The library is a Wrapper, so a class that calls a main class. Its' purpose is simplifying the handling and creating queries for the database, automating a lot of functions. A list of available methods and their descriptions below.
Basic methods for most queries
$result = $db->pdoQuery('SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = ?', ['1'])->result();
Note: It's important to point out that the result() method at the end returns the first row of the table. To receive all rows, you should use results() instead of result()
$results = $db->pdoQuery('SELECT * FROM users')->results();
A method that's used for collection
$select = $pdo->select('users')->results();
You can use it for simpler queries with defined data and filters
// Collects all rows
$select = $pdo->select('users', '*')->results();
// Collects rows from the given columns
$select = $pdo->select('users', ['user_id', 'user_name'])->results();
A method that's use only for adding data to the database
$dataArray = ['user_name' => 'Jack'];
$insert = $db->insert('users', $dataArray)->getLastInsertId();
Works on a similar basis as insert(), but it gives us the means to add multiple items
$dataArray = [];
$dataArray[] = ['user_name' => 'Eli'];
$dataArray[] = ['user_name' => 'Jack'];
$dataArray[] = ['user_name' => 'Mati'];
$insert = $db->insertBatch('users', $dataArray)->getAllLastInsertId();
The most convenient method for updating data in the whole wrapper
$dataArray = ['user_name' => 'Monana', 'user_age' => '35'];
$where = ['id' => 23];
$update = $db->update('users', $dataArray, $where)->affectedRows();
delete is used for deleting simple data
$where = ['age' => 35];
$delete = $db->delete('test', $where)->affectedRows();
In case of deleting more complicated data, related to greater/lesser/similar we use pdoQuery with recommendation of using whereChunkString.
Clears table
$truncate = $db->truncate('users');
Deletes table
$drop = $db->drop('users');
Shows a list of columns in the database, along with their types
$describe = $db->describe('users');
Counts the number of rows in the simpler queries
$count = $db->count('employees');
$bindWhere = ['user_name' => 'Jack'];
$count = $db->count('users', $bindWhere);
showQuery is a very useful method with big queries: thanks to it, instead of the result()/results() parameter, we use showQuery(), which shows us the Query with the basic variables.
$results = $db->pdoQuery('SELECT * FROM users')->showQuery();
echo $results;
Returns the last row id added
$getLastInsertId = $db->insert('users', $dataArray)->getLastInsertId();
echo $getLastInsertId;
Returns a table of all recently added ids for the insertBatch method.
Returns data in the default array format. Also available xml/json
$data = $db->results();
$data = $db->results('xml');
$data = $db->results('json');
The same principle as results, and, as previously mentioned, returns only the first row.
$data = $db->result();
$data = $db->result('xml');
$data = $db->result('json');
Returns the number of modified rows
$data = $db->affectedRows();
Start of the msql transaction
$data = $db->start();
End of the msql transaction
$data = $db->end();
REversing the changes in case of error during start/end
$data = $db->back();
Set to false by default during the configuration, it turns debug mode on/off
$db->setErrorLog(true); // true/false
advTable:: width="100%" :tr_1: :th_1.1: MySQL query/-title.1.1 :th_1.11: :th_1.2: pdoQuery()/-title.1.1 :th_1.22: :tr_2: :tr_3: :td_1.1: MySQL select query/-title.1.2 :td_1.11: :td_1.2: select()/-title.1.2 :td_1.22: :tr_4: :tr_5: :td_2.1: MySQL insert query/-title.1.3 :td_2.11: :td_2.2: insert()/-title.1.3 :td_2.22: :tr_6: :tr_8: :td_3.1: MySQL insert batch/-title.1.4 :td_3.11: :td_3.2: insertBatch()/-title.1.4 :td_3.22: :tr_9: :tr_10: :td_4.1: MySQL update query/-title.1.5 :td_4.11: :td_4.2: update()/-title.1.5 :td_4.22: :tr_11: :tr_12: :td_5.1: MySQL delete query/-title.1.6 :td_5.11: :td_5.2: delete()/-title.1.6 :td_5.22: :tr_13: :tr_14: :td_6.1: MySQL truncate table/-title.1.7 :td_6.11: :td_6.2: truncate()/-title.1.7 :td_6.22: :tr_15: :tr_16: :td_7.1: MySQL drop table/-title.1.8 :td_7.11: :td_7.2: drop()/-title.1.8 :td_7.22: :tr_17: :tr_28: :td_8.1: MySQL describe table/-title.1.9 :td_8.11: :td_8.2: describe()/-title.1.9 :td_8.22: :tr_29: :tr_30: :td_9.1: MySQL count records/-title.1.10 :td_9.11: :td_9.2: count()/-title.1.10 :td_9.22: :tr_31: :tr_32: :td_10.1: Show/debug executed query/-title.1.11 :td_10.11: :td_10.2: showQuery()/-title.1.11 :td_10.22: :tr_33: :tr_34: :td_11.1: Get last insert id/-title.1.12 :td_11.11: :td_11.2: getLastInsertId()/-title.1.12 :td_11.22: :tr_35: :tr_36: :td_12.1: Get all last insert id/-title.1.13 :td_12.11: :td_12.2: getAllLastInsertId()/-title.1.13 :td_12.22: :tr_37: :tr_39: :td_13.1: Get MySQL results/-title.1.14 :td_13.11: :td_13.2: results()/-title.1.14 :td_13.22: :tr_40: :tr_41: :td_14.1: Get MySQL result/-title.1.15 :td_14.11: :td_14.2: result()/-title.1.15 :td_14.22: :tr_42: :tr_43: :td_15.1: Get status of executed query/-title.1.16 :td_15.11: :td_15.2: affectedRows()/-title.1.16 :td_15.22: :tr_44: :tr_45: :td_16.1: MySQL begin transactions/-title.1.17 :td_16.11: :td_16.2: start()/-title.1.17 :td_16.22: :tr_46: :tr_47: :td_17.1: MySQL commit the transaction/-title.1.18 :td_17.11: :td_17.2: end()/-title.1.18 :td_17.22: :tr_48: :tr_49: :td_18.1: MySQL rollback the transaction/-title.1.19 :td_18.11: :td_18.2: back()/-title.1.19 :td_18.22: :tr_50: :tr_51: :td_19.1: Debugger PDO Error/-title.1.20 :td_19.11: :td_19.2: setErrorLog()/-title.1.20 :td_19.22: :tr_52: