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This repository was archived by the owner on Nov 5, 2022. It is now read-only.
Anubis-Black edited this page Sep 22, 2015 · 43 revisions


Update 2015/09/17 - First post Rexxar patch numbers, resetting the total games, potentially shifting builds around a lot.

Update 2015/09/04 - The build shorthand column now link to talent calulator with the URL customized for each build!
Use them to see a more detailed view of the build and talents, or tweak builds slightly.

HOTS Build Cheatsheets

Here are the most popular Hero of the Storm Heros' builds from HOTS Logs in a shorthand format. All credit goes to HOTS Logs for the data, I am merely reformatting it.

The wiki sidebar is also searchable to make it easier to find a hero quickly.


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
163 62.6 % 241-1-234
201 61.7 % 224-1-234
738 61.5 % 141-2-413
528 61.4 % 141-1-413
212 59.9 % 141-2-313
151 58.3 % 412-1-234
165 58.2 % 141-1-423
150 58.0 % 141-1-313
215 57.7 % 141-2-423
227 56.8 % 241-2-234
N/A N/A 141-1-433 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 112-1-414 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
205 72.2 % 444-1-131
218 68.8 % 444-1-141
410 67.6 % 344-1-141 * Highest popularity talents, individually
344 65.7 % 344-1-131
106 64.2 % 344-1-144
134 63.4 % 444-1-143
109 63.3 % 344-1-321
246 63.0 % 344-1-121
177 61.6 % 344-1-143
138 58.7 % 442-1-143
N/A N/A 442-1-111 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
246 67.1 % 421-1-443 * Highest popularity talents, individually
96 64.6 % 421-2-243
136 63.2 % 421-2-413
93 61.3 % 121-2-412
127 60.6 % 421-2-143
374 58.6 % 421-1-243
177 58.2 % 121-1-243
306 57.2 % 421-1-143
103 54.4 % 121-1-143
131 54.2 % 421-1-413
N/A N/A 411-2-434 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
116 65.5 % 111-1-311 * Highest popularity talents, individually
86 65.1 % 314-1-324
105 62.9 % 221-1-311
170 61.2 % 314-1-311
152 60.5 % 211-1-311
106 59.4 % 314-1-321
81 59.3 % 121-2-343
139 57.6 % 111-2-343
143 55.9 % 314-1-331
140 55.0 % 141-2-343
N/A N/A 221-1-114 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
77 71.4 % 112-1-323 * Highest popularity talents, individually
116 68.1 % 212-1-324
344 66.6 % 111-1-323
113 63.7 % 212-1-323
106 62.3 % 232-1-324
72 61.1 % 111-1-223
95 61.1 % 111-1-333
114 60.5 % 111-1-324
97 57.7 % 111-1-321
94 57.5 % 212-1-321
N/A N/A 144-1-343 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
98 70.4 % 434-2-433
105 69.5 % 434-2-332 * Highest popularity talents, individually
** Highest win percentage talents, individually
159 69.2 % 434-2-342
41 68.3 % 434-2-333
56 62.5 % 434-2-232
70 58.6 % 434-2-442
65 58.5 % 434-2-343
175 57.1 % 434-2-432
50 54.0 % 434-2-443
55 52.7 % 434-1-343


