diff --git a/csv-validator-core/build.sbt b/csv-validator-core/build.sbt
index a544e74a..51b61531 100644
--- a/csv-validator-core/build.sbt
+++ b/csv-validator-core/build.sbt
@@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ jarName in assembly := "meta-data-validator.jar"
mainClass in assembly := Some( "uk.gov.tna.dri.validator.MetaDataValidatorCommandLineApp" )
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
- "org.specs2" %% "specs2" % "1.12.3" % "test",
- "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "1.9.1" % "test"
+ "org.specs2" %% "specs2" % "1.12.3" % "test"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
diff --git a/csv-validator-core/pom.xml b/csv-validator-core/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c4c1062..00000000
--- a/csv-validator-core/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
- 4.0.0
- uk.gov.nationalarchives
- csv-validator-parent
- ../csv-validator-parent
- csv-validator-core
- jar
- net.alchim31.maven
- scala-maven-plugin
- -Xlint:unchecked
- -Xlint:deprecation
- scala-compile-first
- process-resources
- add-source
- compile
- scala-test-compile
- process-test-resources
- testCompile
- org.apache.maven.plugins
- maven-compiler-plugin
- ${java.version}
- ${project.build.sourceEncoding}
- compile
- compile
- com.mmakowski
- maven-specs2-plugin
- verify
- verify
- run-specs
- org.scala-lang
- scala-library
- org.scalaz
- scalaz-core_2.10
- 6.0.4
- com.github.scala-incubator.io
- scala-io-core_2.10
- 0.4.2
- com.github.scala-incubator.io
- scala-io-file_2.10
- 0.4.2
- joda-time
- joda-time
- 2.2
- org.joda
- joda-convert
- 1.3
- net.sf.opencsv
- opencsv
- 2.3
- org.specs2
- specs2_2.10
- 1.14
- test
- org.scalatest
- scalatest_2.10
- 1.9.1
- test
diff --git a/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/BasicRules.scala b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/BasicRules.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c7bbf1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/BasicRules.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+package uk.gov.tna.dri.schema
+import scalaz.{Success => SuccessZ, Failure => FailureZ}
+import scala.Some
+import uk.gov.tna.dri.metadata.Row
+import scala.util.Try
+case class RegexRule(regex: String) extends Rule("regex") {
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ val regexp = if (columnDefinition.directives.contains(IgnoreCase())) "(?i)" + regex else regex
+ cellValue matches regexp
+ }
+ override def toError = {
+ s"""$ruleName("$regex")"""
+ }
+case class InRule(inValue: ArgProvider) extends Rule("in", inValue) {
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ val ruleValue = inValue.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema)
+ val (rv, cv) = if (columnDefinition.directives.contains(IgnoreCase())) (ruleValue.get.toLowerCase, cellValue.toLowerCase) else (ruleValue.get, cellValue)
+ rv contains cv
+ }
+case class IsRule(isValue: ArgProvider) extends Rule("is", isValue) {
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ val ruleValue = isValue.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema)
+ val (rv, cv) = if (columnDefinition.directives.contains(IgnoreCase())) (ruleValue.get.toLowerCase, cellValue.toLowerCase) else (ruleValue.get, cellValue)
+ cv == rv
+ }
+case class IsNotRule(isNotValue: ArgProvider) extends Rule("isNot", isNotValue) {
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ val ruleValue = isNotValue.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema)
+ val (rv, cv) = if (columnDefinition.directives.contains(IgnoreCase())) (ruleValue.get.toLowerCase, cellValue.toLowerCase) else (ruleValue.get, cellValue)
+ cv != rv
+ }
+case class StartsRule(startsValue: ArgProvider) extends Rule("starts", startsValue) {
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ val ruleValue = startsValue.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema)
+ val (rv, cv) = if (columnDefinition.directives.contains(IgnoreCase())) (ruleValue.get.toLowerCase, cellValue.toLowerCase) else (ruleValue.get, cellValue)
+ cv startsWith rv
+ }
+case class EndsRule(endsValue: ArgProvider) extends Rule("ends", endsValue) {
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ val ruleValue = endsValue.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema)
+ val (rv, cv) = if (columnDefinition.directives.contains(IgnoreCase())) (ruleValue.get.toLowerCase, cellValue.toLowerCase) else (ruleValue.get, cellValue)
+ cv endsWith rv
+ }
+case class UriRule() extends PatternRule("uri", UriRegex)
+case class Uuid4Rule() extends PatternRule("uuid4", Uuid4Regex)
+case class PositiveIntegerRule() extends PatternRule("positiveInteger", PositiveIntegerRegex)
+case class RangeRule(min: BigDecimal, max: BigDecimal) extends Rule("range") {
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ Try[BigDecimal]( BigDecimal(cellValue)) match {
+ case scala.util.Success(callDecimal) => if (callDecimal >= min && callDecimal <= max ) true else false
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ override def toError = s"""$ruleName($min,$max)"""
+case class LengthRule(from: Option[String], to: String) extends Rule("length") {
+ def toValue: Int = if (to == "*") Int.MaxValue else to.toInt
+ def fromValue: Int = if (from.get == "*") 0 else from.get.toInt
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ val cellLen = cellValue.length
+ from match {
+ case None => if ( to=="*") true else cellLen == to.toInt
+ case Some(_) => cellLen >= fromValue && cellLen <= toValue
+ }
+ }
+ override def toError = if(from.isDefined) s"""$ruleName(${from.get},$to)""" else s"""$ruleName($to)"""
diff --git a/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/DateRules.scala b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/DateRules.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3879377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/DateRules.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+package uk.gov.tna.dri.schema
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, The National Archives digitalpreservation@nationalarchives.gov.uk
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, The National Archives digitalpreservation@nationalarchives.gov.uk
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ */
+import scalax.file.{PathSet, Path}
+import scalaz.Scalaz._
+import scalaz.{Success => SuccessZ, Failure => FailureZ}
+import java.io.{BufferedInputStream, FileInputStream, File}
+import java.security.MessageDigest
+import uk.gov.tna.dri.metadata.Row
+import util.Try
+import annotation.tailrec
+import java.net.URI
+import org.joda.time.{Interval, LocalTime, DateTime}
+import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat
+trait DateParser {
+ def parse(dateStr: String): Try[DateTime]
+object IsoDateParser extends DateParser {
+ def parse(dateStr: String): Try[DateTime] = Try(DateTime.parse(dateStr))
+object UkDateParser extends DateParser {
+ val format = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(UkDateFormat)
