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This repository was archived by the owner on Nov 5, 2022. It is now read-only.
diginc edited this page Feb 13, 2016 · 43 revisions


Update 2016/02/07 - Added Li-Ming, updated all stats, by Trust

Update 2016/01/13 - Added Greymane, by Trust

Update 2016/01/08 - Added Artanis, Cho'Gall, Lunara, by Trust

Update 2015/09/25 - Kharazim added thanks to PR by Anubis Black

Update 2015/09/17 - First post Rexxar patch numbers, resetting the total games, potentially shifting builds around a lot.

HOTS Build Cheatsheets

Here are the most popular Hero of the Storm Heros' builds from HOTS Logs in a shorthand format. All credit goes to HOTS Logs for the data, I am merely reformatting it.

The wiki sidebar is also searchable to make it easier to find a hero quickly.


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
112 66.1 % 141-1-413
150 66.0 % 212-1-234
346 65.0 % 412-1-234 * Highest popularity talents, individually
37 ??.? % 241-1-234
29 ??.? % 412-1-231
74 ??.? % 224-1-234
62 ??.? % 222-1-234
42 ??.? % 422-1-234
28 ??.? % 141-2-413
38 ??.? % 412-1-233
N/A N/A 112-1-214 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
14 ??.? % 444-1-131
18 ??.? % 344-1-111
16 ??.? % 344-1-121
12 ??.? % 344-2-243
17 ??.? % 344-2-143 * Highest popularity talents, individually
13 ??.? % 344-1-321
13 ??.? % 344-2-443
27 ??.? % 344-1-141
12 ??.? % 444-2-443
17 ??.? % 344-1-131
N/A N/A 442-1-321 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
106 67.9 % 422-2-222
118 67.8 % 222-2-224 * Highest popularity talents, individually
155 66.5 % 422-2-224
44 ??.? % 443-2-224
52 ??.? % 422-1-224
64 ??.? % 424-2-224
37 ??.? % 222-2-223
94 ??.? % 222-2-222
41 ??.? % 243-2-223
39 ??.? % 243-2-222
N/A N/A 322-1-424 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
16 ??.? % 421-2-412
22 ??.? % 421-2-443 * Highest popularity talents, individually
14 ??.? % 121-1-143
36 ??.? % 431-1-443
34 ??.? % 421-2-243
21 ??.? % 421-1-243
16 ??.? % 431-2-443
36 ??.? % 421-1-143
17 ??.? % 421-1-443
20 ??.? % 421-2-143
N/A N/A 411-2-412 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
22 ??.? % 322-1-124
21 ??.? % 121-2-112
18 ??.? % 121-2-114
23 ??.? % 211-1-311
17 ??.? % 121-2-313
25 ??.? % 221-1-111
23 ??.? % 314-1-331
19 ??.? % 141-2-343
27 ??.? % 314-1-311
17 ??.? % 111-2-333
N/A N/A 121-1-314 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 423-1-112 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
32 ??.? % 232-1-314
83 ??.? % 111-1-323
50 ??.? % 212-1-323 * Highest popularity talents, individually
24 ??.? % 232-1-321
54 ??.? % 232-1-324
54 ??.? % 212-1-324
31 ??.? % 212-1-321
31 ??.? % 232-1-334
24 ??.? % 111-1-324
32 ??.? % 212-1-334
N/A N/A 123-1-133 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
33 ??.? % 133-2-232 * Highest win percentage talents, individually
41 ??.? % 133-2-332
28 ??.? % 133-2-333 * Highest popularity talents, individually
25 ??.? % 133-1-323
86 ??.? % 133-1-433
56 ??.? % 133-2-432
51 ??.? % 133-2-433
21 ??.? % 133-1-423
27 ??.? % 133-1-333
28 ??.? % 133-2-323


