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File metadata and controls

554 lines (480 loc) · 18.9 KB

Permissions POC

Scope of this POC is to validate a fine grained python permission model to:

  • Create permissions on protected objects identified by type and optional filtering criteria
  • Define method level permissions using decorators or authorization API
  • Define a pluggable authorization manager to connect to external identity providers (IDP):
    • OIDC, using Keycloak as an initial example
    • K8s RBAC

This POC is designed to propose an implementation for the Feast Security model, as defined in issue #4198

Permission model

The Permission class defines the permission model in the permissions module and includes:

  • The protected resources, using the AuthzedResource model in authzed_resource
    • The type of protected resources
    • An optional name_patterns to filter the resource instances by name [NOT IMPLEMENTED in this POC]
    • An optional required_tags field to filter the resource instances by tags [NOT IMPLEMENTED in this POC]
  • The authorized actions, defined by the AuthzedAction enum in permissions module
  • The authorization policies, defined by the abstract class Policy in the policy module
    • The same module defines the RoleBasedPolicy implementation, where the authorization policy is determined by the user roles required to execute the given action(s).
  • The decision strategy to adopt in case of multiple matching policies [NOT IMPLEMENTED in this POC]

Example of Permission to specify that resources of type A requires the user to grant the a-reader role in order to execute the READ action:


Protected domain

Two resource types are available, namely ResourceA and ResourceB, both in the impl module. They extend a generic Resource class to expose get_name, get_type and get_tags methods.

An Orchestrator class is defined in the orchestrator module with a method

def do_something(self, a: ResourceA, b: ResourceB) -> List[str]:

to invoke all the available methods on a and b, catching errors and returning a summarized execution report, like:

  "DONE a.read_protected()",
  "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.READ: 'read'>] on AuthzedResourceType.B:b. Requires roles ['b-reader', 'b-editor']",
  "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.EDIT: 'edit'>] on AuthzedResourceType.A:a. Requires roles ['a-editor']",
  "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.EDIT: 'edit'>] on AuthzedResourceType.B:b. Requires roles ['b-reader', 'b-editor']"

Protecting resources with decorators

Example of security configuration using decorators:

    def read_protected(self):
        print(f"Calling read_protected on {}")

The require_permissions decorator defines the actions that must be permitted to the user.

Protecting resources with API

A programmatic security can be applied when the decorator pattern cannot be used, with the APIs defined in the SecurityManager class, in security_manager module:

    a : ResourceA = ...
    sm = _get_seccurity_manager(), AuthzedAction.EDIT)

Security modules

The security modules include:

  • The RoleManager class, to manage the roles of the users requesting the access to protected methods and functions.
  • The Policy and RoleBasedPolicy classes, to validate the authorization grants for a given user.
  • The PolicyEnforcer class, to evaluate the authorization decision for a given user request.
  • The SecurityManager class, to act as a global manager to all the security components.
  • The require_permissions decorator.

Authorization modules

The authorization modules are designed to be used in applications exposing HTTP services:

  • The AuthManager abstract class, with an inject_user_data global function to extract the user details from the current request.
  • The OidcAuthManager implementation, using a configurable OIDC server to extract the user details.
  • The KubernetesAuthManager implementation, using the Kubernetes RBAC resources to extract the user details.

Example of authorization configuration in a REST endpoint:

@app.get("/a", dependencies=[Depends(inject_user_data)])
async def read_A():

    return {"message": "read_A"}

Similarly, this implementation can be adapted for use with gRPC-based servers [NOT IMPLEMENTED in this POC].