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
74 67.6 % 231-2-212
222 65.8 % 232-2-212
100 59.0 % 232-1-213
53 58.5 % 232-1-241
144 57.6 % 232-1-211
72 56.9 % 232-1-243
94 56.4 % 332-1-443
90 54.4 % 232-2-242
52 53.9 % 222-2-212
57 42.1 % 332-2-212
N/A N/A 232-1-212 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 231-2-214 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
170 71.2 % 111-1-321 * Highest popularity talents, individually
65 67.7 % 111-1-211
60 66.7 % 213-1-341
149 64.4 % 111-1-221
75 58.7 % 111-1-223
110 57.3 % 112-1-321
66 51.5 % 111-1-341
62 50.0 % 111-1-233
75 45.3 % 111-1-231
86 41.9 % 312-1-311
N/A N/A 114-1-222 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
622 65.0 % 132-1-123 * Highest popularity talents, individually
125 64.8 % 132-1-223
228 62.3 % 331-1-133
113 62.0 % 132-1-133
434 61.3 % 332-1-123
191 59.2 % 142-1-123
94 58.5 % 142-1-143
118 57.6 % 112-1-123
105 55.2 % 112-1-323
97 50.5 % 331-1-123
N/A N/A 532-1-114 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
152 69.1 % 421-2-222
128 67.2 % 422-2-222
123 66.7 % 221-2-212
216 65.3 % 321-2-212
158 63.3 % 431-2-222
184 60.9 % 421-2-212
265 60.0 % 431-2-212 * Highest popularity talents, individually
163 58.3 % 432-2-212
205 58.1 % 422-2-212
140 57.1 % 431-1-211
N/A N/A 112-1-141 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
195 66.7 % 235-2-132 * Highest win percentage talents, individually
379 65.2 % 235-1-133 * Highest popularity talents, individually
235 65.1 % 235-2-532
444 63.1 % 235-2-533
524 62.8 % 235-2-133
605 62.5 % 235-1-541
1499 60.8 % 235-1-531
476 58.4 % 235-1-533
682 57.3 % 235-1-131
298 47.0 % 235-1-534


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
916 65.8 % 322-2-222
642 64.2 % 322-2-112
1161 64.1 % 322-2-124
776 62.8 % 322-2-122
4634 62.1 % 322-2-224 * Highest popularity talents, individually
701 62.1 % 342-2-224
1110 60.9 % 332-2-224
2669 60.3 % 322-2-234
1798 59.4 % 322-1-224
931 59.1 % 322-1-234
N/A N/A 323-2-323 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
676 69.1 % 444-2-123
5981 68.4 % 441-2-123 * Highest popularity talents, individually
554 67.7 % 241-2-123
2702 67.6 % 441-2-143
1731 67.4 % 442-2-123
729 65.4 % 442-2-113
1247 65.2 % 442-2-143
1815 63.4 % 441-2-113
651 56.2 % 441-2-443
498 55.8 % 442-2-443
N/A N/A 441-2-124 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
1469 66.6 % 131-1-224
955 66.5 % 121-1-231
3290 64.3 % 131-1-234
1441 63.6 % 121-1-214
16088 63.6 % 121-1-234 * Highest popularity talents, individually
4425 63.3 % 121-1-224
1202 63.1 % 131-1-214
826 62.7 % 221-1-234
1111 60.9 % 121-2-234
809 60.3 % 121-1-221
N/A N/A 211-1-223 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
282 65.3 % 134-1-111
129 63.6 % 124-1-114
317 62.2 % 114-1-111
443 61.4 % 234-1-111
216 61.1 % 144-1-111 * Highest popularity talents, individually
497 60.8 % 124-1-111
145 60.7 % 121-1-114
321 59.8 % 121-1-111
137 58.4 % 214-1-111
166 53.6 % 244-1-111
N/A N/A 132-2-243 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
323 65.0 % 141-2-323
834 64.3 % 141-2-423
455 63.7 % 141-2-113
449 62.6 % 131-2-223
511 62.4 % 131-2-123
602 61.8 % 141-2-413
434 60.8 % 141-2-223
320 60.6 % 131-2-422
681 60.5 % 131-2-423 * Highest popularity talents, individually
673 60.3 % 141-2-123
N/A N/A 131-2-324 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
3137 70.7 % 414-2-123
408 69.4 % 414-2-143
457 69.2 % 424-2-123
1228 67.9 % 414-2-122
812 67.7 % 434-2-123 * Highest popularity talents, individually
699 67.7 % 414-2-223
1010 65.6 % 414-1-123
464 65.1 % 414-2-222
441 64.6 % 434-2-223
609 61.9 % 434-2-444
N/A N/A 411-2-113 * Highest win percentage talents, individually

Li Li

Links: [HOTS Logs Source]( Li) | [HotS Counters]( Li)