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
21 ??.? % 221-2-312
70 ??.? % 212-1-311
23 ??.? % 212-2-312
16 ??.? % 212-2-112
21 ??.? % 223-1-311
18 ??.? % 212-1-111
49 ??.? % 222-2-312
30 ??.? % 232-1-311
32 ??.? % 222-1-311 * Highest popularity talents, individually
12 ??.? % 212-1-313
N/A N/A 313-1-131 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
454 74.0 % 231-1-213
175 68.6 % 231-2-212
164 68.3 % 232-1-214
804 67.3 % 232-1-213
618 66.8 % 232-1-211 * Highest popularity talents, individually
176 66.5 % 331-1-211
414 66.4 % 231-1-211
172 65.7 % 332-1-211
232 65.5 % 232-1-243
181 65.2 % 232-2-212
N/A N/A 231-1-214 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
109 67.0 % 111-1-221
127 62.2 % 111-1-211
108 56.5 % 111-1-223
71 ??.? % 111-1-225
94 ??.? % 111-1-321 * Highest popularity talents, individually
72 ??.? % 111-1-215
72 ??.? % 111-1-323
75 ??.? % 111-1-311
72 ??.? % 111-1-231
77 ??.? % 111-1-213
N/A N/A 114-2-225 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
100 60.0 % 342-2-122
444 59.2 % 342-2-124
349 58.5 % 342-1-123
102 57.8 % 143-1-241
464 57.3 % 342-2-123 * Highest popularity talents, individually
50 ??.? % 342-2-223
53 ??.? % 342-2-424
58 ??.? % 143-1-221
51 ??.? % 142-1-123
57 ??.? % 342-1-124
N/A N/A 342-1-113 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
16 ??.? % 113-1-331
12 ??.? % 111-1-121
20 ??.? % 123-1-321
15 ??.? % 113-1-321
20 ??.? % 113-1-311 * Highest popularity talents, individually
13 ??.? % 131-1-311
16 ??.? % 111-1-331
11 ??.? % 121-1-111
25 ??.? % 111-1-321
17 ??.? % 131-1-111
N/A N/A 313-2-232 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
19 ??.? % 442-2-232
29 ??.? % 442-2-332
21 ??.? % 432-2-222
18 ??.? % 432-2-212
52 ??.? % 322-2-212
54 ??.? % 321-2-212
26 ??.? % 422-2-212
20 ??.? % 431-2-222
21 ??.? % 431-1-211
29 ??.? % 431-2-212 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 112-1-342 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
434 67.3 % 442-1-313
188 66.0 % 242-1-413
108 63.9 % 242-1-114
274 63.5 % 142-1-313
321 58.9 % 242-1-113
789 58.4 % 242-1-313 * Highest popularity talents, individually
89 ??.? % 242-1-314
80 ??.? % 142-1-113
67 ??.? % 442-1-314
60 ??.? % 113-1-344
N/A N/A 342-1-313 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
277 65.0 % 235-1-541
330 63.6 % 235-1-531 * Highest popularity talents, individually
57 ??.? % 235-2-143
97 ??.? % 235-2-533
