C++ supports syntactic constructs allowing programmers to define and use completely general (or abstract) functions or classes, based on generic types and/or (possibly inferred) constant values. The template mechanism allows us to specify classes and algorithms, fairly independently of the actual types for which the templates are eventually going to be used. Templates play a central role in present-day C++, and should not be considered an esoteric feature of the language.
For good reasons variadic functions are deprecated in C++. However, variadic templates tell us a completely different story, and variadic templates are perfectly acceptable.
In general, function parameters should be specified as Type const & parameters to prevent unnecessary copying. The template mechanism is fairly flexible. Formal types are interpreted as plain types, const types, pointer types, etc., depending on the actually provided types.
Read more at Template Argument Deduction
When the function template is called, the compiler must be able to infer not only Type’s concrete value, but also constant value.
’s standard behavior: when provided with a variable’s name, it
is replaced by that variable’s type. When an expression is used, the
compiler determines whether a reference could be appended to the
expression’s type. If so, decltype(expression) is replaced by the type
of such an lvalue reference. If not, decltype(expression)
is replaced
by the expression’s plain type. decltype(auto)
specifications can be
used, in which case decltype’s rules are applied to auto. In practice,
the decltype(auto)
form is most often encountered with function
templates to define return types.
Late-specified return type allows the use of decltype
to define a
function’s return type. Any variable visible at the time decltype is
compiled can be used in the decltype expression.
template <typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
auto add(Lhs, lhs, Rhs rhs) -> decltype(lhs + rhs)
return lhs + rhs;
std::string global{"hello world"};
template <typename MEMBER, typename RHS>
auto add(MEMBER mem, RHS rhs) -> decltype((global.*mem())() + rhs)
return (global.*mem)() + rhs;
Situations exist where the compiler is unable to infer that a reference rather than a value is passed to a function template, or there should be cases where sometimes a value should be passed but a reference is sometimes required.
template <typename Func, typename Arg>
void call(Func fun, Arg arg)
call(sqrtArg, value);
call(sqrtArg, ref(value));
enum {
template <typename T>
void fun(T &&t);
void definer()
struct Local {
double dVar;
int iVar;
} local;
When the compiler deduces the actual types for template type parameters it only considers the types of the arguments that are actually used.
template <typename T>
T fun()
return T{};
cannot be instantiated without specifying the type explicitly.
The compiler applies three types of parameter type transformations and a fourth one to function template non-type parameters when deducing the actual types of template type parameters:
- lvalue transformations: creating an rvalue from an lvalue.
template <typename T>
T negate(T val)
return -val;
template <typename T>
T sum(T *tp, size_t n)
return accumulate(tp, tp + n, T());
template<typename T>
void call(T (*fp)(T), T const &val)
int main()
int x = 5;
x = negate(x); // lvalue x to rvalue (copies x)
int y[10];
sum(y, 10); // array-to-pointer transformation
call(sqrt, 2.0); // function-to pointer transformation
- qualification transformations: inserting a
modifier to a non-constant argument type. This transformation is applied when the function template’s type explicitly specifiesconst
but the function argument isn’t aconst
template <typename T>
T negate(T const &val)
return -val;
int main()
int x = 5;
x = negate(x); //
- transformation to a base class instantiated from a class template.
- standard transformations for function template non-type parameters.
The purpose of the various template parameter type deduction transformations is not to match function arguments to function parameters, but rather, having matched arguments to parameters, to determine the actual types of the various template type parameters.
The compiler uses the following algorithm to deduce the actual types:
- the function template’s parameters are identified in turn using the arguments of the called function;
- The three transformations for template type parameters are applied where necessary.
With function templates the combination of the types of template arguments and template parameters shows some interesting contractions. Doubling identical reference types are deduced to be a single reference type.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44115083/why-can-const-int-bind-to-an-int https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36102728/why-is-it-allowed-to-pass-r-values-by-const-reference-but-not-by-normal-referenc
- A function template parameter defined as an lvalue reference to a
template’s type parameter (e.g.,
Type &
) receiving an lvalue reference argument results in a single lvalue reference. - A function template parameter defined as an rvalue reference (forward
reference) to a template’s type parameter (e.g.,
Type &&
) receiving any kind of reference argument uses the reference type of the argument.