Running the POC

Permission configuration

The POC defines the following resources and methods:

Resource type Method Protected by action
ResourceA read_protected READ
ResourceA edit_protected EDIT
ResourceA unprotected
ResourceB read_protected READ
ResourceB edit_protected EDIT
ResourceB unprotected

The realm modelled by the test environment is made of the following users:

User Roles Allowed actions
a-reader a-reader READ on ResourceA
b-manager b-reader, b-editor READ and EDIT on ResourceB
admin a-reader, a-editor, b-reader, b-editor All actions on any resource

Finally, the configured permissions are:

Name Resource type Allowed actions Required roles
read-from-any-A ResourceA READ a-reader
edit-any-A ResourceA EDIT a-editor
all-to-any-B ResourceB ALL b-reader, b-editor

Configuring the python environment

Create virtual env:

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Validate the app with unit tests:

make test

Securing a REST service (with FastAPI)

Overview of service endpoints

The app module creates a FastAPI application with the following endpoints:

  • GET /a: invokes read_protected on an instance of ResourceA
  • GET /b: invokes read_protected on an instance of ResourceB
  • POST /a: invokes edit_protected on an instance of ResourceA
  • POST /b: invokes edit_protected on an instance of ResourceB
  • GET / and POST /: invoke unprotected on an instance of ResourceA and then ResourceB
  • POST /do: invoke the do_something method on an instance of Orchestrator

Run the insecure app

AUTH_MANAGER="" make run-app

Follow the interactive instructions and test with:

make run-test

Output example (all services are allowed, there is no current user in place):

Is it a secured service? (y/n): n

Enter the service path, e.g. '/a' (RETURN to stop): /a
Trying GET http://localhost:8000/a
  "message": "read_A"

Trying POST http://localhost:8000/a
  "message": "edit_A"

Enter the service path, e.g. '/a' (RETURN to stop): /b
Trying GET http://localhost:8000/b
  "message": "read_B"

Trying POST http://localhost:8000/b
  "message": "edit_B"

Enter the service path, e.g. '/a' (RETURN to stop): /do

Trying POST http://localhost:8000/do
  "DONE a.read_protected()",
  "DONE b.read_protected()",
  "DONE a.edit_protected()",
  "DONE b.edit_protected()"

Enter the service path, e.g. '/a' (RETURN to stop): /
Trying GET http://localhost:8000/
  "message": "read_unprotected"

Trying POST http://localhost:8000/
  "message": "post_unprotected"

Run app secured by Keycloak OIDC

Setup Keycloak

Start Keycloak from a container image and initialize a poc realm with app client and some users:

make start-keycloak
make setup-keycloak

The content of .env is used by the OidcAuthManager in oidc_auth_manager to:

  • Validate the authentication bearer token
  • Extract the user credentials and roles from the token
  • Populate the RoleManager with the given roles for the current user with sm.role_manager.add_roles_for_user(current_user, roles)

Example of access token:

  "aud": "account",
  "typ": "Bearer",
  "azp": "app",
  "resource_access": {
    "app": {
      "roles": [
  "name": "user a-reader",
  "preferred_username": "a-reader",
  "given_name": "user",
  "family_name": "a-reader",
  "email": "[email protected]"
Run app with Keycloak OIDC

Use the AUTH_MANAGER variable to setup the OIDC authentication manager:

AUTH_MANAGER=oidc make run-app

Test with:

make run-test

Output example for user a-reader (allowed to GET \a):

Is it a secured service? (y/n): y
Enter your username: a-reader
Got token!

Enter the service path, e.g. '/a' (RETURN to stop): /a
Trying GET http://localhost:8000/a
  "message": "read_A"

Trying POST http://localhost:8000/a
  "message": "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.EDIT: 'edit'>] on AuthzedResourceType.A:a. Requires roles ['a-editor']"

Enter the service path, e.g. '/a' (RETURN to stop): /b
Trying GET http://localhost:8000/b
  "message": "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.READ: 'read'>] on AuthzedResourceType.B:b. Requires roles ['b-reader', 'b-editor']"

Trying POST http://localhost:8000/b
  "message": "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.EDIT: 'edit'>] on AuthzedResourceType.B:b. Requires roles ['b-reader', 'b-editor']"

