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A library for interfacing with the Internet Computer's Network Nervous System.

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Table of contents


You can use nns-js by installing it in your project.

npm i @dfinity/nns

The bundle needs peer dependencies, be sure that following resources are available in your project as well.

npm i @dfinity/agent @dfinity/candid @dfinity/principal @dfinity/utils


Most features are provided through the use of classes. For example, querying the list of neurons controlled by the caller with the governance canister:

import { GovernanceCanister } from "@dfinity/nns";
import { createAgent } from "@dfinity/utils";

const agent = await createAgent({
  host: HOST,

const { listNeurons } = GovernanceCanister.create({

const myNeurons = await listNeurons({ certified: false });

To execute this on a local environment, you will need to fetch the root key when initializing the agent. Additionally, you might need to adapt the port. The following snippet also demonstrates how you can inline a canister ID as well.

import { GovernanceCanister } from "@dfinity/nns";
import { Principal } from "@dfinity/principal";
import { createAgent } from "@dfinity/utils";

const agent = await createAgent({
  host: "http://localhost:8000",
  fetchRootKey: true,

const { listNeurons } = GovernanceCanister.create({
  canisterId: Principal.fromText("rrkah-fqaaa-aaaaa-aaaaq-cai"),

const myNeurons = await listNeurons({ certified: false });


nns-js implements following features:

🧰 Functions

⚙️ ineligibleNeurons

Filter the neurons that are ineligible to vote to a proposal.

This feature needs the ballots of the proposal to contains accurate data. If the proposal has settled, as the ballots of the proposal are emptied for archive purpose, the function might return a list of ineligible neurons that are actually neurons that have not voted but would have been eligible.

Long story short, check the status of the proposal before using this function.

Function Type
ineligibleNeurons ({ neurons, proposal, }: { neurons: NeuronInfo[]; proposal: ProposalInfo; }) => NeuronInfo[]


  • params.neurons: The neurons to filter.
  • params.proposal: The proposal to match against the selected neurons.

🔗 Source

⚙️ votableNeurons

Filter the neurons that can vote for a proposal - i.e. the neurons that have not voted yet and are eligible

Function Type
votableNeurons ({ neurons, proposal, }: { neurons: NeuronInfo[]; proposal: ProposalInfo; }) => NeuronInfo[]


  • params.neurons: The neurons to filter.
  • params.proposal: The proposal to match against the selected neurons.

🔗 Source

⚙️ votedNeurons

Filter the neurons that have voted for a proposal.

Function Type
votedNeurons ({ neurons, proposal, }: { neurons: NeuronInfo[]; proposal: ProposalInfo; }) => NeuronInfo[]


  • params.neurons: The neurons to filter.
  • params.proposal: The proposal for which some neurons might have already voted.

🔗 Source

⚙️ memoToNeuronSubaccount

Function Type
memoToNeuronSubaccount ({ controller, memo, }: { controller: Principal; memo: bigint; }) => SubAccount

🔗 Source

⚙️ memoToNeuronAccountIdentifier

Function Type
memoToNeuronAccountIdentifier ({ controller, memo, governanceCanisterId, }: { controller: Principal; memo: bigint; governanceCanisterId: Principal; }) => AccountIdentifier

🔗 Source

🏭 GenesisTokenCanister

🔗 Source


⚙️ create
Method Type
create (options?: CanisterOptions<_SERVICE>) => GenesisTokenCanister

🔗 Source

⚙️ claimNeurons
Method Type
claimNeurons ({ hexPubKey, }: { hexPubKey: string; }) => Promise<bigint[]>

🔗 Source

🏭 GovernanceCanister

🔗 Source


⚙️ create
Method Type
create (options?: GovernanceCanisterOptions) => GovernanceCanister

🔗 Source

⚙️ listNeurons

Returns the list of neurons controlled by the caller.

If an array of neuron IDs is provided, precisely those neurons will be fetched.

If certified is true, the request is fetched as an update call, otherwise it is fetched using a query call.

The backend treats includeEmptyNeurons as false if absent.