77 ??.? % 235-2-133
61 ??.? % 235-2-543
93 ??.? % 235-1-131
44 ??.? % 235-1-543
60 ??.? % 235-1-533
45 ??.? % 235-2-532
N/A N/A 235-1-141 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
146 66.4 % 322-1-124
307 60.9 % 422-1-224
277 60.7 % 322-2-224
327 60.6 % 222-1-224
186 60.2 % 422-2-224
128 60.2 % 222-2-224
132 58.3 % 322-2-234
125 55.2 % 322-1-234
144 54.9 % 122-1-224
420 53.3 % 322-1-224 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 222-2-323 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
222 71.2 % 442-2-143
151 68.9 % 442-2-123
557 66.4 % 441-2-123
452 65.0 % 441-2-143 * Highest popularity talents, individually
317 61.2 % 441-2-113
120 60.0 % 442-2-113
114 48.3 % 441-2-443
84 ??.? % 241-2-123
90 ??.? % 444-2-123
80 ??.? % 442-2-443
N/A N/A 441-2-124 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
112 66.1 % 141-1-413
150 66.0 % 212-1-234
346 65.0 % 412-1-234 * Highest popularity talents, individually
37 ??.? % 241-1-234
29 ??.? % 412-1-231
74 ??.? % 224-1-234
62 ??.? % 222-1-234
42 ??.? % 422-1-234
28 ??.? % 141-2-413
38 ??.? % 412-1-233
N/A N/A 112-1-214 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
27 ??.? % 124-1-113
32 ??.? % 121-1-234
52 ??.? % 234-1-111
23 ??.? % 121-1-211
75 ??.? % 121-1-111 * Highest popularity talents, individually
97 ??.? % 124-1-111
25 ??.? % 124-1-114
24 ??.? % 121-1-214
54 ??.? % 121-1-114
21 ??.? % 134-1-111
N/A N/A 431-2-333 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
158 64.6 % 141-1-323
139 55.4 % 141-1-123
126 51.6 % 141-1-223
42 ??.? % 131-2-422
58 ??.? % 131-1-123
63 ??.? % 131-1-423
81 ??.? % 131-1-323
98 ??.? % 141-1-423 * Highest popularity talents, individually
82 ??.? % 131-1-223
51 ??.? % 141-1-321
N/A N/A 311-2-434 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
34 ??.? % 434-1-143
25 ??.? % 433-1-123
25 ??.? % 434-1-233
30 ??.? % 414-2-123
85 ??.? % 434-1-123 * Highest popularity talents, individually
46 ??.? % 414-1-123
31 ??.? % 434-1-223
30 ??.? % 433-1-233
24 ??.? % 431-1-233
45 ??.? % 434-2-123
N/A N/A 413-1-133 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
1731 72.0 % 121-1-223
488 70.7 % 123-1-341
530 70.6 % 143-1-343
2187 70.3 % 123-1-343
683 69.3 % 122-1-223
410 67.8 % 122-1-343
901 67.7 % 121-1-323
319 66.1 % 122-1-323 * Highest popularity talents, individually
910 65.6 % 122-1-233
447 62.9 % 122-1-333
N/A N/A 421-1-223 * Highest win percentage talents, individually