+ def parse(dateStr: String): Try[DateTime] = Try(format.parseDateTime(dateStr))
+object TimeParser extends DateParser {
+ def parse(dateStr: String) = Try(LocalTime.parse(dateStr).toDateTimeToday)
+abstract class DateRangeRule(name: String, dateRegex: String, dateParser: DateParser) extends Rule(name) {
+ import dateParser.parse
+ val from: String
+ val to: String
+ lazy val fromDate = parse(from)
+ lazy val toDate = parse(to)
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ cellValue matches dateRegex match {
+ case true => {
+ val inRange = for ( frmDt <- fromDate; toDt <- toDate; cellDt <- parse(cellValue)) yield {
+ val interval = new Interval(frmDt,toDt.plusMillis(1))
+ interval.contains(cellDt)
+ }
+ inRange.getOrElse(false)
+ }
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ override def toError = s"""$ruleName("$from, $to")"""
+abstract class PatternRule(name: String, pattern: String) extends Rule(name) {
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = cellValue matches pattern
+abstract class DateRule(name: String, dateRegex: String, dateParser: DateParser) extends PatternRule(name, dateRegex) {
+ override def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ super.valid(cellValue, columnDefinition, columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case true => dateParser.parse(cellValue).isSuccess
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+case class XsdDateTimeRule() extends DateRule("xDateTime", XsdDateTimeRegex, IsoDateParser)
+case class XsdDateTimeRangeRule(from: String, to: String) extends DateRangeRule("xDateTime", XsdDateTimeRegex, IsoDateParser)
+case class XsdDateRule() extends DateRule("xDate", XsdDateRegex, IsoDateParser)
+case class XsdDateRangeRule(from: String, to: String) extends DateRangeRule("xDate", XsdDateRegex, IsoDateParser)
+case class UkDateRule() extends DateRule("ukDate", UkDateRegex, UkDateParser)
+case class UkDateRangeRule(from: String, to: String) extends DateRangeRule("ukDate", UkDateRegex, UkDateParser)
+case class XsdTimeRule() extends DateRule("xTime", XsdTimeRegex, TimeParser)
+case class XsdTimeRangeRule(from: String, to: String) extends DateRangeRule("xTime", XsdTimeRegex, TimeParser)
+case class PartUkDateRule() extends PatternRule("partUkDate", PartUkDateRegex)
diff --git a/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/FileRules.scala b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/FileRules.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66a0787b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/FileRules.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+package uk.gov.tna.dri.schema
+import scalaz.{Success => SuccessZ, Failure => FailureZ}
+import scalax.file.{Path, PathSet}
+import scalaz.Scalaz._
+import scala.Some
+import uk.gov.tna.dri.metadata.Row
+import java.security.MessageDigest
+import java.io.{File, FileInputStream, BufferedInputStream}
+import scala.util.Try
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import java.net.URI
+case class FileExistsRule(pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)], rootPath: ArgProvider = Literal(None) ) extends Rule("fileExists", rootPath) {
+ def valid(filePath: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema) = {
+ val ruleValue = rootPath.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema)
+ val fileExists = ruleValue match {
+ case Some(rp) => new FileSystem(rp, filePath, pathSubstitutions).exists
+ case None => new FileSystem(filePath, pathSubstitutions).exists
+ }
+ fileExists
+ }
+ override def toError = s"""$ruleName""" + (if (rootPath == Literal(None)) "" else s"""(${rootPath.toError})""")
+case class ChecksumRule(rootPath: ArgProvider, file: ArgProvider, algorithm: String, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)]) extends Rule("checksum", rootPath, file) with FileWildcardSearch[String] {
+ def this(file: ArgProvider, algorithm: String, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)]) = this(Literal(None), file, algorithm, pathSubstitutions)
+ def this(file: ArgProvider, algorithm: String) = this(Literal(None), file, algorithm, List[(String,String)]())
+ override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
+ val columnDefinition = schema.columnDefinitions(columnIndex)
+ search(filename(columnIndex, row, schema)) match {
+ case SuccessZ(hexValue: String) if hexValue == cellValue(columnIndex,row,schema) => true.successNel[String]
+ case SuccessZ(hexValue: String) => s"$toError file ${'"'}${filename(columnIndex, row, schema)._1}${filename(columnIndex, row, schema)._2}${'"'} checksum match fails for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)}".failNel[Any]
+ case FailureZ(errMsg) => s"$toError ${errMsg.head} for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)}".failNel[Any]
+ }
+ }
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case FailureZ(_) => false
+ case SuccessZ(_) => true
+ }
+ }
+ override def toError = {
+ if (rootPath.toError.isEmpty) s"""$ruleName(file(${file.toError}), "$algorithm")"""
+ else s"""$ruleName(file(${rootPath.toError}, ${file.toError}), "$algorithm")"""
+ }
+ private def filename(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): (String,String) = {
+ val f = file.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema).get
+ rootPath.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case None => ("",f)
+ case Some(r: String) if r.endsWith("/") => (r, f)
+ case Some(r) => (r + "/", f)
+ }
+ }
+ def matchWildcardPaths(matchList: PathSet[Path],fullPath: String): ValidationNEL[String, String] = matchList.size match {
+ case 1 => calcChecksum(matchList.head.path)
+ case 0 => s"""no files for $fullPath found""".failNel[String]
+ case _ => s"""multiple files for $fullPath found""".failNel[String]
+ }
+ def matchSimplePath(fullPath: String): ValidationNEL[String, String] = calcChecksum(fullPath)
+ def calcChecksum(file: String): ValidationNEL[String, String] = {
+ val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm)
+ FileSystem.createFile(file) match {
+ case scala.util.Success(f) =>
+ val fileBuffer = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( f) )
+ Stream.continually(fileBuffer.read).takeWhile(-1 !=).map(_.toByte).foreach( digest.update(_))
+ fileBuffer.close()
+ hexEncode(digest.digest).successNel[String]
+ case scala.util.Failure(_) => "file not fund".failNel[String]
+ }
+ }
+ private def hexEncode(in: Array[Byte]): String = {
+ val sb = new StringBuilder
+ val len = in.length
+ def addDigit(in: Array[Byte], pos: Int, len: Int, sb: StringBuilder) {
+ if (pos < len) {
+ val b: Int = in(pos)
+ val msb = (b & 0xf0) >> 4
+ val lsb = (b & 0x0f)
+ sb.append((if (msb < 10) ('0' + msb).asInstanceOf[Char] else ('a' + (msb - 10)).asInstanceOf[Char]))
+ sb.append((if (lsb < 10) ('0' + lsb).asInstanceOf[Char] else ('a' + (lsb - 10)).asInstanceOf[Char]))
+ addDigit(in, pos + 1, len, sb)
+ }
+ }
+ addDigit(in, 0, len, sb)
+ sb.toString()
+ }
