- Severity 0: Ok
- Severity 1: Info
- Severity 2: Warning
- Severity 3: Error
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
100 | Untagged docker image in use | 3 | |
101 | Image tagged "latest" in use | 2 | |
102 | No probes defined | 2 | |
103 | No liveness probe | 2 | |
104 | No readiness probe | 2 | |
105 | %s probe uses a port#, prefer a named port | 1 | |
106 | No resources requests/limits defined | 2 | |
107 | No resource limits defined | 2 | |
108 | Unnamed port %d | 1 | |
109 | CPU Current/Request (%s/%s) reached user %d%% threshold (%d%%) | 2 | |
110 | Memory Current/Request (%s/%s) reached user %d%% threshold (%d%%) | 2 | |
111 | CPU Current/Limit (%s/%s) reached user %d%% threshold (%d%%) | 3 | |
112 | Memory Current/Limit (%s/%s) reached user %d%% threshold (%d%%) | 3 | |
113 | Container image %s is not hosted on an allowed docker registry | 3 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
200 | Pod is terminating [%d/%d] | 2 | |
201 | Pod is terminating [%d/%d] %s | 2 | |
202 | Pod is waiting [%d/%d] | 3 | |
203 | Pod is waiting [%d/%d] %s | 3 | |
204 | Pod is not ready | 3 | |
205 | Pod was restarted a number of times | 2 | |
206 | No PodDisruptionBudget defined | 1 | |
207 | Pod is in an unhappy phase | 3 | |
208 | Unmanaged pod detected. Best to use a controller | 2 | |
209 | Pod is managed by multiple PodDisruptionBudgets (%s) | 2 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
300 | Using "default" ServiceAccount | 2 | |
301 | Connects to API Server? ServiceAccount token is mounted | 2 | |
302 | Pod could be running as root user. Check SecurityContext/Image | 2 | |
303 | Do you mean it? ServiceAccount is automounting APIServer credentials | 2 | |
304 | References a secret which does not exist | 3 | |
305 | References a docker-image "%s" pull secret which does not exist | 3 | |
306 | Container could be running as root user. Check SecurityContext/Image | 2 | |
307 | %s references a non existing ServiceAccount: %q | 2 | |
308 | Uses "default" bound ServiceAccount. Could be a security risk | 3 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
400 | Used? Unable to locate resource reference | 1 | |
401 | Key "%s" used? Unable to locate key reference | 1 | |
402 | No metrics-server detected | 1 | |
403 | Deprecated %s API group "%s". Use "%s" instead | 2 | |
404 | Deprecation check failed. %v | 1 | |
405 | Is this a jurassic cluster? Might want to upgrade K8s a bit | 2 | |
406 | K8s version OK | 0 | |
407 | %s references %s %q which does not exist | 3 | |
666 | Lint internal error: %s | 3 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
500 | Zero scale detected | 2 | |
501 | Unhealthy %d desired but have %d available | 3 | |
502 | MISSING | ||
503 | At current load, CPU under allocated. Current:%s vs Requested:%s (%s) | 2 | |
504 | At current load, CPU over allocated. Current:%s vs Requested:%s (%s) | 2 | |
505 | At current load, Memory under allocated. Current:%s vs Requested:%s (%s) | 2 | |
506 | At current load, Memory over allocated. Current:%s vs Requested:%s (%s) | 2 | |
507 | Deployment references ServiceAccount %q which does not exist | 3 | |
508 | No pods match controller selector: %s | 3 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
600 | HPA %s references a Deployment %s which does not exist | 3 | |
601 | HPA %s references a StatefulSet %s which does not exist | 3 | |
602 | Replicas (%d/%d) at burst will match/exceed cluster CPU(%s) capacity by %s | 2 | |
603 | Replicas (%d/%d) at burst will match/exceed cluster memory(%s) capacity by %s | 2 | |
604 | If ALL HPAs triggered, %s will match/exceed cluster CPU(%s) capacity by %s | 2 | |
605 | If ALL HPAs triggered, %s will match/exceed cluster memory(%s) capacity by %s | 2 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