Li Li

Links: [HOTS Logs Source]( Li) | [HotS Counters]( Li)

Games Win % Build Note
135 57.8 % 133-1-323
89 ??.? % 324-1-441
52 ??.? % 124-1-443
71 ??.? % 324-1-241
99 ??.? % 324-1-443
95 ??.? % 133-1-423
79 ??.? % 133-1-223
58 ??.? % 123-1-423 * Highest popularity talents, individually
46 ??.? % 133-1-221
51 ??.? % 113-1-423
N/A N/A 324-2-242 * Highest win percentage talents, individually

Lt. Morales

Links: [HOTS Logs Source]( Morales) | [HotS Counters]( Morales)

Games Win % Build Note
128 67.2 % 222-1-223
114 61.4 % 222-1-113
329 56.2 % 222-1-213 * Highest popularity talents, individually
155 55.5 % 223-1-213
137 52.6 % 224-1-213
78 ??.? % 224-1-113
90 ??.? % 221-1-213
74 ??.? % 223-1-113
89 ??.? % 212-1-213
76 ??.? % 211-1-223
N/A N/A 342-1-333 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
117 61.5 % 312-1-221
37 ??.? % 112-1-331
46 ??.? % 412-1-431
36 ??.? % 412-1-221
37 ??.? % 112-1-231
43 ??.? % 312-1-331
64 ??.? % 312-1-421
39 ??.? % 312-1-431
36 ??.? % 314-1-221
36 ??.? % 112-1-431
N/A N/A 312-1-231 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 334-1-243 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
120 65.0 % 111-1-121
224 61.6 % 211-1-113
179 60.9 % 211-1-123 * Highest popularity talents, individually
100 60.0 % 311-1-123
140 57.1 % 211-1-121
136 55.2 % 211-1-111
122 54.1 % 111-1-111
96 ??.? % 311-1-113
71 ??.? % 111-1-123
78 ??.? % 321-1-123
N/A N/A 242-1-234 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
133 64.7 % 441-1-154
423 64.3 % 441-1-153
780 63.2 % 441-1-353 * Highest popularity talents, individually
401 62.1 % 441-1-354
100 62.0 % 441-1-351
170 60.6 % 444-1-353
106 59.4 % 444-1-153
307 53.4 % 441-1-453
98 ??.? % 441-1-253
85 ??.? % 341-1-353
N/A N/A 444-1-154 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
29 ??.? % 111-2-332
76 ??.? % 131-2-332
34 ??.? % 433-2-223
52 ??.? % 433-2-222
50 ??.? % 131-2-222
27 ??.? % 131-2-122
74 ??.? % 133-2-332
89 ??.? % 133-2-222 * Highest popularity talents, individually
62 ??.? % 133-2-223
27 ??.? % 141-2-142
N/A N/A 111-2-424 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
502 70.7 % 211-1-121 * Highest popularity talents, individually
** Highest win percentage talents, individually
233 68.2 % 211-1-321
111 64.9 % 211-1-131
167 64.7 % 211-2-122
164 61.0 % 211-2-322
137 60.6 % 211-1-221
66 ??.? % 211-1-111
69 ??.? % 211-2-222
56 ??.? % 211-1-124
75 ??.? % 211-1-324


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
20 ??.? % 411-1-131
17 ??.? % 411-2-132
94 ??.? % 421-2-132
19 ??.? % 423-1-131
27 ??.? % 223-1-221
36 ??.? % 421-2-133
76 ??.? % 421-1-131
17 ??.? % 223-1-231
32 ??.? % 223-2-222
19 ??.? % 213-1-221
N/A N/A 421-2-131 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 431-1-112 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
131 67.2 % 212-2-144
517 66.7 % 212-1-114
208 63.9 % 213-1-134
1907 63.9 % 212-1-134 * Highest popularity talents, individually
471 63.9 % 212-1-144
184 62.0 % 222-1-134
403 61.8 % 112-1-134
298 60.4 % 212-2-134
375 58.1 % 212-1-234
115 57.4 % 112-1-144
N/A N/A 212-1-414 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
1043 73.0 % 231-1-133 * Highest win percentage talents, individually
289 72.7 % 232-1-134
508 71.9 % 233-1-133
299 71.2 % 221-1-134
172 70.9 % 231-1-234
3851 70.5 % 231-1-134 * Highest popularity talents, individually
510 70.0 % 231-1-131
1390 69.6 % 233-1-134
312 67.0 % 431-1-134
146 65.1 % 231-1-334


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
8 ??.? % 243-1-134
25 ??.? % 213-1-143 * Highest popularity talents, individually
10 ??.? % 243-1-143
10 ??.? % 213-1-133
10 ??.? % 213-1-144
26 ??.? % 244-2-142
13 ??.? % 244-1-143
9 ??.? % 244-1-133
11 ??.? % 213-1-141
11 ??.? % 244-1-141
N/A N/A 241-2-123 * Highest win percentage talents, individually

Sgt. Hammer

Links: [HOTS Logs Source]( Hammer) | [HotS Counters]( Hammer)

