Mamography Biopsy Path Classification (Lourenco)
XXXX US bx pulled and anonymized
Reference: [@Chu_CMIMI_2018]
Thyroid Biopsy Path Classification
XXXX US bx pulled and anonymized
Reference: [@Pan_SAR_2019]
2000 dedicated CR bone age pulled and anonymized
2000 normal CR left hand pulled and anonymized
Chest Pathology Detection
17,000 CR pulled and anonymized
Reference: [@Pan_SPIE_2018]
Single-Applicator Ablations (Dupuy, Healey)
30 intraprocedure CT studies pulled and anonymized
Ultra-low Dose Renal Stone Comparison (Grand)
90 abdomen CT studies pulled, split by series, and anonymized
3000 CT head studies pulled and anonymized
Reference: [@Pan_RSNA_p3_2018]
Stroke Detection (McTaggart)
600 CTA head studies pulled and anonymized
Mamography Biopsy (Lourenco)
Imaging Prior to Stroke (Cutting)
50 MR head studies pulled
References: [@Andere_2018a, @Andere_2019b]
Automatic Priority Scoring (Movson, Langlotz)
500k reports pulled and anonymized
Reference: [@Zhang_RSNA_2018]
ED Imaging Order Appropriateness (Movson)
Lung Screening Registry Data Extraction
800 reports pulled and summarized for smoking history
200k reports received, summarized, and reviewed for outliers
References: RIH Risk Management Award, [@Merck_Splunk_2017]