+case class FileCountRule(rootPath: ArgProvider, file: ArgProvider, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)] = List.empty) extends Rule("fileCount", rootPath, file) with FileWildcardSearch[Int] {
+ def this(file: ArgProvider, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)] = List.empty) = this(Literal(None), file, pathSubstitutions)
+ def this(rootPath: Literal, file: Literal) = this(rootPath, file, List.empty)
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case FailureZ(_) => false
+ case SuccessZ(_) => true
+ }
+ }
+ override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
+ val columnDefinition = schema.columnDefinitions(columnIndex)
+ Try(cellValue(columnIndex,row,schema).toInt) match {
+ case scala.util.Success(cellCount) =>
+ search(filename(columnIndex, row, schema)) match {
+ case SuccessZ(count: Int) if count == cellCount => true.successNel[String]
+ case SuccessZ(count: Int) => s"$toError found $count file(s) for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)}".failNel[Any]
+ case FailureZ(errMsg) => s"$toError ${errMsg.head} for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)}".failNel[Any]
+ }
+ case scala.util.Failure(_) => s"$toError '${cellValue(columnIndex,row,schema)}' is not a number for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)}".failNel[Any]
+ }
+ }
+ override def toError = {
+ if (rootPath.toError.isEmpty) s"""$ruleName(file(${file.toError}))"""
+ else s"""$ruleName(file(${rootPath.toError}, ${file.toError}))"""
+ }
+ private def filename(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): (String,String) = { // return (base,path)
+ val f = file.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema).get
+ rootPath.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case None => ("",f)
+ case Some(r: String) if r.endsWith("/") => (r, f)
+ case Some(r) => (r + "/", f)
+ }
+ }
+ def matchWildcardPaths(matchList: PathSet[Path],fullPath: String): ValidationNEL[String, Int] = matchList.size.successNel[String]
+ def matchSimplePath(fullPath: String): ValidationNEL[String, Int] = 1.successNel[String] // file found so ok
+trait FileWildcardSearch[T] {
+ val pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)]
+ def matchWildcardPaths(matchList: PathSet[Path],fullPath: String): ValidationNEL[String, T]
+ def matchSimplePath(fullPath: String): ValidationNEL[String, T]
+ val wildcardPath = (p: Path, matchPath: String) => p.descendants( p.matcher( matchPath))
+ val wildcardFile = (p: Path, matchPath: String) => p.children( p.matcher( "**/" +matchPath))
+ def findBase(path:String): (String, String) = {
+ @tailrec
+ def findBaseRecur(p: String, f: String): (String,String) = {
+ if (p.contains("*")) findBaseRecur(Path.fromString(p).parent.get.path, Path.fromString(p).name + "/" + f)
+ else (p, f)
+ }
+ if (path.startsWith("file://")) {
+ val pathURI = Path(new URI( FileSystem.replaceSpaces(path))).get
+ findBaseRecur("file://" + pathURI.parent.get.path, pathURI.name)
+ } else if (Path.fromString(path).parent.isEmpty) ("./", path) else findBaseRecur(Path.fromString(path).parent.get.path, Path.fromString(path).name)
+ }
+ def search(filePaths: (String, String)): ValidationNEL[String, T] = {
+ try {
+ val fullPath = new FileSystem( None, filePaths._1 + filePaths._2, pathSubstitutions).expandBasePath
+ val (basePath,matchPath ) = findBase(fullPath)
+ val path: Option[Path] = {
+ FileSystem.createFile( basePath ) match {
+ case scala.util.Success(f) => Some(Path(f))
+ case scala.util.Failure(_) => None
+ }
+ }
+ def pathString = s"${filePaths._1} (localfile: $fullPath)"
+ def findMatches(wc: (Path, String) => PathSet[Path] ): ValidationNEL[String, T] = {
+ path match {
+ case Some(p) => matchWildcardPaths( wc(p, matchPath ), fullPath )
+ case None => "no file".failNel[T]
+ }
+ }
+ def basePathExists: Boolean = filePaths._1.length>0 && (!(FileSystem.createFile( basePath ) match {
+ case scala.util.Success(f) => f.exists
+ case scala.util.Failure(_) => false
+ }))
+ def wildcardNotInRoot: Boolean = filePaths._1.contains("*")
+ def matchUsesWildDirectory: Boolean = matchPath.contains("**")
+ def matchUsesWildFiles: Boolean = matchPath.contains("*")
+ def fileExists: Boolean = {
+ val path = basePath+System.getProperty("file.separator") + matchPath
+ FileSystem.createFile( path ) match {
+ case scala.util.Success(file) => file.exists
+ case scala.util.Failure(_) => false
+ }
+ }
+ if ( basePathExists) s"""incorrect basepath $pathString found""".failNel[T]
+ else if (wildcardNotInRoot ) s"""root $pathString should not contain wildcards""".failNel[T]
+ else if (matchUsesWildDirectory) findMatches(wildcardPath)
+ else if (matchUsesWildFiles) findMatches(wildcardFile)
+ else if (!fileExists) s"""file "$fullPath" not found""".failNel[T]
+ else matchSimplePath(basePath+System.getProperty("file.separator")+matchPath)
+ } catch {
+ case err:Throwable => err.getMessage.failNel[T]
+ }
+ }
+object FileSystem {
+ def createFile( filename:String): Try[File] = Try{ if( filename.startsWith("file:")) new File( new URI(filename)) else new File( filename )}
+ def replaceSpaces( file: String): String = file.replace(" ", "%20")
+ private def file2PlatformDependent( file: String): String =
+ if ( System.getProperty("file.separator") == "/" ) file.replace('\\', '/')
+ else file.replace('/', '\\')
+ def convertPath2Platform(filename: String): String = {
+ if ( filename.startsWith("file://")) replaceSpaces(filename) else file2PlatformDependent( filename )
+ }
+case class FileSystem(basePath: Option[String], file: String, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)] ) {
+ def this( root:String, file: String, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)] ) = this( Some(root), file, pathSubstitutions)
+ def this( file: String, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)]) = this(None, file, pathSubstitutions)
+ val separator: Char = System.getProperty("file.separator").head
+ private def substitutePath( filename: String): String = {
+ val x = pathSubstitutions.filter{ case (subFrom, _) => filename.contains(subFrom)}.map{ case (subFrom, subTo) => filename.replaceFirst(subFrom, subTo) }
+ if (x.isEmpty) filename else x.head
+ }
+ def jointPath: String = {
+ val fs: Char = System.getProperty("file.separator").head
+ basePath match {
+ case Some(bp) =>
+ if (bp.length > 0 && bp.last != fs && file.head != fs) bp + fs + file
+ else if (bp.length > 0 && bp.last == fs && file.head == fs) bp + file.tail
+ else bp + file
+ case None => file
+ }
+ }
+ def exists: Boolean = {
+ FileSystem.createFile( FileSystem.convertPath2Platform( substitutePath(jointPath))) match {
+ case scala.util.Success(f) => f.exists
+ case scala.util.Failure(_) => false
+ }
+ }
+ def expandBasePath: String = {
+ if ( basePath.isEmpty || basePath.getOrElse("") == "") FileSystem.file2PlatformDependent(substitutePath(file))
+ else FileSystem.file2PlatformDependent(substitutePath(jointPath))
+ }
diff --git a/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/LogicRules.scala b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/LogicRules.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eddf1a56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/LogicRules.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, The National Archives digitalpreservation@nationalarchives.gov.uk
