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jung edited this page Aug 15, 2024 · 3 revisions

Roadmap of this project

Learn Java SE (Java의 정석)

(package 'b' for basics)

  1. Primitive types 1. Operator 2. Control flow 3. Array 4. Object 5. Recursion 6. Inheritance 7. Package
  2. Interface 9. Static 10. Inner class 11. Exception handling 12. java.lang package 13. java.math package 14. java.util package
  3. Date and Calendar 16. Format 17. java.time package 18. Collection framework 19. Generic 20. Enum 21. Annotation
  4. Thread 23. Lambda and Stream 24. I/O Stream 25. Network

Learn best practices for Java (Effective Java 2/E)

(package 'd' for design principles)

  1. Construction and Destruction of Objects
  2. Common methods for all Objects
  3. Class and Interface
  4. Generic
  5. Enum and Annotation
  6. Method
  7. General principles for programming
  8. Exception handling
  9. Concurrency
  10. Serialization

Learn JUnit for testing Java applications (JUnit in Action)

(package 't' for testing)

  1. Part1 JUnit
  2. Part2 Different Testing Strategies
  3. Part3 Working with JUnit5 and other tools
  4. Part4 Working with modern frameworks and JUnit5
  5. Part5 Developing applications with JUnit5
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