List of functions
— Functionket([T=ComplexF64,] i::Integer, d::Integer = 2)
Produces a ket of dimension d
with nonzero element i
— Functionketbra(v::AbstractVector)
Produces a ketbra of vector v
— Functionproj([T=ComplexF64,] i::Integer, d::Integer = 2)
Produces a projector onto the basis state i
in dimension d
— Functionshift([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer, p::Integer = 1)
Constructs the shift operator X of dimension d
to the power p
Reference: Generalized Clifford algebra
— Functionclock([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer, p::Integer = 1)
Constructs the clock operator Z of dimension d
to the power p
Reference: Generalized Clifford algebra
— Functionpauli([T=ComplexF64,], ind::Vector{<:Integer})
Constructs the Pauli matrices: 0 or "I" for the identity, 1 or "X" for the Pauli X operation, 2 or "Y" for the Pauli Y operator, and 3 or "Z" for the Pauli Z operator. Vectors of integers between 0 and 3 or strings of I, X, Y, Z automatically generate Kronecker products of the corresponding operators.
— Functiongell_mann([T=ComplexF64,], d::Integer = 3)
Constructs the set G
of generalized Gell-Mann matrices in dimension d
such that G[1] = I
and G[i]*G[j] = 2 δ_ij
Reference: Generalizations of Pauli matrices
gell_mann([T=ComplexF64,], i::Integer, j::Integer, d::Integer = 3)
Constructs the set i
th Gell-Mann matrix of dimension d
Reference: Generalizations of Pauli matrices
— Functiongell_mann!(res::AbstractMatrix{T}, i::Integer, j::Integer, d::Integer = 3)
In-place version of gell_mann
— Functionpartial_trace(X::AbstractMatrix, remove::Vector, dims::Vector)
Takes the partial trace of matrix X
with subsystem dimensions dims
over the subsystems in remove
partial_trace(X::AbstractMatrix, remove::Integer, dims::Vector)
Takes the partial trace of matrix X
with subsystem dimensions dims
over the subsystem remove
— Functionpartial_transpose(X::AbstractMatrix, transp::Vector, dims::Vector)
Takes the partial transpose of matrix X
with subsystem dimensions dims
on the subsystems in transp
partial_transpose(X::AbstractMatrix, transp::Integer, dims::Vector)
Takes the partial transpose of matrix X
with subsystem dimensions dims
on the subsystem transp
— Functionpermute_systems(X::AbstractVector, perm::Vector, dims::Vector)
Permutes the order of the subsystems of vector X
with subsystem dimensions dims
according to the permutation perm
permute_systems(X::AbstractMatrix, perm::Vector, dims::Vector)
Permutes the order of the subsystems of the square matrix X
, which is composed by square subsystems of dimensions dims
, according to the permutation perm
permute_systems(X::AbstractMatrix, perm::Vector, dims::Matrix)
Permutes the order of the subsystems of the matrix X
, which is composed by subsystems of dimensions dims
, according to the permutation perm
. dims
should be a n x 2 matrix where dims[i, 1]
is the number of rows of subsystem i, and dims[i,2]
is its number of columns.
— Functioncleanup!(M::AbstractArray{T}; tol = Base.rtoldefault(real(T)))
Zeroes out real or imaginary parts of M
that are smaller than tol
— Functionentropy([base=2,] ρ::AbstractMatrix)
Computes the von Neumann entropy -tr(ρ log ρ) of a positive semidefinite operator ρ
using a base base
Reference: von Neumann entropy.
entropy([base=2,] p::AbstractVector)
Computes the Shannon entropy -Σᵢpᵢlog(pᵢ) of a non-negative vector p
using a base base
Reference: Entropy (information theory).
— Functionbinary_entropy([base=2,] p::Real)
Computes the Shannon entropy -p log(p) - (1-p)log(1-p) of a probability p
using a base base
Reference: Entropy (information theory).
— Functionrelative_entropy([base=2,] ρ::AbstractMatrix, σ::AbstractMatrix)
Computes the (quantum) relative entropy tr(ρ
(log ρ
- log σ
)) between positive semidefinite matrices ρ
and σ
using a base base
logarithm. Note that the support of ρ
must be contained in the support of σ
but for efficiency this is not checked.
Reference: Quantum relative entropy.
relative_entropy([base=2,] p::AbstractVector, q::AbstractVector)
Computes the relative entropy D(p
) = Σᵢpᵢlog(pᵢ/qᵢ) between two non-negative vectors p
and q
using a base base
logarithm. Note that the support of p
must be contained in the support of q
but for efficiency this is not checked.
Reference: Relative entropy.
