README -> remove tags: minifiedSize; rearrange
sendMessage deprecate
create business account & add number
createBot.types.d.ts:2:38: Try
npm i --save-dev @types/express
if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containingdeclare module 'express';
Better documentation for data in
& update docs -
Create localBuildTest.sh & run tests
Further compression: need for .map?, license?
Opening PRs: templates, format, etc
- Create feature branch from staging (create mileston v1.0)
- npm i
- git commit -m ""
- git push origin feature/xx
- Open PR to staging & merge (This closes #1, delete source branch)
fix: test sending stickers
Licenses: https://www.exygy.com/blog/which-license-should-i-use-mit-vs-apache-vs-gpl
Use validation & be more strict
- comprehensive tests: test errors & edge cases
- validate function args, e.g. use joi
- Enable multi-process pubsub (e.g. use redis)
- Add support for other types of servers, e.g. Nest.js, etc