interface and running those tests against both the real implementation and the fake (these are known as [*contract tests*](https://oreil.ly/yuVlX)). The tests that run against the real implementation will likely be slower, but their downside is minimized because they need to be run only by the owners of the fake.
-### What to Do If a Fake Is Not Available 如果没有伪造测试怎么办?
+### What to Do If a Fake Is Not Available 如果沒有偽造測試怎麼辦?
If a fake is not available, first ask the owners of the API to create one. The owners might not be familiar with the concept of fakes, or they might not realize the benefit they provide to users of an API.
-If the owners of an API are unwilling or unable to create a fake, you might be able to write your own. One way to do this is to wrap all calls to the API in a single class and then create a fake version of the class that doesn’t talk to the API. Doing this can also be much simpler than creating a fake for the entire API because often you’ll need to use only a subset of the API’s behavior anyway. At Google, some teams have even contributed their fake to the owners of the API, which has allowed other teams to benefit from the fake.
+If the owners of an API are unwilling or unable to create a fake, you might be able to write your own. One way to do this is to wrap all calls to the API in a single class and then create a fake version of the class that doesn」t talk to the API. Doing this can also be much simpler than creating a fake for the entire API because often you」ll need to use only a subset of the API」s behavior anyway. At Google, some teams have even contributed their fake to the owners of the API, which has allowed other teams to benefit from the fake.
Finally, you could decide to settle on using a real implementation (and deal with the trade-offs of real implementations that are mentioned earlier in this chapter), or resort to other test double techniques (and deal with the trade-offs that we will mention later in this chapter).
-In some cases, you can think of a fake as an optimization: if tests are too slow using a real implementation, you can create a fake to make them run faster. But if the speedup from a fake doesn’t outweigh the work it would take to create and maintain the fake, it would be better to stick with using the real implementation.
+In some cases, you can think of a fake as an optimization: if tests are too slow using a real implementation, you can create a fake to make them run faster. But if the speedup from a fake doesn」t outweigh the work it would take to create and maintain the fake, it would be better to stick with using the real implementation.
-## Stubbing 打桩
+## Stubbing 打樁
As discussed earlier in this chapter, stubbing is a way for a test to hardcode behavior for a function that otherwise has no behavior on its own. It is often a quick and easy way to replace a real implementation in a test. For example, the code in [Example 13-12 ](#_bookmark1144)uses stubbing to simulate the response from a credit card server.
*Example* *13-12.* *Using* *stubbing* *to* *simulate* *responses*
@@ -618,53 +618,53 @@ assertThat(transactionCounter.getTransactionCount()).isEqualTo(3);
-### The Dangers of Overusing Stubbing 过度使用打桩的危害
+### The Dangers of Overusing Stubbing 過度使用打樁的危害
-Because stubbing is so easy to apply in tests, it can be tempting to use this technique anytime it’s not trivial to use a real implementation. However, overuse of stubbing can result in major losses in productivity for engineers who need to maintain these tests.
+Because stubbing is so easy to apply in tests, it can be tempting to use this technique anytime it」s not trivial to use a real implementation. However, overuse of stubbing can result in major losses in productivity for engineers who need to maintain these tests.
-#### Tests become unclear 测试变得不清晰
+#### Tests become unclear 測試變得不清晰
-Stubbing involves writing extra code to define the behavior of the functions being stubbed. Having this extra code detracts from the intent of the test, and this code can be difficult to understand if you’re not familiar with the implementation of the system under test.
+Stubbing involves writing extra code to define the behavior of the functions being stubbed. Having this extra code detracts from the intent of the test, and this code can be difficult to understand if you」re not familiar with the implementation of the system under test.
-A key sign that stubbing isn’t appropriate for a test is if you find yourself mentally stepping through the system under test in order to understand why certain functions in the test are stubbed.
+A key sign that stubbing isn」t appropriate for a test is if you find yourself mentally stepping through the system under test in order to understand why certain functions in the test are stubbed.
-#### Tests become brittle 测试变得脆弱
+#### Tests become brittle 測試變得脆弱
-Stubbing leaks implementation details of your code into your test. When implementation details in your production code change, you’ll need to update your tests to reflect these changes. Ideally, a good test should need to change only if user-facing behavior of an API changes; it should remain unaffected by changes to the API’s implementation.
+Stubbing leaks implementation details of your code into your test. When implementation details in your production code change, you」ll need to update your tests to reflect these changes. Ideally, a good test should need to change only if user-facing behavior of an API changes; it should remain unaffected by changes to the API」s implementation.
-#### Tests become less effective 测试有效性降低
+#### Tests become less effective 測試有效性降低
-With stubbing, there is no way to ensure the function being stubbed behaves like the real implementation, such as in a statement like that shown in the following snippet that hardcodes part of the contract of the add() method (*“If 1 and 2 are passed in, 3* *will be returned”*):
+With stubbing, there is no way to ensure the function being stubbed behaves like the real implementation, such as in a statement like that shown in the following snippet that hardcodes part of the contract of the add() method (*『If 1 and 2 are passed in, 3* *will be returned』*):
-在打桩的情况下,没有办法确保被打桩的函数表现得像真实实现,比如像下面这个片段中的语句,硬编码了add()方法的部分契约(*"如果传入1和2,3将被返回 "*)。
+在打樁的情況下,沒有辦法確保被打樁的函式表現得像真實實現,比如像下面這個片段中的語句,硬編碼了add()方法的部分契約(*"如果傳入1和2,3將被回傳 "*)。
when(stubCalculator.add(1, 2)).thenReturn(3);
-Stubbing is a poor choice if the system under test depends on the real implementation’s contract because you will be forced to duplicate the details of the contract, and there is no way to guarantee that the contract is correct (i.e., that the stubbed function has fidelity to the real implementation).
+Stubbing is a poor choice if the system under test depends on the real implementation」s contract because you will be forced to duplicate the details of the contract, and there is no way to guarantee that the contract is correct (i.e., that the stubbed function has fidelity to the real implementation).
Additionally, with stubbing there is no way to store state, which can make it difficult to test certain aspects of your code. For example, if you call database.save(item) on either a real implementation or a fake, you might be able to retrieve the item by calling database.get(item.id()) given that both of these calls are accessing internal state, but with stubbing, there is no way to do this.
An example of overusing stubbing.
Example 13-13 illustrates a test that overuses stubbing.
*Example* *13-13.* *Overuse* *of* *stubbing*
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ public void creditCardIsCharged() {
Example 13-14 rewrites the same test but avoids using stubbing. Notice how the test is shorter and that implementation details (such as how the transaction processor is used) are not exposed in the test. No special setup is needed because the credit card server knows how to behave.
*Example* *13-14.* *Refactoring* *a* *test* *to* *avoid* *stubbing*
@@ -705,43 +705,43 @@ public void creditCardIsCharged() {
-We obviously don’t want such a test to talk to an external credit card server, so a fake credit card server would be more suitable. If a fake isn’t available, another option is to use a real implementation that talks to a hermetic credit card server, although this will increase the execution time of the tests. (We explore hermetic servers in the next chapter.)
+We obviously don」t want such a test to talk to an external credit card server, so a fake credit card server would be more suitable. If a fake isn」t available, another option is to use a real implementation that talks to a hermetic credit card server, although this will increase the execution time of the tests. (We explore hermetic servers in the next chapter.)
-### When Is Stubbing Appropriate? 什么情况下才适合使用打桩测试?
+### When Is Stubbing Appropriate? 什麼情況下才適合使用打樁測試?
-Rather than a catch-all replacement for a real implementation, stubbing is appropriate when you need a function to return a specific value to get the system under test into a certain state, such as Example 13-12 that requires the system under test to return a non-empty list of transactions. Because a function’s behavior is defined inline in the test, stubbing can simulate a wide variety of return values or errors that might not be possible to trigger from a real implementation or a fake.
+Rather than a catch-all replacement for a real implementation, stubbing is appropriate when you need a function to return a specific value to get the system under test into a certain state, such as Example 13-12 that requires the system under test to return a non-empty list of transactions. Because a function」s behavior is defined inline in the test, stubbing can simulate a wide variety of return values or errors that might not be possible to trigger from a real implementation or a fake.
-To ensure its purpose is clear, each stubbed function should have a direct relationship with the test’s assertions. As a result, a test typically should stub out a small number of functions because stubbing out many functions can lead to tests that are less clear. A test that requires many functions to be stubbed can be a sign that stubbing is being overused, or that the system under test is too complex and should be refactored.
+To ensure its purpose is clear, each stubbed function should have a direct relationship with the test」s assertions. As a result, a test typically should stub out a small number of functions because stubbing out many functions can lead to tests that are less clear. A test that requires many functions to be stubbed can be a sign that stubbing is being overused, or that the system under test is too complex and should be refactored.
-Note that even when stubbing is appropriate, real implementations or fakes are still preferred because they don’t expose implementation details and they give you more guarantees about the correctness of the code compared to stubbing. But stubbing can be a reasonable technique to use, as long as its usage is constrained so that tests don’t become overly complex.
+Note that even when stubbing is appropriate, real implementations or fakes are still preferred because they don」t expose implementation details and they give you more guarantees about the correctness of the code compared to stubbing. But stubbing can be a reasonable technique to use, as long as its usage is constrained so that tests don」t become overly complex.
-## Interaction Testing 交互测试
+## Interaction Testing 互動測試
As discussed earlier in this chapter, interaction testing is a way to validate how a function is called without actually calling the implementation of the function.
-Mocking frameworks make it easy to perform interaction testing. However, to keep tests useful, readable, and resilient to change, it’s important to perform interaction testing only when necessary.
+Mocking frameworks make it easy to perform interaction testing. However, to keep tests useful, readable, and resilient to change, it」s important to perform interaction testing only when necessary.
-### Prefer State Testing Over Interaction Testing 推荐状态测试而非交互测试
+### Prefer State Testing Over Interaction Testing 推薦狀態測試而非互動測試
In contrast to interaction testing, it is preferred to test code through [*state* *testing*](https://oreil.ly/k3hSR).
With state testing, you call the system under test and validate that either the correct value was returned or that some other state in the system under test was properly changed. Example 13-15 presents an example of state testing.
*Example 13-15. State testing*
@@ -751,15 +751,15 @@ With state testing, you call the system under test and validate that either the
NumberSorter numberSorter = new NumberSorter(quicksort, bubbleSort);
// Call the system under test.
List sortedList = numberSorter.sortNumbers(newList(3, 1, 2));
- // Validate that the returned list is sorted. It doesn’t matter which
+ // Validate that the returned list is sorted. It doesn」t matter which
// sorting algorithm is used, as long as the right result was returned.
assertThat(sortedList).isEqualTo(newList(1, 2, 3));
-Example 13-16 illustrates a similar test scenario but instead uses interaction testing. Note how it’s impossible for this test to determine that the numbers are actually sorted, because the test doubles don’t know how to sort the numbers—all it can tell you is that the system under test tried to sort the numbers.
+Example 13-16 illustrates a similar test scenario but instead uses interaction testing. Note how it」s impossible for this test to determine that the numbers are actually sorted, because the test doubles don」t know how to sort the numbers—all it can tell you is that the system under test tried to sort the numbers.
- 示例13-16说明了一个类似的测试场景,但使用了交互测试。请注意,此测试无法确定数字是否实际已排序,因为测试替代不知道如何对数字进行排序——它所能告诉你的是,被测试系统尝试对数字进行排序。
+ 範例13-16說明了一個類似的測試場景,但使用了互動測試。請注意,此測試無法確定數字是否實際已排序,因為測試替代不知道如何對數字進行排序——它所能告訴你的是,被測試系統嘗試對數字進行排序。
*Example* *13-16.* *Interaction* *testing*
@@ -772,34 +772,34 @@ public void sortNumbers_quicksortIsUsed() {
numberSorter.sortNumbers(newList(3, 1, 2));
// Validate that numberSorter.sortNumbers() used quicksort. The test
// will fail if mockQuicksort.sort() is never called (e.g., if
- // mockBubbleSort is used) or if it’s called with the wrong arguments.
+ // mockBubbleSort is used) or if it」s called with the wrong arguments.
verify(mockQuicksort).sort(newList(3, 1, 2));
-At Google, we’ve found that emphasizing state testing is more scalable; it reduces test brittleness, making it easier to change and maintain code over time.
+At Google, we」ve found that emphasizing state testing is more scalable; it reduces test brittleness, making it easier to change and maintain code over time.
-The primary issue with interaction testing is that it can’t tell you that the system under test is working properly; it can only validate that certain functions are called as expected. It requires you to make an assumption about the behavior of the code; for example, “*If* *database.save(item) is called, we assume the item will be saved to the database.*” State testing is preferred because it actually validates this assumption (such as by saving an item to a database and then querying the database to validate that the item exists).
+The primary issue with interaction testing is that it can」t tell you that the system under test is working properly; it can only validate that certain functions are called as expected. It requires you to make an assumption about the behavior of the code; for example, 『*If* *database.save(item) is called, we assume the item will be saved to the database.*』 State testing is preferred because it actually validates this assumption (such as by saving an item to a database and then querying the database to validate that the item exists).
Another downside of interaction testing is that it utilizes implementation details of the system under test—to validate that a function was called, you are exposing to the test that the system under test calls this function. Similar to stubbing, this extra code makes tests brittle because it leaks implementation details of your production code into tests. Some people at Google jokingly refer to tests that overuse interaction testing as [*change-detector* *tests* ](https://oreil.ly/zkMDu)because they fail in response to any change to the production code, even if the behavior of the system under test remains unchanged.
-### When Is Interaction Testing Appropriate? 什么时候适合进行交互测试?
+### When Is Interaction Testing Appropriate? 什麼時候適合進行互動測試?
There are some cases for which interaction testing is warranted:
- You cannot perform state testing because you are unable to use a real implementation or a fake (e.g., if the real implementation is too slow and no fake exists). As a fallback, you can perform interaction testing to validate that certain functions are called. Although not ideal, this does provide some basic level of confidence that the system under test is working as expected.
- Differences in the number or order of calls to a function would cause undesired behavior. Interaction testing is useful because it could be difficult to validate this behavior with state testing. For example, if you expect a caching feature to reduce the number of calls to a database, you can verify that the database object is not accessed more times than expected. Using Mockito, the code might look similar to this:
-- 你不能进行状态测试,因为你无法使用真实实现或伪造实现(例如,如果真实实现太慢,而且没有伪造测试存在)。作为备用方案,你可以进行交互测试以验证某些函数被调用。虽然不是很理想,但这确实提供了一些基本的功能,即被测系统正在按照预期工作。
-- 对一个函数的调用数量或顺序的不同会导致不在预期内的行为。交互测试是有用的,因为用状态测试可能很难验证这种行为。例如,如果你期望一个缓存功能能减少对数据库的调用次数,你可以验证数据库对象的访问次数没有超过预期。使用Mockito,代码可能看起来类似于这样:
+- 你不能進行狀態測試,因為你無法使用真實實現或偽造實現(例如,如果真實實現太慢,而且沒有偽造測試存在)。作為備用方案,你可以進行互動測試以驗證某些函式被呼叫。雖然不是很理想,但這確實提供了一些基本的功能,即被測系統正在按照預期工作。
+- 對一個函式的呼叫數量或順序的不同會導致不在預期內的行為。互動測試是有用的,因為用狀態測試可能很難驗證這種行為。例如,如果你期望一個快取功能能減少對資料庫的呼叫次數,你可以驗證資料庫物件的訪問次數沒有超過預期。使用Mockito,程式碼可能看起來類似於這樣:
verify(databaseReader, atMostOnce()).selectRecords();
@@ -807,15 +807,15 @@ verify(databaseReader, atMostOnce()).selectRecords();
Interaction testing is not a complete replacement for state testing. If you are not able to perform state testing in a unit test, strongly consider supplementing your test suite with larger-scoped tests that do perform state testing. For instance, if you have a unit test that validates usage of a database through interaction testing, consider adding an integration test that can perform state testing against a real database. Larger-scope testing is an important strategy for risk mitigation, and we discuss it in the next chapter.
-#### Best Practices for Interaction Testing 交互测试的最佳实践
+#### Best Practices for Interaction Testing 互動測試的最佳實踐
When performing interaction testing, following these practices can reduce some of the impact of the aforementioned downsides.
-#### Prefer to perform interaction testing only for state-changing functions 优先对改变状态的函数进行交互测试
+#### Prefer to perform interaction testing only for state-changing functions 優先對改變狀態的函式進行互動測試
When a system under test calls a function on a dependency, that call falls into one of two categories:
- *State-changing*
@@ -826,22 +826,22 @@ sendEmail(), saveRecord(), logAccess().
- *Non-state-changing*
-Functions that don’t have side effects; they return information about the world outside the system under test and don’t modify anything. Examples:
+Functions that don」t have side effects; they return information about the world outside the system under test and don」t modify anything. Examples:
getUser(), findResults(), readFile().
- 对被测系统以外的范围有副作用的函数。例子:
+ 對被測系統以外的範圍有副作用的函式。例子:
sendEmail(), saveRecord(), logAccess().
-- *不改变状态*
+- *不改變狀態*
getUser(), findResults(), readFile()。
@@ -849,17 +849,17 @@ getUser(), findResults(), readFile()。
In general, you should perform interaction testing only for functions that are state- changing. Performing interaction testing for non-state-changing functions is usually redundant given that the system under test will use the return value of the function to do other work that you can assert. The interaction itself is not an important detail for correctness, because it has no side effects.
-Performing interaction testing for non-state-changing functions makes your test brittle because you’ll need to update the test anytime the pattern of interactions changes. It also makes the test less readable given that the additional assertions make it more difficult to determine which assertions are important for ensuring correctness of the code. By contrast, state-changing interactions represent something useful that your code is doing to change state somewhere else.
+Performing interaction testing for non-state-changing functions makes your test brittle because you」ll need to update the test anytime the pattern of interactions changes. It also makes the test less readable given that the additional assertions make it more difficult to determine which assertions are important for ensuring correctness of the code. By contrast, state-changing interactions represent something useful that your code is doing to change state somewhere else.
Example 13-17 demonstrates interaction testing on both state-changing and non- state-changing functions.
-*Example 13-17. State-changing and non-state-changing interactions* *例13-17. 状态改变和非状态改变的相互作用*
+*Example 13-17. State-changing and non-state-changing interactions* *例13-17. 狀態改變和非狀態改變的相互作用*
@@ -871,26 +871,26 @@ public void grantUserPermission() {
// addPermission() is state-changing, so it is reasonable to perform
// interaction testing to validate that it was called.
verify(mockPermissionDatabase).addPermission(FAKE_USER, USER_ACCESS);
- // getPermission() is non-state-changing, so this line of code isn’t
+ // getPermission() is non-state-changing, so this line of code isn」t
// needed. One clue that interaction testing may not be needed:
// getPermission() was already stubbed earlier in this test.
-#### Avoid overspecification 避免过度规范化
+#### Avoid overspecification 避免過度規範化
In Chapter 12, we discuss why it is useful to test behaviors rather than methods. This means that a test method should focus on verifying one behavior of a method or class rather than trying to verify multiple behaviors in a single test.
When performing interaction testing, we should aim to apply the same principle by avoiding overspecifying which functions and arguments are validated. This leads to tests that are clearer and more concise. It also leads to tests that are resilient to changes made to behaviors that are outside the scope of each test, so fewer tests will fail if a change is made to a way a function is called.
-Example 13-18 illustrates interaction testing with overspecification. The intention of the test is to validate that the user’s name is included in the greeting prompt, but the test will fail if unrelated behavior is changed.
+Example 13-18 illustrates interaction testing with overspecification. The intention of the test is to validate that the user」s name is included in the greeting prompt, but the test will fail if unrelated behavior is changed.
*Example* *13-18.* *Overspecified* *interaction* *tests*
@@ -910,9 +910,9 @@ Example 13-18 illustrates interaction testing with overspecification. The intent
[Example 13-19](#_bookmark1176) illustrates interaction testing with more care in specifying relevant arguments and functions. The behaviors being tested are split into separate tests, and each test validates the minimum amount necessary for ensuring the behavior it is testing is correct.
- *Example 13-19. Well-specified interaction tests* *例13-19.指向明确的交互检验*
+ *Example 13-19. Well-specified interaction tests* *例13-19.指向明確的互動檢驗*
@@ -931,28 +931,28 @@ public void displayGreeting_timeIsMorning_useMorningSettings() {
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
-We’ve learned that test doubles are crucial to engineering velocity because they can help comprehensively test your code and ensure that your tests run fast. On the other hand, misusing them can be a major drain on productivity because they can lead to tests that are unclear, brittle, and less effective. This is why it’s important for engineers to understand the best practices for how to effectively apply test doubles.
+We」ve learned that test doubles are crucial to engineering velocity because they can help comprehensively test your code and ensure that your tests run fast. On the other hand, misusing them can be a major drain on productivity because they can lead to tests that are unclear, brittle, and less effective. This is why it」s important for engineers to understand the best practices for how to effectively apply test doubles.
There is often no exact answer regarding whether to use a real implementation or a test double, or which test double technique to use. An engineer might need to make some trade-offs when deciding the proper approach for their use case.
Although test doubles are great for working around dependencies that are difficult to use in tests, if you want to maximize confidence in your code, at some point you still want to exercise these dependencies in tests. The next chapter will cover larger-scope testing, for which these dependencies are used regardless of their suitability for unit tests; for example, even if they are slow or nondeterministic.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- A real implementation should be preferred over a test double.
-- A fake is often the ideal solution if a real implementation can’t be used in a test.
+- A fake is often the ideal solution if a real implementation can」t be used in a test.
- Overuse of stubbing leads to tests that are unclear and brittle.
- Interaction testing should be avoided when possible: it leads to tests that are brittle because it exposes implementation details of the system under test.
-- 真实实现应优先于测试替代。
-- 如果在测试中不能使用真实实现,那么伪造实现通常是理想的解决方案。
-- 过度使用打桩会导致测试不明确和变脆。
-- 在可能的情况下,应避免交互测试:因为交互测试会暴露被测系统的实现细节,所以会导致测试不连贯。
+- 真實實現應優先於測試替代。
+- 如果在測試中不能使用真實實現,那麼偽造實現通常是理想的解決方案。
+- 過度使用打樁會導致測試不明確和變脆。
+- 在可能的情況下,應避免互動測試:因為互動測試會暴露被測系統的實現細節,所以會導致測試不連貫。
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# Larger Testing
-# 第十四章 大型测试
+# 第十四章 大型測試
**Written by Written by Joseph Graves**
**Edited by Lisa Carey**
-In previous chapters, we have recounted how a testing culture was established at Google and how small unit tests became a fundamental part of the developer workflow. But what about other kinds of tests? It turns out that Google does indeed use many larger tests, and these comprise a significant part of the risk mitigation strategy necessary for healthy software engineering. But these tests present additional challenges to ensure that they are valuable assets and not resource sinks. In this chapter, we’ll discuss what we mean by “larger tests,” when we execute them, and best practices for keeping them effective.
+In previous chapters, we have recounted how a testing culture was established at Google and how small unit tests became a fundamental part of the developer workflow. But what about other kinds of tests? It turns out that Google does indeed use many larger tests, and these comprise a significant part of the risk mitigation strategy necessary for healthy software engineering. But these tests present additional challenges to ensure that they are valuable assets and not resource sinks. In this chapter, we」ll discuss what we mean by 『larger tests,』 when we execute them, and best practices for keeping them effective.
-在前几章中,我们已经讲述了测试文化是如何在Google建立的,以及小型单元测试是如何成为开发人员工作流程的基本组成部分。那么其他类型的测试呢?事实证明,Google确实使用了许多大型测试,这些测试构成了健康的软件工程所需的风险缓解策略的重要组成部分。但是想要确保它们是有价值的资产而不是资源黑洞,那么这些测试面临了更多的挑战。在这一章中,我们将讨论什么是 "大型测试",什么时候执行这些测试,以及保持其有效性的最佳做法。
+在前幾章中,我們已經講述了測試文化是如何在Google建立的,以及小型單元測試是如何成為開發人員工作流程的基本組成部分。那麼其他型別的測試呢?事實證明,Google確實使用了許多大型測試,這些測試構成了健康的軟體工程所需的風險緩解策略的重要組成部分。但是想要確保它們是有價值的資產而不是資源黑洞,那麼這些測試面臨了更多的挑戰。在這一章中,我們將討論什麼是 "大型測試",什麼時候執行這些測試,以及保持其有效性的最佳做法。
-## What Are Larger Tests? 什么是大型测试?
+## What Are Larger Tests? 什麼是大型測試?
As mentioned previously, Google has specific notions of test size. Small tests are restricted to one thread, one process, one machine. Larger tests do not have the same restrictions. But Google also has notions of test scope. A unit test necessarily is of smaller scope than an integration test. And the largest-scoped tests (sometimes called end-to-end or system tests) typically involve several real dependencies and fewer test doubles.
-如前所述,谷歌对测试规模有特定的概念。小型测试仅限于单线程、单进程、单服务器。较大的测试没有相同的限制。但谷歌同样定义了测试的范围。单元测试的范围必然比集成测试的范围小。而最大范围的测试(有时被称为端到端或系统测试)通常涉及多个实际依赖项和较少的测试替身。(`Test Double`是在Martin Fowler的文章[Test Double](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TestDouble.html)中,Gerard Meszaros提出了这个概念。虽然是06年的文章了,但里面的概念并不过时。这篇文章提到`Test Double`只是一个通用的词,代表为了达到测试目的并且减少被测试对象的依赖,使用“替身”代替一个真实的依赖对象,从而保证了测试的速度和稳定性。统一翻译为测试替代)
+如前所述,谷歌對測試規模有特定的概念。小型測試僅限於單線程、單程序、單伺服器。較大的測試沒有相同的限制。但谷歌同樣定義了測試的範圍。單元測試的範圍必然比整合測試的範圍小。而最大範圍的測試(有時被稱為端到端或系統測試)通常涉及多個實際依賴項和較少的測試替身。(`Test Double`是在Martin Fowler的文章[Test Double](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TestDouble.html)中,Gerard Meszaros提出了這個概念。雖然是06年的文章了,但裡面的概念並不過時。這篇文章提到`Test Double`只是一個通用的詞,代表為了達到測試目的並且減少被測試物件的依賴,使用『替身』代替一個真實的依賴物件,從而保證了測試的速度和穩定性。統一翻譯為測試替代)
Larger tests are many things that small tests are not. They are not bound by the same constraints; thus, they can exhibit the following characteristics:
@@ -25,107 +25,107 @@ Larger tests are many things that small tests are not. They are not bound by the
- They may be nonhermetic. Large tests may share resources with other tests and traffic.
- They may be nondeterministic. If a large test is nonhermetic, it is almost impossible to guarantee determinism: other tests or user state may interfere with it.
-- 它们可能很慢。我们的大型测试的默认时长时间为15分钟或1小时,但我们也有运行数小时甚至数天的测试。
-- 它们可能是不具备封闭性。大型测试可能与其他测试和流量共享资源。
-- 它们可能是不确定的。如果大型测试是非密封的,则几乎不可能保证确定性:其他测试或用户状态可能会干扰它。
+- 它們可能很慢。我們的大型測試的預設時長時間為15分鐘或1小時,但我們也有執行數小時甚至數天的測試。
+- 它們可能是不具備封閉性。大型測試可能與其他測試和流量共享資源。
+- 它們可能是不確定的。如果大型測試是非密封的,則幾乎不可能保證確定性:其他測試或使用者狀態可能會干擾它。
So why have larger tests? Reflect back on your coding process. How do you confirm that the programs you write actually work? You might be writing and running unit tests as you go, but do you find yourself running the actual binary and trying it out yourself? And when you share this code with others, how do they test it? By running your unit tests, or by trying it out themselves?
-Also, how do you know that your code continues to work during upgrades? Suppose that you have a site that uses the Google Maps API and there’s a new API version. Your unit tests likely won’t help you to know whether there are any compatibility issues. You’d probably run it and try it out to see whether anything broke.
+Also, how do you know that your code continues to work during upgrades? Suppose that you have a site that uses the Google Maps API and there」s a new API version. Your unit tests likely won」t help you to know whether there are any compatibility issues. You」d probably run it and try it out to see whether anything broke.
Unit tests can give you confidence about individual functions, objects, and modules, but large tests provide more confidence that the overall system works as intended. And having actual automated tests scales in ways that manual testing does not.
-### Fidelity 仿真度
+### Fidelity 模擬度
The primary reason larger tests exist is to address *fidelity*. Fidelity is the property by which a test is reflective of the real behavior of the system under test (SUT).
One way of envisioning fidelity is in terms of the environment. As Figure 14-1 illustrates, unit tests bundle a test and a small portion of code together as a runnable unit, which ensures the code is tested but is very different from how production code runs. Production itself is, naturally, the environment of highest fidelity in testing. There is also a spectrum of interim options. A key for larger tests is to find the proper fit, because increasing fidelity also comes with increasing costs and (in the case of production) increasing risk of failure.
![Figure 14-1](./images/Figure%2014-1.png)
-*Figure 14-1. Scale of increasing fidelity* *图14-1 环境仿真度递增的尺度*
+*Figure 14-1. Scale of increasing fidelity* *圖14-1 環境模擬度遞增的尺度*
-Tests can also be measured in terms of how faithful the test content is to reality. Many handcrafted, large tests are dismissed by engineers if the test data itself looks unrealistic. Test data copied from production is much more faithful to reality (having been captured that way), but a big challenge is how to create realistic test traffic *before* launching the new code. This is particularly a problem in artificial intelligence (AI), for which the “seed” data often suffers from intrinsic bias. And, because most data for unit tests is handcrafted, it covers a narrow range of cases and tends to conform to the biases of the author. The uncovered scenarios missed by the data represent a fidelity gap in the tests.
+Tests can also be measured in terms of how faithful the test content is to reality. Many handcrafted, large tests are dismissed by engineers if the test data itself looks unrealistic. Test data copied from production is much more faithful to reality (having been captured that way), but a big challenge is how to create realistic test traffic *before* launching the new code. This is particularly a problem in artificial intelligence (AI), for which the 『seed』 data often suffers from intrinsic bias. And, because most data for unit tests is handcrafted, it covers a narrow range of cases and tends to conform to the biases of the author. The uncovered scenarios missed by the data represent a fidelity gap in the tests.
-测试也可以用测试内容对现实的仿真度程度来衡量。如果测试数据本身看起来不真实,许多手工配置的大型测试就会被工程师摒弃。从生产中复制的测试数据仿真度更高(以这种方式捕获),但一个很大的挑战是如何在*启动新代码之前*创建真实的测试流量。这在人工智能(AI)中尤其是一个问题,因为 "种子 "数据经常受到内在偏见的影响。而且,由于大多数单元测试的数据是手工配置的,它涵盖的案例范围很窄,并倾向于符合作者的偏见。数据所遗漏的场景代表了测试中的仿真度差距。
+測試也可以用測試內容對現實的模擬度程度來衡量。如果測試資料本身看起來不真實,許多手工設定的大型測試就會被工程師摒棄。從生產中複製的測試資料模擬度更高(以這種方式捕獲),但一個很大的挑戰是如何在*啟動新程式碼之前*建立真實的測試流量。這在人工智慧(AI)中尤其是一個問題,因為 "種子 "資料經常受到內在偏見的影響。而且,由於大多數單元測試的資料是手工設定的,它涵蓋的案例範圍很窄,並傾向於符合作者的偏見。資料所遺漏的場景代表了測試中的模擬度差距。
-### Common Gaps in Unit Tests 单元测试中常见的问题
+### Common Gaps in Unit Tests 單元測試中常見的問題
Larger tests might also be necessary where smaller tests fail. The subsections that follow present some particular areas where unit tests do not provide good risk mitigation coverage.
-#### Unfaithful doubles 仿真度不足的测试替代
+#### Unfaithful doubles 模擬度不足的測試替代
A single unit test typically covers one class or module. Test doubles (as discussed in Chapter 13) are frequently used to eliminate heavyweight or hard-to-test dependencies. But when those dependencies are replaced, it becomes possible that the replacement and the doubled thing do not agree.
Almost all unit tests at Google are written by the same engineer who is writing the unit under test. When those unit tests need doubles and when the doubles used are mocks, it is the engineer writing the unit test defining the mock and its intended behavior. But that engineer usually did *not* write the thing being mocked and can be misinformed about its actual behavior. The relationship between the unit under test and a given peer is a behavioral contract, and if the engineer is mistaken about the actual behavior, the understanding of the contract is invalid.
Moreover, mocks become stale. If this mock-based unit test is not visible to the author of the real implementation and the real implementation changes, there is no signal that the test (and the code being tested) should be updated to keep up with the changes.
Note that, as mentioned in [Chapter 13], if teams provide fakes for their own services, this concern is mostly alleviated.
-#### Configuration issues 配置问题
+#### Configuration issues 設定問題
Unit tests cover code within a given binary. But that binary is typically not completely self-sufficient in terms of how it is executed. Usually a binary has some kind of deployment configuration or starter script. Additionally, real end-user-serving production instances have their own configuration files or configuration databases.
If there are issues with these files or the compatibility between the state defined by these stores and the binary in question, these can lead to major user issues. Unit tests alone cannot verify this compatibility.[^1] Incidentally, this is a good reason to ensure that your configuration is in version control as well as your code, because then, changes to configuration can be identified as the source of bugs as opposed to introducing random external flakiness and can be built in to large tests.
At Google, configuration changes are the number one reason for our major outages. This is an area in which we have underperformed and has led to some of our most embarrassing bugs. For example, there was a global Google outage back in 2013 due to a bad network configuration push that was never tested. Configurations tend to be written in configuration languages, not production code languages. They also often have faster production rollout cycles than binaries, and they can be more difficult to test. All of these lead to a higher likelihood of failure. But at least in this case (and others), configuration was version controlled, and we could quickly identify the culprit and mitigate the issue.
-> [^1]: See “Continuous Delivery” on page 483 and Chapter 25 for more information.
+> [^1]: See 『Continuous Delivery』 on page 483 and Chapter 25 for more information.
-> 1 有关更多信息,请参见第483页和第25章的“连续交付”。
+> 1 有關更多訊息,請參見第483頁和第25章的『連續交付』。
-#### Issues that arise under load 高负载导致的问题
+#### Issues that arise under load 高負載導致的問題
At Google, unit tests are intended to be small and fast because they need to fit into our standard test execution infrastructure and also be run many times as part of a frictionless developer workflow. But performance, load, and stress testing often require sending large volumes of traffic to a given binary. These volumes become difficult to test in the model of a typical unit test. And our large volumes are big, often thousands or millions of queries per second (in the case of ads, [real-time bidding](https://oreil.ly/brV5-))!
-#### Unanticipated behaviors, inputs, and side effects 非预期的行为、投入和副作用
+#### Unanticipated behaviors, inputs, and side effects 非預期的行為、投入和副作用
Unit tests are limited by the imagination of the engineer writing them. That is, they can only test for anticipated behaviors and inputs. However, issues that users find with a product are mostly unanticipated (otherwise it would be unlikely that they would make it to end users as issues). This fact suggests that different test techniques are needed to test for unanticipated behaviors.
-[Hyrum’s Law](http://hyrumslaw.com/)is an important consideration here: even if we could test 100% for conformance to a strict, specified contract, the effective user contract applies to all visible behaviors, not just a stated contract. It is unlikely that unit tests alone test for all visible behaviors that are not specified in the public API.
+[Hyrum」s Law](http://hyrumslaw.com/)is an important consideration here: even if we could test 100% for conformance to a strict, specified contract, the effective user contract applies to all visible behaviors, not just a stated contract. It is unlikely that unit tests alone test for all visible behaviors that are not specified in the public API.
-#### Emergent behaviors and the “vacuum effect” 突发行为和 "真空效应"
+#### Emergent behaviors and the 『vacuum effect』 突發行為和 "真空效應"
Unit tests are limited to the scope that they cover (especially with the widespread use of test doubles), so if behavior changes in areas outside of this scope, it cannot be detected. And because unit tests are designed to be fast and reliable, they deliberately eliminate the chaos of real dependencies, network, and data. A unit test is like a problem in theoretical physics: ensconced in a vacuum, neatly hidden from the mess of the real world, which is great for speed and reliability but misses certain defect categories.
-### Why Not Have Larger Tests? 为什么不进行大型测试?
+### Why Not Have Larger Tests? 為什麼不進行大型測試?
In earlier chapters, we discussed many of the properties of a developer-friendly test. In particular, it needs to be as follows:
@@ -136,91 +136,91 @@ In earlier chapters, we discussed many of the properties of a developer-friendly
- *Scalable*
Google needs to be able to run all such useful affected tests efficiently for presubmits and for post-submits.
- *可靠的*
- 它不能是不确定的,它必须提供一个有用的通过/失败信号。
+ 它不能是不確定的,它必須提供一個有用的透過/失敗訊號。
- *快速*
- 它需要足够快,以避免中断开发人员的工作流程。
-- *可扩展性*
- 谷歌需要能够有效地运行所有这些有用的受影响的测试,用于预提交和后提交。
+ 它需要足夠快,以避免中斷開發人員的工作流程。
+- *可擴充性*
+ 谷歌需要能夠有效地執行所有這些有用的受影響的測試,用於預送出和後送出。
Good unit tests exhibit all of these properties. Larger tests often violate all of these constraints. For example, larger tests are often flakier because they use more infrastructure than does a small unit test. They are also often much slower, both to set up as well as to run. And they have trouble scaling because of the resource and time requirements, but often also because they are not isolated—these tests can collide with one another.
Additionally, larger tests present two other challenges. First, there is a challenge of ownership. A unit test is clearly owned by the engineer (and team) who owns the unit. A larger test spans multiple units and thus can span multiple owners. This presents a long-term ownership challenge: who is responsible for maintaining the test and who is responsible for diagnosing issues when the test breaks? Without clear ownership, a test rots.
-The second challenge for larger tests is one of standardization (or the lack thereof). Unlike unit tests, larger tests suffer a lack of standardization in terms of the infrastructure and process by which they are written, run, and debugged. The approach to larger tests is a product of a system’s architectural decisions, thus introducing variance in the type of tests required. For example, the way we build and run A-B diff regression tests in Google Ads is completely different from the way such tests are built and run in Search backends, which is different again from Drive. They use different platforms, different languages, different infrastructures, different libraries, and competing testing frameworks.
+The second challenge for larger tests is one of standardization (or the lack thereof). Unlike unit tests, larger tests suffer a lack of standardization in terms of the infrastructure and process by which they are written, run, and debugged. The approach to larger tests is a product of a system」s architectural decisions, thus introducing variance in the type of tests required. For example, the way we build and run A-B diff regression tests in Google Ads is completely different from the way such tests are built and run in Search backends, which is different again from Drive. They use different platforms, different languages, different infrastructures, different libraries, and competing testing frameworks.
-This lack of standardization has a significant impact. Because larger tests have so many ways of being run, they often are skipped during large-scale changes. (See Chapter 22.) The infrastructure does not have a standard way to run those tests, and asking the people executing LSCs to know the local particulars for testing on every team doesn’t scale. Because larger tests differ in implementation from team to team, tests that actually test the integration between those teams require unifying incompatible infrastructures. And because of this lack of standardization, we cannot teach a single approach to Nooglers (new Googlers) or even more experienced engineers, which both perpetuates the situation and also leads to a lack of understanding about the motivations of such tests.
+This lack of standardization has a significant impact. Because larger tests have so many ways of being run, they often are skipped during large-scale changes. (See Chapter 22.) The infrastructure does not have a standard way to run those tests, and asking the people executing LSCs to know the local particulars for testing on every team doesn」t scale. Because larger tests differ in implementation from team to team, tests that actually test the integration between those teams require unifying incompatible infrastructures. And because of this lack of standardization, we cannot teach a single approach to Nooglers (new Googlers) or even more experienced engineers, which both perpetuates the situation and also leads to a lack of understanding about the motivations of such tests.
-这种缺乏标准化的情况有很大的影响。因为大型测试有许多运行方式,在大规模的变更中,它们经常被忽略。(见第22章) 基础设施没有一个标准的方式来运行这些测试,要求执行LSC的人员了解每个团队测试的本地细节是不可行的。因为更大的测试在各个团队的实施中是不同的,因此实际测试这些团队之间集成的测试需要统一不兼容的基础架构。而且由于缺乏标准化,我们无法向Nooglers(新的Googlers)甚至更有经验的工程师传授统一的方法,这既使情况长期存在,也导致人们对这种测试的动机缺乏了解。
+這種缺乏標準化的情況有很大的影響。因為大型測試有許多執行方式,在大規模的變更中,它們經常被忽略。(見第22章) 基礎設施沒有一個標準的方式來執行這些測試,要求執行LSC的人員瞭解每個團隊測試的本地細節是不可行的。因為更大的測試在各個團隊的實施中是不同的,因此實際測試這些團隊之間整合的測試需要統一不相容的基礎架構。而且由於缺乏標準化,我們無法向Nooglers(新的Googlers)甚至更有經驗的工程師傳授統一的方法,這既使情況長期存在,也導致人們對這種測試的動機缺乏瞭解。
-## Larger Tests at Google 谷歌的大型测试
+## Larger Tests at Google 谷歌的大型測試
-When we discussed the history of testing at Google earlier (see Chapter 11), we mentioned how Google Web Server (GWS) mandated automated tests in 2003 and how this was a watershed moment. However, we actually had automated tests in use before this point, but a common practice was using automated large and enormous tests. For example, AdWords created an end-to-end test back in 2001 to validate product scenarios. Similarly, in 2002, Search wrote a similar “regression test” for its indexing code, and AdSense (which had not even publicly launched yet) created its variation on the AdWords test.
+When we discussed the history of testing at Google earlier (see Chapter 11), we mentioned how Google Web Server (GWS) mandated automated tests in 2003 and how this was a watershed moment. However, we actually had automated tests in use before this point, but a common practice was using automated large and enormous tests. For example, AdWords created an end-to-end test back in 2001 to validate product scenarios. Similarly, in 2002, Search wrote a similar 『regression test』 for its indexing code, and AdSense (which had not even publicly launched yet) created its variation on the AdWords test.
-当我们在前面讨论Google的测试历史时(见第11章),我们讨论了Google Web Server(GWS)如何在2003年强制执行自动化测试,以及这是一个分水岭时刻。然而,在这之前,我们实际上已经有了自动化测试的使用,但一个普遍的做法是使用自动化的大型测试。例如,AdWords早在2001年就创建了一个端到端的测试来验证产品方案。同样,在2002年,搜索部门为其索引代码写了一个类似的 "回归测试",而AdSense(当时甚至还没有公开推出)在AdWords的测试上创造了它的变种。
+當我們在前面討論Google的測試歷史時(見第11章),我們討論了Google Web Server(GWS)如何在2003年強制執行自動化測試,以及這是一個分水嶺時刻。然而,在這之前,我們實際上已經有了自動化測試的使用,但一個普遍的做法是使用自動化的大型測試。例如,AdWords早在2001年就建立了一個端到端的測試來驗證產品方案。同樣,在2002年,搜尋部門為其索引程式碼寫了一個類似的 "迴歸測試",而AdSense(當時甚至還沒有公開推出)在AdWords的測試上創造了它的變種。
-Other “larger” testing patterns also existed circa 2002. The Google search frontend relied heavily on manual QA—manual versions of end-to-end test scenarios. And Gmail got its version of a “local demo” environment—a script to bring up an end-to- end Gmail environment locally with some generated test users and mail data for local manual testing.
+Other 『larger』 testing patterns also existed circa 2002. The Google search frontend relied heavily on manual QA—manual versions of end-to-end test scenarios. And Gmail got its version of a 『local demo』 environment—a script to bring up an end-to- end Gmail environment locally with some generated test users and mail data for local manual testing.
-其他 "较大"的测试模式也开始于2002年左右。谷歌搜索前端在很大程度上依赖于手动质量检查——端到端的测试场景的手动版本。Gmail得到了它的 "本地演示 "环境的版本——一个脚本,在本地建立一个端到端的Gmail环境,其中有一些生成的测试用户和邮件数据,用于本地手动测试。
+其他 "較大"的測試模式也開始於2002年左右。谷歌搜尋前端在很大程度上依賴於手動質量檢查——端到端的測試場景的手動版本。Gmail得到了它的 "本地示範 "環境的版本——一個指令碼,在本地建立一個端到端的Gmail環境,其中有一些生成的測試用戶和郵件資料,用於本地手動測試。
-When C/J Build (our first continuous build framework) launched, it did not distinguish between unit tests and other tests, but there were two critical developments that led to a split. First, Google focused on unit tests because we wanted to encourage the testing pyramid and to ensure the vast majority of written tests were unit tests. Second, when TAP replaced C/J Build as our formal continuous build system, it was only able to do so for tests that met TAP’s eligibility requirements: hermetic tests buildable at a single change that could run on our build/test cluster within a maximum time limit. Although most unit tests satisfied this requirement, larger tests mostly did not. However, this did not stop the need for other kinds of tests, and they have continued to fill the coverage gaps. C/J Build even stuck around for years specifically to handle these kinds of tests until newer systems replaced it.
+When C/J Build (our first continuous build framework) launched, it did not distinguish between unit tests and other tests, but there were two critical developments that led to a split. First, Google focused on unit tests because we wanted to encourage the testing pyramid and to ensure the vast majority of written tests were unit tests. Second, when TAP replaced C/J Build as our formal continuous build system, it was only able to do so for tests that met TAP」s eligibility requirements: hermetic tests buildable at a single change that could run on our build/test cluster within a maximum time limit. Although most unit tests satisfied this requirement, larger tests mostly did not. However, this did not stop the need for other kinds of tests, and they have continued to fill the coverage gaps. C/J Build even stuck around for years specifically to handle these kinds of tests until newer systems replaced it.
-当C/J Build(我们的第一个持续构建框架)推出时,它并没有区分单元测试和其他测试,但有两个关键的进展导致了区分两者。首先,Google专注于单元测试,因为我们想鼓励金字塔式测试,并确保绝大部分的测试是单元测试。第二,当TAP取代C/J Build成为我们正式的持续构建系统时,它只能为符合TAP资格要求的测试服务:可在一次修改中构建的密封测试,可在最大时间限制内运行在我们的构建/测试集群上。尽管大多数单元测试满足了这一要求,但大型测试大多不满足。然而,这并没有阻止对其他类型的测试的需求,而且它们一直在填补覆盖率的空白。C/J Build甚至坚持了多年,专门处理这些类型的测试,直到更新的系统取代它。
+當C/J Build(我們的第一個持續建立框架)推出時,它並沒有區分單元測試和其他測試,但有兩個關鍵的進展導致了區分兩者。首先,Google專注於單元測試,因為我們想鼓勵金字塔式測試,並確保絕大部分的測試是單元測試。第二,當TAP取代C/J Build成為我們正式的持續建立系統時,它只能為符合TAP資格要求的測試服務:可在一次修改中建立的密封測試,可在最大時間限制內執行在我們的建立/測試叢集上。儘管大多數單元測試滿足了這一要求,但大型測試大多不滿足。然而,這並沒有阻止對其他型別的測試的需求,而且它們一直在填補覆蓋率的空白。C/J Build甚至堅持了多年,專門處理這些型別的測試,直到更新的系統取代它。
-### Larger Tests and Time 大型测试与时间
+### Larger Tests and Time 大型測試與時間
Throughout this book, we have looked at the influence of time on software engineering, because Google has built software running for more than 20 years. How are larger tests influenced by the time dimension? We know that certain activities make more sense the longer the expected lifespan of code, and testing of various forms is an activity that makes sense at all levels, but the test types that are appropriate change over the expected lifetime of code.
As we pointed out before, unit tests begin to make sense for software with an expected lifespan from hours on up. At the minutes level (for small scripts), manual testing is most common, and the SUT usually runs locally, but the local demo likely *is* production, especially for one-off scripts, demos, or experiments. At longer lifespans, manual testing continues to exist, but the SUTs usually diverge because the production instance is often cloud hosted instead of locally hosted.
The remaining larger tests all provide value for longer-lived software, but the main concern becomes the maintainability of such tests as time increases.
-Incidentally, this time impact might be one reason for the development of the “ice cream cone” testing antipattern, as mentioned in the Chapter 11 and shown again in Figure 14-2.
+Incidentally, this time impact might be one reason for the development of the 『ice cream cone』 testing antipattern, as mentioned in the Chapter 11 and shown again in Figure 14-2.
![Figure 14-2](./images/Figure%2014-2.png)
*Figure 14-2. The ice cream cone testing antipattern*
-When development starts with manual testing (when engineers think that code is meant to last only for minutes), those manual tests accumulate and dominate the initial overall testing portfolio. For example, it’s pretty typical to hack on a script or an app and test it out by running it, and then to continue to add features to it but continue to test it out by running it manually. This prototype eventually becomes functional and is shared with others, but no automated tests actually exist for it.
+When development starts with manual testing (when engineers think that code is meant to last only for minutes), those manual tests accumulate and dominate the initial overall testing portfolio. For example, it」s pretty typical to hack on a script or an app and test it out by running it, and then to continue to add features to it but continue to test it out by running it manually. This prototype eventually becomes functional and is shared with others, but no automated tests actually exist for it.
-Even worse, if the code is difficult to unit test (because of the way it was implemented in the first place), the only automated tests that can be written are end-to-end ones, and we have inadvertently created “legacy code” within days.
+Even worse, if the code is difficult to unit test (because of the way it was implemented in the first place), the only automated tests that can be written are end-to-end ones, and we have inadvertently created 『legacy code』 within days.
It is *critical* for longer-term health to move toward the test pyramid within the first few days of development by building out unit tests, and then to top it off after that point by introducing automated integration tests and moving away from manual end- to-end tests. We succeeded by making unit tests a requirement for submission, but covering the gap between unit tests and manual tests is necessary for long-term health.
-#### Larger Tests at Google Scale 谷歌规模的大型测试
+#### Larger Tests at Google Scale 谷歌規模的大型測試
It would seem that larger tests should be more necessary and more appropriate at larger scales of software, but even though this is so, the complexity of authoring, running, maintaining, and debugging these tests increases with the growth in scale, even more so than with unit tests.
In a system composed of microservices or separate servers, the pattern of interconnections looks like a graph: let the number of nodes in that graph be our *N*. Every time a new node is added to this graph, there is a multiplicative effect on the number of distinct execution paths through it.
[Figure 14-3 ](#_bookmark1226)depicts an imagined SUT: this system consists of a social network with users, a social graph, a stream of posts, and some ads mixed in. The ads are created by advertisers and served in the context of the social stream. This SUT alone consists of two groups of users, two UIs, three databases, an indexing pipeline, and six servers. There are 14 edges enumerated in the graph. Testing all of the end-to-end possibilities is already difficult. Imagine if we add more services, pipelines, and databases to this mix: photos and images, machine learning photo analysis, and so on?
![Figure 14-3](./images/Figure%2014-3.png)
@@ -228,32 +228,32 @@ In a system composed of microservices or separate servers, the pattern of interc
The rate of distinct scenarios to test in an end-to-end way can grow exponentially or combinatorially depending on the structure of the system under test, and that growth does not scale. Therefore, as the system grows, we must find alternative larger testing strategies to keep things manageable.
-However, the value of such tests also increases because of the decisions that were necessary to achieve this scale. This is an impact of fidelity: as we move toward larger-*N* layers of software, if the service doubles are lower fidelity (1-epsilon), the chance of bugs when putting it all together is exponential in *N*. Looking at this example SUT again, if we replace the user server and ad server with doubles and those doubles are low fidelity (e.g., 10% accurate), the likelihood of a bug is 99% (1 – (0.1 ∗ 0.1)). And that’s just with two low-fidelity doubles.
+However, the value of such tests also increases because of the decisions that were necessary to achieve this scale. This is an impact of fidelity: as we move toward larger-*N* layers of software, if the service doubles are lower fidelity (1-epsilon), the chance of bugs when putting it all together is exponential in *N*. Looking at this example SUT again, if we replace the user server and ad server with doubles and those doubles are low fidelity (e.g., 10% accurate), the likelihood of a bug is 99% (1 – (0.1 ∗ 0.1)). And that」s just with two low-fidelity doubles.
-然而,由于实现这一规模所需的决策,此类测试的价值也增加了。这是仿真度的一个影响:随着我们向更大的N层软件发展,如果服务的仿真度加倍(1ε),那么当把所有的服务放在一起时,出现错误的几率是N的指数。再看看这个例子SUT,如果我们用测试替代来取代用户服务器和广告服务器,并且这些测试替代的仿真度较低(例如,10%的不准确度),出现错误的可能性为99%(1–(0.1 ∗ 0.1)). 这只是两个低仿真度的替代。
+然而,由於實現這一規模所需的決策,此類測試的價值也增加了。這是模擬度的一個影響:隨著我們向更大的N層軟體發展,如果服務的模擬度加倍(1ε),那麼當把所有的服務放在一起時,出現錯誤的機率是N的指數。再看看這個例子SUT,如果我們用測試替代來取代使用者伺服器和廣告伺服器,並且這些測試替代的模擬度較低(例如,10%的不準確度),出現錯誤的可能性為99%(1–(0.1 ∗ 0.1)). 這只是兩個低模擬度的替代。
Therefore, it becomes critical to implement larger tests in ways that work well at this scale but maintain reasonably high fidelity.
-Tip:"The Smallest Possible Test" 提示:"尽可能小的测试"
+Tip:"The Smallest Possible Test" 提示:"儘可能小的測試"
Even for integration tests,smaller is better-a handful of large tests is preferable to anenormous one.And,because the scope of a test is often coupled to the scope of theSUT,finding ways to make the SUT smaller help make the test smaller.
One way to achieve this test ratio when presented with a user journey that can requirecontributions from many internal systems is to "chain"tests,as illustrated inFigure 14-4,not specifically in their execution,but to create multiple smaller pairwiseintegration tests that represent the overall scenario.This is done by ensuring that theoutput of one test is used as the input to another test by persisting this output to adata repository.
-当出现一个需要许多内部系统服务的用户请求时,实现这种测试比率的一种方法是 "串联"测试,如图14-4所示,不是具体执行,而是创建多个较小的成对集成测试,代表整个场景。
+當出現一個需要許多內部系統服務的使用者請求時,實現這種測試比率的一種方法是 "串聯"測試,如圖14-4所示,不是具體執行,而是建立多個較小的成對整合測試,代表整個場景。
![Figure 14-4](./images/Figure%2014-4.png)
Figure 14-4. Chained tests
-## Structure of a Large Test 大型测试组成
+## Structure of a Large Test 大型測試組成
Although large tests are not bound by small test constraints and could conceivably consist of anything, most large tests exhibit common patterns. Large tests usually consist of a workflow with the following phases:
@@ -262,18 +262,18 @@ Although large tests are not bound by small test constraints and could conceivab
- Perform actions using the system under test
- Verify behaviors
-- 获得被测试的系统
-- 必要的测试数据
-- 使用被测系统执行操作
-- 验证行为
+- 獲得被測試的系統
+- 必要的測試資料
+- 使用被測系統執行操作
+- 驗證行為
-### The System Under Test 被测试的系统
+### The System Under Test 被測試的系統
One key component of large tests is the aforementioned SUT (see Figure 14-5). A typical unit test focuses its attention on one class or module. Moreover, the test code runs in the same process (or Java Virtual Machine [JVM], in the Java case) as the code being tested. For larger tests, the SUT is often very different; one or more separate processes with test code often (but not always) in its own process.
![Figure 14-5](./images/Figure%2014-5.png)
@@ -282,124 +282,124 @@ One key component of large tests is the aforementioned SUT (see Figure 14-5). A
At Google, we use many different forms of SUTs, and the scope of the SUT is one of the primary drivers of the scope of the large test itself (the larger the SUT, the larger the test). Each SUT form can be judged based on two primary factors:
- *Hermeticity*
- This is the SUT’s isolation from usages and interactions from other components than the test in question. An SUT with high hermeticity will have the least exposure to sources of concurrency and infrastructure flakiness.
+ This is the SUT」s isolation from usages and interactions from other components than the test in question. An SUT with high hermeticity will have the least exposure to sources of concurrency and infrastructure flakiness.
- *Fidelity*
- The SUT’s accuracy in reflecting the production system being tested. An SUT with high fidelity will consist of binaries that resemble the production versions (rely on similar configurations, use similar infrastructures, and have a similar overall topology).
+ The SUT」s accuracy in reflecting the production system being tested. An SUT with high fidelity will consist of binaries that resemble the production versions (rely on similar configurations, use similar infrastructures, and have a similar overall topology).
-- *封闭性*
- 这是SUT与相关测试之外的其他组件的使用和交互的隔离。具有高隔离性的SUT将具有最少的并发性和基础架构脆弱性来源。
-- *仿真度*
- SUT反映被测生产系统的准确性。具有高仿真度的SUT将由与生产版本相似的二进制文件组成(依赖于类似的配置,使用类似的基础设施,并且具有类似的总体拓扑)。
+- *封閉性*
+ 這是SUT與相關測試之外的其他元件的使用和互動的隔離。具有高隔離性的SUT將具有最少的併發性和基礎架構脆弱性來源。
+- *模擬度*
+ SUT反映被測生產系統的準確性。具有高模擬度的SUT將由與生產版本相似的二進位檔案組成(依賴於類似的設定,使用類似的基礎設施,並且具有類似的總體拓撲)。
Often these two factors are in direct conflict. Following are some examples of SUTs:
- *Single-process SUT*
- The entire system under test is packaged into a single binary (even if in production these are multiple separate binaries). Additionally, the test code can be packaged into the same binary as the SUT. Such a test-SUT combination can be a “small” test if everything is single-threaded, but it is the least faithful to the production topology and configuration.
+ The entire system under test is packaged into a single binary (even if in production these are multiple separate binaries). Additionally, the test code can be packaged into the same binary as the SUT. Such a test-SUT combination can be a 『small』 test if everything is single-threaded, but it is the least faithful to the production topology and configuration.
- *Single-machine SUT*
- The system under test consists of one or more separate binaries (same as production) and the test is its own binary. But everything runs on one machine. This is used for “medium” tests. Ideally, we use the production launch configuration of each binary when running those binaries locally for increased fidelity.
+ The system under test consists of one or more separate binaries (same as production) and the test is its own binary. But everything runs on one machine. This is used for 『medium』 tests. Ideally, we use the production launch configuration of each binary when running those binaries locally for increased fidelity.
- *Multimachine SUT*
- The system under test is distributed across multiple machines (much like a production cloud deployment). This is even higher fidelity than the single-machine SUT, but its use makes tests “large” size and the combination is susceptible to increased network and machine flakiness.
+ The system under test is distributed across multiple machines (much like a production cloud deployment). This is even higher fidelity than the single-machine SUT, but its use makes tests 『large』 size and the combination is susceptible to increased network and machine flakiness.
- *Shared environments (staging and production)*
Instead of running a standalone SUT, the test just uses a shared environment. This has the lowest cost because these shared environments usually already exist, but the test might conflict with other simultaneous uses and one must wait for the code to be pushed to those environments. Production also increases the risk of end-user impact.
- *Hybrids*
- Some SUTs represent a mix: it might be possible to run some of the SUT but have it interact with a shared environment. Usually the thing being tested is explicitly run but its backends are shared. For a company as expansive as Google, it is practically impossible to run multiple copies of all of Google’s interconnected services, so some hybridization is required.
-- *单进程SUT*
- 整个被测系统被打包成一个二进制文件(即使在生产中这些是多个独立的二进制文件)。此外,测试代码可以被打包成与SUT相同的二进制文件。如果所有测试都是单线程的,那么这种测试SUT组合可能是一个“小”测试,但它对生产拓扑和配置仿真度最低。
-- *单机SUT*
- 被测系统由一个或多个独立的二进制文件组成(与生产相同),测试有其独立的二进制文件。但一切都在一台机器上运行。这用于 "中等 "测试。理想情况下,在本地运行这些二进制文件时,我们使用每个二进制文件的生产启动配置,以提高仿真度。
-- *多机SUT*
- 被测系统分布在多台机器上(很像生产云部署)。这比单机SUT的仿真度还要高,但它的使用使得测试的规模 "很大",而且这种组合很容易受到网络和机器脆弱程度的影响。
-- *共享环境(预发和生产)*
- 测试只使用共享环境,而不是运行独立的SUT。这具有最低的成本,因为这些共享环境通常已经存在,但是测试可能会与其他同时使用冲突,并且必须等待代码被推送到这些环境中。生产也增加了最终用户受到影响的风险。
+ Some SUTs represent a mix: it might be possible to run some of the SUT but have it interact with a shared environment. Usually the thing being tested is explicitly run but its backends are shared. For a company as expansive as Google, it is practically impossible to run multiple copies of all of Google」s interconnected services, so some hybridization is required.
+- *單程序SUT*
+ 整個被測系統被打包成一個二進位檔案(即使在生產中這些是多個獨立的二進位檔案)。此外,測試程式碼可以被打包成與SUT相同的二進位檔案。如果所有測試都是單線程的,那麼這種測試SUT組合可能是一個『小』測試,但它對生產拓撲和設定模擬度最低。
+- *單機SUT*
+ 被測系統由一個或多個獨立的二進位檔案組成(與生產相同),測試有其獨立的二進位檔案。但一切都在一台機器上執行。這用於 "中等 "測試。理想情況下,在本地執行這些二進位檔案時,我們使用每個二進位檔案的生產啟動設定,以提高模擬度。
+- *多機SUT*
+ 被測系統分佈在多台機器上(很像生產雲部署)。這比單機SUT的模擬度還要高,但它的使用使得測試的規模 "很大",而且這種組合很容易受到網路和機器脆弱程度的影響。
+- *共享環境(預發和生產)*
+ 測試只使用共享環境,而不是執行獨立的SUT。這具有最低的成本,因為這些共享環境通常已經存在,但是測試可能會與其他同時使用衝突,並且必須等待程式碼被推送到這些環境中。生產也增加了最終使用者受到影響的風險。
- *混合模式*
- 一些SUT代表了一种混合:可以运行一些SUT,但可以让它与共享环境交互。通常被测试的东西是显式运行的,但是它的后端是共享的。对于像谷歌这样扩张的公司来说,实际上不可能运行所有谷歌互联服务的多个副本,因此需要一些混合。
+ 一些SUT代表了一種混合:可以執行一些SUT,但可以讓它與共享環境互動。通常被測試的東西是顯式執行的,但是它的後端是共享的。對於像谷歌這樣擴張的公司來說,實際上不可能執行所有谷歌互聯服務的多個副本,因此需要一些混合。
-#### The benefits of hermetic SUTs 封闭式SUT的好处
+#### The benefits of hermetic SUTs 封閉式SUT的好處
The SUT in a large test can be a major source of both unreliability and long turnaround time. For example, an in-production test uses the actual production system deployment. As mentioned earlier, this is popular because there is no extra overhead cost for the environment, but production tests cannot be run until the code reaches that environment, which means those tests cannot themselves block the release of the code to that environment—the SUT is too late, essentially.
-The most common first alternative is to create a giant shared staging environment and to run tests there. This is usually done as part of some release promotion process, but it again limits test execution to only when the code is available. As an alternative, some teams will allow engineers to “reserve” time in the staging environment and to use that time window to deploy pending code and to run tests, but this does not scale with a growing number of engineers or a growing number of services, because the environment, its number of users, and the likelihood of user conflicts all quickly grow.
+The most common first alternative is to create a giant shared staging environment and to run tests there. This is usually done as part of some release promotion process, but it again limits test execution to only when the code is available. As an alternative, some teams will allow engineers to 『reserve』 time in the staging environment and to use that time window to deploy pending code and to run tests, but this does not scale with a growing number of engineers or a growing number of services, because the environment, its number of users, and the likelihood of user conflicts all quickly grow.
-最常见的第一种选择是创建一个巨大的共享预发环境并在那里运行测试。这通常是作为某些发布升级过程的一部分来完成的,但它再次将测试执行限制为仅当代码可用时。作为一个替代方案,一些团队允许工程师在预发环境中"保留 "时间,并使用该时间窗口来部署待定的代码和运行测试,但这并不能随着工程师数量的增加或服务数量的增加而扩展,因为环境、用户数量和用户冲突的可能性都会迅速增加。
+最常見的第一種選擇是建立一個巨大的共享預發環境並在那裡執行測試。這通常是作為某些發布升級過程的一部分來完成的,但它再次將測試執行限制為僅當代碼可用時。作為一個替代方案,一些團隊允許工程師在預發環境中"保留 "時間,並使用該時間視窗來部署待定的程式碼和執行測試,但這並不能隨著工程師數量的增加或服務數量的增加而擴充套件,因為環境、使用者數量和使用者衝突的可能性都會迅速增加。
The next step is to support cloud-isolated or machine-hermetic SUTs. Such an environment improves the situation by avoiding the conflicts and reservation requirements for code release.
*Case Study:Risks of testing in production and Webdriver Torso*
-*案例研究:生产中的测试风险和Webdriver Torso*
+*案例研究:生產中的測試風險和Webdriver Torso*
We mentioned that testing in production can be risky.One humorous episode resulting from testing in production was known as the Webdriver Torso incident.Weneeded a way to verify that video rendering in You Tube production was workingproperly and so created automated scripts to generate test videos,upload them,andverify the quality of the upload.This was done in a Google-owned YouTube channelcalled Webdriver Torso.But this channel was public,as were most of the videos.
-我们提到,在生产中进行测试是有风险的。我们需要一种方法来验证YouTube生产中的视频渲染是否正常,因此创建了自动脚本来生成测试视频,上传它们,并验证上传质量,这是在谷歌拥有的名为Webdriver Torso的YouTube中进行的。
+我們提到,在生產中進行測試是有風險的。我們需要一種方法來驗證YouTube生產中的影片渲染是否正常,因此建立了自動指令碼來生成測試影片,上傳它們,並驗證上傳質量,這是在谷歌擁有的名為Webdriver Torso的YouTube中進行的。
Subsequently,this channel was publicized in an article at Wired,which led to itsspread throughout the media and subsequent efforts to solve the mystery.Finally,ablogger tied everything back to Google.Eventually,we came clean by having a bit offun with it,including a Rickroll and an Easter Egg,so everything worked out well.Butwe do need to think about the possibility of end-user discovery of any test data weinclude in production and be prepared for it.
-#### Reducing the size of your SUT at problem boundaries 减少问题边界内SUT的范围
+#### Reducing the size of your SUT at problem boundaries 減少問題邊界內SUT的範圍
There are particularly painful testing boundaries that might be worth avoiding. Tests that involve both frontends and backends become painful because user interface (UI) tests are notoriously unreliable and costly:
- UIs often change in look-and-feel ways that make UI tests brittle but do not actually impact the underlying behavior.
- UIs often have asynchronous behaviors that are difficult to test.
-- UI的外观和感觉方式经常发生变化,使UI测试变得脆弱,但实际上不会影响底层行为。
-- UI通常具有难以测试的异步行为。
+- UI的外觀和感覺方式經常發生變化,使UI測試變得脆弱,但實際上不會影響底層行為。
+- UI通常具有難以測試的非同步行為。
Although it is useful to have end-to-end tests of a UI of a service all the way to its backend, these tests have a multiplicative maintenance cost for both the UI and the backends. Instead, if the backend provides a public API, it is often easier to split the tests into connected tests at the UI/API boundary and to use the public API to drive the end-to-end tests. This is true whether the UI is a browser, command-line interface (CLI), desktop app, or mobile app.
Another special boundary is for third-party dependencies. Third-party systems might not have a public shared environment for testing, and in some cases, there is a cost with sending traffic to a third party. Therefore, it is not recommended to have automated tests use a real third-party API, and that dependency is an important seam at which to split tests.
To address this issue of size, we have made this SUT smaller by replacing its databases with in-memory databases and removing one of the servers outside the scope of the SUT that we actually care about, as shown in Figure 14-6. This SUT is more likely to fit on a single machine.
![Figure 14-6](./images/Figure%2014-6.png)
*Figure 14-6. A reduced-size SUT*
-The key is to identify trade-offs between fidelity and cost/reliability, and to identify reasonable boundaries. If we can run a handful of binaries and a test and pack it all into the same machines that do our regular compiles, links, and unit test executions, we have the easiest and most stable “integration” tests for our engineers.
+The key is to identify trade-offs between fidelity and cost/reliability, and to identify reasonable boundaries. If we can run a handful of binaries and a test and pack it all into the same machines that do our regular compiles, links, and unit test executions, we have the easiest and most stable 『integration』 tests for our engineers.
-关键是要确定仿真度和成本/可靠性之间的权衡,并确定合理的边界。如果我们能够运行少量的二进制文件和一个测试,并将其全部打包到进行常规编译、链接和单元测试执行的同一台机器上,我们就能为我们的工程师提供最简单、最稳定的 "集成 "测试。
+關鍵是要確定模擬度和成本/可靠性之間的權衡,並確定合理的邊界。如果我們能夠執行少量的二進位檔案和一個測試,並將其全部打包到進行常規編譯、連結和單元測試執行的同一台機器上,我們就能為我們的工程師提供最簡單、最穩定的 "整合 "測試。
-#### Record/replay proxies 录制/重放代理
+#### Record/replay proxies 錄製/重放代理
In the previous chapter, we discussed test doubles and approaches that can be used to decouple the class under test from its difficult-to-test dependencies. We can also double entire servers and processes by using a mock, stub, or fake server or process with the equivalent API. However, there is no guarantee that the test double used actually conforms to the contract of the real thing that it is replacing.
-One way of dealing with an SUT’s dependent but subsidiary services is to use a test double, but how does one know that the double reflects the dependency’s actual behavior? A growing approach outside of Google is to use a framework for [consumer-driven contract](https://oreil.ly/RADVJ)tests. These are tests that define a contract for both the client and the provider of the service, and this contract can drive automated tests. That is, a client defines a mock of the service saying that, for these input arguments, I get a particular output. Then, the real service uses this input/output pair in a real test to ensure that it produces that output given those inputs. Two public tools for consumer-driven contract testing are [Pact Contract Testing](https://docs.pact.io/)and [Spring Cloud Contracts](https://oreil.ly/szQ4j). Google’s heavy dependency on protocol buffers means that we don’t use these internally.
+One way of dealing with an SUT」s dependent but subsidiary services is to use a test double, but how does one know that the double reflects the dependency」s actual behavior? A growing approach outside of Google is to use a framework for [consumer-driven contract](https://oreil.ly/RADVJ)tests. These are tests that define a contract for both the client and the provider of the service, and this contract can drive automated tests. That is, a client defines a mock of the service saying that, for these input arguments, I get a particular output. Then, the real service uses this input/output pair in a real test to ensure that it produces that output given those inputs. Two public tools for consumer-driven contract testing are [Pact Contract Testing](https://docs.pact.io/)and [Spring Cloud Contracts](https://oreil.ly/szQ4j). Google」s heavy dependency on protocol buffers means that we don」t use these internally.
-处理SUT的依赖关系和附属服务的一种方法是使用测试替代,但如何知道替代反映了依赖的实际行为?在谷歌之外,一种正在发展的方法是使用一个框架进行消费者驱动的合同测试。这些测试为客户和服务的提供者定义了一个契约,这个契约可以驱动自动测试。也就是说,一个客户定义了一个服务的模拟,说对于这些输入参数,我得到一个特定的输出。然后,真正的服务在真正的测试中使用这个输入/输出对,以确保它在这些输入的情况下产生那个输出。消费者驱动的合同测试的两个公共工具是[Pact Contract Testing](https://docs.pact.io/)和[Spring Cloud Contracts](https://oreil.ly/szQ4j)。谷歌对protocol buffers的严重依赖意味着我们内部不使用这些工具。
+處理SUT的依賴關係和附屬服務的一種方法是使用測試替代,但如何知道替代反映了依賴的實際行為?在谷歌之外,一種正在發展的方法是使用一個框架進行消費者驅動的合同測試。這些測試為客戶和服務的提供者定義了一個契約,這個契約可以驅動自動測試。也就是說,一個客戶定義了一個服務的模擬,說對於這些輸入引數,我得到一個特定的輸出。然後,真正的服務在真正的測試中使用這個輸入/輸出對,以確保它在這些輸入的情況下產生那個輸出。消費者驅動的合同測試的兩個公共工具是[Pact Contract Testing](https://docs.pact.io/)和[Spring Cloud Contracts](https://oreil.ly/szQ4j)。谷歌對protocol buffers的嚴重依賴意味著我們內部不使用這些工具。
-At Google, we do something a little bit different. [Our most popular approach](https://oreil.ly/-wvYi)(for which there is a public API) is to use a larger test to generate a smaller one by recording the traffic to those external services when running the larger test and replaying it when running smaller tests. The larger, or “Record Mode” test runs continuously on post-submit, but its primary purpose is to generate these traffic logs (it must pass, however, for the logs to be generated). The smaller, or “Replay Mode” test is used during development and presubmit testing.
+At Google, we do something a little bit different. [Our most popular approach](https://oreil.ly/-wvYi)(for which there is a public API) is to use a larger test to generate a smaller one by recording the traffic to those external services when running the larger test and replaying it when running smaller tests. The larger, or 『Record Mode』 test runs continuously on post-submit, but its primary purpose is to generate these traffic logs (it must pass, however, for the logs to be generated). The smaller, or 『Replay Mode』 test is used during development and presubmit testing.
One of the interesting aspects of how record/replay works is that, because of nondeterminism, requests must be matched via a matcher to determine which response to replay. This makes them very similar to stubs and mocks in that argument matching is used to determine the resulting behavior.
What happens for new tests or tests where the client behavior changes significantly? In these cases, a request might no longer match what is in the recorded traffic file, so the test cannot pass in Replay mode. In that circumstance, the engineer must run the test in Record mode to generate new traffic, so it is important to make running Record tests easy, fast, and stable.
-### Test Data 测试数据
+### Test Data 測試資料
A test needs data, and a large test needs two different kinds of data:
@@ -408,12 +408,12 @@ A test needs data, and a large test needs two different kinds of data:
- *Test traffic*
Data sent to the system under test by the test itself during its execution
-- *种子数据*
- 预先初始化到被测系统中的数据,反映测试开始时SUT的状态
-- *测试流量*
- 在测试执行过程中,由测试本身发送至被测系统的数据。
+- *種子資料*
+ 預先初始化到被測系統中的資料,反映測試開始時SUT的狀態
+- *測試流量*
+ 在測試執行過程中,由測試本身傳送至被測系統的資料。
Because of the notion of the separate and larger SUT, the work to seed the SUT state is often orders of magnitude more complex than the setup work done in a unit test. For example:
@@ -424,13 +424,13 @@ Because of the notion of the separate and larger SUT, the work to seed the SUT s
- *Seeding APIs*
The APIs by which data is seeded may be complex. It might be possible to directly write to a datastore, but doing so might bypass triggers and checks performed by the actual binaries that perform the writes.
-- *领域数据*
- 一些数据库包含预先填充到表中的数据,并作为环境的配置使用。如果不提供领域数据,使用这种数据库的实际服务二进制文件可能在启动时失败。
-- *现实的基线*
- 要使SUT被认为是现实的,它可能需要在启动时提供一组现实的基础数据,包括质量和数量。例如,社交网络的大型测试可能需要一个真实的社交图作为测试的基本状态:必须有足够多的具有真实配置文件的测试用户以及这些用户之间的足够互联,才能接受测试。
-- *种子APIs*
- 用于数据初始化的API可能相当复杂。也许可以直接写入数据存储,但这样做可能会绕过由执行写入的实际二进制文件执行的触发器和检查。
+- *領域資料*
+ 一些資料庫包含預先填充到表中的資料,並作為環境的設定使用。如果不提供領域資料,使用這種資料庫的實際服務二進位檔案可能在啟動時失敗。
+- *現實的基線*
+ 要使SUT被認為是現實的,它可能需要在啟動時提供一組現實的基礎資料,包括質量和數量。例如,社交網路的大型測試可能需要一個真實的社交圖作為測試的基本狀態:必須有足夠多的具有真實設定檔案的測試用戶以及這些使用者之間的足夠互聯,才能接受測試。
+- *種子APIs*
+ 用於資料初始化的API可能相當複雜。也許可以直接寫入資料儲存,但這樣做可能會繞過由執行寫入的實際二進位檔案執行的觸發器和檢查。
Data can be generated in different ways, such as the following:
@@ -439,18 +439,18 @@ Data can be generated in different ways, such as the following:
- *Copied data*
We can copy data, typically from production. For example, we might test a map of Earth by starting with a copy of our production map data to provide a baseline and then test our changes to it.
- *Sampled data*
- Copying data can provide too much data to reasonably work with. Sampling data can reduce the volume, thus reducing test time and making it easier to reason about. “Smart sampling” consists of techniques to copy the minimum data necessary to achieve maximum coverage.
+ Copying data can provide too much data to reasonably work with. Sampling data can reduce the volume, thus reducing test time and making it easier to reason about. 『Smart sampling』 consists of techniques to copy the minimum data necessary to achieve maximum coverage.
-- *手工制作数据*
- 与小型测试一样,我们可以手动创建大型测试的测试数据。但是在一个大型SUT中为多个服务设置数据可能需要更多的工作,并且我们可能需要为大型测试创建大量数据。
-- *复制的数据*
- 我们可以复制数据,通常来自生产。例如,我们可以通过从生产地图数据的副本开始测试地球地图,以提供基线,然后测试我们对它的更改。
-- *抽样数据*
- 复制数据可能产生过多,难以有效处理的数据。采样数据可以减少数量,从而减少测试时间,使其更容易推理。"智能抽样 "包括复制最小的数据以达到最大覆盖率的技术。
+- *手工製作資料*
+ 與小型測試一樣,我們可以手動建立大型測試的測試資料。但是在一個大型SUT中為多個服務設定資料可能需要更多的工作,並且我們可能需要為大型測試建立大量資料。
+- *複製的資料*
+ 我們可以複製資料,通常來自生產。例如,我們可以透過從生產地圖資料的副本開始測試地球地圖,以提供基線,然後測試我們對它的更改。
+- *抽樣資料*
+ 複製資料可能產生過多,難以有效處理的資料。取樣資料可以減少數量,從而減少測試時間,使其更容易推理。"智慧抽樣 "包括複製最小的資料以達到最大覆蓋率的技術。
-### Verification 验证
+### Verification 驗證
After an SUT is running and traffic is sent to it, we must still verify the behavior. There are a few different ways to do this:
@@ -467,26 +467,26 @@ assertThat(response.Contains("Colossal Cave"))
- *A/B comparison (differential)*
Instead of defining explicit assertions, A/B testing involves running two copies of the SUT, sending the same data, and comparing the output. The intended behavior is not explicitly defined: a human must manually go through the differences to ensure any changes are intended.
-- *手动*
- 就像你在本地尝试你的二进制文件一样,手动验证使用人工与SUT互动以确定它的功能是否正确。这种验证可以包括通过执行一致的测试计划中定义的操作来测试回归,也可以是探索性的,通过不同的交互路径来识别可能的新故障。
- 需要注意的是,人工回归测试的规模化不是线性的:系统越大,通过它的操作越多,需要的人力测试时间就越多就越更多。
-- *断言*
- 与单元测试一样,这些是对系统预期行为的明确检查。例如,对于谷歌搜索xyzzy的集成测试,一个断言可能如下:
+- *手動*
+ 就像你在本地嘗試你的二進位檔案一樣,手動驗證使用人工與SUT互動以確定它的功能是否正確。這種驗證可以包括透過執行一致的測試計劃中定義的操作來測試迴歸,也可以是探索性的,透過不同的互動路徑來識別可能的新故障。
+ 需要注意的是,人工迴歸測試的規模化不是線性的:系統越大,透過它的操作越多,需要的人力測試時間就越多就越更多。
+- *斷言*
+ 與單元測試一樣,這些是對系統預期行為的明確檢查。例如,對於谷歌搜尋xyzzy的整合測試,一個斷言可能如下:
assertThat(response.Contains("Colossal Cave"))
-- *A/B测试(差异)*
- A/B测试不是定义显式断言,而是运行SUT的两个副本,发送相同的数据,并比较结果。未明确定义预期行为:人工必须手动检查差异,以确保任何预期更改。
+- *A/B測試(差異)*
+ A/B測試不是定義顯式斷言,而是執行SUT的兩個副本,傳送相同的資料,並比較結果。未明確定義預期行為:人工必須手動檢查差異,以確保任何預期更改。
-## Types of Larger Tests 大型测试的类型
+## Types of Larger Tests 大型測試的型別
We can now combine these different approaches to the SUT, data, and assertions to create different kinds of large tests. Each test then has different properties as to which risks it mitigates; how much toil is required to write, maintain, and debug it; and how much it costs in terms of resources to run.
What follows is a list of different kinds of large tests that we use at Google, how they are composed, what purpose they serve, and what their limitations are:
@@ -501,28 +501,28 @@ What follows is a list of different kinds of large tests that we use at Google,
- Disaster recovery and chaos engineering
- User evaluation
-- 一个或多个二进制文件的功能测试
-- 浏览器和设备测试
-- 性能、负载和压力测试
-- 部署配置测试
-- 探索性测试
-- A/B对比(回归)测试
-- 用户验收测试(UAT)
-- 探针和金丝雀分析
-- 故障恢复和混沌工程
-- 用户评价
+- 一個或多個二進位檔案的功能測試
+- 瀏覽器和裝置測試
+- 效能、負載和壓力測試
+- 部署設定測試
+- 探索性測試
+- A/B對比(迴歸)測試
+- 使用者驗收測試(UAT)
+- 探針和金絲雀分析
+- 故障恢復和混沌工程
+- 使用者評價
Given such a wide number of combinations and thus a wide range of tests, how do we manage what to do and when? Part of designing software is drafting the test plan, and a key part of the test plan is a strategic outline of what types of testing are needed and how much of each. This test strategy identifies the primary risk vectors and the necessary testing approaches to mitigate those risk vectors.
-At Google, we have a specialized engineering role of “Test Engineer,” and one of the things we look for in a good test engineer is the ability to outline a test strategy for our products.
+At Google, we have a specialized engineering role of 『Test Engineer,』 and one of the things we look for in a good test engineer is the ability to outline a test strategy for our products.
-### Functional Testing of One or More Interacting Binaries 一个或多个二进制文件的功能测试
+### Functional Testing of One or More Interacting Binaries 一個或多個二進位檔案的功能測試
Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
@@ -530,74 +530,74 @@ Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
- Data: handcrafted
- Verification: assertions
-- SUT:单机密封或云部署隔离
-- 数据:手工制作
-- 核查:断言
+- SUT:單機密封或雲部署隔離
+- 資料:手工製作
+- 核查:斷言
As we have seen so far, unit tests are not capable of testing a complex system with true fidelity, simply because they are packaged in a different way than the real code is packaged. Many functional testing scenarios interact with a given binary differently than with classes inside that binary, and these functional tests require separate SUTs and thus are canonical, larger tests.
Testing the interactions of multiple binaries is, unsurprisingly, even more complicated than testing a single binary. A common use case is within microservices environments when services are deployed as many separate binaries. In this case, a functional test can cover the real interactions between the binaries by bringing up an SUT composed of all the relevant binaries and by interacting with it through a published API.
-### Browser and Device Testing 浏览器和设备测试
+### Browser and Device Testing 瀏覽器和裝置測試
Testing web UIs and mobile applications is a special case of functional testing of one or more interacting binaries. It is possible to unit test the underlying code, but for the end users, the public API is the application itself. Having tests that interact with the application as a third party through its frontend provides an extra layer of coverage.
-测试web UI和移动应用程序是对一个或多个相互协作二进制文件进行功能测试的特例。可以对底层代码进行单元测试,但对于最终用户来说,公共API是应用程序本身。将测试作为第三方通过其前端与应用程序交互提供了额外的覆盖层。
+測試web UI和行動應用程式是對一個或多個相互協作二進位檔案進行功能測試的特例。可以對底層程式碼進行單元測試,但對於最終使用者來說,公共API是應用程式本身。將測試作為第三方透過其前端與應用程式互動提供了額外的覆蓋層。
-### Performance, Load, and Stress testing 性能、负载和压力测试
+### Performance, Load, and Stress testing 效能、負載和壓力測試
Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
- SUT: cloud-deployed isolated
- Data: handcrafted or multiplexed from production
- Verification: diff (performance metrics)
-- SUT:云部署隔离
-- 数据:手工生成或从生产中多路传输
-- 验证:差异(性能指标)
+- SUT:雲部署隔離
+- 資料:手工生成或從生產中多路傳輸
+- 驗證:差異(效能指標)
Although it is possible to test a small unit in terms of performance, load, and stress, often such tests require sending simultaneous traffic to an external API. That definition implies that such tests are multithreaded tests that usually test at the scope of a binary under test. However, these tests are critical for ensuring that there is no degradation in performance between versions and that the system can handle expected spikes in traffic.
-As the scale of the load test grows, the scope of the input data also grows, and it eventually becomes difficult to generate the scale of load required to trigger bugs under load. Load and stress handling are “highly emergent” properties of a system; that is, these complex behaviors belong to the overall system but not the individual members. Therefore, it is important to make these tests look as close to production as possible. Each SUT requires resources akin to what production requires, and it becomes difficult to mitigate noise from the production topology.
+As the scale of the load test grows, the scope of the input data also grows, and it eventually becomes difficult to generate the scale of load required to trigger bugs under load. Load and stress handling are 『highly emergent』 properties of a system; that is, these complex behaviors belong to the overall system but not the individual members. Therefore, it is important to make these tests look as close to production as possible. Each SUT requires resources akin to what production requires, and it becomes difficult to mitigate noise from the production topology.
-随着负载测试规模的增长,输入数据的范围也在增长,甚至很难在负载下生成触发bug所需的负载规模。负载和压力处理是系统的 "高度涌现"属性;也就是说,这些复杂的行为属于整个系统,而不是个别组成。因此,重要的是使这些测试看起来尽可能地接近生产。每个SUT所需的资源与生产所需的资源类似,因此很难缓解生产拓扑中的噪音。
+隨著負載測試規模的增長,輸入資料的範圍也在增長,甚至很難在負載下生成觸發bug所需的負載規模。負載和壓力處理是系統的 "高度湧現"屬性;也就是說,這些複雜的行為屬於整個系統,而不是個別組成。因此,重要的是使這些測試看起來儘可能地接近生產。每個SUT所需的資源與生產所需的資源類似,因此很難緩解生產拓撲中的噪音。
One area of research for eliminating noise in performance tests is in modifying the deployment topology—how the various binaries are distributed across a network of machines. The machine running a binary can affect the performance characteristics; thus, if in a performance diff test, the base version runs on a fast machine (or one with a fast network) and the new version on a slow one, it can appear like a performance regression. This characteristic implies that the optimal deployment is to run both versions on the same machine. If a single machine cannot fit both versions of the binary, an alternative is to calibrate by performing multiple runs and removing peaks and valleys.
-### Deployment Configuration Testing 部署配置测试
+### Deployment Configuration Testing 部署設定測試
Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
- SUT: single-machine hermetic or cloud-deployed isolated
- Data: none
-- Verification: assertions (doesn’t crash)
+- Verification: assertions (doesn」t crash)
-- SUT:单机封闭或云部署隔离
-- 数据:无
-- 验证:断言(不会崩溃)
+- SUT:單機封閉或雲部署隔離
+- 資料:無
+- 驗證:斷言(不會崩潰)
Many times, it is not the code that is the source of defects but instead configuration: data files, databases, option definitions, and so on. Larger tests can test the integration of the SUT with its configuration files because these configuration files are read during the launch of the given binary.
Such a test is really a smoke test of the SUT without needing much in the way of additional data or verification. If the SUT starts successfully, the test passes. If not, the test fails.
-### Exploratory Testing 探索性测试
+### Exploratory Testing 探索性測試
Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
@@ -605,37 +605,37 @@ Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
- Data: production or a known test universe
- Verification: manual
-- SUT:生产或共享预发
-- 数据:生产或已知测试范围
-- 核查:手动
+- SUT:生產或共享預發
+- 資料:生產或已知測試範圍
+- 核查:手動
Exploratory testing[^2] is a form of manual testing that focuses not on looking for behavioral regressions by repeating known test flows, but on looking for questionable behavior by trying out new user scenarios. Trained users/testers interact with a product through its public APIs, looking for new paths through the system and for which behavior deviates from either expected or intuitive behavior, or if there are security vulnerabilities.
-Exploratory testing is useful for both new and launched systems to uncover unanticipated behaviors and side effects. By having testers follow different reachable paths through the system, we can increase the system coverage and, when these testers identify bugs, capture new automated functional tests. In a sense, this is a bit like a manual “fuzz testing” version of functional integration testing.
+Exploratory testing is useful for both new and launched systems to uncover unanticipated behaviors and side effects. By having testers follow different reachable paths through the system, we can increase the system coverage and, when these testers identify bugs, capture new automated functional tests. In a sense, this is a bit like a manual 『fuzz testing』 version of functional integration testing.
>[^2]: James A. Whittaker, Exploratory Software Testing: Tips, Tricks, Tours, and Techniques to Guide Test Design(New York: Addison-Wesley Professional, 2009).
-> 2 詹姆斯·惠塔克,探索性软件测试: 提示, 诡计, 旅行,和技巧到指导测验设计(纽约:Addison-Wesley Professional,2009年)。
+> 2 詹姆斯·惠塔克,探索性軟體測試: 提示, 詭計, 旅行,和技巧到指導測驗設計(紐約:Addison-Wesley Professional,2009年)。
-#### Limitations 局限性
+#### Limitations 侷限性
Manual testing does not scale sublinearly; that is, it requires human time to perform the manual tests. Any defects found by exploratory tests should be replicated with an automated test that can run much more frequently.
-#### Bug bashes 扫除bug
+#### Bug bashes 掃除bug
-One common approach we use for manual exploratory testing is the [bug bash](https://oreil.ly/zRLyA). A team of engineers and related personnel (managers, product managers, test engineers, anyone with familiarity with the product) schedules a “meeting,” but at this session, everyone involved manually tests the product. There can be some published guidelines as to particular focus areas for the bug bash and/or starting points for using the system, but the goal is to provide enough interaction variety to document questionable product behaviors and outright bugs.
+One common approach we use for manual exploratory testing is the [bug bash](https://oreil.ly/zRLyA). A team of engineers and related personnel (managers, product managers, test engineers, anyone with familiarity with the product) schedules a 『meeting,』 but at this session, everyone involved manually tests the product. There can be some published guidelines as to particular focus areas for the bug bash and/or starting points for using the system, but the goal is to provide enough interaction variety to document questionable product behaviors and outright bugs.
-我们用于手动探索性测试的一种常见方法是bug大扫除。一组工程师和相关人员(经理、产品经理、测试工程师、熟悉产品的任何人)安排了一次“会议”,但在此情况下,所有相关人员都会手动测试产品。对于bug 大扫除的特定关注领域和/或使用系统的起点,可能会有一些已发布的指南,但目标是提供足够的交互多样性,以记录有问题的产品行为和底层的bug。
+我們用於手動探索性測試的一種常見方法是bug大掃除。一組工程師和相關人員(經理、產品經理、測試工程師、熟悉產品的任何人)安排了一次『會議』,但在此情況下,所有相關人員都會手動測試產品。對於bug 大掃除的特定關注領域和/或使用系統的起點,可能會有一些已發布的指南,但目標是提供足夠的互動多樣性,以記錄有問題的產品行為和底層的bug。
-### A/B Diff Regression Testing A/B对比测试
+### A/B Diff Regression Testing A/B對比測試
Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
@@ -643,29 +643,29 @@ Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
- Data: usually multiplexed from production or sampled
- Verification: A/B diff comparison
-- SUT:两个云部署的隔离环境
-- 数据:通常从生产或取样中多路传输
-- 验证:A/B差异比较
+- SUT:兩個雲部署的隔離環境
+- 資料:通常從生產或取樣中多路傳輸
+- 驗證:A/B差異比較
-Unit tests cover expected behavior paths for a small section of code. But it is impossible to predict many of the possible failure modes for a given publicly facing product. Additionally, as Hyrum’s Law states, the actual public API is not the declared one but all user-visible aspects of a product. Given those two properties, it is no surprise that A/B diff tests are possibly the most common form of larger testing at Google. This approach conceptually dates back to 1998. At Google, we have been running tests based on this model since 2001 for most of our products, starting with Ads, Search, and Maps.
+Unit tests cover expected behavior paths for a small section of code. But it is impossible to predict many of the possible failure modes for a given publicly facing product. Additionally, as Hyrum」s Law states, the actual public API is not the declared one but all user-visible aspects of a product. Given those two properties, it is no surprise that A/B diff tests are possibly the most common form of larger testing at Google. This approach conceptually dates back to 1998. At Google, we have been running tests based on this model since 2001 for most of our products, starting with Ads, Search, and Maps.
A/B diff tests operate by sending traffic to a public API and comparing the responses between old and new versions (especially during migrations). Any deviations in behavior must be reconciled as either anticipated or unanticipated (regressions). In this case, the SUT is composed of two sets of real binaries: one running at the candidate version and the other running at the base version. A third binary sends traffic and compares the results.
There are other variants. We use A-A testing (comparing a system to itself) to identify nondeterministic behavior, noise, and flakiness, and to help remove those from A-B diffs. We also occasionally use A-B-C testing, comparing the last production version, the baseline build, and a pending change, to make it easy at one glance to see not only the impact of an immediate change, but also the accumulated impacts of what would be the next-to-release version.
A/B diff tests are a cheap but automatable way to detect unanticipated side effects for any launched system.
-#### Limitations 局限性
+#### Limitations 侷限性
Diff testing does introduce a few challenges to solve:
@@ -678,16 +678,16 @@ Diff testing does introduce a few challenges to solve:
- *Setup*
Configuring and maintaining one SUT is fairly challenging. Creating two at a time can double the complexity, especially if these share interdependencies.
- *批准*
- 必须有人对结果有足够的了解,才能知道是否会出现任何差异。与典型的测试不同,不清楚差异是好是坏(或者基线版本实际上是否有效),因此在这个过程中通常需要手动步骤。
+ 必須有人對結果有足夠的瞭解,才能知道是否會出現任何差異。與典型的測試不同,不清楚差異是好是壞(或者基線版本實際上是否有效),因此在這個過程中通常需要手動步驟。
- *噪音*
- 对于对比测试来说,任何在结果中引入意料之外的噪音都会导致对结果进行更多的手动查验。有必要对噪声进行补救,这也是建立一个好的对比测试的一个很大的复杂性来源。
-- *覆盖率*
- 为对比测试产生足够的有用流量是一个具有挑战性的问题。测试数据必须涵盖足够多的场景,以确定角落的差异,但很难手动管理这样的数据。
-- *配置*
- 配置和维护一个SUT是相当具有挑战性的。一次创建两个可以使复杂性加倍,特别是如果这些共享相互依赖关系。
+ 對於對比測試來說,任何在結果中引入意料之外的噪音都會導致對結果進行更多的手動查驗。有必要對噪聲進行補救,這也是建立一個好的對比測試的一個很大的複雜性來源。
+- *覆蓋率*
+ 為對比測試產生足夠的有用流量是一個具有挑戰性的問題。測試資料必須涵蓋足夠多的場景,以確定角落的差異,但很難手動管理這樣的資料。
+- *設定*
+ 設定和維護一個SUT是相當具有挑戰性的。一次建立兩個可以使複雜性加倍,特別是如果這些共享相互依賴關係。
### UAT
@@ -697,25 +697,25 @@ Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
- Data: handcrafted
- Verification: assertions
-- SUT:机器密封或云部署隔离
-- 数据:手工制作
-- 核查:断言
+- SUT:機器密封或雲部署隔離
+- 資料:手工製作
+- 核查:斷言
-A key aspect of unit tests is that they are written by the developer writing the code under test. But that makes it quite likely that misunderstandings about the *intended* behavior of a product are reflected not only in the code, but also the unit tests. Such unit tests verify that code is “Working as implemented” instead of “Working as intended.”
+A key aspect of unit tests is that they are written by the developer writing the code under test. But that makes it quite likely that misunderstandings about the *intended* behavior of a product are reflected not only in the code, but also the unit tests. Such unit tests verify that code is 『Working as implemented』 instead of 『Working as intended.』
-单元测试的一个关键方面是,它们是由编写被测代码的开发人员编写的。但是,这使得对产品的*预期*行为的误解很可能不仅反映在代码中,而且也反映在单元测试中。这样的单元测试验证了代码是 "按实现工作 "而不是 "按预期工作"。
+單元測試的一個關鍵方面是,它們是由編寫被測程式碼的開發人員編寫的。但是,這使得對產品的*預期*行為的誤解很可能不僅反映在程式碼中,而且也反映在單元測試中。這樣的單元測試驗證了程式碼是 "按實現工作 "而不是 "按預期工作"。
-For cases in which there is either a specific end customer or a customer proxy (a customer committee or even a product manager), UATs are automated tests that exercise the product through public APIs to ensure the overall behavior for specific [user jour‐](https://oreil.ly/lOaOq) [neys ](https://oreil.ly/lOaOq)is as intended. Multiple public frameworks exist (e.g., Cucumber and RSpec) to make such tests writable/readable in a user-friendly language, often in the context of “runnable specifications.”
+For cases in which there is either a specific end customer or a customer proxy (a customer committee or even a product manager), UATs are automated tests that exercise the product through public APIs to ensure the overall behavior for specific [user jour‐](https://oreil.ly/lOaOq) [neys ](https://oreil.ly/lOaOq)is as intended. Multiple public frameworks exist (e.g., Cucumber and RSpec) to make such tests writable/readable in a user-friendly language, often in the context of 『runnable specifications.』
-对于有特定终端客户或客户代理(客户委员会甚至产品经理)的情况,UAT是通过公共API执行产品的自动化测试,以确保特定[用户旅程](https://oreil.ly/lOaOq)的总体行为符合预期。存在多个公共框架(例如,Cucumber和RSpec),使这种测试可以用用户友好的语言写/读,通常是在 "可运行规范"的背景下。
+對於有特定終端客戶或客戶代理(客戶委員會甚至產品經理)的情況,UAT是透過公共API執行產品的自動化測試,以確保特定[使用者旅程](https://oreil.ly/lOaOq)的總體行為符合預期。存在多個公共框架(例如,Cucumber和RSpec),使這種測試可以用使用者友好的語言寫/讀,通常是在 "可執行規範"的背景下。
-Google does not actually do a lot of automated UAT and does not use specification languages very much. Many of Google’s products historically have been created by the software engineers themselves. There has been little need for runnable specification languages because those defining the intended product behavior are often fluent in the actual coding languages themselves.
+Google does not actually do a lot of automated UAT and does not use specification languages very much. Many of Google」s products historically have been created by the software engineers themselves. There has been little need for runnable specification languages because those defining the intended product behavior are often fluent in the actual coding languages themselves.
-### Probers and Canary Analysis 探针和金丝雀分析
+### Probers and Canary Analysis 探針和金絲雀分析
Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
@@ -723,39 +723,39 @@ Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
- Data: production
- Verification: assertions and A/B diff (of metrics)
-- SUT:生产
-- 数据:生产
-- 验证:断言和A/B差异(度量)
+- SUT:生產
+- 資料:生產
+- 驗證:斷言和A/B差異(度量)
Probers and canary analysis are ways to ensure that the production environment itself is healthy. In these respects, they are a form of production monitoring, but they are structurally very similar to other large tests.
-Probers are functional tests that run encoded assertions against the production environment. Usually these tests perform well-known and deterministic read-only actions so that the assertions hold even though the production data changes over time. For example, a prober might perform a Google search at [www.google.com ](http://www.google.com/)and verify that a result is returned, but not actually verify the contents of the result. In that respect, they are “smoke tests” of the production system, but they provide early detection of major issues.
+Probers are functional tests that run encoded assertions against the production environment. Usually these tests perform well-known and deterministic read-only actions so that the assertions hold even though the production data changes over time. For example, a prober might perform a Google search at [www.google.com ](http://www.google.com/)and verify that a result is returned, but not actually verify the contents of the result. In that respect, they are 『smoke tests』 of the production system, but they provide early detection of major issues.
-Probers是功能测试,针对生产环境运行编码的断言。通常,这些测试执行众所周知的和确定的只读动作,这样即使生产数据随时间变化,断言也能成立。例如,探针可能在 [www.google.com](http://www.google.com/) 执行谷歌搜索,并验证返回的结果,但实际上并不验证结果的内容。在这方面,它们是生产系统的 "冒烟测试",但可以及早发现重大问题。
+Probers是功能測試,針對生產環境執行編碼的斷言。通常,這些測試執行眾所周知的和確定的只讀動作,這樣即使生產資料隨時間變化,斷言也能成立。例如,探針可能在 [www.google.com](http://www.google.com/) 執行谷歌搜尋,並驗證回傳的結果,但實際上並不驗證結果的內容。在這方面,它們是生產系統的 "冒煙測試",但可以及早發現重大問題。
Canary analysis is similar, except that it focuses on when a release is being pushed to the production environment. If the release is staged over time, we can run both prober assertions targeting the upgraded (canary) services as well as compare health metrics of both the canary and baseline parts of production and make sure that they are not out of line.
Probers should be used in any live system. If the production rollout process includes a phase in which the binary is deployed to a limited subset of the production machines (a canary phase), canary analysis should be used during that procedure.
-#### Limitations 局限性
+#### Limitations 侷限性
Any issues caught at this point in time (in production) are already affecting end users.
If a prober performs a mutable (write) action, it will modify the state of production. This could lead to one of three outcomes: nondeterminism and failure of the assertions, failure of the ability to write in the future, or user-visible side effects.
-### Disaster Recovery and Chaos Engineering 故障恢复与混沌工程
+### Disaster Recovery and Chaos Engineering 故障恢復與混沌工程
Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
@@ -763,48 +763,48 @@ Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
- Data: production and user-crafted (fault injection)
- Verification: manual and A/B diff (metrics)
-- SUT:生产
-- 数据:生产和用户定制(故障注入)
-- 验证:手动和A/B对比(指标)
+- SUT:生產
+- 資料:生產和使用者定製(故障注入)
+- 驗證:手動和A/B對比(指標)
These test how well your systems will react to unexpected changes or failures.
For years, Google has run an annual war game called [DiRT
](https://oreil.ly/17ffL)(Disaster Recovery Testing) during which faults are injected into our infrastructure at a nearly planetary scale. We simulate everything from datacenter fires to malicious attacks. In one memorable case, we simulated an earthquake that completely isolated our headquarters in Mountain View, California, from the rest of the company. Doing so exposed not only technical shortcomings but also revealed the challenge of running a company when all the key decision makers were unreachable.[^3]
-多年来,谷歌每年都会举办一场名为“灾难恢复测试”[DiRT](https://oreil.ly/17ffL)(Disaster Recovery Testing)的演练,在这场演练中,故障几乎以全球规模注入我们的基础设施。我们模拟了从数据中心火灾到恶意攻击的一切。在一个令人难忘的案例中,我们模拟了一场地震,将我们位于加州山景城的总部与公司其他部门完全隔离。这样做不仅暴露了技术上的缺陷,也揭示了在所有关键决策者都无法联系到的情况下,管理公司的挑战。
+多年來,谷歌每年都會舉辦一場名為『災難恢復測試』[DiRT](https://oreil.ly/17ffL)(Disaster Recovery Testing)的演練,在這場演練中,故障幾乎以全球規模注入我們的基礎設施。我們模擬了從資料中心火災到惡意攻擊的一切。在一個令人難忘的案例中,我們模擬了一場地震,將我們位於加州山景城的總部與公司其他部門完全隔離。這樣做不僅暴露了技術上的缺陷,也揭示了在所有關鍵決策者都無法聯絡到的情況下,管理公司的挑戰。
-The impacts of DiRT tests require a lot of coordination across the company; by contrast, chaos engineering is more of a “continuous testing” for your technical infrastructure. [Made popular by Netflix](https://oreil.ly/BCwdM), chaos engineering involves writing programs that continuously introduce a background level of faults into your systems and seeing what happens. Some of the faults can be quite large, but in most cases, chaos testing tools are designed to restore functionality before things get out of hand. The goal of chaos engineering is to help teams break assumptions of stability and reliability and help them grapple with the challenges of building resiliency in. Today, teams at Google perform thousands of chaos tests each week using our own home-grown system called Catzilla.
+The impacts of DiRT tests require a lot of coordination across the company; by contrast, chaos engineering is more of a 『continuous testing』 for your technical infrastructure. [Made popular by Netflix](https://oreil.ly/BCwdM), chaos engineering involves writing programs that continuously introduce a background level of faults into your systems and seeing what happens. Some of the faults can be quite large, but in most cases, chaos testing tools are designed to restore functionality before things get out of hand. The goal of chaos engineering is to help teams break assumptions of stability and reliability and help them grapple with the challenges of building resiliency in. Today, teams at Google perform thousands of chaos tests each week using our own home-grown system called Catzilla.
-DiRT测试的影响需要整个公司的大量协调;相比之下,混沌工程更像是对你的技术基础设施的 "持续测试"。[由Netflix推广](https://oreil.ly/BCwdM),混沌工程包括编写程序,在你的系统中不断引入背景水平的故障,并观察会发生什么。有些故障可能相当大,但在大多数情况下,混沌测试工具旨在在事情失控之前恢复功能。混沌工程的目标是帮助团队打破稳定性和可靠性的假设,帮助他们应对建立弹性的挑战。今天,谷歌的团队每周都会使用我们自己开发的名为Catzilla的系统进行数千次混沌测试。
+DiRT測試的影響需要整個公司的大量協調;相比之下,混沌工程更像是對你的技術基礎設施的 "持續測試"。[由Netflix推廣](https://oreil.ly/BCwdM),混沌工程包括編寫程式,在你的系統中不斷引入背景水平的故障,並觀察會發生什麼。有些故障可能相當大,但在大多數情況下,混沌測試工具旨在在事情失控之前恢復功能。混沌工程的目標是幫助團隊打破穩定性和可靠性的假設,幫助他們應對建立彈性的挑戰。今天,谷歌的團隊每週都會使用我們自己開發的名為Catzilla的系統進行數千次混沌測試。
These kinds of fault and negative tests make sense for live production systems that have enough theoretical fault tolerance to support them and for which the costs and risks of the tests themselves are affordable.
> [^3]: During this test, almost no one could get anything done, so many people gave up on work and went to one of our many cafes, and in doing so, we ended up creating a DDoS attack on our cafe teams!
-> 3 在这次测试中,几乎没有人能完成任何事情,所以很多人放弃了工作,去了我们众多咖啡馆中的一家,在这样做的过程中,我们最终对我们的咖啡馆团队发起了DDoS攻击!
+> 3 在這次測試中,幾乎沒有人能完成任何事情,所以很多人放棄了工作,去了我們眾多咖啡館中的一家,在這樣做的過程中,我們最終對我們的咖啡館團隊發起了DDoS攻擊!
-#### Limitations 局限性
+#### Limitations 侷限性
Any issues caught at this point in time (in production) are already affecting end users.
DiRT is quite expensive to run, and therefore we run a coordinated exercise on an infrequent scale. When we create this level of outage, we actually cause pain and negatively impact employee performance.
If a prober performs a mutable (write) action, it will modify the state of production. This could lead to either nondeterminism and failure of the assertions, failure of the ability to write in the future, or user-visible side effects.
-### User Evaluation 用户评价
+### User Evaluation 使用者評價
Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
@@ -812,88 +812,88 @@ Tests of these type have the following characteristics:
- Data: production
- Verification: manual and A/B diffs (of metrics)
-- SUT:生产
-- 数据:生产
-- 验证:手动和A/B对比(度量)
+- SUT:生產
+- 資料:生產
+- 驗證:手動和A/B對比(度量)
Production-based testing makes it possible to collect a lot of data about user behavior. We have a few different ways to collect metrics about the popularity of and issues with upcoming features, which provides us with an alternative to UAT:
- *Dogfooding*
- It’s possible using limited rollouts and experiments to make features in production available to a subset of users. We do this with our own staff sometimes (eat our own dogfood), and they give us valuable feedback in the real deployment environment.
+ It」s possible using limited rollouts and experiments to make features in production available to a subset of users. We do this with our own staff sometimes (eat our own dogfood), and they give us valuable feedback in the real deployment environment.
- *Experimentation*
A new behavior is made available as an experiment to a subset of users without their knowing. Then, the experiment group is compared to the control group at an aggregate level in terms of some desired metric. For example, in YouTube, we had a limited experiment changing the way video upvotes worked (eliminating the downvote), and only a portion of the user base saw this change.
This is a [massively important approach for Google](https://oreil.ly/OAvqF). One of the first stories a Noogler hears upon joining the company is about the time Google launched an experiment changing the background shading color for AdWords ads in Google Search and noticed a significant increase in ad clicks for users in the experimental group versus the control group.
- *Rater* *evaluation*
- Human raters are presented with results for a given operation and choose which one is “better” and why. This feedback is then used to determine whether a given change is positive, neutral, or negative. For example, Google has historically used rater evaluation for search queries (we have published the guidelines we give our raters). In some cases, the feedback from this ratings data can help determine launch go/no-go for algorithm changes. Rater evaluation is critical for nondeterministic systems like machine learning systems for which there is no clear correct answer, only a notion of better or worse.
+ Human raters are presented with results for a given operation and choose which one is 『better』 and why. This feedback is then used to determine whether a given change is positive, neutral, or negative. For example, Google has historically used rater evaluation for search queries (we have published the guidelines we give our raters). In some cases, the feedback from this ratings data can help determine launch go/no-go for algorithm changes. Rater evaluation is critical for nondeterministic systems like machine learning systems for which there is no clear correct answer, only a notion of better or worse.
-- *吃自己的狗粮*
- 我们可以利用有限的推广和实验,将生产中的功能提供给一部分用户使用。我们有时会和自己的员工一起这样做(吃自己的狗粮),他们会在真实的部署环境中给我们提供宝贵的反馈。
-- *实验*
- 在用户不知情的情况下,将一个新的行为作为一个实验提供给一部分用户。然后,将实验组与控制组在某种期望的指标方面进行综合比较。例如,在YouTube,我们做了一个有限的实验,改变了视频加分的方式(取消了降分),只有一部分用户看到了这个变化。
- 这是一个[对谷歌来说非常重要的方法](https://oreil.ly/OAvqF)。Noogler在加入公司后听到的第一个故事是关于谷歌推出了一个实验,改变了谷歌搜索中AdWords广告的背景阴影颜色,并注意到实验组的用户与对照组相比,广告点击量明显增加。
-- *评分员评价*
- 评分员会被告知某一特定操作的结果,并选择哪一个 "更好"以及原因。然后,这种反馈被用来确定一个特定的变更是正面、中性还是负面的。例如,谷歌在历史上一直使用评分员对搜索查询进行评估(我们已经公布了我们给评员者的指导方针)。在某些情况下,来自该评级数据的反馈有助于确定算法更改的启动通过/不通过。评价员的评价对于像机器学习系统这样的非确定性系统至关重要,因为这些系统没有明确的正确答案,只有一个更好或更差的概念。
+- *吃自己的狗糧*
+ 我們可以利用有限的推廣和實驗,將生產中的功能提供給一部分使用者使用。我們有時會和自己的員工一起這樣做(吃自己的狗糧),他們會在真實的部署環境中給我們提供寶貴的反饋。
+- *實驗*
+ 在使用者不知情的情況下,將一個新的行為作為一個實驗提供給一部分使用者。然後,將實驗組與控制組在某種期望的指標方面進行綜合比較。例如,在YouTube,我們做了一個有限的實驗,改變了影片加分的方式(取消了降分),只有一部分使用者看到了這個變化。
+ 這是一個[對谷歌來說非常重要的方法](https://oreil.ly/OAvqF)。Noogler在加入公司後聽到的第一個故事是關於谷歌推出了一個實驗,改變了谷歌搜尋中AdWords廣告的背景陰影顏色,並注意到實驗組的使用者與對照組相比,廣告點選量明顯增加。
+- *評分員評價*
+ 評分員會被告知某一特定操作的結果,並選擇哪一個 "更好"以及原因。然後,這種反饋被用來確定一個特定的變更是正面、中性還是負面的。例如,谷歌在歷史上一直使用評分員對搜尋查詢進行評估(我們已經公佈了我們給評員者的指導方針)。在某些情況下,來自該評級資料的反饋有助於確定演算法更改的啟動透過/不通過。評價員的評價對於像機器學習系統這樣的非確定性系統至關重要,因為這些系統沒有明確的正確答案,只有一個更好或更差的概念。
-## Large Tests and the Developer Workflow 大型测试和开发人员工作流程
+## Large Tests and the Developer Workflow 大型測試和開發人員工作流程
-We’ve talked about what large tests are, why to have them, when to have them, and how much to have, but we have not said much about the who. Who writes the tests? Who runs the tests and investigates the failures? Who owns the tests? And how do we make this tolerable?
+We」ve talked about what large tests are, why to have them, when to have them, and how much to have, but we have not said much about the who. Who writes the tests? Who runs the tests and investigates the failures? Who owns the tests? And how do we make this tolerable?
Although standard unit test infrastructure might not apply, it is still critical to integrate larger tests into the developer workflow. One way of doing this is to ensure that automated mechanisms for presubmit and post-submit execution exist, even if these are different mechanisms than the unit test ones. At Google, many of these large tests do not belong in TAP. They are nonhermetic, too flaky, and/or too resource intensive. But we still need to keep them from breaking or else they provide no signal and become too difficult to triage. What we do, then, is to have a separate post-submit continuous build for these. We also encourage running these tests presubmit, because that provides feedback directly to the author.
A/B diff tests that require manual blessing of diffs can also be incorporated into such a workflow. For presubmit, it can be a code-review requirement to approve any diffs in the UI before approving the change. One such test we have files release-blocking bugs automatically if code is submitted with unresolved diffs.
In some cases, tests are so large or painful that presubmit execution adds too much developer friction. These tests still run post-submit and are also run as part of the release process. The drawback to not running these presubmit is that the taint makes it into the monorepo and we need to identify the culprit change to roll it back. But we need to make the trade-off between developer pain and the incurred change latency and the reliability of the continuous build.
-### Authoring Large Tests 编写大型测试
+### Authoring Large Tests 編寫大型測試
Although the structure of large tests is fairly standard, there is still a challenge with creating such a test, especially if it is the first time someone on the team has done so.
The best way to make it possible to write such tests is to have clear libraries, documentation, and examples. Unit tests are easy to write because of native language support (JUnit was once esoteric but is now mainstream). We reuse these assertion libraries for functional integration tests, but we also have created over time libraries for interacting with SUTs, for running A/B diffs, for seeding test data, and for orchestrating test workflows.
Larger tests are more expensive to maintain, in both resources and human time, but not all large tests are created equal. One reason that A/B diff tests are popular is that they have less human cost in maintaining the verification step. Similarly, production SUTs have less maintenance cost than isolated hermetic SUTs. And because all of this authored infrastructure and code must be maintained, the cost savings can compound.
However, this cost must be looked at holistically. If the cost of manually reconciling diffs or of supporting and safeguarding production testing outweighs the savings, it becomes ineffective.
-### Running Large Tests 进行大型测试
+### Running Large Tests 進行大型測試
-We mentioned above how our larger tests don’t fit in TAP and so we have alternate continuous builds and presubmits for them. One of the initial challenges for our engineers is how to even run nonstandard tests and how to iterate on them.
+We mentioned above how our larger tests don」t fit in TAP and so we have alternate continuous builds and presubmits for them. One of the initial challenges for our engineers is how to even run nonstandard tests and how to iterate on them.
As much as possible, we have tried to make our larger tests run in ways familiar for our engineers. Our presubmit infrastructure puts a common API in front of running both these tests and running TAP tests, and our code review infrastructure shows both sets of results. But many large tests are bespoke and thus need specific documentation for how to run them on demand. This can be a source of frustration for unfamiliar engineers.
-#### Speeding up tests 加快测试进度
+#### Speeding up tests 加快測試進度
-Engineers don’t wait for slow tests. The slower a test is, the less frequently an engineer will run it, and the longer the wait after a failure until it is passing again.
+Engineers don」t wait for slow tests. The slower a test is, the less frequently an engineer will run it, and the longer the wait after a failure until it is passing again.
The best way to speed up a test is often to reduce its scope or to split a large test into two smaller tests that can run in parallel. But there are some other tricks that you can do to speed up larger tests.
Some naive tests will use time-based sleeps to wait for nondeterministic action to occur, and this is quite common in larger tests. However, these tests do not have thread limitations, and real production users want to wait as little as possible, so it is best for tests to react the way real production users would. Approaches include the following:
@@ -901,15 +901,15 @@ Some naive tests will use time-based sleeps to wait for nondeterministic action
- Implementing an event handler.
- Subscribing to a notification system for an event completion.
-- 在时间窗口内重复轮询状态转换,以使事件以接近微秒的频率完成。如果测试无法达到稳定状态,你可以将其与超时值结合起来。
-- 实现一个事件处理程序。
-- 订阅事件完成通知系统。
+- 在時間視窗內重複輪詢狀態轉換,以使事件以接近微秒的頻率完成。如果測試無法達到穩定狀態,你可以將其與超時值結合起來。
+- 實現一個事件處理程式。
+- 訂閱事件完成通知系統。
Note that tests that rely on sleeps and timeouts will all start failing when the fleet running those tests becomes overloaded, which spirals because those tests need to be rerun more often, increasing the load further.
*Lower internal system timeouts and delays*
A production system is usually configured assuming a distributed deployment topology, but an SUT might be deployed on a single machine (or at least a cluster of colocated machines). If there are hardcoded timeouts or (especially) sleep statements in the production code to account for production system delay, these should be made tunable and reduced when running tests.
@@ -917,73 +917,73 @@ Note that tests that rely on sleeps and timeouts will all start failing when the
*Optimize test build time*
One downside of our monorepo is that all of the dependencies for a large test are built and provided as inputs, but this might not be necessary for some larger tests. If the SUT is composed of a core part that is truly the focus of the test and some other necessary peer binary dependencies, it might be possible to use prebuilt versions of those other binaries at a known good version. Our build system (based on the monorepo) does not support this model easily, but the approach is actually more reflective of production in which different services release at different versions.
- 生产系统通常采用分布式部署拓扑进行配置,但SUT可能部署在一台机器上(或至少是一个群集的机器)。如果在生产代码中存在硬编码超时或(特别是)休眠语句来解释生产系统延迟,则应在运行测试时使其可调并减少。
+ 生產系統通常採用分散式部署拓撲進行設定,但SUT可能部署在一台機器上(或至少是一個群集的機器)。如果在生產程式碼中存在硬編碼超時或(特別是)休眠語句來解釋生產系統延遲,則應在執行測試時使其可調並減少。
- 我们的monorepo的一个缺点是,大型测试的所有依赖项都是作为输入构建和提供的,但对于一些大型测试来说,这可能不是必需的。如果SUT是由一个真正的测试重点的核心部分和其他一些必要的对等二进制依赖组成的,那么可以在已知的良好版本中使用这些其他二进制文件的预构建版本。我们的构建系统(基于monorepo)不容易支持这种模式,但该方法实际上更能反映不同服务以不同版本发布的生产。
+ 我們的monorepo的一個缺點是,大型測試的所有依賴項都是作為輸入建立和提供的,但對於一些大型測試來說,這可能不是必需的。如果SUT是由一個真正的測試重點的核心部分和其他一些必要的對等二進位依賴組成的,那麼可以在已知的良好版本中使用這些其他二進位檔案的預建立版本。我們的建立系統(基於monorepo)不容易支援這種模式,但該方法實際上更能反映不同服務以不同版本發布的生產。
-#### Driving out flakiness 驱除松散性
+#### Driving out flakiness 驅除鬆散性
Flakiness is bad enough for unit tests, but for larger tests, it can make them unusable. A team should view eliminating flakiness of such tests as a high priority. But how can flakiness be removed from such tests?
Minimizing flakiness starts with reducing the scope of the test—a hermetic SUT will not be at risk of the kinds of multiuser and real-world flakiness of production or a shared staging environment, and a single-machine hermetic SUT will not have the network and deployment flakiness issues of a distributed SUT. But you can mitigate other flakiness issues through test design and implementation and other techniques. In some cases, you will need to balance these with test speed.
Just as making tests reactive or event driven can speed them up, it can also remove flakiness. Timed sleeps require timeout maintenance, and these timeouts can be embedded in the test code. Increasing internal system timeouts can reduce flakiness, whereas reducing internal timeouts can lead to flakiness if the system behaves in a nondeterministic way. The key here is to identify a trade-off that defines both a tolerable system behavior for end users (e.g., our maximum allowable timeout is *n* seconds) but handles flaky test execution behaviors well.
-A bigger problem with internal system timeouts is that exceeding them can lead to difficult errors to triage. A production system will often try to limit end-user exposure to catastrophic failure by handling possible internal system issues gracefully. For example, if Google cannot serve an ad in a given time limit, we don’t return a 500, we just don’t serve an ad. But this looks to a test runner as if the ad-serving code might be broken when there is just a flaky timeout issue. It’s important to make the failure mode obvious in this case and to make it easy to tune such internal timeouts for test scenarios.
+A bigger problem with internal system timeouts is that exceeding them can lead to difficult errors to triage. A production system will often try to limit end-user exposure to catastrophic failure by handling possible internal system issues gracefully. For example, if Google cannot serve an ad in a given time limit, we don」t return a 500, we just don」t serve an ad. But this looks to a test runner as if the ad-serving code might be broken when there is just a flaky timeout issue. It」s important to make the failure mode obvious in this case and to make it easy to tune such internal timeouts for test scenarios.
-#### Making tests understandable 让测试变得易懂
+#### Making tests understandable 讓測試變得易懂
A specific case for which it can be difficult to integrate tests into the developer workflow is when those tests produce results that are unintelligible to the engineer running the tests. Even unit tests can produce some confusion—if my change breaks your test, it can be difficult to understand why if I am generally unfamiliar with your code—but for larger tests, such confusion can be insurmountable. Tests that are assertive must provide a clear pass/fail signal and must provide meaningful error output to help triage the source of failure. Tests that require human investigation, like A/B diff tests, require special handling to be meaningful or else risk being skipped during presubmit.
How does this work in practice? A good large test that fails should do the following:
- *Have a message that clearly identifies what the failure is*
- The worst-case scenario is to have an error that just says “Assertion failed” and a stack trace. A good error anticipates the test runner’s unfamiliarity with the code and provides a message that gives context: “In test_ReturnsOneFullPageOfSearchResultsForAPopularQuery, expected 10 search results but got 1.” For a performance or A/B diff test that fails, there should be a clear explanation in the output of what is being measured and why the behavior is considered suspect.
+ The worst-case scenario is to have an error that just says 『Assertion failed』 and a stack trace. A good error anticipates the test runner」s unfamiliarity with the code and provides a message that gives context: 『In test_ReturnsOneFullPageOfSearchResultsForAPopularQuery, expected 10 search results but got 1.』 For a performance or A/B diff test that fails, there should be a clear explanation in the output of what is being measured and why the behavior is considered suspect.
- *Minimize the effort necessary to identify the root cause of the discrepancy*
- A stack trace is not useful for larger tests because the call chain can span multiple process boundaries. Instead, it’s necessary to produce a trace across the call chain or to invest in automation that can narrow down the culprit. The test should produce some kind of artifact to this effect. For example, [Dapper](https://oreil.ly/FXzbv) is a framework used by Google to associate a single request ID with all the requests in an RPC call chain, and all of the associated logs for that request can be correlated by that ID to facilitate tracing.
+ A stack trace is not useful for larger tests because the call chain can span multiple process boundaries. Instead, it」s necessary to produce a trace across the call chain or to invest in automation that can narrow down the culprit. The test should produce some kind of artifact to this effect. For example, [Dapper](https://oreil.ly/FXzbv) is a framework used by Google to associate a single request ID with all the requests in an RPC call chain, and all of the associated logs for that request can be correlated by that ID to facilitate tracing.
- *Provide support and contact information.*
It should be easy for the test runner to get help by making the owners and supporters of the test easy to contact.
-- *有一个明确指出失败原因的信息*
- 最坏的情况是有一个错误,只是说 "断言失败 "和一个堆栈跟踪。一个好的错误能预见到测试运行者对代码的不熟悉,并提供一个信息来说明背景。”in test_ReturnsOneFullPageOfSearchResultsForAPopularQuery中,预期有10个搜索结果,但得到了1个。" 对于失败的性能或A/B对比测试,在输出中应该有一个明确的解释,说明什么是被测量的,为什么该行为被认为是可疑的。
-- *尽量减少识别差异的根本原因所需的努力*
- 堆栈跟踪对较大的测试没有用,因为调用链可能跨越多个进程边界。相反,有必要在整个调用链中产生一个跟踪,或者投资于能够缩小罪魁祸首的自动化。测试应该产生某种工具来达到这个效果。例如,[Dapper](https://oreil.ly/FXzbv) 是谷歌使用的一个框架,将一个单一的请求ID与RPC调用链中的所有请求相关联,该请求的所有相关日志都可以通过该ID进行关联,以方便追踪。
-- *提供支持和联系信息*
- 通过使测试的所有者和支持者易于联系,测试运行者应该很容易获得帮助。
+- *有一個明確指出失敗原因的訊息*
+ 最壞的情況是有一個錯誤,只是說 "斷言失敗 "和一個堆疊跟蹤。一個好的錯誤能預見到測試執行者對程式碼的不熟悉,並提供一個訊息來說明背景。』in test_ReturnsOneFullPageOfSearchResultsForAPopularQuery中,預期有10個搜尋結果,但得到了1個。" 對於失敗的效能或A/B對比測試,在輸出中應該有一個明確的解釋,說明什麼是被測量的,為什麼該行為被認為是可疑的。
+- *儘量減少識別差異的根本原因所需的努力*
+ 堆疊跟蹤對較大的測試沒有用,因為呼叫鏈可能跨越多個程序邊界。相反,有必要在整個呼叫鏈中產生一個跟蹤,或者投資於能夠縮小罪魁禍首的自動化。測試應該產生某種工具來達到這個效果。例如,[Dapper](https://oreil.ly/FXzbv) 是谷歌使用的一個框架,將一個單一的請求ID與RPC呼叫鏈中的所有請求相關聯,該請求的所有相關日誌都可以透過該ID進行關聯,以方便追蹤。
+- *提供支援和聯絡訊息*
+ 透過使測試的所有者和支援者易於聯絡,測試執行者應該很容易獲得幫助。
-#### Owning Large Tests 大型测试所有权
+#### Owning Large Tests 大型測試所有權
Larger tests must have documented owners—engineers who can adequately review changes to the test and who can be counted on to provide support in the case of test failures. Without proper ownership, a test can fall victim to the following:
- It becomes more difficult for contributors to modify and update the test
- It takes longer to resolve test failures
-- 参与者修改和更新测试变得更加困难
-- 解决测试失败需要更长的时间
+- 參與者修改和更新測試變得更加困難
+- 解決測試失敗需要更長的時間
And the test rots.
-Integration tests of components within a particular project should be owned by the project lead. Feature-focused tests (tests that cover a particular business feature across a set of services) should be owned by a “feature owner”; in some cases, this owner might be a software engineer responsible for the feature implementation end to end; in other cases it might be a product manager or a “test engineer” who owns the description of the business scenario. Whoever owns the test must be empowered to ensure its overall health and must have both the ability to support its maintenance and the incentives to do so.
+Integration tests of components within a particular project should be owned by the project lead. Feature-focused tests (tests that cover a particular business feature across a set of services) should be owned by a 『feature owner』; in some cases, this owner might be a software engineer responsible for the feature implementation end to end; in other cases it might be a product manager or a 『test engineer』 who owns the description of the business scenario. Whoever owns the test must be empowered to ensure its overall health and must have both the ability to support its maintenance and the incentives to do so.
It is possible to build automation around test owners if this information is recorded in a structured way. Some approaches that we use include the following:
@@ -992,29 +992,29 @@ It is possible to build automation around test owners if this information is rec
- *Per-test* *annotations*
In some cases, multiple test methods can be added to a single test class or module, and each of these test methods can have a different feature owner. We use per-language structured annotations to document the test owner in each of these cases so that if a particular test method fails, we can identify the owner to contact.
-- *常规代码所有权*
- 在许多情况下,大型测试是一个独立的代码构件,它位于代码库中的特定位置。在这种情况下,我们可以使用monorepo中已经存在的所有者(第9章)信息来提示自动化,特定测试的所有者是测试代码的所有者。
+- *常規程式碼所有權*
+ 在許多情況下,大型測試是一個獨立的程式碼構件,它位於程式碼庫中的特定位置。在這種情況下,我們可以使用monorepo中已經存在的所有者(第9章)訊息來提示自動化,特定測試的所有者是測試程式碼的所有者。
-- *每个测试注释*
- 在某些情况下,可以将多个测试方法添加到单个测试类或模块中,并且这些测试方法中的每一个都可以有不同的特性所有者。我们使用每种语言的结构化注释,用于记录每种情况下的测试所有者,以便在特定测试方法失败时,我们可以确定要联系的所有者。
+- *每個測試註解*
+ 在某些情況下,可以將多個測試方法新增到單個測試類或模組中,並且這些測試方法中的每一個都可以有不同的屬性所有者。我們使用每種語言的結構化註解,用於記錄每種情況下的測試所有者,以便在特定測試方法失敗時,我們可以確定要聯絡的所有者。
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
A comprehensive test suite requires larger tests, both to ensure that tests match the fidelity of the system under test and to address issues that unit tests cannot adequately cover. Because such tests are necessarily more complex and slower to run, care must be taken to ensure such larger tests are properly owned, well maintained, and run when necessary (such as before deployments to production). Overall, such larger tests must still be made as small as possible (while still retaining fidelity) to avoid developer friction. A comprehensive test strategy that identifies the risks of a system, and the larger tests that address them, is necessary for most software projects.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- Larger tests cover things unit tests cannot.
- Large tests are composed of a System Under Test, Data, Action, and Verification.
- A good design includes a test strategy that identifies risks and larger tests that mitigate them.
- Extra effort must be made with larger tests to keep them from creating friction in the developer workflow.
-- 大型测试涵盖了单元测试不能涵盖的内容。
-- 大型测试是由被测系统、数据、操作和验证组成。
-- 良好的设计包括识别风险的测试策略和缓解风险的大型测试。
-- 必须对大型测试做出额外的努力,以防止它们在开发者的工作流程中产生阻力。
+- 大型測試涵蓋了單元測試不能涵蓋的內容。
+- 大型測試是由被測系統、資料、操作和驗證組成。
+- 良好的設計包括識別風險的測試策略和緩解風險的大型測試。
+- 必須對大型測試做出額外的努力,以防止它們在開發者的工作流程中產生阻力。
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# Deprecation
-# 第十五章 弃用
+# 第十五章 棄用
**Written by Hirum Wright**
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I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. —Douglas Adams
-——道格拉斯·亚当斯 如是说。
+——道格拉斯·亞當斯 如是說。
-All systems age. Even though software is a digital asset and the physical bits themselves don’t degrade, new technologies, libraries, techniques, languages, and other environmental changes over time render existing systems obsolete. Old systems require continued maintenance, esoteric expertise, and generally more work as they diverge from the surrounding ecosystem. It’s often better to invest effort in turning off obsolete systems, rather than letting them lumber along indefinitely alongside the systems that replace them. But the number of obsolete systems still running suggests that, in practice, doing so is not trivial. We refer to the process of orderly migration away from and eventual removal of obsolete systems as deprecation.
+All systems age. Even though software is a digital asset and the physical bits themselves don」t degrade, new technologies, libraries, techniques, languages, and other environmental changes over time render existing systems obsolete. Old systems require continued maintenance, esoteric expertise, and generally more work as they diverge from the surrounding ecosystem. It」s often better to invest effort in turning off obsolete systems, rather than letting them lumber along indefinitely alongside the systems that replace them. But the number of obsolete systems still running suggests that, in practice, doing so is not trivial. We refer to the process of orderly migration away from and eventual removal of obsolete systems as deprecation.
-所有系统都会老化。虽说软件是一种数字资产,它的字节位本身不会有任何退化。但随着时间的推移,新技术、库、 技术、语言和其他环境变化,都有可能使现有的系统过时。旧系统需要持续维护、深奥的专业知识,通常需要花费 更多的精力,因为它们与周遭的生态略有不同。投入些精力弃用掉过时的系统通常是个不错的选项,让它们无限 期地与它的替代者共存通常不是明智的选择。从实践的角度出发,那些仍在运行的大量过时系统无不表明,弃用掉过时系统所带来的收益并非微不足道。我们将有序迁移并最终移除过时系统的过程称为弃废。
+所有系統都會老化。雖說軟體是一種數字資產,它的位元組位本身不會有任何退化。但隨著時間的推移,新技術、函式庫、 技術、語言和其他環境變化,都有可能使現有的系統過時。舊系統需要持續維護、深奧的專業知識,通常需要花費 更多的精力,因為它們與周遭的生態略有不同。投入些精力棄用掉過時的系統通常是個不錯的選項,讓它們無限 期地與它的替代者共存通常不是明智的選擇。從實踐的角度出發,那些仍在執行的大量過時系統無不表明,棄用掉過時系統所帶來的收益並非微不足道。我們將有序遷移並最終移除過時系統的過程稱為棄廢。
-Deprecation is yet another topic that more accurately belongs to the discipline of software engineering than programming because it requires thinking about how to manage a system over time. For long-running software ecosystems, planning for and executing deprecation correctly reduces resource costs and improves velocity by removing the redundancy and complexity that builds up in a system over time. On the other hand, poorly deprecated systems may cost more than leaving them alone. While deprecating systems requires additional effort, it’s possible to plan for deprecation during the design of the system so that it’s easier to eventually decommission and remove it. Deprecations can affect systems ranging from individual function calls to entire software stacks. For concreteness, much of what follows focuses on code-level deprecations.
+Deprecation is yet another topic that more accurately belongs to the discipline of software engineering than programming because it requires thinking about how to manage a system over time. For long-running software ecosystems, planning for and executing deprecation correctly reduces resource costs and improves velocity by removing the redundancy and complexity that builds up in a system over time. On the other hand, poorly deprecated systems may cost more than leaving them alone. While deprecating systems requires additional effort, it」s possible to plan for deprecation during the design of the system so that it」s easier to eventually decommission and remove it. Deprecations can affect systems ranging from individual function calls to entire software stacks. For concreteness, much of what follows focuses on code-level deprecations.
-“弃用”,它更严格地属于软件工程领域,而非编程。因为它需要考虑如何随着时间的推移来管理系统。对于长期运行的软件生态系统,正确规划执行“弃用”,可以通过消除系统中随时间累积产生的冗 余、复杂性等,来降低资源成本并提高速度。另一方面,不推荐使用的系统可能比不理会它们的成本更高。虽然 “弃用”系统需要额外花费精力,但可以考虑在系统设计期间有计划地“弃用”,可以更容易地实现彻底停用并删除弃用的系统。“弃用”的影响范围可大可小,小到单个函数,大到整个软件生态。接下来的大部分内容我们都将集中在代码层级“弃用”上。
+『棄用』,它更嚴格地屬於軟體工程領域,而非程式設計。因為它需要考慮如何隨著時間的推移來管理系統。對於長期執行的軟體生態系統,正確規劃執行『棄用』,可以透過消除系統中隨時間累積產生的冗 餘、複雜性等,來降低資源成本並提高速度。另一方面,不推薦使用的系統可能比不理會它們的成本更高。雖然 『棄用』系統需要額外花費精力,但可以考慮在系統設計期間有計劃地『棄用』,可以更容易地實現徹底停用並刪除棄用的系統。『棄用』的影響範圍可大可小,小到單個函式,大到整個軟體生態。接下來的大部分內容我們都將集中在程式碼層級『棄用』上。
-Unlike with most of the other topics we have discussed in this book, Google is still learning how best to deprecate and remove software systems. This chapter describes the lessons we’ve learned as we’ve deprecated large and heavily used internal systems. Sometimes, it works as expected, and sometimes it doesn’t, but the general problem of removing obsolete systems remains a difficult and evolving concern in the industry.
+Unlike with most of the other topics we have discussed in this book, Google is still learning how best to deprecate and remove software systems. This chapter describes the lessons we」ve learned as we」ve deprecated large and heavily used internal systems. Sometimes, it works as expected, and sometimes it doesn」t, but the general problem of removing obsolete systems remains a difficult and evolving concern in the industry.
-与我们在本书中讨论的大多数章节不同,Google 仍在学习如何最好地“弃用”和删除软件系统。本章主要介绍我们在 “弃用”大型和大量使用的内部系统时学到的经验教训。有时,它能符合预期,有时则不会。毕竟移除过时系统的普 遍问题,仍然是行业中一个困难且须不断探索的问题。
+與我們在本書中討論的大多數章節不同,Google 仍在學習如何最好地『棄用』和刪除軟體系統。本章主要介紹我們在 『棄用』大型和大量使用的內部系統時學到的經驗教訓。有時,它能符合預期,有時則不會。畢竟移除過時系統的普 遍問題,仍然是行業中一個困難且須不斷探索的問題。
This chapter primarily deals with deprecating technical systems, not end-user products. The distinction is somewhat arbitrary given that an external-facing API is just another sort of product, and an internal API may have consumers that consider themselves end users. Although many of the principles apply to turning down a public product, we concern ourselves here with the technical and policy aspects of deprecating and removing obsolete systems where the system owner has visibility into its use.
-本章主要从技术层面讲“弃用”,而不是从产品层面。考虑到面向外部的 API 也算另一种产品,而内部 API 通常是自产自销,因此这种区别有些武断。尽管许多原则也适用于对外产品,但我们在这里关注的是“弃用”和删除过时 的内部系统的技术和策略方面的问题。
+本章主要從技術層面講『棄用』,而不是從產品層面。考慮到面向外部的 API 也算另一種產品,而內部 API 通常是自產自銷,因此這種區別有些武斷。儘管許多原則也適用於對外產品,但我們在這裡關注的是『棄用』和刪除過時 的內部系統的技術和策略方面的問題。
-## Why Deprecate? 为什么要“弃用” ?
+## Why Deprecate? 為什麼要『棄用』 ?
-Our discussion of deprecation begins from the fundamental premise that code is a liability, not an asset. After all, if code were an asset, why should we even bother spending time trying to turn down and remove obsolete systems? Code has costs, some of which are borne in the process of creating a system, but many other costs are borne as a system is maintained across its lifetime. These ongoing costs, such as the operational resources required to keep a system running or the effort to continually update its codebase as surrounding ecosystems evolve, mean that it’s worth evaluating the trade-offs between keeping an aging system running or working to turn it down.
+Our discussion of deprecation begins from the fundamental premise that code is a liability, not an asset. After all, if code were an asset, why should we even bother spending time trying to turn down and remove obsolete systems? Code has costs, some of which are borne in the process of creating a system, but many other costs are borne as a system is maintained across its lifetime. These ongoing costs, such as the operational resources required to keep a system running or the effort to continually update its codebase as surrounding ecosystems evolve, mean that it」s worth evaluating the trade-offs between keeping an aging system running or working to turn it down.
-我们对“弃用”的讨论始于这样一个基本前提,即代码是一种负债,而不是一种资产。毕竟,如果代码是一种资产, 我们为什么还要费心去尝试“弃用”它呢? 代码有成本,其中有开发成本,但更多的是维护成本。这些持续的成本, 例如保持系统运行所需的运营资源或紧跟周围生态而不断更新迭代花费的精力,意味着你需要在继续维护老化的系统运行和将其下线之间做一个权衡。
+我們對『棄用』的討論始於這樣一個基本前提,即程式碼是一種負債,而不是一種資產。畢竟,如果程式碼是一種資產, 我們為什麼還要費心去嘗試『棄用』它呢? 程式碼有成本,其中有開發成本,但更多的是維護成本。這些持續的成本, 例如保持系統執行所需的運營資源或緊跟周圍生態而不斷更新迭代花費的精力,意味著你需要在繼續維護老化的系統執行和將其下線之間做一個權衡。
-The age of a system alone doesn’t justify its deprecation. A system could be finely crafted over several years to be the epitome of software form and function. Some software systems, such as the LaTeX typesetting system, have been improved over the course of decades, and even though changes still happen, they are few and far between. Just because something is old, it does not follow that it is obsolete.
+The age of a system alone doesn」t justify its deprecation. A system could be finely crafted over several years to be the epitome of software form and function. Some software systems, such as the LaTeX typesetting system, have been improved over the course of decades, and even though changes still happen, they are few and far between. Just because something is old, it does not follow that it is obsolete.
-“弃用”并不能简单地用项目的年限来定夺。一个系统可以经过数年精心打造,才能稳定成熟。一些软件系统,比如 LaTeX 排版系统,经过几十年的改进,虽然它仍在发生变化,但已经趋向稳定了。系统老旧并不意味着它过时了。
+『棄用』並不能簡單地用專案的年限來定奪。一個系統可以經過數年精心打造,才能穩定成熟。一些軟體系統,比如 LaTeX 排版系統,經過幾十年的改進,雖然它仍在發生變化,但已經趨向穩定了。系統老舊並不意味著它過時了。
Deprecation is best suited for systems that are demonstrably obsolete and a replacement exists that provides comparable functionality. The new system might use resources more efficiently, have better security properties, be built in a more sustainable fashion, or just fix bugs. Having two systems to accomplish the same thing might not seem like a pressing problem, but over time, the costs of maintaining them both can grow substantially. Users may need to use the new system, but still have dependencies that use the obsolete one.
-“弃用”最适合那些明显过时的系统,并且存在提供类似功能的替代品。新系统可能更有效地使用资源,具有更好的安全属性,以更可持续的方式构建,或者只是修复错误。拥有两个系统来完成同一件事似乎不是一个紧迫的问题, 但随着时间的推移,维护它们的成本会大幅增加。用户可能需要使用新系统,但仍然依赖于使用过时的系统。
+『棄用』最適合那些明顯過時的系統,並且存在提供類似功能的替代品。新系統可能更有效地使用資源,具有更好的安全屬性,以更可持續的方式建立,或者只是修復錯誤。擁有兩個系統來完成同一件事似乎不是一個緊迫的問題, 但隨著時間的推移,維護它們的成本會大幅增加。使用者可能需要使用新系統,但仍然依賴於使用過時的系統。
-with the old one. Spending the effort to remove the old system can pay off as the replacement system can now evolve more quickly. The two systems might need to interface with each other, requiring complicated transformation code. As both systems evolve, they may come to depend on each other, making eventual removal of either more difficult. In the long run, we’ve discovered that having multiple systems performing the same function also impedes the evolution of the newer system because it is still expected to maintain compatibility with the old one. Spending the effort to remove the old system can pay off as the replacement system can now evolve more quickly.
+with the old one. Spending the effort to remove the old system can pay off as the replacement system can now evolve more quickly. The two systems might need to interface with each other, requiring complicated transformation code. As both systems evolve, they may come to depend on each other, making eventual removal of either more difficult. In the long run, we」ve discovered that having multiple systems performing the same function also impedes the evolution of the newer system because it is still expected to maintain compatibility with the old one. Spending the effort to remove the old system can pay off as the replacement system can now evolve more quickly.
-这两个系统可能需要相互连接,需要复杂的转换代码。随着这两个系统的发展,它们可能会相互依赖,从而使最终消除其中任何一个变得更加困难。从长远来看,我们发现让多个系统执行相同的功能也会阻碍新系统的发展, 因为它仍然需要与旧的保持兼容性。由于替换系统现在可以更快地发展,因此花费精力移除旧系统会有相关的收 益。
+這兩個系統可能需要相互連線,需要複雜的轉換程式碼。隨著這兩個系統的發展,它們可能會相互依賴,從而使最終消除其中任何一個變得更加困難。從長遠來看,我們發現讓多個系統執行相同的功能也會阻礙新系統的發展, 因為它仍然需要與舊的保持相容性。由於替換系統現在可以更快地發展,因此花費精力移除舊系統會有相關的收 益。
-Earlier we made the assertion that “code is a liability, not an asset.” If that is true, why have we spent most of this book discussing the most efficient way to build software systems that can live for decades? Why put all that effort into creating more code when it’s simply going to end up on the liability side of the balance sheet?Code itself doesn’t bring value: it is the functionality that it provides that brings value. That functionality is an asset if it meets a user need: the code that implements this functionality is simply a means to that end. If we could get the same functionality from a single line of maintainable, understandable code as 10,000 lines of convoluted spaghetti code, we would prefer the former. Code itself carries a cost—the simpler the code is, while maintaining the same amount of functionality, the better.Instead of focusing on how much code we can produce, or how large is our codebase, we should instead focus on how much functionality it can deliver per unit of code and try to maximize that metric. One of the easiest ways to do so isn’t writing more code and hoping to get more functionality; it’s removing excess code and systems that are no longer needed. Deprecation policies and procedures make this possible.
+Earlier we made the assertion that 『code is a liability, not an asset.』 If that is true, why have we spent most of this book discussing the most efficient way to build software systems that can live for decades? Why put all that effort into creating more code when it」s simply going to end up on the liability side of the balance sheet?Code itself doesn」t bring value: it is the functionality that it provides that brings value. That functionality is an asset if it meets a user need: the code that implements this functionality is simply a means to that end. If we could get the same functionality from a single line of maintainable, understandable code as 10,000 lines of convoluted spaghetti code, we would prefer the former. Code itself carries a cost—the simpler the code is, while maintaining the same amount of functionality, the better.Instead of focusing on how much code we can produce, or how large is our codebase, we should instead focus on how much functionality it can deliver per unit of code and try to maximize that metric. One of the easiest ways to do so isn」t writing more code and hoping to get more functionality; it」s removing excess code and systems that are no longer needed. Deprecation policies and procedures make this possible.
-前面,我们断言“代码是一种负债,而不是一种资产”。如果这是真的,为什么我们用本书的大部分时间来讨论构建 可以存活数十年的软件系统的最有效方法?当它最终会出现在资产负债表的负债方时,为什么还要付出所有努力来 创建更多代码呢?代码本身不会带来价值:它提供的功能带来了价值。如果该功能满足用户需求,那么它就是一种 资产:实现此功能的代码只是实现该目的的一种手段。如果我们可以从一行可维护、可理解的代码中获得与 10,000 行错综复杂的意大利面条式代码相同的功能,我们会更喜欢前者。代码本身是有成本的——代码越简单,同 时保持相同数量的功能越好。与其关注我们可以生产多少代码,或者我们的代码库有多大,我们应该关注每单位代 码可以提供多少功能,并尝试最大化该指标。最简单的方法之一就是不要编写更多代码并希望获得更多功能;而是 删除不再需要的多余代码和系统。“弃用”策略的存在就是为了解决这个问题。
+前面,我們斷言『程式碼是一種負債,而不是一種資產』。如果這是真的,為什麼我們用本書的大部分時間來討論建立 可以存活數十年的軟體系統的最有效方法?當它最終會出現在資產負債表的負債方時,為什麼還要付出所有努力來 建立更多程式碼呢?程式碼本身不會帶來價值:它提供的功能帶來了價值。如果該功能滿足使用者需求,那麼它就是一種 資產:實現此功能的程式碼只是實現該目的的一種手段。如果我們可以從一行可維護、可理解的程式碼中獲得與 10,000 行錯綜複雜的意大利麵條式程式碼相同的功能,我們會更喜歡前者。程式碼本身是有成本的——程式碼越簡單,同 時保持相同數量的功能越好。與其關注我們可以生產多少程式碼,或者我們的程式碼庫有多大,我們應該關注每單位代 碼可以提供多少功能,並嘗試最大化該指標。最簡單的方法之一就是不要編寫更多程式碼並希望獲得更多功能;而是 刪除不再需要的多餘程式碼和系統。『棄用』策略的存在就是為了解決這個問題。
-Even though deprecation is useful, we’ve learned at Google that organizations have a limit on the amount of deprecation work that is reasonable to undergo simultaneously, from the aspect of the teams doing the deprecation as well as the customers of those teams. For example, although everybody appreciates having freshly paved roads, if the public works department decided to close down every road for paving simultaneously, nobody would go anywhere. By focusing their efforts, paving crews can get specific jobs done faster while also allowing other traffic to make progress. Likewise, it’s important to choose deprecation projects with care and then commit to following through on finishing them.
+Even though deprecation is useful, we」ve learned at Google that organizations have a limit on the amount of deprecation work that is reasonable to undergo simultaneously, from the aspect of the teams doing the deprecation as well as the customers of those teams. For example, although everybody appreciates having freshly paved roads, if the public works department decided to close down every road for paving simultaneously, nobody would go anywhere. By focusing their efforts, paving crews can get specific jobs done faster while also allowing other traffic to make progress. Likewise, it」s important to choose deprecation projects with care and then commit to following through on finishing them.
-尽管“弃用”很有用,但我们在 Google 了解到,从执行“弃用”的团队以及这些团队的客户的角度来看,对同时进行的‘弃用’工作量是有限制的。例如,虽然每个人都喜欢新铺设的道路,但如果政府部门决定同时关闭所有道路并进行铺设,那么将会导致大家无路可走。通过集中精力,铺设人员可以更快地完成特定工作,但同时不应该影响其他道路的通行。故同样重要的是要谨慎选择“弃用”项目并付诸实施。
+儘管『棄用』很有用,但我們在 Google 瞭解到,從執行『棄用』的團隊以及這些團隊的客戶的角度來看,對同時進行的「棄用」工作量是有限制的。例如,雖然每個人都喜歡新鋪設的道路,但如果政府部門決定同時關閉所有道路並進行鋪設,那麼將會導致大家無路可走。透過集中精力,鋪設人員可以更快地完成特定工作,但同時不應該影響其他道路的通行。故同樣重要的是要謹慎選擇『棄用』專案並付諸實施。
-## 为什么“弃用”这么难(Why Is Deprecation So Hard?)
+## 為什麼『棄用』這麼難(Why Is Deprecation So Hard?)
-We’ve mentioned Hyrum’s Law elsewhere in this book, but it’s worth repeating its applicability here: the more users of a system, the higher the probability that users are using it in unexpected and unforeseen ways, and the harder it will be to deprecate and remove such a system. Their usage just “happens to work” instead of being “guaranteed to work.” In this context, removing a system can be thought of as the ultimate change: we aren’t just changing behavior, we are removing that behavior completely! This kind of radical alteration will shake loose a number of unexpected dependents.
+We」ve mentioned Hyrum」s Law elsewhere in this book, but it」s worth repeating its applicability here: the more users of a system, the higher the probability that users are using it in unexpected and unforeseen ways, and the harder it will be to deprecate and remove such a system. Their usage just 『happens to work』 instead of being 『guaranteed to work.』 In this context, removing a system can be thought of as the ultimate change: we aren」t just changing behavior, we are removing that behavior completely! This kind of radical alteration will shake loose a number of unexpected dependents.
-我们在本书的其他地方提到了海勒姆定律,但值得在这里重申一下它的适用性:一个系统的用户越多,用户以意外和不可预见的方式使用它的可能性就越大,并且越难“弃用”和删除这样的系统。它们有可能只是“碰巧可用”而不是 “绝对可用”。在这种情况下,“弃用”不是简单的行为变更,而是一次大变革-彻底的“弃用”! 这种激进的改变可能会对这样的系统造成意想不到的影响。
+我們在本書的其他地方提到了海勒姆定律,但值得在這裡重申一下它的適用性:一個系統的使用者越多,使用者以意外和不可預見的方式使用它的可能性就越大,並且越難『棄用』和刪除這樣的系統。它們有可能只是『碰巧可用』而不是 『絕對可用』。在這種情況下,『棄用』不是簡單的行為變更,而是一次大變革-徹底的『棄用』! 這種激進的改變可能會對這樣的系統造成意想不到的影響。
-To further complicate matters, deprecation usually isn’t an option until a newer system is available that provides the same (or better!) functionality. The new system might be better, but it is also different: after all, if it were exactly the same as the obsolete system, it wouldn’t provide any benefit to users who migrate to it (though it might benefit the team operating it). This functional difference means a one-to-one match between the old system and the new system is rare, and every use of the old system must be evaluated in the context of the new one.
+To further complicate matters, deprecation usually isn」t an option until a newer system is available that provides the same (or better!) functionality. The new system might be better, but it is also different: after all, if it were exactly the same as the obsolete system, it wouldn」t provide any benefit to users who migrate to it (though it might benefit the team operating it). This functional difference means a one-to-one match between the old system and the new system is rare, and every use of the old system must be evaluated in the context of the new one.
-Another surprising reluctance to deprecate is emotional attachment to old systems, particularly those that the deprecator had a hand in helping to create. An example of this change aversion happens when systematically removing old code at Google: we’ve occasionally encountered resistance of the form “I like this code!” It can be difficult to convince engineers to tear down something they’ve spent years building. This is an understandable response, but ultimately self-defeating: if a system is obsolete, it has a net cost on the organization and should be removed. One of the ways we’ve addressed concerns about keeping old code within Google is by ensuring that the source code repository isn’t just searchable at trunk, but also historically. Even code that has been removed can be found again (see Chapter 17).
+Another surprising reluctance to deprecate is emotional attachment to old systems, particularly those that the deprecator had a hand in helping to create. An example of this change aversion happens when systematically removing old code at Google: we」ve occasionally encountered resistance of the form 『I like this code!』 It can be difficult to convince engineers to tear down something they」ve spent years building. This is an understandable response, but ultimately self-defeating: if a system is obsolete, it has a net cost on the organization and should be removed. One of the ways we」ve addressed concerns about keeping old code within Google is by ensuring that the source code repository isn」t just searchable at trunk, but also historically. Even code that has been removed can be found again (see Chapter 17).
-另一个令人惊讶的不愿“弃用”的现象是对旧系统的情感依恋,尤其是那些“弃用”者帮助创建的系统。在 Google 系统 地删除旧代码时,就会发生这种厌恶更改的一个例子:我们偶尔会遇到“我喜欢这段代码!”这种形式的抵制。说服工程师删除他们花了多年时间建造的东西可能很困难。这是一种可以理解的反应,但最终会弄巧成拙:如果一个系统已经过时,它会给组织带来净成本,应该将其删除。我们解决了将旧代码保留在 Google 中的问题的方法之一是确保源代码存储库不仅可以在主干上搜索,而且可以在历史上搜索。甚至被删除的代码也能再次找到 (见 17 章)
+另一個令人驚訝的不願『棄用』的現象是對舊系統的情感依戀,尤其是那些『棄用』者幫助建立的系統。在 Google 系統 地刪除舊程式碼時,就會發生這種厭惡更改的一個例子:我們偶爾會遇到『我喜歡這段程式碼!』這種形式的抵制。說服工程師刪除他們花了多年時間建造的東西可能很困難。這是一種可以理解的反應,但最終會弄巧成拙:如果一個系統已經過時,它會給組織帶來淨成本,應該將其刪除。我們解決了將舊程式碼保留在 Google 中的問題的方法之一是確保原始碼儲存庫不僅可以在主幹上搜索,而且可以在歷史上搜尋。甚至被刪除的程式碼也能再次找到 (見 17 章)
-There’s an old joke within Google that there are two ways of doing things: the one that’s deprecated, and the one that’s not-yet-ready. This is usually the result of a new solution being “almost” done and is the unfortunate reality of working in a technological environment that is complex and fast-paced.Google engineers have become used to working in this environment, but it can still be disconcerting. Good documentation, plenty of signposts, and teams of experts helping with the deprecation and migration process all make it easier to know whether you should be using the old thing, with all its warts, or the new one, with all its uncertainties.
+There」s an old joke within Google that there are two ways of doing things: the one that」s deprecated, and the one that」s not-yet-ready. This is usually the result of a new solution being 『almost』 done and is the unfortunate reality of working in a technological environment that is complex and fast-paced.Google engineers have become used to working in this environment, but it can still be disconcerting. Good documentation, plenty of signposts, and teams of experts helping with the deprecation and migration process all make it easier to know whether you should be using the old thing, with all its warts, or the new one, with all its uncertainties.
Finally, funding and executing deprecation efforts can be difficult politically; staffing a team and spending time removing obsolete systems costs real money, whereas the costs of doing nothing and letting the system lumber along unattended are not readily observable. It can be difficult to convince the relevant stakeholders that deprecation efforts are worthwhile, particularly if they negatively impact new feature development. Research techniques, such as those described in Chapter 7, can provide concrete evidence that a deprecation is worthwhile.
-最后,资助和执行“弃用”工作在政治上可能很困难;为团队配备人员并花时间移除过时的系统会花费大量金钱,而无所作为和让系统在无人看管的情况下缓慢运行的成本不易观察到。很难让相关利益相关者相信“弃用”工作是值得 的,尤其是当它们(弃用工作)对新功能开发产生负面影响时。研究技术,例如第七章中描述的那些,可以提供具体的证据证明“弃用”是值得的。
+最後,資助和執行『棄用』工作在政治上可能很困難;為團隊配備人員並花時間移除過時的系統會花費大量金錢,而無所作為和讓系統在無人看管的情況下緩慢執行的成本不易觀察到。很難讓相關利益相關者相信『棄用』工作是值得 的,尤其是當它們(棄用工作)對新功能開發產生負面影響時。研究技術,例如第七章中描述的那些,可以提供具體的證據證明『棄用』是值得的。
-Given the difficulty in deprecating and removing obsolete software systems, it is often easier for users to evolve a system in situ, rather than completely replacing it. Incrementality doesn’t avoid the deprecation process altogether, but it does break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks that can yield incremental benefits. Within Google, we’ve observed that migrating to entirely new systems is extremely expensive, and the costs are frequently underestimated. Incremental deprecation efforts accomplished by in-place refactoring can keep existing systems running while making it easier to deliver value to users.
+Given the difficulty in deprecating and removing obsolete software systems, it is often easier for users to evolve a system in situ, rather than completely replacing it. Incrementality doesn」t avoid the deprecation process altogether, but it does break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks that can yield incremental benefits. Within Google, we」ve observed that migrating to entirely new systems is extremely expensive, and the costs are frequently underestimated. Incremental deprecation efforts accomplished by in-place refactoring can keep existing systems running while making it easier to deliver value to users.
-鉴于“弃用”和删除过时软件系统的难度,用户通常更容易就地改进系统,而不是完全替换它。增量并没有完全避免“弃用”过程,但它确实将其分解为更小、更易于管理的块,这些块可以产生增量收益。在 Google 内部,我们观察到迁移到全新系统的成本非常高,而且成本经常被低估。增量“弃用”工作通过就地重构实现的功能可以保持现有系统运行,同时更容易向用户交付价值。
+鑑於『棄用』和刪除過時軟體系統的難度,使用者通常更容易就地改進系統,而不是完全替換它。增量並沒有完全避免『棄用』過程,但它確實將其分解為更小、更易於管理的區塊,這些區塊可以產生增量收益。在 Google 內部,我們觀察到遷移到全新系統的成本非常高,而且成本經常被低估。增量『棄用』工作透過就地重構實現的功能可以保持現有系統執行,同時更容易向用戶交付價值。
-### Deprecation During Design 设计之初便考虑“弃用”
+### Deprecation During Design 設計之初便考慮『棄用』
Like many engineering activities, deprecation of a software system can be planned as those systems are first built. Choices of programming language, software architecture, team composition, and even company policy and culture all impact how easy it will be to eventually remove a system after it has reached the end of its useful life.
-与许多工程活动一样,软件系统的“弃用”可以在这些系统首次设计时便进行规划。编程语言、软件架构、团队组成, 甚至公司策略和文化的选择都会影响系统在使用寿命结束后最终将其“弃用”的难易程度。
+與許多工程活動一樣,軟體系統的『棄用』可以在這些系統首次設計時便進行規劃。程式語言、軟體架構、團隊組成, 甚至公司策略和文化的選擇都會影響系統在使用壽命結束後最終將其『棄用』的難易程度。
The concept of designing systems so that they can eventually be deprecated might be radical in software engineering, but it is common in other engineering disciplines. Consider the example of a nuclear power plant, which is an extremely complex piece of engineering. As part of the design of a nuclear power station, its eventual decommissioning after a lifetime of productive service must be taken into account, even going so far as to allocate funds for this purpose.[^1] Many of the design choices in building a nuclear power plant are affected when engineers know that it will eventually need to be decommissioned.
Unfortunately, software systems are rarely so thoughtfully designed. Many software engineers are attracted to the task of building and launching new systems, not maintaining existing ones. The corporate culture of many companies, including Google, emphasizes building and shipping new products quickly, which often provides a disincentive for designing with deprecation in mind from the beginning. And in spite of the popular notion of software engineers as data-driven automata, it can be psychologically difficult to plan for the eventual demise of the creations we are working so hard to build.
-不幸的是,软件系统很少经过精心设计。许多软件工程师更热心于构建和启动新系统,而不是维护现有系统。包括 Google 在内的许多公司的企业文化都强调快速构建和交付新产品,这通常会阻碍从一开始就考虑“弃用”的设计。尽管普遍认为软件工程师是数据驱动的自动机,但在心理上很难为我们辛勤工作的创造物的最终消亡做计划。
+不幸的是,軟體系統很少經過精心設計。許多軟體工程師更熱心於建立和啟動新系統,而不是維護現有系統。包括 Google 在內的許多公司的企業文化都強調快速建立和交付新產品,這通常會阻礙從一開始就考慮『棄用』的設計。儘管普遍認為軟體工程師是資料驅動的自動機,但在心理上很難為我們辛勤工作的創造物的最終消亡做計劃。
So, what kinds of considerations should we think about when designing systems that we can more easily deprecate in the future? Here are a couple of the questions we encourage engineering teams at Google to ask:
- How easy will it be for my consumers to migrate from my product to a potential replacement?
- How can I replace parts of my system incrementally?
-那么,在设计我们将来更容易“弃用”的系统时,我们应该考虑哪些因素?以下是我们鼓励 Google 的工程团队提出的几个问题:
+那麼,在設計我們將來更容易『棄用』的系統時,我們應該考慮哪些因素?以下是我們鼓勵 Google 的工程團隊提出的幾個問題:
-- 我的使用者从我的产品迁移到潜在替代品的难易程度如何?
-- 如何逐步更换系统部件?
+- 我的使用者從我的產品遷移到潛在替代品的難易程度如何?
+- 如何逐步更換系統部件?
Many of these questions relate to how a system provides and consumes dependencies. For a more thorough discussion of how we manage these dependencies, see Chapter 16.
-其中许多问题与系统如何提供和使用依赖项有关。有关我们如何管理这些依赖项的更深入讨论,请参阅第 16 章。
+其中許多問題與系統如何提供和使用依賴項有關。有關我們如何管理這些依賴項的更深入討論,請參閱第 16 章。
Finally, we should point out that the decision as to whether to support a project long term is made when an organization first decides to build the project. After a software system exists, the only remaining options are support it, carefully deprecate it, or let it stop functioning when some external event causes it to break. These are all valid options, and the trade-offs between them will be organization specific. A new startup with a single project will unceremoniously kill it when the company goes bankrupt, but a large company will need to think more closely about the impact across its portfolio and reputation as they consider removing old projects. As mentioned earlier, Google is still learning how best to make these trade-offs with our own internal and external products.
-In short, don’t start projects that your organization isn’t committed to support for the expected lifespan of the organization. Even if the organization chooses to deprecate and remove the project, there will still be costs, but they can be mitigated through planning and investments in tools and policy.
+In short, don」t start projects that your organization isn」t committed to support for the expected lifespan of the organization. Even if the organization chooses to deprecate and remove the project, there will still be costs, but they can be mitigated through planning and investments in tools and policy.
-> [^1]: “Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants to Facilitate Decommissioning,” Technical Reports Series No. 382, IAEA, Vienna (1997).
+> [^1]: 『Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants to Facilitate Decommissioning,』 Technical Reports Series No. 382, IAEA, Vienna (1997).
-> 1 "设计和建造核电站便捷退役",技术报告系列第382号,IAEA,维也纳(1997年)。
+> 1 "設計和建造核電站便捷退役",技術報告系列第382號,IAEA,維也納(1997年)。
-## Types of Deprecation “弃用”的类型
+## Types of Deprecation 『棄用』的型別
-Deprecation isn’t a single kind of process, but a continuum of them, ranging from “we’ll turn this off someday, we hope” to “this system is going away tomorrow, customers better be ready for that.” Broadly speaking, we divide this continuum into two separate areas: advisory and compulsory.
+Deprecation isn」t a single kind of process, but a continuum of them, ranging from 『we」ll turn this off someday, we hope』 to 『this system is going away tomorrow, customers better be ready for that.』 Broadly speaking, we divide this continuum into two separate areas: advisory and compulsory.
-“弃用”不是一种单一的过程,而是一个连续的过程,从“希望有一天我们能够关闭它”到“这个系统明天就会消失,客户最好为此做好准备。” 从广义上讲,我们将这个连续统一体分为两个独立的领域:建议和强制。
+『棄用』不是一種單一的過程,而是一個連續的過程,從『希望有一天我們能夠關閉它』到『這個系統明天就會消失,客戶最好為此做好準備。』 從廣義上講,我們將這個連續統一體分為兩個獨立的領域:建議和強制。
-### 建议性“弃用” (Advisory Deprecation)
+### 建議性『棄用』 (Advisory Deprecation)
-Advisory deprecations are those that don’t have a deadline and aren’t high priority for the organization (and for which the company isn’t willing to dedicate resources). These could also be labeled aspirational deprecations: the team knows the system has been replaced, and although they hope clients will eventually migrate to the new system, they don’t have imminent plans to either provide support to help move clients or delete the old system. This kind of deprecation often lacks enforcement: we hope that clients move, but can’t force them to. As our friends in SRE will readily tell you: “Hope is not a strategy.”
+Advisory deprecations are those that don」t have a deadline and aren」t high priority for the organization (and for which the company isn」t willing to dedicate resources). These could also be labeled aspirational deprecations: the team knows the system has been replaced, and although they hope clients will eventually migrate to the new system, they don」t have imminent plans to either provide support to help move clients or delete the old system. This kind of deprecation often lacks enforcement: we hope that clients move, but can」t force them to. As our friends in SRE will readily tell you: 『Hope is not a strategy.』
-建议性“弃用”是那些没有截止日期并且对组织来说不是高优先级的(并且公司不愿意为此投入资源)。这些也可能被标记为期望“弃用”:团队知道系统已被替换,尽管他们希望客户最终迁移到新系统,但他们没有近期的计划来提供支持以帮助客户迁移或删除旧系统。这种“弃用”往往缺乏执行力:我们希望客户迁移,但不强迫他们做。正如我们在 SRE 的朋友会很容易告诉你的那样:“希望不是策略。”
+建議性『棄用』是那些沒有截止日期並且對組織來說不是高優先級的(並且公司不願意為此投入資源)。這些也可能被標記為期望『棄用』:團隊知道系統已被替換,儘管他們希望客戶最終遷移到新系統,但他們沒有近期的計劃來提供支援以幫助客戶遷移或刪除舊系統。這種『棄用』往往缺乏執行力:我們希望客戶遷移,但不強迫他們做。正如我們在 SRE 的朋友會很容易告訴你的那樣:『希望不是策略。』
-Advisory deprecations are a good tool for advertising the existence of a new system and encouraging early adopting users to start trying it out. Such a new system should not be considered in a beta period: it should be ready for production uses and loads and should be prepared to support new users indefinitely. Of course, any new system is going to experience growing pains, but after the old system has been deprecated in any way, the new system will become a critical piece of the organization’s infrastructure.
+Advisory deprecations are a good tool for advertising the existence of a new system and encouraging early adopting users to start trying it out. Such a new system should not be considered in a beta period: it should be ready for production uses and loads and should be prepared to support new users indefinitely. Of course, any new system is going to experience growing pains, but after the old system has been deprecated in any way, the new system will become a critical piece of the organization」s infrastructure.
-One scenario we’ve seen at Google in which advisory deprecations have strong benefits is when the new system offers compelling benefits to its users. In these cases, simply notifying users of this new system and providing them self-service tools to migrate to it often encourages adoption. However, the benefits cannot be simply incremental: they must be transformative. Users will be hesitant to migrate on their own for marginal benefits, and even new systems with vast improvements will not gain full adoption using only advisory deprecation efforts.
+One scenario we」ve seen at Google in which advisory deprecations have strong benefits is when the new system offers compelling benefits to its users. In these cases, simply notifying users of this new system and providing them self-service tools to migrate to it often encourages adoption. However, the benefits cannot be simply incremental: they must be transformative. Users will be hesitant to migrate on their own for marginal benefits, and even new systems with vast improvements will not gain full adoption using only advisory deprecation efforts.
-Advisory deprecation allows system authors to nudge users in the desired direction, but they should not be counted on to do the majority of migration work. It is often tempting to simply put a deprecation warning on an old system and walk away without any further effort. Our experience at Google has been that this can lead to (slightly) fewer new uses of an obsolete system, but it rarely leads to teams actively migrating away from it. Existing uses of the old system exert a sort of conceptual (or technical) pull toward it: comparatively many uses of the old system will tend to pick up a large share of new uses, no matter how much we say, “Please use the new system.” The old system will continue to require maintenance and other resources unless its users are more actively encouraged to migrate.
+Advisory deprecation allows system authors to nudge users in the desired direction, but they should not be counted on to do the majority of migration work. It is often tempting to simply put a deprecation warning on an old system and walk away without any further effort. Our experience at Google has been that this can lead to (slightly) fewer new uses of an obsolete system, but it rarely leads to teams actively migrating away from it. Existing uses of the old system exert a sort of conceptual (or technical) pull toward it: comparatively many uses of the old system will tend to pick up a large share of new uses, no matter how much we say, 『Please use the new system.』 The old system will continue to require maintenance and other resources unless its users are more actively encouraged to migrate.
-建议性“弃用”允许系统作者将用户推向所需的方向,但不应指望他们完成大部分迁移工作。通常只需要在旧系统上简单地发出“弃用”警告,然后弃之不顾即可。我们在 Google 的经验是,这可能会导致(略微)减少对过时系统的使用, 但很少会导致团队积极迁移。旧系统的现有功能会有一种吸引力,吸引更多的系统使用它,无论我们说多少次,“请使用新的系统。” 除非更积极地鼓励其用户迁移,否则旧系统将需要继续维护。
+建議性『棄用』允許系統作者將使用者推向所需的方向,但不應指望他們完成大部分遷移工作。通常只需要在舊系統上簡單地發出『棄用』警告,然後棄之不顧即可。我們在 Google 的經驗是,這可能會導致(略微)減少對過時系統的使用, 但很少會導致團隊積極遷移。舊系統的現有功能會有一種吸引力,吸引更多的系統使用它,無論我們說多少次,『請使用新的系統。』 除非更積極地鼓勵其使用者遷移,否則舊系統將需要繼續維護。
-### Compulsory Deprecation 强制性“弃用”
+### Compulsory Deprecation 強制性『棄用』
This active encouragement comes in the form of compulsory deprecation. This kind of deprecation usually comes with a deadline for removal of the obsolete system: if users continue to depend on it beyond that date, they will find their own systems no longer work.
Counterintuitively, the best way for compulsory deprecation efforts to scale is by localizing the expertise of migrating users to within a single team of experts—usually the team responsible for removing the old system entirely. This team has incentives to help others migrate from the obsolete system and can develop experience and tools that can then be used across the organization. Many of these migrations can be effected using the same tools discussed in Chapter 22.
-与直觉相反,推广强制性“弃用”工作的最佳方法是将迁移用户的工作交给一个专家团队——通常是负责完全删除旧系统的团队。该团队有动力帮助其他人从过时的系统迁移,并可以开发可在整个组织中使用的经验和工具。许多这些迁移可以使用第 22 章中讨论的相同工具来实现。
+與直覺相反,推廣強制性『棄用』工作的最佳方法是將遷移使用者的工作交給一個專家團隊——通常是負責完全刪除舊系統的團隊。該團隊有動力幫助其他人從過時的系統遷移,並可以開發可在整個組織中使用的經驗和工具。許多這些遷移可以使用第 22 章中討論的相同工具來實現。
-For compulsory deprecation to actually work, its schedule needs to have an enforcement mechanism. This does not imply that the schedule can’t change, but empower the team running the deprecation process to break noncompliant users after they have been sufficiently warned through efforts to migrate them. Without this power, it becomes easy for customer teams to ignore deprecation work in favor of features or other more pressing work.
+For compulsory deprecation to actually work, its schedule needs to have an enforcement mechanism. This does not imply that the schedule can」t change, but empower the team running the deprecation process to break noncompliant users after they have been sufficiently warned through efforts to migrate them. Without this power, it becomes easy for customer teams to ignore deprecation work in favor of features or other more pressing work.
-At the same time, compulsory deprecations without staffing to do the work can come across to customer teams as mean spirited, which usually impedes completing the deprecation. Customers simply see such deprecation work as an unfunded mandate, requiring them to push aside their own priorities to do work just to keep their services running. This feels much like the “running to stay in place” phenomenon and creates friction between infrastructure maintainers and their customers. It’s for this reason that we strongly advocate that compulsory deprecations are actively staffed by a specialized team through completion.
+At the same time, compulsory deprecations without staffing to do the work can come across to customer teams as mean spirited, which usually impedes completing the deprecation. Customers simply see such deprecation work as an unfunded mandate, requiring them to push aside their own priorities to do work just to keep their services running. This feels much like the 『running to stay in place』 phenomenon and creates friction between infrastructure maintainers and their customers. It」s for this reason that we strongly advocate that compulsory deprecations are actively staffed by a specialized team through completion.
-It’s also worth noting that even with the force of policy behind them, compulsory deprecations can still face political hurdles. Imagine trying to enforce a compulsory deprecation effort when the last remaining user of the old system is a critical piece of infrastructure your entire organization depends on. How willing would you be to break that infrastructure—and, transitively, everybody that depends on it—just for the sake of making an arbitrary deadline? It is hard to believe the deprecation is really compulsory if that team can veto its progress.
+It」s also worth noting that even with the force of policy behind them, compulsory deprecations can still face political hurdles. Imagine trying to enforce a compulsory deprecation effort when the last remaining user of the old system is a critical piece of infrastructure your entire organization depends on. How willing would you be to break that infrastructure—and, transitively, everybody that depends on it—just for the sake of making an arbitrary deadline? It is hard to believe the deprecation is really compulsory if that team can veto its progress.
-还值得注意的是,即使有策略支持,强制性“弃用”仍可能面临政治阻力。想象一下,当旧系统的最后一个剩余用户是整个组织所依赖的关键基础架构时, 你会愿意为了在截止日期前完成迁移而破坏那个基础设施及所有依赖它的系统吗? 如果该团队可以否决其进展,就很难相信这种弃用真的是强制性的。
+還值得注意的是,即使有策略支援,強制性『棄用』仍可能面臨政治阻力。想象一下,當舊系統的最後一個剩餘使用者是整個組織所依賴的關鍵基礎架構時, 你會願意為了在截止日期前完成遷移而破壞那個基礎設施及所有依賴它的系統嗎? 如果該團隊可以否決其進展,就很難相信這種棄用真的是強制性的。
-Google’s monolithic repository and dependency graph gives us tremendous insight into how systems are used across our ecosystem. Even so, some teams might not even know they have a dependency on an obsolete system, and it can be difficult to discover these dependencies analytically. It’s also possible to find them dynamically through tests of increasing frequency and duration during which the old system is turned off temporarily. These intentional changes provide a mechanism for discovering unintended dependencies by seeing what breaks, thus alerting teams to a need to prepare for the upcoming deadline. Within Google, we occasionally change the name of implementation-only symbols to see which users are depending on them unaware.
+Google」s monolithic repository and dependency graph gives us tremendous insight into how systems are used across our ecosystem. Even so, some teams might not even know they have a dependency on an obsolete system, and it can be difficult to discover these dependencies analytically. It」s also possible to find them dynamically through tests of increasing frequency and duration during which the old system is turned off temporarily. These intentional changes provide a mechanism for discovering unintended dependencies by seeing what breaks, thus alerting teams to a need to prepare for the upcoming deadline. Within Google, we occasionally change the name of implementation-only symbols to see which users are depending on them unaware.
-Google 的统一代码仓库和依赖关系图让我们深入了解系统如何在我们的生态系统中使用。即便如此,一些团队甚至可能不知道他们依赖于一个过时的系统,并且很难通过分析发现这些依赖关系。也可以通过增加频率和持续时间的测试来动态找到它们,在此期间旧系统暂时关闭。这些有意的更改提供了一种机制,通过观察哪些部分出现了故障来发现意外的依赖关系,从而提醒团队需要为即将到来的截止日期做好准备。在 Google 内部,我们偶尔会仅更改变量的名称,来查看哪些用户不知道依赖了它们。
+Google 的統一程式碼倉庫和依賴關係圖讓我們深入瞭解系統如何在我們的生態系統中使用。即便如此,一些團隊甚至可能不知道他們依賴於一個過時的系統,並且很難透過分析發現這些依賴關係。也可以透過增加頻率和持續時間的測試來動態找到它們,在此期間舊系統暫時關閉。這些有意的更改提供了一種機制,透過觀察哪些部分出現了故障來發現意外的依賴關係,從而提醒團隊需要為即將到來的截止日期做好準備。在 Google 內部,我們偶爾會僅更改變數的名稱,來檢視哪些使用者不知道依賴了它們。
-Frequently at Google, when a system is slated for deprecation and removal, the team will announce planned outages of increasing duration in the months and weeks prior to the turndown. Similar to Google’s Disaster Recovery Testing (DiRT) exercises, these events often discover unknown dependencies between running systems. This incremental approach allows those dependent teams to discover and then plan for the system’s eventual removal, or even work with the deprecating team to adjust their timeline. (The same principles also apply for static code dependencies, but the semantic information provided by static analysis tools is often sufficient to detect all the dependencies of the obsolete system.)
+Frequently at Google, when a system is slated for deprecation and removal, the team will announce planned outages of increasing duration in the months and weeks prior to the turndown. Similar to Google」s Disaster Recovery Testing (DiRT) exercises, these events often discover unknown dependencies between running systems. This incremental approach allows those dependent teams to discover and then plan for the system」s eventual removal, or even work with the deprecating team to adjust their timeline. (The same principles also apply for static code dependencies, but the semantic information provided by static analysis tools is often sufficient to detect all the dependencies of the obsolete system.)
-在谷歌,当系统计划“弃用”时,团队经常会在关闭前的几个月和几周内宣布计划停服,持续时间会增加。与 Google 的灾难恢复测试 (DiRT) 类似,这些事件通常会发现正在运行的系统之间的未知依赖关系。这种渐进式方法允许那些依赖的团队发现依赖,然后为系统的最终移除做计划,甚至与“弃用”团队合作调整他们的时间表。(同样的原则也适用于静态代码依赖,但静态分析工具提供的语义信息通常足以检测过时系统的所有依赖。)
+在谷歌,當系統計劃『棄用』時,團隊經常會在關閉前的幾個月和幾周內宣佈計劃停服,持續時間會增加。與 Google 的災難恢復測試 (DiRT) 類似,這些事件通常會發現正在執行的系統之間的未知依賴關係。這種漸進式方法允許那些依賴的團隊發現依賴,然後為系統的最終移除做計劃,甚至與『棄用』團隊合作調整他們的時間表。(同樣的原則也適用於靜態程式碼依賴,但靜態分析工具提供的語義訊息通常足以檢測過時系統的所有依賴。)
-### Deprecation Warnings 弃用警告
+### Deprecation Warnings 棄用警告
-For both advisory and compulsory deprecations, it is often useful to have a programmatic way of marking systems as deprecated so that users are warned about their use and encouraged to move away. It’s often tempting to just mark something as deprecated and hope its uses eventually disappear, but remember: “hope is not a strategy.” Deprecation warnings can help prevent new uses, but rarely lead to migration of existing systems.
+For both advisory and compulsory deprecations, it is often useful to have a programmatic way of marking systems as deprecated so that users are warned about their use and encouraged to move away. It」s often tempting to just mark something as deprecated and hope its uses eventually disappear, but remember: 『hope is not a strategy.』 Deprecation warnings can help prevent new uses, but rarely lead to migration of existing systems.
-对于建议性和强制“弃用”,以程序化的方式将系统标记为“弃用”通常很有用,以便用户得到警告,并被鼓励停止使用。将某些东西标记为已“弃用”并希望它的使用最终消失通常很诱人,但请记住:“希望不是一种策略。” “弃用”警告可以减少它的新增用户,但很少导致现有系统的迁移。
+對於建議性和強制『棄用』,以程式化的方式將系統標記為『棄用』通常很有用,以便使用者得到警告,並被鼓勵停止使用。將某些東西標記為已『棄用』並希望它的使用最終消失通常很誘人,但請記住:『希望不是一種策略。』 『棄用』警告可以減少它的新增使用者,但很少導致現有系統的遷移。
-What usually happens in practice is that these warnings accumulate over time. If they are used in a transitive context (for example, library A depends on library B, which depends on library C, and C issues a warning, which shows up when A is built), these warnings can soon overwhelm users of a system to the point where they ignore them altogether. In health care, this phenomenon is known as “alert fatigue.”
+What usually happens in practice is that these warnings accumulate over time. If they are used in a transitive context (for example, library A depends on library B, which depends on library C, and C issues a warning, which shows up when A is built), these warnings can soon overwhelm users of a system to the point where they ignore them altogether. In health care, this phenomenon is known as 『alert fatigue.』
-在实践中通常会发生这些警告随着时间的推移而累积。如果它们在传递上下文中使用(例如,库 A 依赖于库 B, 而库 B 又依赖于库 C,而 C 发出警告,并在构建 A 时显示),则这些警告很快就会使系统用户不知所措他们完全忽略这些警告。在医疗保健领域,这种现象被称为“警觉疲劳”。
+在實踐中通常會發生這些警告隨著時間的推移而累積。如果它們在傳遞上下文中使用(例如,函式庫 A 依賴於函式庫 B, 而函式庫 B 又依賴於函式庫 C,而 C 發出警告,並在建立 A 時顯示),則這些警告很快就會使系統使用者不知所措他們完全忽略這些警告。在醫療保健領域,這種現象被稱為『警覺疲勞』。
Any deprecation warning issued to a user needs to have two properties: actionability and relevance. A warning is actionable if the user can use the warning to actually perform some relevant action, not just in theory, but in practical terms, given the expertise in that problem area that we expect for an average engineer. For example, a tool might warn that a call to a given function should be replaced with a call to its updated counterpart, or an email might outline the steps required to move data from an old system to a new one. In each case, the warning provided the next steps that an engineer can perform to no longer depend on the deprecated system.[^2]
A warning can be actionable, but still be annoying. To be useful, a deprecation warning should also be relevant. A warning is relevant if it surfaces at a time when a user actually performs the indicated action. Warning about the use of a deprecated function is best done while the engineer is writing code that uses that function, not after it has been checked into the repository for several weeks. Likewise, an email for data migration is best sent several months before the old system is removed rather than as an afterthought a weekend before the removal occurs.
-It’s important to resist the urge to put deprecation warnings on everything possible. Warnings themselves are not bad, but naive tooling often produces a quantity of warning messages that can overwhelm the unsuspecting engineer. Within Google, we are very liberal with marking old functions as deprecated but leverage tooling such as ErrorProne or clang-tidy to ensure that warnings are surfaced in targeted ways. As discussed in Chapter 20, we limit these warnings to newly changed lines as a way to warn people about new uses of the deprecated symbol. Much more intrusive warnings, such as for deprecated targets in the dependency graph, are added only for compulsory deprecations, and the team is actively moving users away. In either case, tooling plays an important role in surfacing the appropriate information to the appropriate people at the proper time, allowing more warnings to be added without fatiguing the user.
+It」s important to resist the urge to put deprecation warnings on everything possible. Warnings themselves are not bad, but naive tooling often produces a quantity of warning messages that can overwhelm the unsuspecting engineer. Within Google, we are very liberal with marking old functions as deprecated but leverage tooling such as ErrorProne or clang-tidy to ensure that warnings are surfaced in targeted ways. As discussed in Chapter 20, we limit these warnings to newly changed lines as a way to warn people about new uses of the deprecated symbol. Much more intrusive warnings, such as for deprecated targets in the dependency graph, are added only for compulsory deprecations, and the team is actively moving users away. In either case, tooling plays an important role in surfacing the appropriate information to the appropriate people at the proper time, allowing more warnings to be added without fatiguing the user.
-重要的是要抵制在一切可能的地方放置弃用警告的冲动。警告本身并不坏,但不成熟的工具通常会产生大量警告消息,这些消息可能会让工程师不知所措。在 Google 内部,我们会将旧功能标记为已“弃用”,但会利用 ErrorProne 或 clang-tidy 等工具来确保以有针对性的方式显示警告。正如第 20 章中所讨论的,我们将这些警告限制在新更改的行中,以警告人们有关已 “弃用”符号的新用法。更具侵入性的警告,例如依赖图中已“弃用”的警告,仅针对强制“弃用”添加,并且团队正在积极地将用户移走。在任何一种情况下,工具都在适当的时间向适当的人提供适当的信息方面发挥着重要作用,允许添加更多警告而不会使用户感到疲倦。
+重要的是要抵制在一切可能的地方放置棄用警告的衝動。警告本身並不壞,但不成熟的工具通常會產生大量警告訊息,這些訊息可能會讓工程師不知所措。在 Google 內部,我們會將舊功能標記為已『棄用』,但會利用 ErrorProne 或 clang-tidy 等工具來確保以有針對性的方式顯示警告。正如第 20 章中所討論的,我們將這些警告限制在新更改的行中,以警告人們有關已 『棄用』符號的新用法。更具侵入性的警告,例如依賴圖中已『棄用』的警告,僅針對強制『棄用』新增,並且團隊正在積極地將使用者移走。在任何一種情況下,工具都在適當的時間向適當的人提供適當的訊息方面發揮著重要作用,允許新增更多警告而不會使用戶感到疲倦。
> [^2] See `https://abseil.io/docs/cpp/tools/api-upgrades` for an example.
-> 2 查阅`https://abseil.io/docs/cpp/tools/api-upgrades` 例子。
+> 2 查閱`https://abseil.io/docs/cpp/tools/api-upgrades` 例子。
-## Managing the Deprecation Process 管理“弃用”的流程
+## Managing the Deprecation Process 管理『棄用』的流程
-Although they can feel like different kinds of projects because we’re deconstructing a system rather than building it, deprecation projects are similar to other software engineering projects in the way they are managed and run. We won’t spend too much effort going over similarities between those management efforts, but it’s worth pointing out the ways in which they differ.
+Although they can feel like different kinds of projects because we」re deconstructing a system rather than building it, deprecation projects are similar to other software engineering projects in the way they are managed and run. We won」t spend too much effort going over similarities between those management efforts, but it」s worth pointing out the ways in which they differ.
-### Process Owners 确定负责“弃用”的负责人
+### Process Owners 確定負責『棄用』的負責人
-We’ve learned at Google that without explicit owners, a deprecation process is unlikely to make meaningful progress, no matter how many warnings and alerts a system might generate. Having explicit project owners who are tasked with managing and running the deprecation process might seem like a poor use of resources, but the alternatives are even worse: don’t ever deprecate anything, or delegate deprecation efforts to the users of the system. The second case becomes simply an advisory deprecation, which will never organically finish, and the first is a commitment to maintain every old system ad infinitum. Centralizing deprecation efforts helps better assure that expertise actually reduces costs by making them more transparent.
+We」ve learned at Google that without explicit owners, a deprecation process is unlikely to make meaningful progress, no matter how many warnings and alerts a system might generate. Having explicit project owners who are tasked with managing and running the deprecation process might seem like a poor use of resources, but the alternatives are even worse: don」t ever deprecate anything, or delegate deprecation efforts to the users of the system. The second case becomes simply an advisory deprecation, which will never organically finish, and the first is a commitment to maintain every old system ad infinitum. Centralizing deprecation efforts helps better assure that expertise actually reduces costs by making them more transparent.
-我们在 Google 了解到,如果没有明确的Owner,无论系统产生了多少警报,“弃用”过程恐怕都不会太乐观。为了弃用专门指定一个负责人似乎是对资源的浪费,永不“弃用”,或将“弃用”工作完全交给系统的使用者,恐怕会是一个更糟的方案。交给使用者来执行的方案,最多只能应对建议性“弃用”,恐怕它很难做到彻底地“弃用”,而永不“弃用”则相当于无限期地维护着旧系统。集中性的执行“弃用”则更专业更透明,从而真正达到降低成本的目的。
+我們在 Google 瞭解到,如果沒有明確的Owner,無論系統產生了多少警報,『棄用』過程恐怕都不會太樂觀。為了棄用專門指定一個負責人似乎是對資源的浪費,永不『棄用』,或將『棄用』工作完全交給系統的使用者,恐怕會是一個更糟的方案。交給使用者來執行的方案,最多只能應對建議性『棄用』,恐怕它很難做到徹底地『棄用』,而永不『棄用』則相當於無限期地維護著舊系統。集中性的執行『棄用』則更專業更透明,從而真正達到降低成本的目的。
Abandoned projects often present a problem when establishing ownership and aligning incentives. Every organization of reasonable size has projects that are still actively used but that nobody clearly owns or maintains, and Google is no exception. Projects sometimes enter this state because they are deprecated: the original owners have moved on to a successor project, leaving the obsolete one chugging along in the basement, still a dependency of a critical project, and hoping it just fades away eventually.
-Such projects are unlikely to fade away on their own. In spite of our best hopes, we’ve found that these projects still require deprecation experts to remove them and prevent their failure at inopportune times. These teams should have removal as their primary goal, not just a side project of some other work. In the case of competing priorities, deprecation work will almost always be perceived as having a lower priority and rarely receive the attention it needs. These sorts of important-not-urgent cleanup tasks are a great use of 20% time and provide engineers exposure to other parts of the codebase.
+Such projects are unlikely to fade away on their own. In spite of our best hopes, we」ve found that these projects still require deprecation experts to remove them and prevent their failure at inopportune times. These teams should have removal as their primary goal, not just a side project of some other work. In the case of competing priorities, deprecation work will almost always be perceived as having a lower priority and rarely receive the attention it needs. These sorts of important-not-urgent cleanup tasks are a great use of 20% time and provide engineers exposure to other parts of the codebase.
-但此类项目不太可能自行消失。尽管我们对它满怀希望,但我们发现,“弃用”这些项目仍然需要专人负责,否则恐怕会造成意外的损失。这些团队应将移除作为他们的主要目标,而不仅仅是其他工作的附带项目。在确认优先级时,“弃用”通常会有较低的优先级, 且少有人关注。但实际上,这些重要但不紧急的清理工作,是工程师利用20%时间进行的很好的工作,这让工程师有机会接触代码库的其他部分。
+但此類專案不太可能自行消失。儘管我們對它滿懷希望,但我們發現,『棄用』這些專案仍然需要專人負責,否則恐怕會造成意外的損失。這些團隊應將移除作為他們的主要目標,而不僅僅是其他工作的附帶專案。在確認優先級時,『棄用』通常會有較低的優先級, 且少有人關注。但實際上,這些重要但不緊急的清理工作,是工程師利用20%時間進行的很好的工作,這讓工程師有機會接觸程式碼庫的其他部分。
### Milestones 制定里程碑
-When building a new system, project milestones are generally pretty clear: “Launch the frobnazzer features by next quarter.” Following incremental development practices, teams build and deliver functionality incrementally to users, who get a win whenever they take advantage of a new feature. The end goal might be to launch the entire system, but incremental milestones help give the team a sense of progress and ensure they don’t need to wait until the end of the process to generate value for the organization.
+When building a new system, project milestones are generally pretty clear: 『Launch the frobnazzer features by next quarter.』 Following incremental development practices, teams build and deliver functionality incrementally to users, who get a win whenever they take advantage of a new feature. The end goal might be to launch the entire system, but incremental milestones help give the team a sense of progress and ensure they don」t need to wait until the end of the process to generate value for the organization.
-在构建新系统时,项目里程碑通常非常明确:如“在下个季度推出某项功能。” 遵循迭代式开发流程的团队,通常以积小成大的方式构建系统,并最终交付给用户,只要他们使用了新功能,他们的目的便算得到了。最终目标当然是启用整个系统,但增量迭代式的开发,则能让团队成员更有成就感,因他们无需等到项目结束就可体验项目。
+在建立新系統時,專案里程碑通常非常明確:如『在下個季度推出某項功能。』 遵循迭代式開發流程的團隊,通常以積小成大的方式建立系統,並最終交付給使用者,只要他們使用了新功能,他們的目的便算得到了。最終目標當然是啟用整個系統,但增量迭代式的開發,則能讓團隊成員更有成就感,因他們無需等到專案結束就可體驗專案。
-In contrast, it can often feel that the only milestone of a deprecation process is removing the obsolete system entirely. The team can feel they haven’t made any progress until they’ve turned out the lights and gone home. Although this might be the most meaningful step for the team, if it has done its job correctly, it’s often the least noticed by anyone external to the team, because by that point, the obsolete system no longer has any users. Deprecation project managers should resist the temptation to make this the only measurable milestone, particularly given that it might not even happen in all deprecation projects.
+In contrast, it can often feel that the only milestone of a deprecation process is removing the obsolete system entirely. The team can feel they haven」t made any progress until they」ve turned out the lights and gone home. Although this might be the most meaningful step for the team, if it has done its job correctly, it」s often the least noticed by anyone external to the team, because by that point, the obsolete system no longer has any users. Deprecation project managers should resist the temptation to make this the only measurable milestone, particularly given that it might not even happen in all deprecation projects.
-相反,对于“弃用”,它常会给人一种只有一个里程碑的错觉,即完全干掉老旧的项目。下班时,团队成员通常会有 没取得任何进展的感觉。干掉一个老旧的项目对团队成员来说虽是颇有意义,但对团队之外的人来说却是完全无感, 因老旧的系统已不再被任何服务调用。因此项目经理不应将完全根除旧项目当作唯一的里程碑。
+相反,對於『棄用』,它常會給人一種只有一個里程碑的錯覺,即完全幹掉老舊的專案。下班時,團隊成員通常會有 沒取得任何進展的感覺。幹掉一個老舊的專案對團隊成員來說雖是頗有意義,但對團隊之外的人來說卻是完全無感, 因老舊的系統已不再被任何服務呼叫。因此專案經理不應將完全根除舊專案當作唯一的里程碑。
-Similar to building a new system, managing a team working on deprecation should involve concrete incremental milestones, which are measurable and deliver value to users. The metrics used to evaluate the progress of the deprecation will be different, but it is still good for morale to celebrate incremental achievements in the deprecation process. We have found it useful to recognize appropriate incremental milestones, such as deleting a key subcomponent, just as we’d recognize accomplishments in building a new product.
+Similar to building a new system, managing a team working on deprecation should involve concrete incremental milestones, which are measurable and deliver value to users. The metrics used to evaluate the progress of the deprecation will be different, but it is still good for morale to celebrate incremental achievements in the deprecation process. We have found it useful to recognize appropriate incremental milestones, such as deleting a key subcomponent, just as we」d recognize accomplishments in building a new product.
### Deprecation Tooling 工具加持
-Much of the tooling used to manage the deprecation process is discussed in depth elsewhere in this book, such as the large-scale change (LSC) process (Chapter 22) or our code review tools (Chapter 19). Rather than talk about the specifics of the tools, we’ll briefly outline how those tools are useful when managing the deprecation of an obsolete system. These tools can be categorized as discovery, migration, and backsliding prevention tooling.
+Much of the tooling used to manage the deprecation process is discussed in depth elsewhere in this book, such as the large-scale change (LSC) process (Chapter 22) or our code review tools (Chapter 19). Rather than talk about the specifics of the tools, we」ll briefly outline how those tools are useful when managing the deprecation of an obsolete system. These tools can be categorized as discovery, migration, and backsliding prevention tooling.
-许多用于管理“弃用”过程的工具在本书的其他地方进行了深入讨论,例如大规模变更 (LSC) 过程(第 22 章)或我们的代码审查工具(第 19 章)。我们不讨论这些工具的细节,而是简要概述如何让这些工具在管理弃用系统的 “弃用”时发辉作用。这些工具可以归类为发现、迁移和防止倒退工具。
+許多用於管理『棄用』過程的工具在本書的其他地方進行了深入討論,例如大規模變更 (LSC) 過程(第 22 章)或我們的程式碼審查工具(第 19 章)。我們不討論這些工具的細節,而是簡要概述如何讓這些工具在管理棄用系統的 『棄用』時發輝作用。這些工具可以歸類為發現、遷移和防止倒退工具。
-#### Discovery 发现使用者
+#### Discovery 發現使用者
During the early stages of a deprecation process, and in fact during the entire process, it is useful to know how and by whom an obsolete system is being used. Much of the initial work of deprecation is determining who is using the old system—and in which unanticipated ways. Depending on the kinds of use, this process may require revisiting the deprecation decision once new information is learned. We also use these tools throughout the deprecation process to understand how the effort is progressing.
Within Google, we use tools like Code Search (see Chapter 17) and Kythe (see Chapter 23) to statically determine which customers use a given library, and often to sample existing usage to see what sorts of behaviors customers are unexpectedly depending on. Because runtime dependencies generally require some static library or thin client use, this technique yields much of the information needed to start and run a deprecation process. Logging and runtime sampling in production help discover issues with dynamic dependencies.
-在谷歌内部,我们使用代码搜索(见第 17 章)和 Kythe(见第 23 章)等工具来静态地确定哪些客户使用给定的库,并经常对现有使用情况进行抽样,以了解客户的使用方式。由于运行时依赖项通常需要使用一些静态库或瘦客户端,因此该技术能提供大部分决策信息。而生产中的日志记录和运行时采样有助于发现动态依赖项的问题。
+在谷歌內部,我們使用程式碼搜尋(見第 17 章)和 Kythe(見第 23 章)等工具來靜態地確定哪些客戶使用給定的函式庫,並經常對現有使用情況進行抽樣,以瞭解客戶的使用方式。由於執行時依賴項通常需要使用一些靜態函式庫或瘦用戶端,因此該技術能提供大部分決策訊息。而生產中的日誌記錄和執行時取樣有助於發現動態依賴項的問題。
Finally, we treat our global test suite as an oracle to determine whether all references to an old symbol have been removed. As discussed in Chapter 11, tests are a mechanism of preventing unwanted behavioral changes to a system as the ecosystem evolves. Deprecation is a large part of that evolution, and customers are responsible for having sufficient testing to ensure that the removal of an obsolete system will not harm them.
-最后,我们将集成测试套件视为预言机,以确定是否已删除对旧变量、函数的所有引用。正如第 11 章所讨论的,测试是一种防止系统随着生态系统发展而发生不必要的行为变化的机制。“弃用”是这种演变的重要组成部分,客户有责任进行足够的测试,以确保删除过时的系统不会对他们造成危害。
+最後,我們將整合測試套件視為預言機,以確定是否已刪除對舊變數、函式的所有引用。正如第 11 章所討論的,測試是一種防止系統隨著生態系統發展而發生不必要的行為變化的機制。『棄用』是這種演變的重要組成部分,客戶有責任進行足夠的測試,以確保刪除過時的系統不會對他們造成危害。
-#### Migration 迁移
+#### Migration 遷移
Much of the work of doing deprecation efforts at Google is achieved by using the same set of code generation and review tooling we mentioned earlier. The LSC process and tooling are particularly useful in managing the large effort of actually updating the codebase to refer to new libraries or runtime services.
-在 Google “弃用”的大部分工作是通过使用我们之前提到的同一组代码生成和审查工具来完成的,即LSC工具集。它在代码仓库在引入新库或运行时服务时会很有用。
+在 Google 『棄用』的大部分工作是透過使用我們之前提到的同一組程式碼生成和審查工具來完成的,即LSC工具集。它在程式碼倉庫在引入新庫或執行時服務時會很有用。
-#### Preventing backsliding 避免“弃用”项目被重新启用
+#### Preventing backsliding 避免『棄用』專案被重新啟用
Finally, an often overlooked piece of deprecation infrastructure is tooling for preventing the addition of new uses of the very thing being actively removed. Even for advisory deprecations, it is useful to warn users to shy away from a deprecated system in favor of a new one when they are writing new code. Without backsliding prevention, deprecation can become a game of whack-a-mole in which users constantly add new uses of a system with which they are familiar (or find examples of elsewhere in the codebase), and the deprecation team constantly migrates these new uses. This process is both counterproductive and demoralizing.
To prevent deprecation backsliding on a micro level, we use the Tricorder static analysis framework to notify users that they are adding calls into a deprecated system and give them feedback on the appropriate replacement. Owners of deprecated systems can add compiler annotations to deprecated symbols (such as the @deprecated Java annotation), and Tricorder surfaces new uses of these symbols at review time. These annotations give control over messaging to the teams that own the deprecated system, while at the same time automatically alerting the change author. In limited cases, the tooling also suggests a push-button fix to migrate to the suggested replacement.
-为了防止使用弃用项目,我们使用 Tricorder 静态分析框架来通知用户他们正在调用一个“弃用”的系统中,并提供替代方案。弃用系统的维护者应该将不推荐使用的符号添加编译器注释(例如@deprecated Java 注释),并且 Tricorder 在审查时会将其发送给弃用项目的维护者。同时自动提醒调用者。在某些情况下,该工具还能一键以替代方案进行修复。
+為了防止使用棄用專案,我們使用 Tricorder 靜態分析框架來通知使用者他們正在呼叫一個『棄用』的系統中,並提供替代方案。棄用系統的維護者應該將不推薦使用的符號新增編譯器註解(例如@deprecated Java 註解),並且 Tricorder 在審查時會將其傳送給棄用專案的維護者。同時自動提醒呼叫者。在某些情況下,該工具還能一鍵以替代方案進行修復。
On a macro level, we use visibility whitelists in our build system to ensure that new dependencies are not introduced to the deprecated system. Automated tooling periodically examines these whitelists and prunes them as dependent systems are migrated away from the obsolete system.
-在宏观层面上,我们在构建系统中使用可见的白名单来确保不会将新的依赖项引入已“弃用”的系统。自动化工具会 定期检查这些白名单,并在依赖系统从过时系统迁移时对其进行删减。
+在宏觀層面上,我們在建立系統中使用可見的白名單來確保不會將新的依賴項引入已『棄用』的系統。自動化工具會 定期檢查這些白名單,並在依賴系統從過時系統遷移時對其進行刪減。
-## 结论 (Conclusion)
+## 結論 (Conclusion)
Deprecation can feel like the dirty work of cleaning up the street after the circus parade has just passed through town, yet these efforts improve the overall software ecosystem by reducing maintenance overhead and cognitive burden of engineers. Scalably maintaining complex software systems over time is more than just building and running software: we must also be able to remove systems that are obsolete or otherwise unused.
A complete deprecation process involves successfully managing social and technical challenges through policy and tooling. Deprecating in an organized and well-managed fashion is often overlooked as a source of benefit to an organization, but is essential for its long-term sustainability.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- Software systems have continuing maintenance costs that should be weighed against the costs of removing them.
- Removing things is often more difficult than building them to begin with because existing users are often using the system beyond its original design.
- Evolving a system in place is usually cheaper than replacing it with a new one, when turndown costs are included.
- It is difficult to honestly evaluate the costs involved in deciding whether to deprecate: aside from the direct maintenance costs involved in keeping the old system around, there are ecosystem costs involved in having multiple similar systems to choose between and that might need to interoperate. The old system might implicitly be a drag on feature development for the new. These ecosystem costs are diffuse and difficult to measure. Deprecation and removal costs are often similarly diffuse.
-- 软件系统具有持续的维护成本,应与删除它们的成本进行权衡。
-- 删除东西通常比开始构建它们更困难,因为现有用户经常使用超出其原始设计意图的系统。
-- 如果将关闭成本包括在内,就地改进系统通常比更换新系统便宜。
-- 很难如实地评估 “弃用”所涉及的成本:除了保留旧系统所涉及的直接维护成本外,还有多个相似系统可供选择 所涉及的生态成本,互有交互。旧系统可能会暗中拖累新系统的功能开发。这些不同的生态所带来的成本则分散且难以衡量。“弃用”成本通常同样分散。
+- 軟體系統具有持續的維護成本,應與刪除它們的成本進行權衡。
+- 刪除東西通常比開始建立它們更困難,因為現有使用者經常使用超出其原始設計意圖的系統。
+- 如果將關閉成本包括在內,就地改進系統通常比更換新系統便宜。
+- 很難如實地評估 『棄用』所涉及的成本:除了保留舊系統所涉及的直接維護成本外,還有多個相似系統可供選擇 所涉及的生態成本,互有互動。舊系統可能會暗中拖累新系統的功能開發。這些不同的生態所帶來的成本則分散且難以衡量。『棄用』成本通常同樣分散。
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**Edited by Lisa Carey**
-Perhaps no software engineering tool is quite as universally adopted throughout the industry as version control. One can hardly imagine any software organization larger than a few people that doesn’t rely on a formal Version Control System (VCS) to manage its source code and coordinate activities between engineers.
+Perhaps no software engineering tool is quite as universally adopted throughout the industry as version control. One can hardly imagine any software organization larger than a few people that doesn」t rely on a formal Version Control System (VCS) to manage its source code and coordinate activities between engineers.
-In this chapter, we’re going to look at why the use of version control has become such an unambiguous norm in software engineering, and we describe the various possible approaches to version control and branch management, including how we do it at scale across all of Google. We’ll also examine the pros and cons of various approaches; although we believe everyone should use version control, some version control policies and processes might work better for your organization (or in general) than others. In particular, we find “trunk-based development” as popularized by DevOps[^1] (one repository, no dev branches) to be a particularly scalable policy approach, and we’ll provide some suggestions as to why that is.
+In this chapter, we」re going to look at why the use of version control has become such an unambiguous norm in software engineering, and we describe the various possible approaches to version control and branch management, including how we do it at scale across all of Google. We」ll also examine the pros and cons of various approaches; although we believe everyone should use version control, some version control policies and processes might work better for your organization (or in general) than others. In particular, we find 『trunk-based development』 as popularized by DevOps[^1] (one repository, no dev branches) to be a particularly scalable policy approach, and we」ll provide some suggestions as to why that is.
-在本章中,我们将了解为什么版本控制工具的使用在软件工程中已成为如此明确的规范,我们将描述版本控制和分支管理的各种可能方法,包括我们如何在整个谷歌范围内大规模地使用。我们还将研究各种方法的利弊;尽管我们认为每个人都应该使用版本控制,但某些版本控制策略和流程可能比其他策略和流程更适合你的组织(或通常来说)。特别是,我们发现由DevOps推广的 "基于主干的开发"(一个版本库,没有开发分支)是一种特别可扩展的策略方法,我们将提供一些建议来解释为什么会这样。
+在本章中,我們將瞭解為什麼版本控制工具的使用在軟體工程中已成為如此明確的規範,我們將描述版本控制和分支管理的各種可能方法,包括我們如何在整個谷歌範圍內大規模地使用。我們還將研究各種方法的利弊;儘管我們認為每個人都應該使用版本控制,但某些版本控制策略和流程可能比其他策略和流程更適合你的組織(或通常來說)。特別是,我們發現由DevOps推廣的 "基於主幹的開發"(一個版本庫,沒有開發分支)是一種特別可擴充套件的策略方法,我們將提供一些建議來解釋為什麼會這樣。
-> [^1]: The DevOps Research Association, which was acquired by Google between the first draft of this chapter and publication, has published extensively on this in the annual “State of DevOps Report” and the book Accelerate. As near as we can tell, it popularized the terminology trunk-based development.
+> [^1]: The DevOps Research Association, which was acquired by Google between the first draft of this chapter and publication, has published extensively on this in the annual 『State of DevOps Report』 and the book Accelerate. As near as we can tell, it popularized the terminology trunk-based development.
-> 1 DevOps研究协会,在本章初稿和出版之间被谷歌收购,在年度 "DevOps状况报告 "和《加速》一书中广泛发表了这方面的内容。据我们所知,它推广了基于主干的开发这一术语。
+> 1 DevOps研究協會,在本章初稿和出版之間被谷歌收購,在年度 "DevOps狀況報告 "和《加速》一書中廣泛發表了這方面的內容。據我們所知,它推廣了基於主幹的開發這一術語。
-## What Is Version Control? 什么是版本控制?
+## What Is Version Control? 什麼是版本控制?
-A VCS is a system that tracks revisions (versions) of files over time. A VCS maintains some metadata about the set of files being managed, and collectively a copy of the files and metadata is called a repository[^2] (repo for short). A VCS helps coordinate the activities of teams by allowing multiple developers to work on the same set of files simultaneously. Early VCSs did this by granting one person at a time the right to edit a file—that style of locking is enough to establish sequencing (an agreed-upon “which is newer,” an important feature of VCS). More advanced systems ensure that changes to a *collection* of files submitted at once are treated as a single unit (*atomicity* when a logical change touches multiple files). Systems like CVS (a popular VCS from the 90s) that didn’t have this atomicity for a commit were subject to corruption and lost changes. Ensuring atomicity removes the chance of previous changes being overwritten unintentionally, but requires tracking which version was last synced to—at commit time, the commit is rejected if any file in the commit has been modified at head since the last time the local developer synced. Especially in such a change-tracking VCS, a developer’s working copy of the managed files will therefore need metadata of its own. Depending on the design of the VCS, this copy of the repository can be a repository itself, or might contain a reduced amount of metadata—such a reduced copy is usually a “client” or “workspace.”
+A VCS is a system that tracks revisions (versions) of files over time. A VCS maintains some metadata about the set of files being managed, and collectively a copy of the files and metadata is called a repository[^2] (repo for short). A VCS helps coordinate the activities of teams by allowing multiple developers to work on the same set of files simultaneously. Early VCSs did this by granting one person at a time the right to edit a file—that style of locking is enough to establish sequencing (an agreed-upon 『which is newer,』 an important feature of VCS). More advanced systems ensure that changes to a *collection* of files submitted at once are treated as a single unit (*atomicity* when a logical change touches multiple files). Systems like CVS (a popular VCS from the 90s) that didn」t have this atomicity for a commit were subject to corruption and lost changes. Ensuring atomicity removes the chance of previous changes being overwritten unintentionally, but requires tracking which version was last synced to—at commit time, the commit is rejected if any file in the commit has been modified at head since the last time the local developer synced. Especially in such a change-tracking VCS, a developer」s working copy of the managed files will therefore need metadata of its own. Depending on the design of the VCS, this copy of the repository can be a repository itself, or might contain a reduced amount of metadata—such a reduced copy is usually a 『client』 or 『workspace.』
-VCS是一个跟踪文件随时间变化的修订(版本)的系统。VCS维护一些关于被管理的文件集的元数据,文件和元数据的副本统称为版本库(简称repo)。VCS通过允许多个开发者同时在同一组文件上工作来帮助协调团队的活动。早期的VCS是通过每次授予一个人编辑文件的权利来实现的——这种锁定方式足以建立顺序(一种约定的“更新的”,VCS的一个重要特性)。更高级的系统确保对一次提交的*文件集合*的更改被视为单个单元(当逻辑更改涉及多个文件时,原子性)。像CVS(90年代流行的VCS)这样的系统,如果没有这种提交的原子性,就会出现损坏和丢失更改。确保原子性消除了以前的更改被无意覆盖的风险,但需要跟踪最后同步的版本——在提交时,如果提交中的任何文件在本地开发者最后一次同步后被修改过,则提交将被拒绝。特别是在这样一个变化跟踪的VCS中,开发者管理着的文件的工作副本因此需要有自己的元数据。根据VCS的设计,这个版本库的副本可能是一个完整的版本库,或者可能只包含少量的元数据——这样一个精简的副本通常是一个 "客户端"或"工作区"。
+VCS是一個跟蹤檔案隨時間變化的修訂(版本)的系統。VCS維護一些關於被管理的檔案集的元資料,檔案和元資料的副本統稱為版本庫(簡稱repo)。VCS透過允許多個開發者同時在同一組檔案上工作來幫助協調團隊的活動。早期的VCS是透過每次授予一個人編輯檔案的權利來實現的——這種鎖定方式足以建立順序(一種約定的『更新的』,VCS的一個重要屬性)。更高階的系統確保對一次送出的*檔案集合*的更改被視為單個單元(當邏輯更改涉及多個檔案時,原子性)。像CVS(90年代流行的VCS)這樣的系統,如果沒有這種送出的原子性,就會出現損壞和丟失更改。確保原子性消除了以前的更改被無意覆蓋的風險,但需要跟蹤最後同步的版本——在送出時,如果送出中的任何檔案在本地開發者最後一次同步後被修改過,則送出將被拒絕。特別是在這樣一個變化跟蹤的VCS中,開發者管理著的檔案的工作副本因此需要有自己的元資料。根據VCS的設計,這個版本庫的副本可能是一個完整的版本庫,或者可能只包含少量的元資料——這樣一個精簡的副本通常是一個 "用戶端"或"工作區"。
This seems like a lot of complexity: why is a VCS necessary? What is it about this sort of tool that has allowed it to become one of the few nearly universal tools for software development and software engineering?
-Imagine for a moment working without a VCS. For a (very) small group of distributed developers working on a project of limited scope without any understanding of version control, the simplest and lowest-infrastructure solution is to just pass copies of the project back and forth. This works best when edits are nonsimultaneous (people are working in different time zones, or at least with different working hours). If there’s any chance for people to not know which version is the most current, we immediately have an annoying problem: tracking which version is the most up to date. Anyone who has attempted to collaborate in a non-networked environment will likely recall the horrors of copying back-and-forth files named *Presentation v5 - final - redlines - Josh’s version v2*. And as we shall see, when there isn’t a single agreed-upon source of truth, collaboration becomes high friction and error prone.
+Imagine for a moment working without a VCS. For a (very) small group of distributed developers working on a project of limited scope without any understanding of version control, the simplest and lowest-infrastructure solution is to just pass copies of the project back and forth. This works best when edits are nonsimultaneous (people are working in different time zones, or at least with different working hours). If there」s any chance for people to not know which version is the most current, we immediately have an annoying problem: tracking which version is the most up to date. Anyone who has attempted to collaborate in a non-networked environment will likely recall the horrors of copying back-and-forth files named *Presentation v5 - final - redlines - Josh」s version v2*. And as we shall see, when there isn」t a single agreed-upon source of truth, collaboration becomes high friction and error prone.
-想象一下,在没有VCS的情况下工作。对于一个(非常)小的分布式开发人员小组,在一个范围有限的项目上工作,而不了解版本控制,最简单和最低要求的基础设施解决方案是只是来回传递项目的副本。这在非同步编辑时效果最好(人们在不同的时区工作,或至少在不同的工作时间)。.如果存在人们无法确定哪个版本最新的情况,我们就会立即面临一个烦人的问题:如何追踪最新版本。任何试图在非网络环境下进行协作的人都可能会想起来回复制名为*Presentation v5 - final - redlines - Josh's version v2*的文件的恐怖。正如我们将看到的那样, 当没有一个统一的信息来源时,合作就会变得阻力很大,容易出错。
+想象一下,在沒有VCS的情況下工作。對於一個(非常)小的分散式開發人員小組,在一個範圍有限的專案上工作,而不瞭解版本控制,最簡單和最低要求的基礎設施解決方案是隻是來回傳遞專案的副本。這在非同步編輯時效果最好(人們在不同的時區工作,或至少在不同的工作時間)。.如果存在人們無法確定哪個版本最新的情況,我們就會立即面臨一個煩人的問題:如何追蹤最新版本。任何試圖在非網路環境下進行協作的人都可能會想起來回複製名為*Presentation v5 - final - redlines - Josh's version v2*的檔案的恐怖。正如我們將看到的那樣, 當沒有一個統一的訊息來源時,合作就會變得阻力很大,容易出錯。
-Introducing shared storage requires slightly more infrastructure (getting access to shared storage), but provides an easy and obvious solution. Coordinating work in a shared drive might suffice for a while with a small enough number of people but still requires out-of-band collaboration to avoid overwriting one another’s work. Further, working directly in that shared storage means that any development task that doesn’t keep the build working continuously will begin to impede everyone on the team—if I’m making a change to some part of this system at the same time that you kick off a build, your build won’t work. Obviously, this doesn’t scale well.
+Introducing shared storage requires slightly more infrastructure (getting access to shared storage), but provides an easy and obvious solution. Coordinating work in a shared drive might suffice for a while with a small enough number of people but still requires out-of-band collaboration to avoid overwriting one another」s work. Further, working directly in that shared storage means that any development task that doesn」t keep the build working continuously will begin to impede everyone on the team—if I」m making a change to some part of this system at the same time that you kick off a build, your build won」t work. Obviously, this doesn」t scale well.
-In practice, lack of file locking and lack of merge tracking will inevitably lead to collisions and work being overwritten. Such a system is very likely to introduce out-of-band coordination to decide who is working on any given file. If that file-locking is encoded in software, we’ve begun reinventing an early-generation version control like RCS (among others). After you realize that granting write permissions a file at a time is too coarse grained and you begin wanting line-level tracking—we’re definitely reinventing version control. It seems nearly inevitable that we’ll want some structured mechanism to govern these collaborations. Because we seem to just be reinventing the wheel in this hypothetical, we might as well use an off-the-shelf tool.
+In practice, lack of file locking and lack of merge tracking will inevitably lead to collisions and work being overwritten. Such a system is very likely to introduce out-of-band coordination to decide who is working on any given file. If that file-locking is encoded in software, we」ve begun reinventing an early-generation version control like RCS (among others). After you realize that granting write permissions a file at a time is too coarse grained and you begin wanting line-level tracking—we」re definitely reinventing version control. It seems nearly inevitable that we」ll want some structured mechanism to govern these collaborations. Because we seem to just be reinventing the wheel in this hypothetical, we might as well use an off-the-shelf tool.
> [^2]: Although the formal idea of what is and is not a repository changes a bit depending on your choice of VCS, and the terminology will vary.
-> 2 虽然什么是和什么不是版本库的正式概念会因你选择的VCS而有些变化,术语也会有所不同。
+> 2 雖然什麼是和什麼不是版本庫的正式概念會因你選擇的VCS而有些變化,術語也會有所不同。
-### Why Is Version Control Important? 为什么版本控制很重要?
+### Why Is Version Control Important? 為什麼版本控制很重要?
-While version control is practically ubiquitous now, this was not always the case. The very first VCSs date back to the 1970s (SCCS) and 1980s (RCS)—many years later than the first references to software engineering as a distinct discipline. Teams participated in “the [multiperson development of multiversion software](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.02742.pdf)” before the industry had any formal notion of version control. Version control evolved as a response to the novel challenges of digital collaboration. It took decades of evolution and dissemination for reliable, consistent use of version control to evolve into the norm that it is today.[^3] So how did it become so important, and, given that it seems like a self-evident solution, why might anyone resist the idea of VCS?
+While version control is practically ubiquitous now, this was not always the case. The very first VCSs date back to the 1970s (SCCS) and 1980s (RCS)—many years later than the first references to software engineering as a distinct discipline. Teams participated in 『the [multiperson development of multiversion software](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.02742.pdf)』 before the industry had any formal notion of version control. Version control evolved as a response to the novel challenges of digital collaboration. It took decades of evolution and dissemination for reliable, consistent use of version control to evolve into the norm that it is today.[^3] So how did it become so important, and, given that it seems like a self-evident solution, why might anyone resist the idea of VCS?
-虽然现在版本控制几乎无处不在,但情况并非总是如此。最早的VCS可以追溯到20世纪70年代(SCCS)和80年代(RCS)——比首次将软件工程作为一门独立学科的时间晚了许多年。在业界有任何正式的版本控制概念之前,团队就参与了"[多版本软件的多人开发](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.02742.pdf)"。版本控制是为了应对数字协作的新挑战而发展起来的。经过几十年的演变和传播,版本控制的可靠、一致的使用才演变成今天的规范。 那么,它是如何变得如此重要的呢?鉴于它似乎是一个不言而喻的解决方案,为什么会有人抵制VCS的想法呢?
+雖然現在版本控制幾乎無處不在,但情況並非總是如此。最早的VCS可以追溯到20世紀70年代(SCCS)和80年代(RCS)——比首次將軟體工程作為一門獨立學科的時間晚了許多年。在業界有任何正式的版本控制概念之前,團隊就參與了"[多版本軟體的多人開發](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1805.02742.pdf)"。版本控制是為了應對數字協作的新挑戰而發展起來的。經過幾十年的演變和傳播,版本控制的可靠、一致的使用才演變成今天的規範。 那麼,它是如何變得如此重要的呢?鑑於它似乎是一個不言而喻的解決方案,為什麼會有人抵制VCS的想法呢?
-Recall that software engineering is programming integrated over time; we’re drawing a distinction (in dimensionality) between the instantaneous production of source code and the act of maintaining that product over time. That basic distinction goes a long way to explaining the importance of, and hesitation toward, VCS: at the most fundamental level, version control is the engineer’s primary tool for managing the interplay between raw source and time. We can conceptualize VCS as a way to extend a standard filesystem. A filesystem is a mapping from filename to contents. A VCS extends that to provide a mapping from (filename, time) to contents, along with the metadata necessary to track last sync points and audit history. Version control makes the consideration of time an explicit part of the operation: unnecessary in a program‐ming task, critical in a software engineering task. In most cases, a VCS also allows for an extra input to that mapping (a branch name) to allow for parallel mappings; thus:
+Recall that software engineering is programming integrated over time; we」re drawing a distinction (in dimensionality) between the instantaneous production of source code and the act of maintaining that product over time. That basic distinction goes a long way to explaining the importance of, and hesitation toward, VCS: at the most fundamental level, version control is the engineer」s primary tool for managing the interplay between raw source and time. We can conceptualize VCS as a way to extend a standard filesystem. A filesystem is a mapping from filename to contents. A VCS extends that to provide a mapping from (filename, time) to contents, along with the metadata necessary to track last sync points and audit history. Version control makes the consideration of time an explicit part of the operation: unnecessary in a program‐ming task, critical in a software engineering task. In most cases, a VCS also allows for an extra input to that mapping (a branch name) to allow for parallel mappings; thus:
VCS(filename, time, branch) => file contents
-In the default usage, that branch input will have a commonly understood default: we call that “head,” “default,” or “trunk” to denote main branch.
+In the default usage, that branch input will have a commonly understood default: we call that 『head,』 『default,』 or 『trunk』 to denote main branch.
-The (minor) remaining hesitation toward consistent use of version control comes almost directly from conflating programming and software engineering—we teach programming, we train programmers, we interview for jobs based on programming problems and techniques. It’s perfectly reasonable for a new hire, even at a place like Google, to have little or no experience with code that is worked on by more than one person or for more than a couple weeks. Given that experience and understanding of the problem, version control seems like an alien solution. Version control is solving a problem that our new hire hasn’t necessarily experienced: an “undo,” not for a single file but for an entire project, adding a lot of complexity for sometimes nonobvious benefits.
+The (minor) remaining hesitation toward consistent use of version control comes almost directly from conflating programming and software engineering—we teach programming, we train programmers, we interview for jobs based on programming problems and techniques. It」s perfectly reasonable for a new hire, even at a place like Google, to have little or no experience with code that is worked on by more than one person or for more than a couple weeks. Given that experience and understanding of the problem, version control seems like an alien solution. Version control is solving a problem that our new hire hasn」t necessarily experienced: an 『undo,』 not for a single file but for an entire project, adding a lot of complexity for sometimes nonobvious benefits.
-In some software groups, the same result plays out when management views the job of the techies as “software development” (sit down and write code) rather than “software engineering” (produce code, keep it working and useful for some extended period). With a mental model of programming as the primary task and little understanding of the interplay between code and the passage of time, it’s easy to see something described as “go back to a previous version to undo a mistake” as a weird, high- overhead luxury.
+In some software groups, the same result plays out when management views the job of the techies as 『software development』 (sit down and write code) rather than 『software engineering』 (produce code, keep it working and useful for some extended period). With a mental model of programming as the primary task and little understanding of the interplay between code and the passage of time, it」s easy to see something described as 『go back to a previous version to undo a mistake』 as a weird, high- overhead luxury.
-在一些软件团队中,当管理层将技术人员的工作视为“软件开发”(坐下来编写代码)而不是“软件工程”(生成代码,使其在较长时间内保持工作和有效)时,也会产生同样的结果。在把编程作为主要任务的思维模式下,以及对代码和时间流逝之间的相互作用了解甚少的情况下,很容易把 "返回到以前的版本以撤销错误 "这样的描述看作是一种奇怪的、高开销的奢侈品。
+在一些軟體團隊中,當管理層將技術人員的工作視為『軟體開發』(坐下來編寫程式碼)而不是『軟體工程』(生成程式碼,使其在較長時間內保持工作和有效)時,也會產生同樣的結果。在把程式設計作為主要任務的思維模式下,以及對程式碼和時間流逝之間的相互作用瞭解甚少的情況下,很容易把 "回傳到以前的版本以撤銷錯誤 "這樣的描述看作是一種奇怪的、高開銷的奢侈品。
-In addition to allowing separate storage and reference to versions over time, version control helps us bridge the gap between single-developer and multideveloper processes. In practical terms, this is why version control is so critical to software engineering, because it allows us to scale up teams and organizations, even though we use it only infrequently as an “undo” button. Development is inherently a branch-and- merge process, both when coordinating between multiple developers or a single developer at different points in time. A VCS removes the question of “which is more recent?” Use of modern version control automates error-prone operations like tracking which set of changes have been applied. Version control is how we coordinate between multiple developers and/or multiple points in time.
+In addition to allowing separate storage and reference to versions over time, version control helps us bridge the gap between single-developer and multideveloper processes. In practical terms, this is why version control is so critical to software engineering, because it allows us to scale up teams and organizations, even though we use it only infrequently as an 『undo』 button. Development is inherently a branch-and- merge process, both when coordinating between multiple developers or a single developer at different points in time. A VCS removes the question of 『which is more recent?』 Use of modern version control automates error-prone operations like tracking which set of changes have been applied. Version control is how we coordinate between multiple developers and/or multiple points in time.
-除了允许随着时间的推移单独存储和长期引用版本外,版本控制还帮助我们弥合单个开发人员和多个开发人员流程之间的差距。在实践中,这就是为什么版本控制对软件工程如此关键,因为它允许我们扩大团队和组织的规模,即使我们只是偶尔将其作为一个‘撤销’按钮来使用。**开发本质上是一个分支和合并的过程,无论是在多个开发人员之间还是在不同时间点的单个开发人员之间进行协调。**版本控制系统消除了 "哪个是最新的?"的问题。使用现代的版本控制可以将容易出错的操作自动化,比如跟踪哪一组修改已经被应用。版本控制是我们在多个开发者和/或多个时间点之间协调的方式。
+除了允許隨著時間的推移單獨儲存和長期引用版本外,版本控制還幫助我們彌合單個開發人員和多個開發人員流程之間的差距。在實踐中,這就是為什麼版本控制對軟體工程如此關鍵,因為它允許我們擴大團隊和組織的規模,即使我們只是偶爾將其作為一個「撤銷」按鈕來使用。**開發本質上是一個分支和合並的過程,無論是在多個開發人員之間還是在不同時間點的單個開發人員之間進行協調。**版本控制系統消除了 "哪個是最新的?"的問題。使用現代的版本控制可以將容易出錯的操作自動化,比如跟蹤哪一組修改已經被應用。版本控制是我們在多個開發者和/或多個時間點之間協調的方式。
Because VCS has become so thoroughly embedded in the process of software engineering, even legal and regulatory practices have caught up. VCS allows a formal record of every change to every line of code, which is increasingly necessary for satisfying audit requirements. When mixing between in-house development and appropriate use of third-party sources, VCS helps track provenance and origination for every line of code.
-In addition to the technical and regulatory aspects of tracking source over time and handling sync/branch/merge operations, version control triggers some nontechnical changes in behavior. The ritual of committing to version control and producing a commit log is a trigger for a moment of reflection: what have you accomplished since your last commit? Is the source in a state that you’re happy with? The moment of introspection associated with committing, writing up a summary, and marking a task complete might have value on its own for many people. The start of the commit process is a perfect time to run through a checklist, run static analyses (see Chapter 20), check test coverage, run tests and dynamic analysis, and so on.
+In addition to the technical and regulatory aspects of tracking source over time and handling sync/branch/merge operations, version control triggers some nontechnical changes in behavior. The ritual of committing to version control and producing a commit log is a trigger for a moment of reflection: what have you accomplished since your last commit? Is the source in a state that you」re happy with? The moment of introspection associated with committing, writing up a summary, and marking a task complete might have value on its own for many people. The start of the commit process is a perfect time to run through a checklist, run static analyses (see Chapter 20), check test coverage, run tests and dynamic analysis, and so on.
-Like any process, version control comes with some overhead: someone must configure and manage your version control system, and individual developers must use it. But make no mistake about it: these can almost always be pretty cheap. Anecdotally, most experienced software engineers will instinctively use version control for any project that lasts more than a day or two, even for a single-developer project. The consistency of that result argues that the trade-off in terms of value (including risk reduction) versus overhead must be a pretty easy one. But we’ve promised to acknowledge that context matters and to encourage engineering leaders to think for themselves. It is always worth considering alternatives, even on something as fundamental as version control.
+Like any process, version control comes with some overhead: someone must configure and manage your version control system, and individual developers must use it. But make no mistake about it: these can almost always be pretty cheap. Anecdotally, most experienced software engineers will instinctively use version control for any project that lasts more than a day or two, even for a single-developer project. The consistency of that result argues that the trade-off in terms of value (including risk reduction) versus overhead must be a pretty easy one. But we」ve promised to acknowledge that context matters and to encourage engineering leaders to think for themselves. It is always worth considering alternatives, even on something as fundamental as version control.
-In truth, it’s difficult to envision any task that can be considered modern software engineering that doesn’t immediately adopt a VCS. Given that you understand the value and need for version control, you are likely now asking what type of version control you need.
+In truth, it」s difficult to envision any task that can be considered modern software engineering that doesn」t immediately adopt a VCS. Given that you understand the value and need for version control, you are likely now asking what type of version control you need.
-> [^3]: Indeed, I’ve given several public talks that use “adoption of version control” as the canonical example of how the norms of software engineering can and do evolve over time. In my experience, in the 1990s, version control was pretty well understood as a best practice but not universally followed. In the early 2000s, it was still common to encounter professional groups that didn’t use it. Today, the use of tools like Git seems ubiquitous even among college students working on personal projects. Some of this rise in adoption is likely due to better user experience in the tools (nobody wants to go back to RCS), but the role of experience and changing norms is significant.
+> [^3]: Indeed, I」ve given several public talks that use 『adoption of version control』 as the canonical example of how the norms of software engineering can and do evolve over time. In my experience, in the 1990s, version control was pretty well understood as a best practice but not universally followed. In the early 2000s, it was still common to encounter professional groups that didn」t use it. Today, the use of tools like Git seems ubiquitous even among college students working on personal projects. Some of this rise in adoption is likely due to better user experience in the tools (nobody wants to go back to RCS), but the role of experience and changing norms is significant.
-> 3 事实上,我曾多次公开演讲,以 "版本控制的采用 "为例,说明软件工程的规范是如何随着时间的推移而演变的。根据我的经验,在20世纪90年代,版本控制被理解为一种最佳实践,但没有得到普遍遵守。在21世纪初,不使用版本控制的专业团体仍然很常见。今天,即使在从事个人项目的大学生中,像Git这样的工具的使用似乎也是无处不在的。这种采用率的上升可能是由于在工具中更好的用户体验(没有人愿意回到RCS),但经验和不断变化的规范的作用也很重要。
+> 3 事實上,我曾多次公開演講,以 "版本控制的採用 "為例,說明軟體工程的規範是如何隨著時間的推移而演變的。根據我的經驗,在20世紀90年代,版本控制被理解為一種最佳實踐,但沒有得到普遍遵守。在21世紀初,不使用版本控制的專業團體仍然很常見。今天,即使在從事個人專案的大學生中,像Git這樣的工具的使用似乎也是無處不在的。這種採用率的上升可能是由於在工具中更好的使用者體驗(沒有人願意回到RCS),但經驗和不斷變化的規範的作用也很重要。
-### Centralized VCS Versus Distributed VCS 集中式VCS与分布式VCS
+### Centralized VCS Versus Distributed VCS 集中式VCS與分散式VCS
-At the most simplistic level, all modern VCSs are equivalent to one another: so long as your system has a notion of atomically committing changes to a batch of files, everything else is just UI. You could build the same general semantics (not workflow) of any modern VCS out of another one and a pile of simple shell scripts. Thus, arguing about which VCS is “better” is primarily a matter of user experience—the core functionality is the same, the differences come in user experience, naming, edge-case features, and performance. Choosing a VCS is like choosing a filesystem format: when choosing among a modern-enough format, the differences are fairly minor, and the more important question by far is the content you fill that system with and the way you *use* it. However, major architectural differences in VCSs can make configuration, policy, and scaling decisions easier or more difficult, so it’s important to be aware of the big architectural differences, chiefly the decision between centralized or decentralized.
+At the most simplistic level, all modern VCSs are equivalent to one another: so long as your system has a notion of atomically committing changes to a batch of files, everything else is just UI. You could build the same general semantics (not workflow) of any modern VCS out of another one and a pile of simple shell scripts. Thus, arguing about which VCS is 『better』 is primarily a matter of user experience—the core functionality is the same, the differences come in user experience, naming, edge-case features, and performance. Choosing a VCS is like choosing a filesystem format: when choosing among a modern-enough format, the differences are fairly minor, and the more important question by far is the content you fill that system with and the way you *use* it. However, major architectural differences in VCSs can make configuration, policy, and scaling decisions easier or more difficult, so it」s important to be aware of the big architectural differences, chiefly the decision between centralized or decentralized.
#### Centralized VCS 集中式VCS
In centralized VCS implementations, the model is one of a single central repository (likely stored on some shared compute resource for your organization). Although a developer can have files checked out and accessible on their local workstation, operations that interact on the version control status of those files need to be communicated to the central server (adding files, syncing, updating existing files, etc.). Any code that is committed by a developer is committed into that central repository. The first VCS implementations were all centralized VCSs.
-Going back to the 1970s and early 1980s, we see that the earliest of these VCSs, such as RCS, focused on locking and preventing multiple simultaneous edits. You could copy the contents of a repository, but if you wanted to edit a file, you might need to acquire a lock, enforced by the VCS, to ensure that only you are making edits. When you’ve completed an edit, you release the lock. The model worked fine when any given change was a quick thing, or if there was rarely more than one person that wanted the lock for a file at any given time. Small edits like tweaking config files worked OK, as did working on a small team that either kept disjointed working hours or that rarely worked on overlapping files for extended periods. This sort of simplistic locking has inherent problems with scale: it can work fine for a few people, but has the potential to fall apart with larger groups if any of those locks become contended.[^4]
+Going back to the 1970s and early 1980s, we see that the earliest of these VCSs, such as RCS, focused on locking and preventing multiple simultaneous edits. You could copy the contents of a repository, but if you wanted to edit a file, you might need to acquire a lock, enforced by the VCS, to ensure that only you are making edits. When you」ve completed an edit, you release the lock. The model worked fine when any given change was a quick thing, or if there was rarely more than one person that wanted the lock for a file at any given time. Small edits like tweaking config files worked OK, as did working on a small team that either kept disjointed working hours or that rarely worked on overlapping files for extended periods. This sort of simplistic locking has inherent problems with scale: it can work fine for a few people, but has the potential to fall apart with larger groups if any of those locks become contended.[^4]
-As a response to this scaling problem, the VCSs that were popular through the 90s and early 2000s operated at a higher level. These more modern centralized VCSs avoid the exclusive locking but track which changes you’ve synced, requiring your edit to be based on the most-current version of every file in your commit. CVS wrapped and refined RCS by (mostly) operating on batches of files at a time and allowing multiple developers to check out a file at the same time: so long as your base version contained all of the changes in the repository, you’re allowed to commit. Subversion advanced further by providing true atomicity for commits, version tracking, and better tracking for unusual operations (renames, use of symbolic links, etc.). The centralized repository/checked-out client model continues today within Subversion as well as most commercial VCSs.
+As a response to this scaling problem, the VCSs that were popular through the 90s and early 2000s operated at a higher level. These more modern centralized VCSs avoid the exclusive locking but track which changes you」ve synced, requiring your edit to be based on the most-current version of every file in your commit. CVS wrapped and refined RCS by (mostly) operating on batches of files at a time and allowing multiple developers to check out a file at the same time: so long as your base version contained all of the changes in the repository, you」re allowed to commit. Subversion advanced further by providing true atomicity for commits, version tracking, and better tracking for unusual operations (renames, use of symbolic links, etc.). The centralized repository/checked-out client model continues today within Subversion as well as most commercial VCSs.
-> [^4]: Anecdote: To illustrate this, I looked for information on what pending/unsubmitted edits Googlers had outstanding for a semipopular file in my most recent project. At the time of this writing, 27 changes are pending, 12 from people on my team, 5 from people on related teams, and 10 from engineers I’ve never met. This is basically working as expected. Technical systems or policies that require out-of-band coordination certainly don’t scale to 24/7 software engineering in distributed locations.
+> [^4]: Anecdote: To illustrate this, I looked for information on what pending/unsubmitted edits Googlers had outstanding for a semipopular file in my most recent project. At the time of this writing, 27 changes are pending, 12 from people on my team, 5 from people on related teams, and 10 from engineers I」ve never met. This is basically working as expected. Technical systems or policies that require out-of-band coordination certainly don」t scale to 24/7 software engineering in distributed locations.
-> 4 轶事:为了说明这一点,我寻找了谷歌在我最近的项目中对一个半流行的文件所做的未提交/未提交编辑的信息。在撰写本文时,有27项变更尚未完成,其中12项来自我的团队,5项来自相关团队,10项来自我从未见过的工程师。这基本上按照预期工作。需要带外协调的技术系统或策略当然不能扩展到分布式位置的全天候软件工程。
+> 4 軼事:為了說明這一點,我尋找了谷歌在我最近的專案中對一個半流行的檔案所做的未送出/未送出編輯的訊息。在撰寫本文時,有27項變更尚未完成,其中12項來自我的團隊,5項來自相關團隊,10項來自我從未見過的工程師。這基本上按照預期工作。需要帶外協調的技術系統或策略當然不能擴充套件到分散式位置的全天候軟體工程。
-#### Distributed VCS 分布式VCS
+#### Distributed VCS 分散式VCS
-Starting in the mid-2000s, many popular VCSs followed the Distributed Version Control System (DVCS) paradigm, seen in systems like Git and Mercurial. The primary conceptual difference between DVCS and more traditional centralized VCS (Subversion, CVS) is the question: “Where can you commit?” or perhaps, “Which copies of these files count as a repository?”
+Starting in the mid-2000s, many popular VCSs followed the Distributed Version Control System (DVCS) paradigm, seen in systems like Git and Mercurial. The primary conceptual difference between DVCS and more traditional centralized VCS (Subversion, CVS) is the question: 『Where can you commit?』 or perhaps, 『Which copies of these files count as a repository?』
A DVCS world does not enforce the constraint of a central repository: if you have a copy (clone, fork) of the repository, you have a repository that you can commit to as well as all of the metadata necessary to query for information about things like revision history. A standard workflow is to clone some existing repository, make some edits, commit them locally, and then push some set of commits to another repository, which may or may not be the original source of the clone. Any notion of centrality is purely conceptual, a matter of policy, not fundamental to the technology or the underlying protocols.
-The DVCS model allows for better offline operation and collaboration without inherently declaring one particular repository to be the source of truth. One repository isn’t necessary “ahead” or “behind” because changes aren’t inherently projected into a linear timeline. However, considering common *usage*, both the centralized and DVCS models are largely interchangeable: whereas a centralized VCS provides a clearly defined central repository through technology, most DVCS ecosystems define a central repository for a project as a matter of policy. That is, most DVCS projects are built around one conceptual source of truth (a particular repository on GitHub, for instance). DVCS models tend to assume a more distributed use case and have found particularly strong adoption in the open source world.
+The DVCS model allows for better offline operation and collaboration without inherently declaring one particular repository to be the source of truth. One repository isn」t necessary 『ahead』 or 『behind』 because changes aren」t inherently projected into a linear timeline. However, considering common *usage*, both the centralized and DVCS models are largely interchangeable: whereas a centralized VCS provides a clearly defined central repository through technology, most DVCS ecosystems define a central repository for a project as a matter of policy. That is, most DVCS projects are built around one conceptual source of truth (a particular repository on GitHub, for instance). DVCS models tend to assume a more distributed use case and have found particularly strong adoption in the open source world.
-Generally speaking, the dominant source control system today is Git, which implements DVCS.[^5] When in doubt, use that—there’s some value in doing what everyone else does. If your use cases are expected to be unusual, gather some data and evaluate the trade-offs.
+Generally speaking, the dominant source control system today is Git, which implements DVCS.[^5] When in doubt, use that—there」s some value in doing what everyone else does. If your use cases are expected to be unusual, gather some data and evaluate the trade-offs.
-Google has a complex relationship with DVCS: our main repository is based on a (massive) custom in-house centralized VCS. There are periodic attempts to integrate more standard external options and to match the workflow that our engineers (especially Nooglers) have come to expect from external development. Unfortunately, those attempts to move toward more common tools like Git have been stymied by the sheer size of the codebase and userbase, to say nothing of Hyrum’s Law effects tying us to a particular VCS and interface for that VCS.[^6] This is perhaps not surprising: most existing tools don’t scale well with 50,000 engineers and tens of millions of commits.[^7] The DVCS model, which often (but not always) includes transmission of history and metadata, requires a lot of data to spin up a repository to work out of.
+Google has a complex relationship with DVCS: our main repository is based on a (massive) custom in-house centralized VCS. There are periodic attempts to integrate more standard external options and to match the workflow that our engineers (especially Nooglers) have come to expect from external development. Unfortunately, those attempts to move toward more common tools like Git have been stymied by the sheer size of the codebase and userbase, to say nothing of Hyrum」s Law effects tying us to a particular VCS and interface for that VCS.[^6] This is perhaps not surprising: most existing tools don」t scale well with 50,000 engineers and tens of millions of commits.[^7] The DVCS model, which often (but not always) includes transmission of history and metadata, requires a lot of data to spin up a repository to work out of.
-谷歌与DVCS有着复杂的关系:我们的主要资源库是基于一个(巨大的)定制的内部集中式 VCS 。我们定期尝试整合更多标准的外部选项,并与我们的工程师(尤其是Nooglers)所期望的外部开发的工作流程相匹配。不幸的是,由于代码库和用户基础的庞大规模,加之海勒姆定律效应使我们固守特定的 VCS 及其界面,这些向更通用工具如Git转变的尝试受到了阻碍。这也许并不奇怪:大多数现有的工具在面对5万名工程师和数千万的提交时都不能很好地扩展。DVCS模型,通常(但不总是)包括历史和元数据的传输,需要大量数据来加速存储库的运行。
+谷歌與DVCS有著複雜的關係:我們的主要資源庫是基於一個(巨大的)定製的內部集中式 VCS 。我們定期嘗試整合更多標準的外部選項,並與我們的工程師(尤其是Nooglers)所期望的外部開發的工作流程相對應。不幸的是,由於程式碼庫和使用者基礎的龐大規模,加之海勒姆定律效應使我們固守特定的 VCS 及其介面,這些向更通用工具如Git轉變的嘗試受到了阻礙。這也許並不奇怪:大多數現有的工具在面對5萬名工程師和數千萬的送出時都不能很好地擴充套件。DVCS模型,通常(但不總是)包括歷史和元資料的傳輸,需要大量資料來加速儲存庫的執行。
In our workflow, centrality and in-the-cloud storage for the codebase seem to be critical to scaling. The DVCS model is built around the idea of downloading the entire codebase and having access to it locally. In practice, over time and as your organization scales up, any given developer is going to operate on a relatively smaller percentage of the files in a repository, and a small fraction of the versions of those files. As we grow (in file count and engineer count), that transmission becomes almost entirely waste. The only need for locality for most files occurs when building, but distributed (and reproducible) build systems seem to scale better for that task as well (see Chapter 18).
> [^5]: Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results, 2018.
-> 5 Stack Overflow开发者调查结果,2018年。
+> 5 Stack Overflow開發者調查結果,2018年。
> [^6]: Monotonically increasing version numbers, rather than commit hashes, are particularly troublesome. Many systems and scripts have grown up in the Google developer ecosystem that assume that the numeric ordering of commits is the same as the temporal order—undoing those hidden dependencies is difficult.
-> 6 单调增加的版本号,而不是提交哈希值,是特别麻烦的。许多系统和脚本已经在谷歌开发者生态系统中成长起来,它们假定提交的数字顺序与时间顺序相同--消除这些隐藏的依赖关系是很困难的。
+> 6 單調增加的版本號,而不是送出雜湊值,是特別麻煩的。許多系統和指令碼已經在谷歌開發者生態系統中成長起來,它們假定送出的數字順序與時間順序相同--消除這些隱藏的依賴關係是很困難的。
> [^7]: For that matter, as of the publication of the Monorepo paper, the repository itself had something like 86 TB of data and metadata, ignoring release branches. Fitting that onto a developer workstation directly would be… challenging.
-> 7 就这一点而言,截至Monorepo论文发表时,仓库本身有大约86TB的数据和元数据,不包括发布分支。将其直接装入开发者的工作站将是......挑战。
+> 7 就這一點而言,截至Monorepo論文發表時,倉庫本身有大約86TB的資料和元資料,不包括發布分支。將其直接裝入開發者的工作站將是......挑戰。
-### Source of Truth 信息源
+### Source of Truth 訊息源
-Centralized VCSs (Subversion, CVS, Perforce, etc.) bake the source-of-truth notion into the very design of the system: whatever is most recently committed at trunk is the current version. When a developer goes to check out the project, by default that trunk version is what they will be presented with. Your changes are “done” when they have been recommitted on top of that version.
+Centralized VCSs (Subversion, CVS, Perforce, etc.) bake the source-of-truth notion into the very design of the system: whatever is most recently committed at trunk is the current version. When a developer goes to check out the project, by default that trunk version is what they will be presented with. Your changes are 『done』 when they have been recommitted on top of that version.
-集中式VCS(Subversion、CVS、Perforce等)将信息源的概念融入到系统的设计中:在主干上最近提交的内容即为当前版本。当一个开发者去检查项目时,默认情况下,他们将看到的是主干版本。当你的修改被重新提交到该版本上时,你的修改就 "完成"了。
+集中式VCS(Subversion、CVS、Perforce等)將訊息源的概念融入到系統的設計中:在主幹上最近送出的內容即為當前版本。當一個開發者去檢查專案時,預設情況下,他們將看到的是主幹版本。當你的修改被重新送出到該版本上時,你的修改就 "完成"了。
-However, unlike centralized VCS, there is no *inherent* notion of which copy of the distributed repository is the single source of truth in DVCS systems. In theory, it’s possible to pass around commit tags and PRs with no centralization or coordination, allowing disparate branches of development to propagate unchecked, and thus risking a conceptual return to the world of *Presentation v5 - final - redlines - Josh’s version* *v2*. Because of this, DVCS requires more explicit policy and norms than a centralized VCS does.
+However, unlike centralized VCS, there is no *inherent* notion of which copy of the distributed repository is the single source of truth in DVCS systems. In theory, it」s possible to pass around commit tags and PRs with no centralization or coordination, allowing disparate branches of development to propagate unchecked, and thus risking a conceptual return to the world of *Presentation v5 - final - redlines - Josh」s version* *v2*. Because of this, DVCS requires more explicit policy and norms than a centralized VCS does.
-然而,与集中式 VCS 不同,在 DVCS 系统中,并不存在哪个分布式版本库的副本是单信息源的*固有概念*。理论上,在没有集中化或协调的情况下,提交标签和PR的传递是可能的,允许不同的开发分支不受检查地传播,从而有可能在概念上回到*Presentation v5 - final - redlines - Josh's version v2*的世界。正因为如此,DVCS比集中式VCS需要更明确的策略和规范。
+然而,與集中式 VCS 不同,在 DVCS 系統中,並不存在哪個分散式版本庫的副本是單訊息源的*固有概念*。理論上,在沒有集中化或協調的情況下,送出標籤和PR的傳遞是可能的,允許不同的開發分支不受檢查地傳播,從而有可能在概念上回到*Presentation v5 - final - redlines - Josh's version v2*的世界。正因為如此,DVCS比集中式VCS需要更明確的策略和規範。
-Well-managed projects using DVCS declare one specific branch in one specific repository to be the source of truth and thus avoid the more chaotic possibilities. We see this in practice with the spread of hosted DVCS solutions like GitHub or GitLab— users can clone and fork the repository for a project, but there is still a single primary repository: things are “done” when they are in the trunk branch on that repository.
+Well-managed projects using DVCS declare one specific branch in one specific repository to be the source of truth and thus avoid the more chaotic possibilities. We see this in practice with the spread of hosted DVCS solutions like GitHub or GitLab— users can clone and fork the repository for a project, but there is still a single primary repository: things are 『done』 when they are in the trunk branch on that repository.
-It isn’t an accident that centralization and Source of Truth has crept back into the usage even in a DVCS world. To help illustrate just how important this Source of Truth idea is, let’s imagine what happens when we don’t have a clear source of truth.
+It isn」t an accident that centralization and Source of Truth has crept back into the usage even in a DVCS world. To help illustrate just how important this Source of Truth idea is, let」s imagine what happens when we don」t have a clear source of truth.
-即使在DVCS的世界里,集中化和信息源已经悄悄地回到了人们的使用中,这并不是一个偶然。为了说明 "信息源 "这个概念有多重要,让我们想象一下,当我们没有明确的信息源时会发生什么。
+即使在DVCS的世界裡,集中化和訊息源已經悄悄地回到了人們的使用中,這並不是一個偶然。為了說明 "訊息源 "這個概念有多重要,讓我們想象一下,當我們沒有明確的訊息源時會發生什麼。
-#### Scenario: no clear source of truth 情景:没有明确的信息源
+#### Scenario: no clear source of truth 情景:沒有明確的訊息源
Imagine that your team adheres to the DVCS philosophy enough to avoid defining a specific branch+repository as the ultimate source of truth.
-In some respects, this is reminiscent of the *Presentation v5 - final - redlines - Josh’s version v2* model—after you pull from a teammate’s repository, it isn’t necessarily clear which changes are present and which are not. In some respects, it’s better than that because the DVCS model tracks the merging of individual patches at a much finer granularity than those ad hoc naming schemes, but there’s a difference between the DVCS knowing *which* changes are incorporated and every engineer being sure they have *all* the past/relevant changes represented.
+In some respects, this is reminiscent of the *Presentation v5 - final - redlines - Josh」s version v2* model—after you pull from a teammate」s repository, it isn」t necessarily clear which changes are present and which are not. In some respects, it」s better than that because the DVCS model tracks the merging of individual patches at a much finer granularity than those ad hoc naming schemes, but there」s a difference between the DVCS knowing *which* changes are incorporated and every engineer being sure they have *all* the past/relevant changes represented.
-在某些方面,这让人想起*Presentation v5 - final - redlines - Josh's version v2*的模式——当你从队友的版本库中提取后,并不一定清楚哪些改动是存在的,哪些是不存在的。在某些方面,情况要好一些,因为DVCS模型能以更细粒度追踪单个补丁的合并情况,而不是依赖于那些临时的命名方案。但是,DVCS知道哪些变更已被整合,与每位工程师都确信他们拥有所有过去或相关的变更,这两者之间存在差异。
+在某些方面,這讓人想起*Presentation v5 - final - redlines - Josh's version v2*的模式——當你從隊友的版本庫中提取後,並不一定清楚哪些改動是存在的,哪些是不存在的。在某些方面,情況要好一些,因為DVCS模型能以更細粒度追蹤單個補丁的合併情況,而不是依賴於那些臨時的命名方案。但是,DVCS知道哪些變更已被整合,與每位工程師都確信他們擁有所有過去或相關的變更,這兩者之間存在差異。
Consider what it takes to ensure that a release build includes all of the features that have been developed by each developer for the past few weeks. What (noncentralized, scalable) mechanisms are there to do that? Can we design policies that are fundamentally better than having everyone sign off? Are there any that require only sublinear human effort as the team scales up? Is that going to continue working as the number of developers on the team scales up? As far as we can see: probably not. Without a central Source of Truth, someone is going to keep a list of which features are potentially ready to be included in the next release. Eventually that bookkeeping is reproducing the model of having a centralized Source of Truth.
-考虑一下如何确保一个发布版本包括每个开发人员在过去几周内开发的所有功能。有什么(非集中的、可扩展的)机制可以做到这一点?我们能不能设计出从根本上比让每个人签字更好的策略?是否有任何随着团队规模的扩大只需要亚线性的人力努力?随着团队中开发人员数量的增加,这是否会继续发挥作用?就我们所见:可能不会。如果没有一个核心的 "信息源",就会有人记下哪些功能有可能被纳入下一个版本的清单。最终,这种记账方式正在重现拥有一个集中式信息源的模式。
+考慮一下如何確保一個發布版本包括每個開發人員在過去幾周內開發的所有功能。有什麼(非集中的、可擴充套件的)機制可以做到這一點?我們能不能設計出從根本上比讓每個人簽字更好的策略?是否有任何隨著團隊規模的擴大只需要亞線性的人力努力?隨著團隊中開發人員數量的增加,這是否會繼續發揮作用?就我們所見:可能不會。如果沒有一個核心的 "訊息源",就會有人記下哪些功能有可能被納入下一個版本的清單。最終,這種記賬方式正在重現擁有一個集中式訊息源的模式。
Further imagine: when a new developer joins the team, where do they get a fresh, known-good copy of the code?
-DVCS enables a lot of great workflows and interesting usage models. But if you’re concerned with finding a system that requires sublinear human effort to manage as the team grows, it’s pretty important to have one repository (and one branch) actually defined to be the ultimate source of truth.
+DVCS enables a lot of great workflows and interesting usage models. But if you」re concerned with finding a system that requires sublinear human effort to manage as the team grows, it」s pretty important to have one repository (and one branch) actually defined to be the ultimate source of truth.
-There is some relativity in that Source of Truth. That is, for a given project, that Source of Truth might be different for a different organization. This caveat is important: it’s reasonable for engineers at Google or RedHat to have different Sources of Truth for Linux Kernel patches, still different than Linus (the Linux Kernel maintainer) himself would. DVCS works fine when organizations and their Sources of Truth are hierarchical (and invisible to those outside the organization)—that is perhaps the most practically useful effect of the DVCS model. A RedHat engineer can commit to the local Source of Truth repository, and changes can be pushed from there upstream periodically, while Linus has a completely different notion of what is the Source of Truth. So long as there is no choice or uncertainty as to where a change should be pushed, we can avoid a large class of chaotic scaling problems in the DVCS model.
+There is some relativity in that Source of Truth. That is, for a given project, that Source of Truth might be different for a different organization. This caveat is important: it」s reasonable for engineers at Google or RedHat to have different Sources of Truth for Linux Kernel patches, still different than Linus (the Linux Kernel maintainer) himself would. DVCS works fine when organizations and their Sources of Truth are hierarchical (and invisible to those outside the organization)—that is perhaps the most practically useful effect of the DVCS model. A RedHat engineer can commit to the local Source of Truth repository, and changes can be pushed from there upstream periodically, while Linus has a completely different notion of what is the Source of Truth. So long as there is no choice or uncertainty as to where a change should be pushed, we can avoid a large class of chaotic scaling problems in the DVCS model.
-In all of this thinking, we’re assigning special significance to the trunk branch. But of course, “trunk” in your VCS is only the technology default, and an organization can choose different policies on top of that. Perhaps the default branch has been abandoned and all work actually happens on some custom development branch—other than needing to provide a branch name in more operations, there’s nothing inherently broken in that approach; it’s just nonstandard. There’s an (oft-unspoken) truth when discussing version control: the technology is only one part of it for any given organization; there is almost always an equal amount of policy and usage convention on top of that.
+In all of this thinking, we」re assigning special significance to the trunk branch. But of course, 『trunk』 in your VCS is only the technology default, and an organization can choose different policies on top of that. Perhaps the default branch has been abandoned and all work actually happens on some custom development branch—other than needing to provide a branch name in more operations, there」s nothing inherently broken in that approach; it」s just nonstandard. There」s an (oft-unspoken) truth when discussing version control: the technology is only one part of it for any given organization; there is almost always an equal amount of policy and usage convention on top of that.
-在所有这些想法中,我们为主干分支赋予了特殊的意义。但当然,VCS中的 "主干"只是技术默认,一个组织可以在此基础上选择不同的策略。也许默认的分支已经被放弃了,所有的工作实际上都发生在某个自定义的开发分支上——除了需要在更多操作中提供分支名称之外,这种方法没有任何内在的缺陷;它只是非标准的。在讨论版本控制时,有一个(经常不说的)事实:对于任何特定的组织来说,技术只是其中的一部分;其上几乎总有着同等比重的政策和使用惯例。
+在所有這些想法中,我們為主幹分支賦予了特殊的意義。但當然,VCS中的 "主幹"只是技術預設,一個組織可以在此基礎上選擇不同的策略。也許預設的分支已經被放棄了,所有的工作實際上都發生在某個自定義的開發分支上——除了需要在更多操作中提供分支名稱之外,這種方法沒有任何內在的缺陷;它只是非標準的。在討論版本控制時,有一個(經常不說的)事實:對於任何特定的組織來說,技術只是其中的一部分;其上幾乎總有著同等比重的政策和使用慣例。
No topic in version control has more policy and convention than the discussion of how to use and manage branches. We look at branch management in more detail in the next section.
-### Version Control Versus Dependency Management 版本控制与依赖管理
+### Version Control Versus Dependency Management 版本控制與依賴管理
-There’s a lot of conceptual similarity between discussions of version control policies and dependency management (see [Chapter 21](#_bookmark1845)). The differences are primarily in two forms: VCS policies are largely about how you manage your own code, and are usually much finer grained. Dependency management is more challenging because we primarily focus on projects managed and controlled by other organizations, at a higher granularity, and these situations mean that you don’t have perfect control. We’ll discuss a lot more of these high-level issues later in the book.
+There」s a lot of conceptual similarity between discussions of version control policies and dependency management (see [Chapter 21](#_bookmark1845)). The differences are primarily in two forms: VCS policies are largely about how you manage your own code, and are usually much finer grained. Dependency management is more challenging because we primarily focus on projects managed and controlled by other organizations, at a higher granularity, and these situations mean that you don」t have perfect control. We」ll discuss a lot more of these high-level issues later in the book.
## Branch Management 分支管理
-Being able to track different revisions in version control opens up a variety of different approaches for how to manage those different versions. Collectively, these different approaches fall under the term *branch management*, in contrast to a single “trunk.”
+Being able to track different revisions in version control opens up a variety of different approaches for how to manage those different versions. Collectively, these different approaches fall under the term *branch management*, in contrast to a single 『trunk.』
-能够在版本控制中跟踪不同的修订版,为如何管理这些不同的版本提供了各种不同的方法。总的来说,这些不同的方法属于*分支管理*,与单一的 "主干 "形成对比。
+能夠在版本控制中跟蹤不同的修訂版,為如何管理這些不同的版本提供了各種不同的方法。總的來說,這些不同的方法屬於*分支管理*,與單一的 "主幹 "形成對比。
-### Work in Progress Is Akin to a Branch 正在进行的工作类似于一个分支
+### Work in Progress Is Akin to a Branch 正在進行的工作類似於一個分支
-Any discussion that an organization has about branch management policies ought to at least acknowledge that every piece of work-in-progress in the organization is equivalent to a branch. This is more explicitly the case with a DVCS in which developers are more likely to make numerous local staging commits before pushing back to the upstream Source of Truth. This is still true of centralized VCSs: uncommitted local changes aren’t conceptually different than committed changes on a branch, other than potentially being more difficult to find and diff against. Some centralized systems even make this explicit. For example, when using Perforce, every change is given two revision numbers: one indicating the implicit branch point where the change was created, and one indicating where it was recommitted, as illustrated in [Figure 16-1](#_bookmark1418). Perforce users can query to see who has outstanding changes to a given file, inspect the pending changes in other users’ uncommitted changes, and more.
+Any discussion that an organization has about branch management policies ought to at least acknowledge that every piece of work-in-progress in the organization is equivalent to a branch. This is more explicitly the case with a DVCS in which developers are more likely to make numerous local staging commits before pushing back to the upstream Source of Truth. This is still true of centralized VCSs: uncommitted local changes aren」t conceptually different than committed changes on a branch, other than potentially being more difficult to find and diff against. Some centralized systems even make this explicit. For example, when using Perforce, every change is given two revision numbers: one indicating the implicit branch point where the change was created, and one indicating where it was recommitted, as illustrated in [Figure 16-1](#_bookmark1418). Perforce users can query to see who has outstanding changes to a given file, inspect the pending changes in other users」 uncommitted changes, and more.
![Figure 16-1. Two revision numbers in Perforce](./images/Figure%2016-1.png)
-*Figure 16-1. Two revision numbers in Perforce* *图 16-1. Perforce中的两个修订号*
+*Figure 16-1. Two revision numbers in Perforce* *圖 16-1. Perforce中的兩個修訂號*
-This “uncommitted work is akin to a branch” idea is particularly relevant when thinking about refactoring tasks. Imagine a developer being told, “Go rename Widget to OldWidget.” Depending on an organization’s branch management policies and understanding, what counts as a branch, and which branches matter, this could have several interpretations:
+This 『uncommitted work is akin to a branch』 idea is particularly relevant when thinking about refactoring tasks. Imagine a developer being told, 『Go rename Widget to OldWidget.』 Depending on an organization」s branch management policies and understanding, what counts as a branch, and which branches matter, this could have several interpretations:
- Rename Widget on the trunk branch in the Source of Truth repository
- Rename Widget on all branches in the Source of Truth repository
- Rename Widget on all branches in the Source of Truth repository, and find all devs with outstanding changes to files that reference Widget
-- 在信息源版本库的主干分支上重命名Widget
-- 在信息源版本库中的所有分支上重命名Widget
-- 在信息源版本库的所有分支上重命名Widget,并找到所有对引用Widget的文件有未完成修改的开发者。
+- 在訊息源版本庫的主幹分支上重新命名Widget
+- 在訊息源版本庫中的所有分支上重新命名Widget
+- 在訊息源版本庫的所有分支上重新命名Widget,並找到所有對引用Widget的檔案有未完成修改的開發者。
-If we were to speculate, attempting to support that “rename this everywhere, even in outstanding changes” use case is part of why commercial centralized VCSs tend to track things like “which engineers have this file open for editing?” (We don’t think this is a scalable way to *perform* a refactoring task, but we understand the point of view.)
+If we were to speculate, attempting to support that 『rename this everywhere, even in outstanding changes』 use case is part of why commercial centralized VCSs tend to track things like 『which engineers have this file open for editing?』 (We don」t think this is a scalable way to *perform* a refactoring task, but we understand the point of view.)
-### Dev Branches 开发分支
+### Dev Branches 開發分支
-In the age before consistent unit testing (see Chapter 11), when the introduction of any given change had a high risk of regressing functionality elsewhere in the system, it made sense to treat *trunk* specially. “We don’t commit to trunk,” your Tech Lead might say, “until new changes have gone through a full round of testing. Our team uses feature-specific development branches instead.”
