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Computer Vision

The computer vision package listens for images/frames coming from multiple cameras. The package will then run pre-trained machine learning models on frames from each camera and output bounding boxes for the various objects in the frames. These objects could be the gate, buoys, etc. The package will publish to different topics depending on which classes are being detected and which cameras are being used.

DepthAI Camera

This package contains code for the Luxonis OAK-D PoE camera, which uses a python package called depthai. This camera handles neural network and image processing on the camera's processor, which necessitates a different code structure. Because of this, we have DepthAI-specific scripts and launch files that can be run for any Luxonis / DepthAI camera. For running other cameras, see the instructions below, titled Non-DepthAI Cameras.

Running the Code

To stream the feed or perform spatial detection using the OAK camera, use roslaunch with the following three files.

  • depthai_camera_connect.launch: Connects to the DepthAI camera. If connection is successful, prints a success message to console. If connection is unsucessful, an error is raised.
  • depthai_publish_save_streams.launch: Streams the live feed from the camera. You can choose what to publish from the camera (rgb video, rgb preview, left mono, right mono, disparity map, and depth map) by setting the appropriate boolean parameters. Also encodes the live feeds and saves them to files. You can choose what to save by setting the appropriate boolean parameters. You can also choose to automatically convert the encoded streams to video files.
  • depthai_spatial_detection.launch: Runs spatial detection. This requires a valid .blob file in models/ and the path to this .blob file should be specified in the depthai_models.yaml file. For more information about these files, see the code structure outline below. This will publish CVObject messages to a topic for each class that the model detects, unaltered rgb preview frames that were input to the neural network, and rgb preview frames with bounding boxes, classes, and confidence values overlaid.
  • depthai_simulate_detection.launch: Runs spatial detection on a still image, or on a image stream launched by running (see Simulating Image Feeds), on the DepthAI camera. Uses the model specified in arguments. If a still image is input, a JPEG file will be created that is the original image with detections visualized. If an image stream is input, CVObject messages will be published to the topic provided (all classes are published to a single topic), and a live feed of images with detections visualized is also published.



  • Connects to the OAK camera and uploads the image pipeline. Used by all other DepthAI scripts.
  • Publishes a preview of the image feed from the OAK camera and saves encoded streams. This can be used to verify connection to the camera and to check if there are any issues with the camera feed.
  • Publishes live detections using a specified model in depthai_models.yaml.
  • depthai_mono_detection.launch: Publishes detections using a specified model in depthai_models.yaml on a mono camera image feed.
  • depthai_simulate_detection.launch: Publishes detections using a specified model in depthai_models.yaml on a still image or image feed. Should only be used for DepthAI camera testing (not task planning).
  • Used to reset a POE camera if it is not connecting properly. The script creates the topics /offboard/camera_relay (for sending commands to the camera relay) and /offboard/camera_relay_status (for checking the status of the physical relay). Running rosservice call /enable_camera <true/false> enables or disables the camera. Note: running requires serial.launch to have been run and this may power cycle the camera upon running. By default, the camera will be enabled unless the topic /offboard/camera_relay is set to false. See onboard/catkin_ws/src/offboard_comms/ for more information on the relay service.


  • depthai_camera_connext.launch: Connects to the OAK camera and uploads the image pipeline.
  • depthai_publish_save_streams.launch: Runs the image stream publishing and saving script.
  • depthai_spatial_detection.launch: Runs the spatial detection script.
  • depthai_simulate_detection.launch: Runs the simulated spatial detection script.
  • camera_hard_reset.launch: Runs the camera hard reset script.


  • depthai_models.yaml: contains models for object detection. A model is specified by a name, what classes it predicts, and the path to a .blob file, as well as other configuration parameters. input_size is [width, height]. The blob file format is specific to the processors that the OAK cameras use.


  • Can be used to extract footage from rosbag files. See the README file in the footage_extraction directory.