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ */
+package uk.gov.tna.dri.schema
+import scala.Some
+import scalaz.{Success => SuccessZ, Failure => FailureZ}
+import scalaz.Scalaz._
+import uk.gov.tna.dri.metadata.Row
+case class AndRule(left: Rule, right: Rule) extends Rule("and") {
+ override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
+ left.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case s @ FailureZ(_) => fail(columnIndex, row, schema)
+ case SuccessZ(_) => right.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case s @ SuccessZ(_) => s
+ case FailureZ(_) => fail(columnIndex, row, schema)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case FailureZ(_) => false
+ case SuccessZ(_) => true
+ }
+ }
+ override def toError = s"""${left.toError} $ruleName ${right.toError}"""
+case class OrRule(left: Rule, right: Rule) extends Rule("or") {
+ override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
+ left.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case s @ SuccessZ(_) => s
+ case FailureZ(_) => right.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case s @ SuccessZ(_) => s
+ case FailureZ(_) => fail(columnIndex, row, schema)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case FailureZ(_) => false
+ case SuccessZ(_) => true
+ }
+ }
+ override def toError = s"""${left.toError} $ruleName ${right.toError}"""
+case class ParenthesesRule(rules: List[Rule]) extends Rule("parentheses") {
+ override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
+ val v = for (rule <- rules) yield {
+ rule.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema)
+ }
+ v.sequence[RuleValidation, Any]
+ }
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case FailureZ(_) => false
+ case SuccessZ(_) => true
+ }
+ }
+ override def toError = {
+ val paramErrs = rules.map(_.toError).mkString(" ")
+ s"""($paramErrs)""" + (if (argProviders.isEmpty) "" else "(" + argProviders.foldLeft("")((a, b) => (if (a.isEmpty) "" else a + ", ") + b.toError) + ")")
+ }
+case class IfRule(condition: Rule, rules: List[Rule], elseRules: Option[List[Rule]]) extends Rule("if") {
+ override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
+ val (cellValue,idx) = condition.explicitColumn match {
+ case Some(columnName) => (row.cells(columnNameToIndex(schema, columnName)).value, columnNameToIndex(schema, columnName) )
+ case None => (row.cells(columnIndex).value, columnIndex)
+ }
+ val v = if (condition.valid(cellValue, schema.columnDefinitions(columnIndex), idx, row, schema)) {
+ for (rule <- rules) yield {
+ rule.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (elseRules.isDefined) {
+ for (rule <- elseRules.get) yield {
+ rule.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema)
+ }
+ } else {
+ Nil
+ }
+ }
+ v.sequence[RuleValidation, Any]
+ }
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case FailureZ(_) => false
+ case SuccessZ(_) => true
+ }
+ }
+ override def toError = {
+ val paramErrs = rules.map( _.toError).mkString(" ")
+ s"""($paramErrs)""" + (if (argProviders.isEmpty) "" else "(" + argProviders.foldLeft("")((a, b) => (if (a.isEmpty) "" else a + ", ") + b.toError) + ")")
+ }
diff --git a/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/Rule.scala b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/Rule.scala
index 3793eaf2..fa48a8b0 100644
--- a/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/Rule.scala
+++ b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/Rule.scala
@@ -7,19 +7,9 @@
package uk.gov.tna.dri.schema
-import scalax.file.{PathSet, Path}
import scalaz.Scalaz._
-import java.io.{BufferedInputStream, FileInputStream, File}
import scala.util.parsing.input.Positional
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import java.security.MessageDigest
import uk.gov.tna.dri.metadata.Row
-import util.Try
-import annotation.tailrec
-import java.net.URI
-import org.joda.time.{Interval, LocalTime, DateTime}
-import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat
-import scalaz.{Success => SuccessZ, Failure => FailureZ}
abstract class Rule(name: String, val argProviders: ArgProvider*) extends Positional {
@@ -65,603 +55,3 @@ abstract class Rule(name: String, val argProviders: ArgProvider*) extends Positi
def toError = s"""$ruleName""" + (if (argProviders.isEmpty) "" else "(" + argProviders.foldLeft("")((a, b) => (if (a.isEmpty) "" else a + ", ") + b.toError) + ")")
-case class OrRule(left: Rule, right: Rule) extends Rule("or") {
- override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
- left.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case s @ SuccessZ(_) => s
- case FailureZ(_) => right.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case s @ SuccessZ(_) => s
- case FailureZ(_) => fail(columnIndex, row, schema)
- }
- }
- }
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case FailureZ(_) => false
- case SuccessZ(_) => true
- }
- }
- override def toError = s"""${left.toError} $ruleName ${right.toError}"""
-case class ParenthesesRule(rules: List[Rule]) extends Rule("parentheses") {
- override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
- val v = for (rule <- rules) yield {
- rule.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema)
- }
- v.sequence[RuleValidation, Any]
- }
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case FailureZ(_) => false
- case SuccessZ(_) => true
- }
- }
- override def toError = {
- val paramErrs = rules.map(_.toError).mkString(" ")
- s"""($paramErrs)""" + (if (argProviders.isEmpty) "" else "(" + argProviders.foldLeft("")((a, b) => (if (a.isEmpty) "" else a + ", ") + b.toError) + ")")
- }
-case class IfRule(condition: Rule, rules: List[Rule], elseRules: Option[List[Rule]]) extends Rule("if") {
- override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
- val (cellValue,idx) = condition.explicitColumn match {
- case Some(columnName) => (row.cells(columnNameToIndex(schema, columnName)).value, columnNameToIndex(schema, columnName) )
- case None => (row.cells(columnIndex).value, columnIndex)
- }
- val v = if (condition.valid(cellValue, schema.columnDefinitions(columnIndex), idx, row, schema)) {
- for (rule <- rules) yield {
- rule.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema)
- }
- } else {
- if (elseRules.isDefined) {
- for (rule <- elseRules.get) yield {
- rule.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema)
- }
- } else {
- Nil
- }
- }
- v.sequence[RuleValidation, Any]
- }
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case FailureZ(_) => false
- case SuccessZ(_) => true
- }
- }
- override def toError = {
- val paramErrs = rules.map( _.toError).mkString(" ")
- s"""($paramErrs)""" + (if (argProviders.isEmpty) "" else "(" + argProviders.foldLeft("")((a, b) => (if (a.isEmpty) "" else a + ", ") + b.toError) + ")")
- }
-case class RegexRule(regex: String) extends Rule("regex") {
