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File metadata and controls

319 lines (249 loc) · 10.3 KB

Creating a buffer allows us to create queueing of emails, thanks to which we can set a limit of mail sending per hour using dframe/database. When you already have a downloaded and installed framework, you create a model called mail.php.


namespace Model;
use Dframe\Config;
use Dframe\MyMail\MyMail;

class MailModel extends \Model\Model

     * @var array
    protected $buffer;

    public function init()
        $this->buffer = array();

     * @param array $whereArray
     *  return int
    public function mailsCount($whereObject = array())

        $query = $this->db->prepareQuery('SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `mails`');

        $row = $this->db->pdoQuery($query->getQuery(), $query->getParams())->result();
        return $row['count'];

     * @param int    $start
     * @param int    $limit
     * @param array  $whereObject
     * @param string $order
     * @param sting  $sort
     *  return array
    public function mails($start, $limit, $whereObject, $order = 'id', $sort = 'DESC')

        $query = $this->db->prepareQuery(
            'SELECT mail.*,
            FROM  mail
            LEFT JOIN users ON `mail`.`mail_address` = `users`.`email`'
        $query->prepareOrder($order, $sort);
        $query->prepareLimit($limit, $start);

        $results = $this->db->pdoQuery($query->getQuery(), $query->getParams())->results();
        return $this->methodResult(true, array('data' => $results));

     * @param array  $address
     * @param string $subject
     * @param string $body
     * @param string $sender
     *  return array
   public function addToBuffer(array $address, $subject, $body, $sender = '', array $attachmentsIds = array())

       $DateUTC = new \DateTime("now", new \DateTimeZone("UTC"));

       $mailEntry = array(
           'mail_name' => $address['name'],
           'mail_address' => $address['mail'],
           'mail_subject' => $subject,
           'mail_enqueued' => time(),
           'mail_body' => $body,
           'mail_sender' => $sender,
           'mail_status' => 0,
           'mail_buffer_date' => $DateUTC->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')

       //if($attachment != false){
       //    $mailEntry['mail_attachments_ids'] = $attachmentsIds;

       $this->buffer[] = $mailEntry;

       return $this->methodResult(true);

     * return array
   public function execute()
       if(count($this->buffer) == 0){
           return $this->methodResult(false, array('response' => 'Buffer is empty'));

       $i = 0;
       try {

           foreach ($this->buffer as $key => $value) {

               $buffer = array(
                   'mail_name' => $value['mail_name'],
                   'mail_address' => $value['mail_address'],
                   'mail_subject' => $value['mail_subject'],
                   'mail_enqueued' => $value['mail_enqueued'],
                   'mail_body' => $value['mail_body'],
                   'mail_sender' => $value['mail_sender'],
                   'mail_status' => $value['mail_status'],
                   'mail_buffer_date' => $value['mail_buffer_date']

               $insertResult = $this->db->insert('mails', $buffer, true)->getLastInsertId();
               if ($insertResult > 0) {
                   throw new Exception("Filed to add mail", 1);

               // Adding attachments do mysql
               // if (isset($buffer['mail_attachments_ids'])){

               //     $attachments = array();
               //     foreach ($buffer['mail_attachments_ids'] as $key2 => $value2) {
               //         $attachments[] = array(
               //             'mail_id' => $insertResult,
               //             'file_id' => $value['mail_attachments_ids']
               //         );
               //     }

               //     $insertAttachmentsResult = $this->db->insertBatch('mails_attachments', $attachments)->getLastInsertId();
               //     if(count($insertAttachmentsResult)){
               //         throw new Exception("Filed to add attachment", 1);
               //     }
               // }


       } catch (Exception $e) {
          return $this->methodResult(false, array('response' => $e->getMessage()));

           return $this->methodResult(false, array('response' => 'Unable to add mails to spooler'));

       $this->buffer = array();
       return $this->methodResult(true);

     * @param int $amount
   public function sendMails($amount = 20)

       $amount = (int)$amount;
       if($amount <= 0)
           return $this->methodResult(false, 'Incorrect amount');

