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- The Many Meanings of "c"
- Refactoring Visualforce Controllers
- TypeError: Cannot read property 'ad' of undefined
"c" can be a little confusing for me as it can refer to three things.
First, c can refer to the javascript controller, as in this line from a component:
{% highlight html %} <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}"/> {% endhighlight %}
Second, c can refer to the Apex controller, as in this line from a javascript controller element of a component:
{% highlight javascript %} var action = component.get("c.getAccounts"); // name on the apex class {% endhighlight %}
Third, c can also be the default namespace for lightning apps, components and events when you are creating them in an org where you chose to not create a namespace.
{% highlight html %} <c:ContactList/> {% endhighlight %}
##Refactoring Visualforce Controllers##
The following code won't compile. You'll get a handy Return type does not support AuraEnabled error because -- wait for it -- the @AuraEnabled annotation doesn't support PageReference return types.
{% highlight java %} @AuraEnabled public PageReference createMoTester1() { SmartFactory.FillAllFields = true; LAB_Mo_Tester_1__c t = (LAB_Mo_Tester_1__c) SmartFactory.createSObject('LAB_Mo_Tester_1__c'); insert t; return new PageReference('/'; } {% endhighlight %}
You need to refactor your Visualforce controller to have two methods using this example.
{% highlight java %}
public PageReference createMoTester1() {
Id myMo = LAB_CreateDataHelper.getNewMoTester1Id();
return new PageReference('/'+myMo);
public static Id getNewMoTester1Id() {
SmartFactory.FillAllFields = true;
LAB_Mo_Tester_1__c t = (LAB_Mo_Tester_1__c) SmartFactory.createSObject('LAB_Mo_Tester_1__c');
insert t;
{% endhighlight %}
Note that in this case, based on the way my test classes are structured, this didn't affect my code coverage. It was 100% before, it's 100% after.
##TypeError: Cannot read property '$getAction$' of undefined##
Also known as TypeError: Cannot read property 'ad' of undefined.
Note that your controller may just fail silently unless you have the offending line wrapped in a try catch.
This means the Apex method you're trying to call through your JavaScript controller isn't defeined as "static". Easy way to think about this requirement is to remember that you're never instantiating a controller.