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- val regexp = if (columnDefinition.directives.contains(IgnoreCase())) "(?i)" + regex else regex
- cellValue matches regexp
- }
- override def toError = {
- s"""$ruleName("$regex")"""
- }
-case class FileExistsRule(pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)], rootPath: ArgProvider = Literal(None) ) extends Rule("fileExists", rootPath) {
- def valid(filePath: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema) = {
- val ruleValue = rootPath.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema)
- val fileExists = ruleValue match {
- case Some(rp) => new FileSystem(rp, filePath, pathSubstitutions).exists
- case None => new FileSystem(filePath, pathSubstitutions).exists
- }
- fileExists
- }
- override def toError = s"""$ruleName""" + (if (rootPath == Literal(None)) "" else s"""(${rootPath.toError})""")
-case class InRule(inValue: ArgProvider) extends Rule("in", inValue) {
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- val ruleValue = inValue.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema)
- val (rv, cv) = if (columnDefinition.directives.contains(IgnoreCase())) (ruleValue.get.toLowerCase, cellValue.toLowerCase) else (ruleValue.get, cellValue)
- rv contains cv
- }
-case class IsRule(isValue: ArgProvider) extends Rule("is", isValue) {
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- val ruleValue = isValue.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema)
- val (rv, cv) = if (columnDefinition.directives.contains(IgnoreCase())) (ruleValue.get.toLowerCase, cellValue.toLowerCase) else (ruleValue.get, cellValue)
- cv == rv
- }
-case class IsNotRule(isNotValue: ArgProvider) extends Rule("isNot", isNotValue) {
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- val ruleValue = isNotValue.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema)
- val (rv, cv) = if (columnDefinition.directives.contains(IgnoreCase())) (ruleValue.get.toLowerCase, cellValue.toLowerCase) else (ruleValue.get, cellValue)
- cv != rv
- }
-case class StartsRule(startsValue: ArgProvider) extends Rule("starts", startsValue) {
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- val ruleValue = startsValue.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema)
- val (rv, cv) = if (columnDefinition.directives.contains(IgnoreCase())) (ruleValue.get.toLowerCase, cellValue.toLowerCase) else (ruleValue.get, cellValue)
- cv startsWith rv
- }
-case class EndsRule(endsValue: ArgProvider) extends Rule("ends", endsValue) {
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- val ruleValue = endsValue.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema)
- val (rv, cv) = if (columnDefinition.directives.contains(IgnoreCase())) (ruleValue.get.toLowerCase, cellValue.toLowerCase) else (ruleValue.get, cellValue)
- cv endsWith rv
- }
-case class UriRule() extends PatternRule("uri", UriRegex)
-trait DateParser {
- def parse(dateStr: String): Try[DateTime]
-object IsoDateParser extends DateParser {
- def parse(dateStr: String): Try[DateTime] = Try(DateTime.parse(dateStr))
-object UkDateParser extends DateParser {
- val fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(UkDateFormat)
- def parse(dateStr: String): Try[DateTime] = Try(fmt.parseDateTime(dateStr))
-object TimeParser extends DateParser {
- def parse(dateStr: String) = Try(LocalTime.parse(dateStr).toDateTimeToday)
-abstract class DateRangeRule(name: String, dateRegex: String, dateParser: DateParser) extends Rule(name) {
- import dateParser.parse
- val from: String
- val to: String
- lazy val fromDate = parse(from)
- lazy val toDate = parse(to)
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- cellValue matches dateRegex match {
- case true => {
- val inRange = for ( frmDt <- fromDate; toDt <- toDate; cellDt <- parse(cellValue)) yield {
- val interval = new Interval(frmDt,toDt.plusMillis(1))
- interval.contains(cellDt)
- }
- inRange.getOrElse(false)
- }
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- override def toError = s"""$ruleName("$from, $to")"""
-abstract class PatternRule(name: String, pattern: String) extends Rule(name) {
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = cellValue matches pattern
-abstract class DateRule(name: String, dateRegex: String, dateParser: DateParser) extends PatternRule(name, dateRegex) {
- override def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- super.valid(cellValue, columnDefinition, columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case true => dateParser.parse(cellValue).isSuccess
- case _ => false
- }
- }
-case class XsdDateTimeRule() extends DateRule("xDateTime", XsdDateTimeRegex, IsoDateParser)
-case class XsdDateTimeRangeRule(from: String, to: String) extends DateRangeRule("xDateTime", XsdDateTimeRegex, IsoDateParser)
-case class XsdDateRule() extends DateRule("xDate", XsdDateRegex, IsoDateParser)
-case class XsdDateRangeRule(from: String, to: String) extends DateRangeRule("xDate", XsdDateRegex, IsoDateParser)
-case class UkDateRule() extends DateRule("ukDate", UkDateRegex, UkDateParser)
-case class UkDateRangeRule(from: String, to: String) extends DateRangeRule("ukDate", UkDateRegex, UkDateParser)
-case class XsdTimeRule() extends DateRule("xTime", XsdTimeRegex, TimeParser)
-case class XsdTimeRangeRule(from: String, to: String) extends DateRangeRule("xTime", XsdTimeRegex, TimeParser)
-case class PartUkDateRule() extends PatternRule("partUkDate", PartUkDateRegex)
-case class Uuid4Rule() extends PatternRule("uuid4", Uuid4Regex)
-case class PositiveIntegerRule() extends PatternRule("positiveInteger", PositiveIntegerRegex)
-case class UniqueRule() extends Rule("unique") {
- val distinctValues = mutable.HashMap[String, Int]()
- override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
- val columnDefinition = schema.columnDefinitions(columnIndex)
- def originalValue: Option[String] = {
- val cellValue = cellValueCorrectCase
- if (distinctValues contains cellValue) Some(cellValue) else None
- }
- def cellValueCorrectCase = if (columnDefinition.directives contains IgnoreCase()) cellValue(columnIndex,row,schema).toLowerCase else cellValue(columnIndex,row,schema)
- originalValue match {
- case None => distinctValues.put(cellValueCorrectCase, row.lineNumber); true.successNel
- case Some(o) => {
- s"$toError fails for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)} (original at line: ${distinctValues(o)})".failNel[Any]
- }
- }
- }
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case FailureZ(_) => false
- case SuccessZ(_) => true
- }
- }
-case class UniqueMultiRule( columns: List[String] ) extends Rule("unique(") {
- val SEPARATOR:Char = 0x07 // BEL
- val distinctValues = mutable.HashMap[String, Int]()
- override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
- val columnDefinition = schema.columnDefinitions(columnIndex)
- def secondaryValues: String = columns.foldLeft(""){ case (s,c) => s + SEPARATOR + row.cells(columnNameToIndex(schema, c)).value }
