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cnvrgctl delivery cli tool

How to Install

Install the binary

  1. Download the binary from releases.

  1. Untar the file and move to your $PATH.

tar -xzf <distro-architecture>.tar.gz

mv cnvrgctl /usr/local/bin

  1. cnvrgctl --help

Install using Homebrew

  1. brew tap dilerous/homebrew-dilerous

  2. brew install cnvrgctl

  3. cnvrgctl --help

Build from Source

  1. Download and install golang.

  2. Clone down the directory.

    git clone && cd cnvrgctl

  3. Run the make file to create the go binary

    make mac #Create binary for arm on MacOS

    make linux #Create binary for amd64 on Linux

  4. cnvrgctl --help

How to Use

  1. Run cnvrgctl as a normal cli tool

  2. cnvrgctl --help to bring up the help menu to navigate available commands.

Backup sub-command

Run cnvrgctl backup to backup the current installation. This includes both the files and the Postgres database.


cnvrgctl backup files -n cnvrg This will backup the minio cnvrg-storage bucket locally to be migrated to new installs.

Restore sub-command

Run cnvrgctl restore to restore either files or the Postgres database to your new installation of


Run cnvrgctl restore files -n cnvrg to restore the local files in the ./cnvrg-storage folder to your new installation.

Logs sub-command

Run cnvrgctl logs to pull all logs from the running pods in the namespace selected.


Run cnvrgctl logs -n cnvrg to grab all logs from the namespace and output the logs to a local folder called ./logs.

Install sub-command

Run cnvrgctl install to deploy ArgoCD, minio operator and a tenant, nginx, or sealed secrets.


Run cnvrgctl -n argocd install argocd -d to install ArgoCD in the argocd namespace while setting the ingress host to


How to connect to the minio bucket using the mc cli tool.

  1. Following the deployment of the operator and tenant you need to set an alias to access the minio bucket. The default bucket created during installation is cnvrg-backups.

  2. Download the minio cli tool called mc.

    curl \
    --create-dirs \
    -o $HOME/minio-binaries/mc
    chmod +x $HOME/minio-binaries/mc
    export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/minio-binaries/
  3. Set the alias, update the minio url as needed to match your deployment. The username and password are the default. In the minio console up can creat an access and secret key for additional security.

    mc alias set backup minio minio123 --insecure

  4. To list files in your bucket run:

    mc ls backup/cnvrg-backups --insecure

  5. Congrats! You can successfully manage your bucket with the mc cli tool.

  6. If the minio environment is not going to be deleted following the migration, you need to change the default minio password to reduce security vunerabilties.