Echo is a highly available NFS rig for Amazon Web Services.
It uses Redis as a backing store to maintain a Sorted Set maintaining last accessed time for a given file.
There are 3 different 'modes' that echo-fs can be run in, corresponding to the 3 different entry points:
- Listen -
: listens for messages from SNS or SQS. Sets SortedSet score, or copies file from S3->Nas depending on message. - Populate -
: starting from folder walks repo and updates SortedSet to record path and set score = last access time (atime
). - Scavenger -
: if diskspace below threshold get a % of items from SortedSet and delete corresponding file if older than threshold.
If you want to run Echo on a volume that already has files in it, i.e. that Echo hasn't been made aware of during normal operations, you can populate Echo's Redis with the
The following example assumes that you are considering a volume called efs
Create a Redis instance:
docker run -d --name echo-redis redis:latest
Build the Echo image:
docker build -t echo-fs .
Populate Echo with contents of volume /efs
docker run -t -i --name echo-populate --rm \
-e ECHO_REDIS_HOST="echo-redis" \
-e ECHO_REDIS_PORT="6379" \
-e ECHO_REDIS_DB="0" \
-e ECHO_CACHE_ROOT="/efs" \
--link echo-redis:echo-redis \
-v /efs:/efs \
echo-fs \
python -u
You can then see if that is working by running the Scavenger in isolation:
docker run -t -i --name echo-scavenger --rm \
-e ECHO_REDIS_HOST="echo-redis" \
-e ECHO_REDIS_PORT="6379" \
-e ECHO_REDIS_DB="0" \
-e ECHO_CACHE_ROOT="/efs" \
--link echo-redis:echo-redis \
-v /efs:/efs \
echo-fs \
python -u