       $emailsToSend = $this->db->pdoQuery('SELECT * FROM `mails`
           WHERE `mail_status` = ?
           ORDER BY `mail_enqueued` ASC
           LIMIT ?', array('0', $amount)

       $data = array('sent' => 0, 'failed' => 0, 'errors' => array());
       $return = true;

       $MyMail = new MyMail();
       $MyMail->mail->SMTPOptions = array(
           'ssl' => array(
               'verify_peer' => false,
               'verify_peer_name' => false,
               'allow_self_signed' => true
       //$MyMail->SMTPDebug  = 2; // enables SMTP debug information (for testing)
                                // 1 = errors and messages
                                // 2 = messages only
       $MyMail->mail->SMTPSecure = false;

       foreach($emailsToSend as $email){

               $dateUTC = new \DateTime("now", new \DateTimeZone("UTC"));

               //$mailsAttachments = $this->baseClass->db->pdoQuery('SELECT * FROM `mails_attachments` LEFT JOIN files ON mails_attachments.file_id = files.file_id WHERE mail_id = ?', array($email['mail_id']))->results();
               //if (count($mailsAttachments) > 0) {

                   //foreach ($mailsAttachments as $key => $attachment) {
                   //    $FileStorage = new \Dframe\FileStorage\Storage($this->loadModel('FileStorage/Drivers/DatabaseDriver'));
                   //    $sourceAdapter = $attachment['file_adapter'].'://'. $attachment['file_path'];
                   //    if ($FileStorage->manager->has($sourceAdapter)) {
                   //        // Retrieve a read-stream
                   //        $stream = $FileStorage->manager->readStream($sourceAdapter);
                   //        $contents = stream_get_contents($stream);
                   //        $MyMail->mail->addStringAttachment($contents, end(explode('/', $attachment['file_path'])));
                   //        fclose($stream);
                   //    } else {
                   //        throw new \Exception("Brak załacznika", 1);
                   //    }


               $addAddress = array('mail' => $email['mail_address'], 'name' => $email['mail_name']);
               $sendResult =  $MyMail->send($addAddress, $email['mail_subject'], $email['mail_body']);

               $this->db->update('mails', array('mail_sent' => time(), 'mail_status' => '1', 'mail_send_date' => $dateUTC->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')), array('mail_id' => $email['mail_id']));

           } catch(\Exception $e){
               $data['errors'][] = $e->getMessage();

               $return = false;


       return $this->methodResult($return, $data);

     * return array
    public function clear()
        return $this->methodResult(true);


Cron is launched from the console level, the purpose of it is periodically checking whether there's anything to send. If it encounters an entry in the mail database, it will attempt sending it to us.


ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);

use Dframe\Core;

require_once dirname(__DIR__).'/../vendor/autoload.php';
require_once dirname(__DIR__).'/../web/config.php';
require_once dirname(__DIR__).'/../app/Bootstrap.php';
$bootstrap = new Bootstrap();

class CronSmall extends \Dframe\Controller

    public function init()
        $this->dirLog = dirname(__DIR__).'/../web/cache/logs/cronSmall.txt';

        if(file_exists($this->dirLog) AND filemtime($this->dirLog)+59 > time()) {
            echo filemtime($this->dirLog)."\n\r";
            echo time()."\n\r";
            die('Time Limit. Max 59 request on seconds.');


    private function mailCron()
        echo '#Updating mailCron'."\n\r";
        $MailModel = $this->loadModel('Mail');


$CronSmall = new CronSmall($bootstrap);
echo 'Ok';

Our last element is the code that adds to the database. The |addToBuffer| method collects the mailing list, and then, after the end, executes |execute|, which adds the list to the database and queues it.

$MailModel = $this->loadModel('Mail');
$MailModel->addToBuffer(array('name' => 'NameRespondent', 'mail' => 'respondent@Email_respondent'), 'Subjectname', $body);
$execute = $MailModel->execute();
cCode:: $MailModel->addToBuffer
cCode:: $MailModel->execute