Actual & into Type & becomes Actual & Actual & into Type && becomes Actual & Actual && into Type & becomes Actual & Actual && into Type && becomes Actual &&
If multiple instantiations of a template using the same actual types for its template parameters exist in multiple object files the one definition rule is lifted. The linker weeds out superfluous instantiations. In some contexts template definitions may not be required. Instead the software engineer may opt to declare a template rather than to include the template’s definition time and again in various source files. When templates are declared, the compiler does not have to process the template’s definitions again and again; and no instantiations are created on the basis of template declarations alone. Any actually required instantiation must then be available elsewhere.
To make sure that the required instantiation is available, we can explicitly instantiate a template.
template int add<int>(int const &lhs, int const &rhs);
template double add<double>(double const &lhs, double const &rhs);
template string add<string>(string const &lhs, string const &rhs);
Funtion templates are instantiated when they are used or when addresses of function templates are taken.
char (*addptr)(char const &, char const &) = add;
When overloading function templates we do not have to restrict ourselves to the function’s parameter list. The template’s type parameter list itself may also be overloaded.
template <typename Type>
Type add(Type const &lhs, Type const &rhs)
return lhs + rhs;
template <typename Type>
Type add(Type const &lhs, Type const &mid, Type const &rhs)
return lhs + mid + rhs;
template <typename Type>
Type add(std::vector<Type> const &vect)
return accumulate(vect.begin(), vect.end(), Type());
template <typename Container, typename Type>
Type add(Container const &cont, Type const &init)
return std::accumulate(cont.begin(), cont.end(), init);
template <typename Type, typename Container>
Type add(Container const &cont)
return std::accumulate(cont.begin(), cont.end(), Type());
However, we have to explicitly specify Type
since the compiler cannot
determine that Container
actually contains int
int x = add<int>(vectorOfInts);
As a rule of thumb: overloaded function templates must allow a unique combination of template type arguments to be specified to prevent ambiguities when selecting which overloaded function template to instantiate. The ordering of template type parameters in the function template’s type parameter list is not important.
A template explicit specialization defines the function template for which a generic definition already exists using specific actual template type parameters. A function template explicit specialization is not just another overloaded version of the function template. Whereas an overloaded version may define a completely different set of template parameters, a specialization must use the same set of template parameters as its non-specialized variant.
template <typename Type>
Type add(Type const &lhs, Type const &rhs)
return lhs + rhs;
char *add(char *const &lhs, char *const &rhs);
Template explicit specializations can be declared in the usual way. When declaring a template explicit specialization the pair of angle brackets following the template keyword are essential. If omitted, we would have constructed a template instantiation declaration.
template <> char *add(char *const &p1, char *const &p2);
template <> char const *add(char const *const &p1, char const *const &p2);
If in addition template <> could be omitted the template character would be removed from the declaration. The resulting declaration is now a mere function declaration. This is not an error: function templates and ordinary (non-template) functions may mutually overload each other. Ordinary functions are not as restrictive as function templates with respect to allowed type conversions. This could be a reason to overload a template with an ordinary function every once in a while.
template <typename T = long double>
constexpr T pi = T{3.1415926535897932385};
// specialization
constexpr char const *pi<char const *> = "pi";
Class template type parameter not being able to be deducted resulted in
a proliferation of make_*
template <class ...T>
class Deduce {
Deduce(T ...params);
void fun();
template <class T>
Deduce makePtr{static_cast<T*>(0)};
With nested classes,
template <typename OuterType> class Outer { public: template <class InnerType> struct Inner { Inner(OuterType); Inner(OuterType, InnerType); template <typename ExtraType> Inner(ExtraType, InnerType); }; }; Outer<int>::Inner inner{2.0, 1};
To deduct template arguments: ???
- first, a list of constructors is formed.
- For each element of of the list, a parallel imaginary function is formed by the compiler, with the return type the class types of the constructors, using the template parameter of the original class template.
- Ordinary argument deduction and overload resolution is applied to the set of imaginary functions.
The signature of a constructor may be independent of the template type parameter. In such cases, the ???