The response from the canister might be paginated. In this case, all pages will be fetched in parallel and combined into a single return value.

Method Type
listNeurons ({ certified, neuronIds, includeEmptyNeurons, includePublicNeurons, neuronSubaccounts, }: { certified: boolean; neuronIds?: bigint[] or undefined; includeEmptyNeurons?: boolean or undefined; includePublicNeurons?: boolean or undefined; neuronSubaccounts?: NeuronSubaccount[] or undefined; }) => Promise<...>

🔗 Source

⚙️ listKnownNeurons

Returns the list of neurons who have been approved by the community to appear as the default followee options.

If certified is true, the request is fetched as an update call, otherwise it is fetched using a query call.

Method Type
listKnownNeurons (certified?: boolean) => Promise<KnownNeuron[]>

🔗 Source

⚙️ getLastestRewardEvent

Returns the latest reward event.

If certified is true, the request is fetched as an update call, otherwise it's fetched using a query call.

Method Type
getLastestRewardEvent (certified?: boolean) => Promise<RewardEvent>

🔗 Source

⚙️ listProposals

Returns the list of proposals made for the community to vote on, paginated and filtered by the request.

If certified is true (default), the request is fetched as an update call, otherwise it is fetched using a query call.

Method Type
listProposals ({ request, certified, }: { request: ListProposalsRequest; certified?: boolean or undefined; }) => Promise<ListProposalsResponse>


  • request: the options to list the proposals (limit number of results, topics to search for, etc.)
  • certified: query or update calls

🔗 Source

⚙️ stakeNeuron
Method Type
stakeNeuron ({ stake, principal, fromSubAccount, ledgerCanister, createdAt, fee, }: { stake: bigint; principal: Principal; fromSubAccount?: number[] or undefined; ledgerCanister: LedgerCanister; createdAt?: bigint or undefined; fee?: bigint or undefined; }) => Promise<...>

🔗 Source

⚙️ increaseDissolveDelay

Increases dissolve delay of a neuron

Method Type
increaseDissolveDelay ({ neuronId, additionalDissolveDelaySeconds, }: { neuronId: bigint; additionalDissolveDelaySeconds: number; }) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ setDissolveDelay

Sets dissolve delay of a neuron. The new date is now + dissolveDelaySeconds.

Method Type
setDissolveDelay ({ neuronId, dissolveDelaySeconds, }: { neuronId: bigint; dissolveDelaySeconds: number; }) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ startDissolving

Start dissolving process of a neuron

Method Type
startDissolving (neuronId: bigint) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ stopDissolving

Stop dissolving process of a neuron

Method Type
stopDissolving (neuronId: bigint) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ joinCommunityFund

Neuron joins the community fund

Method Type
joinCommunityFund (neuronId: bigint) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ autoStakeMaturity

Changes auto-stake maturity for this Neuron. While on, auto-stake maturity will cause all the maturity generated by voting rewards to this neuron to be automatically staked and contribute to the voting power of the neuron.

Method Type
autoStakeMaturity (params: { neuronId: bigint; autoStake: boolean; }) => Promise<void>


  • neuronId: The id of the neuron for which to request a change of the auto stake feature
  • autoStake: true to enable the auto-stake maturity for this neuron, false to turn it off

🔗 Source

⚙️ leaveCommunityFund

Neuron leaves the community fund

Method Type
leaveCommunityFund (neuronId: bigint) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ setVisibility

Set visibility of a neuron

Method Type
setVisibility (neuronId: bigint, visibility: NeuronVisibility) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ setNodeProviderAccount

Sets node provider reward account. Where the reward is paid to.

Method Type
setNodeProviderAccount (accountIdentifier: string) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ mergeNeurons

Merge two neurons

Method Type
mergeNeurons (request: { sourceNeuronId: bigint; targetNeuronId: bigint; }) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ simulateMergeNeurons

Simulate merging two neurons

Method Type
simulateMergeNeurons (request: { sourceNeuronId: bigint; targetNeuronId: bigint; }) => Promise<NeuronInfo>

🔗 Source

⚙️ splitNeuron

Splits a neuron creating a new one

Method Type
splitNeuron ({ neuronId, amount, }: { neuronId: bigint; amount: bigint; }) => Promise<bigint>

🔗 Source

⚙️ getProposal

Returns single proposal info

If certified is true (default), the request is fetched as an update call, otherwise it is fetched using a query call.