Enter the service path, e.g. '/a' (RETURN to stop): /do

Trying POST http://localhost:8000/do
  "DONE a.read_protected()",
  "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.READ: 'read'>] on AuthzedResourceType.B:b. Requires roles ['b-reader', 'b-editor']",
  "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.EDIT: 'edit'>] on AuthzedResourceType.A:a. Requires roles ['a-editor']",
  "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.EDIT: 'edit'>] on AuthzedResourceType.B:b. Requires roles ['b-reader', 'b-editor']"

Output example for user b-manager (allowed to GET \b and POST \b):

Is it a secured service? (y/n): y
Enter your username: b-manager
Got token!

Enter the service path, e.g. '/a' (RETURN to stop): /a
Trying GET http://localhost:8000/a
  "message": "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.READ: 'read'>] on AuthzedResourceType.A:a. Requires roles ['a-reader']"

Trying POST http://localhost:8000/a
  "message": "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.EDIT: 'edit'>] on AuthzedResourceType.A:a. Requires roles ['a-editor']"

Enter the service path, e.g. '/a' (RETURN to stop): /b
Trying GET http://localhost:8000/b
  "message": "read_B"

Trying POST http://localhost:8000/b
  "message": "edit_B"

Enter the service path, e.g. '/a' (RETURN to stop): /do

Trying POST http://localhost:8000/do
  "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.READ: 'read'>] on AuthzedResourceType.A:a. Requires roles ['a-reader']",
  "DONE b.read_protected()",
  "No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.EDIT: 'edit'>] on AuthzedResourceType.A:a. Requires roles ['a-editor']",
  "DONE b.edit_protected()"

Run app secured by Kubernetes tokens

Architecture of KubernetesAuthManager

This authentication manager is made of two components, both running in the same cluster:

  • The client invokes REST services sending the token of the associated ServiceAccount in the authorization bearer (*)
  • The server, implemented by KubernetesAuthManager defined in kubernetes_auth_manager is in charge of:
    • Detect the ServiceAccount name and namespace from the JWT token
    • Identify the Roles and ClusterRoles bound to the ServiceAccount (**)
    • Populate the RoleManager with the given roles for the current user with sm.role_manager.add_roles_for_user(current_user, roles)

Example of decoded JWT token:

 '': {'namespace': 'feast',
  'pod': {'name': 'feast-notebook-0'},
  'serviceaccount': {'name': 'feast-notebook'},
 'sub': 'system:serviceaccount:feast:feast-notebook'

sub field (e.g. subject) identifies the ServiceAccount with name feast-notebook in namespace feast

(*) Note: we could define a module to enrich the Feast clients with an extension to automatically include the bearer token in every request to the server. This could result in an extra option in the repository configuration:

    type: remote
    host: localhost
    port: 8815
        type: kubernetes

The same may apply for the servers protected by Keycloak OIDC, so that the client requests can automatically add the authentication token:

    type: remote
    host: localhost
    port: 8815
        type: oidc
        server: ''
        realm: 'poc'
        client-id: 'app'
        client-secret: 'mqAzX7zDalQ1a3BZRWs7Pi5JRqCq7h4z'
        username: 'username'
        password: 'password'

(*) Note: because of the need to retrieve the ClusterRoles, the server needs to run with a role allowing it to fetch such instances. For now, we are using admin ClusterRole, but a dedicated Role can be revised and specifically defined.

Deploying the POC app in kubernetes

Use the provided app.yaml to create the required resources in the current namespace:

  • A poc-app deployment
  • All the managed Roles
  • The app ServiceAccount bound to the cluster-admin ClusterRole
  • The poc-app service
oc apply -f app.yaml

The poc-app deployment runs a python 3.9 image with a never ending loop where we can install our application:

zip -r Makefile requirements.txt src
POD_NAME=$(oc get pods -l app=poc-app -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n"}{end}')
oc cp $POD_NAME:/tmp
oc rsh $POD_NAME

Once in the Pod console, run the following to initialize the environment:

cd /tmp
mkdir app
cd app
unzip ../
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then start the server with:

AUTH_MANAGER=k8s make run-app

A client notebook poc-client.ipynb is provided for your convenience to run the client code. Install it on a Notebook in the same cluster and run the test to validate that a Forbidden error (403) is raised when we invoke a service wiythout having the required role.

