All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. In order to read more about upgrading and BC breaks have a look at the UPGRADE Document.
- #25 Fixed bug with none unique accordion ids.
- New PT translations.
- Fixed bug with Carousel block when multiple blocks are on the same Page.
- Fixed bug in carousel block when using indicators.
- Update to latest bootstrap 4.3.1 version.
- Added field help info for carousel block.
- Use {{DS}} separator for block paths.
- #22 Added the link (around the image). Changed the caption property away from image to slide. Added caption CSS class posibility.
- #24 Fixed tooltip tag and added test.
- #20 Russian translations.
- #19 Polish translations.
- #18 Update to Bootstrap version 4.1.3, use js bundle file.
- #10 Update to Bootstrap 4.1
- #3 Use new Bootstrap 4 form validation classes.
- #7 Added Image block.
- #5 Add carousel block.
- #4 Move old blocks into luya legacy repo.
- Bootstrap 4 stable resources
- Bootstrap 4 beta 3 resources
- Bootstrap 4 beta 2 resources
- Added block icons.
- #2 Fixed issue when using block without enable the module in the config, therefore the bootstrap4 alias is missing for the block view files.
- Fixed general issues for new LUYA RC4 release.