Download and install
tool via - https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-registry -
Create images as documented below
Install LSO via OLM/OperatorHub in GUI
Build the operator
make build-operator
- Export env variables required by LSO deployment
export DISKMAKER_IMAGE=quay.io/openshift/origin-local-storage-diskmaker:latest
export KUBE_RBAC_PROXY_IMAGE=quay.io/openshift/origin-kube-rbac-proxy:latest
export PRIORITY_CLASS_NAME=openshift-user-critical
- Define LSO namespace as env variable
export WATCH_NAMESPACE=openshift-local-storage
- Scale down the operator (on remote cluster)
oc scale --replicas=0 deployment.apps/local-storage-operator -n openshift-local-storage
- Run the operator locally
~> ./_output/bin/local-storage-operator -kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG
All the images including operator, diskmaker, bundle and index images can be created in one shot using following command:
~> ./hack/sync_bundle -o <operator_image> -d <diskmaker_image> -b <bundle_image> -i <index_image> bundle
This command also pushes the images to selected docker registry, so if you ran this command with following arguments:
~> ./hack/sync_bundle -o quay.io/gnufied/local-storage-operator:latest \
-d quay.io/gnufied/local-storage-diskmaker:latest \
-b quay.io/gnufied/local-storage-bundle:v1 \
-i quay.io/gnufied/gnufied-index:v1 bundle
The command will create all of these images and push them to quay. Operator and diskmaker arguments to sync_bundle
script can be skipped and in that case quay.io/openshift/origin-local-storage-diskmaker:latest
and quay.io/openshift/origin-local-storage-operator:latest
version of those images are used:
~> ./hack/sync_bundle -b quay.io/gnufied/local-storage-bundle:v1 \
-i quay.io/gnufied/gnufied-index:v1 bundle
This should give us index image quay.io/gnufied/gnufied-index:v1
. Update the CatalogSource
entry in examples/olm/catalog-create-subscribe.yaml
to point to your newly created index image. Once updated, we can install local-storage-operator via following command:
~> oc create -f examples/olm/catalog-create-subscribe.yaml
- Since we will be going to test with our version of images, we need to modify CSV file to point to our version of image. This can be done by modifying following file:
~> vim config/manifests/local-storage-operator.clusterserviceversion.yaml
and change image names in deployment field.
- Now lets build a bundle image which can be used by index image. This can be done by:
~> cd config
~> docker build -f ./bundle.Dockerfile -t quay.io/gnufied/local-storage-bundle:bundle1 .
- Tag and push image to quay.io (or a container registry of your choice). Make sure that images are publicly available.
- Now lets build index image which we can use from Openshift:
~> opm index add --bundles quay.io/gnufied/local-storage-bundle:bundle1 --tag quay.io/gnufied/gnufied-index:1.0.0 --container-tool docker
If you are using podman then there is no need to specify container-tool option.
Tag and push index image to quay.io (or a container registry of your choice). Make sure that images are publicly available.
Edit the catalog source template example
to point to your index image:
~> vim examples/olm/catalog-create-subscribe.yaml
- Create a catalogSource and subscribe to the source by applying
~> oc create -f examples/olm/catalog-create-subscribe.yaml
- Switch to
project and proceed with creating CR and start using the operator.
~> oc project openshift-local-storage
When deploying on OpenShift and OLM, just deleting catalog and subscription is not enough. You obviously have to run:
oc delete -f examples/olm/catalog-create-subscribe.yaml
But then you may also have a leftover CSV which must be deleted:
oc get csv|grep local
You also will have leftover CRD object which must be deleted:
oc get crd|grep local