+In the age before consistent unit testing (see Chapter 11), when the introduction of any given change had a high risk of regressing functionality elsewhere in the system, it made sense to treat *trunk* specially. 『We don」t commit to trunk,』 your Tech Lead might say, 『until new changes have gone through a full round of testing. Our team uses feature-specific development branches instead.』
-A development branch (usually “dev branch”) is a halfway point between “this is done but not committed” and “this is what new work is based on.” The problem that these are attempting to solve (instability of the product) is a legitimate one—but one that we have found to be solved far better with more extensive use of tests, Continuous Integration (CI) (see Chapter 23), and quality enforcement practices like thorough code review.
+A development branch (usually 『dev branch』) is a halfway point between 『this is done but not committed』 and 『this is what new work is based on.』 The problem that these are attempting to solve (instability of the product) is a legitimate one—but one that we have found to be solved far better with more extensive use of tests, Continuous Integration (CI) (see Chapter 23), and quality enforcement practices like thorough code review.
-开发分支(通常是 "dev branch")是介于 "这个已经完成但未提交 "和 "这个是新工作的基础 "之间的中间点。这些尝试解决的问题(产品不稳定)本身是合理的,但我们发现,通过更广泛地采用测试、持续集成(CI)(见第23章)以及严格的代码审查等质量保障措施,可以更有效地解决这一问题。
+開發分支(通常是 "dev branch")是介於 "這個已經完成但未送出 "和 "這個是新工作的基礎 "之間的中間點。這些嘗試解決的問題(產品不穩定)本身是合理的,但我們發現,透過更廣泛地採用測試、持續整合(CI)(見第23章)以及嚴格的程式碼審查等質量保障措施,可以更有效地解決這一問題。
-We believe that a version control policy that makes extensive use of dev branches as a means toward product stability is inherently misguided. The same set of commits are going to be merged to trunk eventually. Small merges are easier than big ones. Merges done by the engineer who authored those changes are easier than batching unrelated changes and merging later (which will happen eventually if a team is sharing a dev branch). If presubmit testing on the merge reveals any new problems, the same argument applies: it’s easier to determine whose changes are responsible for a regression if there is only one engineer involved. Merging a large dev branch implies that more changes are happening in that test run, making failures more difficult to isolate. Triaging and root-causing the problem is difficult; fixing it is even worse.
+We believe that a version control policy that makes extensive use of dev branches as a means toward product stability is inherently misguided. The same set of commits are going to be merged to trunk eventually. Small merges are easier than big ones. Merges done by the engineer who authored those changes are easier than batching unrelated changes and merging later (which will happen eventually if a team is sharing a dev branch). If presubmit testing on the merge reveals any new problems, the same argument applies: it」s easier to determine whose changes are responsible for a regression if there is only one engineer involved. Merging a large dev branch implies that more changes are happening in that test run, making failures more difficult to isolate. Triaging and root-causing the problem is difficult; fixing it is even worse.
Beyond the lack of expertise and inherent problems in merging a single branch, there are significant scaling risks when relying on dev branches. This is a very common productivity drain for a software organization. When there are multiple branches being developed in isolation for long periods, coordinating merge operations becomes significantly more expensive (and possibly riskier) than they would be with trunk-based development.
-#### How did we become addicted to dev branches? 我们是如何沉迷于开发分支的?
+#### How did we become addicted to dev branches? 我們是如何沉迷於開發分支的?
-It’s easy to see how organizations fall into this trap: they see, “Merging this long-lived development branch reduced stability” and conclude, “Branch merges are risky.” Rather than solve that with “Better testing” and “Don’t use branch-based development strategies,” they focus on slowing down and coordinating the symptom: the branch merges. Teams begin developing new branches based on other in-flight branches. Teams working on a long-lived dev branch might or might not regularly have that branch synched with the main development branch. As the organization scales up, the number of development branches grows as well, and the more effort is placed on coordinating that branch merge strategy. Increasing effort is thrown at coordination of branch merges—a task that inherently doesn’t scale. Some unlucky engineer becomes the Build Master/Merge Coordinator/Content Management Engineer, focused on acting as the single point coordinator to merge all the disparate branches in the organization. Regularly scheduled meetings attempt to ensure that the organization has “worked out the merge strategy for the week.”[^8] The teams that aren’t chosen to merge often need to re-sync and retest after each of these large merges.
+It」s easy to see how organizations fall into this trap: they see, 『Merging this long-lived development branch reduced stability』 and conclude, 『Branch merges are risky.』 Rather than solve that with 『Better testing』 and 『Don」t use branch-based development strategies,』 they focus on slowing down and coordinating the symptom: the branch merges. Teams begin developing new branches based on other in-flight branches. Teams working on a long-lived dev branch might or might not regularly have that branch synched with the main development branch. As the organization scales up, the number of development branches grows as well, and the more effort is placed on coordinating that branch merge strategy. Increasing effort is thrown at coordination of branch merges—a task that inherently doesn」t scale. Some unlucky engineer becomes the Build Master/Merge Coordinator/Content Management Engineer, focused on acting as the single point coordinator to merge all the disparate branches in the organization. Regularly scheduled meetings attempt to ensure that the organization has 『worked out the merge strategy for the week.』[^8] The teams that aren」t chosen to merge often need to re-sync and retest after each of these large merges.
-All of that effort in merging and retesting is *pure overhead*. The alternative requires a different paradigm: trunk-based development, rely heavily on testing and CI, keep the build green, and disable incomplete/untested features at runtime. Everyone is responsible to sync to trunk and commit; no “merge strategy” meetings, no large/expensive merges. And, no heated discussions about which version of a library should be used—there can be only one. There must be a single Source of Truth. In the end, there will be a single revision used for a release: narrowing down to a single source of truth is just the “shift left” approach for identifying what is and is not being included.
+All of that effort in merging and retesting is *pure overhead*. The alternative requires a different paradigm: trunk-based development, rely heavily on testing and CI, keep the build green, and disable incomplete/untested features at runtime. Everyone is responsible to sync to trunk and commit; no 『merge strategy』 meetings, no large/expensive merges. And, no heated discussions about which version of a library should be used—there can be only one. There must be a single Source of Truth. In the end, there will be a single revision used for a release: narrowing down to a single source of truth is just the 『shift left』 approach for identifying what is and is not being included.
-所有这些合并和重新测试的努力都是*纯粹的开销*。替代方案需要一个不同的范式:基于主干的开发,严重依赖测试和CI,保持绿色构建,并在运行时禁用不完整/未经测试的功能。每个人都有责任同步到主干和提交;没有 "合并策略 "会议,没有大型/高成本的合并。而且,不会有关于应该使用库的哪个版本的激烈讨论——必须只有一个版本。必须有一个唯一的信息源。最终,将有一个单一的修订版用于发布:将焦点集中在一个唯一的信息源上,这只是‘左移’方法,用于确定哪些内容被包含在内,哪些没有。
+所有這些合併和重新測試的努力都是*純粹的開銷*。替代方案需要一個不同的正規化:基於主幹的開發,嚴重依賴測試和CI,保持綠色建立,並在執行時停用不完整/未經測試的功能。每個人都有責任同步到主幹和送出;沒有 "合併策略 "會議,沒有大型/高成本的合併。而且,不會有關於應該使用函式庫的哪個版本的激烈討論——必須只有一個版本。必須有一個唯一的訊息源。最終,將有一個單一的修訂版用於發布:將焦點集中在一個唯一的訊息源上,這只是「左移」方法,用於確定哪些內容被包含在內,哪些沒有。
-> [^8]: Recent informal Twitter polling suggests about 25% of software engineers have been subjected to “regularly scheduled” merge strategy meetings.
+> [^8]: Recent informal Twitter polling suggests about 25% of software engineers have been subjected to 『regularly scheduled』 merge strategy meetings.
-> 8 最近的非正式推特民意调查显示,大约25%的软件工程师参加了“定期”的合并策略会议。
+> 8 最近的非正式推特民意調查顯示,大約25%的軟體工程師參加了『定期』的合併策略會議。
-### Release Branches 发布分支
+### Release Branches 發布分支
If the period between releases (or the release lifetime) for a product is longer than a few hours, it may be sensible to create a release branch that represents the exact code that went into the release build for your product. If any critical flaws are discovered between the actual release of that product into the wild and the next release cycle, fixes can be cherry-picked (a minimal, targeted merge) from trunk to your release branch.
-By comparison to dev branches, release branches are generally benign: it isn’t the technology of branches that is troublesome, it’s the usage. The primary difference between a dev branch and a release branch is the expected end state: a dev branch is expected to merge back to trunk, and could even be further branched by another team. A release branch is expected to be abandoned eventually.
+By comparison to dev branches, release branches are generally benign: it isn」t the technology of branches that is troublesome, it」s the usage. The primary difference between a dev branch and a release branch is the expected end state: a dev branch is expected to merge back to trunk, and could even be further branched by another team. A release branch is expected to be abandoned eventually.
-In the highest-functioning technical organizations that Google’s DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) organization has identified, release branches are practically nonexistent. Organizations that have achieved Continuous Deployment (CD)—the ability to release from trunk many times a day—likely tend to skip release branches: it’s much easier to simply add the fix and redeploy. Thus, cherry-picks and branches seem like unnecessary overhead. Obviously, this is more applicable to organizations that deploy digitally (such as web services and apps) than those that push any form of tangible release to customers; it is generally valuable to know exactly what has been pushed to customers.
+In the highest-functioning technical organizations that Google」s DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) organization has identified, release branches are practically nonexistent. Organizations that have achieved Continuous Deployment (CD)—the ability to release from trunk many times a day—likely tend to skip release branches: it」s much easier to simply add the fix and redeploy. Thus, cherry-picks and branches seem like unnecessary overhead. Obviously, this is more applicable to organizations that deploy digitally (such as web services and apps) than those that push any form of tangible release to customers; it is generally valuable to know exactly what has been pushed to customers.
-That same DORA research also suggests a strong positive correlation between “trunk- based development,” “no long-lived dev branches,” and good technical outcomes. The underlying idea in both of those ideas seems clear: branches are a drag on productivity. In many cases we think complex branch and merge strategies are a perceived safety crutch—an attempt to keep trunk stable. As we see throughout this book, there are other ways to achieve that outcome.
+That same DORA research also suggests a strong positive correlation between 『trunk- based development,』 『no long-lived dev branches,』 and good technical outcomes. The underlying idea in both of those ideas seems clear: branches are a drag on productivity. In many cases we think complex branch and merge strategies are a perceived safety crutch—an attempt to keep trunk stable. As we see throughout this book, there are other ways to achieve that outcome.
## Version Control at Google 谷歌的版本控制
At Google, the vast majority of our source is managed in a single repository (monorepo) shared among roughly 50,000 engineers. Almost all projects that are owned by Google live there, except large open source projects like Chromium and Android. This includes public-facing products like Search, Gmail, our advertising products, our Google Cloud Platform offerings, as well as the internal infrastructure necessary to support and develop all of those products.
-We rely on an in-house-developed centralized VCS called Piper, built to run as a distributed microservice in our production environment. This has allowed us to use Google-standard storage, communication, and Compute as a Service technology to provide a globally available VCS storing more than 80 TB of content and metadata. The Piper monorepo is then simultaneously edited and committed to by many thousands of engineers every day. Between humans and semiautomated processes that make use of version control (or improve things checked into VCS), we’ll regularly handle 60,000 to 70,000 commits to the repository per work day. Binary artifacts are fairly common because the full repository isn’t transmitted and thus the normal costs of binary artifacts don’t really apply. Because of the focus on Google-scale from the earliest conception, operations in this VCS ecosystem are still cheap at human scale: it takes perhaps 15 seconds total to create a new client at trunk, add a file, and commit an (unreviewed) change to Piper. This low-latency interaction and well-understood/ well-designed scaling simplifies a lot of the developer experience.
+We rely on an in-house-developed centralized VCS called Piper, built to run as a distributed microservice in our production environment. This has allowed us to use Google-standard storage, communication, and Compute as a Service technology to provide a globally available VCS storing more than 80 TB of content and metadata. The Piper monorepo is then simultaneously edited and committed to by many thousands of engineers every day. Between humans and semiautomated processes that make use of version control (or improve things checked into VCS), we」ll regularly handle 60,000 to 70,000 commits to the repository per work day. Binary artifacts are fairly common because the full repository isn」t transmitted and thus the normal costs of binary artifacts don」t really apply. Because of the focus on Google-scale from the earliest conception, operations in this VCS ecosystem are still cheap at human scale: it takes perhaps 15 seconds total to create a new client at trunk, add a file, and commit an (unreviewed) change to Piper. This low-latency interaction and well-understood/ well-designed scaling simplifies a lot of the developer experience.
-我们依靠内部开发的集中式VCS,名为Piper,该VCS是为在我们的生产环境中作为分布式微服务运行而构建的。这使我们能够使用谷歌标准的存储、通信和计算即服务技术,提供一个全球可用的VCS,存储超过80TB的内容和元数据。然后,Piper 单版本库每天由成千上万的工程师同时进行编辑和提交。在人类和利用版本控制(或改进签入VCS的内容)的人工流程和半自动化流程之间,我们每个工作日会定期处理60,000到70,000次提交到版本库。二进制构件是相当常见的,因为并不需要完整地传输到版本库,因此二进制构件的成本并不高。由于从最初的概念就专注于谷歌规模,这个VCS生态系统的操作在人群规模上仍然是低成本的:在主干上创建一个新的客户端,添加一个文件,并向Piper提交一个(未经审查的)更改,总共可能需要15秒。这种低延迟的互动和良好的理解/设计的扩展简化了很多开发者的体验。
+我們依靠內部開發的集中式VCS,名為Piper,該VCS是為在我們的生產環境中作為分散式微服務執行而建立的。這使我們能夠使用谷歌標準的儲存、通訊和計算即服務技術,提供一個全球可用的VCS,儲存超過80TB的內容和元資料。然後,Piper 單版本庫每天由成千上萬的工程師同時進行編輯和送出。在人類和利用版本控制(或改進簽入VCS的內容)的人工流程和半自動化流程之間,我們每個工作日會定期處理60,000到70,000次送出到版本庫。二進位構件是相當常見的,因為並不需要完整地傳輸到版本庫,因此二進位構件的成本並不高。由於從最初的概念就專注於谷歌規模,這個VCS生態系統的操作在人群規模上仍然是低成本的:在主幹上建立一個新的用戶端,新增一個檔案,並向Piper送出一個(未經審查的)更改,總共可能需要15秒。這種低延遲的互動和良好的理解/設計的擴充套件簡化了很多開發者的體驗。
-By virtue of Piper being an in-house product, we have the ability to customize it and enforce whatever source control policies we choose. For instance, we have a notion of granular ownership in the monorepo: at every level of the file hierarchy, we can find OWNERS files that list the usernames of engineers that are allowed to approve commits within that subtree of the repository (in addition to the OWNERS that are listed at higher levels in the tree). In an environment with many repositories, this might have been achieved by having separate repositories with filesystem permissions enforcement controlling commit access or via a Git “commit hook” (action triggered at commit time) to do a separate permissions check. By controlling the VCS, we can make the concept of ownership and approval more explicit and enforced by the VCS during an attempted commit operation. The model is also flexible: ownership is just a text file, not tied to a physical separation of repositories, so it is trivial to update as the result of a team transfer or organization restructuring.
+By virtue of Piper being an in-house product, we have the ability to customize it and enforce whatever source control policies we choose. For instance, we have a notion of granular ownership in the monorepo: at every level of the file hierarchy, we can find OWNERS files that list the usernames of engineers that are allowed to approve commits within that subtree of the repository (in addition to the OWNERS that are listed at higher levels in the tree). In an environment with many repositories, this might have been achieved by having separate repositories with filesystem permissions enforcement controlling commit access or via a Git 『commit hook』 (action triggered at commit time) to do a separate permissions check. By controlling the VCS, we can make the concept of ownership and approval more explicit and enforced by the VCS during an attempted commit operation. The model is also flexible: ownership is just a text file, not tied to a physical separation of repositories, so it is trivial to update as the result of a team transfer or organization restructuring.
-由于Piper是一个内部产品,我们能够定制它并实施我们选择的任何源代码控制策略。例如,我们在单版本库中有一个细粒度所有权的概念:在文件层次结构的每一级,我们都可以找到OWNERS文件,其中列出了允许批准该版本库的子树中的提交的工程师的用户名(除了在树中更高层次列出的OWNERS)。在具有多个版本库的环境中,这可能是通过单独的版本库和文件系统权限执行控制提交访问,或者通过Git的 "提交钩子"(提交时触发的动作)进行单独的权限检查来实现。通过控制VCS,我们可以使所有权和批准的概念更加明确,并在尝试提交操作时由VCS强制执行。这个模型也很灵活:所有权只是一个文本文件,并不与存储库的物理分离相联系,所以在团队转移或组织结构调整的情况下,更新它是很容易的。
+由於Piper是一個內部產品,我們能夠定製它並實施我們選擇的任何原始碼控制策略。例如,我們在單版本庫中有一個細粒度所有權的概念:在檔案層次結構的每一級,我們都可以找到OWNERS檔案,其中列出了允許批准該版本庫的子樹中的送出的工程師的使用者名(除了在樹中更高層次列出的OWNERS)。在具有多個版本庫的環境中,這可能是透過單獨的版本庫和檔案系統許可權執行控制送出訪問,或者透過Git的 "送出鉤子"(送出時觸發的動作)進行單獨的許可權檢查來實現。透過控制VCS,我們可以使所有權和批准的概念更加明確,並在嘗試送出操作時由VCS強制執行。這個模型也很靈活:所有權只是一個文字檔案,並不與儲存庫的物理分離相聯系,所以在團隊轉移或組織結構調整的情況下,更新它是很容易的。
-### One Version 一个版本
+### One Version 一個版本
-The incredible scaling powers of Piper alone wouldn’t allow the sort of collaboration that we rely upon. As we said earlier: version control is also about policy. In addition to our VCS, one key feature of Google’s version control policy is what we’ve come to refer to as “One Version.” This extends the “Single Source of Truth” concept we looked at earlier—ensuring that a developer knows which branch and repository is their source of truth—to something like “For every dependency in our repository, there must be only one version of that dependency to choose.”[^9] For third-party packages, this means that there can be only a single version of that package checked into our repository, in the steady state.[^10] For internal packages, this means no forking without repackaging/renaming: it must be technologically safe to mix both the original and the fork into the same project with no special effort. This is a powerful feature for our ecosystem: there are very few packages with restrictions like “If you include this package (A), you cannot include other package (B).”
+The incredible scaling powers of Piper alone wouldn」t allow the sort of collaboration that we rely upon. As we said earlier: version control is also about policy. In addition to our VCS, one key feature of Google」s version control policy is what we」ve come to refer to as 『One Version.』 This extends the 『Single Source of Truth』 concept we looked at earlier—ensuring that a developer knows which branch and repository is their source of truth—to something like 『For every dependency in our repository, there must be only one version of that dependency to choose.』[^9] For third-party packages, this means that there can be only a single version of that package checked into our repository, in the steady state.[^10] For internal packages, this means no forking without repackaging/renaming: it must be technologically safe to mix both the original and the fork into the same project with no special effort. This is a powerful feature for our ecosystem: there are very few packages with restrictions like 『If you include this package (A), you cannot include other package (B).』
-单凭Piper令人难以置信的扩展能力,是无法实现我们所依赖的那种协作的。正如我们之前所说:版本控制也是关于策略的。除了我们的VCS之外,谷歌版本控制策略的一个关键特征就是我们所说的 "一个版本"。这扩展了我们前面提到的 "单信息源 "的概念--确保开发者知道哪个分支和版本库是他们的信息源--到类似于 "对于我们版本库中的每个依赖,必须只有一个版本的依赖可以选择。 "对于第三方软件包,这意味着在稳定状态下,该软件包只能有一个版本被检入我们的仓库。对于内部软件包,这意味着没有重新打包/重命名的分支:在技术上必须是安全的,无需特别努力就可以将原始和分支混合到同一个项目中。这对我们的生态系统来说是一个强大的功能:很少有包有类似 "如果你包括这个软件包(A),你就不能包括其他软件包(B)"的限制。
+單憑Piper令人難以置信的擴充套件能力,是無法實現我們所依賴的那種協作的。正如我們之前所說:版本控制也是關於策略的。除了我們的VCS之外,谷歌版本控制策略的一個關鍵特徵就是我們所說的 "一個版本"。這擴充套件了我們前面提到的 "單訊息源 "的概念--確保開發者知道哪個分支和版本庫是他們的訊息源--到類似於 "對於我們版本庫中的每個依賴,必須只有一個版本的依賴可以選擇。 "對於第三方軟體套件,這意味著在穩定狀態下,該軟體套件只能有一個版本被檢入我們的倉庫。對於內部軟體套件,這意味著沒有重新打包/重新命名的分支:在技術上必須是安全的,無需特別努力就可以將原始和分支混合到同一個專案中。這對我們的生態系統來說是一個強大的功能:很少有套件有類似 "如果你包括這個軟體套件(A),你就不能包括其他軟體套件(B)"的限制。
-This notion of having a single copy on a single branch in a single repository as our Source of Truth is intuitive but also has some subtle depth in application. Let’s investigate a scenario in which we have a monorepo (and thus arguably have fulfilled the letter of the law on Single Source of Truth), but have allowed forks of our libraries to propagate on trunk.
+This notion of having a single copy on a single branch in a single repository as our Source of Truth is intuitive but also has some subtle depth in application. Let」s investigate a scenario in which we have a monorepo (and thus arguably have fulfilled the letter of the law on Single Source of Truth), but have allowed forks of our libraries to propagate on trunk.
> [^9]: For example, during an upgrade operation, there might be two versions checked in, but if a developer is adding a new dependency on an existing package, there should be no choice in which version to depend upon.
-> 9 例如,在升级操作期间,可能签入了两个版本,但如果开发人员正在现有软件包上添加新的依赖,则应该没有选择依赖哪个版本。
+> 9 例如,在升級操作期間,可能簽入了兩個版本,但如果開發人員正在現有軟體套件上新增新的依賴,則應該沒有選擇依賴哪個版本。
> [^10]: That said, we fail at this in many cases because external packages sometimes have pinned copies of their own dependencies bundled in their source release. You can read more on how all of this goes wrong in Chapter 21.
-> 10 也就是说,我们在很多情况下都会失败,因为外部软件包有时会在它们的源版本中捆绑有它们自己的依赖性的钉子副本。你可以在第21章中阅读更多关于这一切是如何出错的。
+> 10 也就是說,我們在很多情況下都會失敗,因為外部軟體套件有時會在它們的源版本中捆綁有它們自己的依賴性的釘子副本。你可以在第21章中閱讀更多關於這一切是如何出錯的。
-### Scenario: Multiple Available Versions 场景:多个可用版本
+### Scenario: Multiple Available Versions 場景:多個可用版本
-Imagine the following scenario: some team discovers a bug in common infrastructure code (in our case, Abseil or Guava or the like). Rather than fix it in place, the team decides to fork that infrastructure and tweak it to work around the bug—without renaming the library or the symbols. It informs other teams near them, “Hey, we have an improved version of Abseil checked in over here: check it out.” A few other teams build libraries that themselves rely on this new fork.
+Imagine the following scenario: some team discovers a bug in common infrastructure code (in our case, Abseil or Guava or the like). Rather than fix it in place, the team decides to fork that infrastructure and tweak it to work around the bug—without renaming the library or the symbols. It informs other teams near them, 『Hey, we have an improved version of Abseil checked in over here: check it out.』 A few other teams build libraries that themselves rely on this new fork.
-想象一下以下情况:一些团队发现了公共基础组件代码中的一个bug(在我们的例子中,是Abseil或Guava之类的)。该团队决定不在原地修复它,而是分支该基础组件,并对其进行调整,以解决该错误——而不重命名库或符号。它通知他们附近的其他团队:"嘿,我们这里有一个改进的Abseil版本:请查看。" 其他一些团队建立的库也依赖于这个新的分支。
+想象一下以下情況:一些團隊發現了公共基礎元件程式碼中的一個bug(在我們的例子中,是Abseil或Guava之類的)。該團隊決定不在原地修復它,而是分支該基礎元件,並對其進行調整,以解決該錯誤——而不重新命名函式庫或符號。它通知他們附近的其他團隊:"嘿,我們這裡有一個改進的Abseil版本:請檢視。" 其他一些團隊建立的函式庫也依賴於這個新的分支。
-As we’ll see in Chapter 21, we’re now in a dangerous situation. If any project in the codebase comes to depend on both the original and the forked versions of Abseil simultaneously, in the best case, the build fails. In the worst case, we’ll be subjected to difficult-to-understand runtime bugs stemming from linking in two mismatched versions of the same library. The “fork” has effectively added a coloring/partitioning property to the codebase: the transitive dependency set for any given target must include exactly one copy of this library. Any link added from the “original flavor” partition of the codebase to the “new fork” partition will likely break things. This means that in the end that something as simple as “adding a new dependency” becomes an operation that might require running all tests for the entire codebase, to ensure that we haven’t violated one of these partitioning requirements. That’s expensive, unfortunate, and doesn’t scale well.
+As we」ll see in Chapter 21, we」re now in a dangerous situation. If any project in the codebase comes to depend on both the original and the forked versions of Abseil simultaneously, in the best case, the build fails. In the worst case, we」ll be subjected to difficult-to-understand runtime bugs stemming from linking in two mismatched versions of the same library. The 『fork』 has effectively added a coloring/partitioning property to the codebase: the transitive dependency set for any given target must include exactly one copy of this library. Any link added from the 『original flavor』 partition of the codebase to the 『new fork』 partition will likely break things. This means that in the end that something as simple as 『adding a new dependency』 becomes an operation that might require running all tests for the entire codebase, to ensure that we haven」t violated one of these partitioning requirements. That」s expensive, unfortunate, and doesn」t scale well.
-正如我们将在第21章中看到的,我们现在处于危险的境地。如果代码库中的任何项目同时依赖Abseil的原始版本和分支版本,在最好的情况下,构建将失败。在最坏的情况下,我们将受到难以理解的运行时错误的影响,这些错误源于同一个库的两个不匹配的版本的链接。“fork”有效地为代码库添加了一个着色/分区属性:任何给定目标的可传递依赖项集必须只包含该库的一个副本。从“原始味道”的代码库添加到“新分支”分区的任何链接都可能会破坏事物。这意味着到最后,像 "添加一个新的依赖"这样简单的操作,可能需要运行整个代码库的所有测试,以确保我们没有违反这些分区的要求。这很昂贵,很不幸,而且不能很好地扩展。
+正如我們將在第21章中看到的,我們現在處於危險的境地。如果程式碼庫中的任何專案同時依賴Abseil的原始版本和分支版本,在最好的情況下,建立將失敗。在最壞的情況下,我們將受到難以理解的執行時錯誤的影響,這些錯誤源於同一個函式庫的兩個不對應的版本的連結。『fork』有效地為程式碼庫新增了一個著色/分割槽屬性:任何給定目標的可傳遞依賴項集必須只包含該函式庫的一個副本。從『原始味道』的程式碼庫新增到『新分支』分割槽的任何連結都可能會破壞事物。這意味著到最後,像 "新增一個新的依賴"這樣簡單的操作,可能需要執行整個程式碼庫的所有測試,以確保我們沒有違反這些分割槽的要求。這很昂貴,很不幸,而且不能很好地擴充套件。
-In some cases, we might be able to hack things together in a way to allow a resulting executable to function correctly. Java, for instance, has a relatively standard practice called [*shading*](https://oreil.ly/RuWX3), which tweaks the names of the internal dependencies of a library to hide those dependencies from the rest of the application. When dealing with functions, this is technically sound, even if it is theoretically a bit of a hack. When dealing with types that can be passed from one package to another, shading solutions work neither in theory nor in practice. As far as we know, any technological trickery that allows multiple isolated versions of a library to function in the same binary share this limitation: that approach will work for functions, but there is no good (efficient) solution to shading types—multiple versions for any library that provides a vocabulary type (or any higher-level construct) will fail. Shading and related approaches are patching over the underlying issue: multiple versions of the same dependency are needed. (We’ll discuss how to minimize that in general in Chapter 21.)
+In some cases, we might be able to hack things together in a way to allow a resulting executable to function correctly. Java, for instance, has a relatively standard practice called [*shading*](https://oreil.ly/RuWX3), which tweaks the names of the internal dependencies of a library to hide those dependencies from the rest of the application. When dealing with functions, this is technically sound, even if it is theoretically a bit of a hack. When dealing with types that can be passed from one package to another, shading solutions work neither in theory nor in practice. As far as we know, any technological trickery that allows multiple isolated versions of a library to function in the same binary share this limitation: that approach will work for functions, but there is no good (efficient) solution to shading types—multiple versions for any library that provides a vocabulary type (or any higher-level construct) will fail. Shading and related approaches are patching over the underlying issue: multiple versions of the same dependency are needed. (We」ll discuss how to minimize that in general in Chapter 21.)
-Any policy system that allows for multiple versions in the same codebase is allowing for the possibility of these costly incompatibilities. It’s possible that you’ll get away with it for a while (we certainly have a number of small violations of this policy), but in general, any multiple-version situation has a very real possibility of leading to big problems.
+Any policy system that allows for multiple versions in the same codebase is allowing for the possibility of these costly incompatibilities. It」s possible that you」ll get away with it for a while (we certainly have a number of small violations of this policy), but in general, any multiple-version situation has a very real possibility of leading to big problems.
-### The “One-Version” Rule “一个版本”规则
+### The 『One-Version』 Rule 『一個版本』規則
With that example in mind, on top of the Single Source of Truth model, we can hopefully understand the depth of this seemingly simple rule for source control and branch management:
- Developers must never have a choice of “What version of this component should I depend upon?”
- 决不能让开发人员选择"我应该依赖这个组件的哪个版本?"
+ Developers must never have a choice of 『What version of this component should I depend upon?』
+ 決不能讓開發人員選擇"我應該依賴這個元件的哪個版本?"
-Colloquially, this becomes something like a “One-Version Rule.” In practice, “One- Version” is not hard and fast,[^11] but phrasing this around limiting the versions that can be *chosen* when adding a new dependency conveys a very powerful understanding.
+Colloquially, this becomes something like a 『One-Version Rule.』 In practice, 『One- Version』 is not hard and fast,[^11] but phrasing this around limiting the versions that can be *chosen* when adding a new dependency conveys a very powerful understanding.
-俗话说,这就变成了类似于 "一个版本规则"的东西。在实践中,"一个版本"并不是硬性规定,但在添加新依赖项时限制可以选择的版本这一措辞传达了一种非常有力的理解。
+俗話說,這就變成了類似於 "一個版本規則"的東西。在實踐中,"一個版本"並不是硬性規定,但在新增新依賴項時限制可以選擇的版本這一措辭傳達了一種非常有力的理解。
-For an individual developer, lack of choice can seem like an arbitrary impediment. Yet we see again and again that for an organization, it’s a critical component in efficient scaling. Consistency has a profound importance at all levels in an organization. From one perspective, this is a direct side effect of discussions about consistency and ensuring the ability to leverage consistent “choke points.”
+For an individual developer, lack of choice can seem like an arbitrary impediment. Yet we see again and again that for an organization, it」s a critical component in efficient scaling. Consistency has a profound importance at all levels in an organization. From one perspective, this is a direct side effect of discussions about consistency and ensuring the ability to leverage consistent 『choke points.』
-对于个人开发者来说,缺乏选择似乎是一个大障碍。然而,我们一再看到,对于一个组织来说,它是高效扩展的一个关键组成部分。一致性在一个组织的各个层面都有深远的意义。从一个角度来看,这是讨论一致性和确保利用一致 "瓶颈"的能力的直接副作用。
+對於個人開發者來說,缺乏選擇似乎是一個大障礙。然而,我們一再看到,對於一個組織來說,它是高效擴充套件的一個關鍵組成部分。一致性在一個組織的各個層面都有深遠的意義。從一個角度來看,這是討論一致性和確保利用一致 "瓶頸"的能力的直接副作用。
> [^11]: For instance, if there are external/third-party libraries that are periodically updated, it might be infeasible to update that library and update all use of it in a single atomic change. As such, it is often necessary to add a new version of that library, prevent new users from adding dependencies on the old one, and incrementally switch usage from old to new.
-> 11 例如,如果有定期更新的外部/第三方库,更新该库并在一次原子变化中更新对它的所有使用可能是不可行的。因此,通常有必要添加该库的新版本,防止新用户添加对旧版本的依赖,并逐步将使用从旧版本切换到新版本。
+> 11 例如,如果有定期更新的外部/第三方庫,更新該函式庫並在一次原子變化中更新對它的所有使用可能是不可行的。因此,通常有必要新增該函式庫的新版本,防止新使用者新增對舊版本的依賴,並逐步將使用從舊版本切換到新版本。
-### (Nearly) No Long-Lived Branches (几乎)没有长期存在的分支
+### (Nearly) No Long-Lived Branches (幾乎)沒有長期存在的分支
-There are several deeper ideas and policies implicit in our One-Version Rule; foremost among them: development branches should be minimal, or at best be very short lived. This follows from a lot of published work over the past 20 years, from Agile processes to DORA research results on trunk-based development and even Phoenix Project[^12] lessons on “reducing work-in-progress.” When we include the idea of pending work as akin to a dev branch, this further reinforces that work should be done in small increments against trunk, committed regularly.
+There are several deeper ideas and policies implicit in our One-Version Rule; foremost among them: development branches should be minimal, or at best be very short lived. This follows from a lot of published work over the past 20 years, from Agile processes to DORA research results on trunk-based development and even Phoenix Project[^12] lessons on 『reducing work-in-progress.』 When we include the idea of pending work as akin to a dev branch, this further reinforces that work should be done in small increments against trunk, committed regularly.
-在我们的 "一个版本规则"中隐含着几个更深层次的想法和策略;其中最重要的是:开发分支应该是最小的,或者最多只能是很短的时间。这来自于过去20年里发表的大量工作,从敏捷过程到基于主干的开发的DORA研究成果,甚至凤凰计划关于 "减少进行中的工作"的教训。当我们把待完成的工作看作是类似于开发分支的想法时,这就进一步强化了工作应该针对主干,定期提交,以小的增量完成。
+在我們的 "一個版本規則"中隱含著幾個更深層次的想法和策略;其中最重要的是:開發分支應該是最小的,或者最多只能是很短的時間。這來自於過去20年裡發表的大量工作,從敏捷過程到基於主幹的開發的DORA研究成果,甚至鳳凰計劃關於 "減少進行中的工作"的教訓。當我們把待完成的工作看作是類似於開發分支的想法時,這就進一步強化了工作應該針對主幹,定期送出,以小的增量完成。
-As a counterexample: in a development community that depends heavily on long- lived development branches, it isn’t difficult to imagine opportunity for choice creeping back in.
+As a counterexample: in a development community that depends heavily on long- lived development branches, it isn」t difficult to imagine opportunity for choice creeping back in.
-Imagine this scenario: some infrastructure team is working on a new Widget, better than the old one. Excitement grows. Other newly started projects ask, “Can we depend on your new Widget?” Obviously, this can be handled if you’ve invested in codebase visibility policies, but the deep problem happens when the new Widget is “allowed” but only exists in a parallel branch. Remember: new development must not have a choice when adding a dependency. That new Widget should be committed to trunk, disabled from the runtime until it’s ready, and hidden from other developers by visibility if possible—or the two Widget options should be designed such that they can coexist, linked into the same programs.
+Imagine this scenario: some infrastructure team is working on a new Widget, better than the old one. Excitement grows. Other newly started projects ask, 『Can we depend on your new Widget?』 Obviously, this can be handled if you」ve invested in codebase visibility policies, but the deep problem happens when the new Widget is 『allowed』 but only exists in a parallel branch. Remember: new development must not have a choice when adding a dependency. That new Widget should be committed to trunk, disabled from the runtime until it」s ready, and hidden from other developers by visibility if possible—or the two Widget options should be designed such that they can coexist, linked into the same programs.
-想象一下这样的场景:一些基础组件团队正在开发一个新的Widget,比老的更好。兴奋之情油然而生。其他新开始的项目问:"我们可以依赖你的新Widget吗?" 显然,如果你在代码库的可见性策略上进行了投资,这种情况是可以处理的,但如果新Widget虽然被‘允许’使用,却仅存在于一个并行分支中,就会产生深层次的问题。请记住:新开发在添加依赖时不应有选择余地。那个新Widget应被提交至主干,并在准备就绪前在运行时禁用,如果可能的话,通过调整可见性对其他开发者隐藏——或者两个Widget选项应该被设计为能够共存,并能够被链接到同一个程序中。
+想象一下這樣的場景:一些基礎元件團隊正在開發一個新的Widget,比老的更好。興奮之情油然而生。其他新開始的專案問:"我們可以依賴你的新Widget嗎?" 顯然,如果你在程式碼庫的可見性策略上進行了投資,這種情況是可以處理的,但如果新Widget雖然被「允許」使用,卻僅存在於一個並行分支中,就會產生深層次的問題。請記住:新開發在新增依賴時不應有選擇餘地。那個新Widget應被送出至主幹,並在準備就緒前在執行時停用,如果可能的話,透過調整可見性對其他開發者隱藏——或者兩個Widget選項應該被設計為能夠共存,並能夠被連結到同一個程式中。
-Interestingly, there is already evidence of this being important in the industry. In Accelerate and the most recent State of DevOps reports, DORA points out that there is a predictive relationship between trunk-based development and high-performing software organizations. Google is not the only organization to have discovered this— nor did we necessarily have expected outcomes in mind when these policies evolved —--—it just seemed like nothing else worked. DORA’s result certainly matches our experience.
+Interestingly, there is already evidence of this being important in the industry. In Accelerate and the most recent State of DevOps reports, DORA points out that there is a predictive relationship between trunk-based development and high-performing software organizations. Google is not the only organization to have discovered this— nor did we necessarily have expected outcomes in mind when these policies evolved —--—it just seemed like nothing else worked. DORA」s result certainly matches our experience.
Our policies and tools for large-scale changes (LSCs; see [Chapter 22](#_bookmark1935)) put additional weight on the importance of trunk-based development: broad/shallow changes that are applied across the codebase are already a massive (often tedious) undertaking when modifying everything checked in to the trunk branch. Having an unbounded number of additional dev branches that might need to be refactored at the same time would be an awfully large tax on executing those types of changes, finding an ever- expanding set of hidden branches. In a DVCS model, it might not even be possible to identify all of those branches.
Of course, our experience is not universal. You might find yourself in unusual situations that require longer-lived dev branches in parallel to (and regularly merged with) trunk.
-Those scenarios should be rare, and should be understood to be expensive. Across the roughly 1,000 teams that work in the Google monorepo, there are only a couple that have such a dev branch.[^13] Usually these exist for a very specific (and very unusual) reason. Most of those reasons boil down to some variation of “We have an unusual requirement for compatibility over time.” Oftentimes this is a matter of ensuring compatibility for data at rest across versions: readers and writers of some file format need to agree on that format over time even if the reader or writer implementations are modified. Other times, long-lived dev branches might come from promising API compatibility over time—when One Version isn’t enough and we need to promise that an older version of a microservice client still works with a newer server (or vice versa). That can be a very challenging requirement, something that you should not promise lightly for an actively evolving API, and something you should treat carefully to ensure that period of time doesn’t accidentally begin to grow. Dependency across time in any form is far more costly and complicated than code that is time invariant. Internally, Google production services make relatively few promises of that form.[^14] We also benefit greatly from a cap on potential version skew imposed by our “build horizon”: every job in production needs to be rebuilt and redeployed every six months, maximum. (Usually it is far more frequent than that.)
+Those scenarios should be rare, and should be understood to be expensive. Across the roughly 1,000 teams that work in the Google monorepo, there are only a couple that have such a dev branch.[^13] Usually these exist for a very specific (and very unusual) reason. Most of those reasons boil down to some variation of 『We have an unusual requirement for compatibility over time.』 Oftentimes this is a matter of ensuring compatibility for data at rest across versions: readers and writers of some file format need to agree on that format over time even if the reader or writer implementations are modified. Other times, long-lived dev branches might come from promising API compatibility over time—when One Version isn」t enough and we need to promise that an older version of a microservice client still works with a newer server (or vice versa). That can be a very challenging requirement, something that you should not promise lightly for an actively evolving API, and something you should treat carefully to ensure that period of time doesn」t accidentally begin to grow. Dependency across time in any form is far more costly and complicated than code that is time invariant. Internally, Google production services make relatively few promises of that form.[^14] We also benefit greatly from a cap on potential version skew imposed by our 『build horizon』: every job in production needs to be rebuilt and redeployed every six months, maximum. (Usually it is far more frequent than that.)
-这些场景应该是罕见的,并且应该理解为代价高昂。在谷歌单版本库的大约1000个团队中,只有少数团队有这样一个开发分支。这些场景的存在通常有一个非常具体(非常不寻常)的原因。大多数原因归结为“随着时间的推移,我们对兼容性有着苛刻的要求。”这通常涉及到确保不同版本间静态数据的兼容性问题:即使文件格式的读写器实现发生了变化,它们也需要随着时间推移就格式达成一致。其他时候,长期存在的开发分支可能源于对API随时间保持兼容性的承诺——当单一版本不足以满足需求时,我们需要确保旧版本的微服务客户端能够与新版本的服务器兼容(或相反)。这可能是一个非常具有挑战性的要求,对于一个积极发展的API,你不应该轻易承诺,而且你应该谨慎对待,以确保这段时间不会意外地开始增长。任何形式的跨时间的依赖都比时间不变的代码要昂贵和复杂得多。在谷歌内部,生产服务很少做出此类承诺。我们也从我们的 "构建范围 "所施加的潜在版本偏差上限中获益匪浅:生产中的每项工作最多每六个月就需要重建和重新部署。(通常要比这频繁得多)。
+這些場景應該是罕見的,並且應該理解為代價高昂。在谷歌單版本庫的大約1000個團隊中,只有少數團隊有這樣一個開發分支。這些場景的存在通常有一個非常具體(非常不尋常)的原因。大多數原因歸結為『隨著時間的推移,我們對相容性有著苛刻的要求。』這通常涉及到確保不同版本間靜態資料的相容性問題:即使檔案格式的讀寫器實現發生了變化,它們也需要隨著時間推移就格式達成一致。其他時候,長期存在的開發分支可能源於對API隨時間保持相容性的承諾——當單一版本不足以滿足需求時,我們需要確保舊版本的微服務用戶端能夠與新版本的伺服器相容(或相反)。這可能是一個非常具有挑戰性的要求,對於一個積極發展的API,你不應該輕易承諾,而且你應該謹慎對待,以確保這段時間不會意外地開始增長。任何形式的跨時間的依賴都比時間不變的程式碼要昂貴和複雜得多。在谷歌內部,生產服務很少做出此類承諾。我們也從我們的 "建立範圍 "所施加的潛在版本偏差上限中獲益匪淺:生產中的每項工作最多每六個月就需要重建和重新部署。(通常要比這頻繁得多)。
-We’re sure there are other situations that might necessitate long-lived dev branches. Just make sure to keep them rare. If you adopt other tools and practices discussed in this book, many will tend to exert pressure against long-lived dev branches. Automation and tooling that works great at trunk and fails (or takes more effort) for a dev branch can help encourage developers to stay current.
+We」re sure there are other situations that might necessitate long-lived dev branches. Just make sure to keep them rare. If you adopt other tools and practices discussed in this book, many will tend to exert pressure against long-lived dev branches. Automation and tooling that works great at trunk and fails (or takes more effort) for a dev branch can help encourage developers to stay current.
> [^12]: Kevin Behr, Gene Kim, and George Spafford, The Phoenix Project (Portland: IT Revolution Press, 2018).
-> 12 Kevin Behr、Gene Kim和George Spafford,《凤凰城项目》(波特兰:IT革命出版社,2018年)。
+> 12 Kevin Behr、Gene Kim和George Spafford,《鳳凰城專案》(波特蘭:IT革命出版社,2018年)。
-> [^13]: It’s difficult to get a precise count, but the number of such teams is almost certainly fewer than 10./
+> [^13]: It」s difficult to get a precise count, but the number of such teams is almost certainly fewer than 10./
-> 13 很难准确统计,但这样的队伍几乎肯定少于10支。
+> 13 很難準確統計,但這樣的隊伍幾乎肯定少於10支。
> [^14]: Cloud interfaces are a different story.
-> 14 云接口是另一回事。
+> 14 雲介面是另一回事。
-#### What About Release Branches? 发布分支呢?
+#### What About Release Branches? 發布分支呢?
-Many Google teams use release branches, with limited cherry picks. If you’re going to put out a monthly release and continue working toward the next release, it’s perfectly reasonable to make a release branch. Similarly, if you’re going to ship devices to customers, it’s valuable to know exactly what version is out “in the field.” Use caution and reason, keep cherry picks to a minimum, and don’t plan to remerge with trunk. Our various teams have all sorts of policies about release branches given that relatively few teams have arrived at the sort of rapid release cadence promised by CD (see Chapter 24) that obviates the need or desire for a release branch. Generally speaking,release branches don’t cause any widespread cost in our experience. Or, at least, no noticeable cost above and beyond the additional inherent cost to the VCS.
+Many Google teams use release branches, with limited cherry picks. If you」re going to put out a monthly release and continue working toward the next release, it」s perfectly reasonable to make a release branch. Similarly, if you」re going to ship devices to customers, it」s valuable to know exactly what version is out 『in the field.』 Use caution and reason, keep cherry picks to a minimum, and don」t plan to remerge with trunk. Our various teams have all sorts of policies about release branches given that relatively few teams have arrived at the sort of rapid release cadence promised by CD (see Chapter 24) that obviates the need or desire for a release branch. Generally speaking,release branches don」t cause any widespread cost in our experience. Or, at least, no noticeable cost above and beyond the additional inherent cost to the VCS.
-许多谷歌团队使用发布分支,但选择的版本有限。如果你打算每月发布一个版本,并继续为下一个版本工作,那么创建一个发布分支是完全合理的。同样,如果你打算将设备交付给客户,准确地知道什么版本“在当前”是很有价值的。谨慎和理智地操作,尽量减少选择性合并(cherry picks),并不计划与主干重新合并。鉴于很少有团队达到CD承诺的快速发布节奏,从而不再需要或渴望发布分支,我们的各个团队对发布分支制定了多种策略(见第24章)。一般来说,根据我们的经验,发布分支不会导致任何广泛的成本。或者说,至少在VCS的额外固有成本之外,没有明显的成本。
+許多谷歌團隊使用發布分支,但選擇的版本有限。如果你打算每月發布一個版本,並繼續為下一個版本工作,那麼建立一個發布分支是完全合理的。同樣,如果你打算將裝置交付給客戶,準確地知道什麼版本『在當前』是很有價值的。謹慎和理智地操作,儘量減少選擇性合併(cherry picks),並不計劃與主幹重新合併。鑑於很少有團隊達到CD承諾的快速發布節奏,從而不再需要或渴望發布分支,我們的各個團隊對發布分支制定了多種策略(見第24章)。一般來說,根據我們的經驗,發布分支不會導致任何廣泛的成本。或者說,至少在VCS的額外固有成本之外,沒有明顯的成本。
-## Monorepos 单版本库(单库)
+## Monorepos 單版本庫(單庫)
-In 2016, we published a (highly cited, much discussed) paper on Google’s monorepo approach.[^15] The monorepo approach has some inherent benefits, and chief among them is that adhering to One Version is trivial: it’s usually more difficult to violate One Version than it would be to do the right thing. There’s no process of deciding which versions of anything are official, or discovering which repositories are important. Building tools to understand the state of the build (see Chapter 23) doesn’t also require discovering where important repositories exist. Consistency helps scale up the impact of introducing new tools and optimizations. By and large, engineers can see what everyone else is doing and use that to inform their own choices in code and system design. These are all very good things.
+In 2016, we published a (highly cited, much discussed) paper on Google」s monorepo approach.[^15] The monorepo approach has some inherent benefits, and chief among them is that adhering to One Version is trivial: it」s usually more difficult to violate One Version than it would be to do the right thing. There」s no process of deciding which versions of anything are official, or discovering which repositories are important. Building tools to understand the state of the build (see Chapter 23) doesn」t also require discovering where important repositories exist. Consistency helps scale up the impact of introducing new tools and optimizations. By and large, engineers can see what everyone else is doing and use that to inform their own choices in code and system design. These are all very good things.
-Given all of that and our belief in the merits of the One-Version Rule, it is reasonable to ask whether a monorepo is the One True Way. By comparison, the open source community seems to work just fine with a “manyrepo” approach built on a seemingly infinite number of noncoordinating and nonsynchronized project repositories.
+Given all of that and our belief in the merits of the One-Version Rule, it is reasonable to ask whether a monorepo is the One True Way. By comparison, the open source community seems to work just fine with a 『manyrepo』 approach built on a seemingly infinite number of noncoordinating and nonsynchronized project repositories.
-考虑到所有这些,以及我们对 "单一版本规则 "优点的信念,我们有理由问,单版本库是否是唯一正确的方法。相比之下,开源社区似乎可以用 "多版本 "的方法来工作,而这种方法是建立在看似无限多的不协调和不同步的项目库之上的。
+考慮到所有這些,以及我們對 "單一版本規則 "優點的信念,我們有理由問,單版本庫是否是唯一正確的方法。相比之下,開源社群似乎可以用 "多版本 "的方法來工作,而這種方法是建立在看似無限多的不協調和不同步的專案庫之上的。
-In short: no, we don’t think the monorepo approach as we’ve described it is the perfect answer for everyone. Continuing the parallel between filesystem format and VCS, it’s easy to imagine deciding between using 10 drives to provide one very large logical filesystem or 10 smaller filesystems accessed separately. In a filesystem world, there are pros and cons to both. Technical issues when evaluating filesystem choice would range from outage resilience, size constraints, performance characteristics, and so on. Usability issues would likely focus more on the ability to reference files across filesystem boundaries, add symlinks, and synchronize files.
+In short: no, we don」t think the monorepo approach as we」ve described it is the perfect answer for everyone. Continuing the parallel between filesystem format and VCS, it」s easy to imagine deciding between using 10 drives to provide one very large logical filesystem or 10 smaller filesystems accessed separately. In a filesystem world, there are pros and cons to both. Technical issues when evaluating filesystem choice would range from outage resilience, size constraints, performance characteristics, and so on. Usability issues would likely focus more on the ability to reference files across filesystem boundaries, add symlinks, and synchronize files.
-A very similar set of issues governs whether to prefer a monorepo or a collection of finer-grained repositories. The specific decisions of how to store your source code (or store your files, for that matter) are easily debatable, and in some cases, the particulars of your organization and your workflow are going to matter more than others. These are decisions you’ll need to make yourself.
+A very similar set of issues governs whether to prefer a monorepo or a collection of finer-grained repositories. The specific decisions of how to store your source code (or store your files, for that matter) are easily debatable, and in some cases, the particulars of your organization and your workflow are going to matter more than others. These are decisions you」ll need to make yourself.
-What is important is not whether we focus on monorepo; it’s to adhere to the One- Version principle to the greatest extent possible: developers must not have a *choice* when adding a dependency onto some library that is already in use in the organization. Choice violations of the One-Version Rule lead to merge strategy discussions, diamond dependencies, lost work, and wasted effort.
+What is important is not whether we focus on monorepo; it」s to adhere to the One- Version principle to the greatest extent possible: developers must not have a *choice* when adding a dependency onto some library that is already in use in the organization. Choice violations of the One-Version Rule lead to merge strategy discussions, diamond dependencies, lost work, and wasted effort.
Software engineering tools including both VCS and build systems are increasingly providing mechanisms to smartly blend between fine-grained repositories and monorepos to provide an experience akin to the monorepo—an agreed-upon ordering of commits and understanding of the dependency graph. Git submodules, Bazel with external dependencies, and CMake subprojects all allow modern developers to synthesize something weakly approximating monorepo behavior without the costs and downsides of a monorepo.[^16] For instance, fine-grained repositories are easier to deal with in terms of scale (Git often has performance issues after a few million commits and tends to be slow to clone when repositories include large binary artifacts) and storage (VCS metadata can add up, especially if you have binary artifacts in your version control system). Fine-grained repositories in a federated/virtual-monorepo (VMR)–style repository can make it easier to isolate experimental or top-secret projects while still holding to One Version and allowing access to common utilities.
To put it another way: if every project in your organization has the same secrecy, legal, privacy, and security requirements,[^17] a true monorepo is a fine way to go. Otherwise, *aim* for the functionality of a monorepo, but allow yourself the flexibility of implementing that experience in a different fashion. If you can manage with disjoint repositories and adhere to One Version or your workload is all disconnected enough to allow truly separate repositories, great. Otherwise, synthesizing something like a VMR in some fashion may represent the best of both worlds.
-After all, your choice of filesystem format really doesn’t matter as much as what you write to it.
+After all, your choice of filesystem format really doesn」t matter as much as what you write to it.
-> [^15]: Rachel Potvin and Josh Levenberg, “Why Google stores billions of lines of code in a single repository,” Communications of the ACM, 59 No. 7 (2016): 78-87.
+> [^15]: Rachel Potvin and Josh Levenberg, 『Why Google stores billions of lines of code in a single repository,』 Communications of the ACM, 59 No. 7 (2016): 78-87.
-> 15 Rachel Potvin和Josh Levenberg,"为什么谷歌将数十亿行代码存储在一个库中,"《ACM通讯》,59 No.7(2016):78-87。
+> 15 Rachel Potvin和Josh Levenberg,"為什麼谷歌將數十億行程式碼儲存在一個庫中,"《ACM通訊》,59 No.7(2016):78-87。
-> [^16]: We don’t think we’ve seen anything do this particularly smoothly, but the interrepository dependencies/virtual monorepo idea is clearly in the air.
+> [^16]: We don」t think we」ve seen anything do this particularly smoothly, but the interrepository dependencies/virtual monorepo idea is clearly in the air.
-> 16 我们认为我们还没有看到任何系统能特别顺利地做到这一点,但版本库间的依赖关系/虚拟单库的想法显然是在空想中。
+> 16 我們認為我們還沒有看到任何系統能特別順利地做到這一點,但版本庫間的依賴關係/虛擬單庫的想法顯然是在空想中。
-> [^17]: Or you have the willingness and capability to customize your VCS—and maintain that customization for the lifetime of your codebase/organization. Then again, maybe don’t plan on that as an option; that is a lot of overhead.
+> [^17]: Or you have the willingness and capability to customize your VCS—and maintain that customization for the lifetime of your codebase/organization. Then again, maybe don」t plan on that as an option; that is a lot of overhead.
-> 17 或者你有意愿和能力来定制你的VCS--并且在你的代码库/组织的生命周期内保持这种定制。然后,也许不要把它作为一个选项,那是一个很大的开销。
+> 17 或者你有意願和能力來定製你的VCS--並且在你的程式碼庫/組織的生命週期內保持這種定製。然後,也許不要把它作為一個選項,那是一個很大的開銷。
-## Future of Version Control 版本控制的未来
+## Future of Version Control 版本控制的未來
-Google isn’t the only organization to publicly discuss the benefits of a monorepo approach. Microsoft, Facebook, Netflix, and Uber have also publicly mentioned their reliance on the approach. DORA has published about it extensively. It’s vaguely possible that all of these successful, long-lived companies are misguided, or at least that their situations are sufficiently different as to be inapplicable to the average smaller organization. Although it’s possible, we think it is unlikely.
+Google isn」t the only organization to publicly discuss the benefits of a monorepo approach. Microsoft, Facebook, Netflix, and Uber have also publicly mentioned their reliance on the approach. DORA has published about it extensively. It」s vaguely possible that all of these successful, long-lived companies are misguided, or at least that their situations are sufficiently different as to be inapplicable to the average smaller organization. Although it」s possible, we think it is unlikely.
Most arguments against monorepos focus on the technical limitations of having a single large repository. If cloning a repository from upstream is quick and cheap, developers are more likely to keep changes small and isolated (and to avoid making mistakes with committing to the wrong work-in-progress branch). If cloning a repository (or doing some other common VCS operation) takes hours of wasted developer time, you can easily see why an organization would shy away from reliance on such a large repository/operation. We luckily avoided this pitfall by focusing on providing a VCS that scales massively.
-Looking at the past few years of major improvements to Git, there’s clearly a lot of work being done to support larger repositories: shallow clones, sparse branches, better optimization, and more. We expect this to continue and the importance of “but we need to keep the repository small” to diminish.
+Looking at the past few years of major improvements to Git, there」s clearly a lot of work being done to support larger repositories: shallow clones, sparse branches, better optimization, and more. We expect this to continue and the importance of 『but we need to keep the repository small』 to diminish.
-回顾过去几年对Git的重大改进,显然有很多工作是为了支持更大的仓库:浅复制,稀疏分支,更好的优化,等等。我们希望这种情况能继续下去,而 "但我们需要保持仓库的小型化"的重要性则会降低。
+回顧過去幾年對Git的重大改進,顯然有很多工作是為了支援更大的倉庫:淺複製,稀疏分支,更好的最佳化,等等。我們希望這種情況能繼續下去,而 "但我們需要保持倉庫的小型化"的重要性則會降低。
-The other major argument against monorepos is that it doesn’t match how development happens in the Open Source Software (OSS) world. Although true, many of the practices in the OSS world come (rightly) from prioritizing freedom, lack of coordination, and lack of computing resources. Separate projects in the OSS world are effectively separate organizations that happen to be able to see one another’s code. Within the boundaries of an organization, we can make more assumptions: we can assume the availability of compute resources, we can assume coordination, and we can assume that there is some amount of centralized authority.
+The other major argument against monorepos is that it doesn」t match how development happens in the Open Source Software (OSS) world. Although true, many of the practices in the OSS world come (rightly) from prioritizing freedom, lack of coordination, and lack of computing resources. Separate projects in the OSS world are effectively separate organizations that happen to be able to see one another」s code. Within the boundaries of an organization, we can make more assumptions: we can assume the availability of compute resources, we can assume coordination, and we can assume that there is some amount of centralized authority.
A less common but perhaps more legitimate concern with the monorepo approach is that as your organization scales up, it is less and less likely that every piece of code is subject to exactly the same legal, compliance, regulatory, secrecy, and privacy requirements. One native advantage of a manyrepo approach is that separate repositories are obviously capable of having different sets of authorized developers, visibility, permissions, and so on. Stitching that feature into a monorepo can be done but implies some ongoing carrying costs in terms of customization and maintenance.
-At the same time, the industry seems to be inventing lightweight interrepository linkage over and over again. Sometimes, this is in the VCS (Git submodules) or the build system. So long as a collection of repositories have a consistent understanding of “what is trunk,” “which change happened first,” and mechanisms to describe dependencies, we can easily imagine stitching together a disparate collection of physical repositories into one larger VMR. Even though Piper has done very well for us, investing in a highly scaling VMR and tools to manage it and relying on off-the-shelf customization for per-repository policy requirements could have been a better investment.
+At the same time, the industry seems to be inventing lightweight interrepository linkage over and over again. Sometimes, this is in the VCS (Git submodules) or the build system. So long as a collection of repositories have a consistent understanding of 『what is trunk,』 『which change happened first,』 and mechanisms to describe dependencies, we can easily imagine stitching together a disparate collection of physical repositories into one larger VMR. Even though Piper has done very well for us, investing in a highly scaling VMR and tools to manage it and relying on off-the-shelf customization for per-repository policy requirements could have been a better investment.
-与此同时,业界似乎在一次又一次地发明轻量级的库间链接。有时,这是在VCS(Git子模块)或构建系统中。只要版本库的集合对 "什么是主干"、"哪个变化先发生 "有一致的理解,并有描述依赖关系的机制,我们就可以很容易地想象把不同的物理版本库的集合缝合到一个更大的VMR中。尽管Piper为我们做得很好,但投资于一个高度扩展的VMR和工具来管理它,并依靠现成的定制来满足每个版本库的策略要求,可能是一个更好的投资。
+與此同時,業界似乎在一次又一次地發明輕量級的庫間連結。有時,這是在VCS(Git子模組)或建立系統中。只要版本庫的集合對 "什麼是主幹"、"哪個變化先發生 "有一致的理解,並有描述依賴關係的機制,我們就可以很容易地想象把不同的物理版本庫的集合縫合到一個更大的VMR中。儘管Piper為我們做得很好,但投資於一個高度擴充套件的VMR和工具來管理它,並依靠現成的定製來滿足每個版本庫的策略要求,可能是一個更好的投資。
As soon as someone builds a sufficiently large nugget of compatible and interdependent projects in the OSS community and publishes a VMR view of those packages, we suspect that OSS developer practices will begin to change. We see glimpses of this in the tools that *could* synthesize a virtual monorepo as well as in the work done by (for instance) large Linux distributions discovering and publishing mutually compatible revisions of thousands of packages. With unit tests, CI, and automatic version bumping for new submissions to one of those revisions, enabling a package owner to update trunk for their package (in nonbreaking fashion, of course), we think that model will catch on in the open source world. It is just a matter of efficiency, after all: a (virtual) monorepo approach with a One-Version Rule cuts down the complexity of software development by a whole (difficult) dimension: time.
-We expect version control and dependency management to evolve in this direction in the next 10 to 20 years: VCSs will focus on *allowing* larger repositories with better performance scaling, but also removing the need for larger repositories by providing better mechanisms to stitch them together across project and organizational boundaries. Someone, perhaps the existing package management groups or Linux distributors, will catalyze a de facto standard virtual monorepo. Depending on the utilities in that monorepo will provide easy access to a compatible set of dependencies as one unit. We’ll more generally recognize that version numbers are timestamps, and that allowing version skew adds a dimensionality complexity (time) that costs a lot—and that we can learn to avoid. It starts with something logically like a monorepo.
+We expect version control and dependency management to evolve in this direction in the next 10 to 20 years: VCSs will focus on *allowing* larger repositories with better performance scaling, but also removing the need for larger repositories by providing better mechanisms to stitch them together across project and organizational boundaries. Someone, perhaps the existing package management groups or Linux distributors, will catalyze a de facto standard virtual monorepo. Depending on the utilities in that monorepo will provide easy access to a compatible set of dependencies as one unit. We」ll more generally recognize that version numbers are timestamps, and that allowing version skew adds a dimensionality complexity (time) that costs a lot—and that we can learn to avoid. It starts with something logically like a monorepo.
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
Version control systems are a natural extension of the collaboration challenges and opportunities provided by technology, especially shared compute resources and computer networks. They have historically evolved in lockstep with the norms of software engineering as we understand them at the time.
Early systems provided simplistic file-granularity locking. As typical software engineering projects and teams grew larger, the scaling problems with that approach became apparent, and our understanding of version control changed to match those challenges. Then, as development increasingly moved toward an OSS model with distributed contributors, VCSs became more decentralized. We expect a shift in VCS technology that assumes constant network availability, focusing more on storage and build in the cloud to avoid transmitting unnecessary files and artifacts. This is increasingly critical for large, long-lived software engineering projects, even if it means a change in approach compared to simple single-dev/single-machine programming projects. This shift to cloud will make concrete what has emerged with DVCS approaches: even if we allow distributed development, something must still be centrally recognized as the Source of Truth.
-The current DVCS decentralization is a sensible reaction of the technology to the needs of the industry (especially the open source community). However, DVCS configuration needs to be tightly controlled and coupled with branch management policies that make sense for your organization. It also can often introduce unexpected scaling problems: perfect fidelity offline operation requires a lot more local data. Failure to rein in the potential complexity of a branching free-for-all can lead to a potentially unbounded amount of overhead between developers and deployment of that code. However, complex technology doesn’t need to be used in a complex fashion: as we see in monorepo and trunk-based development models, keeping branch policies simple generally leads to better engineering outcomes.
+The current DVCS decentralization is a sensible reaction of the technology to the needs of the industry (especially the open source community). However, DVCS configuration needs to be tightly controlled and coupled with branch management policies that make sense for your organization. It also can often introduce unexpected scaling problems: perfect fidelity offline operation requires a lot more local data. Failure to rein in the potential complexity of a branching free-for-all can lead to a potentially unbounded amount of overhead between developers and deployment of that code. However, complex technology doesn」t need to be used in a complex fashion: as we see in monorepo and trunk-based development models, keeping branch policies simple generally leads to better engineering outcomes.
-Choice leads to costs here. We highly endorse the One-Version Rule presented here: developers within an organization must not have a choice where to commit, or which version of an existing component to depend upon. There are few policies we’re aware of that can have such an impact on the organization: although it might be annoying for individual developers, in the aggregate, the end result is far better.
+Choice leads to costs here. We highly endorse the One-Version Rule presented here: developers within an organization must not have a choice where to commit, or which version of an existing component to depend upon. There are few policies we」re aware of that can have such an impact on the organization: although it might be annoying for individual developers, in the aggregate, the end result is far better.
-选择带来了成本。我们高度赞同这里提出的 "单一版本规则":组织内的开发者在选择提交位置或依赖现有组件的版本时,不应有选择余地。据我们所知,很少有策略能对组织产生如此大的影响:尽管这对个别开发者来说可能很烦人,但从总体上看,最终结果要好得多。
+選擇帶來了成本。我們高度贊同這裡提出的 "單一版本規則":組織內的開發者在選擇送出位置或依賴現有元件的版本時,不應有選擇餘地。據我們所知,很少有策略能對組織產生如此大的影響:儘管這對個別開發者來說可能很煩人,但從總體上看,最終結果要好得多。
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
-- Use version control for any software development project larger than “toy project with only one developer that will never be updated.”
-- There’s an inherent scaling problem when there are choices in “which version of this should I depend upon?”
+- Use version control for any software development project larger than 『toy project with only one developer that will never be updated.』
+- There」s an inherent scaling problem when there are choices in 『which version of this should I depend upon?』
- One-Version Rules are surprisingly important for organizational efficiency. Removing choices in where to commit or what to depend upon can result in significant simplification.
-- In some languages, you might be able to spend some effort to dodge this with technical approaches like shading, separate compilation, linker hiding, and so on. The work to get those approaches working is entirely lost labor—your software engineers aren’t producing anything, they’re just working around technical debts.
+- In some languages, you might be able to spend some effort to dodge this with technical approaches like shading, separate compilation, linker hiding, and so on. The work to get those approaches working is entirely lost labor—your software engineers aren」t producing anything, they」re just working around technical debts.
- Previous research (DORA/State of DevOps/Accelerate) has shown that trunk- based development is a predictive factor in high-performing development organizations. Long-lived dev branches are not a good default plan.
-- Use whatever version control system makes sense for you. If your organization wants to prioritize separate repositories for separate projects, it’s still probably wise for interrepository dependencies to be unpinned/“at head”/“trunk based.” There are an increasing number of VCS and build system facilities that allow you to have both small, fine-grained repositories as well as a consistent “virtual” head/trunk notion for the whole organization.
-- 对任何大于“只有一名开发人员且永远不会更新的玩具项目”的软件开发项目都要使用版本控制。
-- 当存在 "我应该依赖哪个版本 "的选择时,就会存在内在的扩展问题。
-- 单一版本规则对组织效率的重要性出人意料。删除提交地点或依赖内容的选择可能会导致显著的简化。
-- 在某些语言中,你可能会花一些精力来躲避这个问题,比如着色、单独编译、链接器隐藏等等技术方法。使这些方法正常工作的工作完全是徒劳的——你的软件工程师并没有生产任何东西,他们只是在解决技术债务。
-- 以前的研究(DORA/State of DevOps/Accelerate)表明,基于干线的开发是高绩效开发组织的一个预测因素。长周期的开发分支不是一个好的默认策略。
-- 使用任何对你有意义的版本控制体系。如果你的组织想优先考虑为不同的项目建立独立的仓库,那么取消存储库间的依赖关系/“基于头部”/“基于主干”可能仍然是明智的越来越多的VCS和构建系统设施允许您拥有小型、细粒度的存储库以及整个组织一致的“虚拟”头/主干概念。
+- Use whatever version control system makes sense for you. If your organization wants to prioritize separate repositories for separate projects, it」s still probably wise for interrepository dependencies to be unpinned/『at head』/『trunk based.』 There are an increasing number of VCS and build system facilities that allow you to have both small, fine-grained repositories as well as a consistent 『virtual』 head/trunk notion for the whole organization.
+- 對任何大於『只有一名開發人員且永遠不會更新的玩具專案』的軟體開發專案都要使用版本控制。
+- 當存在 "我應該依賴哪個版本 "的選擇時,就會存在內在的擴充套件問題。
+- 單一版本規則對組織效率的重要性出人意料。刪除送出地點或依賴內容的選擇可能會導致顯著的簡化。
+- 在某些語言中,你可能會花一些精力來躲避這個問題,比如著色、單獨編譯、連結器隱藏等等技術方法。使這些方法正常工作的工作完全是徒勞的——你的軟體工程師並沒有生產任何東西,他們只是在解決技術債務。
+- 以前的研究(DORA/State of DevOps/Accelerate)表明,基於幹線的開發是高績效開發組織的一個預測因素。長週期的開發分支不是一個好的預設策略。
+- 使用任何對你有意義的版本控制體系。如果你的組織想優先考慮為不同的專案建立獨立的倉庫,那麼取消儲存庫間的依賴關係/『基於頭部』/『基於主幹』可能仍然是明智的越來越多的VCS和建立系統設施允許您擁有小型、細粒度的儲存庫以及整個組織一致的『虛擬』頭/主幹概念。
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# Code Search
-# 第十七章 代码搜索
+# 第十七章 程式碼搜尋
**Written by Alexander Neubeck and Ben St. John**
@@ -11,179 +11,179 @@
Code Search is a tool for browsing and searching code at Google that consists of a frontend UI and various backend elements. Like many of the development tools at Google, it arose directly out of a need to scale to the size of the codebase. Code Search began as a combination of a grep-type tool[^1] for internal code with the ranking and UI of external Code Search[^2]. Its place as a key tool for Google developers was cemented by the integration of Kythe/Grok[^3], which added cross-references and the ability to jump to symbol definitions.
-代码搜索是用于在 Google 内部浏览和搜索代码的工具,它由一个前端 UI 页面和各种后端组件组成。就像Google的许多开发工具一样,它直接源于代码库规模的需求。代码搜索开始是类似于 grep 类型工具的组合,用于带有排行和 UI 的内部代码外部代码搜索。通过 Kythe/Grok 的整合,它作为 Google 开发人员的关键工具的地位得到巩固,他们增加了交叉引用和跳转到符号定义的能力。
+程式碼搜尋是用於在 Google 內部瀏覽和搜尋程式碼的工具,它由一個前端 UI 頁面和各種後端元件組成。就像Google的許多開發工具一樣,它直接源於程式碼庫規模的需求。程式碼搜尋開始是類似於 grep 型別工具的組合,用於帶有排行和 UI 的內部程式碼外部程式碼搜尋。透過 Kythe/Grok 的整合,它作為 Google 開發人員的關鍵工具的地位得到鞏固,他們增加了交叉引用和跳轉到符號定義的能力。
-That integration changed its focus from searching to browsing code, and later development of Code Search was partly guided by a principle of “answering the next question about code in a single click.”Now such questions as “Where is this symbol defined?”, “Where is it used?”, “How do I include it?”, “When was it added to the codebase?”, and even ones like “Fleet-wide, how many CPU cycles does it consume?” are all answerable with one or two clicks.
+That integration changed its focus from searching to browsing code, and later development of Code Search was partly guided by a principle of 『answering the next question about code in a single click.』Now such questions as 『Where is this symbol defined?』, 『Where is it used?』, 『How do I include it?』, 『When was it added to the codebase?』, and even ones like 『Fleet-wide, how many CPU cycles does it consume?』 are all answerable with one or two clicks.
-这种集成将重点从搜索转移到浏览代码,后来代码搜索的发展部分遵循“单击回答下一个关于代码的问题”的原则。现在诸如“这个符号在哪里定义?”,“它在哪里使用?”、“我如何包含它?”、“它是什么时候添加到代码库中的?”,甚至像“Fleet-wide,它消耗多少 CPU 周期?”之类的问题。只需单击一两次即可得到答案。
+這種整合將重點從搜尋轉移到瀏覽程式碼,後來程式碼搜尋的發展部分遵循『單擊回答下一個關於程式碼的問題』的原則。現在諸如『這個符號在哪裡定義?』,『它在哪裡使用?』、『我如何包含它?』、『它是什麼時候新增到程式碼庫中的?』,甚至像『Fleet-wide,它消耗多少 CPU 週期?』之類的問題。只需單擊一兩次即可得到答案。
In contrast to integrated development environments (IDEs) or code editors, Code Search is optimized for the use case of reading, understanding, and exploring code at scale. To do so, it relies heavily on cloud based backends for searching content and resolving cross-references.
-与集成开发环境 (IDE) 或代码编辑器相比,代码搜索针对大规模阅读、理解和探索代码的用例进行了优化。为此,它严重依赖基于云的后端来搜索内容和解决交叉引用。
+與整合開發環境 (IDE) 或程式碼編輯器相比,程式碼搜尋針對大規模閱讀、理解和探索程式碼的用例進行了最佳化。為此,它嚴重依賴基於雲的後端來搜尋內容和解決交叉引用。
-In this chapter, we’ll look at Code Search in more detail, including how Googlers use it as part of their developer workflows, why we chose to develop a separate web tool for code searching, and examine how it addresses the challenges of searching and browsing code at Google repository scale.
+In this chapter, we」ll look at Code Search in more detail, including how Googlers use it as part of their developer workflows, why we chose to develop a separate web tool for code searching, and examine how it addresses the challenges of searching and browsing code at Google repository scale.
-在本章中,我们将更详细地了解代码搜索,包括 Google 员工如何将其作为开发人员工作流程的一部分,为什么我们选择开发一个单独的网络工具来进行代码搜索,并研究它如何在 Google 存储库规模下解决搜索和浏览代码问题。
+在本章中,我們將更詳細地瞭解程式碼搜尋,包括 Google 員工如何將其作為開發人員工作流程的一部分,為什麼我們選擇開發一個單獨的網路工具來進行程式碼搜尋,並研究它如何在 Google 儲存庫規模下解決搜尋和瀏覽程式碼問題。
-> [^1]: GSearch originally ran on Jeff Dean’s personal computer, which once caused company-wide distress when he went on vacation and it was shut down!
+> [^1]: GSearch originally ran on Jeff Dean」s personal computer, which once caused company-wide distress when he went on vacation and it was shut down!
-> 1 GSearch最初在Jeff Dean的个人电脑上运行,当他去度假时,曾经引起全公司的困扰。他去度假时,这台电脑就被关闭了!这曾经造成了整个公司的困扰。
+> 1 GSearch最初在Jeff Dean的個人電腦上執行,當他去度假時,曾經引起全公司的困擾。他去度假時,這台電腦就被關閉了!這曾經造成了整個公司的困擾。
> [^2]: Shut down in 2013; see `https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Code_Search`.
-> 2 在2013年关闭;见`https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Code_Search`。
+> 2 在2013年關閉;見`https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Code_Search`。
> [^3]: Now known as Kythe, a service that provides cross-references (among other things): the uses of a particular code symbol—for example, a function—using the full build information to disambiguate it from other ones with the same name.
-> 3 现在被称为Kythe,一个提供交叉引用的服务(除其他外):一个特定的代码符号的用途--例如,一个函数--使用完整的构建信息,将其与其他同名的符号区分开来。
+> 3 現在被稱為Kythe,一個提供交叉引用的服務(除其他外):一個特定的程式碼符號的用途--例如,一個函式--使用完整的建立訊息,將其與其他同名的符號區分開來。
-## The Code Search UI 代码搜索用户界面
+## The Code Search UI 程式碼搜尋使用者介面
-The search box is a central element of the Code Search UI (see Figure 17-1), and like web search, it has “suggestions” that developers can use for quick navigation to files, symbols, or directories. For more complex use cases, a results page with code snippets is returned. The search itself can be thought of as an instant “find in files” (like the Unix grep command) with relevance ranking and some code-specific enhancements like proper syntax highlighting, scope awareness, and awareness of comments and string literals. Search is also available from the command line and can be incorporated into other tools via a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) API. This comes in handy when post-processing is required or if the result set is too large for manual inspection.
+The search box is a central element of the Code Search UI (see Figure 17-1), and like web search, it has 『suggestions』 that developers can use for quick navigation to files, symbols, or directories. For more complex use cases, a results page with code snippets is returned. The search itself can be thought of as an instant 『find in files』 (like the Unix grep command) with relevance ranking and some code-specific enhancements like proper syntax highlighting, scope awareness, and awareness of comments and string literals. Search is also available from the command line and can be incorporated into other tools via a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) API. This comes in handy when post-processing is required or if the result set is too large for manual inspection.
-搜索框是代码搜索 UI 的中心元素(见图 17-1),与 Web 搜索一样,它有“建议”,开发人员可以使用这些“建议”快速导航到文件、符号或目录。对于更复杂的用例,将返回带有代码片段的结果页面。搜索本身可以被认为是即时的“在文件中查找”(如 Unix grep 命令),具有相关性排行和一些特定于代码的增强功能,如正确的语法突出显示、范围感知以及注释和字符串文字的感知。搜索也可以在命令行使用,并且可以通过远程过程调用 (RPC) API 并入其他工具。当需要事后处理或结果集太大而无法手动检查时,这会派上用场。
+搜尋框是程式碼搜尋 UI 的中心元素(見圖 17-1),與 Web 搜尋一樣,它有『建議』,開發人員可以使用這些『建議』快速導向到檔案、符號或目錄。對於更復雜的用例,將回傳帶有程式碼片段的結果頁面。搜尋本身可以被認為是即時的『在檔案中查詢』(如 Unix grep 指令),具有相關性排行和一些特定於程式碼的增強功能,如正確的語法突出顯示、範圍感知以及註解和字串文字的感知。搜尋也可以在指令行使用,並且可以透過遠端過程呼叫 (RPC) API 併入其他工具。當需要事後處理或結果集太大而無法手動檢查時,這會派上用場。
![Figure 17-1](./images/Figure%2017-1.png)
When viewing a single file, most tokens are clickable to let the user quickly navigate to related information. For example, a function call will link to its function definition, an imported filename to the actual source file, or a bug ID in a comment to the corresponding bug report. This is powered by compiler-based indexing tools like Kythe. Clicking the symbol name opens a panel with all the places the symbol is used. Similarly, hovering over local variables in a function will highlight all occurrences of that variable in the implementation.
-查看单个文件时,大多数标记都是可单击的,以便用户快速导航到相关信息。例如,函数调用将链接到其函数定义、导入的文件名到实际源文件,或相应错误报告注释中的错误 ID。这由 Kythe 等基于编译器的索引工具提供支持。单击符号名称会打开一个面板,其中包含使用该符号的所有位置。同样,将鼠标悬停在函数中的局部变量上将突出显示该变量在实现中的所有出现。
+檢視單個檔案時,大多數標記都是可單擊的,以便使用者快速導向到相關訊息。例如,函式呼叫將連結到其函式定義、匯入的檔案名到實際源檔案,或相應錯誤報告註解中的錯誤 ID。這由 Kythe 等基於編譯器的索引工具提供支援。單擊符號名稱會開啟一個面板,其中包含使用該符號的所有位置。同樣,將滑鼠懸停在函式中的區域性變數上將突出顯示該變數在實現中的所有出現。
-Code Search also shows the history of a file, via its integration with Piper (see Chapter 16). This means seeing older versions of the file, which changes have affected it, who wrote them, jumping to them in Critique (see Chapter 19), diffing versions of files, and the classic “blame” view if desired. Even deleted files can be seen from a directory view.
+Code Search also shows the history of a file, via its integration with Piper (see Chapter 16). This means seeing older versions of the file, which changes have affected it, who wrote them, jumping to them in Critique (see Chapter 19), diffing versions of files, and the classic 『blame』 view if desired. Even deleted files can be seen from a directory view.
-代码搜索还可以显示文件的历史记录,通过与 Piper 的集成(参见第 16 章)。这意味着查看文件的旧版本,哪些更改影响了它,谁编写了它们,在 Critique 中跳转到它们(参见第 19 章),区分文件的版本,以及经典的“blame”视图(如果需要)。甚至可以从目录视图中看到已删除的文件。
+程式碼搜尋還可以顯示檔案的歷史記錄,透過與 Piper 的整合(參見第 16 章)。這意味著檢視檔案的舊版本,哪些更改影響了它,誰編寫了它們,在 Critique 中跳轉到它們(參見第 19 章),區分檔案的版本,以及經典的『blame』檢視(如果需要)。甚至可以從目錄檢視中看到已刪除的檔案。
-## How Do Googlers Use Code Search? Google 员工如何使用代码搜索?
+## How Do Googlers Use Code Search? Google 員工如何使用程式碼搜尋?
Although similar functionality is available in other tools, Googlers still make heavy use of the Code Search UI for searching and file viewing and ultimately for understanding code.[^4] The tasks engineers try to complete with Code Search can be thought of answering questions about code, and recurring intents become visible.[^5]
-尽管其他工具中也有类似的功能,但 Google 员工仍然大量使用代码搜索 UI 进行搜索和文件查看,并最终用于理解代码。工程师尝试使用代码搜索完成任务被认为是回答有关代码的问题,以及重复的意图变得可见。
+儘管其他工具中也有類似的功能,但 Google 員工仍然大量使用程式碼搜尋 UI 進行搜尋和檔案檢視,並最終用於理解程式碼。工程師嘗試使用程式碼搜尋完成任務被認為是回答有關程式碼的問題,以及重複的意圖變得可見。
-> [^4]: There is an interesting virtuous cycle that a ubiquitous code browser encourages: writing code that is easy to browse. This can mean things like not nesting hierarchies too deep, which requires many clicks to move from call sites to actual implementation, and using named types rather than generic things like strings or integers, because it’s then easy to find all usages.
+> [^4]: There is an interesting virtuous cycle that a ubiquitous code browser encourages: writing code that is easy to browse. This can mean things like not nesting hierarchies too deep, which requires many clicks to move from call sites to actual implementation, and using named types rather than generic things like strings or integers, because it」s then easy to find all usages.
-> 4 无处不在的代码浏览器鼓励一个有趣的良性循环:编写易于浏览的代码。这可能意味着不要把层次嵌套得太深,因为这需要多次点击才能从调用站点转移到实际的实现;使用命名的类型而不是像字符串或整数这样的通用类型,因为这样就很容易找到所有的用法。
+> 4 無處不在的程式碼瀏覽器鼓勵一個有趣的良性迴圈:編寫易於瀏覽的程式碼。這可能意味著不要把層次巢狀得太深,因為這需要多次點選才能從呼叫站點轉移到實際的實現;使用命名的型別而不是像字串或整數這樣的通用類型,因為這樣就很容易找到所有的用法。
-> [^5]: Sadowski, Caitlin, Kathryn T. Stolee, and Sebastian Elbaum. “How Developers Search for Code: A Case Study” In Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2015). `https://doi.org/10.1145/2786805.2786855`.
+> [^5]: Sadowski, Caitlin, Kathryn T. Stolee, and Sebastian Elbaum. 『How Developers Search for Code: A Case Study』 In Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2015). `https://doi.org/10.1145/2786805.2786855`.
-> 5 Sadowski, Caitlin, Kathryn T. Stolee, and Sebastian Elbaum. "开发者如何搜索代码。A Case Study" In Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2015). `https://doi.org/10.1145/2786805.2786855`.
+> 5 Sadowski, Caitlin, Kathryn T. Stolee, and Sebastian Elbaum. "開發者如何搜尋程式碼。A Case Study" In Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2015). `https://doi.org/10.1145/2786805.2786855`.
### Where?
-### 哪里?
+### 哪裡?
-About 16% of Code Searches try to answer the question of where a specific piece of information exists in the codebase; for example, a function definition or configuration, all usages of an API, or just where a specific file is in the repository. These questions are very targeted and can be very precisely answered with either search queries or by following semantic links, like “jump to symbol definition.” Such questions often arise during larger tasks like refactorings/cleanups or when collaborating with other engineers on a project. Therefore, it is essential that these small knowledge gaps are addressed efficiently.
+About 16% of Code Searches try to answer the question of where a specific piece of information exists in the codebase; for example, a function definition or configuration, all usages of an API, or just where a specific file is in the repository. These questions are very targeted and can be very precisely answered with either search queries or by following semantic links, like 『jump to symbol definition.』 Such questions often arise during larger tasks like refactorings/cleanups or when collaborating with other engineers on a project. Therefore, it is essential that these small knowledge gaps are addressed efficiently.
-大约 16% 的代码搜索试图解答特定信息在代码库中的位置的问题;例如,函数定义或配置、API 的所有用法,或者特定文件在存储库中的位置。这些问题非常有针对性,可以通过搜索查询或遵循语义链接(例如“跳转到符号定义”)来非常精确地回答。此类问题经常出现在重构/清理等大型任务中,或者在与其他工程师合作进行项目时。因此,有效解决这些小的知识差距至关重要。
+大約 16% 的程式碼搜尋試圖解答特定訊息在程式碼庫中的位置的問題;例如,函式定義或設定、API 的所有用法,或者特定檔案在儲存庫中的位置。這些問題非常有針對性,可以透過搜尋查詢或遵循語義連結(例如『跳轉到符號定義』)來非常精確地回答。此類問題經常出現在重構/清理等大型任務中,或者在與其他工程師合作進行專案時。因此,有效解決這些小的知識差距至關重要。
Code Search provides two ways of helping: ranking the results, and a rich query language. Ranking addresses the common cases, and searches can be made very specific (e.g., restricting code paths, excluding languages, only considering functions) to deal with rarer cases.
-The UI makes it easy to share a Code Search result with colleagues. So, for code reviews, you can simply include the link—for example, “Have you considered using this specialized hash map: cool_hash.h? This is also very useful for documentation, in bug reports, and in postmortems and is the canonical way of referring to code within Google. Even older versions of the code can be referenced, so links can stay valid as the codebase evolves.
+The UI makes it easy to share a Code Search result with colleagues. So, for code reviews, you can simply include the link—for example, 『Have you considered using this specialized hash map: cool_hash.h? This is also very useful for documentation, in bug reports, and in postmortems and is the canonical way of referring to code within Google. Even older versions of the code can be referenced, so links can stay valid as the codebase evolves.
-用户界面让同事之间共享代码搜索结果变得容易。因此,对于代码审查,你可以简单地包含链接——例如,“你是否考虑过使用这个专门的哈希映射:cool_hash.h?这对于文档、错误报告和事后分析也非常有用,并且是在 Google 中引用代码的规范方式。甚至可以引用旧版本的代码,因此链接可以随着代码库的发展而保持有效。
+使用者介面讓同事之間共享程式碼搜尋結果變得容易。因此,對於程式碼審查,你可以簡單地包含連結——例如,『你是否考慮過使用這個專門的雜湊對映:cool_hash.h?這對於文件、錯誤報告和事後分析也非常有用,並且是在 Google 中引用程式碼的規範方式。甚至可以引用舊版本的程式碼,因此連結可以隨著程式碼庫的發展而保持有效。
-### What? 什么?
+### What? 什麼?
-Roughly one quarter of Code Searches are classic file browsing, to answer the question of what a specific part of the codebase is doing. These kinds of tasks are usually more exploratory, rather than locating a specific result. This is using Code Search to read the source, to better understand code before making a change, or to be able to understand someone else’s change.
+Roughly one quarter of Code Searches are classic file browsing, to answer the question of what a specific part of the codebase is doing. These kinds of tasks are usually more exploratory, rather than locating a specific result. This is using Code Search to read the source, to better understand code before making a change, or to be able to understand someone else」s change.
To ease these kinds of tasks, Code Search introduced browsing via call hierarchies and quick navigation between related files (e.g., between header, implementation, test, and build files). This is about understanding code by easily answering each of the many questions a developer has when looking at it.
### How? 如何做?
The most frequent use case—about one third of Code Searches—are about seeing examples of how others have done something. Typically, a developer has already found a specific API (e.g., how to read a file from remote storage) and wants to see how the API should be applied to a particular problem (e.g., how to set up the remote connection robustly and handle certain types of errors). Code Search is also used to find the proper library for specific problems in the first place (e.g., how to compute a fingerprint for integer values efficiently) and then pick the most appropriate implementation. For these kinds of tasks, a combination of searches and cross-reference browsing are typical.
-最常见的用例—大约三分之一的代码搜索是关于查看其他人如何做某事的示例。通常,开发人员已经找到了特定的 API(例如,如何从远程存储中读取文件)并希望了解如何将 API 应用于特定问题(例如,如何稳健地建立远程连接并处理某些问题)。代码搜索还用于首先为特定问题找到合适的库(例如,如何有效地计算整数值的指纹),然后选择最合适的实现。对于这些类型的任务,搜索和交叉引用浏览的组合是典型的。
+最常見的用例—大約三分之一的程式碼搜尋是關於檢視其他人如何做某事的範例。通常,開發人員已經找到了特定的 API(例如,如何從遠端儲存中讀取檔案)並希望瞭解如何將 API 應用於特定問題(例如,如何穩健地建立遠端連線並處理某些問題)。程式碼搜尋還用於首先為特定問題找到合適的函式庫(例如,如何有效地計算整數值的指紋),然後選擇最合適的實現。對於這些型別的任務,搜尋和交叉引用瀏覽的組合是典型的。
-### Why?为什么?
+### Why?為什麼?
Related to what code is doing, there are more targeted queries around why code is behaving differently than expected. About 16% of Code Searches try to answer the question of why a certain piece of code was added, or why it behaves in a certain way. Such questions often arise during debugging; for example, why does an error occur under these particular circumstances?
-与代码在做什么有关,关于为什么代码的行为与预期不同,有更多有针对性的查询。大约 16% 的代码搜索试图回答为什么要添加某段代码,或者为什么它以某种方式运行的问题。调试过程中经常会出现这样的问题;例如,为什么在这些特定情况下会发生错误?
+與程式碼在做什麼有關,關於為什麼程式碼的行為與預期不同,有更多有針對性的查詢。大約 16% 的程式碼搜尋試圖回答為什麼要新增某段程式碼,或者為什麼它以某種方式執行的問題。除錯過程中經常會出現這樣的問題;例如,為什麼在這些特定情況下會發生錯誤?
An important capability here is being able to search and explore the exact state of the codebase at a particular point in time. When debugging a production issue, this can mean working with a state of the codebase that is weeks or months old, while debugging test failures for new code usually means working with changes that are only minutes old. Both are possible with Code Search.
-### Who and When? 谁?什么时候?
+### Who and When? 誰?什麼時候?
-About 8% of Code Searches try to answer questions around who or when someone introduced a certain piece of code, interacting with the version control system. For example, it’s possible to see when a particular line was introduced (like Git’s “blame”) and jump to the relevant code review. This history panel can also be very useful in finding the best person to ask about the code, or to review a change to it.[^6]
+About 8% of Code Searches try to answer questions around who or when someone introduced a certain piece of code, interacting with the version control system. For example, it」s possible to see when a particular line was introduced (like Git」s 『blame』) and jump to the relevant code review. This history panel can also be very useful in finding the best person to ask about the code, or to review a change to it.[^6]
-大约 8% 的代码搜索试图回答有关谁或何时引入某段代码的问题,并与版本控制系统进行交互。例如,可以查看何时引入了特定行(如 Git 的“blame”)并跳转到相关的代码审查。这个历史面板对于寻找最好的人来询问代码或审查对它的更改也非常有用。
+大約 8% 的程式碼搜尋試圖回答有關誰或何時引入某段程式碼的問題,並與版本控制系統進行互動。例如,可以檢視何時引入了特定行(如 Git 的『blame』)並跳轉到相關的程式碼審查。這個歷史面板對於尋找最好的人來詢問程式碼或審查對它的更改也非常有用。
-> [^6]: That said, given the rate of commits for machine-generated changes, naive “blame” tracking has less value than it does in more change-averse ecosystems.
+> [^6]: That said, given the rate of commits for machine-generated changes, naive 『blame』 tracking has less value than it does in more change-averse ecosystems.
-> 6也就是说,考虑到机器生成的更改的提交率,天真的“指责”跟踪比在更厌恶更改的生态系统中的价值要小。
+> 6也就是說,考慮到機器生成的更改的送出率,天真的『指責』跟蹤比在更厭惡更改的生態系統中的價值要小。
-## Why a Separate Web Tool? 为什么要使用单独的 Web 工具?
+## Why a Separate Web Tool? 為什麼要使用單獨的 Web 工具?
Outside Google, most of the aforementioned investigations are done within a local IDE. So, why yet another tool?
-在 Google 之外,上述大部分实现都是在本地IDE。那么,为什么还需要有另一个工具呢?
+在 Google 之外,上述大部分實現都是在本地IDE。那麼,為什麼還需要有另一個工具呢?
-### Scale 规模
+### Scale 規模
-The first answer is that the Google codebase is so large that a local copy of the full codebase—a prerequisite for most IDEs—simply doesn’t fit on a single machine. Even before this fundamental barrier is hit, there is a cost to building local search and cross-reference indices for each developer, a cost often paid at IDE startup, slowing developer velocity. Or, without an index, one-off searches (e.g., with grep) can become painfully slow. A centralized search index means doing this work once, upfront, and means investments in the process benefit everyone. For example, the Code Search index is incrementally updated with every submitted change, enabling index construction with linear cost.[^7]
+The first answer is that the Google codebase is so large that a local copy of the full codebase—a prerequisite for most IDEs—simply doesn」t fit on a single machine. Even before this fundamental barrier is hit, there is a cost to building local search and cross-reference indices for each developer, a cost often paid at IDE startup, slowing developer velocity. Or, without an index, one-off searches (e.g., with grep) can become painfully slow. A centralized search index means doing this work once, upfront, and means investments in the process benefit everyone. For example, the Code Search index is incrementally updated with every submitted change, enabling index construction with linear cost.[^7]
-第一个答案是 Google 代码库规模太大,以至于完整代码库的本地副本(大多数 IDE 的先决条件)根本不适合单台机器。即使在这个基本障碍之前,为每个开发人员构建本地搜索和交叉引用索引也是有成本的,这通常在 IDE 启动时降低了开发人员的效率。如果没有索引,一次性搜索(例如,使用 grep)可能会变得非常缓慢。集中式搜索索引意味着一次性完成这项工作,并且意味着对流程的投资使每个人都受益。例如,代码搜索索引会随着每次提交的更改而增量更新,从而能够以线性成本构建索引。
+第一個答案是 Google 程式碼庫規模太大,以至於完整程式碼庫的本地副本(大多數 IDE 的先決條件)根本不適合單台機器。即使在這個基本障礙之前,為每個開發人員建立本地搜尋和交叉引用索引也是有成本的,這通常在 IDE 啟動時降低了開發人員的效率。如果沒有索引,一次性搜尋(例如,使用 grep)可能會變得非常緩慢。集中式搜尋索引意味著一次性完成這項工作,並且意味著對流程的投資使每個人都受益。例如,程式碼搜尋索引會隨著每次送出的更改而增量更新,從而能夠以線性成本建立索引。
In normal web search, fast-changing current events are mixed with more slowly changing items, such as stable Wikipedia pages. The same technique can be extended to searching code, making indexing incremental, which reduces its cost and allows changes to the codebase to be visible to everyone instantly. When a code change is submitted, only the actual files touched need to be reindexed, which allows parallel and independent updates to the global index.
-Unfortunately, the cross-reference index cannot be instantly updated in the same way. Incrementality isn’t possible for it, as any code change can potentially influence the entire codebase, and in practice often does affect thousands of files. Many (nearly all of Google’s) full binaries need to be built[^8] (or at least analyzed) to determine the full semantic structure. It uses a ton of compute resources to produce the index daily (the current frequency). The discrepancy between the instant search index and the daily cross-reference index is a source of rare but recurring issues for users.
+Unfortunately, the cross-reference index cannot be instantly updated in the same way. Incrementality isn」t possible for it, as any code change can potentially influence the entire codebase, and in practice often does affect thousands of files. Many (nearly all of Google」s) full binaries need to be built[^8] (or at least analyzed) to determine the full semantic structure. It uses a ton of compute resources to produce the index daily (the current frequency). The discrepancy between the instant search index and the daily cross-reference index is a source of rare but recurring issues for users.
-不幸的是,交叉引用索引不能以相同的方式立即更新。增量是不可能的,因为任何代码更改都可能影响整个代码库,实际上经常会影响数千个文件。需要构建(或至少分析)许多(几乎所有 Google 的)完整二进制文件以确定完整的语义结构。它每天使用大量计算资源(当前频率)生成索引。即时搜索索引和每日交叉引用索引之间的差异是用户罕见但反复出现的问题的根源。
+不幸的是,交叉引用索引不能以相同的方式立即更新。增量是不可能的,因為任何程式碼更改都可能影響整個程式碼庫,實際上經常會影響數千個檔案。需要建立(或至少分析)許多(幾乎所有 Google 的)完整二進位檔案以確定完整的語義結構。它每天使用大量計算資源(當前頻率)生成索引。即時搜尋索引和每日交叉引用索引之間的差異是使用者罕見但反覆出現的問題的根源。
-> [^7]: For comparison, the model of “every developer has their own IDE on their own workspace do the indexing calculation” scales roughly quadratically: developers produce a roughly constant amount of code per unit time, so the codebase scales linearly (even with a fixed number of developers). A linear number of IDEs do linearly more work each time—this is not a recipe for good scaling.
+> [^7]: For comparison, the model of 『every developer has their own IDE on their own workspace do the indexing calculation』 scales roughly quadratically: developers produce a roughly constant amount of code per unit time, so the codebase scales linearly (even with a fixed number of developers). A linear number of IDEs do linearly more work each time—this is not a recipe for good scaling.
-> 7 相比之下,“每个开发人员在自己的IDE中有工作空间,并进行索引计算”的模型大致按二次方进行扩展:开发人员每单位时间生成的代码量大致恒定,因此代码库可以线性扩展(即使有固定数量的开发人员)。线性数量的IDE每次都会做线性更多的工作,但这并不是实现良好扩展的秘诀。
+> 7 相比之下,『每個開發人員在自己的IDE中有工作空間,並進行索引計算』的模型大致按二次方進行擴充套件:開發人員每單位時間生成的程式碼量大致恆定,因此程式碼庫可以線性擴充套件(即使有固定數量的開發人員)。線性數量的IDE每次都會做線性更多的工作,但這並不是實現良好擴充套件的秘訣。
> [^8]: Kythe instruments the build workflow to extract semantic nodes and edges from source code. This extraction process collects partial cross-reference graphs for each individual build rule. In a subsequent phase, these partial graphs are merged into one global graph and its representation is optimized for the most common queries (go-to-definition, find all usages, fetch all decorations for a file). Each phase—extraction and post processing—is roughly as expensive as a full build; for example, in case of Chromium, the construction of the Kythe index is done in about six hours in a distributed setup and therefore too costly to be constructed by every developer on their own workstation. This computational cost is the why the Kythe index is computed only once per day.
-> 8 Kyth使用构建工作流从源代码中提取语义节点和边缘。这个提取过程为每个单独的生成规则收集部分交叉引用图。在随后的阶段中,这些局部图合并为一个全局图,并针对最常见的查询对其表示进行优化(转到定义,查找所有用法,获取文件的所有修饰)。每个阶段的提取和后处理成本大致与完整构建一样高;例如,对于Chromium,Kythe索引的构建在分布式设置中大约需要六个小时,因此每个开发人员都无法在自己的工作站上构建,成本太高。这就是为什么Kythe指数每天只计算一次的原因。
+> 8 Kyth使用建立工作流從原始碼中提取語義節點和邊緣。這個提取過程為每個單獨的生成規則收集部分交叉引用圖。在隨後的階段中,這些區域性圖合併為一個全域圖,並針對最常見的查詢對其表示進行最佳化(轉到定義,查詢所有用法,獲取檔案的所有修飾)。每個階段的提取和後處理成本大致與完整建立一樣高;例如,對於Chromium,Kythe索引的建立在分散式設定中大約需要六個小時,因此每個開發人員都無法在自己的工作站上建立,成本太高。這就是為什麼Kythe指數每天只計算一次的原因。
-### Zero Setup Global Code View 零设置全局代码视图
+### Zero Setup Global Code View 零設定全域程式碼檢視
-Being able to instantly and effectively browse the entire codebase means that it’s very easy to find relevant libraries to reuse and good examples to copy. For IDEs that construct indices at startup, there is a pressure to have a small project or visible scope to reduce this time and avoid flooding tools like autocomplete with noise. With the Code Search web UI, there is no setup required (e.g., project descriptions, build environment), so it’s also very easy and fast to learn about code, wherever it occurs, which improves developer efficiency. There’s also no danger of missing code dependencies; for example, when updating an API, reducing merge and library versioning issues.
+Being able to instantly and effectively browse the entire codebase means that it」s very easy to find relevant libraries to reuse and good examples to copy. For IDEs that construct indices at startup, there is a pressure to have a small project or visible scope to reduce this time and avoid flooding tools like autocomplete with noise. With the Code Search web UI, there is no setup required (e.g., project descriptions, build environment), so it」s also very easy and fast to learn about code, wherever it occurs, which improves developer efficiency. There」s also no danger of missing code dependencies; for example, when updating an API, reducing merge and library versioning issues.
-能够立即有效地浏览整个代码库意味着很容易找到相关的库来重用和好的例子来复制。对于在启动时构建索引的 IDE,有一个挑战是,要有一个小项目或可见范围来减少启动时间,并避免像自动完成这样的工具泛滥而产生噪音。使用代码搜索 Web UI,无需设置(例如,项目描述、构建环境),因此无论代码出现在何处,都可以非常轻松快速地了解代码,从而提高开发人员效率。也没有丢失代码依赖的危险;例如,在更新 API 时,减少合并和库版本控制问题。
+能夠立即有效地瀏覽整個程式碼庫意味著很容易找到相關的函式庫來重用和好的例子來復制。對於在啟動時建立索引的 IDE,有一個挑戰是,要有一個小專案或可見範圍來減少啟動時間,並避免像自動完成這樣的工具氾濫而產生噪音。使用程式碼搜尋 Web UI,無需設定(例如,專案描述、建立環境),因此無論程式碼出現在何處,都可以非常輕鬆快速地瞭解程式碼,從而提高開發人員效率。也沒有丟失程式碼依賴的危險;例如,在更新 API 時,減少合併和庫版本控制問題。
-### Specialization 专业化
+### Specialization 專業化
-Perhaps surprisingly, one advantage of Code Search is that it is not an IDE. This means that the user experience (UX) can be optimized for browsing and understanding code, rather than editing it, which is usually the bulk of an IDE (e.g., keyboard shortcuts, menus, mouse clicks, and even screen space). For example, because there isn’t an editor’s text cursor, every mouse click on a symbol can be made meaningful(e.g., show all usages or jump to definition), rather than as a way to move the cursor. This advantage is so large that it’s extremely common for developers to have multiple Code Search tabs open at the same time as their editor.
+Perhaps surprisingly, one advantage of Code Search is that it is not an IDE. This means that the user experience (UX) can be optimized for browsing and understanding code, rather than editing it, which is usually the bulk of an IDE (e.g., keyboard shortcuts, menus, mouse clicks, and even screen space). For example, because there isn」t an editor」s text cursor, every mouse click on a symbol can be made meaningful(e.g., show all usages or jump to definition), rather than as a way to move the cursor. This advantage is so large that it」s extremely common for developers to have multiple Code Search tabs open at the same time as their editor.
-也许令人惊讶的是,代码搜索的一个优点是它不是 IDE。这意味着用户体验 (UX) 可以针对浏览和理解代码进行优化,而不是像 IDE 的大部分内容那样编辑它(例如,键盘快捷键、菜单、鼠标点击,甚至屏幕空间)。例如,由于没有编辑器的文本光标,每次鼠标单击符号都可以被赋予特定功能(例如,显示所有用法或跳转到定义),而不是作为移动光标的一种方式。这个优势是如此之大,以至于开发人员在使用编辑器的同时打开多个代码搜索选项卡是非常常见的。
+也許令人驚訝的是,程式碼搜尋的一個優點是它不是 IDE。這意味著使用者體驗 (UX) 可以針對瀏覽和理解程式碼進行最佳化,而不是像 IDE 的大部分內容那樣編輯它(例如,鍵盤快捷鍵、選單、滑鼠點選,甚至螢幕空間)。例如,由於沒有編輯器的文字游標,每次滑鼠單擊符號都可以被賦予特定功能(例如,顯示所有用法或跳轉到定義),而不是作為移動游標的一種方式。這個優勢是如此之大,以至於開發人員在使用編輯器的同時開啟多個程式碼搜尋頁籤是非常常見的。
-### Integration with Other Developer Tools 与其他开发者工具集成
+### Integration with Other Developer Tools 與其他開發者工具整合
-Because it is the primary way to view source code, Code Search is the logical platform for exposing information about source code. It frees up tool creators from needing to create a UI for their results and ensures the entire developer audience will know of their work without needing to advertise it. Many analyses run regularly over the entire Google codebase, and their results are usually surfaced in Code Search. For example, for many languages, we can detect “dead” (uncalled) code and mark it as such when the file is browsed.
+Because it is the primary way to view source code, Code Search is the logical platform for exposing information about source code. It frees up tool creators from needing to create a UI for their results and ensures the entire developer audience will know of their work without needing to advertise it. Many analyses run regularly over the entire Google codebase, and their results are usually surfaced in Code Search. For example, for many languages, we can detect 『dead』 (uncalled) code and mark it as such when the file is browsed.
-因为它是查看源代码的主要方式,所以代码搜索是公开源代码信息的逻辑平台。它使工具创建者无需为其结果创建 UI,并确保整个开发人员无需宣传即可了解他们的工作。许多分析会定期在整个 Google 代码库中运行,它们的结果通常会出现在代码搜索中。例如,对于许多语言,我们可以检测“死”(未调用)代码,并在浏览文件时将其标记为死代码。
+因為它是檢視原始碼的主要方式,所以程式碼搜尋是公開原始碼訊息的邏輯平台。它使工具建立者無需為其結果建立 UI,並確保整個開發人員無需宣傳即可瞭解他們的工作。許多分析會定期在整個 Google 程式碼庫中執行,它們的結果通常會出現在程式碼搜尋中。例如,對於許多語言,我們可以檢測『死』(未呼叫)程式碼,並在瀏覽檔案時將其標記為死程式碼。
-In the other direction, the Code Search link to a source file is considered its canonical “location.” This is useful for many developer tools (see Figure 17-2). For example, log file lines typically contain the filename and line number of the logging statement. The production log viewer uses a Code Search link to connect the log statement back to the producing code. Depending on the available information, this can be a direct link to a file at a specific revision, or a basic filename search with the corresponding line number. If there is only one matching file, it is opened at the corresponding line number. Otherwise, snippets of the desired line in each of the matching files are rendered.
+In the other direction, the Code Search link to a source file is considered its canonical 『location.』 This is useful for many developer tools (see Figure 17-2). For example, log file lines typically contain the filename and line number of the logging statement. The production log viewer uses a Code Search link to connect the log statement back to the producing code. Depending on the available information, this can be a direct link to a file at a specific revision, or a basic filename search with the corresponding line number. If there is only one matching file, it is opened at the corresponding line number. Otherwise, snippets of the desired line in each of the matching files are rendered.
-另一方面,指向源文件的代码搜索链接被认为是其规范的“位置”。这对许多开发工具很有用(见图 17-2)。例如,日志文件行通常包含日志记录语句的文件名和行号。生产日志查看器使用代码搜索链接将日志连接回生产代码。根据可用信息,这可以是指向特定修订文件的直接链接,也可以是具有相应行号的基本文件名搜索。如果只有一个匹配文件,则在相应的行号处打开。否则,将呈现每个匹配文件中所需行的片段。
+另一方面,指向源檔案的程式碼搜尋連結被認為是其規範的『位置』。這對許多開發工具很有用(見圖 17-2)。例如,日誌檔案行通常包含日誌記錄語句的檔案名和行號。生產日誌檢視器使用程式碼搜尋連結將日誌連線回生產程式碼。根據可用訊息,這可以是指向特定修訂檔案的直接連結,也可以是具有相應行號的基本檔案名搜尋。如果只有一個對應檔案,則在相應的行號處開啟。否則,將呈現每個對應檔案中所需行的片段。
![Figure 17-2](./images/Figure%2017-2.png)
Similarly, stack frames are linked back to source code whether they are shown within a crash reporting tool or in log output, as shown in Figure 17-3. Depending on the programming language, the link will utilize a filename or symbol search. Because the snapshot of the repository at which the crashing binary was built is known, the search can actually be restricted to exactly this version. That way, links remain valid for a long time period, even if the corresponding code is later refactored or deleted.
-类似地,堆栈帧被链接回源代码,无论它们是显示在崩溃报告工具中还是显示在日志输出中,如图 17-3 所示。根据编程语言,链接将使用文件名或符号搜索。因为构建崩溃二进制文件的存储库的快照是已知的,所以实际上可以将搜索限制在这个版本。这样,即使相应的代码后来被重构或删除,链接也会在很长一段时间内保持有效。
+類似地,堆疊幀被連結回原始碼,無論它們是顯示在崩潰報告工具中還是顯示在日誌輸出中,如圖 17-3 所示。根據程式語言,連結將使用檔案名或符號搜尋。因為建立崩潰二進位檔案的儲存庫的快照是已知的,所以實際上可以將搜尋限制在這個版本。這樣,即使相應的程式碼後來被重構或刪除,連結也會在很長一段時間內保持有效。
![Figure 17-3](./images/Figure%2017-3.png)
Compilation errors and tests also typically refer back to a code location (e.g., test X in file at line). These can be linkified even for unsubmitted code given that most development happens in specific cloudvisible workspaces that are accessible and searchable by Code Search.
-编译错误和测试通常还参考代码位置(例如,测试 X在文件中行号)。即使对于未提交的代码,这些也可以链接起来,因为大多数开发都发生在特定的云可见工作区中,这些工作区可以通过代码搜索访问和搜索。
+編譯錯誤和測試通常還參考程式碼位置(例如,測試 X在檔案中行號)。即使對於未送出的程式碼,這些也可以連結起來,因為大多數開發都發生在特定的雲可見工作區中,這些工作區可以透過程式碼搜尋訪問和搜尋。
Finally, codelabs and other documentation refer to APIs, examples, and implementations. Such links can be search queries referencing a specific class or function, which remain valid when the file structure changes. For code snippets, the most recent implementation at head can easily be embedded into a documentation page, as demonstrated in Figure 17-4, without the need to pollute the source file with additional documentation markers.
-最后,代码实验室和其他文档是指 API、示例和实现。此类链接可以是引用特定类或函数的搜索查询,当文件结构更改时它们仍然有效。对于代码片段,最新的实现版本可以很容易地嵌入到文档页面中,如图 17-4 所示,而无需使用额外的文档标记污染源文件。
+最後,程式碼實驗室和其他文件是指 API、範例和實現。此類連結可以是引用特定類別或函式的搜尋查詢,當檔案結構更改時它們仍然有效。對於程式碼片段,最新的實現版本可以很容易地嵌入到文件頁面中,如圖 17-4 所示,而無需使用額外的文件標記汙染源檔案。
![Figure 17-4](./images/Figure%2017-4.png)
@@ -191,317 +191,317 @@ Finally, codelabs and other documentation refer to APIs, examples, and implement
Code Search exposes its search, cross-reference, and syntax highlighting APIs to tools, so tool developers can bring those capabilities into their tools without needing to reimplement them. Further, plug-ins have been written to provide search and cross-references to editors and IDEs such as vim, emacs, and IntelliJ. These plugins restore some of the power lost due to being unable to locally index the codebase, and give back some developer productivity.
-代码搜索将其搜索、交叉引用和语法高亮 API 公开给工具,因此工具开发人员可以将这些功能带入他们的工具中,而无需重新实现它们。此外,还编写了插件来提供对编辑器和 IDE(例如 vim、emacs 和 IntelliJ)的搜索和交叉引用。这些插件弥补了由于无法在本地索引代码库而损失的一些功能,并提升了一些开发人员的生产力。
+程式碼搜尋將其搜尋、交叉引用和語法高亮 API 公開給工具,因此工具開發人員可以將這些功能帶入他們的工具中,而無需重新實現它們。此外,還編寫了外掛來提供對編輯器和 IDE(例如 vim、emacs 和 IntelliJ)的搜尋和交叉引用。這些外掛彌補了由於無法在本地索引程式碼庫而損失的一些功能,並提升了一些開發人員的生產力。
-## Impact of Scale on Design 规模对设计的影响
+## Impact of Scale on Design 規模對設計的影響
-In the previous section, we looked at various aspects of the Code Search UI and why it’s worthwhile having a separate tool for browsing code. In the following sections, we look a bit behind the scenes of the implementation. We first discuss the primary challenge—scaling—and then some of the ways the large scale complicates making a good product for searching and browsing code. After that, we detail how we addressed some of those challenges, and what trade-offs were made when building Code Search.
+In the previous section, we looked at various aspects of the Code Search UI and why it」s worthwhile having a separate tool for browsing code. In the following sections, we look a bit behind the scenes of the implementation. We first discuss the primary challenge—scaling—and then some of the ways the large scale complicates making a good product for searching and browsing code. After that, we detail how we addressed some of those challenges, and what trade-offs were made when building Code Search.
-在上一节中,我们研究了代码搜索 UI 的各个方面,以及为什么需要拥有一个单独的工具来浏览代码。在接下来的部分中,我们会稍微了解一下代码搜索实现的幕后情况。我们首先讨论了主要挑战——扩展——然后讨论了几种大规模复杂化构建搜索和浏览代码好产品的方式。之后,我们详细介绍了我们如何应对其中的一些挑战,以及在构建代码搜索时做出了哪些权衡。
+在上一節中,我們研究了程式碼搜尋 UI 的各個方面,以及為什麼需要擁有一個單獨的工具來瀏覽程式碼。在接下來的部分中,我們會稍微瞭解一下程式碼搜尋實現的幕後情況。我們首先討論了主要挑戰——擴充套件——然後討論了幾種大規模複雜化建立搜尋和瀏覽程式碼好產品的方式。之後,我們詳細介紹了我們如何應對其中的一些挑戰,以及在建立程式碼搜尋時做出了哪些權衡。
The biggest[^9] scaling challenge for searching code is the corpus size. For a small repository of a couple megabytes, a brute-force search with grep search will do. When hundreds of megabytes need to be searched, a simple local index can speed up search by an order of magnitude or more. When gigabytes or terabytes of source code need to be searched, a cloud-hosted solution with multiple machines can keep search times reasonable. The utility of a central solution increases with the number of developers using it and the size of the code space.
-搜索代码的最大挑战是语料库大小。对于几兆字节的小型存储库,使用 grep 进行的蛮力搜索。当需要搜索数百兆字节时,一个简单的本地索引可以将搜索速度提高一个数量级或更多。当需要搜索千兆字节或千兆字节的源代码时,具有多台机器的云托管解决方案可以使搜索时间保持合理。中央解决方案的实用性随着使用它的开发人员的数量和代码空间的大小而增加。
+搜尋程式碼的最大挑戰是語料庫大小。對於幾MB的小型儲存庫,使用 grep 進行的蠻力搜尋。當需要搜尋數百MB時,一個簡單的本地索引可以將搜尋速度提高一個數量級或更多。當需要搜尋千MB或千MB的原始碼時,具有多台機器的雲託管解決方案可以使搜尋時間保持合理。中央解決方案的實用性隨著使用它的開發人員的數量和程式碼空間的大小而增加。
> [^9]: Because queries are independent, more users can be addressed by having more servers.
-> 9 因为查询是独立的,所以可以通过拥有更多的服务器来解决更多的用户。
+> 9 因為查詢是獨立的,所以可以透過擁有更多的伺服器來解決更多的使用者。
-### Search Query Latency 搜索查询延迟
+### Search Query Latency 搜尋查詢延遲
-Although we take as a given that a fast and responsive UI is better for the user, low latency doesn’t come for free. To justify the effort, one can weigh it against the saved engineering time across all users. Within Google, we process much more than one million search queries from developers within Code Search per day. For one million queries, an increase of just one second per search request corresponds to about 35 idle full-time engineers every day. In contrast, the search backend can be built and maintained with roughly a tenth of these engineers. This means that with about 100,000 queries per day (corresponding to less than 5,000 developers), just the one-second latency argument is something of a break-even point.
+Although we take as a given that a fast and responsive UI is better for the user, low latency doesn」t come for free. To justify the effort, one can weigh it against the saved engineering time across all users. Within Google, we process much more than one million search queries from developers within Code Search per day. For one million queries, an increase of just one second per search request corresponds to about 35 idle full-time engineers every day. In contrast, the search backend can be built and maintained with roughly a tenth of these engineers. This means that with about 100,000 queries per day (corresponding to less than 5,000 developers), just the one-second latency argument is something of a break-even point.
-尽管我们认为快速响应的 UI 对用户来说更好,但低延迟并不是免费的。为了证明这一努力的合理性,可以将其与所有用户节省的工程时间进行权衡。在 Google 内部,我们每天在代码搜索中处理超过一百万个来自开发人员的搜索查询。对于一百万个查询,每个搜索请求仅增加一秒,就相当于每天大约有 35 名空闲的全职工程师。相比之下,搜索后端可以由大约十分之一的工程师来构建和维护。这意味着每天大约有 100,000 次查询(对应于不到 5,000 名开发人员),仅一秒钟的延迟参数就可以达到收支平衡点。
+儘管我們認為快速回應的 UI 對使用者來說更好,但低延遲並不是免費的。為了證明這一努力的合理性,可以將其與所有使用者節省的工程時間進行權衡。在 Google 內部,我們每天在程式碼搜尋中處理超過一百萬個來自開發人員的搜尋查詢。對於一百萬個查詢,每個搜尋請求僅增加一秒,就相當於每天大約有 35 名空閒的全職工程師。相比之下,搜尋後端可以由大約十分之一的工程師來建立和維護。這意味著每天大約有 100,000 次查詢(對應於不到 5,000 名開發人員),僅一秒鐘的延遲引數就可以達到收支平衡點。
-In reality, the productivity loss doesn’t simply increase linearly with latency. A UI is considered responsive if latencies are below 200 ms. But after just one second, the developer’s attention often begins to drift. If another 10 seconds pass, the developer is likely to switch context completely, which is generally recognized to have high productivity costs. The best way to keep a developer in the productive “flow” state is by targeting sub–200 ms end-to-end latency for all frequent operations and investing in the corresponding backends.
+In reality, the productivity loss doesn」t simply increase linearly with latency. A UI is considered responsive if latencies are below 200 ms. But after just one second, the developer」s attention often begins to drift. If another 10 seconds pass, the developer is likely to switch context completely, which is generally recognized to have high productivity costs. The best way to keep a developer in the productive 『flow』 state is by targeting sub–200 ms end-to-end latency for all frequent operations and investing in the corresponding backends.
-实际上,生产力损失并不仅仅随着延迟线性增加。如果延迟低于 200 毫秒,则认为 UI 是响应式的。但仅仅一秒钟后,开发人员的注意力往往开始转移。如果再过 10 秒,开发人员很可能会完全切换上下文,这通常被认为具有很高的生产力成本。让开发人员保持高效“流动”状态的最佳方法是将所有频繁操作的端到端延迟设定在 200 毫秒以下,并投资于相应的后端。
+實際上,生產力損失並不僅僅隨著延遲線性增加。如果延遲低於 200 毫秒,則認為 UI 是回應式的。但僅僅一秒鐘後,開發人員的注意力往往開始轉移。如果再過 10 秒,開發人員很可能會完全切換上下文,這通常被認為具有很高的生產力成本。讓開發人員保持高效『流動』狀態的最佳方法是將所有頻繁操作的端到端延遲設定在 200 毫秒以下,並投資於相應的後端。
-A large number of Code Search queries are performed in order to navigate the codebase. Ideally, the “next” file is only a click away (e.g., for included files, or symbol definitions), but for general navigation, instead of using the classical file tree, it can be much faster to simply search for the desired file or symbol, ideally without needing to fully specify it, and suggestions are provided for partial text. This becomes increasingly true as the codebase (and file tree) grows.
+A large number of Code Search queries are performed in order to navigate the codebase. Ideally, the 『next』 file is only a click away (e.g., for included files, or symbol definitions), but for general navigation, instead of using the classical file tree, it can be much faster to simply search for the desired file or symbol, ideally without needing to fully specify it, and suggestions are provided for partial text. This becomes increasingly true as the codebase (and file tree) grows.
Normal navigation to a specific file in another folder or project requires several user interactions. With search, just a couple of keystrokes can be sufficient to get to the relevant file. To make search this effective, additional information about the search context (e.g., the currently viewed file) can be provided to the search backend. The context can restrict the search to files of a specific project, or influence ranking by preferring files that are in proximity to other files or directories. In the Code Search UI,[^10] the user can predefine multiple contexts and quickly switch between them as needed. In editors, the open or edited files are implicitly used as context to prioritize search results in their proximity.
-正常导航到另一个文件夹或项目中的特定文件需要多次用户交互。使用搜索,只需几次点击即可访问相关文件。为了使搜索有效,可以将有关搜索上下文的附加信息(例如,当前查看的文件)提供给搜索后端。上下文可以将搜索限制为特定项目的文件,或者通过优先选择靠近其他文件或目录的文件来影响排行。在代码搜索 UI 中, 用户可以预定义多个上下文并根据需要在它们之间快速切换。在编辑器中,打开或编辑的文件被隐式用作上下文,以优先考虑搜索结果的接近程度。
+正常導向到另一個資料夾或專案中的特定檔案需要多次使用者互動。使用搜尋,只需幾次點選即可訪問相關檔案。為了使搜尋有效,可以將有關搜尋上下文的附加訊息(例如,當前檢視的檔案)提供給搜尋後端。上下文可以將搜尋限制為特定專案的檔案,或者透過優先選擇靠近其他檔案或目錄的檔案來影響排行。在程式碼搜尋 UI 中, 使用者可以預定義多個上下文並根據需要在它們之間快速切換。在編輯器中,開啟或編輯的檔案被隱式用作上下文,以優先考慮搜尋結果的接近程度。
One could consider the power of the search query language (e.g., specifying files,using regular expressions) as another criteria; we discuss this in the trade-offs section a little later in the chapter.
> [^10]: The Code Search UI does also have a classical file tree, so navigating this way is also possible.
-> 10 代码搜索用户界面也有一个经典的文件树,所以用这种方式导航也是可以的。
+> 10 程式碼搜尋使用者介面也有一個經典的檔案樹,所以用這種方式導向也是可以的。
-### Index Latency 索引延迟
+### Index Latency 索引延遲
-Most of the time, developers won’t notice when indices are out of date. They only care about a small subset of code, and even for that they generally won’t know whether there is more recent code. However, for the cases in which they wrote or reviewed the corresponding change, being out of sync can cause a lot of confusion. It tends not to matter whether the change was a small fix, a refactoring, or a completely new piece of code—developers simply expect a consistent view, such as they experience in their IDE for a small project.
+Most of the time, developers won」t notice when indices are out of date. They only care about a small subset of code, and even for that they generally won」t know whether there is more recent code. However, for the cases in which they wrote or reviewed the corresponding change, being out of sync can cause a lot of confusion. It tends not to matter whether the change was a small fix, a refactoring, or a completely new piece of code—developers simply expect a consistent view, such as they experience in their IDE for a small project.
-大多数时候,开发人员不会注意到索引何时过期。他们只关心一小部分代码,即便如此,他们通常也不知道是否有更新的代码。但是,对于他们编写或审查相应更改的情况,不同步可能会导致很多混乱。更改是小修复、重构还是全新的代码片段往往并不重要——开发人员只期望一个一致的视图,例如他们在 IDE 中为一个小项目所体验的。
+大多數時候,開發人員不會注意到索引何時過期。他們只關心一小部分程式碼,即便如此,他們通常也不知道是否有更新的程式碼。但是,對於他們編寫或審查相應更改的情況,不同步可能會導致很多混亂。更改是小修復、重構還是全新的程式碼片段往往並不重要——開發人員只期望一個一致的檢視,例如他們在 IDE 中為一個小專案所體驗的。
When writing code, instant indexing of modified code is expected. When new files, functions, or classes are added, not being able to find them is frustrating and breaks the normal workflow for developers used to perfect cross-referencing. Another example are search-and-replace–based refactorings. It is not only more convenient when the removed code immediately disappears from the search results, but it is also essential that subsequent refactorings take the new state into account. When working with a centralized VCS, a developer might need instant indexing for submitted code if the previous change is no longer part of the locally modified file set.
-编写代码时,需要对修改后的代码进行即时索引。当添加新文件、函数或类时,找不到它们是令人沮丧的,并且破坏了用于完善交叉引用的开发人员的正常工作流程。另一个例子是基于搜索和替换的重构。删除的代码立即从搜索结果中消失不仅更方便,而且后续重构考虑新状态也很重要。使用集中式 VCS 时,如果先前的更改不再是本地修改文件集的一部分,则开发人员可能需要对提交的代码进行即时索引。
+編寫程式碼時,需要對修改後的程式碼進行即時索引。當新增新檔案、函式或類時,找不到它們是令人沮喪的,並且破壞了用於完善交叉引用的開發人員的正常工作流程。另一個例子是基於搜尋和替換的重構。刪除的程式碼立即從搜尋結果中消失不僅更方便,而且後續重構考慮新狀態也很重要。使用集中式 VCS 時,如果先前的更改不再是本地修改檔案集的一部分,則開發人員可能需要對送出的程式碼進行即時索引。
-Conversely, sometimes it’s useful to be able to go back in time to a previous snapshot of the code; in other words, a release. During an incident, a discrepancy between the index and the running code can be especially problematic because it can hide real causes or introduce irrelevant distractions. This is a problem for cross-references because the current technology for building an index at Google’s scale simply takes hours, and the complexity means that only one “version” of the index is kept. Although some patching can be done to align new code with an old index, this is still an issue to be solved.
+Conversely, sometimes it」s useful to be able to go back in time to a previous snapshot of the code; in other words, a release. During an incident, a discrepancy between the index and the running code can be especially problematic because it can hide real causes or introduce irrelevant distractions. This is a problem for cross-references because the current technology for building an index at Google」s scale simply takes hours, and the complexity means that only one 『version』 of the index is kept. Although some patching can be done to align new code with an old index, this is still an issue to be solved.
-相反,有时能够及时回到之前的代码快照很有用;换句话说,在事件期间释放,索引和运行代码之间的差异可能会是问题,因为它可以隐藏真正的原因或引入不相关的干扰。这对于交叉引用来说是一个问题,因为目前在 Google 规模上构建索引的技术只需要几个小时,而且复杂性意味着只保留一个索引的“版本”。尽管可以进行一些修补以使新代码与旧索引对齐,但这仍然是一个有待解决的问题。
+相反,有時能夠及時回到之前的程式碼快照很有用;換句話說,在事件期間釋放,索引和執行程式碼之間的差異可能會是問題,因為它可以隱藏真正的原因或引入不相關的干擾。這對於交叉引用來說是一個問題,因為目前在 Google 規模上建立索引的技術只需要幾個小時,而且複雜性意味著只保留一個索引的『版本』。儘管可以進行一些修補以使新程式碼與舊索引對齊,但這仍然是一個有待解決的問題。
-## Google’s Implementation
+## Google」s Implementation
-## 谷歌的实现
+## 谷歌的實現
-Google’s particular implementation of Code Search is tailored to the unique characteristics of its codebase, and the previous section outlined our design constraints for creating a robust and responsive index. The following section outlines how the Code Search team implemented and released its tool to Google developers.
+Google」s particular implementation of Code Search is tailored to the unique characteristics of its codebase, and the previous section outlined our design constraints for creating a robust and responsive index. The following section outlines how the Code Search team implemented and released its tool to Google developers.
-Google 对代码搜索的特殊实现是针对其代码库的独特特征量身定制的,上一节概述了我们创建健壮且响应迅速的索引的设计约束。以下部分概述了代码搜索团队如何实施并向 Google 开发人员发布工具。
+Google 對程式碼搜尋的特殊實現是針對其程式碼庫的獨特特徵量身定製的,上一節概述了我們建立健壯且回應迅速的索引的設計約束。以下部分概述了程式碼搜尋團隊如何實施並向 Google 開發人員發布工具。
### Search Index
-### 搜索索引
+### 搜尋索引
-Google’s codebase is a special challenge for Code Search due to its sheer size. In the early days, a trigram-based approach was taken. Russ Cox subsequently open sourced a simplified version. Currently, Code Search indexes about 1.5 TB of content and processes about 200 queries per second with a median server-side search latency of less than 50 ms and a median indexing latency (time between code commit and visibility in the index) of less than 10 seconds.
+Google」s codebase is a special challenge for Code Search due to its sheer size. In the early days, a trigram-based approach was taken. Russ Cox subsequently open sourced a simplified version. Currently, Code Search indexes about 1.5 TB of content and processes about 200 queries per second with a median server-side search latency of less than 50 ms and a median indexing latency (time between code commit and visibility in the index) of less than 10 seconds.
-由于其庞大的规模,Google 的代码库对代码搜索来说是一个特殊的挑战。在早期,采用了基于三元组的方法。 Russ Cox 随后开源了一个简化版本。目前,代码搜索索引大约有1.5 TB 的内容,每秒处理大约 200 个查询,服务器端搜索延迟的中位数小于 50 毫秒,索引延迟的中位数(代码提交和索引可见性之间的时间)小于 10秒。
+由於其龐大的規模,Google 的程式碼庫對程式碼搜尋來說是一個特殊的挑戰。在早期,採用了基於三元組的方法。 Russ Cox 隨後開源了一個簡化版本。目前,程式碼搜尋索引大約有1.5 TB 的內容,每秒處理大約 200 個查詢,伺服器端搜尋延遲的中位數小於 50 毫秒,索引延遲的中位數(程式碼送出和索引可見性之間的時間)小於 10秒。
-Let’s roughly estimate the resource requirements to achieve this performance with a grep-based bruteforce solution. The RE2 library we use for regular expression matching processes about 100 MB/sec for data in RAM. Given a time window of 50 ms, 300,000 cores would be needed to crunch through the 1.5 TB of data. Because in most cases simple substring searches are sufficient, one could replace the regular expression matching with a special substring search that can process about 1 GB/sec[^11] under certain conditions, reducing the number of cores by 10 times. So far, we have looked at just the resource requirements for processing a single query within 50 ms. If we’re getting 200 requests per second, 10 of those will be simultaneously active in that 50 ms window, bringing us back to 300,000 cores just for substring search.
+Let」s roughly estimate the resource requirements to achieve this performance with a grep-based bruteforce solution. The RE2 library we use for regular expression matching processes about 100 MB/sec for data in RAM. Given a time window of 50 ms, 300,000 cores would be needed to crunch through the 1.5 TB of data. Because in most cases simple substring searches are sufficient, one could replace the regular expression matching with a special substring search that can process about 1 GB/sec[^11] under certain conditions, reducing the number of cores by 10 times. So far, we have looked at just the resource requirements for processing a single query within 50 ms. If we」re getting 200 requests per second, 10 of those will be simultaneously active in that 50 ms window, bringing us back to 300,000 cores just for substring search.
-让我们粗略估计一下使用基于 grep 的蛮力解决方案实现此性能所需的资源。我们用于正则表达式匹配的 RE2 库以大约 100 MB/秒的速度处理 RAM 中的数据。给定 50 毫秒的时间窗口,需要 300,000 个内核来处理 1.5 TB 的数据。因为在大多数情况下,简单的子字符串搜索就足够了,可以将正则表达式匹配替换为特殊的子字符串搜索,在某些条件下可以处理大约 1 GB/秒,从而将核心数减少 10 倍。到目前为止,我们只研究了在 50 毫秒内处理单个查询的资源需求。如果我们每秒收到 200 个请求,其中 10 个将在 50 毫秒的窗口中同时处于活动状态,这使我们回到 300,000 个内核仅用于子字符串搜索。
+讓我們粗略估計一下使用基於 grep 的蠻力解決方案實現此效能所需的資源。我們用於正則表示式對應的 RE2 函式庫以大約 100 MB/秒的速度處理 RAM 中的資料。給定 50 毫秒的時間視窗,需要 300,000 個核心來處理 1.5 TB 的資料。因為在大多數情況下,簡單的子字串搜尋就足夠了,可以將正則表示式對應替換為特殊的子字串搜尋,在某些條件下可以處理大約 1 GB/秒,從而將核心數減少 10 倍。到目前為止,我們只研究了在 50 毫秒內處理單個查詢的資源需求。如果我們每秒收到 200 個請求,其中 10 個將在 50 毫秒的視窗中同時處於活動狀態,這使我們回到 300,000 個核心僅用於子字串搜尋。
-Although this estimate ignores that the search can stop once a certain number of results are found or that file restrictions can be evaluated much more effectively than content searches, it doesn’t take communication overhead, ranking, or the fan out to tens of thousands of machines into account either. But it shows quite well the scale involved and why Google’s Code Search team continuously invests into improving indexing. Over the years, our index changed from the original trigram-based solution, through a custom suffix array–based solution, to the current sparse ngram solution. This latest solution is more than 500 times more efficient than the brute-force solution while being capable of also answering regular expression searches at blazing speed.
+Although this estimate ignores that the search can stop once a certain number of results are found or that file restrictions can be evaluated much more effectively than content searches, it doesn」t take communication overhead, ranking, or the fan out to tens of thousands of machines into account either. But it shows quite well the scale involved and why Google」s Code Search team continuously invests into improving indexing. Over the years, our index changed from the original trigram-based solution, through a custom suffix array–based solution, to the current sparse ngram solution. This latest solution is more than 500 times more efficient than the brute-force solution while being capable of also answering regular expression searches at blazing speed.
-虽然这个估计忽略了一旦找到一定数量的结果,搜索就会停止,或者文件限制可以比内容搜索更有效地评估,不需要考虑通信开销、排名或扩展到数万台机器。它很好地展示了所涉及的巨大规模以及为什么 Google 的代码搜索团队不断投资于改进索引。多年来,我们的索引从最初的基于 trigram 的解决方案,通过基于自定义后缀数组的解决方案,变为当前的稀疏 ngram 解决方案。这个最新的解决方案比蛮力解决方案的效率高出 500 多倍,同时还能够以极快的速度响应正则表达式搜索。
+雖然這個估計忽略了一旦找到一定數量的結果,搜尋就會停止,或者檔案限制可以比內容搜尋更有效地評估,不需要考慮通訊開銷、排名或擴充套件到數萬臺機器。它很好地展示了所涉及的巨大規模以及為什麼 Google 的程式碼搜尋團隊不斷投資於改進索引。多年來,我們的索引從最初的基於 trigram 的解決方案,透過基於自定義字尾陣列的解決方案,變為當前的稀疏 ngram 解決方案。這個最新的解決方案比蠻力解決方案的效率高出 500 多倍,同時還能夠以極快的速度回應正則表示式搜尋。
-One reason we moved from a suffix array–based solution to a token-based n-gram solution was to take advantage of Google’s primary indexing and search stack. With a suffix array–based solution, building and distributing the custom indices becomes a challenge in and of itself. By utilizing “standard” technology, we benefit from all the advances in reverse index construction, encoding, and serving made by the core search team. Instant indexing is another feature that exists in standard search stacks, and by itself is a big challenge when solving it at scale.
+One reason we moved from a suffix array–based solution to a token-based n-gram solution was to take advantage of Google」s primary indexing and search stack. With a suffix array–based solution, building and distributing the custom indices becomes a challenge in and of itself. By utilizing 『standard』 technology, we benefit from all the advances in reverse index construction, encoding, and serving made by the core search team. Instant indexing is another feature that exists in standard search stacks, and by itself is a big challenge when solving it at scale.
-我们从基于后缀数组的解决方案转向基于标记的 n-gram 解决方案的一个原因是利用 Google 的主要索引和搜索堆栈。使用基于后缀数组的解决方案,构建和分发自定义索引本身就是一项挑战。通过利用“标准”技术,我们受益于核心搜索团队在反向索引构建、编码和服务方面的进步。即时索引是标准搜索堆栈中存在的另一个功能,在大规模解决它时,它本身就是一个巨大的挑战。
+我們從基於字尾陣列的解決方案轉向基於標記的 n-gram 解決方案的一個原因是利用 Google 的主要索引和搜尋堆疊。使用基於字尾陣列的解決方案,建立和分發自定義索引本身就是一項挑戰。透過利用『標準』技術,我們受益於核心搜尋團隊在反向索引建立、編碼和服務方面的進步。即時索引是標準搜尋堆疊中存在的另一個功能,在大規模解決它時,它本身就是一個巨大的挑戰。
-Relying on standard technology is a trade-off between implementation simplicity and performance. Even though Google’s Code Search implementation is based on standard reverse indices, the actual retrieval, matching, and scoring are highly customized and optimized. Some of the more advanced Code Search features wouldn’t be possible otherwise. To index the history of file revisions, we came up with a custom compression scheme in which indexing the full history increased the resource consumption by a factor of just 2.5.
+Relying on standard technology is a trade-off between implementation simplicity and performance. Even though Google」s Code Search implementation is based on standard reverse indices, the actual retrieval, matching, and scoring are highly customized and optimized. Some of the more advanced Code Search features wouldn」t be possible otherwise. To index the history of file revisions, we came up with a custom compression scheme in which indexing the full history increased the resource consumption by a factor of just 2.5.
-依赖标准技术是实现简单性和性能之间的权衡。尽管 Google 的代码搜索实现是基于标准的反向索引,但实际的检索、匹配和评分都是高度定制和优化的。否则,一些更高级的代码搜索功能将无法实现。为了索引文件修订的历史,我们提出了一个自定义压缩方案,在该方案中,索引完整历史将资源消耗增加了 2.5 倍。
+依賴標準技術是實現簡單性和效能之間的權衡。儘管 Google 的程式碼搜尋實現是基於標準的反向索引,但實際的檢索、對應和評分都是高度定製和最佳化的。否則,一些更高階的程式碼搜尋功能將無法實現。為了索引檔案修訂的歷史,我們提出了一個自定義壓縮方案,在該方案中,索引完整歷史將資源消耗增加了 2.5 倍。
In the early days, Code Search served all data from memory. With the growing index size, we moved the inverted index to flash. Although flash storage is at least an order of magnitude cheaper than memory, its access latency is at least two orders of magnitude higher. So, indices that work well in memory might not be suitable when served from flash. For instance, the original trigram index requires fetching not only a large number of reverse indices from flash, but also quite large ones. With n-gram schemes, both the number of inverse indices and their size can be reduced at the expense of a larger index.
-在早期时候,代码搜索从内存中提供所有数据。随着索引大小的增加,我们将倒排索引移至闪存。尽管闪存存储至少比内存便宜一个数量级,但它的访问延迟至少要高两个数量级。因此,在内存中运行良好的索引可能不适合从闪存提供服务。例如,原始的 trigram 索引不仅需要从闪存中获取大量的反向索引,而且还需要相当大的索引。使用 n-gram 方案,可以以更大的索引为代价来减少反向索引的数量及其大小。
+在早期時候,程式碼搜尋從記憶體中提供所有資料。隨著索引大小的增加,我們將倒排索引移至快閃記憶體。儘管快閃記憶體儲存至少比記憶體便宜一個數量級,但它的訪問延遲至少要高兩個數量級。因此,在記憶體中執行良好的索引可能不適合從快閃記憶體提供服務。例如,原始的 trigram 索引不僅需要從快閃記憶體中獲取大量的反向索引,而且還需要相當大的索引。使用 n-gram 方案,可以以更大的索引為代價來減少反向索引的數量及其大小。
To support local workspaces (which have a small delta from the global repository), we have multiple machines doing simple brute-force searches. The workspace data is loaded on the first request and then kept in sync by listening for file changes. When we run out of memory, we remove the least recent workspace from the machines. The unchanged documents are searched with our history index. Therefore, the search is implicitly restricted to the repository state to which the workspace is synced.
> [^11]: See https://blog.scalyr.com/2014/05/searching-20-gbsec-systems-engineering-before-algorithms and http://volnitsky.com/project/str_search./
-> 11 查阅blog.scalyr.com/2014/05/searching-20-gbsec-systems-engineering-before-algorithms 和tp://volnitsky.com/project/str_search.
+> 11 查閱blog.scalyr.com/2014/05/searching-20-gbsec-systems-engineering-before-algorithms 和tp://volnitsky.com/project/str_search.
### Ranking
### 排行
-For a very small codebase, ranking doesn’t provide much benefit, because there aren’t many results anyway. But the larger the codebase becomes, the more results will be found and the more important ranking becomes. In Google’s codebase, any short substring will occur thousands, if not millions, of times. Without ranking, the user either must check all of those results in order to find the correct one, or must refine the query[^12] er until the result set is reduced to just a handful of files. Both options waste the developer’s time.
+For a very small codebase, ranking doesn」t provide much benefit, because there aren」t many results anyway. But the larger the codebase becomes, the more results will be found and the more important ranking becomes. In Google」s codebase, any short substring will occur thousands, if not millions, of times. Without ranking, the user either must check all of those results in order to find the correct one, or must refine the query[^12] er until the result set is reduced to just a handful of files. Both options waste the developer」s time.
-对于非常小的代码库,排行并没有带来太多好处,因为无论如何也没有很多结果。但是代码库越大,找到的结果就越多,排行也就越重要。在 Google 的代码库中,任何短子字符串都会出现数千次,甚至数百万次。如果没有排行,用户要么必须检查所有这些结果才能找到正确的结果,要么必须进一步细化查询,直到结果集减少到几个文件。这两种选择都浪费了开发人员的时间。
+對於非常小的程式碼庫,排行並沒有帶來太多好處,因為無論如何也沒有很多結果。但是程式碼庫越大,找到的結果就越多,排行也就越重要。在 Google 的程式碼庫中,任何短子字串都會出現數千次,甚至數百萬次。如果沒有排行,使用者要麼必須檢查所有這些結果才能找到正確的結果,要麼必須進一步細化查詢,直到結果集減少到幾個檔案。這兩種選擇都浪費了開發人員的時間。
-Ranking typically starts with a scoring function, which maps a set of features of each file (“signals”) to some number: the higher the score, the better the result. The goal of the search is then to find the top N results as efficiently as possible. Typically, one distinguishes between two types of signals: those that depend only on the document (“query independent”) and those that depend on the search query and how it matches the document (“query dependent”). The filename length or the programming language of a file would be examples of query independent signals, whereas whether a match is a function definition or a string literal is a query dependent signal.
+Ranking typically starts with a scoring function, which maps a set of features of each file (『signals』) to some number: the higher the score, the better the result. The goal of the search is then to find the top N results as efficiently as possible. Typically, one distinguishes between two types of signals: those that depend only on the document (『query independent』) and those that depend on the search query and how it matches the document (『query dependent』). The filename length or the programming language of a file would be examples of query independent signals, whereas whether a match is a function definition or a string literal is a query dependent signal.
-排行通常从评分函数开始,它将每个文件的一组特征(“信号”)映射到某个数字:分数越高,结果越好。搜索的目标是尽可能高效地找到前 N 个结果。通常,人们区分两种类型的信号:仅依赖于文档的信号(“查询无关”)和依赖于搜索查询以及它如何匹配文档的信号(“查询依赖”)。文件名长度或文件的编程语言将是查询独立信号的示例,而匹配是函数定义还是字符串文字是查询相关信号。
+排行通常從評分函式開始,它將每個檔案的一組特徵(『訊號』)對映到某個數字:分數越高,結果越好。搜尋的目標是儘可能高效地找到前 N 個結果。通常,人們區分兩種型別的訊號:僅依賴於文件的訊號(『查詢無關』)和依賴於搜尋查詢以及它如何對應文件的訊號(『查詢依賴』)。檔案名長度或檔案的程式語言將是查詢獨立訊號的範例,而對應是函式定義還是字串文字是查詢相關訊號。
> [^12]: ontrast to web search, adding more characters to a Code Search query always reduces the result set (apart rom a few rare exceptions via regular expression terms).
-> 12 与网络搜索相比,在代码搜索查询中添加更多的字符总是会减少结果集(除了少数通过正则表达式术语的罕见例外)。
+> 12 與網路搜尋相比,在程式碼搜尋查詢中新增更多的字元總是會減少結果集(除了少數透過正則表示式術語的罕見例外)。
-#### Query independent signals 查询独立信号
+#### Query independent signals 查詢獨立訊號
-Some of the most important query independent signals are the number of file views and the amount of references to a file. File views are important because they indicate which files developers consider important and are therefore more likely to want to find. For instance, utility functions in base libraries have a high view count. It doesn’t matter whether the library is already stable and isn’t changed anymore or whether the library is being actively developed. The biggest downside of this signal is the feedback loop it creates. By scoring frequently viewed documents higher, the chance increases that developers will look at them and decreases the chance of other documents to make it into the top N. This problem is known as exploitation versus exploration, for which various solutions exist (e.g., advanced A/B search experiments or curation of training data). In practice, it doesn’t seem harmful to somewhat over-show highscoring items: they are simply ignored when irrelevant and taken if a generic example is needed. However, it is a problem for new files, which don’t yet have enough information for a good signal.[^13]
+Some of the most important query independent signals are the number of file views and the amount of references to a file. File views are important because they indicate which files developers consider important and are therefore more likely to want to find. For instance, utility functions in base libraries have a high view count. It doesn」t matter whether the library is already stable and isn」t changed anymore or whether the library is being actively developed. The biggest downside of this signal is the feedback loop it creates. By scoring frequently viewed documents higher, the chance increases that developers will look at them and decreases the chance of other documents to make it into the top N. This problem is known as exploitation versus exploration, for which various solutions exist (e.g., advanced A/B search experiments or curation of training data). In practice, it doesn」t seem harmful to somewhat over-show highscoring items: they are simply ignored when irrelevant and taken if a generic example is needed. However, it is a problem for new files, which don」t yet have enough information for a good signal.[^13]
-一些最重要的独立于查询的信号是文件视图的数量和对文件的引用量。文件视图很重要,因为它们表明开发人员认为哪些文件很重要,因此更有可能想要找到。例如,基础库中的实用程序函数具有很高的查看次数。库是否已经稳定并且不再更改或者库是否正在积极开发都无关紧要。该信号的最大缺点是它创建的反馈回路。通过对经常查看的文档进行更高的评分,开发人员查看它们的机会增加,并降低了其他文档进入前 N 的机会。这个问题被称为利用与探索,存在各种解决方案(例如,高级 A /B 搜索实验或训练数据管理)。在实践中,过度展示高分项目似乎并没有什么害处:它们在不相关时被忽略,如果需要通用示例则采用。但是,对于新文件来说,这是一个问题,它们还没有足够的信息来获得良好的信号。
+一些最重要的獨立於查詢的訊號是檔案檢視的數量和對檔案的引用量。檔案檢視很重要,因為它們表明開發人員認為哪些檔案很重要,因此更有可能想要找到。例如,基礎庫中的實用程式函式具有很高的檢視次數。函式庫是否已經穩定並且不再更改或者函式庫是否正在積極開發都無關緊要。該訊號的最大缺點是它建立的反饋迴路。透過對經常檢視的文件進行更高的評分,開發人員檢視它們的機會增加,並降低了其他文件進入前 N 的機會。這個問題被稱為利用與探索,存在各種解決方案(例如,高階 A /B 搜尋實驗或訓練資料管理)。在實踐中,過度展示高分專案似乎並沒有什麼害處:它們在不相關時被忽略,如果需要通用範例則採用。但是,對於新檔案來說,這是一個問題,它們還沒有足夠的訊息來獲得良好的訊號。
-We also use the number of references to a file, which parallels the original page rank algorithm, by replacing web links as references with the various kinds of “include/import” statements present in most languages. We can extend the concept up to build dependencies (library/module level references) and down to functions and classes. This global relevance is often referred to as the document’s “priority.”
+We also use the number of references to a file, which parallels the original page rank algorithm, by replacing web links as references with the various kinds of 『include/import』 statements present in most languages. We can extend the concept up to build dependencies (library/module level references) and down to functions and classes. This global relevance is often referred to as the document」s 『priority.』
-我们还使用文件的引用数量,这与原始页面排行算法相似,通过将 Web 链接替换为大多数语言中存在的各种“包含/导入”语句的引用。我们可以将概念向上扩展以构建依赖项(库/模块级引用)并向下扩展至函数和类。这种全局相关性通常被称为文档的“优先级”。
+我們還使用檔案的引用數量,這與原始頁面排行演算法相似,透過將 Web 連結替換為大多數語言中存在的各種『包含/匯入』語句的引用。我們可以將概念向上擴充套件以建立依賴項(函式庫/模組級引用)並向下擴充套件至函式和類。這種全域相關性通常被稱為文件的『優先級』。
-When using references for ranking, one must be aware of two challenges. First, you must be able to extract reference information reliably. In the early days, Google’s Code Search extracted include/import statements with simple regular expressions and then applied heuristics to convert them into full file paths. With the growing complexity of a codebase, such heuristics became error prone and challenging to maintain. Internally, we replaced this part with correct information from the Kythe graph.
+When using references for ranking, one must be aware of two challenges. First, you must be able to extract reference information reliably. In the early days, Google」s Code Search extracted include/import statements with simple regular expressions and then applied heuristics to convert them into full file paths. With the growing complexity of a codebase, such heuristics became error prone and challenging to maintain. Internally, we replaced this part with correct information from the Kythe graph.
-在使用参考进行排行时,必须注意两个挑战。首先,你必须能够可靠地提取参考信息。早期,Google 的代码搜索使用简单的正则表达式提取包含/导入语句,然后应用启发式方法将它们转换为完整的文件路径。随着代码库越来越复杂,这种启发式方法变得容易出错并且难以维护。在内部,我们用 Kythe 图中的正确信息替换了这部分。
+在使用參考進行排行時,必須注意兩個挑戰。首先,你必須能夠可靠地提取參考訊息。早期,Google 的程式碼搜尋使用簡單的正則表示式提取包含/匯入語句,然後應用啟發式方法將它們轉換為完整的檔案路徑。隨著程式碼庫越來越複雜,這種啟發式方法變得容易出錯並且難以維護。在內部,我們用 Kythe 圖中的正確訊息替換了這部分。
-Large-scale refactorings, such as open sourcing core libraries, present a second challenge. Such changes don’t happen atomically in a single code update; rather, they need to be rolled out in multiple stages. Typically, indirections are introduced, hiding, for example, the move of files from usages. These kinds of indirections reduce the page rank of moved files and make it more difficult for developers to discover the new location. Additionally, file views usually become lost when files are moved, making the situation even worse. Because such global restructurings of the codebase are comparatively rare (most interfaces move rarely), the simplest solution is to manually boost files during such transition periods. (Or wait until the migration completes and for the natural processes to up-rank the file in its new location.)
+Large-scale refactorings, such as open sourcing core libraries, present a second challenge. Such changes don」t happen atomically in a single code update; rather, they need to be rolled out in multiple stages. Typically, indirections are introduced, hiding, for example, the move of files from usages. These kinds of indirections reduce the page rank of moved files and make it more difficult for developers to discover the new location. Additionally, file views usually become lost when files are moved, making the situation even worse. Because such global restructurings of the codebase are comparatively rare (most interfaces move rarely), the simplest solution is to manually boost files during such transition periods. (Or wait until the migration completes and for the natural processes to up-rank the file in its new location.)
-大规模重构,例如开源核心库,是第二个挑战。此类更改不会在单个代码更新中自动发生;相反,它们需要分多个阶段推出。通常,引入间接方式,例如隐藏文件的使用移动。这些类型间接降低了移动文件的页面排行,并使开发人员更难发现新位置。此外,移动文件时文件视图通常会丢失,从而使情况变得更糟。因为代码库的这种全局重组比较少见(大多数接口很少移动),最简单的解决方案是在这种过渡期间手动提升文件。 (或者等到迁移完成并等待自然过程在其新位置对文件进行升级。)
+大規模重構,例如開源核心庫,是第二個挑戰。此類更改不會在單個程式碼更新中自動發生;相反,它們需要分多個階段推出。通常,引入間接方式,例如隱藏檔案的使用移動。這些型別間接降低了移動檔案的頁面排行,並使開發人員更難發現新位置。此外,移動檔案時文件檢視通常會丟失,從而使情況變得更糟。因為程式碼庫的這種全域重組比較少見(大多數介面很少移動),最簡單的解決方案是在這種轉場期間手動提升檔案。 (或者等到遷移完成並等待自然過程在其新位置對檔案進行升級。)
-> [^13]: This could likely be somewhat corrected by using recency in some form as a signal, perhaps doing something imilar to web search dealing with new pages, but we don’t yet do so.
+> [^13]: This could likely be somewhat corrected by using recency in some form as a signal, perhaps doing something imilar to web search dealing with new pages, but we don」t yet do so.
-> 13 这很可能通过使用某种形式的事件作为信号而得到一定程度的修正,也许可以做一些类似于网络搜索处理新页面的事情,但我们还没有这样做。
+> 13 這很可能透過使用某種形式的事件作為訊號而得到一定程度的修正,也許可以做一些類似於網路搜尋處理新頁面的事情,但我們還沒有這樣做。
-#### Query dependent signals 查询相关信号
+#### Query dependent signals 查詢相關訊號
-Query independent signals can be computed offline, so computational cost isn’t a major concern, although it can be high. For example, for the “page” rank, the signal depends on the whole corpus and requires a MapReduce-like batch processing to calculate. Query dependent signals, which must be calculated for each query, should be cheap to compute. This means that they are restricted to the query and information quickly accessible from the index.
+Query independent signals can be computed offline, so computational cost isn」t a major concern, although it can be high. For example, for the 『page』 rank, the signal depends on the whole corpus and requires a MapReduce-like batch processing to calculate. Query dependent signals, which must be calculated for each query, should be cheap to compute. This means that they are restricted to the query and information quickly accessible from the index.
-查询独立信号可以离线计算,因此计算成本不是主要问题,尽管它可能很高。例如,对于“页面”排行,信号依赖于整个语料库,需要类似 MapReduce 的批处理来计算。查询相关信号,即使必须为每个查询进行计算,但是计算成本应该很低。这意味着它们仅限于从索引中快速访问的查询和信息。
+查詢獨立訊號可以離線計算,因此計算成本不是主要問題,儘管它可能很高。例如,對於『頁面』排行,訊號依賴於整個語料庫,需要類似 MapReduce 的批處理來計算。查詢相關訊號,即使必須為每個查詢進行計算,但是計算成本應該很低。這意味著它們僅限於從索引中快速訪問的查詢和訊息。
-Unlike web search, we don’t just match on tokens. However, if there are clean token matches (that is, the search term matches with content with some form of breaks,such as whitespace, around it), a further boost is applied and case sensitivity is considered. This means, for example, a search for “Point” will score higher against "Point *p” than against “appointed to the council.”
+Unlike web search, we don」t just match on tokens. However, if there are clean token matches (that is, the search term matches with content with some form of breaks,such as whitespace, around it), a further boost is applied and case sensitivity is considered. This means, for example, a search for 『Point』 will score higher against "Point *p』 than against 『appointed to the council.』
-与网络搜索不同,我们不仅仅匹配令牌。但是,如果存在干净的标记匹配(即,搜索词与带有某种形式的中断(例如空格)的内容匹配),则会应用进一步的提升并考虑区分大小写。这意味着,例如,搜索“Point”将针对“Point *p”的得分高于针对“被任命为理事会成员”的得分。
+與網路搜尋不同,我們不僅僅對應令牌。但是,如果存在乾淨的標記對應(即,搜尋詞與帶有某種形式的中斷(例如空格)的內容對應),則會應用進一步的提升並考慮區分大小寫。這意味著,例如,搜尋『Point』將針對『Point *p』的得分高於針對『被任命為理事會成員』的得分。
-For convenience, a default search matches filename and qualified symbols[^14] ion to the actual file content. A user can specify the particular kind of match, but they don’t need to. The scoring boosts symbol and filename matches over normal content matches to reflect the inferred intent of the developer. Just as with web searches, developers can add more terms to the search to make queries more specific.It’s very common for a query to be “qualified” with hints about the filename (e.g.,“base” or “myproject”). Scoring leverages this by boosting results where much of the query occurs in the full path of the potential result, putting such results ahead of those that contain only the words in random places in their content.
+For convenience, a default search matches filename and qualified symbols[^14] ion to the actual file content. A user can specify the particular kind of match, but they don」t need to. The scoring boosts symbol and filename matches over normal content matches to reflect the inferred intent of the developer. Just as with web searches, developers can add more terms to the search to make queries more specific.It」s very common for a query to be 『qualified』 with hints about the filename (e.g.,『base』 or 『myproject』). Scoring leverages this by boosting results where much of the query occurs in the full path of the potential result, putting such results ahead of those that contain only the words in random places in their content.
-为方便起见,除了实际文件内容外,默认搜索还匹配文件名和限定符号。用户可以指定特定类型的匹配,但他们不需要。与正常的内容匹配相比,该评分提高了符号和文件名匹配,超过了普通内容匹配。与 Web 搜索一样,开发人员可以在搜索中添加更多术语以使查询更加具体。查询通常被“限定”为包含文件名的提示(例如,“基础”或“我的项目”)。评分通过提升大部分查询出现在潜在结果的完整路径中的结果来利用这一点,将此类结果置于仅包含其内容中随机位置的单词的结果之前。
+為方便起見,除了實際檔案內容外,預設搜尋還對應檔案名和限定符號。使用者可以指定特定型別的對應,但他們不需要。與正常的內容對應相比,該評分提高了符號和檔案名對應,超過了普通內容對應。與 Web 搜尋一樣,開發人員可以在搜尋中新增更多術語以使查詢更加具體。查詢通常被『限定』為包含檔案名的提示(例如,『基礎』或『我的專案』)。評分透過提升大部分查詢出現在潛在結果的完整路徑中的結果來利用這一點,將此類結果置於僅包含其內容中隨機位置的單詞的結果之前。
-> [^14]: In programming languages, a symbol such as a function “Alert” often is defined in a particular scope, such as class (“Monitor”) or namespace (“absl”). The qualified name might then be absl::Monitor::Alert, and this is indable, even if it doesn’t occur in the actual text.
+> [^14]: In programming languages, a symbol such as a function 『Alert』 often is defined in a particular scope, such as class (『Monitor』) or namespace (『absl』). The qualified name might then be absl::Monitor::Alert, and this is indable, even if it doesn」t occur in the actual text.
-> 14 在编程语言中,像函数 "Alert "这样的符号经常被定义在一个特定的范围内,例如类("Monitor")或命名空间("absl")。因此,限定的名称可能是absl::Monitor::Alert,这是可以理解的,即使它没有出现在实际文本中。
+> 14 在編程語言中,像函式 "Alert "這樣的符號經常被定義在一個特定的範圍內,例如類("Monitor")或命名空間("absl")。因此,限定的名稱可能是absl::Monitor::Alert,這是可以理解的,即使它沒有出現在實際文字中。
-#### Retrieval 恢复
+#### Retrieval 恢復
Before a document can be scored, candidates that are likely to match the search query are found. This phase is called retrieval. Because it is not practical to retrieve all documents, but only retrieved documents can be scored, retrieval and scoring must work well together to find the most relevant documents. A typical example is to search for a class name. Depending on the popularity of the class, it can have thousands of usages, but potentially only one definition. If the search was not explicitly restricted to class definitions, retrieval of a fixed number of results might stop before the file with the single definition was reached. Obviously, the problem becomes more challenging as the codebase grows.
The main challenge for the retrieval phase is to find the few highly relevant files among the bulk of less interesting ones. One solution that works quite well is called supplemental retrieval. The idea is to rewrite the original query into more specialized ones. In our example, this would mean that a supplemental query would restrict the search to only definitions and filenames and add the newly retrieved documents to the output of the retrieval phase. In a naive implementation of supplemental retrieval, more documents need to be scored, but the additional partial scoring information gained can be used to fully evaluate only the most promising documents from the retrieval phase.
-#### Result diversity 结果多样性
+#### Result diversity 結果多樣性
Another aspect of search is diversity of results, meaning trying to give the best results in multiple categories. A simple example would be to provide both the Java and Python matches for a simple function name, rather than filling the first page of results with one or the other.
-搜索的另一个方面是结果的多样性,这意味着试图在多个类别中给出最好的结果。一个简单的例子是为一个简单的函数名提供 Java 和 Python 匹配,而不是用一个或另一个填充结果的第一页。
+搜尋的另一個方面是結果的多樣性,這意味著試圖在多個類別中給出最好的結果。一個簡單的例子是為一個簡單的函式名提供 Java 和 Python 對應,而不是用一個或另一個填充結果的第一頁。
-This is especially important when the intent of the user is not clear. One of the challenges with diversity is that there are many different categories—like functions,classes, filenames, local results, usages, tests, examples, and so on—into which results can be grouped, but that there isn’t a lot of space in the UI to show results for all of them or even all combinations, nor would it always be desirable. Google’s Code Search doesn’t do this as well as web search does, but the drop-down list of suggested results (like the autocompletions of web search) is tweaked to provide a diverse set of top filenames, definitions, and matches in the user’s current workspace.
+This is especially important when the intent of the user is not clear. One of the challenges with diversity is that there are many different categories—like functions,classes, filenames, local results, usages, tests, examples, and so on—into which results can be grouped, but that there isn」t a lot of space in the UI to show results for all of them or even all combinations, nor would it always be desirable. Google」s Code Search doesn」t do this as well as web search does, but the drop-down list of suggested results (like the autocompletions of web search) is tweaked to provide a diverse set of top filenames, definitions, and matches in the user」s current workspace.
-当用户的意图不明确时,这一点尤其重要。多样性的挑战之一是有许多不同的类别—如函数、类、文件名、本地结果、用法、测试、示例等—结果可以分组,但没有很多UI 中的空间来显示所有结果甚至所有组合的结果,也不总是可取的。 Google 的代码搜索在这方面的表现不如网络搜索,但建议结果的下拉列表(如网络搜索的自动完成)经过调整,可以匹配用户的当前工作区。
+當用戶的意圖不明確時,這一點尤其重要。多樣性的挑戰之一是有許多不同的類別—如函式、類、檔案名、本地結果、用法、測試、範例等—結果可以分組,但沒有很多UI 中的空間來顯示所有結果甚至所有組合的結果,也不總是可取的。 Google 的程式碼搜尋在這方面的表現不如網路搜尋,但建議結果的下拉清單(如網路搜尋的自動完成)經過調整,可以對應使用者的當前工作區。
-## Selected Trade-Offs 选择的权衡
+## Selected Trade-Offs 選擇的權衡
-Implementing Code Search within a codebase the size of Google’s and keeping it responsive involved making a variety of trade-offs. These are noted in the following section.
+Implementing Code Search within a codebase the size of Google」s and keeping it responsive involved making a variety of trade-offs. These are noted in the following section.
-在 Google 这么大量级的代码库中实现代码搜索并保持其响应速度需要做出各种权衡。这些将在下一节中注明。
+在 Google 這麼大量級的程式碼庫中實現程式碼搜尋並保持其回應速度需要做出各種權衡。這些將在下一節中註明。
-### Completeness: Repository at Head 完整性:仓库头部
+### Completeness: Repository at Head 完整性:倉庫頭部
-We’ve seen that a larger codebase has negative consequences for search; for example, slower and more expensive indexing, slower queries, and noisier results. Can these costs be reduced by sacrificing completeness; in other words, leaving some content out of the index? The answer is yes, but with caution. Nontext files (binaries, images, videos, sound, etc.) are usually not meant to be read by humans and are dropped apart from their filename. Because they are huge, this saves a lot of resources. A more borderline case involves generated JavaScript files. Due to obfuscation and the loss of structure, they are pretty much unreadable for humans, so excluding them from the index is usually a good trade-off, reducing indexing resources and noise at the cost of completeness. Empirically, multimegabyte files rarely contain information relevant for developers, so excluding extreme cases is probably the correct choice.
+We」ve seen that a larger codebase has negative consequences for search; for example, slower and more expensive indexing, slower queries, and noisier results. Can these costs be reduced by sacrificing completeness; in other words, leaving some content out of the index? The answer is yes, but with caution. Nontext files (binaries, images, videos, sound, etc.) are usually not meant to be read by humans and are dropped apart from their filename. Because they are huge, this saves a lot of resources. A more borderline case involves generated JavaScript files. Due to obfuscation and the loss of structure, they are pretty much unreadable for humans, so excluding them from the index is usually a good trade-off, reducing indexing resources and noise at the cost of completeness. Empirically, multimegabyte files rarely contain information relevant for developers, so excluding extreme cases is probably the correct choice.
-我们已经看到,更大的代码库会对搜索产生负面影响;例如,更慢且更昂贵的索引、更慢的查询和更嘈杂的结果。是否可以通过牺牲完整性来降低这些成本?换句话说,将一些内容排除在索引之外?答案是肯定的,但要谨慎。非文本文件(二进制文件、图像、视频、声音等)通常不适合人类阅读,除了文件名之外,其他内容通常被排除。因为它们很大,所以可以节省大量资源。更边缘的情况涉及生成的 JavaScript 文件。由于混淆和结构丢失,它们对人类来说几乎是不可读的,因此将它们从索引中排除通常是一个很好的权衡,以完整性为代价减少索引资源和噪音。根据经验,数兆字节的文件很少包含与开发人员相关的信息,因此排除极端情况可能是正确的选择。
+我們已經看到,更大的程式碼庫會對搜尋產生負面影響;例如,更慢且更昂貴的索引、更慢的查詢和更嘈雜的結果。是否可以透過犧牲完整性來降低這些成本?換句話說,將一些內容排除在索引之外?答案是肯定的,但要謹慎。非文字檔案(二進位檔案、影象、影片、聲音等)通常不適合人類閱讀,除了檔案名之外,其他內容通常被排除。因為它們很大,所以可以節省大量資源。更邊緣的情況涉及生成的 JavaScript 檔案。由於混淆和結構丟失,它們對人類來說幾乎是不可讀的,因此將它們從索引中排除通常是一個很好的權衡,以完整性為代價減少索引資源和噪音。根據經驗,數MB的檔案很少包含與開發人員相關的訊息,因此排除極端情況可能是正確的選擇。
-However, dropping files from the index has one big drawback. For developers to rely on Code Search, they need to be able to trust it. Unfortunately, it is generally impossible to give feedback about incomplete search results for a specific search if the dropped files weren’t indexed in the first place. The resulting confusion and productivity loss for developers is a high price to pay for the saved resources. Even if developers are fully aware of the limitations, if they still need to perform their search, they will do so in an ad hoc and error-prone way. Given these rare but potentially high costs, we choose to err on the side of indexing too much, with quite high limits that are mostly picked to prevent abuse and guarantee system stability rather than to save resources.
+However, dropping files from the index has one big drawback. For developers to rely on Code Search, they need to be able to trust it. Unfortunately, it is generally impossible to give feedback about incomplete search results for a specific search if the dropped files weren」t indexed in the first place. The resulting confusion and productivity loss for developers is a high price to pay for the saved resources. Even if developers are fully aware of the limitations, if they still need to perform their search, they will do so in an ad hoc and error-prone way. Given these rare but potentially high costs, we choose to err on the side of indexing too much, with quite high limits that are mostly picked to prevent abuse and guarantee system stability rather than to save resources.
-In the other direction, generated files aren’t in the codebase but would often be useful to index. Currently they are not, because indexing them would require integrating the tools and configuration to create them, which would be a massive source of complexity, confusion, and latency.
+In the other direction, generated files aren」t in the codebase but would often be useful to index. Currently they are not, because indexing them would require integrating the tools and configuration to create them, which would be a massive source of complexity, confusion, and latency.
-### Completeness: All Versus Most-Relevant Results 完整性:所有结果与最相关结果
+### Completeness: All Versus Most-Relevant Results 完整性:所有結果與最相關結果
Normal search sacrifices completeness for speed, essentially gambling that ranking will ensure that the top results will contain all of the desired results. And indeed, for Code Search, ranked search is the more common case in which the user is looking for one particular thing, such as a function definition, potentially among millions of matches. However, sometimes developers want all results; for example, finding all occurrences of a particular symbol for refactoring. Needing all results is common for analysis, tooling, or refactoring, such as a global search and replace. The need to deliver all results is a fundamental difference to web search in which many shortcuts can be taken, such as to only consider highly ranked items.
-正常搜索会牺牲完整性来换取速度,本质上是在赌排行会确保靠前的结果包含所有所需的结果。事实上,对于代码搜索,排行搜索是更常见的情况,例如用户正在寻找一个特定的东西,函数定义,可能在数百万个匹配项中。但是,有时开发人员想要所有结果;例如,查找特定符号的所有地方以进行重构。分析、工具或重构(例如全局搜索和替换)通常需要所有结果。提供所有结果的需求是与 Web 搜索之间的根本区别,其中可以采用许多捷径,例如只考虑排行较高的项目。
+正常搜尋會犧牲完整性來換取速度,本質上是在賭排行會確保靠前的結果包含所有所需的結果。事實上,對於程式碼搜尋,排行搜尋是更常見的情況,例如使用者正在尋找一個特定的東西,函式定義,可能在數百萬個對應項中。但是,有時開發人員想要所有結果;例如,查詢特定符號的所有地方以進行重構。分析、工具或重構(例如全域搜尋和替換)通常需要所有結果。提供所有結果的需求是與 Web 搜尋之間的根本區別,其中可以採用許多捷徑,例如只考慮排行較高的專案。
-Being able to deliver all results for very large result sets has high cost, but we felt it was required for tooling, and for developers to trust the results. However, because for most queries only a few results are relevant (either there are only a few matches[^15] or only a few are interesting), we didn’t want to sacrifice average speed for potential completeness.
+Being able to deliver all results for very large result sets has high cost, but we felt it was required for tooling, and for developers to trust the results. However, because for most queries only a few results are relevant (either there are only a few matches[^15] or only a few are interesting), we didn」t want to sacrifice average speed for potential completeness.
To achieve both goals with one architecture, we split the codebase into shards with files ordered by their priority. Then, we usually need to consider only the matches to high priority files from each chunk. This is similar to how web search works. However, if requested, Code Search can fetch all results from each chunk, to guarantee finding all results.[^16] This lets us address both use cases, without typical searches being slowed down by the less frequently used capability of returning large, complete results sets. Results can also then be delivered in alphabetical order, rather than ranked, which is useful for some tools.
So, here the trade-off was a more complex implementation and API versus greater capabilities, rather than the more obvious latency versus completeness.
-因此,这里权衡的是更复杂的实现和 API 与更强大的功能,而不是更明显的延迟与完整性。
+因此,這裡權衡的是更復雜的實現和 API 與更強大的功能,而不是更明顯的延遲與完整性。
> [^15]: An analysis of queries showed that about one-third of user searches have fewer than 20 results.
-> 15 对查询的分析表明,大约三分之一的用户搜索结果少于20个。
+> 15 對查詢的分析表明,大約三分之一的使用者搜尋結果少於20個。
-> [^16]: In practice, even more happens behind the scenes so that responses don’t become painfully huge and developers don’t bring down the whole system by making searches that match nearly everything (imagine searching for the letter “i” or a single space).
+> [^16]: In practice, even more happens behind the scenes so that responses don」t become painfully huge and developers don」t bring down the whole system by making searches that match nearly everything (imagine searching for the letter 『i』 or a single space).
-> 16在实践中,更多的事情发生在幕后,因此响应不会变得异常巨大,开发人员也不会通过搜索几乎所有内容来破坏整个系统(想象一下搜索字母“i”或单个空格)
+> 16在實踐中,更多的事情發生在幕後,因此回應不會變得異常巨大,開發人員也不會透過搜尋幾乎所有內容來破壞整個系統(想象一下搜尋字母『i』或單個空格)
-### Completeness: Head Versus Branches Versus All History Versus Workspaces 完整性:Head vs 分支 vs 所有历史 vs 工作区
+### Completeness: Head Versus Branches Versus All History Versus Workspaces 完整性:Head vs 分支 vs 所有歷史 vs 工作區
-Related to the dimension of corpus size is the question of which code versions should be indexed: specifically, whether anything more than the current snapshot of code (“head”) should be indexed. System complexity, resource consumption, and overall cost increase drastically if more than a single file revision is indexed. To our knowledge, no IDE indexes anything but the current version of code. When looking at distributed version control systems like Git or Mercurial, a lot of their efficiency comes from the compression of their historical data. But the compactness of these representations becomes lost when constructing reverse indices. Another issue is that it is difficult to efficiently index graph structures, which are the basis for Distributed Version Control Systems.
+Related to the dimension of corpus size is the question of which code versions should be indexed: specifically, whether anything more than the current snapshot of code (『head』) should be indexed. System complexity, resource consumption, and overall cost increase drastically if more than a single file revision is indexed. To our knowledge, no IDE indexes anything but the current version of code. When looking at distributed version control systems like Git or Mercurial, a lot of their efficiency comes from the compression of their historical data. But the compactness of these representations becomes lost when constructing reverse indices. Another issue is that it is difficult to efficiently index graph structures, which are the basis for Distributed Version Control Systems.
-与语料库大小相关的是应该索引哪些代码版本的问题:具体来说,是否应该索引除当前代码快照(“head”)之外的任何内容。如果索引多个文件修订版,系统复杂性、资源消耗和总体成本会急剧增加。据我们所知,除了当前版本的代码之外,没有任何 IDE 索引任何内容。在查看像 Git 或 Mercurial 这样的分布式版本控制系统时,它们的很多效率都来自对历史数据的压缩。但是在构建反向索引时,这些表示的紧凑性会丢失。另一个问题是很难有效地索引图结构,这是分布式版本控制系统的基础。
+與語料庫大小相關的是應該索引哪些程式碼版本的問題:具體來說,是否應該索引除當前程式碼快照(『head』)之外的任何內容。如果索引多個檔案修訂版,系統複雜性、資源消耗和總體成本會急劇增加。據我們所知,除了當前版本的程式碼之外,沒有任何 IDE 索引任何內容。在檢視像 Git 或 Mercurial 這樣的分散式版本控制系統時,它們的很多效率都來自對歷史資料的壓縮。但是在建立反向索引時,這些表示的緊湊性會丟失。另一個問題是很難有效地索引圖結構,這是分散式版本控制系統的基礎。
Although it is difficult to index multiple versions of a repository, doing so allows the exploration of how code has changed and finding deleted code. Within Google, Code Search indexes the (linear) Piper history. This means that the codebase can be searched at an arbitrary snapshot of the code, for deleted code, or even for code authored by certain people.
-尽管索引存储库的多个版本很困难,但这样做可以探索代码如何更改并找到已删除的代码。在 Google 中,代码搜索索引(线性)Piper 历史。这意味着可以在代码的任意快照中搜索代码库,查找已删除的代码,甚至是某些人创作的代码。
+儘管索引儲存庫的多個版本很困難,但這樣做可以探索程式碼如何更改並找到已刪除的程式碼。在 Google 中,程式碼搜尋索引(線性)Piper 歷史。這意味著可以在程式碼的任意快照中搜索程式碼庫,查詢已刪除的程式碼,甚至是某些人創作的程式碼。
-One big benefit is that obsolete code can now simply be deleted from the codebase. Before, code was often moved into directories marked as obsolete so that it could still be found later. The full history index also laid the foundation for searching effectively in people’s workspaces (unsubmitted changes), which are synced to a specific snapshot of the codebase. For the future, a historical index opens up the possibility of interesting signals to use when ranking, such as authorship, code activity, and so on. Workspaces are very different from the global repository:
+One big benefit is that obsolete code can now simply be deleted from the codebase. Before, code was often moved into directories marked as obsolete so that it could still be found later. The full history index also laid the foundation for searching effectively in people」s workspaces (unsubmitted changes), which are synced to a specific snapshot of the codebase. For the future, a historical index opens up the possibility of interesting signals to use when ranking, such as authorship, code activity, and so on. Workspaces are very different from the global repository:
- Each developer can have their own workspaces.
- There are usually a small number of changed files within a workspace.
- The files being worked on are changing frequently.
- A workspace exists only for a relatively short time period.
-- 每个开发人员都可以拥有自己的工作区。
-- 工作空间中通常有少量更改的文件。
-- 正在处理的文件经常更改。
-- 工作空间仅存在相对较短的时间段。
+- 每個開發人員都可以擁有自己的工作區。
+- 工作空間中通常有少量更改的檔案。
+- 正在處理的檔案經常更改。
+- 工作空間僅存在相對較短的時間段。
To provide value, a workspace index must reflect exactly the current state of the workspace.
-### Expressiveness: Token Versus Substring Versus Regex 表现力:令牌与子字符串与正则表达式
+### Expressiveness: Token Versus Substring Versus Regex 表現力:令牌與子字串與正則表示式
-The effect of scale is greatly influenced by the supported search feature set. Code Search supports regular expression (regex) search, which adds power to the query language, allowing whole groups of terms to be specified or excluded, and they can be used on any text, which is especially helpful for documents and languages for which deeper semantic tools don’t exist.
+The effect of scale is greatly influenced by the supported search feature set. Code Search supports regular expression (regex) search, which adds power to the query language, allowing whole groups of terms to be specified or excluded, and they can be used on any text, which is especially helpful for documents and languages for which deeper semantic tools don」t exist.
-规模的效果受到支持的搜索特征集的很大影响。代码搜索支持正则表达式 (regex) 搜索,这增加了查询语言的功能,允许指定或排除整组术语,并且它们可以用于任何文本,在不存在更深层次的语义工具的情况下,对于文档和语言特别有用。
+規模的效果受到支援的搜尋特徵集的很大影響。程式碼搜尋支援正則表示式 (regex) 搜尋,這增加了查詢語言的功能,允許指定或排除整組術語,並且它們可以用於任何文字,在不存在更深層次的語義工具的情況下,對於文件和語言特別有用。
-Developers are also used to using regular expressions in other tools (e.g., grep) and contexts, so they provide powerful search without adding to a developer’s cognitive load. This power comes at a cost given that creating an index to query them efficiently is challenging. What simpler options exist?
+Developers are also used to using regular expressions in other tools (e.g., grep) and contexts, so they provide powerful search without adding to a developer」s cognitive load. This power comes at a cost given that creating an index to query them efficiently is challenging. What simpler options exist?
-开发人员还习惯于在其他工具(例如 grep)和上下文中使用正则表达式,因此它们提供了强大的搜索功能,而不会增加开发人员的认知负担。鉴于创建索引以有效地查询它们具有挑战性,因此这种能力是有代价的。有哪些更简单的选择?
+開發人員還習慣於在其他工具(例如 grep)和上下文中使用正則表示式,因此它們提供了強大的搜尋功能,而不會增加開發人員的認知負擔。鑑於建立索引以有效地查詢它們具有挑戰性,因此這種能力是有代價的。有哪些更簡單的選擇?
-A token-based index (i.e., words) scales well because it stores only a fraction of the actual source code and is well supported by standard search engines. The downside is that many use cases are tricky or even impossible to realize efficiently with a tokenbased index when dealing with source code, which attaches meaning to many characters typically ignored when tokenizing. For example, searching for “function()” versus “function(x)”, “(x ^ y)”, or “=== myClass” is difficult or impossible in most token-based searches.
+A token-based index (i.e., words) scales well because it stores only a fraction of the actual source code and is well supported by standard search engines. The downside is that many use cases are tricky or even impossible to realize efficiently with a tokenbased index when dealing with source code, which attaches meaning to many characters typically ignored when tokenizing. For example, searching for 『function()』 versus 『function(x)』, 『(x ^ y)』, or 『=== myClass』 is difficult or impossible in most token-based searches.
-基于标记的索引(例如:单词)可以很好地扩展,因为它只存储实际源代码的一小部分,并且得到标准搜索引擎的良好支持。不利的一面是,在处理源代码时,使用基于标记的索引来有效地实现许多用例是棘手的,甚至不可能有效地实现,这为标记化时通常被忽略的许多字符附加了意义。例如,在大多数基于标记的搜索中,搜索“function()”与“function(x)”、“(x ^ y)”或“=== myClass”是困难的或不可能的。
+基於標記的索引(例如:單詞)可以很好地擴充套件,因為它只儲存實際原始碼的一小部分,並且得到標準搜尋引擎的良好支援。不利的一面是,在處理原始碼時,使用基於標記的索引來有效地實現許多用例是棘手的,甚至不可能有效地實現,這為標記化時通常被忽略的許多字元附加了意義。例如,在大多數基於標記的搜尋中,搜尋『function()』與『function(x)』、『(x ^ y)』或『=== myClass』是困難的或不可能的。
Another problem of tokenization is that tokenization of code identifiers is ill defined. Identifiers can be written in many ways, such as CamelCase, snake_case, or even justmashedtogether without any word separator. Finding an identifier when remembering only some of the words is a challenge for a token-based index.
-标记化的另一个问题是代码标识符的标记化定义不明确。标识符可以用多种方式编写,例如 CamelCase、snake_case,甚至只是混合在一起而无需任何单词分隔符。在只记住一些单词时找到一个标识符对于基于标记的索引来说是一个挑战。
+標記化的另一個問題是程式碼識別符號的標記化定義不明確。識別符號可以用多種方式編寫,例如 CamelCase、snake_case,甚至只是混合在一起而無需任何單詞分隔符。在只記住一些單詞時找到一個識別符號對於基於標記的索引來說是一個挑戰。
-Tokenization also typically doesn’t care about the case of letters (“r” versus “R”), and will often blur words; for example, reducing “searching” and “searched” to the same stem token search. This lack of precision is a significant problem when searching code. Finally, tokenization makes it impossible to search on whitespace or other word delimiters (commas, parentheses), which can be very important in code.
+Tokenization also typically doesn」t care about the case of letters (『r』 versus 『R』), and will often blur words; for example, reducing 『searching』 and 『searched』 to the same stem token search. This lack of precision is a significant problem when searching code. Finally, tokenization makes it impossible to search on whitespace or other word delimiters (commas, parentheses), which can be very important in code.
A next step up[^17] in searching power is full substring search in which any sequence of characters can be searched for. One fairly efficient way to provide this is via a trigram-based index. [^18] In its simplest form, the resulting index size is still much smaller than the original source code size. However, the small size comes at the cost of relatively low recall accuracy compared to other substring indices. This means slower queries because the nonmatches need to be filtered out of the result set. This is where a good compromise between index size, search latency, and resource consumption must be found that depends heavily on codebase size, resource availability, and searches per second.
-If a substring index is available, it’s easy to extend it to allow regular expression searches. The basic idea is to convert the regular expression automaton into a set of substring searches. This conversion is straightforward for a trigram index and can be generalized to other substring indices. Because there is no perfect regular expression index, it will always be possible to construct queries that result in a brute-force search. However, given that only a small fraction of user queries are complex regular expressions, in practice, the approximation via substring indices works very well.
+If a substring index is available, it」s easy to extend it to allow regular expression searches. The basic idea is to convert the regular expression automaton into a set of substring searches. This conversion is straightforward for a trigram index and can be generalized to other substring indices. Because there is no perfect regular expression index, it will always be possible to construct queries that result in a brute-force search. However, given that only a small fraction of user queries are complex regular expressions, in practice, the approximation via substring indices works very well.
> [^17]: There are other intermediate varieties, such as building a prefix/suffix index, but generally they provide less expressiveness in search queries while still having high complexity and indexing costs.
-> 17 还有其他的类似方式,如建立前缀/后缀索引,但一般来说,它们在搜索查询中提供的表达能力较低,同时仍有较高的复杂性和索引成本。
+> 17 還有其他的類似方式,如建立字首/字尾索引,但一般來說,它們在搜尋查詢中提供的表達能力較低,同時仍有較高的複雜性和索引成本。
-[^18]: Russ Cox, “Regular Expression Matching with a Trigram Index or How Google Code Search Worked.”
+[^18]: Russ Cox, 『Regular Expression Matching with a Trigram Index or How Google Code Search Worked.』
-> 18 Russ Cox,"用三元索引进行正则表达式匹配或谷歌代码搜索的工作原理"。
+> 18 Russ Cox,"用三元索引進行正則表示式對應或谷歌程式碼搜尋的工作原理"。
-## Conclusion 结论
+## Conclusion 結論
-Code Search grew from an organic replacement for grep into a central tool boosting developer productivity, leveraging Google’s web search technology along the way. What does this mean for you, though? If you are on a small project that easily fits in your IDE, probably not much. If you are responsible for the productivity of engineers on a larger codebase, there are probably some insights to be gained.
+Code Search grew from an organic replacement for grep into a central tool boosting developer productivity, leveraging Google」s web search technology along the way. What does this mean for you, though? If you are on a small project that easily fits in your IDE, probably not much. If you are responsible for the productivity of engineers on a larger codebase, there are probably some insights to be gained.
-代码搜索从 grep 的有机替代品发展成为提高开发人员生产力的核心工具,并在此过程中利用了 Google 的网络搜索技术。不过,这对你意味着什么?如果你在一个很容易融入你的 IDE 的小项目上,可能不多。如果你负责在更大的代码库上提高工程师的生产力,那么你可能会获得一些见解。
+程式碼搜尋從 grep 的有機替代品發展成為提高開發人員生產力的核心工具,並在此過程中利用了 Google 的網路搜尋技術。不過,這對你意味著什麼?如果你在一個很容易融入你的 IDE 的小專案上,可能不多。如果你負責在更大的程式碼庫上提高工程師的生產力,那麼你可能會獲得一些見解。
-The most important one is perhaps obvious: understanding code is key to developing and maintaining it, and this means that investing in understanding code will yield dividends that might be difficult to measure, but are real. Every feature we added to Code Search was and is used by developers to help them in their daily work (admittedly some more than others). Two of the most important features, Kythe integration (i.e., adding semantic code understanding) and finding working examples, are also the most clearly tied to understanding code (versus, for example, finding it, or seeing how it’s changed). In terms of tool impact, no one uses a tool that they don’t know exists, so it is also important to make developers aware of the available tooling—at Google, it is part of “Noogler” training, the onboarding training for newly hired software engineers.
+The most important one is perhaps obvious: understanding code is key to developing and maintaining it, and this means that investing in understanding code will yield dividends that might be difficult to measure, but are real. Every feature we added to Code Search was and is used by developers to help them in their daily work (admittedly some more than others). Two of the most important features, Kythe integration (i.e., adding semantic code understanding) and finding working examples, are also the most clearly tied to understanding code (versus, for example, finding it, or seeing how it」s changed). In terms of tool impact, no one uses a tool that they don」t know exists, so it is also important to make developers aware of the available tooling—at Google, it is part of 『Noogler』 training, the onboarding training for newly hired software engineers.
-最重要的一点可能是显而易见的:理解代码是开发和维护代码的关键,这意味着投资在理解代码上将产生可能难以衡量但实实在在的红利。我们添加到代码搜索中的每个功能都被开发人员用来帮助他们完成日常工作(诚然,其中一些功能比其他功能更有用)。两个最重要的功能,Kythe 集成(即添加语义代码理解)和查找工作示例,也与理解代码最明显相关(例如,查找代码或查看代码如何更改)。就工具影响而言,没有人使用他们不知道存在的工具,因此让开发人员了解可用工具也很重要——在谷歌,它是“Noogler”培训的一部分,即新人的入职培训和聘请的软件工程师培训。
+最重要的一點可能是顯而易見的:理解程式碼是開發和維護程式碼的關鍵,這意味著投資在理解程式碼上將產生可能難以衡量但實實在在的紅利。我們新增到程式碼搜尋中的每個功能都被開發人員用來幫助他們完成日常工作(誠然,其中一些功能比其他功能更有用)。兩個最重要的功能,Kythe 整合(即新增語義程式碼理解)和查詢工作範例,也與理解程式碼最明顯相關(例如,查詢程式碼或檢視程式碼如何更改)。就工具影響而言,沒有人使用他們不知道存在的工具,因此讓開發人員瞭解可用工具也很重要——在谷歌,它是『Noogler』培訓的一部分,即新人的入職培訓和聘請的軟體工程師培訓。
For you, this might mean setting up a standard indexing profile for IDEs, sharing knowledge about egrep, running ctags, or setting up some custom indexing tooling, like Code Search. Whatever you do, it will almost certainly be used, and used more, and in different ways than you expected—and your developers will benefit.
-对你而言,这可能意味着为 IDE 设置标准索引配置文件、分享有关 egrep 的知识、运行 ctags 或设置一些自定义索引工具,例如代码搜索。无论你做什么,它几乎肯定会被使用,而且使用得更多,而且使用的方式与你预期的不同—你的开发人员将从中受益。
+對你而言,這可能意味著為 IDE 設定標準索引設定檔案、分享有關 egrep 的知識、執行 ctags 或設定一些自定義索引工具,例如程式碼搜尋。無論你做什麼,它幾乎肯定會被使用,而且使用得更多,而且使用的方式與你預期的不同—你的開發人員將從中受益。
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- Helping your developers understand code can be a big boost to engineering productivity. At Google, the key tool for this is Code Search.
- Code Search has additional value as a basis for other tools and as a central, standard place that all documentation and developer tools link to.
-- The huge size of the Google codebase made a custom tool—as opposed to, for example, grep or an IDE’s indexing—necessary.
-- As an interactive tool, Code Search must be fast, allowing a “question and answer” workflow. It is expected to have low latency in every respect: search, browsing, and indexing.
+- The huge size of the Google codebase made a custom tool—as opposed to, for example, grep or an IDE」s indexing—necessary.
+- As an interactive tool, Code Search must be fast, allowing a 『question and answer』 workflow. It is expected to have low latency in every respect: search, browsing, and indexing.
- t will be widely used only if it is trusted, and will be trusted only if it indexes all code, gives all results, and gives the desired results first. However, earlier, less powerful, versions were both useful and used, as long as their limits were understood.
-- 帮助你的开发人员理解代码可以大大提高工程生产力。在 Google,这方面的关键工具是代码搜索。
-- 作为其他工具的基础以及作为所有文档和开发工具连接到的中心标准位置,代码搜索具有附加价值
-- Google 代码库的庞大规模使得定制工具(例如,与 grep 或 IDE 的索引不同)成为必要。
-- 作为一种交互式工具,代码搜索必须快速,允许“问题和回答”的工作流程。预计在各个方面都有低延迟:搜索,浏览和索引。
-- 只有当它被信任时才会被广泛使用,并且只有当它索引所有代码、给出所有结果并首先给出期望的结果时才会被信任。但是,只要了解其局限性,较早的、功能较弱的版本既有用又可以使用。
+- 幫助你的開發人員理解程式碼可以大大提高工程生產力。在 Google,這方面的關鍵工具是程式碼搜尋。
+- 作為其他工具的基礎以及作為所有文件和開發工具連線到的中心標準位置,程式碼搜尋具有附加價值
+- Google 程式碼庫的龐大規模使得定製工具(例如,與 grep 或 IDE 的索引不同)成為必要。
+- 作為一種互動式工具,程式碼搜尋必須快速,允許『問題和回答』的工作流程。預計在各個方面都有低延遲:搜尋,瀏覽和索引。
+- 只有當它被信任時才會被廣泛使用,並且只有當它索引所有程式碼、給出所有結果並首先給出期望的結果時才會被信任。但是,只要瞭解其侷限性,較早的、功能較弱的版本既有用又可以使用。
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# Build Systems and Build Philosophy
-# 第十八章 构建系统,构建理念
+# 第十八章 建立系統,建立理念
**Written by Erik Kuefler**
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
If you ask Google engineers what they like most about working at Google (besides the free food and cool products), you might hear something surprising: engineers love the build system.[^1] Google has spent a tremendous amount of engineering effort over its lifetime in creating its own build system from the ground up, with the goal of ensuring that our engineers are able to quickly and reliably build code. The effort has been so successful that Blaze, the main component of the build system, has been reimplemented several different times by ex-Googlers who have left the company.[^2] In 2015, Google finally open sourced an implementation of Blaze named Bazel.
> [^1]: In an internal survey, 83% of Googlers reported being satisfied with the build system, making it the fourth most satisfying tool of the 19 surveyed. The average tool had a satisfaction rating of 69%.
-> 1 在一项内部调查中,83%的谷歌用户表示对构建系统感到满意,这使其成为19个被调查工具中第四个最令人满意的工具。平均工具的满意度为69%。
+> 1 在一項內部調查中,83%的谷歌使用者表示對建立系統感到滿意,這使其成為19個被調查工具中第四個最令人滿意的工具。平均工具的滿意度為69%。
> [^2]: See `https://buck.build/` and `https://www.pantsbuild.org/index.html`.
-> 2 查阅 `https://buck.build/` and `https://www.pantsbuild.org/index.html`
+> 2 查閱 `https://buck.build/` and `https://www.pantsbuild.org/index.html`
-## Purpose of a Build System 构建系统的目的
+## Purpose of a Build System 建立系統的目的
Fundamentally, all build systems have a straightforward purpose: they transform the source code written by engineers into executable binaries that can be read by machines. A good build system will generally try to optimize for two important properties:
@@ -31,52 +31,52 @@ Fundamentally, all build systems have a straightforward purpose: they transform
Every time any developer runs a build on any machine, they should get the same result (assuming that the source files and other inputs are the same).
- 开发人员应该能够输入简单的命令来运行构建并返回生成的二进制文件,而且只需几秒钟
- 任何开发人员在任何机器上运行构建,他们都应该得到相同的结果(假设源文件和其他输入是相同的)。
+ 開發人員應該能夠輸入簡單的指令來執行建立並回傳生成的二進位檔案,而且只需幾秒鐘
+ 任何開發人員在任何機器上執行建立,他們都應該得到相同的結果(假設源檔案和其他輸入是相同的)。
-Many older build systems attempt to make trade-offs between speed and correctness by taking shortcuts that can lead to inconsistent builds. Bazel’s main objective is to avoid having to choose between speed and correctness, providing a build system structured to ensure that it’s always possible to build code efficiently and consistently.
+Many older build systems attempt to make trade-offs between speed and correctness by taking shortcuts that can lead to inconsistent builds. Bazel」s main objective is to avoid having to choose between speed and correctness, providing a build system structured to ensure that it」s always possible to build code efficiently and consistently.
-Build systems aren’t just for humans; they also allow machines to create builds automatically, whether for testing or for releases to production. In fact, the large majority of builds at Google are triggered automatically rather than directly by engineers. Nearly all of our development tools tie into the build system in some way, giving huge amounts of value to everyone working on our codebase. Here’s a small sample of workflows that take advantage of our automated build system:
+Build systems aren」t just for humans; they also allow machines to create builds automatically, whether for testing or for releases to production. In fact, the large majority of builds at Google are triggered automatically rather than directly by engineers. Nearly all of our development tools tie into the build system in some way, giving huge amounts of value to everyone working on our codebase. Here」s a small sample of workflows that take advantage of our automated build system:
- Code is automatically built, tested, and pushed to production without any human intervention. Different teams do this at different rates: some teams push weekly, others daily, and others as fast as the system can create and validate new builds. (see Chapter 24).
-- Developer changes are automatically tested when they’re sent for code review (see Chapter 19) so that both the author and reviewer can immediately see any build or test issues caused by the change.
+- Developer changes are automatically tested when they」re sent for code review (see Chapter 19) so that both the author and reviewer can immediately see any build or test issues caused by the change.
- Changes are tested again immediately before merging them into the trunk, making it much more difficult to submit breaking changes.
- Authors of low-level libraries are able to test their changes across the entire codebase, ensuring that their changes are safe across millions of tests and binaries.
- Engineers are able to create large-scale changes (LSCs) that touch tens of thousands of source files at a time (e.g., renaming a common symbol) while still being able to safely submit and test those changes. We discuss LSCs in greater detail in Chapter 22.
-- 代码自动构建、测试并推送到生产环境,无需任何人工干预。不同的团队以不同的频率做这件事:有些团队每周推送一次,有些团队每天推送一次,有些团队则以系统能够创建和验证新构建的速度推送。(见第24章)。
-- 开发人员的更改在发送给代码审查时自动进行测试(参见第19章),以便作者和审查人员都可以立即看到更改引起的任何构建或测试问题。。
-- 在将修改合并到主干中之前,会立即对其进行测试,这使得提交破坏性修改变得更加困难。
-- 基础库的作者能够在整个代码库中测试他们的修改,确保他们的修改在数百万的测试和二进制文件中是安全的。
-- 工程师们能够创建大规模的变更(LSCs),同时触及数以万计的源文件(例如,重命名公共符号),同时仍然能够安全地提交和测试这些修改。我们将在第22章中更详细地讨论LSCs。
+- 程式碼自動建立、測試並推送到生產環境,無需任何人工干預。不同的團隊以不同的頻率做這件事:有些團隊每週推送一次,有些團隊每天推送一次,有些團隊則以系統能夠建立和驗證新建立的速度推送。(見第24章)。
+- 開發人員的更改在傳送給程式碼審查時自動進行測試(參見第19章),以便作者和審查人員都可以立即看到更改引起的任何建立或測試問題。。
+- 在將修改合併到主幹中之前,會立即對其進行測試,這使得送出破壞性修改變得更加困難。
+- 基礎庫的作者能夠在整個程式碼庫中測試他們的修改,確保他們的修改在數百萬的測試和二進位檔案中是安全的。
+- 工程師們能夠建立大規模的變更(LSCs),同時觸及數以萬計的源檔案(例如,重新命名公共符號),同時仍然能夠安全地送出和測試這些修改。我們將在第22章中更詳細地討論LSCs。
-All of this is possible only because of Google’s investment in its build system. Although Google might be unique in its scale, any organization of any size can realize similar benefits by making proper use of a modern build system. This chapter describes what Google considers to be a “modern build system” and how to use such systems.
+All of this is possible only because of Google」s investment in its build system. Although Google might be unique in its scale, any organization of any size can realize similar benefits by making proper use of a modern build system. This chapter describes what Google considers to be a 『modern build system』 and how to use such systems.
-所有这些都是由于谷歌对其构建系统的投入才得以实现。尽管谷歌的规模是独一无二的,但任何规模的组织都可以通过正确使用现代构建系统实现类似的好处。本章介绍了Google认为的 "现代构建系统"以及如何使用这些系统。
+所有這些都是由於谷歌對其建立系統的投入才得以實現。儘管谷歌的規模是獨一無二的,但任何規模的組織都可以透過正確使用現代建立系統實現類似的好處。本章介紹了Google認為的 "現代建立系統"以及如何使用這些系統。
-## What Happens Without a Build System? 没有构建系统会怎样?
+## What Happens Without a Build System? 沒有建立系統會怎樣?
-Build systems allow your development to scale. As we’ll illustrate in the next section, we run into problems of scaling without a proper build environment.
+Build systems allow your development to scale. As we」ll illustrate in the next section, we run into problems of scaling without a proper build environment.
-### But All I Need Is a Compiler! 但我所需要的只是一个编译器!
+### But All I Need Is a Compiler! 但我所需要的只是一個編譯器!
-The need for a build system might not be immediately obvious. After all, most of us probably didn’t use a build system when we were first learning to code—we probably started by invoking tools like gcc or javac directly from the command line, or the equivalent in an integrated development environment (IDE). As long as all of our source code is in the same directory, a command like this works fine:
+The need for a build system might not be immediately obvious. After all, most of us probably didn」t use a build system when we were first learning to code—we probably started by invoking tools like gcc or javac directly from the command line, or the equivalent in an integrated development environment (IDE). As long as all of our source code is in the same directory, a command like this works fine:
javac *.java
javac *.java
@@ -84,67 +84,67 @@ javac *.java
This instructs the Java compiler to take every Java source file in the current directory and turn it into a binary class file. In the simplest case, this is all that we need.
However, things become more complicated quickly as soon as our code expands. javac is smart enough to look in subdirectories of our current directory to find code that we import. But it has no way of finding code stored in other parts of the filesystem (perhaps a library shared by several of our projects). It also obviously only knows how to build Java code. Large systems often involve different pieces written in a variety of programming languages with webs of dependencies among those pieces, meaning no compiler for a single language can possibly build the entire system.
As soon as we end up having to deal with code from multiple languages or multiple compilation units, building code is no longer a one-step process. We now need to think about what our code depends on and build those pieces in the proper order, possibly using a different set of tools for each piece. If we change any of the dependencies, we need to repeat this process to avoid depending on stale binaries. For a codebase of even moderate size, this process quickly becomes tedious and error-prone.
-The compiler also doesn’t know anything about how to handle external dependencies, such as third-party JAR files in Java. Often the best we can do without a build system is to download the dependency from the internet, stick it in a lib folder on the hard drive, and configure the compiler to read libraries from that directory. Over time, it’s easy to forget what libraries we put in there, where they came from, and whether they’re still in use. And good luck keeping them up to date as the library maintainers release new versions.
+The compiler also doesn」t know anything about how to handle external dependencies, such as third-party JAR files in Java. Often the best we can do without a build system is to download the dependency from the internet, stick it in a lib folder on the hard drive, and configure the compiler to read libraries from that directory. Over time, it」s easy to forget what libraries we put in there, where they came from, and whether they」re still in use. And good luck keeping them up to date as the library maintainers release new versions.
-### Shell Scripts to the Rescue? 来自shell脚本的拯救?
+### Shell Scripts to the Rescue? 來自shell指令碼的拯救?
-Suppose that your hobby project starts out simple enough that you can build it using just a compiler, but you begin running into some of the problems described previously. Maybe you still don’t think you need a real build system and can automate away the tedious parts using some simple shell scripts that take care of building things in the correct order. This helps out for a while, but pretty soon you start running into even more problems:
+Suppose that your hobby project starts out simple enough that you can build it using just a compiler, but you begin running into some of the problems described previously. Maybe you still don」t think you need a real build system and can automate away the tedious parts using some simple shell scripts that take care of building things in the correct order. This helps out for a while, but pretty soon you start running into even more problems:
- It becomes tedious. As your system grows more complex, you begin spending almost as much time working on your build scripts as on real code. Debugging shell scripts is painful, with more and more hacks being layered on top of one another.
-- It’s slow. To make sure you weren’t accidentally relying on stale libraries, you have your build script build every dependency in order every time you run it. You think about adding some logic to detect which parts need to be rebuilt, but that sounds awfully complex and error prone for a script. Or you think about specifying which parts need to be rebuilt each time, but then you’re back to square one.
-- Good news: it’s time for a release! Better go figure out all the arguments you need to pass to the jar command to make your final build. And remember how to upload it and push it out to the central repository. And build and push the documentation updates, and send out a notification to users. Hmm, maybe this calls for another script...
+- It」s slow. To make sure you weren」t accidentally relying on stale libraries, you have your build script build every dependency in order every time you run it. You think about adding some logic to detect which parts need to be rebuilt, but that sounds awfully complex and error prone for a script. Or you think about specifying which parts need to be rebuilt each time, but then you」re back to square one.
+- Good news: it」s time for a release! Better go figure out all the arguments you need to pass to the jar command to make your final build. And remember how to upload it and push it out to the central repository. And build and push the documentation updates, and send out a notification to users. Hmm, maybe this calls for another script...
- Disaster! Your hard drive crashes, and now you need to recreate your entire system. You were smart enough to keep all of your source files in version control, but what about those libraries you downloaded? Can you find them all again and make sure they were the same version as when you first downloaded them? Your scripts probably depended on particular tools being installed in particular places — can you restore that same environment so that the scripts work again? What about all those environment variables you set a long time ago to get the compiler working just right and then forgot about?
-- Despite the problems, your project is successful enough that you’re able to begin hiring more engineers. Now you realize that it doesn’t take a disaster for the previous problems to arise—you need to go through the same painful bootstrapping process every time a new developer joins your team. And despite your best efforts, there are still small differences in each person’s system. Frequently, what works on one person’s machine doesn’t work on another’s, and each time it takes a few hours of debugging tool paths or library versions to figure out where the difference is.
-- You decide that you need to automate your build system. In theory, this is as simple as getting a new computer and setting it up to run your build script every night using cron. You still need to go through the painful setup process, but now you don’t have the benefit of a human brain being able to detect and resolve minor problems. Now, every morning when you get in, you see that last night’s build failed because yesterday a developer made a change that worked on their system but didn’t work on the automated build system. Each time it’s a simple fix, but it happens so often that you end up spending a lot of time each day discovering and applying these simple fixes.
+- Despite the problems, your project is successful enough that you」re able to begin hiring more engineers. Now you realize that it doesn」t take a disaster for the previous problems to arise—you need to go through the same painful bootstrapping process every time a new developer joins your team. And despite your best efforts, there are still small differences in each person」s system. Frequently, what works on one person」s machine doesn」t work on another」s, and each time it takes a few hours of debugging tool paths or library versions to figure out where the difference is.
+- You decide that you need to automate your build system. In theory, this is as simple as getting a new computer and setting it up to run your build script every night using cron. You still need to go through the painful setup process, but now you don」t have the benefit of a human brain being able to detect and resolve minor problems. Now, every morning when you get in, you see that last night」s build failed because yesterday a developer made a change that worked on their system but didn」t work on the automated build system. Each time it」s a simple fix, but it happens so often that you end up spending a lot of time each day discovering and applying these simple fixes.
- Builds become slower and slower as the project grows. One day, while waiting for a build to complete, you gaze mournfully at the idle desktop of your coworker, who is on vacation, and wish there were a way to take advantage of all that wasted computational power.
-- 它变得乏味了。随着你的系统越来越复杂,你开始花在构建脚本上的时间几乎和真正的写代码一样多。调试shell脚本是很痛苦的,越来越多的"黑"操作操作被叠加在一起。
-- 速度很慢。为了确保你没有意外地依赖过时的库,你让你的构建脚本在每次运行时按顺序构建每个依赖。你可以考虑添加一些逻辑来检测哪些部分需要重建,但这对于一个脚本来说听起来非常复杂而且容易出错。或者你可以考虑每次指定哪些部分需要重建,但是你又回到了原点。
-- 好消息是:现在是发布的时候了! 最好弄清楚所有需要传递给jar命令以进行最终构建的参数。并记住如何上传并推送到中央仓库。构建并推送文档更新,并向用户发送通知。嗯,也许这需要另一个脚本......
-- 灾难! 硬盘崩溃了,现在需要重新创建整个系统。你很聪明,把所有的源文件都保存在版本控制中,但是你下载的那些库呢?你能重新找到它们,并确保它们和你第一次下载它们时的版本相同吗?你的脚本可能依赖于特定的工具被安装在特定的地方--你能恢复同样的环境,使脚本再次工作吗?那些你很久以前为了让编译器工作得恰到好处而设置的环境变量,后来又忘记了,怎么办?
-- 尽管有这些问题,你的项目还是足于成功,以至于你能够开始雇用更多的工程师。现在你意识到,不需要一场灾难就会出现以前的问题--每次有新的开发人员加入你的团队,你都需要经历同样痛苦的启动过程。而且,尽管你做了最大的努力,每个人的系统还是有小的差异。通常,在一个人的机器上起作用的东西在另一个人的机器上不起作用,每次调试工具路径或库版本都需要几个小时才能找出差异所在。
-- 你决定需要自动化构建系统。从理论上讲,这就像买一台新的电脑并设置它每天晚上使用cron运行你的构建脚本一样简单。你仍然需要经历痛苦的设置过程,但现在你没有了需要调式检测和解决小问题的好处。现在,每天早上当你进去的时候,你会看到昨晚的构建失败了,因为昨天一个开发者做了一个改变,这个改变在他们的系统上有效,但在自动构建系统上却不起作用。每次都是一个简单的修复,但它经常发生,以至于你每天都要花费大量时间来发现和应用这些简单的修复。
-- 随着项目的发展,构建的速度越来越慢。有一天,在等待构建完成时,你哀怨地注视着正在度假的同事的闲置桌面,希望有一种方法可以充分利用以前的计算能力。
+- 它變得乏味了。隨著你的系統越來越複雜,你開始花在建立指令碼上的時間幾乎和真正的寫程式碼一樣多。除錯shell指令碼是很痛苦的,越來越多的"黑"操作操作被疊加在一起。
+- 速度很慢。為了確保你沒有意外地依賴過時的函式庫,你讓你的建立指令碼在每次執行時按順序建立每個依賴。你可以考慮新增一些邏輯來檢測哪些部分需要重建,但這對於一個指令碼來說聽起來非常複雜而且容易出錯。或者你可以考慮每次指定哪些部分需要重建,但是你又回到了原點。
+- 好訊息是:現在是發布的時候了! 最好弄清楚所有需要傳遞給jar指令以進行最終建立的引數。並記住如何上傳並推送到中央倉庫。建立並推送文件更新,並向用戶傳送通知。嗯,也許這需要另一個指令碼......
+- 災難! 硬碟崩潰了,現在需要重新建立整個系統。你很聰明,把所有的源檔案都儲存在版本控制中,但是你下載的那些函式庫呢?你能重新找到它們,並確保它們和你第一次下載它們時的版本相同嗎?你的指令碼可能依賴於特定的工具被安裝在特定的地方--你能恢復同樣的環境,使指令碼再次工作嗎?那些你很久以前為了讓編譯器工作得恰到好處而設定的環境變數,後來又忘記了,怎麼辦?
+- 儘管有這些問題,你的專案還是足於成功,以至於你能夠開始僱用更多的工程師。現在你意識到,不需要一場災難就會出現以前的問題--每次有新的開發人員加入你的團隊,你都需要經歷同樣痛苦的啟動過程。而且,儘管你做了最大的努力,每個人的系統還是有小的差異。通常,在一個人的機器上起作用的東西在另一個人的機器上不起作用,每次除錯工具路徑或庫版本都需要幾個小時才能找出差異所在。
+- 你決定需要自動化建立系統。從理論上講,這就像買一台新的電腦並設定它每天晚上使用cron執行你的建立指令碼一樣簡單。你仍然需要經歷痛苦的設定過程,但現在你沒有了需要調式檢測和解決小問題的好處。現在,每天早上當你進去的時候,你會看到昨晚的建立失敗了,因為昨天一個開發者做了一個改變,這個改變在他們的系統上有效,但在自動建立系統上卻不起作用。每次都是一個簡單的修復,但它經常發生,以至於你每天都要花費大量時間來發現和應用這些簡單的修復。
+- 隨著專案的發展,建立的速度越來越慢。有一天,在等待建立完成時,你哀怨地注視著正在度假的同事的閒置桌面,希望有一種方法可以充分利用以前的計算能力。
-You’ve run into a classic problem of scale. For a single developer working on at most a couple hundred lines of code for at most a week or two (which might have been the entire experience thus far of a junior developer who just graduated university), a compiler is all you need. Scripts can maybe take you a little bit farther. But as soon as you need to coordinate across multiple developers and their machines, even a perfect build script isn’t enough because it becomes very difficult to account for the minor differences in those machines. At this point, this simple approach breaks down and it’s time to invest in a real build system.
+You」ve run into a classic problem of scale. For a single developer working on at most a couple hundred lines of code for at most a week or two (which might have been the entire experience thus far of a junior developer who just graduated university), a compiler is all you need. Scripts can maybe take you a little bit farther. But as soon as you need to coordinate across multiple developers and their machines, even a perfect build script isn」t enough because it becomes very difficult to account for the minor differences in those machines. At this point, this simple approach breaks down and it」s time to invest in a real build system.
-## Modern Build Systems 现代化的构建系统
+## Modern Build Systems 現代化的建立系統
-Fortunately, all of the problems we started running into have already been solved many times over by existing general-purpose build systems. Fundamentally, they aren’t that different from the aforementioned script-based DIY approach we were working on: they run the same compilers under the hood, and you need to understand those underlying tools to be able to know what the build system is really doing. But these existing systems have gone through many years of development, making them far more robust and flexible than the scripts you might try hacking together yourself.
+Fortunately, all of the problems we started running into have already been solved many times over by existing general-purpose build systems. Fundamentally, they aren」t that different from the aforementioned script-based DIY approach we were working on: they run the same compilers under the hood, and you need to understand those underlying tools to be able to know what the build system is really doing. But these existing systems have gone through many years of development, making them far more robust and flexible than the scripts you might try hacking together yourself.
-### It’s All About Dependencies 一切都是关于依赖关系
+### It」s All About Dependencies 一切都是關於依賴關係
-In looking through the previously described problems, one theme repeats over and over: managing your own code is fairly straightforward, but managing its dependencies is much more difficult (and Chapter 21 )is devoted to covering this problem in detail). There are all sorts of dependencies: sometimes there’s a dependency on a task (e.g., “push the documentation before I mark a release as complete”), and sometimes there’s a dependency on an artifact (e.g., “I need to have the latest version of the computer vision library to build my code”). Sometimes, you have internal dependencies on another part of your codebase, and sometimes you have external dependencies on code or data owned by another team (either in your organization or a third party). But in any case, the idea of “I need that before I can have this” is something that recurs repeatedly in the design of build systems, and managing dependencies is perhaps the most fundamental job of a build system.
+In looking through the previously described problems, one theme repeats over and over: managing your own code is fairly straightforward, but managing its dependencies is much more difficult (and Chapter 21 )is devoted to covering this problem in detail). There are all sorts of dependencies: sometimes there」s a dependency on a task (e.g., 『push the documentation before I mark a release as complete』), and sometimes there」s a dependency on an artifact (e.g., 『I need to have the latest version of the computer vision library to build my code』). Sometimes, you have internal dependencies on another part of your codebase, and sometimes you have external dependencies on code or data owned by another team (either in your organization or a third party). But in any case, the idea of 『I need that before I can have this』 is something that recurs repeatedly in the design of build systems, and managing dependencies is perhaps the most fundamental job of a build system.
-### Task-Based Build Systems 基于任务的构建系统
+### Task-Based Build Systems 基於任務的建立系統
The shell scripts we started developing in the previous section were an example of a primitive task-based build system. In a task-based build system, the fundamental unit of work is the task. Each task is a script of some sort that can execute any sort of logic, and tasks specify other tasks as dependencies that must run before them. Most major build systems in use today, such as Ant, Maven, Gradle, Grunt, and Rake, are task based.
Instead of shell scripts, most modern build systems require engineers to create buildfiles that describe how to perform the build. Take this example from the Ant manual:
``` XML
@@ -186,35 +186,35 @@ simple example build file
The buildfile is written in XML and defines some simple metadata about the build along with a list of tasks (the `` tags in the XML[^3]). Each task executes a list of possible commands defined by Ant, which here include creating and deleting directories, running javac, and creating a JAR file. This set of commands can be extended by user-provided plug-ins to cover any sort of logic. Each task can also define the tasks it depends on via the depends attribute. These dependencies form an acyclic graph (see Figure 18-1).
-Figure 18-1. An acyclic graph showing dependencies 显示依赖关系的无环图
+Figure 18-1. An acyclic graph showing dependencies 顯示依賴關係的無環圖
![Figure 18-1](./images/Figure%2018-1.jpg)
-Users perform builds by providing tasks to Ant’s command-line tool. For example, when a user types ant dist, Ant takes the following steps:
+Users perform builds by providing tasks to Ant」s command-line tool. For example, when a user types ant dist, Ant takes the following steps:
1. Loads a file named *build.xml* in the current directory and parses it to create the graph structure shown in Figure 18-1.
2. Looks for the task named dist that was provided on the command line and discovers that it has a dependency on the task named compile.
3. Looks for the task named compile and discovers that it has a dependency on the task named init.
4. Looks for the task named init and discovers that it has no dependencies.
5. Executes the commands defined in the init task.
-6. Executes the commands defined in the compile task given that all of that task’s dependencies have been run.
-7. Executes the commands defined in the dist task given that all of that task’s dependencies have been run.
+6. Executes the commands defined in the compile task given that all of that task」s dependencies have been run.
+7. Executes the commands defined in the dist task given that all of that task」s dependencies have been run.
-用户通过向Ant的命令行工具提供任务来执行构建。例如,当用户输入ant dist时,Ant会采取以下步骤:
+使用者透過向Ant的指令行工具提供任務來執行建立。例如,當用戶輸入ant dist時,Ant會採取以下步驟:
-1. 在当前目录下加载一个名为*build.xml*的文件,并对其进行解析以创建图18-1所示的图结构。
-2. 寻找命令行上提供的名为dist的任务,并发现它与名为compile的任务有依赖关系。
-3. 寻找名为compile的任务,发现它与名为init的任务有依赖关系。
-4. 查找名为init的任务并确认它没有依赖项。
-5. 执行init任务中定义的命令。
-6. 执行编译任务中定义的命令,前提是该任务的所有依赖项都已运行。
-7. 执行dist任务中定义的命令,前提是该任务的所有依赖项都已运行。
+1. 在當前目錄下載入一個名為*build.xml*的檔案,並對其進行解析以建立圖18-1所示的圖結構。
+2. 尋找指令行上提供的名為dist的任務,並發現它與名為compile的任務有依賴關係。
+3. 尋找名為compile的任務,發現它與名為init的任務有依賴關係。
+4. 查詢名為init的任務並確認它沒有依賴項。
+5. 執行init任務中定義的指令。
+6. 執行編譯任務中定義的指令,前提是該任務的所有依賴項都已執行。
+7. 執行dist任務中定義的指令,前提是該任務的所有依賴項都已執行。
In the end, the code executed by Ant when running the dist task is equivalent to the following shell script:
@@ -224,79 +224,79 @@ mkdir -p dist/lib/
jar cf dist/lib/MyProject-$(date --iso-8601).jar build/*
-When the syntax is stripped away, the buildfile and the build script actually aren’t too different. But we’ve already gained a lot by doing this. We can create new buildfiles in other directories and link them together. We can easily add new tasks that depend on existing tasks in arbitrary and complex ways. We need only pass the name of a single task to the ant command-line tool, and it will take care of determining everything that needs to be run.
+When the syntax is stripped away, the buildfile and the build script actually aren」t too different. But we」ve already gained a lot by doing this. We can create new buildfiles in other directories and link them together. We can easily add new tasks that depend on existing tasks in arbitrary and complex ways. We need only pass the name of a single task to the ant command-line tool, and it will take care of determining everything that needs to be run.
-Ant is a very old piece of software, originally released in 2000—not what many people would consider a “modern” build system today! Other tools like Maven and Gradle have improved on Ant in the intervening years and essentially replaced it by adding features like automatic management of external dependencies and a cleaner syntax without any XML. But the nature of these newer systems remains the same: they allow engineers to write build scripts in a principled and modular way as tasks and provide tools for executing those tasks and managing dependencies among them.
+Ant is a very old piece of software, originally released in 2000—not what many people would consider a 『modern』 build system today! Other tools like Maven and Gradle have improved on Ant in the intervening years and essentially replaced it by adding features like automatic management of external dependencies and a cleaner syntax without any XML. But the nature of these newer systems remains the same: they allow engineers to write build scripts in a principled and modular way as tasks and provide tools for executing those tasks and managing dependencies among them.
-> [^3]: Ant uses the word “target” to represent what we call a “task” in this chapter, and it uses the word “task” to refer to what we call “commands.”
+> [^3]: Ant uses the word 『target』 to represent what we call a 『task』 in this chapter, and it uses the word 『task』 to refer to what we call 『commands.』
-> 3 ant用 "目标 "这个词来表示我们在本章中所说的 "任务",它用 "任务 "这个词来指代我们所说的 "命令"/。
+> 3 ant用 "目標 "這個詞來表示我們在本章中所說的 "任務",它用 "任務 "這個詞來指代我們所說的 "指令"/。
-#### The dark side of task-based build systems 基于任务的构建系统的缺陷
+#### The dark side of task-based build systems 基於任務的建立系統的缺陷
-Because these tools essentially let engineers define any script as a task, they are extremely powerful, allowing you to do pretty much anything you can imagine with them. But that power comes with drawbacks, and task-based build systems can become difficult to work with as their build scripts grow more complex. The problem with such systems is that they actually end up giving *too much power to engineers and not enough power to the system*. Because the system has no idea what the scripts are doing, performance suffers, as it must be very conservative in how it schedules and executes build steps. And there’s no way for the system to confirm that each script is doing what it should, so scripts tend to grow in complexity and end up being another thing that needs debugging.
+Because these tools essentially let engineers define any script as a task, they are extremely powerful, allowing you to do pretty much anything you can imagine with them. But that power comes with drawbacks, and task-based build systems can become difficult to work with as their build scripts grow more complex. The problem with such systems is that they actually end up giving *too much power to engineers and not enough power to the system*. Because the system has no idea what the scripts are doing, performance suffers, as it must be very conservative in how it schedules and executes build steps. And there」s no way for the system to confirm that each script is doing what it should, so scripts tend to grow in complexity and end up being another thing that needs debugging.
-**Difficulty of parallelizing build steps.** Modern development workstations are typically quite powerful, with multiple cores that should theoretically be capable of executing several build steps in parallel. But task-based systems are often unable to parallelize task execution even when it seems like they should be able to. Suppose that task A depends on tasks B and C. Because tasks B and C have no dependency on each other, is it safe to run them at the same time so that the system can more quickly get to task A? Maybe, if they don’t touch any of the same resources. But maybe not—perhaps both use the same file to track their statuses and running them at the same time will cause a conflict. There’s no way in general for the system to know, so either it has to risk these conflicts (leading to rare but very difficult-to-debug build problems), or it has to restrict the entire build to running on a single thread in a single process. This can be a huge waste of a powerful developer machine, and it completely rules out the possibility of distributing the build across multiple machines.
+**Difficulty of parallelizing build steps.** Modern development workstations are typically quite powerful, with multiple cores that should theoretically be capable of executing several build steps in parallel. But task-based systems are often unable to parallelize task execution even when it seems like they should be able to. Suppose that task A depends on tasks B and C. Because tasks B and C have no dependency on each other, is it safe to run them at the same time so that the system can more quickly get to task A? Maybe, if they don」t touch any of the same resources. But maybe not—perhaps both use the same file to track their statuses and running them at the same time will cause a conflict. There」s no way in general for the system to know, so either it has to risk these conflicts (leading to rare but very difficult-to-debug build problems), or it has to restrict the entire build to running on a single thread in a single process. This can be a huge waste of a powerful developer machine, and it completely rules out the possibility of distributing the build across multiple machines.
-**并行化构建步骤的难点。** 现代开发工作站通常非常强大,有多个CPU内核,理论上应该能够并行执行几个构建步骤。但是,基于任务的系统往往无法将任务执行并行化,即使是在看起来应该能够做到的时候。假设任务A依赖于任务B和C。因为任务B和C彼此不依赖,所以同时运行它们是否安全,以便系统可以更快地到达任务A?也许吧,如果它们不接触任何相同的资源。但也许不是--也许它们都使用同一个文件来跟踪它们的状态,同时运行它们会导致冲突。一般来说,系统无法知道,所以要么它不得不冒着这些冲突的风险(导致罕见但非常难以调试的构建问题),要么它必须限制整个构建在单个进程的单个线程上运行。这可能是对强大的开发者机器的巨大浪费,而且它完全排除了在多台机器上分布构建的可能性。
+**並行化建立步驟的難點。** 現代開發工作站通常非常強大,有多個CPU核心,理論上應該能夠並行執行幾個建立步驟。但是,基於任務的系統往往無法將任務執行並行化,即使是在看起來應該能夠做到的時候。假設任務A依賴於任務B和C。因為任務B和C彼此不依賴,所以同時執行它們是否安全,以便系統可以更快地到達任務A?也許吧,如果它們不接觸任何相同的資源。但也許不是--也許它們都使用同一個檔案來跟蹤它們的狀態,同時執行它們會導致衝突。一般來說,系統無法知道,所以要麼它不得不冒著這些衝突的風險(導致罕見但非常難以除錯的建立問題),要麼它必須限制整個建立在單個程序的單個執行緒上執行。這可能是對強大的開發者機器的巨大浪費,而且它完全排除了在多台機器上分佈建立的可能性。
-**Difficulty performing incremental builds**. A good build system will allow engineers to perform reliable incremental builds such that a small change doesn’t require the entire codebase to be rebuilt from scratch. This is especially important if the build system is slow and unable to parallelize build steps for the aforementioned reasons. But unfortunately, task-based build systems struggle here, too. Because tasks can do anything, there’s no way in general to check whether they’ve already been done. Many tasks simply take a set of source files and run a compiler to create a set of binaries; thus, they don’t need to be rerun if the underlying source files haven’t changed. But without additional information, the system can’t say this for sure—maybe the task downloads a file that could have changed, or maybe it writes a timestamp that could be different on each run. To guarantee correctness, the system typically must rerun every task during each build.
+**Difficulty performing incremental builds**. A good build system will allow engineers to perform reliable incremental builds such that a small change doesn」t require the entire codebase to be rebuilt from scratch. This is especially important if the build system is slow and unable to parallelize build steps for the aforementioned reasons. But unfortunately, task-based build systems struggle here, too. Because tasks can do anything, there」s no way in general to check whether they」ve already been done. Many tasks simply take a set of source files and run a compiler to create a set of binaries; thus, they don」t need to be rerun if the underlying source files haven」t changed. But without additional information, the system can」t say this for sure—maybe the task downloads a file that could have changed, or maybe it writes a timestamp that could be different on each run. To guarantee correctness, the system typically must rerun every task during each build.
-**难以执行增量构建。** 一个好的构建系统将允许工程师执行可靠的增量构建,这样,一个小的变更就不需要从头开始重建整个代码库了。如果构建系统由于上述原因,速度很慢,无法并行化构建步骤,那么这一点就尤为重要。但不幸的是,基于任务的构建系统在这里也很困难。因为任务可以做任何事情,一般来说,没有办法检查它们是否已经完成。许多任务只是接收一组源文件并运行一个编译器来创建一组二进制文件;因此,如果底层源文件没有更改,则不需要重新运行。但是,如果没有额外的信息,系统就不能确定这一点--可能是任务下载了一个可能已更改的文件,或者它在每次运行时写入了一个可能不同的时间戳。为了保证正确性,系统通常必须在每次构建期间重新运行每个任务。
+**難以執行增量建立。** 一個好的建立系統將允許工程師執行可靠的增量建立,這樣,一個小的變更就不需要從頭開始重建整個程式碼庫了。如果建立系統由於上述原因,速度很慢,無法並行化建立步驟,那麼這一點就尤為重要。但不幸的是,基於任務的建立系統在這裡也很困難。因為任務可以做任何事情,一般來說,沒有辦法檢查它們是否已經完成。許多任務只是接收一組源檔案並執行一個編譯器來建立一組二進位檔案;因此,如果底層源檔案沒有更改,則不需要重新執行。但是,如果沒有額外的訊息,系統就不能確定這一點--可能是任務下載了一個可能已更改的檔案,或者它在每次執行時寫入了一個可能不同的時間戳。為了保證正確性,系統通常必須在每次建立期間重新執行每個任務。
-Some build systems try to enable incremental builds by letting engineers specify the conditions under which a task needs to be rerun. Sometimes this is feasible, but often it’s a much trickier problem than it appears. For example, in languages like C++ that allow files to be included directly by other files, it’s impossible to determine the entire set of files that must be watched for changes without parsing the input sources. Engineers will often end up taking shortcuts, and these shortcuts can lead to rare and frustrating problems where a task result is reused even when it shouldn’t be. When this happens frequently, engineers get into the habit of running clean before every build to get a fresh state, completely defeating the purpose of having an incremental build in the first place. Figuring out when a task needs to be rerun is surprisingly subtle, and is a job better handled by machines than humans.
+Some build systems try to enable incremental builds by letting engineers specify the conditions under which a task needs to be rerun. Sometimes this is feasible, but often it」s a much trickier problem than it appears. For example, in languages like C++ that allow files to be included directly by other files, it」s impossible to determine the entire set of files that must be watched for changes without parsing the input sources. Engineers will often end up taking shortcuts, and these shortcuts can lead to rare and frustrating problems where a task result is reused even when it shouldn」t be. When this happens frequently, engineers get into the habit of running clean before every build to get a fresh state, completely defeating the purpose of having an incremental build in the first place. Figuring out when a task needs to be rerun is surprisingly subtle, and is a job better handled by machines than humans.
**Difficulty maintaining and debugging scripts**. Finally, the build scripts imposed by task- based build systems are often just difficult to work with. Though they often receive less scrutiny, build scripts are code just like the system being built, and are easy places for bugs to hide. Here are some examples of bugs that are very common when working with a task-based build system:
-- Task A depends on task B to produce a particular file as output. The owner of task B doesn’t realize that other tasks rely on it, so they change it to produce output in a different location. This can’t be detected until someone tries to run task A and finds that it fails.
-- Task A depends on task B, which depends on task C, which is producing a particular file as output that’s needed by task A. The owner of task B decides that it doesn’t need to depend on task C any more, which causes task A to fail even though task B doesn’t care about task C at all!
+- Task A depends on task B to produce a particular file as output. The owner of task B doesn」t realize that other tasks rely on it, so they change it to produce output in a different location. This can」t be detected until someone tries to run task A and finds that it fails.
+- Task A depends on task B, which depends on task C, which is producing a particular file as output that」s needed by task A. The owner of task B decides that it doesn」t need to depend on task C any more, which causes task A to fail even though task B doesn」t care about task C at all!
- The developer of a new task accidentally makes an assumption about the machine running the task, such as the location of a tool or the value of particular environment variables. The task works on their machine, but fails whenever another developer tries it.
-- A task contains a nondeterministic component, such as downloading a file from the internet or adding a timestamp to a build. Now, people will get potentially different results each time they run the build, meaning that engineers won’t always be able to reproduce and fix one another’s failures or failures that occur on an automated build system.
+- A task contains a nondeterministic component, such as downloading a file from the internet or adding a timestamp to a build. Now, people will get potentially different results each time they run the build, meaning that engineers won」t always be able to reproduce and fix one another」s failures or failures that occur on an automated build system.
- Tasks with multiple dependencies can create race conditions. If task A depends on both task B and task C, and task B and C both modify the same file, task A will get a different result depending on which one of tasks B and C finishes first.
-- 任务A依赖于任务B来产生一个特定的文件作为输出。任务B的所有者没有意识到其他任务依赖于它,所以他们改变了它,在不同的位置产生输出。直到有人试图运行任务A,发现它失败了,这才被发现。
-- 任务A依赖于任务B,而任务B依赖于任务C,而任务C正在产生一个任务A需要的特定文件作为输出。任务B的所有者决定它不需要再依赖于任务C,这导致任务A失败,尽管任务B根本不关心任务C!
-- 一个新任务的开发者不小心对运行该任务的机器做了一个设置,比如一个工具的位置或特定环境变量的值。该任务在他们的机器上可以运行,但只要其他开发者尝试,就会失败。
-- 任务包含不确定组件,例如从internet下载文件或向生成添加时间戳。现在,人们每次运行构建时都会得到可能不同的结果,这意味着工程师不可能总是能够重现和修复彼此的故障或自动构建系统上发生的故障。
-- 有多个依赖关系的任务会产生竞赛条件。如果任务A同时依赖于任务B和任务C,而任务B和任务C同时修改同一个文件,那么任务A会得到不同的结果,这取决于任务B和任务C中哪一个先完成。
+- 任務A依賴於任務B來產生一個特定的檔案作為輸出。任務B的所有者沒有意識到其他任務依賴於它,所以他們改變了它,在不同的位置產生輸出。直到有人試圖執行任務A,發現它失敗了,這才被發現。
+- 任務A依賴於任務B,而任務B依賴於任務C,而任務C正在產生一個任務A需要的特定檔案作為輸出。任務B的所有者決定它不需要再依賴於任務C,這導致任務A失敗,儘管任務B根本不關心任務C!
+- 一個新任務的開發者不小心對執行該任務的機器做了一個設定,比如一個工具的位置或特定環境變數的值。該任務在他們的機器上可以執行,但只要其他開發者嘗試,就會失敗。
+- 任務包含不確定元件,例如從internet下載檔案或向生成新增時間戳。現在,人們每次執行建立時都會得到可能不同的結果,這意味著工程師不可能總是能夠重現和修復彼此的故障或自動建立系統上發生的故障。
+- 有多個依賴關係的任務會產生競賽條件。如果任務A同時依賴於任務B和任務C,而任務B和任務C同時修改同一個檔案,那麼任務A會得到不同的結果,這取決於任務B和任務C中哪一個先完成。
-There’s no general-purpose way to solve these performance, correctness, or maintainability problems within the task-based framework laid out here. So long as engineers can write arbitrary code that runs during the build, the system can’t have enough information to always be able to run builds quickly and correctly. To solve the problem, we need to take some power out of the hands of engineers and put it back in the hands of the system and reconceptualize the role of the system not as running tasks, but as producing artifacts. This is the approach that Google takes with Blaze and Bazel, and it will be described in the next section.
+There」s no general-purpose way to solve these performance, correctness, or maintainability problems within the task-based framework laid out here. So long as engineers can write arbitrary code that runs during the build, the system can」t have enough information to always be able to run builds quickly and correctly. To solve the problem, we need to take some power out of the hands of engineers and put it back in the hands of the system and reconceptualize the role of the system not as running tasks, but as producing artifacts. This is the approach that Google takes with Blaze and Bazel, and it will be described in the next section.
-### Artifact-Based Build Systems 基于构件的构建系统
+### Artifact-Based Build Systems 基於構件的建立系統
-To design a better build system, we need to take a step back. The problem with the earlier systems is that they gave too much power to individual engineers by letting them define their own tasks. Maybe instead of letting engineers define tasks, we can have a small number of tasks defined by the system that engineers can configure in a limited way. We could probably deduce the name of the most important task from the name of this chapter: a build system’s primary task should be to build code. Engineers would still need to tell the system what to build, but the how of doing the build would be left to the system.
+To design a better build system, we need to take a step back. The problem with the earlier systems is that they gave too much power to individual engineers by letting them define their own tasks. Maybe instead of letting engineers define tasks, we can have a small number of tasks defined by the system that engineers can configure in a limited way. We could probably deduce the name of the most important task from the name of this chapter: a build system」s primary task should be to build code. Engineers would still need to tell the system what to build, but the how of doing the build would be left to the system.
-This is exactly the approach taken by Blaze and the other artifact-based build systems descended from it (which include Bazel, Pants, and Buck). Like with task-based build systems, we still have buildfiles, but the contents of those buildfiles are very different. Rather than being an imperative set of commands in a Turing-complete scripting language describing how to produce an output, buildfiles in Blaze are a declarative manifest describing a set of artifacts to build, their dependencies, and a limited set of options that affect how they’re built. When engineers run blaze on the command line, they specify a set of targets to build (the “what”), and Blaze is responsible for configuring, running, and scheduling the compilation steps (the “how”). Because the build system now has full control over what tools are being run when, it can make much stronger guarantees that allow it to be far more efficient while still guaranteeing correctness.
+This is exactly the approach taken by Blaze and the other artifact-based build systems descended from it (which include Bazel, Pants, and Buck). Like with task-based build systems, we still have buildfiles, but the contents of those buildfiles are very different. Rather than being an imperative set of commands in a Turing-complete scripting language describing how to produce an output, buildfiles in Blaze are a declarative manifest describing a set of artifacts to build, their dependencies, and a limited set of options that affect how they」re built. When engineers run blaze on the command line, they specify a set of targets to build (the 『what』), and Blaze is responsible for configuring, running, and scheduling the compilation steps (the 『how』). Because the build system now has full control over what tools are being run when, it can make much stronger guarantees that allow it to be far more efficient while still guaranteeing correctness.
-#### A functional perspective 功能视角
+#### A functional perspective 功能視角
-It’s easy to make an analogy between artifact-based build systems and functional programming. Traditional imperative programming languages (e.g., Java, C, and Python) specify lists of statements to be executed one after another, in the same way that task- based build systems let programmers define a series of steps to execute. Functional programming languages (e.g., Haskell and ML), in contrast, are structured more like a series of mathematical equations. In functional languages, the programmer describes a computation to perform, but leaves the details of when and exactly how that computation is executed to the compiler. This maps to the idea of declaring a manifest in an artifact-based build system and letting the system figure out how to execute the build.
+It」s easy to make an analogy between artifact-based build systems and functional programming. Traditional imperative programming languages (e.g., Java, C, and Python) specify lists of statements to be executed one after another, in the same way that task- based build systems let programmers define a series of steps to execute. Functional programming languages (e.g., Haskell and ML), in contrast, are structured more like a series of mathematical equations. In functional languages, the programmer describes a computation to perform, but leaves the details of when and exactly how that computation is executed to the compiler. This maps to the idea of declaring a manifest in an artifact-based build system and letting the system figure out how to execute the build.
-Many problems cannot be easily expressed using functional programming, but the ones that do benefit greatly from it: the language is often able to trivially parallelize such programs and make strong guarantees about their correctness that would be impossible in an imperative language. The easiest problems to express using functional programming are the ones that simply involve transforming one piece of data into another using a series of rules or functions. And that’s exactly what a build system is: the whole system is effectively a mathematical function that takes source files (and tools like the compiler) as inputs and produces binaries as outputs. So, it’s not surprising that it works well to base a build system around the tenets of functional programming.
+Many problems cannot be easily expressed using functional programming, but the ones that do benefit greatly from it: the language is often able to trivially parallelize such programs and make strong guarantees about their correctness that would be impossible in an imperative language. The easiest problems to express using functional programming are the ones that simply involve transforming one piece of data into another using a series of rules or functions. And that」s exactly what a build system is: the whole system is effectively a mathematical function that takes source files (and tools like the compiler) as inputs and produces binaries as outputs. So, it」s not surprising that it works well to base a build system around the tenets of functional programming.
-Getting concrete with Bazel. Bazel is the open source version of Google’s internal build tool, Blaze, and is a good example of an artifact-based build system. Here’s what a buildfile (normally named BUILD) looks like in Bazel:
+Getting concrete with Bazel. Bazel is the open source version of Google」s internal build tool, Blaze, and is a good example of an artifact-based build system. Here」s what a buildfile (normally named BUILD) looks like in Bazel:
@@ -315,353 +315,353 @@ visibility = ["//java/com/example/myproduct: subpackages "], deps = [
-In Bazel, BUILD files define targets—the two types of targets here are java_binary and java_library. Every target corresponds to an artifact that can be created by the system: binary targets produce binaries that can be executed directly, and library targets produce libraries that can be used by binaries or other libraries. Every target has a name (which defines how it is referenced on the command line and by other targets, srcs (which define the source files that must be compiled to create the artifact for the target), and deps (which define other targets that must be built before this target and linked into it). Dependencies can either be within the same package (e.g., MyBinary’s dependency on ":mylib"), on a different package in the same source hierarchy (e.g., mylib’s dependency on "//java/com/example/common"), or on a third- party artifact outside of the source hierarchy (e.g., mylib’s dependency on "@com_google_common_guava_guava//jar"). Each source hierarchy is called a workspace and is identified by the presence of a special WORKSPACE file at the root.
+In Bazel, BUILD files define targets—the two types of targets here are java_binary and java_library. Every target corresponds to an artifact that can be created by the system: binary targets produce binaries that can be executed directly, and library targets produce libraries that can be used by binaries or other libraries. Every target has a name (which defines how it is referenced on the command line and by other targets, srcs (which define the source files that must be compiled to create the artifact for the target), and deps (which define other targets that must be built before this target and linked into it). Dependencies can either be within the same package (e.g., MyBinary」s dependency on ":mylib"), on a different package in the same source hierarchy (e.g., mylib」s dependency on "//java/com/example/common"), or on a third- party artifact outside of the source hierarchy (e.g., mylib」s dependency on "@com_google_common_guava_guava//jar"). Each source hierarchy is called a workspace and is identified by the presence of a special WORKSPACE file at the root.
-在Bazel中,BUILD文件定义了目标--这里的两类目标是java_binary和java_library。每个目标都对应于系统可以创建的构件:二进制目标产生可以直接执行的二进制文件,而库目标产生可以被二进制文件或其他库使用的库。每个目标都有一个名字(它定义了它在命令行和其他目标中的引用方式)、srcs(它定义了必须被编译以创建目标的组件的源文件)和deps(它定义了必须在这个目标之前构建并链接到它的其他目标)。依赖关系可以是在同一个包内(例如,MyBinary对":mylib "的依赖),也可以是在同一个源层次结构中的不同包上(例如,mylib对"//java/com/example/common "的依赖),或者是在源层次结构之外的第三方构件上(例如,mylib对"@com_google_common_guava_guava//jar "的依赖)。每个源层次结构被称为工作区,并通过在根部存在一个特殊的WORKSPACE文件来识别。
+在Bazel中,BUILD檔案定義了目標--這裡的兩類目標是java_binary和java_library。每個目標都對應於系統可以建立的構件:二進位目標產生可以直接執行的二進位檔案,而函式庫目標產生可以被二進位檔案或其他函式庫使用的函式庫。每個目標都有一個名字(它定義了它在指令行和其他目標中的引用方式)、srcs(它定義了必須被編譯以建立目標的元件的源檔案)和deps(它定義了必須在這個目標之前建立並連結到它的其他目標)。依賴關係可以是在同一個套件內(例如,MyBinary對":mylib "的依賴),也可以是在同一個源層次結構中的不同套件上(例如,mylib對"//java/com/example/common "的依賴),或者是在源層次結構之外的第三方構件上(例如,mylib對"@com_google_common_guava_guava//jar "的依賴)。每個源層次結構被稱為工作區,並透過在根部存在一個特殊的WORKSPACE檔案來識別。
-Like with Ant, users perform builds using Bazel’s command-line tool. To build the MyBinary target, a user would run bazel build :MyBinary. Upon entering that command for the first time in a clean repository, Bazel would do the following:
+Like with Ant, users perform builds using Bazel」s command-line tool. To build the MyBinary target, a user would run bazel build :MyBinary. Upon entering that command for the first time in a clean repository, Bazel would do the following:
1. Parse every BUILD file in the workspace to create a graph of dependencies among artifacts.
2. Use the graph to determine the transitive dependencies of MyBinary; that is, every target that MyBinary depends on and every target that those targets depend on, recursively.
-3. Build (or download for external dependencies) each of those dependencies, in order. Bazel starts by building each target that has no other dependencies and keeps track of which dependencies still need to be built for each target. As soon as all of a target’s dependencies are built, Bazel starts building that target. This process continues until every one of MyBinary’s transitive dependencies have been built.
+3. Build (or download for external dependencies) each of those dependencies, in order. Bazel starts by building each target that has no other dependencies and keeps track of which dependencies still need to be built for each target. As soon as all of a target」s dependencies are built, Bazel starts building that target. This process continues until every one of MyBinary」s transitive dependencies have been built.
4. Build MyBinary to produce a final executable binary that links in all of the dependencies that were built in step 3.
- Fundamentally, it might not seem like what’s happening here is that much different than what happened when using a task-based build system. Indeed, the end result is the same binary, and the process for producing it involved analyzing a bunch of steps to find dependencies among them, and then running those steps in order. But there are critical differences. The first one appears in step 3: because Bazel knows that each target will only produce a Java library, it knows that all it has to do is run the Java compiler rather than an arbitrary user-defined script, so it knows that it’s safe to run these steps in parallel. This can produce an order of magnitude performance improvement over building targets one at a time on a multicore machine, and is only possible because the artifact-based approach leaves the build system in charge of its own execution strategy so that it can make stronger guarantees about parallelism.
+ Fundamentally, it might not seem like what」s happening here is that much different than what happened when using a task-based build system. Indeed, the end result is the same binary, and the process for producing it involved analyzing a bunch of steps to find dependencies among them, and then running those steps in order. But there are critical differences. The first one appears in step 3: because Bazel knows that each target will only produce a Java library, it knows that all it has to do is run the Java compiler rather than an arbitrary user-defined script, so it knows that it」s safe to run these steps in parallel. This can produce an order of magnitude performance improvement over building targets one at a time on a multicore machine, and is only possible because the artifact-based approach leaves the build system in charge of its own execution strategy so that it can make stronger guarantees about parallelism.
-和Ant一样,用户使用Bazel的命令行工具进行构建。为了构建MyBinary目标,用户可以运行 bazel build :MyBinary。在一个干净的版本库中第一次输入该命令时,Bazel会做以下工作。
+和Ant一樣,使用者使用Bazel的指令行工具進行建立。為了建立MyBinary目標,使用者可以執行 bazel build :MyBinary。在一個乾淨的版本庫中第一次輸入該指令時,Bazel會做以下工作。
- 1. 解析工作区中的每个BUILD文件,以创建构件之间的依赖关系图。
- 2. 使用该图来确定MyBinary的横向依赖关系;也就是说,MyBinary所依赖的每个目标以及这些目标所依赖的每个目标都是递归的。
- 3. 生成(或下载外部依赖项)每个依赖项按顺序排列。Bazel首先构建没有其他依赖项的每个目标,并跟踪每个目标仍需要构建哪些依赖项。一旦构建了目标的所有依赖项,Bazel就会开始构建该目标。此过程一直持续到MyBinary的每个可传递依赖项已经建成。
- 4. 构建MyBinary,产生一个最终的可执行二进制文件,该文件链接了在步骤3中构建的所有依赖项。
+ 1. 解析工作區中的每個BUILD檔案,以建立構件之間的依賴關係圖。
+ 2. 使用該圖來確定MyBinary的橫向依賴關係;也就是說,MyBinary所依賴的每個目標以及這些目標所依賴的每個目標都是遞迴的。
+ 3. 生成(或下載外部依賴項)每個依賴項按順序排列。Bazel首先建立沒有其他依賴項的每個目標,並跟蹤每個目標仍需要建立哪些依賴項。一旦建立了目標的所有依賴項,Bazel就會開始建立該目標。此過程一直持續到MyBinary的每個可傳遞依賴項已經建成。
+ 4. 建立MyBinary,產生一個最終的可執行二進位檔案,該檔案連結了在步驟3中建立的所有依賴項。
-The benefits extend beyond parallelism, though. The next thing that this approach gives us becomes apparent when the developer types bazel build :MyBinary a second time without making any changes: Bazel will exit in less than a second with a message saying that the target is up to date. This is possible due to the functional programming paradigm we talked about earlier—Bazel knows that each target is the result only of running a Java compiler, and it knows that the output from the Java compiler depends only on its inputs, so as long as the inputs haven’t changed, the output can be reused. And this analysis works at every level; if MyBinary.java changes, Bazel knows to rebuild MyBinary but reuse mylib. If a source file for //java/com/ example/common changes, Bazel knows to rebuild that library, mylib, and MyBinary, but reuse //java/com/example/myproduct/otherlib. Because Bazel knows about the properties of the tools it runs at every step, it’s able to rebuild only the minimum set of artifacts each time while guaranteeing that it won’t produce stale builds.
+The benefits extend beyond parallelism, though. The next thing that this approach gives us becomes apparent when the developer types bazel build :MyBinary a second time without making any changes: Bazel will exit in less than a second with a message saying that the target is up to date. This is possible due to the functional programming paradigm we talked about earlier—Bazel knows that each target is the result only of running a Java compiler, and it knows that the output from the Java compiler depends only on its inputs, so as long as the inputs haven」t changed, the output can be reused. And this analysis works at every level; if MyBinary.java changes, Bazel knows to rebuild MyBinary but reuse mylib. If a source file for //java/com/ example/common changes, Bazel knows to rebuild that library, mylib, and MyBinary, but reuse //java/com/example/myproduct/otherlib. Because Bazel knows about the properties of the tools it runs at every step, it」s able to rebuild only the minimum set of artifacts each time while guaranteeing that it won」t produce stale builds.
Reframing the build process in terms of artifacts rather than tasks is subtle but powerful. By reducing the flexibility exposed to the programmer, the build system can know more about what is being done at every step of the build. It can use this knowledge to make the build far more efficient by parallelizing build processes and reusing their outputs. But this is really just the first step, and these building blocks of parallelism and reuse will form the basis for a distributed and highly scalable build system that will be discussed later.
### Other nifty Bazel tricks 其他有趣的Bazel技巧
-Artifact-based build systems fundamentally solve the problems with parallelism and reuse that are inherent in task-based build systems. But there are still a few problems that came up earlier that we haven’t addressed. Bazel has clever ways of solving each of these, and we should discuss them before moving on.
+Artifact-based build systems fundamentally solve the problems with parallelism and reuse that are inherent in task-based build systems. But there are still a few problems that came up earlier that we haven」t addressed. Bazel has clever ways of solving each of these, and we should discuss them before moving on.
-**Tools as dependencies**. One problem we ran into earlier was that builds depended on the tools installed on our machine, and reproducing builds across systems could be difficult due to different tool versions or locations. The problem becomes even more difficult when your project uses languages that require different tools based on which platform they’re being built on or compiled for (e.g., Windows versus Linux), and each of those platforms requires a slightly different set of tools to do the same job.
+**Tools as dependencies**. One problem we ran into earlier was that builds depended on the tools installed on our machine, and reproducing builds across systems could be difficult due to different tool versions or locations. The problem becomes even more difficult when your project uses languages that require different tools based on which platform they」re being built on or compiled for (e.g., Windows versus Linux), and each of those platforms requires a slightly different set of tools to do the same job.
Bazel solves the first part of this problem by treating tools as dependencies to each target. Every java_library in the workspace implicitly depends on a Java compiler, which defaults to a well-known compiler but can be configured globally at the workspace level. Whenever Blaze builds a java_library, it checks to make sure that the specified compiler is available at a known location and downloads it if not. Just like any other dependency, if the Java compiler changes, every artifact that was dependent upon it will need to be rebuilt. Every type of target defined in Bazel uses this same strategy of declaring the tools it needs to run, ensuring that Bazel is able to bootstrap them no matter what exists on the system where it runs.
Bazel solves the second part of the problem, platform independence, by using toolchains. Rather than having targets depend directly on their tools, they actually depend on types of toolchains. A toolchain contains a set of tools and other properties defining how a type of target is built on a particular platform. The workspace can define the particular toolchain to use for a toolchain type based on the host and target platform. For more details, see the Bazel manual.
**Extending the build system**. Bazel comes with targets for several popular programming languages out of the box, but engineers will always want to do more—part of the benefit of task-based systems is their flexibility in supporting any kind of build process, and it would be better not to give that up in an artifact-based build system. Fortunately, Bazel allows its supported target types to be extended by adding custom rules.
To define a rule in Bazel, the rule author declares the inputs that the rule requires (in the form of attributes passed in the BUILD file) and the fixed set of outputs that the rule produces. The author also defines the actions that will be generated by that rule. Each action declares its inputs and outputs, runs a particular executable or writes a particular string to a file, and can be connected to other actions via its inputs and outputs. This means that actions are the lowest-level composable unit in the build system —an action can do whatever it wants so long as it uses only its declared inputs and outputs, and Bazel will take care of scheduling actions and caching their results as appropriate.
-The system isn’t foolproof given that there’s no way to stop an action developer from doing something like introducing a nondeterministic process as part of their action. But this doesn’t happen very often in practice, and pushing the possibilities for abuse all the way down to the action level greatly decreases opportunities for errors. Rules supporting many common languages and tools are widely available online, and most projects will never need to define their own rules. Even for those that do, rule definitions only need to be defined in one central place in the repository, meaning most engineers will be able to use those rules without ever having to worry about their implementation.
+The system isn」t foolproof given that there」s no way to stop an action developer from doing something like introducing a nondeterministic process as part of their action. But this doesn」t happen very often in practice, and pushing the possibilities for abuse all the way down to the action level greatly decreases opportunities for errors. Rules supporting many common languages and tools are widely available online, and most projects will never need to define their own rules. Even for those that do, rule definitions only need to be defined in one central place in the repository, meaning most engineers will be able to use those rules without ever having to worry about their implementation.
-**Isolating the environment**. Actions sound like they might run into the same problems as tasks in other systems—isn’t it still possible to write actions that both write to the same file and end up conflicting with one another? Actually, Bazel makes these conflicts impossible by using sandboxing. On supported systems, every action is isolated from every other action via a filesystem sandbox. Effectively, each action can see only a restricted view of the filesystem that includes the inputs it has declared and any outputs it has produced. This is enforced by systems such as LXC on Linux, the same technology behind Docker. This means that it’s impossible for actions to conflict with one another because they are unable to read any files they don’t declare, and any files that they write but don’t declare will be thrown away when the action finishes. Bazel also uses sandboxes to restrict actions from communicating via the network.
+**Isolating the environment**. Actions sound like they might run into the same problems as tasks in other systems—isn」t it still possible to write actions that both write to the same file and end up conflicting with one another? Actually, Bazel makes these conflicts impossible by using sandboxing. On supported systems, every action is isolated from every other action via a filesystem sandbox. Effectively, each action can see only a restricted view of the filesystem that includes the inputs it has declared and any outputs it has produced. This is enforced by systems such as LXC on Linux, the same technology behind Docker. This means that it」s impossible for actions to conflict with one another because they are unable to read any files they don」t declare, and any files that they write but don」t declare will be thrown away when the action finishes. Bazel also uses sandboxes to restrict actions from communicating via the network.
-**Making external dependencies deterministic**. There’s still one problem remaining: build systems often need to download dependencies (whether tools or libraries) from external sources rather than directly building them. This can be seen in the example via the @com_google_common_guava_guava//jar dependency, which downloads a JAR file from Maven.
+**Making external dependencies deterministic**. There」s still one problem remaining: build systems often need to download dependencies (whether tools or libraries) from external sources rather than directly building them. This can be seen in the example via the @com_google_common_guava_guava//jar dependency, which downloads a JAR file from Maven.
-Depending on files outside of the current workspace is risky. Those files could change at any time, potentially requiring the build system to constantly check whether they’re fresh. If a remote file changes without a corresponding change in the workspace source code, it can also lead to unreproducible builds—a build might work one day and fail the next for no obvious reason due to an unnoticed dependency change. Finally, an external dependency can introduce a huge security risk when it is owned by a third party:[^4] if an attacker is able to infiltrate that third-party server, they can replace the dependency file with something of their own design, potentially giving them full control over your build environment and its output.
+Depending on files outside of the current workspace is risky. Those files could change at any time, potentially requiring the build system to constantly check whether they」re fresh. If a remote file changes without a corresponding change in the workspace source code, it can also lead to unreproducible builds—a build might work one day and fail the next for no obvious reason due to an unnoticed dependency change. Finally, an external dependency can introduce a huge security risk when it is owned by a third party:[^4] if an attacker is able to infiltrate that third-party server, they can replace the dependency file with something of their own design, potentially giving them full control over your build environment and its output.
-The fundamental problem is that we want the build system to be aware of these files without having to check them into source control. Updating a dependency should be a conscious choice, but that choice should be made once in a central place rather than managed by individual engineers or automatically by the system. This is because even with a “Live at Head” model, we still want builds to be deterministic, which implies that if you check out a commit from last week, you should see your dependencies as they were then rather than as they are now.
+The fundamental problem is that we want the build system to be aware of these files without having to check them into source control. Updating a dependency should be a conscious choice, but that choice should be made once in a central place rather than managed by individual engineers or automatically by the system. This is because even with a 『Live at Head』 model, we still want builds to be deterministic, which implies that if you check out a commit from last week, you should see your dependencies as they were then rather than as they are now.
-根本的问题是,我们希望构建系统知道这些文件,而不必将它们放入源代码管理。更新一个依赖关系应该是一个有意识的选择,但这个选择应该在一个中心位置做出,而不是由个别工程师管理或由系统自动管理。这是因为即使是 "Live at Head "模式,我们仍然希望构建是确定性的,这意味着如果你检查出上周的提交,你应该看到你的依赖关系是当时的,而不是现在的。
+根本的問題是,我們希望建立系統知道這些檔案,而不必將它們放入原始碼管理。更新一個依賴關係應該是一個有意識的選擇,但這個選擇應該在一個中心位置做出,而不是由個別工程師管理或由系統自動管理。這是因為即使是 "Live at Head "模式,我們仍然希望建立是確定性的,這意味著如果你檢查出上周的送出,你應該看到你的依賴關係是當時的,而不是現在的。
-Bazel and some other build systems address this problem by requiring a workspace- wide manifest file that lists a cryptographic hash for every external dependency in the workspace.[^5] The hash is a concise way to uniquely represent the file without checking the entire file into source control. Whenever a new external dependency is referenced from a workspace, that dependency’s hash is added to the manifest, either manually or automatically. When Bazel runs a build, it checks the actual hash of its cached dependency against the expected hash defined in the manifest and redownloads the file only if the hash differs.
+Bazel and some other build systems address this problem by requiring a workspace- wide manifest file that lists a cryptographic hash for every external dependency in the workspace.[^5] The hash is a concise way to uniquely represent the file without checking the entire file into source control. Whenever a new external dependency is referenced from a workspace, that dependency」s hash is added to the manifest, either manually or automatically. When Bazel runs a build, it checks the actual hash of its cached dependency against the expected hash defined in the manifest and redownloads the file only if the hash differs.
-Bazel和其他一些构建系统通过要求一个覆盖整个工作区的清单文件来解决这个问题,该文件列出了工作区中每个外部依赖项的加密哈希。每当从工作区引用一个新的外部依赖关系时,该依赖关系的哈希值就会被手动或自动添加到清单中。Bazel 运行构建时,会将其缓存的依赖关系的实际哈希值与清单中定义的预期哈希值进行对比,只有在哈希值不同时才会重新下载文件。
+Bazel和其他一些建立系統透過要求一個覆蓋整個工作區的清單檔案來解決這個問題,該檔案列出了工作區中每個外部依賴項的加密雜湊。每當從工作區引用一個新的外部依賴關係時,該依賴關係的雜湊值就會被手動或自動新增到清單中。Bazel 執行建立時,會將其快取的依賴關係的實際雜湊值與清單中定義的預期雜湊值進行對比,只有在雜湊值不同時才會重新下載檔案。
> [^4]: Such "software supply chain" attacks are becoming more common.
-> 4 这种“软件供应链”攻击越来越普遍。
+> 4 這種『軟體供應鏈』攻擊越來越普遍。
> [^5]: Go recently added preliminary support for modules using the exact same system.
-> 5 Go最近增加了对使用完全相同系统的模块的初步支持。
+> 5 Go最近增加了對使用完全相同系統的模組的初步支援。
-If the artifact we download has a different hash than the one declared in the manifest, the build will fail unless the hash in the manifest is updated. This can be done automatically, but that change must be approved and checked into source control before the build will accept the new dependency. This means that there’s always a record of when a dependency was updated, and an external dependency can’t change without a corresponding change in the workspace source. It also means that, when checking out an older version of the source code, the build is guaranteed to use the same dependencies that it was using at the point when that version was checked in (or else it will fail if those dependencies are no longer available).
+If the artifact we download has a different hash than the one declared in the manifest, the build will fail unless the hash in the manifest is updated. This can be done automatically, but that change must be approved and checked into source control before the build will accept the new dependency. This means that there」s always a record of when a dependency was updated, and an external dependency can」t change without a corresponding change in the workspace source. It also means that, when checking out an older version of the source code, the build is guaranteed to use the same dependencies that it was using at the point when that version was checked in (or else it will fail if those dependencies are no longer available).
-Of course, it can still be a problem if a remote server becomes unavailable or starts serving corrupt data—this can cause all of your builds to begin failing if you don’t have another copy of that dependency available. To avoid this problem, we recommend that, for any nontrivial project, you mirror all of its dependencies onto servers or services that you trust and control. Otherwise you will always be at the mercy of a third party for your build system’s availability, even if the checked-in hashes guarantee its security.
+Of course, it can still be a problem if a remote server becomes unavailable or starts serving corrupt data—this can cause all of your builds to begin failing if you don」t have another copy of that dependency available. To avoid this problem, we recommend that, for any nontrivial project, you mirror all of its dependencies onto servers or services that you trust and control. Otherwise you will always be at the mercy of a third party for your build system」s availability, even if the checked-in hashes guarantee its security.
-### Distributed Builds 分布式构建
+### Distributed Builds 分散式建立
-Google’s codebase is enormous—with more than two billion lines of code, chains of dependencies can become very deep. Even simple binaries at Google often depend on tens of thousands of build targets. At this scale, it’s simply impossible to complete a build in a reasonable amount of time on a single machine: no build system can get around the fundamental laws of physics imposed on a machine’s hardware. The only way to make this work is with a build system that supports distributed builds wherein the units of work being done by the system are spread across an arbitrary and scalable number of machines. Assuming we’ve broken the system’s work into small enough units (more on this later), this would allow us to complete any build of any size as quickly as we’re willing to pay for.
+Google」s codebase is enormous—with more than two billion lines of code, chains of dependencies can become very deep. Even simple binaries at Google often depend on tens of thousands of build targets. At this scale, it」s simply impossible to complete a build in a reasonable amount of time on a single machine: no build system can get around the fundamental laws of physics imposed on a machine」s hardware. The only way to make this work is with a build system that supports distributed builds wherein the units of work being done by the system are spread across an arbitrary and scalable number of machines. Assuming we」ve broken the system」s work into small enough units (more on this later), this would allow us to complete any build of any size as quickly as we」re willing to pay for.
-This scalability is the holy grail we’ve been working toward by defining an artifact-based build system.
+This scalability is the holy grail we」ve been working toward by defining an artifact-based build system.
-### Remote caching 远程缓存
+### Remote caching 遠端快取
The simplest type of distributed build is one that only leverages remote caching, which is shown in Figure 18-2.
![Figure 18-2](./images/Figure%2018-2.jpg)
Figure 18-2. A distributed build showing remote caching
-Every system that performs builds, including both developer workstations and continuous integration systems, shares a reference to a common remote cache service. This service might be a fast and local short-term storage system like Redis or a cloud service like Google Cloud Storage. Whenever a user needs to build an artifact, whether directly or as a dependency, the system first checks with the remote cache to see if that artifact already exists there. If so, it can download the artifact instead of building it. If not, the system builds the artifact itself and uploads the result back to the cache. This means that low-level dependencies that don’t change very often can be built once and shared across users rather than having to be rebuilt by each user. At Google, many artifacts are served from a cache rather than built from scratch, vastly reducing the cost of running our build system.
+Every system that performs builds, including both developer workstations and continuous integration systems, shares a reference to a common remote cache service. This service might be a fast and local short-term storage system like Redis or a cloud service like Google Cloud Storage. Whenever a user needs to build an artifact, whether directly or as a dependency, the system first checks with the remote cache to see if that artifact already exists there. If so, it can download the artifact instead of building it. If not, the system builds the artifact itself and uploads the result back to the cache. This means that low-level dependencies that don」t change very often can be built once and shared across users rather than having to be rebuilt by each user. At Google, many artifacts are served from a cache rather than built from scratch, vastly reducing the cost of running our build system.
For a remote caching system to work, the build system must guarantee that builds are completely reproducible. That is, for any build target, it must be possible to determine the set of inputs to that target such that the same set of inputs will produce exactly the same output on any machine. This is the only way to ensure that the results of downloading an artifact are the same as the results of building it oneself. Fortunately, Bazel provides this guarantee and so supports [remote caching](https://oreil.ly/D9doX). Note that this requires that each artifact in the cache be keyed on both its target and a hash of its inputs—that way, different engineers could make different modifications to the same target at the same time, and the remote cache would store all of the resulting artifacts and serve them appropriately without conflict.
-Of course, for there to be any benefit from a remote cache, downloading an artifact needs to be faster than building it. This is not always the case, especially if the cache server is far from the machine doing the build. Google’s network and build system is carefully tuned to be able to quickly share build results. When configuring remote caching in your organization, take care to consider network latencies and perform experiments to ensure that the cache is actually improving performance.
+Of course, for there to be any benefit from a remote cache, downloading an artifact needs to be faster than building it. This is not always the case, especially if the cache server is far from the machine doing the build. Google」s network and build system is carefully tuned to be able to quickly share build results. When configuring remote caching in your organization, take care to consider network latencies and perform experiments to ensure that the cache is actually improving performance.
-### Remote execution 远程构建
+### Remote execution 遠端建立
-Remote caching isn’t a true distributed build. If the cache is lost or if you make a low- level change that requires everything to be rebuilt, you still need to perform the entire build locally on your machine. The true goal is to support *remote execution*, in which the actual work of doing the build can be spread across any number of workers. Figure 18-3 depicts a remote execution system.