Members (functions or nested classes) of class templates that are themselves templates are called member templates. When a template member is implemented below its class interface, the template class header must precede the function template header of the member template;
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <cstddef>
#include <utility>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cstring>
template <typename Data>
class CirQue {
size_t d_size;
size_t d_maxSize;
Data *d_data;
Data *d_front;
Data *d_back;
Data *inc(Data *ptr)
return ptr == d_data + d_maxSize ? d_data : ptr;
typedef Data value_type;
typedef value_type const &const_reference;
template <size_t Size>
CirQue(Data const (&arr)[Size]) : d_maxSize{Size}, d_size{0},
d_data{static_cast<Data*>(operator new(Size * sizeof(Data)))},
d_front{d_data}, d_back{d_data}
std::copy(arr, arr + Size, std::back_inserter(*this));
CirQue(Data const *data, size_t size) : d_maxSize{size}, d_size{0},
d_data{static_cast<Data*>(operator new(size * sizeof(Data)))},
d_front{d_data}, d_back{d_data}
std::copy(data, data + size, std::back_inserter(*this));
CirQue(size_t d_maxSize): d_size{0}, d_maxSize{d_maxSize},
d_data(d_maxSize == 0 ? 0 :
static_cast<Data *>(operator new(d_maxSize * sizeof(Data)))),
d_front{d_data}, d_back{d_data}
CirQue(CirQue<Data> const &other) : d_size{other.d_size}, d_maxSize{other.maxSize()},
d_data{d_maxSize == 0 ? 0 :
static_cast<Data*>(operator new(d_maxSize * sizeof(Data)))},
d_front{d_data + (other.d_front - other.d_data)}
Data const *src = other.d_front;
d_back = d_front;
for (size_t count = 0; count != d_size; ++count) {
new(d_back) Data(*src); // placement new
d_back = inc(d_back);
if (++src == other.d_data + d_maxSize)
src = other.d_data;
CirQue(CirQue<Data> &&tmp) : d_data{nullptr}
if (d_data == 0)
for (; d_size--; ) {
d_front->~Data(); // memory allocation is done in one shot
d_front = inc(d_front);
operator delete(d_data);
Data &back()
return d_back == d_data ? d_data[d_maxSize - 1] : d_back[-1];
Data &front()
return *d_front;
bool empty() const
return d_size == 0;
bool full() const
return d_size == d_maxSize;
size_t size() const
return d_size;
size_t maxSize() const
return d_maxSize;
CirQue &operator=(CirQue<Data> const &rhs)
CirQue<Data> tmp{rhs};
return *this;
CirQue &operator=(CirQue<Data> &&tmp)
return *this;
void pop_front()
if (d_size == 0)
throw std::out_of_range("Empty Queue!");
d_front = inc(d_front);
void push_back(Data const &object)
if (d_size == d_maxSize)
throw std::out_of_range("Full queue!");
new(d_back) Data(object);
d_back = inc(d_back);
void swap(CirQue<Data> &other)
static size_t const size = sizeof(CirQue<Data>);
char tmp[size];
std::memcpy(tmp, &other, size);
std::memcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&other), this, size);
std::memcpy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(this), tmp, size);
When objects of a class template are instantiated, only the definitions of all the template’s member functions that are actually used must have been seen by the compiler.
Even though default arguments can be specified, the compiler must still be informed that object definitions refer to templates. When instantiating class template objects using default template arguments the type specifications may be omitted but the angle brackets must be retained. When a class template uses multiple template parameters, all may be given default values. Like default function arguments, once a default value is used all remaining template parameters must also use their default values.
Class templates may also be declared. Default template arguments cannot be specified for both the declaration and the definition of a class template. As a rule of thumb default template arguments should be omitted from declarations, as class template declarations are never used when instantiating objects but are only occasionally used as forward references.
In C++ templates are instantiated when the address of a function
template or class template object is taken or when a function template
or class template is used. It is possible to (forward) declare a class
template to allow the definition of a pointer or reference to that
template class or to allow it being used as a return type. C++ allows
programmers to prevent templates from being instantiated, using the
template syntax. The compiler assumes (as it always does) that
what is declared has been implemented elsewhere. The instantiations of
the templates must be available before the linker can build the final
extern template class std::vector<int>;
Generic lambda expressions may use auto
to define their parameters.
