See Common Iteration Interfaces (
参考常见的迭代接口 (
The abstract operation GetIterator with argument _obj_ and optional argument _method_ performs the following steps:
+参数为 _obj_ 和可选参数 _method_ 的抽象操作 GetIterator 执行以下步骤:
The abstract operation IteratorNext with argument _iteratorRecord_ and optional argument _value_ performs the following steps:
+参数为 _iteratorRecord_ 和可选参数 _value_ 的抽象操作 IteratorNext 执行以下步骤:
The abstract operation IteratorComplete with argument _iterResult_ performs the following steps:
+参数为 _iterResult_ 的抽象操作 IteratorComplete 执行以下步骤:
The abstract operation IteratorValue with argument _iterResult_ performs the following steps:
+使用参数为 _iterResult_ 的抽象操作 IteratorValue 执行以下步骤:
The abstract operation IteratorStep with argument _iteratorRecord_ requests the next value from _iteratorRecord_.[[Iterator]] by calling _iteratorRecord_.[[NextMethod]] and returns either *false* indicating that the iterator has reached its end or the IteratorResult object if a next value is available. IteratorStep performs the following steps:
+使用参数 _iteratorRecord_ 的抽象操作 IteratorStep 通过调用 _iteratorRecord_.[[NextMethod]] 从 _iteratorRecord_.[[Iterator]] 中请求 next 值,并返回 *false* 或一个 IteratorResult 对象。*false* 表示迭代结束,IteratorResult 对象是一个可用的 next 值。其执行步骤如下:
The abstract operation IteratorClose with arguments _iteratorRecord_ and _completion_ is used to notify an iterator that it should perform any actions it would normally perform when it has reached its completed state:
+参数为 _iteratorRecord_ 和 _completion_ 的抽象操作 IteratorClose 用于通知迭代器,它应该执行它在达到其完成状态时通常会执行的一些操作:
The abstract operation CreateIterResultObject with arguments _value_ and _done_ creates an object that supports the IteratorResult interface by performing the following steps:
+参数为 _value_ 和 _done_ 的抽象操作 CreateIterResultObject 创建一个支持 IteratorResult 接口的对象,它执行以下操作:
The abstract operation CreateListIteratorRecord with argument _list_ creates an Iterator (
参数为 _list_ 的抽象操作 CreateListIteratorRecord 创建一个迭代器 (
The list iterator object is never directly accessible to ECMAScript code.
+这个迭代器对象列表从不直接通过 ECMAScript 代码访问。
The ListIterator `next` method is a standard built-in function object (clause
ListIterator `next` 方法是一个标准的内置函数方法(章节