using MMICSharp.Common; using MMIStandard; using MMIUnity; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; public class WaveMMU : UnityMMUBase { private Animator animator; private MInstruction instruction; private MPostureBlendingService.Iface blending_service; private float start_percentage = 0.15f; private float end_percentage = 0.15f; private List partialList = new List() { MJointType.S1L5Joint, MJointType.T12L1Joint, MJointType.T1T2Joint, MJointType.C4C5Joint, MJointType.HeadJoint, MJointType.HeadTip, MJointType.RightShoulder, MJointType.RightElbow, MJointType.RightWrist }; protected override void Awake() { //Assign the name of the MMU this.Name = "WaveMMU"; //Assign the motion type of the MMU this.MotionType = "Pose/Wave"; //Auto generated source code for assignemnt of root transform and root bone: this.Pelvis = this.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren().First(s => == "pelvis"); this.RootTransform = this.transform; //Get the animator (needs to be added in before) this.animator = this.GetComponent(); //Disable the animator at the beginning (otherwise retargeting won't work) this.animator.enabled = false; this.animator.cullingMode = AnimatorCullingMode.AlwaysAnimate; //It is important that the bone assignment is done before the base class awake is called base.Awake(); } // Start is called before the first frame update protected override void Start() { //All required scripts should be added in here //Auto generated source code for script initialization. base.Start(); } /// /// Basic initialize routine. This routine is called when the MMU is initialized. /// The method must be implemented by the MMU developer. /// /// /// /// public override MBoolResponse Initialize(MAvatarDescription avatarDescription, Dictionary properties) { //Execute instructions on main thread this.ExecuteOnMainThread(() => { //Call the base class initialization base.Initialize(avatarDescription, properties); //To do -> insert your initialization code in here // Setup Blending Service blending_service = this.ServiceAccess.PostureBlendingService; blending_service.Setup(avatarDescription, new Dictionary()); }); return new MBoolResponse(true); } /// /// Method to assign a MInstriction to the MMU: /// The method must be provided by the MMU developer. /// /// /// /// public override MBoolResponse AssignInstruction(MInstruction instruction, MSimulationState state) { //Assign the instruction to the class variable this.instruction = instruction; Vector3 target_position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); bool wasConstraint = false; // Check if the target id is a constraint foreach (MConstraint c in instruction.Constraints) { if (c.ID == instruction.Properties["TargetID"] && c.GeometryConstraint != null) { // Constraint found Quaternion parentRot = Quaternion.identity; Vector3 parentPos =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.GeometryConstraint.ParentObjectID)) { // has a parent var parent = this.SceneAccess.GetSceneObjectByID(c.GeometryConstraint.ParentObjectID); if (parent != null) { parentRot = parent.Transform.Rotation.ToQuaternion(); parentPos = parent.Transform.Position.ToVector3(); } } // Transform to global space target_position = parentRot * c.GeometryConstraint.ParentToConstraint.Position.ToVector3() + parentPos; wasConstraint = true; break; } } // If no constraint, check if there is a suitable scene object if (!wasConstraint) { var mobj = this.SceneAccess.GetSceneObjectByID(this.instruction.Properties["TargetID"]); if (mobj == null) { MBoolResponse result = new MBoolResponse(false); result.LogData = new List() { "Target Constraint or Object not found with ID: " + this.instruction.Properties["TargetID"] }; return result; } target_position = mobj.Transform.Position.ToVector3(); } this.ExecuteOnMainThread(() => { this.AssignPostureValues(state.Current); var dir = this.transform.TransformDirection(target_position - this.transform.position).normalized; dir = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(dir, Vector3.up); float angle = Mathf.Clamp(Vector2.SignedAngle(new Vector2(0, 1), new Vector2(dir.x, dir.z)) / 90, -1, 1); animator.SetFloat("WaveBlend", angle); animator.SetLayerWeight(1, 1); animator.SetTrigger("Wave"); // Initial animator update to start the trigger this.animator.Update(0.01f); }); return new MBoolResponse(true); } /// /// Basic do step routine. This method must be implemented by the MMU developer. /// /// /// /// public override MSimulationResult DoStep(double time, MSimulationState state) { //Create a new simulation result MSimulationResult result = new MSimulationResult() { Posture = state.Current, Constraints = state.Constraints != null ? state.Constraints : new List(), Events = state.Events != null ? state.Events : new List(), SceneManipulations = state.SceneManipulations != null ? state.SceneManipulations : new List(), }; //Execute the instruction on the main thread (required in order to access unity functionality) this.ExecuteOnMainThread(() => { this.AssignPostureValues(state.Current); this.animator.Update((float)time); if (this.animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Idle")) { result.Events.Add(new MSimulationEvent(this.instruction.Name, mmiConstants.MSimulationEvent_End, this.instruction.ID)); } MAvatarPostureValues simVals = this.GetRetargetedPosture(); // Make Partial simVals = result.Posture.OverwriteWithPartial(simVals.MakePartial(this.partialList)); var simTime = this.animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).normalizedTime % 1.0f; Debug.Log("SimTime: " + simTime); if (simTime < this.start_percentage) { var blend_weight = simTime / this.start_percentage; //Debug.Log("blend from idle: " + blend_weight); result.Posture = this.blending_service.Blend(result.Posture, simVals, blend_weight, new Dictionary(), new Dictionary()); } else if (simTime > 1 - this.end_percentage) { var blend_weight = 1 - (1 - simTime) / this.end_percentage; //Debug.Log("blend to idle: " + blend_weight); result.Posture = this.blending_service.Blend(simVals, result.Posture, blend_weight, new Dictionary(), new Dictionary()); } else { result.Posture = simVals; } }); //To do -> insert your do step code in here return result; } /// /// Method to return the boundary constraints. /// Method can be optionally implemented by the developers. /// /// /// public override List GetBoundaryConstraints(MInstruction instruction) { return new List(); } /// /// Method checks if the prerequisites for starting the instruction are fulfilled. /// /// /// public override MBoolResponse CheckPrerequisites(MInstruction instruction) { return new MBoolResponse(true); } } public static class TransformExtensionsWaveMMU { public static MAvatarPostureValues MakePartial(this MAvatarPostureValues vals, List PartialJointList) { List defaultList = ISDescription.GetDefaultJointList(); MAvatarPostureValues ret = new MAvatarPostureValues(vals.AvatarID, new List()); ret.PartialJointList = PartialJointList; int id = 0; foreach (MJoint joint in defaultList) { if (PartialJointList.Contains(joint.Type)) { foreach (var x in joint.Channels) { ret.PostureData.Add(vals.PostureData[id]); id++; } } else { id += joint.Channels.Count; } } return ret; } public static MAvatarPostureValues OverwriteWithPartial(this MAvatarPostureValues vals, MAvatarPostureValues other) { List defaultList = ISDescription.GetDefaultJointList(); MAvatarPostureValues ret = new MAvatarPostureValues(vals.AvatarID, new List()); int id = 0; int idPartial = 0; foreach (MJoint joint in defaultList) { if (other.PartialJointList.Contains(joint.Type)) { foreach (var x in joint.Channels) { ret.PostureData.Add(other.PostureData[idPartial]); id++; idPartial++; } } else { foreach (var x in joint.Channels) { ret.PostureData.Add(vals.PostureData[id]); id++; } } } return ret; } public static string[] GetChildNameList(this Transform t) { string[] acc = new string[] { }; for (int c = 0; c < t.childCount; c++) { string[] addAcc = t.GetChild(c).GetChildNameList(); acc = acc.Concat(addAcc).ToArray(); } return acc; } }