+Remote caching isn」t a true distributed build. If the cache is lost or if you make a low- level change that requires everything to be rebuilt, you still need to perform the entire build locally on your machine. The true goal is to support *remote execution*, in which the actual work of doing the build can be spread across any number of workers. Figure 18-3 depicts a remote execution system.
![Figure 18-3](./images/Figure%2018-3.png)
Figure 18-3. A remote execution system
-The build tool running on each user’s machine (where users are either human engineers or automated build systems) sends requests to a central build master. The build master breaks the requests into their component actions and schedules the execution of those actions over a scalable pool of workers. Each worker performs the actions asked of it with the inputs specified by the user and writes out the resulting artifacts. These artifacts are shared across the other machines executing actions that require them until the final output can be produced and sent to the user.
+The build tool running on each user」s machine (where users are either human engineers or automated build systems) sends requests to a central build master. The build master breaks the requests into their component actions and schedules the execution of those actions over a scalable pool of workers. Each worker performs the actions asked of it with the inputs specified by the user and writes out the resulting artifacts. These artifacts are shared across the other machines executing actions that require them until the final output can be produced and sent to the user.
-The trickiest part of implementing such a system is managing the communication between the workers, the master, and the user’s local machine. Workers might depend on intermediate artifacts produced by other workers, and the final output needs to be sent back to the user’s local machine. To do this, we can build on top of the distributed cache described previously by having each worker write its results to and read its dependencies from the cache. The master blocks workers from proceeding until everything they depend on has finished, in which case they’ll be able to read their inputs from the cache. The final product is also cached, allowing the local machine to download it. Note that we also need a separate means of exporting the local changes in the user’s source tree so that workers can apply those changes before building.
+The trickiest part of implementing such a system is managing the communication between the workers, the master, and the user」s local machine. Workers might depend on intermediate artifacts produced by other workers, and the final output needs to be sent back to the user」s local machine. To do this, we can build on top of the distributed cache described previously by having each worker write its results to and read its dependencies from the cache. The master blocks workers from proceeding until everything they depend on has finished, in which case they」ll be able to read their inputs from the cache. The final product is also cached, allowing the local machine to download it. Note that we also need a separate means of exporting the local changes in the user」s source tree so that workers can apply those changes before building.
For this to work, all of the parts of the artifact-based build systems described earlier need to come together. Build environments must be completely self-describing so that we can spin up workers without human intervention. Build processes themselves must be completely self-contained because each step might be executed on a different machine. Outputs must be completely deterministic so that each worker can trust the results it receives from other workers. Such guarantees are extremely difficult for a task-based system to provide, which makes it nigh-impossible to build a reliable remote execution system on top of one.
**Distributed builds at Google.** Since 2008, Google has been using a distributed build system that employs both remote caching and remote execution, which is illustrated in Figure 18-4.
![Figure 18-4](./images/Figure%2018-4.png)
-*Figure* *18-4. Google’s distributed build system*
+*Figure* *18-4. Google」s distributed build system*
-Google’s remote cache is called ObjFS. It consists of a backend that stores build outputs in [Bigtables](https://oreil.ly/S_N-D) distributed throughout our fleet of production machines and a frontend FUSE daemon named objfsd that runs on each developer’s machine. The FUSE daemon allows engineers to browse build outputs as if they were normal files stored on the workstation, but with the file content downloaded on-demand only for the few files that are directly requested by the user. Serving file contents on-demand greatly reduces both network and disk usage, and the system is able to [build twice as fast](https://oreil.ly/NZxSp)compared to when we stored all build output on the developer’s local disk.
+Google」s remote cache is called ObjFS. It consists of a backend that stores build outputs in [Bigtables](https://oreil.ly/S_N-D) distributed throughout our fleet of production machines and a frontend FUSE daemon named objfsd that runs on each developer」s machine. The FUSE daemon allows engineers to browse build outputs as if they were normal files stored on the workstation, but with the file content downloaded on-demand only for the few files that are directly requested by the user. Serving file contents on-demand greatly reduces both network and disk usage, and the system is able to [build twice as fast](https://oreil.ly/NZxSp)compared to when we stored all build output on the developer」s local disk.
-Google’s remote execution system is called Forge. A Forge client in Blaze called the Distributor sends requests for each action to a job running in our datacenters called the Scheduler. The Scheduler maintains a cache of action results, allowing it to return a response immediately if the action has already been created by any other user of the system. If not, it places the action into a queue. A large pool of Executor jobs continually read actions from this queue, execute them, and store the results directly in the ObjFS Bigtables. These results are available to the executors for future actions, or to be downloaded by the end user via objfsd.
+Google」s remote execution system is called Forge. A Forge client in Blaze called the Distributor sends requests for each action to a job running in our datacenters called the Scheduler. The Scheduler maintains a cache of action results, allowing it to return a response immediately if the action has already been created by any other user of the system. If not, it places the action into a queue. A large pool of Executor jobs continually read actions from this queue, execute them, and store the results directly in the ObjFS Bigtables. These results are available to the executors for future actions, or to be downloaded by the end user via objfsd.
-谷歌的远程执行系统被称为Forge。在Blaze中,一个名为 "Distributor "的Forge客户端将每个操作的请求发送到数据中心中名为Scheduler调度器。调度器维护操作结果的缓存,允许它在操作已经由系统的任何其他用户创建时立即返回响应。如果没有,它就把操作放到一个队列中。大量执行器作业从该队列中连续读取操作,执行它们,并将结果直接存储在ObjFS Bigtables中。这些结果可供执行者用于将来的操作,或由最终用户通过objfsd下载。
+谷歌的遠端執行系統被稱為Forge。在Blaze中,一個名為 "Distributor "的Forge用戶端將每個操作的請求傳送到資料中心中名為Scheduler排程器。排程器維護操作結果的快取,允許它在操作已經由系統的任何其他使用者建立時立即回傳回應。如果沒有,它就把操作放到一個佇列中。大量執行器作業從該佇列中連續讀取操作,執行它們,並將結果直接儲存在ObjFS Bigtables中。這些結果可供執行者用於將來的操作,或由最終使用者透過objfsd下載。
-The end result is a system that scales to efficiently support all builds performed at Google. And the scale of Google’s builds is truly massive: Google runs millions of builds executing millions of test cases and producing petabytes of build outputs from billions of lines of source code every *day*. Not only does such a system let our engineers build complex codebases quickly, it also allows us to implement a huge number of automated tools and systems that rely on our build. We put many years of effort into developing this system, but nowadays open source tools are readily available such that any organization can implement a similar system. Though it can take time and energy to deploy such a build system, the end result can be truly magical for engineers and is often well worth the effort.
+The end result is a system that scales to efficiently support all builds performed at Google. And the scale of Google」s builds is truly massive: Google runs millions of builds executing millions of test cases and producing petabytes of build outputs from billions of lines of source code every *day*. Not only does such a system let our engineers build complex codebases quickly, it also allows us to implement a huge number of automated tools and systems that rely on our build. We put many years of effort into developing this system, but nowadays open source tools are readily available such that any organization can implement a similar system. Though it can take time and energy to deploy such a build system, the end result can be truly magical for engineers and is often well worth the effort.
-## Time, Scale, Trade-Offs 时间、规模、权衡
+## Time, Scale, Trade-Offs 時間、規模、權衡
-Build systems are all about making code easier to work with at scale and over time. And like everything in software engineering, there are trade-offs in choosing which sort of build system to use. The DIY approach using shell scripts or direct invocations of tools works only for the smallest projects that don’t need to deal with code changing over a long period of time, or for languages like Go that have a built-in build system.
+Build systems are all about making code easier to work with at scale and over time. And like everything in software engineering, there are trade-offs in choosing which sort of build system to use. The DIY approach using shell scripts or direct invocations of tools works only for the smallest projects that don」t need to deal with code changing over a long period of time, or for languages like Go that have a built-in build system.
-Choosing a task-based build system instead of relying on DIY scripts greatly improves your project’s ability to scale, allowing you to automate complex builds and more easily reproduce those builds across machines. The trade-off is that you need to actually start putting some thought into how your build is structured and deal with the overhead of writing build files (though automated tools can often help with this). This trade-off tends to be worth it for most projects, but for particularly trivial projects (e.g., those contained in a single source file), the overhead might not buy you much.
+Choosing a task-based build system instead of relying on DIY scripts greatly improves your project」s ability to scale, allowing you to automate complex builds and more easily reproduce those builds across machines. The trade-off is that you need to actually start putting some thought into how your build is structured and deal with the overhead of writing build files (though automated tools can often help with this). This trade-off tends to be worth it for most projects, but for particularly trivial projects (e.g., those contained in a single source file), the overhead might not buy you much.
-Task-based build systems begin to run into some fundamental problems as the project scales further, and these issues can be remedied by using an artifact-based build system instead. Such build systems unlock a whole new level of scale because huge builds can now be distributed across many machines, and thousands of engineers can be more certain that their builds are consistent and reproducible. As with so many other topics in this book, the trade-off here is a lack of flexibility: artifact- based systems don’t let you write generic tasks in a real programming language, but require you to work within the constraints of the system. This is usually not a problem for projects that are designed to work with artifact-based systems from the start, but migration from an existing task-based system can be difficult and is not always worth it if the build isn’t already showing problems in terms of speed or correctness.
+Task-based build systems begin to run into some fundamental problems as the project scales further, and these issues can be remedied by using an artifact-based build system instead. Such build systems unlock a whole new level of scale because huge builds can now be distributed across many machines, and thousands of engineers can be more certain that their builds are consistent and reproducible. As with so many other topics in this book, the trade-off here is a lack of flexibility: artifact- based systems don」t let you write generic tasks in a real programming language, but require you to work within the constraints of the system. This is usually not a problem for projects that are designed to work with artifact-based systems from the start, but migration from an existing task-based system can be difficult and is not always worth it if the build isn」t already showing problems in terms of speed or correctness.
-Changes to a project’s build system can be expensive, and that cost increases as the project becomes larger. This is why Google believes that almost every new project benefits from incorporating an artifact-based build system like Bazel right from the start. Within Google, essentially all code from tiny experimental projects up to Google Search is built using Blaze.
+Changes to a project」s build system can be expensive, and that cost increases as the project becomes larger. This is why Google believes that almost every new project benefits from incorporating an artifact-based build system like Bazel right from the start. Within Google, essentially all code from tiny experimental projects up to Google Search is built using Blaze.
-## Dealing with Modules and Dependencies 处理模块和依赖关系
+## Dealing with Modules and Dependencies 處理模組和依賴關係
Projects that use artifact-based build systems like Bazel are broken into a set of modules, with modules expressing dependencies on one another via BUILD files. Proper organization of these modules and dependencies can have a huge effect on both the performance of the build system and how much work it takes to maintain.
-### Using Fine-Grained Modules and the 1:1:1 Rule 使用细粒度模块和1:1:1规则
+### Using Fine-Grained Modules and the 1:1:1 Rule 使用細粒度模組和1:1:1規則
-The first question that comes up when structuring an artifact-based build is deciding how much functionality an individual module should encompass. In Bazel, a “module” is represented by a target specifying a buildable unit like a java_library or a go_binary. At one extreme, the entire project could be contained in a single module by putting one BUILD file at the root and recursively globbing together all of that project’s source files. At the other extreme, nearly every source file could be made into its own module, effectively requiring each file to list in a BUILD file every other file it depends on.
+The first question that comes up when structuring an artifact-based build is deciding how much functionality an individual module should encompass. In Bazel, a 『module』 is represented by a target specifying a buildable unit like a java_library or a go_binary. At one extreme, the entire project could be contained in a single module by putting one BUILD file at the root and recursively globbing together all of that project」s source files. At the other extreme, nearly every source file could be made into its own module, effectively requiring each file to list in a BUILD file every other file it depends on.
-构建基于构件的构建时出现的第一个问题是决定单个模块应该包含多少功能。在Bazel中,一个 "module"是由一个指定可构建单元的目标表示的,如java_library或go_binary。在一个极端,整个项目可以包含在一个单一的module中,方法是把一个BUILD文件放在根部,然后递归地把该项目所有的源文件放在一起。在另一个极端,几乎每一个源文件都可以成为自己的模块,有效地要求每个文件在BUILD文件中列出它所依赖的每个其他文件。
+建立基於構件的建立時出現的第一個問題是決定單個模組應該包含多少功能。在Bazel中,一個 "module"是由一個指定可建立單元的目標表示的,如java_library或go_binary。在一個極端,整個專案可以包含在一個單一的module中,方法是把一個BUILD檔案放在根部,然後遞迴地把該專案所有的源檔案放在一起。在另一個極端,幾乎每一個源檔案都可以成為自己的模組,有效地要求每個檔案在BUILD檔案中列出它所依賴的每個其他檔案。
-Most projects fall somewhere between these extremes, and the choice involves a trade-off between performance and maintainability. Using a single module for the entire project might mean that you never need to touch the BUILD file except when adding an external dependency, but it means that the build system will always need to build the entire project all at once. This means that it won’t be able to parallelize or distribute parts of the build, nor will it be able to cache parts that it’s already built. One-module-per-file is the opposite: the build system has the maximum flexibility in caching and scheduling steps of the build, but engineers need to expend more effort maintaining lists of dependencies whenever they change which files reference which.
+Most projects fall somewhere between these extremes, and the choice involves a trade-off between performance and maintainability. Using a single module for the entire project might mean that you never need to touch the BUILD file except when adding an external dependency, but it means that the build system will always need to build the entire project all at once. This means that it won」t be able to parallelize or distribute parts of the build, nor will it be able to cache parts that it」s already built. One-module-per-file is the opposite: the build system has the maximum flexibility in caching and scheduling steps of the build, but engineers need to expend more effort maintaining lists of dependencies whenever they change which files reference which.
Though the exact granularity varies by language (and often even within language), Google tends to favor significantly smaller modules than one might typically write in a task-based build system. A typical production binary at Google will likely depend on tens of thousands of targets, and even a moderate-sized team can own several hundred targets within its codebase. For languages like Java that have a strong built- in notion of packaging, each directory usually contains a single package, target, and BUILD file (Pants, another build system based on Blaze, calls this the 1:1:1 rule). Languages with weaker packaging conventions will frequently define multiple targets per BUILD file.
-The benefits of smaller build targets really begin to show at scale because they lead to faster distributed builds and a less frequent need to rebuild targets. The advantages become even more compelling after testing enters the picture, as finer-grained targets mean that the build system can be much smarter about running only a limited subset of tests that could be affected by any given change. Because Google believes in the systemic benefits of using smaller targets, we’ve made some strides in mitigating the downside by investing in tooling to automatically manage BUILD files to avoid burdening developers. Many of these tools are now open source.
+The benefits of smaller build targets really begin to show at scale because they lead to faster distributed builds and a less frequent need to rebuild targets. The advantages become even more compelling after testing enters the picture, as finer-grained targets mean that the build system can be much smarter about running only a limited subset of tests that could be affected by any given change. Because Google believes in the systemic benefits of using smaller targets, we」ve made some strides in mitigating the downside by investing in tooling to automatically manage BUILD files to avoid burdening developers. Many of these tools are now open source.
-### Minimizing Module Visibility 最小化模块可见性
+### Minimizing Module Visibility 最小化模組可見性
Bazel and other build systems allow each target to specify a visibility: a property that specifies which other targets may depend on it. Targets can be public, in which case they can be referenced by any other target in the workspace; private, in which case they can be referenced only from within the same BUILD file; or visible to only an explicitly defined list of other targets. A visibility is essentially the opposite of a dependency: if target A wants to depend on target B, target B must make itself visible to target A.
-Just like in most programming languages, it is usually best to minimize visibility as much as possible. Generally, teams at Google will make targets public only if those targets represent widely used libraries available to any team at Google. Teams that require others to coordinate with them before using their code will maintain a whitelist of customer targets as their target’s visibility. Each team’s internal implementation targets will be restricted to only directories owned by the team, and most BUILD files will have only one target that isn’t private.
+Just like in most programming languages, it is usually best to minimize visibility as much as possible. Generally, teams at Google will make targets public only if those targets represent widely used libraries available to any team at Google. Teams that require others to coordinate with them before using their code will maintain a whitelist of customer targets as their target」s visibility. Each team」s internal implementation targets will be restricted to only directories owned by the team, and most BUILD files will have only one target that isn」t private.
-### Managing Dependencies 管理依赖关系
+### Managing Dependencies 管理依賴關係
Modules need to be able to refer to one another. The downside of breaking a codebase into fine-grained modules is that you need to manage the dependencies among those modules (though tools can help automate this). Expressing these dependencies usually ends up being the bulk of the content in a BUILD file.
-#### Internal dependencies 内部依赖关系
+#### Internal dependencies 內部依賴關係
-In a large project broken into fine-grained modules, most dependencies are likely to be internal; that is, on another target defined and built in the same source repository. Internal dependencies differ from external dependencies in that they are built from source rather than downloaded as a prebuilt artifact while running the build. This also means that there’s no notion of “version” for internal dependencies—a target and all of its internal dependencies are always built at the same commit/revision in the repository.
+In a large project broken into fine-grained modules, most dependencies are likely to be internal; that is, on another target defined and built in the same source repository. Internal dependencies differ from external dependencies in that they are built from source rather than downloaded as a prebuilt artifact while running the build. This also means that there」s no notion of 『version』 for internal dependencies—a target and all of its internal dependencies are always built at the same commit/revision in the repository.
One issue that should be handled carefully with regard to internal dependencies is how to treat transitive dependencies (Figure 18-5). Suppose target A depends on target B, which depends on a common library target C. Should target A be able to use classes defined in target C?
-关于内部依赖关系,应该小心处理的一个问题是如何处理可传递依赖关系(图 18-5)。假设目标A依赖于目标B,而目标B依赖于一个共同的库目标C,那么目标A是否应该使用目标C中定义的类?
+關於內部依賴關係,應該小心處理的一個問題是如何處理可傳遞依賴關係(圖 18-5)。假設目標A依賴於目標B,而目標B依賴於一個共同的函式庫目標C,那麼目標A是否應該使用目標C中定義的類?
![Figure 18-5](./images/Figure%2018-5.png)
*Figure* *18-5.* *Transitive* *dependencies*
-As far as the underlying tools are concerned, there’s no problem with this; both B and C will be linked into target A when it is built, so any symbols defined in C are known to A. Blaze allowed this for many years, but as Google grew, we began to see problems. Suppose that B was refactored such that it no longer needed to depend on C. If B’s dependency on C was then removed, A and any other target that used C via a dependency on B would break. Effectively, a target’s dependencies became part of its public contract and could never be safely changed. This meant that dependencies accumulated over time and builds at Google started to slow down.
+As far as the underlying tools are concerned, there」s no problem with this; both B and C will be linked into target A when it is built, so any symbols defined in C are known to A. Blaze allowed this for many years, but as Google grew, we began to see problems. Suppose that B was refactored such that it no longer needed to depend on C. If B」s dependency on C was then removed, A and any other target that used C via a dependency on B would break. Effectively, a target」s dependencies became part of its public contract and could never be safely changed. This meant that dependencies accumulated over time and builds at Google started to slow down.
-Google eventually solved this issue by introducing a “strict transitive dependency mode” in Blaze. In this mode, Blaze detects whether a target tries to reference a symbol without depending on it directly and, if so, fails with an error and a shell command that can be used to automatically insert the dependency. Rolling this change out across Google’s entire codebase and refactoring every one of our millions of build targets to explicitly list their dependencies was a multiyear effort, but it was well worth it. Our builds are now much faster given that targets have fewer unnecessary dependencies,[^6] and engineers are empowered to remove dependencies they don’t need without worrying about breaking targets that depend on them.
+Google eventually solved this issue by introducing a 『strict transitive dependency mode』 in Blaze. In this mode, Blaze detects whether a target tries to reference a symbol without depending on it directly and, if so, fails with an error and a shell command that can be used to automatically insert the dependency. Rolling this change out across Google」s entire codebase and refactoring every one of our millions of build targets to explicitly list their dependencies was a multiyear effort, but it was well worth it. Our builds are now much faster given that targets have fewer unnecessary dependencies,[^6] and engineers are empowered to remove dependencies they don」t need without worrying about breaking targets that depend on them.
-谷歌最终解决了这个问题,在Blaze中引入了一个 "严格传递依赖模式"。在这种模式下,Blaze检测目标是否尝试引用符号而不直接依赖它,如果是,则失败,并显示错误和可用于自动插入依赖项的shell命令。在谷歌的整个代码库中推广这一变化,并重构我们数百万个构建目标中的每一个,以以明确列出它们的依赖关系,这是一项多年的努力,但这是非常值得的。现在我们的构建速度快多了,因为目标的不必要的依赖性减少了,工程师有权删除他们不需要的依赖关系,而不用担心破坏依赖它们的目标。
+谷歌最終解決了這個問題,在Blaze中引入了一個 "嚴格傳遞依賴模式"。在這種模式下,Blaze檢測目標是否嘗試引用符號而不直接依賴它,如果是,則失敗,並顯示錯誤和可用於自動插入依賴項的shell指令。在谷歌的整個程式碼庫中推廣這一變化,並重構我們數百萬個建立目標中的每一個,以以明確列出它們的依賴關係,這是一項多年的努力,但這是非常值得的。現在我們的建立速度快多了,因為目標的不必要的依賴性減少了,工程師有權刪除他們不需要的依賴關係,而不用擔心破壞依賴它們的目標。
-As usual, enforcing strict transitive dependencies involved a trade-off. It made build files more verbose, as frequently used libraries now need to be listed explicitly in many places rather than pulled in incidentally, and engineers needed to spend more effort adding dependencies to *BUILD* files. We’ve since developed tools that reduce this toil by automatically detecting many missing dependencies and adding them to a *BUILD* files without any developer intervention. But even without such tools, we’ve found the trade-off to be well worth it as the codebase scales: explicitly adding a dependency to *BUILD* file is a one-time cost, but dealing with implicit transitive dependencies can cause ongoing problems as long as the build target exists. [Bazel enforces strict transitive dependencies](https://oreil.ly/Z-CqD)on Java code by default.
+As usual, enforcing strict transitive dependencies involved a trade-off. It made build files more verbose, as frequently used libraries now need to be listed explicitly in many places rather than pulled in incidentally, and engineers needed to spend more effort adding dependencies to *BUILD* files. We」ve since developed tools that reduce this toil by automatically detecting many missing dependencies and adding them to a *BUILD* files without any developer intervention. But even without such tools, we」ve found the trade-off to be well worth it as the codebase scales: explicitly adding a dependency to *BUILD* file is a one-time cost, but dealing with implicit transitive dependencies can cause ongoing problems as long as the build target exists. [Bazel enforces strict transitive dependencies](https://oreil.ly/Z-CqD)on Java code by default.
> [^6]: Of course, actually removing these dependencies was a whole separate process. But requiring each target to explicitly declare what it used was a critical first step. See Chapter 22 for more information about how Google makes large-scale changes like this.
-> 6 当然,实际上删除这些依赖项是一个完全独立的过程。但要求每个目标明确声明它使用了什么是关键的第一步。请参阅第22章,了解更多关于谷歌如何做出如此大规模改变的信息。
+> 6 當然,實際上刪除這些依賴項是一個完全獨立的過程。但要求每個目標明確宣告它使用了什麼是關鍵的第一步。請參閱第22章,瞭解更多關於谷歌如何做出如此大規模改變的訊息。
-### External dependencies 外部依赖
+### External dependencies 外部依賴
-If a dependency isn’t internal, it must be external. External dependencies are those on artifacts that are built and stored outside of the build system. The dependency is imported directly from an *artifact repository* (typically accessed over the internet) and used as-is rather than being built from source. One of the biggest differences between external and internal dependencies is that external dependencies have *versions*, and those versions exist independently of the project’s source code.
+If a dependency isn」t internal, it must be external. External dependencies are those on artifacts that are built and stored outside of the build system. The dependency is imported directly from an *artifact repository* (typically accessed over the internet) and used as-is rather than being built from source. One of the biggest differences between external and internal dependencies is that external dependencies have *versions*, and those versions exist independently of the project」s source code.
- **Automatic versus manual dependency management.** Build systems can allow the versions of external dependencies to be managed either manually or automatically. When managed manually, the buildfile explicitly lists the version it wants to download from the artifact repository, often using [a semantic version string](https://semver.org/)such as “1.1.4”. When managed automatically, the source file specifies a range of acceptable versions, and the build system always downloads the latest one. For example, Gradle allows a dependency version to be declared as “1.+” to specify that any minor or patch version of a dependency is acceptable so long as the major version is 1.
+ **Automatic versus manual dependency management.** Build systems can allow the versions of external dependencies to be managed either manually or automatically. When managed manually, the buildfile explicitly lists the version it wants to download from the artifact repository, often using [a semantic version string](https://semver.org/)such as 『1.1.4』. When managed automatically, the source file specifies a range of acceptable versions, and the build system always downloads the latest one. For example, Gradle allows a dependency version to be declared as 『1.+』 to specify that any minor or patch version of a dependency is acceptable so long as the major version is 1.
- **自动与手动依赖管理。**构建系统可以允许手动或自动管理外部依赖的版本。当手动管理时,构建文件明确列出它要从构件库中下载的版本,通常使用[语义版本字符串](https://semver.org/),如 "1.1.4"。当自动管理时,源文件指定了一个可接受的版本范围,并且构建系统总是下载最新的版本。例如,Gradle允许将依赖版本声明为 "1.+",以指定只要主要版本是1,那么依赖的任何次要或补丁版本都是可以接受的。
+ **自動與手動依賴管理。**建立系統可以允許手動或自動管理外部依賴的版本。當手動管理時,建立檔案明確列出它要從構件庫中下載的版本,通常使用[語義版本字串](https://semver.org/),如 "1.1.4"。當自動管理時,源檔案指定了一個可接受的版本範圍,並且建立系統總是下載最新的版本。例如,Gradle允許將依賴版本宣告為 "1.+",以指定只要主要版本是1,那麼依賴的任何次要或補丁版本都是可以接受的。
-Automatically managed dependencies can be convenient for small projects, but they’re usually a recipe for disaster on projects of nontrivial size or that are being worked on by more than one engineer. The problem with automatically managed dependencies is that you have no control over when the version is updated. There’s no way to guarantee that external parties won’t make breaking updates (even when they claim to use semantic versioning), so a build that worked one day might be broken the next with no easy way to detect what changed or to roll it back to a working state. Even if the build doesn’t break, there can be subtle behavior or performance changes that are impossible to track down.
+Automatically managed dependencies can be convenient for small projects, but they」re usually a recipe for disaster on projects of nontrivial size or that are being worked on by more than one engineer. The problem with automatically managed dependencies is that you have no control over when the version is updated. There」s no way to guarantee that external parties won」t make breaking updates (even when they claim to use semantic versioning), so a build that worked one day might be broken the next with no easy way to detect what changed or to roll it back to a working state. Even if the build doesn」t break, there can be subtle behavior or performance changes that are impossible to track down.
-In contrast, because manually managed dependencies require a change in source control, they can be easily discovered and rolled back, and it’s possible to check out an older version of the repository to build with older dependencies. Bazel requires that versions of all dependencies be specified manually. At even moderate scales, the overhead of manual version management is well worth it for the stability it provides.
+In contrast, because manually managed dependencies require a change in source control, they can be easily discovered and rolled back, and it」s possible to check out an older version of the repository to build with older dependencies. Bazel requires that versions of all dependencies be specified manually. At even moderate scales, the overhead of manual version management is well worth it for the stability it provides.
-**The One-Version Rule.** Different versions of a library are usually represented by different artifacts, so in theory there’s no reason that different versions of the same external dependency couldn’t both be declared in the build system under different names. That way, each target could choose which version of the dependency it wanted to use. Google has found this to cause a lot of problems in practice, so we enforce a strict [*One-Version Rule*](https://oreil.ly/OFa9V)for all third-party dependencies in our internal codebase.
+**The One-Version Rule.** Different versions of a library are usually represented by different artifacts, so in theory there」s no reason that different versions of the same external dependency couldn」t both be declared in the build system under different names. That way, each target could choose which version of the dependency it wanted to use. Google has found this to cause a lot of problems in practice, so we enforce a strict [*One-Version Rule*](https://oreil.ly/OFa9V)for all third-party dependencies in our internal codebase.
-The biggest problem with allowing multiple versions is the *diamond dependency* issue. Suppose that target A depends on target B and on v1 of an external library. If target B is later refactored to add a dependency on v2 of the same external library, target A will break because it now depends implicitly on two different versions of the same library. Effectively, it’s never safe to add a new dependency from a target to any third-party library with multiple versions, because any of that target’s users could already be depending on a different version. Following the One-Version Rule makes this conflict impossible—if a target adds a dependency on a third-party library, any existing dependencies will already be on that same version, so they can happily coexist.
+The biggest problem with allowing multiple versions is the *diamond dependency* issue. Suppose that target A depends on target B and on v1 of an external library. If target B is later refactored to add a dependency on v2 of the same external library, target A will break because it now depends implicitly on two different versions of the same library. Effectively, it」s never safe to add a new dependency from a target to any third-party library with multiple versions, because any of that target」s users could already be depending on a different version. Following the One-Version Rule makes this conflict impossible—if a target adds a dependency on a third-party library, any existing dependencies will already be on that same version, so they can happily coexist.
-We’ll examine this further in the context of a large monorepo in Chapter 21.
+We」ll examine this further in the context of a large monorepo in Chapter 21.
**Transitive external dependencies.** Dealing with the transitive dependencies of an external dependency can be particularly difficult. Many artifact repositories such as Maven Central allow artifacts to specify dependencies on particular versions of other artifacts in the repository. Build tools like Maven or Gradle will often recursively download each transitive dependency by default, meaning that adding a single dependency in your project could potentially cause dozens of artifacts to be downloaded in total.
- **可传递的外部依赖。**处理外部依赖的可传递依赖可能特别困难。许多构件库(如Maven Central)允许构件指定对仓库中其他构件的特定版本的依赖性。像Maven或Gradle这样的构建工具通常会默认递归地下载每个横向依赖,这意味着在你的项目中添加一个依赖可能会导致总共下载几十个构件。
+ **可傳遞的外部依賴。**處理外部依賴的可傳遞依賴可能特別困難。許多構件庫(如Maven Central)允許構件指定對倉庫中其他構件的特定版本的依賴性。像Maven或Gradle這樣的建立工具通常會預設遞迴地下載每個橫向依賴,這意味著在你的專案中新增一個依賴可能會導致總共下載幾十個構件。
-This is very convenient: when adding a dependency on a new library, it would be a big pain to have to track down each of that library’s transitive dependencies and add them all manually. But there’s also a huge downside: because different libraries can depend on different versions of the same third-party library, this strategy necessarily violates the One-Version Rule and leads to the diamond dependency problem. If your target depends on two external libraries that use different versions of the same dependency, there’s no telling which one you’ll get. This also means that updating an external dependency could cause seemingly unrelated failures throughout the codebase if the new version begins pulling in conflicting versions of some of its dependencies.
+This is very convenient: when adding a dependency on a new library, it would be a big pain to have to track down each of that library」s transitive dependencies and add them all manually. But there」s also a huge downside: because different libraries can depend on different versions of the same third-party library, this strategy necessarily violates the One-Version Rule and leads to the diamond dependency problem. If your target depends on two external libraries that use different versions of the same dependency, there」s no telling which one you」ll get. This also means that updating an external dependency could cause seemingly unrelated failures throughout the codebase if the new version begins pulling in conflicting versions of some of its dependencies.
-For this reason, Bazel does not automatically download transitive dependencies. And, unfortunately, there’s no silver bullet—Bazel’s alternative is to require a global file that lists every single one of the repository’s external dependencies and an explicit version used for that dependency throughout the repository. Fortunately, [Bazel provides tools](https://oreil.ly/kejfX) that are able to automatically generate such a file containing the transitive dependencies of a set of Maven artifacts. This tool can be run once to generate the initial *WORKSPACE* file for a project, and that file can then be manually updated to adjust the versions of each dependency.
+For this reason, Bazel does not automatically download transitive dependencies. And, unfortunately, there」s no silver bullet—Bazel」s alternative is to require a global file that lists every single one of the repository」s external dependencies and an explicit version used for that dependency throughout the repository. Fortunately, [Bazel provides tools](https://oreil.ly/kejfX) that are able to automatically generate such a file containing the transitive dependencies of a set of Maven artifacts. This tool can be run once to generate the initial *WORKSPACE* file for a project, and that file can then be manually updated to adjust the versions of each dependency.
Yet again, the choice here is one between convenience and scalability. Small projects might prefer not having to worry about managing transitive dependencies themselves and might be able to get away with using automatic transitive dependencies. This strategy becomes less and less appealing as the organization and codebase grows, and conflicts and unexpected results become more and more frequent. At larger scales, the cost of manually managing dependencies is much less than the cost of dealing with issues caused by automatic dependency management.
**Caching build results using external dependencies.** External dependencies are most often provided by third parties that release stable versions of libraries, perhaps without providing source code. Some organizations might also choose to make some of their own code available as artifacts, allowing other pieces of code to depend on them as third- party rather than internal dependencies. This can theoretically speed up builds if artifacts are slow to build but quick to download.
However, this also introduces a lot of overhead and complexity: someone needs to be responsible for building each of those artifacts and uploading them to the artifact repository, and clients need to ensure that they stay up to date with the latest version. Debugging also becomes much more difficult because different parts of the system will have been built from different points in the repository, and there is no longer a consistent view of the source tree.
A better way to solve the problem of artifacts taking a long time to build is to use a build system that supports remote caching, as described earlier. Such a build system will save the resulting artifacts from every build to a location that is shared across engineers, so if a developer depends on an artifact that was recently built by someone else, the build system will automatically download it instead of building it. This provides all of the performance benefits of depending directly on artifacts while still ensuring that builds are as consistent as if they were always built from the same source. This is the strategy used internally by Google, and Bazel can be configured to use a remote cache.
-**Security and reliability of external dependencies.** Depending on artifacts from third- party sources is inherently risky. There’s an availability risk if the third-party source (e.g., an artifact repository) goes down, because your entire build might grind to a halt if it’s unable to download an external dependency. There’s also a security risk: if the third-party system is compromised by an attacker, the attacker could replace the referenced artifact with one of their own design, allowing them to inject arbitrary code into your build.
+**Security and reliability of external dependencies.** Depending on artifacts from third- party sources is inherently risky. There」s an availability risk if the third-party source (e.g., an artifact repository) goes down, because your entire build might grind to a halt if it」s unable to download an external dependency. There」s also a security risk: if the third-party system is compromised by an attacker, the attacker could replace the referenced artifact with one of their own design, allowing them to inject arbitrary code into your build.
Both problems can be mitigated by mirroring any artifacts you depend on onto servers you control and blocking your build system from accessing third-party artifact repositories like Maven Central. The trade-off is that these mirrors take effort and resources to maintain, so the choice of whether to use them often depends on the scale of the project. The security issue can also be completely prevented with little overhead by requiring the hash of each third-party artifact to be specified in the source repository, causing the build to fail if the artifact is tampered with.
-这两个问题都可以通过将你依赖的构件镜像到你控制的服务器上,并阻止你的构建系统访问第三方构件库(如Maven Central)来缓解。权衡之下,这些镜像需要花费精力和资源来维护,所以是否使用这些镜像往往取决于项目的规模。安全问题也可以通过要求在源码库中指定每个第三方构件的哈希值来完全避免,如果构件被篡改,则会导致构建失败。
+這兩個問題都可以透過將你依賴的構件映象到你控制的伺服器上,並阻止你的建立系統訪問第三方構件庫(如Maven Central)來緩解。權衡之下,這些映象需要花費精力和資源來維護,所以是否使用這些映象往往取決於專案的規模。安全問題也可以透過要求在原始碼庫中指定每個第三方構件的雜湊值來完全避免,如果構件被篡改,則會導致建立失敗。
-Another alternative that completely sidesteps the issue is to *vendor* your project’s dependencies. When a project vendors its dependencies, it checks them into source control alongside the project’s source code, either as source or as binaries. This effectively means that all of the project’s external dependencies are converted to internal dependencies. Google uses this approach internally, checking every third-party library referenced throughout Google into a *third_party* directory at the root of Google’s source tree. However, this works at Google only because Google’s source control system is custom built to handle an extremely large monorepo, so vendoring might not be an option for other organizations.
+Another alternative that completely sidesteps the issue is to *vendor* your project」s dependencies. When a project vendors its dependencies, it checks them into source control alongside the project」s source code, either as source or as binaries. This effectively means that all of the project」s external dependencies are converted to internal dependencies. Google uses this approach internally, checking every third-party library referenced throughout Google into a *third_party* directory at the root of Google」s source tree. However, this works at Google only because Google」s source control system is custom built to handle an extremely large monorepo, so vendoring might not be an option for other organizations.
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
-A build system is one of the most important parts of an engineering organization. Each developer will interact with it potentially dozens or hundreds of times per day, and in many situations, it can be the rate-limiting step in determining their productivity. This means that it’s worth investing time and thought into getting things right.
+A build system is one of the most important parts of an engineering organization. Each developer will interact with it potentially dozens or hundreds of times per day, and in many situations, it can be the rate-limiting step in determining their productivity. This means that it」s worth investing time and thought into getting things right.
-As discussed in this chapter, one of the more surprising lessons that Google has learned is that *limiting engineers’ power and flexibility can improve their productivity*. We were able to develop a build system that meets our needs not by giving engineers free reign in defining how builds are performed, but by developing a highly structured framework that limits individual choice and leaves most interesting decisions in the hands of automated tools. And despite what you might think, engineers don’t resent this: Googlers love that this system mostly works on its own and lets them focus on the interesting parts of writing their applications instead of grappling with build logic. Being able to trust the build is powerful—incremental builds just work, and there is almost never a need to clear build caches or run a “clean” step.
+As discussed in this chapter, one of the more surprising lessons that Google has learned is that *limiting engineers」 power and flexibility can improve their productivity*. We were able to develop a build system that meets our needs not by giving engineers free reign in defining how builds are performed, but by developing a highly structured framework that limits individual choice and leaves most interesting decisions in the hands of automated tools. And despite what you might think, engineers don」t resent this: Googlers love that this system mostly works on its own and lets them focus on the interesting parts of writing their applications instead of grappling with build logic. Being able to trust the build is powerful—incremental builds just work, and there is almost never a need to clear build caches or run a 『clean』 step.
-We took this insight and used it to create a whole new type of *artifact-based* build system, contrasting with traditional *task-based* build systems. This reframing of the build as centering around artifacts instead of tasks is what allows our builds to scale to an organization the size of Google. At the extreme end, it allows for a *distributed* *build system* that is able to leverage the resources of an entire compute cluster to accelerate engineers’ productivity. Though your organization might not be large enough to benefit from such an investment, we believe that artifact-based build systems scale down as well as they scale up: even for small projects, build systems like Bazel can bring significant benefits in terms of speed and correctness.
+We took this insight and used it to create a whole new type of *artifact-based* build system, contrasting with traditional *task-based* build systems. This reframing of the build as centering around artifacts instead of tasks is what allows our builds to scale to an organization the size of Google. At the extreme end, it allows for a *distributed* *build system* that is able to leverage the resources of an entire compute cluster to accelerate engineers」 productivity. Though your organization might not be large enough to benefit from such an investment, we believe that artifact-based build systems scale down as well as they scale up: even for small projects, build systems like Bazel can bring significant benefits in terms of speed and correctness.
-The remainder of this chapter explored how to manage dependencies in an artifact- based world. We came to the conclusion that *fine-grained modules scale better than coarse-grained modules*. We also discussed the difficulties of managing dependency versions, describing the O*ne-Version Rule* and the observation that all dependencies should be *versioned manually and explicitly*. Such practices avoid common pitfalls like the diamond dependency issue and allow a codebase to achieve Google’s scale of billions of lines of code in a single repository with a unified build system.
+The remainder of this chapter explored how to manage dependencies in an artifact- based world. We came to the conclusion that *fine-grained modules scale better than coarse-grained modules*. We also discussed the difficulties of managing dependency versions, describing the O*ne-Version Rule* and the observation that all dependencies should be *versioned manually and explicitly*. Such practices avoid common pitfalls like the diamond dependency issue and allow a codebase to achieve Google」s scale of billions of lines of code in a single repository with a unified build system.
-本章的其余部分探讨了如何在一个基于构件的系统中管理依赖关系。我们得出的结论是:*细粒度的模块比粗粒度的模块更容易扩展。我们还讨论了管理依赖版本的困难,描述了* "一个版本规则 "*,以及所有的依赖都应该*手动和明确的版本*的观点。这样的做法可以避免像钻石依赖问题这样的常见陷阱,并允许代码库在一个具有统一构建系统的单一存储库中实现谷歌数万亿行代码的规模。
+本章的其餘部分探討瞭如何在一個基於構件的系統中管理依賴關係。我們得出的結論是:*細粒度的模組比粗粒度的模組更容易擴充套件。我們還討論了管理依賴版本的困難,描述了* "一個版本規則 "*,以及所有的依賴都應該*手動和明確的版本*的觀點。這樣的做法可以避免像鑽石依賴問題這樣的常見陷阱,並允許程式碼庫在一個具有統一建立系統的單一儲存庫中實現谷歌數萬億行程式碼的規模。
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- A fully featured build system is necessary to keep developers productive as an organization scales.
- Power and flexibility come at a cost. Restricting the build system appropriately makes it easier on developers.
-- 一个功能齐全的构建系统对于保持开发人员在组织规模扩大时的生产力是必要的。
-- 权力和灵活性是有代价的。适当地限制构建系统可以使开发人员更容易地使用它。
+- 一個功能齊全的建立系統對於保持開發人員在組織規模擴大時的生產力是必要的。
+- 權力和靈活性是有代價的。適當地限制建立系統可以使開發人員更容易地使用它。
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**CHAPTER 19**
-# Critique: Google’s Code Review Tool
+# Critique: Google」s Code Review Tool
-# 第十九章 体验:google的代码审查工具
+# 第十九章 體驗:google的程式碼審查工具
**Written by Caitlin Sadowski, Ilham Kurnia, and Ben Rohlfs**
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@
As you saw in Chapter 9, code review is a vital part of software development, particularly when working at scale. The main goal of code review is to improve the readability and maintainability of the code base, and this is supported fundamentally by the review process. However, having a well-defined code review process in only one part of the code review story. Tooling that supports that process also plays an important part in its success.
-In this chapter, we’ll look at what makes successful code review tooling via Google’s well-loved in-house system, Critique. Critique has explicit support for the primary motivations of code review, providing reviewers and authors with a view of the review and ability to comment on the change. Critique also has support for gatekeeping what code is checked into the codebase, discussed in the section on “scoring” changes. Code review information from Critique also can be useful when doing code archaeology, following some technical decisions that are explained in code review interactions (e.g., when inline comments are lacking). Although Critique is not the only code review tool used at Google, it is the most popular one by a large margin.
+In this chapter, we」ll look at what makes successful code review tooling via Google」s well-loved in-house system, Critique. Critique has explicit support for the primary motivations of code review, providing reviewers and authors with a view of the review and ability to comment on the change. Critique also has support for gatekeeping what code is checked into the codebase, discussed in the section on 『scoring』 changes. Code review information from Critique also can be useful when doing code archaeology, following some technical decisions that are explained in code review interactions (e.g., when inline comments are lacking). Although Critique is not the only code review tool used at Google, it is the most popular one by a large margin.
-在本章中,我们将通过Google深受喜爱的内部系统Critique,来看看成功的代码审查工具的模样。Critique明确支持代码审查的主要功能,为审查者和作者提供审查的视图和对更改的评论能力。Critique还支持对哪些代码被检入代码库进行把关,这一点在 "评分"更改一节中讨论。评论中的代码评审信息在进行代码考古时也很有用,遵循代码评审交互中解释的一些技术决策(例如,当缺少内联注释时)。尽管Critique并不是Google唯一使用的代码审查工具,但它是最受欢迎的工具。
+在本章中,我們將透過Google深受喜愛的內部系統Critique,來看看成功的程式碼審查工具的模樣。Critique明確支援程式碼審查的主要功能,為審查者和作者提供審查的檢視和對更改的評論能力。Critique還支援對哪些程式碼被檢入程式碼庫進行把關,這一點在 "評分"更改一節中討論。評論中的程式碼評審訊息在進行程式碼考古時也很有用,遵循程式碼評審互動中解釋的一些技術決策(例如,當缺少行內註解時)。儘管Critique並不是Google唯一使用的程式碼審查工具,但它是最受歡迎的工具。
-## Code Review Tooling Principles 代码审查工具原则
+## Code Review Tooling Principles 程式碼審查工具原則
-We mentioned above that Critique provides functionality to support the goals of code review (we look at this functionality in more detail later in this chapter), but why is it so successful? Critique has been shaped by Google’s development culture, which includes code review as a core part of the workflow. This cultural influence translates into a set of guiding principles that Critique was designed to emphasize:
+We mentioned above that Critique provides functionality to support the goals of code review (we look at this functionality in more detail later in this chapter), but why is it so successful? Critique has been shaped by Google」s development culture, which includes code review as a core part of the workflow. This cultural influence translates into a set of guiding principles that Critique was designed to emphasize:
- *Simplicity*
- Critique’s user interface (UI) is based around making it easy to do code review without a lot of unnecessary choices, and with a smooth interface. The UI loads fast, navigation is easy and hotkey supported, and there are clear visual markers for the overall state of whether a change has been reviewed.
+ Critique」s user interface (UI) is based around making it easy to do code review without a lot of unnecessary choices, and with a smooth interface. The UI loads fast, navigation is easy and hotkey supported, and there are clear visual markers for the overall state of whether a change has been reviewed.
- *Foundation of trust*
Code review is not for slowing others down; instead, it is for empowering others. Trusting colleagues as much as possible makes it work. This might mean, for example, trusting authors to make changes and not requiring an additional review phase to double check that minor comments are actually addressed. Trust also plays out by making changes openly accessible (for viewing and reviewing) across Google.
- *Generic communication*
@@ -30,30 +30,30 @@ We mentioned above that Critique provides functionality to support the goals of
- *Workflow integration*
Critique has a number of integration points with other core software development tools. Developers can easily navigate to view the code under review in our code search and browsing tool, edit code in our web-based code editing tool, or view test results associated with a code change.
-- *简洁性*
- Critique的用户界面(UI)基于使代码审查变得容易而不需要很多不必要的选择,并且具有流畅界面。用户界面加载速度快,导航简单,支持热键,而且有清晰的视觉标记,可以显示更改是否已审核的总体状态。
-- *信任的基础*
- 代码审查不是为了拖慢别人,相反,它是为了授权他人。尽可能地信任同事使其发挥作用。这可能意味着,例如,信任作者进行更改,而不需要额外的审查阶段来再次检查是否确实解决了次要评论。信任还体现在使修改在整个谷歌上公开进行(供查看和审查)。
-- *通用的沟通*
- 沟通问题很难通过工具来解决。Critique优先考虑让用户对代码修改进行评论的通用方法,而不是复杂的协定。评论鼓励用户详细说明他们想要的内容,甚至建议进行一些编辑,而不是使数据模型和过程更加复杂。即使是最好的代码审查工具,沟通也会出错,因为用户是人。
-- *工作流程的集成*
- Critique有很多与其他核心软件开发工具的集成点。开发人员可以在我们的代码搜索和浏览工具中轻松浏览正在审查的代码,在我们基于网络的代码编辑工具中编辑代码,或者查看与代码修改相关的测试结果。
+- *簡潔性*
+ Critique的使用者介面(UI)基於使程式碼審查變得容易而不需要很多不必要的選擇,並且具有流暢介面。使用者介面載入速度快,導向簡單,支援熱鍵,而且有清晰的視覺標記,可以顯示更改是否已稽核的總體狀態。
+- *信任的基礎*
+ 程式碼審查不是為了拖慢別人,相反,它是為了授權他人。儘可能地信任同事使其發揮作用。這可能意味著,例如,信任作者進行更改,而不需要額外的審查階段來再次檢查是否確實解決了次要評論。信任還體現在使修改在整個谷歌上公開進行(供檢視和審查)。
+- *通用的溝通*
+ 溝通問題很難透過工具來解決。Critique優先考慮讓使用者對程式碼修改進行評論的通用方法,而不是複雜的協定。評論鼓勵使用者詳細說明他們想要的內容,甚至建議進行一些編輯,而不是使資料模型和過程更加複雜。即使是最好的程式碼審查工具,溝通也會出錯,因為使用者是人。
+- *工作流程的整合*
+ Critique有很多與其他核心軟體開發工具的整合點。開發人員可以在我們的程式碼搜尋和瀏覽工具中輕鬆瀏覽正在審查的程式碼,在我們基於網路的程式碼編輯工具中編輯程式碼,或者檢視與程式碼修改相關的測試結果。
Across these guiding principles, simplicity has probably had the most impact on the tool. There were many interesting features we considered adding, but we decided not to make the model more complicated to support a small set of users.
-Simplicity also has an interesting tension with workflow integration. We considered but ultimately decided against creating a “Code Central” tool with code editing, reviewing, and searching in one tool. Although Critique has many touchpoints with other tools, we consciously decided to keep code review as the primary focus. Features are linked from Critique but implemented in different subsystems.
+Simplicity also has an interesting tension with workflow integration. We considered but ultimately decided against creating a 『Code Central』 tool with code editing, reviewing, and searching in one tool. Although Critique has many touchpoints with other tools, we consciously decided to keep code review as the primary focus. Features are linked from Critique but implemented in different subsystems.
-简单与工作流程的整合也有一个有趣的矛盾。我们考虑过,但最终决定不创建一个集代码编辑、审查和搜索于一体的 "代码中心"工具。尽管Critique与其他工具有许多接触点,但我们还是有意识地决定将代码审查作为主要关注点。特征从Critique链接,但在不同的子系统中实施。
+簡單與工作流程的整合也有一個有趣的矛盾。我們考慮過,但最終決定不建立一個集程式碼編輯、審查和搜尋於一體的 "程式碼中心"工具。儘管Critique與其他工具有許多接觸點,但我們還是有意識地決定將程式碼審查作為主要關注點。特徵從Critique連結,但在不同的子系統中實施。
-## Code Review Flow 代码审查流程
+## Code Review Flow 程式碼審查流程
-Code reviews can be executed at many stages of software development, as illustrated in Figure 19-1. Critique reviews typically take place before a change can be committed to the codebase, also known as precommit reviews. Although Chapter 9 contains a brief description of the code review flow, here we expand it to describe key aspects of Critique that help at each stage. We’ll look at each stage in more detail in the following sections.
+Code reviews can be executed at many stages of software development, as illustrated in Figure 19-1. Critique reviews typically take place before a change can be committed to the codebase, also known as precommit reviews. Although Chapter 9 contains a brief description of the code review flow, here we expand it to describe key aspects of Critique that help at each stage. We」ll look at each stage in more detail in the following sections.
![Figure 19-1](./images/Figure%2019-1.png)
@@ -63,57 +63,57 @@ Typical review steps go as follows:
1. **Create a change.** A user authors a change to the codebase in their workspace. This *author* then uploads a *snapshot* (showing a patch at a particular point in time) to Critique, which triggers the run of automatic code analyzers (see Chapter 20).
2. **Request** **review.** After the author is satisfied with the diff of the change and the result of the analyzers shown in Critique, they mail the change to one or more reviewers.
-3. **Comment.** *Reviewers* open the change in Critique and draft comments on the diff. Comments are by default marked as *unresolved,* meaning they are crucial for the author to address. Additionally, reviewers can add *resolved* comments that are optional or informational. Results from automatic code analyzers, if present, are also visible to reviewers. Once a reviewer has drafted a set of comments, they need to *publish* them in order for the author to see them; this has the advantage of allowing a reviewer to provide a complete thought on a change atomically, after having reviewed the entire change. Anyone can comment on changes, providing a “drive-by review” as they see it necessary.
+3. **Comment.** *Reviewers* open the change in Critique and draft comments on the diff. Comments are by default marked as *unresolved,* meaning they are crucial for the author to address. Additionally, reviewers can add *resolved* comments that are optional or informational. Results from automatic code analyzers, if present, are also visible to reviewers. Once a reviewer has drafted a set of comments, they need to *publish* them in order for the author to see them; this has the advantage of allowing a reviewer to provide a complete thought on a change atomically, after having reviewed the entire change. Anyone can comment on changes, providing a 『drive-by review』 as they see it necessary.
4. **Modify change and reply to comments.** The author modifies the change, uploads new snapshots based on the feedback, and replies back to the reviewers. The author addresses (at least) all unresolved comments, either by changing the code or just replying to the comment and changing the comment type to be *resolved*. The author and reviewers can look at diffs between any pairs of snapshots to see what changed. Steps 3 and 4 might be repeated multiple times.
-5. **Change approval.** When the reviewers are happy with the latest state of the change, they approve the change and mark it as “looks good to me” (LGTM). They can optionally include comments to address. After a change is deemed good for submission, it is clearly marked green in the UI to show this state.
-6. **Commit a change.** Provided the change is approved (which we’ll discuss shortly), the author can trigger the commit process of the change. If automatic analyzers and other precommit hooks (called “presubmits”) don’t find any problems, the change is committed to the codebase.
+5. **Change approval.** When the reviewers are happy with the latest state of the change, they approve the change and mark it as 『looks good to me』 (LGTM). They can optionally include comments to address. After a change is deemed good for submission, it is clearly marked green in the UI to show this state.
+6. **Commit a change.** Provided the change is approved (which we」ll discuss shortly), the author can trigger the commit process of the change. If automatic analyzers and other precommit hooks (called 『presubmits』) don」t find any problems, the change is committed to the codebase.
-1. **创建一个变更。** 用户对其工作区的代码库进行变更。然后这个*作者*向Critique上传一个*快照*(显示某一特定时间点的补丁),这将触发自动代码分析器的运行(见第20章)。
-2. **要求审查。** 在作者对修改的差异和Critique中显示的分析器的结果感到满意后,他们将修改发送给一个或多个审查员。
-3. **评论。**审查者在Critique中打开变更,并对diff起草评论。评论默认标记为*未解决*,意味着它们对作者来说是至关重要的。此外,评论者可以添加*已解决*的评论,这些评论是可选的或信息性的。自动代码分析器的结果,如果存在的话,也可以让审查者看到。一旦审查者起草了一组评论,他们需要*发布*它们,以便作者看到它们;这样做的好处是允许审查者在审查了整个修改后,以原子方式提供一个完整的想法。任何人都可以对变更发表评论,并在他们认为必要时提供“驱动式审查”。
-4. **修改变更并回复评论。** 作者修改变更,根据反馈上传新的快照,并回复评论者。作者处理(至少)所有未解决的评论,要么修改代码,要么直接回复评论并将评论类型改为*解决*。作者和审稿人可以查看任何一对快照之间的差异,看看有什么变化。步骤3和4可能要重复多次。
-5. **变更批准。** 当审查者对修改的最新状态感到满意时,他们会批准变更,并将其标记为 “我觉得不错"(LGTM)。他们可以选择包含已解决的评论。更改被认为适合提交后,在UI中会清楚地标记为绿色以显示此状态。
-6. **提交变更。** 只要变更被批准(我们很快会讨论),作者就可以触发变更的提交过程。如果自动分析器和其他预提交钩子(称为 "预提交")没有发现任何问题,该变更就被提交到代码库中。
+1. **建立一個變更。** 使用者對其工作區的程式碼庫進行變更。然後這個*作者*向Critique上傳一個*快照*(顯示某一特定時間點的補丁),這將觸發自動程式碼分析器的執行(見第20章)。
+2. **要求審查。** 在作者對修改的差異和Critique中顯示的分析器的結果感到滿意後,他們將修改傳送給一個或多個審查員。
+3. **評論。**審查者在Critique中開啟變更,並對diff起草評論。評論預設標記為*未解決*,意味著它們對作者來說是至關重要的。此外,評論者可以新增*已解決*的評論,這些評論是可選的或訊息性的。自動程式碼分析器的結果,如果存在的話,也可以讓審查者看到。一旦審查者起草了一組評論,他們需要*發布*它們,以便作者看到它們;這樣做的好處是允許審查者在審查了整個修改後,以原子方式提供一個完整的想法。任何人都可以對變更發表評論,並在他們認為必要時提供『驅動式審查』。
+4. **修改變更並回複評論。** 作者修改變更,根據反饋上傳新的快照,並回複評論者。作者處理(至少)所有未解決的評論,要麼修改程式碼,要麼直接回覆評論並將評論型別改為*解決*。作者和審稿人可以檢視任何一對快照之間的差異,看看有什麼變化。步驟3和4可能要重複多次。
+5. **變更批准。** 當審查者對修改的最新狀態感到滿意時,他們會批准變更,並將其標記為 『我覺得不錯"(LGTM)。他們可以選擇包含已解決的評論。更改被認為適合送出後,在UI中會清楚地標記為綠色以顯示此狀態。
+6. **送出變更。** 只要變更被批准(我們很快會討論),作者就可以觸發變更的送出過程。如果自動分析器和其他預送出鉤子(稱為 "預送出")沒有發現任何問題,該變更就被送出到程式碼庫中。
Even after the review process is started, the entire system provides significant flexibility to deviate from the regular review flow. For example, reviewers can un-assign themselves from the change or explicitly assign it to someone else, and the author can postpone the review altogether. In emergency cases, the author can forcefully commit their change and have it reviewed after commit.
### Notifications 通知
As a change moves through the stages outlined earlier, Critique publishes event notifications that might be used by other supporting tools. This notification model allows Critique to focus on being a primary code review tool instead of a general purpose tool, while still being integrated into the developer workflow. Notifications enable a separation of concerns such that Critique can just emit events and other systems build off of those events.
-当一个变更经过前面概述的阶段时,Critique 会发布可能被其他支持工具使用的事件通知。这种通知模式使Critique能够专注于成为一个主要的代码审查工具,而不是一个通用的工具,同时仍然能够集成到开发人员的工作流程中。通知实现了关注点的分离,这样Critique就可以直接发出事件,而其他系统则基于这些事件进行开发。
+當一個變更經過前面概述的階段時,Critique 會發布可能被其他支援工具使用的事件通知。這種通知模式使Critique能夠專注於成為一個主要的程式碼審查工具,而不是一個通用的工具,同時仍然能夠整合到開發人員的工作流程中。通知實現了關注點的分離,這樣Critique就可以直接發出事件,而其他系統則基於這些事件進行開發。
-For example, users can install a Chrome extension that consumes these event notifications. When a change needs the user’s attention—for example, because it is their turn to review the change or some presubmit fails—the extension displays a Chrome notification with a button to go directly to the change or silence the notification. We have found that some developers really like immediate notification of change updates, but others choose not to use this extension because they find it is too disruptive to their flow.
+For example, users can install a Chrome extension that consumes these event notifications. When a change needs the user」s attention—for example, because it is their turn to review the change or some presubmit fails—the extension displays a Chrome notification with a button to go directly to the change or silence the notification. We have found that some developers really like immediate notification of change updates, but others choose not to use this extension because they find it is too disruptive to their flow.
-Critique also manages emails related to a change; important Critique events trigger email notifications. In addition to being displayed in the Critique UI, some analyzer findings are configured to also send the results out by email. Critique also processes email replies and translates them to comments, supporting users who prefer an email-based flow. Note that for many users, emails are not a key feature of code review; they use Critique’s dashboard view (discussed later) to manage reviews.
+Critique also manages emails related to a change; important Critique events trigger email notifications. In addition to being displayed in the Critique UI, some analyzer findings are configured to also send the results out by email. Critique also processes email replies and translates them to comments, supporting users who prefer an email-based flow. Note that for many users, emails are not a key feature of code review; they use Critique」s dashboard view (discussed later) to manage reviews.
-Critique还管理与变化有关的电子邮件;重要的Critique事件会触发电子邮件通知。除了在 Critique UI 中显示外,一些分析器的结果也被配置为通过电子邮件发送。Critique 还处理电子邮件回复并将其转换为评论,支持喜欢基于电子邮件的流程的用户。请注意,对许多用户来说,电子邮件并不是代码审查的一个关键特征;他们使用 Critique 的仪表板视图(后面会讨论)来管理评论。
+Critique還管理與變化有關的電子郵件;重要的Critique事件會觸發電子郵件通知。除了在 Critique UI 中顯示外,一些分析器的結果也被設定為透過電子郵件傳送。Critique 還處理電子郵件回覆並將其轉換為評論,支援喜歡基於電子郵件的流程的使用者。請注意,對許多使用者來說,電子郵件並不是程式碼審查的一個關鍵特徵;他們使用 Critique 的儀表板檢視(後面會討論)來管理評論。
-## Stage 1: Create a Change 阶段1:创建一个变更
+## Stage 1: Create a Change 階段1:建立一個變更
A code review tool should provide support at all stages of the review process and should not be the bottleneck for committing changes. In the prereview step, making it easier for change authors to polish a change before sending it out for review helps reduce the time taken by the reviewers to inspect the change. Critique displays change diffs with knobs to ignore whitespace changes and highlight move-only changes. Critique also surfaces the results from builds, tests, and static analyzers, including style checks (as discussed in Chapter 9).
Showing an author the diff of a change gives them the opportunity to wear a different hat: that of a code reviewer. Critique lets a change author see the diff of their changes as their reviewer will, and also see the automatic analysis results. Critique also supports making lightweight modifications to the change from within the review tool and suggests appropriate reviewers. When sending out the request, the author can also include preliminary comments on the change, providing the opportunity to ask reviewers directly about any open questions. Giving authors the chance to see a change just as their reviewers do prevents misunderstanding.
To provide further context for the reviewers, the author can also link the change to a specific bug. Critique uses an autocomplete service to show relevant bugs, prioritizing bugs that are assigned to the author.
-### Diffing 差异点
+### Diffing 差異點
The core of the code review process is understanding the code change itself. Larger changes are typically more difficult to understand than smaller ones. Optimizing the diff of a change is thus a core requirement for a good code review tool.
In Critique, this principle translates onto multiple layers (see Figure 19-2). The diffing component, starting from an optimized longest common subsequence algorithm, is enhanced with the following:
@@ -123,43 +123,43 @@ In Critique, this principle translates onto multiple layers (see Figure 19-2). T
- An option to ignore whitespace differences to a varying degree
- Move detection, in which chunks of code that are moved from one place to another are marked as being moved (as opposed to being marked as removed here and added there, as a naive diff algorithm would)
-- 语法高亮
-- 交叉引用(由Kythe提供,见第17章)
-- 字符内差分,显示字符级的差异,并考虑到词的边界(图19-2)。
-- 在不同程度上忽略空白差异的选项。
-- 移动检测,在这种检测中,从一个地方移动到另一个地方的代码块被标记为正在移动(而不是像朴素的diff算法那样,在这里被标记为删除,在那里被添加)。
+- 語法高亮
+- 交叉引用(由Kythe提供,見第17章)
+- 字元內差分,顯示字元級的差異,並考慮到詞的邊界(圖19-2)。
+- 在不同程度上忽略空白差異的選項。
+- 移動檢測,在這種檢測中,從一個地方移動到另一個地方的程式碼區塊被標記為正在移動(而不是像樸素的diff演算法那樣,在這裡被標記為刪除,在那裡被新增)。
![Figure 19-2](./images/Figure%2019-2.png)
*Figure 19-2. Intraline diffing showing character-level differences*
-Users can also view the diff in various different modes, such as overlay and side by side. When developing Critique, we decided that it was important to have side-by- side diffs to make the review process easier. Side-by-side diffs take a lot of space: to make them a reality, we had to simplify the diff view structure, so there is no border, no padding—just the diff and line numbers. We also had to play around with a variety of fonts and sizes until we had a diff view that accommodates even for Java’s 100- character line limit for the typical screen-width resolution when Critique launched (1,440 pixels).
+Users can also view the diff in various different modes, such as overlay and side by side. When developing Critique, we decided that it was important to have side-by- side diffs to make the review process easier. Side-by-side diffs take a lot of space: to make them a reality, we had to simplify the diff view structure, so there is no border, no padding—just the diff and line numbers. We also had to play around with a variety of fonts and sizes until we had a diff view that accommodates even for Java」s 100- character line limit for the typical screen-width resolution when Critique launched (1,440 pixels).
Critique further supports a variety of custom tools that provide diffs of artifacts produced by a change, such as a screenshot diff of the UI modified by a change or configuration files generated by a change.
To make the process of navigating diffs smooth, we were careful not to waste space and spent significant effort ensuring that diffs load quickly, even for images and large files and/or changes. We also provide keyboard shortcuts to quickly navigate through files while visiting only modified sections.
When users drill down to the file level, Critique provides a UI widget with a compact display of the chain of snapshot versions of a file; users can drag and drop to select which versions to compare. This widget automatically collapses similar snapshots, drawing focus to important snapshots. It helps the user understand the evolution of a file within a change; for example, which snapshots have test coverage, have already been reviewed, or have comments. To address concerns of scale, Critique prefetches everything, so loading different snapshots is very quick.
-### Analysis Results 分析结果
+### Analysis Results 分析結果
Uploading a snapshot of the change triggers code analyzers (see Chapter 20). Critique displays the analysis results on the change page, summarized by analyzer status chips shown below the change description, as depicted in Figure 19-3, and detailed in the Analysis tab, as illustrated in Figure 19-4.
-Analyzers can mark specific findings to highlight in red for increased visibility. Analyzers that are still in progress are represented by yellow chips, and gray chips are displayed otherwise. For the sake of simplicity, Critique offers no other options to mark or highlight findings—actionability is a binary option. If an analyzer produces some results (“findings”), clicking the chip opens up the findings. Like comments, findings can be displayed inside the diff but styled differently to make them easily distinguishable. Sometimes, the findings also include fix suggestions, which the author can preview and choose to apply from Critique.
+Analyzers can mark specific findings to highlight in red for increased visibility. Analyzers that are still in progress are represented by yellow chips, and gray chips are displayed otherwise. For the sake of simplicity, Critique offers no other options to mark or highlight findings—actionability is a binary option. If an analyzer produces some results (『findings』), clicking the chip opens up the findings. Like comments, findings can be displayed inside the diff but styled differently to make them easily distinguishable. Sometimes, the findings also include fix suggestions, which the author can preview and choose to apply from Critique.
![Figure 19-3](./images/Figure%2019-3.png)
@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@ Analyzers can mark specific findings to highlight in red for increased visibilit
For example, suppose that a linter finds a style violation of extra spaces at the end of the line. The change page will display a chip for that linter. From the chip, the author can quickly go to the diff showing the offending code to understand the style violation with two clicks. Most linter violations also include fix suggestions. With a click, the author can preview the fix suggestion (for example, remove the extra spaces), and with another click, apply the fix on the change.
-### Tight Tool Integration 紧密的工具集成
+### Tight Tool Integration 緊密的工具整合
Google has tools built on top of Piper, its monolithic source code repository (see [Chapter 16](#_bookmark1364)), such as the following:
@@ -183,125 +183,125 @@ Google has tools built on top of Piper, its monolithic source code repository (s
- Rapid, a release tool that packages and deploys binaries containing a series of changes
- Zapfhahn, a test coverage calculation tool
-- Cider,用于编辑云中存储的源代码的在线IDE
-- 代码搜索,用于在代码库中搜索代码的工具
-- Tricorder,用于显示静态分析结果的工具(前面提到)
-- Rapid,一个打包和部署包含一系列更改的二进制文件的发布工具
-- Zapfhahn,一个测试覆盖率计算工具
+- Cider,用於編輯雲中儲存的原始碼的線上IDE
+- 程式碼搜尋,用於在程式碼庫中搜索程式碼的工具
+- Tricorder,用於顯示靜態分析結果的工具(前面提到)
+- Rapid,一個打包和部署包含一系列更改的二進位檔案的發布工具
+- Zapfhahn,一個測試覆蓋率計算工具
-Additionally, there are services that provide context on change metadata (for example, about users involved in a change or linked bugs). Critique is a natural melting pot for a quick one-click/hover access or even embedded UI support to these systems, although we need to be careful not to sacrifice simplicity. For example, from a change page in Critique, the author needs to click only once to start editing the change further in Cider. There is support to navigate between cross-references using Kythe or view the mainline state of the code in Code Search (see Chapter 17). Critique links out to the release tool so that users can see whether a submitted change is in a specific release. For these tools, Critique favors links rather than embedding so as not to distract from the core review experience. One exception here is test coverage: the information of whether a line of code is covered by a test is shown by different background colors on the line gutter in the file’s diff view (not all projects use this coverage tool).
+Additionally, there are services that provide context on change metadata (for example, about users involved in a change or linked bugs). Critique is a natural melting pot for a quick one-click/hover access or even embedded UI support to these systems, although we need to be careful not to sacrifice simplicity. For example, from a change page in Critique, the author needs to click only once to start editing the change further in Cider. There is support to navigate between cross-references using Kythe or view the mainline state of the code in Code Search (see Chapter 17). Critique links out to the release tool so that users can see whether a submitted change is in a specific release. For these tools, Critique favors links rather than embedding so as not to distract from the core review experience. One exception here is test coverage: the information of whether a line of code is covered by a test is shown by different background colors on the line gutter in the file」s diff view (not all projects use this coverage tool).
-Note that tight integration between Critique and a developer’s workspace is possible because of the fact that workspaces are stored in a FUSE-based filesystem, accessible beyond a particular developer’s computer. The Source of Truth is hosted in the cloud and accessible to all of these tools.
+Note that tight integration between Critique and a developer」s workspace is possible because of the fact that workspaces are stored in a FUSE-based filesystem, accessible beyond a particular developer」s computer. The Source of Truth is hosted in the cloud and accessible to all of these tools.
-## Stage 2: Request Review 阶段2:发送审查
+## Stage 2: Request Review 階段2:傳送審查
After the author is happy with the state of the change, they can send it for review, as depicted in Figure 19-5. This requires the author to pick the reviewers. Within a small team, finding a reviewer might seem simple, but even there it is useful to distribute reviews evenly across team members and consider situations like who is on vacation. To address this, teams can provide an email alias for incoming code reviews. The alias is used by a tool called *GwsQ* (named after the initial team that used this technique:
(Google Web Server) that assigns specific reviewers based on the configuration linked to the alias. For example, a change author can assign a review to some-team-list-alias, and GwsQ will pick a specific member of some-team-list-alias to perform the review.
![Figure 19-5](./images/Figure%2019-5.png)
Figure 19-5. Requesting reviewers
-Given the size of Google’s codebase and the number of people modifying it, it can be difficult to find out who is best qualified to review a change outside your own project. Finding reviewers is a problem to consider when reaching a certain scale. Critique must deal with scale. Critique offers the functionality to propose sets of reviewers that are sufficient to approve the change. The reviewer selection utility takes into account the following factors:
+Given the size of Google」s codebase and the number of people modifying it, it can be difficult to find out who is best qualified to review a change outside your own project. Finding reviewers is a problem to consider when reaching a certain scale. Critique must deal with scale. Critique offers the functionality to propose sets of reviewers that are sufficient to approve the change. The reviewer selection utility takes into account the following factors:
- Who owns the code that is being changed (see the next section)
- Who is most familiar with the code (i.e., who recently changed it)
- Who is available for review (i.e., not out of office and preferably in the same time zone)
- The GwsQ team alias setup
-- 谁拥有被修改的代码(见下一节)
-- 谁对该代码最熟悉(即,谁最近修改过该代码)。
-- 谁可以进行审查(即不脱产,最好在同一时区)。
-- GwsQ团队的别名设置
+- 誰擁有被修改的程式碼(見下一節)
+- 誰對該程式碼最熟悉(即,誰最近修改過該程式碼)。
+- 誰可以進行審查(即不脫產,最好在同一時區)。
+- GwsQ團隊的別名設定
-Assigning a reviewer to a change triggers a review request. This request runs “presubmits” or precommit hooks applicable to the change; teams can configure the presubmits related to their projects in many ways. The most common hooks include the following:
+Assigning a reviewer to a change triggers a review request. This request runs 『presubmits』 or precommit hooks applicable to the change; teams can configure the presubmits related to their projects in many ways. The most common hooks include the following:
- Automatically adding email lists to changes to raise awareness and transparency
- Running automated test suites for the project
- Enforcing project-specific invariants on both code (to enforce local code style restrictions) and change descriptions (to allow generation of release notes or other forms of tracking)
-为一个变更指定一个审查员会触发一个审查请求。该请求运行适用于该变更的 "预提交"或预提交钩子;团队可以以多种方式配置与他们的项目相关的预提交。最常见的钩子包括以下内容:
+為一個變更指定一個審查員會觸發一個審查請求。該請求執行適用於該變更的 "預送出"或預送出鉤子;團隊可以以多種方式設定與他們的專案相關的預送出。最常見的鉤子包括以下內容:
-- 自动将电子邮件列表添加到更改中,以提高意识和透明度
-- 为项目运行自动化测试套件
-- 对代码(强制执行本地代码风格限制)和变更描述(允许生成发布说明或其他形式的跟踪)执行项目特定的不变因素
+- 自動將電子郵件清單新增到更改中,以提高意識和透明度
+- 為專案執行自動化測試套件
+- 對程式碼(強制執行本地程式碼風格限制)和變更描述(允許生成發布說明或其他形式的跟蹤)執行專案特定的不變因素
As running tests is resource intensive, at Google they are part of presubmits (run when requesting review and when committing changes) rather than for every snapshot like Tricorder checks. Critique surfaces the result of running the hooks in a similar way to how analyzer results are displayed, with an extra distinction to highlight the fact that a failed result blocks the change from being sent for review or committed. Critique notifies the author via email if presubmits fail.
-## Stages 3 and 4: Understanding and Commenting on a Change 阶段3和4:理解和评论变更
+## Stages 3 and 4: Understanding and Commenting on a Change 階段3和4:理解和評論變更
After the review process starts, the author and the reviewers work in tandem to reach the goal of committing changes of high quality.
-### Commenting 评论
+### Commenting 評論
Making comments is the second most common action that users make in Critique after viewing changes (Figure 19-6). Commenting in Critique is free for all. Anyone—not only the change author and the assigned reviewers—can comment on a change.
-Critique also offers the ability to track review progress via per-person state. Reviewers have checkboxes to mark individual files at the latest snapshot as reviewed, helping the reviewer keep track of what they have already looked at. When the author modifies a file, the “reviewed” checkbox for that file is cleared for all reviewers because the latest snapshot has been updated.
+Critique also offers the ability to track review progress via per-person state. Reviewers have checkboxes to mark individual files at the latest snapshot as reviewed, helping the reviewer keep track of what they have already looked at. When the author modifies a file, the 『reviewed』 checkbox for that file is cleared for all reviewers because the latest snapshot has been updated.
![Figure 19-6](./images/Figure%2019-6.png)
*Figure 19-6. Commenting on the diff view*
-When a reviewer sees a relevant analyzer finding, they can click a “Please fix” button to create an unresolved comment asking the author to address the finding. Reviewers can also suggest a fix to a change by inline editing the latest version of the file. Critique transforms this suggestion into a comment with a fix attached that can be applied by the author.
+When a reviewer sees a relevant analyzer finding, they can click a 『Please fix』 button to create an unresolved comment asking the author to address the finding. Reviewers can also suggest a fix to a change by inline editing the latest version of the file. Critique transforms this suggestion into a comment with a fix attached that can be applied by the author.
-当审查者看到一个相关的分析器发现时,他们可以点击 "请修复"按钮,创建一个未解决的评论,要求作者解决这个问题。审查者还可以通过内联编辑文件的最新版本来建议修改。Critique将此建议转换为评论,并附上一个作者可以应用的修复程序。
+當審查者看到一個相關的分析器發現時,他們可以點選 "請修復"按鈕,建立一個未解決的評論,要求作者解決這個問題。審查者還可以透過行內編輯檔案的最新版本來建議修改。Critique將此建議轉換為評論,並附上一個作者可以應用的修復程式。
-Critique does not dictate what comments users should create, but for some common comments, Critique provides quick shortcuts. The change author can click the “Done” button on the comment panel to indicate when a reviewer’s comment has been addressed, or the “Ack” button to acknowledge that the comment has been read, typically used for informational or optional comments. Both have the effect of resolving the comment thread if it is unresolved. These shortcuts simplify the workflow and reduce the time needed to respond to review comments.
+Critique does not dictate what comments users should create, but for some common comments, Critique provides quick shortcuts. The change author can click the 『Done』 button on the comment panel to indicate when a reviewer」s comment has been addressed, or the 『Ack』 button to acknowledge that the comment has been read, typically used for informational or optional comments. Both have the effect of resolving the comment thread if it is unresolved. These shortcuts simplify the workflow and reduce the time needed to respond to review comments.
-Critique 没有规定用户应该创建什么评论,但对于一些常见的评论,Critique 提供了快速的快捷方式。修改者可以点击评论面板上的 "完成"按钮,以表示审查者的评论已被解决,或者点击 "Ack"按钮,以确认评论已被阅读,通常用于信息性或选择性评论。如果标注的评论未被解决,两者都有解决的效果。这些快捷方式简化了工作流程,减少了回复评论所需的时间。
+Critique 沒有規定使用者應該建立什麼評論,但對於一些常見的評論,Critique 提供了快速的快捷方式。修改者可以點選評論面板上的 "完成"按鈕,以表示審查者的評論已被解決,或者點選 "Ack"按鈕,以確認評論已被閱讀,通常用於訊息性或選擇性評論。如果標註的評論未被解決,兩者都有解決的效果。這些快捷方式簡化了工作流程,減少了回覆評論所需的時間。
-As mentioned earlier, comments are drafted as-you-go, but then “published” atomically, as shown in Figure 19-7. This allows authors and reviewers to ensure that they are happy with their comments before sending them out.
+As mentioned earlier, comments are drafted as-you-go, but then 『published』 atomically, as shown in Figure 19-7. This allows authors and reviewers to ensure that they are happy with their comments before sending them out.
-如前所述,评论是随心所欲地起草的,但随后以原子方式 "发表",如图19-7所示。这允许作者和审查者在发送评论之前确保他们对自己的评论感到满意。
+如前所述,評論是隨心所欲地起草的,但隨後以原子方式 "發表",如圖19-7所示。這允許作者和審查者在傳送評論之前確保他們對自己的評論感到滿意。
![Figure 19-7](./images/Figure%2019-7.png)
*Figure 19-7. Preparing comments to the author*
-### Understanding the State of a Change 了解变化的状态
+### Understanding the State of a Change 瞭解變化的狀態
Critique provides a number of mechanisms to make it clear where in the comment- and-iterate phase a change is currently located. These include a feature for determining who needs to take action next, and a dashboard view of review/author status for all of the changes with which a particular developer is involved.
-#### “Whose turn” feature “轮到谁”功能
+#### 『Whose turn』 feature 『輪到誰』功能
-One important factor in accelerating the review process is understanding when it’s your turn to act, especially when there are multiple reviewers assigned to a change. This might be the case if the author wants to have their change reviewed by a software engineer and the user-experience person responsible for the feature, or the SRE carrying the pager for the service. Critique helps define who is expected to look at the change next by managing an *attention set* for each change.
+One important factor in accelerating the review process is understanding when it」s your turn to act, especially when there are multiple reviewers assigned to a change. This might be the case if the author wants to have their change reviewed by a software engineer and the user-experience person responsible for the feature, or the SRE carrying the pager for the service. Critique helps define who is expected to look at the change next by managing an *attention set* for each change.
The attention set comprises the set of people on which a change is currently blocked. When a reviewer or author is in the attention set, they are expected to respond in a timely manner. Critique tries to be smart about updating the attention set when a user publishes their comments, but users can also manage the attention set themselves. Its usefulness increases even more when there are more reviewers in the change. The attention set is surfaced in Critique by rendering the relevant usernames in bold.
-After we implemented this feature, our users had a difficult time imagining the previous state. The prevailing opinion is: how did we get along without this? The alternative before we implemented this feature was chatting between reviewers and authors to understand who was dealing with a change. This feature also emphasizes the turn- based nature of code review; it is always at least one person’s turn to take action.
+After we implemented this feature, our users had a difficult time imagining the previous state. The prevailing opinion is: how did we get along without this? The alternative before we implemented this feature was chatting between reviewers and authors to understand who was dealing with a change. This feature also emphasizes the turn- based nature of code review; it is always at least one person」s turn to take action.
-#### Dashboard and search system 仪表板和搜索系统
+#### Dashboard and search system 儀表板和搜尋系統
-Critique’s landing page is the user’s dashboard page, as depicted in Figure 19-8. The dashboard page is divided into user-customizable sections, each of them containing a list of change summaries.
+Critique」s landing page is the user」s dashboard page, as depicted in Figure 19-8. The dashboard page is divided into user-customizable sections, each of them containing a list of change summaries.
![Figure 19-8](./images/Figure%2019-8.png)
@@ -309,136 +309,136 @@ Critique的主页页面是用户的仪表板页面,如图19-8所示。仪表
The dashboard page is powered by a search system called *Changelist Search*. Changelist Search indexes the latest state of all available changes (both pre- and post-submit) across all users at Google and allows its users to look up relevant changes by regular expression–based queries. Each dashboard section is defined by a query to Changelist Search. We have spent time ensuring Changelist Search is fast enough for interactive use; everything is indexed quickly so that authors and reviewers are not slowed down, despite the fact that we have an extremely large number of concurrent changes happening simultaneously at Google.
-仪表板页面是由一个名为*Changelist Search*的搜索系统提供的。Changelist Search索引了谷歌所有用户的所有可用变化的最新状态(包括提交前和提交后),并允许其用户通过基于正则表达式的查询来查找相关变化。每个仪表板部分都由对Changelist Search的查询来定义。我们花了很多时间来确保Changelist Search搜索足够快;所有的东西都被快速索引,这样作者和审稿人就不会被拖慢,尽管事实上谷歌同时出现了大量的并发更改。
+儀表板頁面是由一個名為*Changelist Search*的搜尋系統提供的。Changelist Search索引了谷歌所有使用者的所有可用變化的最新狀態(包括送出前和送出後),並允許其使用者透過基於正則表示式的查詢來查詢相關變化。每個儀表板部分都由對Changelist Search的查詢來定義。我們花了很多時間來確保Changelist Search搜尋足夠快;所有的東西都被快速索引,這樣作者和審稿人就不會被拖慢,儘管事實上谷歌同時出現了大量的併發更改。
-To optimize the user experience (UX), Critique’s default dashboard setting is to have the first section display the changes that need a user’s attention, although this is customizable. There is also a search bar for making custom queries over all changes and browsing the results. As a reviewer, you mostly just need the attention set. As an author, you mostly just need to take a look at what is still waiting for review to see if you need to ping any changes. Although we have shied away from customizability in some other parts of the Critique UI, we found that users like to set up their dashboards differently without detracting from the fundamental experience, similar to the way everyone organizes their emails differently.[^1]
+To optimize the user experience (UX), Critique」s default dashboard setting is to have the first section display the changes that need a user」s attention, although this is customizable. There is also a search bar for making custom queries over all changes and browsing the results. As a reviewer, you mostly just need the attention set. As an author, you mostly just need to take a look at what is still waiting for review to see if you need to ping any changes. Although we have shied away from customizability in some other parts of the Critique UI, we found that users like to set up their dashboards differently without detracting from the fundamental experience, similar to the way everyone organizes their emails differently.[^1]
-> [^1]: Centralized “global” reviewers for large-scale changes (LSCs) are particularly prone to customizing this dashboard to avoid flooding it during an LSC (see Chapter 22).
+> [^1]: Centralized 『global』 reviewers for large-scale changes (LSCs) are particularly prone to customizing this dashboard to avoid flooding it during an LSC (see Chapter 22).
-> 1 大规模变更(LSCs)的集中式 "全球 "审查员特别容易定制这个仪表板,以避免在LSC期间淹没它(见第22章)。
+> 1 大規模變更(LSCs)的集中式 "全球 "審查員特別容易定製這個儀表板,以避免在LSC期間淹沒它(見第22章)。
-## Stage 5: Change Approvals (Scoring a Change) 阶段5:变更批准(对变更进行评分)
+## Stage 5: Change Approvals (Scoring a Change) 階段5:變更批准(對變更進行評分)
-Showing whether a reviewer thinks a change is good boils down to providing concerns and suggestions via comments. There also needs to be some mechanism for providing a high-level “OK” on a change. At Google, the scoring for a change is divided into three parts:
+Showing whether a reviewer thinks a change is good boils down to providing concerns and suggestions via comments. There also needs to be some mechanism for providing a high-level 『OK』 on a change. At Google, the scoring for a change is divided into three parts:
-- LGTM (“looks good to me”)
+- LGTM (『looks good to me』)
- Approval
- The number of unresolved comments
-显示一个审查员是否认为一个变更是好的,归根结底是通过评论提供关注和建议。此外,还需要有一些机制来提供一个高水平的 "OK"。在谷歌,对一个变化的打分分为三个部分:
+顯示一個審查員是否認為一個變更是好的,歸根結底是透過評論提供關注和建議。此外,還需要有一些機制來提供一個高水平的 "OK"。在谷歌,對一個變化的打分分為三個部分:
-- LGTM(“我觉得不错”)
+- LGTM(『我覺得不錯』)
- 批准
-- 未解决的评论的数量
+- 未解決的評論的數量
-An LGTM stamp from a reviewer means that “I have reviewed this change, believe that it meets our standards, and I think it is okay to commit it after addressing unresolved comments.” An Approval stamp from a reviewer means that “as a gatekeeper, I allow this change to be committed to the codebase.” A reviewer can mark comments as unresolved, meaning that the author will need to act upon them. When the change has at least one LGTM, sufficient approvals and no unresolved comments, the author can then commit the change. Note that every change requires an LGTM regardless of approval status, ensuring that at least two pairs of eyes viewed the change. This simple scoring rule allows Critique to inform the author when a change is ready to commit (shown prominently as a green page header).
+An LGTM stamp from a reviewer means that 『I have reviewed this change, believe that it meets our standards, and I think it is okay to commit it after addressing unresolved comments.』 An Approval stamp from a reviewer means that 『as a gatekeeper, I allow this change to be committed to the codebase.』 A reviewer can mark comments as unresolved, meaning that the author will need to act upon them. When the change has at least one LGTM, sufficient approvals and no unresolved comments, the author can then commit the change. Note that every change requires an LGTM regardless of approval status, ensuring that at least two pairs of eyes viewed the change. This simple scoring rule allows Critique to inform the author when a change is ready to commit (shown prominently as a green page header).
-审查者的LGTM印章意味着 "我已经审阅了这个变更,相信它符合我们的标准,我认为在解决了未解决的评论之后,可以提交它。" 审查者的批准标识意味着 "作为一个把关人,我允许这个修改被提交到代码库中"。审查者可以将评论标记为未解决,这意味着作者需要对其采取行动。当变更至少有一个LGTM、足够的批准和没有未解决的评论时,作者可以提交变更。请注意,无论批准状态如何,每项变更都需要一个LGTM,以确保至少有两双眼睛查看该变更。这个简单的评分规则使Critique可以在修改准备好提交时通知作者(以绿色页眉的形式突出显示)。
+審查者的LGTM印章意味著 "我已經審閱了這個變更,相信它符合我們的標準,我認為在解決了未解決的評論之後,可以送出它。" 審查者的批准標識意味著 "作為一個把關人,我允許這個修改被送出到程式碼庫中"。審查者可以將評論標記為未解決,這意味著作者需要對其採取行動。當變更至少有一個LGTM、足夠的批准和沒有未解決的評論時,作者可以送出變更。請注意,無論批准狀態如何,每項變更都需要一個LGTM,以確保至少有兩雙眼睛檢視該變更。這個簡單的評分規則使Critique可以在修改準備好送出時通知作者(以綠色頁首的形式突出顯示)。
-We made a conscious decision in the process of building Critique to simplify this rating scheme. Initially, Critique had a “Needs More Work” rating and also a “LGTM++”. The model we have moved to is to make LGTM/Approval always positive. If a change definitely needs a second review, primary reviewers can add comments but without LGTM/Approval. After a change transitions into a mostly-good state, reviewers will typically trust authors to take care of small edits—the tooling does not require repeated LGTMs regardless of change size.
+We made a conscious decision in the process of building Critique to simplify this rating scheme. Initially, Critique had a 『Needs More Work』 rating and also a 『LGTM++』. The model we have moved to is to make LGTM/Approval always positive. If a change definitely needs a second review, primary reviewers can add comments but without LGTM/Approval. After a change transitions into a mostly-good state, reviewers will typically trust authors to take care of small edits—the tooling does not require repeated LGTMs regardless of change size.
-在建立Critique的过程中,我们有意识地决定简化这一评分方案。最初,Critique有一个 "需要更多工作"的评级,也有一个 "LGTM++"。我们所采用的模式是使 `LGTM/批准` 总是积极的。如果变更确实需要第二次审核,主要审查者可以添加内容,但无需LGTM/批准。在一个变化过渡到基本良好的状态后,审查员通常会相信作者会处理好小的编辑--无论变更大小如何,该工具都不需要重复LGTM。
+在建立Critique的過程中,我們有意識地決定簡化這一評分方案。最初,Critique有一個 "需要更多工作"的評級,也有一個 "LGTM++"。我們所採用的模式是使 `LGTM/批准` 總是積極的。如果變更確實需要第二次稽核,主要審查者可以新增內容,但無需LGTM/批准。在一個變化轉場到基本良好的狀態後,審查員通常會相信作者會處理好小的編輯--無論變更大小如何,該工具都不需要重複LGTM。
-This rating scheme has also had a positive influence on code review culture. Reviewers cannot just thumbs-down a change with no useful feedback; all negative feedback from reviewers must be tied to something specific to be fixed (for example, an unresolved comment). The phrasing “unresolved comment” was also chosen to sound relatively nice.
+This rating scheme has also had a positive influence on code review culture. Reviewers cannot just thumbs-down a change with no useful feedback; all negative feedback from reviewers must be tied to something specific to be fixed (for example, an unresolved comment). The phrasing 『unresolved comment』 was also chosen to sound relatively nice.
-这种评分方案也对代码审查文化产生了积极影响。审查者不能在没有任何有用反馈的情况下对一个改动竖起大拇指;所有来自审查者的负面反馈都必须与需要修复的具体内容相联系(例如,一个未解决的评论)。选择 "未解决的评论 "这一措辞也是为了听起来比较好。
+這種評分方案也對程式碼審查文化產生了積極影響。審查者不能在沒有任何有用反饋的情況下對一個改動豎起大拇指;所有來自審查者的負面反饋都必須與需要修復的具體內容相聯系(例如,一個未解決的評論)。選擇 "未解決的評論 "這一措辭也是為了聽起來比較好。
Critique includes a scoring panel, next to the analysis chips, with the following information:
-- Who has LGTM’ed the change
+- Who has LGTM」ed the change
- What approvals are still required and why
- How many unresolved comments are still open
-- 谁对变更给出了'LGTM'
-- 还需要哪些批准,为什么?
-- 有多少未解决的评论仍然开放
+- 誰對變更給出了'LGTM'
+- 還需要哪些批准,為什麼?
+- 有多少未解決的評論仍然開放
Presenting the scoring information this way helps the author quickly understand what they still need to do to get the change committed.
-LGTM and Approval are *hard* requirements and can be granted only by reviewers. Reviewers can also revoke their LGTM and Approval at any time before the change is committed. Unresolved comments are *soft* requirements; the author can mark a comment “resolved” as they reply. This distinction promotes and relies on trust and communication between the author and the reviewers. For example, a reviewer can LGTM the change accompanied with unresolved comments without later on checking precisely whether the comments are truly addressed, highlighting the trust the reviewer places on the author. This trust is particularly important for saving time when there is a significant difference in time zones between the author and the reviewer. Exhibiting trust is also a good way to build trust and strengthen teams.
+LGTM and Approval are *hard* requirements and can be granted only by reviewers. Reviewers can also revoke their LGTM and Approval at any time before the change is committed. Unresolved comments are *soft* requirements; the author can mark a comment 『resolved』 as they reply. This distinction promotes and relies on trust and communication between the author and the reviewers. For example, a reviewer can LGTM the change accompanied with unresolved comments without later on checking precisely whether the comments are truly addressed, highlighting the trust the reviewer places on the author. This trust is particularly important for saving time when there is a significant difference in time zones between the author and the reviewer. Exhibiting trust is also a good way to build trust and strengthen teams.
-LGTM和批准是*硬性*要求,只能由审查者授予。在提交变更之前,审查者还可以随时撤销其LGTM和批准。未解决的评论是*软性*要求;作者可以在回复时将评论标记为 "已解决"。这种区别促进并依赖于作者和审查者之间的信任和沟通。例如,审查者可以在LGTM的修改中伴随着未解决的评论,而不需要后来精确地检查这些评论是否真正被解决,这突出了审稿人对作者的信任。当作者和审稿人之间存在明显的时区差异时,这种信任对于节省时间尤为重要。展现信任也是建立信任和加强团队的一个好方法。
+LGTM和批准是*硬性*要求,只能由審查者授予。在送出變更之前,審查者還可以隨時撤銷其LGTM和批准。未解決的評論是*軟性*要求;作者可以在回覆時將評論標記為 "已解決"。這種區別促進並依賴於作者和審查者之間的信任和溝通。例如,審查者可以在LGTM的修改中伴隨著未解決的評論,而不需要後來精確地檢查這些評論是否真正被解決,這突出了審稿人對作者的信任。當作者和審稿人之間存在明顯的時區差異時,這種信任對於節省時間尤為重要。展現信任也是建立信任和加強團隊的一個好方法。
-## Stage 6: Commiting a Change 阶段6:提交变更
+## Stage 6: Commiting a Change 階段6:送出變更
Last but not least, Critique has a button for committing the change after the review to avoid context-switching to a command-line interface.
-### After Commit: Tracking History 提交后:跟踪历史记录
+### After Commit: Tracking History 送出後:跟蹤歷史記錄
In addition to the core use of Critique as a tool for reviewing source code changes before they are committed to the repository, Critique is also used as a tool for change archaeology. For most files, developers can view a list of the past history of changes that modified a particular file in the Code Search system (see Chapter 17), or navigate directly to a change. Anyone at Google can browse the history of a change to generally viewable files, including the comments on and evolution of the change. This enables future auditing and is used to understand more details about why changes were made or how bugs were introduced. Developers can also use this feature to learn how changes were engineered, and code review data in aggregate is used to produce trainings.
Critique also supports the ability to comment after a change is committed; for example, when a problem is discovered later or additional context might be useful for someone investigating the change at another time. Critique also supports the ability to roll back changes and see whether a particular change has already been rolled back.
-Critique 还支持在修改提交后进行评论的能力;例如,当后来发现问题或额外的背景可能对另一个时间调查修改的人有用。Critique还支持回滚修改的能力,以及查看某一修改是否已经被回滚。
+Critique 還支援在修改送出後進行評論的能力;例如,當後來發現問題或額外的背景可能對另一個時間調查修改的人有用。Critique還支援回滾修改的能力,以及檢視某一修改是否已經被回滾。
Case Study: Gerrit 案例研究:Gerrit
-Although Critique is the most commonly used review tool at Google, it is not the only one. Critique is not externally available due to its tight interdependencies with our large monolithic repository and other internal tools. Because of this, teams at Google that work on open source projects (including Chrome and Android) or internal projects that can’t or don’t want to be hosted in the monolithic repository use a different code review tool: Gerrit.
+Although Critique is the most commonly used review tool at Google, it is not the only one. Critique is not externally available due to its tight interdependencies with our large monolithic repository and other internal tools. Because of this, teams at Google that work on open source projects (including Chrome and Android) or internal projects that can」t or don」t want to be hosted in the monolithic repository use a different code review tool: Gerrit.
Gerrit is a standalone, open source code review tool that is tightly integrated with the Git version control system. As such, it offers a web UI to many Git features including code browsing, merging branches, cherry-picking commits, and, of course, code review. In addition, Gerrit has a fine-grained permission model that we can use to restrict access to repositories and branches.
-Gerrit是一个独立的开源代码审查工具,与Git版本控制系统紧密集成。因此,它为许多Git特性提供了一个web UI,包括代码浏览、合并分支、提交,当然还有代码审查。此外,Gerrit有一个细粒度的权限模型,我们可以使用它来限制对存储库和分支的访问。
+Gerrit是一個獨立的開源程式碼審查工具,與Git版本控制系統緊密整合。因此,它為許多Git屬性提供了一個web UI,包括程式碼瀏覽、合併分支、送出,當然還有程式碼審查。此外,Gerrit有一個細粒度的許可權模型,我們可以使用它來限制對儲存庫和分支的訪問。
-Both Critique and Gerrit have the same model for code reviews in that each commit is reviewed separately. Gerrit supports stacking commits and uploading them for individual review. It also allows the chain to be committed atomically after it’s reviewed.
+Both Critique and Gerrit have the same model for code reviews in that each commit is reviewed separately. Gerrit supports stacking commits and uploading them for individual review. It also allows the chain to be committed atomically after it」s reviewed.
-Being open source, Gerrit accommodates more variants and a wider range of use cases; Gerrit’s rich plug-in system enables a tight integration into custom environments. To support these use cases, Gerrit also supports a more sophisticated scoring system. A reviewer can veto a change by placing a –2 score, and the scoring system is highly configurable.
+Being open source, Gerrit accommodates more variants and a wider range of use cases; Gerrit」s rich plug-in system enables a tight integration into custom environments. To support these use cases, Gerrit also supports a more sophisticated scoring system. A reviewer can veto a change by placing a –2 score, and the scoring system is highly configurable.
You can learn more about Gerrit and see it in action at [*https://www.gerritcodereview.com*](https://www.gerritcodereview.com/).
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
There are a number of implicit trade-offs when using a code review tool. Critique builds in a number of features and integrates with other tools to make the review process more seamless for its users. Time spent in code reviews is time not spent coding, so any optimization of the review process can be a productivity gain for the company. Having only two people in most cases (author and reviewer) agree on the change before it can be committed keeps velocity high. Google greatly values the educational aspects of code review, even though they are more difficult to quantify.
To minimize the time it takes for a change to be reviewed, the code review process should flow seamlessly, informing users succinctly of the changes that need their attention and identifying potential issues before human reviewers come in (issues are caught by analyzers and Continuous Integration). When possible, quick analysis results are presented before the longer-running analyses can finish.
There are several ways in which Critique needs to support questions of scale. The Critique tool must scale to the large quantity of review requests produced without suffering a degradation in performance. Because Critique is on the critical path to getting changes committed, it must load efficiently and be usable for special situations such as unusually large changes.[^2] The interface must support managing user activities (such as finding relevant changes) over the large codebase and help reviewers and authors navigate the codebase. For example, Critique helps with finding appropriate reviewers for a change without having to figure out the ownership/maintainer landscape (a feature that is particularly important for large-scale changes such as API migrations that can affect many files).
Critique favors an opinionated process and a simple interface to improve the general review workflow. However, Critique does allow some customizability: custom analyzers and presubmits provide specific context on changes, and some team-specific policies (such as requiring LGTM from multiple reviewers) can be enforced.
> [^2]: Although most changes are small (fewer than 100 lines), Critique is sometimes used to review large refactoring changes that can touch hundreds or thousands of files, especially for LSCs that must be executed atomically (see Chapter 22).
-> 2 尽管大多数改动都很小(少于100行),但Critique有时也被用来审查大型的重构改动,这些改动可能会触及成百上千个文件,特别是对于那些必须原子化执行的LSCs(见第22章)。
+> 2 儘管大多數改動都很小(少於100行),但Critique有時也被用來審查大型的重構改動,這些改動可能會觸及成百上千個檔案,特別是對於那些必須原子化執行的LSCs(見第22章)。
-Trust and communication are core to the code review process. A tool can enhance the experience, but can’t replace them. Tight integration with other tools has also been a key factor in Critique’s success.
+Trust and communication are core to the code review process. A tool can enhance the experience, but can」t replace them. Tight integration with other tools has also been a key factor in Critique」s success.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
-- Trust and communication are core to the code review process. A tool can enhance the experience, but it can’t replace them.
+- Trust and communication are core to the code review process. A tool can enhance the experience, but it can」t replace them.
- Tight integration with other tools is key to great code review experience.
-- Small workflow optimizations, like the addition of an explicit “attention set,” can increase clarity and reduce friction substantially.
+- Small workflow optimizations, like the addition of an explicit 『attention set,』 can increase clarity and reduce friction substantially.
-- 信任和沟通是代码审查过程的核心。工具可以增强体验,但不能替代它们。
-- 与其他工具的紧密集成是获得优秀代码审查体验的关键。
-- 小的工作流程优化,如增加一个明确的 "关注集",可以提高清晰度并大大减少摩擦。
+- 信任和溝通是程式碼審查過程的核心。工具可以增強體驗,但不能替代它們。
+- 與其他工具的緊密整合是獲得優秀程式碼審查體驗的關鍵。
+- 小的工作流程最佳化,如增加一個明確的 "關注集",可以提高清晰度並大大減少摩擦。
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# What Is Software Engineering?
-# 第一章 软件工程是什么?
+# 第一章 軟體工程是什麼?
**Written by Titus Winters**
@@ -14,142 +14,142 @@
We see three critical differences between programming and software engineering: time, scale, and the trade-offs at play. On a software engineering project, engineers need to be more concerned with the passage of time and the eventual need for change. In a software engineering organization, we need to be more concerned about scale and efficiency, both for the software we produce as well as for the organization that is producing it. Finally, as software engineers, we are asked to make more complex decisions with higher-stakes outcomes, often based on imprecise estimates of time and growth.
-Within Google, we sometimes say, “Software engineering is programming integrated over time.” Programming is certainly a significant part of software engineering: after all, programming is how you generate new software in the first place. If you accept this distinction, it also becomes clear that we might need to delineate between programming tasks (development) and software engineering tasks (development, modification, maintenance). The addition of time adds an important new dimension to programming. Cubes aren’t squares, distance isn’t velocity. Software engineering isn’t programming.
+Within Google, we sometimes say, 『Software engineering is programming integrated over time.』 Programming is certainly a significant part of software engineering: after all, programming is how you generate new software in the first place. If you accept this distinction, it also becomes clear that we might need to delineate between programming tasks (development) and software engineering tasks (development, modification, maintenance). The addition of time adds an important new dimension to programming. Cubes aren't squares, distance isn't velocity. Software engineering isn't programming.
-One way to see the impact of time on a program is to think about the question, “What is the expected life span[^1] of your code?” Reasonable answers to this question vary by roughly a factor of 100,000. It is just as reasonable to think of code that needs to last for a few minutes as it is to imagine code that will live for decades. Generally, code on the short end of that spectrum is unaffected by time. It is unlikely that you need to adapt to a new version of your underlying libraries, operating system (OS), hardware, or language version for a program whose utility spans only an hour. These short-lived systems are effectively “just” a programming problem, in the same way that a cube compressed far enough in one dimension is a square. As we expand that time to allow for longer life spans, change becomes more important. Over a span of a decade or more, most program dependencies, whether implicit or explicit, will likely change. This recognition is at the root of our distinction between software engineering and programming.
+One way to see the impact of time on a program is to think about the question, 『What is the expected life span[^1] of your code?』 Reasonable answers to this question vary by roughly a factor of 100,000. It is just as reasonable to think of code that needs to last for a few minutes as it is to imagine code that will live for decades. Generally, code on the short end of that spectrum is unaffected by time. It is unlikely that you need to adapt to a new version of your underlying libraries, operating system (OS), hardware, or language version for a program whose utility spans only an hour. These short-lived systems are effectively 『just』 a programming problem, in the same way that a cube compressed far enough in one dimension is a square. As we expand that time to allow for longer life spans, change becomes more important. Over a span of a decade or more, most program dependencies, whether implicit or explicit, will likely change. This recognition is at the root of our distinction between software engineering and programming.
-> [^1]: We don’t mean “execution lifetime,” we mean “maintenance lifetime”—how long will the code continue to be built, executed, and maintained? How long will this software provide value?
+> [^1]: We don't mean 『execution lifetime,』 we mean 『maintenance lifetime』—how long will the code continue to be built, executed, and maintained? How long will this software provide value?
-> [1] 我们不是指“开发生命周期”,而是指“维护生命周期”——代码将持续构建、执行和维护多长时间?这个软件能提供多长时间的价值?
+> [1] 我們不是指『開發生命週期』,而是指『維護生命週期』——程式碼將持續建立、執行和維護多長時間?這個軟體能提供多長時間的價值?
-This distinction is at the core of what we call sustainability for software. Your project is sustainable if, for the expected life span of your software, you are capable of reacting to whatever valuable change comes along, for either technical or business reasons. Importantly, we are looking only for capability—you might choose not to perform a given upgrade, either for lack of value or other priorities.[^2] When you are fundamentally incapable of reacting to a change in underlying technology or product direction, you’re placing a high-risk bet on the hope that such a change never becomes critical. For short-term projects, that might be a safe bet. Over multiple decades, it probably isn’t.[^3]
+This distinction is at the core of what we call sustainability for software. Your project is sustainable if, for the expected life span of your software, you are capable of reacting to whatever valuable change comes along, for either technical or business reasons. Importantly, we are looking only for capability—you might choose not to perform a given upgrade, either for lack of value or other priorities.[^2] When you are fundamentally incapable of reacting to a change in underlying technology or product direction, you're placing a high-risk bet on the hope that such a change never becomes critical. For short-term projects, that might be a safe bet. Over multiple decades, it probably isn't.[^3]
-Another way to look at software engineering is to consider scale. How many people are involved? What part do they play in the development and maintenance over time? A programming task is often an act of individual creation, but a software engineering task is a team effort. An early attempt to define software engineering produced a good definition for this viewpoint: “The multiperson development of multiversion programs.”[^4] This suggests the difference between software engineering and programming is one of both time and people. Team collaboration presents new problems, but also provides more potential to produce valuable systems than any single programmer could.
+Another way to look at software engineering is to consider scale. How many people are involved? What part do they play in the development and maintenance over time? A programming task is often an act of individual creation, but a software engineering task is a team effort. An early attempt to define software engineering produced a good definition for this viewpoint: 『The multiperson development of multiversion programs.』[^4] This suggests the difference between software engineering and programming is one of both time and people. Team collaboration presents new problems, but also provides more potential to produce valuable systems than any single programmer could.
-> [^2]: This is perhaps a reasonable hand-wavy definition of technical debt: things that “should” be done, but aren’t yet—the delta between our code and what we wish it was.
+> [^2]: This is perhaps a reasonable hand-wavy definition of technical debt: things that 『should』 be done, but aren't yet—the delta between our code and what we wish it was.
-> 2 这也许是一个合理且简单的技术债务定义:那些“应该”做却还未完成的事————我们代码的现状和理想代码之间的差距。
+> 2 這也許是一個合理且簡單的技術債務定義:那些『應該』做卻還未完成的事————我們程式碼的現狀和理想程式碼之間的差距。
> [^3]: Also consider the issue of whether we know ahead of time that a project is going to be long lived.
-> 3 也要考虑我们是否提前知道项目将长期存在的问题。
+> 3 也要考慮我們是否提前知道專案將長期存在的問題。
-> [^4]: There is some question as to the original attribution of this quote; consensus seems to be that it was originally phrased by Brian Randell or Margaret Hamilton, but it might have been wholly made up by Dave Parnas. The common citation for it is “Software Engineering Techniques: Report of a conference sponsored by the NATO Science Committee,” Rome, Italy, 27–31 Oct. 1969, Brussels, Scientific Affairs Division, NATO.
+> [^4]: There is some question as to the original attribution of this quote; consensus seems to be that it was originally phrased by Brian Randell or Margaret Hamilton, but it might have been wholly made up by Dave Parnas. The common citation for it is 『Software Engineering Techniques: Report of a conference sponsored by the NATO Science Committee,』 Rome, Italy, 27–31 Oct. 1969, Brussels, Scientific Affairs Division, NATO.
-> 4 关于这句话的原始出处有一些疑问;人们似乎一致认为它最初是由Brian Randell或Margaret Hamilton提出的,但它可能完全是由Dave Parnas编造的。这句话的常见引文是 "软件工程技术。由北约科学委员会主办的会议报告1969年10月27日至31日,意大利罗马,布鲁塞尔,北约科学事务司。
+> 4 關於這句話的原始出處有一些疑問;人們似乎一致認為它最初是由Brian Randell或Margaret Hamilton提出的,但它可能完全是由Dave Parnas編造的。這句話的常見引文是 "軟體工程技術。由北約科學委員會主辦的會議報告"1969年10月27日至31日,義大利羅馬,布魯塞爾,北約科學事務司。
Team organization, project composition, and the policies and practices of a software project all dominate this aspect of software engineering complexity. These problems are inherent to scale: as the organization grows and its projects expand, does it become more efficient at producing software? Does our development workflow become more efficient as we grow, or do our version control policies and testing strategies cost us proportionally more? Scale issues around communication and human scaling have been discussed since the early days of software engineering, going all the way back to the Mythical Man Month. [^5] Such scale issues are often matters of policy and are fundamental to the question of software sustainability: how much will it cost to do the things that we need to do repeatedly?
-We can also say that software engineering is different from programming in terms of the complexity of decisions that need to be made and their stakes. In software engineering, we are regularly forced to evaluate the trade-offs between several paths forward, sometimes with high stakes and often with imperfect value metrics. The job of a software engineer, or a software engineering leader, is to aim for sustainability and management of the scaling costs for the organization, the product, and the development workflow . With those inputs in mind, evaluate your trade-offs and make rational decisions. We might sometimes defer maintenance changes, or even embrace policies that don’t scale well, with the knowledge that we’ll need to revisit those decisions. Those choices should be explicit and clear about the deferred costs.
+We can also say that software engineering is different from programming in terms of the complexity of decisions that need to be made and their stakes. In software engineering, we are regularly forced to evaluate the trade-offs between several paths forward, sometimes with high stakes and often with imperfect value metrics. The job of a software engineer, or a software engineering leader, is to aim for sustainability and management of the scaling costs for the organization, the product, and the development workflow . With those inputs in mind, evaluate your trade-offs and make rational decisions. We might sometimes defer maintenance changes, or even embrace policies that don't scale well, with the knowledge that we'll need to revisit those decisions. Those choices should be explicit and clear about the deferred costs.
-Rarely is there a one-size-fits-all solution in software engineering, and the same applies to this book. Given a factor of 100,000 for reasonable answers on “How long will this software live,” a range of perhaps a factor of 10,000 for “How many engineers are in your organization,” and who-knows-how-much for “How many compute resources are available for your project,” Google’s experience will probably not match yours. In this book, we aim to present what we’ve found that works for us in the construction and maintenance of software that we expect to last for decades, with tens of thousands of engineers, and world-spanning compute resources. Most of the practices that we find are necessary at that scale will also work well for smaller endeavors: consider this a report on one engineering ecosystem that we think could be good as you scale up. In a few places, super-large scale comes with its own costs, and we’d be happier to not be paying extra overhead. We call those out as a warning. Hopefully if your organization grows large enough to be worried about those costs, you can find a better answer.
+Rarely is there a one-size-fits-all solution in software engineering, and the same applies to this book. Given a factor of 100,000 for reasonable answers on 『How long will this software live,』 a range of perhaps a factor of 10,000 for 『How many engineers are in your organization,』 and who-knows-how-much for 『How many compute resources are available for your project,』 Google's experience will probably not match yours. In this book, we aim to present what we've found that works for us in the construction and maintenance of software that we expect to last for decades, with tens of thousands of engineers, and world-spanning compute resources. Most of the practices that we find are necessary at that scale will also work well for smaller endeavors: consider this a report on one engineering ecosystem that we think could be good as you scale up. In a few places, super-large scale comes with its own costs, and we'd be happier to not be paying extra overhead. We call those out as a warning. Hopefully if your organization grows large enough to be worried about those costs, you can find a better answer.
-Before we get to specifics about teamwork, culture, policies, and tools, let’s first elaborate on these primary themes of time, scale, and trade-offs.
+Before we get to specifics about teamwork, culture, policies, and tools, let's first elaborate on these primary themes of time, scale, and trade-offs.
> [^5]: Frederick P. Brooks Jr. The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering (Boston: Addison-Wesley, 1995)
-> Frederick P. Brooks Jr. The Mythical Man-Month: 关于软件工程的论文(波士顿:Addison-Wesley,1995)。
+> Frederick P. Brooks Jr. The Mythical Man-Month: 關於軟體工程的論文(波士頓:Addison-Wesley,1995)。
-## Time and Change 时间与变化
-When a novice is learning to program, the life span of the resulting code is usually measured in hours or days. Programming assignments and exercises tend to be write- once, with little to no refactoring and certainly no long-term maintenance. These programs are often not rebuilt or executed ever again after their initial production. This isn’t surprising in a pedagogical setting. Perhaps in secondary or post-secondary education, we may find a team project course or hands-on thesis. If so, such projects are likely the only time student code will live longer than a month or so. Those developers might need to refactor some code, perhaps as a response to changing requirements, but it is unlikely they are being asked to deal with broader changes to their environment.
+## Time and Change 時間與變化
+When a novice is learning to program, the life span of the resulting code is usually measured in hours or days. Programming assignments and exercises tend to be write- once, with little to no refactoring and certainly no long-term maintenance. These programs are often not rebuilt or executed ever again after their initial production. This isn't surprising in a pedagogical setting. Perhaps in secondary or post-secondary education, we may find a team project course or hands-on thesis. If so, such projects are likely the only time student code will live longer than a month or so. Those developers might need to refactor some code, perhaps as a response to changing requirements, but it is unlikely they are being asked to deal with broader changes to their environment.
We also find developers of short-lived code in common industry settings. Mobile apps often have a fairly short life span,[^6] and for better or worse, full rewrites are relatively common. Engineers at an early-stage startup might rightly choose to focus on immediate goals over long-term investments: the company might not live long enough to reap the benefits of an infrastructure investment that pays off slowly. A serial startup developer could very reasonably have 10 years of development experience and little or no experience maintaining any piece of software expected to exist for longer than a year or two.
-On the other end of the spectrum, some successful projects have an effectively unbounded life span: we can’t reasonably predict an endpoint for Google Search, the Linux kernel, or the Apache HTTP Server project. For most Google projects, we must assume that they will live indefinitely—we cannot predict when we won’t need to upgrade our dependencies, language versions, and so on. As their lifetimes grow, these long-lived projects *eventually* have a different feel to them than programming assignments or startup development.
+On the other end of the spectrum, some successful projects have an effectively unbounded life span: we can't reasonably predict an endpoint for Google Search, the Linux kernel, or the Apache HTTP Server project. For most Google projects, we must assume that they will live indefinitely—we cannot predict when we won't need to upgrade our dependencies, language versions, and so on. As their lifetimes grow, these long-lived projects *eventually* have a different feel to them than programming assignments or startup development.
-另一方面,一些成功的项目实际上有无限的生命周期:我们无法准确地预测Google搜索、Linux内核或Apache HTTP服务器项目的终点。对于大多数谷歌项目,我们必须假设它们将无限期地存在,我们无法预测何时不需要升级依赖项、语言版本等。随着他们生命周期的延长,这些长期项目最终会有一种不同于编程任务或初创企业发展不同的感受。
+另一方面,一些成功的專案實際上有無限的生命週期:我們無法準確地預測Google搜尋、Linux核心或Apache HTTP伺服器專案的終點。對於大多數谷歌專案,我們必須假設它們將無限期地存在,我們無法預測何時不需要升級依賴項、語言版本等。隨著他們生命週期的延長,這些長期專案最終會有一種不同於程式設計任務或初創企業發展不同的感受。
-Consider Figure 1-1, which demonstrates two software projects on opposite ends of this “expected life span” spectrum. For a programmer working on a task with an expected life span of hours, what types of maintenance are reasonable to expect? That is, if a new version of your OS comes out while you’re working on a Python script that will be executed one time, should you drop what you’re doing and upgrade? Of course not: the upgrade is not critical. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, Google Search being stuck on a version of our OS from the 1990s would be a clear problem.
+Consider Figure 1-1, which demonstrates two software projects on opposite ends of this 『expected life span』 spectrum. For a programmer working on a task with an expected life span of hours, what types of maintenance are reasonable to expect? That is, if a new version of your OS comes out while you're working on a Python script that will be executed one time, should you drop what you're doing and upgrade? Of course not: the upgrade is not critical. But on the opposite end of the spectrum, Google Search being stuck on a version of our OS from the 1990s would be a clear problem.
-考虑图1-1,它演示了两个软件项目的“预期生命周期”的范围。对于从事预期生命周期为小时的任务的程序来说,什么类型的维护是合理的?也就是说,如果你正在编写一个只需执行一次的 Python 脚本,这时操作系统推出了新版本,你应该放下手头的工作去升级系统吗?当然不是:升级并不重要。但与之相反,如果谷歌搜索停留在20世纪90年代的操作系统版本上显然是一个问题。
+考慮圖1-1,它示範了兩個軟體專案的『預期生命週期』的範圍。對於從事預期生命週期為小時的任務的程式來說,什麼型別的維護是合理的?也就是說,如果你正在編寫一個只需執行一次的 Python 指令碼,這時作業系統推出了新版本,你應該放下手頭的工作去升級系統嗎?當然不是:升級並不重要。但與之相反,如果谷歌搜尋停留在20世紀90年代的作業系統版本上顯然是一個問題。
-> [^6]: Appcelerator, “[Nothing is Certain Except Death, Taxes and a Short Mobile App Lifespan](https://oreil.ly/pnT2_),” Axway Developer blog, December 6, 2012.
+> [^6]: Appcelerator, 『[Nothing is Certain Except Death, Taxes and a Short Mobile App Lifespan](https://oreil.ly/pnT2_),』 Axway Developer blog, December 6, 2012.
-> 除了死亡、税收和短暂的移动应用生命,没有什么是确定的
+> 除了死亡、稅收和短暫的移動應用生命,沒有什麼是確定的
![Figure 1-1. Life span and the importance of upgrades](./images/figure%201-1.png)
-The low and high points on the expected life span spectrum suggest that there’s a transition somewhere. Somewhere along the line between a one-off program and a project that lasts for decades, a transition happens: a project must begin to react to changing externalities.[^7] For any project that didn’t plan for upgrades from the start, that transition is likely very painful for three reasons, each of which compounds the others:
+The low and high points on the expected life span spectrum suggest that there's a transition somewhere. Somewhere along the line between a one-off program and a project that lasts for decades, a transition happens: a project must begin to react to changing externalities.[^7] For any project that didn't plan for upgrades from the start, that transition is likely very painful for three reasons, each of which compounds the others:
-- You’re performing a task that hasn’t yet been done for this project; more hidden assumptions have been baked-in.
+- You're performing a task that hasn't yet been done for this project; more hidden assumptions have been baked-in.
- The engineers trying to do the upgrade are less likely to have experience in this sort of task.
-- The size of the upgrade is often larger than usual, doing several years’ worth of upgrades at once instead of a more incremental upgrade.
+- The size of the upgrade is often larger than usual, doing several years' worth of upgrades at once instead of a more incremental upgrade.
-- 你正在执行本项目尚未完成的任务;更多隐藏的假设已经成立。
-- 尝试进行升级的工程师不太可能具有此类任务的经验。
-- 升级的规模通常比平时大,一次完成几年的升级,而不是增量升级。
+- 你正在執行本專案尚未完成的任務;更多隱藏的假設已經成立。
+- 嘗試進行升級的工程師不太可能具有此類任務的經驗。
+- 升級的規模通常比平時大,一次完成幾年的升級,而不是增量升級。
-And thus, after actually going through such an upgrade once (or giving up part way through), it’s pretty reasonable to overestimate the cost of doing a subsequent upgrade and decide “Never again.” Companies that come to this conclusion end up committing to just throwing things out and rewriting their code, or deciding to never upgrade again. Rather than take the natural approach by avoiding a painful task, sometimes the more responsible answer is to invest in making it less painful. It all depends on the cost of your upgrade, the value it provides, and the expected life span of the project in question.
+And thus, after actually going through such an upgrade once (or giving up part way through), it's pretty reasonable to overestimate the cost of doing a subsequent upgrade and decide 『Never again.』 Companies that come to this conclusion end up committing to just throwing things out and rewriting their code, or deciding to never upgrade again. Rather than take the natural approach by avoiding a painful task, sometimes the more responsible answer is to invest in making it less painful. It all depends on the cost of your upgrade, the value it provides, and the expected life span of the project in question.
-> [^7]: Your own priorities and tastes will inform where exactly that transition happens. We’ve found that most projects seem to be willing to upgrade within five years. Somewhere between 5 and 10 years seems like a conservative estimate for this transition in general.
+> [^7]: Your own priorities and tastes will inform where exactly that transition happens. We've found that most projects seem to be willing to upgrade within five years. Somewhere between 5 and 10 years seems like a conservative estimate for this transition in general.
-> 7 你自己的优先次序和品味会告诉你这种转变到底发生在哪里。我们发现,大多数项目似乎愿意在五年内升级。一般来说,5到10年似乎是这一转变的保守估计。
+> 7 你自己的優先次序和品味會告訴你這種轉變到底發生在哪裡。我們發現,大多數專案似乎願意在五年內升級。一般來說,5到10年似乎是這一轉變的保守估計。
Getting through not only that first big upgrade, but getting to the point at which you can reliably stay current going forward, is the essence of long-term sustainability for your project. Sustainability requires planning and managing the impact of required change. For many projects at Google, we believe we have achieved this sort of sustainability, largely through trial and error.
-So, concretely, how does short-term programming differ from producing code with a much longer expected life span? Over time, we need to be much more aware of the difference between “happens to work” and “is maintainable.” There is no perfect solution for identifying these issues. That is unfortunate, because keeping software maintainable for the long-term is a constant battle.
+So, concretely, how does short-term programming differ from producing code with a much longer expected life span? Over time, we need to be much more aware of the difference between 『happens to work』 and 『is maintainable.』 There is no perfect solution for identifying these issues. That is unfortunate, because keeping software maintainable for the long-term is a constant battle.
-### Hyrum’s Law 海勒姆定律
+### Hyrum's Law 海勒姆定律
-If you are maintaining a project that is used by other engineers, the most important lesson about “it works” versus “it is maintainable” is what we’ve come to call *Hyrum’s* *Law*:
+If you are maintaining a project that is used by other engineers, the most important lesson about 『it works』 versus 『it is maintainable』 is what we've come to call *Hyrum's* *Law*:
*With a sufficient number of users of an API, it does not matter what you promise in the contract: all observable behaviors of your system will be depended on by somebody.*
- *当一个 API 有足够多的用户的时候,在约定中你承诺的什么都无所谓,所有在你系统里面被观察到的行为都会被一些用户直接依赖。*
+ *當一個 API 有足夠多的使用者的時候,在約定中你承諾的什麼都無所謂,所有在你系統裡面被觀察到的行為都會被一些使用者直接依賴。*
-In our experience, this axiom is a dominant factor in any discussion of changing software over time. It is conceptually akin to entropy: discussions of change and maintenance over time must be aware of Hyrum’s Law[^8] just as discussions of efficiency or thermodynamics must be mindful of entropy. Just because entropy never decreases doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to be efficient. Just because Hyrum’s Law will apply when maintaining software doesn’t mean we can’t plan for it or try to better understand it. We can mitigate it, but we know that it can never be eradicated.
+In our experience, this axiom is a dominant factor in any discussion of changing software over time. It is conceptually akin to entropy: discussions of change and maintenance over time must be aware of Hyrum's Law[^8] just as discussions of efficiency or thermodynamics must be mindful of entropy. Just because entropy never decreases doesn't mean we shouldn't try to be efficient. Just because Hyrum's Law will apply when maintaining software doesn't mean we can't plan for it or try to better understand it. We can mitigate it, but we know that it can never be eradicated.
-根据我们的经验,这个定律在任何关于软件随时间变化的讨论中都是一个主导因素。它在概念上类似于熵:对随时间变化和维护的讨论必须了解海勒姆定律,正如对效率或热力学的讨论必须注意熵一样。仅仅因为熵从不减少并不意味着我们不应该努力提高效率。在维护软件时,"海勒姆定律 "会适用,但这并不意味着我们不能对它进行规划或试图更好地了解它。我们可以减轻它,但我们知道,它永远不可能被根除。
+根據我們的經驗,這個定律在任何關於軟體隨時間變化的討論中都是一個主導因素。它在概念上類似於熵:對隨時間變化和維護的討論必須瞭解海勒姆定律,正如對效率或熱力學的討論必須注意熵一樣。僅僅因為熵從不減少並不意味著我們不應該努力提高效率。在維護軟體時,"海勒姆定律 "會適用,但這並不意味著我們不能對它進行規劃或試圖更好地瞭解它。我們可以減輕它,但我們知道,它永遠不可能被根除。
-Hyrum’s Law represents the practical knowledge that—even with the best of intentions, the best engineers, and solid practices for code review—. As an API owner, you will gain some flexibility and freedom by being clear about interface promises, but in practice, the complexity and difficulty of a given change also depends on how useful a user finds some observable behavior of your API. If users cannot depend on such things, your API will be easy to change. Given enough time and enough users, even the most innocuous change will break something;[^9] your analysis of the value of that change must incorporate the difficulty in investigating, identifying, and resolving those breakages.
+Hyrum's Law represents the practical knowledge that—even with the best of intentions, the best engineers, and solid practices for code review—. As an API owner, you will gain some flexibility and freedom by being clear about interface promises, but in practice, the complexity and difficulty of a given change also depends on how useful a user finds some observable behavior of your API. If users cannot depend on such things, your API will be easy to change. Given enough time and enough users, even the most innocuous change will break something;[^9] your analysis of the value of that change must incorporate the difficulty in investigating, identifying, and resolving those breakages.
-> [^8]: To his credit, Hyrum tried really hard to humbly call this “The Law of Implicit Dependencies,” but “Hyrum’s Law” is the shorthand that most people at Google have settled on.
+> [^8]: To his credit, Hyrum tried really hard to humbly call this 『The Law of Implicit Dependencies,』 but 『Hyrum's Law』 is the shorthand that most people at Google have settled on.
-> 值得称道的是,海勒姆非常努力地将其称为 "隐性依赖定律",但 "海勒姆定律 "是谷歌公司大多数人都认可的简称。
+> 值得稱道的是,海勒姆非常努力地將其稱為 "隱性依賴定律",但 "海勒姆定律 "是谷歌公司大多數人都認可的簡稱。
-> [^9]: See “Workflow,” an xkcd comic.
+> [^9]: See 『Workflow,』 an xkcd comic.
-> 见 "工作流程",一幅xkcd漫画。
+> 見 "工作流程",一幅xkcd漫畫。
-### Example: Hash Ordering 哈希排序
+### Example: Hash Ordering 雜湊排序
Consider the example of hash iteration ordering. If we insert five elements into a hash-based set, in what order do we get them out?
>>> for i in {"apple", "banana", "carrot", "durian", "eggplant"}: print(i)
@@ -161,217 +161,217 @@ eggplant
-Most programmers know that hash tables are non-obviously ordered. Few know the specifics of whether the particular hash table they are using is intending to provide that particular ordering forever. This might seem unremarkable, but over the past decade or two, the computing industry’s experience using such types has evolved:
+Most programmers know that hash tables are non-obviously ordered. Few know the specifics of whether the particular hash table they are using is intending to provide that particular ordering forever. This might seem unremarkable, but over the past decade or two, the computing industry's experience using such types has evolved:
- Hash flooding[^10] attacks provide an increased incentive for nondeterministic hash iteration.
- Potential efficiency gains from research into improved hash algorithms or hash containers require changes to hash iteration order.
-- Per Hyrum’s Law, programmers will write programs that depend on the order in which a hash table is traversed, if they have the ability to do so.
+- Per Hyrum's Law, programmers will write programs that depend on the order in which a hash table is traversed, if they have the ability to do so.
-- 哈希洪水攻击增加了非确定性哈希迭代的动力。
-- 研究改进的散列算法或散列容器的潜在效率收益需要更改散列迭代顺序。
-- 根据海勒姆定律,如有能力程序员可根据哈希表的遍历顺序编写程序。
+- 雜湊洪水攻擊增加了非確定性雜湊迭代的動力。
+- 研究改進的雜湊演算法或雜湊容器的潛在效率收益需要更改雜湊迭代順序。
+- 根據海勒姆定律,如有能力工程師可根據雜湊表的遍歷順序編寫程式。
-As a result, if you ask any expert “Can I assume a particular output sequence for my hash container?” that expert will presumably say “No.” By and large that is correct, but perhaps simplistic. A more nuanced answer is, “If your code is short-lived, with no changes to your hardware, language runtime, or choice of data structure, such an assumption is fine. If you don’t know how long your code will live, or you cannot promise that nothing you depend upon will ever change, such an assumption is incorrect.” Moreover, even if your own implementation does not depend on hash container order, it might be used by other code that implicitly creates such a dependency. For example, if your library serializes values into a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) response, the RPC caller might wind up depending on the order of those values.
+As a result, if you ask any expert 『Can I assume a particular output sequence for my hash container?』 that expert will presumably say 『No.』 By and large that is correct, but perhaps simplistic. A more nuanced answer is, 『If your code is short-lived, with no changes to your hardware, language runtime, or choice of data structure, such an assumption is fine. If you don't know how long your code will live, or you cannot promise that nothing you depend upon will ever change, such an assumption is incorrect.』 Moreover, even if your own implementation does not depend on hash container order, it might be used by other code that implicitly creates such a dependency. For example, if your library serializes values into a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) response, the RPC caller might wind up depending on the order of those values.
-This is a very basic example of the difference between “it works” and “it is correct.” For a short-lived program, depending on the iteration order of your containers will not cause any technical problems. For a software engineering project, on the other hand, such reliance on a defined order is a risk—given enough time, something will make it valuable to change that iteration order. That value can manifest in a number of ways, be it efficiency, security, or merely future-proofing the data structure to allow for future changes. When that value becomes clear, you will need to weigh the trade- offs between that value and the pain of breaking your developers or customers.
+This is a very basic example of the difference between 『it works』 and 『it is correct.』 For a short-lived program, depending on the iteration order of your containers will not cause any technical problems. For a software engineering project, on the other hand, such reliance on a defined order is a risk—given enough time, something will make it valuable to change that iteration order. That value can manifest in a number of ways, be it efficiency, security, or merely future-proofing the data structure to allow for future changes. When that value becomes clear, you will need to weigh the trade- offs between that value and the pain of breaking your developers or customers.
> [^10]: A type of Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack in which an untrusted user knows the structure of a hash table and the hash function and provides data in such a way as to degrade the algorithmic performance of operations on the table.
-> 一种拒绝服务(DoS)攻击,其中不受信任的用户知道哈希表和哈希函数的结构,并以降低表上操作的算法性能的方式提供数据。
+> 一種拒絕服務(DoS)攻擊,其中不受信任的使用者知道雜湊表和雜湊函式的結構,並以降低表上操作的演算法效能的方式提供資料。
-Some languages specifically randomize hash ordering between library versions or even between execution of the same program in an attempt to prevent dependencies. But even this still allows for some Hyrum’s Law surprises: there is code that uses hash iteration ordering as an inefficient random-number generator. Removing such randomness now would break those users. Just as entropy increases in every thermodynamic system, Hyrum’s Law applies to every observable behavior.
+Some languages specifically randomize hash ordering between library versions or even between execution of the same program in an attempt to prevent dependencies. But even this still allows for some Hyrum's Law surprises: there is code that uses hash iteration ordering as an inefficient random-number generator. Removing such randomness now would break those users. Just as entropy increases in every thermodynamic system, Hyrum's Law applies to every observable behavior.
-Thinking over the differences between code written with a “works now” and a “works indefinitely” mentality, we can extract some clear relationships. Looking at code as an artifact with a (highly) variable lifetime requirement, we can begin to categorize programming styles: code that depends on brittle and unpublished features of its dependencies is likely to be described as “hacky” or “clever,” whereas code that follows best practices and has planned for the future is more likely to be described as “clean” and “maintainable.” Both have their purposes, but which one you select depends crucially on the expected life span of the code in question. We’ve taken to saying, “It’s programming if ‘clever’ is a compliment, but it’s software engineering if ‘clever’ is an accusation.”
+Thinking over the differences between code written with a 『works now』 and a 『works indefinitely』 mentality, we can extract some clear relationships. Looking at code as an artifact with a (highly) variable lifetime requirement, we can begin to categorize programming styles: code that depends on brittle and unpublished features of its dependencies is likely to be described as 『hacky』 or 『clever,』 whereas code that follows best practices and has planned for the future is more likely to be described as 『clean』 and 『maintainable.』 Both have their purposes, but which one you select depends crucially on the expected life span of the code in question. We've taken to saying, 『It's programming if 「clever」 is a compliment, but it's software engineering if 「clever」 is an accusation.』
-### Why Not Just Aim for “Nothing Changes”? 为什么不以“无变化”为目标?
+### Why Not Just Aim for 『Nothing Changes』? 為什麼不以『無變化』為目標?
Implicit in all of this discussion of time and the need to react to change is the assumption that change might be necessary. Is it?
-As with effectively everything else in this book, it depends. We’ll readily commit to “For most projects, over a long enough time period, everything underneath them might need to be changed.” If you have a project written in pure C with no external dependencies (or only external dependencies that promise great long-term stability, like POSIX), you might well be able to avoid any form of refactoring or difficult upgrade. C does a great job of providing stability—in many respects, that is its primary purpose.
+As with effectively everything else in this book, it depends. We'll readily commit to 『For most projects, over a long enough time period, everything underneath them might need to be changed.』 If you have a project written in pure C with no external dependencies (or only external dependencies that promise great long-term stability, like POSIX), you might well be able to avoid any form of refactoring or difficult upgrade. C does a great job of providing stability—in many respects, that is its primary purpose.
-Most projects have far more exposure to shifting underlying technology. Most programming languages and runtimes change much more than C does. Even libraries implemented in pure C might change to support new features, which can affect downstream users. Security problems are disclosed in all manner of technology, from processors to networking libraries to application code. Every piece of technology upon which your project depends has some (hopefully small) risk of containing critical bugs and security vulnerabilities that might come to light only after you’ve started relying on it. If you are incapable of deploying a patch for Heartbleed or mitigating speculative execution problems like Meltdown and Spectre because you’ve assumed (or promised) that nothing will ever change, that is a significant gamble.
+Most projects have far more exposure to shifting underlying technology. Most programming languages and runtimes change much more than C does. Even libraries implemented in pure C might change to support new features, which can affect downstream users. Security problems are disclosed in all manner of technology, from processors to networking libraries to application code. Every piece of technology upon which your project depends has some (hopefully small) risk of containing critical bugs and security vulnerabilities that might come to light only after you've started relying on it. If you are incapable of deploying a patch for Heartbleed or mitigating speculative execution problems like Meltdown and Spectre because you've assumed (or promised) that nothing will ever change, that is a significant gamble.
-Efficiency improvements further complicate the picture. We want to outfit our datacenters with cost-effective computing equipment, especially enhancing CPU efficiency. However, algorithms and data structures from early-day Google are simply less efficient on modern equipment: a linked-list or a binary search tree will still work fine, but the ever-widening gap between CPU cycles versus memory latency impacts what “efficient” code looks like. Over time, the value in upgrading to newer hardware can be diminished without accompanying design changes to the software. Backward compatibility ensures that older systems still function, but that is no guarantee that old optimizations are still helpful. Being unwilling or unable to take advantage of such opportunities risks incurring large costs. Efficiency concerns like this are particularly subtle: the original design might have been perfectly logical and following reasonable best practices. It’s only after an evolution of backward-compatible changes that a new, more efficient option becomes important. No mistakes were made, but the passage of time still made change valuable.
+Efficiency improvements further complicate the picture. We want to outfit our datacenters with cost-effective computing equipment, especially enhancing CPU efficiency. However, algorithms and data structures from early-day Google are simply less efficient on modern equipment: a linked-list or a binary search tree will still work fine, but the ever-widening gap between CPU cycles versus memory latency impacts what 『efficient』 code looks like. Over time, the value in upgrading to newer hardware can be diminished without accompanying design changes to the software. Backward compatibility ensures that older systems still function, but that is no guarantee that old optimizations are still helpful. Being unwilling or unable to take advantage of such opportunities risks incurring large costs. Efficiency concerns like this are particularly subtle: the original design might have been perfectly logical and following reasonable best practices. It's only after an evolution of backward-compatible changes that a new, more efficient option becomes important. No mistakes were made, but the passage of time still made change valuable.
-Concerns like those just mentioned are why there are large risks for long-term projects that haven’t invested in sustainability. We must be capable of responding to these sorts of issues and taking advantage of these opportunities, regardless of whether they directly affect us or manifest in only the transitive closure of technology we build upon. Change is not inherently good. We shouldn’t change just for the sake of change. But we do need to be capable of change. If we allow for that eventual necessity, we should also consider whether to invest in making that capability cheap. As every system administrator knows, it’s one thing to know in theory that you can recover from tape, and another to know in practice exactly how to do it and how much it will cost when it becomes necessary. Practice and expertise are great drivers of efficiency and reliability.
+Concerns like those just mentioned are why there are large risks for long-term projects that haven't invested in sustainability. We must be capable of responding to these sorts of issues and taking advantage of these opportunities, regardless of whether they directly affect us or manifest in only the transitive closure of technology we build upon. Change is not inherently good. We shouldn't change just for the sake of change. But we do need to be capable of change. If we allow for that eventual necessity, we should also consider whether to invest in making that capability cheap. As every system administrator knows, it's one thing to know in theory that you can recover from tape, and another to know in practice exactly how to do it and how much it will cost when it becomes necessary. Practice and expertise are great drivers of efficiency and reliability.
-## Scale and Efficiency 规模和效率
+## Scale and Efficiency 規模和效率
-As noted in the Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) book,[^11] Google’s production system as a whole is among the most complex machines created by humankind. The complexity involved in building such a machine and keeping it running smoothly has required countless hours of thought, discussion, and redesign from experts across our organization and around the globe. So, we have already written a book about the complexity of keeping that machine running at that scale.
+As noted in the Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) book,[^11] Google's production system as a whole is among the most complex machines created by humankind. The complexity involved in building such a machine and keeping it running smoothly has required countless hours of thought, discussion, and redesign from experts across our organization and around the globe. So, we have already written a book about the complexity of keeping that machine running at that scale.
-Much of this book focuses on the complexity of scale of the organization that produces such a machine, and the processes that we use to keep that machine running over time. Consider again the concept of codebase sustainability: “Your organization’s codebase is sustainable when you are able to change all of the things that you ought to change, safely, and can do so for the life of your codebase.” Hidden in the discussion of capability is also one of costs: if changing something comes at inordinate cost, it will likely be deferred. If costs grow superlinearly over time, the operation clearly is not scalable.[^12] Eventually, time will take hold and something unexpected will arise that you absolutely must change. When your project doubles in scope and you need to perform that task again, will it be twice as labor intensive? Will you even have the human resources required to address the issue next time?
+Much of this book focuses on the complexity of scale of the organization that produces such a machine, and the processes that we use to keep that machine running over time. Consider again the concept of codebase sustainability: 『Your organization's codebase is sustainable when you are able to change all of the things that you ought to change, safely, and can do so for the life of your codebase.』 Hidden in the discussion of capability is also one of costs: if changing something comes at inordinate cost, it will likely be deferred. If costs grow superlinearly over time, the operation clearly is not scalable.[^12] Eventually, time will take hold and something unexpected will arise that you absolutely must change. When your project doubles in scope and you need to perform that task again, will it be twice as labor intensive? Will you even have the human resources required to address the issue next time?
-Human costs are not the only finite resource that needs to scale. Just as software itself needs to scale well with traditional resources such as compute, memory, storage, and bandwidth, the development of that software also needs to scale, both in terms of human time involvement and the compute resources that power your development workflow. If the compute cost for your test cluster grows superlinearly, consuming more compute resources per person each quarter, you’re on an unsustainable path and need to make changes soon.
+Human costs are not the only finite resource that needs to scale. Just as software itself needs to scale well with traditional resources such as compute, memory, storage, and bandwidth, the development of that software also needs to scale, both in terms of human time involvement and the compute resources that power your development workflow. If the compute cost for your test cluster grows superlinearly, consuming more compute resources per person each quarter, you're on an unsustainable path and need to make changes soon.
-Finally, the most precious asset of a software organization—the codebase itself—also needs to scale. If your build system or version control system scales superlinearly over time, perhaps as a result of growth and increasing changelog history, a point might come at which you simply cannot proceed. Many questions, such as “How long does it take to do a full build?”, “How long does it take to pull a fresh copy of the repository?”, or “How much will it cost to upgrade to a new language version?” aren’t actively monitored and change at a slow pace. They can easily become like the metaphorical boiled frog; it is far too easy for problems to worsen slowly and never manifest as a singular moment of crisis. Only with an organization-wide awareness and commitment to scaling are you likely to keep on top of these issues.
+Finally, the most precious asset of a software organization—the codebase itself—also needs to scale. If your build system or version control system scales superlinearly over time, perhaps as a result of growth and increasing changelog history, a point might come at which you simply cannot proceed. Many questions, such as 『How long does it take to do a full build?』, 『How long does it take to pull a fresh copy of the repository?』, or 『How much will it cost to upgrade to a new language version?』 aren't actively monitored and change at a slow pace. They can easily become like the metaphorical boiled frog; it is far too easy for problems to worsen slowly and never manifest as a singular moment of crisis. Only with an organization-wide awareness and commitment to scaling are you likely to keep on top of these issues.
-Everything your organization relies upon to produce and maintain code should be scalable in terms of overall cost and resource consumption. In particular, everything your organization must do repeatedly should be scalable in terms of human effort. Many common policies don’t seem to be scalable in this sense.
+Everything your organization relies upon to produce and maintain code should be scalable in terms of overall cost and resource consumption. In particular, everything your organization must do repeatedly should be scalable in terms of human effort. Many common policies don't seem to be scalable in this sense.
-> [^11]: Beyer, B. et al. Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems. (Boston: O’Reilly Media,2016).
+> [^11]: Beyer, B. et al. Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems. (Boston: O'Reilly Media,2016).
-> Beyer, B. et al. Site Reliability Engineering: 谷歌如何运行生产系统。(Boston: O'Reilly Media, 2016).
+> Beyer, B. et al. Site Reliability Engineering: 谷歌如何執行生產系統。(Boston: O'Reilly Media, 2016).
-> [^12]: Whenever we use “scalable” in an informal context in this chapter, we mean “sublinear scaling with regard to human interactions.”
+> [^12]: Whenever we use 『scalable』 in an informal context in this chapter, we mean 『sublinear scaling with regard to human interactions.』
-> 在本章中,当我们在非正式语境中使用“可扩展性”时,我们的意思是“在人类交互的次线性伸缩性”
+> 在本章中,當我們在非正式語境中使用『可擴充性』時,我們的意思是『在人類互動的次線性伸縮性』
-### Policies That Don’t Scale 不可扩展的策略
+### Policies That Don't Scale 不可擴充套件的策略
With a little practice, it becomes easier to spot policies with bad scaling properties. Most commonly, these can be identified by considering the work imposed on a single engineer and imagining the organization scaling up by 10 or 100 times. When we are 10 times larger, will we add 10 times more work with which our sample engineer needs to keep up? Does the amount of work our engineer must perform grow as a function of the size of the organization? Does the work scale up with the size of the codebase? If either of these are true, do we have any mechanisms in place to automate or optimize that work? If not, we have scaling problems.
-Consider a traditional approach to deprecation. We discuss deprecation much more in Chapter 15, but the common approach to deprecation serves as a great example of scaling problems. A new Widget has been developed. The decision is made that everyone should use the new one and stop using the old one. To motivate this, project leads say “We’ll delete the old Widget on August 15th; make sure you’ve converted to the new Widget.”
+Consider a traditional approach to deprecation. We discuss deprecation much more in Chapter 15, but the common approach to deprecation serves as a great example of scaling problems. A new Widget has been developed. The decision is made that everyone should use the new one and stop using the old one. To motivate this, project leads say 『We'll delete the old Widget on August 15th; make sure you've converted to the new Widget.』
This type of approach might work in a small software setting but quickly fails as both the depth and breadth of the dependency graph increases. Teams depend on an ever- increasing number of Widgets, and a single build break can affect a growing percentage of the company. Solving these problems in a scalable way means changing the way we do deprecation: instead of pushing migration work to customers, teams can internalize it themselves, with all the economies of scale that provides.
-这种方法可能适用于小型软件项目,但随着依赖关系图的深度和广度的增加,很快就会失败。团队依赖越来越多的小部件,单个构建中断可能会影响公司不断增长的百分比。以一种可扩展的方式解决这些问题,意味着需要改变我们废弃的方式: 不是将迁移工作推给客户,团队可以将其内部消化,并提供所需资源投入。
+這種方法可能適用於小型軟體專案,但隨著依賴關係圖的深度和廣度的增加,很快就會失敗。團隊依賴越來越多的小部件,單個建立中斷可能會影響公司不斷增長的百分比。以一種可擴充套件的方式解決這些問題,意味著需要改變我們廢棄的方式: 不是將遷移工作推給客戶,團隊可以將其內部消化,並提供所需資源投入。
-In 2012, we tried to put a stop to this with rules mitigating churn: infrastructure teams must do the work to move their internal users to new versions themselves or do the update in place, in backward-compatible fashion. This policy, which we’ve called the “Churn Rule,” scales better: dependent projects are no longer spending progressively greater effort just to keep up. We’ve also learned that having a dedicated group of experts execute the change scales better than asking for more maintenance effort from every user: experts spend some time learning the whole problem in depth and then apply that expertise to every subproblem. Forcing users to respond to churn means that every affected team does a worse job ramping up, solves their immediate problem, and then throws away that now-useless knowledge. Expertise scales better.
+In 2012, we tried to put a stop to this with rules mitigating churn: infrastructure teams must do the work to move their internal users to new versions themselves or do the update in place, in backward-compatible fashion. This policy, which we've called the 『Churn Rule,』 scales better: dependent projects are no longer spending progressively greater effort just to keep up. We've also learned that having a dedicated group of experts execute the change scales better than asking for more maintenance effort from every user: experts spend some time learning the whole problem in depth and then apply that expertise to every subproblem. Forcing users to respond to churn means that every affected team does a worse job ramping up, solves their immediate problem, and then throws away that now-useless knowledge. Expertise scales better.
-The traditional use of development branches is another example of policy that has built-in scaling problems. An organization might identify that merging large features into trunk has destabilized the product and conclude, “We need tighter controls on when things merge. We should merge less frequently.” This leads quickly to every team or every feature having separate dev branches. Whenever any branch is decided to be “complete,” it is tested and merged into trunk, triggering some potentially expensive work for other engineers still working on their dev branch, in the form of resyncing and testing. Such branch management can be made to work for a small organization juggling 5 to 10 such branches. As the size of an organization (and the number of branches) increases, it quickly becomes apparent that we’re paying an ever-increasing amount of overhead to do the same task. We’ll need a different approach as we scale up, and we discuss that in Chapter 16.
+The traditional use of development branches is another example of policy that has built-in scaling problems. An organization might identify that merging large features into trunk has destabilized the product and conclude, 『We need tighter controls on when things merge. We should merge less frequently.』 This leads quickly to every team or every feature having separate dev branches. Whenever any branch is decided to be 『complete,』 it is tested and merged into trunk, triggering some potentially expensive work for other engineers still working on their dev branch, in the form of resyncing and testing. Such branch management can be made to work for a small organization juggling 5 to 10 such branches. As the size of an organization (and the number of branches) increases, it quickly becomes apparent that we're paying an ever-increasing amount of overhead to do the same task. We'll need a different approach as we scale up, and we discuss that in Chapter 16.
-### Policies That Scale Well 规模化策略
+### Policies That Scale Well 規模化策略
What sorts of policies result in better costs as the organization grows? Or, better still, what sorts of policies can we put in place that provide superlinear value as the organization grows?
-One of our favorite internal policies is a great enabler of infrastructure teams, protecting their ability to make infrastructure changes safely. “If a product experiences outages or other problems as a result of infrastructure changes, but the issue wasn’t surfaced by tests in our Continuous Integration (CI) system, it is not the fault of the infrastructure change.” More colloquially, this is phrased as “If you liked it, you should have put a CI test on it,” which we call “The Beyoncé Rule.”[^13] From a scaling perspective, the Beyoncé Rule implies that complicated, one-off bespoke tests that aren’t triggered by our common CI system do not count. Without this, an engineer on an infrastructure team could conceivably need to track down every team with any affected code and ask them how to run their tests. We could do that when there were a hundred engineers. We definitely cannot afford to do that anymore.
+One of our favorite internal policies is a great enabler of infrastructure teams, protecting their ability to make infrastructure changes safely. 『If a product experiences outages or other problems as a result of infrastructure changes, but the issue wasn't surfaced by tests in our Continuous Integration (CI) system, it is not the fault of the infrastructure change.』 More colloquially, this is phrased as 『If you liked it, you should have put a CI test on it,』 which we call 『The Beyoncé Rule.』[^13] From a scaling perspective, the Beyoncé Rule implies that complicated, one-off bespoke tests that aren't triggered by our common CI system do not count. Without this, an engineer on an infrastructure team could conceivably need to track down every team with any affected code and ask them how to run their tests. We could do that when there were a hundred engineers. We definitely cannot afford to do that anymore.
-We’ve found that expertise and shared communication forums offer great value as an organization scales. As engineers discuss and answer questions in shared forums, knowledge tends to spread. New experts grow. If you have a hundred engineers writing Java, a single friendly and helpful Java expert willing to answer questions will soon produce a hundred engineers writing better Java code. Knowledge is viral, experts are carriers, and there’s a lot to be said for the value of clearing away the common stumbling blocks for your engineers. We cover this in greater detail in Chapter 3.
+We've found that expertise and shared communication forums offer great value as an organization scales. As engineers discuss and answer questions in shared forums, knowledge tends to spread. New experts grow. If you have a hundred engineers writing Java, a single friendly and helpful Java expert willing to answer questions will soon produce a hundred engineers writing better Java code. Knowledge is viral, experts are carriers, and there's a lot to be said for the value of clearing away the common stumbling blocks for your engineers. We cover this in greater detail in Chapter 3.
-> [^13]: This is a reference to the popular song “Single Ladies,” which includes the refrain “If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it.”
+> [^13]: This is a reference to the popular song 『Single Ladies,』 which includes the refrain 『If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it.』
-> 这是指流行歌曲《单身女士》,其中包括 "如果你喜欢它,你就应该给它戴上戒指。
+> 這是指流行歌曲《單身女士》,其中包括 "如果你喜歡它,你就應該給它戴上戒指"。
-### Example: Compiler Upgrade 示例:编译器升级
+### Example: Compiler Upgrade 範例:編譯器升級
-Consider the daunting task of upgrading your compiler. Theoretically, a compiler upgrade should be cheap given how much effort languages take to be backward compatible, but how cheap of an operation is it in practice? If you’ve never done such an upgrade before, how would you evaluate whether your codebase is compatible with that change?
+Consider the daunting task of upgrading your compiler. Theoretically, a compiler upgrade should be cheap given how much effort languages take to be backward compatible, but how cheap of an operation is it in practice? If you've never done such an upgrade before, how would you evaluate whether your codebase is compatible with that change?
In our experience, language and compiler upgrades are subtle and difficult tasks even when they are broadly expected to be backward compatible. A compiler upgrade will almost always result in minor changes to behavior: fixing miscompilations, tweaking optimizations, or potentially changing the results of anything that was previously undefined. How would you evaluate the correctness of your entire codebase against all of these potential outcomes?
-The most storied compiler upgrade in Google’s history took place all the way back in 2006. At that point, we had been operating for a few years and had several thousand engineers on staff. We hadn’t updated compilers in about five years. Most of our engineers had no experience with a compiler change. Most of our code had been exposed to only a single compiler version. It was a difficult and painful task for a team of (mostly) volunteers, which eventually became a matter of finding shortcuts and simplifications in order to work around upstream compiler and language changes that we didn’t know how to adopt.[^14] In the end, the 2006 compiler upgrade was extremely painful. Many Hyrum’s Law problems, big and small, had crept into the codebase and served to deepen our dependency on a particular compiler version. Breaking those implicit dependencies was painful. The engineers in question were taking a risk: we didn’t have the Beyoncé Rule yet, nor did we have a pervasive CI system, so it was difficult to know the impact of the change ahead of time or be sure they wouldn’t be blamed for regressions.
+The most storied compiler upgrade in Google's history took place all the way back in 2006. At that point, we had been operating for a few years and had several thousand engineers on staff. We hadn't updated compilers in about five years. Most of our engineers had no experience with a compiler change. Most of our code had been exposed to only a single compiler version. It was a difficult and painful task for a team of (mostly) volunteers, which eventually became a matter of finding shortcuts and simplifications in order to work around upstream compiler and language changes that we didn't know how to adopt.[^14] In the end, the 2006 compiler upgrade was extremely painful. Many Hyrum's Law problems, big and small, had crept into the codebase and served to deepen our dependency on a particular compiler version. Breaking those implicit dependencies was painful. The engineers in question were taking a risk: we didn't have the Beyoncé Rule yet, nor did we have a pervasive CI system, so it was difficult to know the impact of the change ahead of time or be sure they wouldn't be blamed for regressions.
-This story isn’t at all unusual. Engineers at many companies can tell a similar story about a painful upgrade. What is unusual is that we recognized after the fact that the task had been painful and began focusing on technology and organizational changes to overcome the scaling problems and turn scale to our advantage: automation (so that a single human can do more), consolidation/consistency (so that low-level changes have a limited problem scope), and expertise (so that a few humans can do more).
+This story isn't at all unusual. Engineers at many companies can tell a similar story about a painful upgrade. What is unusual is that we recognized after the fact that the task had been painful and began focusing on technology and organizational changes to overcome the scaling problems and turn scale to our advantage: automation (so that a single human can do more), consolidation/consistency (so that low-level changes have a limited problem scope), and expertise (so that a few humans can do more).
The more frequently you change your infrastructure, the easier it becomes to do so. We have found that most of the time, when code is updated as part of something like a compiler upgrade, it becomes less brittle and easier to upgrade in the future. In an ecosystem in which most code has gone through several upgrades, it stops depending on the nuances of the underlying implementation; instead, it depends on the actual abstraction guaranteed by the language or OS. Regardless of what exactly you are upgrading, expect the first upgrade for a codebase to be significantly more expensive than later upgrades, even controlling for other factors.
> [^14]: Specifically, interfaces from the C++ standard library needed to be referred to in namespace std, and an optimization change for std::string turned out to be a significant pessimization for our usage, thus requiring some additional workarounds.
-> 具体来说,来自C++标准库的接口需要在命名空间std中被引用,而针对std::string的优化改变对我们的使用来说是一个重大的减值,因此需要一些额外的解决方法。
+> 具體來說,來自C++標準庫的介面需要在命名空間std中被引用,而針對std::string的最佳化改變對我們的使用來說是一個重大的減值,因此需要一些額外的解決方法。
-Through this and other experiences, we’ve discovered many factors that affect the flexibility of a codebase:
+Through this and other experiences, we've discovered many factors that affect the flexibility of a codebase:
- *Expertise*
- We know how to do this; for some languages, we’ve now done hundreds of compiler upgrades across many platforms.
+ We know how to do this; for some languages, we've now done hundreds of compiler upgrades across many platforms.
- *Stability*
- There is less change between releases because we adopt releases more regularly; for some languages, we’re now deploying compiler upgrades every week or two.
+ There is less change between releases because we adopt releases more regularly; for some languages, we're now deploying compiler upgrades every week or two.
- *Conformity*
- There is less code that hasn’t been through an upgrade already, again because we are upgrading regularly.
+ There is less code that hasn't been through an upgrade already, again because we are upgrading regularly.
- *Familiarity*
Because we do this regularly enough, we can spot redundancies in the process of performing an upgrade and attempt to automate. This overlaps significantly with SRE views on toil.[^15]
- *Policy*
We have processes and policies like the Beyoncé Rule. The net effect of these processes is that upgrades remain feasible because infrastructure teams do not need to worry about every unknown usage, only the ones that are visible in our CI systems.
-- *专业知识*
- 我们知道如何做到这一点;对于某些语言,我们现在已经在许多平台上进行了数百次编译器升级。
-- *稳定性*
- 版本之间的更改更少,因为我们更有规律的采用版本;对于某些语言,我们现在每一到两周进行一次编译器升级部署。
+- *專業知識*
+ 我們知道如何做到這一點;對於某些語言,我們現在已經在許多平台上進行了數百次編譯器升級。
+- *穩定性*
+ 版本之間的更改更少,因為我們更有規律的採用版本;對於某些語言,我們現在每一到兩週進行一次編譯器升級部署。
- *一致性*
- 没有经过升级的代码更少了,这也是因为我们正在定期升级。
+ 沒有經過升級的程式碼更少了,這也是因為我們正在定期升級。
- *熟悉*
- 因为我们经常这样做,所以我们可以在执行升级的过程中发现冗余并尝试自动化。这是与SRE观点一致的地方。
+ 因為我們經常這樣做,所以我們可以在執行升級的過程中發現冗餘並嘗試自動化。這是與SRE觀點一致的地方。
- *策略*
- 我们有类似碧昂斯规则的流程和策略。这些程序的净效果是,升级仍然是可行的,因为基础设施团队不需要担心每一个未知的使用,只需要担心我们的CI系统中常规的使用。
+ 我們有類似碧昂斯規則的流程和策略。這些程式的淨效果是,升級仍然是可行的,因為基礎設施團隊不需要擔心每一個未知的使用,只需要擔心我們的CI系統中常規的使用。
The underlying lesson is not about the frequency or difficulty of compiler upgrades, but that as soon as we became aware that compiler upgrade tasks were necessary, we found ways to make sure to perform those tasks with a constant number of engineers, even as the codebase grew.[^16] If we had instead decided that the task was too expensive and should be avoided in the future, we might still be using a decade-old compiler version. We would be paying perhaps 25% extra for computational resources as a result of missed optimization opportunities. Our central infrastructure could be vulnerable to significant security risks given that a 2006-era compiler is certainly not helping to mitigate speculative execution vulnerabilities. Stagnation is an option, but often not a wise one.
-> [^15]: Beyer et al. Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems, Chapter 5, “Eliminating Toil.”
+> [^15]: Beyer et al. Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems, Chapter 5, 『Eliminating Toil.』
-> Beyer等人,《SRE:Google运维解密》,第五章 减少琐事。
+> Beyer等人,《SRE:Google運維解密》,第五章 減少瑣事。
-> [^16]: In our experience, an average software engineer (SWE) produces a pretty constant number of lines of code per unit time. For a fixed SWE population, a codebase grows linearly—proportional to the count of SWE- months over time. If your tasks require effort that scales with lines of code, that’s concerning.
+> [^16]: In our experience, an average software engineer (SWE) produces a pretty constant number of lines of code per unit time. For a fixed SWE population, a codebase grows linearly—proportional to the count of SWE- months over time. If your tasks require effort that scales with lines of code, that's concerning.
-> 根据我们的经验,平均软件工程师(SWE)每单位时间产生相当恒定的代码行数。对于固定的SWE总体,随着时间的推移,代码库的增长与SWE月数成线性比例。如果您的任务所需的工作量与代码行数成正比,那就令人担忧了。
+> 根據我們的經驗,平均軟體工程師(SWE)每單位時間產生相當恆定的程式碼行數。對於固定的SWE總體,隨著時間的推移,程式碼庫的增長與SWE月數成線性比例。如果您的任務所需的工作量與程式碼行數成正比,那就令人擔憂了。
### Shifting Left 左移
-One of the broad truths we’ve seen to be true is the idea that finding problems earlier in the developer workflow usually reduces costs. Consider a timeline of the developer workflow for a feature that progresses from left to right, starting from conception and design, progressing through implementation, review, testing, commit, canary, and eventual production deployment. Shifting problem detection to the “left” earlier on this timeline makes it cheaper to fix than waiting longer, as shown in Figure 1-2.
+One of the broad truths we've seen to be true is the idea that finding problems earlier in the developer workflow usually reduces costs. Consider a timeline of the developer workflow for a feature that progresses from left to right, starting from conception and design, progressing through implementation, review, testing, commit, canary, and eventual production deployment. Shifting problem detection to the 『left』 earlier on this timeline makes it cheaper to fix than waiting longer, as shown in Figure 1-2.
-我们发现,在开发人员工作流程的早期发现问题通常可以降低成本,这是一个普遍的真理。考虑一下开发人员工作流程的时间轴,该时间轴从左到右依次为:从构思和设计开始,经过实施、审核、测试、提交、金丝雀和最终的生产部署。如图 1-2 所示,在此时间轴上将问题检测提前到 "左侧",解决问题的成本会比等待时间更长。
+我們發現,在開發人員工作流程的早期發現問題通常可以降低成本,這是一個普遍的真理。考慮一下開發人員工作流程的時間軸,該時間軸從左到右依次為:從構思和設計開始,經過實施、稽核、測試、送出、金絲雀和最終的生產部署。如圖 1-2 所示,在此時間軸上將問題檢測提前到 "左側",解決問題的成本會比等待時間更長。
-This term seems to have originated from arguments that security mustn’t be deferred until the end of the development process, with requisite calls to “shift left on security.” The argument in this case is relatively simple: if a security problem is discovered only after your product has gone to production, you have a very expensive problem. If it is caught before deploying to production, it may still take a lot of work to identify and remedy the problem, but it’s cheaper. If you can catch it before the original developer commits the flaw to version control, it’s even cheaper: they already have an understanding of the feature; revising according to new security constraints is cheaper than committing and forcing someone else to triage it and fix it.
+This term seems to have originated from arguments that security mustn't be deferred until the end of the development process, with requisite calls to 『shift left on security.』 The argument in this case is relatively simple: if a security problem is discovered only after your product has gone to production, you have a very expensive problem. If it is caught before deploying to production, it may still take a lot of work to identify and remedy the problem, but it's cheaper. If you can catch it before the original developer commits the flaw to version control, it's even cheaper: they already have an understanding of the feature; revising according to new security constraints is cheaper than committing and forcing someone else to triage it and fix it.
![*Figure 1-2. Timeline of* *the developer* *workflow*](./images/figure%201-2.png)
The same basic pattern emerges many times in this book. Bugs that are caught by static analysis and code review before they are committed are much cheaper than bugs that make it to production. Providing tools and practices that highlight quality, reliability, and security early in the development process is a common goal for many of our infrastructure teams. No single process or tool needs to be perfect, so we can assume a defense-in-depth approach, hopefully catching as many defects on the left side of the graph as possible.
-## Trade-offs and Costs 权衡和成本
+## Trade-offs and Costs 權衡和成本
-If we understand how to program, understand the lifetime of the software we’re maintaining, and understand how to maintain it as we scale up with more engineers producing and maintaining new features, all that is left is to make good decisions. This seems obvious: in software engineering, as in life, good choices lead to good outcomes. However, the ramifications of this observation are easily overlooked. Within Google, there is a strong distaste for “because I said so.” It is important for there to be a decider for any topic and clear escalation paths when decisions seem to be wrong, but the goal is consensus, not unanimity. It’s fine and expected to see some instances of “I don’t agree with your metrics/valuation, but I see how you can come to that conclusion.” Inherent in all of this is the idea that there needs to be a reason for everything; “just because,” “because I said so,” or “because everyone else does it this way” are places where bad decisions lurk. Whenever it is efficient to do so, we should be able to explain our work when deciding between the general costs for two engineering options.
+If we understand how to program, understand the lifetime of the software we're maintaining, and understand how to maintain it as we scale up with more engineers producing and maintaining new features, all that is left is to make good decisions. This seems obvious: in software engineering, as in life, good choices lead to good outcomes. However, the ramifications of this observation are easily overlooked. Within Google, there is a strong distaste for 『because I said so.』 It is important for there to be a decider for any topic and clear escalation paths when decisions seem to be wrong, but the goal is consensus, not unanimity. It's fine and expected to see some instances of 『I don't agree with your metrics/valuation, but I see how you can come to that conclusion.』 Inherent in all of this is the idea that there needs to be a reason for everything; 『just because,』 『because I said so,』 or 『because everyone else does it this way』 are places where bad decisions lurk. Whenever it is efficient to do so, we should be able to explain our work when deciding between the general costs for two engineering options.
-如果我们了解如何编程,了解我们所维护的软件的生命周期,并且随着在我们随着更多的工程师一起开发和维护新功能,了解扩大规模时如何运维它,那么剩下的就是做出正确的决策。这是显而易见的:在软件工程中,如同生活一样,好的选择会带来好的结果。然而,这一观点很容易被忽视。在谷歌内部,人们对“因为我这么说了”有反对的意见。重要的是,任何议题都要有一个决策者,当决策是错误的时候,要有明确的改进路径,但目标是共识,而不是一致。看到一些 "我不同意你的衡量标准/评价,但我知道你是如何得出这个结论的 "的情况是没有问题的,也是可以预期的。所有这一切的内在想法是,每件事都需要一个理由;“仅仅因为”、“因为我这么说”或“因为其他人都这样做”是潜在错误的决策。 只要这样做是有效的,在决定两个工程方案的一般成本时,我们应该能够解释清楚。
+如果我們瞭解如何程式設計,瞭解我們所維護的軟體的生命週期,並且隨著在我們隨著更多的工程師一起開發和維護新功能,瞭解擴大規模時如何運維它,那麼剩下的就是做出正確的決策。這是顯而易見的:在軟體工程中,如同生活一樣,好的選擇會帶來好的結果。然而,這一觀點很容易被忽視。在谷歌內部,人們對『因為我這麼說了』有反對的意見。重要的是,任何議題都要有一個決策者,當決策是錯誤的時候,要有明確的改進路徑,但目標是共識,而不是一致。看到一些 "我不同意你的衡量標準/評價,但我知道你是如何得出這個結論的 "的情況是沒有問題的,也是可以預期的。所有這一切的內在想法是,每件事都需要一個理由;『僅僅因為』、『因為我這麼說』或『因為其他人都這樣做』是潛在錯誤的決策。 只要這樣做是有效的,在決定兩個工程方案的一般成本時,我們應該能夠解釋清楚。
-What do we mean by cost? We are not only talking about dollars here. “Cost” roughly translates to effort and can involve any or all of these factors:
+What do we mean by cost? We are not only talking about dollars here. 『Cost』 roughly translates to effort and can involve any or all of these factors:
- Financial costs (e.g., money)
- Resource costs (e.g., CPU time)
@@ -380,182 +380,182 @@ What do we mean by cost? We are not only talking about dollars here. “Cost”
- Opportunity costs (e.g., what does it cost to not take action?)
- Societal costs (e.g., what impact will this choice have on society at large?)
-- 财务成本(如金钱)
-- 资源成本(如CPU时间)
-- 人员成本(例如,工作量)
-- 交易成本(例如,采取行动的成本是多少?)
-- 机会成本(例如,不采取行动的成本是多少?)
-- 社会成本(例如,这个选择将对整个社会产生什么影响?)
+- 財務成本(如金錢)
+- 資源成本(如CPU時間)
+- 人員成本(例如,工作量)
+- 交易成本(例如,採取行動的成本是多少?)
+- 機會成本(例如,不採取行動的成本是多少?)
+- 社會成本(例如,這個選擇將對整個社會產生什麼影響?)
-Historically, it’s been particularly easy to ignore the question of societal costs. However, Google and other large tech companies can now credibly deploy products with billions of users. In many cases, these products are a clear net benefit, but when we’re operating at such a scale, even small discrepancies in usability, accessibility, fairness, or potential for abuse are magnified, often to the detriment of groups that are already marginalized. Software pervades so many aspects of society and culture; therefore, it is wise for us to be aware of both the good and the bad that we enable when making product and technical decisions. We discuss this much more in Chapter 4.
+Historically, it's been particularly easy to ignore the question of societal costs. However, Google and other large tech companies can now credibly deploy products with billions of users. In many cases, these products are a clear net benefit, but when we're operating at such a scale, even small discrepancies in usability, accessibility, fairness, or potential for abuse are magnified, often to the detriment of groups that are already marginalized. Software pervades so many aspects of society and culture; therefore, it is wise for us to be aware of both the good and the bad that we enable when making product and technical decisions. We discuss this much more in Chapter 4.
-In addition to the aforementioned costs (or our estimate of them), there are biases: status quo bias, loss aversion, and others. When we evaluate cost, we need to keep all of the previously listed costs in mind: the health of an organization isn’t just whether there is money in the bank, it’s also whether its members are feeling valued and productive. In highly creative and lucrative fields like software engineering, financial cost is usually not the limiting factor—personnel cost usually is. Efficiency gains from keeping engineers happy, focused, and engaged can easily dominate other factors, simply because focus and productivity are so variable, and a 10-to-20% difference is easy to imagine.
+In addition to the aforementioned costs (or our estimate of them), there are biases: status quo bias, loss aversion, and others. When we evaluate cost, we need to keep all of the previously listed costs in mind: the health of an organization isn't just whether there is money in the bank, it's also whether its members are feeling valued and productive. In highly creative and lucrative fields like software engineering, financial cost is usually not the limiting factor—personnel cost usually is. Efficiency gains from keeping engineers happy, focused, and engaged can easily dominate other factors, simply because focus and productivity are so variable, and a 10-to-20% difference is easy to imagine.
-### Example: Markers 示例:记号笔
+### Example: Markers 範例:記號筆
In many organizations, whiteboard markers are treated as precious goods. They are tightly controlled and always in short supply. Invariably, half of the markers at any given whiteboard are dry and unusable. How often have you been in a meeting that was disrupted by lack of a working marker? How often have you had your train of thought derailed by a marker running out? How often have all the markers just gone missing, presumably because some other team ran out of markers and had to abscond with yours? All for a product that costs less than a dollar.
-Google tends to have unlocked closets full of office supplies, including whiteboard markers, in most work areas. With a moment’s notice it is easy to grab dozens of markers in a variety of colors. Somewhere along the line we made an explicit trade- off: it is far more important to optimize for obstacle-free brainstorming than to protect against someone wandering off with a bunch of markers.
+Google tends to have unlocked closets full of office supplies, including whiteboard markers, in most work areas. With a moment's notice it is easy to grab dozens of markers in a variety of colors. Somewhere along the line we made an explicit trade- off: it is far more important to optimize for obstacle-free brainstorming than to protect against someone wandering off with a bunch of markers.
-We aim to have the same level of eyes-open and explicit weighing of the cost/benefit trade-offs involved for everything we do, from office supplies and employee perks through day-to-day experience for developers to how to provision and run global- scale services. We often say, “Google is a data-driven culture.” In fact, that’s a simplification: even when there isn’t *data*, there might still be *evidence*, *precedent*, and *argument*. Making good engineering decisions is all about weighing all of the available inputs and making informed decisions about the trade-offs. Sometimes, those decisions are based on instinct or accepted best practice, but only after we have exhausted approaches that try to measure or estimate the true underlying costs.
+We aim to have the same level of eyes-open and explicit weighing of the cost/benefit trade-offs involved for everything we do, from office supplies and employee perks through day-to-day experience for developers to how to provision and run global- scale services. We often say, 『Google is a data-driven culture.』 In fact, that's a simplification: even when there isn't *data*, there might still be *evidence*, *precedent*, and *argument*. Making good engineering decisions is all about weighing all of the available inputs and making informed decisions about the trade-offs. Sometimes, those decisions are based on instinct or accepted best practice, but only after we have exhausted approaches that try to measure or estimate the true underlying costs.
In the end, decisions in an engineering group should come down to very few things:
- We are doing this because we must (legal requirements, customer requirements).
- We are doing this because it is the best option (as determined by some appropriate decider) we can see at the time, based on current evidence.
-- 我们这样做是因为我们必须这么做(法律要求、客户要求)。
-- 我们之所以这样做,是因为根据当前证据,这是我们当时能看到的最佳选择(由一些适当的决策者决策)。
+- 我們這樣做是因為我們必須這麼做(法律要求、客戶要求)。
+- 我們之所以這樣做,是因為根據當前證據,這是我們當時能看到的最佳選擇(由一些適當的決策者決策)。
-Decisions should not be “We are doing this because I said so.”[^17]
+Decisions should not be 『We are doing this because I said so.』[^17]
> [^17]: This is not to say that decisions need to be made unanimously, or even with broad consensus; in the end, someone must be the decider. This is primarily a statement of how the decision-making process should flow for whoever is actually responsible for the decision.
-> 这并不是说决策需要一致做出,甚至需要有广泛的共识;最终,必须有人成为决策者。这主要是说明决策过程应该如何为实际负责决策的人进行。
+> 這並不是說決策需要一致做出,甚至需要有廣泛的共識;最終,必須有人成為決策者。這主要是說明決策過程應該如何為實際負責決策的人進行。
-### Inputs to Decision Making 对决策的输入
+### Inputs to Decision Making 對決策的輸入
When we are weighing data, we find two common scenarios:
-- All of the quantities involved are measurable or can at least be estimated. This usually means that we’re evaluating trade-offs between CPU and network, or dollars and RAM, or considering whether to spend two weeks of engineer-time in order to save N CPUs across our datacenters.
-- Some of the quantities are subtle, or we don’t know how to measure them. Sometimes this manifests as “We don’t know how much engineer-time this will take.” Sometimes it is even more nebulous: how do you measure the engineering cost of a poorly designed API? Or the societal impact of a product choice?
+- All of the quantities involved are measurable or can at least be estimated. This usually means that we're evaluating trade-offs between CPU and network, or dollars and RAM, or considering whether to spend two weeks of engineer-time in order to save N CPUs across our datacenters.
+- Some of the quantities are subtle, or we don't know how to measure them. Sometimes this manifests as 『We don't know how much engineer-time this will take.』 Sometimes it is even more nebulous: how do you measure the engineering cost of a poorly designed API? Or the societal impact of a product choice?
-- 所有涉及的数量都是可测量的或至少可以预估的。这通常意味着我们正在评估CPU和网络、美金和RAM之间的权衡,或者考虑是否花费两周的工作量,以便在我们的数据中心节省N个CPU。
-- 有些数量是微妙的,或者我们不知道如何衡量。有时这表现为“我们不知道这需要多少工作量”。有时甚至更模糊:如何衡量设计拙劣的API的工程成本?或产品导致的社会影响?
+- 所有涉及的數量都是可測量的或至少可以預估的。這通常意味著我們正在評估CPU和網路、美金和RAM之間的權衡,或者考慮是否花費兩週的工作量,以便在我們的資料中心節省N個CPU。
+- 有些數量是微妙的,或者我們不知道如何衡量。有時這表現為『我們不知道這需要多少工作量』。有時甚至更模糊:如何衡量設計拙劣的API的工程成本?或產品導致的社會影響?
-There is little reason to be deficient on the first type of decision. Any software engineering organization can and should track the current cost for compute resources, engineer-hours, and other quantities you interact with regularly. Even if you don’t want to publicize to your organization the exact dollar amounts, you can still produce a conversion table: this many CPUs cost the same as this much RAM or this much network bandwidth.
+There is little reason to be deficient on the first type of decision. Any software engineering organization can and should track the current cost for compute resources, engineer-hours, and other quantities you interact with regularly. Even if you don't want to publicize to your organization the exact dollar amounts, you can still produce a conversion table: this many CPUs cost the same as this much RAM or this much network bandwidth.
-With an agreed-upon conversion table in hand, every engineer can do their own analysis. “If I spend two weeks changing this linked-list into a higher-performance structure, I’m going to use five gibibytes more production RAM but save two thousand CPUs. Should I do it?” Not only does this question depend upon the relative cost of RAM and CPUs, but also on personnel costs (two weeks of support for a software engineer) and opportunity costs (what else could that engineer produce in two weeks?).
+With an agreed-upon conversion table in hand, every engineer can do their own analysis. 『If I spend two weeks changing this linked-list into a higher-performance structure, I'm going to use five gibibytes more production RAM but save two thousand CPUs. Should I do it?』 Not only does this question depend upon the relative cost of RAM and CPUs, but also on personnel costs (two weeks of support for a software engineer) and opportunity costs (what else could that engineer produce in two weeks?).
-For the second type of decision, there is no easy answer. We rely on experience, leadership, and precedent to negotiate these issues. We’re investing in research to help us quantify the hard-to-quantify (see Chapter 7). However, the best broad suggestion that we have is to be aware that not everything is measurable or predictable and to attempt to treat such decisions with the same priority and greater care. They are often just as important, but more difficult to manage.
+For the second type of decision, there is no easy answer. We rely on experience, leadership, and precedent to negotiate these issues. We're investing in research to help us quantify the hard-to-quantify (see Chapter 7). However, the best broad suggestion that we have is to be aware that not everything is measurable or predictable and to attempt to treat such decisions with the same priority and greater care. They are often just as important, but more difficult to manage.
-### Example: Distributed Builds 示例:分布式构建
+### Example: Distributed Builds 範例:分散式建立
-Consider your build. According to completely unscientific Twitter polling, something like 60 to 70% of developers build locally, even with today’s large, complicated builds. This leads directly to nonjokes as illustrated by this “Compiling” comic—how much productive time in your organization is lost waiting for a build? Compare that to the cost to run something like distcc for a small group. Or, how much does it cost to run a small build farm for a large group? How many weeks/months does it take for those costs to be a net win?
+Consider your build. According to completely unscientific Twitter polling, something like 60 to 70% of developers build locally, even with today's large, complicated builds. This leads directly to nonjokes as illustrated by this 『Compiling』 comic—how much productive time in your organization is lost waiting for a build? Compare that to the cost to run something like distcc for a small group. Or, how much does it cost to run a small build farm for a large group? How many weeks/months does it take for those costs to be a net win?
-Back in the mid-2000s, Google relied purely on a local build system: you checked out code and you compiled it locally. We had massive local machines in some cases (you could build Maps on your desktop!), but compilation times became longer and longer as the codebase grew. Unsurprisingly, we incurred increasing overhead in personnel costs due to lost time, as well as increased resource costs for larger and more powerful local machines, and so on. These resource costs were particularly troublesome: of course we want people to have as fast a build as possible, but most of the time, a high- performance desktop development machine will sit idle. This doesn’t feel like the proper way to invest those resources.
+Back in the mid-2000s, Google relied purely on a local build system: you checked out code and you compiled it locally. We had massive local machines in some cases (you could build Maps on your desktop!), but compilation times became longer and longer as the codebase grew. Unsurprisingly, we incurred increasing overhead in personnel costs due to lost time, as well as increased resource costs for larger and more powerful local machines, and so on. These resource costs were particularly troublesome: of course we want people to have as fast a build as possible, but most of the time, a high- performance desktop development machine will sit idle. This doesn't feel like the proper way to invest those resources.
-Eventually, Google developed its own distributed build system. Development of this system incurred a cost, of course: it took engineers time to develop, it took more engineer time to change everyone’s habits and workflow and learn the new system, and of course it cost additional computational resources. But the overall savings were clearly worth it: builds became faster, engineer-time was recouped, and hardware investment could focus on managed shared infrastructure (in actuality, a subset of our production fleet) rather than ever-more-powerful desktop machines. Chapter 18 goes into more of the details on our approach to distributed builds and the relevant trade-offs.
+Eventually, Google developed its own distributed build system. Development of this system incurred a cost, of course: it took engineers time to develop, it took more engineer time to change everyone's habits and workflow and learn the new system, and of course it cost additional computational resources. But the overall savings were clearly worth it: builds became faster, engineer-time was recouped, and hardware investment could focus on managed shared infrastructure (in actuality, a subset of our production fleet) rather than ever-more-powerful desktop machines. Chapter 18 goes into more of the details on our approach to distributed builds and the relevant trade-offs.
-最终,谷歌开发了自己的分布式构建系统。开发这个系统当然要付出代价:工程师花费了时间,工程师花更多的时间来改变每个人的习惯和工作流程,学习新系统,当然还需要额外的计算资源。但总体节约显然值得我去做: 构建速度变快了,工程师的时间被节约了,硬件投资可以集中在管理的共享基础设施上(实际上是我们生产机群的一个子集),而不是日益强大的桌面机。第18章详细介绍了我们的分布式构建方法和相关权衡。
+最終,谷歌開發了自己的分散式建立系統。開發這個系統當然要付出代價:工程師花費了時間,工程師花更多的時間來改變每個人的習慣和工作流程,學習新系統,當然還需要額外的計算資源。但總體節約顯然值得我去做: 建立速度變快了,工程師的時間被節約了,硬體投資可以集中在管理的共享基礎設施上(實際上是我們生產機群的一個子集),而不是日益強大的桌面機。第18章詳細介紹了我們的分散式建立方法和相關權衡。
-So, we built a new system, deployed it to production, and sped up everyone’s build. Is that the happy ending to the story? Not quite: providing a distributed build system made massive improvements to engineer productivity, but as time went on, the distributed builds themselves became bloated. What was constrained in the previous case by individual engineers (because they had a vested interest in keeping their local builds as fast as possible) was unconstrained within a distributed build system. Bloated or unnecessary dependencies in the build graph became all too common. When everyone directly felt the pain of a nonoptimal build and was incentivized to be vigilant, incentives were better aligned. By removing those incentives and hiding bloated dependencies in a parallel distributed build, we created a situation in which consumption could run rampant, and almost nobody was incentivized to keep an eye on build bloat. This is reminiscent of Jevons Paradox: consumption of a resource may increase as a response to greater efficiency in its use.
+So, we built a new system, deployed it to production, and sped up everyone's build. Is that the happy ending to the story? Not quite: providing a distributed build system made massive improvements to engineer productivity, but as time went on, the distributed builds themselves became bloated. What was constrained in the previous case by individual engineers (because they had a vested interest in keeping their local builds as fast as possible) was unconstrained within a distributed build system. Bloated or unnecessary dependencies in the build graph became all too common. When everyone directly felt the pain of a nonoptimal build and was incentivized to be vigilant, incentives were better aligned. By removing those incentives and hiding bloated dependencies in a parallel distributed build, we created a situation in which consumption could run rampant, and almost nobody was incentivized to keep an eye on build bloat. This is reminiscent of Jevons Paradox: consumption of a resource may increase as a response to greater efficiency in its use.
-因此,我们构建了一个新系统,将其部署到生产环境中,并加快了每个人的构建速度。这就是故事的圆满结局吗?不完全是这样:提供分布式构建系统极大地提高了工程师的工作效率,但随着时间的推移,分布式构建本身变得臃肿起来。在以前的情况下,单个工程师受到的限制(因为他们尽最大可能保持本地构建的速度)在分布式构建系统中是不受限制的。构建图中的臃肿或不必要的依赖关系变得非常普遍。当每个人都直接感受到非最佳构建的痛苦,并被要求去保持警惕时,激励机制会更好地协调一致。通过取消这些激励措施,并将臃肿的依赖关系隐藏在并行的分布式构建中,我们创造了一种情况,在这种情况下,消耗可能猖獗,而且几乎没有人被要求去关注构建的臃肿。这让人想起杰文斯悖论(Jevons Paradox):一种资源的消耗可能会随着使用效率的提高而增加。
+因此,我們建立了一個新系統,將其部署到生產環境中,並加快了每個人的建立速度。這就是故事的圓滿結局嗎?不完全是這樣:提供分散式建立系統極大地提高了工程師的工作效率,但隨著時間的推移,分散式建立本身變得臃腫起來。在以前的情況下,單個工程師受到的限制(因為他們盡最大可能保持本地建立的速度)在分散式建立系統中是不受限制的。建立圖中的臃腫或不必要的依賴關係變得非常普遍。當每個人都直接感受到非最佳建立的痛苦,並被要求去保持警惕時,激勵機制會更好地協調一致。透過取消這些激勵措施,並將臃腫的依賴關係隱藏在並行的分散式建立中,我們創造了一種情況,在這種情況下,消耗可能猖獗,而且幾乎沒有人被要求去關注建立的臃腫。這讓人想起傑文斯悖論(Jevons Paradox):一種資源的消耗可能會隨著使用效率的提高而增加。
-Overall, the saved costs associated with adding a distributed build system far, far outweighed the negative costs associated with its construction and maintenance. But, as we saw with increased consumption, we did not foresee all of these costs. Having blazed ahead, we found ourselves in a situation in which we needed to reconceptualize the goals and constraints of the system and our usage, identify best practices (small dependencies, machine-management of dependencies), and fund the tooling and maintenance for the new ecosystem. Even a relatively simple trade-off of the form “We’ll spend $$$s for compute resources to recoup engineer time” had unforeseen downstream effects.
+Overall, the saved costs associated with adding a distributed build system far, far outweighed the negative costs associated with its construction and maintenance. But, as we saw with increased consumption, we did not foresee all of these costs. Having blazed ahead, we found ourselves in a situation in which we needed to reconceptualize the goals and constraints of the system and our usage, identify best practices (small dependencies, machine-management of dependencies), and fund the tooling and maintenance for the new ecosystem. Even a relatively simple trade-off of the form 『We'll spend $$$s for compute resources to recoup engineer time』 had unforeseen downstream effects.
-总的来说,与添加分布式构建系统相关的节省成本远远超过了与其构建和维护相关的负成本。但是,正如我们看到的消耗增加,我们并没有以前预见到这些成本。勇往直前之后,我们发现自己处于这样一种境地:我们需要重新认识系统的目标和约束以及我们的使用方式,确定最佳实践(小型依赖项、依赖项的机器管理),并为新生态系统的工具和维护提供资金。即使是相对简单的 "我们花美元购买计算资源以收回工程师时间 "的权衡,也会产生不可预见的下游影响。
+總的來說,與新增分散式建立系統相關的節省成本遠遠超過了與其建立和維護相關的負成本。但是,正如我們看到的消耗增加,我們並沒有以前預見到這些成本。勇往直前之後,我們發現自己處於這樣一種境地:我們需要重新認識系統的目標和約束以及我們的使用方式,確定最佳實踐(小型依賴項、依賴項的機器管理),併為新生態系統的工具和維護提供資金。即使是相對簡單的 "我們花美元購買計算資源以收回工程師時間 "的權衡,也會產生不可預見的下游影響。
-### Example: Deciding Between Time and Scale 示例:在时间和规模之间做决定
+### Example: Deciding Between Time and Scale 範例:在時間和規模之間做決定
-Much of the time, our major themes of time and scale overlap and work in conjunction. A policy like the Beyoncé Rule scales well and helps us maintain things over time. A change to an OS interface might require many small refactorings to adapt to, but most of those changes will scale well because they are of a similar form: the OS change doesn’t manifest differently for every caller and every project.
+Much of the time, our major themes of time and scale overlap and work in conjunction. A policy like the Beyoncé Rule scales well and helps us maintain things over time. A change to an OS interface might require many small refactorings to adapt to, but most of those changes will scale well because they are of a similar form: the OS change doesn't manifest differently for every caller and every project.
-很多时候,我们关于时间和规模的主题相互重合,相互影响。符合碧昂斯规则策略具备可扩展性,并帮助我们长期维护事物。对操作系统接口的更改需要许多小的重构来适应,但这些更改中的大多数都可以很好地扩展,因为它们具有相似的形式: 操作系统的变化对每个调用者和每个项目都没有不同的表现。
+很多時候,我們關於時間和規模的主題相互重合,相互影響。符合碧昂斯規則策略具備可擴充性,並幫助我們長期維護事物。對作業系統介面的更改需要許多小的重構來適應,但這些更改中的大多數都可以很好地擴充套件,因為它們具有相似的形式: 作業系統的變化對每個呼叫者和每個專案都沒有不同的表現。
Occasionally time and scale come into conflict, and nowhere so clearly as in the basic question: should we add a dependency or fork/reimplement it to better suit our local needs?
-This question can arise at many levels of the software stack because it is regularly the case that a bespoke solution customized for your narrow problem space may outperform the general utility solution that needs to handle all possibilities. By forking or reimplementing utility code and customizing it for your narrow domain, you can add new features with greater ease, or optimize with greater certainty, regardless of whether we are talking about a microservice, an in-memory cache, a compression routine, or anything else in our software ecosystem. Perhaps more important, the control you gain from such a fork isolates you from changes in your underlying dependencies: those changes aren’t dictated by another team or third-party provider. You are in control of how and when to react to the passage of time and necessity to change.
+This question can arise at many levels of the software stack because it is regularly the case that a bespoke solution customized for your narrow problem space may outperform the general utility solution that needs to handle all possibilities. By forking or reimplementing utility code and customizing it for your narrow domain, you can add new features with greater ease, or optimize with greater certainty, regardless of whether we are talking about a microservice, an in-memory cache, a compression routine, or anything else in our software ecosystem. Perhaps more important, the control you gain from such a fork isolates you from changes in your underlying dependencies: those changes aren't dictated by another team or third-party provider. You are in control of how and when to react to the passage of time and necessity to change.
-[一条微博引发的思考——再谈“Software Stack”之“软件栈”译法!](https://www.ituring.com.cn/article/1144)
-软件栈(Software Stack),是指为了实现某种完整功能解决方案(例如某款产品或服务)所需的一套软件子系统或组件。
+[一條微博引發的思考——再談『Software Stack』之『軟體棧』譯法!](https://www.ituring.com.cn/article/1144)
+軟體棧(Software Stack),是指為了實現某種完整功能解決方案(例如某款產品或服務)所需的一套軟體子系統或元件。
On the other hand, if every developer forks everything used in their software project instead of reusing what exists, scalability suffers alongside sustainability. Reacting to a security issue in an underlying library is no longer a matter of updating a single dependency and its users: it is now a matter of identifying every vulnerable fork of that dependency and the users of those forks.
-As with most software engineering decisions, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this situation. If your project life span is short, forks are less risky. If the fork in question is provably limited in scope, that helps, as well—avoid forks for interfaces that could operate across time or project-time boundaries (data structures, serialization formats, networking protocols). Consistency has great value, but generality comes with its own costs, and you can often win by doing your own thing—if you do it carefully.
+As with most software engineering decisions, there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to this situation. If your project life span is short, forks are less risky. If the fork in question is provably limited in scope, that helps, as well—avoid forks for interfaces that could operate across time or project-time boundaries (data structures, serialization formats, networking protocols). Consistency has great value, but generality comes with its own costs, and you can often win by doing your own thing—if you do it carefully.
-与大多数软件工程决策一样,对于这种情况并没有一个一刀切的答案。如果你的项目生命周期很短,那么fork的风险较小。 如果有问题的分支被证明是范围有限的,那是有帮助的,同时也要避免分支那些可能跨越时间段或项目时间界限的接口(数据结构、序列化格式、网络协议)。一致性有很大的价值,但通用性也有其自身的成本,你往往可以通过做自己的事情来赢得胜利——如果你仔细做的话。
+與大多數軟體工程決策一樣,對於這種情況並沒有一個一刀切的答案。如果你的專案生命週期很短,那麼fork的風險較小。 如果有問題的分支被證明是範圍有限的,那是有幫助的,同時也要避免分支那些可能跨越時間段或專案時間界限的介面(資料結構、序列化格式、網路協定)。一致性有很大的價值,但通用性也有其自身的成本,你往往可以透過做自己的事情來贏得勝利——如果你仔細做的話。
-## Revisiting Decisions, Making Mistakes 重审决策,标记错误
+## Revisiting Decisions, Making Mistakes 重審決策,標記錯誤
-One of the unsung benefits of committing to a data-driven culture is the combined ability and necessity of admitting to mistakes. A decision will be made at some point, based on the available data—hopefully based on good data and only a few assumptions, but implicitly based on currently available data. As new data comes in, contexts change, or assumptions are dispelled, it might become clear that a decision was in error or that it made sense at the time but no longer does. This is particularly critical for a long-lived organization: time doesn’t only trigger changes in technical dependencies and software systems, but in data used to drive decisions.
+One of the unsung benefits of committing to a data-driven culture is the combined ability and necessity of admitting to mistakes. A decision will be made at some point, based on the available data—hopefully based on good data and only a few assumptions, but implicitly based on currently available data. As new data comes in, contexts change, or assumptions are dispelled, it might become clear that a decision was in error or that it made sense at the time but no longer does. This is particularly critical for a long-lived organization: time doesn't only trigger changes in technical dependencies and software systems, but in data used to drive decisions.
-We believe strongly in data informing decisions, but we recognize that the data will change over time, and new data may present itself. This means, inherently, that decisions will need to be revisited from time to time over the life span of the system in question. For long-lived projects, it’s often critical to have the ability to change directions after an initial decision is made. And, importantly, it means that the deciders need to have the right to admit mistakes. Contrary to some people’s instincts, leaders who admit mistakes are more respected, not less.
+We believe strongly in data informing decisions, but we recognize that the data will change over time, and new data may present itself. This means, inherently, that decisions will need to be revisited from time to time over the life span of the system in question. For long-lived projects, it's often critical to have the ability to change directions after an initial decision is made. And, importantly, it means that the deciders need to have the right to admit mistakes. Contrary to some people's instincts, leaders who admit mistakes are more respected, not less.
-Be evidence driven, but also realize that things that can’t be measured may still have value. If you’re a leader, that’s what you’ve been asked to do: exercise judgement, assert that things are important. We’ll speak more on leadership in Chapters 5 and 6.
+Be evidence driven, but also realize that things that can't be measured may still have value. If you're a leader, that's what you've been asked to do: exercise judgement, assert that things are important. We'll speak more on leadership in Chapters 5 and 6.
-## Software Engineering Versus Programming 软件工程与编程
+## Software Engineering Versus Programming 軟體工程與程式設計
When presented with our distinction between software engineering and programming, you might ask whether there is an inherent value judgement in play. Is programming somehow worse than software engineering? Is a project that is expected to last a decade with a team of hundreds inherently more valuable than one that is useful for only a month and built by two people?
-Of course not. Our point is not that software engineering is superior, merely that these represent two different problem domains with distinct constraints, values, and best practices. Rather, the value in pointing out this difference comes from recognizing that some tools are great in one domain but not in the other. You probably don’t need to rely on integration tests (see Chapter 14) and Continuous Deployment (CD) practices (see Chapter 24) for a project that will last only a few days. Similarly, all of our long-term concerns about semantic versioning (SemVer) and dependency management in software engineering projects (see Chapter 21) don’t really apply for short-term programming projects: use whatever is available to solve the task at hand.
+Of course not. Our point is not that software engineering is superior, merely that these represent two different problem domains with distinct constraints, values, and best practices. Rather, the value in pointing out this difference comes from recognizing that some tools are great in one domain but not in the other. You probably don't need to rely on integration tests (see Chapter 14) and Continuous Deployment (CD) practices (see Chapter 24) for a project that will last only a few days. Similarly, all of our long-term concerns about semantic versioning (SemVer) and dependency management in software engineering projects (see Chapter 21) don't really apply for short-term programming projects: use whatever is available to solve the task at hand.
-We believe it is important to differentiate between the related-but-distinct terms “programming” and “software engineering.” Much of that difference stems from the management of code over time, the impact of time on scale, and decision making in the face of those ideas. Programming is the immediate act of producing code. Software engineering is the set of policies, practices, and tools that are necessary to make that code useful for as long as it needs to be used and allowing collaboration across a team.
+We believe it is important to differentiate between the related-but-distinct terms 『programming』 and 『software engineering.』 Much of that difference stems from the management of code over time, the impact of time on scale, and decision making in the face of those ideas. Programming is the immediate act of producing code. Software engineering is the set of policies, practices, and tools that are necessary to make that code useful for as long as it needs to be used and allowing collaboration across a team.
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
-This book discusses all of these topics: policies for an organization and for a single programmer, how to evaluate and refine your best practices, and the tools and technologies that go into maintainable software. Google has worked hard to have a sustainable codebase and culture. We don’t necessarily think that our approach is the one true way to do things, but it does provide proof by example that it can be done. We hope it will provide a useful framework for thinking about the general problem: how do you maintain your code for as long as it needs to keep working?
+This book discusses all of these topics: policies for an organization and for a single programmer, how to evaluate and refine your best practices, and the tools and technologies that go into maintainable software. Google has worked hard to have a sustainable codebase and culture. We don't necessarily think that our approach is the one true way to do things, but it does provide proof by example that it can be done. We hope it will provide a useful framework for thinking about the general problem: how do you maintain your code for as long as it needs to keep working?
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
-- Software engineering” differs from “programming” in dimensionality: programming is about producing code. Software engineering extends that to include the maintenance of that code for its useful life span.
+- Software engineering』 differs from 『programming』 in dimensionality: programming is about producing code. Software engineering extends that to include the maintenance of that code for its useful life span.
- There is a factor of at least 100,000 times between the life spans of short-lived code and long-lived code. It is silly to assume that the same best practices apply universally on both ends of that spectrum.
- Software is sustainable when, for the expected life span of the code, we are capable of responding to changes in dependencies, technology, or product requirements. We may choose to not change things, but we need to be capable.
-- Hyrum’s Law: with a sufficient number of users of an API, it does not matter what you promise in the contract: all observable behaviors of your system will be depended on by somebody.
+- Hyrum's Law: with a sufficient number of users of an API, it does not matter what you promise in the contract: all observable behaviors of your system will be depended on by somebody.
- Every task your organization has to do repeatedly should be scalable (linear or better) in terms of human input. Policies are a wonderful tool for making process scalable.
- Process inefficiencies and other software-development tasks tend to scale up slowly. Be careful about boiled-frog problems.
- Expertise pays off particularly well when combined with economies of scale.
-- "Because I said so"” is a terrible reason to do things.
-- Being data driven is a good start, but in reality, most decisions are based on a mix of data, assumption, precedent, and argument. It’s best when objective data makes up the majority of those inputs, but it can rarely be all of them.
+- "Because I said so" is a terrible reason to do things.
+- Being data driven is a good start, but in reality, most decisions are based on a mix of data, assumption, precedent, and argument. It's best when objective data makes up the majority of those inputs, but it can rarely be all of them.
- Being data driven over time implies the need to change directions when the data changes (or when assumptions are dispelled). Mistakes or revised plans are inevitable.
-- “软件工程”与“编程”在维度上不同:编程是关于编写代码的。软件工程扩展了这一点,包括在代码的生命周期内对其进行维护。
-- 短期代码和长期代码的生命周期之间至少有100,000倍的系数。假设相同的最佳实践普遍适用于这一范围的两端是愚蠢的。
-- 在预期的代码生命周期内,当我们能够响应依赖关系、技术或产品需求的变化时,软件是可持续的。我们可能选择不改变事情,但我们需要有能力。
-- 海勒姆定律:当一个 API 有足够的用户的时候,在约定中你承诺的什么都无所谓,所有在你系统里面被观察到的行为都会被一些用户直接依赖。
-- 你的组织重复执行的每项任务都应在人力投入方面具有可扩展性(线性或更好)。策略是使流程可伸缩的好工具。
-- 流程效率低下和其他软件开发任务往往会慢慢扩大规模。小心煮青蛙的问题。
-- 当专业知识与规模经济相结合时,回报尤其丰厚。
-- “因为我说过”是做事的可怕理由。
-- 数据驱动是一个良好的开端,但实际上,大多数决策都是基于数据、假设、先例和论据的混合。最好是客观数据占这些输入的大部分,但很少可能是全部。
-- 随着时间的推移,数据驱动意味着当数据发生变化时(或假设消除时),需要改变方向。错误或修订的计划不在表中。
+- 『軟體工程』與『程式設計』在維度上不同:程式設計是關於編寫程式碼的。軟體工程擴充套件了這一點,包括在程式碼的生命週期內對其進行維護。
+- 短期程式碼和長期程式碼的生命週期之間至少有100,000倍的係數。假設相同的最佳實踐普遍適用於這一範圍的兩端是愚蠢的。
+- 在預期的程式碼生命週期內,當我們能夠回應依賴關係、技術或產品需求的變化時,軟體是可持續的。我們可能選擇不改變事情,但我們需要有能力。
+- 海勒姆定律:當一個 API 有足夠的使用者的時候,在約定中你承諾的什麼都無所謂,所有在你係統裡面被觀察到的行為都會被一些使用者直接依賴。
+- 你的組織重複執行的每項任務都應在人力投入方面具有可擴充性(線性或更好)。策略是使流程可伸縮的好工具。
+- 流程效率低下和其他軟體開發任務往往會慢慢擴大規模。小心煮青蛙的問題。
+- 當專業知識與規模經濟相結合時,回報尤其豐厚。
+- 『因為我說過』是做事的可怕理由。
+- 資料驅動是一個良好的開端,但實際上,大多數決策都是基於資料、假設、先例和論據的混合。最好是客觀資料佔這些輸入的大部分,但很少可能是全部。
+- 隨著時間的推移,資料驅動意味著當資料發生變化時(或假設消除時),需要改變方向。錯誤或修訂的計劃不在表中。
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**CHAPTER 20**
# Static Analysis
-# 第二十章 静态分析
+# 第二十章 靜態分析
**Written by Caitlin Sadowski**
**Edited by Lisa Carey**
-Static analysis refers to programs analyzing source code to find potential issues such as bugs, antipatterns, and other issues that can be diagnosed *without executing the* *program*. The “static” part specifically refers to analyzing the source code instead of a running program (referred to as “dynamic” analysis). Static analysis can find bugs in programs early, before they are checked in as production code. For example, static analysis can identify constant expressions that overflow, tests that are never run, or invalid format strings in logging statements that would crash when executed.[^1] However, static analysis is useful for more than just finding bugs. Through static analysis at Google, we codify best practices, help keep code current to modern API versions, and prevent or reduce technical debt. Examples of these analyses include verifying that naming conventions are upheld, flagging the use of deprecated APIs, or pointing out simpler but equivalent expressions that make code easier to read. Static analysis is also an integral tool in the API deprecation process, where it can prevent backsliding during migration of the codebase to a new API (see Chapter 22). We have also found evidence that static analysis checks can educate developers and actually prevent antipatterns from entering the codebase.[^2]
+Static analysis refers to programs analyzing source code to find potential issues such as bugs, antipatterns, and other issues that can be diagnosed *without executing the* *program*. The 『static』 part specifically refers to analyzing the source code instead of a running program (referred to as 『dynamic』 analysis). Static analysis can find bugs in programs early, before they are checked in as production code. For example, static analysis can identify constant expressions that overflow, tests that are never run, or invalid format strings in logging statements that would crash when executed.[^1] However, static analysis is useful for more than just finding bugs. Through static analysis at Google, we codify best practices, help keep code current to modern API versions, and prevent or reduce technical debt. Examples of these analyses include verifying that naming conventions are upheld, flagging the use of deprecated APIs, or pointing out simpler but equivalent expressions that make code easier to read. Static analysis is also an integral tool in the API deprecation process, where it can prevent backsliding during migration of the codebase to a new API (see Chapter 22). We have also found evidence that static analysis checks can educate developers and actually prevent antipatterns from entering the codebase.[^2]
-In this chapter, we’ll look at what makes effective static analysis, some of the lessons we at Google have learned about making static analysis work, and how we implemented these best practices in our static analysis tooling and processes.[^3]
+In this chapter, we」ll look at what makes effective static analysis, some of the lessons we at Google have learned about making static analysis work, and how we implemented these best practices in our static analysis tooling and processes.[^3]
-本章我们将介绍如何进行有效的静态分析,包含我们在 Google 了解到的一些关于静态分析工作的经验和我们在静态分析工具和流程中的最佳实践。
+本章我們將介紹如何進行有效的靜態分析,包含我們在 Google 瞭解到的一些關於靜態分析工作的經驗和我們在靜態分析工具和流程中的最佳實踐。
> [^1]: See `http://errorprone.info/bugpatterns`.
-> 1 查阅 `http://errorprone.info/bugpatterns`。
+> 1 查閱 `http://errorprone.info/bugpatterns`。
> [^2]: Caitlin Sadowski et al. Tricorder: Building a Program Analysis Ecosystem, International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), May 2015.
-> 2 Caitlin Sadowski等人,Tricorder。构建一个程序分析生态系统,国际软体工程会议(ICSE),2015年5月。
+> 2 Caitlin Sadowski等人,Tricorder。建立一個程式分析生態系統,國際軟體工程會議(ICSE),2015年5月。
> [^3]: A good academic reference for static analysis theory is: Flemming Nielson et al. Principles of Program Analysis (Gernamy: Springer, 2004)
-> 3 关于静态分析理论,一个很好的学术参考资料是。Flemming Nielson等人,《程序分析原理》(Gernamy: Springer, 2004)
+> 3 關於靜態分析理論,一個很好的學術參考資料是。Flemming Nielson等人,《程式分析原理》(Gernamy: Springer, 2004)
-## 有效静态分析的特点
+## 有效靜態分析的特點
Although there have been decades of static analysis research focused on developing new analysis techniques and specific analyses, a focus on approaches for improving *scalability* and *usability* of static analysis tools has been a relatively recent development.
-### Scalability 可扩展性
+### Scalability 可擴充性
-Because modern software has become larger, analysis tools must explicitly address scaling in order to produce results in a timely manner, without slowing down the software development process. Static analysis tools at Google must scale to the size of Google’s multibillion-line codebase. To do this, analysis tools are shardable and incremental. Instead of analyzing entire large projects, we focus analyses on files affected by a pending code change, and typically show analysis results only for edited files or lines. Scaling also has benefits: because our codebase is so large, there is a lot of low- hanging fruit in terms of bugs to find. In addition to making sure analysis tools can run on a large codebase, we also must scale up the number and variety of analyses available. Analysis contributions are solicited from throughout the company. Another component to static analysis scalability is ensuring the *process* is scalable. To do this, Google static analysis infrastructure avoids bottlenecking analysis results by showing them directly to relevant engineers.
+Because modern software has become larger, analysis tools must explicitly address scaling in order to produce results in a timely manner, without slowing down the software development process. Static analysis tools at Google must scale to the size of Google」s multibillion-line codebase. To do this, analysis tools are shardable and incremental. Instead of analyzing entire large projects, we focus analyses on files affected by a pending code change, and typically show analysis results only for edited files or lines. Scaling also has benefits: because our codebase is so large, there is a lot of low- hanging fruit in terms of bugs to find. In addition to making sure analysis tools can run on a large codebase, we also must scale up the number and variety of analyses available. Analysis contributions are solicited from throughout the company. Another component to static analysis scalability is ensuring the *process* is scalable. To do this, Google static analysis infrastructure avoids bottlenecking analysis results by showing them directly to relevant engineers.
-现代软件变得越来越大,为了使分析工具在不减慢软件开发过程的情况下及时生效,必须有效地解决扩展性问题。对 Google 来说,分析工具需要满足 Google 数十亿行代码库的规模。为此,分析工具是分片和增量分析的,即不是分析整个大型项目,而是将分析重点放在受待处理代码变更影响的文件上,并且通常仅显示已编辑文件或行的分析结果。扩展也有好处:因为我们的代码库非常大,这样做在寻找bug时容易的多。除了确保分析工具可以在大型代码库上运行之外,还需要必须扩大可分析的数量和种类。分析器是在整个公司范围内征求的。静态分析可扩展性的另一个组成部分是确保过程是可扩展的,为此,Google静态分析基础架构通过直接向相关工程师展示分析结果来避免造成分析瓶颈。
+現代軟體變得越來越大,為了使分析工具在不減慢軟體開發過程的情況下及時生效,必須有效地解決擴充性問題。對 Google 來說,分析工具需要滿足 Google 數十億行程式碼函式庫的規模。為此,分析工具是分片和增量分析的,即不是分析整個大型專案,而是將分析重點放在受待處理程式碼變更影響的檔案上,並且通常僅顯示已編輯檔案或行的分析結果。擴充套件也有好處:因為我們的程式碼庫非常大,這樣做在尋找bug時容易的多。除了確保分析工具可以在大型程式碼庫上執行之外,還需要必須擴大可分析的數量和種類。分析器是在整個公司範圍內徵求的。靜態分析可擴充性的另一個組成部分是確保過程是可擴充套件的,為此,Google靜態分析基礎架構透過直接向相關工程師展示分析結果來避免造成分析瓶頸。
### Usability 可用性
-When thinking about analysis usability, it is important to consider the cost-benefit trade-off for static analysis tool users. This “cost” could either be in terms of developer time or code quality. Fixing a static analysis warning could introduce a bug. For code that is not being frequently modified, why “fix” code that is running fine in production? For example, fixing a dead code warning by adding a call to the previously dead code could result in untested (possibly buggy) code suddenly running. There is unclear benefit and potentially high cost. For this reason, we generally focus on newly introduced warnings; existing issues in otherwise working code are typically only worth highlighting (and fixing) if they are particularly important (security issues, significant bug fixes, etc.). Focusing on newly introduced warnings (or warnings on modified lines) also means that the developers viewing the warnings have the most relevant context on them.
+When thinking about analysis usability, it is important to consider the cost-benefit trade-off for static analysis tool users. This 『cost』 could either be in terms of developer time or code quality. Fixing a static analysis warning could introduce a bug. For code that is not being frequently modified, why 『fix』 code that is running fine in production? For example, fixing a dead code warning by adding a call to the previously dead code could result in untested (possibly buggy) code suddenly running. There is unclear benefit and potentially high cost. For this reason, we generally focus on newly introduced warnings; existing issues in otherwise working code are typically only worth highlighting (and fixing) if they are particularly important (security issues, significant bug fixes, etc.). Focusing on newly introduced warnings (or warnings on modified lines) also means that the developers viewing the warnings have the most relevant context on them.
-考虑可用性时,重要的是要考虑静态分析工具用户的成本效益权衡。这种”成本”可能是开发时间或代码质量。修复静态分析警告可能会引入错误的。对于不经常被修改的代码,为什么要 "修复 "在生产中运行良好的代码?例如,通过添加对死代码(从未被运行过的代码)的调用来修复硬编码警告,可能会导致未经测试(可能有错误)的代码突然运行。这种做法收益不明确,但是成本可能很高。出于这个原因,我们通常只关注新引入的警告,代码中的现有问题通常只在特别重要(安全问题、重大错误修复等)时才值得修复。关注新引入的警告(或修改行上的警告)也意味着查看警告的开发人员具有最相关的上下文和背景。
+考慮可用性時,重要的是要考慮靜態分析工具使用者的成本效益權衡。這種』成本』可能是開發時間或程式碼品質。修復靜態分析警告可能會引入錯誤的。對於不經常被修改的程式碼,為什麼要 "修復 "在生產中執行良好的程式碼?例如,透過新增對死程式碼(從未被執行過的程式碼)的呼叫來修復硬編碼警告,可能會導致未經測試(可能有錯誤)的程式碼突然執行。這種做法收益不明確,但是成本可能很高。出於這個原因,我們通常只關注新引入的警告,程式碼中的現有問題通常只在特別重要(安全問題、重大錯誤修復等)時才值得修復。關注新引入的警告(或修改行上的警告)也意味著檢視警告的開發人員具有最相關的上下文和背景。
Also, developer time is valuable! Time spent triaging analysis reports or fixing highlighted issues is weighed against the benefit provided by a particular analysis. If the analysis author can save time (e.g., by providing a fix that can be automatically applied to the code in question), the cost in the trade-off goes down. Anything that can be fixed automatically should be fixed automatically. We also try to show developers reports about issues that actually have a negative impact on code quality so that they do not waste time slogging through irrelevant results.
To further reduce the cost of reviewing static analysis results, we focus on smooth developer workflow integration. A further strength of homogenizing everything in one workflow is that a dedicated tools team can update tools along with workflow and code, allowing analysis tools to evolve with the source code in tandem.
We believe these choices and trade-offs that we have made in making static analyses scalable and usable arise organically from our focus on three core principles, which we formulate as lessons in the next section.
-## Key Lessons in Making Static Analysis Work 静态分析工作中的关键工作
+## Key Lessons in Making Static Analysis Work 靜態分析工作中的關鍵工作
-There are three key lessons that we have learned at Google about what makes static analysis tools work well. Let’s take a look at them in the following subsections.
+There are three key lessons that we have learned at Google about what makes static analysis tools work well. Let」s take a look at them in the following subsections.
-我们在 Google 了解到了如何用好静态分析工具的三个关键点。让我们在下面的小节中看看它们。
+我們在 Google 瞭解到瞭如何用好靜態分析工具的三個關鍵點。讓我們在下面的小節中看看它們。
-### Focus on Developer Happiness 关注开发者的幸福感
+### Focus on Developer Happiness 關注開發者的幸福感
-We mentioned some of the ways in which we try to save developer time and reduce the cost of interacting with the aforementioned static analysis tools; we also keep track of how well analysis tools are performing. If you don’t measure this, you can’t fix problems. We only deploy analysis tools with low false-positive rates (more on that in a minute). We also *actively solicit and act on feedback* from developers consuming static analysis results, in real time. Nurturing this feedback loop between static analysis tool users and tool developers creates a virtuous cycle that has built up user trust and improved our tools. User trust is extremely important for the success of static analysis tools.
+We mentioned some of the ways in which we try to save developer time and reduce the cost of interacting with the aforementioned static analysis tools; we also keep track of how well analysis tools are performing. If you don」t measure this, you can」t fix problems. We only deploy analysis tools with low false-positive rates (more on that in a minute). We also *actively solicit and act on feedback* from developers consuming static analysis results, in real time. Nurturing this feedback loop between static analysis tool users and tool developers creates a virtuous cycle that has built up user trust and improved our tools. User trust is extremely important for the success of static analysis tools.
-For static analysis, a “false negative” is when a piece of code contains an issue that the analysis tool was designed to find, but the tool misses it. A “false positive” occurs when a tool incorrectly flags code as having the issue. Research about static analysis tools traditionally focused on reducing false negatives; in practice, low false-positive rates are often critical for developers to actually want to use a tool—who wants to wade through hundreds of false reports in search of a few true ones?[^4]
+For static analysis, a 『false negative』 is when a piece of code contains an issue that the analysis tool was designed to find, but the tool misses it. A 『false positive』 occurs when a tool incorrectly flags code as having the issue. Research about static analysis tools traditionally focused on reducing false negatives; in practice, low false-positive rates are often critical for developers to actually want to use a tool—who wants to wade through hundreds of false reports in search of a few true ones?[^4]
-对于静态分析,“漏报(false negative)”是指一段代码包含分析工具找到的问题,但该工具忽略了该问题,“误报(false positive)”是指工具错误地将代码标记为存在问题。一般来说,静态分析工具的研究侧重于减少误判;实践中,开发者是否真正想要使用工具取决于误报率是否很低——谁愿意在数百个虚假报告中费力寻找一些真实的报告?
+對於靜態分析,『漏報(false negative)』是指一段程式碼包含分析工具找到的問題,但該工具忽略了該問題,『誤報(false positive)』是指工具錯誤地將程式碼標記為存在問題。一般來說,靜態分析工具的研究側重於減少誤判;實踐中,開發者是否真正想要使用工具取決於誤報率是否很低——誰願意在數百個虛假報告中費力尋找一些真實的報告?
-Furthermore, perception is a key aspect of the false-positive rate. If a static analysis tool is producing warnings that are technically correct but misinterpreted by users as false positives (e.g., due to confusing messages), users will react the same as if those warnings were in fact false positives. Similarly, warnings that are technically correct but unimportant in the grand scheme of things provoke the same reaction. We call the user-perceived false-positive rate the “effective false positive” rate. An issue is an “effective false positive” if developers did not take some positive action after seeing the issue. This means that if an analysis incorrectly reports an issue, yet the developer happily makes the fix anyway to improve code readability or maintainability, that is not an effective false positive. For example, we have a Java analysis that flags cases in which a developer calls the contains method on a hash table (which is equivalent to containsValue) when they actually meant to call containsKey—even if the developer correctly meant to check for the value, calling containsValue instead is clearer. Similarly, if an analysis reports an actual fault, yet the developer did not understand the fault and therefore took no action, that is an effective false positive.
+Furthermore, perception is a key aspect of the false-positive rate. If a static analysis tool is producing warnings that are technically correct but misinterpreted by users as false positives (e.g., due to confusing messages), users will react the same as if those warnings were in fact false positives. Similarly, warnings that are technically correct but unimportant in the grand scheme of things provoke the same reaction. We call the user-perceived false-positive rate the 『effective false positive』 rate. An issue is an 『effective false positive』 if developers did not take some positive action after seeing the issue. This means that if an analysis incorrectly reports an issue, yet the developer happily makes the fix anyway to improve code readability or maintainability, that is not an effective false positive. For example, we have a Java analysis that flags cases in which a developer calls the contains method on a hash table (which is equivalent to containsValue) when they actually meant to call containsKey—even if the developer correctly meant to check for the value, calling containsValue instead is clearer. Similarly, if an analysis reports an actual fault, yet the developer did not understand the fault and therefore took no action, that is an effective false positive.
-此外,用户感知是误报率的一个关键方面。如果静态分析工具产生的警告在技术上是正确的,但被用户误解为误报(例如,由于告警消息混乱),用户的反应将与这些警告实际上是误报一样。类似地,技术上正确但在大局中不重要的警告也会引发同样的反应。我们将用户感知的误报率称为“有效误报率”。如果开发者在看到问题后没有采取积极的行动,那么问题就是“有效的误报(effective false positive)”,这意味着,如果一个分析错误地报告了一个问题,但开发人员仍然乐于进行修复,以提高代码的可读性或可维护性,那么这就不是一个有效的误报。例如,我们有一个Java分析,它标记了这样一种情况:当开发人员实际上打算调用containsKey时,开发人员在哈希表(相当于containsValue)上调用contains方法,即使开发人员正确地打算检查值,调用containsValue反而更清晰。同样,如果分析报告了一个实际的故障,但开发人员不了解故障,因此没有采取任何行动,这就是一个有效的误报。
+此外,使用者感知是誤報率的一個關鍵方面。如果靜態分析工具產生的警告在技術上是正確的,但被使用者誤解為誤報(例如,由於告警訊息混亂),使用者的反應將與這些警告實際上是誤報一樣。類似地,技術上正確但在大局中不重要的警告也會引發同樣的反應。我們將使用者感知的誤報率稱為『有效誤報率』。如果開發者在看到問題後沒有採取積極的行動,那麼問題就是『有效的誤報(effective false positive)』,這意味著,如果一個分析錯誤地報告了一個問題,但開發人員仍然樂於進行修復,以提高程式碼的可讀性或可維護性,那麼這就不是一個有效的誤報。例如,我們有一個Java分析,它標記了這樣一種情況:當開發人員實際上打算呼叫containsKey時,開發人員在雜湊表(相當於containsValue)上呼叫contains方法,即使開發人員正確地打算檢查值,呼叫containsValue反而更清晰。同樣,如果分析報告了一個實際的故障,但開發人員不瞭解故障,因此沒有採取任何行動,這就是一個有效的誤報。
> [^4]: Note that there are some specific analyses for which reviewers might be willing to tolerate a much higher false-positive rate: one example is security analyses that identify critical problems.
-> 4 请注意,有一些特定的分析,审查员可能愿意容忍更高的误报率:一个例子是识别关键问题的安全分析。
+> 4 請注意,有一些特定的分析,審查員可能願意容忍更高的誤報率:一個例子是識別關鍵問題的安全分析。
-### Make Static Analysis a Part of the Core Developer Workflow 使静态分析成为核心开发人员工作流程的一部分
+### Make Static Analysis a Part of the Core Developer Workflow 使靜態分析成為核心開發人員工作流程的一部分
At Google, we integrate static analysis into the core workflow via integration with code review tooling. Essentially all code committed at Google is reviewed before being committed; because developers are already in a change mindset when they send code for review, improvements suggested by static analysis tools can be made without too much disruption. There are other benefits to code review integration. Developers typically context switch after sending code for review, and are blocked on reviewers— there is time for analyses to run, even if they take several minutes to do so. There is also peer pressure from reviewers to address static analysis warnings. Furthermore, static analysis can save reviewer time by highlighting common issues automatically; static analysis tools help the code review process (and the reviewers) scale. Code review is a sweet spot for analysis results.[^5]
-在 Google ,我们通过与代码审查工具集成,将静态分析集成到核心工作流中。基本上 Google 提交的所有代码在提交之前都会经过审查,因为开发人员在发送代码供审查时已经改变了心态,所以静态分析工具建议的改进可以在没有太多干扰的情况下进行。代码审查集成还有其他好处,开发人员通常在发送代码进行审查后切换上下文,并且在审查员面前被阻止——即使需要几分钟的时间来运行分析。来自审查员的同行压力也要求解决静态分析警告问题,此外,静态分析可以自动突出常见问题,从而节省审阅者的时间,这有助于代码评审过程(以及审查员)的规模化。代码评审是分析结果的最佳选择。
+在 Google ,我們透過與程式碼審查工具整合,將靜態分析整合到核心工作流中。基本上 Google 送出的所有程式碼在送出之前都會經過審查,因為開發人員在傳送程式碼供審查時已經改變了心態,所以靜態分析工具建議的改進可以在沒有太多干擾的情況下進行。程式碼審查整合還有其他好處,開發人員通常在傳送程式碼進行審查後切換上下文,並且在審查員面前被阻止——即使需要幾分鐘的時間來執行分析。來自審查員的同行壓力也要求解決靜態分析警告問題,此外,靜態分析可以自動突出常見問題,從而節省審閱者的時間,這有助於程式碼評審過程(以及審查員)的規模化。程式碼評審是分析結果的最佳選擇。
> [^5]: See later in this chapter for more information on additional integration points when editing and browsing code.
-> 5 关于编辑和浏览代码时的额外集成点的更多信息,请参见本章后面的内容。
+> 5 關於編輯和瀏覽程式碼時的額外整合點的更多訊息,請參見本章後面的內容。
-### Empower Users to Contribute 允许用户做出贡献
+### Empower Users to Contribute 允許使用者做出貢獻
There are many domain experts at Google whose knowledge could improve code produced. Static analysis is an opportunity to leverage expertise and apply it at scale by having domain experts write new analysis tools or individual checks within a tool.
For example, experts who know the context for a particular kind of configuration file can write an analyzer that checks properties of those files. In addition to domain experts, analyses are contributed by developers who discover a bug and would like to prevent the same kind of bug from reappearing anywhere else in the codebase. We focus on building a static analysis ecosystem that is easy to plug into instead of integrating a small set of existing tools. We have focused on developing simple APIs that can be used by engineers throughout Google—not just analysis or language experts— to create analyses; for example, Refaster[^6] enables writing an analyzer by specifying pre- and post-code snippets demonstrating what transformations are expected by that analyzer.
-例如,了解特定类型配置文件上下文的专家可以编写一个分析器来检查这些文件的属性。除了领域专家之外,发现bug并希望防止同类bug在代码库中的任何其他地方再次出现的开发人员也可以提供贡献。我们专注于构建一个易于插入的静态分析生态系统,而不是集成一小部分现有工具。我们专注于开发简单的API,可供整个 Google 的工程师(不仅仅是分析或语言专家)用来创建分析;例如,重构可以通过指定前后代码片段来编写分析器,来达到该分析器期望的效果。
+例如,瞭解特定型別設定檔案上下文的專家可以編寫一個分析器來檢查這些檔案的屬性。除了領域專家之外,發現bug並希望防止同類bug在程式碼庫中的任何其他地方再次出現的開發人員也可以提供貢獻。我們專注於建立一個易於插入的靜態分析生態系統,而不是整合一小部分現有工具。我們專注於開發簡單的API,可供整個 Google 的工程師(不僅僅是分析或語言專家)用來建立分析;例如,重構可以透過指定前後程式碼片段來編寫分析器,來達到該分析器期望的效果。
-> [^6]: Louis Wasserman, “Scalable, Example-Based Refactorings with Refaster.” Workshop on Refactoring Tools, 2013.
+> [^6]: Louis Wasserman, 『Scalable, Example-Based Refactorings with Refaster.』 Workshop on Refactoring Tools, 2013.
-> 6 Louis Wasserman,"用Refaster进行可扩展的、基于实例的重构"。重构工具研讨会,2013年。
+> 6 Louis Wasserman,"用Refaster進行可擴充套件的、基於實例的重構"。重構工具研討會,2013年。
-## Tricorder: Google’s Static Analysis Platform Tricorder: Google 的静态分析平台
+## Tricorder: Google」s Static Analysis Platform Tricorder: Google 的靜態分析平台
-Tricorder, our static analysis platform, is a core part of static analysis at Google.[^7] Tricorder came out of several failed attempts to integrate static analysis with the developer workflow at Google;[^8] the key difference between Tricorder and previous attempts was our relentless focus on having Tricorder deliver only valuable results to its users. Tricorder is integrated with the main code review tool at Google, Critique. Tricorder warnings show up on Critique’s diff viewer as gray comment boxes, as demonstrated in Figure 20-1.
+Tricorder, our static analysis platform, is a core part of static analysis at Google.[^7] Tricorder came out of several failed attempts to integrate static analysis with the developer workflow at Google;[^8] the key difference between Tricorder and previous attempts was our relentless focus on having Tricorder deliver only valuable results to its users. Tricorder is integrated with the main code review tool at Google, Critique. Tricorder warnings show up on Critique」s diff viewer as gray comment boxes, as demonstrated in Figure 20-1.
-我们的静态分析平台 Tricorder是Google静态分析的核心部分。Tricorder是在Google多次尝试将静态分析与开发人员工作流集成的失败尝试中诞生的,与之前尝试的主要区别在于我们坚持不懈地致力于让Tricorder只为用户提供有价值的结果。Tricorder与 Google 的主要代码审查工具Critique集成在一起。 Tricorder警告在Critique的差异查看器上显示为灰色的注释框,如图 20-1 所示。
+我們的靜態分析平台 Tricorder是Google靜態分析的核心部分。Tricorder是在Google多次嘗試將靜態分析與開發人員工作流整合的失敗嘗試中誕生的,與之前嘗試的主要區別在於我們堅持不懈地致力於讓Tricorder只為使用者提供有價值的結果。Tricorder與 Google 的主要程式碼審查工具Critique整合在一起。 Tricorder警告在Critique的差異檢視器上顯示為灰色的註解框,如圖 20-1 所示。
![Figure 20-1](./images/Figure%2020-1.png)
-*Figure 20-1. Critique’s diff viewing, showing a static analysis warning from Tricorder in* *gray* 图20-1. Critique的diff查看,灰色显示了Tricorder的静态分析警告
+*Figure 20-1. Critique」s diff viewing, showing a static analysis warning from Tricorder in* *gray* 圖20-1. Critique的diff檢視,灰色顯示了Tricorder的靜態分析警告
To scale, Tricorder uses a microservices architecture. The Tricorder system sends analyze requests to analysis servers along with metadata about a code change. These servers can use that metadata to read the versions of the source code files in the change via a FUSE-based filesystem and can access cached build inputs and outputs. The analysis server then starts running each individual analyzer and writes the output to a storage layer; the most recent results for each category are then displayed in Critique. Because analyses sometimes take a few minutes to run, analysis servers also post status updates to let change authors and reviewers know that analyzers are running and post a completed status when they have finished. Tricorder analyzes more than 50,000 code review changes per day and is often running several analyses per second.
-为了方便扩展,Tricorder使用微服务架构。 Tricorder系统将分析请求连同有关代码更改的元数据发送到分析服务器。这些服务器可以使用该元数据通过基于FUSE的文件系统读取更改中源代码文件的版本,并且可以访问缓存的构建输入和输出。然后分析服务器开始运行每个单独的分析器并将输出写入存储层。每个类别的最新结果随后会显示在Critique中。因为分析有时需要等几分钟,分析服务器也会发布状态更新,让代码作者和审查员知道分析器正在运行,并在完成后发布完成状态。Tricorder每天分析超过50,000次代码审查更改,并且通常每秒运行多次分析。整个Google的开发人员编写Tricorder分析(称为“分析器”)或为现有分析贡献单独的“检查”。
+為了方便擴充套件,Tricorder使用微服務架構。 Tricorder系統將分析請求連同有關程式碼更改的元資料傳送到分析伺服器。這些伺服器可以使用該元資料透過基於FUSE的檔案系統讀取更改中原始碼檔案的版本,並且可以訪問快取的建立輸入和輸出。然後分析伺服器開始執行每個單獨的分析器並將輸出寫入儲存層。每個類別的最新結果隨後會顯示在Critique中。因為分析有時需要等幾分鐘,分析伺服器也會發布狀態更新,讓程式碼作者和審查員知道分析器正在執行,並在完成後發布完成狀態。Tricorder每天分析超過50,000次程式碼審查更改,並且通常每秒執行多次分析。整個Google的開發人員編寫Tricorder分析(稱為『分析器』)或為現有分析貢獻單獨的『檢查』。
-Developers throughout Google write Tricorder analyses (called “analyzers”) or contribute individual “checks” to existing analyses. There are four criteria for new Tricorder checks:
+Developers throughout Google write Tricorder analyses (called 『analyzers』) or contribute individual 『checks』 to existing analyses. There are four criteria for new Tricorder checks:
- *Be understandable*
Be easy for any engineer to understand the output.
@@ -131,34 +131,34 @@ Developers throughout Google write Tricorder analyses (called “analyzers”) o
- *Have* *the potential for significant impact on code quality*
The issues might not affect correctness, but developers should take them seriously and deliberately choose to fix them.
-Tricorder 检查有四个标准:
+Tricorder 檢查有四個標準:
-- *易于理解*
- 任何工程师都可以轻松理解输出结果。
-- *可操作且易于修复*
- 与编译器检查相比,修复可能需要更多的时间、思考或尝试,结果应包括有关如何真正修复问题的指导。
-- *少于10%的有效误报*
- 开发人员应该觉得检查至少在90%的时间里指出了实际问题。
-- *有可能对代码质量产生重大影响*
- 这些问题可能不会影响正确性,但开发人员应该认真对待它们并有意识地选择修复它们。
+- *易於理解*
+ 任何工程師都可以輕鬆理解輸出結果。
+- *可操作且易於修復*
+ 與編譯器檢查相比,修復可能需要更多的時間、思考或嘗試,結果應包括有關如何真正修復問題的指導。
+- *少於10%的有效誤報*
+ 開發人員應該覺得檢查至少在90%的時間裡指出了實際問題。
+- *有可能對程式碼品質產生重大影響*
+ 這些問題可能不會影響正確性,但開發人員應該認真對待它們並有意識地選擇修復它們。
Tricorder analyzers report results for more than 30 languages and support a variety of analysis types. Tricorder includes more than 100 analyzers, with most being contributed from outside the Tricorder team. Seven of these analyzers are themselves plug-in systems that have hundreds of additional checks, again contributed from developers across Google. The overall effective false-positive rate is just below 5%.
-Tricorder分析仪报告支持30种语言,并支持多种分析类型。Tricorder包括100多个分析器,其中大部分来自Tricorder团队外部。 其中七个分析器本身就是插件系统,具有数百项额外检查,由 Google 的开发人员提供,总体有效的误报率略低于 5%。
+Tricorder分析儀報告支援30種語言,並支援多種分析型別。Tricorder包括100多個分析器,其中大部分來自Tricorder團隊外部。 其中七個分析器本身就是外掛系統,具有數百項額外檢查,由 Google 的開發人員提供,總體有效的誤報率略低於 5%。
> [^7]: Caitlin Sadowski, Jeffrey van Gogh, Ciera Jaspan, Emma Söderberg, and Collin Winter, Tricorder: Building a Program Analysis Ecosystem, International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), May 2015.
-> 7 Caitlin Sadowski, Jeffrey van Gogh, Ciera Jaspan, Emma Söderberg, and Collin Winter, Tricorder: 构建一个程序分析生态系统,国际软件工程会议(ICSE),2015年5月。
+> 7 Caitlin Sadowski, Jeffrey van Gogh, Ciera Jaspan, Emma Söderberg, and Collin Winter, Tricorder: 建立一個程式分析生態系統,國際軟體工程會議(ICSE),2015年5月。
-> [^8]: Caitlin Sadowski, Edward Aftandilian, Alex Eagle, Liam Miller-Cushon, and Ciera Jaspan, “Lessons from Building Static Analysis Tools at Google”, Communications of the ACM, 61 No. 4 (April 2018): 58–66, `https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2018/4/226371-lessons-from-building-static-analysis-tools-at-google/fulltext`.
+> [^8]: Caitlin Sadowski, Edward Aftandilian, Alex Eagle, Liam Miller-Cushon, and Ciera Jaspan, 『Lessons from Building Static Analysis Tools at Google』, Communications of the ACM, 61 No. 4 (April 2018): 58–66, `https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2018/4/226371-lessons-from-building-static-analysis-tools-at-google/fulltext`.
-> 8 Caitlin Sadowski, Edward Aftandilian, Alex Eagle, Liam Miller-Cushon, and Ciera Jaspan, “Lessons from Building Static Analysis Tools at Google”, ACM通讯期刊, 61 No. 4 (April 2018): 58–66, `https:// cacm.acm.org/magazines/2018/4/226371-lessons-from-building-static-analysis-tools-at-google/fulltext`.
+> 8 Caitlin Sadowski, Edward Aftandilian, Alex Eagle, Liam Miller-Cushon, and Ciera Jaspan, 『Lessons from Building Static Analysis Tools at Google』, ACM通訊期刊, 61 No. 4 (April 2018): 58–66, `https:// cacm.acm.org/magazines/2018/4/226371-lessons-from-building-static-analysis-tools-at-google/fulltext`.
-### Integrated Tools 集成工具
+### Integrated Tools 整合工具
There are many different types of static analysis tools integrated with Tricorder.
-Tricorder 集成了许多不同类型的静态分析工具。
+Tricorder 整合了許多不同型別的靜態分析工具。
[Error Prone](http://errorprone.info/) and [clang-tidy](https://oreil.ly/DAMiv)extend the compiler to identify AST antipatterns for Java and C++, respectively. These antipatterns could represent real bugs. For example, consider the following code snippet hashing a field f of type long:
@@ -166,124 +166,124 @@ Tricorder 集成了许多不同类型的静态分析工具。
result = 31 * result + (int) (f ^ (f >>> 32));
-Error Prone 和 clang-tidy 扩展了编译器以分别识别 Java 和 C++ 的 AST 反模式。 这些反模式可能代表真正的错误。例如,考虑以下代码片段散列 long 类型的字段 f:
+Error Prone 和 clang-tidy 擴充套件了編譯器以分別識別 Java 和 C++ 的 AST 反模式。 這些反模式可能代表真正的錯誤。例如,考慮以下程式碼片段雜湊 long 型別的欄位 f:
result = 31 * result + (int) (f ^ (f >>> 32));
-Now consider the case in which the type of f is int. The code will still compile, but the right shift by 32 is a no-op so that f is XORed with itself and no longer affects the value produced. We fixed 31 occurrences of this bug in Google’s codebase while enabling the check as a compiler error in Error Prone. There are [many more such examples](https://errorprone.info/bugpatterns). AST antipatterns can also result in code readability improvements, such as removing a redundant call to `.get()` on a smart pointer.
+Now consider the case in which the type of f is int. The code will still compile, but the right shift by 32 is a no-op so that f is XORed with itself and no longer affects the value produced. We fixed 31 occurrences of this bug in Google」s codebase while enabling the check as a compiler error in Error Prone. There are [many more such examples](https://errorprone.info/bugpatterns). AST antipatterns can also result in code readability improvements, such as removing a redundant call to `.get()` on a smart pointer.
-现在考虑f的类型是int的情况,代码仍然可以编译,但是右移32是空操作,因此 f 与自身进行异或,不再影响产生的值。我们修复了 Google 代码库中出现的 31 次该错误,同时在 Error Prone 中将检查作为编译器错误启用。这样的例子还有很多。 AST 反模式还可以提高代码的可读性,例如删除对智能指针的 `.get()` 的冗余调用。
+現在考慮f的型別是int的情況,程式碼仍然可以編譯,但是右移32是空操作,因此 f 與自身進行異或,不再影響產生的值。我們修復了 Google 程式碼庫中出現的 31 次該錯誤,同時在 Error Prone 中將檢查作為編譯器錯誤啟用。這樣的例子還有很多。 AST 反模式還可以提高程式碼的可讀性,例如刪除對智慧指標的 `.get()` 的冗餘呼叫。
-Other analyzers showcase relationships between disparate files in a corpus. The Deleted Artifact Analyzer warns if a source file is deleted that is referenced by other non-code places in the codebase (such as inside checked-in documentation). IfThisThenThat allows developers to specify that portions of two different files must be changed in tandem (and warns if they are not). Chrome’s Finch analyzer runs on configuration files for A/B experiments in Chrome, highlighting common problems including not having the right approvals to launch an experiment or crosstalk with other currently running experiments that affect the same population. The Finch analyzer makes Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) to other services in order to provide this information.
+Other analyzers showcase relationships between disparate files in a corpus. The Deleted Artifact Analyzer warns if a source file is deleted that is referenced by other non-code places in the codebase (such as inside checked-in documentation). IfThisThenThat allows developers to specify that portions of two different files must be changed in tandem (and warns if they are not). Chrome」s Finch analyzer runs on configuration files for A/B experiments in Chrome, highlighting common problems including not having the right approvals to launch an experiment or crosstalk with other currently running experiments that affect the same population. The Finch analyzer makes Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) to other services in order to provide this information.
-其他分析器展示了语料库中不同文件之间的关系。如果删除了代码库中其他非代码位置(例如签入文档中)引用的源文件,Deleted Artifact Analyzer 会发出警告。 IfThis-ThenThat 允许开发人员指定两个不同文件的部分必须同时更改(如果不是,则发出警告)。 Chrome 的 Finch 分析器在 Chrome 中的 A/B 实验的配置文件上运行,突出显示常见问题,包括未获得启动实验的正确批准或与影响同一人群的其他当前正在运行的实验串扰。 Finch 分析器对其他服务进行远程过程调用 (RPC) 以提供此信息。
+其他分析器展示了語料庫中不同檔案之間的關係。如果刪除了程式碼庫中其他非程式碼位置(例如簽入文件中)引用的源檔案,Deleted Artifact Analyzer 會發出警告。 IfThis-ThenThat 允許開發人員指定兩個不同檔案的部分必須同時更改(如果不是,則發出警告)。 Chrome 的 Finch 分析器在 Chrome 中的 A/B 實驗的設定檔案上執行,突出顯示常見問題,包括未獲得啟動實驗的正確批准或與影響同一人群的其他當前正在執行的實驗串擾。 Finch 分析器對其他服務進行遠端過程呼叫 (RPC) 以提供此訊息。
In addition to the source code itself, some analyzers run on other artifacts produced by that source code; many projects have enabled a binary size checker that warns when changes significantly affect a binary size.
Almost all analyzers are intraprocedural, meaning that the analysis results are based on code within a procedure (function). Compositional or incremental interprocedural analysis techniques are technically feasible but would require additional infrastructure investment (e.g., analyzing and storing method summaries as analyzers run).
-### Integrated Feedback Channels 集成反馈渠道
+### Integrated Feedback Channels 整合反饋渠道
-As mentioned earlier, establishing a feedback loop between analysis consumers and analysis writers is critical to track and maintain developer happiness. With Tricorder, we display the option to click a “Not useful” button on an analysis result; this click provides the option to file a bug *directly against the analyzer writer* about why the result is not useful with information about analysis result prepopulated. Code reviewers can also ask change authors to address analysis results by clicking a “Please fix” button. The Tricorder team tracks analyzers with high “Not useful” click rates, particularly relative to how often reviewers ask to fix analysis results, and will disable analyzers if they don’t work to address problems and improve the “not useful” rate. Establishing and tuning this feedback loop took a lot of work, but has paid dividends many times over in improved analysis results and a better user experience (UX)— before we established clear feedback channels, many developers would just ignore analysis results they did not understand.
+As mentioned earlier, establishing a feedback loop between analysis consumers and analysis writers is critical to track and maintain developer happiness. With Tricorder, we display the option to click a 『Not useful』 button on an analysis result; this click provides the option to file a bug *directly against the analyzer writer* about why the result is not useful with information about analysis result prepopulated. Code reviewers can also ask change authors to address analysis results by clicking a 『Please fix』 button. The Tricorder team tracks analyzers with high 『Not useful』 click rates, particularly relative to how often reviewers ask to fix analysis results, and will disable analyzers if they don」t work to address problems and improve the 『not useful』 rate. Establishing and tuning this feedback loop took a lot of work, but has paid dividends many times over in improved analysis results and a better user experience (UX)— before we established clear feedback channels, many developers would just ignore analysis results they did not understand.
-如上所述,建立分析者和作者之间反馈闭环对于跟踪和维护开发人员的成幸福感很重要。Tricorder会在分析结果上显示单击“无用”按钮的选项;此按钮提供了*直接针对分析器作者*提交错误的选项,说明了为什么分析结果信息无用,代码审查员还可以通过单击“请修复”按钮要求变更作者处理分析结果。 Tricorder团队跟踪“无用”按钮点击率高的分析器,特别是与审阅者要求修复分析结果的频率有关,如果分析器不能解决问题并改进“无用”,则会禁用分析器。建立和调整这个反馈闭环需要大量工作,但在改进分析结果和更好的用户体验 (UX) 方面已经获得了很大的回报——在我们建立清晰的反馈渠道之前,许多开发人员会忽略他们不理解的分析结果.
+如上所述,建立分析者和作者之間反饋閉環對於跟蹤和維護開發人員的成幸福感很重要。Tricorder會在分析結果上顯示單擊『無用』按鈕的選項;此按鈕提供了*直接針對分析器作者*送出錯誤的選項,說明了為什麼分析結果訊息無用,程式碼審查員還可以透過單擊『請修復』按鈕要求變更作者處理分析結果。 Tricorder團隊跟蹤『無用』按鈕點選率高的分析器,特別是與審閱者要求修復分析結果的頻率有關,如果分析器不能解決問題並改進『無用』,則會停用分析器。建立和調整這個反饋閉環需要大量工作,但在改進分析結果和更好的使用者體驗 (UX) 方面已經獲得了很大的回報——在我們建立清晰的反饋渠道之前,許多開發人員會忽略他們不理解的分析結果.
-And sometimes the fix is pretty simple—such as updating the text of the message an analyzer outputs! For example, we once rolled out an Error Prone check that flagged when too many arguments were being passed to a printf-like function in Guava that accepted only %s (and no other printf specifiers). The Error Prone team received weekly “Not useful” bug reports claiming the analysis was incorrect because the number of format specifiers matched the number of arguments—all due to users trying to pass specifiers other than %s. After the team changed the diagnostic text to state directly that the function accepts only the %s placeholder, the influx of bug reports stopped. Improving the message produced by an analysis provides an explanation of what is wrong, why, and how to fix it exactly at the point where that is most relevant and can make the difference for developers learning something when they read the message.
+And sometimes the fix is pretty simple—such as updating the text of the message an analyzer outputs! For example, we once rolled out an Error Prone check that flagged when too many arguments were being passed to a printf-like function in Guava that accepted only %s (and no other printf specifiers). The Error Prone team received weekly 『Not useful』 bug reports claiming the analysis was incorrect because the number of format specifiers matched the number of arguments—all due to users trying to pass specifiers other than %s. After the team changed the diagnostic text to state directly that the function accepts only the %s placeholder, the influx of bug reports stopped. Improving the message produced by an analysis provides an explanation of what is wrong, why, and how to fix it exactly at the point where that is most relevant and can make the difference for developers learning something when they read the message.
-有时修复非常简单,例如更新分析器输出的消息文本。 我们曾经推出了一个容易出错的检查,当太多参数被传递给Guava中的类似printf的函数时,该检查只接受%s(并且不接受其他printf说明符)。Error Prone团队每周都会收到“无用”的错误报告,声称分析不正确,因为格式说明符的数量与参数的数量相匹配——所有这些都是由于用户试图传递除 %s 之外的说明符。在团队将诊断文本更改为直接声明该函数仅接受 %s 占位符后,错误报告的涌入停止了。 改进分析产生的消息可以解释什么是错误的、为什么以及如何在最相关的点上准确地修复它,并且可以对开发人员在阅读消息时学习一些东西产生影响。
+有時修復非常簡單,例如更新分析器輸出的訊息文字。 我們曾經推出了一個容易出錯的檢查,當太多引數被傳遞給Guava中的類似printf的函式時,該檢查只接受%s(並且不接受其他printf說明符)。Error Prone團隊每週都會收到『無用』的錯誤報告,聲稱分析不正確,因為格式說明符的數量與引數的數量相對應——所有這些都是由於使用者試圖傳遞除 %s 之外的說明符。在團隊將診斷文字更改為直接宣告該函式僅接受 %s 佔位符後,錯誤報告的湧入停止了。 改進分析產生的訊息可以解釋什麼是錯誤的、為什麼以及如何在最相關的點上準確地修復它,並且可以對開發人員在閱讀訊息時學習一些東西產生影響。
-### Suggested Fixes 建议的修复
+### Suggested Fixes 建議的修復
Tricorder checks also, when possible, *provide fixes*, as shown in Figure 20-2.
-Tricorder 检查也会在可能的情况下提供修复,如图 20-2 所示。
+Tricorder 檢查也會在可能的情況下提供修復,如圖 20-2 所示。
![Figure 20-2](./images/Figure%2020-2.png)
-*Figure 20-2. View of an example static analysis fix in Critique* 图20-2. Critique中静态分析修复的例子视图
+*Figure 20-2. View of an example static analysis fix in Critique* 圖20-2. Critique中靜態分析修復的例子檢視
-Automated fixes serve as an additional documentation source when the message is unclear and, as mentioned earlier, reduce the cost to addressing static analysis issues. Fixes can be applied directly from within Critique, or over an entire code change via a command-line tool. Although not all analyzers provide fixes, many do. We take the approach that *style* issues in particular should be fixed automatically; for example, by formatters that automatically reformat source code files. Google has style guides for each language that specify formatting issues; pointing out formatting errors is not a good use of a human reviewer’s time. Reviewers click “Please Fix” thousands of times per day, and authors apply the automated fixes approximately 3,000 times per day. And Tricorder analyzers received “Not useful” clicks 250 times per day.
+Automated fixes serve as an additional documentation source when the message is unclear and, as mentioned earlier, reduce the cost to addressing static analysis issues. Fixes can be applied directly from within Critique, or over an entire code change via a command-line tool. Although not all analyzers provide fixes, many do. We take the approach that *style* issues in particular should be fixed automatically; for example, by formatters that automatically reformat source code files. Google has style guides for each language that specify formatting issues; pointing out formatting errors is not a good use of a human reviewer」s time. Reviewers click 『Please Fix』 thousands of times per day, and authors apply the automated fixes approximately 3,000 times per day. And Tricorder analyzers received 『Not useful』 clicks 250 times per day.
-当反馈消息不清晰时,自动修复可作为额外的文档来源,并且可以降低解决静态分析问题的成本。 修复可以直接应用Critique中,也可以通过命令行工具应用于整个代码更改。并非所有分析器都提供修复,但很多都有。 我们的做法是,优先自动修复样式问题, 例如,通过自动重新格式化源代码文件的格式化程序。 Google 有每种语言的风格指南,规定了各种语言的格式,但指出格式错误并不能很好地利用审阅者的时间。审核者每天点击数千次“请修复”,作者每天应用自动修复大约3,000次,Tricorder分析器每天收到250次“无用”点击
+當反饋訊息不清晰時,自動修復可作為額外的文件來源,並且可以降低解決靜態分析問題的成本。 修復可以直接應用Critique中,也可以透過指令行工具應用於整個程式碼更改。並非所有分析器都提供修復,但很多都有。 我們的做法是,優先自動修復樣式問題, 例如,透過自動重新格式化原始碼檔案的格式化程式。 Google 有每種語言的風格指南,規定了各種語言的格式,但指出格式錯誤並不能很好地利用審閱者的時間。稽核者每天點選數千次『請修復』,作者每天應用自動修復大約3,000次,Tricorder分析器每天收到250次『無用』點選
-### Per-Project Customization 按项目定制
+### Per-Project Customization 按專案定製
-After we had built up a foundation of user trust by showing only high-confidence analysis results, we added the ability to run additional “optional” analyzers to specific projects in addition to the on-by-default ones. The *Proto Best Practices* analyzer is an example of an optional analyzer. This analyzer highlights potentially breaking data format changes to [protocol buffers](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers)—Google’s language-independent data serialization format. These changes are only breaking when serialized data is stored somewhere (e.g., in server logs); protocol buffers for projects that do not have stored serialized data do not need to enable the check. We have also added the ability to customize existing analyzers, although typically this customization is limited, and many checks are applied by default uniformly across the codebase.
+After we had built up a foundation of user trust by showing only high-confidence analysis results, we added the ability to run additional 『optional』 analyzers to specific projects in addition to the on-by-default ones. The *Proto Best Practices* analyzer is an example of an optional analyzer. This analyzer highlights potentially breaking data format changes to [protocol buffers](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers)—Google」s language-independent data serialization format. These changes are only breaking when serialized data is stored somewhere (e.g., in server logs); protocol buffers for projects that do not have stored serialized data do not need to enable the check. We have also added the ability to customize existing analyzers, although typically this customization is limited, and many checks are applied by default uniformly across the codebase.
-在通过仅显示高置信度分析结果建立用户信任基础后,除了默认启用的分析器之外,我们还添加了对特定项目运行其他“可选”分析器的能力。 比如Proto Best Practices 分析器,此分析器突出显示潜在的破坏性数据协议缓冲区的格式更改——Google 的独立于语言的数据序列化格式。只有当序列化的数据存储在某个地方(例如,在服务器日志中)时,这些更改才会中断;没有存储序列化数据的项目的协议缓冲区不需要启用检查。我们还添加了自定义现有分析器的功能,尽管这种自定义功能很有限,并且默认情况下,许多检查在代码库中统一应用。
+在透過僅顯示高置信度分析結果建立使用者信任基礎後,除了預設啟用的分析器之外,我們還新增了對特定專案執行其他『可選』分析器的能力。 比如Proto Best Practices 分析器,此分析器突出顯示潛在的破壞性資料協定緩衝區的格式更改——Google 的獨立於語言的資料序列化格式。只有當序列化的資料儲存在某個地方(例如,在服務器日誌中)時,這些更改才會中斷;沒有儲存序列化資料的專案的協定緩衝區不需要啟用檢查。我們還新增了自定義現有分析器的功能,儘管這種自定義功能很有限,並且預設情況下,許多檢查在程式碼庫中統一應用。
-Some analyzers have even started as optional, improved based on user feedback, built up a large userbase, and then graduated into on-by-default status as soon as we could capitalize on the user trust we had built up. For example, we have an analyzer that suggests Java code readability improvements that typically do not actually change code behavior. Tricorder users initially worried about this analysis being too “noisy,” but eventually wanted more analysis results available.
+Some analyzers have even started as optional, improved based on user feedback, built up a large userbase, and then graduated into on-by-default status as soon as we could capitalize on the user trust we had built up. For example, we have an analyzer that suggests Java code readability improvements that typically do not actually change code behavior. Tricorder users initially worried about this analysis being too 『noisy,』 but eventually wanted more analysis results available.
-一些分析器甚至一开始是可选的,根据用户反馈进行改进,建立了庞大的用户群,然后一旦我们可以利用我们建立的用户信任,就进入默认状态。例如,我们有一个分析器,它建议 Java 代码可读性改进,这些改进通常不会真正改变代码行为。Tricorder用户最初担心这种分析过于“嘈杂”,但最终希望获得更多的分析结果。
+一些分析器甚至一開始是可選的,根據使用者反饋進行改進,建立了龐大的使用者群,然後一旦我們可以利用我們建立的使用者信任,就進入預設狀態。例如,我們有一個分析器,它建議 Java 程式碼可讀性改進,這些改進通常不會真正改變程式碼行為。Tricorder使用者最初擔心這種分析過於『嘈雜』,但最終希望獲得更多的分析結果。
The key insight to making this customization successful was to focus on *project-level* *customization, not user-level customization*. Project-level customization ensures that all team members have a consistent view of analysis results for their project and prevents situations in which one developer is trying to fix an issue while another developer introduces it.
-Early on in the development of Tricorder, a set of relatively straightforward style checkers (“linters”) displayed results in Critique, and Critique provided user settings to choose the confidence level of results to display and suppress results from specific analyses. We removed all of this user customizability from Critique and immediately started getting complaints from users about annoying analysis results. Instead of reenabling customizability, we asked users why they were annoyed and found all kinds of bugs and false positives with the linters. For example, the C++ linter also ran on Objective-C files but produced incorrect, useless results. We fixed the linting infrastructure so that this would no longer happen. The HTML linter had an extremely high false-positive rate with very little useful signal and was typically suppressed from view by developers writing HTML. Because the linter was so rarely helpful, we just disabled this linter. In short, user customization resulted in hidden bugs and suppressing feedback.
+Early on in the development of Tricorder, a set of relatively straightforward style checkers (『linters』) displayed results in Critique, and Critique provided user settings to choose the confidence level of results to display and suppress results from specific analyses. We removed all of this user customizability from Critique and immediately started getting complaints from users about annoying analysis results. Instead of reenabling customizability, we asked users why they were annoyed and found all kinds of bugs and false positives with the linters. For example, the C++ linter also ran on Objective-C files but produced incorrect, useless results. We fixed the linting infrastructure so that this would no longer happen. The HTML linter had an extremely high false-positive rate with very little useful signal and was typically suppressed from view by developers writing HTML. Because the linter was so rarely helpful, we just disabled this linter. In short, user customization resulted in hidden bugs and suppressing feedback.
-Tricorder开发的早期,Critique展示了一组相对简单的样式检查器(“linter”),Critique提供了用户设置来选择结果的置信度以显示和抑制来自特定分析的结果。我们从 Critique 中删除了所有这些用户可定制性,并立即开始收到用户对烦人的分析结果的投诉。我们没有重新启用可定制性,而是询问用户为什么他们感到恼火,并发现 linter 存在各种错误和误报。例如,C++ linter 也在 Objective-C 文件上运行,但产生了不正确、无用的结果。我们修复了 linting 基础设施,这样就不会再发生这种情况了。 HTML linter 的误报率非常高,有用的信号很少,并且通常被编写 HTML 的开发人员禁止查看。因为 linter 很少有帮助,所以我们只是禁用了这个 linter。简而言之,用户定制导致隐藏的错误和抑制反馈。
+Tricorder開發的早期,Critique展示了一組相對簡單的樣式檢查器(『linter』),Critique提供了使用者設定來選擇結果的置信度以顯示和抑制來自特定分析的結果。我們從 Critique 中刪除了所有這些使用者可定製性,並立即開始收到使用者對煩人的分析結果的投訴。我們沒有重新啟用可定製性,而是詢問使用者為什麼他們感到惱火,並發現 linter 存在各種錯誤和誤報。例如,C++ linter 也在 Objective-C 檔案上執行,但產生了不正確、無用的結果。我們修復了 linting 基礎設施,這樣就不會再發生這種情況了。 HTML linter 的誤報率非常高,有用的訊號很少,並且通常被編寫 HTML 的開發人員禁止檢視。因為 linter 很少有幫助,所以我們只是停用了這個 linter。簡而言之,使用者定製導致隱藏的錯誤和抑制反饋。
-### Presubmits 预提交
+### Presubmits 預送出
-In addition to code review, there are also other workflow integration points for static analysis at Google. Because developers can choose to ignore static analysis warnings displayed in code review, Google additionally has the ability to add an analysis that blocks committing a pending code change, which we call a *presubmit check*. Presubmit checks include very simple customizable built-in checks on the contents or metadata of a change, such as ensuring that the commit message does not say “DO NOT SUBMIT” or that test files are always included with corresponding code files. Teams can also specify a suite of tests that must pass or verify that there are no Tricorder issues for a particular category. Presubmits also check that code is well formatted. Presubmit checks are typically run when a developer mails out a change for review and again during the commit process, but they can be triggered on an ad hoc basis in between those points. See Chapter 23 for more details on presubmits at Google.
+In addition to code review, there are also other workflow integration points for static analysis at Google. Because developers can choose to ignore static analysis warnings displayed in code review, Google additionally has the ability to add an analysis that blocks committing a pending code change, which we call a *presubmit check*. Presubmit checks include very simple customizable built-in checks on the contents or metadata of a change, such as ensuring that the commit message does not say 『DO NOT SUBMIT』 or that test files are always included with corresponding code files. Teams can also specify a suite of tests that must pass or verify that there are no Tricorder issues for a particular category. Presubmits also check that code is well formatted. Presubmit checks are typically run when a developer mails out a change for review and again during the commit process, but they can be triggered on an ad hoc basis in between those points. See Chapter 23 for more details on presubmits at Google.
-除了代码审查之外, Google 还有其他用于静态分析的工作流集成点。由于开发人员可以选择忽略代码审查中显示的静态分析警告, Google 还可以添加一个分析来阻止提交待处理的代码更改,我们称之为*预提交检查*。预提交检查包括对更改的内容或元数据的非常简单的可定制的内置检查,例如确保提交消息没有说“不要提交”或测试文件始终包含在相应的代码文件中。团队还可以指定一组测试,这些测试必须通过或验证特定类别没有 Tricorder 问题。预提交还会检查代码是否格式正确。预提交检查通常在开发人员邮寄更改以供审核时运行,并在提交过程中再次运行,但它们可以在这些点之间临时触发。有关 Google 预提交的更多详细信息,请参阅第 23 章。
+除了程式碼審查之外, Google 還有其他用於靜態分析的工作流整合點。由於開發人員可以選擇忽略程式碼審查中顯示的靜態分析警告, Google 還可以新增一個分析來阻止送出待處理的程式碼更改,我們稱之為*預送出檢查*。預送出檢查包括對更改的內容或元資料的非常簡單的可定製的內建檢查,例如確保送出訊息沒有說『不要送出』或測試檔案始終包含在相應的程式碼檔案中。團隊還可以指定一組測試,這些測試必須透過或驗證特定類別別沒有 Tricorder 問題。預送出還會檢查程式碼是否格式正確。預送出檢查通常在開發人員郵寄更改以供稽核時運行,並在送出過程中再次執行,但它們可以在這些點之間臨時觸發。有關 Google 預送出的更多詳細訊息,請參閱第 23 章。
-Some teams have written their own custom presubmits. These are additional checks on top of the base presubmit set that add the ability to enforce higher best-practice standards than the company as a whole and add project-specific analysis. This enables new projects to have stricter best-practice guidelines than projects with large amounts of legacy code (for example). Team-specific presubmits can make the large- scale change (LSC) process (see Chapter 22) more difficult, so some are skipped for changes with “CLEANUP=” in the change description.
+Some teams have written their own custom presubmits. These are additional checks on top of the base presubmit set that add the ability to enforce higher best-practice standards than the company as a whole and add project-specific analysis. This enables new projects to have stricter best-practice guidelines than projects with large amounts of legacy code (for example). Team-specific presubmits can make the large- scale change (LSC) process (see Chapter 22) more difficult, so some are skipped for changes with 『CLEANUP=』 in the change description.
-一些团队已经编写了自己的自定义预提交。这些是在基本预提交集之上的额外检查,增加了执行比整个公司更高的最佳实践标准的能力,并添加了特定于项目的分析。这使得新项目比拥有大量遗留代码的项目(例如)拥有更严格的最佳实践指南。团队特定的预提交会使大规模变更 (LSC) 过程(参见第 22 章)更加困难,因此在变更描述中带有“CLEANUP=”的变更会被跳过。
+一些團隊已經編寫了自己的自定義預送出。這些是在基本預送出集之上的額外檢查,增加了執行比整個公司更高的最佳實踐標準的能力,並新增了特定於專案的分析。這使得新專案比擁有大量遺留程式碼的專案(例如)擁有更嚴格的最佳實踐指南。團隊特定的預送出會使大規模變更 (LSC) 過程(參見第 22 章)更加困難,因此在變更描述中帶有『CLEANUP=』的變更會被跳過。
-### Compiler Integration 编译器集成
+### Compiler Integration 編譯器整合
-Although blocking commits with static analysis is great, it is even better to notify developers of problems even earlier in the workflow. When possible, we try to push static analysis into the compiler. Breaking the build is a warning that is not possible to ignore, but is infeasible in many cases. However, some analyses are highly mechanical and have no effective false positives. An example is [Error Prone “ERROR” checks](https://errorprone.info/bugpatterns). These checks are all enabled in Google’s Java compiler, preventing instances of the error from ever being introduced again into our codebase. Compiler checks need to be fast so that they don’t slow down the build. In addition, we enforce these three criteria (similar criteria exist for the C++ compiler):
+Although blocking commits with static analysis is great, it is even better to notify developers of problems even earlier in the workflow. When possible, we try to push static analysis into the compiler. Breaking the build is a warning that is not possible to ignore, but is infeasible in many cases. However, some analyses are highly mechanical and have no effective false positives. An example is [Error Prone 『ERROR』 checks](https://errorprone.info/bugpatterns). These checks are all enabled in Google」s Java compiler, preventing instances of the error from ever being introduced again into our codebase. Compiler checks need to be fast so that they don」t slow down the build. In addition, we enforce these three criteria (similar criteria exist for the C++ compiler):
- Actionable and easy to fix (whenever possible, the error should include a suggested fix that can be applied mechanically)
- Produce no effective false positives (the analysis should never stop the build for correct code)
- Report issues affecting only correctness rather than style or best practices
-尽管使用静态分析阻止提交很好用,但最好在工作流程的早期通知开发人员问题。 如果可以的话,我们会尝试将静态分析推送到编译器中。 破坏构建是一个不可忽视的警告,但在许多情况下是不可行的。然而,一些分析是高度机械化的,没有有效的误报。 一个例子是容易出错的“错误”检查, 这些检查都在 Google 的 Java 编译器中启用,防止错误实例再次被引入我们的代码库, 编译器检查需要快速,以免减慢构建速度。此外,我们强制执行这三个标准(C++ 编译器也存在类似的标准):
+儘管使用靜態分析阻止送出很好用,但最好在工作流程的早期通知開發人員問題。 如果可以的話,我們會嘗試將靜態分析推送到編譯器中。 破壞建立是一個不可忽視的警告,但在許多情況下是不可行的。然而,一些分析是高度機械化的,沒有有效的誤報。 一個例子是容易出錯的『錯誤』檢查, 這些檢查都在 Google 的 Java 編譯器中啟用,防止錯誤實例再次被引入我們的程式碼庫, 編譯器檢查需要快速,以免減慢建立速度。此外,我們強制執行這三個標準(C++ 編譯器也存在類似的標準):
-- 可操作且易于修复(只要可能,错误应包括可自动应用的建议修复)
-- 不产生有效的误报(分析不应停止生成正确的代码)
-- 报告仅影响正确性而非风格或最佳实践的问题
+- 可操作且易於修復(只要可能,錯誤應包括可自動應用的建議修復)
+- 不產生有效的誤報(分析不應停止生成正確的程式碼)
+- 報告僅影響正確性而非風格或最佳實踐的問題
-To enable a new check, we first need to clean up all instances of that problem in the codebase so that we don’t break the build for existing projects just because the compiler has evolved. This also implies that the value in deploying a new compiler-based check must be high enough to warrant fixing all existing instances of it. Google has infrastructure in place for running various compilers (such as clang and javac) over the entire codebase in parallel via a cluster—as a MapReduce operation. When compilers are run in this MapReduce fashion, the static analysis checks run must produce fixes in order to automate the cleanup. After a pending code change is prepared and tested that applies the fixes across the entire codebase, we commit that change and remove all existing instances of the problem. We then turn the check on in the compiler so that no new instances of the problem can be committed without breaking the build. Build breakages are caught after commit by our Continuous Integration (CI) system, or before commit by presubmit checks (see the earlier discussion).