Games Win % Build Note
435 72.4 % 324-1-343
944 72.3 % 324-1-243 * Highest win percentage talents, individually
1070 70.5 % 324-1-441
2015 70.0 % 324-1-443
506 69.2 % 133-1-223
733 68.9 % 324-1-241
369 68.3 % 324-1-444
575 67.5 % 124-1-443
887 64.6 % 133-1-423
768 62.8 % 133-1-323
N/A N/A 123-1-423 * Highest popularity talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
656 65.7 % 311-1-113
954 63.3 % 211-1-113
909 62.2 % 211-1-121
939 61.7 % 211-1-111
753 61.6 % 311-1-123 * Highest popularity talents, individually
870 60.8 % 111-1-111
628 60.4 % 111-1-123
531 59.5 % 321-1-123
983 58.6 % 111-1-121
787 57.8 % 211-1-123
N/A N/A 342-1-214 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
464 66.2 % 441-1-151
436 66.1 % 441-1-154
992 65.1 % 441-1-354
777 64.1 % 441-1-153
327 63.6 % 321-1-354
423 63.1 % 441-1-351 * Highest popularity talents, individually
1012 62.1 % 441-1-353
365 60.6 % 444-1-353
502 56.4 % 231-1-351
399 54.6 % 441-1-453
N/A N/A 444-1-134 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
302 69.2 % 433-2-222
121 68.6 % 131-2-223
511 68.3 % 133-2-332
248 67.7 % 433-2-223
604 67.2 % 133-2-222 * Highest popularity talents, individually
407 66.6 % 131-2-222
371 66.6 % 133-2-223
248 66.5 % 131-2-122
197 66.0 % 233-2-222
361 65.4 % 131-2-332
N/A N/A 111-2-424 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
4667 71.3 % 211-1-121
1825 71.2 % 211-1-221
4755 68.8 % 211-1-321 * Highest popularity talents, individually
749 68.0 % 211-2-222
1205 67.0 % 211-2-122
1139 66.7 % 211-1-421
1716 66.7 % 211-1-324
2811 66.5 % 211-2-322
1245 63.7 % 211-2-324
789 63.4 % 211-1-424
N/A N/A 111-1-121 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
340 65.0 % 333-1-133
820 64.3 % 333-2-133
1007 64.2 % 333-1-131
779 64.1 % 333-2-132
289 64.0 % 332-2-132
286 62.6 % 332-1-131
424 61.3 % 333-1-221
351 59.0 % 333-1-121
282 58.5 % 333-2-222
272 58.5 % 333-2-122
N/A N/A 333-2-131 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 343-2-133 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
1318 69.6 % 212-1-114 * Highest win percentage talents, individually
1375 68.7 % 212-2-134
1281 68.2 % 212-1-234
2001 68.1 % 212-1-144
4766 67.7 % 212-1-134 * Highest popularity talents, individually
1003 66.2 % 112-1-134
577 65.9 % 213-1-134
912 65.1 % 112-2-134
1129 64.8 % 212-2-144
607 64.3 % 222-1-134


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
277 63.9 % 112-1-124
358 63.4 % 122-1-114
924 62.8 % 112-1-111
1118 62.4 % 112-1-113
337 61.7 % 122-1-111
300 61.0 % 112-1-314
2852 60.2 % 112-1-114 * Highest popularity talents, individually
312 58.0 % 412-1-114
469 57.8 % 114-1-114
335 53.1 % 114-1-113
N/A N/A 132-1-334 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
131 67.9 % 244-1-143
69 65.2 % 244-2-142
123 65.0 % 243-1-141 * Highest popularity talents, individually
277 64.6 % 244-1-141
82 62.2 % 244-1-144
68 61.8 % 223-1-141
86 61.6 % 213-1-143
77 61.0 % 244-1-111
189 58.7 % 213-1-141
69 58.0 % 223-1-143
N/A N/A 244-2-133 * Highest win percentage talents, individually

Sgt. Hammer

Links: [HOTS Logs Source]( Hammer) | [HotS Counters]( Hammer)