— Functionbinary_relative_entropy([base=2,] p::Real, q::Real)
Computes the binary relative entropy D(p
) = p log(p/q) + (1-p) log((1-p)/(1-q)) between two probabilities p
and q
using a base base
Reference: Relative entropy.
— Functionconditional_entropy([base=2,] pAB::AbstractMatrix)
Computes the conditional Shannon entropy H(A|B) of the joint probability distribution pAB
using a base base
Reference: Conditional entropy.
conditional_entropy([base=2,], rho::AbstractMatrix, csys::AbstractVector, dims::AbstractVector)
Computes the conditional von Neumann entropy of rho
with subsystem dimensions dims
and conditioning systems csys
, using a base base
Reference: Conditional quantum entropy.
— Functionschmidt_decomposition(ψ::AbstractVector, dims::AbstractVector{<:Integer})
Produces the Schmidt decomposition of ψ
with subsystem dimensions dims
. Returns the (sorted) Schmidt coefficients λ and isometries U, V such that kron(U', V')*ψ
is of Schmidt form.
Reference: Schmidt decomposition.
schmidt_decomposition(ψ::AbstractVector, dims::AbstractVector{<:Integer})
Produces the Schmidt decomposition of ψ
assuming equally-sized subsystems. Returns the (sorted) Schmidt coefficients λ and isometries U, V such that kron(U', V')*ψ
is of Schmidt form.
Reference: Schmidt decomposition.
— Functionsic_povm([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer)
Constructs a vector of d²
vectors |vᵢ⟩ such that |vᵢ⟩⟨vᵢ| forms a SIC-POVM of dimension d
. This construction is based on the Weyl-Heisenberg fiducial.
Reference: Appleby, Yadsan-Appleby, Zauner, arXiv:1209.1813
— Functiontest_sic(vecs)
Tests whether vecs
is a vector of d²
vectors |vᵢ⟩ such that |vᵢ⟩⟨vᵢ| forms a SIC-POVM of dimension d
— Functiontest_povm(A::Vector{<:AbstractMatrix{T}})
Checks if the measurement defined by A is valid (hermitian, semi-definite positive, and normalized).
— Functiondilate_povm(vecs::Vector{Vector{T}})
Does the Naimark dilation of a rank-1 POVM given as a vector of vectors. This is the minimal dilation.
Does the Naimark dilation of a POVM given as a vector of matrices. This always works, but is wasteful if the POVM elements are not full rank.
— Functionpovm(B::Vector{<:AbstractMatrix{T}})
Creates a set of (projective) measurements from a set of bases given as unitary matrices.
povm(A::Array{T, 4}, n::Vector{Int64})
Converts a set of measurements in the common tensor format into a matrix of matrices. The second argument is fixed by the size of A
but can also contain custom number of outcomes.
— Functionmub([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer)
Construction of the standard complete set of MUBs. The output contains 1+minᵢ pᵢ^rᵢ bases, where d
= ∏ᵢ pᵢ^rᵢ.
Reference: Durt, Englert, Bengtsson, Życzkowski, arXiv:1004.3348.
— FunctionCheck whether the input is indeed mutually unbiased
— Functionchsh([T=Float64,] d::Integer = 2)
CHSH-d nonlocal game in full probability notation. If T
is an integer type the game is unnormalized.
Reference: Buhrman and Massar, arXiv:quant-ph/0409066.
— Functioncglmp([T=Float64,] d::Integer)
CGLMP nonlocal game in full probability notation. If T
is an integer type the game is unnormalized.
References: arXiv:quant-ph/0106024 for the original game, and arXiv:2005.13418 for the form presented here.
— Functionlocal_bound(G::Array{T,4})
Computes the local bound of a bipartite Bell functional G
, written in full probability notation as a 4-dimensional array.
Reference: Araújo, Hirsch, and Quintino, arXiv:2005.13418.
— Functiontsirelson_bound(CG::Matrix, scenario::Vector, level::Integer)
Upper bounds the Tsirelson bound of a bipartite Bell funcional game CG
, written in Collins-Gisin notation. scenario
is vector detailing the number of inputs and outputs, in the order [oa, ob, ia, ib]. level
is an integer determining the level of the NPA hierarchy.
This function requires Moment. It is only available if you first do "import MATLAB" or "using MATLAB".
— Functioncorrelation_tensor(p::AbstractArray{T, N2}; marg::Bool = true)
Applies N sets of measurements onto a state rho
to form a probability array. Convert a 2x...x2xmx...xm probability array into
- a mx...xm correlation array (no marginals)
- a (m+1)x...x(m+1) correlation array (marginals).