Games Win % Build Note
140 57.9 % 133-2-144 * Highest popularity talents, individually
24 ??.? % 132-2-244
26 ??.? % 123-2-144
56 ??.? % 433-2-144
85 ??.? % 133-2-244
22 ??.? % 113-2-244
21 ??.? % 433-2-134
75 ??.? % 133-2-134
29 ??.? % 132-2-144
45 ??.? % 113-2-144
N/A N/A 531-2-244 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
432 65.7 % 114-2-344 * Highest popularity talents, individually
181 59.1 % 113-2-344
123 58.5 % 114-1-344
133 57.9 % 413-2-344
46 ??.? % 114-2-324
67 ??.? % 111-2-344
46 ??.? % 113-2-343
68 ??.? % 114-2-444
79 ??.? % 113-1-344
78 ??.? % 414-2-344
N/A N/A 144-2-323 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
183 61.8 % 313-1-123 * Highest popularity talents, individually
104 56.7 % 313-1-121
71 ??.? % 313-2-124
54 ??.? % 311-2-124
45 ??.? % 313-1-321
81 ??.? % 312-1-123
66 ??.? % 311-1-121
82 ??.? % 444-1-211
64 ??.? % 312-1-323
70 ??.? % 311-1-123
N/A N/A 114-1-311 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
169 60.4 % 341-1-224
194 59.3 % 141-1-224
69 ??.? % 212-1-121
64 ??.? % 341-1-323
84 ??.? % 341-1-223
59 ??.? % 341-1-221 * Highest popularity talents, individually
53 ??.? % 241-1-224
79 ??.? % 141-1-223
60 ??.? % 341-1-321
86 ??.? % 141-1-221
N/A N/A 331-1-123 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
119 66.4 % 111-2-222
327 54.7 % 111-2-223 * Highest popularity talents, individually
21 ??.? % 131-2-223
34 ??.? % 121-2-223
17 ??.? % 111-2-213
22 ??.? % 111-1-221
28 ??.? % 111-2-423
38 ??.? % 111-2-224
23 ??.? % 111-1-223
36 ??.? % 111-2-413
N/A N/A 121-2-222 * Highest win percentage talents, individually

The Butcher

Links: [HOTS Logs Source]( Butcher) | [HotS Counters]( Butcher)

Games Win % Build Note
19 ??.? % 433-2-333
25 ??.? % 413-2-233
38 ??.? % 423-1-333
67 ??.? % 423-2-333
51 ??.? % 423-2-233
25 ??.? % 413-1-233
77 ??.? % 413-2-333 * Highest popularity talents, individually
70 ??.? % 413-1-333
23 ??.? % 433-1-333
40 ??.? % 423-1-233
N/A N/A 341-2-233 * Highest win percentage talents, individually

The Lost Vikings

Links: [HOTS Logs Source]( Lost Vikings) | [HotS Counters]( Lost Vikings)