- def uniqueString: String = cellValue(columnIndex,row,schema) + SEPARATOR + secondaryValues
- def originalValue: Option[String] = {
- val cellValue = cellValueCorrectCase
- if (distinctValues contains cellValue) Some(cellValue) else None
- }
- def cellValueCorrectCase = if (columnDefinition.directives contains IgnoreCase) uniqueString.toLowerCase else uniqueString
- originalValue match {
- case None => distinctValues.put(cellValueCorrectCase, row.lineNumber); true.successNel
- case Some(o) => {
- s"$toError ${columns.mkString("$", ", $", "")} ) fails for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)} (original at line: ${distinctValues(o)})".failNel[Any]
- }
- }
- }
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case FailureZ(_) => false
- case SuccessZ(_) => true
- }
- }
-case class ChecksumRule(rootPath: ArgProvider, file: ArgProvider, algorithm: String, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)]) extends Rule("checksum", rootPath, file) with FileWildcardSearch[String] {
- def this(file: ArgProvider, algorithm: String, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)]) = this(Literal(None), file, algorithm, pathSubstitutions)
- def this(file: ArgProvider, algorithm: String) = this(Literal(None), file, algorithm, List[(String,String)]())
- override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
- val columnDefinition = schema.columnDefinitions(columnIndex)
- search(filename(columnIndex, row, schema)) match {
- case SuccessZ(hexValue: String) if hexValue == cellValue(columnIndex,row,schema) => true.successNel[String]
- case SuccessZ(hexValue: String) => s"$toError file ${'"'}${filename(columnIndex, row, schema)._1}${filename(columnIndex, row, schema)._2}${'"'} checksum match fails for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)}".failNel[Any]
- case FailureZ(errMsg) => s"$toError ${errMsg.head} for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)}".failNel[Any]
- }
- }
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case FailureZ(_) => false
- case SuccessZ(_) => true
- }
- }
- override def toError = {
- if (rootPath.toError.isEmpty) s"""$ruleName(file(${file.toError}), "$algorithm")"""
- else s"""$ruleName(file(${rootPath.toError}, ${file.toError}), "$algorithm")"""
- }
- private def filename(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): (String,String) = {
- val f = file.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema).get
- rootPath.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case None => ("",f)
- case Some(r: String) if r.endsWith("/") => (r, f)
- case Some(r) => (r + "/", f)
- }
- }
- def matchWildcardPaths(matchList: PathSet[Path],fullPath: String): ValidationNEL[String, String] = matchList.size match {
- case 1 => calcChecksum(matchList.head.path)
- case 0 => s"""no files for $fullPath found""".failNel[String]
- case _ => s"""multiple files for $fullPath found""".failNel[String]
- }
- def matchSimplePath(fullPath: String): ValidationNEL[String, String] = calcChecksum(fullPath)
- def calcChecksum(file: String): ValidationNEL[String, String] = {
- val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm)
- FileSystem.createFile(file) match {
- case scala.util.Success(f) =>
- val fileBuffer = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream( f) )
- Stream.continually(fileBuffer.read).takeWhile(-1 !=).map(_.toByte).foreach( digest.update(_))
- fileBuffer.close()
- hexEncode(digest.digest).successNel[String]
- case scala.util.Failure(_) => "file not fund".failNel[String]
- }
- }
- private def hexEncode(in: Array[Byte]): String = {
- val sb = new StringBuilder
- val len = in.length
- def addDigit(in: Array[Byte], pos: Int, len: Int, sb: StringBuilder) {
- if (pos < len) {
- val b: Int = in(pos)
- val msb = (b & 0xf0) >> 4
- val lsb = (b & 0x0f)
- sb.append((if (msb < 10) ('0' + msb).asInstanceOf[Char] else ('a' + (msb - 10)).asInstanceOf[Char]))
- sb.append((if (lsb < 10) ('0' + lsb).asInstanceOf[Char] else ('a' + (lsb - 10)).asInstanceOf[Char]))
- addDigit(in, pos + 1, len, sb)
- }
- }
- addDigit(in, 0, len, sb)
- sb.toString()
- }
-case class FileCountRule(rootPath: ArgProvider, file: ArgProvider, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)] = List.empty) extends Rule("fileCount", rootPath, file) with FileWildcardSearch[Int] {
- def this(file: ArgProvider, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)] = List.empty) = this(Literal(None), file, pathSubstitutions)
- def this(rootPath: Literal, file: Literal) = this(rootPath, file, List.empty)
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case FailureZ(_) => false
- case SuccessZ(_) => true
- }
- }
- override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
- val columnDefinition = schema.columnDefinitions(columnIndex)
- Try(cellValue(columnIndex,row,schema).toInt) match {
- case scala.util.Success(cellCount) =>
- search(filename(columnIndex, row, schema)) match {
- case SuccessZ(count: Int) if count == cellCount => true.successNel[String]
- case SuccessZ(count: Int) => s"$toError found $count file(s) for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)}".failNel[Any]
- case FailureZ(errMsg) => s"$toError ${errMsg.head} for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)}".failNel[Any]
- }
- case scala.util.Failure(_) => s"$toError '${cellValue(columnIndex,row,schema)}' is not a number for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)}".failNel[Any]
- }
- }
- override def toError = {
- if (rootPath.toError.isEmpty) s"""$ruleName(file(${file.toError}))"""
- else s"""$ruleName(file(${rootPath.toError}, ${file.toError}))"""
- }
- private def filename(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): (String,String) = { // return (base,path)
- val f = file.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema).get
- rootPath.referenceValue(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case None => ("",f)
- case Some(r: String) if r.endsWith("/") => (r, f)
- case Some(r) => (r + "/", f)
- }
- }
- def matchWildcardPaths(matchList: PathSet[Path],fullPath: String): ValidationNEL[String, Int] = matchList.size.successNel[String]
- def matchSimplePath(fullPath: String): ValidationNEL[String, Int] = 1.successNel[String] // file found so ok
-trait FileWildcardSearch[T] {
- val pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)]
- def matchWildcardPaths(matchList: PathSet[Path],fullPath: String): ValidationNEL[String, T]
- def matchSimplePath(fullPath: String): ValidationNEL[String, T]
- val wildcardPath = (p: Path, matchPath: String) => p.descendants( p.matcher( matchPath))
- val wildcardFile = (p: Path, matchPath: String) => p.children( p.matcher( "**/" +matchPath))
- def findBase(path:String): (String, String) = {
- @tailrec
- def findBaseRecur(p: String, f: String): (String,String) = {
- if (p.contains("*")) findBaseRecur(Path.fromString(p).parent.get.path, Path.fromString(p).name + "/" + f)
- else (p, f)
- }
- if (path.startsWith("file://")) {
- val pathURI = Path(new URI( FileSystem.replaceSpaces(path))).get
- findBaseRecur("file://" + pathURI.parent.get.path, pathURI.name)
