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File metadata and controls

100 lines (66 loc) · 3.09 KB


Joins a node to an Active Directory domain using PowerBroker Identity Services Open Edition (PBIS).


node 'workstation' {
  class { 'pbis': 
    ad_domain             => '',
    bind_username         => 'admin',
    bind_password         => 'password',
    ou                    => 'ou=Computers,ou=Department,ou=Divison',
    user_domain_prefix    => 'ADS',
    require_membership_of => 'ADS\\Linux_Users',

Distributing PBIS Open packages

This module supports two ways of distributing the PBIS Open packages:

  1. using Puppet's built-in fileserver, and
  2. as package resources using an external repository.

The default is to use Puppet's built-in fileserver.

In either case, download the necessary packages from the BeyondTrust website. Extract the architecture-specific pbis-open .rpm or .deb file from the self-extracting sh archive.

Using Puppet's built-in fileserver

Rename the pbis-open package files according to the following convention:



and place them in the module's files/ folder.

Using an external repository

For scalability, or if you are using variable module paths, you may want to add the PBIS Open packages to a local apt or yum repository.

In that case, include the class with use_repository => true.

node 'workstation' {
  class { 'pbis':
    use_repository => true,

Service name change.

The service name may not be 'lsass' on newer version of PBIS and may be 'lwsmd'. This is now configurable as below:

node 'workstation' {
  class { 'pbis':
    service_name => 'lwsmd',

Compatibility to PBIS <=v7.1.0

PBIS version prior or equal to v7.1.0 do not require the pbis-open-upgrade package. Disable it's use by setting:

node 'workstation' {
  class { 'pbis':
    package_prerequired => '',


This module requires the osfamily fact, which depends on Facter 1.6.1+.

Supported platforms

This module has been tested against Puppet 2.7.18+ and Facter 1.6.9+ on Debian 7 and Ubuntu 12.04.

Support for RedHat and Suse is included but has not been tested.


Please open a pull request with any changes or bugfixes.


Likewise Open was acquired by BeyondTrust in 2011 and rebranded as PowerBroker Identity Services Open Edition. The project page is at

The original Likewise Open package is included in the Ubuntu repositories, but has not been updated in years.

In Ubuntu 14.04, the Likewise Open package got removed in the default repositories. More details found in this bug