+To enable a new check, we first need to clean up all instances of that problem in the codebase so that we don」t break the build for existing projects just because the compiler has evolved. This also implies that the value in deploying a new compiler-based check must be high enough to warrant fixing all existing instances of it. Google has infrastructure in place for running various compilers (such as clang and javac) over the entire codebase in parallel via a cluster—as a MapReduce operation. When compilers are run in this MapReduce fashion, the static analysis checks run must produce fixes in order to automate the cleanup. After a pending code change is prepared and tested that applies the fixes across the entire codebase, we commit that change and remove all existing instances of the problem. We then turn the check on in the compiler so that no new instances of the problem can be committed without breaking the build. Build breakages are caught after commit by our Continuous Integration (CI) system, or before commit by presubmit checks (see the earlier discussion).
-要启用新的检查,我们首先需要清理代码库中该问题的所有实例,这样我们就不会因为编译器的发展而破坏现有项目的构建。这也意味着部署新的基于编译器的检查的价值必须足够高,以保证修复它的所有现有实例。Google 有基础设施,可以通过集群在整个代码库上并行运行各种编译器(例如 clang 和 javac)——作为 MapReduce 操作。当编译器以这种 MapReduce 方式运行时,运行的静态分析检查必须产生修复以自动进行清理。在准备好并测试了在整个代码库中应用修复的待处理代码更改后,我们提交该更改并删除所有现有的问题实例。然后我们在编译器中打开检查,这样就不会在不破坏构建的情况下提交问题的新实例。在我们的持续集成 (CI) 系统提交之后,或者在提交之前通过预提交检查(参见前面的讨论)捕获构建损坏。
+要啟用新的檢查,我們首先需要清理程式碼庫中該問題的所有實例,這樣我們就不會因為編譯器的發展而破壞現有專案的建立。這也意味著部署新的基於編譯器的檢查的價值必須足夠高,以保證修復它的所有現有實例。Google 有基礎設施,可以透過叢集在整個程式碼庫上並行執行各種編譯器(例如 clang 和 javac)——作為 MapReduce 操作。當編譯器以這種 MapReduce 方式執行時,執行的靜態分析檢查必須產生修復以自動進行清理。在準備好並測試了在整個程式碼庫中應用修復的待處理程式碼更改後,我們送出該更改並刪除所有現有的問題實例。然後我們在編譯器中開啟檢查,這樣就不會在不破壞建立的情況下送出問題的新實例。在我們的持續整合 (CI) 系統送出之後,或者在送出之前透過預送出檢查(參見前面的討論)捕獲建立損壞。
-We also aim to never issue compiler warnings. We have found repeatedly that developers ignore compiler warnings. We either enable a compiler check as an error (and break the build) or don’t show it in compiler output. Because the same compiler flags are used throughout the codebase, this decision is made globally. Checks that can’t be made to break the build are either suppressed or shown in code review (e.g., through Tricorder). Although not every language at Google has this policy, the most frequently used ones do. Both of the Java and C++ compilers have been configured to avoid displaying compiler warnings. The Go compiler takes this to extreme; some things that other languages would consider warnings (such as unused variables or package imports) are errors in Go.
+We also aim to never issue compiler warnings. We have found repeatedly that developers ignore compiler warnings. We either enable a compiler check as an error (and break the build) or don」t show it in compiler output. Because the same compiler flags are used throughout the codebase, this decision is made globally. Checks that can」t be made to break the build are either suppressed or shown in code review (e.g., through Tricorder). Although not every language at Google has this policy, the most frequently used ones do. Both of the Java and C++ compilers have been configured to avoid displaying compiler warnings. The Go compiler takes this to extreme; some things that other languages would consider warnings (such as unused variables or package imports) are errors in Go.
-我们的目标是永远不会发出编译器警告,但是我们不断的发现开发人员会忽略编译器警告,要么启用编译器检查作为错误(并中断构建),要么不在编译器输出中显示它。因为在整个代码库中使用相同的编译器标志,所以这个决定是全局做出的。无法破坏构建的检查要么被抑制,要么在代码审查中显示(例如,通过 Tricorder)。尽管并非 Google 的所有语言都有此策略,但最常用的语言都有。Java 和 C++ 编译器都已配置为避免显示编译器警告,Go 编译器将这一点做的很好,因为在其他语言中会考虑警告的一些事情(例如未使用的变量或包导入),在 Go 中是错误的。
+我們的目標是永遠不會發出編譯器警告,但是我們不斷的發現開發人員會忽略編譯器警告,要麼啟用編譯器檢查作為錯誤(並中斷建立),要麼不在編譯器輸出中顯示它。因為在整個程式碼庫中使用相同的編譯器標誌,所以這個決定是全域做出的。無法破壞建立的檢查要麼被抑制,要麼在程式碼審查中顯示(例如,透過 Tricorder)。儘管並非 Google 的所有語言都有此策略,但最常用的語言都有。Java 和 C++ 編譯器都已設定為避免顯示編譯器警告,Go 編譯器將這一點做的很好,因為在其他語言中會考慮警告的一些事情(例如未使用的變數或套件匯入),在 Go 中是錯誤的。
-### Analysis While Editing and Browsing Code 编辑和浏览代码时分析
+### Analysis While Editing and Browsing Code 編輯和瀏覽程式碼時分析
-Another potential integration point for static analysis is in an integrated development environment (IDE). However, IDE analyses require quick analysis times (typically less than 1 second and ideally less than 100 ms), and so some tools are not suitable to integrate here. In addition, there is the problem of making sure the same analysis runs identically in multiple IDEs. We also note that IDEs can rise and fall in popularity (we don’t mandate a single IDE); hence IDE integration tends to be messier than plugging into the review process. Code review also has specific benefits for displaying analysis results. Analyses can take into account the entire context of the change; some analyses can be inaccurate on partial code (such as a dead code analysis when a function is implemented before adding callsites). Showing analysis results in code review also means that code authors have to convince reviewers as well if they want to ignore analysis results. That said, IDE integration for suitable analyses is another great place to display static analysis results.
+Another potential integration point for static analysis is in an integrated development environment (IDE). However, IDE analyses require quick analysis times (typically less than 1 second and ideally less than 100 ms), and so some tools are not suitable to integrate here. In addition, there is the problem of making sure the same analysis runs identically in multiple IDEs. We also note that IDEs can rise and fall in popularity (we don」t mandate a single IDE); hence IDE integration tends to be messier than plugging into the review process. Code review also has specific benefits for displaying analysis results. Analyses can take into account the entire context of the change; some analyses can be inaccurate on partial code (such as a dead code analysis when a function is implemented before adding callsites). Showing analysis results in code review also means that code authors have to convince reviewers as well if they want to ignore analysis results. That said, IDE integration for suitable analyses is another great place to display static analysis results.
-静态分析的另一个集成点是集成开发环境 (IDE)。但是,IDE 分析需要快速的分析时间(通常小于 1 秒,理想情况下小于 100 毫秒),因此某些工具不适合在这里集成,此外,还存在确保相同分析在多个 IDE 中以相同方式运行的问题。我们还发现 IDE 的受欢迎程度可能会上升或下降(我们不强制要求单一的 IDE),因此 IDE 集成往往比插入审查过程更混乱。代码审查还具有显示分析结果的特定好处。分析可以考虑变更的整个背景,某些对部分代码点分析可能不准确(例如,在添加调用点之前实现函数时的死代码分析)。在代码审查中显示分析结果也意味着如果代码作者想忽略分析结果,他们也必须通过审查。也就是说,IDE集成进行适当的分析是显示静态分析结果的一个不错的集成点。
+靜態分析的另一個整合點是整合開發環境 (IDE)。但是,IDE 分析需要快速的分析時間(通常小於 1 秒,理想情況下小於 100 毫秒),因此某些工具不適合在這裡整合,此外,還存在確保相同分析在多個 IDE 中以相同方式執行的問題。我們還發現 IDE 的受歡迎程度可能會上升或下降(我們不強制要求單一的 IDE),因此 IDE 整合往往比插入審查過程更混亂。程式碼審查還具有顯示分析結果的特定好處。分析可以考慮變更的整個背景,某些對部分程式碼點分析可能不準確(例如,在新增呼叫點之前實現函式時的死程式碼分析)。在程式碼審查中顯示分析結果也意味著如果程式碼作者想忽略分析結果,他們也必須透過審查。也就是說,IDE整合進行適當的分析是顯示靜態分析結果的一個不錯的整合點。
Although we mostly focus on showing newly introduced static analysis warnings, or warnings on edited code, for some analyses, developers actually do want the ability to view analysis results over the entire codebase during code browsing. An example of this are some security analyses. Specific security teams at Google want to see a holistic view of all instances of a problem. Developers also like viewing analysis results over the codebase when planning a cleanup. In other words, there are times when showing results when code browsing is the right choice.
-尽管我们主要关注显示新引入的静态分析警告或编辑代码的警告,但对于某些分析,开发人员实际上确实希望能够在代码浏览期间查看整个代码库的分析结果。这方面的例子是一些安全分析。 Google 的特定安全团队希望查看所有问题实例的整体视图。开发人员还喜欢在计划清理时通过代码库查看分析结果。换句话说,在浏览代码的时候显示结果是正确的选择。
+儘管我們主要關注顯示新引入的靜態分析警告或編輯程式碼的警告,但對於某些分析,開發人員實際上確實希望能夠在程式碼瀏覽期間檢視整個程式碼庫的分析結果。這方面的例子是一些安全分析。 Google 的特定安全團隊希望檢視所有問題實例的整體檢視。開發人員還喜歡在計劃清理時透過程式碼庫檢視分析結果。換句話說,在瀏覽程式碼的時候顯示結果是正確的選擇。
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
Static analysis can be a great tool to improve a codebase, find bugs early, and allow more expensive processes (such as human review and testing) to focus on issues that are not mechanically verifiable. By improving the scalability and usability of our static analysis infrastructure, we have made static analysis an effective component of software development at Google.
-静态分析是一个很好的工具,可以改进代码库,尽早发现错误,并允许成本更高的过程(如人工审查和测试)聚焦在无法通过机器方式验证的问题。通过提高静态分析基础设施的可扩展性和可用性,我们使静态分析成为 Google 软件开发的有效组成部分。
+靜態分析是一個很好的工具,可以改進程式碼庫,儘早發現錯誤,並允許成本更高的過程(如人工審查和測試)聚焦在無法透過機器方式驗證的問題。透過提高靜態分析基礎設施的可擴充性和可用性,我們使靜態分析成為 Google 軟體開發的有效組成部分。
-## 内容提要
+## 內容提要
- *Focus on developer happiness*. We have invested considerable effort in building feedback channels between analysis users and analysis writers in our tools, and aggressively tune analyses to reduce the number of false positives.
- *Make static analysis part of the core developer workflow*. The main integration point for static analysis at Google is through code review, where analysis tools provide fixes and involve reviewers. However, we also integrate analyses at additional points (via compiler checks, gating code commits, in IDEs, and when browsing code).
- *Empower users to contribute*. We can scale the work we do building and maintaining analysis tools and platforms by leveraging the expertise of domain experts. Developers are continuously adding new analyses and checks that make their lives easier and our codebase better.
-- **关注开发者的幸福感**。我们投入了大量精力,在我们的工具中建立分析用户和作者之间的反馈渠道,并积极调整分析以减少误报的数量。
-- **将静态分析作为核心开发人员工作流程的一部分**。 Google 静态分析的主要集成点是通过代码评审,在这里,分析工具提供修复并让评审人员参与。然而,我们也在其他方面(通过编译器检查、选通代码提交、在IDE中以及在浏览代码时)集成分析。
-- **授权用户做出贡献**。通过利用领域专家的专业知识,我们可以扩展构建和维护分析工具和平台的工作。开发人员不断添加新的分析和检查,使他们的生活更轻松,使我们的代码库更好。
+- **關注開發者的幸福感**。我們投入了大量精力,在我們的工具中建立分析使用者和作者之間的反饋渠道,並積極調整分析以減少誤報的數量。
+- **將靜態分析作為核心開發人員工作流程的一部分**。 Google 靜態分析的主要整合點是透過程式碼評審,在這裡,分析工具提供修復並讓評審人員參與。然而,我們也在其他方面(透過編譯器檢查、選通程式碼送出、在IDE中以及在瀏覽程式碼時)整合分析。
+- **授權使用者做出貢獻**。透過利用領域專家的專業知識,我們可以擴充套件建立和維護分析工具和平台的工作。開發人員不斷新增新的分析和檢查,使他們的生活更輕鬆,使我們的程式碼庫更好。
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# Dependency Management
-# 第二十一章 依赖管理
+# 第二十一章 依賴管理
**Written by Titus Winters**
**Edited by Lisa Carey**
-Dependency management—the management of networks of libraries, packages, and dependencies that we don’t control—is one of the least understood and most challenging problems in software engineering. Dependency management focuses on questions like: how do we update between versions of external dependencies? How do we describe versions, for that matter? What types of changes are allowed or expected in our dependencies? How do we decide when it is wise to depend on code produced by other organizations?
+Dependency management—the management of networks of libraries, packages, and dependencies that we don」t control—is one of the least understood and most challenging problems in software engineering. Dependency management focuses on questions like: how do we update between versions of external dependencies? How do we describe versions, for that matter? What types of changes are allowed or expected in our dependencies? How do we decide when it is wise to depend on code produced by other organizations?
-For comparison, the most closely related topic here is source control. Both areas describe how we work with source code. Source control covers the easier part: where do we check things in? How do we get things into the build? After we accept the value of trunk-based development, most of the day-to-day source control questions for an organization are fairly mundane: “I’ve got a new thing, what directory do I add it to?”
+For comparison, the most closely related topic here is source control. Both areas describe how we work with source code. Source control covers the easier part: where do we check things in? How do we get things into the build? After we accept the value of trunk-based development, most of the day-to-day source control questions for an organization are fairly mundane: 『I」ve got a new thing, what directory do I add it to?』
-Dependency management adds additional complexity in both time and scale. In a trunk-based source control problem, it’s fairly clear when you make a change that you need to run the tests and not break existing code. That’s predicated on the idea that you’re working in a shared codebase, have visibility into how things are being used, and can trigger the build and run the tests. Dependency management focuses on the problems that arise when changes are being made outside of your organization, without full access or visibility. Because your upstream dependencies can’t coordinate with your private code, they are more likely to break your build and cause your tests to fail. How do we manage that? Should we not take external dependencies? Should we ask for greater consistency between releases of external dependencies? When do we update to a new version?
+Dependency management adds additional complexity in both time and scale. In a trunk-based source control problem, it」s fairly clear when you make a change that you need to run the tests and not break existing code. That」s predicated on the idea that you」re working in a shared codebase, have visibility into how things are being used, and can trigger the build and run the tests. Dependency management focuses on the problems that arise when changes are being made outside of your organization, without full access or visibility. Because your upstream dependencies can」t coordinate with your private code, they are more likely to break your build and cause your tests to fail. How do we manage that? Should we not take external dependencies? Should we ask for greater consistency between releases of external dependencies? When do we update to a new version?
-Scale makes all of these questions more complex, with the realization that we aren’t really talking about single dependency imports, and in the general case that we’re depending on an entire network of external dependencies. When we begin dealing with a network, it is easy to construct scenarios in which your organization’s use of two dependencies becomes unsatisfiable at some point in time. Generally, this happens because one dependency stops working without some requirement,[^1] whereas the other is incompatible with the same requirement. Simple solutions about how to manage a single outside dependency usually fail to account for the realities of managing a large network. We’ll spend much of this chapter discussing various forms of these conflicting requirement problems.
+Scale makes all of these questions more complex, with the realization that we aren」t really talking about single dependency imports, and in the general case that we」re depending on an entire network of external dependencies. When we begin dealing with a network, it is easy to construct scenarios in which your organization」s use of two dependencies becomes unsatisfiable at some point in time. Generally, this happens because one dependency stops working without some requirement,[^1] whereas the other is incompatible with the same requirement. Simple solutions about how to manage a single outside dependency usually fail to account for the realities of managing a large network. We」ll spend much of this chapter discussing various forms of these conflicting requirement problems.
-Source control and dependency management are related issues separated by the question: “Does our organization control the development/update/management of this subproject?” For example, if every team in your company has separate repositories, goals, and development practices, the interaction and management of code produced by those teams is going to have more to do with dependency management than source control. On the other hand, a large organization with a (virtual?) single repository (monorepo) can scale up significantly farther with source control policies—this is Google’s approach. Separate open source projects certainly count as separate organizations: interdependencies between unknown and not-necessarily-collaborating projects are a dependency management problem. Perhaps our strongest single piece of advice on this topic is this: *All else being equal, prefer source control problems over dependency-management problems.* If you have the option to redefine “organization” more broadly (your entire company rather than just one team), that’s very often a good trade-off. Source control problems are a lot easier to think about and a lot cheaper to deal with than dependency-management ones.
+Source control and dependency management are related issues separated by the question: 『Does our organization control the development/update/management of this subproject?』 For example, if every team in your company has separate repositories, goals, and development practices, the interaction and management of code produced by those teams is going to have more to do with dependency management than source control. On the other hand, a large organization with a (virtual?) single repository (monorepo) can scale up significantly farther with source control policies—this is Google」s approach. Separate open source projects certainly count as separate organizations: interdependencies between unknown and not-necessarily-collaborating projects are a dependency management problem. Perhaps our strongest single piece of advice on this topic is this: *All else being equal, prefer source control problems over dependency-management problems.* If you have the option to redefine 『organization』 more broadly (your entire company rather than just one team), that」s very often a good trade-off. Source control problems are a lot easier to think about and a lot cheaper to deal with than dependency-management ones.
-As the Open Source Software (OSS) model continues to grow and expand into new domains, and the dependency graph for many popular projects continues to expand over time, dependency management is perhaps becoming the most important problem in software engineering policy. We are no longer disconnected islands built on one or two layers outside an API. Modern software is built on towering pillars of dependencies; but just because we can build those pillars doesn’t mean we’ve yet figured out how to keep them standing and stable over time.
+As the Open Source Software (OSS) model continues to grow and expand into new domains, and the dependency graph for many popular projects continues to expand over time, dependency management is perhaps becoming the most important problem in software engineering policy. We are no longer disconnected islands built on one or two layers outside an API. Modern software is built on towering pillars of dependencies; but just because we can build those pillars doesn」t mean we」ve yet figured out how to keep them standing and stable over time.
-In this chapter, we’ll look at the particular challenges of dependency management, explore solutions (common and novel) and their limitations, and look at the realities of working with dependencies, including how we’ve handled things in Google. It is important to preface all of this with an admission: we’ve invested a lot of *thought* into this problem and have extensive experience with refactoring and maintenance issues that show the practical shortcomings with existing approaches. We don’t have firsthand evidence of solutions that work well across organizations at scale. To some extent, this chapter is a summary of what we know does not work (or at least might not work at larger scales) and where we think there is the potential for better outcomes. We definitely cannot claim to have all the answers here; if we could, we wouldn’t be calling this one of the most important problems in software engineering.
+In this chapter, we」ll look at the particular challenges of dependency management, explore solutions (common and novel) and their limitations, and look at the realities of working with dependencies, including how we」ve handled things in Google. It is important to preface all of this with an admission: we」ve invested a lot of *thought* into this problem and have extensive experience with refactoring and maintenance issues that show the practical shortcomings with existing approaches. We don」t have firsthand evidence of solutions that work well across organizations at scale. To some extent, this chapter is a summary of what we know does not work (or at least might not work at larger scales) and where we think there is the potential for better outcomes. We definitely cannot claim to have all the answers here; if we could, we wouldn」t be calling this one of the most important problems in software engineering.
-在本章中,我们将介绍依赖管理的特殊挑战,探索解决方案(常见的和新颖的)及其局限性,并介绍使用依赖关系的现实情况,包括我们在 Google 中处理事情的方式。在所有这些之前,我们必须承认:我们在这个问题上投入了大量的精力,并且在重构和维护问题上拥有丰富的经验这表明了现有方法的实际缺陷。我们没有第一手证据表明解决方案能够在大规模的组织中很好地工作。在某种程度上,本章总结了我们所知道的不起作用(或者至少在更大范围内可能不起作用)以及我们认为有可能产生更好结果的地方。我们绝对不能声称这里有所有的答案;如果可以,我们就不会把这称为软件工程中最重要的问题之一。
+在本章中,我們將介紹依賴管理的特殊挑戰,探索解決方案(常見的和新穎的)及其侷限性,並介紹使用依賴關係的現實情況,包括我們在 Google 中處理事情的方式。在所有這些之前,我們必須承認:我們在這個問題上投入了大量的精力,並且在重構和維護問題上擁有豐富的經驗這表明了現有方法的實際缺陷。我們沒有第一手證據表明解決方案能夠在大規模的組織中很好地工作。在某種程度上,本章總結了我們所知道的不起作用(或者至少在更大範圍內可能不起作用)以及我們認為有可能產生更好結果的地方。我們絕對不能聲稱這裡有所有的答案;如果可以,我們就不會把這稱為軟體工程中最重要的問題之一。
> [^1]: This could be any of language version, version of a lower-level library, hardware version, operating system, compiler flag, compiler version, and so on.
-> 1 这可以是任何语言版本、较低级别库的版本、硬件版本、操作系统、编译器标志、编译器版本等。
+> 1 這可以是任何語言版本、較低級別函式庫的版本、硬體版本、作業系統、編譯器標誌、編譯器版本等。
-## Why Is Dependency Management So Difficult? 为什么依赖管理如此困难?
+## Why Is Dependency Management So Difficult? 為什麼依賴管理如此困難?
-Even defining the dependency-management problem presents some unusual challenges. Many half-baked solutions in this space focus on a too-narrow problem formulation: “How do we import a package that our locally developed code can depend upon?” This is a necessary-but-not-sufficient formulation. The trick isn’t just finding a way to manage one dependency—the trick is how to manage a *network* of dependencies and their changes over time. Some subset of this network is directly necessary for your first-party code, some of it is only pulled in by transitive dependencies. Over a long enough period, all of the nodes in that dependency network will have new versions, and some of those updates will be important.[^2] How do we manage the resulting cascade of upgrades for the rest of the dependency network? Or, specifically, how do we make it easy to find mutually compatible versions of all of our dependencies given that we do not control those dependencies? How do we analyze our dependency network? How do we manage that network, especially in the face of an ever-growing graph of dependencies?
+Even defining the dependency-management problem presents some unusual challenges. Many half-baked solutions in this space focus on a too-narrow problem formulation: 『How do we import a package that our locally developed code can depend upon?』 This is a necessary-but-not-sufficient formulation. The trick isn」t just finding a way to manage one dependency—the trick is how to manage a *network* of dependencies and their changes over time. Some subset of this network is directly necessary for your first-party code, some of it is only pulled in by transitive dependencies. Over a long enough period, all of the nodes in that dependency network will have new versions, and some of those updates will be important.[^2] How do we manage the resulting cascade of upgrades for the rest of the dependency network? Or, specifically, how do we make it easy to find mutually compatible versions of all of our dependencies given that we do not control those dependencies? How do we analyze our dependency network? How do we manage that network, especially in the face of an ever-growing graph of dependencies?
-即使是定义依赖管理问题也会带来一些不寻常的挑战。这个领域的许多半生不熟的解决方案都集中在一个狭义的问题上。"我们如何导入一个我们本地开发的代码可以依赖的包?" 这是一个必要但并不充分的表述。诀窍不只是找到一种方法来管理一个依赖关系——诀窍是如何管理一个依赖关系的网络以及它们随时间的变化。这个网络中的一些子集对于你的第一方代码来说是直接必要的,其中一些只是由传递依赖拉进来的。在一个足够长的时期内,这个依赖网络中的所有节点都会有新的版本,其中一些更新会很重要。或者,具体来说,鉴于我们并不控制这些依赖关系,我们如何使其容易找到所有依赖关系的相互兼容的版本?我们如何分析我们的依赖网络?我们如何管理这个网络,尤其是在面对不断增长的依赖关系的时候?
+即使是定義依賴管理問題也會帶來一些不尋常的挑戰。這個領域的許多半生不熟的解決方案都集中在一個狹義的問題上。"我們如何匯入一個我們本地開發的程式碼可以依賴的套件?" 這是一個必要但並不充分的表述。訣竅不只是找到一種方法來管理一個依賴關係——訣竅是如何管理一個依賴關係的網路以及它們隨時間的變化。這個網路中的一些子集對於你的第一方程式碼來說是直接必要的,其中一些只是由傳遞依賴拉進來的。在一個足夠長的時期內,這個依賴網路中的所有節點都會有新的版本,其中一些更新會很重要。或者,具體來說,鑑於我們並不控制這些依賴關係,我們如何使其容易找到所有依賴關係的相互相容的版本?我們如何分析我們的依賴網路?我們如何管理這個網路,尤其是在面對不斷增長的依賴關係的時候?
-### Conflicting Requirements and Diamond Dependencies 冲突的需求和菱形依赖
+### Conflicting Requirements and Diamond Dependencies 衝突的需求和菱形依賴
-The central problem in dependency management highlights the importance of thinking in terms of dependency networks, not individual dependencies. Much of the difficulty stems from one problem: what happens when two nodes in the dependency network have conflicting requirements, and your organization depends on them both? This can arise for many reasons, ranging from platform considerations (operating system [OS], language version, compiler version, etc.) to the much more mundane issue of version incompatibility. The canonical example of version incompatibility as an unsatisfiable version requirement is the *diamond dependency* problem. Although we don’t generally include things like “what version of the compiler” are you using in a dependency graph, most of these conflicting requirements problems are isomorphic to “add a (hidden) node to the dependency graph representing this requirement.” As such, we’ll primarily discuss conflicting requirements in terms of diamond dependencies, but keep in mind that libbase might actually be absolutely any piece of software involved in the construction of two or more nodes in your dependency network.
+The central problem in dependency management highlights the importance of thinking in terms of dependency networks, not individual dependencies. Much of the difficulty stems from one problem: what happens when two nodes in the dependency network have conflicting requirements, and your organization depends on them both? This can arise for many reasons, ranging from platform considerations (operating system [OS], language version, compiler version, etc.) to the much more mundane issue of version incompatibility. The canonical example of version incompatibility as an unsatisfiable version requirement is the *diamond dependency* problem. Although we don」t generally include things like 『what version of the compiler』 are you using in a dependency graph, most of these conflicting requirements problems are isomorphic to 『add a (hidden) node to the dependency graph representing this requirement.』 As such, we」ll primarily discuss conflicting requirements in terms of diamond dependencies, but keep in mind that libbase might actually be absolutely any piece of software involved in the construction of two or more nodes in your dependency network.
-依赖管理的核心问题强调从依赖关系网络而不是单个依赖关系角度思考的重要性。大部分困难源于一个问题:当依赖网络中的两个节点有冲突的要求,而你的组织同时依赖它们时,会发生什么?这可能有很多原因,从平台考虑(操作系统[OS]、语言版本、编译器版本等)到更常见的版本不兼容问题。作为一个不可满足的版本要求,版本不兼容的典型例子是*菱形依赖*问题。虽然我们通常不包括像 "你使用的是什么版本的编译器 "这样的东西,但大多数这些冲突的需求问题都与 "在代表这个需求的依赖图中添加一个(隐藏的)节点 "同构。因此,我们将主要讨论菱形依赖关系方面的冲突需求,但请记住,libbase 实际上绝对可能是参与构建你的依赖关系网络中的两个或多个节点的任何软件。
+依賴管理的核心問題強調從依賴關係網路而不是單個依賴關係角度思考的重要性。大部分困難源於一個問題:當依賴網路中的兩個節點有衝突的要求,而你的組織同時依賴它們時,會發生什麼?這可能有很多原因,從平台考慮(作業系統[OS]、語言版本、編譯器版本等)到更常見的版本不相容問題。作為一個不可滿足的版本要求,版本不相容的典型例子是*菱形依賴*問題。雖然我們通常不包括像 "你使用的是什麼版本的編譯器 "這樣的東西,但大多數這些衝突的需求問題都與 "在代表這個需求的依賴圖中新增一個(隱藏的)節點 "同構。因此,我們將主要討論菱形依賴關係方面的衝突需求,但請記住,libbase 實際上絕對可能是參與建立你的依賴關係網路中的兩個或多個節點的任何軟體。
The diamond dependency problem, and other forms of conflicting requirements, require at least three layers of dependency, as demonstrated in [Figure 21-1](#_bookmark1857).
![Figure 21-1](./images/Figure%2021-1.png)
-*Figure* *21-1.* *The* *diamond* *dependency* *problem* *菱形依赖问题*
+*Figure* *21-1.* *The* *diamond* *dependency* *problem* *菱形依賴問題*
-In this simplified model, libbase is used by both liba and libb, and liba and libb are both used by a higher-level component libuser. If libbase ever introduces an incompatible change, there is a chance that liba and libb, as products of separate organizations, don’t update simultaneously. If liba depends on the new libbase version and libb depends on the old version, there’s no general way for libuser (aka your code) to put everything together. This diamond can form at any scale: in the entire network of your dependencies, if there is ever a low-level node that is required to be in two incompatible versions at the same time (by virtue of there being two paths from some higher level node to those two versions), there will be a problem.
+In this simplified model, libbase is used by both liba and libb, and liba and libb are both used by a higher-level component libuser. If libbase ever introduces an incompatible change, there is a chance that liba and libb, as products of separate organizations, don」t update simultaneously. If liba depends on the new libbase version and libb depends on the old version, there」s no general way for libuser (aka your code) to put everything together. This diamond can form at any scale: in the entire network of your dependencies, if there is ever a low-level node that is required to be in two incompatible versions at the same time (by virtue of there being two paths from some higher level node to those two versions), there will be a problem.
-Different programming languages tolerate the diamond dependency problem to different degrees. For some languages, it is possible to embed multiple (isolated) versions of a dependency within a build: a call into libbase from liba might call a different version of the same API as a call into libbase from libb. For example, Java provides fairly well-established mechanisms to rename the symbols provided by such a dependency.[^3] Meanwhile, C++ has nearly zero tolerance for diamond dependencies in a normal build, and they are very likely to trigger arbitrary bugs and undefined behavior (UB) as a result of a clear violation of C++’s [One Definition Rule](https://oreil.ly/VTZe5). You can at best use a similar idea as Java’s shading to hide some symbols in a dynamic-link library (DLL) or in cases in which you’re building and linking separately. However, in all programming languages that we’re aware of, these workarounds are partial solutions at best: embedding multiple versions can be made to work by tweaking the names of *functions*, but if there are *types* that are passed around between dependencies, all bets are off. For example, there is simply no way for a map defined in libbase v1 to be passed through some libraries to an API provided by libbase v2 in a semantically consistent fashion. Language-specific hacks to hide or rename entities in separately compiled libraries can provide some cushion for diamond dependency problems, but are not a solution in the general case.
+Different programming languages tolerate the diamond dependency problem to different degrees. For some languages, it is possible to embed multiple (isolated) versions of a dependency within a build: a call into libbase from liba might call a different version of the same API as a call into libbase from libb. For example, Java provides fairly well-established mechanisms to rename the symbols provided by such a dependency.[^3] Meanwhile, C++ has nearly zero tolerance for diamond dependencies in a normal build, and they are very likely to trigger arbitrary bugs and undefined behavior (UB) as a result of a clear violation of C++」s [One Definition Rule](https://oreil.ly/VTZe5). You can at best use a similar idea as Java」s shading to hide some symbols in a dynamic-link library (DLL) or in cases in which you」re building and linking separately. However, in all programming languages that we」re aware of, these workarounds are partial solutions at best: embedding multiple versions can be made to work by tweaking the names of *functions*, but if there are *types* that are passed around between dependencies, all bets are off. For example, there is simply no way for a map defined in libbase v1 to be passed through some libraries to an API provided by libbase v2 in a semantically consistent fashion. Language-specific hacks to hide or rename entities in separately compiled libraries can provide some cushion for diamond dependency problems, but are not a solution in the general case.
-不同的编程语言对菱形依赖问题的容忍程度不同。对于某些语言来说,可以在构建过程中嵌入一个依赖关系的多个(孤立的)版本:从liba调用libbase可能与从libb调用libbase调用相同API的不同版本。例如,Java 提供了相当完善的机制来重命名这种依赖关系所提供的符号。 同时,C++ 对正常构建中的菱形依赖关系的容忍度几乎为零,由于明显违反了 C++ 的 [One Definition Rule](https://oreil.ly/VTZe5) ,它们非常可能引发明显 bug 和未定义行为(UB)。在动态链接库(DLL)中或者在单独构建和链接的情况下,你最多可以使用与Java的shading思想来隐藏一些符号。然而,在我们所知道的所有编程语言中,这些变通方法充其量只是部分解决方案:通过调整*函数*的名称,可以使嵌入的多个版本发挥作用,但如果有*类型*在依赖关系之间传递,所有的下注都会无效。例如,libbase v1中定义的`map`类型根本不可能以语义一致的方式通过一些库传递给libbase v2提供的API。在单独编译的库中隐藏或重命名实体的特定语言黑科技可以为菱形依赖问题提供一些缓冲,但在一般情况下并不是一个解决方案。
+不同的程式語言對菱形依賴問題的容忍程度不同。對於某些語言來說,可以在建立過程中嵌入一個依賴關係的多個(孤立的)版本:從liba呼叫libbase可能與從libb呼叫libbase呼叫相同API的不同版本。例如,Java 提供了相當完善的機制來重新命名這種依賴關係所提供的符號。 同時,C++ 對正常建立中的菱形依賴關係的容忍度幾乎為零,由於明顯違反了 C++ 的 [One Definition Rule](https://oreil.ly/VTZe5) ,它們非常可能引發明顯 bug 和未定義行為(UB)。在動態連結庫(DLL)中或者在單獨建立和連結的情況下,你最多可以使用與Java的shading思想來隱藏一些符號。然而,在我們所知道的所有程式語言中,這些變通方法充其量只是部分解決方案:透過調整*函式*的名稱,可以使嵌入的多個版本發揮作用,但如果有*型別*在依賴關係之間傳遞,所有的下注都會無效。例如,libbase v1中定義的`map`型別根本不可能以語義一致的方式透過一些函式庫傳遞給libbase v2提供的API。在單獨編譯的庫中隱藏或重新命名實體的特定語言黑科技可以為菱形依賴問題提供一些緩衝,但在一般情況下並不是一個解決方案。
-If you encounter a conflicting requirement problem, the only easy answer is to skip forward or backward in versions for those dependencies to find something compatible. When that isn’t possible, we must resort to locally patching the dependencies in question, which is particularly challenging because the cause of the incompatibility in both provider and consumer is probably not known to the engineer that first discovers the incompatibility. This is inherent: liba developers are still working in a compatible fashion with libbase v1, and libb devs have already upgraded to v2. Only a dev who is pulling in both of those projects has the chance to discover the issue, and it’s certainly not guaranteed that they are familiar enough with libbase and liba to work through the upgrade. The easier answer is to downgrade libbase and libb, although that is not an option if the upgrade was originally forced because of security issues.
+If you encounter a conflicting requirement problem, the only easy answer is to skip forward or backward in versions for those dependencies to find something compatible. When that isn」t possible, we must resort to locally patching the dependencies in question, which is particularly challenging because the cause of the incompatibility in both provider and consumer is probably not known to the engineer that first discovers the incompatibility. This is inherent: liba developers are still working in a compatible fashion with libbase v1, and libb devs have already upgraded to v2. Only a dev who is pulling in both of those projects has the chance to discover the issue, and it」s certainly not guaranteed that they are familiar enough with libbase and liba to work through the upgrade. The easier answer is to downgrade libbase and libb, although that is not an option if the upgrade was originally forced because of security issues.
-如果你遇到一个冲突的需求问题,唯一简单的答案是向前或向后跳过这些依赖的版本,以找到兼容的版本。当这不可能时,我们必须求助于本地修补有问题的依赖关系,这特别具有挑战性,因为首先发现不兼容的工程师可能不知道提供者和使用者中不兼容的原因。这是固有的:liba的开发者还在以兼容的方式与libbase v1工作,而libb的开发者已经升级到了v2。只有同时参与这两个项目的开发人员才有机会发现问题,当然也不能保证他们对libbase和liba足够熟悉,能够完成升级。更简单的答案是降级libbase和libb,尽管如果升级最初是因为安全问题而被迫进行的,那么这不是一个选项。
+如果你遇到一個衝突的需求問題,唯一簡單的答案是向前或向後跳過這些依賴的版本,以找到相容的版本。當這不可能時,我們必須求助於本地修補有問題的依賴關係,這特別具有挑戰性,因為首先發現不相容的工程師可能不知道提供者和使用者中不相容的原因。這是固有的:liba的開發者還在以相容的方式與libbase v1工作,而libb的開發者已經升級到了v2。只有同時參與這兩個專案的開發人員才有機會發現問題,當然也不能保證他們對libbase和liba足夠熟悉,能夠完成升級。更簡單的答案是降級libbase和libb,儘管如果升級最初是因為安全問題而被迫進行的,那麼這不是一個選項。
-Systems of policy and technology for dependency management largely boil down to the question, “How do we avoid conflicting requirements while still allowing change among noncoordinating groups?” If you have a solution for the general form of the diamond dependency problem that allows for the reality of continuously changing requirements (both dependencies and platform requirements) at all levels of the network, you’ve described the interesting part of a dependency-management solution.
+Systems of policy and technology for dependency management largely boil down to the question, 『How do we avoid conflicting requirements while still allowing change among noncoordinating groups?』 If you have a solution for the general form of the diamond dependency problem that allows for the reality of continuously changing requirements (both dependencies and platform requirements) at all levels of the network, you」ve described the interesting part of a dependency-management solution.
-依赖管理的策略和技术体系在很大程度上归结为一个问题:"我们如何避免冲突的需求,同时仍然允许非协调组之间的变化?" 如果你有一个菱形依赖问题的一般形式的解决方案,允许在网络的各个层面不断变化的需求(包括依赖和平台需求)的现实,你已经描述了依赖管理解决方案的有趣部分。
+依賴管理的策略和技術體系在很大程度上歸結為一個問題:"我們如何避免衝突的需求,同時仍然允許非協調組之間的變化?" 如果你有一個菱形依賴問題的一般形式的解決方案,允許在網路的各個層面不斷變化的需求(包括依賴和平台需求)的現實,你已經描述了依賴管理解決方案的有趣部分。
> [^2]: For instance, security bugs, deprecations, being in the dependency set of a higher-level dependency that has a security bug, and so on.
-> 2 例如,安全缺陷、弃用、处于具有安全缺陷的更高级别依赖项的依赖项集中,等等。
+> 2 例如,安全缺陷、棄用、處於具有安全缺陷的更高階別依賴項的依賴項集中,等等。
> [^3]: This is called shading or versioning.
-> 3 这称为着色或版本控制。
+> 3 這稱為著色或版本控制。
-## Importing Dependencies 导入依赖
+## Importing Dependencies 匯入依賴
-In programming terms, it’s clearly better to reuse some existing infrastructure rather than build it yourself. This is obvious, and part of the fundamental march of technology: if every novice had to reimplement their own JSON parser and regular expression engine, we’d never get anywhere. Reuse is healthy, especially compared to the cost of redeveloping quality software from scratch. So long as you aren’t downloading trojaned software, if your external dependency satisfies the requirements for your programming task, you should use it.
+In programming terms, it」s clearly better to reuse some existing infrastructure rather than build it yourself. This is obvious, and part of the fundamental march of technology: if every novice had to reimplement their own JSON parser and regular expression engine, we」d never get anywhere. Reuse is healthy, especially compared to the cost of redeveloping quality software from scratch. So long as you aren」t downloading trojaned software, if your external dependency satisfies the requirements for your programming task, you should use it.
-### Compatibility Promises 承诺兼容性
+### Compatibility Promises 承諾相容性
-When we start considering time, the situation gains some complicated trade-offs. Just because you get to avoid a *development* cost doesn’t mean importing a dependency is the correct choice. In a software engineering organization that is aware of time and change, we need to also be mindful of its ongoing maintenance costs. Even if we import a dependency with no intent of upgrading it, discovered security vulnerabilities, changing platforms, and evolving dependency networks can conspire to force that upgrade, regardless of our intent. When that day comes, how expensive is it going to be? Some dependencies are more explicit than others about the expected maintenance cost for merely using that dependency: how much compatibility is assumed? How much evolution is assumed? How are changes handled? For how long are releases supported?
+When we start considering time, the situation gains some complicated trade-offs. Just because you get to avoid a *development* cost doesn」t mean importing a dependency is the correct choice. In a software engineering organization that is aware of time and change, we need to also be mindful of its ongoing maintenance costs. Even if we import a dependency with no intent of upgrading it, discovered security vulnerabilities, changing platforms, and evolving dependency networks can conspire to force that upgrade, regardless of our intent. When that day comes, how expensive is it going to be? Some dependencies are more explicit than others about the expected maintenance cost for merely using that dependency: how much compatibility is assumed? How much evolution is assumed? How are changes handled? For how long are releases supported?
We suggest that a dependency provider should be clearer about the answers to these questions. Consider the example set by large infrastructure projects with millions of users and their compatibility promises.
#### C++
-For the C++ standard library, the model is one of nearly indefinite backward compatibility. Binaries built against an older version of the standard library are expected to build and link with the newer standard: the standard provides not only API compatibility, but ongoing backward compatibility for the binary artifacts, known as *ABI compatibility*. The extent to which this has been upheld varies from platform to platform. For users of gcc on Linux, it’s likely that most code works fine over a range of roughly a decade. The standard doesn’t explicitly call out its commitment to ABI compatibility—there are no public-facing policy documents on that point. However, the standard does publish [Standing Document 8 ](https://oreil.ly/LoJq8)(SD-8), which calls out a small set of types of change that the standard library can make between versions, defining implicitly what type of changes to be prepared for. Java is similar: source is compatible between language versions, and JAR files from older releases will readily work with newer versions.
+For the C++ standard library, the model is one of nearly indefinite backward compatibility. Binaries built against an older version of the standard library are expected to build and link with the newer standard: the standard provides not only API compatibility, but ongoing backward compatibility for the binary artifacts, known as *ABI compatibility*. The extent to which this has been upheld varies from platform to platform. For users of gcc on Linux, it」s likely that most code works fine over a range of roughly a decade. The standard doesn」t explicitly call out its commitment to ABI compatibility—there are no public-facing policy documents on that point. However, the standard does publish [Standing Document 8 ](https://oreil.ly/LoJq8)(SD-8), which calls out a small set of types of change that the standard library can make between versions, defining implicitly what type of changes to be prepared for. Java is similar: source is compatible between language versions, and JAR files from older releases will readily work with newer versions.
#### Go
Not all languages prioritize the same amount of compatibility. The Go programming language explicitly promises source compatibility between most releases, but no binary compatibility. You cannot build a library in Go with one version of the language and link that library into a Go program built with a different version of the language.
#### Abseil
-Google’s Abseil project is much like Go, with an important caveat about time. We are unwilling to commit to compatibility *indefinitely*: Abseil lies at the foundation of most of our most computationally heavy services internally, which we believe are likely to be in use for many years to come. This means we’re careful to reserve the right to make changes, especially in implementation details and ABI, in order to allow better performance. We have experienced far too many instances of an API turning out to be confusing and error prone after the fact; publishing such known faults to tens of thousands of developers for the indefinite future feels wrong. Internally, we already have roughly 250 million lines of C++ code that depend on this library—we aren’t going to make API changes lightly, but it must be possible. To that end, Abseil explicitly does not promise ABI compatibility, but does promise a slightly limited form of API compatibility: we won’t make a breaking API change without also providing an automated refactoring tool that will transform code from the old API to the new transparently. We feel that shifts the risk of unexpected costs significantly in favor of users: no matter what version a dependency was written against, a user of that dependency and Abseil should be able to use the most current version. The highest cost should be “run this tool,” and presumably send the resulting patch for review in the mid-level dependency (liba or libb, continuing our example from earlier). In practice, the project is new enough that we haven’t had to make any significant API breaking changes. We can’t say how well this will work for the ecosystem as a whole, but in theory, it seems like a good balance for stability versus ease of upgrade.
+Google」s Abseil project is much like Go, with an important caveat about time. We are unwilling to commit to compatibility *indefinitely*: Abseil lies at the foundation of most of our most computationally heavy services internally, which we believe are likely to be in use for many years to come. This means we」re careful to reserve the right to make changes, especially in implementation details and ABI, in order to allow better performance. We have experienced far too many instances of an API turning out to be confusing and error prone after the fact; publishing such known faults to tens of thousands of developers for the indefinite future feels wrong. Internally, we already have roughly 250 million lines of C++ code that depend on this library—we aren」t going to make API changes lightly, but it must be possible. To that end, Abseil explicitly does not promise ABI compatibility, but does promise a slightly limited form of API compatibility: we won」t make a breaking API change without also providing an automated refactoring tool that will transform code from the old API to the new transparently. We feel that shifts the risk of unexpected costs significantly in favor of users: no matter what version a dependency was written against, a user of that dependency and Abseil should be able to use the most current version. The highest cost should be 『run this tool,』 and presumably send the resulting patch for review in the mid-level dependency (liba or libb, continuing our example from earlier). In practice, the project is new enough that we haven」t had to make any significant API breaking changes. We can」t say how well this will work for the ecosystem as a whole, but in theory, it seems like a good balance for stability versus ease of upgrade.
-谷歌的Abseil项目很像Go,对时间有一个重要的警告。我们不愿意无限期地致力于兼容性。Abseil是我们内部大多数计算量最大的服务的基础,我们相信这些服务可能会在未来很多年内使用。这意味着我们小心翼翼地保留修改的权利,特别是在实现细节和ABI方面,以实现更好的性能。我们已经经历了太多的例子,一个API在事后被证明是混乱和容易出错的;在无限期的未来向成千上万的开发者公布这种已知的错误感觉是错误的。在内部,我们已经有大约2.5亿行的C++代码依赖于这个库,我们不会轻易改变API,但它必须是可以改变的。为此,Abseil明确地不承诺ABI的兼容性,但确实承诺了一种稍微有限的API兼容性:我们不会在不提供自动重构工具的情况下做出破坏性的API改变,该工具将透明地将代码从旧的API转换到新的API。我们觉得这将意外成本的风险大大地转移到了用户身上:无论一个依赖关系是针对哪个版本编写的,该依赖关系和Abseil的用户都应该能够使用最新的版本。最高的成本应该是 "运行这个工具",并推测在中层级依赖关系(liba或libb,继续我们前面的例子)中发送产生的补丁以供审查。在实践中,这个项目足够新,我们没有必要做任何重大的API破坏性改变。我们不能说这对整个生态系统会有多好的效果,但在理论上,这似乎是对稳定性和易升级的一个良好平衡。
+谷歌的Abseil專案很像Go,對時間有一個重要的警告。我們不願意無限期地致力於相容性。Abseil是我們內部大多數計算量最大的服務的基礎,我們相信這些服務可能會在未來很多年內使用。這意味著我們小心翼翼地保留修改的權利,特別是在實現細節和ABI方面,以實現更好的效能。我們已經經歷了太多的例子,一個API在事後被證明是混亂和容易出錯的;在無限期的未來向成千上萬的開發者公佈這種已知的錯誤感覺是錯誤的。在內部,我們已經有大約2.5億行的C++程式碼依賴於這個函式庫,我們不會輕易改變API,但它必須是可以改變的。為此,Abseil明確地不承諾ABI的相容性,但確實承諾了一種稍微有限的API相容性:我們不會在不提供自動重構工具的情況下做出破壞性的API改變,該工具將透明地將程式碼從舊的API轉換到新的API。我們覺得這將意外成本的風險大大地轉移到了使用者身上:無論一個依賴關係是針對哪個版本編寫的,該依賴關係和Abseil的使用者都應該能夠使用最新的版本。最高的成本應該是 "執行這個工具",並推測在中層級依賴關係(liba或libb,繼續我們前面的例子)中傳送產生的補丁以供審查。在實踐中,這個專案足夠新,我們沒有必要做任何重大的API破壞性改變。我們不能說這對整個生態系統會有多好的效果,但在理論上,這似乎是對穩定性和易升級的一個良好平衡。
#### Boost
-By comparison, the Boost C++ library makes no promises of [compatibility between](https://www.boost.org/users/faq.html) [versions](https://www.boost.org/users/faq.html). Most code doesn’t change, of course, but “many of the Boost libraries are actively maintained and improved, so backward compatibility with prior version isn’t always possible.” Users are advised to upgrade only at a period in their project life cycle in which some change will not cause problems. The goal for Boost is fundamentally different than the standard library or Abseil: Boost is an experimental proving ground. A particular release from the Boost stream is probably perfectly stable and appropriate for use in many projects, but Boost’s project goals do not prioritize compatibility between versions—other long-lived projects might experience some friction keeping up to date. The Boost developers are every bit as expert as the developers for the standard library[^4]—none of this is about technical expertise: this is purely a matter of what a project does or does not promise and prioritize.
+By comparison, the Boost C++ library makes no promises of [compatibility between](https://www.boost.org/users/faq.html) [versions](https://www.boost.org/users/faq.html). Most code doesn」t change, of course, but 『many of the Boost libraries are actively maintained and improved, so backward compatibility with prior version isn」t always possible.』 Users are advised to upgrade only at a period in their project life cycle in which some change will not cause problems. The goal for Boost is fundamentally different than the standard library or Abseil: Boost is an experimental proving ground. A particular release from the Boost stream is probably perfectly stable and appropriate for use in many projects, but Boost」s project goals do not prioritize compatibility between versions—other long-lived projects might experience some friction keeping up to date. The Boost developers are every bit as expert as the developers for the standard library[^4]—none of this is about technical expertise: this is purely a matter of what a project does or does not promise and prioritize.
-相比之下,Boost C++库没有承诺[不同版本](https://www.boost.org/users/faq.html)的兼容性。当然,大多数代码不会改变,但 "许多Boost库都在积极维护和改进,所以向后兼容以前的版本并不总是可能的"。我们建议用户只在项目生命周期的某个阶段进行升级,因为在这个阶段,一些变化不会造成问题。Boost的目标与标准库或Abseil有根本的不同:Boost是一个实验验证场。Boost的某个版本可能非常稳定,适合在许多项目中使用,但是Boost的项目目标并不优先考虑版本之间的兼容性——其他长期项目可能会遇到一些与最新版本保持同步的阻力。Boost的开发者和标准库的开发者一样都是专家——这与技术专长无关:这纯粹是一个项目是否承诺和优先考虑的问题。
+相比之下,Boost C++函式庫沒有承諾[不同版本](https://www.boost.org/users/faq.html)的相容性。當然,大多數程式碼不會改變,但 "許多Boost函式庫都在積極維護和改進,所以向後相容以前的版本並不總是可能的"。我們建議使用者只在專案生命週期的某個階段進行升級,因為在這個階段,一些變化不會造成問題。Boost的目標與標準庫或Abseil有根本的不同:Boost是一個實驗驗證場。Boost的某個版本可能非常穩定,適合在許多專案中使用,但是Boost的專案目標並不優先考慮版本之間的相容性——其他長期專案可能會遇到一些與最新版本保持同步的阻力。Boost的開發者和標準庫的開發者一樣都是專家——這與技術專長無關:這純粹是一個專案是否承諾和優先考慮的問題。
-Looking at the libraries in this discussion, it’s important to recognize that these compatibility issues are *software engineering* issues, not *programming* issues. You can download something like Boost with no compatibility promise and embed it deeply in the most critical, long-lived systems in your organization; it will *work* just fine. All of the concerns here are about how those dependencies will change over time, keeping up with updates, and the difficulty of getting developers to worry about maintenance instead of just getting features working. Within Google, there is a constant stream of guidance directed to our engineers to help them consider this difference between “I got it to work” and “this is working in a supported fashion.” That’s unsurprising: it’s basic application of Hyrum’s Law, after all.
+Looking at the libraries in this discussion, it」s important to recognize that these compatibility issues are *software engineering* issues, not *programming* issues. You can download something like Boost with no compatibility promise and embed it deeply in the most critical, long-lived systems in your organization; it will *work* just fine. All of the concerns here are about how those dependencies will change over time, keeping up with updates, and the difficulty of getting developers to worry about maintenance instead of just getting features working. Within Google, there is a constant stream of guidance directed to our engineers to help them consider this difference between 『I got it to work』 and 『this is working in a supported fashion.』 That」s unsurprising: it」s basic application of Hyrum」s Law, after all.
-Put more broadly: it is important to realize that dependency management has a wholly different nature in a programming task versus a software engineering task. If you’re in a problem space for which maintenance over time is relevant, dependency management is difficult. If you’re purely developing a solution for today with no need to ever update anything, it is perfectly reasonable to grab as many readily available dependencies as you like with no thought of how to use them responsibly or plan for upgrades. Getting your program to work today by violating everything in SD-8 and also relying on binary compatibility from Boost and Abseil works fine…so long as you never upgrade the standard library, Boost, or Abseil, and neither does anything that depends on you.
+Put more broadly: it is important to realize that dependency management has a wholly different nature in a programming task versus a software engineering task. If you」re in a problem space for which maintenance over time is relevant, dependency management is difficult. If you」re purely developing a solution for today with no need to ever update anything, it is perfectly reasonable to grab as many readily available dependencies as you like with no thought of how to use them responsibly or plan for upgrades. Getting your program to work today by violating everything in SD-8 and also relying on binary compatibility from Boost and Abseil works fine…so long as you never upgrade the standard library, Boost, or Abseil, and neither does anything that depends on you.
> [^4]: In many cases, there is significant overlap in those populations.
-> 4 在许多情况下,这些人群中存在着明显的重叠。
+> 4 在許多情況下,這些人群中存在著明顯的重疊。
-### Considerations When Importing 导入依赖的注意事项
+### Considerations When Importing 匯入依賴的注意事項
-Importing a dependency for use in a programming project is nearly free: assuming that you’ve taken the time to ensure that it does what you need and isn’t secretly a security hole, it is almost always cheaper to reuse than to reimplement functionality. Even if that dependency has taken the step of clarifying what compatibility promise it will make, so long as we aren’t ever upgrading, anything you build on top of that snapshot of your dependency is fine, no matter how many rules you violate in consuming that API. But when we move from programming to software engineering, those dependencies become subtly more expensive, and there are a host of hidden costs and questions that need to be answered. Hopefully, you consider these costs before importing, and, hopefully, you know when you’re working on a programming project versus working on a software engineering project.
+Importing a dependency for use in a programming project is nearly free: assuming that you」ve taken the time to ensure that it does what you need and isn」t secretly a security hole, it is almost always cheaper to reuse than to reimplement functionality. Even if that dependency has taken the step of clarifying what compatibility promise it will make, so long as we aren」t ever upgrading, anything you build on top of that snapshot of your dependency is fine, no matter how many rules you violate in consuming that API. But when we move from programming to software engineering, those dependencies become subtly more expensive, and there are a host of hidden costs and questions that need to be answered. Hopefully, you consider these costs before importing, and, hopefully, you know when you」re working on a programming project versus working on a software engineering project.
When engineers at Google try to import dependencies, we encourage them to ask this (incomplete) list of questions first:
- Does the project have tests that you can run?
- Do those tests pass?
-- Who is providing that dependency? Even among “No warranty implied” OSS projects, there is a significant range of experience and skill set—it’s a very different thing to depend on compatibility from the C++ standard library or Java’s Guava library than it is to select a random project from GitHub or npm. Reputation isn’t everything, but it is worth investigating.
+- Who is providing that dependency? Even among 『No warranty implied』 OSS projects, there is a significant range of experience and skill set—it」s a very different thing to depend on compatibility from the C++ standard library or Java」s Guava library than it is to select a random project from GitHub or npm. Reputation isn」t everything, but it is worth investigating.
- What sort of compatibility is the project aspiring to?
- Does the project detail what sort of usage is expected to be supported?
- How popular is the project?
- How long will we be depending on this project?
- How often does the project make breaking changes?
-- 该项目是否有你可以运行的测试?
-- 这些测试是否通过?
-- 谁在提供这个依赖?即使在 "无担保 "的开放源码软件项目中,也有相当大的经验和技能范围——依赖C++标准库或Java的Guava库的兼容性,与从GitHub或npm中随机选择一个项目是完全不同的事情。信誉不是一切,但它值得调研。
-- 该项目希望达到什么样的兼容性?
-- 该项目是否详细说明了预计会支持什么样的用法?
-- 该项目有多受欢迎?
-- 我们将在多长时间内依赖这个项目?
-- 该项目多长时间做一次突破性的改变?项目多久进行一次突破性的变更?
+- 該專案是否有你可以執行的測試?
+- 這些測試是否透過?
+- 誰在提供這個依賴?即使在 "無擔保 "的開放原始碼軟體專案中,也有相當大的經驗和技能範圍——依賴C++標準庫或Java的Guava函式庫的相容性,與從GitHub或npm中隨機選擇一個專案是完全不同的事情。信譽不是一切,但它值得調研。
+- 該專案希望達到什麼樣的相容性?
+- 該專案是否詳細說明了預計會支援什麼樣的用法?
+- 該專案有多受歡迎?
+- 我們將在多長時間內依賴這個專案?
+- 該專案多長時間做一次突破性的改變?專案多久進行一次突破性的變更?
Add to this a short selection of internally focused questions:
@@ -173,487 +173,487 @@ Add to this a short selection of internally focused questions:
- Who will perform an upgrade?
- How difficult do we expect it to be to perform an upgrade?
-- 在谷歌内部实现该功能会有多复杂?
-- 我们有什么激励措施来保持这个依赖的最新状态?
-- 谁来执行升级?
-- 我们预计进行升级会有多大难度?
+- 在谷歌內部實現該功能會有多複雜?
+- 我們有什麼激勵措施來保持這個依賴的最新狀態?
+- 誰來執行升級?
+- 我們預計進行升級會有多大難度?
-Our own Russ Cox has [written about this more extensively](https://research.swtch.com/deps). We can’t give a perfect formula for deciding when it’s cheaper in the long term to import versus reimplement; we fail at this ourselves, more often than not.
+Our own Russ Cox has [written about this more extensively](https://research.swtch.com/deps). We can」t give a perfect formula for deciding when it」s cheaper in the long term to import versus reimplement; we fail at this ourselves, more often than not.
-我们的Russ Cox已经[更广泛地写到了这一点](https://research.swtch.com/deps)。我们无法给出一个完美的公式来决定从长远来看,什么时候引入和重新实施更划算;我们自己在这方面经常失败。
+我們的Russ Cox已經[更廣泛地寫到了這一點](https://research.swtch.com/deps)。我們無法給出一個完美的公式來決定從長遠來看,什麼時候引入和重新實施更划算;我們自己在這方面經常失敗。
-### How Google Handles Importing Dependencies Google如何处理导入依赖
+### How Google Handles Importing Dependencies Google如何處理匯入依賴
In short: we could do better.
-The overwhelming majority of dependencies in any given Google project are internally developed. This means that the vast majority of our internal dependency-management story isn’t really dependency management, it’s just source control—by design. As we have mentioned, it is a far easier thing to manage and control the complexities and risks involved in adding dependencies when the providers and consumers are part of the same organization and have proper visibility and Continuous Integration (CI; see Chapter 23) available. Most problems in dependency management stop being problems when you can see exactly how your code is being used and know exactly the impact of any given change. Source control (when you control the projects in question) is far easier than dependency management (when you don’t).
+The overwhelming majority of dependencies in any given Google project are internally developed. This means that the vast majority of our internal dependency-management story isn」t really dependency management, it」s just source control—by design. As we have mentioned, it is a far easier thing to manage and control the complexities and risks involved in adding dependencies when the providers and consumers are part of the same organization and have proper visibility and Continuous Integration (CI; see Chapter 23) available. Most problems in dependency management stop being problems when you can see exactly how your code is being used and know exactly the impact of any given change. Source control (when you control the projects in question) is far easier than dependency management (when you don」t).
-在任何特定的 Google 项目中,绝大多数的依赖都是内部开发的。这意味着,我们的内部依赖管理故事中的绝大部分并不是真正的依赖管理,它只是设计上的源码控制。正如我们所提到的,当提供者和消费者是同一组织的一部分,并且有适当的可见性和持续集成(CI;见第23章)时,管理和控制增加依赖关系所涉及的复杂性和风险是一件容易得多的事情。当你能准确地看到你的代码是如何被使用的,并准确地知道任何给定变化的影响时,依赖管理中的大多数问题就不再是问题了。源码控制(当你控制有关项目时)要比依赖管理(当你不控制时)容易得多。
+在任何特定的 Google 專案中,絕大多數的依賴都是內部開發的。這意味著,我們的內部依賴管理故事中的絕大部分並不是真正的依賴管理,它只是設計上的原始碼控制。正如我們所提到的,當提供者和消費者是同一組織的一部分,並且有適當的可見性和持續整合(CI;見第23章)時,管理和控制增加依賴關係所涉及的複雜性和風險是一件容易得多的事情。當你能準確地看到你的程式碼是如何被使用的,並準確地知道任何給定變化的影響時,依賴管理中的大多數問題就不再是問題了。原始碼控制(當你控制有關專案時)要比依賴管理(當你不控制時)容易得多。
-That ease of use begins failing when it comes to our handling of external projects. For projects that we are importing from the OSS ecosystem or commercial partners, those dependencies are added into a separate directory of our monorepo, labeled *third_party*. Let’s examine how a new OSS project is added to *third_party*.
+That ease of use begins failing when it comes to our handling of external projects. For projects that we are importing from the OSS ecosystem or commercial partners, those dependencies are added into a separate directory of our monorepo, labeled *third_party*. Let」s examine how a new OSS project is added to *third_party*.
-Alice, a software engineer at Google, is working on a project and realizes that there is an open source solution available. She would really like to have this project completed and demo’ed soon, to get it out of the way before going on vacation. The choice then is whether to reimplement that functionality from scratch or download the OSS package and get it added to *third_party*. It’s very likely that Alice decides that the faster development solution makes sense: she downloads the package and follows a few steps in our *third_party* policies. This is a fairly simple checklist: make sure it builds with our build system, make sure there isn’t an existing version of that package, and make sure at least two engineers are signed up as OWNERS to maintain the package in the event that any maintenance is necessary. Alice gets her teammate Bob to say, “Yes, I’ll help.” Neither of them need to have any experience maintaining a *third_party* package, and they have conveniently avoided the need to understand anything about the *implementation* of this package. At most, they have gained a little experience with its interface as part of using it to solve the prevacation demo problem.
+Alice, a software engineer at Google, is working on a project and realizes that there is an open source solution available. She would really like to have this project completed and demo」ed soon, to get it out of the way before going on vacation. The choice then is whether to reimplement that functionality from scratch or download the OSS package and get it added to *third_party*. It」s very likely that Alice decides that the faster development solution makes sense: she downloads the package and follows a few steps in our *third_party* policies. This is a fairly simple checklist: make sure it builds with our build system, make sure there isn」t an existing version of that package, and make sure at least two engineers are signed up as OWNERS to maintain the package in the event that any maintenance is necessary. Alice gets her teammate Bob to say, 『Yes, I」ll help.』 Neither of them need to have any experience maintaining a *third_party* package, and they have conveniently avoided the need to understand anything about the *implementation* of this package. At most, they have gained a little experience with its interface as part of using it to solve the prevacation demo problem.
-From this point on, the package is usually available to other Google teams to use in their own projects. The act of adding additional dependencies is completely transparent to Alice and Bob: they might be completely unaware that the package they downloaded and promised to maintain has become popular. Subtly, even if they are monitoring for new direct usage of their package, they might not necessarily notice growth in the *transitive* usage of their package. If they use it for a demo, while Charlie adds a dependency from within the guts of our Search infrastructure, the package will have suddenly moved from fairly innocuous to being in the critical infrastructure for important Google systems. However, we don’t have any particular signals surfaced to Charlie when he is considering whether to add this dependency.
+From this point on, the package is usually available to other Google teams to use in their own projects. The act of adding additional dependencies is completely transparent to Alice and Bob: they might be completely unaware that the package they downloaded and promised to maintain has become popular. Subtly, even if they are monitoring for new direct usage of their package, they might not necessarily notice growth in the *transitive* usage of their package. If they use it for a demo, while Charlie adds a dependency from within the guts of our Search infrastructure, the package will have suddenly moved from fairly innocuous to being in the critical infrastructure for important Google systems. However, we don」t have any particular signals surfaced to Charlie when he is considering whether to add this dependency.
-Now, it’s possible that this scenario is perfectly fine. Perhaps that dependency is well written, has no security bugs, and isn’t depended upon by other OSS projects. It might be *possible* for it to go quite a few years without being updated. It’s not necessarily *wise* for that to happen: changes externally might have optimized it or added important new functionality, or cleaned up security holes before CVEs[^5] were discovered. The longer that the package exists, the more dependencies (direct and indirect) are likely to accrue. The more that the package remains stable, the more that we are likely to accrete Hyrum’s Law reliance on the particulars of the version that is checked into *third_party*.
+Now, it」s possible that this scenario is perfectly fine. Perhaps that dependency is well written, has no security bugs, and isn」t depended upon by other OSS projects. It might be *possible* for it to go quite a few years without being updated. It」s not necessarily *wise* for that to happen: changes externally might have optimized it or added important new functionality, or cleaned up security holes before CVEs[^5] were discovered. The longer that the package exists, the more dependencies (direct and indirect) are likely to accrue. The more that the package remains stable, the more that we are likely to accrete Hyrum」s Law reliance on the particulars of the version that is checked into *third_party*.
-One day, Alice and Bob are informed that an upgrade is critical. It could be the disclosure of a security vulnerability in the package itself or in an OSS project that depends upon it that forces an upgrade. Bob has transitioned to management and hasn’t touched the codebase in a while. Alice has moved to another team since the demo and hasn’t used this package again. Nobody changed the OWNERS file. Thousands of projects depend on this indirectly—we can’t just delete it without breaking the build for Search and a dozen other big teams. Nobody has any experience with the implementation details of this package. Alice isn’t necessarily on a team that has a lot of experience undoing Hyrum’s Law subtleties that have accrued over time.
+One day, Alice and Bob are informed that an upgrade is critical. It could be the disclosure of a security vulnerability in the package itself or in an OSS project that depends upon it that forces an upgrade. Bob has transitioned to management and hasn」t touched the codebase in a while. Alice has moved to another team since the demo and hasn」t used this package again. Nobody changed the OWNERS file. Thousands of projects depend on this indirectly—we can」t just delete it without breaking the build for Search and a dozen other big teams. Nobody has any experience with the implementation details of this package. Alice isn」t necessarily on a team that has a lot of experience undoing Hyrum」s Law subtleties that have accrued over time.
All of which is to say: Alice and the other users of this package are in for a costly and difficult upgrade, with the security team exerting pressure to get this resolved immediately. Nobody in this scenario has practice in performing the upgrade, and the upgrade is extra difficult because it is covering many smaller releases covering the entire period between initial introduction of the package into *third_party* and the security disclosure.
-Our *third_party* policies don’t work for these unfortunately common scenarios. We roughly understand that we need a higher bar for ownership, we need to make it easier (and more rewarding) to update regularly and more difficult for *third_party* packages to be orphaned and important at the same time. The difficulty is that it is difficult for codebase maintainers and *third_party* leads to say, “No, you can’t use this thing that solves your development problem perfectly because we don’t have resources to update everyone with new versions constantly.” Projects that are popular and have no compatibility promise (like Boost) are particularly risky: our developers might be very familiar with using that dependency to solve programming problems outside of Google, but allowing it to become ingrained into the fabric of our codebase is a big risk. Our codebase has an expected lifespan of decades at this point: upstream projects that are not explicitly prioritizing stability are a risk.
+Our *third_party* policies don」t work for these unfortunately common scenarios. We roughly understand that we need a higher bar for ownership, we need to make it easier (and more rewarding) to update regularly and more difficult for *third_party* packages to be orphaned and important at the same time. The difficulty is that it is difficult for codebase maintainers and *third_party* leads to say, 『No, you can」t use this thing that solves your development problem perfectly because we don」t have resources to update everyone with new versions constantly.』 Projects that are popular and have no compatibility promise (like Boost) are particularly risky: our developers might be very familiar with using that dependency to solve programming problems outside of Google, but allowing it to become ingrained into the fabric of our codebase is a big risk. Our codebase has an expected lifespan of decades at this point: upstream projects that are not explicitly prioritizing stability are a risk.
> [^5]: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures.
-> 5 常见漏洞和暴露
+> 5 常見漏洞和暴露
-## Dependency Management, In Theory 理论上的依赖管理
+## Dependency Management, In Theory 理論上的依賴管理
-Having looked at the ways that dependency management is difficult and how it can go wrong, let’s discuss more specifically the problems we’re trying to solve and how we might go about solving them. Throughout this chapter, we call back to the formulation, “How do we manage code that comes from outside our organization (or that we don’t perfectly control): how do we update it, how do we manage the things it depends upon over time?” We need to be clear that any good solution here avoids conflicting requirements of any form, including diamond dependency version conflicts, even in a dynamic ecosystem in which new dependencies or other requirements might be added (at any point in the network). We also need to be aware of the impact of time: all software has bugs, some of those will be security critical, and some fraction of our dependencies will therefore be *critical* to update over a long enough period of time.
+Having looked at the ways that dependency management is difficult and how it can go wrong, let」s discuss more specifically the problems we」re trying to solve and how we might go about solving them. Throughout this chapter, we call back to the formulation, 『How do we manage code that comes from outside our organization (or that we don」t perfectly control): how do we update it, how do we manage the things it depends upon over time?』 We need to be clear that any good solution here avoids conflicting requirements of any form, including diamond dependency version conflicts, even in a dynamic ecosystem in which new dependencies or other requirements might be added (at any point in the network). We also need to be aware of the impact of time: all software has bugs, some of those will be security critical, and some fraction of our dependencies will therefore be *critical* to update over a long enough period of time.
-A stable dependency-management scheme must therefore be flexible with time and scale: we can’t assume indefinite stability of any particular node in the dependency graph, nor can we assume that no new dependencies are added (either in code we control or in code we depend upon). If a solution to dependency management prevents conflicting requirement problems among your dependencies, it’s a good solution. If it does so without assuming stability in dependency version or dependency fan-out, coordination or visibility between organizations, or significant compute resources, it’s a great solution.
+A stable dependency-management scheme must therefore be flexible with time and scale: we can」t assume indefinite stability of any particular node in the dependency graph, nor can we assume that no new dependencies are added (either in code we control or in code we depend upon). If a solution to dependency management prevents conflicting requirement problems among your dependencies, it」s a good solution. If it does so without assuming stability in dependency version or dependency fan-out, coordination or visibility between organizations, or significant compute resources, it」s a great solution.
When proposing solutions to dependency management, there are four common options that we know of that exhibit at least some of the appropriate properties: nothing ever changes, semantic versioning, bundle everything that you need (coordinating not per project, but per distribution), or Live at Head.
-### Nothing Changes (aka The Static Dependency Model) 没有任何更改(也称为静态依赖模型)
+### Nothing Changes (aka The Static Dependency Model) 沒有任何更改(也稱為靜態依賴模型)
-The simplest way to ensure stable dependencies is to never change them: no API changes, no behavioral changes, nothing. Bug fixes are allowed only if no user code could be broken. This prioritizes compatibility and stability over all else. Clearly, such a scheme is not ideal due to the assumption of indefinite stability. If, somehow, we get to a world in which security issues and bug fixes are a nonissue and dependencies aren’t changing, the Nothing Changes model is very appealing: if we start with satisfiable constraints, we’ll be able to maintain that property indefinitely.
+The simplest way to ensure stable dependencies is to never change them: no API changes, no behavioral changes, nothing. Bug fixes are allowed only if no user code could be broken. This prioritizes compatibility and stability over all else. Clearly, such a scheme is not ideal due to the assumption of indefinite stability. If, somehow, we get to a world in which security issues and bug fixes are a nonissue and dependencies aren」t changing, the Nothing Changes model is very appealing: if we start with satisfiable constraints, we」ll be able to maintain that property indefinitely.
-确保稳定的依赖关系的最简单方法是永远不要更改它们:不要改变API,不要改变行为,什么都不要。只有在没有用户代码被破坏的情况下才允许修复错误。这将兼容性和稳定性置于所有其他方面之上。显然,这样的方案并不理想,因为有无限期的稳定性的假设。如果以某种方式,我们遇到了一个安全问题和错误修复都不是问题,并且依赖关系不发生变化的世界,那么 "无变化"模型就非常有吸引力:如果我们从可满足的约束开始,我们就能无限期地保持这种特性。
+確保穩定的依賴關係的最簡單方法是永遠不要更改它們:不要改變API,不要改變行為,什麼都不要。只有在沒有用戶程式碼被破壞的情況下才允許修復錯誤。這將相容性和穩定性置於所有其他方面之上。顯然,這樣的方案並不理想,因為有無限期的穩定性的假設。如果以某種方式,我們遇到了一個安全問題和錯誤修復都不是問題,並且依賴關係不發生變化的世界,那麼 "無變化"模型就非常有吸引力:如果我們從可滿足的約束開始,我們就能無限期地保持這種屬性。
-Although not sustainable in the long term, practically speaking, this is where every organization starts: up until you’ve demonstrated that the expected lifespan of your project is long enough that change becomes necessary, it’s really easy to live in a world where we assume that nothing changes. It’s also important to note: this is probably the right model for most new organizations. It is comparatively rare to know that you’re starting a project that is going to live for decades and have a *need* to be able to update dependencies smoothly. It’s much more reasonable to hope that stability is a real option and pretend that dependencies are perfectly stable for the first few years of a project.
+Although not sustainable in the long term, practically speaking, this is where every organization starts: up until you」ve demonstrated that the expected lifespan of your project is long enough that change becomes necessary, it」s really easy to live in a world where we assume that nothing changes. It」s also important to note: this is probably the right model for most new organizations. It is comparatively rare to know that you」re starting a project that is going to live for decades and have a *need* to be able to update dependencies smoothly. It」s much more reasonable to hope that stability is a real option and pretend that dependencies are perfectly stable for the first few years of a project.
-The downside to this model is that, over a long enough time period, it *is* false, and there isn’t a clear indication of exactly how long you can pretend that it is legitimate. We don’t have long-term early warning systems for security bugs or other critical issues that might force you to upgrade a dependency—and because of chains of dependencies, a single upgrade can in theory become a forced update to your entire dependency network.
+The downside to this model is that, over a long enough time period, it *is* false, and there isn」t a clear indication of exactly how long you can pretend that it is legitimate. We don」t have long-term early warning systems for security bugs or other critical issues that might force you to upgrade a dependency—and because of chains of dependencies, a single upgrade can in theory become a forced update to your entire dependency network.
In this model, version selection is simple: there are no decisions to be made, because there are no versions.
-### Semantic Versioning 语义版本管理
+### Semantic Versioning 語義版本管理
-The de facto standard for “how do we manage a network of dependencies today?” is semantic versioning (SemVer).[^6] SemVer is the nearly ubiquitous practice of representing a version number for some dependency (especially libraries) using three decimal-separated integers, such as 2.4.72 or 1.1.4. In the most common convention, the three component numbers represent major, minor, and patch versions, with the implication that a changed major number indicates a change to an existing API that can break existing usage, a changed minor number indicates purely added functionality that should not break existing usage, and a changed patch version is reserved for non-API-impacting implementation details and bug fixes that are viewed as particularly low risk.
+The de facto standard for 『how do we manage a network of dependencies today?』 is semantic versioning (SemVer).[^6] SemVer is the nearly ubiquitous practice of representing a version number for some dependency (especially libraries) using three decimal-separated integers, such as 2.4.72 or 1.1.4. In the most common convention, the three component numbers represent major, minor, and patch versions, with the implication that a changed major number indicates a change to an existing API that can break existing usage, a changed minor number indicates purely added functionality that should not break existing usage, and a changed patch version is reserved for non-API-impacting implementation details and bug fixes that are viewed as particularly low risk.
-With the SemVer separation of major/minor/patch versions, the assumption is that a version requirement can generally be expressed as “anything newer than,” barring API-incompatible changes (major version changes). Commonly, we’ll see “Requires libbase ≥ 1.5,” that requirement would be compatible with any libbase in 1.5, including 1.5.1, and anything in 1.6 onward, but not libbase 1.4.9 (missing the API introduced in 1.5) or 2.x (some APIs in libbase were changed incompatibly). Major version changes are a significant incompatibility: because an existing piece of functionality has changed (or been removed), there are potential incompatibilities for all dependents. Version requirements exist (explicitly or implicitly) whenever one dependency uses another: we might see “liba requires libbase ≥ 1.5” and “libb requires libbase ≥ 1.4.7.”
+With the SemVer separation of major/minor/patch versions, the assumption is that a version requirement can generally be expressed as 『anything newer than,』 barring API-incompatible changes (major version changes). Commonly, we」ll see 『Requires libbase ≥ 1.5,』 that requirement would be compatible with any libbase in 1.5, including 1.5.1, and anything in 1.6 onward, but not libbase 1.4.9 (missing the API introduced in 1.5) or 2.x (some APIs in libbase were changed incompatibly). Major version changes are a significant incompatibility: because an existing piece of functionality has changed (or been removed), there are potential incompatibilities for all dependents. Version requirements exist (explicitly or implicitly) whenever one dependency uses another: we might see 『liba requires libbase ≥ 1.5』 and 『libb requires libbase ≥ 1.4.7.』
-由于SemVer将主要/次要/补丁版本分离,假设版本需求通常可以表示为“任何更新的”,除非API不兼容的更改(主版本更改)。通常,我们会看到 "Requires libbase ≥ 1.5",这个需求会与1.5中的任何libbase兼容,包括1.5.1,以及1.6以后的任何东西,但不包括libbase 1.4.9(缺少1.5中引入的API)或2.x(libbase中的一些API被不兼容地更改)。主要的版本变化是一种重要的不兼容:由于现有功能已更改(或已删除),因此所有依赖项都存在潜在的不兼容性。只要一个依赖关系使用另一个依赖关系,就会存在版本要求(明确地或隐含地):我们可能看到 "liba requires libbase ≥ 1.5" 和 "libb requires libbase ≥ 1.4.7"。
+由於SemVer將主要/次要/補丁版本分離,假設版本需求通常可以表示為『任何更新的』,除非API不相容的更改(主版本更改)。通常,我們會看到 "Requires libbase ≥ 1.5",這個需求會與1.5中的任何libbase相容,包括1.5.1,以及1.6以後的任何東西,但不包括libbase 1.4.9(缺少1.5中引入的API)或2.x(libbase中的一些API被不相容地更改)。主要的版本變化是一種重要的不相容:由於現有功能已更改(或已刪除),因此所有依賴項都存在潛在的不相容性。只要一個依賴關係使用另一個依賴關係,就會存在版本要求(明確地或隱含地):我們可能看到 "liba requires libbase ≥ 1.5" 和 "libb requires libbase ≥ 1.4.7"。
If we formalize these requirements, we can conceptualize a dependency network as a collection of software components (nodes) and the requirements between them (edges). Edge labels in this network change as a function of the version of the source node, either as dependencies are added (or removed) or as the SemVer requirement is updated because of a change in the source node (requiring a newly added feature in a dependency, for instance). Because this whole network is changing asynchronously over time, the process of finding a mutually compatible set of dependencies that satisfy all the transitive requirements of your application can be challenging.[^7] Version- satisfiability solvers for SemVer are very much akin to SAT-solvers in logic and algorithms research: given a set of constraints (version requirements on dependency edges), can we find a set of versions for the nodes in question that satisfies all constraints? Most package management ecosystems are built on top of these sorts of graphs, governed by their SemVer SAT-solvers.
-如果我们将这些要求标准化,我们可以将依赖网络概念化为软件组件(节点)和它们之间的要求(边缘)的集合。这个网络中的边缘标签作为源节点版本的函数而变化,要么是由于依赖关系被添加(或删除),要么是由于源节点的变化而更新SemVer需求(例如,要求在依赖关系中添加新的功能)。由于整个依赖网络是随着时间的推移而异步变化的,因此,找到一组相互兼容的依赖关系,以满足应用程序的所有可传递需求的过程可能是一个具有挑战性的过程。SemVer的版本满足求解器非常类似于逻辑和算法研究中的SAT求解器:给定一组约束(依赖边的版本要求),我们能否为有关节点找到一组满足所有约束的版本?大多数软件包管理生态系统都是建立在这类图之上的,由其SemVer SAT求解器管理。
+如果我們將這些要求標準化,我們可以將依賴網路概念化為軟體元件(節點)和它們之間的要求(邊緣)的集合。這個網路中的邊緣標籤作為源節點版本的函式而變化,要麼是由於依賴關係被新增(或刪除),要麼是由於源節點的變化而更新SemVer需求(例如,要求在依賴關係中新增新的功能)。由於整個依賴網路是隨著時間的推移而非同步變化的,因此,找到一組相互相容的依賴關係,以滿足應用程式的所有可傳遞需求的過程可能是一個具有挑戰性的過程。SemVer的版本滿足求解器非常類似於邏輯和演算法研究中的SAT求解器:給定一組約束(依賴邊的版本要求),我們能否為有關節點找到一組滿足所有約束的版本?大多數軟體套件管理生態系統都是建立在這類圖之上的,由其SemVer SAT求解器管理。
-SemVer and its SAT-solvers aren’t in any way promising that there *exists* a solution to a given set of dependency constraints. Situations in which dependency constraints cannot be satisfied are created constantly, as we’ve already seen: if a lower-level component (libbase) makes a major-number bump, and some (but not all) of the libraries that depend on it (libb but not liba) have upgraded, we will encounter the diamond dependency issue.
+SemVer and its SAT-solvers aren」t in any way promising that there *exists* a solution to a given set of dependency constraints. Situations in which dependency constraints cannot be satisfied are created constantly, as we」ve already seen: if a lower-level component (libbase) makes a major-number bump, and some (but not all) of the libraries that depend on it (libb but not liba) have upgraded, we will encounter the diamond dependency issue.
-SemVer solutions to dependency management are usually SAT-solver based. Version selection is a matter of running some algorithm to find an assignment of versions for dependencies in the network that satisfies all of the version-requirement constraints. When no such satisfying assignment of versions exists, we colloquially call it “dependency hell.”
+SemVer solutions to dependency management are usually SAT-solver based. Version selection is a matter of running some algorithm to find an assignment of versions for dependencies in the network that satisfies all of the version-requirement constraints. When no such satisfying assignment of versions exists, we colloquially call it 『dependency hell.』
-SemVer对依赖管理的解决方案通常是基于SAT求解器的。版本选择是一个运行某种算法的问题,为依赖网络中的依赖关系找到一个满足所有版本要求约束的版本分配。当不存在这种满意的版本分配时,我们通俗称它为 "依赖地狱"。
+SemVer對依賴管理的解決方案通常是基於SAT求解器的。版本選擇是一個執行某種演算法的問題,為依賴網路中的依賴關係找到一個滿足所有版本要求約束的版本分配。當不存在這種滿意的版本分配時,我們通俗稱它為 "依賴地獄"。
-We’ll look at some of the limitations of SemVer in more detail later in this chapter.
+We」ll look at some of the limitations of SemVer in more detail later in this chapter.
> [^6]: Strictly speaking, SemVer refers only to the emerging practice of applying semantics to major/minor/patch version numbers, not the application of compatible version requirements among dependencies numbered in that fashion. There are numerous minor variations on those requirements among different ecosystems, but in general, the version-number-plus-constraints system described here as SemVer is representative of the practice at large.
-> 6 严格来说,SemVer只是指对主要/次要/补丁版本号应用语义的新兴做法,而不是在以这种方式编号的依赖关系中应用兼容的版本要求。在不同的生态系统中,这些要求有许多细微的变化,但总的来说,这里描述的SemVer的版本号加约束系统是对整个实践的代表。
+> 6 嚴格來說,SemVer只是指對主要/次要/補丁版本號應用語義的新興做法,而不是在以這種方式編號的依賴關係中應用相容的版本要求。在不同的生態系統中,這些要求有許多細微的變化,但總的來說,這裡描述的SemVer的版本號加約束系統是對整個實踐的代表。
> [^7]: In fact, it has been proven that SemVer constraints applied to a dependency network are NP-complete.
-> 7 事实上,已经证明SemVer约束应用于依赖网络是NP-C(NP-完备)。
+> 7 事實上,已經證明SemVer約束應用於依賴網路是NP-C(NP-完備)。
-### Bundled Distribution Models 捆绑分销模式
+### Bundled Distribution Models 捆綁分銷模式
-As an industry, we’ve seen the application of a powerful model of managing dependencies for decades now: an organization gathers up a collection of dependencies, finds a mutually compatible set of those, and releases the collection as a single unit. This is what happens, for instance, with Linux distributions—there’s no guarantee that the various pieces that are included in a distro are cut from the same point in time. In fact, it’s somewhat more likely that the lower-level dependencies are somewhat older than the higher-level ones, just to account for the time it takes to integrate them.
+As an industry, we」ve seen the application of a powerful model of managing dependencies for decades now: an organization gathers up a collection of dependencies, finds a mutually compatible set of those, and releases the collection as a single unit. This is what happens, for instance, with Linux distributions—there」s no guarantee that the various pieces that are included in a distro are cut from the same point in time. In fact, it」s somewhat more likely that the lower-level dependencies are somewhat older than the higher-level ones, just to account for the time it takes to integrate them.
-This “draw a bigger box around it all and release that collection” model introduces entirely new actors: the distributors. Although the maintainers of all of the individual dependencies may have little or no knowledge of the other dependencies, these higher-level *distributors* are involved in the process of finding, patching, and testing a mutually compatible set of versions to include. Distributors are the engineers responsible for proposing a set of versions to bundle together, testing those to find bugs in that dependency tree, and resolving any issues.
+This 『draw a bigger box around it all and release that collection』 model introduces entirely new actors: the distributors. Although the maintainers of all of the individual dependencies may have little or no knowledge of the other dependencies, these higher-level *distributors* are involved in the process of finding, patching, and testing a mutually compatible set of versions to include. Distributors are the engineers responsible for proposing a set of versions to bundle together, testing those to find bugs in that dependency tree, and resolving any issues.
-For an outside user, this works great, so long as you can properly rely on only one of these bundled distributions. This is effectively the same as changing a dependency network into a single aggregated dependency and giving that a version number. Rather than saying, “I depend on these 72 libraries at these versions,” this is, “I depend on RedHat version N,” or, “I depend on the pieces in the NPM graph at time T.”
+For an outside user, this works great, so long as you can properly rely on only one of these bundled distributions. This is effectively the same as changing a dependency network into a single aggregated dependency and giving that a version number. Rather than saying, 『I depend on these 72 libraries at these versions,』 this is, 『I depend on RedHat version N,』 or, 『I depend on the pieces in the NPM graph at time T.』
-对于外部用户来说,这非常有效,只要你能正确地依赖这些捆绑的发行版中的一个。这实际上等于把一个依赖网络变成单个聚合依赖关系并为其提供版本号相同。与其说 "我在这些版本中依赖于这72个库",不如说 "我依赖RedHat的版本N",或者 "我依赖于时间T时NPM图中的片段"。
+對於外部使用者來說,這非常有效,只要你能正確地依賴這些捆綁的發行版中的一個。這實際上等於把一個依賴網路變成單個聚合依賴關係併為其提供版本號相同。與其說 "我在這些版本中依賴於這72個函式庫",不如說 "我依賴RedHat的版本N",或者 "我依賴於時間T時NPM圖中的片段"。
In the bundled distribution approach, version selection is handled by dedicated distributors.
### Live at Head 直接使用最新版本
-The model that some of us at Google[^8] have been pushing for is theoretically sound, but places new and costly burdens on participants in a dependency network. It’s wholly unlike the models that exist in OSS ecosystems today, and it is not clear how to get from here to there as an industry. Within the boundaries of an organization like Google, it is costly but effective, and we feel that it places most of the costs and incentives into the correct places. We call this model “Live at Head.” It is viewable as the dependency-management extension of trunk-based development: where trunk- based development talks about source control policies, we’re extending that model to apply to upstream dependencies as well.
+The model that some of us at Google[^8] have been pushing for is theoretically sound, but places new and costly burdens on participants in a dependency network. It」s wholly unlike the models that exist in OSS ecosystems today, and it is not clear how to get from here to there as an industry. Within the boundaries of an organization like Google, it is costly but effective, and we feel that it places most of the costs and incentives into the correct places. We call this model 『Live at Head.』 It is viewable as the dependency-management extension of trunk-based development: where trunk- based development talks about source control policies, we」re extending that model to apply to upstream dependencies as well.
-我们谷歌的一些人一直在推动的模式在理论上是合理的,但给依赖网络的参与者带来了新的、沉重的负担。它完全不同于今天存在于开放源码软件生态系统中的模式,而且不清楚作为一个行业如何从这里走到那里。在像谷歌这样的组织的范围内,它的成本很高,但很有效,我们觉得它把大部分的成本和激励放到了正确的地方。我们称这种模式为 "Live at Head"。它可以被看作是基于主干的开发的依赖管理的延伸:基于主干的开发讨论源代码控制策略时,我们将该模型扩展到应用于上游依赖关系。
+我們谷歌的一些人一直在推動的模式在理論上是合理的,但給依賴網路的參與者帶來了新的、沉重的負擔。它完全不同於今天存在於開放原始碼軟體生態系統中的模式,而且不清楚作為一個行業如何從這裡走到那裡。在像谷歌這樣的組織的範圍內,它的成本很高,但很有效,我們覺得它把大部分的成本和激勵放到了正確的地方。我們稱這種模式為 "Live at Head"。它可以被看作是基於主幹的開發的依賴管理的延伸:基於主幹的開發討論原始碼控制策略時,我們將該模型擴充套件到應用於上游依賴關係。
-Live at Head presupposes that we can unpin dependencies, drop SemVer, and rely on dependency providers to test changes against the entire ecosystem before committing. Live at Head is an explicit attempt to take time and choice out of the issue of dependency management: always depend on the current version of everything, and never change anything in a way in which it would be difficult for your dependents to adapt. A change that (unintentionally) alters API or behavior will in general be caught by CI on downstream dependencies, and thus should not be committed. For cases in which such a change *must* happen (i.e., for security reasons), such a break should be made only after either the downstream dependencies are updated or an automated tool is provided to perform the update in place. (This tooling is essential for closed- source downstream consumers: the goal is to allow any user the ability to update use of a changing API without expert knowledge of the use or the API. That property significantly mitigates the “mostly bystanders” costs of breaking changes.) This philosophical shift in responsibility in the open source ecosystem is difficult to motivate initially: putting the burden on an API provider to test against and change all of its downstream customers is a significant revision to the responsibilities of an API provider.
+Live at Head presupposes that we can unpin dependencies, drop SemVer, and rely on dependency providers to test changes against the entire ecosystem before committing. Live at Head is an explicit attempt to take time and choice out of the issue of dependency management: always depend on the current version of everything, and never change anything in a way in which it would be difficult for your dependents to adapt. A change that (unintentionally) alters API or behavior will in general be caught by CI on downstream dependencies, and thus should not be committed. For cases in which such a change *must* happen (i.e., for security reasons), such a break should be made only after either the downstream dependencies are updated or an automated tool is provided to perform the update in place. (This tooling is essential for closed- source downstream consumers: the goal is to allow any user the ability to update use of a changing API without expert knowledge of the use or the API. That property significantly mitigates the 『mostly bystanders』 costs of breaking changes.) This philosophical shift in responsibility in the open source ecosystem is difficult to motivate initially: putting the burden on an API provider to test against and change all of its downstream customers is a significant revision to the responsibilities of an API provider.
-“Live at Head”的前提是我们可以解除依赖关系,放弃SemVer,并依靠依赖提供者在提交之前对整个生态系统进行测试。Live at Head是一个明确的尝试,将时间和选择权从依赖管理的问题中剥离出来:始终依赖所有内容的当前版本,远不要以你的依赖关系难以适应的方式更改任何事情。一个(无意的)改变API或行为的变化,一般来说会被下游依赖的CI所捕获,因此不应该提交。对于这种变化必须发生的情况(即出于安全原因),只有在更新了下游依赖关系或提供了自动化工具来执行更新后,才能进行这种中断。(这种工具对于封闭源码的下游消费者来说是必不可少的:目标是允许任何用户有能力更新对变化中的API的使用,而不需要对使用或API的专家知识。这一特性大大减轻了破坏性变化的 "大部分旁观者 "的成本)。在开源生态系统中,这种责任的哲学转变最初是很难激励的:把测试和改变所有下游客户的负担放在API提供者身上,是对API提供者责任的重大修改。
+『Live at Head』的前提是我們可以解除依賴關係,放棄SemVer,並依靠依賴提供者在送出之前對整個生態系統進行測試。Live at Head是一個明確的嘗試,將時間和選擇權從依賴管理的問題中剝離出來:始終依賴所有內容的當前版本,遠不要以你的依賴關係難以適應的方式更改任何事情。一個(無意的)改變API或行為的變化,一般來說會被下游依賴的CI所捕獲,因此不應該送出。對於這種變化必須發生的情況(即出於安全原因),只有在更新了下游依賴關係或提供了自動化工具來執行更新後,才能進行這種中斷。(這種工具對於封閉原始碼的下游消費者來說是必不可少的:目標是允許任何使用者有能力更新對變化中的API的使用,而不需要對使用或API的專家知識。這一屬性大大減輕了破壞性變化的 "大部分旁觀者 "的成本)。在開源生態系統中,這種責任的哲學轉變最初是很難激勵的:把測試和改變所有下游客戶的負擔放在API提供者身上,是對API提供者責任的重大修改。
-Changes in a Live at Head model are not reduced to a SemVer “I think this is safe or not.” Instead, tests and CI systems are used to test against visible dependents to determine experimentally how safe a change is. So, for a change that alters only efficiency or implementation details, all of the visible affected tests might likely pass, which demonstrates that there are no obvious ways for that change to impact users—it’s safe to commit. A change that modifies more obviously observable parts of an API (syntactically or semantically) will often yield hundreds or even thousands of test failures. It’s then up to the author of that proposed change to determine whether the work involved to resolve those failures is worth the resulting value of committing the change. Done well, that author will work with all of their dependents to resolve the test failures ahead of time (i.e., unwinding brittle assumptions in the tests) and might potentially create a tool to perform as much of the necessary refactoring as possible.
+Changes in a Live at Head model are not reduced to a SemVer 『I think this is safe or not.』 Instead, tests and CI systems are used to test against visible dependents to determine experimentally how safe a change is. So, for a change that alters only efficiency or implementation details, all of the visible affected tests might likely pass, which demonstrates that there are no obvious ways for that change to impact users—it」s safe to commit. A change that modifies more obviously observable parts of an API (syntactically or semantically) will often yield hundreds or even thousands of test failures. It」s then up to the author of that proposed change to determine whether the work involved to resolve those failures is worth the resulting value of committing the change. Done well, that author will work with all of their dependents to resolve the test failures ahead of time (i.e., unwinding brittle assumptions in the tests) and might potentially create a tool to perform as much of the necessary refactoring as possible.
-Live at Head模型中的变化不会被简化为SemVer "我认为这很安全或不安全"。相反,测试和CI系统用于针对可见的依赖进行测试,以通过实验确定变化的安全性。因此,对于一个只改变效率或实现细节的变化,所有可见的受影响的测试都可能通过,这表明该变化没有明显的影响用户的方式——它是安全的提交。修改API中更明显的可观察部分(语法上或语义上),往往会产生成百上千的测试失败。这时就需要修改建议的作者来决定解决这些故障的工作是否值得提交修改的结果。如果做得好,作者将与他们所有的依赖者一起工作,提前解决测试失败的问题(即解除测试中的脆性假设),并有可能创建一个工具来执行尽可能多的必要重构。
+Live at Head模型中的變化不會被簡化為SemVer "我認為這很安全或不安全"。相反,測試和CI系統用於針對可見的依賴進行測試,以透過實驗確定變化的安全性。因此,對於一個只改變效率或實現細節的變化,所有可見的受影響的測試都可能透過,這表明該變化沒有明顯的影響使用者的方式——它是安全的送出。修改API中更明顯的可觀察部分(語法上或語義上),往往會產生成百上千的測試失敗。這時就需要修改建議的作者來決定解決這些故障的工作是否值得送出修改的結果。如果做得好,作者將與他們所有的依賴者一起工作,提前解決測試失敗的問題(即解除測試中的脆性假設),並有可能建立一個工具來執行儘可能多的必要重構。
The incentive structures and technological assumptions here are materially different than other scenarios: we assume that there exist unit tests and CI, we assume that API providers will be bound by whether downstream dependencies will be broken, and we assume that API consumers are keeping their tests passing and relying on their dependency in supported ways. This works significantly better in an open source ecosystem (in which fixes can be distributed ahead of time) than it does in the face of hidden/closed-source dependencies. API providers are incentivized when making changes to do so in a way that can be smoothly migrated to. API consumers are incentivized to keep their tests working so as not to be labeled as a low-signal test and potentially skipped, reducing the protection provided by that test.
-In the Live at Head approach, version selection is handled by asking “What is the most recent stable version of everything?” If providers have made changes responsibly, it will all work together smoothly.
+In the Live at Head approach, version selection is handled by asking 『What is the most recent stable version of everything?』 If providers have made changes responsibly, it will all work together smoothly.
-在Live at Head方法中,通过询问“哪个是最新的稳定版本?”来处理版本选择。如果提供者能够负责任地做出更改,则所有更改都将顺利进行。
+在Live at Head方法中,透過詢問『哪個是最新的穩定版本?』來處理版本選擇。如果提供者能夠負責任地做出更改,則所有更改都將順利進行。
> [^8]: Especially the author and others in the Google C++ community.
-> 8 特别是作者和其他在谷歌C++社区。
+> 8 特別是作者和其他在谷歌C++社群。
-## The Limitations of SemVer SemVer (语义版本管理)的局限性
+## The Limitations of SemVer SemVer (語義版本管理)的侷限性
-The Live at Head approach may build on recognized practices for version control (trunk-based development) but is largely unproven at scale. SemVer is the de facto standard for dependency management today, but as we’ve suggested, it is not without its limitations. Because it is such a popular approach, it is worth looking at it in more detail and highlighting what we believe to be its potential pitfalls.
+The Live at Head approach may build on recognized practices for version control (trunk-based development) but is largely unproven at scale. SemVer is the de facto standard for dependency management today, but as we」ve suggested, it is not without its limitations. Because it is such a popular approach, it is worth looking at it in more detail and highlighting what we believe to be its potential pitfalls.
-Live at Head方法可能建立在公认的版本控制实践(基于主干的开发)的基础之上,但在规模上基本没有得到验证。SemVer是当今依赖性管理的事实标准,但正如我们所建议的,它并非没有局限性。因为这是一种非常流行的方法,所以值得更详细地研究它,并强调我们认为可能存在的陷阱。
+Live at Head方法可能建立在公認的版本控制實踐(基於主幹的開發)的基礎之上,但在規模上基本沒有得到驗證。SemVer是當今依賴性管理的事實標準,但正如我們所建議的,它並非沒有侷限性。因為這是一種非常流行的方法,所以值得更詳細地研究它,並強調我們認為可能存在的陷阱。
-There’s a lot to unpack in the SemVer definition of what a dotted-triple version number really means. Is this a promise? Or is the version number chosen for a release an estimate? That is, when the maintainers of libbase cut a new release and choose whether this is a major, minor, or patch release, what are they saying? Is it provable that an upgrade from 1.1.4 to 1.2.0 is safe and easy, because there were only API additions and bug fixes? Of course not. There’s a host of things that ill-behaved users of libbase could have done that could cause build breaks or behavioral changes in the face of a “simple” API addition.[^9] Fundamentally, you can’t *prove* anything about compatibility when only considering the source API; you have to know *with which* things you are asking about compatibility.
+There」s a lot to unpack in the SemVer definition of what a dotted-triple version number really means. Is this a promise? Or is the version number chosen for a release an estimate? That is, when the maintainers of libbase cut a new release and choose whether this is a major, minor, or patch release, what are they saying? Is it provable that an upgrade from 1.1.4 to 1.2.0 is safe and easy, because there were only API additions and bug fixes? Of course not. There」s a host of things that ill-behaved users of libbase could have done that could cause build breaks or behavioral changes in the face of a 『simple』 API addition.[^9] Fundamentally, you can」t *prove* anything about compatibility when only considering the source API; you have to know *with which* things you are asking about compatibility.
-在SemVer的定义中,有很多东西需要解读,虚线三重版本号到底意味着什么。这是一个承诺吗?还是为一个版本选择的版本号是一种估计值?也就是说,当 libbase 的维护者发布一个新版本,并选择这是一个大版本、小版本还是补丁版本时,他们在说什么?是否可以证明从 1.1.4 升级到 1.2.0 是安全且容易的,因为只有 API 的增加和错误的修正?当然不是。在 "简单的 "API增加的情况下,libbase的不守规矩的用户可能会做很多事情,导致构建中断或行为改变。从根本上说,当只考虑源API时,你不能*证明*任何关于兼容性的事情;你必须知道你在问*哪些*兼容性的问题。
+在SemVer的定義中,有很多東西需要解讀,虛線三重版本號到底意味著什麼。這是一個承諾嗎?還是為一個版本選擇的版本號是一種估計值?也就是說,當 libbase 的維護者發布一個新版本,並選擇這是一個大版本、小版本還是補丁版本時,他們在說什麼?是否可以證明從 1.1.4 升級到 1.2.0 是安全且容易的,因為只有 API 的增加和錯誤的修正?當然不是。在 "簡單的 "API增加的情況下,libbase的不守規矩的使用者可能會做很多事情,導致建立中斷或行為改變。從根本上說,當只考慮源API時,你不能*證明*任何關於相容性的事情;你必須知道你在問*哪些*相容性的問題。
-However, this idea of “estimating” compatibility begins to weaken when we talk about networks of dependencies and SAT-solvers applied to those networks. The fundamental problem in this formulation is the difference between node values in traditional SAT and version values in a SemVer dependency graph. A node in a three-SAT graph *is* either True or False. A version value (1.1.14) in a dependency graph is provided by the maintainer as an *estimate* of how compatible the new version is, given code that used the previous version. We’re building all of our version-satisfaction logic on top of a shaky foundation, treating estimates and self-attestation as absolute. As we’ll see, even if that works OK in limited cases, in the aggregate, it doesn’t necessarily have enough fidelity to underpin a healthy ecosystem.
+However, this idea of 『estimating』 compatibility begins to weaken when we talk about networks of dependencies and SAT-solvers applied to those networks. The fundamental problem in this formulation is the difference between node values in traditional SAT and version values in a SemVer dependency graph. A node in a three-SAT graph *is* either True or False. A version value (1.1.14) in a dependency graph is provided by the maintainer as an *estimate* of how compatible the new version is, given code that used the previous version. We」re building all of our version-satisfaction logic on top of a shaky foundation, treating estimates and self-attestation as absolute. As we」ll see, even if that works OK in limited cases, in the aggregate, it doesn」t necessarily have enough fidelity to underpin a healthy ecosystem.
-然而,当我们谈论依赖网络和应用于这些网络的SAT求解器时,这种 "预估"兼容性的想法就开始弱化了。这种表述的基本问题是传统SAT中的节点值和SemVer依赖关系图中的版本值之间的区别。三种SAT图中的节点*是*真或假。依赖关系图中的版本值(1.1.14)是由维护者提供的,是对新版本的兼容程度的*预估*,给定使用以前版本的代码。我们将所有的版本满足逻辑建立在一个不稳定的基础之上,将预估和自我证明视为绝对。正如我们将看到的,即使这在有限的情况下是可行的,但从总体上看,它不一定有足够的仿真度来支撑一个健康的生态系统。
+然而,當我們談論依賴網路和應用於這些網路的SAT求解器時,這種 "預估"相容性的想法就開始弱化了。這種表述的基本問題是傳統SAT中的節點值和SemVer依賴關係圖中的版本值之間的區別。三種SAT圖中的節點*是*真或假。依賴關係圖中的版本值(1.1.14)是由維護者提供的,是對新版本的相容程度的*預估*,給定使用以前版本的程式碼。我們將所有的版本滿足邏輯建立在一個不穩定的基礎之上,將預估和自我證明視為絕對。正如我們將看到的,即使這在有限的情況下是可行的,但從總體上看,它不一定有足夠的模擬度來支撐一個健康的生態系統。
If we acknowledge that SemVer is a lossy estimate and represents only a subset of the possible scope of changes, we can begin to see it as a blunt instrument. In theory, it works fine as a shorthand. In practice, especially when we build SAT-solvers on top of it, SemVer can (and does) fail us by both overconstraining and underprotecting us.
-> [^9]: For example: a poorly implemented polyfill that adds the new libbase API ahead of time, causing a conflicting definition. Or, use of language reflection APIs to depend upon the precise number of APIs provided by libbase, introducing crashes if that number changes. These shouldn’t happen and are certainly rare even if they do happen by accident—the point is that the libbase providers can’t prove compatibility.
+> [^9]: For example: a poorly implemented polyfill that adds the new libbase API ahead of time, causing a conflicting definition. Or, use of language reflection APIs to depend upon the precise number of APIs provided by libbase, introducing crashes if that number changes. These shouldn」t happen and are certainly rare even if they do happen by accident—the point is that the libbase providers can」t prove compatibility.
-> 9 例如:一个实现不佳的 polyfill,提前添加了新的 libbase API,导致定义冲突。或者,使用语言反射 API 来依赖 libbase 提供的精确数量的 API,如果这个数量发生变化,就会引入崩溃。这些都不应该发生,而且即使是意外发生,也肯定很罕见--关键是 libbase 提供者无法证明兼容性。
+> 9 例如:一個實現不佳的 polyfill,提前新增了新的 libbase API,導致定義衝突。或者,使用語言反射 API 來依賴 libbase 提供的精確數量的 API,如果這個數量發生變化,就會引入崩潰。這些都不應該發生,而且即使是意外發生,也肯定很罕見--關鍵是 libbase 提供者無法證明相容性。
-### SemVer Might Overconstrain SemVer可能会过度限制
+### SemVer Might Overconstrain SemVer可能會過度限制
-Consider what happens when libbase is recognized to be more than a single monolith: there are almost always independent interfaces within a library. Even if there are only two functions, we can see situations in which SemVer overconstrains us. Imagine that libbase is indeed composed of only two functions, Foo and Bar. Our mid-level dependencies liba and libb use only Foo. If the maintainer of libbase makes a breaking change to Bar, it is incumbent on them to bump the major version of lib base in a SemVer world. liba and libb are known to depend on libbase 1.x— SemVer dependency solvers won’t accept a 2.x version of that dependency. However, in reality these libraries would work together perfectly: only Bar changed, and that was unused. The compression inherent in “I made a breaking change; I must bump the major version number” is lossy when it doesn’t apply at the granularity of an individual atomic API unit. Although some dependencies might be fine grained enough for that to be accurate,[^10] that is not the norm for a SemVer ecosystem.
+Consider what happens when libbase is recognized to be more than a single monolith: there are almost always independent interfaces within a library. Even if there are only two functions, we can see situations in which SemVer overconstrains us. Imagine that libbase is indeed composed of only two functions, Foo and Bar. Our mid-level dependencies liba and libb use only Foo. If the maintainer of libbase makes a breaking change to Bar, it is incumbent on them to bump the major version of lib base in a SemVer world. liba and libb are known to depend on libbase 1.x— SemVer dependency solvers won」t accept a 2.x version of that dependency. However, in reality these libraries would work together perfectly: only Bar changed, and that was unused. The compression inherent in 『I made a breaking change; I must bump the major version number』 is lossy when it doesn」t apply at the granularity of an individual atomic API unit. Although some dependencies might be fine grained enough for that to be accurate,[^10] that is not the norm for a SemVer ecosystem.
-考虑一下当libbase被认定为不只是一个单体时会发生什么:一个库内几乎都有独立的接口。即使只有两个函数,我们也可以看到 SemVer 对我们过度约束的情况。想象一下,libbase确实只由Foo和Bar这两个函数组成。我们的中层依赖关系 liba 和 libb 只使用 Foo。如果 libbase 的维护者对 Bar 进行了破坏性的修改,那么在 SemVer 世界中,他们就有责任提升 libbase 的主要版本。已知 liba 和 libb 依赖于 libbase 1.x——SemVer 依赖解决器不会接受这种依赖的 2.x 版本。然而,在现实中,这些库可以完美地协同工作:只有Bar改变了,而且是未使用的。当 "我做了一个突破性的改变;我必须提高主要版本号"的固有压缩不适用单个原子API单元的粒度时,它是有损的。虽然有些依赖关系可能足够精细,所以这是很准确的,这不是SemVer生态系统的标准。
+考慮一下當libbase被認定為不只是一個單體時會發生什麼:一個函式庫內幾乎都有獨立的介面。即使只有兩個函式,我們也可以看到 SemVer 對我們過度約束的情況。想象一下,libbase確實只由Foo和Bar這兩個函式組成。我們的中層依賴關係 liba 和 libb 只使用 Foo。如果 libbase 的維護者對 Bar 進行了破壞性的修改,那麼在 SemVer 世界中,他們就有責任提升 libbase 的主要版本。已知 liba 和 libb 依賴於 libbase 1.x——SemVer 依賴解決器不會接受這種依賴的 2.x 版本。然而,在現實中,這些函式庫可以完美地協同工作:只有Bar改變了,而且是未使用的。當 "我做了一個突破性的改變;我必須提高主要版本號"的固有壓縮不適用單個原子API單元的粒度時,它是有損的。雖然有些依賴關係可能足夠精細,所以這是很準確的,這不是SemVer生態系統的標準。
If SemVer overconstrains, either because of an unnecessarily severe version bump or insufficiently fine-grained application of SemVer numbers, automated package managers and SAT-solvers will report that your dependencies cannot be updated or installed, even if everything would work together flawlessly by ignoring the SemVer checks. Anyone who has ever been exposed to dependency hell during an upgrade might find this particularly infuriating: some large fraction of that effort was a complete waste of time.
> [^10]: The Node ecosystem has noteworthy examples of dependencies that provide exactly one API.
-> 10 节点生态系统有值得注意的依赖关系示例,这些依赖关系只提供一个API。
+> 10 節點生態系統有值得注意的依賴關係範例,這些依賴關係只提供一個API。
-### SemVer Might Overpromise SemVer可能过度承诺
+### SemVer Might Overpromise SemVer可能過度承諾
-On the flip side, the application of SemVer makes the explicit assumption that an API provider’s estimate of compatibility can be fully predictive and that changes fall into three buckets: breaking (by modification or removal), strictly additive, or non-API- impacting. If SemVer is a perfectly faithful representation of the risk of a change by classifying syntactic and semantic changes, how do we characterize a change that adds a one-millisecond delay to a time-sensitive API? Or, more plausibly: how do we characterize a change that alters the format of our logging output? Or that alters the order that we import external dependencies? Or that alters the order that results are returned in an “unordered” stream? Is it reasonable to assume that those changes are “safe” merely because those aren’t part of the syntax or contract of the API in question? What if the documentation said “This may change in the future”? Or the API was named “ForInternalUseByLibBaseOnlyDoNotTouchThisIReallyMeanIt?”[^11]
+On the flip side, the application of SemVer makes the explicit assumption that an API provider」s estimate of compatibility can be fully predictive and that changes fall into three buckets: breaking (by modification or removal), strictly additive, or non-API- impacting. If SemVer is a perfectly faithful representation of the risk of a change by classifying syntactic and semantic changes, how do we characterize a change that adds a one-millisecond delay to a time-sensitive API? Or, more plausibly: how do we characterize a change that alters the format of our logging output? Or that alters the order that we import external dependencies? Or that alters the order that results are returned in an 『unordered』 stream? Is it reasonable to assume that those changes are 『safe』 merely because those aren」t part of the syntax or contract of the API in question? What if the documentation said 『This may change in the future』? Or the API was named 『ForInternalUseByLibBaseOnlyDoNotTouchThisIReallyMeanIt?』[^11]
-另一方面,SemVer的应用做出了明确的假设,即API提供者对兼容性的预估可以完全预测,并且更改分为三个类:破坏(通过修改或删除)、严格的添加或不影响API。如果SemVer通过对语法和语义变化进行分类,完全忠实地表示了变化的风险,那么我们如何描述为时间敏感API增加一毫秒延迟的更改?或者,更合理的说法是:我们如何描述改变日志输出格式的更改?或者改变了我们导入外部依赖关系的顺序?或者改变了在 "无序"流中返回结果的顺序?仅仅因为这些变更不属于问题中API的语法或契约的一部分,就认为这些变更是“安全的”是合理的吗?如果文档中说"这在未来可能会发生变化"呢?或者API被命名为 "ForInternalUseByLibBaseOnlyDoNotTouchThisIReallyMeanIt?"
+另一方面,SemVer的應用做出了明確的假設,即API提供者對相容性的預估可以完全預測,並且更改分為三個類:破壞(透過修改或刪除)、嚴格的新增或不影響API。如果SemVer透過對語法和語義變化進行分類,完全忠實地表示了變化的風險,那麼我們如何描述為時間敏感API增加一毫秒延遲的更改?或者,更合理的說法是:我們如何描述改變日誌輸出格式的更改?或者改變了我們匯入外部依賴關係的順序?或者改變了在 "無序"流中回傳結果的順序?僅僅因為這些變更不屬於問題中API的語法或契約的一部分,就認為這些變更是『安全的』是合理的嗎?如果文件中說"這在未來可能會發生變化"呢?或者API被命名為 "ForInternalUseByLibBaseOnlyDoNotTouchThisIReallyMeanIt?"
-The idea that SemVer patch versions, which in theory are only changing implementation details, are “safe” changes absolutely runs afoul of Google’s experience with Hyrum’s Law—“With a sufficient number of users, every observable behavior of your system will be depended upon by someone.” Changing the order that dependencies are imported, or changing the output order for an “unordered” producer will, at scale, invariably break assumptions that some consumer was (perhaps incorrectly) relying upon. The very term “breaking change” is misleading: there are changes that are theoretically breaking but safe in practice (removing an unused API). There are also changes that are theoretically safe but break client code in practice (any of our earlier Hyrum’s Law examples). We can see this in any SemVer/dependency-management system for which the version-number requirement system allows for restrictions on the patch number: if you can say liba requires libbase >1.1.14 rather than liba requires libbase 1.1, that’s clearly an admission that there are observable differences in patch versions.
+The idea that SemVer patch versions, which in theory are only changing implementation details, are 『safe』 changes absolutely runs afoul of Google」s experience with Hyrum」s Law—『With a sufficient number of users, every observable behavior of your system will be depended upon by someone.』 Changing the order that dependencies are imported, or changing the output order for an 『unordered』 producer will, at scale, invariably break assumptions that some consumer was (perhaps incorrectly) relying upon. The very term 『breaking change』 is misleading: there are changes that are theoretically breaking but safe in practice (removing an unused API). There are also changes that are theoretically safe but break client code in practice (any of our earlier Hyrum」s Law examples). We can see this in any SemVer/dependency-management system for which the version-number requirement system allows for restrictions on the patch number: if you can say liba requires libbase >1.1.14 rather than liba requires libbase 1.1, that」s clearly an admission that there are observable differences in patch versions.
-SemVer补丁版本在理论上只是改变了实现细节,是 "安全"的更改,这种想法绝对违背了谷歌对Hyrum定律的经验--"只要有足够数量的用户,你的系统的每一个可观察到的行为都会被某人所依赖。" 改变依赖关系的导入顺序,或者改变一个 "无序"使用者的输出顺序,在规模上将不可避免地打破一些使用者(也许是错误地)所依赖的假设。"破坏性变化"这个术语本身就具有误导性:有些更改在理论上是突破性的,但在实践中是安全的(删除未使用的API)。也有一些变化在理论上是安全的,但在实践中会破坏客户端代码(我们之前的任何一个Hyrum定律的例子)。我们可以在任何SemVer/依赖管理系统中看到这一点,其中的版本号要求系统允许对补丁号进行限制:如果你可以说liba需要libbase >1.1.14,而不是liba需要libbase 1.1,这显然是承认补丁版本中存在明显的差异。
+SemVer補丁版本在理論上只是改變了實現細節,是 "安全"的更改,這種想法絕對違背了谷歌對Hyrum定律的經驗--"只要有足夠數量的使用者,你的系統的每一個可觀察到的行為都會被某人所依賴。" 改變依賴關係的匯入順序,或者改變一個 "無序"使用者的輸出順序,在規模上將不可避免地打破一些使用者(也許是錯誤地)所依賴的假設。"破壞性變化"這個術語本身就具有誤導性:有些更改在理論上是突破性的,但在實踐中是安全的(刪除未使用的API)。也有一些變化在理論上是安全的,但在實踐中會破壞用戶端程式碼(我們之前的任何一個Hyrum定律的例子)。我們可以在任何SemVer/依賴管理系統中看到這一點,其中的版本號要求系統允許對補丁號進行限制:如果你可以說liba需要libbase >1.1.14,而不是liba需要libbase 1.1,這顯然是承認補丁版本中存在明顯的差異。
-*A change in isolation isn’t breaking or nonbreaking—*that statement can be evaluated only in the context of how it is being used. There is no absolute truth in the notion of “This is a breaking change”; a change can been seen to be breaking for only a (known or unknown) set of existing users and use cases. The reality of how we evaluate a change inherently relies upon information that isn’t present in the SemVer formulation of dependency management: how are downstream users consuming this dependency?
+*A change in isolation isn」t breaking or nonbreaking—*that statement can be evaluated only in the context of how it is being used. There is no absolute truth in the notion of 『This is a breaking change』; a change can been seen to be breaking for only a (known or unknown) set of existing users and use cases. The reality of how we evaluate a change inherently relies upon information that isn」t present in the SemVer formulation of dependency management: how are downstream users consuming this dependency?
-*孤立的变化不是破坏性的,也不是非破坏性的*——这种说法只能在它被使用的情况下进行评估。在 "这是一个破坏性的变化"的概念中没有绝对的真理;一个变化只能被看作是对(已知或未知的)现有用户和用例的破坏。我们如何评估一个变化的现实,本质上依赖于SemVer制定的依赖管理中所没有的信息:下游用户是如何使用这个依赖的?
+*孤立的變化不是破壞性的,也不是非破壞性的*——這種說法只能在它被使用的情況下進行評估。在 "這是一個破壞性的變化"的概念中沒有絕對的真理;一個變化只能被看作是對(已知或未知的)現有使用者和用例的破壞。我們如何評估一個變化的現實,本質上依賴於SemVer制定的依賴管理中所沒有的訊息:下游使用者是如何使用這個依賴的?
-Because of this, a SemVer constraint solver might report that your dependencies work together when they don’t, either because a bump was applied incorrectly or because something in your dependency network had a Hyrum’s Law dependence on something that wasn’t considered part of the observable API surface. In these cases, you might have either build errors or runtime bugs, with no theoretical upper bound on their severity.
+Because of this, a SemVer constraint solver might report that your dependencies work together when they don」t, either because a bump was applied incorrectly or because something in your dependency network had a Hyrum」s Law dependence on something that wasn」t considered part of the observable API surface. In these cases, you might have either build errors or runtime bugs, with no theoretical upper bound on their severity.
-> [^11]: It’s worth noting: in our experience, naming like this doesn’t fully solve the problem of users reaching in to access private APIs. Prefer languages that have good control over public/private access to APIs of all forms.
+> [^11]: It」s worth noting: in our experience, naming like this doesn」t fully solve the problem of users reaching in to access private APIs. Prefer languages that have good control over public/private access to APIs of all forms.
-> 11 值得注意的是:根据我们的经验,这样命名并不能完全解决用户访问私有API的问题。首选对所有形式的API的公共/私人访问有良好控制的语言。
+> 11 值得注意的是:根據我們的經驗,這樣命名並不能完全解決使用者訪問私有API的問題。首選對所有形式的API的公共/私人訪問有良好控制的語言。
-### Motivations 动机
+### Motivations 動機
-There is a further argument that SemVer doesn’t always incentivize the creation of stable code. For a maintainer of an arbitrary dependency, there is variable systemic incentive to *not* make breaking changes and bump major versions. Some projects care deeply about compatibility and will go to great lengths to avoid a major-version bump. Others are more aggressive, even intentionally bumping major versions on a fixed schedule. The trouble is that most users of any given dependency are indirect users—they wouldn’t have any significant reasons to be aware of an upcoming change. Even most direct users don’t subscribe to mailing lists or other release notifications.
+There is a further argument that SemVer doesn」t always incentivize the creation of stable code. For a maintainer of an arbitrary dependency, there is variable systemic incentive to *not* make breaking changes and bump major versions. Some projects care deeply about compatibility and will go to great lengths to avoid a major-version bump. Others are more aggressive, even intentionally bumping major versions on a fixed schedule. The trouble is that most users of any given dependency are indirect users—they wouldn」t have any significant reasons to be aware of an upcoming change. Even most direct users don」t subscribe to mailing lists or other release notifications.
-All of which combines to suggest that no matter how many users will be inconvenienced by adoption of an incompatible change to a popular API, the maintainers bear a tiny fraction of the cost of the resulting version bump. For maintainers who are also users, there can also be an incentive *toward* breaking: it’s always easier to design a better interface in the absence of legacy constraints. This is part of why we think projects should publish clear statements of intent with respect to compatibility, usage, and breaking changes. Even if those are best-effort, nonbinding, or ignored by many users, it still gives us a starting point to reason about whether a breaking change/ major version bump is “worth it,” without bringing in these conflicting incentive structures.
+All of which combines to suggest that no matter how many users will be inconvenienced by adoption of an incompatible change to a popular API, the maintainers bear a tiny fraction of the cost of the resulting version bump. For maintainers who are also users, there can also be an incentive *toward* breaking: it」s always easier to design a better interface in the absence of legacy constraints. This is part of why we think projects should publish clear statements of intent with respect to compatibility, usage, and breaking changes. Even if those are best-effort, nonbinding, or ignored by many users, it still gives us a starting point to reason about whether a breaking change/ major version bump is 『worth it,』 without bringing in these conflicting incentive structures.
-[Go](https://research.swtch.com/vgo-import)and [Clojure](https://oreil.ly/Iq9f_)both handle this nicely: in their standard package management ecosystems, the equivalent of a major-version bump is expected to be a fully new package. This has a certain sense of justice to it: if you’re willing to break backward compatibility for your package, why do we pretend this is the same set of APIs? Repackaging and renaming everything seems like a reasonable amount of work to expect from a provider in exchange for them taking the nuclear option and throwing away backward compatibility.
+[Go](https://research.swtch.com/vgo-import)and [Clojure](https://oreil.ly/Iq9f_)both handle this nicely: in their standard package management ecosystems, the equivalent of a major-version bump is expected to be a fully new package. This has a certain sense of justice to it: if you」re willing to break backward compatibility for your package, why do we pretend this is the same set of APIs? Repackaging and renaming everything seems like a reasonable amount of work to expect from a provider in exchange for them taking the nuclear option and throwing away backward compatibility.
-Finally, there’s the human fallibility of the process. In general, SemVer version bumps should be applied to *semantic* changes just as much as syntactic ones; changing the behavior of an API matters just as much as changing its structure. Although it’s plausible that tooling could be developed to evaluate whether any particular release involves syntactic changes to a set of public APIs, discerning whether there are meaningful and intentional semantic changes is computationally infeasible.[^12] Practically speaking, even the potential tools for identifying syntactic changes are limited. In almost all cases, it is up to the human judgement of the API provider whether to bump major, minor, or patch versions for any given change. If you’re relying on only a handful of professionally maintained dependencies, your expected exposure to this form of SemVer clerical error is probably low.[^13] If you have a network of thousands of dependencies underneath your product, you should be prepared for some amount of chaos simply from human error.
+Finally, there」s the human fallibility of the process. In general, SemVer version bumps should be applied to *semantic* changes just as much as syntactic ones; changing the behavior of an API matters just as much as changing its structure. Although it」s plausible that tooling could be developed to evaluate whether any particular release involves syntactic changes to a set of public APIs, discerning whether there are meaningful and intentional semantic changes is computationally infeasible.[^12] Practically speaking, even the potential tools for identifying syntactic changes are limited. In almost all cases, it is up to the human judgement of the API provider whether to bump major, minor, or patch versions for any given change. If you」re relying on only a handful of professionally maintained dependencies, your expected exposure to this form of SemVer clerical error is probably low.[^13] If you have a network of thousands of dependencies underneath your product, you should be prepared for some amount of chaos simply from human error.
-> [^12]: In a world of ubiquitous unit tests, we could identify changes that required a change in test behavior, but it would still be difficult to algorithmically separate “This is a behavioral change” from “This is a bug fix to a behavior that wasn’t intended/promised.”
+> [^12]: In a world of ubiquitous unit tests, we could identify changes that required a change in test behavior, but it would still be difficult to algorithmically separate 『This is a behavioral change』 from 『This is a bug fix to a behavior that wasn」t intended/promised.』
-> 12 在一个无处不在的单元测试的世界里,我们可以识别需要改变测试行为的变化,但仍然很难在算法上将 "这是一个行为上的变化 "与 "这是一个对不打算/承诺的行为的错误修复 "分开。
+> 12 在一個無處不在的單元測試的世界裡,我們可以識別需要改變測試行為的變化,但仍然很難在演算法上將 "這是一個行為上的變化 "與 "這是一個對不打算/承諾的行為的錯誤修復 "分開。
> [^13]: So, when it matters in the long term, choose well-maintained dependencies.
-> 13 所以,当长期重要时,选择维护良好的依赖关系。
+> 13 所以,當長期重要時,選擇維護良好的依賴關係。
-### Minimum Version Selection 最小版本选择
+### Minimum Version Selection 最小版本選擇
-In 2018, as part of an essay series on building a package management system for the Go programming language, Google’s own Russ Cox described an interesting variation on SemVer dependency management: [Minimum Version Selection](https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs) (MVS). When updating the version for some node in the dependency network, it is possible that its dependencies need to be updated to newer versions to satisfy an updated SemVer requirement—this can then trigger further changes transitively. In most constraint- satisfaction/version-selection formulations, the newest possible versions of those downstream dependencies are chosen: after all, you’ll need to update to those new versions eventually, right?
+In 2018, as part of an essay series on building a package management system for the Go programming language, Google」s own Russ Cox described an interesting variation on SemVer dependency management: [Minimum Version Selection](https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs) (MVS). When updating the version for some node in the dependency network, it is possible that its dependencies need to be updated to newer versions to satisfy an updated SemVer requirement—this can then trigger further changes transitively. In most constraint- satisfaction/version-selection formulations, the newest possible versions of those downstream dependencies are chosen: after all, you」ll need to update to those new versions eventually, right?
-2018年,作为为Go编程语言构建软件包管理系统的系列文章的一部分,谷歌自己的Russ Cox描述了SemVer依赖性管理的一个有趣变化。[最小版本选择](https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs)(MVS)。当更新依赖网络中某个节点的版本时,它的依赖关系有可能需要更新到较新的版本,以满足更新的SemVer需求——这可能会触发进一步的变化。在大多数约束满足/版本选择公式中,这些下游依赖关系的最新版本被选中:毕竟,你最终需要更新到这些新版本,对吗?
+2018年,作為為Go程式語言建立軟體套件管理系統的系列文章的一部分,谷歌自己的Russ Cox描述了SemVer依賴性管理的一個有趣變化。[最小版本選擇](https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs)(MVS)。當更新依賴網路中某個節點的版本時,它的依賴關係有可能需要更新到較新的版本,以滿足更新的SemVer需求——這可能會觸發進一步的變化。在大多數約束滿足/版本選擇公式中,這些下游依賴關係的最新版本被選中:畢竟,你最終需要更新到這些新版本,對嗎?
-MVS makes the opposite choice: when liba’s specification requires libbase ≥1.7, we’ll try libbase 1.7 directly, even if a 1.8 is available. This “produces high-fidelity builds in which the dependencies a user builds are as close as possible to the ones the author developed against.”[^14] There is a critically important truth revealed in this point: when liba says it requires libbase ≥1.7, that almost certainly means that the developer of liba had libbase 1.7 installed. Assuming that the maintainer performed even basic testing before publishing,[^15] we have at least anecdotal evidence of interoperability testing for that version of liba and version 1.7 of libbase. It’s not CI or proof that everything has been unit tested together, but it’s something.
+MVS makes the opposite choice: when liba」s specification requires libbase ≥1.7, we」ll try libbase 1.7 directly, even if a 1.8 is available. This 『produces high-fidelity builds in which the dependencies a user builds are as close as possible to the ones the author developed against.』[^14] There is a critically important truth revealed in this point: when liba says it requires libbase ≥1.7, that almost certainly means that the developer of liba had libbase 1.7 installed. Assuming that the maintainer performed even basic testing before publishing,[^15] we have at least anecdotal evidence of interoperability testing for that version of liba and version 1.7 of libbase. It」s not CI or proof that everything has been unit tested together, but it」s something.
-MVS做出了相反的选择:当liba的规范要求libbase≥1.7时,我们会直接尝试libbase 1.7,即使有1.8的版本。这 "产生了高仿真的构建,其中用户构建的依赖关系尽可能地接近作者开发的依赖关系。"在这一点上揭示了一个极其重要的事实:当liba说它需要libbase≥1.7时,这几乎肯定意味着liba的开发者安装了libbase 1.7。假设维护者在发布之前进行了哪怕是基本的测试,我们至少有关于该版本的liba和libbase版本1.7的互操作性测试的轶事证据。这不是CI,也不能证明所有的东西都一起进行了单元测试,但它是有意义的。
+MVS做出了相反的選擇:當liba的規範要求libbase≥1.7時,我們會直接嘗試libbase 1.7,即使有1.8的版本。這 "產生了高模擬的建立,其中使用者建立的依賴關係儘可能地接近作者開發的依賴關係。"在這一點上揭示了一個極其重要的事實:當liba說它需要libbase≥1.7時,這幾乎肯定意味著liba的開發者安裝了libbase 1.7。假設維護者在發布之前進行了哪怕是基本的測試,我們至少有關於該版本的liba和libbase版本1.7的互操作性測試的軼事證據。這不是CI,也不能證明所有的東西都一起進行了單元測試,但它是有意義的。
-Absent accurate input constraints derived from 100% accurate prediction of the future, it’s best to make the smallest jump forward possible. Just as it’s usually safer to commit an hour of work to your project instead of dumping a year of work all at once, smaller steps forward in your dependency updates are safer. MVS just walks forward each affected dependency only as far as is required and says, “OK, I’ve walked forward far enough to get what you asked for (and not farther). Why don’t you run some tests and see if things are good?”
+Absent accurate input constraints derived from 100% accurate prediction of the future, it」s best to make the smallest jump forward possible. Just as it」s usually safer to commit an hour of work to your project instead of dumping a year of work all at once, smaller steps forward in your dependency updates are safer. MVS just walks forward each affected dependency only as far as is required and says, 『OK, I」ve walked forward far enough to get what you asked for (and not farther). Why don」t you run some tests and see if things are good?』
-Inherent in the idea of MVS is the admission that a newer version might introduce an incompatibility in practice, even if the version numbers *in theory* say otherwise. This is recognizing the core concern with SemVer, using MVS or not: there is some loss of fidelity in this compression of software changes into version numbers. MVS gives some additional practical fidelity, trying to produce selected versions closest to those that have presumably been tested together. This might be enough of a boost to make a larger set of dependency networks function properly. Unfortunately, we haven’t found a good way to empirically verify that idea. The jury is still out on whether MVS makes SemVer “good enough” without fixing the basic theoretical and incentive problems with the approach, but we still believe it represents a manifest improvement in the application of SemVer constraints as they are used today.
+Inherent in the idea of MVS is the admission that a newer version might introduce an incompatibility in practice, even if the version numbers *in theory* say otherwise. This is recognizing the core concern with SemVer, using MVS or not: there is some loss of fidelity in this compression of software changes into version numbers. MVS gives some additional practical fidelity, trying to produce selected versions closest to those that have presumably been tested together. This might be enough of a boost to make a larger set of dependency networks function properly. Unfortunately, we haven」t found a good way to empirically verify that idea. The jury is still out on whether MVS makes SemVer 『good enough』 without fixing the basic theoretical and incentive problems with the approach, but we still believe it represents a manifest improvement in the application of SemVer constraints as they are used today.
-> [^14]: Russ Cox, “Minimal Version Selection,” February 21, 2018, https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs.
+> [^14]: Russ Cox, 『Minimal Version Selection,』 February 21, 2018, https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs.
-> 14 Russ Cox,"最小的版本选择",2018年2月21日,https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs。
+> 14 Russ Cox,"最小的版本選擇",2018年2月21日,https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs。
-> [^15]: If that assumption doesn’t hold, you should really stop depending on liba.
+> [^15]: If that assumption doesn」t hold, you should really stop depending on liba.
-> 15 如果这个假设不成立,你真的应该停止对liba的依赖。
+> 15 如果這個假設不成立,你真的應該停止對liba的依賴。
-### So, Does SemVer Work? 那么,SemVer是否有效?
+### So, Does SemVer Work? 那麼,SemVer是否有效?
-SemVer works well enough in limited scales. It’s deeply important, however, to recognize what it is actually saying and what it cannot. SemVer will work fine provided that:
+SemVer works well enough in limited scales. It」s deeply important, however, to recognize what it is actually saying and what it cannot. SemVer will work fine provided that:
- Your dependency providers are accurate and responsible (to avoid human error in SemVer bumps)
- Your dependencies are fine grained (to avoid falsely overconstraining when unused/unrelated APIs in your dependencies are updated, and the associated risk of unsatisfiable SemVer requirements)
- All usage of all APIs is within the expected usage (to avoid being broken in surprising fashion by an assumed-compatible change, either directly or in code you depend upon transitively)
-- 你的依赖关系提供者准确且负责(以避免SemVer冲突中的人为错误)
-- 你的依赖关系是细粒度的(以避免在更新依赖关系中未使用/不相关的API时错误地过度约束,以及不可满足SemVer需求的相关风险)。
-- 所有API的所有使用都在预期的使用范围内(以避免被一个假定的兼容变化以令人惊讶的方式破坏,无论是直接的还是在你过渡依赖的代码中)。
+- 你的依賴關係提供者準確且負責(以避免SemVer衝突中的人為錯誤)
+- 你的依賴關係是細粒度的(以避免在更新依賴關係中未使用/不相關的API時錯誤地過度約束,以及不可滿足SemVer需求的相關風險)。
+- 所有API的所有使用都在預期的使用範圍內(以避免被一個假定的相容變化以令人驚訝的方式破壞,無論是直接的還是在你轉場依賴的程式碼中)。
When you have only a few carefully chosen and well-maintained dependencies in your dependency graph, SemVer can be a perfectly suitable solution.
However, our experience at Google suggests that it is unlikely that you can have *any* of those three properties at scale and keep them working constantly over time. Scale tends to be the thing that shows the weaknesses in SemVer. As your dependency network scales up, both in the size of each dependency and the number of dependencies (as well as any monorepo effects from having multiple projects depending on the same network of external dependencies), the compounded fidelity loss in SemVer will begin to dominate. These failures manifest as both false positives (practically incompatible versions that theoretically should have worked) and false negatives (compatible versions disallowed by SAT-solvers and resulting dependency hell).
-## Dependency Management with Infinite Resources 无限资源下的依赖管理
+## Dependency Management with Infinite Resources 無限資源下的依賴管理
-Here’s a useful thought experiment when considering dependency-management solutions: what would dependency management look like if we all had access to infinite compute resources? That is, what’s the best we could hope for, if we aren’t resource constrained but are limited only by visibility and weak coordination among organizations? As we see it currently, the industry relies on SemVer for three reasons:
+Here」s a useful thought experiment when considering dependency-management solutions: what would dependency management look like if we all had access to infinite compute resources? That is, what」s the best we could hope for, if we aren」t resource constrained but are limited only by visibility and weak coordination among organizations? As we see it currently, the industry relies on SemVer for three reasons:
-- It requires only local information (an API provider doesn’t *need* to know the particulars of downstream users)
-- It doesn’t assume the availability of tests (not ubiquitous in the industry yet, but definitely moving that way in the next decade), compute resources to run the tests, or CI systems to monitor the test results
-- It’s the existing practice
+- It requires only local information (an API provider doesn」t *need* to know the particulars of downstream users)
+- It doesn」t assume the availability of tests (not ubiquitous in the industry yet, but definitely moving that way in the next decade), compute resources to run the tests, or CI systems to monitor the test results
+- It」s the existing practice
-- 它只需要本地信息(API提供者不需要知道下游用户的标识符)
-- 它不需要测试的可用性(在行业中还没有普及,但在未来十年肯定会向这个方向发展)、运行测试的计算资源或监控测试结果的CI系统的可用性。
-- 这是现成的做法
+- 它只需要本地訊息(API提供者不需要知道下游使用者的識別符號)
+- 它不需要測試的可用性(在行業中還沒有普及,但在未來十年肯定會向這個方向發展)、執行測試的計算資源或監控測試結果的CI系統的可用性。
+- 這是現成的做法
-The “requirement” of local information isn’t really necessary, specifically because dependency networks tend to form in only two environments:
+The 『requirement』 of local information isn」t really necessary, specifically because dependency networks tend to form in only two environments:
- Within a single organization
- Within the OSS ecosystem, where source is visible even if the projects are not necessarily collaborating
-对本地信息的 "要求 "并不是真正必要的,特别是因为依赖性网络往往只在两种环境中形成:
+對本地訊息的 "要求 "並不是真正必要的,特別是因為依賴性網路往往只在兩種環境中形成:
-- 在一个组织内
-- 在开放源码软件生态系统内,即使项目不一定合作,源码也是可见的
+- 在一個組織內
+- 在開放原始碼軟體生態系統內,即使專案不一定合作,原始碼也是可見的
-In either of those cases, significant information about downstream usage is *available*, even if it isn’t being readily exposed or acted upon today. That is, part of SemVer’s effective dominance is that we’re choosing to ignore information that is theoretically available to us. If we had access to more compute resources and that dependency information was surfaced readily, the community would probably find a use for it.
+In either of those cases, significant information about downstream usage is *available*, even if it isn」t being readily exposed or acted upon today. That is, part of SemVer」s effective dominance is that we」re choosing to ignore information that is theoretically available to us. If we had access to more compute resources and that dependency information was surfaced readily, the community would probably find a use for it.
-Although an OSS package can have innumerable closed-source dependents, the common case is that popular OSS packages are popular both publicly and privately. Dependency networks don’t (can’t) aggressively mix public and private dependencies: generally, there is a public subset and a separate private subgraph.[^16]
+Although an OSS package can have innumerable closed-source dependents, the common case is that popular OSS packages are popular both publicly and privately. Dependency networks don」t (can」t) aggressively mix public and private dependencies: generally, there is a public subset and a separate private subgraph.[^16]
-Next, we must remember the *intent* of SemVer: “In my estimation, this change will be easy (or not) to adopt.” Is there a better way of conveying that information? Yes, in the form of practical experience demonstrating that the change is easy to adopt. How do we get such experience? If most (or at least a representative sample) of our dependencies are publicly visible, we run the tests for those dependencies with every proposed change. With a sufficiently large number of such tests, we have at least a statistical argument that the change is safe in the practical Hyrum’s-Law sense. The tests still pass, the change is good—it doesn’t matter whether this is API impacting, bug fixing, or anything in between; there’s no need to classify or estimate.
+Next, we must remember the *intent* of SemVer: 『In my estimation, this change will be easy (or not) to adopt.』 Is there a better way of conveying that information? Yes, in the form of practical experience demonstrating that the change is easy to adopt. How do we get such experience? If most (or at least a representative sample) of our dependencies are publicly visible, we run the tests for those dependencies with every proposed change. With a sufficiently large number of such tests, we have at least a statistical argument that the change is safe in the practical Hyrum」s-Law sense. The tests still pass, the change is good—it doesn」t matter whether this is API impacting, bug fixing, or anything in between; there」s no need to classify or estimate.
-接下来,我们必须记住SemVer的*意图*:"据我估计,这种变化将很容易(或不容易)被采纳。" 是否有更好的方式来传达这一信息?是的,以实践经验的形式,证明该变化是容易采用的。我们如何获得这种经验呢?如果我们大部分(或者至少是有代表性的样本)的依赖关系是公开的,那么我们就在每一个提议的改变中对这些依赖关系进行测试。有了足够多的这样的测试,我们至少有了一个统计学上的论据,即从实际的Hyrum定律意义上来说,这个变化是安全的。测试仍然通过,变化就是好的——这与影响API、修复bug或介于两者之间的事情无关;没有必要进行分类或评估。
+接下來,我們必須記住SemVer的*意圖*:"據我估計,這種變化將很容易(或不容易)被採納。" 是否有更好的方式來傳達這一訊息?是的,以實踐經驗的形式,證明該變化是容易採用的。我們如何獲得這種經驗呢?如果我們大部分(或者至少是有代表性的樣本)的依賴關係是公開的,那麼我們就在每一個提議的改變中對這些依賴關係進行測試。有了足夠多的這樣的測試,我們至少有了一個統計學上的論據,即從實際的Hyrum定律意義上來說,這個變化是安全的。測試仍然透過,變化就是好的——這與影響API、修復bug或介於兩者之間的事情無關;沒有必要進行分類或評估。
-Imagine, then, that the OSS ecosystem moved to a world in which changes were accompanied with *evidence* of whether they are safe. If we pull compute costs out of the equation, the *truth*[^17] of “how safe is this” comes from running affected tests in downstream dependencies.
+Imagine, then, that the OSS ecosystem moved to a world in which changes were accompanied with *evidence* of whether they are safe. If we pull compute costs out of the equation, the *truth*[^17] of 『how safe is this』 comes from running affected tests in downstream dependencies.
-想象一下,开放源码软件的生态系统转向一个变化伴随着*证据*的世界,即它们是否安全。如果我们把计算成本排除在外,那么 "这有多安全 "的*真相*来自于在下游依赖关系中运行受影响的测试。
+想象一下,開放原始碼軟體的生態系統轉向一個變化伴隨著*證據*的世界,即它們是否安全。如果我們把計算成本排除在外,那麼 "這有多安全 "的*真相*來自於在下游依賴關係中執行受影響的測試。
-Even without formal CI applied to the entire OSS ecosystem, we can of course use such a dependency graph and other secondary signals to do a more targeted presubmit analysis. Prioritize tests in dependencies that are heavily used. Prioritize tests in dependencies that are well maintained. Prioritize tests in dependencies that have a history of providing good signal and high-quality test results. Beyond just prioritizing tests based on the projects that are likely to give us the most information about experimental change quality, we might be able to use information from the change authors to help estimate risk and select an appropriate testing strategy. Running “all affected” tests is theoretically necessary if the goal is “nothing that anyone relies upon is change in a breaking fashion.” If we consider the goal to be more in line with “risk mitigation,” a statistical argument becomes a more appealing (and cost-effective) approach.
+Even without formal CI applied to the entire OSS ecosystem, we can of course use such a dependency graph and other secondary signals to do a more targeted presubmit analysis. Prioritize tests in dependencies that are heavily used. Prioritize tests in dependencies that are well maintained. Prioritize tests in dependencies that have a history of providing good signal and high-quality test results. Beyond just prioritizing tests based on the projects that are likely to give us the most information about experimental change quality, we might be able to use information from the change authors to help estimate risk and select an appropriate testing strategy. Running 『all affected』 tests is theoretically necessary if the goal is 『nothing that anyone relies upon is change in a breaking fashion.』 If we consider the goal to be more in line with 『risk mitigation,』 a statistical argument becomes a more appealing (and cost-effective) approach.
-即使没有正式的CI应用于整个开放源码生态系统,我们当然也可以使用这样的依赖关系和其他次级信号来做更有针对性的预提交分析。优先考虑大量使用的依赖项中的测试。优先考虑维护良好的依赖项中的测试。优先考虑那些有提供良好信号和高质量测试结果历史的依赖关系中的测试。除了根据有可能给我们提供最多实验性变化质量信息的项目来确定测试的优先级外,我们还可以利用变化作者的信息来帮助估计风险和选择适当的测试策略。如果目标是 任何人所依赖的都是一种破坏性的改变",运行 "所有受影响 "的测试在理论上是必要的。如果我们认为目标更符合 "风险缓解",那么统计论证就会成为一种更有吸引力(和成本效益)的方法。
+即使沒有正式的CI應用於整個開放原始碼生態系統,我們當然也可以使用這樣的依賴關係和其他次級訊號來做更有針對性的預送出分析。優先考慮大量使用的依賴項中的測試。優先考慮維護良好的依賴項中的測試。優先考慮那些有提供良好訊號和高質量測試結果歷史的依賴關係中的測試。除了根據有可能給我們提供最多實驗性變化質量訊息的專案來確定測試的優先級外,我們還可以利用變化作者的訊息來幫助估計風險和選擇適當的測試策略。如果目標是 任何人所依賴的都是一種破壞性的改變",執行 "所有受影響 "的測試在理論上是必要的。如果我們認為目標更符合 "風險緩解",那麼統計論證就會成為一種更有吸引力(和成本效益)的方法。
In Chapter 12, we identified four varieties of change, ranging from pure refactorings to modification of existing functionality. Given a CI-based model for dependency updating, we can begin to map those varieties of change onto a SemVer-like model for which the author of a change estimates the risk and applies an appropriate level of testing. For example, a pure refactoring change that modifies only internal APIs might be assumed to be low risk and justify running tests only in our own project and perhaps a sampling of important direct dependents. On the other hand, a change that removes a deprecated interface or changes observable behaviors might require as much testing as we can afford.
What changes would we need to the OSS ecosystem to apply such a model? Unfortunately, quite a few:
- All dependencies must provide unit tests. Although we are moving inexorably toward a world in which unit testing is both well accepted and ubiquitous, we are not there yet.
- The dependency network for the majority of the OSS ecosystem is understood. It is unclear that any mechanism is currently available to perform graph algorithms on that network—the information is *public* and *available,* but not actually generally indexed or usable. Many package-management systems/dependency- management ecosystems allow you to see the dependencies of a project, but not the reverse edges, the dependents.
-- The availability of compute resources for executing CI is still very limited. Most developers don’t have access to build-and-test compute clusters.
-- Dependencies are often expressed in a pinned fashion. As a maintainer of libbase, we can’t experimentally run a change through the tests for liba and libb if those dependencies are explicitly depending on a specific pinned version of libbase.
+- The availability of compute resources for executing CI is still very limited. Most developers don」t have access to build-and-test compute clusters.
+- Dependencies are often expressed in a pinned fashion. As a maintainer of libbase, we can」t experimentally run a change through the tests for liba and libb if those dependencies are explicitly depending on a specific pinned version of libbase.
- We might want to explicitly include history and reputation in CI calculations. A proposed change that breaks a project that has a longstanding history of tests continuing to pass gives us a different form of evidence than a breakage in a project that was only added recently and has a history of breaking for unrelated reasons.
-- 所有的依赖项必须提供单元测试。尽管我们正不可阻挡地走向一个单元测试被广泛接受和无处不在的世界,但我们还没有到那一步。
-- 了解大多数开放源码软件生态系统的依赖网络。目前尚不清楚是否有任何机制可用于在该网络上执行图形算法--信息是公开的,可用的,但实际上没有被普遍索引或使用。许多软件包管理系统/依赖性管理生态系统允许你看到一个项目的依赖项,但不允许查看反向边缘和依赖关系。
-- 用于执行CI的计算资源的可用性仍然非常有限。大多数开发者没有机会使用构建和测试的计算集群。
-- 依赖项通常以固定方式表示。作为libbase的维护者,如果liba和libb的依赖项显式地依赖于libbase的特定固定版本,那么我们就不能通过liba和libb的测试实验性地运行更改。
-- 我们可能希望在CI计算中明确包括历史和声誉。一个提议的变更打破了一个长期以来一直通过测试的项目,这给我们提供了一种不同形式的证据,而不是一个最近才添加的项目中的破坏,并且由于不相关的原因而有破坏的历史。
+- 所有的依賴項必須提供單元測試。儘管我們正不可阻擋地走向一個單元測試被廣泛接受和無處不在的世界,但我們還沒有到那一步。
+- 瞭解大多數開放原始碼軟體生態系統的依賴網路。目前尚不清楚是否有任何機制可用於在該網路上執行圖形演算法--訊息是公開的,可用的,但實際上沒有被普遍索引或使用。許多軟體套件管理系統/依賴性管理生態系統允許你看到一個專案的依賴項,但不允許檢視反向邊緣和依賴關係。
+- 用於執行CI的計算資源的可用性仍然非常有限。大多數開發者沒有機會使用建立和測試的計算叢集。
+- 依賴項通常以固定方式表示。作為libbase的維護者,如果liba和libb的依賴項顯式地依賴於libbase的特定固定版本,那麼我們就不能透過liba和libb的測試實驗性地執行更改。
+- 我們可能希望在CI計算中明確包括歷史和聲譽。一個提議的變更打破了一個長期以來一直透過測試的專案,這給我們提供了一種不同形式的證據,而不是一個最近才新增的專案中的破壞,並且由於不相關的原因而有破壞的歷史。
-Inherent in this is a scale question: against which versions of each dependency in the network do you test presubmit changes? If we test against the full combination of all historical versions, we’re going to burn a truly staggering amount of compute resources, even by Google standards. The most obvious simplification to this version- selection strategy would seem to be “test the current stable version” (trunk-based development is the goal, after all). And thus, the model of dependency management given infinite resources is effectively that of the Live at Head model. The outstanding question is whether that model can apply effectively with a more practical resource availability and whether API providers are willing to take greater responsibility for testing the practical safety of their changes. Recognizing where our existing low-cost facilities are an oversimplification of the difficult-to-compute truth that we are looking for is still a useful exercise.
+Inherent in this is a scale question: against which versions of each dependency in the network do you test presubmit changes? If we test against the full combination of all historical versions, we」re going to burn a truly staggering amount of compute resources, even by Google standards. The most obvious simplification to this version- selection strategy would seem to be 『test the current stable version』 (trunk-based development is the goal, after all). And thus, the model of dependency management given infinite resources is effectively that of the Live at Head model. The outstanding question is whether that model can apply effectively with a more practical resource availability and whether API providers are willing to take greater responsibility for testing the practical safety of their changes. Recognizing where our existing low-cost facilities are an oversimplification of the difficult-to-compute truth that we are looking for is still a useful exercise.
-这里面有一个规模问题:你要针对网络中每个依赖关系的哪些版本来测试预提交的变化?如果我们针对所有历史版本的完整组合进行测试,我们将消耗大量的计算资源,即使按照谷歌的能力。这个版本选择策略最明显的简化似乎是 "测试当前的稳定版本"(毕竟,基于主干的开发是目标)。因此,在资源无限的情况下,依赖管理的模式实际上就是 "Live at Head"的模式。悬而未决的问题是,该模型是否可以有效地适用于更实际的资源可用性,以及API提供者是否愿意承担更大的责任来测试其变化的实际安全性。认识到我们现有的低成本设施是对我们正在寻找的难以计算的真相的过度简化,仍然是一项有益的工作。
+這裡面有一個規模問題:你要針對網路中每個依賴關係的哪些版本來測試預送出的變化?如果我們針對所有歷史版本的完整組合進行測試,我們將消耗大量的計算資源,即使按照谷歌的能力。這個版本選擇策略最明顯的簡化似乎是 "測試當前的穩定版本"(畢竟,基於主幹的開發是目標)。因此,在資源無限的情況下,依賴管理的模式實際上就是 "Live at Head"的模式。懸而未決的問題是,該模型是否可以有效地適用於更實際的資源可用性,以及API提供者是否願意承擔更大的責任來測試其變化的實際安全性。認識到我們現有的低成本設施是對我們正在尋找的難以計算的真相的過度簡化,仍然是一項有益的工作。
-> [^16]: Because the public OSS dependency network can’t generally depend on a bunch of private nodes, graphics firmware notwithstanding.
+> [^16]: Because the public OSS dependency network can」t generally depend on a bunch of private nodes, graphics firmware notwithstanding.
-> 16 因为公共开放源码软件的依赖网络一般不能依赖一堆私人节点,尽管有图形固定。
+> 16 因為公共開放原始碼軟體的依賴網路一般不能依賴一堆私人節點,儘管有圖形固定。
> [^17]: Or something very close to it.
-> 17 或者是非常接近于此的东西。
+> 17 或者是非常接近於此的東西。
-### Exporting Dependencies 导出依赖
+### Exporting Dependencies 匯出依賴
-So far, we’ve only talked about taking on dependencies; that is, depending on software that other people have written. It’s also worth thinking about how we build software that can be *used* as a dependency. This goes beyond just the mechanics of packaging software and uploading it to a repository: we need to think about the benefits, costs, and risks of providing software, for both us and our potential dependents.
+So far, we」ve only talked about taking on dependencies; that is, depending on software that other people have written. It」s also worth thinking about how we build software that can be *used* as a dependency. This goes beyond just the mechanics of packaging software and uploading it to a repository: we need to think about the benefits, costs, and risks of providing software, for both us and our potential dependents.
-There are two major ways that an innocuous and hopefully charitable act like “open sourcing a library” can become a possible loss for an organization. First, it can eventually become a drag on the reputation of your organization if implemented poorly or not maintained properly. As the Apache community saying goes, we ought to prioritize “community over code.” If you provide great code but are a poor community member, that can still be harmful to your organization and the broader community. Second, a well-intentioned release can become a tax on engineering efficiency if you can’t keep things in sync. Given time, all forks will become expensive.
+There are two major ways that an innocuous and hopefully charitable act like 『open sourcing a library』 can become a possible loss for an organization. First, it can eventually become a drag on the reputation of your organization if implemented poorly or not maintained properly. As the Apache community saying goes, we ought to prioritize 『community over code.』 If you provide great code but are a poor community member, that can still be harmful to your organization and the broader community. Second, a well-intentioned release can become a tax on engineering efficiency if you can」t keep things in sync. Given time, all forks will become expensive.
-像 "开源库"这样无害的慈善的行为,有两种主要方式可以成为一个组织的可能损失。首先,如果实施不力或维护不当,它最终会拖累你的组织的声誉。正如Apache社区的说法,我们应该优先考虑 "社区优先于代码"。如果你提供了很好的代码,但却是一个糟糕的社区成员,这仍然会对你的组织和更广泛的社区造成伤害。其次,如果你不能保持同步,一个善意的发布会成为对工程效率的一种负担。只要有时间,所有的分支都会变得沉重。
+像 "開源庫"這樣無害的慈善的行為,有兩種主要方式可以成為一個組織的可能損失。首先,如果實施不力或維護不當,它最終會拖累你的組織的聲譽。正如Apache社群的說法,我們應該優先考慮 "社群優先於程式碼"。如果你提供了很好的程式碼,但卻是一個糟糕的社群成員,這仍然會對你的組織和更廣泛的社群造成傷害。其次,如果你不能保持同步,一個善意的發布會成為對工程效率的一種負擔。只要有時間,所有的分支都會變得沉重。
-#### Example: open sourcing gflags 示例:开源GFLAG
+#### Example: open sourcing gflags 範例:開源GFLAG
-For reputation loss, consider the case of something like Google’s experience circa 2006 open sourcing our C++ command-line flag libraries. Surely giving back to the open source community is a purely good act that won’t come back to haunt us, right? Sadly, no. A host of reasons conspired to make this good act into something that certainly hurt our reputation and possibly damaged the OSS community as well:
+For reputation loss, consider the case of something like Google」s experience circa 2006 open sourcing our C++ command-line flag libraries. Surely giving back to the open source community is a purely good act that won」t come back to haunt us, right? Sadly, no. A host of reasons conspired to make this good act into something that certainly hurt our reputation and possibly damaged the OSS community as well:
-- At the time, we didn’t have the ability to execute large-scale refactorings, so everything that used that library internally had to remain exactly the same—we couldn’t move the code to a new location in the codebase.
-- We segregated our repository into “code developed in-house” (which can be copied freely if it needs to be forked, so long as it is renamed properly) and “code that may have legal/licensing concerns” (which can have more nuanced usage requirements).
-- If an OSS project accepts code from outside developers, that’s generally a legal issue—the project originator doesn’t *own* that contribution, they only have rights to it.
+- At the time, we didn」t have the ability to execute large-scale refactorings, so everything that used that library internally had to remain exactly the same—we couldn」t move the code to a new location in the codebase.
+- We segregated our repository into 『code developed in-house』 (which can be copied freely if it needs to be forked, so long as it is renamed properly) and 『code that may have legal/licensing concerns』 (which can have more nuanced usage requirements).
+- If an OSS project accepts code from outside developers, that」s generally a legal issue—the project originator doesn」t *own* that contribution, they only have rights to it.
-- 当时,我们没有能力进行大规模的重构,所以所有内部使用该库的东西都必须保持相同——我们不能把代码移到代码库的新位置。
-- 我们将我们的资源库隔离成 "内部开发的代码"(如果需要分支,可以自由复制,只要正确重命名)和 "可能有法律/许可问题的代码"(可能有更细微的使用要求)。
-- 如果一个开放源码软件项目接受来自外部开发者的代码,这通常是一个法律问题——项目发起人并不*拥有*该贡献,他们只拥有对它的使用权利。
+- 當時,我們沒有能力進行大規模的重構,所以所有內部使用該函式庫的東西都必須保持相同——我們不能把程式碼移到程式碼庫的新位置。
+- 我們將我們的資源庫隔離成 "內部開發的程式碼"(如果需要分支,可以自由複製,只要正確重新命名)和 "可能有法律/許可問題的程式碼"(可能有更細微的使用要求)。
+- 如果一個開放原始碼軟體專案接受來自外部開發者的程式碼,這通常是一個法律問題——專案發起人並不*擁有*該貢獻,他們只擁有對它的使用權利。
-As a result, the gflags project was doomed to be either a “throw over the wall” release or a disconnected fork. Patches contributed to the project couldn’t be reincorporated into the original source inside of Google, and we couldn’t move the project within our monorepo because we hadn’t yet mastered that form of refactoring, nor could we make everything internally depend on the OSS version.
+As a result, the gflags project was doomed to be either a 『throw over the wall』 release or a disconnected fork. Patches contributed to the project couldn」t be reincorporated into the original source inside of Google, and we couldn」t move the project within our monorepo because we hadn」t yet mastered that form of refactoring, nor could we make everything internally depend on the OSS version.
-因此,gflags 项目注定是一个 "抛出"的版本,或者是一个断开的分支。贡献给项目的补丁不能被重新纳入谷歌内部的原始源码,我们也无法将该项目转移到monorepo中,因为我们还没有掌握这种重构形式,也无法让内部的一切都依赖于开放源码版本。
+因此,gflags 專案註定是一個 "丟擲"的版本,或者是一個斷開的分支。貢獻給專案的補丁不能被重新納入谷歌內部的原始原始碼,我們也無法將該專案轉移到monorepo中,因為我們還沒有掌握這種重構形式,也無法讓內部的一切都依賴於開放原始碼版本。
-Further, like most organizations, our priorities have shifted and changed over time. Around the time of the original release of that flags library, we were interested in products outside of our traditional space (web applications, search), including things like Google Earth, which had a much more traditional distribution mechanism: precompiled binaries for a variety of platforms. In the late 2000s, it was unusual but not unheard of for a library in our monorepo, especially something low-level like flags, to be used on a variety of platforms. As time went on and Google grew, our focus narrowed to the point that it was extremely rare for any libraries to be built with anything other than our in-house configured toolchain, then deployed to our production fleet. The “portability” concerns for properly supporting an OSS project like flags were nearly impossible to maintain: our internal tools simply didn’t have support for those platforms, and our average developer didn’t have to interact with external tools. It was a constant battle to try to maintain portability.
+Further, like most organizations, our priorities have shifted and changed over time. Around the time of the original release of that flags library, we were interested in products outside of our traditional space (web applications, search), including things like Google Earth, which had a much more traditional distribution mechanism: precompiled binaries for a variety of platforms. In the late 2000s, it was unusual but not unheard of for a library in our monorepo, especially something low-level like flags, to be used on a variety of platforms. As time went on and Google grew, our focus narrowed to the point that it was extremely rare for any libraries to be built with anything other than our in-house configured toolchain, then deployed to our production fleet. The 『portability』 concerns for properly supporting an OSS project like flags were nearly impossible to maintain: our internal tools simply didn」t have support for those platforms, and our average developer didn」t have to interact with external tools. It was a constant battle to try to maintain portability.
-As the original authors and OSS supporters moved on to new companies or new teams, it eventually became clear that nobody internally was really supporting our OSS flags project—nobody could tie that support back to the priorities for any particular team. Given that it was no specific team’s job, and nobody could say why it was important, it isn’t surprising that we basically let that project rot externally.[^18] The internal and external versions diverged slowly over time, and eventually some external developers took the external version and forked it, giving it some proper attention.
+As the original authors and OSS supporters moved on to new companies or new teams, it eventually became clear that nobody internally was really supporting our OSS flags project—nobody could tie that support back to the priorities for any particular team. Given that it was no specific team」s job, and nobody could say why it was important, it isn」t surprising that we basically let that project rot externally.[^18] The internal and external versions diverged slowly over time, and eventually some external developers took the external version and forked it, giving it some proper attention.
-Other than the initial “Oh look, Google contributed something to the open source world,” no part of that made us look good, and yet every little piece of it made sense given the priorities of our engineering organization. Those of us who have been close to it have learned, “Don’t release things without a plan (and a mandate) to support it for the long term.” Whether the whole of Google engineering has learned that or not remains to be seen. It’s a big organization.
+Other than the initial 『Oh look, Google contributed something to the open source world,』 no part of that made us look good, and yet every little piece of it made sense given the priorities of our engineering organization. Those of us who have been close to it have learned, 『Don」t release things without a plan (and a mandate) to support it for the long term.』 Whether the whole of Google engineering has learned that or not remains to be seen. It」s a big organization.
-Above and beyond the nebulous “We look bad,” there are also parts of this story that illustrate how we can be subject to technical problems stemming from poorly released/poorly maintained external dependencies. Although the flags library was shared but ignored, there were still some Google-backed open source projects, or projects that needed to be shareable outside of our monorepo ecosystem. Unsurprisingly, the authors of those other projects were able to identify[^19] the common API subset between the internal and external forks of that library. Because that common subset stayed fairly stable between the two versions for a long period, it silently became “the way to do this” for the rare teams that had unusual portability requirements between roughly 2008 and 2017. Their code could build in both internal and external ecosystems, switching out forked versions of the flags library depending on environment.
+Above and beyond the nebulous 『We look bad,』 there are also parts of this story that illustrate how we can be subject to technical problems stemming from poorly released/poorly maintained external dependencies. Although the flags library was shared but ignored, there were still some Google-backed open source projects, or projects that needed to be shareable outside of our monorepo ecosystem. Unsurprisingly, the authors of those other projects were able to identify[^19] the common API subset between the internal and external forks of that library. Because that common subset stayed fairly stable between the two versions for a long period, it silently became 『the way to do this』 for the rare teams that had unusual portability requirements between roughly 2008 and 2017. Their code could build in both internal and external ecosystems, switching out forked versions of the flags library depending on environment.
-Then, for unrelated reasons, C++ library teams began tweaking observable-but-not- documented pieces of the internal flag implementation. At that point, everyone who was depending on the stability and equivalence of an unsupported external fork started screaming that their builds and releases were suddenly broken. An optimization opportunity worth some thousands of aggregate CPUs across Google’s fleet was significantly delayed, not because it was difficult to update the API that 250 million lines of code depended upon, but because a tiny handful of projects were relying on unpromised and unexpected things. Once again, Hyrum’s Law affects software changes, in this case even for forked APIs maintained by separate organizations.
+Then, for unrelated reasons, C++ library teams began tweaking observable-but-not- documented pieces of the internal flag implementation. At that point, everyone who was depending on the stability and equivalence of an unsupported external fork started screaming that their builds and releases were suddenly broken. An optimization opportunity worth some thousands of aggregate CPUs across Google」s fleet was significantly delayed, not because it was difficult to update the API that 250 million lines of code depended upon, but because a tiny handful of projects were relying on unpromised and unexpected things. Once again, Hyrum」s Law affects software changes, in this case even for forked APIs maintained by separate organizations.
-> [^18]: That isn’t to say it’s right or wise, just that as an organization we let some things slip through the cracks.
+> [^18]: That isn」t to say it」s right or wise, just that as an organization we let some things slip through the cracks.
-> 18 这并不是说这是对的或明智的,只是作为一个组织,我们让一些事情从缝隙中溜走。
+> 18 這並不是說這是對的或明智的,只是作為一個組織,我們讓一些事情從縫隙中溜走。
> [^19]: Often through trial and error.
-> 19 往往是通过试验和错误。
+> 19 往往是透過試驗和錯誤。
#### Case Study: AppEngine 案例研究:AppEngine
-A more serious example of exposing ourselves to greater risk of unexpected technical dependency comes from publishing Google’s AppEngine service. This service allows users to write their applications on top of an existing framework in one of several popular programming languages. So long as the application is written with a proper storage/state management model, the AppEngine service allows those applications to scale up to huge usage levels: backing storage and frontend management are managed and cloned on demand by Google’s production infrastructure.
+A more serious example of exposing ourselves to greater risk of unexpected technical dependency comes from publishing Google」s AppEngine service. This service allows users to write their applications on top of an existing framework in one of several popular programming languages. So long as the application is written with a proper storage/state management model, the AppEngine service allows those applications to scale up to huge usage levels: backing storage and frontend management are managed and cloned on demand by Google」s production infrastructure.
-Originally, AppEngine’s support for Python was a 32-bit build running with an older version of the Python interpreter. The AppEngine system itself was (of course) implemented in our monorepo and built with the rest of our common tools, in Python and in C++ for backend support. In 2014 we started the process of doing a major update to the Python runtime alongside our C++ compiler and standard library installations, with the result being that we effectively tied “code that builds with the current C++ compiler” to “code that uses the updated Python version”—a project that upgraded one of those dependencies inherently upgraded the other at the same time. For most projects, this was a non-issue. For a few projects, because of edge cases and Hyrum’s Law, our language platform experts wound up doing some investigation and debugging to unblock the transition. In a terrifying instance of Hyrum’s Law running into business practicalities, AppEngine discovered that many of its users, our paying customers, couldn’t (or wouldn’t) update: either they didn’t want to take the change to the newer Python version, or they couldn’t afford the resource consumption changes involved in moving from 32-bit to 64-bit Python. Because there were some customers that were paying a significant amount of money for AppEngine services, AppEngine was able to make a strong business case that a forced switch to the new language and compiler versions must be delayed. This inherently meant that every piece of C++ code in the transitive closure of dependencies from AppEngine had to be compatible with the older compiler and standard library versions: any bug fixes or performance optimizations that could be made to that infrastructure had to be compatible across versions. That situation persisted for almost three years.
+Originally, AppEngine」s support for Python was a 32-bit build running with an older version of the Python interpreter. The AppEngine system itself was (of course) implemented in our monorepo and built with the rest of our common tools, in Python and in C++ for backend support. In 2014 we started the process of doing a major update to the Python runtime alongside our C++ compiler and standard library installations, with the result being that we effectively tied 『code that builds with the current C++ compiler』 to 『code that uses the updated Python version』—a project that upgraded one of those dependencies inherently upgraded the other at the same time. For most projects, this was a non-issue. For a few projects, because of edge cases and Hyrum」s Law, our language platform experts wound up doing some investigation and debugging to unblock the transition. In a terrifying instance of Hyrum」s Law running into business practicalities, AppEngine discovered that many of its users, our paying customers, couldn」t (or wouldn」t) update: either they didn」t want to take the change to the newer Python version, or they couldn」t afford the resource consumption changes involved in moving from 32-bit to 64-bit Python. Because there were some customers that were paying a significant amount of money for AppEngine services, AppEngine was able to make a strong business case that a forced switch to the new language and compiler versions must be delayed. This inherently meant that every piece of C++ code in the transitive closure of dependencies from AppEngine had to be compatible with the older compiler and standard library versions: any bug fixes or performance optimizations that could be made to that infrastructure had to be compatible across versions. That situation persisted for almost three years.
-最初,AppEngine对Python的支持是使用旧版本的Python解释器运行的32位构建。AppEngine系统本身(当然)是在我们的monorepo中实现的,并与我们其他的通用工具一起构建,用Python和C++来支持后端。2014年,我们开始对Python运行时进行重大更新,同时安装C++编译器和标准库,其结果是我们有效地将 "用当前C++编译器构建的代码 "与 "使用更新的Python版本的代码 "联系起来——一个项目如果升级了这些依赖中的一个,就同时升级了另一个。对于大多数项目来说,这并不是一个问题。对于少数项目,由于边缘案例和海勒姆定律,我们的语言平台专家最终做了一些调查和调试,以解除过渡的障碍。在一个可怕的海勒姆定律与商业实际相结合的例子中,AppEngine发现它的许多用户,即我们的付费客户,不能(或不愿)更新:要么他们不想改变到较新的Python版本,要么他们负担不起从32位到64位Python的资源消耗变化。因为有一些客户为AppEngine的服务支付了大量的费用,AppEngine能够提出一个强有力的商业方案,即必须推迟强制切换到新的语言和编译器版本。这就意味着AppEngine的依赖关系中的每一段C++代码都必须与旧的编译器和标准库版本兼容:对该基础设施的任何错误修复或性能优化都必须跨版本兼容。这种情况持续了近三年。
+最初,AppEngine對Python的支援是使用舊版本的Python直譯器執行的32位建立。AppEngine系統本身(當然)是在我們的monorepo中實現的,並與我們其他的通用工具一起建立,用Python和C++來支援後端。2014年,我們開始對Python執行時進行重大更新,同時安裝C++編譯器和標準庫,其結果是我們有效地將 "用當前C++編譯器建立的程式碼 "與 "使用更新的Python版本的程式碼 "聯絡起來——一個專案如果升級了這些依賴中的一個,就同時升級了另一個。對於大多數專案來說,這並不是一個問題。對於少數專案,由於邊緣案例和海勒姆定律,我們的語言平台專家最終做了一些調查和除錯,以解除轉場的障礙。在一個可怕的海勒姆定律與商業實際相結合的例子中,AppEngine發現它的許多使用者,即我們的付費客戶,不能(或不願)更新:要麼他們不想改變到較新的Python版本,要麼他們負擔不起從32位到64位Python的資源消耗變化。因為有一些客戶為AppEngine的服務支付了大量的費用,AppEngine能夠提出一個強有力的商業方案,即必須推遲強制切換到新的語言和編譯器版本。這就意味著AppEngine的依賴關係中的每一段C++程式碼都必須與舊的編譯器和標準庫版本相容:對該基礎設施的任何錯誤修復或效能最佳化都必須跨版本相容。這種情況持續了近三年。
-With enough users, any “observable” of your system will come to be depended upon by somebody. At Google, we constrain all of our internal users within the boundaries of our technical stack and ensure visibility into their usage with the monorepo and code indexing systems, so it is far easier to ensure that useful change remains possible. When we shift from source control to dependency management and lose visibility into how code is used or are subject to competing priorities from outside groups (especially ones that are paying you), it becomes much more difficult to make pure engineering trade-offs. Releasing APIs of any sort exposes you to the possibility of competing priorities and unforeseen constraints by outsiders. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t release APIs; it serves only to provide the reminder: external users of an API cost a lot more to maintain than internal ones.
+With enough users, any 『observable』 of your system will come to be depended upon by somebody. At Google, we constrain all of our internal users within the boundaries of our technical stack and ensure visibility into their usage with the monorepo and code indexing systems, so it is far easier to ensure that useful change remains possible. When we shift from source control to dependency management and lose visibility into how code is used or are subject to competing priorities from outside groups (especially ones that are paying you), it becomes much more difficult to make pure engineering trade-offs. Releasing APIs of any sort exposes you to the possibility of competing priorities and unforeseen constraints by outsiders. This isn」t to say that you shouldn」t release APIs; it serves only to provide the reminder: external users of an API cost a lot more to maintain than internal ones.
-有了足够多的用户,你的系统的任何 "可观察到的"都会被某些人所依赖。在谷歌,我们把所有的内部用户都限制在我们的技术堆栈的范围内,并通过monorepo和代码索引系统确保对他们的使用情况的可见性,所以更容易确保有用的改变是可能的。当我们从源码控制转向依赖管理,并失去了对代码使用情况的可见性,或者受到来自外部团体(尤其是那些付钱给你的团体)的高优先级的影响时,要做出纯粹的工程权衡就变得更加困难。发布任何类型的API都会使你暴露在竞争性的优先级和外部人员不可预见的限制的可能性中。这并不是说你不应该发布API;这只是为了提醒你:API的外部用户比内部用户的维护成本高得多。
+有了足夠多的使用者,你的系統的任何 "可觀察到的"都會被某些人所依賴。在谷歌,我們把所有的內部使用者都限制在我們的技術堆疊的範圍內,並透過monorepo和程式碼索引系統確保對他們的使用情況的可見性,所以更容易確保有用的改變是可能的。當我們從原始碼控制轉向依賴管理,並失去了對程式碼使用情況的可見性,或者受到來自外部團體(尤其是那些付錢給你的團體)的高優先級的影響時,要做出純粹的工程權衡就變得更加困難。發布任何型別的API都會使你暴露在競爭性的優先級和外部人員不可預見的限制的可能性中。這並不是說你不應該發布API;這只是為了提醒你:API的外部使用者比內部使用者的維護成本高得多。
-Sharing code with the outside world, either as an open source release or as a closed- source library release, is not a simple matter of charity (in the OSS case) or business opportunity (in the closed-source case). Dependent users that you cannot monitor, in different organizations, with different priorities, will eventually exert some form of Hyrum’s Law inertia on that code. Especially if you are working with long timescales, it is impossible to accurately predict the set of necessary or useful changes that could become valuable. When evaluating whether to release something, be aware of the long-term risks: externally shared dependencies are often much more expensive to modify over time.
+Sharing code with the outside world, either as an open source release or as a closed- source library release, is not a simple matter of charity (in the OSS case) or business opportunity (in the closed-source case). Dependent users that you cannot monitor, in different organizations, with different priorities, will eventually exert some form of Hyrum」s Law inertia on that code. Especially if you are working with long timescales, it is impossible to accurately predict the set of necessary or useful changes that could become valuable. When evaluating whether to release something, be aware of the long-term risks: externally shared dependencies are often much more expensive to modify over time.
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
-Dependency management is inherently challenging—we’re looking for solutions to management of complex API surfaces and webs of dependencies, where the maintainers of those dependencies generally have little or no assumption of coordination. The de facto standard for managing a network of dependencies is semantic versioning, or SemVer, which provides a lossy summary of the perceived risk in adopting any particular change. SemVer presupposes that we can a priori predict the severity of a change, in the absence of knowledge of how the API in question is being consumed: Hyrum’s Law informs us otherwise. However, SemVer works well enough at small scale, and even better when we include the MVS approach. As the size of the dependency network grows, Hyrum’s Law issues and fidelity loss in SemVer make managing the selection of new versions increasingly difficult.
+Dependency management is inherently challenging—we」re looking for solutions to management of complex API surfaces and webs of dependencies, where the maintainers of those dependencies generally have little or no assumption of coordination. The de facto standard for managing a network of dependencies is semantic versioning, or SemVer, which provides a lossy summary of the perceived risk in adopting any particular change. SemVer presupposes that we can a priori predict the severity of a change, in the absence of knowledge of how the API in question is being consumed: Hyrum」s Law informs us otherwise. However, SemVer works well enough at small scale, and even better when we include the MVS approach. As the size of the dependency network grows, Hyrum」s Law issues and fidelity loss in SemVer make managing the selection of new versions increasingly difficult.
It is possible, however, that we move toward a world in which maintainer-provided estimates of compatibility (SemVer version numbers) are dropped in favor of experience-driven evidence: running the tests of affected downstream packages. If API providers take greater responsibility for testing against their users and clearly advertise what types of changes are expected, we have the possibility of higher-fidelity dependency networks at even larger scale.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- Prefer source control problems to dependency management problems: if you can get more code from your organization to have better transparency and coordination, those are important simplifications.
-- Adding a dependency isn’t free for a software engineering project, and the complexity in establishing an “ongoing” trust relationship is challenging. Importing dependencies into your organization needs to be done carefully, with an understanding of the ongoing support costs.
+- Adding a dependency isn」t free for a software engineering project, and the complexity in establishing an 『ongoing』 trust relationship is challenging. Importing dependencies into your organization needs to be done carefully, with an understanding of the ongoing support costs.
- A dependency is a contract: there is a give and take, and both providers and consumers have some rights and responsibilities in that contract. Providers should be clear about what they are trying to promise over time.
-- SemVer is a lossy-compression shorthand estimate for “How risky does a human think this change is?” SemVer with a SAT-solver in a package manager takes those estimates and escalates them to function as absolutes. This can result in either overconstraint (dependency hell) or underconstraint (versions that should work together that don’t).
+- SemVer is a lossy-compression shorthand estimate for 『How risky does a human think this change is?』 SemVer with a SAT-solver in a package manager takes those estimates and escalates them to function as absolutes. This can result in either overconstraint (dependency hell) or underconstraint (versions that should work together that don」t).
- By comparison, testing and CI provide actual evidence of whether a new set of versions work together.
-- 更倾向于源控制问题,而不是依赖管理问题:如果你能从你的组织中获得更多的代码,以便有更好的透明度和协调,这些都是重要的简化。
+- 更傾向於源控制問題,而不是依賴管理問題:如果你能從你的組織中獲得更多的程式碼,以便有更好的透明度和協調,這些都是重要的簡化。
-- 对于一个软件工程项目来说,增加一个依赖关系并不是免费的,建立一个 "持续"的信任关系的复杂性是具有挑战性的。将依赖关系导入你的组织需要谨慎行事,并了解持续支持的成本。
+- 對於一個軟體工程專案來說,增加一個依賴關係並不是免費的,建立一個 "持續"的信任關係的複雜性是具有挑戰性的。將依賴關係匯入你的組織需要謹慎行事,並瞭解持續支援的成本。
-- 依赖关系是一个合同:有付出就有收获,提供者和消费者在该合同中都有一些权利和责任。供应商应该清楚地了解他们在一段时间内试图承诺什么。
+- 依賴關係是一個合同:有付出就有收穫,提供者和消費者在該合同中都有一些權利和責任。供應商應該清楚地瞭解他們在一段時間內試圖承諾什麼。
-- SemVer是对 "人类认为这一变化的风险有多大 "的一种有损压缩的速记估计。SemVer与软件包管理器中的SAT求解器一起,将这些估计值升级为绝对值。这可能会导致过度约束(依赖性地狱)或不足约束(应该一起工作的版本却没有)。
+- SemVer是對 "人類認為這一變化的風險有多大 "的一種有損壓縮的速記估計。SemVer與軟體套件管理器中的SAT求解器一起,將這些估計值升級為絕對值。這可能會導致過度約束(依賴性地獄)或不足約束(應該一起工作的版本卻沒有)。
-- 相比之下,测试和CI提供了一组新版本是否能一起工作的实际证据。
+- 相比之下,測試和CI提供了一組新版本是否能一起工作的實際證據。
diff --git a/zh-cn/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes.md b/zh-cn/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes.md
index 2bb9f44..a547737 100644
--- a/zh-cn/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes.md
+++ b/zh-cn/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes/Chapter-22_Large-Scale_Changes.md
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# Large-Scale Changes
-# 第二十二章 大规模变更
+# 第二十二章 大規模變更
**Written by Hyrum Wright**
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@
Think for a moment about your own codebase. How many files can you reliably update in a single, simultaneous commit? What are the factors that constrain that number? Have you ever tried committing a change that large? Would you be able to do it in a reasonable amount of time in an emergency? How does your largest commit size compare to the actual size of your codebase? How would you test such a change? How many people would need to review the change before it is committed? Would you be able to roll back that change if it did get committed? The answers to these questions might surprise you (both what you *think* the answers are and what they actually turn out to be for your organization).
-At Google, we’ve long ago abandoned the idea of making sweeping changes across our codebase in these types of large atomic changes. Our observation has been that, as a codebase and the number of engineers working in it grows, the largest atomic change possible counterintuitively *decreases—*running all affected presubmit checks and tests becomes difficult, to say nothing of even ensuring that every file in the change is up to date before submission. As it has become more difficult to make sweeping changes to our codebase, given our general desire to be able to continually improve underlying infrastructure, we’ve had to develop new ways of reasoning about large-scale changes and how to implement them.
+At Google, we」ve long ago abandoned the idea of making sweeping changes across our codebase in these types of large atomic changes. Our observation has been that, as a codebase and the number of engineers working in it grows, the largest atomic change possible counterintuitively *decreases—*running all affected presubmit checks and tests becomes difficult, to say nothing of even ensuring that every file in the change is up to date before submission. As it has become more difficult to make sweeping changes to our codebase, given our general desire to be able to continually improve underlying infrastructure, we」ve had to develop new ways of reasoning about large-scale changes and how to implement them.
-In this chapter, we’ll talk about the techniques, both social and technical, that enable us to keep the large Google codebase flexible and responsive to changes in underlying infrastructure. We’ll also provide some real-life examples of how and where we’ve used these approaches. Although your codebase might not look like Google’s, understanding these principles and adapting them locally will help your development organization scale while still being able to make broad changes across your codebase.
+In this chapter, we」ll talk about the techniques, both social and technical, that enable us to keep the large Google codebase flexible and responsive to changes in underlying infrastructure. We」ll also provide some real-life examples of how and where we」ve used these approaches. Although your codebase might not look like Google」s, understanding these principles and adapting them locally will help your development organization scale while still being able to make broad changes across your codebase.
-## What Is a Large-Scale Change? 什么是大规模的变更?
+## What Is a Large-Scale Change? 什麼是大規模的變更?
-Before going much further, we should dig into what qualifies as a large-scale change (LSC). In our experience, an LSC is any set of changes that are logically related but cannot practically be submitted as a single atomic unit. This might be because it touches so many files that the underlying tooling can’t commit them all at once, or it might be because the change is so large that it would always have merge conflicts. In many cases, an LSC is dictated by your repository topology: if your organization uses a collection of distributed or federated repositories,[^1] making atomic changes across them might not even be technically possible.[^2] We’ll look at potential barriers to atomic changes in more detail later in this chapter.
+Before going much further, we should dig into what qualifies as a large-scale change (LSC). In our experience, an LSC is any set of changes that are logically related but cannot practically be submitted as a single atomic unit. This might be because it touches so many files that the underlying tooling can」t commit them all at once, or it might be because the change is so large that it would always have merge conflicts. In many cases, an LSC is dictated by your repository topology: if your organization uses a collection of distributed or federated repositories,[^1] making atomic changes across them might not even be technically possible.[^2] We」ll look at potential barriers to atomic changes in more detail later in this chapter.
LSCs at Google are almost always generated using automated tooling. Reasons for making an LSC vary, but the changes themselves generally fall into a few basic categories:
@@ -34,380 +34,380 @@ LSCs at Google are almost always generated using automated tooling. Reasons for
- Enabling low-level infrastructure improvements, such as compiler upgrades
- Moving users from an old system to a newer one[^3]
-- 使用代码库范围内的分析工具来清理常见的反模式
-- 替换已废弃的库特性的使用
-- 实现底层基础架构改进,如编译器升级
-- 将用户从旧系统转移到新系统
+- 使用程式碼庫範圍內的分析工具來清理常見的反模式
+- 替換已廢棄的庫屬性的使用
+- 實現底層基礎架構改進,如編譯器升級
+- 將使用者從舊系統轉移到新系統
The number of engineers working on these specific tasks in a given organization might be low, but it is useful for their customers to have insight into the LSC tools and process. By their very nature, LSCs will affect a large number of customers, and the LSC tools easily scale down to teams making only a few dozen related changes.
There can be broader motivating causes behind specific LSCs. For example, a new language standard might introduce a more efficient idiom for accomplishing a given task, an internal library interface might change, or a new compiler release might require fixing existing problems that would be flagged as errors by the new release. The majority of LSCs across Google actually have near-zero functional impact: they tend to be widespread textual updates for clarity, optimization, or future compatibility. But LSCs are not theoretically limited to this behavior-preserving/refactoring class of change.
-In all of these cases, on a codebase the size of Google’s, infrastructure teams might routinely need to change hundreds of thousands of individual references to the old pattern or symbol. In the largest cases so far, we’ve touched millions of references, and we expect the process to continue to scale well. Generally, we’ve found it advantageous to invest early and often in tooling to enable LSCs for the many teams doing infrastructure work. We’ve also found that efficient tooling also helps engineers performing smaller changes. The same tools that make changing thousands of files efficient also scale down to tens of files reasonably well.
+In all of these cases, on a codebase the size of Google」s, infrastructure teams might routinely need to change hundreds of thousands of individual references to the old pattern or symbol. In the largest cases so far, we」ve touched millions of references, and we expect the process to continue to scale well. Generally, we」ve found it advantageous to invest early and often in tooling to enable LSCs for the many teams doing infrastructure work. We」ve also found that efficient tooling also helps engineers performing smaller changes. The same tools that make changing thousands of files efficient also scale down to tens of files reasonably well.
> [^1]: For some ideas about why, see Chapter 16.
-> 1 关于原因的一些想法,见第16章。
+> 1 關於原因的一些想法,見第16章。
-> [^2]: It’s possible in this federated world to say “we’ll just commit to each repo as fast as possible to keep the duration of the build break small!” But that approach really doesn’t scale as the number of federated repositories grows.
+> [^2]: It」s possible in this federated world to say 『we」ll just commit to each repo as fast as possible to keep the duration of the build break small!』 But that approach really doesn」t scale as the number of federated repositories grows.
-> 2 在这个联合的世界里,我们可以说 "我们将尽可能快地提交到每个 repo,以保持较小的构建中断时间!" 但这种方法实际上不能随着联合代码库数量的增长而扩展。
+> 2 在這個聯合的世界裡,我們可以說 "我們將盡可能快地送出到每個 repo,以保持較小的建立中斷時間!" 但這種方法實際上不能隨著聯合程式碼庫數量的增長而擴充套件。
> [^3]: For a further discussion about this practice, see Chapter 15.
-> 3 关于这种做法的进一步讨论,见第15章。
+> 3 關於這種做法的進一步討論,見第15章。
-## Who Deals with LSCs? 谁负责处理LSC?
+## Who Deals with LSCs? 誰負責處理LSC?
-As just indicated, the infrastructure teams that build and manage our systems are responsible for much of the work of performing LSCs, but the tools and resources are available across the company. If you skipped Chapter 1, you might wonder why infrastructure teams are the ones responsible for this work. Why can’t we just introduce a new class, function, or system and dictate that everybody who uses the old one move to the updated analogue? Although this might seem easier in practice, it turns out not to scale very well for several reasons.
+As just indicated, the infrastructure teams that build and manage our systems are responsible for much of the work of performing LSCs, but the tools and resources are available across the company. If you skipped Chapter 1, you might wonder why infrastructure teams are the ones responsible for this work. Why can」t we just introduce a new class, function, or system and dictate that everybody who uses the old one move to the updated analogue? Although this might seem easier in practice, it turns out not to scale very well for several reasons.
First, the infrastructure teams that build and manage the underlying systems are also the ones with the domain knowledge required to fix the hundreds of thousands of references to them. Teams that consume the infrastructure are unlikely to have the context for handling many of these migrations, and it is globally inefficient to expect them to each relearn expertise that infrastructure teams already have. Centralization also allows for faster recovery when faced with errors because errors generally fall into a small set of categories, and the team running the migration can have a playbook—formal or informal—for addressing them.
-Consider the amount of time it takes to do the first of a series of semi-mechanical changes that you don’t understand. You probably spend some time reading about the motivation and nature of the change, find an easy example, try to follow the provided suggestions, and then try to apply that to your local code. Repeating this for every team in an organization greatly increases the overall cost of execution. By making only a few centralized teams responsible for LSCs, Google both internalizes those costs and drives them down by making it possible for the change to happen more efficiently.
+Consider the amount of time it takes to do the first of a series of semi-mechanical changes that you don」t understand. You probably spend some time reading about the motivation and nature of the change, find an easy example, try to follow the provided suggestions, and then try to apply that to your local code. Repeating this for every team in an organization greatly increases the overall cost of execution. By making only a few centralized teams responsible for LSCs, Google both internalizes those costs and drives them down by making it possible for the change to happen more efficiently.
Second, nobody likes unfunded mandates.[^4] Even though a new system might be categorically better than the one it replaces, those benefits are often diffused across an organization and thus unlikely to matter enough for individual teams to want to update on their own initiative. If the new system is important enough to migrate to, the costs of migration will be borne somewhere in the organization. Centralizing the migration and accounting for its costs is almost always faster and cheaper than depending on individual teams to organically migrate.
Additionally, having teams that own the systems requiring LSCs helps align incentives to ensure the change gets done. In our experience, organic migrations are unlikely to fully succeed, in part because engineers tend to use existing code as examples when writing new code. Having a team that has a vested interest in removing the old system responsible for the migration effort helps ensure that it actually gets done. Although funding and staffing a team to run these kinds of migrations can seem like an additional cost, it is actually just internalizing the externalities that an unfunded mandate creates, with the additional benefits of economies of scale.
-> [^4]: By “unfunded mandate,” we mean “additional requirements imposed by an external entity without balancing compensation.” Sort of like when the CEO says that everybody must wear an evening gown for “formal Fridays” but doesn’t give you a corresponding raise to pay for your formal wear.
+> [^4]: By 『unfunded mandate,』 we mean 『additional requirements imposed by an external entity without balancing compensation.』 Sort of like when the CEO says that everybody must wear an evening gown for 『formal Fridays』 but doesn」t give you a corresponding raise to pay for your formal wear.
-> 4 我们所说的“无资金授权”是指“外部实体在不平衡薪酬的情况下强加的额外要求”。有点像CEO说每个人都必须在“正式星期五”穿晚礼服,但没有给你相应的加薪来支付正式着装的费用。
+> 4 我們所說的『無資金授權』是指『外部實體在不平衡薪酬的情況下強加的額外要求』。有點像CEO說每個人都必須在『正式星期五』穿晚禮服,但沒有給你相應的加薪來支付正式著裝的費用。
-##### Case Study: Filling Potholes 案例研究:填补坑洞
+##### Case Study: Filling Potholes 案例研究:填補坑洞
-Although the LSC systems at Google are used for high-priority migrations, we’ve also discovered that just having them available opens up opportunities for various small fixes across our codebase, which just wouldn’t have been possible without them. Much like transportation infrastructure tasks consist of building new roads as well as repairing old ones, infrastructure groups at Google spend a lot of time fixing existing code, in addition to developing new systems and moving users to them.
+Although the LSC systems at Google are used for high-priority migrations, we」ve also discovered that just having them available opens up opportunities for various small fixes across our codebase, which just wouldn」t have been possible without them. Much like transportation infrastructure tasks consist of building new roads as well as repairing old ones, infrastructure groups at Google spend a lot of time fixing existing code, in addition to developing new systems and moving users to them.
-For example, early in our history, a template library emerged to supplement the C++ Standard Template Library. Aptly named the Google Template Library, this library consisted of several header files’ worth of implementation. For reasons lost in the mists of time, one of these header files was named *stl_util.h* and another was named *map-util.h* (note the different separators in the file names). In addition to driving the consistency purists nuts, this difference also led to reduced productivity, and engineers had to remember which file used which separator, and only discovered when they got it wrong after a potentially lengthy compile cycle.
+For example, early in our history, a template library emerged to supplement the C++ Standard Template Library. Aptly named the Google Template Library, this library consisted of several header files」 worth of implementation. For reasons lost in the mists of time, one of these header files was named *stl_util.h* and another was named *map-util.h* (note the different separators in the file names). In addition to driving the consistency purists nuts, this difference also led to reduced productivity, and engineers had to remember which file used which separator, and only discovered when they got it wrong after a potentially lengthy compile cycle.
-Although fixing this single-character change might seem pointless, particularly across a codebase the size of Google’s, the maturity of our LSC tooling and process enabled us to do it with just a couple weeks’ worth of background-task effort. Library authors could find and apply this change en masse without having to bother end users of these files, and we were able to quantitatively reduce the number of build failures caused by this specific issue. The resulting increases in productivity (and happiness) more than paid for the time to make the change.
+Although fixing this single-character change might seem pointless, particularly across a codebase the size of Google」s, the maturity of our LSC tooling and process enabled us to do it with just a couple weeks」 worth of background-task effort. Library authors could find and apply this change en masse without having to bother end users of these files, and we were able to quantitatively reduce the number of build failures caused by this specific issue. The resulting increases in productivity (and happiness) more than paid for the time to make the change.
-As the ability to make changes across our entire codebase has improved, the diversity of changes has also expanded, and we can make some engineering decisions knowing that they aren’t immutable in the future. Sometimes, it’s worth the effort to fill a few potholes.
+As the ability to make changes across our entire codebase has improved, the diversity of changes has also expanded, and we can make some engineering decisions knowing that they aren」t immutable in the future. Sometimes, it」s worth the effort to fill a few potholes.
-## Barriers to Atomic Changes 原子变更的障碍
+## Barriers to Atomic Changes 原子變更的障礙
-Before we discuss the process that Google uses to actually effect LSCs, we should talk about why many kinds of changes can’t be committed atomically. In an ideal world, all logical changes could be packaged into a single atomic commit that could be tested, reviewed, and committed independent of other changes. Unfortunately, as a repository—and the number of engineers working in it—grows, that ideal becomes less feasible. It can be completely infeasible even at small scale when using a set of distributed or federated repositories.
+Before we discuss the process that Google uses to actually effect LSCs, we should talk about why many kinds of changes can」t be committed atomically. In an ideal world, all logical changes could be packaged into a single atomic commit that could be tested, reviewed, and committed independent of other changes. Unfortunately, as a repository—and the number of engineers working in it—grows, that ideal becomes less feasible. It can be completely infeasible even at small scale when using a set of distributed or federated repositories.
-在我们讨论 Google 实际影响LSC的过程之前,我们应该先谈谈为什么很多种类的更改不能原子提交。在理想情况下,所有逻辑更改都可以打包成单个原子提交,可以独立于其他更改进行测试、审查和提交。不幸的是,随着版本库和在其中工作的工程师数量的增加,这种理想变得不太可行。当使用一组分布式或联邦版本库时,即使在小规模下也完全不可行。
+在我們討論 Google 實際影響LSC的過程之前,我們應該先談談為什麼很多種類的更改不能原子送出。在理想情況下,所有邏輯更改都可以打包成單個原子送出,可以獨立於其他更改進行測試、審查和送出。不幸的是,隨著版本庫和在其中工作的工程師數量的增加,這種理想變得不太可行。當使用一組分散式或聯邦版本庫時,即使在小規模下也完全不可行。
-### Technical Limitations 技术限制
+### Technical Limitations 技術限制
To begin with, most Version Control Systems (VCSs) have operations that scale linearly with the size of a change. Your system might be able to handle small commits (e.g., on the order of tens of files) just fine, but might not have sufficient memory or processing power to atomically commit thousands of files at once. In centralized VCSs, commits can block other writers (and in older systems, readers) from using the system as they process, meaning that large commits stall other users of the system.
-In short, it might not be just “difficult” or “unwise” to make a large change atomically: it might simply be impossible with a given infrastructure. Splitting the large change into smaller, independent chunks gets around these limitations, although it makes the execution of the change more complex.[^5]
+In short, it might not be just 『difficult』 or 『unwise』 to make a large change atomically: it might simply be impossible with a given infrastructure. Splitting the large change into smaller, independent chunks gets around these limitations, although it makes the execution of the change more complex.[^5]
> [^5]: See [*https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8443579*](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8443579).
-> 5 查阅 [*https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8443579*](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8443579)。
+> 5 查閱 [*https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8443579*](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8443579)。
-### Merge Conflicts 合并冲突
+### Merge Conflicts 合併衝突
As the size of a change grows, the potential for merge conflicts also increases. Every version control system we know of requires updating and merging, potentially with manual resolution, if a newer version of a file exists in the central repository. As the number of files in a change increases, the probability of encountering a merge conflict also grows and is compounded by the number of engineers working in the repository.
If your company is small, you might be able to sneak in a change that touches every file in the repository on a weekend when nobody is doing development. Or you might have an informal system of grabbing the global repository lock by passing a virtual (or even physical!) token around your development team. At a large, global company like Google, these approaches are just not feasible: somebody is always making changes to the repository.
With few files in a change, the probability of merge conflicts shrinks, so they are more likely to be committed without problems. This property also holds for the following areas as well.
-### No Haunted Graveyards 没有闹鬼的墓地
+### No Haunted Graveyards 沒有鬧鬼的墓地
-The SREs who run Google’s production services have a mantra: “No Haunted Graveyards.” A haunted graveyard in this sense is a system that is so ancient, obtuse, or complex that no one dares enter it. Haunted graveyards are often business-critical systems that are frozen in time because any attempt to change them could cause the system to fail in incomprehensible ways, costing the business real money. They pose a real existential risk and can consume an inordinate amount of resources.
+The SREs who run Google」s production services have a mantra: 『No Haunted Graveyards.』 A haunted graveyard in this sense is a system that is so ancient, obtuse, or complex that no one dares enter it. Haunted graveyards are often business-critical systems that are frozen in time because any attempt to change them could cause the system to fail in incomprehensible ways, costing the business real money. They pose a real existential risk and can consume an inordinate amount of resources.
-Haunted graveyards don’t just exist in production systems, however; they can be found in codebases. Many organizations have bits of software that are old and unmaintained, written by someone long off the team, and on the critical path of some important revenue-generating functionality. These systems are also frozen in time, with layers of bureaucracy built up to prevent changes that might cause instability. Nobody wants to be the network support engineer II who flipped the wrong bit!
+Haunted graveyards don」t just exist in production systems, however; they can be found in codebases. Many organizations have bits of software that are old and unmaintained, written by someone long off the team, and on the critical path of some important revenue-generating functionality. These systems are also frozen in time, with layers of bureaucracy built up to prevent changes that might cause instability. Nobody wants to be the network support engineer II who flipped the wrong bit!
These parts of a codebase are anathema to the LSC process because they prevent the completion of large migrations, the decommissioning of other systems upon which they rely, or the upgrade of compilers or libraries that they use. From an LSC perspective, haunted graveyards prevent all kinds of meaningful progress.
-At Google, we’ve found the counter to this to be good, old-fashioned testing. When software is thoroughly tested, we can make arbitrary changes to it and know with confidence whether those changes are breaking, no matter the age or complexity of the system. Writing those tests takes a lot of effort, but it allows a codebase like Google’s to evolve over long periods of time, consigning the notion of haunted software graveyards to a graveyard of its own.
+At Google, we」ve found the counter to this to be good, old-fashioned testing. When software is thoroughly tested, we can make arbitrary changes to it and know with confidence whether those changes are breaking, no matter the age or complexity of the system. Writing those tests takes a lot of effort, but it allows a codebase like Google」s to evolve over long periods of time, consigning the notion of haunted software graveyards to a graveyard of its own.
-### Heterogeneity 异质性
+### Heterogeneity 異質性
LSCs really work only when the bulk of the effort for them can be done by computers, not humans. As good as humans can be with ambiguity, computers rely upon consistent environments to apply the proper code transformations to the correct places. If your organization has many different VCSs, Continuous Integration (CI) systems, project-specific tooling, or formatting guidelines, it is difficult to make sweeping changes across your entire codebase. Simplifying the environment to add more consistency will help both the humans who need to move around in it and the robots making automated transformations.
For example, many projects at Google have presubmit tests configured to run before changes are made to their codebase. Those checks can be very complex, ranging from checking new dependencies against a whitelist, to running tests, to ensuring that the change has an associated bug. Many of these checks are relevant for teams writing new features, but for LSCs, they just add additional irrelevant complexity.
-We’ve decided to embrace some of this complexity, such as running presubmit tests, by making it standard across our codebase. For other inconsistencies, we advise teams to omit their special checks when parts of LSCs touch their project code. Most teams are happy to help given the benefit these kinds of changes are to their projects.
+We」ve decided to embrace some of this complexity, such as running presubmit tests, by making it standard across our codebase. For other inconsistencies, we advise teams to omit their special checks when parts of LSCs touch their project code. Most teams are happy to help given the benefit these kinds of changes are to their projects.
-### Testing 测试
+### Testing 測試
-Every change should be tested (a process we’ll talk about more in just a moment), but the larger the change, the more difficult it is to actually test it appropriately. Google’s CI system will run not only the tests immediately impacted by a change, but also any tests that transitively depend on the changed files.[^6] This means a change gets broad coverage, but we’ve also observed that the farther away in the dependency graph a test is from the impacted files, the more unlikely a failure is to have been caused by the change itself.
+Every change should be tested (a process we」ll talk about more in just a moment), but the larger the change, the more difficult it is to actually test it appropriately. Google」s CI system will run not only the tests immediately impacted by a change, but also any tests that transitively depend on the changed files.[^6] This means a change gets broad coverage, but we」ve also observed that the farther away in the dependency graph a test is from the impacted files, the more unlikely a failure is to have been caused by the change itself.
Small, independent changes are easier to validate, because each of them affects a smaller set of tests, but also because test failures are easier to diagnose and fix. Finding the root cause of a test failure in a change of 25 files is pretty straightforward; finding 1 in a 10,000-file change is like the proverbial needle in a haystack.
-The trade-off in this decision is that smaller changes will cause the same tests to be run multiple times, particularly tests that depend on large parts of the codebase. Because engineer time spent tracking down test failures is much more expensive than the compute time required to run these extra tests, we’ve made the conscious decision that this is a trade-off we’re willing to make. That same trade-off might not hold for all organizations, but it is worth examining what the proper balance is for yours.
+The trade-off in this decision is that smaller changes will cause the same tests to be run multiple times, particularly tests that depend on large parts of the codebase. Because engineer time spent tracking down test failures is much more expensive than the compute time required to run these extra tests, we」ve made the conscious decision that this is a trade-off we」re willing to make. That same trade-off might not hold for all organizations, but it is worth examining what the proper balance is for yours.
-> [^6]: This probably sounds like overkill, and it likely is. We’re doing active research on the best way to determine the “right” set of tests for a given change, balancing the cost of compute time to run the tests, and the human cost of making the wrong choice.
+> [^6]: This probably sounds like overkill, and it likely is. We」re doing active research on the best way to determine the 『right』 set of tests for a given change, balancing the cost of compute time to run the tests, and the human cost of making the wrong choice.
-> 6 这听起来可能是矫枉过正,而且很可能是。我们正在积极研究为一个特定的变化确定 "正确 "的测试集的最佳方法,平衡运行测试的计算时间成本和做出错误选择的人力成本。
+> 6 這聽起來可能是矯枉過正,而且很可能是。我們正在積極研究為一個特定的變化確定 "正確 "的測試集的最佳方法,平衡執行測試的計算時間成本和做出錯誤選擇的人力成本。
-##### Case Study: Testing LSCs 案例研究:测试LSC
+##### Case Study: Testing LSCs 案例研究:測試LSC
***Adam Bender***
-Today it is common for a double-digit percentage (10% to 20%) of the changes in a project to be the result of LSCs, meaning a substantial amount of code is changed in projects by people whose full-time job is unrelated to those projects. Without good tests, such work would be impossible, and Google’s codebase would quickly atrophy under its own weight. LSCs enable us to systematically migrate our entire codebase to newer APIs, deprecate older APIs, change language versions, and remove popular but dangerous practices.
+Today it is common for a double-digit percentage (10% to 20%) of the changes in a project to be the result of LSCs, meaning a substantial amount of code is changed in projects by people whose full-time job is unrelated to those projects. Without good tests, such work would be impossible, and Google」s codebase would quickly atrophy under its own weight. LSCs enable us to systematically migrate our entire codebase to newer APIs, deprecate older APIs, change language versions, and remove popular but dangerous practices.
-Even a simple one-line signature change becomes complicated when made in a thousand different places across hundreds of different products and services.[^7] After the change is written, you need to coordinate code reviews across dozens of teams. Lastly, after reviews are approved, you need to run as many tests as you can to be sure the change is safe.[^8] We say “as many as you can,” because a good-sized LSC could trigger a rerun of every single test at Google, and that can take a while. In fact, many LSCs have to plan time to catch downstream clients whose code backslides while the LSC makes its way through the process.
+Even a simple one-line signature change becomes complicated when made in a thousand different places across hundreds of different products and services.[^7] After the change is written, you need to coordinate code reviews across dozens of teams. Lastly, after reviews are approved, you need to run as many tests as you can to be sure the change is safe.[^8] We say 『as many as you can,』 because a good-sized LSC could trigger a rerun of every single test at Google, and that can take a while. In fact, many LSCs have to plan time to catch downstream clients whose code backslides while the LSC makes its way through the process.
-即使是一个简单的单个函数签名修改,如果在上百个不同的产品和服务的一千多个不同的地方进行,也会变得很复杂。修改写完后,你需要协调几十个团队的代码审查。最后,在审查通过后,你需要运行尽可能多的测试,以确保变化是安全的。我们说 "尽可能多",是因为一个规模不错的LSC可能会触发谷歌的每一个测试的重新运行,而这可能需要一段时间。事实上,许多LSC必须计划好时间,以便在LSC进行的过程中抓住那些代码违例的下游客户。
+即使是一個簡單的單個函式簽名修改,如果在上百個不同的產品和服務的一千多個不同的地方進行,也會變得很複雜。修改寫完後,你需要協調幾十個團隊的程式碼審查。最後,在審查透過後,你需要執行儘可能多的測試,以確保變化是安全的。我們說 "儘可能多",是因為一個規模不錯的LSC可能會觸發谷歌的每一個測試的重新執行,而這可能需要一段時間。事實上,許多LSC必須計劃好時間,以便在LSC進行的過程中抓住那些程式碼違例的下游客戶。
Testing an LSC can be a slow and frustrating process. When a change is sufficiently large, your local environment is almost guaranteed to be permanently out of sync with head as the codebase shifts like sand around your work. In such circumstances, it is easy to find yourself running and rerunning tests just to ensure your changes continue to be valid. When a project has flaky tests or is missing unit test coverage, it can require a lot of manual intervention and slow down the entire process. To help speed things up, we use a strategy called the TAP (Test Automation Platform) train.
-**Riding the TAP Train** **搭乘TAP列车**
+**Riding the TAP Train** **搭乘TAP列車**
The core insight to LSCs is that they rarely interact with one another, and most affected tests are going to pass for most LSCs. As a result, we can test more than one change at a time and reduce the total number of tests executed. The train model has proven to be very effective for testing LSCs.
The TAP train takes advantage of two facts:
- LSCs tend to be pure refactorings and therefore very narrow in scope, preserving local semantics.
- Individual changes are often simpler and highly scrutinized, so they are correct more often than not.
-- LSC往往是纯粹的重构,因此范围非常窄,保留了本地语义。
-- 单独的修改通常比较简单,而且受到高度审查,所以它们往往是正确的。
+- LSC往往是純粹的重構,因此範圍非常窄,保留了本地語義。
+- 單獨的修改通常比較簡單,而且受到高度審查,所以它們往往是正確的。
-The train model also has the advantage that it works for multiple changes at the same time and doesn’t require that each individual change ride in isolation.[^9]
+The train model also has the advantage that it works for multiple changes at the same time and doesn」t require that each individual change ride in isolation.[^9]
The train has five steps and is started fresh every three hours:
1. For each change on the train, run a sample of 1,000 randomly-selected tests.
-2. Gather up all the changes that passed their 1,000 tests and create one uberchange from all of them: “the train.”
-3. Run the union of all tests directly affected by the group of changes. Given a large enough (or low-level enough) LSC, this can mean running every single test in Google’s repository. This process can take more than six hours to complete.
+2. Gather up all the changes that passed their 1,000 tests and create one uberchange from all of them: 『the train.』
+3. Run the union of all tests directly affected by the group of changes. Given a large enough (or low-level enough) LSC, this can mean running every single test in Google」s repository. This process can take more than six hours to complete.
4. For each nonflaky test that fails, rerun it individually against each change that made it into the train to determine which changes caused it to fail.
5. TAP generates a report for each change that boarded the train. The report describes all passing and failing targets and can be used as evidence that an LSC is safe to submit.
-1. 对于列车上的每个变化,运行1000个随机选择的测试样本。
-2. 收集所有通过1000次测试的变化,并从所有这些变化中创建一个超级变化:”车次"。
-3. 运行所有直接受该组变化影响的测试的联合。如果LSC足够大(或足够底层),这可能意味着运行谷歌资源库中的每一个测试。这个过程可能需要六个多小时来完成。
-4. 对于每一个失败的非漏洞测试,针对每一个进入火车的变化单独重新运行它,以确定哪些变化导致它失败。
-5. TAP为每个上火车的变化生成一份报告。该报告描述了所有通过和未通过的目标,可以作为LSC可以安全提交的证据。
+1. 對於列車上的每個變化,執行1000個隨機選擇的測試樣本。
+2. 收集所有透過1000次測試的變化,並從所有這些變化中建立一個超級變化:』車次"。
+3. 執行所有直接受該組變化影響的測試的聯合。如果LSC足夠大(或足夠底層),這可能意味著執行谷歌資源庫中的每一個測試。這個過程可能需要六個多小時來完成。
+4. 對於每一個失敗的非漏洞測試,針對每一個進入火車的變化單獨重新執行它,以確定哪些變化導致它失敗。
+5. TAP為每個上火車的變化生成一份報告。該報告描述了所有透過和未透過的目標,可以作為LSC可以安全送出的證據。
> [^7]: The largest series of LSCs ever executed removed more than one billion lines of code from the repository over the course of three days. This was largely to remove an obsolete part of the repository that had been migrated to a new home; but still, how confident do you have to be to delete one billion lines of code?
-> 7 有史以来最大的一系列LSC在三天内从版本库中删除了超过10亿行的代码。这主要是为了删除版本库中已经迁移到新仓库的过时部分;但是,你要有多大的信心才能删除10亿行的代码?
+> 7 有史以來最大的一系列LSC在三天內從版本庫中刪除了超過10億行的程式碼。這主要是為了刪除版本庫中已經遷移到新倉庫的過時部分;但是,你要有多大的信心才能刪除10億行的程式碼?
> [^8]: LSCs are usually supported by tools that make finding, making, and reviewing changes relatively straightforward.
-> 8 LSCs通常由工具支持,使查找、制作和审查修改相对简单。
+> 8 LSCs通常由工具支援,使查詢、製作和審查修改相對簡單。
-> [^9]: It is possible to ask TAP for single change “isolated” run, but these are very expensive and are performed only during off-peak hours.
+> [^9]: It is possible to ask TAP for single change 『isolated』 run, but these are very expensive and are performed only during off-peak hours.
-> 9 有可能要求TAP提供单次更换的 "隔离 "运行,但这是非常昂贵的,而且只在非高峰时段进行。
+> 9 有可能要求TAP提供單次更換的 "隔離 "執行,但這是非常昂貴的,而且只在非高峰時段進行。
-### Code Review 代码审查
+### Code Review 程式碼審查
-Finally, as we mentioned in Chapter 9, all changes need to be reviewed before submission, and this policy applies even for LSCs. Reviewing large commits can be tedious, onerous, and even error prone, particularly if the changes are generated by hand (a process you want to avoid, as we’ll discuss shortly). In just a moment, we’ll look at how tooling can often help in this space, but for some classes of changes, we still want humans to explicitly verify they are correct. Breaking an LSC into separate shards makes this much easier.
+Finally, as we mentioned in Chapter 9, all changes need to be reviewed before submission, and this policy applies even for LSCs. Reviewing large commits can be tedious, onerous, and even error prone, particularly if the changes are generated by hand (a process you want to avoid, as we」ll discuss shortly). In just a moment, we」ll look at how tooling can often help in this space, but for some classes of changes, we still want humans to explicitly verify they are correct. Breaking an LSC into separate shards makes this much easier.
##### Case Study: scoped_ptr to std::unique_ptr 案例研究:scoped_ptr到std::unique_ptr
-Since its earliest days, Google’s C++ codebase has had a self-destructing smart pointer for wrapping heap-allocated C++ objects and ensuring that they are destroyed when the smart pointer goes out of scope. This type was called scoped_ptr and was used extensively throughout Google’s codebase to ensure that object lifetimes were appropriately managed. It wasn’t perfect, but given the limitations of the then-current C++ standard (C++98) when the type was first introduced, it made for safer programs.
+Since its earliest days, Google」s C++ codebase has had a self-destructing smart pointer for wrapping heap-allocated C++ objects and ensuring that they are destroyed when the smart pointer goes out of scope. This type was called scoped_ptr and was used extensively throughout Google」s codebase to ensure that object lifetimes were appropriately managed. It wasn」t perfect, but given the limitations of the then-current C++ standard (C++98) when the type was first introduced, it made for safer programs.
-In C++11, the language introduced a new type: std::unique_ptr. It fulfilled the same function as scoped_ptr, but also prevented other classes of bugs that the language now could detect. std::unique_ptr was strictly better than scoped_ptr, yet Google’s codebase had more than 500,000 references to scoped_ptr scattered among millions of source files. Moving to the more modern type required the largest LSC attempted to that point within Google.
+In C++11, the language introduced a new type: std::unique_ptr. It fulfilled the same function as scoped_ptr, but also prevented other classes of bugs that the language now could detect. std::unique_ptr was strictly better than scoped_ptr, yet Google」s codebase had more than 500,000 references to scoped_ptr scattered among millions of source files. Moving to the more modern type required the largest LSC attempted to that point within Google.
-Over the course of several months, several engineers attacked the problem in parallel. Using Google’s large-scale migration infrastructure, we were able to change references to scoped_ptr into references to std::unique_ptr as well as slowly adapt scoped_ptr to behave more closely to std::unique_ptr. At the height of the migration process, we were consistently generating, testing and committing more than 700 independent changes, touching more than 15,000 files *per day*. Today, we sometimes manage 10 times that throughput, having refined our practices and improved our tooling.
+Over the course of several months, several engineers attacked the problem in parallel. Using Google」s large-scale migration infrastructure, we were able to change references to scoped_ptr into references to std::unique_ptr as well as slowly adapt scoped_ptr to behave more closely to std::unique_ptr. At the height of the migration process, we were consistently generating, testing and committing more than 700 independent changes, touching more than 15,000 files *per day*. Today, we sometimes manage 10 times that throughput, having refined our practices and improved our tooling.
-Like almost all LSCs, this one had a very long tail of tracking down various nuanced behavior dependencies (another manifestation of Hyrum’s Law), fighting race conditions with other engineers, and uses in generated code that weren’t detectable by our automated tooling. We continued to work on these manually as they were discovered by the testing infrastructure.
+Like almost all LSCs, this one had a very long tail of tracking down various nuanced behavior dependencies (another manifestation of Hyrum」s Law), fighting race conditions with other engineers, and uses in generated code that weren」t detectable by our automated tooling. We continued to work on these manually as they were discovered by the testing infrastructure.
scoped_ptr was also used as a parameter type in some widely used APIs, which made small independent changes difficult. We contemplated writing a call-graph analysis system that could change an API and its callers, transitively, in one commit, but were concerned that the resulting changes would themselves be too large to commit atomically.
-In the end, we were able to finally remove scoped_ptr by first making it a type alias of std::unique_ptr and then performing the textual substitution between the old alias and the new, before eventually just removing the old scoped_ptr alias. Today, Google’s codebase benefits from using the same standard type as the rest of the C++ ecosystem, which was possible only because of our technology and tooling for LSCs.
+In the end, we were able to finally remove scoped_ptr by first making it a type alias of std::unique_ptr and then performing the textual substitution between the old alias and the new, before eventually just removing the old scoped_ptr alias. Today, Google」s codebase benefits from using the same standard type as the rest of the C++ ecosystem, which was possible only because of our technology and tooling for LSCs.
-## LSC Infrastructure LSC基础设施
+## LSC Infrastructure LSC基礎設施
Google has invested in a significant amount of infrastructure to make LSCs possible. This infrastructure includes tooling for change creation, change management, change review, and testing. However, perhaps the most important support for LSCs has been the evolution of cultural norms around large-scale changes and the oversight given to them. Although the sets of technical and social tools might differ for your organization, the general principles should be the same.
### Policies and Culture 策略和文化
-As we’ve described in Chapter 16, Google stores the bulk of its source code in a single monolithic repository (monorepo), and every engineer has visibility into almost all of this code. This high degree of openness means that any engineer can edit any file and send those edits for review to those who can approve them. However, each of those edits has costs, both to generate as well as review.[^10]
+As we」ve described in Chapter 16, Google stores the bulk of its source code in a single monolithic repository (monorepo), and every engineer has visibility into almost all of this code. This high degree of openness means that any engineer can edit any file and send those edits for review to those who can approve them. However, each of those edits has costs, both to generate as well as review.[^10]
-Historically, these costs have been somewhat symmetric, which limited the scope of changes a single engineer or team could generate. As Google’s LSC tooling improved, it became easier to generate a large number of changes very cheaply, and it became equally easy for a single engineer to impose a burden on a large number of reviewers across the company. Even though we want to encourage widespread improvements to our codebase, we want to make sure there is some oversight and thoughtfulness behind them, rather than indiscriminate tweaking.[^11]
+Historically, these costs have been somewhat symmetric, which limited the scope of changes a single engineer or team could generate. As Google」s LSC tooling improved, it became easier to generate a large number of changes very cheaply, and it became equally easy for a single engineer to impose a burden on a large number of reviewers across the company. Even though we want to encourage widespread improvements to our codebase, we want to make sure there is some oversight and thoughtfulness behind them, rather than indiscriminate tweaking.[^11]
-The end result is a lightweight approval process for teams and individuals seeking to make LSCs across Google. This process is overseen by a group of experienced engineers who are familiar with the nuances of various languages, as well as invited domain experts for the particular change in question. The goal of this process is not to prohibit LSCs, but to help change authors produce the best possible changes, which make the most use of Google’s technical and human capital. Occasionally, this group might suggest that a cleanup just isn’t worth it: for example, cleaning up a common typo without any way of preventing recurrence.
+The end result is a lightweight approval process for teams and individuals seeking to make LSCs across Google. This process is overseen by a group of experienced engineers who are familiar with the nuances of various languages, as well as invited domain experts for the particular change in question. The goal of this process is not to prohibit LSCs, but to help change authors produce the best possible changes, which make the most use of Google」s technical and human capital. Occasionally, this group might suggest that a cleanup just isn」t worth it: for example, cleaning up a common typo without any way of preventing recurrence.
-Related to these policies was a shift in cultural norms surrounding LSCs. Although it is important for code owners to have a sense of responsibility for their software, they also needed to learn that LSCs were an important part of Google’s effort to scale our software engineering practices. Just as product teams are the most familiar with their own software, library infrastructure teams know the nuances of the infrastructure, and getting product teams to trust that domain expertise is an important step toward social acceptance of LSCs. As a result of this culture shift, local product teams have grown to trust LSC authors to make changes relevant to those authors’ domains.
+Related to these policies was a shift in cultural norms surrounding LSCs. Although it is important for code owners to have a sense of responsibility for their software, they also needed to learn that LSCs were an important part of Google」s effort to scale our software engineering practices. Just as product teams are the most familiar with their own software, library infrastructure teams know the nuances of the infrastructure, and getting product teams to trust that domain expertise is an important step toward social acceptance of LSCs. As a result of this culture shift, local product teams have grown to trust LSC authors to make changes relevant to those authors」 domains.
-Occasionally, local owners question the purpose of a specific commit being made as part of a broader LSC, and change authors respond to these comments just as they would other review comments. Socially, it’s important that code owners understand the changes happening to their software, but they also have come to realize that they don’t hold a veto over the broader LSC. Over time, we’ve found that a good FAQ and a solid historic track record of improvements have generated widespread endorsement of LSCs throughout Google.
+Occasionally, local owners question the purpose of a specific commit being made as part of a broader LSC, and change authors respond to these comments just as they would other review comments. Socially, it」s important that code owners understand the changes happening to their software, but they also have come to realize that they don」t hold a veto over the broader LSC. Over time, we」ve found that a good FAQ and a solid historic track record of improvements have generated widespread endorsement of LSCs throughout Google.
> [^10]: There are obvious technical costs here in terms of compute and storage, but the human costs in time to review a change far outweigh the technical ones.
-> 10 在计算和存储方面存在明显的技术成本,但及时审查变更所需的人力成本远远超过技术成本。
+> 10 在計算和儲存方面存在明顯的技術成本,但及時審查變更所需的人力成本遠遠超過技術成本。
-> [^11]: For example, we do not want the resulting tools to be used as a mechanism to fight over the proper spelling of “gray” or “grey” in comments.
+> [^11]: For example, we do not want the resulting tools to be used as a mechanism to fight over the proper spelling of 『gray』 or 『grey』 in comments.
-> 11 例如,我们不希望由此产生的工具被用作一种机制来争夺评论中“灰色”或“灰色”的正确拼写。
+> 11 例如,我們不希望由此產生的工具被用作一種機制來爭奪評論中『灰色』或『灰色』的正確拼寫。
-### Codebase Insight 代码库的洞察力
+### Codebase Insight 程式碼庫的洞察力
-To do LSCs, we’ve found it invaluable to be able to do large-scale analysis of our codebase, both on a textual level using traditional tools, as well as on a semantic level. For example, Google’s use of the semantic indexing tool [Kythe](https://kythe.io/)provides a complete map of the links between parts of our codebase, allowing us to ask questions such as “Where are the callers of this function?” or “Which classes derive from this one?” Kythe and similar tools also provide programmatic access to their data so that they can be incorporated into refactoring tools. (For further examples, see Chapters 17 and 20.)
+To do LSCs, we」ve found it invaluable to be able to do large-scale analysis of our codebase, both on a textual level using traditional tools, as well as on a semantic level. For example, Google」s use of the semantic indexing tool [Kythe](https://kythe.io/)provides a complete map of the links between parts of our codebase, allowing us to ask questions such as 『Where are the callers of this function?』 or 『Which classes derive from this one?』 Kythe and similar tools also provide programmatic access to their data so that they can be incorporated into refactoring tools. (For further examples, see Chapters 17 and 20.)
We also use compiler-based indices to run abstract syntax tree-based analysis and transformations over our codebase. Tools such as [ClangMR](https://oreil.ly/c6xvO), JavacFlume, or [Refaster](https://oreil.ly/Er03J), which can perform transformations in a highly parallelizable way, depend on these insights as part of their function. For smaller changes, authors can use specialized, custom tools, perl or sed, regular expression matching, or even a simple shell script.
-Whatever tool your organization uses for change creation, it’s important that its human effort scale sublinearly with the codebase; in other words, it should take roughly the same amount of human time to generate the collection of all required changes, no matter the size of the repository. The change creation tooling should also be comprehensive across the codebase, so that an author can be assured that their change covers all of the cases they’re trying to fix.
+Whatever tool your organization uses for change creation, it」s important that its human effort scale sublinearly with the codebase; in other words, it should take roughly the same amount of human time to generate the collection of all required changes, no matter the size of the repository. The change creation tooling should also be comprehensive across the codebase, so that an author can be assured that their change covers all of the cases they」re trying to fix.
-As with other areas in this book, an early investment in tooling usually pays off in the short to medium term. As a rule of thumb, we’ve long held that if a change requires more than 500 edits, it’s usually more efficient for an engineer to learn and execute our change-generation tools rather than manually execute that edit. For experienced “code janitors,” that number is often much smaller.
+As with other areas in this book, an early investment in tooling usually pays off in the short to medium term. As a rule of thumb, we」ve long held that if a change requires more than 500 edits, it」s usually more efficient for an engineer to learn and execute our change-generation tools rather than manually execute that edit. For experienced 『code janitors,』 that number is often much smaller.
-### Change Management 变更管理
+### Change Management 變更管理
Arguably the most important piece of large-scale change infrastructure is the set of tooling that shards a master change into smaller pieces and manages the process of testing, mailing, reviewing, and committing them independently. At Google, this tool is called Rosie, and we discuss its use more completely in a few moments when we examine our LSC process. In many respects, Rosie is not just a tool, but an entire platform for making LSCs at Google scale. It provides the ability to split the large sets of comprehensive changes produced by tooling into smaller shards, which can be tested, reviewed, and submitted independently.
-### Testing 测试
+### Testing 測試
-Testing is another important piece of large-scale-change–enabling infrastructure. As discussed in Chapter 11, tests are one of the important ways that we validate our software will behave as expected. This is particularly important when applying changes that are not authored by humans. A robust testing culture and infrastructure means that other tooling can be confident that these changes don’t have unintended effects.
+Testing is another important piece of large-scale-change–enabling infrastructure. As discussed in Chapter 11, tests are one of the important ways that we validate our software will behave as expected. This is particularly important when applying changes that are not authored by humans. A robust testing culture and infrastructure means that other tooling can be confident that these changes don」t have unintended effects.
-Google’s testing strategy for LSCs differs slightly from that of normal changes while still using the same underlying CI infrastructure. Testing LSCs means not just ensuring the large master change doesn’t cause failures, but that each shard can be submitted safely and independently. Because each shard can contain arbitrary files, we don’t use the standard project-based presubmit tests. Instead, we run each shard over the transitive closure of every test it might affect, which we discussed earlier.
+Google」s testing strategy for LSCs differs slightly from that of normal changes while still using the same underlying CI infrastructure. Testing LSCs means not just ensuring the large master change doesn」t cause failures, but that each shard can be submitted safely and independently. Because each shard can contain arbitrary files, we don」t use the standard project-based presubmit tests. Instead, we run each shard over the transitive closure of every test it might affect, which we discussed earlier.
-### Language Support 编程语言支持
+### Language Support 程式語言支援
-LSCs at Google are typically done on a per-language basis, and some languages support them much more easily than others. We’ve found that language features such as type aliasing and forwarding functions are invaluable for allowing existing users to continue to function while we introduce new systems and migrate users to them nonatomically. For languages that lack these features, it is often difficult to migrate systems incrementally.[^12]
+LSCs at Google are typically done on a per-language basis, and some languages support them much more easily than others. We」ve found that language features such as type aliasing and forwarding functions are invaluable for allowing existing users to continue to function while we introduce new systems and migrate users to them nonatomically. For languages that lack these features, it is often difficult to migrate systems incrementally.[^12]
-We’ve also found that statically typed languages are much easier to perform large automated changes in than dynamically typed languages. Compiler-based tools along with strong static analysis provide a significant amount of information that we can use to build tools to affect LSCs and reject invalid transformations before they even get to the testing phase. The unfortunate result of this is that languages like Python, Ruby, and JavaScript that are dynamically typed are extra difficult for maintainers. Language choice is, in many respects, intimately tied to the question of code lifespan: languages that tend to be viewed as more focused on developer productivity tend to be more difficult to maintain. Although this isn’t an intrinsic design requirement, it is where the current state of the art happens to be.
+We」ve also found that statically typed languages are much easier to perform large automated changes in than dynamically typed languages. Compiler-based tools along with strong static analysis provide a significant amount of information that we can use to build tools to affect LSCs and reject invalid transformations before they even get to the testing phase. The unfortunate result of this is that languages like Python, Ruby, and JavaScript that are dynamically typed are extra difficult for maintainers. Language choice is, in many respects, intimately tied to the question of code lifespan: languages that tend to be viewed as more focused on developer productivity tend to be more difficult to maintain. Although this isn」t an intrinsic design requirement, it is where the current state of the art happens to be.
-Finally, it’s worth pointing out that automatic language formatters are a crucial part of the LSC infrastructure. Because we work toward optimizing our code for readability, we want to make sure that any changes produced by automated tooling are intelligible to both immediate reviewers and future readers of the code. All of the LSCgeneration tools run the automated formatter appropriate to the language being changed as a separate pass so that the change-specific tooling does not need to concern itself with formatting specifics. Applying automated formatting, such as [google-java-format](https://github.com/google/google-java-format)or [clang-format](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html), to our codebase means that automatically produced changes will “fit in” with code written by a human, reducing future development friction. Without automated formatting, large-scale automated changes would never have become the accepted status quo at Google.
+Finally, it」s worth pointing out that automatic language formatters are a crucial part of the LSC infrastructure. Because we work toward optimizing our code for readability, we want to make sure that any changes produced by automated tooling are intelligible to both immediate reviewers and future readers of the code. All of the LSCgeneration tools run the automated formatter appropriate to the language being changed as a separate pass so that the change-specific tooling does not need to concern itself with formatting specifics. Applying automated formatting, such as [google-java-format](https://github.com/google/google-java-format)or [clang-format](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html), to our codebase means that automatically produced changes will 『fit in』 with code written by a human, reducing future development friction. Without automated formatting, large-scale automated changes would never have become the accepted status quo at Google.
-最后,值得指出的是,自动语言格式化程序是LSC基础设施的一个重要组成部分。因为我们致力于优化我们的代码的可读性,我们希望确保任何由自动工具产生的变化对即时的审查者和未来的代码读者来说都是可理解的。所有的LSC生成工具都将适合于被修改的语言的自动格式化器作为一个单独的通道来运行,这样,针对修改的工具就不需要关注格式化的细节了。将自动格式化,如[google-java-format](https://github.com/google/google-java-format)或[clang-format](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html),应用到我们的代码库中,意味着自动产生的变化将与人类编写的代码 “合并",减少未来的开发阻力。如果没有自动格式化,大规模的自动修改就永远不会成为谷歌的公认现状。
+最後,值得指出的是,自動語言格式化程式是LSC基礎設施的一個重要組成部分。因為我們致力於最佳化我們的程式碼的可讀性,我們希望確保任何由自動工具產生的變化對即時的審查者和未來的程式碼讀者來說都是可理解的。所有的LSC生成工具都將適合於被修改的語言的自動格式化器作為一個單獨的通道來執行,這樣,針對修改的工具就不需要關注格式化的細節了。將自動格式化,如[google-java-format](https://github.com/google/google-java-format)或[clang-format](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html),應用到我們的程式碼庫中,意味著自動產生的變化將與人類編寫的程式碼 『合併",減少未來的開發阻力。如果沒有自動格式化,大規模的自動修改就永遠不會成為谷歌的公認現狀。
> [^12]: In fact, Go recently introduced these kinds of language features specifically to support large-scale refactorings ( see [https://talks.golang.org/2016/refactor.article](https://talks.golang.org/2016/refactor.article) ).
-> 12 事实上,Go最近专门引入了这些类型的语言特性来支持大规模重构(参见`https://talks.golang.org/2016/refactor.article`).
+> 12 事實上,Go最近專門引入了這些型別的語言屬性來支援大規模重構(參見`https://talks.golang.org/2016/refactor.article`).
##### Case Study: Operation RoseHub 案例研究: Operation RoseHub
-LSCs have become a large part of Google’s internal culture, but they are starting to have implications in the broader world. Perhaps the best known case so far was “[Operation RoseHub](https://oreil.ly/txtDj).”
+LSCs have become a large part of Google」s internal culture, but they are starting to have implications in the broader world. Perhaps the best known case so far was 『[Operation RoseHub](https://oreil.ly/txtDj).』
-LSC已经成为谷歌内部文化的一个重要部分,但它们开始在更广泛的世界中产生影响。迄今为止,最著名的案例也许是"Operation RoseHub"。
+LSC已經成為谷歌內部文化的一個重要部分,但它們開始在更廣泛的世界中產生影響。迄今為止,最著名的案例也許是"Operation RoseHub"。
-In early 2017, a vulnerability in the Apache Commons library allowed any Java application with a vulnerable version of the library in its transitive classpath to become susceptible to remote execution. This bug became known as the Mad Gadget. Among other things, it allowed an avaricious hacker to encrypt the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s systems and shut down its operations. Because the only requirement for the vulnerability was having the wrong library somewhere in its classpath, anything that depended on even one of many open source projects on GitHub was vulnerable.
+In early 2017, a vulnerability in the Apache Commons library allowed any Java application with a vulnerable version of the library in its transitive classpath to become susceptible to remote execution. This bug became known as the Mad Gadget. Among other things, it allowed an avaricious hacker to encrypt the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency」s systems and shut down its operations. Because the only requirement for the vulnerability was having the wrong library somewhere in its classpath, anything that depended on even one of many open source projects on GitHub was vulnerable.
-2017年初,Apache Commons库中的一个漏洞允许任何在其跨类路径中具有该库的脆弱版本的Java应用程序变得容易被远程执行。这个漏洞被称为 "疯狂小工具"。在其他方面,它允许一个贪婪的黑客对旧金山市交通局的系统进行加密并关闭其运作。由于该漏洞的唯一要求是在其classpath中的某个地方有错误的库,任何依赖于GitHub上许多开源项目的东西都会受到攻击。
+2017年初,Apache Commons庫中的一個漏洞允許任何在其跨類路徑中具有該函式庫的脆弱版本的Java應用程式變得容易被遠端執行。這個漏洞被稱為 "瘋狂小工具"。在其他方面,它允許一個貪婪的駭客對舊金山市交通局的系統進行加密並關閉其運作。由於該漏洞的唯一要求是在其classpath中的某個地方有錯誤的函式庫,任何依賴於GitHub上許多開源專案的東西都會受到攻擊。
To solve this problem, some enterprising Googlers launched their own version of the LSC process. By using tools such as [BigQuery](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery), volunteers identified affected projects and sent more than 2,600 patches to upgrade their versions of the Commons library to one that addressed Mad Gadget. Instead of automated tools managing the process, more than 50 humans made this LSC work.
-为了解决这个问题,一些有进取心的Googlers发起了他们自己版本的LSC程序。通过使用[BigQuery](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery)等工具,志愿者们确定了受影响的项目,并发送了2600多个补丁,将其版本的Commons库升级为解决Mad Gadget的版本。在这个过程中,不是由自动化工具来管理,而是由50多个人类来完成这个LSC的工作。
+為了解決這個問題,一些有進取心的Googlers發起了他們自己版本的LSC程式。透過使用[BigQuery](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery)等工具,志願者們確定了受影響的專案,併發送了2600多個補丁,將其版本的Commons函式庫升級為解決Mad Gadget的版本。在這個過程中,不是由自動化工具來管理,而是由50多個人類來完成這個LSC的工作。
-## The LSC Process LSC过程
+## The LSC Process LSC過程
With these pieces of infrastructure in place, we can now talk about the process for actually making an LSC. This roughly breaks down into four phases (with very nebulous boundaries between them):
@@ -416,179 +416,179 @@ With these pieces of infrastructure in place, we can now talk about the process
3. Shard management
4. Cleanup
-1. 授权
-2. 变更创建
+1. 授權
+2. 變更建立
3. 分片管理
4. 清理
-Typically, these steps happen after a new system, class, or function has been written, but it’s important to keep them in mind during the design of the new system. At Google, we aim to design successor systems with a migration path from older systems in mind, so that system maintainers can move their users to the new system automatically.
+Typically, these steps happen after a new system, class, or function has been written, but it」s important to keep them in mind during the design of the new system. At Google, we aim to design successor systems with a migration path from older systems in mind, so that system maintainers can move their users to the new system automatically.
-### Authorization 授权
+### Authorization 授權
-We ask potential authors to fill out a brief document explaining the reason for a proposed change, its estimated impact across the codebase (i.e., how many smaller shards the large change would generate), and answers to any questions potential reviewers might have. This process also forces authors to think about how they will describe the change to an engineer unfamiliar with it in the form of an FAQ and proposed change description. Authors also get “domain review” from the owners of the API being refactored.
+We ask potential authors to fill out a brief document explaining the reason for a proposed change, its estimated impact across the codebase (i.e., how many smaller shards the large change would generate), and answers to any questions potential reviewers might have. This process also forces authors to think about how they will describe the change to an engineer unfamiliar with it in the form of an FAQ and proposed change description. Authors also get 『domain review』 from the owners of the API being refactored.
-This proposal is then forwarded to an email list with about a dozen people who have oversight over the entire process. After discussion, the committee gives feedback on how to move forward. For example, one of the most common changes made by the committee is to direct all of the code reviews for an LSC to go to a single “global approver.” Many first-time LSC authors tend to assume that local project owners should review everything, but for most mechanical LSCs, it’s cheaper to have a single expert understand the nature of the change and build automation around reviewing it properly.
+This proposal is then forwarded to an email list with about a dozen people who have oversight over the entire process. After discussion, the committee gives feedback on how to move forward. For example, one of the most common changes made by the committee is to direct all of the code reviews for an LSC to go to a single 『global approver.』 Many first-time LSC authors tend to assume that local project owners should review everything, but for most mechanical LSCs, it」s cheaper to have a single expert understand the nature of the change and build automation around reviewing it properly.
-然后,这个提案被转发到一个有大约十几个人的电子邮件列表,这些人对整个过程进行监督。经过讨论,委员会就如何推进工作给出反馈。例如,委员会做出的最常见的改变之一是将一个LSC的所有代码审查交给一个 "全球批准人"。许多第一次做LSC的人倾向于认为当地的项目负责人应该审查所有的东西,但对于大多数自动LSC来说,让一个专家了解变化的性质并围绕着正确的审查建立自动化是比较低成本。
+然後,這個提案被轉發到一個有大約十幾個人的電子郵件清單,這些人對整個過程進行監督。經過討論,委員會就如何推進工作給出反饋。例如,委員會做出的最常見的改變之一是將一個LSC的所有程式碼審查交給一個 "全球批准人"。許多第一次做LSC的人傾向於認為當地的專案負責人應該審查所有的東西,但對於大多數自動LSC來說,讓一個專家瞭解變化的性質並圍繞著正確的審查建立自動化是比較低成本。
After the change is approved, the author can move forward in getting their change submitted. Historically, the committee has been very liberal with their approval,[^13] and often gives approval not just for a specific change, but also for a broad set of related changes. Committee members can, at their discretion, fast-track obvious changes without the need for full deliberation.
The intent of this process is to provide oversight and an escalation path, without being too onerous for the LSC authors. The committee is also empowered as the escalation body for concerns or conflicts about an LSC: local owners who disagree with the change can appeal to this group who can then arbitrate any conflicts. In practice, this has rarely been needed.
> [^13]: The only kinds of changes that the committee has outright rejected have been those that are deemed dangerous, such as converting all NULL instances to nullptr, or extremely low-value, such as changing spelling from British English to American English, or vice versa. As our experience with such changes has increased and the cost of LSCs has dropped, the threshold for approval has as well.
-> 13 委员会完全拒绝的唯一类型的更改是那些被视为危险的更改,如将所有空实例转换为空PTR,或极低的值,如将拼写从英式英语更改为美式英语,或反之亦然。随着我们在此类变更方面的经验增加,LSC的成本降低,批准门槛也随之降低。
+> 13 委員會完全拒絕的唯一型別的更改是那些被視為危險的更改,如將所有空實例轉換為空PTR,或極低的值,如將拼寫從英式英語更改為美式英語,或反之亦然。隨著我們在此類變更方面的經驗增加,LSC的成本降低,批准門檻也隨之降低。
-### Change Creation 变更创建
+### Change Creation 變更建立
After getting the required approval, an LSC author will begin to produce the actual code edits. Sometimes, these can be generated comprehensively into a single large global change that will be subsequently sharded into many smaller independent pieces. Usually, the size of the change is too large to fit in a single global change, due to technical limitations of the underlying version control system.
-The change generation process should be as automated as possible so that the parent change can be updated as users backslide into old uses[^14] or textual merge conflicts occur in the changed code. Occasionally, for the rare case in which technical tools aren’t able to generate the global change, we have sharded change generation across humans (see “Case Study: Operation RoseHub” on page 472). Although much more labor intensive than automatically generating changes, this allows global changes to happen much more quickly for time-sensitive applications.
+The change generation process should be as automated as possible so that the parent change can be updated as users backslide into old uses[^14] or textual merge conflicts occur in the changed code. Occasionally, for the rare case in which technical tools aren」t able to generate the global change, we have sharded change generation across humans (see 『Case Study: Operation RoseHub』 on page 472). Although much more labor intensive than automatically generating changes, this allows global changes to happen much more quickly for time-sensitive applications.
-变更生成过程应尽可能自动化,以便在用户退回到旧的使用方式或在变更的代码中出现文本合并冲突时,可以更新父级变更。偶尔,在技术工具无法生成全局变更的罕见情况下,我们也会将变更的生成分给人工(见第472页的 "案例研究:RoseHub行动")。尽管这比自动生成变更要耗费更多的人力,但对于时间敏感的应用来说,这使得全局性的变更能够更快推进。
+變更生成過程應儘可能自動化,以便在使用者退回到舊的使用方式或在變更的程式碼中出現文字合併衝突時,可以更新父級變更。偶爾,在技術工具無法生成全域變更的罕見情況下,我們也會將變更的生成分給人工(見第472頁的 "案例研究:RoseHub行動")。儘管這比自動生成變更要耗費更多的人力,但對於時間敏感的應用來說,這使得全域性的變更能夠更快推進。
Keep in mind that we optimize for human readability of our codebase, so whatever tool generates changes, we want the resulting changes to look as much like humangenerated changes as possible. This requirement leads to the necessity of style guides and automatic formatting tools (see Chapter 8).[^15]
> [^14]: This happens for many reasons: copy-and-paste from existing examples, committing changes that have been in development for some time, or simply reliance on old habits.
-> 14 发生这种情况的原因有很多:从现有示例复制和粘贴,提交已经开发了一段时间的更改,或者仅仅依靠旧习惯。
+> 14 發生這種情況的原因有很多:從現有範例複製和貼上,送出已經開發了一段時間的更改,或者僅僅依靠舊習慣。
> [^15]: In actuality, this is the reasoning behind the original work on clang-format for C++.
-> 15 实际上,这是C++ CLAN格式的原始工作背后的推理。
+> 15 實際上,這是C++ CLAN格式的原始工作背後的推理。
-### Sharding and Submitting 分区与提交
+### Sharding and Submitting 分割槽與送出
-After a global change has been generated, the author then starts running Rosie. Rosie takes a large change and shards it based upon project boundaries and ownership rules into changes that *can* be submitted atomically. It then puts each individually sharded change through an independent test-mail-submit pipeline. Rosie can be a heavy user of other pieces of Google’s developer infrastructure, so it caps the number of outstanding shards for any given LSC, runs at lower priority, and communicates with the rest of the infrastructure about how much load it is acceptable to generate on our shared testing infrastructure.
+After a global change has been generated, the author then starts running Rosie. Rosie takes a large change and shards it based upon project boundaries and ownership rules into changes that *can* be submitted atomically. It then puts each individually sharded change through an independent test-mail-submit pipeline. Rosie can be a heavy user of other pieces of Google」s developer infrastructure, so it caps the number of outstanding shards for any given LSC, runs at lower priority, and communicates with the rest of the infrastructure about how much load it is acceptable to generate on our shared testing infrastructure.
We talk more about the specific test-mail-submit process for each shard below.
-##### Cattle Versus Pets 牛与宠物
+##### Cattle Versus Pets 牛與寵物
-We often use the “cattle and pets” analogy when referring to individual machines in a distributed computing environment, but the same principles can apply to changes within a codebase.
+We often use the 『cattle and pets』 analogy when referring to individual machines in a distributed computing environment, but the same principles can apply to changes within a codebase.
-当提到分布式计算环境中的单个机器时,我们经常使用 "牛和宠物 "的比喻,但同样的原则可以适用于代码库中的变化。
+當提到分散式計算環境中的單個機器時,我們經常使用 "牛和寵物 "的比喻,但同樣的原則可以適用於程式碼庫中的變化。
At Google, as at most organizations, typical changes to the codebase are handcrafted by individual engineers working on specific features or bug fixes. Engineers might spend days or weeks working through the creation, testing, and review of a single change. They come to know the change intimately, and are proud when it is finally committed to the main repository. The creation of such a change is akin to owning and raising a favorite pet.
-In contrast, effective handling of LSCs requires a high degree of automation and produces an enormous number of individual changes. In this environment, we’ve found it useful to treat specific changes as cattle: nameless and faceless commits that might be rolled back or otherwise rejected at any given time with little cost unless the entire herd is affected. Often this happens because of an unforeseen problem not caught by tests, or even something as simple as a merge conflict.
+In contrast, effective handling of LSCs requires a high degree of automation and produces an enormous number of individual changes. In this environment, we」ve found it useful to treat specific changes as cattle: nameless and faceless commits that might be rolled back or otherwise rejected at any given time with little cost unless the entire herd is affected. Often this happens because of an unforeseen problem not caught by tests, or even something as simple as a merge conflict.
-With a “pet” commit, it can be difficult to not take rejection personally, but when working with many changes as part of a large-scale change, it’s just the nature of the job. Having automation means that tooling can be updated and new changes generated at very low cost, so losing a few cattle now and then isn’t a problem.
+With a 『pet』 commit, it can be difficult to not take rejection personally, but when working with many changes as part of a large-scale change, it」s just the nature of the job. Having automation means that tooling can be updated and new changes generated at very low cost, so losing a few cattle now and then isn」t a problem.
-对于一个 "宠物" 提交,不把拒绝放在心上是很难的,但当作为大规模变革的一部分而处理许多变化时,这只是工作的性质。拥有自动化意味着工具可以更新,并以非常低的成本产生新的变化,所以偶尔失去几头牛并不是什么问题。
+對於一個 "寵物" 送出,不把拒絕放在心上是很難的,但當作為大規模變革的一部分而處理許多變化時,這只是工作的性質。擁有自動化意味著工具可以更新,並以非常低的成本產生新的變化,所以偶爾失去幾頭牛並不是什麼問題。
-#### Testing 测试
+#### Testing 測試
-Each independent shard is tested by running it through TAP, Google’s CI framework. We run every test that depends on the files in a given change transitively, which often creates high load on our CI system.
+Each independent shard is tested by running it through TAP, Google」s CI framework. We run every test that depends on the files in a given change transitively, which often creates high load on our CI system.
This might sound computationally expensive, but in practice, the vast majority of shards affect fewer than one thousand tests, out of the millions across our codebase. For those that affect more, we can group them together: first running the union of all affected tests for all shards, and then for each individual shard running just the intersection of its affected tests with those that failed the first run. Most of these unions cause almost every test in the codebase to be run, so adding additional changes to that batch of shards is nearly free.
-One of the drawbacks of running such a large number of tests is that independent low-probability events are almost certainties at large enough scale. Flaky and brittle tests, such as those discussed in Chapter 11, which often don’t harm the teams that write and maintain them, are particularly difficult for LSC authors. Although fairly low impact for individual teams, flaky tests can seriously affect the throughput of an LSC system. Automatic flake detection and elimination systems help with this issue, but it can be a constant effort to ensure that teams that write flaky tests are the ones that bear their costs.
+One of the drawbacks of running such a large number of tests is that independent low-probability events are almost certainties at large enough scale. Flaky and brittle tests, such as those discussed in Chapter 11, which often don」t harm the teams that write and maintain them, are particularly difficult for LSC authors. Although fairly low impact for individual teams, flaky tests can seriously affect the throughput of an LSC system. Automatic flake detection and elimination systems help with this issue, but it can be a constant effort to ensure that teams that write flaky tests are the ones that bear their costs.
-In our experience with LSCs as semantic-preserving, machine-generated changes, we are now much more confident in the correctness of a single change than a test with any recent history of flakiness—so much so that recently flaky tests are now ignored when submitting via our automated tooling. In theory, this means that a single shard can cause a regression that is detected only by a flaky test going from flaky to failing. In practice, we see this so rarely that it’s easier to deal with it via human communication rather than automation.
+In our experience with LSCs as semantic-preserving, machine-generated changes, we are now much more confident in the correctness of a single change than a test with any recent history of flakiness—so much so that recently flaky tests are now ignored when submitting via our automated tooling. In theory, this means that a single shard can cause a regression that is detected only by a flaky test going from flaky to failing. In practice, we see this so rarely that it」s easier to deal with it via human communication rather than automation.
-For any LSC process, individual shards should be committable independently. This means that they don’t have any interdependence or that the sharding mechanism can group dependent changes (such as to a header file and its implementation) together. Just like any other change, large-scale change shards must also pass project-specific checks before being reviewed and committed.
+For any LSC process, individual shards should be committable independently. This means that they don」t have any interdependence or that the sharding mechanism can group dependent changes (such as to a header file and its implementation) together. Just like any other change, large-scale change shards must also pass project-specific checks before being reviewed and committed.
-#### Mailing reviewers 推送审稿人
+#### Mailing reviewers 推送審稿人
After Rosie has validated that a change is safe through testing, it mails the change to an appropriate reviewer. In a company as large as Google, with thousands of engineers, reviewer discovery itself is a challenging problem. Recall from Chapter 9 that code in the repository is organized with OWNERS files, which list users with approval privileges for a specific subtree in the repository. Rosie uses an owners detection service that understands these OWNERS files and weights each owner based upon their expected ability to review the specific shard in question. If a particular owner proves to be unresponsive, Rosie adds additional reviewers automatically in an effort to get a change reviewed in a timely manner.
-As part of the mailing process, Rosie also runs the per-project precommit tools, which might perform additional checks. For LSCs, we selectively disable certain checks such as those for nonstandard change description formatting. Although useful for individual changes on specific projects, such checks are a source of heterogeneity across the codebase and can add significant friction to the LSC process. This heterogeneity is a barrier to scaling our processes and systems, and LSC tools and authors can’t be expected to understand special policies for each team.
+As part of the mailing process, Rosie also runs the per-project precommit tools, which might perform additional checks. For LSCs, we selectively disable certain checks such as those for nonstandard change description formatting. Although useful for individual changes on specific projects, such checks are a source of heterogeneity across the codebase and can add significant friction to the LSC process. This heterogeneity is a barrier to scaling our processes and systems, and LSC tools and authors can」t be expected to understand special policies for each team.
-We also aggressively ignore presubmit check failures that preexist the change in question. When working on an individual project, it’s easy for an engineer to fix those and continue with their original work, but that technique doesn’t scale when making LSCs across Google’s codebase. Local code owners are responsible for having no preexisting failures in their codebase as part of the social contract between them and infrastructure teams.
+We also aggressively ignore presubmit check failures that preexist the change in question. When working on an individual project, it」s easy for an engineer to fix those and continue with their original work, but that technique doesn」t scale when making LSCs across Google」s codebase. Local code owners are responsible for having no preexisting failures in their codebase as part of the social contract between them and infrastructure teams.
-#### Reviewing 审查
+#### Reviewing 審查
-As with other changes, changes generated by Rosie are expected to go through the standard code review process. In practice, we’ve found that local owners don’t often treat LSCs with the same rigor as regular changes—they trust the engineers generating LSCs too much. Ideally these changes would be reviewed as any other, but in practice, local project owners have come to trust infrastructure teams to the point where these changes are often given only cursory review. We’ve come to only send changes to local owners for which their review is required for context, not just approval permissions. All other changes can go to a “global approver”: someone who has ownership rights to approve *any* change throughout the repository.
+As with other changes, changes generated by Rosie are expected to go through the standard code review process. In practice, we」ve found that local owners don」t often treat LSCs with the same rigor as regular changes—they trust the engineers generating LSCs too much. Ideally these changes would be reviewed as any other, but in practice, local project owners have come to trust infrastructure teams to the point where these changes are often given only cursory review. We」ve come to only send changes to local owners for which their review is required for context, not just approval permissions. All other changes can go to a 『global approver』: someone who has ownership rights to approve *any* change throughout the repository.
-与其他更改一样,由Rosie生成的更改预计将通过标准代码审查过程。在实践中,我们发现本地业主通常不会像对待普通变更那样严格对待LSC--他们太信任产生LSC的工程师了。理想情况下,这些更改会像其他更改一样被审查,但在实践中,本地项目业主已经开始信任基础设施团队,以至于这些修改往往只被粗略地审查。我们已经开始只把那些需要他们审查的变更发送给本地所有者,而不仅仅是批准权限。所有其他的修改都可以交给 "全局审批人":拥有所有权的人可以批准整个版本库的任何修改。
+與其他更改一樣,由Rosie生成的更改預計將透過標準程式碼審查過程。在實踐中,我們發現本地業主通常不會像對待普通變更那樣嚴格對待LSC--他們太信任產生LSC的工程師了。理想情況下,這些更改會像其他更改一樣被審查,但在實踐中,本地專案業主已經開始信任基礎設施團隊,以至於這些修改往往只被粗略地審查。我們已經開始只把那些需要他們審查的變更傳送給本地所有者,而不僅僅是批准權限。所有其他的修改都可以交給 "全域審批人":擁有所有權的人可以批准整個版本庫的任何修改。
When using a global approver, all of the individual shards are assigned to that person, rather than to individual owners of different projects. Global approvers generally have specific knowledge of the language and/or libraries they are reviewing and work with the large-scale change author to know what kinds of changes to expect. They know what the details of the change are and what potential failure modes for it might exist and can customize their workflow accordingly.
Instead of reviewing each change individually, global reviewers use a separate set of pattern-based tooling to review each of the changes and automatically approve ones that meet their expectations. Thus, they need to manually examine only a small subset that are anomalous because of merge conflicts or tooling malfunctions, which allows the process to scale very well.
-#### Submitting 提交
+#### Submitting 送出
Finally, individual changes are committed. As with the mailing step, we ensure that the change passes the various project precommit checks before actually finally being committed to the repository.
-With Rosie, we are able to effectively create, test, review, and submit thousands of changes per day across all of Google’s codebase and have given teams the ability to effectively migrate their users. Technical decisions that used to be final, such as the name of a widely used symbol or the location of a popular class within a codebase, no longer need to be final.
+With Rosie, we are able to effectively create, test, review, and submit thousands of changes per day across all of Google」s codebase and have given teams the ability to effectively migrate their users. Technical decisions that used to be final, such as the name of a widely used symbol or the location of a popular class within a codebase, no longer need to be final.
### Cleanup 清理
-Different LSCs have different definitions of “done,” which can vary from completely removing an old system to migrating only high-value references and leaving old ones to organically disappear.[^16] In almost all cases, it’s important to have a system that prevents additional introductions of the symbol or system that the large-scale change worked hard to remove. At Google, we use the Tricorder framework mentioned in Chapters 20 and 19 to flag at review time when an engineer introduces a new use of a deprecated object, and this has proven an effective method to prevent backsliding. We talk more about the entire deprecation process in Chapter 15.
+Different LSCs have different definitions of 『done,』 which can vary from completely removing an old system to migrating only high-value references and leaving old ones to organically disappear.[^16] In almost all cases, it」s important to have a system that prevents additional introductions of the symbol or system that the large-scale change worked hard to remove. At Google, we use the Tricorder framework mentioned in Chapters 20 and 19 to flag at review time when an engineer introduces a new use of a deprecated object, and this has proven an effective method to prevent backsliding. We talk more about the entire deprecation process in Chapter 15.
-不同的LSC对 "完成" 有不同的定义,从完全删除旧系统到只迁移高价值的引用,让旧系统有机地消失。在几乎所有情况下,重要的是,要有一个系统,防止大规模变革努力消除的符号或系统的额外引入。在谷歌,我们使用和章节中提到的Tricorder框架,在工程师引入被废弃对象的新用途时,在审查时进行标记,这已被证明是防止倒退的有效方法。我们在第15章中更多地讨论了整个废弃过程。
+不同的LSC對 "完成" 有不同的定義,從完全刪除舊系統到只遷移高價值的引用,讓舊系統有機地消失。在幾乎所有情況下,重要的是,要有一個系統,防止大規模變革努力消除的符號或系統的額外引入。在谷歌,我們使用和章節中提到的Tricorder框架,在工程師引入被廢棄物件的新用途時,在審查時進行標記,這已被證明是防止倒退的有效方法。我們在第15章中更多地討論了整個廢棄過程。
> [^16]: Sadly, the systems we most want to organically decompose are those that are the most resilient to doing so. They are the plastic six-pack rings of the code ecosystem.
-> 16 可悲的是,我们最想有机分解的系统是那些最能适应这种分解的系统。它们是代码生态系统中的可塑六合环。
+> 16 可悲的是,我們最想有機分解的系統是那些最能適應這種分解的系統。它們是程式碼生態系統中的可塑六合環。
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
-LSCs form an important part of Google’s software engineering ecosystem. At design time, they open up more possibilities, knowing that some design decisions don’t need to be as fixed as they once were. The LSC process also allows maintainers of core infrastructure the ability to migrate large swaths of Google’s codebase from old systems, language versions, and library idioms to new ones, keeping the codebase consistent, spatially and temporally. And all of this happens with only a few dozen engineers supporting tens of thousands of others.
+LSCs form an important part of Google」s software engineering ecosystem. At design time, they open up more possibilities, knowing that some design decisions don」t need to be as fixed as they once were. The LSC process also allows maintainers of core infrastructure the ability to migrate large swaths of Google」s codebase from old systems, language versions, and library idioms to new ones, keeping the codebase consistent, spatially and temporally. And all of this happens with only a few dozen engineers supporting tens of thousands of others.
-No matter the size of your organization, it’s reasonable to think about how you would make these kinds of sweeping changes across your collection of source code. Whether by choice or by necessity, having this ability will allow greater flexibility as your organization scales while keeping your source code malleable over time.
+No matter the size of your organization, it」s reasonable to think about how you would make these kinds of sweeping changes across your collection of source code. Whether by choice or by necessity, having this ability will allow greater flexibility as your organization scales while keeping your source code malleable over time.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- An LSC process makes it possible to rethink the immutability of certain technical decisions.
- Traditional models of refactoring break at large scales.
- Making LSCs means making a habit of making LSCs.
-- LSC过程可以重新思考某些技术决策的不变性。
-- 重构的传统模型在大范围内被打破。
-- 制作LSC意味着养成制作LSC的习惯。
+- LSC過程可以重新思考某些技術決策的不變性。
+- 重構的傳統模型在大範圍內被打破。
+- 製作LSC意味著養成製作LSC的習慣。
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**CHAPTER 23**
# Continuous Integration
-# 第二十三章 持续集成
+# 第二十三章 持續整合
**Written by Rachel Tannenbaum**
**Edited by Lisa Carey**
-*Continuous Integration*, or CI, is generally defined as “a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently [...] Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible.”[^1] Simply put, the fundamental goal of CI is to automatically catch problematic changes as early as possible.
+*Continuous Integration*, or CI, is generally defined as 『a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently [...] Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible.』[^1] Simply put, the fundamental goal of CI is to automatically catch problematic changes as early as possible.
-*持续集成*,或CI,通常被定义为 "一种软件开发实践,团队成员经常集成他们的工作[......]每个集成都由自动构建(包括测试)来验证,以尽快发现集成错误。"简单地说,CI的基本目标是尽可能早地自动捕获有问题的变化。
+*持續整合*,或CI,通常被定義為 "一種軟體開發實踐,團隊成員經常整合他們的工作[......]每個整合都由自動建立(包括測試)來驗證,以儘快發現整合錯誤。"簡單地說,CI的基本目標是儘可能早地自動捕獲有問題的變化。
-In practice, what does “integrating work frequently” mean for the modern, distributed application? Today’s systems have many moving pieces beyond just the latest versioned code in the repository. In fact, with the recent trend toward microservices, the changes that break an application are less likely to live inside the project’s immediate codebase and more likely to be in loosely coupled microservices on the other side of a network call. Whereas a traditional continuous build tests changes in your binary, an extension of this might test changes to upstream microservices. The dependency is just shifted from your function call stack to an HTTP request or Remote Procedure Calls (RPC).
+In practice, what does 『integrating work frequently』 mean for the modern, distributed application? Today」s systems have many moving pieces beyond just the latest versioned code in the repository. In fact, with the recent trend toward microservices, the changes that break an application are less likely to live inside the project」s immediate codebase and more likely to be in loosely coupled microservices on the other side of a network call. Whereas a traditional continuous build tests changes in your binary, an extension of this might test changes to upstream microservices. The dependency is just shifted from your function call stack to an HTTP request or Remote Procedure Calls (RPC).
-在实践中,"频繁地集成工作 "对于现代的、分布式的应用程序意味着什么?今天的系统除了存储库中最新版本的代码外,还有许多可变动的部分。事实上,随着近来的微服务趋势,破坏应用程序的变化不太可能存在于项目的即时代码库中,而更可能存在于网络调用的另一端的松散耦合的微服务中。传统的持续构建是测试二进制文件的变更,而其延伸则是测试上游微服务的变化。依赖关系只是从你的函数调用栈转移到HTTP请求或远程过程调用(RPC)。
+在實踐中,"頻繁地整合工作 "對於現代的、分散式的應用程式意味著什麼?今天的系統除了儲存庫中最新版本的程式碼外,還有許多可變動的部分。事實上,隨著近來的微服務趨勢,破壞應用程式的變化不太可能存在於專案的即時程式碼庫中,而更可能存在於網路呼叫的另一端的鬆散耦合的微服務中。傳統的持續建立是測試二進位檔案的變更,而其延伸則是測試上游微服務的變化。依賴關係只是從你的函式呼叫棧轉移到HTTP請求或遠端過程呼叫(RPC)。
-Even further from code dependencies, an application might periodically ingest data or update machine learning models. It might execute on evolving operating systems, runtimes, cloud hosting services, and devices. It might be a feature that sits on top of a growing platform or be the platform that must accommodate a growing feature base. All of these things should be considered dependencies, and we should aim to “continuously integrate” their changes, too. Further complicating things, these changing components are often owned by developers outside our team, organization, or company and deployed on their own schedules.
+Even further from code dependencies, an application might periodically ingest data or update machine learning models. It might execute on evolving operating systems, runtimes, cloud hosting services, and devices. It might be a feature that sits on top of a growing platform or be the platform that must accommodate a growing feature base. All of these things should be considered dependencies, and we should aim to 『continuously integrate』 their changes, too. Further complicating things, these changing components are often owned by developers outside our team, organization, or company and deployed on their own schedules.
> [^1]: `https://www.martinfowler.com/articles/continuousIntegration.html`.
-So, perhaps a better definition for CI in today’s world, particularly when developing at scale, is the following:
+So, perhaps a better definition for CI in today」s world, particularly when developing at scale, is the following:
*Continuous Integration (2)*: the continuous assembling and testing of our entire complex and rapidly evolving ecosystem.
- 持续集成:对我们整个复杂和快速发展的生态系统进行持续的组装和测试。
+ 持續整合:對我們整個複雜和快速發展的生態系統進行持續的組裝和測試。
-It is natural to conceptualize CI in terms of testing because the two are tightly coupled, and we’ll do so throughout this chapter. In previous chapters, we’ve discussed a comprehensive range of testing, from unit to integration, to larger-scoped systems.
+It is natural to conceptualize CI in terms of testing because the two are tightly coupled, and we」ll do so throughout this chapter. In previous chapters, we」ve discussed a comprehensive range of testing, from unit to integration, to larger-scoped systems.
From a testing perspective, CI is a paradigm to inform the following:
- *Which* tests to run *when* in the development/release workflow, as code (and other) changes are continuously integrated into it.
- *How* to compose the system under test (SUT) at each point, balancing concerns like fidelity and setup cost.
-- 在开发/发布工作流程中,由于代码(和其他)变化不断地被集成到其中,在什么时候运行哪些测试。
-- 如何在每个点上组成被测系统(SUT),平衡仿真度和设置成本等问题。
+- 在開發/發布工作流程中,由於程式碼(和其他)變化不斷地被整合到其中,在什麼時候執行哪些測試。
+- 如何在每個點上組成被測系統(SUT),平衡模擬度和設定成本等問題。
For example, which tests do we run on presubmit, which do we save for post-submit, and which do we save even later until our staging deploy? Accordingly, how do we represent our SUT at each of these points? As you might imagine, requirements for a presubmit SUT can differ significantly from those of a staging environment under test. For example, it can be dangerous for an application built from code pending review on presubmit to talk to real production backends (think security and quota vulnerabilities), whereas this is often acceptable for a staging environment.
