Program developed for Raspberry Pi, for the purpose of measuring voltage, converted by ADS1115, and further processing data
Necessary modules
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo python3 -m pip install matplotlib
For installation of PIL usesudo apt-get install python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk
sudo pip3 install PIL-2.0+dummy-py2.py3-none-any.whl
- Program has GUI, built using Tkinter
- For images, program uses PIL library
User enters in entry fields of program:
- Number of voltage measurements
- Delay in ms - interval between each measurement
- Limits of y axis (using for building figure by matplotlib) After that, measured data(number of measurement, raw voltage values, converted voltage) will be written to csv file and a matplotlib will build a V = f(n) dependency
- User can check the box if he wants program to remember values user entered
- User can check the box if he wants to save the figure
- User can open csv file, data from file will be displayed in text box of program
- User can open saved (in png or pdf) figure. It will be opened in program window, and can be closed by pressing on image
- Exit from program using button Quit