In this chapter I'll mention some misc plugins that I recommend to adapt.
nvim doesn't provide all the expected functionalities of an IDE, plugins are here to close that gap.
I use auto-session. Other Session Manager's
Adds a comment operation
Remembers the last place you edited a buffer.
Guess the indent of the file and override the indent settings.
Adds closures for your pairs, for example when you type (
it make it ()
and put the cursor in the middle.
Auto saves the file when a text has been edited, don't worry about losing your data.
Be a good programmer and don't leave junk for git.
If you are already good with multi cursor, take that skill with you to nvim, if you don't consider to use macros instead.
Enables an integrated terminal inside nvim.
Fix's the issues with vanilla paste of nvim.
Surround parts of your code with []
, quickly
Visualize your undo branches, never lose and redo/undo history again!
Add pair mappings (][
) that fills natural.
Extends dot-repeat action.
Highlight TODO
comments, populate quickfix list with all the todo comments in a workspace
Add debug prints for variables quickly.
Add leap motion to nvim, like vimium, EasyMotion, hop and such.
If you liked clever-f you will love flit.nvim
Make pane switching from/to nvim seamless, if you are using tmux its a must!
Write/read to/from files that requires sudo without executing nvim as sudo.
Improves startup time
Consider make nvim your man pager, its so awesome to control man pages as you control your editor.
Add this to your .shellrc:
# nvim as man viewer
export MANPAGER='nvim +Man! .'
export MANWIDTH=999
There are many many more plugins for neovim, you can check out awesome-neovim, and you can also my list - packer.lua
Thanks for reading! I hope this guide helped you learn Neovim.
This guide doesn't cover everything, make sure you keep learning about your text editor and keep improving your skill.
If you found mistakes make sure to leave feedback at the issues section
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To keep up with new plugins and updates I recommend to:
- Watch awesome-neovim to get notified for new PR's (plugins)
- Subscribe to /r/neovim
- Keep an eye on This week in Neovim