-And *why* should we try to optimize this often-delicate balance of testing “the right things” at “the right times” with CI? Plenty of prior work has already established the benefits of CI to the engineering organization and the overall business alike.[^2] These outcomes are driven by a powerful guarantee: verifiable—and timely—proof that the application is good to progress to the next stage. We don’t need to just hope that all contributors are very careful, responsible, and thorough; we can instead guarantee the working state of our application at various points from build throughout release, thereby improving confidence and quality in our products and productivity of our teams.
+And *why* should we try to optimize this often-delicate balance of testing 『the right things』 at 『the right times』 with CI? Plenty of prior work has already established the benefits of CI to the engineering organization and the overall business alike.[^2] These outcomes are driven by a powerful guarantee: verifiable—and timely—proof that the application is good to progress to the next stage. We don」t need to just hope that all contributors are very careful, responsible, and thorough; we can instead guarantee the working state of our application at various points from build throughout release, thereby improving confidence and quality in our products and productivity of our teams.
-为什么我们要尝试用 CI 来优化在 "正确的时间"测试"正确的事情"的这种往往很微妙的平衡?这些结果是由一个强有力的保证所驱动的:可验证的、及时的、可证明应用程序可以进入下一阶段的证明。我们不需要仅仅希望所有的贡献者都非常谨慎、负责和闭环;相反,我们可以保证我们的应用程序在从构建到发布的各个阶段的工作状态,从而提高对我们产品的信心和质量以及我们团队的生产力。
+為什麼我們要嘗試用 CI 來最佳化在 "正確的時間"測試"正確的事情"的這種往往很微妙的平衡?這些結果是由一個強有力的保證所驅動的:可驗證的、及時的、可證明應用程式可以進入下一階段的證明。我們不需要僅僅希望所有的貢獻者都非常謹慎、負責和閉環;相反,我們可以保證我們的應用程式在從建立到發布的各個階段的工作狀態,從而提高對我們產品的信心和質量以及我們團隊的生產力。
-In the rest of this chapter, we’ll introduce some key CI concepts, best practices and challenges, before looking at how we manage CI at Google with an introduction to our continuous build tool, TAP, and an in-depth study of one application’s CI transformation.
+In the rest of this chapter, we」ll introduce some key CI concepts, best practices and challenges, before looking at how we manage CI at Google with an introduction to our continuous build tool, TAP, and an in-depth study of one application」s CI transformation.
> [^2]: Forsgren, Nicole, et al. (2018). Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations. IT Revolution.
-> 2 Forsgren,Nicole等人(2018年)。加速:精益软件科学和DevOps:建立和扩展高性能技术组织。这是一场革命。
+> 2 Forsgren,Nicole等人(2018年)。加速:精益軟體科學和DevOps:建立和擴充套件高效能技術組織。這是一場革命。
## CI Concepts CI概念
-First, let’s begin by looking at some core concepts of CI.
+First, let」s begin by looking at some core concepts of CI.
-### Fast Feedback Loops 快速反馈回路
+### Fast Feedback Loops 快速反饋迴路
As discussed in Chapter 11, the cost of a bug grows almost exponentially the later it is caught. Figure 23-1 shows all the places a problematic code change might be caught in its lifetime.
![Figure 23-1](./images/Figure%2023-1.png)
*Figure* *23-1.* *Life* *of* *a* *code* *change*
-In general, as issues progress to the “right” in our diagram, they become costlier for the following reasons:
+In general, as issues progress to the 『right』 in our diagram, they become costlier for the following reasons:
- They must be triaged by an engineer who is likely unfamiliar with the problematic code change.
- They require more work for the code change author to recollect and investigate the change.
- They negatively affect others, whether engineers in their work or ultimately the end user.
-一般来说,随着问题向我们图中的 "右侧 "发展,它们的成本会变得更高,原因如下:
+一般來說,隨著問題向我們圖中的 "右側 "發展,它們的成本會變得更高,原因如下:
-- 它们必须由可能不熟悉问题代码更改的工程师来处理。
-- 这些问题需要代码修改者做更多的工作来回忆和调查这些修改。
-- 它们会对其他人产生负面影响,无论是工作中的工程师还是最终的终端用户。
+- 它們必須由可能不熟悉問題程式碼更改的工程師來處理。
+- 這些問題需要程式碼修改者做更多的工作來回憶和調查這些修改。
+- 它們會對其他人產生負面影響,無論是工作中的工程師還是最終的終端使用者。
To minimize the cost of bugs, CI encourages us to use *fast feedback loops.*[^3] Each time we integrate a code (or other) change into a testing scenario and observe the results, we get a new *feedback loop*. Feedback can take many forms; following are some common ones (in order of fastest to slowest):
@@ -96,186 +96,186 @@ To minimize the cost of bugs, CI encourages us to use *fast feedback loops.*[^3]
- Bug reports by internal users who are opted in to a feature before external users
- Bug or outage reports by external users or the press
-- 本地开发的编辑-编译-调试回路
-- 在提交前向代码修改者提供自动测试结果
-- 两个项目变更之间的集成错误,在两个项目一起提交和测试后检测(即提交后)。
-- 当上游服务部署其最新变化时,我们的项目和上游微服务的依赖关系之间的不兼容,由我们临时环境中的QA测试员发现。
-- 在外部用户之前使用功能的内部用户的错误报告
-- 外部用户或媒体的错误或故障报告
+- 本地開發的編輯-編譯-除錯迴路
+- 在送出前向程式碼修改者提供自動測試結果
+- 兩個專案變更之間的整合錯誤,在兩個專案一起送出和測試後檢測(即送出後)。
+- 當上遊服務部署其最新變化時,我們的專案和上游微服務的依賴關係之間的不相容,由我們臨時環境中的QA測試員發現。
+- 在外部使用者之前使用功能的內部使用者的錯誤報告
+- 外部使用者或媒體的錯誤或故障報告
-> [^3]: This is also sometimes called “shifting left on testing.”
+> [^3]: This is also sometimes called 『shifting left on testing.』
-> 3 这有时也被称为 "测试左移"。
+> 3 這有時也被稱為 "測試左移"。
*Canarying*—or deploying to a small percentage of production first—can help minimize issues that do make it to production, with a subset-of-production initial feedback loop preceding all-of-production. However, canarying can cause problems, too, particularly around compatibility between deployments when multiple versions are deployed at once. This is sometimes known as *version skew*, a state of a distributed system in which it contains multiple incompatible versions of code, data, and/or configuration. Like many issues we look at in this book, version skew is another example of a challenging problem that can arise when trying to develop and manage software over time.
*Experiments* and *feature flags* are extremely powerful feedback loops. They reduce deployment risk by isolating changes within modular components that can be dynamically toggled in production. Relying heavily on feature-flag-guarding is a common paradigm for Continuous Delivery, which we explore further in Chapter 24.
-#### Accessible and actionable feedback 可获取和可操作的反馈
+#### Accessible and actionable feedback 可獲取和可操作的反饋
-It’s also important that feedback from CI be widely accessible. In addition to our open culture around code visibility, we feel similarly about our test reporting. We have a unified test reporting system in which anyone can easily look up a build or test run, including all logs (excluding user Personally Identifiable Information [PII]), whether for an individual engineer’s local run or on an automated development or staging build.
+It」s also important that feedback from CI be widely accessible. In addition to our open culture around code visibility, we feel similarly about our test reporting. We have a unified test reporting system in which anyone can easily look up a build or test run, including all logs (excluding user Personally Identifiable Information [PII]), whether for an individual engineer」s local run or on an automated development or staging build.
-Along with logs, our test reporting system provides a detailed history of when build or test targets began to fail, including audits of where the build was cut at each run, where it was run, and by whom. We also have a system for flake classification, which uses statistics to classify flakes at a Google-wide level, so engineers don’t need to figure this out for themselves to determine whether their change broke another project’s test (if the test is flaky: probably not).
+Along with logs, our test reporting system provides a detailed history of when build or test targets began to fail, including audits of where the build was cut at each run, where it was run, and by whom. We also have a system for flake classification, which uses statistics to classify flakes at a Google-wide level, so engineers don」t need to figure this out for themselves to determine whether their change broke another project」s test (if the test is flaky: probably not).
Visibility into test history empowers engineers to share and collaborate on feedback, an essential requirement for disparate teams to diagnose and learn from integration failures between their systems. Similarly, bugs (e.g., tickets or issues) at Google are open with full comment history for all to see and learn from (with the exception, again, of customer PII).
-Finally, any feedback from CI tests should not just be accessible but actionable—easy to use to find and fix problems. We’ll look at an example of improving user-unfriendly feedback in our case study later in this chapter. By improving test output readability, you automate the understanding of feedback.
+Finally, any feedback from CI tests should not just be accessible but actionable—easy to use to find and fix problems. We」ll look at an example of improving user-unfriendly feedback in our case study later in this chapter. By improving test output readability, you automate the understanding of feedback.
-### Automation 自动化
+### Automation 自動化
-It’s well known that [automating development-related tasks saves engineering resources](https://oreil.ly/UafCh)in the long run. Intuitively, because we automate processes by defining them as code, peer review when changes are checked in will reduce the probability of error. Of course, automated processes, like any other software, will have bugs; but when implemented effectively, they are still faster, easier, and more reliable than if they were attempted manually by engineers.
+It」s well known that [automating development-related tasks saves engineering resources](https://oreil.ly/UafCh)in the long run. Intuitively, because we automate processes by defining them as code, peer review when changes are checked in will reduce the probability of error. Of course, automated processes, like any other software, will have bugs; but when implemented effectively, they are still faster, easier, and more reliable than if they were attempted manually by engineers.
-CI, specifically, automates the *build* and *release* processes, with a Continuous Build and Continuous Delivery. Continuous testing is applied throughout, which we’ll look at in the next section.
+CI, specifically, automates the *build* and *release* processes, with a Continuous Build and Continuous Delivery. Continuous testing is applied throughout, which we」ll look at in the next section.
-#### Continuous Build 连续构建
+#### Continuous Build 連續建立
-The *Continuous Build* (CB) integrates the latest code changes at head[^4] and runs an automated build and test. Because the CB runs tests as well as building code, “breaking the build” or “failing the build” includes breaking tests as well as breaking compilation.
+The *Continuous Build* (CB) integrates the latest code changes at head[^4] and runs an automated build and test. Because the CB runs tests as well as building code, 『breaking the build』 or 『failing the build』 includes breaking tests as well as breaking compilation.
-持续构建(CB)集成了最新的代码修改,并运行自动构建和测试。因为CB在运行测试的同时也在构建代码,"破坏构建" 或 "构建失败" 包括破坏测试和破坏编译。
+持續建立(CB)整合了最新的程式碼修改,並執行自動建立和測試。因為CB在執行測試的同時也在建立程式碼,"破壞建立" 或 "建立失敗" 包括破壞測試和破壞編譯。
-After a change is submitted, the CB should run all relevant tests. If a change passes all tests, the CB marks it passing or “green,” as it is often displayed in user interfaces (UIs). This process effectively introduces two different versions of head in the repository: *true head*, or the latest change that was committed, and *green head,* or the latest change the CB has verified. Engineers are able to sync to either version in their local development. It’s common to sync against green head to work with a stable environment, verified by the CB, while coding a change but have a process that requires changes to be synced to true head before submission.
+After a change is submitted, the CB should run all relevant tests. If a change passes all tests, the CB marks it passing or 『green,』 as it is often displayed in user interfaces (UIs). This process effectively introduces two different versions of head in the repository: *true head*, or the latest change that was committed, and *green head,* or the latest change the CB has verified. Engineers are able to sync to either version in their local development. It」s common to sync against green head to work with a stable environment, verified by the CB, while coding a change but have a process that requires changes to be synced to true head before submission.
-#### Continuous Delivery 连续交付
+#### Continuous Delivery 連續交付
The first step in Continuous Delivery (CD; discussed more fully in Chapter 24) is *release automation*, which continuously assembles the latest code and configuration from head into release candidates. At Google, most teams cut these at green, as opposed to true, head.
*Release candidate* (RC): A cohesive, deployable unit created by an automated process,[^5] assembled of code, configuration, and other dependencies that have passed the continuous build.
-Note that we include configuration in release candidates—this is extremely important, even though it can slightly vary between environments as the candidate is promoted. We’re not necessarily advocating you compile configuration into your binaries—actually, we would recommend dynamic configuration, such as experiments or feature flags, for many scenarios.[^6]
+Note that we include configuration in release candidates—this is extremely important, even though it can slightly vary between environments as the candidate is promoted. We」re not necessarily advocating you compile configuration into your binaries—actually, we would recommend dynamic configuration, such as experiments or feature flags, for many scenarios.[^6]
-Rather, we are saying that any static configuration you *do* have should be promoted as part of the release candidate so that it can undergo testing along with its corresponding code. Remember, a large percentage of production bugs are caused by “silly” configuration problems, so it’s just as important to test your configuration as it is your code (and to test it along *with* the same code that will use it). Version skew is often caught in this release-candidate-promotion process. This assumes, of course, that your static configuration is in version control—at Google, static configuration is in version control along with the code, and hence goes through the same code review process.
+Rather, we are saying that any static configuration you *do* have should be promoted as part of the release candidate so that it can undergo testing along with its corresponding code. Remember, a large percentage of production bugs are caused by 『silly』 configuration problems, so it」s just as important to test your configuration as it is your code (and to test it along *with* the same code that will use it). Version skew is often caught in this release-candidate-promotion process. This assumes, of course, that your static configuration is in version control—at Google, static configuration is in version control along with the code, and hence goes through the same code review process.
-相反,我们的意思是,你所拥有的任何静态配置都应该作为候选版本的一部分进行升级,以便它可以与其对应的代码一起接受测试。记住,很大比例的生产错误是由 "愚蠢的" 配置问题引起的,所以测试你的配置和测试你的代码一样重要(而且要和将要使用它的相同代码一起测试)。在这个发布--候选--推广的过程中,经常会出现版本倾斜。当然,这是假设你的静态配置是在版本控制中的--在谷歌,静态配置是和代码一起在版本控制中的,因此要经过同样的代码审查过程。
+相反,我們的意思是,你所擁有的任何靜態設定都應該作為候選版本的一部分進行升級,以便它可以與其對應的程式碼一起接受測試。記住,很大比例的生產錯誤是由 "愚蠢的" 設定問題引起的,所以測試你的設定和測試你的程式碼一樣重要(而且要和將要使用它的相同程式碼一起測試)。在這個發布--候選--推廣的過程中,經常會出現版本傾斜。當然,這是假設你的靜態設定是在版本控制中的--在谷歌,靜態設定是和程式碼一起在版本控制中的,因此要經過同樣的程式碼審查過程。
We then define CD as follows:
*Continuous Delivery* (CD): a continuous assembling of release candidates, followed by the promotion and testing of those candidates throughout a series of environments— sometimes reaching production and sometimes not.
- *持续交付(CD)*:持续集合候选版本,然后在一系列环境中推广和测试这些候选版本--有时达到生产阶段,有时不达到生产阶段。
+ *持續交付(CD)*:持續集合候選版本,然後在一系列環境中推廣和測試這些候選版本--有時達到生產階段,有時不達到生產階段。
-The promotion and deployment process often depends on the team. We’ll show how our case study navigated this process.
+The promotion and deployment process often depends on the team. We」ll show how our case study navigated this process.
-For teams at Google that want continuous feedback from new changes in production (e.g., Continuous Deployment), it’s usually infeasible to continuously push entire binaries, which are often quite large, on green. For that reason, doing a *selective* Continuous Deployment, through experiments or feature flags, is a common strategy.[^7]
+For teams at Google that want continuous feedback from new changes in production (e.g., Continuous Deployment), it」s usually infeasible to continuously push entire binaries, which are often quite large, on green. For that reason, doing a *selective* Continuous Deployment, through experiments or feature flags, is a common strategy.[^7]
As an RC progresses through environments, its artifacts (e.g., binaries, containers) ideally should not be recompiled or rebuilt. Using containers such as Docker helps enforce consistency of an RC between environments, from local development onward. Similarly, using orchestration tools like Kubernetes (or in our case, usually [Borg](https://oreil.ly/89yPv)), helps enforce consistency between deployments. By enforcing consistency of our release and deployment between environments, we achieve higher-fidelity earlier testing and fewer surprises in production.
> [4^]: Head is the latest versioned code in our monorepo. In other workflows, this is also referred to as master, mainline, or trunk. Correspondingly, integrating at head is also known as trunk-based development.
-> 4 Head是我们monorepo中最新版本的代码。在其他工作流程中,这也被称为主干、主线或主干。相应地,在head集成也被称为基于主干的开发。
+> 4 Head是我們monorepo中最新版本的程式碼。在其他工作流程中,這也被稱為主幹、主線或主幹。相應地,在head整合也被稱為基於主幹的開發。
-> [5^]: At Google, release automation is managed by a separate system from TAP. We won’t focus on how release automation assembles RCs, but if you’re interested, we do refer you to Site Reliability Engineering (O’Reilly) in which our release automation technology (a system called Rapid) is discussed in detail./
+> [5^]: At Google, release automation is managed by a separate system from TAP. We won」t focus on how release automation assembles RCs, but if you」re interested, we do refer you to Site Reliability Engineering (O」Reilly) in which our release automation technology (a system called Rapid) is discussed in detail./
-> 5 在谷歌,发布自动化是由一个独立于TAP的系统管理的。我们不会专注于发布自动化是如何组装RC的,但如果你有兴趣,我们会向你推荐《网站可靠性工程》(O'Reilly),其中详细讨论了我们的发布自动化技术(一个叫做Rapid的系统)。
+> 5 在谷歌,發布自動化是由一個獨立於TAP的系統管理的。我們不會專注於發布自動化是如何組裝RC的,但如果你有興趣,我們會向你推薦《網站可靠性工程》(O'Reilly),其中詳細討論了我們的發布自動化技術(一個叫做Rapid的系統)。
> [6^]: CD with experiments and feature flags is discussed further in Chapter 24.
-> 6 第24章进一步讨论了带有实验和特征标志的CD。
+> 6 第24章進一步討論了帶有實驗和特徵標誌的CD。
-> [7^]: We call these “mid-air collisions” because the probability of it occurring is extremely low; however, when this does happen, the results can be quite surprising.
+> [7^]: We call these 『mid-air collisions』 because the probability of it occurring is extremely low; however, when this does happen, the results can be quite surprising.
-> 7 我们称这些为 "空中碰撞",因为它发生的概率极低;然而,当这种情况发生时,其结果可能是相当令人惊讶的。
+> 7 我們稱這些為 "空中碰撞",因為它發生的機率極低;然而,當這種情況發生時,其結果可能是相當令人驚訝的。
-### Continuous Testing 持续测试
+### Continuous Testing 持續測試
-Let’s look at how CB and CD fit in as we apply Continuous Testing (CT) to a code change throughout its lifetime, as shown Figure 23-2.
+Let」s look at how CB and CD fit in as we apply Continuous Testing (CT) to a code change throughout its lifetime, as shown Figure 23-2.
![Figure 23-2](./images/Figure%2023-2.png)
*Figure* *23-2.* *Life* *of* *a* *code* *change* *with* *CB* *and* *CD*
-The rightward arrow shows the progression of a single code change from local development to production. Again, one of our key objectives in CI is determining *what* to test *when* in this progression. Later in this chapter, we’ll introduce the different testing phases and provide some considerations for what to test in presubmit versus post-submit, and in the RC and beyond. We’ll show that, as we shift to the right, the code change is subjected to progressively larger-scoped automated tests.
+The rightward arrow shows the progression of a single code change from local development to production. Again, one of our key objectives in CI is determining *what* to test *when* in this progression. Later in this chapter, we」ll introduce the different testing phases and provide some considerations for what to test in presubmit versus post-submit, and in the RC and beyond. We」ll show that, as we shift to the right, the code change is subjected to progressively larger-scoped automated tests.
-#### Why presubmit isn’t enough 为什么仅靠预提交还不够的
+#### Why presubmit isn」t enough 為什麼僅靠預送出還不夠的
With the objective to catch problematic changes as soon as possible and the ability to run automated tests on presubmit, you might be wondering: why not just run all tests on presubmit?
-The main reason is that it’s too expensive. Engineer productivity is extremely valuable, and waiting a long time to run every test during code submission can be severely disruptive. Further, by removing the constraint for presubmits to be exhaustive, a lot of efficiency gains can be made if tests pass far more frequently than they fail. For example, the tests that are run can be restricted to certain scopes, or selected based on a model that predicts their likelihood of detecting a failure.
+The main reason is that it」s too expensive. Engineer productivity is extremely valuable, and waiting a long time to run every test during code submission can be severely disruptive. Further, by removing the constraint for presubmits to be exhaustive, a lot of efficiency gains can be made if tests pass far more frequently than they fail. For example, the tests that are run can be restricted to certain scopes, or selected based on a model that predicts their likelihood of detecting a failure.
-Similarly, it’s expensive for engineers to be blocked on presubmit by failures arising from instability or flakiness that has nothing to do with their code change.
+Similarly, it」s expensive for engineers to be blocked on presubmit by failures arising from instability or flakiness that has nothing to do with their code change.
Another reason is that during the time we run presubmit tests to confirm that a change is safe, the underlying repository might have changed in a manner that is incompatible with the changes being tested. That is, it is possible for two changes that touch completely different files to cause a test to fail. We call this a mid-air collision,and though generally rare, it happens most days at our scale. CI systems for smaller repositories or projects can avoid this problem by serializing submits so that there is no difference between what is about to enter and what just did.
-#### Presubmit versus post-submit 预提交与提交后
+#### Presubmit versus post-submit 預送出與送出後
So, which tests *should* be run on presubmit? Our general rule of thumb is: only fast, reliable ones. You can accept some loss of coverage on presubmit, but that means you need to catch any issues that slip by on post-submit, and accept some number of rollbacks. On post-submit, you can accept longer times and some instability, as long as you have proper mechanisms to deal with it.
-We don’t want to waste valuable engineer productivity by waiting too long for slow tests or for too many tests—we typically limit presubmit tests to just those for the project where the change is happening. We also run tests concurrently, so there is a resource decision to consider as well. Finally, we don’t want to run unreliable tests on presubmit, because the cost of having many engineers affected by them, debugging the same problem that is not related to their code change, is too high.
+We don」t want to waste valuable engineer productivity by waiting too long for slow tests or for too many tests—we typically limit presubmit tests to just those for the project where the change is happening. We also run tests concurrently, so there is a resource decision to consider as well. Finally, we don」t want to run unreliable tests on presubmit, because the cost of having many engineers affected by them, debugging the same problem that is not related to their code change, is too high.
Most teams at Google run their small tests (like unit tests) on presubmit[^8]—these are the obvious ones to run as they tend to be the fastest and most reliable. Whether and how to run larger-scoped tests on presubmit is the more interesting question, and this varies by team. For teams that do want to run them, hermetic testing is a proven approach to reducing their inherent instability. Another option is to allow large- scoped tests to be unreliable on presubmit but disable them aggressively when they start failing.
-谷歌的大多数团队都在预提交上运行他们的小型测试(如单元测试)-- 这些是明显要运行的,因为它们往往是最快和最可靠的。是否以及如何在提交前运行更大范围的测试是个更有趣的问题,这因团队而异。对于想要运行这些测试的团队来说,封闭测试是一种行之有效的方法来减少其固有的不稳定性。另一个选择是允许大范围的测试在预提交时不可靠,但当它们开始失败时,要主动禁用它们。
+谷歌的大多數團隊都在預送出上執行他們的小型測試(如單元測試)-- 這些是明顯要執行的,因為它們往往是最快和最可靠的。是否以及如何在送出前執行更大範圍的測試是個更有趣的問題,這因團隊而異。對於想要執行這些測試的團隊來說,封閉測試是一種行之有效的方法來減少其固有的不穩定性。另一個選擇是允許大範圍的測試在預送出時不可靠,但當它們開始失敗時,要主動停用它們。
-> [^8]: Each team at Google configures a subset of its project’s tests to run on presubmit (versus post-submit). In reality, our continuous build actually optimizes some presubmit tests to be saved for post-submit, behind the scenes. We’ll further discuss this later on in this chapter.
+> [^8]: Each team at Google configures a subset of its project」s tests to run on presubmit (versus post-submit). In reality, our continuous build actually optimizes some presubmit tests to be saved for post-submit, behind the scenes. We」ll further discuss this later on in this chapter.
-> 8 谷歌的每个团队都将其项目的测试的一个子集配置为在预提交运行(相对于提交后)。实际上,我们的持续构建实际上在幕后优化了一些预提交的测试,以保存到提交后。我们将在本章的后面进一步讨论这个问题。
+> 8 谷歌的每個團隊都將其專案的測試的一個子集設定為在預送出執行(相對於送出後)。實際上,我們的持續建立實際上在幕後最佳化了一些預送出的測試,以儲存到送出後。我們將在本章的後面進一步討論這個問題。
-#### Release candidate testing 候选版本测试
+#### Release candidate testing 候選版本測試
After a code change has passed the CB (this might take multiple cycles if there were failures), it will soon encounter CD and be included in a pending release candidate.
-As CD builds RCs, it will run larger tests against the entire candidate. We test a release candidate by promoting it through a series of test environments and testing it at each deployment. This can include a combination of sandboxed, temporary environments and shared test environments, like dev or staging. It’s common to include some manual QA testing of the RC in shared environments, too.
+As CD builds RCs, it will run larger tests against the entire candidate. We test a release candidate by promoting it through a series of test environments and testing it at each deployment. This can include a combination of sandboxed, temporary environments and shared test environments, like dev or staging. It」s common to include some manual QA testing of the RC in shared environments, too.
-There are several reasons why it’s important to run a comprehensive, automated test suite against an RC, even if it is the same suite that CB just ran against the code on post-submit (assuming the CD cuts at green):
+There are several reasons why it」s important to run a comprehensive, automated test suite against an RC, even if it is the same suite that CB just ran against the code on post-submit (assuming the CD cuts at green):
- *As a sanity check*
We double check that nothing strange happened when the code was cut and recompiled in the RC.
- *For* *auditability*
- If an engineer wants to check an RC’s test results, they are readily available and associated with the RC, so they don’t need to dig through CB logs to find them.
+ If an engineer wants to check an RC」s test results, they are readily available and associated with the RC, so they don」t need to dig through CB logs to find them.
- *To allow for cherry picks*
If you apply a cherry-pick fix to an RC, your source code has now diverged from the latest cut tested by the CB.
@@ -283,29 +283,29 @@ There are several reasons why it’s important to run a comprehensive, automated
- *For emergency pushes*
In that case, CD can cut from true head and run the minimal set of tests necessary to feel confident about an emergency push, without waiting for the full CB to pass.
-- *作为理性的检查*
- 我们仔细检查,当代码在RC中被切割和重新编译时,确保没有任何奇怪的事情发生。
+- *作為理性的檢查*
+ 我們仔細檢查,當代碼在RC中被切割和重新編譯時,確保沒有任何奇怪的事情發生。
-- *为了便于审计*
- 如果工程师想检查RC的测试结果,他们很容易得到,并与RC相关联,所以他们不需要在CB日志中寻找它们。
+- *為了便於審計*
+ 如果工程師想檢查RC的測試結果,他們很容易得到,並與RC相關聯,所以他們不需要在CB日誌中尋找它們。
-- *允许偷梁换柱*
- 如果你对一个RC应用了偷梁换柱式的修复,你的源代码现在已经与CB测试的最新版本相去甚远。
+- *允許偷樑換柱*
+ 如果你對一個RC應用了偷樑換柱式的修復,你的原始碼現在已經與CB測試的最新版本相去甚遠。
-- *用于紧急推送*
- 在这种情况下,CD可以从真正的head切分,并运行必要的最小的测试集,对紧急推送感到有信心,而不等待完整的CB通过。
+- *用於緊急推送*
+ 在這種情況下,CD可以從真正的head切分,並執行必要的最小的測試集,對緊急推送感到有信心,而不等待完整的CB透過。
-#### Production testing 生产测试
+#### Production testing 生產測試
Our continuous, automated testing process goes all the way to the final deployed environment: production. We should run the same suite of tests against production (sometimes called *probers*) that we did against the release candidate earlier on to verify: 1) the working state of production, according to our tests, and 2) the relevance of our tests, according to production.
-Continuous testing at each step of the application’s progression, each with its own trade-offs, serves as a reminder of the value in a “defense in depth” approach to catching bugs—it isn’t just one bit of technology or policy that we rely upon for quality and stability, it’s many testing approaches combined.
+Continuous testing at each step of the application」s progression, each with its own trade-offs, serves as a reminder of the value in a 『defense in depth』 approach to catching bugs—it isn」t just one bit of technology or policy that we rely upon for quality and stability, it」s many testing approaches combined.
-在应用程序进展的每一步进行持续测试,每一步都有其自身的权衡,这提醒了"深度防御 "方法在捕捉错误方面的价值--我们依靠的不仅仅是一种技术或策略来保证质量和稳定性,还有多种测试方法的结合。
+在應用程式進展的每一步進行持續測試,每一步都有其自身的權衡,這提醒了"深度防禦 "方法在捕捉錯誤方面的價值--我們依靠的不僅僅是一種技術或策略來保證質量和穩定性,還有多種測試方法的結合。
@@ -314,434 +314,434 @@ Titus Winters
As with responsibly running production systems, sustainably maintaining software systems also requires continual automated monitoring. Just as we use a monitoring and alerting system to understand how production systems respond to change, CI reveals how our software is responding to changes in its environment. Whereas production monitoring relies on passive alerts and active probers of running systems, CI uses unit and integration tests to detect changes to the software before it is deployed. Drawing comparisons between these two domains lets us apply knowledge from one to the other.
-Both CI and alerting serve the same overall purpose in the developer workflow—to identify problems as quickly as reasonably possible. CI emphasizes the early side of the developer workflow, and catches problems by surfacing test failures. Alerting focuses on the late end of the same workflow and catches problems by monitoring metrics and reporting when they exceed some threshold. Both are forms of “identify problems automatically, as soon as possible.”
+Both CI and alerting serve the same overall purpose in the developer workflow—to identify problems as quickly as reasonably possible. CI emphasizes the early side of the developer workflow, and catches problems by surfacing test failures. Alerting focuses on the late end of the same workflow and catches problems by monitoring metrics and reporting when they exceed some threshold. Both are forms of 『identify problems automatically, as soon as possible.』
-CI和告警在开发者工作流程中的总体目的是一样的--尽可能快地发现问题。CI强调开发者工作流程的早期阶段,并通过显示测试失败来捕获问题。告警侧重于同一工作流程的后期,通过监测指标并在指标超过某个阈值时报告来捕捉问题。两者都是 "自动、尽快地识别问题"的形式。
+CI和告警在開發者工作流程中的總體目的是一樣的--儘可能快地發現問題。CI強調開發者工作流程的早期階段,並透過顯示測試失敗來捕獲問題。告警側重於同一工作流程的後期,透過監測指標並在指標超過某個閾值時報告來捕捉問題。兩者都是 "自動、儘快地識別問題"的形式。
-A well-managed alerting system helps to ensure that your Service-Level Objectives (SLOs) are being met. A good CI system helps to ensure that your build is in good shape—the code compiles, tests pass, and you could deploy a new release if you needed to. Best-practice policies in both spaces focus a lot on ideas of fidelity and actionable alerting: tests should fail only when the important underlying invariant is violated, rather than because the test is brittle or flaky. A flaky test that fails every few CI runs is just as much of a problem as a spurious alert going off every few minutes and generating a page for the on-call. If it isn’t actionable, it shouldn’t be alerting. If it isn’t actually violating the invariants of the SUT, it shouldn’t be a test failure.
+A well-managed alerting system helps to ensure that your Service-Level Objectives (SLOs) are being met. A good CI system helps to ensure that your build is in good shape—the code compiles, tests pass, and you could deploy a new release if you needed to. Best-practice policies in both spaces focus a lot on ideas of fidelity and actionable alerting: tests should fail only when the important underlying invariant is violated, rather than because the test is brittle or flaky. A flaky test that fails every few CI runs is just as much of a problem as a spurious alert going off every few minutes and generating a page for the on-call. If it isn」t actionable, it shouldn」t be alerting. If it isn」t actually violating the invariants of the SUT, it shouldn」t be a test failure.
-CI and alerting share an underlying conceptual framework. For instance, there’s a similar relationship between localized signals (unit tests, monitoring of isolated statistics/cause-based alerting) and cross-dependency signals (integration and release tests, black-box probing). The highest fidelity indicators of whether an aggregate system is working are the end-to-end signals, but we pay for that fidelity in flakiness, increasing resource costs, and difficulty in debugging root causes.
+CI and alerting share an underlying conceptual framework. For instance, there」s a similar relationship between localized signals (unit tests, monitoring of isolated statistics/cause-based alerting) and cross-dependency signals (integration and release tests, black-box probing). The highest fidelity indicators of whether an aggregate system is working are the end-to-end signals, but we pay for that fidelity in flakiness, increasing resource costs, and difficulty in debugging root causes.
-Similarly, we see an underlying connection in the failure modes for both domains. Brittle cause-based alerts fire based on crossing an arbitrary threshold (say, retries in the past hour), without there necessarily being a fundamental connection between that threshold and system health as seen by an end user. Brittle tests fail when an arbitrary test requirement or invariant is violated, without there necessarily being a fundamental connection between that invariant and the correctness of the software being tested. In most cases these are easy to write, and potentially helpful in debugging a larger issue. In both cases they are rough proxies for overall health/correctness, failing to capture the holistic behavior. If you don’t have an easy end-to-end probe, but you do make it easy to collect some aggregate statistics, teams will write threshold alerts based on arbitrary statistics. If you don’t have a high-level way to say, “Fail the test if the decoded image isn’t roughly the same as this decoded image,” teams will instead build tests that assert that the byte streams are identical.
+Similarly, we see an underlying connection in the failure modes for both domains. Brittle cause-based alerts fire based on crossing an arbitrary threshold (say, retries in the past hour), without there necessarily being a fundamental connection between that threshold and system health as seen by an end user. Brittle tests fail when an arbitrary test requirement or invariant is violated, without there necessarily being a fundamental connection between that invariant and the correctness of the software being tested. In most cases these are easy to write, and potentially helpful in debugging a larger issue. In both cases they are rough proxies for overall health/correctness, failing to capture the holistic behavior. If you don」t have an easy end-to-end probe, but you do make it easy to collect some aggregate statistics, teams will write threshold alerts based on arbitrary statistics. If you don」t have a high-level way to say, 『Fail the test if the decoded image isn」t roughly the same as this decoded image,』 teams will instead build tests that assert that the byte streams are identical.
-Cause-based alerts and brittle tests can still have value; they just aren’t the ideal way to identify potential problems in an alerting scenario. In the event of an actual failure, having more debug detail available can be useful. When SREs are debugging an outage, it can be useful to have information of the form, “An hour ago users, started experiencing more failed requests. Around the same, time the number of retries started ticking up. Let’s start investigating there.” Similarly, brittle tests can still provide extra debugging information: “The image rendering pipeline started spitting out garbage. One of the unit tests suggests that we’re getting different bytes back from the JPEG compressor. Let’s start investigating there.”
+Cause-based alerts and brittle tests can still have value; they just aren」t the ideal way to identify potential problems in an alerting scenario. In the event of an actual failure, having more debug detail available can be useful. When SREs are debugging an outage, it can be useful to have information of the form, 『An hour ago users, started experiencing more failed requests. Around the same, time the number of retries started ticking up. Let」s start investigating there.』 Similarly, brittle tests can still provide extra debugging information: 『The image rendering pipeline started spitting out garbage. One of the unit tests suggests that we」re getting different bytes back from the JPEG compressor. Let」s start investigating there.』
-基于原因的告警和脆性测试仍然有价值;它们只是在告警场景中不是识别潜在问题的理想方式。在实际发生故障的情况下,有更多的调试细节可以使用。当SRE正在调试故障时,有这样的信息是很有用的:"一小时前,用户开始遇到更多的失败请求。大约在同一时间,重试的数量开始上升。让我们开始调查。" 同样地,脆弱的测试仍然可以提供额外的调试信息。"图像渲染管道开始吐出乱数据。其中一个单元测试表明,我们从JPEG压缩器那里得到了不同的字节。让我们开始调查吧。"
+基於原因的告警和脆性測試仍然有價值;它們只是在告警場景中不是識別潛在問題的理想方式。在實際發生故障的情況下,有更多的除錯細節可以使用。當SRE正在除錯故障時,有這樣的訊息是很有用的:"一小時前,使用者開始遇到更多的失敗請求。大約在同一時間,重試的數量開始上升。讓我們開始調查。" 同樣地,脆弱的測試仍然可以提供額外的除錯訊息。"影象渲染通道開始吐出亂數據。其中一個單元測試表明,我們從JPEG壓縮器那裡得到了不同的位元組。讓我們開始調查吧。"
-Although monitoring and alerting are considered a part of the SRE/production management domain, where the insight of “Error Budgets” is well understood,[^9] CI comes from a perspective that still tends to be focused on absolutes. Framing CI as the “left shift” of alerting starts to suggest ways to reason about those policies and propose better best practices:
+Although monitoring and alerting are considered a part of the SRE/production management domain, where the insight of 『Error Budgets』 is well understood,[^9] CI comes from a perspective that still tends to be focused on absolutes. Framing CI as the 『left shift』 of alerting starts to suggest ways to reason about those policies and propose better best practices:
- Having a 100% green rate on CI, just like having 100% uptime for a production service, is awfully expensive. If that is *actually* your goal, one of the biggest problems is going to be a race condition between testing and submission.
-- Treating every alert as an equal cause for alarm is not generally the correct approach. If an alert fires in production but the service isn’t actually impacted, silencing the alert is the correct choice. The same is true for test failures: until our CI systems learn how to say, “This test is known to be failing for irrelevant reasons,” we should probably be more liberal in accepting changes that disable a failed test. Not all test failures are indicative of upcoming production issues.
-- Policies that say, “Nobody can commit if our latest CI results aren’t green” are probably misguided. If CI reports an issue, such failures should definitely be *investigated* before letting people commit or compound the issue. But if the root cause is well understood and clearly would not affect production, blocking commits is unreasonable.
+- Treating every alert as an equal cause for alarm is not generally the correct approach. If an alert fires in production but the service isn」t actually impacted, silencing the alert is the correct choice. The same is true for test failures: until our CI systems learn how to say, 『This test is known to be failing for irrelevant reasons,』 we should probably be more liberal in accepting changes that disable a failed test. Not all test failures are indicative of upcoming production issues.
+- Policies that say, 『Nobody can commit if our latest CI results aren」t green』 are probably misguided. If CI reports an issue, such failures should definitely be *investigated* before letting people commit or compound the issue. But if the root cause is well understood and clearly would not affect production, blocking commits is unreasonable.
-尽管监控和告警被认为是SRE/生产管理领域的一部分,其中 "错误成本 "的洞察力被很好地理解,CI来自一个仍然倾向于关注绝对性的视角。将CI定义为告警的 "左移",开始建议如何推理这些策略并提出更好的最佳实践:
+儘管監控和告警被認為是SRE/生產管理領域的一部分,其中 "錯誤成本 "的洞察力被很好地理解,CI來自一個仍然傾向於關注絕對性的視角。將CI定義為告警的 "左移",開始建議如何推理這些策略並提出更好的最佳實踐:
-- 在CI上实现100%的绿色率,就像在生产服务中实现100%的正常运行时间一样,是非常昂贵的。如果这确实是你的目标,那么最大的问题之一就是测试和提交之间的竞争条件。
-- 把每个告警都当作一个相同原因来处理,一般来说不是正确的方法。如果一个告警在生产中被触发,但服务实际上并没有受到影响,让告警沉默是正确的选择。对于测试失败也是如此:在我们的CI系统学会如何说“已知此测试因无关原因而失败”之前,我们可能应该更自由地接受禁用失败测试的更改。并非所有测试失败都表明即将出现生产问题。
-- 那些说 "如果我们最新的CI结果不是绿色的,任何人都不能提交 "的策略可能是错误的。如果 CI 报告了一个问题,在让人们提交或使问题复杂化之前,肯定要对这种失败进行调查。但如果根本原因已被充分理解,并且显然不会影响生产,那么阻止提交是不合理的。
+- 在CI上實現100%的綠色率,就像在生產服務中實現100%的正常執行時間一樣,是非常昂貴的。如果這確實是你的目標,那麼最大的問題之一就是測試和送出之間的競爭條件。
+- 把每個告警都當作一個相同原因來處理,一般來說不是正確的方法。如果一個告警在生產中被觸發,但服務實際上並沒有受到影響,讓告警沉默是正確的選擇。對於測試失敗也是如此:在我們的CI系統學會如何說『已知此測試因無關原因而失敗』之前,我們可能應該更自由地接受停用失敗測試的更改。並非所有測試失敗都表明即將出現生產問題。
+- 那些說 "如果我們最新的CI結果不是綠色的,任何人都不能送出 "的策略可能是錯誤的。如果 CI 報告了一個問題,在讓人們送出或使問題複雜化之前,肯定要對這種失敗進行調查。但如果根本原因已被充分理解,並且顯然不會影響生產,那麼阻止送出是不合理的。
-This “CI is alerting” insight is new, and we’re still figuring out how to fully draw parallels. Given the higher stakes involved, it’s unsurprising that SRE has put a lot of thought into best practices surrounding monitoring and alerting, whereas CI has been viewed as more of a luxury feature.[^10] For the next few years, the task in software engineering will be to see where existing SRE practice can be reconceptualized in a CI context to help reformulate the testing and CI landscape—and perhaps where best practices in testing can help clarify goals and policies on monitoring and alerting.
+This 『CI is alerting』 insight is new, and we」re still figuring out how to fully draw parallels. Given the higher stakes involved, it」s unsurprising that SRE has put a lot of thought into best practices surrounding monitoring and alerting, whereas CI has been viewed as more of a luxury feature.[^10] For the next few years, the task in software engineering will be to see where existing SRE practice can be reconceptualized in a CI context to help reformulate the testing and CI landscape—and perhaps where best practices in testing can help clarify goals and policies on monitoring and alerting.
-这种 "CI就是警报"的见解是新颖的,我们仍在摸索如何充分地得出相似之处。鉴于所涉及的风险较高,SRE对围绕监控和警报的最佳实践进行了大量的思考,而CI则被视为一种奢侈的功能,这一点并不奇怪。在未来几年,软件工程的任务将是看看现有的SRE实践可以在CI背景下重新概念化,以帮助重新制定测试和CI景观,也许测试的最佳实践可以帮助澄清监控和警报的目标和策略。
+這種 "CI就是警報"的見解是新穎的,我們仍在摸索如何充分地得出相似之處。鑑於所涉及的風險較高,SRE對圍繞監控和警報的最佳實踐進行了大量的思考,而CI則被視為一種奢侈的功能,這一點並不奇怪。在未來幾年,軟體工程的任務將是看看現有的SRE實踐可以在CI背景下重新概念化,以幫助重新制定測試和CI景觀,也許測試的最佳實踐可以幫助澄清監控和警報的目標和策略。
-> [9^]: Aiming for 100% uptime is the wrong target. Pick something like 99.9% or 99.999% as a business or product trade-off, define and monitor your actual uptime, and use that “budget” as an input to how aggressively you’re willing to push risky releases.
+> [9^]: Aiming for 100% uptime is the wrong target. Pick something like 99.9% or 99.999% as a business or product trade-off, define and monitor your actual uptime, and use that 『budget』 as an input to how aggressively you」re willing to push risky releases.
-> 9 以100%的正常运行时间为目标是错误的。选择像99.9%或99.999%这样的目标作为业务或产品的权衡,定义并监控你的实际正常运行时间,并使用该 "成本预算 "作为你愿意多积极地推动风险发布的输入。
+> 9 以100%的正常執行時間為目標是錯誤的。選擇像99.9%或99.999%這樣的目標作為業務或產品的權衡,定義並監控你的實際正常執行時間,並使用該 "成本預算 "作為你願意多積極地推動風險發布的輸入。
> [10^]: We believe CI is actually critical to the software engineering ecosystem: a must-have, not a luxury. But that is not universally understood yet.
-> 10 我们相信CI实际上对软件工程生态系统至关重要:它是必需品,而不是奢侈品。但这一点尚未得到普遍理解。
+> 10 我們相信CI實際上對軟體工程生態系統至關重要:它是必需品,而不是奢侈品。但這一點尚未得到普遍理解。
### CI Challenges
-We’ve discussed some of the established best practices in CI and have introduced some of the challenges involved, such as the potential disruption to engineer productivity of unstable, slow, conflicting, or simply too many tests at presubmit. Some common additional challenges when implementing CI include the following:
+We」ve discussed some of the established best practices in CI and have introduced some of the challenges involved, such as the potential disruption to engineer productivity of unstable, slow, conflicting, or simply too many tests at presubmit. Some common additional challenges when implementing CI include the following:
- *Presubmit optimization*
- Including *which* tests to run at presubmit time given the potential issues we’ve already described, and *how* to run them.
+ Including *which* tests to run at presubmit time given the potential issues we」ve already described, and *how* to run them.
- *Culprit finding* and *failure isolation*
- Which code or other change caused the problem, and which system did it happen in? “Integrating upstream microservices” is one approach to failure isolation in a distributed architecture, when you want to figure out whether a problem originated in your own servers or a backend. In this approach, you stage combinations of your stable servers along with upstream microservices’ new servers. (Thus, you are integrating the microservices’ latest changes into your testing.) This approach can be particularly challenging due to version skew: not only are these environments often incompatible, but you’re also likely to encounter false positives—problems that occur in a particular staged combination that wouldn’t actually be spotted in production.
+ Which code or other change caused the problem, and which system did it happen in? 『Integrating upstream microservices』 is one approach to failure isolation in a distributed architecture, when you want to figure out whether a problem originated in your own servers or a backend. In this approach, you stage combinations of your stable servers along with upstream microservices」 new servers. (Thus, you are integrating the microservices」 latest changes into your testing.) This approach can be particularly challenging due to version skew: not only are these environments often incompatible, but you」re also likely to encounter false positives—problems that occur in a particular staged combination that wouldn」t actually be spotted in production.
- *Resource constraints*
Tests need resources to run, and large tests can be very expensive. In addition, the cost for the infrastructure for inserting automated testing throughout the process can be considerable.
-- *提交前优化*
- 包括考虑到我们已经描述过的潜在问题,在提交前运行哪些测试,以及如何运行它们。
+- *送出前最佳化*
+ 包括考慮到我們已經描述過的潛在問題,在送出前執行哪些測試,以及如何執行它們。
-- *找出罪魁祸首*和*故障隔离*
- 哪段代码或其他变化导致了问题,它发生在哪个系统中?"整合上游微服务 "是分布式架构中故障隔离的一种方法,当你想弄清楚问题是源于你自己的服务器还是后端。在这种方法中,你把你的稳定服务器与上游微服务的新服务器组合在一起。(因此,你将微服务的最新变化整合到你的测试中)。由于版本偏差,这种方法可能特别具有挑战性:不仅这些环境经常不兼容,而且你还可能遇到假阳性--在某个特定的阶段性组合中出现的问题,实际上在生产中不会被发现。
+- *找出罪魁禍首*和*故障隔離*
+ 哪段程式碼或其他變化導致了問題,它發生在哪個系統中?"整合上游微服務 "是分散式架構中故障隔離的一種方法,當你想弄清楚問題是源於你自己的伺服器還是後端。在這種方法中,你把你的穩定伺服器與上游微服務的新服務器組合在一起。(因此,你將微服務的最新變化整合到你的測試中)。由於版本偏差,這種方法可能特別具有挑戰性:不僅這些環境經常不相容,而且你還可能遇到假陽性--在某個特定的階段性組合中出現的問題,實際上在生產中不會被發現。
-- *资源限制*
- 测试需要资源来运行,而大型测试可能非常昂贵。此外,在整个过程中插入自动化测试的基础设施的成本可能是相当大的。
+- *資源限制*
+ 測試需要資源來執行,而大型測試可能非常昂貴。此外,在整個過程中插入自動化測試的基礎設施的成本可能是相當大的。
-There’s also the challenge of *failure management—*what to do when tests fail. Although smaller problems can usually be fixed quickly, many of our teams find that it’s extremely difficult to have a consistently green test suite when large end-to-end tests are involved. They inherently become broken or flaky and are difficult to debug; there needs to be a mechanism to temporarily disable and keep track of them so that the release can go on. A common technique at Google is to use bug “hotlists” filed by an on-call or release engineer and triaged to the appropriate team. Even better is when these bugs can be automatically generated and filed—some of our larger products, like Google Web Server (GWS) and Google Assistant, do this. These hotlists should be curated to make sure any release-blocking bugs are fixed immediately. Nonrelease blockers should be fixed, too; they are less urgent, but should also be prioritized so the test suite remains useful and is not simply a growing pile of disabled, old tests. Often, the problems caught by end-to-end test failures are actually with tests rather than code.
+There」s also the challenge of *failure management—*what to do when tests fail. Although smaller problems can usually be fixed quickly, many of our teams find that it」s extremely difficult to have a consistently green test suite when large end-to-end tests are involved. They inherently become broken or flaky and are difficult to debug; there needs to be a mechanism to temporarily disable and keep track of them so that the release can go on. A common technique at Google is to use bug 『hotlists』 filed by an on-call or release engineer and triaged to the appropriate team. Even better is when these bugs can be automatically generated and filed—some of our larger products, like Google Web Server (GWS) and Google Assistant, do this. These hotlists should be curated to make sure any release-blocking bugs are fixed immediately. Nonrelease blockers should be fixed, too; they are less urgent, but should also be prioritized so the test suite remains useful and is not simply a growing pile of disabled, old tests. Often, the problems caught by end-to-end test failures are actually with tests rather than code.
-还有一个挑战是*失败管理*--当测试失败时该怎么做。尽管较小的问题通常可以很快得到解决,但我们的许多团队发现,当涉及到大型的端到端测试时,要有一个持续的绿色测试套件是非常困难的。它们本来就会出现故障或不稳定,而且难以调试;需要有一种机制来暂时禁用并跟踪它们,以便发布工作能够继续进行。在谷歌,一种常见的技术是使用由值班或发布工程师提交的bug "热名单",并将其分发给相应的团队。如果这些bug能够自动生成并归档,那就更好了--我们的一些大型产品,如谷歌网络服务器(GWS)和谷歌助手,就能做到这一点。应对这些热名单进行整理,以确保立即修复所有阻止发布的bug。非发布障碍也应该被修复;它们不那么紧急,但也应该被优先处理,这样测试套件才会保持有用,而不仅仅是一堆越来越多的失效的旧测试。通常,由端到端测试失败引起的问题实际上是测试问题,而不是代码问题。
+還有一個挑戰是*失敗管理*--當測試失敗時該怎麼做。儘管較小的問題通常可以很快得到解決,但我們的許多團隊發現,當涉及到大型的端到端測試時,要有一個持續的綠色測試套件是非常困難的。它們本來就會出現故障或不穩定,而且難以除錯;需要有一種機制來暫時停用並跟蹤它們,以便發布工作能夠繼續進行。在谷歌,一種常見的技術是使用由值班或發布工程師送出的bug "熱名單",並將其分發給相應的團隊。如果這些bug能夠自動生成並歸檔,那就更好了--我們的一些大型產品,如谷歌網路伺服器(GWS)和谷歌助手,就能做到這一點。應對這些熱名單進行整理,以確保立即修復所有阻止發布的bug。非發布障礙也應該被修復;它們不那麼緊急,但也應該被優先處理,這樣測試套件才會保持有用,而不僅僅是一堆越來越多的失效的舊測試。通常,由端到端測試失敗引起的問題實際上是測試問題,而不是程式碼問題。
-Flaky tests pose another problem to this process. They erode confidence similar to a broken test, but finding a change to roll back is often more difficult because the failure won’t happen all the time. Some teams rely on a tool to remove such flaky tests from presubmit temporarily while the flakiness is investigated and fixed. This keeps confidence high while allowing for more time to fix the problem.
+Flaky tests pose another problem to this process. They erode confidence similar to a broken test, but finding a change to roll back is often more difficult because the failure won」t happen all the time. Some teams rely on a tool to remove such flaky tests from presubmit temporarily while the flakiness is investigated and fixed. This keeps confidence high while allowing for more time to fix the problem.
-*Test instability* is another significant challenge that we’ve already looked at in the context of presubmits. One tactic for dealing with this is to allow multiple attempts of the test to run. This is a common test configuration setting that teams use. Also, within test code, retries can be introduced at various points of specificity.
+*Test instability* is another significant challenge that we」ve already looked at in the context of presubmits. One tactic for dealing with this is to allow multiple attempts of the test to run. This is a common test configuration setting that teams use. Also, within test code, retries can be introduced at various points of specificity.
-Another approach that helps with test instability (and other CI challenges) is hermetic testing, which we’ll look at in the next section.
+Another approach that helps with test instability (and other CI challenges) is hermetic testing, which we」ll look at in the next section.
-### Hermetic Testing 封闭测试
+### Hermetic Testing 封閉測試
Because talking to a live backend is unreliable, we often use [hermetic backends ](https://oreil.ly/-PbRM)for larger-scoped tests. This is particularly useful when we want to run these tests on presubmit, when stability is of utmost importance. In Chapter 11, we introduced the concept of hermetic tests:
*Hermetic tests*: tests run against a test environment (i.e., application servers and resources) that is entirely self-contained (i.e., no external dependencies like production backends).
- *封闭测试*:针对测试环境(即应用服务器和资源)运行的测试,是完全自成一体的(即没有像生产后端那样的外部依赖)。
+ *封閉測試*:針對測試環境(即應用伺服器和資源)執行的測試,是完全自成一體的(即沒有像生產後端那樣的外部依賴)。
-Hermetic tests have two important properties: greater determinism (i.e., stability) and isolation. Hermetic servers are still prone to some sources of nondeterminism, like system time, random number generation, and race conditions. But, what goes into the test doesn’t change based on outside dependencies, so when you run a test twice with the same application and test code, you should get the same results. If a hermetic test fails, you know that it’s due to a change in your application code or tests (with a minor caveat: they can also fail due to a restructuring of your hermetic test environment, but this should not change very often). For this reason, when CI systems rerun tests hours or days later to provide additional signals, hermeticity makes test failures easier to narrow down.
+Hermetic tests have two important properties: greater determinism (i.e., stability) and isolation. Hermetic servers are still prone to some sources of nondeterminism, like system time, random number generation, and race conditions. But, what goes into the test doesn」t change based on outside dependencies, so when you run a test twice with the same application and test code, you should get the same results. If a hermetic test fails, you know that it」s due to a change in your application code or tests (with a minor caveat: they can also fail due to a restructuring of your hermetic test environment, but this should not change very often). For this reason, when CI systems rerun tests hours or days later to provide additional signals, hermeticity makes test failures easier to narrow down.
-The other important property, isolation, means that problems in production should not affect these tests. We generally run these tests all on the same machine as well, so we don’t have to worry about network connectivity issues. The reverse also holds: problems caused by running hermetic tests should not affect production.
+The other important property, isolation, means that problems in production should not affect these tests. We generally run these tests all on the same machine as well, so we don」t have to worry about network connectivity issues. The reverse also holds: problems caused by running hermetic tests should not affect production.
Hermetic test success should not depend on the user running the test. This allows people to reproduce tests run by the CI system and allows people (e.g., library developers) to run tests owned by other teams.
One type of hermetic backend is a fake. As discussed in Chapter 13, these can be cheaper than running a real backend, but they take work to maintain and have limited fidelity.
The cleanest option to achieve a presubmit-worthy integration test is with a fully hermetic setup—that is, starting up the entire stack sandboxed[^11]—and Google provides out-of-the-box sandbox configurations for popular components, like databases, to make it easier. This is more feasible for smaller applications with fewer components, but there are exceptions at Google, even one (by DisplayAds) that starts about four hundred servers from scratch on every presubmit as well as continuously on postsubmit. Since the time that system was created, though, record/replay has emerged as a more popular paradigm for larger systems and tends to be cheaper than starting up a large sandboxed stack.
-Record/replay (see Chapter 14) systems record live backend responses, cache them, and replay them in a hermetic test environment. Record/replay is a powerful tool for reducing test instability, but one downside is that it leads to brittle tests: it’s difficult to strike a balance between the following:
+Record/replay (see Chapter 14) systems record live backend responses, cache them, and replay them in a hermetic test environment. Record/replay is a powerful tool for reducing test instability, but one downside is that it leads to brittle tests: it」s difficult to strike a balance between the following:
*False positives*
- The test passes when it probably shouldn’t have because we are hitting the cache too much and missing problems that would surface when capturing a new response.
+ The test passes when it probably shouldn」t have because we are hitting the cache too much and missing problems that would surface when capturing a new response.
*False negatives*
- The test fails when it probably shouldn’t have because we are hitting the cache too little. This requires responses to be updated, which can take a long time and lead to test failures that must be fixed, many of which might not be actual problems. This process is often submit-blocking, which is not ideal.
+ The test fails when it probably shouldn」t have because we are hitting the cache too little. This requires responses to be updated, which can take a long time and lead to test failures that must be fixed, many of which might not be actual problems. This process is often submit-blocking, which is not ideal.
- 测试在不应该通过的情况下通过了,因为我们对缓存的访问太多,并且遗漏了捕获新响应时可能出现的问题。
+ 測試在不應該透過的情況下透過了,因為我們對快取的訪問太多,並且遺漏了捕獲新回應時可能出現的問題。
- 测试在不应该通过的情况下失败了,因为我们对缓冲区的命中太少。这需要更新响应,这可能需要很长时间,并导致必须修复的测试失败,其中许多可能不是实际问题。这个过程通常是提交阻塞,这并不理想。
+ 測試在不應該透過的情況下失敗了,因為我們對緩衝區的命中太少。這需要更新回應,這可能需要很長時間,並導致必須修復的測試失敗,其中許多可能不是實際問題。這個過程通常是送出阻塞,這並不理想。
Ideally, a record/replay system should detect only problematic changes and cachemiss only when a request has changed in a meaningful way. In the event that that change causes a problem, the code change author would rerun the test with an updated response, see that the test is still failing, and thereby be alerted to the problem. In practice, knowing when a request has changed in a meaningful way can be incredibly difficult in a large and ever-changing system.
-> [^11]: In practice, it’s often difficult to make a completely sandboxed test environment, but the desired stability can be achieved by minimizing outside dependencies.
+> [^11]: In practice, it」s often difficult to make a completely sandboxed test environment, but the desired stability can be achieved by minimizing outside dependencies.
-> 11 在实践中,通常很难做出一个完全沙盒化的测试环境,但可以通过尽量减少外部的依赖性来实现所需的稳定性。
+> 11 在實踐中,通常很難做出一個完全沙盒化的測試環境,但可以透過儘量減少外部的依賴性來實現所需的穩定性。
-#### The Hermetic Google Assistant 隐秘的谷歌助手
+#### The Hermetic Google Assistant 隱秘的谷歌助手
Google Assistant provides a framework for engineers to run end-to-end tests, including a test fixture with functionality for setting up queries, specifying whether to simulate on a phone or a smart home device, and validating responses throughout an exchange with Google Assistant.
One of its greatest success stories was making its test suite fully hermetic on presubmit. When the team previously used to run nonhermetic tests on presubmit, the tests would routinely fail. In some days, the team would see more than 50 code changes bypass and ignore the test results. In moving presubmit to hermetic, the team cut the runtime by a factor of 14, with virtually no flakiness. It still sees failures, but those failures tend to be fairly easy to find and roll back.
-Now that nonhermetic tests have been pushed to post-submit, it results in failures accumulating there instead. Debugging failing end-to-end tests is still difficult, and some teams don’t have time to even try, so they just disable them. That’s better than having it stop all development for everyone, but it can result in production failures.
+Now that nonhermetic tests have been pushed to post-submit, it results in failures accumulating there instead. Debugging failing end-to-end tests is still difficult, and some teams don」t have time to even try, so they just disable them. That」s better than having it stop all development for everyone, but it can result in production failures.
-One of the team’s current challenges is to continue to fine-tuning its caching mechanisms so that presubmit can catch more types of issues that have been discovered only post-submit in the past, without introducing too much brittleness.
+One of the team」s current challenges is to continue to fine-tuning its caching mechanisms so that presubmit can catch more types of issues that have been discovered only post-submit in the past, without introducing too much brittleness.
Another is how to do presubmit testing for the decentralized Assistant given that components are shifting into their own microservices. Because the Assistant has a large and complex stack, the cost of running a hermetic stack on presubmit, in terms of engineering work, coordination, and resources, would be very high.
-Finally, the team is taking advantage of this decentralization in a clever new postsubmit failure-isolation strategy. For each of the *N* microservices within the Assistant, the team will run a post-submit environment containing the microservice built at head, along with production (or close to it) versions of the other *N* – 1 services, to isolate problems to the newly built server. This setup would normally be *O*(*N*2) cost to facilitate, but the team leverages a cool feature called *hotswapping* to cut this cost to *O*(*N*). Essentially, hotswapping allows a request to instruct a server to “swap” in the address of a backend to call instead of the usual one. So only *N* servers need to be run, one for each of the microservices cut at head—and they can reuse the same set of prod backends swapped in to each of these *N* “environments.”
+Finally, the team is taking advantage of this decentralization in a clever new postsubmit failure-isolation strategy. For each of the *N* microservices within the Assistant, the team will run a post-submit environment containing the microservice built at head, along with production (or close to it) versions of the other *N* – 1 services, to isolate problems to the newly built server. This setup would normally be *O*(*N*2) cost to facilitate, but the team leverages a cool feature called *hotswapping* to cut this cost to *O*(*N*). Essentially, hotswapping allows a request to instruct a server to 『swap』 in the address of a backend to call instead of the usual one. So only *N* servers need to be run, one for each of the microservices cut at head—and they can reuse the same set of prod backends swapped in to each of these *N* 『environments.』
-最后,该团队正在利用这种分散的优势,采取一种巧妙的新的提交后故障隔离策略。对于助手中的N个微服务中的每一个,团队将运行一个提交后的环境,其中包含在头部构建的微服务,以及其他N-1个服务的生产(或接近生产)版本,以将问题隔离到新构建的服务器。这种设置通常是O(N2)的成本,但该团队利用了一个很酷的功能,称为热交换,将这一成本削减到O(N)。从本质上讲,"热交换"允许一个请求指示服务器 "交换 "一个后端地址来调用,而不是通常的一个。因此,只需要运行N个服务器,每个微服务都有一个,而且它们可以重复使用同一组被交换到这N个 "环境 "中的生产环境后端。
+最後,該團隊正在利用這種分散的優勢,採取一種巧妙的新的送出後故障隔離策略。對於助手中的N個微服務中的每一個,團隊將執行一個送出後的環境,其中包含在頭部建立的微服務,以及其他N-1個服務的生產(或接近生產)版本,以將問題隔離到新建立的伺服器。這種設定通常是O(N2)的成本,但該團隊利用了一個很酷的功能,稱為熱交換,將這一成本削減到O(N)。從本質上講,"熱交換"允許一個請求指示伺服器 "交換 "一個後端地址來呼叫,而不是通常的一個。因此,只需要執行N個伺服器,每個微服務都有一個,而且它們可以重複使用同一組被交換到這N個 "環境 "中的生產環境後端。
-As we’ve seen in this section, hermetic testing can both reduce instability in largerscoped tests and help isolate failures—addressing two of the significant CI challenges we identified in the previous section. However, hermetic backends can also be more expensive because they use more resources and are slower to set up. Many teams use combinations of hermetic and live backends in their test environments.
+As we」ve seen in this section, hermetic testing can both reduce instability in largerscoped tests and help isolate failures—addressing two of the significant CI challenges we identified in the previous section. However, hermetic backends can also be more expensive because they use more resources and are slower to set up. Many teams use combinations of hermetic and live backends in their test environments.
## CI at Google 谷歌的CI
-Now let’s look in more detail at how CI is implemented at Google. First, we’ll look at our global continuous build, TAP, used by the vast majority of teams at Google, and how it enables some of the practices and addresses some of the challenges that we looked at in the previous section. We’ll also look at one application, Google Takeout, and how a CI transformation helped it scale both as a platform and as a service.
+Now let」s look in more detail at how CI is implemented at Google. First, we」ll look at our global continuous build, TAP, used by the vast majority of teams at Google, and how it enables some of the practices and addresses some of the challenges that we looked at in the previous section. We」ll also look at one application, Google Takeout, and how a CI transformation helped it scale both as a platform and as a service.
-现在让我们更详细地看看CI在谷歌是如何实施的。首先,我们将了解谷歌绝大多数团队使用的全球持续构建TAP,以及它是如何实现一些实践和解决我们在上一节中看到的一些挑战的。我们还将介绍一个应用程序Google Takeout,以及CI转换如何帮助其作为平台和服务进行扩展。
+現在讓我們更詳細地看看CI在谷歌是如何實施的。首先,我們將瞭解谷歌絕大多數團隊使用的全球持續建立TAP,以及它是如何實現一些實踐和解決我們在上一節中看到的一些挑戰的。我們還將介紹一個應用程式Google Takeout,以及CI轉換如何幫助其作為平台和服務進行擴充套件。
-### TAP: Google’s Global Continuous Build 谷歌的全球持续构建
+### TAP: Google」s Global Continuous Build 谷歌的全球持續建立
-Adam Bender 亚当-本德
+Adam Bender 亞當-本德
We run a massive continuous build, called the Test Automation Platform (TAP), of our entire codebase. It is responsible for running the majority of our automated tests. As a direct consequence of our use of a monorepo, TAP is the gateway for almost all changes at Google. Every day it is responsible for handling more than 50,000 unique changes *and* running more than four billion individual test cases.
-TAP is the beating heart of Google’s development infrastructure. Conceptually, the process is very simple. When an engineer attempts to submit code, TAP runs the associated tests and reports success or failure. If the tests pass, the change is allowed into the codebase.
+TAP is the beating heart of Google」s development infrastructure. Conceptually, the process is very simple. When an engineer attempts to submit code, TAP runs the associated tests and reports success or failure. If the tests pass, the change is allowed into the codebase.
-#### Presubmit optimization 预提交优化
+#### Presubmit optimization 預送出最佳化
To catch issues quickly and consistently, it is important to ensure that tests are run against every change. Without a CB, running tests is usually left to individual engineer discretion, and that often leads to a few motivated engineers trying to run all tests and keep up with the failures.
-As discussed earlier, waiting a long time to run every test on presubmit can be severely disruptive, in some cases taking hours. To minimize the time spent waiting, Google’s CB approach allows potentially breaking changes to land in the repository (remember that they become immediately visible to the rest of the company!). All we ask is for each team to create a fast subset of tests, often a project’s unit tests, that can be run before a change is submitted (usually before it is sent for code review)—the presubmit. Empirically, a change that passes the presubmit has a very high likelihood (95%+) of passing the rest of the tests, and we optimistically allow it to be integrated so that other engineers can then begin to use it.
+As discussed earlier, waiting a long time to run every test on presubmit can be severely disruptive, in some cases taking hours. To minimize the time spent waiting, Google」s CB approach allows potentially breaking changes to land in the repository (remember that they become immediately visible to the rest of the company!). All we ask is for each team to create a fast subset of tests, often a project」s unit tests, that can be run before a change is submitted (usually before it is sent for code review)—the presubmit. Empirically, a change that passes the presubmit has a very high likelihood (95%+) of passing the rest of the tests, and we optimistically allow it to be integrated so that other engineers can then begin to use it.
After a change has been submitted, we use TAP to asynchronously run all potentially affected tests, including larger and slower tests.
-When a change causes a test to fail in TAP, it is imperative that the change be fixed quickly to prevent blocking other engineers. We have established a cultural norm that strongly discourages committing any new work on top of known failing tests, though flaky tests make this difficult. Thus, when a change is committed that breaks a team’s build in TAP, that change may prevent the team from making forward progress or building a new release. As a result, dealing with breakages quickly is imperative.
+When a change causes a test to fail in TAP, it is imperative that the change be fixed quickly to prevent blocking other engineers. We have established a cultural norm that strongly discourages committing any new work on top of known failing tests, though flaky tests make this difficult. Thus, when a change is committed that breaks a team」s build in TAP, that change may prevent the team from making forward progress or building a new release. As a result, dealing with breakages quickly is imperative.
-To deal with such breakages, each team has a “Build Cop.” The Build Cop’s responsibility is keeping all the tests passing in their particular project, regardless of who breaks them. When a Build Cop is notified of a failing test in their project, they drop whatever they are doing and fix the build. This is usually by identifying the offending change and determining whether it needs to be rolled back (the preferred solution) or can be fixed going forward (a riskier proposition).
+To deal with such breakages, each team has a 『Build Cop.』 The Build Cop」s responsibility is keeping all the tests passing in their particular project, regardless of who breaks them. When a Build Cop is notified of a failing test in their project, they drop whatever they are doing and fix the build. This is usually by identifying the offending change and determining whether it needs to be rolled back (the preferred solution) or can be fixed going forward (a riskier proposition).
-为了处理这种破坏,每个团队都有一个 "Build Cop"。Build Cop的责任是保持他们特定项目的所有测试通过,无论谁破坏了它们。当Build Cop被告知他们的项目中有一个失败的测试时,他们会放下手中的工作,修复构建。这通常是通过识别违规的变化,并确定它是否需要回滚(首选解决方案)或可以继续修复(风险较大)。
+為了處理這種破壞,每個團隊都有一個 "Build Cop"。Build Cop的責任是保持他們特定專案的所有測試透過,無論誰破壞了它們。當Build Cop被告知他們的專案中有一個失敗的測試時,他們會放下手中的工作,修復建立。這通常是透過識別違規的變化,並確定它是否需要回滾(首選解決方案)或可以繼續修復(風險較大)。
In practice, the trade-off of allowing changes to be committed before verifying all tests has really paid off; the average wait time to submit a change is around 11 minutes, often run in the background. Coupled with the discipline of the Build Cop, we are able to efficiently detect and address breakages detected by longer running tests with a minimal amount of disruption.
-在实践中,允许在验证所有测试之前提交更改的折衷方案已经真正得到了回报;提交更改的平均等待时间约为11分钟,通常在后台运行。再加上Build Cop的原则,我们能够以最小的中断量有效地检测和解决运行时间较长的测试检测到的故障。
+在實踐中,允許在驗證所有測試之前送出更改的折衷方案已經真正得到了回報;送出更改的平均等待時間約為11分鐘,通常在後台執行。再加上Build Cop的原則,我們能夠以最小的中斷量有效地檢測和解決執行時間較長的測試檢測到的故障。
-#### Culprit finding发现罪魁祸首
+#### Culprit finding發現罪魁禍首
-One of the problems we face with large test suites at Google is finding the specific change that broke a test. Conceptually, this should be really easy: grab a change, run the tests, if any tests fail, mark the change as bad. Unfortunately, due to a prevalence of flakes and the occasional issues with the testing infrastructure itself, having confidence that a failure is real isn’t easy. To make matters more complicated, TAP must evaluate so many changes a day (more than one a second) that it can no longer run every test on every change. Instead, it falls back to batching related changes together, which reduces the total number of unique tests to be run. Although this approach can make it faster to run tests, it can obscure which change in the batch caused a test to break.
+One of the problems we face with large test suites at Google is finding the specific change that broke a test. Conceptually, this should be really easy: grab a change, run the tests, if any tests fail, mark the change as bad. Unfortunately, due to a prevalence of flakes and the occasional issues with the testing infrastructure itself, having confidence that a failure is real isn」t easy. To make matters more complicated, TAP must evaluate so many changes a day (more than one a second) that it can no longer run every test on every change. Instead, it falls back to batching related changes together, which reduces the total number of unique tests to be run. Although this approach can make it faster to run tests, it can obscure which change in the batch caused a test to break.
To speed up failure identification, we use two different approaches. First, TAP automatically splits a failing batch up into individual changes and reruns the tests against each change in isolation. This process can sometimes take a while to converge on a failure, so in addition, we have created culprit finding tools that an individual developer can use to binary search through a batch of changes and identify which one is the likely culprit.
#### Failure management 故障管理
After a breaking change has been isolated, it is important to fix it as quickly as possible. The presence of failing tests can quickly begin to erode confidence in the test suite. As mentioned previously, fixing a broken build is the responsibility of the Build Cop. The most effective tool the Build Cop has is the *rollback*.
-在隔离破坏性变更后,尽快修复该变更非常重要。失败测试的存在可能会很快开始侵蚀测试套件的信心。如前所述,修复损坏的构建是Build Cop的责任。Build Cop最有效的工具是*回滚*。
+在隔離破壞性變更後,儘快修復該變更非常重要。失敗測試的存在可能會很快開始侵蝕測試套件的信心。如前所述,修復損壞的建立是Build Cop的責任。Build Cop最有效的工具是*回滾*。
Rolling a change back is often the fastest and safest route to fix a build because it quickly restores the system to a known good state.[^12] In fact, TAP has recently been upgraded to automatically roll back changes when it has high confidence that they are the culprit.
-Fast rollbacks work hand in hand with a test suite to ensure continued productivity. Tests give us confidence to change, rollbacks give us confidence to undo. Without tests, rollbacks can’t be done safely. Without rollbacks, broken tests can’t be fixed quickly, thereby reducing confidence in the system.
+Fast rollbacks work hand in hand with a test suite to ensure continued productivity. Tests give us confidence to change, rollbacks give us confidence to undo. Without tests, rollbacks can」t be done safely. Without rollbacks, broken tests can」t be fixed quickly, thereby reducing confidence in the system.
-> [12^]: Any change to Google’s codebase can be rolled back with two clicks!
+> [12^]: Any change to Google」s codebase can be rolled back with two clicks!
-> 12 对谷歌代码库的任何改动都可以通过两次点击来回滚。
+> 12 對谷歌程式碼庫的任何改動都可以透過兩次點選來回滾。
-#### Resource constraints 资源限制
+#### Resource constraints 資源限制
Although engineers can run tests locally, most test executions happen in a distributed build-and-test system called *Forge*. Forge allows engineers to run their builds and tests in our datacenters, which maximizes parallelism. At our scale, the resources required to run all tests executed on-demand by engineers and all tests being run as part of the CB process are enormous. Even given the amount of compute resources we have, systems like Forge and TAP are resource constrained. To work around these constraints, engineers working on TAP have come up with some clever ways to determine which tests should be run at which times to ensure that the minimal amount of resources are spent to validate a given change.
-The primary mechanism for determining which tests need to be run is an analysis of the downstream dependency graph for every change. Google’s distributed build tools, Forge and Blaze, maintain a near-real-time version of the global dependency graph and make it available to TAP. As a result, TAP can quickly determine which tests are downstream from any change and run the minimal set to be sure the change is safe.
+The primary mechanism for determining which tests need to be run is an analysis of the downstream dependency graph for every change. Google」s distributed build tools, Forge and Blaze, maintain a near-real-time version of the global dependency graph and make it available to TAP. As a result, TAP can quickly determine which tests are downstream from any change and run the minimal set to be sure the change is safe.
Another factor influencing the use of TAP is the speed of tests being run. TAP is often able to run changes with fewer tests sooner than those with more tests. This bias encourages engineers to write small, focused changes. The difference in waiting time between a change that triggers 100 tests and one that triggers 1,000 can be tens of minutes on a busy day. Engineers who want to spend less time waiting end up making smaller, targeted changes, which is a win for everyone.
### CI Case Study: Google Takeout CI案例研究:Google Takeout
-Google Takeout started out as a data backup and download product in 2011. Its founders pioneered the idea of “data liberation”—that users should be able to easily take their data with them, in a usable format, wherever they go. They began by integrating Takeout with a handful of Google products themselves, producing archives of users’ photos, contact lists, and so on for download at their request. However, Takeout didn’t stay small for long, growing as both a platform and a service for a wide variety of Google products. As we’ll see, effective CI is central to keeping any large project healthy, but is especially critical when applications rapidly grow.
+Google Takeout started out as a data backup and download product in 2011. Its founders pioneered the idea of 『data liberation』—that users should be able to easily take their data with them, in a usable format, wherever they go. They began by integrating Takeout with a handful of Google products themselves, producing archives of users」 photos, contact lists, and so on for download at their request. However, Takeout didn」t stay small for long, growing as both a platform and a service for a wide variety of Google products. As we」ll see, effective CI is central to keeping any large project healthy, but is especially critical when applications rapidly grow.
-2011年,Google Takeout开始作为一种数据备份和下载产品。其创始人率先提出了“数据解放”的理念,即用户无论走到哪里,都应该能够轻松地以可用的格式携带数据。他们首先将Takeout与少量谷歌产品整合在一起,制作用户照片、联系人列表等档案,以便在他们的要求下载。然而,Takeout并没有在很长一段时间内保持规模,它不仅是一个平台,而且是一项针对各种谷歌产品的服务。正如我们将看到的,有效的CI对于保持任何大型项目的健康至关重要,但在应用程序快速增长时尤为关键。
+2011年,Google Takeout開始作為一種資料備份和下載產品。其創始人率先提出了『資料解放』的理念,即使用者無論走到哪裡,都應該能夠輕鬆地以可用的格式攜帶資料。他們首先將Takeout與少量谷歌產品整合在一起,製作使用者照片、聯絡人清單等檔案,以便在他們的要求下載。然而,Takeout並沒有在很長一段時間內保持規模,它不僅是一個平台,而且是一項針對各種谷歌產品的服務。正如我們將看到的,有效的CI對於保持任何大型專案的健康至關重要,但在應用程式快速增長時尤為關鍵。
-#### Scenario #1: Continuously broken dev deploys 情景#1:持续中断的开发部署
+#### Scenario #1: Continuously broken dev deploys 情景#1:持續中斷的開發部署
**Problem:** As Takeout gained a reputation as a powerful Google-wide data fetching, archiving, and download tool, other teams at the company began to turn to it, requesting APIs so that their own applications could provide backup and download functionality, too, including Google Drive (folder downloads are served by Takeout) and Gmail (for ZIP file previews). All in all, Takeout grew from being the backend for just the original Google Takeout product, to providing APIs for at least 10 other Google products, offering a wide range of functionality.
-**问题:**随着Takeout作为功能强大的Google范围内的数据获取、归档和下载工具而声名鹊起,该公司的其他团队开始转向它,请求API以便他们自己的应用程序也可以提供备份和下载功能,包括Google Drive(文件夹下载由Takeout提供)和Gmail(用于ZIP文件预览). 总之,Takeout从最初的Google Takeout产品的后端发展到为至少10种其他Google产品提供API,提供广泛的功能。
+**問題:**隨著Takeout作為功能強大的Google範圍內的資料獲取、歸檔和下載工具而聲名鵲起,該公司的其他團隊開始轉向它,請求API以便他們自己的應用程式也可以提供備份和下載功能,包括Google Drive(資料夾下載由Takeout提供)和Gmail(用於ZIP檔案預覽). 總之,Takeout從最初的Google Takeout產品的後端發展到為至少10種其他Google產品提供API,提供廣泛的功能。
The team decided to deploy each of the new APIs as a customized instance, using the same original Takeout binaries but configuring them to work a little differently. For example, the environment for Drive bulk downloads has the largest fleet, the most quota reserved for fetching files from the Drive API, and some custom authentication logic to allow non-signed-in users to download public folders.
-团队决定将每个新的API部署为一个定制的实例,使用相同的原始Takeout二进制文件,但将它们配置成有点不同的工作方式。例如,用于Drive批量下载的环境拥有最大的集群,为从Drive API获取文件保留了最多的配额,以及一些自定义的认证逻辑,允许未登录的用户下载公共文件夹。
+團隊決定將每個新的API部署為一個定製的實例,使用相同的原始Takeout二進位檔案,但將它們設定成有點不同的工作方式。例如,用於Drive批次下載的環境擁有最大的叢集,為從Drive API獲取檔案保留了最多的配額,以及一些自定義的認證邏輯,允許未登入的使用者下載公共資料夾。
-Before long, Takeout faced “flag issues.” Flags added for one of the instances would break the others, and their deployments would break when servers could not start up due to configuration incompatibilities. Beyond feature configuration, there was security and ACL configuration, too. For example, the consumer Drive download service should not have access to keys that encrypt enterprise Gmail exports. Configuration quickly became complicated and led to nearly nightly breakages.
+Before long, Takeout faced 『flag issues.』 Flags added for one of the instances would break the others, and their deployments would break when servers could not start up due to configuration incompatibilities. Beyond feature configuration, there was security and ACL configuration, too. For example, the consumer Drive download service should not have access to keys that encrypt enterprise Gmail exports. Configuration quickly became complicated and led to nearly nightly breakages.
-Some efforts were made to detangle and modularize configuration, but the bigger problem this exposed was that when a Takeout engineer wanted to make a code change, it was not practical to manually test that each server started up under each configuration. They didn’t find out about configuration failures until the next day’s deploy. There were unit tests that ran on presubmit and post-submit (by TAP), but those weren’t sufficient to catch these kinds of issues.
+Some efforts were made to detangle and modularize configuration, but the bigger problem this exposed was that when a Takeout engineer wanted to make a code change, it was not practical to manually test that each server started up under each configuration. They didn」t find out about configuration failures until the next day」s deploy. There were unit tests that ran on presubmit and post-submit (by TAP), but those weren」t sufficient to catch these kinds of issues.
**What the team did.** The team created temporary, sandboxed mini-environments for each of these instances that ran on presubmit and tested that all servers were healthy on startup. Running the temporary environments on presubmit prevented 95% of broken servers from bad configuration and reduced nightly deployment failures by 50%.
-Although these new sandboxed presubmit tests dramatically reduced deployment failures, they didn’t remove them entirely. In particular, Takeout’s end-to-end tests would still frequently break the deploy, and these tests were difficult to run on presubmit (because they use test accounts, which still behave like real accounts in some respects and are subject to the same security and privacy safeguards). Redesigning them to be presubmit friendly would have been too big an undertaking.
+Although these new sandboxed presubmit tests dramatically reduced deployment failures, they didn」t remove them entirely. In particular, Takeout」s end-to-end tests would still frequently break the deploy, and these tests were difficult to run on presubmit (because they use test accounts, which still behave like real accounts in some respects and are subject to the same security and privacy safeguards). Redesigning them to be presubmit friendly would have been too big an undertaking.
-If the team couldn’t run end-to-end tests in presubmit, when could it run them? It wanted to get end-to-end test results more quickly than the next day’s dev deploy and decided every two hours was a good starting point. But the team didn’t want to do a full dev deploy this often—this would incur overhead and disrupt long-running processes that engineers were testing in dev. Making a new shared test environment for these tests also seemed like too much overhead to provision resources for, plus culprit finding (i.e., finding the deployment that led to a failure) could involve some undesirable manual work.
+If the team couldn」t run end-to-end tests in presubmit, when could it run them? It wanted to get end-to-end test results more quickly than the next day」s dev deploy and decided every two hours was a good starting point. But the team didn」t want to do a full dev deploy this often—this would incur overhead and disrupt long-running processes that engineers were testing in dev. Making a new shared test environment for these tests also seemed like too much overhead to provision resources for, plus culprit finding (i.e., finding the deployment that led to a failure) could involve some undesirable manual work.
So, the team reused the sandboxed environments from presubmit, easily extending them to a new post-submit environment. Unlike presubmit, post-submit was compliant with security safeguards to use the test accounts (for one, because the code has been approved), so the end-to-end tests could be run there. The post-submit CI runs every two hours, grabbing the latest code and configuration from green head, creates an RC, and runs the same end-to-end test suite against it that is already run in dev.
**Lesson learned.** Faster feedback loops prevent problems in dev deploys:
-- Moving tests for different Takeout products from “after nightly deploy” to presubmit prevented 95% of broken servers from bad configuration and reduced nightly deployment failures by 50%.
-- Though end-to-end tests couldn’t be moved all the way to presubmit, they were still moved from “after nightly deploy” to “post-submit within two hours.” This effectively cut the “culprit set” by 12 times.
+- Moving tests for different Takeout products from 『after nightly deploy』 to presubmit prevented 95% of broken servers from bad configuration and reduced nightly deployment failures by 50%.
+- Though end-to-end tests couldn」t be moved all the way to presubmit, they were still moved from 『after nightly deploy』 to 『post-submit within two hours.』 This effectively cut the 『culprit set』 by 12 times.
-- 将不同Takeout产品的测试从 "夜间部署后"转移到预提交,可以防止95%的服务器因配置不良而损坏,并将夜间部署的失败率降低50%。
-- 尽管端到端测试不能全部转移到预提交,但它们仍然从 "夜间部署后"转移到 "两小时内提交后"。这有效地将"罪魁祸首"减少了12倍。
+- 將不同Takeout產品的測試從 "夜間部署後"轉移到預送出,可以防止95%的伺服器因設定不良而損壞,並將夜間部署的失敗率降低50%。
+- 儘管端到端測試不能全部轉移到預送出,但它們仍然從 "夜間部署後"轉移到 "兩小時內送出後"。這有效地將"罪魁禍首"減少了12倍。
-#### Scenario #2: Indecipherable test logs 场景2:无法识别的测试日志
+#### Scenario #2: Indecipherable test logs 場景2:無法識別的測試日誌
-**Problem:** As Takeout incorporated more Google products, it grew into a mature platform that allowed product teams to insert plug-ins, with product-specific data- fetching code, directly into Takeout’s binary. For example, the Google Photos plug-in knows how to fetch photos, album metadata, and the like. Takeout expanded from its original “handful” of products to now integrate with more than *90*.
+**Problem:** As Takeout incorporated more Google products, it grew into a mature platform that allowed product teams to insert plug-ins, with product-specific data- fetching code, directly into Takeout」s binary. For example, the Google Photos plug-in knows how to fetch photos, album metadata, and the like. Takeout expanded from its original 『handful』 of products to now integrate with more than *90*.
-**问题:**随着Takeout整合了更多的谷歌产品,它已经发展成为一个成熟的平台,允许产品团队直接在Takeout的二进制文件中插入插件,其中包含产品特定的数据获取代码。例如,谷歌照片插件知道如何获取照片、相册元数据等。Takeout从最初的 "少数"产品扩展到现在与超过*90个*的产品集成。
+**問題:**隨著Takeout整合了更多的谷歌產品,它已經發展成為一個成熟的平台,允許產品團隊直接在Takeout的二進位檔案中插入外掛,其中包含產品特定的資料獲取程式碼。例如,谷歌照片外掛知道如何獲取照片、相簿元資料等。Takeout從最初的 "少數"產品擴充套件到現在與超過*90個*的產品整合。
-Takeout’s end-to-end tests dumped its failures to a log, and this approach didn’t scale to 90 product plug-ins. As more products integrated, more failures were introduced. Even though the team was running the tests earlier and more often with the addition of the post-submit CI, multiple failures would still pile up inside and were easy to miss. Going through these logs became a frustrating time sink, and the tests were almost always failing.
+Takeout」s end-to-end tests dumped its failures to a log, and this approach didn」t scale to 90 product plug-ins. As more products integrated, more failures were introduced. Even though the team was running the tests earlier and more often with the addition of the post-submit CI, multiple failures would still pile up inside and were easy to miss. Going through these logs became a frustrating time sink, and the tests were almost always failing.
-**What the team did.** The team refactored the tests into a dynamic, configuration-based suite (using a [parameterized test runner](https://oreil.ly/UxkHk)) that reported results in a friendlier UI, clearly showing individual test results as green or red: no more digging through logs. They also made failures much easier to debug, most notably, by displaying failure information, with links to logs, directly in the error message. For example, if Takeout failed to fetch a file from Gmail, the test would dynamically construct a link that searched for that file’s ID in the Takeout logs and include it in the test failure message. This automated much of the debugging process for product plug-in engineers and required less of the Takeout team’s assistance in sending them logs, as demonstrated in Figure 23-3.
+**What the team did.** The team refactored the tests into a dynamic, configuration-based suite (using a [parameterized test runner](https://oreil.ly/UxkHk)) that reported results in a friendlier UI, clearly showing individual test results as green or red: no more digging through logs. They also made failures much easier to debug, most notably, by displaying failure information, with links to logs, directly in the error message. For example, if Takeout failed to fetch a file from Gmail, the test would dynamically construct a link that searched for that file」s ID in the Takeout logs and include it in the test failure message. This automated much of the debugging process for product plug-in engineers and required less of the Takeout team」s assistance in sending them logs, as demonstrated in Figure 23-3.
![Figure 23-3](./images/Figure%2023-3.png)
-*Figure* *23-3.* *The* *team’s* *involvement* *in* *debugging* *client* *failures*
+*Figure* *23-3.* *The* *team」s* *involvement* *in* *debugging* *client* *failures*
-**Lesson learned.** Accessible, actionable feedback from CI reduces test failures and improves productivity. These initiatives reduced the Takeout team’s involvement in debugging client (product plug-in) test failures by 35%.
+**Lesson learned.** Accessible, actionable feedback from CI reduces test failures and improves productivity. These initiatives reduced the Takeout team」s involvement in debugging client (product plug-in) test failures by 35%.
-#### Scenario #3: Debugging “all of Google” 情景#3:调试 "所有谷歌"
+#### Scenario #3: Debugging 『all of Google』 情景#3:除錯 "所有谷歌"
-**Problem:** An interesting side effect of the Takeout CI that the team did not anticipate was that, because it verified the output of 90-some odd end-user–facing products, in the form of an archive, they were basically testing “all of Google” and catching issues that had nothing to do with Takeout. This was a good thing—Takeout was able to help contribute to the quality of Google’s products overall. However, this introduced a problem for their CI processes: they needed better failure isolation so that they could determine which problems were in their build (which were the minority) and which lay in loosely coupled microservices behind the product APIs they called.
+**Problem:** An interesting side effect of the Takeout CI that the team did not anticipate was that, because it verified the output of 90-some odd end-user–facing products, in the form of an archive, they were basically testing 『all of Google』 and catching issues that had nothing to do with Takeout. This was a good thing—Takeout was able to help contribute to the quality of Google」s products overall. However, this introduced a problem for their CI processes: they needed better failure isolation so that they could determine which problems were in their build (which were the minority) and which lay in loosely coupled microservices behind the product APIs they called.
-**问题:**Takeout CI的一个有趣的副作用是团队没有预料到的,因为它以归档的形式验证了90多个面向最终用户的产品的输出,他们基本上是在测试 "所有的Google产品",捕捉与Takeout无关的问题。这是一件好事--Takeout能够帮助提高谷歌产品的整体质量。然而,这给他们的CI流程带来了一个问题:他们需要更好的故障隔离,以便他们能够确定哪些问题是在他们的构建中(哪些是少数),哪些是在他们调用的产品API背后松散耦合的微服务中。
+**問題:**Takeout CI的一個有趣的副作用是團隊沒有預料到的,因為它以歸檔的形式驗證了90多個面向最終使用者的產品的輸出,他們基本上是在測試 "所有的Google產品",捕捉與Takeout無關的問題。這是一件好事--Takeout能夠幫助提高谷歌產品的整體質量。然而,這給他們的CI流程帶來了一個問題:他們需要更好的故障隔離,以便他們能夠確定哪些問題是在他們的建立中(哪些是少數),哪些是在他們呼叫的產品API背後鬆散耦合的微服務中。
-**What the team did.** The team’s solution was to run the exact same test suite continuously against production as it already did in its post-submit CI. This was cheap to implement and allowed the team to isolate which failures were new in its build and which were in production; for instance, the result of a microservice release somewhere else “in Google.”
+**What the team did.** The team」s solution was to run the exact same test suite continuously against production as it already did in its post-submit CI. This was cheap to implement and allowed the team to isolate which failures were new in its build and which were in production; for instance, the result of a microservice release somewhere else 『in Google.』
**Lesson learned.** Running the same test suite against prod and a post-submit CI (with newly built binaries, but the same live backends) is a cheap way to isolate failures.
-**Remaining challenge.** Going forward, the burden of testing “all of Google” (obviously, this is an exaggeration, as most product problems are caught by their respective teams) grows as Takeout integrates with more products and as those products become more complex. Manual comparisons between this CI and prod are an expensive use of the Build Cop’s time.
+**Remaining challenge.** Going forward, the burden of testing 『all of Google』 (obviously, this is an exaggeration, as most product problems are caught by their respective teams) grows as Takeout integrates with more products and as those products become more complex. Manual comparisons between this CI and prod are an expensive use of the Build Cop」s time.
-**仍然存在的挑战。**展望未来,随着Takeout与更多的产品整合,以及这些产品变得更加复杂,测试 "所有谷歌"(显然,这是一个夸张的说法,因为大多数产品问题都是由他们各自的团队发现的)的负担越来越重。在这个CI和prod之间进行手动比较是对Build Cop时间的昂贵使用。
+**仍然存在的挑戰。**展望未來,隨著Takeout與更多的產品整合,以及這些產品變得更加複雜,測試 "所有谷歌"(顯然,這是一個誇張的說法,因為大多數產品問題都是由他們各自的團隊發現的)的負擔越來越重。在這個CI和prod之間進行手動比較是對Build Cop時間的昂貴使用。
-**Future improvement.** This presents an interesting opportunity to try hermetic testing with record/replay in Takeout’s post-submit CI. In theory, this would eliminate failures from backend product APIs surfacing in Takeout’s CI, which would make the suite more stable and effective at catching failures in the last two hours of Takeout changes—which is its intended purpose.
+**Future improvement.** This presents an interesting opportunity to try hermetic testing with record/replay in Takeout」s post-submit CI. In theory, this would eliminate failures from backend product APIs surfacing in Takeout」s CI, which would make the suite more stable and effective at catching failures in the last two hours of Takeout changes—which is its intended purpose.
-## Scenario #4: Keeping it green 场景4:保持绿色
+## Scenario #4: Keeping it green 場景4:保持綠色
**Problem:** As the platform supported more product plug-ins, which each included end-to-end tests, these tests would fail and the end-to-end test suites were nearly always broken. The failures could not all be immediately fixed. Many were due to bugs in product plug-in binaries, which the Takeout team had no control over. And some failures mattered more than others—low-priority bugs and bugs in the test code did not need to block a release, whereas higher-priority bugs did. The team could easily disable tests by commenting them out, but that would make the failures too easy to forget about.
-**问题**:随着平台支持更多的产品插件,每个插件都包括端到端的测试,这些测试会失败,端到端的测试套件几乎总是被破坏。这些故障不可能都被立即修复。许多故障是由于产品插件二进制文件中的错误,Takeout 团队无法控制这些错误。有些故障比其他故障更重要--低优先级的bug和测试代码中的bug不需要阻止发布,而高优先级的bug需要阻止。团队可以很容易地通过注释它们来禁用测试,但这将使失败者很容易忘记。
+**問題**:隨著平台支援更多的產品外掛,每個外掛都包括端到端的測試,這些測試會失敗,端到端的測試套件幾乎總是被破壞。這些故障不可能都被立即修復。許多故障是由於產品外掛二進位檔案中的錯誤,Takeout 團隊無法控制這些錯誤。有些故障比其他故障更重要--低優先級的bug和測試程式碼中的bug不需要阻止發布,而高優先級的bug需要阻止。團隊可以很容易地透過註解它們來停用測試,但這將使失敗者很容易忘記。
One common source of failures: tests would break when product plug-ins were rolling out a feature. For example, a playlist-fetching feature for the YouTube plug-in might be enabled for testing in dev for a few months before being enabled in prod. The Takeout tests only knew about one result to check, so that often resulted in the test needing to be disabled in particular environments and manually curated as the feature rolled out.
-**What the team did.** The team came up with a strategic way to disable failing tests by tagging them with an associated bug and filing that off to the responsible team (usually a product plug-in team). When a failing test was tagged with a bug, the team’s testing framework would suppress its failure. This allowed the test suite to stay green and still provide confidence that everything else, besides the known issues, was passing, as illustrated in Figure 23-4.
+**What the team did.** The team came up with a strategic way to disable failing tests by tagging them with an associated bug and filing that off to the responsible team (usually a product plug-in team). When a failing test was tagged with a bug, the team」s testing framework would suppress its failure. This allowed the test suite to stay green and still provide confidence that everything else, besides the known issues, was passing, as illustrated in Figure 23-4.
![Figure 23-4](./images/Figure%2023-4.png)
-*Figure* *23-4.* *Achieving* *greenness* *through* *(responsible)* *test* *disablement* *通过(责任人)测试禁用来实现绿色*
+*Figure* *23-4.* *Achieving* *greenness* *through* *(responsible)* *test* *disablement* *透過(責任人)測試停用來實現綠色*
For the rollout problem, the team added capability for plug-in engineers to specify the name of a feature flag, or ID of a code change, that enabled a particular feature along with the output to expect both with and without the feature. The tests were equipped to query the test environment to determine whether the given feature was enabled there and verified the expected output accordingly.
-When bug tags from disabled tests began to accumulate and were not updated, the team automated their cleanup. The tests would now check whether a bug was closed by querying our bug system’s API. If a tagged-failing test actually passed and was passing for longer than a configured time limit, the test would prompt to clean up the tag (and mark the bug fixed, if it wasn’t already). There was one exception for this strategy: flaky tests. For these, the team would allow a test to be tagged as flaky, and the system wouldn’t prompt a tagged “flaky” failure for cleanup if it passed.
+When bug tags from disabled tests began to accumulate and were not updated, the team automated their cleanup. The tests would now check whether a bug was closed by querying our bug system」s API. If a tagged-failing test actually passed and was passing for longer than a configured time limit, the test would prompt to clean up the tag (and mark the bug fixed, if it wasn」t already). There was one exception for this strategy: flaky tests. For these, the team would allow a test to be tagged as flaky, and the system wouldn」t prompt a tagged 『flaky』 failure for cleanup if it passed.
-当被禁用的测试的bug标签开始积累并且不被更新时,该团队将其清理自动化。测试现在会通过查询我们的错误系统的API来检查一个错误是否被关闭。如果一个被标记为失败的测试实际通过了,并且通过的时间超过了配置的时间限制,测试就会提示清理标签(如果还没有被修复的话,就标记为bug修复)。这个策略有一个例外:不稳定的测试。对于这些,团队将允许测试被标记为不稳定,如果测试通过了,系统不会提示清理标记的 "不稳定"故障。
+當被停用的測試的bug標籤開始積累並且不被更新時,該團隊將其清理自動化。測試現在會通過查詢我們的錯誤系統的API來檢查一個錯誤是否被關閉。如果一個被標記為失敗的測試實際透過了,並且透過的時間超過了設定的時間限制,測試就會提示清理標籤(如果還沒有被修復的話,就標記為bug修復)。這個策略有一個例外:不穩定的測試。對於這些,團隊將允許測試被標記為不穩定,如果測試透過了,系統不會提示清理標記的 "不穩定"故障。
-These changes made a mostly self-maintaining test suite, as illustrated in [Figure 23-5](#_bookmark2093).‘
+These changes made a mostly self-maintaining test suite, as illustrated in [Figure 23-5](#_bookmark2093).「
![Figure 23-5](./images/Figure%2023-5.png)
-*Figure 23-5. Mean time to close bug, after fix submitted* *提交修复程序后关闭bug的平均时间*
+*Figure 23-5. Mean time to close bug, after fix submitted* *送出修復程式後關閉bug的平均時間*
-**Lessons learned.** Disabling failing tests that can’t be immediately fixed is a practical approach to keeping your suite green, which gives confidence that you’re aware of all test failures. Also, automating the test suite’s maintenance, including rollout management and updating tracking bugs for fixed tests, keeps the suite clean and prevents technical debt. In DevOps parlance, we could call the metric in [Figure 23-5 ](#_bookmark2093)MTTCU: mean time to clean up.
+**Lessons learned.** Disabling failing tests that can」t be immediately fixed is a practical approach to keeping your suite green, which gives confidence that you」re aware of all test failures. Also, automating the test suite」s maintenance, including rollout management and updating tracking bugs for fixed tests, keeps the suite clean and prevents technical debt. In DevOps parlance, we could call the metric in [Figure 23-5 ](#_bookmark2093)MTTCU: mean time to clean up.
-**经验教训。**禁用无法立即修复的失败测试是保持套件绿色的一种切实可行的方法,这使人相信你知道所有的测试失败。另外,自动化测试套件的维护,包括推出管理和更新跟踪固定测试的bug,保持套件的清洁,防止技术债务。用DevOps的说法,我们可以把图23-5 MTTCU中的指标称为:平均清理时间。
+**經驗教訓。**停用無法立即修復的失敗測試是保持套件綠色的一種切實可行的方法,這使人相信你知道所有的測試失敗。另外,自動化測試套件的維護,包括推出管理和更新跟蹤固定測試的bug,保持套件的清潔,防止技術債務。用DevOps的說法,我們可以把圖23-5 MTTCU中的指標稱為:平均清理時間。
**Future improvement.** Automating the filing and tagging of bugs would be a helpful next step. This is still a manual and burdensome process. As mentioned earlier, some of our larger teams already do this.
-**Further challenges.** The scenarios we’ve described are far from the only CI challenges faced by Takeout, and there are still more problems to solve. For example, we mentioned the difficulty of isolating failures from upstream services in “CI Challenges” on page 490. This is a problem that Takeout still faces with rare breakages originating with upstream services, such as when a security update in the streaming infrastructure used by Takeout’s “Drive folder downloads” API broke archive decryption when it deployed to production. The upstream services are staged and tested themselves, but there is no simple way to automatically check with CI if they are compatible with Takeout after they’re launched into production. An initial solution involved creating an “upstream staging” CI environment to test production Takeout binaries against the staged versions of their upstream dependencies. However, this proved difficult to maintain, with additional compatibility issues between staging and production versions.
+**Further challenges.** The scenarios we」ve described are far from the only CI challenges faced by Takeout, and there are still more problems to solve. For example, we mentioned the difficulty of isolating failures from upstream services in 『CI Challenges』 on page 490. This is a problem that Takeout still faces with rare breakages originating with upstream services, such as when a security update in the streaming infrastructure used by Takeout」s 『Drive folder downloads』 API broke archive decryption when it deployed to production. The upstream services are staged and tested themselves, but there is no simple way to automatically check with CI if they are compatible with Takeout after they」re launched into production. An initial solution involved creating an 『upstream staging』 CI environment to test production Takeout binaries against the staged versions of their upstream dependencies. However, this proved difficult to maintain, with additional compatibility issues between staging and production versions.
-### But I Can’t Afford CI 但我用不起CI费用
+### But I Can」t Afford CI 但我用不起CI費用
-You might be thinking that’s all well and good, but you have neither the time nor money to build any of this. We certainly acknowledge that Google might have more resources to implement CI than the typical startup does. Yet many of our products have grown so quickly that they didn’t have time to develop a CI system either (at least not an adequate one).
+You might be thinking that」s all well and good, but you have neither the time nor money to build any of this. We certainly acknowledge that Google might have more resources to implement CI than the typical startup does. Yet many of our products have grown so quickly that they didn」t have time to develop a CI system either (at least not an adequate one).
-In your own products and organizations, try and think of the cost you are already paying for problems discovered and dealt with in production. These negatively affect the end user or client, of course, but they also affect the team. Frequent production fire-fighting is stressful and demoralizing. Although building out CI systems is expensive, it’s not necessarily a new cost as much as a cost shifted left to an earlier— and more preferable—stage, reducing the incidence, and thus the cost, of problems occurring too far to the right. CI leads to a more stable product and happier developer culture in which engineers feel more confident that “the system” will catch problems, and they can focus more on features and less on fixing.
+In your own products and organizations, try and think of the cost you are already paying for problems discovered and dealt with in production. These negatively affect the end user or client, of course, but they also affect the team. Frequent production fire-fighting is stressful and demoralizing. Although building out CI systems is expensive, it」s not necessarily a new cost as much as a cost shifted left to an earlier— and more preferable—stage, reducing the incidence, and thus the cost, of problems occurring too far to the right. CI leads to a more stable product and happier developer culture in which engineers feel more confident that 『the system』 will catch problems, and they can focus more on features and less on fixing.
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
-Even though we’ve described our CI processes and some of how we’ve automated them, none of this is to say that we have developed perfect CI systems. After all, a CI system itself is just software and is never complete and should be adjusted to meet the evolving demands of the application and engineers it is meant to serve. We’ve tried to illustrate this with the evolution of Takeout’s CI and the future areas of improvement we point out.
+Even though we」ve described our CI processes and some of how we」ve automated them, none of this is to say that we have developed perfect CI systems. After all, a CI system itself is just software and is never complete and should be adjusted to meet the evolving demands of the application and engineers it is meant to serve. We」ve tried to illustrate this with the evolution of Takeout」s CI and the future areas of improvement we point out.
-尽管我们已经描述了我们的 CI 流程和一些自动化的方法,但这并不是说我们已经开发了完美的 CI 系统。毕竟,CI系统本身只是一个软件,永远不会完整,应该进行调整以满足应用程序和工程师不断变化的需求。我们试图用Takeout的CI的演变和我们指出的未来改进领域来说明这一点。
+儘管我們已經描述了我們的 CI 流程和一些自動化的方法,但這並不是說我們已經開發了完美的 CI 系統。畢竟,CI系統本身只是一個軟體,永遠不會完整,應該進行調整以滿足應用程式和工程師不斷變化的需求。我們試圖用Takeout的CI的演變和我們指出的未來改進領域來說明這一點。
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- A CI system decides what tests to use, and when.
- CI systems become progressively more necessary as your codebase ages and grows in scale.
- CI should optimize quicker, more reliable tests on presubmit and slower, less deterministic tests on post-submit.
- Accessible, actionable feedback allows a CI system to become more efficient.
-- CI系统决定使用什么测试以及何时使用。
-- 随着代码库的老化和规模的扩大,CI系统变得越来越有必要。
-- CI应该在提交前优化更快、更可靠的测试,在提交后优化更慢、更不确定的测试。
-- 可访问、可操作的反馈使CI系统变得更加有效。
+- CI系統決定使用什麼測試以及何時使用。
+- 隨著程式碼庫的老化和規模的擴大,CI系統變得越來越有必要。
+- CI應該在送出前最佳化更快、更可靠的測試,在送出後最佳化更慢、更不確定的測試。
+- 可訪問、可操作的反饋使CI系統變得更加有效。
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# Continuous Delivery
-# 第二十四章 持续交付
+# 第二十四章 持續交付
**Written by adha Narayan, Bobbi Jones, Sheri Shipe, and David Owens**
**Edited by Lisa Carey**
-Given how quickly and unpredictably the technology landscape shifts, the competitive advantage for any product lies in its ability to quickly go to market. An organization’s velocity is a critical factor in its ability to compete with other players, maintain product and service quality, or adapt to new regulation. This velocity is bottlenecked by the time to deployment. Deployment doesn’t just happen once at initial launch. There is a saying among educators that no lesson plan survives its first contact with the student body. In much the same way, no software is perfect at first launch, and the only guarantee is that you’ll have to update it. Quickly.
+Given how quickly and unpredictably the technology landscape shifts, the competitive advantage for any product lies in its ability to quickly go to market. An organization」s velocity is a critical factor in its ability to compete with other players, maintain product and service quality, or adapt to new regulation. This velocity is bottlenecked by the time to deployment. Deployment doesn」t just happen once at initial launch. There is a saying among educators that no lesson plan survives its first contact with the student body. In much the same way, no software is perfect at first launch, and the only guarantee is that you」ll have to update it. Quickly.
-The long-term life cycle of a software product involves rapid exploration of new ideas, rapid responses to landscape shifts or user issues, and enabling developer velocity at scale. From Eric Raymond’s The Cathedral and the Bazaar to Eric Reis’ The Lean Startup, the key to any organization’s long-term success has always been in its ability to get ideas executed and into users’ hands as quickly as possible and reacting quickly to their feedback. Martin Fowler, in his book Continuous Delivery (aka CD), points out that “The biggest risk to any software effort is that you end up building something that isn’t useful. The earlier and more frequently you get working software in front of real users, the quicker you get feedback to find out how valuable it really is.”
+The long-term life cycle of a software product involves rapid exploration of new ideas, rapid responses to landscape shifts or user issues, and enabling developer velocity at scale. From Eric Raymond」s The Cathedral and the Bazaar to Eric Reis」 The Lean Startup, the key to any organization」s long-term success has always been in its ability to get ideas executed and into users」 hands as quickly as possible and reacting quickly to their feedback. Martin Fowler, in his book Continuous Delivery (aka CD), points out that 『The biggest risk to any software effort is that you end up building something that isn」t useful. The earlier and more frequently you get working software in front of real users, the quicker you get feedback to find out how valuable it really is.』
-软件产品的长期生命周期包括快速探索新想法、快速响应环境(行业)变化或用户问题,以及实现大规模开发速度。从埃里克·雷蒙德(Eric Raymond)的《大教堂与集市》(The Cathedral and The Bazaar)到埃里克·赖斯(Eric Reis)的《精益创业》(The Lean Startup),任何组织长期成功的关键始终在于其能够尽快将想法付诸实施并交到用户手中,并对他们的反馈做出快速反应。马丁·福勒(Martin Fowler)在其著作《持续交付》(Continuous Delivery,又名CD)中指出,“任何软件工作的最大风险是,你最终建立的东西并不实用。你越早、越频繁地将工作中的软件展现在真正的用户面前,你就能越快地得到反馈,发现它到底有多大价值。”
+軟體產品的長期生命週期包括快速探索新想法、快速回應環境(行業)變化或使用者問題,以及實現大規模開發速度。從埃裡克·雷蒙德(Eric Raymond)的《大教堂與集市》(The Cathedral and The Bazaar)到埃裡克·賴斯(Eric Reis)的《精益創業》(The Lean Startup),任何組織長期成功的關鍵始終在於其能夠儘快將想法付諸實施並交到使用者手中,並對他們的反饋做出快速反應。馬丁·福勒(Martin Fowler)在其著作《持續交付》(Continuous Delivery,又名CD)中指出,『任何軟體工作的最大風險是,你最終建立的東西並不實用。你越早、越頻繁地將工作中的軟體展現在真正的使用者面前,你就能越快地得到反饋,發現它到底有多大價值。』
-Work that stays in progress for a long time before delivering user value is high risk and high cost, and can even be a drain on morale. At Google, we strive to release early and often, or “launch and iterate,” to enable teams to see the impact of their work quickly and to adapt faster to a shifting market. The value of code is not realized at the time of submission but when features are available to your users. Reducing the time between “code complete” and user feedback minimizes the cost of work that is in progress.
+Work that stays in progress for a long time before delivering user value is high risk and high cost, and can even be a drain on morale. At Google, we strive to release early and often, or 『launch and iterate,』 to enable teams to see the impact of their work quickly and to adapt faster to a shifting market. The value of code is not realized at the time of submission but when features are available to your users. Reducing the time between 『code complete』 and user feedback minimizes the cost of work that is in progress.
-在交付用户价值之前进行很长时间的工作是高风险和高成本的,甚至可能会消耗士气。在谷歌,我们努力做到早期和经常发布,或者说 "发布和迭代",以使团队能够迅速看到他们工作的影响,并更快地适应不断变化的市场。代码的价值不是在提交时实现的,而是在你的用户可以使用的功能时实现的。缩短 "代码完成"和用户反馈之间的时间,可以将正在进行中的工作的成本降到最低。
+在交付使用者價值之前進行很長時間的工作是高風險和高成本的,甚至可能會消耗士氣。在谷歌,我們努力做到早期和經常發布,或者說 "發布和迭代",以使團隊能夠迅速看到他們工作的影響,並更快地適應不斷變化的市場。程式碼的價值不是在送出時實現的,而是在你的使用者可以使用的功能時實現的。縮短 "程式碼完成"和使用者反饋之間的時間,可以將正在進行中的工作的成本降到最低。
You get extraordinary outcomes by realizing that the launch *never lands* but that it begins a learning cycle where you then fix the next most important thing, measure how it went, fix the next thing, etc.—and it is *never complete*.
—David Weekly, Former Google product manager
- 当你意识到发射从未着陆,但它开始了一个学习周期,然后你修复下一个最重要的事情,衡量它如何进行,修复下一个事情,等等——而且它永远不会完成。
- -David Weekly,前谷歌产品经理
+ 當你意識到發射從未著陸,但它開始了一個學習週期,然後你修復下一個最重要的事情,衡量它如何進行,修復下一個事情,等等——而且它永遠不會完成。
+ -David Weekly,前谷歌產品經理
At Google, the practices we describe in this book allow hundreds (or in some cases thousands) of engineers to quickly troubleshoot problems, to independently work on new features without worrying about the release, and to understand the effectiveness of new features through A/B experimentation. This chapter focuses on the key levers of rapid innovation, including managing risk, enabling developer velocity at scale, and understanding the cost and value trade-off of each feature you launch.
-## Idioms of Continuous Delivery at Google 谷歌持续交付的习惯用法
+## Idioms of Continuous Delivery at Google 谷歌持續交付的習慣用法
A core tenet of Continuous Delivery (CD) as well as of Agile methodology is that over time, smaller batches of changes result in higher quality; in other words, *faster is safer*. This can seem deeply controversial to teams at first glance, especially if the prerequisites for setting up CD—for example, Continuous Integration (CI) and testing— are not yet in place. Because it might take a while for all teams to realize the ideal of CD, we focus on developing various aspects that deliver value independently en route to the end goal. Here are some of these:
@@ -53,216 +53,216 @@ A core tenet of Continuous Delivery (CD) as well as of Agile methodology is that
- *Phased* *rollout*
Roll out changes to a few users before shipping to everyone
- *敏捷性*
- 频繁地、较小的变更批次地发布。
+ 頻繁地、較小的變更批次地發布。
-- *自动化*
- 减少或消除频繁发布的重复性开销。
+- *自動化*
+ 減少或消除頻繁發布的重複性開銷。
-- *隔离性*
- 努力实现模块化体系结构,以隔离更改并使故障排除更加容易。
+- *隔離性*
+ 努力實現模組化體系結構,以隔離更改並使故障排除更加容易。
- *可靠性*
- 衡量关键的健康指标,如崩溃或延迟,并不断改善它们。
+ 衡量關鍵的健康指標,如崩潰或延遲,並不斷改善它們。
-- *数据驱动的决策*
- 在健康指标上使用A/B测试以确保质量。
+- *資料驅動的決策*
+ 在健康指標上使用A/B測試以確保質量。
-- *分阶段推出*
- 在向所有人发送之前,先在少数用户中推广变更。
+- *分階段推出*
+ 在向所有人傳送之前,先在少數使用者中推廣變更。
-At first, releasing new versions of software frequently might seem risky. As your userbase grows, you might fear the backlash from angry users if there are any bugs that you didn’t catch in testing, and you might quite simply have too much new code in your product to test exhaustively. But this is precisely where CD can help. Ideally, there are so few changes between one release and the next that troubleshooting issues is trivial. In the limit, with CD, every change goes through the QA pipeline and is automatically deployed into production. This is often not a practical reality for many teams, and so there is often work of culture change toward CD as an intermediate step, during which teams can build their readiness to deploy at any time without actually doing so, building up their confidence to release more frequently in the future.
+At first, releasing new versions of software frequently might seem risky. As your userbase grows, you might fear the backlash from angry users if there are any bugs that you didn」t catch in testing, and you might quite simply have too much new code in your product to test exhaustively. But this is precisely where CD can help. Ideally, there are so few changes between one release and the next that troubleshooting issues is trivial. In the limit, with CD, every change goes through the QA pipeline and is automatically deployed into production. This is often not a practical reality for many teams, and so there is often work of culture change toward CD as an intermediate step, during which teams can build their readiness to deploy at any time without actually doing so, building up their confidence to release more frequently in the future.
- 起初,频繁发布新版本的软件可能看起来很冒险。随着用户群的增长,如果在测试中发现任何错误,你可能会担心用户的反弹,而且你的产品中可能有太多新代码,无法彻底测试。但这恰恰是CD可以帮助的地方。理想情况下,一个版本和下一个版本之间的变化非常少,排除问题是非常简单的。在极限情况下,有了CD,每个变化都会通过QA管道,并自动部署到生产中。对于许多团队来说,这通常不是一个实际的现实,因此往往需要进行向CD文化的转变工作作为中间步骤,团队可以在不实际部署的情况下建立部署准备性,增强未来更频繁发布的信心。
+ 起初,頻繁發布新版本的軟體可能看起來很冒險。隨著使用者群的增長,如果在測試中發現任何錯誤,你可能會擔心使用者的反彈,而且你的產品中可能有太多新程式碼,無法徹底測試。但這恰恰是CD可以幫助的地方。理想情況下,一個版本和下一個版本之間的變化非常少,排除問題是非常簡單的。在極限情況下,有了CD,每個變化都會透過QA通道,並自動部署到生產中。對於許多團隊來說,這通常不是一個實際的現實,因此往往需要進行向CD文化的轉變工作作為中間步驟,團隊可以在不實際部署的情況下建立部署準備性,增強未來更頻繁發布的信心。
-## Velocity Is a Team Sport: How to Break Up a Deployment into Manageable Pieces 速度是一项团队运动:如何将部署工作分解成可管理的部分
+## Velocity Is a Team Sport: How to Break Up a Deployment into Manageable Pieces 速度是一項團隊運動:如何將部署工作分解成可管理的部分
-When a team is small, changes come into a codebase at a certain rate. We’ve seen an antipattern emerge as a team grows over time or splits into subteams: a subteam branches off its code to avoid stepping on anyone’s feet, but then struggles, later, with integration and culprit finding. At Google, we prefer that teams continue to develop at head in the shared codebase and set up CI testing, automatic rollbacks, and culprit finding to identify issues quickly. This is discussed at length in Chapter 23.
+When a team is small, changes come into a codebase at a certain rate. We」ve seen an antipattern emerge as a team grows over time or splits into subteams: a subteam branches off its code to avoid stepping on anyone」s feet, but then struggles, later, with integration and culprit finding. At Google, we prefer that teams continue to develop at head in the shared codebase and set up CI testing, automatic rollbacks, and culprit finding to identify issues quickly. This is discussed at length in Chapter 23.
-One of our codebases, YouTube, is a large, monolithic Python application. The release process is laborious, with Build Cops, release managers, and other volunteers. Almost every release has multiple cherry-picked changes and respins. There is also a 50-hour manual regression testing cycle run by a remote QA team on every release. When the operational cost of a release is this high, a cycle begins to develop in which you wait to push out your release until you’re able to test it a bit more. Meanwhile, someone wants to add just one more feature that’s almost ready, and pretty soon you have yourself a release process that’s laborious, error prone, and slow. Worst of all, the experts who did the release last time are burned out and have left the team, and now nobody even knows how to troubleshoot those strange crashes that happen when you try to release an update, leaving you panicky at the very thought of pushing that button.
+One of our codebases, YouTube, is a large, monolithic Python application. The release process is laborious, with Build Cops, release managers, and other volunteers. Almost every release has multiple cherry-picked changes and respins. There is also a 50-hour manual regression testing cycle run by a remote QA team on every release. When the operational cost of a release is this high, a cycle begins to develop in which you wait to push out your release until you」re able to test it a bit more. Meanwhile, someone wants to add just one more feature that」s almost ready, and pretty soon you have yourself a release process that」s laborious, error prone, and slow. Worst of all, the experts who did the release last time are burned out and have left the team, and now nobody even knows how to troubleshoot those strange crashes that happen when you try to release an update, leaving you panicky at the very thought of pushing that button.
-我们的一个代码库,YouTube,是一个大型的、单体的Python应用程序。发布过程很费劲,有Build Cops、发布经理和其他志愿者。每个发布版本都需要多次 cherry-pick(选择性合并)代码变更和重新打包等过程。此外,还有需要由远程QA团队运行的50小时手工回归测试周期。当一个发布的操作成本如此之高时,就会形成一个循环,在这个循环中,你要等待测试更多,才能推出发布版本。与此同时,有人想再增加一个几乎已经准备好的功能,很快你就有了一个费力、容易出错和缓慢的发布过程。最糟糕的是,上次做发布工作的专家已经精疲力尽,离开了团队,现在甚至没有人知道如何解决那些当你试图发布更新时发生的奇怪崩溃,让你一想到要按下那个按钮就感到恐慌。
+我們的一個程式碼庫,YouTube,是一個大型的、單體的Python應用程式。發布過程很費勁,有Build Cops、發布經理和其他志願者。每個發布版本都需要多次 cherry-pick(選擇性合併)程式碼變更和重新打包等過程。此外,還有需要由遠端QA團隊執行的50小時手工迴歸測試週期。當一個發布的操作成本如此之高時,就會形成一個迴圈,在這個迴圈中,你要等待測試更多,才能推出發布版本。與此同時,有人想再增加一個幾乎已經準備好的功能,很快你就有了一個費力、容易出錯和緩慢的發布過程。最糟糕的是,上次做發布工作的專家已經精疲力盡,離開了團隊,現在甚至沒有人知道如何解決那些當你試圖發布更新時發生的奇怪崩潰,讓你一想到要按下那個按鈕就感到恐慌。
If your releases are costly and sometimes risky, the *instinct* is to slow down your release cadence and increase your stability period. However, this only provides short- term stability gains, and over time it slows velocity and frustrates teams and users. The *answer* is to reduce cost, increase discipline, and make the risks more incremental, but it is critical to resist the obvious operational fixes and invest in long-term architectural changes. The obvious operational fixes to this problem lead to a few traditional approaches: reverting to a traditional planning model that leaves little room for learning or iteration, adding more governance and oversight to the development process, and implementing risk reviews or rewarding low-risk (and often low-value) features.
-The investment with the best return, though, is migrating to a microservice architecture, which can empower a large product team with the ability to remain scrappy and innovative while simultaneously reducing risk. In some cases, at Google, the answer has been to rewrite an application from scratch rather than simply migrating it, establishing the desired modularity into the new architecture. Although either of these options can take months and is likely painful in the short term, the value gained in terms of operational cost and cognitive simplicity will pay off over an application’s lifespan of years.
+The investment with the best return, though, is migrating to a microservice architecture, which can empower a large product team with the ability to remain scrappy and innovative while simultaneously reducing risk. In some cases, at Google, the answer has been to rewrite an application from scratch rather than simply migrating it, establishing the desired modularity into the new architecture. Although either of these options can take months and is likely painful in the short term, the value gained in terms of operational cost and cognitive simplicity will pay off over an application」s lifespan of years.
-## Evaluating Changes in Isolation: Flag-Guarding Features 评估隔离中的更改:标志保护功能
+## Evaluating Changes in Isolation: Flag-Guarding Features 評估隔離中的更改:標誌保護功能
-A key to reliable continuous releases is to make sure engineers “flag guard” *all changes*. As a product grows, there will be multiple features under various stages of development coexisting in a binary. Flag guarding can be used to control the inclusion or expression of feature code in the product on a feature-by-feature basis and can be expressed differently for release and development builds. A feature flag disabled for a build should allow build tools to strip the feature from the build if the language permits it. For instance, a stable feature that has already shipped to customers might be enabled for both development and release builds. A feature under development might be enabled only for development, protecting users from an unfinished feature. New feature code lives in the binary alongside the old codepath—both can run, but the new code is guarded by a flag. If the new code works, you can remove the old codepath and launch the feature fully in a subsequent release. If there’s a problem, the flag value can be updated independently from the binary release via a dynamic config update.
+A key to reliable continuous releases is to make sure engineers 『flag guard』 *all changes*. As a product grows, there will be multiple features under various stages of development coexisting in a binary. Flag guarding can be used to control the inclusion or expression of feature code in the product on a feature-by-feature basis and can be expressed differently for release and development builds. A feature flag disabled for a build should allow build tools to strip the feature from the build if the language permits it. For instance, a stable feature that has already shipped to customers might be enabled for both development and release builds. A feature under development might be enabled only for development, protecting users from an unfinished feature. New feature code lives in the binary alongside the old codepath—both can run, but the new code is guarded by a flag. If the new code works, you can remove the old codepath and launch the feature fully in a subsequent release. If there」s a problem, the flag value can be updated independently from the binary release via a dynamic config update.
In the old world of binary releases, we had to time press releases closely with our binary rollouts. We had to have a successful rollout before a press release about new functionality or a new feature could be issued. This meant that the feature would be out in the wild before it was announced, and the risk of it being discovered ahead of time was very real.
-This is where the beauty of the flag guard comes to play. If the new code has a flag, the flag can be updated to turn your feature on immediately before the press release, thus minimizing the risk of leaking a feature. Note that flag-guarded code is not a *perfect* safety net for truly sensitive features. Code can still be scraped and analyzed if it’s not well obfuscated, and not all features can be hidden behind flags without adding a lot of complexity. Moreover, even flag configuration changes must be rolled out with care. Turning on a flag for 100% of your users all at once is not a great idea, so a configuration service that manages safe configuration rollouts is a good investment. Nevertheless, the level of control and the ability to decouple the destiny of a particular feature from the overall product release are powerful levers for long-term sustainability of the application.
+This is where the beauty of the flag guard comes to play. If the new code has a flag, the flag can be updated to turn your feature on immediately before the press release, thus minimizing the risk of leaking a feature. Note that flag-guarded code is not a *perfect* safety net for truly sensitive features. Code can still be scraped and analyzed if it」s not well obfuscated, and not all features can be hidden behind flags without adding a lot of complexity. Moreover, even flag configuration changes must be rolled out with care. Turning on a flag for 100% of your users all at once is not a great idea, so a configuration service that manages safe configuration rollouts is a good investment. Nevertheless, the level of control and the ability to decouple the destiny of a particular feature from the overall product release are powerful levers for long-term sustainability of the application.
-## Striving for Agility: Setting Up a Release Train 为敏捷而奋斗:建立一个发布序列
+## Striving for Agility: Setting Up a Release Train 為敏捷而奮鬥:建立一個發布序列
-Google’s Search binary is its first and oldest. Large and complicated, its codebase can be tied back to Google’s origin—a search through our codebase can still find code written at least as far back as 2003, often earlier. When smartphones began to take off, feature after mobile feature was shoehorned into a hairball of code written primarily for server deployment. Even though the Search experience was becoming more vibrant and interactive, deploying a viable build became more and more difficult. At one point, we were releasing the Search binary into production only once per week, and even hitting that target was rare and often based on luck.
+Google」s Search binary is its first and oldest. Large and complicated, its codebase can be tied back to Google」s origin—a search through our codebase can still find code written at least as far back as 2003, often earlier. When smartphones began to take off, feature after mobile feature was shoehorned into a hairball of code written primarily for server deployment. Even though the Search experience was becoming more vibrant and interactive, deploying a viable build became more and more difficult. At one point, we were releasing the Search binary into production only once per week, and even hitting that target was rare and often based on luck.
-When one of our contributing authors, Sheri Shipe, took on the project of increasing our release velocity in Search, each release cycle was taking a group of engineers days to complete. They built the binary, integrated data, and then began testing. Each bug had to be manually triaged to make sure it wouldn’t impact Search quality, the user experience (UX), and/or revenue. This process was grueling and time consuming and did not scale to the volume or rate of change. As a result, a developer could never know when their feature was going to be released into production. This made timing press releases and public launches challenging.
+When one of our contributing authors, Sheri Shipe, took on the project of increasing our release velocity in Search, each release cycle was taking a group of engineers days to complete. They built the binary, integrated data, and then began testing. Each bug had to be manually triaged to make sure it wouldn」t impact Search quality, the user experience (UX), and/or revenue. This process was grueling and time consuming and did not scale to the volume or rate of change. As a result, a developer could never know when their feature was going to be released into production. This made timing press releases and public launches challenging.
-当我们的贡献作者之一Sheri Shipe承担了提高搜索发布速度的项目时,每个发布周期都需要一组工程师几天才能完成。他们构建了二进制集成数据,然后开始测试。每一个bug都必须进行手动分类,以确保它不会影响搜索质量、用户体验(UX)和/或收入。这一过程既费时又费力,而且不能适应变化的数量和速度。因此,开发人员永远不可能知道他们的特性将在何时发布到生产环境中。这使得新闻发布和公开发布的时间安排具有挑战性。
+當我們的貢獻作者之一Sheri Shipe承擔了提高搜尋發布速度的專案時,每個發布週期都需要一組工程師幾天才能完成。他們建立了二進位整合資料,然後開始測試。每一個bug都必須進行手動分類,以確保它不會影響搜尋質量、使用者體驗(UX)和/或收入。這一過程既費時又費力,而且不能適應變化的數量和速度。因此,開發人員永遠不可能知道他們的屬性將在何時發布到生產環境中。這使得新聞發布和公開發布的時間安排具有挑戰性。
-Releases don’t happen in a vacuum, and having reliable releases makes the dependent factors easier to synchronize. Over the course of several years, a dedicated group of engineers implemented a continuous release process, which streamlined everything about sending a Search binary into the world. We automated what we could, set deadlines for submitting features, and simplified the integration of plug-ins and data into the binary. We could now consistently release a new Search binary into production every other day.
+Releases don」t happen in a vacuum, and having reliable releases makes the dependent factors easier to synchronize. Over the course of several years, a dedicated group of engineers implemented a continuous release process, which streamlined everything about sending a Search binary into the world. We automated what we could, set deadlines for submitting features, and simplified the integration of plug-ins and data into the binary. We could now consistently release a new Search binary into production every other day.
What were the trade-offs we made to get predictability in our release cycle? They narrow down to two main ideas we baked into the system.
-### No Binary Is Perfect 没有完美的二进制包
+### No Binary Is Perfect 沒有完美的二進位封裝
-The first is that *no binary is perfect*, especially for builds that are incorporating the work of tens or hundreds of developers independently developing dozens of major features. Even though it’s impossible to fix every bug, we constantly need to weigh questions such as: If a line has been moved two pixels to the left, will it affect an ad display and potential revenue? What if the shade of a box has been altered slightly? Will it make it difficult for visually impaired users to read the text? The rest of this book is arguably about minimizing the set of unintended outcomes for a release, but in the end we must admit that software is fundamentally complex. There is no perfect binary—decisions and trade-offs have to be made every time a new change is released into production. Key performance indicator metrics with clear thresholds allow features to launch even if they aren’t perfect[^1] and can also create clarity in otherwise contentious launch decisions.
+The first is that *no binary is perfect*, especially for builds that are incorporating the work of tens or hundreds of developers independently developing dozens of major features. Even though it」s impossible to fix every bug, we constantly need to weigh questions such as: If a line has been moved two pixels to the left, will it affect an ad display and potential revenue? What if the shade of a box has been altered slightly? Will it make it difficult for visually impaired users to read the text? The rest of this book is arguably about minimizing the set of unintended outcomes for a release, but in the end we must admit that software is fundamentally complex. There is no perfect binary—decisions and trade-offs have to be made every time a new change is released into production. Key performance indicator metrics with clear thresholds allow features to launch even if they aren」t perfect[^1] and can also create clarity in otherwise contentious launch decisions.
One bug involved a rare dialect spoken on only one island in the Philippines. If a user asked a search question in this dialect, instead of an answer to their question, they would get a blank web page. We had to determine whether the cost of fixing this bug was worth delaying the release of a major new feature.
-We ran from office to office trying to determine how many people actually spoke this language, if it happened every time a user searched in this language, and whether these folks even used Google on a regular basis. Every quality engineer we spoke with deferred us to a more senior person. Finally, data in hand, we put the question to Search’s senior vice president. Should we delay a critical release to fix a bug that affected only a very small Philippine island? It turns out that no matter how small your island, you should get reliable and accurate search results: we delayed the release and fixed the bug.
+We ran from office to office trying to determine how many people actually spoke this language, if it happened every time a user searched in this language, and whether these folks even used Google on a regular basis. Every quality engineer we spoke with deferred us to a more senior person. Finally, data in hand, we put the question to Search」s senior vice president. Should we delay a critical release to fix a bug that affected only a very small Philippine island? It turns out that no matter how small your island, you should get reliable and accurate search results: we delayed the release and fixed the bug.
-> [^1]: Remember the SRE “error-budget” formulation: perfection is rarely the best goal. Understand how much room for error is acceptable and how much of that budget has been spent recently and use that to adjust the trade-off between velocity and stability.
+> [^1]: Remember the SRE 『error-budget』 formulation: perfection is rarely the best goal. Understand how much room for error is acceptable and how much of that budget has been spent recently and use that to adjust the trade-off between velocity and stability.
-> 1 记住SRE的 "错误预算 "表述:完美很少是最佳目标。了解多少误差空间是可以接受的,以及该预算最近花了多少,并利用这一点来调整速度和稳定性之间的权衡。
+> 1 記住SRE的 "錯誤預算 "表述:完美很少是最佳目標。瞭解多少誤差空間是可以接受的,以及該預算最近花了多少,並利用這一點來調整速度和穩定性之間的權衡。
-### Meet Your Release Deadline 满足你的发布期限
+### Meet Your Release Deadline 滿足你的發布期限
-The second idea is that *if you’re late for the release train, it will leave without you*. There’s something to be said for the adage, “deadlines are certain, life is not.” At some point in the release timeline, you must put a stake in the ground and turn away developers and their new features. Generally speaking, no amount of pleading or begging will get a feature into today’s release after the deadline has passed.
+The second idea is that *if you」re late for the release train, it will leave without you*. There」s something to be said for the adage, 『deadlines are certain, life is not.』 At some point in the release timeline, you must put a stake in the ground and turn away developers and their new features. Generally speaking, no amount of pleading or begging will get a feature into today」s release after the deadline has passed.
-There is the *rare* exception. The situation usually goes like this. It’s late Friday evening and six software engineers come storming into the release manager’s cube in a panic. They have a contract with the NBA and finished the feature moments ago. But it must go live before the big game tomorrow. The release must stop and we must cherry- pick the feature into the binary or we’ll be in breach of contract! A bleary-eyed release engineer shakes their head and says it will take four hours to cut and test a new binary. It’s their kid’s birthday and they still need to pick up the balloons.
+There is the *rare* exception. The situation usually goes like this. It」s late Friday evening and six software engineers come storming into the release manager」s cube in a panic. They have a contract with the NBA and finished the feature moments ago. But it must go live before the big game tomorrow. The release must stop and we must cherry- pick the feature into the binary or we」ll be in breach of contract! A bleary-eyed release engineer shakes their head and says it will take four hours to cut and test a new binary. It」s their kid」s birthday and they still need to pick up the balloons.
-A world of regular releases means that if a developer misses the release train, they’ll be able to catch the next train in a matter of hours rather than days. This limits developer panic and greatly improves work–life balance for release engineers.
+A world of regular releases means that if a developer misses the release train, they」ll be able to catch the next train in a matter of hours rather than days. This limits developer panic and greatly improves work–life balance for release engineers.
-## Quality and User-Focus: Ship Only What Gets Used 质量和用户关注点:只提供使用的产品
+## Quality and User-Focus: Ship Only What Gets Used 質量和使用者關注點:只提供使用的產品
-Bloat is an unfortunate side effect of most software development life cycles, and the more successful a product becomes, the more bloated its code base typically becomes. One downside of a speedy, efficient release train is that this bloat is often magnified and can manifest in challenges to the product team and even to the users. Especially if the software is delivered to the client, as in the case of mobile apps, this can mean the user’s device pays the cost in terms of space, download, and data costs, even for features they never use, whereas developers pay the cost of slower builds, complex deployments, and rare bugs. In this section, we’ll talk about how dynamic deployments allow you to ship only what is used, forcing necessary trade-offs between user value and feature cost. At Google, this often means staffing dedicated teams to improve the efficiency of the product on an ongoing basis.
+Bloat is an unfortunate side effect of most software development life cycles, and the more successful a product becomes, the more bloated its code base typically becomes. One downside of a speedy, efficient release train is that this bloat is often magnified and can manifest in challenges to the product team and even to the users. Especially if the software is delivered to the client, as in the case of mobile apps, this can mean the user」s device pays the cost in terms of space, download, and data costs, even for features they never use, whereas developers pay the cost of slower builds, complex deployments, and rare bugs. In this section, we」ll talk about how dynamic deployments allow you to ship only what is used, forcing necessary trade-offs between user value and feature cost. At Google, this often means staffing dedicated teams to improve the efficiency of the product on an ongoing basis.
-Whereas some products are web-based and run on the cloud, many are client applications that use shared resources on a user’s device—a phone or tablet. This choice in itself showcases a trade-off between native apps that can be more performant and resilient to spotty connectivity, but also more difficult to update and more susceptible to platform-level issues. A common argument against frequent, continuous deployment for native apps is that users dislike frequent updates and must pay for the data cost and the disruption. There might be other limiting factors such as access to a network or a limit to the reboots required to percolate an update.
+Whereas some products are web-based and run on the cloud, many are client applications that use shared resources on a user」s device—a phone or tablet. This choice in itself showcases a trade-off between native apps that can be more performant and resilient to spotty connectivity, but also more difficult to update and more susceptible to platform-level issues. A common argument against frequent, continuous deployment for native apps is that users dislike frequent updates and must pay for the data cost and the disruption. There might be other limiting factors such as access to a network or a limit to the reboots required to percolate an update.
-Even though there is a trade-off to be made in terms of how frequently to update a product, the goal is to *have these choices be intentional*. With a smooth, well-running CD process, how often a viable release is *created* can be separated from how often a user *receives* it. You might achieve the goal of being able to deploy weekly, daily, or hourly, without actually doing so, and you should intentionally choose release processes in the context of your users’ specific needs and the larger organizational goals, and determine the staffing and tooling model that will best support the long-term sustainability of your product.
+Even though there is a trade-off to be made in terms of how frequently to update a product, the goal is to *have these choices be intentional*. With a smooth, well-running CD process, how often a viable release is *created* can be separated from how often a user *receives* it. You might achieve the goal of being able to deploy weekly, daily, or hourly, without actually doing so, and you should intentionally choose release processes in the context of your users」 specific needs and the larger organizational goals, and determine the staffing and tooling model that will best support the long-term sustainability of your product.
-Earlier in the chapter, we talked about keeping your code modular. This allows for dynamic, configurable deployments that allow better utilization of constrained resources, such as the space on a user’s device. In the absence of this practice, every user must receive code they will never use to support translations they don’t need or architectures that were meant for other kinds of devices. Dynamic deployments allow apps to maintain small sizes while only shipping code to a device that brings its users value, and A/B experiments allow for intentional trade-offs between a feature’s cost and its value to users and your business.
+Earlier in the chapter, we talked about keeping your code modular. This allows for dynamic, configurable deployments that allow better utilization of constrained resources, such as the space on a user」s device. In the absence of this practice, every user must receive code they will never use to support translations they don」t need or architectures that were meant for other kinds of devices. Dynamic deployments allow apps to maintain small sizes while only shipping code to a device that brings its users value, and A/B experiments allow for intentional trade-offs between a feature」s cost and its value to users and your business.
There is an upfront cost to setting up these processes, and identifying and removing frictions that keep the frequency of releases lower than is desirable is a painstaking process. But the long-term wins in terms of risk management, developer velocity, and enabling rapid innovation are so high that these initial costs become worthwhile.
-## Shifting Left: Making Data-Driven Decisions Earlier 左移:提前做出数据驱动的决策
+## Shifting Left: Making Data-Driven Decisions Earlier 左移:提前做出資料驅動的決策
-If you’re building for all users, you might have clients on smart screens, speakers, or Android and iOS phones and tablets, and your software may be flexible enough to allow users to customize their experience. Even if you’re building for only Android devices, the sheer diversity of the more than two billion Android devices can make the prospect of qualifying a release overwhelming. And with the pace of innovation, by the time someone reads this chapter, whole new categories of devices might have bloomed.
+If you」re building for all users, you might have clients on smart screens, speakers, or Android and iOS phones and tablets, and your software may be flexible enough to allow users to customize their experience. Even if you」re building for only Android devices, the sheer diversity of the more than two billion Android devices can make the prospect of qualifying a release overwhelming. And with the pace of innovation, by the time someone reads this chapter, whole new categories of devices might have bloomed.
One of our release managers shared a piece of wisdom that turned the situation around when he said that the diversity of our client market was not a *problem*, but a *fact*. After we accepted that, we could switch our release qualification model in the following ways:
- If *comprehensive* testing is practically infeasible, aim for *representative* testing instead.
- Staged rollouts to slowly increasing percentages of the userbase allow for fast fixes.
-- Automated A/B releases allow for statistically significant results proving a release’s quality, without tired humans needing to look at dashboards and make decisions.
+- Automated A/B releases allow for statistically significant results proving a release」s quality, without tired humans needing to look at dashboards and make decisions.
-- 如果*全面*的测试实际上是不可行的,就以*代表性*的测试为目标。
-- 分阶段向用户群中慢慢增加的百分比进行发布,可以快速修复问题。
-- 自动的A/B发布允许统计学上有意义的结果来证明一个版本的质量,而无需疲惫的人去看仪表盘和做决定。
+- 如果*全面*的測試實際上是不可行的,就以*代表性*的測試為目標。
+- 分階段向用戶群中慢慢增加的百分比進行發布,可以快速修復問題。
+- 自動的A/B發布允許統計學上有意義的結果來證明一個版本的質量,而無需疲憊的人去看儀表盤和做決定。
When it comes to developing for Android clients, Google apps use specialized testing tracks and staged rollouts to an increasing percentage of user traffic, carefully monitoring for issues in these channels. Because the Play Store offers unlimited testing tracks, we can also set up a QA team in each country in which we plan to launch, allowing for a global overnight turnaround in testing key features.
-在为Android客户端开发时,谷歌应用程序使用专门的测试轨道和分阶段推出,以增加用户流量的百分比,仔细监控这些渠道中的问题。由于Play Store提供无限的测试轨道,我们还可以在我们计划推出的每个国家/地区建立一个QA团队,允许在全球范围内一夜之间完成关键功能的测试。
+在為Android用戶端開發時,谷歌應用程式使用專門的測試軌道和分階段推出,以增加使用者流量的百分比,仔細監控這些渠道中的問題。由於Play Store提供無限的測試軌道,我們還可以在我們計劃推出的每個國家/地區建立一個QA團隊,允許在全球範圍內一夜之間完成關鍵功能的測試。
One issue we noticed when doing deployments to Android was that we could expect a statistically significant change in user metrics *simply from pushing an update*. This meant that even if we made no changes to our product, pushing an update could affect device and user behavior in ways that were difficult to predict. As a result, although canarying the update to a small percentage of user traffic could give us good information about crashes or stability problems, it told us very little about whether the newer version of our app was in fact better than the older one.
Dan Siroker and Pete Koomen have already discussed the value of A/B testing[^2] your features, but at Google, some of our larger apps also A/B test their *deployments*. This means sending out two versions of the product: one that is the desired update, with the baseline being a placebo (your old version just gets shipped again). As the two versions roll out simultaneously to a large enough base of similar users, you can compare one release against the other to see whether the latest version of your software is in fact an improvement over the previous one. With a large enough userbase, you should be able to get statistically significant results within days, or even hours. An automated metrics pipeline can enable the fastest possible release by pushing forward a release to more traffic as soon as there is enough data to know that the guardrail metrics will not be affected.
-Dan Siroker和Pete Koomen已经讨论了A/B测试的价值,但在Google,我们的一些大型应用也对其*部署*进行A/B测试。这意味着发送两个版本的产品:一个是所需的更新,基线是一个安慰剂(你的旧版本只是被再次发送)。当这两个版本同时向足够多的类似用户推出时,你可以将一个版本与另一个版本进行比较,看看你的软件的最新版本是否真的比以前的版本有所改进。有了足够大的用户群,你应该能够在几天内,甚至几小时内得到统计学上的显著结果。一个自动化的指标管道可以实现最快的发布,只要有足够的数据知道护栏指标不会受到影响,就可以将一个版本推到更多的流量。
+Dan Siroker和Pete Koomen已經討論了A/B測試的價值,但在Google,我們的一些大型應用也對其*部署*進行A/B測試。這意味著傳送兩個版本的產品:一個是所需的更新,基線是一個安慰劑(你的舊版本只是被再次傳送)。當這兩個版本同時向足夠多的類似使用者推出時,你可以將一個版本與另一個版本進行比較,看看你的軟體的最新版本是否真的比以前的版本有所改進。有了足夠大的使用者群,你應該能夠在幾天內,甚至幾小時內得到統計學上的顯著結果。一個自動化的指標通道可以實現最快的發布,只要有足夠的資料知道護欄指標不會受到影響,就可以將一個版本推到更多的流量。
-Obviously, this method does not apply to every app and can be a lot of overhead when you don’t have a large enough userbase. In these cases, the recommended best practice is to aim for change-neutral releases. All new features are flag guarded so that the only change being tested during a rollout is the stability of the deployment itself.
+Obviously, this method does not apply to every app and can be a lot of overhead when you don」t have a large enough userbase. In these cases, the recommended best practice is to aim for change-neutral releases. All new features are flag guarded so that the only change being tested during a rollout is the stability of the deployment itself.
> [^2]: Dan Siroker and Pete Koomen, *A/B Testing: The Most Powerful Way to Turn Clicks Into Customers* (Hoboken: Wiley, 2013).
-> 2 Dan Siroker和Pete Koomen,《A/B测试:将点击转化为客户的最有效方式》(Hoboken:Wiley,2013)。
+> 2 Dan Siroker和Pete Koomen,《A/B測試:將點選轉化為客戶的最有效方式》(Hoboken:Wiley,2013)。
-## Changing Team Culture: Building Discipline into Deployment 改变团队文化:在部署中建立规则
+## Changing Team Culture: Building Discipline into Deployment 改變團隊文化:在部署中建立規則
-Although “Always Be Deploying” helps address several issues affecting developer velocity, there are also certain practices that address issues of scale. The initial team launching a product can be fewer than 10 people, each taking turns at deployment and production-monitoring responsibilities. Over time, your team might grow to hundreds of people, with subteams responsible for specific features. As this happens and the organization scales up, the number of changes in each deployment and the amount of risk in each release attempt is increasing superlinearly. Each release contains months of sweat and tears. Making the release successful becomes a high-touch and labor-intensive effort. Developers can often be caught trying to decide which is worse: abandoning a release that contains a quarter’s worth of new features and bug fixes, or pushing out a release without confidence in its quality.
+Although 『Always Be Deploying』 helps address several issues affecting developer velocity, there are also certain practices that address issues of scale. The initial team launching a product can be fewer than 10 people, each taking turns at deployment and production-monitoring responsibilities. Over time, your team might grow to hundreds of people, with subteams responsible for specific features. As this happens and the organization scales up, the number of changes in each deployment and the amount of risk in each release attempt is increasing superlinearly. Each release contains months of sweat and tears. Making the release successful becomes a high-touch and labor-intensive effort. Developers can often be caught trying to decide which is worse: abandoning a release that contains a quarter」s worth of new features and bug fixes, or pushing out a release without confidence in its quality.
-At scale, increased complexity usually manifests as increased release latency. Even if you release every day, a release can take a week or longer to fully roll out safely, leaving you a week behind when trying to debug any issues. This is where “Always Be Deploying” can return a development project to effective form. Frequent release trains allow for minimal divergence from a known good position, with the recency of changes aiding in resolving issues. But how can a team ensure that the complexity inherent with a large and quickly expanding codebase doesn’t weigh down progress?
+At scale, increased complexity usually manifests as increased release latency. Even if you release every day, a release can take a week or longer to fully roll out safely, leaving you a week behind when trying to debug any issues. This is where 『Always Be Deploying』 can return a development project to effective form. Frequent release trains allow for minimal divergence from a known good position, with the recency of changes aiding in resolving issues. But how can a team ensure that the complexity inherent with a large and quickly expanding codebase doesn」t weigh down progress?
-在规模扩大时,复杂性的增加通常表现为发布延迟的增加。即使你每天都发布,一个版本也可能需要一周或更长的时间才能完全安全地发布,当你试图调试任何问题时,就会落后一周。这就是 "始终进行部署 "可以使开发项目恢复到有效状态的地方。频繁的发版班车允许从一个已知的良好状态中产生最小的偏差,变化的频率有助于解决问题。但是,一个团队如何才能确保一个庞大而快速扩展的代码库所固有的复杂性不会拖累进度呢?
+在規模擴大時,複雜性的增加通常表現為發布延遲的增加。即使你每天都發布,一個版本也可能需要一週或更長的時間才能完全安全地發布,當你試圖除錯任何問題時,就會落後一週。這就是 "始終進行部署 "可以使開發專案恢復到有效狀態的地方。頻繁的發版班車允許從一個已知的良好狀態中產生最小的偏差,變化的頻率有助於解決問題。但是,一個團隊如何才能確保一個龐大而快速擴充套件的程式碼庫所固有的複雜性不會拖累進度呢?
On Google Maps, we take the perspective that features are very important, but only very seldom is any feature so important that a release should be held for it. If releases are frequent, the pain a feature feels for missing a release is small in comparison to the pain all the new features in a release feel for a delay, and especially the pain users can feel if a not-quite-ready feature is rushed to be included.
One release responsibility is to protect the product from the developers.
When making trade-offs, the passion and urgency a developer feels about launching a new feature can never trump the user experience with an existing product. This means that new features must be isolated from other components via interfaces with strong contracts, separation of concerns, rigorous testing, communication early and often, and conventions for new feature acceptance.
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
-Over the years and across all of our software products, we’ve found that, counterintuitively, faster is safer. The health of your product and the speed of development are not actually in opposition to each other, and products that release more frequently and in small batches have better quality outcomes. They adapt faster to bugs encountered in the wild and to unexpected market shifts. Not only that, faster is *cheaper*, because having a predictable, frequent release train forces you to drive down the cost of each release and makes the cost of any abandoned release very low.
+Over the years and across all of our software products, we」ve found that, counterintuitively, faster is safer. The health of your product and the speed of development are not actually in opposition to each other, and products that release more frequently and in small batches have better quality outcomes. They adapt faster to bugs encountered in the wild and to unexpected market shifts. Not only that, faster is *cheaper*, because having a predictable, frequent release train forces you to drive down the cost of each release and makes the cost of any abandoned release very low.
-Simply having the structures in place that *enable* continuous deployment generates the majority of the value, *even if you don’t actually push those releases out to users*. What do we mean? We don’t actually release a wildly different version of Search, Maps, or YouTube every day, but to be able to do so requires a robust, well- documented continuous deployment process, accurate and real-time metrics on user satisfaction and product health, and a coordinated team with clear policies on what makes it in or out and why. In practice, getting this right often also requires binaries that can be configured in production, configuration managed like code (in version control), and a toolchain that allows safety measures like dry-run verification, rollback/rollforward mechanisms, and reliable patching.
+Simply having the structures in place that *enable* continuous deployment generates the majority of the value, *even if you don」t actually push those releases out to users*. What do we mean? We don」t actually release a wildly different version of Search, Maps, or YouTube every day, but to be able to do so requires a robust, well- documented continuous deployment process, accurate and real-time metrics on user satisfaction and product health, and a coordinated team with clear policies on what makes it in or out and why. In practice, getting this right often also requires binaries that can be configured in production, configuration managed like code (in version control), and a toolchain that allows safety measures like dry-run verification, rollback/rollforward mechanisms, and reliable patching.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- *Velocity is a team sport*: The optimal workflow for a large team that develops code collaboratively requires modularity of architecture and near-continuous integration.
- Evaluate changes in isolation: Flag guard any features to be able to isolate prob‐ lems early.
-- Make reality your benchmark: Use a staged rollout to address device diversity and the breadth of the userbase. Release qualification in a synthetic environment that isn’t similar to the production environment can lead to late surprises.
-- Ship only what gets used: Monitor the cost and value of any feature in the wild to know whether it’s still relevant and delivering sufficient user value.
+- Make reality your benchmark: Use a staged rollout to address device diversity and the breadth of the userbase. Release qualification in a synthetic environment that isn」t similar to the production environment can lead to late surprises.
+- Ship only what gets used: Monitor the cost and value of any feature in the wild to know whether it」s still relevant and delivering sufficient user value.
- Shift left: Enable faster, more data-driven decision making earlier on all changes through CI and continuous deployment.
- Faster is safer: Ship early and often and in small batches to reduce the risk of each release and to minimize time to market.
-- *速度是一项团队运动*。协作开发代码的大型团队的最佳工作流程需要架构的模块化和近乎连续的集成。
-- 孤立地评估变化。对任何功能进行标记,以便能够尽早隔离问题。
-- 让现实成为你的基准。使用分阶段推出的方式来解决设备的多样性和用户群的广泛性。在一个与生产环境不相似的合成环境中进行发布鉴定,会导致后期的意外。
-- 只发布被使用的东西。监控任何功能的成本和价值,以了解它是否仍有意义,是否能提供足够的用户价值。
-- 向左移动。通过CI和持续部署,使所有的变化更快,更多的数据驱动的决策更早。
-- 更快是更安全的。尽早地、经常地、小批量地发布,以减少每次发布的风险,并尽量缩短上市时间。
+- *速度是一項團隊運動*。協作開發程式碼的大型團隊的最佳工作流程需要架構的模組化和近乎連續的整合。
+- 孤立地評估變化。對任何功能進行標記,以便能夠儘早隔離問題。
+- 讓現實成為你的基準。使用分階段推出的方式來解決裝置的多樣性和使用者群的廣泛性。在一個與生產環境不相似的合成環境中進行發布鑑定,會導致後期的意外。
+- 只發布被使用的東西。監控任何功能的成本和價值,以瞭解它是否仍有意義,是否能提供足夠的使用者價值。
+- 向左移動。透過CI和持續部署,使所有的變化更快,更多的資料驅動的決策更早。
+- 更快是更安全的。儘早地、經常地、小批次地發布,以減少每次發布的風險,並儘量縮短上市時間。
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# Compute as a Service
-# 第二十五章 计算即服务
+# 第二十五章 計算即服務
**Written by Onufry Wojtaszczyk**
**Edited by Lisa Carey**
-*I don’t try to understand computers. I try to understand the programs.*
+*I don」t try to understand computers. I try to understand the programs.*
—Barbara Liskov
-After doing the hard work of writing code, you need some hardware to run it. Thus, you go to buy or rent that hardware. This, in essence, is *Compute as a Service* (CaaS), in which “Compute” is shorthand for the computing power needed to actually run your programs.
+After doing the hard work of writing code, you need some hardware to run it. Thus, you go to buy or rent that hardware. This, in essence, is *Compute as a Service* (CaaS), in which 『Compute』 is shorthand for the computing power needed to actually run your programs.
-在完成了编写代码的艰苦工作之后,你需要一些硬件来运行它。因此,你可以购买或租用这些硬件。本质上,这就是“计算即服务”(Compute as a Service,CaaS),其中“计算”是实际运行程序所需的计算能力的简写。
+在完成了編寫程式碼的艱苦工作之後,你需要一些硬體來執行它。因此,你可以購買或租用這些硬體。本質上,這就是『計算即服務』(Compute as a Service,CaaS),其中『計算』是實際執行程式所需的計算能力的簡寫。
This chapter is about how this simple concept—just give me the hardware to run my stuff[^1]—maps into a system that will survive and scale as your organization evolves and grows. It is somewhat long because the topic is complex, and divided into four sections:
-- “Taming the Compute Environment” on page 518 covers how Google arrived at its solution for this problem and explains some of the key concepts of CaaS.
-- “Writing Software for Managed Compute” on page 523 ](#_bookmark2156)shows how a managed compute solution affects how engineers write software. We believe that the “cattle, not pets”/flexible scheduling model has been fundamental to Google’s success in the past 15 years and is an important tool in a software engineer’s toolbox.
-- “CaaS Over Time and Scale” on page 530 goes deeper into a few lessons Google learned about how various choices about a compute architecture play out as the organization grows and evolves.
-- Finally, “Choosing a Compute Service” on page 535 is dedicated primarily to those engineers who will make a decision about what compute service to use in their organization.
+- 『Taming the Compute Environment』 on page 518 covers how Google arrived at its solution for this problem and explains some of the key concepts of CaaS.
+- 『Writing Software for Managed Compute』 on page 523 ](#_bookmark2156)shows how a managed compute solution affects how engineers write software. We believe that the 『cattle, not pets』/flexible scheduling model has been fundamental to Google」s success in the past 15 years and is an important tool in a software engineer」s toolbox.
+- 『CaaS Over Time and Scale』 on page 530 goes deeper into a few lessons Google learned about how various choices about a compute architecture play out as the organization grows and evolves.
+- Finally, 『Choosing a Compute Service』 on page 535 is dedicated primarily to those engineers who will make a decision about what compute service to use in their organization.
-- 第518页的 "驯服计算环境"涵盖了谷歌是如何得出这个问题的解决方案的,并解释了CaaS的一些关键概念。
-- 第523页的 "为托管计算编写软件"展示了托管计算解决方案如何影响工程师编写软件。我们相信,"牛,而不是宠物"/灵活的调度模式是谷歌在过去15年成功的根本,也是软件工程师工具箱中的重要工具。
-- 第530页的 "CaaS随时间和规模的变化"更深入地探讨了谷歌在组织成长和发展过程中对计算架构的各种选择是如何发挥的一些经验。
-- 最后,第535页的 "选择计算服务"主要是献给那些将决定在其组织中使用何种计算服务的工程师。
+- 第518頁的 "馴服計算環境"涵蓋了谷歌是如何得出這個問題的解決方案的,並解釋了CaaS的一些關鍵概念。
+- 第523頁的 "為託管計算編寫軟體"展示了託管計算解決方案如何影響工程師編寫軟體。我們相信,"牛,而不是寵物"/靈活的排程模式是谷歌在過去15年成功的根本,也是軟體工程師工具箱中的重要工具。
+- 第530頁的 "CaaS隨時間和規模的變化"更深入地探討了谷歌在組織成長和發展過程中對計算架構的各種選擇是如何發揮的一些經驗。
+- 最後,第535頁的 "選擇計算服務"主要是獻給那些將決定在其組織中使用何種計算服務的工程師。
-> [^1]: Disclaimer: for some applications, the “hardware to run it” is the hardware of your customers (think, for example, of a shrink-wrapped game you bought a decade ago). This presents very different challenges that we do not cover in this chapter.
+> [^1]: Disclaimer: for some applications, the 『hardware to run it』 is the hardware of your customers (think, for example, of a shrink-wrapped game you bought a decade ago). This presents very different challenges that we do not cover in this chapter.
-> 1 免责声明:对于某些应用程序,“运行它的硬件”是你客户的硬件(例如,想想你十年前购买的一款压缩包装的游戏)。这就提出了我们在本章中没有涉及的非常不同的挑战。
+> 1 免責宣告:對於某些應用程式,『執行它的硬體』是你客戶的硬體(例如,想想你十年前購買的一款壓縮封裝裝的遊戲)。這就提出了我們在本章中沒有涉及的非常不同的挑戰。
-## Taming the Compute Environment 驯服计算机环境
+## Taming the Compute Environment 馴服電腦環境
-Google’s internal Borg system[^2] was a precursor for many of today’s CaaS architectures (like Kubernetes or Mesos). To better understand how the particular aspects of such a service answer the needs of a growing and evolving organization, we’ll trace the evolution of Borg and the efforts of Google engineers to tame the compute environment.
+Google」s internal Borg system[^2] was a precursor for many of today」s CaaS architectures (like Kubernetes or Mesos). To better understand how the particular aspects of such a service answer the needs of a growing and evolving organization, we」ll trace the evolution of Borg and the efforts of Google engineers to tame the compute environment.
-### Automation of Toil 自动化操作
+### Automation of Toil 自動化操作
-Imagine being a student at the university around the turn of the century. If you wanted to deploy some new, beautiful code, you’d SFTP the code onto one of the machines in the university’s computer lab, SSH into the machine, compile and run the code. This is a tempting solution in its simplicity, but it runs into considerable issues over time and at scale. However, because that’s roughly what many projects begin with, multiple organizations end up with processes that are somewhat streamlined evolutions of this system, at least for some tasks—the number of machines grows (so you SFTP and SSH into many of them), but the underlying technology remains. For example, in 2002, Jeff Dean, one of Google’s most senior engineers, wrote the following about running an automated data-processing task as a part of the release process:
- [Running the task] is a logistical, time-consuming nightmare. It currently requires getting a list of 50+ machines, starting up a process on each of these 50+ machines, and monitoring its progress on each of the 50+ machines. There is no support for automatically migrating the computation to another machine if one of the machines dies, and monitoring the progress of the jobs is done in an ad hoc manner [...] Furthermore, since processes can interfere with each other, there is a complicated, human- implemented “sign up” file to throttle the use of machines, which results in less-than- optimal scheduling, and increased contention for the scarce machine resources
+Imagine being a student at the university around the turn of the century. If you wanted to deploy some new, beautiful code, you」d SFTP the code onto one of the machines in the university」s computer lab, SSH into the machine, compile and run the code. This is a tempting solution in its simplicity, but it runs into considerable issues over time and at scale. However, because that」s roughly what many projects begin with, multiple organizations end up with processes that are somewhat streamlined evolutions of this system, at least for some tasks—the number of machines grows (so you SFTP and SSH into many of them), but the underlying technology remains. For example, in 2002, Jeff Dean, one of Google」s most senior engineers, wrote the following about running an automated data-processing task as a part of the release process:
+ [Running the task] is a logistical, time-consuming nightmare. It currently requires getting a list of 50+ machines, starting up a process on each of these 50+ machines, and monitoring its progress on each of the 50+ machines. There is no support for automatically migrating the computation to another machine if one of the machines dies, and monitoring the progress of the jobs is done in an ad hoc manner [...] Furthermore, since processes can interfere with each other, there is a complicated, human- implemented 『sign up』 file to throttle the use of machines, which results in less-than- optimal scheduling, and increased contention for the scarce machine resources
-想象一下,你是世纪之交时的大学生。如果你想部署一些新的、牛逼的代码,你会把代码从SFTP复制到大学计算机实验室的一台机器上,SSH进入机器,编译并运行代码。这是一个简单而诱人的解决方案,但随着时间的推移和规模的扩大,它遇到了相当多的问题。然而,因为这大概是许多项目开始时的情况,多个组织最终采用的流程在某种程度上是这个系统的流程演变,至少对于某些任务来说是这样的--机器的数量增加了(所以你SFTP和SSH进入其中许多机器),但底层技术仍然存在。例如,2002年,谷歌最资深的工程师之一杰夫·迪恩(Jeff Dean)写了以下关于在发布过程中运行自动数据处理任务的文章:
- [运行任务]是一个组织管理的、耗时的噩梦。目前,它需要获得一个50多台机器的列表,在这50多台机器上各启动一个进程,并在这50多台机器上各监控其进度。如果其中一台机器宕机了,不支持自动将计算迁移到另一台机器上,而且监测工作的进展是以临时的方式进行的[......]此外,由于进程可以相互干扰,有一个复杂的、人工实现的 "注册 "文件来节制机器的使用,这导致了非最优调度,增加了对稀缺机器资源的争夺。
+想象一下,你是世紀之交時的大學生。如果你想部署一些新的、厲害的程式碼,你會把程式碼從SFTP複製到大學電腦實驗室的一台機器上,SSH進入機器,編譯並執行程式碼。這是一個簡單而誘人的解決方案,但隨著時間的推移和規模的擴大,它遇到了相當多的問題。然而,因為這大概是許多專案開始時的情況,多個組織最終採用的流程在某種程度上是這個系統的流程演變,至少對於某些任務來說是這樣的--機器的數量增加了(所以你SFTP和SSH進入其中許多機器),但底層技術仍然存在。例如,2002年,谷歌最資深的工程師之一傑夫·迪恩(Jeff Dean)寫了以下關於在發布過程中執行自動資料處理任務的文章:
+ [執行任務]是一個組織管理的、耗時的噩夢。目前,它需要獲得一個50多台機器的清單,在這50多台機器上各啟動一個程序,並在這50多台機器上各監控其進度。如果其中一台機器宕機了,不支援自動將計算遷移到另一台機器上,而且監測工作的進展是以臨時的方式進行的[......]此外,由於程序可以相互干擾,有一個複雜的、人工實現的 "註冊 "檔案來節制機器的使用,這導致了非最優排程,增加了對稀缺機器資源的爭奪。
-This was an early trigger in Google’s efforts to tame the compute environment, which explains well how the naive solution becomes unmaintainable at larger scale.
+This was an early trigger in Google」s efforts to tame the compute environment, which explains well how the naive solution becomes unmaintainable at larger scale.
-> [^2]: Abhishek Verma, Luis Pedrosa, Madhukar R Korupolu, David Oppenheimer, Eric Tune, and John Wilkes, “Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg,” EuroSys, Article No.: 18 (April 2015): 1–17.
+> [^2]: Abhishek Verma, Luis Pedrosa, Madhukar R Korupolu, David Oppenheimer, Eric Tune, and John Wilkes, 『Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg,』 EuroSys, Article No.: 18 (April 2015): 1–17.
-> 2 Abhishek Verma、Luis Pedrosa、Madhukar R Korupolu、David Oppenheimer、Eric Tune和John Wilkes,“谷歌与Borg的大规模集群管理”,EuroSys,文章编号:18(2015年4月):1-17。
+> 2 Abhishek Verma、Luis Pedrosa、Madhukar R Korupolu、David Oppenheimer、Eric Tune和John Wilkes,『谷歌與Borg的大規模叢集管理』,EuroSys,文章編號:18(2015年4月):1-17。
-#### Simple automations 简单自动化
+#### Simple automations 簡單自動化
-There are simple things that an organization can do to mitigate some of the pain. The process of deploying a binary onto each of the 50+ machines and starting it there can easily be automated through a shell script, and then—if this is to be a reusable solution—through a more robust piece of code in an easier-to-maintain language that will perform the deployment in parallel (especially since the “50+” is likely to grow over time).
+There are simple things that an organization can do to mitigate some of the pain. The process of deploying a binary onto each of the 50+ machines and starting it there can easily be automated through a shell script, and then—if this is to be a reusable solution—through a more robust piece of code in an easier-to-maintain language that will perform the deployment in parallel (especially since the 『50+』 is likely to grow over time).
-More interestingly, the monitoring of each machine can also be automated. Initially, the person in charge of the process would like to know (and be able to intervene) if something went wrong with one of the replicas. This means exporting some monitoring metrics (like “the process is alive” and “number of documents processed”) from the process—by having it write to a shared storage, or call out to a monitoring service, where they can see anomalies at a glance. Current open source solutions in that space are, for instance, setting up a dashboard in a monitoring tool like Graphana or Prometheus.
+More interestingly, the monitoring of each machine can also be automated. Initially, the person in charge of the process would like to know (and be able to intervene) if something went wrong with one of the replicas. This means exporting some monitoring metrics (like 『the process is alive』 and 『number of documents processed』) from the process—by having it write to a shared storage, or call out to a monitoring service, where they can see anomalies at a glance. Current open source solutions in that space are, for instance, setting up a dashboard in a monitoring tool like Graphana or Prometheus.
-更有趣的是,对每台机器的监控也可以自动化。最初,负责进程的人希望知道(并能够进行干预),如果其中一个副本出了问题。这意味着从进程中输出一些监控指标(如 "进程是活的 "和 "处理的文件数")--让它写到一个共享存储中,或调用一个监控服务,在那里他们可以一眼看到异常情况。目前该领域的开源解决方案是,例如,在Graphana或Prometheus等监控工具中设置一个仪表盘。
+更有趣的是,對每台機器的監控也可以自動化。最初,負責程序的人希望知道(並能夠進行干預),如果其中一個副本出了問題。這意味著從程序中輸出一些監控指標(如 "程序是活的 "和 "處理的檔案數")--讓它寫到一個共享儲存中,或呼叫一個監控服務,在那裡他們可以一眼看到異常情況。目前該領域的開源解決方案是,例如,在Graphana或Prometheus等監控工具中設定一個儀表盤。
-If an anomaly is detected, the usual mitigation strategy is to SSH into the machine, kill the process (if it’s still alive), and start it again. This is tedious, possibly error prone (be sure you connect to the right machine, and be sure to kill the right process), and could be automated:
+If an anomaly is detected, the usual mitigation strategy is to SSH into the machine, kill the process (if it」s still alive), and start it again. This is tedious, possibly error prone (be sure you connect to the right machine, and be sure to kill the right process), and could be automated:
-- Instead of manually monitoring for failures, one can use an agent on the machine that detects anomalies (like “the process did not report it’s alive for the past five minutes” or “the process did not process any documents over the past 10 minutes”), and kills the process if an anomaly is detected.
-- Instead of logging in to the machine to start the process again after death, it might be enough to wrap the whole execution in a “while true; do run && break; done” shell script.
+- Instead of manually monitoring for failures, one can use an agent on the machine that detects anomalies (like 『the process did not report it」s alive for the past five minutes』 or 『the process did not process any documents over the past 10 minutes』), and kills the process if an anomaly is detected.
+- Instead of logging in to the machine to start the process again after death, it might be enough to wrap the whole execution in a 『while true; do run && break; done』 shell script.
-- 与其手动监控故障,不如在机器上使用一个代理,检测异常情况(比如 "该进程在过去5分钟内没有报告它处于”活动状态"或 "该进程在过去10分钟内没有处理任何文件"),如果检测到异常情况,就关闭该进程。
-- 与其在宕掉后登录到机器上再次启动进程,不如将整个执行过程包裹在一个 "while true; do run && break; done "的shell脚本中。
+- 與其手動監控故障,不如在機器上使用一個代理,檢測異常情況(比如 "該程序在過去5分鐘內沒有報告它處於』活動狀態"或 "該程序在過去10分鐘內沒有處理任何檔案"),如果檢測到異常情況,就關閉該程序。
+- 與其在宕掉後登入到機器上再次啟動程序,不如將整個執行過程包裹在一個 "while true; do run && break; done "的shell指令碼中。
The cloud world equivalent is setting an autohealing policy (to kill and re-create a VM or container after it fails a health check).
-These relatively simple improvements address a part of Jeff Dean’s problem described earlier, but not all of it; human-implemented throttling, and moving to a new machine, require more involved solutions.
+These relatively simple improvements address a part of Jeff Dean」s problem described earlier, but not all of it; human-implemented throttling, and moving to a new machine, require more involved solutions.
-#### Automated scheduling 自动调度
+#### Automated scheduling 自動排程
-The natural next step is to automate machine assignment. This requires the first real “service” that will eventually grow into “Compute as a Service.” That is, to automate scheduling, we need a central service that knows the complete list of machines available to it and can—on demand—pick a number of unoccupied machines and automatically deploy your binary to those machines. This eliminates the need for a hand-maintained “sign-up” file, instead delegating the maintenance of the list of machines to computers. This system is strongly reminiscent of earlier time-sharing architectures.
+The natural next step is to automate machine assignment. This requires the first real 『service』 that will eventually grow into 『Compute as a Service.』 That is, to automate scheduling, we need a central service that knows the complete list of machines available to it and can—on demand—pick a number of unoccupied machines and automatically deploy your binary to those machines. This eliminates the need for a hand-maintained 『sign-up』 file, instead delegating the maintenance of the list of machines to computers. This system is strongly reminiscent of earlier time-sharing architectures.
A natural extension of this idea is to combine this scheduling with reaction to machine failure. By scanning machine logs for expressions that signal bad health (e.g., mass disk read errors), we can identify machines that are broken, signal (to humans) the need to repair such machines, and avoid scheduling any work onto those machines in the meantime. Extending the elimination of toil further, automation can try some fixes first before involving a human, like rebooting the machine, with the hope that whatever was wrong goes away, or running an automated disk scan.
-One last complaint from Jeff ’s quote is the need for a human to migrate the computation to another machine if the machine it’s running on breaks. The solution here is simple: because we already have scheduling automation and the capability to detect that a machine is broken, we can simply have the scheduler allocate a new machine and restart the work on this new machine, abandoning the old one. The signal to do this might come from the machine introspection daemon or from monitoring of the individual process.
+One last complaint from Jeff 」s quote is the need for a human to migrate the computation to another machine if the machine it」s running on breaks. The solution here is simple: because we already have scheduling automation and the capability to detect that a machine is broken, we can simply have the scheduler allocate a new machine and restart the work on this new machine, abandoning the old one. The signal to do this might come from the machine introspection daemon or from monitoring of the individual process.
-All of these improvements systematically deal with the growing scale of the organization. When the fleet was a single machine, SFTP and SSH were perfect solutions, but at the scale of hundreds or thousands of machines, automation needs to take over. The quote we started from came from a 2002 design document for the “Global WorkQueue,” an early CaaS internal solution for some workloads at Google.
+All of these improvements systematically deal with the growing scale of the organization. When the fleet was a single machine, SFTP and SSH were perfect solutions, but at the scale of hundreds or thousands of machines, automation needs to take over. The quote we started from came from a 2002 design document for the 『Global WorkQueue,』 an early CaaS internal solution for some workloads at Google.
-所有这些改进都系统地处理了组织规模不断扩大的问题。当集群是一台机器时,SFTP和SSH是完美的解决方案,但在数百或数千台机器的规模上,需要自动化来接管。我们所引用的这句话来自2002年 "全局工作队列"的设计文件,这是Google早期针对某些工作负载的CaaS内部解决方案。
+所有這些改進都系統地處理了組織規模不斷擴大的問題。當叢集是一台機器時,SFTP和SSH是完美的解決方案,但在數百或數千臺機器的規模上,需要自動化來接管。我們所引用的這句話來自2002年 "全域工作佇列"的設計檔案,這是Google早期針對某些工作負載的CaaS內部解決方案。
-### Containerization and Multitenancy 容器化和多租户
+### Containerization and Multitenancy 容器化和多租戶
So far, we implicitly assumed a one-to-one mapping between machines and the programs running on them. This is highly inefficient in terms of computing resource (RAM, CPU) consumption, in many ways:
-- It’s very likely to have many more different types of jobs (with different resource requirements) than types of machines (with different resource availability), so many jobs will need to use the same machine type (which will need to be provisioned for the largest of them).
+- It」s very likely to have many more different types of jobs (with different resource requirements) than types of machines (with different resource availability), so many jobs will need to use the same machine type (which will need to be provisioned for the largest of them).
- Machines take a long time to deploy, whereas program resource needs grow over time. If obtaining new, larger machines takes your organization months, you need to also make them large enough to accommodate expected growth of resource needs over the time needed to provision new ones, which leads to waste, as new machines are not utilized to their full capacity.[^3]
-- Even when the new machines arrive, you still have the old ones (and it’s likely wasteful to throw them away), and so you must manage a heterogeneous fleet that does not adapt itself to your needs.
+- Even when the new machines arrive, you still have the old ones (and it」s likely wasteful to throw them away), and so you must manage a heterogeneous fleet that does not adapt itself to your needs.
-- 很可能有许多不同类型的任务(具有不同的资源需求),而机器类型(具有不同的资源可用性)则较少。因此,许多任务将需要使用相同类型的机器(需要为最大的任务配置机器)。这样会导致资源利用率低下。
-- 机器部署需要很长时间,而程序的资源需求会随着时间的推移而增长。如果组织需要花费数月时间来获取新的更大机器,那么在配置新机器所需的时间内,你需要确保它们足够大,以适应预期的资源需求增长,这会导致资源浪费,因为新机器的利用率无法充分发挥。
-- 即使新机器到达,你仍然拥有旧机器(丢弃它们可能是浪费的),因此你必须管理一个异构的机器群,它不能自动适应你的需求。
+- 很可能有許多不同型別的任務(具有不同的資源需求),而機器型別(具有不同的資源可用性)則較少。因此,許多任務將需要使用相同型別的機器(需要為最大的任務設定機器)。這樣會導致資源利用率低下。
+- 機器部署需要很長時間,而程式的資源需求會隨著時間的推移而增長。如果組織需要花費數月時間來獲取新的更大機器,那麼在設定新機器所需的時間內,你需要確保它們足夠大,以適應預期的資源需求增長,這會導致資源浪費,因為新機器的利用率無法充分發揮。
+- 即使新機器到達,你仍然擁有舊機器(丟棄它們可能是浪費的),因此你必須管理一個異構的機器群,它不能自動適應你的需求。
The natural solution is to specify, for each program, its resource requirements (in terms of CPU, RAM, disk space), and then ask the scheduler to bin-pack replicas of the program onto the available pool of machines.
> [^3]: Note that this and the next point apply less if your organization is renting machines from a public cloud provider.
-> 3 请注意,如果你的组织从公共云提供商那里租用机器,这一点和下一点就不适用。
+> 3 請注意,如果你的組織從公共雲提供商那裡租用機器,這一點和下一點就不適用。
-#### My neighbor’s dog barks in my RAM 邻居家的狗在我的内存中吠叫
+#### My neighbor」s dog barks in my RAM 鄰居家的狗在我的記憶體中吠叫
The aforementioned solution works perfectly if everybody plays nicely. However, if I specify in my configuration that each replica of my data-processing pipeline will consume one CPU and 200 MB of RAM, and then—due to a bug, or organic growth—it starts consuming more, the machines it gets scheduled onto will run out of resources. In the CPU case, this will cause neighboring serving jobs to experience latency blips; in the RAM case, it will either cause out-of-memory kills by the kernel or horrible latency due to disk swap.[^4]
-上述解决方案在每个人都遵守规则的情况下运作得很好。然而,如果我在配置中指定我的数据处理流水线的每个副本将使用一个CPU和200 MB的内存,并且由于错误或指数式增长,它开始消耗更多的资源,那么它调度到的机器将耗尽资源。在消耗CPU的情况下,这将导致相邻的服务工作出现延迟;在消耗RAM的情况下,它要么会导致内核内存不足,要么会由于磁盘交换而导致可怕的延迟。
+上述解決方案在每個人都遵守規則的情況下運作得很好。然而,如果我在設定中指定我的資料處理流水線的每個副本將使用一個CPU和200 MB的記憶體,並且由於錯誤或指數式增長,它開始消耗更多的資源,那麼它排程到的機器將耗盡資源。在消耗CPU的情況下,這將導致相鄰的服務工作出現延遲;在消耗RAM的情況下,它要麼會導致核心記憶體不足,要麼會由於磁碟交換而導致可怕的延遲。
Two programs on the same computer can interact badly in other ways as well. Many programs will want their dependencies installed on a machine, in some specific version—and these might collide with the version requirements of some other program. A program might expect certain system-wide resources (think about /tmp) to be available for its own exclusive use. Security is an issue—a program might be handling sensitive data and needs to be sure that other programs on the same machine cannot access it.
Thus, a multitenant compute service must provide a degree of *isolation,* a guarantee of some sort that a process will be able to safely proceed without being disturbed by the other tenants of the machine.
-A classical solution to isolation is the use of virtual machines (VMs). These, however, come with significant overhead[^5] in terms of resource usage (they need the resources to run a full operating system inside) and startup time (again, they need to boot up a full operating system). This makes them a less-than-perfect solution for batch job containerization for which small resource footprints and short runtimes are expected. This led Google’s engineers designing Borg in 2003 to look to different solutions, ending up with *containers—*a lightweight mechanism based on cgroups (contributed by Google engineers into the Linux kernel in 2007) and chroot jails, bind mounts and/or union/overlay filesystems for filesystem isolation. Open source container implementations include Docker and LMCTFY.
+A classical solution to isolation is the use of virtual machines (VMs). These, however, come with significant overhead[^5] in terms of resource usage (they need the resources to run a full operating system inside) and startup time (again, they need to boot up a full operating system). This makes them a less-than-perfect solution for batch job containerization for which small resource footprints and short runtimes are expected. This led Google」s engineers designing Borg in 2003 to look to different solutions, ending up with *containers—*a lightweight mechanism based on cgroups (contributed by Google engineers into the Linux kernel in 2007) and chroot jails, bind mounts and/or union/overlay filesystems for filesystem isolation. Open source container implementations include Docker and LMCTFY.
-隔离的一个经典解决方案是使用虚拟机(VM)。然而,这些虚拟机在资源使用(它们需要资源在里面运行一个完整的操作系统)和启动时间(同样,它们需要启动一个完整的操作系统)方面有很大的开销。这使得它们成为一个不太完美的解决方案,使用于资源占用少、运行时间短的批量作业容器化。这导致谷歌在2003年设计Borg的工程师们寻找不同的解决方案,最终找到了*容器*--一种基于cgroups(由谷歌工程师在2007年贡献给Linux内核)和chroot jails、bind mounts和/或union/overlay文件系统进行文件系统隔离的轻型机制。开源容器的实现包括Docker和LMCTFY。
+隔離的一個經典解決方案是使用虛擬機(VM)。然而,這些虛擬機在資源使用(它們需要資源在裡面執行一個完整的作業系統)和啟動時間(同樣,它們需要啟動一個完整的作業系統)方面有很大的開銷。這使得它們成為一個不太完美的解決方案,使用於資源佔用少、執行時間短的批次作業容器化。這導致谷歌在2003年設計Borg的工程師們尋找不同的解決方案,最終找到了*容器*--一種基於cgroups(由谷歌工程師在2007年貢獻給Linux核心)和chroot jails、bind mounts和/或union/overlay檔案系統進行檔案系統隔離的輕型機制。開源容器的實現包括Docker和LMCTFY。
Over time and with the evolution of the organization, more and more potential isolation failures are discovered. To give a specific example, in 2011, engineers working on Borg discovered that the exhaustion of the process ID space (which was set by default to 32,000 PIDs) was becoming an isolation failure, and limits on the total number of processes/threads a single replica can spawn had to be introduced. We look at this example in more detail later in this chapter.
-> [^4]: Google has chosen, long ago, that the latency degradation due to disk swap is so horrible that an out-of- memory kill and a migration to a different machine is universally preferable—so in Google’s case, it’s always an out-of-memory kill.
+> [^4]: Google has chosen, long ago, that the latency degradation due to disk swap is so horrible that an out-of- memory kill and a migration to a different machine is universally preferable—so in Google」s case, it」s always an out-of-memory kill.
-> 4 谷歌很久以前就确认了,由于磁盘交换导致的延迟降低是如此可怕,以至于内存不足杀死和迁移到另一台机器是普遍可取的,因此在谷歌的情况下,总是内存不足杀死进程。
+> 4 谷歌很久以前就確認了,由於磁碟交換導致的延遲降低是如此可怕,以至於記憶體不足殺死和遷移到另一台機器是普遍可取的,因此在谷歌的情況下,總是記憶體不足殺死程序。
> [^5]: Although a considerable amount of research is going into decreasing this overhead, it will never be as low as a process running natively.
-> 5 尽管有大量的研究正在致力于减少这种开销,但它永远不会像一个本机运行的进程那么低。
+> 5 儘管有大量的研究正在致力於減少這種開銷,但它永遠不會像一個本機執行的程序那麼低。
-#### Rightsizing and autoscaling 合理调整和自动缩放
+#### Rightsizing and autoscaling 合理調整和自動縮放
The Borg of 2006 scheduled work based on the parameters provided by the engineer in the configuration, such as the number of replicas and the resource requirements.
Looking at the problem from a distance, the idea of asking humans to determine the resource requirement numbers is somewhat flawed: these are not numbers that humans interact with daily. And so, these configuration parameters become themselves, over time, a source of inefficiency. Engineers need to spend time determining them upon initial service launch, and as your organization accumulates more and more services, the cost to determine them scales up. Moreover, as time passes, the program evolves (likely grows), but the configuration parameters do not keep up. This ends in an outage—where it turns out that over time the new releases had resource requirements that ate into the slack left for unexpected spikes or outages, and when such a spike or outage actually occurs, the slack remaining turns out to be insufficient.
-The natural solution is to automate the setting of these parameters. Unfortunately, this proves surprisingly tricky to do well. As an example, Google has only recently reached a point at which more than half of the resource usage over the whole Borg fleet is determined by rightsizing automation. That said, even though it is only half of the usage, it is a larger fraction of configurations, which means that the majority of engineers do not need to concern themselves with the tedious and error-prone burden of sizing their containers. We view this as a successful application of the idea that “easy things should be easy, and complex things should be possible”—just because some fraction of Borg workloads is too complex to be properly managed by rightsizing doesn’t mean there isn’t great value in handling the easy cases.
+The natural solution is to automate the setting of these parameters. Unfortunately, this proves surprisingly tricky to do well. As an example, Google has only recently reached a point at which more than half of the resource usage over the whole Borg fleet is determined by rightsizing automation. That said, even though it is only half of the usage, it is a larger fraction of configurations, which means that the majority of engineers do not need to concern themselves with the tedious and error-prone burden of sizing their containers. We view this as a successful application of the idea that 『easy things should be easy, and complex things should be possible』—just because some fraction of Borg workloads is too complex to be properly managed by rightsizing doesn」t mean there isn」t great value in handling the easy cases.
-自然的解决方案是将这些参数的设置自动化。不幸的是,要做好这件事非常棘手。作为一个例子,谷歌最近才达到一个点,即整个Borg集群超过一半的资源使用是由调整大小有自动化系统决定的。也就是说,尽管这只是一半的使用量,但它是配置中较大的一部分,这意味着大多数工程师不需要担心确定容器大小的繁琐且容易出错的问题。我们认为这是对 "简单的事情应该是容易的,复杂的事情应该是可能的 "这一理念的成功应用--仅仅因为Borg工作负载的某些部分过于复杂,无法通过自动调整大小进行适当的管理,并不意味着在处理简单情况时没有巨大的价值。
+自然的解決方案是將這些引數的設定自動化。不幸的是,要做好這件事非常棘手。作為一個例子,谷歌最近才達到一個點,即整個Borg叢集超過一半的資源使用是由調整大小有自動化系統決定的。也就是說,儘管這只是一半的使用量,但它是設定中較大的一部分,這意味著大多數工程師不需要擔心確定容器大小的繁瑣且容易出錯的問題。我們認為這是對 "簡單的事情應該是容易的,複雜的事情應該是可能的 "這一理念的成功應用--僅僅因為Borg工作負載的某些部分過於複雜,無法透過自動調整大小進行適當的管理,並不意味著在處理簡單情況時沒有巨大的價值。
-### Summary 总结
+### Summary 總結
As your organization grows and your products become more popular, you will grow in all of these axes:
@@ -178,313 +178,313 @@ As your organization grows and your products become more popular, you will grow
- Number of copies of an application that needs to run
- The size of the largest application
-- 需要管理的不同应用程序的数量
-- 需要运行的应用程序的副本数量
-- 最大的应用程序的规模
+- 需要管理的不同應用程式的數量
+- 需要執行的應用程式的副本數量
+- 最大的應用程式的規模
To effectively manage scale, automation is needed that will enable you to address all these growth axes. You should, over time, expect the automation itself to become more involved, both to handle new types of requirements (for instance, scheduling for GPUs and TPUs is a major change in Borg that happened over the past 10 years) and increased scale. Actions that, at a smaller scale, could be manual, will need to be automated to avoid a collapse of the organization under the load.
-为了有效地管理规模,需要自动化,使你能够解决所有这些增长轴。随着时间的推移,你应该期待自动化本身变得更多,既要处理新类型的要求(例如,GPU和TPU的调度是 Borg 在过去10年里发生的一个主要变化),又要处理规模的增加。在较小的规模下,可能是手动的操作,将需要自动化,以避免组织在负载下的崩溃。
+為了有效地管理規模,需要自動化,使你能夠解決所有這些增長軸。隨著時間的推移,你應該期待自動化本身變得更多,既要處理新型別的要求(例如,GPU和TPU的排程是 Borg 在過去10年裡發生的一個主要變化),又要處理規模的增加。在較小的規模下,可能是手動的操作,將需要自動化,以避免組織在負載下的崩潰。
One example—a transition that Google is still in the process of figuring out—is automating the management of our *datacenters*. Ten years ago, each datacenter was a separate entity. We manually managed them. Turning a datacenter up was an involved manual process, requiring a specialized skill set, that took weeks (from the moment when all the machines are ready) and was inherently risky. However, the growth of the number of datacenters Google manages meant that we moved toward a model in which turning up a datacenter is an automated process that does not require human intervention.
-## Writing Software for Managed Compute 为管理计算能力编写软件
+## Writing Software for Managed Compute 為管理計算能力編寫軟體
The move from a world of hand-managed lists of machines to the automated scheduling and rightsizing made management of the fleet much easier for Google, but it also took profound changes to the way we write and think about software.
-### Architecting for Failure 故障架构
+### Architecting for Failure 故障架構
Imagine an engineer is to process a batch of one million documents and validate their correctness. If processing a single document takes one second, the entire job would take one machine roughly 12 days—which is probably too long. So, we shard the work across 200 machines, which reduces the runtime to a much more manageable 100 minutes.
-As discussed in “Automated scheduling” on page 519, in the Borg world, the scheduler can unilaterally kill one of the 200 workers and move it to a different machine.[^6] The “move it to a different machine” part implies that a new instance of your worker can be stamped out automatically, without the need for a human to SSH into the machine and tune some environment variables or install packages.
+As discussed in 『Automated scheduling』 on page 519, in the Borg world, the scheduler can unilaterally kill one of the 200 workers and move it to a different machine.[^6] The 『move it to a different machine』 part implies that a new instance of your worker can be stamped out automatically, without the need for a human to SSH into the machine and tune some environment variables or install packages.
-正如第519页 "自动调度 "中所讨论的,在 Borg 世界中,调度中心可以单方面杀死200个worker中的一个,并把它移到不同的机器上。"把它移到不同的机器上 "这部分意味着你的workers的新实例可以自动被输出出来,不需要人手动去SSH进入机器,调整一些环境变量或安装软件包。
+正如第519頁 "自動排程 "中所討論的,在 Borg 世界中,排程中心可以單方面殺死200個worker中的一個,並把它移到不同的機器上。"把它移到不同的機器上 "這部分意味著你的workers的新實例可以自動被輸出出來,不需要人手動去SSH進入機器,調整一些環境變數或安裝軟體套件。
-The move from “the engineer has to manually monitor each of the 100 tasks and attend to them if broken” to “if something goes wrong with one of the tasks, the system is architected so that the load is picked up by others, while the automated scheduler kills it and reinstantiates it on a new machine” has been described many years later through the analogy of “pets versus cattle.”[^7]
+The move from 『the engineer has to manually monitor each of the 100 tasks and attend to them if broken』 to 『if something goes wrong with one of the tasks, the system is architected so that the load is picked up by others, while the automated scheduler kills it and reinstantiates it on a new machine』 has been described many years later through the analogy of 『pets versus cattle.』[^7]
-从 "工程师必须手动监控100个任务中的每一个,并在出现问题时对其进行处理 "到 "如果其中一个任务出现问题,系统会被设计成由其他任务来承担,而自动化系统会将其杀死并在新的机器上重新执行",这一转变在许多年后通过 "宠物与牛"的比喻来描述。
+從 "工程師必須手動監控100個任務中的每一個,並在出現問題時對其進行處理 "到 "如果其中一個任務出現問題,系統會被設計成由其他任務來承擔,而自動化系統會將其殺死並在新的機器上重新執行",這一轉變在許多年後透過 "寵物與牛"的比喻來描述。
-If your server is a pet, when it’s broken, a human comes to look at it (usually in a panic), understand what went wrong, and hopefully nurse it back to health. It’s difficult to replace. If your servers are cattle, you name them replica001 to replica100, and if one fails, automation will remove it and provision a new one in its place. The distinguishing characteristic of “cattle” is that it’s easy to stamp out a new instance of the job in question—it doesn’t require manual setup and can be done fully automatically. This allows for the self-healing property described earlier—in the case of a failure, automation can take over and replace the unhealthy job with a new, healthy one without human intervention. Note that although the original metaphor spoke of servers (VMs), the same applies to containers: if you can stamp out a new version of the container from an image without human intervention, your automation will be able to autoheal your service when required.
+If your server is a pet, when it」s broken, a human comes to look at it (usually in a panic), understand what went wrong, and hopefully nurse it back to health. It」s difficult to replace. If your servers are cattle, you name them replica001 to replica100, and if one fails, automation will remove it and provision a new one in its place. The distinguishing characteristic of 『cattle』 is that it」s easy to stamp out a new instance of the job in question—it doesn」t require manual setup and can be done fully automatically. This allows for the self-healing property described earlier—in the case of a failure, automation can take over and replace the unhealthy job with a new, healthy one without human intervention. Note that although the original metaphor spoke of servers (VMs), the same applies to containers: if you can stamp out a new version of the container from an image without human intervention, your automation will be able to autoheal your service when required.
-If your servers are pets, your maintenance burden will grow linearly, or even superlinearly, with the size of your fleet, and that’s a burden that no organization should accept lightly. On the other hand, if your servers are cattle, your system will be able to return to a stable state after a failure, and you will not need to spend your weekend nursing a pet server or container back to health.
+If your servers are pets, your maintenance burden will grow linearly, or even superlinearly, with the size of your fleet, and that」s a burden that no organization should accept lightly. On the other hand, if your servers are cattle, your system will be able to return to a stable state after a failure, and you will not need to spend your weekend nursing a pet server or container back to health.
-Having your VMs or containers be cattle is not enough to guarantee that your system will behave well in the face of failure, though. With 200 machines, one of the replicas being killed by Borg is quite likely to happen, possibly more than once, and each time it extends the overall duration by 50 minutes (or however much processing time was lost). To deal with this gracefully, the architecture of the processing needs to be different: instead of statically assigning the work, we instead divide the entire set of one million documents into, say, 1,000 chunks of 1,000 documents each. Whenever a worker is finished with a particular chunk, it reports the results, and picks up another. This means that we lose at most one chunk of work on a worker failure, in the case when the worker dies after finishing the chunk, but before reporting it. This, fortunately, fits very well with the data-processing architecture that was Google’s standard at that time: work isn’t assigned equally to the set of workers at the start of the computation; it’s dynamically assigned during the overall processing in order to account for workers that fail.
+Having your VMs or containers be cattle is not enough to guarantee that your system will behave well in the face of failure, though. With 200 machines, one of the replicas being killed by Borg is quite likely to happen, possibly more than once, and each time it extends the overall duration by 50 minutes (or however much processing time was lost). To deal with this gracefully, the architecture of the processing needs to be different: instead of statically assigning the work, we instead divide the entire set of one million documents into, say, 1,000 chunks of 1,000 documents each. Whenever a worker is finished with a particular chunk, it reports the results, and picks up another. This means that we lose at most one chunk of work on a worker failure, in the case when the worker dies after finishing the chunk, but before reporting it. This, fortunately, fits very well with the data-processing architecture that was Google」s standard at that time: work isn」t assigned equally to the set of workers at the start of the computation; it」s dynamically assigned during the overall processing in order to account for workers that fail.
-Similarly, for systems serving user traffic, you would ideally want a container being rescheduled not resulting in errors being served to your users. The Borg scheduler, when it plans to reschedule a container for maintenance reasons, signals its intent to the container to give it notice ahead of time. The container can react to this by refusing new requests while still having the time to finish the requests it has ongoing. This, in turn, requires the load-balancer system to understand the “I cannot accept new requests” response (and redirect traffic to other replicas).
+Similarly, for systems serving user traffic, you would ideally want a container being rescheduled not resulting in errors being served to your users. The Borg scheduler, when it plans to reschedule a container for maintenance reasons, signals its intent to the container to give it notice ahead of time. The container can react to this by refusing new requests while still having the time to finish the requests it has ongoing. This, in turn, requires the load-balancer system to understand the 『I cannot accept new requests』 response (and redirect traffic to other replicas).
-同样的,对于服务于用户流量的系统来说,理想情况下,希望容器调度不会导致向用户提供错误。当Borg调度器由于维护原因计划重新调度一个容器时,会向容器发出信号以提前通知它。容器可以通过拒绝新的请求来做出反应,同时还有时间来完成它正在进行的请求。这反过来要求负载均衡器系统理解 "我不能接受新请求"的响应(并将流量重定向到其他副本)。
+同樣的,對於服務於使用者流量的系統來說,理想情況下,希望容器排程不會導致向用戶提供錯誤。當Borg排程器由於維護原因計劃重新排程一個容器時,會向容器發出訊號以提前通知它。容器可以透過拒絕新的請求來做出反應,同時還有時間來完成它正在進行的請求。這反過來要求負載均衡器系統理解 "我不能接受新請求"的回應(並將流量重導向到其他副本)。
To summarize: treating your containers or servers as cattle means that your service can get back to a healthy state automatically, but additional effort is needed to make sure that it can function smoothly while experiencing a moderate rate of failures.
> [^6]: The scheduler does not do this arbitrarily, but for concrete reasons (like the need to update the kernel, or a disk going bad on the machine, or a reshuffle to make the overall distribution of workloads in the datacenter bin-packed better). However, the point of having a compute service is that as a software author, I should neither know nor care why regarding the reasons this might happen.
-> 6 调度器并不是随意这样做的,而是出于具体的原因(比如需要更新内核,或者机器上的磁盘坏了,或者为了更好地打包数据中心容器中的工作负载的总体分布而进行的改组)。然而,拥有计算服务的意义在于,作为软件作者,我不应该知道也不关心为什么会发生这种情况。
+> 6 排程器並不是隨意這樣做的,而是出於具體的原因(比如需要更新核心,或者機器上的磁碟壞了,或者為了更好地打包資料中心容器中的工作負載的總體分佈而進行的改組)。然而,擁有計算服務的意義在於,作為軟體作者,我不應該知道也不關心為什麼會發生這種情況。
-> [^7]: The “pets versus cattle” metaphor is attributed to Bill Baker by Randy Bias and it’s become extremely popular as a way to describe the “replicated software unit” concept. As an analogy, it can also be used to describe concepts other than servers; for example, see Chapter 22.
+> [^7]: The 『pets versus cattle』 metaphor is attributed to Bill Baker by Randy Bias and it」s become extremely popular as a way to describe the 『replicated software unit』 concept. As an analogy, it can also be used to describe concepts other than servers; for example, see Chapter 22.
-> 7 "宠物与牛群"的比喻是由Randy Bias归功于Bill Baker的,它作为描述 "复制的软件单元 "概念的一种方式,已经变得非常流行。作为一个比喻,它也可以用来描述服务器以外的概念;例如,见第22章。
+> 7 "寵物與牛群"的比喻是由Randy Bias歸功於Bill Baker的,它作為描述 "複製的軟體單元 "概念的一種方式,已經變得非常流行。作為一個比喻,它也可以用來描述伺服器以外的概念;例如,見第22章。
-### Batch Versus Serving 批量作业与服务作业
+### Batch Versus Serving 批次作業與服務作業
-The Global WorkQueue (which we described in the first section of this chapter) addressed the problem of what Google engineers call “batch jobs”—programs that are expected to complete some specific task (like data processing) and that run to completion. Canonical examples of batch jobs would be logs analysis or machine learning model learning. Batch jobs stood in contrast to “serving jobs”—programs that are expected to run indefinitely and serve incoming requests, the canonical example being the job that served actual user search queries from the prebuilt index.
+The Global WorkQueue (which we described in the first section of this chapter) addressed the problem of what Google engineers call 『batch jobs』—programs that are expected to complete some specific task (like data processing) and that run to completion. Canonical examples of batch jobs would be logs analysis or machine learning model learning. Batch jobs stood in contrast to 『serving jobs』—programs that are expected to run indefinitely and serve incoming requests, the canonical example being the job that served actual user search queries from the prebuilt index.
-全局工作队列(Global WorkQueue)(我们在本章第一节中描述过)解决了谷歌工程师所说的 "批处理作业"的问题--这些程序要完成一些特定的任务(如数据处理),并且要运行到完成。批量作业的典型例子是日志分析或机器学习模型学习。批量作业与"服务作业"形成鲜明对比--这些程序预计将无限期地运行并为传入的请求提供服务,典型的例子是为来自预构建索引的实际用户搜索查询提供服务的作业。
+全域工作佇列(Global WorkQueue)(我們在本章第一節中描述過)解決了谷歌工程師所說的 "批次處理作業"的問題--這些程式要完成一些特定的任務(如數據處理),並且要執行到完成。批次作業的典型例子是日誌分析或機器學習模型學習。批次作業與"服務作業"形成鮮明對比--這些程式預計將無限期地執行併為傳入的請求提供服務,典型的例子是為來自預建立索引的實際使用者搜尋查詢提供服務的作業。
These two types of jobs have (typically) different characteristics,[^8] in particular:
- Batch jobs are primarily interested in throughput of processing. Serving jobs care about latency of serving a single request.
- Batch jobs are short lived (minutes, or at most hours). Serving jobs are typically long lived (by default only restarted with new releases).
-- Because they’re long lived, serving jobs are more likely to have longer startup times.
+- Because they」re long lived, serving jobs are more likely to have longer startup times.
-- 批量作业主要关心的是处理的吞吐量。服务作业关心的是服务单个请求的延迟。
-- 批量作业的生命周期很短(几分钟,或最多几个小时)。服务工作通常是长期存在的(默认情况下,只有在新版本发布时才会重新启动)。
-- 因为它们是长期存在的,所以服务工作更有可能有较长的启动时间。
+- 批次作業主要關心的是處理的吞吐量。服務作業關心的是服務單個請求的延遲。
+- 批次作業的生命週期很短(幾分鐘,或最多幾個小時)。服務工作通常是長期存在的(預設情況下,只有在新版本發布時才會重新啟動)。
+- 因為它們是長期存在的,所以服務工作更有可能有較長的啟動時間。
So far, most of our examples were about batch jobs. As we have seen, to adapt a batch job to survive failures, we need to make sure that work is spread into small chunks and assigned dynamically to workers. The canonical framework for doing this at Google was MapReduce,[^9] later replaced by Flume.[^10]
Serving jobs are, in many ways, more naturally suited to failure resistance than batch jobs. Their work is naturally chunked into small pieces (individual user requests) that are assigned dynamically to workers—the strategy of handling a large stream of requests through load balancing across a cluster of servers has been used since the early days of serving internet traffic.
-However, there are also multiple serving applications that do not naturally fit that pattern. The canonical example would be any server that you intuitively describe as a “leader” of a particular system. Such a server will typically maintain the state of the system (in memory or on its local filesystem), and if the machine it is running on goes down, a newly created instance will typically be unable to re-create the system’s state. Another example is when you have large amounts of data to serve—more than fits on one machine—and so you decide to shard the data among, for instance, 100 servers, each holding 1% of the data, and handling requests for that part of the data. This is similar to statically assigning work to batch job workers; if one of the servers goes down, you (temporarily) lose the ability to serve a part of your data. A final example is if your server is known to other parts of your system by its hostname. In that case, regardless of how your server is structured, if this specific host loses network connectivity, other parts of your system will be unable to contact it.[^11]
+However, there are also multiple serving applications that do not naturally fit that pattern. The canonical example would be any server that you intuitively describe as a 『leader』 of a particular system. Such a server will typically maintain the state of the system (in memory or on its local filesystem), and if the machine it is running on goes down, a newly created instance will typically be unable to re-create the system」s state. Another example is when you have large amounts of data to serve—more than fits on one machine—and so you decide to shard the data among, for instance, 100 servers, each holding 1% of the data, and handling requests for that part of the data. This is similar to statically assigning work to batch job workers; if one of the servers goes down, you (temporarily) lose the ability to serve a part of your data. A final example is if your server is known to other parts of your system by its hostname. In that case, regardless of how your server is structured, if this specific host loses network connectivity, other parts of your system will be unable to contact it.[^11]
-> [^8]: Like all categorizations, this one isn’t perfect; there are types of programs that don’t fit neatly into any of the categories, or that possess characteristics typical of both serving and batch jobs. However, like most useful categorizations, it still captures a distinction present in many real-life cases.
+> [^8]: Like all categorizations, this one isn」t perfect; there are types of programs that don」t fit neatly into any of the categories, or that possess characteristics typical of both serving and batch jobs. However, like most useful categorizations, it still captures a distinction present in many real-life cases.
-> 8 像所有的分类一样,这个分类并不完美;有些类型的程序不适合任何类别,或者具有服务作业和批处理作业的典型特征。然而,与最有用的分类一样,它仍然抓住了许多实际案例中存在的区别。
+> 8 像所有的分類一樣,這個分類並不完美;有些型別的程式不適合任何類別,或者具有服務作業和批次處理作業的典型特徵。然而,與最有用的分類一樣,它仍然抓住了許多實際案例中存在的區別。
-> [^9]: See Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, “MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters,” 6th Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI), 2004.
+> [^9]: See Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, 『MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters,』 6th Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI), 2004.
-> 9 见Jeffrey Dean和Sanjay Ghemawat,"MapReduce。简化大型集群上的数据处理,"第六届操作系统设计与实现研讨会(OSDI),2004。
+> 9 見Jeffrey Dean和Sanjay Ghemawat,"MapReduce。簡化大型叢集上的資料處理,"第六屆作業系統設計與實現研討會(OSDI),2004。
-> [^10]: Craig Chambers, Ashish Raniwala, Frances Perry, Stephen Adams, Robert Henry, Robert Bradshaw, and Nathan Weizenbaum, “Flume‐Java: Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines,” ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2010.
+> [^10]: Craig Chambers, Ashish Raniwala, Frances Perry, Stephen Adams, Robert Henry, Robert Bradshaw, and Nathan Weizenbaum, 『Flume‐Java: Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines,』 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2010.
-> 10 Craig Chambers, Ashish Raniwala, Frances Perry, Stephen Adams, Robert Henry, Robert Bradshaw, and Nathan Weizenbaum, "Flume-Java: Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines," ACM SIGPLAN编程语言设计与实现会议(PLDI),2010。
+> 10 Craig Chambers, Ashish Raniwala, Frances Perry, Stephen Adams, Robert Henry, Robert Bradshaw, and Nathan Weizenbaum, "Flume-Java: Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines," ACM SIGPLAN程式語言設計與實現會議(PLDI),2010。
-> [^11]: See also Atul Adya et al. “Auto-sharding for datacenter applications,” OSDI, 2019; and Atul Adya, Daniel Myers, Henry Qin, and Robert Grandl, “Fast key-value stores: An idea whose time has come and gone,” HotOS XVII, 2019.
+> [^11]: See also Atul Adya et al. 『Auto-sharding for datacenter applications,』 OSDI, 2019; and Atul Adya, Daniel Myers, Henry Qin, and Robert Grandl, 『Fast key-value stores: An idea whose time has come and gone,』 HotOS XVII, 2019.
-> 11 另见Atul Adya等人,"数据中心应用的自动分片",OSDI,2019;以及Atul Adya、Daniel Myers、Henry Qin和Robert Grandl,"快速键值存储。一个时代已经到来的想法," HotOS XVII,2019年。
+> 11 另見Atul Adya等人,"資料中心應用的自動分片",OSDI,2019;以及Atul Adya、Daniel Myers、Henry Qin和Robert Grandl,"快速鍵值儲存。一個時代已經到來的想法," HotOS XVII,2019年。
-### Managing State 管理状态
+### Managing State 管理狀態
-One common theme in the previous description focused on *state* as a source of issues when trying to treat jobs like cattle.[^12] Whenever you replace one of your cattle jobs, you lose all the in-process state (as well as everything that was on local storage, if the job is moved to a different machine). This means that the in-process state should be treated as transient, whereas “real storage” needs to occur elsewhere.
+One common theme in the previous description focused on *state* as a source of issues when trying to treat jobs like cattle.[^12] Whenever you replace one of your cattle jobs, you lose all the in-process state (as well as everything that was on local storage, if the job is moved to a different machine). This means that the in-process state should be treated as transient, whereas 『real storage』 needs to occur elsewhere.
The simplest way of dealing with this is extracting all storage to an external storage system. This means that anything that should survive past the scope of serving a single request (in the serving job case) or processing one chunk of data (in the batch case) needs to be stored off machine, in durable, persistent storage. If all your local state is immutable, making your application failure resistant should be relatively painless.
-Unfortunately, most applications are not that simple. One natural question that might come to mind is, “How are these durable, persistent storage solutions implemented are *they* cattle?” The answer should be “yes.” Persistent state can be managed by cattle through state replication. On a different level, RAID arrays are an analogous concept; we treat disks as transient (accept the fact one of them can be gone) while still maintaining state. In the servers world, this might be realized through multiple replicas holding a single piece of data and synchronizing to make sure every piece of data is replicated a sufficient number of times (usually 3 to 5). Note that setting this up correctly is difficult (some way of consensus handling is needed to deal with writes), and so Google developed a number of specialized storage solutions[^13] that were enablers for most applications adopting a model where all state is transient.
+Unfortunately, most applications are not that simple. One natural question that might come to mind is, 『How are these durable, persistent storage solutions implemented are *they* cattle?』 The answer should be 『yes.』 Persistent state can be managed by cattle through state replication. On a different level, RAID arrays are an analogous concept; we treat disks as transient (accept the fact one of them can be gone) while still maintaining state. In the servers world, this might be realized through multiple replicas holding a single piece of data and synchronizing to make sure every piece of data is replicated a sufficient number of times (usually 3 to 5). Note that setting this up correctly is difficult (some way of consensus handling is needed to deal with writes), and so Google developed a number of specialized storage solutions[^13] that were enablers for most applications adopting a model where all state is transient.
-不幸的是,大多数应用并不那么简单。可能会想到的一个自然而然问题是:"这些持久的存储解决方案是如何实现的—它们是*牛*吗?" 答案应该是 "是的"。牛可以通过状态复制来管理持久状态。在不同的层面上,RAID阵列是一个类似的概念;我们将磁盘视为暂时的(接受其中一个可以消失的事实),同时仍保持主要状态。在服务器世界中,这可以通过多个副本来实现,多个副本保存一个数据段并进行同步,以确保每个数据段都被复制足够的次数(通常为3到5次)。请注意,正确设置此选项很困难(需要某种一致性处理方式来处理写操作),因此Google开发了许多专门的存储解决方案13,这些解决方案是采用所有状态都是瞬态的模型的大多数应用程序的推动者。
+不幸的是,大多數應用並不那麼簡單。可能會想到的一個自然而然問題是:"這些持久的儲存解決方案是如何實現的—它們是*牛*嗎?" 答案應該是 "是的"。牛可以透過狀態複製來管理持久狀態。在不同的層面上,RAID陣列是一個類似的概念;我們將磁碟視為暫時的(接受其中一個可以消失的事實),同時仍保持主要狀態。在服務器世界中,這可以透過多個副本來實現,多個副本儲存一個資料段並進行同步,以確保每個資料段都被複制足夠的次數(通常為3到5次)。請注意,正確設定此選項很困難(需要某種一致性處理方式來處理寫操作),因此Google開發了許多專門的儲存解決方案13,這些解決方案是採用所有狀態都是瞬態的模型的大多數應用程式的推動者。
-Other types of local storage that cattle can use covers “re-creatable” data that is held locally to improve serving latency. Caching is the most obvious example here: a cache is nothing more than transient local storage that holds state in a transient location, but banks on the state not going away all the time, which allows for better performance characteristics on average. A key lesson for Google production infrastructure has been to provision the cache to meet your latency goals, but provision the core application for the total load. This has allowed us to avoid outages when the cache layer was lost because the noncached path was provisioned to handle the total load (although with higher latency). However, there is a clear trade-off here: how much to spend on the redundancy to mitigate the risk of an outage when cache capacity is lost.
+Other types of local storage that cattle can use covers 『re-creatable』 data that is held locally to improve serving latency. Caching is the most obvious example here: a cache is nothing more than transient local storage that holds state in a transient location, but banks on the state not going away all the time, which allows for better performance characteristics on average. A key lesson for Google production infrastructure has been to provision the cache to meet your latency goals, but provision the core application for the total load. This has allowed us to avoid outages when the cache layer was lost because the noncached path was provisioned to handle the total load (although with higher latency). However, there is a clear trade-off here: how much to spend on the redundancy to mitigate the risk of an outage when cache capacity is lost.
In a similar vein to caching, data might be pulled in from external storage to local in the warm-up of an application, in order to improve request serving latency.
-One more case of using local storage—this time in case of data that’s written more than read—is batching writes. This is a common strategy for monitoring data (think, for instance, about gathering CPU utilization statistics from the fleet for the purposes of guiding the autoscaling system), but it can be used anywhere where it is acceptable for a fraction of data to perish, either because we do not need 100% data coverage (this is the monitoring case), or because the data that perishes can be re-created (this is the case of a batch job that processes data in chunks, and writes some output for each chunk). Note that in many cases, even if a particular calculation has to take a long time, it can be split into smaller time windows by periodic checkpointing of state to persistent storage.
+One more case of using local storage—this time in case of data that」s written more than read—is batching writes. This is a common strategy for monitoring data (think, for instance, about gathering CPU utilization statistics from the fleet for the purposes of guiding the autoscaling system), but it can be used anywhere where it is acceptable for a fraction of data to perish, either because we do not need 100% data coverage (this is the monitoring case), or because the data that perishes can be re-created (this is the case of a batch job that processes data in chunks, and writes some output for each chunk). Note that in many cases, even if a particular calculation has to take a long time, it can be split into smaller time windows by periodic checkpointing of state to persistent storage.
-> [^12]: Note that, besides distributed state, there are other requirements to setting up an effective “servers as cattle” solution, like discovery and load-balancing systems (so that your application, which moves around the datacenter, can be accessed effectively). Because this book is less about building a full CaaS infrastructure and more about how such an infrastructure relates to the art of software engineering, we won’t go into more detail here.
+> [^12]: Note that, besides distributed state, there are other requirements to setting up an effective 『servers as cattle』 solution, like discovery and load-balancing systems (so that your application, which moves around the datacenter, can be accessed effectively). Because this book is less about building a full CaaS infrastructure and more about how such an infrastructure relates to the art of software engineering, we won」t go into more detail here.
-> 12 请注意,除了分布式状态,建立一个有效的 "服务器即牛 "解决方案还有其他要求,比如发现和负载平衡系统(以便你的应用程序,在数据中心内移动,可以被有效访问)。因为这本书与其说是关于建立一个完整的CaaS基础设施,不如说是关于这样的基础设施与软件工程艺术的关系,所以我们在这里就不多说了。
+> 12 請注意,除了分散式狀態,建立一個有效的 "伺服器即牛 "解決方案還有其他要求,比如發現和負載平衡系統(以便你的應用程式,在資料中心內移動,可以被有效訪問)。因為這本書與其說是關於建立一個完整的CaaS基礎設施,不如說是關於這樣的基礎設施與軟體工程藝術的關係,所以我們在這裡就不多說了。
-> [^13]: See, for example, Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung, “The Google File System,” Proceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems, 2003; Fay Chang et al., “Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data,” 7th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI); or James C. Corbett et al., “Spanner: Google’s Globally Distributed Database,” OSDI, 2012.
+> [^13]: See, for example, Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung, 『The Google File System,』 Proceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems, 2003; Fay Chang et al., 『Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data,』 7th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI); or James C. Corbett et al., 『Spanner: Google」s Globally Distributed Database,』 OSDI, 2012.
-> 13 例如,见Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung, "The Google File System," Pro- ceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems, 2003; Fay Chang等人, "Bigtable: 一个结构化数据的分布式存储系统,"第七届USENIX操作系统设计和实施研讨会(OSDI);或James C. Corbett等人,”Spanner:谷歌的全球分布式数据库",OSDI,2012。
+> 13 例如,見Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung, "The Google File System," Pro- ceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems, 2003; Fay Chang等人, "Bigtable: 一個結構化資料的分散式儲存系統,"第七屆USENIX作業系統設計和實施研討會(OSDI);或James C. Corbett等人,』Spanner:谷歌的全球分散式資料庫",OSDI,2012。
-#### Connecting to a Service 连接到服务
+#### Connecting to a Service 連線到服務
As mentioned earlier, if anything in the system has the name of the host on which your program runs hardcoded (or even provided as a configuration parameter at startup), your program replicas are not cattle. However, to connect to your application, another application does need to get your address from somewhere. Where?
-The answer is to have an extra layer of indirection; that is, other applications refer to your application by some identifier that is durable across restarts of the specific “backend” instances. That identifier can be resolved by another system that the scheduler writes to when it places your application on a particular machine. Now, to avoid distributed storage lookups on the critical path of making a request to your application, clients will likely look up the address that your app can be found on, and set up a connection, at startup time, and monitor it in the background. This is generally called *service discovery*, and many compute offerings have built-in or modular solutions. Most such solutions also include some form of load balancing, which reduces coupling to specific backends even more.
+The answer is to have an extra layer of indirection; that is, other applications refer to your application by some identifier that is durable across restarts of the specific 『backend』 instances. That identifier can be resolved by another system that the scheduler writes to when it places your application on a particular machine. Now, to avoid distributed storage lookups on the critical path of making a request to your application, clients will likely look up the address that your app can be found on, and set up a connection, at startup time, and monitor it in the background. This is generally called *service discovery*, and many compute offerings have built-in or modular solutions. Most such solutions also include some form of load balancing, which reduces coupling to specific backends even more.
-A repercussion of this model is that you will likely need to repeat your requests in some cases, because the server you are talking to might be taken down before it manages to answer.[^14] Retrying requests is standard practice for network communication (e.g., mobile app to a server) because of network issues, but it might be less intuitive for things like a server communicating with its database. This makes it important to design the API of your servers in a way that handles such failures gracefully. For mutating requests, dealing with repeated requests is tricky. The property you want to guarantee is some variant of *idempotency—*that the result of issuing a request twice is the same as issuing it once. One useful tool to help with idempotency is client- assigned identifiers: if you are creating something (e.g., an order to deliver a pizza to a specific address), the order is assigned some identifier by the client; and if an order with that identifier was already recorded, the server assumes it’s a repeated request and reports success (it might also validate that the parameters of the order match).
+A repercussion of this model is that you will likely need to repeat your requests in some cases, because the server you are talking to might be taken down before it manages to answer.[^14] Retrying requests is standard practice for network communication (e.g., mobile app to a server) because of network issues, but it might be less intuitive for things like a server communicating with its database. This makes it important to design the API of your servers in a way that handles such failures gracefully. For mutating requests, dealing with repeated requests is tricky. The property you want to guarantee is some variant of *idempotency—*that the result of issuing a request twice is the same as issuing it once. One useful tool to help with idempotency is client- assigned identifiers: if you are creating something (e.g., an order to deliver a pizza to a specific address), the order is assigned some identifier by the client; and if an order with that identifier was already recorded, the server assumes it」s a repeated request and reports success (it might also validate that the parameters of the order match).
-One more surprising thing that we saw happen is that sometimes the scheduler loses contact with a particular machine due to some network problem. It then decides that all of the work there is lost and reschedules it onto other machines—and then the machine comes back! Now we have two programs on two different machines, both thinking they are “replica072.” The way for them to disambiguate is to check which one of them is referred to by the address resolution system (and the other one should terminate itself or be terminated); but it also is one more case for idempotency: two replicas performing the same work and serving the same role are another potential source of request duplication.
+One more surprising thing that we saw happen is that sometimes the scheduler loses contact with a particular machine due to some network problem. It then decides that all of the work there is lost and reschedules it onto other machines—and then the machine comes back! Now we have two programs on two different machines, both thinking they are 『replica072.』 The way for them to disambiguate is to check which one of them is referred to by the address resolution system (and the other one should terminate itself or be terminated); but it also is one more case for idempotency: two replicas performing the same work and serving the same role are another potential source of request duplication.
-我们看到的另一件令人惊讶的事情是,有时调度器会因为一些网络问题而与某台机器失去联系。然后它认为那里的所有工作都丢失了,并将其重新安排到其他机器上--然后这台机器又回来了! 现在我们在两台不同的机器上有两个程序,都认为自己是 "replica072"。他们消除歧义的方法是检查他们中的哪一个被地址解析系统提及(而另一个应该终止自己或被终止);但这也是幂等性的另一个案例:两个执行相同工作并担任相同角色的副本是请求重复的另一个潜在来源。
+我們看到的另一件令人驚訝的事情是,有時排程器會因為一些網路問題而與某台機器失去聯絡。然後它認為那裡的所有工作都丟失了,並將其重新安排到其他機器上--然後這台機器又回來了! 現在我們在兩台不同的機器上有兩個程式,都認為自己是 "replica072"。他們消除歧義的方法是檢查他們中的哪一個被地址解析系統提及(而另一個應該終止自己或被終止);但這也是冪等性的另一個案例:兩個執行相同工作並擔任相同角色的副本是請求重複的另一個潛在來源。
> [^14]: Note that retries need to be implemented correctly—with backoff, graceful degradation and tools to avoid cascading failures like jitter. Thus, this should likely be a part of Remote Procedure Call library, instead of implemented by hand by each developer. See, for example, Chapter 22: Addressing Cascading Failures in the SRE book.
-> 14 请注意,重试需要正确地实现--用后退、优雅降级和工具来避免像抖动那样的失败。因此,这可能应该是远程过程调用库的一部分,而不是由每个开发人员手工实现。例如,见SRE书中的第22章:解决级联故障。
+> 14 請注意,重試需要正確地實現--用後退、優雅降級和工具來避免像抖動那樣的失敗。因此,這可能應該是遠端過程呼叫函式庫的一部分,而不是由每個開發人員手工實現。例如,見SRE書中的第22章:解決級聯故障。
-### One-Off Code 一次性代码
+### One-Off Code 一次性程式碼
Most of the previous discussion focused on production-quality jobs, either those serving user traffic, or data-processing pipelines producing production data. However, the life of a software engineer also involves running one-off analyses, exploratory prototypes, custom data-processing pipelines, and more. These need compute resources.
-Often, the engineer’s workstation is a satisfactory solution to the need for compute resources. If one wants to, say, automate the skimming through the 1 GB of logs that a service produced over the last day to check whether a suspicious line A always occurs before the error line B, they can just download the logs, write a short Python script, and let it run for a minute or two.
+Often, the engineer」s workstation is a satisfactory solution to the need for compute resources. If one wants to, say, automate the skimming through the 1 GB of logs that a service produced over the last day to check whether a suspicious line A always occurs before the error line B, they can just download the logs, write a short Python script, and let it run for a minute or two.
But if they want to automate the skimming through 1 TB of logs that service produced over the last year (for a similar purpose), waiting for roughly a day for the results to come in is likely not acceptable. A compute service that allows the engineer to just run the analysis on a distributed environment in several minutes (utilizing a few hundred cores) means the difference between having the analysis now and having it tomorrow. For tasks that require iteration—for example, if I will need to refine the query after seeing the results—the difference may be between having it done in a day and not having it done at all.
-但是,如果他们想自动浏览去年服务生产的1 TB日志(出于类似目的),等待大约一天的结果可能是不可接受的。一个允许工程师在几分钟内(利用几百个内核)在分布式环境中运行分析的计算服务意味着立即得到分析结果和明天才能得到结果之间的区别。例如,对于需要迭代的任务,如果我在看到结果后需要优化查询,那么在一天内完成任务和根本无法完成任务之间可能存在差异。
+但是,如果他們想自動瀏覽去年服務生產的1 TB日誌(出於類似目的),等待大約一天的結果可能是不可接受的。一個允許工程師在幾分鐘內(利用幾百個核心)在分佈式環境中執行分析的計算服務意味著立即得到分析結果和明天才能得到結果之間的區別。例如,對於需要迭代的任務,如果我在看到結果後需要最佳化查詢,那麼在一天內完成任務和根本無法完成任務之間可能存在差異。
-One concern that arises at times with this approach is that allowing engineers to just run one-off jobs on the distributed environment risks them wasting resources. This is, of course, a trade-off, but one that should be made consciously. It’s very unlikely that the cost of processing that the engineer runs is going to be more expensive than the engineer’s time spent on writing the processing code. The exact trade-off values differ depending on an organization’s compute environment and how much it pays its engineers, but it’s unlikely that a thousand core hours costs anything close to a day of engineering work. Compute resources, in that respect, are similar to markers, which we discussed in the opening of the book; there is a small savings opportunity for the company in instituting a process to acquire more compute resources, but this process is likely to cost much more in lost engineering opportunity and time than it saves.
+One concern that arises at times with this approach is that allowing engineers to just run one-off jobs on the distributed environment risks them wasting resources. This is, of course, a trade-off, but one that should be made consciously. It」s very unlikely that the cost of processing that the engineer runs is going to be more expensive than the engineer」s time spent on writing the processing code. The exact trade-off values differ depending on an organization」s compute environment and how much it pays its engineers, but it」s unlikely that a thousand core hours costs anything close to a day of engineering work. Compute resources, in that respect, are similar to markers, which we discussed in the opening of the book; there is a small savings opportunity for the company in instituting a process to acquire more compute resources, but this process is likely to cost much more in lost engineering opportunity and time than it saves.
-That said, compute resources differ from markers in that it’s easy to take way too many by accident. Although it’s unlikely someone will carry off a thousand markers, it’s totally possible someone will accidentally write a program that occupies a thousand machines without noticing.[^15] The natural solution to this is instituting quotas for resource usage by individual engineers. An alternative used by Google is to observe that because we’re running low-priority batch workloads effectively for free (see the section on multitenancy later on), we can provide engineers with almost unlimited quota for low-priority batch, which is good enough for most one-off engineering tasks.
+That said, compute resources differ from markers in that it」s easy to take way too many by accident. Although it」s unlikely someone will carry off a thousand markers, it」s totally possible someone will accidentally write a program that occupies a thousand machines without noticing.[^15] The natural solution to this is instituting quotas for resource usage by individual engineers. An alternative used by Google is to observe that because we」re running low-priority batch workloads effectively for free (see the section on multitenancy later on), we can provide engineers with almost unlimited quota for low-priority batch, which is good enough for most one-off engineering tasks.
> [^15]: This has happened multiple times at Google; for instance, because of someone leaving load-testing infrastructure occupying a thousand Google Compute Engine VMs running when they went on vacation, or because a new employee was debugging a master binary on their workstation without realizing it was spawning 8,000 full-machine workers in the background.
-> 15 这种情况在谷歌发生过多次;例如,因为有人在休假时留下了占用一千台谷歌计算引擎虚拟机的负载测试基础设施,或者因为一个新员工在他们的工作站上调试一个主二进制文件时,没有意识到它在后台催生了8000个全机器worker。
+> 15 這種情況在谷歌發生過多次;例如,因為有人在休假時留下了佔用一千台谷歌計算引擎虛擬機的負載測試基礎設施,或者因為一個新員工在他們的工作站上除錯一個主二進位檔案時,沒有意識到它在後台催生了8000個全機器worker。
-## CaaS Over Time and Scale CaaS随时间和规模的变化
+## CaaS Over Time and Scale CaaS隨時間和規模的變化
-We talked above how CaaS evolved at Google and the basic parts needed to make it happen—how the simple mission of “just give me resources to run my stuff ” translates to an actual architecture like Borg. Several aspects of how a CaaS architecture affects the life of software across time and scale deserve a closer look.
+We talked above how CaaS evolved at Google and the basic parts needed to make it happen—how the simple mission of 『just give me resources to run my stuff 』 translates to an actual architecture like Borg. Several aspects of how a CaaS architecture affects the life of software across time and scale deserve a closer look.
-我们在上面讨论了CaaS是如何在Google发展起来的,以及实现它所需要的基本部分--"只需给我资源来运行我的东西 "的简单任务是如何过渡到像Borg这样的架构。CaaS体系结构如何跨时间和规模影响软件生命周期的几个方面值得仔细研究。
+我們在上面討論了CaaS是如何在Google發展起來的,以及實現它所需要的基本部分--"只需給我資源來執行我的東西 "的簡單任務是如何轉場到像Borg這樣的架構。CaaS體系結構如何跨時間和規模影響軟體生命週期的幾個方面值得仔細研究。
-### Containers as an Abstraction 容器是一种抽象
+### Containers as an Abstraction 容器是一種抽象
Containers, as we described them earlier, were shown primarily as an isolation mechanism, a way to enable multitenancy, while minimizing the interference between different tasks sharing a single machine. That was the initial motivation, at least in Google. But containers turned out to also serve a very important role in abstracting away the compute environment.
-A container provides an abstraction boundary between the deployed software and the actual machine it’s running on. This means that as—over time—the machine changes, it is only the container software (presumably managed by a single team) that has to be adapted, whereas the application software (managed by each individual team, as the organization grows) can remain unchanged.
+A container provides an abstraction boundary between the deployed software and the actual machine it」s running on. This means that as—over time—the machine changes, it is only the container software (presumably managed by a single team) that has to be adapted, whereas the application software (managed by each individual team, as the organization grows) can remain unchanged.
-Let’s discuss two examples of how a containerized abstraction allows an organization to manage change.
+Let」s discuss two examples of how a containerized abstraction allows an organization to manage change.
A *filesystem abstraction* provides a way to incorporate software that was not written in the company without the need to manage custom machine configurations. This might be open source software an organization runs in its datacenter, or acquisitions that it wants to onboard onto its CaaS. Without a filesystem abstraction, onboarding a binary that expects a different filesystem layout (e.g., expecting a helper binary at */bin/foo/bar*) would require either modifying the base layout of all machines in the fleet, or fragmenting the fleet, or modifying the software (which might be difficult, or even impossible due to licence considerations).
Even though these solutions might be feasible if importing an external piece of software is something that happens once in a lifetime, it is not a sustainable solution if importing software becomes a common (or even only-somewhat-rare) practice.
A filesystem abstraction of some sort also helps with dependency management because it allows the software to predeclare and prepackage the dependencies (e.g., specific versions of libraries) that the software needs to run. Depending on the software installed on the machine presents a leaky abstraction that forces everybody to use the same version of precompiled libraries and makes upgrading any component very difficult, if not impossible.
A container also provides a simple way to manage *named resources* on the machine. The canonical example is network ports; other named resources include specialized targets; for example, GPUs and other accelerators.
-Google initially did not include network ports as a part of the container abstraction, and so binaries had to search for unused ports themselves. As a result, the PickUnu sedPortOrDie function has more than 20,000 usages in the Google C++ codebase. Docker, which was built after Linux namespaces were introduced, uses namespaces to provide containers with a virtual-private NIC, which means that applications can listen on any port they want. The Docker networking stack then maps a port on the machine to the in-container port. Kubernetes, which was originally built on top of Docker, goes one step further and requires the network implementation to treat containers (“pods” in Kubernetes parlance) as “real” IP addresses, available from the host network. Now every app can listen on any port they want without fear of conflicts.
+Google initially did not include network ports as a part of the container abstraction, and so binaries had to search for unused ports themselves. As a result, the PickUnu sedPortOrDie function has more than 20,000 usages in the Google C++ codebase. Docker, which was built after Linux namespaces were introduced, uses namespaces to provide containers with a virtual-private NIC, which means that applications can listen on any port they want. The Docker networking stack then maps a port on the machine to the in-container port. Kubernetes, which was originally built on top of Docker, goes one step further and requires the network implementation to treat containers (『pods』 in Kubernetes parlance) as 『real』 IP addresses, available from the host network. Now every app can listen on any port they want without fear of conflicts.
-Google最初并没有将网络端口作为容器抽象的一部分,因此二进制文件不得不自己搜索未使用的端口。结果,PickUnu sedPortOrDie函数在谷歌C++代码库中有超过20,000次的使用。Docker是在Linux命名空间引入后建立的,它使用命名空间为容器提供虚拟私有网卡,这意味着应用程序可以监听他们想要的任何端口。Docker网络堆栈然后将机器上的一个端口映射到容器内的端口。最初建立在Docker之上的Kubernetes更进一步,要求网络实现将容器(Kubernetes术语为 "pods")视为 "真正的"IP地址,可从主机网络获得。现在,每个应用程序都可以监听他们想要的任何端口,而不用担心冲突。
+Google最初並沒有將網路連接埠作為容器抽象的一部分,因此二進位檔案不得不自己搜尋未使用的連接埠。結果,PickUnu sedPortOrDie函式在谷歌C++程式碼庫中有超過20,000次的使用。Docker是在Linux命名空間引入後建立的,它使用命名空間為容器提供虛擬私有網絡卡,這意味著應用程式可以監聽他們想要的任何連接埠。Docker網路堆疊然後將機器上的一個連接埠對映到容器內的連接埠。最初建立在Docker之上的Kubernetes更進一步,要求網路實現將容器(Kubernetes術語為 "pods")視為 "真正的"IP地址,可從主機網路獲得。現在,每個應用程式都可以監聽他們想要的任何連接埠,而不用擔心衝突。
These improvements are particularly important when dealing with software not designed to run on the particular compute stack. Although many popular open source programs have configuration parameters for which port to use, there is no consistency between them for how to configure this.
-#### Containers and implicit dependencies 容器和隐性依赖
+#### Containers and implicit dependencies 容器和隱性依賴
-As with any abstraction, Hyrum’s Law of implicit dependencies applies to the container abstraction. It probably applies *even more than usual*, both because of the huge number of users (at Google, all production software and much else will run on Borg) and because the users do not feel that they are using an API when using things like the filesystem (and are even less likely to think whether this API is stable, versioned, etc.).
+As with any abstraction, Hyrum」s Law of implicit dependencies applies to the container abstraction. It probably applies *even more than usual*, both because of the huge number of users (at Google, all production software and much else will run on Borg) and because the users do not feel that they are using an API when using things like the filesystem (and are even less likely to think whether this API is stable, versioned, etc.).
-To illustrate, let’s return to the example of process ID space exhaustion that Borg experienced in 2011. You might wonder why the process IDs are exhaustible. Are they not simply integer IDs that can be assigned from the 32-bit or 64-bit space? In Linux, they are in practice assigned in the range [0,..., PID_MAX - 1], where PID_MAX defaults to 32,000. PID_MAX, however, can be raised through a simple configuration change (to a considerably higher limit). Problem solved?
+To illustrate, let」s return to the example of process ID space exhaustion that Borg experienced in 2011. You might wonder why the process IDs are exhaustible. Are they not simply integer IDs that can be assigned from the 32-bit or 64-bit space? In Linux, they are in practice assigned in the range [0,..., PID_MAX - 1], where PID_MAX defaults to 32,000. PID_MAX, however, can be raised through a simple configuration change (to a considerably higher limit). Problem solved?
-Well, no. By Hyrum’s Law, the fact that the PIDs that processes running on Borg got were limited to the 0...32,000 range became an implicit API guarantee that people started depending on; for instance, log storage processes depended on the fact that the PID can be stored in five digits, and broke for six-digit PIDs, because record names exceeded the maximum allowed length. Dealing with the problem became a lengthy, two-phase project. First, a temporary upper bound on the number of PIDs a single container can use (so that a single thread-leaking job cannot render the whole machine unusable). Second, splitting the PID space for threads and processes. (Because it turned out very few users depended on the 32,000 guarantee for the PIDs assigned to threads, as opposed to processes. So, we could increase the limit for threads and keep it at 32,000 for processes.) Phase three would be to introduce PID namespaces to Borg, giving each container its own complete PID space. Predictably (Hyrum’s Law again), a multitude of systems ended up assuming that the triple {hostname, timestamp, pid} uniquely identifies a process, which would break if PID namespaces were introduced. The effort to identify all these places and fix them (and backport any relevant data) is still ongoing eight years later.
+Well, no. By Hyrum」s Law, the fact that the PIDs that processes running on Borg got were limited to the 0...32,000 range became an implicit API guarantee that people started depending on; for instance, log storage processes depended on the fact that the PID can be stored in five digits, and broke for six-digit PIDs, because record names exceeded the maximum allowed length. Dealing with the problem became a lengthy, two-phase project. First, a temporary upper bound on the number of PIDs a single container can use (so that a single thread-leaking job cannot render the whole machine unusable). Second, splitting the PID space for threads and processes. (Because it turned out very few users depended on the 32,000 guarantee for the PIDs assigned to threads, as opposed to processes. So, we could increase the limit for threads and keep it at 32,000 for processes.) Phase three would be to introduce PID namespaces to Borg, giving each container its own complete PID space. Predictably (Hyrum」s Law again), a multitude of systems ended up assuming that the triple {hostname, timestamp, pid} uniquely identifies a process, which would break if PID namespaces were introduced. The effort to identify all these places and fix them (and backport any relevant data) is still ongoing eight years later.
-嗯,没有。根据海勒姆定律,在Borg上运行的进程得到的PID被限制在0...32,000范围内,这一事实成为人们开始依赖的隐含的API保证;例如,日志存储进程依赖于PID可以存储为五位数的事实,而对于六位数的PID来说,就会出现问题,因为记录名称超出了最大允许长度。处理这个问题成为一个漫长的、分两个阶段的项目。首先,对单个容器可以使用的PID数量设定一个临时的上限(这样单个线程泄漏的工作就不会导致整个机器无法使用)。第二,为线程和进程分割PID空间。(因为事实证明,很少有用户依赖分配给线程的PID的32000个保证,而不是进程。所以,我们可以增加线程的限制,而将进程的限制保持在32,000个)。第三阶段是在Borg中引入PID命名空间,让每个容器拥有自己完整的PID空间。可以预见的是(又是Hyrum定律),许多系统最终都认为{hostname, timestamp, pid}这三者可以唯一地识别一个进程,如果引入PID命名空间,这将会被打破。识别所有这些地方并修复它们(以及回传任何相关数据)的努力在八年后仍在进行。
+嗯,沒有。根據海勒姆定律,在Borg上執行的程序得到的PID被限制在0...32,000範圍內,這一事實成為人們開始依賴的隱含的API保證;例如,日誌儲存程序依賴於PID可以儲存為五位數的事實,而對於六位數的PID來說,就會出現問題,因為記錄名稱超出了最大允許長度。處理這個問題成為一個漫長的、分兩個階段的專案。首先,對單個容器可以使用的PID數量設定一個臨時的上限(這樣單個執行緒洩漏的工作就不會導致整個機器無法使用)。第二,為執行緒和程序分割PID空間。(因為事實證明,很少有用戶依賴分配給執行緒的PID的32000個保證,而不是程序。所以,我們可以增加執行緒的限制,而將程序的限制保持在32,000個)。第三階段是在Borg中引入PID命名空間,讓每個容器擁有自己完整的PID空間。可以預見的是(又是Hyrum定律),許多系統最終都認為{hostname, timestamp, pid}這三者可以唯一地識別一個程序,如果引入PID命名空間,這將會被打破。識別所有這些地方並修復它們(以及回傳任何相關資料)的努力在八年後仍在進行。
-The point here is not that you should run your containers in PID namespaces. Although it’s a good idea, it’s not the interesting lesson here. When Borg’s containers were built, PID namespaces did not exist; and even if they did, it’s unreasonable to expect engineers designing Borg in 2003 to recognize the value of introducing them. Even now there are certainly resources on a machine that are not sufficiently isolated, which will probably cause problems one day. This underlines the challenges of designing a container system that will prove maintainable over time and thus the value of using a container system developed and used by a broader community, where these types of issues have already occurred for others and the lessons learned have been incorporated.
+The point here is not that you should run your containers in PID namespaces. Although it」s a good idea, it」s not the interesting lesson here. When Borg」s containers were built, PID namespaces did not exist; and even if they did, it」s unreasonable to expect engineers designing Borg in 2003 to recognize the value of introducing them. Even now there are certainly resources on a machine that are not sufficiently isolated, which will probably cause problems one day. This underlines the challenges of designing a container system that will prove maintainable over time and thus the value of using a container system developed and used by a broader community, where these types of issues have already occurred for others and the lessons learned have been incorporated.
-### One Service to Rule Them All 一种服务统治一切
+### One Service to Rule Them All 一種服務統治一切
As discussed earlier, the original WorkQueue design was targeted at only some batch jobs, which ended up all sharing a pool of machines managed by the WorkQueue, and a different architecture was used for serving jobs, with each particular serving job running in its own, dedicated pool of machines. The open source equivalent would be running a separate Kubernetes cluster for each type of workload (plus one pool for all the batch jobs).
-如前所述,最初的WorkQueue设计只针对一些批处理作业,这些作业最终都共享一个由WorkQueue管理的机器资源池,而对于服务作业则采用不同的架构,每个特定的服务作业都运行在自己的专用机器资源池中。开源的替代方案是为每种类型的工作负载单独运行一个 Kubernetes 集群(以及一个用于所有批处理作业的池)。
+如前所述,最初的WorkQueue設計只針對一些批次處理作業,這些作業最終都共享一個由WorkQueue管理的機器資源池,而對於服務作業則採用不同的架構,每個特定的服務作業都執行在自己的專用機器資源池中。開源的替代方案是為每種型別的工作負載單獨執行一個 Kubernetes 叢集(以及一個用於所有批次處理作業的池)。
-In 2003, the Borg project was started, aiming (and eventually succeeding at) building a compute service that assimilates these disparate pools into one large pool. Borg’s pool covered both serving and batch jobs and became the only pool in any datacenter (the equivalent would be running a single large Kubernetes cluster for all workloads in each geographical location). There are two significant efficiency gains here worth discussing.
+In 2003, the Borg project was started, aiming (and eventually succeeding at) building a compute service that assimilates these disparate pools into one large pool. Borg」s pool covered both serving and batch jobs and became the only pool in any datacenter (the equivalent would be running a single large Kubernetes cluster for all workloads in each geographical location). There are two significant efficiency gains here worth discussing.
-The first one is that serving machines became cattle (the way the Borg design doc put it: “*Machines are anonymous:* programs don’t care which machine they run on as long as it has the right characteristics”). If every team managing a serving job must manage their own pool of machines (their own cluster), the same organizational overhead of maintaining and administering that pool is applied to every one of these teams. As time passes, the management practices of these pools will diverge over time, making company-wide changes (like moving to a new server architecture, or switching datacenters) more and more complex. A unified management infrastructure—that is, a *common* compute service for all the workloads in the organization—allows Google to avoid this linear scaling factor; there aren’t *n* different management practices for the physical machines in the fleet, there’s just Borg.[^16]
+The first one is that serving machines became cattle (the way the Borg design doc put it: 『*Machines are anonymous:* programs don」t care which machine they run on as long as it has the right characteristics』). If every team managing a serving job must manage their own pool of machines (their own cluster), the same organizational overhead of maintaining and administering that pool is applied to every one of these teams. As time passes, the management practices of these pools will diverge over time, making company-wide changes (like moving to a new server architecture, or switching datacenters) more and more complex. A unified management infrastructure—that is, a *common* compute service for all the workloads in the organization—allows Google to avoid this linear scaling factor; there aren」t *n* different management practices for the physical machines in the fleet, there」s just Borg.[^16]
-The second one is more subtle and might not be applicable to every organization, but it was very relevant to Google. The distinct needs of batch and serving jobs turn out to be complementary. Serving jobs usually need to be overprovisioned because they need to have capacity to serve user traffic without significant latency decreases, even in the case of a usage spike or partial infrastructure outage. This means that a machine running only serving jobs will be underutilized. It’s tempting to try to take advantage of that slack by overcommitting the machine, but that defeats the purpose of the slack in the first place, because if the spike/outage does happen, the resources we need will not be available.
+The second one is more subtle and might not be applicable to every organization, but it was very relevant to Google. The distinct needs of batch and serving jobs turn out to be complementary. Serving jobs usually need to be overprovisioned because they need to have capacity to serve user traffic without significant latency decreases, even in the case of a usage spike or partial infrastructure outage. This means that a machine running only serving jobs will be underutilized. It」s tempting to try to take advantage of that slack by overcommitting the machine, but that defeats the purpose of the slack in the first place, because if the spike/outage does happen, the resources we need will not be available.
However, this reasoning applies only to serving jobs! If we have a number of serving jobs on a machine and these jobs are requesting RAM and CPU that sum up to the total size of the machine, no more serving jobs can be put in there, even if real utilization of resources is only 30% of capacity. But we *can* (and, in Borg, will) put batch jobs in the spare 70%, with the policy that if any of the serving jobs need the memory or CPU, we will reclaim it from the batch jobs (by freezing them in the case of CPU or killing in the case of RAM). Because the batch jobs are interested in throughput (measured in aggregate across hundreds of workers, not for individual tasks) and their individual replicas are cattle anyway, they will be more than happy to soak up this spare capacity of serving jobs.
-Depending on the shape of the workloads in a given pool of machines, this means that either all of the batch workload is effectively running on free resources (because we are paying for them in the slack of serving jobs anyway) or all the serving workload is effectively paying for only what they use, not for the slack capacity they need for failure resistance (because the batch jobs are running in that slack). In Google’s case, most of the time, it turns out we run batch effectively for free.
+Depending on the shape of the workloads in a given pool of machines, this means that either all of the batch workload is effectively running on free resources (because we are paying for them in the slack of serving jobs anyway) or all the serving workload is effectively paying for only what they use, not for the slack capacity they need for failure resistance (because the batch jobs are running in that slack). In Google」s case, most of the time, it turns out we run batch effectively for free.
->[^16]: As in any complex system, there are exceptions. Not all machines owned by Google are Borg-managed, and not every datacenter is covered by a single Borg cell. But the majority of engineers work in an environment in which they don’t touch non-Borg machines, or nonstandard cells.
+>[^16]: As in any complex system, there are exceptions. Not all machines owned by Google are Borg-managed, and not every datacenter is covered by a single Borg cell. But the majority of engineers work in an environment in which they don」t touch non-Borg machines, or nonstandard cells.
-> 16 正如任何复杂的系统一样,也有例外。并非所有谷歌拥有的机器都由Borg管理,也不是每个数据中心都由一个Borg单元覆盖。但大多数工程师的工作环境是,他们不接触非Borg机,也不接触非标准的单元。
+> 16 正如任何複雜的系統一樣,也有例外。並非所有谷歌擁有的機器都由Borg管理,也不是每個資料中心都由一個Borg單元覆蓋。但大多數工程師的工作環境是,他們不接觸非Borg機,也不接觸非標準的單元。
-#### Multitenancy for serving jobs 为工作提供服务的多租户
+#### Multitenancy for serving jobs 為工作提供服務的多租戶
-Earlier, we discussed a number of requirements that a compute service must satisfy to be suitable for running serving jobs. As previously discussed, there are multiple advantages to having the serving jobs be managed by a common compute solution, but this also comes with challenges. One particular requirement worth repeating is a discovery service, discussed in “Connecting to a Service” on page 528. There are a number of other requirements that are new when we want to extend the scope of a managed compute solution to serving tasks, for example:
+Earlier, we discussed a number of requirements that a compute service must satisfy to be suitable for running serving jobs. As previously discussed, there are multiple advantages to having the serving jobs be managed by a common compute solution, but this also comes with challenges. One particular requirement worth repeating is a discovery service, discussed in 『Connecting to a Service』 on page 528. There are a number of other requirements that are new when we want to extend the scope of a managed compute solution to serving tasks, for example:
-- Rescheduling of jobs needs to be throttled: although it’s probably acceptable to kill and restart 50% of a batch job’s replicas (because it will cause only a temporary blip in processing, and what we really care about is throughput), it’s unlikely to be acceptable to kill and restart 50% of a serving job’s replicas (because the remaining jobs are likely too few to be able to serve user traffic while waiting for the restarted jobs to come back up again).
+- Rescheduling of jobs needs to be throttled: although it」s probably acceptable to kill and restart 50% of a batch job」s replicas (because it will cause only a temporary blip in processing, and what we really care about is throughput), it」s unlikely to be acceptable to kill and restart 50% of a serving job」s replicas (because the remaining jobs are likely too few to be able to serve user traffic while waiting for the restarted jobs to come back up again).
- A batch job can usually be killed without warning. What we lose is some of the already performed processing, which can be redone. When a serving job is killed without warning, we likely risk some user-facing traffic returning errors or (at best) having increased latency; it is preferable to give several seconds of warning ahead of time so that the job can finish serving requests it has in flight and not accept new ones.
-早些时候,我们讨论了计算服务必须满足的一些要求,以适合运行服务作业。正如之前所讨论的,让服务作业由一个共同的计算解决方案来管理有多种好处,但这也伴随着挑战。一个值得重复的特殊要求是发现服务,在[第528页的 "连接到服务"]中讨论过。当我们想把托管计算解决方案的范围扩展到服务任务时,还有一些其他的要求是新的,比如说:
+早些時候,我們討論了計算服務必須滿足的一些要求,以適合執行服務作業。正如之前所討論的,讓服務作業由一個共同的計算解決方案來管理有多種好處,但這也伴隨著挑戰。一個值得重複的特殊要求是發現服務,在[第528頁的 "連線到服務"]中討論過。當我們想把託管計算解決方案的範圍擴充套件到服務任務時,還有一些其他的要求是新的,比如說:
-- 作业的重新调度需要节制:尽管杀死并重新启动一个批处理作业的50%的副本可能是可以接受的(因为这只会导致处理过程中的暂时性突变,而我们真正关心的是吞吐量),但杀死并重新启动一个服务作业的50%的副本是不太可能接受的(因为剩下的作业可能太少,无法在等待重新启动的作业再次出现的同时为用户流量提供服务)。
-- 一个批处理作业通常可以在没有警告的情况下被杀死。我们失去的是一些已经执行的处理,这些处理可以重新进行。当一个服务工作在没有警告的情况下被杀死时,我们很可能冒着一些面向用户的流量返回错误或(最多)延迟增加的风险;最好是提前几秒钟发出警告,以便工作能够完成服务它在运行中的请求,不再接受新的请求。
+- 作業的重新排程需要節制:儘管殺死並重新啟動一個批次處理作業的50%的副本可能是可以接受的(因為這隻會導致處理過程中的暫時性突變,而我們真正關心的是吞吐量),但殺死並重新啟動一個服務作業的50%的副本是不太可能接受的(因為剩下的作業可能太少,無法在等待重新啟動的作業再次出現的同時為使用者流量提供服務)。
+- 一個批次處理作業通常可以在沒有警告的情況下被殺死。我們失去的是一些已經執行的處理,這些處理可以重新進行。當一個服務工作在沒有警告的情況下被殺死時,我們很可能冒著一些面向使用者的流量回傳錯誤或(最多)延遲增加的風險;最好是提前幾秒鐘發出警告,以便工作能夠完成服務它在執行中的請求,不再接受新的請求。
For the aforementioned efficiency reasons, Borg covers both batch and serving jobs, but multiple compute offerings split the two concepts—typically, a shared pool of machines for batch jobs, and dedicated, stable pools of machines for serving jobs. Regardless of whether the same compute architecture is used for both types of jobs, however, both groups benefit from being treated like cattle.
-### Submitted Configuration 提交配置
+### Submitted Configuration 送出設定
-The Borg scheduler receives the configuration of a replicated service or batch job to run in the cell as the contents of a Remote Procedure Call (RPC). It’s possible for the operator of the service to manage it by using a command-line interface (CLI) that sends those RPCs, and have the parameters to the CLI stored in shared documentation, or in their head.
+The Borg scheduler receives the configuration of a replicated service or batch job to run in the cell as the contents of a Remote Procedure Call (RPC). It」s possible for the operator of the service to manage it by using a command-line interface (CLI) that sends those RPCs, and have the parameters to the CLI stored in shared documentation, or in their head.
Depending on documentation and tribal knowledge over code submitted to a repository is rarely a good idea in general because both documentation and tribal knowledge have a tendency to deteriorate over time (see Chapter 3). However, the next natural step in the evolution—wrapping the execution of the CLI in a locally developed script—is still inferior to using a dedicated configuration language to specify the configuration of your service.
Over time, the runtime presence of a logical service will typically grow beyond a single set of replicated containers in one datacenter across many axes:
@@ -492,250 +492,250 @@ Over time, the runtime presence of a logical service will typically grow beyond
- It will fork into having staging and development environments in addition to the production environment/configuration.
- It will accrue additional replicated containers of different types in the form of attached services, like a memcached accompanying the service.
-- 它将在多个数据中心分散其存在(既有用户亲和力,也有抗故障能力)。
-- 除了生产环境/配置之外,它还会分叉到拥有临时和开发环境。
-- 它将以附加服务的形式累积不同类型的额外副本容器,如服务附带的memcached。
+- 它將在多個資料中心分散其存在(既有使用者親和力,也有抗故障能力)。
+- 除了生產環境/設定之外,它還會分叉到擁有臨時和開發環境。
+- 它將以附加服務的形式累積不同型別的額外副本容器,如服務附帶的memcached。
-Management of the service is much simplified if this complex setup can be expressed in a standardized configuration language that allows easy expression of standard operations (like “update my service to the new version of the binary, but taking down no more than 5% of capacity at any given time”).
+Management of the service is much simplified if this complex setup can be expressed in a standardized configuration language that allows easy expression of standard operations (like 『update my service to the new version of the binary, but taking down no more than 5% of capacity at any given time』).
A standardized configuration language provides standard configuration that other teams can easily include in their service definition. As usual, we emphasize the value of such standard configuration over time and scale. If every team writes a different snippet of custom code to stand up their memcached service, it becomes very difficult to perform organization-wide tasks like swapping out to a new memcache implementation (e.g., for performance or licencing reasons) or to push a security update to all the memcache deployments. Also note that such a standardized configuration language is a requirement for automation in deployment (see Chapter 24).
-## Choosing a Compute Service 选择计算服务
+## Choosing a Compute Service 選擇計算服務
-It’s unlikely any organization will go down the path that Google went, building its own compute architecture from scratch. These days, modern compute offerings are available both in the open source world (like Kubernetes or Mesos, or, at a different level of abstraction, OpenWhisk or Knative), or as public cloud managed offerings (again, at different levels of complexity, from things like Google Cloud Platform’s Managed Instance Groups or Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud [Amazon EC2] autoscaling; to managed containers similar to Borg, like Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service [AKS] or Google Kubernetes Engine [GKE]; to a serverless offering like AWS Lambda or Google’s Cloud Functions).
+It」s unlikely any organization will go down the path that Google went, building its own compute architecture from scratch. These days, modern compute offerings are available both in the open source world (like Kubernetes or Mesos, or, at a different level of abstraction, OpenWhisk or Knative), or as public cloud managed offerings (again, at different levels of complexity, from things like Google Cloud Platform」s Managed Instance Groups or Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud [Amazon EC2] autoscaling; to managed containers similar to Borg, like Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service [AKS] or Google Kubernetes Engine [GKE]; to a serverless offering like AWS Lambda or Google」s Cloud Functions).
-不太可能有别的组织会重走谷歌走过的路,从头开始构建自己的计算架构。如今,现代计算产品在开源世界(比如Kubernetes或Mesos,或者在不同的抽象层次上,OpenWhisk或Knative),或作为公共云管理产品(同样,在不同的复杂性级别,从Google云平台的托管实例组或Amazon Web服务弹性计算云[Amazon EC2]自动伸缩;到类似于Borg的托管容器,如Microsoft Azure Kubernetes服务[AKS]或谷歌Kubernetes引擎[GKE];提供类似AWS Lambda或谷歌云功能的无服务器服务)。
+不太可能有別的組織會重走谷歌走過的路,從頭開始建立自己的計算架構。如今,現代計算產品在開源世界(比如Kubernetes或Mesos,或者在不同的抽象層次上,OpenWhisk或Knative),或作為公共雲管理產品(同樣,在不同的複雜性級別,從Google雲平台的託管實例組或Amazon Web服務彈性計算雲[Amazon EC2]自動伸縮;到類似於Borg的託管容器,如Microsoft Azure Kubernetes服務[AKS]或谷歌Kubernetes引擎[GKE];提供類似AWS Lambda或谷歌雲功能的無伺服器服務)。
-However, most organizations will *choose* a compute service, just as Google did internally. Note that a compute infrastructure has a high lock-in factor. One reason for that is because code will be written in a way that takes advantage of all the properties of the system (Hyrum’s Law); thus, for instance, if you choose a VM-based offering, teams will tweak their particular VM images; and if you choose a specific container- based solution, teams will call out to the APIs of the cluster manager. If your architecture allows code to treat VMs (or containers) as pets, teams will do so, and then a move to a solution that depends on them being treated like cattle (or even different forms of pets) will be difficult.
+However, most organizations will *choose* a compute service, just as Google did internally. Note that a compute infrastructure has a high lock-in factor. One reason for that is because code will be written in a way that takes advantage of all the properties of the system (Hyrum」s Law); thus, for instance, if you choose a VM-based offering, teams will tweak their particular VM images; and if you choose a specific container- based solution, teams will call out to the APIs of the cluster manager. If your architecture allows code to treat VMs (or containers) as pets, teams will do so, and then a move to a solution that depends on them being treated like cattle (or even different forms of pets) will be difficult.
To show how even the smallest details of a compute solution can end up locked in, consider how Borg runs the command that the user provided in the configuration. In most cases, the command will be the execution of a binary (possibly followed by a number of arguments). However, for convenience, the authors of Borg also included the possibility of passing in a shell script; for example, while true; do ./ my_binary; done.[^17] However, whereas a binary execution can be done through a simple fork-and-exec (which is what Borg does), the shell script needs to be run by a shell like Bash. So, Borg actually executed /usr/bin/bash -c $USER_COMMAND, which works in the case of a simple binary execution as well.
-为了说明即使是计算解决方案中最小的细节也会最终被锁定,考虑一下Borg如何运行用户在配置中提供的命令。在大多数情况下,该命令将是执行一个二进制文件(后面可能有一些参数)。然而,为了方便起见,Borg的作者也包括了传入一个shell脚本的可能性;例如,`while true; do ./ my_binary; done`。 然而,二进制的执行可以通过一个简单的fork-and-exec来完成(这就是Borg的做法),shell脚本需要由一个像Bash这样的shell来运行。所以,Borg实际上是执行/usr/bin/bash -c $USER_COMMAND,该命令也适用于简单的二进制执行。
+為了說明即使是計算解決方案中最小的細節也會最終被鎖定,考慮一下Borg如何執行使用者在設定中提供的指令。在大多數情況下,該指令將是執行一個二進位檔案(後面可能有一些引數)。然而,為了方便起見,Borg的作者也包括了傳入一個shell指令碼的可能性;例如,`while true; do ./ my_binary; done`。 然而,二進位的執行可以透過一個簡單的fork-and-exec來完成(這就是Borg的做法),shell指令碼需要由一個像Bash這樣的shell來執行。所以,Borg實際上是執行/usr/bin/bash -c $USER_COMMAND,該指令也適用於簡單的二進位執行。
-At some point, the Borg team realized that at Google’s scale, the resources—mostly memory—consumed by this Bash wrapper are non-negligible, and decided to move over to using a more lightweight shell: ash. So, the team made a change to the process runner code to run /usr/bin/ash -c $USER_COMMAND instead.
+At some point, the Borg team realized that at Google」s scale, the resources—mostly memory—consumed by this Bash wrapper are non-negligible, and decided to move over to using a more lightweight shell: ash. So, the team made a change to the process runner code to run /usr/bin/ash -c $USER_COMMAND instead.
-在某种程度上,Borg团队意识到在Google的规模下,这个Bash包装器所消耗的资源--主要是内存--是不可忽视的,并决定转而使用一个更轻量级的shell:ash。因此,该团队对进程运行器的代码进行了修改,改为运行`/usr/bin/ash -c $USER_COMMAND`。
+在某種程度上,Borg團隊意識到在Google的規模下,這個Bash套件裝器所消耗的資源--主要是記憶體--是不可忽視的,並決定轉而使用一個更輕量級的shell:ash。因此,該團隊對程序執行器的程式碼進行了修改,改為執行`/usr/bin/ash -c $USER_COMMAND`。
-You would think that this is not a risky change; after all, we control the environment, we know that both of these binaries exist, and so there should be no way this doesn’t work. In reality, the way this didn’t work is that the Borg engineers were not the first to notice the extra memory overhead of running Bash. Some teams were creative in their desire to limit memory usage and replaced (in their custom filesystem overlay) the Bash command with a custom-written piece of “execute the second argument” code. These teams, of course, were very aware of their memory usage, and so when the Borg team changed the process runner to use ash (which was not overwritten by the custom code), their memory usage increased (because it started including ash usage instead of the custom code usage), and this caused alerts, rolling back the change, and a certain amount of unhappiness.
+You would think that this is not a risky change; after all, we control the environment, we know that both of these binaries exist, and so there should be no way this doesn」t work. In reality, the way this didn」t work is that the Borg engineers were not the first to notice the extra memory overhead of running Bash. Some teams were creative in their desire to limit memory usage and replaced (in their custom filesystem overlay) the Bash command with a custom-written piece of 『execute the second argument』 code. These teams, of course, were very aware of their memory usage, and so when the Borg team changed the process runner to use ash (which was not overwritten by the custom code), their memory usage increased (because it started including ash usage instead of the custom code usage), and this caused alerts, rolling back the change, and a certain amount of unhappiness.
-你会认为这不是一个有风险的改变;毕竟,我们控制了环境,我们知道这两个二进制文件都存在,所以这不可能不起作用。事实上,这不起作用的原因是,Borg的工程师们并不是第一个注意到运行Bash的额外内存开销的人。一些团队在限制内存使用方面很有创意,他们(在他们的自定义文件系统覆盖中)用一段自定义编写的 "执行第二个参数 "的代码来替换Bash命令。当然,这些团队非常清楚他们的内存使用情况,因此当Borg团队将进程运行器改为使用ash(没有被自定义代码覆盖)时,他们的内存使用量增加了(因为它开始包括ash的nei使用量而不是自定义代码的内存使用量),这引起了警报、回滚变化和一定程度的不愉快。
+你會認為這不是一個有風險的改變;畢竟,我們控制了環境,我們知道這兩個二進位檔案都存在,所以這不可能不起作用。事實上,這不起作用的原因是,Borg的工程師們並不是第一個注意到執行Bash的額外記憶體開銷的人。一些團隊在限制記憶體使用方面很有創意,他們(在他們的自定義檔案系統覆蓋中)用一段自定義編寫的 "執行第二個引數 "的程式碼來替換Bash指令。當然,這些團隊非常清楚他們的記憶體使用情況,因此當Borg團隊將程序執行器改為使用ash(沒有被自定義程式碼覆蓋)時,他們的記憶體使用量增加了(因為它開始包括ash的nei使用量而不是自定義程式碼的記憶體使用量),這引起了警報、回滾變化和一定程度的不愉快。
Another reason that a compute service choice is difficult to change over time is that any compute service choice will eventually become surrounded by a large ecosystem of helper services—tools for logging, monitoring, debugging, alerting, visualization, on-the-fly analysis, configuration languages and meta-languages, user interfaces, and more. These tools would need to be rewritten as a part of a compute service change, and even understanding and enumerating those tools is likely to be a challenge for a medium or large organization.
-Thus, the choice of a compute architecture is important. As with most software engineering choices, this one involves trade-offs. Let’s discuss a few.
+Thus, the choice of a compute architecture is important. As with most software engineering choices, this one involves trade-offs. Let」s discuss a few.
-> [^17]: This particular command is actively harmful under Borg because it prevents Borg’s mechanisms for dealing with failure from kicking in. However, more complex wrappers that echo parts of the environment to logging, for example, are still in use to help debug startup problems.
+> [^17]: This particular command is actively harmful under Borg because it prevents Borg」s mechanisms for dealing with failure from kicking in. However, more complex wrappers that echo parts of the environment to logging, for example, are still in use to help debug startup problems.
-> 17 这个特殊的命令在Borg下是有害的,因为它阻止Borg处理故障的机制启动。但是,更复杂的包装器(例如,将环境的一部分回送到日志记录)仍然在使用,以帮助调试启动问题。
+> 17 這個特殊的指令在Borg下是有害的,因為它阻止Borg處理故障的機制啟動。但是,更復雜的套件裝器(例如,將環境的一部分回送到日誌記錄)仍然在使用,以幫助除錯啟動問題。
-### Centralization Versus Customization 统一与定制
+### Centralization Versus Customization 統一與定製
From the point of view of management overhead of the compute stack (and also from the point of view of resource efficiency), the best an organization can do is adopt a single CaaS solution to manage its entire fleet of machines and use only the tools available there for everybody. This ensures that as the organization grows, the cost of managing the fleet remains manageable. This path is basically what Google has done with Borg.
