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Pricing Report

Date: March 2025


The cost of operating a canister has increased and some prices no longer cover the cost of a typical API call:

OK: Signer balance rose by 945_027_353 for: schnorr_public_key
OK: Signer balance rose by 13_791_062_383 for: schnorr_sign
WARNING: signer balance fell by -35_728_568 for: btc_caller_address
WARNING: signer balance fell by -40_248_266 for: btc_caller_balance
OK: Signer balance rose by 35_997_576_554 for: btc_caller_send
OK: Signer balance rose by 945_500_972 for: eth_address
OK: Signer balance rose by 13_745_862_039 for: eth_personal_sign
OK: Signer balance rose by 13_715_928_103 for: eth_sign_prehash
OK: Signer balance rose by 13_713_932_473 for: eth_sign_transaction
OK: Signer balance rose by 945_149_949 for: generic_caller_ecdsa_public_key
OK: Signer balance rose by 13_791_161_094 for: generic_sign_with_ecdsa

Current pricing

The fee in cycles charged for each method is:

            | SignerMethods::SchnorrPublicKey
            | SignerMethods::EthAddress
            | SignerMethods::EthAddressOfCaller => 1_000_000_000,
            | SignerMethods::SchnorrSign
            | SignerMethods::EthSignTransaction
            | SignerMethods::EthPersonalSign
            | SignerMethods::EthSignPrehash => 40_000_000_000,
            SignerMethods::BtcCallerAddress => 20_000_000,
            SignerMethods::BtcCallerBalance => 40_000_000,
            SignerMethods::BtcCallerSend => 130_000_000_000,

Pricing policy

Some costs are not paid by PAPI, such as the cost of failed API calls.

API calls are therefore charged at cost plus a margin to cover otherwise unpaid expenditures, that would otherwise cause the canister to eventually run out of cycles.

The margin is currently set at 40% over a typical API call for each method. Note that the most expensive call possible for each method is higher than the typical call.

Fees are rounded, to make them simpler to use and remember.

Pricing calculation

Prices for typical calls are determined by running scripts/check-pricing against the beta canister.

Adding the current prices to the output JSON we get:

jq -s '. | map({key: .method_name, value: .}) | from_entries' fees.jsonl > fees.json
jq -s '. | map({key: .method_name, value: .}) | from_entries' check-pricing.beta.2025-03-10T12:20:55+01:00.jsonl > check-pricing.beta.2025-03-10T12:20:55+01:00.json
jq -s '.[0] * .[1] | to_entries | .[].value' fees.json check-pricing.beta.2025-03-10T12:20:55+01:00.json > check-pricing.beta.2025-03-10T12:20:55+01:00.fees.json
$ cat check-pricing.beta.2025-03-10T12:20:55+01:00.fees.json | jq '.typical_cost = .fee - .diff | .cost_plus = .typical_cost * 1.4 | .rounding = if .cost_plus <1000000000 then 1000000 else 1000000000 end | .recommended_fee = ((.cost_plus / .rounding | ceil) * .rounding) | .recommended_change = (.recommended_fee - .fee) | .fee_usd = .fee / 1000000000000 * 1.336610 | .recommended_fee_usd = .recommended_fee /
  1000000000000 * 1.336610'