Method Type
getProposal ({ proposalId, certified, }: { proposalId: bigint; certified?: boolean or undefined; }) => Promise<ProposalInfo or undefined>

🔗 Source

⚙️ makeProposal

Create new proposal

Method Type
makeProposal (request: MakeProposalRequest) => Promise<bigint or undefined>

🔗 Source

⚙️ registerVote

Registers vote for a proposal from the neuron passed.

Method Type
registerVote ({ neuronId, vote, proposalId, }: { neuronId: bigint; vote: Vote; proposalId: bigint; }) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ setFollowees

Edit neuron followees per topic

Method Type
setFollowees (followRequest: FollowRequest) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ disburse

Disburse neuron on Account

Method Type
disburse ({ neuronId, toAccountId, amount, }: { neuronId: bigint; toAccountId?: string or undefined; amount?: bigint or undefined; }) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ refreshVotingPower

Refreshes voting power of a neuron (Resets the votingPowerRefreshedTimestampSeconds parameter of the neuron to the current time).

Method Type
refreshVotingPower ({ neuronId, }: { neuronId: bigint; }) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ mergeMaturity

Merge Maturity of a neuron

Method Type
mergeMaturity ({ neuronId, percentageToMerge, }: { neuronId: bigint; percentageToMerge: number; }) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ stakeMaturity

Stake the maturity of a neuron.

Method Type
stakeMaturity ({ neuronId, percentageToStake, }: { neuronId: bigint; percentageToStake?: number or undefined; }) => Promise<void>


  • neuronId: The id of the neuron for which to stake the maturity
  • percentageToStake: Optional. Percentage of the current maturity to stake. If not provided, all of the neuron's current maturity will be staked.

🔗 Source

⚙️ spawnNeuron

Merge Maturity of a neuron

Method Type
spawnNeuron ({ neuronId, percentageToSpawn, newController, nonce, }: { neuronId: bigint; percentageToSpawn?: number or undefined; newController?: Principal or undefined; nonce?: bigint or undefined; }) => Promise<bigint>

🔗 Source

⚙️ addHotkey

Add hotkey to neuron

Method Type
addHotkey ({ neuronId, principal, }: { neuronId: bigint; principal: Principal; }) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ removeHotkey

Remove hotkey to neuron

Method Type
removeHotkey ({ neuronId, principal, }: { neuronId: bigint; principal: Principal; }) => Promise<void>

🔗 Source

⚙️ claimOrRefreshNeuronFromAccount

Gets the NeuronID of a newly created neuron.

Method Type
claimOrRefreshNeuronFromAccount ({ memo, controller, }: { memo: bigint; controller?: Principal or undefined; }) => Promise<bigint or undefined>

🔗 Source

⚙️ claimOrRefreshNeuron

Refreshes neuron and returns neuronId when successful Uses query call only.

Method Type
claimOrRefreshNeuron (request: ClaimOrRefreshNeuronRequest) => Promise<bigint or undefined>

🔗 Source

⚙️ getNeuron

Return the data of the neuron provided as id.

Method Type
getNeuron ({ certified, neuronId, }: { certified: boolean; neuronId: bigint; }) => Promise<NeuronInfo or undefined>

🔗 Source

⚙️ getNetworkEconomicsParameters

Return the Network Economics.

Method Type
getNetworkEconomicsParameters ({ certified, }: { certified: boolean; }) => Promise<NetworkEconomics>

🔗 Source

🏭 SnsWasmCanister

🔗 Source


⚙️ create
Method Type
create (options?: CanisterOptions<_SERVICE>) => SnsWasmCanister

🔗 Source

⚙️ listSnses
Method Type
listSnses ({ certified, }: { certified?: boolean or undefined; }) => Promise<DeployedSns[]>

🔗 Source