-#### Need for customization 定制化
+#### Need for customization 定製化
-However, a growing organization will have increasingly diverse needs. For instance, when Google launched the Google Compute Engine (the “VM as a Service” public cloud offering) in 2012, the VMs, just as most everything else at Google, were managed by Borg. This means that each VM was running in a separate container controlled by Borg. However, the “cattle” approach to task management did not suit Cloud’s workloads, because each particular container was actually a VM that some particular user was running, and Cloud’s users did not, typically, treat the VMs as cattle.[^18]
+However, a growing organization will have increasingly diverse needs. For instance, when Google launched the Google Compute Engine (the 『VM as a Service』 public cloud offering) in 2012, the VMs, just as most everything else at Google, were managed by Borg. This means that each VM was running in a separate container controlled by Borg. However, the 『cattle』 approach to task management did not suit Cloud」s workloads, because each particular container was actually a VM that some particular user was running, and Cloud」s users did not, typically, treat the VMs as cattle.[^18]
-然而,一个不断发展的组织将有越来越多样化的需求。例如,当谷歌在2012年推出谷歌计算引擎(“虚拟机即服务”公共云产品)时,这些虚拟机与谷歌的大多数其他产品一样,都是Borg设计的。这意味着每个虚拟机都在 Borg 控制的单独容器中运行。然而,任务管理的“牛”方法并不适合云的工作负载,因为每个特定容器实际上是某个特定用户正在运行的VM,而云的用户通常不会将VM视为牛。
+然而,一個不斷發展的組織將有越來越多樣化的需求。例如,當谷歌在2012年推出谷歌計算引擎(『虛擬機即服務』公共雲產品)時,這些虛擬機與谷歌的大多數其他產品一樣,都是Borg設計的。這意味著每個虛擬機都在 Borg 控制的單獨容器中執行。然而,任務管理的『牛』方法並不適合雲的工作負載,因為每個特定容器實際上是某個特定使用者正在執行的VM,而云的使用者通常不會將VM視為牛。
-Reconciling this difference required considerable work on both sides. The Cloud organization made sure to support live migration of VMs; that is, the ability to take a VM running on one machine, spin up a copy of that VM on another machine, bring the copy to be a perfect image, and finally redirect all traffic to the copy, without causing a noticeable period when service is unavailable.[^19] Borg, on the other hand, had to be adapted to avoid at-will killing of containers containing VMs (to provide the time to migrate the VM’s contents to the new machine), and also, given that the whole migration process is more expensive, Borg’s scheduling algorithms were adapted to optimize for decreasing the risk of rescheduling being needed.[^20] Of course, these modifications were rolled out only for the machines running the cloud workloads, leading to a (small, but still noticeable) bifurcation of Google’s internal compute offering.
+Reconciling this difference required considerable work on both sides. The Cloud organization made sure to support live migration of VMs; that is, the ability to take a VM running on one machine, spin up a copy of that VM on another machine, bring the copy to be a perfect image, and finally redirect all traffic to the copy, without causing a noticeable period when service is unavailable.[^19] Borg, on the other hand, had to be adapted to avoid at-will killing of containers containing VMs (to provide the time to migrate the VM」s contents to the new machine), and also, given that the whole migration process is more expensive, Borg」s scheduling algorithms were adapted to optimize for decreasing the risk of rescheduling being needed.[^20] Of course, these modifications were rolled out only for the machines running the cloud workloads, leading to a (small, but still noticeable) bifurcation of Google」s internal compute offering.
-调和这种差异需要双方做大量的工作。云计算组织确保支持虚拟机的实时迁移;也就是说,能够在一台机器上运行一个虚拟机,在另一台机器上启动该虚拟机的副本,使该副本成为一个完美的镜像,并最终将所有流量重定向到该副本,而不会造成明显的服务不可用时间段。 另一方面,Borg必须进行调整,以避免随意杀死包含虚拟机的容器(以提供时间将虚拟机的内容迁移到新机器上),同时,鉴于整个迁移过程更加耗时,Borg的调度算法被调整为优化,以减少需要重新调度的风险。当然,这些修改只针对运行云工作负载的机器,导致了谷歌内部计算产品的分化(很小,但仍然很明显)。
+調和這種差異需要雙方做大量的工作。雲端運算組織確保支援虛擬機的實時遷移;也就是說,能夠在一台機器上執行一個虛擬機,在另一台機器上啟動該虛擬機的副本,使該副本成為一個完美的映象,並最終將所有流量重導向到該副本,而不會造成明顯的服務不可用時間段。 另一方面,Borg必須進行調整,以避免隨意殺死包含虛擬機的容器(以提供時間將虛擬機的內容遷移到新機器上),同時,鑑於整個遷移過程更加耗時,Borg的排程演算法被調整為最佳化,以減少需要重新排程的風險。當然,這些修改只針對執行雲工作負載的機器,導致了谷歌內部計算產品的分化(很小,但仍然很明顯)。
> [^18]: My mail server is not interchangeable with your graphics rendering job, even if both of those tasks are running in the same form of VM.
-> 18 我的邮件服务器不能与图形渲染作业互换,即使这两个任务都以相同的VM形式运行。
+> 18 我的郵件伺服器不能與圖形渲染作業互換,即使這兩個任務都以相同的VM形式執行。
-> [^19]: This is not the only motivation for making user VMs possible to live migrate; it also offers considerable user- facing benefits because it means the host operating system can be patched and the host hardware updated without disrupting the VM. The alternative (used by other major cloud vendors) is to deliver “maintenance event notices,” which mean the VM can be, for example, rebooted or stopped and later started up by the cloud provider.
+> [^19]: This is not the only motivation for making user VMs possible to live migrate; it also offers considerable user- facing benefits because it means the host operating system can be patched and the host hardware updated without disrupting the VM. The alternative (used by other major cloud vendors) is to deliver 『maintenance event notices,』 which mean the VM can be, for example, rebooted or stopped and later started up by the cloud provider.
-> 19 这不是让用户虚拟机能够实时迁移的唯一动机;它还提供了大量面向用户的好处,因为这意味着可以修补主机操作系统并更新主机硬件,而不会中断VM。另一种选择(其他主要云供应商使用)是提供“维护事件通知”,这意味着云提供商可以重新启动或停止VM,然后再启动VM。
+> 19 這不是讓使用者虛擬機能夠實時遷移的唯一動機;它還提供了大量面向使用者的好處,因為這意味著可以修補主機作業系統並更新主機硬體,而不會中斷VM。另一種選擇(其他主要雲供應商使用)是提供『維護事件通知』,這意味著雲提供商可以重新啟動或停止VM,然後再啟動VM。
> [^20]: This is particularly relevant given that not all customer VMs are opted into live migration; for some workloads even the short period of degraded performance during the migration is unacceptable. These customers will receive maintenance event notices, and Borg will avoid evicting the containers with those VMs unless strictly necessary.
-> 20 考虑到并非所有客户虚拟机都选择实时迁移,这一点尤其重要;对于某些工作负载,即使在迁移过程中出现短期性能下降也是不可接受的。这些客户将收到维护事件通知,除非严格必要,否则Borg将避免驱逐带有这些VM的容器。
+> 20 考慮到並非所有客戶虛擬機都選擇實時遷移,這一點尤其重要;對於某些工作負載,即使在遷移過程中出現短期性能下降也是不可接受的。這些客戶將收到維護事件通知,除非嚴格必要,否則Borg將避免驅逐帶有這些VM的容器。
-A different example—but one that also leads to a bifurcation—comes from Search. Around 2011, one of the replicated containers serving Google Search web traffic had a giant index built up on local disks, storing the less-often-accessed part of the Google index of the web (the more common queries were served by in-memory caches from other containers). Building up this index on a particular machine required the capacity of multiple hard drives and took several hours to fill in the data. However, at the time, Borg assumed that if any of the disks that a particular container had data on had gone bad, the container will be unable to continue, and needs to be rescheduled to a different machine. This combination (along with the relatively high failure rate of spinning disks, compared to other hardware) caused severe availability problems; containers were taken down all the time and then took forever to start up again. To address this, Borg had to add the capability for a container to deal with disk failure by itself, opting out of Borg’s default treatment; while the Search team had to adapt the process to continue operation with partial data loss.
+A different example—but one that also leads to a bifurcation—comes from Search. Around 2011, one of the replicated containers serving Google Search web traffic had a giant index built up on local disks, storing the less-often-accessed part of the Google index of the web (the more common queries were served by in-memory caches from other containers). Building up this index on a particular machine required the capacity of multiple hard drives and took several hours to fill in the data. However, at the time, Borg assumed that if any of the disks that a particular container had data on had gone bad, the container will be unable to continue, and needs to be rescheduled to a different machine. This combination (along with the relatively high failure rate of spinning disks, compared to other hardware) caused severe availability problems; containers were taken down all the time and then took forever to start up again. To address this, Borg had to add the capability for a container to deal with disk failure by itself, opting out of Borg」s default treatment; while the Search team had to adapt the process to continue operation with partial data loss.
-Multiple other bifurcations, covering areas like filesystem shape, filesystem access, memory control, allocation and access, CPU/memory locality, special hardware, special scheduling constraints, and more, caused the API surface of Borg to become large and unwieldy, and the intersection of behaviors became difficult to predict, and even more difficult to test. Nobody really knew whether the expected thing happened if a container requested *both* the special Cloud treatment for eviction *and* the custom Search treatment for disk failure (and in many cases, it was not even obvious what “expected” means).
+Multiple other bifurcations, covering areas like filesystem shape, filesystem access, memory control, allocation and access, CPU/memory locality, special hardware, special scheduling constraints, and more, caused the API surface of Borg to become large and unwieldy, and the intersection of behaviors became difficult to predict, and even more difficult to test. Nobody really knew whether the expected thing happened if a container requested *both* the special Cloud treatment for eviction *and* the custom Search treatment for disk failure (and in many cases, it was not even obvious what 『expected』 means).
After 2012, the Borg team devoted significant time to cleaning up the API of Borg. It discovered some of the functionalities Borg offered were no longer used at all.[^21] The more concerning group of functionalities were those that were used by multiple containers, but it was unclear whether intentionally—the process of copying the configuration files between projects led to proliferation of usage of features that were originally intended for power users only. Whitelisting was introduced for certain features to limit their spread and clearly mark them as poweruser–only. However, the cleanup is still ongoing, and some changes (like using labels for identifying groups of containers) are still not fully done.[^22]
-2012年后,Borg团队花了大量时间来清理Borg的API。它发现 Borg 提供的一些功能已不再使用。令人关注的功能组是多个容器使用的功能组,但目前尚不清楚,在项目之间复制配置文件的过程是否有意导致原本只针对超级用户的功能的使用激增。某些功能被引入了白名单,以限制它们的传播,并明确地将它们标记为仅适用于特权用户。然而,清理工作仍在进行,一些变化(如使用标签来识别容器组)仍未完全完成。
+2012年後,Borg團隊花了大量時間來清理Borg的API。它發現 Borg 提供的一些功能已不再使用。令人關注的功能組是多個容器使用的功能組,但目前尚不清楚,在專案之間複製設定檔案的過程是否有意導致原本只針對超級使用者的功能的使用激增。某些功能被引入了白名單,以限制它們的傳播,並明確地將它們標記為僅適用於特權使用者。然而,清理工作仍在進行,一些變化(如使用標籤來識別容器組)仍未完全完成。
As usual with trade-offs, although there are ways to invest effort and get some of the benefits of customization while not suffering the worst downsides (like the aforementioned whitelisting for power functionality), in the end there are hard choices to be made. These choices usually take the form of multiple small questions: do we accept expanding the explicit (or worse, implicit) API surface to accommodate a particular user of our infrastructure, or do we significantly inconvenience that user, but maintain higher coherence?
> [^21]: A good reminder that monitoring and tracking the usage of your features is valuable over time.
-> 21 这是一个很好的提醒,随着时间的推移,监视和跟踪功能的使用是很有价值的。
+> 21 這是一個很好的提醒,隨著時間的推移,監視和跟蹤功能的使用是很有價值的。
> [^22]: This means that Kubernetes, which benefited from the experience of cleaning up Borg but was not hampered by a broad existing userbase to begin with, was significantly more modern in quite a few aspects (like its treatment of labels) from the beginning. That said, Kubernetes suffers some of the same issues now that it has broad adoption across a variety of types of applications.
-> 22 这意味着Kubernetes从清理Borg的经验中获益,但从一开始就没有受到广泛的现有用户基础的阻碍,从一开始就在很多方面(如标签的处理)明显更加现代化。也就是说,Kubernetes现在也遇到了一些相同的问题,因为它在各种类型的应用程序中得到了广泛的采用。
+> 22 這意味著Kubernetes從清理Borg的經驗中獲益,但從一開始就沒有受到廣泛的現有使用者基礎的阻礙,從一開始就在很多方面(如標籤的處理)明顯更加現代化。也就是說,Kubernetes現在也遇到了一些相同的問題,因為它在各種型別的應用程式中得到了廣泛的採用。
-### Level of Abstraction: Serverless 抽象级别:无服务器
+### Level of Abstraction: Serverless 抽象級別:無伺服器
-The description of taming the compute environment by Google can easily be read as a tale of increasing and improving abstraction—the more advanced versions of Borg took care of more management responsibilities and isolated the container more from the underlying environment. It’s easy to get the impression this is a simple story: more abstraction is good; less abstraction is bad.
+The description of taming the compute environment by Google can easily be read as a tale of increasing and improving abstraction—the more advanced versions of Borg took care of more management responsibilities and isolated the container more from the underlying environment. It」s easy to get the impression this is a simple story: more abstraction is good; less abstraction is bad.
-Of course, it is not that simple. The landscape here is complex, with multiple offerings. In “Taming the Compute Environment” on page 518, we discussed the progression from dealing with pets running on bare-metal machines (either owned by your organization or rented from a colocation center) to managing containers as cattle. In between, as an alternative path, are VM-based offerings in which VMs can progress from being a more flexible substitute for bare metal (in Infrastructure as a Service offerings like Google Compute Engine [GCE] or Amazon EC2) to heavier substitutes for containers (with autoscaling, rightsizing, and other management tools).
+Of course, it is not that simple. The landscape here is complex, with multiple offerings. In 『Taming the Compute Environment』 on page 518, we discussed the progression from dealing with pets running on bare-metal machines (either owned by your organization or rented from a colocation center) to managing containers as cattle. In between, as an alternative path, are VM-based offerings in which VMs can progress from being a more flexible substitute for bare metal (in Infrastructure as a Service offerings like Google Compute Engine [GCE] or Amazon EC2) to heavier substitutes for containers (with autoscaling, rightsizing, and other management tools).
-当然,事情没有那么简单。这里的情况很复杂,有多种产品。在第518页的 "驯服计算环境"中,我们讨论了从处理在裸机上运行的宠物(无论是你的组织拥有的还是从主机托管中心租用的)到管理容器的进展情况。在这两者之间,作为一个替代路径,是基于虚拟机的产品,其中虚拟机可以从更灵活地替代裸机(在基础设施即服务产品中,如谷歌计算引擎[GCE]或亚马逊EC2)发展到更重地替代容器(具有自动伸缩、权限调整和其他管理工具)。
+當然,事情沒有那麼簡單。這裡的情況很複雜,有多種產品。在第518頁的 "馴服計算環境"中,我們討論了從處理在裸機上執行的寵物(無論是你的組織擁有的還是從主機託管中心租用的)到管理容器的進展情況。在這兩者之間,作為一個替代路徑,是基於虛擬機的產品,其中虛擬機可以從更靈活地替代裸機(在基礎設施即服務產品中,如谷歌計算引擎[GCE]或亞馬遜EC2)發展到更重地替代容器(具有自動伸縮、許可權調整和其他管理工具)。
-In Google’s experience, the choice of managing cattle (and not pets) is the solution to managing at scale. To reiterate, if each of your teams will need just one pet machine in each of your datacenters, your management costs will rise superlinearly with your organization’s growth (because both the number of teams *and* the number of datacenters a team occupies are likely to grow). And after the choice to manage cattle is made, containers are a natural choice for management; they are lighter weight (implying smaller resource overheads and startup times) and configurable enough that should you need to provide specialized hardware access to a specific type of workload, you can (if you so choose) allow punching a hole through easily.
+In Google」s experience, the choice of managing cattle (and not pets) is the solution to managing at scale. To reiterate, if each of your teams will need just one pet machine in each of your datacenters, your management costs will rise superlinearly with your organization」s growth (because both the number of teams *and* the number of datacenters a team occupies are likely to grow). And after the choice to manage cattle is made, containers are a natural choice for management; they are lighter weight (implying smaller resource overheads and startup times) and configurable enough that should you need to provide specialized hardware access to a specific type of workload, you can (if you so choose) allow punching a hole through easily.
The advantage of VMs as cattle lies primarily in the ability to bring our own operating system, which matters if your workloads require a diverse set of operating systems to run. Multiple organizations will also have preexisting experience in managing VMs, and preexisting configurations and workloads based on VMs, and so might choose to use VMs instead of containers to ease migration costs.
-#### What is serverless? 什么是无服务器?
+#### What is serverless? 什麼是無伺服器?
-An even higher level of abstraction is *serverless* offerings.[^23] Assume that an organization is serving web content and is using (or willing to adopt) a common server framework for handling the HTTP requests and serving responses. The key defining trait of a framework is the inversion of control—so, the user will only be responsible for writing an “Action” or “Handler” of some sort—a function in the chosen language that takes the request parameters and returns the response.
+An even higher level of abstraction is *serverless* offerings.[^23] Assume that an organization is serving web content and is using (or willing to adopt) a common server framework for handling the HTTP requests and serving responses. The key defining trait of a framework is the inversion of control—so, the user will only be responsible for writing an 『Action』 or 『Handler』 of some sort—a function in the chosen language that takes the request parameters and returns the response.
In the Borg world, the way you run this code is that you stand up a replicated container, each replica containing a server consisting of framework code and your functions. If traffic increases, you will handle this by scaling up (adding replicas or expanding into new datacenters). If traffic decreases, you will scale down. Note that a minimal presence (Google usually assumes at least three replicas in each datacenter a server is running in) is required.
-However, if multiple different teams are using the same framework, a different approach is possible: instead of just making the machines multitenant, we can also make the framework servers themselves multitenant. In this approach, we end up running a larger number of framework servers, dynamically load/unload the action code on different servers as needed, and dynamically direct requests to those servers that have the relevant action code loaded. Individual teams no longer run servers, hence “serverless.”
+However, if multiple different teams are using the same framework, a different approach is possible: instead of just making the machines multitenant, we can also make the framework servers themselves multitenant. In this approach, we end up running a larger number of framework servers, dynamically load/unload the action code on different servers as needed, and dynamically direct requests to those servers that have the relevant action code loaded. Individual teams no longer run servers, hence 『serverless.』
-但是,如果多个不同的团队使用同一个框架,就可以采用不同的方法:除了使机器支持多租户外,我们还可以使框架服务器本身支持多租户。在这种方法中,我们最终会运行更多的框架服务器,根据需要在不同的服务器上动态加载/卸载动作代码,并将请求动态地引导到那些加载了相关动作代码的服务器。各个团队不再运行服务器,因此 "无服务器"。
+但是,如果多個不同的團隊使用同一個框架,就可以採用不同的方法:除了使機器支援多租戶外,我們還可以使框架伺服器本身支援多租戶。在這種方法中,我們最終會執行更多的框架伺服器,根據需要在不同的伺服器上動態載入/解除安裝動作程式碼,並將請求動態地引導到那些載入了相關動作程式碼的伺服器。各個團隊不再執行伺服器,因此 "無伺服器"。
-Most discussions of serverless frameworks compare them to the “VMs as pets” model. In this context, the serverless concept is a true revolution, as it brings in all of the benefits of cattle management—autoscaling, lower overhead, lack of explicit provisioning of servers. However, as described earlier, the move to a shared, multitenant,cattle-based model should already be a goal for an organization planning to scale; and so the natural comparison point for serverless architectures should be “persistent containers” architecture like Borg, Kubernetes, or Mesosphere.
+Most discussions of serverless frameworks compare them to the 『VMs as pets』 model. In this context, the serverless concept is a true revolution, as it brings in all of the benefits of cattle management—autoscaling, lower overhead, lack of explicit provisioning of servers. However, as described earlier, the move to a shared, multitenant,cattle-based model should already be a goal for an organization planning to scale; and so the natural comparison point for serverless architectures should be 『persistent containers』 architecture like Borg, Kubernetes, or Mesosphere.
-大多数关于无服务器框架的讨论都将其与 "虚拟机作为宠物 "的模式相比较。在这种情况下,无服务器概念是一场真正的革命,因为它带来了牛群管理的所有好处--自动扩展、较低的开销、缺乏明确的服务器配置。然而,正如前文所述,对于计划扩展的组织来说,转向共享、多租户、基于牛的模式应该已经是一个目标;因此,无服务器架构的自然比较点应该是 "持久性容器"架构,如Borg、Kubernetes或Mesosphere。
+大多數關於無伺服器框架的討論都將其與 "虛擬機作為寵物 "的模式相比較。在這種情況下,無伺服器概念是一場真正的革命,因為它帶來了牛群管理的所有好處--自動擴充套件、較低的開銷、缺乏明確的伺服器設定。然而,正如前文所述,對於計劃擴充套件的組織來說,轉向共享、多租戶、基於牛的模式應該已經是一個目標;因此,無伺服器架構的自然比較點應該是 "持久性容器"架構,如Borg、Kubernetes或Mesosphere。
> [^23]: FaaS (Function as a Service) and PaaS (Platform as a Service) are related terms to serverless. There are differences between the three terms, but there are more similarities, and the boundaries are somewhat blurred.
-> 23 FaaS(功能即服务)和PaaS(平台即服务)是与无服务器相关的术语。这三个术语之间有区别,但更多的是相似之处,而且边界有些模糊不清。
+> 23 FaaS(功能即服務)和PaaS(平台即服務)是與無伺服器相關的術語。這三個術語之間有區別,但更多的是相似之處,而且邊界有些模糊不清。
-#### Pros and cons 利与弊
+#### Pros and cons 利與弊
-First note that a serverless architecture requires your code to be *truly stateless*; it’s unlikely we will be able to run your users’ VMs or implement Spanner inside the serverless architecture. All the ways of managing local state (except not using it) that we talked about earlier do not apply. In the containerized world, you might spend a few seconds or minutes at startup setting up connections to other services, populating caches from cold storage, and so on, and you expect that in the typical case you will be given a grace period before termination. In a serverless model, there is no local state that is really persisted across requests; everything that you want to use, you should set up in request-scope.
+First note that a serverless architecture requires your code to be *truly stateless*; it」s unlikely we will be able to run your users」 VMs or implement Spanner inside the serverless architecture. All the ways of managing local state (except not using it) that we talked about earlier do not apply. In the containerized world, you might spend a few seconds or minutes at startup setting up connections to other services, populating caches from cold storage, and so on, and you expect that in the typical case you will be given a grace period before termination. In a serverless model, there is no local state that is really persisted across requests; everything that you want to use, you should set up in request-scope.
-In practice, most organizations have needs that cannot be served by truly stateless workloads. This can either lead to depending on specific solutions (either home grown or third party) for specific problems (like a managed database solution, which is a frequent companion to a public cloud serverless offering) or to having two solutions: a container-based one and a serverless one. It’s worth mentioning that many or most serverless frameworks are built on top of other compute layers: AppEngine runs on Borg, Knative runs on Kubernetes, Lambda runs on Amazon EC2.
+In practice, most organizations have needs that cannot be served by truly stateless workloads. This can either lead to depending on specific solutions (either home grown or third party) for specific problems (like a managed database solution, which is a frequent companion to a public cloud serverless offering) or to having two solutions: a container-based one and a serverless one. It」s worth mentioning that many or most serverless frameworks are built on top of other compute layers: AppEngine runs on Borg, Knative runs on Kubernetes, Lambda runs on Amazon EC2.
-在实践中,大多数组织的需求都无法由真正的无状态工作负载来满足。这可能会导致依赖特定的解决方案(无论是本地的还是第三方的)来解决特定的问题(比如管理数据库的解决方案,这是公有云无服务器产品的常见配套),或者拥有两个解决方案:一个基于容器的解决方案和一个无服务器的解决方案。值得一提的是,许多或大多数无服务器框架是建立在其他计算层之上的。AppEngine运行在Borg上,Knative运行在Kubernetes上,Lambda运行在Amazon EC2上。
+在實踐中,大多數組織的需求都無法由真正的無狀態工作負載來滿足。這可能會導致依賴特定的解決方案(無論是本地的還是第三方的)來解決特定的問題(比如管理資料庫的解決方案,這是公有雲無伺服器產品的常見配套),或者擁有兩個解決方案:一個基於容器的解決方案和一個無伺服器的解決方案。值得一提的是,許多或大多數無伺服器框架是建立在其他計算層之上的。AppEngine執行在Borg上,Knative執行在Kubernetes上,Lambda執行在Amazon EC2上。
The managed serverless model is attractive for *adaptable scaling* of the resource cost, especially at the low-traffic end. In, say, Kubernetes, your replicated container cannot scale down to zero containers (because the assumption is that spinning up both a container and a node is too slow to be done at request serving time). This means that there is a minimum cost of just having an application available in the persistent cluster model. On the other hand, a serverless application can easily scale down to zero; and so the cost of just owning it scales with the traffic.
At the very high-traffic end, you will necessarily be limited by the underlying infrastructure, regardless of the compute solution. If your application needs to use 100,000 cores to serve its traffic, there needs to be 100,000 physical cores available in whatever physical equipment is backing the infrastructure you are using. At the somewhat lower end, where your application does have enough traffic to keep multiple servers busy but not enough to present problems to the infrastructure provider, both the persistent container solution and the serverless solution can scale to handle it, although the scaling of the serverless solution will be more reactive and more granular than that of the persistent container one.
-Finally, adopting a serverless solution implies a certain loss of control over your environment. On some level, this is a good thing: having control means having to exercise it, and that means management overhead. But, of course, this also means that if you need some extra functionality that’s not available in the framework you use, it will become a problem for you.
+Finally, adopting a serverless solution implies a certain loss of control over your environment. On some level, this is a good thing: having control means having to exercise it, and that means management overhead. But, of course, this also means that if you need some extra functionality that」s not available in the framework you use, it will become a problem for you.
-To take one specific instance of that, the Google Code Jam team (running a programming contest for thousands of participants, with a frontend running on Google AppEngine) had a custom-made script to hit the contest webpage with an artificial traffic spike several minutes before the contest start, in order to warm up enough instances of the app to serve the actual traffic that happened when the contest started. This worked, but it’s the sort of hand-tweaking (and also hacking) that one would hope to get away from by choosing a serverless solution.
+To take one specific instance of that, the Google Code Jam team (running a programming contest for thousands of participants, with a frontend running on Google AppEngine) had a custom-made script to hit the contest webpage with an artificial traffic spike several minutes before the contest start, in order to warm up enough instances of the app to serve the actual traffic that happened when the contest started. This worked, but it」s the sort of hand-tweaking (and also hacking) that one would hope to get away from by choosing a serverless solution.
-举个具体的例子,谷歌Code Jam团队(为数千名参赛者举办的编程比赛,其前端运行在谷歌AppEngine上)有一个定制的脚本,在比赛开始前几分钟给比赛网页带来了人为的流量高峰,以便为应用程序的足够实例预热,为比赛开始时的实际流量提供服务。这很有效,但这是人们希望通过选择无服务器解决方案来摆脱的那种手工调整(也是黑客科技)。
+舉個具體的例子,谷歌Code Jam團隊(為數千名參賽者舉辦的程式設計比賽,其前端執行在谷歌AppEngine上)有一個定製的指令碼,在比賽開始前幾分鐘給比賽網頁帶來了人為的流量高峰,以便為應用程式的足夠實例預熱,為比賽開始時的實際流量提供服務。這很有效,但這是人們希望透過選擇無伺服器解決方案來擺脫的那種手工調整(也是駭客科技)。
-#### The trade-off 权衡
+#### The trade-off 權衡
-Google’s choice in this trade-off was not to invest heavily into serverless solutions. Google’s persistent containers solution, Borg, is advanced enough to offer most of the serverless benefits (like autoscaling, various frameworks for different types of applications, deployment tools, unified logging and monitoring tools, and more). The one thing missing is the more aggressive scaling (in particular, the ability to scale down to zero), but the vast majority of Google’s resource footprint comes from high-traffic services, and so it’s comparably cheap to overprovision the small services. At the same time, Google runs multiple applications that would not work in the “truly stateless” world, from GCE, through home-grown database systems like [BigQuery](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery)or Spanner, to servers that take a long time to populate the cache, like the aforementioned long- tail search serving jobs. Thus, the benefits of having one common unified architecture for all of these things outweigh the potential gains for having a separate serverless stack for a part of a part of the workloads.
+Google」s choice in this trade-off was not to invest heavily into serverless solutions. Google」s persistent containers solution, Borg, is advanced enough to offer most of the serverless benefits (like autoscaling, various frameworks for different types of applications, deployment tools, unified logging and monitoring tools, and more). The one thing missing is the more aggressive scaling (in particular, the ability to scale down to zero), but the vast majority of Google」s resource footprint comes from high-traffic services, and so it」s comparably cheap to overprovision the small services. At the same time, Google runs multiple applications that would not work in the 『truly stateless』 world, from GCE, through home-grown database systems like [BigQuery](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery)or Spanner, to servers that take a long time to populate the cache, like the aforementioned long- tail search serving jobs. Thus, the benefits of having one common unified architecture for all of these things outweigh the potential gains for having a separate serverless stack for a part of a part of the workloads.
-However, Google’s choice is not necessarily the correct choice for every organization: other organizations have successfully built out on mixed container/serverless architectures, or on purely serverless architectures utilizing third-party solutions for storage.
+However, Google」s choice is not necessarily the correct choice for every organization: other organizations have successfully built out on mixed container/serverless architectures, or on purely serverless architectures utilizing third-party solutions for storage.
-The main pull of serverless, however, comes not in the case of a large organization making the choice, but in the case of a smaller organization or team; in that case, the comparison is inherently unfair. The serverless model, though being more restrictive, allows the infrastructure vendor to pick up a much larger share of the overall management overhead and thus *decrease the management overhead* for the users. Running the code of one team on a shared serverless architecture, like AWS Lambda or Google’s Cloud Run, is significantly simpler (and cheaper) than setting up a cluster to run the code on a managed container service like GKE or AKS if the cluster is not being shared among many teams. If your team wants to reap the benefits of a managed compute offering but your larger organization is unwilling or unable to move to a persistent containers-based solution, a serverless offering by one of the public cloud providers is likely to be attractive to you because the cost (in resources and management) of a shared cluster amortizes well only if the cluster is truly shared (between multiple teams in the organization).
+The main pull of serverless, however, comes not in the case of a large organization making the choice, but in the case of a smaller organization or team; in that case, the comparison is inherently unfair. The serverless model, though being more restrictive, allows the infrastructure vendor to pick up a much larger share of the overall management overhead and thus *decrease the management overhead* for the users. Running the code of one team on a shared serverless architecture, like AWS Lambda or Google」s Cloud Run, is significantly simpler (and cheaper) than setting up a cluster to run the code on a managed container service like GKE or AKS if the cluster is not being shared among many teams. If your team wants to reap the benefits of a managed compute offering but your larger organization is unwilling or unable to move to a persistent containers-based solution, a serverless offering by one of the public cloud providers is likely to be attractive to you because the cost (in resources and management) of a shared cluster amortizes well only if the cluster is truly shared (between multiple teams in the organization).
-然而,无服务器的主要吸引力并不是来自于一个大型组织的选择,而是来自于一个较小的组织或团队;在这种情况下,这种比较本身就是不公平的。无服务器模式虽然限制更大,但允许基础设施供应商承担更大的总体管理开销,从而减少用户的管理开销。在共享的无服务器体系结构(如AWS Lambda或Google的Cloud Run)上运行一个团队的代码,要比在多个团队之间不共享集群的情况下,在GKE或AKS等托管容器服务上设置集群来运行代码要简单得多(而且更便宜)。如果你的团队希望从托管计算产品中获益,但你的公司不愿意或无法转向基于持久容器的解决方案,那么由一家公共云提供商提供的无服务器产品可能会对你有吸引力,因为成本(资源和成本)很高只有当集群真正共享(在组织中的多个团队之间)时,共享集群的管理才能很好地摊销。
+然而,無伺服器的主要吸引力並不是來自於一個大型組織的選擇,而是來自於一個較小的組織或團隊;在這種情況下,這種比較本身就是不公平的。無伺服器模式雖然限制更大,但允許基礎設施供應商承擔更大的總體管理開銷,從而減少使用者的管理開銷。在共享的無伺服器體系結構(如AWS Lambda或Google的Cloud Run)上執行一個團隊的程式碼,要比在多個團隊之間不共享叢集的情況下,在GKE或AKS等託管容器服務上設定叢集來執行程式碼要簡單得多(而且更便宜)。如果你的團隊希望從託管計算產品中獲益,但你的公司不願意或無法轉向基於持久容器的解決方案,那麼由一家公共雲提供商提供的無伺服器產品可能會對你有吸引力,因為成本(資源和成本)很高只有當叢集真正共享(在組織中的多個團隊之間)時,共享叢集的管理才能很好地攤銷。
-Note, however, that as your organization grows and adoption of managed technologies spreads, you are likely to outgrow the constraints of a purely serverless solution. This makes solutions where a break-out path exists (like from KNative to Kubernetes) attractive given that they provide a natural path to a unified compute architecture like Google’s, should your organization decide to go down that path.
+Note, however, that as your organization grows and adoption of managed technologies spreads, you are likely to outgrow the constraints of a purely serverless solution. This makes solutions where a break-out path exists (like from KNative to Kubernetes) attractive given that they provide a natural path to a unified compute architecture like Google」s, should your organization decide to go down that path.
-### Public Versus Private 公有与私有
+### Public Versus Private 公有與私有
Back when Google was starting, the CaaS offerings were primarily homegrown; if you wanted one, you built it. Your only choice in the public-versus-private space was between owning the machines and renting them, but all the management of your fleet was up to you.
In the age of public cloud, there are cheaper options, but there are also more choices, and an organization will have to make them.
An organization using a public cloud is effectively outsourcing (a part of) the management overhead to a public cloud provider. For many organizations, this is an attractive proposition—they can focus on providing value in their specific area of expertise and do not need to grow significant infrastructure expertise. Although the cloud providers (of course) charge more than the bare cost of the metal to recoup the management expenses, they have the expertise already built up, and they are sharing it across multiple customers.
Additionally, a public cloud is a way to scale the infrastructure more easily. As the level of abstraction grows—from colocations, through buying VM time, up to managed containers and serverless offerings—the ease of scaling up increases—from having to sign a rental agreement for colocation space, through the need to run a CLI to get a few more VMs, up to autoscaling tools for which your resource footprint changes automatically with the traffic you receive. Especially for young organizations or products, predicting resource requirements is challenging, and so the advantages of not having to provision resources up front are significant.
-One significant concern when choosing a cloud provider is the fear of lock-in—the provider might suddenly increase their prices or maybe just fail, leaving an organization in a very difficult position. One of the first serverless offering providers, Zimki, a Platform as a Service environment for running JavaScript, shut down in 2007 with three months’ notice.
+One significant concern when choosing a cloud provider is the fear of lock-in—the provider might suddenly increase their prices or maybe just fail, leaving an organization in a very difficult position. One of the first serverless offering providers, Zimki, a Platform as a Service environment for running JavaScript, shut down in 2007 with three months」 notice.
-A partial mitigation for this is to use public cloud solutions that run using an open source architecture (like Kubernetes). This is intended to make sure that a migration path exists, even if the particular infrastructure provider becomes unacceptable for some reason. Although this mitigates a significant part of the risk, it is not a perfect strategy. Because of Hyrum’s Law, it’s difficult to guarantee no parts that are specific to a given provider will be used.
+A partial mitigation for this is to use public cloud solutions that run using an open source architecture (like Kubernetes). This is intended to make sure that a migration path exists, even if the particular infrastructure provider becomes unacceptable for some reason. Although this mitigates a significant part of the risk, it is not a perfect strategy. Because of Hyrum」s Law, it」s difficult to guarantee no parts that are specific to a given provider will be used.
Two extensions of that strategy are possible. One is to use a lower-level public cloud solution (like Amazon EC2) and run a higher-level open source solution (like OpenWhisk or KNative) on top of it. This tries to ensure that if you want to migrate out, you can take whatever tweaks you did to the higher-level solution, tooling you built on top of it, and implicit dependencies you have along with you. The other is to run multicloud; that is, to use managed services based on the same open source solutions from two or more different cloud providers (say, GKE and AKS for Kubernetes). This provides an even easier path for migration out of one of them, and also makes it more difficult to depend on specific implementation details available in one one of them.
One more related strategy—less for managing lock-in, and more for managing migration—is to run in a hybrid cloud; that is, have a part of your overall workload on your private infrastructure, and part of it run on a public cloud provider. One of the ways this can be used is to use the public cloud as a way to deal with overflow. An organization can run most of its typical workload on a private cloud, but in case of resource shortage, scale some of the workloads out to a public cloud. Again, to make this work effectively, the same open source compute infrastructure solution needs to be used in both spaces.
Both multicloud and hybrid cloud strategies require the multiple environments to be connected well, through direct network connectivity between machines in different environments and common APIs that are available in both.
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
Over the course of building, refining, and running its compute infrastructure, Google learned the value of a well-designed, common compute infrastructure. Having a single infrastructure for the entire organization (e.g., one or a small number of shared Kubernetes clusters per region) provides significant efficiency gains in management and resource costs and allows the development of shared tooling on top of that infrastructure. In the building of such an architecture, containers are a key tool to allow sharing a physical (or virtual) machine between different tasks (leading to resource efficiency) as well as to provide an abstraction layer between the application and the operating system that provides resilience over time.
-Utilizing a container-based architecture well requires designing applications to use the “cattle” model: engineering your application to consist of nodes that can be easily and automatically replaced allows scaling to thousands of instances. Writing software to be compatible with that model requires different thought patterns; for example, treating all local storage (including disk) as ephemeral and avoiding hardcoding hostnames.
+Utilizing a container-based architecture well requires designing applications to use the 『cattle』 model: engineering your application to consist of nodes that can be easily and automatically replaced allows scaling to thousands of instances. Writing software to be compatible with that model requires different thought patterns; for example, treating all local storage (including disk) as ephemeral and avoiding hardcoding hostnames.
-That said, although Google has, overall, been both satisfied and successful with its choice of architecture, other organizations will choose from a wide range of compute services—from the “pets” model of hand-managed VMs or machines, through “cattle” replicated containers, to the abstract “serverless” model, all available in managed and open source flavors; your choice is a complex trade-off of many factors.
+That said, although Google has, overall, been both satisfied and successful with its choice of architecture, other organizations will choose from a wide range of compute services—from the 『pets』 model of hand-managed VMs or machines, through 『cattle』 replicated containers, to the abstract 『serverless』 model, all available in managed and open source flavors; your choice is a complex trade-off of many factors.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- Scale requires a common infrastructure for running workloads in production.
- A compute solution can provide a standardized, stable abstraction and environment for software.
- Software needs to be adapted to a distributed, managed compute environment.
- The compute solution for an organization should be chosen thoughtfully to provide appropriate levels of abstraction.
-- 规模化需要一个通用的基础设施来运行生产中的工作负载。
-- 一个计算解决方案可以为软件提供一个标准化的、稳定的抽象和环境。
-- 软件需要适应一个分布式的、可管理的计算环境。
-- 组织的计算解决方案应经过深思熟虑的选择,以提供适当的抽象级别。
+- 規模化需要一個通用的基礎設施來執行生產中的工作負載。
+- 一個計算解決方案可以為軟體提供一個標準化的、穩定的抽象和環境。
+- 軟體需要適應一個分散式的、可管理的計算環境。
+- 組織的計算解決方案應經過深思熟慮的選擇,以提供適當的抽象級別。
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# How to Work Well on Teams
-# 第二章 如何融入团队
+# 第二章 如何融入團隊
**Written by Brian Fitzpatrick**
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Because this chapter is about the cultural and social aspects of software engineering at Google, it makes sense to begin by focusing on the one variable over which you definitely have control: you.
-People are inherently imperfect—we like to say that humans are mostly a collection of intermittent bugs. But before you can understand the bugs in your coworkers, you need to understand the bugs in yourself. We’re going to ask you to think about your own reactions, behaviors, and attitudes—and in return, we hope you gain some real insight into how to become a more efficient and successful software engineer who spends less energy dealing with people-related problems and more time writing great code.
+People are inherently imperfect—we like to say that humans are mostly a collection of intermittent bugs. But before you can understand the bugs in your coworkers, you need to understand the bugs in yourself. We」re going to ask you to think about your own reactions, behaviors, and attitudes—and in return, we hope you gain some real insight into how to become a more efficient and successful software engineer who spends less energy dealing with people-related problems and more time writing great code.
The critical idea in this chapter is that software development is a team endeavor. And to succeed on an engineering team—or in any other creative collaboration—you need to reorganize your behaviors around the core principles of humility, respect, and trust.
-Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s begin by observing how software engineers tend to behave in general.
+Before we get ahead of ourselves, let」s begin by observing how software engineers tend to behave in general.
-## Help Me Hide My Code 帮我隐藏我的代码
+## Help Me Hide My Code 幫我隱藏我的程式碼
-For the past 20 years, my colleague Ben[^1] and I have spoken at many programming conferences. In 2006, we launched Google’s (now deprecated) open source Project Hosting service, and at first, we used to get lots of questions and requests about the product. But around mid-2008, we began to notice a trend in the sort of requests we were getting:
- “Can you please give Subversion on Google Code the ability to hide specific branches?”
- “Can you make it possible to create open source projects that start out hidden to the world and then are revealed when they’re ready?”
- “Hi, I want to rewrite all my code from scratch, can you please wipe all the history?”
+For the past 20 years, my colleague Ben[^1] and I have spoken at many programming conferences. In 2006, we launched Google」s (now deprecated) open source Project Hosting service, and at first, we used to get lots of questions and requests about the product. But around mid-2008, we began to notice a trend in the sort of requests we were getting:
+ 『Can you please give Subversion on Google Code the ability to hide specific branches?』
+ 『Can you make it possible to create open source projects that start out hidden to the world and then are revealed when they」re ready?』
+ 『Hi, I want to rewrite all my code from scratch, can you please wipe all the history?』
Can you spot a common theme to these requests?
-在过去的20年里,我和我的同事Ben在很多编程会议上演讲。 在2006年,我们推出了 Google的开源项目托管服务(现已弃用),在开始时,我们收到很多关于该产品的问题和请求。但到了2008年年中左右,我们发现,我们收到的请求中很多是这样的:
+在過去的20年裡,我和我的同事Ben在很多程式設計會議上演講。 在2006年,我們推出了 Google的開源專案託管服務(現已棄用),在開始時,我們收到很多關於該產品的問題和請求。但到了2008年年中左右,我們發現,我們收到的請求中很多是這樣的:
- “你能否让Google Code上的 Subversion能够隐藏指定分支?”
+ 『你能否讓Google Code上的 Subversion能夠隱藏指定分支?』
- “你能否让创建的开源项目开始时对外隐藏,在它们准备好后再公开?”
+ 『你能否讓建立的開源專案開始時對外隱藏,在它們準備好後再公開?』
- “嗨,我想从头开始重构我所有的代码,你能把所有的历史记录都删除吗?”
+ 『嗨,我想從頭開始重構我所有的程式碼,你能把所有的歷史記錄都刪除嗎?』
-The answer is insecurity. People are afraid of others seeing and judging their work in progress. In one sense, insecurity is just a part of human nature—nobody likes to be criticized, especially for things that aren’t finished. Recognizing this theme tipped us off to a more general trend within software development: insecurity is actually a symptom of a larger problem.
+The answer is insecurity. People are afraid of others seeing and judging their work in progress. In one sense, insecurity is just a part of human nature—nobody likes to be criticized, especially for things that aren」t finished. Recognizing this theme tipped us off to a more general trend within software development: insecurity is actually a symptom of a larger problem.
> [^1]: Ben Collins-Sussman, also an author within this book.
-> 1 Ben Collins-Sussman,也是本书的作者之一。
+> 1 Ben Collins-Sussman,也是本書的作者之一。
-## The Genius Myth 天才的神话
+## The Genius Myth 天才的神話
Many humans have the instinct to find and worship idols. For software engineers, those might be Linus Torvalds, Guido Van Rossum, Bill Gates—all heroes who changed the world with heroic feats. Linus wrote Linux by himself, right?
-许多人有寻找和崇拜偶像的本能。对于软件工程师来说,他们可能是Linus Torvalds, Guido Van Rossum, Bill Gates——他们都是改变世界的英雄。是Linus自己写的Linux?
+許多人有尋找和崇拜偶像的本能。對於軟體工程師來說,他們可能是Linus Torvalds, Guido Van Rossum, Bill Gates——他們都是改變世界的英雄。是Linus自己寫的Linux?
-Actually, what Linus did was write just the beginnings of a proof-of-concept Unix- like kernel and show it to an email list. That was no small accomplishment, and it was definitely an impressive achievement, but it was just the tip of the iceberg. Linux is hundreds of times bigger than that initial kernel and was developed by thousands of smart people. Linus’ real achievement was to lead these people and coordinate their work; Linux is the shining result not of his original idea, but of the collective labor of the community. (And Unix itself was not entirely written by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, but by a group of smart people at Bell Labs.)
+Actually, what Linus did was write just the beginnings of a proof-of-concept Unix- like kernel and show it to an email list. That was no small accomplishment, and it was definitely an impressive achievement, but it was just the tip of the iceberg. Linux is hundreds of times bigger than that initial kernel and was developed by thousands of smart people. Linus」 real achievement was to lead these people and coordinate their work; Linux is the shining result not of his original idea, but of the collective labor of the community. (And Unix itself was not entirely written by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, but by a group of smart people at Bell Labs.)
On that same note, did Guido Van Rossum personally write all of Python? Certainly, he wrote the first version. But hundreds of others were responsible for contributing to subsequent versions, including ideas, features, and bug fixes. Steve Jobs led an entire team that built the Macintosh, and although Bill Gates is known for writing a BASIC interpreter for early home computers, his bigger achievement was building a successful company around MS-DOS. Yet they all became leaders and symbols of the collective achievements of their communities. The Genius Myth is the tendency that we as humans need to ascribe the success of a team to a single person/leader.
-同样,Guido Van Rossum是否亲自编写了所有Python?当然,他写了第一个版本。但还有数百人为后续版本做出贡献,包括想法、功能和bug修复。史蒂夫·乔布斯领导了一个建造麦金塔的整个团队,尽管比尔·盖茨以为早期家用电脑编写BASIC解释器而闻名,但他更大的成就是围绕MS-DOS系统建立了一家成功的公司。然而,他们都成为集体成就的领袖和象征。天才神话是一种倾向,即我们人类需要将团队的成功归功于单一的个人或领导者。
+同樣,Guido Van Rossum是否親自編寫了所有Python?當然,他寫了第一個版本。但還有數百人為後續版本做出貢獻,包括想法、功能和bug修復。史蒂夫·喬布斯領導了一個建造麥金塔的整個團隊,儘管比爾·蓋茨以為早期家用電腦編寫BASIC直譯器而聞名,但他更大的成就是圍繞MS-DOS系統建立了一家成功的公司。然而,他們都成為集體成就的領袖和象徵。天才神話是一種傾向,即我們人類需要將團隊的成功歸功於單一的個人或領導者。
And what about Michael Jordan?
-那么Michael Jordan呢?
+那麼Michael Jordan呢?
-It’s the same story. We idolized him, but the fact is that he didn’t win every basketball game by himself. His true genius was in the way he worked with his team. The team’s coach, Phil Jackson, was extremely clever, and his coaching techniques are legendary.
+It」s the same story. We idolized him, but the fact is that he didn」t win every basketball game by himself. His true genius was in the way he worked with his team. The team」s coach, Phil Jackson, was extremely clever, and his coaching techniques are legendary.
-这是同一个故事。我们崇拜他,但事实是他并不是一个人赢得每一场篮球比赛的。他真正的牛逼在于他与团队合作的方式。这支球队的教练Phil Jackson非常聪明,他的教练技术堪称传奇。
+這是同一個故事。我們崇拜他,但事實是他並不是一個人贏得每一場籃球比賽的。他真正的厲害在於他與團隊合作的方式。這支球隊的教練Phil Jackson非常聰明,他的教練技術堪稱傳奇。
-He recognized that one player alone never wins a championship, and so he assembled an entire “dream team” around MJ. This team was a well-oiled machine—at least as impressive as Michael himself.
+He recognized that one player alone never wins a championship, and so he assembled an entire 『dream team』 around MJ. This team was a well-oiled machine—at least as impressive as Michael himself.
-他认识到只有一个球员永远无法赢得冠军,因此他围绕Michael Jordan组建了一支完美的“梦之队”。这支球队是一台运转良好的机器——至少和迈克尔本人一样令人印象深刻。
+他認識到只有一個球員永遠無法贏得冠軍,因此他圍繞Michael Jordan組建了一支完美的『夢之隊』。這支球隊是一台運轉良好的機器——至少和邁克爾本人一樣令人印象深刻。
-So, why do we repeatedly idolize the individual in these stories? Why do people buy products endorsed by celebrities? Why do we want to buy Michelle Obama’s dress or Michael Jordan’s shoes?
+So, why do we repeatedly idolize the individual in these stories? Why do people buy products endorsed by celebrities? Why do we want to buy Michelle Obama」s dress or Michael Jordan」s shoes?
-那么,为什么我们在这些故事中一再崇拜个人呢?为什么人们会购买名人代言的产品?我们为什么要买米歇尔·奥巴马的裙子或Michael Jordan的鞋子?
+那麼,為什麼我們在這些故事中一再崇拜個人呢?為什麼人們會購買名人代言的產品?我們為什麼要買米歇爾·奧巴馬的裙子或Michael Jordan的鞋子?
-Celebrity is a big part of it. Humans have a natural instinct to find leaders and role models, idolize them, and attempt to imitate them. We all need heroes for inspiration, and the programming world has its heroes, too. The phenomenon of “techie- celebrity” has almost spilled over into mythology. We all want to write something world-changing like Linux or design the next brilliant programming language.
+Celebrity is a big part of it. Humans have a natural instinct to find leaders and role models, idolize them, and attempt to imitate them. We all need heroes for inspiration, and the programming world has its heroes, too. The phenomenon of 『techie- celebrity』 has almost spilled over into mythology. We all want to write something world-changing like Linux or design the next brilliant programming language.
Deep down, many engineers secretly wish to be seen as geniuses. This fantasy goes something like this:
- You are struck by an awesome new concept.
- You vanish into your cave for weeks or months, slaving away at a perfect implementation of your idea.
-- You then “unleash” your software on the world, shocking everyone with your genius.
+- You then 『unleash』 your software on the world, shocking everyone with your genius.
- Your peers are astonished by your cleverness.
- People line up to use your software.
- Fame and fortune follow naturally.
-- 你会被一个了不起的新概念所震撼。
-- 你消失数周或数月躲在洞穴中,努力实现你的理想。
-- 然后世界上“发布”你的软件,用你的天才震撼每个人。
-- 你的同龄人对你的聪明感到惊讶。
-- 人们排队使用你的软件。
-- 名利自然随之而来。
+- 你會被一個了不起的新概念所震撼。
+- 你消失數週或數月躲在洞穴中,努力實現你的理想。
+- 然後世界上『發布』你的軟體,用你的天才震撼每個人。
+- 你的同齡人對你的聰明感到驚訝。
+- 人們排隊使用你的軟體。
+- 名利自然隨之而來。
-But hold on: time for a reality check. You’re probably not a genius.
+But hold on: time for a reality check. You」re probably not a genius.
-No offense, of course—we’re sure that you’re a very intelligent person. But do you realize how rare actual geniuses really are? Sure, you write code, and that’s a tricky skill. But even if you are a genius, it turns out that that’s not enough. Geniuses still make mistakes, and having brilliant ideas and elite programming skills doesn’t guarantee that your software will be a hit. Worse, you might find yourself solving only analytical problems and not human problems. Being a genius is most definitely not an excuse for being a jerk: anyone—genius or not—with poor social skills tends to be a poor teammate. The vast majority of the work at Google (and at most companies!) doesn’t require genius-level intellect, but 100% of the work requires a minimal level of social skills. What will make or break your career, especially at a company like Google, is how well you collaborate with others.
+No offense, of course—we」re sure that you」re a very intelligent person. But do you realize how rare actual geniuses really are? Sure, you write code, and that」s a tricky skill. But even if you are a genius, it turns out that that」s not enough. Geniuses still make mistakes, and having brilliant ideas and elite programming skills doesn」t guarantee that your software will be a hit. Worse, you might find yourself solving only analytical problems and not human problems. Being a genius is most definitely not an excuse for being a jerk: anyone—genius or not—with poor social skills tends to be a poor teammate. The vast majority of the work at Google (and at most companies!) doesn」t require genius-level intellect, but 100% of the work requires a minimal level of social skills. What will make or break your career, especially at a company like Google, is how well you collaborate with others.
-无意冒犯,我们当然相信你是个非常聪明的人。但你要知道真正的天才有多稀有吗?当然,你需要编写代码,这是一项棘手的技能。即使你是个天才,会编程还不够。天才仍然会犯错误,拥有卓越的想法和精英编程技能并不能保证你的软件会大受欢迎。更糟糕的是,你可能会发现自己只解决了分析性问题,而没有解决人的问题。作为一个天才绝对不是成为一个混蛋的借口: 天才与否,社交能力差的人,往往是一个猪队友。谷歌(以及大多数公司!)的绝大多数工作不需要天才水平的智力,但100%的工作需要一定程度的社交技能。决定你职业生涯成败,尤其是在谷歌这样的公司,更取决于你与他人合作的程度。
+無意冒犯,我們當然相信你是個非常聰明的人。但你要知道真正的天才有多稀有嗎?當然,你需要編寫程式碼,這是一項棘手的技能。即使你是個天才,會程式設計還不夠。天才仍然會犯錯誤,擁有卓越的想法和精英程式設計技能並不能保證你的軟體會大受歡迎。更糟糕的是,你可能會發現自己只解決了分析性問題,而沒有解決人的問題。作為一個天才絕對不是成為一個混蛋的藉口: 天才與否,社交能力差的人,往往是一個豬隊友。谷歌(以及大多數公司!)的絕大多數工作不需要天才水平的智力,但100%的工作需要一定程度的社交技能。決定你職業生涯成敗,尤其是在谷歌這樣的公司,更取決於你與他人合作的程度。
-It turns out that this Genius Myth is just another manifestation of our insecurity. Many programmers are afraid to share work they’ve only just started because it means peers will see their mistakes and know the author of the code is not a genius.
+It turns out that this Genius Myth is just another manifestation of our insecurity. Many programmers are afraid to share work they」ve only just started because it means peers will see their mistakes and know the author of the code is not a genius.
To quote a friend:
- *I know I get SERIOUSLY insecure about people looking before something is done. Like they are going to seriously judge me and think I’m an idiot.*
+ *I know I get SERIOUSLY insecure about people looking before something is done. Like they are going to seriously judge me and think I」m an idiot.*
- *我知道,别人在我完成某事之前就来看,会让我感到非常不安全。好像他们会认真地评判我,认为我是个白痴。*
+ *我知道,別人在我完成某事之前就來看,會讓我感到非常不安全。好像他們會認真地評判我,認為我是個白痴。*
-This is an extremely common feeling among programmers, and the natural reaction is to hide in a cave, work, work, work, and then polish, polish, polish, sure that no one will see your goof-ups and that you’ll still have a chance to unveil your masterpiece when you’re done. Hide away until your code is perfect.
+This is an extremely common feeling among programmers, and the natural reaction is to hide in a cave, work, work, work, and then polish, polish, polish, sure that no one will see your goof-ups and that you」ll still have a chance to unveil your masterpiece when you」re done. Hide away until your code is perfect.
Another common motivation for hiding your work is the fear that another programmer might take your idea and run with it before you get around to working on it. By keeping it secret, you control the idea.
-We know what you’re probably thinking now: so what? Shouldn’t people be allowed to work however they want?
-Actually, no. In this case, we assert that you’re doing it wrong, and it is a big deal. Here’s why.
+We know what you」re probably thinking now: so what? Shouldn」t people be allowed to work however they want?
+Actually, no. In this case, we assert that you」re doing it wrong, and it is a big deal. Here」s why.
-## Hiding Considered Harmful 隐藏负面影响
+## Hiding Considered Harmful 隱藏負面影響
-If you spend all of your time working alone, you’re increasing the risk of unnecessary failure and cheating your potential for growth. Even though software development is deeply intellectual work that can require deep concentration and alone time, you must play that off against the value (and need!) for collaboration and review.
+If you spend all of your time working alone, you」re increasing the risk of unnecessary failure and cheating your potential for growth. Even though software development is deeply intellectual work that can require deep concentration and alone time, you must play that off against the value (and need!) for collaboration and review.
-First of all, how do you even know whether you’re on the right track?
+First of all, how do you even know whether you」re on the right track?
-Imagine you’re a bicycledesign enthusiast, and one day you get a brilliant idea for a completely new way to design a gear shifter. You order parts and proceed to spend weeks holed up in your garage trying to build a prototype. When your neighbor— also a bike advocate—asks you what’s up, you decide not to talk about it. You don’t want anyone to know about your project until it’s absolutely perfect. Another few months go by and you’re having trouble making your prototype work correctly. But because you’re working in secrecy, it’s impossible to solicit advice from your mechanically inclined friends.
+Imagine you」re a bicycledesign enthusiast, and one day you get a brilliant idea for a completely new way to design a gear shifter. You order parts and proceed to spend weeks holed up in your garage trying to build a prototype. When your neighbor— also a bike advocate—asks you what」s up, you decide not to talk about it. You don」t want anyone to know about your project until it」s absolutely perfect. Another few months go by and you」re having trouble making your prototype work correctly. But because you」re working in secrecy, it」s impossible to solicit advice from your mechanically inclined friends.
-Then, one day your neighbor pulls his bike out of his garage with a radical new gear- shifting mechanism. Turns out he’s been building something very similar to your invention, but with the help of some friends down at the bike shop. At this point, you’re exasperated. You show him your work. He points out that your design had some simple flaws—ones that might have been fixed in the first week if you had shown him. There are a number of lessons to learn here.
+Then, one day your neighbor pulls his bike out of his garage with a radical new gear- shifting mechanism. Turns out he」s been building something very similar to your invention, but with the help of some friends down at the bike shop. At this point, you」re exasperated. You show him your work. He points out that your design had some simple flaws—ones that might have been fixed in the first week if you had shown him. There are a number of lessons to learn here.
-### Early Detection 及早发现
+### Early Detection 及早發現
-If you keep your great idea hidden from the world and refuse to show anyone anything until the implementation is polished, you’re taking a huge gamble. It’s easy to make fundamental design mistakes early on. You risk reinventing wheels.2 And you forfeit the benefits of collaboration, too: notice how much faster your neighbor moved by working with others? This is why people dip their toes in the water before jumping in the deep end: you need to make sure that you’re working on the right thing, you’re doing it correctly, and it hasn’t been done before. The chances of an early misstep are high. The more feedback you solicit early on, the more you lower this risk.3 Remember the tried-and-true mantra of “Fail early, fail fast, fail often.”
+If you keep your great idea hidden from the world and refuse to show anyone anything until the implementation is polished, you」re taking a huge gamble. It」s easy to make fundamental design mistakes early on. You risk reinventing wheels.2 And you forfeit the benefits of collaboration, too: notice how much faster your neighbor moved by working with others? This is why people dip their toes in the water before jumping in the deep end: you need to make sure that you」re working on the right thing, you」re doing it correctly, and it hasn」t been done before. The chances of an early misstep are high. The more feedback you solicit early on, the more you lower this risk.3 Remember the tried-and-true mantra of 『Fail early, fail fast, fail often.』
-Early sharing isn’t just about preventing personal missteps and getting your ideas vetted. It’s also important to strengthen what we call the bus factor of your project.
+Early sharing isn」t just about preventing personal missteps and getting your ideas vetted. It」s also important to strengthen what we call the bus factor of your project.
> [^2]: Literally, if you are, in fact, a bike designer.
-> 2 实际上,如果你是一个自行车设计师。
+> 2 實際上,如果你是一個腳踏車設計師。
-> [^3]: I should note that sometimes it’s dangerous to get too much feedback too early in the process if you’re still unsure of your general direction or goal.
+> [^3]: I should note that sometimes it」s dangerous to get too much feedback too early in the process if you」re still unsure of your general direction or goal.
-> 3 我应该注意到,如果你仍然不确定自己的总体方向或目标,那么在过程中过早地获得太多反馈是很危险的。
+> 3 我應該注意到,如果你仍然不確定自己的總體方向或目標,那麼在過程中過早地獲得太多反饋是很危險的。
### The Bus Factor 巴士因子
Bus factor (noun): the number of people that need to get hit by a bus before your project is completely doomed.
-How dispersed is the knowledge and know-how in your project? If you’re the only person who understands how the prototype code works, you might enjoy good job security—but if you get hit by a bus, the project is toast. If you’re working with a colleague, however, you’ve doubled the bus factor. And if you have a small team designing and prototyping together, things are even better—the project won’t be marooned when a team member disappears. Remember: team members might not literally be hit by buses, but other unpredictable life events still happen. Someone might get married, move away, leave the company, or take leave to care for a sick relative. Ensuring that there is at least good documentation in addition to a primary and a secondary owner for each area of responsibility helps future-proof your project’s success and increases your project’s bus factor. Hopefully most engineers recognize that it is better to be one part of a successful project than the critical part of a failed project.
+How dispersed is the knowledge and know-how in your project? If you」re the only person who understands how the prototype code works, you might enjoy good job security—but if you get hit by a bus, the project is toast. If you」re working with a colleague, however, you」ve doubled the bus factor. And if you have a small team designing and prototyping together, things are even better—the project won」t be marooned when a team member disappears. Remember: team members might not literally be hit by buses, but other unpredictable life events still happen. Someone might get married, move away, leave the company, or take leave to care for a sick relative. Ensuring that there is at least good documentation in addition to a primary and a secondary owner for each area of responsibility helps future-proof your project」s success and increases your project」s bus factor. Hopefully most engineers recognize that it is better to be one part of a successful project than the critical part of a failed project.
-Beyond the bus factor, there’s the issue of overall pace of progress. It’s easy to forget that working alone is often a tough slog, much slower than people want to admit. How much do you learn when working alone? How fast do you move? Google and Stack Overflow are great sources of opinions and information, but they’re no substitute for actual human experience. Working with other people directly increases the collective wisdom behind the effort. When you become stuck on something absurd, how much time do you waste pulling yourself out of the hole? Think about how different the experience would be if you had a couple of peers to look over your shoulder and tell you—instantly—how you goofed and how to get past the problem. This is exactly why teams sit together (or do pair programming) in software engineering companies. Programming is hard. Software engineering is even harder. You need that second pair of eyes.
+Beyond the bus factor, there」s the issue of overall pace of progress. It」s easy to forget that working alone is often a tough slog, much slower than people want to admit. How much do you learn when working alone? How fast do you move? Google and Stack Overflow are great sources of opinions and information, but they」re no substitute for actual human experience. Working with other people directly increases the collective wisdom behind the effort. When you become stuck on something absurd, how much time do you waste pulling yourself out of the hole? Think about how different the experience would be if you had a couple of peers to look over your shoulder and tell you—instantly—how you goofed and how to get past the problem. This is exactly why teams sit together (or do pair programming) in software engineering companies. Programming is hard. Software engineering is even harder. You need that second pair of eyes.
-除了巴士因子,还有整体进度的问题。人们很容易忘记,独自工作往往是一项艰苦的工作,比人们自认为的慢得多。你独自工作能学到多少?你推进地有多快?Google和Stack Overflow是观点和信息的重要来源,但它们不能替代人的真实体验。与他人一起工作会直接增加工作背后的集体智慧。当你陷入误区时,你需要浪费多少时间才能从困境中解脱?想想如果你有几个同龄人看着你并立即告知你是如何犯错以及如何解决问题,体验会有多么不同。这正是软件工程公司中团队坐在一起(或进行配对编程)的原因。编程很难。软件工程更难。你需要另一双眼睛。
+除了巴士因子,還有整體進度的問題。人們很容易忘記,獨自工作往往是一項艱苦的工作,比人們自認為的慢得多。你獨自工作能學到多少?你推進地有多快?Google和Stack Overflow是觀點和訊息的重要來源,但它們不能替代人的真實體驗。與他人一起工作會直接增加工作背後的集體智慧。當你陷入誤區時,你需要浪費多少時間才能從困境中解脫?想想如果你有幾個同齡人看著你並立即告知你是如何犯錯以及如何解決問題,體驗會有多麼不同。這正是軟體工程公司中團隊坐在一起(或進行配對程式設計)的原因。程式設計很難。軟體工程更難。你需要另一雙眼睛。
-### Pace of Progress 进展速度
+### Pace of Progress 進展速度
-Here’s another analogy. Think about how you work with your compiler. When you sit down to write a large piece of software, do you spend days writing 10,000 lines of code, and then, after writing that final, perfect line, press the “compile” button for the very first time? Of course you don’t. Can you imagine what sort of disaster would result? Programmers work best in tight feedback loops: write a new function, compile. Add a test, compile. Refactor some code, compile. This way, we discover and fix typos and bugs as soon as possible after generating code. We want the compiler at our side for every little step; some environments can even compile our code as we type. This is how we keep code quality high and make sure our software is evolving correctly, bit by bit. The current DevOps philosophy toward tech productivity is explicit about these sorts of goals: get feedback as early as possible, test as early as possible, and think about security and production environments as early as possible. This is all bundled into the idea of “shifting left” in the developer workflow; the earlier we find a problem, the cheaper it is to fix it.
+Here」s another analogy. Think about how you work with your compiler. When you sit down to write a large piece of software, do you spend days writing 10,000 lines of code, and then, after writing that final, perfect line, press the 『compile』 button for the very first time? Of course you don」t. Can you imagine what sort of disaster would result? Programmers work best in tight feedback loops: write a new function, compile. Add a test, compile. Refactor some code, compile. This way, we discover and fix typos and bugs as soon as possible after generating code. We want the compiler at our side for every little step; some environments can even compile our code as we type. This is how we keep code quality high and make sure our software is evolving correctly, bit by bit. The current DevOps philosophy toward tech productivity is explicit about these sorts of goals: get feedback as early as possible, test as early as possible, and think about security and production environments as early as possible. This is all bundled into the idea of 『shifting left』 in the developer workflow; the earlier we find a problem, the cheaper it is to fix it.
-The same sort of rapid feedback loop is needed not just at the code level, but at the whole-project level, too. Ambitious projects evolve quickly and must adapt to changing environments as they go. Projects run into unpredictable design obstacles or political hazards, or we simply discover that things aren’t working as planned. Requirements morph unexpectedly. How do you get that feedback loop so that you know the instant your plans or designs need to change? Answer: by working in a team. Most engineers know the quote, “Many eyes make all bugs shallow,” but a better version might be, “Many eyes make sure your project stays relevant and on track.” People working in caves awaken to discover that while their original vision might be complete, the world has changed and their project has become irrelevant.
+The same sort of rapid feedback loop is needed not just at the code level, but at the whole-project level, too. Ambitious projects evolve quickly and must adapt to changing environments as they go. Projects run into unpredictable design obstacles or political hazards, or we simply discover that things aren」t working as planned. Requirements morph unexpectedly. How do you get that feedback loop so that you know the instant your plans or designs need to change? Answer: by working in a team. Most engineers know the quote, 『Many eyes make all bugs shallow,』 but a better version might be, 『Many eyes make sure your project stays relevant and on track.』 People working in caves awaken to discover that while their original vision might be complete, the world has changed and their project has become irrelevant.
**Case Study: Engineers and Offices**
Twenty-five years ago, conventional wisdom stated that for an engineer to be productive, they needed to have their own office with a door that closed. This was supposedly the only way they could have big, uninterrupted slabs of time to deeply concentrate on writing reams of code.
-I think that it’s not only unnecessary for most engineers[^4] to be in a private office, it’s downright dangerous. Software today is written by teams, not individuals, and a high- bandwidth, readily available connection to the rest of your team is even more valuable than your internet connection. You can have all the uninterrupted time in the world, but if you’re using it to work on the wrong thing, you’re wasting your time.
+I think that it」s not only unnecessary for most engineers[^4] to be in a private office, it」s downright dangerous. Software today is written by teams, not individuals, and a high- bandwidth, readily available connection to the rest of your team is even more valuable than your internet connection. You can have all the uninterrupted time in the world, but if you」re using it to work on the wrong thing, you」re wasting your time.
-Unfortunately, it seems that modern-day tech companies (including Google, in some cases) have swung the pendulum to the exact opposite extreme. Walk into their offices and you’ll often find engineers clustered together in massive rooms—a hundred or more people together—with no walls whatsoever. This “open floor plan” is now a topic of huge debate and, as a result, hostility toward open offices is on the rise. The tiniest conversation becomes public, and people end up not talking for risk of annoying dozens of neighbors. This is just as bad as private offices!
+Unfortunately, it seems that modern-day tech companies (including Google, in some cases) have swung the pendulum to the exact opposite extreme. Walk into their offices and you」ll often find engineers clustered together in massive rooms—a hundred or more people together—with no walls whatsoever. This 『open floor plan』 is now a topic of huge debate and, as a result, hostility toward open offices is on the rise. The tiniest conversation becomes public, and people end up not talking for risk of annoying dozens of neighbors. This is just as bad as private offices!
We think the middle ground is really the best solution. Group teams of four to eight people together in small rooms (or large offices) to make it easy (and non- embarrassing) for spontaneous conversation to happen.
-Of course, in any situation, individual engineers still need a way to filter out noise and interruptions, which is why most teams I’ve seen have developed a way to communicate that they’re currently busy and that you should limit interruptions. Some of us used to work on a team with a vocal interrupt protocol: if you wanted to talk, you would say “Breakpoint Mary,” where Mary was the name of the person you wanted to talk to. If Mary was at a point where she could stop, she would swing her chair around and listen. If Mary was too busy, she’d just say “ack,” and you’d go on with other things until she finished with her current head state.
+Of course, in any situation, individual engineers still need a way to filter out noise and interruptions, which is why most teams I」ve seen have developed a way to communicate that they」re currently busy and that you should limit interruptions. Some of us used to work on a team with a vocal interrupt protocol: if you wanted to talk, you would say 『Breakpoint Mary,』 where Mary was the name of the person you wanted to talk to. If Mary was at a point where she could stop, she would swing her chair around and listen. If Mary was too busy, she」d just say 『ack,』 and you」d go on with other things until she finished with her current head state.
-当然,在很多情况下,个别工程师还会需要一种方法来过滤噪音和干扰,这就是为什么我所见过的大多数团队都开发了一种方法来表示他们目前很忙,你不应该来打扰。 我们中的一些人曾经在一个团队中工作,有一个发声中断协议:如果你想说话,你会说“Breakpoint Mary”,其中Mary是你想对话人的名字。如果Mary能停下来,她会把椅子转过来听。如果Mary太忙,她只会说“确认”,你会继续做其他事情,直到她完成她当前的工作。
+當然,在很多情況下,個別工程師還會需要一種方法來過濾噪音和干擾,這就是為什麼我所見過的大多數團隊都開發了一種方法來表示他們目前很忙,你不應該來打擾。 我們中的一些人曾經在一個團隊中工作,有一個發聲中斷協定:如果你想說話,你會說『Breakpoint Mary』,其中Mary是你想對話人的名字。如果Mary能停下來,她會把椅子轉過來聽。如果Mary太忙,她只會說『確認』,你會繼續做其他事情,直到她完成她當前的工作。
-Other teams have tokens or stuffed animals that team members put on their monitor to signify that they should be interrupted only in case of emergency. Still other teams give out noise-canceling headphones to engineers to make it easier to deal with background noise—in fact, in many companies, the very act of wearing headphones is a common signal that means “don’t disturb me unless it’s really important.” Many engineers tend to go into headphones-only mode when coding, which may be useful for short spurts but, if used all the time, can be just as bad for collaboration as walling yourself off in an office.
+Other teams have tokens or stuffed animals that team members put on their monitor to signify that they should be interrupted only in case of emergency. Still other teams give out noise-canceling headphones to engineers to make it easier to deal with background noise—in fact, in many companies, the very act of wearing headphones is a common signal that means 『don」t disturb me unless it」s really important.』 Many engineers tend to go into headphones-only mode when coding, which may be useful for short spurts but, if used all the time, can be just as bad for collaboration as walling yourself off in an office.
-Don’t misunderstand us—we still think engineers need uninterrupted time to focus on writing code, but we think they need a high-bandwidth, low-friction connection to their team just as much. If less-knowledgeable people on your team feel that there’s a barrier to asking you a question, it’s a problem: finding the right balance is an art.
+Don」t misunderstand us—we still think engineers need uninterrupted time to focus on writing code, but we think they need a high-bandwidth, low-friction connection to their team just as much. If less-knowledgeable people on your team feel that there」s a barrier to asking you a question, it」s a problem: finding the right balance is an art.
> [^4]: I do, however, acknowledge that serious introverts likely need more peace, quiet, and alone time than most people and might benefit from a quieter environment, if not their own office.
-> 4 然而,我承认,严肃内向的人可能比大多数人需要更多的平静、安静和独处的时间,如果不是他们自己的办公室,他们可能会从一个更安静的环境中受益。
+> 4 然而,我承認,嚴肅內向的人可能比大多數人需要更多的平靜、安靜和獨處的時間,如果不是他們自己的辦公室,他們可能會從一個更安靜的環境中受益。
-### In Short, Don’t Hide 总之,不要隐匿
+### In Short, Don」t Hide 總之,不要隱匿
-So, what “hiding” boils down to is this: working alone is inherently riskier than working with others. Even though you might be afraid of someone stealing your idea or thinking you’re not intelligent, you should be much more concerned about wasting huge swaths of your time toiling away on the wrong thing.
+So, what 『hiding』 boils down to is this: working alone is inherently riskier than working with others. Even though you might be afraid of someone stealing your idea or thinking you」re not intelligent, you should be much more concerned about wasting huge swaths of your time toiling away on the wrong thing.
-Don’t become another statistic.
+Don」t become another statistic.
-## It’s All About the Team 一切都是为了团队
+## It」s All About the Team 一切都是為了團隊
-So, let’s back up now and put all of these ideas together.
+So, let」s back up now and put all of these ideas together.
-The point we’ve been hammering away at is that, in the realm of programming, lone craftspeople are extremely rare—and even when they do exist, they don’t perform superhuman achievements in a vacuum; their world-changing accomplishment is almost always the result of a spark of inspiration followed by a heroic team effort.
+The point we」ve been hammering away at is that, in the realm of programming, lone craftspeople are extremely rare—and even when they do exist, they don」t perform superhuman achievements in a vacuum; their world-changing accomplishment is almost always the result of a spark of inspiration followed by a heroic team effort.
A great team makes brilliant use of its superstars, but the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. But creating a superstar team is fiendishly difficult.
-Let’s put this idea into simpler words: software engineering is a team endeavor.
+Let」s put this idea into simpler words: software engineering is a team endeavor.
-This concept directly contradicts the inner Genius Programmer fantasy so many of us hold, but it’s not enough to be brilliant when you’re alone in your hacker’s lair. You’re not going to change the world or delight millions of computer users by hiding and preparing your secret invention. You need to work with other people. Share your vision. Divide the labor. Learn from others. Create a brilliant team.
+This concept directly contradicts the inner Genius Programmer fantasy so many of us hold, but it」s not enough to be brilliant when you」re alone in your hacker」s lair. You」re not going to change the world or delight millions of computer users by hiding and preparing your secret invention. You need to work with other people. Share your vision. Divide the labor. Learn from others. Create a brilliant team.
-Consider this: how many pieces of widely used, successful software can you name that were truly written by a single person? (Some people might say “LaTeX,” but it’s hardly “widely used,” unless you consider the number of people writing scientific papers to be a statistically significant portion of all computer users!)
+Consider this: how many pieces of widely used, successful software can you name that were truly written by a single person? (Some people might say 『LaTeX,』 but it」s hardly 『widely used,』 unless you consider the number of people writing scientific papers to be a statistically significant portion of all computer users!)
High-functioning teams are gold and the true key to success. You should be aiming for this experience however you can.
-### The Three Pillars of Social Interaction社交互动的三大支柱
+### The Three Pillars of Social Interaction社交互動的三大支柱
So, if teamwork is the best route to producing great software, how does one build (or find) a great team?
-To reach collaborative nirvana, you first need to learn and embrace what I call the “three pillars” of social skills. These three principles aren’t just about greasing the wheels of relationships; they’re the foundation on which all healthy interaction and collaboration are based:
+To reach collaborative nirvana, you first need to learn and embrace what I call the 『three pillars』 of social skills. These three principles aren」t just about greasing the wheels of relationships; they」re the foundation on which all healthy interaction and collaboration are based:
*Pillar 1: Humility*
- You are not the center of the universe (nor is your code!). You’re neither omniscient nor infallible. You’re open to self-improvement.
+ You are not the center of the universe (nor is your code!). You」re neither omniscient nor infallible. You」re open to self-improvement.
*Pillar 2: Respect*
You genuinely care about others you work with. You treat them kindly and appreciate their abilities and accomplishments.
*Pillar 3: Trust*
- You believe others are competent and will do the right thing, and you’re OK with letting them drive when appropriate.[^5]
+ You believe others are competent and will do the right thing, and you」re OK with letting them drive when appropriate.[^5]
- 你不是宇宙的中心(你的代码也不是!)。你既不是全方位的,也不是绝对正确的。你愿意不断提升自我。
+ 你不是宇宙的中心(你的程式碼也不是!)。你既不是全方位的,也不是絕對正確的。你願意不斷提升自我。
- 你真诚地关心与你一起工作的人。你善待他们,欣赏他们的能力和成就。
+ 你真誠地關心與你一起工作的人。你善待他們,欣賞他們的能力和成就。
- 你相信其他人有能力并且会做正确的事情,你可以让他们在适当的时候牵头。
+ 你相信其他人有能力並且會做正確的事情,你可以讓他們在適當的時候牽頭。
If you perform a root-cause analysis on almost any social conflict, you can ultimately trace it back to a lack of humility, respect, and/or trust. That might sound implausible at first, but give it a try. Think about some nasty or uncomfortable social situation currently in your life. At the basest level, is everyone being appropriately humble? Are people really respecting one another? Is there mutual trust?
-> [^5]: This is incredibly difficult if you’ve been burned in the past by delegating to incompetent people./
+> [^5]: This is incredibly difficult if you」ve been burned in the past by delegating to incompetent people./
-> 5 如果你过去曾被委派给不称职的人,这将是非常困难的。
+> 5 如果你過去曾被委派給不稱職的人,這將是非常困難的。
-### Why Do These Pillars Matter?为什么这些支柱很重要?
+### Why Do These Pillars Matter?為什麼這些支柱很重要?
-When you began this chapter, you probably weren’t planning to sign up for some sort of weekly support group. We empathize. Dealing with social problems can be difficult: people are messy, unpredictable, and often annoying to interface with. Rather than putting energy into analyzing social situations and making strategic moves, it’s tempting to write off the whole effort. It’s much easier to hang out with a predictable compiler, isn’t it? Why bother with the social stuff at all?
+When you began this chapter, you probably weren」t planning to sign up for some sort of weekly support group. We empathize. Dealing with social problems can be difficult: people are messy, unpredictable, and often annoying to interface with. Rather than putting energy into analyzing social situations and making strategic moves, it」s tempting to write off the whole effort. It」s much easier to hang out with a predictable compiler, isn」t it? Why bother with the social stuff at all?
-Here’s a quote from a famous lecture by Richard Hamming:
+Here」s a quote from a famous lecture by Richard Hamming:
- By taking the trouble to tell jokes to the secretaries and being a little friendly, I got superb secretarial help. For instance, one time for some idiot reason all the reproducing services at Murray Hill were tied up. Don’t ask me how, but they were. I wanted something done. My secretary called up somebody at Holmdel, hopped [into] the company car, made the hour-long trip down and got it reproduced, and then came back. It was a payoff for the times I had made an effort to cheer her up, tell her jokes and be friendly; it was that little extra work that later paid off for me. By realizing you have to use the system and studying how to get the system to do your work, you learn how to adapt the system to your desires.
+ By taking the trouble to tell jokes to the secretaries and being a little friendly, I got superb secretarial help. For instance, one time for some idiot reason all the reproducing services at Murray Hill were tied up. Don」t ask me how, but they were. I wanted something done. My secretary called up somebody at Holmdel, hopped [into] the company car, made the hour-long trip down and got it reproduced, and then came back. It was a payoff for the times I had made an effort to cheer her up, tell her jokes and be friendly; it was that little extra work that later paid off for me. By realizing you have to use the system and studying how to get the system to do your work, you learn how to adapt the system to your desires.
-以下是理查德·哈明(Richard Hamming)著名演讲中的一段话:
+以下是理查德·哈明(Richard Hamming)著名演講中的一段話:
- *通过不厌其烦地给秘书们讲笑话,并表现出一点友好,我得到了秘书的出色协作。例如,有一次由于某些愚蠢的原因,Murray Hill的所有复制服务都被占用了。别问我为什么,但他们是。但事实就是如此。我的秘书给Holmdel的某个人打了电话,跳上他们公司的车,花了一个小时把它复制下来,然后回来了。我努力让她高兴起来、给她讲笑话并保持友好,作为一种回报;正是这一点额外的工作后来给了我回报。通过认识到你必须使用这个系统并研究如何让这个系统来完成你的工作,你就学会了如何使这个系统实现你的需求。*
+ *透過不厭其煩地給秘書們講笑話,並表現出一點友好,我得到了秘書的出色協作。例如,有一次由於某些愚蠢的原因,Murray Hill的所有複製服務都被佔用了。別問我為什麼,但他們是。但事實就是如此。我的秘書給Holmdel的某個人打了電話,跳上他們公司的車,花了一個小時把它複製下來,然後回來了。我努力讓她高興起來、給她講笑話並保持友好,作為一種回報;正是這一點額外的工作後來給了我回報。透過認識到你必須使用這個系統並研究如何讓這個系統來完成你的工作,你就學會了如何使這個系統實現你的需求。*
-The moral is this: do not underestimate the power of playing the social game. It’s not about tricking or manipulating people; it’s about creating relationships to get things done. Relationships always outlast projects. When you’ve got richer relationships with your coworkers, they’ll be more willing to go the extra mile when you need them.
+The moral is this: do not underestimate the power of playing the social game. It」s not about tricking or manipulating people; it」s about creating relationships to get things done. Relationships always outlast projects. When you」ve got richer relationships with your coworkers, they」ll be more willing to go the extra mile when you need them.
-### Humility, Respect, and Trust in Practice 谦逊、尊重和信任的实践
+### Humility, Respect, and Trust in Practice 謙遜、尊重和信任的實踐
-All of this preaching about humility, respect, and trust sounds like a sermon. Let’s come out of the clouds and think about how to apply these ideas in real-life situations. We’re going to examine a list of specific behaviors and examples that you can start with. Many of them might sound obvious at first, but after you begin thinking about them, you’ll notice how often you (and your peers) are guilty of not following them—we’ve certainly noticed this about ourselves!
+All of this preaching about humility, respect, and trust sounds like a sermon. Let」s come out of the clouds and think about how to apply these ideas in real-life situations. We」re going to examine a list of specific behaviors and examples that you can start with. Many of them might sound obvious at first, but after you begin thinking about them, you」ll notice how often you (and your peers) are guilty of not following them—we」ve certainly noticed this about ourselves!
-#### Lose the ego 丢掉自负
+#### Lose the ego 丟掉自負
-OK, this is sort of a simpler way of telling someone without enough humility to lose their ’tude. Nobody wants to work with someone who consistently behaves like they’re the most important person in the room. Even if you know you’re the wisest person in the discussion, don’t wave it in people’s faces. For example, do you always feel like you need to have the first or last word on every subject? Do you feel the need to comment on every detail in a proposal or discussion? Or do you know somebody who does these things?
+OK, this is sort of a simpler way of telling someone without enough humility to lose their 」tude. Nobody wants to work with someone who consistently behaves like they」re the most important person in the room. Even if you know you」re the wisest person in the discussion, don」t wave it in people」s faces. For example, do you always feel like you need to have the first or last word on every subject? Do you feel the need to comment on every detail in a proposal or discussion? Or do you know somebody who does these things?
-Although it’s important to be humble, that doesn’t mean you need to be a doormat; there’s nothing wrong with self-confidence. Just don’t come off like a know-it-all. Even better, think about going for a “collective” ego, instead; rather than worrying about whether you’re personally awesome, try to build a sense of team accomplishment and group pride. For example, the Apache Software Foundation has a long history of creating communities around software projects. These communities have incredibly strong identities and reject people who are more concerned with self- promotion.
+Although it」s important to be humble, that doesn」t mean you need to be a doormat; there」s nothing wrong with self-confidence. Just don」t come off like a know-it-all. Even better, think about going for a 『collective』 ego, instead; rather than worrying about whether you」re personally awesome, try to build a sense of team accomplishment and group pride. For example, the Apache Software Foundation has a long history of creating communities around software projects. These communities have incredibly strong identities and reject people who are more concerned with self- promotion.
-尽管谦虚很重要,但这并不意味着你需要做一个受气包;自信没有错。不要表现得像无所不知。最好的是,考虑以 "集体 "的自我为目标;与其担心你个人是否了不起,不如尝试建立一种团队成就感和团体自豪感。例如,Apache软件基金会一直致力于围绕软件项目创建社区。这些社区有着令人难以置信的强烈认同感,拒绝那些更关心自我宣传的人。
+儘管謙虛很重要,但這並不意味著你需要做一個受氣包;自信沒有錯。不要表現得像無所不知。最好的是,考慮以 "集體 "的自我為目標;與其擔心你個人是否了不起,不如嘗試建立一種團隊成就感和團體自豪感。例如,Apache軟體基金會一直致力於圍繞軟體專案建立社群。這些社群有著令人難以置信的強烈認同感,拒絕那些更關心自我宣傳的人。
-Ego manifests itself in many ways, and a lot of the time, it can get in the way of your productivity and slow you down. Here’s another great story from Hamming’s lecture that illustrates this point perfectly (emphasis ours):
- John Tukey almost always dressed very casually. He would go into an important office and it would take a long time before the other fellow realized that this is a first-class man and he had better listen. For a long time, John has had to overcome this kind of hostility. It’s wasted effort! I didn’t say you should conform; I said, “The appearance of conforming gets you a long way.” If you chose to assert your ego in any number of ways, “I am going to do it my way,” you pay a small steady price throughout the whole of your professional career. And this, over a whole lifetime, adds up to an enormous amount of needless trouble. […] By realizing you have to use the system and studying how to get the system to do your work, you learn how to adapt the system to your desires. Or you can fight it steadily, as a small, undeclared war, for the whole of your life.
+Ego manifests itself in many ways, and a lot of the time, it can get in the way of your productivity and slow you down. Here」s another great story from Hamming」s lecture that illustrates this point perfectly (emphasis ours):
+ John Tukey almost always dressed very casually. He would go into an important office and it would take a long time before the other fellow realized that this is a first-class man and he had better listen. For a long time, John has had to overcome this kind of hostility. It」s wasted effort! I didn」t say you should conform; I said, 『The appearance of conforming gets you a long way.』 If you chose to assert your ego in any number of ways, 『I am going to do it my way,』 you pay a small steady price throughout the whole of your professional career. And this, over a whole lifetime, adds up to an enormous amount of needless trouble. […] By realizing you have to use the system and studying how to get the system to do your work, you learn how to adapt the system to your desires. Or you can fight it steadily, as a small, undeclared war, for the whole of your life.
- *John Tukey 几乎总是穿得很随便。他会走进一个重要会议,过了很长一段时间,另一个人才意识到这是一个牛逼的人,他最好听从。长期以来,约翰不得不克服这种敌意。这是白费力气!我没说你应该服从;我说,“顺从的外表让你走得更远。”如果你选择以任何一种方式来主张你的自我,"我要用我的方式来做",你就会在整个职业生涯中付出确定的小代价。而这,在整个一生中,加起来就是一个大量的不必要的麻烦。[…]通过意识到你必须使用这个系统并研究如何让这个系统完成你的工作,你学会了如何让这个系统适应你的愿望。或者你可以在你的一生中,作为一场小型的、不宣而战的战争,稳扎稳打。*
+ *John Tukey 幾乎總是穿得很隨便。他會走進一個重要會議,過了很長一段時間,另一個人才意識到這是一個厲害的人,他最好聽從。長期以來,約翰不得不克服這種敵意。這是白費力氣!我沒說你應該服從;我說,『順從的外表讓你走得更遠。』如果你選擇以任何一種方式來主張你的自我,"我要用我的方式來做",你就會在整個職業生涯中付出確定的小代價。而這,在整個一生中,加起來就是一個大量的不必要的麻煩。[…]透過意識到你必須使用這個系統並研究如何讓這個系統完成你的工作,你學會瞭如何讓這個系統適應你的願望。或者你可以在你的一生中,作為一場小型的、不宣而戰的戰爭,穩紮穩打。*
-#### Learn to give and take criticism 学会提出和接受建设性批评
+#### Learn to give and take criticism 學會提出和接受建設性批評
-A few years ago, Joe started a new job as a programmer. After his first week, he really began digging into the codebase. Because he cared about what was going on, he started gently questioning other teammates about their contributions. He sent simple code reviews by email, politely asking about design assumptions or pointing out places where logic could be improved. After a couple of weeks, he was summoned to his director’s office. “What’s the problem?” Joe asked. “Did I do something wrong?” The director looked concerned: “We’ve had a lot of complaints about your behavior, Joe. Apparently, you’ve been really harsh toward your teammates, criticizing them left and right. They’re upset. You need to tone it down.” Joe was utterly baffled. Surely, he thought, his code reviews should have been welcomed and appreciated by his peers. In this case, however, Joe should have been more sensitive to the team’s widespread insecurity and should have used a subtler means to introduce code reviews into the culture—perhaps even something as simple as discussing the idea with the team in advance and asking team members to try it out for a few weeks.
+A few years ago, Joe started a new job as a programmer. After his first week, he really began digging into the codebase. Because he cared about what was going on, he started gently questioning other teammates about their contributions. He sent simple code reviews by email, politely asking about design assumptions or pointing out places where logic could be improved. After a couple of weeks, he was summoned to his director」s office. 『What」s the problem?』 Joe asked. 『Did I do something wrong?』 The director looked concerned: 『We」ve had a lot of complaints about your behavior, Joe. Apparently, you」ve been really harsh toward your teammates, criticizing them left and right. They」re upset. You need to tone it down.』 Joe was utterly baffled. Surely, he thought, his code reviews should have been welcomed and appreciated by his peers. In this case, however, Joe should have been more sensitive to the team」s widespread insecurity and should have used a subtler means to introduce code reviews into the culture—perhaps even something as simple as discussing the idea with the team in advance and asking team members to try it out for a few weeks.
-In a professional software engineering environment, criticism is almost never personal—it’s usually just part of the process of making a better project. The trick is to make sure you (and those around you) understand the difference between a constructive criticism of someone’s creative output and a flat-out assault against someone’s character. The latter is useless—it’s petty and nearly impossible to act on. The former can (and should!) be helpful and give guidance on how to improve. And, most important, it’s imbued with respect: the person giving the constructive criticism genuinely cares about the other person and wants them to improve themselves or their work. Learn to respect your peers and give constructive criticism politely. If you truly respect someone, you’ll be motivated to choose tactful, helpful phrasing—a skill acquired with much practice. We cover this much more in Chapter 9.
+In a professional software engineering environment, criticism is almost never personal—it」s usually just part of the process of making a better project. The trick is to make sure you (and those around you) understand the difference between a constructive criticism of someone」s creative output and a flat-out assault against someone」s character. The latter is useless—it」s petty and nearly impossible to act on. The former can (and should!) be helpful and give guidance on how to improve. And, most important, it」s imbued with respect: the person giving the constructive criticism genuinely cares about the other person and wants them to improve themselves or their work. Learn to respect your peers and give constructive criticism politely. If you truly respect someone, you」ll be motivated to choose tactful, helpful phrasing—a skill acquired with much practice. We cover this much more in Chapter 9.
-On the other side of the conversation, you need to learn to accept criticism as well. This means not just being humble about your skills, but trusting that the other person has your best interests (and those of your project!) at heart and doesn’t actually think you’re an idiot. Programming is a skill like anything else: it improves with practice. If a peer pointed out ways in which you could improve your juggling, would you take it as an attack on your character and value as a human being? We hope not. In the same way, your self-worth shouldn’t be connected to the code you write—or any creative project you build. To repeat ourselves: you are not your code. Say that over and over. You are not what you make. You need to not only believe it yourself, but get your coworkers to believe it, too.
+On the other side of the conversation, you need to learn to accept criticism as well. This means not just being humble about your skills, but trusting that the other person has your best interests (and those of your project!) at heart and doesn」t actually think you」re an idiot. Programming is a skill like anything else: it improves with practice. If a peer pointed out ways in which you could improve your juggling, would you take it as an attack on your character and value as a human being? We hope not. In the same way, your self-worth shouldn」t be connected to the code you write—or any creative project you build. To repeat ourselves: you are not your code. Say that over and over. You are not what you make. You need to not only believe it yourself, but get your coworkers to believe it, too.
-For example, if you have an insecure collaborator, here’s what not to say: “Man, you totally got the control flow wrong on that method there. You should be using the standard xyzzy code pattern like everyone else.” This feedback is full of antipatterns: you’re telling someone they’re “wrong” (as if the world were black and white), demanding they change something, and accusing them of creating something that goes against what everyone else is doing (making them feel stupid). Your coworker will immediately be put on the offense, and their response is bound to be overly emotional.
+For example, if you have an insecure collaborator, here」s what not to say: 『Man, you totally got the control flow wrong on that method there. You should be using the standard xyzzy code pattern like everyone else.』 This feedback is full of antipatterns: you」re telling someone they」re 『wrong』 (as if the world were black and white), demanding they change something, and accusing them of creating something that goes against what everyone else is doing (making them feel stupid). Your coworker will immediately be put on the offense, and their response is bound to be overly emotional.
-A better way to say the same thing might be, “Hey, I’m confused by the control flow in this section here. I wonder if the xyzzy code pattern might make this clearer and easier to maintain?” Notice how you’re using humility to make the question about you, not them. They’re not wrong; you’re just having trouble understanding the code. The suggestion is merely offered up as a way to clarify things for poor little you while possibly helping the project’s long-term sustainability goals. You’re also not demanding anything—you’re giving your collaborator the ability to peacefully reject the suggestion. The discussion stays focused on the code itself, not on anyone’s value or coding skills.
+A better way to say the same thing might be, 『Hey, I」m confused by the control flow in this section here. I wonder if the xyzzy code pattern might make this clearer and easier to maintain?』 Notice how you」re using humility to make the question about you, not them. They」re not wrong; you」re just having trouble understanding the code. The suggestion is merely offered up as a way to clarify things for poor little you while possibly helping the project」s long-term sustainability goals. You」re also not demanding anything—you」re giving your collaborator the ability to peacefully reject the suggestion. The discussion stays focused on the code itself, not on anyone」s value or coding skills.
-#### Fail fast and iterate 快速失败并持续迭代
+#### Fail fast and iterate 快速失敗並持續迭代
-There’s a well-known urban legend in the business world about a manager who makes a mistake and loses an impressive $10 million. He dejectedly goes into the office the next day and starts packing up his desk, and when he gets the inevitable “the
-wants to see you in his office” call, he trudges into the CEO’s office and quietly slides a piece of paper across the desk.
-“What’s this?” asks the CEO.
-“My resignation,” says the executive. “I assume you called me in here to fire me.”
-“Fire you?” responds the CEO, incredulously. “Why would I fire you? I just spent $10 million training you!”[^6]
+There」s a well-known urban legend in the business world about a manager who makes a mistake and loses an impressive $10 million. He dejectedly goes into the office the next day and starts packing up his desk, and when he gets the inevitable 『the
+wants to see you in his office』 call, he trudges into the CEO」s office and quietly slides a piece of paper across the desk.
+『What」s this?』 asks the CEO.
+『My resignation,』 says the executive. 『I assume you called me in here to fire me.』
+『Fire you?』 responds the CEO, incredulously. 『Why would I fire you? I just spent $10 million training you!』[^6]
-It’s an extreme story, to be sure, but the CEO in this story understands that firing the executive wouldn’t undo the $10 million loss, and it would compound it by losing a valuable executive who he can be very sure won’t make that kind of mistake again.
+It」s an extreme story, to be sure, but the CEO in this story understands that firing the executive wouldn」t undo the $10 million loss, and it would compound it by losing a valuable executive who he can be very sure won」t make that kind of mistake again.
-At Google, one of our favorite mottos is that “Failure is an option.” It’s widely recognized that if you’re not failing now and then, you’re not being innovative enough or taking enough risks. Failure is viewed as a golden opportunity to learn and improve for the next go-around.[^7] In fact, Thomas Edison is often quoted as saying, “If I find 10,000 ways something won’t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.”
+At Google, one of our favorite mottos is that 『Failure is an option.』 It」s widely recognized that if you」re not failing now and then, you」re not being innovative enough or taking enough risks. Failure is viewed as a golden opportunity to learn and improve for the next go-around.[^7] In fact, Thomas Edison is often quoted as saying, 『If I find 10,000 ways something won」t work, I haven」t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.』
-Over in Google X—the division that works on “moonshots” like self-driving cars and internet access delivered by balloons—failure is deliberately built into its incentive system. People come up with outlandish ideas and coworkers are actively encouraged to shoot them down as fast as possible. Individuals are rewarded (and even compete) to see how many ideas they can disprove or invalidate in a fixed period of time. Only when a concept truly cannot be debunked at a whiteboard by all peers does it proceed to early prototype.
+Over in Google X—the division that works on 『moonshots』 like self-driving cars and internet access delivered by balloons—failure is deliberately built into its incentive system. People come up with outlandish ideas and coworkers are actively encouraged to shoot them down as fast as possible. Individuals are rewarded (and even compete) to see how many ideas they can disprove or invalidate in a fixed period of time. Only when a concept truly cannot be debunked at a whiteboard by all peers does it proceed to early prototype.
-在谷歌X部门——该部门负责研究自动驾驶汽车和通过热气球提供互联网接入等 "登月计划"——故意将失败次数纳入其激励系统。人们会想出一些稀奇古怪的想法,同事们也会受到积极的鼓励尽快实现它们。每个人都会得到奖励(甚至是竞争),看看他们能在一段固定的时间内反驳或否定多少观点。只有当一个概念真的不能在白板上被所有同行揭穿时,它才能进入早期原型。
+在谷歌X部門——該部門負責研究自動駕駛汽車和透過熱氣球提供網際網路接入等 "登月計劃"——故意將失敗次數納入其激勵系統。人們會想出一些希奇古怪的想法,同事們也會受到積極的鼓勵儘快實現它們。每個人都會得到獎勵(甚至是競爭),看看他們能在一段固定的時間內反駁或否定多少觀點。只有當一個概念真的不能在白板上被所有同行揭穿時,它才能進入早期原型。
> [^6]: You can find a dozen variants of this legend on the web, attributed to different famous managers.
-> 6 你可以在网上找到这一传说的十几种变体,它们都是由不同的著名经理人创造的。
+> 6 你可以在網上找到這一傳說的十幾種變體,它們都是由不同的著名經理人創造的。
-> [^7]: By the same token, if you do the same thing over and over and keep failing, it’s not failure, it’s incompetence.
-> 7 同样的道理,如果你一次又一次地做同样的事情,却不断失败,那不是失败,而是无能。
+> [^7]: By the same token, if you do the same thing over and over and keep failing, it」s not failure, it」s incompetence.
+> 7 同樣的道理,如果你一次又一次地做同樣的事情,卻不斷失敗,那不是失敗,而是無能。
-### Blameless Post-Mortem Culture 无指责的事后分析文化
+### Blameless Post-Mortem Culture 無指責的事後分析文化
-The key to learning from your mistakes is to document your failures by performing a root-cause analysis and writing up a “postmortem,” as it’s called at Google (and many other companies). Take extra care to make sure the postmortem document isn’t just a useless list of apologies or excuses or finger-pointing—that’s not its purpose. A proper postmortem should always contain an explanation of what was learned and what is going to change as a result of the learning experience. Then, make sure that the postmortem is readily accessible and that the team really follows through on the proposed changes. Properly documenting failures also makes it easier for other people (present and future) to know what happened and avoid repeating history. Don’t erase your tracks—light them up like a runway for those who follow you!
+The key to learning from your mistakes is to document your failures by performing a root-cause analysis and writing up a 『postmortem,』 as it」s called at Google (and many other companies). Take extra care to make sure the postmortem document isn」t just a useless list of apologies or excuses or finger-pointing—that」s not its purpose. A proper postmortem should always contain an explanation of what was learned and what is going to change as a result of the learning experience. Then, make sure that the postmortem is readily accessible and that the team really follows through on the proposed changes. Properly documenting failures also makes it easier for other people (present and future) to know what happened and avoid repeating history. Don」t erase your tracks—light them up like a runway for those who follow you!
-从错误中学习的关键是通过进行根因分析和撰写“事后总结”来记录你的失败,在谷歌(和许多其他公司)成为事后总结(国内成为复盘)。要格外小心,确保 "事后总结 "文件不只是一份无用的道歉、借口或指责的清单,这不是它的目的。正确事后总结应该总是包含对所学到的内容的解释,以及作为学习经验作为后续的改进落地。然后,确保事后总结可以随时查阅,并确保团队真正贯彻执行所建议的改变。好的故障复盘要让其他人(现在和将来)知道发生了什么,避免重蹈覆辙。不要抹去你的足迹——让它们在道路上照亮给那些追随你的人!
+從錯誤中學習的關鍵是透過進行根因分析和撰寫『事後總結』來記錄你的失敗,在谷歌(和許多其他公司)成為事後總結(國內成為覆盤)。要格外小心,確保 "事後總結 "檔案不只是一份無用的道歉、藉口或指責的清單,這不是它的目的。正確事後總結應該總是包含對所學到的內容的解釋,以及作為學習經驗作為後續的改進落地。然後,確保事後總結可以隨時查閱,並確保團隊真正貫徹執行所建議的改變。好的故障覆盤要讓其他人(現在和將來)知道發生了什麼,避免重蹈覆轍。不要抹去你的足跡——讓它們在道路上照亮給那些追隨你的人!
A good postmortem should include the following:
@@ -419,64 +419,64 @@ A good postmortem should include the following:
- A set of action items to prevent the event from happening again
- Lessons learned
-- 事件的简要概述
-- 事件的时间线,从发现、调查到解决的过程
+- 事件的簡要概述
+- 事件的時間線,從發現、調查到解決的過程
- 事件的主要原因
-- 影响和损害评估
-- 一套立即解决该问题的行动项目(包括执行人)。
-- 一套防止事件再次发生的行动项目
-- 经验教训
+- 影響和損害評估
+- 一套立即解決該問題的行動專案(包括執行人)。
+- 一套防止事件再次發生的行動專案
+- 經驗教訓
-#### Learn patience 培养耐心
+#### Learn patience 培養耐心
Years ago, I was writing a tool to convert CVS repositories to Subversion (and later, Git). Due to the vagaries of CVS, I kept unearthing bizarre bugs. Because my longtime friend and coworker Karl knew CVS quite intimately, we decided we should work together to fix these bugs.
-A problem arose when we began pair programming: I’m a bottom-up engineer who is content to dive into the muck and dig my way out by trying a lot of things quickly and skimming over the details. Karl, however, is a top-down engineer who wants to get the full lay of the land and dive into the implementation of almost every method on the call stack before proceeding to tackle the bug. This resulted in some epic interpersonal conflicts, disagreements, and the occasional heated argument. It got to the point at which the two of us simply couldn’t pair-program together: it was too frustrating for us both.
+A problem arose when we began pair programming: I」m a bottom-up engineer who is content to dive into the muck and dig my way out by trying a lot of things quickly and skimming over the details. Karl, however, is a top-down engineer who wants to get the full lay of the land and dive into the implementation of almost every method on the call stack before proceeding to tackle the bug. This resulted in some epic interpersonal conflicts, disagreements, and the occasional heated argument. It got to the point at which the two of us simply couldn」t pair-program together: it was too frustrating for us both.
That said, we had a longstanding history of trust and respect for each other. Combined with patience, this helped us work out a new method of collaborating. We would sit together at the computer, identify the bug, and then split up and attack the problem from two directions at once (top-down and bottom-up) before coming back together with our findings. Our patience and willingness to improvise new working styles not only saved the project, but also our friendship.
-#### Be open to influence 接受影响
+#### Be open to influence 接受影響
-The more open you are to influence, the more you are able to influence; the more vulnerable you are, the stronger you appear. These statements sound like bizarre contradictions. But everyone can think of someone they’ve worked with who is just maddeningly stubborn—no matter how much people try to persuade them, they dig their heels in even more. What eventually happens to such team members? In our experience, people stop listening to their opinions or objections; instead, they end up “routing around” them like an obstacle everyone takes for granted. You certainly don’t want to be that person, so keep this idea in your head: it’s OK for someone else to change your mind. In the opening chapter of this book, we said that engineering is inherently about trade-offs. It’s impossible for you to be right about everything all the time unless you have an unchanging environment and perfect knowledge, so of course you should change your mind when presented with new evidence. Choose your battles carefully: to be heard properly, you first need to listen to others. It’s better to do this listening before putting a stake in the ground or firmly announcing a decision—if you’re constantly changing your mind, people will think you’re wishy-washy.
+The more open you are to influence, the more you are able to influence; the more vulnerable you are, the stronger you appear. These statements sound like bizarre contradictions. But everyone can think of someone they」ve worked with who is just maddeningly stubborn—no matter how much people try to persuade them, they dig their heels in even more. What eventually happens to such team members? In our experience, people stop listening to their opinions or objections; instead, they end up 『routing around』 them like an obstacle everyone takes for granted. You certainly don」t want to be that person, so keep this idea in your head: it」s OK for someone else to change your mind. In the opening chapter of this book, we said that engineering is inherently about trade-offs. It」s impossible for you to be right about everything all the time unless you have an unchanging environment and perfect knowledge, so of course you should change your mind when presented with new evidence. Choose your battles carefully: to be heard properly, you first need to listen to others. It」s better to do this listening before putting a stake in the ground or firmly announcing a decision—if you」re constantly changing your mind, people will think you」re wishy-washy.
-你对影响的态度越开放,你就越能影响。越是脆弱,越是强势。这些说法听起来相互矛盾。但每个人都能想到他们曾经共事过的人,他们的固执让人抓狂——无论人们如何劝说他们,他们都会更加钻牛角尖。这样的团队成员最终会发生什么?根据我们的经验,人们不再听取他们的任何意见,不论是赞同还是反对的意见;如果,这些固执的人解决了自己固执的问题,那么他们解决了大家都认为是障碍问题。你当然不希望成为这样的人,所以要把这个想法记在脑子里: 别人可以改变你的想法。在本书的开始,我们说过,工程本质上是关于权衡的。 除非你有一个不变的环境和完美的知识,否则你不可能一直对所有事情都是正确的,所以当有新的证据时,你当然应该改变你的最初想法。谨慎选择你的战斗:要想让别人正确地听取你的意见,你首先需要倾听别人的意见。最好在下定决心或坚定地宣布决定之前进行倾听——如果你不断地改变主意,人们会认为你不坚定。
+你對影響的態度越開放,你就越能影響。越是脆弱,越是強勢。這些說法聽起來相互矛盾。但每個人都能想到他們曾經共事過的人,他們的固執讓人抓狂——無論人們如何勸說他們,他們都會更加鑽牛角尖。這樣的團隊成員最終會發生什麼?根據我們的經驗,人們不再聽取他們的任何意見,不論是贊同還是反對的意見;如果,這些固執的人解決了自己固執的問題,那麼他們解決了大家都認為是障礙問題。你當然不希望成為這樣的人,所以要把這個想法記在腦子裡: 別人可以改變你的想法。在本書的開始,我們說過,工程本質上是關於權衡的。 除非你有一個不變的環境和完美的知識,否則你不可能一直對所有事情都是正確的,所以當有新的證據時,你當然應該改變你的最初想法。謹慎選擇你的戰鬥:要想讓別人正確地聽取你的意見,你首先需要傾聽別人的意見。最好在下定決心或堅定地宣佈決定之前進行傾聽——如果你不斷地改變主意,人們會認為你不堅定。
The idea of vulnerability can seem strange, too. If someone admits ignorance of the topic at hand or the solution to a problem, what sort of credibility will they have in a group? Vulnerability is a show of weakness, and that destroys trust, right?
-Not true. Admitting that you’ve made a mistake or you’re simply out of your league can increase your status over the long run. In fact, the willingness to express vulnerability is an outward show of humility, it demonstrates accountability and the willingness to take responsibility, and it’s a signal that you trust others’ opinions. In return, people end up respecting your honesty and strength. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is just say, “I don’t know.”
+Not true. Admitting that you」ve made a mistake or you」re simply out of your league can increase your status over the long run. In fact, the willingness to express vulnerability is an outward show of humility, it demonstrates accountability and the willingness to take responsibility, and it」s a signal that you trust others」 opinions. In return, people end up respecting your honesty and strength. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is just say, 『I don」t know.』
-Professional politicians, for example, are notorious for never admitting error or ignorance, even when it’s patently obvious that they’re wrong or unknowledgeable about a subject. This behavior exists primarily because politicians are constantly under attack by their opponents, and it’s why most people don’t believe a word that politicians say. When you’re writing software, however, you don’t need to be continually on the defensive—your teammates are collaborators, not competitors. You all have the same goal.
+Professional politicians, for example, are notorious for never admitting error or ignorance, even when it」s patently obvious that they」re wrong or unknowledgeable about a subject. This behavior exists primarily because politicians are constantly under attack by their opponents, and it」s why most people don」t believe a word that politicians say. When you」re writing software, however, you don」t need to be continually on the defensive—your teammates are collaborators, not competitors. You all have the same goal.
-### Being Googley 成为谷歌范
+### Being Googley 成為谷歌範
-At Google, we have our own internal version of the principles of “humility, respect, and trust” when it comes to behavior and human interactions.
+At Google, we have our own internal version of the principles of 『humility, respect, and trust』 when it comes to behavior and human interactions.
-From the earliest days of our culture, we often referred to actions as being “Googley” or “not Googley.” The word was never explicitly defined; rather, everyone just sort of took it to mean “don’t be evil” or “do the right thing” or “be good to each other.” Over time, people also started using the term “Googley” as an informal test for culture-fit whenever we would interview a candidate for an engineering job, or when writing internal performance reviews of one another. People would often express opinions about others using the term; for example, “the person coded well, but didn’t seem to have a very Googley attitude.”
+From the earliest days of our culture, we often referred to actions as being 『Googley』 or 『not Googley.』 The word was never explicitly defined; rather, everyone just sort of took it to mean 『don」t be evil』 or 『do the right thing』 or 『be good to each other.』 Over time, people also started using the term 『Googley』 as an informal test for culture-fit whenever we would interview a candidate for an engineering job, or when writing internal performance reviews of one another. People would often express opinions about others using the term; for example, 『the person coded well, but didn」t seem to have a very Googley attitude.』
-Of course, we eventually realized that the term “Googley” was being overloaded with meaning; worse yet, it could become a source of unconscious bias in hiring or evaluations. If “Googley” means something different to every employee, we run the risk of the term starting to mean “is just like me.” Obviously, that’s not a good test for hiring
-—we don’t want to hire people “just like me,” but people from a diverse set of backgrounds and with different opinions and experiences. An interviewer’s personal desire to have a beer with a candidate (or coworker) should never be considered a valid signal about somebody else’s performance or ability to thrive at Google.
+Of course, we eventually realized that the term 『Googley』 was being overloaded with meaning; worse yet, it could become a source of unconscious bias in hiring or evaluations. If 『Googley』 means something different to every employee, we run the risk of the term starting to mean 『is just like me.』 Obviously, that」s not a good test for hiring
+—we don」t want to hire people 『just like me,』 but people from a diverse set of backgrounds and with different opinions and experiences. An interviewer」s personal desire to have a beer with a candidate (or coworker) should never be considered a valid signal about somebody else」s performance or ability to thrive at Google.
-当然,我们最终意识到“Googley”这个词的含义太多了;更糟糕的是,它可能成为招聘或评估中无意识偏见的来源。如果“Googley”对每个员工都有不同的含义,那么我们就有可能把“Googley”这个词的意思改成“和我一样”。显然,这不是一个好的招聘模式——我们不希望招聘 "和我一样 "的人,而是来自不同背景、有不同意见和经验的人。面试官想和候选人(或同事)一起喝啤酒的愿望,绝不应该被认为是关于其他人的表现或在谷歌发展的能力的有效信号。
+當然,我們最終意識到『Googley』這個詞的含義太多了;更糟糕的是,它可能成為招聘或評估中無意識偏見的來源。如果『Googley』對每個員工都有不同的含義,那麼我們就有可能把『Googley』這個詞的意思改成『和我一樣』。顯然,這不是一個好的招聘模式——我們不希望招聘 "和我一樣 "的人,而是來自不同背景、有不同意見和經驗的人。面試官想和候選人(或同事)一起喝啤酒的願望,絕不應該被認為是關於其他人的表現或在谷歌發展的能力的有效訊號。
-Google eventually fixed the problem by explicitly defining a rubric for what we mean by “Googleyness”—a set of attributes and behaviors that we look for that represent strong leadership and exemplify “humility, respect, and trust”:
+Google eventually fixed the problem by explicitly defining a rubric for what we mean by 『Googleyness』—a set of attributes and behaviors that we look for that represent strong leadership and exemplify 『humility, respect, and trust』:
- *Thrives in ambiguity*
Can deal with conflicting messages or directions, build consensus, and make progress against a problem, even when the environment is constantly shifting.
@@ -485,43 +485,43 @@ Google eventually fixed the problem by explicitly defining a rubric for what we
- *Challenges status quo*
Is able to set ambitious goals and pursue them even when there might be resistance or inertia from others.
- *Puts the user first*
- Has empathy and respect for users of Google’s products and pursues actions that are in their best interests.
+ Has empathy and respect for users of Google」s products and pursues actions that are in their best interests.
- *Cares about the team*
Has empathy and respect for coworkers and actively works to help them without being asked, improving team cohesion.
- *Does the right thing*
Has a strong sense of ethics about everything they do; willing to make difficult or inconvenient decisions to protect the integrity of the team and product.
-谷歌最终解决了这个问题,明确定义了我们所说的“谷歌特质”(Googleyness)——我们所寻找的一套属性和行为,代表了强大的领导力,体现了 "谦逊、尊重和信任":
+谷歌最終解決了這個問題,明確定義了我們所說的『谷歌特質』(Googleyness)——我們所尋找的一套屬性和行為,代表了強大的領導力,體現了 "謙遜、尊重和信任":
-- *在模棱两可中茁壮成长*
- 即使在环境不断变化的情况下,也能处理相互冲突的信息或方向,建立共识,并对问题做出改进。
-- *重视反馈*
- 谦虚优雅地接受和给出反馈,理解反馈对个人(和团队)发展的价值。
-- *走出舒适区*
- 能够设定宏伟的目标并去追求,即使有来自他人的抵制或惰性。
-- *客户第一*
- 对谷歌产品的用户抱有同情和尊重,并追求符合其最佳利益的行动。
-- *关心团队*
- 对同事抱有同情心和尊重,并积极主动地帮助他们,提高团队凝聚力。
-- *做正确的事*
- 对自己所做的一切有强烈的主人感;愿意做出困难或不易的决定以保护团队和产品的完整。
+- *在模稜兩可中茁壯成長*
+ 即使在環境不斷變化的情況下,也能處理相互衝突的訊息或方向,建立共識,並對問題做出改進。
+- *重視反饋*
+ 謙虛優雅地接受和給出反饋,理解反饋對個人(和團隊)發展的價值。
+- *走出舒適區*
+ 能夠設定宏偉的目標並去追求,即使有來自他人的抵制或惰性。
+- *客戶第一*
+ 對谷歌產品的使用者抱有同情和尊重,並追求符合其最佳利益的行動。
+- *關心團隊*
+ 對同事抱有同情心和尊重,並積極主動地幫助他們,提高團隊凝聚力。
+- *做正確的事*
+ 對自己所做的一切有強烈的主人感;願意做出困難或不易的決定以保護團隊和產品的完整。
-Now that we have these best-practice behaviors better defined, we’ve begun to shy away from using the term “Googley.” It’s always better to be specific about expectations!
+Now that we have these best-practice behaviors better defined, we」ve begun to shy away from using the term 『Googley.』 It」s always better to be specific about expectations!
-现在我们有了这些最佳实践行为的更好定义,我们已经开始避免使用 "Googley "这个词了。更好的是对期望值有一个具体的说明。
+現在我們有了這些最佳實踐行為的更好定義,我們已經開始避免使用 "Googley "這個詞了。更好的是對期望值有一個具體的說明。
-## Conclusion 结论
+## Conclusion 結論
The foundation for almost any software endeavor—of almost any size—is a well- functioning team. Although the Genius Myth of the solo software developer still persists, the truth is that no one really goes it alone. For a software organization to stand the test of time, it must have a healthy culture, rooted in humility, trust, and respect that revolves around the team, rather than the individual. Further, the creative nature of software development requires that people take risks and occasionally fail; for people to accept that failure, a healthy team environment must exist.
-几乎任何规模的软件工作的基础都是一个运作良好的团队。尽管软件开发者单打独斗的 "天才神话 "仍然存在,但事实是,没有人能够真正地单干。一个软件组织要想经受住时间的考验,就必须有一种健康的文化,植根于谦逊、信任和尊重,围绕着团队而不是个人。此外,软件开发的创造性要求人们承担风险并偶尔失败;为了让人们接受这种失败,必须有一个健康的团队环境。
+幾乎任何規模的軟體工作的基礎都是一個運作良好的團隊。儘管軟體開發者單打獨鬥的 "天才神話 "仍然存在,但事實是,沒有人能夠真正地單幹。一個軟體組織要想經受住時間的考驗,就必須有一種健康的文化,植根於謙遜、信任和尊重,圍繞著團隊而不是個人。此外,軟體開發的創造性要求人們承擔風險並偶爾失敗;為了讓人們接受這種失敗,必須有一個健康的團隊環境。
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- Be aware of the trade-offs of working in isolation.
- Acknowledge the amount of time that you and your team spend communicating and in interpersonal conflict. A small investment in understanding personalities and working styles of yourself and others can go a long way toward improving productivity.
- If you want to work effectively with a team or a large organization, be aware of your preferred working style and that of others.
-- 意识到孤立工作的得失。
-- 认识到你和你的团队花在沟通和人际冲突上的时间。在了解自己和他人的个性和工作风格方面进行少量投入,对提高生产力有很大帮助。
-- 如果你想在一个团队或一个大型组织中有效地工作,要意识到你和其他人喜欢的工作风格。
+- 意識到孤立工作的得失。
+- 認識到你和你的團隊花在溝通和人際衝突上的時間。在瞭解自己和他人的個性和工作風格方面進行少量投入,對提高生產力有很大幫助。
+- 如果你想在一個團隊或一個大型組織中有效地工作,要意識到你和其他人喜歡的工作風格。
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# Knowledge Sharing
-# 第三章 知识共享
+# 第三章 知識共享
**Written by Nina Chen and Mark Barolak**
**Edited by Riona MacNamara**
-Your organization understands your problem domain better than some random person on the internet; your organization should be able to answer most of its own questions. To achieve that, you need both experts who know the answers to those questions and mechanisms to distribute their knowledge, which is what we’ll explore in this chapter. These mechanisms range from the utterly simple (Ask questions; Write down what you know) to the much more structured, such as tutorials and classes. Most importantly, however, your organization needs a culture of learning, and that requires creating the psychological safety that permits people to admit to a lack of knowledge.
+Your organization understands your problem domain better than some random person on the internet; your organization should be able to answer most of its own questions. To achieve that, you need both experts who know the answers to those questions and mechanisms to distribute their knowledge, which is what we」ll explore in this chapter. These mechanisms range from the utterly simple (Ask questions; Write down what you know) to the much more structured, such as tutorials and classes. Most importantly, however, your organization needs a culture of learning, and that requires creating the psychological safety that permits people to admit to a lack of knowledge.
-## Challenges to Learning 学习的挑战
+## Challenges to Learning 學習的挑戰
Sharing expertise across an organization is not an easy task. Without a strong culture of learning, challenges can emerge. Google has experienced a number of these challenges, especially as the company has scaled:
- *Lack of psychological safety*
An environment in which people are afraid to take risks or make mistakes in front of others because they fear being punished for it. This often manifests as a culture of fear or a tendency to avoid transparency.
- *Information islands*
- Knowledge fragmentation that occurs in different parts of an organization that don’t communicate with one another or use shared resources. In such anenvironment, each group develops its own way of doing things.[^1] This often leads to the following:
+ Knowledge fragmentation that occurs in different parts of an organization that don」t communicate with one another or use shared resources. In such anenvironment, each group develops its own way of doing things.[^1] This often leads to the following:
- **Information fragmentation**
Each island has an incomplete picture of the bigger whole.
- **Information duplication**
@@ -28,415 +28,415 @@ Sharing expertise across an organization is not an easy task. Without a strong c
Each island has its own ways of doing the same thing, and these might or might not conflict.
- *Single point of failure (SPOF)*
A bottleneck that occurs when critical information is available from only a single person. This is related to bus factor, which is discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.
- SPOFs can arise out of good intentions: it can be easy to fall into a habit of “Let me take care of that for you.” But this approach optimizes for short-term efficiency (“It’s faster for me to do it”) at the cost of poor long-term scalability (the team never learns how to do whatever it is that needs to be done). This mindset also tends to lead to all-or-nothing expertise.
+ SPOFs can arise out of good intentions: it can be easy to fall into a habit of 『Let me take care of that for you.』 But this approach optimizes for short-term efficiency (『It」s faster for me to do it』) at the cost of poor long-term scalability (the team never learns how to do whatever it is that needs to be done). This mindset also tends to lead to all-or-nothing expertise.
- *All-or-nothing expertise*
- A group of people that is split between people who know “everything” and novices, with little middle ground. This problem often reinforces itself if experts always do everything themselves and don’t take the time to develop new experts through mentoring or documentation. In this scenario, knowledge and responsibilities continue to accumulate on those who already have expertise, and new team members or novices are left to fend for themselves and ramp up more slowly.
+ A group of people that is split between people who know 『everything』 and novices, with little middle ground. This problem often reinforces itself if experts always do everything themselves and don」t take the time to develop new experts through mentoring or documentation. In this scenario, knowledge and responsibilities continue to accumulate on those who already have expertise, and new team members or novices are left to fend for themselves and ramp up more slowly.
- *Parroting*
Mimicry without understanding. This is typically characterized by mindlessly copying patterns or code without understanding their purpose, often under the assumption that said code is needed for unknown reasons.
- *Haunted graveyards*
Places, often in code, that people avoid touching or changing because they are afraid that something might go wrong. Unlike the aforementioned parroting, haunted graveyards are characterized by people avoiding action because of fear and superstition.
- *缺乏安全感*
- 一个环境中,人们不敢在别人面前冒险或犯错,因为他们害怕因此受到惩罚。这通常表现为一种恐惧文化或避免透明的倾向。
-- *信息孤岛*
- 在一个组织的不同部分发生的知识碎片,这些部分没有相互沟通或使用共享资源。在这样的环境中,每个小组都形成了自己的做事方式。这往往导致以下情况:
- - **信息碎片化**
- 每个孤岛对整体都有一个不完整的描述。
- - **信息重复**
- 每个孤岛都重新发明了自己的做事方式。
- - **信息偏移**
- 每个孤岛都有自己做同一件事的方法,这些方法在一起协作可能会或可能不会发生冲突。
-- *单点故障(SPOF)*
- 当关键信息只能从一个人那里获得时,就会出现瓶颈。这与巴士因子有关,在第二章有详细讨论。
- SPOF可能是出于良好的意图:我们很容易陷入 "让我来帮你解决 "的习惯。但这种方法提高了短期效率("我做起来更快"),但代价是长期可扩展性差(团队从未学会如何做需要做的事)。这种心态也往往导致失败,组员要么全会或要么都不会某方面的知识。
-- *要么全会要么都不会*
- 一群人被分成了 "什么都懂 "的老手和什么都不会的新手,几乎没有中间地带。如果专家总是自己做所有的事情,而不花时间通过指导或编写文档来培养新的专家,这个问题往往会加剧。在这种情况下,知识和责任继续在那些已经拥有专业知识的人身上积累,而新的团队成员或新手则只能自生自灭,提升速度更慢。
-- *鹦鹉学舌*
- 模仿而不理解。这典型的特征是在不了解其目的的情况下无意识地复制模式或代码,通常是在假设上述代码是出于未知原因而需要的情况下。
-- *闹鬼墓地*
- 通常是代码中的地方,人们避免触碰或改变它们,因为他们担心事情可能会出错。与前面提到的鹦鹉学舌不同,闹鬼墓地的特点是人们因为恐惧和迷信而避免行动。
-In the rest of this chapter, we dive into strategies that Google’s engineering organizations have found to be successful in addressing these challenges.
+ 一個環境中,人們不敢在別人面前冒險或犯錯,因為他們害怕因此受到懲罰。這通常表現為一種恐懼文化或避免透明的傾向。
+- *訊息孤島*
+ 在一個組織的不同部分發生的知識碎片,這些部分沒有相互溝通或使用共享資源。在這樣的環境中,每個小組都形成了自己的做事方式。這往往導致以下情況:
+ - **訊息碎片化**
+ 每個孤島對整體都有一個不完整的描述。
+ - **訊息重複**
+ 每個孤島都重新發明了自己的做事方式。
+ - **訊息偏移**
+ 每個孤島都有自己做同一件事的方法,這些方法在一起協作可能會或可能不會發生衝突。
+- *單點故障(SPOF)*
+ 當關鍵訊息只能從一個人那裡獲得時,就會出現瓶頸。這與巴士因子有關,在第二章有詳細討論。
+ SPOF可能是出於良好的意圖:我們很容易陷入 "讓我來幫你解決 "的習慣。但這種方法提高了短期效率("我做起來更快"),但代價是長期可擴充性差(團隊從未學會如何做需要做的事)。這種心態也往往導致失敗,組員要麼全會或要麼都不會某方面的知識。
+- *要麼全會要麼都不會*
+ 一群人被分成了 "什麼都懂 "的老手和什麼都不會的新手,幾乎沒有中間地帶。如果專家總是自己做所有的事情,而不花時間透過指導或編寫文件來培養新的專家,這個問題往往會加劇。在這種情況下,知識和責任繼續在那些已經擁有專業知識的人身上積累,而新的團隊成員或新手則只能自生自滅,提升速度更慢。
+- *鸚鵡學舌*
+ 模仿而不理解。這典型的特徵是在不瞭解其目的的情況下無意識地複製模式或程式碼,通常是在假設上述程式碼是出於未知原因而需要的情況下。
+- *鬧鬼墓地*
+ 通常是程式碼中的地方,人們避免觸碰或改變它們,因為他們擔心事情可能會出錯。與前面提到的鸚鵡學舌不同,鬧鬼墓地的特點是人們因為恐懼和迷信而避免行動。
+In the rest of this chapter, we dive into strategies that Google」s engineering organizations have found to be successful in addressing these challenges.
> [^1]: In other words, rather than developing a single global maximum, we have a bunch of local maxima./
-> 1 换句话说,我们没有形成一个单一的全球最大值,而是有一堆的局部最大值。
+> 1 換句話說,我們沒有形成一個單一的全球最大值,而是有一堆的區域性最大值。
## Philosophy 理念
-Software engineering can be defined as the multiperson development of multiversion programs.[^2] People are at the core of software engineering: code is an important output but only a small part of building a product. Crucially, code does not emerge spontaneously out of nothing, and neither does expertise. Every expert was once a novice: an organization’s success depends on growing and investing in its people.
+Software engineering can be defined as the multiperson development of multiversion programs.[^2] People are at the core of software engineering: code is an important output but only a small part of building a product. Crucially, code does not emerge spontaneously out of nothing, and neither does expertise. Every expert was once a novice: an organization」s success depends on growing and investing in its people.
-Personalized, one-to-one advice from an expert is always invaluable. Different team members have different areas of expertise, and so the best teammate to ask for any given question will vary. But if the expert goes on vacation or switches teams, the team can be left in the lurch. And although one person might be able to provide personalized help for one-to-many, this doesn’t scale and is limited to small numbers of “many.”
+Personalized, one-to-one advice from an expert is always invaluable. Different team members have different areas of expertise, and so the best teammate to ask for any given question will vary. But if the expert goes on vacation or switches teams, the team can be left in the lurch. And although one person might be able to provide personalized help for one-to-many, this doesn」t scale and is limited to small numbers of 『many.』
-来自专家的个性化、一对一的建议总是宝贵的。不同的团队的成员有不同的专业领域,因此对于任何给定的问题,最佳的队友都会有所不同解法。但如果专家休假或调换团队,原团队可能会陷入困境。尽管一个人可以为一对多人提供个性化的帮助,但这并不具有规模,只限于少量的 "多"。
+來自專家的個性化、一對一的建議總是寶貴的。不同的團隊的成員有不同的專業領域,因此對於任何給定的問題,最佳的隊友都會有所不同解法。但如果專家休假或調換團隊,原團隊可能會陷入困境。儘管一個人可以為一對多人提供個性化的幫助,但這並不具有規模,只限於少量的 "多"。
-Documented knowledge, on the other hand, can better scale not just to the team but to the entire organization. Mechanisms such as a team wiki enable many authors to share their expertise with a larger group. But even though written documentation is more scalable than one-to-one conversations, that scalability comes with some trade- offs: it might be more generalized and less applicable to individual learners’ situations, and it comes with the added maintenance cost required to keep information relevant and up to date over time.
+Documented knowledge, on the other hand, can better scale not just to the team but to the entire organization. Mechanisms such as a team wiki enable many authors to share their expertise with a larger group. But even though written documentation is more scalable than one-to-one conversations, that scalability comes with some trade- offs: it might be more generalized and less applicable to individual learners」 situations, and it comes with the added maintenance cost required to keep information relevant and up to date over time.
-Tribal knowledge exists in the gap between what individual team members know and what is documented. Human experts know these things that aren’t written down. If we document that knowledge and maintain it, it is now available not only to somebody with direct one-to-one access to the expert today, but to anybody who can find and view the documentation.
+Tribal knowledge exists in the gap between what individual team members know and what is documented. Human experts know these things that aren」t written down. If we document that knowledge and maintain it, it is now available not only to somebody with direct one-to-one access to the expert today, but to anybody who can find and view the documentation.
-tribal knowledge:口头知识;是指一种仅存在于某个部落中的信息或知识, 这些知识不为外界所知,没有正式记 录, 只能口口相传。
+tribal knowledge:口頭知識;是指一種僅存在於某個部落中的訊息或知識, 這些知識不為外界所知,沒有正式記 錄, 只能口口相傳。
-So in a magical world in which everything is always perfectly and immediately documented, we wouldn’t need to consult a person any more, right? Not quite. Written knowledge has scaling advantages, but so does targeted human help. A human expert can synthesize their expanse of knowledge. They can assess what information is applicable to the individual’s use case, determine whether the documentation is still relevant, and know where to find it. Or, if they don’t know where to find the answers, they might know who does.
+So in a magical world in which everything is always perfectly and immediately documented, we wouldn」t need to consult a person any more, right? Not quite. Written knowledge has scaling advantages, but so does targeted human help. A human expert can synthesize their expanse of knowledge. They can assess what information is applicable to the individual」s use case, determine whether the documentation is still relevant, and know where to find it. Or, if they don」t know where to find the answers, they might know who does.
> [^2]: David Lorge Parnas, Software Engineering: Multi-person Development of Multi-version Programs (Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2011).
-> 2 David Lorge Parnas, 软件工程。多人开发多版本程序 (Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2011).
+> 2 David Lorge Parnas, 軟體工程。多人開發多版本程式 (Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2011).
Tribal and written knowledge complement each other. Even a perfectly expert team with perfect documentation needs to communicate with one another, coordinate with other teams, and adapt their strategies over time. No single knowledge-sharing approach is the correct solution for all types of learning, and the particulars of a good mix will likely vary based on your organization. Institutional knowledge evolves over time, and the knowledge-sharing methods that work best for your organization will likely change as it grows. Train, focus on learning and growth, and build your own stable of experts: there is no such thing as too much engineering expertise.
## Setting the Stage: Psychological Safety 搭建舞台:心理安全
Psychological safety is critical to promoting a learning environment.
-To learn, you must first acknowledge that there are things you don’t understand. We should welcome such honesty rather than punish it. (Google does this pretty well, but sometimes engineers are reluctant to admit they don’t understand something.)
+To learn, you must first acknowledge that there are things you don」t understand. We should welcome such honesty rather than punish it. (Google does this pretty well, but sometimes engineers are reluctant to admit they don」t understand something.)
An enormous part of learning is being able to try things and feeling safe to fail. In a healthy environment, people feel comfortable asking questions, being wrong, and learning new things. This is a baseline expectation for all Google teams; indeed, our research has shown that psychological safety is the most important part of an effective team.
-### Mentorship 导师制
+### Mentorship 導師制
-At Google, we try to set the tone as soon as a “Noogler” (new Googler) engineer joins the company. One important way of building psychological safety is to assign Nooglers a mentor—someone who is not their team member, manager, or tech lead— whose responsibilities explicitly include answering questions and helping the Noogler ramp up. Having an officially assigned mentor to ask for help makes it easier for the newcomer and means that they don’t need to worry about taking up too much of their coworkers’ time.
+At Google, we try to set the tone as soon as a 『Noogler』 (new Googler) engineer joins the company. One important way of building psychological safety is to assign Nooglers a mentor—someone who is not their team member, manager, or tech lead— whose responsibilities explicitly include answering questions and helping the Noogler ramp up. Having an officially assigned mentor to ask for help makes it easier for the newcomer and means that they don」t need to worry about taking up too much of their coworkers」 time.
-在谷歌,我们尝试在 "Noogler"(新的Googler)工程师加入公司时就确定基调。建立心理安全的一个重要方法是为Noogler分配一个导师——一个不是他们的团队成员、经理或技术负责人的人——其职责明确包括回答问题和帮助Noogler成长。有一个官方指定的导师可以寻求帮助,这对新人来说更容易,也意味着他们不需要担心会占用同事太多的时间。
+在谷歌,我們嘗試在 "Noogler"(新的Googler)工程師加入公司時就確定基調。建立心理安全的一個重要方法是為Noogler分配一個導師——一個不是他們的團隊成員、經理或技術負責人的人——其職責明確包括回答問題和幫助Noogler成長。有一個官方指定的導師可以尋求幫助,這對新人來說更容易,也意味著他們不需要擔心會佔用同事太多的時間。
-A mentor is a volunteer who has been at Google for more than a year and who is available to advise on anything from using Google infrastructure to navigating Google culture. Crucially, the mentor is there to be a safety net to talk to if the mentee doesn’t know whom else to ask for advice. This mentor is not on the same team as the mentee, which can make the mentee feel more comfortable about asking for help in tricky situations.
+A mentor is a volunteer who has been at Google for more than a year and who is available to advise on anything from using Google infrastructure to navigating Google culture. Crucially, the mentor is there to be a safety net to talk to if the mentee doesn」t know whom else to ask for advice. This mentor is not on the same team as the mentee, which can make the mentee feel more comfortable about asking for help in tricky situations.
-Mentorship formalizes and facilitates learning, but learning itself is an ongoing process. There will always be opportunities for coworkers to learn from one another, whether it’s a new employee joining the organization or an experienced engineer learning a new technology. With a healthy team, teammates will be open not just to answering but also to asking questions: showing that they don’t know something and learning from one another.
+Mentorship formalizes and facilitates learning, but learning itself is an ongoing process. There will always be opportunities for coworkers to learn from one another, whether it」s a new employee joining the organization or an experienced engineer learning a new technology. With a healthy team, teammates will be open not just to answering but also to asking questions: showing that they don」t know something and learning from one another.
-### Psychological Safety in Large Groups 大团体的心理安全
+### Psychological Safety in Large Groups 大團體的心理安全
-Asking a nearby teammate for help is easier than approaching a large group of mostly strangers. But as we’ve seen, one-to-one solutions don’t scale well. Group solutions are more scalable, but they are also scarier. It can be intimidating for novices to form a question and ask it of a large group, knowing that their question might be archived for many years. The need for psychological safety is amplified in large groups. Every member of the group has a role to play in creating and maintaining a safe environment that ensures that newcomers are confident asking questions and up-and- coming experts feel empowered to help those newcomers without the fear of having their answers attacked by established experts.
+Asking a nearby teammate for help is easier than approaching a large group of mostly strangers. But as we」ve seen, one-to-one solutions don」t scale well. Group solutions are more scalable, but they are also scarier. It can be intimidating for novices to form a question and ask it of a large group, knowing that their question might be archived for many years. The need for psychological safety is amplified in large groups. Every member of the group has a role to play in creating and maintaining a safe environment that ensures that newcomers are confident asking questions and up-and- coming experts feel empowered to help those newcomers without the fear of having their answers attacked by established experts.
The most important way to achieve this safe and welcoming environment is for group interactions to be cooperative, not adversarial. Table 3-1 lists some examples of recommended patterns (and their corresponding antipatterns) of group interactions.
Table 3-1. Group interaction patterns
| Recommended patterns (cooperative) | Antipatterns (adversarial) |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Basic questions or mistakes are guided in the proper direction | Basic questions or mistakes are picked on, and the person asking the question is chastised |
-| Explanations are given with the intent of helping the person asking the question learn | Explanations are given with the intent of showing off one’s own knowledge |
+| Explanations are given with the intent of helping the person asking the question learn | Explanations are given with the intent of showing off one」s own knowledge |
| Responses are kind, patient, and helpful | Responses are condescending, snarky, and unconstructive |
-| Interactions are shared discussions for finding solutions | Interactions are arguments with “winners” and “losers” |
+| Interactions are shared discussions for finding solutions | Interactions are arguments with 『winners』 and 『losers』 |
-Table 3-1. 团队互动模式
+Table 3-1. 團隊互動模式
-| 推荐的模式(合作型) | 反模式(对抗型) |
+| 推薦的模式(合作型) | 反模式(對抗型) |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| 基本的问题或错误被引导到正确的方向 | 基本的问题或错误被挑剔,提出问题的人被责备 |
-| 解释的目的是为了帮助提问的人学习 | 解释的目的是为了炫耀自己的知识 |
-| 回应亲切、耐心、乐于助人 | 回应是居高临下、尖酸刻薄、毫无建设性的 |
-| 互动是为寻找解决方案而进行的共同讨论 | ”互动是有 "赢家 "和 "输家 "的争论 |
+| 基本的問題或錯誤被引導到正確的方向 | 基本的問題或錯誤被挑剔,提出問題的人被責備 |
+| 解釋的目的是為了幫助提問的人學習 | 解釋的目的是為了炫耀自己的知識 |
+| 回應親切、耐心、樂於助人 | 回應是居高臨下、尖酸刻薄、毫無建設性的 |
+| 互動是為尋找解決方案而進行的共同討論 | 』互動是有 "贏家 "和 "輸家 "的爭論 |
-These antipatterns can emerge unintentionally: someone might be trying to be helpful but is accidentally condescending and unwelcoming. We find the [Recurse Center’s social rules ](https://oreil.ly/zGvAN)to be helpful here:
+These antipatterns can emerge unintentionally: someone might be trying to be helpful but is accidentally condescending and unwelcoming. We find the [Recurse Center」s social rules ](https://oreil.ly/zGvAN)to be helpful here:
-- *No feigned surprise (“What?! I can’t believe you don’t know what the stack is!”)*
+- *No feigned surprise (『What?! I can」t believe you don」t know what the stack is!』)*
Feigned surprise is a barrier to psychological safety and makes members of the group afraid of admitting to a lack of knowledge.
-- *No* *“well-actuallys”*
+- *No* *『well-actuallys』*
Pedantic corrections that tend to be about grandstanding rather than precision.
- *No back-seat driving*
Interrupting an existing discussion to offer opinions without committing to the conversation.
-- *No subtle “-isms” (“It’s so easy my grandmother could do it!”)*
+- *No subtle 『-isms』 (『It」s so easy my grandmother could do it!』)*
Small expressions of bias (racism, ageism, homophobia) that can make individuals feel unwelcome, disrespected, or unsafe.
-- *不要故作惊讶("什么? 我不相信你不知道堆栈是什么!")*
- 故作惊讶是心理安全的障碍,使团体成员害怕承认自己缺乏知识。
-- *不根据事实*
- 迂腐的纠正,往往是为了哗众取宠而非纠正。
-- *不开小会*
- 打断现有的讨论,提供意见,而不投入到对话中。
-- *不说微妙的谎言("这太容易了,我奶奶都能做!")*
- 小小的偏见表达(种族主义、年龄歧视、恐同症),会使个人感到不受欢迎、不被尊重或不安全。
+- *不要故作驚訝("什麼? 我不相信你不知道堆疊是什麼!")*
+ 故作驚訝是心理安全的障礙,使團體成員害怕承認自己缺乏知識。
+- *不根據事實*
+ 迂腐的糾正,往往是為了譁眾取寵而非糾正。
+- *不開小會*
+ 打斷現有的討論,提供意見,而不投入到對話中。
+- *不說微妙的謊言("這太容易了,我奶奶都能做!")*
+ 小小的偏見表達(種族主義、年齡歧視、恐同症),會使個人感到不受歡迎、不被尊重或不安全。
-## Growing Your Knowledge 增长你的知识
+## Growing Your Knowledge 增長你的知識
Knowledge sharing starts with yourself. It is important to recognize that you always have something to learn. The following guidelines allow you to augment your own personal knowledge.
-### Ask Questions 提问
+### Ask Questions 提問
If you take away only a single thing from this chapter, it is this: always be learning; always be asking questions.
-We tell Nooglers that ramping up can take around six months. This extended period is necessary to ramp up on Google’s large, complex infrastructure, but it also reinforces the idea that learning is an ongoing, iterative process. One of the biggest mistakes that beginners make is not to ask for help when they’re stuck. You might be tempted to struggle through it alone or feel fearful that your questions are “too simple.” “I just need to try harder before I ask anyone for help,” you think. Don’t fall into this trap! Your coworkers are often the best source of information: leverage this valuable resource.
+We tell Nooglers that ramping up can take around six months. This extended period is necessary to ramp up on Google」s large, complex infrastructure, but it also reinforces the idea that learning is an ongoing, iterative process. One of the biggest mistakes that beginners make is not to ask for help when they」re stuck. You might be tempted to struggle through it alone or feel fearful that your questions are 『too simple.』 『I just need to try harder before I ask anyone for help,』 you think. Don」t fall into this trap! Your coworkers are often the best source of information: leverage this valuable resource.
-我们告诉Nooglers,提升可能需要6个月左右。这个时间的延长对于在谷歌庞大而复杂的基础设施上的提升是必要的,但它也强化了学习是一个持续、迭代的过程的理念。初学者犯的最大错误之一是在遇到困难时不寻求帮助。你可能会想独自挣扎一下,或者感到害怕你的问题 "太简单了"。"你想:"我只是需要在向别人寻求帮助之前更努力地一下。不要落入这个陷阱! 你的同事往往是最好的信息来源:利用这一宝贵资源。
+我們告訴Nooglers,提升可能需要6個月左右。這個時間的延長對於在谷歌龐大而複雜的基礎設施上的提升是必要的,但它也強化了學習是一個持續、迭代的過程的理念。初學者犯的最大錯誤之一是在遇到困難時不尋求幫助。你可能會想獨自掙扎一下,或者感到害怕你的問題 "太簡單了"。"你想:"我只是需要在向別人尋求幫助之前更努力地一下。不要落入這個陷阱! 你的同事往往是最好的訊息來源:利用這一寶貴資源。
-There is no magical day when you suddenly always know exactly what to do in every situation—there’s always more to learn. Engineers who have been at Google for years still have areas in which they don’t feel like they know what they are doing, and that’s OK! Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know what that is; could you explain it?” Embrace not knowing things as an area of opportunity rather than one to fear.[^3]
+There is no magical day when you suddenly always know exactly what to do in every situation—there」s always more to learn. Engineers who have been at Google for years still have areas in which they don」t feel like they know what they are doing, and that」s OK! Don」t be afraid to say 『I don」t know what that is; could you explain it?』 Embrace not knowing things as an area of opportunity rather than one to fear.[^3]
-不会有神奇的一天,你突然总是确切地知道在任何情况下该怎么做——总是有更多的东西需要学。在谷歌工作多年的工程师们仍然有一些领域他们觉得自己不知道自己该怎么做,这没关系!不要害怕说 "我不知道那是什么,你能解释一下吗?"。把不知道事情当作了解新领域的机会,而不是一个恐惧这个未知领域。
+不會有神奇的一天,你突然總是確切地知道在任何情況下該怎麼做——總是有更多的東西需要學。在谷歌工作多年的工程師們仍然有一些領域他們覺得自己不知道自己該怎麼做,這沒關係!不要害怕說 "我不知道那是什麼,你能解釋一下嗎?"。把不知道事情當作瞭解新領域的機會,而不是一個恐懼這個未知領域。
-It doesn’t matter whether you’re new to a team or a senior leader: you should always be in an environment in which there’s something to learn. If not, you stagnate (and should find a new environment).
+It doesn」t matter whether you」re new to a team or a senior leader: you should always be in an environment in which there」s something to learn. If not, you stagnate (and should find a new environment).
-It’s especially critical for those in leadership roles to model this behavior: it’s important not to mistakenly equate “seniority” with “knowing everything.” In fact, the more you know, [the more you know you don’t know](https://oreil.ly/VWusg). Openly asking questions[^4] or expressing gaps in knowledge reinforces that it’s OK for others to do the same.
+It」s especially critical for those in leadership roles to model this behavior: it」s important not to mistakenly equate 『seniority』 with 『knowing everything.』 In fact, the more you know, [the more you know you don」t know](https://oreil.ly/VWusg). Openly asking questions[^4] or expressing gaps in knowledge reinforces that it」s OK for others to do the same.
-对于那些担任领导角色的人来说,塑造这种行为尤为重要:重要的是不要错误地将 "资历 "等同于 "无所不知"。事实上,你知道的越多,[你知道你不知道的就越多](https://oreil.ly/VWusg)。公开提问或表达知识差距,强化了其他人也可以这样做。
+對於那些擔任領導角色的人來說,塑造這種行為尤為重要:重要的是不要錯誤地將 "資歷 "等同於 "無所不知"。事實上,你知道的越多,[你知道你不知道的就越多](https://oreil.ly/VWusg)。公開提問或表達知識差距,強化了其他人也可以這樣做。
-On the receiving end, patience and kindness when answering questions fosters an environment in which people feel safe looking for help. Making it easier to overcome the initial hesitation to ask a question sets the tone early: reach out to solicit questions, and make it easy for even “trivial” questions to get an answer. Although engineers could probably figure out tribal knowledge on their own, they’re not here to work in a vacuum. Targeted help allows engineers to be productive faster, which in turn makes their entire team more productive.
+On the receiving end, patience and kindness when answering questions fosters an environment in which people feel safe looking for help. Making it easier to overcome the initial hesitation to ask a question sets the tone early: reach out to solicit questions, and make it easy for even 『trivial』 questions to get an answer. Although engineers could probably figure out tribal knowledge on their own, they」re not here to work in a vacuum. Targeted help allows engineers to be productive faster, which in turn makes their entire team more productive.
-> [^3]: Impostor syndrome is not uncommon among high achievers, and Googlers are no exception—in fact, a majority of this book’s authors have impostor syndrome. We acknowledge that fear of failure can be difficult for those with impostor syndrome and can reinforce an inclination to avoid branching out.
+> [^3]: Impostor syndrome is not uncommon among high achievers, and Googlers are no exception—in fact, a majority of this book」s authors have impostor syndrome. We acknowledge that fear of failure can be difficult for those with impostor syndrome and can reinforce an inclination to avoid branching out.
-> 3 冒名顶替综合症在成功人士中并不少见,谷歌也不例外。事实上,本书的大多数作者都患有冒名顶替综合症。我们承认,对于冒名顶替综合征患者来说,对失败的恐惧可能很难,并且会强化他们避免分道扬镳的倾向。
+> 3 冒名頂替綜合症在成功人士中並不少見,谷歌也不例外。事實上,本書的大多數作者都患有冒名頂替綜合症。我們承認,對於冒名頂替綜合徵患者來說,對失敗的恐懼可能很難,並且會強化他們避免分道揚鑣的傾向。
-> [^4]: See “[How to ask good questions.](https://jvns.ca/blog/good-questions/).
+> [^4]: See 『[How to ask good questions.](https://jvns.ca/blog/good-questions/).
-> 4 见 "如何提出好问题"。
+> 4 見 "如何提出好問題"。
-### Understand Context 了解背景
+### Understand Context 瞭解背景
-Learning is not just about understanding new things; it also includes developing an understanding of the decisions behind the design and implementation of existing things. Suppose that your team inherits a legacy codebase for a critical piece of infrastructure that has existed for many years. The original authors are long gone, and the code is difficult to understand. It can be tempting to rewrite from scratch rather than spend time learning the existing code. But instead of thinking “I don’t get it” and ending your thoughts there, dive deeper: what questions should you be asking?
+Learning is not just about understanding new things; it also includes developing an understanding of the decisions behind the design and implementation of existing things. Suppose that your team inherits a legacy codebase for a critical piece of infrastructure that has existed for many years. The original authors are long gone, and the code is difficult to understand. It can be tempting to rewrite from scratch rather than spend time learning the existing code. But instead of thinking 『I don」t get it』 and ending your thoughts there, dive deeper: what questions should you be asking?
-Consider the principle of “Chesterson’s fence”: before removing or changing something, first understand why it’s there.
- In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, “I don’t see the use of this; let us clear it away.” To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: “If you don’t see the use of it, I certainly won’t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.”
+Consider the principle of 『Chesterson」s fence』: before removing or changing something, first understand why it」s there.
+ In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, 『I don」t see the use of this; let us clear it away.』 To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: 『If you don」t see the use of it, I certainly won」t let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.』
-考虑一下 "Chesterson's fence "的原则:在移除或改变某些东西之前,首先要了解它为什么存在。
- 在改造事物的问题上,不同于使事物变形,有一个简单明了的原则;这个原则可能会被称为悖论。在这种情况下,存在着某种制度或法律;为了简单起见,让我们说,在一条道路上竖起了栅栏或大门。更现代的改革者兴高采烈地走到它面前,说:"我看不出来这有什么用;让我们把它清除掉吧。" 对此,更聪明的改革者会很好地回答。"如果你看不到它的用途,我当然不会让你清除它。走吧,好好想想。然后,当你能回来告诉我你确实看到了它的用途时,我才会允许你销毁它。"
+考慮一下 "Chesterson's fence "的原則:在移除或改變某些東西之前,首先要了解它為什麼存在。
+ 在改造事物的問題上,不同於使事物變形,有一個簡單明瞭的原則;這個原則可能會被稱為悖論。在這種情況下,存在著某種制度或法律;為了簡單起見,讓我們說,在一條道路上豎起了柵欄或大門。更現代的改革者興高采烈地走到它面前,說:"我看不出來這有什麼用;讓我們把它清除掉吧。" 對此,更聰明的改革者會很好地回答。"如果你看不到它的用途,我當然不會讓你清除它。走吧,好好想想。然後,當你能回來告訴我你確實看到了它的用途時,我才會允許你銷燬它。"
-This doesn’t mean that code can’t lack clarity or that existing design patterns can’t be wrong, but engineers have a tendency to reach for “this is bad!” far more quickly than is often warranted, especially for unfamiliar code, languages, or paradigms. Google is not immune to this. Seek out and understand context, especially for decisions that seem unusual. After you’ve understood the context and purpose of the code, consider whether your change still makes sense. If it does, go ahead and make it; if it doesn’t, document your reasoning for future readers.
+This doesn」t mean that code can」t lack clarity or that existing design patterns can」t be wrong, but engineers have a tendency to reach for 『this is bad!』 far more quickly than is often warranted, especially for unfamiliar code, languages, or paradigms. Google is not immune to this. Seek out and understand context, especially for decisions that seem unusual. After you」ve understood the context and purpose of the code, consider whether your change still makes sense. If it does, go ahead and make it; if it doesn」t, document your reasoning for future readers.
-这并不意味着代码不可能缺乏清晰,也不意味着现有的设计模式不可能是错误的,但工程师们有一种倾向,即 "这很糟糕!"通常的代码要快得多,特别是对于不熟悉的代码、语言或范例。谷歌也不能幸免。寻找和了解背景,特别是对于那些看起来不寻常的决定。在你了解了代码的背景和目的之后,考虑你的改变是否仍然有意义。如果有意义,就继续做;如果没有意义,就为未来的继任者记录下你的理由。
+這並不意味著程式碼不可能缺乏清晰,也不意味著現有的設計模式不可能是錯誤的,但工程師們有一種傾向,比起程式碼存在的正當理由,反而容易想到這段程式碼 "很糟糕!",特別是對於不熟悉的程式碼、語言或範例。谷歌也不能倖免。尋找和了解背景,特別是對於那些看起來不尋常的決定。在你瞭解了程式碼的背景和目的之後,考慮你的改變是否仍然有意義。如果有意義,就繼續做;如果沒有意義,就為未來的繼任者記錄下你的理由。
-Many Google style guides explicitly include context to help readers understand the rationale behind the style guidelines instead of just memorizing a list of arbitrary rules. More subtly, understanding the rationale behind a given guideline allows authors to make informed decisions about when the guideline shouldn’t apply or whether the guideline needs updating. See Chapter 8.
+Many Google style guides explicitly include context to help readers understand the rationale behind the style guidelines instead of just memorizing a list of arbitrary rules. More subtly, understanding the rationale behind a given guideline allows authors to make informed decisions about when the guideline shouldn」t apply or whether the guideline needs updating. See Chapter 8.
-## Scaling Your Questions: Ask the Community 扩展你的问题:向社区提问
+## Scaling Your Questions: Ask the Community 擴充套件你的問題:向社群提問
Getting one-to-one help is high bandwidth but necessarily limited in scale. And as a learner, it can be difficult to remember every detail. Do your future self a favor: when you learn something from a one-to-one discussion, write it down.
Chances are that future newcomers will have the same questions you had. Do them a favor, too, and share what you write down.
-Although sharing the answers you receive can be useful, it’s also beneficial to seek help not from individuals but from the greater community. In this section, we examine different forms of community-based learning. Each of these approaches—group chats, mailing lists, and question-and-answer systems—have different trade-offs and complement one another. But each of them enables the knowledge seeker to get help from a broader community of peers and experts and also ensures that answers are broadly available to current and future members of that community.
+Although sharing the answers you receive can be useful, it」s also beneficial to seek help not from individuals but from the greater community. In this section, we examine different forms of community-based learning. Each of these approaches—group chats, mailing lists, and question-and-answer systems—have different trade-offs and complement one another. But each of them enables the knowledge seeker to get help from a broader community of peers and experts and also ensures that answers are broadly available to current and future members of that community.
### Group Chats 群聊
-When you have a question, it can sometimes be difficult to get help from the right person. Maybe you’re not sure who knows the answer, or the person you want to ask is busy. In these situations, group chats are great, because you can ask your question to many people at once and have a quick back-and-forth conversation with whoever is available. As a bonus, other members of the group chat can learn from the question and answer, and many forms of group chat can be automatically archived and searched later.
+When you have a question, it can sometimes be difficult to get help from the right person. Maybe you」re not sure who knows the answer, or the person you want to ask is busy. In these situations, group chats are great, because you can ask your question to many people at once and have a quick back-and-forth conversation with whoever is available. As a bonus, other members of the group chat can learn from the question and answer, and many forms of group chat can be automatically archived and searched later.
Group chats tend to be devoted either to topics or to teams. Topic-driven group chats are typically open so that anyone can drop in to ask a question. They tend to attract experts and can grow quite large, so questions are usually answered quickly. Team- oriented chats, on the other hand, tend to be smaller and restrict membership. As a result, they might not have the same reach as a topic-driven chat, but their smaller size can feel safer to a newcomer.
-Although group chats are great for quick questions, they don’t provide much structure, which can make it difficult to extract meaningful information from a conversation in which you’re not actively involved. As soon as you need to share information outside of the group, or make it available to refer back to later, you should write a document or email a mailing list.
+Although group chats are great for quick questions, they don」t provide much structure, which can make it difficult to extract meaningful information from a conversation in which you」re not actively involved. As soon as you need to share information outside of the group, or make it available to refer back to later, you should write a document or email a mailing list.
-### Mailing Lists 邮件列表
+### Mailing Lists 郵件清單
-Most topics at Google have a topic-users@ or topic-discuss@ Google Groups mailing list that anyone at the company can join or email. Asking a question on a public mailing list is a lot like asking a group chat: the question reaches a lot of people who could potentially answer it and anyone following the list can learn from the answer. Unlike group chats, though, public mailing lists are easy to share with a wider audience: they are packaged into searchable archives, and email threads provide more structure than group chats. At Google, mailing lists are also indexed and can be discovered by Moma, Google’s intranet search engine.
+Most topics at Google have a topic-users@ or topic-discuss@ Google Groups mailing list that anyone at the company can join or email. Asking a question on a public mailing list is a lot like asking a group chat: the question reaches a lot of people who could potentially answer it and anyone following the list can learn from the answer. Unlike group chats, though, public mailing lists are easy to share with a wider audience: they are packaged into searchable archives, and email threads provide more structure than group chats. At Google, mailing lists are also indexed and can be discovered by Moma, Google」s intranet search engine.
-When you find an answer to a question you asked on a mailing list, it can be tempting to get on with your work. Don’t do it! You never know when someone will need the same information in the future, so it’s a best practice to post the answer back to the list.
+When you find an answer to a question you asked on a mailing list, it can be tempting to get on with your work. Don」t do it! You never know when someone will need the same information in the future, so it」s a best practice to post the answer back to the list.
-当你找到了你在邮件列表中提出的问题的答案时,你可能会很想继续你的工作。请不要这样做! 你永远不知道将来什么时候会有人需要同样的信息,所以最好将答案发回邮件列表。
+當你找到了你在郵件清單中提出的問題的答案時,你可能會很想繼續你的工作。請不要這樣做! 你永遠不知道將來什麼時候會有人需要同樣的訊息,所以最好將答案發回郵件清單。
-Mailing lists are not without their trade-offs. They’re well suited for complicated questions that require a lot of context, but they’re clumsy for the quick back-and- forth exchanges at which group chats excel. A thread about a particular problem is generally most useful while it is active. Email archives are immutable, and it can be hard to determine whether an answer discovered in an old discussion thread is still relevant to a present-day situation. Additionally, the signal-to-noise ratio can be lower than other mediums like formal documentation because the problem that someone is having with their specific workflow might not be applicable to you.
+Mailing lists are not without their trade-offs. They」re well suited for complicated questions that require a lot of context, but they」re clumsy for the quick back-and- forth exchanges at which group chats excel. A thread about a particular problem is generally most useful while it is active. Email archives are immutable, and it can be hard to determine whether an answer discovered in an old discussion thread is still relevant to a present-day situation. Additionally, the signal-to-noise ratio can be lower than other mediums like formal documentation because the problem that someone is having with their specific workflow might not be applicable to you.
-#### Email at Google 谷歌的电子邮件
+#### Email at Google 谷歌的電子郵件
-Google culture is infamously email-centric and email-heavy. Google engineers receive hundreds of emails (if not more) each day, with varying degrees of actionability. Nooglers can spend days just setting up email filters to deal with the volume of notifications coming from groups that they’ve been autosubscribed to; some people just give up and don’t try to keep up with the flow. Some groups CC large mailing lists onto every discussion by default, without trying to target information to those who are likely to be specifically interested in it; as a result, the signal-to-noise ratio can be a real problem.
+Google culture is infamously email-centric and email-heavy. Google engineers receive hundreds of emails (if not more) each day, with varying degrees of actionability. Nooglers can spend days just setting up email filters to deal with the volume of notifications coming from groups that they」ve been autosubscribed to; some people just give up and don」t try to keep up with the flow. Some groups CC large mailing lists onto every discussion by default, without trying to target information to those who are likely to be specifically interested in it; as a result, the signal-to-noise ratio can be a real problem.
-Google tends toward email-based workflows by default. This isn’t necessarily because email is a better medium than other communications options—it often isn’t—rather, it’s because that’s what our culture is accustomed to. Keep this in mind as your organization considers what forms of communication to encourage or invest in.
+Google tends toward email-based workflows by default. This isn」t necessarily because email is a better medium than other communications options—it often isn」t—rather, it」s because that」s what our culture is accustomed to. Keep this in mind as your organization considers what forms of communication to encourage or invest in.
-### YAQS: Question-and-Answer Platform YAQS:问答平台
+### YAQS: Question-and-Answer Platform YAQS:問答平台
-YAQS (“Yet Another Question System”) is a Google-internal version of a [Stack Overflow](https://oreil.ly/iTtbm)–like website, making it easy for Googlers to link to existing or work-in-progress code as well as discuss confidential information.
+YAQS (『Yet Another Question System』) is a Google-internal version of a [Stack Overflow](https://oreil.ly/iTtbm)–like website, making it easy for Googlers to link to existing or work-in-progress code as well as discuss confidential information.
-YAQS("另一个问题系统")是谷歌内部版本的[Stack Overflow](https://oreil.ly/iTtbm)——类似网站,使Googlers能够轻松地链接到现有或正在进行的代码,以及讨论机密信息。
+YAQS("另一個問題系統")是谷歌內部版本的[Stack Overflow](https://oreil.ly/iTtbm)——類似網站,使Googlers能夠輕鬆地連結到現有或正在進行的程式碼,以及討論機密訊息。
Like Stack Overflow, YAQS shares many of the same advantages of mailing lists and adds refinements: answers marked as helpful are promoted in the user interface, and users can edit questions and answers so that they remain accurate and useful as code and facts change. As a result, some mailing lists have been superseded by YAQS, whereas others have evolved into more general discussion lists that are less focused on problem solving.
-像Stack Overflow一样,YAQS与邮件列表有许多相同的优点,并增加了完善的功能:标记为有用的答案在用户界面上被推广,用户可以编辑问题和答案,以便随着代码和事实的变化保持准确和有用。因此,一些邮件列表已经被YAQS所取代,而其他的邮件列表已经演变成更一般的讨论列表,不再专注于解决问题。
+像Stack Overflow一樣,YAQS與郵件清單有許多相同的優點,並增加了完善的功能:標記為有用的答案在使用者介面上被推廣,使用者可以編輯問題和答案,以便隨著程式碼和事實的變化保持準確和有用。因此,一些郵件清單已經被YAQS所取代,而其他的郵件清單已經演變成更一般的討論清單,不再專注於解決問題。
-## Scaling Your Knowledge:You Always Have Something to Teach 扩展你的知识:你总是有东西可教的
+## Scaling Your Knowledge:You Always Have Something to Teach 擴充套件你的知識:你總是有東西可教的
Teaching is not limited to experts, nor is expertise a binary state in which you are either a novice or an expert. Expertise is a multidimensional vector of what you know: everyone has varying levels of expertise across different areas. This is one of the reasons why diversity is critical to organizational success: different people bring different perspectives and expertise to the table (see Chapter 4). Google engineers teach others in a variety of ways, such as office hours, giving tech talks, teaching classes, writing documentation, and reviewing code.
-### Office Hours 固定时间
+### Office Hours 固定時間
-Sometimes it’s really important to have a human to talk to, and in those instances, office hours can be a good solution. Office hours are a regularly scheduled (typically weekly) event during which one or more people make themselves available to answer questions about a particular topic. Office hours are almost never the first choice for knowledge sharing: if you have an urgent question, it can be painful to wait for the next session for an answer; and if you’re hosting office hours, they take up time and need to be regularly promoted. That said, they do provide a way for people to talk to an expert in person. This is particularly useful if the problem is still ambiguous enough that the engineer doesn’t yet know what questions to ask (such as when they’re just starting to design a new service) or whether the problem is about something so specialized that there just isn’t documentation on it.
+Sometimes it」s really important to have a human to talk to, and in those instances, office hours can be a good solution. Office hours are a regularly scheduled (typically weekly) event during which one or more people make themselves available to answer questions about a particular topic. Office hours are almost never the first choice for knowledge sharing: if you have an urgent question, it can be painful to wait for the next session for an answer; and if you」re hosting office hours, they take up time and need to be regularly promoted. That said, they do provide a way for people to talk to an expert in person. This is particularly useful if the problem is still ambiguous enough that the engineer doesn」t yet know what questions to ask (such as when they」re just starting to design a new service) or whether the problem is about something so specialized that there just isn」t documentation on it.
-### Tech Talks and Classes 技术讲座和课程
+### Tech Talks and Classes 技術講座和課程
-Google has a robust culture of both internal and external[^5] tech talks and classes. Our engEDU (Engineering Education) team focuses on providing Computer Science education to many audiences, ranging from Google engineers to students around the world. At a more grassroots level, our g2g (Googler2Googler) program lets Googlers sign up to give or attend talks and classes from fellow Googlers.[^6] The program is wildly successful, with thousands of participating Googlers teaching topics from the technical (e.g., “Understanding Vectorization in Modern CPUs”) to the just-for-fun (e.g., “Beginner Swing Dance”).
+Google has a robust culture of both internal and external[^5] tech talks and classes. Our engEDU (Engineering Education) team focuses on providing Computer Science education to many audiences, ranging from Google engineers to students around the world. At a more grassroots level, our g2g (Googler2Googler) program lets Googlers sign up to give or attend talks and classes from fellow Googlers.[^6] The program is wildly successful, with thousands of participating Googlers teaching topics from the technical (e.g., 『Understanding Vectorization in Modern CPUs』) to the just-for-fun (e.g., 『Beginner Swing Dance』).
-谷歌拥有强大的内部和外部技术讲座和课程的文化。我们的engEDU(工程教育)团队专注于为许多受众提供计算机科学教育,包括谷歌工程师和世界各地的学生。在更底层的层面上,我们的g2g(Googler2Googler)计划让Googlers报名参加,以举办或参加Googlers同伴的讲座和课程。该计划非常成功,有数千名Googlers参与,教授的主题从技术(如 "了解现代CPU的矢量化")到只是为了好玩(如 "初级摇摆舞")。
+谷歌擁有強大的內部和外部技術講座和課程的文化。我們的engEDU(工程教育)團隊專注於為許多受眾提供電腦科學教育,包括谷歌工程師和世界各地的學生。在更底層的層面上,我們的g2g(Googler2Googler)計劃讓Googlers報名參加,以舉辦或參加Googlers同伴的講座和課程。該計劃非常成功,有數千名Googlers參與,教授的主題從技術(如 "瞭解現代CPU的矢量化")到只是為了好玩(如 "初級搖擺舞")。
-Tech talks typically consist of a speaker presenting directly to an audience. Classes, on the other hand, can have a lecture component but often center on in-class exercises and therefore require more active participation from attendees. As a result, instructor-led classes are typically more demanding and expensive to create and maintain than tech talks and are reserved for the most important or difficult topics. That said, after a class has been created, it can be scaled relatively easily because many instructors can teach a class from the same course materials. We’ve found that classes tend to work best when the following circumstances exist:
+Tech talks typically consist of a speaker presenting directly to an audience. Classes, on the other hand, can have a lecture component but often center on in-class exercises and therefore require more active participation from attendees. As a result, instructor-led classes are typically more demanding and expensive to create and maintain than tech talks and are reserved for the most important or difficult topics. That said, after a class has been created, it can be scaled relatively easily because many instructors can teach a class from the same course materials. We」ve found that classes tend to work best when the following circumstances exist:
-- The topic is complicated enough that it’s a frequent source of misunderstanding. Classes take a lot of work to create, so they should be developed only when they’re addressing specific needs.
+- The topic is complicated enough that it」s a frequent source of misunderstanding. Classes take a lot of work to create, so they should be developed only when they」re addressing specific needs.
- The topic is relatively stable. Updating class materials is a lot of work, so if the subject is rapidly evolving, other forms of sharing knowledge will have a better bang for the buck.
- The topic benefits from having teachers available to answer questions and provide personalized help. If students can easily learn without directed help, self- serve mediums like documentation or recordings are more efficient. A number of introductory classes at Google also have self-study versions.
- There is enough demand to offer the class regularly. Otherwise, potential learners will get the information they need in other ways rather than waiting for the class. At Google, this is particularly a problem for small, geographically remote offices.
-- 主题足够复杂,以至于经常出现误解。课程的创建需要大量的工作,因此只有在满足特定需求时才能开发。
-- 该主题相对稳定。更新课堂材料是一项繁重的工作,所以如果该主题快速发展,其他形式的知识共享将有更好的回报。
-- 该主题得益于有教师回答问题和提供个性化的帮助。如果学生可以在没有指导帮助的情况下轻松学习,那么像文档或录音这样的自我服务媒介就会更有效率。谷歌的一些介绍性课程也有自学版本。
-- 有足够的需求定期提供课程。否则,潜在的学习者会通过其他方式获得他们需要的信息,而不是等待课程。在谷歌,这对于地理位置偏远的小型办公室来说尤其是一个问题。
+- 主題足夠複雜,以至於經常出現誤解。課程的建立需要大量的工作,因此只有在滿足特定需求時才能開發。
+- 該主題相對穩定。更新課堂材料是一項繁重的工作,所以如果該主題快速發展,其他形式的知識共享將有更好的回報。
+- 該主題得益於有教師回答問題和提供個性化的幫助。如果學生可以在沒有指導幫助的情況下輕鬆學習,那麼像文件或錄音這樣的自我服務媒介就會更有效率。谷歌的一些介紹性課程也有自學版本。
+- 有足夠的需求定期提供課程。否則,潛在的學習者會通過其他方式獲得他們需要的訊息,而不是等待課程。在谷歌,這對於地理位置偏遠的小型辦公室來說尤其是一個問題。
> [5]: https://talksat.withgoogle.com and https://www.youtube.com/GoogleTechTalks, to name a few.
-> 5 https://talksat.withgoogle.com 和 [https://www.youtube.com/GoogleTechTalks](https://www.youtube.com/GoogleTechTalks),仅举几例。
+> 5 https://talksat.withgoogle.com 和 [https://www.youtube.com/GoogleTechTalks](https://www.youtube.com/GoogleTechTalks),僅舉幾例。
> [^6]: The g2g program is detailed in: Laszlo Bock, Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead (New York: Twelve Books, 2015). It includes descriptions of different aspects of the program as well as how to evaluate impact and recommendations for what to focus on when setting up similar programs.
-> 6 g2g程序详见。Laszlo Bock, Work Rules! 来自谷歌内部的洞察力,将改变你的生活和领导方式(纽约:十二书局,2015年)。该书包括对该计划不同方面的描述,以及如何评估影响,并就设立类似计划时应关注的内容提出建议。
+> 6 g2g程式詳見。Laszlo Bock, Work Rules! 來自谷歌內部的洞察力,將改變你的生活和領導方式(紐約:十二書局,2015年)。該書包括對該計劃不同方面的描述,以及如何評估影響,並就設立類似計劃時應關注的內容提出建議。
-### Documentation 文档
+### Documentation 文件
-Documentation is written knowledge whose primary goal is to help its readers learn something. Not all written knowledge is necessarily documentation, although it can be useful as a paper trail. For example, it’s possible to find an answer to a problem in a mailing list thread, but the primary goal of the original question on the thread was to seek answers, and only secondarily to document the discussion for others.
+Documentation is written knowledge whose primary goal is to help its readers learn something. Not all written knowledge is necessarily documentation, although it can be useful as a paper trail. For example, it」s possible to find an answer to a problem in a mailing list thread, but the primary goal of the original question on the thread was to seek answers, and only secondarily to document the discussion for others.
In this section, we focus on spotting opportunities for contributing to and creating formal documentation, from small things like fixing a typo to larger efforts such as documenting tribal knowledge.
-#### Updating documentation 更新文档
+#### Updating documentation 更新文件
-The first time you learn something is the best time to see ways that the existing documentation and training materials can be improved. By the time you’ve absorbed and understood a new process or system, you might have forgotten what was difficult or what simple steps were missing from the “Getting Started” documentation. At this stage, if you find a mistake or omission in the documentation, fix it! Leave the campground cleaner than you found it,[^7] and try to update the documents yourself, even when that documentation is owned by a different part of the organization.
+The first time you learn something is the best time to see ways that the existing documentation and training materials can be improved. By the time you」ve absorbed and understood a new process or system, you might have forgotten what was difficult or what simple steps were missing from the 『Getting Started』 documentation. At this stage, if you find a mistake or omission in the documentation, fix it! Leave the campground cleaner than you found it,[^7] and try to update the documents yourself, even when that documentation is owned by a different part of the organization.
-你第一次学习某样东西的时候,最好是看看如何改进现有的文档和培训材料。当你吸收并理解了一个新的流程或系统时,你可能已经忘记了 "入门 "文档中的难点或缺少哪些简单的步骤文档。在这个阶段,如果你发现文件中的错误或遗漏,就把它改正过来! 离开营地时要比你发现时更干净[^7],并尝试自己更新文件,即使文档属于组织的其他部门。
+你第一次學習某樣東西的時候,最好是看看如何改進現有的文件和培訓材料。當你吸收並理解了一個新的流程或系統時,你可能已經忘記了 "入門 "文件中的難點或缺少哪些簡單的步驟文件。在這個階段,如果你發現檔案中的錯誤或遺漏,就把它改正過來! 離開營地時要比你發現時更乾淨[^7],並嘗試自己更新檔案,即使文件屬於組織的其他部門。
At Google, engineers feel empowered to update documentation regardless of who owns it—and we often do—even if the fix is as small as correcting a typo. This level of community upkeep increased notably with the introduction of g3doc,[^8] which made it much easier for Googlers to find a documentation owner to review their suggestion. It also leaves an auditable trail of change history no different than that for code.
-#### Creating documentation 创建文档
+#### Creating documentation 建立文件
As your proficiency grows, write your own documentation and update existing docs. For example, if you set up a new development flow, document the steps. You can then make it easier for others to follow in your path by pointing them to your document. Even better, make it easier for people to find the document themselves. Any sufficiently undiscoverable or unsearchable documentation might as well not exist. This is another area in which g3doc shines because the documentation is predictably located right next to the source code, as opposed to off in an (unfindable) document or webpage somewhere.
-Finally, make sure there’s a mechanism for feedback. If there’s no easy and direct way for readers to indicate that documentation is outdated or inaccurate, they are likely not to bother telling anyone, and the next newcomer will come across the same problem. People are more willing to contribute changes if they feel that someone will actually notice and consider their suggestions. At Google, you can file a documentation bug directly from the document itself.
+Finally, make sure there」s a mechanism for feedback. If there」s no easy and direct way for readers to indicate that documentation is outdated or inaccurate, they are likely not to bother telling anyone, and the next newcomer will come across the same problem. People are more willing to contribute changes if they feel that someone will actually notice and consider their suggestions. At Google, you can file a documentation bug directly from the document itself.
-In addition, Googlers can easily leave comments on g3doc pages. Other Googlers can see and respond to these comments and, because leaving a comment automatically files a bug for the documentation owner, the reader doesn’t need to figure out who to contact.
+In addition, Googlers can easily leave comments on g3doc pages. Other Googlers can see and respond to these comments and, because leaving a comment automatically files a bug for the documentation owner, the reader doesn」t need to figure out who to contact.
-#### Promoting documentation 推广文档
+#### Promoting documentation 推廣文件
-Traditionally, encouraging engineers to document their work can be difficult. Writing documentation takes time and effort that could be spent on coding, and the benefits that result from that work are not immediate and are mostly reaped by others. Asymmetrical trade-offs like these are good for the organization as a whole given that many people can benefit from the time investment of a few, but without good incentives, it can be challenging to encourage such behavior. We discuss some of these structural incentives in the section “Incentives and recognition” on page 57.
+Traditionally, encouraging engineers to document their work can be difficult. Writing documentation takes time and effort that could be spent on coding, and the benefits that result from that work are not immediate and are mostly reaped by others. Asymmetrical trade-offs like these are good for the organization as a whole given that many people can benefit from the time investment of a few, but without good incentives, it can be challenging to encourage such behavior. We discuss some of these structural incentives in the section 『Incentives and recognition』 on page 57.
-传统上,鼓励工程师记录他们的工作可能是困难的。编写文档需要消耗编码的时间和精力,而且这些工作所带来的好处并不直接,大部分是由其他人获益的。鉴于许多人可以从少数人的时间中获益,像这样的不对称权衡对整个组织来说是好的,但如果没有好的激励措施,鼓励这样的行为是很有挑战性的。我们在第57页的 "激励和认可 "一节中讨论了其中的一些结构性激励。
+傳統上,鼓勵工程師記錄他們的工作可能是困難的。編寫文件需要消耗編碼的時間和精力,而且這些工作所帶來的好處並不直接,大部分是由其他人獲益的。鑑於許多人可以從少數人的時間中獲益,像這樣的不對稱權衡對整個組織來說是好的,但如果沒有好的激勵措施,鼓勵這樣的行為是很有挑戰性的。我們在第57頁的 "激勵和認可 "一節中討論了其中的一些結構性激勵。
However, a document author can often directly benefit from writing documentation. Suppose that team members always ask you for help debugging certain kinds of production failures. Documenting your procedures requires an upfront investment of time, but after that work is done, you can save time in the future by pointing team members to the documentation and providing hands-on help only when needed.
-Writing documentation also helps your team and organization scale. First, the information in the documentation becomes canonicalized as a reference: team members can refer to the shared document and even update it themselves. Second, the canonicalization may spread outside the team. Perhaps some parts of the documentation are not unique to the team’s configuration and become useful for other teams looking to resolve similar problems.
+Writing documentation also helps your team and organization scale. First, the information in the documentation becomes canonicalized as a reference: team members can refer to the shared document and even update it themselves. Second, the canonicalization may spread outside the team. Perhaps some parts of the documentation are not unique to the team」s configuration and become useful for other teams looking to resolve similar problems.
-> [^7]: See “[The Boy Scout Rule](https://oreil.ly/2u1Ce)” and Kevlin Henney, 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know (Boston: O’Reilly, 2010).
+> [^7]: See 『[The Boy Scout Rule](https://oreil.ly/2u1Ce)』 and Kevlin Henney, 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know (Boston: O」Reilly, 2010).
-> 7 见 "童子军规则 "和Kevlin Henney,《每个程序员应该知道的97件事》(波士顿:O'Reilly,2010)。
+> 7 見 "童子軍規則 "和Kevlin Henney,《每個工程師應該知道的97件事》(波士頓:O'Reilly,2010)。
-> [^8]: g3doc stands for “google3 documentation.” google3 is the name of the current incarnation of Google’s monolithic source repository.
-> 8 g3doc是 "google3文档 "的缩写。google3是谷歌单仓库源码库的当前化身的名称。
+> [^8]: g3doc stands for 『google3 documentation.』 google3 is the name of the current incarnation of Google」s monolithic source repository.
+> 8 g3doc是 "google3文件 "的縮寫。google3是谷歌單倉庫原始碼庫的當前化身的名稱。
-### Code 代码
+### Code 程式碼
At a meta level, code is knowledge, so the very act of writing code can be considered a form of knowledge transcription. Although knowledge sharing might not be a direct intent of production code, it is often an emergent side effect, which can be facilitated by code readability and clarity.
-Code documentation is one way to share knowledge; clear documentation not only benefits consumers of the library, but also future maintainers. Similarly, implementation comments transmit knowledge across time: you’re writing these comments expressly for the sake of future readers (including Future You!). In terms of trade- offs, code comments are subject to the same downsides as general documentation: they need to be actively maintained or they can quickly become out of date, as anyone who has ever read a comment that directly contradicts the code can attest.
+Code documentation is one way to share knowledge; clear documentation not only benefits consumers of the library, but also future maintainers. Similarly, implementation comments transmit knowledge across time: you」re writing these comments expressly for the sake of future readers (including Future You!). In terms of trade- offs, code comments are subject to the same downsides as general documentation: they need to be actively maintained or they can quickly become out of date, as anyone who has ever read a comment that directly contradicts the code can attest.
-Code reviews (see Chapter 9) are often a learning opportunity for both author(s) and reviewer(s). For example, a reviewer’s suggestion might introduce the author to a new testing pattern, or a reviewer might learn of a new library by seeing the author use it in their code. Google standardizes mentoring through code review with the readability process, as detailed in the case study at the end of this chapter.
+Code reviews (see Chapter 9) are often a learning opportunity for both author(s) and reviewer(s). For example, a reviewer」s suggestion might introduce the author to a new testing pattern, or a reviewer might learn of a new library by seeing the author use it in their code. Google standardizes mentoring through code review with the readability process, as detailed in the case study at the end of this chapter.
-## Scaling Your Organization’s Knowledge 扩展组织的知识
+## Scaling Your Organization」s Knowledge 擴充套件組織的知識
Ensuring that expertise is appropriately shared across the organization becomes more difficult as the organization grows. Some things, like culture, are important at every stage of growth, whereas others, like establishing canonical sources of information, might be more beneficial for more mature organizations.
-### Cultivating a Knowledge-Sharing Culture 培养知识共享文化
+### Cultivating a Knowledge-Sharing Culture 培養知識共享文化
Organizational culture is the squishy human thing that many companies treat as an afterthought. But at Google, we believe that focusing on the culture and environment first[^9] results in better outcomes than focusing on only the output—such as the code— of that environment.
-Making major organizational shifts is difficult, and countless books have been written on the topic. We don’t pretend to have all the answers, but we can share specific steps Google has taken to create a culture that promotes learning.
+Making major organizational shifts is difficult, and countless books have been written on the topic. We don」t pretend to have all the answers, but we can share specific steps Google has taken to create a culture that promotes learning.
-See the book Work Rules [^10] for a more in-depth examination of Google’s culture.
+See the book Work Rules [^10] for a more in-depth examination of Google」s culture.
> [^9]: Laszlo Bock, Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead (New York: Twelve Books, 2015).
-> 9 Laszlo Bock, Work Rules! 来自谷歌内部的洞察力,将改变你的生活和领导方式(纽约:十二书局,2015)。
+> 9 Laszlo Bock, Work Rules! 來自谷歌內部的洞察力,將改變你的生活和領導方式(紐約:十二書局,2015)。
> [^10]: Ibid.
@@ -444,223 +444,223 @@ See the book Work Rules [^10] for a more in-depth examination of Google’s cult
### Respect 尊重
-The bad behavior of just a few individuals can make an entire team or community unwelcoming. In such an environment, novices learn to take their questions elsewhere, and potential new experts stop trying and don’t have room to grow. In the worst cases, the group reduces to its most toxic members. It can be difficult to recover from this state.
+The bad behavior of just a few individuals can make an entire team or community unwelcoming. In such an environment, novices learn to take their questions elsewhere, and potential new experts stop trying and don」t have room to grow. In the worst cases, the group reduces to its most toxic members. It can be difficult to recover from this state.
-Knowledge sharing can and should be done with kindness and respect. In tech, tolerance—or worse, reverence—of the “brilliant jerk” is both pervasive and harmful, but being an expert and being kind are not mutually exclusive. The Leadership section of Google’s software engineering job ladder outlines this clearly:
- Although a measure of technical leadership is expected at higher levels, not all leadership is directed at technical problems. Leaders improve the quality of the people around them, improve the team’s psychological safety, create a culture of teamwork and collaboration, defuse tensions within the team, set an example of Google’s culture and values, and make Google a more vibrant and exciting place to work. Jerks are not good leaders.
+Knowledge sharing can and should be done with kindness and respect. In tech, tolerance—or worse, reverence—of the 『brilliant jerk』 is both pervasive and harmful, but being an expert and being kind are not mutually exclusive. The Leadership section of Google」s software engineering job ladder outlines this clearly:
+ Although a measure of technical leadership is expected at higher levels, not all leadership is directed at technical problems. Leaders improve the quality of the people around them, improve the team」s psychological safety, create a culture of teamwork and collaboration, defuse tensions within the team, set an example of Google」s culture and values, and make Google a more vibrant and exciting place to work. Jerks are not good leaders.
-知识分享可以而且应该以善意和尊重的方式进行。在科技界,对 "聪明的混蛋 "的容忍——还有更糟糕的是,崇尚 "聪明的混蛋",即是普遍又是危害的,但作为一个专家和善良并不互斥。谷歌软件工程职位阶梯的领导力部分清楚地概述了这一点:
- 虽然在更高的层次上需要衡量技术领导力,但并非所有的领导力都针对技术问题。领导者可以提高周围人的素质,改善团队的心理安全感,创造团队合作文化,化解团队内部的紧张情绪,树立谷歌文化和价值观的榜样,让谷歌成为一个更具活力和激情的工作场所。混蛋不是好领导。
+知識分享可以而且應該以善意和尊重的方式進行。在科技界,對 "聰明的混蛋 "的容忍——還有更糟糕的是,崇尚 "聰明的混蛋",即是普遍又是危害的,但作為一個專家和善良並不互斥。谷歌軟體工程職位階梯的領導力部分清楚地概述了這一點:
+ 雖然在更高的層次上需要衡量技術領導力,但並非所有的領導力都針對技術問題。領導者可以提高周圍人的素質,改善團隊的心理安全感,創造團隊合作文化,化解團隊內部的緊張情緒,樹立谷歌文化和價值觀的榜樣,讓谷歌成為一個更具活力和激情的工作場所。混蛋不是好領導。
-This expectation is modeled by senior leadership: Urs Hölzle (Senior Vice President of Technical Infrastructure) and Ben Treynor Sloss (Vice President, Founder of Google SRE) wrote a regularly cited internal document (“No Jerks”) about why Googlers should care about respectful behavior at work and what to do about it.
+This expectation is modeled by senior leadership: Urs Hölzle (Senior Vice President of Technical Infrastructure) and Ben Treynor Sloss (Vice President, Founder of Google SRE) wrote a regularly cited internal document (『No Jerks』) about why Googlers should care about respectful behavior at work and what to do about it.
-这种期望是由高级领导层示范的:Urs Hölzle(技术基础设施高级副总裁)和Ben Treynor Sloss(副总裁,谷歌SRE的创始人)写了一份经常被引用的内部文件("No Jerks"),说明为什么谷歌人应该关心工作中的尊重行为以及如何做。
+這種期望是由高階領導層示範的:Urs Hölzle(技術基礎設施高階副總裁)和Ben Treynor Sloss(副總裁,谷歌SRE的創始人)寫了一份經常被引用的內部檔案("No Jerks"),說明為什麼谷歌人應該關心工作中的尊重行為以及如何做。
-### ntives and recognition 奖励和认可
+### ntives and recognition 獎勵和認可
-Good culture must be actively nurtured, and encouraging a culture of knowledge sharing requires a commitment to recognizing and rewarding it at a systemic level. It’s a common mistake for organizations to pay lip service to a set of values while actively rewarding behavior that does not enforce those values. People react to incentives over platitudes, and so it’s important to put your money where your mouth is by putting in place a system of compensation and awards.
+Good culture must be actively nurtured, and encouraging a culture of knowledge sharing requires a commitment to recognizing and rewarding it at a systemic level. It」s a common mistake for organizations to pay lip service to a set of values while actively rewarding behavior that does not enforce those values. People react to incentives over platitudes, and so it」s important to put your money where your mouth is by putting in place a system of compensation and awards.
Google uses a variety of recognition mechanisms, from company-wide standards such as performance review and promotion criteria to peer-to-peer awards between Googlers.
Our software engineering ladder, which we use to calibrate rewards like compensation and promotion across the company, encourages engineers to share knowledge by noting these expectations explicitly. At more senior levels, the ladder explicitly calls out the importance of wider influence, and this expectation increases as seniority increases. At the highest levels, examples of leadership include the following:
- Growing future leaders by serving as mentors to junior staff, helping them develop both technically and in their Google role
- Sustaining and developing the software community at Google via code and design reviews, engineering education and development, and expert guidance to others in the field
-- 通过担任初级员工的导师,帮助他们在技术和谷歌角色上发展,培养未来的领导者。
-- 通过代码和设计审查、工程教育和开发以及对该领域其他人的专家指导,维持和发展谷歌的软件社区。
+- 透過擔任初級員工的導師,幫助他們在技術和谷歌角色上發展,培養未來的領導者。
+- 透過程式碼和設計審查、工程教育和開發以及對該領域其他人的專家指導,維持和發展谷歌的軟體社群。
Job ladder expectations are a top-down way to direct a culture, but culture is also formed from the bottom up. At Google, the peer bonus program is one way we embrace the bottom-up culture. Peer bonuses are a monetary award and formal recognition that any Googler can bestow on any other Googler for above-and-beyond work.[^11] For example, when Ravi sends a peer bonus to Julia for being a top contributor to a mailing list—regularly answering questions that benefit many readers—he is publicly recognizing her knowledge-sharing work and its impact beyond her team. Because peer bonuses are employee driven, not management driven, they can have an important and powerful grassroots effect.
Similar to peer bonuses are kudos: public acknowledgement of contributions (typically smaller in impact or effort than those meriting a peer bonus) that boost the visibility of peer-to-peer contributions.
-When a Googler gives another Googler a peer bonus or kudos, they can choose to copy additional groups or individuals on the award email, boosting recognition of the peer’s work. It’s also common for the recipient’s manager to forward the award email to the team to celebrate one another’s achievements.
+When a Googler gives another Googler a peer bonus or kudos, they can choose to copy additional groups or individuals on the award email, boosting recognition of the peer」s work. It」s also common for the recipient」s manager to forward the award email to the team to celebrate one another」s achievements.
-A system in which people can formally and easily recognize their peers is a powerful tool for encouraging peers to keep doing the awesome things they do. It’s not the bonus that matters: it’s the peer acknowledgement.
+A system in which people can formally and easily recognize their peers is a powerful tool for encouraging peers to keep doing the awesome things they do. It」s not the bonus that matters: it」s the peer acknowledgement.
-> [^11]: Peer bonuses include a cash award and a certificate as well as being a permanent part of a Googler’s award record in an internal tool called gThanks.
+> [^11]: Peer bonuses include a cash award and a certificate as well as being a permanent part of a Googler」s award record in an internal tool called gThanks.
-> 11 同行奖金包括现金奖励和证书,以及在一个名为gThanks的内部工具中成为Googler奖励记录的永久组成部分。
+> 11 同行獎金包括現金獎勵和證書,以及在一個名為gThanks的內部工具中成為Googler獎勵記錄的永久組成部分。
-### Establishing Canonical Sources of Information 建立规范的信息源
+### Establishing Canonical Sources of Information 建立規範的訊息源
Canonical sources of information are centralized, company-wide corpuses of information that provide a way to standardize and propagate expert knowledge. They work best for information that is relevant to all engineers within the organization, which is otherwise prone to information islands. For example, a guide to setting up a basic developer workflow should be made canonical, whereas a guide for running a local Frobber instance is more relevant just to the engineers working on Frobber.
Establishing canonical sources of information requires higher investment than maintaining more localized information such as team documentation, but it also has broader benefits. Providing centralized references for the entire organization makes broadly required information easier and more predictable to find and counters problems with information fragmentation that can arise when multiple teams grappling with similar problems produce their own—often conflicting—guides.
-Because canonical information is highly visible and intended to provide a shared understanding at the organizational level, it’s important that the content is actively maintained and vetted by subject matter experts. The more complex a topic, the more critical it is that canonical content has explicit owners. Well-meaning readers might see that something is out of date but lack the expertise to make the significant structural changes needed to fix it, even if tooling makes it easy to suggest updates.
+Because canonical information is highly visible and intended to provide a shared understanding at the organizational level, it」s important that the content is actively maintained and vetted by subject matter experts. The more complex a topic, the more critical it is that canonical content has explicit owners. Well-meaning readers might see that something is out of date but lack the expertise to make the significant structural changes needed to fix it, even if tooling makes it easy to suggest updates.
Creating and maintaining centralized, canonical sources of information is expensive and time consuming, and not all content needs to be shared at an organizational level. When considering how much effort to invest in this resource, consider your audience. Who benefits from this information? You? Your team? Your product area? All engineers?
-#### Developer guides 开发者指南
+#### Developer guides 開發者指南
Google has a broad and deep set of official guidance for engineers, including style guides, official software engineering best practices,[^12] guides for code review[^13] and testing,[^14] and Tips of the Week (TotW).[^15]
-The corpus of information is so large that it’s impractical to expect engineers to read it all end to end, much less be able to absorb so much information at once. Instead, a human expert already familiar with a guideline can send a link to a fellow engineer, who then can read the reference and learn more. The expert saves time by not needing to personally explain a company-wide practice, and the learner now knows that there is a canonical source of trustworthy information that they can access whenever necessary. Such a process scales knowledge because it enables human experts to recognize and solve a specific information need by leveraging common, scalable resources.
+The corpus of information is so large that it」s impractical to expect engineers to read it all end to end, much less be able to absorb so much information at once. Instead, a human expert already familiar with a guideline can send a link to a fellow engineer, who then can read the reference and learn more. The expert saves time by not needing to personally explain a company-wide practice, and the learner now knows that there is a canonical source of trustworthy information that they can access whenever necessary. Such a process scales knowledge because it enables human experts to recognize and solve a specific information need by leveraging common, scalable resources.
> [^12]: Such as books about software engineering at Google.
-> 12 如谷歌公司有关软件工程的书籍。
+> 12 如谷歌公司有關軟體工程的書籍。
> [^13]: See Chapter 9.
-> 13 见第9章。
+> 13 見第9章。
> [^14]: See Chapter 11
-> 14 见第11章。
+> 14 見第11章。
> [^15]: Available for multiple languages. Externally available for C++ at https://abseil.io/tips.
-> 15 可用于多种语言。对外可用于C++,在[https://abseil.io/tips](https://abseil.io/tips)。
+> 15 可用於多種語言。對外可用於C++,在[https://abseil.io/tips](https://abseil.io/tips)。
-#### go/links 链接
+#### go/links 連結
-go/links (sometimes referred to as goto/ links) are Google’s internal URL shortener.[^16] Most Google-internal references have at least one internal go/ link. For example, “go/ spanner” provides information about Spanner, “go/python” is Google’s Python developer guide. The content can live in any repository (g3doc, Google Drive, Google Sites, etc.), but having a go/ link that points to it provides a predictable, memorable way to access it. This yields some nice benefits:
+go/links (sometimes referred to as goto/ links) are Google」s internal URL shortener.[^16] Most Google-internal references have at least one internal go/ link. For example, 『go/ spanner』 provides information about Spanner, 『go/python』 is Google」s Python developer guide. The content can live in any repository (g3doc, Google Drive, Google Sites, etc.), but having a go/ link that points to it provides a predictable, memorable way to access it. This yields some nice benefits:
-- go/links are so short that it’s easy to share them in conversation (“You should check out go/frobber!”). This is much easier than having to go find a link and then send a message to all interested parties. Having a low-friction way to share references makes it more likely that that knowledge will be shared in the first place.
-- go/links provide a permalink to the content, even if the underlying URL changes. When an owner moves content to a different repository (for example, moving content from a Google doc to g3doc), they can simply update the go/link’s target URL. The go/link itself remains unchanged.
+- go/links are so short that it」s easy to share them in conversation (『You should check out go/frobber!』). This is much easier than having to go find a link and then send a message to all interested parties. Having a low-friction way to share references makes it more likely that that knowledge will be shared in the first place.
+- go/links provide a permalink to the content, even if the underlying URL changes. When an owner moves content to a different repository (for example, moving content from a Google doc to g3doc), they can simply update the go/link」s target URL. The go/link itself remains unchanged.
-go/links(有时被称为goto/链接)是谷歌的内部URL缩短器。[^16]大多数谷歌内部的参考资料至少有一个内部go/links。例如,"go/spanner "提供关于Spanner的信息,"go/python "是谷歌的Python开发者指南。这些内容可以存在于任何资源库中(g3doc、Google Drive、Google Sites等),但有一个指向它的go/links提供了一种可预测的、可记忆的访问方式。这产生了一些很好的好处:
+go/links(有時被稱為goto/連結)是谷歌的內部URL縮短器。[^16]大多數谷歌內部的參考資料至少有一個內部go/links。例如,"go/spanner "提供關於Spanner的訊息,"go/python "是谷歌的Python開發者指南。這些內容可以存在於任何資源庫中(g3doc、Google Drive、Google Sites等),但有一個指向它的go/links提供了一種可預測的、可記憶的訪問方式。這產生了一些很好的好處:
-- go/links非常短,很容易在谈话中分享它们("你应该看看go/frobber!")。这比去找一个链接,然后给所有感兴趣的人发一个消息要容易得多。有一个低成本的方式来分享参考资料,使得这些知识更有可能在第一时间被分享。
-- go/links提供内容的固定链接,即使底层的URL发生变化。当所有者将内容移到一个不同的资源库时(例如,将内容从Google doc移到g3doc),他们可以简单地更新go/link的目标URL。go/link本身保持不变。
+- go/links非常短,很容易在談話中分享它們("你應該看看go/frobber!")。這比去找一個連結,然後給所有感興趣的人發一個訊息要容易得多。有一個低成本的方式來分享參考資料,使得這些知識更有可能在第一時間被分享。
+- go/links提供內容的固定連結,即使底層的URL發生變化。當所有者將內容移到一個不同的資源庫時(例如,將內容從Google doc移到g3doc),他們可以簡單地更新go/link的目標URL。go/link本身保持不變。
-go/links are so ingrained into Google culture that a virtuous cycle has emerged: a Googler looking for information about Frobber will likely first check go/frobber. If the go/ link doesn’t point to the Frobber Developer Guide (as expected), the Googler will generally configure the link themselves. As a result, Googlers can usually guess the correct go/link on the first try.
+go/links are so ingrained into Google culture that a virtuous cycle has emerged: a Googler looking for information about Frobber will likely first check go/frobber. If the go/ link doesn」t point to the Frobber Developer Guide (as expected), the Googler will generally configure the link themselves. As a result, Googlers can usually guess the correct go/link on the first try.
-#### Codelabs 代码实验室
+#### Codelabs 程式碼實驗室
-Google codelabs are guided, hands-on tutorials that teach engineers new concepts or processes by combining explanations, working best-practice example code, and code exercises.[^17] A canonical collection of codelabs for technologies broadly used across Google is available at go/codelab. These codelabs go through several rounds of formal review and testing before publication. Codelabs are an interesting halfway point between static documentation and instructor-led classes, and they share the best and worst features of each. Their hands-on nature makes them more engaging than traditional documentation, but engineers can still access them on demand and complete them on their own; but they are expensive to maintain and are not tailored to the learner’s specific needs.
+Google codelabs are guided, hands-on tutorials that teach engineers new concepts or processes by combining explanations, working best-practice example code, and code exercises.[^17] A canonical collection of codelabs for technologies broadly used across Google is available at go/codelab. These codelabs go through several rounds of formal review and testing before publication. Codelabs are an interesting halfway point between static documentation and instructor-led classes, and they share the best and worst features of each. Their hands-on nature makes them more engaging than traditional documentation, but engineers can still access them on demand and complete them on their own; but they are expensive to maintain and are not tailored to the learner」s specific needs.
-Google codelabs是有指导的实践教程,通过结合解释、工作中的最佳实践示例代码和代码练习,向工程师传授新概念或流程[^17]。go/codelab上提供了一个规范的codelabs集合,用于Google广泛使用的技术。这些代码集在发布前经过了几轮正式的审查和测试。Codelabs是介于静态文档和讲师指导课程之间的一个有趣的中间点,它们分享了两者的最佳和最差的特点。它们的实践性使它们比传统的文档更有吸引力,但工程师仍然可以按需访问它们,并自行完成;但它们的维护成本很高,而且不适合学习者的特定需求。
+Google codelabs是有指導的實踐教程,透過結合解釋、工作中的最佳實踐範例程式碼和程式碼練習,向工程師傳授新概念或流程[^17]。go/codelab上提供了一個規範的codelabs集合,用於Google廣泛使用的技術。這些程式碼集在發布前經過了幾輪正式的審查和測試。Codelabs是介於靜態文件和講師指導課程之間的一個有趣的中間點,它們分享了兩者的最佳和最差的特點。它們的實踐性使它們比傳統的文件更有吸引力,但工程師仍然可以按需訪問它們,並自行完成;但它們的維護成本很高,而且不適合學習者的特定需求。
> [^16]: go/ links are unrelated to the Go language.
-> 16 go/link与go语言无关。
+> 16 go/link與go語言無關。
> [^17]: External codelabs are available at `https://codelabs.developers.google.com`.
-> 17 外部代码实验室可在 `https://codelabs.developers.google.com`。
+> 17 外部程式碼實驗室可在 `https://codelabs.developers.google.com`。
-#### Static analysis 静态分析
+#### Static analysis 靜態分析
Static analysis tools are a powerful way to share best practices that can be checked programmatically. Every programming language has its own particular static analysis tools, but they have the same general purpose: to alert code authors and reviewers to ways in which code can be improved to follow style and best practices. Some tools go one step further and offer to automatically apply those improvements to the code.
-Setting up static analysis tools requires an upfront investment, but as soon as they are in place, they scale efficiently. When a check for a best practice is added to a tool, every engineer using that tool becomes aware of that best practice. This also frees up engineers to teach other things: the time and effort that would have gone into manually teaching the (now automated) best practice can instead be used to teach something else. Static analysis tools augment engineers’ knowledge. They enable an organization to apply more best practices and apply them more consistently than would otherwise be possible.
+Setting up static analysis tools requires an upfront investment, but as soon as they are in place, they scale efficiently. When a check for a best practice is added to a tool, every engineer using that tool becomes aware of that best practice. This also frees up engineers to teach other things: the time and effort that would have gone into manually teaching the (now automated) best practice can instead be used to teach something else. Static analysis tools augment engineers」 knowledge. They enable an organization to apply more best practices and apply them more consistently than would otherwise be possible.
-### Staying in the Loop 保持互动
+### Staying in the Loop 保持互動
-Some information is critical to do one’s job, such as knowing how to do a typical development workflow. Other information, such as updates on popular productivity tools, is less critical but still useful. For this type of knowledge, the formality of the information sharing medium depends on the importance of the information being delivered. For example, users expect official documentation to be kept up to date, but typically have no such expectation for newsletter content, which therefore requires less maintenance and upkeep from the owner.
+Some information is critical to do one」s job, such as knowing how to do a typical development workflow. Other information, such as updates on popular productivity tools, is less critical but still useful. For this type of knowledge, the formality of the information sharing medium depends on the importance of the information being delivered. For example, users expect official documentation to be kept up to date, but typically have no such expectation for newsletter content, which therefore requires less maintenance and upkeep from the owner.
-#### Newsletters 时事通讯
+#### Newsletters 時事通訊
-Google has a number of company-wide newsletters that are sent to all engineers, including EngNews (engineering news), Ownd (Privacy/Security news), and Google’s Greatest Hits (report of the most interesting outages of the quarter). These are a good way to communicate information that is of interest to engineers but isn’t mission critical. For this type of update, we’ve found that newsletters get better engagement when they are sent less frequently and contain more useful, interesting content. Otherwise, newsletters can be perceived as spam.
+Google has a number of company-wide newsletters that are sent to all engineers, including EngNews (engineering news), Ownd (Privacy/Security news), and Google」s Greatest Hits (report of the most interesting outages of the quarter). These are a good way to communicate information that is of interest to engineers but isn」t mission critical. For this type of update, we」ve found that newsletters get better engagement when they are sent less frequently and contain more useful, interesting content. Otherwise, newsletters can be perceived as spam.
-谷歌有一些发给所有工程师的公司范围内的新闻简报,包括EngNews(工程新闻),Ownd(隐私/安全新闻),以及谷歌的Greatest Hits(本季度最有趣的故障报告)。这些都是传达工程师感兴趣但并非关键任务的信息的好方法。对于这种类型的更新,我们发现,如果通讯发送的频率较低,并且包含更多有用的、有趣的内容,就会得到更好的参与度。否则,新闻简报会被认为是垃圾邮件。
+谷歌有一些發給所有工程師的公司範圍內的新聞簡報,包括EngNews(工程新聞),Ownd(隱私/安全新聞),以及谷歌的Greatest Hits(本季度最有趣的故障報告)。這些都是傳達工程師感興趣但並非關鍵任務的訊息的好方法。對於這種型別的更新,我們發現,如果通訊傳送的頻率較低,並且包含更多有用的、有趣的內容,就會得到更好的參與度。否則,新聞簡報會被認為是垃圾郵件。
Even though most Google newsletters are sent via email, some are more creative in their distribution. Testing on the Toilet (testing tips) and Learning on the Loo (productivity tips) are single-page newsletters posted inside toilet stalls. This unique delivery medium helps the Testing on the Toilet and Learning on the Loo stand out from other newsletters, and all issues are archived online.
-#### Communities 社区
+#### Communities 社群
Googlers like to form cross-organizational communities around various topics to share knowledge. These open channels make it easier to learn from others outside your immediate circle and avoid information islands and duplication. Google Groups are especially popular: Google has thousands of internal groups with varying levels of formality. Some are dedicated to troubleshooting; others, like the Code Health group, are more for discussion and guidance. Internal Google+ is also popular among Googlers as a source of informal information because people will post interesting technical breakdowns or details about projects they are working on.
-## Readability: Standardized Mentorship Through Code Review 可读性:通过代码审查实现标准化指导
+## Readability: Standardized Mentorship Through Code Review 可讀性:透過程式碼審查實現標準化指導
-At Google, “readability” refers to more than just code readability; it is a standardized, Google-wide mentorship process for disseminating programming language best practices. Readability covers a wide breadth of expertise, including but not limited to language idioms, code structure, API design, appropriate use of common libraries, documentation, and test coverage.
+At Google, 『readability』 refers to more than just code readability; it is a standardized, Google-wide mentorship process for disseminating programming language best practices. Readability covers a wide breadth of expertise, including but not limited to language idioms, code structure, API design, appropriate use of common libraries, documentation, and test coverage.
-在谷歌,"可读性 "指的不仅仅是代码的可读性;这是一个标准化的、谷歌范围内的指导过程,用于传播编程语言最佳实践。可读性涵盖了广泛的专业知识,包括但不限于语言语义、代码结构、API设计、通用库的正确使用、文档和测试覆盖率。
+在谷歌,"可讀性 "指的不僅僅是程式碼的可讀性;這是一個標準化的、谷歌範圍內的指導過程,用於傳播程式語言最佳實踐。可讀性涵蓋了廣泛的專業知識,包括但不限於語言語義、程式碼結構、API設計、通用函式庫的正確使用、文件和測試覆蓋率。
-Readability started as a one-person effort. In Google’s early days, Craig Silverstein (employee ID #3) would sit down in person with every new hire and do a line-by-line “readability review” of their first major code commit. It was a nitpicky review that covered everything from ways the code could be improved to whitespace conventions. This gave Google’s codebase a uniform appearance but, more important, it taught best practices, highlighted what shared infrastructure was available, and showed new hires what it’s like to write code at Google.
+Readability started as a one-person effort. In Google」s early days, Craig Silverstein (employee ID #3) would sit down in person with every new hire and do a line-by-line 『readability review』 of their first major code commit. It was a nitpicky review that covered everything from ways the code could be improved to whitespace conventions. This gave Google」s codebase a uniform appearance but, more important, it taught best practices, highlighted what shared infrastructure was available, and showed new hires what it」s like to write code at Google.
-可读性最初是一个人的努力。在谷歌早期,Craig Silverstein(员工ID#3)会亲自与每一位新员工坐下来,逐行对他们的第一个主要代码提交进行“可读性审查”。这是一次挑剔的审查,涵盖了从代码改进到空白约定的所有方面。这让谷歌的代码库有了统一的模式,但更重要的是,它教授了最佳实践,强调了什么是可用的共享基础设施,并向新员工展示了在谷歌编写代码的感觉。
+可讀性最初是一個人的努力。在谷歌早期,Craig Silverstein(員工ID#3)會親自與每一位新員工坐下來,逐行對他們的第一個主要程式碼送出進行『可讀性審查』。這是一次挑剔的審查,涵蓋了從程式碼改進到空白約定的所有方面。這讓谷歌的程式碼庫有了統一的模式,但更重要的是,它教授了最佳實踐,強調了什麼是可用的共享基礎設施,並向新員工展示了在谷歌編寫程式碼的感覺。
-Inevitably, Google’s hiring rate grew beyond what one person could keep up with. So many engineers found the process valuable that they volunteered their own time to scale the program. Today, around 20% of Google engineers are participating in the readability process at any given time, as either reviewers or code authors.
+Inevitably, Google」s hiring rate grew beyond what one person could keep up with. So many engineers found the process valuable that they volunteered their own time to scale the program. Today, around 20% of Google engineers are participating in the readability process at any given time, as either reviewers or code authors.
-### What Is the Readability Process? 什么是可读性过程?
+### What Is the Readability Process? 什麼是可讀性過程?
Code review is mandatory at Google. Every changelist (CL)[^18] requires readability approval, which indicates that someone who has readability certification for that language has approved the CL. Certified authors implicitly provide readability approval of their own CLs; otherwise, one or more qualified reviewers must explicitly give readability approval for the CL. This requirement was added after Google grew to a point where it was no longer possible to enforce that every engineer received code reviews that taught best practices to the desired rigor.
-Within Google, having readability certification is commonly referred to as “having readability” for a language. Engineers with readability have demonstrated that they consistently write clear, idiomatic, and maintainable code that exemplifies Google’s best practices and coding style for a given language. They do this by submitting CLs through the readability process, during which a centralized group of readability reviewers review the CLs and give feedback on how much it demonstrates the various areas of mastery. As authors internalize the readability guidelines, they receive fewer and fewer comments on their CLs until they eventually graduate from the process and formally receive readability. Readability brings increased responsibility: engineers with readability are trusted to continue to apply their knowledge to their own code and to act as reviewers for other engineers’ code.
+Within Google, having readability certification is commonly referred to as 『having readability』 for a language. Engineers with readability have demonstrated that they consistently write clear, idiomatic, and maintainable code that exemplifies Google」s best practices and coding style for a given language. They do this by submitting CLs through the readability process, during which a centralized group of readability reviewers review the CLs and give feedback on how much it demonstrates the various areas of mastery. As authors internalize the readability guidelines, they receive fewer and fewer comments on their CLs until they eventually graduate from the process and formally receive readability. Readability brings increased responsibility: engineers with readability are trusted to continue to apply their knowledge to their own code and to act as reviewers for other engineers」 code.
-在谷歌内部,拥有可读性认证通常被称为一门语言的 "可读性"。拥有可读性认证的工程师已经证明,他们始终如一地写出清晰、习惯和可维护的代码,体现了谷歌对特定语言的最佳实践和编码风格。他们通过可读性程序提交CL,在此过程中,一个集中的可读性审查员小组审查CL,并就它在多大程度上展示了各个领域的掌握程度给出反馈。随着作者对可读性准则的内化,他们收到的关于他们的CL的评论越来越少,直到他们最终从这个过程中毕业并正式获得可读性。可读性带来了更多的责任:拥有可读性的工程师被信任,可以继续将他们的知识应用于他们自己的代码,并作为其他工程师的代码的审查者。
+在谷歌內部,擁有可讀性認證通常被稱為一門語言的 "可讀性"。擁有可讀性認證的工程師已經證明,他們始終如一地寫出清晰、習慣和可維護的程式碼,體現了谷歌對特定語言的最佳實踐和編碼風格。他們透過可讀性程式送出CL,在此過程中,一個集中的可讀性審查員小組審查CL,並就它在多大程度上展示了各個領域的掌握程度給出反饋。隨著作者對可讀性準則的內化,他們收到的關於他們的CL的評論越來越少,直到他們最終從這個過程中畢業並正式獲得可讀性。可讀性帶來了更多的責任:擁有可讀性的工程師被信任,可以繼續將他們的知識應用於他們自己的程式碼,並作為其他工程師的程式碼的審查者。
-Around 1 to 2% of Google engineers are readability reviewers. All reviewers are volunteers, and anyone with readability is welcome to self-nominate to become a readability reviewer. Readability reviewers are held to the highest standards because they are expected not just to have deep language expertise, but also an aptitude for teaching through code review. They are expected to treat readability as first and foremost a mentoring and cooperative process, not a gatekeeping or adversarial one. Readability reviewers and CL authors alike are encouraged to have discussions during the review process. Reviewers provide relevant citations for their comments so that authors can learn about the rationales that went into the style guidelines (“Chesterson’s fence”). If the rationale for any given guideline is unclear, authors should ask for clarification (“ask questions”).
+Around 1 to 2% of Google engineers are readability reviewers. All reviewers are volunteers, and anyone with readability is welcome to self-nominate to become a readability reviewer. Readability reviewers are held to the highest standards because they are expected not just to have deep language expertise, but also an aptitude for teaching through code review. They are expected to treat readability as first and foremost a mentoring and cooperative process, not a gatekeeping or adversarial one. Readability reviewers and CL authors alike are encouraged to have discussions during the review process. Reviewers provide relevant citations for their comments so that authors can learn about the rationales that went into the style guidelines (『Chesterson」s fence』). If the rationale for any given guideline is unclear, authors should ask for clarification (『ask questions』).
> [^18]: A changelist is a list of files that make up a change in a version control system. A changelist is synonymous with a changeset.
-> 18 变更列表是构成版本控制系统中的一个变更的文件列表。变更列表与变更集是同义的。
+> 18 變更清單是構成版本控制系統中的一個變更的檔案清單。變更清單與變更集是同義的。
Readability is deliberately a human-driven process that aims to scale knowledge in a standardized yet personalized way. As a complementary blend of written and tribal knowledge, readability combines the advantages of written documentation, which can be accessed with citable references, with the advantages of expert human reviewers, who know which guidelines to cite. Canonical guidelines and language recommendations are comprehensively documented—which is good!—but the corpus of information is so large[^19] that it can be overwhelming, especially to newcomers.
> [^19]: As of 2019, just the Google C++ style guide is 40 pages long. The secondary material making up the complete corpus of best practices is many times longer.
-> 19 截至2019,谷歌C++风格指南只有40页长。构成完整的最佳实践语法库的次要材料要长很多倍。
+> 19 截至2019,谷歌C++風格指南只有40頁長。構成完整的最佳實踐語法庫的次要材料要長很多倍。
-### Why Have This Process? 为什么有这个过程?
+### Why Have This Process? 為什麼有這個過程?
-Code is read far more than it is written, and this effect is magnified at Google’s scale and in our (very large) monorepo.[^20] Any engineer can look at and learn from the wealth of knowledge that is the code of other teams, and powerful tools like Kythe make it easy to find references throughout the entire codebase (see Chapter 17). An important feature of documented best practices (see Chapter 8) is that they provide consistent standards for all Google code to follow. Readability is both an enforcement and propagation mechanism for these standards.
+Code is read far more than it is written, and this effect is magnified at Google」s scale and in our (very large) monorepo.[^20] Any engineer can look at and learn from the wealth of knowledge that is the code of other teams, and powerful tools like Kythe make it easy to find references throughout the entire codebase (see Chapter 17). An important feature of documented best practices (see Chapter 8) is that they provide consistent standards for all Google code to follow. Readability is both an enforcement and propagation mechanism for these standards.
-One of the primary advantages of the readability program is that it exposes engineers to more than just their own team’s tribal knowledge. To earn readability in a given language, engineers must send CLs through a centralized set of readability reviewers who review code across the entire company. Centralizing the process makes a significant trade-off: the program is limited to scaling linearly rather than sublinearly with organization growth, but it makes it easier to enforce consistency, avoid islands, and avoid (often unintentional) drifting from established norms.
+One of the primary advantages of the readability program is that it exposes engineers to more than just their own team」s tribal knowledge. To earn readability in a given language, engineers must send CLs through a centralized set of readability reviewers who review code across the entire company. Centralizing the process makes a significant trade-off: the program is limited to scaling linearly rather than sublinearly with organization growth, but it makes it easier to enforce consistency, avoid islands, and avoid (often unintentional) drifting from established norms.
-可读性项目的主要优势之一是,它让工程师接触到的不仅仅是他们自己团队的口头知识。为了获得特定语言的可读性,工程师们必须将 CLs 发送给一组集中的可读性审查员,他们审查整个公司的代码。将流程集中化会带来显著的折衷:该计划仅限于随着组织的发展而线性扩展,而不是亚线性扩展,但它更容易实现一致性,避免孤岛,并避免(通常是无意的)偏离既定规范。
+可讀性專案的主要優勢之一是,它讓工程師接觸到的不僅僅是他們自己團隊的口頭知識。為了獲得特定語言的可讀性,工程師們必須將 CLs 傳送給一組集中的可讀性審查員,他們審查整個公司的程式碼。將流程集中化會帶來顯著的折衷:該計劃僅限於隨著組織的發展而線性擴充套件,而不是亞線性擴充套件,但它更容易實現一致性,避免孤島,並避免(通常是無意的)偏離既定規範。
-The value of codebase-wide consistency cannot be overstated: even with tens of thousands of engineers writing code over decades, it ensures that code in a given language will look similar across the corpus. This enables readers to focus on what the code does rather than being distracted by why it looks different than code that they’re used to. Large-scale change authors (see Chapter 22) can more easily make changes across the entire monorepo, crossing the boundaries of thousands of teams. People can change teams and be confident that the way that the new team uses a given language is not drastically different than their previous team.
+The value of codebase-wide consistency cannot be overstated: even with tens of thousands of engineers writing code over decades, it ensures that code in a given language will look similar across the corpus. This enables readers to focus on what the code does rather than being distracted by why it looks different than code that they」re used to. Large-scale change authors (see Chapter 22) can more easily make changes across the entire monorepo, crossing the boundaries of thousands of teams. People can change teams and be confident that the way that the new team uses a given language is not drastically different than their previous team.
-> [^20]: For why Google uses a monorepo, see `https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2016/7/204032-why-google-stores-billions-of-lines-of-code-in-a-single-repository/fulltext`. Note also that not all of Google’s code lives within the monorepo; readability as described here applies only to the monorepo because it is a notion of within- repository consistency.
+> [^20]: For why Google uses a monorepo, see `https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2016/7/204032-why-google-stores-billions-of-lines-of-code-in-a-single-repository/fulltext`. Note also that not all of Google」s code lives within the monorepo; readability as described here applies only to the monorepo because it is a notion of within- repository consistency.
-> 20 有关谷歌使用monorepo的原因,请参阅https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2016/7/204032-why-google-stores-billions-of-lines-of-code-in-a-single-repository/fulltext. 还要注意的是,并非谷歌的所有代码都存在于monorepo中;此处描述的可读性仅适用于monorepo,因为它是存储库内一致性的概念。
+> 20 有關谷歌使用monorepo的原因,請參閱https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2016/7/204032-why-google-stores-billions-of-lines-of-code-in-a-single-repository/fulltext. 還要注意的是,並非谷歌的所有程式碼都存在於monorepo中;此處描述的可讀性僅適用於monorepo,因為它是儲存庫內一致性的概念。
These benefits come with some costs: readability is a heavyweight process compared to other mediums like documentation and classes because it is mandatory and enforced by Google tooling (see Chapter 19). These costs are nontrivial and include the following:
@@ -668,47 +668,47 @@ These benefits come with some costs: readability is a heavyweight process compar
- Potential for additional rounds of code review for authors who need readability review.
- Scaling disadvantages of being a human-driven process. Limited to scaling linearly to organization growth because it depends on human reviewers doing specialized code reviews.
-- 对于那些没有任何团队成员具备可读性的团队来说,增加了冲突,因为他们需要从团队之外寻找审查员来对CL进行可读性审批。
-- 对于需要可读性审查的作者来说,有可能需要额外的几轮代码审查。
-- 作为一个由人驱动的过程,其扩展性成为瓶颈。由于它依赖于人类审查员进行专门的代码审查,所以对组织的增长具有线性扩展的限制。
+- 對於那些沒有任何團隊成員具備可讀性的團隊來說,增加了衝突,因為他們需要從團隊之外尋找審查員來對CL進行可讀性審批。
+- 對於需要可讀性審查的作者來說,有可能需要額外的幾輪程式碼審查。
+- 作為一個由人驅動的過程,其擴充性成為瓶頸。由於它依賴於人類審查員進行專門的程式碼審查,所以對組織的增長具有線性擴充套件的限制。
-The question, then, is whether the benefits outweigh the costs. There’s also the factor of time: the full effect of the benefits versus the costs are not on the same timescale. The program makes a deliberate trade-off of increased short-term code-review latency and upfront costs for the long-term payoffs of higher-quality code, repository-wide code consistency, and increased engineer expertise. The longer timescale of the benefits comes with the expectation that code is written with a potential lifetime of years, if not decades.[^21]
+The question, then, is whether the benefits outweigh the costs. There」s also the factor of time: the full effect of the benefits versus the costs are not on the same timescale. The program makes a deliberate trade-off of increased short-term code-review latency and upfront costs for the long-term payoffs of higher-quality code, repository-wide code consistency, and increased engineer expertise. The longer timescale of the benefits comes with the expectation that code is written with a potential lifetime of years, if not decades.[^21]
-As with most—or perhaps all—engineering processes, there’s always room for improvement. Some of the costs can be mitigated with tooling. A number of readability comments address issues that could be detected statically and commented on automatically by static analysis tooling. As we continue to invest in static analysis, readability reviewers can increasingly focus on higher-order areas, like whether a particular block of code is understandable by outside readers who are not intimately familiar with the codebase instead of automatable detections like whether a line has trailing whitespace.
+As with most—or perhaps all—engineering processes, there」s always room for improvement. Some of the costs can be mitigated with tooling. A number of readability comments address issues that could be detected statically and commented on automatically by static analysis tooling. As we continue to invest in static analysis, readability reviewers can increasingly focus on higher-order areas, like whether a particular block of code is understandable by outside readers who are not intimately familiar with the codebase instead of automatable detections like whether a line has trailing whitespace.
-But aspirations aren’t enough. Readability is a controversial program: some engineers complain that it’s an unnecessary bureaucratic hurdle and a poor use of engineer time. Are readability’s trade-offs worthwhile? For the answer, we turned to our trusty Engineering Productivity Research (EPR) team.
+But aspirations aren」t enough. Readability is a controversial program: some engineers complain that it」s an unnecessary bureaucratic hurdle and a poor use of engineer time. Are readability」s trade-offs worthwhile? For the answer, we turned to our trusty Engineering Productivity Research (EPR) team.
The EPR team performed in-depth studies of readability, including but not limited to whether people were hindered by the process, learned anything, or changed their behavior after graduating. These studies showed that readability has a net positive impact on engineering velocity. CLs by authors with readability take statistically significantly less time to review and submit than CLs by authors who do not have readability.[^22] Self-reported engineer satisfaction with their code quality—lacking more objective measures for code quality—is higher among engineers who have readability versus those who do not. A significant majority of engineers who complete the program report satisfaction with the process and find it worthwhile. They report learning from reviewers and changing their own behavior to avoid readability issues when writing and reviewing code.
-Google has a very strong culture of code review, and readability is a natural extension of that culture. Readability grew from the passion of a single engineer to a formal program of human experts mentoring all Google engineers. It evolved and changed with Google’s growth, and it will continue to evolve as Google’s needs change.
+Google has a very strong culture of code review, and readability is a natural extension of that culture. Readability grew from the passion of a single engineer to a formal program of human experts mentoring all Google engineers. It evolved and changed with Google」s growth, and it will continue to evolve as Google」s needs change.
-> [^21]: For this reason, code that is known to have a short time span is exempt from readability requirements. Examples include the experimental/ directory (explicitly designated for experimental code and cannot push to production) and the Area 120 program, a workshop for Google’s experimental products.
+> [^21]: For this reason, code that is known to have a short time span is exempt from readability requirements. Examples include the experimental/ directory (explicitly designated for experimental code and cannot push to production) and the Area 120 program, a workshop for Google」s experimental products.
-> 21 因此,已知时间跨度较短的代码不受可读性要求的约束。考试示例包括实验/目录(明确指定为实验代码,不能推动生产)和Area 120计划,这是谷歌实验产品的研讨会。
+> 21 因此,已知時間跨度較短的程式碼不受可讀性要求的約束。考試範例包括實驗/目錄(明確指定為實驗程式碼,不能推動生產)和Area 120計劃,這是谷歌實驗產品的研討會。
> [^22]: This includes controlling for a variety of factors, including tenure at Google and the fact that CLs for authors who do not have readability typically need additional rounds of review compared to authors who already have readability.
-> 22 这包括控制各种因素,包括在谷歌的任职期限,以及与已经具备可读性的作者相比,没有可读性的作者的CLs通常需要额外的审查。
+> 22 這包括控制各種因素,包括在谷歌的任職期限,以及與已經具備可讀性的作者相比,沒有可讀性的作者的CLs通常需要額外的審查。
-## Conclusion 结论
+## Conclusion 結論
Knowledge is in some ways the most important (though intangible) capital of a software engineering organization, and sharing of that knowledge is crucial for making an organization resilient and redundant in the face of change. A culture that promotes open and honest knowledge sharing distributes that knowledge efficiently across the organization and allows that organization to scale over time. In most cases, investments into easier knowledge sharing reap manyfold dividends over the life of a company.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- Psychological safety is the foundation for fostering a knowledge-sharing environment.
- Start small: ask questions and write things down.
@@ -716,8 +716,8 @@ Knowledge is in some ways the most important (though intangible) capital of a so
- At a systemic level, encourage and reward those who take time to teach and broaden their expertise beyond just themselves, their team, or their organization.
- There is no silver bullet: empowering a knowledge-sharing culture requires a combination of multiple strategies, and the exact mix that works best for your organization will likely change over time.
-- 心理安全对于促进学习环境至关重。
-- 从小事做起:问问题,把事情写下来。
-- 让人们可以很容易地从专家和有记录的参考资料中获得他们需要的帮助。
-- 在系统的层面上,鼓励和奖励那些花时间去教授和扩大他们的专业知识,而不仅仅是他们自己、他们的团队或他们的组织。
-- 没有什么灵丹妙药:增强知识共享文化需要多种策略的结合,而最适合你的组织的确切组合可能会随着时间的推移而改变。
+- 心理安全對於促進學習環境至關重。
+- 從小事做起:問問題,把事情寫下來。
+- 讓人們可以很容易地從專家和有記錄的參考資料中獲得他們需要的幫助。
+- 在系統的層面上,鼓勵和獎勵那些花時間去教授和擴大他們的專業知識,而不僅僅是他們自己、他們的團隊或他們的組織。
+- 沒有什麼靈丹妙藥:增強知識共享文化需要多種策略的結合,而最適合你的組織的確切組合可能會隨著時間的推移而改變。
diff --git a/zh-cn/Chapter-4_Engineering_for_Equity/Chapter-4_Engineering_for_Equity.md b/zh-cn/Chapter-4_Engineering_for_Equity/Chapter-4_Engineering_for_Equity.md
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**Edited by Riona MacNamara**
-In earlier chapters, we’ve explored the contrast between programming as the production of code that addresses the problem of the moment, and software engineering as the broader application of code, tools, policies, and processes to a dynamic and ambiguous problem that can span decades or even lifetimes. In this chapter, we’ll discuss the unique responsibilities of an engineer when designing products for a broad base of users. Further, we evaluate how an organization, by embracing diversity, can design systems that work for everyone, and avoid perpetuating harm against our users.
+In earlier chapters, we」ve explored the contrast between programming as the production of code that addresses the problem of the moment, and software engineering as the broader application of code, tools, policies, and processes to a dynamic and ambiguous problem that can span decades or even lifetimes. In this chapter, we」ll discuss the unique responsibilities of an engineer when designing products for a broad base of users. Further, we evaluate how an organization, by embracing diversity, can design systems that work for everyone, and avoid perpetuating harm against our users.
-As new as the field of software engineering is, we’re newer still at understanding the impact it has on underrepresented people and diverse societies. We did not write this chapter because we know all the answers. We do not. In fact, understanding how to engineer products that empower and respect all our users is still something Google is learning to do. We have had many public failures in protecting our most vulnerable users, and so we are writing this chapter because the path forward to more equitable products begins with evaluating our own failures and encouraging growth.
+As new as the field of software engineering is, we」re newer still at understanding the impact it has on underrepresented people and diverse societies. We did not write this chapter because we know all the answers. We do not. In fact, understanding how to engineer products that empower and respect all our users is still something Google is learning to do. We have had many public failures in protecting our most vulnerable users, and so we are writing this chapter because the path forward to more equitable products begins with evaluating our own failures and encouraging growth.
-We are also writing this chapter because of the increasing imbalance of power between those who make development decisions that impact the world and those who simply must accept and live with those decisions that sometimes disadvantage already marginalized communities globally. It is important to share and reflect on what we’ve learned so far with the next generation of software engineers. It is even more important that we help influence the next generation of engineers to be better than we are today.
+We are also writing this chapter because of the increasing imbalance of power between those who make development decisions that impact the world and those who simply must accept and live with those decisions that sometimes disadvantage already marginalized communities globally. It is important to share and reflect on what we」ve learned so far with the next generation of software engineers. It is even more important that we help influence the next generation of engineers to be better than we are today.
Just picking up this book means that you likely aspire to be an exceptional engineer. You want to solve problems. You aspire to build products that drive positive outcomes for the broadest base of people, including people who are the most difficult to reach. To do this, you will need to consider how the tools you build will be leveraged to change the trajectory of humanity, hopefully for the better.
-## Bias Is the Default 偏见是默认的
+## Bias Is the Default 偏見是預設的
When engineers do not focus on users of different nationalities, ethnicities, races, genders, ages, socioeconomic statuses, abilities, and belief systems, even the most talented staff will inadvertently fail their users. Such failures are often unintentional; all people have certain biases, and social scientists have recognized over the past several decades that most people exhibit unconscious bias, enforcing and promulgating existing stereotypes. Unconscious bias is insidious and often more difficult to mitigate than intentional acts of exclusion. Even when we want to do the right thing, we might not recognize our own biases. By the same token, our organizations must also recognize that such bias exists and work to address it in their workforces, product development, and user outreach.
Because of bias, Google has at times failed to represent users equitably within their products, with launches over the past several years that did not focus enough on underrepresented groups. Many users attribute our lack of awareness in these cases to the fact that our engineering population is mostly male, mostly White or Asian, and certainly not representative of all the communities that use our products. The lack of representation of such users in our workforce[^1] means that we often do not have the requisite diversity to understand how the use of our products can affect underrepresented or vulnerable users.
-#### Case Study: Google Misses the Mark on Racial Inclusion 案例研究:谷歌在种族包容方面的失误
+#### Case Study: Google Misses the Mark on Racial Inclusion 案例研究:谷歌在種族包容方面的失誤
-In 2015, software engineer Jacky Alciné pointed out[^2] that the image recognition algorithms in Google Photos were classifying his black friends as “gorillas.” Google was slow to respond to these mistakes and incomplete in addressing them.
+In 2015, software engineer Jacky Alciné pointed out[^2] that the image recognition algorithms in Google Photos were classifying his black friends as 『gorillas.』 Google was slow to respond to these mistakes and incomplete in addressing them.
-2015年,软件工程师Jacky Alciné指出,谷歌照片中的图像识别算法将其黑人朋友错误地分类为‘大猩猩’。谷歌对这些错误的反应很慢,解决起来也不彻底。
+2015年,軟體工程師Jacky Alciné指出,谷歌照片中的影象識別演算法將其黑人朋友錯誤地分類為「大猩猩」。谷歌對這些錯誤的反應很慢,解決起來也不徹底。
What caused such a monumental failure? Several things:
-- Image recognition algorithms depend on being supplied a “proper” (often meaning “complete”) dataset. The photo data fed into Google’s image recognition algorithm was clearly incomplete. In short, the data did not represent the population.
+- Image recognition algorithms depend on being supplied a 『proper』 (often meaning 『complete』) dataset. The photo data fed into Google」s image recognition algorithm was clearly incomplete. In short, the data did not represent the population.
- Google itself (and the tech industry in general) did not (and does not) have much black representation,[^3] and that affects decisions subjective in the design of such algorithms and the collection of such datasets. The unconscious bias of the organization itself likely led to a more representative product being left on the table.
-- Google’s target market for image recognition did not adequately include such underrepresented groups. Google’s tests did not catch these mistakes; as a result, our users did, which both embarrassed Google and harmed our users.
+- Google」s target market for image recognition did not adequately include such underrepresented groups. Google」s tests did not catch these mistakes; as a result, our users did, which both embarrassed Google and harmed our users.
-- 图像识别算法取决于是否提供了一个 "适当的"(通常意味着 "完整的")数据集。送入谷歌图像识别算法的照片数据显然是不完整的。简而言之,这些数据并不代表所有人口。
-- 谷歌本身(以及整个科技行业)过去没有(现在也没有)很多黑人代表,这影响了设计这种算法和收集这种数据集的主观决定。组织本身无意识的偏见很可能导致更具代表性的产品被搁置。
-- 谷歌的图像识别目标市场并没有充分包括这种代表性不足的群体。谷歌的测试没有发现这些错误;结果是我们的用户发现了,这既让谷歌感到尴尬,也伤害了我们的用户。
+- 影象識別演算法取決於是否提供了一個 "適當的"(通常意味著 "完整的")資料集。送入谷歌影象識別演算法的照片資料顯然是不完整的。簡而言之,這些資料並不代表所有人口。
+- 谷歌本身(以及整個科技行業)過去沒有(現在也沒有)很多黑人代表,這影響了設計這種演算法和收集這種資料集的主觀決定。組織本身無意識的偏見很可能導致更具代表性的產品被擱置。
+- 谷歌的影象識別目標市場並沒有充分包括這種代表性不足的群體。谷歌的測試沒有發現這些錯誤;結果是我們的使用者發現了,這既讓谷歌感到尷尬,也傷害了我們的使用者。
As late as 2018, Google still had not adequately addressed the underlying problem.[^4]
-In this example, our product was inadequately designed and executed, failing to properly consider all racial groups, and as a result, failed our users and caused Google bad press. Other technology suffers from similar failures: autocomplete can return offensive or racist results. Google’s Ad system could be manipulated to show racist or offensive ads. YouTube might not catch hate speech, though it is technically outlawed on that platform.
+In this example, our product was inadequately designed and executed, failing to properly consider all racial groups, and as a result, failed our users and caused Google bad press. Other technology suffers from similar failures: autocomplete can return offensive or racist results. Google」s Ad system could be manipulated to show racist or offensive ads. YouTube might not catch hate speech, though it is technically outlawed on that platform.
-In all of these cases, the technology itself is not really to blame. Autocomplete, for example, was not designed to target users or to discriminate. But it was also not resilient enough in its design to exclude discriminatory language that is considered hate speech. As a result, the algorithm returned results that caused harm to our users. The harm to Google itself should also be obvious: reduced user trust and engagement with the company. For example, Black, Latinx, and Jewish applicants could lose faith in Google as a platform or even as an inclusive environment itself, therefore undermining Google’s goal of improving representation in hiring.
+In all of these cases, the technology itself is not really to blame. Autocomplete, for example, was not designed to target users or to discriminate. But it was also not resilient enough in its design to exclude discriminatory language that is considered hate speech. As a result, the algorithm returned results that caused harm to our users. The harm to Google itself should also be obvious: reduced user trust and engagement with the company. For example, Black, Latinx, and Jewish applicants could lose faith in Google as a platform or even as an inclusive environment itself, therefore undermining Google」s goal of improving representation in hiring.
-How could this happen? After all, Google hires technologists with impeccable education and/or professional experience—exceptional programmers who write the best code and test their work. “Build for everyone” is a Google brand statement, but the truth is that we still have a long way to go before we can claim that we do. One way to address these problems is to help the software engineering organization itself look like the populations for whom we build products.
+How could this happen? After all, Google hires technologists with impeccable education and/or professional experience—exceptional programmers who write the best code and test their work. 『Build for everyone』 is a Google brand statement, but the truth is that we still have a long way to go before we can claim that we do. One way to address these problems is to help the software engineering organization itself look like the populations for whom we build products.
-这怎么会发生呢?毕竟,谷歌雇用的技术专家拥有无可挑剔的教育和/或专业经验——卓越的程序员,他们编写最好的代码并测试他们的功能。"为每个人而建 "是谷歌的品牌宣言,但事实是,在宣称我们做到这一点之前,我们仍有很长的路要走。解决这些问题的方法之一是帮助软件工程组织本身变得像我们为其建造产品的人群。
+這怎麼會發生呢?畢竟,谷歌僱用的技術專家擁有無可挑剔的教育和/或專業經驗——卓越的工程師,他們編寫最好的程式碼並測試他們的功能。"為每個人而建 "是谷歌的品牌宣言,但事實是,在宣稱我們做到這一點之前,我們仍有很長的路要走。解決這些問題的方法之一是幫助軟體工程組織本身變得像我們為其建造產品的人群。
-> [^1]: Google’s 2019 Diversity Report.
-> 1 谷歌的2019年多样性报告。
+> [^1]: Google」s 2019 Diversity Report.
+> 1 谷歌的2019年多樣性報告。
-> [^2]: @jackyalcine. 2015. “Google Photos, Y’all Fucked up. My Friend’s Not a Gorilla.” Twitter, June 29, 2015.https://twitter.com/jackyalcine/status/615329515909156865.
-> 2 @jackyalcine. 2015. "谷歌照片,你们都搞砸了。我的朋友不是大猩猩"。Twitter,2015年6月29日。https://twitter.com/jackyalcine/status/615329515909156865
+> [^2]: @jackyalcine. 2015. 『Google Photos, Y」all Fucked up. My Friend」s Not a Gorilla.』 Twitter, June 29, 2015.https://twitter.com/jackyalcine/status/615329515909156865.
+> 2 @jackyalcine. 2015. "谷歌照片,你們都搞砸了。我的朋友不是大猩猩"。Twitter,2015年6月29日。https://twitter.com/jackyalcine/status/615329515909156865
> [^3]: Many reports in 2018–2019 pointed to a lack of diversity across tech. Some notables include the National Center for Women & Information Technology, and Diversity in Tech./
-> 3 2018-2019年的许多报告指出,整个科技界缺乏多样性。一些著名的报告包括国家妇女和信息技术中心,以及科技领域的多样性。
+> 3 2018-2019年的許多報告指出,整個科技界缺乏多樣性。一些著名的報告包括國家婦女和資訊科技中心,以及科技領域的多樣性。
-> [^4]: Tom Simonite, “When It Comes to Gorillas, Google Photos Remains Blind,” Wired, January 11, 2018.
-> 4 Tom Simonite,"当涉及到大猩猩时,谷歌照片仍然是盲目的,"《连线》,2018年1月11日。
+> [^4]: Tom Simonite, 『When It Comes to Gorillas, Google Photos Remains Blind,』 Wired, January 11, 2018.
+> 4 Tom Simonite,"當涉及到大猩猩時,谷歌照片仍然是盲目的,"《連線》,2018年1月11日。
-## Understanding the Need for Diversity 了解多样性的必要性
+## Understanding the Need for Diversity 瞭解多樣性的必要性
At Google, we believe that being an exceptional engineer requires that you also focus on bringing diverse perspectives into product design and implementation. It also means that Googlers responsible for hiring or interviewing other engineers must contribute to building a more representative workforce. For example, if you interview other engineers for positions at your company, it is important to learn how biased outcomes happen in hiring. There are significant prerequisites for understanding how to anticipate harm and prevent it. To get to the point where we can build for everyone, we first must understand our representative populations. We need to encourage engineers to have a wider scope of educational training.
The first order of business is to disrupt the notion that as a person with a computer science degree and/or work experience, you have all the skills you need to become an exceptional engineer. A computer science degree is often a necessary foundation. However, the degree alone (even when coupled with work experience) will not make you an engineer. It is also important to disrupt the idea that only people with computer science degrees can design and build products. Today, [most programmers do have a computer science degree](https://oreil.ly/2Bu0H); they are successful at building code, establishing theories of change, and applying methodologies for problem solving. However, as the aforementioned examples demonstrate, *this approach is insufficient for inclusive and* *equitable engineering*.
Engineers should begin by focusing all work within the framing of the complete ecosystem they seek to influence. At minimum, they need to understand the population demographics of their users. Engineers should focus on people who are different than themselves, especially people who might attempt to use their products to cause harm. The most difficult users to consider are those who are disenfranchised by the processes and the environment in which they access technology. To address this challenge, engineering teams need to be representative of their existing and future users. In the absence of diverse representation on engineering teams, individual engineers need to learn how to build for all users.
-## Building Multicultural Capacity 构建多元化能力
+## Building Multicultural Capacity 建立多元化能力
One mark of an exceptional engineer is the ability to understand how products can advantage and disadvantage different groups of human beings. Engineers are expected to have technical aptitude, but they should also have the *discernment* to know when to build something and when not to. Discernment includes building the capacity to identify and reject features or products that drive adverse outcomes. This is a lofty and difficult goal, because there is an enormous amount of individualism that goes into being a high-performing engineer. Yet to succeed, we must extend our focus beyond our own communities to the next billion users or to current users who might be disenfranchised or left behind by our products.
-Over time, you might build tools that billions of people use daily—tools that influence how people think about the value of human lives, tools that monitor human activity, and tools that capture and persist sensitive data, such as images of their children and loved ones, as well as other types of sensitive data. As an engineer, you might wield more power than you realize: the power to literally change society. It’s critical that on your journey to becoming an exceptional engineer, you understand the innate responsibility needed to exercise power without causing harm. The first step is to recognize the default state of your bias caused by many societal and educational factors. After you recognize this, you’ll be able to consider the often-forgotten use cases or users who can benefit or be harmed by the products you build.
+Over time, you might build tools that billions of people use daily—tools that influence how people think about the value of human lives, tools that monitor human activity, and tools that capture and persist sensitive data, such as images of their children and loved ones, as well as other types of sensitive data. As an engineer, you might wield more power than you realize: the power to literally change society. It」s critical that on your journey to becoming an exceptional engineer, you understand the innate responsibility needed to exercise power without causing harm. The first step is to recognize the default state of your bias caused by many societal and educational factors. After you recognize this, you」ll be able to consider the often-forgotten use cases or users who can benefit or be harmed by the products you build.
The industry continues to move forward, building new use cases for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning at an ever-increasing speed. To stay competitive, we drive toward scale and efficacy in building a high-talent engineering and technology workforce. Yet we need to pause and consider the fact that today, some people have the ability to design the future of technology and others do not. We need to understand whether the software systems we build will eliminate the potential for entire populations to experience shared prosperity and provide equal access to technology.
Historically, companies faced with a decision between completing a strategic objective that drives market dominance and revenue and one that potentially slows momentum toward that goal have opted for speed and shareholder value. This tendency is exacerbated by the fact that many companies value individual performance and excellence, yet often fail to effectively drive accountability on product equity across all areas. Focusing on underrepresented users is a clear opportunity to promote equity. To continue to be competitive in the technology sector, we need to learn to engineer for global equity.
Today, we worry when companies design technology to scan, capture, and identify people walking down the street. We worry about privacy and how governments might use this information now and in the future. Yet most technologists do not have the requisite perspective of underrepresented groups to understand the impact of racial variance in facial recognition or to understand how applying AI can drive harmful and inaccurate results.
Currently, AI-driven facial-recognition software continues to disadvantage people of color or ethnic minorities. Our research is not comprehensive enough and does not include a wide enough range of different skin tones. We cannot expect the output to be valid if both the training data and those creating the software represent only a small subsection of people. In those cases, we should be willing to delay development in favor of trying to get more complete and accurate data, and a more comprehensive and inclusive product.
Data science itself is challenging for humans to evaluate, however. Even when we do have representation, a training set can still be biased and produce invalid results. A study completed in 2016 found that more than 117 million American adults are in a law enforcement facial recognition database.[^5] Due to the disproportionate policing of Black communities and disparate outcomes in arrests, there could be racially biased error rates in utilizing such a database in facial recognition. Although the software is being developed and deployed at ever-increasing rates, the independent testing is not. To correct for this egregious misstep, we need to have the integrity to slow down and ensure that our inputs contain as little bias as possible. Google now offers statistical training within the context of AI to help ensure that datasets are not intrinsically biased.
Therefore, shifting the focus of your industry experience to include more comprehensive, multicultural, race and gender studies education is not only your responsibility, but also the responsibility of your employer. Technology companies must ensure that their employees are continually receiving professional development and that this development is comprehensive and multidisciplinary. The requirement is not that one individual take it upon themselves to learn about other cultures or other demographics alone. Change requires that each of us, individually or as leaders of teams, invest in continuous professional development that builds not just our software development and leadership skills, but also our capacity to understand the diverse experiences throughout humanity.
-> [^5]: Stephen Gaines and Sara Williams. “The Perpetual Lineup: Unregulated Police Face Recognition in America.”
+> [^5]: Stephen Gaines and Sara Williams. 『The Perpetual Lineup: Unregulated Police Face Recognition in America.』
-> 5 斯蒂芬·盖恩斯和莎拉·威廉姆斯。“永远的阵容:美国不受监管的警察面孔识别。”
+> 5 斯蒂芬·蓋恩斯和莎拉·威廉姆斯。『永遠的陣容:美國不受監管的警察面孔識別。』
-## Making Diversity Actionable 让多样性成为现实
+## Making Diversity Actionable 讓多樣性成為現實
-Systemic equity and fairness are attainable if we are willing to accept that we are all accountable for the systemic discrimination we see in the technology sector. We are accountable for the failures in the system. Deferring or abstracting away personal accountability is ineffective, and depending on your role, it could be irresponsible. It is also irresponsible to fully attribute dynamics at your specific company or within your team to the larger societal issues that contribute to inequity. A favorite line among diversity proponents and detractors alike goes something like this: “We are working hard to fix (insert systemic discrimination topic), but accountability is hard. How do we combat (insert hundreds of years) of historical discrimination?” This line of inquiry is a detour to a more philosophical or academic conversation and away from focused efforts to improve work conditions or outcomes. Part of building multicultural capacity requires a more comprehensive understanding of how systems of inequality in society impact the workplace, especially in the technology sector.
+Systemic equity and fairness are attainable if we are willing to accept that we are all accountable for the systemic discrimination we see in the technology sector. We are accountable for the failures in the system. Deferring or abstracting away personal accountability is ineffective, and depending on your role, it could be irresponsible. It is also irresponsible to fully attribute dynamics at your specific company or within your team to the larger societal issues that contribute to inequity. A favorite line among diversity proponents and detractors alike goes something like this: 『We are working hard to fix (insert systemic discrimination topic), but accountability is hard. How do we combat (insert hundreds of years) of historical discrimination?』 This line of inquiry is a detour to a more philosophical or academic conversation and away from focused efforts to improve work conditions or outcomes. Part of building multicultural capacity requires a more comprehensive understanding of how systems of inequality in society impact the workplace, especially in the technology sector.
-如果我们愿意接受我们需要对我们在技术部门看到的系统歧视负责,那么系统的公平和公正是可以实现的。我们要对系统的故障负责。推迟或抽离个人责任是无效的,而且根据你的角色,这可能是不负责任的。将特定公司或团队的动态完全归因于导致不平等的更大社会问题也是不负责任的。多样性支持者和反对者中最喜欢的一句话是这样的。"我们正在努力解决(加入系统歧视的话题),但问责是很难的。我们如何打击(加入几百年来的)历史歧视?" 这条调查路线是一条通往哲学或学术对话的迂回之路,与改善工作条件或成果的专注努力相去甚远。建设多元文化能力的一部分需要更全面地了解社会中的不平等制度如何影响工作场所,特别是在技术部门。
+如果我們願意接受我們需要對我們在技術部門看到的系統歧視負責,那麼系統的公平和公正是可以實現的。我們要對系統的故障負責。推遲或抽離個人責任是無效的,而且根據你的角色,這可能是不負責任的。將特定公司或團隊的動態完全歸因於導致不平等的更大社會問題也是不負責任的。多樣性支援者和反對者中最喜歡的一句話是這樣的。"我們正在努力解決(加入系統歧視的話題),但問責是很難的。我們如何打擊(加入幾百年來的)歷史歧視?" 這條調查路線是一條通往哲學或學術對話的迂迴之路,與改善工作條件或成果的專注努力相去甚遠。建設多元文化能力的一部分需要更全面地瞭解社會中的不平等制度如何影響工作場所,特別是在技術部門。
-If you are an engineering manager working on hiring more people from underrepresented groups, deferring to the historical impact of discrimination in the world is a useful academic exercise. However, it is critical to move beyond the academic conversation to a focus on quantifiable and actionable steps that you can take to drive equity and fairness. For example, as a hiring software engineer manager, you’re accountable for ensuring that your candidate slates are balanced. Are there women or other underrepresented groups in the pool of candidates’ reviews? After you hire someone, what opportunities for growth have you provided, and is the distribution of opportunities equitable? Every technology lead or software engineering manager has the means to augment equity on their teams. It is important that we acknowledge that, although there are significant systemic challenges, we are all part of the system. It is our problem to fix.
+If you are an engineering manager working on hiring more people from underrepresented groups, deferring to the historical impact of discrimination in the world is a useful academic exercise. However, it is critical to move beyond the academic conversation to a focus on quantifiable and actionable steps that you can take to drive equity and fairness. For example, as a hiring software engineer manager, you」re accountable for ensuring that your candidate slates are balanced. Are there women or other underrepresented groups in the pool of candidates」 reviews? After you hire someone, what opportunities for growth have you provided, and is the distribution of opportunities equitable? Every technology lead or software engineering manager has the means to augment equity on their teams. It is important that we acknowledge that, although there are significant systemic challenges, we are all part of the system. It is our problem to fix.
-## Reject Singular Approaches 摒弃单一方法
+## Reject Singular Approaches 摒棄單一方法
We cannot perpetuate solutions that present a single philosophy or methodology for fixing inequity in the technology sector. Our problems are complex and multifactorial. Therefore, we must disrupt singular approaches to advancing representation in the workplace, even if they are promoted by people we admire or who have institutional power.
One singular narrative held dear in the technology industry is that lack of representation in the workforce can be addressed solely by fixing the hiring pipelines. Yes, that is a fundamental step, but that is not the immediate issue we need to fix. We need to recognize systemic inequity in progression and retention while simultaneously focusing on more representative hiring and educational disparities across lines of race, gender, and socioeconomic and immigration status, for example.
-In the technology industry, many people from underrepresented groups are passed over daily for opportunities and advancement. Attrition among Black+ Google employees outpaces attrition from all other groups and confounds progress on representation goals. If we want to drive change and increase representation, we need to evaluate whether we’re creating an ecosystem in which all aspiring engineers and other technology professionals can thrive.
+In the technology industry, many people from underrepresented groups are passed over daily for opportunities and advancement. Attrition among Black+ Google employees outpaces attrition from all other groups and confounds progress on representation goals. If we want to drive change and increase representation, we need to evaluate whether we」re creating an ecosystem in which all aspiring engineers and other technology professionals can thrive.
-Fully understanding an entire problem space is critical to determining how to fix it. This holds true for everything from a critical data migration to the hiring of a representative workforce. For example, if you are an engineering manager who wants to hire more women, don’t just focus on building a pipeline. Focus on other aspects of the hiring, retention, and progression ecosystem and how inclusive it might or might not be to women. Consider whether your recruiters are demonstrating the ability to identify strong candidates who are women as well as men. If you manage a diverse engineering team, focus on psychological safety and invest in increasing multicultural capacity on the team so that new team members feel welcome.
+Fully understanding an entire problem space is critical to determining how to fix it. This holds true for everything from a critical data migration to the hiring of a representative workforce. For example, if you are an engineering manager who wants to hire more women, don」t just focus on building a pipeline. Focus on other aspects of the hiring, retention, and progression ecosystem and how inclusive it might or might not be to women. Consider whether your recruiters are demonstrating the ability to identify strong candidates who are women as well as men. If you manage a diverse engineering team, focus on psychological safety and invest in increasing multicultural capacity on the team so that new team members feel welcome.
A common methodology today is to build for the majority use case first, leaving improvements and features that address edge cases for later. But this approach is flawed; it gives users who are already advantaged in access to technology a head start, which increases inequity. Relegating the consideration of all user groups to the point when design has been nearly completed is to lower the bar of what it means to be an excellent engineer. Instead, by building in inclusive design from the start and raising development standards for development to make tools delightful and accessible for people who struggle to access technology, we enhance the experience for all users.
-Designing for the user who is least like you is not just wise, it’s a best practice. There are pragmatic and immediate next steps that all technologists, regardless of domain, should consider when developing products that avoid disadvantaging or underrepresenting users. It begins with more comprehensive user-experience research. This research should be done with user groups that are multilingual and multicultural and that span multiple countries, socioeconomic class, abilities, and age ranges. Focus on the most difficult or least represented use case first.
+Designing for the user who is least like you is not just wise, it」s a best practice. There are pragmatic and immediate next steps that all technologists, regardless of domain, should consider when developing products that avoid disadvantaging or underrepresenting users. It begins with more comprehensive user-experience research. This research should be done with user groups that are multilingual and multicultural and that span multiple countries, socioeconomic class, abilities, and age ranges. Focus on the most difficult or least represented use case first.
-## Challenge Established Processes 挑战既定流程
+## Challenge Established Processes 挑戰既定流程
Challenging yourself to build more equitable systems goes beyond designing more inclusive product specifications. Building equitable systems sometimes means challenging established processes that drive invalid results.
Consider a recent case evaluated for equity implications. At Google, several engineering teams worked to build a global hiring requisition system. The system supports both external hiring and internal mobility. The engineers and product managers involved did a great job of listening to the requests of what they considered to be their core user group: recruiters. The recruiters were focused on minimizing wasted time for hiring managers and applicants, and they presented the development team with use cases focused on scale and efficiency for those people. To drive efficiency, the recruiters asked the engineering team to include a feature that would highlight performance ratings—specifically lower ratings—to the hiring manager and recruiter as soon as an internal transfer expressed interest in a job.
On its face, expediting the evaluation process and helping job seekers save time is a great goal. So where is the potential equity concern? The following equity questions were raised:
@@ -188,74 +188,74 @@ On its face, expediting the evaluation process and helping job seekers save time
- Are the performance assessments being presented to prospective managers free of individual bias?
- Are performance assessment scores standardized across organizations?
-- 发展评估是否是绩效的预测指标?
-- 向潜在经理提交的绩效评估是否没有个人偏见?
-- 绩效评估的分数在不同的组织中是标准化的吗?
+- 發展評估是否是績效的預測指標?
+- 向潛在經理送出的績效評估是否沒有個人偏見?
+- 績效評估的分數在不同的組織中是標準化的嗎?
-If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” presenting performance ratings could still drive inequitable, and therefore invalid, results.
+If the answer to any of these questions is 『no,』 presenting performance ratings could still drive inequitable, and therefore invalid, results.
-如果这些问题的答案都是 "否",呈现绩效评级仍然可能导致不公平,因此是无效的结果。
+如果這些問題的答案都是 "否",呈現績效評級仍然可能導致不公平,因此是無效的結果。
When an exceptional engineer questioned whether past performance was in fact predictive of future performance, the reviewing team decided to conduct a thorough review. In the end, it was determined that candidates who had received a poor performance rating were likely to overcome the poor rating if they found a new team. In fact, they were just as likely to receive a satisfactory or exemplary performance rating as candidates who had never received a poor rating. In short, performance ratings are indicative only of how a person is performing in their given role at the time they are being evaluated. Ratings, although an important way to measure performance during a specific period, are not predictive of future performance and should not be used to gauge readiness for a future role or qualify an internal candidate for a different team. (They can, however, be used to evaluate whether an employee is properly or improperly slotted on their current team; therefore, they can provide an opportunity to evaluate how to better support an internal candidate moving forward.)
This analysis definitely took up significant project time, but the positive trade-off was a more equitable internal mobility process.
-## Values Versus Outcomes 价值观与成果
+## Values Versus Outcomes 價值觀與成果
Google has a strong track record of investing in hiring. As the previous example illustrates, we also continually evaluate our processes in order to improve equity and inclusion. More broadly, our core values are based on respect and an unwavering commitment to a diverse and inclusive workforce. Yet, year after year, we have also missed our mark on hiring a representative workforce that reflects our users around the globe. The struggle to improve our equitable outcomes persists despite the policies and programs in place to help support inclusion initiatives and promote excellence in hiring and progression. The failure point is not in the values, intentions, or investments of the company, but rather in the application of those policies at the implementation level.
-Old habits are hard to break. The users you might be used to designing for today— the ones you are used to getting feedback from—might not be representative of all the users you need to reach. We see this play out frequently across all kinds of products, from wearables that do not work for women’s bodies to video-conferencing software that does not work well for people with darker skin tones.
+Old habits are hard to break. The users you might be used to designing for today— the ones you are used to getting feedback from—might not be representative of all the users you need to reach. We see this play out frequently across all kinds of products, from wearables that do not work for women」s bodies to video-conferencing software that does not work well for people with darker skin tones.
-So, what’s the way out?
+So, what」s the way out?
-1. Take a hard look in the mirror. At Google, we have the brand slogan, “Build For Everyone.” How can we build for everyone when we do not have a representative workforce or engagement model that centralizes community feedback first? We can’t. The truth is that we have at times very publicly failed to protect our most vulnerable users from racist, antisemitic, and homophobic content.
-2. Don’t build for everyone. Build with everyone. We are not building for everyone yet. That work does not happen in a vacuum, and it certainly doesn’t happen when the technology is still not representative of the population as a whole. That said, we can’t pack up and go home. So how do we build for everyone? We build with our users. We need to engage our users across the spectrum of humanity and be intentional about putting the most vulnerable communities at the center of our design. They should not be an afterthought.
-3. Design for the user who will have the most difficulty using your product. Building for those with additional challenges will make the product better for everyone. Another way of thinking about this is: don’t trade equity for short-term velocity.
-4. Don’t assume equity; measure equity throughout your systems. Recognize that decision makers are also subject to bias and might be undereducated about the causes of inequity. You might not have the expertise to identify or measure the scope of an equity issue. Catering to a single userbase might mean disenfranchising another; these trade-offs can be difficult to spot and impossible to reverse. Partner with individuals or teams that are subject matter experts in diversity, equity, and inclusion.
-5. Change is possible. The problems we’re facing with technology today, from surveillance to disinformation to online harassment, are genuinely overwhelming. We can’t solve these with the failed approaches of the past or with just the skills we already have. We need to change.
+1. Take a hard look in the mirror. At Google, we have the brand slogan, 『Build For Everyone.』 How can we build for everyone when we do not have a representative workforce or engagement model that centralizes community feedback first? We can」t. The truth is that we have at times very publicly failed to protect our most vulnerable users from racist, antisemitic, and homophobic content.
+2. Don」t build for everyone. Build with everyone. We are not building for everyone yet. That work does not happen in a vacuum, and it certainly doesn」t happen when the technology is still not representative of the population as a whole. That said, we can」t pack up and go home. So how do we build for everyone? We build with our users. We need to engage our users across the spectrum of humanity and be intentional about putting the most vulnerable communities at the center of our design. They should not be an afterthought.
+3. Design for the user who will have the most difficulty using your product. Building for those with additional challenges will make the product better for everyone. Another way of thinking about this is: don」t trade equity for short-term velocity.
+4. Don」t assume equity; measure equity throughout your systems. Recognize that decision makers are also subject to bias and might be undereducated about the causes of inequity. You might not have the expertise to identify or measure the scope of an equity issue. Catering to a single userbase might mean disenfranchising another; these trade-offs can be difficult to spot and impossible to reverse. Partner with individuals or teams that are subject matter experts in diversity, equity, and inclusion.
+5. Change is possible. The problems we」re facing with technology today, from surveillance to disinformation to online harassment, are genuinely overwhelming. We can」t solve these with the failed approaches of the past or with just the skills we already have. We need to change.
-1. 认真照照镜子。在谷歌,我们有一个品牌口号,"为每个人而建"。当我们没有一个代表性的员工队伍或首先集中社区反馈的参与模式时,我们如何为每个人建设?我们不能。事实是,我们有时在公开场合未能保护我们最脆弱的用户免受种族主义、反犹太主义和恐同内容的侵害。
-2. 不要为每个人而建。要与所有人一起共建。我们还没有为每个人建设的能力。这项工作不会凭空实现,当技术仍然不能代表整个人口时,这项工作肯定不会发生。话虽如此,我们也不能打包回家。那么,我们如何为每个人建立?我们与我们的用户一起建设。我们需要让全人类的用户参与进来,并有意将最脆弱的群体置于我们设计的中心。他们不应该是事后的考虑对象。
-3. 为那些在使用你的产品时遇到最大困难的用户设计。为那些有额外挑战的人设计将使产品对所有人都更好。另一种思考方式是:不要用公平来换取短期的速度。
-4. 不要假设公平;**衡量整个系统的公平性**。认识到决策者也会有偏见,而且可能对不平等的原因认识不足。你可能不具备识别或衡量公平问题的范围的专业知识。迎合单个用户群可能意味着剥夺另一个用户群的权利;这些权衡可能很难发现,也不可能逆转。与作为多元化主题专家的个人或团队合作,公平、平等和包容。
-5. 改变是可能的。我们今天所面临的技术问题,从监视到虚假信息再到在线骚扰,确实是令人难以承受的。我们不能用过去失败的方法或只用我们已有的技能来解决这些问题。我们需要改变。
+1. 認真照照鏡子。在谷歌,我們有一個品牌口號,"為每個人而建"。當我們沒有一個代表性的員工隊伍或首先集中社群反饋的參與模式時,我們如何為每個人建設?我們不能。事實是,我們有時在公開場合未能保護我們最脆弱的使用者免受種族主義、反猶太主義和恐同內容的侵害。
+2. 不要為每個人而建。要與所有人一起共建。我們還沒有為每個人建設的能力。這項工作不會憑空實現,當技術仍然不能代表整個人口時,這項工作肯定不會發生。話雖如此,我們也不能打包回家。那麼,我們如何為每個人建立?我們與我們的使用者一起建設。我們需要讓全人類的使用者參與進來,並有意將最脆弱的群體置於我們設計的中心。他們不應該是事後的考慮物件。
+3. 為那些在使用你的產品時遇到最大困難的使用者設計。為那些有額外挑戰的人設計將使產品對所有人都更好。另一種思考方式是:不要用公平來換取短期的速度。
+4. 不要假設公平;**衡量整個系統的公平性**。認識到決策者也會有偏見,而且可能對不平等的原因認識不足。你可能不具備識別或衡量公平問題的範圍的專業知識。迎合單個使用者群可能意味著剝奪另一個使用者群的權利;這些權衡可能很難發現,也不可能逆轉。與作為多元化主題專家的個人或團隊合作,公平、平等和包容。
+5. 改變是可能的。我們今天所面臨的技術問題,從監視到虛假訊息再到線上騷擾,確實是令人難以承受的。我們不能用過去失敗的方法或只用我們已有的技能來解決這些問題。我們需要改變。
## Stay Curious, Push Forward 保持好奇心,勇往直前
The path to equity is long and complex. However, we can and should transition from simply building tools and services to growing our understanding of how the products we engineer impact humanity. Challenging our education, influencing our teams and managers, and doing more comprehensive user research are all ways to make progress. Although change is uncomfortable and the path to high performance can be painful, it is possible through collaboration and creativity.
