To Mint/Create Tokens on Counterparty, you need to spend XCP (XCP is a token).
You can get XCP from a trusted XCP dispenser.
It will cost 0.5 XCP for your first Token.
Click on a trusted dispenser link from
Send BTC to the Dispenser address (see picture below) for the price displayed or multiples of the price for more. A dispenser is like a vending machine; put BTC in and get what it is dispensing back.
For example if the Dispenser shows:
0.00033900 BTC
1.00000000 XCP
You could send 0.00033900 BTC to get 1 XCP, or you could send 0.00067800 BTC, and you would get 2 XCP.
Once you send BTC to the Dispenser’s address, you will receive XCP tokens in your Counterparty wallet.
Note that this transaction will take time to process and won’t show up in your wallet until completed. You can see your pending transaction in the upper left corner of your Counterparty wallet.