This codebase houses the dart/flutter implementations of the openapi client sdk code generation libraries.
With this project, you can generate client libraries from your openapi specification right in your flutter/dart projects (see example). This library was inspired by the npm counterpart Openapi Generator Cli
This repo contains the following dart libraries
Library | Description | latest version |
openapi-generator | Dev dependency for generating openapi client sdk via dart source gen see here for usage | |
openapi-generator-annotations | Annotations for annotating dart class with instructions for generating openapi client sdk see here for usage | |
openapi-generator-cli | CLI only generator. see here for usage |
Include openapi-generator-annotations as a dependency in the dependencies section of your pubspec.yaml file :
openapi_generator_annotations: ^[latest-version]
For testing out the beta features in openapi generator, use the beta branch like below. This is not recommended for production builds
ref: beta
path: openapi-generator-annotations
Add openapi-generator in the dev dependencies section of your pubspec.yaml file:
openapi_generator: ^[latest version]
For testing out the beta features in openapi generator, use the beta branch like below. This is not recommended for production builds
ref: beta
path: openapi-generator
Annotate a dart class with @Openapi() annotation
DioProperties(pubName: 'petstore_api', pubAuthor: 'Johnny dep..'),
RemoteSpec(path: ''),
typeMappings: {'Pet': 'ExamplePet'},
generatorName: Generator.dio,
runSourceGenOnOutput: true,
outputDirectory: 'api/petstore_api',
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
to generate open api client sdk from spec file specified in annotation. The api sdk will be generated in the folder specified in the annotation. See examples for more details
As of version 5.0 of this library, there is some new functionality slated to be added to the generator. This version will have the ability to:
- cache changes in the OAS spec
- Rerun when there ares difference in the cached copy and current copy
- Pull from a remote source and cache that.
- Note: This means that your cache could be potentially stale. But in that case this flow will still pull the latest and run.
- While this is a possible usage, if you are actively developing your spec it is preferred you provide a local copy.
- Skip generation based off:
- Flags
- No difference between the cache and local
- And all the functionality provided previously.
Your original workflow stay the same but there is a slight difference in the annotations.
DioProperties(pubName: 'petstore_api', pubAuthor: 'Johnny dep..'),
RemoteSpec(path: ''),
typeMappings: {'Pet': 'ExamplePet'},
generatorName: Generator.dio,
runSourceGenOnOutput: true,
outputDirectory: 'api/petstore_api',
class Example {}
Check out the known issues article here Known Issues
All contributions are welcome. Please ensure to read through our contributing guidelines before sending your PRs.
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.