Lastly, as future exceptional engineers, we should focus first on the users most impacted by bias and discrimination. Together, we can work to accelerate progress by focusing on Continuous Improvement and owning our failures. Becoming an engineer is an involved and continual process. The goal is to make changes that push humanity forward without further disenfranchising the disadvantaged. As future exceptional engineers, we have faith that we can prevent future failures in the system.
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
Developing software, and developing a software organization, is a team effort. As a software organization scales, it must respond and adequately design for its user base, which in the interconnected world of computing today involves everyone, locally and around the world. More effort must be made to make both the development teams that design software and the products that they produce reflect the values of such a diverse and encompassing set of users. And, if an engineering organization wants to scale, it cannot ignore underrepresented groups; not only do such engineers from these groups augment the organization itself, they provide unique and necessary perspectives for the design and implementation of software that is truly useful to the world at large.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- Bias is the default.
- Diversity is necessary to design properly for a comprehensive user base.
- Inclusivity is critical not just to improving the hiring pipeline for underrepresented groups, but to providing a truly supportive work environment for all people.
-- Product velocity must be evaluated against providing a product that is truly useful to all users. It’s better to slow down than to release a product that might cause harm to some users.
+- Product velocity must be evaluated against providing a product that is truly useful to all users. It」s better to slow down than to release a product that might cause harm to some users.
-- 偏见是默认的。
-- 多样性是正确设计综合用户群所必需的。
-- 包容性不仅对于改善代表不足的群体的招聘渠道至关重要,而且对于为所有人提供一个真正支持性的工作环境也至关重要。
-- 产品速度必须根据提供对所有用户真正有用的产品来评估。与其发布一个可能对某些用户造成伤害的产品,还不如放慢速度。
+- 偏見是預設的。
+- 多樣性是正確設計綜合使用者群所必需的。
+- 包容性不僅對於改善代表不足的群體的招聘渠道至關重要,而且對於為所有人提供一個真正支援性的工作環境也至關重要。
+- 產品速度必須根據提供對所有使用者真正有用的產品來評估。與其發布一個可能對某些使用者造成傷害的產品,還不如放慢速度。
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# How to Lead a Team
-# 第五章 如何领导团队
+# 第五章 如何領導團隊
**Written by Brian Fitzpatrick**
**Edited by Riona MacNamara**
-We’ve covered a lot of ground so far on the culture and composition of teams writing software, and in this chapter, we’ll take a look at the person ultimately responsible for making it all work.
+We」ve covered a lot of ground so far on the culture and composition of teams writing software, and in this chapter, we」ll take a look at the person ultimately responsible for making it all work.
No team can function well without a leader, especially at Google, where engineering is almost exclusively a team endeavor. At Google, we recognize two different leadership roles. A *Manager* is a leader of people, whereas a *Tech Lead* leads technology efforts. Although the responsibilities of these two roles require similar planning skills, they require quite different people skills.
-A boat without a captain is nothing more than a floating waiting room: unless someone grabs the rudder and starts the engine, it’s just going to drift along aimlessly with the current. A piece of software is just like that boat: if no one pilots it, you’re left with a group of engineers burning up valuable time, just sitting around waiting for something to happen (or worse, still writing code that you don’t need). Although this chapter is about people management and technical leadership, it is still worth a read if you’re an individual contributor because it will likely help you understand your own leaders a bit better.
+A boat without a captain is nothing more than a floating waiting room: unless someone grabs the rudder and starts the engine, it」s just going to drift along aimlessly with the current. A piece of software is just like that boat: if no one pilots it, you」re left with a group of engineers burning up valuable time, just sitting around waiting for something to happen (or worse, still writing code that you don」t need). Although this chapter is about people management and technical leadership, it is still worth a read if you」re an individual contributor because it will likely help you understand your own leaders a bit better.
-## Managers and Tech Leads (and Both) 经理和技术负责人(以及两者角色)
+## Managers and Tech Leads (and Both) 經理和技術負責人(以及兩者角色)
Whereas every engineering team generally has a leader, they acquire those leaders in different ways. This is certainly true at Google; sometimes an experienced manager comes in to run a team, and sometimes an individual contributor is promoted into a leadership position (usually of a smaller team).
In nascent teams, both roles will sometimes be filled by the same person: a *Tech Lead Manager* (TLM). On larger teams, an experienced people manager will step in to take on the management role while a senior engineer with extensive experience will step into the tech lead role. Even though manager and tech lead each play an important part in the growth and productivity of an engineering team, the people skills required to succeed in each role are wildly different.
-### The Engineering Manager 工程经理
+### The Engineering Manager 工程經理
Many companies bring in trained people managers who might know little to nothing about software engineering to run their engineering teams. Google decided early on, however, that its software engineering managers should have an engineering background. This meant hiring experienced managers who used to be software engineers, or training software engineers to be managers (more on this later).
-At the highest level, an engineering manager is responsible for the performance, productivity, and happiness of every person on their team—including their tech lead— while still making sure that the needs of the business are met by the product for which they are responsible. Because the needs of the business and the needs of individual team members don’t always align, this can often place a manager in a difficult position.
+At the highest level, an engineering manager is responsible for the performance, productivity, and happiness of every person on their team—including their tech lead— while still making sure that the needs of the business are met by the product for which they are responsible. Because the needs of the business and the needs of individual team members don」t always align, this can often place a manager in a difficult position.
-### The Tech Lead 技术负责人
+### The Tech Lead 技術負責人
The tech lead (TL) of a team—who will often report to the manager of that team—is responsible for (surprise!) the technical aspects of the product, including technology decisions and choices, architecture, priorities, velocity, and general project management (although on larger teams they might have program managers helping out with this). The TL will usually work hand in hand with the engineering manager to ensure that the team is adequately staffed for their product and that engineers are set to work on tasks that best match their skill sets and skill levels. Most TLs are also individual contributors, which often forces them to choose between doing something quickly themselves or delegating it to a team member to do (sometimes) more slowly. The latter is most often the correct decision for the TL as they grow the size and capability of their team.
-### The Tech Lead Manager 技术主管经理
+### The Tech Lead Manager 技術主管經理
On small and nascent teams for which engineering managers need a strong technical skill set, the default is often to have a TLM: a single person who can handle both the people and technical needs of their team. Sometimes, a TLM is a more senior person, but more often than not, the role is taken on by someone who was, until recently, an individual contributor.
-At Google, it’s customary for larger, well-established teams to have a pair of leaders— one TL and one engineering manager—working together as partners. The theory is that it’s really difficult to do both jobs at the same time (well) without completely burning out, so it’s better to have two specialists crushing each role with dedicated focus.
+At Google, it」s customary for larger, well-established teams to have a pair of leaders— one TL and one engineering manager—working together as partners. The theory is that it」s really difficult to do both jobs at the same time (well) without completely burning out, so it」s better to have two specialists crushing each role with dedicated focus.
The job of TLM is a tricky one and often requires the TLM to learn how to balance individual work, delegation, and people management. As such, it usually requires a high degree of mentoring and assistance from more experienced TLMs. (In fact, we recommend that in addition to taking a number of classes that Google offers on this subject, a newly minted TLM seek out a senior mentor who can advise them regularly as they grow into the role.)
-#### Case Study: Influencing Without Authority 案例研究:没有权威的影响力
+#### Case Study: Influencing Without Authority 案例研究:沒有權威的影響力
-It’s generally accepted that you can get folks who report to you to do the work that you need done for your products, but it’s different when you need to get people outside of your organization—or heck, even outside of your product area sometimes—to do something that you think needs to be done. This “influence without authority” is one of the most powerful leadership traits that you can develop.
+It」s generally accepted that you can get folks who report to you to do the work that you need done for your products, but it」s different when you need to get people outside of your organization—or heck, even outside of your product area sometimes—to do something that you think needs to be done. This 『influence without authority』 is one of the most powerful leadership traits that you can develop.
-For example, for years, Jeff Dean, senior engineering fellow and possibly the most well-known Googler *inside* of Google, led only a fraction of Google’s engineering team, but his influence on technical decisions and direction reaches to the ends of the entire engineering organization and beyond (thanks to his writing and speaking outside of the company).
+For example, for years, Jeff Dean, senior engineering fellow and possibly the most well-known Googler *inside* of Google, led only a fraction of Google」s engineering team, but his influence on technical decisions and direction reaches to the ends of the entire engineering organization and beyond (thanks to his writing and speaking outside of the company).
-例如,多年来,高级工程研究员杰夫·迪安(Jeff Dean)可能是谷歌内部最知名的Googler,他只领导谷歌工程团队的一小部分,但他对技术决策和方向的影响却达到了整个工程组织的末端,甚至更远(这要归功于他在公司之外的写作和演讲)。
+例如,多年來,高階工程研究員傑夫·迪安(Jeff Dean)可能是谷歌內部最知名的Googler,他只領導谷歌工程團隊的一小部分,但他對技術決策和方向的影響卻達到了整個工程組織的末端,甚至更遠(這要歸功於他在公司之外的寫作和演講)。
Another example is a team that I started called The Data Liberation Front: with a team of less than a half-dozen engineers, we managed to get more than 50 Google products to export their data through a product that we launched called Google Takeout. At the time, there was no formal directive from the executive level at Google for all products to be a part of Takeout, so how did we get hundreds of engineers to contribute to this effort? By identifying a strategic need for the company, showing how it linked to the mission and existing priorities of the company, and working with a small group of engineers to develop a tool that allowed teams to quickly and easily integrate with Takeout.
-另一个例子是我发起的一个名为“数据解放阵线”的团队:一个由不到六名工程师组成的团队,我们成功地让50多个谷歌产品通过我们推出的一款名为“Google Takeout”的产品来输出数据。当时,谷歌的管理层并没有正式指示所有产品都要成为Takeout的一部分,那么我们是如何让数百名工程师为这项工作做出贡献的呢?通过确定公司的战略需求,展示它如何与公司的使命和现有的优先事项相联系,并与一小组工程师合作开发一个工具,使团队能够快速、轻松地与Takeout整合。
+另一個例子是我發起的一個名為『資料解放陣線』的團隊:一個由不到六名工程師組成的團隊,我們成功地讓50多個谷歌產品透過我們推出的一款名為『Google Takeout』的產品來輸出資料。當時,谷歌的管理層並沒有正式指示所有產品都要成為Takeout的一部分,那麼我們是如何讓數百名工程師為這項工作做出貢獻的呢?透過確定公司的戰略需求,展示它如何與公司的使命和現有的優先事項相聯系,並與一小組工程師合作開發一個工具,使團隊能夠快速、輕鬆地與Takeout整合。
-## Moving from an Individual Contributor Role to a Leadership Role 从个人贡献者角色转变为领导角色
+## Moving from an Individual Contributor Role to a Leadership Role 從個人貢獻者角色轉變為領導角色
-Whether or not they’re officially appointed, someone needs to get into the driver’s seat if your product is ever going to go anywhere, and if you’re the motivated, impatient type, that person might be you. You might find yourself sucked into helping your team resolve conflicts, make decisions, and coordinate people. It happens all the time, and often by accident. Maybe you never intended to become a “leader,” but somehow it happened anyway. Some people refer to this affliction as “manageritis.”
+Whether or not they」re officially appointed, someone needs to get into the driver」s seat if your product is ever going to go anywhere, and if you」re the motivated, impatient type, that person might be you. You might find yourself sucked into helping your team resolve conflicts, make decisions, and coordinate people. It happens all the time, and often by accident. Maybe you never intended to become a 『leader,』 but somehow it happened anyway. Some people refer to this affliction as 『manageritis.』
-无论他们是否被正式任命,如果你的产品要发展,就需要有人进入驾驶座,如果你是一个有动力、有影响力的人,那么这个人可能就是你。你可能会发现自己主动去帮助你的团队解决冲突、做出决策和协调人员的行列。这种情况一直在存在,而且往往是偶然发生的。也许你从来没有想过要成为一个 "领导者",但不知何故,它还是发生了。有些人把这种痛苦称为 "经理病"。
+無論他們是否被正式任命,如果你的產品要發展,就需要有人進入駕駛座,如果你是一個有動力、有影響力的人,那麼這個人可能就是你。你可能會發現自己主動去幫助你的團隊解決衝突、做出決策和協調人員的行列。這種情況一直在存在,而且往往是偶然發生的。也許你從來沒有想過要成為一個 "領導者",但不知何故,它還是發生了。有些人把這種痛苦稱為 "經理病"。
-Even if you’ve sworn to yourself that you’ll never become a manager, at some point in your career, you’re likely to find yourself in a leadership position, especially if you’ve been successful in your role. The rest of this chapter is intended to help you understand what to do when this happens.
+Even if you」ve sworn to yourself that you」ll never become a manager, at some point in your career, you」re likely to find yourself in a leadership position, especially if you」ve been successful in your role. The rest of this chapter is intended to help you understand what to do when this happens.
-We’re not here to attempt to convince you to become a manager, but rather to help show why the best leaders work to serve their team using the principles of humility, respect, and trust. Understanding the ins and outs of leadership is a vital skill for influencing the direction of your work. If you want to steer the boat for your project and not just go along for the ride, you need to know how to navigate, or you’ll run yourself (and your project) onto a sandbar.
+We」re not here to attempt to convince you to become a manager, but rather to help show why the best leaders work to serve their team using the principles of humility, respect, and trust. Understanding the ins and outs of leadership is a vital skill for influencing the direction of your work. If you want to steer the boat for your project and not just go along for the ride, you need to know how to navigate, or you」ll run yourself (and your project) onto a sandbar.
### The Only Thing to Fear Is…Well, Everything 唯一害怕的是…嗯,所有的事
-Aside from the general sense of malaise that most people feel when they hear the word “manager,” there are a number of reasons that most people don’t want to become managers. The biggest reason you’ll hear in the software development world is that you spend much less time writing code. This is true whether you become a TL or an engineering manager, and I’ll talk more about this later in the chapter, but first, let’s cover some more reasons why most of us avoid becoming managers.
+Aside from the general sense of malaise that most people feel when they hear the word 『manager,』 there are a number of reasons that most people don」t want to become managers. The biggest reason you」ll hear in the software development world is that you spend much less time writing code. This is true whether you become a TL or an engineering manager, and I」ll talk more about this later in the chapter, but first, let」s cover some more reasons why most of us avoid becoming managers.
-If you’ve spent the majority of your career writing code, you typically end a day with something you can point to—whether it’s code, a design document, or a pile of bugs you just closed—and say, “That’s what I did today.” But at the end of a busy day of “management,” you’ll usually find yourself thinking, “I didn’t do a damned thing today.” It’s the equivalent of spending years counting the number of apples you picked each day and changing to a job growing bananas, only to say to yourself at the end of each day, “I didn’t pick any apples,” happily ignoring the flourishing banana trees sitting next to you. Quantifying management work is more difficult than counting widgets you turned out, but just making it possible for your team to be happy and productive is a big measure of your job. Just don’t fall into the trap of counting apples when you’re growing bananas.[^1]
+If you」ve spent the majority of your career writing code, you typically end a day with something you can point to—whether it」s code, a design document, or a pile of bugs you just closed—and say, 『That」s what I did today.』 But at the end of a busy day of 『management,』 you」ll usually find yourself thinking, 『I didn」t do a damned thing today.』 It」s the equivalent of spending years counting the number of apples you picked each day and changing to a job growing bananas, only to say to yourself at the end of each day, 『I didn」t pick any apples,』 happily ignoring the flourishing banana trees sitting next to you. Quantifying management work is more difficult than counting widgets you turned out, but just making it possible for your team to be happy and productive is a big measure of your job. Just don」t fall into the trap of counting apples when you」re growing bananas.[^1]
-如果你的职业生涯大部分时间都在写代码,你通常会在结束一天的工作时,指着一些东西——无论是代码、设计文档,还是你刚刚关闭的一堆bug——说:"这就是我今天做的事情。" 但在忙碌的 "管理 "一天结束时,你通常会发现自己在想,"我今天一件该死的事也没做"。这相当于花上几年的时间数数你每天摘的苹果的数量,然后换了份种植香蕉的工作,每天结束时都对自己说,“我没有摘苹果”,忽略了你身旁茂盛的香蕉树。量化管理工作比计算你生产的小组件要困难得多,但让你的团队能够快乐且高效是你工作的一个重要指标。只是在你种植香蕉时不要落入数苹果的陷阱。
+如果你的職業生涯大部分時間都在寫程式碼,你通常會在結束一天的工作時,指著一些東西——無論是程式碼、設計文件,還是你剛剛關閉的一堆bug——說:"這就是我今天做的事情。" 但在忙碌的 "管理 "一天結束時,你通常會發現自己在想,"我今天一件該死的事也沒做"。這相當於花上幾年的時間數數你每天摘的蘋果的數量,然後換了份種植香蕉的工作,每天結束時都對自己說,『我沒有摘蘋果』,忽略了你身旁茂盛的香蕉樹。量化管理工作比計算你生產的小組件要困難得多,但讓你的團隊能夠快樂且高效是你工作的一個重要指標。只是在你種植香蕉時不要落入數蘋果的陷阱。
-Another big reason for not becoming a manager is often unspoken but rooted in the famous “Peter Principle,” which states that “In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.” Google generally avoids this by requiring that a person perform the job *above* their current level for a period of time (i.e., to “exceeds expectations” at their current level) before being promoted to that level. Most people have had a manager who was incapable of doing their job or was just really bad at managing people,[^2] and we know some people who have worked only for bad managers. If you’ve been exposed only to crappy managers for your entire career, why would you *ever* want to be a manager? Why would you want to be promoted to a role that you don’t feel able to do?
+Another big reason for not becoming a manager is often unspoken but rooted in the famous 『Peter Principle,』 which states that 『In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.』 Google generally avoids this by requiring that a person perform the job *above* their current level for a period of time (i.e., to 『exceeds expectations』 at their current level) before being promoted to that level. Most people have had a manager who was incapable of doing their job or was just really bad at managing people,[^2] and we know some people who have worked only for bad managers. If you」ve been exposed only to crappy managers for your entire career, why would you *ever* want to be a manager? Why would you want to be promoted to a role that you don」t feel able to do?
-不成为经理的另一个重要原因往往是不言而喻的,但却源于著名的 "彼得原理",即 "在等级制度中,每个职工趋向于上升到他所不能胜任的职位"。谷歌通常通过要求一个人在晋升到该级别之前,必须在其目前的级别上完成高于当前水平的工作一段时间(即达到 "超出预期 "的目前级别)来避免这种情况。大多数人都有过一个不能胜任工作的经理,或者只是非常不善于管理人,而我们知道有些人只为糟糕的经理工作。如果你在整个职业生涯中只接触过糟糕的经理,你为什么**想成为一名经理**?你为什么要被提拔到一个你觉得无法胜任的角色?
+不成為經理的另一個重要原因往往是不言而喻的,但卻源於著名的 "彼得原理",即 "在等級制度中,每個職工趨向於上升到他所不能勝任的職位"。谷歌通常透過要求一個人在晉升到該級別之前,必須在其目前的級別上完成高於當前水平的工作一段時間(即達到 "超出預期 "的目前級別)來避免這種情況。大多數人都有過一個不能勝任工作的經理,或者只是非常不善於管理人,而我們知道有些人只為糟糕的經理工作。如果你在整個職業生涯中只接觸過糟糕的經理,你為什麼**想成為一名經理**?你為什麼要被提拔到一個你覺得無法勝任的角色?
-> 彼得原理推导:每一个职位最终都将被一个不能胜任其工作的职工所占据。层级组织的工作任务多半是由尚未达到胜任阶层的员工完成的。
+> 彼得原理推導:每一個職位最終都將被一個不能勝任其工作的職工所佔據。層級組織的工作任務多半是由尚未達到勝任階層的員工完成的。
-There are, however, great reasons to consider becoming a TL or manager. First, it’s a way to scale yourself. Even if you’re great at writing code, there’s still an upper limit to the amount of code you can write. Imagine how much code a team of great engineers could write under your leadership! Second, you might just be really good at it—many people who find themselves sucked into the leadership vacuum of a project discover that they’re exceptionally skilled at providing the kind of guidance, help, and air cover a team or a company needs. Someone has to lead, so why not you?
+There are, however, great reasons to consider becoming a TL or manager. First, it」s a way to scale yourself. Even if you」re great at writing code, there」s still an upper limit to the amount of code you can write. Imagine how much code a team of great engineers could write under your leadership! Second, you might just be really good at it—many people who find themselves sucked into the leadership vacuum of a project discover that they」re exceptionally skilled at providing the kind of guidance, help, and air cover a team or a company needs. Someone has to lead, so why not you?
> [^1]: Another difference that takes getting used to is that the things we do as managers typically pay off over a longer timeline.
-> 1 另一个需要适应的差异是,我们作为管理者所做的事情通常会在更长的时间后才得到回报。
+> 1 另一個需要適應的差異是,我們作為管理者所做的事情通常會在更長的時間後才得到回報。
-> [^2]: Yet another reason companies shouldn’t force people into management as part of a career path: if an engineer is able to write reams of great code and has no desire at all to manage people or lead a team, by forcing them into a management or TL role, you’re losing a great engineer and gaining a crappy manager. This is not only a bad idea, but it’s actively harmful.
+> [^2]: Yet another reason companies shouldn」t force people into management as part of a career path: if an engineer is able to write reams of great code and has no desire at all to manage people or lead a team, by forcing them into a management or TL role, you」re losing a great engineer and gaining a crappy manager. This is not only a bad idea, but it」s actively harmful.
-> 2 然而,另一个原因是,公司不应该强迫人们把管理作为职业道路的一部分:如果一个工程师能够写出大量的优秀代码,却完全没有管理人或领导团队的愿望,强迫他们进入管理层或TL的角色,你就会失去一个伟大的工程师,得到一个糟糕的经理。这不仅是一个糟糕的主意,而且是积极有害的方式。
+> 2 然而,另一個原因是,公司不應該強迫人們把管理作為職業道路的一部分:如果一個工程師能夠寫出大量的優秀程式碼,卻完全沒有管理人或領導團隊的願望,強迫他們進入管理層或TL的角色,你就會失去一個偉大的工程師,得到一個糟糕的經理。這不僅是一個糟糕的主意,而且是積極有害的方式。
-### Servant Leadership 服务型领导
+### Servant Leadership 服務型領導
-There seems to be a sort of disease that strikes managers in which they forget about all the awful things their managers did to them and suddenly begin doing these same things to “manage” the people that report to them. The symptoms of this disease include, but are by no means limited to, micromanaging, ignoring low performers, and hiring pushovers. Without prompt treatment, this disease can kill an entire team. The best advice I received when I first became a manager at Google was from Steve Vinter, an engineering director at the time. He said, “Above all, resist the urge to manage.” One of the greatest urges of the newly minted manager is to actively “manage” their employees because that’s what a manager does, right? This typically has disastrous consequences.
+There seems to be a sort of disease that strikes managers in which they forget about all the awful things their managers did to them and suddenly begin doing these same things to 『manage』 the people that report to them. The symptoms of this disease include, but are by no means limited to, micromanaging, ignoring low performers, and hiring pushovers. Without prompt treatment, this disease can kill an entire team. The best advice I received when I first became a manager at Google was from Steve Vinter, an engineering director at the time. He said, 『Above all, resist the urge to manage.』 One of the greatest urges of the newly minted manager is to actively 『manage』 their employees because that」s what a manager does, right? This typically has disastrous consequences.
-似乎有一种疾病袭扰了经理们,他们忘记了他们的经理对他们所做的所有可怕的事情,突然开始做同样的事情来 "管理 "向他们汇报的人。这种疾病的症状包括,但不限于,微观管理(事必躬亲),忽视低绩效员工,以及使用推卸责任者。如果不及时治疗,这种疾病可以杀死整个团队。当我第一次在谷歌成为经理时,我得到的最好的建议是来自当时的工程总监史蒂夫·温特。他说:"首先,要抵制管人的冲动"。新上任的经理人最大的冲动之一就是积极 "管理 "他们的员工,因为这就是经理的工作,对吗?这通常会带来灾难性的后果。
+似乎有一種疾病襲擾了經理們,他們忘記了他們的經理對他們所做的所有可怕的事情,突然開始做同樣的事情來 "管理 "向他們彙報的人。這種疾病的症狀包括,但不限於,微觀管理(事必躬親),忽視低績效員工,以及使用推卸責任者。如果不及時治療,這種疾病可以殺死整個團隊。當我第一次在谷歌成為經理時,我得到的最好的建議是來自當時的工程總監史蒂夫·溫特。他說:"首先,要抵制管人的衝動"。新上任的經理人最大的衝動之一就是積極 "管理 "他們的員工,因為這就是經理的工作,對嗎?這通常會帶來災難性的後果。
-The cure for the “management” disease is a liberal application of “servant leadership,” which is a nice way of saying the most important thing you can do as a leader is to serve your team, much like a butler or majordomo tends to the health and well-being of a household. As a servant leader, you should strive to create an atmosphere of humility, respect, and trust. This might mean removing bureaucratic obstacles that a team member can’t remove by themselves, helping a team achieve consensus, or even buying dinner for the team when they’re working late at the office. The servant leader fills in the cracks to smooth the way for their team and advises them when necessary, but still isn’t afraid of getting their hands dirty. The only managing that a servant leader does is to manage both the technical and social health of the team; as tempting as it might be to focus on purely the technical health of the team, the social health of the team is just as important (but often infinitely more difficult to manage).
+The cure for the 『management』 disease is a liberal application of 『servant leadership,』 which is a nice way of saying the most important thing you can do as a leader is to serve your team, much like a butler or majordomo tends to the health and well-being of a household. As a servant leader, you should strive to create an atmosphere of humility, respect, and trust. This might mean removing bureaucratic obstacles that a team member can」t remove by themselves, helping a team achieve consensus, or even buying dinner for the team when they」re working late at the office. The servant leader fills in the cracks to smooth the way for their team and advises them when necessary, but still isn」t afraid of getting their hands dirty. The only managing that a servant leader does is to manage both the technical and social health of the team; as tempting as it might be to focus on purely the technical health of the team, the social health of the team is just as important (but often infinitely more difficult to manage).
-## The Engineering Manager 工程经理
+## The Engineering Manager 工程經理
-So, what is actually expected of a manager at a modern software company? Before the computing age, “management” and “labor” might have taken on almost antagonistic roles, with the manager wielding all of the power and labor requiring collective action to achieve its own ends. But that isn’t how modern software companies work.
+So, what is actually expected of a manager at a modern software company? Before the computing age, 『management』 and 『labor』 might have taken on almost antagonistic roles, with the manager wielding all of the power and labor requiring collective action to achieve its own ends. But that isn」t how modern software companies work.
-那么,在现代软件公司中,对经理的实际期望是什么?在计算机时代之前,"管理 "和 "劳动 "可能承担着几乎是对立的角色,管理者掌握着所有的权力,而劳动者则需要集体行动来实现自己的目的。但这并不是现代软件公司的工作方式。
+那麼,在現代軟體公司中,對經理的實際期望是什麼?在電腦時代之前,"管理 "和 "勞動 "可能承擔著幾乎是對立的角色,管理者掌握著所有的權力,而勞動者則需要集體行動來實現自己的目的。但這並不是現代軟體公司的工作方式。
-### Manager Is a Four-Letter Word 经理是一个四个字母的单词
+### Manager Is a Four-Letter Word 經理是一個四個字母的單詞
-Before talking about the core responsibilities of an engineering manager at Google, let’s review the history of managers. The present-day concept of the pointy-haired manager is partially a carryover, first from military hierarchy and later adopted by the Industrial Revolution—more than a hundred years ago! Factories began popping up everywhere, and they required (usually unskilled) workers to keep the machines going. Consequently, these workers required supervisors to manage them, and because it was easy to replace these workers with other people who were desperate for a job, the managers had little motivation to treat their employees well or improve conditions for them. Whether humane or not, this method worked well for many years when the employees had nothing more to do than perform rote tasks.
+Before talking about the core responsibilities of an engineering manager at Google, let」s review the history of managers. The present-day concept of the pointy-haired manager is partially a carryover, first from military hierarchy and later adopted by the Industrial Revolution—more than a hundred years ago! Factories began popping up everywhere, and they required (usually unskilled) workers to keep the machines going. Consequently, these workers required supervisors to manage them, and because it was easy to replace these workers with other people who were desperate for a job, the managers had little motivation to treat their employees well or improve conditions for them. Whether humane or not, this method worked well for many years when the employees had nothing more to do than perform rote tasks.
-Managers frequently treated employees in the same way that cart drivers would treat their mules: they motivated them by alternately leading them forward with a carrot, and, when that didn’t work, whipping them with a stick. This carrot-and-stick method of management survived the transition from the factory[^3] to the modern office, where the stereotype of the tough-as-nails manager-as-mule-driver flourished in the middle part of the twentieth century when employees would work at the same job for years and years.
+Managers frequently treated employees in the same way that cart drivers would treat their mules: they motivated them by alternately leading them forward with a carrot, and, when that didn」t work, whipping them with a stick. This carrot-and-stick method of management survived the transition from the factory[^3] to the modern office, where the stereotype of the tough-as-nails manager-as-mule-driver flourished in the middle part of the twentieth century when employees would work at the same job for years and years.
This continues today in some industries—even in industries that require creative thinking and problem solving—despite numerous studies suggesting that the anachronistic carrot and stick is ineffective and harmful to the productivity of creative people. Whereas the assembly-line worker of years past could be trained in days and replaced at will, software engineers working on large codebases can take months to get up to speed on a new team. Unlike the replaceable assembly-line worker, these people need nurturing, time, and space to think and create.
> [^3]: For more fascinating information on optimizing the movements of factory workers, read up on Scientific Management or Taylorism, especially its effects on worker morale./
-> 3 有关优化工厂工人流动的更多有趣信息,请阅读科学管理或泰勒主义,尤其是其对工人士气的影响。
+> 3 有關最佳化工廠工人流動的更多有趣訊息,請閱讀科學管理或泰勒主義,尤其是其對工人士氣的影響。
-### Today’s Engineering Manager 当今的工程经理
+### Today」s Engineering Manager 當今的工程經理
-Most people still use the title “manager” despite the fact that it’s often an anachronism. The title itself often encourages new managers to *manage* their reports. Managers can wind up acting like parents,[^4] and consequently employees react like children. To frame this in the context of humility, respect, and trust: if a manager makes it obvious that they trust their employee, the employee feels positive pressure to live up to that trust. It’s that simple. A good manager forges the way for a team, looking out for their safety and well-being, all while making sure their needs are met. If there’s one thing you remember from this chapter, make it this:
+Most people still use the title 『manager』 despite the fact that it」s often an anachronism. The title itself often encourages new managers to *manage* their reports. Managers can wind up acting like parents,[^4] and consequently employees react like children. To frame this in the context of humility, respect, and trust: if a manager makes it obvious that they trust their employee, the employee feels positive pressure to live up to that trust. It」s that simple. A good manager forges the way for a team, looking out for their safety and well-being, all while making sure their needs are met. If there」s one thing you remember from this chapter, make it this:
Traditional managers worry about how to get things done, whereas great managers worry about what things get done (and trust their team to figure out how to do it).
-大多数人仍然使用 "经理 "这个头衔,尽管它往往是一个不合时宜的头衔。这个头衔本身经常鼓励新经理撰写报告。经理们可能会表现得像父母一样,因此员工的反应也像孩子。从谦逊、尊重和信任的角度来看:如果经理明显地表示他们信任员工,那么员工就会感到有积极的压力,不辜负这种信任。就是这么简单。好的经理为团队开辟道路,关注他们的安全和福祉,同时确保他们的需求得到满足。如果你在本章中记住了一件事,那就是这个:
- 传统的经理担心的是如何把事情做好,而优秀的经理担心的是把什么事情做好(并相信他们的团队能想出办法来)。
+大多數人仍然使用 "經理 "這個頭銜,儘管它往往是一個不合時宜的頭銜。這個頭銜本身經常鼓勵新經理撰寫報告。經理們可能會表現得像父母一樣,因此員工的反應也像孩子。從謙遜、尊重和信任的角度來看:如果經理明顯地表示他們信任員工,那麼員工就會感到有積極的壓力,不辜負這種信任。就是這麼簡單。好的經理為團隊開闢道路,關注他們的安全和福祉,同時確保他們的需求得到滿足。如果你在本章中記住了一件事,那就是這個:
+ 傳統的經理擔心的是如何把事情做好,而優秀的經理擔心的是把什麼事情做好(並相信他們的團隊能想出辦法來)。
-A new engineer, Jerry, joined my team a few years ago. Jerry’s last manager (at a different company) was adamant that he be at his desk from 9:00 to 5:00 every day, and assumed that if he wasn’t there, he wasn’t working enough (which is, of course, a ridiculous assumption). On his first day working with me, Jerry came to me at 4:40p.m. and stammered out an apology that he had to leave 15 minutes early because he had an appointment that he had been unable to reschedule. I looked at him, smiled, and told him flat out, “Look, as long as you get your job done, I don’t care what time you leave the office.” Jerry stared blankly at me for a few seconds, nodded, and went on his way. I treated Jerry like an adult; he always got his work done, and I never had to worry about him being at his desk, because he didn’t need a babysitter to get his work done. If your employees are so uninterested in their job that they actually need traditional-manager babysitting to be convinced to work, *that* is your real problem.
+A new engineer, Jerry, joined my team a few years ago. Jerry」s last manager (at a different company) was adamant that he be at his desk from 9:00 to 5:00 every day, and assumed that if he wasn」t there, he wasn」t working enough (which is, of course, a ridiculous assumption). On his first day working with me, Jerry came to me at 4:40p.m. and stammered out an apology that he had to leave 15 minutes early because he had an appointment that he had been unable to reschedule. I looked at him, smiled, and told him flat out, 『Look, as long as you get your job done, I don」t care what time you leave the office.』 Jerry stared blankly at me for a few seconds, nodded, and went on his way. I treated Jerry like an adult; he always got his work done, and I never had to worry about him being at his desk, because he didn」t need a babysitter to get his work done. If your employees are so uninterested in their job that they actually need traditional-manager babysitting to be convinced to work, *that* is your real problem.
-几年前,一位名叫杰瑞的工程师新加入了我的团队。杰瑞的上一任经理(在另一家公司)坚决要求他每天从早上9点到下午5点都在办公桌前,并认为如果他不在那里,就说明他工作得不够努力(当然,这是一个可笑的假设)。在他和我一起工作的第一天,杰瑞在下午4点40分来找我,结结巴巴地道歉,说他不得不提前15分钟离开,因为他有一个约会,但他没法重新安排。我看着他,笑了笑,直截了当地告诉他:"听着,只要你完成了你的工作,我不在乎你什么时候离开办公室。" 杰瑞茫然地盯着我看了几秒钟,点了点头,然后上路了。我对待杰瑞就像对待成年人一样,他总是能完成工作,我从来没有担心过他是否在办公桌前,因为他不需要保姆一样的来完成工作。如果你的员工对他们的工作如此不感兴趣,以至于他们实际上需要传统的经理保姆式来监督他们工作,这才是你真正的问题。
+幾年前,一位名叫傑瑞的工程師新加入了我的團隊。傑瑞的上一任經理(在另一家公司)堅決要求他每天從早上9點到下午5點都在辦公桌前,並認為如果他不在那裡,就說明他工作得不夠努力(當然,這是一個可笑的假設)。在他和我一起工作的第一天,傑瑞在下午4點40分來找我,結結巴巴地道歉,說他不得不提前15分鐘離開,因為他有一個約會,但他沒法重新安排。我看著他,笑了笑,直截了當地告訴他:"聽著,只要你完成了你的工作,我不在乎你什麼時候離開辦公室。" 傑瑞茫然地盯著我看了幾秒鐘,點了點頭,然後上路了。我對待傑瑞就像對待成年人一樣,他總是能完成工作,我從來沒有擔心過他是否在辦公桌前,因為他不需要保姆一樣的來完成工作。如果你的員工對他們的工作如此不感興趣,以至於他們實際上需要傳統的經理保姆式來監督他們工作,這才是你真正的問題。
-> [^4]: If you have kids, the odds are good that you can remember with startling clarity the first time you said something to your child that made you stop and exclaim (perhaps even aloud), “Holy crap, I’ve become my mother.”
+> [^4]: If you have kids, the odds are good that you can remember with startling clarity the first time you said something to your child that made you stop and exclaim (perhaps even aloud), 『Holy crap, I」ve become my mother.』
-> 4 如果你有孩子,你很有可能清楚地记得你第一次对你的孩子说了什么,让你停下来并感叹(也许甚至是大声地感叹):"我的妈呀,我已经变成我的母亲了。"
+> 4 如果你有孩子,你很有可能清楚地記得你第一次對你的孩子說了什麼,讓你停下來並感嘆(也許甚至是大聲地感嘆):"我的媽呀,我已經變成我的母親了。"
-#### Failure Is an Option 失败也是一种选择
+#### Failure Is an Option 失敗也是一種選擇
-Another way to catalyze your team is to make them feel safe and secure so that they can take greater risks by building psychological safety—meaning that your team members feel like they can be themselves without fear of negative repercussions from you or their team members. Risk is a fascinating thing; most humans are terrible at evaluating risk, and most companies try to avoid risk at all costs. As a result, the usual modus operandi is to work conservatively and focus on smaller successes, even when taking a bigger risk might mean exponentially greater success. A common saying at Google is that if you try to achieve an impossible goal, there’s a good chance you’ll fail, but if you fail trying to achieve the impossible, you’ll most likely accomplish far more than you would have accomplished had you merely attempted something you knew you could complete. A good way to build a culture in which risk taking is accepted is to let your team know that it’s OK to fail.
+Another way to catalyze your team is to make them feel safe and secure so that they can take greater risks by building psychological safety—meaning that your team members feel like they can be themselves without fear of negative repercussions from you or their team members. Risk is a fascinating thing; most humans are terrible at evaluating risk, and most companies try to avoid risk at all costs. As a result, the usual modus operandi is to work conservatively and focus on smaller successes, even when taking a bigger risk might mean exponentially greater success. A common saying at Google is that if you try to achieve an impossible goal, there」s a good chance you」ll fail, but if you fail trying to achieve the impossible, you」ll most likely accomplish far more than you would have accomplished had you merely attempted something you knew you could complete. A good way to build a culture in which risk taking is accepted is to let your team know that it」s OK to fail.
-So, let’s get that out of the way: it’s OK to fail. In fact, we like to think of failure as a way of learning a lot really quickly (provided that you’re not repeatedly failing at the same thing). In addition, it’s important to see failure as an opportunity to learn and not to point fingers or assign blame. Failing fast is good because there’s not a lot at stake. Failing slowly can also teach a valuable lesson, but it is more painful because more is at risk and more can be lost (usually engineering time). Failing in a manner that affects customers is probably the least desirable failure that we encounter, but it’s also one in which we have the greatest amount of structure in place to learn from failures. As mentioned earlier, every time there is a major production failure at Google, we perform a postmortem. This procedure is a way to document the events that led to the actual failure and to develop a series of steps that will prevent it from happening in the future. This is neither an opportunity to point fingers, nor is it intended to introduce unnecessary bureaucratic checks; rather, the goal is to strongly focus on the core of the problem and fix it once and for all. It’s very difficult, but quite effective (and cathartic).
+So, let」s get that out of the way: it」s OK to fail. In fact, we like to think of failure as a way of learning a lot really quickly (provided that you」re not repeatedly failing at the same thing). In addition, it」s important to see failure as an opportunity to learn and not to point fingers or assign blame. Failing fast is good because there」s not a lot at stake. Failing slowly can also teach a valuable lesson, but it is more painful because more is at risk and more can be lost (usually engineering time). Failing in a manner that affects customers is probably the least desirable failure that we encounter, but it」s also one in which we have the greatest amount of structure in place to learn from failures. As mentioned earlier, every time there is a major production failure at Google, we perform a postmortem. This procedure is a way to document the events that led to the actual failure and to develop a series of steps that will prevent it from happening in the future. This is neither an opportunity to point fingers, nor is it intended to introduce unnecessary bureaucratic checks; rather, the goal is to strongly focus on the core of the problem and fix it once and for all. It」s very difficult, but quite effective (and cathartic).
-Individual successes and failures are a bit different. It’s one thing to laud individual successes, but looking to assign individual blame in the case of failure is a great way to divide a team and discourage risk taking across the board. It’s alright to fail, but fail as a team and learn from your failures. If an individual succeeds, praise them in front of the team. If an individual fails, give constructive criticism in private.[^5] Whatever the case, take advantage of the opportunity and apply a liberal helping of humility, respect, and trust to help your team learn from its failures.
+Individual successes and failures are a bit different. It」s one thing to laud individual successes, but looking to assign individual blame in the case of failure is a great way to divide a team and discourage risk taking across the board. It」s alright to fail, but fail as a team and learn from your failures. If an individual succeeds, praise them in front of the team. If an individual fails, give constructive criticism in private.[^5] Whatever the case, take advantage of the opportunity and apply a liberal helping of humility, respect, and trust to help your team learn from its failures.
-> [^5]: Public criticism of an individual is not only ineffective (it puts people on the defense), but rarely necessary, and most often is just mean or cruel. You can be sure the rest of the team already knows when an individual has failed, so there’s no need to rub it in.
+> [^5]: Public criticism of an individual is not only ineffective (it puts people on the defense), but rarely necessary, and most often is just mean or cruel. You can be sure the rest of the team already knows when an individual has failed, so there」s no need to rub it in.
-> 5 对一个人的公开批评不仅没有效果(它使人们处于防御状态),而且很少有必要,大多数时候只是刻薄或残酷。你可以肯定,团队的其他成员已经知道一个人什么时候失败了,所以没有必要重复。
+> 5 對一個人的公開批評不僅沒有效果(它使人們處於防禦狀態),而且很少有必要,大多數時候只是刻薄或殘酷。你可以肯定,團隊的其他成員已經知道一個人什麼時候失敗了,所以沒有必要重複。
## Antipatterns 反模式
-Before we go over a litany of “design patterns” for successful TLs and engineering managers, we’re going to review a collection of the patterns that you *don’t* want to follow if you want to be a successful manager. We’ve observed these destructive patterns in a handful of bad managers that we’ve encountered in our careers, and in more than a few cases, ourselves.
+Before we go over a litany of 『design patterns』 for successful TLs and engineering managers, we」re going to review a collection of the patterns that you *don」t* want to follow if you want to be a successful manager. We」ve observed these destructive patterns in a handful of bad managers that we」ve encountered in our careers, and in more than a few cases, ourselves.
-在我们讨论一系列成功的TL和工程经理的 "设计模式 "之前,我们要回顾一下,如果你想成为一个成功的经理,你*不能*遵循的模式。我们已经在我们职业生涯中遇到的一些糟糕经理身上观察到了这些破坏性的模式,而我们自己也遇到过不少这样的情况。
+在我們討論一系列成功的TL和工程經理的 "設計模式 "之前,我們要回顧一下,如果你想成為一個成功的經理,你*不能*遵循的模式。我們已經在我們職業生涯中遇到的一些糟糕經理身上觀察到了這些破壞性的模式,而我們自己也遇到過不少這樣的情況。
-### Antipattern: Hire Pushovers 反模式:雇佣推手
+### Antipattern: Hire Pushovers 反模式:僱傭推手
-If you’re a manager and you’re feeling insecure in your role (for whatever reason), one way to make sure no one questions your authority or threatens your job is to hire people you can push around. You can achieve this by hiring people who aren’t as smart or ambitious as you are, or just people who are more insecure than you. Even though this will cement your position as the team leader and decision maker, it will mean a lot more work for you. Your team won’t be able to make a move without you leading them like dogs on a leash. If you build a team of pushovers, you probably can’t take a vacation; the moment you leave the room, productivity comes to a screeching halt. But surely this is a small price to pay for feeling secure in your job, right?
+If you」re a manager and you」re feeling insecure in your role (for whatever reason), one way to make sure no one questions your authority or threatens your job is to hire people you can push around. You can achieve this by hiring people who aren」t as smart or ambitious as you are, or just people who are more insecure than you. Even though this will cement your position as the team leader and decision maker, it will mean a lot more work for you. Your team won」t be able to make a move without you leading them like dogs on a leash. If you build a team of pushovers, you probably can」t take a vacation; the moment you leave the room, productivity comes to a screeching halt. But surely this is a small price to pay for feeling secure in your job, right?
-Instead, you should strive to hire people who are smarter than you and can replace you. This can be difficult because these very same people will challenge you on a regular basis (in addition to letting you know when you make a mistake). These very same people will also consistently impress you and make great things happen. They’ll be able to direct themselves to a much greater extent, and some will be eager to lead the team, as well. You shouldn’t see this as an attempt to usurp your power; instead, look at it as an opportunity for you to lead an additional team, investigate new opportunities, or even take a vacation without worrying about checking in on the team every day to make sure it’s getting its work done. It’s also a great chance to learn and grow—it’s a lot easier to expand your expertise when surrounded by people who are smarter than you.
+Instead, you should strive to hire people who are smarter than you and can replace you. This can be difficult because these very same people will challenge you on a regular basis (in addition to letting you know when you make a mistake). These very same people will also consistently impress you and make great things happen. They」ll be able to direct themselves to a much greater extent, and some will be eager to lead the team, as well. You shouldn」t see this as an attempt to usurp your power; instead, look at it as an opportunity for you to lead an additional team, investigate new opportunities, or even take a vacation without worrying about checking in on the team every day to make sure it」s getting its work done. It」s also a great chance to learn and grow—it」s a lot easier to expand your expertise when surrounded by people who are smarter than you.
-### Antipattern: Ignore Low Performers 反模式:忽略低绩效员工
+### Antipattern: Ignore Low Performers 反模式:忽略低績效員工
-Early in my career as a manager at Google, the time came for me to hand out bonus letters to my team, and I grinned as I told my manager, “I love being a manager!” Without missing a beat, my manager, a long-time industry veteran, replied, “Sometimes you get to be the tooth fairy, other times you have to be the dentist.”
+Early in my career as a manager at Google, the time came for me to hand out bonus letters to my team, and I grinned as I told my manager, 『I love being a manager!』 Without missing a beat, my manager, a long-time industry veteran, replied, 『Sometimes you get to be the tooth fairy, other times you have to be the dentist.』
-在我在谷歌担任经理的早期,到了给我的团队发奖金信的时候,我咧嘴笑着对我的经理说:"我喜欢当经理!" 我的经理是一位长期的行业老手,他不慌不忙地回答说:"有时你可以做牙仙,有时你必须做牙医。"
+在我在谷歌擔任經理的早期,到了給我的團隊發獎金信的時候,我咧嘴笑著對我的經理說:"我喜歡當經理!" 我的經理是一位長期的行業老手,他不慌不忙地回答說:"有時你可以做牙仙,有時你必須做牙醫。"
-It’s never any fun to pull teeth. We’ve seen team leaders do all the right things to build incredibly strong teams only to have these teams fail to excel (and eventually fall apart) because of just one or two low performers. We understand that the human aspect is the most challenging part of writing software, but the most difficult part of dealing with humans is handling someone who isn’t meeting expectations. Sometimes, people miss expectations because they’re not working long enough or hard enough, but the most difficult cases are when someone just isn’t capable of doing their job no matter how long or hard they work.
+It」s never any fun to pull teeth. We」ve seen team leaders do all the right things to build incredibly strong teams only to have these teams fail to excel (and eventually fall apart) because of just one or two low performers. We understand that the human aspect is the most challenging part of writing software, but the most difficult part of dealing with humans is handling someone who isn」t meeting expectations. Sometimes, people miss expectations because they」re not working long enough or hard enough, but the most difficult cases are when someone just isn」t capable of doing their job no matter how long or hard they work.
-Google’s Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) team has a motto: “Hope is not a strategy.” And nowhere is hope more overused as a strategy than in dealing with a low performer. Most team leaders grit their teeth, avert their eyes, and just *hope* that the low performer either magically improves or just goes away. Yet it is extremely rare that this person does either.
+Google」s Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) team has a motto: 『Hope is not a strategy.』 And nowhere is hope more overused as a strategy than in dealing with a low performer. Most team leaders grit their teeth, avert their eyes, and just *hope* that the low performer either magically improves or just goes away. Yet it is extremely rare that this person does either.
-While the leader is hoping and the low performer isn’t improving (or leaving), high performers on the team waste valuable time pulling the low performer along, and team morale leaks away into the ether. You can be sure that the team knows the low performer is there even if you’re ignoring them—in fact, the team is *acutely* aware of who the low performers are, because they have to carry them.
+While the leader is hoping and the low performer isn」t improving (or leaving), high performers on the team waste valuable time pulling the low performer along, and team morale leaks away into the ether. You can be sure that the team knows the low performer is there even if you」re ignoring them—in fact, the team is *acutely* aware of who the low performers are, because they have to carry them.
-Ignoring low performers is not only a way to keep new high performers from joining your team, but it’s also a way to encourage existing high performers to leave. You eventually wind up with an entire team of low performers because they’re the only ones who can’t leave of their own volition. Lastly, you aren’t even doing the low performer any favors by keeping them on the team; often, someone who wouldn’t do well on your team could actually have plenty of impact somewhere else.
+Ignoring low performers is not only a way to keep new high performers from joining your team, but it」s also a way to encourage existing high performers to leave. You eventually wind up with an entire team of low performers because they」re the only ones who can」t leave of their own volition. Lastly, you aren」t even doing the low performer any favors by keeping them on the team; often, someone who wouldn」t do well on your team could actually have plenty of impact somewhere else.
-The benefit of dealing with a low performer as quickly as possible is that you can put yourself in the position of helping them up or out. If you immediately deal with a low performer, you’ll often find that they merely need some encouragement or direction to slip into a higher state of productivity. If you wait too long to deal with a low performer, their relationship with the team is going to be so sour and you’re going to be so frustrated that you’re not going to be able to help them.
+The benefit of dealing with a low performer as quickly as possible is that you can put yourself in the position of helping them up or out. If you immediately deal with a low performer, you」ll often find that they merely need some encouragement or direction to slip into a higher state of productivity. If you wait too long to deal with a low performer, their relationship with the team is going to be so sour and you」re going to be so frustrated that you」re not going to be able to help them.
-How do you effectively coach a low performer? The best analogy is to imagine that you’re helping a limping person learn to walk again, then jog, then run alongside the rest of the team. It almost always requires temporary micromanagement, but still a whole lot of humility, respect, and trust—particularly respect. Set up a specific time frame (say, two months) and some very specific goals you expect them to achieve in that period. Make the goals small, incremental, and measurable so that there’s an opportunity for lots of small successes. Meet with the team member every week to check on progress, and be sure you set really explicit expectations around each upcoming milestone so that it’s easy to measure success or failure. If the low performer can’t keep up, it will become quite obvious to both of you early in the process. At this point, the person will often acknowledge that things aren’t going well and decide to quit; in other cases, determination will kick in and they’ll “up their game” to meet expectations. Either way, by working directly with the low performer, you’re catalyzing important and necessary changes.
+How do you effectively coach a low performer? The best analogy is to imagine that you」re helping a limping person learn to walk again, then jog, then run alongside the rest of the team. It almost always requires temporary micromanagement, but still a whole lot of humility, respect, and trust—particularly respect. Set up a specific time frame (say, two months) and some very specific goals you expect them to achieve in that period. Make the goals small, incremental, and measurable so that there」s an opportunity for lots of small successes. Meet with the team member every week to check on progress, and be sure you set really explicit expectations around each upcoming milestone so that it」s easy to measure success or failure. If the low performer can」t keep up, it will become quite obvious to both of you early in the process. At this point, the person will often acknowledge that things aren」t going well and decide to quit; in other cases, determination will kick in and they」ll 『up their game』 to meet expectations. Either way, by working directly with the low performer, you」re catalyzing important and necessary changes.
-你如何有效地指导低绩效员工?最好的比喻是想象你在帮助一个跛脚的人重新学会走路,然后慢跑,然后和团队的其他成员一起跑步。这几乎总是需要暂时的微观管理,但仍然需要大量的谦逊、尊重和信任——特别是尊重。设定一个具体的时间框架(例如,两个月)和一些非常具体的目标,你希望他们在这段时间内实现。把目标定得小一点,渐进一点,可衡量一点,这样就有机会取得很多小的成功。每周与团队成员见面,检查进展情况,并确保你对每个即将到来的里程碑设定了非常明确的期望,这样就很容易衡量成功或失败。如果表现不佳的人跟不上,那么在这个过程的早期,你们两个人都会很清楚。在这一点上,这个人通常会承认事情进展不顺利,并决定退出;在其他情况下,决心会启动,他们会 "提高自己的水平",以满足期望。无论是哪种情况,通过直接与低绩效员工合作,你都会促成重要而必要的改变。
+你如何有效地指導低績效員工?最好的比喻是想象你在幫助一個跛腳的人重新學會走路,然後慢跑,然後和團隊的其他成員一起跑步。這幾乎總是需要暫時的微觀管理,但仍然需要大量的謙遜、尊重和信任——特別是尊重。設定一個具體的時間框架(例如,兩個月)和一些非常具體的目標,你希望他們在這段時間內實現。把目標定得小一點,漸進一點,可衡量一點,這樣就有機會取得很多小的成功。每週與團隊成員見面,檢查進展情況,並確保你對每個即將到來的里程碑設定了非常明確的期望,這樣就很容易衡量成功或失敗。如果表現不佳的人跟不上,那麼在這個過程的早期,你們兩個人都會很清楚。在這一點上,這個人通常會承認事情進展不順利,並決定退出;在其他情況下,決心會啟動,他們會 "提高自己的水平",以滿足期望。無論是哪種情況,透過直接與低績效員工合作,你都會促成重要而必要的改變。
-### Antipattern: Ignore Human Issues 反模式:忽视人性的问题
+### Antipattern: Ignore Human Issues 反模式:忽視人性的問題
-A manager has two major areas of focus for their team: the social and the technical. It’s rather common for managers to be stronger in the technical side at Google, and because most managers are promoted from a technical job (for which the primary goal of their job was to solve technical problems), they can tend to ignore human issues. It’s tempting to focus all of your energy on the technical side of your team because, as an individual contributor, you spend the vast majority of your time solving technical problems. When you were a student, your classes were all about learning the technical ins and outs of your work. Now that you’re a manager, however, you ignore the human element of your team at your own peril.
+A manager has two major areas of focus for their team: the social and the technical. It」s rather common for managers to be stronger in the technical side at Google, and because most managers are promoted from a technical job (for which the primary goal of their job was to solve technical problems), they can tend to ignore human issues. It」s tempting to focus all of your energy on the technical side of your team because, as an individual contributor, you spend the vast majority of your time solving technical problems. When you were a student, your classes were all about learning the technical ins and outs of your work. Now that you」re a manager, however, you ignore the human element of your team at your own peril.
-Let’s begin with an example of a leader ignoring the human element in his team. Years ago, Jake had his first child. Jake and Katie had worked together for years, both remotely and in the same office, so in the weeks following the arrival of the new baby, Jake worked from home. This worked out great for the couple, and Katie was totally fine with it because she was already used to working remotely with Jake. They were their usual productive selves until their manager, Pablo (who worked in a different office), found out that Jake was working from home for most of the week. Pablo was upset that Jake wasn’t going into the office to work with Katie, despite the fact that Jake was just as productive as always and that Katie was fine with the situation. Jake attempted to explain to Pablo that he was just as productive as he would be if he came into the office and that it was much easier on him and his wife for him to mostly work from home for a few weeks. Pablo’s response: “Dude, people have kids all the time. You need to go into the office.” Needless to say, Jake (normally a mild-mannered engineer) was enraged and lost a lot of respect for Pablo.
+Let」s begin with an example of a leader ignoring the human element in his team. Years ago, Jake had his first child. Jake and Katie had worked together for years, both remotely and in the same office, so in the weeks following the arrival of the new baby, Jake worked from home. This worked out great for the couple, and Katie was totally fine with it because she was already used to working remotely with Jake. They were their usual productive selves until their manager, Pablo (who worked in a different office), found out that Jake was working from home for most of the week. Pablo was upset that Jake wasn」t going into the office to work with Katie, despite the fact that Jake was just as productive as always and that Katie was fine with the situation. Jake attempted to explain to Pablo that he was just as productive as he would be if he came into the office and that it was much easier on him and his wife for him to mostly work from home for a few weeks. Pablo」s response: 『Dude, people have kids all the time. You need to go into the office.』 Needless to say, Jake (normally a mild-mannered engineer) was enraged and lost a lot of respect for Pablo.
-让我们从一个领导忽视其团队中人性的因素的例子开始。几年前,杰克有了他的第一个孩子。杰克和凯蒂在一起工作了好几年,无论是远程工作还是在同一个办公室,所以在新生婴儿出生后的几周里,杰克在家工作。这对这对夫妇来说是很好的,凯蒂也完全同意,因为她已经习惯了与杰克一起远程工作。他们像往常一样富有成效,直到他们的经理帕布罗(在另一个办公室工作)发现杰克这周大部分时间都在家里工作。帕布罗对杰克不到办公室和凯蒂一起工作感到很不高兴,尽管事实上杰克和以前一样富有成效,而且凯蒂对这种情况也感到满意。杰克试图向帕布罗解释说,如果他进办公室的话,他的工作效率也是一样的,而且这几个星期他大部分时间都在家里工作,对他和他的妻子来说要容易得多。帕布罗的回答是。"伙计,人们总是有孩子。你需要到办公室去。" 不用说,杰克(通常是一个温和的工程师)被激怒了,对帕布罗失去了以往很多尊重。
+讓我們從一個領導忽視其團隊中人性的因素的例子開始。幾年前,傑克有了他的第一個孩子。傑克和凱蒂在一起工作了好幾年,無論是遠端工作還是在同一個辦公室,所以在新生嬰兒出生後的幾周裡,傑克在家工作。這對這對夫婦來說是很好的,凱蒂也完全同意,因為她已經習慣了與傑克一起遠端工作。他們像往常一樣富有成效,直到他們的經理帕布羅(在另一個辦公室工作)發現傑克這周大部分時間都在家裡工作。帕布羅對傑克不到辦公室和凱蒂一起工作感到很不高興,儘管事實上傑克和以前一樣富有成效,而且凱蒂對這種情況也感到滿意。傑克試圖向帕布羅解釋說,如果他進辦公室的話,他的工作效率也是一樣的,而且這幾個星期他大部分時間都在家裡工作,對他和他的妻子來說要容易得多。帕布羅的回答是。"夥計,人們總是有孩子。你需要到辦公室去。" 不用說,傑克(通常是一個溫和的工程師)被激怒了,對帕布羅失去了以往很多尊重。
-There are numerous ways in which Pablo could have handled this differently: he could have showed some understanding that Jake wanted to spend more time at home with his wife and, if his productivity and team weren’t being affected, just let him continue to do so for a while. He could have negotiated that Jake go into the office for one or two days a week until things settled down. Regardless of the end result, a little bit of empathy would have gone a long way toward keeping Jake happy in this situation.
+There are numerous ways in which Pablo could have handled this differently: he could have showed some understanding that Jake wanted to spend more time at home with his wife and, if his productivity and team weren」t being affected, just let him continue to do so for a while. He could have negotiated that Jake go into the office for one or two days a week until things settled down. Regardless of the end result, a little bit of empathy would have gone a long way toward keeping Jake happy in this situation.
-### Antipattern: Be Everyone’s Friend 反模式:试图成为每个人的朋友
+### Antipattern: Be Everyone」s Friend 反模式:試圖成為每個人的朋友
-The first foray that most people have into leadership of any sort is when they become the manager or TL of a team of which they were formerly members. Many leads don’t want to lose the friendships they’ve cultivated with their teams, so they will sometimes work extra hard to maintain friendships with their team members after becoming a team lead. This can be a recipe for disaster and for a lot of broken friendships. Don’t confuse friendship with leading with a soft touch: when you hold power over someone’s career, they might feel pressure to artificially reciprocate gestures of friendship.
+The first foray that most people have into leadership of any sort is when they become the manager or TL of a team of which they were formerly members. Many leads don」t want to lose the friendships they」ve cultivated with their teams, so they will sometimes work extra hard to maintain friendships with their team members after becoming a team lead. This can be a recipe for disaster and for a lot of broken friendships. Don」t confuse friendship with leading with a soft touch: when you hold power over someone」s career, they might feel pressure to artificially reciprocate gestures of friendship.
-Remember that you can lead a team and build consensus without being a close friend of your team (or a monumental hard-ass). Likewise, you can be a tough leader without tossing your existing friendships to the wind. We’ve found that having lunch with your team can be an effective way to stay socially connected to them without making them uncomfortable—this gives you a chance to have informal conversations outside the normal work environment.
+Remember that you can lead a team and build consensus without being a close friend of your team (or a monumental hard-ass). Likewise, you can be a tough leader without tossing your existing friendships to the wind. We」ve found that having lunch with your team can be an effective way to stay socially connected to them without making them uncomfortable—this gives you a chance to have informal conversations outside the normal work environment.
-Sometimes, it can be tricky to move into a management role over someone who has been a good friend and a peer. If the friend who is being managed is not self- managing and is not a hard worker, it can be stressful for everyone. We recommend that you avoid getting into this situation whenever possible, but if you can’t, pay extra attention to your relationship with those folks.
+Sometimes, it can be tricky to move into a management role over someone who has been a good friend and a peer. If the friend who is being managed is not self- managing and is not a hard worker, it can be stressful for everyone. We recommend that you avoid getting into this situation whenever possible, but if you can」t, pay extra attention to your relationship with those folks.
-### Antipattern: Compromise the Hiring Bar 反模式:降低招聘标准
+### Antipattern: Compromise the Hiring Bar 反模式:降低招聘標準
-Steve Jobs once said: “A people hire other A people; B people hire C people.” It’s incredibly easy to fall victim to this adage, and even more so when you’re trying to hire quickly. A common approach I’ve seen outside of Google is that a team needs to hire 5 engineers, so it sifts through a pile of applications, interviews 40 or 50 people, and picks the best 5 candidates regardless of whether they meet the hiring bar.
+Steve Jobs once said: 『A people hire other A people; B people hire C people.』 It」s incredibly easy to fall victim to this adage, and even more so when you」re trying to hire quickly. A common approach I」ve seen outside of Google is that a team needs to hire 5 engineers, so it sifts through a pile of applications, interviews 40 or 50 people, and picks the best 5 candidates regardless of whether they meet the hiring bar.
-史蒂夫·乔布斯曾经说过。"A类人雇用其他A类人;B类人雇用C类人。" 这句格言很容易让你成为牺牲品,尤其是当你试图快速雇佣的时候。我在谷歌之外看到的一个常见的方法是,一个团队需要招聘5名工程师,所以它筛选了一堆申请,面试了40或50人,并挑选了最好的5名候选人,不管他们是否符合招聘标准。
+史蒂夫·喬布斯曾經說過。"A類人僱用其他A類人;B類人僱用C類人。" 這句格言很容易讓你成為犧牲品,尤其是當你試圖快速僱傭的時候。我在谷歌之外看到的一個常見的方法是,一個團隊需要招聘5名工程師,所以它篩選了一堆申請,面試了40或50人,並挑選了最好的5名候選人,不管他們是否符合招聘標準。
This is one of the fastest ways to build a mediocre team.
-The cost of finding the appropriate person—whether by paying recruiters, paying for advertising, or pounding the pavement for references—pales in comparison to the cost of dealing with an employee who you never should have hired in the first place. This “cost” manifests itself in lost team productivity, team stress, time spent managing the employee up or out, and the paperwork and stress involved in firing the employee. That’s assuming, of course, that you try to avoid the monumental cost of just leaving them on the team. If you’re managing a team for which you don’t have a say over hiring and you’re unhappy with the hires being made for your team, you need to fight tooth and nail for higher-quality engineers. If you’re still handed substandard engineers, maybe it’s time to look for another job. Without the raw materials for a great team, you’re doomed.
+The cost of finding the appropriate person—whether by paying recruiters, paying for advertising, or pounding the pavement for references—pales in comparison to the cost of dealing with an employee who you never should have hired in the first place. This 『cost』 manifests itself in lost team productivity, team stress, time spent managing the employee up or out, and the paperwork and stress involved in firing the employee. That」s assuming, of course, that you try to avoid the monumental cost of just leaving them on the team. If you」re managing a team for which you don」t have a say over hiring and you」re unhappy with the hires being made for your team, you need to fight tooth and nail for higher-quality engineers. If you」re still handed substandard engineers, maybe it」s time to look for another job. Without the raw materials for a great team, you」re doomed.
-找到合适人选的成本——无论是通过支付招聘人员费用、支付广告费用,还是为推荐人做铺垫——与处理一个你一开始就不应该雇用的员工的成本相比,都显得微不足道。这种 "成本 "体现在团队生产效率的损失、团队压力、管理员工的时间以及解雇员工所涉及的文书工作和压力上。当然,这是假设你试图避免让他们留在团队中的巨大成本。如果你管理的团队在招聘方面没有发言权,而且你对你的团队所招聘的人不满意,你需要为更高素质的工程师拼命争取。如果你仍然得到不合格的工程师,也许是时候寻找另一份工作了。没有优秀团队的人才,你就注定要失败。
+找到合適人選的成本——無論是透過支付招聘人員費用、支付廣告費用,還是為推薦人做鋪墊——與處理一個你一開始就不應該僱用的員工的成本相比,都顯得微不足道。這種 "成本 "體現在團隊生產效率的損失、團隊壓力、管理員工的時間以及解僱員工所涉及的文書工作和壓力上。當然,這是假設你試圖避免讓他們留在團隊中的巨大成本。如果你管理的團隊在招聘方面沒有發言權,而且你對你的團隊所招聘的人不滿意,你需要為更高素質的工程師拼命爭取。如果你仍然得到不合格的工程師,也許是時候尋找另一份工作了。沒有優秀團隊的人才,你就註定要失敗。
-### Antipattern: Treat Your Team Like Children 反模式:像对待孩子一样对待团队成员
+### Antipattern: Treat Your Team Like Children 反模式:像對待孩子一樣對待團隊成員
-The best way to show your team that you don’t trust it is to treat team members like kids—people tend to act the way you treat them, so if you treat them like children or prisoners, don’t be surprised when that’s how they behave. You can manifest this behavior by micromanaging them or simply by being disrespectful of their abilities and giving them no opportunity to be responsible for their work. If it’s permanently necessary to micromanage people because you don’t trust them, you have a hiring failure on your hands. Well, it’s a failure unless your goal was to build a team that you can spend the rest of your life babysitting. If you hire people worthy of trust and show these people you trust them, they’ll usually rise to the occasion (sticking with the basic premise, as we mentioned earlier, that you’ve hired good people).
+The best way to show your team that you don」t trust it is to treat team members like kids—people tend to act the way you treat them, so if you treat them like children or prisoners, don」t be surprised when that」s how they behave. You can manifest this behavior by micromanaging them or simply by being disrespectful of their abilities and giving them no opportunity to be responsible for their work. If it」s permanently necessary to micromanage people because you don」t trust them, you have a hiring failure on your hands. Well, it」s a failure unless your goal was to build a team that you can spend the rest of your life babysitting. If you hire people worthy of trust and show these people you trust them, they」ll usually rise to the occasion (sticking with the basic premise, as we mentioned earlier, that you」ve hired good people).
-The results of this level of trust go all the way to more mundane things like office and computer supplies. As another example, Google provides employees with cabinets stocked with various and sundry office supplies (e.g., pens, notebooks, and other “legacy” implements of creation) that are free to take as employees need them. The IT department runs numerous “Tech Stops” that provide self-service areas that are like a mini electronics store. These contain lots of computer accessories and doodads (power supplies, cables, mice, USB drives, etc.) that would be easy to just grab and walk off with en masse, but because Google employees are being trusted to check these items out, they feel a responsibility to Do The Right Thing. Many people from typical corporations react in horror to hearing this, exclaiming that surely Google is hemorrhaging money due to people “stealing” these items. That’s certainly possible, but what about the costs of having a workforce that behaves like children or that has to waste valuable time formally requesting cheap office supplies? Surely that’s more expensive than the price of a few pens and USB cables.
+The results of this level of trust go all the way to more mundane things like office and computer supplies. As another example, Google provides employees with cabinets stocked with various and sundry office supplies (e.g., pens, notebooks, and other 『legacy』 implements of creation) that are free to take as employees need them. The IT department runs numerous 『Tech Stops』 that provide self-service areas that are like a mini electronics store. These contain lots of computer accessories and doodads (power supplies, cables, mice, USB drives, etc.) that would be easy to just grab and walk off with en masse, but because Google employees are being trusted to check these items out, they feel a responsibility to Do The Right Thing. Many people from typical corporations react in horror to hearing this, exclaiming that surely Google is hemorrhaging money due to people 『stealing』 these items. That」s certainly possible, but what about the costs of having a workforce that behaves like children or that has to waste valuable time formally requesting cheap office supplies? Surely that」s more expensive than the price of a few pens and USB cables.
-这种信任程度的结果一直延伸到更平凡的事情,如办公室和电脑用品。另一个例子是,谷歌为员工提供了储存有各种杂类办公用品的柜子(例如,笔、笔记本和其他 "传统 "创作工具),员工可以根据需要自由取用。IT部门经营着许多 "技术站",提供自助服务区,就像一个小型电子产品商店。这些地方有很多电脑配件和小玩意(电源、电缆、鼠标、U盘等),这些东西很容易就被拿走了,但因为谷歌员工被信任去获取这些物品,他们觉得有责任去做正确的事情。许多来自典型企业的人听到这个消息后都会感到惊恐,他们感叹说,他们惊呼肯定是因为有人“偷”这些东西,谷歌肯定会损失惨重。这当然是可能的,但是拥有一支像小孩子一样的员工队伍,或者不得不浪费宝贵的时间正式申请廉价办公用品的成本呢?这肯定比几支笔和USB线的价格要贵。
+這種信任程度的結果一直延伸到更平凡的事情,如辦公室和電腦用品。另一個例子是,谷歌為員工提供了儲存有各種雜類辦公用品的櫃子(例如,筆、筆記本和其他 "傳統 "創作工具),員工可以根據需要自由取用。IT部門經營著許多 "技術站",提供自助服務區,就像一個小型電子產品商店。這些地方有很多電腦配件和小玩意(電源、電纜、滑鼠、隨身碟等),這些東西很容易就被拿走了,但因為谷歌員工被信任去獲取這些物品,他們覺得有責任去做正確的事情。許多來自典型企業的人聽到這個訊息後都會感到驚恐,他們感嘆說,他們驚呼肯定是因為有人『偷』這些東西,谷歌肯定會損失慘重。這當然是可能的,但是擁有一支像小孩子一樣的員工隊伍,或者不得不浪費寶貴的時間正式申請廉價辦公用品的成本呢?這肯定比幾支筆和USB線的價格要貴。
-## Positive Patterns 积极模式
+## Positive Patterns 積極模式
-Now that we’ve covered antipatterns, let’s turn to positive patterns for successful leadership and management that we’ve learned from our experiences at Google, from watching other successful leaders and, most of all, from our own leadership mentors. These patterns are not only those that we’ve had great success implementing, but the patterns that we’ve always respected the most in the leaders who we follow.
+Now that we」ve covered antipatterns, let」s turn to positive patterns for successful leadership and management that we」ve learned from our experiences at Google, from watching other successful leaders and, most of all, from our own leadership mentors. These patterns are not only those that we」ve had great success implementing, but the patterns that we」ve always respected the most in the leaders who we follow.
-### Lose the Ego 放下自负
+### Lose the Ego 放下自負
-We talked about “losing the ego” a few chapters ago when we first examined humility, respect, and trust, but it’s especially important when you’re a team leader. This pattern is frequently misunderstood as encouraging people to be doormats and let others walk all over them, but that’s not the case at all. Of course, there’s a fine line between being humble and letting others take advantage of you, but humility is not the same as lacking confidence. You can still have self-confidence and opinions without being an egomaniac. Big personal egos are difficult to handle on any team, especially in the team’s leader. Instead, you should work to cultivate a strong collective team ego and identity.
+We talked about 『losing the ego』 a few chapters ago when we first examined humility, respect, and trust, but it」s especially important when you」re a team leader. This pattern is frequently misunderstood as encouraging people to be doormats and let others walk all over them, but that」s not the case at all. Of course, there」s a fine line between being humble and letting others take advantage of you, but humility is not the same as lacking confidence. You can still have self-confidence and opinions without being an egomaniac. Big personal egos are difficult to handle on any team, especially in the team」s leader. Instead, you should work to cultivate a strong collective team ego and identity.
-我们在几章前第一次研究谦卑、尊重和信任时谈到了 " 放下自负",但当你是一个团队领导时,这一点尤其重要。这种模式经常被误解为鼓励人们做受气包,让别人踩在他们身上,但事实并非如此。当然,在谦虚和让别人利用你之间有一条细微的界限,但谦虚不等于缺乏自信。你仍然可以有自信心和意见,而不是成为一个自大狂。在任何团队中,特别是在团队领导中,个人自大都是很难处理的。相反,你应该努力培养强大的集体自我和认同感。
+我們在幾章前第一次研究謙卑、尊重和信任時談到了 " 放下自負",但當你是一個團隊領導時,這一點尤其重要。這種模式經常被誤解為鼓勵人們做受氣包,讓別人踩在他們身上,但事實並非如此。當然,在謙虛和讓別人利用你之間有一條細微的界限,但謙虛不等於缺乏自信。你仍然可以有自信心和意見,而不是成為一個自大狂。在任何團隊中,特別是在團隊領導中,個人自大都是很難處理的。相反,你應該努力培養強大的集體自我和認同感。
-Part of “losing the ego” is trust: you need to trust your team. That means respecting the abilities and prior accomplishments of the team members, even if they’re new to your team.
+Part of 『losing the ego』 is trust: you need to trust your team. That means respecting the abilities and prior accomplishments of the team members, even if they」re new to your team.
-“丢失自负 "的一部分是信任:你需要信任你的团队。这意味着尊重团队成员的能力和先前的成就,即使他们是团队的新成员。
+『丟失自負 "的一部分是信任:你需要信任你的團隊。這意味著尊重團隊成員的能力和先前的成就,即使他們是團隊的新成員。
-If you’re not micromanaging your team, you can be pretty certain the folks working in the trenches know the details of their work better than you do. This means that although you might be the one driving the team to consensus and helping to set the direction, the nuts and bolts of how to accomplish your goals are best decided by the people who are putting the product together. This gives them not only a greater sense of ownership, but also a greater sense of accountability and responsibility for the success (or failure) of their product. If you have a good team and you let it set the bar for the quality and rate of its work, it will accomplish more than by you standing over team members with a carrot and a stick.
+If you」re not micromanaging your team, you can be pretty certain the folks working in the trenches know the details of their work better than you do. This means that although you might be the one driving the team to consensus and helping to set the direction, the nuts and bolts of how to accomplish your goals are best decided by the people who are putting the product together. This gives them not only a greater sense of ownership, but also a greater sense of accountability and responsibility for the success (or failure) of their product. If you have a good team and you let it set the bar for the quality and rate of its work, it will accomplish more than by you standing over team members with a carrot and a stick.
-Most people new to a leadership role feel an enormous responsibility to get everything right, to know everything, and to have all the answers. We can assure you that you will not get everything right, nor will you have all the answers, and if you act like you do, you’ll quickly lose the respect of your team. A lot of this comes down to having a basic sense of security in your role. Think back to when you were an individual contributor; you could smell insecurity a mile away. Try to appreciate inquiry: when someone questions a decision or statement you made, remember that this person is usually just trying to better understand you. If you encourage inquiry, you’re much more likely to get the kind of constructive criticism that will make you a better leader of a better team. Finding people who will give you good constructive criticism is incredibly difficult, and it’s even more difficult to get this kind of criticism from people who “work for you.” Think about the big picture of what you’re trying to accomplish as a team, and accept feedback and criticism openly; avoid the urge to be territorial.
+Most people new to a leadership role feel an enormous responsibility to get everything right, to know everything, and to have all the answers. We can assure you that you will not get everything right, nor will you have all the answers, and if you act like you do, you」ll quickly lose the respect of your team. A lot of this comes down to having a basic sense of security in your role. Think back to when you were an individual contributor; you could smell insecurity a mile away. Try to appreciate inquiry: when someone questions a decision or statement you made, remember that this person is usually just trying to better understand you. If you encourage inquiry, you」re much more likely to get the kind of constructive criticism that will make you a better leader of a better team. Finding people who will give you good constructive criticism is incredibly difficult, and it」s even more difficult to get this kind of criticism from people who 『work for you.』 Think about the big picture of what you」re trying to accomplish as a team, and accept feedback and criticism openly; avoid the urge to be territorial.
-大多数刚开始担任领导角色的人都觉得自己肩负着巨大的责任,要做好每一件事,了解每一件事,并掌握所有答案。我们可以向你保证,你不会把所有事情都做对,也不会有所有的答案,如果你这样做,你很快就会失去团队的尊重。这很大程度上取决于你的角色是否具有基本的安全感。回想一下你还是个人贡献者的时候,你在一英里外就能闻到不安全感。尝试欣赏询问:当有人质疑你的决定或声明时,记住这个人通常只是想更好地了解你。如果你鼓励询问,你就更有可能得到那种建设性的批评,使你成为一个更好的团队的领导者。找到会给你好的建设性批评的人是非常困难的,而从 "为你工作"的人那里得到这种批评就更难了。想一想你作为一个团队所要完成的大局,坦然接受反馈和批评;避免地盘化的冲动。
+大多數剛開始擔任領導角色的人都覺得自己肩負著巨大的責任,要做好每一件事,瞭解每一件事,並掌握所有答案。我們可以向你保證,你不會把所有事情都做對,也不會有所有的答案,如果你這樣做,你很快就會失去團隊的尊重。這很大程度上取決於你的角色是否具有基本的安全感。回想一下你還是個人貢獻者的時候,你在一英里外就能聞到不安全感。嘗試欣賞詢問:當有人質疑你的決定或宣告時,記住這個人通常只是想更好地瞭解你。如果你鼓勵詢問,你就更有可能得到那種建設性的批評,使你成為一個更好的團隊的領導者。找到會給你好的建設性批評的人是非常困難的,而從 "為你工作"的人那裡得到這種批評就更難了。想一想你作為一個團隊所要完成的大局,坦然接受反饋和批評;避免地盤化的衝動。
-The last part of losing the ego is a simple one, but many engineers would rather be boiled in oil than do it: apologize when you make a mistake. And we don’t mean you should just sprinkle “I’m sorry” throughout your conversation like salt on popcorn— you need to sincerely mean it. You are absolutely going to make mistakes, and whether or not you admit it, your team is going to know you’ve made a mistake. Your team members will know regardless of whether they talk to you (and one thing is guaranteed: they *will* talk about it with one another). Apologizing doesn’t cost money. People have enormous respect for leaders who apologize when they screw up, and contrary to popular belief, apologizing doesn’t make you vulnerable. In fact, you’ll usually gain respect from people when you apologize, because apologizing tells people that you are level headed, good at assessing situations, and—coming back to humility, respect, and trust—humble.
+The last part of losing the ego is a simple one, but many engineers would rather be boiled in oil than do it: apologize when you make a mistake. And we don」t mean you should just sprinkle 『I」m sorry』 throughout your conversation like salt on popcorn— you need to sincerely mean it. You are absolutely going to make mistakes, and whether or not you admit it, your team is going to know you」ve made a mistake. Your team members will know regardless of whether they talk to you (and one thing is guaranteed: they *will* talk about it with one another). Apologizing doesn」t cost money. People have enormous respect for leaders who apologize when they screw up, and contrary to popular belief, apologizing doesn」t make you vulnerable. In fact, you」ll usually gain respect from people when you apologize, because apologizing tells people that you are level headed, good at assessing situations, and—coming back to humility, respect, and trust—humble.
-丢掉自负的最后一部分很简单,但许多工程师宁愿在油锅里也不愿意这样做:当你犯了错误时要道歉。我们并不是说你应该像在爆米花上撒盐一样在你的谈话中撒下 "对不起",你需要真诚地表达。你绝对会犯错误,无论你是否承认,你的团队都会知道你犯了错误。无论你的团队成员是否与你交谈,他们都会知道(有一点是可以保证的:他们*会*彼此谈论这个问题)。道歉不需要花钱。人们对那些在犯错时道歉的领导人有着极大的尊重,与流行的观点相反,道歉不会让你变得脆弱。事实上,当你道歉时,你通常会得到人们的尊重,因为道歉告诉人们,你头脑冷静,善于评估情况,而且——回到谦逊、尊重和信任——谦虚。
+丟掉自負的最後一部分很簡單,但許多工程師寧願在油鍋裡也不願意這樣做:當你犯了錯誤時要道歉。我們並不是說你應該像在爆米花上撒鹽一樣在你的談話中撒下 "對不起",你需要真誠地表達。你絕對會犯錯誤,無論你是否承認,你的團隊都會知道你犯了錯誤。無論你的團隊成員是否與你交談,他們都會知道(有一點是可以保證的:他們*會*彼此談論這個問題)。道歉不需要花錢。人們對那些在犯錯時道歉的領導人有著極大的尊重,與流行的觀點相反,道歉不會讓你變得脆弱。事實上,當你道歉時,你通常會得到人們的尊重,因為道歉告訴人們,你頭腦冷靜,善於評估情況,而且——回到謙遜、尊重和信任——謙虛。
### Be a Zen Master 管好自己
-As an engineer, you’ve likely developed an excellent sense of skepticism and cynicism, but this can be a liability when you’re trying to lead a team. This is not to say that you should be naively optimistic at every turn, but you would do well to be less vocally skeptical while still letting your team know you’re aware of the intricacies and obstacles involved in your work. Mediating your reactions and maintaining your calm is more important as you lead more people, because your team will (both unconsciously and consciously) look to you for clues on how to act and react to whatever is going on around you.
+As an engineer, you」ve likely developed an excellent sense of skepticism and cynicism, but this can be a liability when you」re trying to lead a team. This is not to say that you should be naively optimistic at every turn, but you would do well to be less vocally skeptical while still letting your team know you」re aware of the intricacies and obstacles involved in your work. Mediating your reactions and maintaining your calm is more important as you lead more people, because your team will (both unconsciously and consciously) look to you for clues on how to act and react to whatever is going on around you.
-A simple way to visualize this effect is to see your company’s organization chart as a chain of gears, with the individual contributor as a tiny gear with just a few teeth all the way at one end, and each successive manager above them as another gear, ending with the CEO as the largest gear with many hundreds of teeth. This means that every time that individual’s “manager gear” (with maybe a few dozen teeth) makes a single revolution, the “individual’s gear” makes two or three revolutions. And the CEO can make a small movement and send the hapless employee, at the end of a chain of six or seven gears, spinning wildly! The farther you move up the chain, the faster you can set the gears below you spinning, whether or not you intend to.
+A simple way to visualize this effect is to see your company」s organization chart as a chain of gears, with the individual contributor as a tiny gear with just a few teeth all the way at one end, and each successive manager above them as another gear, ending with the CEO as the largest gear with many hundreds of teeth. This means that every time that individual」s 『manager gear』 (with maybe a few dozen teeth) makes a single revolution, the 『individual」s gear』 makes two or three revolutions. And the CEO can make a small movement and send the hapless employee, at the end of a chain of six or seven gears, spinning wildly! The farther you move up the chain, the faster you can set the gears below you spinning, whether or not you intend to.
-将这种效应形象化的一个简单方法是将你公司的组织结构图看作是一个齿轮链,个人是一个很小的齿轮,只有几个齿,而他们之上的每个继任经理都是另一个齿轮,最后CEO是有数百颗牙的最大齿轮。这意味着个人的 "经理齿轮"(可能有几十个齿)每转一圈,"个人的齿轮 "就转两三圈。而首席执行官可以做一个小动作,让处于六、七个齿轮链末端的无助的员工疯狂地旋转!你越是往上走,就越是如此。你在链条上走得越远,你就能让你下面的齿轮转得越快,无论你是否打算这样做。
+將這種效應形象化的一個簡單方法是將你公司的組織結構圖看作是一個齒輪鏈,個人是一個很小的齒輪,只有幾個齒,而他們之上的每個繼任經理都是另一個齒輪,最後CEO是有數百顆牙的最大齒輪。這意味著個人的 "經理齒輪"(可能有幾十個齒)每轉一圈,"個人的齒輪 "就轉兩三圈。而執行長可以做一個小動作,讓處於六、七個齒輪鏈末端的無助的員工瘋狂地旋轉!你越是往上走,就越是如此。你在鏈條上走得越遠,你就能讓你下面的齒輪轉得越快,無論你是否打算這樣做。
-Another way of thinking about this is the maxim that the leader is always on stage. This means that if you’re in an overt leadership position, you are always being watched: not just when you run a meeting or give a talk, but even when you’re just sitting at your desk answering emails. Your peers are watching you for subtle clues in your body language, your reactions to small talk, and your signals as you eat lunch. Do they read confidence or fear? As a leader, your job is to inspire, but inspiration is a 24/7 job. Your visible attitude about absolutely everything—no matter how trivial—is unconsciously noticed and spreads infectiously to your team.
+Another way of thinking about this is the maxim that the leader is always on stage. This means that if you」re in an overt leadership position, you are always being watched: not just when you run a meeting or give a talk, but even when you」re just sitting at your desk answering emails. Your peers are watching you for subtle clues in your body language, your reactions to small talk, and your signals as you eat lunch. Do they read confidence or fear? As a leader, your job is to inspire, but inspiration is a 24/7 job. Your visible attitude about absolutely everything—no matter how trivial—is unconsciously noticed and spreads infectiously to your team.
-另一种思考方式是 "领导者总是站在舞台上" 的格言。这意味着,如果你处于公开的领导地位,你总是被监视着:不仅仅是当你主持会议或发表演讲时,甚至当你只是坐在办公桌前回复电子邮件时。你的同僚在观察你,从你的肢体语言、你对闲谈的反应以及你吃午餐时的信号中寻找微妙的线索。他们是读出了自信还是恐惧?作为一个领导,你的工作是激励,但激励是一项全天候的工作。你对所有事情的明显态度——无论多么微不足道——都会不自觉地被注意到,并会传染给你的团队。
+另一種思考方式是 "領導者總是站在舞台上" 的格言。這意味著,如果你處於公開的領導地位,你總是被監視著:不僅僅是當你主持會議或發表演講時,甚至當你只是坐在辦公桌前回覆電子郵件時。你的同僚在觀察你,從你的肢體語言、你對閒談的反應以及你吃午餐時的訊號中尋找微妙的線索。他們是讀出了自信還是恐懼?作為一個領導,你的工作是激勵,但激勵是一項全天候的工作。你對所有事情的明顯態度——無論多麼微不足道——都會不自覺地被注意到,並會傳染給你的團隊。
-One of the early managers at Google, Bill Coughran, a VP of engineering, had truly mastered the ability to maintain calm at all times. No matter what blew up, no matter what crazy thing happened, no matter how big the firestorm, Bill would never panic. Most of the time he’d place one arm across his chest, rest his chin in his hand, and ask questions about the problem, usually to a completely panicked engineer. This had the effect of calming them and helping them to focus on solving the problem instead of running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Some of us used to joke that if someone came in and told Bill that 19 of the company’s offices had been attacked by space aliens, Bill’s response would be, “Any idea why they didn’t make it an even 20?”
+One of the early managers at Google, Bill Coughran, a VP of engineering, had truly mastered the ability to maintain calm at all times. No matter what blew up, no matter what crazy thing happened, no matter how big the firestorm, Bill would never panic. Most of the time he」d place one arm across his chest, rest his chin in his hand, and ask questions about the problem, usually to a completely panicked engineer. This had the effect of calming them and helping them to focus on solving the problem instead of running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Some of us used to joke that if someone came in and told Bill that 19 of the company」s offices had been attacked by space aliens, Bill」s response would be, 『Any idea why they didn」t make it an even 20?』
-This brings us to another Zen management trick: asking questions. When a team member asks you for advice, it’s usually pretty exciting because you’re finally getting the chance to fix something. That’s exactly what you did for years before moving into a leadership position, so you usually go leaping into solution mode, but that is the last place you should be. The person asking for advice typically doesn’t want *you* to solve their problem, but rather to help them solve it, and the easiest way to do this is to ask this person questions. This isn’t to say that you should replace yourself with a Magic 8 Ball, which would be maddening and unhelpful. Instead, you can apply some humility, respect, and trust and try to help the person solve the problem on their own by trying to refine and explore the problem. This will usually lead the employee to the answer,[^6] and it will be that person’s answer, which leads back to the ownership and responsibility we went over earlier in this chapter. Whether or not you have the answer, using this technique will almost always leave the employee with the impression that you did. Tricky, eh? Socrates would be proud of you.
+This brings us to another Zen management trick: asking questions. When a team member asks you for advice, it」s usually pretty exciting because you」re finally getting the chance to fix something. That」s exactly what you did for years before moving into a leadership position, so you usually go leaping into solution mode, but that is the last place you should be. The person asking for advice typically doesn」t want *you* to solve their problem, but rather to help them solve it, and the easiest way to do this is to ask this person questions. This isn」t to say that you should replace yourself with a Magic 8 Ball, which would be maddening and unhelpful. Instead, you can apply some humility, respect, and trust and try to help the person solve the problem on their own by trying to refine and explore the problem. This will usually lead the employee to the answer,[^6] and it will be that person」s answer, which leads back to the ownership and responsibility we went over earlier in this chapter. Whether or not you have the answer, using this technique will almost always leave the employee with the impression that you did. Tricky, eh? Socrates would be proud of you.
-这给我们带来了另一个管理自我技巧:问问题。当一个团队成员向你征求意见时,这通常是非常令人兴奋的,因为你终于有机会解决一些问题了。这正是你在进入领导岗位之前多年所做的事情,所以你通常会立即进入解决方案模式,但这是你最不应该做的。寻求建议的人通常不希望*你*解决他们的问题,而是希望你能帮助他们解决问题,而最简单的方法就是向这个人提问。这并不是说你应该用 "魔力8球 "来代替你自己,那样做会让人发疯,而且没有帮助。相反,你可以运用一些谦逊、尊重和信任,通过尝试完善和探索问题,尝试帮助这个人自己解决这个问题。这通常会引导员工找到答案,而且这将是这个人的答案,这又回到了我们在本章前面所讲的所有权和责任。无论你是否有答案,使用这种技巧几乎总是会给员工留下你有答案的印象。很狡猾,是吗?苏格拉底会为你感到骄傲的。
+這給我們帶來了另一個管理自我技巧:問問題。當一個團隊成員向你徵求意見時,這通常是非常令人興奮的,因為你終於有機會解決一些問題了。這正是你在進入領導崗位之前多年所做的事情,所以你通常會立即進入解決方案模式,但這是你最不應該做的。尋求建議的人通常不希望*你*解決他們的問題,而是希望你能幫助他們解決問題,而最簡單的方法就是向這個人提問。這並不是說你應該用 "魔力8球 "來代替你自己,那樣做會讓人發瘋,而且沒有幫助。相反,你可以運用一些謙遜、尊重和信任,透過嘗試完善和探索問題,嘗試幫助這個人自己解決這個問題。這通常會引導員工找到答案,而且這將是這個人的答案,這又回到了我們在本章前面所講的所有權和責任。無論你是否有答案,使用這種技巧幾乎總是會給員工留下你有答案的印象。很狡猾,是嗎?蘇格拉底會為你感到驕傲的。
-> [^6]: See also “Rubber duck debugging.”
+> [^6]: See also 『Rubber duck debugging.』
-> 6 另请参见“橡皮鸭调试”
+> 6 另請參見『橡皮鴨除錯』
-### Be a Catalyst 成为催化剂(促进者)
+### Be a Catalyst 成為催化劑(促進者)
-In chemistry, a catalyst is something that accelerates a chemical reaction, but which itself is not consumed in the reaction. One of the ways in which catalysts (e.g., enzymes) work is to bring reactants into close proximity: instead of bouncing around randomly in a solution, the reactants are much more likely to favorably interact with one another when the catalyst helps bring them together. This is a role you’ll often need to play as a leader, and there are a number of ways you can go about it.
+In chemistry, a catalyst is something that accelerates a chemical reaction, but which itself is not consumed in the reaction. One of the ways in which catalysts (e.g., enzymes) work is to bring reactants into close proximity: instead of bouncing around randomly in a solution, the reactants are much more likely to favorably interact with one another when the catalyst helps bring them together. This is a role you」ll often need to play as a leader, and there are a number of ways you can go about it.
-One of the most common things a team leader does is to build consensus. This might mean that you drive the process from start to finish, or you just give it a gentle push in the right direction to speed it up. Working to build team consensus is a leadership skill that is often used by unofficial leaders because it’s one way you can lead without any actual authority. If you have the authority, you can direct and dictate direction, but that’s less effective overall than building consensus.[^7] If your team is looking to move quickly, sometimes it will voluntarily concede authority and direction to one or more team leads. Even though this might look like a dictatorship or oligarchy, when it’s done voluntarily, it’s a form of consensus.
+One of the most common things a team leader does is to build consensus. This might mean that you drive the process from start to finish, or you just give it a gentle push in the right direction to speed it up. Working to build team consensus is a leadership skill that is often used by unofficial leaders because it」s one way you can lead without any actual authority. If you have the authority, you can direct and dictate direction, but that」s less effective overall than building consensus.[^7] If your team is looking to move quickly, sometimes it will voluntarily concede authority and direction to one or more team leads. Even though this might look like a dictatorship or oligarchy, when it」s done voluntarily, it」s a form of consensus.
> [^7]: Attempting to achieve 100% consensus can also be harmful. You need to be able to decide to proceed even if not everyone is on the same page or there is still some uncertainty.
-> 7 试图达成100%的共识也可能是有害的。你需要能够决定继续进行,即使不是每个人都在同一起跑线上,或者仍有一些不确定性。
+> 7 試圖達成100%的共識也可能是有害的。你需要能夠決定繼續進行,即使不是每個人都在同一起跑線上,或者仍有一些不確定性。
-### Remove Roadblocks 消除障碍
+### Remove Roadblocks 消除障礙
-Sometimes, your team already has consensus about what you need to do, but it hit a roadblock and became stuck. This could be a technical or organizational roadblock, but jumping in to help the team get moving again is a common leadership technique. There are some roadblocks that, although virtually impossible for your team members to get past, will be easy for you to handle, and helping your team understand that you’re glad (and able) to help out with these roadblocks is valuable.
+Sometimes, your team already has consensus about what you need to do, but it hit a roadblock and became stuck. This could be a technical or organizational roadblock, but jumping in to help the team get moving again is a common leadership technique. There are some roadblocks that, although virtually impossible for your team members to get past, will be easy for you to handle, and helping your team understand that you」re glad (and able) to help out with these roadblocks is valuable.
-One time, a team spent several weeks trying to work past an obstacle with Google’s legal department. When the team finally reached its collective wits’ end and went to its manager with the problem, the manager had it solved in less than two hours simply because he knew the right person to contact to discuss the matter. Another time, a team needed some server resources and just couldn’t get them allocated. Fortunately, the team’s manager was in communication with other teams across the company and managed to get the team exactly what it needed that very afternoon. Yet another time, one of the engineers was having trouble with an arcane bit of Java code. Although the team’s manager was not a Java expert, she was able to connect the engineer to another engineer who knew exactly what the problem was. You don’t need to know all the answers to help remove roadblocks, but it usually helps to know the people who do. In many cases, knowing the right person is more valuable than knowing the right answer.
+One time, a team spent several weeks trying to work past an obstacle with Google」s legal department. When the team finally reached its collective wits」 end and went to its manager with the problem, the manager had it solved in less than two hours simply because he knew the right person to contact to discuss the matter. Another time, a team needed some server resources and just couldn」t get them allocated. Fortunately, the team」s manager was in communication with other teams across the company and managed to get the team exactly what it needed that very afternoon. Yet another time, one of the engineers was having trouble with an arcane bit of Java code. Although the team」s manager was not a Java expert, she was able to connect the engineer to another engineer who knew exactly what the problem was. You don」t need to know all the answers to help remove roadblocks, but it usually helps to know the people who do. In many cases, knowing the right person is more valuable than knowing the right answer.
-### Be a Teacher and a Mentor 成为一名教师和导师
+### Be a Teacher and a Mentor 成為一名教師和導師
-One of the most difficult things to do as a TL is to watch a more junior team member spend 3 hours working on something that you know you can knock out in 20 minutes. Teaching people and giving them a chance to learn on their own can be incredibly difficult at first, but it’s a vital component of effective leadership. This is especially important for new hires who, in addition to learning your team’s technology and codebase, are learning your team’s culture and the appropriate level of responsibility to assume. A good mentor must balance the trade-offs of a mentee’s time learning versus their time contributing to their product as part of an effective effort to scale the team as it grows.
+One of the most difficult things to do as a TL is to watch a more junior team member spend 3 hours working on something that you know you can knock out in 20 minutes. Teaching people and giving them a chance to learn on their own can be incredibly difficult at first, but it」s a vital component of effective leadership. This is especially important for new hires who, in addition to learning your team」s technology and codebase, are learning your team」s culture and the appropriate level of responsibility to assume. A good mentor must balance the trade-offs of a mentee」s time learning versus their time contributing to their product as part of an effective effort to scale the team as it grows.
-Much like the role of manager, most people don’t apply for the role of mentor—they usually become one when a leader is looking for someone to mentor a new team member. It doesn’t take a lot of formal education or preparation to be a mentor. Primarily, you need three things: experience with your team’s processes and systems, the ability to explain things to someone else, and the ability to gauge how much help your mentee needs. The last thing is probably the most important—giving your mentee enough information is what you’re supposed to be doing, but if you overexplain things or ramble on endlessly, your mentee will probably tune you out rather than politely tell you they got it.
+Much like the role of manager, most people don」t apply for the role of mentor—they usually become one when a leader is looking for someone to mentor a new team member. It doesn」t take a lot of formal education or preparation to be a mentor. Primarily, you need three things: experience with your team」s processes and systems, the ability to explain things to someone else, and the ability to gauge how much help your mentee needs. The last thing is probably the most important—giving your mentee enough information is what you」re supposed to be doing, but if you overexplain things or ramble on endlessly, your mentee will probably tune you out rather than politely tell you they got it.
-### Set Clear Goals 设定清晰目标
+### Set Clear Goals 設定清晰目標
-This is one of those patterns that, as obvious as it sounds, is solidly ignored by an enormous number of leaders. If you’re going to get your team moving rapidly in one direction, you need to make sure that every team member understands and agrees on what the direction is. Imagine your product is a big truck (and not a series of tubes). Each team member has in their hand a rope tied to the front of the truck, and as they work on the product, they’ll pull the truck in their own direction. If your intention is to pull the truck (or product) northbound as quickly as possible, you can’t have team members pulling every which way—you want them all pulling the truck north. If you’re going to have clear goals, you need to set clear priorities and help your team decide how it should make trade-offs when the time comes.
+This is one of those patterns that, as obvious as it sounds, is solidly ignored by an enormous number of leaders. If you」re going to get your team moving rapidly in one direction, you need to make sure that every team member understands and agrees on what the direction is. Imagine your product is a big truck (and not a series of tubes). Each team member has in their hand a rope tied to the front of the truck, and as they work on the product, they」ll pull the truck in their own direction. If your intention is to pull the truck (or product) northbound as quickly as possible, you can」t have team members pulling every which way—you want them all pulling the truck north. If you」re going to have clear goals, you need to set clear priorities and help your team decide how it should make trade-offs when the time comes.
-The easiest way to set a clear goal and get your team pulling the product in the same direction is to create a concise mission statement for the team. After you’ve helped the team define its direction and goals, you can step back and give it more autonomy, periodically checking in to make sure everyone is still on the right track. This not only frees up your time to handle other leadership tasks, it also drastically increases the efficiency of your team. Teams can (and do) succeed without clear goals, but they typically waste a great deal of energy as each team member pulls the product in a slightly different direction. This frustrates you, slows progress for the team, and forces you to use more and more of your own energy to correct the course.
+The easiest way to set a clear goal and get your team pulling the product in the same direction is to create a concise mission statement for the team. After you」ve helped the team define its direction and goals, you can step back and give it more autonomy, periodically checking in to make sure everyone is still on the right track. This not only frees up your time to handle other leadership tasks, it also drastically increases the efficiency of your team. Teams can (and do) succeed without clear goals, but they typically waste a great deal of energy as each team member pulls the product in a slightly different direction. This frustrates you, slows progress for the team, and forces you to use more and more of your own energy to correct the course.
-### Be Honest 以诚待人
+### Be Honest 以誠待人
-This doesn’t mean that we’re assuming you are lying to your team, but it merits a mention because you’ll inevitably find yourself in a position in which you can’t tell your team something or, even worse, you need to tell everyone something they don’t want to hear. One manager we know tells new team members, “I won’t lie to you, but I will tell you when I can’t tell you something or if I just don’t know.”
+This doesn」t mean that we」re assuming you are lying to your team, but it merits a mention because you」ll inevitably find yourself in a position in which you can」t tell your team something or, even worse, you need to tell everyone something they don」t want to hear. One manager we know tells new team members, 『I won」t lie to you, but I will tell you when I can」t tell you something or if I just don」t know.』
-If a team member approaches you about something you can’t share, it’s OK to just tell them you know the answer but are not at liberty to say anything. Even more common is when a team member asks you something you don’t know the answer to: you can tell that person you don’t know. This is another one of those things that seems blindingly obvious when you read it, but many people in a manager role feel that if they don’t know the answer to something, it proves that they’re weak or out of touch. In reality, the only thing it proves is that they’re human.
+If a team member approaches you about something you can」t share, it」s OK to just tell them you know the answer but are not at liberty to say anything. Even more common is when a team member asks you something you don」t know the answer to: you can tell that person you don」t know. This is another one of those things that seems blindingly obvious when you read it, but many people in a manager role feel that if they don」t know the answer to something, it proves that they」re weak or out of touch. In reality, the only thing it proves is that they」re human.
-Giving hard feedback is…well, hard. The first time you need to tell one of your reports that they made a mistake or didn’t do their job as well as expected can be incredibly stressful. Most management texts advise that you use the “compliment sandwich” to soften the blow when delivering hard feedback. A compliment sandwich looks something like this:
+Giving hard feedback is…well, hard. The first time you need to tell one of your reports that they made a mistake or didn」t do their job as well as expected can be incredibly stressful. Most management texts advise that you use the 『compliment sandwich』 to soften the blow when delivering hard feedback. A compliment sandwich looks something like this:
- You’re a solid member of the team and one of our smartest engineers. That being said, your code is convoluted and almost impossible for anyone else on the team to understand. But you’ve got great potential and a wicked cool T-shirt collection.
+ You」re a solid member of the team and one of our smartest engineers. That being said, your code is convoluted and almost impossible for anyone else on the team to understand. But you」ve got great potential and a wicked cool T-shirt collection.
-给予严厉的反馈是......嗯,很难。当你第一次需要告诉你的下属他们犯了一个错误或没有把工作做得像预期的那样好时,可能会有难以置信的压力。大多数管理学书籍建议你在提供硬反馈时使用 "赞美三明治 "来缓和打击。赞美的三明治看起来像这样:
+給予嚴厲的反饋是......嗯,很難。當你第一次需要告訴你的下屬他們犯了一個錯誤或沒有把工作做得像預期的那樣好時,可能會有難以置信的壓力。大多數管理學書籍建議你在提供硬反饋時使用 "讚美三明治 "來緩和打擊。讚美的三明治看起來像這樣:
- 你是团队中一个可靠的成员,是我们最聪明的工程师之一。虽然如此,你的代码很复杂,团队中的其他人几乎不可能理解。但是,你有很大的潜力,而且有一件很酷的T恤衫收藏。
+ 你是團隊中一個可靠的成員,是我們最聰明的工程師之一。雖然如此,你的程式碼很複雜,團隊中的其他人幾乎不可能理解。但是,你有很大的潛力,而且有一件很酷的T恤衫收藏。
-Sure, this softens the blow, but with this sort of beating around the bush, most people will walk out of this meeting thinking only, “Sweet! I’ve got cool T-shirts!” We *strongly* advise against using the compliment sandwich, not because we think you should be unnecessarily cruel or harsh, but because most people won’t hear the critical message, which is that something needs to change. It’s possible to employ respect here: be kind and empathetic when delivering constructive criticism without resorting to the compliment sandwich. In fact, kindness and empathy are critical if you want the recipient to hear the criticism and not immediately go on the defensive.
+Sure, this softens the blow, but with this sort of beating around the bush, most people will walk out of this meeting thinking only, 『Sweet! I」ve got cool T-shirts!』 We *strongly* advise against using the compliment sandwich, not because we think you should be unnecessarily cruel or harsh, but because most people won」t hear the critical message, which is that something needs to change. It」s possible to employ respect here: be kind and empathetic when delivering constructive criticism without resorting to the compliment sandwich. In fact, kindness and empathy are critical if you want the recipient to hear the criticism and not immediately go on the defensive.
-Years ago, a colleague picked up a team member, Tim, from another manager who insisted that Tim was impossible to work with. He said that Tim never responded to feedback or criticism and instead just kept doing the same things he’d been told he shouldn’t do. Our colleague sat in on a few of the manager’s meetings with Tim to watch the interaction between the manager and Tim, and noticed that the manager made extensive use of the compliment sandwich so as not to hurt Tim’s feelings. When they brought Tim onto their team, they sat down with him and very clearly explained that Tim needed to make some changes to work more effectively with the team:
+Years ago, a colleague picked up a team member, Tim, from another manager who insisted that Tim was impossible to work with. He said that Tim never responded to feedback or criticism and instead just kept doing the same things he」d been told he shouldn」t do. Our colleague sat in on a few of the manager」s meetings with Tim to watch the interaction between the manager and Tim, and noticed that the manager made extensive use of the compliment sandwich so as not to hurt Tim」s feelings. When they brought Tim onto their team, they sat down with him and very clearly explained that Tim needed to make some changes to work more effectively with the team:
- We’re quite sure that you’re not aware of this, but the way that you’re interacting with the team is alienating and angering them, and if you want to be effective, you need to refine your communication skills, and we’re committed to helping you do that.
+ We」re quite sure that you」re not aware of this, but the way that you」re interacting with the team is alienating and angering them, and if you want to be effective, you need to refine your communication skills, and we」re committed to helping you do that.
- 我们很肯定你没有意识到这一点,但你与团队互动的方式正在疏远和激怒他们,如果你想有效地工作,你需要改进你的沟通技巧,我们致力于帮助你做到这一点。
+ 我們很肯定你沒有意識到這一點,但你與團隊互動的方式正在疏遠和激怒他們,如果你想有效地工作,你需要改進你的溝通技巧,我們致力於幫助你做到這一點。
-They didn’t give Tim any compliments or candy-coat the issue, but just as important, they weren’t mean—they just laid out the facts as they saw them based on Tim’s performance with the previous team. Lo and behold, within a matter of weeks (and after a few more “refresher” meetings), Tim’s performance improved dramatically. Tim just needed very clear feedback and direction.
+They didn」t give Tim any compliments or candy-coat the issue, but just as important, they weren」t mean—they just laid out the facts as they saw them based on Tim」s performance with the previous team. Lo and behold, within a matter of weeks (and after a few more 『refresher』 meetings), Tim」s performance improved dramatically. Tim just needed very clear feedback and direction.
-When you’re providing direct feedback or criticism, your delivery is key to making sure that your message is heard and not deflected. If you put the recipient on the defensive, they’re not going to be thinking of how they can change, but rather how they can argue with you to show you that you’re wrong. Our colleague Ben once managed an engineer who we’ll call Dean. Dean had extremely strong opinions and would argue with the rest of the team about anything. It could be something as big as the team’s mission or as small as the placement of a widget on a web page; Dean would argue with the same conviction and vehemence either way, and he refused to let anything slide. After months of this behavior, Ben met with Dean to explain to him that he was being too combative. Now, if Ben had just said, “Dean, stop being such a jerk,” you can be pretty sure Dean would have disregarded it entirely. Ben thought hard about how he could get Dean to understand how his actions were adversely affecting the team, and he came up with the following metaphor:
+When you」re providing direct feedback or criticism, your delivery is key to making sure that your message is heard and not deflected. If you put the recipient on the defensive, they」re not going to be thinking of how they can change, but rather how they can argue with you to show you that you」re wrong. Our colleague Ben once managed an engineer who we」ll call Dean. Dean had extremely strong opinions and would argue with the rest of the team about anything. It could be something as big as the team」s mission or as small as the placement of a widget on a web page; Dean would argue with the same conviction and vehemence either way, and he refused to let anything slide. After months of this behavior, Ben met with Dean to explain to him that he was being too combative. Now, if Ben had just said, 『Dean, stop being such a jerk,』 you can be pretty sure Dean would have disregarded it entirely. Ben thought hard about how he could get Dean to understand how his actions were adversely affecting the team, and he came up with the following metaphor:
- Every time a decision is made, it’s like a train coming through town—when you jump in front of the train to stop it, you slow the train down and potentially annoy the engineer driving the train. A new train comes by every 15 minutes, and if you jump in front of every train, not only do you spend a lot of your time stopping trains, but eventually one of the engineers driving the train is going to get mad enough to run right over you. So, although it’s OK to jump in front of some trains, pick and choose the ones you want to stop to make sure you’re stopping only the trains that really matter.
+ Every time a decision is made, it」s like a train coming through town—when you jump in front of the train to stop it, you slow the train down and potentially annoy the engineer driving the train. A new train comes by every 15 minutes, and if you jump in front of every train, not only do you spend a lot of your time stopping trains, but eventually one of the engineers driving the train is going to get mad enough to run right over you. So, although it」s OK to jump in front of some trains, pick and choose the ones you want to stop to make sure you」re stopping only the trains that really matter.
- 每次做出决定时,就像一列火车驶过小镇——当你跳到火车前面去阻止它时,你就会使火车减速,并有可能惹恼驾驶火车的工程师。每15分钟就会有一列新的火车经过,如果你在每一列火车前跳车,你不仅要花很多时间来阻止火车,而且最终驾驶火车的工程师众人会生气到直接从你身上碾过。因此,尽管跳到一些火车前面是可以的,但要挑选你想停的火车,以确保你只停真正重要的火车。
+ 每次做出決定時,就像一列火車駛過小鎮——當你跳到火車前面去阻止它時,你就會使火車減速,並有可能惹惱駕駛火車的工程師。每15分鐘就會有一列新的火車經過,如果你在每一列火車前跳車,你不僅要花很多時間來阻止火車,而且最終駕駛火車的工程師眾人會生氣到直接從你身上碾過。因此,儘管跳到一些火車前面是可以的,但要挑選你想停的火車,以確保你只停真正重要的火車。
-This anecdote not only injected a bit of humor into the situation, but also made it easier for Ben and Dean to discuss the effect that Dean’s “train stopping” was having on the team in addition to the energy Dean was spending on it.
+This anecdote not only injected a bit of humor into the situation, but also made it easier for Ben and Dean to discuss the effect that Dean」s 『train stopping』 was having on the team in addition to the energy Dean was spending on it.
-这段轶事不仅为情况注入了一点幽默感,而且使本和迪恩更容易讨论迪恩的 "火车停摆 "除了耗费精力之外对团队的影响。
+這段軼事不僅為情況注入了一點幽默感,而且使本和迪恩更容易討論迪恩的 "火車停擺 "除了耗費精力之外對團隊的影響。
-### Track Happiness 追踪幸福感
+### Track Happiness 追蹤幸福感
-As a leader, one way you can make your team more productive (and less likely to leave) in the long term is to take some time to gauge their happiness. The best leaders we’ve worked with have all been amateur psychologists, looking in on their team members’ welfare from time to time, making sure they get recognition for what they do, and trying to make certain they are happy with their work. One TLM we know makes a spreadsheet of all the grungy, thankless tasks that need to be done and makes certain these tasks are evenly spread across the team. Another TLM watches the hours his team is working and uses comp time and fun team outings to avoid burnout and exhaustion. Yet another starts one-on-one sessions with his team members by dealing with their technical issues as a way to break the ice, and then takes some time to make sure each engineer has everything they need to get their work done. After they’ve warmed up, he talks to the engineer for a bit about how they’re enjoying the work and what they’re looking forward to next.
+As a leader, one way you can make your team more productive (and less likely to leave) in the long term is to take some time to gauge their happiness. The best leaders we」ve worked with have all been amateur psychologists, looking in on their team members」 welfare from time to time, making sure they get recognition for what they do, and trying to make certain they are happy with their work. One TLM we know makes a spreadsheet of all the grungy, thankless tasks that need to be done and makes certain these tasks are evenly spread across the team. Another TLM watches the hours his team is working and uses comp time and fun team outings to avoid burnout and exhaustion. Yet another starts one-on-one sessions with his team members by dealing with their technical issues as a way to break the ice, and then takes some time to make sure each engineer has everything they need to get their work done. After they」ve warmed up, he talks to the engineer for a bit about how they」re enjoying the work and what they」re looking forward to next.
-A good simple way to track your team’s happiness[^8] is to ask the team member at the end of each one-on-one meeting, “What do you need?” This simple question is a great way to wrap up and make sure each team member has what they need to be productive and happy, although you might need to carefully probe a bit to get details. If you ask this every time you have a one-on-one, you’ll find that eventually your team will remember this and sometimes even come to you with a laundry list of things it needs to make everyone’s job better.
+A good simple way to track your team」s happiness[^8] is to ask the team member at the end of each one-on-one meeting, 『What do you need?』 This simple question is a great way to wrap up and make sure each team member has what they need to be productive and happy, although you might need to carefully probe a bit to get details. If you ask this every time you have a one-on-one, you」ll find that eventually your team will remember this and sometimes even come to you with a laundry list of things it needs to make everyone」s job better.
-跟踪你的团队幸福感的一个好的简单方法是在每次一对一的会议结束时问团队成员:"你需要什么?" 这个简单的问题是一个很好的总结方式,确保每个团队成员都有他们需要的东西,以提高工作效率和幸福感,尽管你可能需要仔细探究一下以获得细节。如果你在每次一对一会谈时都这样问,你会发现最终你的团队会记住这一点,有时甚至会带着一长串需要的东西来找你,以使每个人的工作变得更好。
+跟蹤你的團隊幸福感的一個好的簡單方法是在每次一對一的會議結束時問團隊成員:"你需要什麼?" 這個簡單的問題是一個很好的總結方式,確保每個團隊成員都有他們需要的東西,以提高工作效率和幸福感,儘管你可能需要仔細探究一下以獲得細節。如果你在每次一對一會談時都這樣問,你會發現最終你的團隊會記住這一點,有時甚至會帶著一長串需要的東西來找你,以使每個人的工作變得更好。
-> [^8]: Google also runs an annual employee survey called “Googlegeist” that rates employee happiness across many dimensions. This provides good feedback but isn’t what we would call “simple.”
+> [^8]: Google also runs an annual employee survey called 『Googlegeist』 that rates employee happiness across many dimensions. This provides good feedback but isn」t what we would call 『simple.』
-> 8 谷歌还开展了一项名为 "Googlegeist "的年度员工调查,从多个方面对员工的幸福感进行评价。这提供了良好的反馈,但并不是我们所说的 "简单"。
+> 8 谷歌還開展了一項名為 "Googlegeist "的年度員工調查,從多個方面對員工的幸福感進行評價。這提供了良好的反饋,但並不是我們所說的 "簡單"。
-## The Unexpected Question 意想不到的问题
+## The Unexpected Question 意想不到的問題
-Shortly after I started at Google, I had my first meeting with then-CEO Eric Schmidt, and at the end Eric asked me, “Is there anything you need?” I had prepared a million defensive responses to difficult questions or challenges but was completely unprepared for this. So I sat there, dumbstruck and staring. You can be sure I had something ready the next time I was asked that question!
+Shortly after I started at Google, I had my first meeting with then-CEO Eric Schmidt, and at the end Eric asked me, 『Is there anything you need?』 I had prepared a million defensive responses to difficult questions or challenges but was completely unprepared for this. So I sat there, dumbstruck and staring. You can be sure I had something ready the next time I was asked that question!
-在我进入谷歌后不久,我与当时的首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)进行了第一次会面,最后埃里克问我:“你需要什么吗?”我准备了一百万份针对困难问题或挑战的防御性回复,但对此完全没有准备。于是我坐在那里,呆呆地望着。下次再被问到这个问题时,我已经准备好了东西!’
+在我進入谷歌後不久,我與當時的執行長埃裡克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)進行了第一次會面,最後埃裡克問我:『你需要什麼嗎?』我準備了一百萬份針對困難問題或挑戰的防禦性回覆,但對此完全沒有準備。於是我坐在那裡,呆呆地望著。下次再被問到這個問題時,我已經準備好了東西!」
-It can also be worthwhile as a leader to pay some attention to your team’s happiness outside the office. Our colleague Mekka starts his one-on-ones by asking his reports to rate their happiness on a scale of 1 to 10, and oftentimes his reports will use this as a way to discuss happiness in *and* outside of the office. Be wary of assuming that people have no life outside of work—having unrealistic expectations about the amount of time people can put into their work will cause people to lose respect for you, or worse, to burn out. We’re not advocating that you pry into your team members’ personal lives, but being sensitive to personal situations that your team members are going through can give you a lot of insight as to why they might be more or less productive at any given time. Giving a little extra slack to a team member who is currently having a tough time at home can make them a lot more willing to put in longer hours when your team has a tight deadline to hit later.
+It can also be worthwhile as a leader to pay some attention to your team」s happiness outside the office. Our colleague Mekka starts his one-on-ones by asking his reports to rate their happiness on a scale of 1 to 10, and oftentimes his reports will use this as a way to discuss happiness in *and* outside of the office. Be wary of assuming that people have no life outside of work—having unrealistic expectations about the amount of time people can put into their work will cause people to lose respect for you, or worse, to burn out. We」re not advocating that you pry into your team members」 personal lives, but being sensitive to personal situations that your team members are going through can give you a lot of insight as to why they might be more or less productive at any given time. Giving a little extra slack to a team member who is currently having a tough time at home can make them a lot more willing to put in longer hours when your team has a tight deadline to hit later.
-A big part of tracking your team members’ happiness is tracking their careers. If you ask a team member where they see their career in five years, most of the time you’ll get a shrug and a blank look. When put on the spot, most people won’t say much about this, but there are usually a few things that everyone would like to do in the next five years: be promoted, learn something new, launch something important, and work with smart people. Regardless of whether they verbalize this, most people are thinking about it. If you’re going to be an effective leader, you should be thinking about how you can help make all those things happen and let your team know you’re thinking about this. The most important part of this is to take these implicit goals and make them explicit so that when you’re giving career advice you have a real set of metrics with which to evaluate situations and opportunities.
+A big part of tracking your team members」 happiness is tracking their careers. If you ask a team member where they see their career in five years, most of the time you」ll get a shrug and a blank look. When put on the spot, most people won」t say much about this, but there are usually a few things that everyone would like to do in the next five years: be promoted, learn something new, launch something important, and work with smart people. Regardless of whether they verbalize this, most people are thinking about it. If you」re going to be an effective leader, you should be thinking about how you can help make all those things happen and let your team know you」re thinking about this. The most important part of this is to take these implicit goals and make them explicit so that when you」re giving career advice you have a real set of metrics with which to evaluate situations and opportunities.
Tracking happiness comes down to not just monitoring careers, but also giving your team members opportunities to improve themselves, be recognized for the work they do, and have a little fun along the way.
-## Other Tips and Tricks 其他提示和窍门
+## Other Tips and Tricks 其他提示和竅門
-Following are other miscellaneous tips and tricks that we at Google recommend when you’re in a leadership position:
+Following are other miscellaneous tips and tricks that we at Google recommend when you」re in a leadership position:
- *Delegate, but get your hands dirty*
- When moving from an individual contributor role to a leadership role, achieving a balance is one of the most difficult things to do. Initially, you’re inclined to do all of the work yourself, and after being in a leadership role for a long time, it’s easy to get into the habit of doing none of the work yourself. If you’re new to a leadership role, you probably need to work hard to delegate work to other engineers on your team, even if it will take them a lot longer than you to accomplish that work. Not only is this one way for you to maintain your sanity, but also it’s how the rest of your team will learn. If you’ve been leading teams for a while or if you pick up a new team, one of the easiest ways to gain the team’s respect and get up to speed on what they’re doing is to get your hands dirty—usually by taking on a grungy task that no one else wants to do. You can have a resume and a list of achievements a mile long, but nothing lets a team know how skillful and dedicated (and humble) you are like jumping in and actually doing some hard work.
+ When moving from an individual contributor role to a leadership role, achieving a balance is one of the most difficult things to do. Initially, you」re inclined to do all of the work yourself, and after being in a leadership role for a long time, it」s easy to get into the habit of doing none of the work yourself. If you」re new to a leadership role, you probably need to work hard to delegate work to other engineers on your team, even if it will take them a lot longer than you to accomplish that work. Not only is this one way for you to maintain your sanity, but also it」s how the rest of your team will learn. If you」ve been leading teams for a while or if you pick up a new team, one of the easiest ways to gain the team」s respect and get up to speed on what they」re doing is to get your hands dirty—usually by taking on a grungy task that no one else wants to do. You can have a resume and a list of achievements a mile long, but nothing lets a team know how skillful and dedicated (and humble) you are like jumping in and actually doing some hard work.
- *Seek to replace yourself*
- Unless you want to keep doing the exact same job for the rest of your career, seek to replace yourself. This starts, as we mentioned earlier, with the hiring process: if you want a member of your team to replace you, you need to hire people capable of replacing you, which we usually sum up by saying that you need to “hire people smarter than you.” After you have team members capable of doing your job, you need to give them opportunities to take on more responsibilities or occasionally lead the team. If you do this, you’ll quickly see who has the most aptitude to lead as well as who wants to lead the team. Remember that some people prefer to just be high-performing individual contributors, and that’s OK. We’ve always been amazed at companies that take their best engineers and—against their wishes—throw these engineers into management roles. This usually subtracts a great engineer from your team and adds a subpar manager.
+ Unless you want to keep doing the exact same job for the rest of your career, seek to replace yourself. This starts, as we mentioned earlier, with the hiring process: if you want a member of your team to replace you, you need to hire people capable of replacing you, which we usually sum up by saying that you need to 『hire people smarter than you.』 After you have team members capable of doing your job, you need to give them opportunities to take on more responsibilities or occasionally lead the team. If you do this, you」ll quickly see who has the most aptitude to lead as well as who wants to lead the team. Remember that some people prefer to just be high-performing individual contributors, and that」s OK. We」ve always been amazed at companies that take their best engineers and—against their wishes—throw these engineers into management roles. This usually subtracts a great engineer from your team and adds a subpar manager.
- *Know when to make waves*
- You will (inevitably and frequently) have difficult situations crop up in which every cell in your body is screaming at you to do nothing about it. It might be the engineer on your team whose technical chops aren’t up to par. It might be the person who jumps in front of every train. It might be the unmotivated employee who is working 30 hours a week. “Just wait a bit and it will get better,” you’ll tell yourself. “It will work itself out,” you’ll rationalize. Don’t fall into this trap—these are the situations for which you need to make the biggest waves and you need to make them now. Rarely will these problems work themselves out, and the longer you wait to address them, the more they’ll adversely affect the rest of the team and the more they’ll keep you up at night thinking about them. By waiting, you’re only delaying the inevitable and causing untold damage in the process. So act, and act quickly.
+ You will (inevitably and frequently) have difficult situations crop up in which every cell in your body is screaming at you to do nothing about it. It might be the engineer on your team whose technical chops aren」t up to par. It might be the person who jumps in front of every train. It might be the unmotivated employee who is working 30 hours a week. 『Just wait a bit and it will get better,』 you」ll tell yourself. 『It will work itself out,』 you」ll rationalize. Don」t fall into this trap—these are the situations for which you need to make the biggest waves and you need to make them now. Rarely will these problems work themselves out, and the longer you wait to address them, the more they」ll adversely affect the rest of the team and the more they」ll keep you up at night thinking about them. By waiting, you」re only delaying the inevitable and causing untold damage in the process. So act, and act quickly.
- *Shield* *your team from chaos*
- When you step into a leadership role, the first thing you’ll usually discover is that outside your team is a world of chaos and uncertainty (or even insanity) that you never saw when you were an individual contributor. When I first became a manager back in the 1990s (before going back to being an individual contributor), I was taken aback by the sheer volume of uncertainty and organizational chaos that was happening in my company. I asked another manager what had caused this sudden rockiness in the otherwise calm company, and the other manager laughed hysterically at my naivete: the chaos had always been present, but my previous manager had shielded me and the rest of my team from it.
+ When you step into a leadership role, the first thing you」ll usually discover is that outside your team is a world of chaos and uncertainty (or even insanity) that you never saw when you were an individual contributor. When I first became a manager back in the 1990s (before going back to being an individual contributor), I was taken aback by the sheer volume of uncertainty and organizational chaos that was happening in my company. I asked another manager what had caused this sudden rockiness in the otherwise calm company, and the other manager laughed hysterically at my naivete: the chaos had always been present, but my previous manager had shielded me and the rest of my team from it.
- *Give your team air cover*
- Whereas it’s important that you keep your team informed about what’s going on “above” them in the company, it’s just as important that you defend them from a lot of the uncertainty and frivolous demands that can be imposed upon you from outside your team. Share as much information as you can with your team, but don’t distract them with organizational craziness that is extremely unlikely to ever actually affect them.
+ Whereas it」s important that you keep your team informed about what」s going on 『above』 them in the company, it」s just as important that you defend them from a lot of the uncertainty and frivolous demands that can be imposed upon you from outside your team. Share as much information as you can with your team, but don」t distract them with organizational craziness that is extremely unlikely to ever actually affect them.
-- *Let your team know when they’re doing well*
+- *Let your team know when they」re doing well*
Many new team leads can get so caught up in dealing with the shortcomings of their team members that they neglect to provide positive feedback often enough. Just as you let someone know when they screw up, be sure to let them know when they do well, and be sure to let them (and the rest of the team) know when they knock one out of the park.
-- *委托,但要弄脏自己的手*
- 当从个人贡献者的角色转变为领导角色时,实现平衡是最难做到的事情之一。起初,你会倾向于自己做所有的工作,而在领导岗位上呆久了,很容易养成自己不做任何工作的习惯。如果你刚开始担任领导职务,你可能需要努力工作,把工作委托给团队中的其他工程师,即使他们完成这项工作所需的时间比你长很多。这不仅是你保持理智的一种方式,而且也是你的团队其他成员学习的方式。如果你已经领导了一段时间的团队,或者你接了一个新的团队,获得团队的尊重和了解他们的工作的最简单的方法之一就是弄脏你的手——通常是承担一个别人不愿意做的肮脏的任务。你可以有一份简历和一份一英里长的成就清单,但没有任何东西能让团队知道你有多熟练、有多谦逊(和谦逊),你喜欢跳进去做一些艰苦的工作。
+- *委託,但要弄髒自己的手*
+ 當從個人貢獻者的角色轉變為領導角色時,實現平衡是最難做到的事情之一。起初,你會傾向於自己做所有的工作,而在領導崗位上呆久了,很容易養成自己不做任何工作的習慣。如果你剛開始擔任領導職務,你可能需要努力工作,把工作委託給團隊中的其他工程師,即使他們完成這項工作所需的時間比你長很多。這不僅是你保持理智的一種方式,而且也是你的團隊其他成員學習的方式。如果你已經領導了一段時間的團隊,或者你接了一個新的團隊,獲得團隊的尊重和了解他們的工作的最簡單的方法之一就是弄髒你的手——通常是承擔一個別人不願意做的骯髒的任務。你可以有一份簡歷和一份一英里長的成就清單,但沒有任何東西能讓團隊知道你有多熟練、有多謙遜(和謙遜),你喜歡跳進去做一些艱苦的工作。
-- *寻求继任者*
- 除非你想在余下的职业生涯中一直做着完全相同的工作,否则要设法寻找继任者。正如我们前面提到的,这从招聘过程开始:如果你想让你的团队成员取代你,你需要雇佣有能力取代你的人,我们通常总结说,你需要 "雇佣比你更聪明的人"。在你拥有能够胜任工作的团队成员之后,你需要给他们机会承担更多的责任或偶尔领导团队。如果你这样做,你会很快看到谁最有领导才能,以及谁想领导团队。请记住,有些人更愿意只做高绩效的个人,这也是可以的。我们一直对一些公司感到惊讶,这些公司把他们最优秀的工程师,违背他们的意愿,把这些工程师扔到管理岗位上。这通常会从你的团队中减少一名优秀的工程师,而增加一名不合格的经理。
+- *尋求繼任者*
+ 除非你想在餘下的職業生涯中一直做著完全相同的工作,否則要設法尋找繼任者。正如我們前面提到的,這從招聘過程開始:如果你想讓你的團隊成員取代你,你需要僱傭有能力取代你的人,我們通常總結說,你需要 "僱傭比你更聰明的人"。在你擁有能夠勝任工作的團隊成員之後,你需要給他們機會承擔更多的責任或偶爾領導團隊。如果你這樣做,你會很快看到誰最有領導才能,以及誰想領導團隊。請記住,有些人更願意只做高績效的個人,這也是可以的。我們一直對一些公司感到驚訝,這些公司把他們最優秀的工程師,違背他們的意願,把這些工程師扔到管理崗位上。這通常會從你的團隊中減少一名優秀的工程師,而增加一名不合格的經理。
-- *知道什么时候该掀起风波*
- 你会(不可避免且经常地)遇到一些困难的情况,在这些情况下,你身体里的每一个细胞都在对你大喊大叫,要求你什么都不要做。这可能是你团队中的工程师,他的技术能力达不到要求。它可能是那个在每辆火车前跳来跳去的人。它可能是每周工作30小时的无心的员工。"只要等一等,就会好起来的,"你会告诉自己。"它会自己解决的,"你会合理地解释。不要落入这个陷阱——这些是你需要掀起最大波澜的情况,你需要现在就掀起。这些问题很少会自己解决,你等待解决的时间越长,它们对团队其他成员的不利影响就越大,它们会让你彻夜思考。通过等待,你只是拖延了不可避免的事情,并在这个过程中造成难以言喻的损失。因此,要采取行动,而且要迅速行动。
+- *知道什麼時候該掀起風波*
+ 你會(不可避免且經常地)遇到一些困難的情況,在這些情況下,你身體裡的每一個細胞都在對你大喊大叫,要求你什麼都不要做。這可能是你團隊中的工程師,他的技術能力達不到要求。它可能是那個在每輛火車前跳來跳去的人。它可能是每週工作30小時的無心的員工。"只要等一等,就會好起來的,"你會告訴自己。"它會自己解決的,"你會合理地解釋。不要落入這個陷阱——這些是你需要掀起最大波瀾的情況,你需要現在就掀起。這些問題很少會自己解決,你等待解決的時間越長,它們對團隊其他成員的不利影響就越大,它們會讓你徹夜思考。透過等待,你只是拖延了不可避免的事情,並在這個過程中造成難以言喻的損失。因此,要採取行動,而且要迅速行動。
-- *屏蔽团队免受混乱影响*
- 当你步入领导岗位时,你通常会发现,在你的团队之外是一个混乱和不确定(甚至是疯狂)的世界,而你在做个人贡献者时从未见过。当我在20世纪90年代第一次成为一名经理时(在回到个人贡献者之前),我对公司里发生的大量不确定性和组织混乱感到吃惊。我问另一位经理,是什么原因导致原本平静的公司突然出现这种动荡,另一位经理歇斯底里地笑我太天真了:混乱一直存在,但我以前的经理把我和我的团队其他成员都挡在外面。
+- *遮蔽團隊免受混亂影響*
+ 當你步入領導崗位時,你通常會發現,在你的團隊之外是一個混亂和不確定(甚至是瘋狂)的世界,而你在做個人貢獻者時從未見過。當我在20世紀90年代第一次成為一名經理時(在回到個人貢獻者之前),我對公司裡發生的大量不確定性和組織混亂感到吃驚。我問另一位經理,是什麼原因導致原本平靜的公司突然出現這種動盪,另一位經理歇斯底里地笑我太天真了:混亂一直存在,但我以前的經理把我和我的團隊其他成員都擋在外面。
-- *给你的团队提供空中掩护*
- 尽管让你的团队了解公司 "上面 "发生的事情很重要,但同样重要的是,你要保护他们不受很多不确定因素和轻率要求的影响,这些要求可能来自你的团队之外。尽可能多地与你的团队分享信息,但不要用那些极不可能真正影响到他们的组织的疯狂行为来分散他们的注意力。
+- *給你的團隊提供空中掩護*
+ 儘管讓你的團隊瞭解公司 "上面 "發生的事情很重要,但同樣重要的是,你要保護他們不受很多不確定因素和輕率要求的影響,這些要求可能來自你的團隊之外。儘可能多地與你的團隊分享訊息,但不要用那些極不可能真正影響到他們的組織的瘋狂行為來分散他們的注意力。
-- *让你的团队知道他们什么时候做得好*
- 许多新的团队领导可能会陷入处理团队成员的缺点中,以至于他们忽略了经常提供积极的反馈。就像你让某人知道他们搞砸了一样,一定要让他们知道他们做得很好,而且一定要让他们(和团队其他成员)知道他们在球场里踢出了一个好成绩。
+- *讓你的團隊知道他們什麼時候做得好*
+ 許多新的團隊領導可能會陷入處理團隊成員的缺點中,以至於他們忽略了經常提供積極的反饋。就像你讓某人知道他們搞砸了一樣,一定要讓他們知道他們做得很好,而且一定要讓他們(和團隊其他成員)知道他們在球場裡踢出了一個好成績。
-Lastly, here’s something the best leaders know and use often when they have adventurous team members who want to try new things:
+Lastly, here」s something the best leaders know and use often when they have adventurous team members who want to try new things:
-*It’s easy to say “yes” to something that’s easy to undo*
- If you have a team member who wants to take a day or two to try using a new tool or library[^9] that could speed up your product (and you’re not on a tight deadline), it’s easy to say, “Sure, give it a shot.” If, on the other hand, they want to do something like launch a product that you’re going to have to support for the next 10 years, you’ll likely want to give it a bit more thought. Really good leaders have a good sense for when something can be undone, but more things are undoable than you think (and this applies to both technical and nontechnical decisions).
+*It」s easy to say 『yes』 to something that」s easy to undo*
+ If you have a team member who wants to take a day or two to try using a new tool or library[^9] that could speed up your product (and you」re not on a tight deadline), it」s easy to say, 『Sure, give it a shot.』 If, on the other hand, they want to do something like launch a product that you」re going to have to support for the next 10 years, you」ll likely want to give it a bit more thought. Really good leaders have a good sense for when something can be undone, but more things are undoable than you think (and this applies to both technical and nontechnical decisions).
-*很容易对容易撤销的事情说 "是 "*
- 如果你有一个团队成员想花一两天时间尝试使用一个新的工具或库,可以加速你的产品(而且你没有紧迫的期限),你很容易说:"当然,给它一个机会。" 另一方面,如果他们想做一些事情,比如推出一个你必须在未来10年内支持的产品,你可能会想多考虑一下。真正好的领导对什么时候可以撤销的事情有很好的感觉,但更多的事情是可以撤销的,而不是你想象的那样(这适用于技术和非技术的决定)。
+*很容易對容易撤銷的事情說 "是 "*
+ 如果你有一個團隊成員想花一兩天時間嘗試使用一個新的工具或函式庫,可以加速你的產品(而且你沒有緊迫的期限),你很容易說:"當然,給它一個機會。" 另一方面,如果他們想做一些事情,比如推出一個你必須在未來10年內支援的產品,你可能會想多考慮一下。真正好的領導對什麼時候可以撤銷的事情有很好的感覺,但更多的事情是可以撤銷的,而不是你想象的那樣(這適用於技術和非技術的決定)。
-> [^9]: To gain a better understanding of just how “undoable” technical changes can be, see Chapter 22.
+> [^9]: To gain a better understanding of just how 『undoable』 technical changes can be, see Chapter 22.
-> 9 要想更好地了解技术变革是如何 "不可逆转 "的,见第22章。
+> 9 要想更好地瞭解技術變革是如何 "不可逆轉 "的,見第22章。
## People Are Like Plants 人如植物
-My wife is the youngest of six children, and her mother was faced with the difficult task of figuring out how to raise six very different children, each of whom needed different things. I asked my mother-in-law how she managed this (see what I did there?), and she responded that kids are like plants: some are like cacti and need little water but lots of sunshine, others are like African violets and need diffuse light and moist soil, and still others are like tomatoes and will truly excel if you give them a little fertilizer. If you have six kids and give each one the same amount of water, light, and fertilizer, they’ll all get equal treatment, but the odds are good that *none* of them will get what they actually need.
+My wife is the youngest of six children, and her mother was faced with the difficult task of figuring out how to raise six very different children, each of whom needed different things. I asked my mother-in-law how she managed this (see what I did there?), and she responded that kids are like plants: some are like cacti and need little water but lots of sunshine, others are like African violets and need diffuse light and moist soil, and still others are like tomatoes and will truly excel if you give them a little fertilizer. If you have six kids and give each one the same amount of water, light, and fertilizer, they」ll all get equal treatment, but the odds are good that *none* of them will get what they actually need.
-And so your team members are also like plants: some need more light, and some need more water (and some need more…fertilizer). It’s your job as their leader to determine who needs what and then give it to them—except instead of light, water, and fertilizer, your team needs varying amounts of motivation and direction.
+And so your team members are also like plants: some need more light, and some need more water (and some need more…fertilizer). It」s your job as their leader to determine who needs what and then give it to them—except instead of light, water, and fertilizer, your team needs varying amounts of motivation and direction.
-To get all of your team members what they need, you need to motivate the ones who are in a rut and provide stronger direction to those who are distracted or uncertain of what to do. Of course, there are those who are “adrift” and need both motivation and direction. So, with this combination of motivation and direction, you can make your team happy and productive. And you don’t want to give them too much of either—because if they don’t need motivation or direction and you try giving it to them, you’re just going to annoy them.
+To get all of your team members what they need, you need to motivate the ones who are in a rut and provide stronger direction to those who are distracted or uncertain of what to do. Of course, there are those who are 『adrift』 and need both motivation and direction. So, with this combination of motivation and direction, you can make your team happy and productive. And you don」t want to give them too much of either—because if they don」t need motivation or direction and you try giving it to them, you」re just going to annoy them.
Giving direction is fairly straightforward—it requires a basic understanding of what needs to be done, some simple organizational skills, and enough coordination to break it down into manageable tasks. With these tools in hand, you can provide sufficient guidance for an engineer in need of directional help. Motivation, however, is a bit more sophisticated and merits some explanation.
-### Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation 内在动机与外在动机的关系
+### Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation 內在動機與外在動機的關係
-There are two types of motivation: *extrinsic*, which originates from outside forces (such as monetary compensation), and *intrinsic*, which comes from within. In his book *Drive*,[^10] Dan Pink explains that the way to make people the happiest and most productive isn’t to motivate them extrinsically (e.g., throw piles of cash at them); rather, you need to work to increase their intrinsic motivation. Dan claims you can increase intrinsic motivation by giving people three things: autonomy, mastery, and purpose.[^11]
+There are two types of motivation: *extrinsic*, which originates from outside forces (such as monetary compensation), and *intrinsic*, which comes from within. In his book *Drive*,[^10] Dan Pink explains that the way to make people the happiest and most productive isn」t to motivate them extrinsically (e.g., throw piles of cash at them); rather, you need to work to increase their intrinsic motivation. Dan claims you can increase intrinsic motivation by giving people three things: autonomy, mastery, and purpose.[^11]
A person has autonomy when they have the ability to act on their own without someone micromanaging them.[^12] With autonomous employees (and Google strives to hire mostly autonomous engineers), you might give them the general direction in which they need to take the product but leave it up to them to decide how to get there. This helps with motivation not only because they have a closer relationship with the product (and likely know better than you how to build it), but also because it gives them a much greater sense of ownership of the product. The bigger their stake is in the success of the product, the greater their interest is in seeing it succeed.
-Mastery in its basest form simply means that you need to give someone the opportunity to improve existing skills and learn new ones. Giving ample opportunities for mastery not only helps to motivate people, it also makes them better over time, which makes for stronger teams.[^13] An employee’s skills are like the blade of a knife: you can spend tens of thousands of dollars to find people with the sharpest skills for your team, but if you use that knife for years without sharpening it, you will wind up with a dull knife that is inefficient, and in some cases useless. Google gives ample opportunities for engineers to learn new things and master their craft so as to keep them sharp, efficient, and effective.
+Mastery in its basest form simply means that you need to give someone the opportunity to improve existing skills and learn new ones. Giving ample opportunities for mastery not only helps to motivate people, it also makes them better over time, which makes for stronger teams.[^13] An employee」s skills are like the blade of a knife: you can spend tens of thousands of dollars to find people with the sharpest skills for your team, but if you use that knife for years without sharpening it, you will wind up with a dull knife that is inefficient, and in some cases useless. Google gives ample opportunities for engineers to learn new things and master their craft so as to keep them sharp, efficient, and effective.
-Of course, all the autonomy and mastery in the world isn’t going to help motivate someone if they’re doing work for no reason at all, which is why you need to give their work purpose. Many people work on products that have great significance, but they’re kept at arm’s length from the positive effects their products might have on their company, their customers, or even the world. Even for cases in which the product might have a much smaller impact, you can motivate your team by seeking the reason for their efforts and making this reason clear to them. If you can help them to see this purpose in their work, you’ll see a tremendous increase in their motivation and productivity.[14](#_bookmark464) One manager we know keeps a close eye on the email feedback that Google gets for its product (one of the “smaller-impact” products), and whenever she sees a message from a customer talking about how the company’s product has helped them personally or helped their business, she immediately forwards it to the engineering team. This not only motivates the team, but also frequently inspires team members to think about ways in which they can make their product even better.
+Of course, all the autonomy and mastery in the world isn」t going to help motivate someone if they」re doing work for no reason at all, which is why you need to give their work purpose. Many people work on products that have great significance, but they」re kept at arm」s length from the positive effects their products might have on their company, their customers, or even the world. Even for cases in which the product might have a much smaller impact, you can motivate your team by seeking the reason for their efforts and making this reason clear to them. If you can help them to see this purpose in their work, you」ll see a tremendous increase in their motivation and productivity.[14](#_bookmark464) One manager we know keeps a close eye on the email feedback that Google gets for its product (one of the 『smaller-impact』 products), and whenever she sees a message from a customer talking about how the company」s product has helped them personally or helped their business, she immediately forwards it to the engineering team. This not only motivates the team, but also frequently inspires team members to think about ways in which they can make their product even better.
-> [^10]: See Dan’s fantastic TED talk on this subject.
+> [^10]: See Dan」s fantastic TED talk on this subject.
-> 10 看丹关于这个话题的精彩TED演讲。
+> 10 看丹關於這個話題的精彩TED演講。
> [^11]: This assumes that the people in question are being paid well enough that income is not a source of stress.
-> 11 这是假设相关人员的薪酬足够高,收入不是压力来源。
+> 11 這是假設相關人員的薪酬足夠高,收入不是壓力來源。
-> [^12]: This assumes that you have people on your team who don’t need micromanagement.
+> [^12]: This assumes that you have people on your team who don」t need micromanagement.
-> 12 这假设您的团队中有不需要微观管理的人员。
+> 12 這假設您的團隊中有不需要微觀管理的人員。
-> [^13]:Of course, it also means they’re more valuable and marketable employees, so it’s easier for them to pick up and leave you if they’re not enjoying their work. See the pattern in “Track Happiness” on page 99.
+> [^13]:Of course, it also means they」re more valuable and marketable employees, so it」s easier for them to pick up and leave you if they」re not enjoying their work. See the pattern in 『Track Happiness』 on page 99.
-> 13 当然,这也意味着他们是更有价值、更有市场价值的员工,因此,如果他们不喜欢自己的工作,他们会更容易接你离开。请参见第99页“追踪幸福感”中的模式。
+> 13 當然,這也意味著他們是更有價值、更有市場價值的員工,因此,如果他們不喜歡自己的工作,他們會更容易接你離開。請參見第99頁『追蹤幸福感』中的模式。
-> [^14]: Adam M. Grant, “The Significance of Task Significance: Job Performance Effects, Relational Mechanisms, and Boundary Conditions,” Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, No. 1 (2018), http://bit.ly/task_significance.
+> [^14]: Adam M. Grant, 『The Significance of Task Significance: Job Performance Effects, Relational Mechanisms, and Boundary Conditions,』 Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, No. 1 (2018), http://bit.ly/task_significance.
-> 14 Adam M.Grant,“任务重要性的重要性:工作绩效影响、关系机制和边界条件”,《应用心理学杂志》,第93期,第1期(2018年),http://bit.ly/task_significance.
+> 14 Adam M.Grant,『任務重要性的重要性:工作績效影響、關係機制和邊界條件』,《應用心理學雜誌》,第93期,第1期(2018年),http://bit.ly/task_significance.
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
-Leading a team is a different task than that of being a software engineer. As a result, good software engineers do not always make good managers, and that’s OK— effective organizations allow productive career paths for both individual contributors and people managers. Although Google has found that software engineering experience itself is invaluable for managers, the most important skills an effective manager brings to the table are social ones. Good managers enable their engineering teams by helping them work well, keeping them focused on proper goals, and insulating them from problems outside the group, all while following the three pillars of humility, trust, and respect.
+Leading a team is a different task than that of being a software engineer. As a result, good software engineers do not always make good managers, and that」s OK— effective organizations allow productive career paths for both individual contributors and people managers. Although Google has found that software engineering experience itself is invaluable for managers, the most important skills an effective manager brings to the table are social ones. Good managers enable their engineering teams by helping them work well, keeping them focused on proper goals, and insulating them from problems outside the group, all while following the three pillars of humility, trust, and respect.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
-- Don’t “manage” in the traditional sense; focus on leadership, influence, and serving your team.
-- Delegate where possible; don’t DIY (Do It Yourself).
+- Don」t 『manage』 in the traditional sense; focus on leadership, influence, and serving your team.
+- Delegate where possible; don」t DIY (Do It Yourself).
- Pay particular attention to the focus, direction, and velocity of your team.
-- 不要进行传统意义上的 "管理";重点是领导力、影响力和为你的团队服务。
-- 尽可能地授权;不要DIY(自己动手)。
-- 特别注意你的团队的重点、方向和效率。
+- 不要進行傳統意義上的 "管理";重點是領導力、影響力和為你的團隊服務。
+- 儘可能地授權;不要DIY(自己動手)。
+- 特別注意你的團隊的重點、方向和效率。
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# Leading at Scale
-# 第六章 规模优先
+# 第六章 規模優先
-In Chapter 5, we talked about what it means to go from being an “individual contributor” to being an explicit leader of a team. It’s a natural progression to go from leading one team to leading a set of related teams, and this chapter talks about how to be effective as you continue along the path of engineering leadership.
+In Chapter 5, we talked about what it means to go from being an 『individual contributor』 to being an explicit leader of a team. It」s a natural progression to go from leading one team to leading a set of related teams, and this chapter talks about how to be effective as you continue along the path of engineering leadership.
-在第五章,我们讨论了从"个人贡献者 "到一个团队的领导意味着什么。从领导一个团队转变到一系列的相关团队是一个很自然的过程,这章我们将讨论如何在管理工程团队中持续保持高效。
+在第五章,我們討論了從"個人貢獻者 "到一個團隊的領導意味著什麼。從領導一個團隊轉變到一系列的相關團隊是一個很自然的過程,這章我們將討論如何在管理工程團隊中持續保持高效。
-As your role evolves, all the best practices still apply. You’re still a “servant leader”; you’re just serving a larger group. That said, the scope of problems you’re solving becomes larger and more abstract. You’re gradually forced to become “higher level.” That is, you’re less and less able to get into the technical or engineering details of things, and you’re being pushed to go “broad” rather than “deep.” At every step, this process is frustrating: you mourn the loss of these details, and you come to realize that your prior engineering expertise is becoming less and less relevant to your job. Instead, your effectiveness depends more than ever on your general technical intuition and ability to galvanize engineers to move in good directions.
+As your role evolves, all the best practices still apply. You」re still a 『servant leader』; you」re just serving a larger group. That said, the scope of problems you」re solving becomes larger and more abstract. You」re gradually forced to become 『higher level.』 That is, you」re less and less able to get into the technical or engineering details of things, and you」re being pushed to go 『broad』 rather than 『deep.』 At every step, this process is frustrating: you mourn the loss of these details, and you come to realize that your prior engineering expertise is becoming less and less relevant to your job. Instead, your effectiveness depends more than ever on your general technical intuition and ability to galvanize engineers to move in good directions.
-The process is often demoralizing—until one day you notice that you’re actually having much more impact as a leader than you ever had as an individual contributor. It’s a satisfying but bittersweet realization.
+The process is often demoralizing—until one day you notice that you」re actually having much more impact as a leader than you ever had as an individual contributor. It」s a satisfying but bittersweet realization.
-这个过程通常是令人沮丧的 -- 直到有一天你发现,作为领导者,你的影响力实际上远远超过了作为个人贡献者时的影响力。这是个令人满意的,但是也是喜忧参半的领悟。
+這個過程通常是令人沮喪的 -- 直到有一天你發現,作為領導者,你的影響力實際上遠遠超過了作為個人貢獻者時的影響力。這是個令人滿意的,但是也是喜憂參半的領悟。
-So, assuming that we understand the basics of leadership, what it does it take to scale yourself into a really good leader? That’s what we talk about here, using what we call “the three Always of leadership”: Always Be Deciding, Always Be Leaving, Always Be Scaling.
+So, assuming that we understand the basics of leadership, what it does it take to scale yourself into a really good leader? That」s what we talk about here, using what we call 『the three Always of leadership』: Always Be Deciding, Always Be Leaving, Always Be Scaling.
-## Always Be Deciding 始终保持决断力
+## Always Be Deciding 始終保持決斷力
-Managing a team of teams means making ever more decisions at ever-higher levels. Your job becomes more about high-level strategy rather than how to solve any specific engineering task. At this level, most of the decisions you’ll make are about finding the correct set of trade-offs.
+Managing a team of teams means making ever more decisions at ever-higher levels. Your job becomes more about high-level strategy rather than how to solve any specific engineering task. At this level, most of the decisions you」ll make are about finding the correct set of trade-offs.
-### The Parable of the Airplane 关于机场的寓言故事
+### The Parable of the Airplane 關於機場的寓言故事
-Lindsay Jones is a friend of ours who is a professional theatrical sound designer and composer. He spends his life flying around the United States, hopping from production to production, and he’s full of crazy (and true) stories about air travel. Here’s one of our favorite stories:
+Lindsay Jones is a friend of ours who is a professional theatrical sound designer and composer. He spends his life flying around the United States, hopping from production to production, and he」s full of crazy (and true) stories about air travel. Here」s one of our favorite stories:
-Lindsay Jones 是我们的一个专业的戏剧声音设计师和编曲朋友。他一生大部分时间都在美国各地飞来飞去,在不同的作品之间切换。他有很多疯狂(而且真实)的关于航空旅行的故事。下面是我们最喜欢的一个故事:
+Lindsay Jones 是我們的一個專業的戲劇聲音設計師和編曲朋友。他一生大部分時間都在美國各地飛來飛去,在不同的作品之間切換。他有很多瘋狂(而且真實)的關於航空旅行的故事。下面是我們最喜歡的一個故事:
-> It’s 6 a.m., we’re all boarded on the plane and ready to go. The captain comes on the PA system and explains to us that, somehow, someone has overfilled the fuel tank by 10,000 gallons. Now, I’ve flown on planes for a long time, and I didn’t know that such a thing was possible. I mean, if I overfill my car by a gallon, I’m gonna have gas all over my shoes, right?
+> It」s 6 a.m., we」re all boarded on the plane and ready to go. The captain comes on the PA system and explains to us that, somehow, someone has overfilled the fuel tank by 10,000 gallons. Now, I」ve flown on planes for a long time, and I didn」t know that such a thing was possible. I mean, if I overfill my car by a gallon, I」m gonna have gas all over my shoes, right?
-> 现在是早上6点,我们都登机了,飞机马上就要起飞。机长在广播中跟我们解释说,不知怎么的有人给飞机多加了 10,000 加仑汽油。我已经在飞过很久了,从没听说过怎么可能发生这种事。我是说,如果我给汽车多加1加仑的汽油,很可能我的鞋里都会灌满汽油,是吧?
+> 現在是早上6點,我們都登機了,飛機馬上就要起飛。機長在廣播中跟我們解釋說,不知怎麼的有人給飛機多加了 10,000 加侖汽油。我已經在飛過很久了,從沒聽說過怎麼可能發生這種事。我是說,如果我給汽車多加1加侖的汽油,很可能我的鞋裡都會灌滿汽油,是吧?
> Well, so anyway, the captain then says that we have two options: we can either wait for the truck to come suck the fuel back out of the plane, which is going to take over an hour, or twenty people have to get off the plane right now to even out the weight.
> No one moves.
-> 好吧,无论如何,机长说我们有两个选择:要么我们等1个多小时等卡车把多余的汽油吸走,要么请12名乘客下飞机来减轻飞机的重量。
-> 没有人下飞机。
+> 好吧,無論如何,機長說我們有兩個選擇:要麼我們等1個多小時等卡車把多餘的汽油吸走,要麼請12名乘客下飛機來減輕飛機的重量。
+> 沒有人下飛機。
-> Now, there’s this guy across the aisle from me in first class, and he is absolutely livid. He reminds me of Frank Burns on M*A*S*H; he’s just super indignant and sputtering everywhere, demanding to know who’s responsible. It’s an amazing showcase, it’s like he’s Margaret Dumont in the Marx Brothers movies.
+> Now, there」s this guy across the aisle from me in first class, and he is absolutely livid. He reminds me of Frank Burns on M*A*S*H; he」s just super indignant and sputtering everywhere, demanding to know who」s responsible. It」s an amazing showcase, it」s like he」s Margaret Dumont in the Marx Brothers movies.
-> 现在,在我头等舱的过道对面有一个人,是真的很生气了。他让给我想起了**MASH**里的Frank Burns;他现在是真的很生气,在到处嚷嚷,想知道到底谁该为此负责。这是个非常精彩的案例,简直就像电影 Marx Brothers 中的 Margaret Dumont 一样。
+> 現在,在我頭等艙的過道對面有一個人,是真的很生氣了。他讓給我想起了**MASH**裡的Frank Burns;他現在是真的很生氣,在到處嚷嚷,想知道到底誰該為此負責。這是個非常精彩的案例,簡直就像電影 Marx Brothers 中的 Margaret Dumont 一樣。
-> So, he grabs his wallet and pulls out this massive wad of cash! And he’s like “I cannot be late for this meeting!! I will give $40 to any person who gets off this plane right now!”
+> So, he grabs his wallet and pulls out this massive wad of cash! And he」s like 『I cannot be late for this meeting!! I will give $40 to any person who gets off this plane right now!』
-> 然后,他从钱包里拿出一大沓钞票!他说“我这个会不能迟到!现在谁下飞机我就给谁40美金!”
+> 然後,他從錢包裡拿出一大沓鈔票!他說『我這個會不能遲到!現在誰下飛機我就給誰40美金!』
> Sure enough, people take him up on it. He gives out $40 to 20 people (which is $800 in cash, by the way!) and they all leave.
-> 当然人们很买他的帐,他给了20人每人40美金(总共800!),然后这些人都下飞机了。
+> 當然人們很買他的帳,他給了20人每人40美金(總共800!),然後這些人都下飛機了。
-> So, now we’re all set and we head out to the runway, and the captain comes back on the PA again. The plane’s computer has stopped working. No one knows why. Now we gotta get towed back to the gate.
+> So, now we」re all set and we head out to the runway, and the captain comes back on the PA again. The plane」s computer has stopped working. No one knows why. Now we gotta get towed back to the gate.
-> 然后我们都坐下了,飞机出发准备到跑道了,结果机长又在广播上开始说话了。飞机的电脑宕机了。没人知道为什么。现在我们必须被拖回登机口。
+> 然後我們都坐下了,飛機出發準備到跑道了,結果機長又在廣播上開始說話了。飛機的電腦宕機了。沒人知道為什麼。現在我們必須被拖回登機口。
-> Frank Burns is apoplectic. I mean, seriously, I thought he was gonna have a stroke. He’s cursing and screaming. Everyone else is just looking at each other.
+> Frank Burns is apoplectic. I mean, seriously, I thought he was gonna have a stroke. He」s cursing and screaming. Everyone else is just looking at each other.
-> Frank Burns 现在真的暴跳如雷了。真的,我感觉他快要气抽过去了。他开始咒骂和尖叫。其他人都开始面面相觑。
+> Frank Burns 現在真的暴跳如雷了。真的,我感覺他快要氣抽過去了。他開始咒罵和尖叫。其他人都開始面面相覷。
-> We get back to the gate and this guy is demanding another flight. They offer to book him on the 9:30, which is too late. He’s like, “Isn’t there another flight before 9:30?”
+> We get back to the gate and this guy is demanding another flight. They offer to book him on the 9:30, which is too late. He」s like, 『Isn」t there another flight before 9:30?』
-> 我们回到登机口,这个人要求另一个航班。他们提议给他订9:30的航班,但这已经太晚了。他说,“9点半前没有其他的航班吗?”
+> 我們回到登機口,這個人要求另一個航班。他們提議給他訂9:30的航班,但這已經太晚了。他說,『9點半前沒有其他的航班嗎?』
-> The gate agent is like, “Well, there was another flight at 8, but it’s all full now. They’re closing the doors now.”
+> The gate agent is like, 『Well, there was another flight at 8, but it」s all full now. They」re closing the doors now.』
-> 登机口工作人员说:"嗯,8点还有一个航班,但现在都满了。他们现在要关门了。"
+> 登機口工作人員說:"嗯,8點還有一個航班,但現在都滿了。他們現在要關門了。"
-> And he’s like, “Full?! Whaddya mean it’s full? There’s not one open seat on that plane?!?!?!”
+> And he」s like, 『Full?! Whaddya mean it」s full? There」s not one open seat on that plane?!?!?!』
-> 他就说,"满了?你说满了是什么意思?那架飞机上没有一个空位?
+> 他就說,"滿了?你說滿了是什麼意思?那架飛機上沒有一個空位?
-> The gate agent is like, “No sir, that plane was wide open until 20 passengers showed up out of nowhere and took all the seats. They were the happiest passengers I’ve ever seen, they were laughing all the way down the jet bridge.”
+> The gate agent is like, 『No sir, that plane was wide open until 20 passengers showed up out of nowhere and took all the seats. They were the happiest passengers I」ve ever seen, they were laughing all the way down the jet bridge.』
-> 空乘说,“不,这趟航班本来是有空余座位的,直到不知从哪冒出了20名乘客坐满了所有位置。他们是我见过的最高兴的乘客,他们一路有说有笑走下了廊桥。”
+> 空乘說,『不,這趟航班本來是有空餘座位的,直到不知從哪冒出了20名乘客坐滿了所有位置。他們是我見過的最高興的乘客,他們一路有說有笑走下了廊橋。』
> It was a very quiet ride on the 9:30 flight.
-> 后来9点半的这趟航班一路上都很安静。
+> 後來9點半的這趟航班一路上都很安靜。
-This story is, of course, about trade-offs. Although most of this book focuses on various technical trade-offs in engineering systems, it turns out that trade-offs also apply to human behaviors. As a leader, you need to make decisions about what your teams should do each week. Sometimes the trade-offs are obvious (“if we work on this project, it delays that other one...”); sometimes the trade-offs have unforeseeable consequences that can come back to bite you, as in the preceding story.
+This story is, of course, about trade-offs. Although most of this book focuses on various technical trade-offs in engineering systems, it turns out that trade-offs also apply to human behaviors. As a leader, you need to make decisions about what your teams should do each week. Sometimes the trade-offs are obvious (『if we work on this project, it delays that other one...』); sometimes the trade-offs have unforeseeable consequences that can come back to bite you, as in the preceding story.
-At the highest level, your job as a leader—either of a single team or a larger organization—is to guide people toward solving difficult, ambiguous problems. By ambiguous, we mean that the problem has no obvious solution and might even be unsolvable. Either way, the problem needs to be explored, navigated, and (hopefully) wrestled into a state in which it’s under control. If writing code is analogous to chopping down trees, your job as a leader is to “see the forest through the trees” and find a workable path through that forest, directing engineers toward the important trees. There are three main steps to this process. First, you need to identify the blinders; next, you need to identify the trade-offs; and then you need to decide and iterate on a solution.
+At the highest level, your job as a leader—either of a single team or a larger organization—is to guide people toward solving difficult, ambiguous problems. By ambiguous, we mean that the problem has no obvious solution and might even be unsolvable. Either way, the problem needs to be explored, navigated, and (hopefully) wrestled into a state in which it」s under control. If writing code is analogous to chopping down trees, your job as a leader is to 『see the forest through the trees』 and find a workable path through that forest, directing engineers toward the important trees. There are three main steps to this process. First, you need to identify the blinders; next, you need to identify the trade-offs; and then you need to decide and iterate on a solution.
-### Identify the Blinders 找到盲点
+### Identify the Blinders 找到盲點
-When you first approach a problem, you’ll often discover that a group of people has already been wrestling with it for years. These folks have been steeped in the problem for so long that they’re wearing “blinders”—that is, they’re no longer able to see the forest. They make a bunch of assumptions about the problem (or solution) without realizing it. “This is how we’ve always done it,” they’ll say, having lost the ability to consider the status quo critically. Sometimes, you’ll discover bizarre coping mechanisms or rationalizations that have evolved to justify the status quo. This is where you —with fresh eyes—have a great advantage. You can see these blinders, ask questions, and then consider new strategies. (Of course, being unfamiliar with the problem isn’t a requirement for good leadership, but it’s often an advantage.)
+When you first approach a problem, you」ll often discover that a group of people has already been wrestling with it for years. These folks have been steeped in the problem for so long that they」re wearing 『blinders』—that is, they」re no longer able to see the forest. They make a bunch of assumptions about the problem (or solution) without realizing it. 『This is how we」ve always done it,』 they」ll say, having lost the ability to consider the status quo critically. Sometimes, you」ll discover bizarre coping mechanisms or rationalizations that have evolved to justify the status quo. This is where you —with fresh eyes—have a great advantage. You can see these blinders, ask questions, and then consider new strategies. (Of course, being unfamiliar with the problem isn」t a requirement for good leadership, but it」s often an advantage.)
-## Identify the Key Trade-Offs 确定关键的权衡要素
+## Identify the Key Trade-Offs 確定關鍵的權衡要素
-By definition, important and ambiguous problems do not have magic “silver bullet” solutions. There’s no answer that works forever in all situations. There is only the best answer for the moment, and it almost certainly involves making trade-offs in one direction or another. It’s your job to call out the trade-offs, explain them to everyone, and then help decide how to balance them.
+By definition, important and ambiguous problems do not have magic 『silver bullet』 solutions. There」s no answer that works forever in all situations. There is only the best answer for the moment, and it almost certainly involves making trade-offs in one direction or another. It」s your job to call out the trade-offs, explain them to everyone, and then help decide how to balance them.
-### Decide, Then Iterate 做决定,然后持续迭代
+### Decide, Then Iterate 做決定,然後持續迭代
-After you understand the trade-offs and how they work, you’re empowered. You can use this information to make the best decision for this particular month. Next month, you might need to reevaluate and rebalance the trade-offs again; it’s an iterative process. This is what we mean when we say Always Be Deciding.
+After you understand the trade-offs and how they work, you」re empowered. You can use this information to make the best decision for this particular month. Next month, you might need to reevaluate and rebalance the trade-offs again; it」s an iterative process. This is what we mean when we say Always Be Deciding.
-There’s a risk here. If you don’t frame your process as continuous rebalancing of trade-offs, your teams are likely to fall into the trap of searching for the perfect solution, which can then lead to what some call “analysis paralysis.” You need to make your teams comfortable with iteration. One way of doing this is to lower the stakes and calm nerves by explaining: “We’re going to try this decision and see how it goes. Next month, we can undo the change or make a different decision.” This keeps folks flexible and in a state of learning from their choices.
+There」s a risk here. If you don」t frame your process as continuous rebalancing of trade-offs, your teams are likely to fall into the trap of searching for the perfect solution, which can then lead to what some call 『analysis paralysis.』 You need to make your teams comfortable with iteration. One way of doing this is to lower the stakes and calm nerves by explaining: 『We」re going to try this decision and see how it goes. Next month, we can undo the change or make a different decision.』 This keeps folks flexible and in a state of learning from their choices.
-#### Case Study: Addressing the “Latency” of Web Search 案例学习: 定位网页搜索的“延迟”
+#### Case Study: Addressing the 『Latency』 of Web Search 案例學習: 定位網頁搜尋的『延遲』
-In managing a team of teams, there’s a natural tendency to move away from a single product and to instead own a whole “class” of products, or perhaps a broader problem that crosses products. A good example of this at Google has to do with our oldest product, Web Search.
+In managing a team of teams, there」s a natural tendency to move away from a single product and to instead own a whole 『class』 of products, or perhaps a broader problem that crosses products. A good example of this at Google has to do with our oldest product, Web Search.
-在管理一个团队的过程中,有一个很自然的趋势,那就是走出单一的产品,转而拥有多元产品的 "类别",或者也许是一个跨越产品的更广泛的问题。这方面一个很好的例子就是 Google 历史最有悠久的产品,网页搜索。
+在管理一個團隊的過程中,有一個很自然的趨勢,那就是走出單一的產品,轉而擁有多元產品的 "類別",或者也許是一個跨越產品的更廣泛的問題。這方面一個很好的例子就是 Google 歷史最有悠久的產品,網頁搜尋。
-For years, thousands of Google engineers have worked on the general problem of making search results better—improving the “quality” of the results page. But it turns out that this quest for quality has a side effect: it gradually makes the product slower. Once upon a time, Google’s search results were not much more than a page of 10 blue links, each representing a relevant website. Over the past decade, however, thousands of tiny changes to improve “quality” have resulted in ever-richer results: images, videos, boxes with Wikipedia facts, even interactive UI elements. This means the servers need to do much more work to generate information: more bytes are being sent over the wire; the client (usually a phone) is being asked to render ever-more-complex HTML and data. Even though the speed of networks and computers have markedly increased over a decade, the speed of the search page has become slower and slower: its latency has increased. This might not seem like a big deal, but the latency of a product has a direct effect (in aggregate) on users’ engagement and how often they use it. Even increases in rendering time as small as 10 ms matter. Latency creeps up slowly. This is not the fault of a specific engineering team, but rather represents a long, collective poisoning of the commons. At some point, the overall latency of Web Search grows until its effect begins to cancel out the improvements in user engagement that came from the improvements to the “quality” of the results.
+For years, thousands of Google engineers have worked on the general problem of making search results better—improving the 『quality』 of the results page. But it turns out that this quest for quality has a side effect: it gradually makes the product slower. Once upon a time, Google」s search results were not much more than a page of 10 blue links, each representing a relevant website. Over the past decade, however, thousands of tiny changes to improve 『quality』 have resulted in ever-richer results: images, videos, boxes with Wikipedia facts, even interactive UI elements. This means the servers need to do much more work to generate information: more bytes are being sent over the wire; the client (usually a phone) is being asked to render ever-more-complex HTML and data. Even though the speed of networks and computers have markedly increased over a decade, the speed of the search page has become slower and slower: its latency has increased. This might not seem like a big deal, but the latency of a product has a direct effect (in aggregate) on users」 engagement and how often they use it. Even increases in rendering time as small as 10 ms matter. Latency creeps up slowly. This is not the fault of a specific engineering team, but rather represents a long, collective poisoning of the commons. At some point, the overall latency of Web Search grows until its effect begins to cancel out the improvements in user engagement that came from the improvements to the 『quality』 of the results.
-多年以来,数以千计的工程师为提升搜索结果页的“质量”做了很多优化。结果发现对内容质量的追求也有两面性:它逐渐使产品变得缓慢。很久以前 Google 的搜索页每页只有不到10个蓝色的链接,每个链接代表一个相关网页。再过去的十年间,上千个关于“质量”的微小的变化导致搜索结果变成了一个前所未有的复杂的结果:图片、视频、有维基百科结果的文本框、甚至还有可交互的 UI 组件。这意味着服务器需要做更多的工作来生成这些信息:在网络上传输更多的数据;客户端(通常是手机)需要渲染更复杂的 HTML 和内容。尽管网络和计算机在近十年都有了飞速的提升,搜索结果页速度还是越来越慢了:延迟增加了。这看上去没什么大不了,但这直接影响着用户粘性。即使将网页渲染时间增加 10ms 都有影响。延迟总是一点点地增加。这并不是某一个工程团队的问题,而是一个跨团队的,长期的慢性毒药。从某些方面看,网页的总延迟将会一直增加,直到它带来的副作用能够抵消掉质量优化为用户粘性带来的收益。
+多年以來,數以千計的工程師為提升搜尋結果頁的『質量』做了很多最佳化。結果發現對內容質量的追求也有兩面性:它逐漸使產品變得緩慢。很久以前 Google 的搜尋頁每頁只有不到10個藍色的連結,每個連結代表一個相關網頁。再過去的十年間,上千個關於『質量』的微小的變化導致搜尋結果變成了一個前所未有的複雜的結果:圖片、影片、有維基百科結果的文字框、甚至還有可互動的 UI 元件。這意味著伺服器需要做更多的工作來生成這些訊息:在網路上傳輸更多的資料;用戶端(通常是手機)需要渲染更復雜的 HTML 和內容。儘管網路和電腦在近十年都有了飛速的提升,搜尋結果頁速度還是越來越慢了:延遲增加了。這看上去沒什麼大不了,但這直接影響著使用者粘性。即使將網頁渲染時間增加 10ms 都有影響。延遲總是一點點地增加。這並不是某一個工程團隊的問題,而是一個跨團隊的,長期的慢性毒藥。從某些方面看,網頁的總延遲將會一直增加,直到它帶來的副作用能夠抵消掉質量最佳化為使用者粘性帶來的收益。
-A number of leaders struggled with this issue over the years but failed to address the problem systematically. The blinders everyone wore assumed that the only way to deal with latency was to declare a latency “code yellow”[^1] every two or three years, during which everyone dropped everything to optimize code and speed up the product. Although this strategy would work temporarily, the latency would begin creeping up again just a month or two later, and soon return to its prior levels.
+A number of leaders struggled with this issue over the years but failed to address the problem systematically. The blinders everyone wore assumed that the only way to deal with latency was to declare a latency 『code yellow』[^1] every two or three years, during which everyone dropped everything to optimize code and speed up the product. Although this strategy would work temporarily, the latency would begin creeping up again just a month or two later, and soon return to its prior levels.
-So what changed? At some point, we took a step back, identified the blinders, and did a full reevaluation of the trade-offs. It turns out that the pursuit of “quality” has not one, but two different costs. The first cost is to the user: more quality usually means more data being sent out, which means more latency. The second cost is to Google: more quality means doing more work to generate the data, which costs more CPU time in our servers—what we call “serving capacity.” Although leadership had often trodden carefully around the trade-off between quality and capacity, it had never treated latency as a full citizen in the calculus. As the old joke goes, “Good, Fast, Cheap—pick two.” A simple way to depict the trade-offs is to draw a triangle of tension between Good (Quality), Fast (Latency), and Cheap (Capacity), as illustrated in Figure 6-1.
+So what changed? At some point, we took a step back, identified the blinders, and did a full reevaluation of the trade-offs. It turns out that the pursuit of 『quality』 has not one, but two different costs. The first cost is to the user: more quality usually means more data being sent out, which means more latency. The second cost is to Google: more quality means doing more work to generate the data, which costs more CPU time in our servers—what we call 『serving capacity.』 Although leadership had often trodden carefully around the trade-off between quality and capacity, it had never treated latency as a full citizen in the calculus. As the old joke goes, 『Good, Fast, Cheap—pick two.』 A simple way to depict the trade-offs is to draw a triangle of tension between Good (Quality), Fast (Latency), and Cheap (Capacity), as illustrated in Figure 6-1.
![Figure 6-1](./images/Figure%206-1.png)
-Figure 6-1. Trade-offs within Web Search; pick two! 图6-1. 网络搜索中的权衡;选择两个!
+Figure 6-1. Trade-offs within Web Search; pick two! 圖6-1. 網路搜尋中的權衡;選擇兩個!
-那么什么变了呢?在某种程度上,我们退后一步,确定了盲点,并对权衡做了全面的重新评估。结果证明对于“质量”的追求,有不是一个,而是两方面的开销。第一个开销是对用户的:更好的质量通常意味着需要传输更多的数据,也就意味着更多的延迟。第二方面的开销在 Google 本身:更好的质量意味着需要更多的工作来生成这些数据,这将消耗我们更多的服务器 CPU 时间,也就是我们说的 “服务容量”。尽管管理者曾经仔细地在质量和容量之间来回踱步,“延迟”从未被当做一等公民对待。就像老话说的“好、快、便宜只能选两个”(鱼和熊掌不可兼得?)。描绘这其中的权衡的最好的方式就是画一个这三者之间的三角形:好(质量),快(延迟)和便宜(容量),如下图 6-1 所示。
+那麼什麼變了呢?在某種程度上,我們退後一步,確定了盲點,並對權衡做了全面的重新評估。結果證明對於『質量』的追求,有不是一個,而是兩方面的開銷。第一個開銷是對使用者的:更好的質量通常意味著需要傳輸更多的資料,也就意味著更多的延遲。第二方面的開銷在 Google 本身:更好的質量意味著需要更多的工作來生成這些資料,這將消耗我們更多的伺服器 CPU 時間,也就是我們說的 『服務容量』。儘管管理者曾經仔細地在質量和容量之間來回踱步,『延遲』從未被當做一等公民對待。就像老話說的『好、快、便宜只能選兩個』(魚和熊掌不可兼得?)。描繪這其中的權衡的最好的方式就是畫一個這三者之間的三角形:好(質量),快(延遲)和便宜(容量),如下圖 6-1 所示。
-That’s exactly what was happening here. It’s easy to improve any one of these traits by deliberately harming at least one of the other two. For example, you can improve quality by putting more data on the search results page—but doing so will hurt capacity and latency. You can also do a direct trade-off between latency and capacity by changing the traffic load on your serving cluster. If you send more queries to the cluster, you get increased capacity in the sense that you get better utilization of the CPUs—more bang for your hardware buck. But higher load increases resource contention within a computer, making the average latency of a query worse. If you deliberately decrease a cluster’s traffic (run it “cooler”), you have less serving capacity overall, but each query becomes faster.
+That」s exactly what was happening here. It」s easy to improve any one of these traits by deliberately harming at least one of the other two. For example, you can improve quality by putting more data on the search results page—but doing so will hurt capacity and latency. You can also do a direct trade-off between latency and capacity by changing the traffic load on your serving cluster. If you send more queries to the cluster, you get increased capacity in the sense that you get better utilization of the CPUs—more bang for your hardware buck. But higher load increases resource contention within a computer, making the average latency of a query worse. If you deliberately decrease a cluster」s traffic (run it 『cooler』), you have less serving capacity overall, but each query becomes faster.
-这正是这里在发生的情况。通过损坏另外一个或两个特性,改善其中的一个特性很容易,比如说,你可以通过在搜索结果页展示更多的内容来提升搜索质量,但这将会损害容量和延迟。通过改变系统负载,你还可以在延迟和容量之间做一次权衡。如果你向集群发送更多的查询,你就会得到更多的容量,也就是说,你可以更好地利用CPU--为你的硬件付出更多。但是,更高的负载增加了计算机内的资源争夺,使查询的平均延迟变高。如果你故意减少集群的流量("冷却 "运行),你的整体服务能力就会减少,但每个查询都会变得更快。
+這正是這裡在發生的情況。透過損壞另外一個或兩個屬性,改善其中的一個屬性很容易,比如說,你可以透過在搜尋結果頁展示更多的內容來提升搜尋質量,但這將會損害容量和延遲。透過改變系統負載,你還可以在延遲和容量之間做一次權衡。如果你向叢集傳送更多的查詢,你就會得到更多的容量,也就是說,你可以更好地利用CPU--為你的硬體付出更多。但是,更高的負載增加了電腦內的資源爭奪,使查詢的平均延遲變高。如果你故意減少叢集的流量("冷卻 "執行),你的整體服務能力就會減少,但每個查詢都會變得更快。
The main point here is that this insight—a better understanding of all the trade-offs—allowed us to start experimenting with new ways of balancing. Instead of treating latency as an unavoidable and accidental side effect, we could now treat it as a first-class goal along with our other goals. This led to new strategies for us. For example, our data scientists were able to measure exactly how much latency hurt user engagement. This allowed them to construct a metric that pitted quality-driven improvements to short-term user engagement against latency-driven damage to long-term user engagement. This approach allows us to make more data-driven decisions about product changes. For example, if a small change improves quality but also hurts latency, we can quantitatively decide whether the change is worth launching or not. We are always deciding whether our quality, latency, and capacity changes are in balance, and iterating on our decisions every month.
-> [^1]: “Code yellow” is Google’s term for “emergency hackathon to fix a critical problem.” Affected teams are expected to suspend all work and focus 100% attention on the problem until the state of emergency is declared over.
+> [^1]: 『Code yellow』 is Google」s term for 『emergency hackathon to fix a critical problem.』 Affected teams are expected to suspend all work and focus 100% attention on the problem until the state of emergency is declared over.
-> 1 "Code yellow"是谷歌的术语,指的是 "紧急黑客马拉松,以修复一个关键问题"。受影响的团队被要求暂停所有工作,并将100%的注意力集中在这个问题上,直到紧急状态被宣布结束。
+> 1 "Code yellow"是谷歌的術語,指的是 "緊急駭客馬拉松,以修復一個關鍵問題"。受影響的團隊被要求暫停所有工作,並將100%的注意力集中在這個問題上,直到緊急狀態被宣佈結束。
-## Always Be Leaving 始终准备离开
+## Always Be Leaving 始終準備離開
-At face value, Always Be Leaving sounds like terrible advice. Why would a good leader be trying to leave? In fact, this is a famous quote from Bharat Mediratta, a former Google engineering director. What he meant was that it’s not just your job to solve an ambiguous problem, but to get your organization to solve it by itself, without you present. If you can do that, it frees you up to move to a new problem (or new organization), leaving a trail of self-sufficient success in your wake.
+At face value, Always Be Leaving sounds like terrible advice. Why would a good leader be trying to leave? In fact, this is a famous quote from Bharat Mediratta, a former Google engineering director. What he meant was that it」s not just your job to solve an ambiguous problem, but to get your organization to solve it by itself, without you present. If you can do that, it frees you up to move to a new problem (or new organization), leaving a trail of self-sufficient success in your wake.
-从字面意思上看,"始终准备离开" 听上去是一个可怕的建议。为什么一个好的领导者要尝试离开他的团队呢?事实上这是引用的前谷歌工程主管 Bharat Mediratta 的话。他的意思是你的任务不仅仅是解决边界不清晰的问题,而是还要引导你的组织在没有你在场的情况下自己解决问题。如果你能做到这点,将释放你一部分精力去解决新的问题(或去管理新的组织),在你身后留下一个个能自给自足的团队。
+從字面意思上看,"始終準備離開" 聽上去是一個可怕的建議。為什麼一個好的領導者要嘗試離開他的團隊呢?事實上這是引用的前谷歌工程主管 Bharat Mediratta 的話。他的意思是你的任務不僅僅是解決邊界不清晰的問題,而是還要引導你的組織在沒有你在場的情況下自己解決問題。如果你能做到這點,將釋放你一部分精力去解決新的問題(或去管理新的組織),在你身後留下一個個能自給自足的團隊。
-The antipattern here, of course, is a situation in which you’ve set yourself up to be a single point of failure (SPOF). As we noted earlier in this book, Googlers have a term for that, the bus factor: the number of people that need to get hit by a bus before your project is completely doomed.
+The antipattern here, of course, is a situation in which you」ve set yourself up to be a single point of failure (SPOF). As we noted earlier in this book, Googlers have a term for that, the bus factor: the number of people that need to get hit by a bus before your project is completely doomed.
-Of course, the “bus” here is just a metaphor. People become sick; they switch teams or companies; they move away. As a litmus test, think about a difficult problem that your team is making good progress on. Now imagine that you, the leader, disappear. Does your team keep going? Does it continue to be successful? Here’s an even simpler test: think about the last vacation you took that was at least a week long. Did you keep checking your work email? (Most leaders do.) Ask yourself why. Will things fall apart if you don’t pay attention? If so, you have very likely made yourself an SPOF. You need to fix that.
+Of course, the 『bus』 here is just a metaphor. People become sick; they switch teams or companies; they move away. As a litmus test, think about a difficult problem that your team is making good progress on. Now imagine that you, the leader, disappear. Does your team keep going? Does it continue to be successful? Here」s an even simpler test: think about the last vacation you took that was at least a week long. Did you keep checking your work email? (Most leaders do.) Ask yourself why. Will things fall apart if you don」t pay attention? If so, you have very likely made yourself an SPOF. You need to fix that.
-### Your Mission: Build a “Self-Driving” Team 你的任务:打造一个“自我驱动”的团队
+### Your Mission: Build a 『Self-Driving』 Team 你的任務:打造一個『自我驅動』的團隊
-Coming back to Bharat’s quote: being a successful leader means building an organization that is able to solve the difficult problem by itself. That organization needs to have a strong set of leaders, healthy engineering processes, and a positive, self-perpetuating culture that persists over time. Yes, this is difficult; but it gets back to the fact that leading a team of teams is often more about organizing people rather than being a technical wizard. Again, there are three main parts to constructing this sort of self-sufficient group: dividing the problem space, delegating subproblems, and iterating as needed.
+Coming back to Bharat」s quote: being a successful leader means building an organization that is able to solve the difficult problem by itself. That organization needs to have a strong set of leaders, healthy engineering processes, and a positive, self-perpetuating culture that persists over time. Yes, this is difficult; but it gets back to the fact that leading a team of teams is often more about organizing people rather than being a technical wizard. Again, there are three main parts to constructing this sort of self-sufficient group: dividing the problem space, delegating subproblems, and iterating as needed.
-让我们回到引用的 Bharat 的话:做一个成功的管理者意味着构建一个能够独自解决问题的组织。这个组织需要有一套强有力的领导,健康的工程流程,一个积极的,能够自我延续,经时间沉淀的文化。是的,这很难;但是这回归到了事情的本质,领导团队的通常更多地意味着管理人,而不是作为一个技术向导。再强调一次,这种自给自足的团队有三个主要的组成部分:划分问题域,委托子任务,以及对于不足的地方反复迭代。
+讓我們回到引用的 Bharat 的話:做一個成功的管理者意味著建立一個能夠獨自解決問題的組織。這個組織需要有一套強有力的領導,健康的工程流程,一個積極的,能夠自我延續,經時間沉澱的文化。是的,這很難;但是這回歸到了事情的本質,領導團隊的通常更多地意味著管理人,而不是作為一個技術嚮導。再強調一次,這種自給自足的團隊有三個主要的組成部分:劃分問題域,委託子任務,以及對於不足的地方反覆迭代。
-### Dividing the Problem Space 划分问题域
+### Dividing the Problem Space 劃分問題域
-Challenging problems are usually composed of difficult subproblems. If you’re leading a team of teams, an obvious choice is to put a team in charge of each subproblem. The risk, however, is that the subproblems can change over time, and rigid team boundaries won’t be able to notice or adapt to this fact. If you’re able, consider an organizational structure that is looser—one in which subteams can change size, individuals can migrate between subteams, and the problems assigned to subteams can morph over time. This involves walking a fine line between “too rigid” and “too vague.” On the one hand, you want your subteams to have a clear sense of problem, purpose, and steady accomplishment; on the other hand, people need the freedom to change direction and try new things in response to a changing environment.
+Challenging problems are usually composed of difficult subproblems. If you」re leading a team of teams, an obvious choice is to put a team in charge of each subproblem. The risk, however, is that the subproblems can change over time, and rigid team boundaries won」t be able to notice or adapt to this fact. If you」re able, consider an organizational structure that is looser—one in which subteams can change size, individuals can migrate between subteams, and the problems assigned to subteams can morph over time. This involves walking a fine line between 『too rigid』 and 『too vague.』 On the one hand, you want your subteams to have a clear sense of problem, purpose, and steady accomplishment; on the other hand, people need the freedom to change direction and try new things in response to a changing environment.
-#### Example: Subdividing the “latency problem” of Google Search 例子: 细分 Google 搜索的“延迟问题”
+#### Example: Subdividing the 『latency problem』 of Google Search 例子: 細分 Google 搜尋的『延遲問題』
-When approaching the problem of Search latency, we realized that the problem could, at a minimum, be subdivided into two general spaces: work that addressed the symptoms of latency, and different work that addressed the causes of latency. It was obvious that we needed to staff many projects to optimize our codebase for speed, but focusing only on speed wouldn’t be enough. There were still thousands of engineers increasing the complexity and “quality” of search results, undoing the speed improvements as quickly as they landed, so we also needed people to focus on a parallel problem space of preventing latency in the first place. We discovered gaps in our metrics, in our latency analysis tools, and in our developer education and documentation. By assigning different teams to work on latency causes and symptoms at the same time, we were able to systematically control latency over the long term. (Also, notice how these teams owned the problems, not specific solutions!)
+When approaching the problem of Search latency, we realized that the problem could, at a minimum, be subdivided into two general spaces: work that addressed the symptoms of latency, and different work that addressed the causes of latency. It was obvious that we needed to staff many projects to optimize our codebase for speed, but focusing only on speed wouldn」t be enough. There were still thousands of engineers increasing the complexity and 『quality』 of search results, undoing the speed improvements as quickly as they landed, so we also needed people to focus on a parallel problem space of preventing latency in the first place. We discovered gaps in our metrics, in our latency analysis tools, and in our developer education and documentation. By assigning different teams to work on latency causes and symptoms at the same time, we were able to systematically control latency over the long term. (Also, notice how these teams owned the problems, not specific solutions!)
-#### Delegating subproblems to leaders 将子问题授权给子团队领导
+#### Delegating subproblems to leaders 將子問題授權給子團隊領導
-It’s essentially a cliché for management books to talk about “delegation,” but there’s a reason for that: delegation is really difficult to learn. It goes against all our instincts for efficiency and achievement. That difficulty is the reason for the adage, “If you want something done right, do it yourself.”
+It」s essentially a cliché for management books to talk about 『delegation,』 but there」s a reason for that: delegation is really difficult to learn. It goes against all our instincts for efficiency and achievement. That difficulty is the reason for the adage, 『If you want something done right, do it yourself.』
-That said, if you agree that your mission is to build a self-driving organization, the main mechanism of teaching is through delegation. You must build a set of self-sufficient leaders, and delegation is absolutely the most effective way to train them. You give them an assignment, let them fail, and then try again and try again. Silicon Valley has well-known mantras about “failing fast and iterating.” That philosophy doesn’t just apply to engineering design, but to human learning as well.
+That said, if you agree that your mission is to build a self-driving organization, the main mechanism of teaching is through delegation. You must build a set of self-sufficient leaders, and delegation is absolutely the most effective way to train them. You give them an assignment, let them fail, and then try again and try again. Silicon Valley has well-known mantras about 『failing fast and iterating.』 That philosophy doesn」t just apply to engineering design, but to human learning as well.
-As a leader, your plate is constantly filling up with important tasks that need to be done. Most of these tasks are things that are fairly easy for you do. Suppose that you’re working diligently through your inbox, responding to problems, and then you decide to put 20 minutes aside to fix a longstanding and nagging issue. But before you carry out the task, be mindful and stop yourself. Ask this critical question: Am I really the only one who can do this work?
+As a leader, your plate is constantly filling up with important tasks that need to be done. Most of these tasks are things that are fairly easy for you do. Suppose that you」re working diligently through your inbox, responding to problems, and then you decide to put 20 minutes aside to fix a longstanding and nagging issue. But before you carry out the task, be mindful and stop yourself. Ask this critical question: Am I really the only one who can do this work?
-Sure, it might be most efficient for you to do it, but then you’re failing to train your leaders. You’re not building a self-sufficient organization. Unless the task is truly time sensitive and on fire, bite the bullet and assign the work to someone else—presumably someone who you know can do it but will probably take much longer to finish. Coach them on the work if need be. You need to create opportunities for your leaders to grow; they need to learn to “level up” and do this work themselves so that you’re no longer in the critical path.
+Sure, it might be most efficient for you to do it, but then you」re failing to train your leaders. You」re not building a self-sufficient organization. Unless the task is truly time sensitive and on fire, bite the bullet and assign the work to someone else—presumably someone who you know can do it but will probably take much longer to finish. Coach them on the work if need be. You need to create opportunities for your leaders to grow; they need to learn to 『level up』 and do this work themselves so that you」re no longer in the critical path.
-The corollary here is that you need to be mindful of your own purpose as a leader of leaders. If you find yourself deep in the weeds, you’re doing a disservice to your organization. When you get to work each day, ask yourself a different critical question: What can I do that nobody else on my team can do?
+The corollary here is that you need to be mindful of your own purpose as a leader of leaders. If you find yourself deep in the weeds, you」re doing a disservice to your organization. When you get to work each day, ask yourself a different critical question: What can I do that nobody else on my team can do?
-There are a number of good answers. For example, you can protect your teams from organizational politics; you can give them encouragement; you can make sure everyone is treating one another well, creating a culture of humility, trust, and respect. It’s also important to “manage up,” making sure your management chain understands what your group is doing and staying connected to the company at large. But often the most common and important answer to this question is: “I can see the forest through the trees.” In other words, you can define a high-level strategy. Your strategy needs to cover not just overall technical direction, but an organizational strategy as well. You’re building a blueprint for how the ambiguous problem is solved and how your organization can manage the problem over time. You’re continuously mapping out the forest, and then assigning the tree-cutting to others.
+There are a number of good answers. For example, you can protect your teams from organizational politics; you can give them encouragement; you can make sure everyone is treating one another well, creating a culture of humility, trust, and respect. It」s also important to 『manage up,』 making sure your management chain understands what your group is doing and staying connected to the company at large. But often the most common and important answer to this question is: 『I can see the forest through the trees.』 In other words, you can define a high-level strategy. Your strategy needs to cover not just overall technical direction, but an organizational strategy as well. You」re building a blueprint for how the ambiguous problem is solved and how your organization can manage the problem over time. You」re continuously mapping out the forest, and then assigning the tree-cutting to others.
-#### Adjusting and iterating 调整与迭代
+#### Adjusting and iterating 調整與迭代
-Let’s assume that you’ve now reached the point at which you’ve built a self-sustaining machine. You’re no longer an SPOF. Congratulations! What do you do now?
+Let」s assume that you」ve now reached the point at which you」ve built a self-sustaining machine. You」re no longer an SPOF. Congratulations! What do you do now?
-Before answering, note that you have actually liberated yourself—you now have the freedom to “Always Be Leaving.” This could be the freedom to tackle a new, adjacent problem, or perhaps you could even move yourself to a whole new department and problem space, making room for the careers of the leaders you’ve trained. This is a great way of avoiding personal burnout.
+Before answering, note that you have actually liberated yourself—you now have the freedom to 『Always Be Leaving.』 This could be the freedom to tackle a new, adjacent problem, or perhaps you could even move yourself to a whole new department and problem space, making room for the careers of the leaders you」ve trained. This is a great way of avoiding personal burnout.
-The simple answer to “what now?” is to direct this machine and keep it healthy. But unless there’s a crisis, you should use a gentle touch. The book Debugging Teams[^2] has a parable about making mindful adjustments:
+The simple answer to 『what now?』 is to direct this machine and keep it healthy. But unless there」s a crisis, you should use a gentle touch. The book Debugging Teams[^2] has a parable about making mindful adjustments:
- There’s a story about a Master of all things mechanical who had long since retired. His former company was having a problem that no one could fix, so they called in the Master to see if he could help find the problem. The Master examined the machine, listened to it, and eventually pulled out a worn piece of chalk and made a small X on the side of the machine. He informed the technician that there was a loose wire that needed repair at that very spot. The technician opened the machine and tightened the loose wire, thus fixing the problem. When the Master’s invoice arrived for $10,000, the irate CEO wrote back demanding a breakdown for this ridiculously high charge for a simple chalk mark! The Master responded with another invoice, showing a $1 cost for the chalk to make the mark, and $9,999 for knowing where to put it.
+ There」s a story about a Master of all things mechanical who had long since retired. His former company was having a problem that no one could fix, so they called in the Master to see if he could help find the problem. The Master examined the machine, listened to it, and eventually pulled out a worn piece of chalk and made a small X on the side of the machine. He informed the technician that there was a loose wire that needed repair at that very spot. The technician opened the machine and tightened the loose wire, thus fixing the problem. When the Master」s invoice arrived for $10,000, the irate CEO wrote back demanding a breakdown for this ridiculously high charge for a simple chalk mark! The Master responded with another invoice, showing a $1 cost for the chalk to make the mark, and $9,999 for knowing where to put it.
- 有一个关于一位早已退休的机械大师的故事。他的前公司遇到了一个没人能解决的问题,所以他们请了这个大师来看看能否帮助解决这个问题。大师仔细检查了机器,并贴近听了听。最终他掏出一截粉笔然后在机器侧面画了一个小小的叉。他告诉技术员打开机器,然后在他打叉的地方有一根电线松了需要绑紧。技术员打开了机器然后绑紧了那根电线,然后机器就修好了!当公司收到这位大师的 10,000 美金的账单后,CEO 大怒并向大师索要账单明细。然后大师又寄了一张有明细的账单,上面写着:做标记用的粉笔 1 美元,知道在哪里做标记 9,999 美元。
+ 有一個關於一位早已退休的機械大師的故事。他的前公司遇到了一個沒人能解決的問題,所以他們請了這個大師來看看能否幫助解決這個問題。大師仔細檢查了機器,並貼近聽了聽。最終他掏出一截粉筆然後在機器側面畫了一個小小的叉。他告訴技術員開啟機器,然後在他打叉的地方有一根電線鬆了需要綁緊。技術員開啟了機器然後綁緊了那根電線,然後機器就修好了!當公司收到這位大師的 10,000 美金的賬單後,CEO 大怒並向大師索要賬單明細。然後大師又寄了一張有明細的賬單,上面寫著:做標記用的粉筆 1 美元,知道在哪裡做標記 9,999 美元。
- To us, this is a story about wisdom: that a single, carefully considered adjustment can have gigantic effects. We use this technique when managing people. We imagine our team as flying around in a great blimp, headed slowly and surely in a certain direction. Instead of micromanaging and trying to make continuous course corrections, we spend most of the week carefully watching and listening. At the end of the week we make a small chalk mark in a precise location on the blimp, then give a small but critical “tap” to adjust the course.
+ To us, this is a story about wisdom: that a single, carefully considered adjustment can have gigantic effects. We use this technique when managing people. We imagine our team as flying around in a great blimp, headed slowly and surely in a certain direction. Instead of micromanaging and trying to make continuous course corrections, we spend most of the week carefully watching and listening. At the end of the week we make a small chalk mark in a precise location on the blimp, then give a small but critical 『tap』 to adjust the course.
- 对我们来说,这是一个关于智慧的故事:一个经过深思熟虑的细微的调整能够产生巨大的作用。在管理人员时,我们也使用这个技巧。我们想象我们的团队在一个巨大的飞艇上飞行,朝着一个特定的方向缓慢而确定地前进。我们不是通过微操作来不断地修正航向,而是花数周的时间仔细地观察和倾听。最终,我们在飞艇上的某一个精确的位置画一个很小,确至关重要的记号,轻轻一击,来修正航线。
+ 對我們來說,這是一個關於智慧的故事:一個經過深思熟慮的細微的調整能夠產生巨大的作用。在管理人員時,我們也使用這個技巧。我們想象我們的團隊在一個巨大的飛艇上飛行,朝著一個特定的方向緩慢而確定地前進。我們不是透過微操作來不斷地修正航向,而是花數週的時間仔細地觀察和傾聽。最終,我們在飛艇上的某一個精確的位置畫一個很小,確至關重要的記號,輕輕一擊,來修正航線。
-This is what good management is about: 95% observation and listening, and 5% making critical adjustments in just the right place. Listen to your leaders and skip-reports. Talk to your customers, and remember that often (especially if your team builds engineering infrastructure), your “customers” are not end users out in the world, but your coworkers. Customers’ happiness requires just as much intense listening as your reports’ happiness. What’s working and what isn’t? Is this self-driving blimp headed in the proper direction? Your direction should be iterative, but thoughtful and minimal, making the minimum adjustments necessary to correct course. If you regress into micromanagement, you risk becoming an SPOF again! “Always Be Leaving” is a call to macromanagement.
+This is what good management is about: 95% observation and listening, and 5% making critical adjustments in just the right place. Listen to your leaders and skip-reports. Talk to your customers, and remember that often (especially if your team builds engineering infrastructure), your 『customers』 are not end users out in the world, but your coworkers. Customers」 happiness requires just as much intense listening as your reports」 happiness. What」s working and what isn」t? Is this self-driving blimp headed in the proper direction? Your direction should be iterative, but thoughtful and minimal, making the minimum adjustments necessary to correct course. If you regress into micromanagement, you risk becoming an SPOF again! 『Always Be Leaving』 is a call to macromanagement.
-这个故事说明了好的管理的意义:95% 是观察和倾听,5% 是在适当的位置做关键的调整。倾听你的团队和跳过汇报。和你的客户聊聊,而且这些客户经常并不是外部的终端客户(尤其是当你的团队是在构建工程化的基础设施时),而是你的同事。要想让客户满意,就得像认真看报告那样,认真倾听你的客户。什么有效,什么无效呢?这个自驱的飞艇的航线正确吗?你的指引需要是反复迭代的,但是需要是经过深思熟虑地,通过最小的调整来修正航线。如果你退行到了去过度细节,你需要警惕你可能又成为了单点瓶颈!“始终保持离开”是说要进行宏观管理。
+這個故事說明了好的管理的意義:95% 是觀察和傾聽,5% 是在適當的位置做關鍵的調整。傾聽你的團隊和跳過彙報。和你的客戶聊聊,而且這些客戶經常並不是外部的終端客戶(尤其是當你的團隊是在建立工程化的基礎設施時),而是你的同事。要想讓客戶滿意,就得像認真看報告那樣,認真傾聽你的客戶。什麼有效,什麼無效呢?這個自驅的飛艇的航線正確嗎?你的指引需要是反覆迭代的,但是需要是經過深思熟慮地,透過最小的調整來修正航線。如果你退行到了去過度細節,你需要警惕你可能又成為了單點瓶頸!『始終保持離開』是說要進行宏觀管理。
-> [^2]: Brian W. Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman, Debugging Teams: Better Productivity through Collaboration(Boston: O’Reilly, 2016).
+> [^2]: Brian W. Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman, Debugging Teams: Better Productivity through Collaboration(Boston: O」Reilly, 2016).
-> 2 Brian W. Fitzpatrick和Ben Collins-Sussman,《进化:从孤胆极客到高效团队》(Boston: O'Reilly, 2016)。
+> 2 Brian W. Fitzpatrick和Ben Collins-Sussman,《進化:從孤膽極客到高效團隊》(Boston: O'Reilly, 2016)。
-#### Take care in anchoring a team’s identity 谨慎地确定团队的定位
+#### Take care in anchoring a team」s identity 謹慎地確定團隊的定位
-A common mistake is to put a team in charge of a specific product rather than a general problem. A product is a solution to a problem. The life expectancy of solutions can be short, and products can be replaced by better solutions. However, a problem — if chosen well—can be evergreen. Anchoring a team identity to a specific solution (“We are the team that manages the Git repositories”) can lead to all sorts of angst over time. What if a large percentage of your engineers want to switch to a new version control system? The team is likely to “dig in,” defend its solution, and resist change, even if this is not the best path for the organization. The team clings to its blinders, because the solution has become part of the team’s identity and self-worth. If the team instead owns the problem (e.g., “We are the team that provides version control to the company”), it is freed up to experiment with different solutions over time.
+A common mistake is to put a team in charge of a specific product rather than a general problem. A product is a solution to a problem. The life expectancy of solutions can be short, and products can be replaced by better solutions. However, a problem — if chosen well—can be evergreen. Anchoring a team identity to a specific solution (『We are the team that manages the Git repositories』) can lead to all sorts of angst over time. What if a large percentage of your engineers want to switch to a new version control system? The team is likely to 『dig in,』 defend its solution, and resist change, even if this is not the best path for the organization. The team clings to its blinders, because the solution has become part of the team」s identity and self-worth. If the team instead owns the problem (e.g., 『We are the team that provides version control to the company』), it is freed up to experiment with different solutions over time.
-一个常见的错误是让一个团队负责一个特定的产品而不是负责解决一类问题。一个产品是一个问题的一种解决方案。一个解决方案的生命周期可能很短,一个产品可能会被更好的方案替代。然而,一个问题(如果这个问题的定位比较合理)却可以是经久不衰的。将一个团队定位为一个特定的解决方案(“我们是负责 Git 仓库的团队”)随着时间的推移将会带来各种各样的麻烦。假如很大一部分工程师想切换到一个新的版本控制系统怎么办?这个团队很可能会“钻牛角尖”,坚持它原有的解决方案,拒绝改变,即使它并不是最适合整个组织的方案。这个团队依赖它的“观点”,因为解决方案已经成为团队身份和自我价值的一部分。如果团队改为是负责解决这个问题(比方说“我们是为这个公司提供版本管理的团队”),那么随着时间的推移,这个团队将不再被束缚去做实验尝试不同的解决方案。
+一個常見的錯誤是讓一個團隊負責一個特定的產品而不是負責解決一類問題。一個產品是一個問題的一種解決方案。一個解決方案的生命週期可能很短,一個產品可能會被更好的方案替代。然而,一個問題(如果這個問題的定位比較合理)卻可以是經久不衰的。將一個團隊定位為一個特定的解決方案(『我們是負責 Git 倉庫的團隊』)隨著時間的推移將會帶來各種各樣的麻煩。假如很大一部分工程師想切換到一個新的版本控制系統怎麼辦?這個團隊很可能會『鑽牛角尖』,堅持它原有的解決方案,拒絕改變,即使它並不是最適合整個組織的方案。這個團隊依賴它的『觀點』,因為解決方案已經成為團隊身份和自我價值的一部分。如果團隊改為是負責解決這個問題(比方說『我們是為這個公司提供版本管理的團隊』),那麼隨著時間的推移,這個團隊將不再被束縛去做實驗嘗試不同的解決方案。
-## Always Be Scaling 始终保持扩展
+## Always Be Scaling 始終保持擴充套件
-A lot of leadership books talk about “scaling” in the context of learning to “maximize your impact”—strategies to grow your team and influence. We’re not going to discuss those things here beyond what we’ve already mentioned. It’s probably obvious that building a self-driving organization with strong leaders is already a great recipe for growth and success.
+A lot of leadership books talk about 『scaling』 in the context of learning to 『maximize your impact』—strategies to grow your team and influence. We」re not going to discuss those things here beyond what we」ve already mentioned. It」s probably obvious that building a self-driving organization with strong leaders is already a great recipe for growth and success.
-Instead, we’re going to discuss team scaling from a defensive and personal point of view rather than an offensive one. As a leader, your most precious resource is your limited pool of time, attention, and energy. If you aggressively build out your teams’ responsibilities and power without learning to protect your personal sanity in the process, the scaling is doomed to fail. And so we’re going to talk about how to effectively scale yourself through this process.
+Instead, we」re going to discuss team scaling from a defensive and personal point of view rather than an offensive one. As a leader, your most precious resource is your limited pool of time, attention, and energy. If you aggressively build out your teams」 responsibilities and power without learning to protect your personal sanity in the process, the scaling is doomed to fail. And so we」re going to talk about how to effectively scale yourself through this process.
-### The Cycle of Success 成功的循环
+### The Cycle of Success 成功的迴圈
-When a team tackles a difficult problem, there’s a standard pattern that emerges, a particular cycle. It looks like this:
+When a team tackles a difficult problem, there」s a standard pattern that emerges, a particular cycle. It looks like this:
- *Analysis*
First, you receive the problem and start to wrestle with it. You identify the blinders, find all the trade-offs, and build consensus about how to manage them.
- *Struggle*
- You start moving on the work, whether or not your team thinks it’s ready. You prepare for failures, retries, and iteration. At this point, your job is mostly about herding cats. Encourage your leaders and experts on the ground to form opinions and then listen carefully and devise an overall strategy, even if you have to “fake it” at first.[^3]
+ You start moving on the work, whether or not your team thinks it」s ready. You prepare for failures, retries, and iteration. At this point, your job is mostly about herding cats. Encourage your leaders and experts on the ground to form opinions and then listen carefully and devise an overall strategy, even if you have to 『fake it』 at first.[^3]
- *Traction*
- Eventually your team begins to figure things out. You’re making smarter decisions, and real progress is made. Morale improves. You’re iterating on trade-offs, and the organization is beginning to drive itself around the problem. Nice job!
+ Eventually your team begins to figure things out. You」re making smarter decisions, and real progress is made. Morale improves. You」re iterating on trade-offs, and the organization is beginning to drive itself around the problem. Nice job!
- *Reward*
- Something unexpected happens. Your manager takes you aside and congratulates you on your success. You discover your reward isn’t just a pat on the back, but a whole new problem to tackle. That’s right: the reward for success is more work... and more responsibility! Often, it’s a problem that is similar or adjacent to the first one, but equally difficult.
+ Something unexpected happens. Your manager takes you aside and congratulates you on your success. You discover your reward isn」t just a pat on the back, but a whole new problem to tackle. That」s right: the reward for success is more work... and more responsibility! Often, it」s a problem that is similar or adjacent to the first one, but equally difficult.
-当一个团队遇到困难的问题, 往往会显现出一个标准的解决模型--一个特殊的循环,正如下面这样:
+當一個團隊遇到困難的問題, 往往會顯現出一個標準的解決模型--一個特殊的迴圈,正如下面這樣:
- *分析*
- 首先,你收到一个问题,然后开始尝试解决它。你找出了相关的盲点,找到所有权衡点,然后为如何解决他们在团队内达成共识。
-- *挣扎*
- 你开始着手工作,无论你的团队是否已经准备好。你准备好了迎接失败、重试和反复迭代。从这点上来讲,你的工作就像养猫。鼓励你手下的团队和专家们坐下来整理观点,然后仔细倾听,制定全局战略,哪怕最开始你不得不“编造一个战略”。
-- *前进*
- 终于你的团队开始把事情搞清楚了,你做的决策越来越明智,问题也有了实质性的进展。士气得到了鼓舞。你开始反复迭代权衡,组织开始自驱地解决这个问题。干得漂亮!
-- *奖励*
- 一些意料之外的事情发生了。你的上级把你叫到一旁然后祝贺你的成功。你发现奖励不仅仅是领导在你后背轻轻拍了一下祝贺你,而是给了你一个新的问题去解决。是的:对于成功的奖励往往是更多的工作--和更多的责任!通常是一个类似的,或者关联的问题,但是同样困难。
+ 首先,你收到一個問題,然後開始嘗試解決它。你找出了相關的盲點,找到所有權衡點,然後為如何解決他們在團隊內達成共識。
+- *掙扎*
+ 你開始著手工作,無論你的團隊是否已經準備好。你準備好了迎接失敗、重試和反覆迭代。從這點上來講,你的工作就像養貓。鼓勵你手下的團隊和專家們坐下來整理觀點,然後仔細傾聽,制定全域戰略,哪怕最開始你不得不『編造一個戰略』。
+- *前進*
+ 終於你的團隊開始把事情搞清楚了,你做的決策越來越明智,問題也有了實質性的進展。士氣得到了鼓舞。你開始反覆迭代權衡,組織開始自驅地解決這個問題。幹得漂亮!
+- *獎勵*
+ 一些意料之外的事情發生了。你的上級把你叫到一旁然後祝賀你的成功。你發現獎勵不僅僅是領導在你後背輕輕拍了一下祝賀你,而是給了你一個新的問題去解決。是的:對於成功的獎勵往往是更多的工作--和更多的責任!通常是一個類似的,或者關聯的問題,但是同樣困難。
-So now you’re in a pickle. You’ve been given a new problem, but (usually) not more people. Somehow you need to solve both problems now, which likely means that the original problem still needs to be managed with half as many people in half the time. You need the other half of your people to tackle the new work! We refer to this final step as the compression stage: you’re taking everything you’ve been doing and compressing it down to half the size.
+So now you」re in a pickle. You」ve been given a new problem, but (usually) not more people. Somehow you need to solve both problems now, which likely means that the original problem still needs to be managed with half as many people in half the time. You need the other half of your people to tackle the new work! We refer to this final step as the compression stage: you」re taking everything you」ve been doing and compressing it down to half the size.
-So really, the cycle of success is more of a spiral (see Figure 6-2). Over months and years, your organization is scaling by tackling new problems and then figuring out how to compress them so that it can take on new, parallel struggles. If you’re lucky, you’re allowed to hire more people as you go. More often than not, though, your hiring doesn’t keep pace with the scaling. Larry Page, one of Google’s founders, would probably refer to this spiral as “uncomfortably exciting.”
+So really, the cycle of success is more of a spiral (see Figure 6-2). Over months and years, your organization is scaling by tackling new problems and then figuring out how to compress them so that it can take on new, parallel struggles. If you」re lucky, you」re allowed to hire more people as you go. More often than not, though, your hiring doesn」t keep pace with the scaling. Larry Page, one of Google」s founders, would probably refer to this spiral as 『uncomfortably exciting.』
-所以,成功的循环更像是一个螺旋(参见图 6-2)。长年累月以来,你的组织通过解决新问题来扩张,然后压缩所需的人力来能够接受新的、并行的问题。如果你足够幸运,你才能被允许招聘更多的人。然而更常见的情况是你招聘的速度赶不上你团队规模扩张的速度。Larry Page,Google 的创始人之一,喜欢把这个螺旋比作“令人不适的刺激”。
+所以,成功的迴圈更像是一個螺旋(參見圖 6-2)。長年累月以來,你的組織透過解決新問題來擴張,然後壓縮所需的人力來能夠接受新的、並行的問題。如果你足夠幸運,你才能被允許招聘更多的人。然而更常見的情況是你招聘的速度趕不上你團隊規模擴張的速度。Larry Page,Google 的創始人之一,喜歡把這個螺旋比作『令人不適的刺激』。
![Figure 6-2](./images/Figure%206-2.png)
-Figure 6-2. The spiral of success 图 6-2. 成功的螺旋
+Figure 6-2. The spiral of success 圖 6-2. 成功的螺旋
-The spiral of success is a conundrum—it’s something that’s difficult to manage, and yet it’s the main paradigm for scaling a team of teams. The act of compressing a problem isn’t just about figuring out how to maximize your team’s efficiency, but also about learning to scale your own time and attention to match the new breadth of responsibility.
+The spiral of success is a conundrum—it」s something that」s difficult to manage, and yet it」s the main paradigm for scaling a team of teams. The act of compressing a problem isn」t just about figuring out how to maximize your team」s efficiency, but also about learning to scale your own time and attention to match the new breadth of responsibility.
-> [^3]: It’s easy for imposter syndrome to kick in at this point. One technique for fighting the feeling that you don’t know what you’re doing is to simply pretend that some expert out there knows exactly what to do, and that they’re simply on vacation and you’re temporarily subbing in for them. It’s a great way to remove the personal stakes and give yourself permission to fail and learn.
+> [^3]: It」s easy for imposter syndrome to kick in at this point. One technique for fighting the feeling that you don」t know what you」re doing is to simply pretend that some expert out there knows exactly what to do, and that they」re simply on vacation and you」re temporarily subbing in for them. It」s a great way to remove the personal stakes and give yourself permission to fail and learn.
->3 在这一点上,冒名顶替综合症很容易发作。克服这种感觉的一种技巧是,你不知道自己在做什么,只需假装某位专家确切知道该做什么,他们只是在度假,而你只是暂时代替他们。这是一个很好的方法,可以消除个人利害关系,允许自己失败和学习。
+>3 在這一點上,冒名頂替綜合症很容易發作。克服這種感覺的一種技巧是,你不知道自己在做什麼,只需假裝某位專家確切知道該做什麼,他們只是在度假,而你只是暫時代替他們。這是一個很好的方法,可以消除個人利害關係,允許自己失敗和學習。
-### Important Versus Urgent 重要和紧急
+### Important Versus Urgent 重要和緊急
-Think back to a time when you weren’t yet a leader, but still a carefree individual contributor. If you used to be a programmer, your life was likely calmer and more panicfree. You had a list of work to do, and each day you’d methodically work down your list, writing code and debugging problems. Prioritizing, planning, and executing your work was straightforward.
+Think back to a time when you weren」t yet a leader, but still a carefree individual contributor. If you used to be a programmer, your life was likely calmer and more panicfree. You had a list of work to do, and each day you」d methodically work down your list, writing code and debugging problems. Prioritizing, planning, and executing your work was straightforward.
-As you moved into leadership, though, you might have noticed that your main mode of work became less predictable and more about firefighting. That is, your job became less proactive and more reactive. The higher up in leadership you go, the more escalations you receive. You are the “finally” clause in a long list of code blocks! All of your means of communication—email, chat rooms, meetings—begin to feel like a Denial-of-Service attack against your time and attention. In fact, if you’re not mindful, you end up spending 100% of your time in reactive mode. People are throwing balls at you, and you’re frantically jumping from one ball to the next, trying not to let any of them hit the ground.
+As you moved into leadership, though, you might have noticed that your main mode of work became less predictable and more about firefighting. That is, your job became less proactive and more reactive. The higher up in leadership you go, the more escalations you receive. You are the 『finally』 clause in a long list of code blocks! All of your means of communication—email, chat rooms, meetings—begin to feel like a Denial-of-Service attack against your time and attention. In fact, if you」re not mindful, you end up spending 100% of your time in reactive mode. People are throwing balls at you, and you」re frantically jumping from one ball to the next, trying not to let any of them hit the ground.
A lot of books have discussed this problem. The management author Stephen Covey is famous for talking about the idea of distinguishing between things that are important versus things that are urgent. In fact, it was US President Dwight D. Eisenhower who popularized this idea in a famous 1954 quote:
I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent.
-很多书都讨论过这个问题。管理学作者 Stephen Covey 因讨论如何区分重要的事情和紧急的事情的想法而出名。事实上,是美国总统埃森豪威尔在 1954 年一次演进中引用而让其出名的:
+很多書都討論過這個問題。管理學作者 Stephen Covey 因討論如何區分重要的事情和緊急的事情的想法而出名。事實上,是美國總統埃森豪威爾在 1954 年一次演進中引用而讓其出名的:
- 我有两类问题,紧急的问题和重要的问题。紧急的并不重要,重要的也从不紧急。
+ 我有兩類問題,緊急的問題和重要的問題。緊急的並不重要,重要的也從不緊急。
-This tension is one of the biggest dangers to your effectiveness as a leader. If you let yourself slip into pure reactive mode (which happens almost automatically), you spend every moment of your life on urgent things, but almost none of those things are important in the big picture. Remember that your job as a leader is to do things that only you can do, like mapping a path through the forest. Building that meta- strategy is incredibly important, but almost never urgent. It’s always easier to respond to that next urgent email.
+This tension is one of the biggest dangers to your effectiveness as a leader. If you let yourself slip into pure reactive mode (which happens almost automatically), you spend every moment of your life on urgent things, but almost none of those things are important in the big picture. Remember that your job as a leader is to do things that only you can do, like mapping a path through the forest. Building that meta- strategy is incredibly important, but almost never urgent. It」s always easier to respond to that next urgent email.
So how can you force yourself to work mostly on important things, rather than urgent things? Here are a few key techniques:
- *Delegate*
- Many of the urgent things you see can be delegated back to other leaders in your organization. You might feel guilty if it’s a trivial task; or you might worry that handing off an issue is inefficient because it might take those other leaders longer to fix. But it’s good training for them, and it frees up your time to work on important things that only you can do.
+ Many of the urgent things you see can be delegated back to other leaders in your organization. You might feel guilty if it」s a trivial task; or you might worry that handing off an issue is inefficient because it might take those other leaders longer to fix. But it」s good training for them, and it frees up your time to work on important things that only you can do.
- *Schedule dedicated time*
Regularly block out two hours or more to sit quietly and work only on important- but-not-urgent things—things like team strategy, career paths for your leaders, or how you plan to collaborate with neighboring teams.
- *Find a tracking system that works*
- There are dozens of systems for tracking and prioritizing work. Some are software based (e.g., specific “to-do” tools), some are pen-and-paper based (the “Bullet Journal” method), and some systems are agnostic to implementation. In this last category, David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done, is quite popular among engineering managers; it’s an abstract algorithm for working through tasks and maintaining a prized “inbox zero.” The point here is to try these different systems and determine what works for you. Some of them will click with you and some will not, but you definitely need to find something more effective than tiny Post- It notes decorating your computer screen.
+ There are dozens of systems for tracking and prioritizing work. Some are software based (e.g., specific 『to-do』 tools), some are pen-and-paper based (the 『Bullet Journal』 method), and some systems are agnostic to implementation. In this last category, David Allen」s book, Getting Things Done, is quite popular among engineering managers; it」s an abstract algorithm for working through tasks and maintaining a prized 『inbox zero.』 The point here is to try these different systems and determine what works for you. Some of them will click with you and some will not, but you definitely need to find something more effective than tiny Post- It notes decorating your computer screen.
-- *委托*
- 许多紧急的事件实际上可以委托给你组织里的其他领导者。如果是比较琐碎的任务你可能会感到有一点点罪恶;或者你可能会担心有点低效,如果其他的领导者将花较长时间来解决。但这对他们来说是很好的锻炼的机会,而且能够为你腾出时间来去解决重要的事情。
-- *安排专注时间*
- 定期安排占据2个小时或更长时间的整段时间来专注处理重要但不紧急的事,比如团队策略,团队中管理者的职业生涯规划,或者制定如何与其他团队协作的计划。
-- *找到一个有效的进度跟踪系统*
- 市面上有很多关于进度跟踪和排优先级的系统。一些是有基于现成的软件的(比如“待办”管理工具),一些是基于纸笔的(“Bullet Journal”方法),以及另一些没有指明具体实现方法的系统。在这最后一类中,David Allen 的书《搞定Ⅰ : 无压工作的艺术》在工程师管理者们之间很流行;它是一套关于工完成任务和将收件箱清零的抽象的方法论。这里的关键点是要去尝试不同的系统,然后选择一个对你来说最有效的系统。他们其中一些会很合适,一些并不合适,但你绝对需要找到比在电脑上贴便签更有效率的方法--它更多是在装点你的电脑屏幕。
+- *委託*
+ 許多緊急的事件實際上可以委託給你組織裡的其他領導者。如果是比較瑣碎的任務你可能會感到有一點點罪惡;或者你可能會擔心有點低效,如果其他的領導者將花較長時間來解決。但這對他們來說是很好的鍛鍊的機會,而且能夠為你騰出時間來去解決重要的事情。
+- *安排專注時間*
+ 定期安排佔據2個小時或更長時間的整段時間來專注處理重要但不緊急的事,比如團隊策略,團隊中管理者的職業生涯規劃,或者制定如何與其他團隊協作的計劃。
+- *找到一個有效的進度跟蹤系統*
+ 市面上有很多關於進度跟蹤和排優先級的系統。一些是有基於現成的軟體的(比如『待辦』管理工具),一些是基於紙筆的(『Bullet Journal』方法),以及另一些沒有指明具體實現方法的系統。在這最後一類中,David Allen 的書《搞定Ⅰ : 無壓工作的藝術》在工程師管理者們之間很流行;它是一套關於工完成任務和將收件箱清零的抽象的方法論。這裡的關鍵點是要去嘗試不同的系統,然後選擇一個對你來說最有效的系統。他們其中一些會很合適,一些並不合適,但你絕對需要找到比在電腦上貼便籤更有效率的方法--它更多是在裝點你的電腦螢幕。
-### Learn to Drop Balls 学会放下任务
+### Learn to Drop Balls 學會放下任務
-There’s one more key technique for managing your time, and on the surface it sounds radical. For many, it contradicts years of engineering instinct. As an engineer, you pay attention to detail; you make lists, you check things off lists, you’re precise, and you finish what you start. That’s why it feels so good to close bugs in a bug tracker, or whittle your email down to inbox zero. But as a leader of leaders, your time and attention are under constant attack. No matter how much you try to avoid it, you end up dropping balls on the floor—there are just too many of them being thrown at you. It’s overwhelming, and you probably feel guilty about this all the time.
+There」s one more key technique for managing your time, and on the surface it sounds radical. For many, it contradicts years of engineering instinct. As an engineer, you pay attention to detail; you make lists, you check things off lists, you」re precise, and you finish what you start. That」s why it feels so good to close bugs in a bug tracker, or whittle your email down to inbox zero. But as a leader of leaders, your time and attention are under constant attack. No matter how much you try to avoid it, you end up dropping balls on the floor—there are just too many of them being thrown at you. It」s overwhelming, and you probably feel guilty about this all the time.
-还有一个管理时间的重要方法,但是它表面上看起来有些激进。对于大多数人来说,这违反多年以来养成的工程师的直觉。作为一个工程师,你关注细节,你制作清单,然后将完成的事一件件划掉,认真仔细,保证每件事有始有终。所以在错误追踪系统中关闭 bug 或清空收件箱中的待办时,你感觉很良好。但是作为领导者的领导,你的时间和精力处在持续的压力下。哪怕你全力尝试,但总无法避免会有球接不住掉到地上--同一时间内总是有太多球扔向你了。它是难以避免的,而且你可能一直会为此感到内疚。
+還有一個管理時間的重要方法,但是它表面上看起來有些激進。對於大多數人來說,這違反多年以來養成的工程師的直覺。作為一個工程師,你關注細節,你製作清單,然後將完成的事一件件劃掉,認真仔細,保證每件事有始有終。所以在錯誤追蹤系統中關閉 bug 或清空收件箱中的待辦時,你感覺很良好。但是作為領導者的領導,你的時間和精力處在持續的壓力下。哪怕你全力嘗試,但總無法避免會有球接不住掉到地上--同一時間內總是有太多球扔向你了。它是難以避免的,而且你可能一直會為此感到內疚。
-So, at this point, let’s step back and take a frank look at the situation. If dropping some number of balls is inevitable, isn’t it better to drop certain balls deliberately rather than accidentally? At least then you have some semblance of control.
+So, at this point, let」s step back and take a frank look at the situation. If dropping some number of balls is inevitable, isn」t it better to drop certain balls deliberately rather than accidentally? At least then you have some semblance of control.
-Here’s a great way to do that.
+Here」s a great way to do that.
Marie Kondo is an organizational consultant and the author of the extremely popular book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Her philosophy is about effectively decluttering all of the junk from your house, but it works for abstract clutter as well.
-Marie Kondo 是一名组织顾问,同时也是畅销书《怦然心动的人生整理魔法术》(The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up) 的作者。她的理论是关于如何高效地清理家中的杂物,但对于如何清理抽象的杂物也同样适用。
+Marie Kondo 是一名組織顧問,同時也是暢銷書《怦然心動的人生整理魔法術》(The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up) 的作者。她的理論是關於如何高效地清理家中的雜物,但對於如何清理抽象的雜物也同樣適用。
-Think of your physical possessions as living in three piles. About 20% of your things are just useless—things that you literally never touch anymore, and all very easy to throw away. About 60% of your things are somewhat interesting; they vary in importance to you, and you sometimes use them, sometimes not. And then about 20% of your possessions are exceedingly important: these are the things you use all the time, that have deep emotional meaning, or, in Ms. Kondo’s words, spark deep “joy” just holding them. The thesis of her book is that most people declutter their lives incorrectly: they spend time tossing the bottom 20% in the garbage, but the remaining 80% still feels too cluttered. She argues that the true work of decluttering is about identifying the top 20%, not the bottom 20%. If you can identify only the critical things, you should then toss out the other 80%. It sounds extreme, but it’s quite effective. It is greatly freeing to declutter so radically.
+Think of your physical possessions as living in three piles. About 20% of your things are just useless—things that you literally never touch anymore, and all very easy to throw away. About 60% of your things are somewhat interesting; they vary in importance to you, and you sometimes use them, sometimes not. And then about 20% of your possessions are exceedingly important: these are the things you use all the time, that have deep emotional meaning, or, in Ms. Kondo」s words, spark deep 『joy』 just holding them. The thesis of her book is that most people declutter their lives incorrectly: they spend time tossing the bottom 20% in the garbage, but the remaining 80% still feels too cluttered. She argues that the true work of decluttering is about identifying the top 20%, not the bottom 20%. If you can identify only the critical things, you should then toss out the other 80%. It sounds extreme, but it」s quite effective. It is greatly freeing to declutter so radically.
-假设你的物质财产有成三堆.这些东西中有大约20%是没用的--你永远都不会去触碰它们,很好识别出来,并扔掉。大约60%的东西很有趣;对于你来说,它们的重要程度不一,有时会使用它们,有时不会。另外20%对你来说极其重要:你会一直使用,这有很强的主观情感倾向,或者用 Kondo 女士的话来说,就是“只要抱着它们,就感觉充满快乐”。她的书中的主要论点是,大多数人错误地进行断舍离:它们来回折腾那最没有用的 20% 的物品,然而剩下的 80% 的物品看上去仍然很乱。她指出断舍离的关键是分辨出那20%最重要的东西,而不是最不重要的那20%。如果你能分辨出那些最关键的东西,那么剩余的80%都是你可以扔掉的。这听上去有些极端,但却是十分高效的。能够如此彻底的断舍离,一定会感觉很棒。
+假設你的物質財產有成三堆.這些東西中有大約20%是沒用的--你永遠都不會去觸碰它們,很好識別出來,並扔掉。大約60%的東西很有趣;對於你來說,它們的重要程度不一,有時會使用它們,有時不會。另外20%對你來說極其重要:你會一直使用,這有很強的主觀情感傾向,或者用 Kondo 女士的話來說,就是『只要抱著它們,就感覺充滿快樂』。她的書中的主要論點是,大多數人錯誤地進行斷舍離:它們來回折騰那最沒有用的 20% 的物品,然而剩下的 80% 的物品看上去仍然很亂。她指出斷舍離的關鍵是分辨出那20%最重要的東西,而不是最不重要的那20%。如果你能分辨出那些最關鍵的東西,那麼剩餘的80%都是你可以扔掉的。這聽上去有些極端,但卻是十分高效的。能夠如此徹底的斷舍離,一定會感覺很棒。
-It turns out that you can also apply this philosophy to your inbox or task list—the barrage of balls being thrown at you. Divide your pile of balls into three groups: the bottom 20% are probably neither urgent nor important and very easy to delete or ignore. There’s a middle 60%, which might contain some bits of urgency or importance, but it’s a mixed bag. At the top, there’s 20% of things that are absolutely, critically important.
+It turns out that you can also apply this philosophy to your inbox or task list—the barrage of balls being thrown at you. Divide your pile of balls into three groups: the bottom 20% are probably neither urgent nor important and very easy to delete or ignore. There」s a middle 60%, which might contain some bits of urgency or importance, but it」s a mixed bag. At the top, there」s 20% of things that are absolutely, critically important.
-事实上你也可以将这个理论应用到你的收件箱或任务清单中--那些像弹幕一样像你飞来的球。将你的球分成三堆:最底下的 20% 是那些从来不重要,也不紧急的,很容易删除或忽略。中间的 60% 有一些是紧急的,有一些是重要的,但是混在一起很难分清。在最上层,是那些至关重要的事。
+事實上你也可以將這個理論應用到你的收件箱或任務清單中--那些像彈幕一樣像你飛來的球。將你的球分成三堆:最底下的 20% 是那些從來不重要,也不緊急的,很容易刪除或忽略。中間的 60% 有一些是緊急的,有一些是重要的,但是混在一起很難分清。在最上層,是那些至關重要的事。
-And so now, as you work through your tasks, do not try to tackle the top 80%—you’ll still end up overwhelmed and mostly working on urgent-but-not-important tasks. Instead, mindfully identify the balls that strictly fall in the top 20%—critical things that only you can do—and focus strictly on them. Give yourself explicit permission to drop the other 80%.
+And so now, as you work through your tasks, do not try to tackle the top 80%—you」ll still end up overwhelmed and mostly working on urgent-but-not-important tasks. Instead, mindfully identify the balls that strictly fall in the top 20%—critical things that only you can do—and focus strictly on them. Give yourself explicit permission to drop the other 80%.
-It might feel terrible to do so at first, but as you deliberately drop so many balls, you’ll discover two amazing things. First, even if you don’t delegate that middle 60% of tasks, your subleaders often notice and pick them up automatically. Second, if something in that middle bucket is truly critical, it ends up coming back to you anyway, eventually migrating up into the top 20%. You simply need to trust that things below your top-20% threshold will either be taken care of or evolve appropriately. Meanwhile, because you’re focusing only on the critically important things, you’re able to scale your time and attention to cover your group’s ever-growing responsibilities.
+It might feel terrible to do so at first, but as you deliberately drop so many balls, you」ll discover two amazing things. First, even if you don」t delegate that middle 60% of tasks, your subleaders often notice and pick them up automatically. Second, if something in that middle bucket is truly critical, it ends up coming back to you anyway, eventually migrating up into the top 20%. You simply need to trust that things below your top-20% threshold will either be taken care of or evolve appropriately. Meanwhile, because you」re focusing only on the critically important things, you」re able to scale your time and attention to cover your group」s ever-growing responsibilities.
-### Protecting Your Energy 保护你的精力
+### Protecting Your Energy 保護你的精力
-We’ve talked about protecting your time and attention—but your personal energy is the other piece of the equation. All of this scaling is simply exhausting. In an environment like this, how do you stay charged and optimistic?
+We」ve talked about protecting your time and attention—but your personal energy is the other piece of the equation. All of this scaling is simply exhausting. In an environment like this, how do you stay charged and optimistic?
Part of the answer is that over time, as you grow older, your overall stamina builds up. Early in your career, working eight hours a day in an office can feel like a shock; you come home tired and dazed. But just like training for a marathon, your brain and body build up larger reserves of stamina over time.
-The other key part of the answer is that leaders gradually learn to manage their energy more intelligently. It’s something they learn to pay constant attention to. Typically, this means being aware of how much energy you have at any given moment,and making deliberate choices to “recharge” yourself at specific moments, in specific ways. Here are some great examples of mindful energy management:
+The other key part of the answer is that leaders gradually learn to manage their energy more intelligently. It」s something they learn to pay constant attention to. Typically, this means being aware of how much energy you have at any given moment,and making deliberate choices to 『recharge』 yourself at specific moments, in specific ways. Here are some great examples of mindful energy management:
- *Take real vacations*
- A weekend is not a vacation. It takes at least three days to “forget” about your work; it takes at least a week to actually feel refreshed. But if you check your work email or chats, you ruin the recharge. A flood of worry comes back into your mind, and all of the benefit of psychological distancing dissipates. The vacation recharges only if you are truly disciplined about disconnecting.[^4] And, of course, this is possible only if you’ve built a self-driving organization.
+ A weekend is not a vacation. It takes at least three days to 『forget』 about your work; it takes at least a week to actually feel refreshed. But if you check your work email or chats, you ruin the recharge. A flood of worry comes back into your mind, and all of the benefit of psychological distancing dissipates. The vacation recharges only if you are truly disciplined about disconnecting.[^4] And, of course, this is possible only if you」ve built a self-driving organization.
- *Make it trivial to disconnect*
- When you disconnect, leave your work laptop at the office. If you have work communications on your phone, remove them. For example, if your company uses G Suite (Gmail, Google Calendar, etc.), a great trick is to install these apps in a “work profile” on your phone. This causes a second set of work-badged apps to appear on your phone. For example, you’ll now have two Gmail apps: one for personal email, one for work email. On an Android phone, you can then press a single button to disable the entire work profile at once. All the work apps gray out, as if they were uninstalled, and you can’t “accidentally” check work messages until you re-enable the work profile.
+ When you disconnect, leave your work laptop at the office. If you have work communications on your phone, remove them. For example, if your company uses G Suite (Gmail, Google Calendar, etc.), a great trick is to install these apps in a 『work profile』 on your phone. This causes a second set of work-badged apps to appear on your phone. For example, you」ll now have two Gmail apps: one for personal email, one for work email. On an Android phone, you can then press a single button to disable the entire work profile at once. All the work apps gray out, as if they were uninstalled, and you can」t 『accidentally』 check work messages until you re-enable the work profile.
- *Take real weekends, too*
- A weekend isn’t as effective as a vacation, but it still has some rejuvenating power. Again, this recharge works only if you disconnect from work communications. Try truly signing out on Friday night, spend the weekend doing things you love, and then sign in again on Monday morning when you’re back in the office.
+ A weekend isn」t as effective as a vacation, but it still has some rejuvenating power. Again, this recharge works only if you disconnect from work communications. Try truly signing out on Friday night, spend the weekend doing things you love, and then sign in again on Monday morning when you」re back in the office.
- *Take breaks during the day*
Your brain operates in natural 90-minute cycles.[^5]Use the opportunity to get up and walk around the office, or spend 10 minutes walking outside. Tiny breaks like this are only tiny recharges, but they can make a tremendous difference in your stress levels and how you feel over the next two hours of work.
- *Give yourself permission to take a mental health day*
- Sometimes, for no reason, you just have a bad day. You might have slept well, eaten well, exercised—and yet you are still in a terrible mood anyway. If you’re a leader, this is an awful thing. Your bad mood sets the tone for everyone around you, and it can lead to terrible decisions (emails you shouldn’t have sent, overly harsh judgements, etc.). If you find yourself in this situation, just turn around and go home, declaring a sick day. Better to get nothing done that day than to do active damage.
+ Sometimes, for no reason, you just have a bad day. You might have slept well, eaten well, exercised—and yet you are still in a terrible mood anyway. If you」re a leader, this is an awful thing. Your bad mood sets the tone for everyone around you, and it can lead to terrible decisions (emails you shouldn」t have sent, overly harsh judgements, etc.). If you find yourself in this situation, just turn around and go home, declaring a sick day. Better to get nothing done that day than to do active damage.
-- *给自己真正放个假*
- 一个周末并不算一个真正的假期。你需要至少三天来“忘记”你的工作;至少需要一周来让你重新感觉充满能量。但是如果你检查你的邮箱或工作聊天,你就破坏了这个充电过程。洪水般的焦虑充满你的脑袋,物理上远离工作的好处消散殆尽。只有在你真的断开与工作的连接时,你的假期才能使你真正重新充能。当然,这一切建立在你已经建立了一个自我驱型组织的前提下。
-- *让失联的代价微不足道(主要指消息模式切换)*
- 当你失联时,将你的工作笔记本留在办公室。如果你有工作的通讯工具留在你的手机上,将它们移除掉。比如,如果你的公司用 Google 的 G 套件(Gmail, Google Calendar 等),一个很方便的技巧是在手机上安装一个叫“工作资料” 的软件。这将花费你几秒钟的时间来把软件标记为是否是工作软件。例如,你将有两个 Gmail 应用:一个为个人邮件,一个为工作邮件。在安卓手机上,你能够一键切换工作模式。所有工作应用软件将变灰,就像它们未安装。你也不可能“不小心”查看了工作信息直到你重新激活工作资料。
-- *也要享受真正的周末*
- 一个周末并不像假期一样有效,但它仍有让你振奋起来的能力。再强调一次,这样的充能只有在你断开工作联系的时候才有用。试着在周五晚上彻底退出工作状态,把周末的时间花在你喜欢的事情上,然后在周一早晨回到办公室时再重新进入工作状态。
-- *在一天之中偶尔小休一下*
- 人的大脑每90分钟会有一个自然的循环。利用这个机会站起来在办公室走一走,或者花10分钟出去走一走。像这种微小的休息只能获得很小的充能,但是这能给你的紧张度和下一个小时的工作上带来巨大的影响。
-- *给自己一个心理健康日的许可*
- 有时候,没有任何理由,你度过了糟糕的一天。你睡的很好,吃的很好,也进行了运动,但还是在很糟糕的情绪里。如果你是个领导,那这将是很悲催的一件事。你的坏情绪影响了你周围所有人的情绪,而且这将会导致很糟糕的决定(发出去不该发的邮件,给别人下达了过于残酷的评价等)。如果你发现你在这个状态下,你应该请个病假,转身回家。什么都不干也比干破坏性的事强。
+- *給自己真正放個假*
+ 一個週末並不算一個真正的假期。你需要至少三天來『忘記』你的工作;至少需要一週來讓你重新感覺充滿能量。但是如果你檢查你的郵箱或工作聊天,你就破壞了這個充電過程。洪水般的焦慮充滿你的腦袋,物理上遠離工作的好處消散殆盡。只有在你真的斷開與工作的連線時,你的假期才能使你真正重新充能。當然,這一切建立在你已經建立了一個自我驅型組織的前提下。
+- *讓失聯的代價微不足道(主要指訊息模式切換)*
+ 當你失聯時,將你的工作筆記本留在辦公室。如果你有工作的通訊工具留在你的手機上,將它們移除掉。比如,如果你的公司用 Google 的 G 套件(Gmail, Google Calendar 等),一個很方便的技巧是在手機上安裝一個叫『工作資料』 的軟體。這將花費你幾秒鐘的時間來把軟體標記為是否是工作軟體。例如,你將有兩個 Gmail 應用:一個為個人郵件,一個為工作郵件。在安卓手機上,你能夠一鍵切換工作模式。所有工作應用軟體將變灰,就像它們未安裝。你也不可能『不小心』檢視了工作訊息直到你重新啟用工作資料。
+- *也要享受真正的週末*
+ 一個週末並不像假期一樣有效,但它仍有讓你振奮起來的能力。再強調一次,這樣的充能只有在你斷開工作聯絡的時候才有用。試著在週五晚上徹底退出工作狀態,把週末的時間花在你喜歡的事情上,然後在週一早晨回到辦公室時再重新進入工作狀態。
+- *在一天之中偶爾小休一下*
+ 人的大腦每90分鐘會有一個自然的迴圈。利用這個機會站起來在辦公室走一走,或者花10分鐘出去走一走。像這種微小的休息只能獲得很小的充能,但是這能給你的緊張度和下一個小時的工作上帶來巨大的影響。
+- *給自己一個心理健康日的許可*
+ 有時候,沒有任何理由,你度過了糟糕的一天。你睡的很好,吃的很好,也進行了運動,但還是在很糟糕的情緒裡。如果你是個領導,那這將是很悲催的一件事。你的壞情緒影響了你周圍所有人的情緒,而且這將會導致很糟糕的決定(發出去不該發的郵件,給別人下達了過於殘酷的評價等)。如果你發現你在這個狀態下,你應該請個病假,轉身回家。什麼都不幹也比干破壞性的事強。
-In the end, managing your energy is just as important as managing your time. If you learn to master these things, you’ll be ready to tackle the broader cycle of scaling responsibility and building a self-sufficient team.
+In the end, managing your energy is just as important as managing your time. If you learn to master these things, you」ll be ready to tackle the broader cycle of scaling responsibility and building a self-sufficient team.
-> [^4]: You need to plan ahead and build around the assumption that your work simply won’t get done during vacation. Working hard (or smart) just before and after your vacation mitigates this issue.
+> [^4]: You need to plan ahead and build around the assumption that your work simply won」t get done during vacation. Working hard (or smart) just before and after your vacation mitigates this issue.
-> 4 你需要提前计划,并在假设你的工作在休假期间根本无法完成的情况下进行建设。在休假前后努力工作(或聪明地工作)可以缓解这一问题。
+> 4 你需要提前計劃,並在假設你的工作在休假期間根本無法完成的情況下進行建設。在休假前後努力工作(或聰明地工作)可以緩解這一問題。
> [^5]: You can read more about BRAC at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_rest-activity_cycle.
-> 5 你可以在 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_rest-activity_cycle,了解更多关于BRAC的信息。
+> 5 你可以在 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_rest-activity_cycle,瞭解更多關於BRAC的訊息。
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
-Successful leaders naturally take on more responsibility as they progress (and that’s a good and natural thing). Unless they effectively come up with techniques to properly make decisions quickly, delegate when needed, and manage their increased responsibility, they might end up feeling overwhelmed. Being an effective leader doesn’t mean that you need to make perfect decisions, do everything yourself, or work twice as hard. Instead, strive to always be deciding, always be leaving, and always be scaling.
+Successful leaders naturally take on more responsibility as they progress (and that」s a good and natural thing). Unless they effectively come up with techniques to properly make decisions quickly, delegate when needed, and manage their increased responsibility, they might end up feeling overwhelmed. Being an effective leader doesn」t mean that you need to make perfect decisions, do everything yourself, or work twice as hard. Instead, strive to always be deciding, always be leaving, and always be scaling.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
-- Always Be Deciding: Ambiguous problems have no magic answer; they’re all about finding the right trade-offs of the moment, and iterating.
+- Always Be Deciding: Ambiguous problems have no magic answer; they」re all about finding the right trade-offs of the moment, and iterating.
- Always Be Leaving: Your job, as a leader, is to build an organization that automatically solves a class of ambiguous problems—over time—without you needing to be present.
- Always Be Scaling: Success generates more responsibility over time, and you must proactively manage the scaling of this work in order to protect your scarce resources of personal time, attention, and energy.
-- 始终保持决断力:模糊的问题没有灵丹妙药;他们都是关于找到当下最佳的权衡,然后反复迭代。
-- 始终保持离开:你作为一个领导者的工作是构建一个能够自主解决一类模糊问题的组织--并且随着时间的推移,渐渐不需要你出面。
-- 始终保持扩张:随着时间推移,成功会产生更多责任,你必须主动管理规模扩大的工作,来保护你最稀缺的资源:时间,注意力和精力。
+- 始終保持決斷力:模糊的問題沒有靈丹妙藥;他們都是關於找到當下最佳的權衡,然後反覆迭代。
+- 始終保持離開:你作為一個領導者的工作是建立一個能夠自主解決一類模糊問題的組織--並且隨著時間的推移,漸漸不需要你出面。
+- 始終保持擴張:隨著時間推移,成功會產生更多責任,你必須主動管理規模擴大的工作,來保護你最稀缺的資源:時間,注意力和精力。
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Google is a data-driven company. We back up most of our products and design decisions with hard data. The culture of data-driven decision making, using appropriate metrics, has some drawbacks, but overall, relying on data tends to make most decisions objective rather than subjective, which is often a good thing. Collecting and analyzing data on the human side of things, however, has its own challenges. Specifically, within software engineering, Google has found that having a team of specialists focus on engineering productivity itself to be very valuable and important as the company scales and can leverage insights from such a team.
-## Why Should We Measure Engineering Productivity? 我们为什么要度量工程效率
+## Why Should We Measure Engineering Productivity? 我們為什麼要度量工程效率
-Let’s presume that you have a thriving business (e.g., you run an online search engine), and you want to increase your business’s scope (enter into the enterprise application market, or the cloud market, or the mobile market). Presumably, to increase the scope of your business, you’ll need to also increase the size of your engineering organization. However, as organizations grow in size linearly, communication costs grow quadratically.[^1] Adding more people will be necessary to increase the scope of your business, but the communication overhead costs will not scale linearly as you add additional personnel. As a result, you won’t be able to scale the scope of your business linearly to the size of your engineering organization.
+Let」s presume that you have a thriving business (e.g., you run an online search engine), and you want to increase your business」s scope (enter into the enterprise application market, or the cloud market, or the mobile market). Presumably, to increase the scope of your business, you」ll need to also increase the size of your engineering organization. However, as organizations grow in size linearly, communication costs grow quadratically.[^1] Adding more people will be necessary to increase the scope of your business, but the communication overhead costs will not scale linearly as you add additional personnel. As a result, you won」t be able to scale the scope of your business linearly to the size of your engineering organization.
There is another way to address our scaling problem, though: *we could make each individual more productive*. If we can increase the productivity of individual engineers in the organization, we can increase the scope of our business without the commensurate increase in communication overhead.
Google has had to grow quickly into new businesses, which has meant learning how to make our engineers more productive. To do this, we needed to understand what makes them productive, identify inefficiencies in our engineering processes, and fix the identified problems. Then, we would repeat the cycle as needed in a continuous improvement loop. By doing this, we would be able to scale our engineering organization with the increased demand on it.
However, this improvement cycle *also* takes human resources. It would not be worthwhile to improve the productivity of your engineering organization by the equivalent of 10 engineers per year if it took 50 engineers per year to understand and fix productivity blockers. *Therefore, our goal is to not only improve software engineering productivity, but to do so efficiently.*
At Google, we addressed these trade-offs by creating a team of researchers dedicated to understanding engineering productivity. Our research team includes people from the software engineering research field and generalist software engineers, but we also include social scientists from a variety of fields, including cognitive psychology and behavioral economics. The addition of people from the social sciences allows us to not only study the software artifacts that engineers produce, but to also understand the human side of software development, including personal motivations, incentive structures, and strategies for managing complex tasks. The goal of the team is to take a data-driven approach to measuring and improving engineering productivity.
In this chapter, we walk through how our research team achieves this goal. This begins with the triage process: there are many parts of software development that we *can* measure, but what *should* we measure? After a project is selected, we walk through how the research team identifies meaningful metrics that will identify the problematic parts of the process. Finally, we look at how Google uses these metrics to track improvements to productivity.
-For this chapter, we follow one concrete example posed by the C++ and Java language teams at Google: readability. For most of Google’s existence, these teams have managed the readability process at Google. (For more on readability, see Chapter 3.) The readability process was put in place in the early days of Google, before automatic formatters (Chapter 8 and linters that block submission were commonplace (Chapter 9). The process itself is expensive to run because it requires hundreds of engineers performing readability reviews for other engineers in order to grant readability to them. Some engineers viewed it as an archaic hazing process that no longer held utility, and it was a favorite topic to argue about around the lunch table. The concrete question from the language teams was this: is the time spent on the readability process worthwhile?
+For this chapter, we follow one concrete example posed by the C++ and Java language teams at Google: readability. For most of Google」s existence, these teams have managed the readability process at Google. (For more on readability, see Chapter 3.) The readability process was put in place in the early days of Google, before automatic formatters (Chapter 8 and linters that block submission were commonplace (Chapter 9). The process itself is expensive to run because it requires hundreds of engineers performing readability reviews for other engineers in order to grant readability to them. Some engineers viewed it as an archaic hazing process that no longer held utility, and it was a favorite topic to argue about around the lunch table. The concrete question from the language teams was this: is the time spent on the readability process worthwhile?
> [^1]: Frederick P. Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering (New York: Addison-Wesley, 1995).
-> 1 Frederick P.Brooks,《人月神话:软件工程随笔》(纽约:Addison Wesley,1995)。
+> 1 Frederick P.Brooks,《人月神話:軟體工程隨筆》(紐約:Addison Wesley,1995)。
-## Triage: Is It Even Worth Measuring? 分类:是否值得度量?
+## Triage: Is It Even Worth Measuring? 分類:是否值得度量?
-Before we decide how to measure the productivity of engineers, we need to know when a metric is even worth measuring. The measurement itself is expensive: it takes people to measure the process, analyze the results, and disseminate them to the rest of the company. Furthermore, the measurement process itself might be onerous and slow down the rest of the engineering organization. Even if it is not slow, tracking progress might change engineers’ behavior, possibly in ways that mask the underlying issues. We need to measure and estimate smartly; although we don’t want to guess, we shouldn’t waste time and resources measuring unnecessarily.
+Before we decide how to measure the productivity of engineers, we need to know when a metric is even worth measuring. The measurement itself is expensive: it takes people to measure the process, analyze the results, and disseminate them to the rest of the company. Furthermore, the measurement process itself might be onerous and slow down the rest of the engineering organization. Even if it is not slow, tracking progress might change engineers」 behavior, possibly in ways that mask the underlying issues. We need to measure and estimate smartly; although we don」t want to guess, we shouldn」t waste time and resources measuring unnecessarily.
-At Google, we’ve come up with a series of questions to help teams determine whether it’s even worth measuring productivity in the first place. We first ask people to describe what they want to measure in the form of a concrete question; we find that the more concrete people can make this question, the more likely they are to derive benefit from the process. When the readability team approached us, its question was simple: are the costs of an engineer going through the readability process worth the benefits they might be deriving for the company?
+At Google, we」ve come up with a series of questions to help teams determine whether it」s even worth measuring productivity in the first place. We first ask people to describe what they want to measure in the form of a concrete question; we find that the more concrete people can make this question, the more likely they are to derive benefit from the process. When the readability team approached us, its question was simple: are the costs of an engineer going through the readability process worth the benefits they might be deriving for the company?
We then ask them to consider the following aspects of their question:
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ We then ask them to consider the following aspects of their question:
When this question was posed to the readability team, it noted that it was not sure. People were certain the costs had been worth the benefits at one point in time, but with the advent of autoformatters and static analysis tools, no one was entirely certain. There was a growing belief that the process now served as a hazing ritual. Although it might still provide engineers with benefits (and they had survey data showing that people did claim these benefits), it was not clear whether it was worth the time commitment of the authors or the reviewers of the code.
*If the data supports your expected result, what action will be taken?*
- We ask this because if no action will be taken, there is no point in measuring. Notice that an action might in fact be “maintain the status quo” if there is a planned change that will occur if we didn’t have this result.
+ We ask this because if no action will be taken, there is no point in measuring. Notice that an action might in fact be 『maintain the status quo』 if there is a planned change that will occur if we didn」t have this result.
When asked about this, the answer from the readability team was straightforward: if the benefit was enough to justify the costs of the process, they would link to the research and the data on the FAQ about readability and advertise it to set expectations.
*If we get a negative result, will appropriate action be taken?*
@@ -72,128 +72,128 @@ We then ask them to consider the following aspects of their question:
In the case of readability, however, we had a strong statement of action from the team. It committed that, if our analysis showed that the costs either outweighed the benefit or the benefits were negligible, the team would kill the process. As different programming languages have different levels of maturity in formatters and static analyses, this evaluation would happen on a per-language basis.
*Who is going to decide to take action on the result, and when would they do it?*
- We ask this to ensure that the person requesting the measurement is the one who is empowered to take action (or is doing so directly on their behalf). Ultimately, the goal of measuring our software process is to help people make business decisions. It’s important to understand who that individual is, including what form of data convinces them. Although the best research includes a variety of approaches (everything from structured interviews to statistical analyses of logs), there might be limited time in which to provide decision makers with the data they need. In those cases, it might be best to cater to the decision maker. Do they tend to make decisions by empathizing through the stories that can be retrieved from interviews?[^2] Do they trust survey results or logs data? Do they feel comfortable with complex statistical analyses? If the decider doesn’t believe the form of the result in principle, there is again no point in measuring the process.
- In the case of readability, we had a clear decision maker for each programming language. Two language teams, Java and C++, actively reached out to us for assistance, and the others were waiting to see what happened with those languages first.[^3] The decision makers trusted engineers’ self-reported experiences for understanding happiness and learning, but the decision makers wanted to see “hard numbers” based on logs data for velocity and code quality. This meant that we needed to include both qualitative and quantitative analysis for these metrics. There was not a hard deadline for this work, but there was an internal conference that would make for a useful time for an announcement if there was going to be a change. That deadline gave us several months in which to complete the work.
+ We ask this to ensure that the person requesting the measurement is the one who is empowered to take action (or is doing so directly on their behalf). Ultimately, the goal of measuring our software process is to help people make business decisions. It」s important to understand who that individual is, including what form of data convinces them. Although the best research includes a variety of approaches (everything from structured interviews to statistical analyses of logs), there might be limited time in which to provide decision makers with the data they need. In those cases, it might be best to cater to the decision maker. Do they tend to make decisions by empathizing through the stories that can be retrieved from interviews?[^2] Do they trust survey results or logs data? Do they feel comfortable with complex statistical analyses? If the decider doesn」t believe the form of the result in principle, there is again no point in measuring the process.
+ In the case of readability, we had a clear decision maker for each programming language. Two language teams, Java and C++, actively reached out to us for assistance, and the others were waiting to see what happened with those languages first.[^3] The decision makers trusted engineers」 self-reported experiences for understanding happiness and learning, but the decision makers wanted to see 『hard numbers』 based on logs data for velocity and code quality. This meant that we needed to include both qualitative and quantitative analysis for these metrics. There was not a hard deadline for this work, but there was an internal conference that would make for a useful time for an announcement if there was going to be a change. That deadline gave us several months in which to complete the work.
- 尽管我们可能想假装我们是中立的调查人员,但事实并非如此。我们确实对一些事有先入为主的观念。通过一开始就承认这一点,我们可以尝试解决这些偏见,防止对结果进行事后解释。
- 当这个问题被提给可读性小组时,该小组指出,它并不确定。人们确信在某个时间点上,成本是值得的,但是随着自动格式化和静态分析工具的出现,没有人完全确定。越来越多的人认为,这个过程现在成了一种自欺欺人的仪式。虽然它可能仍然为工程师提供了好处(他们有调查数据显示人们确实声称有这些好处),但不清楚它是否值得作者或代码审查员投入时间。
+ 儘管我們可能想假裝我們是中立的調查人員,但事實並非如此。我們確實對一些事有先入為主的觀念。透過一開始就承認這一點,我們可以嘗試解決這些偏見,防止對結果進行事後解釋。
+ 當這個問題被提給可讀性小組時,該小組指出,它並不確定。人們確信在某個時間點上,成本是值得的,但是隨著自動格式化和靜態分析工具的出現,沒有人完全確定。越來越多的人認為,這個過程現在成了一種自欺欺人的儀式。雖然它可能仍然為工程師提供了好處(他們有調查資料顯示人們確實聲稱有這些好處),但不清楚它是否值得作者或程式碼審查員投入時間。
- 我们这样问是因为如果不采取任何行动,那么度量就没有意义了。请注意,如果没有这一结果,就会发生计划变更,那么行动实际上可能是“维持现状”。
- 当被问及这个问题时,可读性团队的回答很直截了当:如果好处足以证明这个过程的成本是合理的,他们会链接到关于可读性的FAQ上的研究和数据,并进行宣传以设定期望。
+ 我們這樣問是因為如果不採取任何行動,那麼度量就沒有意義了。請注意,如果沒有這一結果,就會發生計劃變更,那麼行動實際上可能是『維持現狀』。
+ 當被問及這個問題時,可讀性團隊的回答很直截了當:如果好處足以證明這個過程的成本是合理的,他們會連結到關於可讀性的FAQ上的研究和數據,並進行宣傳以設定期望。
- 我们问这个问题是因为在许多情况下,我们发现负面结果不会改变决策。决策中可能会有其他的投入,而这些投入将取代任何负面的结果。如果是这样的话,可能一开始就不值得度量。这也是阻止我们研究团队所做的大多数项目的问题;我们了解到决策者对了解结果感兴趣,但由于其他原因,他们不会选择改变方向。
- 然而,在可读性的案例中,我们有一个来自团队的强有力的行动声明。它承诺,如果我们的分析显示成本大于收益,或者收益可以忽略不计,团队将放弃这个项目。由于不同的编程语言在格式化和静态分析方面有不同的成熟度,因此该评估将基于每种语言进行。
+ 我們問這個問題是因為在許多情況下,我們發現負面結果不會改變決策。決策中可能會有其他的投入,而這些投入將取代任何負面的結果。如果是這樣的話,可能一開始就不值得度量。這也是阻止我們研究團隊所做的大多數專案的問題;我們瞭解到決策者對了解結果感興趣,但由於其他原因,他們不會選擇改變方向。
+ 然而,在可讀性的案例中,我們有一個來自團隊的強有力的行動宣告。它承諾,如果我們的分析顯示成本大於收益,或者收益可以忽略不計,團隊將放棄這個專案。由於不同的程式語言在格式化和靜態分析方面有不同的成熟度,因此該評估將基於每種語言進行。
- 我们这样问是为了确保要求度量的人是被授权采取行动的人(或直接代表他们采取行动)。归根结底,度量我们的软件流程的目的是帮助人们做出业务决策。了解这个人是谁很重要,包括什么形式的数据能说服他们。尽管最好的研究包括各种方法(从结构化访谈到日志的统计分析等各种方法),但为决策者提供他们需要的数据的时间可能有限。在这些情况下,最好的办法是迎合决策者的要求。他们是否倾向于通过访谈中可以获取到的故事来做出决策?他们是否信任调查结果或日志数据?他们对复杂的统计分析感到满意吗?如果决策者压根就不相信结果的形式,那么度量过程又没有意义。
- 在可读性方面,我们对每种编程语言都有一个明确的决策者。有两个语言团队,即Java和C++,积极向我们寻求帮助,而其他团队则在等待,看这些语言先发生什么。决策者相信工程师自我报告的经验,以了解快乐和学习,但决策者希望看到基于日志数据的速度和代码质量的 "硬数字"。这意味着,我们需要对这些指标进行定性和定量分析。这项工作没有一个硬性的截止日期,但如果有变化,有一个内部会议可以用来适时地宣布变更。这个期限给了我们几个月的时间来完成这项工作。
+ 我們這樣問是為了確保要求度量的人是被授權採取行動的人(或直接代表他們採取行動)。歸根結底,度量我們的軟體流程的目的是幫助人們做出業務決策。瞭解這個人是誰很重要,包括什麼形式的資料能說服他們。儘管最好的研究包括各種方法(從結構化訪談到日誌的統計分析等各種方法),但為決策者提供他們需要的資料的時間可能有限。在這些情況下,最好的辦法是迎合決策者的要求。他們是否傾向於透過訪談中可以獲取到的故事來做出決策?他們是否信任調查結果或日誌資料?他們對複雜的統計分析感到滿意嗎?如果決策者壓根就不相信結果的形式,那麼度量過程又沒有意義。
+ 在可讀性方面,我們對每種程式語言都有一個明確的決策者。有兩個語言團隊,即Java和C++,積極向我們尋求幫助,而其他團隊則在等待,看這些語言先發生什麼。決策者相信工程師自我報告的經驗,以瞭解快樂和學習,但決策者希望看到基於日誌資料的速度和程式碼品質的 "硬數字"。這意味著,我們需要對這些指標進行定性和定量分析。這項工作沒有一個硬性的截止日期,但如果有變化,有一個內部會議可以用來適時地宣佈變更。這個期限給了我們幾個月的時間來完成這項工作。
-By asking these questions, we find that in many cases, measurement is simply not worthwhile…and that’s OK! There are many good reasons to not measure the impact of a tool or process on productivity. Here are some examples that we’ve seen:
+By asking these questions, we find that in many cases, measurement is simply not worthwhile…and that」s OK! There are many good reasons to not measure the impact of a tool or process on productivity. Here are some examples that we」ve seen:
-*You can’t afford to change the process/tools right now*
- There might be time constraints or financial constraints that prevent this. For example, you might determine that if only you switched to a faster build tool, it would save hours of time every week. However, the switchover will mean pausing development while everyone converts over, and there’s a major funding deadline approaching such that you cannot afford the interruption. Engineering trade-offs are not evaluated in a vacuum—in a case like this, it’s important to realize that the broader context completely justifies delaying action on a result.
+*You can」t afford to change the process/tools right now*
+ There might be time constraints or financial constraints that prevent this. For example, you might determine that if only you switched to a faster build tool, it would save hours of time every week. However, the switchover will mean pausing development while everyone converts over, and there」s a major funding deadline approaching such that you cannot afford the interruption. Engineering trade-offs are not evaluated in a vacuum—in a case like this, it」s important to realize that the broader context completely justifies delaying action on a result.
*Any results will soon be invalidated by other factors*
Examples here might include measuring the software process of an organization just before a planned reorganization. Or measuring the amount of technical debt for a deprecated system.
The decision maker has strong opinions, and you are unlikely to be able to provide a large enough body of evidence, of the right type, to change their beliefs.
- This comes down to knowing your audience. Even at Google, we sometimes find people who have unwavering beliefs on a topic due to their past experiences. We have found stakeholders who never trust survey data because they do not believe self-reports. We’ve also found stakeholders who are swayed best by a compelling narrative that was informed by a small number of interviews. And, of course, there are stakeholders who are swayed only by logs analysis. In all cases, we attempt to triangulate on the truth using mixed methods, but if a stakeholder is limited to believing only in methods that are not appropriate for the problem, there is no point in doing the work.
+ This comes down to knowing your audience. Even at Google, we sometimes find people who have unwavering beliefs on a topic due to their past experiences. We have found stakeholders who never trust survey data because they do not believe self-reports. We」ve also found stakeholders who are swayed best by a compelling narrative that was informed by a small number of interviews. And, of course, there are stakeholders who are swayed only by logs analysis. In all cases, we attempt to triangulate on the truth using mixed methods, but if a stakeholder is limited to believing only in methods that are not appropriate for the problem, there is no point in doing the work.
*The results will be used only as vanity metrics to support something you were going to do anyway*
- This is perhaps the most common reason we tell people at Google not to measure a software process. Many times, people have planned a decision for multiple reasons, and improving the software development process is only one benefit of several. For example, the release tool team at Google once requested a measurement to a planned change to the release workflow system. Due to the nature of the change, it was obvious that the change would not be worse than the current state, but they didn’t know if it was a minor improvement or a large one. We asked the team: if it turns out to only be a minor improvement, would you spend the resources to implement the feature anyway, even if it didn’t look to be worth the investment? The answer was yes! The feature happened to improve productivity, but this was a side effect: it was also more performant and lowered the release tool team’s maintenance burden.
+ This is perhaps the most common reason we tell people at Google not to measure a software process. Many times, people have planned a decision for multiple reasons, and improving the software development process is only one benefit of several. For example, the release tool team at Google once requested a measurement to a planned change to the release workflow system. Due to the nature of the change, it was obvious that the change would not be worse than the current state, but they didn」t know if it was a minor improvement or a large one. We asked the team: if it turns out to only be a minor improvement, would you spend the resources to implement the feature anyway, even if it didn」t look to be worth the investment? The answer was yes! The feature happened to improve productivity, but this was a side effect: it was also more performant and lowered the release tool team」s maintenance burden.
*The only metrics available are not precise enough to measure the problem and can be confounded by other factors*
- In some cases, the metrics needed (see the upcoming section on how to identify metrics) are simply unavailable. In these cases, it can be tempting to measure using other metrics that are less precise (lines of code written, for example). However, any results from these metrics will be uninterpretable. If the metric confirms the stakeholders’ preexisting beliefs, they might end up proceeding with their plan without consideration that the metric is not an accurate measure. If it does not confirm their beliefs, the imprecision of the metric itself provides an easy explanation, and the stakeholder might, again, proceed with their plan.
