The official implementation for the HIENet model from our preprint "A Materials Foundation Model via Hybrid Invariant-Equivariant Architectures"
- Python >= 3.8
- PyTorch >= 1.12.0
We have tested the model with the following configuration:
- Python 3.9
- PyTorch 2.1.2
After installing PyTorch, you can install HIENet from source:
git clone https://github.com/divelab/AIRS.git
cd AIRS/OpenMat/HIENet
pip install .
HIENet provides an interface with the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) through its calculator implementation. You can use the pretrained model as follows:
from hienet.hienet_calculator import HIENetCalculator
from ase.io import read
# Load a structure from a file
atoms = read('your_structure.cif')
# Initialize the calculator with default settings
# This will use the pretrained model on the available device (GPU if available)
calc = HIENetCalculator()
# Attach the calculator to the atoms object
atoms.calc = calc
# Calculate energy, forces, and stress
energy = atoms.get_potential_energy()
forces = atoms.get_forces()
stress = atoms.get_stress()
You can also load a specific model checkpoint:
# Load from a specific checkpoint file
calc = HIENetCalculator(model='path/to/your/checkpoint.pth')
# Specify device
calc = HIENetCalculator(device='cuda:0') # or 'cpu' for CPU only
We provide a pretrained HIENet checkpoint under the checkpoints/ folder.
Please cite our preprint if you use our model or benchmark results. Thank you!
title={A Materials Foundation Model via Hybrid Invariant-Equivariant Architectures},
author={Keqiang Yan and Montgomery Bohde and Andrii Kryvenko and Ziyu Xiang and Kaiji Zhao and Siya Zhu and Saagar Kolachina and Doğuhan Sarıtürk and Jianwen Xie and Raymundo Arroyave and Xiaoning Qian and Xiaofeng Qian and Shuiwang Ji},
K.Y., M.B., A.K. and S.J. acknowledge partial support from National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant IIS-2243850, ARPA-H under grant 1AY1AX000053, and National Institutes of Health under grant U01AG070112. K.Z., S.K. and X.F.Q. acknowledge partial support from NSF under awards CMMI-2226908 and DMR-2103842 and the donors of ACS Petroleum Research Fund under Grant 65502-ND10. R.A. and D.S. acknowledge support from ARO through Grant No. W911NF-22-2-0117. R.A., X.N.Q. and S.Z. acknowledge NSF through Grant No. 2119103 (DMREF). Z. X. and X.N.Q. acknowledge support from NSF through grants SHF-2215573 and IIS-2212419. Some computations were carried out at the Texas A&M High-Performance Research Computing (HPRC) facility. We gratefully acknowledge the support of Lambda Inc. for providing computing resources.
If you have any question, please contact [email protected].