Non-DepthAI Cameras

USB Camera

This package also contains driver code to publish a camera stream from a USB-type camera in A USB camera can be located by /dev/video* on a linux computer, where * can be replaced by any number specifying a given camera channel (default is 0, with the number increasing for each new camera you plug in). The script uses OpenCV to capture a stream frame by frame from a specified USB camera channel and publishes it to a specified ros topic. Use roslaunch cv usb_camera.launch to start a stream once a USB camera has been plugged in. You can specify the ros topic which the usb camera feed is published to via

roslaunch cv usb_camera.launch topic:=<topic>

By default, <topic> is set to /camera/usb_camera/compressed. Note that the camera must be plugged in before the docker container is started.


Generally, you would train a separate object detection model for each task you need computer vision for (gates, buoys, etc.). You can then load them as follows:

  • Create object detection models and save them as .pth files (see here)
  • Place these models in the /models folder
  • Update the /models/models.yaml file with each model's details in the following format:
<model_name>:  # A name/identifier for your model
  classes: [<class1>, <class2>, ...]  # The classes the model is trained to predict
  topic: <topic_name>  # set to /cv by default; change if you want to specify model in publisher topics .etc
  weights: <file_name>  # the name of your model file

Example entry for a buoy model:

  classes: [alien, bat, witch]
  topic: /cv
  weights: buoy_model.pth

Note: To get the model files onto the docker container, you may have to use scp. Also, if you come across the following error:

URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution>

Navigate to this url to manually download the default model file used by the Detecto package. Move this file onto the Docker container under the directory /root/.cache/torch/checkpoints/ (do not rename the file).


To start up a CV node, run the following command:

roslaunch cv cv.launch camera:=<camera>

where <camera> refers to the topic which the camera feed is published to. For usb cameras and local simulated streams (i.e., a stream launched via, this refers to the <topic> parameter passed in when you launched those files.

After starting up a CV node, all models are initially disabled. You can select which model(s) you want to enable for this camera by using the following service (where <camera> is the value you chose above):

  • enable_model_<camera>
    • Takes in the model name (string) and a boolean flag to specify whether to turn the model on or off
    • Returns a boolean indicating whether the attempt was successful
    • Type: custom_msgs/EnableModel
    • E.g. rosservice call enable_model_left buoy true would enable the buoy model on the camera launched with <camera> set to "left"

Once 1+ models are enabled for a specific node, they listen and publish to topics as described below in topics.



  • /camera/<camera>/compressed
    • The topic that the camera publishes each frame to
    • If no actual camera feed is available, you can simulate one using See Simulating image feeds below for more information.
    • Type: sensor_msgs/CompressedImage
  • /offboard/camera_relay_status
    • The topic that the Arduino publishes the camera relay status to. Only runs if is running.


  • cv/<camera>/<class_name>
    • For each camera frame feed that a model processes, it will publish predictions to this topic
    • <class_name> corresponds to one specific class under the models.yaml file for the enabled model (e.g. the example bat class above will publish to /cv/left/bat)
    • For each detected object in a frame, the model will publish the xmin, ymin, xmax, and ymax coordinates (normalized to [0, 1], with (0, 0) being the top-left corner), label of the object, score (a confidence value in the range of [0, 1]), and the width and height of the frame.
    • If a model is enabled but detects no objects in a frame, it will not publish any messages to any topic
    • Type: custom_msgs/CVObject
  • /offboard/camera_relay_status
    • The topic that rosservice enable_camera <true/false> publishes the camera command to. Only runs if camera_hard_reset.launch is running.

Note that the camera feed frame rate will likely be greater than the rate at which predictions can be generated (especially if more than one model is enabled at the same time), so the publishing rate could be anywhere from like 0.2 to 10 FPS depending on computing power/the GPU/other factors.


