2,910,922 events, 1,491,950 push events, 2,305,162 commit messages, 179,066,743 characters
changes the typepath
halloween lootdrop
removes from the vendor
icon, too
Slayer behaviour update (seeks and stops at predators); action buttons chime sounds test; new geometric action icons; Revert to terrain collider
The slayer seeks and stops to do something to predators (presumably attack it next). Not sure if going to make it funnier and have the snake run away instead, but this was an improvement on the AI. I also added chime sounds on the action icons that were also changed to geometric shapes (aka, ps4) as a test. It just looks good when the icon is dragged and scaled up + made transparent, but it looked silly with a snake or shovel icon. Never mind the bread icon. Not sure what to think about representation of actions like this - but I like the idea of putting a controller manual in the walkthrough for the buttons. Also I removed the prefab terrain that was made from Blender as the collider on it along with its generated navmesh generally sucked. I'll consider that gray boxing anyways. The built-in terrain with its collider in Unity performs much better on all aspects (navigation, collision, speed), so that had to be done since I couldn't get some AI navigation right. The last annoying thing is that for now the actors are spawned with rigidbody and gravity and they can get tripped up with other bodies like the actors - I hiked up the mass factor and it's not a big issue anymore but it's something to take note of. Also the physics is more satisfying than the kinematic version.
just need to see this with space around on my phone so I'm building god damnit. I really need to add a way to see it from my phone for my dev experience. This will be the catalyst for that. This exact situation.
fix: fix ihud (and probably some other stuff) in coop
Who the fuck wrote this line of code? Because I hate them. ...okay yeah it was probably me.
Update README.md
My name is Daniel Jakob and I am a sound designer and electronic musician living in Aarhus, Denmark.
Twitter [@anielakob](https://twitter.com/anielakob)
E-mail deniall[at]riseup.net
This is a temporary measure until I find a better host for it! I will most likely leave this page as it is, for posterity. Thank you to NeoCities for hosting my website and for breathing new life into my love for personal websites.
Update README.md
My name is Daniel Jakob and I am a sound designer and electronic musician living in Aarhus, Denmark.
Making music, playing video games, paracording, photography, web design(my passion) and roleplaying
Favourite number: 7
**Sign: Leo
Twitter [@anielakob](https://twitter.com/anielakob)
If you have questions or just want to drop a line you can do so at deniall[at]riseup.net
This is a temporary measure until I find a better host for it! I will most likely leave this page as it is, for posterity. Thank you to NeoCities for hosting my website and for breathing new life into my love for personal websites.
Final record
In the end, the problem cannot be solved. When using the vite packaged program (JS import resources in the asset) on the iGEM wiki, the files in the project file need to be used, but the iGEM official website provides HTML files. To obtain JS files, you must initiate a get request to the PHP backend of the official website for analysis, so as to return the correct JS file content without suffix, HTTP links cannot be used for import in rollup packaged JS. Moreover, even if the browser supports it (DeNO has been implemented in the planning, and chrome is unknown), rollup itself is searched in the same folder after packaging, and they cannot be disassembled and renamed. In essence, they are bundled, but disassembled for reuse, It also reduces the amount of data in a single request. In order to optimize the experience, it doesn't work in the current iGEM wiki mode. There may be a solution to package it into a single JS file, but I tried it and failed. I need to continue to study the mechanism of rollup and the source code that may involve some Vites providing information to rollup (probably not involved), But now I have no time for in-depth research. Wikis must be completed quickly and at a high speed, so it is impossible to continue to study rollup settings. Moreover, even if I fully understand it, there may be no good way to complete the packaging of single files. In the end, there may be no gain or loss, and high investment may have no return. Then I will really die, and the project may not be completed, That's a big trouble for me. I don't allow such a thing to happen, so I gave up this scheme, used a template with CDN like introduction to complete the development of a single page, and then completed all pages one by one) so this project was abandoned
A new project will be launched, using the single HTML page mode and introducing in-line JS and CSS to realize the use of templates and rapid visual development. It will be tested directly on the iGEM server, reduce the redundancy of intermediate steps, and get feedback and repair quickly
The packages that will be migrated in the past include vue3, GSAP and maybe tailwind. The packages that may be introduced in the future include bootstrap
إنقاذ المصابين بوباء كوفيد-19
The current health crisis is placing a great burden on hospital systems, even the most advanced ones, with difficulties related especially to the provision of artificial respirators.