- } else if (Path.fromString(path).parent.isEmpty) ("./", path) else findBaseRecur(Path.fromString(path).parent.get.path, Path.fromString(path).name)
- }
- def search(filePaths: (String, String)): ValidationNEL[String, T] = {
- try {
- val fullPath = new FileSystem( None, filePaths._1 + filePaths._2, pathSubstitutions).expandBasePath
- val (basePath,matchPath ) = findBase(fullPath)
- val path: Option[Path] = {
- FileSystem.createFile( basePath ) match {
- case scala.util.Success(f) => Some(Path(f))
- case scala.util.Failure(_) => None
- }
- }
- def pathString = s"${filePaths._1} (localfile: $fullPath)"
- def findMatches(wc: (Path, String) => PathSet[Path] ): ValidationNEL[String, T] = {
- path match {
- case Some(p) => matchWildcardPaths( wc(p, matchPath ), fullPath )
- case None => "no file".failNel[T]
- }
- }
- def basePathExists: Boolean = filePaths._1.length>0 && (!(FileSystem.createFile( basePath ) match {
- case scala.util.Success(f) => f.exists
- case scala.util.Failure(_) => false
- }))
- def wildcardNotInRoot: Boolean = filePaths._1.contains("*")
- def matchUsesWildDirectory: Boolean = matchPath.contains("**")
- def matchUsesWildFiles: Boolean = matchPath.contains("*")
- def fileExists: Boolean = {
- val path = basePath+System.getProperty("file.separator") + matchPath
- FileSystem.createFile( path ) match {
- case scala.util.Success(file) => file.exists
- case scala.util.Failure(_) => false
- }
- }
- if ( basePathExists) s"""incorrect basepath $pathString found""".failNel[T]
- else if (wildcardNotInRoot ) s"""root $pathString should not contain wildcards""".failNel[T]
- else if (matchUsesWildDirectory) findMatches(wildcardPath)
- else if (matchUsesWildFiles) findMatches(wildcardFile)
- else if (!fileExists) s"""file "$fullPath" not found""".failNel[T]
- else matchSimplePath(basePath+System.getProperty("file.separator")+matchPath)
- } catch {
- case err:Throwable => err.getMessage.failNel[T]
- }
- }
-case class RangeRule(min: BigDecimal, max: BigDecimal) extends Rule("range") {
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- Try[BigDecimal]( BigDecimal(cellValue)) match {
- case scala.util.Success(callDecimal) => if (callDecimal >= min && callDecimal <= max ) true else false
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- override def toError = s"""$ruleName($min,$max)"""
-case class LengthRule(from: Option[String], to: String) extends Rule("length") {
- def toValue: Int = if (to == "*") Int.MaxValue else to.toInt
- def fromValue: Int = if (from.get == "*") 0 else from.get.toInt
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- val cellLen = cellValue.length
- from match {
- case None => if ( to=="*") true else cellLen == to.toInt
- case Some(_) => cellLen >= fromValue && cellLen <= toValue
- }
- }
- override def toError = if(from.isDefined) s"""$ruleName(${from.get},$to)""" else s"""$ruleName($to)"""
-case class AndRule(left: Rule, right: Rule) extends Rule("and") {
- override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
- left.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case s @ FailureZ(_) => fail(columnIndex, row, schema)
- case SuccessZ(_) => right.evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case s @ SuccessZ(_) => s
- case FailureZ(_) => fail(columnIndex, row, schema)
- }
- }
- }
- def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
- evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
- case FailureZ(_) => false
- case SuccessZ(_) => true
- }
- }
- override def toError = s"""${left.toError} $ruleName ${right.toError}"""
-object FileSystem {
- def createFile( filename:String): Try[File] = Try{ if( filename.startsWith("file:")) new File( new URI(filename)) else new File( filename )}
- def replaceSpaces( file: String): String = file.replace(" ", "%20")
- private def file2PlatformDependent( file: String): String =
- if ( System.getProperty("file.separator") == "/" ) file.replace('\\', '/')
- else file.replace('/', '\\')
- def convertPath2Platform(filename: String): String = {
- if ( filename.startsWith("file://")) replaceSpaces(filename) else file2PlatformDependent( filename )
- }
-case class FileSystem(basePath: Option[String], file: String, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)] ) {
- def this( root:String, file: String, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)] ) = this( Some(root), file, pathSubstitutions)
- def this( file: String, pathSubstitutions: List[(String,String)]) = this(None, file, pathSubstitutions)
- val separator: Char = System.getProperty("file.separator").head
- private def substitutePath( filename: String): String = {
- val x = pathSubstitutions.filter{ case (subFrom, _) => filename.contains(subFrom)}.map{ case (subFrom, subTo) => filename.replaceFirst(subFrom, subTo) }
- if (x.isEmpty) filename else x.head
- }
- def jointPath: String = {
- val fs: Char = System.getProperty("file.separator").head
- basePath match {
- case Some(bp) =>
- if (bp.length > 0 && bp.last != fs && file.head != fs) bp + fs + file
- else if (bp.length > 0 && bp.last == fs && file.head == fs) bp + file.tail
- else bp + file
- case None => file
- }
- }
- def exists: Boolean = {
- FileSystem.createFile( FileSystem.convertPath2Platform( substitutePath(jointPath))) match {
- case scala.util.Success(f) => f.exists
- case scala.util.Failure(_) => false
- }
- }
- def expandBasePath: String = {
- if ( basePath.isEmpty || basePath.getOrElse("") == "") FileSystem.file2PlatformDependent(substitutePath(file))
- else FileSystem.file2PlatformDependent(substitutePath(jointPath))
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/SchemaParser.scala b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/SchemaParser.scala
index bda4a049..cb28dcee 100644
--- a/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/SchemaParser.scala
+++ b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/SchemaParser.scala
@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ trait SchemaParser extends RegexParsers {
def rule = positioned( and | or | nonConditionalRule | conditionalRule)
- // def nonConditionalRule = unaryRule
def nonConditionalRule = opt( "$" ~> columnIdentifier <~ "/") ~ unaryRule ^^ { case explicitColumn ~ rule => rule.explicitColumn = explicitColumn; rule }
def conditionalRule = ifExpr
diff --git a/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/UniqueRules.scala b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/UniqueRules.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c66969c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/UniqueRules.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+package uk.gov.tna.dri.schema
+import scalaz.{Success => SuccessZ, Failure => FailureZ}
+import scalaz.Scalaz._
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import uk.gov.tna.dri.metadata.Row
+case class UniqueRule() extends Rule("unique") {
+ val distinctValues = mutable.HashMap[String, Int]()
+ override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
+ val columnDefinition = schema.columnDefinitions(columnIndex)
