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HannaHoJ edited this page May 16, 2017 · 5 revisions

Hier könnt ihr Tools die ihr nutzt / vorschlagen wollt eintragen.

DBs: Users,PostItems

-login/register system register: insert entry in database login: fetch entry form database sent it to client

-nav bar routing

-list view of all posts fetch all the database entries of one user and display it

-each posts consists of picture/video + title, numbers of archived points and comments, up/down-grading button -> changes value of points by updating db values comment button -> brings you to comment view (evtl. facebook/twitter link).

-comment view: post title, number points and comments, more prominent up and downgrading buttons, facebook/twitter buttons, button to get to next post share buttons -> connects you to social media comment input field with post button and smiley options a list of all comments made

-comment have a time stamp, points, down and upgrading button, reply button -> input field appears, designed like the comment input but with @user already inserted

-upload post (drop or upload file) file can be (picture, video or meme) browse or drop a file and add a title click upload -> insert post in database

-list the posts in categories?

-each user as a profile containing of overview list with all posts, list with all posts (you uploaded), list with all posts the user upvoted, list with all posts the user commented)

every profile has settings option with account settings (@mail, name, ) password settings (change password) profile (profile picture (browse or default), name, gender, birthday, country, connection to other social networks)

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