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Spotlights Version 2.0 Documentation

This documentation details all that one needs to know to properly configure and populate the DI spotlights

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

    1.1 Dependencies

    1.2 The Wagtail CMS

    1.3 The DDW API

    1.4 The Data Warehouse

  2. The Map Section

1. Introduction

1.1 Dependencies

The Spotlights are dependent of 2 other repositories, and the data warehouse

  1. The DI Website (Wagtail CMS)
  2. The DDW API

1.2 The Wagtail CMS

The CMS contains the configurations that determine what is shown on the spotlights i.e. which topics or indicators to show on the map section, or which tabs & content therein to show on the Key Facts section e.t.c

These configs exist as a set of snippets and pages in the Wagtail CMS.


Spotlight Colour

Holds the colours that are used on the maps and their legends, determining the monochromatic shades to use for each indicator

Field Description
name The name of the colour e.g red, indigo
code A valid colour code, usually hex or RGB

Below are the config pages in order of heirarchy


Spotlight Page

Each Spotlight page represents a unique country spotlight e.g Spotlight on Uganda or Spotlight on Kenya


Home Page -> Data Section Page -> Spotlight Page

Core Fields

Field Description
title The title of the page
slug The sub-path that'll appear in the URL
Country Code This must match the code in the DDW and is used to fetch country-level data e.g for populating the country-level Key Facts & Revenue/Expenditure sections
Country Name This will appear in various sections throughout the spotlights
Currency Code The code used to identify the country's currency e.g USD, GBP, UGX

Data Sources Section

The content here is used to populate the Data Sources section at the bottom of the page. Links to data sources and meta data are added here, as well as a description of what this section is about

Spotlight Theme Page

Home Page -> Data Section Page -> Spotlight Page -> Spotlight Theme Page

Theme pages group indicators in the various sections under specific themes e.g Poverty, Population, Health

Core Fields

Field Description
title The title of the page
section Determines which section on the spotlights a particular theme and its indicators appears e.g map,facts,country-facts
slug Unique to each page. As an extra distinction, country fact slugs are prefixed with 'country-' e.g. 'country-health'

Spotlight Indicator Page

Home Page -> Data Section Page -> Spotlight Page -> Spotlight Theme Page -> Spotlight Indicator Page

This is the most important page holding all the information and configuration on each indicator

Core Fields

Field Description
title The title of the indicator
DDW ID The database table name from which the data on this indicator will be fetched via API
description A brief description of the indicator. For map indicators, this appears on the spotlight
Source The source of the indicator data
Colour Corresponds to a Spotlight Colour - used when rendering maps
Start Year Indicator data is of time dimension & thus grouped by year - this specifies the earliest year of the data fetched
End Year This specifies the latest year of the data fetched
Excluded Years Comma separated list of years to exclude from the year dropdown
Data Format Can be one of plain, currency or percent
Range For map indicators, this is used to group values based on a specified range. Each range is assigned a colour that appears in the legend
Value Prefix Prefix values on maps, charts and dashboards
Value Suffix Suffix to values on maps, charts and dashboards
JSON Config Advanced config that for some sections has higher precedent than the previous configs e.g Key facts & Revenue/Expenditure

JSON Config For Key Facts

    "chart": { // used for rendering charts
      "indicators": [
        "uganda_population_rural_urban" // add one or more indicators
      "title": "What is the urban versus rural split?", // title of the key facts section
      "startYear": 2014, // lower limit year
      "endYear": 2016 // upper limit year
      "meta": { // holds meta information about the indicator
        "description": "Percentage of population living in urban and rural settings, by district.",
        "source": "National Population and Housing Census 2014, Uganda Bureau of Statistics."
      "options": {}, // holds raw chart options as specified in the eCharts documentation (
      "bar": { // configs of the specific chart type ... can also be "line"
        "xAxis": "year", // data point to use for x-axis data
        "yAxis": [ // data points to use for y-axis data - also corresponds to series
      "aggregation": "PERCENT" // specifies the type of aggregation to perform on the data. Has 'SUM','AVG','PERCENT','POSN ASC','POSN DESC'

    "stat": { // used for rendering statistics
      "indicators": [
        "uganda_population_rural_urban" // add one or more indicators
      "startYear": 2014, // lower limit year
      "endYear": 2016 // upper limit year
      "dataFormat": "currency", // also supports plain & percent
      "valuePrefix": "USD", // prepend to data value
      "valueSuffix": "", // append to data value
      "meta": { // holds meta information about the indicator
        "description": "Percentage of population living in urban and rural settings, by district.",
        "source": "National Population and Housing Census 2014, Uganda Bureau of Statistics."
      "note": { // renders extra text that comes after the statistic value
        "content": "domestic public", // actual text to show
        "meta": { // used in case the note requires extra info
            "description": "Non-grant government revenue. Data is for 2016.",
            "source": "Development Initiatives based on IMF Staff reports."
      "filter": [ // applied to the graphql API to filter the data further
          { // have more of these in the same array corresponds to an OR operation
            "field": "l1", // field to filter
            "operator": "=", // operator to use for filtering e.g IS, IS NOT, >, < e.t.c
            "value": "total-revenue-and-grants" // as it says, the value
        [ // having multiple arrays of filters corresponds to an AND operation
            "field": "l2",
            "operator": "=",
            "value": "revenue"
            "field": "l3",
            "operator": "IS",
            "value": "NULL"
            "field": "l4",
            "operator": "IS",
            "value": "NULL"

JSON Config for Revenue/Expenditure/Finance

    "revenue": { // can also be "expenditure"
      "root": "financing" // determines which context to priorities e.g financing, Revenue or Expenditure

Spotlight Location Comparison Page

Home Page -> Data Section Page -> Spotlight Page -> Spotlight Theme Page -> Spotlight Location Comparison Page

This is used for basic configs for the location comparison page of a spotlight

Core Fields

Field Description
title The title of the page
Default Locations If no locations are selected on the comparison page, the ones added here are the defaults