700 | Found taint "%s" but no pod can tolerate | 2 | |
701 | Node is in an unknown condition | 3 | |
702 | Node is not in ready state | 3 | |
703 | Out of disk space | 3 | |
704 | Insufficient memory | 2 | |
705 | Insufficient disk space | 2 | |
706 | Insufficient PIDs on Node | 3 | |
707 | No network configured on node | 3 | |
708 | No node metrics available | 1 | |
709 | CPU threshold (%d%%) reached %d%% | 2 | |
710 | Memory threshold (%d%%) reached %d%% | 2 | |
711 | Scheduling disabled | 2 | |
712 | Found only one master node | 1 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
800 | Namespace is inactive | 3 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
900 | Used? No pods match selector | 2 | |
901 | MinAvailable (%d) is greater than the number of pods(%d) currently running | 2 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
1000 | Available | 1 | |
1001 | Pending volume detected | 3 | |
1002 | Lost volume detected | 3 | |
1003 | Pending claim detected | 3 | |
1004 | Lost claim detected | 3 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
1100 | No pods match service selector | 3 | |
1101 | Skip ports check. No explicit ports detected on pod %s | 1 | |
1102 | Use of target port #%s for service port %s. Prefer named port | 1 | |
1103 | Type Loadbalancer detected. Could be expensive | 1 | |
1104 | Do you mean it? Type NodePort detected | 1 | |
1105 | No associated endpoints | 3 | |
1106 | No target ports match service port %s | 3 | |
1107 | LoadBalancer detected but service sets externalTrafficPolicy to "Cluster" | 1 | |
1108 | NodePort detected but service sets externalTrafficPolicy to "Local" | 1 | |
1109 | Only one Pod associated with this endpoint | 2 | |
1110 | Match EP has no subsets | 2 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
1120 | Unhealthy ReplicaSet %d desired but have %d ready | 3 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
1200 | No pods match %s pod selector | 2 | |
1201 | No namespaces match %s namespace selector | 2 | |
1202 | No pods match %s pod selector: %s | 2 | |
1203 | %s %s policy in effect | 1 | |
1204 | Pod %s is not secured by a network policy | 2 | |
1205 | Pod ingress and egress are not secured by a network policy | 2 | |
1206 | No pods matched %s IPBlock %s | 2 | |
1207 | No pods matched except %s IPBlock %s | 2 | |
1208 | No pods match %s pod selector: %s in namespace: %s | 2 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
1300 | References a %s (%s) which does not exist | 2 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
1400 | Ingress LoadBalancer port reported an error: %s | 3 | |
1401 | Ingress references a service backend which does not exist: %s | 3 | |
1402 | Ingress references a service port which is not defined: %s | 3 | |
1403 | Ingress backend uses a port#, prefer a named port: %d | 1 | |
1404 | Invalid Ingress backend spec. Must use port name or number | 3 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
1500 | %s is suspended | 2 | |
1501 | No active jobs detected | 1 | |
1502 | CronJob has not run yet or is failing | 2 | |
1503 | Warning found: %s | 2 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
1600 | Stale? unable to locate matching Cilium Endpoint | 2 | |
1601 | Unable to assert namespace label: %q | 2 | |
1602 | References namespace which does not exists: %q | 2 | |
1603 | Missing security namespace label: %q | 2 | |
1604 | Namespace mismatch with security labels namespace: %q vs %q | 2 |
Error Code | Message | Severity | Info / Reference |
1700 | No cilium endpoints matched %s selector | 3 | |
1701 | No nodes matched node selector | 3 | |
1702 | References an unknown node IP: %q | 3 | |
1703 | Pod owner is not in a running state: %s (%s) | 3 | |
1704 | References an unknown owner ref: %q | 3 |