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ALEXANDRIA's Milestones #Milestones

###Winter 2013/2014

  • An anonymous developer going by the moniker SkyAngel releases a fork of Litecoin called Florincoin, designed to support sending messages with transactions without altering consensus functionality at all and respecting the tx-fee functionality to attach a protocol-wide cost for data stored in the blockchain.

###Spring 2014

  • February Devon Read & Amy Oliveira initially propose two ideas for "ArchiveChain" & "MovieCoin" on an Ethereum "DApps" discussion board.
  • March Ryan Taylor, a web developer on ethereum and bitcoin magazine and so on, and Joseph Fiscella, an early beleiver in Florincoin and one of the early voices in the coloredcoin discussion join the project.
  • April Blockchain Technology Group is founded & Devon presents the concepts that will eventually become Alexandria to an Ethereum meetup group in San Diego: Video (Choose Apr 14 - Introducing the Idea to a Meetup)

###Summer 2014

###Fall 2014

  • Demoed a POC of 'clouds of history' from the twitterverse at Vegas InsideBitcoins, got fantastic responses to the idea of storing media files using similar methods, so that they are safely retreivable forever

###Spring 2015

  • February - Joey develops the "multipart" function: first multipart message in blockchain.
  • 2/20/15 - The world's first example of media published and retreived using a completely decentralized pipeline; bittorrent mainline DHT to transfer media files and a series of blockchain messages to index meta data about the media files as well as the "magnet link" to find the files in the DHT (Note, this video isnt presently visible in the browser, due to some upgrades to the protocol that we didnt care to provide backwards compatibility for - but the same media was republished using the new protocol here)
  • 4/12/15 - First cat video published and distributed with completely decentralized tech blockchain (Note, this video isnt presently visible in the browser, due to some upgrades to the protocol that we didnt care to provide backwards compatibility for - but the same media was republished using the new protocol here)
  • 4/17/15 - Released Alexandria client v0.4.0 Alpha with support for publishing videos using a completely decentralized software stack and no reliance at all on DNS or other central points of failure. Video (Choose Apr 15 - Decentralized App demo (v040alpha))
  • 4/28/15 - Devon Read gives a presentation to the SF Meetup Group entitled "How Blockchain and P2P Technologies Will Empower the World" - Video (Choose Apr 15 - SF Bitcoin Meetup)
  • May - Deprecated support for Bittorrent Mainline DHT in favor of Protocol Lab's fully open source peer to peer networking protocol "IPFS".

###Summer 2015

  • Released Alexandria version 0.5.0 with growing support for web interaction.
  • Skyler, Bitspill & Chris join the Alexandria project
  • Added "web-paywall" & "pin to play" function to demonstrate a proof of concept of "soft access control".

###Fall 2015

  • 10/03/15 - Published first piece of media by a major media personality, Imogen Heap. The original publish message in the blockchain a more recent republish of the song and its music video.
  • Successfully tested publishing and playback of 4K video.
  • Released version 0.5.1: Video (Choose **Dec 15 - Demo of **)

###Spring 2016

  • Forked LiteVault to add Florincoin support, launched flovault zero-knowledge hosted wallet | Source Code
  • Forked BitPay's Insight blockchain explorer to add Florincoin support, launched FlorInsight blockchain explorer as well as Joseph Fiscella's transaction message explorer
  • Added support to open source pool software to archive "historian" information into all blocks it wins. Forms the foundation of historian summary api. Launched unidex pool
  • Developed formulae for relating publishing fees to the security of the index, as a function of how tokens are priced internally.
  • Developed blacklist protocols to give service providers and front end partners a means to optionally filter out NSFW content, and/or to mandatorily filter out pirated media and other illegal content where applicable.

###Summer 2016

  • Selected as first alternates at Concensus2016 "Proof of Work" pitch competition.
  • Released v0.5.7 with web-publisher, embeddable artifacts, pinbotwizard
  • Demo walkthru of web publishing to NYC meetup group: Click "demo walkthru 6/16"
  • Developed autominer api to automatically rent mining rigs depending on current conditions, by using the historian data that unidex pool has begun archiving into the blockchain. Source Code

###Fall 2016

  • Added support for a number of new media types to web-publisher (Podcast, Book, Movie, Thing, HTML)
  • Integrated Coinbase's "Buy Widget" into paywall-web and tradebot-web to let end users buy Bitcoin using their credit or debit card.

###Winter 2016

  • eVue joins the OIP working group
  • WeGetMusic joins the OIP working group
  • Tokenly joins the OIP working group and begins building their front end on the Open Index Protocol

###Currently in development

  • Full unfurling preview support for social media platforms
  • universal browser extension to turn the whole web into our front end
  • "cloud" rights locker for media purchases (tokenly protocol integration)
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