However, experts fear that this interest in the most advanced part of assisted breathing technology will overshadow a higher priority in the most vulnerable health systems: medical oxygen, which is a major component of intensive care units.
"The reality is that oxygen is the only life-saving treatment in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region at this point," says Hamish Graham, a pediatrician and researcher at the University of Melbourne.
"I am afraid that the excessive focus on respirators will be fatal if the oxygen problems are not resolved," he told AFP.
A report published in February of thousands of cases in China showed that nearly 20% of COVID-19 patients required oxygen.
The new Corona virus attacks the lungs, causing severe forms of respiratory distress, and also leads to a dangerous decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood.
Graham notes that "the presence of oxygen is self-evident in the hospitals of rich countries." But in the rest of the world, "therapists are very aware of the problem as they struggle every day to provide their patients with oxygen."
shortages in Africa and Asia Many major hospitals in developing countries have oxygen bottles in operating rooms and medical services, as well as oxygen generators, which are portable equipment that allows purification of the surrounding air.
However, several studies show that less than half of hospitals in Africa and Asia-Pacific have oxygen available at any given time, Graham says. A smaller number of these institutions are equipped with pulse oximetry, which are small devices placed at the tip of a patient's finger to measure the level of oxygen in the blood.
This concern is not new for people treating patients with pneumonia, the most deadly infectious disease in children under five.
Despite the adopted domestic policies, the situation in some parts of Nigeria, one of the countries most affected by this situation, is "a very serious concern", according to Adamu Isah of the non-governmental organization Save the Children.
It is common to see children "suffering and suffocating", this former doctor told AFP. "We feel useless. We can't do much without oxygen."
'terrifying' situation
For her part, coordinator of the "Every Breath Counts" coalition, Leith Greenslade, explains that "health systems in Africa and South Asia were not prepared at all for such an epidemic and did not invest in respiratory treatments", describing the situation as "terrifying."
Although 800,000 children die of pneumonia annually, the disease does not receive the same attention as AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
The global health authorities have also "completely neglected" the issue of oxygen, according to Leith Greenslade, who notes that "the absence of global data (regarding oxygen supply) will constitute a major problem in responding to Covid-19 because we are going nowhere and we do not know which countries are most in need."
And she pointed out that "despite the fact that the epidemic is still relatively weak in Africa and some parts of Asia, there is likely to be a time margin of two months" for action.
Although it is difficult to predict how the virus will spread in this part of the world, experts are calling for emergency care systems to be strengthened.
“As everywhere, the (epidemic) curve should be flattened, but if institutions lack ICU beds, or have few, as in Malawi, which has 25 beds per 17 million people, says Gwen Haynes of Save the Children, It will not be possible to achieve the desired goal."
Update 02/09/2021 – 03/09/2021: Real-time navmeshes! Also work on figuring out saving and loading block data
Time on Thursday: 8:30pm – 12:00am Time on Friday: 11am-4pm, 5pm – 12:30pm
I did a lot of research and troubleshooting into fixing both my custom editor and my save strings for chunk data, even going so far as remaking the save string system from scratch to try and reduce the problem of incredibly long data strings. After my new data string code bugged out and produced errors, I eventually ran out of ideas that I felt were worth wasting time testing, and wrote a forum post so I could ask other, undoubtedly more experienced people about it.
Opting to spend my time somewhere more productive, I successfully created a system to automatically generate NavMeshes. Unity generates these to create areas for complex AI pathfinding. Normally, Unity’s simple interface will calculate the NavMesh from the level environment prior to the game starting, but this will not do in a game with destructible environments. To this end, I had to ignore Unity’s base GUI and create my own functions. I created a MonoBehaviour class called ChunkNavMeshHandler, containing the following: • A list of chunks to obtain mesh data from • A Bounds struct specifying the max distance that the algorithm will reach to scan geometry and produce a NavMesh • A NavMeshData class containing the mesh info that is created and updated, to prevent unnecessary memory usage by continuously creating new instances. When the level first starts, after generating the level chunks, the LevelGrid will put all the level’s chunks into a single-dimensional array and assign it to the ChunkNavMeshHandler, which will then use the data to produce an array of in-built NavMeshBuildSource structs specifying the mesh and transform data. These are then fed into a function, NavMeshBuilder.BuildNavMeshData, along with a settings file, the bounds struct, a position and rotation, to make a new NavMesh which is added to the currently active meshes in the scene. Whenever a chunk’s data is changed, it runs a simpler function that references the ChunkNavMeshHandler to try refreshing the NavMesh (since I kept a reference to it in the class), without having to create the new one. Although these NavMeshes are slightly weirder-looking than the conventional ones, they seem to be functionally perfect, although my team members have yet to create AI to test on them. I’m overall quite pleased with the work I did, as well as the new information I learned about the capabilities of custom-generated NavMeshes.
