Create a new point with given x and y coordinates. If no arguments are given defaults to (0, 0).
#! example Point()
#! example Point(-2, 5)
Point = (x, y) ->
if isObject(x)
{x, y} = x
__proto__: Point.prototype
x: x ? 0
y: y ? 0
Point protoype methods.
Point:: =
Constrain the magnitude of a vector.
clamp: (n) ->
if @magnitude() > n
Creates a copy of this point.
copy: ->
Point(@x, @y)
#! example Point(1, 1).copy()
Adds a point to this one and returns the new point. You may
also use a two argument call like point.add(x, y)
to add x and y values without a second point object.
add: (first, second) ->
if second?
@x + first
@y + second
@x + first.x,
@y + first.y
#! example Point(2, 3).add(Point(3, 4))
Subtracts a point to this one and returns the new point.
subtract: (first, second) ->
if second?
@x - first,
@y - second
#! example Point(1, 2).subtract(Point(2, 0))
Scale this Point (Vector) by a constant amount.
scale: (scalar) ->
@x * scalar,
@y * scalar
#! example point = Point(5, 6).scale(2)
The norm
of a vector is the unit vector pointing in the same direction. This method
treats the point as though it is a vector from the origin to (x, y).
norm: (length=1.0) ->
if m = @length()
#! example point = Point(2, 3).norm()
Determine whether this Point
is equal to another Point
. Returns true
they are equal and false
equal: (other) ->
@x == other.x && @y == other.y
#! example point = Point(2, 3) point.equal(Point(2, 3))
Computed the length of this point as though it were a vector from (0,0) to (x,y).
length: ->
#! example Point(5, 7).length()
Calculate the magnitude of this Point (Vector).
magnitude: ->
#! example Point(5, 7).magnitude()
Returns the direction in radians of this point from the origin.
direction: ->
Math.atan2(@y, @x)
#! example point = Point(0, 1) point.direction()
Calculate the dot product of this point and another point (Vector).
dot: (other) ->
@x * other.x + @y * other.y
calculates the cross product of this point and another point (Vector).
Usually cross products are thought of as only applying to three dimensional vectors,
but z can be treated as zero. The result of this method is interpreted as the magnitude
of the vector result of the cross product between [x1, y1, 0] x [x2, y2, 0]
perpendicular to the xy plane.
cross: (other) ->
@x * other.y - other.x * @y
computes the Euclidean distance between this point and another point.
distance: (other) ->
Point.distance(this, other)
#! example pointA = Point(2, 3) pointB = Point(9, 2) pointA.distance(pointB)
returns a string representation of this point with fixed decimal places.
toFixed: (n) ->
"Point(#{@x.toFixed(n)}, #{@y.toFixed(n)})"
returns a string representation of this point. The representation is
such that if eval
d it will return a Point
toString: ->
"Point(#{@x}, #{@y})"
Compute the Euclidean distance between two points.
Point.distance = (p1, p2) ->
Math.sqrt(Point.distanceSquared(p1, p2))
#! example pointA = Point(2, 3) pointB = Point(9, 2) Point.distance(pointA, pointB)
The square of the Euclidean distance between two points.
Point.distanceSquared = (p1, p2) ->
Math.pow(p2.x - p1.x, 2) + Math.pow(p2.y - p1.y, 2)
#! example pointA = Point(2, 3) pointB = Point(9, 2) Point.distanceSquared(pointA, pointB)
returns a point along the path from p1 to p2
Point.interpolate = (p1, p2, t) ->
Construct a point on the unit circle for the given angle.
Point.fromAngle = (angle) ->
Point(Math.cos(angle), Math.sin(angle))
#! example Point.fromAngle(Math.PI / 2)
If you have two dudes, one standing at point p1, and the other standing at point p2, then this method will return the direction that the dude standing at p1 will need to face to look at p2.
#! example p1 = Point(0, 0) p2 = Point(7, 3) Point.direction(p1, p2)
Point.direction = (p1, p2) ->
p2.y - p1.y,
p2.x - p1.x
The centroid of a set of points is their arithmetic mean.
Point.centroid = (points...) ->
points.reduce((sumPoint, point) ->
, Point(0, 0))
Generate a random point on the unit circle.
Point.random = ->
Point.fromAngle(Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI)
module.exports = Point
isObject = (object) -> is "[object Object]"
#! setup require("/interactive_runtime")