  "method_name": "schnorr_public_key",
  "fee": 1000000000,
  "cycles_balance_before": 11245238972675,
  "cycles_balance_after": 11246184000028,
  "diff": 945027353,
  "typical_cost": 54972647,
  "cost_plus": 76961705.8,
  "rounding": 1000000,
  "recommended_fee": 77000000,
  "recommended_change": -923000000,
  "fee_usd": 0.00133661,
  "recommended_fee_usd": 0.00010291897
  "method_name": "schnorr_sign",
  "fee": 40000000000,
  "cycles_balance_before": 11246180558182,
  "cycles_balance_after": 11259971620565,
  "diff": 13791062383,
  "typical_cost": 26208937617,
  "cost_plus": 36692512663.799995,
  "rounding": 1000000000,
  "recommended_fee": 37000000000,
  "recommended_change": -3000000000,
  "fee_usd": 0.0534644,
  "recommended_fee_usd": 0.04945457
  "method_name": "btc_caller_address",
  "fee": 20000000,
  "cycles_balance_before": 11259968178719,
  "cycles_balance_after": 11259932450151,
  "diff": -35728568,
  "typical_cost": 55728568,
  "cost_plus": 78019995.19999999,
  "rounding": 1000000,
  "recommended_fee": 79000000,
  "recommended_change": 59000000,
  "fee_usd": 2.6732200000000005e-05,
  "recommended_fee_usd": 0.00010559219
  "method_name": "btc_caller_balance",
  "fee": 40000000,
  "cycles_balance_before": 11259928976438,
  "cycles_balance_after": 11259888728172,
  "diff": -40248266,
  "typical_cost": 80248266,
  "cost_plus": 112347572.39999999,
  "rounding": 1000000,
  "recommended_fee": 113000000,
  "recommended_change": 73000000,
  "fee_usd": 5.346440000000001e-05,
  "recommended_fee_usd": 0.00015103693
  "method_name": "btc_caller_send",
  "fee": 130000000000,
  "cycles_balance_before": 11259885286326,
  "cycles_balance_after": 11295882862880,
  "diff": 35997576554,
  "typical_cost": 94002423446,
  "cost_plus": 131603392824.4,
  "rounding": 1000000000,
  "recommended_fee": 132000000000,
  "recommended_change": 2000000000,
  "fee_usd": 0.1737593,
  "recommended_fee_usd": 0.17643252
  "method_name": "eth_address",
  "fee": 1000000000,
  "cycles_balance_before": 11295879421034,
  "cycles_balance_after": 11296824922006,
  "diff": 945500972,
  "typical_cost": 54499028,
  "cost_plus": 76298639.19999999,
  "rounding": 1000000,
  "recommended_fee": 77000000,
  "recommended_change": -923000000,
  "fee_usd": 0.00133661,
  "recommended_fee_usd": 0.00010291897
  "method_name": "eth_personal_sign",
  "fee": 40000000000,
  "cycles_balance_before": 11296821448293,
  "cycles_balance_after": 11310567310332,
  "diff": 13745862039,
  "typical_cost": 26254137961,
  "cost_plus": 36755793145.399994,
  "rounding": 1000000000,
  "recommended_fee": 37000000000,
  "recommended_change": -3000000000,
  "fee_usd": 0.0534644,
  "recommended_fee_usd": 0.04945457
  "method_name": "eth_sign_prehash",
  "fee": 40000000000,
  "cycles_balance_before": 11310563868486,
  "cycles_balance_after": 11324279796589,
  "diff": 13715928103,
  "typical_cost": 26284071897,
  "cost_plus": 36797700655.799995,
  "rounding": 1000000000,
  "recommended_fee": 37000000000,
  "recommended_change": -3000000000,
  "fee_usd": 0.0534644,
  "recommended_fee_usd": 0.04945457
  "method_name": "eth_sign_transaction",
  "fee": 40000000000,
  "cycles_balance_before": 11324276322876,
  "cycles_balance_after": 11337990255349,
  "diff": 13713932473,
  "typical_cost": 26286067527,
  "cost_plus": 36800494537.799995,
  "rounding": 1000000000,
  "recommended_fee": 37000000000,
  "recommended_change": -3000000000,
  "fee_usd": 0.0534644,
  "recommended_fee_usd": 0.04945457
  "method_name": "generic_caller_ecdsa_public_key",
  "fee": 1000000000,
  "cycles_balance_before": 11337986813503,
  "cycles_balance_after": 11338931963452,
  "diff": 945149949,
  "typical_cost": 54850051,
  "cost_plus": 76790071.39999999,
  "rounding": 1000000,
  "recommended_fee": 77000000,
  "recommended_change": -923000000,
  "fee_usd": 0.00133661,
  "recommended_fee_usd": 0.00010291897
  "method_name": "generic_sign_with_ecdsa",
  "fee": 40000000000,
  "cycles_balance_before": 11338928521606,
  "cycles_balance_after": 11352719682700,
  "diff": 13791161094,
  "typical_cost": 26208838906,
  "cost_plus": 36692374468.399994,
  "rounding": 1000000000,
  "recommended_fee": 37000000000,
  "recommended_change": -3000000000,
  "fee_usd": 0.0534644,
  "recommended_fee_usd": 0.04945457


Ethereum signing prices can be reduced slightly. btc_caller_address and btc_caller_balance prices need to be increased.