Things to do Figure out how to improve saving and loading system. One option I have recently considered, but never tried, is generating a custom image where each pixel represents data. Since each pixel is a colour value, which can store 4 values between 0 and 255, this represents an interesting way to store information. A 16x16x16 chunk, for example, would require 4096 different pixels, which can fit into a relatively small 64x64 image file. I believe this will act as a much cleaner and simpler to transfer data saving method, and I will try this method next, unless I think of something better between now and tomorrow morning. Optimise navmesh generation code to be cleaner and more efficient, and add comments so people understand how it works Optimise navmesh and chunk refreshing so they only occur once per frame (maybe starting an IEnumerator that waits until the end of the frame, and a check if it is already being run or not?)
Or this? Fuck you github, you could at least try being LESS obnoxious than git itself?
add one line to text1.txt and paste a text below
n essay is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument, but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of a letter, a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short story. Essays have traditionally been sub-classified as formal and informal. Formal essays are characterized by "serious purpose, dignity, logical organization, length," whereas the informal essay is characterized by "the personal element (self-revelation, individual tastes and experiences, confidential manner), humor, graceful style, rambling structure, unconventionality or novelty of theme," etc.[1]
Essays are commonly used as literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. Almost all modern essays are written in prose, but works in verse have been dubbed essays (e.g., Alexander Pope's An Essay on Criticism and An Essay on Man). While brevity usually defines an essay, voluminous works like John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and Thomas Malthus's An Essay on the Principle of Population are counterexamples.
In some countries (e.g., the United States and Canada), essays have become a major part of formal education. Secondary students are taught structured essay formats to improve their writing skills; admission essays are often used by universities in selecting applicants, and in the humanities and social sciences essays are often used as a way of assessing the performance of students during final exams.
The concept of an "essay" has been extended to other media beyond writing. A film essay is a movie that often incorporates documentary filmmaking styles and focuses more on the evolution of a theme or idea. A photographic essay covers a topic with a linked series of photographs that may have accompanying text or captions.
"1:45pm. Yeah, this is the correct way. Literally anything would work better than end to end training of a NN on Holdem.
Ok, let me pry myself off Higu. I'll chill just for a bit more and then I'll resume the tutorial.
2:20pm. Let me start. Before I give into normality, I should exhaust all the possibilities. I should try pushing probabilistic programming to its limit and see where that gets me. That should be my big project for the next year or so. When I get an AI chip I'll be able to translate everything on it without too much effort.
But I am not going to get anywhere with 2/5 in ML even with much better hardware. I need not just more computation, but more efficiency in what I do now.
using Omega
using Random
using UnicodePlots
function x_(rng)
if bernoulli(rng, 0.5, Bool)::Bool
normal(rng, 0.0, 1.0)::Float64
else bernoulli(rng, 0.5, Bool)
betarv(rng, 2.0, 2.0)::Float64
# q = ~x_
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching bernoulli(::MersenneTwister, ::Float64, ::Type{Bool})
Closest candidates are:
bernoulli(::Real, ::Real, ::Type{RT}) where RT at C:\Users\Marko\.julia\packages\Omega\zOdli\src\primitive\univariate.jl:26
bernoulli(::Ω, ::Real, ::Any) at C:\Users\Marko\.julia\packages\Omega\zOdli\src\primitive\univariate.jl:28
bernoulli(::Ω, ::Any, ::Any) at C:\Users\Marko\.julia\packages\Omega\zOdli\src\primitive\univariate.jl:29
[1] x_(::MersenneTwister) at e:\ProbProg in Julia\01-Omega\tutorial.jl:6
[2] top-level scope at none:0
Hmmm, not only does the ~
operator not work, neither does this code fragment.
"Uniform distribution between `a` and `b`"
unif(rng, a, b) = rand(rng) * (b - a) + b
# x is uniformly distributed between 10 and 20
x = ciid(unif, 10, 20)
I was right, he got this wrong. It should have been + a.