Games Win % Build Note
149 72.5 % 123-2-144
179 71.0 % 533-2-144
848 67.9 % 133-2-144 * Highest popularity talents, individually
196 67.4 % 533-2-134
457 66.5 % 133-2-244
176 65.9 % 113-2-144
173 64.7 % 132-2-244
541 64.0 % 133-2-134
155 63.9 % 133-2-234
297 54.9 % 133-2-154
N/A N/A 523-2-244 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
60 75.0 % 414-2-324
69 72.5 % 113-2-444
93 66.7 % 111-2-344
155 65.8 % 113-2-344
61 65.6 % 144-2-344
247 64.4 % 114-2-324
363 64.2 % 114-2-344 * Highest popularity talents, individually
146 63.7 % 414-2-344
69 62.3 % 114-2-334
162 50.0 % 412-2-344
N/A N/A 113-2-323 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
36 69.4 % 414-1-211
80 65.0 % 414-1-141
33 63.6 % 341-2-114
37 56.8 % 411-1-121
48 56.3 % 211-1-121
56 55.4 % 414-1-111
51 54.9 % 414-1-121
125 53.6 % 342-1-211
69 49.3 % 341-1-211
34 35.3 % 341-2-212
N/A N/A 311-1-111 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 412-1-134 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
325 63.7 % 341-1-323
368 61.7 % 141-1-223
717 60.4 % 341-1-224
365 60.3 % 341-1-324
1492 58.2 % 141-1-224
681 57.6 % 141-1-221 * Highest popularity talents, individually
314 56.7 % 141-1-244
364 56.3 % 341-1-321
334 54.5 % 341-1-221
366 53.0 % 212-1-121
N/A N/A 341-1-123 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
60 71.7 % 242-1-231
77 67.5 % 342-1-431
95 66.3 % 242-1-131
79 64.6 % 112-1-241
160 61.3 % 222-1-131
221 59.7 % 242-1-431
143 58.7 % 322-1-131
55 58.2 % 322-1-431
66 57.6 % 222-1-431 * Highest popularity talents, individually
64 56.3 % 122-1-131
N/A N/A 443-1-234 * Highest win percentage talents, individually

The Butcher

Links: [HOTS Logs Source]( Butcher) | [HotS Counters]( Butcher)

Games Win % Build Note
232 67.2 % 423-2-233
197 66.5 % 443-1-333
361 66.2 % 423-1-333
358 66.2 % 413-2-333
218 66.1 % 443-2-333
282 64.2 % 423-2-333
181 64.1 % 433-1-333
156 62.2 % 433-1-233
653 61.1 % 413-1-333 * Highest popularity talents, individually
247 57.5 % 423-1-233
N/A N/A 431-2-133 * Highest win percentage talents, individually

The Lost Vikings

Links: [HOTS Logs Source]( Lost Vikings) | [HotS Counters]( Lost Vikings)