Games Win % Build Note
37 ??.? % 422-1-221
19 ??.? % 422-2-224
36 ??.? % 442-2-214
50 ??.? % 442-2-224
25 ??.? % 412-2-224
42 ??.? % 442-1-221
26 ??.? % 422-2-214 * Highest popularity talents, individually
27 ??.? % 442-1-211
16 ??.? % 412-2-214
24 ??.? % 422-1-211
N/A N/A 122-2-134 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
149 69.1 % 213-1-313
286 67.8 % 241-1-223
304 67.4 % 213-1-414
245 66.5 % 213-1-223 * Highest popularity talents, individually
390 66.4 % 211-1-223
369 66.1 % 213-1-224
201 64.2 % 213-1-324
155 62.6 % 213-1-323
305 59.0 % 211-1-224
116 54.3 % 241-1-224
N/A N/A 113-1-323 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
202 61.9 % 133-1-241 * Highest popularity talents, individually
109 58.7 % 133-2-242
22 ??.? % 133-1-441
52 ??.? % 143-1-241
25 ??.? % 143-2-242
22 ??.? % 133-2-212
24 ??.? % 133-1-211
22 ??.? % 133-2-243
19 ??.? % 133-2-244
19 ??.? % 133-1-243
N/A N/A 433-2-321 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
105 80.0 % 411-2-323
23 ??.? % 411-1-143
25 ??.? % 411-2-322
76 ??.? % 411-1-323 * Highest popularity talents, individually
29 ??.? % 411-2-123
39 ??.? % 411-1-123
44 ??.? % 411-1-223
28 ??.? % 411-2-223
23 ??.? % 411-1-221
34 ??.? % 411-1-233
N/A N/A 411-1-112 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
101 63.4 % 232-1-114
104 53.9 % 413-1-131
100 50.0 % 412-1-135
72 ??.? % 232-1-111
50 ??.? % 233-1-111
98 ??.? % 413-1-135
89 ??.? % 412-1-131
71 ??.? % 413-1-134
73 ??.? % 233-1-114
90 ??.? % 412-1-134
N/A N/A 212-1-114 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 344-1-113 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
104 60.6 % 144-1-444
116 58.6 % 111-1-443
110 57.3 % 141-1-443
700 55.0 % 144-1-443 * Highest popularity talents, individually
101 51.5 % 114-1-443
44 ??.? % 143-1-443
52 ??.? % 111-1-423
87 ??.? % 144-1-423
61 ??.? % 142-1-443
74 ??.? % 145-1-443
N/A N/A 413-2-121 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
432 65.7 % 114-2-344 * Highest popularity talents, individually
181 59.1 % 113-2-344
123 58.5 % 114-1-344
133 57.9 % 413-2-344
46 ??.? % 114-2-324
67 ??.? % 111-2-344
46 ??.? % 113-2-343
68 ??.? % 114-2-444
79 ??.? % 113-1-344
78 ??.? % 414-2-344
N/A N/A 144-2-323 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
119 71.4 % 233-1-133
109 65.1 % 233-1-234
148 61.5 % 424-1-133
108 58.3 % 424-2-133
105 55.2 % 344-1-234
105 51.4 % 344-1-233
91 ??.? % 233-1-123
61 ??.? % 233-1-221
74 ??.? % 233-1-233
75 ??.? % 424-2-113
N/A N/A 433-1-133 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 543-1-233 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
288 71.2 % 315-1-123
126 70.6 % 314-1-121
117 70.1 % 314-1-123 * Highest win percentage talents, individually
306 68.0 % 315-1-121
1565 64.5 % 314-1-124
701 64.1 % 315-1-224
320 63.1 % 314-1-224
2251 62.3 % 315-1-124 * Highest popularity talents, individually
509 61.3 % 311-1-124
199 58.3 % 315-1-221


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
104 62.5 % 415-1-443 * Highest win percentage talents, individually
420 61.7 % 515-1-443
102 58.8 % 232-2-314
124 53.2 % 515-1-441
41 ??.? % 415-1-441
43 ??.? % 411-2-314
79 ??.? % 515-1-433
88 ??.? % 451-2-314
46 ??.? % 511-1-443
50 ??.? % 411-2-324
N/A N/A 511-1-413 * Highest popularity talents, individually

Shorthand Explained

  • The actual number is the number of talents down from the top of that tier's talent list.
  • Left to right are level tiers, in order, with the Heroic between dashes (Levels 1,4,7, dash, 10, dash, 13, 16, 20)

This shorthand format is each talent tier gets represent by a number, that number is the number of choices down from the first talent for that tier. I group the tier talent numbers symmetrically with the first 3 levels and last 3 bunched up, and level 10 with dashes around it. See the example at the bottom if this is confusing or click through to the hero pages.

Shorthand Example

E.G. ToughGuy: 321-2-524 shorthand build means ToughGuy's build goes like this

Tier Level Talent Choice From top
1 1 3rd talent choice from top
2 4 2nd talent
3 7 1st talent
4 10 2nd talent
5 13 5th talent
6 16 2nd talent
7 20 4th talent


This is a project I made solely for myself and to save time since I used to manually create shorthand character build cheat sheets. Quickly choosing talents in game is important, even when you're not as familiar with a character's talents. I assume there are some other new players that could benefit from this type of thing so I've shared this information through github.


HOTS Logs Log is a simple python scraper, feel free to browse the sourcecode in the github project. I asked for permission before scraping HotSLogs and do so only once a day (and republish the latest info on this project's github wiki pages)

Clone this wiki locally