— Functionprobability_tensor(rho::LA.Hermitian, all_Aax::Vector{Measurement}...)
Applies N sets of measurements onto a state rho
to form a probability array.
— Functionfp2cg(V::Array{T,4}) where {T <: Real}
Takes a bipartite Bell functional V
in full probability notation and transforms it to Collins-Gisin notation.
— Functiontrace_norm(X::AbstractMatrix)
Computes trace norm of matrix X
— Functionkyfan_norm(X::AbstractMatrix, k::Integer, p::Real = 2)
Computes Ky-Fan (k
) norm of matrix X
— Functionschatten_norm(X::AbstractMatrix, p::Real)
Computes Schatten p
-norm of matrix X
— Functiondiamond_norm(J::AbstractMatrix, dims::AbstractVector)
Computes the diamond norm of the supermap J
given in the Choi-Jamiołkowski representation, with subsystem dimensions dims
Reference: Diamond norm
Computes the diamond norm of the CP map given by the Kraus operators K
— Functionrandom_state([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer, k::Integer = d)
Produces a uniformly distributed random quantum state in dimension d
with rank k
Reference: Życzkowski and Sommers, arXiv:quant-ph/0012101.
— Functionrandom_state_ket([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer)
Produces a Haar-random quantum state vector in dimension d
Reference: Życzkowski and Sommers, arXiv:quant-ph/0012101.
— Functionrandom_unitary([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer)
Produces a Haar-random unitary matrix in dimension d
. If T
is a real type the output is instead a Haar-random (real) orthogonal matrix.
Reference: Stewart, doi:10.1137/0717034.
— Functionrandom_povm([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer, n::Integer, r::Integer)
Produces a random POVM of dimension d
with n
outcomes and rank min(k, d)
Reference: Heinosaari et al., arXiv:1902.04751.
— Functionrandom_probability([T=Float64,] d::Integer)
Produces a random probability vector of dimension d
uniformly distributed on the simplex.
Reference: Dirichlet distribution
— Functionstate_phiplus_ket([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer = 2)
Produces the vector of the maximally entangled state Φ⁺ of local dimension d
— Functionstate_phiplus([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer = 2; v::Real = 1)
Produces the maximally entangled state Φ⁺ of local dimension d
with visibility v
— Functionisotropic(v::Real, d::Integer = 2)
Produces the isotropic state of local dimension d
with visibility v
— Functionstate_psiminus_ket([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer = 2)
Produces the vector of the maximally entangled state ψ⁻ of local dimension d
— Functionstate_psiminus([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer = 2; v::Real = 1)
Produces the maximally entangled state ψ⁻ of local dimension d
with visibility v
— Functionstate_ghz_ket([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer = 2, N::Integer = 3; coeff = 1/√d)
Produces the vector of the GHZ state local dimension d
— Functionstate_ghz([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer = 2, N::Integer = 3; v::Real = 1, coeff = 1/√d)
Produces the GHZ state of local dimension d
with visibility v
— Functionstate_w_ket([T=ComplexF64,] N::Integer = 3; coeff = 1/√d)
Produces the vector of the N
-partite W state.
— Functionstate_w([T=ComplexF64,] N::Integer = 3; v::Real = 1, coeff = 1/√d)
Produces the N
-partite W state with visibility v
— Functionwhite_noise(rho::AbstractMatrix, v::Real)
Returns v * rho + (1 - v) * id
, where id
is the maximally mixed state.
— Functionwhite_noise!(rho::AbstractMatrix, v::Real)
Modifies rho
in place to tranform in into v * rho + (1 - v) * id
where id
is the maximally mixed state.
— Functionchoi(K::Vector{<:AbstractMatrix})
Constructs the Choi-Jamiołkowski representation of the CP map given by the Kraus operators K
. The convention used is that choi(K) = ∑ᵢⱼ |i⟩⟨j|⊗K|i⟩⟨j|K'
Internal functions
— Functionpartition(n::Integer, k::Integer)
If n ≥ k
partitions the set 1:n
into k
parts as equally sized as possible. Otherwise partitions it into n
parts of size 1.
— Function_fiducial_WH([T=ComplexF64,] d::Integer)
Computes the fiducial Weyl-Heisenberg vector of dimension d
Reference: Appleby, Yadsan-Appleby, Zauner, arXiv:1209.1813
— Function_idx(tidx::Vector, dims::Vector)
Converts a tensor index tidx
= [i₁, i₂, ...] with subsystems dimensions dims
to a standard index.
— Function_tidx(idx::Integer, dims::Vector)
Converts a standard index idx
to a tensor index [i₁, i₂, ...] with subsystems dimensions dims