- Graduated in december 2016
- Heaviest training ever, spent every day working. Met lot's of new people. Didn't feel ready / confident to apply to job afterwards.
- Started working March 6 2017 at Power Peers (Nuon). Learning a lot.
- Front End Javascript JavaScript, jQuery, React
- Found Node.js most interesting part
- Tooling missing: CSS preprocessor + Gulp
- Code patterns: learning to DNRY
- Agile integrated
- Debugging
- Started July 2016, finished March 2017
- Heard about HYF from Facebook
- Enthusiastic at first, but really got stuck during JavaScript (9 weeks). Mainly because there were too many different teachers and not super clear what curriculum was
- Started internship April 2017 ago at Bijenkorf at eCommerce team of 150 peeps
- 6 months is not enough, together with Dutch
- Hackathons -> to learn code you should code
- More Hackathons
- Happy about alumni sessions
- SoftSkills (Scrum)
Started June 2016, finished Feb 2017
Animation artist by origin
Now works for Fonk, mainly an Android company
Now doing mainly jQuery, translating designs to html/css + Backend stuff
Wants to do React
Not much educational backup from work
Good: structure, flexibility, tolerance, teachers Bad: curriculum not comprehensive enough. More packages (jQuery, react or angular).
More project based. e.g. social media stuff.
all guys spend 5-25 hours per week
not much value out of fellow students