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182 lines (138 loc) · 6.32 KB

File metadata and controls

182 lines (138 loc) · 6.32 KB

How To Contribute

As the library follows a modular structure, it is fairly easy to contribute by working on a subpackage and submit a pull request of those atomic changes.

For this, first you should check this repo's issues and check which modules are being worked on by filtering by the in-progress label. Then, you can check turf.js github repo, choose a module that you'd like to implement, making sure that it hasn't been already implemented or is currently being worked by someone else.

When you're ready, open a new issue on this repo outlining the module you'll be working on, so that subsequent contributors can follow the same logic outlined here.

Please attend to the following guidelines:

  • Open an issue in diogomatoschaves/pyturf outlining your plan.
  • Always include tests. pytest is used in this project.
  • pyturf modules are small, containing a single exported function. See below for a typical module structure.
  • Export your module function by including it in turf/<your-module>/ and turf/ See below for details.
  • GeoJSON is the lingua franca of pyturf. It should be used as the data structure for anything that can be represented as geography.
  • Keep your commits atomic and each of them passing all checks (linter and tests).
  • Add your new module under the Available Modules section.
  • Add your new module under its appropriate section in docs/source/modules.
  • Avoid extra dependencies if you can.
  • Run the linter before submitting changes (see below for more details).
  • Run python -m pytest --verbose --cov=./ from the project root folder to run all the tests and make sure they pass with a sufficiently high coverage.
  • Rebase your branch with the upstream master before opening the PR: git rebase upstream/master

After you open the PR, make sure that the CI pipeline passes all checks (on the Checks tab of the PR).

Code Style

To ensure consistent code style, black is used in this project. At the root level run:

$ black .

This will automatically reformat all files according to black's specification.

Structure of a pyturf module

For a new module named new_module, the following structure should be adhered to.

├── ...
├── new_module
    ├── tests
        ├── in
        │   ├── points.geojson
        |   ├── ...
        ├── out
            ├── points.geojson
            ├── ...

Importing modules in files

In order for the module function to be imported directly from turf, we need to import them on the files on both the module and at the root level. So for example, for a new module named new_module, on turf/new_module/ we would include:

from turf.new_module._new_module import new_module

The same logic can be applied to turf/

from turf.new_module import new_module

Adding Tests

Tests setup in this project follows a certain pattern that, even if not being a one size fits all, if followed should ensure a good test flow in most cases.

The pattern consists of importing the tests input and output through files in turf/new_module/tests/in and turf/new_module/tests/out respectively, and then parameterizing these fixtures to be used in individual tests as required.

These guidelines should be followed:

  • The file where tests are executed should be under the directory tests.
  • The directory tests should have sub directories in and out, where input and output files should be kept respectively.
  • Files in both in and out for a specific test must have the same name, although they can have different file extensions (eg: .json or .geojson).

Fixtures and expected outputs can then be imported by means of the function get_fixtures defined in turf/utils/, by providing the test file path as input:

import os
from turf.utils.test_setup import get_fixtures

current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

fixtures = get_fixtures(current_path)

The returned value fixtures becomes a dictionary of fixtures, with the file names in in and out as keys, and in turn each fixture is a dictionary containing keys "in" and "out", representing the input and output of the tests respectively.

If for some reason you only have either in or out fixtures, then in order to avoid errors running the tests you should pass the argument keys to get_fixtures as shown below:

import os
from turf.utils.test_setup import get_fixtures

current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

fixtures = get_fixtures(current_path, keys=["in"]) # Only retrieve input fixtures

These fixtures can then be parameterized as individual tests, allowing for only one test definition to be used in multiple test cases. This would follow a structure of the kind:

import pytest
from turf.new_module import new_module # Don't import your function directly from turf

        pytest.param(fixture, id=fixture_name)
        for fixture_name, fixture in fixtures.items()
def test_new_module(self, fixture):

    # This is an example function call
    assert new_module(fixture["in"]) == fixture["out"]

In order to run the tests, from the root directory run:

$ python -m pytest --verbose --cov=./

Updating The Documentation

In case you add a new module, please update also the documentation. The structure for the documentation follows the turf structure. You can check turf.js documentation. According to the turf.js documentation, you can pick the same block name and update it with your addition.

├── ...
├── docs
    ├── ...
    ├── modules
        ├── aggregation.rst
        ├── assertion.rst
        ├── booleans.rst
        ├── ...

As an example, for adding the length module you would have to add the following lines to measurements.rst.


.. autofunction:: turf.length