This is unofficial RAWG PHP SDK. This library contains methods for interacting with RAWG API.
composer require dimuska139/rawg-sdk-php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Rawg\ApiClient;
use Rawg\Config;
use Rawg\DateRange;
use Rawg\Filters\GamesFilter;
use Rawg\Filters\PaginationFilter;
$cfg = new Config('api-key', 'en');
$client = new ApiClient($cfg);
$additionsFilter = (new PaginationFilter())->setPage(1)->setPageSize(5);
print_r($client->games()->getAdditions(47, $additionsFilter)->getData());
$gamesFilter = (new GamesFilter())
DateRange::create(new DateTime( '2012-02-01' ), new DateTime( '2015-06-25' ))
The tests should be considered a part of the documentation. Also you can read official docs.
Only 5 requests per second allowed from one IP.
RAWG PHP SDK is released under the MIT License.