+ In some cases, the metrics needed (see the upcoming section on how to identify metrics) are simply unavailable. In these cases, it can be tempting to measure using other metrics that are less precise (lines of code written, for example). However, any results from these metrics will be uninterpretable. If the metric confirms the stakeholders」 preexisting beliefs, they might end up proceeding with their plan without consideration that the metric is not an accurate measure. If it does not confirm their beliefs, the imprecision of the metric itself provides an easy explanation, and the stakeholder might, again, proceed with their plan.
- 可能有时间上的限制或资金上的制约,使之无法进行。例如,你可能确定,只要你切换到一个更快的构建工具,每周就能节省几个小时的时间。然而,转换意味着在每个人都转换的时候暂停开发,而且有一个重要的资金期限即将到来,这样你就无法承受这种中断。工程权衡不是在真空中评估的——在这样的情况下,重要的是要意识到,更广泛的背景完全可以说明推迟对结果采取行动是合理的。
+ 可能有時間上的限制或資金上的制約,使之無法進行。例如,你可能確定,只要你切換到一個更快的建立工具,每週就能節省幾個小時的時間。然而,轉換意味著在每個人都轉換的時候暫停開發,而且有一個重要的資金期限即將到來,這樣你就無法承受這種中斷。工程權衡不是在真空中評估的——在這樣的情況下,重要的是要意識到,更廣泛的背景完全可以說明推遲對結果採取行動是合理的。
- 这里的例子可能包括在计划重组之前度量一个组织的软件流程。或者度量一个被废弃的系统的技术债务的数量。
- 决策者有强烈的意见,而你不太可能提供足够多的正确类型的证据,来改变他们的信念。
- 这就需要了解你的受众。即使在谷歌,我们有时也会发现一些人由于他们过去的经验而对某一主题有坚定的信念。我们曾发现一些利益相关者从不相信调查数据,因为他们不相信自我观念。我们也发现一些利益相关者,他们最容易被由少量访谈得出的令人信服的叙述所动摇。当然,也有一些利益相关者只被日志分析所动摇。在所有情况下,我们都试图用混合方法对真相进行三角分析,但如果利益相关者只限于相信不适合问题的方法,那么做这项工作就没有意义。
+ 這裡的例子可能包括在計劃重組之前度量一個組織的軟體流程。或者度量一個被廢棄的系統的技術債務的數量。
+ 決策者有強烈的意見,而你不太可能提供足夠多的正確型別的證據,來改變他們的信念。
+ 這就需要瞭解你的受眾。即使在谷歌,我們有時也會發現一些人由於他們過去的經驗而對某一主題有堅定的信念。我們曾發現一些利益相關者從不相信調查資料,因為他們不相信自我觀念。我們也發現一些利益相關者,他們最容易被由少量訪談得出的令人信服的敘述所動搖。當然,也有一些利益相關者只被日誌分析所動搖。在所有情況下,我們都試圖用混合方法對真相進行三角分析,但如果利益相關者只限於相信不適合問題的方法,那麼做這項工作就沒有意義。
- 这也许是我们在谷歌告诉人们不要度量软件过程的最常见的原因。很多时候,人们已经为多个原因规划了一个决策,而改进软件开发过程只是这些决策的一个好处。例如,谷歌的发布工具团队曾经要求对发布工作流程系统的计划变更进行度量。由于变化的性质,很明显,这个变化不会比目前的状态差,但他们不知道这是一个小的改进还是一个大的改进。我们问团队:如果结果只是一个小的改进,无论如何你会花资源来实现这个功能,即使它看起来不值得投资?答案是肯定的! 这个功能碰巧提高了生产效率,但这是一个副作用:它也更具有性能,降低了发布工具团队的维护负担。
+ 這也許是我們在谷歌告訴人們不要度量軟體過程的最常見的原因。很多時候,人們已經為多個原因規劃了一個決策,而改進軟體開發過程只是這些決策的一個好處。例如,谷歌的發布工具團隊曾經要求對發布工作流程系統的計劃變更進行度量。由於變化的性質,很明顯,這個變化不會比目前的狀態差,但他們不知道這是一個小的改進還是一個大的改進。我們問團隊:如果結果只是一個小的改進,無論如何你會花資源來實現這個功能,即使它看起來不值得投資?答案是肯定的! 這個功能碰巧提高了生產效率,但這是一個副作用:它也更具有效能,降低了發布工具團隊的維護負擔。
- 在某些情况下,所需的指标(见即将到来的关于如何识别指标的章节)根本无法获得。在这些情况下,使用其他不那么精确的指标(例如,编写的代码行)进行度量是很诱人的。然而,这些指标的任何结果都是无法解释的。如果这个指标证实了利益相关者预先存在的观念,他们最终可能会继续执行他们的计划,而不考虑这个指标不是一个准确的度量标准。如果它没有证实他们的观念,那么指标本身的不精确性就提供了一个简单的解释,利益相关者可能再次继续他们的计划。
+ 在某些情況下,所需的指標(見即將到來的關於如何識別指標的章節)根本無法獲得。在這些情況下,使用其他不那麼精確的指標(例如,編寫的程式碼行)進行度量是很誘人的。然而,這些指標的任何結果都是無法解釋的。如果這個指標證實了利益相關者預先存在的觀念,他們最終可能會繼續執行他們的計劃,而不考慮這個指標不是一個準確的度量標準。如果它沒有證實他們的觀念,那麼指標本身的不精確性就提供了一個簡單的解釋,利益相關者可能再次繼續他們的計劃。
-When you are successful at measuring your software process, you aren’t setting out to prove a hypothesis correct or incorrect; *success means giving a stakeholder the data they need to make a decision*. If that stakeholder won’t use the data, the project is always a failure. We should only measure a software process when a concrete decision will be made based on the outcome. For the readability team, there was a clear decision to be made. If the metrics showed the process to be beneficial, they would publicize the result. If not, the process would be abolished. Most important, the readability team had the authority to make this decision.
+When you are successful at measuring your software process, you aren」t setting out to prove a hypothesis correct or incorrect; *success means giving a stakeholder the data they need to make a decision*. If that stakeholder won」t use the data, the project is always a failure. We should only measure a software process when a concrete decision will be made based on the outcome. For the readability team, there was a clear decision to be made. If the metrics showed the process to be beneficial, they would publicize the result. If not, the process would be abolished. Most important, the readability team had the authority to make this decision.
-> [^2]: It’s worth pointing out here that our industry currently disparages “anecdata,” and everyone has a goal of being “data driven.” Yet anecdotes continue to exist because they are powerful. An anecdote can provide context and narrative that raw numbers cannot; it can provide a deep explanation that resonates with others because it mirrors personal experience. Although our researchers do not make decisions on anecdotes, we do use and encourage techniques such as structured interviews and case studies to deeply understand phenomena and provide context to quantitative data.
+> [^2]: It」s worth pointing out here that our industry currently disparages 『anecdata,』 and everyone has a goal of being 『data driven.』 Yet anecdotes continue to exist because they are powerful. An anecdote can provide context and narrative that raw numbers cannot; it can provide a deep explanation that resonates with others because it mirrors personal experience. Although our researchers do not make decisions on anecdotes, we do use and encourage techniques such as structured interviews and case studies to deeply understand phenomena and provide context to quantitative data.
-> 2 在此值得指出的是,我们的行业目前贬低 "轶事数据",而每个人都有一个 "数据驱动 "的目标。然而,轶事仍然存在,因为它们是强大的。轶事可以提供原始数字无法提供的背景和叙述;它可以提供一个深刻的解释,因为它反映了个人的经验,所以能引起别人的共鸣。虽然我们的研究人员不会根据轶事做出决定,但我们确实使用并鼓励结构化访谈和案例研究等技术,以深入理解现象,并为定量数据提供背景。
+> 2 在此值得指出的是,我們的行業目前貶低 "軼事資料",而每個人都有一個 "資料驅動 "的目標。然而,軼事仍然存在,因為它們是強大的。軼事可以提供原始數字無法提供的背景和敘述;它可以提供一個深刻的解釋,因為它反映了個人的經驗,所以能引起別人的共鳴。雖然我們的研究人員不會根據軼事做出決定,但我們確實使用並鼓勵結構化訪談和案例研究等技術,以深入理解現象,併為定量資料提供背景。
-> [^3]: Java and C++ have the greatest amount of tooling support. Both have mature formatters and static analysis tools that catch common mistakes. Both are also heavily funded internally. Even though other language teams, like Python, were interested in the results, clearly there was not going to be a benefit for Python to remove readability if we couldn’t even show the same benefit for Java or C++.
+> [^3]: Java and C++ have the greatest amount of tooling support. Both have mature formatters and static analysis tools that catch common mistakes. Both are also heavily funded internally. Even though other language teams, like Python, were interested in the results, clearly there was not going to be a benefit for Python to remove readability if we couldn」t even show the same benefit for Java or C++.
-> 3 Java和C++拥有最大量的工具支持。两者都有成熟的格式化工具和静态分析工具,可以捕捉常见的错误。两者也都有大量的内部资金。即使其他语言团队,如Python,对结果感兴趣,但显然,如果我们连Java或C++都不能显示出同样的好处,那么Python就不会有删除可读性的好处。
+> 3 Java和C++擁有最大量的工具支援。兩者都有成熟的格式化工具和靜態分析工具,可以捕捉常見的錯誤。兩者也都有大量的內部資金。即使其他語言團隊,如Python,對結果感興趣,但顯然,如果我們連Java或C++都不能顯示出同樣的好處,那麼Python就不會有刪除可讀性的好處。
-## Selecting Meaningful Metrics with Goals and Signals 用目标和信号来选择有意义的度量标准
+## Selecting Meaningful Metrics with Goals and Signals 用目標和訊號來選擇有意義的度量標準
-After we decide to measure a software process, we need to determine what metrics to use. Clearly, lines of code (LOC) won’t do,[^4] but how do we actually measure engineering productivity?
+After we decide to measure a software process, we need to determine what metrics to use. Clearly, lines of code (LOC) won」t do,[^4] but how do we actually measure engineering productivity?
At Google, we use the Goals/Signals/Metrics (GSM) framework to guide metrics creation.
-- A *goal* is a desired end result. It’s phrased in terms of what you want to understand at a high level and should not contain references to specific ways to measure it.
-- A signal is how you might know that you’ve achieved the end result. Signals are things we would *like* to measure, but they might not be measurable themselves.
+- A *goal* is a desired end result. It」s phrased in terms of what you want to understand at a high level and should not contain references to specific ways to measure it.
+- A signal is how you might know that you」ve achieved the end result. Signals are things we would *like* to measure, but they might not be measurable themselves.
- A *metric* is proxy for a signal. It is the thing we actually can measure. It might not be the ideal measurement, but it is something that we believe is close enough.
-- *目标* 是一个期望的最终结果。它是根据你希望在高层次上理解的内容来表述的,不应包含对具体度量方法的引用。。
-- *信号* 是指你可能如何得知你已经达到最终结果的方式。信号是我们*想要*度量的东西,但它们本身可能是不可度量的。
-- *指标* 是信号的代表。它是我们实际上可以度量的东西。它可能不是理想的度量,但它是我们认为足够接近的东西。
+- *目標* 是一個期望的最終結果。它是根據你希望在高層次上理解的內容來表述的,不應包含對具體度量方法的引用。。
+- *訊號* 是指你可能如何得知你已經達到最終結果的方式。訊號是我們*想要*度量的東西,但它們本身可能是不可度量的。
+- *指標* 是訊號的代表。它是我們實際上可以度量的東西。它可能不是理想的度量,但它是我們認為足夠接近的東西。
-The GSM framework encourages several desirable properties when creating metrics. First, by creating goals first, then signals, and finally metrics, it prevents the *streetlight* *effect*. The term comes from the full phrase “looking for your keys under the streetlight”: if you look only where you can see, you might not be looking in the right place. With metrics, this occurs when we use the metrics that we have easily accessible and that are easy to measure, regardless of whether those metrics suit our needs. Instead, GSM forces us to think about which metrics will actually help us achieve our goals, rather than simply what we have readily available.
+The GSM framework encourages several desirable properties when creating metrics. First, by creating goals first, then signals, and finally metrics, it prevents the *streetlight* *effect*. The term comes from the full phrase 『looking for your keys under the streetlight』: if you look only where you can see, you might not be looking in the right place. With metrics, this occurs when we use the metrics that we have easily accessible and that are easy to measure, regardless of whether those metrics suit our needs. Instead, GSM forces us to think about which metrics will actually help us achieve our goals, rather than simply what we have readily available.
-GSM框架在创建指标时鼓励几个理想的属性。首先,通过首先创建目标,然后是信号,最后是指标,它可以防止*路灯*效应。这个词来自于 "在路灯下找你的钥匙 "这个完整的短语:如果你只看你能看到的地方,你可能没有找对地方。对于指标来说,当我们使用我们容易获得的、容易度量的指标时,就会出现这种情况,不管这些指标是否适合我们的需求。相反,GSM迫使我们思考哪些指标能真正帮助我们实现目标,而不是简单地考虑我们有哪些现成的指标。
+GSM框架在建立指標時鼓勵幾個理想的屬性。首先,透過首先建立目標,然後是訊號,最後是指標,它可以防止*路燈*效應。這個詞來自於 "在路燈下找你的鑰匙 "這個完整的短語:如果你只看你能看到的地方,你可能沒有找對地方。對於指標來說,當我們使用我們容易獲得的、容易度量的指標時,就會出現這種情況,不管這些指標是否適合我們的需求。相反,GSM迫使我們思考哪些指標能真正幫助我們實現目標,而不是簡單地考慮我們有哪些現成的指標。
-Second, GSM helps prevent both metrics creep and metrics bias by encouraging us to come up with the appropriate set of metrics, using a principled approach, *in advance* of actually measuring the result. Consider the case in which we select metrics without a principled approach and then the results do not meet our stakeholders’ expectations. At that point, we run the risk that stakeholders will propose that we use different metrics that they believe will produce the desired result. And because we didn’t select based on a principled approach at the start, there’s no reason to say that they’re wrong! Instead, GSM encourages us to select metrics based on their ability to measure the original goals. Stakeholders can easily see that these metrics map to their original goals and agree, in advance, that this is the best set of metrics for measuring the outcomes.
+Second, GSM helps prevent both metrics creep and metrics bias by encouraging us to come up with the appropriate set of metrics, using a principled approach, *in advance* of actually measuring the result. Consider the case in which we select metrics without a principled approach and then the results do not meet our stakeholders」 expectations. At that point, we run the risk that stakeholders will propose that we use different metrics that they believe will produce the desired result. And because we didn」t select based on a principled approach at the start, there」s no reason to say that they」re wrong! Instead, GSM encourages us to select metrics based on their ability to measure the original goals. Stakeholders can easily see that these metrics map to their original goals and agree, in advance, that this is the best set of metrics for measuring the outcomes.
-Finally, GSM can show us where we have measurement coverage and where we do not. When we run through the GSM process, we list all our goals and create signals for each one. As we will see in the examples, not all signals are going to be measurable and that’s OK! With GSM, at least we have identified what is not measurable. By identifying these missing metrics, we can assess whether it is worth creating new metrics or even worth measuring at all.
+Finally, GSM can show us where we have measurement coverage and where we do not. When we run through the GSM process, we list all our goals and create signals for each one. As we will see in the examples, not all signals are going to be measurable and that」s OK! With GSM, at least we have identified what is not measurable. By identifying these missing metrics, we can assess whether it is worth creating new metrics or even worth measuring at all.
The important thing is to maintain *traceability*. For each metric, we should be able to trace back to the signal that it is meant to be a proxy for and to the goal it is trying to measure. This ensures that we know which metrics we are measuring and why we are measuring them.
-> [^4]: “From there it is only a small step to measuring ‘programmer productivity’ in terms of ‘number of lines of code produced per month.’ This is a very costly measuring unit because it encourages the writing of insipid code, but today I am less interested in how foolish a unit it is from even a pure business point of view. My point today is that, if we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as ‘lines produced’ but as ‘lines spent’: the current conventional wisdom is so foolish as to book that count on the wrong side of the ledger.” Edsger Dijkstra, on the cruelty of really teaching computing science, EWD Manuscript 1036.
+> [^4]: 『From there it is only a small step to measuring 「programmer productivity」 in terms of 「number of lines of code produced per month.」 This is a very costly measuring unit because it encourages the writing of insipid code, but today I am less interested in how foolish a unit it is from even a pure business point of view. My point today is that, if we wish to count lines of code, we should not regard them as 「lines produced」 but as 「lines spent」: the current conventional wisdom is so foolish as to book that count on the wrong side of the ledger.』 Edsger Dijkstra, on the cruelty of really teaching computing science, EWD Manuscript 1036.
-> 4 “从那时起,用‘每月产生的代码行数’来度量‘程序员生产效率’只需一小步。这是一个非常昂贵的度量单位,因为它鼓励编写平淡的代码,但今天我对这个单位的愚蠢程度不感兴趣,甚至从纯商业的角度来看也是如此。我今天的观点是,如果我们希望计算代码的行数,我们不应该将它们视为“生产的行数”,而应该视为“花费的行数”:当前的传统智慧愚蠢到将这些行数记在账本的错误一侧。”Edsger Dijkstra,关于真正教给计算机科学的残酷性,EWD手稿1036。
+> 4 『從那時起,用「每月產生的程式碼行數」來度量「工程師生產效率」只需一小步。這是一個非常昂貴的度量單位,因為它鼓勵編寫平淡的程式碼,但今天我對這個單位的愚蠢程度不感興趣,甚至從純商業的角度來看也是如此。我今天的觀點是,如果我們希望計算程式碼的行數,我們不應該將它們視為『生產的行數』,而應該視為『花費的行數』:當前的傳統智慧愚蠢到將這些行數記在賬本的錯誤一側。』Edsger Dijkstra,關於真正教給電腦科學的殘酷性,EWD手稿1036。
-## Goals 目标
+## Goals 目標
A goal should be written in terms of a desired property, without reference to any metric. By themselves, these goals are not measurable, but a good set of goals is something that everyone can agree on before proceeding onto signals and then metrics.
To make this work, we need to have identified the correct set of goals to measure in the first place. This would seem straightforward: surely the team knows the goals of their work! However, our research team has found that in many cases, people forget to include all the possible *trade-offs within productivity*, which could lead to mismeasurement.
-Taking the readability example, let’s assume that the team was so focused on making the readability process fast and easy that it had forgotten the goal about code quality. The team set up tracking measurements for how long it takes to get through the review process and how happy engineers are with the process. One of our teammates proposes the following:
+Taking the readability example, let」s assume that the team was so focused on making the readability process fast and easy that it had forgotten the goal about code quality. The team set up tracking measurements for how long it takes to get through the review process and how happy engineers are with the process. One of our teammates proposes the following:
> I can make your review velocity very fast: just remove code reviews entirely.
-> 我可以让你的审查速度变得非常快:只要完全取消代码审查。
+> 我可以讓你的審查速度變得非常快:只要完全取消程式碼審查。
-Although this is obviously an extreme example, teams forget core trade-offs all the time when measuring: they become so focused on improving velocity that they forget to measure quality (or vice versa). To combat this, our research team divides productivity into five core components. These five components are in trade-off with one another, and we encourage teams to consider goals in each of these components to ensure that they are not inadvertently improving one while driving others downward. To help people remember all five components, we use the mnemonic “QUANTS”:
+Although this is obviously an extreme example, teams forget core trade-offs all the time when measuring: they become so focused on improving velocity that they forget to measure quality (or vice versa). To combat this, our research team divides productivity into five core components. These five components are in trade-off with one another, and we encourage teams to consider goals in each of these components to ensure that they are not inadvertently improving one while driving others downward. To help people remember all five components, we use the mnemonic 『QUANTS』:
***Quality** of the code*
What is the quality of the code produced? Are the test cases good enough to prevent regressions? How good is an architecture at mitigating risk and changes?
@@ -208,24 +208,24 @@ Although this is obviously an extreme example, teams forget core trade-offs all
How quickly can engineers accomplish their tasks? How fast can they push their releases out? How many tasks do they complete in a given timeframe?
- How happy are engineers with their tools? How well does a tool meet engineers’ needs? How satisfied are they with their work and their end product? Are engineers feeling burned out?
+ How happy are engineers with their tools? How well does a tool meet engineers」 needs? How satisfied are they with their work and their end product? Are engineers feeling burned out?
-虽然这显然是一个极端的例子,但团队在度量时总是忘记了核心的权衡:他们太专注于提高速度而忘记了度量质量(或者反过来)。为了解决这个问题,我们的研究团队将生产效率分为五个核心部分。这五个部分是相互权衡的,我们鼓励团队考虑每一个部分的目标,以确保他们不会在无意中提高一个部分而使其他部分下降。为了帮助人们记住所有五个组成部分,我们使用了 "QUANTS "的记忆法:
+雖然這顯然是一個極端的例子,但團隊在度量時總是忘記了核心的權衡:他們太專注於提高速度而忘記了度量質量(或者反過來)。為了解決這個問題,我們的研究團隊將生產效率分為五個核心部分。這五個部分是相互權衡的,我們鼓勵團隊考慮每一個部分的目標,以確保他們不會在無意中提高一個部分而使其他部分下降。為了幫助人們記住所有五個組成部分,我們使用了 "QUANTS "的記憶法:
- 产生的代码的质量如何?测试用例是否足以预防回归?架构在减轻风险和变化方面的能力如何?
+ 產生的程式碼的質量如何?測試用例是否足以預防迴歸?架構在減輕風險和變化方面的能力如何?
- 工程师达到流动状态的频率如何?他们在多大程度上被通知分散了注意力?工具是否鼓励工程师进行状态切换?
+ 工程師達到流動狀態的頻率如何?他們在多大程度上被通知分散了注意力?工具是否鼓勵工程師進行狀態切換?
- 完成一项任务需要多大的认知负荷?正在解决的问题的内在复杂性是什么?工程师是否需要处理不必要的复杂性?
+ 完成一項任務需要多大的認知負荷?正在解決的問題的內在複雜性是什麼?工程師是否需要處理不必要的複雜性?
- 工程师能多快地完成他们的任务?他们能以多快的速度把他们的版本推出去?他们在给定的时间范围内能完成多少任务?
+ 工程師能多快地完成他們的任務?他們能以多快的速度把他們的版本推出去?他們在給定的時間範圍內能完成多少任務?
- 工程师对他们的工具有多满意?工具能在多大程度上满足工程师的需求?他们对自己的工作和最终产品的满意度如何?工程师是否感到筋疲力尽?
+ 工程師對他們的工具有多滿意?工具能在多大程度上滿足工程師的需求?他們對自己的工作和最終產品的滿意度如何?工程師是否感到筋疲力盡?
Going back to the readability example, our research team worked with the readability team to identify several productivity goals of the readability process:
@@ -244,30 +244,30 @@ Going back to the readability example, our research team worked with the readabi
Engineers see the benefit of the readability process and have positive feelings about participating in it.
- 由于可读性过程,工程师们写出了更高质量的代码;由于可读性过程,他们写出了更一致的代码;由于可读性过程,他们为代码的健康文化做出了贡献。
+ 由於可讀性過程,工程師們寫出了更高質量的程式碼;由於可讀性過程,他們寫出了更一致的程式碼;由於可讀性過程,他們為程式碼的健康文化做出了貢獻。
- 我们没有为可读性制定任何关注目标。这是可以的! 并非所有关于工程生产力的问题都涉及所有五个领域的权衡。
+ 我們沒有為可讀性制定任何關注目標。這是可以的! 並非所有關於工程生產力的問題都涉及所有五個領域的權衡。
- 工程师们通过可读性过程了解谷歌代码库和最佳编码实践,他们在可读性过程中接受指导。
+ 工程師們透過可讀性過程瞭解谷歌程式碼庫和最佳編碼實踐,他們在可讀性過程中接受指導。
- 由于可读性过程,工程师更快、更有效地完成工作任务。
+ 由於可讀性過程,工程師更快、更有效地完成工作任務。
- 工程师们看到了可读性过程的好处,对参与该过程有积极的感受。
+ 工程師們看到了可讀性過程的好處,對參與該過程有積極的感受。
-## Signals 信号
+## Signals 訊號
-A signal is the way in which we will know we’ve achieved our goal. Not all signals are measurable, but that’s acceptable at this stage. There is not a 1:1 relationship between signals and goals. Every goal should have at least one signal, but they might have more. Some goals might also share a signal. Table 7-1 shows some example signals for the goals of the readability process measurement.
+A signal is the way in which we will know we」ve achieved our goal. Not all signals are measurable, but that」s acceptable at this stage. There is not a 1:1 relationship between signals and goals. Every goal should have at least one signal, but they might have more. Some goals might also share a signal. Table 7-1 shows some example signals for the goals of the readability process measurement.
-*Table 7-1. Signals and goals* *表7-1. 信号和目标 *
+*Table 7-1. Signals and goals* *表7-1. 訊號和目標 *
| Goals | Signals |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
@@ -276,67 +276,67 @@ A signal is the way in which we will know we’ve achieved our goal. Not all sig
| Engineers receive mentoring during the readability process. | Engineers report positive interactions with experienced Google engineers who serve as reviewers during the readability process. |
| Engineers receive mentoring during the readability process. Engineers complete work tasks faster and more efficiently as a result of the readability process.
Engineers see the benefit of the readability process and have positive feelings about participating in it. | Engineers who have been granted readability judge themselves to be more productive than engineers who have not been granted readability. Changes written by engineers who have been granted readability are faster to review than changes written by engineers who have not been granted readability. Engineers view the readability process as being worthwhile. |
-| 目标 | 信号 |
+| 目標 | 訊號 |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| 由于可读性过程,工程师们会写出更高质量的代码。 | 被授予可读性的工程师判断他们的代码比没有被授予可读性的工程师的质量更高。可读性过程对代码质量有积极影响。 |
-| 工程师们通过可读性过程了解谷歌的代码库和最佳编码实践。 | 工程师们报告了从可读性过程中的学习情况。 |
-| 工程师在可读性过程中接受指导。 | 工程师们报告了与经验丰富的谷歌工程师的积极互动,他们在可读性过程中担任审查员。 |
-| 工程师在可读性过程中得到指导。
工程師認為可讀性過程是值得的。 |
-## Metrics 指标
+## Metrics 指標
Metrics are where we finally determine how we will measure the signal. Metrics are not the signal themselves; they are the measurable proxy of the signal. Because they are a proxy, they might not be a perfect measurement. For this reason, some signals might have multiple metrics as we try to triangulate on the underlying signal.
-For example, to measure whether engineers’ code is reviewed faster after readability, we might use a combination of both survey data and logs data. Neither of these metrics really provide the underlying truth. (Human perceptions are fallible, and logs metrics might not be measuring the entire picture of the time an engineer spends reviewing a piece of code or can be confounded by factors unknown at the time, like the size or difficulty of a code change.) However, if these metrics show different results, it signals that possibly one of them is incorrect and we need to explore further. If they are the same, we have more confidence that we have reached some kind of truth.
+For example, to measure whether engineers」 code is reviewed faster after readability, we might use a combination of both survey data and logs data. Neither of these metrics really provide the underlying truth. (Human perceptions are fallible, and logs metrics might not be measuring the entire picture of the time an engineer spends reviewing a piece of code or can be confounded by factors unknown at the time, like the size or difficulty of a code change.) However, if these metrics show different results, it signals that possibly one of them is incorrect and we need to explore further. If they are the same, we have more confidence that we have reached some kind of truth.
Additionally, some signals might not have any associated metric because the signal might simply be unmeasurable at this time. Consider, for example, measuring code quality. Although academic literature has proposed many proxies for code quality, none of them have truly captured it. For readability, we had a decision of either using a poor proxy and possibly making a decision based on it, or simply acknowledging that this is a point that cannot currently be measured. Ultimately, we decided not to capture this as a quantitative measure, though we did ask engineers to self-rate their code quality.
-Following the GSM framework is a great way to clarify the goals for why you are measuring your software process and how it will actually be measured. However, it’s still possible that the metrics selected are not telling the complete story because they are not capturing the desired signal. At Google, we use qualitative data to validate our metrics and ensure that they are capturing the intended signal.
+Following the GSM framework is a great way to clarify the goals for why you are measuring your software process and how it will actually be measured. However, it」s still possible that the metrics selected are not telling the complete story because they are not capturing the desired signal. At Google, we use qualitative data to validate our metrics and ensure that they are capturing the intended signal.
-## Using Data to Validate Metrics 使用数据验证指标
+## Using Data to Validate Metrics 使用資料驗證指標
-As an example, we once created a metric for measuring each engineer’s median build latency; the goal was to capture the “typical experience” of engineers’ build latencies. We then ran an *experience sampling study*. In this style of study, engineers are interrupted in context of doing a task of interest to answer a few questions. After an engineer started a build, we automatically sent them a small survey about their experiences and expectations of build latency. However, in a few cases, the engineers responded that they had not started a build! It turned out that automated tools were starting up builds, but the engineers were not blocked on these results and so it didn’t “count” toward their “typical experience.” We then adjusted the metric to exclude such builds.[^5]
+As an example, we once created a metric for measuring each engineer」s median build latency; the goal was to capture the 『typical experience』 of engineers」 build latencies. We then ran an *experience sampling study*. In this style of study, engineers are interrupted in context of doing a task of interest to answer a few questions. After an engineer started a build, we automatically sent them a small survey about their experiences and expectations of build latency. However, in a few cases, the engineers responded that they had not started a build! It turned out that automated tools were starting up builds, but the engineers were not blocked on these results and so it didn」t 『count』 toward their 『typical experience.』 We then adjusted the metric to exclude such builds.[^5]
-举个例子,我们曾经创建了一个度量每个工程师平均构建延迟中位数的指标;目的是为了捕捉工程师构建延迟的 "典型经验"。然后我们进行了一个*经验抽样研究*。在这种研究方式中,工程师在做一项感兴趣的任务时被打断,以回答一些问题。在工程师开始构建后,我们自动向他们发送了一份小型调查,了解他们对构建延迟的经验和期望。然而,在少数情况下,工程师们回答说他们没有开始构建!结果发现,自动化工具正在启动。事实证明,自动化工具正在启动构建,但工程师们并没有被这些结果所阻碍,因此它并没有“计入”他们的“典型经验”。然后我们调整了指标,排除了这种构建。
+舉個例子,我們曾經建立了一個度量每個工程師平均建立延遲中位數的指標;目的是為了捕捉工程師建立延遲的 "典型經驗"。然後我們進行了一個*經驗抽樣研究*。在這種研究方式中,工程師在做一項感興趣的任務時被打斷,以回答一些問題。在工程師開始建立後,我們自動向他們傳送了一份小型調查,瞭解他們對建立延遲的經驗和期望。然而,在少數情況下,工程師們回答說他們沒有開始建立!結果發現,自動化工具正在啟動。事實證明,自動化工具正在啟動建立,但工程師們並沒有被這些結果所阻礙,因此它並沒有『計入』他們的『典型經驗』。然後我們調整了指標,排除了這種建立。
-Quantitative metrics are useful because they give you power and scale. You can measure the experience of engineers across the entire company over a large period of time and have confidence in the results. However, they don’t provide any context or narrative. Quantitative metrics don’t explain why an engineer chose to use an antiquated tool to accomplish their task, or why they took an unusual workflow, or why they circumvented a standard process. Only qualitative studies can provide this information, and only qualitative studies can then provide insight on the next steps to improve a process.
+Quantitative metrics are useful because they give you power and scale. You can measure the experience of engineers across the entire company over a large period of time and have confidence in the results. However, they don」t provide any context or narrative. Quantitative metrics don」t explain why an engineer chose to use an antiquated tool to accomplish their task, or why they took an unusual workflow, or why they circumvented a standard process. Only qualitative studies can provide this information, and only qualitative studies can then provide insight on the next steps to improve a process.
> [^5]: It has routinely been our experience at Google that when the quantitative and qualitative metrics disagree, it was because the quantitative metrics were not capturing the expected result.
-> 5 我们在谷歌的常规经验是,当定量指标和定性指标不一致时,是因为定量指标没有捕捉到预期的结果。
+> 5 我們在谷歌的常規經驗是,當定量指標和定性指標不一致時,是因為定量指標沒有捕捉到預期的結果。
Consider now the signals presented in Table 7-2. What metrics might you create to measure each of those? Some of these signals might be measurable by analyzing tool and code logs. Others are measurable only by directly asking engineers. Still others might not be perfectly measurable—how do we truly measure code quality, for example?
Ultimately, when evaluating the impact of readability on productivity, we ended up with a combination of metrics from three sources. First, we had a survey that was specifically about the readability process. This survey was given to people after they completed the process; this allowed us to get their immediate feedback about the process. This hopefully avoids recall bias,[^6] but it does introduce both recency bias[^7] and sampling bias.[^8] Second, we used a large-scale quarterly survey to track items that were not specifically about readability; instead, they were purely about metrics that we expected readability should affect. Finally, we used fine-grained logs metrics from our developer tools to determine how much time the logs claimed it took engineers to complete specific tasks.[^9] Table 7-2 presents the complete list of metrics with their corresponding signals and goals.
-*Table 7-2. Goals, signals, and metrics* *表7-2. 目标、信号和指标*
+*Table 7-2. Goals, signals, and metrics* *表7-2. 目標、訊號和指標*
| QUANTS | Goal | Signal | Metric |
| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| **Qu**ality of the code | Engineers write higherquality code as a result of the readability process. | Engineers who have been granted readability judge their code to be of higher quality than engineers who have not been granted readability. The readability process has a positive impact on code quality. | Quarterly Survey: Proportion ofengineers who report being satisfied with the quality of their own code
Readability Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that readability reviews have no impact or negative impact on code quality |
| | | | Readability Survey: Proportionof engineers reporting thatparticipating in the readability process has improved codequality for their team |
-| | Engineers write more consistent code as a result of the readability process. | Engineers are given consistent feedback and direction in code reviews by readability reviewers as a part of the readability process. | Readability Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting inconsistency in readability reviewers’ comments and readability criteria. |
+| | Engineers write more consistent code as a result of the readability process. | Engineers are given consistent feedback and direction in code reviews by readability reviewers as a part of the readability process. | Readability Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting inconsistency in readability reviewers」 comments and readability criteria. |
| | Engineers contribute to a culture of code health as a result of the readability process. | Engineers who have been granted readability regularly comment on style and/or readability issues in code reviews. | Readability Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that they regularly comment on style and/or readability issues in code reviews |
| **A**ttention from engineers | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| I**n**tellectual | Engineers learn about the Google codebase and best coding practices as a result of the readability process. | Engineers report learning from the readability process. | Readability Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that they learned about four relevant topics |
| | | | Readability Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that learning or gaining expertise was a strength of the readability process |
| | Engineers receive mentoring during the readability process. | Engineers report positive interactions with experienced Google engineers who serve as reviewers during the readability process. | Readability Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that working with readability reviewers was a strength of the readability process |
-| **T**empo/velocity | Engineers are more productive as a result of the readability process. | Engineers who have been granted readability judge themselves to be more productive than engineers who have not been granted readability. | Quarterly Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that they’re highly productive |
+| **T**empo/velocity | Engineers are more productive as a result of the readability process. | Engineers who have been granted readability judge themselves to be more productive than engineers who have not been granted readability. | Quarterly Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that they」re highly productive |
| | | Engineers report that completing the readability process positively affects their engineering velocity. | Readability Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that not having readability reduces team engineering velocity |
| | | Changelists (CLs) written by engineers who have been granted readability are faster to review than CLs written by engineers who have not been granted readability. | Logs data: Median review time for CLs from authors with readability and without readability |
| | | CLs written by engineers who have been granted readability are easier to shepherd through code review than CLs written by engineers who have not been granted readability. | Logs data: Median shepherding time for CLs from authors with readability and without readability |
@@ -349,79 +349,79 @@ Ultimately, when evaluating the impact of readability on productivity, we ended
| | | | Readability Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that the quality of readability reviews is a strength of the process |
| | | | Readability Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that thoroughness is a strength of the process |
| | | Engineers do not view the readability process as frustrating. | Readability Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that the readability process is uncertain, unclear, slow, or frustrating |
-| | | | Quarterly Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that they’re satisfied with their own engineering velocity |
+| | | | Quarterly Survey: Proportion of engineers reporting that they」re satisfied with their own engineering velocity |
-| QUANTS | 目标 | 信号 | 指标 |
+| QUANTS | 目標 | 訊號 | 指標 |
| -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| **代码**的质量 | 由于可读性过程,工程师们会写出更高质量的代码。 | 被授予可读性的工程师判断他们的代码比没有被授予可读性的工程师的质量更高。
可讀性調查。報告可讀性審查對程式碼品質沒有影響或有負面影響的工程師的比例 |
+| | | | 可讀性調查。報告說參與可讀性過程改善了他們團隊的程式碼品質的工程師的比例 |
+| | 作為可讀性過程的結果,工程師們寫出的程式碼更加一致。 | 工程師在程式碼審查中由可讀性審查員提供一致的反饋和指導,這是可讀性過程的一部分。 | 可讀性調查。報告可讀性審查員的意見和可讀性標準不一致的工程師比例。 |
+| | 工程師對程式碼健康文化的貢獻是可讀性過程的結果。 | 被授予可讀性的工程師經常在程式碼審查中評論風格和/或可讀性問題。 | 可讀性調查:報告他們經常在程式碼審查中評論風格和/或可讀性問題的工程師的比例 |
+| 工程師的關注 | 不適用 | 不適用 | 不適用 |
+| 知識 | 工程師們透過可讀性過程瞭解谷歌的程式碼庫和最佳編碼實踐。 | 工程師們報告了從可讀性過程中的學習情況。 | 可讀性調查。報告說他們瞭解了四個相關主題的工程師比例 |
+| | | | 可讀性調查:報告學習或獲得專業知識是可讀性過程的優勢的工程師比例 |
+| | 工程師在可讀性過程中接受指導。 | 工程師們報告說,在可讀性過程中,他們與作為審查員的經驗豐富的谷歌工程師進行了積極的互動。 | 可讀性調查:報告說與可讀性審查員一起工作是可讀性過程的優勢的工程師的比例 |
+| 節奏/速度 | 由於可讀性過程,工程師們的工作效率更高。 | 被授予可讀性的工程師判斷自己比沒有被授予可讀性的工程師更有生產力。 | 季度調查:報告他們具有高生產力的工程師的比例 |
+| | | 工程師們報告說,完成可讀性過程對他們的工程速度有積極的影響。 | 可讀性調查:報告不具備可讀性會降低團隊工程速度的工程師比例 |
+| | | 由被授予可讀性的工程師編寫的變更清單(CLs)比由未被授予可讀性的工程師編寫的變更清單審查得更快。 | 日誌資料:有可讀性和無可讀性的作者所寫的CL的審查時間中位數 |
+| | | 由被授予可讀性的工程師編寫的CL比由未被授予可讀性的工程師編寫的CL更容易透過程式碼審查。 | Logs資料:具備可讀性和不具備可讀性的作者編寫的CL的指導時間的中位數 |
+| | | 由被授予可讀性的工程師編寫的CL比由未被授予可讀性的工程師編寫的CL更快地透過程式碼審查。 | 日誌資料:具有可讀性和不具有可讀性的作者的CL送出時間的中位數 |
+| | | 可讀性過程不會對工程速度產生負面影響。 | 可讀性調查:報告可讀性過程對其速度有負面影響的工程師比例 |
+| | | | 可讀性調查:報告可讀性審查員及時回覆的工程師比例 |
+| | | | 可讀性調查:可讀性調查:報告審查的及時性是可讀性過程的優勢的工程師比例 |
+| 滿意度 | 工程師們看到了可讀性過程的好處,並對參與這一過程有積極的感受。 | 工程師們認為可讀性過程是一個總體上積極的經歷 | 可讀性調查:報告說他們在可讀性過程中的經驗總體上是積極的工程師的比例 |
+| | | 工程師認為可讀性過程是值得的 | 可讀性調查:報告說可讀性過程是值得的工程師比例 |
+| | | | 可讀性調查:報告稱可讀性審查質量是流程優勢的工程師比例 |
+| | | | 可讀性調查:報道稱徹底性是流程的優勢的工程師比例 |
+| | | 工程師不認為可讀性過程是令人沮喪的。 | 可讀性調查:報告說可讀性過程不確定、不清楚、緩慢或令人沮喪的工程師的比例 |
+| | | | 季度調查:報告他們對自己的工程速度感到滿意的工程師的比例 |
> [^6]: Recall bias is the bias from memory. People are more likely to recall events that are particularly interesting or frustrating.
-> 6 回忆偏差是来自记忆的偏差。人们更愿意回忆那些特别有趣或令人沮丧的事件。
+> 6 回憶偏差是來自記憶的偏差。人們更願意回憶那些特別有趣或令人沮喪的事件。
> [^7]: Recency bias is another form of bias from memory in which people are biased toward their most recent experience. In this case, as they just successfully completed the process, they might be feeling particularly good about it.
-> 7 近期偏见是另一种形式的来自记忆的偏见,即人们偏向于最近的经历。在这种情况下,由于他们刚刚成功地完成了这个过程,他们可能会感觉特别好。
+> 7 近期偏見是另一種形式的來自記憶的偏見,即人們偏向於最近的經歷。在這種情況下,由於他們剛剛成功地完成了這個過程,他們可能會感覺特別好。
-> [^8]: Because we asked only those people who completed the process, we aren’t capturing the opinions of those who did not complete the process.
+> [^8]: Because we asked only those people who completed the process, we aren」t capturing the opinions of those who did not complete the process.
-> 8 因为我们只问了那些完成过程的人,所以我们没有捕捉到那些没有完成过程的人的意见。
+> 8 因為我們只問了那些完成過程的人,所以我們沒有捕捉到那些沒有完成過程的人的意見。
> [^9]: There is a temptation to use such metrics to evaluate individual engineers, or perhaps even to identify high and low performers. Doing so would be counterproductive, though. If productivity metrics are used for performance reviews, engineers will be quick to game the metrics, and they will no longer be useful for measuring and improving productivity across the organization. The only way to make these measurements work is to let go of the idea of measuring individuals and embrace measuring the aggregate effect.
-> 9 有一种诱惑,就是用这样的指标来评价个别的工程师,甚至可能用来识别高绩效和低绩效的人。不过,这样做会适得其反。如果生产效率指标被用于绩效评估,工程师们就会很快学会操弄这些指标,它们将不再对度量和提高整个组织的生产效率有用。让这些指标发挥作用的唯一方法是,不将其用于度量个体,而是接受度量总体效果。
+> 9 有一種誘惑,就是用這樣的指標來評價個別的工程師,甚至可能用來識別高績效和低績效的人。不過,這樣做會適得其反。如果生產效率指標被用於績效評估,工程師們就會很快學會操弄這些指標,它們將不再對度量和提高整個組織的生產效率有用。讓這些指標發揮作用的唯一方法是,不將其用於度量個體,而是接受度量總體效果。
-## Taking Action and Tracking Results 采取行动并跟踪结果
+## Taking Action and Tracking Results 採取行動並跟蹤結果
-Recall our original goal in this chapter: we want to take action and improve productivity. After performing research on a topic, the team at Google always prepares a list of recommendations for how we can continue to improve. We might suggest new features to a tool, improving latency of a tool, improving documentation, removing obsolete processes, or even changing the incentive structures for the engineers. Ideally, these recommendations are “tool driven”: it does no good to tell engineers to change their process or way of thinking if the tools do not support them in doing so. We instead always assume that engineers will make the appropriate trade-offs if they have the proper data available and the suitable tools at their disposal.
+Recall our original goal in this chapter: we want to take action and improve productivity. After performing research on a topic, the team at Google always prepares a list of recommendations for how we can continue to improve. We might suggest new features to a tool, improving latency of a tool, improving documentation, removing obsolete processes, or even changing the incentive structures for the engineers. Ideally, these recommendations are 『tool driven』: it does no good to tell engineers to change their process or way of thinking if the tools do not support them in doing so. We instead always assume that engineers will make the appropriate trade-offs if they have the proper data available and the suitable tools at their disposal.
-回顾我们在本章中的最初目标:我们希望采取行动,提高生产效率。在对某个主题进行研究之后,谷歌的团队总是准备一份建议清单,说明我们可以如何继续改进。我们可能会建议给一个工具增加新的功能,改善工具的延迟,改善文档,删除过时的流程,甚至改变工程师的激励结构。理想情况下,这些建议是 "工具驱动"的:如果工具不支持工程师改变他们的流程或思维方式,那么告诉他们这样做是没有用的。相反,我们总是假设,如果工程师有适当的数据和合适的工具可以使用,他们会做出适当的权衡。
+回顧我們在本章中的最初目標:我們希望採取行動,提高生產效率。在對某個主題進行研究之後,谷歌的團隊總是準備一份建議清單,說明我們可以如何繼續改進。我們可能會建議給一個工具增加新的功能,改善工具的延遲,改善文件,刪除過時的流程,甚至改變工程師的激勵結構。理想情況下,這些建議是 "工具驅動"的:如果工具不支援工程師改變他們的流程或思維方式,那麼告訴他們這樣做是沒有用的。相反,我們總是假設,如果工程師有適當的資料和合適的工具可以使用,他們會做出適當的權衡。
For readability, our study showed that it was overall worthwhile: engineers who had achieved readability were satisfied with the process and felt they learned from it. Our logs showed that they also had their code reviewed faster and submitted it faster, even accounting for no longer needing as many reviewers. Our study also showed places for improvement with the process: engineers identified pain points that would have made the process faster or more pleasant. The language teams took these recommendations and improved the tooling and process to make it faster and to be more transparent so that engineers would have a more pleasant experience.
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
-At Google, we’ve found that staffing a team of engineering productivity specialists has widespread benefits to software engineering; rather than relying on each team to chart its own course to increase productivity, a centralized team can focus on broad- based solutions to complex problems. Such “human-based” factors are notoriously difficult to measure, and it is important for experts to understand the data being analyzed given that many of the trade-offs involved in changing engineering processes are difficult to measure accurately and often have unintended consequences. Such a team must remain data driven and aim to eliminate subjective bias.
+At Google, we」ve found that staffing a team of engineering productivity specialists has widespread benefits to software engineering; rather than relying on each team to chart its own course to increase productivity, a centralized team can focus on broad- based solutions to complex problems. Such 『human-based』 factors are notoriously difficult to measure, and it is important for experts to understand the data being analyzed given that many of the trade-offs involved in changing engineering processes are difficult to measure accurately and often have unintended consequences. Such a team must remain data driven and aim to eliminate subjective bias.
-在谷歌,我们发现配备一个工程生产效率专家团队对软件工程有广泛的好处;与其依靠每个团队制定自己的路线来提高生产效率,一个集中的团队可以专注于复杂问题的广泛解决方案。这种 "以人为本"的因素是出了名的难以度量,而且鉴于改变工程流程所涉及的许多权衡都难以准确度量,而且往往会产生意想不到的后果,因此专家们必须了解正在分析的数据。这样的团队必须保持数据驱动,旨在消除主观偏见。
+在谷歌,我們發現配備一個工程生產效率專家團隊對軟體工程有廣泛的好處;與其依靠每個團隊制定自己的路線來提高生產效率,一個集中的團隊可以專注於複雜問題的廣泛解決方案。這種 "以人為本"的因素是出了名的難以度量,而且鑑於改變工程流程所涉及的許多權衡都難以準確度量,而且往往會產生意想不到的後果,因此專家們必須瞭解正在分析的資料。這樣的團隊必須保持資料驅動,旨在消除主觀偏見。
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
-- Before measuring productivity, ask whether the result is actionable, regardless of whether the result is positive or negative. If you can’t do anything with the result, it is likely not worth measuring.
-- Select meaningful metrics using the GSM framework. A good metric is a reasonable proxy to the signal you’re trying to measure, and it is traceable back to your original goals.
-- Select metrics that cover all parts of productivity (QUANTS). By doing this, you ensure that you aren’t improving one aspect of productivity (like developer velocity) at the cost of another (like code quality).
-- Qualitative metrics are metrics, too! Consider having a survey mechanism for tracking longitudinal metrics about engineers’ beliefs. Qualitative metrics should also align with the quantitative metrics; if they do not, it is likely the quantitative metrics that are incorrect.
-- Aim to create recommendations that are built into the developer workflow and incentive structures. Even though it is sometimes necessary to recommend additional training or documentation, change is more likely to occur if it is built into the developer’s daily habits.
+- Before measuring productivity, ask whether the result is actionable, regardless of whether the result is positive or negative. If you can」t do anything with the result, it is likely not worth measuring.
+- Select meaningful metrics using the GSM framework. A good metric is a reasonable proxy to the signal you」re trying to measure, and it is traceable back to your original goals.
+- Select metrics that cover all parts of productivity (QUANTS). By doing this, you ensure that you aren」t improving one aspect of productivity (like developer velocity) at the cost of another (like code quality).
+- Qualitative metrics are metrics, too! Consider having a survey mechanism for tracking longitudinal metrics about engineers」 beliefs. Qualitative metrics should also align with the quantitative metrics; if they do not, it is likely the quantitative metrics that are incorrect.
+- Aim to create recommendations that are built into the developer workflow and incentive structures. Even though it is sometimes necessary to recommend additional training or documentation, change is more likely to occur if it is built into the developer」s daily habits.
-- 在度量生产效率之前,要问结果是否可操作,无论结果是积极还是消极。如果你对这个结果无能为力,它很可能不值得度量。
-- 使用GSM框架选择有意义的度量标准。一个好的指标是你试图度量的信号的合理代理,而且它可以追溯到你的原始目标。
-- 选择涵盖生产效率所有部分的度量标准(QUANTS)。通过这样做,你可以确保你不会以牺牲另一个方面(如代码质量)为代价来改善生产力的一个方面(如开发人员的速度)。
-- 定性指标也是指标。考虑有一个调查机制来跟踪关于工程师信念的纵向指标。定性指标也应该与定量指标一致;如果它们不一致,很可能是定量指标不正确。
-- 争取创建内置于开发人员工作流程和激励结构的建议。即使有时有必要推荐额外的培训或文档,但如果将其纳入开发人员的日常习惯,则更有可能发生变化。
+- 在度量生產效率之前,要問結果是否可操作,無論結果是積極還是消極。如果你對這個結果無能為力,它很可能不值得度量。
+- 使用GSM框架選擇有意義的度量標準。一個好的指標是你試圖度量的訊號的合理代理,而且它可以追溯到你的原始目標。
+- 選擇涵蓋生產效率所有部分的度量標準(QUANTS)。透過這樣做,你可以確保你不會以犧牲另一個方面(如程式碼品質)為代價來改善生產力的一個方面(如開發人員的速度)。
+- 定性指標也是指標。考慮有一個調查機制來跟蹤關於工程師信念的縱向指標。定性指標也應該與定量指標一致;如果它們不一致,很可能是定量指標不正確。
+- 爭取建立內建於開發人員工作流程和激勵結構的建議。即使有時有必要推薦額外的培訓或文件,但如果將其納入開發人員的日常習慣,則更有可能發生變化。
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# Style Guides and Rules
-# 第八章 风格指南和规则
+# 第八章 風格指南和規則
**Written by Shaindel Schwartz**
@@ -11,53 +11,53 @@
Most engineering organizations have rules governing their codebases—rules about where source files are stored, rules about the formatting of the code, rules about naming and patterns and exceptions and threads. Most software engineers are working within the bounds of a set of policies that control how they operate. At Google, to manage our codebase, we maintain a set of style guides that define our rules.
Rules are laws. They are not just suggestions or recommendations, but strict, mandatory laws. As such, they are universally enforceable—rules may not be disregarded except as approved on a need-to-use basis. In contrast to rules, guidance provides recommendations and best practices. These bits are good to follow, even highly advisable to follow, but unlike rules, they usually have some room for variance.
-规则就像法律。 它们不仅仅是建议或提议,而是严格且强制性的法律。 因此,规则具有普遍可执行性——不得无视规则除非在需要使用的基础上获得豁免。 与规则相反,指导提供帮助建议和最佳实践。 指导值得遵循,甚至是高度建议能够遵守,但与规则不同的是,指导通常允许出现一些变化的空间。
+規則就像法律。 它們不僅僅是建議或提議,而是嚴格且強制性的法律。 因此,規則具有普遍可執行性——不得無視規則除非在需要使用的基礎上獲得豁免。 與規則相反,指導提供幫助建議和最佳實踐。 指導值得遵循,甚至是高度建議能夠遵守,但與規則不同的是,指導通常允許出現一些變化的空間。
-We collect the rules that we define, the do’s and don’ts of writing code that must be followed, in our programming style guides, which are treated as canon. “Style” might be a bit of a misnomer here, implying a collection limited to formatting practices. Our style guides are more than that; they are the full set of conventions that govern our code. That’s not to say that our style guides are strictly prescriptive; style guide rules may call for judgement, such as the rule to use names that are “as descriptive as possible, within reason.” Rather, our style guides serve as the definitive source for the rules to which our engineers are held accountable.
+We collect the rules that we define, the do」s and don」ts of writing code that must be followed, in our programming style guides, which are treated as canon. 『Style』 might be a bit of a misnomer here, implying a collection limited to formatting practices. Our style guides are more than that; they are the full set of conventions that govern our code. That」s not to say that our style guides are strictly prescriptive; style guide rules may call for judgement, such as the rule to use names that are 『as descriptive as possible, within reason.』 Rather, our style guides serve as the definitive source for the rules to which our engineers are held accountable.
-我们把我们定义的规则,即写代码时必须遵守的 "允许"和 "禁止",收集在我们的编程风格指南中,这些指南被视为典范。 “风格”可能这里有点名不副实,暗示着范围仅限于格式化实践。我们的风格指南不止于此; 它们是一套完整的约定约束我们的代码。 这并不是说我们的风格指南是严格规定的; 是指导还是规则可能需要判断,例如有一条命名规则是“[在合理范围内使用与描述性相同的名称。]” 并且,我们的风格指南是最终的来源我们的工程师必须遵守的规则。
+我們把我們定義的規則,即寫程式碼時必須遵守的 "允許"和 "禁止",收集在我們的程式設計風格指南中,這些指南被視為典範。 『風格』可能這裡有點名不副實,暗示著範圍僅限於格式化實踐。我們的風格指南不止於此; 它們是一套完整的約定約束我們的程式碼。 這並不是說我們的風格指南是嚴格規定的; 是指導還是規則可能需要判斷,例如有一條命名規則是『[在合理範圍內使用與描述性相同的名稱。]』 並且,我們的風格指南是最終的來源我們的工程師必須遵守的規則。
-We maintain separate style guides for each of the programming languages used at Google [^1].At a high level, all of the guides have similar goals, aiming to steer code development with an eye to sustainability. At the same time, there is a lot of variation among them in scope, length, and content. Programming languages have different strengths, different features, different priorities, and different historical paths to adoption within Google’s ever-evolving repositories of code. It is far more practical, therefore, to independently tailor each language’s guidelines. Some of our style guides are concise, focusing on a few overarching principles like naming and formatting, as demonstrated in our Dart, R, and Shell guides. Other style guides include far more detail, delving into specific language features and stretching into far lengthier documents—notably, our C++, Python, and Java guides. Some style guides put a premium on typical non-Google use of the language—our Go style guide is very short, adding just a few rules to a summary directive to adhere to the practices outlined in the externally recognized conventions. Others include rules that fundamentally differ from external norms; our C++ rules disallow use of exceptions, a language feature widely used outside of Google code.
+We maintain separate style guides for each of the programming languages used at Google [^1].At a high level, all of the guides have similar goals, aiming to steer code development with an eye to sustainability. At the same time, there is a lot of variation among them in scope, length, and content. Programming languages have different strengths, different features, different priorities, and different historical paths to adoption within Google」s ever-evolving repositories of code. It is far more practical, therefore, to independently tailor each language」s guidelines. Some of our style guides are concise, focusing on a few overarching principles like naming and formatting, as demonstrated in our Dart, R, and Shell guides. Other style guides include far more detail, delving into specific language features and stretching into far lengthier documents—notably, our C++, Python, and Java guides. Some style guides put a premium on typical non-Google use of the language—our Go style guide is very short, adding just a few rules to a summary directive to adhere to the practices outlined in the externally recognized conventions. Others include rules that fundamentally differ from external norms; our C++ rules disallow use of exceptions, a language feature widely used outside of Google code.
-我们为谷歌使用的每一门编程语言都单独维护了一套风格指南。在高层次上,所有指南都有相似的目标,旨在引导代码开发并着眼于可持续性。同时,也有很多变化其中包括范围、长度和内容。编程语言有不同的优势,不同的特点,不同的重点,以及在谷歌不断发展的代码库中采用的不同历史路径。因此,独立定制每种语言的指南要实际得多。我们的一部分风格指南注重简洁,专注于一些总体原则,如命名和格式,如在我们的 Dart、R 和 Shell 指南中进行演示的样子。另一部分风格指南注重更多细节方面,深入研究特定的语言特征并扩展内容,特别是我们的 C++、Python 和 Java 指南。还有一部分风格指南重视该语言在谷歌之外的惯例——我们的 Go 风格指南非常简短,只是在一个总结指令中添加了一些规则,以遵循外部公认的惯例。也有部分指南的规则和外部规范根本不同;我们的 C++ 风格指南中不允许使用异常,而使用异常是一种在 Google 代码之外广泛使用语言特性。
+我們為谷歌使用的每一門程式語言都單獨維護了一套風格指南。在高層次上,所有指南都有相似的目標,旨在引導程式碼開發並著眼於可持續性。同時,也有很多變化其中包括範圍、長度和內容。程式語言有不同的優勢,不同的特點,不同的重點,以及在谷歌不斷發展的程式碼庫中採用的不同歷史路徑。因此,獨立定製每種語言的指南要實際得多。我們的一部分風格指南注重簡潔,專注於一些總體原則,如命名和格式,如在我們的 Dart、R 和 Shell 指南中進行示範的樣子。另一部分風格指南注重更多細節方面,深入研究特定的語言特徵並擴充套件內容,特別是我們的 C++、Python 和 Java 指南。還有一部分風格指南重視該語言在谷歌之外的慣例——我們的 Go 風格指南非常簡短,只是在一個總結指令中新增了一些規則,以遵循外部公認的慣例。也有部分指南的規則和外部規範根本不同;我們的 C++ 風格指南中不允許使用異常,而使用異常是一種在 Google 程式碼之外廣泛使用語言屬性。
-The wide variance among even our own style guides makes it difficult to pin down the precise description of what a style guide should cover. The decisions guiding the development of Google’s style guides stem from the need to keep our codebase sustainable. Other organizations’ codebases will inherently have different requirements for sustainability that necessitate a different set of tailored rules. This chapter discusses the principles and processes that steer the development of our rules and guidance, pulling examples primarily from Google’s C++, Python, and Java style guides.
+The wide variance among even our own style guides makes it difficult to pin down the precise description of what a style guide should cover. The decisions guiding the development of Google」s style guides stem from the need to keep our codebase sustainable. Other organizations」 codebases will inherently have different requirements for sustainability that necessitate a different set of tailored rules. This chapter discusses the principles and processes that steer the development of our rules and guidance, pulling examples primarily from Google」s C++, Python, and Java style guides.
> [^1]: Many of our style guides have external versions, which you can find at https://google.github.io/styleguide. We cite numerous examples from these guides within this chapter.
-> 1 我们的许多风格指南都有外部版本,你可以在https://google.github.io/styleguide。我们在本章中引用了这些指南中的许多例子。
+> 1 我們的許多風格指南都有外部版本,你可以在https://google.github.io/styleguide。我們在本章中引用了這些指南中的許多例子。
-## Why Have Rules? 为什么需要规则?
+## Why Have Rules? 為什麼需要規則?
-So why do we have rules? The goal of having rules in place is to encourage “good” behavior and discourage “bad” behavior. The interpretation of “good” and “bad” varies by organization, depending on what the organization cares about. Such designations are not universal preferences; good versus bad is subjective, and tailored to needs. For some organizations, “good” might promote usage patterns that support a small memory footprint or prioritize potential runtime optimizations. In other organizations, “good” might promote choices that exercise new language features. Sometimes, an organization cares most deeply about consistency, so that anything inconsistent with existing patterns is “bad.” We must first recognize what a given organization values; we use rules and guidance to encourage and discourage behavior accordingly.
+So why do we have rules? The goal of having rules in place is to encourage 『good』 behavior and discourage 『bad』 behavior. The interpretation of 『good』 and 『bad』 varies by organization, depending on what the organization cares about. Such designations are not universal preferences; good versus bad is subjective, and tailored to needs. For some organizations, 『good』 might promote usage patterns that support a small memory footprint or prioritize potential runtime optimizations. In other organizations, 『good』 might promote choices that exercise new language features. Sometimes, an organization cares most deeply about consistency, so that anything inconsistent with existing patterns is 『bad.』 We must first recognize what a given organization values; we use rules and guidance to encourage and discourage behavior accordingly.
-As an organization grows, the established rules and guidelines shape the common vocabulary of coding. A common vocabulary allows engineers to concentrate on what their code needs to say rather than how they’re saying it. By shaping this vocabulary, engineers will tend to do the “good” things by default, even subconsciously. Rules thus give us broad leverage to nudge common development patterns in desired directions.
+As an organization grows, the established rules and guidelines shape the common vocabulary of coding. A common vocabulary allows engineers to concentrate on what their code needs to say rather than how they」re saying it. By shaping this vocabulary, engineers will tend to do the 『good』 things by default, even subconsciously. Rules thus give us broad leverage to nudge common development patterns in desired directions.
-## Creating the Rules 指定规则
+## Creating the Rules 指定規則
-When defining a set of rules, the key question is not, “What rules should we have?” The question to ask is, “What goal are we trying to advance?” When we focus on the goal that the rules will be serving, identifying which rules support this goal makes it easier to distill the set of useful rules. At Google, where the style guide serves as law for coding practices, we do not ask, “What goes into the style guide?” but rather, “Why does something go into the style guide?” What does our organization gain by having a set of rules to regulate writing code?
+When defining a set of rules, the key question is not, 『What rules should we have?』 The question to ask is, 『What goal are we trying to advance?』 When we focus on the goal that the rules will be serving, identifying which rules support this goal makes it easier to distill the set of useful rules. At Google, where the style guide serves as law for coding practices, we do not ask, 『What goes into the style guide?』 but rather, 『Why does something go into the style guide?』 What does our organization gain by having a set of rules to regulate writing code?
-### Guiding Principles 指导原则
+### Guiding Principles 指導原則
-Let’s put things in context: Google’s engineering organization is composed of more than 30,000 engineers. That engineering population exhibits a wild variance in skill and background. About 60,000 submissions are made each day to a codebase of more than two billion lines of code that will likely exist for decades. We’re optimizing for a different set of values than most other organizations need, but to some degree, these concerns are ubiquitous——we need to sustain an engineering environment that is resilient to both scale and time.
+Let」s put things in context: Google」s engineering organization is composed of more than 30,000 engineers. That engineering population exhibits a wild variance in skill and background. About 60,000 submissions are made each day to a codebase of more than two billion lines of code that will likely exist for decades. We」re optimizing for a different set of values than most other organizations need, but to some degree, these concerns are ubiquitous——we need to sustain an engineering environment that is resilient to both scale and time.
In this context, the goal of our rules is to manage the complexity of our development environment, keeping the codebase manageable while still allowing engineers to work productively. We are making a trade-off here: the large body of rules that helps us toward this goal does mean we are restricting choice. We lose some flexibility and we might even offend some people, but the gains of consistency and reduced conflict furnished by an authoritative standard win out.
Given this view, we recognize a number of overarching principles that guide the development of our rules, which must:
@@ -67,54 +67,54 @@ Given this view, we recognize a number of overarching principles that guide the
- Avoid error-prone and surprising constructs
- Concede to practicalities when necessary
-- 发挥其作用
-- 为读者优化
+- 發揮其作用
+- 為讀者最佳化
- 保持一致
-- 避免容易出错和令人惊讶的结构
-- 必要时对实际问题让步
+- 避免容易出錯和令人驚訝的結構
+- 必要時對實際問題讓步
-#### Rules must pull their weight 规则必须发挥其作用
+#### Rules must pull their weight 規則必須發揮其作用
Not everything should go into a style guide. There is a nonzero cost in asking all of the engineers in an organization to learn and adapt to any new rule that is set. With too many rules [^2] ,not only will it become harder for engineers to remember all relevant rules as they write their code, but it also becomes harder for new engineers to learn their way. More rules also make it more challenging and more expensive to maintain the rule set.
-To this end, we deliberately chose not to include rules expected to be self-evident. Google’s style guide is not intended to be interpreted in a lawyerly fashion; just because something isn’t explicitly outlawed does not imply that it is legal. For example, the C++ style guide has no rule against the use of goto. C++ programmers already tend to avoid it, so including an explicit rule forbidding it would introduce unnecessary overhead. If just one or two engineers are getting something wrong, adding to everyone’s mental load by creating new rules doesn’t scale.
+To this end, we deliberately chose not to include rules expected to be self-evident. Google」s style guide is not intended to be interpreted in a lawyerly fashion; just because something isn」t explicitly outlawed does not imply that it is legal. For example, the C++ style guide has no rule against the use of goto. C++ programmers already tend to avoid it, so including an explicit rule forbidding it would introduce unnecessary overhead. If just one or two engineers are getting something wrong, adding to everyone」s mental load by creating new rules doesn」t scale.
-> [^2]: Tooling matters here. The measure for “too many” is not the raw number of rules in play, but how many an engineer needs to remember. For example, in the bad-old-days pre-clang-format, we needed to remember a ton of formatting rules. Those rules haven’t gone away, but with our current tooling, the cost of adherence has fallen dramatically. We’ve reached a point at which somebody could add an arbitrary number of formatting rules and nobody would care, because the tool just does it for you.
+> [^2]: Tooling matters here. The measure for 『too many』 is not the raw number of rules in play, but how many an engineer needs to remember. For example, in the bad-old-days pre-clang-format, we needed to remember a ton of formatting rules. Those rules haven」t gone away, but with our current tooling, the cost of adherence has fallen dramatically. We」ve reached a point at which somebody could add an arbitrary number of formatting rules and nobody would care, because the tool just does it for you.
-> 2 这里的工具很重要。衡量 "太多 "的标准不是规则的初始数量,而是一个工程师需要记住多少规则。例如,在clang-format之前的糟糕时代,我们需要记住大量的格式化规则。这些规则并没有消失,但在我们目前的工具中,遵守规则的成本已经大大降低了。我们已经达到了这样的程度:任何人都可以添加任意数量的格式化规则,而没有人会在意,因为工具只是为你处理好。
+> 2 這裡的工具很重要。衡量 "太多 "的標準不是規則的初始數量,而是一個工程師需要記住多少規則。例如,在clang-format之前的糟糕時代,我們需要記住大量的格式化規則。這些規則並沒有消失,但在我們目前的工具中,遵守規則的成本已經大大降低了。我們已經達到了這樣的程度:任何人都可以新增任意數量的格式化規則,而沒有人會在意,因為工具只是為你處理好。
-#### Optimize for the reader 为读者优化
+#### Optimize for the reader 為讀者最佳化
-Another principle of our rules is to optimize for the reader of the code rather than the author. Given the passage of time, our code will be read far more frequently than it is written. We’d rather the code be tedious to type than difficult to read. In our Python style guide, when discussing conditional expressions, we recognize that they are shorter than if statements and therefore more convenient for code authors. However, because they tend to be more difficult for readers to understand than the more verbose if statements, we restrict their usage. We value “simple to read” over “simple to write.” We’re making a trade-off here: it can cost more upfront when engineers must repeatedly type potentially longer, descriptive names for variables and types. We choose to pay this cost for the readability it provides for all future readers.
+Another principle of our rules is to optimize for the reader of the code rather than the author. Given the passage of time, our code will be read far more frequently than it is written. We」d rather the code be tedious to type than difficult to read. In our Python style guide, when discussing conditional expressions, we recognize that they are shorter than if statements and therefore more convenient for code authors. However, because they tend to be more difficult for readers to understand than the more verbose if statements, we restrict their usage. We value 『simple to read』 over 『simple to write.』 We」re making a trade-off here: it can cost more upfront when engineers must repeatedly type potentially longer, descriptive names for variables and types. We choose to pay this cost for the readability it provides for all future readers.
As part of this prioritization, we also require that engineers leave explicit evidence of intended behavior in their code. We want readers to clearly understand what the code is doing as they read it. For example, our Java, JavaScript, and C++ style guides mandate use of the override annotation or keyword whenever a method overrides a superclass method. Without the explicit in-place evidence of design, readers can likely figure out this intent, though it would take a bit more digging on the part of each reader working through the code.
-Evidence of intended behavior becomes even more important when it might be surprising. In C++, it is sometimes difficult to track the ownership of a pointer just by reading a snippet of code. If a pointer is passed to a function, without being familiar with the behavior of the function, we can’t be sure what to expect. Does the caller still own the pointer? Did the function take ownership? Can I continue using the pointer after the function returns or might it have been deleted? To avoid this problem, our C++ style guide prefers the use of std::unique_ptr when ownership transfer is intended. unique_ptr is a construct that manages pointer ownership, ensuring that only one copy of the pointer ever exists. When a function takes a unique_ptr as an argument and intends to take ownership of the pointer, callers must explicitly invoke move semantics:
+Evidence of intended behavior becomes even more important when it might be surprising. In C++, it is sometimes difficult to track the ownership of a pointer just by reading a snippet of code. If a pointer is passed to a function, without being familiar with the behavior of the function, we can」t be sure what to expect. Does the caller still own the pointer? Did the function take ownership? Can I continue using the pointer after the function returns or might it have been deleted? To avoid this problem, our C++ style guide prefers the use of std::unique_ptr when ownership transfer is intended. unique_ptr is a construct that manages pointer ownership, ensuring that only one copy of the pointer ever exists. When a function takes a unique_ptr as an argument and intends to take ownership of the pointer, callers must explicitly invoke move semantics:
// Function that takes a Foo* and may or may not assume ownership of
// the passed pointer.
void TakeFoo(Foo* arg);
-// Calls to the function don’t tell the reader anything about what to
+// Calls to the function don」t tell the reader anything about what to
// expect with regard to ownership after the function returns.
Foo* my_foo(NewFoo());
Compare this to the following:
// Function that takes a std::unique_ptr.
@@ -125,80 +125,80 @@ void TakeFoo(std::unique_ptr arg);
std::unique_ptr my_foo(FooFactory()); TakeFoo(std::move(my_foo));
-Given the style guide rule, we guarantee that all call sites will include clear evidence of ownership transfer whenever it applies. With this signal in place, readers of the code don’t need to understand the behavior of every function call. We provide enough information in the API to reason about its interactions. This clear documentation of behavior at the call sites ensures that code snippets remain readable and understandable. We aim for local reasoning, where the goal is clear understanding of what’s happening at the call site without needing to find and reference other code, including the function’s implementation.
+Given the style guide rule, we guarantee that all call sites will include clear evidence of ownership transfer whenever it applies. With this signal in place, readers of the code don」t need to understand the behavior of every function call. We provide enough information in the API to reason about its interactions. This clear documentation of behavior at the call sites ensures that code snippets remain readable and understandable. We aim for local reasoning, where the goal is clear understanding of what」s happening at the call site without needing to find and reference other code, including the function」s implementation.
Most style guide rules covering comments are also designed to support this goal of in-place evidence for readers. Documentation comments (the block comments prepended to a given file, class, or function) describe the design or intent of the code that follows. Implementation comments (the comments interspersed throughout the code itself) justify or highlight non-obvious choices, explain tricky bits, and underscore important parts of the code. We have style guide rules covering both types of comments, requiring engineers to provide the explanations another engineer might be looking for when reading through the code.
#### Be consistent 保持一致性
-Our view on consistency within our codebase is similar to the philosophy we apply to our Google offices. With a large, distributed engineering population, teams are frequently split among offices, and Googlers often find themselves traveling to other sites. Although each office maintains its unique personality, embracing local flavor and style, for anything necessary to get work done, things are deliberately kept the same. A visiting Googler’s badge will work with all local badge readers; any Google devices will always get WiFi; the video conferencing setup in any conference room will have the same interface. A Googler doesn’t need to spend time learning how to get this all set up; they know that it will be the same no matter where they are. It’s easy to move between offices and still get work done.
+Our view on consistency within our codebase is similar to the philosophy we apply to our Google offices. With a large, distributed engineering population, teams are frequently split among offices, and Googlers often find themselves traveling to other sites. Although each office maintains its unique personality, embracing local flavor and style, for anything necessary to get work done, things are deliberately kept the same. A visiting Googler」s badge will work with all local badge readers; any Google devices will always get WiFi; the video conferencing setup in any conference room will have the same interface. A Googler doesn」t need to spend time learning how to get this all set up; they know that it will be the same no matter where they are. It」s easy to move between offices and still get work done.
-That’s what we strive for with our source code. Consistency is what enables any engineer to jump into an unfamiliar part of the codebase and get to work fairly quickly. A local project can have its unique personality, but its tools are the same, its techniques are the same, its libraries are the same, and it all Just Works.
+That」s what we strive for with our source code. Consistency is what enables any engineer to jump into an unfamiliar part of the codebase and get to work fairly quickly. A local project can have its unique personality, but its tools are the same, its techniques are the same, its libraries are the same, and it all Just Works.
-##### Advantages of consistency 一致性的优点
+##### Advantages of consistency 一致性的優點
-Even though it might feel restrictive for an office to be disallowed from customizing a badge reader or video conferencing interface, the consistency benefits far outweigh the creative freedom we lose. It’s the same with code: being consistent may feel constraining at times, but it means more engineers get more work done with less effort:[^3]
+Even though it might feel restrictive for an office to be disallowed from customizing a badge reader or video conferencing interface, the consistency benefits far outweigh the creative freedom we lose. It」s the same with code: being consistent may feel constraining at times, but it means more engineers get more work done with less effort:[^3]
-- When a codebase is internally consistent in its style and norms, engineers writing code and others reading it can focus on what’s getting done rather than how it is presented. To a large degree, this consistency allows for expert chunking. [^4]When we solve our problems with the same interfaces and format the code in a consistent way, it’s easier for experts to glance at some code, zero in on what’s important, and understand what it’s doing. It also makes it easier to modularize code and spot duplication. For these reasons, we focus a lot of attention on consistent naming conventions, consistent use of common patterns, and consistent formatting and structure. There are also many rules that put forth a decision on a seemingly small issue solely to guarantee that things are done in only one way.For example, take the choice of the number of spaces to use for indentation or the limit set on line length .[^5] It’s the consistency of having one answer rather than the answer itself that is the valuable part here.
-- Consistency enables scaling. Tooling is key for an organization to scale, and consistent code makes it easier to build tools that can understand, edit, and generate code. The full benefits of the tools that depend on uniformity can’t be applied if everyone has little pockets of code that differ—if a tool can keep source files updated by adding missing imports or removing unused includes, if different projects are choosing different sorting strategies for their import lists, the tool might not be able to work everywhere. When everyone is using the same components and when everyone’s code follows the same rules for structure and organization, we can invest in tooling that works everywhere, building in automation for many of our maintenance tasks. If each team needed to separately invest in a bespoke version of the same tool, tailored for their unique environment, we would lose that advantage.
-- Consistency helps when scaling the human part of an organization, too. As an organization grows, the number of engineers working on the codebase increases. Keeping the code that everyone is working on as consistent as possible enables better mobility across projects, minimizing the ramp-up time for an engineer switching teams and building in the ability for the organization to flex and adapt as headcount needs fluctuate. A growing organization also means that people in other roles interact with the code—SREs, library engineers, and code janitors, for example. At Google, these roles often span multiple projects, which means engineers unfamiliar with a given team’s project might jump in to work on that project’s code. A consistent experience across the codebase makes this efficient.
+- When a codebase is internally consistent in its style and norms, engineers writing code and others reading it can focus on what」s getting done rather than how it is presented. To a large degree, this consistency allows for expert chunking. [^4]When we solve our problems with the same interfaces and format the code in a consistent way, it」s easier for experts to glance at some code, zero in on what」s important, and understand what it」s doing. It also makes it easier to modularize code and spot duplication. For these reasons, we focus a lot of attention on consistent naming conventions, consistent use of common patterns, and consistent formatting and structure. There are also many rules that put forth a decision on a seemingly small issue solely to guarantee that things are done in only one way.For example, take the choice of the number of spaces to use for indentation or the limit set on line length .[^5] It」s the consistency of having one answer rather than the answer itself that is the valuable part here.
+- Consistency enables scaling. Tooling is key for an organization to scale, and consistent code makes it easier to build tools that can understand, edit, and generate code. The full benefits of the tools that depend on uniformity can」t be applied if everyone has little pockets of code that differ—if a tool can keep source files updated by adding missing imports or removing unused includes, if different projects are choosing different sorting strategies for their import lists, the tool might not be able to work everywhere. When everyone is using the same components and when everyone」s code follows the same rules for structure and organization, we can invest in tooling that works everywhere, building in automation for many of our maintenance tasks. If each team needed to separately invest in a bespoke version of the same tool, tailored for their unique environment, we would lose that advantage.
+- Consistency helps when scaling the human part of an organization, too. As an organization grows, the number of engineers working on the codebase increases. Keeping the code that everyone is working on as consistent as possible enables better mobility across projects, minimizing the ramp-up time for an engineer switching teams and building in the ability for the organization to flex and adapt as headcount needs fluctuate. A growing organization also means that people in other roles interact with the code—SREs, library engineers, and code janitors, for example. At Google, these roles often span multiple projects, which means engineers unfamiliar with a given team」s project might jump in to work on that project」s code. A consistent experience across the codebase makes this efficient.
- Consistency also ensures resilience to time. As time passes, engineers leave projects, new people join, ownership shifts, and projects merge or split. Striving for a consistent codebase ensures that these transitions are low cost and allows us nearly unconstrained fluidity for both the code and the engineers working on it, simplifying the processes necessary for long-term maintenance.
-- 编写代码的工程师和阅读代码的其他人就可以专注于正在完成的工作,而不是它的呈现方式。在很大程度上,这种一致性允许专家分块阅读。当我们用相同的界面解决问题,并以一致的方式格式化代码时,专家们更容易浏览一些代码,锁定重要的内容,并理解它在做什么。它还使模块化代码和定位重复变得更容易。基于这些原因,我们将重点放在一致的命名约定、一致的通用模式使用以及一致的格式和结构上。也有许多规则对看似很小的问题做出决定,只是为了保证事情只能以一种方式完成。例如,选择用于缩进的空格数或行长限制只有一个答案而不是答案本身的才是这里有价值的部分。
-- 一致性可以使规模扩大。工具是组织扩展的关键,而一致的代码使构建能够理解、编辑和生成代码的工具变得更容易。如果每个人都有少量不同的代码,那么依赖于一致性的工具的全部好处就无法应用——如果一个工具可以通过添加缺失的导入或删除未使用的包含来更新源文件,如果不同的项目为他们的导入列表选择不同的排序策略,这个工具可能不能在任何地方都适用。当每个人都使用相同的组件,当每个人的代码都遵循相同的结构和组织规则时,我们就可以投资于在任何地方都能工作的工具,为我们的许多维护任务构建自动化。如果每个团队需要分别投资同一工具的定制版本,为他们独特的环境量身定制,我们就会失去这种优势。
-- 在扩展组织的人力部分时,一致性也有帮助。随着组织的增长,从事代码库工作的工程师数量也会增加。让每个人都在编写的代码尽可能一致,这样可以更好地跨项目移动,最大限度地减少工程师转换团队的过渡时间,并为组织构建适应员工需求波动的能力。一个成长中的组织还意味着其他角色的人与代码SREs、库工程师和代码管理员进行交互。在谷歌,这些角色通常跨越多个项目,这意味着不熟悉某个团队项目的工程师可能会参与到项目代码的编写中。跨代码库的一致体验使得这种方法非常有效。
-- 一致性也确保了对时间的适应性。随着时间的推移,工程师离开项目,新人加入,所有权转移,项目合并或分裂。努力实现一致的代码库可以确保这些转换的成本较低,并允许我们对代码和工作在代码上的工程师几乎不受约束的流动,从而简化长期维护所需的过程。
+- 編寫程式碼的工程師和閱讀程式碼的其他人就可以專注於正在完成的工作,而不是它的呈現方式。在很大程度上,這種一致性允許專家分塊閱讀。當我們用相同的介面解決問題,並以一致的方式格式化程式碼時,專家們更容易瀏覽一些程式碼,鎖定重要的內容,並理解它在做什麼。它還使模組化程式碼和定位重複變得更容易。基於這些原因,我們將重點放在一致的命名約定、一致的通用模式使用以及一致的格式和結構上。也有許多規則對看似很小的問題做出決定,只是為了保證事情只能以一種方式完成。例如,選擇用於縮排的空格數或行長限制只有一個答案而不是答案本身的才是這裡有價值的部分。
+- 一致性可以使規模擴大。工具是組織擴充套件的關鍵,而一致的程式碼使建立能夠理解、編輯和生成程式碼的工具變得更容易。如果每個人都有少量不同的程式碼,那麼依賴於一致性的工具的全部好處就無法應用——如果一個工具可以透過新增缺失的匯入或刪除未使用的包含來更新源檔案,如果不同的專案為他們的匯入清單選擇不同的排序策略,這個工具可能不能在任何地方都適用。當每個人都使用相同的元件,當每個人的程式碼都遵循相同的結構和組織規則時,我們就可以投資於在任何地方都能工作的工具,為我們的許多維護任務建立自動化。如果每個團隊需要分別投資同一工具的定製版本,為他們獨特的環境量身定製,我們就會失去這種優勢。
+- 在擴充套件組織的人力部分時,一致性也有幫助。隨著組織的增長,從事程式碼庫工作的工程師數量也會增加。讓每個人都在編寫的程式碼儘可能一致,這樣可以更好地跨專案移動,最大限度地減少工程師轉換團隊的轉場時間,併為組織建立適應員工需求波動的能力。一個成長中的組織還意味著其他角色的人與程式碼SREs、函式庫工程師和程式碼管理員進行互動。在谷歌,這些角色通常跨越多個專案,這意味著不熟悉某個團隊專案的工程師可能會參與到專案程式碼的編寫中。跨程式碼庫的一致體驗使得這種方法非常有效。
+- 一致性也確保了對時間的適應性。隨著時間的推移,工程師離開專案,新人加入,所有權轉移,專案合併或分裂。努力實現一致的程式碼庫可以確保這些轉換的成本較低,並允許我們對程式碼和工作在程式碼上的工程師幾乎不受約束的流動,從而簡化長期維護所需的過程。
> [^3]: Credit to H. Wright for the real-world comparison, made at the point of having visited around 15 different Google offices.
-> 3 归功于H.Wright的现实世界的比较,这是在访问了大约15个不同的谷歌办公室后做出的。
+> 3 歸功於H.Wright的現實世界的比較,這是在訪問了大約15個不同的谷歌辦公室後做出的。
-> [^4]: “Chunking” is a cognitive process that groups pieces of information together into meaningful “chunks” rather than keeping note of them individually. Expert chess players, for example, think about configurations of pieces rather than the positions of the individuals.
+> [^4]: 『Chunking』 is a cognitive process that groups pieces of information together into meaningful 『chunks』 rather than keeping note of them individually. Expert chess players, for example, think about configurations of pieces rather than the positions of the individuals.
-> 4 "分块 "是一种认知过程,它将信息碎片组合成有意义的 "块",而不是单独记下它们。例如,国际象棋高手考虑的是棋子的配置,而不是个人的位置。
+> 4 "分塊 "是一種認知過程,它將訊息碎片組合成有意義的 "區塊",而不是單獨記下它們。例如,國際象棋高手考慮的是棋子的設定,而不是個人的位置。
> [^5]: See [4.2 Block indentation: +2 spaces, Spaces vs. Tabs, 4.4 Column limit:100 and Line Length](https://oreil.ly/WhufW)
-> 5 查阅 [4.2 Block indentation: +2 spaces, Spaces vs. Tabs, 4.4 Column limit:100 and Line Length](https://oreil.ly/WhufW)
+> 5 查閱 [4.2 Block indentation: +2 spaces, Spaces vs. Tabs, 4.4 Column limit:100 and Line Length](https://oreil.ly/WhufW)
-##### At Scale 规模效应
+##### At Scale 規模效應
-A few years ago, our C++ style guide promised to almost never change style guide rules that would make old code inconsistent: “In some cases, there might be good arguments for changing certain style rules, but we nonetheless keep things as they are in order to preserve consistency.”
+A few years ago, our C++ style guide promised to almost never change style guide rules that would make old code inconsistent: 『In some cases, there might be good arguments for changing certain style rules, but we nonetheless keep things as they are in order to preserve consistency.』
When the codebase was smaller and there were fewer old, dusty corners, that made sense.
When the codebase grew bigger and older, that stopped being a thing to prioritize. This was (for the arbiters behind our C++ style guide, at least) a conscious change: when striking this bit, we were explicitly stating that the C++ codebase would never again be completely consistent, nor were we even aiming for that.
-It would simply be too much of a burden to not only update the rules to current best practices, but to also require that we apply those rules to everything that’s ever been written. Our Large Scale Change tooling and processes allow us to update almost all of our code to follow nearly every new pattern or syntax so that most old code exhibits the most recent approved style (see Chapter 22). Such mechanisms aren’t perfect, however; when the codebase gets as large as it is, we can’t be sure every bit of old code can conform to the new best practices. Requiring perfect consistency has reached the point where there’s too much cost for the value.
+It would simply be too much of a burden to not only update the rules to current best practices, but to also require that we apply those rules to everything that」s ever been written. Our Large Scale Change tooling and processes allow us to update almost all of our code to follow nearly every new pattern or syntax so that most old code exhibits the most recent approved style (see Chapter 22). Such mechanisms aren」t perfect, however; when the codebase gets as large as it is, we can」t be sure every bit of old code can conform to the new best practices. Requiring perfect consistency has reached the point where there」s too much cost for the value.
-**Setting the standard.** When we advocate for consistency, we tend to focus on internal consistency. Sometimes, local conventions spring up before global ones are adopted, and it isn’t reasonable to adjust everything to match. In that case, we advocate a hierarchy of consistency: “Be consistent” starts locally, where the norms within a given file precede those of a given team, which precede those of the larger project, which precede those of the overall codebase. In fact, the style guides contain a number of rules that explicitly defer to local conventions[^6], valuing this local consistency over a scientific technical choice.
+**Setting the standard.** When we advocate for consistency, we tend to focus on internal consistency. Sometimes, local conventions spring up before global ones are adopted, and it isn」t reasonable to adjust everything to match. In that case, we advocate a hierarchy of consistency: 『Be consistent』 starts locally, where the norms within a given file precede those of a given team, which precede those of the larger project, which precede those of the overall codebase. In fact, the style guides contain a number of rules that explicitly defer to local conventions[^6], valuing this local consistency over a scientific technical choice.
-**设置标准。** 当我们提倡一致性时,我们倾向于关注内部一致性。有时,局部的惯例规则在整体惯例规则产生之前就已经出现了,因此调整一切来适应整体惯例规则是不合理的。在这种情况下,我们提倡一种层级的一致性:“保持一致性”从局部开始,一个文件中的规范优先于一个团队的规范,优先于更大的项目的规范,也优先于整个代码库的规范。事实上,风格指南包含了许多明确遵守局部惯例的规则,重视局部的一致性,而不是科学技术的选择。
+**設定標準。** 當我們提倡一致性時,我們傾向於關注內部一致性。有時,區域性的慣例規則在整體慣例規則產生之前就已經出現了,因此調整一切來適應整體慣例規則是不合理的。在這種情況下,我們提倡一種層級的一致性:『保持一致性』從區域性開始,一個檔案中的規範優先於一個團隊的規範,優先於更大的專案的規範,也優先於整個程式碼庫的規範。事實上,風格指南包含了許多明確遵守區域性慣例的規則,重視區域性的一致性,而不是科學技術的選擇。
However, it is not always enough for an organization to create and stick to a set of internal conventions. Sometimes, the standards adopted by the external community should be taken into account.
> [^6]: Use of const, for example.
@@ -206,35 +206,35 @@ However, it is not always enough for an organization to create and stick to a se
-##### Counting Spaces 空格的计算
+##### Counting Spaces 空格的計算
-The Python style guide at Google initially mandated two-space indents for all of our Python code. The standard Python style guide, used by the external Python community, uses four-space indents. Most of our early Python development was in direct support of our C++ projects, not for actual Python applications. We therefore chose to use two-space indentation to be consistent with our C++ code, which was already formatted in that manner. As time went by, we saw that this rationale didn’t really hold up. Engineers who write Python code read and write other Python code much more often than they read and write C++ code. We were costing our engineers extra effort every time they needed to look something up or reference external code snippets. We were also going through a lot of pain each time we tried to export pieces of our code into open source, spending time reconciling the differences between our internal code and the external world we wanted to join.
+The Python style guide at Google initially mandated two-space indents for all of our Python code. The standard Python style guide, used by the external Python community, uses four-space indents. Most of our early Python development was in direct support of our C++ projects, not for actual Python applications. We therefore chose to use two-space indentation to be consistent with our C++ code, which was already formatted in that manner. As time went by, we saw that this rationale didn」t really hold up. Engineers who write Python code read and write other Python code much more often than they read and write C++ code. We were costing our engineers extra effort every time they needed to look something up or reference external code snippets. We were also going through a lot of pain each time we tried to export pieces of our code into open source, spending time reconciling the differences between our internal code and the external world we wanted to join.
When the time came for Starlark (a Python-based language designed at Google to serve as the build description language) to have its own style guide, we chose to change to using four-space indents to be consistent with the outside world.[^7]
-If conventions already exist, it is usually a good idea for an organization to be consistent with the outside world. For small, self-contained, and short-lived efforts, it likely won’t make a difference; internal consistency matters more than anything happening outside the project’s limited scope. Once the passage of time and potential scaling become factors, the likelihood of your code interacting with outside projects or even ending up in the outside world increase. Looking long-term, adhering to the widely accepted standard will likely pay off.
+If conventions already exist, it is usually a good idea for an organization to be consistent with the outside world. For small, self-contained, and short-lived efforts, it likely won」t make a difference; internal consistency matters more than anything happening outside the project」s limited scope. Once the passage of time and potential scaling become factors, the likelihood of your code interacting with outside projects or even ending up in the outside world increase. Looking long-term, adhering to the widely accepted standard will likely pay off.
> [^7]: Style formatting for BUILD files implemented with Starlark is applied by buildifier. See https://github.com/ bazelbuild/buildtools.
-> 7 用Starlark实现的BUILD文件的样式格式由buildifier应用。参见https://github.com/ bazelbuild/buildtools。
+> 7 用Starlark實現的BUILD檔案的樣式格式由buildifier應用。參見https://github.com/ bazelbuild/buildtools。
-#### Avoid error-prone and surprising constructs 避免容易出错和令人惊讶的结构
+#### Avoid error-prone and surprising constructs 避免容易出錯和令人驚訝的結構
-Our style guides restrict the use of some of the more surprising, unusual, or tricky constructs in the languages that we use. Complex features often have subtle pitfalls not obvious at first glance. Using these features without thoroughly understanding their complexities makes it easy to misuse them and introduce bugs. Even if a construct is well understood by a project’s engineers, future project members and maintainers are not guaranteed to have the same understanding.
+Our style guides restrict the use of some of the more surprising, unusual, or tricky constructs in the languages that we use. Complex features often have subtle pitfalls not obvious at first glance. Using these features without thoroughly understanding their complexities makes it easy to misuse them and introduce bugs. Even if a construct is well understood by a project」s engineers, future project members and maintainers are not guaranteed to have the same understanding.
This reasoning is behind our Python style guide ruling to avoid using power features such as reflection. The reflective Python functions hasattr() and getattr() allow a user to access attributes of objects using strings:
if hasattr(my_object, 'foo'):
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ some_var = getattr(my_object, 'foo')
Now, with that example, everything might seem fine. But consider this: some_file.py:
@@ -263,41 +263,41 @@ for field in some_file.A_CONSTANT:
values.append(getattr(my_object, field))
-When searching through code, how do you know that the fields foo, bar, and baz are being accessed here? There’s no clear evidence left for the reader. You don’t easily see and therefore can’t easily validate which strings are used to access attributes of your object. What if, instead of reading those values from A_CONSTANT, we read them from a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) request message or from a data store? Such obfuscated code could cause a major security flaw, one that would be very difficult to notice, simply by validating the message incorrectly. It’s also difficult to test and verify such code.
+When searching through code, how do you know that the fields foo, bar, and baz are being accessed here? There」s no clear evidence left for the reader. You don」t easily see and therefore can」t easily validate which strings are used to access attributes of your object. What if, instead of reading those values from A_CONSTANT, we read them from a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) request message or from a data store? Such obfuscated code could cause a major security flaw, one that would be very difficult to notice, simply by validating the message incorrectly. It」s also difficult to test and verify such code.
-当搜索代码时,怎么知道这里访问的是字段 foo、bar 和 baz ?没有给读者留下明确的证明。你不容易看到,因此也不容易验证哪些字符串用于访问对象的属性。如果不是从A_CONSTANT读取这些值,而是从远程过程调用(Remote Procedure Call, RPC)请求消息或数据存储读取这些值,那会怎么样呢?这种模糊化的代码可能会导致一个严重的安全漏洞,一个很难被发现的漏洞,只需错误地验证消息就可能发生。测试和验证这样的代码也很困难。
+當搜尋程式碼時,怎麼知道這裡訪問的是欄位 foo、bar 和 baz ?沒有給讀者留下明確的證明。你不容易看到,因此也不容易驗證哪些字串用於訪問物件的屬性。如果不是從A_CONSTANT讀取這些值,而是從遠端過程呼叫(Remote Procedure Call, RPC)請求訊息或資料儲存讀取這些值,那會怎麼樣呢?這種模糊化的程式碼可能會導致一個嚴重的安全漏洞,一個很難被發現的漏洞,只需錯誤地驗證訊息就可能發生。測試和驗證這樣的程式碼也很困難。
-Python’s dynamic nature allows such behavior, and in very limited circumstances, using hasattr() and getattr() is valid. In most cases, however, they just cause obfuscation and introduce bugs.
+Python」s dynamic nature allows such behavior, and in very limited circumstances, using hasattr() and getattr() is valid. In most cases, however, they just cause obfuscation and introduce bugs.
-Although these advanced language features might perfectly solve a problem for an expert who knows how to leverage them, power features are often more difficult to understand and are not very widely used. We need all of our engineers able to operate in the codebase, not just the experts. It’s not just support for the novice software engineer, but it’s also a better environment for SREs—if an SRE is debugging a production outage, they will jump into any bit of suspect code, even code written in a language in which they are not fluent. We place higher value on simplified, straightforward code that is easier to understand and maintain.
+Although these advanced language features might perfectly solve a problem for an expert who knows how to leverage them, power features are often more difficult to understand and are not very widely used. We need all of our engineers able to operate in the codebase, not just the experts. It」s not just support for the novice software engineer, but it」s also a better environment for SREs—if an SRE is debugging a production outage, they will jump into any bit of suspect code, even code written in a language in which they are not fluent. We place higher value on simplified, straightforward code that is easier to understand and maintain.
-#### Concede to practicalities 为实用性让步
+#### Concede to practicalities 為實用性讓步
-In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” In our quest for a consistent, simplified codebase, we do not want to blindly ignore all else. We know that some of the rules in our style guides will encounter cases that warrant exceptions, and that’s OK. When necessary, we permit concessions to optimizations and practicalities that might otherwise conflict with our rules.
+In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: 『A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.』 In our quest for a consistent, simplified codebase, we do not want to blindly ignore all else. We know that some of the rules in our style guides will encounter cases that warrant exceptions, and that」s OK. When necessary, we permit concessions to optimizations and practicalities that might otherwise conflict with our rules.
Performance matters. Sometimes, even if it means sacrificing consistency or readability, it just makes sense to accommodate performance optimizations. For example, although our C++ style guide prohibits use of exceptions, it includes a rule that allows the use of noexcept, an exception-related language specifier that can trigger compiler optimizations.
-Interoperability also matters. Code that is designed to work with specific non-Google pieces might do better if tailored for its target. For example, our C++ style guide includes an exception to the general CamelCase naming guideline that permits use of the standard library’s snake_case style for entities that mimic standard library features.[^8] The C++ style guide also allows exemptions for Windows programming, where compatibility with platform features requires multiple inheritance, something explicitly forbidden for all other C++ code. Both our Java and JavaScript style guides explicitly state that generated code, which frequently interfaces with or depends on components outside of a project’s ownership, is out of scope for the guide’s rules.[^9] Consistency is vital; adaptation is key.
+Interoperability also matters. Code that is designed to work with specific non-Google pieces might do better if tailored for its target. For example, our C++ style guide includes an exception to the general CamelCase naming guideline that permits use of the standard library」s snake_case style for entities that mimic standard library features.[^8] The C++ style guide also allows exemptions for Windows programming, where compatibility with platform features requires multiple inheritance, something explicitly forbidden for all other C++ code. Both our Java and JavaScript style guides explicitly state that generated code, which frequently interfaces with or depends on components outside of a project」s ownership, is out of scope for the guide」s rules.[^9] Consistency is vital; adaptation is key.
-互操作性也很重要。为特定的非google部分而设计的代码,如果为其目标量身定做,可能会做得更好。例如,我们的C++风格指南有一个通用CamelCase命名准则的例外,它允许对模仿标准库功能的实体使用标准库的 snake_case 风格。C++风格指南还允许对Windows编程的豁免,在Windows编程中,与平台特性的兼容性需要使用多重继承,这对其他情况的C++代码来说都是明确禁止的。我们的Java和JavaScript风格指南都明确指出,生成的代码中,经常与项目之外的组件交互或依赖于这些组件的代码不在本指南的范围内。一致性是非常重要的;适应更是关键所在。
+互操作性也很重要。為特定的非google部分而設計的程式碼,如果為其目標量身定做,可能會做得更好。例如,我們的C++風格指南有一個通用CamelCase命名準則的例外,它允許對模仿標準庫功能的實體使用標準庫的 snake_case 風格。C++風格指南還允許對Windows程式設計的豁免,在Windows程式設計中,與平台屬性的相容性需要使用多重繼承,這對其他情況的C++程式碼來說都是明確禁止的。我們的Java和JavaScript風格指南都明確指出,生成的程式碼中,經常與專案之外的元件互動或依賴於這些元件的程式碼不在本指南的範圍內。一致性是非常重要的;適應更是關鍵所在。
-> [^8]: See [Exceptions to Naming Rules](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Exceptions_to_Naming_Rules). As an example, our open sourced Abseil libraries use snake_case naming for types intended to be replacements for standard types. See the types defined in https://github.com/abseil/abseilcpp/blob/master/absl/utility/utility.h. These are C++11 implementation of C++14 standard types and therefore use the standard’s favored snake_case style instead of Google’s preferred CamelCase form.
+> [^8]: See [Exceptions to Naming Rules](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Exceptions_to_Naming_Rules). As an example, our open sourced Abseil libraries use snake_case naming for types intended to be replacements for standard types. See the types defined in https://github.com/abseil/abseilcpp/blob/master/absl/utility/utility.h. These are C++11 implementation of C++14 standard types and therefore use the standard」s favored snake_case style instead of Google」s preferred CamelCase form.
-> 8 见命名规则的例外情况。作为一个例子,我们的开源Abseil库对打算替代标准类型的类型使用了snake_case命名。参见https://github.com/abseil/abseilcpp/blob/master/absl/utility/utility.h 中定义的类型。这些是C++11对C++14标准类型的实现,因此使用了标准所青睐的snake_case风格,而不是谷歌所青睐的CamelCase形式。
+> 8 見命名規則的例外情況。作為一個例子,我們的開源Abseil函式庫對打算替代標準型別的型別使用了snake_case命名。參見https://github.com/abseil/abseilcpp/blob/master/absl/utility/utility.h 中定義的型別。這些是C++11對C++14標準型別的實現,因此使用了標準所青睞的snake_case風格,而不是谷歌所青睞的CamelCase形式。
> [^9}; See [Generated code: mostly exempt](https://google.github.io/styleguide/jsguide.html#policies-generated-code-mostly-exempt).
-> 9 查阅 [生成的代码:主要是豁免](https://google.github.io/styleguide/jsguide.html#policies-generated-code-mostly-exempt)./
+> 9 查閱 [生成的程式碼:主要是豁免](https://google.github.io/styleguide/jsguide.html#policies-generated-code-mostly-exempt)./
-### The Style Guide 风格指南
+### The Style Guide 風格指南
So, what does go into a language style guide? There are roughly three categories into which all style guide rules fall:
@@ -305,240 +305,240 @@ So, what does go into a language style guide? There are roughly three categories
- Rules to enforce best practices
- Rules to ensure consistency
-- 规避危险的规则
-- 执行最佳实践的规则
-- 确保一致性的规则
+- 規避危險的規則
+- 執行最佳實踐的規則
+- 確保一致性的規則
-#### Avoiding danger 规避危险
+#### Avoiding danger 規避危險
First and foremost, our style guides include rules about language features that either must or must not be done for technical reasons. We have rules about how to use static members and variables; rules about using lambda expressions; rules about handling exceptions; rules about building for threading, access control, and class inheritance. We cover which language features to use and which constructs to avoid. We call out standard vocabulary types that may be used and for what purposes. We specifically include rulings on the hard-to-use and the hard-to-use-correctly—some language features have nuanced usage patterns that might not be intuitive or easy to apply properly, causing subtle bugs to creep in. For each ruling in the guide, we aim to include the pros and cons that were weighed with an explanation of the decision that was reached. Most of these decisions are based on the need for resilience to time, supporting and encouraging maintainable language usage.
-#### Enforcing best practices 执行最佳实践
+#### Enforcing best practices 執行最佳實踐
Our style guides also include rules enforcing some best practices of writing source code. These rules help keep the codebase healthy and maintainable. For example, we specify where and how code authors must include comments.[^10] Our rules for comments cover general conventions for commenting and extend to include specific cases that must include in-code documentation—cases in which intent is not always obvious, such as fall-through in switch statements, empty exception catch blocks, and template metaprogramming. We also have rules detailing the structuring of source files, outlining the organization of expected content. We have rules about naming: naming of packages, of classes, of functions, of variables. All of these rules are intended to guide engineers to practices that support healthier, more sustainable code.
Some of the best practices enforced by our style guides are designed to make source code more readable. Many formatting rules fall under this category. Our style guides specify when and how to use vertical and horizontal whitespace in order to improve readability. They also cover line length limits and brace alignment. For some languages, we cover formatting requirements by deferring to autoformatting tools— gofmt for Go, dartfmt for Dart. Itemizing a detailed list of formatting requirements or naming a tool that must be applied, the goal is the same: we have a consistent set of formatting rules designed to improve readability that we apply to all of our code.
-我们的风格指南中实施的一些最佳实践旨在使源代码更具可读性。许多格式规则都属于这一类。我们的样式指南指定了何时以及如何使用换行和水平空格,以提高可读性。它们还包括行长度限制和大括号对齐。对于某些语言,我们通过使用自动格式化工具来满足格式化要求——Go 的 gofmt 和 Dart 的 dartfmt。逐项列出格式化需求的详细列表,或者命名必须应用的工具,目标是相同的:我们有一套一致的格式化规则,旨在提高我们所有代码的可读性。
+我們的風格指南中實施的一些最佳實踐旨在使原始碼更具可讀性。許多格式規則都屬於這一類。我們的樣式指南指定了何時以及如何使用換行和水平空格,以提高可讀性。它們還包括行長度限制和大括號對齊。對於某些語言,我們透過使用自動格式化工具來滿足格式化要求——Go 的 gofmt 和 Dart 的 dartfmt。逐項列出格式化需求的詳細清單,或者命名必須應用的工具,目標是相同的:我們有一套一致的格式化規則,旨在提高我們所有程式碼的可讀性。
-Our style guides also include limitations on new and not-yet-well-understood language features. The goal is to preemptively install safety fences around a feature’s potential pitfalls while we all go through the learning process. At the same time, before everyone takes off running, limiting use gives us a chance to watch the usage patterns that develop and extract best practices from the examples we observe. For these new features, at the outset, we are sometimes not sure of the proper guidance to give. As adoption spreads, engineers wanting to use the new features in different ways discuss their examples with the style guide owners, asking for allowances to permit additional use cases beyond those covered by the initial restrictions. Watching the waiver requests that come in, we get a sense of how the feature is getting used and eventually collect enough examples to generalize good practice from bad. After we have that information, we can circle back to the restrictive ruling and amend it to allow wider use.
+Our style guides also include limitations on new and not-yet-well-understood language features. The goal is to preemptively install safety fences around a feature」s potential pitfalls while we all go through the learning process. At the same time, before everyone takes off running, limiting use gives us a chance to watch the usage patterns that develop and extract best practices from the examples we observe. For these new features, at the outset, we are sometimes not sure of the proper guidance to give. As adoption spreads, engineers wanting to use the new features in different ways discuss their examples with the style guide owners, asking for allowances to permit additional use cases beyond those covered by the initial restrictions. Watching the waiver requests that come in, we get a sense of how the feature is getting used and eventually collect enough examples to generalize good practice from bad. After we have that information, we can circle back to the restrictive ruling and amend it to allow wider use.
> [^10]: See `https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Comments`, `http://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide#38-comments-and-docstrings`, and `https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html#s7-javadoc`, where multiple languages define general comment rules.
-> 10 查阅 `https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Comments`, `http://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide#38-comments-and-docstrings`, 以及 `https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html#s7-javadoc`, where multiple languages define general comment rules.其中多种语言定义了一般的评论规则。
+> 10 查閱 `https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html#Comments`, `http://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide#38-comments-and-docstrings`, 以及 `https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html#s7-javadoc`, where multiple languages define general comment rules.其中多種語言定義了一般的評論規則。
-#### Case Study: Introducing std::unique_ptr 案例分析:介绍 std::unique_ptr
+#### Case Study: Introducing std::unique_ptr 案例分析:介紹 std::unique_ptr
When C++11 introduced std::unique_ptr, a smart pointer type that expresses exclusive ownership of a dynamically allocated object and deletes the object when the unique_ptr goes out of scope, our style guide initially disallowed usage. The behavior of the unique_ptr was unfamiliar to most engineers, and the related move semantics that the language introduced were very new and, to most engineers, very confusing. Preventing the introduction of std::unique_ptr in the codebase seemed the safer choice. We updated our tooling to catch references to the disallowed type and kept our existing guidance recommending other types of existing smart pointers.
-当C++11引入std::unique_ptr是一种智能指针类型,它表达了对动态分配对象的独占所有权,并在unique_ptr超出范围时删除该对象,我们的风格指南最初不允许使用。unique_ptr 的使用方式对于大多数工程师来说是不熟悉的,并且该语言引入的相关的move语义是非常新的,对大多数工程师来说,非常令人困惑。防止在代码库中引入std::unique_ptr似乎是更安全的选择。我们更新了工具来捕获对不允许类型的引用,并保留了现有的指南规则,建议使用其他类型的智能指针。
+當C++11引入std::unique_ptr是一種智慧指標型別,它表達了對動態分配物件的獨佔所有權,並在unique_ptr超出範圍時刪除該物件,我們的風格指南最初不允許使用。unique_ptr 的使用方式對於大多數工程師來說是不熟悉的,並且該語言引入的相關的move語義是非常新的,對大多數工程師來說,非常令人困惑。防止在程式碼庫中引入std::unique_ptr似乎是更安全的選擇。我們更新了工具來捕獲對不允許型別的引用,並保留了現有的指南規則,建議使用其他型別的智慧指標。
Time passed. Engineers had a chance to adjust to the implications of move semantics and we became increasingly convinced that using std::unique_ptr was directly in line with the goals of our style guidance. The information regarding object ownership that a std::unique_ptr facilitates at a function call site makes it far easier for a reader to understand that code. The added complexity of introducing this new type, and the novel move semantics that come with it, was still a strong concern, but the significant improvement in the long-term overall state of the codebase made the adoption of std::unique_ptr a worthwhile trade-off.
-#### Building in consistency 构建一致性
+#### Building in consistency 建立一致性
-Our style guides also contain rules that cover a lot of the smaller stuff. For these rules, we make and document a decision primarily to make and document a decision. Many rules in this category don’t have significant technical impact. Things like naming conventions, indentation spacing, import ordering: there is usually no clear, measurable, technical benefit for one form over another, which might be why the technical community tends to keep debating them.[^11] By choosing one, we’ve dropped out of the endless debate cycle and can just move on. Our engineers no longer spend time discussing two spaces versus four. The important bit for this category of rules is not what we’ve chosen for a given rule so much as the fact that we have chosen.
+Our style guides also contain rules that cover a lot of the smaller stuff. For these rules, we make and document a decision primarily to make and document a decision. Many rules in this category don」t have significant technical impact. Things like naming conventions, indentation spacing, import ordering: there is usually no clear, measurable, technical benefit for one form over another, which might be why the technical community tends to keep debating them.[^11] By choosing one, we」ve dropped out of the endless debate cycle and can just move on. Our engineers no longer spend time discussing two spaces versus four. The important bit for this category of rules is not what we」ve chosen for a given rule so much as the fact that we have chosen.
-> 11 Such discussions are really just bikeshedding, an illustration of Parkinson’s law of triviality.
+> 11 Such discussions are really just bikeshedding, an illustration of Parkinson」s law of triviality.
-> 11 这样的讨论实际上只是在骑自行车,是对帕金森法则的零散的描述。
+> 11 這樣的討論實際上只是在騎腳踏車,是對帕金森法則的零散的描述。
-#### And for everything else... 至于其他的一切……
+#### And for everything else... 至於其他的一切……
-With all that, there’s a lot that’s not in our style guides. We try to focus on the things that have the greatest impact on the health of our codebase. There are absolutely best practices left unspecified by these documents, including many fundamental pieces of good engineering advice: don’t be clever, don’t fork the codebase, don’t reinvent the wheel, and so on. Documents like our style guides can’t serve to take a complete novice all the way to a master-level understanding of software engineering—there are some things we assume, and this is intentional.
+With all that, there」s a lot that」s not in our style guides. We try to focus on the things that have the greatest impact on the health of our codebase. There are absolutely best practices left unspecified by these documents, including many fundamental pieces of good engineering advice: don」t be clever, don」t fork the codebase, don」t reinvent the wheel, and so on. Documents like our style guides can」t serve to take a complete novice all the way to a master-level understanding of software engineering—there are some things we assume, and this is intentional.
-## Changing the Rules 改变规则
+## Changing the Rules 改變規則
-Our style guides aren’t static. As with most things, given the passage of time, the landscape within which a style guide decision was made and the factors that guided a given ruling are likely to change. Sometimes, conditions change enough to warrant reevaluation. If a new language version is released, we might want to update our rules to allow or exclude new features and idioms. If a rule is causing engineers to invest effort to circumvent it, we might need to reexamine the benefits the rule was supposed to provide. If the tools that we use to enforce a rule become overly complex and burdensome to maintain, the rule itself might have decayed and need to be revisited. Noticing when a rule is ready for another look is an important part of the process that keeps our rule set relevant and up to date.
+Our style guides aren」t static. As with most things, given the passage of time, the landscape within which a style guide decision was made and the factors that guided a given ruling are likely to change. Sometimes, conditions change enough to warrant reevaluation. If a new language version is released, we might want to update our rules to allow or exclude new features and idioms. If a rule is causing engineers to invest effort to circumvent it, we might need to reexamine the benefits the rule was supposed to provide. If the tools that we use to enforce a rule become overly complex and burdensome to maintain, the rule itself might have decayed and need to be revisited. Noticing when a rule is ready for another look is an important part of the process that keeps our rule set relevant and up to date.
-The decisions behind rules captured in our style guides are backed by evidence. When adding a rule, we spend time discussing and analyzing the relevant pros and cons as well as the potential consequences, trying to verify that a given change is appropriate for the scale at which Google operates. Most entries in Google’s style guides include these considerations, laying out the pros and cons that were weighed during the process and giving the reasoning for the final ruling. Ideally, we prioritize this detailed reasoning and include it with every rule.
+The decisions behind rules captured in our style guides are backed by evidence. When adding a rule, we spend time discussing and analyzing the relevant pros and cons as well as the potential consequences, trying to verify that a given change is appropriate for the scale at which Google operates. Most entries in Google」s style guides include these considerations, laying out the pros and cons that were weighed during the process and giving the reasoning for the final ruling. Ideally, we prioritize this detailed reasoning and include it with every rule.
Documenting the reasoning behind a given decision gives us the advantage of being able to recognize when things need to change. Given the passage of time and changing conditions, a good decision made previously might not be the best current one. With influencing factors clearly noted, we are able to identify when changes related to one or more of these factors warrant reevaluating the rule.
-#### Case Study:CamelCase Naming 案例分析:驼峰命名法
+#### Case Study:CamelCase Naming 案例分析:駝峰命名法
-At Google, when we defined our initial style guidance for Python code, we chose to use CamelCase naming style instead of snake_case naming style for method names. Although the public Python style guide (PEP 8) and most of the Python community used snake_case naming, most of Google’s Python usage at the time was for C++ developers using Python as a scripting layer on top of a C++ codebase. Many of the defined Python types were wrappers for corresponding C++ types, and because Google’s C++ naming conventions follow CamelCase style, the cross-language consistency was seen as key.
+At Google, when we defined our initial style guidance for Python code, we chose to use CamelCase naming style instead of snake_case naming style for method names. Although the public Python style guide (PEP 8) and most of the Python community used snake_case naming, most of Google」s Python usage at the time was for C++ developers using Python as a scripting layer on top of a C++ codebase. Many of the defined Python types were wrappers for corresponding C++ types, and because Google」s C++ naming conventions follow CamelCase style, the cross-language consistency was seen as key.
-在谷歌,当我们为Python代码定义初始风格指导时,我们选择使用驼峰命名风格,而不是使用snake_case命名风格来命名方法名。尽管公共Python风格指南(PEP 8)和大多数Python社区使用了snake_case命名,但当时谷歌的大多数Python用法是为c++开发人员使用Python作为c++代码库之上的脚本层。许多定义的Python类型是相应c++类型的包装工具,因为Goo‐gle的C++命名惯例遵循驼峰命名风格,在这里跨语言的一致性被视为关键。
+在谷歌,當我們為Python程式碼定義初始風格指導時,我們選擇使用駝峰命名風格,而不是使用snake_case命名風格來命名方法名。儘管公共Python風格指南(PEP 8)和大多數Python社群使用了snake_case命名,但當時谷歌的大多數Python用法是為c++開發人員使用Python作為c++程式碼庫之上的指令碼層。許多定義的Python型別是相應c++型別的包裝工具,因為Goo‐gle的C++命名慣例遵循駝峰命名風格,在這裡跨語言的一致性被視為關鍵。
Later, we reached a point at which we were building and supporting independent Python applications. The engineers most frequently using Python were Python engineers developing Python projects, not C++ engineers pulling together a quick script. We were causing a degree of awkwardness and readability problems for our Python engineers, requiring them to maintain one standard for our internal code but constantly adjust for another standard every time they referenced external code. We were also making it more difficult for new hires who came in with Python experience to adapt to our codebase norms.
-后来,我们到了构建和支持独立 Python 应用程序的地步。最经常使用Python的工程师是那些开发Python项目的Python工程师,而不是编写快速脚本的C++工程师。我们给我们的Python工程师造成了一定程度的尴尬和可读性问题,要求他们为我们的内部代码维护一个标准,但每次他们引用外部代码时都要不断地调整另一个标准。我们还让有Python经验的新员工更难以适应我们的代码库规范。
+後來,我們到了建立和支援獨立 Python 應用程式的地步。最經常使用Python的工程師是那些開發Python專案的Python工程師,而不是編寫快速指令碼的C++工程師。我們給我們的Python工程師造成了一定程度的尷尬和可讀性問題,要求他們為我們的內部程式碼維護一個標準,但每次他們引用外部程式碼時都要不斷地調整另一個標準。我們還讓有Python經驗的新員工更難以適應我們的程式碼庫規範。
As our Python projects grew, our code more frequently interacted with external Python projects. We were incorporating third-party Python libraries for some of our projects, leading to a mix within our codebase of our own CamelCase format with the externally preferred snake_case style. As we started to open source some of our Python projects, maintaining them in an external world where our conventions were nonconformist added both complexity on our part and wariness from a community that found our style surprising and somewhat weird.
-随着Python 项目的增长,我们的代码与外部Python项目的交互越来越频繁。我们在一些项目中合并了第三方Python库,导致我们的代码库中混合了我们自己的驼峰命名格式和外部偏爱的snake_case样式。当我们开始开源我们的一些Python项目时,在一个我们的没有约定规范限制的外部世界中维护它们,既增加了我们的复杂性,也增加了社区对我们风格的警惕,他们觉得我们的风格令人惊讶,有些怪异。
+隨著Python 專案的增長,我們的程式碼與外部Python專案的互動越來越頻繁。我們在一些專案中合併了第三方Python函式庫,導致我們的程式碼庫中混合了我們自己的駝峰命名格式和外部偏愛的snake_case樣式。當我們開始開源我們的一些Python專案時,在一個我們的沒有約定規範限制的外部世界中維護它們,既增加了我們的複雜性,也增加了社群對我們風格的警惕,他們覺得我們的風格令人驚訝,有些怪異。
Presented with these arguments, after discussing both the costs (losing consistency with other Google code, reeducation for Googlers used to our Python style) and benefits (gaining consistency with most other Python code, allowing what was already leaking in with third-party libraries), the style arbiters for the Python style guide decided to change the rule. With the restriction that it be applied as a file-wide choice, an exemption for existing code, and the latitude for projects to decide what is best for them, the Google Python style guide was updated to permit snake_case naming.
-提出这些论点后,讨论了成本(失去与其他谷歌代码的一致性,对习惯于我们的 Python 风格的 Google 员工进行再教育)和好处(获得与大多数其他Python代码的一致性,允许已经泄露到第三方库的内容),Python风格指南的风格仲裁者决定改变规则。有了它被应用为文件范围的选择的限制,现有代码的例外,以及项目决定什么最适合他们的自由度,谷歌Python风格指南已更新为允许 snake_case 命名。
+提出這些論點後,討論了成本(失去與其他谷歌程式碼的一致性,對習慣於我們的 Python 風格的 Google 員工進行再教育)和好處(獲得與大多數其他Python程式碼的一致性,允許已經洩露到第三方庫的內容),Python風格指南的風格仲裁者決定改變規則。有了它被應用為檔案範圍的選擇的限制,現有程式碼的例外,以及專案決定什麼最適合他們的自由度,谷歌Python風格指南已更新為允許 snake_case 命名。
-### The Process 过程
+### The Process 過程
-Recognizing that things will need to change, given the long lifetime and ability to scale that we are aiming for, we created a process for updating our rules. The process for changing our style guide is solution based. Proposals for style guide updates are framed with this view, identifying an existing problem and presenting the proposed change as a way to fix it. “Problems,” in this process, are not hypothetical examples of things that could go wrong; problems are proven with patterns found in existing Google code. Given a demonstrated problem, because we have the detailed reasoning behind the existing style guide decision, we can reevaluate, checking whether a different conclusion now makes more sense.
+Recognizing that things will need to change, given the long lifetime and ability to scale that we are aiming for, we created a process for updating our rules. The process for changing our style guide is solution based. Proposals for style guide updates are framed with this view, identifying an existing problem and presenting the proposed change as a way to fix it. 『Problems,』 in this process, are not hypothetical examples of things that could go wrong; problems are proven with patterns found in existing Google code. Given a demonstrated problem, because we have the detailed reasoning behind the existing style guide decision, we can reevaluate, checking whether a different conclusion now makes more sense.
The community of engineers writing code governed by the style guide are often best positioned to notice when a rule might need to be changed. Indeed, here at Google, most changes to our style guides begin with community discussion. Any engineer can ask questions or propose a change, usually by starting with the language-specific mailing lists dedicated to style guide discussions.
Proposals for style guide changes might come fully-formed, with specific, updated wording suggested, or might start as vague questions about the applicability of a given rule. Incoming ideas are discussed by the community, receiving feedback from other language users. Some proposals are rejected by community consensus, gauged to be unnecessary, too ambiguous, or not beneficial. Others receive positive feedback, gauged to have merit either as-is or with some suggested refinement. These proposals, the ones that make it through community review, are subject to final decision- making approval.
-### The Style Arbiters 风格仲裁者
+### The Style Arbiters 風格仲裁者
-At Google, for each language’s style guide, final decisions and approvals are made by the style guide’s owners—our style arbiters. For each programming language, a group of long-time language experts are the owners of the style guide and the designated decision makers. The style arbiters for a given language are often senior members of the language’s library team and other long-time Googlers with relevant language experience.
+At Google, for each language」s style guide, final decisions and approvals are made by the style guide」s owners—our style arbiters. For each programming language, a group of long-time language experts are the owners of the style guide and the designated decision makers. The style arbiters for a given language are often senior members of the language」s library team and other long-time Googlers with relevant language experience.
-The actual decision making for any style guide change is a discussion of the engineering trade-offs for the proposed modification. The arbiters make decisions within the context of the agreed-upon goals for which the style guide optimizes. Changes are not made according to personal preference; they’re trade-off judgments. In fact, the C++ style arbiter group currently consists of four members. This might seem strange: having an odd number of committee members would prevent tied votes in case of a split decision. However, because of the nature of the decision making approach, where nothing is “because I think it should be this way” and everything is an evaluation of trade-off, decisions are made by consensus rather than by voting. The four-member group is happily functional as-is.
+The actual decision making for any style guide change is a discussion of the engineering trade-offs for the proposed modification. The arbiters make decisions within the context of the agreed-upon goals for which the style guide optimizes. Changes are not made according to personal preference; they」re trade-off judgments. In fact, the C++ style arbiter group currently consists of four members. This might seem strange: having an odd number of committee members would prevent tied votes in case of a split decision. However, because of the nature of the decision making approach, where nothing is 『because I think it should be this way』 and everything is an evaluation of trade-off, decisions are made by consensus rather than by voting. The four-member group is happily functional as-is.
### Exceptions 例外
Yes, our rules are law, but yes, some rules warrant exceptions. Our rules are typically designed for the greater, general case. Sometimes, specific situations would benefit from an exemption to a particular rule. When such a scenario arises, the style arbiters are consulted to determine whether there is a valid case for granting a waiver to a particular rule.
Waivers are not granted lightly. In C++ code, if a macro API is introduced, the style guide mandates that it be named using a project-specific prefix. Because of the way C++ handles macros, treating them as members of the global namespace, all macros that are exported from header files must have globally unique names to prevent collisions. The style guide rule regarding macro naming does allow for arbiter-granted exemptions for some utility macros that are genuinely global. However, when the reason behind a waiver request asking to exclude a project-specific prefix comes down to preferences due to macro name length or project consistency, the waiver is rejected. The integrity of the codebase outweighs the consistency of the project here.
-Exceptions are allowed for cases in which it is gauged to be more beneficial to permit the rule-breaking than to avoid it. The C++ style guide disallows implicit type conversions, including single-argument constructors. However, for types that are designed to transparently wrap other types, where the underlying data is still accurately and precisely represented, it’s perfectly reasonable to allow implicit conversion. In such cases, waivers to the no-implicit-conversion rule are granted. Having such a clear case for valid exemptions might indicate that the rule in question needs to be clarified or amended. However, for this specific rule, enough waiver requests are received that appear to fit the valid case for exemption but in fact do not—either because the specific type in question is not actually a transparent wrapper type or because the type is a wrapper but is not actually needed—that keeping the rule in place as-is is still worthwhile.
+Exceptions are allowed for cases in which it is gauged to be more beneficial to permit the rule-breaking than to avoid it. The C++ style guide disallows implicit type conversions, including single-argument constructors. However, for types that are designed to transparently wrap other types, where the underlying data is still accurately and precisely represented, it」s perfectly reasonable to allow implicit conversion. In such cases, waivers to the no-implicit-conversion rule are granted. Having such a clear case for valid exemptions might indicate that the rule in question needs to be clarified or amended. However, for this specific rule, enough waiver requests are received that appear to fit the valid case for exemption but in fact do not—either because the specific type in question is not actually a transparent wrapper type or because the type is a wrapper but is not actually needed—that keeping the rule in place as-is is still worthwhile.
-在被认为允许违反规则比避免违反规则更有利的情况下,允许例外。C++ 风格指南不允许隐式类型转换,包括单参数构造函数。然而,对于那些被设计成透明地包装其他类型的类型,其中的底层数据仍然被精确地表示出来,允许隐式转换是完全合理的。在这种情况下,授予对无隐式转换规则的豁免。拥有如此明确的有效豁免案例可能表明需要澄清或修改相关规则。然而,对于此特定规则,收到了足够多的豁免请求,这些请求似乎适合豁免的有效案例,但实际上不符合。因为所讨论的特定类型实际上不是透明包装工具类型,或者因为该类型是包装工具但实际上并不需要——保持原样的规则仍然是值得的。
+在被認為允許違反規則比避免違反規則更有利的情況下,允許例外。C++ 風格指南不允許隱式型別轉換,包括單引數建構式函式。然而,對於那些被設計成透明地包裝其他型別的型別,其中的底層資料仍然被精確地表示出來,允許隱式轉換是完全合理的。在這種情況下,授予對無隱式轉換規則的豁免。擁有如此明確的有效豁免案例可能表明需要澄清或修改相關規則。然而,對於此特定規則,收到了足夠多的豁免請求,這些請求似乎適合豁免的有效案例,但實際上不符合。因為所討論的特定型別實際上不是透明包裝工具型別,或者因為該類別型是包裝工具但實際上並不需要——保持原樣的規則仍然是值得的。
-## Guidance 指导
+## Guidance 指導
In addition to rules, we curate programming guidance in various forms, ranging from long, in-depth discussion of complex topics to short, pointed advice on best practices that we endorse.
-Guidance represents the collected wisdom of our engineering experience, documenting the best practices that we’ve extracted from the lessons learned along the way. Guidance tends to focus on things that we’ve observed people frequently getting wrong or new things that are unfamiliar and therefore subject to confusion. If the rules are the “musts,” our guidance is the “shoulds.”
+Guidance represents the collected wisdom of our engineering experience, documenting the best practices that we」ve extracted from the lessons learned along the way. Guidance tends to focus on things that we」ve observed people frequently getting wrong or new things that are unfamiliar and therefore subject to confusion. If the rules are the 『musts,』 our guidance is the 『shoulds.』
-One example of a pool of guidance that we cultivate is a set of primers for some of the predominant languages that we use. While our style guides are prescriptive, ruling on which language features are allowed and which are disallowed, the primers are descriptive, explaining the features that the guides endorse. They are quite broad in their coverage, touching on nearly every topic that an engineer new to the language’s use at Google would need to reference. They do not delve into every detail of a given topic, but they provide explanations and recommended use. When an engineer needs to figure out how to apply a feature that they want to use, the primers aim to serve as the go-to guiding reference.
+One example of a pool of guidance that we cultivate is a set of primers for some of the predominant languages that we use. While our style guides are prescriptive, ruling on which language features are allowed and which are disallowed, the primers are descriptive, explaining the features that the guides endorse. They are quite broad in their coverage, touching on nearly every topic that an engineer new to the language」s use at Google would need to reference. They do not delve into every detail of a given topic, but they provide explanations and recommended use. When an engineer needs to figure out how to apply a feature that they want to use, the primers aim to serve as the go-to guiding reference.
-A few years ago, we began publishing a series of C++ tips that offered a mix of general language advice and Google-specific tips. We cover hard things—object lifetime, copy and move semantics, argument-dependent lookup; new things—C++ 11 features as they were adopted in the codebase, preadopted C++17 types like string_view, optional, and variant; and things that needed a gentle nudge of correction—reminders not to use using directives, warnings to remember to look out for implicit bool conversions. The tips grow out of actual problems encountered, addressing real programming issues that are not covered by the style guides. Their advice, unlike the rules in the style guide, are not true canon; they are still in the category of advice rather than rule. However, given the way they grow from observed patterns rather than abstract ideals, their broad and direct applicability set them apart from most other advice as a sort of “canon of the common.” Tips are narrowly focused and relatively short, each one no more than a few minutes’ read. This “Tip of the Week” series has been extremely successful internally, with frequent citations during code reviews and technical discussions.[^12]
+A few years ago, we began publishing a series of C++ tips that offered a mix of general language advice and Google-specific tips. We cover hard things—object lifetime, copy and move semantics, argument-dependent lookup; new things—C++ 11 features as they were adopted in the codebase, preadopted C++17 types like string_view, optional, and variant; and things that needed a gentle nudge of correction—reminders not to use using directives, warnings to remember to look out for implicit bool conversions. The tips grow out of actual problems encountered, addressing real programming issues that are not covered by the style guides. Their advice, unlike the rules in the style guide, are not true canon; they are still in the category of advice rather than rule. However, given the way they grow from observed patterns rather than abstract ideals, their broad and direct applicability set them apart from most other advice as a sort of 『canon of the common.』 Tips are narrowly focused and relatively short, each one no more than a few minutes」 read. This 『Tip of the Week』 series has been extremely successful internally, with frequent citations during code reviews and technical discussions.[^12]
-几年前,我们开始发布一系列C++提示,其中包括通用语言建议和谷歌特有的提示。我们涵盖了困难的事情——对象生命期、复制和移动语义、依赖于参数的查找;新事物- C++11特性,它们在代码库中被采用,预采用的 C++17 类型,如string_view, optional, 和 variant;还有一些东西需要温和的调整——提醒不要使用using指令,警告要记住寻找隐式布尔转换。这些技巧来源于所遇到的实际问题,解决了样式指南中没有涉及的实际编程问题。与风格指南中的规则不同,它们的建议并不是真正的经典;它们仍然属于建议而非规则的范畴。然而,考虑到它们是从观察到的模式而不是抽象的理想中发展出来的,它们广泛而直接的适用性使它们有别于大多数其他建议,成为一种“共同的经典”。这些小贴士的内容都比较狭隘,篇幅也相对较短,每一条都不超过几分钟的阅读时间。这个“每周技巧”系列在内部已经非常成功,在代码评审和技术讨论中经常被引用。
+幾年前,我們開始發布一系列C++提示,其中包括通用語言建議和谷歌特有的提示。我們涵蓋了困難的事情——物件生命期、複製和移動語義、依賴於引數的查詢;新事物- C++11屬性,它們在程式碼庫中被採用,預採用的 C++17 型別,如string_view, optional, 和 variant;還有一些東西需要溫和的調整——提醒不要使用using指令,警告要記住尋找隱式布林轉換。這些技巧來源於所遇到的實際問題,解決了樣式指南中沒有涉及的實際程式設計問題。與風格指南中的規則不同,它們的建議並不是真正的經典;它們仍然屬於建議而非規則的範疇。然而,考慮到它們是從觀察到的模式而不是抽象的理想中發展出來的,它們廣泛而直接的適用性使它們有別於大多數其他建議,成為一種『共同的經典』。這些小貼士的內容都比較狹隘,篇幅也相對較短,每一條都不超過幾分鐘的閱讀時間。這個『每週技巧』系列在內部已經非常成功,在程式碼評審和技術討論中經常被引用。
-Software engineers come in to a new project or codebase with knowledge of the programming language they are going to be using, but lacking the knowledge of how the programming language is used within Google. To bridge this gap, we maintain a series of “@Google 101” courses for each of the primary programming languages in use. These full-day courses focus on what makes development with that language different in our codebase. They cover the most frequently used libraries and idioms, in-house preferences, and custom tool usage. For a C++ engineer who has just become a Google C++ engineer, the course fills in the missing pieces that make them not just a good engineer, but a good Google codebase engineer.
+Software engineers come in to a new project or codebase with knowledge of the programming language they are going to be using, but lacking the knowledge of how the programming language is used within Google. To bridge this gap, we maintain a series of 『@Google 101』 courses for each of the primary programming languages in use. These full-day courses focus on what makes development with that language different in our codebase. They cover the most frequently used libraries and idioms, in-house preferences, and custom tool usage. For a C++ engineer who has just become a Google C++ engineer, the course fills in the missing pieces that make them not just a good engineer, but a good Google codebase engineer.
-软件工程师进入一个新的项目或代码库时,已经掌握了他们将要使用的编程语言的知识,但缺乏关于如何在 Google 中使用该编程语言的知识。为了弥补这一差距,我们为使用中的每一种主要编程语言设置了一系列的“<语言>@Google 101”课程。这些全日制课程侧重于在我们的代码库中使用该语言进行开发的不同之处。它们涵盖了最常用的库和习惯用法、内部首选项和自定义工具的使用。对于一个刚刚成为谷歌C++工程师的C++工程师,该课程填补了缺失的部分,使他们不仅是一名优秀的工程师,而且是一名优秀的 Google 代码库工程师。
+軟體工程師進入一個新的專案或程式碼庫時,已經掌握了他們將要使用的程式語言的知識,但缺乏關於如何在 Google 中使用該程式語言的知識。為了彌補這一差距,我們為使用中的每一種主要程式語言設定了一系列的『<語言>@Google 101』課程。這些全日制課程側重於在我們的程式碼庫中使用該語言進行開發的不同之處。它們涵蓋了最常用的函式庫和習慣用法、內部首選項和自定義工具的使用。對於一個剛剛成為谷歌C++工程師的C++工程師,該課程填補了缺失的部分,使他們不僅是一名優秀的工程師,而且是一名優秀的 Google 程式碼庫工程師。
In addition to teaching courses that aim to get someone completely unfamiliar with our setup up and running quickly, we also cultivate ready references for engineers deep in the codebase to find the information that could help them on the go. These references vary in form and span the languages that we use. Some of the useful references that we maintain internally include the following:
- Language-specific advice for the areas that are generally more difficult to get correct (such as concurrency and hashing).
- Detailed breakdowns of new features that are introduced with a language update and advice on how to use them within the codebase.
-- Listings of key abstractions and data structures provided by our libraries. This keeps us from reinventing structures that already exist and provides a response to, “I need a thing, but I don’t know what it’s called in our libraries.”
+- Listings of key abstractions and data structures provided by our libraries. This keeps us from reinventing structures that already exist and provides a response to, 『I need a thing, but I don」t know what it」s called in our libraries.』
-- 针对通常很难正确处理的领域(如并发性和散列)提供特定语言的建议。
-- 语言更新中引入的新特性的详细分解,以及如何在代码库中使用它们的建议。
-- 我们库提供的关键抽象和数据结构列表。这阻止了我们重新创建已经存在的结构,并提供了对“我需要一个东西,但我不知道它在我们的库中叫什么”的回应。
+- 針對通常很難正確處理的領域(如併發性和雜湊)提供特定語言的建議。
+- 語言更新中引入的新屬性的詳細分解,以及如何在程式碼庫中使用它們的建議。
+- 我們函式庫提供的關鍵抽象和數據結構清單。這阻止了我們重新建立已經存在的結構,並提供了對『我需要一個東西,但我不知道它在我們的庫中叫什麼』的回應。
> 12 https://abseil.io/tips has a selection of some of our most popular tips.
-> 12 https://abseil.io/tips 选择了一些我们最受欢迎的提示。
+> 12 https://abseil.io/tips 選擇了一些我們最受歡迎的提示。
-## Applying the Rules 应用规则
+## Applying the Rules 應用規則
-Rules, by their nature, lend greater value when they are enforceable. Rules can be enforced socially, through teaching and training, or technically, with tooling. We have various formal training courses at Google that cover many of the best practices that our rules require. We also invest resources in keeping our documentation up to date to ensure that reference material remains accurate and current. A key part of our overall training approach when it comes to awareness and understanding of our rules is the role that code reviews play. The readability process that we run here at Google —where engineers new to Google’s development environment for a given language are mentored through code reviews—is, to a great extent, about cultivating the habits and patterns required by our style guides (see details on the readability process in
+Rules, by their nature, lend greater value when they are enforceable. Rules can be enforced socially, through teaching and training, or technically, with tooling. We have various formal training courses at Google that cover many of the best practices that our rules require. We also invest resources in keeping our documentation up to date to ensure that reference material remains accurate and current. A key part of our overall training approach when it comes to awareness and understanding of our rules is the role that code reviews play. The readability process that we run here at Google —where engineers new to Google」s development environment for a given language are mentored through code reviews—is, to a great extent, about cultivating the habits and patterns required by our style guides (see details on the readability process in
Chapter 3). The process is an important piece of how we ensure that these practices are learned and applied across project boundaries.
-就其本质而言,规则在可执行的情况下会带来更大的价值。规则可以通过教学和培训在社会上执行,也可以在技术上通过工具来执行。我们在谷歌提供了各种正式的培训课程,涵盖了我们的规则所要求的许多最佳实践。我们还投入资源使我们的文档保持更新,以确保参考材料保持准确和最新。当涉及到对规则的了解和理解时,我们整体培训方法的一个关键部分是代码评审所扮演的角色。我们在谷歌运行的可读性过程——在这里,针对特定语言的谷歌开发环境的新工程师会通过代码审查来指导——在很大程度上是为了培养我们的风格指南所要求的习惯和模式(详见第3章可读性过程) 。这个过程是我们如何确保这些实践是跨项目边界学习和应用的重要部分。
+就其本質而言,規則在可執行的情況下會帶來更大的價值。規則可以透過教學和培訓在社會上執行,也可以在技術上透過工具來執行。我們在谷歌提供了各種正式的培訓課程,涵蓋了我們的規則所要求的許多最佳實踐。我們還投入資源使我們的文件保持更新,以確保參考材料保持準確和最新。當涉及到對規則的瞭解和理解時,我們整體培訓方法的一個關鍵部分是程式碼評審所扮演的角色。我們在谷歌執行的可讀性過程——在這裡,針對特定語言的谷歌開發環境的新工程師會通過程式碼審查來指導——在很大程度上是為了培養我們的風格指南所要求的習慣和模式(詳見第3章可讀性過程) 。這個過程是我們如何確保這些實踐是跨專案邊界學習和應用的重要部分。
Although some level of training is always necessary—engineers must, after all, learn the rules so that they can write code that follows them—when it comes to checking for compliance, rather than exclusively depending on engineer-based verification, we strongly prefer to automate enforcement with tooling.
Automated rule enforcement ensures that rules are not dropped or forgotten as time passes or as an organization scales up. New people join; they might not yet know all the rules. Rules change over time; even with good communication, not everyone will remember the current state of everything. Projects grow and add new features; rules that had previously not been relevant are suddenly applicable. An engineer checking for rule compliance depends on either memory or documentation, both of which can fail. As long as our tooling stays up to date, in sync with our rule changes, we know that our rules are being applied by all our engineers for all our projects.
-Another advantage to automated enforcement is minimization of the variance in how a rule is interpreted and applied. When we write a script or use a tool to check for compliance, we validate all inputs against a single, unchanging definition of the rule. We aren’t leaving interpretation up to each individual engineer. Human engineers view everything with a perspective colored by their biases. Unconscious or not, potentially subtle, and even possibly harmless, biases still change the way people view things. Leaving enforcement up to engineers is likely to see inconsistent interpretation and application of the rules, potentially with inconsistent expectations of accountability. The more that we delegate to the tools, the fewer entry points we leave for human biases to enter.
+Another advantage to automated enforcement is minimization of the variance in how a rule is interpreted and applied. When we write a script or use a tool to check for compliance, we validate all inputs against a single, unchanging definition of the rule. We aren」t leaving interpretation up to each individual engineer. Human engineers view everything with a perspective colored by their biases. Unconscious or not, potentially subtle, and even possibly harmless, biases still change the way people view things. Leaving enforcement up to engineers is likely to see inconsistent interpretation and application of the rules, potentially with inconsistent expectations of accountability. The more that we delegate to the tools, the fewer entry points we leave for human biases to enter.
-Tooling also makes enforcement scalable. As an organization grows, a single team of experts can write tools that the rest of the company can use. If the company doubles in size, the effort to enforce all rules across the entire organization doesn’t double, it costs about the same as it did before.
+Tooling also makes enforcement scalable. As an organization grows, a single team of experts can write tools that the rest of the company can use. If the company doubles in size, the effort to enforce all rules across the entire organization doesn」t double, it costs about the same as it did before.
-Even with the advantages we get by incorporating tooling, it might not be possible to automate enforcement for all rules. Some technical rules explicitly call for human judgment. In the C++ style guide, for example: “Avoid complicated template metaprogramming.” “Use auto to avoid type names that are noisy, obvious, or unimportant—cases where the type doesn’t aid in clarity for the reader.” “Composition is often more appropriate than inheritance.” In the Java style guide: “There’s no single correct recipe for how to [order the members and initializers of your class]; different classes may order their contents in different ways.” “It is very rarely correct to do nothing in response to a caught exception.” “It is extremely rare to override Object.finalize.” For all of these rules, judgment is required and tooling can’t (yet!) take that place.
+Even with the advantages we get by incorporating tooling, it might not be possible to automate enforcement for all rules. Some technical rules explicitly call for human judgment. In the C++ style guide, for example: 『Avoid complicated template metaprogramming.』 『Use auto to avoid type names that are noisy, obvious, or unimportant—cases where the type doesn」t aid in clarity for the reader.』 『Composition is often more appropriate than inheritance.』 In the Java style guide: 『There」s no single correct recipe for how to [order the members and initializers of your class]; different classes may order their contents in different ways.』 『It is very rarely correct to do nothing in response to a caught exception.』 『It is extremely rare to override Object.finalize.』 For all of these rules, judgment is required and tooling can」t (yet!) take that place.
-即使具有我们通过合并工具获得的优势,也可能无法自动执行所有规则。一些技术规则明确要求人的判断。例如,在C++风格指南中:“避免复杂的模板元编程。”“使用auto来避免冗长、明显或不重要的类型名,这些类型名不能帮助读者清晰地读懂。“组合通常比继承更合适。”在Java风格指南中:“对于如何[对类的成员和初始化程序进行排序]并没有一个正确的方法;不同的类可能以不同的方式排列内容。”“对所捕获的异常不做任何响应很少是正确的。"覆盖 Object.finalize 的情况极为罕见。"对于所有这些规则,都需要人工判断,工具目前还不能代替判断。
+即使具有我們透過合併工具獲得的優勢,也可能無法自動執行所有規則。一些技術規則明確要求人的判斷。例如,在C++風格指南中:『避免複雜的樣板元程式設計。』『使用auto來避免冗長、明顯或不重要的型別名,這些型別名不能幫助讀者清晰地讀懂。『組合通常比繼承更合適。』在Java風格指南中:『對於如何[對類別的成員和初始化程式進行排序]並沒有一個正確的方法;不同的類可能以不同的方式排列內容。』『對所捕獲的異常不做任何回應很少是正確的。"覆蓋 Object.finalize 的情況極為罕見。"對於所有這些規則,都需要人工判斷,工具目前還不能代替判斷。
-Other rules are social rather than technical, and it is often unwise to solve social problems with a technical solution. For many of the rules that fall under this category, the details tend to be a bit less well defined and tooling would become complex and expensive. It’s often better to leave enforcement of those rules to humans. For example, when it comes to the size of a given code change (i.e., the number of files affected and lines modified) we recommend that engineers favor smaller changes. Small changes are easier for engineers to review, so reviews tend to be faster and more thorough. They’re also less likely to introduce bugs because it’s easier to reason about the potential impact and effects of a smaller change. The definition of small, however, is somewhat nebulous. A change that propagates the identical one-line update across hundreds of files might actually be easy to review. By contrast, a smaller, 20-line change might introduce complex logic with side effects that are difficult to evaluate. We recognize that there are many different measurements of size, some of which may be subjective—particularly when taking the complexity of a change into account. This is why we do not have any tooling to autoreject a proposed change that exceeds an arbitrary line limit. Reviewers can (and do) push back if they judge a change to be too large. For this and similar rules, enforcement is up to the discretion of the engineers authoring and reviewing the code. When it comes to technical rules, however, whenever it is feasible, we favor technical enforcement.
+Other rules are social rather than technical, and it is often unwise to solve social problems with a technical solution. For many of the rules that fall under this category, the details tend to be a bit less well defined and tooling would become complex and expensive. It」s often better to leave enforcement of those rules to humans. For example, when it comes to the size of a given code change (i.e., the number of files affected and lines modified) we recommend that engineers favor smaller changes. Small changes are easier for engineers to review, so reviews tend to be faster and more thorough. They」re also less likely to introduce bugs because it」s easier to reason about the potential impact and effects of a smaller change. The definition of small, however, is somewhat nebulous. A change that propagates the identical one-line update across hundreds of files might actually be easy to review. By contrast, a smaller, 20-line change might introduce complex logic with side effects that are difficult to evaluate. We recognize that there are many different measurements of size, some of which may be subjective—particularly when taking the complexity of a change into account. This is why we do not have any tooling to autoreject a proposed change that exceeds an arbitrary line limit. Reviewers can (and do) push back if they judge a change to be too large. For this and similar rules, enforcement is up to the discretion of the engineers authoring and reviewing the code. When it comes to technical rules, however, whenever it is feasible, we favor technical enforcement.
-### Error Checkers 错误检查工具
+### Error Checkers 錯誤檢查工具
Many rules covering language usage can be enforced with static analysis tools. In fact, an informal survey of the C++ style guide by some of our C++ librarians in mid-2018 estimated that roughly 90% of its rules could be automatically verified. Error- checking tools take a set of rules or patterns and verify that a given code sample fully complies. Automated verification removes the burden of remembering all applicable rules from the code author. If an engineer only needs to look for violation warnings— many of which come with suggested fixes—surfaced during code review by an analyzer that has been tightly integrated into the development workflow, we minimize the effort that it takes to comply with the rules. When we began using tools to flag deprecated functions based on source tagging, surfacing both the warning and the suggested fix in-place, the problem of having new usages of deprecated APIs disappeared almost overnight. Keeping the cost of compliance down makes it more likely for engineers to happily follow through.
-许多涉及语言使用的规则可以通过静态分析工具强制执行。事实上,我们的一些C++类库管理员在2018年年中对C++风格指南进行的一项非正式调查估计,其中大约90%的规则可以自动验证。错误检查工具采用一组规则或模式,并验证给定的代码示例是否完全符合。自动验证消除了代码作者记住所有适用规则的负担。如果工程师只需要查找违规警告——其中许多都带有建议的修复——在代码审查期间由已紧密集成到开发工作流中的分析工具发现的,我们将尽可能减少遵守规则所需要的工作量。当我们开始使用工具基于源标签来标记已弃用的函数时,警告和建议的就都会同时给出,新使用已弃用 API 的问题几乎在一夜之间消失了。降低合规成本使工程师更有可能愉快地贯彻执行。
+許多涉及語言使用的規則可以透過靜態分析工具強制執行。事實上,我們的一些C++類別庫管理員在2018年年中對C++風格指南進行的一項非正式調查估計,其中大約90%的規則可以自動驗證。錯誤檢查工具採用一組規則或模式,並驗證給定的程式碼範例是否完全符合。自動驗證消除了程式碼作者記住所有適用規則的負擔。如果工程師只需要查詢違規警告——其中許多都帶有建議的修復——在程式碼審查期間由已緊密整合到開發工作流中的分析工具發現的,我們將盡可能減少遵守規則所需要的工作量。當我們開始使用工具基於源標籤來標記已棄用的函式時,警告和建議的就都會同時給出,新使用已棄用 API 的問題幾乎在一夜之間消失了。降低合規成本使工程師更有可能愉快地貫徹執行。
We use tools like clang-tidy (for C++) and Error Prone (for Java) to automate the process of enforcing rules. See Chapter 20 for an in-depth discussion of our approach.
-我们使用像clang-tidy(用于C++)和Error Prone(用于Java)这样的工具来自动化执行规则的过程。有关我们方法的深入讨论,请参见第 20 章。
+我們使用像clang-tidy(用於C++)和Error Prone(用於Java)這樣的工具來自動化執行規則的過程。有關我們方法的深入討論,請參見第 20 章。
-The tools we use are designed and tailored to support the rules that we define. Most tools in support of rules are absolutes; everybody must comply with the rules, so everybody uses the tools that check them. Sometimes, when tools support best practi‐ces where there’s a bit more flexibility in conforming to the conventions, there are opt-out mechanisms to allow projects to adjust for their needs.
+The tools we use are designed and tailored to support the rules that we define. Most tools in support of rules are absolutes; everybody must comply with the rules, so everybody uses the tools that check them. Sometimes, when tools support best practi‐ces where there」s a bit more flexibility in conforming to the conventions, there are opt-out mechanisms to allow projects to adjust for their needs.
-### Code Formatters 代码格式工具
+### Code Formatters 程式碼格式工具
At Google, we generally use automated style checkers and formatters to enforce consistent formatting within our code. The question of line lengths has stopped being interesting.[^13]Engineers just run the style checkers and keep moving forward. When formatting is done the same way every time, it becomes a non-issue during code review, eliminating the review cycles that are otherwise spent finding, flagging, and fixing minor style nits.
-In managing the largest codebase ever, we’ve had the opportunity to observe the results of formatting done by humans versus formatting done by automated tooling. The robots are better on average than the humans by a significant amount. There are some places where domain expertise matters—formatting a matrix, for example, is something a human can usually do better than a general-purpose formatter. Failing that, formatting code with an automated style checker rarely goes wrong.
+In managing the largest codebase ever, we」ve had the opportunity to observe the results of formatting done by humans versus formatting done by automated tooling. The robots are better on average than the humans by a significant amount. There are some places where domain expertise matters—formatting a matrix, for example, is something a human can usually do better than a general-purpose formatter. Failing that, formatting code with an automated style checker rarely goes wrong.
We enforce use of these formatters with presubmit checks: before code can be submitted, a service checks whether running the formatter on the code produces any diffs. If it does, the submit is rejected with instructions on how to run the formatter to fix the code. Most code at Google is subject to such a presubmit check. For our code, we use clang-format for C++; an in-house wrapper around yapf for Python; gofmt for Go; dartfmt for Dart; and buildifier for our BUILD files.
-我们通过预提交检查强制使用这些格式化程序:在提交代码之前,服务会检查在代码上运行格式化工具是否会产生任何差异。如果是,提交将被拒绝,并提供有关如何运行格式化程序以修复代码的说明。谷歌上的大多数代码都要接受这种预提交检查。在我们的代码中,C++使用了clang-format;Python使用yapf内部包装工具;Go使用gofmt;Dart 使用 dartfmt;以及我们的 BUILD 文件使用buildifier。
+我們透過預送出檢查強制使用這些格式化程式:在送出程式碼之前,服務會檢查在程式碼上執行格式化工具是否會產生任何差異。如果是,送出將被拒絕,並提供有關如何執行格式化程式以修復程式碼的說明。谷歌上的大多數程式碼都要接受這種預送出檢查。在我們的程式碼中,C++使用了clang-format;Python使用yapf內部包裝工具;Go使用gofmt;Dart 使用 dartfmt;以及我們的 BUILD 檔案使用buildifier。
-> 13 When you consider that it takes at least two engineers to have the discussion and multiply that by the number of times this conversation is likely to happen within a collection of more than 30,000 engineers, it turns out that “how many characters” can become a very expensive question.
+> 13 When you consider that it takes at least two engineers to have the discussion and multiply that by the number of times this conversation is likely to happen within a collection of more than 30,000 engineers, it turns out that 『how many characters』 can become a very expensive question.
-> 13 当你考虑到至少需要两名工程师进行讨论,并将其乘以这种对话可能在30,000多名工程师的集合中发生的次数时,事实证明,"多少个字符 "可能成为一个成本非常高的问题。
+> 13 當你考慮到至少需要兩名工程師進行討論,並將其乘以這種對話可能在30,000多名工程師的集合中發生的次數時,事實證明,"多少個字元 "可能成為一個成本非常高的問題。
@@ -546,76 +546,76 @@ We enforce use of these formatters with presubmit checks: before code can be sub
Sameer Ajmani
Google released the Go programming language as open source on November 10, 2009. Since then, Go has grown as a language for developing services, tools, cloud infrastructure, and open source software.[^14]
We knew that we needed a standard format for Go code from day one. We also knew that it would be nearly impossible to retrofit a standard format after the open source release. So the initial Go release included gofmt, the standard formatting tool for Go.
-**Motivations 动机**
+**Motivations 動機**
-Code reviews are a software engineering best practice, yet too much time was spent in review arguing over formatting. Although a standard format wouldn’t be everyone’s favorite, it would be good enough to eliminate this wasted time.[^15]
+Code reviews are a software engineering best practice, yet too much time was spent in review arguing over formatting. Although a standard format wouldn」t be everyone」s favorite, it would be good enough to eliminate this wasted time.[^15]
By standardizing the format, we laid the foundation for tools that could automatically update Go code without creating spurious diffs: machine-edited code would be indistinguishable from human-edited code.[^16]
-通过标准化格式,我们为可以自动更新 Go 代码而不会创建虚假差异的工具奠定了基础:机器编辑的代码与人工编辑的代码无法区分。
+透過標準化格式,我們為可以自動更新 Go 程式碼而不會建立虛假差異的工具奠定了基礎:機器編輯的程式碼與人工編輯的程式碼無法區分。
For example, in the months leading up to Go 1.0 in 2012, the Go team used a tool called gofix to automatically update pre-1.0 Go code to the stable version of the language and libraries. Thanks to gofmt, the diffs gofix produced included only the important bits: changes to uses of the language and APIs. This allowed programmers to more easily review the changes and learn from the changes the tool made.
-例如,在2012年Go 1.0的前几个月,Go 团队使用了一个名为 gofix 的工具来自动将 1.0 之前的 Go 代码更新到语言和库的稳定版本。多亏了gofmt, gofix 产生的差异只包括重要的部分:语言和 API 使用的更改。 这使程序员可以更轻松地查看更改并从工具所做的更改中学习。
+例如,在2012年Go 1.0的前幾個月,Go 團隊使用了一個名為 gofix 的工具來自動將 1.0 之前的 Go 程式碼更新到語言和函式庫的穩定版本。多虧了gofmt, gofix 產生的差異只包括重要的部分:語言和 API 使用的更改。 這使工程師可以更輕鬆地檢視更改並從工具所做的更改中學習。
-**Impact 影响**
+**Impact 影響**
Go programmers expect that all Go code is formatted with gofmt. gofmt has no configuration knobs, and its behavior rarely changes. All major editors and IDEs use gofmt or emulate its behavior, so nearly all Go code in existence is formatted identically. At first, Go users complained about the enforced standard; now, users often cite gofmt as one of the many reasons they like Go. Even when reading unfamiliar Go code, the format is familiar.
-Go程序员希望所有的Go代码都使用gofmt格式。gofmt没有配置旋钮,它的行为很少改变。所有主要的编辑器和IDE都使用gofmt或者模仿它的行为,所以几乎所有的Go代码都采用了相同的格式。起初,Go 用户抱怨强制执行的标准;现在,用户经常将 gofmt 作为他们喜欢 Go 的众多原因之一。即使阅读不熟悉的Go代码,格式也是熟悉的。
+Go工程師希望所有的Go程式碼都使用gofmt格式。gofmt沒有設定旋鈕,它的行為很少改變。所有主要的編輯器和IDE都使用gofmt或者模仿它的行為,所以幾乎所有的Go程式碼都採用了相同的格式。起初,Go 使用者抱怨強制執行的標準;現在,使用者經常將 gofmt 作為他們喜歡 Go 的眾多原因之一。即使閱讀不熟悉的Go程式碼,格式也是熟悉的。
Thousands of open source packages read and write Go code.[^17] Because all editors and IDEs agree on the Go format, Go tools are portable and easily integrated into new developer environments and workflows via the command line.
-成千上万的开源包读取和编写 Go 代码。因为所有的编辑器和IDE都同意Go格式,所以Go工具是可移植的,并且很容易通过命令行集成到新的开发环境和工作流中。
+成千上萬的開源套件讀取和編寫 Go 程式碼。因為所有的編輯器和IDE都同意Go格式,所以Go工具是可移植的,並且很容易透過指令行整合到新的開發環境和工作流中。
- **Retrofitting 改装**
+ **Retrofitting 改裝**
-In 2012, we decided to automatically format all BUILD files at Google using a new standard formatter: buildifier. BUILD files contain the rules for building Google’s software with Blaze, Google’s build system. A standard BUILD format would enable us to create tools that automatically edit BUILD files without disrupting their format, just as Go tools do with Go files.
+In 2012, we decided to automatically format all BUILD files at Google using a new standard formatter: buildifier. BUILD files contain the rules for building Google」s software with Blaze, Google」s build system. A standard BUILD format would enable us to create tools that automatically edit BUILD files without disrupting their format, just as Go tools do with Go files.
-It took six weeks for one engineer to get the reformatting of Google’s 200,000 BUILD files accepted by the various code owners, during which more than a thousand new BUILD files were added each week. Google’s nascent infrastructure for making large- scale changes greatly accelerated this effort. (See Chapter 22.)
+It took six weeks for one engineer to get the reformatting of Google」s 200,000 BUILD files accepted by the various code owners, during which more than a thousand new BUILD files were added each week. Google」s nascent infrastructure for making large- scale changes greatly accelerated this effort. (See Chapter 22.)
-一位工程师花了六周时间重新格式化了谷歌的 200,000 个 BUILD 文件,这些文件被各个代码所有者接受,在此期间每周都会添加一千多个新的 BUILD 文件。谷歌为进行大规模变革而建立的基础设施大大加快了这一努力。(见第 22 章)。
+一位工程師花了六週時間重新格式化了谷歌的 200,000 個 BUILD 檔案,這些檔案被各個程式碼所有者接受,在此期間每週都會新增一千多個新的 BUILD 檔案。谷歌為進行大規模變革而建立的基礎設施大大加快了這一努力。(見第 22 章)。
> [^14]: In December 2018, Go was the #4 language on GitHub as measured by pull requests.
-> 14 2018年12月,按拉动请求衡量,Go是GitHub上排名第四的语言。
+> 14 2018年12月,按拉動請求衡量,Go是GitHub上排名第四的語言。
-> [^15]: Robert Griesemer’s 2015 talk, “The Cultural Evolution of gofmt,” provides details on the motivation, design,and impact of gofmt on Go and other languages.
+> [^15]: Robert Griesemer」s 2015 talk, 『The Cultural Evolution of gofmt,』 provides details on the motivation, design,and impact of gofmt on Go and other languages.
-> 15 Robert Griesemer在2015年的演讲《gofmt的文化演变》中详细介绍了gofmt的动机、设计。
-> 以及gofmt对Go和其他语言的影响。
+> 15 Robert Griesemer在2015年的演講《gofmt的文化演變》中詳細介紹了gofmt的動機、設計。
+> 以及gofmt對Go和其他語言的影響。
-> [^16]: Russ Cox explained in 2009 that gofmt was about automated changes: “So we have all the hard parts of a program manipulation tool just sitting waiting to be used. Agreeing to accept ‘gofmt style’ is the piece that makes it doable in a finite amount of code.”
+> [^16]: Russ Cox explained in 2009 that gofmt was about automated changes: 『So we have all the hard parts of a program manipulation tool just sitting waiting to be used. Agreeing to accept 「gofmt style」 is the piece that makes it doable in a finite amount of code.』
-> 16 Russ Cox在2009年解释说,gofmt是关于自动化修改的。"因此,我们有一个程序操作工具的所有硬性部分,只是坐在那里等着被使用。同意接受'gofmt风格'是使其在有限的代码量中可以做到的部分。"
+> 16 Russ Cox在2009年解釋說,gofmt是關於自動化修改的。"因此,我們有一個程式操作工具的所有硬性部分,只是坐在那裡等著被使用。同意接受'gofmt風格'是使其在有限的程式碼量中可以做到的部分。"
> [^17]: The Go AST and format packages each have thousands of importers.
-> 17 Go AST和格式包各自有成千上万的导入器。
+> 17 Go AST和格式套件各自有成千上萬的匯入器。
-## Conclusion 结论
+## Conclusion 結論
-For any organization, but especially for an organization as large as Google’s engineering force, rules help us to manage complexity and build a maintainable codebase. A shared set of rules frames the engineering processes so that they can scale up and keep growing, keeping both the codebase and the organization sustainable for the long term.
+For any organization, but especially for an organization as large as Google」s engineering force, rules help us to manage complexity and build a maintainable codebase. A shared set of rules frames the engineering processes so that they can scale up and keep growing, keeping both the codebase and the organization sustainable for the long term.
-对于任何组织,尤其是像 Google 的工程师团队这样大的组织,规则帮助我们管理复杂性并建立一个可维护的代码库。一组共享的规则框定了工程流程,以便它们可以扩大规模并保持增长,从而保持代码库和组织的长期可持续性。
+對於任何組織,尤其是像 Google 的工程師團隊這樣大的組織,規則幫助我們管理複雜性並建立一個可維護的程式碼庫。一組共享的規則框定了工程流程,以便它們可以擴大規模並保持增長,從而保持程式碼庫和組織的長期可持續性。
-## TL;DRs(Too long;Don't read) 内容提要
+## TL;DRs(Too long;Don't read) 內容提要
- Rules and guidance should aim to support resilience to time and scaling.
- Know the data so that rules can be adjusted.
@@ -623,8 +623,8 @@ For any organization, but especially for an organization as large as Google’s
- Consistency is key.
- Automate enforcement when possible.
-- 规则和指导应旨在支持对时间和规模的扩展性。
-- 了解数据,以便调整规则。
-- 并非所有事情都应该成为规则。
-- 一致性是关键。
-- 在可能的情况下自动化执行。
+- 規則和指導應旨在支援對時間和規模的擴充性。
+- 瞭解資料,以便調整規則。
+- 並非所有事情都應該成為規則。
+- 一致性是關鍵。
+- 在可能的情況下自動化執行。
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# Code Review
-# 第九章 代码审查
+# 第九章 程式碼審查
**Written by Tom Manshreck**
**Caitlin Sadowski Edited by Lisa Carey**
-Code review is a process in which code is reviewed by someone other than the author, often before the introduction of that code into a codebase. Although that is a simple definition, implementations of the process of code review vary widely throughout the software industry. Some organizations have a select group of “gatekeepers” across the codebase that review changes. Others delegate code review processes to smaller teams, allowing different teams to require different levels of code review. At Google, essentially every change is reviewed before being committed, and every engineer is responsible for initiating reviews and reviewing changes.
+Code review is a process in which code is reviewed by someone other than the author, often before the introduction of that code into a codebase. Although that is a simple definition, implementations of the process of code review vary widely throughout the software industry. Some organizations have a select group of 『gatekeepers』 across the codebase that review changes. Others delegate code review processes to smaller teams, allowing different teams to require different levels of code review. At Google, essentially every change is reviewed before being committed, and every engineer is responsible for initiating reviews and reviewing changes.
-代码审查是一个由作者以外的人对代码进行审查的过程,通常在将该代码引入代码库之前。尽管这是一个简单的定义,但在整个软件行业中,代码审查过程的实施有很大不同。一些组织在代码库中拥有一组挑选出来的 "守门人 "来审查修改。其他团队将代码审查过程委托给这个小团队,允许不同的团队要求不同级别的代码审查。在谷歌,基本上每一个改动在提交之前都会被审查,每个工程师都负责启动审查和审查变更。
+程式碼審查是一個由作者以外的人對程式碼進行審查的過程,通常在將該程式碼引入程式碼庫之前。儘管這是一個簡單的定義,但在整個軟體行業中,程式碼審查過程的實施有很大不同。一些組織在程式碼庫中擁有一組挑選出來的 "守門人 "來審查修改。其他團隊將程式碼審查過程委託給這個小團隊,允許不同的團隊要求不同級別的程式碼審查。在谷歌,基本上每一個改動在送出之前都會被審查,每個工程師都負責啟動審查和審查變更。
Code reviews generally require a combination of a process and a tool supporting that process. At Google, we use a custom code review tool, Critique, to support our process.[^1] Critique is an important enough tool at Google to warrant its own chapter in this book. This chapter focuses on the process of code review as it is practiced at Google rather than the specific tool, both because these foundations are older than the tool and because most of these insights can be adapted to whatever tool you might use for code review.
-代码审查通常需要一个流程和一个支持该流程的工具的组合。在Google,我们使用一个定制的代码审查工具Critique来支持我们的流程。 Critique在Google是一个非常重要的工具,足以让它在本书中占有一章。本章重点介绍Google实施的代码审查流程,而不是特定的工具,这是因为这些基础比工具更早出现,另一方面是因为这些见解大多数可以适用于你可能用于代码审查的任何工具。
+程式碼審查通常需要一個流程和一個支援該流程的工具的組合。在Google,我們使用一個定製的程式碼審查工具Critique來支援我們的流程。 Critique在Google是一個非常重要的工具,足以讓它在本書中佔有一章。本章重點介紹Google實施的程式碼審查流程,而不是特定的工具,這是因為這些基礎比工具更早出現,另一方面是因為這些見解大多數可以適用於你可能用於程式碼審查的任何工具。
-Some of the benefits of code review, such as detecting bugs in code before they enter a codebase, are well established[^2] and somewhat obvious (if imprecisely measured). Other benefits, however, are more subtle. Because the code review process at Google is so ubiquitous and extensive, we’ve noticed many of these more subtle effects, including psychological ones, which provide many benefits to an organization over time and scale.
+Some of the benefits of code review, such as detecting bugs in code before they enter a codebase, are well established[^2] and somewhat obvious (if imprecisely measured). Other benefits, however, are more subtle. Because the code review process at Google is so ubiquitous and extensive, we」ve noticed many of these more subtle effects, including psychological ones, which provide many benefits to an organization over time and scale.
> [^1]: We also use Gerrit to review Git code, primarily for our open source projects. However, Critique is the primary tool of a typical software engineer at Google.
-> 1 我们也使用Gerrit来审查Git代码,主要用于我们的开源项目。然而,Critique是谷歌公司典型的软件工程师的主要工具。
+> 1 我們也使用Gerrit來審查Git程式碼,主要用於我們的開源專案。然而,Critique是谷歌公司典型的軟體工程師的主要工具。
> [^2]: Steve McConnell, Code Complete (Redmond: Microsoft Press, 2004).
-> 2 史蒂夫·麦康奈尔, Code Complete (雷蒙德:微软出版社,2004年).
+> 2 史蒂夫·麥康奈爾, Code Complete (雷蒙德:微軟出版社,2004年).
-## Code Review Flow 代码审查流程
+## Code Review Flow 程式碼審查流程
-Code reviews can happen at many stages of software development. At Google, code reviews take place before a change can be committed to the codebase; this stage is also known as a *precommit review*. The primary end goal of a code review is to get another engineer to consent to the change, which we denote by tagging the change as “looks good to me” (LGTM). We use this LGTM as a necessary permissions “bit” (combined with other bits noted below) to allow the change to be committed.
+Code reviews can happen at many stages of software development. At Google, code reviews take place before a change can be committed to the codebase; this stage is also known as a *precommit review*. The primary end goal of a code review is to get another engineer to consent to the change, which we denote by tagging the change as 『looks good to me』 (LGTM). We use this LGTM as a necessary permissions 『bit』 (combined with other bits noted below) to allow the change to be committed.
A typical code review at Google goes through the following steps:
@@ -41,125 +41,125 @@ A typical code review at Google goes through the following steps:
2. The author can use this initial patch to apply automated review comments or do self-review. When the author is satisfied with the diff of the change, they mail the change to one or more reviewers. This process notifies those reviewers, asking them to view and comment on the snapshot.
3. *Reviewers* open the change in the code review tool and post comments on the diff. Some comments request explicit resolution. Some are merely informational.
4. The author modifies the change and uploads new snapshots based on the feedback and then replies back to the reviewers. Steps 3 and 4 may be repeated multiple times.
-5. After the reviewers are happy with the latest state of the change, they agree to the change and accept it by marking it as “looks good to me” (LGTM). Only one LGTM is required by default, although convention might request that all reviewers agree to the change.
-6. After a change is marked LGTM, the author is allowed to commit the change to the codebase, provided they *resolve all comments* and that the change is *approved*. We’ll cover approval in the next section.
+5. After the reviewers are happy with the latest state of the change, they agree to the change and accept it by marking it as 『looks good to me』 (LGTM). Only one LGTM is required by default, although convention might request that all reviewers agree to the change.
+6. After a change is marked LGTM, the author is allowed to commit the change to the codebase, provided they *resolve all comments* and that the change is *approved*. We」ll cover approval in the next section.
-1. 用户在其工作区的代码库中写入一个变更。然后作者创建变更的快照:一个补丁和相应的描述,上传到代码审查工具。此更改生成了与代码库的对比差异(diff),用来评估哪些代码发生了变化。
-2. 作者可以使用此初始补丁应用自动审查评论或进行自动审查的注解。当作者对变更的差异感到满意时,他们会将变更邮寄给一个或多个审查者。此过程通知这些审查者,要求他们查看快照并对其进行评论。
-3. *审查者*在代码审阅工具中打开更改,并在差异上发表评论。一些评论要求明确的解决方案。另一些则仅提供参考信息。
-4. 作者根据反馈意见修改更改,并上传新的快照,然后回复给审查者。步骤3和4可重复多次。
-5. 审查员对更改的最新状态表示认可后,他们同意并接受了这项更改,并通过标注‘看起来不错给我’(LGTM)来表达这一点。默认情况下,只需要一个LGTM,尽管惯例可能要求所有审核人同意变更。
-6. 在更改被标记为LGTM之后,作者可以将更改提交到代码库,前提是他们*解决*所有*评论*,并且该变更被*批准*。我们将在下一节中讨论批准问题。
+1. 使用者在其工作區的程式碼庫中寫入一個變更。然後作者建立變更的快照:一個補丁和相應的描述,上傳到程式碼審查工具。此更改生成了與程式碼庫的對比差異(diff),用來評估哪些程式碼發生了變化。
+2. 作者可以使用此初始補丁應用自動審查評論或進行自動審查的註解。當作者對變更的差異感到滿意時,他們會將變更郵寄給一個或多個審查者。此過程通知這些審查者,要求他們檢視快照並對其進行評論。
+3. *審查者*在程式碼審閱工具中開啟更改,並在差異上發表評論。一些評論要求明確的解決方案。另一些則僅提供參考訊息。
+4. 作者根據反饋意見修改更改,並上傳新的快照,然後回覆給審查者。步驟3和4可重複多次。
+5. 審查員對更改的最新狀態表示認可後,他們同意並接受了這項更改,並透過標註「看起來不錯給我」(LGTM)來表達這一點。預設情況下,只需要一個LGTM,儘管慣例可能要求所有稽核人同意變更。
+6. 在更改被標記為LGTM之後,作者可以將更改送出到程式碼庫,前提是他們*解決*所有*評論*,並且該變更被*批准*。我們將在下一節中討論批准問題。
-We’ll go over this process in more detail later in this chapter.
+We」ll go over this process in more detail later in this chapter.
-#### Code Is a Liability 编码是一种责任
+#### Code Is a Liability 編碼是一種責任
-It’s important to remember (and accept) that code itself is a liability. It might be a necessary liability, but by itself, code is simply a maintenance task to someone somewhere down the line. Much like the fuel that an airplane carries, it has weight, though it is, of course, [necessary for that airplane to fly](https://oreil.ly/TmoWX).
+It」s important to remember (and accept) that code itself is a liability. It might be a necessary liability, but by itself, code is simply a maintenance task to someone somewhere down the line. Much like the fuel that an airplane carries, it has weight, though it is, of course, [necessary for that airplane to fly](https://oreil.ly/TmoWX).
-New features are often necessary, of course, but care should be taken before developing code in the first place to ensure that any new feature is warranted. Duplicated code not only is a wasted effort, it can actually cost more in time than not having the code at all; changes that could be easily performed under one code pattern often require more effort when there is duplication in the codebase. Writing entirely new code is so frowned upon that some of us have a saying: “If you’re writing it from scratch, you’re doing it wrong!”
+New features are often necessary, of course, but care should be taken before developing code in the first place to ensure that any new feature is warranted. Duplicated code not only is a wasted effort, it can actually cost more in time than not having the code at all; changes that could be easily performed under one code pattern often require more effort when there is duplication in the codebase. Writing entirely new code is so frowned upon that some of us have a saying: 『If you」re writing it from scratch, you」re doing it wrong!』
-This is especially true of library or utility code. Chances are, if you are writing a utility, someone else somewhere in a codebase the size of Google’s has probably done something similar. Tools such as those discussed in Chapter 17 are therefore critical for both finding such utility code and preventing the introduction of duplicate code. Ideally, this research is done beforehand, and a design for anything new has been communicated to the proper groups before any new code is written.
+This is especially true of library or utility code. Chances are, if you are writing a utility, someone else somewhere in a codebase the size of Google」s has probably done something similar. Tools such as those discussed in Chapter 17 are therefore critical for both finding such utility code and preventing the introduction of duplicate code. Ideally, this research is done beforehand, and a design for anything new has been communicated to the proper groups before any new code is written.
Of course, new projects happen, new techniques are introduced, new components are needed, and so on. All that said, a code review is not an occasion to rehash or debate previous design decisions. Design decisions often take time, requiring the circulation of design proposals, debate on the design in API reviews or similar meetings, and perhaps the development of prototypes. As much as a code review of entirely new code should not come out of the blue, the code review process itself should also not be viewed as an opportunity to revisit previous decisions.
-## How Code Review Works at Google 谷歌的代码审查工作
+## How Code Review Works at Google 谷歌的程式碼審查工作
-We’ve pointed out roughly how the typical code review process works, but the devil is in the details. This section outlines in detail how code review works at Google and how these practices allow it to scale properly over time.
+We」ve pointed out roughly how the typical code review process works, but the devil is in the details. This section outlines in detail how code review works at Google and how these practices allow it to scale properly over time.
-There are three aspects of review that require “approval” for any given change at Google:
+There are three aspects of review that require 『approval』 for any given change at Google:
-- A correctness and comprehension check from another engineer that the code is appropriate and does what the author claims it does. This is often a team member, though it does not need to be. This is reflected in the LGTM permissions “bit,” which will be set after a peer reviewer agrees that the code “looks good” to them.
-- Approval from one of the code owners that the code is appropriate for this particular part of the codebase (and can be checked into a particular directory). This approval might be implicit if the author is such an owner. Google’s codebase is a tree structure with hierarchical owners of particular directories. (See [Chapter 16](#_bookmark1364)). Owners act as gatekeepers for their particular directories. A change might be proposed by any engineer and LGTM’ed by any other engineer, but an owner of the directory in question must also *approve* this addition to their part of the codebase. Such an owner might be a tech lead or other engineer deemed expert in that particular area of the codebase. It’s generally up to each team to decide how broadly or narrowly to assign ownership privileges.
-- Approval from someone with language “readability”[^3] that the code conforms to the language’s style and best practices, checking whether the code is written in the manner we expect. This approval, again, might be implicit if the author has such readability. These engineers are pulled from a company-wide pool of engineers who have been granted readability in that programming language.
+- A correctness and comprehension check from another engineer that the code is appropriate and does what the author claims it does. This is often a team member, though it does not need to be. This is reflected in the LGTM permissions 『bit,』 which will be set after a peer reviewer agrees that the code 『looks good』 to them.
+- Approval from one of the code owners that the code is appropriate for this particular part of the codebase (and can be checked into a particular directory). This approval might be implicit if the author is such an owner. Google」s codebase is a tree structure with hierarchical owners of particular directories. (See [Chapter 16](#_bookmark1364)). Owners act as gatekeepers for their particular directories. A change might be proposed by any engineer and LGTM」ed by any other engineer, but an owner of the directory in question must also *approve* this addition to their part of the codebase. Such an owner might be a tech lead or other engineer deemed expert in that particular area of the codebase. It」s generally up to each team to decide how broadly or narrowly to assign ownership privileges.
+- Approval from someone with language 『readability』[^3] that the code conforms to the language」s style and best practices, checking whether the code is written in the manner we expect. This approval, again, might be implicit if the author has such readability. These engineers are pulled from a company-wide pool of engineers who have been granted readability in that programming language.
-对于Google的任何特定变化,有三个方面的审查需要 "批准":
+對於Google的任何特定變化,有三個方面的審查需要 "批准":
-- 由另一位工程师进行的正确性和可读性检查,检查代码是否合适,以及代码是否符合作者的要求。这通常是一个团队成员,尽管不一定是。这反映在LGTM权限的 "标识 "上,在同行审查者同意代码 "看起来不错 "之后,该标识将被设置。
-- 来自代码所有者之一的批准,即该代码适合于代码库的这个特定部分(并且可以被检查到一个特定的目录)。如果作者是这样一个所有者,这种批准可能是隐含的。谷歌的代码库是一个树状结构,有特定目录的分层所有者。(见第16章)。所有者作为他们特定目录的看门人。任何工程师都可以提出修改意见,任何其他工程师也可以提出LGTM,但有关目录的所有者必须*批准*在他们的代码库中加入这一内容。这样的所有者可能是技术领导或其他被认为是代码库特定领域的专家的工程师。通常由每个团队决定分配所有权特权的范围是宽还是窄。
-- 拥有语言 "可读性"的人批准代码符合语言的风格和最佳实践,检查代码是否以我们期望的方式编写。如果作者有这样的可读性,这种认可又可能是隐含的。这些工程师来自公司范围内的工程师队伍,他们被授予了该编程语言的可读性。
+- 由另一位工程師進行的正確性和可讀性檢查,檢查程式碼是否合適,以及程式碼是否符合作者的要求。這通常是一個團隊成員,儘管不一定是。這反映在LGTM許可權的 "標識 "上,在同行審查者同意程式碼 "看起來不錯 "之後,該標識將被設定。
+- 來自程式碼所有者之一的批准,即該程式碼適合於程式碼庫的這個特定部分(並且可以被檢查到一個特定的目錄)。如果作者是這樣一個所有者,這種批准可能是隱含的。谷歌的程式碼庫是一個樹狀結構,有特定目錄的分層所有者。(見第16章)。所有者作為他們特定目錄的看門人。任何工程師都可以提出修改意見,任何其他工程師也可以提出LGTM,但有關目錄的所有者必須*批准*在他們的程式碼庫中加入這一內容。這樣的所有者可能是技術領導或其他被認為是程式碼庫特定領域的專家的工程師。通常由每個團隊決定分配所有權特權的範圍是寬還是窄。
+- 擁有語言 "可讀性"的人批准程式碼符合語言的風格和最佳實踐,檢查程式碼是否以我們期望的方式編寫。如果作者有這樣的可讀性,這種認可又可能是隱含的。這些工程師來自公司範圍內的工程師隊伍,他們被授予了該程式語言的可讀性。
Although this level of control sounds onerous—and, admittedly, it sometimes is— most reviews have one person assuming all three roles, which speeds up the process quite a bit. Importantly, the author can also assume the latter two roles, needing only an LGTM from another engineer to check code into their own codebase, provided they already have readability in that language (which owners often do).
-These requirements allow the code review process to be quite flexible. A tech lead who is an owner of a project and has that code’s language readability can submit a code change with only an LGTM from another engineer. An intern without such authority can submit the same change to the same codebase, provided they get approval from an owner with language readability. The three aforementioned permission “bits” can be combined in any combination. An author can even request more than one LGTM from separate people by explicitly tagging the change as wanting an LGTM from all reviewers.
+These requirements allow the code review process to be quite flexible. A tech lead who is an owner of a project and has that code」s language readability can submit a code change with only an LGTM from another engineer. An intern without such authority can submit the same change to the same codebase, provided they get approval from an owner with language readability. The three aforementioned permission 『bits』 can be combined in any combination. An author can even request more than one LGTM from separate people by explicitly tagging the change as wanting an LGTM from all reviewers.
-In practice, most code reviews that require more than one approval usually go through a two-step process: gaining an LGTM from a peer engineer, and then seeking approval from appropriate code owner/readability reviewer(s). This allows the two roles to focus on different aspects of the code review and saves review time. The primary reviewer can focus on code correctness and the general validity of the code change; the code owner can focus on whether this change is appropriate for their part of the codebase without having to focus on the details of each line of code. An approver is often looking for something different than a peer reviewer, in other words. After all, someone is trying to check in code to their project/directory. They are more concerned with questions such as: “Will this code be easy or difficult to maintain?” “Does it add to my technical debt?” “Do we have the expertise to maintain it within our team?”
+In practice, most code reviews that require more than one approval usually go through a two-step process: gaining an LGTM from a peer engineer, and then seeking approval from appropriate code owner/readability reviewer(s). This allows the two roles to focus on different aspects of the code review and saves review time. The primary reviewer can focus on code correctness and the general validity of the code change; the code owner can focus on whether this change is appropriate for their part of the codebase without having to focus on the details of each line of code. An approver is often looking for something different than a peer reviewer, in other words. After all, someone is trying to check in code to their project/directory. They are more concerned with questions such as: 『Will this code be easy or difficult to maintain?』 『Does it add to my technical debt?』 『Do we have the expertise to maintain it within our team?』
-在实践中,大多数需要不止一次批准的代码评审通常经历两个步骤:首先从同行工程师那里获得LGTM,然后向适当的代码所有者/可读性审查者寻求批准。这使得这两个角色可以专注于代码审查的不同方面,并节省审查时间。主要的审查者可以专注于代码的正确性和代码修改的一般有效性;代码所有者可以关注此更改是否适合他们的部分,而不必关注每行代码的细节。换句话说,审批者所寻找的东西往往与同行评审者不同。毕竟,有人是想把代码签入他们的项目/目录。他们更关心的是诸如以下问题。"这段代码是容易还是难以维护?" "它是否增加了我的技术债务?" "我们的团队中是否有维护它的专业知识?"
+在實踐中,大多數需要不止一次批准的程式碼評審通常經歷兩個步驟:首先從同行工程師那裡獲得LGTM,然後向適當的程式碼所有者/可讀性審查者尋求批准。這使得這兩個角色可以專注於程式碼審查的不同方面,並節省審查時間。主要的審查者可以專注於程式碼的正確性和程式碼修改的一般有效性;程式碼所有者可以關注此更改是否適合他們的部分,而不必關注每行程式碼的細節。換句話說,審批者所尋找的東西往往與同行評審者不同。畢竟,有人是想把程式碼簽入他們的專案/目錄。他們更關心的是諸如以下問題。"這段程式碼是容易還是難以維護?" "它是否增加了我的技術債務?" "我們的團隊中是否有維護它的專業知識?"
If all three of these types of reviews can be handled by one reviewer, why not just have those types of reviewers handle all code reviews? The short answer is scale. Separating the three roles adds flexibility to the code review process. If you are working with a peer on a new function within a utility library, you can get someone on your team to review the code for code correctness and comprehension. After several rounds (perhaps over several days), your code satisfies your peer reviewer and you get an LGTM. Now, you need only get an *owner* of the library (and owners often have appropriate readability) to approve the change.
-> [^3]: At Google, “readability” does not refer simply to comprehension, but to the set of styles and best practices that allow code to be maintainable to other engineers. See Chapter 3.
+> [^3]: At Google, 『readability』 does not refer simply to comprehension, but to the set of styles and best practices that allow code to be maintainable to other engineers. See Chapter 3.
-> 3 在谷歌,“可读性”不仅仅指理解能力,而是指允许其他工程师维护代码的一套风格和最佳实践。见第3章。
+> 3 在谷歌,『可讀性』不僅僅指理解能力,而是指允許其他工程師維護程式碼的一套風格和最佳實踐。見第3章。
-#### Ownership 所有权
+#### Ownership 所有權
***Hyrum Wright***
-When working on a small team in a dedicated repository, it’s common to grant the entire team access to everything in the repository. After all, you know the other engineers, the domain is narrow enough that each of you can be experts, and small numbers constrain the effect of potential errors.
+When working on a small team in a dedicated repository, it」s common to grant the entire team access to everything in the repository. After all, you know the other engineers, the domain is narrow enough that each of you can be experts, and small numbers constrain the effect of potential errors.
-As the team grows larger, this approach can fail to scale. The result is either a messy repository split or a different approach to recording who has what knowledge and responsibilities in different parts of the repository. At Google, we call this set of knowledge and responsibilities *ownership* and the people to exercise them *owners*. This concept is different than possession of a collection of source code, but rather implies a sense of stewardship to act in the company’s best interest with a section of the codebase. (Indeed, “stewards” would almost certainly be a better term if we had it to do over again.)
+As the team grows larger, this approach can fail to scale. The result is either a messy repository split or a different approach to recording who has what knowledge and responsibilities in different parts of the repository. At Google, we call this set of knowledge and responsibilities *ownership* and the people to exercise them *owners*. This concept is different than possession of a collection of source code, but rather implies a sense of stewardship to act in the company」s best interest with a section of the codebase. (Indeed, 『stewards』 would almost certainly be a better term if we had it to do over again.)
-随着团队规模的扩大,这种方法可能无法扩展。其结果要么是混乱的版本库分裂,要么是用不同的方法来记录谁在版本库的不同部分拥有哪些知识和职责。在谷歌,我们把这套知识和职责称为*所有权*,把行使这些知识和职责的人称为*所有者*。这个概念不同于对源代码集合的占有,而是意味着一种管理意识,以公司的最佳利益对代码库的某个部分采取行动。(事实上,如果我们重新来过,"管家 "几乎肯定是一个更好的术语)。
+隨著團隊規模的擴大,這種方法可能無法擴充套件。其結果要麼是混亂的版本庫分裂,要麼是用不同的方法來記錄誰在版本庫的不同部分擁有哪些知識和職責。在谷歌,我們把這套知識和職責稱為*所有權*,把行使這些知識和職責的人稱為*所有者*。這個概念不同於對原始碼集合的佔有,而是意味著一種管理意識,以公司的最佳利益對程式碼庫的某個部分採取行動。(事實上,如果我們重新來過,"管家 "幾乎肯定是一個更好的術語)。
Specially named OWNERS files list usernames of people who have ownership responsibilities for a directory and its children. These files may also contain references to other OWNERS files or external access control lists, but eventually they resolve to a list of individuals. Each subdirectory may also contain a separate OWNERS file, and the relationship is hierarchically additive: a given file is generally owned by the union of the members of all the OWNERS files above it in the directory tree. OWNERS files may have as many entries as teams like, but we encourage a relatively small and focused list to ensure responsibility is clear.
-Ownership of Google’s code conveys approval rights for code within one’s purview, but these rights also come with a set of responsibilities, such as understanding the code that is owned or knowing how to find somebody who does. Different teams have different criteria for granting ownership to new members, but we generally encourage them not to use ownership as a rite of initiation and encourage departing members to yield ownership as soon as is practical.
+Ownership of Google」s code conveys approval rights for code within one」s purview, but these rights also come with a set of responsibilities, such as understanding the code that is owned or knowing how to find somebody who does. Different teams have different criteria for granting ownership to new members, but we generally encourage them not to use ownership as a rite of initiation and encourage departing members to yield ownership as soon as is practical.
-This distributed ownership structure enables many of the other practices we’ve outlined in this book. For example, the set of people in the root OWNERS file can act as global approvers for large-scale changes (see Chapter 22) without having to bother local teams. Likewise, OWNERS files act as a kind of documentation, making it easy for people and tools to find those responsible for a given piece of code just by walking up the directory tree. When new projects are created, there’s no central authority that has to register new ownership privileges: a new OWNERS file is sufficient.
+This distributed ownership structure enables many of the other practices we」ve outlined in this book. For example, the set of people in the root OWNERS file can act as global approvers for large-scale changes (see Chapter 22) without having to bother local teams. Likewise, OWNERS files act as a kind of documentation, making it easy for people and tools to find those responsible for a given piece of code just by walking up the directory tree. When new projects are created, there」s no central authority that has to register new ownership privileges: a new OWNERS file is sufficient.
This ownership mechanism is simple, yet powerful, and has scaled well over the past two decades. It is one of the ways that Google ensures that tens of thousands of engineers can operate efficiently on billions of lines of code in a single repository.
-## Code Review Benefits 代码审查的好处
+## Code Review Benefits 程式碼審查的好處
Across the industry, code review itself is not controversial, although it is far from a universal practice. Many (maybe even most) other companies and open source projects have some form of code review, and most view the process as important as a sanity check on the introduction of new code into a codebase. Software engineers understand some of the more obvious benefits of code review, even if they might not personally think it applies in all cases. But at Google, this process is generally more thorough and wide spread than at most other companies.
-Google’s culture, like that of a lot of software companies, is based on giving engineers wide latitude in how they do their jobs. There is a recognition that strict processes tend not to work well for a dynamic company needing to respond quickly to new technologies, and that bureaucratic rules tend not to work well with creative professionals. Code review, however, is a mandate, one of the few blanket processes in which all software engineers at Google must participate. Google requires code review for almost[^4] every code change to the codebase, no matter how small. This mandate does have a cost and effect on engineering velocity given that it does slow down the introduction of new code into a codebase and can impact time-to-production for any given code change. (Both of these are common complaints by software engineers of strict code review processes.) Why, then, do we require this process? Why do we believe that this is a long-term benefit?
+Google」s culture, like that of a lot of software companies, is based on giving engineers wide latitude in how they do their jobs. There is a recognition that strict processes tend not to work well for a dynamic company needing to respond quickly to new technologies, and that bureaucratic rules tend not to work well with creative professionals. Code review, however, is a mandate, one of the few blanket processes in which all software engineers at Google must participate. Google requires code review for almost[^4] every code change to the codebase, no matter how small. This mandate does have a cost and effect on engineering velocity given that it does slow down the introduction of new code into a codebase and can impact time-to-production for any given code change. (Both of these are common complaints by software engineers of strict code review processes.) Why, then, do we require this process? Why do we believe that this is a long-term benefit?
A well-designed code review process and a culture of taking code review seriously provides the following benefits:
@@ -170,243 +170,243 @@ Google’s culture, like that of a lot of software companies, is based on giving
- Enables knowledge sharing
- Provides a historical record of the code review itself
-- 检查代码的正确性
-- 确保其他工程师能够理解代码更改
-- 强化整个代码库的一致性
-- 从心理上促进团队的所有权
-- 实现知识共享
-- 提供代码审查本身的历史记录
+- 檢查程式碼的正確性
+- 確保其他工程師能夠理解程式碼更改
+- 強化整個程式碼庫的一致性
+- 從心理上促進團隊的所有權
+- 實現知識共享
+- 提供程式碼審查本身的歷史記錄
Many of these benefits are critical to a software organization over time, and many of them are beneficial to not only the author but also the reviewers. The following sections go into more specifics for each of these items.
> [^4]: Some changes to documentation and configurations might not require a code review, but it is often still preferable to obtain such a review.
-> 4 对文档和配置的某些更改可能不需要代码审查,但通常仍然可以获得这样的审查。
+> 4 對文件和設定的某些更改可能不需要程式碼審查,但通常仍然可以獲得這樣的審查。
-### Code Correctness 代码正确性
+### Code Correctness 程式碼正確性
-An obvious benefit of code review is that it allows a reviewer to check the “correctness” of the code change. Having another set of eyes look over a change helps ensure that the change does what was intended. Reviewers typically look for whether a change has proper testing, is properly designed, and functions correctly and efficiently. In many cases, checking code correctness is checking whether the particular change can introduce bugs into the codebase.
+An obvious benefit of code review is that it allows a reviewer to check the 『correctness』 of the code change. Having another set of eyes look over a change helps ensure that the change does what was intended. Reviewers typically look for whether a change has proper testing, is properly designed, and functions correctly and efficiently. In many cases, checking code correctness is checking whether the particular change can introduce bugs into the codebase.
-代码审查的一个明显的好处是,它允许审查者检查代码更改的 "正确性"。让另一双眼睛来审视一个更改,有助于确保这个更改能达到预期效果。审查员通常会检查一个变更是否有适当的测试,设计是否合理,功能是否正确和有效。在许多情况下,检查代码正确性就是检查特定的更改是否会将bug引入代码库。
+程式碼審查的一個明顯的好處是,它允許審查者檢查程式碼更改的 "正確性"。讓另一雙眼睛來審視一個更改,有助於確保這個更改能達到預期效果。審查員通常會檢查一個變更是否有適當的測試,設計是否合理,功能是否正確和有效。在許多情況下,檢查程式碼正確性就是檢查特定的更改是否會將bug引入程式碼庫。
-Many reports point to the efficacy of code review in the prevention of future bugs in software. A study at IBM found that discovering defects earlier in a process, unsurprisingly, led to less time required to fix them later on.[^5] The investment in the time for code review saved time otherwise spent in testing, debugging, and performing regressions, provided that the code review process itself was streamlined to keep it lightweight. This latter point is important; code review processes that are heavyweight, or that don’t scale properly, become unsustainable.[^6] We will get into some best practices for keeping the process lightweight later in this chapter.
+Many reports point to the efficacy of code review in the prevention of future bugs in software. A study at IBM found that discovering defects earlier in a process, unsurprisingly, led to less time required to fix them later on.[^5] The investment in the time for code review saved time otherwise spent in testing, debugging, and performing regressions, provided that the code review process itself was streamlined to keep it lightweight. This latter point is important; code review processes that are heavyweight, or that don」t scale properly, become unsustainable.[^6] We will get into some best practices for keeping the process lightweight later in this chapter.
-To prevent the evaluation of correctness from becoming more subjective than objective, authors are generally given deference to their particular approach, whether it be in the design or the function of the introduced change. A reviewer shouldn’t propose alternatives because of personal opinion. Reviewers can propose alternatives, but only if they improve comprehension (by being less complex, for example) or functionality (by being more efficient, for example). In general, engineers are encouraged to approve changes that improve the codebase rather than wait for consensus on a more “perfect” solution. This focus tends to speed up code reviews.
+To prevent the evaluation of correctness from becoming more subjective than objective, authors are generally given deference to their particular approach, whether it be in the design or the function of the introduced change. A reviewer shouldn」t propose alternatives because of personal opinion. Reviewers can propose alternatives, but only if they improve comprehension (by being less complex, for example) or functionality (by being more efficient, for example). In general, engineers are encouraged to approve changes that improve the codebase rather than wait for consensus on a more 『perfect』 solution. This focus tends to speed up code reviews.
As tooling becomes stronger, many correctness checks are performed automatically through techniques such as static analysis and automated testing (though tooling might never completely obviate the value for human-based inspection of code—see Chapter 20 for more information). Though this tooling has its limits, it has definitely lessoned the need to rely on human-based code reviews for checking code correctness.
-That said, checking for defects during the initial code review process is still an integral part of a general “shift left” strategy, aiming to discover and resolve issues at the earliest possible time so that they don’t require escalated costs and resources farther down in the development cycle. A code review is neither a panacea nor the only check for such correctness, but it is an element of a defense-in-depth against such problems in software. As a result, code review does not need to be “perfect” to achieve results.
+That said, checking for defects during the initial code review process is still an integral part of a general 『shift left』 strategy, aiming to discover and resolve issues at the earliest possible time so that they don」t require escalated costs and resources farther down in the development cycle. A code review is neither a panacea nor the only check for such correctness, but it is an element of a defense-in-depth against such problems in software. As a result, code review does not need to be 『perfect』 to achieve results.
-Surprisingly enough, checking for code correctness is not the primary benefit Google accrues from the process of code review. Checking for code correctness generally ensures that a change works, but more importance is attached to ensuring that a code change is understandable and makes sense over time and as the codebase itself scales. To evaluate those aspects, we need to look at factors other than whether the code is simply logically “correct” or understood.
+Surprisingly enough, checking for code correctness is not the primary benefit Google accrues from the process of code review. Checking for code correctness generally ensures that a change works, but more importance is attached to ensuring that a code change is understandable and makes sense over time and as the codebase itself scales. To evaluate those aspects, we need to look at factors other than whether the code is simply logically 『correct』 or understood.
-> [^5]: “Advances in Software Inspection,” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-12(7): 744–751, July 1986. Granted, this study took place before robust tooling and automated testing had become so important in the software development process, but the results still seem relevant in the modern software age.
+> [^5]: 『Advances in Software Inspection,』 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-12(7): 744–751, July 1986. Granted, this study took place before robust tooling and automated testing had become so important in the software development process, but the results still seem relevant in the modern software age.
-> 5 "Advances in Software Inspection," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-12(7): 744-751, July 1986. 诚然,这项研究发生在强大的工具和自动测试在软件开发过程中变得如此重要之前,但其结果在现代软件时代似乎仍有意义。
+> 5 "Advances in Software Inspection," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, SE-12(7): 744-751, July 1986. 誠然,這項研究發生在強大的工具和自動測試在軟體開發過程中變得如此重要之前,但其結果在現代軟體時代似乎仍有意義。
-> [^6]: Rigby, Peter C. and Christian Bird. 2013. “Convergent software peer review practices.” ESEC/FSE 2013: Proceedings of the 2013 9th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering, August 2013: 202-212. https:// dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2491411.2491444.
+> [^6]: Rigby, Peter C. and Christian Bird. 2013. 『Convergent software peer review practices.』 ESEC/FSE 2013: Proceedings of the 2013 9th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering, August 2013: 202-212. https:// dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2491411.2491444.
-> 6 Rigby, Peter C. and Christian Bird. 2013. "趋同的软件同行评审实践"。ESEC/FSE 2013。2013年第九届软件工程基础联席会议论文集》,2013年8月:202-212。https:// dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2491411.2491444。
+> 6 Rigby, Peter C. and Christian Bird. 2013. "趨同的軟體同行評審實踐"。ESEC/FSE 2013。2013年第九屆軟體工程基礎聯席會議論文集》,2013年8月:202-212。https:// dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2491411.2491444。
-### Comprehension of Code 代码理解
+### Comprehension of Code 程式碼理解
-A code review typically is the first opportunity for someone other than the author to inspect a change. This perspective allows a reviewer to do something that even the best engineer cannot do: provide feedback unbiased by an author’s perspective. *A* *code review is often the first test of whether a given change is understandable to a broader audience*. This perspective is vitally important because code will be read many more times than it is written, and understanding and comprehension are critically important.
+A code review typically is the first opportunity for someone other than the author to inspect a change. This perspective allows a reviewer to do something that even the best engineer cannot do: provide feedback unbiased by an author」s perspective. *A* *code review is often the first test of whether a given change is understandable to a broader audience*. This perspective is vitally important because code will be read many more times than it is written, and understanding and comprehension are critically important.
-It is often useful to find a reviewer who has a different perspective from the author, especially a reviewer who might need, as part of their job, to maintain or use the code being proposed within the change. Unlike the deference reviewers should give authors regarding design decisions, it’s often useful to treat questions on code comprehension using the maxim “the customer is always right.” In some respect, any questions you get now will be multiplied many-fold over time, so view each question on code comprehension as valid. This doesn’t mean that you need to change your approach or your logic in response to the criticism, but it does mean that you might need to explain it more clearly.
+It is often useful to find a reviewer who has a different perspective from the author, especially a reviewer who might need, as part of their job, to maintain or use the code being proposed within the change. Unlike the deference reviewers should give authors regarding design decisions, it」s often useful to treat questions on code comprehension using the maxim 『the customer is always right.』 In some respect, any questions you get now will be multiplied many-fold over time, so view each question on code comprehension as valid. This doesn」t mean that you need to change your approach or your logic in response to the criticism, but it does mean that you might need to explain it more clearly.
-找到一个与作者观点不同的读者通常是很有用的,特别是一个审查员,作为他们工作的一部分,可能需要维护或使用修改中提出的代码。与审查员在设计决策方面应该给予作者的尊重不同,用 "客户永远是对的 "这一格言来对待代码理解方面的问题往往是有用的。在某种程度上,你现在得到的任何问题都会随着时间的推移而成倍增加,所以要把每个关于代码理解的问题看作是有效的。这并不意味着你需要改变你的方法或逻辑来回应批评,但这确实意味着你可能需要更清楚地解释它。
+找到一個與作者觀點不同的讀者通常是很有用的,特別是一個審查員,作為他們工作的一部分,可能需要維護或使用修改中提出的程式碼。與審查員在設計決策方面應該給予作者的尊重不同,用 "客戶永遠是對的 "這一格言來對待程式碼理解方面的問題往往是有用的。在某種程度上,你現在得到的任何問題都會隨著時間的推移而成倍增加,所以要把每個關於程式碼理解的問題看作是有效的。這並不意味著你需要改變你的方法或邏輯來回應批評,但這確實意味著你可能需要更清楚地解釋它。
Together, the code correctness and code comprehension checks are the main criteria for an LGTM from another engineer, which is one of the approval bits needed for an approved code review. When an engineer marks a code review as LGTM, they are saying that the code does what it says and that it is understandable. Google, however, also requires that the code be sustainably maintained, so we have additional approvals needed for code in certain cases.
-### Code Consistency 代码的一致性
+### Code Consistency 程式碼的一致性
-At scale, code that you write will be depended on, and eventually maintained, by someone else. Many others will need to read your code and understand what you did. Others (including automated tools) might need to refactor your code long after you’ve moved to another project. Code, therefore, needs to conform to some standards of consistency so that it can be understood and maintained. Code should also avoid being overly complex; simpler code is easier for others to understand and maintain as well. Reviewers can assess how well this code lives up to the standards of the codebase itself during code review. A code review, therefore, should act to ensure *code health*.
+At scale, code that you write will be depended on, and eventually maintained, by someone else. Many others will need to read your code and understand what you did. Others (including automated tools) might need to refactor your code long after you」ve moved to another project. Code, therefore, needs to conform to some standards of consistency so that it can be understood and maintained. Code should also avoid being overly complex; simpler code is easier for others to understand and maintain as well. Reviewers can assess how well this code lives up to the standards of the codebase itself during code review. A code review, therefore, should act to ensure *code health*.
-It is for maintainability that the LGTM state of a code review (indicating code correctness and comprehension) is separated from that of readability approval. Readability approvals can be granted only by individuals who have successfully gone through the process of code readability training in a particular programming language. For example, Java code requires approval from an engineer who has “Java readability.”
+It is for maintainability that the LGTM state of a code review (indicating code correctness and comprehension) is separated from that of readability approval. Readability approvals can be granted only by individuals who have successfully gone through the process of code readability training in a particular programming language. For example, Java code requires approval from an engineer who has 『Java readability.』
-正是为了可维护性,代码审查的LGTM状态(表示代码的正确性和理解力)与可读性批准的状态是分开的。可读性的批准只能由成功通过特定编程语言的代码可读性培训过程的人授予。例如,Java代码需要有 "Java可读性 "的工程师来批准。
+正是為了可維護性,程式碼審查的LGTM狀態(表示程式碼的正確性和理解力)與可讀性批准的狀態是分開的。可讀性的批准只能由成功透過特定程式語言的程式碼可讀性培訓過程的人授予。例如,Java程式碼需要有 "Java可讀性 "的工程師來批准。
-A readability approver is tasked with reviewing code to ensure that it follows agreedon best practices for that particular programming language, is consistent with the codebase for that language within Google’s code repository, and avoids being overly complex. Code that is consistent and simple is easier to understand and easier for tools to update when it comes time for refactoring, making it more resilient. If a particular pattern is always done in one fashion in the codebase, it’s easier to write a tool to refactor it.
+A readability approver is tasked with reviewing code to ensure that it follows agreedon best practices for that particular programming language, is consistent with the codebase for that language within Google」s code repository, and avoids being overly complex. Code that is consistent and simple is easier to understand and easier for tools to update when it comes time for refactoring, making it more resilient. If a particular pattern is always done in one fashion in the codebase, it」s easier to write a tool to refactor it.
-Additionally, code might be written only once, but it will be read dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of times. Having code that is consistent across the codebase improves comprehension for all of engineering, and this consistency even affects the process of code review itself. Consistency sometimes clashes with functionality; a readability reviewer may prefer a less complex change that may not be functionally “better” but is easier to understand.
+Additionally, code might be written only once, but it will be read dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of times. Having code that is consistent across the codebase improves comprehension for all of engineering, and this consistency even affects the process of code review itself. Consistency sometimes clashes with functionality; a readability reviewer may prefer a less complex change that may not be functionally 『better』 but is easier to understand.
-With a more consistent codebase, it is easier for engineers to step in and review code on someone else’s projects. Engineers might occasionally need to look outside the team for help in a code review. Being able to reach out and ask experts to review the code, knowing they can expect the code itself to be consistent, allows those engineers to focus more properly on code correctness and comprehension.
+With a more consistent codebase, it is easier for engineers to step in and review code on someone else」s projects. Engineers might occasionally need to look outside the team for help in a code review. Being able to reach out and ask experts to review the code, knowing they can expect the code itself to be consistent, allows those engineers to focus more properly on code correctness and comprehension.
-### Psychological and Cultural Benefits 心理和文化方面的好处
+### Psychological and Cultural Benefits 心理和文化方面的好處
-Code review also has important cultural benefits: it reinforces to software engineers that code is not “theirs” but in fact part of a collective enterprise. Such psychological benefits can be subtle but are still important. Without code review, most engineers would naturally gravitate toward personal style and their own approach to software design. The code review process forces an author to not only let others have input, but to compromise for the sake of the greater good.
+Code review also has important cultural benefits: it reinforces to software engineers that code is not 『theirs』 but in fact part of a collective enterprise. Such psychological benefits can be subtle but are still important. Without code review, most engineers would naturally gravitate toward personal style and their own approach to software design. The code review process forces an author to not only let others have input, but to compromise for the sake of the greater good.
-It is human nature to be proud of one’s craft and to be reluctant to open up one’s code to criticism by others. It is also natural to be somewhat reticent to welcome critical feedback about code that one writes. The code review process provides a mechanism to mitigate what might otherwise be an emotionally charged interaction. Code review, when it works best, provides not only a challenge to an engineer’s assumptions, but also does so in a prescribed, neutral manner, acting to temper any criticism which might otherwise be directed to the author if provided in an unsolicited manner. After all, the process *requires* critical review (we in fact call our code review tool “Critique”), so you can’t fault a reviewer for doing their job and being critical. The code review process itself, therefore, can act as the “bad cop,” whereas the reviewer can still be seen as the “good cop.”
+It is human nature to be proud of one」s craft and to be reluctant to open up one」s code to criticism by others. It is also natural to be somewhat reticent to welcome critical feedback about code that one writes. The code review process provides a mechanism to mitigate what might otherwise be an emotionally charged interaction. Code review, when it works best, provides not only a challenge to an engineer」s assumptions, but also does so in a prescribed, neutral manner, acting to temper any criticism which might otherwise be directed to the author if provided in an unsolicited manner. After all, the process *requires* critical review (we in fact call our code review tool 『Critique』), so you can」t fault a reviewer for doing their job and being critical. The code review process itself, therefore, can act as the 『bad cop,』 whereas the reviewer can still be seen as the 『good cop.』
-以自己的手艺为荣,不愿意公开自己的代码接受他人的批评,这是人类的天性。对于自己写的代码的批评性反馈,也很自然地不愿意接受。代码审查过程提供了一个机制,以减轻可能是一个情绪化的互动。如果代码审查效果最佳,它不仅会对工程师的假设提出质疑,而且还会以规定的、中立的方式提出质疑,如果以未经请求的方式提出批评,则可能会对作者提出批评。毕竟,这个过程需要批判性的审查(事实上,我们把我们的代码审查工具称为 "批判"),所以你不能责怪审查者做他们的工作和批评。因此,代码审查过程本身可以充当 "坏警察",而审查者仍然可以被看作是 "好警察"。
+以自己的手藝為榮,不願意公開自己的程式碼接受他人的批評,這是人類的天性。對於自己寫的程式碼的批評性反饋,也很自然地不願意接受。程式碼審查過程提供了一個機制,以減輕可能是一個情緒化的互動。如果程式碼審查效果最佳,它不僅會對工程師的假設提出質疑,而且還會以規定的、中立的方式提出質疑,如果以未經請求的方式提出批評,則可能會對作者提出批評。畢竟,這個過程需要批判性的審查(事實上,我們把我們的程式碼審查工具稱為 "批判"),所以你不能責怪審查者做他們的工作和批評。因此,程式碼審查過程本身可以充當 "壞警察",而審查者仍然可以被看作是 "好警察"。
-Of course, not all, or even most, engineers need such psychological devices. But buffering such criticism through the process of code review often provides a much gentler introduction for most engineers to the expectations of the team. Many engineers joining Google, or a new team, are intimidated by code review. It is easy to think that any form of critical review reflects negatively on a person’s job performance. But over time, almost all engineers come to expect to be challenged when sending a code review and come to value the advice and questions offered through this process (though, admittedly, this sometimes takes a while).
+Of course, not all, or even most, engineers need such psychological devices. But buffering such criticism through the process of code review often provides a much gentler introduction for most engineers to the expectations of the team. Many engineers joining Google, or a new team, are intimidated by code review. It is easy to think that any form of critical review reflects negatively on a person」s job performance. But over time, almost all engineers come to expect to be challenged when sending a code review and come to value the advice and questions offered through this process (though, admittedly, this sometimes takes a while).
-Another psychological benefit of code review is validation. Even the most capable engineers can suffer from imposter syndrome and be too self-critical. A process like code review acts as validation and recognition for one’s work. Often, the process involves an exchange of ideas and knowledge sharing (covered in the next section), which benefits both the reviewer and the reviewee. As an engineer grows in their domain knowledge, it’s sometimes difficult for them to get positive feedback on how they improve. The process of code review can provide that mechanism.
+Another psychological benefit of code review is validation. Even the most capable engineers can suffer from imposter syndrome and be too self-critical. A process like code review acts as validation and recognition for one」s work. Often, the process involves an exchange of ideas and knowledge sharing (covered in the next section), which benefits both the reviewer and the reviewee. As an engineer grows in their domain knowledge, it」s sometimes difficult for them to get positive feedback on how they improve. The process of code review can provide that mechanism.
-The process of initiating a code review also forces all authors to take a little extra care with their changes. Many software engineers are not perfectionists; most will admit that code that “gets the job done” is better than code that is perfect but that takes too long to develop. Without code review, it’s natural that many of us would cut corners, even with the full intention of correcting such defects later. “Sure, I don’t have all of the unit tests done, but I can do that later.” A code review forces an engineer to resolve those issues before sending the change. Collecting the components of a change for code review psychologically forces an engineer to make sure that all of their ducks are in a row. The little moment of reflection that comes before sending off your change is the perfect time to read through your change and make sure you’re not missing anything.
+The process of initiating a code review also forces all authors to take a little extra care with their changes. Many software engineers are not perfectionists; most will admit that code that 『gets the job done』 is better than code that is perfect but that takes too long to develop. Without code review, it」s natural that many of us would cut corners, even with the full intention of correcting such defects later. 『Sure, I don」t have all of the unit tests done, but I can do that later.』 A code review forces an engineer to resolve those issues before sending the change. Collecting the components of a change for code review psychologically forces an engineer to make sure that all of their ducks are in a row. The little moment of reflection that comes before sending off your change is the perfect time to read through your change and make sure you」re not missing anything.
-启动代码审查的过程也迫使所有作者对他们的更改多加注意。许多软件工程师并不是完美主义者;大多数人都会承认,"能完成工作 "的代码要比完美但开发时间太长的代码要好。我们中的许多人会抄近路是很自然的,即使我们完全打算在以后纠正这些缺陷。"当然,我没有完成所有的单元测试,但我可以以后再做。" 代码审查迫使工程师在发送修改前解决这些问题。从心理上讲,为代码审查而收集修改的组成部分,迫使工程师确保他们所有的事情都是一帆风顺的。在发送修改前的那一小段思考时间是阅读修改的最佳时机,以确保你没有遗漏任何东西。
+啟動程式碼審查的過程也迫使所有作者對他們的更改多加注意。許多軟體工程師並不是完美主義者;大多數人都會承認,"能完成工作 "的程式碼要比完美但開發時間太長的程式碼要好。我們中的許多人會抄近路是很自然的,即使我們完全打算在以後糾正這些缺陷。"當然,我沒有完成所有的單元測試,但我可以以後再做。" 程式碼審查迫使工程師在傳送修改前解決這些問題。從心理上講,為程式碼審查而收集修改的組成部分,迫使工程師確保他們所有的事情都是一帆風順的。在傳送修改前的那一小段思考時間是閱讀修改的最佳時機,以確保你沒有遺漏任何東西。
-### Knowledge Sharing 知识共享
+### Knowledge Sharing 知識共享
-One of the most important, but underrated, benefits of code review is in knowledge sharing. Most authors pick reviewers who are experts, or at least knowledgeable, in the area under review. The review process allows reviewers to impart domain knowledge to the author, allowing the reviewer(s) to offer suggestions, new techniques, or advisory information to the author. (Reviewers can even mark some comments “FYI,” requiring no action; they are simply added as an aid to the author.) Authors who become particularly proficient in an area of the codebase will often become owners as well, who then in turn will be able to act as reviewers for other engineers.
+One of the most important, but underrated, benefits of code review is in knowledge sharing. Most authors pick reviewers who are experts, or at least knowledgeable, in the area under review. The review process allows reviewers to impart domain knowledge to the author, allowing the reviewer(s) to offer suggestions, new techniques, or advisory information to the author. (Reviewers can even mark some comments 『FYI,』 requiring no action; they are simply added as an aid to the author.) Authors who become particularly proficient in an area of the codebase will often become owners as well, who then in turn will be able to act as reviewers for other engineers.
-代码审查的一个最重要的,但被低估的好处是知识共享。大多数作者挑选的审查员都是被审查领域的专家,或者至少在所审查的领域有知识。审查过程允许审查员向作者传授领域知识,允许审查员向作者提供建议、新技术或咨询信息。(审查员甚至可以把一些评论标记为 "仅供参考",不需要采取任何行动;它们只是作为作者的一种帮助而被添加进来)。在代码库某个领域特别精通的作者通常也会成为所有者,而后者又可以作为其他工程师的评审员。
+程式碼審查的一個最重要的,但被低估的好處是知識共享。大多數作者挑選的審查員都是被審查領域的專家,或者至少在所審查的領域有知識。審查過程允許審查員向作者傳授領域知識,允許審查員向作者提供建議、新技術或諮詢訊息。(審查員甚至可以把一些評論標記為 "僅供參考",不需要採取任何行動;它們只是作為作者的一種幫助而被新增進來)。在程式碼庫某個領域特別精通的作者通常也會成為所有者,而後者又可以作為其他工程師的評審員。
Part of the code review process of feedback and confirmation involves asking questions on why the change is done in a particular way. This exchange of information facilitates knowledge sharing. In fact, many code reviews involve an exchange of information both ways: the authors as well as the reviewers can learn new techniques and patterns from code review. At Google, reviewers may even directly share suggested edits with an author within the code review tool itself.
-An engineer may not read every email sent to them, but they tend to respond to every code review sent. This knowledge sharing can occur across time zones and projects as well, using Google’s scale to disseminate information quickly to engineers in all corners of the codebase. Code review is a perfect time for knowledge transfer: it is timely and actionable. (Many engineers at Google “meet” other engineers first through their code reviews!)
+An engineer may not read every email sent to them, but they tend to respond to every code review sent. This knowledge sharing can occur across time zones and projects as well, using Google」s scale to disseminate information quickly to engineers in all corners of the codebase. Code review is a perfect time for knowledge transfer: it is timely and actionable. (Many engineers at Google 『meet』 other engineers first through their code reviews!)
-工程师可能不会阅读每一封发给他们的电子邮件,但他们往往会回复每一封发送的代码审查。这种知识共享也可以跨越时区和项目,利用谷歌的规模将信息迅速传播到代码库的各个角落的工程师。代码审查是知识转移的最佳时机:它是及时和可操作的。(谷歌的许多工程师首先通过代码审查 "认识 "其他工程师!)。
+工程師可能不會閱讀每一封發給他們的電子郵件,但他們往往會回覆每一封傳送的程式碼審查。這種知識共享也可以跨越時區和專案,利用谷歌的規模將訊息迅速傳播到程式碼庫的各個角落的工程師。程式碼審查是知識轉移的最佳時機:它是及時和可操作的。(谷歌的許多工程師首先透過程式碼審查 "認識 "其他工程師!)。
-Given the amount of time Google engineers spend in code review, the knowledge accrued is quite significant. A Google engineer’s primary task is still programming, of course, but a large chunk of their time is still spent in code review. The code review process provides one of the primary ways that software engineers interact with one another and exchange information about coding techniques. Often, new patterns are advertised within the context of code review, sometimes through refactorings such as large-scale changes.
+Given the amount of time Google engineers spend in code review, the knowledge accrued is quite significant. A Google engineer」s primary task is still programming, of course, but a large chunk of their time is still spent in code review. The code review process provides one of the primary ways that software engineers interact with one another and exchange information about coding techniques. Often, new patterns are advertised within the context of code review, sometimes through refactorings such as large-scale changes.
Moreover, because each change becomes part of the codebase, code review acts as a historical record. Any engineer can inspect the Google codebase and determine when some particular pattern was introduced and bring up the actual code review in question. Often, that archeology provides insights to many more engineers than the original author and reviewer(s).
-## Code Review Best Practices 代码评审最佳实践
+## Code Review Best Practices 程式碼評審最佳實踐
Code review can, admittedly, introduce friction and delay to an organization. Most of these issues are not problems with code review per se, but with their chosen implementation of code review. Keeping the code review process running smoothly at Google is no different, and it requires a number of best practices to ensure that code review is worth the effort put into the process. Most of those practices emphasize keeping the process nimble and quick so that code review can scale properly.
-### Be Polite and Professional 要有礼貌和专业精神
+### Be Polite and Professional 要有禮貌和專業精神
As pointed out in the Culture section of this book, Google heavily fosters a culture of trust and respect. This filters down into our perspective on code review. A software engineer needs an LGTM from only one other engineer to satisfy our requirement on code comprehension, for example. Many engineers make comments and LGTM a change with the understanding that the change can be submitted after those changes are made, without any additional rounds of review. That said, code reviews can introduce anxiety and stress to even the most capable engineers. It is critically important to keep all feedback and criticism firmly in the professional realm.
-In general, reviewers should defer to authors on particular approaches and only point out alternatives if the author’s approach is deficient. If an author can demonstrate that several approaches are equally valid, the reviewer should accept the preference of the author. Even in those cases, if defects are found in an approach, consider the review a learning opportunity (for both sides!). All comments should remain strictly professional. Reviewers should be careful about jumping to conclusions based on a code author’s particular approach. It’s better to ask questions on why something was done the way it was before assuming that approach is wrong.
+In general, reviewers should defer to authors on particular approaches and only point out alternatives if the author」s approach is deficient. If an author can demonstrate that several approaches are equally valid, the reviewer should accept the preference of the author. Even in those cases, if defects are found in an approach, consider the review a learning opportunity (for both sides!). All comments should remain strictly professional. Reviewers should be careful about jumping to conclusions based on a code author」s particular approach. It」s better to ask questions on why something was done the way it was before assuming that approach is wrong.
-Reviewers should be prompt with their feedback. At Google, we expect feedback from a code review within 24 (working) hours. If a reviewer is unable to complete a review in that time, it’s good practice (and expected) to respond that they’ve at least seen the change and will get to the review as soon as possible. Reviewers should avoid responding to the code review in piecemeal fashion. Few things annoy an author more than getting feedback from a review, addressing it, and then continuing to get unrelated further feedback in the review process.
+Reviewers should be prompt with their feedback. At Google, we expect feedback from a code review within 24 (working) hours. If a reviewer is unable to complete a review in that time, it」s good practice (and expected) to respond that they」ve at least seen the change and will get to the review as soon as possible. Reviewers should avoid responding to the code review in piecemeal fashion. Few things annoy an author more than getting feedback from a review, addressing it, and then continuing to get unrelated further feedback in the review process.
-As much as we expect professionalism on the part of the reviewer, we expect professionalism on the part of the author as well. Remember that you are not your code, and that this change you propose is not “yours” but the team’s. After you check that piece of code into the codebase, it is no longer yours in any case. Be receptive to questions on your approach, and be prepared to explain why you did things in certain ways. Remember that part of the responsibility of an author is to make sure this code is understandable and maintainable for the future.
+As much as we expect professionalism on the part of the reviewer, we expect professionalism on the part of the author as well. Remember that you are not your code, and that this change you propose is not 『yours』 but the team」s. After you check that piece of code into the codebase, it is no longer yours in any case. Be receptive to questions on your approach, and be prepared to explain why you did things in certain ways. Remember that part of the responsibility of an author is to make sure this code is understandable and maintainable for the future.
-就像我们期望审查员有专业精神一样,我们也期望作者有专业精神。记住,你不是你的代码,你提出的这个修改不是 "你的",而是团队的。在你把这段代码检查到代码库中后,它无论如何都不再是你的了。要乐于接受关于你的方法的问题,并准备好解释你为什么以某种方式做事情。记住,作者的部分责任是确保这段代码是可以理解的,并且可以为将来维护。
+就像我們期望審查員有專業精神一樣,我們也期望作者有專業精神。記住,你不是你的程式碼,你提出的這個修改不是 "你的",而是團隊的。在你把這段程式碼檢查到程式碼庫中後,它無論如何都不再是你的了。要樂於接受關於你的方法的問題,並準備好解釋你為什麼以某種方式做事情。記住,作者的部分責任是確保這段程式碼是可以理解的,並且可以為將來維護。
-It’s important to treat each reviewer comment within a code review as a TODO item; a particular comment might not need to be accepted without question, but it should at least be addressed. If you disagree with a reviewer’s comment, let them know, and let them know why and don’t mark a comment as resolved until each side has had a chance to offer alternatives. One common way to keep such debates civil if an author doesn’t agree with a reviewer is to offer an alternative and ask the reviewer to PTAL (please take another look). Remember that code review is a learning opportunity for both the reviewer and the author. That insight often helps to mitigate any chances for disagreement.
+It」s important to treat each reviewer comment within a code review as a TODO item; a particular comment might not need to be accepted without question, but it should at least be addressed. If you disagree with a reviewer」s comment, let them know, and let them know why and don」t mark a comment as resolved until each side has had a chance to offer alternatives. One common way to keep such debates civil if an author doesn」t agree with a reviewer is to offer an alternative and ask the reviewer to PTAL (please take another look). Remember that code review is a learning opportunity for both the reviewer and the author. That insight often helps to mitigate any chances for disagreement.
By the same token, if you are an owner of code and responding to a code review within your codebase, be amenable to changes from an outside author. As long as the change is an improvement to the codebase, you should still give deference to the author that the change indicates something that could and should be improved.
-### Write Small Changes 写出小的更改
+### Write Small Changes 寫出小的更改
-Probably the most important practice to keep the code review process nimble is to keep changes small. A code review should ideally be easy to digest and focus on a single issue, both for the reviewer and the author. Google’s code review process discourages massive changes consisting of fully formed projects, and reviewers can rightfully reject such changes as being too large for a single review. Smaller changes also prevent engineers from wasting time waiting for reviews on larger changes, reducing downtime. These small changes have benefits further down in the software development process as well. It is far easier to determine the source of a bug within a change if that particular change is small enough to narrow it down.
+Probably the most important practice to keep the code review process nimble is to keep changes small. A code review should ideally be easy to digest and focus on a single issue, both for the reviewer and the author. Google」s code review process discourages massive changes consisting of fully formed projects, and reviewers can rightfully reject such changes as being too large for a single review. Smaller changes also prevent engineers from wasting time waiting for reviews on larger changes, reducing downtime. These small changes have benefits further down in the software development process as well. It is far easier to determine the source of a bug within a change if that particular change is small enough to narrow it down.
-That said, it’s important to acknowledge that a code review process that relies on small changes is sometimes difficult to reconcile with the introduction of major new features. A set of small, incremental code changes can be easier to digest individually, but more difficult to comprehend within a larger scheme. Some engineers at Google admittedly are not fans of the preference given to small changes. Techniques exist for managing such code changes (development on integration branches, management of changes using a diff base different than HEAD), but those techniques inevitably involve more overhead. Consider the optimization for small changes just that: an optimization, and allow your process to accommodate the occasional larger change.
+That said, it」s important to acknowledge that a code review process that relies on small changes is sometimes difficult to reconcile with the introduction of major new features. A set of small, incremental code changes can be easier to digest individually, but more difficult to comprehend within a larger scheme. Some engineers at Google admittedly are not fans of the preference given to small changes. Techniques exist for managing such code changes (development on integration branches, management of changes using a diff base different than HEAD), but those techniques inevitably involve more overhead. Consider the optimization for small changes just that: an optimization, and allow your process to accommodate the occasional larger change.
-尽管如此,必须承认,依赖于小更改的代码审查过程有时很难与主要新特性的引入相协调。一组小的、渐进式的代码修改可能更容易单独消化,但在一个更大的方案中却更难理解。不可否认,谷歌的一些工程师并不喜欢小改动。存在管理这种代码变化的技术(在集成分支上开发,使用不同于HEAD的diff base管理变化),但这些技术不可避免地涉及更多的开销。考虑到对小改动的优化只是一个优化,并允许你的过程适应偶尔的大更改。
+儘管如此,必須承認,依賴於小更改的程式碼審查過程有時很難與主要新屬性的引入相協調。一組小的、漸進式的程式碼修改可能更容易單獨消化,但在一個更大的方案中卻更難理解。不可否認,谷歌的一些工程師並不喜歡小改動。存在管理這種程式碼變化的技術(在整合分支上開發,使用不同於HEAD的diff base管理變化),但這些技術不可避免地涉及更多的開銷。考慮到對小改動的最佳化只是一個最佳化,並允許你的過程適應偶爾的大更改。
-Small” changes should generally be limited to about 200 lines of code. A small change should be easy on a reviewer and, almost as important, not be so cumbersome that additional changes are delayed waiting for an extensive review. Most changes at Google are expected to be reviewed within about a day.[^7] (This doesn’t necessarily mean that the review is over within a day, but that initial feedback is provided within a day.) About 35% of the changes at Google are to a single file.[^8] Being easy on a reviewer allows for quicker changes to the codebase and benefits the author as well. The author wants a quick review; waiting on an extensive review for a week or so would likely impact follow-on changes. A small initial review also can prevent much more expensive wasted effort on an incorrect approach further down the line.
+Small』 changes should generally be limited to about 200 lines of code. A small change should be easy on a reviewer and, almost as important, not be so cumbersome that additional changes are delayed waiting for an extensive review. Most changes at Google are expected to be reviewed within about a day.[^7] (This doesn」t necessarily mean that the review is over within a day, but that initial feedback is provided within a day.) About 35% of the changes at Google are to a single file.[^8] Being easy on a reviewer allows for quicker changes to the codebase and benefits the author as well. The author wants a quick review; waiting on an extensive review for a week or so would likely impact follow-on changes. A small initial review also can prevent much more expensive wasted effort on an incorrect approach further down the line.
-“小”改动一般应限制在200行左右的代码。一个小的更改应该对审查者来说是容易的,而且,几乎同样重要的是,不要太麻烦,以至于更多的更改被延迟,以等待广泛的审查。在谷歌,大多数的更改预计会在一天内被审查。(这并不一定意味着审查在一天内结束,但初步反馈会在一天内提供。) 在谷歌,大约35%的修改是针对单个文件的。对审查者来说容易,可以更快地修改代码库,对作者也有利。作者希望快速审查;等待一个星期左右的广泛审查可能会影响后续的更改。一个小规模的初步审查也可以防止在后续的错误方法上浪费更昂贵的精力。
+『小』改動一般應限制在200行左右的程式碼。一個小的更改應該對審查者來說是容易的,而且,幾乎同樣重要的是,不要太麻煩,以至於更多的更改被延遲,以等待廣泛的審查。在谷歌,大多數的更改預計會在一天內被審查。(這並不一定意味著審查在一天內結束,但初步反饋會在一天內提供。) 在谷歌,大約35%的修改是針對單個檔案的。對審查者來說容易,可以更快地修改程式碼庫,對作者也有利。作者希望快速審查;等待一個星期左右的廣泛審查可能會影響後續的更改。一個小規模的初步審查也可以防止在後續的錯誤方法上浪費更昂貴的精力。
-Because code reviews are typically small, it’s common for almost all code reviews at Google to be reviewed by one and only one person. Were that not the case—if a team were expected to weigh in on all changes to a common codebase—there is no way the process itself would scale. By keeping the code reviews small, we enable this optimization. It’s not uncommon for multiple people to comment on any given change— most code reviews are sent to a team member, but also CC’d to appropriate teams— but the primary reviewer is still the one whose LGTM is desired, and only one LGTM is necessary for any given change. Any other comments, though important, are still optional.
+Because code reviews are typically small, it」s common for almost all code reviews at Google to be reviewed by one and only one person. Were that not the case—if a team were expected to weigh in on all changes to a common codebase—there is no way the process itself would scale. By keeping the code reviews small, we enable this optimization. It」s not uncommon for multiple people to comment on any given change— most code reviews are sent to a team member, but also CC」d to appropriate teams— but the primary reviewer is still the one whose LGTM is desired, and only one LGTM is necessary for any given change. Any other comments, though important, are still optional.
-Keeping changes small also allows the “approval” reviewers to more quickly approve any given changes. They can quickly inspect whether the primary code reviewer did due diligence and focus purely on whether this change augments the codebase while maintaining code health over time.
+Keeping changes small also allows the 『approval』 reviewers to more quickly approve any given changes. They can quickly inspect whether the primary code reviewer did due diligence and focus purely on whether this change augments the codebase while maintaining code health over time.
-保持小的更改也允许 "批准 "审查员更快地批准任何特定的变化。他们可以快速检查主要的代码审查员是否尽职尽责,并纯粹关注这一变化是否增强了代码库,同时随着时间的推移保持代码的健康。
+保持小的更改也允許 "批准 "審查員更快地批准任何特定的變化。他們可以快速檢查主要的程式碼審查員是否盡職盡責,並純粹關注這一變化是否增強了程式碼庫,同時隨著時間的推移保持程式碼的健康。
-> [^7]: Caitlin Sadowski, Emma Söderberg, Luke Church, Michal Sipko, and Alberto Bacchelli, “Modern code review: a case study at Google.”
+> [^7]: Caitlin Sadowski, Emma Söderberg, Luke Church, Michal Sipko, and Alberto Bacchelli, 『Modern code review: a case study at Google.』
-> 7 Caitlin Sadowski、Emma Söderberg、Luke Church、Michal Sipko和Alberto Baccelli,“现代代码评论:谷歌的案例研究”
+> 7 Caitlin Sadowski、Emma Söderberg、Luke Church、Michal Sipko和Alberto Baccelli,『現代程式碼評論:谷歌的案例研究』
> [^8]: Ibid.
> 8 同上。
-### Write Good Change Descriptions 写出好的变更描述
+### Write Good Change Descriptions 寫出好的變更描述
A change description should indicate its type of change on the first line, as a summary. The first line is prime real estate and is used to provide summaries within the code review tool itself, to act as the subject line in any associated emails, and to become the visible line Google engineers see in a history summary within Code Search (see Chapter 17), so that first line is important.
-Although the first line should be a summary of the entire change, the description should still go into detail on what is being changed *and why*. A description of “Bug fix” is not helpful to a reviewer or a future code archeologist. If several related modifications were made in the change, enumerate them within a list (while still keeping it on message and small). The description is the historical record for this change, and tools such as Code Search allow you to find who wrote what line in any particular change in the codebase. Drilling down into the original change is often useful when trying to fix a bug.
+Although the first line should be a summary of the entire change, the description should still go into detail on what is being changed *and why*. A description of 『Bug fix』 is not helpful to a reviewer or a future code archeologist. If several related modifications were made in the change, enumerate them within a list (while still keeping it on message and small). The description is the historical record for this change, and tools such as Code Search allow you to find who wrote what line in any particular change in the codebase. Drilling down into the original change is often useful when trying to fix a bug.
-Descriptions aren’t the only opportunity for adding documentation to a change. When writing a public API, you generally don’t want to leak implementation details, but by all means do so within the actual implementation, where you should comment liberally. If a reviewer does not understand why you did something, even if it is correct, it is a good indicator that such code needs better structure or better comments (or both). If, during the code review process, a new decision is reached, update the change description, or add appropriate comments within the implementation. A code review is not just something that you do in the present time; it is something you do to record what you did for posterity.
+Descriptions aren」t the only opportunity for adding documentation to a change. When writing a public API, you generally don」t want to leak implementation details, but by all means do so within the actual implementation, where you should comment liberally. If a reviewer does not understand why you did something, even if it is correct, it is a good indicator that such code needs better structure or better comments (or both). If, during the code review process, a new decision is reached, update the change description, or add appropriate comments within the implementation. A code review is not just something that you do in the present time; it is something you do to record what you did for posterity.
-### Keep Reviewers to a Minimum 尽量减少审查员
+### Keep Reviewers to a Minimum 儘量減少審查員
Most code reviews at Google are reviewed by precisely one reviewer.[^9] Because the code review process allows the bits on code correctness, owner acceptance, and language readability to be handled by one individual, the code review process scales quite well across an organization the size of Google.
-There is a tendency within the industry, and within individuals, to try to get additional input (and unanimous consent) from a cross-section of engineers. After all, each additional reviewer can add their own particular insight to the code review in question. But we’ve found that this leads to diminishing returns; the most important LGTM is the first one, and subsequent ones don’t add as much as you might think to the equation. The cost of additional reviewers quickly outweighs their value.
+There is a tendency within the industry, and within individuals, to try to get additional input (and unanimous consent) from a cross-section of engineers. After all, each additional reviewer can add their own particular insight to the code review in question. But we」ve found that this leads to diminishing returns; the most important LGTM is the first one, and subsequent ones don」t add as much as you might think to the equation. The cost of additional reviewers quickly outweighs their value.
The code review process is optimized around the trust we place in our engineers to do the right thing. In certain cases, it can be useful to get a particular change reviewed by multiple people, but even in those cases, those reviewers should focus on different aspects of the same change.
> [^9]: Ibid.
> 9 同上。
-### Automate Where Possible 尽可能实现自动化
+### Automate Where Possible 儘可能實現自動化
Code review is a human process, and that human input is important, but if there are components of the code process that can be automated, try to do so. Opportunities to automate mechanical human tasks should be explored; investments in proper tooling reap dividends. At Google, our code review tooling allows authors to automatically submit and automatically sync changes to the source control system upon approval (usually used for fairly simple changes).
One of the most important technological improvements regarding automation over the past few years is automatic static analysis of a given code change (see Chapter 20). Rather than require authors to run tests, linters, or formatters, the current Google code review tooling provides most of that utility automatically through what is known as *presubmits*. A presubmit process is run when a change is initially sent to a reviewer. Before that change is sent, the presubmit process can detect a variety of problems with the existing change, reject the current change (and prevent sending an awkward email to a reviewer), and ask the original author to fix the change first. Such automation not only helps out with the code review process itself, it also allows the reviewers to focus on more important concerns than formatting.
-## Types of Code Reviews 代码审查的类型
+## Types of Code Reviews 程式碼審查的型別
All code reviews are not alike! Different types of code review require different levels of focus on the various aspects of the review process. Code changes at Google generally fall into one of the following buckets (though there is sometimes overlap):
@@ -415,76 +415,76 @@ All code reviews are not alike! Different types of code review require different
- Bug fixes and rollbacks
- Refactorings and large-scale changes
-所有的代码审查都是不一样的! 不同类型的代码审查需要对审查过程中的各个环节进行不同程度的关注。在谷歌,代码变更一般都属于以下几种情况(尽管有时会有重叠):
+所有的程式碼審查都是不一樣的! 不同型別的程式碼審查需要對審查過程中的各個環節進行不同程度的關注。在谷歌,程式碼變更一般都屬於以下幾種情況(儘管有時會有重疊):
-- 绿地审查和新功能开发
-- 行为改变、改进和优化
-- Bug修复和回滚
-- 重构和大规模更改
+- 綠地審查和新功能開發
+- 行為改變、改進和最佳化
+- Bug修復和回滾
+- 重構和大規模更改
-### Greenfield Code Reviews 绿地代码审查
+### Greenfield Code Reviews 綠地程式碼審查
The least common type of code review is that of entirely new code, a so-called *green‐* *field review*. A greenfield review is the most important time to evaluate whether the code will stand the test of time: that it will be easier to maintain as time and scale change the underlying assumptions of the code. Of course, the introduction of entirely new code should not come as a surprise. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, code is a liability, so the introduction of entirely new code should generally solve a real problem rather than simply provide yet another alternative. At Google, we generally require new code and/or projects to undergo an extensive design review, apart from a code review. A code review is not the time to debate design decisions already made in the past (and by the same token, a code review is not the time to introduce the design of a proposed API).
-To ensure that code is sustainable, a greenfield review should ensure that an API matches an agreed design (which may require reviewing a design document) and is tested *fully*, with all API endpoints having some form of unit test, and that those tests fail when the code’s assumptions change. (See Chapter 11). The code should also have proper owners (one of the first reviews in a new project is often of a single OWNERS file for the new directory), be sufficiently commented, and provide supplemental documentation, if needed. A greenfield review might also necessitate the introduction of a project into the continuous integration system. (See Chapter 23).
+To ensure that code is sustainable, a greenfield review should ensure that an API matches an agreed design (which may require reviewing a design document) and is tested *fully*, with all API endpoints having some form of unit test, and that those tests fail when the code」s assumptions change. (See Chapter 11). The code should also have proper owners (one of the first reviews in a new project is often of a single OWNERS file for the new directory), be sufficiently commented, and provide supplemental documentation, if needed. A greenfield review might also necessitate the introduction of a project into the continuous integration system. (See Chapter 23).
-### Behavioral Changes, Improvements, and Optimizations 行为更改、改进和优化
+### Behavioral Changes, Improvements, and Optimizations 行為更改、改進和最佳化
Most changes at Google generally fall into the broad category of modifications to existing code within the codebase. These additions may include modifications to API endpoints, improvements to existing implementations, or optimizations for other factors such as performance. Such changes are the bread and butter of most software engineers.
In each of these cases, the guidelines that apply to a greenfield review also apply: is this change necessary, and does this change improve the codebase? Some of the best modifications to a codebase are actually deletions! Getting rid of dead or obsolete code is one of the best ways to improve the overall code health of a codebase.
-Any behavioral modifications should necessarily include revisions to appropriate tests for any new API behavior. Augmentations to the implementation should be tested in a Continuous Integration (CI) system to ensure that those modifications don’t break any underlying assumptions of the existing tests. As well, optimizations should of course ensure that they don’t affect those tests and might need to include performance benchmarks for the reviewers to consult. Some optimizations might also require benchmark tests.
+Any behavioral modifications should necessarily include revisions to appropriate tests for any new API behavior. Augmentations to the implementation should be tested in a Continuous Integration (CI) system to ensure that those modifications don」t break any underlying assumptions of the existing tests. As well, optimizations should of course ensure that they don」t affect those tests and might need to include performance benchmarks for the reviewers to consult. Some optimizations might also require benchmark tests.
-### Bug Fixes and Rollbacks Bug修复和回滚
+### Bug Fixes and Rollbacks Bug修復和回滾
Inevitably, you will need to submit a change for a bug fix to your codebase. *When doing so, avoid the temptation to address other issues*. Not only does this risk increasing the size of the code review, it also makes it more difficult to perform regression testing or for others to roll back your change. A bug fix should focus solely on fixing the indicated bug and (usually) updating associated tests to catch the error that occurred in the first place.
Addressing the bug with a revised test is often necessary. The bug surfaced because existing tests were either inadequate, or the code had certain assumptions that were not met. As a reviewer of a bug fix, it is important to ask for updates to unit tests if applicable.
-Sometimes, a code change in a codebase as large as Google’s causes some dependency to fail that was either not detected properly by tests or that unearths an untested part of the codebase. In those cases, Google allows such changes to be “rolled back,” usually by the affected downstream customers. A rollback consists of a change that essentially undoes the previous change. Such rollbacks can be created in seconds because they just revert the previous change to a known state, but they still require a code review.
+Sometimes, a code change in a codebase as large as Google」s causes some dependency to fail that was either not detected properly by tests or that unearths an untested part of the codebase. In those cases, Google allows such changes to be 『rolled back,』 usually by the affected downstream customers. A rollback consists of a change that essentially undoes the previous change. Such rollbacks can be created in seconds because they just revert the previous change to a known state, but they still require a code review.
-有时,像谷歌这样庞大的代码库中的代码变更会导致一些依赖失效,而这些依赖要么没有被测试正确地检测到,要么就是发现了代码库中未经测试的部分。在这些情况下,谷歌允许这种变化被 "回滚",通常是由受影响的下游客户进行。回滚由基本上撤消先前更改的更改组成。这种回滚可以在几秒钟内创建,因为它们只是将以前的更改恢复到已知状态,但仍然需要代码检查。
+有時,像谷歌這樣龐大的程式碼庫中的程式碼變更會導致一些依賴失效,而這些依賴要麼沒有被測試正確地檢測到,要麼就是發現了程式碼庫中未經測試的部分。在這些情況下,谷歌允許這種變化被 "回滾",通常是由受影響的下游客戶進行。回滾由基本上撤消先前更改的更改組成。這種回滾可以在幾秒鐘內建立,因為它們只是將以前的更改恢復到已知狀態,但仍然需要程式碼檢查。
-It also becomes critically important that any change that could cause a potential rollback (and that includes all changes!) be as small and atomic as possible so that a rollback, if needed, does not cause further breakages on other dependencies that can be difficult to untangle. At Google, we’ve seen developers start to depend on new code very quickly after it is submitted, and rollbacks sometimes break these developers as a result. Small changes help to mitigate these concerns, both because of their atomicity, and because reviews of small changes tend to be done quickly.
+It also becomes critically important that any change that could cause a potential rollback (and that includes all changes!) be as small and atomic as possible so that a rollback, if needed, does not cause further breakages on other dependencies that can be difficult to untangle. At Google, we」ve seen developers start to depend on new code very quickly after it is submitted, and rollbacks sometimes break these developers as a result. Small changes help to mitigate these concerns, both because of their atomicity, and because reviews of small changes tend to be done quickly.
-### Refactorings and Large-Scale Changes 重构和大规模更改
+### Refactorings and Large-Scale Changes 重構和大規模更改
-Many changes at Google are automatically generated: the author of the change isn’t a person, but a machine. We discuss more about the large-scale change (LSC) process in Chapter 22, but even machine-generated changes require review. In cases where the change is considered low risk, it is reviewed by designated reviewers who have approval privileges for our entire codebase. But for cases in which the change might be risky or otherwise requires local domain expertise, individual engineers might be asked to review automatically generated changes as part of their normal workflow.
+Many changes at Google are automatically generated: the author of the change isn」t a person, but a machine. We discuss more about the large-scale change (LSC) process in Chapter 22, but even machine-generated changes require review. In cases where the change is considered low risk, it is reviewed by designated reviewers who have approval privileges for our entire codebase. But for cases in which the change might be risky or otherwise requires local domain expertise, individual engineers might be asked to review automatically generated changes as part of their normal workflow.
At first look, a review for an automatically generated change should be handled the same as any other code review: the reviewer should check for correctness and applicability of the change. However, we encourage reviewers to limit comments in the associated change and only flag concerns that are specific to their code, not the underlying tool or LSC generating the changes. While the specific change might be machine generated, the overall process generating these changes has already been reviewed, and individual teams cannot hold a veto over the process, or it would not be possible to scale such changes across the organization. If there is a concern about the underlying tool or process, reviewers can escalate out of band to an LSC oversight group for more information.
We also encourage reviewers of automatic changes to avoid expanding their scope. When reviewing a new feature or a change written by a teammate, it is often reasonable to ask the author to address related concerns within the same change, so long as the request still follows the earlier advice to keep the change small. This does not apply to automatically generated changes because the human running the tool might have hundreds of changes in flight, and even a small percentage of changes with review comments or unrelated questions limits the scale at which the human can effectively operate the tool.
-## Conclusion 总结
+## Conclusion 總結
Code review is one of the most important and critical processes at Google. Code review acts as the glue connecting engineers with one another, and the code review process is the primary developer workflow upon which almost all other processes must hang, from testing to static analysis to CI. A code review process must scale appropriately, and for that reason, best practices, including small changes and rapid feedback and iteration, are important to maintain developer satisfaction and appropriate production velocity.
-## TL;DRs 内容提要
+## TL;DRs 內容提要
- Code review has many benefits, including ensuring code correctness, comprehension, and consistency across a codebase.
- Always check your assumptions through someone else; optimize for the reader.
@@ -493,9 +493,9 @@ Code review is one of the most important and critical processes at Google. Code
- Automation is critical for scaling the process.
- The code review itself provides a historical record.
-- 代码审查有很多好处,包括确保代码的正确性、理解性和整个代码库的一致性。
-- 总是通过别人来检查你的假设;为读者优化。
-- 在保持专业性同时提供关键反馈的机会。
-- 代码审查对于整个组织的知识共享非常重要。
-- 自动化对于扩展这个过程是至关重要的。
-- 代码审查本身提供了一个历史记录。
+- 程式碼審查有很多好處,包括確保程式碼的正確性、理解性和整個程式碼庫的一致性。
+- 總是透過別人來檢查你的假設;為讀者最佳化。
+- 在保持專業性同時提供關鍵反饋的機會。
+- 程式碼審查對於整個組織的知識共享非常重要。
+- 自動化對於擴充套件這個過程是至關重要的。
+- 程式碼審查本身提供了一個歷史記錄。
diff --git a/zh-cn/Foreword.md b/zh-cn/Foreword.md
index 94208f7..6108cd7 100644
--- a/zh-cn/Foreword.md
+++ b/zh-cn/Foreword.md
@@ -2,28 +2,28 @@
I have always been endlessly fascinated with the details of how Google does things. I have grilled my Googler friends for information about the way things really work inside of the company. How do they manage such a massive, monolithic code repository without falling over? How do tens of thousands of engineers successfully collaborate on thousands of projects? How do they maintain the quality of their systems?
-Working with former Googlers has only increased my curiosity. If you’ve ever worked with a former Google engineer (or “Xoogler,” as they’re sometimes called), you’ve no doubt heard the phrase “at Google we…” Coming out of Google into other companies seems to be a shocking experience, at least from the engineering side of things. As far as this outsider can tell, the systems and processes for writing code at Google must be among the best in the world, given both the scale of the company and how often peo‐ ple sing their praises.
+Working with former Googlers has only increased my curiosity. If you」ve ever worked with a former Google engineer (or 『Xoogler,』 as they」re sometimes called), you」ve no doubt heard the phrase 『at Google we…』 Coming out of Google into other companies seems to be a shocking experience, at least from the engineering side of things. As far as this outsider can tell, the systems and processes for writing code at Google must be among the best in the world, given both the scale of the company and how often peo‐ ple sing their praises.
-与前谷歌员工一起共事,只会增加我的好奇心。如果你曾经与前谷歌工程师(或他们有时称之为“Xoogler”)一起工作,你无疑听到过这样一句话:"在谷歌我们......" 从谷歌出来进入其他公司已经是一个令人羡慕的经历,至少从工程方面来说是这样。就我这个局外人而言,考虑到公司的规模和员工对其的赞誉程度,谷歌公司编写代码的系统和流程一定是世界上最好的之一。
+與前谷歌員工一起共事,只會增加我的好奇心。如果你曾經與前谷歌工程師(或他們有時稱之為『Xoogler』)一起工作,你無疑聽到過這樣一句話:"在谷歌我們......" 從谷歌出來進入其他公司已經是一個令人羨慕的經歷,至少從工程方面來說是這樣。就我這個局外人而言,考慮到公司的規模和員工對其的讚譽程度,谷歌公司編寫程式碼的系統和流程一定是世界上最好的之一。
-In *Software Engineering at Google*, a set of Googlers (and some Xooglers) gives us a lengthy blueprint for many of the practices, tools, and even cultural elements that underlie software engineering at Google. It’s easy to overfocus on the amazing tools that Google has built to support writing code, and this book provides a lot of details about those tools. But it also goes beyond simply describing the tooling to give us the philosophy and processes that the teams at Google follow. These can be adapted to fit a variety of circumstances, whether or not you have the scale and tooling. To my delight, there are several chapters that go deep on various aspects of automated testing, a topic that continues to meet with too much resistance in our industry.
+In *Software Engineering at Google*, a set of Googlers (and some Xooglers) gives us a lengthy blueprint for many of the practices, tools, and even cultural elements that underlie software engineering at Google. It」s easy to overfocus on the amazing tools that Google has built to support writing code, and this book provides a lot of details about those tools. But it also goes beyond simply describing the tooling to give us the philosophy and processes that the teams at Google follow. These can be adapted to fit a variety of circumstances, whether or not you have the scale and tooling. To my delight, there are several chapters that go deep on various aspects of automated testing, a topic that continues to meet with too much resistance in our industry.
The great thing about tech is that there is never only one way to do something. Instead, there is a series of trade-offs we all must make depending on the circumstances of our team and situation. What can we cheaply take from open source? What can our team build? What makes sense to support for our scale? When I was grilling my Googler friends, I wanted to hear about the world at the extreme end of scale: resource rich, in both talent and money, with high demands on the software being built. This anecdotal information gave me ideas on some options that I might not otherwise have considered.
-With this book, we’ve written down those options for everyone to read. Of course, Google is a unique company, and it would be foolish to assume that the right way to run your software engineering organization is to precisely copy their formula. Applied practically, this book will give you ideas on how things could be done, and a lot of information that you can use to bolster your arguments for adopting best practices like testing, knowledge sharing, and building collaborative teams.
+With this book, we」ve written down those options for everyone to read. Of course, Google is a unique company, and it would be foolish to assume that the right way to run your software engineering organization is to precisely copy their formula. Applied practically, this book will give you ideas on how things could be done, and a lot of information that you can use to bolster your arguments for adopting best practices like testing, knowledge sharing, and building collaborative teams.
-You may never need to build Google yourself, and you may not even want to reach for the same techniques they apply in your organization. But if you aren’t familiar with the practices Google has developed, you’re missing a perspective on software engineering that comes from tens of thousands of engineers working collaboratively on software over the course of more than two decades. That knowledge is far too valuable to ignore.
+You may never need to build Google yourself, and you may not even want to reach for the same techniques they apply in your organization. But if you aren」t familiar with the practices Google has developed, you」re missing a perspective on software engineering that comes from tens of thousands of engineers working collaboratively on software over the course of more than two decades. That knowledge is far too valuable to ignore.
-*— Camille Fournier* *Author,* The Manager’s Path
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+*— Camille Fournier* *Author,* The Manager」s Path
\ No newline at end of file
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## Preface 序言
-This book is titled *Software Engineering at Google*. What precisely do we mean by software engineering? What distinguishes “software engineering” from “programming” or “computer science”? And why would Google have a unique perspective to add to the corpus of previous software engineering literature written over the past 50 years?
+This book is titled *Software Engineering at Google*. What precisely do we mean by software engineering? What distinguishes 『software engineering』 from 『programming』 or 『computer science』? And why would Google have a unique perspective to add to the corpus of previous software engineering literature written over the past 50 years?
-本书的标题是*《谷歌的软件工程》*。我们对软件工程的确切定义是什么?软件工程 "与 "编程 "或 "计算机科学 "的区别是什么?为什么谷歌在过去50年的软件工程文献库中会有那些独特的视角?
+本書的標題是*《谷歌的軟體工程》*。我們對軟體工程的確切定義是什麼?軟體工程 "與 "程式設計 "或 "電腦科學 "的區別是什麼?為什麼谷歌在過去50年的軟體工程文獻庫中會有那些獨特的視角?
-The terms “programming” and “software engineering” have been used interchangeably for quite some time in our industry, although each term has a different emphasis and different implications. University students tend to study computer science and get jobs writing code as “programmers.”
+The terms 『programming』 and 『software engineering』 have been used interchangeably for quite some time in our industry, although each term has a different emphasis and different implications. University students tend to study computer science and get jobs writing code as 『programmers.』
-在我们的业界,"编程 "和 "软件工程 "这两个术语已经被交替使用了相当长的时间,尽管每个术语都有不同的重点和不同的含义。大学生倾向于学习计算机科学,并以作为"程序员 “的身份进行写代码的工作。
+在我們的業界,"程式設計 "和 "軟體工程 "這兩個術語已經被交替使用了相當長的時間,儘管每個術語都有不同的重點和不同的含義。大學生傾向於學習電腦科學,並以作為"工程師 『的身份進行寫程式碼的工作。
-“Software engineering,” however, sounds more serious, as if it implies the application of some theoretical knowledge to build something real and precise. Mechanical engineers, civil engineers, aeronautical engineers, and those in other engineering disciplines all practice engineering. They all work in the real world and use the application of their theoretical knowledge to create something real. Software engineers also create “something real,” though it is less tangible than the things other engineers create.
+『Software engineering,』 however, sounds more serious, as if it implies the application of some theoretical knowledge to build something real and precise. Mechanical engineers, civil engineers, aeronautical engineers, and those in other engineering disciplines all practice engineering. They all work in the real world and use the application of their theoretical knowledge to create something real. Software engineers also create 『something real,』 though it is less tangible than the things other engineers create.
-然而,"软件工程 "听起来更加严肃,似乎它意味着应用理论知识来建立真实和精确的东西。机械工程师、土木工程师、航空工程师和其他工程学科的人都在进行工程实践。他们都在现实世界中工作,运用他们的理论知识来创造一些真实的东西。软件工程师也创造 "真实的东西",尽管它没有像其他工程师创造的东西那么有形。
+然而,"軟體工程 "聽起來更加嚴肅,似乎它意味著應用理論知識來建立真實和精確的東西。機械工程師、土木工程師、航空工程師和其他工程學科的人都在進行工程實踐。他們都在現實世界中工作,運用他們的理論知識來創造一些真實的東西。軟體工程師也創造 "真實的東西",儘管它沒有像其他工程師創造的東西那麼有形。
Unlike those more established engineering professions, current software engineering theory or practice is not nearly as rigorous. Aeronautical engineers must follow rigid guidelines and practices, because errors in their calculations can cause real damage; programming, on the whole, has traditionally not followed such rigorous practices. But, as software becomes more integrated into our lives, we must adopt and rely on more rigorous engineering methods. We hope this book helps others see a path toward more reliable software practices.
-### Programming Over Time 随时间变化的编程
+### Programming Over Time 隨時間變化的程式設計
-We propose that “software engineering” encompasses not just the act of writing code, but all of the tools and processes an organization uses to build and maintain that code over time. What practices can a software organization introduce that will best keep its code valuable over the long term? How can engineers make a codebase more sustainable and the software engineering discipline itself more rigorous? We don’t have fundamental answers to these questions, but we hope that Google’s collective experience over the past two decades illuminates possible paths toward finding those answers.
+We propose that 『software engineering』 encompasses not just the act of writing code, but all of the tools and processes an organization uses to build and maintain that code over time. What practices can a software organization introduce that will best keep its code valuable over the long term? How can engineers make a codebase more sustainable and the software engineering discipline itself more rigorous? We don」t have fundamental answers to these questions, but we hope that Google」s collective experience over the past two decades illuminates possible paths toward finding those answers.
-我们建议,"软件工程 "不仅包括编写代码的行为,还包括一个组织用来长期构建和随时间维护代码的所有工具和流程。一个软件组织可以采用哪些做法来使其代码长期保持最佳价值?工程师们如何才能使代码库更具有可持续性,并使软件工程学科本身更加严格?我们没有这些问题的最终答案,但我们希望谷歌在过去20年的集体经验能够为寻找这些答案的提供可能。
+我們建議,"軟體工程 "不僅包括編寫程式碼的行為,還包括一個組織用來長期建立和隨時間維護程式碼的所有工具和流程。一個軟體組織可以採用哪些做法來使其程式碼長期保持最佳價值?工程師們如何才能使程式碼庫更具有可持續性,並使軟體工程學科本身更加嚴格?我們沒有這些問題的最終答案,但我們希望谷歌在過去20年的集體經驗能夠為尋找這些答案的提供可能。
-One key insight we share in this book is that software engineering can be thought of as “programming integrated over time.” What practices can we introduce to our code to make it *sustainable*—able to react to necessary change—over its life cycle, from conception to introduction to maintenance to deprecation?
+One key insight we share in this book is that software engineering can be thought of as 『programming integrated over time.』 What practices can we introduce to our code to make it *sustainable*—able to react to necessary change—over its life cycle, from conception to introduction to maintenance to deprecation?
-我们在本书中分享的一个关键观点是,软件工程可以被认为是 "随着时间推移而整合的编程"。我们可以在我们的代码中引入哪些实践,使其*可持续*——能够对必要的变化做出反应——在其生命周期中,从设计到引入到维护到废弃?
+我們在本書中分享的一個關鍵觀點是,軟體工程可以被認為是 "隨著時間推移而整合的程式設計"。我們可以在我們的程式碼中引入哪些實踐,使其*可持續*——能夠對必要的變化做出反應——在其生命週期中,從設計到引入到維護到廢棄?
The book emphasizes three fundamental principles that we feel software organizations should keep in mind when designing, architecting, and writing their code:
*Time* *and* *Change*
@@ -34,65 +34,65 @@ The book emphasizes three fundamental principles that we feel software organizat
*Trade-offs and Costs*
How an organization makes decisions, based on the lessons of Time and Change and Scale and Growth
- 代码如何在其生命周期内进行适配。
- 一个组织如何适应它的发展过程。
- 一个组织如何根据时间和变化以及规模和增长的经验教训做出决策。
+ 程式碼如何在其生命週期內進行適配。
+ 一個組織如何適應它的發展過程。
+ 一個組織如何根據時間和變化以及規模和增長的經驗教訓做出決策。
Throughout the chapters, we have tried to tie back to these themes and point out ways in which such principles affect engineering practices and allow them to be sustainable. (See [Chapter 1 ](#_bookmark3)for a full discussion.)
-### Google’s Perspective 谷歌的视角
+### Google」s Perspective 谷歌的視角
Google has a unique perspective on the growth and evolution of a sustainable soft‐ ware ecosystem, stemming from our scale and longevity. We hope that the lessons we have learned will be useful as your organization evolves and embraces more sustainable practices.
-We’ve divided the topics in this book into three main aspects of Google’s software engineering landscape:
+We」ve divided the topics in this book into three main aspects of Google」s software engineering landscape:
- Culture
- Processes
- Tools
- 文化
- 流程
- 工具
-Google’s culture is unique, but the lessons we have learned in developing our engineering culture are widely applicable. Our chapters on Culture ([Part II](#_bookmark100)) emphasize the collective nature of a software development enterprise, that the development of software is a team effort, and that proper cultural principles are essential for an organization to grow and remain healthy.
+Google」s culture is unique, but the lessons we have learned in developing our engineering culture are widely applicable. Our chapters on Culture ([Part II](#_bookmark100)) emphasize the collective nature of a software development enterprise, that the development of software is a team effort, and that proper cultural principles are essential for an organization to grow and remain healthy.
-The techniques outlined in our Processes chapters ([Part III](#_bookmark579)) are familiar to most soft‐ ware engineers, but Google’s large size and long-lived codebase provides a more complete stress test for developing best practices. Within those chapters, we have tried to emphasize what we have found to work over time and at scale as well as identify areas where we don’t yet have satisfying answers.
+The techniques outlined in our Processes chapters ([Part III](#_bookmark579)) are familiar to most soft‐ ware engineers, but Google」s large size and long-lived codebase provides a more complete stress test for developing best practices. Within those chapters, we have tried to emphasize what we have found to work over time and at scale as well as identify areas where we don」t yet have satisfying answers.
Finally, our Tools chapters ([Part IV](#_bookmark1363)) illustrate how we leverage our investments in tooling infrastructure to provide benefits to our codebase as it both grows and ages. In some cases, these tools are specific to Google, though we point out open source or third-party alternatives where applicable. We expect that these basic insights apply to most engineering organizations.
-The culture, processes, and tools outlined in this book describe the lessons that a typical software engineer hopefully learns on the job. Google certainly doesn’t have a monopoly on good advice, and our experiences presented here are not intended to dictate what your organization should do. This book is our perspective, but we hope you will find it useful, either by adopting these lessons directly or by using them as a starting point when considering your own practices, specialized for your own problem domain.
+The culture, processes, and tools outlined in this book describe the lessons that a typical software engineer hopefully learns on the job. Google certainly doesn」t have a monopoly on good advice, and our experiences presented here are not intended to dictate what your organization should do. This book is our perspective, but we hope you will find it useful, either by adopting these lessons directly or by using them as a starting point when considering your own practices, specialized for your own problem domain.
-Neither is this book intended to be a sermon. Google itself still imperfectly applies many of the concepts within these pages. The lessons that we have learned, we learned through our failures: we still make mistakes, implement imperfect solutions, and need to iterate toward improvement. Yet the sheer size of Google’s engineering organization ensures that there is a diversity of solutions for every problem. We hope that this book contains the best of that group.
+Neither is this book intended to be a sermon. Google itself still imperfectly applies many of the concepts within these pages. The lessons that we have learned, we learned through our failures: we still make mistakes, implement imperfect solutions, and need to iterate toward improvement. Yet the sheer size of Google」s engineering organization ensures that there is a diversity of solutions for every problem. We hope that this book contains the best of that group.
-### What This Book Isn’t 本书不适用于哪些
+### What This Book Isn」t 本書不適用於哪些
-This book is not meant to cover software design, a discipline that requires its own book (and for which much content already exists). Although there is some code in this book for illustrative purposes, the principles are language neutral, and there is little actual “programming” advice within these chapters. As a result, this text doesn’t cover many important issues in software development: project management, API design, security hardening, internationalization, user interface frameworks, or other language-specific concerns. Their omission in this book does not imply their lack of importance. Instead, we choose not to cover them here knowing that we could not provide the treatment they deserve. We have tried to make the discussions in this book more about engineering and less about programming.
+This book is not meant to cover software design, a discipline that requires its own book (and for which much content already exists). Although there is some code in this book for illustrative purposes, the principles are language neutral, and there is little actual 『programming』 advice within these chapters. As a result, this text doesn」t cover many important issues in software development: project management, API design, security hardening, internationalization, user interface frameworks, or other language-specific concerns. Their omission in this book does not imply their lack of importance. Instead, we choose not to cover them here knowing that we could not provide the treatment they deserve. We have tried to make the discussions in this book more about engineering and less about programming.
-本书并不是要涵盖软件设计,这门学科有自己的书(而且已经有很多类型的书)。虽然书中有一些代码用于说明问题,但原则是语言无关的,而且这些章节中几乎没有实际的 "编程 "建议。因此,本书没有涉及软件开发中的许多重要问题:项目管理、API设计、安全加固、国际化、用户界面框架或其他特定编程语言问题。本书对这些问题的忽略并不意味着它们不重要。相反,我们选择不在这里涉及它们,因为我们知道我们无法提供它们应有的内容。我们试图使本书的讨论更多的关于工程领域,而不是关于编程领域。
+本書並不是要涵蓋軟體設計,這門學科有自己的書(而且已經有很多型別的書)。雖然書中有一些程式碼用於說明問題,但原則是語言無關的,而且這些章節中幾乎沒有實際的 "程式設計 "建議。因此,本書沒有涉及軟體開發中的許多重要問題:專案管理、API設計、安全加固、國際化、使用者介面框架或其他特定程式語言問題。本書對這些問題的忽略並不意味著它們不重要。相反,我們選擇不在這裡涉及它們,因為我們知道我們無法提供它們應有的內容。我們試圖使本書的討論更多的關於工程領域,而不是關於程式設計領域。
-### Parting Remarks 临别赠言
+### Parting Remarks 臨別贈言
This text has been a labor of love on behalf of all who have contributed, and we hope that you receive it as it is given: as a window into how a large software engineering organization builds its products. We also hope that it is one of many voices that helps move our industry to adopt more forward-thinking and sustainable practices. Most important, we further hope that you enjoy reading it and can adopt some of its lessons to your own concerns.