Securing an ArrowFlight grpc service

Solution overview

The proposed implementation uses an implementation of ServerMiddlewareFactory to intercept a request, extract the authorization bearer token and use the OidcAuthManager instance to extract the user credentials and roles. This data is then passed to a middleware instance that can be used at the begin of the protected endpoints (e.g. in do_get) to apply the authentication context to the current thread.

Proposed implementation is in server and middleware modules.

Overview of service endpoints

The server module creates an ArrowFlight application with the following endpoints:

  • do_get: given a command including a JSON payload like:
  "resource": "A",
  "api": "read",

it invokes the requested api on a new instance of the given resource type

  • do_put, do_action: not implemented

Run the insecure app

AUTH_MANAGER="" make run-arrow-server

Follow the interactive instructions and test with:

AUTH_MANAGER="" make run-arrow-client

Output example (all services are allowed, there is no current user in place):

*** Trying read on AuthzedResourceType.A
    "name": "AuthzedResourceType.A:a",
    "message": "read"
*** Trying edit on AuthzedResourceType.A
    "name": "AuthzedResourceType.A:a",
    "message": "edit"
*** Trying read on AuthzedResourceType.B
    "name": "AuthzedResourceType.B:b",
    "message": "read"
*** Trying edit on AuthzedResourceType.B
    "name": "AuthzedResourceType.B:b",
    "message": "edit"
Run app with Keycloak OIDC

Use the AUTH_MANAGER variable to setup the OIDC authentication manager:

AUTH_MANAGER="oidc" make run-arrow-server

Test with:

AUTH_MANAGER="oidc" make run-arrow-client

Output example for user a-reader (allowed to read from A):

Please enter the user name: a-reader
Got token for a-reader
*** Trying read on AuthzedResourceType.A
    "name": "AuthzedResourceType.A:a",
    "message": "read"
*** Trying edit on AuthzedResourceType.A
No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.EDIT: 'edit'>] on AuthzedResourceType.A:a. Requires roles ['a-editor']
*** Trying read on AuthzedResourceType.B
No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.READ: 'read'>] on AuthzedResourceType.B:b. Requires roles ['b-reader', 'b-editor']
*** Trying edit on AuthzedResourceType.B
No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.EDIT: 'edit'>] on AuthzedResourceType.B:b. Requires roles ['b-reader', 'b-editor']

Output example for user b-manager (allowed to read and edit from B):

Please enter the user name: b-manager
Got token for b-manager
*** Trying read on AuthzedResourceType.A
No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.READ: 'read'>] on AuthzedResourceType.A:a. Requires roles ['a-reader']
*** Trying edit on AuthzedResourceType.A
No permissions to execute [<AuthzedAction.EDIT: 'edit'>] on AuthzedResourceType.A:a. Requires roles ['a-editor']
*** Trying read on AuthzedResourceType.B
    "name": "AuthzedResourceType.B:b",
    "message": "read"
*** Trying edit on AuthzedResourceType.B
    "name": "AuthzedResourceType.B:b",
    "message": "edit"

What's next-Possible extensions

  • The proposed Security Model is meant to define the policies to permit the execution of given actions on the selected resources. Do we also need a policy to deny the execution instead, based on the same selection criteria? E.g. do we need a decision field to model the behavior?
  • Given a request to execute an action on a protected resource, we may have multiple permissions matching a resource instance (by type and additional name and tags filters). What is the behavior of the permission authorization in this case? Do we need another decision_strategy field at global level that can be used in the feature store configuration to dictate the behavior?