2:50pm. Wow, unlike for Python it sure takes it a while to restart.
uniform(a, b) = ciid(rng -> rand(rng) * (b - a) + b)
# x is distributed between 30 and 40 (and independent of x)
x = ciid(unif, 30, 40)
# x is distributed between 30 and 40 (and independent of x)
y = ciid(unif, 30, 40)
This example is completely broken. What the hell?
add Omega#master
Ahhh, I see. This might be a better way of getting the master version. It might be worth a try.
3:20pm. Ok, I won't bother installing the newest version of Julia just yet.
This documentation is literally broken everywhere, I have 4 PRs and 1 issue open right now.
Let me continue going through the docs.
using Omega
μ = uniform(0.0, 1.0)
y1 = normal(μ, 1.0)
y2 =~ y1
ERROR: UndefKeywordError: keyword argument id not assigned
[1] ciid(::Omega.Prim.Normal{Omega.Prim.Uniform{Float64,Float64},Float64}) at C:\Users\Marko\.julia\packages\Omega\uNcYk\src\prim\univariate.jl:131
[2] ~(::Omega.Prim.Normal{Omega.Prim.Uniform{Float64,Float64},Float64}) at C:\Users\Marko\.julia\packages\Omega\uNcYk\src\nondet\ciid.jl:72
[3] top-level scope at none:0
This example does not actually work.
function x_(ω)
x = normal(ω, 0, 1)
x = ciid(x_)
This works.
using Omega
numflips = poisson(2)
flips_(ω) = [bernoulli(ω, 0.5, Bool) for i = 1:numflips(ω)]
flips = ciid(flips_)
"At least one of numflips is true"
anyheads_(ω) = any(flips(ω))
anyheads = ciid(anyheads_)
"All flips are true"
allheads_(ω) = all(flips(ω))
allheads = ciid(allheads_) # `allheads` and `anyheads` share `flips`
rand((numflips, flips, anyheads, allheads))
This confuses me. What are the flips shared here, I thought that allheads_
and anyhead_
are independent from their parents.
Also the way any
and all
are implemented for empty arrays is different from how it is in functional languages. any
gives false and all
gives true. In functional languages the operation would resemble a fold with the neutral element which is true for any
and false for all
Do I ask him about this. I think I already have enough issues opened.
Well, I'll leave this mystery for later. I'll only report things which are outright broken.
Ah, it is not like Omega in regular Julia either.
Ah, no wait, I was wrong. Omega did it right. F# does it this way as well. My memory was faulty.
3:55pm. http://www.zenna.org/Omega.jl/latest/inference/
Let me move on to this.
weight = β(2.0, 2.0)
x = bernoulli()
rand(weight, x == 0)
This example is broken.
weight = β(2.0, 2.0)
x = bernoulli(weight)
rand(weight, x == 0)
Maybe it is meant to be done like this, but this gives me nothing.
using UnicodePlots
weight = β(2.0, 2.0)
x = bernoulli(weight)
UnicodePlots.histogram(rand(weight, x ==ᵣ 0, 1000; alg=RejectionSample))
Let me go with this.
using UnicodePlots
x1 = normal(0.0, 1.0)
UnicodePlots.histogram(rand(x1, x1 > 0.0, 1000; alg=RejectionSample))
This works perfectly fine, surprisigly enough. I thought I would have problems much like for equality.
x1 = normal(0.0, 1.0)
x2 = normal(0.0, 10)
rand((x1, x2), x1 > x2; alg=RejectionSample)
This is another example that needed fixing. It seems conditions need to be given the inference algorithm explicitly.
x = cond(normal(0.0, 1.0), rv -> rv > 0.0)
rand(x; alg=RejectionSample)
This fails to work for me.
x = cond(poisson(3.0), iseven)
rand(x, 5; alg = RejectionSample)
This fails to work as well.
Let me go at it from the top.
4:35pm. http://www.zenna.org/Omega.jl/latest/soft/
The next article is this one.
Note how the middle operator is missing a ₛ
4:50pm. http://www.zenna.org/Omega.jl/latest/inferencealgorithms/
The docs are quite incomplete.