Generic lambda expressions are in fact class templates.
auto lambda = [](auto lhs, auto rhs)
return lhs + rhs;
For generic lambdas, capturing outer scope variables has no restrictions on whether variables are acptured by value or by reference.
std::unique_ptr<int> ptr(new int(10));
auto fun = [value = std::move(ptr)] {
return *value;
//compile with concepts option
auto accumulate(auto const &container, auto function)
auto accu = decltype(container[0]){};
for (auto &value: container)
accu = function(accu, value);
return accu;
auto lambda = [](auto lhs, auto rhs)
return lhs + rhs;
int main()
vector<int> values = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
vector<string> text = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
cout << accumulate(values, lambda) << '\n' <<
accumulate(text, lambda) << '\n';
Generic lambda functions can also be defined like ordinary tempates, in which case the template header immediately follows the lambda-introducer.
auto generic = []<typename Type>(Type &it, typename Type::ValueType value) {
typename Type::ValueType val2{value};
When static members are defined in class templates, they are defined for every new type for which the class template is instantiated. They are only declared and must be defined separately. With static members of class templates this is no different. The definitions of static members are usually provided immediately following the template class interface.
is also used to disambiguate code inside templates.
template <typename Type>
Type function(Type t)
typename Type::Ambiguous *ptr; // otherwise, it would be the multiplication of two variables
return *ptr + t;
When such subtypes appear inside template definitions as subtypes of template type parameters the typename keyword must be used to identify them as subtypes.
template <typename Container>
class Handler
Container::const_iterator d_it; //error, Container::const_iterator is taken as a static member
Handler(Container const &container)
Typenames can be embedded in typedefs. As is often the case, this reduces the complexities of dec- larations and definitions appearing elsewhere.
When considering a specialization one should also consider inheritance. the inherited class inherits the members of its base class while the specialization inherits nothing.
A template specialization is recognized by the template argument list following a function or class template’s name and not by an empty template parameter list. Class template specializations may have non-empty template parameter lists. If so, a partial class template specialization is defined.
Variadic templates allow us to specify an arbitrary number of template arguments of any type. Variadic templates were added to the language to prevent us from having to define many overloaded templates and to be able to create type safe variadic functions.
template <typename ...params> class Variadic;
Parameter pack can be used to bind type and non-type template arguments to template parameters. The ellipsis to the right of the template pack’s parameter name is the unpack operator as it unpacks a series of arguments in a function’s argument list.
template <typename ...Params>
struct StructName {
enum: size_t { s_size = sizeof ...(Params) };
StructName<int, char>::s_size; // 2
The argument associated with a variadic template parameter are not directly available to the implementation of a function or class template. By defining a partial specialization of a variadic template, explicitly defining an additional template type parameter, we can associate the first template argument of a parameter pack with this additional (first) type parameter.
template <typename First, typename ...Params>
void printcpp(std::string const &format, First value, Params ...params)
size_t left = 0;
size_t right = 0;
while (true) {
if ((right = format.find('%', right)) == string::npos)
throw std::runtime_error("printcpp: too many arguments");
if (format.find("%%", right) != right)
// output '%'
std::cout << format.substr(left, right - left);
left = ++right;
std::cout << format.substr(left, right - left) << value;
printcpp(format.substr(right + 1), params...);
void printcpp(string const& format)
size_t left = 0;
size_t right = 0;
while (true) {
if ((right = format.find('%', right)) == string::npos)
if (format.find("%%", right) != right)
throw std::runtime_error("printcpp: missing arguments);
std::cout << format.substr(left, right-left);
left = ++right;
std:;cout << format.substr(left);
With perfect forwarding the arguments passed to functions are ‘perfectly forwarded’ to nested functions. Forwarding is called perfect as the arguments are forwarded in a type-safe way.
The forwarding function is defined as a template (usually a variadic
template, but single argument forwarding is also possible).
is used to forward the forwarding function’s arguments to
the nested function, keeping track of their types and number.
class Inserter {
std::string d_str;
Inserter(std::string const &str);
Inserter(Inserter const &other);
Inserter(Inserter &&other);
template <typename ...Params>
void insert(Params &&... params)
About std::forward
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>
void lref_fun(int& a)
std::cout << "lref" << std::endl;
void rref_fun(int&& a)
std::cout << "rref" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int b = 5;
lref_fun(std::forward<int&>(b)); // when perfectly forwarding, this is what happens to lvalue
return 0;
No mechanism other than recursion is available to obtain the individual types and values of a variadic template.
Folding expression TODO
Only template member functions that are actually used are instantiated. A function expecting or returning a class template object, reference, or parameter automatically becomes a function template itself. The compiler must have read the class template’s implementation and has performed a basic check for syntactic correctness of member functions. It checks whether the actual type name that is used for instantiating the object is valid.
Top level const=s in either the parameter or the argument are ignored.
A function parameter that is a reference or pointer to a =const
can be
passed a reference or pointer to a nonconst object.