The following are the folders and files in the CV package:

launch: Contains the various launch files for our CV package. There is a general launch file for all the cameras (cv.launch), and then there are specific launch files for each camera (cv_left, cv_right, and cv_down). Finally, we have a launch file for our testing script test_images.launch

models: Contains our pre-trained models and a .yaml file that specifies the details of each model (classes predicted, topic name, and the path to the model weights)

scripts: This is the "meat" of our package. We have a detection script that will read in images and publish predictions onto a node. We also have a script that is used for testing our package on a dummy video feed, generated either through looping an image or folder of images, or running a video or rosbag file. The path of this file is passed when is launched. We can simulate different video feeds coming in on the different cameras on our script.

CMakeLists.txt: A text file stating the necessary package dependencies and the files in our package.

package.xml: A xml file stating the basic information about the CV package

The CV package also has dependencies in the core/catkin_ws/src/custom_msgs folder.


Non-DepthAI Cameras

To simulate camera feed and then run a model on the feed from the left camera. We'll assume the model we want to run is called 'buoy':

  • In one terminal, run roslaunch cv test_images.launch feed_path:=../assets/{file_name} topic:={topic_name} framerate:={required framerate} to start the script meant to simulate the raw camera feed
  • In a new terminal, run roslaunch cv cv_left.launch to start the cv node
  • In another new terminal, run rosservice list and should see the enable_model_left service be listed in the terminal
  • In the same terminal, run rosservice call enable_model_left buoy true to enable the buoy model on the feed coming from the left camera. This model should now be publishing predictions
  • To verify that the predictions are being published, you can run rostopic list, and you should see both /camera/left/compressed and /cv/buoy/left be listed. Then you can run rostopic echo /cv/buoy/left and the model predictions should be printed to the terminal

Simulating Image feeds simulates the camera feed by constantly publishing images to a topic. It can publish still images, a folder of images, rosbag files, and video files to a topic on loop. This helps us locally test our code without needing to connect to a camera. Use roslaunch with the files when running.

  • test_images.launch: Publishes dummy images to a topic every few seconds. It has the following three parameters:
  • feed_path: Path to the image, video, folder, or rosbag file that you want published.
  • topic: Name of topic that you want to publish the images to. Required if feed_path is not a rosbag file. Since we are using compressed images, topic must end with ".../compressed".
  • framerate: Number of frames published per second. Default value is set to 24. Used when feed_path is a folder or still image to determine rate at which to publish images.


roslaunch cv test_images.launch feed_path:=../assets/ topic:=/camera/left/compressed: Runs test_images by taking file in cv/assets and publishes the simulated image feed to the topic '/camera/left/compressed'.

roslaunch cv test_images.launch feed_path:=../assets/buoy.jpg topic:=/camera/right/compressed framerate:=30: Publishes the still image buoy.jpg in cv/assets to the topic '/camera/right/compressed' 30 times per second.

Checking Camera Connection Status

camera_test_connect.launch starts the connect_depthai_camera and connect_usb_camera services which determine whether the stereo and mono cameras are connected. There are no arguments to the launch command.

  • The connect_depthai_camera service has no arguments. A boolean success is returned indicating whether the connection was successful.
  • The connect_usb_camera service requires a channel argument which is used to connect to the mono camera. A boolean success is returned indicating whether the connection was successful.

ping_host.launch starts the ping_host rosnode which regularly publishes a DiagnosticArray that contains log information from an attempted ping.

There are two arguments.

  • hostname is the IP address of the host you want to ping. By default, hostname is (the stereo camera IP address)
  • rate specifies the time between each ping request in hertz. By default, the rate is 1 hz.

The DianosticArray that is pubished returns several values.

  • .header.stamp contains the time of ping as a rospy.Time instance.
  • .status[].level is 0 if the ping was successful, 2 otherwise.
  • .status[].name is the hostname specified in the launch command.
  • .status[].stdout is the full standard output log from the ping command.

Other Files

The file contains the DetectionVisualizer class which provides functions to draw bounding boxes and their labels onto images. It is used by DepthAI files when publishing visualized detections.

The file contains the ImageTools class which provides functions to convert between OpenCV, ROS Image, and ROS CompressedImage formats. All scripts in this package use ImageTools to perform conversions between these types. cv_bridge is not used by any file or class in this package other than ImageTools itself.