I won't bother doing anything here as there aren't any examples.
using Callbacks, Lens
x = ~ ω -> (sleep(0.001); normal(ω, 0, 1))
@leval Loop => showprogress(10000) rand(x, 10000)
I thought this was compiling a package and went off reading random articles. Focus me.
using Omega.Inference: SSMHLoop
x =~ ω -> (sleep(0.001); normal(ω, 0, 1))
@leval SSMHLoop => plotloss() rand(x, x >ₛ 0.0, 10000; alg = SSMH)
Plotloss is not defined. Nevermind this.
5:05pm. Let me go to the next thing, I won't report this.
The next is this.
I guess I'll read these articles.
5:25pm. I am taking a break. Is any Tog out? Ah, it came out 1 day ago. Ok, let me read that and then I will finish that series of articles.
6pm. Done with lunch.
6:05pm. Done with part two of the inference.vc article.
I'll leave this for later. I'll finish the docs tomorrow, and then track down the examples that Zenna showed me during the meet. I'll play with it for a while and then dig into the code. This should give me some insight about how to use the Omega library and what he is doing.
Then I am going to try repeating the poker project - I'll port the whole thing to Julia and continue from where I left off in Python + Spiral. I'll ditch the NNs for the time being and simply try to build a probabilistic model - I'll estimate the aggression factors and hand ranges at every step of the way.
I'll try to get better that way. It is not like it is written in stone that I have to only do end to end training of NNs. Nature had to build a lot of instincts into its creations, and I should tread the same path as it.
New goal - master the language of probability.
Do I have anything better to do for the next months, years or even decades? I think not.
I cannot possibly fail at ML any harder that I already have. I have nothing to lose at all by abandoning my old methods and embracing new ones."
I hate my life
Yes I know this will fuck something up, but its this or the NOT_ETHEREAL tag and we don’t want that do we
Kinda wish yellow was visible with a white background, but yeah, we can't have everything in life haha !
Rebekah 1.8
Completely reorganized code files to accommodate future bigger updates!
Fixed bugs: when turning to leech, knife is now removed colliding the mirror while carrion mode now no longer changes you when riding the carrion first time, the carrion wont adjust its animation, causing errors bone jockey now interacts nicely with siren's charming, kicking you out if it is charmed fixed bug where mantle gets destroyed when neds heal X
Evil Personality Additions and Changes: -The following item effects change the behavior of Evil's Dash fires -godhead X -holy light X -tough love X -knockout tears X -firemind X -dark matter X -scythe X -contacts X -diamond X -explosibo X -rock X -ice X -booger X -belial X -poison X -hungry X -balloon X -spore X -ipecac X -little horn X -tear flag effects on the orbs X -solitary brim barrage now has 3x X -change knife as pseudo knife now X -fire orbs now stay at a fixed tick of 900 (was 500-700) -orbs now properly fire each other, clearing every single fire in the room -when you spawn new fire near spawned fire, the fire turns larger, upgrading the fire -upgraded fire now shoots oocasionally like red fireplaces
Gold Personality Changes: increases ned cap into 8 (was 4) rebekah can now heal neds regardless if you reach cap improved knight movement? X Additions: The following items give you extra neds to spawn. Said neds dont upgrade --monstro lung X -moms eye X -loki X familiar synergies, baby bender synergizes with neds X
new knight types spirit sword knights X explosive knights X technology knights X
eternal Personality balances and changes: morningstar is now 4.5 dmg (was 7) dmg is now 1.4( was 2.4?) eternal feather stacking now has a ui X you can no longer fire tears X stop bouncing flames X additions
flamethrower synergies: dr. fetus - holy grandade? X -rocket in a jar X epic fetus - fire from heaven brimstone - orpahnim things spawn around X knife - bunch of knives X spirit sword - slash of knives X technology - hot laser X tech x - circle fire laser? X ludo - orphanim fire thing X ipecac and hae - lobbed version of dr. fetus X
bone Personality balances and changes: dash distance is now 2 (was 10) remind me to fix bug where reriding the leech doesnt take up stocks anymore X (now removed) dashing now makes jockey "bloody" -bloody leaves creep additions: the jockey expiration now spawns a target entity which you can direct to land! dash now has a bone swinging! -knife turns it into a spear X -scythe makes it a scythe, duh X giant leech for high damage X small leech for small damage X marked now has a synergy with carrion bony shooting X knife special interaction for leech, which adds a spear multi leeches for multi tear synergies X soy milk now multiplies the amount of leeches you can have X technology and tech X makes the leech to shoot sort lasers randomly brimstone adds short horn-like lasers X dr. fetus turns the bony black, leaves trail of explosions epic fetus, skeleton carrion falls from the sky and blows up X ludo turns tear into giant bouncing bone X
rotten Personality changes: you can now only toss your head with the dash you can pick it up by "dashing" the head back to the body improved rotten fly orbiting, now works exactly like vanilla orbitals nerfed seeker fly health to 5 (was 10) nerfed seeker speed by 2 (was 7) orbiting flies can now upgrade within time. depending on what items you have, flies will upgrade into pooters polyphemus should make giant orbiting flies X addtiions: seeker flies can now have variants: brim fly/ soul sucker X loki horn should make a spit fly X ball of tar makes ink fly X marked should give dart flies X ipecac makes green spitty X tech flies should make bulbs X monstros lung should make tainted spitty X
Create KIET_Dissecting a Problem_11
Usually, problems require some critical thinking about how to tackle it or how to implement the idea. For example, you might need to tackle the problem from behind, or use some efficient data structures.