Games Win % Build Note
18 83.3 % 111-2-114
32 81.3 % 312-2-224
28 78.6 % 422-2-224
32 78.1 % 311-2-114
24 75.0 % 442-2-224
20 75.0 % 422-2-214
37 73.0 % 122-2-114
23 65.2 % 411-2-224
16 62.5 % 411-2-114
49 61.2 % 412-2-224
N/A N/A 412-2-214 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 441-1-111 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
282 66.3 % 231-1-223
222 66.2 % 431-1-223
177 64.4 % 441-1-323
316 64.2 % 211-1-223
294 64.0 % 441-1-223
282 63.5 % 141-1-223
466 63.1 % 341-1-223
843 62.9 % 241-1-223 * Highest popularity talents, individually
270 61.1 % 331-1-223
171 60.8 % 443-1-323
N/A N/A 133-1-423 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
158 64.6 % 133-1-221
1526 64.0 % 133-1-241 * Highest popularity talents, individually
990 62.8 % 133-2-242
454 62.6 % 143-1-241
257 59.9 % 143-2-242
143 59.4 % 133-1-141
175 59.4 % 133-1-243
238 58.8 % 133-1-211
172 57.6 % 133-2-222
210 56.2 % 133-2-212
N/A N/A 443-1-241 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
146 67.8 % 411-1-141
118 65.3 % 311-1-141
343 64.4 % 311-1-143 * Highest popularity talents, individually
230 60.4 % 411-1-323
144 60.4 % 411-1-243
297 58.9 % 411-1-143
130 56.2 % 311-1-323
124 54.8 % 411-1-233
365 54.3 % 411-1-343
221 53.4 % 311-1-343
N/A N/A 413-1-114 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
97 70.1 % 212-1-135
78 69.2 % 223-1-213
97 67.0 % 352-1-213
145 66.9 % 222-1-213
202 65.4 % 322-1-213
113 61.1 % 412-1-135
101 60.4 % 252-1-213
73 58.9 % 323-1-213
86 57.0 % 412-1-335
72 52.8 % 212-1-435
N/A N/A 212-1-113 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 342-1-243 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
698 65.8 % 143-1-443
693 65.2 % 114-1-443
1070 64.7 % 111-1-443
676 63.9 % 144-1-444
1238 63.5 % 145-1-443
1088 62.0 % 141-1-443
5526 61.8 % 144-1-443 * Highest popularity talents, individually
309 60.8 % 144-1-243
510 60.6 % 144-1-423
611 60.2 % 142-1-443
N/A N/A 413-1-124 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
783 66.0 % 233-1-133
847 63.3 % 424-2-133
386 62.7 % 233-1-134
508 62.0 % 233-1-233
548 61.0 % 344-1-234
458 60.5 % 233-1-123
710 59.6 % 344-1-233
676 59.5 % 424-1-133
584 57.5 % 233-1-234
470 56.2 % 233-1-434
N/A N/A 433-1-233 * Highest popularity talents, individually
N/A N/A 543-1-233 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
215 65.1 % 314-1-121
1817 63.7 % 314-1-124
695 63.0 % 311-1-124
4429 62.8 % 315-1-124 * Highest popularity talents, individually
548 62.8 % 315-1-123
796 62.3 % 314-1-224
869 60.9 % 315-1-221
543 60.8 % 315-1-121
477 59.5 % 315-1-223
3057 59.3 % 315-1-224
N/A N/A 314-1-133 * Highest win percentage talents, individually


Links: HOTS Logs Source | HotS Counters

Games Win % Build Note
597 67.8 % 511-2-423
916 67.6 % 411-2-313
712 66.6 % 411-2-314
658 65.7 % 411-2-423
3079 64.5 % 411-2-323 * Highest popularity talents, individually
4733 63.7 % 411-2-324 * Highest win percentage talents, individually
632 62.7 % 411-2-334
1100 62.3 % 511-2-323
593 60.2 % 511-2-313
1050 59.2 % 511-2-324

Shorthand Explained

  • The actual number is the number of talents down from the top of that tier's talent list.
  • Left to right are level tiers, in order, with the Heroic between dashes (Levels 1,4,7, dash, 10, dash, 13, 16, 20)

This shorthand format is each talent tier gets represent by a number, that number is the number of choices down from the first talent for that tier. I group the tier talent numbers symmetrically with the first 3 levels and last 3 bunched up, and level 10 with dashes around it. See the example at the bottom if this is confusing or click through to the hero pages.

Shorthand Example

E.G. ToughGuy: 321-2-524 shorthand build means ToughGuy's build goes like this

Tier Level Talent Choice From top
1 1 3rd talent choice from top
2 4 2nd talent
3 7 1st talent
4 10 2nd talent
5 13 5th talent
6 16 2nd talent
7 20 4th talent


This is a project I made solely for myself and to save time since I used to manually create shorthand character build cheat sheets. Quickly choosing talents in game is important, even when you're not as familiar with a character's talents. I assume there are some other new players that could benefit from this type of thing so I've shared this information through github.


HOTS Logs Log is a simple python scraper, feel free to browse the sourcecode in the github project. I asked for permission before scraping HotSLogs and do so only once a day (and republish the latest info on this project's github wiki pages)

Clone this wiki locally