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Touch Canvas

A canvas you can TOUCH!


#! demo
paint = (position) ->
  x = position.x * canvas.width()
  y = position.y * canvas.height()

    radius: 10
    color: "red"
      x: x
      y: y

canvas.on "touch", (p) ->

canvas.on "move", (p) ->


A canvas element that reports mouse and touch events. The events are scaled to the size of the canvas with [0, 0] being in the top left and a number close to 1 being in the bottom right.

We track movement outside of the element so the positions are not clamped and return their true value if the canvas were to extend. This means that it is possible to receive negative numbers and numbers >= 1 for positions.

Bindable = require "bindable"
Core = require "core"
PixieCanvas = require "pixie-canvas"

TouchCanvas = (I={}) ->
  self = PixieCanvas I

  Core(I, self)

  self.include Bindable

  element = self.element()

  # Keep track of if the mouse is active in the element
  active = false

When we click within the canvas set the value for the position we clicked at.

  listen element, "mousedown", (e) ->
    active = true

    self.trigger "touch", localPosition(e)

Handle touch starts

  listen element, "touchstart", (e) ->
    # Global `event`
    processTouches event, (touch) ->
      self.trigger "touch", localPosition(touch)

When the mouse moves trigger an event with the current position.

  listen element, "mousemove", (e) ->
    if active
      self.trigger "move", localPosition(e)

Handle moves outside of the element if the action was initiated within the element.

  listen document, "mousemove", (e) ->
    if active
      self.trigger "move", localPosition(e)

Handle touch moves.

  listen element, "touchmove", (e) ->
    # Global `event`
    processTouches event, (touch) ->
      self.trigger "move", localPosition(touch)

Handle releases.

  listen element, "mouseup", (e) ->
    self.trigger "release", localPosition(e)
    active = false


Handle touch ends.

  listen element, "touchend", (e) ->
    # Global `event`
    processTouches event, (touch) ->
      self.trigger "release", localPosition(touch)

Whenever the mouse button is released from anywhere, deactivate. Be sure to trigger the release event if the mousedown started within the element.

  listen document, "mouseup", (e) ->
    if active
      self.trigger "release", localPosition(e)

    active = false



Process touches

  processTouches = (event, fn) ->

    if event.type is "touchend"
      # touchend doesn't have any touches, but does have changed touches
      touches = event.changedTouches
      touches = event.touches

    self.debug? touches, ({identifier, pageX, pageY}) ->
      "[#{identifier}: #{pageX}, #{pageY} (#{event.type})]\n" touches, fn

Local event position.

  localPosition = (e) ->
    rect = element.getBoundingClientRect()

    point =
      x: (e.pageX - rect.left) / rect.width
      y: (e.pageY - / rect.height

    # Add mouse into touch identifiers as 0
    point.identifier = (e.identifier + 1) or 0

    return point

Return self

  return self

Attach an event listener to an element

listen = (element, event, handler) ->
  element.addEventListener(event, handler, false)


module.exports = TouchCanvas

Interactive Examples

This is what is used to set up the demo at the beginning of this document.

#! setup
TouchCanvas = require "/touch_canvas"

Interactive.register "demo", ({source, runtimeElement}) ->
  canvas = TouchCanvas
    width: 400
    height: 200

  code = CoffeeScript.compile(source)

  runtimeElement.empty().append canvas.element()
  Function("canvas", code)(canvas)