If you have money, you can afford iLabs because the challenges are based on the iLab environment and you will get hands-on practice to clear this exam.
If you can’t afford iLab, there are many platforms in which you can practice the listed tools. I personally prefer TryHackMe and HackTheBox. This Exam is all about how much knowledge you have on tools.
You must need to understand problem and tools that can help you to solve it!
Tools 🛠️
{% content-ref url="labs-and-training.md" %} labs-and-training.md {% endcontent-ref %}
- Hack The Box (Academy, Challenges Steganography and Web) (https://www.hackthebox.eu/)
- Vulnhub (Machines Easy to Medium) (https://www.vulnhub.com/)
- TryHackMe (Machines Easy to Medium) (https://tryhackme.com/)
- HackMyVM (Machines Easy to Medium) (https://hackmyvm.eu/)
Here below my writeups and walkthroughs on these platforms 👇
{% content-ref url="https://app.gitbook.com/o/s2H3MdEB0Qp2IbE58Gxw/s/rRWtuMw6xkkeDjZfkcWC/" %} WRITEUPS AND WALKTHROUGHS {% endcontent-ref %}
DVWA is a PHP/MYSQL vulnerable website that's made to be easy to hack. It's used to practice common web problems. It has different levels of difficulty. DVWA is important for the CEH (Practical) exam. It's a good idea to practice on DVWA because the exam might have similar challenges.
You can refer to the link https://bughacking.com/dvwa-ultimate-guide-first-steps-and-walkthrough/ for a full guide on the setup and use of DVWA.
- Windows Fundamentals Module 🏠 THM Room
- Linux Fundamentals Module 🏠 THM Room
- Google Dorking 🏠 THM Room
- OHsint 🏠 THM Room
- BurpSuite: The Basics 🏠 THM Room
- BurpSuite: Repeater 🏠 THM Room
- Hydra 🏠 THM Room
- Nmap 🏠 THM Room
- Nmap Live Host Discovery 🏠 THM Room
- Crack The Hash 🏠 THM Room
- Sublist3r 🏠 THM Room
- Web Scanning 🏠 THM Room
- Metasploit: Introduction 🏠 THM Room
- Metasploit 🏠 THM Room
- More Detailed Tutorial of Metasploit 🗒️ NoobLinux Article
- SQL Injection 🏠 THM Room
- Nessus 🏠 THM Room
- WireShark The Basics 🏠 THM Room
- CCStego 🏠 THM Room
- Tmux 🏠 THM Room
- TShark 🏠 THM Room
- Brooklyn Nine Nine 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Lianyu 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- StartUp 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Ice 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- DVWA 🏠 THM Room
- Anthem 🏠 THM Room
- The Code Caper 🏠 THM Room
- Agent Sudo 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Simple CTF 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- AttackerKB 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Blue 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Bounty Hacker 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Vulnversity 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Lazy Admin 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Juiceshop 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Ignite 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Year of Rabbit 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Jack-of-All-Trades 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Kenobi 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Blaster 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Pickle Rick 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- OWASP Top 10 🏠 THM Room
- Develpy 🏠 THM Room
- CC Radare2 🏠 THM Room
- CC Steganography 🏠 THM Room
- Windows Privesc Arena 🏠 THM Room
- Linux Privesc Arena 🏠 THM Room
- Windows Privesc 🏠 THM Room
- Post Exploitation Basics 🏠 THM Room
- The Code Caper 🏠 THM Room
- Smag Grotto 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Dogcat 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Break Out The Cage 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Overpass 🚩 THM CTF 🟢 - My Writeup
- Carnage 🚩 THM CTF 🟠 - My Writeup
- Warzone 1 🚩 THM CTF 🟠 - My Writeup
- Misguided Ghost 🚩 THM CTF 🔴 - My Writeup