+ def originalValue: Option[String] = {
+ val cellValue = cellValueCorrectCase
+ if (distinctValues contains cellValue) Some(cellValue) else None
+ }
+ def cellValueCorrectCase = if (columnDefinition.directives contains IgnoreCase()) cellValue(columnIndex,row,schema).toLowerCase else cellValue(columnIndex,row,schema)
+ originalValue match {
+ case None => distinctValues.put(cellValueCorrectCase, row.lineNumber); true.successNel
+ case Some(o) => {
+ s"$toError fails for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)} (original at line: ${distinctValues(o)})".failNel[Any]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case FailureZ(_) => false
+ case SuccessZ(_) => true
+ }
+ }
+case class UniqueMultiRule( columns: List[String] ) extends Rule("unique(") {
+ val SEPARATOR:Char = 0x07 // BEL
+ val distinctValues = mutable.HashMap[String, Int]()
+ override def evaluate(columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): RuleValidation[Any] = {
+ val columnDefinition = schema.columnDefinitions(columnIndex)
+ def secondaryValues: String = columns.foldLeft(""){ case (s,c) => s + SEPARATOR + row.cells(columnNameToIndex(schema, c)).value }
+ def uniqueString: String = cellValue(columnIndex,row,schema) + SEPARATOR + secondaryValues
+ def originalValue: Option[String] = {
+ val cellValue = cellValueCorrectCase
+ if (distinctValues contains cellValue) Some(cellValue) else None
+ }
+ def cellValueCorrectCase = if (columnDefinition.directives contains IgnoreCase) uniqueString.toLowerCase else uniqueString
+ originalValue match {
+ case None => distinctValues.put(cellValueCorrectCase, row.lineNumber); true.successNel
+ case Some(o) => {
+ s"$toError ${columns.mkString("$", ", $", "")} ) fails for line: ${row.lineNumber}, column: ${columnDefinition.id}, ${toValueError(row,columnIndex)} (original at line: ${distinctValues(o)})".failNel[Any]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def valid(cellValue: String, columnDefinition: ColumnDefinition, columnIndex: Int, row: Row, schema: Schema): Boolean = {
+ evaluate(columnIndex, row, schema) match {
+ case FailureZ(_) => false
+ case SuccessZ(_) => true
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/package.scala b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/package.scala
index e9d8e41d..07d8622a 100644
--- a/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/package.scala
+++ b/csv-validator-core/src/main/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/schema/package.scala
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ package object schema {
val XsdDateRegex = "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}"
val UkDateRegex = "(((0[1-9]|(1|2)[0-9]|3[0-1])\\/(0(1|3|5|7|8)|1(0|2)))|((0[1-9]|(1|2)[0-9]|30)\\/(0(4|6|9)|11))|((0[1-9]|(1|2)[0-9])\\/02))\\/[0-9]{4}"
val XsdTimeRegex = "([0-1][0-9]|2[0-4]):(0[0-9]|[1-5][0-9]):(0[0-9]|[1-5][0-9])(\\.[0-999])?((\\+|-)(0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4]):(0[0-9]|[1-5][0-9])|Z)?"
- val PositiveIntegerRegex = "[0-9]+"
- val UkDateFormat = "dd/MM/YYYY"
val PartUkDateRegex = """(([0\?][1-9\?])|([1-2\?][0-9\?])|([3\?][0-1\?])|\*)\/(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December|\?|\*)\/([0-9\?]{4}|\*)"""
+ val UkDateFormat = "dd/MM/YYYY"
+ val PositiveIntegerRegex = "[0-9]+"
diff --git a/csv-validator-core/src/test/resources/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/acceptance/orWithTwoRulesFailMetaData.csv b/csv-validator-core/src/test/resources/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/acceptance/orWithTwoRulesFailMetaData.csv
index fbd66c69..3dab1c31 100644
--- a/csv-validator-core/src/test/resources/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/acceptance/orWithTwoRulesFailMetaData.csv
+++ b/csv-validator-core/src/test/resources/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/acceptance/orWithTwoRulesFailMetaData.csv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/csv-validator-core/src/test/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/MetaDataValidatorAcceptanceSpec.scala b/csv-validator-core/src/test/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/MetaDataValidatorAcceptanceSpec.scala
index b8cf1dd5..cca7c2fe 100644
--- a/csv-validator-core/src/test/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/MetaDataValidatorAcceptanceSpec.scala
+++ b/csv-validator-core/src/test/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/MetaDataValidatorAcceptanceSpec.scala
@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ class MetaDataValidatorAcceptanceSpec extends Specification {
- "fail if both the lhs or rhs are fail" in {
+ "fail if either the lhs or rhs are fail" in {
validate(basePath + "orWithTwoRulesFailMetaData.csv", parse(basePath + "orWithTwoRulesSchema.txt")) must beLike {
- case Failure(errors) => errors.list mustEqual List(ErrorMessage("""regex("[A-Z][a-z]+") or regex("[0-9]+") fails for line: 4, column: CountryOrCountryCode, value: "@@£$%^""""))
+ case Failure(errors) => errors.list mustEqual List(ErrorMessage("""regex("[A-Z][a-z]+") or regex("[0-9]+") fails for line: 4, column: CountryOrCountryCode, value: "!!655""""))
diff --git a/csv-validator-core/src/test/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/MetaDataValidatorBusinessAcceptanceSpec.scala b/csv-validator-core/src/test/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/MetaDataValidatorBusinessAcceptanceSpec.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 308ab959..00000000
--- a/csv-validator-core/src/test/scala/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/MetaDataValidatorBusinessAcceptanceSpec.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013, The National Archives digitalpreservation@nationalarchives.gov.uk
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- */
-package uk.gov.tna.dri.validator
-import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
-import scalaz._
-import uk.gov.tna.dri.schema.Schema
-class MetaDataValidatorBusinessAcceptanceSpec extends Specification {
- val basePath = "src/test/resources/uk/gov/tna/dri/validator/acceptance/dptests/"
- val v: MetaDataValidatorApp = new MetaDataValidatorApp with AllErrorsMetaDataValidator { val pathSubstitutions = List[(String,String)]() }
- import v.{validate, parseSchema}
- def parse(filePath: String): Schema = parseSchema(filePath) fold (f => throw new IllegalArgumentException(f.toString()), s => s)
- "Regex rule" should {
- "succeed" in {
- validate(basePath + "regexRulePassMetaData.csv", parse(basePath + "regexRuleSchema.txt")) must beLike {
- case Success(_) => ok
- }
- }
- "fail" in {
- validate(basePath + "regexRuleFailMetaData.csv", parse(basePath + "regexRuleSchema.txt")) must beLike {
- case Failure(_) => ok
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e31c1fe9..00000000
--- a/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- 4.0.0
- uk.gov.nationalarchives
- csv-validator-parent
- csv-validator-parent
- csv-validator
- pom
- csv-validator
- csv-validator-parent
- csv-validator-core