Problem statements also usually contain stories or background information. You need to be able to extract the question and the required algorithm from the problem statement.
The next few challenges in this section are taken from past programming contests. So, you may need to spend some time to think about how to solve them, instead of jumping into coding. They will give you an idea of what real problem statements look like, how to formulate the correct ideas, and implement them using code. Remember, if you need help, you can always send me a private message here through Hackerrank or through Facebook.
In this problem, you should help a fictional character called Gabriel.
Gabriel is a programmer, but more than that, he loves food. During dismissal, he usually goes out of school to the nearby Ersao, which is a restaurant that serves some Chinese food.
He noticed that the store sells N items of food. The prices of the items on the menu are listed, as C1,C2,C3,...,CN. This means that Ci represents the price of the i(th) item.
He thinks that the more expensive the food is, the higher class it is. Since he wants to be classy, he will buy the most expensive food item. If there are multiple most expensive food items, he will only buy one of them.
Please tell him, how much money does he need to buy the most expensive food item?
Input Format
Output Format
Output a single integer, the amount of money Gabriel should bring, so that he can buy the most expensive item on the menu.
Sample Input 0
5 10 20 200 30 15 Sample Output 0
Begin working on cardano-wallet client
So cardano-wallet happens to be written in Haskell and it uses Servant for its API ... which means we could get a client for free. And indeed, the cardano-wallet CLI app uses a Servant client internally.
Unfortunately, none of the Cardano packages are published to Hackage, they all depend on each other, and they all use this bespoke build system that is incompatible with the regular Haskell ecosystem.
I tried briefly if I could just copy only the files we need, and maybe it would compile, but the dependency tree is vast, and I stumbled upon a bech32 dependency which is marked broken in Nixpkgs. I could try to get all of this working, but honestly I think I would spend an evening on it and end up very frustrated and unhappy without much progress. So instead I'll write my own client. (Cue Bender quote here.)
As a first step, let's see if we can query the network info. A first step for that is to define deserializers.
Merge pull request #96 from TravelMapping/master
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions Why did they never mention, what's real and in between? It seems the path we're on was paved with blood and sorrow No thought about tomorrow Just part of the machine, or so it seems Yeah, so it seems We're all living the dream
Adding more Runewords
- Grief
- Hand of Justice, All weapons thing again
- Harmony,
- Heart of the oak , added Alias might have done it wrong, says Staves and Maces, is that Staff ? Also what the heck does a flail fall into then haha, I guess a mace?
- Holy Thunder
- Honor, All Melee Weapons
- Ice, Missile Weapons
- Infinity
- Insight
- King's Grace, did it with the 's
- Kingslayer
- Last Wish
- Lawbringer
- Leaf
- Lionheart
- Lore
- Malice, All Melee Weapons
- Melody, Missile Weapon
- Memory
- Myth
- Nadir
- Oath
- Obedience
- Passion, All Weapons
- Peace
- Phoenix, Weapon and Shield Varying stats. Seems like All Weapons as well
- Pride
- Principle
- Prudence
- Radiance
- Rain
- Rhyme
- Rift
- Sanctuary
- Silence, just states "Weapons" in general
- Smoke
- Spirit
- Splendor
- Stealth
- Steel
- Stone
- Strength
- Treachery
- Venom
- Voice of Reason
- Wealth
- White = Wand, we got that in there yet?
- Wind, Melee Weapons
- Wrath, Missile Weapons
- Zephyr, Missile Weapons